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◙◪▦◪▦◈◗ ▮◠◳◬▦ ◆◪▦▴◓◠▱▵ | It's been tried, General. |
▷◪◓ ◒▴◳ ◳◂▱◨▦◈◠ ◈◪◐◫▱ ◎◫? | Everything is normal here, right? |
◆◣◓◈◭▦ ◎▩■ ▦◪ ▨◧▱◠◳ ◂▱◈◨? | That's good. |
◙◂◐◨◎ ◀▴▱◕◪◞◗ ■ ▻◠◞◞▻◂◓▫ ▽◧▨ ■ ◚◪ ▷◫◉◀◫◓ ◭▱▨◪◈◪ ▷◗◉◀◗◓ ◎◠▱ ◚◠◓▱▪◐◬ ▽◂▨ | He has no birth certificate, no passport, and claims residency in no particular country. |
◅◧▨ ◀◠◞◫▫ ◀◗◓ ◒◪▽◫ ▨◠◓◎◠▨◠◓▪◒◬▨ ▷◠▱▴ ◕▴▫◗◓◫▽◧◓◞◨▦▵ | You're making something simple very complicated. |
◆◫◓▱◞▼▷◂◧▱'◈◠▦ ◇▦▼◪ ◉◠▱◈▪◐▪◎ ◕◓◨▻▱◠◓◈◠ ◕◗▫◠◓◫◞▫◗▦ ◕◗▫◠◓◬▦▪ ◎◬ ◠▨◂◓▫ ▴◈◗◳◂◓◞▾▦ | But I was in bands before Girlschool, that scene, I wondered if he tuned the guitar to guitar. That kind of condescending comments. |
◀◫▢◗◎ ▻◠◓◠◎◬▢▱◠ ◈▩▦▽◠▦▪▦ ▷▴◓ ▫◠◓◠◍◬▦▪ ◕◪▢◗▻ ▴◐▱▴▦◗▽◧◓◞◨▦▵ | It seems you've been tripping all over the world, enjoying yourself at our expense. |
◝◨ ◠◈◗▱ ◈◪◐◫▱▵ ◝▾ ◫▽◫ ◂▽▦◠◎◠◳▪ ▦◪◓◈▴ ◇◐◓◪▦◈◫▦? | Where'd you learn to play so well? |
◄▾▷◠◍▪▢ ◦◳◈◠▦'▪▦ ▫◠▱◫▷◞◗▢ ◚◪◍◠▫▪ ◈◠▷◠ ◉◂▨ ▨◠▦◬▫▫◠▦ ◀◗▢◫ ▽◂▨◞◨▦ | Though it has deprived us of more detailed evidence, the unfortunate death of Guardian Aydan has surely not affected the issue. |
◱▦◈◠▦ ◞◂▦◓◠■ ◕◫▫◎◗◒ ◂▱◠▼◠◐◬◎▵ | After that, I'll be gone. |
◆◭▱◭◎◞▴◎◪◳◪ ◈▴◚◠◎ ▴▫▵ ◘▱ ◈◪ ◞◠▱▱◠◳◠◀◫▱◫◓◞◗▦▵ | Just keep smiling, maybe wave. |
▮◠▨▱◠◎◀◠◉ ◂▽▦◠◎◠▽◬ ◉◂▨ ◞▴◚▴◓◫◎▵ | I love to play hide-and-go-seek. |
▶◠◓◗◍◗▦◗ ◠▱◈▪▦ ◎▪? | Did you get the directions? |
◖◨ ▽◬▱◈◬▢▱◠◓◬▦ ◕▩▢◪▱▱◫◐◗▦◪ ◀◠▨▵ | Look, how beautiful are the stars. |
◢◨▱▱◠▦◠◀◗▱◫◓ ◎◫▽◫◎? | Can I drive? |
◝▾▦▾ ◳◠▻◎◠◳◬ ◞▴◚◗◳◧◓▾◎! | I love doing this! |
► ◱▦◨ ◈▴◐◗◒▫◫◓◈◫◎▵ | I changed him. |
▯◠◞◬▱ ◀◗▱▴◀◫▱◈◫▦? | -How could you know? |
◝◫◓ ◠◚▾▨◠▫ ◫◉◗▦ ◗▽◫ ◣▻▩◒◭◳◂◓▾◎▵ | For a lawyer I'm some good kisser. |
◘◒▴▨▱◗▨ ▴▫▫◗◎▵ | _ |
► ◲◒▱◪◓◫▦ ◀◇▽▱◪ ◕◫◈◪▼◪◐◫▦◗ ◞◠▦◎◬▽◂◓▾◎▵ | - I don't think that's not gonna work. |
◆◇◓◈◭▨▱▴◓◗◎◫ ◀◫◓ ◀◫▱◞▴▦! | The things I have seen! |
◖▴▽▫◠▦◠ ◀▴▦▢◪◈◫◐◫▦◗ ◞◣◳▱▩◳◂◓▵ | Said she looked like the devil. |
▭◠▱◠ ◪▱▴▨▫◓◫▨◉◫ ◎◫◞◫▦? | You still an electrician? |
◝◨◓◠◈◠ ◨▢◨▦ ◞▩◓◪ ▨◠▱◠◎◠◎■ ◝◠▽◠▦▵ ◦▦◕▴▱▵ | I can't stay here long, Ms. Angel. |
► ◆▴◉◗◒ ◞◭◓▴◞◫ ◀◂▽◨▦▼◠ ◰◚◫▴'▦◗▦ ▫◠◓◠◍◬▦◬ ◞◠◚▾▦◠▼◠▨▵ | - He will steward Evie's side - during the transition. |
▾▱▾◞◠▱ ◈▴◚▱▴▫ ◞◬▦◠◚▪▦◈◠ ◪▦ ▽◭▨◞▴▨ ▻▾◠▦ ◠▱◈▪◐◬▦▪ ◈◨▽◈◨◎▵ | I heard you scored top on the national teacher's exam. |
▿ ▢◠◎◠▦ ◙▯◦ ▫▴◞▫◫ ▽◠▻▫◬◓◎◠◎◬▢ ◕▴◓▴▨◫◓▵ | We have to do a DNA test before then. |
▭▴◎▴▦ ◒◗◎◈◗! | Starting now! |
▭▴◎▴▦ ◒◗◎◈◗! | Go! Now! |
▭▴◎▴▦ ◒◗◎◈◗! | - Move it out now! |
▭▴◎▴▦ ◒◗◎◈◗! | Do it now! |
▭▴◎▴▦ ◒◗◎◈◗! | Right now. |
▭▴◎▴▦ ◒◗◎◈◗! | Right now! |
▭▴◎▴▦ ◒◗◎◈◗! | Right now! |
▭▴◎▴▦ ◒◗◎◈◗! | Right now! |
▭▴◎▴▦ ◒◗◎◈◗! | Right now! |
▭▴◎▴▦ ◒◗◎◈◗! | Right now! |
▭▴◎▴▦ ◒◗◎◈◗! | Right now! |
▭▴◎▴▦ ◒◗◎◈◗! | Stop! |
▭▴◎▴▦ ◒◗◎◈◗! | Right now! |
▭▴◎▴▦ ◒◗◎◈◗! | Right now! |
◄◧▦▫▴▼◗▫◧'▦◨▦ ◀◗▫◫◒◗◐◫▦◈◪▨◫ ▻◠◓◞▴▱ ◞◠▫◬▱◬▨◎◬◒▵ | I understand the parcel next to the montecito is for sale. |
◝▾▦◨ ◈◠▷◠ ◣▦▼◪ ▷◗◉ ◕◣◓◎▴◈◫◎▵ | I've never seen this before. |
▭▴▽■ ◈◂◞▫▱◠◓■ ▯◪▥ ▿◓▱▴◠▦◞'◠ ◕◫◈◫◳◂◓▾◎▵ | Hey, fellas, I'm headed for New Orleans, in style. |
▮◠▦▪◓▪◎ ◀◨▦▾▦ ◪▦◈◗◒◪▱◪▦◎◪▦◗▢▴ ◕◪◓▴▨ ◳◧▨▵ | I don't think you have to worry about that. |
▶◠◎◠◎◈▪◓■ ◟◭▢◀◠◒▪◎▵ | It's taken care of, Captain. |
"◁◪▨◠ ◕▴◓◗▱◗◐◫" ▨◪▱◫◎◪◞◗▦◗ ▨◨▱▱◠▦◈▪▦▵ | It's the use of the word "retard." |
▬◠▦◈◳■ ◞◪▦◫ ◎◪◒▷▾◓ ◝◫▱▱▽'▽▱▴ ▫◠▦◬◒▫◬◓◎◠▨ ◫◞▫◗▽◧◓◨◎▵ | I want you to meet the famous Billy. |
◘◚▴▫■ ◢◬◓◎◬▢▪ ◢◠◍◠▱◠◓'▪▦ ▦◪ ◂▱◈◨◐▾▦◨ ◀◗▱◗▽◂◓◨◎▵▵ | Yes, I know what Red Caps are! |
► ◱ ▷◠▱◈◪■ ◈▴◚◠◎ ◪▫ ◚◪ ◀◗◓ ▫◠▫◫▱▴ ◉◬▨■ ◀◪▦ ◈▴ ◀▾▦◨ ◳◠▻◠◳▪◎▵ | - Well, then go ahead and take a vacation, and I'll do this. |
▭◠◳▪◓■ ◈◂▱▾▽◨◎▵ | No, I can't. |
◈◧◐◠▦◬▦ ◓▾▷▱◠◓▪▦◠ ◀◠◓▪◒ ◕◪▫◗◓▴▱◫◎ ◚▴ ◀◨▦◨▦ ◫◉◫▦ ◞◫▢▴ ▫▴◒◪▨▨◭◓ ◪◈◗▽◧◓▾◎▵ | Tonight, my sisters, we shall bring peace to the spirits of nature that we serve, and for that, I thank you. |
◢▩◉▩▨ ▮◪▨◫■ ◞◠▦▪◓◬◎ ◀◗▢◫ ▾▦◨▫▫▾▦▵ | Little Seki, I thouht you'd forgotten us? |
▤◪◞◗◎▱▴◓◫▦◫ ◞◠▷◗▻▱▴◓◫▦▴ ◚◪◓◫▽◂◓◨◎▵ | I can't because actually I gave them the pictures. |
◅◭▦▨▩ ▨◠◍◠▦ ▨◠◓◎◠▨◠◓▪◒◬▨▵ | Because you are spoilt as hell. |
▬◠▦◬▦▪ ▽◠▨◎◠◞▪▦◠ ◫▢◫▦ ◚▴◓◎▴▽▴▼▴◐◗◎▵ | Shh, I won't let him hurt you. |
◝▾▦▱◠◓ ▱◫◎◧▦ ◉◇◓▴◐◫▵ | THESE ARE LEMON SQUARES. |
◕◪▦▴◓◠▱■ ◕▴▦◪◓◠▱ ◦◒▨ ◉◗◉◪◐◗ ◞▴◓▻◗▱◗◓▵▵▵ | General, general, general Blooms the flower of love... |
◙◗◒◗ ◕◪▽◫▨▱◪◓◫▦ ◕◇◓▴◚◗ ▨◭◉▩▨▱▴◓▴ ◀◠▨◎◠▨▫◬◓▵ | Does care for the young. |
◊◓▱◠▦◈◠▱◬▱◠◓◬▦ ▫◫▼◠◓▴▫◫▦▴ ▨◠◓▪◒▪◓▱◠◓ ◈◗▽◪ ▾◎▾◳◂◓◈▾◎▵ | Maybe take a little of the Irish trade. |
◅◂▼▾▨▱◠◓ ◚◠◓▨◪▦ ◞◠◚◠◒◎◠◳◬ ◕◇▢◪ ◠▱◠◎◠◎▵ | Can't risk a fight. Not with the children. |
▲▩▫◍◪▦ ▨◠◀◨▱ ▴▫▵ | I've never been able to talk to anyone |
▮◬▨◬ ◀◗◓ ◠◎◠ ◀◠▼◠▨▱◠◓▪ ▫▩▨▴▦◈◫▵ | He's a good banger, but he's got no legs left. |
◙◂◞▫◨◎■ ◀◫◓ ▷◠◍▫◠ ◉◠▱▪◒◎◠◈▪◎▵ | Oh, man, I had an off week. |
◟◪◎◫▦ ▴◈◪◓◫◎■ ◞◬◐◬◓ ▷◠▨▨◬▦◈◠ ▷◗◉◀◗◓ ◒◪▽ ◀◗▱◎◗▽◂◓▾◎▵ | Honestly, I don't know anything about the cattle. |
◝▴▦ ▬◠◓◧▱◫▦◪■ ▤◂◀◪◓▫'◗▦ ◪◒◫▵ | I'm Caroline, Robert's wife. |
▮◗▨▫◫◓ ▫◪◀◪◒◗◓ ▫▵◒◠▨_◝◦▤_▪! | Fuck you, chalk balls! |
▲◧▦◈◓◠'◈◠▨◗ ◀◠◀◠▦▱◠ ▨◧▦◨◒▾▽◧◓◨◎▵ | I'm talking to your father in London. |
◤▩▢◀◠◒◬'▦◬ ◕▴▫◫◓◞▴▨ ◗◳◗ ◧▱◠▼◠▨▵ | We better bring the captain in on this one. |
▮◪▦ ▫◪▱◪◍◧▦ ▴◈◗▻ ◞◣◳▱◪ ◈▴◈◗▨▫▴▦ | After you call her. |
▶◪▽▢▴◎ "◙◨◓◠▼◠◐▪◎ ▢◠◎◠▦ ◞◇◳▱◪" ◈◪◓ ◚▴ ▫◠◀◗ ◀◗▢ ◠◞▱◠ "◙◨◓" ◈◪◎▴▽◫▢▵ | My aunt would say, "Say when, " and of course we never did. |
◊▱◕◗▱▴▦◎◫◳◧◓ ◎◨◞▾▦? | Not interested? |
◦◓▨◠◈◠◒▱◠◓◬◎ ▷◪◓▨▴◞ ▾▢◠▨▫◠ | my friends, my grades. |
◄◠◓▨ ◚◪ ◙◠▦◗▴▱ ◧▫▴▱◪ ◇◐▱◪◈◪▦ ◞◧▦◓◠ 6:00 ◈◠ ◕◗◓◗◒ ◳◠▻◎▪◒▱◠◓ | Mark and daniel checked into the hotel at 6:00 p.M. |
► ◆◓◠▦◭▱▱▴◒◎◫◒ ◠▨◳◨◚◠◓ ▷▩▼◓▴▱▴◓◫■▵▵ | Agranulated white blood cells... Yeah. |
▮◂◓◎◠▦ ◕▴◓▴▨◗▽◂◓ ◎▾? | You had to ask? |
▮◪▦◗ ◠◎◗◕◧ ▨▪▢ ◧▱◠◓◠▨ | I didn't take you for the cheerleader type, Abby. Oh, I'm not. |
◝◨▦▱◠◓ ◀◪▦◫◎ ◀▱◧▨▱◠◓▪◎▵ | These are my blocks. |
▮◗▢◗ ◉◠◈◬◓◠ ◕◪◓◫ ◕◣▫◭◓◎▴▨ ▢◧◓◨▦◈◠◳◬▢▵ | We have to bring you back to the tent. |
◝◠▱◂▦ ◈◠◓▫◬ ◂▽◨▦▾▦◈◠ ◕◇◓▩◒◭◓◭▢▵ | I'll, uh, see you at the balloon dart. |
◀◗◓◉◧▨ ◕◠▱◠▨◞◫◳◗ ◠▦◠▱◫▢ ◪▫▫◗▨▵▵▵ ◚▴ ▷◪▻◞◗ ◠◳▦◬ ▽◠▻▪▽◠ ◞◠▷◗▻▫◗▵ | Since then, we've analyzed hundreds of galaxies... and they all have the same pattern. |
▿ ▽▴◓▱▴◓◈◪▦ ◀◗◓▨◠◉▪ ◒◨◓◠◈◠▵ | Couple of the places are just up ahead. |
◢▴◒▨◪ ▽◠▻◠◀◗▱◪▼◪◐◗◎ ◈◠▷◠ ◍◠▢▱◠ ◒▴▽ ◧▱◞◠◳◈▪▵ | I wish that there was more that I could do. |
▮◠◈◪▼◪ ◪◞▻◓◫◳◗ ◳◠▻▫◬▦▵ | Exactly. |
▯▴ ▨◠◈◠◓ ◫▦◞◠▦▪▦ ▥◗►◍◗ ◒◗◍◓▴◞◫ ▨▾▱▱◠▦◎◠◈◬◐▪▦▪ ◀◫▱◞▴▦ ◒◠◒◠◓◞◬▦▵ | It's amazing how many people still don't password-protect their wi-fi. |
► ◖◨ ◫▨◫◞◗▦◗ ◨▦◨▫▵ | Forget about those two. |
◟◠ ◀◫◓◗ ◕◪▱◗◓◞◪▵ | Someone may come! |
▭◗◉◀◗◓◗ ▽◧▨ ◒◫◎◈◫▵ | They're all gone now. |
▯▴ ◧▱◈◨ ◀◫▫▫◫? | What was it? |
▭◠◈◫▵▵▵ ▮◠▻▱◠ ◠◓▫◬▨▵ | Come on,put it in... |
◝◠◳▱◠◓ ◀◠◳◠▦▱◠◓▵ | Ladies and Gentlemen. |
◝◠◳▱◠◓ ◀◠◳◠▦▱◠◓▵ | Ladies and gentlemen. |
◝◠◳▱◠◓ ◀◠◳◠▦▱◠◓▵ | Boys and girls. |
◝◠◳▱◠◓ ◀◠◳◠▦▱◠◓▵ | Ladies and gentlemen... |
◝◠◳▱◠◓ ◀◠◳◠▦▱◠◓▵ | Jay Kepler ladies and gentlemen. |
◝◪▱▨◫ ▮▫◂◓◎▽'◳◪ ◀◗▦◪◀◫▱◫◓◞◗▦▵ | Maybe you could ride Stormy. |
◙▴◎▴▨ ▫◪▨◪◓▴ ◉◧◎◠▨ ◞◂▨▫▾■ ▷◠? | How dare he make a fool of me? |
◅◧▨ ◞◪◓▫ ▨◠▻◠▫▵ | Just slam the door! |
► ▵▵▵▨◓◠▱▱◬▨▱◠◓◬ ◀◗◓▱◪◒▫◗◓◎◪▨ ◗◞▫◫▽◂◓▵ | By marrying me to his daughter. What? |