“We all live in a myriad of dualities.”
Shree Shambav
“We are deluded by Maya, and we are the slaves of illusion.”
Shree Shambav
“It is by your faith that you can stand firm.”
Lailah Gifty Akita
“If people can choose against GOD thier CREATOR don't think they won't choose against you.”
Thabang Kanti
“External objects are not the ones that intertwine us. It’s the inner attachment that ties us in.”
Shree Shambav
“We are solely to blame for our misery.”
Shree Shambav
“Momentum is the "it" factor in life. If you want success build momentum.”
Vic Stah Milien
“It is your choice whether you laugh or cry; it is your life.”
Shree Shambav
“My life's vision is to set an example for the youth”
Jalen Jahn Harris
“Our minds are constantly filled with self-doubts and internal conflicts that accuse us of being helpless, miserable, stupid, and deceived.”
Shree Shambav
“It is better to elevate yourself through the power of your mind than to lower yourself because the mind can be both a friend and an enemy to the self.”
Shree Shambav
“The mind is the source of both bondage and liberation.”
Shree Shambav
“Every journey begins with a small step”
Shree Shambav
“The choice is yours..., the way you want to live!”
Shree Shambav
“The most successful people are full of enthusiasm. There is an unmistakable fire in their eyes. They speak and act with passion.”
Wayne Gerard Trotman
“Anyone can nurture of myth about their life if they have enough manure, so if the grass looks greener on the other side of the fence, that's probably because it's full of shit.”
Fredrick Backman
“The most expensive thing that you can buy in the most densely populated places on the planet is distance.”
Fredrick Backman
“God can not save you from knifes and stones dear, that is why we are here - to save each other.”
Fredrick Backman
“Nothing is unwanted in this world. Everybody & everything has value. Never worry about the value. Beyond every unwanted stage, you will find recycled & reborn stage.”
Sonal Takalkar
“History continues until we learn from it and change our course.”
Shree Shambav
“Everything is for our enjoyment.”
Lailah Gifty Akita
“Inspire one and inspire another, inspire me to look for me and embraces me.”
Seun Ayilara
“Charisma without character is like fire without heat, it doesn't burn anything.”
Dr. Lucas D. Shallua
“Even a zero can make 1 worth more”
Vic Stah Milien
“We all have a list of things that we failed at. This list is not kept in our mind to remind us of the failure, but it's there so we remember that we cannot let that be the thing we are known for. We must try again - this time, we will not fail”
C Miller
“The MORE you clean up, the more you climb up”
Chidiebere Orji Agbugba
“The best reward comes from our collective effort and energy.”
Shree Shambav
“Every sunrise is an invitation to rise and make someone's day brighter.”
Shree Shambav
“Celebrate your success, then set your eyes on the horizon; there is so much more to do!”
Peter Francis
“Life is a boomerang. What you give, you get.”
Shree Shambav
“The sharp jagged edges of memory are where both pain and motivation lie.”
Kurian Mathew Tharakan
“Always pursue glory. Shine like the stars. Burn up with ambition. Shed your old skin. Try, try, and try again. Fail, fail, and fail again. But fail better, and one day you will not fail at all.”
David Sinclair
“Whatever life throws at you, what you make of it is entirely up to you.”
Shree Shambav
“Even good paddy - is punished by being pounded with the pestle to yield rice.”
Shree Shambav
“We do what we do because we are who we are.”
Peter Francis
“One way of motivating yourself towards implementing your idea is to ask yourself; what and how much would I lose if the idea is practicable, doable, and feasible but I lacked the guts to act and push it to reality?”
Dr. Lucas D. Shallua
“Many things are going to seem few if you desire many things.”
Shree Shambav
“We constantly place value on the material world and consider it to be the source of ultimate truth and happiness.”
Shree Shambav
“How you live now determines the kind of life you will live & have from now,for if you keep doing the same things then expect the same results.”
Thabang Kanti
“Consciousness is only an image, swipe it off, and you are free.”
“When consciousness ends, that is where the otherness unfolds naturally as a whole.”
“Character is when alone and nobody is watching while behavior is when one is in the stage spotlight.”
Dr. Lucas D. Shallua
“When there is nobody to encourage you; learn the art of encouraging and motivating yourself. Many times you will find yourself in situations where everybody looks at you for encouragement, including yourself for that matter.”
Dr. Lucas D. Shallua
“The highest call in life is when you give yourself to others and expect nothing from them”
Dr. Lucas D. Shallua
“Our minds control us; we do not control our minds.”
Shree Shambav
“When you travel mentally from a low point to a high point, the ensuing inspiration eclipses the negativity of the initial downfall.”
Raoul Davis Jr.
“We need each other more than ever.We cannot get through it alone,find the hope to move forward and doall we need to doalone,find the joy and beautyaloneto have the incentiveto find the hope.”
Shellen Lubin
“I personally believe that fear is a great motivator. Being afraid can even be healthy, as you really achieve something grand when you get to the other side of your worst nightmare.”
Jim Brickman
“The mission of a man is his message.”
Lailah Gifty Akita
“Every sunrise is an invitation for us to arise and brighten someone’s day.”
Shree Shambav
“A true beggar is unable to discover his true wealth.”
Shree Shambav
“Guilt provides far more effective motivation than greed. For greed, at times, can be satiated.”
L.E. Modesitt Jr.
“Any intensely lived emotion simply liberates us from those very emotions.”
Shree Shambav
“When you don't have a mentor you suffer in the hands of tormentors.”
Chidiebere Orji Agbugba
“Memorisation come from the head but meditation is from the heart.”
Lailah Gifty Akita
“Difficulty is the foundation of growth, which is the foundation of greatness.”
@Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“We sometimes have to exercise to want to exercise.”
@Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“To memories is to think with your head; to meditate is to think with your heart.”
Lailah Gifty Akita
“To purify yourself, you must first learn to pray.”
Lailah Gifty Akita
“Of course, it comes down to a little creativity and a lot of motivation. The creativity is inside all of us. The motivation is rougher.”
Jim Brickman
“A solution to a problem may be effective, but that doesn't mean it's the best solution”
Dr Purushothaman Kollam
“Inside us, there is a part of every nation, every religion, every culture, every tradition and every language. We are the world.”
Bhuwan Thapaliya
“The kind of seed sown will yield the same type of fruit.”
Shree Shambav
“The Magic all begins with YOU.""You are the company you keep."Positivity gets Positivity back.”
Magic Mo
“What we want comes from participation; life does not happen by itself; we must make it happen.”
Shree Shambav
“Our world has no place for cowards.”
Danielle Rollins
“Everyone is intertwined with the past, present, and future.”
Shree Shambav
“What do you do when there's nowhere to turn? You drive straight ahead.”
Leslie Gordon
“We can’t simultaneously think of two things.”
Shree Shambav
“Never apologize for who you are.”
Brajesh Kumar Singh
“Life With Adventure”
Chloe Pyke
“Make the most of every moment.”
Lailah Gifty Akita
“Ali, pre ili kasnije, i u najiscrpljenijim telima mora se skupiti nova snaga, kao što i najveći krčag mora biti do vrha ispunjen kišnicom, ukoliko pljusak dovoljno dugo potraje.”
Vladimir Lenski
“I’m a rebel in the game of chanceI have learned to enjoy the spiritual danceI have yearned to speak the language of truth I have the power to inspire our youth”
Aida Mandic
“My smile is big and speaks of love I carry it around like a silky glove When you turn and look at me What do you see, what do you see”
Aida Mandic
“• Utilize science to help others lessen effects of painful memories• Experience new cultures, languages, lifestyles, and countries• Help others (and yourself) avoid/overcome identity theft, burnout, bankruptcy, and divorce”
Aida Mandic
“Love can make the world come together Opening our hearts to the futureOnly love can make the world come together Come together, changing the weather”
Aida Mandic
“We find out what is obviousWe discover what is curiousAt last the puzzle has been solved Into dreams that evolved”
Aida Mandic
“Choose words wisely, wisely you will learnThe manner in which we choose to express Determines the outcome of this game of chess”
Aida Mandic
“Is this how we want to live our livesIs this how we want to shape our archivesAngry and bitter from moments that left us empty Forgetting why we ever thought it was a good decisionTo get stuck tied down in the wrong kind of vision”
Aida Mandic
“Hope appears as a distant stranger Where ghosts are quiet and lack strength Unaware that they will confront danger When ideas start to display their length”
Aida Mandic
“Within the dimensions of an infinite dance, Lives a crowd that looks for a unique tree, It serenades hearts to join its trance,So they can swim in the beautiful blue sea”
Aida Mandic
“Our behaviour should correspond to our thoughts and actions.”
Shree Shambav
“I think that negativeEmotions have their place ConfusionAngerSadnessFearThey have their placeThey set a paceEach unraveling a unique faceAnd it’s up to our choicesWhether we learn from their voices”
Aida Mandic
“That’s what you say That I’m different And uniqueRight?Am I right?Because that is meI always fightI fight and fight and fight all day Long after everyone has left And gone awayLong after there is no play”
Aida Mandic
“iconic women travel the world charming others with their beautytheir distinct personality leaves a mark on everyone who is aroundbecause a warm and genuine smilehas a special kind of style”
Aida Mandic
“As with all daring and successful men the tricks and devices of his subconscious nature were much more formidable than his rational schemes; and so by a sort of automatic protective instinct he kept them subconscious.”
John Cowper Powys
“One glance brought you to your kneesIt was like a trip on a rocket to the moon She threw away fear’s locks and keys By playing to the magic of her own tune”
Aida Mandic
“A queen of a magnificent typeAn angel from a mysterious time The iron lady escaped all the hype She made every moment her prime”
Aida Mandic
“Deep and clear ideasHave a way of coming true They sense every single clueI always seek to discoverOptions and their subtle bordersI know their kind never accepts orders”
Aida Mandic
“We cannot be in the present if we are still clinging to our past.”
Shree Shambav
“Live every day your way, and wear your blessings well. In Jesus name, amen.”
Ron Baratono
“Every story has a story. And always more important than a story itself, is the reason behind why it was told.”
Sean Norris
“Why be human when you can be a god?”
Dan Desmarques
“Be better today than yesterday as new opportunities may arrive giving you a chance to be a better version of yourself.”
RJ Yolande Mendes
“Rise higher when you fall... be confident to face it all... and focus on making the impossible possible!”
RJ Yolande Mendes
“Never justify yourself for who you are, your attitude leads to whom you want to be...”
RJ Yolande Mendes
“Give hope to your inner self to rise above with your self-esteem, work through it and you will succeed.”
RJ Yolande Mendes
“Sometimes you gotta lose a few people to succeed.”
Robbie J
“Like a star you shine bright, like the moon you throw light, make your own luminosity so strong that no one ever dulls your life...”
RJ Yolande Mendes