windows diminishing in the height. The 3-storey rear, with cornice and lunettes like the front, and pilasters which have small windows, has 3-stage loading slots arranged singly or in pairs corresponding to those at the front, with hoists over all except one at the west end and 2 at the east end, doorways with stone surrounds next to the single slots, and small rectangular barred windows with wedge lintels. Interior: timber construction visible. Listing NGR: SJ8299097886 This text is a legacy record and has not been updated since the building was originally listed. Details of the building may have changed in the intervening time. You should not rely on this listing as an accurate description of the building. Old Warehouse to North of Former Liverpool Road Railway Station - Manchester - Manchester - England Your name: Your email address: Required, willmodified or single genes are added or deleted, and ‘crossover’, where a new genome is formed by merging genes from two individuals. In order for the mother to determine which children were the fittest, each child was tested on how far it travelled from its starting position in a given amount of time. The most successful individuals in each generation remained unchanged in the next generation in order to preserve their abilities, while mutation and crossover were introduced in the less successful children. The researchers found that design variations emerged and performance improved over time: the fastest individuals in the last generation moved at an average speed that was more than twice the average speed of the fastest individuals in the first generation. This increase in performance was not only
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Recent Articles Facebook has donated $250k it seized from spammers to an academic centre of excellence in the fight against cybercrime. The University of Alabama at Birmingham's Center for Information Assurance and Joint Forensics Research will use the cash to build an expanded version of the faculty, due to open next year. The centre helped researchers at Facebook to track down the infamous Koobface gang and helped to unravel the even more notorious GhostClick (DNSChanger) scam, among other work. Notable researchers at the centre include Gary Warner, Director of Research in Computer Forensics and co-chair of Anti-Phishing Working Group. Warner also runs the well read CyberCrime & Doing Time blog. "As a result of numerous collaborations over the years, Facebook recognizes the center as both a partner in fighting Internet abuse, andas a critical player in developing future experts who will become dedicated cybersecurity professionals," says Joe Sullivan, chief security officer at Facebook, in a statement. "The center has earned this gift for their successes in fighting cybercrime and because of the need for formal cybersecurity education to better secure everyone’s data across the world." The donation itself will be widely applauded in security circles even though the Koobface investigation remains controversial. In January 2012, the New York Times publicly named five people security researchers have fingered as prime suspects in the spread of the Koobface worm, a strain of malware that has bedevilled social networking users (particularly on Facebook) since late 2008. Koobface, which was unusually sophisticated, earned scammers income principally through pay-per-install malware. Critics argue that the disclosure was
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Social-justice ideology is turning higher education into an engine of progressive political advocacy, according to a new report by the National Association of Scholars. Left-wing activists, masquerading as professors, are infiltrating traditional academic departments or creating new ones—departments such as “Solidarity and Social Justice”—to advance their cause. They are entering the highest rung of college administration, from which perch they require students to take social-justice courses, such as “Native Sexualities and Queer Discourse” or “Hip-hop Workshop,” and attend social-justice events—such as a Reparations, Repatriation, and Redress Symposium or a Power and Privilege Symposium—in order to graduate. But social-justice education is merely a symptom of an even deeper perversion of academic values: the cult of race and gender victimology, otherwise known as “diversity.” The diversity cult is destroying the veryplenty of places exist where a nonwhite person would be in the racial majority. Non-whites the world over are beating down the doors to get into Western countries, however, with no comparable corresponding traffic moving in the other direction. The very politicians and academics who in the morning denounce America’s lethal white supremacy in the afternoon demand that the country open its borders to every intending Third World immigrant, with no penalty for illegal entry. These two positions are contradictory: The U.S. cannot be at the same time the graveyard for nonwhite people and an essential beacon of freedom and a life-preserving haven from oppression for these same people. What are the “white norms” and “culture” that “race talk” seeks to deconstruct? Objectivity, a strong work ethic, individualism, a
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or so ago, the demand was to give credit toward tenure for editing an anthology. Substitutes for scholarship have only gotten more creative. At Bucknell University, a minority faculty member suggested that participating in an expletive-filled faculty list-serve discussion denouncing Amy Wax, an embattled University of Pennsylvania law professor, should count toward the “intellectual labor” of minority faculty and be included in the faculty merit review. The most sweeping solution to the lack of racial diversity on the faculty is to get rid of departmental gatekeepers entirely, some of whom remain stubbornly wedded to traditional notions of accomplishment. The University of California at Davis has handed hiring decisions in several STEM fields over to a committee dominated by the university’s head diversity official and other bureaucrats. These bureaucrats havewe trace the ever-changing reflection of human experience in the mirror of human imagination. The greatest sin of the social-justice and diversity crusade is to teach students to hate this cultural inheritance. The social-justice crusaders are stripping the future of everything that gives human life meaning: beauty, sublimity, and wit. This speech, which originally ran in City Journal, is published with permission.
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comforts and amenities, which everyone look forward to be in an ideal HOME. These elements will pay a tribute to their choice of residence, naturally. All these serenity do not deprive the buyer from the conveniences of a town. The purchaser can enjoy all that at the nearest down town KOZHENCHERRY, after a five minutes drive from Luxus Villa. The Actual Location is just meters away from PULLAD junction on the State Highway and close to the center core business towns of Thiruvalla, Pathanamthitta and Chengannur. Memana Luxus Villa Address: About MEMANA GROUP: Memana Group engaged in diversified business activities since 1992. Our Group is building reputation in banking operations by securing the savings of the common man as well as the business man with reliable security. We have had anexcellent track record in acquiring and developing large number of residential plots away from all hassles and tide of the city since 1992.Our Group is perhaps one of the credible business houses in Central Travancore with diversified business activities over a decade. Our venture having crossed local boundaries has extended its wings to international arenas with successful and popular services in keeping the most beautiful arts in concrete in the Middle East.Professional Management, unquestionable punctuality in payments, strict financial discipline, strategic planning and management of funds, stiff and stubborn business policies and chronologically tested fundamentals of customer relations helped the growth of the Group since its inception. We have a strong customer base with 200000 live clients. The past one and a half decade has molded us strongly
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precordial derivations (Figure 2). Figure 2: Explanation in the text. He had the same treatment as his wife. Due to the severity of the clinical status and because of the previous ventricular fibrillation, he underwent coronary angiography, which resulted, as expected, negative (coronary arteries). The patient was sedated and subjected to controlled ventilation until the next morning when the pharmacological sedation was suspended. When he gained consciousness and started breathing well, he was extubated and left in spontaneous breathing. After 12 hours he was transferred to department of internal medicine and was discharged 48 hours later. 3. Discussion The poisoning occurs because of an inadequate cooling and poor preservation of the fish caught. It is found mainly in warm or temperate waters particularly in countries lacking infrastructure for the preservation and storage of food.For 40 years, the state has protected manatees by setting up slow speed zones for boaters. The logic behind it was the same as speed zones around schools: Make people slow down and they're less likely to hit something. PREVIOUS COVERAGE: Florida boaters kill record 98 manatees this year, but 2016 isn't over yet But in the 1990s, a scientist named Edmund Gerstein announced a startling discovery: Slowing boats down was actually bad for manatees. He said his research on manatees at Tampa's Lowry Park Zoo showed they couldn't hear slow boats, only fast ones. Boaters and lawmakers were quite taken with Gerstein's study. The state funneled tens of thousands of dollars into more research — which repeatedly contradicted his research. The new research found that manatees don't have any trouble hearing
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boats. Gerstein faded from prominence. Now he's back, trumpeting an invention dubbed the "Manatee Alerting Device," or MAD for short. Attached below a boat's water line, the MAD is supposed to blare out a "low intensity, highly directional narrow band of sound" to warn manatees to scatter, according to a press release sent out last month by his employer, Florida Atlantic University. PREVIOUS COVERAGE: Epilogue: Snooty, 69, a breed apart from other manatees (w/video) He figures that when it's commercially available, the MAD will cost $120. And with 900,000 boats in Florida, he said in an interview that "it'd be great to have one on every boat." When he heard the news, Alan Huff had this reaction: "Ohhhh, not that again." Huff was the state employee who discovered that Gerstein had faked a degree.He said the tens of thousands spent on Gerstein's research was "a waste of money." And other scientists still don't buy Gerstein's theory. • • • Gerstein, 62, grew up in New Jersey. After college in Colorado, he landed a job at SeaWorld as an animal trainer, working with dolphins and whales. Then another marine mammal caught his eye. "Like everyone I was concerned about manatees, because they were being hit by boats," he said. He wondered if "they weren't getting the information fast enough" to get out of the way. His initial experiments with Snooty, the beloved manatee who recently died at the South Florida Museum in Bradenton, proved that manatees can be trained to perform certain tasks. Starting in 1991, he focused his efforts on two manatees named Stormy and Dundee
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He complained that "people didn't want to hear what we were saying." He blamed that hostility for the 1991 incident involving his resume. • • • That year, when Gerstein applied for a federal permit to conduct a manatee study for the Mote Marine Laboratory in Sarasota, he included this line on his resume: "1979. Masters of Science Department of Biology Graduate Program, University of West Florida." The words "Masters of Science" were underlined. Huff, now retired, was then the research administrator at the state's Florida Wildlife Research Institute charged with overseeing Gerstein's state-funded research. He discovered Gerstein had no master's degree from UWF. When he confronted him about it, Gerstein had no defense, memos from that time indicate. (Gerstain has since obtained a master's and a doctorate in psychology from FAU.) When hethis one for endangered right whales, which migrate between Florida and New England and have been hit from time to time by ships. Nowacek said the MAD-style beacons would put the whales in greater danger rather than saving them. In a 2004 experiment, he said, scientists blasted a loud noise at whales feeding in deep water. Instead of scattering, the whales fled to shallower water where they became even more vulnerable to being struck by ships. "They went from a place that was safe to a place that was unsafe," he said, "and ships still couldn't see them." Times senior news researcher Caryn Baird contributed to this report. Contact Craig Pittman at [email protected]. Follow @craigtimes.
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It's been a long wait for the horror adventure 'ASYLUM' to finally release, with 2019 looking more likely and Linux support is still confirmed. For those unfamiliar, ASYLUM was crowdfunded on Kickstarter way back in February of 2013, where they managed to get around $119K from over three thousand backers. In their latest update, they put out some really good news for those still waiting on it! Testers have had their hands on a demo since December and according to the developer, it's been going well. They're expecting a beta release in May, with their goal to finally release it later this year. Although, they do say they're not fully confirming that yet in case any major problems sudden appear. More about it: From the creators of cult sleeper hit Scratches andregs going into effect December 1, EEOC enforcement of gender identity and sexual orientation rights, federal government contractors’ requirements under President Obama’s Executive Orders, and enforcement activities by the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). For more information, click here. About Kate McGovern Tornone:Kate Tornone is an editor at BLR. She has almost 10 years’ experience covering a variety of employment law topics. Before coming to BLR, she served as editor of Thompson Information Services’ ADA and FLSA publications, coauthored the Guide to the ADA Amendments Act, and published several special reports. She graduated from The Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C., with a bachelor of arts in media studies. Kate can be reached at [email protected].
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Anna Maria Kubach - Wilmsen,German,b.1937, Turkish Letter,onyx (JDUN2106){MM} Property Title / Biography: Litchfield County Auctions is pleased to offer highlights from the modern art collection of the famed interior designer and artist Jack Dunbar. As a student at the Cleveland School of art, Dunbar had a sense that his career would be entwined in the arts, specifically design and architecture. Reflective of his gifted talents, he was awarded a 1946 Taliesin Fellowship study with the Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture in Wisconsin. Dunbar was heavily influenced by the work of Hungarian modernist artist László Moholy-Nagy, founder of Chicago’s Institute of Art and Design, as well as his own personal travels throughout Europe visiting many architectural landmarks. Upon his return, he landed his first job in New Yorkas assistant to the architectural photographer Ezra Stoller. He later worked at Harper’s Bazaar with Alexy Bradovich, Carmel Snow, and Diana Vreeland. Dunbar also designed book jackets and posters for the Museum of Modern Art which led to showroom design for Herman Miller. In 1956, he joined Skidmore Owings and Merrill for which he designed many corporate headquarters worldwide. Dunbar was also responsible for assembling major modern art collections. In 1977, Dunbar launched his own design firm with partner Lydia dePolo. In 1987 he was inducted into the prestigious Interior Designers of America Hall of Fame, today he focuses on his own artwork in his Connecticut studio.Measurements: 5 3/4"H x 9"W x 1/4"D Condition Good Buyer's Premium 25% Shipping Shipping Information: POLICY: LCA WILL NOT RELEASE YOUR ITEMS UNTIL TO ANY SHIPPER UNTIL YOU HAVE
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7, 1985, at which time the matter was taken under advisement; the following represent the findings and conclusions of this court: Facts On August 22, 1983, Steven Donald Gabal and Cheryl Marie Fontenot Gabal executed a promissory note in favor of Louisiana First Mortgage Company in the amount of $132,000.00. This note was secured by a mortgage on a certain piece of immovable property located at 103 Glynnwood Drive, Lafayette, Louisiana (the Glynnwood property), which is the main focus of the present controversy. Well prior to the filing of bankruptcy, Louisiana First Mortgage made a valid assignment of the note and mortgage to Pelican Homestead, the present plaintiff. The confusion began when on August 29, 1984 Mr. Gabal filed his voluntary petition under Chapter 7. As the caption of the casestill to this day indicates, the debtors name was incorrectly spelled Gabel rather than Gabal. Nevertheless, the case went forward in the name of Steven Donald Gabel and Charles N. Wooten was appointed trustee. According to the record of the clerk of court, (misspelling aside), on September 7, 1984 a notice of the filing and of the first meeting of creditors was sent out to all creditors and interested parties whose names appeared on the official mailing matrix submitted by the debtor. Included in *663 the mailing matrix list was the name and address of the plaintiff, Pelican. An employee of Pelican acknowledged at trial that Pelican's name and address as listed were correct, yet Pelican claims never to have received the clerk's notice. In a like manner, Pelican
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also claims that it did not receive a later notice, this one sent by the trustee announcing his intention to sell the subject property. The record discloses, and the trustee testified, that his office sent a notice of intent to all creditors and interested parties by mail on October 12, 1984. As might be expected, the trustee's notice, like the clerk's previous notice, continued the mispelling of the debtor's name. The trustee testified that in mailing out the notice he also utilized the "mailing matrix" list which as previously stated, correctly listed Pelican's name and address. The trustee also testified that his normal practice, when a notice is returned by the post office as being undeliverable, is to place it into an envelope which is kept with thethis time the trustee had discovered the error regarding the debtor's name as the ad correctly has it spelled "Gabal". Although it is true that it was Pelican's Metairie office which handled the mortgage on the subject property, nevertheless as a Pelican employee testified, Pelican has and had at that time an office in Lafayette. Unfortunately, this too was apparently not enough to capture Pelican's attention. By and by, no objection having been filed as the result of the notice of intent, the trustee proceeded to sell the property at public auction as scheduled on November 13, 1984. Now, with the advantage of hindsight, it is perhaps not surprising that Pelican did not appear at the sale. The court however, wondered why the trustee's curiosity had not been aroused
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when he did not hear from Pelican prior to the sale, given the nature and size of its claim. When questioned by the court at hearing, the attorney for the trustee responded that he did not find this strange and that it is quite common not to hear from the secured creditors until they show up the day of the sale. Indeed, he pointed out, regarding the instant sale two other creditors, Guaranty Bank and American Bank, who held similar secured claims on another piece of property being sold according to the same notice, also made no attempt to contact him before the day of the sale. There were approximately fifteen people at the sale and about four or five of these people participated in the active bidding. Anday. With the order in hand, the trustee promptly delivered a bill of sale to the Comeaux's. Following the trustee's suggestion, the Comeaux's then had the sale recorded in the conveyance records in Lafayette and had the recorder cancel the outstanding liens of record on the strength of the order. The whole process appeared to be complete and beyond reproach until on December 3, 1984, some thirteen days after the signing of the order of ratification, Pelican filed its present motion to annul and set aside the sale. Ironically had the order of November 19 been properly entered and noticed, Pelican would probably find itself out of court, the applicable appeal delays having run. Instead, as the official docket entry card maintained by the clerk reveals, no official notation
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noticed of the trustee's intent to sell the Glynwood property at public auction, free and clear of liens? 2. Did Pelican's failure to object to the sale as directed by the notice constitute the consent to the sale within the meaning of 11 U.S.C. 363(f)(2)? 3. Was the price paid at the sale a "fair equivalent value" for the property? I. Notice: As was stated, Pelican claims that it never received the trustee's notice of intent nor did it receive the clerk's combined notice of filing and scheduling of the first meeting of creditors. The evidence before me clearly indicates that both the clerk and the trustee mailed their respective notices to everyone listed on the mailing matrix. The evidence and testimony additionally show that Pelican's name and address is properly listedPelican had actual knowledge of the impending sale and yet for some inexplicable reason, failed to act to protect its interest. The court was particularly impressed by the testimony of Karen Anderson, a witness called by the trustee. Ms. Anderson stated that she was interested in purchasing the property herself and in an effort to obtain information regarding the existing mortgage she contacted Pelican's office several times prior to the sale. During the course of her conversation with various Pelican employees she, on numerous occasions, told them that she had been informed that the property was involved in a bankruptcy proceeding and that the trustee was planning to sell it at public auction. She also testified that because the people at Pelican were having difficulty locating the file
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an embodiment of the present invention, a video display system is provided including a first viewing area on the video display system having a first resolution, and a second viewing area on the video display system having a second resolution, where the first resolution is higher than the second resolution.#2932920 - William Edward BoswellThomas. We have noticed that you have entered a Civil War headstone photo to the wrong memorial.While the Civil War headstone does have the initials "W,E,", this would easily lead one to make this mistake. Thank You for removing the photo.Semper FiChuck Isaac Hulse was born near Coram, Suffolk County, Long Island New York, on August 31, 1797. He graduated from the University of Maryland Medical School and while still a student, he met and married, Amelia Roberts. Dr. Hulse, joined the United States Navy on May 12, 1823. His first assignment was that of Surgeon's Mate aboard the U.S.S. Congress based in Norfolk, Virginia. His voyages aboard the USS Congress in the following year, took him to Gibraltar, Cadiz, Rio de Janeiro, the West
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Indies and the west coast of Africa. Back in the United States in 1821 Dr. Hulse was assigned to the Naval Hospital at Norfolk, Virginia, where he remained for two years during and was promoted to Surgeon. In 1826 he assigned to Florida service at the Naval Hospital in Pensacola.In contrast to many of his colleagues, Dr. Hulse had requested this most arduous and dangerous assignment. At Barrancas he rented two a story dwelling as a hospital and attempted to bring quality medical care to a hard pressed military community. Hulse spent much time urging the construction of new purpose built hospital (he was particularly keen to move his hospital and his patients from the tempting local grog shops) but because of military construction funding delays, the NavalHospital was not completed until December 1835 Surgeon Hulse served as commanding officer of the Pensacola hospital three times, spending 19 of his 33-year Navy career in northwest Florida before his death of tuberculosis in 1856. Hulse is buried at Barrancas, National Cemetery located on Naval Air Station Pensacola. Today Surgeon Hulse‘s Naval Hospital at Pensacola enjoys world renown and his reports on the state of his patients continue to provide valuable demographic and medical information for historians.
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time. The way Mr Mullainathan feels about his professional obligations mirrors the way Shawn felt about his financial liabilities. He has been known to miss deadlines, just as Shawn missed bill payments. Mr Mullainathan has double-booked meetings, promising time he has already committed; Shawn similarly bounced checks. Both were too busy putting out fires to prevent them from flaring up, and both fell prey to fresh temptations. Shawn was seduced by a leather jacket at an unbeatable price; Mr Mullainathan accepted an unmissable invitation to write about people like Shawn. There is a distinctive psychology of scarcity, argues Mr Mullainathan and Eldar Shafir, a psychologist at Princeton University. People’s minds work differently when they feel they lack something. And it does not greatly matter what that something is. Anyonevery close to the Globe and slightly older. Neither theater remains standing. The Globe was constructed in 1990 from 1000 oak trees all crafted by hand with no power tools or anything that was unavailable in the 1500s. On the stage while I was on my tour was a German play company rehearsing a modern play. I think that even if I could have understood what they were saying I still would have been confused by all the oddness that was going on on stage. From the Globe I went to the 'London Bridge and London Tombs Experience' which was very much not my thing. It was a very tacky 'horror' experience. It was not at all what I was expecting. I was expecting a tour through the history
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of the bridge and an explanation of the tombs. Instead I got smoke machines, dark rooms, plastic limbs hanging from the roof, over the top acting and people jumping out at me in the dark. It was a waste of time. Then I went onto the Winston Churchill Britain at War Experience. This experience was actually a museum and a recreated underground bunker (made to look like the London underground) with footage playing that had diary entries being read over it. It was interesting but it didn't really live up to it's name of the best World War II museum in Europe. I made my way back across the bridge and started heading back towards Trafalgar square to go see the household cavalry museum. I got sick of walking howeverVideo gaming company says no Spitfires in Myanmar FILE - In this Jan. 7, 2013 file photo taken and released by Wargaming.net, British farmer and businessman David Cundall, left, leader of an archaeological excavation team of buried World War II Spitfires, accompanied by Tracy Spaight, director of special projects at Belarusian videogame company Wargaming.net, that backs the venture, shows a model of Spitfire as they inspect a field, the former RAF Mingaladon, where they expect to find the aircrafts underground, in the restricted compound of Yangon International Airport in Yangon, Myanmar. The global video gaming company that funded the search for dozens of World War II-era British fighter jets in Myanmar says none of the legendary planes are buried in the Southeast Asian country. (AP Photo/Wargaming) YANGON, Myanmar (AP) --
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A global video gaming company that funded a high-profile hunt for dozens of World War II-era British fighters in Myanmar has some bad news for aviation enthusiasts: It says none of the legendary planes are buried in the Southeast Asian country. Excavation teams carrying out surveys on the ground, however, said Saturday that they would not give up the search. The hunt for the lost planes was launched amid hope that as many as 140 rare Spitfires were hidden in crates in pristine condition in three locations in Myanmar. But the Belarusian video gaming company Wargaming.net, which had backed the venture, said in a statement late Friday that the planes were never even delivered to the country by Allied forces as the war drew to a close nearly 70 years ago. Advertisement "TheWargaming team now believes, based on clear documentary evidence, as well as the evidence from the fieldwork, that no Spitfires were delivered in crates and buried" in Myanmar between 1945 and 1946, the statement said. Archival records indicated that the British unit handling shipments at the time received only 37 aircraft, but "none of the crates contained Spitfires and most appear to have been re-exported," said the company, which is best known for its multiplayer titles including "World of Warplanes" and "World of Tanks." Moreover, "appalling weather" and shortages of heavy equipment and manpower would have made it "almost impossible" to bury the massive crates, the company said. On Saturday, however, the search venture's local partners said they would not give up and were still conducting surveys near the international airport
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10. Panera Bread The bakery-chain supported the National Gay & Lesbian Task Force's radical "Creating Change" conference in Kansas City, Missouri in 2006, according to Americans for Truth. 9. PBS PBS regularly features point of view documentaries exploring and celebrating LGBT culture. The company recently partnered with Logo, a channel focused on LGBT people, to air a new series devoted primarily to LGBT culture, according to Variety. 8. Google Google promotes and encourages diversity within the company. The company has a group called the "Gayglers" for their employees to celebrate LGBT rights, lead and organize events, and network within the Google community. 7. Subway Subway is very open about their willingness to enrich cultural diversity within the workplace. According to its YouGov BrandIndex ranking, members of the LGBT community acknowledge that willingness. 6. HBO HBO aired thethe rookie of the year, Victor Olofsson, out with a lower-body injury, Marcus Johansson becomes fantasy viable. The Sabres will be without their young offensive gem for up to six weeks, giving Johansson an opportunity to step up. Now the Swedish centerman is making his minutes count on the second line. He’s currently on a four-game point streak, scoring a goal and notching five assists during the streak. Johansson is also serving time on Buffalo’s top power-play unit alongside of elite scorer Jack Eichel. In Buffalo’s last game versus the Florida Panthers, Johansson registered an assist on the man advantage. Johansson has shown his nose for the net in years past. While playing for the Capitals during the 2016-17 season he primarily received top-6 minutes. Playing alongside talented players like
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what amounted to an infomercial, was the station responding to a “request” from higher-ups, or were they just pandering to their top executive’s financial interests? Who can say? Neither Sinclair nor Fox 45 have responded to questions about whether the corporate office forced the segment on the station. And yet the timing is worth noting. The Curio segment aired only a week after CNN broke a big story about Sinclair forcing its putatively local anchors to read identical scripts decrying “the troubling trend of irresponsible, one-sided news stories plaguing our country.” That story of the scripted corporate hacks went viral a couple of weeks later when Deadspin put together a video of dozens of anchors obediently parroting the same Trumpian line sent to them by the corporate office. So becausehis brothers made two major innovations: instead of branding their company as a single unified network, like Fox or NBC, they would focus on local stations that ran other networks’ programming alongside Sinclair-skewed newscasts; they now own 191 local broadcast stations that are affiliated with different networks—a Fox station in Baltimore; ABC in Tulsa; NBC in Toledo; CBS in Spokane, etc. And because federal regulations in their early building days prohibited them from owning more than one station in a single market, they started another company in 1991 called Glencairn, owned by their mother. In 2002, Smith used WBFF’s investigative efforts to help elect Republican Robert Ehrlich governor in Maryland, by running as many as five segments a week against his opponent Kathleen Kennedy Townsend. “All of our resources
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were used to go after her,” a former Sinclair reporter told GQ. Since then, the company has become a national conservative force, creating “must run” segments for its stations, including (during the Bush years) a nightly one-to-two-minute right-wing commentary by the company’s VP called “The Point,” and more recently the commentary of Boris Epshteyn, a former aide to Donald Trump. Sinclair ran a series of interviews with Bush administration officials conducted by a conservative pundit Armstrong Williams, who also happened to have been paid $240,000 by the Bush administration. When Smith forced networks to air Stolen Honor, an anti-John Kerry propaganda film in prime-time slots during the 2004 election, there was a boycott of sponsors, but Smith was not swayed. It made for a strangely incongruous moment, with aThe Brewster family comes to Castro Valley at the Chanticleers Theatre in the classic comedy "Arsenic and Old Lace." The famous Frank Capra movie of the same name starring Cary Grant has been a long-time favorite for theatre and movie-goers. This hilarious farce, written by Joseph Kesselring and directed by Michael Sally, opens Friday night, May 21, at the Chanticleers Community Theatre. This is a story about two seemingly harmless old ladies who entertain, then poison lonely gentlemen callers. The spinster Brewster sisters, Abby and Martha, are played by newcomer, Patricia Inabnet and Chanticleers board member, Susan Hohl. The show becomes frantic when their nephew, Mortimer Brewster, played by Craig Eychner, finds out what his aunts are up to. Mortimer tries to save his aunts from the law as
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a result of their nasty habit, all the while trying to keep up a normal front with his fiancˇe, Elaine, played by Laura Morgan. Other eccentric characters in this farcical script include brothers, Teddy and Jonathan Brewster, played by Michael Fay and Ralph Marinaro; and Dr. Einstein, played by J. Vincent Burke. The rest of the madcap cast includes Martin Waldron, Rob Mueller, David Weiner, Daniel Roberts, Sean Beecroft, and John Blytt. Theatre goers attending the show on Friday, May 21, will be treated to Chanticleers' Opening Night Gala after the show, including complimentary champagne and hors d'oeuvres. And something new at Chanticleers, Director Michael Sally and the cast are doing a Talk-Back session for audience members after the 2:00 p.m., Sunday matinee performance on June 6. This is yourlovingly be called to a renewed covenant life in Christ. The Possibility of Remarriage As with the interpretation of the texts on permissible grounds for divorce, there is not complete unanimity in the evangelical church on the possibility of remarriage. However, in instances involving one who was divorced on the grounds of sexual immorality or desertion by an unbeliever, remarriage will be considered acceptable within Reality Church. In addition, depending on circumstances, there may be freedom to remarry one who was divorced before conversion on the grounds that such a person is a new creation in Christ. For all divorces which have occurred for reasons other than sexual immorality or desertion, where both parties were Christians at the time of marriage, the expectation is to pursue reconciliation. Until such time
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themselves a Christian? Before answering that question we need to define two really important words: "Christian" and "church". What is a Christian? The word "Christian" appears only three times in the Bible, and was first used by the people of Antioch to describe the growing group of the disciples of Jesus (Acts 11:26). It was an outside term used to label a disciple of Jesus. Today, being a Christian means many different things to different people. Culturally speaking, someone who is born into a family tradition that included going to church once or twice a year may label themselves a Christian. Someone who is a moral person, or someone who hails from the promised land of Abbotsford may label themselves a Christian. People who regularly attend a church may call themselvesChristians, but not truly be. Scripturally speaking, ethnic identity, family history, church attendance, moral uprightness all have nothing to say about whether someone is truly a Christian. A Christian is someone who by God's grace is saved through faith in Jesus (Ephesians 2:5). A Christian is someone who has believed and confessed Jesus as Lord and Saviour (Romans 10:9). And a demonstration of this is a growing sense of desire to live life for Jesus. For His glory. His renown. His pleasure. In joyful submission to His authority as Lord. In awe and wonder of the gracious realities of the transformed identity of the Christian: forgiven, redeemed, adopted as a child of the King, saved from death, brought into life. What is the Church? The term "church" is much more
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'two peas in a pod' - I think that parents have no choice but to try some of these things. My daughter has had Irlen Lenses since she was 5 (she's now 8 1/2) and we've seen a huge improvement in her since she's had them. We went for this option as soon as we could because she was telling us that 'the words were moving' and my husband was one of the first people in the country to get them (as his special needs teacher and author of multi-sensory literacy programme Beat Dyslexia became one of the first diagnosticians in the UK). He immediately began to be able to pass exams, read books for the first time and went on go get a degree and become a successfulNews of 3217 Turn 143 Massive Civil War on T45 Dateline 3217.079 T45 Q3 Tensions have erupted into particularly vicious warfare on T45. The main factions are the United Global Government – which until recently spoke for the entire planet and rebellious grouping on the southern continent, calling itself the Independent State of T45 (IST) and made up mainly of the formerly independent colonies of Bright Idea Colony and the T45 Miners Conglomerate. The issues are confused, the division includes religious element, the south continent is mainly Clewgist and the other continents are majority christianist. But it also relates to revenues and investment arising from the substantial red mercury deposits on the South Continent, which the IST are claiming are being distributed disproportionately to the large North Continent. The dispute over
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in all cases in which a state shall be a party. The party defendant may then unquestionably be sued in this Court. May the plaintiff sue in it? Is the Cherokee Nation a foreign state in the sense in which that term is used in the Constitution? The counsel for the plaintiffs have maintained the affirmative of this proposition with great earnestness and ability. So much of the argument as was intended to prove the character of the Cherokees as a state, as a distinct political society separated from others, capable of managing its own affairs and governing itself, has, in the opinion of a majority of the judges, been completely successful. They have been uniformly treated as a state from the settlement of our country. The numerous treatiesmade with them by the United States recognize them as a people capable of maintaining the relations of peace and war, of being responsible in their political character for any violation of their engagements, or for any aggression committed on the citizens of the United States by any individual of their community. Laws have been enacted in the spirit of these treaties. The acts of our government plainly recognize the Cherokee Nation as a state, and the courts are bound by those acts. A question of much more difficulty remains. Do the Cherokees constitute a foreign state in the sense of the Constitution? The counsel have shown conclusively that they are not a state of the Union, and have insisted that individually they are aliens, not owing allegiance to the United States.
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An aggregate of aliens composing a state must, they say, be a foreign state. Each individual being foreign, the whole must be foreign. This argument is imposing, but we must examine it more closely before we yield to it. The condition of the Indians in relation to the United States is perhaps unlike that of any other two people in existence. In the general, nations not owing a common allegiance are foreign to each other. The term foreign nation is, with strict propriety, applicable by either to the other. But the relation of the Indians to the United States is marked by peculiar and cardinal distinctions which exist nowhere else. The Indian Territory is admitted to compose part of the United States. In all our maps, geographical treatises, histories, andlaws, it is so considered. In all our intercourse with foreign nations, in our commercial regulations, in any attempt at intercourse between Indians and foreign nations, they are considered as within the jurisdictional limits of the United States, subject to many of those restraints which are imposed upon our own citizens. They acknowledge themselves in their treaties to be under the protection of the United States; they admit that the United States shall have the sole and exclusive right of regulating the trade with them and managing all their affairs as they think proper; and the Cherokees in particular were allowed by the Treaty of Hopewell, which preceded the Constitution, to send a deputy of their choice, whenever they think fit, to Congress. Treaties were made with some tribes by
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the state of New York under a then unsettled construction of the Confederation, by which they ceded all their lands to that state, taking back a limited grant to themselves in which they admit their dependence. Though the Indians are acknowledged to have an unquestionable and, heretofore, unquestioned right to the lands they occupy until that right shall be extinguished by a voluntary cession to our government, yet it may well be doubted whether those tribes which reside within the acknowledged boundaries of the United States can, with strict accuracy, be denominated foreign nations. They may more correctly, perhaps, be denominated domestic dependent nations. They occupy a territory to which we assert a title independent of their will, which must take effect in point of possession when their right ofpossession ceases. Meanwhile, they are in a state of pupilage. Their relation to the United States resembles that of a ward to his guardian. They look to our government for protection; rely upon its kindness and its power; appeal to it for relief to their wants; and address the President as their great father. They and their country are considered by foreign nations, as well as by ourselves, as being so completely under the sovereignty and dominion of the United States that any attempt to acquire their lands or to form a political connection with them would be considered by all as an invasion of our territory and an act of hostility. These considerations go far to support the opinion that the framers of our Constitution had not the Indian
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tribes in view when they opened the courts of the Union to controversies between a state or the citizens thereof and foreign states. In considering this subject, the habits and usages of the Indians in their intercourse with their white neighbors ought not to be entirely disregarded. At the time the Constitution was framed, the idea of appealing to an American court of justice for an assertion of right or a redress of wrong had perhaps never entered the mind of an Indian or of his tribe. Their appeal was to the tomahawk, or to the government. This was well understood by the statesmen who framed the Constitution of the United States, and might furnish some reason for omitting to enumerate them among the parties who might sue in the courtsof the Union. Be this as it may, the peculiar relations between the United States and the Indians occupying our territory are such that we should feel much difficulty in considering them as designated by the term foreign state were there no other part of the Constitution which might shed light on the meaning of these words. But we think that in construing them, considerable aid is furnished by that clause in the 8th Section of the 3rd Article, which empowers Congress to regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several states, and with the Indian tribes. In this clause they are as clearly contradistinguished by a name appropriate to themselves from foreign nations as from the several states composing the Union. They are designated by a distinct appellation;
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and as this appellation can be applied to neither of the others, neither can the appellation distinguishing either of the others be in fair construction applied to them. The objects to which the power of regulating commerce might be directed are divided into three distinct classes: foreign nations, the several states, and Indian tribes. When forming this article, the Convention considered them as entirely distinct. We cannot assume that the distinction was lost in framing a subsequent article, unless there be something in its language to authorize the assumption. Foreign nations is a general term, the application of which to Indian tribes, when used in the American Constitution, is at best extremely questionable. In one article in which a power is given to be exercised in regard to foreign nationsmajority is of opinion that an Indian tribe or nation within the United States is not a foreign state in the sense of the Constitution, and cannot maintain an action in the courts of the United States. A serious additional objection exists to the jurisdiction of the Court. Is the matter of the bill the proper subject for judicial inquiry and decision? It seeks to restrain a state from the forcible exercise of legislative power over a neighboring people, asserting their independence; their right to which the state denies. On several of the matters alleged in the bill, for example on the laws making it criminal to exercise the usual powers of self-government in their own country by the Cherokee Nation, this Court cannot interpose, at least in the form
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in which those matters are presented. That part of the bill which respects the land occupied by the Indians, and prays the aid of the Court to protect their possession, may be more doubtful. The mere question of right might perhaps be decided by this Court in a proper case with proper parties. But the Court is asked to do more than decide on the title. The bill requires us to control the legislature of Georgia, and to restrain the exertion of its physical force. The propriety of such an interposition by the Court may be well questioned. It savors too much of the exercise of political power to be within the proper province of the Judicial Department But the opinion on the point respecting parties makes it unnecessaryEnlarge this image toggle caption Tim Winborne/Reuters /Landov Tim Winborne/Reuters /Landov Part 4 of four Some weeks ago, I paid a visit to an eggshell-blue house in Newtown, a neighborhood on the west side of Sydney, to Wendy Bacon and her husband, Chris Nash. As we sat on the porch of their book-lined home, they pointed with pride to the Australasian trees and blooms defining their interior courtyard. And then Bacon delved into her own harvest: the results of a case study about how the country's newspapers handled a pressing and contentious issue. Bacon, a professor of journalism at the University of Technology in Sydney, commissioned researchers and graduate students to examine six months' worth of every article, feature piece, editorial and columns in 10 leading Australian papers on a proposal by the
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of the Walkley Award — the Australian equivalent of the Pulitzer Prize — for her work exposing police corruption. She told me she was dumbstruck by the personal nature of the reply, saying she had done little research about the Murdoch press until recently. Negative Coverage And Skepticism The Australian has aggressively opposed the Green Party's agenda of addressing climate change through greater regulation and taxation of pollution. Two years ago, the paper vowed in an editorial that it would seek to destroy the party at the ballot box. At an academic conference in fall 2010, a former environmental reporter at The Australian, Asa Wahlquist, said she fought with editors routinely over the extent and nature of her coverage "I couldn't do it anymore," she told attendees, including environmental activists. "I hungin there for a long time because I thought it was important that at least I was in there trying." The scholar and journalist Robert Manne wrote a lengthy critique of The Australian in which he, too, devoted a section to reviewing its climate change coverage. His conclusions echoed those of Bacon. "On balance, the opinion pieces and the news coverage in the paper was on the side of those who were against the climate scientists," Manne said. "And that might be playing into the hands of the group I call the 'denialists' because all they have to do is create doubt in the public mind to make it much more difficult for politicians to take action." The top editors and executives at The Australian took umbrage at that assessment, as
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well. Bacon found the most negative coverage in the country's top-selling Murdoch tabloids — the Melbourne Herald Sun and the Sydney Daily Telegraph. The Herald Sun's Andrew Bolt is said to be the top-read columnist in Australia. He presents as an outright skeptic of climate change, at one point calling competing newspapers that treat it as settled science "propagandists." The topic is a frequent subject of his political opinion show on the broadcast Network Ten. That network is not owned by News Corp., but its chairman is Lachlan Murdoch, who remains a corporate director and major investor at his father's company. Scratching Their Heads The journalists I spoke to in Australia tell me they have a tough time reconciling Murdoch's corporate announcement in 2007 with the coverage in his papers. "Everybody was rather takenaback and it seemed to change the editorial tone of climate change coverage for a very short period of time — but not very long. I think it lasted a year, perhaps less," said Monica Attard, a former foreign correspondent, media critic and host for the ABC, Australia's public broadcasting network. "And then we were all left scratching our heads as to what Rupert's missive that News Limited was to become a green company was actually all about," said Attard, now managing editor of the online Global Mail, based in Sydney. "Nobody quite understood. Perhaps they turned the lights off at night. We weren't really sure." As it happens, News Corp. executive James Murdoch — Rupert's younger son — held his own grand announcement in London last year. News Corp.
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214 SHARES Share Tweet When Harley-Davidson thirty years ago bought the MT500 stateside and purchased the rights to Armstrong, an English motorcycle manufacturer and officially enters the military market was born one of the rarest, fastest combat motorcycles ever built: the 1999 MT500. The design started in Italy when Italian outfit SWM produced an army bike using the Austrian-built Rotax single for power, before finding its way to Britain, where the Armstrong-CCM company known for making engines and designs for the British army military bikes, start producing them in in 1984. As a result of the firm orientation and army contract, the model saw military use in Britain, Jordan, and Canada until it was phased out in 2000. There are two reasons for bringing this brand under the corporate umbrella.First one wasa Six Flags roller-coaster ride and an extinction level meteor strike, in terms of entertainment. Yesterday's failure was unexpected to regular viewers, only in its grand-slam grandeur, not its existence. Kevin Towers traded to get Reed in December 2013, for third-base prospect Matt Davidson. and at the time, the SnakePit generally liked it: 52% rated it as great or good, compared to 29% giving it a poor or terrible rating. In some ways, that's not necessarily wrong: Davidson had a wretched 2014, hitting below the Uecker Line in AAA and, while he's doing better this season (a .763 OPS through 30 games), is still striking out in over 30% of his plate appearances. But my concerns were more to do with what I called in May 2014, the "mirage
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of the proven closer," which showed the volatility of relievers applies to closers every bit as much. With regard to our current closer, I wrote there, "When we dealt for him, Reed had a much less impressive ERA+ of 103... There wasn't much in Reed's performance to suggest he was an outstanding reliever or would be a great closer." Yet despite his mediocre career numbers, he got the position, it seems because he saved 40 the previous year for the White Sox. So, he must know what he is doing, right? Wrong. Reed picked up his first loss for the D-backs, before he notched his first save, losing his second appearance for Arizona, as he gave up two runs in the ninth inning against San Francisco. That set theseason [only four in the first 33 games]. We do find potential candidates slightly thinner on the ground than they were on Opening Day, with Evan Marshall recently having been optioned to Reno. However, these are the three most obvious names to come to mind. Brad Ziegler. He's the best reliever on the Diamondbacks. In fact, he's one of the best in the game, and has been since 2011; his ERA+ of 156 over that time is twelfth among relievers with 200+ innings of work. He has even stepped into the role for Arizona before, filling in admirably in 2013. He's particularly good at suppressing the long-ball: Ziegler has allowed fewer HR since the start of 2011 (11 in 281.1 IP) than Reed in Arizona (12 in 69.1 IP).
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By Guest Writers, National Catholic Register – As a college student, Johnson encounters Planned Parenthood at a career fair, and—given the organization’s efforts to “empower women”—decides to give volunteering there a try. When she encounters the sidewalk counselors praying at the fence around the parking lot, their actions and attitude rile her, making her more committed to Planned Parenthood. Catholic News Agency – Catholic News Agency – Darkness and danger have surrounded and hounded Frodo, the little hobbit ultimately given the mission to destroy the ring, ever since he set foot out of the Shire, the idyllic and safe home he left behind for this quest… “The day comes when (the Hobbits are) called out of their homes and into a great war between good and evil for thethe image of the one God and equally endowed with rational souls, all men have the same nature and the same origin. Redeemed by the sacrifice of Christ, all are called to participate in the same divine beatitude: all therefore enjoy an equal dignity. (CCC 1934) The Fraud of Higher Education, by Benjamin Myers By Benjamin Myers, First Things – Private colleges that want to survive and even thrive must rediscover the pursuit of Truth, Goodness, and Beauty. Few “consultants” understand this, but devotion to the summum bonum, to a deeper understanding of human thriving, is the path to healthy academic institutions. It is also good business. The classical education movement in K-12 education is rapidly growing across the country, with many students and parents looking for a more meaningful
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courageous souls… Many Catholics regard Bishop Athanasius Schneider as one of these souls. .. In his latest statement published on March 20, he has taken up questions that more and more people are asking throughout the world: can the Roman Pontiff hold heretical doctrines? If so, what does the doctrine of papal infallibility teach? How should the Catholic world — cardinals, bishops, clergy, and laity — respond to such a situation? Msgr. Charles Pope: Learning the Lessons of Lazarus and the Rich Man By Msgr. Charles Pope – The well-known story of Lazarus and the rich man was read at Mass this morning (Thursday of the Second Week of Lent). On one level the message of the story seems plain enough: neglecting the poor is a damnable sin. However, therelegal abortion,” Pew Research reported from its two-year study. “Compared with Western Europeans, fewer Central and Eastern Europeans would welcome Muslims or Jews into their families or neighborhoods, extend the right of marriage to gay or lesbian couples or broaden the definition of national identity to include people born outside their country.” Fr. Gerald E. Murray: Questions on Two Abuse Cases – and a Good Development By Fr. Gerald E. Murray, First Things – The Archdiocese of Baltimore recently announced the finding of credible accusations of sexual abuse of adults committed by two bishops: Michael Bransfield, former bishop of Wheeling-Charleston, WV; and Gordon D. Bennett, retired bishop of Mandeville, Jamaica (and earlier, auxiliary bishop of Baltimore). By Marc Morano, Daily Signal – Most climate change activists cite the greenhouse gas theory—that
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launched its Pyxis Anesthesia ES and Pyxis Anesthesia 4000 anesthesia dispensers, according to Zenopa. The devices securely store and dispense medication with a biometric access system for maximum security. They also provide customizable workflow options and electronic information capture. More Articles on Anesthesia: CareFusion Expands Pyxis® Perioperative Solutions Offering Company Unveils New Products and Services to Improve Supply Management and Streamline Workflow at the 47th Annual AHRMM Conference SAN DIEGO, July 20, 2009 – CareFusion Corporation, the company that will become publicly traded following the planned Bosch purion software update Quizizz bot spam extension 9999999 in 1 game download apk With the new smart new Pyxis ® ProcedureStation ™ with ORIS Integration. If your facility is like most, your OR staff spends lots of precious minutes hunting down supplies and implants for casesWiley for Royal Geographical Society & Institute of British Geographers Citation: Area, 2014, doi: 10.1111/area.12097 (Wiley early view) Abstract: This paper contributes to the debate about the creative (re)turn to geography through the lens of poetry. In considering the potentialities and limitations of geopoetics, I explore three issues in particular: evaluation of the poetic creative moment; poetry as a means of expressing an embodied, affective geopolitics; and the limitations involved in this particular creative move as a means of empathetic, passionate storytelling. The paper highlights the ambivalences and complexities of using poetry as a creative literary form of geographical world-writing. This is the accepted version of the following article: Madge, C. (2014), On the creative (re)turn to geography: poetry, politics and passion. Area. doi: 10.1111/area.12097, which has been published in final form at
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Though promising, accord with N. Korea remains wobbly THE ISSUE North Korea has agreed to close its main nuclear reactor in return for aid. AMID optimism about a nuclear disarmament deal with North Korea, great skepticism remains that the government of Kim Jong Il will abide by the agreement. Moreover, the sheer mass of issues and differing objectives of the six nations involved complicates fulfillment of the agreement. Nonetheless, the pact holds hope for an end to dangerous nuclear programs in the economically desperate and isolated Asian nation. The agreement calls for North Korea to shut down and seal its main nuclear reactor within 60 days in exchange for 50,000 tons of fuel oil, the first installment of 1 million tons of fuel oil or equivalent aid that will come from China, South Korea,Russia and the United States. Japan, the sixth party in the negotiations, will not provide aid, citing Cold War issues that have yet to be resolved with North Korea. The dissonance with Japan, however, is minor compared to other hurdles. Chief among them is the Pyongyang regime's disinclination to keep its promises. An indication of its unruliness was displayed in the state-run news agency's announcement of the agreement that said it required only "temporary suspension" of its operation of nuclear facilities when full disarmament is compulsory. In addition, though North Korea has accepted inspections of nuclear facilities, it has indicated it retains authority to turn down those activities. The agreement contains no timetable for elimination of North Korea's nuclear weapons and material stockpile, leaving that for future negotiations, an issue sure
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to draw criticism. However, it requires major concessions from the United States, to make good on an earlier promise to begin normalizing relations, a long-standing goal of North Korea, and to removing North Korea from its terrorism list. The United States also pledged to settle within 30 days a dispute concerning its accusations that a Macau bank was laundering illicit funds from North Korea. These issues likely will spark opposition among Bush administration allies who still view North Korea as a member of the "axis of evil," as the president described the country along with Iraq and Iran in 2002. In addition, the aid package will need the approval of Congress. There, Bush likely will face a tough fight with conservative Republicans doubtful that Kim will relinquish the prestigehe perceives was gained when North Korea successfully tested a nuclear bomb last year. Meanwhile, Democrats have been critical of a pact similar to one reached in 1994, before North Korea developed weapons capability. The agreement represents at least the beginning of a process to mute tensions in the region, particularly with China, North Korea's primary patron , which brokered the deal after becoming alarmed with Pyongyang's defiance of Beijing's opposition to nuclear tests. For the Bush administration, the pact provides a rare foreign policy success at a time when the Iraq war and strains in the Middle East have eroded its global standing.
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Living in the town where the first shot of the American Revolution took place seems appropriate to Jill Stein. Stein, 62, of Lexington, Mass., hit the political radar in her Green Party bid for president last week following a well-publicized night in jail for a sit-in at a bank. The Harvard-educated physician has not missed a beat in her campaign since the Philadelphia incident, still touring the country and picking up more state ballot slots. "I'm running because we are in a crisis," she said on the phone Friday from Seattle. "People are losing their jobs, decent wages, their homes by the millions, affordable health care and higher education." Stein is on the ballot in 32 states, including Pennsylvania and New Jersey, and expects to be on at least 45 by Nov.the unpopularity of Washington, the dissatisfaction with how government is working, there is an appetite for a third-party candidate," he said. The historic role of third parties in American elections is to bring an issue into the debate, according to G. Terry Madonna, director of the Center for Politics and Public Affairs at Franklin & Marshall College. For example, Madonna said, Ross Perot's 1992 independent campaign brought the issue of the deficit to the forefront. "If those issues catch on, one or both of the major parties co-op that issue," Madonna said. "... Once they do that, there is no reason for the third party to exist." Other candidates Stein joins nine other candidates for president in New Jersey and four others in Pennsylvania. Getting on the ballot in the Keystone State is notoriously
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the financial well-being of Purdy Corp. Thus, Purdy Corp. provided such payments to the Sikorsky agent during a period of approximately eight months, from mid-1990 until early 1991. The payments from Purdy Corp. to the Sikorsky agent totaled between $50,000 and $70,000. By the middle of 1991, these payments had ceased. Beginning in late 1993, the federal government learned of the widespread practice of suppliers bribing purchasing agents and began conducting an investigation into these matters ("the investigation"). Eventually, the investigation resulted in a series of prosecutions of the agents of suppliers (including Purdy) who had made the decision to bribe buyers, many of whom, like Purdy, were first-time offenders. In March 1995, after Purdy learned that he was being investigated in connection with the bribes but before he wasof action under 42 U.S.C. §§ 1981 and 1983, as well as under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C. § 2000e et seq. She alleged that, because she was black and female, Eaton had discriminated against her in many respects. She claimed that she had been denied equal treatment with respect to pay, promotions, and opportunities to obtain educational benefits. She also alleged that she had been harassed on the job and that she was discriminatorily discharged. Finally, she claimed that Eaton had systematically discriminated on the basis of race and sex. She sought declaratory and injunctive relief, an award of back pay for herself and all other members of the classes she sought to represent, attorney's fees, punitive
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her first. Like her first complaint, it asserted causes of action under 42 U.S.C. §§ 1981 and 1983 and Title VII. In addition, the second complaint, like the first, alleged that Mrs. Walton had been harassed, discharged, and denied equal treatment in pay, promotions, and educational opportunities because of her race and sex. However, Mrs. Walton's second complaint did differ from her first in three respects: it was not brought as a class action; it contained a general demand for a trial by jury; and this second complaint, unlike the first, alleged that Mrs. Walton had suffered "emotional and mental injury" as a result of the defendant's action. Consequently the second complaint apparently sought compensatory damages,3 while the first complaint sought only punitive damages. 8 Onthe job; and that Eaton discriminated against her with respect to pay, promotions, and opportunities to obtain educational benefits. Moreover, the addition in this case of the allegation that Mrs. Walton suffered "mental and emotional injury" is analogous to the amendment in Lanza which alleged for the first time that the defendants had acted willfully. Both "amendments" pleaded facts which had not been alleged in the previous complaints, but neither raised a "new issue," since they did not change the "basic issue" in the case or the "general area of dispute." 22 In sum, under the sound reasoning of Lanza and the other authorities treating with this point, it is obvious that no "new issue" was added by Mrs. Walton's second complaint7a and that therefore her first complaint
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blessings: Games where the protagonist gets a birthsign blessing TES III: Morrowind (Nerevarine) TES IV: Oblivion (Hero of Kvatch) Games where the protagonist does not get a birthsign blessing TES I: Arena (Eternal Champion) TES II: Daggerfall (The Agent) TES: Battlespire (The Apprentice) TES: Redguard (Cyrus the Redguard) TES: Stormhold (Master Tunnel Rat) TES: Dawnstar (Hero of Dawnstar) TES: Shadowkey (Soul of Conflict) TES V: Skyrim (Last Dragonborn) TES Online (The Soulless One) As you can see, receiving a birthsign blessing is something of a rarity, even among the movers and shakers of the Elder Scrolls universe. Before we examine those who got them, let's review what the constellations actually are. The Celestials In The Elder Scrolls Online, it is revealed that the constellations are actually powerful god-like beings named the Celestials. During the games, the constellations actually fall from the sky and takea mortal form, at which point the Celestial Serpent plots revenge against them. Eventually, they do all return to the sky. I imagine that, like the actual gods of Tamriel, they have the power to directly influence the world, but choose to do so to a limited number of people. So let's look at the two they did influence. The Nerevarine The Nerevarine (the hero of Morrowind) is the reincarnation of the Chimeri warlord Nerevar and is tied to astronomy in multiple ways. The prophecy "The Seven Visions" says the following of him/her: On a certain day to uncertain parents Incarnate moon and star reborn. Nerevar also went by the title "Nerevar Moon-and-Star" (which is what "Incarnate moon and star" refers to) and it's clear that the Nerevarine will be known to be born
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scarcity of donor hearts remains the major obstacle to the growth of transplantation. During the last decade, substantial improvements have been made in the areas of immunosuppression, treatment of rejection, and handling of sensitized recipients. Frequent causes of late mortality such as graft rejection, infection and TCAD, have been significantly diminished in the modern area of immune manipulation but remain major causes of death and barriers to long-term survival.bypass the ceremony altogether. Participants were then awarded the title of "Freemen of Highgate". The ceremony was a source of amusement for regular customers, who would do their best to convince newcomers to take part in the swearing in. The details of the swearing took various forms across the years and from pub to pub, but maintained the common themes of the horns and many of the individual statements. It seems clear that most participants understood it to be a tourist trap, but were happy to take part in it just the same. Oath While some versions are quite long—one source depicts a ceremony with six stanzas—the best-known points are: The exception clauses make clear that the oath is not an oath at all; one may do as one pleases.
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THE family of a victim of child grooming in Telford was told her abuser would not be prosecuted because she “consented” to sex – despite her being aged between 13 and 15 and the time. The Crown Prosecution Service wrote a letter to the father saying she had consented to sex even though “she may not have wanted sexual intercourse”. 4 Despite one child abuse victim in Telford being between the ages of 13 and 15 the CPS said they would not prosecute the alleged man Credit: Alamy Prosecutors feared a jury might say the alleged abuser had a “reasonable belief” the girl was 16 and had consented. The girl had been groomed by a gang in Telford, Shropshire and did “not have the capacity to consent, her local Conservative MP LucyAllan said. The letter, written in 2016, said: “The defence that was put forward in this case was that she willingly met the suspect and had consensual sexual intercourse with him. Also that at the time this took place, the suspect held a reasonable belief that she was over the age of 16. 4 Telford MP Lucy Allan said the new documents show the authorities are still failing young girls in the town Credit: Press Association Images In her statements to the police she was clear that although she may not have wanted sexual intercourse with the suspect, she agreed to do so.” The admission was revealed after a file was passed to the Home Office. Ms Allan claims those documents show the authorities are still failing young girls in the town and failing
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council staff viewed the trafficked children as 'prostitutes' instead of victims (stock image) Credit: Getty - Contributor The latest revelation comes after it was revealed officers investigating one of Britain's worst child abuse scandals were reportedly sent an internal message saying: "In most cases the sex is consensual". But their nightmare ordeal went on for decades as authorities repeatedly failed to stamp out a network of paedophiles in the town. The memo was reportedly sent by West Mercia Police to detective probing the claims in 2013 - a year after the investigation into grooming gangs ended. Social workers were said to have known about the offending as far back as in the 1990s, but it took police a decade to launch a probe. One of the victims was just 15-years-old when she wastargeted by abusers in 2004, becoming pregnant several times in four years. She had three abortions and one miscarriage. Vulnerable Lucy Lowe was 16 when abuser Azhar Ali Mehmood, 26, set fire to her house, killing her, her mum Eileen and sister Sarah, 17, in 2000. The taxi driver first targeted her in 1997. She was 14 when she gave birth to his daughter. He was jailed for killing the teen, along with her mum Eileen and her sister Sarah, 17 – but was never arrested or charged over sex abuse. Another victim, who was drugged and gang-raped, said Lucy's killing was a warning to others who might speak out. MOST READ IN NEWS SKIN DEEP Skin rash IS Covid symptom, experts warn - the 8 different types revealed Latest RALLYING CRY PM says
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'pull together' and warns 'your cough could be someone's death knell' Exclusive PIERS PRESSURE Couple wiped out village's internet for 18 MONTHS to watch Piers on £30 TV MASS EVACUATION Thousands forced to leave mega caravan park as Covid lockdown rules kick in Exclusive OWN GOAL Paul Scholes breaches lockdown again by hosting footie tournament in his garden COV-ER & OUT Lockdown-free Sweden 'on brink of BEATING Covid after achieving herd immunity' The schoolgirl, who remains anonymous, said she was driven to attempt suicide. In 2002 another schoolgirl – Becky Watson, 13 – was killed in an unexplained car accident in the Shropshire town. Despite the crash being recorded at the time as a “prank” gone wrong, it later emerged she had reportedly been abused by an Asian grooming gang sincePortia, but the body expresses concern that an immortal human will cause jealousy from others. Andrew returns to Rupert for one last operation: to change the artificial fluids driving his body into a blood equivalent. Rupert cautions him that the blood will not last forever, causing his body to age, and Andrew will die in several more decades, a fate Andrew accepts. Decades later, Andrew again approaches the World Congress to appeal their past decision, wanting to be able to die with dignity. Later, with Andrew's body deteriorating, he and Portia are both under life support monitored by Galatea, now with a human appearance. They hold hands and watch the World Congress as they recognize Andrew as a human being, the world's oldest at 200 years, and giving
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According to the website SwissHabs Sven Andrighetto, Daniel Carr, Mark Barberio, and Phillip Danault have all received qualifying offers from Montreal Canadiens General Manager Marc Bergevin. The case of Danault was already known, but this news confirms three more players who Bergevin intends to sign to new deals with the club as restricted free agents this summer. In the case of Andrighetto, Carr, and Danault, their entry level deals have expired. For Barberio he will be looking for his fifth professional contract, as he signed only single year deals since the expiration of his entry-level contract. Under the terms of the National Hockey League Collective Bargaining Agreement, there is a certain minimum that would need to be offered as part of the qualifying offer based on the previous season's salary: Andrighettoup with an idea for each member of the group to write a song about something they felt strongly about. His uncle owned a recording studio called Dark Horse in Franklin, Tennessee, and he offered the group a chance to record their songs free of charge after the spring semester was complete. The group jumped at the chance, and on May 14, 1973, they packed their gear into Tom Lewdowski's van and headed for Dark Horse Studios. Band name Apparently the group never actually named itself. The band became known as NOVEM when Dan Cook (the recording engineer) wrote 'NOVEM Songs' (NOVEM is Latin for nine) on the outside of the master music boxes. Deaths On May 19, 1973, after spending a week at Dark Horse Studios, NOVEM packed up and left
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The 2018 NBA trade deadline has officially passed, but deals are still trickling in across the league. Our team of reporters is keeping track of all the latest news. More: Trade Tracker: Every deal | Grades | 5-on-5 breakdown Feb. 8 updates 3:50 p.m. ET: The Boston Celtics have formally signed free-agent center Greg Monroe, the team announced. Monroe, who originally agreed to sign with Boston last week after securing a buyout agreement with the Phoenix Suns, had to wait while the Celtics navigated the trade deadline before being inked to Boston's final roster spot. 3:18 p.m. ET: The LA Clippers have no deal in place to move center DeAndre Jordan, a league source tells ESPN's Adrian Wojnarowski. 3:14 p.m. ET: The Washington Wizards are trading point guard Sheldon Mac to the Atlantaa heavily protected second-round pick, league sources tell ESPN's Adrian Wojnarowski. Wade spent his first 13 seasons with the Heat. 1:10 p.m. ET: The Cleveland Cavaliers are continuing to reshape their roster at the deadline. Cleveland has acquired Rodney Hood from the Utah Jazz and George Hill from the Sacramento Kings, league sources tell ESPN's Adrian Wojnarowski. As part of the three-team deal, Sacramento acquires Joe Johnson, Iman Shumpert and a 2020 second-round pick (via Miami), while Utah receives Jae Crowder and Derrick Rose. 12:42 p.m. ET: The Cleveland Cavaliers have traded guard Isaiah Thomas, forward Channing Frye and their 2018 first-round pick (protected) to the Los Angeles Lakers for guard Jordan Clarkson and forward Larry Nance Jr., league sources tell ESPN's Adrian Wojnarowski. 12:40 p.m. ET: The Miami Heat have
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and Cleveland Cavaliers continue to discuss the possibility of a trade centered around DeAndre Jordan, including conversations with potential third teams to help create a pathway to a deal, league sources told ESPN's Adrian Wojnarowski. 8:43 a.m. ET: The New York Knicks will continue to try to find a trade for exiled center Joakim Noah on Thursday. Assuming that doesn't happen, opposing executives expect OKC and Minnesota will be among the teams interested in Noah if he's waived or bought out by the Knicks, league sources told ESPN's Ian Begley. As of earlier this week, Noah remained opposed to a buyout, sources say. 1:50 a.m. ET: The Memphis Grizzlies are still holding out for a first-round pick to move Tyreke Evans -- and Boston, Denver and Philadelphia have resisted offersbeyond either a young player or a second-rounder, league sources told ESPN's Adrian Wojnarowski. First-rounders have never been gripped so tightly in the league. 1:43 a.m. ET: The Indiana Pacers have been aggressive in offering salary space to extract a first-round pick for absorbing a bad contract, league sources told ESPN's Adrian Wojnarowski. The Pacers would send Al Jefferson back in those deals. 1:38 a.m. ET: Teams reaching out to the Memphis Grizzlies on Marc Gasol have been consistently shut down, league sources told ESPN's Adrian Wojnarowski. The Grizzlies refuse to discuss trades on the franchise center. 1:32 a.m. ET: The Los Angeles Lakers have turned down several teams offering second-round picks for Julius Randle, league sources told ESPN's Adrian Wojnarowski. No one will offer a first-round pick with him headed
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into restricted free agency. Feb. 7 updates 2:02 p.m. ET: Lou Williams has agreed to a three-year deal to remain with the LA Clippers, league sources told ESPN's Adrian Wojnarowski. The deal, first reported by Yahoo! Sports, includes a team option for the third season. Williams was one of the most pursued players on the trade market heading into the deadline. 12:02 p.m. ET: The Charlotte Hornets are finalizing a deal to acquire New York Knicks center Willy Hernangomez for Johnny O'Bryant and two future second-round picks, league sources tell ESPN's Adrian Wojnarowski. Hernangomez was unhappy with his role in New York. 9:38 a.m. ET: After Tuesday's loss to the Orlando Magic, LeBron James said he will not waive his no-trade clause ahead of Thursday's 3 p.m. ET trade deadline. "I'm heremillion left on his contract. 12:23 p.m. ET: ESPN's Adrian Wojnarowski is reporting that there is "not right now a blockbuster deal on their board" for the Cleveland Cavaliers, but the team is not completely out of the running in a potential DeAndre Jordan trade with the LA Clippers. 10:42 a.m. ET: As the Los Angeles Lakers become more realistic about the franchise's chances of snaring superstars in the free-agent class of 2018, the front office is increasingly looking through a longer lens in its team-building process, league sources told ESPN's Ramona Shelburne and Adrian Wojnarowski. The Lakers aren't abandoning a summer pursuit of stars, but they are recalibrating their focus on a 2019 class that could include San Antonio's Kawhi Leonard, Golden State's Klay Thompson and Minnesota's Jimmy Butler,
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league sources said. Feb. 5 updates 6:36p.m. ET: The Brooklyn Nets have agreed to trade center Tyler Zeller to the Milwaukee Bucks for guard Rashad Vaughn and a protected 2018 second-round pick, league sources tell ESPN's Adrian Wojnarowski. Zeller gives the Bucks a solid backup center for the playoff push. The deal gives the Nets a chance to further replenish their future pool of draft picks. Feb. 1 updates 1:21 p.m. ET: The New Orleans Pelicans have agreed to trade center Omer Asik, guards Tony Allen and Jameer Nelson and a protected 2018 first-round pick to the Chicago Bulls for forward Nikola Mirotic, a second-round pick and the rights to trade second-round picks in the 2021 draft, league sources tell ESPN's Adrian Wojnarowski. The Bulls are expected to waive Allen and Nelson,deadline, league sources told ESPN's Adrian Wojnarowski. The Knicks and Noah's representation discussed his status Wednesday and agreed that Noah would stay away from the team until the front office can exhaust any trade possibilities between now and the deadline, league sources said. 10:42 a.m. ET: Greg Monroe has agreed to a contract buyout with the Phoenix Suns, clearing the way for him to become an unrestricted free agent, league sources told ESPN's Adrian Wojnarowski. The Boston Celtics and the New Orleans Pelicans have strong interest in Monroe and are expected to be at or near the top of his list, according to league sources. Jan. 31 updates 6:44 p.m. ET: As trade talks intensify, the Memphis Grizzlies plan on sitting shooting guard Tyreke Evans until a deal is completed, league
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Anyone who has a finger on the pulse of American evangelicalism has to be wondering if the patient will survive. During the current presidential election cycle, American evangelicalism has suffered what may prove to be a potentially lethal setback at the hands of a few evangelical leaders. Prominent evangelical figures that include such notables as Jerry Falwell Jr., Franklin Graham, Richard Land, James Dobson, and Eric Metaxas have drawn national attention by publically endorsing Donald Trump, a man whose actions, values, lifestyle, and rhetoric run counter to the life and teachings of Jesus. How can American evangelicalism survive when, like an immune system gone awry, it begins to turn on itself? Yet, despite Trump’s racist, Islamophobic, misogynist, and xenophobic rhetoric, they have rushed to the Republican nominee’s side, pledged theirImage copyright AFP Image caption Sheikh Mujibur Rahman is commemorated on banners in Dhaka A former army officer convicted of killing Bangladesh's independence leader in 1975 has been executed. Abdul Majed was hanged in the capital Dhaka after his appeal for presidential clemency was rejected this week. He was arrested on Tuesday after spending 25 years on the run for the assassination of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. Rahman - the father of the current prime minister, Sheikh Hasina - was killed during a military coup in 1975, along with most of his family. His death came just four years after Bangladesh gained independence from Pakistan. Majed continued to live in the country after the coup but it is believed he fled to India in 1996 when Mrs Hasina was elected prime minister. Her government overturned a
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law protecting her father's killers from prosecution, and in 1998 Majed and a dozen other army officers were sentenced to death. Bangladesh's supreme court upheld the verdict in 2009 and five of the killers were executed soon afterwards. Majed was arrested after returning to the country last month.SINGAPORE: Singapore on Friday (Jun 14) condemned the attacks on Saudi Arabia's Abha airport and on two oil tankers in the Gulf of Oman, saying it is "deeply concerned" about rising tensions in the Middle East. On Wednesday, a missile strike by Yemen's Houthi forces on Saudi's Abha airport left 26 people wounded, including women and children. A day later on Thursday, two oil tankers - one Norwegian and one Japanese-owned - were set ablaze in the Gulf of Oman in a suspected attack, escalating tensions across the region and sending global oil prices soaring. "Singapore condemns the attack on the Abha International Airport in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on 12 June 2019, which has been claimed by Houthi militia in Yemen," MFA said in its statement. “The attack resulted in
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a number of civilian casualties and endangered civil aviation.” Singapore also condemned the attack on the two oil tankers in the Gulf. One of the ships, the Japanese-owned Kokuka Courageous, had been en route to Singapore with a cargo of methanol, according to Iranian state news agency IRNA. READ: Strait of Hormuz - The world's most important oil artery “We also condemn the attack on commercial vessels in the Gulf of Oman on 13 June 2019,” said MFA. “It is imperative that sea lines of communication remain open, secure and free for navigation, in accordance with international law," added MFA. The attack on the oil tankers comes a month after a similar incident in the vital sea lane. The United States has blamed Iran for the attacks, charges which Tehran has denied. READ:US releases video it says shows Iran's military recovering mine READ: Iran says it is in charge of security of Strait of Hormuz: State radio The current conflict in Yemen dates back to 2015 when a Saudi-led alliance intervened to try to restore the internationally recognised government that was ousted from power in the capital, Sanaa, by the Houthis in late 2014. The conflict is widely seen in the region as a proxy war between Saudi Arabia and its rival Iran, although the Houthis deny being puppets of Iran and say their revolution is against corruption. Meanwhile, tensions between Iran and the United States have risen since May last year, when US President Donald Trump pulled out of a 2015 nuclear deal between Iran and major powers that aimed to curb Tehran’s
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Dr Simon Jordan is hired to do a psychiatric evaluation of celebrated murderess Grace Marks, whose supporters hope that his report will set her free. Grace has been imprisoned for murder for the past 15 years her co-conspirator McDermott was hanged. She tells Dr. Jordan about immigrating from Ireland to Canada and finding employment as a maid. Throughout their conversations,Alias Grace Season 2 DVD she has flashbacks involving the murders and her subsequent trial and conviction.Grace tells Dr. Jordan about her friendship with Mary Whitney, another maid. Mary is outgoing and an advocate for equality regardless of class status she attempts to impart these ideas to Grace. Mary and Grace buy trinkets from a peddler named Jeremiah.Alias Grace Season 2 Mary becomes pregnant but refuses to tell GraceThe Great Divide: America's growing income inequality Caption: NYSUT Executive Vice President Andy Pallotta, second from left, UFT President Michael Mulgrew, center, Yonkers FT President Pat Puleo, second from right, and other unionists join Occupy Wall Street demonstrators in calling for jobs and tax fairness. Miller Photography. The television news coverage of protesters occupying Wall Street was not enough for Scarsdale teacher Deborah Krisanda. Fed up with the lack of regard for the plight of America's working families, she needed to see, firsthand, the events unfolding in New York City's Zuccotti Park. "Sadly, our political and economic systems are broken and in need of major reform," said the kindergarten teacher and NYSUT member. "I am happy to support [the protesters] because they are calling on the political and financial people to
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be honest and own up to their greedy manipulation of our supposedly free-market system. "I am very offended by [Wall Street's] attitude and behaviors toward the working people," she added, "but I guess they figure they do not need us as they just look and find new markets worldwide." With Washington in a state of perpetual gridlock, an economy that is persistently anemic and the nation's ever-widening income gap, many wonder if the American Dream is still within reach. Since the 2008 Wall Street crash, millions of Americans have been plunged into joblessness and an increasing number of families across the country have found themselves on the streets in the wake of the nation's housing collapse. And the number of bankruptcies nationwide has soared. Yet, for a select few, the Great Recessionhas been anything but. The number of millionaires in the United States rose in 2009 by 16 percent. The average compensation for CEOs at S&P Index 500 companies last year averaged $11.4 million. But while CEO paychecks grew, the number of Americans on food stamps in 2010 topped 40 million for the first time in the nation's history. And according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, that number is expected to grow to 43 million this year. New York state has the greatest income inequality among all 50 states, according to 2009 American Communities Survey data. "America's working families have suffered as the economy collapses around us," said NYSUT President Dick Iannuzzi. "Unemployment in many places is above 9 percent. Foreclosures are at record highs, and those fortunate enough to have jobs
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University of California-Berkeley and former Clinton Administration labor secretary, in an exclusive interview with NYSUT United (see page 8). Major manufacturers are taking notice. Procter & Gamble, for example, the maker of everything from toilet paper to detergent, is pulling away from manufacturing products aimed at the middle-class consumer and is instead putting more emphasis on producing luxury and bargain-priced goods, according to a recent report in The Wall Street Journal. So just how rich is America's wealthy? In a piece titled "Can the Middle Class Be Saved?," Don Peck of The Atlantic noted that in 2009 the richest 1 percent of American households possessed as much wealth as the bottom 90 percent. If the middle class can, indeed, be saved, then its rescue could not come soon enough. Some 1.53 million Americansin 2010 filed bankruptcy — a 9 percent increase over the previous year, according to the National Bankruptcy Research Center. The middle class, saddled with a growing crush of debt and paralyzed by flat wages in a stagnant economy, accounted for a significant share of those filings. Especially troubling is the toll the country's economic crisis has taken on children and people of color. The Foundation for Child Development reports that last year, 21 percent of all children in the U.S. were living below the poverty line — the highest percentage in 20 years. In New York, the number is 20 percent. The double whammy of the Great Recession and the housing-market collapse also has created cavernous divides in wealth along racial and ethnic lines. A Pew Research analysis found the
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of Teachers chapter leader who joined protesters in New York City. "The issue is money. Our school system, when you take out poverty, is one of the best in the world. The whole system fails because they don't address poverty." The occupation of Wall Street, which began on Sept. 17 with a small group of protesters, has triggered similar demonstrations in cities across the country with growing support from labor unions. "If these same folks can be so assertive and demand reform in education," said Scarsdale's Krisanda, pointing to Wall Street, "then we can ask the same of them." William Tabb — a Professional Staff Congress member who teaches sociology, economics and political science at the CUNY Graduate Center — said a rebirth of strong unions is key to America's economicrecovery and greater social equality. "We know that bailing out banks, and not people, is morally wrong. Union members must lead the fight to put America on track," he said. President Obama, in his address to Congress in early September during which he unveiled his American Jobs Act, challenged lawmakers to reform the tax code so "everyone gets a fair shake, and everybody pays their fair share." In doing so, he pointed to billionaire Warren Buffett, who wrote in The New York Times: "My friends and I have been coddled long enough by a billionaire-friendly Congress. It's time for our government to get serious about shared sacrifice." NYSUT, with support from a variety of civic and good government groups across New York state, has consistently called for tax reforms that would
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android. Today, it’s the most awarded mobile agency globally and was listed by Entrepreneur Magazine as one of the Top 100 Brightest Ideas of 2010 and Brandweek’s 10 Biggest Ideas of 2008. Meredith Corporation (NYSE:MDP) acquired the company in 2009. I went on to co-found mobile media network, Snakk, which listed on the NZX in 2013, becoming one of the first publicly listed B-Corporations in the world for its commitment to social and environmental goals. Setting a precedent for the types of models Aera aspires to continue creating, in December 2011 I donated a year of my life (became two..) to help Sir Richard Branson, Founder of the Virgin Group, and many other amazing inspiring global leaders to help create what is now The B Team. The B Teamis a non-profit leadership group formed to catalyse better ways of doing business for the wellbeing of people and the planet. This means going beyond the assumption that business exists solely to make profits. It means challenging business to accelerate its role in driving human rights, climate justice, equality, diversity, transparency and much more, in the face of the incumbent wisdom that businesses exist just to maximise shareholder wealth. Kind people have named me one of the top ten social entrepreneurs to follow on Twitter; to the ‘Silicon Alley 100’ of the most influential technology people in New York; the Real Leaders magazine 100 Most Visionary Leaders. In my home country of New Zealand I have been nominated as a KEA World Class New Zealander; Sir Peter Blake Trust
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Leader; New Zealand Herald Business Leader of the Year; Ernst & Young ‘Young Entrepreneur’ of the Year and in 2015 honoured with one of six Distinguished Alumni Awards of Victoria University of Wellington. I am an Adjunct Executive Professor for AUT University in Auckland and rustled up my first book, ‘Heart to Start’, about my own wandering entrepreneurial journey, and how I landed on personal purpose and the premise that while business and entrepreneurship are the most powerful and inspiring forces of progress, in this century they have a far greater responsibility than purely financial profit. In other things I love and do, I am a Board member of Sky Television, New Zealand’s largest media company; on the Sustainability Advisory Board of Air New Zealand, a Trustee of the Newto walk out of the organisation when IR35 comes into effect next month, our source said. These aren't the only examples. In February, a team of 30 personal service company (PSC) contractors decided to abandon an over-running NHS IT project at the Guy's & St Thomas (GSTT) NHS trust because they would be declared ‘inside IR35' from April. ContractorUK stated that the 30-strong team would leave to pursue other projects. Vince Warrington, director of Protective Intelligence, believes that this could lead to a cyber security crisis within the government, particularly as many senior cyber security executives, such as chief information security officers (CISOs), are brought into the public sector on a contractual basis, while the public sector body in question tries to hire someone on a full-time basis. He states that
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is typically disposed between porous diffusion media which facilitates a delivery of reactants, such as hydrogen to the anode and oxygen to the cathode. The porous diffusion media are sometimes referred to as gas diffusion media or gas diffusion layers. In the electrochemical fuel cell reaction, the hydrogen is catalytically oxidized in the anode to generate free protons and electrons. The protons pass through the electrolyte to the cathode. The electrons from the anode cannot pass through the electrolyte membrane, and are instead directed as an electric current to the cathode through an electrical load, such as an electric motor. The protons react with the oxygen and the electrons in the cathode to generate water. It is also known to use other reactants in the PEM fuel cell suchPresident Trump tweeted early Wednesday that China was behind a hack of former presidential opponent Hillary Clinton's emails, in an apparent reference to an article published by the conservative Daily Caller website. President Trump saw a story from the Daily Caller on Fox News that said China hacked Hillary's non-secure computer and, instead of actually investigating the media, went into attack mode on Trump by saying he had no evidence of the actual hack to protect Hillary, the Justice Department, and the intelligence agencies because, if true, they didn't do their job. From USA Today: "Hillary Clinton's Emails, many of which are Classified Information, got hacked by China," the president tweeted. "Next move better be by the FBI & DOJ or, after all of their other missteps (Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page,
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Ohr, FISA, Dirty Dossier etc.), their credibility will be forever gone!" U.S. intelligence agencies have pointed to Russia as the nation who orchestrated the hacking of emails of top officials at the Democratic National Committee during the 2016 election. The FBI rebuked Trump's comments in a statement Wednesday afternoon to NBC News, saying the bureau "has not found any evidence the servers were compromised." There's also this headline from Reuters: "Trump, without evidence, blames China for hacking Clinton emails." Now, let's look at how the media handled the report that Russia hacked the DNC computers. They didn't seem curious at all that the only source that says Russia hacked the computers was a private company hired by the DNC. I didn't see any stories headlined " DNC, without allowing governmentaccess to computers, claims, without any evidence other than firm hired by them, that Russia hacked computers." There seemed to be little curiosity by journalists as they protected Hillary and targeted Trump. Why would the media just take the word of CrowdStrike and the DNC without any independent investigations and then spew forth that the report was factual? In June 2016, The Washington Post reported that the Democratic National Committee's computer network had been hacked, allowing access to email and chat transcripts, as well as files detailing research on GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump. This was reported about a month before the hacked files were released, shortly before the Democratic convention began. As The Post reported at the time, the likely culprits had already been identified as Russian – not by
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know, the FBI still has not examined the DNC server that Russia allegedly hacked. There has been no corroboration or second opinion on who may have hacked the server. The only source for this claim is CrowdStrike, who began monitoring the DNC system on May 5th, 2016, according to DailyMail.com. The DNC also reportedly paid $168,000 to CrowdStrike. 3. Comey Contradicted The DNC's Story On The FBI Asking To See The Server The DNC claimed in January that the reason the FBI never examined their hacked server was simple – the FBI never requested to do so. Yet, DNC deputy communications director Eric Walker gave told BuzzFeed News in an email, "The DNC had several meetings with representatives of the FBI's Cyber Division and its Washington (DC) Fieldand if Clapper, Brennan, and others believed it to be true? Was he scared of what they would find? The Obama White House's chief cyber official testified Wednesday that proposals he was developing to counter Russia's attack on the U.S. presidential election were put on a "back burner" after he was ordered to "stand down" his efforts in the summer of 2016. In summary: Hillary had an unprotected computer that was vulnerable to be hacked, and the media aren't interested at all. The DNC would not allow the government to see their computers, and the media didn't care but have been willing to repeat the story that Russians hacked it without any curiosity.
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– hardworking, professional, consistent and he was a pillar in the community. He is a great example for all current and future Browns.” Hey CLE, looking forward to spending the weekend with y’all. — Phil Dawson (@phil_dawson_4) August 1, 2019 Dawson began kicking for the Browns when the team returned to Cleveland in 1999. He was with the team through 2012 and holds team records for most career field goals (305), highest career field goal percentage (84.0), most field goals in a season (30 in 2008), highest field goal percentage in a season (93.5 in 2012), field goals in a game (six on Nov. 5, 2006), most consecutive field goals made (29) and most consecutive games with a field goal (23). His 1,271 points are the third-most by a Brownsplayer. Dawson signed with the 49ers following the 2012 season. He kicked there for four seasons before spending the final two years of his career in Arizona. Dawson became one of the most beloved members of the post-move Browns. His most memorable moments might have come in the 2007 season, when the Browns went 10-6 but missed the postseason. His 51-yard kick in Baltimore that bounced off the stanchion of the goal post forced overtime and he later won the game in overtime with a 33-yard kick. During a snowy game against Buffalo, Dawson connected on two difficult kicks in a game the Browns won, 8-0. Dawson appeared in 305 regular season games during his career and is seventh in the NFL with 305 career games, eighth with 441 field goals made
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Detroit Heroin Dealer and Murderer Sentenced to Life Plus Thirty-One Years Posted: 09/21/2018 Prosecutors in DA Charme Allen’s office obtained a sentence of life plus thirty-one years against a Detroit heroin dealer who shot a man in Bearden. At trial last month, Jaleen Genard Allen, 24, was convicted of First Degree Murder, Especially Aggravated Kidnapping, and Employing a Firearm During the Commission of a Dangerous Felony. At a sentencing hearing today, Judge Scott Green stacked thirty-one years in prison on top of the mandatory life sentence imposed for First Degree Murder. During a four-day trial, Assistant District Attorney Hector Sanchez and Deputy District Attorney Leland Price presented proof that on August 29, 2017, Allen was at a home on Agnes Road in Bearden to sell heroin. Once inside, he encountered victimMichael Johnson, whom he believed had stolen a car from one of his friends from Detroit. Allen proceeded to kidnap Johnson by duct-taping his hands and wrists in the basement of the home. After a few minutes, Allen led Johnson upstairs to the driveway, where he executed him by shooting him thirteen times with a .40 caliber handgun. Allen then dragged Johnson’s body down the driveway and down an embankment towards Agnes Road. Allen fled Knoxville following the murder but was taken into custody by United States Marshals in Detroit weeks later. At the time of his arrest, Allen had a .40 caliber handgun in his possession. Forensic firearm analysts with the Knoxville Police Department were able to determine that thirteen shell casings found in the driveway at Agnes
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select specific formulations based on individual characteristics, we can save time and money in the development of new, more effective vaccines," says Levy, a physician-scientist in the Division of Infectious Diseases at Boston Children's. "We believe this system could disrupt and galvanize the entire field of vaccinology and ultimately save lives." New approach to an old problem Immunization is one of modern medicine's greatest success stories. Yet we still lack vaccines for common diseases, such as HIV and respiratory syncytial virus—the number one cause of infant hospitalization in the United States—while other vaccines, such as those against tuberculosis or pertussis, are only moderately effective. Moreover, the average vaccine can take a decade or more to develop, at a cost of hundreds of millions of dollars. The biggest stumbling block occursKevin Dietz, a hard-hitting reporter who has covered some of metro Detroit's biggest stories over a 26-year career at WDIV-TV (Channel 4), said he has been fired following a comment he made about a black reporter at the recent Investigative Reporters & Editors conference in Houston. Dietz, in a Facebook post just before 11 p.m. Monday, said the incident happened while he and other WDIV staffers were taking a photo. He said the black reporter who was present said he was not offended and came to his defense, but the station has a zero-tolerance policy about racially insensitive remarks. In a statement issued Monday night, the station described Dietz's departure as a resignation. “Kevin Dietz has resigned from WDIV effective immediately," the station said. "We’ve had a long relationship with Kevin and
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his career, and the long list of stories I have done on television fighting against racism in Michigan." Dietz apologized. "I regret the fact that it happened, and apologize to anyone I might have offended," he wrote. "I love Detroit and everyone who calls it 'home.' Every situation creates opportunity for personal growth, and that is how I view this event in my life." Dietz has been at the station since June 1993. He joined the Local 4 Defenders Investigative Unit in 1996, according to his profile on the station's website. With a style that could be in-your-face, Dietz has reported extensively on high-profile topics such as the Oakland County Child Killer, the saga of "White Boy" Rick Wershe Jr., and the Flint water crisis. "During his career, Kevin has covered the PersianGulf War from Saudi Arabia, flew a fighter jet with the famous Blue Angels, visited the devastating hurricanes that pummeled the Florida coast and reported live at the scene of a Michigan man put to death in the electric chair after being found guilty of murder in Georgia," reads his profile. More:Arrest made, car impounded in Lodge reckless driving case More:Chicago-style pizza restaurant Giordano's shutters downtown Detroit location "But his proudest moment came when he helped clear a 13-year-old girl of murder charges by showing how the 5-year-old neighbor whom she was accused of killing suffered from seizures and actually drowned in the bathtub." Dietz has won 15 Michigan Emmys, including two this year for investigations of police brutality in Inkster and a jail death in Macomb County, according to his profile.
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He won regional Edward R. Murrow awards for the jail death series and for his coverage of disgraced former Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick. Dietz said in his profile that he loved meeting the people behind the news. "My favorite part of this job is meeting local Detroiters with incredible stories or inspirational lives. I meet people from all walks of life who teach me what's important in life and how to become a better person," he said. In 2013, Dietz made headlines himself. He was jailed under Michigan's "super drunk" law after being cited that February in Bloomfield Township for driving with a blood-alcohol level of 0.17% or higher, according to Michigan Secretary of State records. At the time, Dietz apologized to his family, WDIV and viewers in a statement that wasposted on the station's website. Dietz, a lifelong Michigander, was born in Detroit and grew up in Bloomfield Hills. He attended Birmingham Brother Rice High School and graduated from Western Michigan University. Dietz closed his Monday night Facebook post by saying he is looking toward the future. "Soon enough I will start the first day of the rest of my professional career," he wrote. "I am surprisingly optimistic and excited about this new challenge and opportunity. I am proud of my long standing efforts to support and showcase diversity in our community. "I am even more proud of my 30-year record of broadcast reporting that has helped thousands of people without the voice, power or platform to help themselves." Contact Ann Zaniewski: 313-222-6594 or [email protected]. Follow her on Twitter: @AnnZaniewski.
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In yesterday's edition of our 36 Day Countdown to the 36th annual Rocky Mountain ATV/MC AMA Amateur National at Loretta Lynn's Ranch, Davey Coombs mentioned a unique and practically unbelievable fact about the event: a week after Travis Pastrana launched dirt bikes and freestyle into the mainstream at the X Games, he was back in the trenches as a racer, an amateur racer, at Loretta's. Of course he won at Loretta's, just like he did at X Games. This was all normal at the time because that's what Pastrana did. But in the nearly 20 years since (wow!) the world of freestyle and the world of racing have spread far apart. Travis has moved on to totally different things, and just last weekend his Nitro World Games drew abig audience on NBC. These days, he's far from the AMA National circuit, or X Games. He's invented something completely his own! It now seems crazy to think that Pastrana was a weekly member of the AMA Supercross and Motocross pits. Travis was supposed to be in the battle with Ricky Carmichael and James Stewart. Can you imagine? It was real for a little while. For this week's The List, we run down some of the big moments for Travis Pastrana, the racer. The Start Travis first appears on the scene at Loretta’s in 1990, racing the 51cc stock class, and finishing a lowly 20th via 12-DNF-11 scores. Yeah, not an indicator of what was to come. You know what’s interesting, though? His dad Robert made the race that year, too, qualifying
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Q: How do I rename a category in Steam? In Steam you can organise the games in your library by creating categories and adding the games to them: However, there appears to be no option to rename these. How can I do this? A: One way you can do this is to move all the games to a newly created category and delete the old one (A category is deleted when no games are inside of it). You can do this by: Select all the games in the category: Control click on all the ones you want Shift click the top and the bottom one Right click on the selected games From the list select "Set Categories..." In the new window create the new category Add the games to the new category and remove them from the old one Another wayExternal Links (Note: CBC does not endorse and is not responsible for the content of external links.) Northern California's wildfires have now killed 31 people, making this the deadliest week of wildfires in the state since records have been kept. Recovery teams, some with cadaver dogs, will start searching for bodies in some areas devastated by wildfires raging in California wine country, while significant progress has been made in battling the blazes in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada, officials said on Thursday. Sonoma County Sheriff Robert Giordano said officials are investigating hundreds of reports of missing people and that recovery teams will start doing targeted searches for bodies. He warns that identification may be difficult and take some time. He said officials have found some bodies almost completely intact, while other remains
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said. "We can't even get into most areas." 'It'll go up like a candle' Smoke from the wildfires has also affected flights at multiple airports in the region. More than 80 flights were cancelled by late Thursday morning at San Francisco International Airport, said airport spokesman Doug Yakel. Other flights taking off had been delayed an average 30 to 45 minutes, he said. The Federal Aviation Administration said some arriving flights were delayed more than three hours. Napa County Sheriff deputies escort people across a barricade to be driven by police officers to pick up important medications or feed animals at their homes effected by the so-called Atlas Fire in Napa, Calif. on Thursday. (David McNew/Getty Images) Several flights were also cancelled at Charles M. Schulz–Sonoma County Airport in Santa Rosa, a particular hotspot. Entirecities had been evacuated in anticipation of the next wave of fires, their streets empty, the only motion coming from ashes falling like snowflakes. They included Calistoga, the historic resort town of wine tastings and hot springs, whose 5,300 people are all under evacuation orders. Tens of thousands more were also driven from their homes by the flames. A few left behind cookies for firefighters and signs that read, "Please save our home!" 'They won't tell us nothing' Residents in the community of Boyes Hot Springs in Sonoma County were told to clear out Wednesday, and the streets were quickly lined with cars packed with fleeing people. "That's very bad," resident Nick Hinman said when a deputy sheriff warned him that the driving winds could shift the wildfires toward the town of
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Sonoma proper, where 11,000 people live. "It'll go up like a candle." About 8,000 firefighters and other personnel were battling the blazes and more resources were pouring in from Arizona, Nevada, Washington and Oregon. The California wildfires have spread in the last 24 hours, to 22 separate conflagarations. (Google) With fires advancing from several sides in Sonoma Valley, law enforcement officers on loan from other areas of Northern California barred residents of evacuated communities from returning to see how the homes and businesses had fared. They cited the need for emergency personnel to access the areas, and dangerous conditions that included downed power lines and hydro poles that were still smouldering. Manned roadblocks were set up between Sonoma and devastated areas of Santa Rosa. Alejandro Rodriguez had been evacuated from one tiny SonomaValley town, only to have deputies come to the neighbourhood to where he had relocated and tell residents there to pack up and go. "I want to see my house, see if anything's left," Rodriguez said, gesturing at officers at one roadblock. "They won't tell us nothing." Melted metal from burnt cars is formed on the ground after wildfires ripped through the Coffey Park neighborhood of Santa Rosa on Wednesday. (Robyn Beck/AFP/Getty Images) In Southern California, cooler weather and moist ocean air helped firefighters gain ground against a wildfire that has scorched nearly 36 square kilometres. Orange County fire officials said the blaze was 60 per cent contained. To encourage thoughtful and respectful conversations, first and last names will appear with each submission to CBC/Radio-Canada's online communities (except in children and youth-oriented communities).
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Policy Memos Policy Memo: Publication Date: Author(s): Description: In April 2010, the second president of Kyrgyzstan, Kurmanbek Bakiyev, was ousted from power after bloody clashes between authorities and protesters. He finally settled in Belarus, following the trajectory of his predecessor Askar Akayev, who ended up in Moscow after the Tulip Revolution of 2005. Opposition leaders, most of whom served under both Akayev and Bakiyev, established an “interim government” and promised to develop a system that would prevent rule by one person or family. The successful ouster of a corrupt authoritarian leader—the second time in five years—once again revitalized hopes that Kyrgyzstan has indeed put an end to authoritarianism and corruption. Doubts persist, however, about whether the Kyrgyz elite, and society in general, will be able to develop a viable alternative political system governedfrom nearly 1,200 submitted to the magazine for an essay contest conducted in partnership with Nicholas Kristof of The New York Times. (Visit teenink.com to read some of the devastating personal accounts of bullying that were submitted, as well as teenagers’ insights on how to address the problem.) Beyond the Screen Lee Hirsch, who was born and raised on Long Island and currently lives in Manhattan, has taken his film Bully beyond the closing credits with a companion book due out this October to coincide with National Bullying Prevention Month. Bully: An Action Plan for Teachers, Parents, and Communities to Combat the Bullying Crisis by Hirsch and Cynthia Lowen (Weinstein Books) provides concrete, actionable advice and a plethora of resources. It is a must-read for every parent and educator. A panel
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to the suburbs of New York City. Follow her on Twitter @DawnRoode. See More About Us NYMetroParents is the parenting division of Davler Media Group and encompasses 9 regional print magazines within the greater NY metro region as well as the website (nymetroparents.com). Following the success of the first NYC parenting resource book, "Big Apple Baby," BIG APPLE PARENT was launched in 1985; it is now the largest publisher of regional parenting content in the United States. Share your story in the Caring Kids Awards program and be recognized for the giving back that you do. This program celebrates the many good deeds that families do together to teach their children the importance of helping others. 8 families will be recognized win given $500 as a special thank you. Caring Kidsdrawn on psychological insights to make its games more addictive — often with tragic consequences. Instead, for many of the people Schüll interviewed, these slot machines have become a "gradual drip feed." They play because they enjoy being in the zone and losing themselves in the machine. Some players she talked to confessed that they actually get annoyed when they won a jackpot — because it disrupted the flow of playing. That subtle advance, Schüll says, has helped revolutionize the gambling industry. Fewer and fewer people are now going to casinos to experience the thrilling chance at a big jackpot. "The laboratory research on this shows that people experience this in their brains in an identical way as a win," Schüll says. (And the economics research shows that these multi-line machines
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won some money — or you got nothing. That sort of game was only mildly profitable, and had limited appeal to players. The most recent recession saw another big bump. Maryland approved its first casino in 2008. Illinois began approving slot machines in bars in 2011. This past February, Massachusetts just approved its first slot parlor — at a racetrack outside of Boston. All told, there are now 39 states that legalize some form of electronic gambling in casinos, racetracks, or even bars and restaurants. How did slots become so widespread? During the recession in the early 1990s, state legislatures started looking to increase revenue without raising taxes — and many of them settled on bills to allow machine gaming. "It was much easier to push through legislation [expanding theaddictive aspects of these machines is still fairly nascent. "I see my work as trying to open the door to discussion of this technology," she says, "and to figure out whether some sort of accountability and regulation of it might be appropriate." (By the way, for the opposing view, here's the American Gaming Association's view of the regulatory state of play — they argue that there are already plenty of rules and standards to prevent deception in these machines.) Schüll does point to Massachusetts, however, as an example of "forward-looking" regulation, with policies that give frequent gamblers incentives to join "pre-commitment" programs — where they can limit in advance how much money they want to spend, before they start playing. In the United States, meanwhile, Schüll argues that regulations remain lenient.
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to be fueling a massive increase in addiction. (Those examples aren't random: Schüll finds that the stereotypical gambler in Las Vegas is no longer an older man betting on cards or the horsetrack but a 35-year-old mother of two hooked on slots.) There's the woman who shows up at 3 am to play slots with her four kids in tow. There's a newcomer who sits down at a slot machine in a supermarket on Tuesday and doesn't leave until Thursday — maxing out three credit cards all the while. It's hard to talk about gambling without talking about addiction, and Schüll devotes a large section of her book on the topic. Alternatively, Schüll discovered, video machines in the future may actually make internal adjustments if they notice that a player is ona losing streak and is reaching their "pain point." This has to be done carefully — it's illegal for casinos to change the odds in a game once a player has started playing. But, she says, some game manufacturers have exploring ways to reduce the volatility of a game in a way that still preserves the overall payback percentage. That's technically still legal. There are also more subtle ways to keep people at machines. If casino officials notice that a player is on a bad streak, they can come over and offer the person free breakfast (This strategy can backfire, however, since it often irritates slot players trying to lose themselves in the flow of the game.) Advances in payment systems have also been crucial — players no longer have
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example, in writing your paper to disk, please do not use your word processor’s footnote or endnote function; all notes must be added manually at the end of the paper. This rule is extremely important, for it makes formatting the papers for publication much easier. Contributions should be posted to: Tziporah Kasachkoff, PhD Program in Philosophy, The City University Graduate School and University Center, 365 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10016, [email protected] or Eugene Kelly, Department of Social Science, New York Institute of Technology, Old Westbury, NY 11568, [email protected] All articles submitted to the newsletter are anonymously reviewed by the members of the editorial committee, as follows: Tziporah Kasachkoff, Emerita, The Graduate Center, The City University of New York & Emerita, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel, Co-editorseries. As with visual novels, only plot-based questions are allowed. Japanese RPGs This includes most of the games by Nippon Ichi Software and Gust, e.g. the Disgaea series, Phantom Brave, Makai Kingdom, Atelier series. This also includes games like Xenogears, Xenosaga, Final Fantasy, The Tales series, Pokemon. As with other types of game, only plot questions are allowed; gameplay questions should be asked at Arqade. Other anime-style games This includes Touhou, Kantai Collection, and THE iDOLM@STER. These games include anime-style art, were created in Japan, and are common interests of otaku. They also have anime and manga adaptations, although you needn't confine your questions to those adaptations. Anime peripheral cross-media franchises This torturously-named category includes things like Vocaloid, .hack, and Love Live: they began as cross-media projects, but always had close ties to anime
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cases) fundamentally shift and change them, so that they see the world differently. As yet, PBSP is not well known in the UK, and Juliet wants to change that. Juliet is UKCP registered, NLPtCA accredited, COSRT accredited, and PBSP accredited as a psychotherapist. She is recognised by UKCP as a NLPtCA supervisor, a COSRT supervisor. She is also an accredited PBSP supervisor and one of the first PBSP accredited trainers in the UK. She has a private practice in South Wales. She is co-founder and chair of StopSO: the Specialist Treatment Organisation for the Prevention of Sexual Offending. StopSO has a UK wide network of psychotherapists and counsellors who offer therapy in the community for those at risk of sexual offending or re-offending. The aim of StopSO is toReports have emerged that the young blonde girl found living on a Greek Roma settlement may have been “bought” from her biological mother. The child, known as Maria and aged about four, was found Thursday in a community of Roma, also known as gypsies, near Larissa in central Greece. Authorities said the blond child looked nothing like the man and woman with her, and DNA testing confirmed they were not her biological parents. Greek media have reported that the couple the child lived with paid EUR 500 to “buy” her from a Bulgarian mother. The biological mother was allegedly based in Athens, Bulgaria’s Nova TV said Monday, citing Greece media. Greek police are said to be investigating an alleged criminal ring bringing pregnant women to Greece from Bulgaria and then taking their children
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the album. It was not released in the United States. Critical reception Oops! I Did It Again: The Best of Britney Spears is, according to Stephen Thomas Erlewine of AllMusic, "not terrible, but not the best-of and not worth the time of most fans, either". He called the album "not so much a best-of collection" of Spears' career, but rather "an odd recap of her first act". Erlewine declared that while the album does include major hits such as "...Baby One More Time" (1998) and "I'm a Slave 4 U" (2001), it "misses the mark" in excluding "(You Drive Me) Crazy" (1999) and "Toxic" (2004). He noted that mentioned songs are excluded in favor of album cuts and songs that appeared as bonus tracks on international editions of her albums. Tracklisting Release history References Category:Britney Spears compilation albums Category:2012 compilation albums Category:Sony Music compilation albums
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John Paul II's gunman says Iran behind Pope's attempted murder in '81 Washington, Feb. 1 (ANI): The Turkish gunman who shot Pope John Paul II in his new autobiography has claimed that Iran's late leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini had personally told him to kill the pope. In 'They Promised Me Paradise', which was released in Italy on Thursday, Mehmet Ali Agca wrote that he was trained in Iran by Khomeini's forces after escaping from a Turkish prison. He added that the Iranian leader himself told him to kill John Paul in the name of God, Fox News reports. Agca shot and wounded John Paul on May 13, 1981, in St. Peter's Square. Minutes after being arrested, Agca said he had acted alone. Later, he suggested Bulgaria and the Soviet Union's KGB were behindAlison Parker and Adam Ward killed during live broadcast by suspected gunman Vester Lee Flanagan, who posted own video of shooting before killing himself This article is more than 5 years old This article is more than 5 years old Two local TV reporters were shot dead in the midst of a live broadcast in Virginia on Wednesday, the victims of an attack perpetrated by a disgruntled former colleague. Virginia shooting: police say suspected gunman is dead - live updates Read more The shooting occurred around 6.45am local time, in Moneta, near Roanoke, and appeared to have been carefully orchestrated to construct a horrific spectacle that would play out live on TV. Reporter Alison Parker, 24, and cameraman Adam Ward, 27, were broadcasting a live interview with an official from the local chamber of
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commerce when there was the sudden sound of gunfire and screams. The camera tumbled to the ground, and producers at the local WDBJ7 news station cut off the broadcast, switching to a shocked-looking anchor in the studio. It later emerged that both Parker and Ward died at the scene. The gunman also shot their interviewee, Vicki Gardner, the executive director of the Smith Mountain Lake regional chamber of commerce. Gardner survived and is in stable condition after surgery. The suspect, Vester Lee Flanagan II, 41, was a former TV reporter at WDBJ7, who broadcast under the on-air name Bryce Williams. He died several hours after shooting himself. Virginia TV shooter Vester Lee Flanagan was a 'disturbed' and 'unhappy man' Read more By then Flanagan had posted on the internet his own videoCounty. After a brief pursuit, Flanagan shot himself. He died in hospital two hours later. Flanagan had driven some 200 miles from the lakeside resort where he is suspected of killing his former colleagues, around four hours earlier live on TV. He apparently posted messages and video on Twitter and Facebook either immediately before or during his journey north. Location of Moneta, Virginia Location of Moneta, Virginia “Vester was an unhappy man,” WDBJ7’s station manager, Jeff Marks, told viewers live on air a few hours later. “We employed him as a reporter, and he had some talent in that respect and some experience, although he’d been out of the business for a while. “He quickly gathered a reputation as someone who was difficult to work with,” he added, saying that Flanagan would
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can do that we know will have a tangible impact on reducing gun violence in this country,” he added. Facebook Twitter Pinterest White House spokesman Josh Earnest on need for gun control following latest shooting The last major push for modest gun reforms in Washington – following the mass shooting at Sandy Hook elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut, in 2012 – ended in failure. Twenty children and six adults were killed. In Roanoke on Wednesday, there was an outpouring of grief for the two dead reporters, including from the local police department, which works closely with local journalists. “Alison was always very kindhearted to the officers she interviewed and had the ability to tell a great story. Adam always put our officers, who might have been a little nervous when being interviewed,choosing AS than the will to avoid side effects from treatment. This is in line with the review article about factors influencing men's choice of and adherence to AS by Kinsella *et al*,[@R9] in which a physician's recommendation was identified as an important element in choosing AS.[@R17] In light of the evidence from multiple studies for the importance of the physician's recommendation in favour for choosing AS, the most important cause of the rapid increase in uptake on AS in Sweden over the past decade,[@R3] was probably the Swedish national guidelines' clear recommendation since 2007 of AS for men with low-risk PC. The recommendation was during this time period less clear in the European and US recommendations,[@R21] in which AS was mentioned as an alternative to radical treatment
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During the last few weeks of impeachment hearings, Republicans liked to cite a number — 55 — the number of days they thought the military aid for Ukraine was withheld. According to their timeline, the clock begins on July 18, a date that a number of witnesses said they first learned of the hold. But the clock really began a month earlier. On June 18, the Pentagon publicly announced it would release its portion of the money: $250 million. According to documents reviewed by Just Security, the Office of Security Assistance at the State Department sent the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) a routine congressional notification for its Foreign Military Financing program that same day: June 21. The State Department needed OMB to green light the document, whichdescribed the congressionally appropriated funding, including more than $100 million in funding for Ukraine. Soon after submitting the congressional notification, the State Department was made aware that the White House had concerns about the Ukraine funding, and so State Department officials started inquiring about what exactly was going on. Was it just the State Department’s money that had been frozen or had the Defense Department’s program also been stopped? And, if the money was really being held, why? Emails flew back and forth from State to OMB to the White House chief of staff’s office between July 10 and 12, as officials tried to clarify what was happening. Meanwhile, across the Potomac River at the Pentagon, Laura Cooper, who oversees Ukraine policy at the Defense Department (DoD), was also being
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told that the White House had questions about DoD’s military assistance for Ukraine. She testified that days after the Pentagon made its June 18 announcement, her office received a set of questions about the funding from the White House. She was told the questions came out of a meeting with the president, so Cooper presumed they were directly from Trump. The questions were: 1) Is U.S. industry providing any of this equipment? 2) What are other countries doing to contribute? 3) Who gave this funding? Cooper said her office responded to those questions with a set of fact sheets. They explained that the vast majority of companies providing the equipment were American. Her office also told the White House that the United Kingdom, Canada, Lithuania and Poland all contribute trainingand equipment to Ukraine. As for the third question, it was the trickiest to answer because of its “strange phrasing,” Cooper said. “It was something along the lines of who provided this funding, or where did this funding come from?” So, her office answered: It comes from Congress and it has strong bipartisan support. After her office responded to the questions, Cooper never heard anything back. She had no inkling at the time that the president wanted to put a hold on the money, but behind the scenes that’s what had happened. And word started getting out. Army Lt. Col. Alex Vindman, who oversees Ukraine policy on the National Security Council, testified that by July 3, he “was concretely made aware of the fact that there was a hold placed
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Day,” Redbird says, his jean shorts rolled at the cuff, a straw hat shielding him from the sun on the Wigwam Chi-Chemung, a Myseum of Toronto art installation that will live at the marina this summer, its flanks brilliant with imagery that Redbird and muralist Philip Cote painted over several days this June. Redbird will be here throughout the summer to talk Indigenous history with anyone who is curious. On Canada Day, he will give a 1 p.m. talk at Ontario Place’s Trillium Park about the “Seven Grandfather Teachings” and the 1805 treaty that led to the Toronto Purchase: “250 830 acres of land for the sum of 10 shillings,” as the Mississaugas of the New Credit note on their website. (In 2010, the treaty was part of aMathews helps Zags slowly pull away for 66-46 win over SD St by EDDIE PELLS, AP National Writer Gonzaga guard Jordan Mathews (4) passes the ball as South Dakota State's Tevin King, left, and Lane Severyn, right, defend during the first half of a first-round men's college basketball game in the NCAA Tournament, Thursday, March 16, 2017, in Salt Lake City. (AP Photo/Rick Bowmer) SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — Jordan Mathews scored 16 points to help Gonzaga slowly pull away from South Dakota State for a 66-46 victory and avoid the first 1 vs. 16 upset in the history of the NCAA Tournament. It looked possible for a while. The Jackrabbits (18-17), champions of the Summit League, led for the first 17 minutes of Thursday's game in the West region and stayed in
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range for most of the game. They did it without a breakout game from Mike Daum. The nation's second-leading scorer finished 7 for 16 from the floor with 17 points — more than eight below his average. Daum did a nice job on Gonzaga's 7-foot-1 center, Przemek Karnowski, holding him to four points over the first 32 minutes. But Karnowski , who finished with 10 points, scored three straight buckets for the Bulldogs (33-1) to help them expand the lead to 20 with 5 minutes left, and it was over. Gonzaga became the 129th straight No. 1 seed to beat a 16 since the bracket was expanded to 64 teams in 1985. STOPPER: The Bulldogs draped 6-9 forward Johnathan Williams on Daum for most of the game, and he kept the South DakotaState big man in check. Williams finished with six points, 14 rebounds and two blocks, though his biggest contributions didn't result in stats. PLAYING FOR BILLY: South Dakota State guard Michael Orris made this game a tribute to his brother, Billy, who died in a motorcycle accident in 2015. Orris, who graduated from Northern Illinois, had another year of eligibility and extended his career with the Jackrabbits. Orris went out with a leg cramp in the second half but returned. He finished with four points and three assists. FRESHMAN CONTRIBUTION: While the Zags were struggling to find their footing in the first half, freshman Zach Collins kept them in it. Collins had nine of his 10 points in the first half. UP NEXT: Gonzaga plays the winner of Thursday afternoon's 8-9
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the US should rely more on strategy, not sanctions Davis: The Hall of Shame for GOP senators who remain silent on Donald Trump MORE (R-Ind.) have spoken with Trump to warn him about a primary battle and the importance of North Carolina in the 2020 cycle, according to Politico, which cites two sources familiar with the conversations. A Walker spokesman told the news outlet that the congressman met with Tillis Wednesday afternoon to tell him he would not mount a challenge, adding that Walker is still seeking a second meeting with Trump to discuss his decision. Walker said earlier this week that polling from the conservative Club for Growth indicated Tillis was vulnerable, according to Politico. “Some of the numbers we have seen, the frustration levels from North Carolinians, just tobe frank, it is concerning,” he said ahead of his decision. Walker, however, would come with baggage of his own as a candidate, with Politico reporting in April that a political committee he controlled is named in a criminal indictment of former Rep. Robin Hayes (R-N.C.). Walker is not named in the indictment and has denied any wrongdoing, according to the news outlet. Tillis, meanwhile, has been vocal in his support of Trump ahead of his reelection bid and pushed back against fellow North Carolina Sen. Richard Burr Richard Mauze BurrHillicon Valley: Subpoenas for Facebook, Google and Twitter on the cards | Wray rebuffs mail-in voting conspiracies | Reps. raise mass surveillance concerns Bipartisan representatives demand answers on expired surveillance programs Rep. Mark Walker says he's been contacted about Liberty University
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Recent Submissions Women in the 21st century have made an insurmountable amount of progress in terms of education, employment, decision making power and overall autonomy over themselves. In the context of Bangladesh where this paper is ... This thesis reviews how the idea of Pakistan was accepted and explicated by the Bengali Muslims in late colonial era. The question of cultural autonomy was resolved by them based on linguistic, cultural and religious aspects ... Manta is one of the oldest traditional occupational communities who live in the southwest region of Bangladesh. This traditional occupational community lives on a boat which is severed as their own residence where they ... Empowerment in the garments industry is the pivot of a seesaw, where at one end there are women and then there’s the other end that carriesall the obstacles. This study works with women empowerment concentrating on ... Inter-religious marriage is one of the rarest research topics seen in Bangladesh till today. However, „rare research‟ does not mean that such marriages are not taking place. In Bangladesh, inter-religious marriage is ... Korail, from other side of the lake might seem as an inadequate piece of land which is occupied by ‘illegal settlers’ or from the research of the NGOs, people may assume that Korail is just a plot for manufacturing different ... With the rise of modernity and worldwide expansion of secularism as the principle of most of the modern states, many presumed that religion and its corollaries will become irrelevant by the twentieth century. But right at ...
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A Curtain Rises With "Onstage America" Partnership Between NY1 Onstage and Playbill By .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) 08 Jul 2013 Frank DiLella and Blake Ross Photo by Monica Simoes NY1's venerable theatre program On Stage celebrates 15 years on the air and spreads the love of theatre to the rest of the country with a brand new program. For over 15 years Time Warner Cable news channel NY1 has taken the camera behind the curtain to bring theatrical news to the forefront with their popular program On Stage — offering a glimpse into Broadway rehearsals and covering high-profile theatre events and opening nights. Now Time Warner Cable is taking the camera across the country as On Stage heads Across America. "We're actually bringing the real stories that are happening behindthe scenes, backstage, on Broadway, on the road, and in high schools across America to a national platform," said NY1 theatre reporter — and occasional Playbill contributor — Frank DiLella, who co-hosts the new monthly series alongside Playbill editor Blake Ross. "Truth be told, more arts programming is needed." Arts programming takes center stage in On Stage Across America, where the show sets out to inform theatregoers about theatrical happenings across the nation because, as the team at TWC believes, "Broadway no longer applies to just New York City. Broadway is a national name." The new half-hour program will simultaneously bring Broadway to audiences across the U.S. and share theatrical successes from around the country with audiences in New York. "Our goal is to try to [provide] coverage in areas
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that are undercover," added Steve Paulus, senior vice president of news and local programming. Besides covering the current scene on and Off-Broadway, each episode will give viewers a taste of regional theatre — including productions that plan to transfer to the Great White Way, various world premieres, and pieces birthed at nationally recognized arts festivals — plus a look at youth-driven amateur productions commanding the spotlight of attention. Advertisement "There are some incredible high school theatre programs that are part of our fabric that is the United States of America," said DiLella, who visited the Rochester School of the Arts in the first episode. It featured the school's production of the Tony Award–winning musical Avenue Q, in which, during a state of panic where the musical's puppets were unavailable toOctober 17, 1989). In Atkins II, which asserts nearly identical claims against Atkins as the claims originally asserted against him before severance and transfer of this case, the Complaint alleges that "Plaintiff, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People-Special Contribution Fund (hereinafter referred to as the Fund), is a legal entity with the capacity to sue and be sued in New York State." Id., at ¶ 2. SCF has not challenged Jones' Exhibit, nor rebutted the force of this admission in any briefing or at oral argument. Indeed, when invited by the Court, it declined argument — it squatted. Trans. of Pro., February 14, 1990 at 8. SCF concedes that it has certain characteristics — such as a "separate management or administrative structure apart from the remaining programs
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "FreeLaw" ] }
L.R.D. Suresh, 45, principal of Infant Jesus College of Engineering, Keezha Vallanad in Tuticorin district, was fatally attacked with long knives as soon as he got out of his car In a ghastly incident on Thursday morning, the principal of a private engineering college in Tuticorin district in southern Tamil Nadu was murdered by three students on the campus, apparently as an act of revenge against the suspension of one of them, police said. L.R.D. Suresh, 45, principal of Infant Jesus College of Engineering, Keezha Vallanad in Tuticorin district, was fatally attacked with long knives as soon as he got out of his car. The suspension of P. Pitchaikannan (21), a final year Aeronautical Engineering student, for his behaviour on and off the college campus, allegedly provoked him to murderthe principal, police sources said. While Pitchaikannan, the prime accused, stabbed the principal in his stomach, his room-mates, G. Danish (21), final year B.Tech. (Information Technology) and M. Prabhakaran (21), third year (Civil Engineering), said to be his room-mates, caused a grievous bleeding injury on his head, the police said. Besides arresting the trio, the police seized the weapons used in the killing. Preliminary investigation revealed that Pitchaikannan was suspended for five days on Monday following an alleged attack on Athithan, a final year student, over occupying a seat in a bus on October 5. Athithan was attacked on the college premises and outside the campus recently. Pitchaikannan was also irregular in attending classes and laboratory work. Agitated by the disciplinary measure, Pitchaikannan and his room-mates attacked Dr. Suresh at 8.20
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March 4, 2000, while working with another employee to load an isolette[1] into an ambulance, the weight of the isolette shifted and he felt a pulling sensation in *49 his back. The sensation caused discomfort, but he continued to work. Then, on March 10, 2000, he again injured his back while loading an isolette into an ambulance. Homrighausen sought medical attention the following day and did not return to work thereafter. Life Flight's claims administrator investigated the claim and began paying workers' compensation benefits in the form of temporary total disability benefits ("TTDs"). After further investigation and testing, Homrighausen's benefits were converted from TTDs to Supplemental Earnings Benefits ("SEBs"). Then, in October 2003, upon the belief that Homrighausen had committed fraud, Homrighausen's benefits were terminated. In December 2003, Life Flightplatforms are under scrutiny for their role in Russia's election interference. Facebook has turned over thousands of ads to Congress that are believed to have been purchased by Russian agents during the election, and Twitter has suspended thousands of Russia-linked accounts. Special counsel Robert Mueller Robert (Bob) MuellerCNN's Toobin warns McCabe is in 'perilous condition' with emboldened Trump CNN anchor rips Trump over Stone while evoking Clinton-Lynch tarmac meeting The Hill's 12:30 Report: New Hampshire fallout MORE charged 13 Russians and three Russian entities last month for interfering in the U.S. election. Those charged were linked to the Internet Research Agency.
{ "pile_set_name": [ "FreeLaw", "OpenWebText2" ] }
in an abrasion to her arm which became infected. She did not seek medical advice at the time of the injury. Eight days later she was complaining of dysphagia and was assessed at home by her general practitioner. On review the next day she was referred to Accident and Emergency with neck stiffness and an inability to open her mouth. Tetanus was not initially considered as part of the different diagnosis; she was prescribed simple analgesia and discharged the same day. Due to a marked deterioration in her clinical condition she was readmitted the following day with trismus, spasticity and spasms; a serum sample was taken and the case reported to the local health protection team. Following surgical debridement of her wound, she was transferred to intensive carecoal and mining regions. In other words, solar is cheaper, cleaner, and more efficient than coal, with immense untapped potential. Solar is cheaper, cleaner, and more efficient than coal, with immense untapped potential Across Europe, there are several examples of former coal plants that have already undergone a transformation into successful solar farms. In Belgium, LRM was the owner of a sludge pond in Heusden-Zolder; the pond was used for rubble and fly ash dumping when coal was mined there. As it was difficult to find a suitable use for this site, LRM decided to transform the decontaminated land into a solar power plant – an ostensibly useless site acquired a new use. In Visonta, Hungary, power plant company Matrai Eromu opened a solar plant situated on top of a
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Central", "OpenWebText2" ] }
According to a news release, Ottawa police arrested the unidentified 16-year-old on charges of public mischief, mischief to property, utter death threats and conveying false information with the intent to alarm. Police also seized firearms and communication devices at the teen's home. In April, Melbourne police received a call saying a bomb was placed inside Melbourne High School. The call prompted a full evacuation of the school and also led to a large response from law enforcement, including K-9 units and the Brevard County Sheriff's Office helicopter. After a three-hour search, no devices were located. Investigators later learned a person on Twitter was claiming responsibility for the threat, as well as other phoned-in threats around the United States and Canada. Several days later, police responded to Melbourne High School after a callwas made about a person armed with a knife who had just stabbed someone. This call was determined to be false and from the same person who made the first call, a news release said. On May 2, West Melbourne police received a call from an individual saying they were armed with a gun at the school. The caller demanded a large amount of money or said he would begin shooting people, police said. This call was also determined to be a hoax. Two weeks after the first call, someone called West Melbourne police and said they were on the Melbourne High School campus with a gun. According to authorities, this incident led to the arrest of a student who was found to have communicated with the suspect on Twitter about
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Kansas Highway Patrol Car Struck By Semi TOPEKA, Kan, (WIBW) A Kansas Highway Patrol (KHP) Trooper was injured Thursday morning when his cruiser was struck by a semi along Highway 24 near Menoken Road. The trooper, who was identified as Lt. Greg Kyser, was taken to the hospital with what were described as non-life threatening injuries. He has since been released, according to KHP's Facebook page (see post below) The crash remains under investigation. Officials said Kyser was sitting in his patrol car, parked in a construction area, observing traffic when the tractor-trailer rear-ended the vehicle. Online Public Information File Viewers with disabilities can get assistance accessing this station's FCC Public Inspection File by contacting the station with the information listed below. Questions or concerns relating to the accessibility of the FCC's online publicFormer New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg rallied with volunteers and leaders of his gun control campaign in Minnesota. ST. PAUL, Minn. - As the midterm election rapidly approaches, Michael Bloomberg wants voters to keep gun violence prevention on their minds as they head to the polls. The billionaire and former New York mayor rallied at W.A. Frost restaurant with local volunteers and leaders of Everytown for Gun Safety and Moms Demand Action. "They're sending a message to elected officials: vote for common sense gun laws or we are going to throw you out!" Bloomberg declared, in a thumbnail summary of the group's activism around the nation. Bloomberg's trip as already planned prior to Saturday's attack on the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, but it was fresh on the minds of those
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needs to not be the status quo or the going rate." None of the speakers the act of gun violence that happened two years ago inside the same historic building where W.A. Frost is located. In April of 2016 a 23-year-old law clerk, Chase Passauer, was shot six times as he sat in a chair in a law office on the second floor of the Dacotah Building, above the restaurant. A 37-year-old man, Ryan D. Petersen was angry at an attorney who worked in same office, and opened fire on Passauer during what he admitted was a "fit of rage." Petersen was sentenced to life in prison. Bloomberg founded Mayors Against Illegal Guns in 2006, and that group merged with Moms Demand Action in 2014 to form Everytown for Gun Safety.George Schroeder USA TODAY Sports It probably can't be measured in one moment of frustration. But when UCLA defensive lineman Eddie Vanderdoes slugged Jake Fisher the other day, it only served to underscore the impact one player can make: With Fisher back at left tackle after missing two games to injury, Oregon suddenly has a lot more punch. There's more to it, as always. A 42-30 victory at UCLA, which wasn't nearly that close, had something as well to do with the Bruins' continuing dysfunction. But a week after being largely written out of the national conversation, the Ducks again looked like the Pac-12's best team — and a sudden, vast improvement along the offensive line was the biggest reason. "Obviously, (Fisher's) presence was just a calming factor," Oregon offensive line coach Steve
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what does a left tackle mean? Before the season, the Oregon offensive line was expected to be among the nation's best. Greatwood, who's in his 27th year at Oregon, said he's only had one other year with as much attrition. Fisher moved over from right tackle to left tackle when Tyler Johnstone blew out a knee during preseason practices. His replacement at right tackle, Andre Yruretagoyena, was injured against Michigan State. Guard Haniteli Lousi has been out since an injury a few days earlier. Still, in the first three games — including that 46-27 victory over Michigan State — Oregon averaged 52 points. Against Washington State and Arizona, the Ducks averaged 31. Mariota was sacked four times in the first three games, and 12 in the next two — and thenNEW YORK (CBSNewYork) — The NYPD has asked for help in identifying a man who attacked and robbed an MTA maintenance worker in Queens. The suspect approached the victim, a 61-year-old man, inside of the Sutphin Boulevard/Archer Avenue subway station at 7:45 a.m. on Sunday. The suspect demanded the victim’s cell phone, which the victim did not have. He then punched the maintenance worker in the face and took his two-way radio, police said. The suspect walked up to the mezzanine, smashed the radio, and then fled back into the station. The suspect has been described as a black or Hispanic male, between 35 and 45 years old. He is 5’8″ and was last seen wearing a black Kangol style hat, a dark colored jacket, and a lime green hooded sweater.
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[March 27, 2014]BERLIN (Reuters) — A German recluse whose billion-dollar art hoard was confiscated will return all works looted by the Nazis to their owners or their descendants, his legal custodian told German media on Wednesday. The paintings, drawings and sculptures were seized from Cornelius Gurlitt's two homes by authorities investigating possible tax evasion in February 2012. They include Modernist and Renaissance masterpieces valued at about 1 billion euros, according to media reports. In February, Gurlitt's lawyers had said he had filed a formal complaint against the seizure of his art collection. Germany has faced criticism from around the world for failing to publish immediately the full list of artworks, for keeping silent for nearly two years about the trove and for potentially having had no legal right to seize the pieces. Gurlitt wants to "return all (artworks) that have been stolen or robbed fromJewish ownership to each of their owners or descendants," lawyer Christoph Edel was quoted as saying on Wednesday by Sueddeutsche Zeitung newspaper. Authorities made Edel the provisional legal custodian for Gurlitt, who is in his 80s, after doctors ruled he was too sick to look after his own business interests. The first piece to be returned would be a portrait entitled "Sitting Woman" by Henri Matisse, which belonged to Paris-based Jewish art collector Paul Rosenberg and was at some point part of Adolf Hitler's air force chief Hermann Goering's collection before making it to Gurlitt. Further works were likely to be returned in the coming weeks, Sueddeutsche Zeitung and the Norddeutsche Rundfunk and Westdeutsche Rundfunk radio stations quoted Edel as saying. Gurlitt inherited the collection from his father, who took orders from Hitler to buy and sell so-called 'degenerate art' to fund Nazi activities
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