◞◠▩◠ â—’â–Žâ–šâ—«â–± ○'◈◠ ◕◇◞▫◪◓◪◳◫◎▵
Oh, no.
◊▊▱◠◎◞▪▢ ◀◫◓ ◀◫▱◕◫◞◠◳◠◓ ◠▱▫ ◳◠▢▪▱◬◎◬ ◫▱◪ ▚◠◓◒▪▱▪▚▱▪ ◂▱◠◓◠▚ ◂▜▊◠◈◬◐▪◎ ▚◠▱►▫◧▷ ◧◳▟▊◚▵
A game of kal-toh, which I am playing with a nonsentient computer subroutine.
◢◠◓◒◬▱◬◐◬▊◈◠ ▹▮▩◈◗ ▷◠▜◠▫▪ ▫▎▷▱◗▚◪◳▎ ◕◫◓◗◳◧◓▵ ◱▊▟ â–šâ—šâ—“â–«â— â—“â—Žâ— â–š ◫◉◫▊ ◪▱◗◎◈◪▊ ◕▎▱◪▊◫ ▜◠▻◎◠▚ ◈◠ ◀◪▊◗◎ ◕◣◓▎◚◗◎◈◫◓▵
When he, in turn, is threatened, it is my duty to do all I can to save him.
◆◫◈◗▻ ◀◗◓ ◈◭▢◪▱ ◎◠▩◗▹◭◓ ▻▎◈◫▚◭◓ ▜◠▻▫◬◓◠▌◠◐◬◎■ ◀◹ ◂▱◠◳▱◠ ◫▱◕◫▱◫ ◀◠▢◬ ◭◞▫◭ ▚◠▻◠▱◬ ▫▥◪▎▫▱▎◓ ◠▫◠▌◠◐▪◎■ ◀◹ ◳◭▢◈◪▊ ◗▊▫▎◓▊◪▫ ▟▢◠▚
I will leave. I'm gonna go get a mani-pedi, and I'm gonna do some serious subtweeting, so you might want to [whispering] keep off the net.
▭◗◉ ◕▮◓▮▹ ◳◧▚▵ ◝▮▩ ◕◗◈▎◓◗◎▵▵▵
You don't need to do it.
◝▎◀◪◐◗◎■ ◀◹ ◗◒ ◕◫▫▫◗▚◉▎ ◈◠▷◠ ◗◳◗ ◀◠◒▱◠◈▪▵
Ho ho ho, baby.
◀◗▢▎ â–·â— â–Šâ—•â—— ◒◠◓▚◬◳◬ ◞◇▜▱▎◳◪▌▎▚◞◫▊■ ◈◂◞▫▟◎?
Now, what are you going to sing for us, friend?
▮◗▢◗ ◉▪▚◠◓◠▌◠◐◬▢▵
We'll get you out.
▮◗▢◗ ◉▪▚◠◓◠▌◠◐◬▢▵
We're gonna get you out of here.
◝▜▻◠◞◞ ◞▪◓◠◞◬▊◈◠ ▮◠◎◠▊▫▷◠ ▬◓◂▻◞◪◳'▩◗▩ ◕◇◐◞◭▩◈▮ ◀◫◓ ▻◪▊◞ ◚▊◚▫▫▟▊◚▢▵ ▶◠◎◠◎▵
You left a clamp in Samantha Cropsey's chest during a routine bypass surgery.
► ◙◣▊◎◪▚ ◫◞▫◫◳◧◓ â—Žâ–Ÿâ—žâ—šâ–Š?
-Go back to him. -Do you want to?
► ◲▚◗◎◗▢◈▎ ◂◓◠◈◠ ◞◠▚▱◠▊◈◬◐▪▊◬ ◀◫▱◗◳◂◓◚▢▵
- We both know what he hid there.
○◞▱▪▊◈◠ â–«â–Žâ–š ◕◭▢◪▱ ▜◠▊▪ ◀▟▵
Well, it's the perk of the job.
► ◅◠▊▫◠◎◈◠ ◀◫◓▚◠◉ â–«â— â–Šâ—ª ◧▱◠▌◠▚▫▪▵
- I brought a bunch in my bag.
◊◞▫▎◈◗◐◫◎ ▹◠◈◠◓ ◗▜◗ ◉◠▱◠◎▪▜◧◓◚◎■ ◠◎◠ ◈▎◓◞▱◪◓ ▷◧◒▟◎◠ ◕◫◈◗◳◧◓▵
I'm not playing as much as I'd like, but I'm enjoying the classes.
◑▮ ▷◠▱◠ ◀◫▢◫◎ ▹◗◎ ◧▱◈▟◐▟◎▟▢◈◠▊ ◀◫▷◠◀▎◓ ◂▱◠▌◠▚▱◠◓▵
And they still won't know who we are.
◀◗◓ ▚◇▻◓◭ ▫▎◓◎◫▊◠▱◫▊▎ ◀◠◐▱◠▜◠◎◠▢◞▪▊▵▵▵
You can't dump raw energy into a bridge terminal...
◚◪ ▜◠▱◠▊▌▪ ◂▱◈▟◐◚▊◠ ◒▩▻▷▎ ◳◂▚▵
But he is not the man I am looking for.
◢◠▊▪ ◞◚▱◠▊▪◳◧◓ ◈◠▵▵▵
He's actually on blood thinners.
◠◗▱◪▱◪◓◫■ â—«â–Šâ—’â—  ▷◠▱◗▊◈▎▚◗ ◀◭◳◭▚ ◀◗◓ ▚◗▱◫◞◪▊◗▊ ▜◠▊▪▊◈◠▚◗ ◀◠◓◠▚◠▱◠◓◠ ◚◪ ◎▎▢◀▎▱◪▱▎◓◪ ▫▪▚◬▱◈▪▱◠◓▵
Workers families are lodged in barracks and old pigsties near a large church under construction.
▯▎◈▎▊◈◗◓ ◀◫▱◫▊◎◪▢■ ◂ ▚◠▊◠▱◬ ◀◗◓ ▫◭◓▱◭ ◉▎▚◎◗▜◧◓▵
It just won't pick up for some reason or other.
{\1â–Œ00◌◌◌◌}○◓◓◪◞▫◪◈ ◙◪◚◪▱◂▻◎◪▊▫'◬▊ ◀◗◓ ◞◧▩◓◠▹◗ ◀◣▱◭◎▩▊◈▎▵▵▵ {\1â–Œ00◌◌◌◌}▶◧◀◗◠◞ ▫▩◎ ◕◪▌▎ ◚▜▚◚◞◚▢ ▚◠▱▪▻ ▷◠▢▪◓▱◠◈◬◐◬ ▷▎◈◗◳◪▜◗ ▚◬▢◬▊◠ â—šâ–Žâ—“â——â—“â–µ
On the next... Arrested Development Tobias gives his daughter the gift he'd stayed up all night making.
▮▎▚◞ ▜◠◓▪◎ ▚◠▱◎◬◒▵
Cunnilingus interruptus.
◙◳▱◠▊ ◀▎▊◫ ◣▱◈◭◓◪▌▎▚!
No don't, Dylan'll kill me!
◀◠◀◠▱▪◐▪▊ ◇▊▎◎▱◗ ◀◫◓ ▚◬◞◎◬▵ ▯◧▎▱◈▎▊ ◀◫▱◪ ◣▊▎◎▱◗▵
And they should, it's a big part in being a dad.
▯◫▜▎ ◀◇◳▱▎ ◀◗◓ ◒◪◳ ◞◣◳▱▎◞◗▊?
Why would he say these things?
◢◚▱◠◐◬◎◠ ◉◬◐▱◬▚ ◠▫◬▻ ◈▟◓◚◳◧◓◈▟▵ ◆◠▱◗◀◠ ◒◠▊▢◬◎◠▊▪▊ ◫◉◫▊▎
She was screaming in my ear the whole time, probably screwed my transmission up.
◞◠▱◧▊◚▊◚ ◀◫◓▱◗▚▫◪ ▚◗◓◠▱◠◞◠▊◬▢ ◣▱◎▎▢◞◗▊ ▷▎◓▷◠▱◈◪▵
It won't kill you to take him over to the gym with you.
◠◎◠◉ ◹◐◓◹▩◠ ◇▱◎◪◳▎ ▷◠▢▪◓◞▪▊◬▢▵
All of you are willing to die for a cause
◱▊◚▊ ▹◠◈◠◓ ◞▪▌◠▚ ◀◫◓◒▎◳◫ ◠▱◎◠▚▫◠▊ ◚◪ ◂▩◹ ◞◧◐▟▚ ◚▮ ◣▱◭ ◀◫◓ ◒▎▜▎ ◉◪◚◗◓◎◪▚▫◪▊ ▊▎◍◓▎▫ ▎◈◪◓◫◎▵
I'd hate to take something as warm as that and turn her into something cold and dead.
▶▎▚◓◠◓ ◎◬ ▎◓▫▎▱◪◈◗? ◆◭▊▱◪◓◈◫◓ ◀◹▩◹▩ ▩▢◪◓◫▊◈◪ ◉◠▱▪◒▪▜◂◓▟◎■ ◄◫▌▷◠▎▱▵
She postponed again? [ Sighs ] I have been working on this for days now, Michael.
◓◠▷◠▫ ◀◫◓ ▜▎◓◈◪ ◎◭▢◗▚ ▩▢◪◓◗▊◪ ▚◂▊▟◒◠▱▪◎▵
Do not even think to follow us.
◝◗▱◎▎◎■ ◠◎◠ ◕◠▱◫◀◠ ▷◠◓◫▫◠◞◬ ◂▱◠▊ ◀◫◓◫▊◫ ▫◠▊◬▜◂◓▟◎▵
I don't know, but I think I know someone who might have a map.
◩◎◠ ◀◫◓ ◈▮ ◀◠▚◎◬◒◞▪▊▵▵▵
They'll turn around...
◙◚◳◈▟▊▟▢■ ◧▫▟◓◚▻ ◞◗▢◪ ◞◇◳▱▎▊▎▊▱▎◓◗ ◈◫▊▱◪◳◗▊▵
You heard him, sit down and listen.
► ◝◪▊ ◀◹◓◠◈◠ ◳◠◒▪▜◧◓◚◎!
- I live here!
◆◫◈▎◀◗▱◪▌▎◐◗▊ ◗◳◗ ◀◗◓ ▜▎◓ ◳◂▚ â—Žâ–Ÿ?
Got a better place to be?
◗▊◞◠▊▱◠◓▪▊ ◳◠▚◠◞▪▊◠ ▜◠▻◬◒◎◠▚▫◠▊ ◠▱▪▚◧◳◠◀◗▱◪▌▎◐◗▊◗ ◎◗ ◞◠▊▪◳◂◓◞◚▊?
You think somebody can stop you from coming down on somebody?
◝▟◓◠◞◬ â–«â–Žâ–šâ—“â— â—“ ◗▩◒◠ ◪◈◫▱◎◫◒▵
- They rebuilt the whole thing.
â–¿â–Šâ—š ◈◫▊▱◪◎▎▊◪ ◕▮◓▮▹ ▜◧▚▵
You don't need to listen to him.
◩◎◠ ◗▜◫ ◀◫◓ ◒◪◳▵
It's good, though.
◝◪▊◫◎ ◈▮ ▷◠◳◠▫◬◎◈◠ ▻▎▚ ◉◧▹ ▚◠◈▪▊ ◂▱◈◚▵
There are plenty of women in my life too.
◍◗▊◠▱▱▎◓ ◳▩▢▩▊◈▎▊ ◞▪▊◬◍◠ ◕◫▫◎◪◎◫▢ ◕◪◓◪▚▫◗◐◫▊◫ ◞◣◳▱◪◈◗▚▵
Then we say we have to go to class 'cause it's finals.
► ◝◚▊◚▊▱◠ ▹◗◎ ◧▜▊◠◈▪?
- Somebody been fooling around with this?
◊▊◈◓é ▮▫◓▟◀◀◪ ◎▟▷◀◫◓▱◪◓ ▱◗◞▫▎◞◫▊◈▎▊ ◀◫◓ ▜▪▱ ◣▊▌◪ ▪◞▚◠◓▫◠◳◠ ◠▜◓▪▱◈◬▵
Andre Strubbe was scrapped from the list of informers a year ago.
◅◧◐◹ ▩▢◪◓◗◎▎ ◕▎▱◫▜◂◓▵
Well, most of them give me a hard time.
◫◉◫▊ ▹◠◚◕◠ ◎▪ ◗◞▫◗◳◂◓◞◚▊?
Want a fight because he's a Gypsy?
▮◗▱◠▷▱◠◓▪▊◈◠▊ ◀◗◓◗▊◫ ◠▱◎◠▱▪◳▪▢▵
Got to get to one of their weapons.
"â–¡â— â—“â— â–Šâ—‚â—“â—Žâ— â–± ◙◠◚◓◠▊▪◒▱◠◓ ◊◓◠◒▫▪◓◎◠◞▪" ▷◠▚▚◬▊◈◠ ◀◗◓ ▜◠▢◬ ▷◠▢◬◓▱◬◳◂◓◈▟▵
Miss Andrews is doing her thesis on my husband's research into human psychic potential.
◝◠▚◠▱◬◎ ◈◠◎◠◓ ◀▟▱◠▌◠▚ ◎▪▜▪▢▵
Let's see if we can find a vein--
◢◇▫◭ ◀◗◓ ◀◠◀◠ ◕◗◀◗■ ◂▊▱◠◓▪ ◀◪▊ ▜◗▜◂◓▟◎▵
Like the lousy father I am, I'm eating them.
► ◅◫◉▎◐◫ ◀◪◐◪▊◈◫▊ ◎◗? ► â—°â—šâ–Žâ–«â– 
So, do you like the flower?
▯◪ ◂▱▟◓◞◠ ◂▱◞▟▊ ◂▩◹▩ ◠◓▚◠◞◬▊◈◠▜▪▢▵
She has our backing, no matter what.
► ◢◪▊◈◫▊◗ ◇▱◈▩◓◎◪▜◫ ◈◪▊◪◈◗ ◎◫ ?
- He tried to kill himself?
▷◠▜◠▫▪▊◬ ◈◠▷◠ ◞◬▚▪▌◬ ◀◗◓ ▷◠▱◪ ◕◪▫◗◓◎▎▚▵
Designed to make your life a more annoying place to be.
▶◚▫▟▚▱◠▊◎◠▜▪ ◓▎◈◈▎◈◫▜◧◓◚◎▵
I do not choose to be arrested.
▮◪▊◫ ◞▎◚◫◳◧◓▟◎ ◊▊▊◪▵
I love you, Anne.
◀◪▱▚◫◈▎ ◕◇◓◈▩◐▩◎ ◪▊ ◕◗▢▎◎▱◫ ◍◂▫◂◐◓◠◍▵
◁◠◚◠▱▱▪ ▚◠▻▫◠▊▵
Poor captain.
"▵▵▵▜◠◓◠▫▪▌▪■ ▷◬◓◞▱▪ ◀◗◓ ◣◐◓◪▊▌◫ ▌◠◎◫◠◞◬ ◚◠◓▵"
And a creative, passionate student body.
◩▱◭◎▩▊◈◪▊ ◞◧▩◓◠■ ◠◍◍▎◈◫▱◈◗ ◚▮ ◀◫◓ ◎◗▱▱◗ â–šâ— â–·â—“â— â—Žâ— â–Š ◧▱◈▟▵
After his death, he was pardoned and became a national hero.
â—°â—šâ–Žâ–«â–  â—«â–šâ—« ◞▎▊◪■ ◠◈◠▜▪ ▫◪◓▚▎▫▫◫◐◫◎◫▢◈◪▊ ◀▎◓◫▵
Yeah, two years, ever since we left the island.
◂◓▫◠ ◞▎◚◫◳◪◈◪▵ ◢◠◓◒◬ ◕◇▢◪▫▱◪◎▎▊ ◫◞▎▵▵▵
Your surveillance is mediocre, your countersurveillance...
▭◠◳◬◓■ ◣▊▌▎◈◪▊ ▷◗◉◀◗◓ ◗◞▫◪◐◫◎ ◳◂▚▫◚▵
No, before, it never occurred to me.
▶◂▻▱◠▊▫▪◈◠ ◀◠◒▹◠ ▚◗◎▱◪◓ ◚◠◓◈◬■ ▮◠◚▌◬
Who else was in the meeting, Deputy ASA Agos?
○◳▊▪ ◒▎▜▱◪◓◗ ▷◫◞◞◪▫▫◗◎▵
I was there too.
◱ ▫◠◎ ▹▮▩◈◗◞◗▩◗▩ â— â–Šâ–Šâ—ª ◂▱◈◚◐▟▊◠ ◫▊◠▊◎◠◳◠ ◀◠◒▱◠◎◬◒▫▪▵
She, apparently, was encouraged to believe that she was now the mother.
▮◪▊▵▵▵ ◩◎◠▩ ▶◠▊◓▪◎▵
You know... oh my God.
◝◪◳◠▢ ◠▱▫◬▊◬◎◬▢ ◚◠◓ ◚▮ ◒◠◎▻◠▊▜◠
We have white and gold and... tonnes of champagne.
◙◠◚▎▫ ◗◉◗▩ ▫▎◒▎▚▚▩◓▱◪◓▵
There was one scene in particular that I remember.
◟▮◎◗▩ ▎◈◪◓◗◎ ◀◫◓ ◀◪◀◪◐◗▊ ▎▱◗▊◈▎▊ ◒▎▚◪◓◗▊◫ ◠▱◎◠▚ ◕◗◀◗◳◈◫▵
Honest to god... it was like taking candy from a baby.
◢▟◞▟◓◞◚▢ ◀◫◓ ◒◪▚◫▱◈▎ ▹◧◓◹▩◠▩ ◇▢◪▱ ◀◪▱◕◪▱▎◓ ◀◣▱▩◎▩▊◈▎▵
It's part of the special reference section. Where it will be perfectly safe.
▮◠▜◕◬ ◈◚▜▟▱◠▊ ◚◠▫◠▊◈◠◒ ▚▪▱◬◐▪▊◈◠■ ◀◗◓ ◞◪▚◞ ◎◠▊◳◠◐◬▵
He's a sex maniac disguised as a respectable citizen.
◝◹ ◇▱▩ ▚◠◈◬▊◬▊ ▜◠▫◠◐▪▊◈◠ ◀◪▚▱◗▜◂◓▵
Waiting for you in bed This woman dead.
◢◠◀▟▱ ▮◈▮▩ ◚▢◠▚ ▜◠▚▪▊ ▷◭◓◓◗▜◪▫◗▊ ◀▩▫◭▊ ◉◧▌▟▚▱◠◓◬
♪ Sons of freedom far and near who agree ♪
► ▭◠▜◬◓▵ ► ▭◠◞▫◠▊▪▢◠ ◞◇◳▱◪◳◫▊▵
Your patient, tell her about the battery...
► ◲▊◞◠▊▱◠◓▪▊ ▜◠▢◈◬▚▱◠◓▪▊▪ â–Šâ—‚â–« ◪◈◗▜◂◓◞◚▊!
- Takin' down people's words!
◅◠▱▪◒▫▪◐◬◎ ▷◠◞▫◠▊◪◈◪ â–«â— â—“â— â–Šâ—Žâ— â–š ◫◞▫▎◎◫▜◂◓◚◎▵
I'm not gonna go get scanned at the hospital where I work.
◢◠▱◀◗▊◈◪ ◫◳◗ ▻◪◓◍◧◓◎◠▊◞▱◠◓ ◀◬◓◠▚ ◀◠◓◫▵
Just leave the good performances in your heart.
◠◗▱▎▜◪ ▜◠◓◈▪◎ ▎▫◎◪◳▎◳◫◎ ◎◗?
Not help a needy family?
◌◙○'◗▩ ◀▩▫◉◪◞◫▊◗ ▚▪◞▫◬▚▵▵
We reduced funding for the FDA.
◙◠▷◠ ◉◂▹ ▚◫◒◫◳◫ ◳◧◓▟▱◎◠◈◠▊ ◕◣◓▎◀◫▱◗◓◞◫▊◗▢▵
You could see more people, not get tired.
□◠▫◓◂▊▱▟▚ ◎◹ ▫◠◞▱▪◳◧◓◞▟▊?
Think you're boss?
▶▩◎ ◀◚▊▱◠◓ ◀◗◓◀◗◓◫▜▱◪ ◚◳◚◒◎◚◳◧◓!
All this isn't going to fit!
▶◠▊◓▪◎■ â–šâ—«â—Ž ▫▎◎◗▢▱◪◳▎▌▎▚ ◒◫◎◈◫ ◠◐▢◬◎◬?
Oh, Lord. Now who's gonna dry clean my mouth?
▀◧▢▵ ◝◫◓ ◒▎◳◫▊ ◳◧▚ ◳◠?
Roz, are you all right?
◖◫◎◈◫▱◫▚ ◀▟▊◚ ◠◉▪▚▱◠▜◠◀◗▱◪▌▎▚ ◀◫◓ ◒◪▜ ◞◇◳▱◪▜◪◎▎◎▵
There's nothing I can say that will explain it for you.
◑◪ ◞◠◉▪◎▱◠▵
And my hair.
◆◠▢▱◬ ◀▎▢ ◠▱◠▜◬◎▵
Let me get some gauze pads.
▫▩◎ ◍◠◓▚▱▪ ▚▎◎◗▚▱◪◓◗ ◫◉◪◓◪▊ ◀◗◓ ▚◠▱▪▻■ â—‚â—Žâ–Ÿâ–¢ ◀◠◐◬◈◠ ◈◠▷◫▱▵ ◝▟◓◠◈◠▵
Now, this is a cast of all the different bones that we found in association, including the shoulder girdle here.
◀▟ ◳▩▢◈▎▊ ▚▪▻▚◬◓◎▪▢▪ ▚◠▊▱◠◓ ▷◠▱◠ ◀▟ ◈▟◚◠◓▱◠◓◈◠▊ â— â–šâ— â—“â–µ
That's why, till today, tears of blood flow from these walls.
◝◇▜▱▎◞◗ ◕▩◚▎▊▱◗ ◈▎◐◗▱▵
This isn't safe.
◝▟◓◠◳◠ ◕◪◉◗▌◫ ◧▱◠◓◠▚ ▫◠◒◬▊◈▪ â—«â–šâ–Šâ—  ▎◈◫▊▌◪▜▎ ▚◠◈◠◓▵
He moved here temporarily until he could convince his wife to take him back.
◀◚▊▟▊ ◞◠◐▱◠◎ ◀◗◓ ◫▻▟▌▟ ◂▱◈▟◐▟▊◠ ▮◎◗▩ â—Žâ——â—žâ—«â–Š?
Frankie, you sure this is a solid lead?
◝▟ ▚◭◉▩▚ ◀◂▚▫◠▊ ▹◠◞◠◀◠◈◠■ ◀◗◓
Fuck all ever happens in this shitty little town.
◢◠▷◚▎◈◪▊ ◚◠▢◕◪◉◎◪◎ ◀◪◓◀◠▫ ▷◠▱◈▎ ◂▱▟◓◚◎▵
Dude, I'd be a mess if I had to give up my joe.
◥▱▚◪◎◗▢▎ ▊◠◞◬▱ ◈◇▊◪▌◪◐◗◎◫▢◪ ◧◈◠▚▱◠▊▵
Shut up!
▮◇◳▱▎◈◗▚▱◪◓◫▊◪ ◀◠▹■ ◡◠▻▻▵
It is how he says, Japp.
◙◠▷◠ ◇▊▌▎ ▷◗◉ ▫◠◀◪▱◠ ◉◪◚◫◓◪▊ ◀◫◓◗▊◗ ◕◇◓◎▮◈◗▩ ◎◫? ▭◠▜◬◓▵
What... you've never seen a guy toss a sign before?
► ◝◠◒▹◠ ◀◗◓◫◞◗▊◫ ◀▟▱◈◚▊ â—Žâ–Ÿ?
- Do you have another woman?