1 value
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Translate the following source text to Simplified Chinese Language, Output translation directly without any additional text. Source Text: The narrowest point of the canal is one hundred fifty meters wide. Judgment Day is thirty-one meters tall, with a draft of eight meters or so.Wang stared at the cigars on the table and did some mental calculations. "I think I should have enough.Another long silence. Everyone was trying to recover from their astonishment.What if the equipment storing Trisolaran data, such as hard drives and optical disks, is also sliced?That doesn't seem likely.Even if they were sliced, a computer expert said, "it's not a big deal. The filaments are extremely sharp, and the cut surfaces would be very smooth. Given that premise, whether it's hard drives, optical disks, or integrated circuit storage, we could recover the vast majority of the data.Anyone got a better idea?Chang looked around the table. No one spoke. "All right. Then let's focus on this and work out the details.Colonel Stanton, who had been silent the whole time, stood up. "I will go and ask Officer Shi to come back.General Chang indicated that he should remain seated. Then he called out, "Da Shi! Translated Text:
You are a professional, authentic machine translation engine.
Translate the following source text to Simplified Chinese Language, Output translation directly without any additional text. Source Text: Wang stared at the cigars on the table and did some mental calculations. "I think I should have enough.Another long silence. Everyone was trying to recover from their astonishment.What if the equipment storing Trisolaran data, such as hard drives and optical disks, is also sliced?That doesn't seem likely.Even if they were sliced, a computer expert said, "it's not a big deal. The filaments are extremely sharp, and the cut surfaces would be very smooth. Given that premise, whether it's hard drives, optical disks, or integrated circuit storage, we could recover the vast majority of the data.Anyone got a better idea?Chang looked around the table. No one spoke. "All right. Then let's focus on this and work out the details. Translated Text:
You are a professional, authentic machine translation engine.
Translate the following source text to Simplified Chinese Language, Output translation directly without any additional text. Source Text: Another long silence. Everyone was trying to recover from their astonishment.What if the equipment storing Trisolaran data, such as hard drives and optical disks, is also sliced?That doesn't seem likely.Even if they were sliced, a computer expert said, "it's not a big deal. The filaments are extremely sharp, and the cut surfaces would be very smooth. Given that premise, whether it's hard drives, optical disks, or integrated circuit storage, we could recover the vast majority of the data.Anyone got a better idea? Translated Text:
You are a professional, authentic machine translation engine.
Translate the following source text to Simplified Chinese Language, Output translation directly without any additional text. Source Text: What if the equipment storing Trisolaran data, such as hard drives and optical disks, is also sliced?That doesn't seem likely.Even if they were sliced, a computer expert said, "it's not a big deal. The filaments are extremely sharp, and the cut surfaces would be very smooth. Given that premise, whether it's hard drives, optical disks, or integrated circuit storage, we could recover the vast majority of the data. Translated Text:
You are a professional, authentic machine translation engine.
Translate the following source text to Simplified Chinese Language, Output translation directly without any additional text. Source Text: That doesn't seem likely.Even if they were sliced, a computer expert said, "it's not a big deal. The filaments are extremely sharp, and the cut surfaces would be very smooth. Given that premise, whether it's hard drives, optical disks, or integrated circuit storage, we could recover the vast majority of the data.Anyone got a better idea?Chang looked around the table. No one spoke. "All right. Then let's focus on this and work out the details.Colonel Stanton, who had been silent the whole time, stood up. "I will go and ask Officer Shi to come back.General Chang indicated that he should remain seated. Then he called out, "Da Shi!Da Shi returned, grinning at everyone. He picked up the cigars on the table. The one that had been lit he put into his mouth, and the other he stuffed into his pocket.Someone asked, "When Judgment Day passes, can those two pillars bear the force applied against the Flying Blade filaments?Maybe the pillars would be sliced apart first.Wang said, "That's easy to solve. We have some small amounts of Flying Blade material that are flat sheets. We can use them to protect the parts of the column where the filaments are attached. Translated Text:
You are a professional, authentic machine translation engine.
Translate the following source text to Simplified Chinese Language, Output translation directly without any additional text. Source Text: Even if they were sliced, a computer expert said, "it's not a big deal. The filaments are extremely sharp, and the cut surfaces would be very smooth. Given that premise, whether it's hard drives, optical disks, or integrated circuit storage, we could recover the vast majority of the data.Anyone got a better idea?Chang looked around the table. No one spoke. "All right. Then let's focus on this and work out the details.Colonel Stanton, who had been silent the whole time, stood up. "I will go and ask Officer Shi to come back.General Chang indicated that he should remain seated. Then he called out, "Da Shi!Da Shi returned, grinning at everyone. He picked up the cigars on the table. The one that had been lit he put into his mouth, and the other he stuffed into his pocket.Someone asked, "When Judgment Day passes, can those two pillars bear the force applied against the Flying Blade filaments?Maybe the pillars would be sliced apart first. Translated Text:
You are a professional, authentic machine translation engine.
Translate the following source text to Simplified Chinese Language, Output translation directly without any additional text. Source Text: Anyone got a better idea?Chang looked around the table. No one spoke. "All right. Then let's focus on this and work out the details.Colonel Stanton, who had been silent the whole time, stood up. "I will go and ask Officer Shi to come back. Translated Text:
You are a professional, authentic machine translation engine.
Translate the following source text to Simplified Chinese Language, Output translation directly without any additional text. Source Text: Chang looked around the table. No one spoke. "All right. Then let's focus on this and work out the details.Colonel Stanton, who had been silent the whole time, stood up. "I will go and ask Officer Shi to come back.General Chang indicated that he should remain seated. Then he called out, "Da Shi! Translated Text:
You are a professional, authentic machine translation engine.
Translate the following source text to Simplified Chinese Language, Output translation directly without any additional text. Source Text: Colonel Stanton, who had been silent the whole time, stood up. "I will go and ask Officer Shi to come back.General Chang indicated that he should remain seated. Then he called out, "Da Shi!Da Shi returned, grinning at everyone. He picked up the cigars on the table. The one that had been lit he put into his mouth, and the other he stuffed into his pocket.Someone asked, "When Judgment Day passes, can those two pillars bear the force applied against the Flying Blade filaments?Maybe the pillars would be sliced apart first. Translated Text:
You are a professional, authentic machine translation engine.
Translate the following source text to Simplified Chinese Language, Output translation directly without any additional text. Source Text: General Chang indicated that he should remain seated. Then he called out, "Da Shi!Da Shi returned, grinning at everyone. He picked up the cigars on the table. The one that had been lit he put into his mouth, and the other he stuffed into his pocket.Someone asked, "When Judgment Day passes, can those two pillars bear the force applied against the Flying Blade filaments?Maybe the pillars would be sliced apart first.Wang said, "That's easy to solve. We have some small amounts of Flying Blade material that are flat sheets. We can use them to protect the parts of the column where the filaments are attached.The discussion after that was mainly between the naval officers and navigation experts.Judgment Day is at the upper limit in terms of tonnage that can pass through the Panama Canal. It has a deep draft, so we have to consider installing filaments below the waterline. Translated Text:
You are a professional, authentic machine translation engine.
Translate the following source text to Simplified Chinese Language, Output translation directly without any additional text. Source Text: Da Shi returned, grinning at everyone. He picked up the cigars on the table. The one that had been lit he put into his mouth, and the other he stuffed into his pocket.Someone asked, "When Judgment Day passes, can those two pillars bear the force applied against the Flying Blade filaments?Maybe the pillars would be sliced apart first.Wang said, "That's easy to solve. We have some small amounts of Flying Blade material that are flat sheets. We can use them to protect the parts of the column where the filaments are attached.The discussion after that was mainly between the naval officers and navigation experts. Translated Text:
You are a professional, authentic machine translation engine.
Translate the following source text to Simplified Chinese Language, Output translation directly without any additional text. Source Text: Someone asked, "When Judgment Day passes, can those two pillars bear the force applied against the Flying Blade filaments?Maybe the pillars would be sliced apart first.Wang said, "That's easy to solve. We have some small amounts of Flying Blade material that are flat sheets. We can use them to protect the parts of the column where the filaments are attached.The discussion after that was mainly between the naval officers and navigation experts.Judgment Day is at the upper limit in terms of tonnage that can pass through the Panama Canal. It has a deep draft, so we have to consider installing filaments below the waterline.That will be very difficult. If there's not enough time, I don't think we should worry about it. The parts of the ship below the waterline are used for engines, fuel, and ballast, causing a lot of noise, vibration, and interference. The conditions are too poor for computing centers and other similar facilities to be located there. 倒是在水上部分,如果纳米丝的间距再小一些,效果肯定更好。” But for the parts above water, a tighter nanofilament net will give better results. Translated Text:
You are a professional, authentic machine translation engine.
Translate the following source text to Simplified Chinese Language, Output translation directly without any additional text. Source Text: Maybe the pillars would be sliced apart first.Wang said, "That's easy to solve. We have some small amounts of Flying Blade material that are flat sheets. We can use them to protect the parts of the column where the filaments are attached.The discussion after that was mainly between the naval officers and navigation experts.Judgment Day is at the upper limit in terms of tonnage that can pass through the Panama Canal. It has a deep draft, so we have to consider installing filaments below the waterline. Translated Text:
You are a professional, authentic machine translation engine.
Translate the following source text to Simplified Chinese Language, Output translation directly without any additional text. Source Text: Wang said, "That's easy to solve. We have some small amounts of Flying Blade material that are flat sheets. We can use them to protect the parts of the column where the filaments are attached.The discussion after that was mainly between the naval officers and navigation experts.Judgment Day is at the upper limit in terms of tonnage that can pass through the Panama Canal. It has a deep draft, so we have to consider installing filaments below the waterline. Translated Text:
You are a professional, authentic machine translation engine.
Translate the following source text to Simplified Chinese Language, Output translation directly without any additional text. Source Text: The discussion after that was mainly between the naval officers and navigation experts.Judgment Day is at the upper limit in terms of tonnage that can pass through the Panama Canal. It has a deep draft, so we have to consider installing filaments below the waterline.That will be very difficult. If there's not enough time, I don't think we should worry about it. The parts of the ship below the waterline are used for engines, fuel, and ballast, causing a lot of noise, vibration, and interference. The conditions are too poor for computing centers and other similar facilities to be located there. 倒是在水上部分,如果纳米丝的间距再小一些,效果肯定更好。” But for the parts above water, a tighter nanofilament net will give better results.Then it's best to set the trap at one of the locks along the canal. Judgment Day is built to Panamax specifications, just enough to fill the thirty-two-meter locks. Then we would only need to make the Flying Blade filaments thirty-two meters long. This will also make it easier to erect the pillars and string the filaments between them, especially for the underwater parts.No. The situation around the locks is too unpredictable. Also, a ship inside the lock must be pulled forward by four 'mules,' electric locomotives on rails. They move slowly, and the time inside the locks will also be when the crew is most alert. An attempt to slice through the ship during that time would most likely be discovered.What about the Bridge of the Americas, right outside the Miraflores Locks? 桥墩就可以用作拉丝的柱子。” The abutments at the two ends of the bridge can serve as the pillars for stringing the filaments.No. The distance between the abutments is too great. We don't have enough Flying Blade material.Then it's decided: The site of operation should be the narrowest point of the Gaillard Cut, a hundred and fifty meters across. Add in some slack for the pillars ... let's call it a hundred seventy meters.Wang said, "If that's the plan, then the smallest distance between the filaments will be fifty centimeters. I don't have enough material for a tighter net. Translated Text:
You are a professional, authentic machine translation engine.
Translate the following source text to Simplified Chinese Language, Output translation directly without any additional text. Source Text: Judgment Day is at the upper limit in terms of tonnage that can pass through the Panama Canal. It has a deep draft, so we have to consider installing filaments below the waterline.That will be very difficult. If there's not enough time, I don't think we should worry about it. The parts of the ship below the waterline are used for engines, fuel, and ballast, causing a lot of noise, vibration, and interference. The conditions are too poor for computing centers and other similar facilities to be located there. 倒是在水上部分,如果纳米丝的间距再小一些,效果肯定更好。” But for the parts above water, a tighter nanofilament net will give better results.Then it's best to set the trap at one of the locks along the canal. Judgment Day is built to Panamax specifications, just enough to fill the thirty-two-meter locks. Then we would only need to make the Flying Blade filaments thirty-two meters long. This will also make it easier to erect the pillars and string the filaments between them, especially for the underwater parts.No. The situation around the locks is too unpredictable. Also, a ship inside the lock must be pulled forward by four 'mules,' electric locomotives on rails. They move slowly, and the time inside the locks will also be when the crew is most alert. An attempt to slice through the ship during that time would most likely be discovered.What about the Bridge of the Americas, right outside the Miraflores Locks? 桥墩就可以用作拉丝的柱子。” The abutments at the two ends of the bridge can serve as the pillars for stringing the filaments.No. The distance between the abutments is too great. We don't have enough Flying Blade material.Then it's decided: The site of operation should be the narrowest point of the Gaillard Cut, a hundred and fifty meters across. Add in some slack for the pillars ... let's call it a hundred seventy meters.Wang said, "If that's the plan, then the smallest distance between the filaments will be fifty centimeters. I don't have enough material for a tighter net.In other words, we have to make sure the ship crosses during the day, Da Shi said, blowing out another mouthful of smoke. Translated Text:
You are a professional, authentic machine translation engine.
Translate the following source text to Simplified Chinese Language, Output translation directly without any additional text. Source Text: That will be very difficult. If there's not enough time, I don't think we should worry about it. The parts of the ship below the waterline are used for engines, fuel, and ballast, causing a lot of noise, vibration, and interference. The conditions are too poor for computing centers and other similar facilities to be located there. 倒是在水上部分,如果纳米丝的间距再小一些,效果肯定更好。” But for the parts above water, a tighter nanofilament net will give better results.Then it's best to set the trap at one of the locks along the canal. Judgment Day is built to Panamax specifications, just enough to fill the thirty-two-meter locks. Then we would only need to make the Flying Blade filaments thirty-two meters long. This will also make it easier to erect the pillars and string the filaments between them, especially for the underwater parts.No. The situation around the locks is too unpredictable. Also, a ship inside the lock must be pulled forward by four 'mules,' electric locomotives on rails. They move slowly, and the time inside the locks will also be when the crew is most alert. An attempt to slice through the ship during that time would most likely be discovered.What about the Bridge of the Americas, right outside the Miraflores Locks? 桥墩就可以用作拉丝的柱子。” The abutments at the two ends of the bridge can serve as the pillars for stringing the filaments.No. The distance between the abutments is too great. We don't have enough Flying Blade material.Then it's decided: The site of operation should be the narrowest point of the Gaillard Cut, a hundred and fifty meters across. Add in some slack for the pillars ... let's call it a hundred seventy meters.Wang said, "If that's the plan, then the smallest distance between the filaments will be fifty centimeters. I don't have enough material for a tighter net.In other words, we have to make sure the ship crosses during the day, Da Shi said, blowing out another mouthful of smoke.Why? Translated Text:
You are a professional, authentic machine translation engine.
Translate the following source text to Simplified Chinese Language, Output translation directly without any additional text. Source Text: Then it's best to set the trap at one of the locks along the canal. Judgment Day is built to Panamax specifications, just enough to fill the thirty-two-meter locks. Then we would only need to make the Flying Blade filaments thirty-two meters long. This will also make it easier to erect the pillars and string the filaments between them, especially for the underwater parts.No. The situation around the locks is too unpredictable. Also, a ship inside the lock must be pulled forward by four 'mules,' electric locomotives on rails. They move slowly, and the time inside the locks will also be when the crew is most alert. An attempt to slice through the ship during that time would most likely be discovered.What about the Bridge of the Americas, right outside the Miraflores Locks? 桥墩就可以用作拉丝的柱子。” The abutments at the two ends of the bridge can serve as the pillars for stringing the filaments.No. The distance between the abutments is too great. We don't have enough Flying Blade material.Then it's decided: The site of operation should be the narrowest point of the Gaillard Cut, a hundred and fifty meters across. Add in some slack for the pillars ... let's call it a hundred seventy meters.Wang said, "If that's the plan, then the smallest distance between the filaments will be fifty centimeters. I don't have enough material for a tighter net.In other words, we have to make sure the ship crosses during the day, Da Shi said, blowing out another mouthful of smoke.Why?At night the crew will be sleeping, which means they'll all be lying down. Fifty centimeters between filaments leaves too much of a gap. But during the day, even if they're sitting or crouching, the distance is sufficient.A few scattered laughs. The attendees, all under heavy stress, felt a bit of release tinged with the smell of blood. Translated Text:
You are a professional, authentic machine translation engine.
Translate the following source text to Simplified Chinese Language, Output translation directly without any additional text. Source Text: No. The situation around the locks is too unpredictable. Also, a ship inside the lock must be pulled forward by four 'mules,' electric locomotives on rails. They move slowly, and the time inside the locks will also be when the crew is most alert. An attempt to slice through the ship during that time would most likely be discovered.What about the Bridge of the Americas, right outside the Miraflores Locks? 桥墩就可以用作拉丝的柱子。” The abutments at the two ends of the bridge can serve as the pillars for stringing the filaments.No. The distance between the abutments is too great. We don't have enough Flying Blade material.Then it's decided: The site of operation should be the narrowest point of the Gaillard Cut, a hundred and fifty meters across. Add in some slack for the pillars ... let's call it a hundred seventy meters.Wang said, "If that's the plan, then the smallest distance between the filaments will be fifty centimeters. I don't have enough material for a tighter net.In other words, we have to make sure the ship crosses during the day, Da Shi said, blowing out another mouthful of smoke.Why?At night the crew will be sleeping, which means they'll all be lying down. Fifty centimeters between filaments leaves too much of a gap. But during the day, even if they're sitting or crouching, the distance is sufficient.A few scattered laughs. The attendees, all under heavy stress, felt a bit of release tinged with the smell of blood. Translated Text:
You are a professional, authentic machine translation engine.
Translate the following source text to Simplified Chinese Language, Output translation directly without any additional text. Source Text: What about the Bridge of the Americas, right outside the Miraflores Locks? 桥墩就可以用作拉丝的柱子。” The abutments at the two ends of the bridge can serve as the pillars for stringing the filaments.No. The distance between the abutments is too great. We don't have enough Flying Blade material.Then it's decided: The site of operation should be the narrowest point of the Gaillard Cut, a hundred and fifty meters across. Add in some slack for the pillars ... let's call it a hundred seventy meters.Wang said, "If that's the plan, then the smallest distance between the filaments will be fifty centimeters. I don't have enough material for a tighter net.In other words, we have to make sure the ship crosses during the day, Da Shi said, blowing out another mouthful of smoke.Why?At night the crew will be sleeping, which means they'll all be lying down. Fifty centimeters between filaments leaves too much of a gap. But during the day, even if they're sitting or crouching, the distance is sufficient.A few scattered laughs. The attendees, all under heavy stress, felt a bit of release tinged with the smell of blood.You're truly a demon, a female UN official said to Da Shi.Will innocent bystanders be hurt? Translated Text:
“是否可以考虑米拉弗洛莱斯船闸外面的美洲大桥?“不行,桥墩的间距太宽,‘飞刃’材料肯定不够的。”“那么我们就确定下来,行动位置是盖拉德水道的最窄处,一百五十米宽,算上建支柱的余量,按一百七十米吧。”汪淼说:“要这样,拉丝的间距最小就是五十厘米,再小,材料不够了。”“那就是说,”大史吐出一口烟,“得想法让那船白天过运河。”“为什么?”“夜里船上的人睡觉啊,都是躺着的,五十厘米的空当太大了,白天他们就是坐着或蹲着,也够了。”响起了零星的几声笑,重压下的人们感到了一丝带着血腥味的轻松。“你真是个魔鬼。” 一位联合国女官员对大史说。“会伤及无辜吗?”
You are a professional, authentic machine translation engine.
Translate the following source text to Simplified Chinese Language, Output translation directly without any additional text. Source Text: No. The distance between the abutments is too great. We don't have enough Flying Blade material.Then it's decided: The site of operation should be the narrowest point of the Gaillard Cut, a hundred and fifty meters across. Add in some slack for the pillars ... let's call it a hundred seventy meters.Wang said, "If that's the plan, then the smallest distance between the filaments will be fifty centimeters. I don't have enough material for a tighter net.In other words, we have to make sure the ship crosses during the day, Da Shi said, blowing out another mouthful of smoke.Why?At night the crew will be sleeping, which means they'll all be lying down. Fifty centimeters between filaments leaves too much of a gap. But during the day, even if they're sitting or crouching, the distance is sufficient.A few scattered laughs. The attendees, all under heavy stress, felt a bit of release tinged with the smell of blood.You're truly a demon, a female UN official said to Da Shi.Will innocent bystanders be hurt?Wang asked, his voice trembling. Translated Text:
“不行,桥墩的间距太宽,‘飞刃’材料肯定不够的。”“那么我们就确定下来,行动位置是盖拉德水道的最窄处,一百五十米宽,算上建支柱的余量,按一百七十米吧。”汪淼说:“要这样,拉丝的间距最小就是五十厘米,再小,材料不够了。”“那就是说,”大史吐出一口烟,“得想法让那船白天过运河。”“为什么?”“夜里船上的人睡觉啊,都是躺着的,五十厘米的空当太大了,白天他们就是坐着或蹲着,也够了。”响起了零星的几声笑,重压下的人们感到了一丝带着血腥味的轻松。“你真是个魔鬼。” 一位联合国女官员对大史说。“会伤及无辜吗?”汪淼问,他的声音中带着明显可以听出来的颤抖。
You are a professional, authentic machine translation engine.
Translate the following source text to Simplified Chinese Language, Output translation directly without any additional text. Source Text: Then it's decided: The site of operation should be the narrowest point of the Gaillard Cut, a hundred and fifty meters across. Add in some slack for the pillars ... let's call it a hundred seventy meters.Wang said, "If that's the plan, then the smallest distance between the filaments will be fifty centimeters. I don't have enough material for a tighter net.In other words, we have to make sure the ship crosses during the day, Da Shi said, blowing out another mouthful of smoke.Why?At night the crew will be sleeping, which means they'll all be lying down. Fifty centimeters between filaments leaves too much of a gap. But during the day, even if they're sitting or crouching, the distance is sufficient.A few scattered laughs. The attendees, all under heavy stress, felt a bit of release tinged with the smell of blood. Translated Text:
You are a professional, authentic machine translation engine.
Translate the following source text to Simplified Chinese Language, Output translation directly without any additional text. Source Text: Wang said, "If that's the plan, then the smallest distance between the filaments will be fifty centimeters. I don't have enough material for a tighter net.In other words, we have to make sure the ship crosses during the day, Da Shi said, blowing out another mouthful of smoke.Why?At night the crew will be sleeping, which means they'll all be lying down. Fifty centimeters between filaments leaves too much of a gap. But during the day, even if they're sitting or crouching, the distance is sufficient.A few scattered laughs. The attendees, all under heavy stress, felt a bit of release tinged with the smell of blood.You're truly a demon, a female UN official said to Da Shi.Will innocent bystanders be hurt?Wang asked, his voice trembling.A naval officer replied, "When the ship goes through the locks, more than a dozen cable workers will come onboard, but they'll all get off after the ship passes.The Panama Canal pilot will have to accompany the ship the entire eighty-two kilometers, so the pilot will have to be sacrificed. Translated Text:
汪淼说:“要这样,拉丝的间距最小就是五十厘米,再小,材料不够了。”“那就是说,”大史吐出一口烟,“得想法让那船白天过运河。”“为什么?”“夜里船上的人睡觉啊,都是躺着的,五十厘米的空当太大了,白天他们就是坐着或蹲着,也够了。”响起了零星的几声笑,重压下的人们感到了一丝带着血腥味的轻松。“你真是个魔鬼。” 一位联合国女官员对大史说。“会伤及无辜吗?”汪淼问,他的声音中带着明显可以听出来的颤抖。一名海军军官回答:“过船闸时要有十几名接缆工人上船,不过船通过后他们就下去了。巴拿马引水员要随船走完八十二公里的运河,肯定要牺牲掉。”
You are a professional, authentic machine translation engine.
Translate the following source text to Simplified Chinese Language, Output translation directly without any additional text. Source Text: In other words, we have to make sure the ship crosses during the day, Da Shi said, blowing out another mouthful of smoke.Why?At night the crew will be sleeping, which means they'll all be lying down. Fifty centimeters between filaments leaves too much of a gap. But during the day, even if they're sitting or crouching, the distance is sufficient.A few scattered laughs. The attendees, all under heavy stress, felt a bit of release tinged with the smell of blood.You're truly a demon, a female UN official said to Da Shi. Translated Text:
“那就是说,”大史吐出一口烟,“得想法让那船白天过运河。”“为什么?”“夜里船上的人睡觉啊,都是躺着的,五十厘米的空当太大了,白天他们就是坐着或蹲着,也够了。”响起了零星的几声笑,重压下的人们感到了一丝带着血腥味的轻松。“你真是个魔鬼。” 一位联合国女官员对大史说。
You are a professional, authentic machine translation engine.
Translate the following source text to Simplified Chinese Language, Output translation directly without any additional text. Source Text: Why?At night the crew will be sleeping, which means they'll all be lying down. Fifty centimeters between filaments leaves too much of a gap. But during the day, even if they're sitting or crouching, the distance is sufficient.A few scattered laughs. The attendees, all under heavy stress, felt a bit of release tinged with the smell of blood.You're truly a demon, a female UN official said to Da Shi. Translated Text:
“为什么?”“夜里船上的人睡觉啊,都是躺着的,五十厘米的空当太大了,白天他们就是坐着或蹲着,也够了。”响起了零星的几声笑,重压下的人们感到了一丝带着血腥味的轻松。“你真是个魔鬼。” 一位联合国女官员对大史说。
You are a professional, authentic machine translation engine.
Translate the following source text to Simplified Chinese Language, Output translation directly without any additional text. Source Text: At night the crew will be sleeping, which means they'll all be lying down. Fifty centimeters between filaments leaves too much of a gap. But during the day, even if they're sitting or crouching, the distance is sufficient.A few scattered laughs. The attendees, all under heavy stress, felt a bit of release tinged with the smell of blood.You're truly a demon, a female UN official said to Da Shi.Will innocent bystanders be hurt?Wang asked, his voice trembling. Translated Text:
“夜里船上的人睡觉啊,都是躺着的,五十厘米的空当太大了,白天他们就是坐着或蹲着,也够了。”响起了零星的几声笑,重压下的人们感到了一丝带着血腥味的轻松。“你真是个魔鬼。” 一位联合国女官员对大史说。“会伤及无辜吗?”汪淼问,他的声音中带着明显可以听出来的颤抖。
You are a professional, authentic machine translation engine.
Translate the following source text to Simplified Chinese Language, Output translation directly without any additional text. Source Text: A few scattered laughs. The attendees, all under heavy stress, felt a bit of release tinged with the smell of blood.You're truly a demon, a female UN official said to Da Shi.Will innocent bystanders be hurt?Wang asked, his voice trembling.A naval officer replied, "When the ship goes through the locks, more than a dozen cable workers will come onboard, but they'll all get off after the ship passes. Translated Text:
响起了零星的几声笑,重压下的人们感到了一丝带着血腥味的轻松。“你真是个魔鬼。” 一位联合国女官员对大史说。“会伤及无辜吗?”汪淼问,他的声音中带着明显可以听出来的颤抖。一名海军军官回答:“过船闸时要有十几名接缆工人上船,不过船通过后他们就下去了。
You are a professional, authentic machine translation engine.
Translate the following source text to Simplified Chinese Language, Output translation directly without any additional text. Source Text: You're truly a demon, a female UN official said to Da Shi.Will innocent bystanders be hurt?Wang asked, his voice trembling.A naval officer replied, "When the ship goes through the locks, more than a dozen cable workers will come onboard, but they'll all get off after the ship passes.The Panama Canal pilot will have to accompany the ship the entire eighty-two kilometers, so the pilot will have to be sacrificed.A CIA officer said, "And some of the crew aboard Judgment Day probably don't know the real purpose of the ship.Professor, General Chang said, "do not concern yourself with these thoughts.The information we need to obtain has to do with the very survival of human civilization. Someone else will make the call. Translated Text:
“你真是个魔鬼。” 一位联合国女官员对大史说。“会伤及无辜吗?”汪淼问,他的声音中带着明显可以听出来的颤抖。一名海军军官回答:“过船闸时要有十几名接缆工人上船,不过船通过后他们就下去了。巴拿马引水员要随船走完八十二公里的运河,肯定要牺牲掉。”一名CIA官员说:“还有‘审判日’号上的一部分船员,他们对这船是干什么的可能并不知情。”“教授,这些事现在不用想,这不是你们要考虑的事情。 我们要取得的信息关系到人类文明的存亡,会有人做出最后决定的。” 常伟思说。我们要取得的信息关系到人类文明的存亡,会有人做出最后决定的。”
You are a professional, authentic machine translation engine.
Translate the following source text to Simplified Chinese Language, Output translation directly without any additional text. Source Text: Will innocent bystanders be hurt?Wang asked, his voice trembling.A naval officer replied, "When the ship goes through the locks, more than a dozen cable workers will come onboard, but they'll all get off after the ship passes.The Panama Canal pilot will have to accompany the ship the entire eighty-two kilometers, so the pilot will have to be sacrificed. Translated Text:
You are a professional, authentic machine translation engine.
Translate the following source text to Simplified Chinese Language, Output translation directly without any additional text. Source Text: Wang asked, his voice trembling.A naval officer replied, "When the ship goes through the locks, more than a dozen cable workers will come onboard, but they'll all get off after the ship passes.The Panama Canal pilot will have to accompany the ship the entire eighty-two kilometers, so the pilot will have to be sacrificed. Translated Text:
You are a professional, authentic machine translation engine.
Translate the following source text to Simplified Chinese Language, Output translation directly without any additional text. Source Text: A naval officer replied, "When the ship goes through the locks, more than a dozen cable workers will come onboard, but they'll all get off after the ship passes.The Panama Canal pilot will have to accompany the ship the entire eighty-two kilometers, so the pilot will have to be sacrificed.A CIA officer said, "And some of the crew aboard Judgment Day probably don't know the real purpose of the ship.Professor, General Chang said, "do not concern yourself with these thoughts.The information we need to obtain has to do with the very survival of human civilization. Someone else will make the call. Translated Text:
一名海军军官回答:“过船闸时要有十几名接缆工人上船,不过船通过后他们就下去了。巴拿马引水员要随船走完八十二公里的运河,肯定要牺牲掉。”一名CIA官员说:“还有‘审判日’号上的一部分船员,他们对这船是干什么的可能并不知情。”“教授,这些事现在不用想,这不是你们要考虑的事情。 我们要取得的信息关系到人类文明的存亡,会有人做出最后决定的。” 常伟思说。我们要取得的信息关系到人类文明的存亡,会有人做出最后决定的。”
You are a professional, authentic machine translation engine.
Translate the following source text to Simplified Chinese Language, Output translation directly without any additional text. Source Text: The Panama Canal pilot will have to accompany the ship the entire eighty-two kilometers, so the pilot will have to be sacrificed.A CIA officer said, "And some of the crew aboard Judgment Day probably don't know the real purpose of the ship.Professor, General Chang said, "do not concern yourself with these thoughts.The information we need to obtain has to do with the very survival of human civilization. Someone else will make the call.As the meeting ended, Colonel Stanton pushed the beautiful cigar box in front of Shi Qiang. "Captain, the best Havana has to offer. They're yours.Four days later, Gaillard Cut, Panama CanalWang could not even tell that he was in a foreign country. Translated Text:
巴拿马引水员要随船走完八十二公里的运河,肯定要牺牲掉。”一名CIA官员说:“还有‘审判日’号上的一部分船员,他们对这船是干什么的可能并不知情。”“教授,这些事现在不用想,这不是你们要考虑的事情。 我们要取得的信息关系到人类文明的存亡,会有人做出最后决定的。” 常伟思说。我们要取得的信息关系到人类文明的存亡,会有人做出最后决定的。”散会时,斯坦顿上校把那个精致的雪茄木盒推到史强面前:“警官,上好的哈瓦纳,送给你了。”四天后,巴拿马运河盖拉德水道。汪淼没有一点儿身处异国他乡的感觉。