“Master the mind with meditation.”
Lailah Gifty Akita
“Courage is critical in any circumstance.”
Lailah Gifty Akita
“An Archer must never lose focus. If the world bends Archer. It is in within in contemplation we soar the sky ~”
Patricio telman chincocolo
“Knowledge is the ink of eternal Bliss ~”
Patricio Telman Chincocolo
“When your compass is shaking there's always another one reaching out . Be a gallon when its finds you ~”
Patricio Telman Chincocolo
“Silence serves the passionated self ~”
Patricio Telman Chincocolo
“The storm that chases is the storm that revels ~”
Patricio Telman Chincocolo
“Without meditation, how can you be motivated?”
Lailah Gifty Akita
“The mind is liberated - by reflecting on oneself.”
Shree Shambav
“I’m frail; I’m heartbroken; I’m a moron; They have deceived me. The mind creates ridiculous doubts and quandaries about itself.”
Shree Shambav
“You might be dying, but you’re not dead yet, you miserable wretch, now get up and do something before you allow your brother’ssacrifice and everything we all have lost to be for nothing.”
Alex Aster
“Real Beauty is the Light in the Heart that Shines in the Eyes”
RJ Yolande Mendes
“Beauty is not in the face, its the reflection of your Soul that will never change nor fade”
RJ Yolande Mendes
“I am extreme in everything I do...Can immensely love and can immensely hate...U choose”
RJ Yolande Mendes
“My eyes are only a reflection of my Spirit”
RJ Yolande Mendes
“Life is a Canvas given to you to see how colourful you can make it”
RJ Yolande Mendes
“Rule Number 1: To hell with what they think”
RJ Yolande Mendes
“We have seen countless sunrises, but their beauty never ceases to amaze us.”
Shree Shambav
“Being a candle is difficult because one must first burn in order to emit light.”
Shree Shambav
“Never give up on something that you can’t go a day without thinking about.”
Winston S. Churchill
“Begin each day by saying a positive affirmation in the mirror.”
Asa Don Brown
“Life is truly an amazing experience.”
Asa Don Brown
“Late night work and random selfies always go hand-in-hand”
RJ Yolande Mendes
“Beauty is a Treasure while Style is a Fortune”
RJ Yolande Mendes
“Love is the only reason behind my glow”
RJ Yolande Mendes
“Fashion is always an instant language... easy to speak and wonderful to feel.”
RJ Yolande Mendes
“I dont just have to be perfect...I have to be me”
RJ Yolande Mendes
“My eyes speak another language, you just need super powers to read it”
RJ Yolande Mendes
“You don’t need to be brilliant, wealthy, attractive, or perfect to make a difference in someone’s life. Just show some concern.”
Shree Shambav
“Reality is as necessary as reason.”
Lailah Gifty Akita
“Men all pass away. However, not all men live.”
Shree Shambav
“A delicious meal needs pepper and salt, but if they dominate, the meal is ruined.”
Shree Shambav
“No project will go perfectly, nor will the end result be perfect, but as long as you had fun, that’s what matters most.”
Samantha Segal
“Nothing is more scrumptious than a cup of bitter coffee.”
Shree Shambav
“Don't waste your time living the life of someone else.”
Shree Shambav
“Whoever does not comprehend your silence likely will not comprehend what you say.”
Shree Shambav
“In this world of Maya, nothing is permanent, not even our pain and suffering.”
Shree Shambav
“Empathy is the language of the blind who can see, and compassion is the music of the deaf who can hear.”
Shree Shambav
“It's always never worth the money; until you possess it.”
Adrian Leslie Lobo
“We all glow differently!”
RJ Yolande Mendes
“The best Gift is to realize how blessed you already are”
RJ Yolande Mendes
“Do my eyes reflect a vibe?”
RJ Yolande Mendes
“Coz Yolande means Purple and I'm loving it!”
RJ Yolande Mendes
“Friends are Family and Family is Bae”
RJ Yolande Mendes
“Coz Red is so Dangerously Lovely... U choose...Danger or Love?”
RJ Yolande Mendes
“They say eyes reflect reality...I believe it!”
RJ Yolande Mendes
“Coz Red is for LOVE and Love is BAE!”
RJ Yolande Mendes
“Me Right Now...lol...Takes 1 Snapchat Selfie and deletes 100 normal selfies...”
RJ Yolande Mendes
“Coz Black...is Beautiful!”
RJ Yolande Mendes
“Feel the Vibe...?”
RJ Yolande Mendes
“Lovely Hair = bae”
RJ Yolande Mendes
“These eyes... hypnotize!”
RJ Yolande Mendes
“Life can't always be perfect, thats why we capture memories to look back on!”
RJ Yolande Mendes
“Happiness is the cutest emotion I flaunt with pride”
RJ Yolande Mendes
“A smiling heart makes the soul shine brighter”
RJ Yolande Mendes
“Red is the Colour I LOVE ... coz Red is the Colour of LOVE”
RJ Yolande Mendes
“Magic Lasts Longer When Shared”
RJ Yolande Mendes
“There is always a Reason, when its the Season...so lets smile together”
RJ Yolande Mendes
“Being Nerdy is so close to being awesome sometimes”
RJ Yolande Mendes
“Style can leave someone speechless but I suggest you focus on that Smile!”
RJ Yolande Mendes
“Sometimes we gotta do what we love to love what we do!”
RJ Yolande Mendes
“In love with doing things to flaunt my soul, non-temporary things!”
RJ Yolande Mendes
“The older we get, the more our eyes hold, the more expressive it gets!”
RJ Yolande Mendes
“Some random clicks shine brighter than we expect!”
RJ Yolande Mendes
“You never fail to make my smile bigger than it is”
RJ Yolande Mendes
“Sometimes random clicks turn out to be the prettiest of all”
RJ Yolande Mendes
“I ain't that bad with words but I'll let my eyes do the talking!”
RJ Yolande Mendes
“My eyes reflect the passion I hold for my dreams”
RJ Yolande Mendes
“True Elegance is Measured by Simplicity”
RJ Yolande Mendes
“unless I am myself, I am nobody.”
Virginia Woolf
“Happiness starts with a cute snout and lots of Fur...I promise you it doesn't end here!”
RJ Yolande Mendes
“Smile coz its therapy for your heart that cleanses your soul; reflecting in your eyes!”
RJ Yolande Mendes
Qwana M. "BabyGirl" Reynolds-Frasier
“When you're given the opportunity to change your life, be ready to do whatever it takes to make it happen. The world doesn't give you things. You take things.”
Taylor Jenkins Reid
“Here they resisted to the last, with their swords if they had them, and if not, with their hands and teeth”
“Make your Mark without Erasing who You are...!...Words of Wisdom...take or leave!”
RJ Yolande Mendes
“Closeup Clicks are Crazily Cute!”
RJ Yolande Mendes
“Your own life struggles are enough to motivate you.”
Sonal Takalkar
“The quest of one man is the quest of all mankind.”
Shree Shambav
“What motivates a person is a sense of meaning. A clearly defined, even uniquely determined role in life brings about life satisfaction.”
Steve M. Beauchamp
“You cannot cross the ocean before leaving the shore.”
Shree Shambav
“As long as you keep moving, it doesn't matter how slowly you go.”
Shree Shambav
“You are the entire ocean in a drop, not just a drop in the sea.”
Shree Shambav
“Identify your whys to motivation. One positive thought is the key to inspiration. Tweak a bit to approach the target. Don't lose your mind, Just one step will work up the rest!”
Radhika Vijay
“You cannot separate brokenness from brilliance.”
Kate Brenton
“You will understand the true meaning of a friend in time of need.”
Shree Shambav
“A gigantic tree begins with an invisible seed.”
Shree Shambav
“Silence and Smile: Those are two powerful weapons.”
Brajesh Kumar Singh
“If you are critical about the flaws of others, then make sure you are not blind of your own.”
Shree Shambav
“If you are - unable to appreciate others, at the very least, thank them.”
Shree Shambav
“Lie may last for a few hours, but the truth will last forever.”
Shree Shambav
“Your action - A hastiness lead to regret, but patience and empathy leads - to peace and happiness.”
Shree Shambav
“One who is capable of forgiving others is wise.”
Shree Shambav
“Wealth comes like a turtle and leaves like a wind.”
Shree Shambav
“Blue is said to be the colour of Magic, did you notice or should I blink again?”
RJ Yolande Mendes
“Life is govern by principles not by how you feel.Just image a farmer who does not sow his seeds & decides that he is going throw them on the roof because he feels so, well he is sure not going to have a harvest.”
Thabang Kanti
“Your Children will See What You're All About by What you Live rather than What you Say.”
Med Reda
“Like all rivers, they will eventually lead to the sea.”
Shree Shambav
“When you get home this evening, when this day is over and the night takes us, allow yourself a deep breath because we made it through this day as well. There will be another one along tomorrow.”
Fredrick Backman
“Actions are the seed of destiny.”
Shree Shambav