English sentence
Swahili Translation
He is meeting a news agent.
Anakutana na wakala wa habari.
We pray for all the people that were forced to leave the land.
Tunawaombea watu wote ambao walilazimishwa kuondoka ardhini.
They don't expect much from the leaders.
Hawatarajii mengi kutoka kwa viongozi.
I am going to the church.
Ninaenda kanisani.
Today is the second day of the week.
Leo ni siku ya pili ya wiki.
The market is near the to the people.
Soko liko karibu na watu.
Our machine can do many things at the same time.
Mashine yetu inaweza kufanya vitu vingi kwa wakati mmoja.
We are going to talk to the players.
Tutazungumza na wachezaji.
The competition will be held on Sunday.
Ushindani utafanyika Jumapili.
We have three years' experience.
Tunayo uzoefu wa miaka mitatu.
They have a reason to celebrate after winning the match.
Wana sababu ya kusherehekea baada ya kushinda mechi.
She has the details concerning the event.
Ana maelezo kuhusu tukio hilo.
We have to change the law.
Lazima tubadilishe sheria.
I think the new changes are not well intended.
Nadhani mabadiliko mapya hayakusudiwa vizuri.
Why can't we stay in this town?
Kwa nini hatuwezi kukaa katika mji huu?
The leader has forgiven the man who stole.
Kiongozi amemsamehe mtu aliyeiba.
We shall no longer have business with them.
Hatutakuwa na biashara tena nao.
Thank you for always hosting us.
Asante kwa kutukaribisha kila wakati.
The meeting ended well.
Mkutano uliisha vizuri.
He narrated to her the whole story.
Alimwambia hadithi yote.
Various people have thanked the company for its services.
Watu anuwai wameishukuru kampuni hiyo kwa huduma zake.
We had a meeting at the hotel.
Tulikuwa na mkutano katika hoteli.
She will tell us more about the event.
Atatuambia zaidi juu ya tukio hilo.
We want to buy new clothes for the children.
Tunataka kununua nguo mpya kwa watoto.
The country has many refugees.
Nchi ina wakimbizi wengi.
Why don't you mind your own business?
Kwa nini usijali biashara yako mwenyewe?
He had a meeting with journalists.
Alikuwa na mkutano na waandishi wa habari.
She did not tell her boss the truth.
Hakumwambia bosi wake ukweli.
The team leader is a judge.
Kiongozi wa timu ni jaji.
I attended the meeting.
Nilihudhuria mkutano.
Do you ever think about your future?
Je! Umewahi kufikiria juu ya maisha yako ya baadaye?
We are here to thank our customers for the support.
Tuko hapa kuwashukuru wateja wetu kwa msaada.
The company is hopeful that it will make profits again.
Kampuni hiyo ina matumaini kuwa itafanya faida tena.
We shall win the next game.
Tutashinda mchezo unaofuata.
He was taken to hospital last week.
Alipelekwa hospitalini wiki iliyopita.
The report did not please him.
Ripoti hiyo haikumpendeza.
The building caught fire yesterday.
Jengo hilo lilipata moto jana.
The fire started from the kitchen.
Moto ulianza kutoka jikoni.
He is going to tell every person about the event.
Atamwambia kila mtu juu ya tukio hilo.
They want to steal the land titles.
Wanataka kuiba majina ya ardhi.
The company had a top management meeting.
Kampuni hiyo ilikuwa na mkutano wa juu wa usimamizi.
Don't forget to pay your registration fees.
Usisahau kulipa ada yako ya usajili.
The bank wants its money before the end of next week.
Benki inataka pesa zake kabla ya mwisho wa wiki ijayo.
She is going to narrate to her story to us.
Atasimulia hadithi yake kwetu.
We shall hear from him in the evening.
Tutasikia kutoka kwake jioni.
The idea is not a good one.
Wazo sio nzuri.
We are yet to realise our dream.
Bado hatutaweza kugundua ndoto yetu.
They were told to take back the money to the owner.
Waliambiwa warudishe pesa kwa mmiliki.
The group leader made the announcement yesterday.
Kiongozi wa kikundi hicho alitangaza jana.
We shall make sure that you feel comfortable in your room.
Tutahakikisha kuwa unajisikia vizuri katika chumba chako.
They were affected by the war.
Waliathiriwa na vita.
The leaders have reached a final decision.
Viongozi wamefikia uamuzi wa mwisho.
The legislators debated about the new law.
Wabunge walijadili juu ya sheria mpya.
We were represented at the meeting by our journalist.
Tuliwakilishwa kwenye mkutano na mwandishi wetu wa habari.
The coffee farmers do not have who to sell the coffee to.
Wakulima wa kahawa hawana nani wa kuuza kahawa hiyo.
We need the support of the village leaders.
Tunahitaji msaada wa viongozi wa kijiji.
How far have you gone with the plan?
Je! Umeenda mbali na mpango gani?
He was transferred to another company.
Alihamishiwa kampuni nyingine.
The minister's response annoyed the audience.
Jibu la waziri lilikasirisha watazamaji.
We have to develop this city.
Lazima tuendelee na mji huu.
The journalists were not allowed to enter the house.
Waandishi wa habari hawakuruhusiwa kuingia ndani ya nyumba hiyo.
How much did you give the boy?
Ulimpa kijana kiasi gani?
They have decided to work together.
Wameamua kufanya kazi pamoja.
The team visited the children in the village.
Timu ilitembelea watoto katika kijiji.
That man loves mountain climbing.
Mtu huyo anapenda kupanda mlima.
He has changed his room.
Amebadilisha chumba chake.
My friend has been to four countries in one year.
Rafiki yangu amekuwa nchi nne katika mwaka mmoja.
He is not a good man.
Yeye sio mtu mzuri.
We do not know what you are talking about.
Hatujui unazungumza nini.
My father is still alive.
Baba yangu bado yuko hai.
The company found it hard to believe the man's story.
Kampuni hiyo iliona ni ngumu kuamini hadithi ya mtu huyo.
We are left with little forests.
Tumeachwa na misitu kidogo.
The group has promised to end the practice of stealing money.
Kikundi kimeahidi kumaliza mazoezi ya kuiba pesa.
We have to protect the young generation.
Tunapaswa kulinda kizazi kipya.
The office has no paper.
Ofisi haina karatasi.
The minister met the legislators this morning.
Waziri alikutana na wabunge asubuhi ya leo.
How do you choose the people that need your services?
Je! Unachaguaje watu wanaohitaji huduma zako?
The book was released yesterday.
Kitabu hicho kilitolewa jana.
We were able to see the group's findings yesterday.
Tuliweza kuona matokeo ya kikundi hicho jana.
We advised the people to stay home.
Tulishauri watu wakae nyumbani.
Ten people have died due to the dispute between the two families.
Watu kumi wamekufa kwa sababu ya mzozo kati ya familia hizo mbili.
Our team is monitoring the situation.
Timu yetu inafuatilia hali hiyo.
The land matter needs to be handled carefully.
Jambo la ardhi linahitaji kushughulikiwa kwa uangalifu.
They chased many people from the village.
Waliwafukuza watu wengi kutoka kijijini.
The elections will divide the people.
Uchaguzi utagawanya watu.
Kyadondo East used to be the biggest district in the Central Region.
Kyadondo Mashariki ilikuwa wilaya kubwa katika mkoa wa kati.
The musician also wants to be a community leader.
Mwanamuziki pia anataka kuwa kiongozi wa jamii.
We have interviewed some people about the water issue.
Tumewahoji watu wengine juu ya suala la maji.
He will soon be arrested by the police.
Hivi karibuni atakamatwa na polisi.
He did not go for the meeting.
Hakuenda kwa mkutano.
They have bought the land from the government.
Wamenunua ardhi kutoka kwa serikali.
He said that the land does not belong to him.
Alisema kuwa ardhi sio yake.
Their place of work is not safe at all.
Mahali pao pa kazi sio salama hata kidogo.
We shall meet on Friday at the office.
Tutakutana Ijumaa ofisini.
Many people have promised us money.
Watu wengi wametuahidi pesa.
The time for the news is approaching.
Wakati wa habari unakaribia.
His suspension from school raised questions.
Kusimamishwa kwake shuleni kuliibua maswali.
The workers were threatened by the thieves.
Wafanyikazi walitishiwa na wezi.
I am not going anywhere.
Siendi popote.
The company has decided to teach all its workers about the machine.
Kampuni imeamua kufundisha wafanyikazi wake wote juu ya mashine.