The proposed program is directed toward continuing the overall objectives of the past; prevention of chronic disease with particular emphasis on chronic infectious disease. Emphasis has been given to four large categories of activity. In the first, the role of genital mycoplasmas in relation to perinatal morbidity will continue to be investigated in the continued controlled treatment trial, and in the continued investigation of antibody levels to genital mycoplasmas in pregnancy. Secondly, the management of bacteriuria in a total population will be explored with emphasis on better methods for achieving long-term management of infections of the urinary tract. Thirdly, familial aggregation of blood pressure in the original population will be further studied by another examination of the population in order to repeat the kallikrein observations and to obtainBrian Grainger Brian Grainger is an American ambient/techno/electronic music composer and record label owner. The majority of his musical projects have been published under the names Milieu, Coppice Halifax, and Brian Grainger. Other musical aliases of his include 'Pink Space', 'Vhom', 'Parallax', 'Phe_', 'Teenager', 'AQV', 'TMA3', 'Troth', and 'Bike'. His collaborative projects include the bands CH*/CN (with EOD), Waterstrider (with Jonathan Canupp), Free Festival (with Brian Ellis), VCV (with David Tagg), SEAS (with David Tagg), Viking Destroyer (with David Tagg), Flax Harmonade (with Lee Batchelor), Silver Honey (with Jason Adams), Gauss (with Eric Adrian Lee), Royal Opium (with Lee Norris), Sunbeam Rail (with Samuel Campbell) and The Blue Spaces (with Luke Hazard). Grainger is the sole owner and operator of the record label Milieu Music (established 2004)
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Customer makes himself a meal while Waffle House employee sleeps After finding the only employee at the South Carolina Waffle House asleep, one customer decided to help himself to assuage his early morning cravings. After finding the only employee at the South Carolina Waffle House asleep, one customer decided to help himself to assauge his early morning cravings. Alex Bowen let the entire Facebook world know that at 02:00 he had a really bad craving for a meal at the popular restaurant. To his surprise, Waffle House was empty and the only employee on shift was asleep. According to Bowen, he waited 10 minutes before he started making his own meal. He claims that he not only helped himself but he also had time to "scrape the grill" when he was done. Speaking tohell that something as dramatic as a falling bridge in the middle of a vibrant city would just get the basic treatment. Reporters would continue their quest for answers with nightly updates and investigative programs that aim to figure out how something this reckless and deadly can happen in broad daylight — and what can be done to ensure that it never happens again. The pedestrian bridge that was built to connect Florida International University and the city of Sweetwater gave way in the middle of the afternoon — at a very busy time of day — and the accident claimed the lives of six people — ranging in age from 57–18 and seriously wounded dozens more. One of the injured — a male student at the university — shakily recounted
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the minutes prior to the bridge crashing down — as his best friend — Alexa Duran — 18 — manned the steering wheel and brought them to a halt as they waited for the signal to move. They discussed plans for the next day and other stuff that college friends tend to converse about during lunch breaks. Suddenly he hears a weird cackling sound and before he can make eye contact with his buddy — tons of concrete hit them all at once and with such force that when the dust clears — all that remains of his dear friend is her dark brown long hair — hanging from the smashed interior. He calls for her — but she’s quiet. This is the only first-account from a survivor that was sharedSetback for Advani as BJP expels rebellious Ram Rebel BJP MP Ram Jethmalani, who quit the party on three occasions previously and even contested against Atal Bihari Vajpayee in 2004, was expelled from the primary membership of the party for six years on charges of “breach of discipline.” His exit also marks a low point for the clout of senior BJP patriarch LK Advani. Rebel BJP MP Ram Jethmalani, who quit the party on three occasions previously and even contested against Atal Bihari Vajpayee in 2004, was expelled from the primary membership of the party for six years on charges of “breach of discipline.” His exit also marks a low point for the clout of senior BJP patriarch LK Advani, his lone backer who tried his best for revocation of his
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suspension. But Jethmalani’s act of gatecrashing into the BJP parliamentary party meeting on May 7 sealed matters for him. That day, 87-year-old Jethmalani, had in the presence of Advani, Sushma Swaraj and Arun Jaitely, accused them all of being soft on the UPA government on the corruption issue. He alleged that BJP is in a state of flux and not active enough in targeting the ruling party. Jethmalani also asked the party leadership as to why no action was taken on removing him from the party though over three months had passed since he was served a notice. Soon after his outburst, BJP MPs Ananth Kumar, Ravi Shankar Prasad and Shahnawaz Hussain among others spoke against Jethmalani’s behaviour and said this should not be tolerated. Several MPs suggested that he should bethrown out of the party. Jethmalani was suspended on November 25 last year after he attacked then party chief Nitin Gadkari who later resigned over reports about Purti Group. Two days later, he attacked Swaraj and Jaitely for opposing Ranjit Sinha as the new CBI director. As Jethmalani attributed personal motives to Jaitely who wrote to the PM questioning the timing of Sinha’s appointment when the government was supposed to reaching a consensus to pass the lokpal bill, the BJP had to suspend him. On Tuesday, in a letter to Jethmalani, Ananth Kumar who is BJP general secretary, said the party’s parliamentary board, which met a day earlier, had taken a unanimous decision to expel him from primary membership of the party, after going through his replies made in response to a
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show cause notice in November last year. Jethmalani was also told that he defied the party whip by not voting for the election of the members of the Committee on Public Undertakings. The BJP also made it clear that his expulsion was without “without prejudice to any action that may be initiated against him under Tenth Schedule of the Constitution” for disqualifying him as member of the Rajya Sabha.DESCRIPTION: (provided by the applicant) DRS is a drug abuse prevention project that incorporates resistance and life skills, norms, beliefs and attitudes, as well as planning, goal setting, and decision making. The project has moved through a number of phases, including a successful pilot study at the high school level and a successful multicultural implementation in the middle schools of Phoenix. Preliminary reports demonstrate 8-month-desired effects on 8th grade alcohol and tobacco use and 14-month desired effects on alcohol and marijuana use. This DRS-Next Generation study examines additional intervention elements that may account for program effectiveness of the DRS drug abuse prevention program. It further examines when and with whom the intervention was successful as well as the mechanisms for success. Following an ecological risk and resiliency perspective
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and risking damage both to the workers and to the threads. Cross-threaded pipes and injuries have occurred. Thus, this prior art approach is both wasteful and dangerous, as well. Installation of such risers, must also accommodate a pull cord that is inserted through the riser before lifting. Such a pull cord has a free upper end for the workers use and, in turn, is connected to an electrical power cable at the lower end. That pull cord, after the riser sections are joined together, is pulled through the assembled sections in order to retrieve and advance the electrical power lines which must also be lifted through the installed riser pipes. In the prior art this cord became entangled in the rope slings as the twisting was taking place. Each riser installationunusual benefits of the subject invention. The specific areas of search included: Class 294 sub-classes 90, 91, 82.14, 82.15 and 82.16 PA1 Class 24 sub-classes 317 and 24. The search turned up several patents of interest. The patents found for review are: ______________________________________ 4,221,252 September 9, 1980 Bruce 2,519,288 August 15, 1950 Roberson 4,188,141 February 12, 1980 Stoot 14,253 January 23, 1917 Wigle 1,436,621 November 21, 1922 Coultas 1,798,296 March 31, 1931 Yerkes 2,149,938 March 19, 1936 Hickman ______________________________________ A brief discussion of this art follows: Taking the patents of the search in the order listed above: U.S. Pat. No. 4,221,252 Sep. 9, 1980 Bruce Bruce is simply a well known shackle apparatus. The primary emphasis of the Bruce patent concerns the manner of locking nut 5 to the shaft 6. Plastic locking pins and
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Joan P. Brock Joan Perry Brock, a native of Norfolk, is a community leader and philanthropist. She graduated from Longwood University with a Bachelor of Arts in secondary education and a minor in mathematics. Fascinated by the visual arts while volunteering as a museum docent, she chose to further her education with a Master of Arts in humanities from Old Dominion University. Steadfast in her community efforts, Brock dedicates her knowledge and skills to organizations and programs that benefit culture, education, and community. Brock served on Virginia Wesleyan University’s President’s Advisory Council from 1996-1999, the Board of Trustees from 1999-2006, and was Chair of the Board of Trustees from 2001-2004. The University awarded her with an honorary Doctor of Laws in 2010. She has also chaired the Board of theACCESS College Foundation and was the first woman to preside over the Chrysler Museum Board. She’s served on the Sentara Board of Directors since 2006 and has led the Sentara Foundation-Hampton Roads Committee since 2007. Mrs. Brock is also a member of the National Board of the United Way Women’s Leadership Council. Devoted to her Hampton Roads community, she and her husband, Macon, established the M. Foscue Brock Institute for Community and Global Health at Eastern Virginia Medical School and the Chesapeake Bay Foundation's Brock Environmental Center in Virginia Beach. The Brocks have received many commendations for their commitment to giving back. Most recently, they were recognized as 2014 Health Care Heroes for their participation in health-related philanthropy by Inside Business and were honored as Outstanding Philanthropists by the
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National Board of American Fundraising Professionals in 2015. The strength of Virginia Wesleyan University today can be traced in significant ways to the leadership and support of Joan Brock. Many different aspects of the University have benefited from her genuine interest in students, programs and facilities, and from her wise consideration of how to make the University stronger. Mr. and Mrs. Brock have been important and thoughtful benefactors of the University. In recognition of their generous support of the Center for the Study of Religious Freedom, student scholarships, residence hall improvements, athletics programs, and other programs, in 2006 the University named a residence hall complex after them: Joan and Macon Brock Village. Mrs. Brock’s service and commitment to Virginia Wesleyan University continues a long family tradition. Her uncle, Douglas McIntyre,served as the College’s first registrar and was a member of the faculty for 25 years. Her father, Kenneth R. Perry, served on the Board of Trustees from 1991 until his death in 2004 and was awarded an honorary Doctor of Laws degree in 2002, the first year the College presented honorary degrees. Joan Brock served for many years in an administrative role at Dollar Tree Stores, Inc. and K & K Toys. She and Macon have been married 52 years. They have three children and six grandchildren.
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up to now, and some have suggested she is moving in their direction. Most Conservative MPs have said they would not support the move, saying it would mean the UK would not have an independent trade policy. Mrs May chose to open talks with Jeremy Corbyn after Parliament rejected the withdrawal agreement she has negotiated with the EU a third time late last month. After this defeat, the EU extended the deadline for the UK's departure - originally set for 29 March - until 31 October. Mrs May told MPs she hoped the extension would be "terminable" well before this date and the UK would find itself outside the EU "as soon as possible". Appearing before the Liaison Committee of senior MPs, she said the choice facing Parliament was the same as whenit last rejected her agreement. MPs could opt to agree a deal and leave in an orderly fashion, to leave without a deal, hold another referendum, or to stay in the EU by revoking Article 50 - only the first of which she found "acceptable". She said she was "convinced" that reaching out to Labour to try and build a majority for any deal was the right thing to do. If no agreement was reached, she said the government would stand by its commitment to give MPs the chance to vote on a series of options, with ministers abiding by the outcome. 'Paralysed' Pressed by Labour MP Hilary Benn on whether this would include a customs union, Mrs May pointed out that Parliament had already rejected the idea on more than one occasion. But
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MPs felt "they were going around in circles and paralysed like nothing is changing". Conservative MP Bernard Jenkin, who voted against the deal three times, said the PM had been under no obligation to agree the terms of the extension offered by the EU. In response, she told him that if all Conservatives had voted to leave the EU the UK would no longer be a member. While the UK's policy was to leave with a deal, she insisted this was "not entirely in the hands of the UK government" as it would be up to the EU to decide on any further extension.It would be very poignant for the veterans at our national airlines to view the Emirates inaugural flight video that is doing the rounds on social media. Like a spent star watching with mixed emotions the first performance of a youngster she gave a break to, PIA can only reflect on what was and lament the fact that the time and the crowds have passed her by. Read 'Flying high on celebrities' Our national carrier was the star of the airline industry, giving stellar performances, rarely fluffing her lines. In her heyday, like an actor in her youth with an insight in to what is sellable, PIA knew exactly how to please the crowds, she was the leading lady, the talk of the town. No it wasn’t only branding or
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do. Another area he highlighted was that dead weight (in the form of over-staffing) was a major threat to a resurgent PIA. He spoke about how British Airways under James Hogan went from a staff of 50,000 to 30,000, but all the 30,000 were in his words- “were absolutely convinced that the customer was their ultimate boss.” "Dead weight (in the form of over-staffing) is a major threat to a resurgent PIA." — Richard Bates, Former Director Special Projects, PIA. Bates was probed whether he believe PIA was salvable. To the surprise of many of us, he say he firmly believed the airline could return. The formula according to him? If the will of the staff is mobilised by a visionary leader, to create an airline that is relevant to thewas reunification. A review order was entered on August 27, 2014, wherein the trial court found that William and Jamie were mostly in compliance with the case plan, and that William had a good job and needed to keep it. However, on February 11, 2015, the trial court entered a review/permanency-planning order stating that William had lost his job and had spent forty- five days in jail for failure to pay child support for his child from a prior relationship. That order noted that Jamie had been noncompliant with the case plan, and that although she had obtained employment at a discount store, she was fired two weeks later and was currently unemployed. The trial court also found that the parents had failed to maintain stability and that both had
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Cite as 2016 Ark. App. 34 diagnosed William and Jamie with cannabis-use disorder, and his greatest concern was their drug use and denial of the same. Dr. DeYoub was also concerned about their lack of stability. Dr. DeYoub stated that both William and Jamie were capable of maintaining employment. Jamie testified that, since the children were removed from her custody, she has had four different residences, including living in a hotel, living with her mother, and living with a friend. Jamie also stated that she was unemployed and had not worked for almost a year. Jamie acknowledged that she had a drug problem, and she tested positive for THC on hair- follicle tests administered in January and March of 2015. However, Jamie denied any illegal drug use during 2015, explainingthat the positive drug tests were probably the result of living with an every-day marijuana user. Jamie indicated that she previously had her parental rights terminated to four other children due to her drug use. She also stated that she gave birth to another child six weeks before the termination hearing. William testified that he has a drug problem and that his drug of choice is marijuana. However, he stated that he is seeking help for his drug problem and has not used marijuana since the children were removed from their custody in March 2014. However, William tested positive for THC on a urine screen in December 2014, and again tested positive on a hair-follicle test in March 2015. He blamed the positive results on being around other people who
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Cite as 2016 Ark. App. 34 the trial court’s finding that termination of their parental rights was in the best interest of the children. William contends that none of the statutory grounds supported termination of his parental rights, asserting that he has made progress since the case began and is presently employed with stable housing. Although William tested positive for THC in December 2014 and March 2015, he notes that on numerous other occasions he had negative drug screens. He submits that this is not a case where he chose drugs over his children as found by the trial court in the termination order, and he asserts that he had complied with the case plan and was working toward reunification with the children. Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha is expected to make his maiden appearance in a campaign speech Sunday in Korat. Other party leaders are making daily campaign appearances. From left, Future Forward's Thanathorn Juangroongruangkit, Abhisit Vejjajiva of the Democrats, and Pheu Thai candidate for prime minister Khunying Sudarat Keyuraphan. Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha is expected to make his public debut as the prime ministerial candidate of the Palang Pracharath Party (PPRP) and address voters in Nakhon Ratchasima, his birthplace, this Sunday. Meanwhile, a civic network of poll watchdogs has vowed to monitor Gen Prayut's election campaigning closely and warned him not to breach the election law or they will pursue legal action amid concerns he is wearing two hats as prime minister and candidate at the same time. PPRP spokesman Kobsak Pootrakool said
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its logo to address crowds, Mr Kobsak said. He said that although Gen Prayut can only help with the party's campaigns outside his working hours as well as on weekends, any assistance the prime minister could give would be a real boon to the party. Chamlong Krudkhunthod, a PPRP poll candidate for Nakhon Ratchasima, said that according to the schedule, Gen Prayut will appear on stage and address people at Save One Market, the biggest commercial and retail centre in the northeastern province. All key party executives and figures such as Mr Uttama and Suriya Juangroongruangkit, who is in charge of election strategy in the Northeast, will also take part. Gen Prayut's debut there is expected to draw more than 20,000 voters from all 14 constituencies in the province, Mr Chamlongsaid. Activist Srisuwan Janya, deputy chief of the Civic Election Participation Partnership (CEPP), said that the network will pay special attention to Gen Prayut appearances for the PPRP. The CEPP is a network of election watchdogs endorsed by the EC, said Mr Srisuwan, also the secretary-general of the Association for the Protection of the Constitution. The network has set up a team to monitor Gen Prayut's actions and speeches during the campaign to observe whether they are in compliance with the election law and the EC's rules on campaigning. If his actions and speeches breach the law, the CEPP will lodge complaints with the EC to ask the commission to consider legal action against him immediately, Mr Srisuwan said. Mr Srisuwan said Gen Prayut already wears several hats -- as a prime
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By way of background, in August 2002 defendant was charged by felony complaint with assault in the second degree (Penal Law § 120.05 [1]) in connection with an incident in which he struck a man multiple times with a golf club. Defendant thereafter waived indictment and pleaded guilty in County Court (Marks, J.) to a superior court information (SCI) charging him with assault in the second degree pursuant to section 120.05 (2), a different subdivision of the statute than was charged in the felony complaint. The case had not been presented to the grand jury. Pursuant to the plea agreement, defendant was sentenced in February 2003 to a determinate term of imprisonment of five years and to five years of postrelease supervision (PRS). He was released from prison in March 2007 and commenced his period of PRS. Rod Thomson We are in a new era in American politics. It’s impossible to nail down when it started, but we can identify a few steps, and each involved the devolution of a non-partisan media, an increased ferocity on the American progressive Left and a heightening response from the Right. Let’s start with the early 1990s. During the Clinton administration, the American media launched into actively covering up scandals for an American president because of worldview affiliation. To put it bluntly, the American media had become dominantly liberal at every level and across platforms by the 90s and the election of a Democrat after 12 years of Republicans in the White House displayed this. The media looked the other way during maybe the most tawdry actions by an American president simply because
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division But the Obama years brought a dramatic rise in vitriol and division among Americans — led by Obama but practiced by both sides of the political divide. Obama divided Americans by black and white and Hispanic; by men and women and the newly evolving list of “others”; by gay and straight; by rich and poor; by urban or rural; by favored industry and unfavored industry and so on. Many of these divisions were well established in the Democratic Party and part of the strategy for winning elections. But Obama, as the first black President, had the unique opportunity to take a large step toward healing national race relations. Instead he made them much worse, and that is true on virtually every front of the divisions he employed. On theother side, some traditionalist Americans found him so arrogant and off-putting (mostly aside from race) that they developed a personal hatred for him, also. So the poison of dividing Americans by every category possible to pit them against each other for political gain was coursing through the nation’s veins going into the 2016 election. At the same time, hard-working Americans were sick of the game where everyone pitted against everyone else and policies seemed designed to make America weaker as a nation. And to be fair, that is essentially what Obama wrote in his book. He genuinely thought, and presumably still thinks, the world would be better if America was not so dominant. His policies worked to make that happen. In this election, however, instead of the Democrats going for the
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demographic marker of the first black President, they were going for the demographic marker of the first female president. Both were pitched as important boundaries to cross because of the history of much ballyhooed and detested white patriarchal supremacy. But the Left’s hopes were pinned on a truly terrible and corrupt candidate in Hillary Clinton. And instead of the first woman came an outsider who captured the deep frustration of working, middle America that the progressive and divisive agenda of the Democrats had abandoned. He captured their hearts’ desire with “Make America Great Again” because they instinctively understood that the past many years were diminishing the nation. They were ready for change, but not the superficial change based on gender, rather a change in the substance of policy and direction.And Donald Trump was offering that in a way they bought. Trump’s win exploded American politics But the American Left had expected a continuation of the progressive and divisive policies of the first black president to flow to the first woman president, and probably win the Senate and maybe even the House in the process. When all of that was crushed by a rich, white, real estate developer and reality star — so much of what the Left had been successfully castigating — the Bush Derangement gene mutated into a virulent new, destructive strain. There is a certain understandability to all this. The American Left has been fed a distorted view of America for a long time now, through the media, academia and Hollywood. They buy into the grievance culture of every
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Glen Campbell, a guitar prodigy and ballad singer who dominated the polished, string-swelling countrypolitan sound of the late 1960s and 1970s and cultivated a clean-cut image at odds with his once-stormy personal life, died Aug. 8 in Nashville. He was 81. His publicist confirmed the death to the Associated Press. Mr. Campbell announced that he had Alzheimer’s disease in 2011 and performed what he called the Glen Campbell Goodbye Tour shortly thereafter. In 2015, he won his sixth and final Grammy Award, honored for best country song “I’m Not Gonna Miss You,” which he co-wrote for a documentary about his life and deteriorating health. In a career that spanned six decades, Mr. Campbell made dozens of albums, sold more than 40 million records and was inducted into the Country Musicsuperstar entertainer Glen Campbell (1936-2017) View Photos Glen Campbell, the grinning, high-pitched entertainer whose dozens of hit singles included “Rhinestone Cowboy” and “Wichita Lineman” and whose appeal spanned country, pop, television and movies, died on Aug. 8, 2017, his family said. He was 81. Caption Glen Campbell, the grinning, high-pitched entertainer whose dozens of hit singles included “Rhinestone Cowboy” and “Wichita Lineman” and whose appeal spanned country, pop, television and movies, died on Aug. 8, 2017, his family said. He was 81. 1987 Country star Glen Campbell plays the guitar during a performance. Campbell, a guitar prodigy and ballad singer who dominated the polished, string-swelling countrypolitan sound of the late 1960s and 1970s and cultivated a clean-cut image at odds with his once-stormy personal life, died at 81
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in Nashville. AP Buy Photo Wait 1 second to continue. Mr. Campbell was 4 when an uncle bought him a $5 mail-order guitar from a Sears, Roebuck & Co. catalogue. He taught himself to play as an escape from sharecropping, explaining, “Picking a guitar was a lot easier than picking cotton.” He grew to admire the Belgian-born jazz guitarist Django Reinhardt, whom he called “the most awesome player I ever heard.” Without any formal training, Mr. Campbell became by the early 1960s part of the Wrecking Crew of Los Angeles, studio musicians who were known for their versatility and skill. He played rhythm guitar on more than 500 jazz, pop, rock and country records, backing entertainers such as Frank Sinatra, Nat “King” Cole, Elvis Presley, Merle Haggard and the Beach Boys.recalling how he trashed hotel suites and got into other messes. There was a time, he said, that he boarded a plane, got into a seating dispute with an Indonesian government official and drunkenly told the man he would “call my friend Ronald Reagan and ask him to bomb Jakarta.” His most-chronicled escapade was his tumultuous relationship with country and pop singer Tanya Tucker, who projected a wildcat, man-eating persona and, at 22, was half Mr. Campbell’s age. They performed the national anthem together at the 1980 Republican National Convention. The next year, their tawdry row outside a hotel near Shreveport, La., attracted the attention of local authorities and then the media. It was not the last time their differences surfaced loudly and publicly. In 1982, Mr. Campbell wed his fourth wife.
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He announced he was a born-again Christian and that he had given up drugs and drinking. He had a relapse in 2003, when he was arrested for a hit-and-run incident in Phoenix after plowing his BMW into another car. He later pleaded guilty to drunken driving and was sentenced to 10 days in prison. His police mug shot — looking zoned out, craggy and unkempt — became a public sensation on the Internet. He vowed never to touch alcohol again. His musical reputation had survived more than intact, and, in 2005, he was named to the Country Music Hall of Fame. That year, he joked that he couldn’t imagine he was in any hall of fame. “They could never put me in a slot,” he told the Chicago Sun-Times. “They couldn’tsay Glen was ‘country,’ ‘pop’ or ‘rock.’ I’m crock, OK? A cross between country and rock. Call me crock.” Glen Travis Campbell was born on April 22, 1936, in Delight, Ark., and grew up on a family farm with 11 siblings. He played guitar at church picnics, on local radio shows and at nightclubs in cities as far away as Houston by the time he left school in 10th grade to perform full-time with an uncle’s Albuquerque-based country band. In the late 1950s, Mr. Campbell started his own Western combo and, encouraged by the positive reaction, decamped for Hollywood in the hope of a major solo career. He wound up as a session player, backing up other stars in the music studio. He played on Sinatra’s “Strangers in the Night,” the
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and Sarah Barg Davis — the former wife of singer Mac Davis — ended in divorce. In 1982, he wed Kimberly Woolen, a dancer at Radio City Music Hall in New York. A complete list of survivors could not be immediately confirmed. After his final marriage, he turned out gospel and devotional music while also maintaining a steady outpouring of country music that included Top-10 hits such as “I Have You” (1988) and “She’s Gone, Gone, Gone” (1989). In 1994, he published a memoir, “Rhinestone Cowboy,” written with Tom Carter. The singer drew fresh critical attention for “Meet Glen Campbell” (2008), a recording session that included covers of songs by such disparate rock bands as Green Day, U2 and the Velvet Underground. He followed with the well-received “Ghost on the Canvas”A new report says Vancouver's inadequate public transit and lack of affordable housing may hinder the city's ability to attract labour and business investment. The Greater Vancouver Board of Trade released a scorecard today prepared by the Conference Board of Canada that rates the city ninth among big international cities in terms of key economic and social indicators. The report says Vancouver ranks ninth in the economic category and seventh in the social category, but housing and public transit hurt the city's liveability ranking and could be hurdles for attracting future investment. Story continues below advertisement The report says other challenges facing British Columbia's largest city include a low proportion of 25 to 34 year-olds, low productivity levels, land scarcity and high marginal tax rates. Singapore received the scorecard's top marks, while Miami
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you are. Parents, sisters and brothers, aunts and uncles, neighbors, teachers and all sorts of friends at school — they can all be your valentines! Valentine's Day is an annual occasion when we exchange gifts to commemorate these remarkable, loving relationships, every year. How this Celebration of Love & Affection Started Valentine's Day is named after an early Christian martyr and dates back to the 5th century. Its celebration evolved out of a mixture of Christian tradition, ancient Roman rituals and the customs of Victorian England. Numerous early Christian martyrs were named Valentine, a common name in Roman Empire. Valentinus, a Presbyter (a priest in the then underground Christian community) was thrown in jail for officiating at Christian weddings. He was imprisoned, but fell in love with the jailor's daughter,who would visit him often. Before his death on February 14th, he wrote her a love letter, which he signed “From your Valentine." However, the celebration of Saint Valentine did not have any romantic connotations until Chaucer's poetry about "Valentines" (Parliament of Foules)in the 14th century (1382 A.D). Significance of Valentine Gifts Three big gifts on Valentine's Day are flowers, cards and chocolate. Other common gifts include perfume, stuffed animals, jewellery, books, and gourmet food. The rose is supposed to be the favorite flower of Venus, the Goddess of Love and represents love in all its forms. The tradition of giving valentine cards dates back to 1415 when Charles the Duke of Orleans wrote a poem for his wife while imprisoned in the Tower of London on Valentine's Day. The
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PITTSBURGH (KDKA) — A police dog was punched and kicked by a suspect who officials said threatened a female acquaintance with a gun during a domestic dispute. Authorities identify the suspect as Arthur Patterson. Officials said they responded to a report of a male who entered a residence on the 900 block of Mina Street on Tuesday and threatened a female acquaintance with a gun. When officers arrived, they saw the man fleeing the scene, with a gun, into a wooded area on Rhine Street. Two police K-9s were used to search for the man and spotted the suspect in some low brush before arresting him on the 1900 block of Rhine Street, police said. While the man was being arrested, he assaulted a K-9 and a Taser was deployed to getWHEN she was eight, Maya Angelou stopped speaking. That was the year her mother’s boyfriend raped her. But worse than that, worse than the terrible pain in her stomach, worse than the blood or the feeling that her thin hips were coming out of their sockets, was the knowledge that her voice had killed him. After she cried out against him in court, he was found kicked to death. She did not speak again, except to her brother, for five years. To be voiceless was not unusual for blacks in America then. They would plough, hoe and pick cotton uncomplainingly till they flopped like emptied sacks. Do what they were told, and shrug off the insults. Stay dumb as the dumb animals they were taken for, or else be
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an uppity nigger and hanged from a tree. As a black girl in the South, sent away at three by her parents to Stamps, Arkansas, she had even less right to speak. She was bound to end up laundering or kneading bread for some cut-glass white mistress. She had watched her grandmother, Momma, mocked by white-trash children and saying nothing back, just humming a little through her fear. There seemed no more a black woman could do. Even much later in life, trapped in a run of bad marriages, she could still fall back into silent mode. Whatever a husband wanted, just agree. Lower your eyes, bite your tongue. And especially never expect that any whitefolks would want to hear the story of a black woman. Yet inside that tall,gawky, gap-toothed body was somebody quite different. In girlhood she dreamed she was a white princess, long blonde hair replacing that tight frizz. As a nightclub dancer in her late teens she was Sheba or Scheherazade, or the daughter of an African chief. She would not speak slang at school, or let people say “nigger” in her own house. Raising her son Guy single-handed, she refused to take welfare. Independence and pride were starched into her. “Sister, change everything you don’t like about your life,” Momma told her. Improbably, she did. In her silent years, a neighbour called Mrs Flowers encouraged her to recite poetry aloud to the mirror. She fell in love with Shakespeare’s sonnet, “When in disgrace with fortune and men’s eyes”. Disgraced and lowly, maybe, but
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she too, like the lark, could “sing hymns at heaven’s gate”. Even Momma, who spoke so softly, could make the church windows shake when she sang: Deep River My home is over Jordan And so would she. Back with her mother in California, she found what jobs she could. In San Francisco she was a strip-dancer, a fry-cook and the first black “conductorette” on the streetcars. From the stage of the Purple Onion nightclub she sang taunting, elegant calypso. She appeared in “Porgy and Bess” as a dancer-singer, and when she toured Europe she was moved to find the sad spirituals of her race taken up by the downtrodden everywhere. Full-throated now, she led their singing, just as she did at political meetings in New York in the 1960s, where the songwas simply “Freedom”. Like air, I’ll rise She worked for both Malcolm X, who railed against the blue-eyed devils, and Martin Luther King, who preached non-violence. The first Brother appealed to her righteous indignation, the second to her lovingkindness. When both men were murdered, she poured her emotion into seven books of memoirs, beginning in 1969 with “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings”. White America sat up and noticed, as if it had never heard a black woman raise her voice before. She wrote poems. They sprang from the same struggles: finding a voice, falling in love unwisely, carrying on her back with broad, controlled, resounding anger the long, bloody history of the middle passage and the auction block. And the more she spoke, on stage, on television, at universities,
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as looking for answers in Ruth’s belongings, Hope talks to her sister’s friends and a former boyfriend, as well as a forensic pathologist about her death report. Ruth, who was three years older than Hope, was found in her Manhattan loft in 2008, aged 42. She had decorated the apartment like a beautiful stage set with notes and gifts for close friends surrounding her. Some of her artwork, which included large-format images of flowers, nude self-portraits, collages and street photography, hung on the walls. During filming Hope found Ruth’s plans for a show of her floral photographs at Bellevue hospital in New York, where she had psychiatric treatment. Hope arranges for this to take place. Titled Ruth’s Dream, the exhibition is to return to the hospital lobby later this year. ThePereles, Scott Ratcliffe and Scott German, will take you from the aftermath of the stunning first-round loss to UMBC in 2018, and how coach Tony Bennett and his team used that loss as the source of strength, through to the ACC regular-season championship, the run to the Final Four, and the thrilling overtime win over Texas Tech to win the 2019 national title, the first in school history. Subscribe Augusta Free Press content is available for free, as it has been since 2002, save for a disastrous one-month experiment at putting some content behind a pay wall back in 2009. (We won’t ever try that again. Almost killed us!) That said, it’s free to read, but it still costs us money to produce. The site is updated several times a
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Subscribe to Big Island Video News (FREE) * indicates required Email Address * STORY SUMMARY Video by Lynn Beittel, Visionary Video | Voice of Stephanie Salazar WAIKII RANCH, Hawaii: 191 feral donkeys living in the Waikoloa area are one step closer to what will hopefully be a better life. This weekend, hundreds of the Waikoloa Nightingales were herded into the pen here at Waikii Ranch, part of a busy re-homing […] WAIKII RANCH, Hawaii: 191 feral donkeys living in the Waikoloa area are one step closer to what will hopefully be a better life. This weekend, hundreds of the Waikoloa Nightingales were herded into the pen here at Waikii Ranch, part of a busy re-homing clinic. The donkeys, estimated to part of a herd of 600, has been encroaching on the nearby Waikoloa Village overthe years, causing accidents on Waikoloa Road and other community concerns. The situation reached a boiling point last year, when the extreme drought drove the donkeys into the village outskirts in search of resources. The community has been wrestling with the problem of how to manage the herd, and there was even talk of having to thin the numbers by shooting the animals. So when the United States Humane Society joined forces with Brady Bergin, a Waimea veterinarian, animal lovers were relieved and the iconic donkeys were given new hope. The clinic was a large undertaking… lots of work to prepare the donkeys for their new lives. In this video, Inga Gibson of the Humane Society of the United States explains how all of the jacks were fully anesthetized (medicated
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Wichita Rheumatologist Doctors for Knee Bursitis Type of Physician: Rheumatologist What is a Rheumatologist? A subspecialty certification by the Board of Internal Medicine; practitioners treat diseases of the joints, muscles, bones, and tendons. The rheumatologist diagnoses and treats arthritis, back pain, muscle strains, common athletic injuries, etc. The rheumatologist may work closely with other specialists such as orthopaedic surgeons and physical therapists. Wichita, Kansas Wichita is a city in and the county seat of Sedgwick County, Kansas, United States. Wichita has evolved into a cultural and entertainment center. The downtown district offers nightclubs, restaurants, shopping centers, museums and parks. Intrust Bank Arena, a 15,000 seat arena in the middle of Wichita, opened in January 2010. Several universities are in Wichita, the largest being Wichita State University with an enrollment of 15,000 students. InEgyptians wearing condoms, however, it’s unknown whether they were wearing them for sexual or ritual reasons. The Egyptians were indeed the first to wear condoms, made of fine linen and even went as far as making them in different colours. 1400s Glans Condoms A glans condom from the 14th century Evidence dating back to the 14th Century suggests the use of ‘glans condoms’ by the Asian upper classes. Glans condoms are condoms that cover just the tip of penis. The Chinese made theirs from oiled silk paper or lamb intestine, whereas the Japanese tended to make theirs from harder materials such as tortoise shell or animal horn. As you can imagine, especially with the latter, glans condoms would easily move and even become lodged inside the woman. 1594 Linen Condoms In the fight against syphilis, which had
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been spreading like wildfire around Europe & Asia for the previous century, Italian physician and atomist Gabrielle Fallopius made one of the biggest breakthroughs in condom technology. Fallopius, in his 1594 treatise De Morbo Gallico (‘The French Disease’), suggested a linen cloth be soaked in chemicals, dried and then used as protection against the deadly disease during intercourse. 1,100 brave participants lined up to test out the linen sheath, which covered the glans and tied on with ribbon. Remarkably, none of them subsequently tested positive for syphilis and the linen condoms became relatively popular. 1646 Oldest Condoms in the World Discovered During excavations in 1985 at Dudley Castle in the West Midlands, England (pictured), the contents of the castle toilet (aka ‘garderobe’) were discovered remarkably intact and subsequently sorted for further analysis by thewashed and re-used until they perished. 1873 Comstock Law The ‘Comstock Law’, named after Anthony Comstock, was passed in the USA which made it illegal to distribute any kind of ‘obscene’ material through the postal system – including condoms and other contraceptives. 1890 – 1905 Dunlop & Ansell condoms in Australia Eric Ansell The Australian arm of Dunlop Rubber started making condoms in the 1890s in the South Melbourne area. Dunlop’s Catholic chairman Nicholas Fitzgerald however wasn’t comfortable with the company making condoms and by 1905 forced the business to stop making them altogether. Eric Ansell was working within the factory at this time and witnessed the condom making equipment being removed and placed into nearby storage. Ansell offered to, and subsequently purchased, the condom making equipment and started making condoms from his rented house in Richmond. He
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subsequently quit his role at Dunlop and, with $60 to his name, founded Ansell Rubber. Incidentally, Dunlop Australia went on to buy Ansell in 1969. 1912 Fromm Invents Cement Dipping Technique Julius Fromm German Chemist & Inventor, Julius Fromm, creates a manufacturing condom technique of dipping glass molds into rubber solution, known as ‘cement dipping’. This was a breakthrough in facilitating the mass production of condoms. 1914 – 1918 First World War Dough Boy Prophylactic packaging Germany was the only country distribute condoms to soldiers during WW1. The British government, followed by the US when they joined in 1918, argued distribution would promote fornication and initially opted to not provide condoms to troops. As a result, it’s believed as estimated 5% of the British army suffered from venereal diseases throughout WW1. When you consider the British and Empirecontraception and protection against venereal diseases. 1957 Introduction of Lubricant Durex invented the first condom with added lubricant. This was key to making the use of condoms safer and more enjoyable for both parties due to the reduced friction. 1980s Condoms vs HIV & AIDs Image Source: National Library of Medicine Following the frightening AIDs epidemic, condoms were endorsed, marketed and sold as a method to prevent the spread of HIV. Condom became available in supermarkets and usage rose dramatically Worldwide. By 1988, condoms were the contraceptive of choice for married couples in Britain – overtaking the contraceptive pill. 1987 In an effort to fight against HIV and AIDS, Richard Branson, of Virgin fame, partnered with Ansell to manufacture non-profit condoms. They were marketed under the ‘Mates’ brand which was later sold back to Ansell. In return, Ansell paid
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the use of the Recess Appointment power: The Constitution does not specify the length of time that the Senate must be in recess before the President may make a recess appointment. Over time, the Department of Justice has offered differing views on this question, and no settled understanding appears to exist. In 1993, however, a Department of Justice brief implied that the President may make a recess appointment during a recess of more than three days. In doing so, the brief linked the minimum recess length with Article I, Section 5, clause 4 of the U.S. Constitution. This Adjournments Clause provides that “Neither House, during the Session of Congress, shall, without the Consent of the other, adjourn for more than three days ….” Arguing that the recess during whichis in many respects a relic of the era in which the Constitution was drafted and the amount of time it took to travel from one part of the country to where ever the Capitol was located would take days, if not longer depending on the time of year. From the beginning of the Republic and continuing up until the early part of the 20th Century, Congress would often be out of session for months at a time and the need to make appointments would often arise quite regularly. Arguably, the Recess Appointment clause was never intended to empower the President to put into office a nominee that the Senate had refused to confirm. However, the Constitution does not say that, nor does it define what a proper
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recess for the purpose of the Recess Appointment clause actually is, which means the phrase is rather open ended an open to interpretation. And that is where this entire legal analysis must come to an end, really. This issue has not been dealt with by the Courts on many occassions. Most recently, it occurred in 2004 when President Bush used a Recess Appointment to name William J. Pryor to the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals. Lawsuits were filed challenging the appointment, but the challenge was ultimately unsuccessful: During the presidency of George W. Bush, Democrats actively filibustered the confirmation of federal appeals court nominee William Pryor, largely because of the conservative reputation he gained while serving as the attorney general of Alabama. A Republican-led Senate coalition fell seven votes shyNotice No. 01-85 March 13, 2001 TO: All NYMEX Division Members/Member Firms All NYMEX Division Clearing Members All NYMEX Division Floor Traders All NYMEX Division Operations Managers FROM: George Henderson, Vice President RE: Options Expiration Operational Procedures for the Trading Floor and Clearing Members ________________________________________________________________ The expiration date for the April 2001 options contract for Gasoline-Crack (CGJ1) and Heating Oil-Crack (CHJ1) is Monday, March 19, 2001. GENERAL OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES All Clearing Members and Qualified Floor Traders that carried an options position as of the close of business day prior to the expiration day, or engaged in trading activity on Expiration Day in the expiring options contract will be required to have a knowledgeable, duly authorized representative present at their normal work station promptly at 5:30 p.m. until released by the Exchange staff as specified below. All adjustments and/or corrections, must be accompanied
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Genetic counseling: the impact in Indian milieu. To assess the impact of genetic counseling in Indian milieu. A study of 83 Indian consultants who were provided genetic counseling was carried out to understand their expectations, satisfaction with genetic counseling and its effects on reproductive decision. Most of the families were referred for the diagnosis and the treatment of the disorder in the proband. The consultants understood the medical facts about risk of recurrence and were satisfied with genetic counseling. There was no change in reproductive plan after genetic counseling in most of the cases. The reproductive decision was mainly correlating with the presence or absence of normal live children in the family and availability of prenatal diagnosis.Eagulls: "Tough Luck" England can be a pretty depressing place, especially when you are a punk at heart living in a metropolis thriving on capitalism. Impassive buildings housing retail, financial, and manufacturing companies fuel the economy of Leeds. Um so, when you live in a city known as the leading business and legal sector of UK and want to play in a band, it's not too surprising to produce music that sounds rebellious to your environment. From the city that spawned acts like Gang of Four and The Sisters of Mercy, Eagulls are hurling their irrepressible hymn for the post-uni pessimistic working class. The noisy post-punk quintet's debut full-length is slated to release on March 4, 20014 via Partisan Records. Until then, turn up the volume and immerse into their
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has claws that engage the coil at spaced apart locations between the posts and close around it. The arm first moves straight up to lift the coil off of the coiling posts, and then it swings laterally to carry the coil to a tying machine by which a wire tie is looped around the middle of the coil and twisted upon itself. The claws thereafter open to release the tied hank into a receptacle or onto a conveyor. Once the coil has been lifted away from the coiling posts, the operator can attach a new cord to the turntable and start a new winding cycle, so that winding of one cord can take place while a previously wound coil is being tied and released from the arm. It isa known relationship to the turntable coiling posts. Grippers on the outer ends of the coiling posts close upon the cord near its gripped end, which is then released. The other end of the cord is slidably guided as it is being wound in towards the turntable. The mechanism for presenting cords to the coiling turntable is somewhat complicated, and further complications are involved in the grippers on the coiling posts and the mechanism for actuating them at appropriate times. Although the automatic hanking machine of the copending application can be mounted adjacent to a lead forming machine to receive leads as they issue from it, and can coil and tie leads as quickly as they are produced, that hanking machine is mainly useful for special situations where it
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In this article, focusing on the situation prevailing in the islands of the Aegean in the Middle Ages, listed unknown and rare testimonies of numerous travelers, which in the timespan of hundreds of years describe many islands as uninhabited, completely deserted. Large scourges were wars, frequent deadly epidemics and piracy, due to which thousands of residents of the islands dragged as slaves in the bazaars of the East. Population gaps replenished from time to time various groups of people from other places, such as North Africa, the East and in many cases, as we shall see, poor Albanians. The article is based on excerpts translated from the works of the English historian and archaeologist Frederick William Hasluck (1878-1920): «Depopulation in the Aegean Islands and the Turkish Conquest» (The Annual ofthe British School at Athens, Vol. 17, 1910 / 1911, pp. 151-181) and «Albanian Settlements in the Aegean islands» (The Annual of the British School at Athens, Vol. 15, 1908/1909, pp. 223-228). The table below (which I translated from Greek using Google Translate) is a summary of research on desolation and the restocking of the islands in the period before the Cretan War (and, apparently this is historical data only for a period from roughly 14th century to 17th century. What happened in antiquity? What happened in the all the centuries preceding the 14th c.?). Conclusion from the article: "… in three similar periods of unrest in the Aegean region there are significant population movements: During the Cretan War (1645-1669), during the Orloff revolt (1770-1774) and the period of '21 (1821-1830). Yet,
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younger historians, mainly from the 19th century, serving the ideology of foreign imperialist forces. With the lie all are familiar today. - Moreover, it is naive to support that thought, that Alexander sat on the Persian throne, caused jubilation and pride to Greeks. False is the claim that Alexander the campaign in Asia, battled for the Greek interests and represented the Greeks. Alexander adopted Asian traditions. He joined the Persian political system wore Persian attire followed a majestic but tyrannical ritual. - After his death and the tragic outcome of the Lamian War accelerated and completed the sinking of the Greek city-states ─ political, social, economic, cultural. The fierce rivalries successors and wars plunged cities into disasters. Despotism, corruption, persecution, looting, displacement. Their resistance was paralyzed under military violence. - AlexanderCivilizing Asia! And who were his comrades, who avenged the invasion of Xerxes and spread the Greek culture? Triballians, Agrianes, Illyrians, Thracians, Odryssians, Paionians. The existence of Bulgarian villages in Anatolia was noted by western travellers such as the Italian Dr Salvatori (1807), the Frenchman J.M. Tancoigne and the Briton George Keppel (1829). Tancoigne describes his experience in Kız-Dervent (located farther east, between İzmit and İznik) as follows: "We were pleasantly surprised by finding in that village women who would walk with their faces uncovered, and men whose manners contradicted the Asian ones entirely. We also discovered dresses of the residents of the Danube's banks and heard a Slavic language in an area where we would regard it as absolutely foreign ... The locals told us they were of Bulgarian
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origin and their village had been founded almost a century ago by their fathers ... The residents of that village are Christians, Eastern Orthodox." According to the third theory held by the Turkish author Necip Asım and Bulgarian authors the Karamanlides may be descendants of exiled Slavic-speaking Bulgarians after the conquest of the First Bulgarian Empire by the Byzantine Empire, who were concentrated around the mountain with the survived name Bulgar Dagh. This event was mentioned by the Armenian historian Aristakes Lastivertsi in 1072, who described the event as a disaster and horror for the places where Bulgarians passed. The territory was conquered by the Seljuk Turks first during the Battle of Manzikert. The author Necip Asım provided more than 150 historical accounts (written as late as 1517) literallyspeaking of Bulgarian Asker, Eller, Beylers, Beys, their rulers Yahsha Khan, Aydin Bey, Vizier Assen and Queen Catherine, who were Christian allies or vassals of the Karamanids or Seljuks. According to Hodja Dehani, when the ancestors of the Karamans came to Asia Minor from Shirvan and settled in the southern part of the peninsula around 1217-1228 AD, they found the Bulgarians in and around the Bulgarian Mountains and even for a year they fought with them. After that, the Karamans and Bulgarians joined as allies, and perhaps also enter in vassal relations and carried out joint military activities continuously from the 13th century until the first quarter of the XVI century. Nearly a century ago, the Asia Minor Bulgarians claimed that the Karamanlides were Turkified Bulgarians. Necip Asım provides the
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Arabic text, which he added later to the expanded Turkish version of "The History of Karaman". A branch of the Bulgarian tribe, who from the time of the Seljuk and Karamans, after the Mongolians (hence after 1243 AD), lived in the area of ​​Beychehir in the endless Erenkollof mountain. Towards the end of the 15th and the beginning of the 16th century these Bulgarians chose for their queen a maiden named Katerina, who had 10,000 armed people. When the Karamans, threatened by the Ottomans, retreated to the Bulgarian Mountains, the peasants from the borders of Konya to the borders of Beychehir remained under the authority of Katerina. The Bulgarians of Katerina and herself were overthrown by the army of Selim before his march to Egypt and Arabia. Particularly valuable are the notesof Necip Asım in the second half of the article on the language, religion and origin of these Bulgarians. He noted that "it may reasonably be thought that the Orthodox who are now in those places (from Beychehir to Konya) and speak Turkish, are the remains of those Bulgarians. Asım highlights something very important, which is not written by other investigators, nor is it clear from the Karaman History, except for the name of the Queen of the Bulgarians from Beychehir to Konya, Katerina, in the annex to the extended Turkish version of the chronicle, which speaks of Christian origin: the language of these Bulgarians is Slavic, and their religion is Christian. This shows that they are from Balkan Bulgarians. Asım affirms that the documents in his possession indicate that
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these Bulgarians (from Beychehir to Konya) and the Bulgarians in Tash or (around the Bulgarian Mountains) have been here since Seljuk times (probably as early as the 11th century), and that it is written that in the Seljuk army there were Bulgarians and Levantines - Europeans, born in the east. Also, sources for the 12th century recorded Slavic and Bulgarian presence in Asia Minor. In the chronicle of Abu Mansur al-Hazini, "The remarkable days of the Seljuk State," in a chronicle note for Sanjar, ruled from 1117 to 1157, are explicitly mentioned "Slavic regions Suvar, Bulgar and Ankara ..." (quote from Tatarli, 1982). 1) Population movements in the Aegean during later times were affected in a positive or negative way by a chain of factors that came up throughout thisepidemics on islands. The whole list of epidemics that struck –sometimes immensely– certain islands is much longer. Several natural disasters (mostly earthquakes, and Thera and Nisyros’s volcanic eruptions) also inflicted losses. 2) Colonizations Already since the Frankish Rule period, rulers organized colonizations aiming to increase the population of the places where colonists settled, since achieving political and economical aims was otherwise impossible. Therefore, in 1413, people coming from Tinos and Mykonos colonized scarcely populated Astypalaia. Colonizations sometimes covered needs created by military rivalry. In 1450 and 1493, two groups from Chalki settled on Rhodes in order to overlook the sea area considering the Ottoman threat coming from the Asia Minor coasts opposite the island. Compulsory movement of populations from several areas of the Ottoman Empire towards recently taken over Constantinople was
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the best-known example of a colonization organized by central power in order to increase the city’s population (sürgün). Populations from newly taken over Aegean islands (e.g. Thasos, Samothrace, Imbros, Limnos and Lesbos) were also moved towards the capital. A series of measures aiming to increase population of some Aegean islands were adopted by the Ottoman administration though, which knew that growth of the islands’ sparse population was a necessary condition for its power to be stabilized. That is what happened on Rhodes when was taken over in 1522. The same happened after the battleship of Nafpaktos (1571), as the Ottoman systematically tried to re-colonize Samos, Agios Efstratios and Myconos and increase their population. At the same time, there was a gradual increase of the Northern Sporades and Psara populationwith others coming from Thessaly and Euboea. The example of the Arvanites (Albanians that had lived in Greece for some centuries) is the last one of the colonization chapter. In 1402, Arvanites from Attica and Boeotia settled on Euboea after being invited by the island’s Venetian authorities. In 1418 Lord of Ios, Marco Crispo I, moved Arvanites from the Peloponnese to the island so that its up to then uninhabited part would be inhabited. In 1558, Ios was deserted again because of Muslim pirates’ incursions, and another colonization by Arvanites in 1575 was therefore launched again, this time by Ottoman rulers. Arvanites from Attica and the Peloponnese were used at the same time for the colonization of Kea and Kythnos, the Argosaronic gulf islands and finally Samos when the
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The Bad Nun IMDb: 0 2018 82min Based on true events. Aesha goes to an isolated b&b in Kent after her mom books her in so she can get some head space for her studies. In the night Aesha is visited by a nun at the door who will progressively begin to show her true colours as the night unfolds – As the nun continues to bother Aesha at the door, Aesha begins to question her surroundings in this isolated suspense horror. Western IMDb: 0 2017 121min A group of German construction workers set out for a foreign construction site in the Bulgarian province. The strange country awakens adventure feelings among the men. At the same time, they are confronted with their prejudices and mistrust. For two of the men, a nearby village becomes the stage forto sabotage the restaurant on the night of a major mixed martial arts fight. Honeycrisp IMDb: 0 2017 83min Honeycrisp tells the story of Hannah and Greta Lawton – two estranged sisters with a turbulent past who meet up to clean out their suddenly deceased parents cabin and repair – or end – their relationship. Dying for the Crown IMDb: 0 2018 min When Isabelle Wagner takes the plunge to attend her twenty-year high school reunion with her daughter, Sierra, she comes face to face with her past when she is reunited with her former classmate rival, Andrea Turner. When a seemingly changed Andrea insinuates herself into their lives, Isabelle’s world comes crashing down and she soon realizes that twenty years hasn’t changed Andrea after all. Her Worst Nightmare IMDb: 0 2018 min A young woman, Dakota, is trying to move on with
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her life and get away from her past after being rescued from a grim basement, where she was kidnapped and abused by a monstrous man. However, when the normal life she had starts to unravel, Dakota needs to uncover her tormentor and end her nightmare for good, since she fears for her life and is determined to no longer be the victim. The Padre IMDb: 0 2018 98min American retired Judge Randall Nemes and his hired gun, Gaspar, track down a con man posing as a priest in a small Colombian town only to be thrown off-course by a scrappy 16-year-old girl intent on reuniting with her sister in the United States. The Unity of Heroes Pitbull: Last Dog IMDb: 0 2018 124min A policeman gets killed and the short-staffed police chief sends for a few experienced officers tosupport him in his fight with organized crime. Meanwhile, a conflict between local gangster groups escalates. A Man Called Jon East of Finland IMDb: 0 2018 104min Three men meet on a night train on the border of Finland and Sweden. All three are concealing something, and a sudden confrontation amongst them leads to disastrous consequences, with two of them being forced to make a joint decision. Gogol. Viy IMDb: 0 2018 99min A mysterious Dark Horseman slays young girls near the village of Dikanka, and he has already butchered 11 ladies. Nikolai Gogol, a scribe from Saint Petersburg has to take charge of the investigation, but the closer he gets to solving the case, the more fits he has, causing macabre visions. When he learns the next victim is his beloved, Liza, he doubts that he can protect
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her and resist the murderer. Fortunately, he meets somebody who can help him: Khoma Brut, the witch hunter, martial artist and philosopher. Together they spend three dreadful nights in an old chapel reading the funeral service for Ulyana, the witch, and calling upon the ghastly evil spirit Viy. Season for Love IMDb: 0 2018 120min When a talented chef returns to her Texas hometown, she winds up entering the town’s famous BBQ cook off and gets more than she bargained for when the surprise judge turns out to be her high school love. Stars Marc Blucas. Autumn Reeser. Hallmark movie starring Marc Blucas, Autumn Reeser, and Jenna Weir. Drew Michael IMDb: 0 2018 50min Comedian Drew Michael is taking the stage and is holding nothing back in his first HBO stand-up special, in which he navigates his fears,must fight for her rights even though justice lies on the side of her tormentors. Coming to My Senses IMDb: 0 2017 85min In 1999 Aaron Baker broke his neck in a motocross accident, leaving him completely paralyzed from the neck down. Despite doctor’s grim prognosis over the next 16 years Aaron decided not to listen to those who said ‘he had a million-to-one odds of ever feeding himself again’ and instead, through painstaking effort, endeavored to regain as much mobility as possible. This journey through the unknown took him from the depths of depression to the joys of cross country road tripping via tandem bicycle with his mother and friends, and finally, culminated in his opening a socially conscious low cost gym focused on increasing mobility for the disabled. Now in Coming
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To My Senses we watch as Aaron takes one final journey which symbolizes his recovery: to cross a 20 mile tract of Death Valley unsupported on foot. But will he make it? Euthanizer IMDb: 0 2017 85min Euthanizer tells the story of a mechanic who euthanises sick and old pets as a side job. Despite the grim work, he has a soft spot for the animals. Trouble stirs when the owner of a dog he was supposed to end realises that the canine is still alive. The only innocent party in the drama that ensues is the dog itself. Charismata IMDb: 0 2017 100min As a rookie detective struggling to find acceptance in a police department defined by a culture of bullying and intolerance, things go from bad to worse when the chief suspect in a series ofbrutal ritualistic murders takes a personal interest in her. A game of cat and mouse ensues which sees Rebecca’s grasp on reality beginning to spiral out of control, leading to a terrifying climax where she needs to fight for her sanity, her life and maybe even her soul. If I Leave Here Tomorrow: A Film About Lynyrd Skynyrd IMDb: 0 2018 94min The story of Lynyrd Skynyrd; The Greatest American Rock Band Ever. We fly beyond Free Bird to celebrate the life & times of leader Ronnie Van Zant, from boogie-woogie beginnings in Jacksonville’s Shantytown to a tragic end in a Mississippi swamp. Concealed IMDb: 0 2017 87min Max, a struggling actor living in South Africa, has flown into Sydney, Australia for the audition of his life. As soon as he lands things start to go horribly wrong
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when his girlfriend Sallie disappears. Frustrated with the police’s lack of progress in finding her, Max embarks on a desperate search for Sallie with the help of childhood friend Richard. The pair’s search pushes them to both external and internal extremities in their desperate plight to find Sallie. Pearl in Paradise IMDb: 0 2018 80min Magazine photographer Alex Anderson and author Colin Page head to Fiji in search of the illusive blue pearl that Colin wrote about in his bestselling novel Pearl in Paradise. Alex stands to land the creative director position if she can photograph the pearl for the magazine’s 30th anniversary issue, and Colin hopes that by writing a guest article about the long-lost gem he can boost sales of his failing other books and not lose his publisher. As theDid a little substitute teaching this morning at a local high school ( Go Toros! ) Think you are a good presenter? Go volunteer at your local high school. If they're not interested, they don't even pretend to be. As part of the lesson I played a game with the kids. I made some motions with a stick, tapped it on the ground a few times and asked the kids to guess the word I was thinking. Of course, none of them could (the word was hat). I then gave one student in the class the "decoding ring" to make sense of my stick motions and senseless babbling and sent her out of the room while the rest of the class picked a new word. The student with the
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
want, the current issue of Business Week concludes: The result: a serious case of attention deficit for ...more. Another example of the power of promoters. Shade Clothing sells undershirts for women that are longer than normal for those that aren't interested in showing the world their belly button. It was fou ...more. I read recently about a musician--a cello player to be exact--that moved to New York City. She didn't know anyone in the city and was looking for opportunities to play her cello. Her solution? She ...more. I read a great article recently about George Washington. As I read about his amazing leadership characteristics it occurred to me that they are the same characteristics any entrepreneur or business l ...more. On the company the effect is like being assimilated into the Borg,Primary biliary cirrhosis-autoimmune hepatitis overlap syndrome: simplified criteria may be effective in the diagnosis in Chinese patients. To evaluate the Paris criteria, the revised diagnostic criteria and the simplified diagnostic scoring system in the diagnosis of primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC)-autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) overlap syndrome in Chinese patients. Medical records of the patients who were diagnosed with PBC at the Union Hospital and Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Wuhan, Hubei Province, China) from 2003 to 2012 were retrospectively reviewed. The overlap syndrome was diagnosed based on the Paris criteria, the revised criteria and the simplified criteria, respectively. Patients' clinical characteristics, laboratory examination results and histological findings were collected. The sensitivity and specificity of the three criteria for diagnosing PBC-AIH overlap syndrome were calculated. PBC-AIH
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "PubMed Abstracts" ] }
Tag Archives: summer In Traditional Chinese Medicine, each season is associated with one of the elements: wood, fire, earth, metal and water. Perhaps unsurprisingly, summertime is associated with the element fire. Fire represents maximum activity. In nature, everything is at its peak growth during the summer, so TCM sees our energy as its most active and exuberant. Summer is the time of Traditional Chinese Medicine or TCM is all about balance. In this ancient system, the key to health is to move through the world in such a way that our bodies can remain in homeostasis, in balance. This idea connects to sleep patterns, what we eat and ultimately the flow of Qi, or energy, throughout the body. For that reason, Acupuncture is part of a medical system that dates back(TBI) to develop a unique certificate program, known as the Public Administration Executive Leadership Certificate or "Command College". In addition, he was named as a consultant to the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation. Published works The Learner-Centered Curriculum: Design and Implementation (with R. Cullen and R. Hill). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2012. Leading the Learner-Centered Campus: An Administrator's Framework for Improving Student Learning Outcomes (with R. Cullen). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2010. Innovation and Entrepreneurship in State and Local Government (ed. with R. Kinney). Lexington Books, 2003. Term Limits (with G. Doron). Lexington Books, 2001. Public Policy and Electoral Reform: The Case of Israel (with G. Doron). Lexington Books, 2000. References External links Category:1956 births Category:South African Jews Category:People from Kokomo, Indiana Category:Indiana University faculty Category:Kettering University faculty Category:Ferris State University faculty Category:Tel Aviv University faculty Category:Israeli Jews Category:Bar-Ilan University alumni Category:Tel Aviv University alumni Category:Indiana
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New property listed in Royal Oak, Calgary Bright & Beautiful family home in the desirable community of ROYAL OAK with more than 2200 sq ft developed space. Central air, composite deck, tones of upgrades and fully finished basement. Showered in warm natural light, the main floor offers hardwood floors, a sunny living room with a granite-surround gas fireplace, a nook with floor-to-ceiling windows, maple island kitchen with stainless steel appliances and gorgeous cabinetry. Upstairs the master bedroom enjoys built-in cabinets, walk-in closet & EnSt. Two more bedrooms - one with a built-in desk, share a 2nd full bathroom. An awesome vaulted bonus room with built in entertainment unit complete the upper level.Lower level has oversized windows, a 4th bedroom, a bathroom & a rec room area. An absolutely gorgeousQ: How did Vers know Agent Fury's name? When Agent Fury met Vers at the phone-booth for the first time in Captain Marvel, she called him "Agent Fury", but he didn't introduce himself there, right? How did she know his name? A: He did introduce himself, actually. Not by saying his name, but by showing his identification​. Hence Vers' line: We don't carry our identification on little cards. The "little card" contained various info but most importantly here, his name, which is how Vers was able to name him when she said: Congratulations agent Fury, you finally asked a relevant question. For the record, here's a picture of Fury's ID, seen later in the movie. His name is partially hidden by the thumb, but this is what Vers saw:
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "StackExchange" ] }
of which form a right angle. The northeast or hypotenuse side follows the curve of a branch of the Chicago river and is referred to as a drainage ditch. The tract is unimproved except for a sanitary sewer along the northeast side. It lies on the eastern border and within the boundaries of the village of Deerfield. The village of Highland Park abuts on the eastern boundary of the drainage ditch. A large unplatted area known as the Ramsey tract abuts on the west side of the 17 acres and is divided into homesites of 1/2 to 3 acres each. About 36 large homes have been erected thereon. Three private undedicated thoroughfares traverse the Ramsey tract but do not run up to the 17-acre tract. The property tothe south is unimproved. The tract is therefore entirely cut off from the village of Deerfield and the only access to a public street is over an old wooden nonvehicular bridge across the drainage ditch onto Westgate Terrace Road in Highland Park. The Ramsey tract to the west and the undeveloped land to the south are also zoned R-1. The subdivisions lying west, north and south of the west half of the Ramsey tract and those directly across the drainage ditch in Highland Park, however, do not have the area or density restrictions here complained of. This case does not pose the usual situation where the value of the undeveloped land is much higher if the restrictions are lowered. In fact, the plaintiff testified that he had been *200 offered
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sites in the subject tract. One of plaintiff's witnesses thought the building of small homes would increase the value of homes in the Ramsey tract, while another thought they would have little effect on the value of the larger homes. Plaintiff argues that the present zoning classification destroys the functional use of his property and in doing so destroys its value, since he cannot economically proceed with *201 its development. He says that he is entitled to construct the larger number of homes and thereby recover the value of the land, his cost of development and a normal profit. A number of cases from foreign jurisdictions have been cited on the right of municipalities to fix density standards and regulate the area or bulk of houses. We think it unnecessaryBrowse CHARACTERS Tifa Lockhart Cloud's friend since childhood, as an adult Tifa has noticeably blossomed and becomes the owner of Seventh Heaven, a famous bar in the town of Midgar. Tifa is skilled in martial arts, using her impressive physical prowess to win battles. Though Tifa looks tough at first, deep down she is a very sentimental person with difficulty expressing her feelings. She is also motherly by nature and excels at caring for her teammates.
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"In a while, crocodile!" has never been said with so much joy. New Zealand kayaker Ryan Blair was trapped on a small island off the coast of Australia for more than two weeks by a huge crocodile, 9 News reported. Blair, 37, was exploring the waters near Kalamburu and wound up on Governor Island, about 2.5 miles from the mainland. When he decided to head back, he soon found he was sharing the island with an enormous reptile who had other plans. Whenever he attempted to leave the island, Blair says, the croc chased him and blocked his exit. In a kayak that, at about 8 feet long, is less than half the estimated length of the crocodile, Blair felt he didn't stand a chance. Blair was rescued Saturday, after Kalumburu residentDon MacLeod saw a light coming from the island and went to investigate, Australian public broadcaster ABC reported. Blair noted he had been trying to use a fire to signal to passing boats for days, but to no avail. MacLeod told the Rural Report that he's seen the "very, very large" croc a few times. He estimates it's about 19.5 feet long. Though Blair has been receiving a good deal of media attention for his adventure, locals are not impressed. "Everyone's treating him like he's a hero," Anne Koeyers, manager of the Drysdale River Station in North Kimberley told Fairfax Media. "He's not a hero, he's an idiot." Koeyers noted that Blair should have known not to go out to the island "in the first place" and should have spoken with locals first. "Learn
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and for positioning the sensors adjacent the wrist of the subject, and a controller for storing position data received from the sensors and representative of hand positions. In preferred forms, the active components of the sensors are Hall effect sensors mounted on the carrier adjacent the subject""s forearm rather than the subject""s hand. The preferred carrier is an elastic band encompassing the wrist and adjacent portions of the hand and forearm without covering any portion of the fingers of the subject""s hand.The photo of the crying child was captured by award-winning photographer John Moore on June 12. In an interview with NPR, Moore said he was photographing U.S. Border Patrol near the border in McAllen, Texas when they found a group of undocumented immigrants. A two-year-old Honduran asylum seeker cries as her mother is searched and detained near the U.S.-Mexico border on June 12, 2018 in McAllen, Texas. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images) John Moore "Time" magazine said the photo has become "the most visible symbol of the immigration debate in America." Editors decided to feature the image on the cover "due to [its] power." Moore told "Time" that capturing the moment of the little girl crying as her mother was searched and detained was "tough." "All I wanted to do was pick her
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up. But I couldn't," he said. President Trump has since signed an executive order that reserves his administrations' policy of separating children from their detained parents at the border. But in the immediate aftermath of the signing on Wednesday, questions still remain about what effect the order will have on the ground. A two-year-old Honduran stands with her mother after being detained by U.S. Border Patrol agents near the U.S.-Mexico border on June 12, 2018 in McAllen, Texas. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images) Central American asylum seekers wait as U.S. Border Patrol agents take them into custody on June 12, 2018 near McAllen, Texas. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images) A two-year-old Honduran asylum seeker cries as her mother is searched and detained near the U.S.-Mexico border on June 12, 2018 in McAllen,Texas. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images) U.S. Border Patrol agents detain a group of Central American asylum seekers near the U.S.-Mexico border on June 12, 2018 in McAllen, Texas. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images) A U.S. Border Patrol vehicle illuminates a group of Central American asylum seekers before taking them into custody near the U.S.-Mexico border on June 12, 2018 in McAllen, Texas. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images) A Honduran mother holds her two-year-old daughter while being detained by U.S. Border Patrol agents near the U.S.-Mexico border on June 12, 2018 in McAllen, Texas. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images) Central American asylum seekers wait for transport while being detained by U.S. Border Patrol agents near the U.S.-Mexico border on June 12, 2018 in McAllen, Texas. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images) A U.S. Border
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Patrol spotlight shines on a terrified mother and son from Honduras as they are found in the dark near the U.S.-Mexico border on June 12, 2018 in McAllen, Texas. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images) An undocumented immigrant is given water by U.S. Border Patrol agents after she was aprehended in a sugarcane field near the U.S.-Mexico Border on June 12, 2018 near Mission, Texas. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images) Central American asylum seekers wait as U.S. Border Patrol agents take them into custody on June 12, 2018 near McAllen, Texas. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images) U.S. Border Patrol agents take Central American asylum seekers into custody on June 12, 2018 near McAllen, Texas. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images) A Mission Police Dept. officer (L), and a U.S. Border Patrol agent watch overa group of Central American asylum seekers before taking them into custody on June 12, 2018 near McAllen, Texas. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images) U.S. Border Patrol agents ask a group of Central American asylum seekers to remove hair bands and weddding rings before taking them into custody on June 12, 2018 near McAllen, Texas. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images) U.S. Border Patrol agents take into custody a father and son from Honduras near the U.S.-Mexico border on June 12, 2018 near Mission, Texas. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images) 01/14 A two-year-old Honduran stands with her mother after being detained by U.S. Border Patrol agents near the U.S.-Mexico border on June 12, 2018 in McAllen, Texas. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images) 02/14 Central American asylum seekers wait as U.S. Border Patrol agents take them
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into custody on June 12, 2018 near McAllen, Texas. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images) 03/14 A two-year-old Honduran asylum seeker cries as her mother is searched and detained near the U.S.-Mexico border on June 12, 2018 in McAllen, Texas. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images) 04/14 U.S. Border Patrol agents detain a group of Central American asylum seekers near the U.S.-Mexico border on June 12, 2018 in McAllen, Texas. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images) 05/14 A U.S. Border Patrol vehicle illuminates a group of Central American asylum seekers before taking them into custody near the U.S.-Mexico border on June 12, 2018 in McAllen, Texas. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images) 06/14 A Honduran mother holds her two-year-old daughter while being detained by U.S. Border Patrol agents near the U.S.-Mexico border on June 12, 2018 in McAllen, Texas. (Photoby John Moore/Getty Images) 07/14 Central American asylum seekers wait for transport while being detained by U.S. Border Patrol agents near the U.S.-Mexico border on June 12, 2018 in McAllen, Texas. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images) 08/14 A U.S. Border Patrol spotlight shines on a terrified mother and son from Honduras as they are found in the dark near the U.S.-Mexico border on June 12, 2018 in McAllen, Texas. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images) 09/14 An undocumented immigrant is given water by U.S. Border Patrol agents after she was aprehended in a sugarcane field near the U.S.-Mexico Border on June 12, 2018 near Mission, Texas. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images) 10/14 Central American asylum seekers wait as U.S. Border Patrol agents take them into custody on June 12, 2018 near McAllen, Texas. (Photo by John Moore/Getty
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Images) 11/14 U.S. Border Patrol agents take Central American asylum seekers into custody on June 12, 2018 near McAllen, Texas. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images) 12/14 A Mission Police Dept. officer (L), and a U.S. Border Patrol agent watch over a group of Central American asylum seekers before taking them into custody on June 12, 2018 near McAllen, Texas. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images) 13/14 U.S. Border Patrol agents ask a group of Central American asylum seekers to remove hair bands and weddding rings before taking them into custody on June 12, 2018 near McAllen, Texas. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images) 14/14 U.S. Border Patrol agents take into custody a father and son from Honduras near the U.S.-Mexico border on June 12, 2018 near Mission, Texas. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)Inspired by The Big Payback, a narrative history of the hip-hop business written by journalist Dan Charnas, The Breaks is executive produced by Seith Mann (The Wire) and John J. Strauss (Mozart in the Jungle).The series, a follow to VH1’s original film which aired earlier this year, will continue to follow three young friends as they fulfill their hip hop dreams in New York City in 1990.
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Edward Said Category:Books about Islam and society Category:Criticism of Islam(JTA) — U.S. special counsel Robert Mueller has sent investigators to Israel to probe the activities of an Israeli-run social media firm that may have led a social media manipulation effort to help Donald Trump get elected. The co-founder of the firm, identified as Joel Zamel, who was born in Australia, met in New York three months before the 2016 election with Donald Trump Jr., as well as with Lebanese-American businessman George Nader representing the crown princes of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, who he said wanted to help get his father elected, The New York Times reported on Saturday. The Aug. 3, 2016, meeting was arranged by Erik Prince, the founder and former head of private military contractor Blackwater, who also attended the meeting. It is illegal for
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to Zamel, Psy-Group, had been working on a proposal for a covert multimillion-dollar online manipulation campaign to help elect Trump, The Times reported citing three people involved and a fourth briefed on the effort. The plan involved using thousands of fake social media accounts to promote Trump’s candidacy. The company, whose motto is “shape reality,” consulted an American law firm, and was told that it would be illegal if any non-Americans were involved in the campaign, according to the report. Companies connected to Zamel also have ties to Russia, according to the Times. After Trump’s inauguration, Zamel and Nader visited the White House, where they met with White House advisor Jared Kushner and then-chief of staff Steve Bannon.the Golden State Warriors 93-89 in Game 7 of the 2016 NBA Finals at ORACLE Arena on June 19, 2016 in Oakland, California. Ezra Shaw/Getty Images Playing his sixth straight finals, James almost single-handedly carried the Cavs back into this series and finished with 27 points, 11 assists and 11 rebounds as the Cavs gave their city its first major sports winner since the Browns won the NFL title in 1964. He also had three blocked shots, including a key one of Andre Iguodala on a fast break in the final minutes. An emotional James fell to the floor when this one ended with a second win in a week on Golden State’s imposing home floor, surrounded by his teammates. Only moments earlier, he went down in pain with 10.6
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seconds left after being fouled by Draymond Green while going for a dunk, then came back out to make the second of two free throws. Story continues below advertisement After four successful seasons in Miami and two titles with the Heat, James came back to the Cavs in hopes of winning the title this franchise and championship-starved city so coveted. It took a second try against Golden State after Cleveland lost to the Warriors in six games last year. “I was calm. I was focused. I was locked in,” James said. Cleveland did it after a coaching change, with Tyronn Lue taking over in January for the fired David Blatt. “We made history tonight,” Lue said. “Cleveland, Ohio, we’re coming back, baby!” Kyrie Irving scored 26 points to cap his brilliant finals, including ato break the 1995-96 Chicago Bulls’ mark. Story continues below advertisement WATCH: Rowdy Cavaliers fans fill streets, destroy cop cruiser 1:46 Rowdy Cavaliers fans fill streets, destroy cop cruiser Rowdy Cavaliers fans fill streets, destroy cop cruiser As Cleveland celebrated in the trophy ceremony, Green returned to the floor to congratulate the Cavs. He stopped by the winning locker room, too, and Warriors general manager Bob Myers brought in the freshly cut nets. Golden State might always be remembered as one of the best teams ever that couldn’t close it out, and Green is taking at least a good share of the blame after he sat out Game 5 on Monday night suspended for flagrant fouls. The Cavs staved off elimination twice to force Game 7 back at Oracle Arena, where the Warriors went
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up 2-0 with a pair of lopsided wins to start this series. Cleveland became just the fourth team to win an NBA Finals Game 7 on the road. Story continues below advertisement Curry – who said beforehand he needed the best game of his career – scored 17 points on 6-for-19 shooting, while Splash Brother Klay Thompson added 14 points while making 6 of 17 shots. READ MORE: NBA Finals: LeBron James, Kyrie Irving help Cavaliers stave off elimination “I didn’t do enough to help my team win,” Curry said. “It will haunt me for a while.” President Barack Obama, an avid basketball fan, returned to Washington aboard Air Force One late Sunday as the game entered its final, tense minutes. He watched until the end and did not come down the stairs untilmoments after the Cavs won. This time, it will be Cleveland hosting the victory parade on Wednesday. A year ago at home, the Cavs had to watch Golden State win its first title in 40 years. “Now we have our own parade,” Irving said, “and we’ll celebrate it the way it’s supposed to be celebrated in Cleveland.” TIP-INS Cavaliers: James missed scoring at least 30 points for the first time in his last five Game 7s. … The Warriors and Cavs faced off in their 13th finals game in two seasons, matching the highest total in NBA history over a two-year span. Story continues below advertisement Warriors: Golden State played the first finals Game 7 in franchise history. … Not since the Oakland Athletics won the World Series in 1974 has a Bay Area
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will serve as the narrative backbone for the articles of impeachment the House Judiciary Committee will now prepare and on which members will vote. In this post, we try to distill from thousands of pages of the record what that story really is. To be precise, while the voluminous testimony is still an incomplete record that is missing nearly the entirety of the documentary material produced in the White House and the relevant agencies and the testimony of key witnesses like John Bolton and Mick Mulvaney, it actually tells a number of different stories. One is about Ukraine itself, as seen through the eyes of the American diplomats and policy analysts who interface with the country: its struggle to defend itself against Russia, its battle with corruption, and itsa specific story of the development of conditionality regarding a White House meeting between Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. What began as a mere hostility on the part of Trump toward Ukraine, and an unsubstantiated conviction that the Ukrainians had interfered in the 2016 election, came to involve demands to investigate that theory. And it came as well to involve demands that the Ukrainians investigate Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, and his connection to the Ukrainian natural gas company, Burisma, on whose board the younger Biden sat. Those demands, over the course of the summer, came to be linked to the desire of the new Ukrainian government for a White House meeting between Zelensky and Trump. In the live testimony, far more than in the depositions that
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Politico from January 2017 that goes into extensive detail about the machinations by various Ukrainians and Americans in connection with the Clinton and Trump campaigns the previous year. The second is a March 20, 2019, article in The Hill regarding an interview and statements made by then-Prosecutor General of Ukraine Yuriy Lutsenko about Yovanovitch, who was then the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine. The third is a New York Times story on May 9, 2019 about Giuliani’s plans to travel to Ukraine to meet with Zelensky, then president-elect, to urge Ukrainian legal inquiries into the origins of the special counsel’s investigation and Hunter Biden’s involvement with Burisma. Several of the witnesses who were deposed by House committees involved in the impeachment inquiry and who testified publicly were asked aboutthe full circumstances. When she reported the Avakov conversation back to the State Department, nobody with whom she communicated there quite understood what was going on either. Yovanovitch testified that she first heard from Ukrainian officials at the end of 2018 that Lutsenko was in communication with Giuliani; her understanding was that Lutsenko and Giuliani had a number of meetings and that Lutsenko was looking to “hurt her” in the United States, though she did not understand why. State Department official George Kent testified to learning that Giuliani was actively engaged in Ukraine policy in May 2018, when Lutsenko had planned to go to New York to meet with Giuliani. Kent recounted learning that on May 9, 2018, Parnas and Fruman met with former Rep. Pete Sessions, and afterward
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Sessions wrote a letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo impugning Yovanovitch’s loyalty and suggesting she be removed. In January 2019, Giuliani apparently reached out to the State Department regarding the inability of the previous Ukrainian prosecutor general, Viktor Shokin, to obtain a visa to go to the United States. Kent said Shokin was known as “a typical Ukraine prosecutor who lived a lifestyle far in excess of his government salary, who never prosecuted anybody known for having committed a crime, and having covered up crimes that were known to have been committed.” Shokin did not have a valid visa, and Kent indicated that “under no circumstances should a visa be issued to someone who knowingly subverted and wasted U.S. taxpayer money.” Evidently, Giuliani was pushing to have theto have passed a dossier containing documents relating this false narrative to Pompeo, including copies of the articles from The Hill and notes from interviews Giuliani, Parnas, and Fruman had conducted with Shokin and Lutsenko in January 2019—all of which were enclosed in Trump Hotel stationary with a handwritten return address of “The White House.” According to records secured by the group American Oversight through a Freedom of Information Act request, Giuliani also spoke with Pompeo twice by phone. The first major casualty of Giuliani’s efforts was Yovanovitch. On May 20, 2019, Yovanovitch, a 33-year career foreign service officer who had served as ambassador to Ukraine since August 2016, departed Kyiv after receiving word from the State Department that she needed to leave urgently. The directive was a surprise
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to Washington. She said that he told her Trump had “lost confidence” in her and that there had been a “concerted campaign” against her. According to Sullivan, the president had been attempting to remove her since summer 2018. And yet, from the live impeachment hearings, it seemed that the president was not done with Yovanovitch. During her testimony on Nov. 15, the president tweeted: Everywhere Marie Yovanovitch went turned bad. She started off in Somalia, how did that go? Then fast forward to Ukraine, where the new Ukrainian President spoke unfavorably about her in my second phone call with him. It is a U.S. President’s absolute right to appoint ambassadors. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 15, 2019 Chairman Adam Schiff gave Yovanovitch an opportunity to respond during her publicconspiracy theories, that would be bad enough. But it shows a great deal more than that. The second major element of the story is the development of what Amb. William Taylor called the “irregular channel” for achieving the president’s objectives in Ukraine. Zelensky ran for president of Ukraine on a popular anti-corruption platform. Yovanovitch noted that this created “fear among the political elite.” Zelensky was elected on April 21, 2019. That same day, in a very positive call, Trump called Zelensky, congratulated him and extended an invitation for him to visit the White House. Zelensky was sworn in on May 20 and immediately called a snap parliamentary election, which his party won decisively on July 21. Nearly all of the witnesses stated that during most of 2019, they did not
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and authorized by the president of the United States. It just was not aimed at a foreign policy or national security concern but, rather, as Hill pithily put it, a “domestic political errand.” On May 23, Trump met with Sondland, Volker, Perry, Sen. Ron Johnson and others, including then-Deputy National Security Adviser Charles Kupperman. The group had just returned from Ukraine after attending Zelensky’s inauguration and requested to meet with the president. According to Williams’s testimony, Vice President Pence had originally been scheduled to attend on behalf of the United States, but he had been directed not to do so by President Trump shortly after Giuliani had complained that Ukrainian officials had forced him to cancel meetings there. Instead, they sent the lower ranking delegation led by Perry. SondlandSecretary.” On June 18, in the meeting described by Hill in the passage quoted above, Sondland told Hill that he was in charge of Ukraine policy on orders of the president. But the normal diplomatic and policymaking channels were not dead. On May 28, Taylor—who had retired from government service and was working at the U.S. Institute for Peace—met with Pompeo about taking over the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine temporarily after Yovanovitch’s departure. Taylor was reticent after what happened to Yovanovitch and was concerned that the Trump administration was not actually committed to Ukraine. But Pompeo assured him that the policy of strong support for Ukraine would continue and that Pompeo would support Taylor in defending that policy. With that assurance, Taylor agreed to serve as charge d’affaires on
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an interim basis in Ukraine. He arrived in Kyiv on June 17. Taylor testified that upon his arrival in Ukraine, the two channels of U.S. policymaking seemed largely aligned. One shared goal was to arrange the visit by Zelensky to the White House. But the alignment did not hold, and the “domestic political errand” began to clash with the traditional foreign policy process. Conditions for a White House Meeting This brings us to the third major element of the story: how a White House meeting the Ukrainians badly wanted came to be conditioned on Ukrainian willingness to announce highly political investigations. Taylor testified concerning events surrounding a call between Zelensky and Sondland, Volker, Perry and Taylor—all dialing in from different locations. In a planning call the day before, Sondland told Taylor thatthe time. But on a July 19 call with Hill and Vindman, he learned that Sondland had, in a July 10 meeting with Ukrainian officials at the White House, explicitly connected “investigations” to the proposed White House visit. By that time, Taylor testified, it had become clear to him that a White House meeting between Zelensky and Trump was conditioned on the Ukrainian government’s investigating Burisma and alleged Ukrainian influence in the 2016 election. That July 10 meeting was apparently quite a scene, with a fair amount of drama—though Sondland later testified that he did not recall the meeting as being as heated and contentious as the others did. It began in National Security Adviser John Bolton’s office in the White House and included Bolton, Hill, Perry, Volker, Sondland,
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him, and there was indeed a quid pro quo trade on an offer of a White House meeting for the announcement of investigations: [A]s I testified previously—as I testified previously, Mr. Giuliani's requests were a quid pro quo for arranging a White House visit for President Zelensky. Mr. Giuliani demanded that Ukraine make a public statement announcing the investigations of the 2016 election, DNC server, and Burisma. Mr. Giuliani was expressing the desires of the president of the United States, and we knew these investigations were important to the president. The Conditionality Spreads But a White House meeting turned out not to be the only thing—or even the most important thing—that the White House conditioned on the Ukrainian willingness to launch political “investigations.” Indeed, the story got a lot worse instaffer from OMB announced in a meeting that the White House had placed a hold on security assistance funds to Ukraine. The hold on military assistance was the subject of the July 19 call Taylor had with Vindman and Hill—a call that took place on Hill’s last day on the job. In discussion with the committee, Taylor repeated that a hold on security aid for no clear reason undercut long-standing U.S. policy to support Ukraine in its attempt to defend itself against Russia. On July 21, Zelensky’s party won parliamentary elections in a landslide. The NSC proposed that Trump call Zelensky to congratulate him. Vindman testified that he drafted background and talking points for the president to use during the phone call, materials that went up through Bolton to
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the executive secretariat to the president. There was nothing about the 2016 elections, Burisma or the Bidens in the draft talking points, Vindman testified. The now-infamous Trump-Zelensky call took place on July 25. The Lawfare team wrote about the call in some depth when the White House released the memo detailing it on Sept. 25. The conversation in question took place one day after former Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s testimony before the House Judiciary and Intelligence Committees regarding the results of his investigation. The relevant part of the conversation starts a few minutes in, after an exchange of pleasantries in which Trump congratulates Zelensky on his party’s recent win in Ukraine’s parliamentary elections. Trump moves from there to a discussion of the U.S.-Ukraine relationship, framing it in terms ofultimately led Eisenberg to limit access to the call memo relaying the substance of the conversation by directing that it be placed on a more secure system, though Morrison testified that this may have been the result of a miscommunication with other staff. Vindman also spoke to a member of the intelligence community that, on advice of counsel, he declined to identify in his public hearing. Later, Vindman reviewed the draft call memo produced by White House staff and made two edits to make the memo consistent with the specific notes he had taken during the call. One edit concerned a specific reference to Burisma by Zelensky. During the call, Vindman testified, Zelensky said he was going to appoint a new prosecutor general, stating, “He or she will look
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committee shortly thereafter and then testified publicly on Nov. 22. In his opening statement, he said that on July 26 he attended meetings at the presidential administration building in Kyiv with Taylor, Volker and Sondland, and that he took notes during those meetings. The delegation met with President Zelensky and several other senior officials, and Zelensky said that, during the July 25 call, President Trump had “three times raised some very sensitive issues” that Zelensky would have to follow up on when he and Trump met in person. After the meeting, Sondland met with Yermak: As I was leaving the meeting with President Zelensky, I was told to join the meeting with Ambassador Sondland and Mr. Yermak to take notes. I had not expected to join that meeting andhim an update. Ambassador Sondland placed a call on his mobile phone. I heard him announce himself several times along the lines of, Gordon Sondland holding for the president. It appeared that he was being transferred through several layers of switchboards and assistants, and I then noticed Ambassador Sondland’s demeanor changed, and understood that he had been connected to President Trump. While Ambassador Sondland’s phone was not on speakerphone, I could hear the president’s voice through the ear piece of the phone. The president’s voice was loud and recognizable, and Ambassador Sondland held the phone away from his ear for a period of time, presumably because of the loud volume. I heard Ambassador Sondland greet the president and explain he was calling from Kyiv. I heard President Trump
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inclusively anything that was holding up moving forward on the meeting and the Ukraine-U.S. relationship. GOLDMAN: And what was holding that up? SONDLAND: At that point, it was the statements about Burisma and the 2016 elections. GOLDMAN: But what was being held up? SONDLAND: Well, the aid was being held up, obviously On Aug. 28, the news broke publicly that security assistance was being withheld from Ukraine, and Taylor received a call from Yermak, inquiring as to the reason. Taylor had no answer for him. Again, both in the opening statement and in response to committee questions during his deposition, Taylor stressed that he had not yet understood that the hold on security assistance was related to the alternative channel’s push for Zelensky to conduct investigations. Taylor testified that onSept. 1, Vice President Mike Pence met with Zelensky in Warsaw. Sondland, who was on the trip, later testified that he had told Pence in a preparatory meeting that it was important to secure the investigations from Ukraine in order to ensure the release of the military aid, to which Pence nodded. That said, Pence did not raise the investigations with the Ukrainians, even after Zelensky raised the assistance. Later, Morrison, who was also on the trip, told Taylor that Sondland spoke with Yermak and told him that Ukraine would not receive security assistance money until Zelensky committed to pursuing the two investigations. Sondland later confirmed that he had told Yermak that the security assistance might also be contingent on the investigations. Taylor stated that this readout from
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complaint constituted an “urgent concern” warranting a report to Congress, but that the Acting Director of National Intelligence had directed him not to send it along on the grounds that the Justice Department did not agree. Trump was aware by the time of his call with Sondland that the substance of the whistleblower’s complaint was known to some members of the public and the fact of its existence was now known by Congress. In other words, he was disclaiming a quid pro quo only after having been caught demanding one. On Sept. 11, the security assistance was released. Cooper testified that notice of the release of the funds “really came quite out of the blue.” Taylor delivered the news to Zelensky and the Ukrainian foreign minister. Taylor remained worriedwithout a public anti-corruption statement but that there remained a question about who needed to make the statement. His addendum says he learned “soon thereafter” that the statement needed to be from Zelensky himself. On the issue of the hold on nearly $400 million in security assistance to Ukraine, Vindman testified that there was interagency consensus that the aid was important to the interests of the United States. He was not aware why the hold was placed and was eventually told it was “to ensure that the assistance aligned with administrative priorities.” In her public testimony, Cooper indicated that her subordinates had reason to believe that the Ukrainian Embassy might have become aware of the hold as early as July 25, the date of the Trump-Zelensky call. Vindman said
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that he believed the Ukrainians became aware of the hold sometime in the beginning or middle of August—well before the Aug. 28 story in Politico. He testified that he began receiving soft inquiries from the Ukrainian embassy, asking him whether he had heard about any developments with the assistance or whether there were any issues with the appropriated funding. He did not recall how he responded to these inquiries, but testified that he likely said that the review was ongoing. Vindman noted that he was not aware of any substantive review of the assistance. In his public testimony, Sondland—in an exchange with Schiff—describes quite unambiguously a corrupt demand on Trump’s part for something personally valuable (investigations of political opponents) in return for being influenced in the performance of twoconversation? COOPER: The only two topics that I recall are the urgency of lifting the hold on security assistance and then him relaying this separate diplomatic effort that I had previously been unaware of. Finally, of course, Mulvaney himself publicly spilled the beans about the quid pro quo nature of the transaction, though he later tried to deny he had done so. At a White House press conference on Oct. 17, Mulvaney had the following exchange with reporters, in which he candidly acknowledged that one of the reasons aid was held up was over these investigative matters: Q: Can you clarify—and I’ve been trying to get an answer to this: Was the President serious when he said that he would also like to see China investigate the Bidens? And you
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would regularly visit a merchant's shop with her mother, and the dog statue was outside of the merchant's business. The 2-year old girl loved the dog statue and would pet and talk to the "dog" whenever she visited. The little girl fell victim to scarlet fever, and passed away, and the mother was inconsolable. The merchant had been to the funeral, and offered up the dog statue to place on the child's grave, since she had loved it so when she had been alive. The dog has stood guard on her grave ever since, and people periodically leave small gifts such as pennies and little toys as tokens of esteem or for good luck. The area of the cemetery where the grave is located is now known as "blackImproving colorectal cancer screening outcomes: proceedings of the second meeting of the International Colorectal Cancer Screening Network, a global quality initiative. The International Colorectal Cancer Screening Network (ICRCSN) is a global consortium of initiatives delivering organized colorectal cancer (CRC) screening to their populations. The aim of the Network is to promote improvements in quality assurance (QA) and programme evaluation to maximize the benefit and to minimize the risk associated with CRC screening. ICRCSN currently includes 41 member initiatives from 27 countries. The ICRCSN held its second international meeting in Oxford in September 2008 with representatives from 24 countries. This report summarizes the presentations and discussions, the feedback from participants on their current and future needs and the potential role of the ICRCSN in supporting those needs.
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seven years of his presidency. His visits were reciprocated by then North Korean foreign minister Kim Yong-nam in 2007. Yong-nam was to later be named President of the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly, a position he continues to hold. Mubarak visited Pyongyang four times in the first seven years of his presidency Under repressive regimes, friendly relations among the leadership is often an opportunity for business relations to flourish. Despite North Korea's status as a pariah state, Mubarak's welcoming attitude swiftly translated into Egyptian investments. A year after Kim Yong-nam's visit to Cairo, Egyptian billionaire Naguib Sawiris established the first and only 3G mobile network in North Korea - Koryolink. Sawiris retained a 75 percent ownership share in this company and had sold an estimated 800,000 subscriptions by 2011. Continuing to investin North Korea, he opened Orabank a year later. The Sawiris clan is a family of four business tycoons with an estimated combined net worth of $36 billion, according to Forbes. Naguib, the second-eldest and most flamboyant of the Sawiris mogul sons, is known for his investments in telecommunications and media. Naguib Sawiris stands hand in hand with late North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Jong-Un and Kim Yong-nam in 2011 [NCNA] Naguib Sawiris became the single largest individual investor in North Korea, making Egypt the largest Middle Eastern investor there, second only to China internationally. Naguib's younger brother, Nassef Sawiris, followed quickly in his big brother's footsteps. Nassef invested $115 million in North Korea through his corporation Orascom Construction Industries, retaining a 50 percent share in state-owned cement plant Sangwon Cement. Nassef, however, quickly
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rid himself of the North Korean connection, reportedly selling his share in Sangwon a year later to Swiss construction firm, LafargeHolcim. It's all about the missiles Naguib Sawiris became the face of Egyptian-North Korean relations. The large shares he held in major industries within the communist nation earned him great attention - but his business ventures were never as revolutionary as they seemed. Naguib Sawiris became the single largest individual investor in North Korea Naguib's stake in Koryolink may have been substantial but steadily proved useless - North Korean authorities refused to allow Sawiris to transfer any of his profits out of their economy. The establishment not only forced him to hold his earnings in cash but also imposed a much lower black market currency exchange rate. By 2015, Orascom was left nochoice but to disinvest from Koryolink despite technically still holding the major share - effectively handing it over to communist control. A year later, Sawiris conformed to international norms and ended his business ventures with the embargoed nation, closing Orabank in December 2016. Yet Egypt remains one of North Korea's main trade partners. The Cold War endures Sawiris did not share the spotlight with the essential player in the Egyptian-North Korean relationship - the military, who were all too happy to stay out of the limelight. The Egyptian military is the largest in the Middle East and its historic ties with the former Soviet Union nations have continued to prove a technical challenge, as it is estimated that 40 percent of Egypt's arsenal has Soviet and Russian origins. This suggests that military collaboration between
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Egypt and North Korea was inevitable, as Pyongyang also holds its own extensive array of Soviet weaponry. Trading spare parts with North Korea is important to maintaining Egypt's Soviet-bought arsenal. The cooperation goes further than repairs to old artillery. North Korea has routinely rebuilt and updated Soviet weaponry, providing more efficient and longer range missiles at cheaper cost. The prospect of cheaper weapons has seen Egypt's defence missile system become heavily equipped with North Korean Scud-C missiles since the 1990s. In 2015 President Sisi openly invited North Korean officials to the opening ceremony of the "New Suez Canal". For years, the canal served a crucial role in aiding North Korea in getting around tough international sanctions. The Egyptian regime routinely turned a blind eye to cargo ships carrying weaponry andammunition heading to North Korea. Sawiris' North Korean connection was widely advertised - but it is the Egyptian military's alleged need for a vast and diverse arsenal that has created the problematic entanglement between Egypt and North Korea. Historic loyalties The intricacies of Egyptian-North Korean military relations are far from common knowledge. The bond between the two nations stretches as far back as the Korean war. Nasser's Egypt began trading with North Korea in 1958 and by 1963 the two nations had established full diplomatic relations. It wasn't until 1995 that Mubarak's government recognised the sovereignty of South Korea. Trading spare parts with North Korea is important to maintaining Egypt's Soviet-bought arsenal Cold War politics played a major role in Nasser's approach to Pyongyang. Allying himself with the Soviet bloc meant that the Pan-Arabist
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leader became a North Korean associate by default. Ironically, however, it was Sadat; not Nasser, who brought Egyptian-North Korean relations to their peak. Though Sadat is credited with realigning Egypt closer to the American sphere of influence, his military attitude remained largely favourable to the USSR and its allies. North Korea contributed to Sadat's 1973 war with Israel on many levels. Not only did it train Egyptian air force pilots, it sent its own pilots to man Egyptian fighter jets in combat against Israel. Little is known about the extent of North Korea's participation in the Yom Kippur War, though Israel claims North Korean troops patrolled the Suez Canal while its fighter pilots protected southern Cairo skies. Rising tensions - to what end? The North Korean crisis, which has been steadilyEurope heatwave: French city of Bordeaux hits record temperature Published duration 24 July 2019 Related Topics Europe heatwaves image copyright AFP image caption Record-high temperatures are expected across France - including the capital, Paris The French city of Bordeaux has hit its highest temperature since records began, as Western Europe braces for the second heatwave to hit this summer. On Tuesday, Meteo France registered 41.2C (106.1F) in the south-western city, breaking a 2003 record of 40.7C. Forecasters predict a record-breaking run across Europe this week, including Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands. A World Meteorological Organization (WMO) spokeswoman said the heatwaves bore "the hallmark of climate change". "As we saw in June they are becoming more frequent, they're starting earlier and they're becoming more intense," Claire Nullis added. "It's not a problem that's going to
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go away." How hot could it get? Much of France has been issued with an orange alert - the second highest level of warning. Meteo France said Paris temperatures might hit new highs on Thursday. The record, set in 1947, stands at 40.4C. Comparisons have been drawn to a heatwave France experienced in August 2003, during which heat contributed to almost 15,000 deaths. The mercury is also expected to climb to 40C in a string of countries: In an unprecedented move, Belgium has issued a code red weather warning for the whole country Spain declared a red alert in its Zaragoza region, which was hit by devastating wildfires last month. The European Commission's Copernicus Climate Change Service says the risk of wildfires is high in Spain and in Portugal In the Netherlands, the government activated its"national heat plan" In the UK, temperatures are predicted to exceed 35C, and could be the highest ever recorded What preparations are being made? To limit the heating of water used to keep its nuclear reactors cool, French energy firm EDF said it would be shutting two reactors at the Golftech nuclear power plant in the southern Tarn-et-Garonne region. Ice foot baths and extra water points are being made available to cyclists competing in the Tour de France - which is entering its final week - to avoid dehydration. The French government is outlawing animal transportation "for economic reasons" between 13:00 (11:00 GMT) and 18:00 in areas affected by heat alerts. How high have temperatures been already? The French weather service has reported temperatures of 42C in areas of the south-west. It is expected the
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heat will not dip below 20C for the rest of the week. media caption BBC colleagues from hot countries give their tips for staying cool An intense heatwave swept through areas of Europe last month, making it the hottest June on record. What about droughts? The continent has also been hit by severe droughts, particularly in France, with no rainfall in many areas since last month's heatwave. A number of places in France have set new records for the lowest amount of rainfall ever recorded, Ms Nullis of the WMO said. This has caused problems with nuclear energy facilities and agriculture - such as grape harvests for wine in the region and crops. Farmers in mountainous areas have been allowing cattle to graze on what are ski slopes in winter due to the effectare uniquely troubled. However, their citizens’ desire to get out is increasingly common. Gallup, a pollster, asks people in 120 countries each year if they want to emigrate. From 2010 to 2018 the share that said “yes” rose in 15 of the 19 Latin American nations it tracks. In 2010, 19% of people in the region hoped to move abroad permanently, the same as in Europe. Now 31% do, as many as in the Middle East and Africa. Many are afraid of being killed. In Brazil murders hit a record high of 63,880 in 2017, following a resurgence of fighting between criminal gangs; the share of citizens who wish to emigrate has tripled to 33%. The country’s homicide rate is now roughly level with Colombia’s—where it fell as the
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investigation has exposed bribes paid by industrial firms to scores of politicians. Alan García, a former president of Peru, killed himself in April to avoid arrest in conjunction with the Brazilian scandal. According to Latinobarómetro, an annual survey, the share of Latin Americans dissatisfied with how democracy works in their country has risen from 52% in 2010 to 71% last year. Latin Americans are not just voting with their feet; they are venting at the ballot box, too. In 2018 messianic populists who railed against corruption and crime won presidential elections in Brazil (the conservative Jair Bolsonaro) and Mexico (the leftist Andrés Manuel López Obrador). If voters remain this disenchanted, more leaders with autocratic streaks are likely to follow. ■ Sources: Gallup; Latinobarómetro; IMF; World Bank; US Customs and BorderCollege football: Georgia, Alabama have their eyes on a bigger championship game The Associated Press Published November 30, 2012 8:58 pm SEC Championship winner will get a shot at national crown. Share This Article This is an archived article that was published on sltrib.com in 2012, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted. Atlanta • The national championship could be decided with a dream matchup between two of college football's most storied programs: Notre Dame vs. Alabama. Of course, Georgia might have something to say about that. The third-ranked Bulldogs are eager to wake up some echoes of their own. Coach Mark Richt's team will take on No. 2 Alabama in a Southeastern Conference title game that essentially serves as a national semifinal.
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Potential role of fluctuations in the composition of renal tubular fluid through the nephron in the initiation of Randall's plugs and calcium oxalate crystalluria in a computer model of renal function. This article describes an updated computer model which attempts to simulate known renal reabsorption and secretion activity through the nephron (NEPHROSIM) and its possible relevance to the initiation of calcium-containing renal stones. The model shows that, under certain conditions of plasma composition, de novo nucleation of both calcium oxalate (CaOx) and calcium phosphate (CaP) can take place at the end of the descending limb of the Loop of Henle (DLH), particularly in untreated, recurrent idiopathic CaOx stone-formers (RSF). The model incorporates a number of hydrodynamic factors that may influence the subsequent growth of crystals nucleated at the endincreases in plasma oxalate concentration, crystallisation only takes place in the CD and leads to the formation of small crystals which are comfortably passed in the urine and, secondly, that for slightly greater increases in the filtered load of oxalate, spontaneous and/or heterogeneous nucleation of CaOx may occur both at the end of the DLH and in the CD. This latter situation leads to the passage in the final urine of a mixture of large crystals of CaOx (arising from nucleation at the end of the DLH) and small crystals of CaOx (as a result of nucleation originating in the CD). As a result of the higher calcium and oxalate concentrations in the urine of RSF, these patients have an increased probability of initiating CaOx crystallisation in the
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DLH and so of going on to form the large crystals and aggregates found in their fresh urines, but not in the fresh urines from normal subjects (N). These predictions are supported by evidence from clinical studies on six RSF and six normal controls (NC) who were maintained for 4 days on a fixed basal diet. Their patterns of CaOx crystalluria were measured on the second day of the basal diet and after a small dose of sodium oxalate was given before breakfast on the fourth day of the study. The model also shows that the tubular fluid of RSF is more likely than that of N to reach the conditions necessary for de novo nucleation of CaP at the end of the DLH. This may occur followingeither a small increase in ultrafiltrable phosphate, as a result of ingestion of a high phosphate-containing meal, or a small decrease in the proximal tubular reabsorption of phosphate resulting, for example, from increased parathyroid activity. CaP crystals initiated at this point may heterogeneously nucleate the crystallisation of CaOx under the high metastable conditions of RSS CaOx which frequently exist in the urines of RSF. Under certain conditions, it is predicted that CaP crystals, initiated at the end of the DLH and travelling close to the tubular walls where their transit time is increased, might also be able to grow and agglomerate sufficiently to become trapped at some point in the CD and lead to the formation of Randall's Plugs in the Ducts of Bellini. Currently, work is under
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india Updated: Jun 26, 2017 12:22 IST In a bid to rationalise and modify the levy charged from foreign nationals visiting India, the government has increased the visa fee by up to 50% across categories. The hike in the short-term employment visa comes in the wake of countries such as Australia, the US and New Zealand either planning or having already put in place work visa curbs. Though the numbers of foreign nationals working in India are few, the hike is being seen as a tit-for-tat measure. The government had recently increased the fee in different categories for the US, the UK, Canada, Israel, Iran and UAE nationals. The fee hike, which is periodic and mostly reciprocal, is sweeping this time as it is being touted as an effort to “rationalise the entryfinish with the minor premiership. In fact, the only side they have ever been "out of the game" against is GWS who have beaten them comprehensively twice now. One of the keys to the Swans' game is controlling the ball. They're game-plan is suited to the short, squat, SCG better than any other side in the league. By dominating possession and keeping their opponent away from the ball, it's only a matter of time before their skilled midfield can work the ball into an area from which Buddy can score (which lets face it, is a pretty big area). I took Sydney's "Time in Possession" data from the AFL app and averaged it over all of their home games. You can see that they spend over 5% more game time
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UPDATE: Michigan has formally announced Pearson as the hockey program’s new head coach. Click here for MiHockey’s developing story. By @MichaelCaples – Sounds like Mel Pearson is coming back to Ann Arbor. According to John Buccigross of ESPN, the longtime Michigan assistant coach and current head coach of Michigan Tech will be returning to Yost Ice Arena to take over for his former boss, Red Berenson. Pearson has been the head coach of the Huskies for the past five seasons. The Michigan Tech alum has thrived behind the bench with his alma mater, leading the Huskies to two NCAA Tournament appearances over the last three seasons. He has been named the WCHA Coach of the Year on two different occasions. Pearson, who is signed through 2020-21 with Tech, served as an assistant coach toin a circle and shot in the head. Their living quarters had been ransacked and robbed. The temple murders sparked a massive investigation. A task force of local, state, and federal law enforcement began to pursue leads. Ballistics reports showed that one of the weapons involved was a .22 Marlin rifle, so task force members were on the lookout for such rifles. In late August, a security guard on the local Air Force base located a .22 Marlin *850 rifle during a consent search of a car belonging to Rolando Caratachea, a local high school student. Shortly afterward, task force detective Richard Sinsabaugh followed up by asking Caratachea if he could borrow the rifle. Although Detective Sinsabaugh wanted the rifle for ballistics testing to determine if it was the murder
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weapon, he told Caratachea that it was suspected of being stolen. Caratachea assured Detective Sinsabaugh the rifle was not stolen, but agreed to let him take it. When he went to Caratachea's apartment to retrieve the rifle, Detective Sinsabaugh learned that Caratachea shared the apartment with two roommates, one of whom was seventeen-year-old Johnathan Doody. Doody was born in Thailand and moved to the United States as a child with his American stepfather, who was in the Air Force, and his Thai mother.[1] He speaks English with apparent fluency but a light accent.[2] At the time of the investigation, Doody was beginning his junior year in high school, worked at the local Air Force base's commissary, and was a member of the junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps ("ROTC"). While Caratachea'srifle was being tested, the task force pursued other avenues of investigation, including interviewing members of the local Thai community who might have useful information about the temple or its residents. In mid-September, Detective Sinsabaugh interviewed Doody as part of this effort. Doody's brother had lived at the temple for a while before the murders, and Doody had frequently visited him during that period. During this interview, which lasted about an hour, Doody talked about his brother's experience and Doody's visits to the temple. On the same day as this interview, the task force received a tip targeting four men from Tucson, who later became known as the "Tucson Four," as the perpetrators of the murders. After these men were interrogated by task force members, some of whom also
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conducted Doody's later interrogation, all four confessed to the crimes. By early October, the Tucson Four had been charged with the murders, and the task force members believed they had solved the crime. The murder weapon, however, still had not been identified. Then, on October 24, a laboratory report concluded that Caratachea's rifle was the murder weapon. The task force immediately decided to interview Caratachea and all of his known friends. Because Doody and Caratachea had been roommates, Doody was on the interview list. The following day, when task force members interviewed Caratachea, he told them that, just before the temple murders, he loaned his rifle to Doody and Alessandro Garcia, a sixteen-year-old friend of Doody and Caratachea. 2. On the evening of Friday, October 25, 1991, while Caratachea's interview wasstill *851 in progress but after Caratachea told officers he had loaned the rifle to Doody, two task force members approached Doody at a high school football game and asked him to come to the police station to answer questions. He agreed and was driven to the station by one of the officers. At 9:25 p.m., two police officers began an interview that did not end until 10:00 a.m. the following morning. The entire interview was audio-taped. Doody was not informed of the taping and was not aware of it.[3] The interview took place in a carpeted, ten-foot by eighteen-foot room furnished only with three chairs. Doody was offered food, drink, and bathroom breaks several times during the night, although he never accepted food. Other than two brief bathroom
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others were saying about him by telling them the truth, and that he knew exactly what happened *853 at the temple. In the few times Doody spoke during this period he denied any knowledge or involvement. At around 2:45 a.m., Detectives Riley and Munley were joined by Detective Sinsabaugh, who had interviewed Doody in September. For over two hours, all three officers were present in the room.[6] The officers began to barrage Doody with questions. Doody essentially stopped responding altogether. They asked him five times whose plan it was to go to the temple; Doody did not answer once. They asked fourteen times whether it was Caratachea's idea; Doody answered once — that he did not know. They asked twenty-five times whether Doody was at the temple; Doody didhim ten times if he had been involved with the temple incident, directing him: "Answer me. Answer me, Jonathan. Jonathan, answer me. Answer me. What, what's the problem? Answer me, Jonathan." After Detective Sinsabaugh asked yet again if Doody had been involved, Doody finally responded, "Yes." More than six hours into the interrogation, after forty-five minutes of relentless questioning in the face of Doody's almost complete silence, this was the first statement Doody made linking himself to the murders. For about a half hour after this one-word response, most of the officers' questions again went unanswered; what answers Doody gave were largely monosyllabic. Showing increasing impatience with his silence, Detective Sinsabaugh told him, "if it's gonna take you all night to tell me two little simple things, we're gonna
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arranged in the living room; that the rooms were ransacked and valuables placed in duffle bags; and that, after one of the monks recognized George, George said they should leave no witnesses. The others told Doody to go outside to see if the temple was soundproof; he then heard shots fired and ran back inside. At that point, everyone fled. The officers were still, at that time, convinced that the Tucson Four were involved, and refused to believe Doody's assertion that they were not, repeated in response to several inquiries. After maintaining for almost two hours that only five people went to the temple, that all of them were white, and that the Tucson Four were not among them, Doody finally agreed that about ten people were involved, thattwo or three were black,[7] and that he did not know whether some of them were from Tucson or not. Throughout, Doody maintained that he never knew until the events unfolded that the plan involved robbery or murder. The interrogation ended at about 10:00 a.m., over twelve hours after it began. For almost nine hours, the interrogation never paused; in the final three hours, Doody had only two short breaks to use the restroom. By the end, he was sobbing. B. Eventually, the Tucson Four were cleared of any wrongdoing, and the state's new theory was that Doody and Garcia acted alone.[8] The two were indicted for murder and armed robbery and stood trial as adults. 1. Doody moved to suppress his recorded statements, arguing that the Miranda warnings were inadequate and that
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his confession was involuntary. During a ten-day suppression hearing, which also addressed Garcia's motion to suppress his own statements, several task force members testified; Doody did not. The evidence included the audio tapes of Doody's confession and accompanying transcripts. Detective Riley testified that, during the Miranda warnings, Doody "was very attentive" and displayed no confusion or doubt. He testified that Doody's demeanor changed over the course of the interview, becoming less attentive and more quiet, but that Doody never "display[ed] any real overt sign of being fatigued or tired." Detective Sinsabaugh testified that, at the time Doody first confessed involvement in the temple murders, he was "alert" and "sitting upright and erect." Detective Sinsabaugh also testified that he considered Doody "real intelligent," because he was working towards the goaltime. Another witness stated that Doody said the military's Office of Special Investigations ("OSI") was responsible for the temple killings, and that Doody used to kill people "execution style" for money. This witness also thought Doody was joking, and testified that other students at their high school — herself included — jokingly claimed responsibility for the murders. The third witness testified that Doody told him the monks were a national security threat, and that Doody eliminated them for the OSI. This witness, according to another witness, had a reputation for being gullible. The state also presented some evidence connecting Doody to items stolen from the temple. Several items had been pawned by Caratachea's friend Angel Rowlett; Rowlett and another friend of Caratachea's testified, with immunity, that they stole these
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the interrogation and Doody's juvenile status, was voluntary: Although the entire interrogation lasted approximately thirteen hours, Doody admitted he had borrowed Caratachea's rifle at the time of the temple murders after approximately two and one-half hours of questioning. Doody admitted he had participated in the temple robbery after approximately six and one-half hours of questioning, and his description of the events at the temple spanned nearly two hours .... Although Doody characterizes the tone of the interrogation as coercive, the audio tapes reveal a courteous, almost pleading style of questioning during most of the interview. Each of the officers involved in the interrogation testified at the suppression hearing that Doody remained alert and responsive throughout the interrogation and did not appear overtired or distraught. Our review of the audio tapes confirmsof trying to exercise his right to remain silent in the precise fashion described earlier by the officers.[17] During the Miranda warnings, he was told: "You can be quiet if you, if you wish." But when Doody was quiet, the officers told him expressly that he had to answer them—in other words, that he could not remain silent. Their refusal to stop questioning him reinforced these express statements. Indeed, Doody was explicitly told that the interrogation would continue until he confessed: "I'm gonna stay here until I get an answer." As a result, the officers' original warning informing Doody of his right to remain silent, itself a casual and underplayed message, was negated by their subsequent conduct, telling Doody he could not be silent, but rather that he
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a parent nor an attorney).[22] Indeed, the content of Doody's confession itself provides strong evidence that his will was overborne. Although, early in his confession, he insisted that the Tucson Four were not at the temple during the robbery and murders, the officers simply refused to accept this assertion and asked many questions about the involvement of the Tucson Four. Doody finally responded with answers consistent with the officers' insistence that the Tucson Four were at the temple with Doody: he said that about ten people—not five—were involved, two or three were black, and some of them might have been from Tucson. In other words, facing the officers' refusal to stop questioning him until they received the answers they wanted, Doody succumbed by providing some information that was suggestedthan his confession and Garcia's testimony, the evidence against Doody was weak. Doody's supposedly incriminating statements to friends were, according to the witnesses' own testimony, understood as jokes. The evidence linking him to items stolen from the temple depended almost entirely on the testimony of friends of Caratachea's who testified with immunity and not without self-interest, as the stole items had been linked to them. Stolen items found in Garcia's bedroom— which Doody shared at the time it was searched—were not connected specifically to Doody. There was some circumstantial evidence that was somewhat more persuasive: One non-self-interested witness testified that Doody claimed ownership of one item stolen from the temple. Also, an acquaintance of Doody's testified that Doody paid the witness $1,000 that he owed for a car shortly
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its area is as large as the entire Hawaiian archipelago. Gigantic volcanoes of Mars Mars has also been the target for numerous robotic Earth emissaries. They have revealed that Mars today is almost volcanically extinct - but that hasn’t always been the case. The Mariner 9 spacecraft in 1971 and the two Viking spacecraft in 1976 first returned images that tell a story of more dynamic times. Like Venus, Mars boasts an impressive assortment of volcanic features. Indeed, the largest volcano in the Solar System is found on Mars - Olympus Mons. Situated in the Tharsis province, a huge bulge in the planet’s crust, Olympus Mons towers some 27 km high, three times higher than Mauna Loa, Earth’s largest volcano. At least twelve other volcanoes are found within the Tharsis province including Arsia Mons, Pavonis Mons and Ascraeus Mons - three giants in their ownfor ‘seas’). We know differently today. In truth they are some of the Solar System’s largest expanses of basalt, the most common volcanic rock. The lunar basalts were erupted thousands of millions of years ago, at temperatures as great as 1400 C. The very high temperatures meant the lavas were as fluid as engine oil, allowing the flows to cover vast distances. Mercury also shows evidence for past volcanism, but you’ll need to look a lot harder to find it. Masked by craters that pockmark its surface, Mercury hides lava plains similar to the lunar maria. The craters themselves actually give some indirect evidence for past volcanic activity on Mercury. The planet lacks craters less than 50 km in diameter, and the simplest interpretation is that lavas buried them thousands of millions of years ago, when Mercury was a much fierier
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the decay of which is all-important in providing planets with a continued source of internal heat. The Moon and Mercury have cooled to form thick solid crusts. While their interiors may be molten, the magma is trapped beneath a deep rigid crust and is sealed in forever. NASA Io - the most volcanically active place in the solar system. Erupting moons To the surprise of many scientists, the spacecraft armada has revealed that volcanism is not confined to the rocky planets of the inner Solar System. One of the highlights of the Voyager missions to Jupiter in 1979 and 1980 was the discovery of active volcanism on its moon Io. Navigation engineer Linda Morabito was running a image processing technique to brighten an image returned from the Voyager 1 spacecraft, when she was greeted by a huge semicircular plume extending outward some 280 kmstrength necessary to drag the helicopter over 10 metres (32 feet 9 inches) - beating his intended target of 8 metres (26 feet 3 inches). (Image: AsiaWire) (Image: AsiaWire) He was then given his world record certificate by officials representing the World Record Academy. Ye is from the city of Zibo in East China's Shandong Province, where he has been practicing "zen tai chi" for over 30 years, but the feat was conducted in Fangshan District in Chinese capital Beijing. Speaking after his successful attempt, Ye Wei said: "I don't know why I struggled in the beginning. I felt a bit nervous and unsure. "But I mustered up the energy needed and started the helicopter moving." (Image: AsiaWire) (Image: AsiaWire) (Image: AsiaWire) He added proudly: "I will continue practicing so I can break new records
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in he mid 1980s (1985?). I was at school at the time, and could see the formation forming up in the distance and a Lynx flying all around them, but the bell for the end of break went before they came close to the school and all I heard was the sound of them flying overWhat's the most disgusting thing you've ever put in your mouth? Never mind the kangaroo testicles and witchetty grubs pushed before jungle-strewn celebrities: earlier this year I met a man who has tasted a substance that seems to trigger the gag reflex in most people. Willem van Eelen is an 86-year-old Dutchman who survived five years of near-starvation as a PoW in Japan to become the self-proclaimed "Godfather of In Vitro Meat". He now holds the patent to a food technology that repulses and excites people in equal measure. In his Amsterdam apartment he admitted to me, with a mischievous smile, that he once placed a small quantity of in vitro meat – muscle cells grown artificially, rather than in a living animal – in his mouth: "I once
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figurehead, say they have now grown in vitro meat successfully for the first time in the laboratory. When I visited Mark Post, one of the team's lead scientists, at his lab at the University of Technology in Eindhoven earlier this year, he showed me the plastic dishes in which the meat cells, originally taken from a pig foetus, were being grown. Inside was a pink liquid he described as having the texture of "an undercooked egg". It had yet to be "exercised" via electrical stimulation into a muscle-type texture. Not exactly a pork chop with herb butter, but I said I was willing to taste the future. Alas, he declined. Wait a few years, he said, and he should have got to the stage where long strips of it canLast week was Girls' Movie Night at our house. All the boys were indisposed in one manner or another, so we chose Mona Lisa Smile , a 2003 release that has been called the Dead Poets Society for women. Set in 1953 at Wellesley College in Massachusetts, it is a study of that odd period of time where women had returned to the traditional roles of homemaker after having enjoyed independence filling in for the men who were fighting World War II. Julia Roberts plays a forward-looking rookie instructor who feels compelled to show her intelligent young charges that they can be anything they want to be, despite society's plan to keep them serving only as wife and mother. While I enjoyed the movie for its (I think) accurate
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are the best part of the whole experience. In this case, there were three segments, one of which compared the women of 1953 with the women of 2003. I found it fascinating. I was not around in 1953, but still, I found some of the attitudes from that era had shaped and molded my own way of thinking. It was an eye-opener for me, and it is here on this page that I confess my own shortcomings. In 1953, women who went to college did not do so in preparation for a career. They went to be in the right place to find themselves a better husband. All that was expected of them after graduation was to marry, produce children, and serve as their husband's faithful companion. Courses atWellesley at that time included instruction in poise, elocution, manners, posture, and even how to put a glorious dinner on the table for hubby's business contacts at a moment's notice. If, perchance, a woman did not find a husband by the time she had graduated and found herself looking for employment, there were only three avenues considered acceptable. She could become a nurse, a teacher, or a secretary – all while continuing to look for Mr. Right, of course. Characters in Mona Lisa Smile would claim to be majoring in pre-law, but when faced with the opportunity to actually enter law school, most backed out in favor of returning to the accepted roles – marriage and motherhood. Mind you, these were the brightest women in society at that time. By
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the time I entered college in 1974, radical changes in women's viewpoints had taken place through the turbulent 60's and the Vietnam War. I was of a singular mindset. I would work as hard as I could to get a degree because I wanted to ensure that I could take care of myself. My father had not believed I should attend college at all, so there was no financial backing coming from that arena – not that there could have been much anyway. My father was an acknowledged alcoholic who struggled throughout his adult life. Many of his demons were based in his horrid memories of a two-year stint in the army, much of it spent in Korea during the Korean War. It is amazing to me howbehind society a good fifty years – that's something that I learned in college. For example, while televisions became acceptable in every home in the 1950's, we didn't really even allow them in the classroom until the 1990's – nearly fifty years later. And so it's no wonder that the lessons that Julia Roberts' character was trying to impart in 1953 didn't really take effect in the minds of women until 2003. I was just a middle man – er, woman. One of my closest friends from High school attended Wellesley in the 1980's. She was preceded by two of her older sisters. I had the opportunity to visit her there a couple of times, and she came to see me once at my small college in Chicago. Mu impression of
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SYNOPSIS:In this third book in the Lunar Chronicles, Cinder and Captain Thorne are fugitives on the run, now with Scarlet and Wolf in tow. Together, they’re plotting to overthrow Queen Levana and her army. Their best hope lies with Cress, a girl imprisoned on a satellite since childhood who's only ever had her netscreens as company. All that screen time has made Cress an excellent hacker. Unfortunately, she’s just received orders from Levana to track down Cinder and her handsome accomplice. When a daring rescue of Cress goes awry, the group is separated. Cress finally has her freedom, but it comes at a high price. Meanwhile, Queen Levana will let nothing prevent her marriage to Emperor Kai. Cress, Scarlet, and Cinder may not have signed up to save the world, but they may be the only hope the world has. HANNAHCASSIE'S REVIEW I haveincident, as described by Emily Bamforth of Cleveland.com: Three black Oberlin students were arrested after one tried to use a fake ID and shoplifted from Gibson's in 2016, according to the Chronicle-Telegram, which extensively covered the case. Allyn Gibson, the white son of the bakery's owner, followed the students out of the store and got into a physical altercation with them. After the students were arrested, student protests erupted, claiming that the robbery charge and physical conflict were racially motivated. Protestors urged patrons to shop elsewhere. The protests became so large that Oberlin's police chief testified that he was considering pulling in the county's riot team, according to the Chronicle-Telegram. The divide was covered by national media outlets, including the Associated Press and CBS. The students pleaded guilty to
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a misdemeanor in August 2017, reading statements into the record that Gibson was within his rights to detain the robber and that the conflict was not racially motivated. Oberlin College's liability arose because its dean of students, Meredith Raimundo, threw in with the protesters and the college ordered its dining services provider to stop buying from Gibson's. William Jacobson writes on Legal Insurrection: Meredith Raimondo was held liable on the libel and interference with business relations, but not intentional infliction of emotional distress. By stipulation, the college is responsible for any amounts awarded against her, so she will not pay anything out of pocket (snip) The verdict sends a strong message that colleges and universities cannot simply wind up and set loose student social justice warriors and then wash theirhands of the consequences. In this case, a wholly innocent 5th-generation bakery was falsely accused of being racist and having a history [of] racial profiling after stopping three black Oberlin College students from shoplifting. The students eventually pleaded guilty, but not before large protests and boycotts intended to destroy the bakery and defame the owners. The jury appears to have accepted that Oberlin College facilitated the wrongful conduct against the bakery. The bigger picture is like many others on the academic left, Oberlin behaved with incredible arrogance toward the locals — hardly a new phenomenon, as the venerable expression "town-gown conflict" reveals. But with the advent of P.C. domination, an added dimension has been added. Jacobson earlier wrote: I'm still shaking my head at the tone-deafness of the defense in
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belittling this family business which has sustained five generations of Gibsons, and at the time of the protests sustained three generations: 90-year-old Allyn W. Gibson, his son David Gibson, and his grandson Allyn D. Gibson. There also were almost a dozen employees. After the protests, the Gibsons stopped taking salaries and most of the employees have been laid off. This is real life to these people. To say that the business was worth only $35,000 erases the lives of these people. Maybe it's just the plaintiff's lawyer in me coming out, but I'd cross examine this defense expert and college president, and show in closing argument, the tuition, room and board charges at Oberlin College. This business, which has been an important feature of the community since 1885,is worth less than one semester at Oberlin College? He also wrote about the larger acute divide of higher education from the society that supports it: First, from the start of this case I have questioned the aggressive and demeaning attacks on the Gibsons as a defense strategy. There is no evidence that the Gibsons did anything wrong, unless you consider stopping people from stealing something wrong. That lawful act of protecting one's property nonetheless has devastated a 5-generation business because of Oberlin College racial politics. Gibson's Bakery survived two World Wars, the Depression, the turmoil of the 1960s, and the so-called Great Recession, but it may not survive Oberlin College's social justice warriors and their faculty and administrative enablers. If the jury understands this, the other pieces of the
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