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When you sit Baron or Dragon, or when you push the enemy under their turn, you should be on the lookout for an opportunity to take advantage with your abilities. If you catch someone out of position or blow them up, you will be able to take the lens for free.
You have little to no kill pressure on Aurelion Sol. Focus on harassing Aurelion Sol and getting a lead.
ezreal can all-in enemies once they are low enough after taking the barrage of poke ezreal has to offer. ezreal's R is a game-changer in the early game, as its short cooldown allows him to waveclear with ease.
After completing your first item, you will be a lot stronger. Having multiple items completed in the mid-game will make you a fierce opponent.
Work with allies to achieve this. Make the team fights unfair to the enemy.
You need the harrass (h) as many times as you can before you try to engage in a fight. Riven won't be able to do much because her entire kit is based on mobility.
Make sure you regroup with your team and try to shoot down key enemy targets. You must be grouped with your team at the end of the game.
In the jungle, the Red Buff amplified the effects of this combo. His Ultimate c made it easy for him to shred the members of the enemy team when they were regrouped.
He is a stronger early-game Jungler than you. Try to equal his pressure in any way possible, such as stealing camps or counter-ganking.
try to hit both the minion wave and Hwei at the same time. Hwei has many different abilities compared to any other champion.
His mid-game is decent as he will have his core items, and he will be able to dish out tons of damage.
His ultimate R allows him to inflict a lot of damage on the enemy team if he does it. The Ultimate R can change the tide of a team struggle instantly.
Stick with your team and avoid walking too far away from them. If you get caught out, your team will lose out on a lot of damage in a team fight, and it would be your fault.
The CC (crowd control) of its Ultimate R will allow its team to collapse on the enemy quickly. She should be really great as the game continues because she's going to have all her articles by now.
Stand outside of the minion wave or behind it. This will result in him having to choose between pushing or poking you. Don’t stand in the minion wave as he will be able to push and poke with his b or e. Post-level 6, Corki will look to constantly push the minion wave.
Getting priority in the middle lane will help Kalista's team immensely. The presence of neutral objective will give Kalista's team an advantage.
Stand away from walls during the game to avoid Ornn's Pillar Q CC. Avoid using major CC abilities on orrn when his W ability is off cooldown, as he can use it to dodge or escape CC.
The enemy team will find it difficult to take care of him. Wukong is quite substantial during this stage of the game.
His Ultimate R should be used on clumped enemies. He should take fights around choke points.
Ezreal’s Ultimate R is on a short cooldown and can be used frequently when trading with the enemy. Ezreal’s Ultimate R is global, allowing him to snipe people across the map.
At level 9, your Q maxed out will increase its damage and cooling. When your Q is exhausted, you can use it more often to inflict more damage to the enemy.
Target the enemy line of defense during team fighting, using the fog of war to fly. Keep the wave near the tower to expose Yone to the ganks and increase the murders on him.
Shaco may have already placed Boxes behind the target you want to collapse on if it was near the target recently. If you are invaded by Shaco, your best option is to step back immediately.
As soon as she uses her Q, load her and try to take her down. Every time Morgana launches her Ultimate R in a team fight, try to get out of the area as quickly as you can in order not to be chained and CC'd.
Sylas is a very early Jungler game. Expect Sylas to start crashing after level 3 when it has access to all basic capabilities.
Good vision will allow you to spot Gragas before he gets to a lane. Gragas is a strong dueler and can easily take down a target if he gets the jump on them with his E.
Frequent auto-attacks are needed to avoid instant death Graves is a strong early game duelist.
Disperse and look for a way to make it burst once it has come to light. Twitch will often be incredibly close to your team after coming out of its s.
If you can see Graves before he ganks a lane, it will be harder for him to get kills and snowball. Place wards around his jungle entrances to spot him leaving his jungle.
The best time for everyone in someone will be when one of their powerful spells is down. Always be ready to help your Jungler if they decide to invade the enemy Jungle.
Hit level 2 before or at the same time as Blitzcrank, which is the first wave followed by the next 3 melee minions. Blitzcrank is useless and offers limited resources when his hook (b) is on cooldown.
The dead can help the snowball a track quickly if obtained. When the n Ultimate ability of the monkey is available, it can be used for aggressive games and kill the enemy.
Lulu is a champion with weak points. This makes her quite vulnerable and easy to kill.
After you finish your first component element, you'll be strong enough in 1v1s and have a greater chance of getting murders. Go to a side lane.
When looking for choices in the later stages of the game, you should look for opportunities to eliminate an enemy champion. You can choose someone during a team fight if the situation permits.
She has her Ultimate at level 1. When skirmishing with the enemy, their Ultimate will be more useful than hers.
Don't get caught trying to harass and bring down the enemy. Level 16 is a massive peak for syndra as it can decimate the squishy enemies.
Vex still fights against some all-in-one champions despite his W. Vex has a good wave.
If Twitch is in front, he can even flanculate and blow you when he activates his e. Twitch has tons of burst damage when he left AP.
Vladimir is great in team fighting. His Q, E and Ultimate e are effective tools for inflicting damage in team fighting.
The maxed-out Ultimate R will let him share the push very effectively. He can join a fight from anywhere on the map with the Ultimate R.
It is important that you stick with your team in the late game. You should stand towards the back end of your team near your Support.
As Azir completes multiple items, he will be very strong and dish out a lot of damage in a short amount of time. It's recommended not to be afraid to make more aggressive plays when Azir has an item or two.
Level 3 is a massive peak because Seraphine has all its capabilities at its disposal during this game phase. It can use them very efficiently if it uses track brushes.
Your goal is to push the wave and then continue roaming. When using your abilities on the minion wave, try to aim b and e so it hits both the enemy and the minion wave at the same time.
Grievous Wounds can counter Fiora heavily as it reduces her healing, which is a huge portion of her dueling power. Building Grievous Wounds can be pivotal towards shutting Fiora down during her early game.
Avoid getting poked out by his Q in this matchup. It does a lot of damage and can cause issues for you in this matchup.
By delaying team fights, Corki can get a better position and set up for his ultimate ability. Corki's poke allows him to roam safely and reposition himself in the game as needed.
If the enemy is positioned well throughout the blasting phase, Morgana may have difficulty landing this capability. Misuse of her E can lead to many negative situations for her.
This simply means that every squishy target on the map should be scared of Annie and her ability to one-shot them if they face checking a random brush. Annie's pick potential is incredibly high.
If you go in while your dash is down, it will be impossible for you to escape without burning Flash. Stand away from Jarvan's d (d = dash) in lane.
Take care of Trundle's pressure. Trundle can easily kill you on Level 2 with his Pillar e.
A max-out Ultimate R will help him save his allies frequently. The maxed-out Ultimate R will let him share the push very effectively.
Try to abuse Veigar to place it behind. Delaying his batteries will make it less effective in the later stages of the game. Every time Veigar uses his n, try to abuse cool down because it's his only defensive tool at the beginning of the game and once he's down, he's pretty vulnerable.
Avoid staying in the fights because you will be an easy target.
Wait until you have a few levels under your belt before looking to fight. Play around your Q hotspots in lane.
This will allow the enemy ranged carries to kite him while the enemy tanks keep him away from their carries. The enemy can completely counter him if they play in open spaces like the lane and are properly spaced when Hecarim enters the fight.
She will be a real threat when she hits level 9. At level 11, Diana will put the second point in her Ultimate R.
Fiddlesticks wants to poke and stay safe in the very early game. Fiddlesticks is not very strong.
If Yone uses her E after her return, you can abuse cooldown to play aggressive and bring him down. It will make it harder for him to survive an exchange or return with you.
Once you hit level 6, you should be able to increase the frequency and efficiency of your ganks. Make sure you don't do anything that makes you catch during the early game.
Veigar has an ultimate R. Once Veigar has his final R, his death pressure increases.
It will protect you from ganks. It will also prevent them from zoning you away from farm.
Shyvana's first power peak is at level 6 when it unlocks its Ultimate capability. The harder the game, the stronger Shyvana gets.
His death pressure increases to 6. Stand back so he gives you more time to react to his Q so you can avoid it. His Q can be blocked by minions.
Kassadin is considered weak in the early game. It's beneficial to exploit this weakness to gain an advantage.
Against the poke or champions with a lot of clear wave, it will be almost impossible for Akshan to wander and help his allies as the enemy will keep him pushed in or take his turn while he wanders. Early play should be mainly focused on taking short trades against the enemy with your automatic and passive attacks.
The quantity of poke Q varies depending on the construction. It's his most reliable fate in the way.
If crazy falls behind, he can build a tank, but he will cause little or no damage in team fighting. Keep this in mind when playing with the monkey and be ready to adapt.
The use of Fiddlesticks' Ultimate R is highly effective and results in a kill each time. Fiddlesticks' Ultimate R can be used to assist laners and go for picks.
Unless you match his damage, try not to fight him too much unless you can catch him out of position. At level 6, both of your Ultimates will be quite powerful and the difference between winning the fight.
Dr.Mundo can straight up dive the enemy team by walking towards them during this stage. Dr.Mundo's Q can allow him to secure picks for his team and then use his slow to catch their targets.
Avoid overextending alone in the middle of the track without your team, as Tahm Kench can use his W to win an advantage. Tahm Kench won't be able to activate his E if he's locked up with CC.
You are rather weak in the game early and need time to come online. As you don't have much in early play, you may want to wait for the enemy to waste an ability before playing aggressive.
The passive autonomized r allows Rumble to act as a disruptor during team fighting easily. Rumble's e combined with its d can allow it to easily descend a single enemy target.
The Ultimate R allows to kill snipers from afar. Shots are particularly effective with the general damage caused by Ziggs bursting.
Try to harass and poke Braum down whenever he tries to last hit minions. If Braum is kept low, he’ll never be able to engage.
Play safe for the first few levels. You need time to come online and you shouldn’t be fighting unless you have a clear early advantage.
Continue to grow and win XP without fighting anyone unless you have an advantage over them. Vladimir's early play is terrible.
Yone will get short peaks of power as he continues to add points to his Q. The first element will bring significant improvements to Yone's trading in the track.
The more Ability Power and magic penetration Karthus gets the better and stronger he will be. Try to shut him down or constantly invade him to reduce his gold income.
Ivern's level 6 is quite potent as he will now be able to summon Daisy. Daisy will cause many issues for the enemy team.
Keeping the wave closer to your side of the map early will force it to extend for the farm that you can abuse all of it. This could lead to a situation where she is forced to take risks and get caught by other players.
Minimizing trading will help you reach level 6 faster. You should not trade items with others until you are at least level 6.
Teemo's Passive can be really heinous to manage, especially when he hides in a brush and comes in and out while peeling his laner with his t and t. It is the scourge of the ADC sector because it literally makes them miss their automatic attacks.
Do not regroup as Miss Fortune will be able to hit your entire team with its Ultimate capability. Maybe separation is a better idea when we're trying to equip the fight against Miss Fortune.
If you’re playing against someone with a strong all-in, play safe whenever their Ultimate is up. Karma's early game poke is really obnoxious, especially for laners who are melee in nature.
When Ping is activated alongside Lillia's Ultimate R, it indicates that she wants to engage in a team fight. It is possible that you can put the entire enemy team to sleep with your Ultimate R.
Do not commit to extended trades with Jax- especially if he’s been able to stack his auto attacks on minions beforehand. If Jax decides to team fight, try and lock him down with CC before he has the chance to engage.
Lock Nilah down with CC at the start of the fight making it hard for her to reposition with her E and escape. Nilah's first power spike occurs at level 3.
Akshan doesn't do well in the various matches. Fields with easy to install CC will be able to prevent Akshan from using its E aggressively.
Don't underestimate its global potential with its Ultimate. If it uses it on you, try to step back as its Jungler might try to gank as its Ultimate is a good gank configuration. Rumble is strong in the team fights so expect him to be in a group and looking for choices with his Ultimate during the middle and end of the game.
While Karma's d (Ultimate) is on cooldown, that's an opportunity for you to be aggressive and make a favourable trade. When attacking during the enemy champion's Ultimate cool-down period, take advantage of the situation to gain a trade advantage.
If the poppy overextends with her E, she can be killed easily. The poppy acts as a frontline, allowing enemies to flank her teammates before attacking her.
With two points in its Ultimate capacity, it will be more powerful and will have lower cooling at the same time. Warding big goals and the implementation of vision in high traffic areas was prioritized at the end of the game.
Every time his Ultimate e is broken, he is very vulnerable. Trendamere is a little weaker when its Ultimate e is down.
Cassiopeia can often get early kills in lane with a level 2 all-in. Getting an early kill will make the laning phase much easier for her.
If you fall behind in the early game, you will struggle to lane. Falling behind in the early game will delay your first major power spike.
Veigar has a very high implementation potential with its n. This can allow him to call his Jungler to gank his way and help him get an early lead, which will be devastating for the enemy team.
Gnar's opponent can bait out his E to have a really hard time escaping that situation. Gnar's Ultimate R won't be very effective if the enemy is playing in open spaces and is spaced out evenly.