English sentence
Swahili Translation
Many workers in the private sector have registered with this organisation.
Wafanyikazi wengi katika sekta binafsi wamejiandikisha na shirika hili.
This company has invested a lot of money in buying land.
Kampuni hii imewekeza pesa nyingi katika kununua ardhi.
The suspects have been granted bail today.
Watuhumiwa wamepewa dhamana leo.
We have hired one of the best lawyers in the country.
Tumeajiri mmoja wa mawakili bora nchini.
The insurance business is very profitable these days.
Biashara ya bima ina faida sana siku hizi.
This insurance company has been in existence for a long time..
Kampuni hii ya bima imekuwepo kwa muda mrefu ..
Many people in Uganda are ignorant about insurance policies.
Watu wengi nchini Uganda hawajui sera za bima.
Our country has maintained peace with its neighbors for a long time.
Nchi yetu imehifadhi amani na majirani zake kwa muda mrefu.
The executive meeting will be held on Monday.
Mkutano wa mtendaji utafanyika Jumatatu.
The national army safeguards the country's border from unplanned external attacks.
Jeshi la Kitaifa linalinda mpaka wa nchi hiyo kutokana na mashambulio ya nje yasiyopangwa.
The army commander has urged soldiers to be committed to their mission.
Kamanda wa Jeshi amewasihi askari kujitolea kwa misheni yao.
This health center needs more workers to improve on the service delivery.
Kituo hiki cha afya kinahitaji wafanyikazi zaidi ili kuboresha juu ya utoaji wa huduma.
The leader has promised to raise health workers' salaries in the next financial year.
Kiongozi ameahidi kuongeza mishahara ya wafanyikazi wa afya katika mwaka ujao wa fedha.
The water body is a source of fish to the surrounding communities.
Mwili wa maji ni chanzo cha samaki kwa jamii zinazozunguka.
Farmers use the water from the lake for irrigation.
Wakulima hutumia maji kutoka ziwa kwa umwagiliaji.
Floods lead to loss of lives and property.
Mafuriko husababisha upotezaji wa maisha na mali.
Most of these body builders are hired as body guards.
Wengi wa wajenzi hawa wa mwili huajiriwa kama walinzi wa mwili.
You inspired me to join these competitions.
Ulinihimiza kujiunga na mashindano haya.
It was such a deadly accident.
Ilikuwa ajali mbaya sana.
The deceased will be buried tomorrow at two o'clock.
Marehemu atazikwa kesho saa mbili.
Most of the foreign investors in Uganda are Indians.
Wawekezaji wengi wa kigeni nchini Uganda ni Wahindi.
I participated in last year's motor rally championship.
Nilishiriki katika Mashindano ya Rally ya Motor Rally ya mwaka jana.
The rally fans have started buying tickets from the authorised sellers.
Mashabiki wa Rally wameanza kununua tikiti kutoka kwa wauzaji walioidhinishwa.
He is participating in the challenge for the first time.
Anashiriki katika changamoto kwa mara ya kwanza.
Is it true that childbearing reduces the performance rate of the sports women?
Je! Ni kweli kwamba kuzaa watoto hupunguza kiwango cha utendaji wa wanawake wa michezo?
The ladies team reached on the finals in last year's tournament.
Timu ya wanawake ilifikia fainali katika mashindano ya mwaka jana.
He has signed a two years contract with the team.
Amesaini mkataba wa miaka mbili na timu.
The team manager promised to do anything possible to win this year's tournament.
Meneja wa timu aliahidi kufanya chochote kinachowezekana kushinda mashindano ya mwaka huu.
This court mainly deals with crimes committed by army officers.
Korti hii inashughulikia uhalifu uliofanywa na maafisa wa jeshi.
The reasons for their bail application was not convincing enough.
Sababu za maombi yao ya dhamana hazikuwa na kushawishi vya kutosha.
What is cause the current fall in the prices of foodstuffs?
Je! Ni nini sababu ya kushuka kwa bei ya vyakula?
There are high chances of finding fresh fruits in the market during morning hours.
Kuna nafasi kubwa za kupata matunda safi kwenye soko wakati wa masaa ya asubuhi.
The demand for vegetables is high these days.
Mahitaji ya mboga ni kubwa siku hizi.
The market vendors complained about the lockdown.
Wauzaji wa soko walilalamika juu ya kufungwa.
She requested them to be more organised in the next court session.
Aliwaomba waandaliwe zaidi katika kikao cha korti ijayo.
A big number of street children are orphans.
Idadi kubwa ya watoto wa mitaani ni yatima.
The religious leader built many houses for needy people.
Kiongozi wa dini aliunda nyumba nyingi kwa watu wenye uhitaji.
Some banks charge high interest rates to customers.
Baadhi ya benki hutoza viwango vya juu vya riba kwa wateja.
The bank has confiscated his house for failing to repay the loan.
Benki imechukua nyumba yake kwa kushindwa kulipa mkopo.
He borrowed some money from the bank to expand his businesses.
Alikopa pesa kutoka benki kupanua biashara zake.
I got the information from the eight o'clock news yesterday.
Nilipata habari kutoka kwa Habari nane za O'Clock jana.
The legislators were so embarrassed on that day.
Wabunge walikuwa na aibu sana siku hiyo.
They were sent out of the meeting because of their in disciplinary actions.
Walitumwa nje ya mkutano kwa sababu ya vitendo vyao vya kinidhamu.
He is the newly elected member of parliament for our constituency.
Yeye ndiye mwanachama mpya wa Bunge kwa jimbo letu.
These doctors are specialised in health issues among children.
Madaktari hawa ni maalum katika maswala ya kiafya kati ya watoto.
The police has established a station in our community.
Polisi wameanzisha kituo katika jamii yetu.
The hospital management is happy with the government support.
Usimamizi wa hospitali unafurahi na msaada wa serikali.
I can't work with a company that pays less than one million shillings.
Siwezi kufanya kazi na kampuni ambayo inalipa shilingi chini ya milioni moja.
Some government officials are highly paid compared to other civil servants in the country.
Baadhi ya maafisa wa serikali hulipwa sana ikilinganishwa na wafanyikazi wengine wa umma nchini.
Their department was included in this year's budget.
Idara yao ilijumuishwa katika bajeti ya mwaka huu.
Irrigation enables crops to grow well during the dry season.
Umwagiliaji huwezesha mazao kukua vizuri wakati wa kiangazi.
Most farmers get low yields because of poor farming methods.
Wakulima wengi hupata mavuno ya chini kwa sababu ya njia duni za kilimo.
Whenever health workers go on strike, it is mainly the patients who suffer.
Wakati wowote wafanyikazi wa afya wanapogoma, ni wagonjwa wanaoteseka.
Patients who fail to swallow medicine as prescribed take long to recover.
Wagonjwa ambao wanashindwa kumeza dawa kama ilivyoamriwa huchukua muda mrefu kupona.
The car is popularly known by many people in the community.
Gari hiyo inajulikana na watu wengi katika jamii.
He was once arrested more than four times in one month.
Wakati mmoja alikamatwa zaidi ya mara nne katika mwezi mmoja.
He is one of the strongest opposition leaders in the country.
Yeye ni mmoja wa viongozi hodari wa upinzani nchini.
They were extremely tortured by the security organs.
Waliteswa sana na viungo vya usalama.
A certain street girl was raped last night.
Msichana fulani wa mitaani alibakwa jana usiku.
Many organisations are trying their best to remove all children off the streets.
Asasi nyingi zinajaribu bora kuondoa watoto wote barabarani.
Some employers violate the rights of their workers.
Waajiri wengine wanakiuka haki za wafanyikazi wao.
The lawyer explained to us the relationship between workers and their employers.
Wakili alituelezea uhusiano kati ya wafanyikazi na waajiri wao.
This is going to affect the air transport.
Hii itaathiri usafirishaji wa hewa.
I have cleared all my debts today.
Nimeondoa deni zangu zote leo.
The company terminated their contract yesterday.
Kampuni hiyo ilisitisha mkataba wao jana.
I have to get one million shillings before Friday next week.
Lazima nipate shilingi milioni moja kabla ya Ijumaa wiki ijayo.
Many business owners in the country don't have enough capital.
Wamiliki wengi wa biashara nchini hawana mtaji wa kutosha.
This hospital has one surgeon.
Hospitali hii ina daktari mmoja wa upasuaji.
The leader has warned civil servants against strikes.
Kiongozi amewaonya wafanyikazi wa umma dhidi ya mgomo.
The ministry of health has posted five health workers to our community hospital.
Wizara ya Afya imeweka wafanyikazi watano wa afya katika hospitali yetu ya jamii.
Some health workers in the village dodge work.
Wafanyikazi wengine wa afya katika dodge ya kijiji hufanya kazi.
I have bought some medicine from the pharmacy.
Nimenunua dawa kutoka kwa maduka ya dawa.
Medical workers play an important role in our communities.
Wafanyikazi wa matibabu huchukua jukumu muhimu katika jamii zetu.
They were able to settle their misunderstandings peacefully.
Waliweza kumaliza kutokuelewana kwao kwa amani.
The Chief Justice has advised politicians to respect each other.
Jaji Mkuu amewashauri wanasiasa kuheshimiana.
There is freedom of speech in our country.
Kuna uhuru wa kusema katika nchi yetu.
He was arrested for leading the strike.
Alikamatwa kwa kuongoza mgomo.
The suspects should be brought to court today.
Watuhumiwa wanapaswa kupelekwa kortini leo.
This bank has mainly muslim customers.
Benki hii ina wateja wa Kiislamu.
She has encouraged residents to save part of their income everyday.
Amewahimiza wakaazi kuokoa sehemu ya mapato yao kila siku.
His lawyer has applied for bail.
Wakili wake ameomba dhamana.
They are accused of causing violence among the residents.
Wanashutumiwa kwa kusababisha vurugu kati ya wakaazi.
Some soldiers are qualified medical doctors.
Baadhi ya askari ni madaktari waliohitimu wa matibabu.
This hospital is funded by the ministry of health.
Hospitali hii inafadhiliwa na Wizara ya Afya.
Apart from protecting the country against its enemies, the army does many voluntary services.
Mbali na kulinda nchi dhidi ya maadui wake, Jeshi hufanya huduma nyingi za hiari.
They striked because of delayed salary payment.
Waligonga kwa sababu ya kuchelewesha malipo ya mshahara.
Government advertises all job vacancies through newspapers.
Serikali inatangaza nafasi zote za kazi kupitia magazeti.
The minister has warned public servants against negligence of duty in some departments.
Waziri amewaonya wafanyikazi wa umma dhidi ya uzembe wa wajibu katika idara zingine.
There are many corruption cases among civil servants.
Kuna kesi nyingi za ufisadi kati ya wafanyikazi wa umma.
The peace in our country has attracted many foreign investors.
Amani katika nchi yetu imevutia wawekezaji wengi wa kigeni.
The government has launched a new electricity dam in Northern Uganda.
Serikali imezindua bwawa mpya la umeme kaskazini mwa Uganda.
Many people failed to follow the rules while entering the building.
Watu wengi walishindwa kufuata sheria wakati wa kuingia kwenye jengo.
The car hit a tree.
Gari iligonga mti.
The company is registered at the district.
Kampuni imesajiliwa wilayani.
We have all the information.
Tunayo habari yote.
He prayed for everyone in the country.
Aliomba kila mtu nchini.
Many people have died because of poor security.
Watu wengi wamekufa kwa sababu ya usalama duni.
We shall find a solution to the problem.
Tutapata suluhisho la shida.
I will be talking to the journalists tonight.
Nitazungumza na waandishi wa habari usiku wa leo.
We did what we were told to do.
Tulifanya kile tulichoambiwa kufanya.