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France is considered to be the favorite to win the group, but it can be an advantage for us that a lot of pressure will be on them.
Frakland má metast at vera favorittur til at vinna bólkin, men tað kann vera ein fyrimunur fyri okkum, at stórt trýst fer at liggja á teimum.
Will the threat of social dumping not make both Norway, Denmark and the Faroe Islands sooner or later be forced to set a minimum wage by law?
Vil hóttanin um sosiala dumping ikki gera, at bæði Norra, Danmark og Føroyar fyrr ella seinni verða noydd at áseta minstuløn við lóg?
As mentioned, a strike is announced for members of the Pedagogical Association working for the National Welfare Administration and for self-owning institutions under the National Welfare Administration at 8 o'clock on Saturday morning.
Sum nevnt, so verður lýst við verkfalli fyri limir í Pedagogfelagnum, sum arbeiða hjá Almannaverkinum og á sjálvsognarstovnum undir Almannaverkinum klokkan 8 leygarmorgunin.
The Handball Federation has several projects on the go and both Saturday and Sunday HSF is organizing a coach course.
Hondbóltssambandið hevur fleiri jørn í eldinum og bæði leygardagin og sunnudagin skipar HSF fyri venjaraskeiði.
The Ministry of Education has decided to set up a working group to explain the study and support opportunities for Faroese people and to describe a possible Faroese distance learning system.
Mentamálaráðið hevur gjørt av at seta ein arbeiðsbólk at greiða frá lestrar- og stuðulsmøguleikunum hjá føroyingum og at lýsa eina møguliga føroyska fjarlestrarskipan.
He was conscientious as a ship's man, from the first he went away he did not believe in anything that we do not always hear and see, he said earlier.
Hann var samvitskufullur sum skipsmaður, frá tí fyrsta hann fór at vera burtur trúði ikki uppá, at nakað er til, sum vit ikki altíð hoyra og síggja, segði hann fyrr.
All the relatives of the poor man hate him, and even more so do his friends keep away from him; he goes after promises that are not to be found.
Allir skyldmenn hins fátæka hata hann, og enn meiri halda vinir hansara seg frá honum; hann fer eftir lyftum, sum ikki eru at finna.
The third possibility is that the negotiations are completed before the election, and the expiration date has passed.
Triði møguleikin er, at samráðingarnar verða avgreiddar áðrenn valið, og fyrningarfreistin er farin afturum.
Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own?
Vita tit ikki, at likam tykkara er tempul Heilaga Andans, sum í tykkum er, og sum tit hava frá Gudi, og at tit eru ikki tykkara egnu?
The Faroese national team had several good scoring opportunities and could have scored more than one goal if only luck had been on their side.
Føroyska landsliðið hevði fleiri góðar málmøguleikar og kundu meir enn so fingið mál, um bara eydnan var við teimum.
Hanus Hansen doesn't hide the fact that he hopes that the ships that have been trawling the east coast will get so much that they can live with it.
Hanus Hansen dylur ikki fyri, at hann vónar, at tey skipini, sum fast hava troytt leiðirnar eystanfyri, fáa so mikið, at tey kunnu liva við tí.
Now this last mentioned characteristic is included, all the characteristics that can be included in the breeding work with salmon today are selected.
Nú hesin seinast nevndi eginleikin er tikin við, verður úrvalt fyri allar eginleikar, sum til ber at hava við í kynbótararbeiðinum við laksi í dag.
I spoke to you when things were going well; but you said, "I don't want to hear!" So you have behaved from your youth not to listen to what I have said.
Eg talaði við teg, táið tær gekst væl; men tú segði:Eg vil ikki hoyra!? So hevur tú borið teg at frá ungdóminum ikki lurtað eftir tí, ið Eg havi sagt.
It was last year that Teitur Skoubo Juliansson chose to send an application to TV3, when they were looking for young, party-loving participants for the famous TV series.
Tað var í fjør, at Teitur Skoubo Juliansson valdi at senda umsókn til TV3, tá tey sóknaðust eftir ungum, veitslusinnaðum luttakarum til kendu sjónvarpsrøðina.
We are in a transition period and I think we have had too short a time to prepare for the new system.
Vit eru í eini tillagingartíð og eg meti, at vit hava havt ov stutta tíð at fyrireika okkum til nýggju skipanina.
The budget proposal for 2001 is very similar to the budget proposal for 2000, and it is expected to show a surplus of half a billion.
Fíggjarlógaruppskotið fyri 2001 líkist í høvuðsheitum ógvuliga nógv fíggjarlógini fyri ár 2000, og leggur tað upp til eitt yvirskot á hálva milliard.
The retail trade expects sales, bookings and the need for labour to decrease in the coming year.
Handilsvinnan væntar, at søla, bíleggingar og tørvurin á arbeiðsmegi fara at minka komandi árið.
It helped when the police recently asked people to hand over illegal firearms without people being punished when they handed over illegal firearms to the police.
Tað hjálpti tá løgreglan herfyri bað fólk um at avhenda ólóglig skotvápn uttan at fólk vórðu revsað, tá tey lótu løgregluni ólógligu skotvápnini.
The Scottish doctor Tom Pringle is dressed in a suit that allows men to feel what women feel while they are pregnant.
Skotski læknin Tom Pringle er ílatin ein búna, sum ger tað møguligt hjá monnum at kenna, hvussu kvinnur hava tað, meðan tær eru við barn.
Take both your flock and your cattle, as you said you would, and pray for me too!?
Takið við tykkum bæði smáfæ og neyt tykkara, sum tit hava sagt farið, og biðið eisini gott yvir meg!?
The Government regrets that we could not come to any common conclusion today, because it is difficult to move forward with the negotiations when no conclusions are made, said Høgni Hoydal.
Landsstýrið harmast, at vit ikki kundu koma til nakra felags niðurstøðu í dag, tí tað er trupult at koma víðari við samráðingunum, tá ongar niðurstøður verða gjørdar, segði Høgni Hoydal.
The police received a report from someone who complained of their distress because the person had been duped, and now did not know what to do.
Løgreglan fekk um dagarnar fráboðan frá einum, sum kærdi sína neyð, tí viðkomandi góðtrúgvin hevði latið seg lumpað, og nú ikki visti síni livandi ráð.
I will reveal My glory among the nations, and all the peoples will see My judgment that I have executed, and My hand that I have laid on them.
Eg skal opinbera dýrd Mína millum tjóðirnar, og øll fólkasløg skulu síggja dómin, ið Eg havi hildið, og hond Mína, ið Eg havi lagt á tey.
The houses built in are in heights, totaling about m/ + car shelter and tool room.
Húsini, ið eru bygd í eru í hæddum, íalt umleið m/ + bilskýli og amboðsrúm.
What profit has a man of all his labor in which he labors under the sun!
Hvønn vinning hevur menniskjað av øllum strevi sínum, sum hann pøsir seg við undir sólini!
A visitor may also be injured in one of the other buildings in the facility, but this report only deals with the conditions in the most exposed and broken down of them.
En besøgende vil muligvis også kunne komme til skade i en af anlæggets øvrige bygninger, men denne rapport forholder sig udelukkende til forholdene i de mest udsatte og nedbrudte af dem.
It is the least protected person who is most at risk of being seriously injured in traffic, and it is therefore the least protected person who determines how the traffic system should be designed.
Tað er tað minst varda menniskjað, sum er í mesta vanda at verða álvarliga skatt í ferðsluni, og tað er tí tað óvarda menniskjað, ið ásetur, hvussu ferðslukervið skal verða gjørt.
You have not stepped forward in the breach in the wall and have not built a wall around the house of Israel, so that they could stand in the battle on the day of the Lord.
Tit hava ikki stigið fram í skørðini í múrinum og hava ongan múr reist rundan um hús Ísraels, so tey kundu staðið seg í stríðinum dag HARRANS.
The union requested the council for job descriptions so it could give its recommendations, as the agreement between the parties stipulates.
Felagið kravdi býráðið eftir starvslýsingum, so tað kundi geva síni tilmæli, sum sáttmálin millum partarnar ásetir.
The Committee on Damage/Supervision to monitor and assess progress in implementing the recommendations.
Skaða-/eftirlitsnevndini at fylgja við og meta um, hvussu tað gongst við at fremja tilmælini í verki.
B71 won the championship this year, and it was completely unexpected that the small team from Sandoy would sweep away with the gold, the first year it was in the division.
B71 vann meistaraskapin hetta árið, og tað var fullkomiliga óvæntað, at lítla felagið av Sandoynni skuldi strúka avstað við gullinum, fyrsta árið, tað var í deild.
Despite this being done several times during the electoral term together with other benefits for the citizen, the financial bill for the last three years has given a surplus.
Hóast hetta er gjørt fleiri ferðir í valskeiðnum saman við øðrum lættum fyri borgaran, hevur fíggjarlógin seinastu trý árini givið avlop.
All the blood goes through all kinds of tests at the laboratory, so that patients will not get HIV infected blood.
Alt blóðið fer gjøgnum alskyns kanningar á laboratori inum, til tess at sleppa undan at sjúklingar skulu fáa HIV smittað blóð.
And he didn't know that Tordur Niclasen, who had a prior engagement, had requested something like that.
Og hann visti heldur einki um, at Tordur Niclasen, sum hevði forfall, hevði biðið um nakað slíkt.
But the really brilliant thing about the agreement is that they just don't know they've been put in their place, says Jóannes Eidesgaard.
Men tað heilt geniala við semjuni er, at teir vita bara ikki av, at teir eru settir uppá pláss, sigur Jóannes Eidesgaard.
The decision was taken after the magazine Teknisk Ukeblad linked the construction of several Norwegian ships to slave-like conditions at the Crist shipyard in Gdynia.
Avgerðin er tikin, eftir at blaðið, Teknisk Ukeblad, knýtti byggingina av fleiri norskum skipum at trælalíknandi viðurskiftum á Crist skipasmiðjuni í Gdynia.
Even though there are several new faces among those who have received many votes, there are two experienced members of the Folketing who will take their seats in the Folketing next term.
Sjálvt um fleiri nýggj andlit eru at síggja millum teirra, ið hava fingið nógvar atkvøður, so eru tað tveir royndir fólkatingslimir, ið taka sæti í Fólkatinginum næstu setuna.
Regin Jørgensen and Per Skov Christensen, who are part of the police's special drug unit, say that one or at most two drug dealers are behind most of the sales and control the Faroese market.
Regin Jørgensen og Per Skov Christensen, sum manna serliga narkobólkin hjá politinum, siga, at ein ella hægst tveir bakmenn standa aftan fyri meginpartin av søluni og stýra føroyska marknaðinum.
Because the central element of a collective wage agreement is a collective wage table for the entire public sector.
Tí sentralt í einari felags lønarskipan verður ein felags lønartalva fyri allan tann almenna arbeiðsmarknaðin.
Øssur Hjalt says that if the company is to survive, it is necessary to get a building in the middle of the environment the company operates in.
Øssur Hjalt sigur, at skuldi felagnum vera lív lagað var neyðugt at fáa eini høli mitt í tí umhvørvinum, felagið skal virka.
She was wearing tight jeans and a white T-shirt that was so short you could see a strip of her tanned stomach; earphones and a walkie-talkie that was attached to her belt.
Hon var í smølum buksum og hvítari troyggju, sum var so stutt, at tú sást eina rípu av tí sólbrenda búkinum; oyrnatelefonir og gongulurt, sum sat fast í beltinum.
This will be fully proven the rest of this week when a special chess tournament for deaf-blind will be held in Fredericia.
Hetta verður til fulnar prógvað restina av hesi vikuni, tá ein serstøk talvkapping fyri deyvblind verður hildin í Fredericia.
Recovery is a process that aims to help the patient lead an independent and fulfilling life after illness.
Endurmenning er ein tilgongd, sum miðjar eftir, at sjúklingurin fær eitt sjálvstøðugt og innihaldsríkt lív aftur aftan á sjúku.
He confirms, however, that his recommendation was close to what the Health and Safety Authority, when it came to it, chose to offer.
Hann váttar tó, at hansara tilmæli lá nokk so tætt at tí, sum Heilsufrøðiliga Starvsstovan, tá avtornaði, valdi at bjóða út eftir.
The Faroese Seafood Association warned a year ago that ballast water from ships could cause the Faroese aquaculture industry to have a new disease, AGD, to contend with.
Havbúnaðarfelagið ávaraði longu fyri einum ári síðan um, at barlastvatn hjá skipum kundi elva til, at føroyska alvinnan fekk nýggja sjúku, AGD, at dragast við.
The registered wind gauge at Norðradalsskarði at 6:08 this morning, according to weather data, the agency has on its website .
Tað skrásetti vindmátarin hjá Landsverki á Norðradalsskarði klokkan 6 08 í morgun, sambært veðurdátum, stovnurin hevur á heimasíðuni .
Two new departures to Copenhagen will therefore be on Wednesdays and Sundays at 30 o'clock, says Atlantsflog.
Tvær nýggjar fráferðir til keypmannahavnar verða tí hóskvøld og sunnukvøld klokkan 30, sigur Atlantsflog.
The fifteenth day of the seventh month shall be the feast of the LORD; you shall do no servile work on it, and you shall keep it a feast to the LORD seven days.
Tann fimtanda í sjeynda mánaði skulu tit halda heilaga samkomu; einki slag av arbeiði mugu tit gera, og tit skulu í sjey dagar halda høgtíð fyri HARRANUM.
Bjørn Kalsø from the Union Party is against approving the bill, and Jógvan á Lakjuni from the People's Party is strongly against approving it.
Bjørn Kalsø í Sambandsflokkinum mælir frá at samtykkja uppskotið, og Jógvan á Lakjuni í Fólkaflokkinum mælir staðiliga frá at samtykkja tað.
For now go to Kittea Island and know, send word to Kedar and search thoroughly for the news, if such a thing has happened!
Tí farið yvir til Kitteaoyggjar og vitið, sendið boð til Kedar og kannið gjølla eftir vitið, um nakað slíkt hevur hent!
If neither of the candidates gets more than 50 percent of the votes, both candidates will have to go through a second round of voting, which is expected to be in September this year.
Um hvørgin av valevnunum fær meira enn 50 prosent av atkvøðunum, skulu bæði valevnini í eitt valumfar aftrat, sum væntandi verður september í ár.
The other law is the Foreigners Act, which needs to be changed so that it is easier for Faroese construction companies to get craftsmen from the EU to work in the Faroes.
Hin lógin er útlendingalógin, sum skal broytast, so tað verður høgligari hjá føroyskum byggifyritøkum at fáa handverkarar úr ES til Føroya at arbeiða.
When Job is tempted by the Devil, he says this: Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked shall I return there.
Tá ið Job verður freistaður av djevlinum, sigur hann soleiðis Nakin kom eg úr móðurfangi, og nakin fari eg aftur hagar.
The National Association of the Disabled in the Faroe Islands (MBF) is in charge of all administration of the companion card.
Meginfelag teirra brekaðu í Føroyum (MBF) hevur um hendi alla umsiting av fylgjarakortinum.
Skepticism: Far too true! I would like to be able to say something better about the people who live there.
Grannskygni:Alt ov satt! Eg vildi væl, at eg av sonnum kundi sagt tað, ið betri er, um tey, ið har búgva.
A new and exciting event in this context is a special Storyteller's Night, which will be held in May.
Eitt nýtt og spennandi tiltak í hesum høpi er ein serstøk Forteljaranátt, sum verður fyriskipað í mei mánaði.
The interest in playing against the Faroe Islands in friendly matches seems to be limited, and that is probably because no countries that are going to the World Cup have chosen to warm up against the Faroe Islands.
Áhugin at spæla móti Føroyum í venjingardystum tykist at vera avmarkaður, og tað er helst tí at eingi lond, sum skulu til HM, hava valt at hita upp móti Føroyum.
The ball fell to the ground at Jan Allan's feet when he was standing right in front of the Russian goal.
Bólturin datt niður fyri føturnar á Jan Allani, tá hesin var staddur beint framman fyri russiska málið.
It has been frustrating for me that I haven't been able to comment, says the Prime Minister.
Tað hevur verið frustrerandi fyri meg, at eg ikki havi fingið komið við viðmerkingum, sigur forsætisráðharrin.
The new school will be put into use five years after the Training School and the Tórshavnar kommunuskúli were merged into Skúlin á Fløtum.
Nýggi skúlin verður tikin í nýtslu fimm ár eftir, at Venjingarskúlin og Tórshavnar kommunuskúli vórðu lagdir saman í Skúlan á Fløtum.
The council will vote on Monday on a proposal to hold the referendum in January between 00:00 and 00:00 and send voters in the two school districts ballot cards.
Býráðið skal mánadagin atkvøða um uppskot um at hava fólkaatkvøðuna januar millum klokkan 00 og 00 og senda veljarum í teimum báðum skúlaumdømunum valkort.
Then Saul said to Michal: Why have you deceived me so and helped my enemy to escape, so that he escaped? Michal answered Saul: He said to me: Help me to escape, or else I will kill you!?
Tá segði Saul við Mikal:Hví hevur tú svikið meg so og hjálpt fígginda mínum burtur, so hann slapp? Mikal svaraði Saul:Hann segði við meg:Hjálp mær burtur, annars drepi eg teg!?
The chairman of the Engineers' Union would not say anything about the case yesterday morning, because he wanted to inform the other members of the Engineers' Union first.
Formaðurin í Maskinmeistarafelagnum vildi ikki siga nakað um málið í gjáramorgunin, tí hann vildi fyrst kunna hinar nevndarlimirnar í Maskinmeistarafelagnum.
This also meant that the committee, of which Jákup himself was chairman, disbanded itself.
Hetta hevði samstundis við sær, at nevndin, har Jákup sjálvur var formaður, tók seg sjálva av.
The claim is good 23 million kroner The Hagaparturin Ytri Suðurtriðingur in Sørvágur demands the money for the land that the pasture lost when the airport was expanded.
Kravið er góðar 23 milliónir krónur Hagaparturin Ytri Suðurtriðingur í Sørvági krevur pengarnar fyri lendið, sum hagin misti, tá flogvøllurin varð útbygdur.
When asked by the television if this will have consequences for his cooperation with the Union Party, he said he had no comments on this right now.
Tá hann av sjónvarpinum varð spurdur, um hetta fær avleiðingar fyri samstarv hansara við Sambandsflokkin, segði hann seg ongar viðmerkingar hava til hetta beint nú.
It is, however, unrealistic to believe that all homeowners will convert their loans if large expenses are tied to it and if the loans are almost paid off.
Tað er tó órealistiskt at halda, at allir sethúsaeigarar fara at umleggja síni lán, um stórar útreiðslur eru bundnar at tí, og um lánini næstan eru útgoldin.
I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their brothers, and I will put My words in his mouth, and he will tell them everything I command him.
Eg skal lata teimum profet sum teg stíga upp, ein av brøðrum teirra, og leggja Honum orð Míni í munnin; og Hann skal tala til teirra alt tað, ið Eg gevi Honum boð um.
The plan is that the company will always be in contact with these companies when events are organized in the oil field.
Ætlanin er, at felagið altíð skal seta seg í samband við hesi virkir, tá skipað verður fyri tiltøkum í oljuhøpi.
Center for Ungdomsforskning recommends, based on the report, that a committee be set up to review and change the system of grades.
Center for Ungdomsforskning mælir við støði í frágreiðingini til, at ein nevnd verður sett at endurskoða og broyta skipanina við karakterum.
It's a giant step forward that the Danish Act on the Approval of Psychologists is now also valid in the Faroe Islands, says the Association of Faroese Psychologists.
Tað er eitt risastig framá, at danska lógin um løggilding av sálarfrøðingum nú eisini er galdandi í Føroyum, sigur felagið Føroyskir sálarfrøðingar.
And in certain cases the hospital does not meet the requirements, but the cases are not of a nature that puts the patient's health at risk, the reviewing body writes.
Og í ávísum førum lýkur sjúkrahúsið ikki krøvini, men talan er tó ikki um viðurksifti, sum hava við sær, at heilsan hjá sjúklinginum er í vanda, skrivar eftirmetingarstovnurin.
At the parliamentary session in November 1998 it was agreed without a vote that the question should be answered.
Á tingfundi november 1998 var samtykt uttan atkvøðugreiðslu, at fyrispurningurin skal svarast.
While customers using the Vágatunnilin and Norðoyatunnilin pay for the round trip, this will not be possible in the Eysturoyartunnilin.
Ímeðan kundar, sum brúka Vágatunnilin og Norðoyatunnilin, gjalda fyri túrin aftur og fram, verður hetta ikki gjørligt í Eysturoyartunlinum.
It wouldn't have helped to have stored thousands of cod for this fishing season, he wouldn't have been available now.
Tað hevði einki nyttað at goymt túsundavís av toski til hetta veiðuárið hann hevði ikki verið tøkur nú.
If the Speaker has a permanent residence outside the capital area, he can move to the capital in a residence paid for by the Parliament, the proposal says.
Hevur løgtingsformaðurin fastan bústað uttan fyri høvuðsstaðarøkið, kann hann flyta til høvuðsstaðin í ein bústað, sum Løgtingið rindar, stendur í uppskotinum.
Then He said to His disciples that a boat should be ready for Him because of the crowd, so that they would not crush Him.
Tá segði Hann við lærisveinar Sínar, at bátur skuldi vera til reiðar til Hansara fyri fólksins skuld, so tey skuldu ikki treingja Hann.
The Auditor General and the Finance Committee agree that a draft of the new system must be made before the bills are submitted to the Parliament.
Landsgrannskoðanin og fíggjarnevndin eru samd um, at skipanaruppskot skal verða gjørt, áðrenn lógaruppskot verða latin løgtinginum.
Jóan Hendrik Andreasen from Havnar Telvingarfelag became the winner of this competition when he won the game against Terja Petersen from Klaksvíkar Talvfelag.
Jóan Hendrik Andreasen úr Havnar Telvingarfelag gjørdist vinnari í hesari kappingini, tá hann í umfari vann talvið móti Terja Petersen úr Klaksvíkar Talvfelag.
The Coastal Voyage Service said earlier this year that the booking system for the Teistin would be ready in November this year, but now that November has arrived, the Coastal Voyage Service confirms that this will not be the case.
Strandferðslan segði fyrr í ár, at bíleggingarskipanin til Teistan skuldi verða klár november í ár, men nú vit hava november staðfestir Strandferðslan, at hetta ikki verður so.
Stapin fished 82 nautical miles from Vopnafjörður in the East Fjords when the Icelandic Fisheries Inspectorate filmed Stapin with a drone.
Stapin fiskaðu 82 fjórðingar úr Vopnafjørði á Eysturlandinum, tá ið íslendska fiskiveiðieftirlitið filmaði Stapan við einari dronu.
The People's Party firmly denied these allegations, pointing out that the majority would still remain in the country.
Fólkaflokkurin vísti hesum atfinningum staðiliga aftur, við ávísing til, at meirlutin framvegis verður í landinum.
Henrik Old thinks it's strange that such permits are granted without the parliament having considered whether to fish for krill at all, because fish live on krill.
Henrik Old heldur tað vera løgið, at slík loyvi verða latin, uttan at løgtingið hevur viðgjørt, um reyðæti skal fiskast yvirhøvur, tí fiskur livir av reyðæti.
I understand Hans Jørgensen well, that he is dissatisfied with the Social Democratic Party not wanting to give a single vote to support the issue of a fixed link across Vestmannasund.
Eg skilji væl Hans Jørgensen, at hann er misnøgdur við, at Javnaðarflokkurin ikki vildi lata eina einastu atkvøðu fyri at stuðla málið um fast samband um Vestmannasund.
While the price of coffee this past year has increased 21 percent, it is not entirely unthinkable that the price will increase even more.
Meðan prísurin á kaffi hetta seinasta árið er hækkaður 21 prosent, er ikki heilt óhugsandi, at prísurin fer at hækka uppaftur meira.
It was primarily her testimony that at certain points corresponded with the accused's testimony, along with the testimony that supported the girl's testimony, which formed the basis for the verdict.
Tað var fyrst og fremst hennara frágreiðing, ið á ávísum punktum samsvaraði við frágreiðingina hjá ákærda, saman við frágreiðingunum, sum stuðlaðu frágreiðingini hjá gentuni, sum lá til grund fyri dóminum.
When she came home and was going for walks, she had her son Sigfrid to support her, because she didn't like to walk alone.
Tá ið hon kom heim og skuldi ganga túrar, hevði hon sonin Sigfríð at styðja seg til, tí henni dámdi einki at ganga einsamøll.
Although it cannot be proven that Amri had taken any drugs when he carried out the attack in Berlin, it is believed that he was under the influence, it is written in the autopsy.
Hóast ikki kann prógvast at Amri hevði tikið nakað rúsevnið tá hann framdi atsóknina í Berlin, verður hildið, at hann hevur verið ávirkaður, verður skrivað í líkskoðanini.
The session will be tomorrow at ten o'clock, because the Constitutional Act says that the newly elected parliament will meet for the first time at 10 00 on the twelfth working day after the election day.
Tingfundurin verður í morgin klokkan tíggju, tí stýriskipanarlógin sigur, at nývalda løgtingið kemur saman til fundar klokkan 10 00 tólvta yrkadag eftir valdagin.
To stop work and declare a 24-hour work stoppage is also permitted by the unions, but whether it serves any purpose is very uncertain.
At leggja arbeiðið niður og lýsa 24 tímar arbeiðssteðg hava fakfeløg eisini loyvi til, men um tað tænir nøkrum endamáli, er ógvuliga óvist.
The work to repair Kinabrekkan became much larger than planned, because many lines are laid in the road, including a district heating line.
Arbeiðið at umvæla Kinabrekkuna gjørdist nógv størri enn ætlað, tí nógvar leiðingar eru lagdar í vegin, millum annað fjarhitaleiðing.
Will the present Prime Minister propose amendments to the Act on the Constitution of the Faroe Islands?
Ætlar sitandi løgmaður at skjóta upp broytingar í løgtingslóg um stýrisskipan Føroya?
He says that the mediation office has always been in contact with the parties, but that it is the parties themselves who must come up with proposals that can be used to begin a mediation attempt.
Hann sigur, at semingsstovnurin alla tíðina hevur havt samband við partarnar, men at tað eru partarnir sjálvir, ið mugu koma við uppleggum, ið kunnu brúkast til at fara undir eina semingsroynd.
Early last year Torkil was voted the most attacking rider in the entire Tour de Normandie, when the six-day race ended in Caen.
Tíðliga í fjør bleiv Torkil kosin sum mest álopssinnaði súkklarin í allari kappingini, tá seks daga kapingin Tour de Normandie endaði í Caen.
Action : To establish a film house that will create structural and physical frameworks for film production in the Faroe Islands, create international networks and market Faroese films and the Faroe Islands as a film country.
Átak : At stovna eitt filmshús, ið skal skapa bygnaðarligar og fysiskar karmar fyri filmsframleiðslu í Føroyum, skapa altjóða netverk og marknaðarføra føroyskar filmar og Føroyar sum filmsland.
The Coastal Voyage will not be able to meet the public demand this week now the society is cautiously starting to open up again, admits the director of the institution.
Strandferðslan fer ikki at megna at nøkta almenna tørvin hesa vikuna nú samfelagið varisliga er byrja at lata uppaftur, viðgongur stjórin á stovninum.
The police said that the hostages were probably not in danger, because most of them were women and family members of the prisoners.
Løgreglan segði, at gíðslarnir helst ikki vóru í vanda, av tí at flestu teirra vóru konur og familja hjá fangunum.
He stopped again seven days, and when he sent the dove out, it did not return to him anymore.
Hann steðgaði so uppaftur sjey dagar, og táið hann tá sendi dúvuna út, kom hon ikki aftur til hansara meir.
The player is obliged to follow all rules regarding possible doping tests during training and matches.
Leikarin hevur skyldu at fylgja øllum reglum um møguliga kanning fyri doping í sambandi við venjing og dystir.
The conference will be held in the town hall in Klaksvík, but a public meeting may be arranged later in the week.
Ráðstevnan verður hildin í býráðshúsunum í Klaksvík, men møguliga verður ein almennur fundur fyriskipaður seinni í vikuni.