of the state or political realists who deny that considerations of justice apply outside of the boundaries of the state. Borjas, George. 2001. Heaven's Door: Immigration Policy and the American Economy. Princeton University Press; Hendrickson, David C. 1992. "Migration in law and ethics: A realist perspective." In Free Movement: Ethical issues in the transnational migration of people and of money. Eds. Brian Barry and Robert E. Goodin. University Park, Pennsylvania: The Pennsylvania University Press, pp. 213-231). It is also common in popular discussion and in public policy. Contemporary political theorists usually reject the extreme position that there are no duties to people outside of our political community. Rather, they argue about the extent of our obligations, for example whether we are committed to a sufficiency standard that entitlesand Justice: Diverse Ethical Perspectives, eds., David Miller and Sohail H. Hashmi, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press; Meilaender, Philip. 2001. Toward a Theory of Immigration. Basingstroek: Palgrave; Miller, David. 2007. National Responsibility and Global Justice. New York: Oxford University Press. 11 Walzer, Michael. 1983. Spheres of Justice. New York, NY: Basic Books. 12 Wellman, Kit. 2008. "Immigration and Freedom of Association." Ethics 119: 109-141. 13 Pevnick, Ryan. 2011. Immigration and the Constraints of Justice. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. THE IMPLICATIONS OF MIGRATION THEORY FOR DISTRIBUTIVE JUSTICE 59 GLOBAL JUSTICE : THEORY PRACTICE RHETORIC (5) 2012 whatever obligations we owe to people as fellow human beings, these obligations are stronger when we have played a harmful causal role in their fate. It stresses the importance of institutions
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accessing opportunities in receiving countries; it also actively shapes the opportunities of people in other territories. For example, the 2004 and 2007 enlargements of the European Union provided opportunities for individuals in new member states to work abroad. But emigration of working age people also impacted the source countries positively and negatively in complicated ways, reducing demand in the local labor market and raising worries about "brain drain".16 Normative theorists often note the effects of migration on opportunities in receiving and source communities, but overlook the fact that restrictive border controls also shape opportunities in potential source countries even when little or no migration occurs. 14 Young, Iris. 2011. Responsibility for Justice. New York, NY: Oxford 15 Carens, Joseph. 1987. "Aliens and Citizens: The Case for Open Borders."Jeffrey G. 2008. Global Migration and the World Economy: Two Centuries of Policy and Performance. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press. 21 Chang, Howard F. 2007. "The Economic Impact of International Labor Migration: Recent Estimates and Policy Implications." Temple Political & Civil Rights Law Review, 16: 321-33. ALEX SAGER 64 GLOBAL JUSTICE : THEORY PRACTICE RHETORIC (5) 2012 The cogency of Chang's position depends on how convincing we find his defense of his cosmopolitan conception of distributive justice against prominent critiques. So far proponents of much more open borders have made little headway against those who argue for the justice of more restrictive immigration policy. This lack of progress reveals the limitations of approaches to migration that rely only on neoclassical economics. Neoclassical economics sees people as human capital and
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a positive force for all involved. The flow of capital and labor increases efficiency, allocating goods where they are best used. A very different view is world systems theory that interprets economic globalization as a form of economic domination. World systems theory identifies the developed world as 22 For an overview of the use of ethnic criteria in migration policy, see Joppke. Christian. 2005. Selecting by Origin: Ethnic Migration in the Liberal State. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Walzer, Michael. 1983. Spheres of Justice. New York, NY: Basic Books and Carens, Joseph. 1987. "Aliens and Citizens: The Case for Open Borders." The Review of Politics, 49:2, 251-273 discuss the White Australian Policy. Hing, Bill Ong. 1994. Making and Remaking Asian America through Immigration Policy, 1850-1990. Palo Alto: Stanfordthere are strong aspects of world systems theory in her thought.24 She argues that the industrialization of the developing world leads to urban migration from the country-side, often followed by migration across borders and the recruitment of workers by foreign firms. In the short run, economic development leads to more migration, not less, as we see when large numbers of people migrate from the country-side to the cities in the developing world and beyond.25 The social and economic disruption of industrialization, often promoted by international organizations such as the World Bank and IMF, developed countries, and multinational corporations, plays a major role in establishing patterns of migration. The moral implications raised by world systems theory are quite different from those raised by neo-classical economics. Migration is caused by
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the disruption of economies in the periphery that are transformed for the benefit of the developed world (the core). International migration occurs because powerful actors promote economic globalization at the expense of much of the world's population. In one of the few articles on migration in political theory that consider world systems theory, Van der Linden and Clark have drawn on Sassen's work to argue that the United States attracts migration because of its role in promoting and upholding an unjust global economic order.26 They refer to policies such as farm subsidies in the developed world and structural adjustment programs imposed on developing economies. They also discuss to the "international resource privilege" that allows the leaders of corrupt and violent regimes to sell their resources abroad, often usingLinden and Clark's focus on the United States to the exclusion of other important states and international actors is unfortunate. 27 Pogge, Thomas. 2002. World Poverty and Human Rights: Cosmopolitan Responsibilities and Reforms. Cambridge: Polity Press. ALEX SAGER 66 GLOBAL JUSTICE : THEORY PRACTICE RHETORIC (5) 2012 Though Van der Linden and Clark are right to draw attention to the causal role of the United States (or other powerful states) in shaping the conditions for migration, their conclusion that this requires that the United States open its borders to all potential migrants is too quick. Even if we accept their account of how the international system unjustly harms many people, it is not clear why this entails an obligation to open borders to migrants. Rather, the obvious remedial
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Again, Saskia Sassen provides insight: The enforcement of national borders contributes to the existence of a large number of countries in the form of a periphery and the designation of its workers as a labor reserve for global capital. Border enforcement is a mechanism facilitating the extraction of cheap labor by assigning criminal 28 Martin, Philip. 2005. "Mexico-US Migration." In NAFTA Revisited: Achievements and Challenges, eds., Gary Clyde Hufabuer and Jeffrey J. School. Institute for International Economics, pp.441-66. 29 Sager, Alexander. 2011. "Immigration and Class." In La communauté politique en question. Regards croisés sur l'immigration, la citoyenneté, la diversité et le pouvoir, Eds. Micheline Labelle, Jocelyne Couture and Frank Remiggi. Montreal, QC: UQAM Press, pp.29-46. THE IMPLICATIONS OF MIGRATION THEORY FOR DISTRIBUTIVE JUSTICE 67 GLOBAL JUSTICE : THEORYin search of work. Female migrants confront a host of special challenges. Immigrant women frequently suffer discrimination on the grounds of race and gender and face serious disadvantages in the labor market.32 The anthropologist Rhacel Salazar Parreñas studies how patriarchy shapes global institutions, including migration law, economic practices, and the norms that regulate women's behaviour. Gender ideology, in her view, is implicit in neoliberal economic globalization which "relies on the construction of women as secondary wage earners."33 She rejects simple economic narratives that see women's entrance into the international workforce as a path to securing a 30 Sassen, Saskia. 1990. The Mobility of Labor and Capital. Cambridge University Press 31 Hing, Bill Ong. 2009. "Institutional Racism, ICE Raids, and Immigration Reform." University of San Francisco Law Review, 44(1):
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1-49. 32 Castles, Stephen and Mark J. Miller. 2009. The Age of Migration: International Population Movements in the Modern World, Fourth Edition. New York, NY: The Guilford Press, p.236; Lutz, Helma. 2010. "Gender in the Migratory Process." Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. 36(1): 1647-1663. 33 Rhacel Salazar Parrenas. 2008. The Force of Domesticity. New York University Press, p. 42 ALEX SAGER 68 GLOBAL JUSTICE : THEORY PRACTICE RHETORIC (5) 2012 disposable income that reduces their dependence on men. Instead, she writes: the gender reconstitution prompted by the migration of women is from the outset ideologically stalled by the fact that their economic independence relies on the maintenance of their femininity, which they perform as submissive entertainers in a nightclub in Japan, as caregivers in a hospital orprivate home in Israel, or even as nimble-fingered assembly-lined workers in a factory in Dubai."34 Women everywhere in the world perform a disproportionate share of the reproductive labour, even in households where both spouses have similar jobs. Structural adjustment programs and austerity measures in the Philippines and other countries have diverted funds away from state sponsored welfare programs. The Philippines spends much of its tax revenue paying off the interest on international loans. At the same time, decline in real wages and cutbacks to public services in industrialized countries lead to more women in the workforce forced to hire full-time caregivers for their children.35 This creates "global care chains". Affluent women hire women from abroad to care for their families. These domestic workers may leave their own children
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Hannon were in a "black and white" police car, travelling south on Compton Avenue, in Los Angeles, near 56th Street, they saw six or seven persons on the sidewalk at the southeast corner of the intersection of those streets. The officers knew that the intersection was frequented by narcotic addicts. Officer Crowe, who was driving the car, drove it diagonally across the intersection to the curb at the southeast corner of the intersection where the persons were standing. Officer Hannon testified that he thought that, as a result of such driving, one of the "hypes" would run or give them (the officers) probable cause to get narcotics; that as the car approached the corner, he saw the defendant standing on the corner, with his back toward the car;that when the defendant turned around (facing the car) he was holding his hands in front of him, about waist high; defendant looked at the officers and then, with his right hand, put something into his mouth; then, with his left hand, the defendant threw a blue object over his head; the object landed on the sidewalk at a *569 place about 7 feet from defendant; when the object was thrown the officers were in the car which was about 12 feet from the defendant; Officer Hannon (witness) jumped out of the car, picked up the object and noticed that it was a balloon which was "knotted" near the end; through a hole in the balloon he saw a capsule therein with white powder in it; at that
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purchased the two caps for $6.00. Officer Crowe testified that he stopped the police car abruptly at the southeast corner of the intersection and at that time, when he was about 10 feet from the defendant, he saw the defendant turn around, look at the car, and then make a throwing motion with his left hand; he (witness) got out of the car and took the defendant into custody; while he was arresting and handcuffing the defendant, the defendant was gagging and a white capsule dropped from defendant's mouth; the defendant said that he had just purchased the two caps from a person who had just walked around the corner; he (officer) had observed that a person wearing a black shirt had walked fast while going away fromthe corner; defendant said that he could not have swallowed the capsule, because he needs water in order to swallow a pill. Defendant testified that while he was going into a liquor store to get whiskey he saw he officers come across the street to the place where he was; the police car stopped, and Officer Crowe ran and grabbed him around the neck; then, when that officer started choking him, the other officer (Hannon) grabbed defendant's right arm and put it behind defendant's back; one of the officers hit defendant's stomach; while an officer was choking him, Officer Crowe said, "Don't swallow it"; after one of the officers had handcuffed him, the other officer went to the front of the liquor store and came back *570 with
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a balloon; he (defendant) did not throw the balloon and he did not know what happened--that a guy (wearing a black shirt) ran around the corner; the officers found another capsule near defendant while they were choking him; that capsule did not come from his mouth, and he had not seen it before; he had not purchased any narcotics, and he was not trying to do so--he had been talking to the guy who ran away; he did not tell the officers that he had just purchased the balloon, nor tell them that the man who ran away was a dealer; he had been taking the naline test during a period of approximately two months preceding the arrest. Defendant testified further that he had been convicted twice ofdefendant wherein it was found that the conduct of the officers in obtaining the evidence amounted to brutality and it shocked the conscience. The evidence herein was sufficient to support a finding that the heroin, which defendant had put into his mouth, was not obtained illegally by the officers. Appellant also asserts that he spoke to his attorney (who represented him at the trial) regarding the matter of requiring the prosecution to show cause why defendant was arrested without a warrant. He asserts that he thought that his attorney was going to raise that issue. It seems that defendant is contending that he was not adequately represented by counsel at the trial. He did not advise the trial judge that he considered that he was not properly represented.
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Nearly three-quarters of patients in Oregon hospitalized in the last month of life were discharged to home, compared with slightly fewer than two-thirds in Washington state and a little more than half — 54.2 percent — in the rest of the US. More than 40 percent of patients in Oregon were enrolled in home hospice in 2013, compared with about 30 percent in Washington and fewer than 20 percent in the rest of the US, the analysis found. Oregon, which enacted the nation’s first death-with-dignity law and led the way on implementing portable medical orders for treatment at the end of life, may be reaping the results of those and other efforts, said Tolle’s coauthor, Dr. Joan Teno, a professor of medicine, gerontology, and geriatrics at the University of Washingtonwith her, for company “and security,” he says. I ask Amanda if she wakes up excited, ready to ride, and she looks at me like, Um, no, I’m 24. “Before this, I used to sleep in all the time,” she says. As Amanda wakes and warms up, Ricky gives her a draft (legal according to the rules set out by the Ultra Marathon Cycling Association [UMCA], which validates the Highest Annual Mileage Record). A high school track star in his home state of North Carolina, Ricky was an avid runner until Achilles problems turned him onto cycling. Amanda first began riding alongside her dad as a teenager, and found success as a racer, placing sixth in the time trial at the junior national championships in 2010, and later enrolling at Fort
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for her to explain that she just needs time.” In the fall of 2014, the family decided to start fresh. They packed their belongings, left North Carolina, and set out on the road. They went to Disney World, one of Amanda’s favorite places; then spent about a year roaming around Florida, camping and staying in RV parks. By 2015, Amanda began expressing an interest in riding again, and proposed doing a cross-country bike ride she’d often discussed with her dad. Amanda felt the journey would help her overcome her fear of riding on the road, and Ricky and Donna believed that planning and executing the trip would help Amanda continue to recover from her brain injury. Amanda sold her car to fund the trip, and Ricky, unable to pedal because ofhis back, drove behind Amanda on a 50cc scooter for nearly 3,000 miles. He equipped the scooter with a mass of flashing LEDs to warn oncoming drivers. Amanda logged multiple 500-mile weeks during the cross-country ride, and discovered a talent for long-distance cycling. Upon returning to Florida, the family parked its RV in Zephyrhills, a small town outside of Tampa, and not long after discovered Flatwoods, a 20-minute drive away. At the end of 2015, Amanda began riding with the park’s various groups, and soon met a man named Kurt Searvogel. Riding alongside Searvogel, Amanda’s mileage soared. She put in 170 miles one day, and recorded more miles on Strava than any other woman in the month of December. Seeing Amanda’s promise, Searvogel suggested she go for the women’s record, saying
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people though, this type of riding—riding that is not fun—inevitably leads them to wonder, why? What is the point of all this? As she gets one day closer to the record, endorphins begin rushing through her body—she feels a sense of euphoria. During my visit to Flatwoods, I pose this question to one of Amanda’s friends, Jared Barr, a marketing officer at Florida College. Jared had just gotten into cycling when he met Amanda and Kurt Searvogel, and he logged his own first-ever century ride with them at the park. He’s since become hooked on the sport, lost of a bunch of weight himself, and recently began mountain biking at Flatwoods with his 12-year-old son. Before Jared answers, he takes a long breath and thinks for a moment. “On the surface,the seven-mile time trial. When my speed drops, she tells me to pick it up. She tells me I’m doing great, and points out trail hazards, like a bunny that bounds across my path. I hug the inside of the turns, and pedal harder where I would normally begin to fade. As we reach the end of the lap, I empty my tank and meet my own goal, averaging 25mph. Amanda stops riding, a rare sight during her day, and gives me a fist bump. She’s as stoked as I’m exhausted. I tell her that was fun. Then she takes off again. She'd go on to log more than 270-miles three days in a row, and then record her 302-mile ride just two days before finishing the attempt on Sunday, May
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14. She's still piling up miles on top of her miles after putting the record further out of reach—more than 86,000 miles in a single year. A Part of Hearst Digital Media Bicycling participates in various affiliate marketing programs, which means we may get paid commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to retailer sites.you didn’t know. Leinart appeared in a Drew League basketball game Saturday and came off the bench to lead his team to victory. He had 15 points, 5 rebounds and 4 assists for APNG in a 76-71 win over Jug…Read More One of the main reasons Ken Whisenhunt is a respected coach in the National Football League is the success he had with the Arizona Cardinals in 2008. With Kurt Warner as his quarterback, Whisenhunt led the Cardinals to the Super Bowl, where they lost to the Pittsburgh Steelers. According to Matt Leinart, it was Warner…Read More If there’s one bright side to Matt Leinart not being on an NFL team, it’s that he’s able to support his alma mater on Saturdays. The USC Trojans took advantage of that by
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graduate of NDP and University of Maryland in College Park, Deirdre bought her first pair of shoes from Charm City Run while home visiting Baltimore from her job training dolphins in the Florida Keys. She became a part-time employee and full-time member of the Charm City Run family soon after when she stopped in to replace her shoes. Deirdre was thrilled to help Charm City Run expand to the downtown location as the store manager and coach of Charm City Run full and middle distance training groups. Over the years of involvement she has been committed to the Charm City Run energy and passion for the running community and she is a well-known face at local events. She loves the downtown fitness community and you can often findat the time, declined to continue working in the post after the City Council voted to bring her position under the control of the city - a move opposed by some business leaders. While Graffeo didn't offer specific reasons for stepping down, she had cited issues of control and ego in her decision to leave after 2½ years on the job. The Economic Development Authority board was also told Thursday that Graffeo's pay and severance package would be paid out of EDA reserves, something EDA Chairman Charley Johnson said was a surprise. Johnson said the decision to hire Downtown Moorhead Inc. to handle economic development highlighted the issue of whether the EDA would have a true say in economic development. "How is this better? And who is his boss?" Johnson asked Volkers. Johnson
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asked who LaPoint would work for: the whole city or downtown Moorhead business interests? He asked who might get priority if a business was looking for a large space, the long-vacant Sam's Club near Interstate 94, or the recently emptied Herberger's store in downtown's Center Mall. LaPoint said he would be working for all. "We're not here to broker the spaces," LaPoint said, but to provide businesses with contacts they could use to make decisions. Helmut Schmidt was born in Germany, but grew up in the Twin Cities area, graduating from Park High School of Cottage Grove. After serving a tour in the U.S. Army, he attended the University of St. Thomas in St Paul, Minn., graduating in 1984 with a degree in journalism. He then worked at the Albert Lea(Minn.) Tribune and served as managing editor there for three years. He joined The Forum in October 1989, working as a copy editor until 2000. Since then, he has worked as a reporter on several beats, including K-12 education, Fargo city government, criminal justice, and military affairs. He is currently one of The Forum's business reporters.
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not work related. The impression was back pain, sciatica and right Sl joint tenderness. On January 31, 2006, Ms. Ashby was seen with complaints of left shoulder and low back pain after slipping on a wet plastic ground cover. This was also not work related. The diagnosis was contusion of the left shoulder and low back. On October 10, 2007, Ms. Ashby was seen with complaints of lower back pain. She bent over and felt a pop in her lower back, which was not work related. The records indicate it was difficult to examine due to her pain. On March 22, 2009, Ms. Ashby reported to Wheeling Hospital with complaints of lower back pain after getting out of bed. X-rays showed no fracture or dislocation. On July 2, 2012, Ms. Ashby was seen at Wheeling Hospitalwell until the work injury of August 18, 2012. Dr. Miele diagnosed her with axial mechanical back pain secondary to a lifting injury at work. Dr. Miele recommended physical therapy and a follow-up with Dr. Hargraves in one month if her symptoms did not improve. From September 27, 2012, through October 16, 2012, Ms. Ashby reported to Wheeling Hospital Physical Therapy for physical therapy. On October 22, 2012, Ms. Ashby was seen by L. W. DeGarmeaux, D.C. Physical examination revealed tenderness in the right Sl joint and sciatic region. Range of motion was limited approximately 40% in all planes. Dr. DeGarmeaux read the MRI of her lumbar spine as showing a disc herniation at L3-4 and L4-5 with spinal stenosis. On October 23, 2012, Ms. Ashby reported to Terrence
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requested pain management. In support of his request Dr. DeGarmeaux wrote a letter to the claims administrator 2 on January 7, 2013. In his letter, Dr. DeGarmeaux noted that Ms. Ashby had not yet rendered any treatment because all of his requests for treatment were denied. He had, however, performed clinical and manual examinations of Ms. Ashby and range of motion studies. Dr. DeGarmeaux opined that attempts should be made to address Ms. Ashby’s injuries with conservative treatment in hopes of improving her condition and possibly allowingAbout Karen is a slang term used as an antagonistic female character in memes. "Karen" is generally characterized as an irritating, entitled woman, sometimes as an ex-wife who took custody of "the kids." In 2020, the term was broadly applied to a swath of white women who had been filmed harassing people of color, including dialing the emergency services on them for no criminal reason. Origin While it's unclear where exactly "Karen" began seeing use as a pejorative character, it perhaps started with the Oh My God, Karen, You Can’t Just Ask Someone Why They're White meme from Mean Girls. Others believe that the popularity of the name may come from the character Karen from the 1989 gangster film Goodfellas (clip below). Some believe that usage of the name as a perjorative
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7th, 2017, the subreddit /r/FuckYouKaren was created, and has over 57,000 subscribers as of December 27th, 2018. The subreddit is devoted to mocking the character in jokes that characterize "Karen" as annoying. Many jokes revolve around the character having a specific style of haircut indicating her character (examples shown below). On March 18th, 2018, Urban Dictionary user Cody Kolodziejzyk posted a definition of "Karen" as an annoying middle-aged white woman. In late 2018, a series of jokes spread in which "Karen" is an ex-wife had taken the kids in a custody battle, many of which appear in the She Took the Fucking Kids meme. On December 24th, 2018, Redditor ashleyallday posted an inquiry to /r/OutOfTheLoop about the jokes, pointing to two examples (shown below). #AndThenKarenSnapped On January 20th, 2020, the hashtag #AndThenKaenSnapped— Queen Bee (@DeadStillPretty) January 21, 2020 Central Park Karen Central Park Karen is the white cop-caller nickname of Amy Cooper, who was recorded calling the police on an African American birder in Central Park in New York City after being asked by him to leash her dog in the park. After video of the altercation went viral, Cooper apologized for the incident. On May 25th, 2020, Christian Cooper published video of the altercation with Amy Cooper (no relation), which took place in the Ramble, a popular section of Central Park for bird watching. He wrote: Central Park this morning: This woman's dog is tearing through the plantings in the Ramble. ME: Ma'am, dogs in the Ramble have to be on the leash at all times. The sign is right there. HER: The dog
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killed more than 9,000 people. Davutoglu also invited U.N. officials to Turkey to observe developments on the Turkish side as well. Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Thursday that he did not trust President Bashar al-Assad to comply with the peace plan proposed by former U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan. "He shoots people but pretends he is withdrawing troops. He is not withdrawing troops but he is duping the international community," he was quoted in media reports as saying. Activist groups said at least 60 people had been killed in shelling or shooting by security forces on Thursday in various parts of Syria, mainly the central city of Homs and Idlib province in the north-west. Meanwhile, the United Nations urged the Syrian regime to stop military crackdowns on protesters. Assad, who isSuraksha Geysers Established in the year 1995, at Bengaluru (Karnataka, India), we, Suraksha Gas Geysers, are one of the foremost Manufacturers, Suppliers, Trader & Service Provider of an enormous range of Gas Geysers,Water Heaters, Geyser and Chimneys. Suraksha company started manufacturing of electrical geysers in 1995. Hollow Blocks Manufacturers, Suppliers, Importers, Buyers Firewood Boiler - Firewood Boiler Exporter, Manufacturer With firm commitment to quality, we are bringing forth a remarkable Firewood Boiler at competitive rates. It is boiled with wood, designed by using supreme grade materials and leading technology keeping pace with current market norms and standards. Gas Geyser Dealers in Bangalore | Justdial south-africa fire Suppliers & Manufacturers The company is based in South Africa and supplies fire extinguishers and their accessories, services the fire extinuishers and supplies chemicals. The fire extinguisher is authorised
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1 2017, Dr. Derr responded to a letter from the carrier as follows: 2 The injuries she sustained to her right shoulder, left knee, left hand, and right foot all came from her fall that she had in July 2016. She may have had some pre-existing changes in her knee, but they were aggravated to the point of requiring surgery due to that fall. Her shoulder is not an arthritic Oakview Middle School students counter 'hate list' with uplifting posters WITH VIDEO By MONICA DRAKE Thursday, February 14, 2013 After a "hate list" was written in the girl's bathroom at Oakview Middle School, four students decided they wanted to do something to make the girls feel good about themselves instead. The eighth graders went to school almost an hour early and hung posters in every girls' bathroom and locker room in the Oakland Township school. At a sleepover, the girls made 16 neon colored posters with the words "Take what you need" on top. The poster was set up like a "For sale" sign with tabs across the bottom that girls could rip off. On the tabs were written words such as love, hope, strength, courage, understanding, loyalty and patience. Afterward, the entire
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150,000 Serbs arrived in Corfu.Many of the injured and sick soldiers were sent to Vidos, but the poor living conditions and hygiene meant that 30,000 of them died on the island. Therefore it has since been called the ‘island of death”.Due to the small size of the island, it soon became necessary to bury the dead in the sea (by weighting the corpses with rocks to prevent them from floating). Over 5,000 people were buried at sea near the island of Vidos, where the waters are known as the Blue Sea Tomb. We walked through the woods on rough stony tracks and followed an ancient brick wall, probably built centuries ago by those cunning Venetians, who once owned the island between the 16th and 19th centuries.It was reminiscent ofand green shutters and a balcony, this once majestic house had been long abandoned, and was now a ruin. The outside structure was virtually complete, but peering through open doorways, you could see derelict rooms, broken floorboards, crumbling staircases.There was even a cellar with stone steps leading down to a cavernous room. Interior of derelict house – part of the staircase. Trapdoor to the cellar If this had been in the U.K., the whole site would have been fenced off, warning notices erected, and vandals would probably have sprayed graffiti everywhere, or used it for late night parties.But this was Greece, and people don’t do that.Even the children playing nearby knew not to enter. At the front of the old house, leading down from the grand pillared entrance, were many steps, which eventually
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led to the seafront and jetty where the trip boats arrived.Also here was a huge taverna!I expected it to be a tiny beach shack, but this was obviously a big business in the summer, catering for day visitors, and offering an extensive, if overpriced menu. But the views were to die for.Just a kilometre across the water, are the beautiful Venetian houses of Corfu town, the fortress, and the castle.Such a great location for our cup of coffee! Part of the taverna, overlooking Corfu town. There was a tiny harbour close by with a tiny beach.Behind the beach was a memorial to the Serbian soldiers who had died in the war,and a strange circular building which may have once been part of a church. We carried on down the path leading eastwards,and a huge cruise liner appeared in the sea behind the trees, moving slowly towards its berth in Corfu harbour. I would have loved to have been on that cruise ship as it entered Corfu! MSC Musica approaching her berth We then came to the impressive mausoleum, built by the Serbs to honour their war dead.Each soldier who died had their name inscribed on a marble square. Entrance to the mausoleum It was getting very hot now, as it was approaching midday, and poor Tim was flagging. He really is feeling the heat this year, much more than me.So we kept to the shady paths and eventually reached the beach where we had left the dinghy.A cold beer when we got back to Fandancer was very welcome!I had such a lovely visit
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the voluntariness of the plea. The defendant testified that he was thirty-two years old and understood English; that he understood that he had certain constitutional rights, including trial by jury, the right to confront the witnesses against him, the right not to incriminate himself, and the right to testify in his own behalf; that he understood that the charge of possession, and that the two priors had been dismissed; that the statutory punishment for his crime was from five years to life, with no parole until after serving three years; that regardless of any conversations between defendant and his attorney, the actual sentence was in the court's discretion; and that no threats or promises had been made to him. The court then asked defendant to state in hislast time. Sentence was imposed on January 5, 1970. On March 9, 1970 a hearing was held on defendant's motion to set aside the judgment. An interpreter was again used, and the defendant and four witnesses sought to establish that the plea of guilty should not have been accepted by the court. Defendant admitted receiving two letters from his attorney. They are in the record. The first one, dated November 4, 1969 reported to defendant that counsel had obtained an offer to dismiss one charge and the priors, in return for a plea of guilty on the charge of selling marijuana. The second letter, dated December 15, 1969, stated that the deal was a good one, that it would be followed by a mitigation hearing, and that defendant should
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Relations Committee, noted that Trump was hosting Chinese President Xi Jinping the night he ordered the missile strike against a Syrian airfield. “I think the major audience that Trump had in mind for his missile strike was sitting right next to him this weekend at Mar-a-Lago,” Coons said. Trump administration officials have been in discussions with their Chinese counterparts over how to counter North Korean aggression. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson last month met with the Chinese foreign minister for talks about Pyongyang's nuclear program.The beginning of Obama’s failed policies in the Middle East was his inability to stop Israeli settlements. As the Obama administration runs out of time and energy, an array of world leaders including Kim Jong-un, Bashar al-Assad and Vladimir Putin are celebrating their frustration of American designs. But the unlikely source of the signature defeat of Obama’s policy agenda is no enemy, but rather a close ally and recipient of unprecedented American largesse – Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The failure of the Obama “red line” on settlements during his first year in office set the model for future shortcomings elsewhere, notably in Syria. His demand for an end to the building of settlements offered a preview of his later demands upon Assad. In both cases, United States officials believed that the fulfilment
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former Israeli deputy foreign minister, was not alone in assessing the damage suffered by Obama. “He forgot that he is the US president, and that every action of his, even killing a fly, is scrutinised by billions of eyes and every word of his is weighed and has an effect. This way, at the end of a wasted year and without any bad intentions, his statements inflicted another blow on the chances of promoting something in our region.” The lesson that Obama could not even move an ally and dependent state like Israel to submit to an American policy agenda on an issue deemed critical by the US president himself was not lost on America’s adversaries. The shortcomings of the administration on the settlement freeze during its first year ina 10-member leadership team. It ranged from liberals like Sens. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts and Bernie Sanders, the Vermont independent, to moderates like West Virginia's Joe Manchin and Virginia's Mark Warner. Noticeably absent: a leader of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee for the upcoming two-year political cycle, which is stacked against the party. Democrats and independents backing them will have to defend 25 seats, compared with just eight Republican ones, and many of the Democrats will be running in states that Trump carried easily like North Dakota, Montana and West Virginia. Both parties picked their leaders following an election that saw the Republican Trump unexpectedly capture the White House and the GOP suffer only minor losses while retaining House and Senate control. Yet even as both parties agree that voters were demanding
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change, both parties' key Senate posts remained largely unchanged. Schumer was the key exception, but his ascension to replace the retiring Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., was long expected. Trump's Pick of Steve Bannon Draws Criticism McConnell and Schumer were elected unanimously at separate closed-door meetings. McConnell is widely popular among his GOP colleagues and his selection was never in doubt. The 74-year-old has a genteel manner but has proven to be a coolly effective leader, steering his party through a long battle over a Supreme Court vacancy and the stormy — though ultimately successful — presidential candidacy of Trump. McConnell was Senate minority leader for eight years before becoming majority leader when the GOP took control in 2015. He's pushed a conservative agenda while cutting budget deals with President Barack Obama. AndRoberts, 846 F.Supp. 948 (M.D.Ala.1994). • On March 16, 1994, the court approved one of the consent decrees, now known as consent decree I.[3] • Article XVI of consent decree I consists of two parts: a "Temporary special training program" and a "Regular Training Courses" program. The article provides as follows: "1. Temporary special training program: During the first calendar year following the effective date of the Settlement Decree, the Highway Department will develop and provide to all black employees a temporary special affirmative action training program with the goal of assisting such employees in progressing in career paths within the Highway Department. Such program will be provided again during the years 1997 and 1999. "2. Regular Training Courses: During the term of this Settlement Decree, the State Highway Department will offer
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defendants filed a response to the second June 26 order, repeating essentially what had been said in the September 25 response.[19] II. DISCUSSION The plaintiffs contend that the Transportation Department's reports of September 25 and 30 completely fail to comply with the court's orders of June 25, and, in particular, to the extent the orders seek enforcement of ¶ 1 of article XVI. In a belated brief filed on October 11, 1996, the department responds essentially that it has complied with ¶ 1 by putting into place and now monitoring a "career path counseling" program for African-American employees.[20] Under this program, black employees receive counseling as to their "current qualifications," their "aspirations ... in the department," the "types of training, education, and job experience the employee needs to pursue inTHE PRODUCERS GROUP: Pairs of Aces Things happen in pairs for The Producers Group: two rides for SeaWorld, two movie franchises for Dubai, and two new international office locations. by Judith Rubin and Joe Kleiman Los Angeles-based The Producers Group (TPG) recently completed work on a pair of roller coasters for SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment and on two high energy shows for Dubai Parks & Resorts. TPG bills itself as “international attraction production specialist” and the company fulfilled that role on these four unique, highly integrated projects, that presented specific challenges in technical design and production management. The SeaWorld pairing: sharks and cobras SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment is actively growing its portfolio of thrill rides that tie into SeaWorld wildlife conservation and education programs. TPG was recruited to help create two, new themed
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will include motiongate™, Bollywood Parks Dubai, Legoland, a Six Flags park and a waterpark. Each of the parks has its own, separate internal design team. The first Dabangg movie, a hugely popular action film, was released in 2010. Its protagonist, Chulbul Pandey (played in the films by international superstar Salman Khan), is a bold, athletic police officer. (Dabangg 3 is currently in the works.) DPR has announced a mid-December opening for the Dabangg stunt show at Bollywood Parks Dubai. TPG is providing show production and equipment for the show which, to be true to its namesake, demands an elaborate combination of live stunts and effects. “Bringing Dabangg movie stunts to a live show is a challenge requiring precise choreography of live actors with high-end gear, special effects and complexwas born in 2006 with the first movie starring Channing Tatum as a troubled high schooler who finds his path (and love) through becoming a dancer. Subsequent Step Up movies have all played on this basic theme in diverse ways that have far reaching appeal. The live show that is scheduled to open in mid-November at motiongate™ Dubai, in a 1,000-seat theater in the Lionsgate zone, will feature singing, dancing and acrobatics and is based on the two most recent titles in the series, Step Up: All In and Step Up: Revolution. Unlike Dabaang, where TPG, as show producers, are handling all aspects of the show other than providing performers and stunts, the company is taking on a more limited, but still pivotal role with Step Up, providing a
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spread like wildfire on the Internet, were also slammed by the Human Rights Campaign, a group supporting gay rights, according to the Houston Chronicle. "Although he may not have the ‘genetic coding' to think before he speaks, Rick Perry, M.D. should have a real conversation with actual doctors before voicing his expertise on these issues," said Fred Sainz, vice president for communications at the Human Rights Campaign. "Every major mental health and medical organization in the country has condemned practices aimed at changing a person's sexual orientation." The American Psychological Association has dismissed the idea that sexual orientation is a mental disorder and said mental health professionals should avoid telling clients that they can change their sexual orientation through therapy or other treatments. The therapy has been outlawed in California and Newhave a long career. Silva is going to play." Article continues below City are currently eight points ahead of United in the Premier League, and can take their lead into double figures with a victory at Old Trafford this weekend. Guardiola's side have yet to lose in domestic competition, only dropping points in a 1-1 draw with Everton in August. United, meanwhile, are City's closest challengers, having taken 35 points from 15 games. The only blots on their copybook come in the form of defeats to Chelsea and Huddersfield Town, along with draws with Liverpool and Stoke City.
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The constitutive heterochromatin in chromosomes of Fritillaria Sp., as revealed by Giemsa banding. The incidence of C-bands (constitutive heterochromatin), as determined by differential Giemsa staining, was studied in the chromosomes of 56 species, varietal forms and subgenera of Fritillaria and 30 of them are illustrated. With the exception of the subgenera Korolkowi, a supposed link between lilies and fritillaries, and chromsome complements of all plants contained bands. There were wide differences in the size and number of these bands among species both within and between groups. In those with the largest and most abundant bands, there was a pronounced tendency for centromeric localization, both in Old and New World species. The Giemsa positive centromeres were masked when this occurred. Heteromorphy in respect of banding occurred in most species. TheJohn Rooney, a longtime Chicago reporter, died Thursday (June 30) of ALS. In 2014, he offered his thoughts on facing serious illness and death in this Op-Ed. By John Rooney The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge became big news over the summer. My wife, three sons and I participated in the challenge during August. For us, it was very personal. I am a face of ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease. My diagnosis came in March. My mother and her sister both had the disease, which destroys nerves, causes progressive paralysis and is eventually fatal. I am the first member of my generation in the family with the disease. I suspected I had the disease for more than a year due to weakness in my left leg and based on family history. From the time
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Chicago Daily Law Bulletin and regularly socialize with family and friends. In mid-May, I wrote a column about my diagnosis that ran in the Law Bulletin. As a now 26-year veteran of the paper, I wanted to inform the legal community of my condition. I also wanted to focus attention on the continuing work in Chicago and elsewhere to find a cure for the disease. During this journey, I rely on my Roman Catholic faith along with strong support from family and friends. My mother, Mary Flynn Rooney, who died in 2000, is my model for dying. After watching her sister die from the disease, she knew what to expect. As a registered nurse, she would say, “A hospital is not a good place for a healthy person.” My mother did not spenda graduate of Loyola and a veteran of both the City News Bureau of Chicago and the Tampa Tribune. For 26 years he has worked as a reporter for the Chicago Daily Law Bulletin. The married father of three lads is a proud fan of the Chicago White Sox, Chicago Bears and Chicago Blackhawks. He can be reached at [email protected] See also: My Dad Is The Face Of ALS: Hopes For A Good Life by Jack Rooney
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body of cold rage dammed up behind the playing and immersed himself deeply in it. As far as my own jazz face goes— and don't tell me you don't have one— it hasn't changed that much since its debut in 1957. It's nothing special, easy enough to spot in a corner of any club on any given night. You know it—the reptilian squint, lips pursed, jaw clenched tight, and, most essential, the whole head furiously, yet almost imperceptibly nodding in total and absolute agreement. ## Taking Off Emily Dickinson's Clothes First, her tippet made of tulle, easily lifted off her shoulders and laid on the back of a wooden chair. And her bonnet, the bow undone with a light forward pull. Then the long white dress, a more complicated matter with mother-of-pearl buttons down the back, so tiny and numerous that it takes forever before my hands can part the fabric, like a swimmer'sTony Charnell Tony Charnell 19/11/1937 - 14/10/2001 Tony was a successful sports car racer in the 1970s winning the Scottish Sports Car Championship in 1973 and 1974 and the 2 Litre class at Le Mans in 1979. When Tony Charnell left school, he joined the Rootes Group in Coventry as an apprentice. There he developed his lifelong interest for cars and competition. He married and in 1964 moved to Scotland. It was at about this time that he took part in his first competitive event, a night rally in which Tony entered driving a van. He then drove a more suitable Simca in the Tour of Britain before switching to circuit racing entering club events and sprints in a series of cars ranging from an MG Midget to the ex-Graham Hill Brabham F2
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car. Tony went on to win the Scottish Sports Car Championship in 1973 and 1974, and in 1976 he came third in the RAC Sports Car Championship. He drove his Chevron B31 at Le Mans in 1977 with Robin Smith and Ian Bracey but retired with fuel pump problems. He was back in 1978 with Robin Smith, Fréderic Alliot and Richard Jones but this time they were not classified. Then in 1979 he achieved his greatest result, winning his class at Le Mans driving with Richard Jones and Robin Smith in his privately entered Chevron B36. He was awarded the ‘Woolfe Barnato Trophy’ and the ‘Motor Trophy’ for being the first British car home. Fiercely competitive though immensely popular, Tony tackled his illness the way he did everything, with a determination toStevenson Ranch, California Stevenson Ranch is a census-designated place in Los Angeles County, California. The community is located in the Santa Clarita Valley. Often incorrectly referred to as part of the city of Santa Clarita, the community does not actually fall within the city limits and is instead in an unincorporated area. It has many new suburban one- and two-story houses in new developments, with a median value of $1,034,600. Stevenson Ranch encompasses about . About are set aside as parks, recreation areas, and open space. Stevenson Ranch is set in the foothills of the Santa Susana Mountains and lies west of Interstate 5. One of the newer communities in the Santa Clarita Valley, which was ranked number 18 of the top 100 places to live by Money
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Vivienne Plumb lives in Wellington, New Zealand. Nefarious, her third poetry collection, has just been published by HeadworX. She also writes prose and drama, and has held the Hubert Church Prose Award (Best First Book of Fiction), the Bruce Mason Playwright Award, the Sargeson Fellowship and a University of Iowa writing residency in USA, 2004. BMP12 nzpoetsonline BMP12 nzpoetsonline Nefarious When we drive up in the hired silver Hyundai there’s a single man parked by the river in a red Cortina. And Al says, maybe that’s the guy I met when I was fly fishing here the other day. And he checks his little black address book that is the size of one of those lilliputian copies of Shakespeare’s plays published by Tuttle’s Watchpocket Series. His name was Tony Bajowski, says Al. And Igoing all manner of places in the fastest possible time. The sun begins to set at one end of the river and a chill comes up off the cold hard earth. Al has walked so far he has become an unidentified lone angler in the distance. A little model figurine in an old museum diorama.
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Bicyclist critically injured in NYC truck accident A bicyclist suffered critical injury after being struck by a tractor trailer truck in New York City. The accident happened yesterday morning around 7:15 am at the intersection of Jay Street and Tillary Street in Brooklyn. According to Streetblog the truck struck the bicyclist while making a right from Jay onto Tillary. The victim, a 35 year old man, got stuck under the truck. His left leg was completely mangled and he suffered massive head trauma according to the NY Daily News. He was transported to the hospital in critical condition. The truck driver stayed at the scene of the accident and hasn’t been charged. The truck was a tractor trailer truck belonging to Mountain Man Sand and Gravel. The truck was onan authorized truck road however it was larger than 55 feet long. Trucks larger than 55 feet long are only allowed in New York City if they transport material that is “non-divisible” and have special authorization. In the case of this accident, the Gothamist indicates that the truck was a Mac trailer Dump truck. There is a high probability that the truck was not legally authorized to drive where the accident happened. This is the second time this year that a bicyclist has been struck by an over-sized truck driving in a pedestrians and bicyclists area. In April, a cyclist died after being struck by a tractor trailer truck which was illegally driving in a Brooklyn residential area (see previous blog). Jay Street is considered one of the most
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dangerous streets for bicyclists in New York City. Recently, the DOT started to remodel the street and add protected bike lanes. However at the intersection of Jay and Tillary protective bike lanes are still nonexistent. Since the beginning of the year, 3 people were injured in bicycle accidents at this intersection according to Vision Zero Map. Also according to data from Transportation Alternatives there were 41 pedestrian and bicyclist accidents at this location between 2002 and 2011.1075’ – Shortage on the Colorado River is a CLIMAS podcast series that explores what the first ever shortage declaration on the Colorado River would mean to those living in the Southwest. In this episode, CLIMAS climate scientist Zack Guido and Mohammed Mahmoud, planning analyst with the Colorado River Programs department at the Central Arizona Project (CAP), discuss the CAP and its role in delivering Colorado River water throughout Arizona, as well as how a shortage would impact the CAP system.
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The most interesting politician in America is nearly 7 feet tall and campaigns in dive bars John Fetterman doesn't need to explain to anyone why he's not a typical candidate. The nearly 7-foot tall, tattooed, bald man with a bristly beard doesn't only stand out among a crowd of suit-and-tie politicians — he just stands out, period. But the Harvard-educated mayor of Braddock, Pennsylvania, has similar aspirations to many in that suit-and-tie crowd. He wants to win a Senate seat in 2016. And it could happen. "As anyone knows, looks can be deceiving," he told INSIDER. Fetterman, a Democrat, has been mayor of Braddock — a former steel-making town of 2,000 near Pittsburgh — since 2005. He's taking on former Congressman Joe Sestak and Katie McGinty, the former chief of staff to Pennsylvania Gov.Tom Wolf. Although he only announced his campaign in September, Fetterman's already favored by 14% in recent polls. Plus, he trails by just 7% in a recent head-to-head poll against incumbent Sen. Pat Toomey (R) conducted by Public Policy Polling. He's at a fundraising disadvantage at the moment. It's the biggest obstacle to his campaign. His competitors have raised millions of dollars, while the September Federal Election Commission report showed he has brought in about $170,000 in donations. Granted, that was within two weeks. "This is a television state; it's a big media state. He needs a minimum of $5 million and probably closer to $10 (million)," Terry Madonna, director for Franklin & Marshall College's Center for Politics and Public Affairs, told The Hill. Facebook/John Fetterman He's trying to make up that
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season that has propped up so-called outsiders like Donald Trump and Ben Carson. He's far from one — even if he looks the part, he said. Immigration, gun control, and ending the war on drugs are three of the top issues he's campaigning on. He doesn't hold a surprising stance on any of the three for a Democrat, but his perspective on each is different. Fetterman's wife is from Brazil, and spent years as an undocumented immigrant. He supports comprehensive reform because, as he told The Nation, "I wouldn't have a family if it wasn't for immigration." A gun owner himself, he thinks the discussion of gun control goes hand in hand with ending the war on drugs. "I've been mayor of a town now for 10 years and I can definitivelyof those nine were the result of gun violence. The first killing inspired him to start tattooing the dates to his arm. "I was mayor for give or take 10 days," he said. "Less than two weeks for sure. And it was a pizza deliveryman. He was my age and he was married. He had a 2- or 3-year-old daughter. It was just such an awful and jarring experience to see the horror of a life thrown away for absolutely nothing." He's still haunted today by that man's death. "The thought that this man went out and just did his job and was delivering pizza and someone took his life over nothing," he said. "And he'll never get to see his wife again and he died alone on a cold dark
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Minutes before polling opened, the party's internal director of elections, Julian Robinson, confirmed the six nominations. "Based on the directions from the NEC (National Executive Council) those are the nominations. We are now going to proceed to the election of the president and the four vice presidents," he said. About 3,400 delegates are expected to vote in the elections. Meanwhile, all five vice presidential candidates have erected tents for the screening of delegates before they can proceed to the voting area where further screening is done by the Electoral Office of Jamaica. Some tents appeared livelier than others with incumbent vice president Arscott showing the least number of individuals whether delegates or supporters. The tents of Hanna and Brown Burke, meanwhile showed the highest level of organisation up to the start of voting. DelegatesKingdom. The anti-Brexit, pro-independence Scottish National Party (SNP) won 48 of Scotland’s 59 seats by thrashing both the Conservatives and Labour. Nicola Sturgeon, SNP leader and first minister of Scotland, said her semi-autonomous government in Edinburgh would next week publish a detailed case for a transfer of power from London that would allow her to hold a second referendum on Scottish independence. Scots voted in 2014 to stay in the UK. However, Johnson told Sturgeon by phone on Friday he opposed another referendum, prompting Sturgeon to say her political mandate must be respected, “just as he expects his mandate to be respected”. In Northern Ireland, supporters of a united Ireland won more seats than those in the province who want to remain part of the United Kingdom for the first time since
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the 1921 partition which divided the British north from the Irish Republic in the south. Several hundred noisy protesters marched through central London on Friday evening to protest against the election result, dirsupting traffic and chanting “Boris Johnson: Not My Prime Minister” and “Boris, Boris, Boris: Out, Out, Out”. See also: What would a UK Conservative majority government do? reut.rs/2Pe0X8P GRAPHIC-Live election results here EXPLAINER-Reality check for Johnson's Brexit: it's just the beginning reut.rs/35jwD25cultures, and many other countries around the world, especially in tribal communities, boys are initiated into manhood. This is something the American culture has forgotten and it creates many problems as the boy grows into an adult. An uninitiated man is indecisive, not confident, worrisome, and operates from a little boy perspective. - Men help out around the house and are active with their children A man in the house who doesn’t change diapers, feed a child, cook for the family, do the dishes and laundry, and clean the house is a man who doesn’t have his priorities straight. Men help out around the house to let their wives relax when needed and they play with their children. They read books to their children. They run around the house like
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Rare female pharaoh artwork found at Swansea University Published duration 23 March 2018 image copyright Swansea University image caption Hatshepsut was the fifth pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty (circa 1478-1458 BC) An Egyptian artwork that had languished in storage for over forty years has been identified as an extremely rare depiction of one of Egypt's few female pharaohs. The relief sculpture was discovered at Swansea University's Egypt Centre during a routine student handling session. It depicts Hatshepsut , one of just five women known to have ruled the empire. It came to the city in 1971 as part of Sir Henry Wellcome's collection. The discovery was made by Egyptology lecturer Dr Ken Griffin on International Women's Day. He said: "I was selecting objects for the handling session, and saw an old black-and-white photo of acarving which looked more interesting than the rest... when we realised what it truly was our jaws hit the floor - mine as well as the students'. "It wasn't until afterwards I realised it was International Women's Day; Hatshepsut certainly knows how to make an entrance." image copyright Swansea University image caption Second year Egyptology students witnessed the find The front side of the carving depicts the head of a figure. The face is missing, with the remains of a fan directly behind. Traces of hieroglyphs and the icon of the uraeus (cobra) on the forehead of the figure show it was a pharaoh. Dr Griffin has passed on his findings to the Polish Archaeological Mission to Egypt, which has been excavating, restoring, and recording the temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahri since
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In the seven weeks since she became the youngest woman ever elected to Congress, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has joined a protest staged in Nancy Pelosi's office, established a new standard to pay interns $15 an hour, tussled with Sen. Lindsey Graham and the president's eldest son on Twitter and made rumblings about stirring a primary challenge against a new member of House leadership from her own state. Before this 29-year-old Democratic socialist Latina from the Bronx is even sworn in to the House next week, she's become one of the most influential figures in the Democratic Party – and the unordained leader of a flock of progressive renegade freshman females hellbent on breaking the norms of the institution and challenging the notion that seniority means supremacy. Many of their electoral victoriesover a quarter of the class – totalling 63 members – will be freshmen. And during the transition period, a handful of incoming members – self-described as the "squad" – have signaled their intentions to rock the boat. They not only look different than your father's stodgy, old, whitebread Congress, they're making moves both substantive and symbolic that break with protocol and tradition. And they aren't doing it quietly. Michigan's Rashida Tlaib, who at 42 years old is the first Palestinian-American woman elected to the House, raised eyebrows when she announced she would lead a delegation to her mother's native West Bank rather than partake in the traditional freshman trip to Israel. She said she hoped to humanize the plight of Palestinians in the Israeli-occupied territory and show new members
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a part of the story that's not been included in the usual voyage sponsored by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. She's also a vocal supporter of the "BDS" movement, which advocates for boycotting, divesting and sanctioning Israel for its treatment of Palestinians. During freshman orientation, it was Tlaib who joined Ocasio-Cortez in calling out former White House adviser Gary Cohn for telling the newbies, "You guys are way over your head, you don't know how the game is played." "No, Gary," Tlaib responded, "YOU don't know what's coming – a revolutionary Congress that puts people over profits." Her response earned more than 11,000 retweets and close to 49,000 likes. She also took to Instagram to reveal what she would wear for her swearing-in ceremony: a maroon-colored Palestinian gown, known asa thobe. Instead of a Bible, she'll take the oath on a Quran. "It's a real huge symbol," she said. "It's history. It's culture." Representative-elect Ilhan Omar looks on as House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi speaks in Washington. Mandel Ngan/AFP/Getty Images Ilhan Omar, a 36-year-old Democrat from Minnesota, will become the first U.S. lawmaker to wear a headscarf or hijab on the House floor. With her November victory, Omar becomes the first woman of color to represent Minnesota in Congress as well as the first Muslim refugee and first Somali-American. When a conservative talk radio host complained that Omar would now make Congress "look like an Islamic republic," she took him on directly. "Well sir, the floor of Congress is going to look like America," she wrote. "And you're gonna have to just
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deal." "I really do believe the job description has changed," says Sarah Groh, the chief of staff for Democratic Rep.-elect Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts. "And I think what we're seeing with this incoming freshman class is, it is not a monolith. We are talking about a diverse class that comes with very personal and professional backgrounds in all walks of life." Like Ocasio-Cortez, the 44-year-old Pressley won her primary by activating an entirely new coalition. Fifty-three percent of voters in this year's Massachusetts' 7th Congressional District Democratic primary cast ballots for the first time, according to Groh. That means these freshmen feel more responsive to the freshly emboldened voices in their community than the formal party structure that consists of longtime local chairmen and fundraisers. During an orientation at Harvard's Kennedy SchoolDonald Trump or plant a flag as the governing-inspired resistance. The media will fixate on every Ocasio-Cortez utterance and position, giving her outsize influence in her caucus, especially among progressives. She broke with many Democrats in New York when Amazon announced it would locate one of its new headquarters in Long Island City. Ocasio-Cortez blasted the idea of doling out hundreds of millions of dollars in tax breaks to a $100-billion dollar company "at a time when our subway is crumbling and our communities need more investment, not less." Some Democratic strategists believe she'll impact the positions of 2020 presidential candidates as the primary kicks into gear next year. "When she goes after people, people are going to pay attention to it," says an adviser to one contender. "It's going to
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resonate." But she'll also likely become the favorite target of Republicans, who gleefully pounce on her mistakes and mock her as an ill-informed radical. After years of making Pelosi their favorite political pinata, the GOP may have finally found a more resonant antagonist. Additionally, Democrats who narrowly won traditionally red districts in Virginia and Kansas may be loathe to see their party be driven by a hard-line socialist from the Bronx. Still, Ocasio-Cortez, along with her sisters-in-arms, possess a potent ingredient that will make them formidable even if they aren't foolproof: fearlessness. "People in her community are coming up to her every day and telling her, 'Don't just fall in line, don't just go in there and do nothing. You need to fight,'" said Saikat Chakrabarti, Ocasio-Cortez's incoming chief of staffInjured Toronto Raptors forward Jared Sullinger‘s timeline to return could be anywhere in the range of 2-3 months, team president Masai Ujiri told reporters on Monday. Sullinger was scheduled to have foot surgery Monday afternoon. The procedure will see him have a screw inserted into the fifth metatarsal in his left foot. The surgery will be performed by Dr. Martin O’Malley in New York City. The four-year veteran joined the Raptors as a free agent in July. He has averaged 11.1 points, 7.7 rebounds and 24.9 minutes in 258 regular season games. The Raptors begin their season Wednesday against the Detroit Pistons at Air Canada Centre. With files from Associated Press
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Breitbart: Guy Who Called For Mass Killing Of Muslims Doesn't Work For Us A spokesman for the conservative news organization Breitbart said on Thursday it has been years since the company had any ties to a right-wing filmmaker who wrote a tweet calling for the mass killing of Muslims. The author of the tweet was Patrick Dollard, who describes himself on his Twitter account as a "contributing journalist at Andrew Breitbart's Big Government, Big Peace, Big Hollywood." "If there is even one more act of Muslim terrorism, it is then time for Americans to start slaughtering Muslims in the streets, all of them," Dollard wrote Wednesday. As of Thursday morning, it had been retweeted more than 500 times. Kurt Bardella, a spokesperson for Breitbart, told TPM that Dollard is not in fact withSanatorium D'Aincourt aka Sanatorium De Vexin aka Fleurs De Ruine: France May 2014 Sanatorium D'Aincourt is set in the Natural Park Of French Vexin. Visited with Behind Closed Doors and Proj3ct M4yh3m on a hot sunny day it was a rather relaxed afternoon of photography. Various designs were submitted and the eventual decision was to go with the design by the architects Edward Crevel and Paul-Jean Decaux. Building work started in 1931 by the Lauret Paris construction company and finished in 1933. With each building standing at 220 metres in length and 12 metres wide it was one of the largest sanatoriums built in the 20th century. The sanatorium consisted of three large identical pavilions set 400 metres apart on the hillside to reduce the risk of infection. Due to conflict in 1940
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patients were evacuated to various treatment centres. Later in the year military authorities commandeered the sanatorium and it became a prison camp. In May 1941 667 inmates were held captive and around 1500 inmates passed through here during the war. Hundreds of inmates were deported to various concentration camps including Auschwitz, sadly only a handful returned. Eventually after the war in 1946 the sanatorium reopened, due to medical science and advancement in technology the need for sanatoriums dwindled and in 1972 the hospital became more diverse caring for a number of different illnesses. In 1988 and 2001 two separate pavilions closed only leaving one which still operates till this day. On the very last image you will find a piece of work by the graffiti artist ROA. I have been followingAbout 1,600 Los Angeles Unified School District administrators – but no teachers – will receive layoff notices by Wednesday, the district confirmed Tuesday. By state law, school districts have to tell certificated employees by March 15 if there is a possibility they could be laid off for the next school year, said Barbara Jones of the district’s communications office. The LAUSD Board of Education took the action at its Feb. 14 meeting to send the notices to all certificated contract level management and senior management employees of the classified service with expiring contracts, as well as all non-school based administrators in specified positions, telling them they could be released or reassigned for the coming school year. These employees might not lose their jobs, however, Jones said. Last year, the school district
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are basically not in dispute. Ernest Sellers filed an initial claim for regular unemployment compensation benefits on January 31, 1985, after he was terminated from employment with Southern Guard Service, Inc. The Commission initially determined that Sellers did not qualify for regular benefits because he had earned insufficient wages. This was a mistake. Because of this mistake, the Commission determined that Sellers was eligible to receive Federal Supplemental Compensation Benefits in the amount of $105 per week. Sellers received his weekly benefit for the weeks February 9, 1985 through March 30, 1985, for a total benefit of $669. After reevaluating Sellers' claim the Commission discovered he was indeed eligible for regular unemployment benefits of a maximum of $41 per week. However, because he was entitled to regular benefits, Sellers was actuallyineligible for the Federal Supplemental Compensation benefits he had been receiving, since he had not exhausted the regular benefits. Sellers was entitled to a total of $91 in regular benefits for the weeks of February 23, 1985, through March 23, 1985. This amount was credited to the $669 incorrectly paid, leaving an overpayment to Sellers of $578. On June 5, 1985, the Commission's chief of benefits sent Sellers a letter which 1) informed Sellers that he had been overpaid $578, and 2) requested restitution. Sellers appealed this decision, and a hearing before an appeals referee was held on June 24, 1985. The referee heard testimony from Sellers and on June 26, 1985, rendered his findings upholding the determination of an overpayment only and did not mention the restitution aspect whatsoever. In
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The present invention relates to a measuring platform consisting of components, in particular a cover plate and a base part, joined by at least one force transducer between them. Such measuring platforms, as are employed typically in biomechanics, serve to measure forces in one or more directions, and occasionally torques as well. For example the foot forces of a person walking are measured, whereby the vertical component, the horizontal component in the direction of walking, and the lateral force component are analyzed. The cover plate is usually level with the ground, while the base part may consist of a base plate or frame and be installed permanently in the floor, in a recess in a gangway for example. However the base part may also consist of only four feetThis copy is for your personal non-commercial use only. To order presentation-ready copies of Toronto Star content for distribution to colleagues, clients or customers, or inquire about permissions/licensing, please go to: www.TorontoStarReprints.com Hayley's one tough lady Hayley Wickenheiser's teammates are celebrating the hockey star's ranking of 20th on Sports Illustrated's list of the 25 toughest athletes. Hayley Wickenheiser shows off her Team Canada jersey for the World Women's Hockey Championships in China. She was named to Sports Illustrated's 25 toughest athletes list. (April 3, 2008) (LARRY MacDOUGALL / CANADIAN PRESS) Thu., April 3, 2008 Hayley Wickenheiser's teammates are celebrating the hockey star's ranking of 20th on Sports Illustrated's list of the 25 toughest athletes. Wickenheiser, from Shaunavon, Sask., was the second of just two women on the list published yesterday, coming in behind British
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triathlete Chrissie Wellington, who was No. 10. Wickenheiser is captain of the Canadian women's team currently in Harbin, China, preparing for the world championship that starts tomorrow. "I think it's great for our sport in general and it's pretty cool it's a Canadian girl," defenceman Carla MacLeod said. "Any time you can get our sport on a stage like that with Sports Illustrated, it's awesome." Golf superstar Tiger Woods was ranked first overall. Article Continued Below "Geez, only nineteen away. That's about how many shots I'd be behind him on a hole," Wickenheiser joked today. "Just for them to pay attention and pick somebody in women's hockey, you know you're on the radar," she added. "I'm not really sure how they did it, but it's nice." Denver Nuggets guard Allen Iverson was the top NBAer,Secrets of Atlantis Slots Delve into the deep abyss, where there are many underwater wonders to be found. Secrets of Atlantis is based on the fabled sunken city from Ancient Greek mythology and it has been designed by Net Entertainment, meaning that players can rightfully expect some spectacular spinning visuals. The 5-reel and 40-payline game is also fairly pleasant to play, thanks to its wealth of unique extra features, such as both way wins, colossal symbol re-spin and a nudging extended wild. Will you be able to find the lost city of Atlantis and take home some long lost treasures? Lost City of Riches One of the first mentions of Atlantis was in the allegorical works of Plato, in which the ancient philosopher uses the island city as a means to show
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the comparative strength and superiority of a true nation state. However, the island is perhaps best known for its eventual demise, after which the gods of Greek Mythology condemn the city to sink to the bottom of the Atlantic ocean. Even to this day, there are people who still speculate as to the location of the lost city, using clues and guesswork in the hope that they might find some lost treasures lurking at the bottom of the sea. Players who spin this slot machine will not be able to find the real Secrets of Atlantis, but they will be treated to the chance to win some decent cash prizes. Plus, the game is also a delight to behold, depicting all of the ancient mystery that a sunken city shouldoffering punters the chance to match up the smaller symbols on reels 1 and 5 with the colossal icon in the middle. And if that happens, the wins will be paid as normal, which is to say that there will be multiple paylines triggered for some colossal prize totals. Underwater Adventure The new NetEnt slot machine presents a very impressive set of visuals for video slot fans who like their games to be big, bold and full of wonders. Admittedly, the slot machine doesn't have the potential to award the biggest line bet multiplier jackpots in the business, but it will still throw up plenty of exciting bonus action with its colossal icons, re-spins and nudging wild mermaid features.
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were well placed power shots coupled with same time speed. It was a rare combination of power and speed exhibited. In round six Pacquiao was thumping hard shots to the body which could clearly be heard over the TV audio. In round eleven Pacquiao, by way of referee stoppage, finished Barrera on the ropes. When he had Barrera hurt, and on the ropes, there was no let up in the pounding he was providing. He had immense “killer instinct”; not the same this Manny Pacquiao, not the same at all! It does seem a long time ago, that Barrera era, that a certain segment of Filipino guerrillas were threatening to kidnap Manny, who was constantly surrounded by six bodyguards, and it does seem a long time ago that thereimmediate and successful comebacks not the least of which includes the following: 1. Lennox Lewis being knocked flat by the Rock Rahman, only to return in an immediate engagement to knock the Rock off his block. 2. Joe Louis being flattened in his first fight with Schmeling and going on to have the most successful heavyweight championship reign in history. 3. Duran being put to sleep by a Hearns right hand, only to return to win the middleweight title against Iran Barkley, the same man who, in his previous fight had stretched Thomas Hearns in the third round. And for that matter, Hearns, having been stretched by Barkley, going on to win super middleweight titles and light-heavyweight titles. 4. Floyd Patterson having been dropped seven times in his fight with “Ingo” and
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FILE PHOTO: Dialog semiconductor logo is pictured at a company building in Germering near Munich, Germany August 15, 2016. REUTERS/Michaela Rehle FRANKFURT (Reuters) - Anglo-German chip designer Dialog Semiconductor declined to comment on Monday when asked whether its shipments to Huawei had been affected following a crackdown on the Chinese company by the U.S. administration. The Nikkei Asian Review reported earlier that German chipmaker Infineon had suspended shipments after the Trump administration added Huawei to a trade blacklist, sending European chip stocks lower on Monday. Frankfurt-listed Dialog specializes in power-management and low-energy Bluetooth applications used in smartphones. It has sought to diversify away from its reliance on Apple and counts Chinese smartphone makers as key clients. In 1955, Miles Davis hired an up-and-coming musician named John Coltrane to play in his group. Over the next couple of years, the team-up produced some incredible music, but the personal relationship between the trumpeter/leader and the saxophonist was never steady. Backstage at a gig in the spring of 1957, Miles slapped Coltrane and then punched him in the stomach; Trane’s only response was to quit the band. Coltrane returned to join Davis’ sextet later in the year, but during that short time away he had continued to make a name for himself as a group member, bandleader and recording artist in his own right. Trane played on Miles’ Kind of Blue (1959), now considered one of the cornerstones of the jazz genre, and accompanied Davis on a European
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tour in 1960, but mentally he was focused on his own music. Miles later admitted Coltrane “was ready to move out before we left.” The spring 1960 European tour was spread out over twenty cities in nine countries. The new boxed set, All of You: The Last Tour, 1960 includes recordings from eight of those performances. Though the Quintet sounds fantastic as a unit, Coltrane’s solos are so unusual they caused quite a stir at the time. Kind of Blue is a lovely record that is also easy on the ears, but Trane was doing his best to make this music sound ugly. Journalist Frank Tenot witnessed the first show of the tour in Paris: “People were very surprised why there was no John Coltrane like on Kind of Blue.I found myself waiting for Coltrane to step up and blow me away. And he would do just that. Every time. It’s fascinating to hear him push the material—and thus, the band—especially as this was Miles’ group, not his. The fact that we now know he had mentally moved on from his role with Davis, as well as facing negative reactions to his output, only makes listening to these tracks all the more absorbing. The Miles Davis Quintet returned to the states on April 11th, and it wouldn’t be long before Coltrane would make his exit. By then, Trane had made a name for himself and was well on his to becoming one of the titans of jazz. Some of the recordings on the boxed set are taken from radio
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a simple plant mutation, scientists have now found a recessive gene for the anomoly. In fact, there are no known limits as to how many leaves a clover can have. According to Guinness, the world record for the most leaves on a clover stem has been held by Shigeo Obara of Japan since 2002 when he discovered a clover with 18 leaves. He bested his record a few years later with a 21-leafed clover. And in 2009, he was credited with finding a clover with no less than 56 leaves!!! How lucky is a clover with more than four leaves? In Ireland and a few other places, it’s said that it brings nothing but bad luck. In other places, there’s a different meaning for each clover according to leafAmerica Burning The Yarnell Hill Fire Tragedy and the Nation's Wildfire Crisis Story by Stacey Solie Dec. 30, 2013 – When a crew of wildland firefighters hiked into the brown hills of central Arizona on June 30, they were determined to fight fire in a grassy wildland mottled by developments and choked with dry scrub, in a place that hadn’t seen significant flames since 1966. It was hot. Radios across the region blared warnings about the rising mercury, the whole of the Southwest sweltering. Phoenix had hit a record 119 degrees the day before, and in the mile-high town of Prescott, 90 miles northwest, thermometers were showing triple digits for the third day in a row. It was not only hot, it was dry. After an unusually warm spring and less than an
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inch of precipitation since early February, the sun had been sucking out every drop of moisture from an already parched landscape, leaving grassy wildlands mottled by developments and dry scub. The area hadn’t seen a major burn in more than 40 years. That was about to drastically change. The dry heat compounded the task set before the two dozen or so wildland firefighters that had been called out to help control a fire started by a lightning strike on the evening of Friday, June 28. Because it was dark and not easy to reach, an Arizona Forestry Division commander decided against trying to put out the less than an acre fire that evening. The next day, six inmates from a state prison were helicoptered to the fire that wasdancing atop a mountain ridge cluttered with granite boulders and thick chaparral scrub. By noon, the fire was still less than eight acres. More firefighters were called in, and by mid afternoon, the state commander, thinking the fire was contained, began releasing crews and equipment. But late afternoon, winds fanned the flames, and by early evening the fire was burning out of control in the scrubby, hilly rangeland 32 miles southwest of Prescott, Arizona. In 36 hours the flames had gone from a small brush fire to more than 500 acres that threatened hundreds of people who lived in the scattered homes and villages of Yarnell, Peeples Valley and Glen Ilah. By late Saturday night, the state called in additional reinforcements, including two of the nation’s 110 Interagency Hotshot Crews,
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that specialize in controlling wildfires. Nearly all hotshots are attached to federal land management agencies with most assigned to the U.S. Forest Service. Early Sunday morning, June 30, the Granite Mountain Hotshot crew, the only crew in the United States that is part of a municipal fire department, left their home base at the Prescott Fire Department, and began hiking through the dense high desert scrub. By sunset that evening, 19 members of the crew would be dead, trapped in a box canyon, engulfed in flames, six hundred yards short of the nearest town. Only the crew’s lookout, who was whisked out of danger by another hotshot crew, would survive. While investigators have pieced together many of the minute-to-minute events, documenting exactly where and how the fire spread and the myriadare not from the truly wild fires, burning far from civilization, but instead come from places where homes and entire neighborhoods are constructed in the midst of forests and grasslands. In the 1990s alone, an estimated 8.4 million homes were built in what fire experts call the wildland-urban interface or, fire-prone natural areas that abut settlements, according to a 2006 U.S. Forest Service report. The Arizona Republic tabulated more than 257,000 new homes in fire-prone areas statewide, and 32,000 in the Prescott Valley. “Urban sprawl is colliding with wild lands,” said Stephen Pyne, a fire historian at Arizona State University, who has written several books about wildfire and is also a former hotshot. “That matters because these two don't mix. Fires in one don't belong in the other.” U.S. forests and
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yards to where the men deployed their fire shelters in 19 seconds. The fire that would soon take 19 lives would also burn over 100 homes and structures, not sparing even the Shrine of St. Joseph’s retreat center, which lost a gift shop, two dormitories, a caretaker’s house and a crucifix. Firefighters attend a candlelight vigil in honor of the fallen firefighters at Prescott High School on July 2, 2013, Prescott, Ariz. (Christian Petersen/Getty Images) The problems posed by fire in the wildland-urban Interface are not new. In one of two investigative reports examining the events leading up to the crew’s deaths, the Arizona Forestry Division was cited and fined for sending the men to defend homes deemed indefensible. The state is appealing the fine. Some neighborhoods participate in Firewise, a National Fireflags adorn the fence outside of Station 7 on July 3, 2013, in Prescott, Ariz. (Christian Petersen/Getty Images) Credits Project Produced and Edited by Greg Gilderman and Neil Katz Video Producers: John Carlos Frey and Joe Halderman Video Consulting Producer: John Dougherty Article Author: Stacey Solie Photo Editor: Edecio Martinez Video Executive Producers: Greg Gilderman, Neil Katz, Shawn Efran Special Thanks: The wives and families of the Granite Mountain Hotshots, and Wade Ward of the Prescott, Arizona Fire Department.
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This all without the help of his privileged family, he rushes to point out. "The bad thing is," Tamir says of peoples' perceptions of his upbringing, "people think I can just fund my own projects, that I can do it all myself. But the reality is, my parents haven't given me a single cent. Every time I start a new project, my dad tells me that I'm not getting a cent from him." Tamir is behind smartphone game Impossible Dial, which he started with his mate Ben Pasternak at age 16 after he was sent by his parents to Victoria's Geelong Grammar boarding school following his attendance at Sydney's eastern suburbs school, Moriah College. Impossible Dial was sold for $85,000, a figure Fairfax Media can reveal for theto know which is better: Coke Zero or Diet Coke? We will be able to ask our users and tell them what young people say." Contra was originally launched in a beta in April this year to test scalability, however was quickly recognised by Apple and featured in Best New Apps, Top 20 Networking Apps, and Top 20 Under 20 (apps developed by people under 20 years old). Apple then invited Tamir to the United States to attend its high profile developer conference, WWDC, and he and his co-founders have been working on the new version since, which went live last month and is more refined. His partners in Contra, introduced to him by his mate Ben, include Rohan Kapur, from Singapore, and Lenny Khazan, from New York, both
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aged 18. While Tamir and his co-founders were not initially seeking capital for Contra, it is expected that they will commence meetings in San Francisco with potential partners and VCs this month, where Tamir says he hopes to finally meet his co-founders in person. "I'm very excited to meet them," he says. With no background in how to create apps himself, Tamir says he's now focussing on learning how to code so that he doesn't have to outsource development to people he has hired overseas. To do this, he has a tutor visiting him to teach him. "I want to rebuild Contra from the ground up," he says. Asked why he didn't go down the property route as his family have, he says that while he did work forhis great-uncle's company Meriton for a short period of time, he felt that tech was the way to go for him. "When I went to boarding school, I didn't really like it," he says. "That's where I found my passion in technology. It was a very good distraction." The secret to his past apps' successes? Using influential social media accounts to promote them. "There is this guy in St. Louis called Carlos," Tamir says. Carlos, says Tamir, operates and runs several popular Instagram accounts including Best Vines (8.9 million followers) and "Sarcasm only" (11.8 million followers). Tamir says he asked Carlos to promote his gaming apps on these accounts and then paid him a flat fee once the money came rolling in. "Games are very good and you can
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A request has been made to both clubs to have the fixture reversed amid fears that planned demonstrations could have security implications on the game. Barcelona and Real Madrid’s Clasico meeting on October 26 could be moved from Camp Nou to the Bernabeu, with La Liga fearing that planned protests over Catalonian independence will affect the fixture. Indeed, Goal can confirm that the authorities in charge of Spain’s top division have spoken to both clubs and made a formal request that the match be reversed, meaning Madrid would host the first meeting between the two this season. Should the clubs agree, that would mean the return fixture, due to be played in March 2020, would be hosted at Camp Nou instead. The request comes amid clashes between Catalan residents and police overthat unpublished medical and scientific records relating to Dr Kelly’s death – including the post-mortem report and photographs of his body – had been secretly classified so as not to be made public for 70 years Dr. David Kelly, the UK scientist and war critic, predicted that he would be assassinated for daring to be right about the lack of Iraq WMD evidence. His corpse, found on July 17, 2003 under mysterious circumstances, proved his prescience David Kelly was found dead six years ago Friday, one of many scientists and microbiologists who died in suspicious circumstances. Now, amid claims he wrote tell-all book that vanished after his death, come new questions over his death The Broken CrossPiers Compton traces evidence of a hidden hand working through the Vatican in this extensive
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Hillary Clinton became the first woman to capture the presidential nomination of one of the country’s major political parties on Monday night, according to an Associated Press survey of Democratic superdelegates, securing enough of them to overcome a bruising challenge from Senator Bernie Sanders and turn to a brutal five-month campaign against Donald J. Trump. In a yearlong nomination fight full of surprise twists, from the popularity of Mr. Sanders to the success of Mr. Trump, the revelation that Mrs. Clinton had clinched the nomination was another startling development — especially coming on the eve of major primaries in California, New Jersey and other states. Mr. Sanders added to the drama by refusing to accept the A.P. survey and vowing to fight on, while Mr. Trump argued that heHere's some feel-good news for your Thursday, not to mention one of the most inspired applications of 3D-printing we've seen yet: a bald eagle with a prosthetic, 3D-printed beak. When this bald eagle, named "Beauty" by her caretakers, was shot in the face by poachers in 2005, her beak was demolished, leaving her unable to feed or even groom herself. Fortunately, animal rescue workers found her and brought her to volunteers at Birds of Prey Northwest, who have spent the last several years nursing her back to health. In that time, however, it became clear that Beauty's beak was permanently damaged, and that she would never be able to feed herself. Euthanasia, it seemed, was imminent. Raptor specialist Jane Fink Cantwell, who dresses like Indiana Jones, refused to take "dead bald
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of the guys for battling. We're playing three conference games in four days and it is good to get that first one and we don't turn around (Tuesday) and feel like our backs are up against the wall the rest of the week." Saints' starting pitcher Cody Wendorf turned in one of his better performances of the season. The senior left-hander consistently located his fastball for strikes, worked ahead in the count and kept the Rams off-balance with his off-speed pitches. Wendorf surrendered one unearned run on three hits. He struck out nine Cleveland batters and walked two in six innings, but settled for the no-decision. "I thought Cody was very sharp," McKee said. "Velocity wise, it was one of his better outings. He was tough tonight." The Rams capitalized on a2015 Software Streamlines Indie Game Development Maya LT 2015, the latest iteration of Autodesk’s cost-effective 3D animation and modeling software for professional indie game makers, introduces a series of rich new features and integrations that help advance the 3D content creation process for indie game development. In addition to the new features, Maya LT 2015 also has the extension releases of Maya LT 2014, such as: support for MEL scripting, a send-to-Unity workflow, uncapped polygon export to Unity, the ability to export models or scenes up to 65,000 polygons in the FBX or OBJ formats, Human IK and IK Handle Animation, and Boolean operations on polygon geometry. Availability Product release dates vary by country. Autodesk Maya, 3ds Max, Entertainment Creation Suites, and Maya LT are also available in two configurations: as a
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After nearly three decades reporting conflict from all over the world, Fergal Keane goes home to Ireland to tell the family story that lies at the root of his fascination with war. After nearly three decades reporting conflict from all over the world for the BBC, Fergal Keane goes home to Ireland to tell a story that lies at the root of his fascination with war. It's a family tale about how the ghosts of the past return to shape the present. Fergal's grandmother, Hanna Purtill, her brother Mick and his friend Con Brosnan, along with many of their neighbours, found themselves caught up in the revolution that followed the 1916 Easter Rising. They took up guns to fight the British Empire and create an independent Ireland. Many thousands of peopletook part in the War of Independence and the Civil War that followed. Whatever side they chose, all were changed in some way by the costs of violence. Fergal uses the experiences of his ancestral homeland in north Kerry to examine why people will kill for a cause and how the act of killing reverberates through the generations. In the first episode, Fergal recalls his father's tall stories about ghosts around the family home. But one such story, that of the murdered soldier on the street outside, turned out to have a basis in truth. Abridged by Anna Magnusson Produced by Pippa Vaughan A Loftus production for BBC Radio 4.
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media censorship and an obvious ban in the news on reporting too much about these issues. On Wednesday March 27 2013, the EU transferred €148 Million to the “Palestinian Authority”, the corrupt dictatorial regime in Palestine, as the second part of its 2013 assistance package for Palestine (See EU PDF). Last January 15 2013, the EU transferred as the first part of its assistance package to the PA an amount of €100 Million. A further of €2 Million was allocated from 2012 funds to rebuild shelters for around 100 of the poorest Palestinian refugee families in Jordan’s Jerash refugee camp (See EU PDF). The EU Commission noted in its official statement that the amount allocated for the benefit of the Palestinian Authority is to be used for paying the salariesof Euros for the continuation of “security” coordination with Israel. Instead of protecting the Palestinians from the uncounted jewish criminal elements which have settled there under auspices of israel, the EU is financing crimes against humanity in Palestine. The money which the EU sends and is officially allocated to the poor people was almost stolen by PA elements and ministers according to a letter published last March 22 2013 by Panet, the Israeli-Arab News paper. The translation of the letter is below: Huge Sums of Money are Squandered by the Ministry of Social Affairs A letter landed in the Email Inbox of the site of Panet and the Panorama newspaper. The author of the message states: “In light of the difficult financial and economic conditions which the impoverished Palestinian people experience,
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used on other sites that credit is given as to where they came from. The following two items on the left were received from the Coonrod-Vivell Insurance Agency. The dental tools on the right were used by Dr. Elias Clark in his medical practice. Photograph on the far right is Elias Clark. from the Shepard Family Tree on www.geni.com The three items on the left were photographed by Alan Clark. From one of the O. H. Vivell offices on the north side of square, Carrollton, Illinois. The dental tools used by Dr. Elias Clark 1808 – 1889 who practiced, among other places, Mount Carmel, IL. Elias Clark 1845-1932 Information on new additions to the site are outlined at the bottom of this page. Spanish Flu, 1918 Read about Victor Clark and his role during theSpanish Flu Epidemic of 1918, and how it led to getting “Vicksed” as a family tradition. Author, Alice L. Clark; spanishFlu1918.pdf 540 kb Family War Records War records, including the American Revolution and the Civil War. Click Here to read enlistment records, pension applications and personal letters. Salina Street Fire Read about F.P. Vedder’s confession in the 1869 South Salina Street fire. Click Here to read all 12 installments of the story. Author, Alan L. Clark. 1950 House Fire One missing brick led to disaster. Read about Victor & Violet Clark’s house fire at 623 School Street in 1950.victorClarkHouseFire.pdf 704 kb Search Clark Family History Website for: Home page updated September 24, 2018. Direct descendants can be traced back to William Bradford of Plymouth, MA arriving on North American soil in 1620. More than 390 years of
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family linage traces the Bradford’s through the Clark’s from Massachusetts to Illinois and now on to Iowa, Indiana and Texas. A second branch of the family can be traced back to the Mayflower and Plymouth Colony with the Bass family which leads up to the Leach’s and on to the Clark’s. Vedder family members can be traced on American soil for over 350 years going back to Harmen Albertise Vedder arriving from Holland and being a trader in Beverwyck (Albany) New York. The Vivell family can be traced back over 325 years. Another early settler was Thomas Yale who arrived in Boston with his mother in 1637 and a year later moved onto a farm in New Haven, CT. Scotchman Sander Leendertse Glen was a trader for the West India Company, at FortNassau on the Delaware River in 1633. He was also one of the original settlers at Schenectady. Family members have been Physicians, Politicians, Law Enforcement Officers, Farmers, Business Leaders, Preachers and a variety of other professions. Each has an interesting story to tell. LATEST NEWS ########## December 2018 The Vivell Family page now traces family members back 325 years. After the first of the year a Gallery of Strain Glass items made by John Ross Clark will be added to the home page. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. November 2018 COMING SOON – Additional German records regarding the Vivell family have been located and should be added to the site by the end of the year. Happy Thanksgiving to all site visitors. September 2018 Frank X. Vivell’s parents and grandparents have been added to the Vivell
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added to O. H. and Belle Vivell photo section. The High School in Carrollton, Illinois where O. H. Vivell attended. Built in 1870 and destroyed by fire in 1888. Came from the O. H. Vivell offices and now in the Gerald Wolfley collection, Eldred, Illinois. Clearer photograph of the 1900 photograph of the Frank Vivell home, Carrollton, Illinois on the Frank Vivell photo section. Lady on the front porch is Bertha Vivell Hayes, Franks daughter. From the Greene County, Illinois Historical Society. Elias Clark civil war pension papers in his own hand writing added to the war papers section located on the home page. From research done by Alice L. Clark. August 2017 Two additional Children of Elias and Ulissa Clark have been verified and added to the family page. Libertha Vivell’sVedder, O. H. Vivell, John Clark and Victor Clark photo album sections and new John Scott Revolutionary war records have been added to the war records section of the home page. May 2017 Frank Vivell Update According to surname distribution map, most German Vivell families were in Baden, some near the French border. Medical journal refers to Frank Vivell as German Baker. Passport application of son Edgar says Frank born in France. He still could be German, speak German, but born on French side of the Rhine River. Application includes pictures of Edgar and wife, date Frank immigrated and that he was naturalized by circuit court, Greene County. Those papers show he came from Baden when he applied for citizenship. Copies in the photo album section. February 2017 – Update on Greene
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County Historical and Genealogical Society Book The Greene County, Illinois History and Families Book has been distributed. Articles on the Greene County Illinois connections to the Clark, Vivell and Davis families were submitted for publication in a county history book published by the Greene County Historical Society, Carrollton, IL. Cyrus A. Davis was an early pioneer and settler in the County and served in the State House with Abraham Lincoln. Information in the profiles came from this web site as well as family history files and were submitted by family members. Copies may be order from the Greene County Illinois Historical & Genealogical Society, P. O. Box 137, Carrollton, IL 62016. ########## October 2016 New John Scott Revolutionary War records have been added to war records section located on the home page. A very interesting investigative report(article) by Alice Clark on a photograph mystery on Frank Vivell has been added to the home page. Click on the link listed above. Additional items have been added to the Photograph Album pages including Ulla Dio Clark, Elias Clark, O. H. Vivell, Davis Family section and others. September 2016 New photograph of Mary (Polly) Clark and Elias Clark added to the site. Photographs from the Shepard Family Tree on www.geni.com. An 1866 Syracuse New York Daily Journal newspaper advertisement by F. P. Vedder has been added to the Vedder Photo Album Section. August 2016 A recent photograph of the Clark’s in front of the Dr. James Davis house in Carrollton, Illinois. These Clark family members once resided in the home. It is located on the Davis Photo Album Section. July 2016 Additional photographs and newspaper
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articles have been added to the Victor & Violet Clark, O. H. Vivell and John & Mary Clark, James M. Davis and Frank Vivell Photo Album Sections. A very interesting medical post on Frank Vivell (1881) written up in the St Louis Medical and Surgical Journal regarding his visit to a specialist shortly before his death, A link to the article is found in the Frank Vivell family page. From Alice Clark research. Check out the section titled Family War Records that puts most of the Revolutionary War, Mexican War and American Civil War papers and documents all in one place. Read the page featuring Victor and Violet Clark’s house fire on the home page. Photographs of the damaged home were taken by Victor’s son John Ross Clark. Captions for theThis project investigates the degree to which higher rates of health problems among race/ethnic minority children of all economic strata and among poor children from all race/ethnic populations prior to the start of elementary school put them at an academic disadvantage once elementary school has begun. Because health is a policy amenable developmental factor and the transition to elementary school is a critical intervention point in the educational career, such research provides leverage in attempts to address the persistent, overlapping race/ethnic and economic gaps in educational attainment in the early life course that forecast increasing inequalities in social mobility, morbidity, and mortality in adulthood. Drawing on a classic theoretical perspective that targets the development processes surrounding the transition into elementary school as fundamental to demographic disparities in educational
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NIH-funded data sets the Fragile Families and Child Well-Being Study, which oversamples the disadvantaged side of the socioeconomic spectrum of American families, and the NICHD Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development, which oversamples the more advantaged side and then supplement this quantitative investigation with analysis of qualitative data to be collected from teachers and parents in a low-income, racially diverse elementary school. This interdisciplinary, theoretically grounded, mixed-methods investigation is specifically designed to elucidate the role of child health in the reproduction of overlapping systems of race/ethnic and economic stratification in ways that directly inform social policy.This project delves into a timely and significant public health issue: the contribution of the connection between health problems and academic struggles in early childhood to the race/ethnic and economic stratificationHe left Brooklyn many years ago but Brooklyn never left him. His childhood was a rich gumbo of passions: the Dodgers, radio shows, comic books, 78 rpm records, stickball, punchball, movies, and of course the Dodgers. From these ingredients his life's main interests were formed: jazz, classical music, writing, and (still) baseball. Brooklyn also gave him Brooklyn Girl, who has been his best friend for more than half a century. One lucky kid. Saturday, 28 May 2011 Online translation, and how to fix it I was curious to see how the French press was covering the recent case of alleged rape of a New York City hotel maid by Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the "DSK case." So I googled Le Monde and clicked on "Translate this page." I found the relevant article and
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forward! Let me take you with the handUp to the man, up to the man who is the leader of the tape;And if you worry to hear the Swanee in the scoundrel's time played River,Approach and hear, approach and hear the scoundrel-time tape from Alexander! Clearly I was on the right track, but something told me I had failed to capture the piquant flavor of the original lyrics. Perhaps my choice of German had been a mistake. What's needed here is art, I thought, not science. Why not try Russian? After all, the song's composer-lyricist, Israel Isidore Baline, was born in Russia, and the language and music of the land was in his blood. Anyone who has heard his beautiful Russian Lullaby would agree. Surely English-to-Russian-to-English would yield moreMarveling in how richly God has blessed us and doing my best to walk in His plan for my life every day. Menu When You are Attacked by Stormy Seas There are days like this every so often and while they come less frequently than they did in the past…they still come. Days where the sky seems darker, the world colder, and it feels like I am just fighting to stay in the boat. When I was around 10, I climbed into the boat after Him for the first time. Believing completely that life would be smooth sailing from that point on. He was in fact Jesus and now that He was in my heart He would make everything ok. Right? But the clouds rolled in and the sky grew dark, the rains
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HOUSTON -- Since the Astros won the World Series, it has been nothing but cheers and smiles for 8-year-old Chloe and her family."We've watched every single game," said Monica Beaver, Chloe's mom.Monica shared a video of Sunday's game against the Angels where you can see her excitement as she yells "Swing Batter."Chloe was especially happy after scoring a World Series ring of her own."It feels like I'm royal," she said."We don't get to scream and holler at home," Monica said. "It's one of the things she likes. It's a way to express her emotions."That's because Chloe was recently diagnosed with a rare disorder called DMDD or disruptive mood dysregulation disorder."It's basically she has a harder time with emotions than other 8-year-olds can," explained Monica. "It just makes dailylife a little harder. She has to stop and think what the right emotion is to certain things."Cheering on the Astros has been Chloe's outlet, but on that Sunday just before the 5th inning, Chloe says she got really sad. A second video captured that exact moment, just before Chloe burst into tears, when you can see another fan scold her for being too loud."(She made me feel) a little bit guilty 'cause I'm annoying and nobody says that to me," Chloe told Eyewitness News.Monica had no clue she had just recorded the woman telling her daughter to stop. She noticed it after the fact."I should have seen that immediately and I didn't and it's just heartbreaking," Monica said.She took to social media to talk about Chloe's disorder
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transportable power supply substation is a power supplying equipment in which power supplying devices such as, for example, a transformer, an interrupter, a disconnecting switch unit and so on are mounted on the trailer truck. Accordingly, the transportable power supply substation is very conveniently used for various purposes and in various places, because it is very easy to set in place by the simple construction thereof. There are, however, serious and troublesome problems in case where a power supply substation is transported. Particularly, a current interrupter unit used for the high voltage is convenient to install and to transport, because it is large in size and heavy in weight. Specifically, the electrical power supplying machines such as the transformer, the current interrupter and a disconnecting switch unit are,in general, arranged on the trailer truck along with the length of the trailer truck. The electrical power machines must also be installed on the trailer truck spaced apart at a given distance from each of adjacent machines in order to maintain the insulation distance. The three-phase current interrupter must be mounted on the trailer truck so that its arranging direction is perpendicular to the length direction of the trailer truck to obtain the insulation distance from the other neighbouring machines. In this case, it is very inconvenient to transport, since the length of the three-phase current interrupter extends over the limit of transportation.
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In 1990, H and D, husband and wife, established a living trust. The terms of the trust provided for an allocation of trust assets between two separate trusts, Trust A and Trust B, upon the death of the first spouse. Initially, all assets were to be placed in Trust A except to the extent disclaimed by the surviving spouse. Disclaimed assets were to be placed in Trust B. The surviving spouse was also granted a power of appointment effective at death over Trust A. H died on Dec. 30,March 6, 1998. No probate proceeding was maintained on behalf of the estate. The executor and special administrator of decedent’s estate, Peggy D. Mattson (Ms. Mattson), resided in California at the time the petition in this case was filed. Decedent and Samuel Engelman (Mr. Engelman) were husband and wife. On January 10, 1990, in California, they executed a declaration of trust placing their assets into the Engelman Living Trust. The instrument named the settlors, decedent and Mr. Engelman, as the initial trustees of the trust and set forth provisions regarding administration and disposition of the trust estate. The trust declaration provided generally that, while both settlors were alive, the trustees were to distribute income or principal as the settlors directed. Upon
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homeopathy that got me associated with Dr Mukesh Batra and his organisation. It’s, indeed, an honour to support the world’s largest chain of homeopathy clinics for such a great cause. Having been associated with this initiative and having witnessed the remarkable stories of strength and recovery of the awardees, I have seen this event grow phenomenally.” About the Awardees 2014 Arunima Sinha – At the age of 23, Arunima lost her leg in a train accident. Disturbed at the thought of spending the rest of her life in a wheel chair Arunima turned to God and had strong conviction that he had a plan for her. After losing her leg, she wanted to prove to herself & to the world that for people who suffer from these types of incidentsthat life does not stop there. She wanted to motivate people. Arunima became the world’s first female amputee to climb Mt. Everest, Mt. Elbrus & Kilimanjaro. She is now dedicated towards social welfare and wants to open a free sports academy for the poor and differently-abled people. She donates all the financial aids that she gets through awards and seminars for the same cause. Laxmi – Laxmi a victim of acid attack. At the age of 15 she was attacked by a spurned lover. The deadly attack left her scarred but this did not scar her spirits. She recalls the first time she saw her face after the acid attack. As she looked in the mirror and saw her disfigured face she stood there broken and shattered. She wanted
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to do something and had no idea how to rise above the attack; she didn’t know how to go ahead. Laxmi, now 24, is fighting against acid attacks. She had filed a PIL in the Supreme Court seeking tougher regulations on the sale of acid and harsher punishment for attackers. Hridayeshwar Singh Bhati – At the age of four, Hridayeshwar was diagnosed with Duchenne muscular dystrophy, a degenerative disorder which affected the use of his arms and legs and is confined to a wheelchair. He is best known for inventing the six-player variant of chess. He invented the variant at the age of nine with his father's assistance. He was granted a patent for his invention in 2012, making him the youngest patent-holder and the worlds’ youngest disabled patentholder. He is the only minor having maximum patents in India and is also the youngest disabled person to have maximum patents in the world. He invented Eeco car and automatic Scorpio for those who are disabled and is working on a new idea on air-conditioning. Navin Gulia – Navin was injured during a competition where he permanently injured his spine that left him paralyzed from his neck down. The injuries were so grave that doctors declared he would not survive more than three days. Recovery took almost two years. While lying on bed he contemplated on his life and was determined not to spend the rest of his life complaining. In the months to come gradually Navin understood that he could do everything he wanted to do. Navin
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started working with the War Wounded Foundation for the welfare of disabled soldiers and started Apni Duniya Apna Ashiana (ADAA)--a project for underprivileged children. The project caters to the education, health, food, shelter and clothing needs for children from the weaker sections of society. He has received several awards for his contribution such as Karmveer Chakra etc. Nilesh Singhal- At the age of 18 Nilesh lost sight to both eyes due to a medical complication. Despite his disability, he successfully adapted to the challenging conditions and continued his studies and his post-graduation in Political Science. With a desire to serve society, Nilesh appeared in MP Civil Service examinations as a general candidate and cleared the same, not once but three consecutive years. Nilesh never got a call for interview.He was informed that visually impaired are not fit to take the job. Due to this injustice he went ahead & filed a petition in the Indore HC against discrimination towards the visually impaired. He was fully aware that fight will be long and tiring. In 2008 the MP High Court ruled in his favour and ordered the government to identify posts for the disabled in various departments of the government. He has been honoured with several awards for his determination to change systems in India.
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The important ramblings, rumblings and quixotic opinions of The Vails. Nemo me impune lacessit No one provokes me with impunity ____________________________________ No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State. Article 1, Section 9, Constitution of the United States If this is the law of the land...why in a republic (little r) and as republicans, do we allow mere POLITICIANS to the right to use a "title of office" for the rest of their lives as if it were de facto a patent of nobility. Because, as republicans, this should NOT be the case...justsaying... The Vail Spot's Amazon Store Chris Muir's Day by Day Sunday, July 08, 2012 The President says, “most people would acknowledge that I’ve tried real hard”. —The same President that for nearly four years has blamed his own trackless failures and protracted ineffectiveness on his predecessor, President Bush, when for his first two years in office his party had majorities and control of both the House and the Senate as well as the White House. When that started to wear thin, he blamed a “particularly harsh Winter”. When it wasn’t the snow anymore, he then blamed the Arab Spring, the uprisings in Egypt and the shortages of oil from Libya to Europe. Then we were led to believe that his economic recovery plans of hundreds of billions in deficit spending could not withstand the BP
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oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, the Tsunami in Japan, floods in the mid-west, and finally an earthquake and a tropical storm both within a week. The President tells us that the villains are mother nature, big oil, wall street, corporations, the bankers, the insurance industry, the coal miners, the millionaires and billionaires, congress, global warming, and the Texas wild fires. How are we are going to get back on track with an administration whose policies work contrary to an expanding private sector from which all of our prosperity comes —the creators of real sustaining jobs within organizations that have essential private risk taking and recourse to keep them going concerns with recurring and regular payrolls. Dump this creed of redistributive wealth by government ration including a Secretary of Agriculturethe same as restricting access to the same. Again, this is a President who chooses the venue of a high school to say all this. This is the same President who rewards Sandra Fluke and her outspoken college behavior at Georgetown University with a telephone call from the White House last March. At every opportunity this President repeatedly tells our young people at commencement how our Constitution is a “fundamentally flawed document” as he seeks to disassociate our young from the founding fathers of our republic and inculcates a huge false sense of entitlement in our young with his own revisionist account of American history. Just what message is this to our young people from the President of the United States, and just what business does he have in doing this at
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as fore former assistant secrety morton stated in a letter to cook county, a well-known sanctuary jurisdiction, "it is 6:34 pm fundamentally inconsistent for cook county to request federal reimbursement for the costs of detaining aliens who commit or are charged with crimes while at the same time thwarting immigration custom enforcement's efforts to remove those very same aliens from the united states." end of quote. this bill before us tomorrow morning when we vote responds to this hypocrisy by making sanctuary jurisdictions ineligible for the state criminal assistance program. another grant program limited to sanctuary jurisdiction is the community-oriented policing services -- or that's known around this town and locally as the cops program. these grant dollars help fund 6:35 pm community-oriented policing programs for local law enforcement agencies. our billthat's the end of the quote from the federal law enforcement officers ar association in the letter in support of our bill. while preventing restrictive liability to law enforcement, the bill also ensures the protection of civil liberties and the rights of individuals. federal law enforcement officers association noted that -- quote -- "the bill protects civil 6:39 pm liberties, ensuring that someone who has had their constitutional rights violated may sue." end of quote. finally, the bill addresses criminals attempting to reenter the united states and habitual offenders of our immigration laws. the bill creates a mandatory minimum sentence of five years for any alien who is an aggravated felon and who has been twice convicted of illegal reentry. thanks to many people, including tv's bill o'reilly, for keeping
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from now when the polls close, 263 of them from québec and into its territories. right now they look east for the picture is about to come clear and 25 more runs so let's have a peek first of all in terms of what we have seen. you can see the scoreboard right 7:31 pm there in your screen. six liberals leading, two of them elected in newfoundland. one still to be heard from in that st. johns east which went to the ndp in the last go-round but a spectacular start to a local park where the votes counted 72% of the votes counted so far are for the liberal party of canada which is a huge increase, about double the percentage they had last time around. the st.we'll be looking at them as well to see what's happening but for the moment three people already elected at 7:34 pm all for the liberals in newfoundland. >> 15,000 votes counted in newfoundland already in almost three-quarters have gone to liberal so far. jack harris could alter that number obviously if he maintains the percentage lead that he has and st. johns east. rosie jump in him is because obviously jack harris is a key member of the liberal caucus. in terms of representation on the program he's always there with that quote. that would be if they are in trouble with jack harris that would be a devastating signal. >> sure, early days still but yeah he's one of the more senior members of the team. he's one
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structural problems at the legions of a move the party to caesar's. they even had to cancel the sunday night nanny so you'd know but have a look here at the dance floor with where they were kicking up their heels later tonight. bill casey is as you say the 7:39 pm former conservative who held this seat for many elections and voted against the harper budget in 2007 and won the seat as an independent as well and was thought to have been her redemption that -- his mighty redemption that he retired from politics as you well now and he got the call to come back to liberals and tonight it's been a revenge for him you know may be appealing up make you mr. harper pay abut first i want to go to ian. there are more results coming in from new brunswick. at lease one potential surprise. >> let's take a look at the next two writings we have seen results from in new brunswick and new brunswick southwest is another writing where the conservatives consider this to be rock solid territory for them more than 50% of the popular vote in that writing. john williams and former columnist for the national post in second place in the liberals in first place there. in that the ndp result. let's see how the parties doing. this was a long time writing for the ndp in new brunswick. they just piled on the votes from election to election for the ndp. jason goad in smart
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early look that has been reported both turning liberal red at the moment. >> not a huge surprise but it's 7:52 pm interesting that has been up as a tight race. they're all me for seats with every single seat count in the selection tonight. let's take a look at a couple of writings. this is egmont. gail shea is here. she's very well respected. she's the only tory elected last time in the election. valor -- very well respected but will her popularity away the unpopularity of stephen harper's conservatives there? very early results and is hard to tail but this is the fight to watch. winning the seat is a priority for the liberals. lawrence macauley and cardigan again early results he was solicitor general. he stands ait. i'm proud to represent an prattsburgh ramonic and at the end of the day that's what people went on. this is a policy driven campaign but also a campaign of optimism. i couldn't be prouder. >> have you had a conversation with justin trudeau? >> i have had zero discussions with him. believe me right now at this 8:57 pm moment you have one st. johns south. >> seamus o'regan thank you very much. the liberal mp elect for south st. johns. he's going back to the mainland as a member parliament. >> david cochran and seamus o'regan for the liberals. i was being very careful about saying no conversations and i'm sure he has had no conversations that everybody assumes he will be the new iraq cabinet minister.
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and appeals have fallen silent, yours is the only voice the matters. the great engine of democracy has fired up powered by your simple but all important act of marking that little piece of paper. >> and here we are back at our election headquarters in downtown toronto that essay about voting, the importance of this day and the definition of the country that you are actually making tonight in your decisions coast to coast to coast, ballots across the country are still open,, and a huge part of the country, at least for another 28 minutes or so from québec right 9:04 pm through to alberta,alberta, parts of the north end up at the next top of the clock in british columbia. still some voting going on and somehe will be fine. >> part of that is because jack harris, not only that he has been an mp, but that he was a provincial member of the cabinet, well-known, leader of the party at one point. a long political history. you have that dual force of the party brand and the personal brand. going back he is a lawyer who represented a number of people. he is well-known, well-liked , the defense critic for the mvp. seeing mvp. seeing a name like that struggle and the night like tonight i think starts to tell us an interesting story about what is happening. >> thank you very much. lucky enough to reach out tonight to new brunswick and get the newly reelected liberal mp who joins us
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in. the happiest man in canada at the moment. they were watching the results. let the camera snake in to give us a sense of what is happening inside the suite at the queen elizabeth hotel ii am assuming that is where he is because that is where the parties will be either celebrating are saying what happened. we did so well in atlantic canada. yes, that is margaret trudeau, former wife of the late period who was prime minister from 1968 to 1984 with one exception in 1979 when1979 when he was defeated in the federal election that year by joe clark. a family watching the results coming in montréal. 9:33 pm the 1st results coming out of this part of the province and it is here where wein a lot -- in and around montreal and outside of montreal and north of -- well north of montreal. the west island of montreal was kind of their power base. but look what happened through other parts of the province of quebec, which was the area of the orange crush, where they made the big breakthrough in 2011. wendy, tell us the story? >> that map really does tell the story that the liberal government, the big part of the start, came to pass here. they are now at about -- well, more, actually, than one-third of the seats in quebec. they were not expecting to do that. we saw around montreal the ndp hanging in, but andrew said if they got more than 40 seats they'd
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pm even in places where liberals did not expect to make any progress. let me bring you through a few of them.them. and they are coming largely at the expense of the mvp. and i we will show you one more the tells the same story that diana is telling outside of toronto in the same when we are seeing systematically inside toronto, first-time smith, 10:31 pm lawyer for the liberal party is leading by 465 votes over the ndp incumbent. ndp incumbent greg scott. 10:32 pm his wife was a sitting mp you have mp at the time as well. she chose to resign that seat. she decided to go back and obtain a seat once again in the house of commons. she was not successful, and just in the last fewcountry and let's have a look, 1st of all, had what happened with the new prime minister has been reelected in pompano with an easy win for justin trudeau. there have been rumblings couple of weeks ago by some poll that came out of montréal that was suggesting that justin trudeau was in serious trouble. perhaps it wasperhaps it was true at the time. who knows. it was not true on election night as he wins handily. let's takehandily. let's take a look at the big picture because this is 10:35 pm important. by the end of the night tonight we will be looking at this big picture map which tends to overstate. but this does give you a sense of the kind of country we are creating tonight in
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numbers, the liberals are big benefactors by coming up the middle. they are getting less than 35 percent of the vote. >> and then the key thing, tenten to a dozen, but that in the end works out to a 10:45 pm diversified majority, and the conservatives, that may be the one problem where the conservatives actually increase their seats, which helps with the splits, but is also a major defeat for the sovereignty movement and its brand-new leader who puts his face on every poster. he could not have had a better leader, and they look like there coming up short of official party status. >> i want to bring percent of the conversation in terms of the new prime minister. when he started in federal politics, apolitics, alot of people accused him of simply cashing in on his father's name and that he would make progress simply because he was the son. that happened when he ran and leader of the party, but in this campaign you have 10:46 pm never heard that. you did not win this campaign because he was a son. he ran the teefive he won -- he won the campaign because of what he spoke for an his desire. >> ironically, i believe there was no way for him to win this election unless she had been pushed down into 3rd place before the election,election, the people had a chance to evaluate him and his effort to improve and take a look at the other two possible outcomes and decide whether they
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wanted it. the 1st challenge is to get ahead of the mvp. no question, fair to say that he ran a campaign fora campaign for the ages. this may have been the best that i have seen in my lifetime, and he is responsible for that. he hethat. he picks the people who ran the campaign, performed phenomenally himself. some of the more interesting numbers we were watching measuring attributes like works of art, tries to improve in addition to smart and ready to bpn where he 10:47 pm came from well behind to tie them in the final days, but he was way ahead of them on works hard, tries to improve, listens to get advice, that kind of thing. so his image has been transformed by the effortafter the 2011 campaign, but tonight they are down 12 and a half points, well under 20 pe, back to where they used to be in 32011 days. 4.2 percent, and others filling out the rest. 10:50 pm with me for a few moments, dmitri, former key figure in the conservative party, one of those people who was extremely close to harper for a long time had a falling out with the party, a falling out with stephen harper last year. gone for most of last year, but still close to a lot of people in the conservative party. one assumes you would be talking to them. knowing what you know, what is she thinking and doing tonight? at the same time i have a feeling that tonight he and
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his family, his wife who has been by his side for all 10:51 pm four election campaigns have now grown and are becoming adults, it's probably in a better headspace that he has ever been before, leading his party as prime minister and leader with 100 plus seats, not a repeat of the 1993 election where the conservatives went from governing to down to seats. >> but he is leaving his party after a loss to the sun appear to go through throughout his career was kind of the archvillain to stephen harper. wanted to harper. wanted to destroy not just the liberal party but end the era of trudeau. >> ii am sure that is losing to justin trudeau is not something that makes them happy, and i amand focus groups and messaging but quite frankly very little. >> we have made that decision. >> ultimately the campaign manager decided that was what was going to win yet another government. 10:56 pm absolutely. the buck stops on the leader's desk. you are absolutely right. in 2011 when he won his majority and 2006 and 2008 he obviously deserves the credit and ultimately the buck stops on the leader's desk which is why we will see the 1st tent of stephen -- 1st hint of the stephen harper stepping down as prime minister given that his opponent has one, but i give a feeling that he will be hinting that he will not be leaving the conservative party as leader of the opposition. >> apparently telling reporters as we
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two horse race and they would present themselves as the government in waiting and i think that accounts. >> they weren't the only ones about that. >> they thought it was going to come down to conservative race. stephen harper has entered the room and we are about to witness his remarks to his supporters. steven harper 56 your prime minister for the last almost 10 years and his wife maureen of course. shaking hands with supporters and those who have been at their side for all these years. nine years, eight months and eight days as prime minister. he will remain as prime minister for the next 10 days to two weeks until the swearing in of the new government. 11:52 pm the sixth longest in canadian history. hepassed sean chai shen in another couple of weeks actually 's time as prime minister. only five prime ministers have attempted to win for successive mandates. we started off by winning two minorities and then followed up with a majority. he is in select company with four successors and five that have attempted. only met donald m. -- had one successfully. steven harper would have tried. also lost at his attempt a fourth successive mandate. first elected in 1993 as a reform key candidate mp. 11:53 pm elected in 2002 by the canadian alliance and elected in 2004 as mpm lost that election in one and 2006. let's see how he handles his speech and his comments for conservatives and canadians. >> thank you very much. [applause] [applause] [chanting] [chanting]
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the prime minister elect justin trudeau who will be speaking next. we expect within the next five minutes or so from his spot in montréal. steven harper shaking hands and heading for the exit in calgary. a difficult night one assumes for him and his family. there is maureen harper. 12:03 am not spending much time in the auditorium. he is a fixture of various campaign nights and election nights like this in the past, so once again as we await comments from the new prime minister justin trudeau lets talk about the comments we just heard from steven harper. andrew do you want to start us off? >> a very gracious tone. chipper, almost cheerful like he a had a wit off of his shoulder and i'm sure thegovernment that was all overly centralized in overly harsh overly autocratic and a lot of the message that justin trudeau was bringing was the opposite. it was much more upbeat a much more cheerful much less emphasis on controlling and fear etc. and it just does not have to happen. they were not condemned as we said before by the economy. >> he kept saying to the campaign and he was saying it by the end it was not about him but 12:05 am impact was about him. >> when you look at the popular vote he still wasn't reject it massively by the people who gave him a majority. it is only the dash that never wanted him onto home to elect him. otherwise he could have one. i'm
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last -- number of people who said taxes and security were the top issue together was 10%. 12:07 am he failed to land that ballot question. he didn't seem remorseful about that. he said he took responsibility for the failure but it was a pretty quick acknowledgment. >> let me's throw something else on the table. the conservatives took a lot of heat and last for years from the people who did not like them and that's putting it mildly. they only represented 39% of the population and therefore more than 60% were against them. look at these numbers tonight. they are almost identical. the liberals are. >> that's our electoral system unfortunately. i don't think it was just the members come it was the style of government. you knowyou very much. 12:36 am >> there you have it justin trudeau and his wife and his definition of what real change means to him and what he wants to see happen to give credit where credit is due it wasn't him but the people who made the choice based upon what they said during the campaign. a lengthy speech, but clearly one that he wanted to make tonight for canadians coast to coast who are fascinated by this campaign, started apparently he was him third place said he just took off from the 12:37 am first week he did not look like the odd man on the stage that looks like he was part of the debate and from that day for rookie kicked up steam and certainly made the push
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to certain parts of the country he broke through in quebec and ontario and did well in parts of manitoba not so well and saskatchewan but he did have a seat in every province in the country. that is always a marker for any prime minister takes office after defeating another government where is his representation? 12:38 am all across the country also just a few in alberta. let's look at the virtual parliament the is a liberal majority government 184 liberals. still some seats to be decided is there are some close races and numbers changed a little bit. 101 conservatives. 42 npd and one for the green party. susan was in the room listening twitter thoughts? >> what struck me about his speech i cents across canada pent-upto americans talking about that also say they don't have been automatically we have a special guest in a moment but to want to preface by telling a story of justin trudeau. talking about the harper interview on labor day weekend during the trudeau interview at the same time after was over we rejoin the cutaways, he went through a little speech to be underestimated his life to be under estimated from the election and estimates -- an estimated -- underestimated 12:41 am against the conservative senator and underestimated when he ran for a leadership of the party and he would be under estimated again during this campaign. he said he was always underestimated the he had confidence he could win and in every circumstance he did. with an italian
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that story because of the history of our country on a one-person who has ever defeated a trudeau and that is the next best joining us from england having defeated trudeau in 1979 but has the record. it is very early in the morning in london. view had a chance to watch justin trudeau did you ever thank you would see that day? 12:42 am you saw justin growing up the same time your daughter was growing up. that must be a strange feeling to watch. >> and has been a strange feeling since he ran for leadership and one but his performance has ben extraordinary and demonstrated who he was. and the father clearly has proven his sense of strength that least so far the prime minister elective donerecovered can exert their effects of improving the properties of wheat flours and bread to a satisfactory extent especially when this substance is incorporated to the farinaceous bread flour at a smaller proportion than said new water-insoluble, modified gluten product now prepared by the present inventors. On the other hand, in recent years, various machines such as the dough divider, rounder, molding machine and so on have been employed in the process of making bread in large scale. Particularly, the dividing and scaling of the dough into small balls or masses and the making-up of these small masses of the dough are conducted by machines rather than by hands of men. However, when the dough masses have been divided, scaled and made-up by the mechanical working of the machines,
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of urgency and top priority the police have placed on his capture. Contrast that unprecedented bounty, for instance, with the reward that was offered for alleged drug lord Peter Lim: a measly P500,000. Lim, the subject of an arrest warrant since 2017, has yet to be found. In 2017, President Duterte also offered P3 million for the capture of cops involved in illegal drugs, and P2 million for cops involved in the Parojinog family raid-slay in Ozamiz City. And for the capture of Abu Sayyaf members behind a foiled terror attack in Bohol, the President promised P1 million each. So what did Acierto do to deserve this much concentration of resources and firepower on the part of Malacañang and law-enforcement authorities? It’s less likely his alleged participation in the drug smuggling case,A new perspective on John Snow's communicable disease theory. When John Snow undertook the studies of the cholera epidemic of 1854 in London, he was testing his theory of communicable disease, which had been enunciated in an oration delivered at the 80th anniversary of the Medical Society of London. Snow had been elected orator of the year for 1853 and, according to his biographer, had spent the better part of a year in preparation. The oration was titled, "On Continuous Molecular Changes, More Particularly in Their Relation to Epidemic Diseases." Although the text of this oration is readily available in the 1936 Commonwealth Fund facsimile reprint of Snow's more famous cholera studies, few modern epidemiologists are familiar with the work. In it, Snow lays out a theory which includes
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "PubMed Abstracts" ] }
President Donald Trump's promise of pro-growth policies of tax reform and stimulus, which saw widespread optimism in global markets since November, will likely turn out to be a disappointment, the former deputy managing director of IMF told CNBC. Zhu Min, who is currently President at the National Institute of Financial Research, spoke to CNBC at the sidelines of the Boao Forum in the Hainan Province, China. He pointed out Trump's planned policies including the implementation of a border tax, the repeal and replacement of parts of the Affordable Care Act, infrastructure investments and tax reforms could face a long list of difficulties. "If you're looking for what we heard just two months ago, and what we thought today right, you will see number one, (for) the border tax, the probability (ofHot Topics: State: Keep us informed on GMP improvements Posted: 12/26/2012 01:00:00 AM EST Wednesday December 26, 2012 KEITH WHITCOMB JR. Staff Writer READSBORO -- Green Mountain Power plans to have the required improvements to the former Readsboro Electric Light Department completed by the second quarter of 2013, but the Public Service Board, which approved the sale of the smaller utility last year, wishes the docket for the sale to be kept open and to be notified if the delayed system improvements will not be finished by June 30. The light department was sold by the town to Central Vermont Public Service in 2011 with the deal being approved by the Public Service Board in July. CVPS has since merged with Green Mountain Power and the combined entities own all of what had been the Readsboro
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utility. The two larger utilities had, in fact, issued competing bids for the Readsboro company, as it would have melded into either service territory. On Dec. 18, the Public Service Board, which oversees regulations for power generating facilities in the state, issued an order on status reports it has been receiving from CVPS, now GMP. According to the board, on Dec. 30 2011 it received a report from CVPS saying it was on track to complete the necessary improvements it agreed to do by Sept. 2012. In Nov. 7, 2012 GMP filed a report saying most of the improvements are done, but not all, and it expects to have everything complete by the end of June 2013. GMP also requested the docket for the sale be closed, as it448 F.3d 403 UNITED STATES ex rel. Michael G. New, Appellantv.Donald H. RUMSFELD, Secretary of Defense, and Francis J. Harvey, Secretary of the Army, Appellees. No. 05-5023. United States Court of Appeals, District of Columbia Circuit. Argued February 16, 2006. Decided May 23, 2006. Appeal from the United States District Court for the District of Columbia (No. 96cv00033). Herbert W. Titus argued the cause for appellant. With him on the briefs were Henry L. Hamilton, William J. Olson, and John S. Miles. Kevin K. Robitaille, Assistant U.S. Attorney, argued the cause for appellees. With him on the brief were Kenneth L. Wainstein, U.S. Attorney, and Michael J. Ryan and R. Craig Lawrence, Assistant U.S. Attorneys. Before: RANDOLPH and GARLAND, Circuit Judges, and WILLIAMS, Senior Circuit Judge. Opinion for the Court filed by Senior Circuit Judge WILLIAMS. WILLIAMS, Senior Circuit
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as part of the United Nations Preventive Deployment Force, New voiced concerns about the lawfulness of the Army's participation in the mission. In particular, he was troubled that wearing U.N. insignia as part of his uniform would manifest an involuntary or fictional shift in his allegiance from the government of the United States to the United Nations. Although his superiors discussed these concerns with him, they failed to alleviate them. 4 Eventually New's battalion commander issued — and his company commander repeated — an order to begin wearing a special U.N. mission uniform at a battalion formation on October 10, 1995. The uniform consisted of the ordinary United States Army battle dress uniform plus a blue U.N. patch sewn on one shoulder and a blue U.N. cap. New reported forDrought's Positive Effect: Smaller Gulf Dead Zone Below: Next story in Science Though the parched conditions have wreaked havoc on natural habitat and agricultural crops, drought may have one upside, bringing the fourth smallest dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico since mapping of this annual oxygen-free zone began in 1985. Scientists estimate the 2012 Gulf of Mexico dead zone spans an area of 2,889 square miles (7,482 square kilometers), or just larger than the state of Delaware. "The smaller area was expected because of drought conditions and the fact that nutrient output into the Gulf this spring approached near the 80-year record low," Nancy Rabalais, executive director of the Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium (LUMCON), said in a statement. Rabalais led the survey cruise that measured the dead zone. In fact, the last time the dead zone was this small was in 2000 when it measured
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1,696 square miles, or 4,393 square km. The number is also well below the 2011 dead zone, which reached 6,770 square miles (17,534 square km) as a result of floods that carried loads of nutrients into the water. Scientists recorded the smallest dead zone, at 15 square miles (39 square km), in 1988, while the largest zone occurred in 2002 and covered an 8,400-square-mile (21,756-square-km) swath. Estimates for this dead zone, which forms each summer off the coasts of Louisiana and Texas, are important because the loss of oxygen can be dire for the animals that live there; the dead zone also threatens commercial and recreational fishing in the Gulf. The lack of oxygen results from nutrients, particularly nitrogen, that run off the land, from agricultural and other human activities, down the Mississippi River and into the Gulf of Mexico. These nutrientsEP was released by Aware in September 1998. On January 26, 1999, Columbia Records/Aware Records released Dovetail Joint's major label debut, 001. The album, produced by Fields and mixed by Jack Joseph Puig, had sold 16,000 copies by May. Nationally, "Level on the Inside" started experiencing the same success it continued to enjoy in Chicago. The song reached #38 on the Billboard Mainstream Rock chart in early 1999, and #17 on the Modern Rock Tracks chart, where it stayed for 13 weeks. Columbia agreed to produce a video for "Level on the Inside", directed by Phil Harder. Following the video shoot, the band returned to the road for several months of touring in support of the album and single. Having a radio single earned the band opening slots on U.S.
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