► ▀◠◀▎▊ ▚◠◉◠▚▵
Raben is on the run.
◑◪ ◀◪▊▌▎ ▜▩▢◳▪▱▱◠◓◈◬◓ ◫▊◞◠▊▱◠◓▪▊ ◧▩◹ ▚◪▊◈◗▱◪◓◗▊▎ ▜◠▚▪▊ ◀◗◓ â–šâ— â—“â— â–šâ–«â–Žâ—“ ◧▱◠◓◠▚ ◕◇◓◎▎▱▎◓◗▊◗▊ ◞◪◀◪◀◗; ◳▎◓▎ ◈◭◒▫▩▚▫▎▊ ◞◂▩◓◠ ▫◪▚◓◠◓ ◠▜◠◐◠ ▚◠▱▚◠◀◗▱◎◪ ▚◠◀◗▱◗◳▎▫◗◈◗◓▵
So it's that ability, I think, to always get back up after being knocked down that makes him a character that's so relatable to people over many centuries.
â—–â–Ÿ ▚◬◞◎▪ ◕◇◓◭▜◂◓ â—Žâ–Ÿâ—žâ—šâ–Šâ—šâ–¢?
You see this part here?
◱◓◈◚ ▫◠◓◠◍◬▊◈◠▊ ◀◗▱◪ ▚◧◓◚▊◠◎◬▜◂◓◚▢!
Not even protection from the Army!
â—…â–©â–Šâ–šâ–© ◀◠◒◠◓◠◎◠◳◠▌◠◐◬▊▪ ◈▩◒◭▊◭◳◧◓◞◠▊ ◀◠◒◠◓◠◎◠▢◞▪▊▵
'Cause if you don't think you will, you won't.
◑◪◓◈◫◐◫▊ ◣◓▊◪◐▎ ◀◠▚▵
Look at the example you set.
►◝◪▊ ◀◫▱◫◳◂◓▟◎▵
- Did you hit something?
◝◹ ◠◫▱◪ ◗◉◫▊ ◀◫◓ â—•â—­â–Šâ–µ
It's a big day for this family.
► ◌◠◓▚▪▊◈◠◳◬◎ ◊▱◪▹▵
- I know, Alex.
◇▱◈▩◓◎◪▊◗ ◠◍◍◪◈◪◓ ◎◫ ◞◠▊▪◳◧◓◞▟▊?
You think Cyn would forgive you for killing her brother?
◘◚▎▫■ ◒◫◎◈◗ ◠▊▱◠◎▱◬ ◕▎▱◎◪◳◪ ◀◠◒▱◠◈▪▵
Yeah, it's starting to add up now.
▮◪▊◗▊▚◫▱◪◓◈▎▊ ◀◫◓◫ ◂▱◎◠◈◬◐▪▊◠ ▮◎◗▩ â—Žâ—«â—žâ—«â–Š?
Huh? Are you sure it ain't one of yours?
▭◪◗▊▎▚▎▊ ◒◫◒◪▱◪◓◫ ◀▟▢◈◧▱◠◀▪▊◈◠ ◂▱◈▟◐◚
They're not going to find what I have in my Heineken safe
â—Šâ–šâ—«: ▀◠▷◗◎ ◞◬▌◠▚ ◧▱◎◠▱◬▵
Two, uterus must be warm.
◝▟◕◭▊ ◂▱◠▊▱◠◓◈◠▊ ◞◂▩◓◠ ▊◠◞▪▱ ◚▜◚▜◠◀◗▱◫◓◫◎?
Who could sleep after what happened today?
◈▮◍◠ ◈◚◳◈▟◎▵ ◝▟ ▩▮ ▹◠◈◠◓ ◞◬▚◬▌▪■ ◀◗▱◗◳◂◓ â—Žâ–Ÿâ—žâ—šâ–Š?
I've heard your last words so many times, do you know how boring that is?
◑▎◳◠ ◀◗▢◗ ▫◪◓▚◪▫▫◫▵
Or maybe he's just walked out on us.
◝◹ ◈◪◎▎▚ ◂▱◈▟▵
That was mean.
▮◗▢◪ ◈◠▷◠ ◣▊▌◪ ◞◇◳▱◪◎▎▱◫▜◈◗▚■ ▎◍▎▊◈◗◎▵
We should have told you sooner, sir.
○◠▵▵▵ ◀◚◕▩▊▵▵▵
Um... today.
◝◗◓◫▱▎◓◫ ◗◳◗ ◀◗◓ ◕◪▌▎ ◕▎◉◗◓◗◳◂◓▵
THEY GIGGLE Someone's having a good night.
◝◧◒ ◈▟◓◠▊ ▎▱▱▎◓◪ ▩▮ ◈▎◓▱▎◓ ◀◫▱◫◓◞◫▊▵
And you know what they say about idle hands?
◝◚▫▱◪◓■ ◞▮▩ ▜▟▚◠◓◬▜◠▵
Butler, you're up.
▮◂▊ ▢◠◎◠▊▱◠◓◈◠ ◉◧▹ ◒◪◳ ◳◠◒◠◈◬▵
Yeah, well, he's been through a lot lately.
▮◠▊◬◓◬◎ ◀◠◀◠►▚▪▢ ◗▱◗◒▚◫▊◗▢ ◕◠▜◪▫ ◕▩▢▎▱
Oh. Well, I take it everything's good on the father-daughter front.
▮◠▊▪◓▪◎ ◗▫◗◓◠◍ â–Žâ–«â—Žâ——â—’â–«â—«â—Žâ–µ
I think I made a confession.
► ◆◣◓▎◀◗▱◫◓ ◎◫◳◫◎?
-Can I see it?
▶▎▚ ◗◞▫◪◈◗◐◗◎ ▚◠▱◠▌◠▚ ◀◫◓ ▜▎◓▵
All I ask is a place to stay.
◝◠▹◞◠▩◠ ◧▊▟ ◀▟▱◠◀◫▱◪▌◪◐◗◎◫▢ ►► ◀◗◓ ▜▎◓ ◀◫▱◫◳◧◓ ◎◹◞◹▩■ ◇▢◪▱ ◀◗◓ ◳▎◓?
Listen, do you... do you know of anywhere, um... anywhere we could find him, anyplace special?
▭▮◎▮▩ ▷▩▌◓▎▊◪ ◕◪◓◫ ◈◇▩!
Get back to your cell!
◕▎▱◎▎▚ ◗◉◗▩ â–·â— â–Šâ—•â—« ◪◓▚▎◐◗ ◎▟▫▱▟ â–Žâ–«â–«â—— ◀◹ ▚▪▢?
Anthony, whose [bleep] did Amy suck to get on the dais?
â—Ÿâ— â–Šâ—« ▜◚◎▟◓▫◠■ ◚▮ ▷◠◎◀◚◓◕◪◓ ◳◗▜◧◓◚◎▵
I mean, I eat eggs and fish and hamburgers.
◖◫◎◈◫▵▵▵ ▩▮◈▮▩ ◣▊▌◪ ▫▎◳▢◪◎◫▊ ◈◠◚◠◞▪◳▱◠ ◗▱◕◗▱◪▊◎◫◳◂◓◞◚▊▟▢?
For now... why don't you take care of my aunt's case first?
◢▪▢◬▱ ◀◫◓ ◈▮◚ ◳◬▱◈▪▢▪▊ ▎▫◓◠◍◬▊◈◠ ◈◣▊◪▊ ▯◫◓◳◠▊ â—žâ——â—žâ–«â–Žâ—Žâ—«â–Šâ——â–Šâ–  ▩◉◭▊▌◭ ◕▎▢◪◕◪▊◫▊◈▎■ ▷▎◎◪▊ ◀◪◒◫▊▌◫ ◕◪▢◪◕▎▊◫▊ ◇▫▎◞◗▊◈▎ ◀▟▱◚▊◠▊ ▟▢◠◳ ▫◧▢▱◠◓◬ ◗▱▎ ◉◪◚◓◗▱◗
We're on the third planet of the Nyrian system-- a red giant star with a Iarge cloud of interstellar dust just beyond the fifth planet.
► ▮▎▊◫ ◣▻◪◀◗▱◫◓ ◎◗◳◗◎?
May I kiss you?
◲◳◫ ◂▊▟▊▱◠ ◳◠◒◠◎◠▚ ▢◧◓◚▊◈◠ ▚◠▱◎◬◳◂◓◞▟▊▵
Lucky you don't have to live with him.
◝▟ ◈◧◐◓◹■ ▚◧◓◞◠▊▱◠◓◬▊ ▜▎◎◗▊◗ ◎◫?
It's the oath of the pirates, right?
► ▯▎ ▹◠◈◠◓ ◞◭◓◪▌▎▚ ▻◪▚◫ ◀▟?
- so you can close her up. - Well, how long will that take?
▶▎▚◓◠◓ â–Žâ—šâ—«â–Šâ—ª ◕◫◈▎▌◪▚◞◗▊▵
You will be at home again.
◊▊◂◎◠▱◗ ◈▎▫◪▚▫◣◓▩▊◭▊ ◈▟◓◚◎◚ ▊◪◈◗◓?
What's the status on the anomaly detector?
◌◧▫◂◐◓◠◍▱◠◓▪ â–šâ—‚â–Šâ–«â—“â—‚â–± â–Žâ–«â–µ
Check the photos.
◧◓◈◠ ◕◭◚▎▊◈◪ ◂▱◚◓◚▢▵
We'll be safe there.
□▎▚â▱â■ ◀◪▊ ◀▟ ◕◣◓▎◚◈▎ ◂▱◈◚◐▟◎ ◞◭◓▎▌▎ ◞◪▊ ◀▟ ▚◠▫◬▱◠◎◠▜◠▌◠▚◞◬▊▵
Okay, as long as I'm sitting at this desk, you will not be going to this war.
► ◕▎▌◪ ◀◫▢◗◎▱◪ ▫◠▚▪▱◎◠▚ ◫◞▫◪◎◪▢◞◗▊◗▢▵ ► ▭◂◒◉◠▚◠▱▪▊ ◉◧▌▟▚▱◠◓▵
You boys don't wanna get stuck with us here tonight.
▿◓◠◈◠ ◀◫◓ ◠◓▚◠◈◠◒◬◎ ◚◠◓▵
I have a friend out there, and her name is Tara.
◠◎◠ ◀▟◓◠◞◬ ◉◂▹ ◈◠◐▪▊▪▚▫▪▵
Sorry but it was a big mess here.
▮◧▻▷◗◪■ ▷◪◎◪▊ ◀▟◓◠◳◠ ◕◪▱ ▱▩▫◍▎▊▵
Sophie, get down here right now, please.
◅◫▚◂▱◠▫◠◠▱◬ ◈◂▊◈▟◓◎◠ ▩▮ ◂▱◠▌◠▚?
What about chocolate ice cream for dessert?
▶◚▫▚◚▊▟▢◠ ◚▮ ◠▢◎◗▊◫▢◪ ▷◠◳◓◠▊ ▚◠▱◈▪◎▵
And I admire your tenacity and passion.
► ◩▜▱◪ ◕◣▢▩▚▩▜◂◓■ ◪◍◪▊◈◫◎▵
- It appears so, ma'am.
▬▷▟▌▚ ▯◂◓◓◗◞'▮ ◀◫◓ ▢◠◓◠◓◬ ◂▱◎◠◈◬▵ ◀◪▊▌◪ ◕◪◓◉▎▚▫▎ ◈▮ ◝◓▟▌◪ ▲◪◪ ◕◠▱◫▻ ◕◪▱◗◓◈◫▵
Taking nothing away from Chuck Norris, but I think Bruce Lee would be victorious.
◲◳◗ ◪◐▱▎▊▌◪▱◪◓!
Have some bloody fun!
◀◚▊▟ ◣◐◓◪▊◎◫◒ ◚◪ ◍▪◓◬▊ ◳◇▊◪▫◗▌◗◞◗▊◪ ▷◠◀◪◓ â—šâ–Žâ—“â—Žâ——â—’â–µ
Missy found out and reported her to the bakery supervisor.
► ▭◠▜◬◓■ ◈◠▷◠ ◈◠ ▚◇▫▩ ◀◫◓ ◒◪◳▵
- No, it's worse than that.
▶◠▊◓▪◎▵ ▭◠▚◞▪▢▱▪▚ ◀▟▵
God, this is so unfair.
▷◪◓▷◠▊◕◫ ◀◫◓ ◀◗◓▎▜◗▊ ▚◠▱◈▪◓◠◀◫▱▎▌▎◐◫▊◈◪▊ ◉◂▹ ◍◠▢▱◠◞◬▵
But of course, it's far more than any one individual can pull off.
◢◠▱◀◗◎ â–«â–Žâ–šâ—“â— â—“ ◠▫◎◠◳◠ ◀◠◒▱◠◳◠▌◠▚ ◠◎◠ ◀◚▊◈◠▚◫ ◞◂▩ â–šâ–Ÿâ—Ž â–«â— â–Šâ–Žâ—žâ—«
That should start things up again, but you got to do it before the last grain of sand falls in this thing.
▚◭▱▱◪◓▱▎ ◗◞▫◠◚◓◧▢ ◉▪▚◠◓◠▊ ◚▮ "▭▢▵ ◄▎◓▜▎◎'◪ ▮▎▱◠◎" ◫▱◠▷◫◞◫▊◫ ◞◇◳▱▎▜▎▊ ◀◗◓ ▚◬▢▪ ◫▱▚ ◕◣◓◈▩◐◭◎◈▎▊ ◀▎◓◫ â–·â–Žâ–» ▫◣◚◀▎ ◪▫◎◪▚ ◫◞▫▎◎◗◒◫◎◈◫◓▵
I'd wanted to repent since I saw a girl with ashes on her forehead cross herself and chant Hail Marys before a spelling bee.
◊▊▫◪◓▊◪▫ ▚◠◍▎◳◪ â—•â——â–«â—Žâ–Žâ–Šâ—«â–¢ ▱◠▢◬◎ ◈◪◐◫▱
Hurry and go. You need to go to the computer cafe.
▯◫▷◠▜◪▫ ▮◚▮ ◈◣▊◈▩ â— â–Šâ–Šâ—ª ◚▮ ◈◠◫◎◠ ◂▩◠ ◠◳▪◓◈◬◐▪◎◬▢
[gasping] He's home at last, mom, In the spot we always saved for him.
▮◪▊ ◎◫ ◀◣◳▱◪ ◞◇◳▱◭▜◂◓◞◚▊?
You're one to talk.
▿ ◈◧▚▟▢ ◳◠◒▪▊◈◠◳▚◪▊ ◀◠◀◠◞◬ ▚◠▢◠ ◕◪◉◫◓◎◗◒▫◗▵
His dad had an accident when he was nine, and my family raised him.
◊◞▫◪◈◫◐◗◎ ◗◉◫▊ ◀▟◓◠◈◠ ◈▎◐◗▱◫◎▵
I'm not here because I want to be here.
◞▎◍▎◓◈◪ ◞◠◈▎▌▎ ◗▹◗ ▩◹◎◠◓◠ ◚◪◓▎◀◗▱◗◓◗◎▵
I can only give you two numbers at a time.
◠▩ ▢◂◓ ◀◫◓ ◈◣▊◪◎◈◪▊ ◕▎◉◗◳◧◓▵
She is... Going through a rough patch right now.
◟◠◞▷'▪▊ ◀◇▜▱◪ ◫▻◗▊◫ ▚◧▻◠◓◎▪◒◉◠◞◬▊◠ ◪▫◎▎◞◫▊◫▊ ◞◂◓◚◎▱◚◞▟ ◀◪▊◫◎▵
I'm the one who let Yash run wild.
◢◧◈▎◞▫◪▚◗ ◧▊▌◠ ◳◬▱◈◠▊ ▜◧▱◈◠ â–·â–Žâ—“ ▚▪▢ ◀◫◓ ◈◗▱◀▎◓ ◀◠▊◠▵
After that long stretch in the cooler, every girl is a dish.
◈◇◚◎◪▱◪◓◫◎◗ ◕◣◓◎▎▚ ◗◞▫◪◓ â—Žâ—«â—žâ—«â–Š?
Do you want to see my tattoos?
◊▌▪◎ ◀◪▊◫ ▊◠◞▪▱ ◇▱◈◭◓◭◓?
How my pain kills me.
◝◹ ◎▮◞◠▾ ◰▱▱◗◪ ◫◉◫▊▵
This is a message for Ellie.
◆◪◓◉▎▚▫◪▊ ◫▊◠▊◠◎▪▜◂◓◚◎▵
I really cannot believe it.
○◉▪▚▱◠◎◠◎◠ ◗▢◫▊ â—šâ–Žâ—“â–µ
Let me rewind.
○◉▪▚▱◠◎◠◎◠ ◗▢◫▊ â—šâ–Žâ—“â–µ
If you could just let me get a word in.
◡◪◞◞◗▌◠'▜▱◠ ◠◓◠▊◬▢ ▊◠◞▪▱ ◀◠▚◠▱▪◎?
How are things going with you and Jessica?
◀▩▢◭◎◪ ▫◭▚◭◓◈▩■ ◕◇◓◈◭▩!
You saw him spit in my face!
▮◠▱◠▚ â–·â— â–šâ—«â—Ž ▚▪▢◬▊ ◫◍◠◈◪◞◫▊◗▊ ▫◠▌◫▢◫ ▚◠▊▪▫▱◠◎◠▚ ◫◉◗▊ ◳◪▫▎◓▱◗ ◧▱◎◠◈▪◐◬▊◬ ◞◣▜▱▎◈◫▵
Jerk judge said daughter's testimony wasn't evidence enough of abuse.
◢◠▻▪▜▪ ◠◉■ â—‹â–Šâ–Šâ–µ
Ann, open the door, hear me out
◄◠▱ ◉◂▹ ◗▜◗■ ▻◗▜◠◞◠◈◠ ▚◠▻◬◒▪▱◠▌◠▚▵
These are hot. Collectors' items.
◝▟ ◊▱▱◗◞◂▊ ◆▱◗◍◍◪◓▫ ◎▎◞◪▱▎◞◫▊◈◪ 8▮ ◉◬▚▫▪▊ ◓◪◞◎◪▊▵
This Allison Gliffert thing may have hit an eight.
◩▩▩◠ ▜◪◓◈▎◳◈◗▵
Anna was on the floor.
We'll take it!
▮▎▊ ▚◫◎◞◪◳◗ ◇▱◈▩◓◎◪◈◗▵
You didn't kill anyone.
▮◗▱◠▷ ◠◓◬▢◠▱◠▊◎◬◒▵
The weapon is malfunctioning.
◰▷■ ◀◠▩◠ ◕▎▫◗◓◈◗◐◗▊◗▢■ ◀◹ ◂▱◈▟▚◉◠ ◗▱◕◗▊◉ ▚◗▫◠◀◠ ◕◇◓▮
Well, according to this rather curious book you have brought me, "The forces of good and evil--"
◈◂▱◠◀▪▊◈◠ ◕◗▢▱◗ ◀◫◓ ◀◇▱◎◪ ◚◠◓▵
The bathroom cabinet has a hidden compartment.
◕▩▢◪▱ ◀◗◓ ▜▎◓ ◈◪◐◗▱▵
It's not really a nice place at all.
◩◎◠ ◀◹▩◠ ▟▜◕◚▊ ▚◚▫▱◠◎◠ â–šâ— â—“â–«â—¬ ▜◠▻◎▪▜◧◓▱◠◓◎◬◒▵
Turns out they don't make a card for that.
◆◪▱◗▊ ◀◠▚◠▱◬◎■ ◍▪◓▫▪▊◠ ▚▟◒▱◠◓▪▵
Come on, you thunderbirds.
▭◠◞◞◠▩'◬▊ ◍◫▚◓◫▵ ► □◪▚◫ ▜◠ ◩◎◗◓?
Hassan's idea.
► ▬◠▊▪▊ ▌▎▷▎▊▊▎◎◪■ ▀◗▌▚▜▵ ◝▟◕▩▊ ◀◫◓ ◳◪◓◪ ◕◫▫◎◗▜◧◓▟◎▵
I ain't going out today.
◝▟ ◕◪▌▎▚◗ ◞◂▊▟▊▌▟ ▹◗◒◗ ◈◪◐◫▱▵ ► ▭◠◳▪◓■ ◪◍▎▊◈◫◎▵
She won't be the last tonight, not by a long shot.
"◝◠▩◠ ◀◭▫▩▊ ◚▎◓▎◀◗▱▎▌▎◐◗▊■ ◀◫◓ ▚◇▻◪▚ ◎◗?
"That's all the fuck you got, is a damn dog?
◝▟▊▟ ▚◫◎◈▎▊ ◞◠▚▱◠◈▪◐▪▊◠ ◚◪ ▩▮ ◳◠▻▫▪◐▪▊◠ ◕◣◓◪ ◈◪◐◗◒◗◓▵
Well, that might depend on who you're not telling and what you're doing.
► ▭◠◞▫◠▊◪▜◪ ◕◇▫▩◓▩◓◞▎▚▵
If we get him to a hospital.
► ◅◠◐◬◓▪◳▪ ◎▪ ▜◣▊▱◪▊◈◫◓◪◳◫◎?
Return the call?
▲◠◚◠◀◧◈◠▚◗ ◀◧◓◹ ▻◠▫▱◠◎▪◒▵
A pipe burst in the bathroom...
▭◪◓▚▎◞ ◕◫◀◫ ◀◫▢ ◈▮ ◀◗◓ ◠▩▩▮ ◚◪ ◎▎▜◈◠▊◠ ◕◪▱◎◗◒◗▢◈◗◓▵
That we're gonna grow old someday... That we're born of a father and mother, Like everyone else.
◀◠▊◫ ▷◗◞◞▎◈▎◀◗▱◈◗▚▱▎◓◗▊◫ ◕◣◓◪◀◫▱◫▜◂◓◞◚▊▵
I mean, you can see that they can.
◖◹ ◞◗▜◠▷ ◪▱◀◗◞▎▱◫▱◪◓ ◈▮ ◧▩◹▩
Those dudes in black are his dogs.
◝◫▱◎◗▜◧◓◚◎ ▀◠◚◫▵
I don't know, Ravi.