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bard | A good Ultimate R can help initiate a fight and set up a wombo-combo. Bard's Ultimate can be used to stall neutral objectives. |
mordekaiser | A strong potential duel Mortadokaiers should be used in the middle of the game to fight anyone who stops a split thrust. The Mortadokaers are generally good at dividing the thrust in the middle of the game. |
camille | Don't be afraid to look for more fights after you pick up your first item. You should stay with your team in the late game. |
olaf | Since the ability will be up frequently, he will be able to pick off targets easily. Olaf will have multiple abilities maxed out during this phase of the game. |
zac | The reason Zac is so good is that he can easily bypass the vision and catch the out-of-guard enemy. Zac will be extremely tanky during this stage, and the enemy team will find it difficult to kill him. |
xinzhao | You should continue to advance and get other ways in advance if you manage to accumulate an advance. After entering with your Ultimate R, you should prepare to fold and peel for your allies in the end-of-game team fights. |
ryze | Ryze will now have his core of objects, which means that he will do more damage than the early match. He has not yet reached his final form, however. Ryze will fight during the mid-game fights, as his damage will not suffice for a single enemy shot. |
wukong | Wukong is very strong in a 1v1 fight if he has a lot of health. Avoid fighting it if you notice it when it is in very good health. |
lux | If you are at risk of dying, always remember at Level 5 so you don't get killed when Lux reaches Level 6. Adjust your position to the location where Lux is standing in the track. It has the advantage of reach and if you are standing too far forward, it will harass you for free. |
senna | Only when you know the location of the enemy to maintain security. The warning of major objectives is essential for allies' positions to be seen during team fighting. |
fiddlesticks | Of course, Fiddlesticks biggest power spike is his level 6. You can counter it by having constant wards around your lane. |
aatrox | Aatrox is strong from level 2 to 6. To make it harder for Aatrox to land his Q, keep your distance. |
lillia | Lillia Q will be maximized at Level 9. It's really good for her, because her burst damage will increase exponentially, and she'll be a threat to face. |
hwei | Focus on farming early. limit trading. |
zilean | Try to play aggressive often to win an advance. After destroying the lower lane tower, turn towards the middle lane and try to take this tower. |
kogmaw | Take care of yourself by exchanging with him, and try not to let him shoot you down. Kog'Maw benefits from extended trades once he has a few points in his e. |
lulu | This champion is quite still and is inclined to the CC. If they're caught by a CC, they'll probably die. |
diana | If you can’t kill the enemy, look to roam with your Ultimate R. In the toughest of matchups or when the enemy is playing ultra-safe, |
syndra | The enemy team is the opposing group in a match or competition. Pushing under their turn means moving towards and potentially taking the goal. |
galio | You may need to be aware of Galio's potential roaming with his Ultimate R. If you're a ranged champion, use your range advantage to harass and poke him down whenever he moves forward to last hit. |
lissandra | Stay with your team at any time. Don't leave them and go to division thrust as the enemy can force a fight while you're gone. Stay together, but be prepared to stay away from the side and out of sight. |
malzahar | He will now have his basics, which means he will have a lot of mana and spam his Q and W. Several points in his Ultimate R allow him to use capacity frequently and make crucial choices. |
yone | Team fighting can help you quickly access the enemy background. Always position yourself close to your team so you can join the fight as soon as possible. |
kayle | relations with African, Caribbean and Pacific countries Kayle is considered weak at the beginning of the game. |
sett | This champion can use the track brushes to cheese the enemy in the lower lane. His ultimate R allows him to inflict a lot of damage on the enemy team if he does it. |
sylas | As Jungler, it is necessary to be still alive at the end of the game. If a Jungler dies before a major target spawns, the enemy will be able to take it. |
wukong | Keep this in mind, but be prepared to adapt. The monkeying is a champion who is considered a bully early in the game. |
leesin | Lee Sin fights in the lane when he plays against the champions with good counter-attack tools, short cooldowns and the range. Champions with good counter engagement tools, short cooldowns and range can easily manage minion waves. |
kayle | When Kayle becomes ranged at level 6, she will find it easier to last hit. Kayle's ability to poke and trade more effectively with her Ultimate R unlocked will require a more strategic approach when fighting her. |
malzahar | All Malzahar needs to do is keep his health up to level 6. At level 6, Malzahar's presence will skyrocket and become a major threat to enemies. |
shaco | Your e is not very reliable at the beginning of the game. Don't invade or try to make cheese to the enemy Jungler. |
urgot | Urgot destroys enemies with his passive and automatic attacks. Urgot executes targets when they are below a certain health threshold at level 6. |
yasuo | Yasuo is very vulnerable to crowd control. The crowd control prevents Yasuo from launching his E for a while. |
rumble | Rumble is not the strongest champion at Levels 1 and 2. However, Rumble can start trading with more success after Level 3. |
ezreal | ezreal’s E ability makes him one of the safest ADCs in the game. ezreal’s E also allows him to avoid follow-up CC if he manages to get hit by initial CC ability. |
gwen | You can use numbers advantage to take her down or start a team fight on her team while she is elsewhere on the map. Healing reduction will be very useful in team fights as Gwen will get a lot of sustain. |
volibear | Being dispersed in a team fight will prevent Volibear from getting a massive final R. A dispersed team fight can change the tide of a team fight. |
irelia | Irelia may use her Q on the minion to escape the trade or run you down after a skirmish. Irelia benefits from extended trades. |
reksai | To master Rek’Sai, you'll need to put in a lot of practice. Your goal in the early game is to gank as often as possible to get your allies ahead. |
quinn | Gaining her E is a significant power spike in the lane. This ability makes Quinn very slippery and a menace to deal with. |
yone | Once you have turned from the bot track to the medium track, go to the side track and start growing XP there. You can attack any enemy who tries to stop you in 1v1. |
morgana | After Morg has finished his first article, his damage production will be extremely high. Dodger Morgana Q in a skirmish with it will be incredibly important. |
leesin | If they invade you, be ready to fight, but only do so if your passive is piled up and you can win, if not just step back. They'll win the 1v1 because they're stronger when their Ultimate is in place. |
tristana | She'll have a lot of articles at the end of the game. which will allow him to blow squishies upwards |
viego | Viego's Ultimate R will allow him to execute the enemies easily during the fighting. Viego will already have several objects. |
wukong | Every time your Ultimate n is in place, you can look for aggressive games to try to kill the enemy. Your Ultimate n makes you much stronger when used as a trading tool. |
vayne | Agriculture will be a more reliable strategy in this matchup. The extension of trades will not work for you, so focus on agriculture. |
rumble | If the allies move on the track after destroying the tower, turn and move around the map. Rotation and displacement around the map allows to continue agriculture and win XP and gold in the way. |
graves | Once Graves gets his first item, he gains a higher kill pressure. Graves will play more aggressively once he has some levels and item components behind him. |
malphite | Malphite will be forced to find other ways to engage in the enemy team if he cannot catch them on guard. Just hide in the way brush early and wait for the enemies to approach. |
sion | Its Ultimate R can be used to install ganks on other channels. No one suspects a Zion to ulterate from the base to the bottom or middle of the track. |
qiyana | Qiyana's preference for short trades is because she prefers them over long extended ones Qiyana's team fight presence is huge thanks to her Ultimate R. |
diana | When Diana has completed her Mythic item, her 1v1 potential is incredibly strong. Don’t be afraid to fight the enemy Jungler alone if you have the item and level advantage. |
taliyah | Taliyah was suggested to be killed in different parts of the map. Taliyah's C and general damage will help him a lot during this phase of the game. |
jarvan | Jarvan is really good at ganking in the early and mid-game. He will be looking to gank a lot, so it’s important that you try to equal his gank pressure and gank as much as you can to prevent him from getting his laners ahead. |
sion | Sion uses his Q to remove targets. Avoid walking in areas where you know that Zion has been, because it is harder for you to get caught by him. |
tryndamere | It can do duel to any enemy during this stage of the game. This is quite an advantage because he can bring several enemies to him while his team gets goals. |
orianna | Poke and delay team fights when necessary to gain an advantage. A maxed-out Ultimate d will let Orianna one-shot enemies if she manages to land an entire combo on them. |
ornn | He should be a part of as many fights as possible. The first ability will be maxed out at level 9. |
jinx | Jinx doesn't have much help in the mobility department. If you or your team lands any crowd control on Jinx, it should result in a kill. |
trundle | That means he'll be tanky and do a lot of damage to his enemies. Its first capacity will be maximized at level 9. |
jarvan | Beware of his level 6 all-in. If he physically cannot all-in you, |
karthus | Karthus will be looking to farm as much as possible early so he can unlock his Ultimate {{championSpells.KarthusFallenOne}}. Try to put him behind by playing aggressive and requesting ganks. |
sion | The lane ganking allows you to flatten a lot of damage and get a massive lead from your team during the early game. Sion is a support role at Level 1. |
morgana | When getting his Ultimate R at level 6, make sure you E (engage) your main port before diving into the enemy team's fights. The completion of Morgana's quest is an important peak of power for her team as she establishes a vision around the map, helping allies avoid ganks and roarings. |
xinzhao | If xinzhao cannot shoot his target, he will be controlled almost immediately by the crowd and killed on the spot. xinhao is incredibly vulnerable once its Ultimate R on cooldown. |
trundle | Trundle is perfect during team fighting. This will allow him to quickly detonate squishy enemies and slow down their escapes/advances. |
ezreal | the scaling of ezreal is also dependent on the fact that he is very skill shot heavy and will need to land his Qs on the enemy in order to be effective. buffering ezreal's E won't work too well if the enemy has some form of ranged CC which they can use to follow-up on ezreal after he has used his E. |
skarner | He can remove teams or move them with his Ultimate. Shooting a cart or isolating someone could easily lead your team to a choice and murder. |
khazix | Reaching Level 6 and getting first power is an important pick-up for Kha'Zix. The evolution of Q gives Kha'Zix a massive increase in damage. |
gangplank | It is advisable to abuse Gangplank's weakness in the early game to gain an advantage. Avoid getting poked out in this matchup. |
samira | She'll just need to maintain a good positioning and use her W correctly. Samira will have several elements during this phase of the game. |
ezreal | You may use your W to do so if you have no other way. Post-six, you should be able to all-in Ezreal regularly in this matchup. |
kalista | Kalista is vulnerable to slows and CC. Try to lock her down at the beginning of the fight so she is unable to dish out lots of damage. |
vex | This can easily allow you to dive into the enemy rear line. At level 9, Vex maximizes its first capacity. |
masteryi | If your team gets killed or two, call Baron. You should be able to take Baron with ease as Master Yi. |
taliyah | and she can quickly be chosen with her abilities. His team fight is also quite powerful. |
talon | Talon has the greatest amount of first blood in the game. The first bloods are a notable achievement for Talon. |
seraphine | If Seraphine has 3 autonomized batteries, play safer than her next ability will be much stronger. Once Seraphine reaches level 6, expect her to look for murders in the way or install her Jungler for ganks. |
fiddlesticks | When sieging an objective, make sure you ward around the objective in question to catch out Fiddlesticks before he engages with his R. Fiddlesticks will usually go to ward alone during the mid-game. |
zeri | At the end of the game, Zeri should be almost complete. As long as she positions herself well and kites, Zeri will be very good in team fighting. |
twistedfate | Stand outside the minion wave so Twisted Fate is unable to push you and poke at the same time. Every time Twisted Fate's d is on cooldown, try to abuse it and go for an exchange. |
leona | Once Leona has her basics, she can protect her team and herself at the same time. This means that she can peel for her port holders quite easily. |
aatrox | Fighting while it’s on cooldown could be the difference between winning a fight and losing it. When you have 3 points in your Ultimate, your sustain is very difficult to deal with. |
jinx | It will also make her Ultimate R less effective if you're slightly split up. When taking objectives, make sure you’re not low as Jinx may be able to take you down with a well-timed R. |
malphite | Try to bring Malphite down as much as possible before engaging him in a team fight to make it almost impossible for him to engage without dying. Keeping Malphites in poor health will force him to remember rather than commit himself. |
trundle | If Trundle fights a tank Support, he can steal their stats and be incredibly tanky. You will want to stay with your ADC and your team as much as you can. |
twitch | You're a strong player in 2v2 mode. Twitch is a glove. |
gangplank | Gangplank has a weak early game as he is reliant on items for dealing damage. To compensate for his weak early game, Gangplank should focus on using his r poke ability to harass enemies. |
kaisa | Kaisa's Q allows for targeted damage in a short time, making her strong in a 1v1 scenario. kaisa is extremely vulnerable when her E is down. |
akshan | In doing so, Akshan will be less effective. Post 6, try to interrupt or somehow force Akshan to exceed his Ultimate. |
velkoz | He is vulnerable to crowd control in layers because he cannot push freely unless he already knows where the enemy Jungler is. If Velkoz doesn't know where the enemy Jungler is, he'll be killed by the enemy team. |
karthus | Ward around and just aim to play safely. Once you get your first item component, spam your abilities more frequently in the lane. |
sett | His ultimate R allows him both to get tanks from his aircraft carriers and to inflict a lot of damage on the enemy team if he succeeds his target in them. This can change the tide of a team fight in an instant. |
kassadin | Kassadin is especially vulnerable to champions with dashes or blinks. Kassadin is also very vulnerable when he doesn't have Flash early on. |
kassadin | Kassadin lacks wave clear in the early game. If you can keep the wave closer to your side of the map early on, it will be very difficult for Kassadin to farm or break your freeze. |
leesin | You should use your e appropriately to avoid CC. Try looking for choices around the map. |
lux | When the enemy is low, start a total attack. Keeping CDA alive for as long as possible is crucial. |
alistar | You risk losing the team fight if Alistar drops a multi-person. Harass and Alistar poke with basic attacks to reduce his health before reaching level 2. |
brand | Brand can be invaded often by Hecarim. You are a good counter-ganker. |