dict |
"translation": {
"en": "The party leaders suspended her from the party.",
"lg": "Omukyala eyabadde asulirira okuzaala yafiiridde mu kkubo ng'atwalibwa mu ddwaliro."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "\"If you do not abide by the law, you might be arrested.\"",
"lg": "Abakulembeze b'ekibiina baamugobye mu kibiina."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "\"In Uganda, the lack of adequate resources seriously deteriorated incomes from commercial agriculture.\"",
"lg": "Bw'otagondera mateeka oyinza okusibibwa."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "There is a decrease in the number of cholera cases.",
"lg": "\"Mu Uganda, obutabeera na bikozesebwa bimala kwaseebengereza nnyo ennyingiza okuva mu bulimi obw'obusuubuzi.\""
} |
"translation": {
"en": "The government restricted access to Facebook during election time.",
"lg": "Obulwadde bwa kkolera bugenze bukendeera."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "The people were shocked by his death.",
"lg": "Gavumenti yateeka envumbo ku Facebook mu biseera by'okulonda."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "People give tithe and offerings when they go to church.",
"lg": "Okufa kwe kwakuba abantu encukwe."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "He performed his five songs after the duo.",
"lg": "Abantu baawaayo ekimu eky'ekkumi n'ebiweebwayo bwe bagenda mu kkanisa."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "The meeting about climate change was in Spain.",
"lg": "Ennyimba ze ettaano yaziyimba ng'ababiri bamalirizza."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "He was the first to know about the accident.",
"lg": "Olukiiko ku nkyukakyuka mu mbeera y'obudde lwabadde mu Spain."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "Veterans urged the government to always fulfill their promises.",
"lg": "Ye yasooka okumanya ku kabenje."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "How does soil erosion affect agricultural activities?",
"lg": "Abaazirwanako baasaba gavumenti bulijjo okutuukiriza ebisuubizo byayo."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "I did not visit her in the hospital.",
"lg": "Okukulugguka kw'ettaka kukosa kutya ebyobulimi?"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "My mother died of cancer three years ago.",
"lg": "Saamukyalira mu ddwaaliro."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "The games are almost beginning.",
"lg": "nan"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "Skills equip one with the ability to be employed or self-employed.",
"lg": "Ebyemizannyo binaatera okutandika."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "What are some of the animals that live near rivers and lakes?",
"lg": "Obukugu bukusobozesa okuweebwa omulimu oba okwekozesa."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "He was fined for defiling traffic laws.",
"lg": "Nsolo ki ezimu ku ezo ezibeera okumpi n'emigga wamu n'ennyanja?"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "The night is the time of darkness from sunset to sunrise.",
"lg": "Yatanzibwa olw'okujeemera amateeka g'ebidduka."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "Some employers exploitatively do not pay their employees’ wages and salaries.",
"lg": "Ekiro bwe budde obw'enzikiza okuva enjuba lw'egwa okutuusa lw'evaayo."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "The two governments have repeatedly used force to take back refugees.",
"lg": "Abakozesa abamu tebasasula bakozi baabwe misaala."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "He scored the best goal in the Uganda premier league.",
"lg": "Gavumenti ezo ebbiri zizze zikozesa eryanyi okuzzaayo abanoonyi b'obubudamu mu nsi yaabwe."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "Uganda is gradually paying off its debts.",
"lg": "Yateeba ggoolo esingayo obulungi mu liigi ya Uganda eya pulimiya."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "A variety of baby formulas are sold now days.",
"lg": "Uganda egenda esasula amabanja gaayo mpolampola."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "There is nothing that connects the two murder victims.",
"lg": "Emmere y'abaana abawere etundibwa nnaku zino yabika bingi."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "There was tight security at the party.",
"lg": "Tewali kintu kigatta bantu ababiri abaatemulwa."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "Children have a right to education.",
"lg": "Ebyokwerinda ku mukolo by'abadde bya waggulu."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "The officials explained that people only need skills to start up something beneficial.",
"lg": "nan"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "The children drank the milk yesterday.",
"lg": "Abakungu banyonnyodde nti abantu beetaaga obukugu okutandikawo ekintu kyonna ekibagasa."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "You should have told me earlier that you are not coming.",
"lg": "Abaana banywedde amata jjo."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "She is always on her husband's side during family arguments.",
"lg": "Wandibadde oŋŋambye nga bukyali nti togenda kujja."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "The leader created many employment opportunities for the youth in his district.",
"lg": "Buli lwe wabeerawo okukaayana mu famire abeera ku ludda lwa bba."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "Education is the key to success.",
"lg": "Omukulembeze yatonderawo abavubuka emirimu mingi mu disitulikiti ye."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "They are invited to the international basketball tournament taking place this week.",
"lg": "Okusoma kye kisumuluzo ekikutuusa ku buwanguzi."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "The hailstorm destroyed our maize plantation.",
"lg": "Bayitiddwa mu mpaka z'ensi yonna ez'ensero ezijja okubaayo mu wiiki eno."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "Urban areas have better maternal health services than villages.",
"lg": "Omuzira gwayonoona omusiri gwaffe ogwa kasooli."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "Students will not be allowed to register unless they have paid full tuition.",
"lg": "Ebitundu by'ebibuga bilina empeereza y'ebyobulamu ku b'embuto ennungi okusinga ey'omukyalo."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "Much of the work that had to be done was done.",
"lg": "Abayizi tebajja kukkirizibwa kwewandiisa okuggyako nga bamazeeyo ebisale by'essomero byonna."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "My grandmother died last year.",
"lg": "Omulimu ogusinga obunene ogwalina okukolebwa gwakolebwa."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "Trees help in the formation of rainfall.",
"lg": "Jjajjange omukyazi yafa omwaka oguwedde."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "Health workers should be honoured as heroes in this pandemic.",
"lg": "Emiti giyamba mu kukola enkuba."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "The government is trying to continue to educate the children even when they are at home",
"lg": "Abakozi b'ebyobulamu basaana okulangirirwa ng'abazira mu kiseera kya nawookera kino"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "\"Due to poor ruling, the magistrate was shot and this caused panic.\"",
"lg": "Gavumenti egezaako okwongera okusomesa abaana newankubadde bali waka"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "How does domestic violence affect a woman?",
"lg": "\"Olw'ensala embi, omulamuzi yakubiddwa essasi era kino kyaleeseewo akasattiro.\""
} |
"translation": {
"en": "I want to eat some sweets.",
"lg": "Obutabanguko mu maka bukosa butya omukyala?"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "She fell and knocked her head.",
"lg": "Njagala kulya ku sswiiti."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "The funds are given out on a results basis.",
"lg": "Yagudde n'akoona omutwe."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "The organization is planning a better future for the refugees.",
"lg": "Ssente zigabibwa okusinziira ku biba bikoleddwa"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "Some companies reduced the salaries of employees by fifty percent during the lockdown.",
"lg": "Ekitongole kiteekateeka ebiseera by'omu maaso ebirungi eby'abanoonyiboobubudamu."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "A single leader cannot make changes to the law.",
"lg": "\"Mu kiseera ky'omuggalo, kampuni ezimu zaakendeeza emisaala gy'abakozi ebitundu ataano ku buli kikumi.\""
} |
"translation": {
"en": "The suspect looked apologetic.",
"lg": "Omukulembeza omu tasobola kukyusa mu tteeka."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "She always consulted her mother and father before doing anything.",
"lg": "Ateeberezebwa yafaanana okwetonda."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "You are still young.",
"lg": "Bulijjo yeebuuzanga ku nnyina ne kitaawe nga tannakola kintu kyonna."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "The local leaders are supposed to reach out to the people on the ground.",
"lg": "Okyali muto."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "nan",
"lg": "Abakulembeze b'ebyalo balina okutuuka wansi mu bantu."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "Many people came to attend the court proceeding.",
"lg": "nan"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "The conference room can only accommodate only twenty people.",
"lg": "Abantu bangi bajja okubeerawo mu lutuula lwa kkooti."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "She spreads out the pattern and begins to cut.",
"lg": "Ekisenge omutuula enkuŋŋaana kisobola okugyamu abantu amakumi abiri bokka."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "Am an addict to alcohol.",
"lg": "Asaasaanya omweso n'atandika okusala."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "The police investigated the theft case.",
"lg": "Njagala nnyo omwenge."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "The district has brought partners on board to educate the youth.",
"lg": "Poliisi yanoonyerezza ku musango gw'obubbi ."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "They finally managed to contain the fire outbreak.",
"lg": "Disitulikiti ereese bannamikago okusomesa abavubuka."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "The government spent a lot of money on improving infrastructures in public universities.",
"lg": "Ku nkomerero baasobodde okufufuggaza omuliro ogwabaluseewo."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "The city authority has given vendors a two months grace period to vacate the streets.",
"lg": "Gavumenti yasaasaanya ssente nnyingi nnyo mu kutereeza embeera za yunivasite za gavumenti."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "She served as president from 1992 to 1993.",
"lg": "Ekitongole ekiddukanya ekibuga kiwadde abasuubuzi ebbanga lya myezi ebiri okuva ku nguudo."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "Boda Boda riders disregard traffic rules.",
"lg": "nan"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "Headteachers acquired financial management skills.",
"lg": "Abavuzi ba boodabooda tebagoberera mateeka ga ku nguudo."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "The spider trapped a housefly in its web and ate it.",
"lg": "Abakulembeze b'amasomero baafuna obukugu mu kukwasaganya ebyensimbi."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "Washing of hands is now the order of the day.",
"lg": "Nnabbubi yatega ensowera mu ngoye zaayo n'egirya."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "nan",
"lg": "Okunaaba engalo kati mugano."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "They were advised to settle the disputes.",
"lg": "nan"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "Avoid trouble please and do not do anything to harm others.",
"lg": "Baaweereddwa amagezi okugonjoola ensonga."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "The police officers were arrested for receiving a bribe from a taxi driver.",
"lg": "Weewale emitawana bambi tokola kintu kyonna kirumya balala."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "She promised not to lie to her parents again.",
"lg": "Abakungu ba poliisi baakwatibwa olw'okukkiriza enguzi okuva eri omugoba wa kamunye."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "\"If you want to travel abroad, you must have a passport.\"",
"lg": "Yasuubiza obutaddamu kulimba bazadde be."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "At what months are polio vaccines administered?",
"lg": "nan"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "They deny these people information that could save their lives.",
"lg": "nan"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "There are very many Democratic Republic Congolese who have come to Uganda as refugees.",
"lg": "Bamma abantu bano obubaka obwandiwonyezza obulamu bwabwe."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "nan",
"lg": "Waliwo abanoonyi b'obubudamo bangi abaze mu Uganda nga bava mu Congo."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "Hospitals need to be well equipped with medical equipment.",
"lg": "nan"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "He has to defend his wrestling championship title.",
"lg": "Amalwaliro geetaaga okubeera n'ebikozesebwa mu bujjuvu."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "He came back to play football after recovering from a knee injury.",
"lg": "Alina okulwanirira engule ye oy'okumeggana eya babinywera."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "I regret quitting my job over a minor disagreement.",
"lg": "Yakomawo okuzannya omupiira oluvannyuma lw'okuwona obuvune ku vviivi."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "She bought lunch from the canteen.",
"lg": "Nnejjusa okulekulira omulimu gwange olw'obutakkaanya obutono."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "The fishermen caught a large number of fish today.",
"lg": "Ekyemisana yakigula mu kantiini."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "How many passengers does an airplane carry?",
"lg": "Abavubi baakutte ebyennyanja bingi leero."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "The weed has a high survival rate.",
"lg": "Ennyonyi yeetikka abasaabaze bameka?"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "Coats are formal outfits for special occasions.",
"lg": "Omuddo gulwawo okufa."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "She encourages her children to take their studies seriously.",
"lg": "Amakooti kyambalo kitongole ekyambalibwa ku mikolo egy'enjawulo."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "Uganda is a protectorate of the British Empire.",
"lg": "Yakubirizza abaana be okufaayo ennyo ku misomo gyabwe."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "It's two days to the 1st National Health Promotion and Disease Conference.",
"lg": "Uganda ttwaale lya Bungereza."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "The verandah was cemented properly.",
"lg": "Ebula ennaku bbiri okutuuka ku lukungaana lw'eggwanga olusooka ku kutumbula ebikwata ku bulamu n'endwadde."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "The music fans enjoyed the live concert.",
"lg": "Olubalaza lwassibwako bulungi sseminti."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "He is one of the youngest Members of Parliament in African history.",
"lg": "Abawagizi baanyumiddwa nnyo ekivvulu ky'abayimbi abayimba obutereevu."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "He was one of the best goalkeepers in Africa.",
"lg": "Ye omu ku babaka ba paalimenti abasinga obuto mu byafaayo bya Afirika."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "There was enough food for forty days.",
"lg": "Yali omu ku bakwasi ba ggoolo abasinga mu Afirika."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "I took most of the pictures with my phone.",
"lg": "nan"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "The officers were attached to Arua police station.",
"lg": "Ebifaananyi ebisinga obungi nnabikubisa ssimu yange."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "My father does not have a car to drive us to school.",
"lg": "Abakungu baalina akakwate ku poliisi ya Arua."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "The committee will look into her performance.",
"lg": "Kitange talina mmotoka ya kututwala ku ssomero."
} |