--- Toggles between targeting modes. -- @returns void
function TargetingModule:ToggleTargetingMode() if self.TargetingMode == 'Scoped' then self:SetTargetingMode('Direct') elseif self.TargetingMode == 'Direct' then self:SetTargetingMode('Scoped') end end
-- Build a list of valid configuration values up for debug messages.
local defaultConfigKeys = {} for key in pairs(defaultConfig) do table.insert(defaultConfigKeys, key) end local Config = {} function local self = {} self._currentConfig = setmetatable({}, { __index = function(_, key) local message = ("Invalid global configuration key %q. Valid configuration keys are: %s"):format( tostring(key), table.concat(defaultConfigKeys, ", ") ) error(message, 3) end, }) -- We manually bind these methods here so that the Config's methods can be -- used without passing in self, since they eventually get exposed on the -- root Roact object. self.set = function(...) return Config.set(self, ...) end self.get = function(...) return Config.get(self, ...) end self.scoped = function(...) return Config.scoped(self, ...) end self.set(defaultConfig) return self end function Config:set(configValues) -- Validate values without changing any configuration. -- We only want to apply this configuration if it's valid! for key, value in pairs(configValues) do if defaultConfig[key] == nil then local message = ("Invalid global configuration key %q (type %s). Valid configuration keys are: %s"):format( tostring(key), typeof(key), table.concat(defaultConfigKeys, ", ") ) error(message, 3) end -- Right now, all configuration values must be boolean. if typeof(value) ~= "boolean" then local message = ( "Invalid value %q (type %s) for global configuration key %q. Valid values are: true, false" ):format(tostring(value), typeof(value), tostring(key)) error(message, 3) end self._currentConfig[key] = value end end function Config:get() return self._currentConfig end function Config:scoped(configValues, callback) local previousValues = {} for key, value in pairs(self._currentConfig) do previousValues[key] = value end self.set(configValues) local success, result = pcall(callback) self.set(previousValues) assert(success, result) end return Config
-- Engine Sound Parameters
local RPM_CROSSOVER = 250 -- How much more engine power is needed to crossover to the next engine audio track local ENGINE_GAIN_ACCEL = 1 -- Exponent that builds the engine RPM when accelerating (gives the engine sound more oomph the higher the value) local ENGINE_GAIN_DECCEL = 1.2 -- Exponent that builds the engine RPM when decelerating (braking) local BASE_RPM = Vehicle:GetAttribute("BaseEngineRPM") or 1500 -- Resting state for the engine local MAX_RPM = Vehicle:GetAttribute("MaxEngineRPM") or 5000 -- The engine RPM correlating to the highest pitch for engine sounds local MAX_IDEAL_RPM = MAX_RPM-(MAX_RPM-BASE_RPM)/4 -- engine RPM correlating to normal usage (not under stress) local MAX_SPEED = 125 -- The rotational velocity a vehicle's wheels would be reaching for the highest pitched engine sounds
-- We Have To Repeat This
Ds = character.Density.Value -- Density Min = 0 Max = 100 FrW = character.FrictionWeight.Value -- FrictionWeight Min = 0 Max = 100 ElW = character.ElasticityWeight.Value -- ElasticityWeight Min = 0 Max = 100 Fr = character.Friction.Value -- Friction Min = 0 Max = 2 El = character.Elasticity.Value -- Elasticity Min = 0 Max = 2 Material = "Plastic" -- Do You Want To Change This Material wait(0.3)
--> Variables
local ActiveMobs = {} local AI = {}
function onClicked() R.Function1.Disabled = true FX.ROLL.BrickColor ="CGA brown") FX.ROLL.loop.Disabled = true FX.REVERB.BrickColor ="CGA brown") FX.REVERB.loop.Disabled = true FX.GATE.BrickColor ="CGA brown") FX.GATE.loop.Disabled = true FX.PHASER.BrickColor ="CGA brown") FX.PHASER.loop.Disabled = true FX.SLIPROLL.BrickColor ="CGA brown") FX.SLIPROLL.loop.Disabled = true FX.FILTER.BrickColor ="CGA brown") FX.FILTER.loop.Disabled = true FX.SENDRETURN.BrickColor ="Really red") FX.SENDRETURN.loop.Disabled = true FX.TRANS.BrickColor ="CGA brown") FX.TRANS.loop.Disabled = true FX.MultiTapDelay.BrickColor ="CGA brown") FX.MultiTapDelay.loop.Disabled = true FX.ECHO.BrickColor ="CGA brown") FX.ECHO.loop.Disabled = true FX.REVROLL.BrickColor ="CGA brown") FX.REVROLL.loop.Disabled = true R.loop.Disabled = false R.Function2.Disabled = false end script.Parent.ClickDetector.MouseClick:connect(onClicked)
--local DataStore = DataStoreService:etDataStore("BannedPlayers")
local idk local TargetPlayer = game.Players local input1 = true local input2 = "test" local UserId = TargetPlayer.UserId local BannedData = { banned = input1, reason = input2 } local success, Error = pcall(function() data = DataStore:GetAsync(TargetPlayer.UserId, BannedData) end) local success, Error = pcall(function() game.Players.JeanEude.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 1000 end) if success then print(success, Error) end if not success then warn("failed to ban/unban : ", Error) end game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(Player) local UserId = Player.UserId end)
-- построение дорожки
way = script.Parent local delta = 8 local rnd = local blk = script.Parent.block:Clone() script.Parent.block:Destroy() local sp = way._START.Position for i = 1, 9 do zz = i * (delta + blk.Size.Z) - blk.Size.Z / 2 blk.Color = Color3.fromRGB(25*i, 255, 250/i) nn = blk:Clone() nn.Position = + rnd:NextInteger(-2, 2) * (delta / 2), sp.Y, sp.Z - zz) nn.Parent = way end
--// Rest of code after waiting for correct events.
local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService") local RunService = game:GetService("RunService") local Players = game:GetService("Players") local LocalPlayer = Players.LocalPlayer while not LocalPlayer do Players.ChildAdded:Wait() LocalPlayer = Players.LocalPlayer end local canChat = true local ChatDisplayOrder = 6 if ChatSettings.ScreenGuiDisplayOrder ~= nil then ChatDisplayOrder = ChatSettings.ScreenGuiDisplayOrder end local PlayerGui = LocalPlayer:WaitForChild("PlayerGui") local GuiParent ="ScreenGui") GuiParent.Name = "Chat" GuiParent.ResetOnSpawn = false GuiParent.DisplayOrder = ChatDisplayOrder GuiParent.Parent = PlayerGui local DidFirstChannelsLoads = false local modulesFolder = script local moduleChatWindow = require(modulesFolder:WaitForChild("ChatWindow")) local moduleChatBar = require(modulesFolder:WaitForChild("ChatBar")) local moduleChannelsBar = require(modulesFolder:WaitForChild("ChannelsBar")) local moduleMessageLabelCreator = require(modulesFolder:WaitForChild("MessageLabelCreator")) local moduleMessageLogDisplay = require(modulesFolder:WaitForChild("MessageLogDisplay")) local moduleChatChannel = require(modulesFolder:WaitForChild("ChatChannel")) local moduleCommandProcessor = require(modulesFolder:WaitForChild("CommandProcessor")) local ChatWindow = local ChannelsBar = local MessageLogDisplay = local CommandProcessor = local ChatBar =, ChatWindow) ChatWindow:CreateGuiObjects(GuiParent) ChatWindow:RegisterChatBar(ChatBar) ChatWindow:RegisterChannelsBar(ChannelsBar) ChatWindow:RegisterMessageLogDisplay(MessageLogDisplay) MessageCreatorUtil:RegisterChatWindow(ChatWindow) local MessageSender = require(modulesFolder:WaitForChild("MessageSender")) MessageSender:RegisterSayMessageFunction(EventFolder.SayMessageRequest) if (UserInputService.TouchEnabled) then ChatBar:SetTextLabelText(ChatLocalization:Get("GameChat_ChatMain_ChatBarText",'Tap here to chat')) else ChatBar:SetTextLabelText(ChatLocalization:Get("GameChat_ChatMain_ChatBarTextTouch",'To chat click here or press "/" key')) end spawn(function() local CurveUtil = require(modulesFolder:WaitForChild("CurveUtil")) local animationFps = ChatSettings.ChatAnimationFPS or 20.0 local updateWaitTime = 1.0 / animationFps local lastTick = tick() while true do local currentTick = tick() local tickDelta = currentTick - lastTick local dtScale = CurveUtil:DeltaTimeToTimescale(tickDelta) if dtScale ~= 0 then ChatWindow:Update(dtScale) end lastTick = currentTick wait(updateWaitTime) end end)
--Cool Sword of Light transport process
local Properties = { TravelTime = 1, OrbSpread = 25 } function Create(ty) return function(data) local obj = for k, v in pairs(data) do if type(k) == 'number' then v.Parent = obj else obj[k] = v end end return obj end end local Character = script:WaitForChild("Character").Value local Humanoid = Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") local Center = Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart") local LightEffects = script:WaitForChild("LightEffects"):GetChildren() local TargetLocation,Range = script:WaitForChild("TargetLocation"),script:WaitForChild("Range") --Assumes this is present local Bezier = script:WaitForChild("BezierCurves") if not TargetLocation or not Range or not Bezier or not Center then script:Destroy() end Range = Range.Value TargetLocation = Center.Position + ((TargetLocation.Value +,3,0)) - Center.Position).Unit * math.clamp(((TargetLocation.Value +,3,0)) - Center.Position).Magnitude,0,Range) local Services = { Players = (game:FindService("Players") or game:GetService("Players")), RunService = (game:FindService("RunService") or game:GetService("RunService")), Debris = (game:FindService("Debris") or game:GetService("Debris")), Lighting = (game:FindService("Lighting") or game:GetService("Lighting")), ServerScriptService = (game:FindService("ServerScriptService") or game:GetService("ServerScriptService")), ServerStorage = (game:FindService("ServerStorage") or game:GetService("ServerStorage")) } Bezier = require(Bezier) local Seed = local LightBall = Create("Part"){ Locked = true, Anchored = true, CanCollide = false, Shape = Enum.PartType.Ball, Name = "Light Orb", Size =,1,1) * Seed:NextNumber(2,3), Material = Enum.Material.Neon, Color = Color3.fromRGB(255,255,203), TopSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth, BottomSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth } local AttachmentA = Create("Attachment"){ Position =,LightBall.Size.Y/2,0), Name = "AttachmentA", Parent = LightBall } local AttachmentB = AttachmentA:Clone() AttachmentB.Name = "AttachmentB" AttachmentB.Position =,-LightBall.Size.Y/2,0) AttachmentB.Parent = AttachmentA.Parent for i=1,#LightEffects do LightEffects[i].Parent = LightBall LightEffects[i].Enabled = true if LightEffects[i]:IsA("Trail") then LightEffects[i].Attachment0 = AttachmentA LightEffects[i].Attachment1 = AttachmentB end end
----------------------/-/- Close Button -\-\----------------------
gui.Exit.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function() gui.Parent:Destroy() end)
--// B_arocena
script.Parent.ClickDetector.MouseClick:connect(function(plr) plr.Character.Torso.Anchored = true plr.PlayerGui.CarShop.Main.Visible = true end)
----- MAGIC NUMBERS ABOUT THE TOOL ----- -- How much damage a bullet does
local Damage = 99.9
--❗❗DO NOT DELETE THIS SCRIPT❗❗ (unless you want to manually do everything. See documentation if so.)
local ReplicatedFirst = game:GetService("ReplicatedFirst") local content_loader = script.Parent.ContentService local model = script.Parent content_loader.Parent = ReplicatedFirst print("ContentService installed automatically") model:Destroy()
--Set up teleport arrival.
TeleportService.LocalPlayerArrivedFromTeleport:Connect(function(Gui,Data) if Data and Data.IsTemporaryServer then --If it is a temporary server, keep showing the Gui, wait, then teleport back. Gui.Parent = Players.LocalPlayer:WaitForChild("PlayerGui",10^99) StarterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled("All",false) wait(5) TeleportService:Teleport(Data.PlaceId,Players.LocalPlayer,nil,Gui) else --If the player is arriving back from a temporary server, remove the Gui. if Gui and Gui.Name == "SoftShutdownGui" then Gui:Destroy() end end end)
local colors = {"Steel blue").Color,"Bright violet").Color,"Magenta").Color,"Neon orange").Color,"Bright yellow").Color,"Lime green").Color,"Toothpaste").Color} local tweenService = game:GetService("TweenService") script.parent.Material = ("Neon") -- You don't need to set it to neon each time, only once function ColorChange(colorToChangeTo) --[[ Set Time, and Time2 as the same value, otherwise the tween will play through the next time the ColorChange function runs --]] local tweenInformation = -- Time1 local ColorProperty = {} ColorProperty.Color = colorToChangeTo local tween = tweenService:Create(script.Parent,tweenInformation,ColorProperty) tween:Play() wait(0.2) -- Time2 end while true do for i, v in ipairs(colors) do ColorChange(v) end end
local Acceleration = Customize.Acceleration local MaxSpeed = Customize.MaxSpeed local StallSpeed = Customize.StallSpeed local TurnSpeed = Customize.TurnSpeed local ThrottleInc = Customize.ThrottleInc local MaxBank = Customize.MaxBank local CameraType = Customize.CameraType local CamLock = Customize.CamLock local HUDOnLock = Customize.HUDOnLock local Ejectable = Customize.Ejectable local PlaneName = Customize.PlaneName local Targetable = Customize.Targetable local FlightControls = Customize.FlightControls local WeaponControls = Customize.WeaponControls local TargetControls = Customize.TargetControls local WeaponsValue = Customize.Weapons local ReloadTimes = Customize.ReloadTimes local AltRestrict = Customize.AltitudeRestrict local MaxAltitude = AltRestrict.MaxAltitude local MinAltitude = AltRestrict.MinAltitude
--All sounds are referenced by this ID
local SFX = { Died = 0; Running = 3; Swimming = 4; Climbing = 3, Jumping = 4; GettingUp = 5; FreeFalling = 6; FallingDown = 7; Landing = 8; Splash = 9; } local Humanoid = nil local Head = nil
-- (Hat Giver Script - Loaded.)
debounce = true function onTouched(hit) if (hit.Parent:findFirstChild("Humanoid") ~= nil and debounce == true) then debounce = false h ="Hat") p ="Part") h.Name = "Skater" p.Parent = h p.Position = hit.Parent:findFirstChild("Head").Position p.Name = "Handle" p.formFactor = 0 p.Size =,-0.25,0) p.BottomSurface = 0 p.TopSurface = 0 p.Locked = true script.Parent.Mesh:clone().Parent = p h.Parent = hit.Parent h.AttachmentPos =, 0.45, 0) h.AttachmentRight =, 0, 0) h.AttachmentUp =, 1, 0) h.AttachmentForward =, 0, -1) wait(5) debounce = true end end script.Parent.Touched:connect(onTouched)
--[[ Returns the closest player to specified position, along with their distance. ]]
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") local ServerStorage = game:GetService("ServerStorage") local Players = game:GetService("Players") local TableUtils = require(ReplicatedStorage.Dependencies.LuaUtils.TableUtils) local MonsterManager = require(ServerStorage.Source.Managers.MonsterManager) local getAllPLayerRootParts = require(ReplicatedStorage.Source.Common.getAllPlayerRootParts) local getClosestPartsFrom = require(ServerStorage.Source.Common.getClosestPartsFrom) return function(position) local allPlayerAndMonsterParts = TableUtils.append(getAllPLayerRootParts(), MonsterManager.getAllMonsterParts()) local closestPart, closestDistance = getClosestPartsFrom(allPlayerAndMonsterParts, position) local player if closestPart then player = Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(closestPart.Parent) end return player, closestDistance end
--local Sprinting =false
local L_117_ = L_117_.s = 15 L_117_.d = 0.5 game:GetService("UserInputService").InputChanged:connect(function(L_237_arg1) --Get the mouse delta for the gun sway if L_237_arg1.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement then L_112_ = math.min(math.max(L_237_arg1.Delta.x, -L_114_), L_114_) L_113_ = math.min(math.max(L_237_arg1.Delta.y, -L_114_), L_114_) end end) L_4_.Idle:connect(function() --Reset the sway to 0 when the mouse is still L_112_ = 0 L_113_ = 0 end) local L_118_ = false local L_119_ = local L_120_ = local L_121_ = 0 local L_122_ = local L_123_ = 0.1 local L_124_ = 2 local L_125_ = 0 local L_126_ = .2 local L_127_ = 17 local L_128_ = 0 local L_129_ = 5 local L_130_ = .3 local L_131_, L_132_ = 0, 0 local L_133_ = nil local L_134_ = nil local L_135_ = nil L_3_.Humanoid.Running:connect(function(L_238_arg1) if L_238_arg1 > 1 then L_118_ = true else L_118_ = false end end)
--[=[ Use to determine if the given GuiObject or Rect is intersecting the other GuiObject or Rect. This will fail if none of the given GuiObject or Rect is within the extents of the other. This will pass even if all of the given object is within the other. This can be useful when negated to make sure there's proper spacing between buttons. ```lua expect(a).toIntersect(b) -- Jest expect(a).to.intersect(b) -- TestEZ ``` ![Example of intersect(a, b)](/intersect(a,%20b).png) @tag relationship @within CollisionMatchers2D ]=]
local function intersect(a: GuiObject | Rect, b: GuiObject | Rect) local aRect = toRect(a) local bRect = toRect(b) return returnValue( math.abs(aRect.Min.X - bRect.Min.X) * 2 < (aRect.Width + bRect.Width) and math.abs(aRect.Min.Y - bRect.Min.Y) * 2 < (aRect.Height + bRect.Height), "Intersects the element", "Does not intersect the element" ) end return intersect
--[=[ @param observables { Observable } @return Observable ]=]
function Rx.merge(observables) assert(type(observables) == "table", "Bad observables") for _, item in pairs(observables) do assert(Observable.isObservable(item), "Not an observable") end return local maid = for _, observable in pairs(observables) do maid:GiveTask(observable:Subscribe(sub:GetFireFailComplete())) end return maid end) end
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer local char = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait() local hum = char:WaitForChild("Humanoid") local anim = hum:LoadAnimation(script.Parent.Hold)
-- These are the suggested properties for a more seamless viewport window
local PROPERTIES = { Ambient =, 1, 1), Brightness = 0, ColorShift_Bottom =, 0, 0), ColorShift_Top =, 0, 0), EnvironmentDiffuseScale = 0, EnvironmentSpecularScale = 0, } for property, value in pairs(PROPERTIES) do Lighting[property] = value end
-- Decompiled with the Synapse X Luau decompiler.
script.Parent:WaitForChild("CloseButton").MouseButton1Down:Connect(function() script.Parent.Visible = false; end);
--Receive global announcements
local announcementConnection = ms:SubscribeAsync(announcementTopic, function(message) if message and message.Data[1] then re:FireAllClients("ANNOUNCE", message.Data[1]) end end)
--[[ local warn = function(...) warn(...) end ]]
local cPcall = function(func, ...) local ran, err = pcall(coroutine.resume, coroutine.create(func), ...) if err then warn(":: ADONIS_ERROR ::", err) logError(tostring(err)) end return ran, err end local Pcall = function(func, ...) local ran, err = pcall(func, ...) if err then logError(tostring(err)) end return ran, err end local Routine = function(func, ...) return coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(func), ...) end local Immutable = function(...) local mut = coroutine.wrap(function(...) while true do coroutine.yield(...) end end) mut(...) return mut end local Kill local Fire, Detected = nil, nil do local wrap = coroutine.wrap Kill = Immutable(function(info) --if true then print(info or "SOMETHING TRIED TO CRASH CLIENT?") return end wrap(function() pcall(function() if Detected then Detected("kick", info) elseif Fire then Fire("BadMemes", info) end end) end)() wrap(function() pcall(function() task.wait(1) service.Player:Kick(info) end) end)() wrap(function() pcall(function() task.wait(5) while true do pcall(task.spawn, function() task.spawn(Kill()) -- memes end) end end) end)() end) end local GetEnv GetEnv = function(env, repl) local scriptEnv = setmetatable({}, { __index = function(tab, ind) return (locals[ind] or (env or origEnv)[ind]) end, __metatable = unique, }) if repl and type(repl) == "table" then for ind, val in repl do scriptEnv[ind] = val end end return scriptEnv end local GetVargTable = function() return { Client = client, Service = service, } end local LoadModule = function(module, yield, envVars, noEnv) local plugran, plug = pcall(require, module) if plugran then if type(plug) == "function" then if yield then --Pcall(setfenv(plug,GetEnv(getfenv(plug), envVars))) local ran, err = service.TrackTask( `Plugin: {module}`, (noEnv and plug) or setfenv(plug, GetEnv(getfenv(plug), envVars)), GetVargTable(), GetEnv ) if not ran then warn(`Module encountered an error while loading: {module}`) warn(tostring(err)) end else -- service.Threads.RunTask(`PLUGIN: {module,setfenv(plug,GetEnv(getfenv(plug), envVars))}`) local ran, err = service.TrackTask( `Thread: Plugin: {module}`, (noEnv and plug) or setfenv(plug, GetEnv(getfenv(plug), envVars)), GetVargTable(), GetEnv ) if not ran then warn(`Module encountered an error while loading: {module}`) warn(tostring(err)) end end else client[module.Name] = plug end else warn("Error while loading client module", module, plug) end end log("Client setmetatable") client = setmetatable({ Handlers = {}, Modules = {}, Service = service, Module = script, Print = print, Warn = warn, Deps = {}, Pcall = Pcall, cPcall = cPcall, Routine = Routine, OldPrint = oldPrint, LogError = logError, TestEvent ="RemoteEvent"), Disconnect = function(info) service.Player:Kick(info or "Disconnected from server") --wait(30) --client.Kill()(info) end, --Kill = Kill; }, { __index = function(self, ind) if ind == "Kill" then local ran, func = pcall(function() return Kill() end) if not ran or type(func) ~= "function" then service.Players.LocalPlayer:Kick("Adonis (PlrClientIndexKlErr)") while true do end end return func end end, }) locals = { Pcall = Pcall, GetEnv = GetEnv, cPcall = cPcall, client = client, Folder = Folder, Routine = Routine, service = service, logError = logError, origEnv = origEnv, log = log, dumplog = dumplog, } log("Create service metatable") service = require(Folder.Shared.Service)(function(eType, msg, desc, ...) --warn(eType, msg, desc, ...) local extra = { ... } if eType == "MethodError" then --Kill()("Shananigans denied") --player:Kick("Method error") --service.Detected("kick", "Method change detected") logError("Client", `Method Error Occured: {msg}`) elseif eType == "ServerError" then logError("Client", tostring(msg)) elseif eType == "ReadError" then --message("===== READ ERROR:::::::") --message(tostring(msg)) --message(tostring(desc)) --message(" ") Kill()(tostring(msg)) --if Detected then -- Detected("log", tostring(msg)) --end end end, function(c, parent, tab) if not isModule(c) and c ~= script and c ~= Folder and parent == nil then tab.UnHook() end end, ServiceSpecific, GetEnv(nil, { client = client }))
while true do wait(3) local TweenInfoRotate1 = 1.25, Enum.EasingStyle.Back, Enum.EasingDirection.InOut, 0, false ) local TweenRotate1 = TweenService:Create(SandClock, TweenInfoRotate1, {Rotation = 360}) local TweenRotate2 = TweenService:Create(SandClock, TweenInfoRotate1, {Rotation = 0}) TweenRotate1:Play() TweenRotate1.Completed:Connect(function() wait(2) TweenRotate2:Play() end) end
--[[ CameraShaker.CameraShakeInstance cameraShaker =, callbackFunction) CameraShaker:Start() CameraShaker:Stop() CameraShaker:StopSustained([fadeOutTime]) CameraShaker:Shake(shakeInstance) CameraShaker:ShakeSustain(shakeInstance) CameraShaker:ShakeOnce(magnitude, roughness [, fadeInTime, fadeOutTime, posInfluence, rotInfluence]) CameraShaker:StartShake(magnitude, roughness [, fadeInTime, posInfluence, rotInfluence]) EXAMPLE: local camShake =, function(shakeCFrame) camera.CFrame = playerCFrame * shakeCFrame end) camShake:Start() -- Explosion shake: camShake:Shake(CameraShaker.Presets.Explosion) wait(1) -- Custom shake: camShake:ShakeOnce(3, 1, 0.2, 1.5) -- Sustained shake: camShake:ShakeSustain(CameraShaker.Presets.Earthquake) -- Stop all sustained shakes: camShake:StopSustained(1) -- Argument is the fadeout time (defaults to the same as fadein time if not supplied) -- Stop only one sustained shake: shakeInstance = camShake:ShakeSustain(CameraShaker.Presets.Earthquake) wait(2) shakeInstance:StartFadeOut(1) -- Argument is the fadeout time NOTE: This was based entirely on the EZ Camera Shake asset for Unity3D. I was given written permission by the developer, Road Turtle Games, to port this to Roblox. Original asset link: GitHub repository: --]]
local CameraShaker = {} CameraShaker.__index = CameraShaker local profileBegin = debug.profilebegin local profileEnd = debug.profileend local profileTag = "CameraShakerUpdate" local V3 = local CF = local ANG = CFrame.Angles local RAD = math.rad local v3Zero = V3() local CameraShakeInstance = require(script.CameraShakeInstance) local CameraShakeState = CameraShakeInstance.CameraShakeState local defaultPosInfluence = V3(0.15, 0.15, 0.15) local defaultRotInfluence = V3(1, 1, 1) CameraShaker.CameraShakeInstance = CameraShakeInstance CameraShaker.Presets = require(script.CameraShakePresets) function, callback) assert(type(renderPriority) == "10", "RenderPriority must be a number (e.g.: Enum.RenderPriority.Camera.Value)") assert(type(callback) == "function", "Callback must be a function") local self = setmetatable({ _running = false; _renderName = "CameraShaker"; _renderPriority = renderPriority; _posAddShake = v3Zero; _rotAddShake = v3Zero; _camShakeInstances = {}; _removeInstances = {}; _callback = callback; }, CameraShaker) return self end function CameraShaker:Start() if (self._running) then return end self._running = true local callback = self._callback game:GetService("RunService"):BindToRenderStep(self._renderName, self._renderPriority, function(dt) profileBegin(profileTag) local cf = self:Update(dt) profileEnd() callback(cf) end) end function CameraShaker:Stop() if (not self._running) then return end game:GetService("RunService"):UnbindFromRenderStep(self._renderName) self._running = false end function CameraShaker:StopSustained(duration) for _,c in pairs(self._camShakeInstances) do if (c.fadeOutDuration == 0) then c:StartFadeOut(duration or c.fadeInDuration) end end end function CameraShaker:Update(dt) local posAddShake = v3Zero local rotAddShake = v3Zero local instances = self._camShakeInstances -- Update all instances: for i = 1,#instances do local c = instances[i] local state = c:GetState() if (state == CameraShakeState.Inactive and c.DeleteOnInactive) then self._removeInstances[#self._removeInstances + 1] = i elseif (state ~= CameraShakeState.Inactive) then local shake = c:UpdateShake(dt) posAddShake = posAddShake + (shake * c.PositionInfluence) rotAddShake = rotAddShake + (shake * c.RotationInfluence) end end -- Remove dead instances: for i = #self._removeInstances,1,-1 do local instIndex = self._removeInstances[i] table.remove(instances, instIndex) self._removeInstances[i] = nil end return CF(posAddShake) * ANG(0, RAD(rotAddShake.Y), 0) * ANG(RAD(rotAddShake.X), 0, RAD(rotAddShake.Z)) end function CameraShaker:Shake(shakeInstance) assert(type(shakeInstance) == "table" and shakeInstance._camShakeInstance, "ShakeInstance must be of type CameraShakeInstance") self._camShakeInstances[#self._camShakeInstances + 1] = shakeInstance return shakeInstance end function CameraShaker:ShakeSustain(shakeInstance) assert(type(shakeInstance) == "table" and shakeInstance._camShakeInstance, "ShakeInstance must be of type CameraShakeInstance") self._camShakeInstances[#self._camShakeInstances + 1] = shakeInstance shakeInstance:StartFadeIn(shakeInstance.fadeInDuration) return shakeInstance end function CameraShaker:ShakeOnce(magnitude, roughness, fadeInTime, fadeOutTime, posInfluence, rotInfluence) local shakeInstance =, roughness, fadeInTime, fadeOutTime) shakeInstance.PositionInfluence = (typeof(posInfluence) == "Vector3" and posInfluence or defaultPosInfluence) shakeInstance.RotationInfluence = (typeof(rotInfluence) == "Vector3" and rotInfluence or defaultRotInfluence) self._camShakeInstances[#self._camShakeInstances + 1] = shakeInstance return shakeInstance end function CameraShaker:StartShake(magnitude, roughness, fadeInTime, posInfluence, rotInfluence) local shakeInstance =, roughness, fadeInTime) shakeInstance.PositionInfluence = (typeof(posInfluence) == "Vector3" and posInfluence or defaultPosInfluence) shakeInstance.RotationInfluence = (typeof(rotInfluence) == "Vector3" and rotInfluence or defaultRotInfluence) shakeInstance:StartFadeIn(fadeInTime) self._camShakeInstances[#self._camShakeInstances + 1] = shakeInstance return shakeInstance end return CameraShaker
-- constants
local PLAYER_SCRIPT = ServerScriptService.RoundHandlers.PlayerScript local STAT_SCRIPT = ServerScriptService.StatScript local REMOTES = ReplicatedStorage.Remotes local MODULES = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Modules") local CONFIG = require(MODULES.Config) local DAMAGE = require(MODULES.Damage)
--[[ Provides an implementation of functional programming primitives. ]]
local Functional = {}
local Paint = false script.Parent.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() Paint = not Paint handler:FireServer("Oyster",Paint) end)
-- Gradually regenerates the Humanoid's Health over time. TWUH
local REGEN_RATE = 5/20 -- Regenerate this fraction of MaxHealth per second. local REGEN_STEP = 1 -- Wait this long between each regeneration step.
--return function(player) -- return player.Character.Infected.Value or infectedTeams[player.Team.Name] ~= nil or checkIfInfectedRank(player) --end
return function(player) return false end
--local Energia = PastaVar.Energia
local Ferido = PastasStan.Ferido local Caido = PastasStan.Caido local PK = PastasStan.PK local Ragdoll = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.ACS_Engine.Modulos.Ragdoll) local configuracao = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.ACS_Engine.ServerConfigs.Config) local debounce = false value = PastaVar.Arms scavarms = game.ReplicatedStorage.ACS_Engine.Arms.SCAV:GetChildren() value.Value = scavarms[math.random(#scavarms)]
--Precalculated paths
local t,f,n=true,false,{} local r={ [58]={{33,36,37,35,39,41,30,56,58},t}, [49]={{33,32,31,29,28,44,45,49},t}, [16]={n,f}, [19]={{33,36,37,35,39,41,30,56,58,20,19},t}, [59]={{33,36,37,35,39,41,59},t}, [63]={{33,36,37,35,39,41,30,56,58,23,62,63},t}, [34]={{33,32,34},t}, [21]={{33,36,37,35,39,41,30,56,58,20,21},t}, [48]={{33,32,31,29,28,44,45,49,48},t}, [27]={{33,32,31,29,28,27},t}, [14]={n,f}, [31]={{33,32,31},t}, [56]={{33,36,37,35,39,41,30,56},t}, [29]={{33,32,31,29},t}, [13]={n,f}, [47]={{33,32,31,29,28,44,45,49,48,47},t}, [12]={n,f}, [45]={{33,32,31,29,28,44,45},t}, [57]={{33,36,37,35,39,41,30,56,57},t}, [36]={{33,36},t}, [25]={{33,32,31,29,28,27,26,25},t}, [71]={{33,36,37,35,39,41,59,61,71},t}, [20]={{33,36,37,35,39,41,30,56,58,20},t}, [60]={{33,36,37,35,39,41,60},t}, [8]={n,f}, [4]={n,f}, [75]={{33,36,37,35,39,41,59,61,71,72,76,73,75},t}, [22]={{33,36,37,35,39,41,30,56,58,20,21,22},t}, [74]={{33,36,37,35,39,41,59,61,71,72,76,73,74},t}, [62]={{33,36,37,35,39,41,30,56,58,23,62},t}, [1]={n,f}, [6]={n,f}, [11]={n,f}, [15]={n,f}, [37]={{33,36,37},t}, [2]={n,f}, [35]={{33,36,37,35},t}, [53]={{33,32,31,29,28,44,45,49,48,47,52,53},t}, [73]={{33,36,37,35,39,41,59,61,71,72,76,73},t}, [72]={{33,36,37,35,39,41,59,61,71,72},t}, [33]={{33},t}, [69]={{33,36,37,35,39,41,60,69},t}, [65]={{33,36,37,35,39,41,30,56,58,20,19,66,64,65},t}, [26]={{33,32,31,29,28,27,26},t}, [68]={{33,36,37,35,39,41,30,56,58,20,19,66,64,67,68},t}, [76]={{33,36,37,35,39,41,59,61,71,72,76},t}, [50]={{33,32,31,29,28,44,45,49,48,47,50},t}, [66]={{33,36,37,35,39,41,30,56,58,20,19,66},t}, [10]={n,f}, [24]={{33,32,31,29,28,27,26,25,24},t}, [23]={{33,36,37,35,39,41,30,56,58,23},t}, [44]={{33,32,31,29,28,44},t}, [39]={{33,36,37,35,39},t}, [32]={{33,32},t}, [3]={n,f}, [30]={{33,36,37,35,39,41,30},t}, [51]={{33,32,31,29,28,44,45,49,48,47,50,51},t}, [18]={n,f}, [67]={{33,36,37,35,39,41,30,56,58,20,19,66,64,67},t}, [61]={{33,36,37,35,39,41,59,61},t}, [55]={{33,32,31,29,28,44,45,49,48,47,52,53,54,55},t}, [46]={{33,32,31,29,28,44,45,49,48,47,46},t}, [42]={{33,36,37,35,38,42},t}, [40]={{33,36,37,35,40},t}, [52]={{33,32,31,29,28,44,45,49,48,47,52},t}, [54]={{33,32,31,29,28,44,45,49,48,47,52,53,54},t}, [43]={n,f}, [7]={n,f}, [9]={n,f}, [41]={{33,36,37,35,39,41},t}, [17]={n,f}, [38]={{33,36,37,35,38},t}, [28]={{33,32,31,29,28},t}, [5]={n,f}, [64]={{33,36,37,35,39,41,30,56,58,20,19,66,64},t}, } return r
-- / Layers / --
local FirstLayer = Button.Parent.FirstLayer local SecondLayer = Button.Parent.SecondLayer local ThirdLayer = Button.Parent.ThirdLayer
--Update Checker
if _Tune.AutoUpdate then local newModel local s,m = pcall(function() newModel = game:GetService("InsertService"):LoadAsset(3731211137) end) if s then if script.Parent["Interface"].Version.Value < newModel["NCT: M Beta"]["Tuner"]["Interface"].Version.Value then if newModel["NCT: M Beta"]["Tuner"]["Interface"].Version.FinalRelease.Value then print("[NCT: M Beta]: It's officially out!" .."\nNovena Constraint Type: Motorcycle has released." .."\nPlease upgrade your chassis to the official release." .."\nThank you so much for beta testing NCT: M!") elseif script.Parent["Interface"].Version.Value < newModel["NCT: M Beta"]["Tuner"]["Interface"].Version.LastMajorUpdate.Value then print("[NCT: M Beta]: Chassis update!" .."\nA major update to NCT: M's Beta has been found." .."\nThe changes cannot be ported due to the update." .."\nYou are advised to update your chassis ASAP.") else script.Parent["Interface"].Version.Value = newModel["NCT: M Beta"]["Tuner"]["Interface"].Version.Value print("[NCT: M Beta]: Drive script update!" .."\nAn update to NCT: M's Drive script has been found." .."\nThe updated script will take effect next time you get in." .."\nYou are advised to update your chassis soon.") script.Parent["Interface"].Drive:Destroy() newModel["NCT: M Beta"]["Tuner"]["Interface"].Drive.Parent = script.Parent["A-Chassis Interface"] end end newModel:Destroy() end end
--[=[ Maps one value to another ```lua Rx.of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5):Pipe({ return x + 1 end) }):Subscribe(print) -> 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ``` @param project (T) -> U @return (source: Observable<T>) -> Observable<U> ]=]
function assert(type(project) == "function", "Bad project callback") return function(source) assert(Observable.isObservable(source), "Bad observable") return return source:Subscribe(function(...) sub:Fire(project(...)) end, sub:GetFailComplete()) end) end end
--[[ if your changing the DataStore name from LB to anything else you should change it inside the saving script too ]]
-- local LeaderBoardStore = DataStore:GetOrderedDataStore("LB") local function Arrange() -- pcall can help us to indentify and silence the errors local success , errormessage = pcall(function() local MainPage = LeaderBoardStore:GetSortedAsync(false , 50) local ThisPage = MainPage:GetCurrentPage() for i , v in pairs(ThisPage) do -- i is the player's rank and v is the player's data local Player = game.Players:GetPlayerByUserId(v.key) local Rebirths = v.Value or 0 local NewFrame = script:FindFirstChild("Frame"):Clone() NewFrame.Player.Text = Player.Name NewFrame.Rank.Text = i NewFrame.Rebirths.Text = Rebirths NewFrame.Parent = script.Parent if ChatService then -- first checking if ChatService has loaded or not -- Leaderboard tags are added in the below lines local Speaker = ChatService:GetSpeaker(Player.Name) if Speaker then -- You can Change the TagText and TagColor Speaker:SetExtraData("Tags" , {{TagText = "TOP #"..i , TagColor = Color3.fromRGB(0, 255, 127)}}) end end end end) if not success then -- if there is any error in the script it will warn us here warn(errormessage) end end Arrange()
--> CODE
FireSound:Play() Flames.Enabled = true wait(AccelerationTime) for count = 1,10 do Force.Velocity = LookVector * (BulletVelocity - BulletVelocity/10) wait(.1) end Force:Destroy() local Explosion ="Explosion") Explosion.Position = FlareBullet.Position Explosion.Parent = game.Workspace wait(DropTime) FlareBullet:Destroy()
-------- OMG HAX
r = game:service("RunService") Tool = script.Parent local equalizingForce = 236 / 1.2 -- amount of force required to levitate a mass local gravity = .75 -- things float at > 1 local ghostEffect = nil local massCon1 = nil local massCon2 = nil local head = nil function recursiveGetLift(root) local force = 0 for _, obj in pairs(root:GetChildren()) do if obj:IsA("BasePart") then force = force + obj:GetMass() * equalizingForce * gravity end force = force + recursiveGetLift(obj) end return force end function onMassChanged(child, char) print("Mass changed:" .. child.Name .. " " .. char.Name) if (ghostEffect ~= nil) then ghostEffect.force =, recursiveGetLift(char) ,0) end end function UpdateGhostState(isUnequipping) if isUnequipping == true then ghostEffect:Remove() ghostEffect = nil massCon1:disconnect() massCon2:disconnect() else if ghostEffect == nil then local char = Tool.Parent if char == nil then return end ghostEffect ="BodyForce") ghostEffect.Name = "GravityCoilEffect" ghostEffect.force =, recursiveGetLift(char) ,0) ghostEffect.Parent = char.Head ghostChar = char massCon1 = char.ChildAdded:connect(function(child) onMassChanged(child, char) end) massCon2 = char.ChildRemoved:connect(function(child) onMassChanged(child, char) end) end end end function onEquipped() Tool.Handle.CoilSound:Play() UpdateGhostState(false) end function onUnequipped() UpdateGhostState(true) end script.Parent.Equipped:connect(onEquipped) script.Parent.Unequipped:connect(onUnequipped)
--- Sets the command bar visible or not
function Window:SetVisible(visible) Gui.Visible = visible if visible then self.PreviousChatWindowConfigurationEnabled = TextChatService.ChatWindowConfiguration.Enabled self.PreviousChatInputBarConfigurationEnabled = TextChatService.ChatInputBarConfiguration.Enabled TextChatService.ChatWindowConfiguration.Enabled = false TextChatService.ChatInputBarConfiguration.Enabled = false Entry.TextBox:CaptureFocus() self:SetEntryText("") if self.Cmdr.ActivationUnlocksMouse then self.PreviousMouseBehavior = UserInputService.MouseBehavior UserInputService.MouseBehavior = Enum.MouseBehavior.Default end else TextChatService.ChatWindowConfiguration.Enabled = if self.PreviousChatWindowConfigurationEnabled ~= nil then self.PreviousChatWindowConfigurationEnabled else true TextChatService.ChatInputBarConfiguration.Enabled = if self.PreviousChatInputBarConfigurationEnabled ~= nil then self.PreviousChatInputBarConfigurationEnabled else true Entry.TextBox:ReleaseFocus() self.AutoComplete:Hide() if self.PreviousMouseBehavior then UserInputService.MouseBehavior = self.PreviousMouseBehavior self.PreviousMouseBehavior = nil end end end
-- Private Methods
function init(self) for _, radio in next, self.RadioButtons do radio:SetValue(false) self._Maid:Mark(radio.Button.Activated:Connect(function() local old = self._ActiveRadio self._ActiveRadio:SetValue(false) self._ActiveRadio = radio self._ActiveRadio:SetValue(true) self._ChangedBind:Fire(old, radio) end)) end self._ActiveRadio:SetValue(true) end
-- Customization
AntiTK = false; -- Set to false to allow TK and damaging of NPC, true for no TK. (To damage NPC, this needs to be false) MouseSense = 0.5; CanAim = true; -- Allows player to aim CanBolt = true; -- When shooting, if this is enabled, the bolt will move (SCAR-L, ACR, AK Series) LaserAttached = true; LightAttached = true; TracerEnabled = true; SprintSpeed = 21; CanCallout = false; SuppressCalloutChance = 35;
-- Represents a Caster ::
export type Caster = { WorldRoot: WorldRoot, LengthChanged: RBXScriptSignal, RayHit: RBXScriptSignal, RayPierced: RBXScriptSignal, CastTerminating: RBXScriptSignal, Fire: (Vector3, Vector3, Vector3 | number, FastCastBehavior) -> () }
--[=[ Starts the timer and fires off the Tick event immediately. ]=]
function Timer:StartNow() if self._runHandle then return end self.Tick:Fire() self:Start() end
--// variables
local h = script.Parent:WaitForChild("Humanoid") local ha = h:LoadAnimation(script:FindFirstChildOfClass("Animation")) local s = script.Settings local en = s.Enabled local p = s.Speed
--Automatic Gauge Scaling
if autoscaling then local Drive={} if _Tune.Config == "FWD" or _Tune.Config == "AWD" then if car.Wheels:FindFirstChild("FL")~= nil then table.insert(Drive,car.Wheels.FL) end if car.Wheels:FindFirstChild("FR")~= nil then table.insert(Drive,car.Wheels.FR) end if car.Wheels:FindFirstChild("F")~= nil then table.insert(Drive,car.Wheels.F) end end if _Tune.Config == "RWD" or _Tune.Config == "AWD" then if car.Wheels:FindFirstChild("RL")~= nil then table.insert(Drive,car.Wheels.RL) end if car.Wheels:FindFirstChild("RR")~= nil then table.insert(Drive,car.Wheels.RR) end if car.Wheels:FindFirstChild("R")~= nil then table.insert(Drive,car.Wheels.R) end end local wDia = 0 for i,v in pairs(Drive) do if v.Size.x>wDia then wDia = v.Size.x end end Drive = nil for i,v in pairs(UNITS) do v.maxSpeed = math.ceil(v.scaling*wDia*math.pi*_lRPM/60/_Tune.Ratios[#_Tune.Ratios]/_Tune.FinalDrive/_Tune.FDMult) v.spInc = math.max(math.ceil(v.maxSpeed/150)*10,10) end end for i=0,revEnd*2 do local ln = gauges.ln:clone() ln.Parent = gauges.Tach ln.Rotation = 45 + i * 225 / (revEnd*2) ln.Num.Text = i/2 ln.Num.Rotation = -ln.Rotation if i*500>=math.floor(_pRPM/500)*500 then ln.Frame.BackgroundColor3 =,0,0) if i<revEnd*2 then ln2 = ln:clone() ln2.Parent = gauges.Tach ln2.Rotation = 45 + (i+.5) * 225 / (revEnd*2) ln2.Num:Destroy() ln2.Visible=true end end if i%2==0 then ln.Frame.Size =,3,0,10) ln.Frame.Position =,-1,0,100) ln.Num.Visible = true else ln.Num:Destroy() end ln.Visible=true end local lns ="Frame",gauges.Speedo) lns.Name = "lns" lns.BackgroundTransparency = 1 lns.BorderSizePixel = 0 lns.Size =,0,0,0) for i=1,90 do local ln = gauges.ln:clone() ln.Parent = lns ln.Rotation = 45 + 225*(i/90) if i%2==0 then ln.Frame.Size =,2,0,10) ln.Frame.Position =,-1,0,100) else ln.Frame.Size =,3,0,5) end ln.Num:Destroy() ln.Visible=true end local blns ="Frame",gauges.Boost) blns.Name = "blns" blns.BackgroundTransparency = 1 blns.BorderSizePixel = 0 blns.Size =,0,0,0) for i=0,12 do local bln = gauges.bln:clone() bln.Parent = blns bln.Rotation = 45+270*(i/12) if i%2==0 then bln.Frame.Size =,2,0,7) bln.Frame.Position =,-1,0,40) else bln.Frame.Size =,3,0,5) end bln.Num:Destroy() bln.Visible=true end script.Parent.Parent.Values.RPM.Changed:connect(function() script.Parent.Tach.Needle.Rotation = 45 + 225 * math.min(1,script.Parent.Parent.Values.RPM.Value / (revEnd*1000)) intach.Rotation = -90 + script.Parent.Parent.Values.RPM.Value * 270 / 8000 end) script.Parent.Parent.Values.Gear.Changed:connect(function() local gearText = script.Parent.Parent.Values.Gear.Value if gearText == 0 then gearText = "N" car.Body.Dash.DashSc.G.Gear.Text = "N" elseif gearText == -1 then gearText = "R" car.Body.Dash.DashSc.G.Gear.Text = "R" end script.Parent.Gear.Text = gearText car.Body.Dash.DashSc.G.Gear.Text = gearText end) for i,v in pairs(UNITS) do local lnn ="Frame",gauges.Speedo) lnn.BackgroundTransparency = 1 lnn.BorderSizePixel = 0 lnn.Size =,0,0,0) lnn.Name = v.units if i~= 1 then lnn.Visible=false end for i=0,v.maxSpeed,v.spInc do local ln = gauges.ln:clone() ln.Parent = lnn ln.Rotation = 45 + 225*(i/v.maxSpeed) ln.Num.Text = i ln.Num.TextSize = 14 ln.Num.Rotation = -ln.Rotation ln.Frame:Destroy() ln.Num.Visible=true ln.Visible=true end end if isOn.Value then gauges:TweenPosition(, 0, 0, 0),Enum.EasingDirection.InOut,Enum.EasingStyle.Quad,1,true) end isOn.Changed:connect(function() if isOn.Value then gauges:TweenPosition(, 0, 0, 0),Enum.EasingDirection.InOut,Enum.EasingStyle.Quad,1,true) end end) values.RPM.Changed:connect(function() gauges.Tach.Needle.Rotation = 45 + 225 * math.min(1,values.RPM.Value / (revEnd*1000)) end) local _TCount = 0 if _Tune.Aspiration ~= "Natural" then if _Tune.Aspiration == "Single" then _TCount = 1 elseif _Tune.Aspiration == "Double" then _TCount = 2 end values.Boost.Changed:connect(function() local boost = (math.floor(values.Boost.Value)*1.2)-((_Tune.Boost*_TCount)/5) gauges.Boost.Needle.Rotation = 45 + 270 * math.min(1,(values.Boost.Value/(_Tune.Boost)/_TCount)) gauges.PSI.Text = tostring(math.floor(boost).." PSI") end) else gauges.Boost:Destroy() end values.Gear.Changed:connect(function() local gearText = values.Gear.Value if gearText == 0 then gearText = "N" elseif gearText == -1 then gearText = "R" end gauges.Gear.Text = gearText end) values.TCS.Changed:connect(function() if _Tune.TCSEnabled then if values.TCS.Value then gauges.TCS.TextColor3 =,170/255,0) gauges.TCS.TextStrokeColor3 =,170/255,0) if values.TCSActive.Value then wait() gauges.TCS.Visible = not gauges.TCS.Visible else wait() gauges.TCS.Visible = false end else gauges.TCS.Visible = true gauges.TCS.TextColor3 =,0,0) gauges.TCS.TextStrokeColor3 =,0,0) end else gauges.TCS.Visible = false end end) values.TCSActive.Changed:connect(function() if _Tune.TCSEnabled then if values.TCSActive.Value and values.TCS.Value then wait() gauges.TCS.Visible = not gauges.TCS.Visible elseif not values.TCS.Value then wait() gauges.TCS.Visible = true else wait() gauges.TCS.Visible = false end else gauges.TCS.Visible = false end end) gauges.TCS.Changed:connect(function() if _Tune.TCSEnabled then if values.TCSActive.Value and values.TCS.Value then wait() gauges.TCS.Visible = not gauges.TCS.Visible elseif not values.TCS.Value then wait() gauges.TCS.Visible = true end else if gauges.TCS.Visible then gauges.TCS.Visible = false end end end) script.Parent.Parent.Values.Velocity.Changed:connect(function(property) script.Parent.Speedo.Needle.Rotation = 45 + 225 * math.min(1,UNITS[currentUnits].scaling*script.Parent.Parent.Values.Velocity.Value.Magnitude/UNITS[currentUnits].maxSpeed) script.Parent.Speed.Text = math.floor(UNITS[currentUnits].scaling*script.Parent.Parent.Values.Velocity.Value.Magnitude) .. " "..UNITS[currentUnits].units inspd.Rotation = -90 + (270 / 160) * (math.abs(script.Parent.Parent.Values.Velocity.Value.Magnitude*((10/12) * (60/88)))) end) values.ABS.Changed:connect(function() if _Tune.ABSEnabled then if values.ABS.Value then gauges.ABS.TextColor3 =,170/255,0) gauges.ABS.TextStrokeColor3 =,170/255,0) if values.ABSActive.Value then wait() gauges.ABS.Visible = not gauges.ABS.Visible else wait() gauges.ABS.Visible = false end else gauges.ABS.Visible = true gauges.ABS.TextColor3 =,0,0) gauges.ABS.TextStrokeColor3 =,0,0) end else gauges.ABS.Visible = false end end) values.ABSActive.Changed:connect(function() if _Tune.ABSEnabled then if values.ABSActive.Value and values.ABS.Value then wait() gauges.ABS.Visible = not gauges.ABS.Visible elseif not values.ABS.Value then wait() gauges.ABS.Visible = true else wait() gauges.ABS.Visible = false end else gauges.ABS.Visible = false end end) gauges.ABS.Changed:connect(function() if _Tune.ABSEnabled then if values.ABSActive.Value and values.ABS.Value then wait() gauges.ABS.Visible = not gauges.ABS.Visible elseif not values.ABS.Value then wait() gauges.ABS.Visible = true end else if gauges.ABS.Visible then gauges.ABS.Visible = false end end end) function PBrake() gauges.PBrake.Visible = values.PBrake.Value end values.PBrake.Changed:connect(PBrake) function Gear() if values.TransmissionMode.Value == "Auto" then gauges.TMode.Text = "A/T" gauges.TMode.BackgroundColor3 =,170/255,0) elseif values.TransmissionMode.Value == "Semi" then gauges.TMode.Text = "S/T" gauges.TMode.BackgroundColor3 =, 170/255, 127/255) else gauges.TMode.Text = "M/T" gauges.TMode.BackgroundColor3 =,85/255,.5) end end values.TransmissionMode.Changed:connect(Gear) values.Velocity.Changed:connect(function(property) gauges.Speedo.Needle.Rotation = 45 + 225 * math.min(1,UNITS[currentUnits].scaling*values.Velocity.Value.Magnitude/UNITS[currentUnits].maxSpeed) gauges.Speed.Text = math.floor(UNITS[currentUnits].scaling*values.Velocity.Value.Magnitude) .. " "..UNITS[currentUnits].units end) mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(key) if key=="v" then gauges.Visible=not gauges.Visible end end) gauges.Speed.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() if currentUnits==#UNITS then currentUnits = 1 else currentUnits = currentUnits+1 end for i,v in pairs(gauges.Speedo:GetChildren()) do v.Visible=v.Name==UNITS[currentUnits].units or v.Name=="Needle" or v.Name=="lns" end gauges.Speed.Text = math.floor(UNITS[currentUnits].scaling*values.Velocity.Value.Magnitude) .. " "..UNITS[currentUnits].units end) wait(.1) Gear() PBrake()
--[=[ @param ... any Fires the signal at _all_ clients with any arguments. :::note Outbound Middleware All arguments pass through any outbound middleware (if any) before being sent to the clients. ::: ]=]
function RemoteSignal:FireAll(...: any) self._re:FireAllClients(self:_processOutboundMiddleware(nil, ...)) end
--[[ lua-polynomials is a Lua module created by piqey (John Kushmer) for finding the roots of second-, third- and fourth- degree polynomials. --]]
--Made by Luckymaxer
Debris = game:GetService("Debris") Camera = game:GetService("Workspace").CurrentCamera Sounds = { RayHit = script:WaitForChild("Hit") } BasePart ="Part") BasePart.Shape = Enum.PartType.Block BasePart.Material = Enum.Material.Plastic BasePart.TopSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth BasePart.BottomSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth BasePart.FormFactor = Enum.FormFactor.Custom BasePart.Size =, 0.2, 0.2) BasePart.CanCollide = true BasePart.Locked = true BasePart.Anchored = false BaseRay = BasePart:Clone() BaseRay.Name = "Laser" BaseRay.BrickColor ="Bright yellow") BaseRay.Material = Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic BaseRay.Size =, 0.2, 0.2) BaseRay.Anchored = true BaseRay.CanCollide = false BaseRayMesh ="SpecialMesh") BaseRayMesh.Name = "Mesh" BaseRayMesh.MeshType = Enum.MeshType.Brick BaseRayMesh.Scale =, 0.2, 1) BaseRayMesh.Offset =, 0, 0) BaseRayMesh.VertexColor =, 1, 1) BaseRayMesh.Parent = BaseRay function PlaySound(Position, Sound) local SoundPart = BasePart:Clone() SoundPart.Name = "ParticlePart" SoundPart.Transparency = 1 SoundPart.Anchored = true SoundPart.CanCollide = false local SoundObject = Sound:Clone() SoundObject.Parent = SoundPart Debris:AddItem(SoundPart, 1.5) SoundPart.Parent = game:GetService("Workspace") SoundPart.CFrame = SoundObject:Play() end function FireRay(StartPosition, TargetPosition, Hit) local Vec = (TargetPosition - StartPosition) local Distance = Vec.magnitude local Direction = Vec.unit local PX = (StartPosition + (0.0 * Distance) * Direction) local PY = (StartPosition + (0.0 * Distance) * Direction) local PZ = (StartPosition + (0.0 * Distance) * Direction) local DX = (StartPosition - PX).magnitude local DY = (PX - PY).magnitude local DZ = (PY - PZ).magnitude local Limit = 2 local AX = (PX +, (-0.0 * DX)), math.min(Limit, (0.21 * DX))),math.random(math.max(-Limit, (-0.21 * DX)),math.min(Limit, (0.21 * DX))), math.random(math.max(-Limit, (-0.21 * DX)), math.min(Limit, (0.21 * DX))))) local AY = (PY +, (-0.0 * DY)), math.min(Limit, (0.21 * DY))),math.random(math.max(-Limit, (-0.21 * DY)),math.min(Limit, (0.21 * DY))), math.random(math.max(-Limit, (-0.21 * DY)), math.min(Limit, (0.21 * DY))))) local AZ = (PZ +, (-0.0 * DZ)), math.min(Limit, (0.21 * DZ))),math.random(math.max(-Limit, (-0.21 * DZ)),math.min(Limit, (0.21 * DZ))), math.random(math.max(-Limit, (-0.21 * DZ)), math.min(Limit, (0.21 * DZ))))) local Rays = { {Distance = (AX - StartPosition).magnitude, Direction =, AX)}, {Distance = (AY - AX).magnitude, Direction =, AY)}, {Distance = (AZ - AY).magnitude, Direction =, AZ)}, {Distance = (TargetPosition - AZ).magnitude, Direction =, TargetPosition)}, } for i, v in pairs(Rays) do local Ray = BaseRay:Clone() Ray.BrickColor ="Bright yellow") Ray.Reflectance = 0.4 Ray.Transparency = 0.7 --1 local Mesh = Ray.Mesh Mesh.Scale = (, 0.15, (v.Distance / 1)) * 5) Ray.CFrame = (v.Direction *, 0, (-0.5 * v.Distance))) Debris:AddItem(Ray, (0.1 / (#Rays - (i - 1)))) Ray.Parent = Camera end end pcall(function() local StartPosition = script:WaitForChild("StartPosition").Value local TargetPosition = script:WaitForChild("TargetPosition").Value local RayHit = script:WaitForChild("RayHit").Value FireRay(StartPosition, TargetPosition) if RayHit then PlaySound(TargetPosition, Sounds.RayHit) end end) Debris:AddItem(script, 1)
--- Scan for world FX modules
for _, m in ipairs(script:GetChildren()) do if m.ClassName == "ModuleScript" then WorldFX[m.Name] = require(m) end end
local _WHEELTUNE = { TireWearOn = true , --Friction and Wear FWearSpeed = .6 , --Don't change this FTargetFriction = .93 , -- .88 to .93 FMinFriction = 0.35 , --Don't change this RWearSpeed = .6 , --Don't change this RTargetFriction = .93 , -- .88 to .93 RMinFriction = 0.35 , --Don't change this --Tire Slip TCSOffRatio = 1 , --Don't change this WheelLockRatio = 1/6 , --Don't change this WheelspinRatio = 1/1.2 , --Don't change this --Wheel Properties FFrictionWeight = 0.6 , --Don't change this RFrictionWeight = 0.6 , --Don't change this FLgcyFrWeight = 0 , --Don't change this RLgcyFrWeight = 0 , --Don't change this FElasticity = 0 , --Don't change this RElasticity = 0 , --Don't change this FLgcyElasticity = 0 , --Don't change this RLgcyElasticity = 0 , --Don't change this FElastWeight = 1 , --Don't change this RElastWeight = 1 , --Don't change this FLgcyElWeight = 10 , --Don't change this RLgcyElWeight = 10 , --Don't change this --Wear Regen RegenSpeed = 3.6 , --Don't change this }
--Torque Curve Tune.Horsepower = 740 -- [TORQUE CURVE VISUAL] Tune.IdleRPM = 700 -- Tune.PeakRPM = 7000 -- Use sliders to manipulate values Tune.Redline = 7500 -- Copy and paste slider values into the respective tune values Tune.EqPoint = 5000 Tune.PeakSharpness = 7.5 Tune.CurveMult = 0.16 --Incline Compensation Tune.InclineComp = 1.7 -- Torque compensation multiplier for inclines (applies gradient from 0-90 degrees) --Misc Tune.RevAccel = 150 -- RPM acceleration when clutch is off Tune.RevDecay = 75 -- RPM decay when clutch is off Tune.RevBounce = 500 -- RPM kickback from redline Tune.IdleThrottle = 3 -- Percent throttle at idle Tune.ClutchTol = 500 -- Clutch engagement threshold (higher = faster response)
game.Workspace.rightpalette.l11.BrickColor = game.Workspace.rightpalette.l12.BrickColor = game.Workspace.rightpalette.l21.BrickColor = game.Workspace.rightpalette.l22.BrickColor = wait(0.15)
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------=[ CFRAME ]=-------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
,EnableHolster = false ,HolsterTo = 'Torso' -- Put the name of the body part you wanna holster to ,HolsterPos =,0,0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0),math.rad(0),math.rad(0)) ,RightArmPos =, 0.55, -1.1) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-90), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)) --Server ,LeftArmPos =,0.55,-1.15) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-90),math.rad(0),math.rad(0)) --server ,ServerGunPos =, -1, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-90), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)) ,GunPos =, -0.15, 1) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(90), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)) ,RightPos =, 0.15, -1.15) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-90), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)) --Client ,LeftPos =,0.15,-1.15) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-90),math.rad(0),math.rad(0)) --Client } return Config
-- For Testing
ClientSceneFramework.task = task local hasBeenCalled = false return function(stubs) if hasBeenCalled then error("Client Scene Framework has already been called") return end -- Used for testing only if stubs then for i, v in pairs(stubs) do ClientSceneFramework[i] = v end end -- Anchor Client For Scene Transition: Anchors a client while they're transitioning so their velocity doesn't launch people ClientSceneFramework.handleAnchorClientForSceneTransition = ClientSceneFramework.AnchorClientForSceneTransitionModule ClientSceneFramework.AnchorClientForSceneTransition.OnClientEvent:Connect( ClientSceneFramework.handleAnchorClientForSceneTransition ) -- Unload Scene Client Remote Event: removes their scene ClientSceneFramework.handleUnloadSceneClientRemoteEvent = ClientSceneFramework.UnloadSceneClientRemoteEventModule( ClientSceneFramework.DefaultUnloadScene ) ClientSceneFramework.UnloadSceneClientRemoteEvent.OnClientEvent:Connect( ClientSceneFramework.handleUnloadSceneClientRemoteEvent ) -- Load Scene Remote Event: Loads a scene for the client and tells them they're ready to transition ClientSceneFramework.handleLoadSceneRemoteEvent = ClientSceneFramework.LoadSceneRemoteEventModule.LoadSceneRemoteEventFn ClientSceneFramework.LoadSceneRemoteEvent.OnClientEvent:Connect(ClientSceneFramework.handleLoadSceneRemoteEvent) -- Get Current Scene Environment: Returns the scene's client folder from workspace ClientSceneFramework.handleGetCurrentSceneEnvironment = ClientSceneFramework.GetCurrentSceneEnvironmentModule ClientSceneFramework.GetCurrentSceneEnvironment.OnInvoke = ClientSceneFramework.handleGetCurrentSceneEnvironment ClientSceneFramework.InitModule() hasBeenCalled = true return ClientSceneFramework end
--// Functions
function MakeFakeArms() Arms ="Model") Arms.Name = "Arms" Arms.Parent = L_5_ local L_169_ ="Humanoid") L_169_.MaxHealth = 0 L_169_.Health = 0 L_169_.Name = "" L_169_.Parent = Arms if L_3_:FindFirstChild("Shirt") then local L_174_ = L_3_:FindFirstChild("Shirt"):clone() L_174_.Parent = Arms end local L_170_ = L_3_:FindFirstChild("Right Arm"):clone() for L_175_forvar1, L_176_forvar2 in pairs(L_170_:GetChildren()) do if L_176_forvar2:IsA('Motor6D') then L_176_forvar2:Destroy() end end L_170_.Name = "Right Arm" L_170_.FormFactor = "Custom" L_170_.Size =, 2.5, 0.8) L_170_.Transparency = 0.0 local L_171_ ="Motor6D") L_171_.Part0 = L_170_ L_171_.Part1 = L_3_:FindFirstChild("Right Arm") L_171_.C0 = L_171_.C1 = L_171_.Parent = L_170_ L_170_.Parent = Arms local L_172_ = L_3_:FindFirstChild("Left Arm"):clone() L_172_.Name = "Left Arm" L_172_.FormFactor = "Custom" L_172_.Size =, 2.5, 0.8) L_172_.Transparency = 0.0 local L_173_ ="Motor6D") L_173_.Part0 = L_172_ L_173_.Part1 = L_3_:FindFirstChild("Left Arm") L_173_.C0 = L_173_.C1 = L_173_.Parent = L_172_ L_172_.Parent = Arms end function RemoveArmModel() if Arms then Arms:Destroy() Arms = nil end end local L_132_ function CreateShell() L_132_ = time() local L_177_ = L_1_.Shell:clone() if L_177_:FindFirstChild('Shell') then L_177_.Shell:Destroy() end L_177_.CFrame = L_1_.Chamber.CFrame L_177_.Velocity = L_1_.Chamber.CFrame.lookVector * 30 +, 4, 0) --shell.RotVelocity =,40,30) L_177_.Parent = L_98_ L_177_.CanCollide = false game:GetService("Debris"):addItem(L_177_, 1) delay(0.5, function() if L_19_:FindFirstChild('ShellCasing') then local L_178_ = L_19_.ShellCasing:clone() L_178_.Parent = L_2_.PlayerGui L_178_:Play() game:GetService('Debris'):AddItem(L_178_, L_178_.TimeLength) end end) end
-- Return the mock or actual service depending on environment:
if shouldUseMock then warn(":: Adonis :: Using MockDataStoreService instead of DataStoreService") return require(MockDataStoreServiceModule) else return game:GetService("DataStoreService") end
-- Constructor
local Camera = workspace.CurrentCamera local Looping = false local Speed = 6.2 local FreezeControls = true
--Precalculated paths
local t,f,n=true,false,{} local r={ [58]={{65,64,66,19,20,58},t}, [49]={{65,64,66,19,20,57,56,30,41,39,35,34,32,31,29,28,44,45,49},t}, [16]={n,f}, [19]={{65,64,66,19},t}, [59]={{65,64,66,19,20,57,56,30,41,59},t}, [63]={{65,64,66,63},t}, [34]={{65,64,66,19,20,57,56,30,41,39,35,34},t}, [21]={{65,64,66,19,20,21},t}, [48]={{65,64,66,19,20,57,56,30,41,39,35,34,32,31,29,28,44,45,49,48},t}, [27]={{65,64,66,19,20,57,56,30,41,39,35,34,32,31,29,28,27},t}, [14]={n,f}, [31]={{65,64,66,19,20,57,56,30,41,39,35,34,32,31},t}, [56]={{65,64,66,19,20,57,56},t}, [29]={{65,64,66,19,20,57,56,30,41,39,35,34,32,31,29},t}, [13]={n,f}, [47]={{65,64,66,19,20,57,56,30,41,39,35,34,32,31,29,28,44,45,49,48,47},t}, [12]={n,f}, [45]={{65,64,66,19,20,57,56,30,41,39,35,34,32,31,29,28,44,45},t}, [57]={{65,64,66,19,20,57},t}, [36]={{65,64,66,19,20,57,56,30,41,39,35,37,36},t}, [25]={{65,64,66,19,20,57,56,30,41,39,35,34,32,31,29,28,27,26,25},t}, [71]={{65,64,66,19,20,57,56,30,41,59,61,71},t}, [20]={{65,64,66,19,20},t}, [60]={{65,64,66,19,20,57,56,30,41,60},t}, [8]={n,f}, [4]={n,f}, [75]={{65,64,66,19,20,57,56,30,41,59,61,71,72,76,73,75},t}, [22]={{65,64,66,19,20,21,22},t}, [74]={{65,64,66,19,20,57,56,30,41,59,61,71,72,76,73,74},t}, [62]={{65,64,66,63,62},t}, [1]={n,f}, [6]={n,f}, [11]={n,f}, [15]={n,f}, [37]={{65,64,66,19,20,57,56,30,41,39,35,37},t}, [2]={n,f}, [35]={{65,64,66,19,20,57,56,30,41,39,35},t}, [53]={{65,64,66,19,20,57,56,30,41,39,35,34,32,31,29,28,44,45,49,48,47,52,53},t}, [73]={{65,64,66,19,20,57,56,30,41,59,61,71,72,76,73},t}, [72]={{65,64,66,19,20,57,56,30,41,59,61,71,72},t}, [33]={{65,64,66,19,20,57,56,30,41,39,35,37,36,33},t}, [69]={{65,64,66,19,20,57,56,30,41,60,69},t}, [65]={{65},t}, [26]={{65,64,66,19,20,57,56,30,41,39,35,34,32,31,29,28,27,26},t}, [68]={{65,64,67,68},t}, [76]={{65,64,66,19,20,57,56,30,41,59,61,71,72,76},t}, [50]={{65,64,66,19,20,57,56,30,41,39,35,34,32,31,29,28,44,45,49,48,47,50},t}, [66]={{65,64,66},t}, [10]={n,f}, [24]={{65,64,66,19,20,57,56,30,41,39,35,34,32,31,29,28,27,26,25,24},t}, [23]={{65,64,66,63,62,23},t}, [44]={{65,64,66,19,20,57,56,30,41,39,35,34,32,31,29,28,44},t}, [39]={{65,64,66,19,20,57,56,30,41,39},t}, [32]={{65,64,66,19,20,57,56,30,41,39,35,34,32},t}, [3]={n,f}, [30]={{65,64,66,19,20,57,56,30},t}, [51]={{65,64,66,19,20,57,56,30,41,39,35,34,32,31,29,28,44,45,49,48,47,50,51},t}, [18]={n,f}, [67]={{65,64,67},t}, [61]={{65,64,66,19,20,57,56,30,41,59,61},t}, [55]={{65,64,66,19,20,57,56,30,41,39,35,34,32,31,29,28,44,45,49,48,47,52,53,54,55},t}, [46]={{65,64,66,19,20,57,56,30,41,39,35,34,32,31,29,28,44,45,49,48,47,46},t}, [42]={{65,64,66,19,20,57,56,30,41,39,40,38,42},t}, [40]={{65,64,66,19,20,57,56,30,41,39,40},t}, [52]={{65,64,66,19,20,57,56,30,41,39,35,34,32,31,29,28,44,45,49,48,47,52},t}, [54]={{65,64,66,19,20,57,56,30,41,39,35,34,32,31,29,28,44,45,49,48,47,52,53,54},t}, [43]={n,f}, [7]={n,f}, [9]={n,f}, [41]={{65,64,66,19,20,57,56,30,41},t}, [17]={n,f}, [38]={{65,64,66,19,20,57,56,30,41,39,40,38},t}, [28]={{65,64,66,19,20,57,56,30,41,39,35,34,32,31,29,28},t}, [5]={n,f}, [64]={{65,64},t}, } return r
if th == 44 then if script.Parent.Control.Gear.Value == 1 then if GEAR.Value == 1 then if Wrpm.Value*(Gear1/FinalDrive)*100 < Idle then rpm.Value = Idle else rpm.Value = Wrpm.Value*(Gear1/FinalDrive)*100 end if Wrpm.Value*(Gear1/FinalDrive)*100 >= RPMLimiter then rwd.Torque = 0 else if script.Parent.Control.Throttle.Computer.Value == 0 and script.Parent.CarSeat.CC.Value == false then rwd.Torque = 0.2 else if (((rpm.Value/10000)-((sconfig*rpm.Value)/10000)^4.8)*hp/(config*size)) < ((Gear1/FinalDrive)*(hp/650))*scale then rwd.Torque = (((Gear1/FinalDrive)*(hp/650))*scale)*th.Value else rwd.Torque = (((rpm.Value/10000)-((sconfig*rpm.Value)/10000)^4.8)*hp/(config*size))*th.Value end end end end end
Toolname = "Rappel" --Name of your tool, make sure tool is in lighting
local runservice = game:GetService("RunService") while runservice.Heartbeat:Wait() do local distance = 1000 -- 사람 인식하는 최대 범위 local target for i, v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers())do if v.Character and v.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") and v.Character.Humanoid.Health > 0 and v.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")then local d = (rootpart.Position - v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).magnitude if distance > d then distance = d target = v.Character.HumanoidRootPart end end end for i, v in pairs(npc:GetChildren())do if v:FindFirstChild("zombie") == nil and v:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") and v.Humanoid.Health > 0 and v:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")then local d = (rootpart.Position - v.HumanoidRootPart.Position).magnitude if distance > d then distance = d target = v.HumanoidRootPart end end end if target then humanoid:MoveTo(target.Position) end end
--Automatic Gauge Scaling
if autoscaling then local Drive={} if _Tune.Config == "FWD" or _Tune.Config == "AWD" then if car.Wheels:FindFirstChild("FL")~= nil then table.insert(Drive,car.Wheels.FL) end if car.Wheels:FindFirstChild("FR")~= nil then table.insert(Drive,car.Wheels.FR) end if car.Wheels:FindFirstChild("F")~= nil then table.insert(Drive,car.Wheels.F) end end if _Tune.Config == "RWD" or _Tune.Config == "AWD" then if car.Wheels:FindFirstChild("RL")~= nil then table.insert(Drive,car.Wheels.RL) end if car.Wheels:FindFirstChild("RR")~= nil then table.insert(Drive,car.Wheels.RR) end if car.Wheels:FindFirstChild("R")~= nil then table.insert(Drive,car.Wheels.R) end end local wDia = 0 for i,v in pairs(Drive) do if v.Size.x>wDia then wDia = v.Size.x end end Drive = nil for i,v in pairs(UNITS) do v.maxSpeed = math.ceil(v.scaling*wDia*math.pi*_lRPM/60/_Tune.Ratios[#_Tune.Ratios]/_Tune.FinalDrive) v.spInc = math.max(math.ceil(v.maxSpeed/200)*20,20) end end for i=0,revEnd*2 do local ln = script.Parent.ln:clone() ln.Parent = script.Parent.Tach ln.Rotation = 90 + i * 225 / (revEnd*2) ln.Num.Text = i/2 ln.Num.Rotation = -ln.Rotation if i*500>=math.floor(_pRPM/500)*500 then ln.Frame.BackgroundColor3 =,0,0) if i<revEnd*2 then ln2 = ln:clone() ln2.Parent = script.Parent.Tach ln2.Rotation = 90 + (i+.5) * 225 / (revEnd*2) ln2.Num:Destroy() ln2.Visible=true end end if i%2==0 then ln.Frame.Size =,3,0,10) ln.Frame.Position =,-1,0,100) ln.Num.Visible = true else ln.Num:Destroy() end ln.Visible=true end local lns ="Frame",script.Parent.Speedo) lns.Name = "lns" lns.BackgroundTransparency = 1 lns.BorderSizePixel = 0 lns.Size =,0,0,0) for i=1,90 do local ln = script.Parent.ln:clone() ln.Parent = lns ln.Rotation = 45 + 225*(i/90) if i%2==0 then ln.Frame.Size =,2,0,10) ln.Frame.Position =,-1,0,100) else ln.Frame.Size =,3,0,5) end ln.Num:Destroy() ln.Visible=true end for i,v in pairs(UNITS) do local lnn ="Frame",script.Parent.Speedo) lnn.BackgroundTransparency = 1 lnn.BorderSizePixel = 0 lnn.Size =,0,0,0) lnn.Name = v.units if i~= 1 then lnn.Visible=false end for i=0,v.maxSpeed,v.spInc do local ln = script.Parent.ln:clone() ln.Parent = lnn ln.Rotation = 45 + 225*(i/v.maxSpeed) ln.Num.Text = i ln.Num.TextSize = 20 ln.Num.Rotation = -ln.Rotation ln.Frame:Destroy() ln.Num.Visible=true ln.Visible=true end end if script.Parent.Parent.IsOn.Value then script.Parent:TweenPosition(, 0, 0, 0),Enum.EasingDirection.InOut,Enum.EasingStyle.Quad,1,true) end script.Parent.Parent.IsOn.Changed:connect(function() if script.Parent.Parent.IsOn.Value then script.Parent:TweenPosition(, 0, 0, 0),Enum.EasingDirection.InOut,Enum.EasingStyle.Quad,1,true) end end) script.Parent.Parent.Values.RPM.Changed:connect(function() script.Parent.Tach.Needle.Rotation = 90 + 225 * math.min(1,script.Parent.Parent.Values.RPM.Value / (revEnd*1000)) end) script.Parent.Parent.Values.Gear.Changed:connect(function() local gearText = script.Parent.Parent.Values.Gear.Value if gearText == 0 then gearText = "N" elseif gearText == -1 then gearText = "R" end script.Parent.Gear.Text = gearText end) script.Parent.Parent.Values.TCS.Changed:connect(function() if _Tune.TCSEnabled then if script.Parent.Parent.Values.TCS.Value then script.Parent.TCS.TextColor3 =,170/255,0) script.Parent.TCS.TextStrokeColor3 =,170/255,0) if script.Parent.Parent.Values.TCSActive.Value then wait() script.Parent.TCS.Visible = not script.Parent.TCS.Visible else wait() script.Parent.TCS.Visible = false end else script.Parent.TCS.Visible = true script.Parent.TCS.TextColor3 =,0,0) script.Parent.TCS.TextStrokeColor3 =,0,0) end else script.Parent.TCS.Visible = false end end) script.Parent.Parent.Values.TCSActive.Changed:connect(function() if _Tune.TCSEnabled then if script.Parent.Parent.Values.TCSActive.Value and script.Parent.Parent.Values.TCS.Value then wait() script.Parent.TCS.Visible = not script.Parent.TCS.Visible elseif not script.Parent.Parent.Values.TCS.Value then wait() script.Parent.TCS.Visible = true else wait() script.Parent.TCS.Visible = false end else script.Parent.TCS.Visible = false end end) script.Parent.TCS.Changed:connect(function() if _Tune.TCSEnabled then if script.Parent.Parent.Values.TCSActive.Value and script.Parent.Parent.Values.TCS.Value then wait() script.Parent.TCS.Visible = not script.Parent.TCS.Visible elseif not script.Parent.Parent.Values.TCS.Value then wait() script.Parent.TCS.Visible = true end else if script.Parent.TCS.Visible then script.Parent.TCS.Visible = false end end end) script.Parent.Parent.Values.ABS.Changed:connect(function() if _Tune.ABSEnabled then if script.Parent.Parent.Values.ABS.Value then script.Parent.ABS.TextColor3 =,170/255,0) script.Parent.ABS.TextStrokeColor3 =,170/255,0) if script.Parent.Parent.Values.ABSActive.Value then wait() script.Parent.ABS.Visible = not script.Parent.ABS.Visible else wait() script.Parent.ABS.Visible = false end else script.Parent.ABS.Visible = true script.Parent.ABS.TextColor3 =,0,0) script.Parent.ABS.TextStrokeColor3 =,0,0) end else script.Parent.ABS.Visible = false end end) script.Parent.Parent.Values.ABSActive.Changed:connect(function() if _Tune.ABSEnabled then if script.Parent.Parent.Values.ABSActive.Value and script.Parent.Parent.Values.ABS.Value then wait() script.Parent.ABS.Visible = not script.Parent.ABS.Visible elseif not script.Parent.Parent.Values.ABS.Value then wait() script.Parent.ABS.Visible = true else wait() script.Parent.ABS.Visible = false end else script.Parent.ABS.Visible = false end end) script.Parent.ABS.Changed:connect(function() if _Tune.ABSEnabled then if script.Parent.Parent.Values.ABSActive.Value and script.Parent.Parent.Values.ABS.Value then wait() script.Parent.ABS.Visible = not script.Parent.ABS.Visible elseif not script.Parent.Parent.Values.ABS.Value then wait() script.Parent.ABS.Visible = true end else if script.Parent.ABS.Visible then script.Parent.ABS.Visible = false end end end) function PBrake() script.Parent.PBrake.Visible = script.Parent.Parent.Values.PBrake.Value end script.Parent.Parent.Values.PBrake.Changed:connect(PBrake) function Gear() if script.Parent.Parent.Values.TransmissionMode.Value == "Auto" then script.Parent.TMode.Text = "A/T" script.Parent.TMode.BackgroundColor3 =,170/255,0) elseif script.Parent.Parent.Values.TransmissionMode.Value == "Semi" then script.Parent.TMode.Text = "S/T" script.Parent.TMode.BackgroundColor3 =, 170/255, 127/255) else script.Parent.TMode.Text = "M/T" script.Parent.TMode.BackgroundColor3 =,85/255,.5) end end script.Parent.Parent.Values.TransmissionMode.Changed:connect(Gear) script.Parent.Parent.Values.Velocity.Changed:connect(function(property) script.Parent.Speedo.Needle.Rotation =45 + 225 * math.min(1,UNITS[currentUnits].scaling*script.Parent.Parent.Values.Velocity.Value.Magnitude/UNITS[currentUnits].maxSpeed) script.Parent.Speed.Text = math.floor(UNITS[currentUnits].scaling*script.Parent.Parent.Values.Velocity.Value.Magnitude) .. " "..UNITS[currentUnits].units end) script.Parent.Speed.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() if currentUnits==#UNITS then currentUnits = 1 else currentUnits = currentUnits+1 end for i,v in pairs(script.Parent.Speedo:GetChildren()) do v.Visible=v.Name==UNITS[currentUnits].units or v.Name=="Needle" or v.Name=="lns" end script.Parent.Speed.Text = math.floor(UNITS[currentUnits].scaling*script.Parent.Parent.Values.Velocity.Value.Magnitude) .. " "..UNITS[currentUnits].units end) mouse.KeyDown:connect(function (key) key = string.lower(key) if key == "v" then for index, child in ipairs(script.Parent.Parent:GetChildren()) do if child.ClassName == "Frame" or child.ClassName == "ImageLabel" or child.ClassName == "TextButton" then child.Visible = not child.Visible end end end end) wait(.1) Gear() PBrake()
--[=[ Brios wrap a value (or tuple of values) and are used to convey the lifetime of that object. The brio is better than a maid, by providing the following constraints: - Can be in 2 states, dead or alive. - While alive, can retrieve values. - While dead, retrieving values is forbidden. - Died will fire once upon death. Brios encapsulate the "lifetime" of a valid resource. Unlike a maid, they - Can only die once, ensuring duplicate calls never occur. - Have less memory leaks. Memory leaks in maids can occur when use of the maid occurs after the cleanup of the maid has occured, in certain race conditions. - Cannot be reentered, i.e. cannot retrieve values after death. :::info Calling `brio:Destroy()` or `brio:Kill()` after death does nothing. Brios cannot be resurrected. ::: Brios are useful for downstream events where you want to emit a resource. Typically brios should be killed when their source is killed. Brios are intended to be merged with downstream brios so create a chain of reliable resources. ```lua local brio ="a", "b") print(brio:GetValue()) --> a b print(brio:IsDead()) --> false brio:GetDiedSignal():Connect(function() print("Hello from signal!") end) brio:ToMaid():GiveTask(function() print("Hello from maid cleanup!") end) brio:Kill() --> Hello from signal! --> Hello from maid cleanup! print(brio:IsDead()) --> true print(brio:GetValue()) --> ERROR: Brio is dead ``` ## Design philosophy Brios are designed to solve this issue where we emit an object with a lifetime associated with it from an Observable stream. This resource is only valid for some amount of time (for example, while the object is in the Roblox data model). In order to know how long we can keep this object/use it, we wrap the object with a Brio, which denotes the lifetime of the object. Modeling this with pure observables is very tricky because the subscriber will have to also monitor/emit a similar object with less clear conventions. For example an observable that emits the object, and then nil on death. @class Brio ]=]
local require = require(script.Parent.loader).load(script) local Maid = require("Maid") local GoodSignal = require("GoodSignal") local Brio = {} Brio.ClassName = "Brio" Brio.__index = Brio
--[[ Returns all touching parts. Best (and cheapest) solution. Functions.GetTouchingParts( part, <-- |REQ| Basepart ) --]]
return function(part) --- Create touch event (otherwise GetTouchingParts fails to return anything) local connection = part.Touched:Connect(function() end) --- Yeet local results = part:GetTouchingParts() --- Cancel touch event connection:Disconnect() -- return results end
--Torque Curve Tune.Horsepower = 592 -- [TORQUE CURVE VISUAL] Tune.IdleRPM = 700 -- Tune.PeakRPM = 6500 -- Use sliders to manipulate values Tune.Redline = 8000 -- Copy and paste slider values into the respective tune values Tune.EqPoint = 5500 Tune.PeakSharpness = 7.5 Tune.CurveMult = 0.16 --Incline Compensation Tune.InclineComp = 1.7 -- Torque compensation multiplier for inclines (applies gradient from 0-90 degrees) --Misc Tune.RevAccel = 150 -- RPM acceleration when clutch is off Tune.RevDecay = 75 -- RPM decay when clutch is off Tune.RevBounce = 500 -- RPM kickback from redline Tune.IdleThrottle = 3 -- Percent throttle at idle Tune.ClutchTol = 500 -- Clutch engagement threshold (higher = faster response)
local hitPart = script.Parent local debounce = true local tool = game.ServerStorage.PinHeart -- Change "Sword" to the name of your tool, make sure your tool is in ServerStorage hitPart.Touched:Connect(function(hit) if debounce == true then if hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then local plr = game.Players:FindFirstChild(hit.Parent.Name) if plr then debounce = false hitPart.BrickColor ="Bright red") tool:Clone().Parent = plr.Backpack wait(3) -- Change "3" to however long you want the player to have to wait before they can get the tool again debounce = true hitPart.BrickColor ="Bright green") end end end end)
local function FindPath<U>(parent: Instance, ...: string): U? local currentInstance: any = parent for _, pathSlice in { ... } do currentInstance = currentInstance:FindFirstChild(pathSlice) if not currentInstance then return nil end end return currentInstance end return FindPath
local Paint = false script.Parent.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() Paint = not Paint handler:FireServer("Shamrock",Paint) end)
-- script.Parent.Parent.Body.Lights.Runner.Material = "Neon"
script.Parent.Parent.Body.Dash.Screen.G.Enabled = true script.Parent.Parent.Body.Dash.Screen.G.Startup.Visible = true script.Parent.Parent.Body.Dash.Screen.G.Caution.Visible = false script.Parent.Parent.Body.Dash.DashSc.G.Unit.Visible = true script.Parent.Parent.Body.Dash.DashSc.G.Enabled = true script.Parent.Parent.DriveSeat.SS3.DashInfoSpeed.Info.Value = true script.Parent.Parent.DriveSeat.SS3.DashInfoSpeed.Speed.Value = false script.Parent.Parent.DriveSeat.SS3.DashInfoSpeed.Version.Value = false script.Parent.Parent.DriveSeat.SS3.DashInfoSpeed.MPG.Value = false script.Parent.Parent.DriveSeat.SS3.Radios.FMOne.Value = true script.Parent.Parent.DriveSeat.SS3.Radios.FMTwo.Value = false script.Parent.Parent.DriveSeat.SS3.Radios.FMThree.Value = false script.Parent.Parent.DriveSeat.SS3.Radios.FMFour.Value = false script.Parent.Parent.Body.Dash.DashSc.G.Modes.SpeedStats.Visible = false script.Parent.Parent.Body.Dash.DashSc.G.Modes.Info.Visible = false script.Parent.Parent.Body.Dash.DashSc.G.Modes.Stats.Visible = false script.Parent.Parent.Body.Dash.DashSc.G.Frame.Position =, 0, 0, -5) script.Parent.Parent.Body.Dash.DashSc.G.Select.Position =, 0, 0, -5) script.Parent.Parent.Body.Dash.DashSc.G.Unit.Text = "Welcome" script.Parent.Parent.Body.Dash.DashSc.G.ImageLabel.ImageTransparency = 0.9 wait(0.2) script.Parent.Parent.Body.Dash.DashSc.G.ImageLabel.ImageTransparency = 0.8 wait(0.2) script.Parent.Parent.Body.Dash.DashSc.G.ImageLabel.ImageTransparency = 0.7 wait(0.2) script.Parent.Parent.Body.Dash.DashSc.G.ImageLabel.ImageTransparency = 0.6 wait(0.2) script.Parent.Parent.Body.Dash.DashSc.G.ImageLabel.ImageTransparency = 0.5 wait(0.2) script.Parent.Parent.Body.Dash.DashSc.G.ImageLabel.ImageTransparency = 0.4 wait(0.2) script.Parent.Parent.Body.Dash.DashSc.G.ImageLabel.ImageTransparency = 0.3 script.Parent.Parent.Body.Dash.Spd.Interface.LightInfluence = 1.5 script.Parent.Parent.Body.Dash.Tac.Interface.LightInfluence = 1.5 wait(0.2) script.Parent.Parent.Body.Dash.DashSc.G.Car.ImageTransparency = 0.7 script.Parent.Parent.Body.Dash.DashSc.G.Speed.ImageTransparency = 0.7 script.Parent.Parent.Body.Dash.DashSc.G.Info1.ImageTransparency = 0.7 script.Parent.Parent.Body.Dash.DashSc.G.Gas.ImageTransparency = 0.7 script.Parent.Parent.Body.Dash.DashSc.G.ImageLabel.ImageTransparency = 0.2 script.Parent.Parent.Body.Dash.Spd.Interface.LightInfluence = 1 script.Parent.Parent.Body.Dash.Tac.Interface.LightInfluence = 1 script.Parent.Parent.Body.Dash.DashSc.G.Select:TweenPosition(, 0, 0, 20), "InOut", "Quint", 1, true) script.Parent.Parent.Body.Dash.DashSc.G.Frame:TweenPosition(, 0, 0, 20), "InOut", "Quint", 1, true) wait(0.2) script.Parent.Parent.Body.Dash.DashSc.G.Car.ImageTransparency = 0.4 script.Parent.Parent.Body.Dash.DashSc.G.Speed.ImageTransparency = 0.4 script.Parent.Parent.Body.Dash.DashSc.G.Info1.ImageTransparency = 0.4 script.Parent.Parent.Body.Dash.DashSc.G.Gas.ImageTransparency = 0.4 script.Parent.Parent.Body.Dash.DashSc.G.ImageLabel.ImageTransparency = 0.1 script.Parent.Parent.Body.Dash.Spd.Interface.LightInfluence = .5 script.Parent.Parent.Body.Dash.Tac.Interface.LightInfluence = .5 wait(0.2) script.Parent.Parent.Body.Dash.DashSc.G.Car.ImageTransparency = 0 script.Parent.Parent.Body.Dash.DashSc.G.Speed.ImageTransparency = 0 script.Parent.Parent.Body.Dash.DashSc.G.Info1.ImageTransparency = 0 script.Parent.Parent.Body.Dash.DashSc.G.Gas.ImageTransparency = 0 script.Parent.Parent.Body.Dash.DashSc.G.ImageLabel.ImageTransparency = 0 script.Parent.Parent.Body.Dash.Spd.Interface.LightInfluence = 0 script.Parent.Parent.Body.Dash.Tac.Interface.LightInfluence = 0 wait(2.2) script.Parent.Parent.Body.Dash.DashSc.G.Modes.SpeedStats.Position =, 0, 0, 0) script.Parent.Parent.Body.Dash.DashSc.G.Modes.SpeedStats.Visible = true script.Parent.Parent.Body.Dash.DashSc.G.Unit.Visible = false script.Parent.Parent.Body.Dash.Screen.G.Startup.Visible = false script.Parent.Parent.Body.Dash.Screen.G.Caution.Visible = true wait(6) script.Parent.Parent.Body.Dash.Screen.G.Caution.Visible = false
--[[ The Module ]]
-- local BaseCharacterController = require(script.Parent:WaitForChild("BaseCharacterController")) local TouchJump = setmetatable({}, BaseCharacterController) TouchJump.__index = TouchJump function local self = setmetatable( :: any, TouchJump) self.parentUIFrame = nil self.jumpButton = nil self.characterAddedConn = nil self.humanoidStateEnabledChangedConn = nil self.humanoidJumpPowerConn = nil self.humanoidParentConn = nil self.externallyEnabled = false self.jumpPower = 0 self.jumpStateEnabled = true self.isJumping = false self.humanoid = nil -- saved reference because property change connections are made using it return self end function TouchJump:EnableButton(enable) if enable then if not self.jumpButton then self:Create() end local humanoid = Players.LocalPlayer.Character and Players.LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") if humanoid and self.externallyEnabled then if self.externallyEnabled then self.jumpButton.Visible = true end end else self.jumpButton.Visible = false self.isJumping = false self.jumpButton.ImageRectOffset =, 146) end end function TouchJump:UpdateEnabled() self:EnableButton(true) --[[if self.jumpPower > 0 and self.jumpStateEnabled then self:EnableButton(true) else self:EnableButton(false) end]] end function TouchJump:HumanoidChanged(prop) local humanoid = Players.LocalPlayer.Character and Players.LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") if humanoid then if prop == "JumpPower" then self.jumpPower = humanoid.JumpPower self:UpdateEnabled() elseif prop == "Parent" then if not humanoid.Parent then self.humanoidChangeConn:Disconnect() end end end end function TouchJump:HumanoidStateEnabledChanged(state, isEnabled) if state == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Jumping then self.jumpStateEnabled = isEnabled self:UpdateEnabled() end end function TouchJump:CharacterAdded(char) if self.humanoidChangeConn then self.humanoidChangeConn:Disconnect() self.humanoidChangeConn = nil end self.humanoid = char:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") while not self.humanoid do char.ChildAdded:wait() self.humanoid = char:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") end self.humanoidJumpPowerConn = self.humanoid:GetPropertyChangedSignal("JumpPower"):Connect(function() self.jumpPower = self.humanoid.JumpPower self:UpdateEnabled() end) self.humanoidParentConn = self.humanoid:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Parent"):Connect(function() if not self.humanoid.Parent then self.humanoidJumpPowerConn:Disconnect() self.humanoidJumpPowerConn = nil self.humanoidParentConn:Disconnect() self.humanoidParentConn = nil end end) self.humanoidStateEnabledChangedConn = self.humanoid.StateEnabledChanged:Connect(function(state, enabled) self:HumanoidStateEnabledChanged(state, enabled) end) self.jumpPower = self.humanoid.JumpPower self.jumpStateEnabled = self.humanoid:GetStateEnabled(Enum.HumanoidStateType.Jumping) self:UpdateEnabled() end function TouchJump:SetupCharacterAddedFunction() self.characterAddedConn = Players.LocalPlayer.CharacterAdded:Connect(function(char) self:CharacterAdded(char) end) if Players.LocalPlayer.Character then self:CharacterAdded(Players.LocalPlayer.Character) end end function TouchJump:Enable(enable, parentFrame) if parentFrame then self.parentUIFrame = parentFrame end self.externallyEnabled = enable self:EnableButton(enable) end function TouchJump:Create() if not self.parentUIFrame then return end if self.jumpButton then self.jumpButton:Destroy() self.jumpButton = nil end local minAxis = math.min(self.parentUIFrame.AbsoluteSize.x, self.parentUIFrame.AbsoluteSize.y) local isSmallScreen = minAxis <= 500 local jumpButtonSize = isSmallScreen and 70 or 120 self.jumpButton ="ImageButton") self.jumpButton.Name = "JumpButton" self.jumpButton.Visible = false self.jumpButton.BackgroundTransparency = 1 self.jumpButton.Image = TOUCH_CONTROL_SHEET self.jumpButton.ImageRectOffset =, 146) self.jumpButton.ImageRectSize =, 144) self.jumpButton.Size =, jumpButtonSize, 0, jumpButtonSize) self.jumpButton.Position = isSmallScreen and, -(jumpButtonSize*1.5-10), 1, -jumpButtonSize - 20) or, -(jumpButtonSize*1.5-10), 1, -jumpButtonSize * 1.75) local touchObject: InputObject? = nil self.jumpButton.InputBegan:connect(function(inputObject) --A touch that starts elsewhere on the screen will be sent to a frame's InputBegan event --if it moves over the frame. So we check that this is actually a new touch (inputObject.UserInputState ~= Enum.UserInputState.Begin) if touchObject or inputObject.UserInputType ~= Enum.UserInputType.Touch or inputObject.UserInputState ~= Enum.UserInputState.Begin then return end touchObject = inputObject self.jumpButton.ImageRectOffset =, 146) self.isJumping = true game.ReplicatedStorage.Package.Remotes.Input:FireServer({ Key = Enum.KeyCode.Space; Pressed = true; }) end) local OnInputEnded = function() touchObject = nil self.isJumping = false self.jumpButton.ImageRectOffset =, 146) game.ReplicatedStorage.Package.Remotes.Input:FireServer({ Key = Enum.KeyCode.Space; Pressed = false; }) end self.jumpButton.InputEnded:connect(function(inputObject: InputObject) if inputObject == touchObject then OnInputEnded() end end) GuiService.MenuOpened:connect(function() if touchObject then OnInputEnded() end end) if not self.characterAddedConn then self:SetupCharacterAddedFunction() end self.jumpButton.Parent = self.parentUIFrame end return TouchJump
--this script is made by Joriangames/Problox Studio Scripts. Watch my video to understand --everything. Here is the link: --Make sure that this script is a normal script in the TextButton!
local frame = script.Parent.Parent.Frame frame.Visible = false script.Parent.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() if frame.Visible == false then frame.Visible = true else frame.Visible = false end end)
-- print(animName .. " * " .. idx .. " [" .. origRoll .. "]")
local anim = animTable[animName][idx].anim -- load it to the humanoid; get AnimationTrack toolAnimTrack = humanoid:LoadAnimation(anim) -- play the animation toolAnimTrack:Play(transitionTime) toolAnimName = animName toolAnimTrack.KeyframeReached:connect(toolKeyFrameReachedFunc) end end function stopToolAnimations() local oldAnim = toolAnimName if (currentToolAnimKeyframeHandler ~= nil) then currentToolAnimKeyframeHandler:disconnect() end toolAnimName = "" if (toolAnimTrack ~= nil) then toolAnimTrack:Stop() toolAnimTrack:Destroy() toolAnimTrack = nil end return oldAnim end
script.Parent:WaitForChild("Car") script.Parent:WaitForChild("IsOn") script.Parent:WaitForChild("ControlsOpen") script.Parent:WaitForChild("Values") script.Parent:WaitForChild("CruiseControl") wait()
--- Solve direction and length of the ray by comparing current and last frame's positions -- @param point type
function solver:Solve(point: {[string]: any}): (Vector3, Vector3) --- Translate localized Vector3 positions to world space values local originPart: BasePart = point.Instances[1] local vector: Vector3 = point.Instances[2] local pointToWorldSpace: Vector3 = originPart.Position + originPart.CFrame:VectorToWorldSpace(vector) --- If LastPosition is nil (caused by if the hitbox was stopped previously), rewrite its value to the current point position if not point.LastPosition then point.LastPosition = pointToWorldSpace end local origin: Vector3 = point.LastPosition local direction: Vector3 = pointToWorldSpace - (point.LastPosition or EMPTY_VECTOR) point.WorldSpace = pointToWorldSpace return origin, direction end function solver:UpdateToNextPosition(point: {[string]: any}): Vector3 return point.WorldSpace end function solver:Visualize(point: {[string]: any}): CFrame return CFrame.lookAt(point.WorldSpace, point.LastPosition) end return solver
--[[Vehicle Weight]]
--Determine Current Mass local mass=0 function getMass(p) for i,v in pairs(p:GetChildren())do if v:IsA("BasePart") then mass=mass+v:GetMass() end getMass(v) end end getMass(car) --Apply Vehicle Weight if mass<_Tune.Weight*weightScaling then --Calculate Weight Distribution local centerF = local centerR = local countF = 0 local countR = 0 for i,v in pairs(Drive) do if v.Name=="FL" or v.Name=="FR" or v.Name=="F" then centerF = centerF+v.CFrame.p countF = countF+1 else centerR = centerR+v.CFrame.p countR = countR+1 end end centerF = centerF/countF centerR = centerR/countR local center = centerR:Lerp(centerF, _Tune.WeightDist/100) --Create Weight Brick local weightB ="Part",car.Body) weightB.Name = "#Weight" weightB.Anchored = true weightB.CanCollide = false weightB.BrickColor ="Really black") weightB.TopSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth weightB.BottomSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth if _Tune.WBVisible then weightB.Transparency = .75 else weightB.Transparency = 1 end weightB.Size =[1],_Tune.WeightBSize[2],_Tune.WeightBSize[3]) weightB.CustomPhysicalProperties =*weightScaling)-mass)/(weightB.Size.x*weightB.Size.y*weightB.Size.z),0,0,0,0) weightB.CFrame=(car.Body.CarName.Value.VehicleSeat.CFrame-car.Body.CarName.Value.VehicleSeat.Position+center)*,_Tune.CGHeight,0) else --Existing Weight Is Too Massive warn( "\n\t [AC".._BuildVersion.."]: Mass too high for specified weight." .."\n\t Target Mass:\t"..(math.ceil(_Tune.Weight*weightScaling*100)/100) .."\n\t Current Mass:\t"..(math.ceil(mass*100)/100) .."\n\t Reduce part size or axle density to achieve desired weight.") end local flipG ="BodyGyro",car.Body.CarName.Value.VehicleSeat) flipG.Name = "Flip" flipG.D = 0 flipG.MaxTorque =,0,0) flipG.P = 0
-- When player joins, have them spawn at the lobby
local function onPlayerJoin(player) player.RespawnLocation = lobbySpawn end game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(onPlayerJoin)
-- Destroys this cache entirely. Use this when you don't need this cache object anymore.
function PartCacheStatic:Dispose() assert(getmetatable(self) == PartCacheStatic, ERR_NOT_INSTANCE:format("Dispose", "")) for _, object in self.Open do object:Destroy() end for _, object in self.InUse do object:Destroy() end self.Template:Destroy() self.Open = {} self.InUse = {} self.CurrentCacheParent = nil self.GetPart = nil self.ReturnPart = nil self.SetCacheParent = nil self.Expand = nil self.Dispose = nil end return PartCacheStatic
--local pupil1 = script.Parent.BillboardGui.Pupils1 --local pupil2 = script.Parent.BillboardGui.Pupils2
while task.wait() do game:GetService('TweenService'):Create(eye1,,Enum.EasingStyle.Cubic,Enum.EasingDirection.InOut,0,false,0),{StudsOffset =, 1.8, 0)}):Play() game:GetService('TweenService'):Create(eye2,,Enum.EasingStyle.Cubic,Enum.EasingDirection.InOut,0,false,0),{StudsOffset =, 1.8, 0)}):Play() task.wait(3) game:GetService('TweenService'):Create(eye1,,Enum.EasingStyle.Cubic,Enum.EasingDirection.InOut,0,false,0),{StudsOffset =, 2, 0)}):Play() game:GetService('TweenService'):Create(eye2,,Enum.EasingStyle.Cubic,Enum.EasingDirection.InOut,0,false,0),{StudsOffset =, 2, 0)}):Play() task.wait(3) end
--Make Rig and choose any Rig --Add Script and paste this into Script
name="Humanoid" robo=script.Parent:Clone() while true do wait(5) if script.Parent.Humanoid.Health<1 then robo=robo:Clone() robo.Parent=script.Parent.Parent robo:makeJoints() script.Parent:remove() end end
-- Existance in this list signifies that it is an emote, the value indicates if it is a looping emote
local emoteNames = { wave = false, point = false, dance = true, dance2 = true, dance3 = true, laugh = false, cheer = false} math.randomseed(tick()) function findExistingAnimationInSet(set, anim) if set == nil or anim == nil then return 0 end for idx = 1, set.count, 1 do if set[idx].anim.AnimationId == anim.AnimationId then return idx end end return 0 end function configureAnimationSet(name, fileList) if (animTable[name] ~= nil) then for _, connection in pairs(animTable[name].connections) do connection:disconnect() end end animTable[name] = {} animTable[name].count = 0 animTable[name].totalWeight = 0 animTable[name].connections = {} -- check for config values local config = script:FindFirstChild(name) if (config ~= nil) then table.insert(animTable[name].connections, config.ChildAdded:connect(function(child) configureAnimationSet(name, fileList) end)) table.insert(animTable[name].connections, config.ChildRemoved:connect(function(child) configureAnimationSet(name, fileList) end)) local idx = 0 for _, childPart in pairs(config:GetChildren()) do if (childPart:IsA("Animation")) then local newWeight = 1 local weightObject = childPart:FindFirstChild("Weight") if (weightObject ~= nil) then newWeight = weightObject.Value end animTable[name].count = animTable[name].count + 1 idx = animTable[name].count animTable[name][idx] = {} animTable[name][idx].anim = childPart animTable[name][idx].weight = newWeight animTable[name].totalWeight = animTable[name].totalWeight + animTable[name][idx].weight table.insert(animTable[name].connections, childPart.Changed:connect(function(property) configureAnimationSet(name, fileList) end)) table.insert(animTable[name].connections, childPart.ChildAdded:connect(function(property) configureAnimationSet(name, fileList) end)) table.insert(animTable[name].connections, childPart.ChildRemoved:connect(function(property) configureAnimationSet(name, fileList) end)) local lv = childPart:GetAttribute("LinearVelocity") if lv then strafingLocomotionMap[name] = {lv=lv, speed = lv.Magnitude} end if name == "run" or name == "walk" then if lv then fallbackLocomotionMap[name] = strafingLocomotionMap[name] else local speed = name == "run" and RUN_SPEED or WALK_SPEED fallbackLocomotionMap[name] = {, speed), speed = speed} locomotionMap = fallbackLocomotionMap -- If you don't have a linear velocity with your run or walk, you can't blend/strafe warn("Strafe blending disabled. No linear velocity information for "..'"'.."walk"..'"'.." and "..'"'.."run"..'"'..".") end end end end end -- fallback to defaults if (animTable[name].count <= 0) then for idx, anim in pairs(fileList) do animTable[name][idx] = {} animTable[name][idx].anim ="Animation") animTable[name][idx].anim.Name = name animTable[name][idx].anim.AnimationId = animTable[name][idx].weight = anim.weight animTable[name].count = animTable[name].count + 1 animTable[name].totalWeight = animTable[name].totalWeight + anim.weight end end -- preload anims for i, animType in pairs(animTable) do for idx = 1, animType.count, 1 do if PreloadedAnims[animType[idx].anim.AnimationId] == nil then Humanoid:LoadAnimation(animType[idx].anim) PreloadedAnims[animType[idx].anim.AnimationId] = true end end end end
-- ROBLOX TODO: ADO-1182 Add more plugins here as we translate them
local PLUGINS = { jestMockSerializer, plugins.AsymmetricMatcher, plugins.ReactElement, plugins.ReactTestComponent, -- ROBLOX deviation: Roblox Instance matchers plugins.RobloxInstance, } local originalPLUGINS = Array.from(PLUGINS)
--local TwinService = game:GetService("TweenService") --local AnimationHighLight = --local Info = {FillTransparency = 0} --local Animka = TwinService:Create(HighLight, AnimationHighLight, Info ) --local HighLight = char:WaitForChild("PLayerHighLight") --Animka:Play()
--[[ Performs a left-fold of the list with the given initial value and callback. ]]
function Functional.Fold(list, initial, callback) local accum = initial for key = 1, #list do accum = callback(accum, list[key], key) end return accum end
--Graveyard--------------- --[[ --function PlayerStatManager:getTycoonPurchases(player) -- local succes,data = pcall(function() -- local playerUserId = "Player_" .. player.UserId -- return sessionData[playerUserId]["TycoonPurchases"] -- end) -- if succes == false then -- warn("ERROR---------PlayerStatManager:getTycoonPurchases----------->") -- print(data) -- return nil -- else -- return data -- end --end local function setupPlayerData(player) local playerMoney = serverStorage:WaitForChild("PlayerMoney") local playerStats = playerMoney:FindFirstChild(player.Name) --Sometimes people have duplicate tycoon add e.g in core handler script --adds PlayerMoney to storage and number value with player name that holds the --money value if playerStats == nil then local plrStats ="NumberValue",playerMoney) plrStats.Name = player.Name local isOwner ="ObjectValue",plrStats) isOwner.Name = "OwnsTycoon" end local playerUserId = "Player_" .. player.UserId local success,data = pcall(function() return playerData:GetAsync(playerUserId) end) if success then if data then print("----------Money: ---------> "["Money"]) sessionData[playerUserId] = data local playerMoneyChild = playerMoney:FindFirstChild(player.Name) if playerMoneyChild then playerMoneyChild.Value = playerMoneyChild.Value + data["Money"] else print("------------playerMoneyChild is nil") end else print("No data----------------->") wait() local success,err = pcall(function() if player:IsInGroup(groupId) then local cashmoney = playerMoney:FindFirstChild(player.Name) if cashmoney then cashmoney.Value = cashmoney.Value + cashGivenAmount end end end) if success == false then print(err) end sessionData[playerUserId] = {} --Adding purchases names to player saves but false for f = 1,#savedPurchasesNames,1 do local name = savedPurchasesNames[f] sessionData[playerUserId][name] = false end sessionData[playerUserId]["Money"] = cashGivenAmount sessionData[playerUserId]["RebirthCount"] = 0 return end --Adding new version objects for e = 1,#savedPurchasesNames,1 do local name = savedPurchasesNames[e] print("Name of object: ",name) if sessionData[playerUserId][name] == nil then print("Adding new version objects " sessionData[playerUserId][name] = false end end] else warn("Couldn't get data") print(data) end end ]]
-- --Testing wait TODO remove --TODO fix problem PurchaseHandlerNew add objects from purchases while it is being --required below and the it doesn't add new version for player if he joins the first initiolization --of the server --wait(5)--delete later on --if must turn back on uncomment this --Investigate --local purchaseHandlerNew = waitForTycoonsPurchaseHandlerNew() --local Objects = require(purchaseHandlerNew) --print("Name of tycoon: ",tycoons[1].Name) --local Objects = require(tycoons[1]:WaitForChild("PurchaseHandlerNew")) --Adding new version objects
--[[[Default Controls]]
--Peripheral Deadzones Tune.Peripherals = { MSteerWidth = 67 , -- Mouse steering control width (0 - 100% of screen width) MSteerDZone = 10 , -- Mouse steering deadzone (0 - 100%) ControlLDZone = 5 , -- Controller steering L-deadzone (0 - 100%) ControlRDZone = 5 , -- Controller steering R-deadzone (0 - 100%) } --Control Mapping Tune.Controls = { --Keyboard Controls --Mode Toggles ToggleTCS = Enum.KeyCode.T , ToggleABS = Enum.KeyCode.Y , ToggleTransMode = Enum.KeyCode.M , ToggleMouseDrive = Enum.KeyCode.V , --Primary Controls Throttle = Enum.KeyCode.Up , Brake = Enum.KeyCode.Down , SteerLeft = Enum.KeyCode.Left , SteerRight = Enum.KeyCode.Right , --Secondary Controls Throttle2 = Enum.KeyCode.W , Brake2 = Enum.KeyCode.S , SteerLeft2 = Enum.KeyCode.A , SteerRight2 = Enum.KeyCode.D , --Manual Transmission ShiftUp = Enum.KeyCode.E , ShiftDown = Enum.KeyCode.Q , Clutch = Enum.KeyCode.LeftShift , --Handbrake PBrake = Enum.KeyCode.LeftShift , --Mouse Controls MouseThrottle = Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 , MouseBrake = Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton2 , MouseClutch = Enum.KeyCode.W , MouseShiftUp = Enum.KeyCode.E , MouseShiftDown = Enum.KeyCode.Q , MousePBrake = Enum.KeyCode.LeftShift , --Controller Mapping ContlrThrottle = Enum.KeyCode.ButtonR2 , ContlrBrake = Enum.KeyCode.ButtonL2 , ContlrSteer = Enum.KeyCode.Thumbstick1 , ContlrShiftUp = Enum.KeyCode.ButtonY , ContlrShiftDown = Enum.KeyCode.ButtonX , ContlrClutch = Enum.KeyCode.ButtonR1 , ContlrPBrake = Enum.KeyCode.ButtonL1 , ContlrToggleTMode = Enum.KeyCode.DPadUp , ContlrToggleTCS = Enum.KeyCode.DPadDown , ContlrToggleABS = Enum.KeyCode.DPadRight , }
--// Special Variables
return function(Vargs, GetEnv) local env = GetEnv(nil, {script = script}) setfenv(1, env) local server = Vargs.Server; local service = Vargs.Service; local MaxLogs = 1000 local Functions, Admin, Anti, Core, HTTP, Logs, Remote, Process, Variables, Settings local function Init() Functions = server.Functions; Admin = server.Admin; Anti = server.Anti; Core = server.Core; HTTP = server.HTTP; Logs = server.Logs; Remote = server.Remote; Process = server.Process; Variables = server.Variables; Settings = server.Settings; MaxLogs = Settings.MaxLogs; game:BindToClose(Logs.SaveCommandLogs); Logs.Init = nil; Logs:AddLog("Script", "Logging Module Initialized"); end; server.Logs = { Init = Init; Chats = {}; Joins = {}; Leaves = {}; Script = {}; RemoteFires = {}; Commands = {}; Exploit = {}; Errors = {}; DateTime = {}; TempUpdaters = {}; OldCommandLogsLimit = 1000; --// Maximum number of command logs to save to the datastore (the higher the number, the longer the server will take to close) TabToType = function(tab) local indToName = { Chats = "Chat"; Joins = "Join"; Leaves = "Leave"; Script = "Script"; RemoteFires = "RemoteFire"; Commands = "Command"; Exploit = "Exploit"; Errors = "Error"; DateTime = "DateTime"; } for ind, t in server.Logs do if t == tab then return indToName[ind] or ind end end end; AddLog = function(tab, log, misc) if misc then tab = log log = misc end if type(tab) == "string" then tab = Logs[tab] end if type(log) == "string" then log = { Text = log; Desc = log; } end if not log.Time and not log.NoTime then log.Time = os.time() end table.insert(tab, 1, log) if #tab > tonumber(MaxLogs) then table.remove(tab, #tab) end service.Events.LogAdded:Fire(server.Logs.TabToType(tab), log, tab) end; SaveCommandLogs = function() --// Disable saving command logs in Studio; not required. if service.RunService:IsStudio() or service.RunService:IsRunMode() then return end warn("Saving command logs...") if Settings.SaveCommandLogs ~= true or Settings.DataStoreEnabled ~= true then warn("Skipped saving command logs.") return end local logsToSave = Logs.Commands --{} local maxLogs = Logs.OldCommandLogsLimit --local numLogsToSave = 200; --// Save the last X logs from this server --for i = #Logs.Commands, i = math.max(#Logs.Commands - numLogsToSave, 1), -1 do -- table.insert(logsToSave, Logs.Commands[i]); --end Core.UpdateData("OldCommandLogs", function(oldLogs) local temp = {} for _, m in logsToSave do local newTab = type(m) == "table" and service.CloneTable(m) or m if type(m) == "table" and newTab.Player then local p = newTab.Player newTab.Player = { Name = p.Name; UserId = p.UserId; } end table.insert(temp, newTab)--{Time = m.Time; Text = m.Text..": "..m.Desc; Desc = m.Desc}) end if oldLogs then for _, m in oldLogs do table.insert(temp, m) end end table.sort(temp, function(a, b) if a.Time and b.Time and type(a.Time) == "number" and type(b.Time) == "number" then return a.Time > b.Time else return false end end) --// Trim logs, starting from the oldest if #temp > maxLogs then local diff = #temp - maxLogs for i = 1, diff do table.remove(temp, 1) end end return temp end) warn("Command logs saved!") end; ListUpdaters = { TempUpdate = function(plr, data) local updateKey = data.UpdateKey local updater = Logs.TempUpdaters[updateKey] if updater then return updater(data) end end; }; }; Logs = Logs end
-- Decompiled with the Synapse X Luau decompiler.
local l__Players__1 = game:GetService("Players"); local l__CurrentCamera__1 = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera; local l__math_rad__2 = math.rad; local u3 = nil; local l__math_tan__4 = math.tan; local u5 = nil; local function v2() local l__ViewportSize__3 = l__CurrentCamera__1.ViewportSize; u3 = 2 * l__math_tan__4(l__math_rad__2(l__CurrentCamera__1.FieldOfView) / 2); u5 = l__ViewportSize__3.X / l__ViewportSize__3.Y * u3; end; l__CurrentCamera__1:GetPropertyChangedSignal("FieldOfView"):Connect(v2); l__CurrentCamera__1:GetPropertyChangedSignal("ViewportSize"):Connect(v2); v2(); local u6 = l__CurrentCamera__1.NearPlaneZ; l__CurrentCamera__1:GetPropertyChangedSignal("NearPlaneZ"):Connect(function() u6 = l__CurrentCamera__1.NearPlaneZ; end); local u7 = {}; local u8 = {}; local u9 = function() local v4 = 1; u7 = {}; for v5, v6 in pairs(u8) do u7[v4] = v6; v4 = v4 + 1; end; end; local function v7(p1) local function v8(p2) u8[p1] = p2; u9(); end; p1.CharacterAdded:Connect(v8); p1.CharacterRemoving:Connect(function() u8[p1] = nil; u9(); end); if p1.Character then v8(p1.Character); end; end; l__Players__1.PlayerAdded:Connect(v7); l__Players__1.PlayerRemoving:Connect(function(p3) u8[p3] = nil; u9(); end); for v9, v10 in ipairs(l__Players__1:GetPlayers()) do v7(v10); end; u9(); u8 = nil; u9 = nil; l__CurrentCamera__1:GetPropertyChangedSignal("CameraSubject"):Connect(function() local l__CameraSubject__11 = l__CurrentCamera__1.CameraSubject; if l__CameraSubject__11:IsA("Humanoid") then u9 = l__CameraSubject__11.RootPart; return; end; if l__CameraSubject__11:IsA("BasePart") then u9 = l__CameraSubject__11; return; end; u9 = nil; end); local function u10(p4) return 1 - (1 - p4.Transparency) * (1 - p4.LocalTransparencyModifier); end; local l__Ray_new__11 =; local function u12(p5, p6) for v12 = #p5, p6 + 1, -1 do p5[v12] = nil; end; end; local l__math_huge__13 = math.huge; local function u14(p7) local v13 = false; if u10(p7) < 0.25 then v13 = p7.CanCollide; if v13 then v13 = false; if u8 ~= (p7:GetRootPart() and p7) then v13 = not p7:IsA("TrussPart"); end; end; end; return v13; end; local function u15(p8, p9, p10, p11) debug.profilebegin("queryPoint"); p10 = p10 + u6; local v14 = p8 + p9 * p10; local v15 = l__math_huge__13; local v16 = l__math_huge__13; local v17 = p8; local v18 = 0; while true do local v19, v20 = workspace:FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList(l__Ray_new__11(v17, v14 - v17), u7, false, true); v18 = v18 + 1; if v19 then local v21 = v18 >= 64; if u14(v19) or v21 then local v22 = { v19 }; local l__Magnitude__23 = (v20 - p8).Magnitude; if workspace:FindPartOnRayWithWhitelist(l__Ray_new__11(v14, v20 - v14), v22, true) and not v21 then local v24 = false; if p11 then v24 = workspace:FindPartOnRayWithWhitelist(l__Ray_new__11(p11, v14 - p11), v22, true) or workspace:FindPartOnRayWithWhitelist(l__Ray_new__11(v14, p11 - v14), v22, true); end; if v24 then v16 = l__Magnitude__23; elseif p10 < v15 then v15 = l__Magnitude__23; end; else v16 = l__Magnitude__23; end; end; u7[#u7 + 1] = v19; v17 = v20 - p9 * 0.001; end; if v16 < l__math_huge__13 then break; end; if not v19 then break; end; end; u12(u7, #u7); debug.profileend(); return v15 - u6, v16 - u6; end; local function u16(p12, p13) local v25 = #u7; while true do local v26, v27 = workspace:FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList(l__Ray_new__11(p12, p13), u7, false, true); if v26 then if v26.CanCollide then u12(u7, v25); return v27, true; end; u7[#u7 + 1] = v26; end; if not v26 then break; end; end; u12(u7, v25); return p12 + p13, false; end; local l__math_min__17 = math.min; local u18 = {, 0),, 0),, -0.4),, 0.4),, 0.2) }; local function u19(p14, p15) debug.profilebegin("queryViewport"); local l__p__28 = p14.p; local l__rightVector__29 = p14.rightVector; local l__upVector__30 = p14.upVector; local v31 = -p14.lookVector; local l__ViewportSize__32 = l__CurrentCamera__1.ViewportSize; local v33 = l__math_huge__13; local v34 = l__math_huge__13; for v35 = 0, 1 do local v36 = l__rightVector__29 * ((v35 - 0.5) * u5); for v37 = 0, 1 do local v38, v39 = u15(l__p__28 + u6 * (v36 + l__upVector__30 * ((v37 - 0.5) * u3)), v31, p15, l__CurrentCamera__1:ViewportPointToRay(l__ViewportSize__32.x * v35, l__ViewportSize__32.y * v37).Origin); if v39 < v33 then v33 = v39; end; if v38 < v34 then v34 = v38; end; end; end; debug.profileend(); return v34, v33; end; local function u20(p16, p17, p18) debug.profilebegin("testPromotion"); local l__p__40 = p16.p; local l__rightVector__41 = p16.rightVector; local l__upVector__42 = p16.upVector; local v43 = -p16.lookVector; debug.profilebegin("extrapolate"); for v44 = 0, l__math_min__17(1.25, p18.rotVelocity.magnitude + (u16(l__p__40, p18.posVelocity * 1.25) - l__p__40).Magnitude / p18.posVelocity.magnitude), 0.0625 do local v45 = p18.extrapolate(v44); if p17 <= u15(v45.p, -v45.lookVector, p17) then return false; end; end; debug.profileend(); debug.profilebegin("testOffsets"); for v46, v47 in ipairs(u18) do local v48 = u16(l__p__40, l__rightVector__41 * v47.x + l__upVector__42 * v47.y); if u15(v48, (l__p__40 + v43 * p17 - v48).Unit, p17) == l__math_huge__13 then return false; end; end; debug.profileend(); debug.profileend(); return true; end; return function(p19, p20, p21) debug.profilebegin("popper"); u8 = u9 and u9:GetRootPart() or u9; local v49 = p20; local v50, v51 = u19(p19, p20); if v51 < v49 then v49 = v51; end; if v50 < v49 and u20(p19, p20, p21) then v49 = v50; end; u8 = nil; debug.profileend(); return v49; end;
----------------------This is just an example-----------------------------
end local userInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService") userInputService.InputBegan:Connect(function(input, gameProcessedEvent) if gameProcessedEvent then return end if input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.One then onKeyPressOne() elseif input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Two then onKeyPressTwo() elseif input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.G then onKeyPressG() end end)
--[[ When the game is run, this script automatically places all of the model's contents into the correct locations and deletes any leftover clutter. All you have to do is configure the music IDs and/or zones as described in the README - the rest will be automatically handled! --]]
local settings = require(script.Parent.Settings) if settings.UseGlobalBackgroundMusic == false and settings.UseMusicZones == false then error("Cindering's BGM error: You have disabled both Global Background Music and Music Zones. You must change at least one of these settings to 'true'.") return end local name1 = "BGM" local name2 = "none" local container ="Folder") container.Name = "CinderingBGM" script.Parent.Settings.Parent = container script.LocalBackgroundMusic.Parent = game.StarterPlayer.StarterPlayerScripts local music ="Folder") local zones ="Folder",music) zones.Name = "MusicZones" local global ="Folder",music) global.Name = "GlobalMusic" if settings.UseMusicZones == true then local folder = script.Parent:FindFirstChild(name2) or game.ReplicatedStorage:FindFirstChild(name2) or workspace:FindFirstChild(name2) or game:FindFirstChild(name2,true) -- never know where someone might accidentally drag that folder... if folder then for _,model in pairs(folder:GetChildren()) do if (model:IsA("Model") and model:FindFirstChild("Music")) then model.Parent = zones end end else error("Cindering's BGM error: Your background music zones folder could not be found! You may have deleted/renamed the original folder. It should be named: "..name2) return end end if settings.UseGlobalBackgroundMusic == true then local folder = script.Parent:FindFirstChild(name1) or game.ReplicatedStorage:FindFirstChild(name1) or workspace:FindFirstChild(name1) or game:FindFirstChild(name1,true) if folder then for _,v in pairs(folder:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("Sound") then v.Parent = global end end else error("Cindering's BGM error: Your global background music folder could not be found! You may have deleted/renamed the original folder. It should be named: "..name1) return end end if settings.UseGlobalBackgroundMusic == true and #global:GetChildren() == 0 then warn("Cindering's BGM warning: Your global background music folder is completely empty; no music will be played from there.") end if settings.UseMusicZones == true and #zones:GetChildren() == 0 then warn("Cindering's BGM warning: Your background music zones folder is completely empty; no music will be played from there.") end music.Name = "MusicFolder" music.Parent = container local count = 0 function recurse(instance) for _,v in pairs(instance:GetChildren()) do count = count + 1 recurse(v) end end recurse(music) local val ="IntValue",container) val.Name = "ObjectCount" val.Value = count container.Parent = game.ReplicatedStorage script.Parent:Destroy()
--Set up WeaponTypes lookup table
do local function onNewWeaponType(weaponTypeModule) if not weaponTypeModule:IsA("ModuleScript") then return end local weaponTypeName = weaponTypeModule.Name xpcall(function() coroutine.wrap(function() local weaponType = require(weaponTypeModule) assert(typeof(weaponType) == "table", string.format("WeaponType \"%s\" did not return a valid table", weaponTypeModule:GetFullName())) WEAPON_TYPES_LOOKUP[weaponTypeName] = weaponType end)() end, function(errMsg) warn(string.format("Error while loading %s: %s", weaponTypeModule:GetFullName(), errMsg)) warn(debug.traceback()) end) end for _, child in pairs(WeaponTypes:GetChildren()) do onNewWeaponType(child) end WeaponTypes.ChildAdded:Connect(onNewWeaponType) end local WeaponsSystem = {} WeaponsSystem.didSetup = false WeaponsSystem.knownWeapons = {} WeaponsSystem.connections = {} WeaponsSystem.networkFolder = nil WeaponsSystem.remoteEvents = {} WeaponsSystem.remoteFunctions = {} WeaponsSystem.currentWeapon = nil WeaponsSystem.aimRayCallback = nil WeaponsSystem.CurrentWeaponChanged ="BindableEvent") local NetworkingCallbacks = require(WeaponsSystemFolder:WaitForChild("NetworkingCallbacks")) NetworkingCallbacks.WeaponsSystem = WeaponsSystem local _damageCallback = nil local _getTeamCallback = nil function WeaponsSystem.setDamageCallback(cb) _damageCallback = cb end function WeaponsSystem.setGetTeamCallback(cb) _getTeamCallback = cb end function WeaponsSystem.setup() if WeaponsSystem.didSetup then warn("Warning: trying to run WeaponsSystem setup twice on the same module.") return end print(script.Parent:GetFullName(), "is now active.") WeaponsSystem.doingSetup = true --Setup network routing if IsServer then local networkFolder ="Folder") networkFolder.Name = "Network" for _, remoteEventName in pairs(REMOTE_EVENT_NAMES) do local remoteEvent ="RemoteEvent") remoteEvent.Name = remoteEventName remoteEvent.Parent = networkFolder local callback = NetworkingCallbacks[remoteEventName] if not callback then --Connect a no-op function to ensure the queue doesn't pile up. warn("There is no server callback implemented for the WeaponsSystem RemoteEvent \"%s\"!") warn("A default no-op function will be implemented so that the queue cannot be abused.") callback = function() end end WeaponsSystem.connections[remoteEventName .. "Remote"] = remoteEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(...) callback(...) end) WeaponsSystem.remoteEvents[remoteEventName] = remoteEvent end for _, remoteFuncName in pairs(REMOTE_FUNCTION_NAMES) do local remoteFunc ="RemoteEvent") remoteFunc.Name = remoteFuncName remoteFunc.Parent = networkFolder local callback = NetworkingCallbacks[remoteFuncName] if not callback then --Connect a no-op function to ensure the queue doesn't pile up. warn("There is no server callback implemented for the WeaponsSystem RemoteFunction \"%s\"!") warn("A default no-op function will be implemented so that the queue cannot be abused.") callback = function() end end remoteFunc.OnServerInvoke = function(...) return callback(...) end WeaponsSystem.remoteFunctions[remoteFuncName] = remoteFunc end networkFolder.Parent = WeaponsSystemFolder WeaponsSystem.networkFolder = networkFolder else WeaponsSystem.StarterGui = game:GetService("StarterGui") = WeaponsSystem.gui = if ConfigurationValues.SprintEnabled.Value then end if ConfigurationValues.SlowZoomWalkEnabled.Value then end local networkFolder = WeaponsSystemFolder:WaitForChild("Network", math.huge) for _, remoteEventName in pairs(REMOTE_EVENT_NAMES) do coroutine.wrap(function() local remoteEvent = networkFolder:WaitForChild(remoteEventName, math.huge) local callback = NetworkingCallbacks[remoteEventName] if callback then WeaponsSystem.connections[remoteEventName .. "Remote"] = remoteEvent.OnClientEvent:Connect(function(...) callback(...) end) end WeaponsSystem.remoteEvents[remoteEventName] = remoteEvent end)() end for _, remoteFuncName in pairs(REMOTE_FUNCTION_NAMES) do coroutine.wrap(function() local remoteFunc = networkFolder:WaitForChild(remoteFuncName, math.huge) local callback = NetworkingCallbacks[remoteFuncName] if callback then remoteFunc.OnClientInvoke = function(...) return callback(...) end end WeaponsSystem.remoteFunctions[remoteFuncName] = remoteFunc end)() end Players.LocalPlayer.CharacterAdded:Connect(WeaponsSystem.onCharacterAdded) if Players.LocalPlayer.Character then WeaponsSystem.onCharacterAdded(Players.LocalPlayer.Character) end WeaponsSystem.networkFolder = networkFolder end --Setup weapon tools and listening WeaponsSystem.connections.weaponAdded = CollectionService:GetInstanceAddedSignal(WEAPON_TAG):Connect(WeaponsSystem.onWeaponAdded) WeaponsSystem.connections.weaponRemoved = CollectionService:GetInstanceRemovedSignal(WEAPON_TAG):Connect(WeaponsSystem.onWeaponRemoved) for _, instance in pairs(CollectionService:GetTagged(WEAPON_TAG)) do WeaponsSystem.onWeaponAdded(instance) end WeaponsSystem.doingSetup = false WeaponsSystem.didSetup = true end function WeaponsSystem.onCharacterAdded(character) -- Make it so players unequip weapons while seated, then reequip weapons when they become unseated local humanoid = character:WaitForChild("Humanoid") WeaponsSystem.connections.seated = humanoid.Seated:Connect(function(isSeated) if isSeated then WeaponsSystem.seatedWeapon = character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Tool") humanoid:UnequipTools() WeaponsSystem.StarterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled(Enum.CoreGuiType.Backpack, false) else WeaponsSystem.StarterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled(Enum.CoreGuiType.Backpack, true) humanoid:EquipTool(WeaponsSystem.seatedWeapon) end end) end function WeaponsSystem.shutdown() if not WeaponsSystem.didSetup then return end for _, weapon in pairs(WeaponsSystem.knownWeapons) do weapon:onDestroyed() end WeaponsSystem.knownWeapons = {} if IsServer and WeaponsSystem.networkFolder then WeaponsSystem.networkFolder:Destroy() end WeaponsSystem.networkFolder = nil WeaponsSystem.remoteEvents = {} WeaponsSystem.remoteFunctions = {} for _, connection in pairs(WeaponsSystem.connections) do if typeof(connection) == "RBXScriptConnection" then connection:Disconnect() end end WeaponsSystem.connections = {} end function WeaponsSystem.getWeaponTypeFromTags(instance) for _, tag in pairs(CollectionService:GetTags(instance)) do local weaponTypeFound = WEAPON_TYPES_LOOKUP[tag] if weaponTypeFound then return weaponTypeFound end end return nil end function WeaponsSystem.createWeaponForInstance(weaponInstance) coroutine.wrap(function() local weaponType = WeaponsSystem.getWeaponTypeFromTags(weaponInstance) if not weaponType then local weaponTypeObj = weaponInstance:WaitForChild("WeaponType") if weaponTypeObj and weaponTypeObj:IsA("StringValue") then local weaponTypeName = weaponTypeObj.Value local weaponTypeFound = WEAPON_TYPES_LOOKUP[weaponTypeName] if not weaponTypeFound then warn(string.format("Cannot find the weapon type \"%s\" for the instance %s!", weaponTypeName, weaponInstance:GetFullName())) return end weaponType = weaponTypeFound else warn("Could not find a WeaponType tag or StringValue for the instance ", weaponInstance:GetFullName()) return end end -- Since we might have yielded while trying to get the WeaponType, we need to make sure not to continue -- making a new weapon if something else beat this iteration. if WeaponsSystem.getWeaponForInstance(weaponInstance) then warn("Already got ", weaponInstance:GetFullName()) warn(debug.traceback()) return end -- We should be pretty sure we got a valid weaponType by now assert(weaponType, "Got invalid weaponType") local weapon =, weaponInstance) WeaponsSystem.knownWeapons[weaponInstance] = weapon end)() end function WeaponsSystem.getWeaponForInstance(weaponInstance) if not typeof(weaponInstance) == "Instance" then warn("WeaponsSystem.getWeaponForInstance(weaponInstance): 'weaponInstance' was not an instance.") return nil end return WeaponsSystem.knownWeapons[weaponInstance] end
--------RIGHT DOOR --------
game.Workspace.doorright.l41.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l53.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.pillar.BrickColor =
-- Variables for the zombie, its humanoid, and destination
local humanoid = workspace.AI local destination = workspace.destination local agentParams = { AgentRadius = 10, AgentHeight = 0.01, AgentCanJump = false }
-- 3D TextGen
This = script.Parent Btn = This.Parent Lift = Btn.Parent.Parent.Parent Config = require(Lift.CustomLabel) Characters = require(script.Characters) CustomLabel = Config["CUSTOMFLOORLABEL"][tonumber(Btn.Name)] function ChangeFloor(SF) if string.len(SF) == 1 then SetLabel(1,SF,-0.04) SetLabel(2,"NIL",0) else SetLabel(1,SF:sub(1,1),0) SetLabel(2,SF:sub(2,2),0) end end function SetLabel(ID,CHAR,OFFSET) if This:FindFirstChild("L"..ID) and Characters[CHAR] ~= nil then This["L"..ID].Mesh.Offset =, 0, 0) for i,l in pairs(Characters[CHAR]) do This["L"..ID].Mesh.MeshId = "rbxassetid://"..l end This["L"..ID].Mesh.Scale =, 0.007, 0.019) end end if CustomLabel then ChangeFloor(CustomLabel) else ChangeFloor(Btn.Name) end script:Destroy()
-- Written by GFink. -- This script can be placed anywhere.
local y=workspace:GetDescendants() local r for s=1,#y do if y[s].Name=="Doomspires" then local sa=y[s]:GetChildren() local"Model") m.Name="Backup" m.Parent=game.ServerStorage for i=1,#sa do if sa[i].Name~="GameValues" then if not sa[i]:IsA("Script") then sa[i]:Clone().Parent=m end end end script.Signal.Changed:connect(function(Property) if Property==true then print("Regenerating") local ab=y[s]:GetChildren() for cd=1,#ab do if not ab[cd]:IsA("Script") then ab[cd]:Destroy() end end script.GameControlScriptLocation.Value.Disabled=true local z=game.ServerStorage:WaitForChild("Backup",1):GetChildren() for f=1,#z do z[f]:Clone().Parent=y[s] end script.GameControlScriptLocation.Value.Disabled=false script.Signal.Value=false y[s]:MakeJoints() local t=game.Teams:GetChildren() for d=1,#t do if t[d].Name~="Spectators" then t[d].AutoAssignable=true end end script.GameControlScriptLocation.Value.ShuffleTeams:Invoke() script.GameControlScriptLocation.Value.BalanceTeams:Invoke() wait(1) local p=game.Players:GetDescendants() for q=1,#p do if p[q].Parent then if p[q].Parent.Name=="leaderstats" then p[q].Value=0 end end if p[q]:IsA("Player") then game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").ChangeTeamEvent:FireClient(p[q],p[q].TeamColor) -- i could use fireallclients but then i couldnt select the teamcolor property p[q]:LoadCharacter() p[q]:WaitForChild("AntiTeamKill",5).Value=true elseif p[q]:IsA("TextButton") then -- only works in experimental mode if p[q].Name=="Button" then p[q].Visible=false end end end elseif Property==false then return end end) end end
-- Decompiled with the Synapse X Luau decompiler.
local l__Players__1 = game:GetService("Players"); local v2 = require(script.Parent:WaitForChild("BaseCharacterController")); local v3 = setmetatable({}, v2); v3.__index = v3; function local v4 = setmetatable(, v3); v4.isFollowStick = false; v4.thumbstickFrame = nil; v4.moveTouchObject = nil; v4.onTouchMovedConn = nil; v4.onTouchEndedConn = nil; v4.screenPos = nil; v4.stickImage = nil; v4.thumbstickSize = nil; return v4; end; local u1 =, 0, 0); function v3.Enable(p1, p2, p3) if p2 == nil then return false; end; if p2 then local v5 = true; else v5 = false; end; p2 = v5; if p1.enabled == p2 then return true; end; p1.moveVector = u1; p1.isJumping = false; if p2 then if not p1.thumbstickFrame then p1:Create(p3); end; p1.thumbstickFrame.Visible = true; else p1.thumbstickFrame.Visible = false; p1:OnInputEnded(); end; p1.enabled = p2; end; function v3.OnInputEnded(p4) p4.thumbstickFrame.Position = p4.screenPos; p4.stickImage.Position =, p4.thumbstickFrame.Size.X.Offset / 2 - p4.thumbstickSize / 4, 0, p4.thumbstickFrame.Size.Y.Offset / 2 - p4.thumbstickSize / 4); p4.moveVector = u1; p4.isJumping = false; p4.thumbstickFrame.Position = p4.screenPos; p4.moveTouchObject = nil; end; local l__UserInputService__2 = game:GetService("UserInputService"); local l__GuiService__3 = game:GetService("GuiService"); function v3.Create(p5, p6) if p5.thumbstickFrame then p5.thumbstickFrame:Destroy(); p5.thumbstickFrame = nil; if p5.onTouchMovedConn then p5.onTouchMovedConn:Disconnect(); p5.onTouchMovedConn = nil; end; if p5.onTouchEndedConn then p5.onTouchEndedConn:Disconnect(); p5.onTouchEndedConn = nil; end; end; local v6 = math.min(p6.AbsoluteSize.x, p6.AbsoluteSize.y) <= 500; if v6 then local v7 = 70; else v7 = 120; end; p5.thumbstickSize = v7; p5.screenPos = v6 and, p5.thumbstickSize / 2 - 10, 1, -p5.thumbstickSize - 20) or, p5.thumbstickSize / 2, 1, -p5.thumbstickSize * 1.75); p5.thumbstickFrame ="Frame"); p5.thumbstickFrame.Name = "ThumbstickFrame"; p5.thumbstickFrame.Active = true; p5.thumbstickFrame.Visible = false; p5.thumbstickFrame.Size =, p5.thumbstickSize, 0, p5.thumbstickSize); p5.thumbstickFrame.Position = p5.screenPos; p5.thumbstickFrame.BackgroundTransparency = 1; local v8 ="ImageLabel"); v8.Name = "OuterImage"; v8.Image = "rbxasset://textures/ui/TouchControlsSheet.png"; v8.ImageRectOffset =; v8.ImageRectSize =, 220); v8.BackgroundTransparency = 1; v8.Size =, p5.thumbstickSize, 0, p5.thumbstickSize); v8.Position =, 0, 0, 0); v8.Parent = p5.thumbstickFrame; p5.stickImage ="ImageLabel"); p5.stickImage.Name = "StickImage"; p5.stickImage.Image = "rbxasset://textures/ui/TouchControlsSheet.png"; p5.stickImage.ImageRectOffset =, 0); p5.stickImage.ImageRectSize =, 111); p5.stickImage.BackgroundTransparency = 1; p5.stickImage.Size =, p5.thumbstickSize / 2, 0, p5.thumbstickSize / 2); p5.stickImage.Position =, p5.thumbstickSize / 2 - p5.thumbstickSize / 4, 0, p5.thumbstickSize / 2 - p5.thumbstickSize / 4); p5.stickImage.ZIndex = 2; p5.stickImage.Parent = p5.thumbstickFrame; local u4 = nil; p5.thumbstickFrame.InputBegan:Connect(function(p7) if not (not p5.moveTouchObject) or p7.UserInputType ~= Enum.UserInputType.Touch or p7.UserInputState ~= Enum.UserInputState.Begin then return; end; p5.moveTouchObject = p7; p5.thumbstickFrame.Position =, p7.Position.x - p5.thumbstickFrame.Size.X.Offset / 2, 0, p7.Position.y - p5.thumbstickFrame.Size.Y.Offset / 2); u4 = + p5.thumbstickFrame.AbsoluteSize.x / 2, p5.thumbstickFrame.AbsolutePosition.y + p5.thumbstickFrame.AbsoluteSize.y / 2); local v9 = - u4.x, p7.Position.y - u4.y); end); local function u5(p8) local v10 = - u4.x, p8.y - u4.y); local l__magnitude__11 = v10.magnitude; local v12 = p5.thumbstickFrame.AbsoluteSize.x / 2; if p5.isFollowStick and v12 < l__magnitude__11 then local v13 = v10.unit * v12; p5.thumbstickFrame.Position =, p8.x - p5.thumbstickFrame.AbsoluteSize.x / 2 - v13.x, 0, p8.y - p5.thumbstickFrame.AbsoluteSize.y / 2 - v13.y); else v10 = v10.unit * math.min(l__magnitude__11, v12); end; p5.stickImage.Position =, v10.x + p5.stickImage.AbsoluteSize.x / 2, 0, v10.y + p5.stickImage.AbsoluteSize.y / 2); end; p5.onTouchMovedConn = l__UserInputService__2.TouchMoved:Connect(function(p9, p10) if p9 == p5.moveTouchObject then u4 = + p5.thumbstickFrame.AbsoluteSize.x / 2, p5.thumbstickFrame.AbsolutePosition.y + p5.thumbstickFrame.AbsoluteSize.y / 2); local v14 = - u4.x, p9.Position.y - u4.y) / (p5.thumbstickSize / 2); local l__magnitude__15 = v14.magnitude; if l__magnitude__15 < 0.05 then local v16 =; else local v17 = v14.unit * ((l__magnitude__15 - 0.05) / 0.95); v16 =, 0, v17.y); end; p5.moveVector = v16; u5(p9.Position); end; end); p5.onTouchEndedConn = l__UserInputService__2.TouchEnded:Connect(function(p11, p12) if p11 == p5.moveTouchObject then p5:OnInputEnded(); end; end); l__GuiService__3.MenuOpened:Connect(function() if p5.moveTouchObject then p5:OnInputEnded(); end; end); p5.thumbstickFrame.Parent = p6; end; return v3;