stringlengths 3
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stringlengths 1
◀◠▨◠◓◞◠▦◬▢■ ◀◪▦ ◈▴ ◀◨ ◞◂◓◨▽▾ ▨◪▦◈◫◎◪ ◞◬▨ ◞▪▨ ◞◧◓▾▽◧◓▾◎▵ | And as a matter of fact I keep asking myself the same question. |
▮▴▦ ◀◨ ▨◧▦▾◈◠ ▦◪ ◀◫▱◫◳◧◓◞◨▦? | - What do you know about it? |
► ◝▾ ◎▩▢◗▨ ◈▴ ▦▴? | What's that sound? |
► ◙▩◐◎▴▱▴◓◫▦◫ ◠▱◈▪◎▵ | I've got his buttons. |
▮◗◎◎◧▦◞■ ◀▾▢▾ ▨▪◓◎◠▨ ◗◉◗▦ ◀◫◓ ◒▴◳◪ | Simmons, I need something to break the ice. |
◇▻▴◓▨◪▦■ ◂▦▱◠◓▪ ◕▪◈◬▨▱▪▽◂◓ ◎◨◈▾◓? | Do you think it tickles women when I kiss them? |
◆◓◠▦◕▴◓'◈◠▦ ▷◠◀▴◓ ◚◠◓ ◎◬? | - Any word from Granger? |
▯▴ ◈◭◒▩▦◈◭◐▩▦◭ ◀◫▱◗▽◂◓◨◎ ◠◎◠ ◠◳▦◬ ◒◪◳ ◈▴◐◫▱▵ | I know what you think. It's not the same. |
► ▬◠◎ ◎◬ ▻▱◠◞▫◗▨ ◎◗? | - Uh, glass or plastic? |
◝◗◓ ◞◧◓▾▦ ◂▱◎◠◈▪◐◬▦◠ ◪◎◗▦◗◎▵ | I'm sure it's nothing. |
◑▴ ▨▴▦◈◗▦◗ ▷◪◓ ▢◠◎◠▦ ◀◪▱◗◓◕◗▦ ◀◗◓ ◒▴▨◗▱◈▴ ◕◇◞▫◪◓▵ | And stay clearly visible. |
◤◠▫▫▪◐◬◎▪▢◈◠■ ◀◪▦ ◗▱▨ ◎◗ ◧▱◠▼◠◐▪◎? | When we bed together, shall I be your first? - I... |
▭◠▽◠▫◬◎◬▢ ◗◞▴ ◈▩◒▩▦▼◪▱▴◓◫◎◗▢◈◪▦ ◫◀◠◓▴▫▫◫◓▵" | Our life is what our thoughts make it." |
◝▾▱◠◀◫▱◈◗◐◗◎ ▷▴◓ ◒▴▽◗ ◕◪▫◫◓◈◫◎▵ | I already brought everything down I could find. |
◔▢▴◓◫▦◈◪ ◉◂▨ ▨◇▫◭ ◀◗◓ ▴▫▨◫◎ ◧▱◈◨ ◞◠▦◬◓◬◎▵ | Can't help but think that I've been a terrible influence on you. |
◆▴◓◉◪▨▫◪▦ ▫◪▨◓◠◓ ◀◠◒▱◠◳◠◀◗▱◫◓ ◎◫◳◗◎? | Can I really start over again? |
◁◠▼▷◠◓▽ ▷◪◓ ◕▴▼▴ ◀▾◓◠◳◠ ◕◪▱◫▻ ◎◧◀◗▱◳◠▱◠◓▱◠ ◨◐◓◠◒◬▽◧◓▵ | Zachary comes here every night to work with the furniture. |
► ◛◎◠◓◬◎ ◎◨▫▱▾ ◧▱◨◓◞▾▦▵ | I hope you will be happy. |
◱▦◠ ◳◠▱◚◠◓◎◠◳◠▼◠◐▪◎▵ | I'm not gonna beg to him. |
◝◪▦◫ ◓◠▷◠▫◞▪▢ ▴◈◗◳◧◓▵ | It disturbs me. |
◝◪▦◫ ◓◠▷◠▫◞▪▢ ▴◈◗◳◧◓▵ | It embarrasses me. |
◝◪▦◫ ◓◠▷◠▫◞▪▢ ▴◈◗◳◧◓▵ | It just irritates me. |
◝◪▦◫ ◓◠▷◠▫◞▪▢ ▴◈◗◳◧◓▵ | It just makes me uncomfortable. |
◀◠▦▨◠ ◕◭◚◪▦▱◫▨ ◕◇◓▴◚▱◫◞◫▦◪ ▽◠◓◈▪◎ ▴▫◎◪▨ ◗◉◫▦ ◈▴▱◗▼▴ ◀◗◓ ◒◪◳ ◳◠▻◠▼◠▨◞◬▦▵ | You're gonna do something insane to help that bank guard. |
▶◠◀◫ ◞▴▦◗▦▱▴ ◂▱◠▼◠▨▵ | - Okay. - She should fuck you. |
◑▴ ◞◧▦◓◠ ◠▦▱◬▽◂◓◞◨▦▵ | And then you receive. |
◲▢▦◫▦◫▢▱▴ ◒◫◎◈◗ ◈◭◐◭▦ ▻▱◠▦▱◠◎◠▼◬◎▱◠ ◀◨▱▾◒◠▼◠◐▪◎▵ | Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to meet with my wedding planner. |
▮◠◉◬▦◬ ▨▴◞▫◫◓◎▴▨ ◭▢▴◓▴▵ | He's about to get his hair cut. |
► ◘◚◪▫■ ◕◇◓◭▽◂◓▾◎▵ | Yeah, I do. |
► ◘◚◪▫■ ◕◇◓◭▽◂◓▾◎▵ | Yeah, I can see that. |
◦◞▱▪▦◈◠■ ◒◨ ◠▦◈◠ ◪◐▱▴▦◗◳◂◓▾◎▵ | Actually, I am doing something fun. |
▮▾◉▱◠◓▪▦▪▦ ◀◪◈▴▱◫▦◫ ◇◈◪◳◪▼▴▨◞◗▦▵ | You'll pay for your crimes. |
▮◠▦◠ ◞◧▦◓◠ ◠◉◬▨▱◠◓◬◎▵ | - She's not goin' anywhere with you. |
▮◠▦◠ ◞◧▦◓◠ ◠◉◬▨▱◠◓◬◎▵ | I'll talk you through it. |
▮◠▦◠ ◞◧▦◓◠ ◠◉◬▨▱◠◓◬◎▵ | I'll explain later. |
▮◠▦◠ ◞◧▦◓◠ ◠◉◬▨▱◠◓◬◎▵ | I'll tell you about it later. |
▮◠▦◠ ◞◧▦◓◠ ◠◉◬▨▱◠◓◬◎▵ | I'll explain later. |
▮◠▦◠ ◞◧▦◓◠ ◠◉◬▨▱◠◓◬◎▵ | I'll explain to you later. |
▮◬▦◬◓◞◬▢ ▻◠◓◠▦▪▢ ◚▴ ◀◭▽◭▨ ◀◗◓ ▱◠◀◂◓◠▫▾◚◠◓▪▦▪▢ ◚◠◓◞◠ ◞◠▦▪◓▪◎ | I guess if you had unlimited money, a great lab, you probably could do it. |
◲▦◠▦◠◎◬◳◂◓▾◎■ ▷◫◉ ◈▴◐◗◒◎▴◎◗◒◞◗▦▵ | Oh, look at you. You haven't changed. |
◆◪◓◉◪▨▫◪▦■ ▷◫◉ ◞◧◓◨▦ ◈▴◐◗▱▵ | Really. No, it's no problem. |
◅◬▨◎◠▱▪◞▪▦ ◀▾◓◠◈◠▦▵ | Oh my God. You-you gotta get the fuck out of here. |
◲▦◞◠▦◗ ◀◪▼◪◓◫▱◪◓◗ ◕◪◉◎▴▨ ▩▢◪◓◪ ▫◠◞◠◓▱◠▦◈▪◎▵ | I am designed to exceed human capacity. |
◦◓▨◠◈◠◒▱◠◓ ◀◨ ◕▩▢◪▱ ◕▩▦◈▴ ◞◫▢▱▴◓▴ ◚▴◓▴▼▴▨ ◕▩▢▴▱ ◀◗◓ ▷◠◀◪◓◫◎ ◈◠▷◠ ◚◠◓▵ | Friends on this auspicious day I have yet another note of happiness to sound. |
▭◠◀◪◓▱◪◓▴ ◕◣◓◪■ ▨◫◎▽◠◞◠▱ ◞▪▢▪▦▫▪ ◚◠◓◎◬◒▵ | The news said it was a chemical breach. |
◆◠◓◚▴◳ ◢◠◓◈◪◒■ ▨▴▦◈◗▦◗ ◀◭◳◭▨ ◀◗◓ ◨▱◨◞▾▦ ◣▢◕▩◓▱◭◐◭▦▴ ◠◈◠◎▪◒ ◀◗◓ ▨◠▷◓◠◎◠▦◈▪◓▵ | Brother Garvey is a hero devoted to the liberation of a great people. |
◝▾ ◀◗◓ ◎◗▦◫◀▩◞▵ | It's called a van. |
► ◝◫◓ ◞◧◓▾▦ ◉◬▨◎◠▢◞◠ ▫◪▨◓◠◓ ◕◇◓◭◒◎◪▽◗▢ ◨◎◠◓◬◎▵ | I expect we won't meet again unless there's a problem, |
◘▫◓◠◍◬◎▪▦ ◀◪▦◗ ◞▴◚▴▦ ◚▴ ◞◪◚◈◗◐◗◎ ◗▦◞◠▦▱◠◓▱◠ ◉▴◚◓◪▱◪▦◎▴◞◗▦◗ ◗◞▫◗◳◧◓◨◎▵ | I want to be surrounded by the people who love me and the people that I love. |
◝◠▨■ ◡▾▱▴◞■ ◕▴◓◉▴▨▫▴▦ ◪◚▱▴▦◎◪▦▴ ◕▴◓▴▨ ◳◧▨■ ▫◠◎◠◎ ◎◬? | Look, Jules, you don't actually have to marry me, okay? |
◖◪▨◪◓ ◕◗◀◗▵ | It's like sugar. |
◢◠▻◬◎◠ ▨◠◈◠◓ ◕▴▱◫▻ ◀◠▦◠ 50 ◞▴▦◪ ◣▦▼▴ ◧▱◠▦ ◀◫◓ ◒▴▽◫ ◞◂◓◨▽◂◓◞◨▦! | You come onto my doorstep and ask me about one thing that happened 50 years ago! |
◈◂◎◨▢ ▻◫◓▢◂▱◠◞◬▦◬▦ ◀◗◓◗▦◗ ◣▱◈▩◓◪◀◫▱◪▼▴◐◫ ◠▨▱◬◎◠ ◕▴▱◎◪▢◈◫▵ | I didn't know that you could kill somebody with a pork chop. |
▭◂◒◨◎◠ ◕◫◈◪▦ ◀◫◓ ◪◓▨◪▨ ◕◣◓◈◭◎ ◎▩■ ◀◪◓◠◀▴◓ ◧▱◎◠▨ ◗◞▫◗◳◂◓◨◎▵ | If I like one, I want to sleep with him. |
► ◅◪▨◗▱ ▨◪▦◠◓◠ ▨◠◈◬▦▵ ▯◪◓▴◈▴◳◗◎ | When a mutant came to our valley and released her elemental energy, |
◆◣◓▴◚◫ ◀▪◓◠▨◎▪◒ ◂▱◨◓◈◨▨? | We would've dropped the charges. |
▬◫◈◈◫ ◀◫◓ ◒▴◳ ◈▴◐◫▱▵ | Nothing serious. |
▶▴◂◓◫ ◫▢▱◪◓◗ ▫◠▨◫▻ ▴◈◫▽◂◓▵ | The theory tracks. |
▿▦◨ ◳◪◎▴▨ ◫◞▫▴◈◗◐◫▦◈▴▦ ◪◎◫▦ ◎◫◞◫▦? | You sure you need that? |
○◉▪▨◉◠◞▪■ ◝◓▴▴■ ▲▽▦◪▫▫▴'◫▦ ◳◠▻▫▪▨▱◠◓◬▦◈◠▦ ◞◧▦◓◠■ ◧▦◨▦▱◠ ◀◫◓▱◫▨▫◪ ◞◇▽▱◪◎▴▨▵▵▵ | To be honest, Bree, I don't think I'm gonna be able to sing with Lynette after she was... |
◤▾▨◠◓◬ ◉▪▨▪◳◂◓▵ | She comes up to the surface. |
◝◫◓ ▨◠◎◳◧▦▾▦ ◠◓▨◠◞▪▦◈◠▦ ◈▩◒▫◭▵ | It fell off the back of a lorry. |
▭◗◉ ◈◠▱◕◠ ◕▴◉◪◓ ▽◠▦▱◠◓◬ ▽◧▨◎▾◒ ◕◗◀◗▵ | Sounds like they're not messing around. |
◝◪▦■ ▫◠◒▪▽◧◓▾◎▵ | Well, I-I'm carrying it. |
◀▾▱▾◒▫▾◐▾◎◨▢◈◠ ▫▴◞▱◗◎ ▫◠◓◫▷◫ ◠◀◞▩◓▫▫◭▵ ◢○◄◰▤○ ▶◰◢▯◊▮◤◰▯◊ | When we first met them, their deadline seemed absurd. |
◝◠▢◬ ◠◈◠◎▱◠◓ ◨◉▾◓▾◎ ◕◇◓◭▦▼▴ ◠▫▱◠◎◠◈◠▦ ▴◈◪◎◗◳◧◓▵ | Some boys can't go near a cliff without jumping off. |
◆▴▱◈◫◐◫▦ ◫◉◗▦ ▫▴◒▴▨▨▩◓▱◪◓▵ | Mm. Thanks for coming. |
◆▴▱◈◫◐◫▦ ◫◉◗▦ ▫▴◒▴▨▨▩◓▱◪◓▵ | Thanks for coming. |
"▭◠◳▪◓■ ◠▦▦▴▦ ◣▱◎▩◳◧◓▵" ▽◠ ◈◠ "◰◚▴▫■ ◠▦▦◪▦ ◣▱◭◳◂◓▵"■ ◞◂▦◓◠ ◈◠ ◍◫▱◎◫ ◫▢▱▴◎◪◳▴ ◈◣▦◪◓◗▢▵ | "No, your mother isn't dying" or "Yes, your mother is dying," and then we go back to watching the film. |
► ▮◠◉▪▦◠ ◀◠▨▵ | - Look at your hair. |
► ▮◠◉▪▦◠ ◀◠▨▵ | Oh, look at her hair. |
► ▮◠◉▪▦◠ ◀◠▨▵ | - Look at his hair. |
○◎◠ ◍◠▢▱◠ ◞◪◉▴▦▴▨ ▽◂▨■ □▷◗▱◫▻▵ | But there aren't a lot of choices then, Philip. |
▯◪ ▢◠◎◠▦ ◳◠▫▫◬▦◬▢? | When the fuck you hit that? |
▮◠▦◬◓▪◎ ◀◪▦◗◎ ◫◉◗▦ ▷◪◓◒◪▽ ◀◫▫▫◫▵ | I reckon it's over for me now. |
▭◠▽◠▱ ▨◨◓◎◠▨ ◗◞▫◪◈◫▦ ◞◪▦▵ | You just wanted to dream. |
◝▾▦▾ ◂▦◠ ▷◫◉ ◞◧◓◈▾▦ ◎▾? | Do you ever ask him about it? |
► ▶◂◀◂▱◞▨◗ ◈◗◳◧◓▵ | So he calls you...? - Tobolski. |
▭◠▽◈◫ ◂◐▱▾◎! | Come, Whitey! |
▭◠▽◈◫ ◂◐▱▾◎! | Come on, boy. |
▭◠▽◈◫ ◂◐▱▾◎! | Get up here! |
►▤◭▽◠ ◕◣◓▩▽◧◓◈◨▵ | - He was dreaming. |
◱▦▱◠◓▱◠ ▦◪◓▴◈◪ ▫◠▦▪◒▫◬▦▪▢? | Where did you meet them? |
► ▯◪◈▴▦ ◀◗◓ ◒▴▽ ◞◇▽▱▴◎▴◈◫▦ ▮◠◎? | Why didn't you say anything? |
□▴▨◗ ▽◠ ◚◭▼◨◈◨? | What about the body? |
◝◠▽ ▬◠◞▫▱◪ ◀◫◓ ◠▦▱▪◐▪▦◠ ◗▨◗◎◗▢◫▦ ◈◠▷◠ ◇▦▼▴ ▫◠▦◬◒▫◬◐◬▦▪ ◚◠◓◞◠◳◠▱▪◎▵ | Mr. Castle, let's just say for a moment that you and I did meet each other. |
◧▱◠◓◠▨ ▴▦ ◫▽◫◞◫■ ◞◫▢◫▦ ▽◂▱ ◕◇◞▫◪◓◎▴▦◗▢ ◧▱◠▼◠▨▫▪◓▵ | It would be best for him to be guided by his own father. |
▶◫◳◠▫◓◧◈◠▦ ▷◂◒▱◠▦◬◳◂◓▵ | She likes the theater. |
▶◠◎◠◎■ ▷▴◓▷◠▱◈▴ ◧▱◎▾◒▫◨◓▵ | OK, that's about it. |
◆◠◫▱ ◳◠▫▫▪ ◎◬? | - Did Gail go to bed? |
▿▱◠▦▱◠◓◈◠▦ ◞◧▦◓◠ ◀◇▽▱▴ ◎◨▫▱◨ ◂▱◎◠◳◠ ▷◠▨▨▪◎ ◂▱◎◠◞◠◈◠▵▵▵ ▭◫◞◞▴▫▫◫◐◗◎ | With everything that's going on, I have no business feeling this happy, yet, here I am, feeling... |
◞◠◈▴▼▴ ◀▴▱◫◓▱◫ ◀◗◓ ▢◠◎◠▦ ◈▴◐◗▱▵ ▭◫◉ ◈▾◓◎◨▽◂◓▵ | No, it isn't just then, it never stops. |
◝◠▨■ ◀▾ ◈◠ ◈◫◐◪◓▱▴◓◗ ◕◫◀◗ ◫▦◞◠▦▱◠◓◬▦ ◕▴▱◫▻ ◢◠▫◬▱◈◬▨▱◠◓◬ ◀◫◓ ▨◗▫◠▻ ▨▾▱◭◀▩ ▫◠◎◠◎ ◎▪? | Look, this isn't one of those book clubs where people just come to mingle, right? |
◞◪▦ ◀◠▦◠ ◀◫◓◗▱◪◓◗▦◫ ▷◠▫◬◓▱◠▫▪▽◂◓◞▾▦▵ | You know, you do remind me of someone. |
"▭◪▦◈▴◐◗▦" ◠▦▱◠◎▪▵ ◛◎◓◨◎◈◠ ◀◫▱◪ ◈◪◐◫▱▵ | "Rhine" means I don't give a flying nun. |
◔▢◕▩▦◭◎ ◠◎◠ ▷◪◓ ◒▴▽ ◉◂▨ ▷▪▢▱▪ | And i'm sorry, you have to understand, This -- this happened so fast. |
► ▶◓◪◎◠◫▦▴ ▷▴▻◗▦◗▢◗ ◈◂◐◓◠▽◠▼◠▨▵ | - Tremaine's gonna slice y'all. |
◲▨◫'◳▴ ◧▱◠▦▱◠◓ ◞◪▦◗ ◞◠◐▱◠◎ ▴▫▨◫▱◪◈◗■ ◈◪◐◗▱ ◎◫? | What happened to Two hit you pretty hard, huh? |
▿◍◫◞◫◎◗ ◎◗ ◨▦▾▫▫◨▦■ ▬◂◂▻? ◩◐▱◪ ◳▴◎▴▨▱▴◓◗▦◈▴ ◞◗▦◞◫▼▴ ◕◫◓◫▻ ▴◚▱◗▱◫▨ ▨◫▫◠▻▱◠◓◬▦◠ ◀◠▨▫▪◐◬▦ ▽◪◓ | - and books you sneak in to look at during lunch? |
◅◫▦■ ◠◈◠▻▫▴ ◂▱◎◠▨ ◗◉◗▦ ▢◧◓ ◀◫◓ ▩▱▨◪■ ◞◫▢▴ ◈◪ ◣▽▱▴ ◕▴▱◎◗▽◂◓ | China's a difficult country to adjust to, don't you find it so? |