“Positive emotions are created with peaceful thoughts.”
Linda Rawson
“Sometimes it is because we are chosen, that we are rejected.”
Zara Hairston
“Regular practice, consistency and self-confidence can only help you becoming a great player.”
Bhawna Dehariya
“There is no limit to what one can ask of one's adolescent self".”
“The Law of Karma states that neither a drop of kindness nor a speck of evil will go unreturned.”
Shree Shambav
“You are pretty now. But if you don’t learn to love yourself, even if you are pretty, you are not truly considered beautiful.”
Junmyeon Kim
“Honestly, I’ve wanted to give up a lot of times. But I worked hard. I believed I would succeed if I worked hard.”
Junmyeon Kim
“Accept situations without hesitation and allow things to flow naturally in whatever direction they want.”
Shree Shambav
“Through everything and every Atma (Soul) in this universe, you can see Param-Atma (Supreme).”
Shree Shambav
“Hell and heaven exist in the present moment. Stop worrying about heaven because they are both present right now.”
Shree Shambav
“Don’t be depressed about a ‘misfortune,’ because it could be a ‘fortune.”
Shree Shambav
“It’s never too late to ask yourself, ‘Am I willing to change from within?”
Shree Shambav
“Intellect tangles and knots people, but love and compassion dissolve all tangles.”
Shree Shambav
“It's absolutely ok to make poor choices; no one knows the world completely. To come out with better results is real responsibility.”
Sonal Takalkar
“Nothing hurls an individual towards their goals faster than the sting of defeat. That's when all the probing post-mortem questions get asked. Victory is the fluffing up and reinforcing of the existing ego.”
Stewart Stafford
“Busyness is expensive.”
Sukant Ratnakar
“Using less time to produce more is intelligent, then why do intelligent people choose to multitask?”
Sukant Ratnakar
“If multitasking is the solution for doing more in less time, then the human race is moving towards a time when we will attempt to finish items on our to-do list while we sleep.”
Sukant Ratnakar
“One who seeks a perfect friend will find none.”
Shree Shambav
“He was given too much agency in a fallen world.”
Nick Oliveri
“Man who is deeply in love with nature never ages.”
Shree Shambav
“True comfort cannot be bought with fame and luxury, it must be earned through personal growth and self-acceptance”
Ajaz Ahmad Khawaja
“What you’re good at is important, for sure, but what you love is the greatest motivator you have.”
Sarah Hays Coomer
“Why can’t I change?? Why???????? You yell to the heavens, momentarily forgetting that you are not the leading character in a silent film being tied ceremoniously to a train track by a scurrilous villain with a handlebar mustache.”
Sarah Hays Coomer
“Once a habit is formed, we can’t forget that response completely, but we can interrupt and replace it with something else.”
Sarah Hays Coomer
“Micro-sized habit changes make problems more manageable and goals more attainable. You can do this anytime, anywhere for the low, low cost of totally free. There are no barriers to entry.”
Sarah Hays Coomer
“Happiness and sufferings coexist on the wheel of life.”
Shree Shambav
“The smile on a child's face is the most priceless thing in the world. Never let the child inside of you die, and make sure to look after it whenever it needs something. You would improve everything if you had a kinder heart. Happy Children's Day!”
Shree Shambav
“Anyone who does not comprehend your silence is unlikely to comprehend what you say or think.”
Shree Shambav
“You are appealing because you are distinct.”
Shree Shambav
“Faith is the power that allows a perplexing world to emerge into the light.”
Shree Shambav
“Greed is the source of all suffering and pain.”
Shree Shambav
“And, if you want it, it's all yours.”
Nick Oliveri
“You can initiate a phase of death and rebirth at any time. You don't have to sit idle and wait for an outside force to make that happen for you. Choose to end things. This will always spark an opportunity for a new beginning.”
Robin S. Baker
“A healthy dose of pain and discomfort is required to balance out all the highs of live embrace the challenge!”
Mohamadi Tapsoba
“There are two types of individuals— those who crumble under pressure, and those who thrive when subjected to extreme situations.”
Roopesh Tiwari
“We must peel away the bitterness of life from time to time in order to reveal the richer aspects of life.”
Shree Shambav
“Not all soldiers wield spears.”
Nick Oliveri
“Your greatest successes in life will often come from assisting others in their endeavours.”
Shree Shambav
“As God moves us into a new year, normalize doing your own thing regardless of what anyone says or thinks. Mind your business and become great at it. Lastly, stop being accessible to everyone, you will find peace within.”
Sabrina Newby
“True bliss is never experienced through the senses (Pancha jnanendriya) but exists beyond the senses.”
Shree Shambav
“When it’s inside, don’t search in the dark outside.”
Shree Shambav
“Life is a series of natural and unanticipated changes. Don’t fight them; instead, accept them with grace.”
Shree Shambav
“people tend to do stuff because they expect to get something out of it”
Dmitry Dyatlov
“I’m not scared of failing. I simply do not know how to fly.”
Shree Shambav
“Life goes on, and others replace the dead. Death changes nothing.”
Shree Shambav
“If you want to be happy, let go of your anger and bitterness and embrace kindness, compassion, faith, and love.”
Shree Shambav
“To find peace, let go of your rage, lust, greed, guilt, and bitterness.”
Shree Shambav
“It feels like Salinger wrote The Catcher in the Rye in a day, and that incredible feeling of ease inspires writing. Inspires the pursuit of voice. Not his voice. My voice. Your voice.”
Aimee Bender
“Silence is the most effective tool for accomplishing goals.”
Shree Shambav
“How we perceive supreme reflects how we perceive ourselves.”
Shree Shambav
“Always keep your head held high.”
Lailah Gifty Akita
“I believe that self-defense is essential in protecting one’s well-being and dignity.”
Aida Mandic
“While you exist, be good.”
Lailah Gifty Akita
“Every glittering stone, like every shining metal, is not precious.”
Shree Shambav
“There should be no shame in openly saying, I want this. There should be no shame in not knowing what one wants.”
Caleb Azumah Nelson
“When you sow a seed it will grow. Somehow, someway, it will grow.”
Caleb Azumah Nelson
“When you have a soul sometimes it burns.”
Ben Ditmars
“The success zone and the comfort zone are not in the same place.”
Nate Hamon
“Why are you looking outside when it is already inside you?”
Shree Shambav
“When you earn your worth, you learn your worth... This is why learning is a never- ending process.”
RJ Yolande Mendes
“There are a thousand different ways to get home. Just dance and celebrate until you dissolve into one.”
Shree Shambav
“According to the wheel of life, everything is subject to change and extinction.”
Shree Shambav
“Eternal Light is something that has always existed. The amount of light you receive will depend on your actions.”
Shree Shambav
“As one thinks about the objects of the senses, one becomes attached to them. Attachment comes before desire, and desire comes before anger.”
Shree Shambav
“Whenever we reach an unexpected barrier in the way of honoring our souls' truth through action, it is essential to dust ourselves off and keep flying toward our dreams.”
Laurie E. Smith
“When one becomes self-aware, all mental delusions fade away like darkness in the sky, banished by the movement of the sun.”
Shree Shambav
“The world, which is like a mountain, echoes your words back to you. Be in love no matter where you are or what you do.”
Shree Shambav
“Understanding others is a sign of intelligence; understanding oneself is a sign of true wisdom. Controlling others is a sign of strength, but mastering oneself is a sign of true power.”
Shree Shambav
“But still hope.”
Lailah Gifty Akita
“One who is too relentless to listen to other people's views finds very few people who agree with him.”
Shree Shambav
“Even a king must submit to great art.”
Nick Oliveri
“We are in charge of our destiny, and we control our future by how we think and act.”
Shree Shambav
“The greatest feeling in the world to me is triumph.”
Nick Oliveri
“Facts didn't matter to people if they were smiling.”
Nick Oliveri
“Love and kindness serve as a bridge between you and all living things.”
Shree Shambav
“The mind is everything in this world. It is the source of all pain and suffering. If the mind can be healed, it will cure all illnesses in this world.”
Shree Shambav
“I’m not afraid of strong winds because I’m learning to fly.”
Shree Shambav
“Just celebrate and dance. Life is a moment we are living right now.”
Shree Shambav
“Faith isn’t blind belief; it’s unwavering trust.”
Shree Shambav
“The human brain is capable of doing more than just thinking about earning bread and butter. Live your life to the fullest so that you won't regret it in future. Travel, explore, Learn, create, and help!”
Shankar Jha
“The most contented man is one who has control over his desires.”
Shree Shambav
“No matter what you're going through, there is always another brick sitting right there in front of you, waiting to be laid. The only question is, are you going to get up and lay it?”
Will Smith
“I am not this skin, this flesh, this bone, this hair, or this other physical component; rather, I am the soul that resides there.”
Shree Shambav
“Success isn't a straight line but failure is, you fail straight but you succeed by bending, mending, and molding that line of failure until you reach that position and place you called success.”
Aiyaz Uddin
“Nobody can take your happiness away from you. Once you learn how to create it.”
Shree Shambav
“Be as delicate as a flower at all times. A flower can still bloom when surrounded by thorns, but you can’t smile if you’re in pain.”
Shree Shambav
“They returned our actions and words to us like echoes in a mountain.”
Shree Shambav
“If you want to sing, you sing without considering who is listening or what they might think.”
Shree Shambav
“The realisation has to come from within you. That’s how it becomes self-realisation. So does motivation.”
Vikrmn: CA Vikram Verma
“God's language is empathy, compassion, kindness, and silence.”
Shree Shambav
“Why do you continue to live in confinement when the door is so wide open?”
Shree Shambav
“Do not grieve! Everything you lose eventually comes back to you in some other way.”
Shree Shambav
“Open your eyes. See the sunrise. It is there to remind you that you still have another chance to rewrite the story of your life.”
Gift Gugu Mona
“Action is precious than plentiful words.”
Lailah Gifty Akita
“The next 24 hours is a blank canvas. Your canvas. What will you paint on it?”
Paddick Van Zyl
“You can be certain that the religion of love accepts everyone.”
Shree Shambav
“Don't spend your life waiting for it to begin.”
Maariana Vikse
“Opportunity meets preparation. Prepare today for the opportunities you desire tomorrow.”
Wendy K. Walters
“There is no positive energy like praying.”
Lailah Gifty Akita