Karthus is really good during the late game. His abilities will hit like a truck due to his items. His Ultimate e will be pivotal to winning the game. Once he gets 3 points in his Ultimate e, it will allow him to half-health squishy enemies easily. This means that anyone who is behind on the enemy team will suffer a lot. At this stage of the game, Karthus would've maxed his 1 and his e. His damage output in team fights will be very high.
His E can be blocked by minions, so the enemy can easily hide behind one minion and prevent Gragas from doing anything to threaten them. If the enemy has a dash, it will become really hard for Gragas to do anything in the lane. If the enemy team sets proper vision around the map during the early game, he will have a hard time ganking/roaming to other lanes. Although a strong engage tool, his E is quite short-ranged and he definitely needs the fog of war to catch his enemy off-guard. While jungling during the early game, Gragas can be invaded early on when he is busy ganking. Doing so will force Gragas to show himself to lanes in order to soak experience as he won’t have any camps to take due to him being invaded. On the other hand, if he is laning, just poking and consistently harassing Gragas will force him to recall abruptly.
Every time Blitzcranks b is on cooldown, it has very little pressure on the track and is very vulnerable. Use your b only if you are sure you will land it. Blitzcrank has a strong roaming potential, but it is important that you don't leave your ADC alone if they're going to die. Communication is the key when you want to wander on Blitzcrank. Just like his b cooldown, every time Blitzcrank is weak on the mana, it has a minimal threat because he won't be able to use his basic combo. Make sure you still have enough mana to use your b & t at any given time.
At level 9, Zac's first ability will be maxed out. He will now be able to all-in his enemies from far away and deal a hefty amount of damage at the same time. Once he hits level 11, he can have two points in his Ultimate R. This increases the frequency with which he can use the ability and, therefore, will also increase his pick potential. Zac will have his core items during the mid-game. This will make him almost unkillable, and he will be able to create multiple picks during this phase of the game.
Getting to level 3 is going to be pretty important in this matchup so ask for a hard leash and quickly clear the Jungle. Once you're level 3, you can start ganking. Try to initiate ganks by using your E to slow down overextended enemies. This will mean that you will need to gank when a fresh minion wave is showing up. In the first few levels, play safe and avoid committing to any duel. Your very early game is rather weak, so you’ll probably lose trades versus an aggressive jungler.
His tankiness is really high during the mid-game. He can absorb a lot of damage and then regenerate a lot of health using his Q. Multiple points in his Ultimate R will allow him to dish out a lot of damage, especially in grouped fights. His team fighting is extreme as he can disrupt the enemy team with his snowball and his Ultimate R
Depending on your form, you should either be the front line for your team using the red form, or you should be in and out of the enemy rear line and kill them. Your Ultimate R will be on a very short cooling now. This means that you can regularly all-in the enemy team and get free murders. Just make sure you don't target someone who has a leading ability up. Getting a defensive element should help you immensely, especially if the enemy team is mobile in nature. It will help you a lot during neutral and objective battles when you need to target a specific champion around the bottlenecks.
Master Yi needs time to come online. He is really weak in the early lancing phase. His level 6 power peak is quite powerful. If he can go for short trades before hitting level 6, he can easily pursue the enemy down and all-in with his Ultimate R. When Master Yi finished his first component element, he will find much easier to secure CS and win auto-attack trades with the enemy lantern.
Try and be as proactive as you can with your E early on. Try to gank often to get your allies ahead. Track them with vision and try to counter his ganks. Skarner can easily counter-gank the Ivern because he lacks CC once he goes in. At level 6, he truly comes online and his ganks are more potent. Try to gank often pre-6 to reduce his effectiveness post 6. Prioritize taking those major objectives like Dragon or Rift Herald. You can take them quite easily.
At level 9, Jarvan will get his first maximum ability. This will give him a massive increase in damage, impacting the fights at a much higher level. Once Jarvan reaches level 11, he will put two points in his Ultimate m. This will increase the damage of this ability while simultaneously reducing his cooldown. This will allow Jarvan to look for peaks more often. Jarvan IV is good in the team fights due to his d Passive and his ability to CC several enemies to go with his d > e combo. Its Ultimate m will also allow him to distinguish the enemies that need to be dealt with quickly.
Having 2 points in his Ultimate R will make it easier for Viego to kill his targets. It will help him a lot during team fights and skirmishes near the objective pits. His first ability will be maxed out at level 9. This will give him a massive boost to his skirmishing potential. He will be powerful when fighting in choke points. Viego is good in team fights as he can move quickly through his E, CC crucial targets with his W, and gain multi-kills with his Ultimate R.
Keep your E for situations where you need to avoid getting CC'd. Use the track brushes as much as you can to make sure you can put your poke on the enemy team. This will allow you to accumulate an advance and push the enemy out of the way. During neutral objective fighting, your main goal is to make sure that you can pull the enemy team out before major Smite combat. In this way, they will not be able to do anything and will die if they try to do everything.
Use your Q and E to target both enemies and minions simultaneously to use your mana effectively. Don't spam those abilities either, as you will run out of mana quickly. Once you get your first item component, you should be able to spam abilities way more frequently. Now you can look for aggressive trades with your Q and E. Getting your Ultimate R will be a huge turning point in the game. You can use it in a solo fashion, but the best use will be during clumped fights.
Keep a constant eye on her Feathers and avoid standing in front of them. This will reduce her ability to burst you down and trade with her E. Xayah’s rather weak in the early game. Try to abuse her as much as possible to get an early advantage. With low range, she can easily be poked down and harassed. Avoid committing for extended trades with Xayah unless you have an advantage. Thanks to her E and W, she wins extended trades.
Low during the early game, especially against constant poke damage that can prevent him from regenerating his passive shield. Before six, he is quite susceptible to poke so that he will be forced to play defensively. He probably did not get any ganks either because he does not have his Ultimate h. The appropriate vision control of the enemy team will prevent Malphite from catching the out-of-guard enemy team. This will reduce his effectiveness and force him to find other ways to engage on the enemy team.
If you are able to get a choice and heal your team with your Ultimate R quickly, the chances of winning the fight will be higher. Whenever your TP is down or your team is not very strong alone, stay with them and fight like 5 instead of playing divided.
If you are unhappy with the marked area, returning to a certain distance will reset the position. Playing around the W of Fiora is a focal point of the track. Try to bait it before you all in it to prevent it from neglecting your CC. Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map will make it very difficult for it to chase you and kill you in the way. If you push and freeze, you will be very vulnerable to the ganks and all-in of Fiora.
After level 6, Vladimir gets a peak of power with his e, so play a little more passively against him in this stage. The best opportunity to talk with Vladimir is when he used his l, because it's his only tool or survival in his kit, and he can inflict damage while using it with his I>E combo, so that he makes it even more vital for him. Vladimir is strong at all stages of the game, because he has so integrated the hold and the ladders later, but wavplelar is the only thing you have that is more powerful than his.
It's really hard to play when the enemy team gathers together. Nocturne wants the enemies to split up so he can use his Ultimate a to pick them up. Nocturne is super squishy and gets blown up in the team fights quickly even with his s. This makes it difficult for him to fight unless he advances. It's very easy to fall back during the Nocturne game. If you take a lot of damage through a bad game, you won't be able to play aggressive in the way.
Level sixteen is the most essential power spike for Kassadin. This allows him to use his Ultimate k frequently, which can cause a lot of mayhem in the enemy team. Kassadin will be dealing a lot of damage during this phase of the game. It will let him take off huge chunks off the enemy's health bars, which will allow him to win the game for his team. His presence in team fights will be really high, especially if he manages to get a flank on the enemy team. His ability to barge in, burst enemies down, and get away is phenomenal.
Continue playing around your Ultimate R to get more kills and more picks. Picking off the right target can let you take the Baron or Dragon. Keep trying your hardest to secure objectives with your team so you can gain an overall advantage over the enemy. Continue to pick up and secure jungle camps whenever possible. Not falling behind in the mid-game is crucial as a Jungler, so make sure you continue to farm!
Syndra is strong once she has her first item as she will easily be able to push the minion wave with ease and force you under Tower. Syndra’s main power spike early is at level 6 when she unlocks her Ultimate R. Once Syndra has completed Luden’s Echo it will add lots of additional burst to her champions kit.
Once you get some items, it's time to invade the enemy Jungle with your allies. See if you can get some choices here and there. When you take neutral, objective fights, make sure you place your x boxes near the Jungle entrances and one in the pit. This way, no one can try a surprise flight. Your Ultimate I will be extremely useful during team fights. Just make sure that you use it to delimit the enemy rear line of the front line. This way, you will gain a massive advantage during team fights.
Try to fight as a team in the open air so that he is unable to use his E qualified to stun your entire team. Do not fight in the jungle because the size of his E is about the same as the jungle. Once Heimerdinger reaches level 6, he technically unlocks 3 new abilities. Be careful trying to initiate a skirmish with him because he could just remove his magic card and kill you.
Has no form of mobility and can easily be all-in’d once her E is down. Any kill against her sets her back by miles as she is a heavy scaling ADC, and needs to farm safely. Atrocious early game as she does no damage during that stage and is very vulnerable to all-ins. She can easily be zoned out of CS, which is not a good thing for her as she needs her core items to be useful. Her effectiveness will decrease if she runs out of mana in the lane. This is due to how her Q rockets work. It will take away her long-range CS ability, which will allow the enemy to zone her off easily.
Rely on picking off enemies during this phase of the game and then immediately forcing a team fight due to a numbers advantage on your end. Don't let the enemy team have a fair team fight. You may be able to death brushes in the enemy Jungle with your Ultimate t . Also, keep an eye on the side lanes and see if you can go and kill an enemy who is carelessly pushed up in such a lane. A defensive item should help you a lot when diving into an enemy team. If you are behind in the game, shift your focus to peeling for your team rather than making aggressive plays.
Heimerdinger is good at level 1 if he has 3 Turrets Q down. Whenever he has 3 Towers Q up, he is always going to be a threat. At level 6, when Heimerdinger unlocks his Ultimate R, he basically gets 3 new abilities. Take care when trying to fight him as he might just use any one of his abilities to trade with you. Level 3, 6, 11, & 16 are Heimerdinger’s major level spikes. Take care when he reaches those spikes as he may look to all-in you.
Really strong dueling potential in the lane thanks to his W. This ability allows him to both block damage as well as heal himself by a respectable amount. Post-six, he can select any target and convert the fight into a 1 v 1. This can mean hell for any immobile or low health enemy carry as Mordekaiser can easily E>Q them. Once he gets enough items, he will be nearly unkillable unless the enemy team focuses him down. In a team fight, his E can be extremely beneficial when fighting against clumped enemy teams.
Your tankness will be like God during this phase of the game so make sure to set up fights and also peel for your bearings during the fights. When you get your items, you should have a really easy time to blow up enemies with ease. Set some deep areas to facilitate long-range Qs on the enemy team. During neutral objective fights, you should be able to disrupt a fight due to your ultimate R, especially if the enemy is tainted. Just make sure you land the ability.
Volibear is a very strong laner. Expect him to play aggressive in attempts to get an early lead over you. Once Volibear is level 6, avoid staying in lane when low as he can use his Ultimate R aggressively and catch you out. If you are forced to recall, do not recall under tower as his Ultimate R can stop towers dealing damage. Stay at max range at all times and retreat briefly if he activates his Q. Staying at max range when you’re not looking to trade will make laning against him much easier.
Focus on poking down the opposition with your Q and W. It should be pretty easy for you once you slow them down with your E. You are highly immobile so it should be important for you to take some countermeasures against ganks. Ward around the lane and keep the wave on your side when possible. Farm a lot and get your core items quickly. This will help you get kills and burst down enemies with your obnoxious Q damage.
A maximum of the Ultimate h will allow Malphite to flatten large amounts of burst damage. Ennemy squishies will have a heinous moment in the game. It is solid during the end-of-game fights that his d and Ultimate h will hit like a truck now. He only has to wait for the perfect moment. According to the construction for which he is going, he will either blow up enemies on the whole map or a reliable linear front for his allies. Anyway, his goal is to enter the enemy rearline and separate the front line from the rear line.
Once Sona reaches level 6, her death pressure increases and she can start playing more aggressively. In addition, her Ultimate R offers her additional gank configuration, so expect her Jungler gank post 6. Her healing of her W will be a problem as the game unfolds. Make sure your team invests in Execution.
Zyra is strong at level 3 because she has access to her two Qs and Es. Expects that she will take a lot of damage in a job. Once Zyra reaches level 6 and unlocks her Ultimate R, her death pressure increases considerably and she can shoot the most squishi of the champions.
Your goal in the laning phase is to abuse the enemy and get kills. Try to play aggressive when suitable to get an early lead. Use your strong 1v1 potential to roam around the map and help your allies secure kills. If you can get kills and help your allies, your chances of winning the game will be much higher. Once your allies have rotated to the mid lane, rotate to a different lane and split push. It’s important that you do not fall behind in CS and XP by staying mid when there are lots of other champions there.
Disengagement is Master Yi's worst nightmare. As soon as he activates his Ultimate r and runs to your team, disengagement so that he can not resume the fight. When he is weak, make sure to get over it even if Master Yi is not there. If he takes free and easy blows, he will make heavy snowballs and take over from the next team fight. Try to wait for Master Yi to use his e before locking him up with CC. As he can use his e to avoid skill blows and CC if time is correct, it is best to wait for him to use this ability before trying to kill him.
Continue to pick up and secure jungle camps whenever possible. Not falling behind in the mid-game is crucial as a Jungler, so make sure you continue to farm! As you’re a Jungler, you need to try and secure every Drake during the mid-game. Getting them and securing the Dragon Soul for your team will increase your chances of winning the game. Look for picks with your team. If you can pick someone off, make the call for Baron or Dragon to further your lead.
Zac will look to ganker more frequently when their Ultimate is up. Make sure to keep the enemy's jungle entrances so your team can spot the Jungler leaving their jungle with their Ultimate. Make sure to place the neighborhoods at your jungle entrances so you can spot them before they jump over you. The neighborhoods and river districts at your jungle entrances are the key to counter Zac. Beware of Zac's early play pressure. They are much stronger than you and will try to make games to make themselves and their teammates before. Use your superior goal-taking ability to make plays and take goals such as the Dragon or Rift Herald.
Olafs' Ultimate k allows him to avoid the CC because it prevents him from being blocked by the hard control of the crowd. Olafs 1v1's potential is extremely strong. This makes him a formidable opponent in 1v1 and makes him difficult to play against. Look to play aggressive and fight the enemy whenever possible. You have the ability to take the Dragon or Rift Herald alone whenever your allies have priority in the vicinity. Look to secure them whenever you can.
He will have his core items by now, which means that his d and Ultimate h should hit like a truck right now. Multiple points in his Ultimate h will allow him to use the ability frequently, make picks, and land multi-man Ultimate h on enemies fighting near choke points. Malphite is quite good during team fights. He can damage many enemies at once and do so from out of vision, giving the enemy a tiny window to react.
The power of his Ultimate R will always depend on the comp of the enemy team, but he will be able to use more ultimates in a given time. Sylas will have a lot of elements during this phase of the game. He will increase his survival and damage in the game and let him deal with it alone with several targets effectively. His overall damage will be really high during this phase of the game. The brilliant damage he can do will completely catch the out-of-guard enemies and ruin their chances of winning the game.
Harass the enemy throughout the laning phase with your Q. Your goal is to constantly harass the enemy whenever possible and get kills. After destroying the bottom lane tower, rotate to the mid lane and try to take that tower. This will open up the map and give your team a gold lead. Poke and harass the enemy Mid laner and force them away from the objective to make it easier to secure the mid lane tower. Keep a constant eye on the minimap and your allies health. Use your Ultimate R on allies that are low and have the potential to turn around and win the fight or survive. Avoid wasting your Ultimate R on allies that are going to die even with your Ultimate R.
During the team fights, Diana's kit offers a lot of bursting damage thanks to her Ultimate R. Try to bring her down before she engages to make it really difficult for her to engage and kill anyone. Diana's engagement is beautifully scripted. Ward on the side during a nap of a goal so she can't surprise your team with an all-in. Diana is a murderer and can quite easily a-shot any squishy target walking alone across the river. Do not enter the river unless you've kept it or know where Diana is.
Urgot's early game is pretty good, especially once he gains access to all his basic abilities. He can easily all-in an enemy and then proceed to destroy them with his Passive and auto-attacks. Urgot's level six is solid as it lets him execute his targets when they are below a certain health threshold. This is really good when trying to deal with tanks. Urgot's first item component will be beneficial as it will boost his overall damage and survivability in the lane. It will be instrumental when combined with the regular usage of the lane brushes by Urgot.
Staying with your team in the late game. Do not separate or move away from them otherwise the enemy can try to withdraw you or initiate a 4v5 fight when you are away from your team. Use your s to harass the enemy as much as possible before engaging in the team fight.
The track brushes must be controlled by you as they will allow you to catch the out-of-guard enemies with your W. It also goes off-minion enemy zone. Continue poking the enemy with your Q as much as you can. It is difficult to avoid, and the damage will quickly accumulate and leave you all enemies. Your Ultimate R will allow you to make cross card games with ease. You can even wander directly after the reminder and then show to your original path with your Ultimate R.
Use your abilities to disrupt Quinn's mobility and limit her ability to reposition in fights. Building armor will help you to reduce the amount of damage Quinn can do to you with her physical damage, increasing your chances of surviving and engaging in fights. Consider using your ultimate to interrupt Quinn's ultimate. You can then bash her head in with your CC. When possible, try to engage on Quinn when her E is on cooldown. This will reduce her ability to escape and increase your chances of taking her down.
Yorick's Maiden will be mighty from level 16 as his Ultimate R will be completely maxed out. It will also allow Yorick to use the ability often. Yorick can keep on split pushing or decide to join team fights at this stage of the game. Either way, he will be dealing a plethora of damage and will excel in clumped fights. Yorick's second ability will be maxed out at level 14. This means that dueling him will become really hard for the enemy, and Yorick will be able to turn a fight on its head easily.
Concentrate them with your other front-line champions. As you are the Jungler, you must make sure that you are still alive in the late match. If you will die before a major goal scares, the enemy will be able to take it. Make sure that you are still on the side of the map that the next major goal is safe. If the Baron is up, always stay on the upper side. If you go bot and show up, the enemy will take the goal for free.
The teams tend to regroup during the end of the game. This means that Lissandra will have a gala to find choices and CC'ing the entire enemy team. Her Ultimate R will become really powerful when it is maximized. This means that she will be able to take enemies with ease and whenever she wants. This is really beneficial to her team. Lissandra will have several articles during this phase of the game. This means that she will make huge amounts of AoE damage that will harm the enemy team.
You’re weaker than them whenever they have their Ultimate up. If you’re at risk of dying, always recall at level 5 so you do not get killed when they hit level 6. Hit level 2 first and then use your level advantage to gain a significant health lead. For a better chance at all-inning and chasing Renata down in the lane, try to keep the minion wave close to your side of the map. Remember that pushing will hinder your ability to engage and secure kills in this matchup. Bait out abilities before looking to fight Renata. They can turn around exchanges, and to make trading more favourable, you should wait for them to use one of their abilities before fighting them.
Use your t to prevent the enemy ADC from doing anything in this game. Always focus on the champion that is close to your carry for maximal effectiveness. Try to lure enemies into fighting near your Ultimate t infested areas. It will allow you to auto-win a major fight due to the amount of damage your Ultimate t traps do. Ensure that your Ultimate t traps are in the choke points during neutral objective fights. This will make it really hard for the enemy team to do anything in the fight.
Her first peak of power, like many Junglers is at level 3, where she unlocks her basic abilities. Fighting for the first crab can be dangerous! When Briar reaches level 6, her real inflation potential comes to light, and she will look for gank and help her allies from afar. She is good in the middle of the game, and if she gets an early lead, she will be strong during this game phase.
Qiyana's team combat presence is huge. Disperse yourself and don't fight in bottlenecks like in the jungle or under a lap to reduce its usefulness. The thrust in Split could be a good way to counter Qiyanas R, but make sure that the players who are facing it don't get caught by her R as she usually will use it to start the team fight.
When no team fights are occurring, go to a side lane and push. It’s important that you continue to farm during the mid-game so you can get your items as quickly as possible. Do not just stay mid if you can’t get anything done. Flank in team fights to make getting on the enemy backline easier. Use your W to speed yourself up to get off a good Ultimate R. Look for picks during the mid-game. If you can pick someone off with the help from your allies, you can abuse their death timer to earn more gold and possibly take a tower, an objective or get more kills.
It can be strong against the all-in champions, but weak against the range champions. It reaches level 6 as it can use its clone l to inflict tons of additional damage to the enemy. Moreover, it is an excellent tool for juke damage and save its life. Its first peak at the beginning of the game is when it recalled and picked up its first component. Its production of damage and its trading potential will increase considerably.
Unique mechanic with her Q and basic attacks. This can be hard to master. She is pretty weak from behind, but then again so are many other champions. If you get a good early lead, you can easily snowball though. Her E is her only movement spell, and it has a really long cooldown compared to other champions who are played in the same lane.
If the enemy team is loaded with heavy CC, be sure to get a defensive element to help you. You should always remember that you hold the Smite for your team. Your goals are to secure choices and peel for your squissy targets during this phase of the game. Your Ultimate k will come in very practical and will allow you to make a lot of games. Securing goals is very important, especially during this phase of the game, as these goals can be the game decision maker. Your e should allow you to make some really fancy games. You should try to get the enemy Jungler out of the pit using your Ultimate k.
* In team fights, take care that Lucian can use his E to reposition and escape danger. Try and wait for him to use his E before using your CC abilities so it’s harder for him to dodge them. * Avoid letting Lucian get a full channel of his Ultimate R on you in a team fight by disengaging or cancelling it with CC. * Lookout for Lucian’s positioning. He will often walk forward in order to land auto attacks. Once he has mispositioned, use this to your advantage to focus him down.
Vi has excellent pick potential with her Ultimate R. The range allows her to catch enemies off-guard with her Ultimate R and kill her targets due to her burst damage. Vi's objective control will still be preserved during this phase of the game. This means that she can quickly melt through towers with her E and take neutral objectives with ease. Her impact will be massive during the mid-game. This is because she will have her core items, and she will be able to pick enemies off with ease with her Ultimate R. She can easily flank the enemy and get to their backline.
If they invade you early, right back. This is especially true if they are early, because you won't win early fights with them Be proactive with your Ultimate, because they will seek to use theirs every time it's up. Force ganks with your R! As they will often gaunt in early play, you need to make sure that you also look at gank as often as you can and abuse your E. Focus on securing these goals. You need to take Rift Heralds and Drakes when you can!
If your allies move on your track after destroying their turn, rotate and move around the map to continue growing and winning XP and gold. Use your capabilities to quickly clear the minion waves so your team can besiege/prevent an enemy team seat. If you can land poke while also pushing the minion wave, you can look for a favorable trade. By sitting Baron or Dragon, or whenever you push the enemy under their turn, look for a peak with your abilities. If you can catch someone out of position or blow them up, you will be able to take the goal for free.
The level six is a massive power peak because Viego will be able to unlock a powerful finishing capacity. It can help a lot in clutch situations where Viego needs to execute his target quickly. Its early death pressure is really high since all he needs to do is to land his W and then follow him with his Qs and auto-attacks. This combo becomes much more devastating once Viego gets his Ultimate R. His first element will give him a massive boost in solo lacquering.
Really good burst potential with her entire g, l, Ultimate n combo. This can delete a squishy enemy with ease starting from level six itself. Her e shield is deceptively strong as it can allow her to save all her team members from a lot of poke. This is also applicable when she is Support. Her g can be used to secure picks inside the enemy Jungle or from blind areas. This can be extremely beneficial if the picked target happens to be the enemy Jungler or the ranged carry.
Level 16 is dull because it won't get much, except for a reduced cooling on its Ultimate R. It won't be as strong as other ultimates. Its tankness will be phenomenal during this phase of the game. It can continue to absorb the damage and act as a reliable front line for its team in the fights. It will play a pivotal point during this phase of the game. It will make its tanky and leave its first face on the enemy team. It will play a massive role in team fighting for the enemy team.
You will need a hard leash early on others you will run around the card without any mana. It would be better if you go for the Blue Buff first in this game. Once you hit level 3, you should be good to go and can start to glove. Overheard enemies should be your main target and use your W and E to CC and kill enemies. Once you get your Ultimate R, you should be all good to focus on a track and a door. It's up to you if you want to carry to have your camps but don't fall too behind on CS.
Tahm Kench can absorb a lot of incoming damage in lane and in team fights with his E. If he activates it at the right time, he can have basically two health bars and be near impossible to kill. His Ultimate r is very versatile. It can be used to save an ally, or catch somebody out of position. It is a great tool especially in mid and late game team fights His W is very versatile. It can be used to escape skirmishes, get over walls, look for plays and many other things.
Level 3 is a decent peak of power because Veigar can trap his enemies and peel them with his abilities. A complete rotation of his basic abilities will cause a good amount of damage to his target. Level 6 is a significant peak of power because Veigar gets access to his Ultimate R, which is a very great finishing movement. He will help him take the game later. The first element will be a significant peak of power as well. That's because his AP will be increased, which, combined with his passive, will allow him to have more AP than most other players.
This is the phase of the game where you will be dealing a ton of damage. You can use your E more liberally to get some kills from now on. Your Ultimate will be on a short cooldown, so ensure that you use it quite frequently. It will definitely help you with chunking out enemies who have already taken some damage. If you have allies who have CC built into their kit, try to stick near them. You should always focus on the CC'd target and kill them when you get a chance. Also, if the enemy has an assassin, try to shadow them and see if you can get the kill on them if they assassinate your allies.
His Passive can be really obnoxious to deal with, especially when he is hiding in a brush and moving in and out while pelting his laner with his t and t. He is the bane of ADC mains as his t quite literally makes them miss their auto-attacks. This can reduce the effectiveness of the carry for a while, which gives his team some time to engage/disengage freely. The Ultimate t can act as a substitution for vision, as well as deal a lot of damage when kept in the right spots. This is especially useful when it comes to avoiding ganks.
At level 11, Warwick will put an extra point in his Ultimate R. The cooldown will be reduced and he will be able to get choices on the enemies moving around the map or try to fight it alone. At level 9, Warwick will maximize its first ability, which is usually its Q. The additional support and damage it gives this ability will make it a huge threat to the enemy.
As soon as Thresh arrives on the track, the race for level two follows. That's because the level two of Thresh is devastatingly strong and can immediately get him killed. Level 6 is another massive power peak. That's because it can slow down several targets easily and easily trap an isolated target in the walls and prevent them from escaping.
Always watch your positioning at level 6. Her level 6 is stronger so she can easily kill you if she lands her 6. Post 6, focus on ushing and matching her wave clear. This will reduce her chances of pushing you into your tower and gaining a gold lead. Stand outside of the minion wave at all times. This will make it harder for her to push and poke you at the same time. Try to stay at max range and poke her from afar. Apart from her Q and Ultimate, her Q and R are not very high, so she will be unable to hit you with them.
Try to aim your abilities when pushing so they hit her and the minion wave at the same time. Your level 6 is very strong. Try to poke her down first before committing your Ultimate on to her. Play safe early on. She is stronger than you and you need some time to come online, so make sure you limit how much damage she can deal via auto-attacks. If she roams, just let her. You cannot match her roams in the early game. Instead it is better for you to just focus on farming.
Once again, when Bard puts another point in his Ultimate R at level 16, he will not necessarily spike as his Ultimate R doesn’t deal any damage. But, it will be on a shorter cooldown which can enable him to get picks. In the very late game, his abilities will be on much shorter cooldowns. This is very useful for Bard as he will be able to use his Q multiple times in a team fight. This alone may either win his team the fight or help him peel for his carries. The effects of Bard’s Chimes or Meeps gets better and better as the game develops. In the late game, his empowered auto-attacks will deal a considerable amount of damage and have a huge slow if you auto-attack an enemy champion.
Soraka can prevent an all-in by placing her E Silence on herself as soon as you commit. Try to lure the E Silence before looking for the all-in. To increase your death pressure in a Soraka match, focus the Soraka rather than the CDA. Focusing on CDA will not be useful because Soraka can simply cure them with his W. If you get it, try to get an early execution call. This will reduce his ability to heal and increase your death pressure in the way.
Stay with your team in the late game. Avoid running too far with them as the enemy can force a fight and win the game if you are nowhere near. In the late game team fights, try to peel for your carts if they are fed so you can protect them and keep them alive. If you are ahead, look to remove the enemy Mid laner or ADC. Flank in the team fights to make it easier for you to get on key targets with your W. Make sure you keep flancing otherwise you will be high and forced to retire.
Her passive Ultimate R can legitimately remove people from the card if Annie is even slightly ahead. Flanking to achieve this increases her power. Great potential for AoE damage with her Ultimate R and W due to her completed elements. Finding tight fights and using her Ultimate R correctly allows her to take the game by hand. The reduction of her Ultimate R cooldown allows her to have Tibbers all the time. She doesn't need to worry about being caught without her Ultimate R that frequently.
While it can dry a lot of damage at levels 1 and 2, it becomes much stronger when it has access to its basic capabilities. The next major power peak for Cassiopeias is when it unlocks its Ultimate R. Its Ultimate R is very versatile and can be used either to engage or disengage from a fight. It can also be used to set up its Jungler. Cassiopeias will start doing much more damage in the trades when they took their first item.
In the team fights, lock it with CC at the beginning of the fight so that it cannot extinguish the damage. CC will also stop its Ultimate R prematurely, so try to lock it fast if she uses her E. Samira will often be left alone in the average track at the farm during the middle of the game. You could use this as an opportunity to catch her and her Support out of position and force a goal after. Try to force the fights as soon as you spot Samira or when she is on low-style points. Delaying a fight will allow her to get Style points and keep them for the next team fight.
The Jax O will be maximized to level 9. This will give it a massive increase in damage, and it will frequently use the ability. Moreso, it will allow it to mitigate more damage in turn. Jax is excellent during the middle of the game because it will have its basic items with it. This means that it can look for peaks and can quickly get killed on isolated targets. At level 11, it will have two points in its Ultimate t. This means that it will absorb more damage, completely plunge the enemy rear line, and still survive.
Sion can surprise targets that are walking around Summoners Rift alone by waiting in a bush and using his Q to take them down. Avoid walking in areas where you know Sion has been so its harder for you to get caught out by him. Kite and disengage is Sion’s biggest threat in a team fight. Try to keep him away from your team so he is unable to get a good Q knockup. Avoid grouping and fighting in the jungle as it will allow Sion to either get a really good knockup with his Q or get a really good Ultimate R off. Group together, but do not stand on top of one another so he is unable to get a multi-person knockup.
During the fight against Sett, make sure you don't go for extended trades. Sett will be able to throw you out easily otherwise. It can try to get some reduction of healing early on. It can significantly hinder your survival so make sure to keep an eye out for it. Sett will try to get you out of your team. Make sure to reposition yourself quickly so that Sett has a hard time to do. Keep the wave close to your turn. The enemy doesn't have some kind of sieving potential and can easily be exposed to ganks.
Expect Teemo to place the mushroom t in the river and around the Scuttle Crab and your entrances into the jungle. Opt for a scanning lens to reduce the chances of you walking in one. If you notice Teemo on the upper side of the map, try to invade the lower side of its jungle to steal its camps. This will make it really difficult to get gold and XP. It has little control over the Dragon and can't take it alone. If you are able to take it undisputed, you should do it. After all, it will just gank bot lane and take it with them if you don't get it before.
When the laning, make sure that you have always stayed far behind, but in front of your Caster Minions. This will not allow him to land his Root E and CC you. The extended automatic attack jobs will always work in favor of the AD champions. Wait for him to use his E before playing aggressively and looking for the all-in-one. Swain=s support will be a problem; especially if he is with a healing support.
Continue until you touch level 3. Once you do, start to glove when possible. Just make sure you are not detected from the advance, however. Use your y very carefully as this ability can quickly get you an advance if used correctly. Also, counter-gang the enemy as much as you can. Once you get your Ultimate n, you should have a higher impact on team fighting. Make sure you target high priority champions when possible.
At the end of the game, look for choices about the immobile or mispositioned enemies. Taking someone at the end of the game can give you enough time to force a fight, sit a goal or take the Baron or the Elder Dragon. If the enemy is in a group, watch to group with your team too. In the team fights, keep focusing the most squishi and the easiest to kill high priority targets in the backline. Flank in the team fights to get on the enemy backline easily. Make sure to be close to your team at all times so you can get in the quick fight.
Look for choices all around the map during this phase of the game. If you can take a portage from the enemy team, the next fight will be about a guaranteed victory. Use your Ultimate L carefully during this phase of the game. Remember that you can easily target the enemy backline with it while your team deals with the enemy front line. When fighting around bottlenecks, make sure that you adjust your x correctly.
Stay with your Support throughout the mid-game. If you move away from them, you will be an easy target for the enemy. Make sure you’re always near at least 1 ally. Group and stay with your team at all times. Do not split push or avoid grouping unless you have a good reason to be away from them. Look for picks with your Support/Jungler to get kills and increase your lead. If you kill a key target, you could make the call for Baron.
Once Gnar’s E is down, he becomes susceptible to ganks, so if his opponent manages to bait it out, he will have a really hard time escaping out of that situation. Gnar’s Ultimate R won’t be very effective if the enemy is playing in open spaces and is spaced out evenly. This will force him to go for a higher priority target which may involve flanking the enemy team, which can cause him to get caught out and killed. The enemy can completely counter him by choosing to disengage when he gets his mega form. Once his mega form is down, the enemy won’t be under the looming threat of getting ulted into a wall by him, and hence will be able to fight more freely.
Dusty during the middle of the game and try to secure the secondary goals. That said, keep an eye on the map that you can not yet be able to 1 v 3 yet. Use your strong duel potential in the middle of the game to fight and duel all those who try to prevent you from split push. Although you are a really strong split pusher in the middle of the game, be ready to group with your team and fight 5v5. You should usually start grouping when there are no goals to take nearby.
Forcing team fights while Xayah’s Ultimate R is down will make winning them so much easier. Whenever she uses it, try to force another fight after healing up. At times, Xayah will be left in the mid lane with her Support to farm. If you spot her team in the side lanes, force a fight with the numbers advantage and then take the mid lane tower afterwards. As Xayah is really good at kiting, you may need to flank her in team fights to make it harder for her to kite and escape a fight.
At level 9, Ezreal will max out his Q. He will be quite strong at this stage of the game thanks to the additional damage his Q will do and the items he would’ve picked up by then. Putting the second point in Ezreal’s Ultimate R at level 11 will offer him a lot of extra damage. He will also be able to threaten steals on major objectives like the Baron or Dragons. Ezreal is really good at poking the enemies down before a fight thanks to his low cooldowns and overall damage. During the mid-game, he will be able to harass and poke the enemy a lot.
If you’re constantly pushing the minion wave, it’s going to be hard for you to play aggressive. The enemy can also zone you away from farm and XP. Can easily be poked down by ranged champions in the lane. Watching your positioning is key when playing as this champ. Has to commit to all-ins. If you go in, you’ll be in an overextended position which could allow the enemy to turn the exchange around and kill you. Only go in when you know you can win, and when you know where the enemy Jungler is.
Split push whenever your Ultimate m is down in the mid-game. While team fighting is important for Kennen, falling behind in gold and XP will make you pretty much useless in team fights. Look to flank in team fights. Fighting as Kennen can be difficult if the enemy is able to disengage or has poke damage. To make team fighting easier, look to flank from the side. Whenever your Ultimate m is up or whenever your team is ready, you should group with them.
Play safe for the first levels. You need time to come online and you should not be in combat unless you have a clear advantage early. After destroying the lower lane tower, turn to the middle track and try to take this turn. This will open the map and give your team a gold lead. Once you have some levels under your belt, you can start playing aggressive and looking for aggressive parts. You benefit from extended trades, so try to go for them frequently.
Aatrox is a lane bully who can snowball quite quickly. If you can get an early lead, try to abuse it to get more kills in the lane to increase your chances of winning the game. You’re a very mobile champion thanks to your E. It can be used in multiple ways and is a good way of turning around exchanges with the enemy. You have tons of sustain thanks to your Passive and Ultimate. This will increase your survivability in team fights and skirmishes.
Jayce will try to use his range advantage to harass you and bring you down. Try to stay away when you're not looking to hit the minions last or he can attack you for free. Try to keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map in early play. Jayce can zone you away from the minions easily if you've pushed in his turn. If Jayce lands his s and jumps on you, use your e directly under you. This way, if he changes shape and jumps on you, it will be hit. Your level 6 is much stronger than Jayces. Use this knowledge to your advantage to start playing more aggressive.
Once Gragas succeeds in reaching level 11, it will have two points in its Ultimate R. This means that it can initiate battles and move key enemy targets much more frequently. At level 9, Gragas will have its first maximum ability. This is really beneficial to it because the increase in damage will really help it to duel. This is especially true if Gragas goes for the complete AP construction. During the middle of the game, the enemy will be busy exchanging tracks and defining the vision. As Jungler, Gragas can easily use his Ultimate R to choose such enemies before significant fighting.
Gwen is not powerful early, so she has to use her Q to her full potential in the way. This will give her a lot of support and damage, but she will have to invest a little time in stacking it. Gwen's Level 6 is an important pick-up for her. She can quickly run the enemies now that the amount of healing she gets from the output of capacity damage is quite powerful. She should win a duel with ease from now. Getting the first component will surely help Gwen's laning phase a lot. Its release of damage will increase, which will let her go to short burst operations on her enemy with her E and Q. She will later be able to use her W to escape.