an improved web - winding means with a durable thermoplastic polyester resin or polyester resin blend support structure and web capture slot formed in an interior portion of the support structure . the interior portion is joined to an inner annular surface that has increased lubricity , toughness and creep resistance resulting in decreased debris generation plus increased structural integrity and dimensional stability .
the disclosure relates to a bio - artificial periosteum based on micropatterning of biomimetic mineralized calcium - phosphorus nanoparticles and a method for manufacturing the same . the method includes : first , a micropatterned biomimetic mineralized calcium - phosphorus nanoparticle layer is manufactured on a surface of an inert substrate ; then , an organic polymer is cross - linked and solidified on the micropatterned biomimetic mineralized calcium - phosphorus nanoparticle layer ; at last , the inert substrate is removed , so that the bio - artificial periosteum based on micropatterning of biomimetic mineralized calcium - phosphorus nanoparticles is obtained . the bio - artificial periosteum not only simulates the composition of natural bone in material components , but also realizes high degree of biomimesis in micro - nano size in structure . moreover , the distribution of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells can be regulated by the bio - artificial periosteum , so that the cells can be effectively defined on a surface of calcium - phosphorus particle micropattern and a high degree of ordered alignment thereof can be realized .
an apparatus for abrading a workpiece surface by extruding a flowable plastic abrading medium through a passageway which includes said workpiece surface . the apparatus utilizes at least three chambers for feeding and receiving said medium whereby at least two of said chambers operate at differential parameters to effect differential abrasion on different surfaces of said workpiece .
combination pipe - cutter and deburring tool especially for plastic pipe . a housing which can be positioned around the pipe to be cut , carries an adjustable cutter which has a spindle and a hollow grip handle . a separable deburring tool for removing the internal burr that remains after the pipe is cut fits into the hollow grip handle .
an extrusion system for extruding a layer of a plastic or rubber material onto a work piece without having to continuously adjust the extrusion system during the “ set - up ” mode to “ full - run ” mode , wherein the extruded layer exhibits a predetermined cross - section size and a uniform wall gauge concentricity .
stable , concentrated solutions of high molecular weight polyaniline . in order to process high quality fibers and other articles possessing good mechanical properties , it is known that solution concentrations of the chosen polymer should be in the range from 15 - 30 % . moreover , it is desirable to use the highest molecular weight consistent with the solubility properties of the polymer . however , such solutions are inherently unstable , forming gels before processing can be achieved . the present invention describes the addition gel inhibitors to the polymer solution , thereby permitting high concentrations ) of high molecular weight & gt ; 120 , 000 , and & gt ; 30 , 000 ) emeraldine base polyaniline to be dissolved . secondary amines have been used for this purpose in concentrations which are small compared to those which might otherwise be used in a cosolvent role therefor . the resulting solutions are useful for generating excellent fibers , films , coatings and other objects , since the solutions are stable for significant time periods , and the gis are present in too small concentrations to cause polymer deterioration . it is demonstrated that the gis found to be useful do not act as cosolvents , and that gelation times of the solutions are directly proportional to the concentration of gi . in particular , there is a preferred concentration of gi , which if exceeded causes structural and electrical conductivity degradation of resulting articles . heating of the solutions significantly improves solubility .
methods and artificial matrices for the growth and implantation of urological structures and surfaces are disclosed in which urothelial cells are grown in culture on biodegradable , biocompatible , fibrous matrices formed of polymers , such as polyglycolic acid , polylactic acid , or other polymers which degrade over time . the cells can be cultured in vitro until an adequate cell volume and density has developed for the cells to survive and proliferate in vivo . alternatively , when adequate cell numbers for implantation are available , the cells can be attached to the matrix and implanted directly , without proliferation in vitro . the implants approximate the desired urological structure to be replaced or repaired , such as the kidney , urether , bladder , urethra , and the like . implantation is followed by remodeling through cell growth and proliferation in vivo . in another aspect of the invention , techniques are disclosed for selectively extracting or harvesting urothelial cells either from excised urological tissue in vitro or from intact urological tissue in vivo by treating the tissue with a digestive enzyme , such as collagenase .
a energy absorbing structure is disclosed for the purpose of protecting human occupants of a vehicle from the damaging effects of sudden accelerative or decelerative forces by means of plastic deformation of the structure . the structure consists of a generally rectangular sheet of a stranded material , preferably expanded metal , which has nonisotropic properties and which is employed in the construction of the bottom or back of a seating structure for the vehicle occupant . the nonisotropic properties of the sheet allow it to be designed in such a way that it resists deformation when exposed to any force below a specified threshold ; beyond the specified threshold , the sheet absorbs the force through plastic deformation , thus attenuating damaging force to which the occupant may be exposed . such a device may be used in the seating apparatus of various vehicles , including aircraft , automobiles , space vehicles , helicopters , heavy machinery , tractors , military vehicles , and the like .
a fossorial animal control product and related methods are disclosed herein . the fossorial animal control product is a non - toxic and biodegradable super absorbent polymer combined with a compost agent . the fossorial animal control product is disposed in a fossorial animal burrow . when hydrated and allowed a sufficient amount time to expand , the fossorial animal control product obstructs the entrance to the burrow , a portion of the burrow or substantially fully obstructs burrow . the fossorial animal control product releases water and nutrients over time within the burrow . this assists flora proximate to the burrow that were damaged by fossorial animal activity to recover . use of the fossorial animal control product also fills ground surface voids created by fossorial animals thus reducing trip hazards commonly encountered in playgrounds or sporting facilities .
the invention is to articles made from extracellular matrix sheets that encase biodegradable polymeric material . methods of healing wounds or regenerating tissue at sites of defect by placing said articles in mammals are claimed . the biodegradable polymer can change quality upon contact with a physiological parameter such as temperature or ph that causes , for example , a liquid polymer to gel or harden . the degradation of the polymer can be controlled to suit a tissue regeneration or wound healing time course . additional components such as proteins , cells and drugs can be added to the biopolymer composition .
a plastic , tamper resistant container particularly adapted for the marketing of dairy products comprising a cup and a lid having a tab extending peripherally therefrom such that application of a force to the tab sufficient to remove the lid , initiates fracture propagation and tearing of the lid , and a process for manufacture thereof .
a method of producing a biologic liquid sampling tablet is disclosed and includes molecularly imprinting a polymer over a matrix of an analyte of interest for biological testing ; and removing the matrix from the imprinted polymer to form a porous tablet . the tablet is sized to be inserted in an ampoule or human oral cavity .
the apparatus includes a blow mold for forming a hollow plastic article from a parison including at least two reciprocable mold portions movable from an open position to a closed position , a holding device for holding the parison within the blow mold , and first and second locking portions affixed to the holding device and blow mold portions , respectively , engagable with each other when the blow mold portions are in a closed position to align and clamp the holding device to the blow mold , whereby blowing force is transmitted to the engaged locking portions .
a method of a preparing double - layer antimicrobial coating comprises : placing a plastic substrate into a pvd vacuum equipment for a vacuum process ; rinsing and activating the substrate when the vacuum level reaches 10 − 2 ; coating a metal film onto the activated substrate by the vacuum process ; spraying an antimicrobial intermediate coating onto the metal film ; and then coating an antimicrobial metal film by pvd to obtain a double - layer antimicrobial layer . the coating has two antimicrobial layers , and includes bores because the density of the coated film layer produced by pvd is low , so that the antimicrobial agent of the antimicrobial intermediate coating can pass through the bores and move to the surface of the coating and the surface of the antimicrobial coating , so as to kill the bacteria or suppress their grown . the method is very suitable for the sanitary , electronics , electrical appliances and the automobile industry .
a plastic screw cap has a threaded top portion and tabs of varying heights disposed around an inner circumference of a lower sleeve - portion . these tabs clasp a land disposed on a container neck to restrain the sleeve portion on the neck when the cap is unscrewed . a threaded top portion mates with threads on the container above the land . a sealing liner and diffusion barrier disposed at the bottle opening , together with a crush - resistant cap structure , prevent wine leakage and control oxygen ingress . typically , the plastic cap is threaded onto the container neck , forming a tamper - evident seal . when unscrewed , the plastic - cap top moves up the container threads , exerting a pull on the sleeve portion , which is restrained due to the closure tabs acting on the land . between the closure tabs and the threaded top is a breakaway line , which tears due to the removal forces . this tear evidences tampering .
a superplastic forming apparatus and method for forming a sheet of material at an elevated temperatures into a workpiece having a complex geometry . the process takes advantage of a mechanical forming step , which draws material along a major axis to form a first preform . upon completion of the first mechanical forming step , a second , initial superplastic forming step ask on the first preform to create a second preform having a plurality of channels or grooves located thereon . the grooves or channels function to draw additional material prior to the second or final gas forming step , which completes the forming process by driving the material against a forming surface . accordingly , the method and apparatus function to reduce forming time and eliminate thinning and wrinkling of the sheet material during the forming process .
a friction stir tool is provided to perform friction stir riveting using a partially consumable pin , wherein the pin includes a cutting edge on a bottom surface thereof , wherein the tool is rotated at a first speed to enable cutting by the pin into a first material that is overlapping a second material , wherein after the pin has cut to a sufficient depth , the rotational speed of the tool is increased to thereby enable plasticization of the consumable pin , the first material , and the second material , wherein the tool is then rapidly decelerated until stopped , enabling diffusion bonding between the pin , the first material and the second material .
the present invention provides a resilient and tough , but flexible protective cover that hugs and squeezes various types of moving items without the need for any external securing means such as tape , rope , straps , large rubber bands , plastic , etc . the protective cover prevents damage to items that might occur during the course of moving . it eliminates , among other types of damage , scuffs , scrapes , dents , and scratches that could happen when items are being moved . while the protective cover is “ hugging ” the items , it also keeps items with moving components such as desks , dressers , cabinets , and appliances , in place by preventing shifting or movement of the moving components .
antibiotic - associated diarrhea , such as that caused by clostridium difficile , represents a serious medical complication that can result from administering a broad - spectrum antibiotic to a subject . such diarrhea leads to significant potassium loss from the subject . the present invention discloses a polymeric therapeutic agent that treats antibiotic - associated diarrhea and is physiologically potassium neutral . this polymer contains polystyrene sodium sulfonate and polystyrene potassium sulfonate repeat units .
a process and medium are disclosed for the lyophilization of cells which comprises the use of solutions including monosaccharide hexoses and pentoses , and / or biocompatible amphipathic polymers to permit the reconstitution of viable cells .
a pedagogic sealing apparatus for seaming thermoplastic layers includes a sealing station and a trimming station . the sealing station includes a movable platen jaw which compresses the layers against a fixed jaw . current flow through a resistance ribbon in the fixed jaw elevates the temperature of the layers to provide a fused seam between the layers . an indicator is provided to apprise the student of the termination of a preselected duration heating pulse and the commencement of a cooling cycle . the platen jaw is heated by a resistance ribbon optionally actuated conjunctively with the fixed jaw ribbon to seal layers which require additional heat to fuse their interface .
a novel design of a polymer retention hub created having an innovative feature used to permanently attach a thin wall nozzle core without use of adhesives or ancillary parts to form a conjunct nozzle . additional polymer in the correct amount is molded into a polymer retention hub in close proximity to a location where a mechanical lock must be formed to join the two components together . the inventive design of the polymer retention hub is configured to produce an enclosed cavity with the strength required for separation of a nozzle core from a standard taper .
the invention concerns a fuel container of plastic material such as a motor vehicle fuel tank , comprising one or more welded seams as seam locations for the body of the container and / or as connecting or sealing seams between the container wall in the region of openings and closure elements or covers welded thereto . at least some of the welded seams are at least partially penetrated by a duct which extends in the longitudinal direction in the seam and which can be filled with air and vented .
cereal β β glucan is used as a film or coating agent to produce clear , edible , biodegradable , delivery , lubricating , and protecting agents . cereal β β glucans are distinctive polymers of glucose differentiated from other polymers by not only their source but also their physicochemical properties . the β β forms a matrix to sequester other materials , such as pharmaceutical , medical and therapeutic agents , flavors , fragrances . the technology has applications to essential oils and non - aqueous materials that are rendered deliverable by the β β glucan . the β β glucan films described may be consumed whereby they dissolve in the mouth in a controlled manner and may be used for the delivery of pharmaceutical , medical or confectionery products .
biodegradible polymers are provided which may contain a biologically active substance , e . g . a drug such as insulin , which is released over a period of time as the polymer erodes when in contact with a body fluid . the polymer contains an amine functionality whereby it erodes faster at low acid ph &# 39 ; s than at higher acid ph &# 39 ; s . as an example , the polymer may contain insulin and may contain or may have an encapsulating hydrogel containing glucose oxidase . as the blood sugar level of a diabetic person rises , e . g ., afte a meal , glucose diffuses into the polymer or hydrogel and is converted to gluconic acid which lowers the ph , and accelerates erosion and the release of insulin .
compounds and methods for refolding of proteins in an aqueous solution . in particular , biocompatible multiblock copolymer surfactants such as poloxamers , meroxapols , poloxamines , or polyols are used to catalyze proper refolding without changing the protein composition , and restore the protein to its native conformation and native biological function . the methods can be practiced both in vivo and in vitro . the biocompatible multiblock copolymer surfactants can be used for renaturation of recombinantly expressed proteins , and for renaturation of proteins that are unfolded due to heat , irradiation , mechanical shearing , electrical shock , frostbite , chemical stress , and other abiotic or biotic stresses .
modular microfluidic systems includes a plurality of microfluidic modules , each capable of performing fluidic operations including , but not limited to , filtering , splitting , regulating pressure , mixing , metering , reacting , diverting , heating , cooling , and condensing are provided . the microfluidic modules are polymeric , stencil - based structures adapted to be coupled in sequence for performing biological or chemical synthesis , including , but not limited to , chemical and biological syntheses of organic , polymer , inorganic , oligonucleotide , peptide , protein , bacteria , and enzymatic products .
a plastic working method and apparatus which performs swiveling motion of an upper die mounted on a die holder . a toggle mechanism is provided for power assisting function . the toggle mechanism includes a link and the die holder . upper and lower end portion of the die holder are movably supported by upper and lower double eccentric rotary mechanisms for changing orientation of the die holder . the link is disposed within the die holder and has upper end supported by a machine frame and a lower end supported by the die holder . orientation of the link is also changeable .
to provide an additive for drilling mud , used in drilling for petroleum , natural gas , civil engineering , mines , etc ., which has high heat resistance and high mechanical shear resistance , of which the viscous property does not degrade even under high - temperature and high - shear conditions ; has high pseudoplastic flowability and therefore secures high flowability during discharging ; and is a naturally - derived one and is therefore highly biodegradable and has least adverse impact on environment . an additive for drilling mud , which contains cellulose fibers having a number - average fiber diameter of from 2 to 500 nm and a fiber aspect ratio of 50 or more and having a cellulose i - type crystal structure .
a convertible carseat / stroller is of the type having a molded plastic shell with lower door panels in the shell and a wheel assembly includes front and rear legs pivotally connected to a common support member within the shell and extensible between a downwardly divergent stroller position beneath the shell and upper retracted position within the shell under the control of a manual release member which is slidable along the support member for the wheel assembly . a handle unit is telescopically mounted with respect to the support member and is retractable into the shell when converted into a carseat . the door panels on the bottom of the shell follow movement of the wheel assembly so as to open in extending the wheel assembly between the shell for use as a stroller and will return to a closed position when the wheel assembly is retracted into the shell .
the invention is a method of separating a gas comprising helium , oxygen , nitrogen or carbon dioxide from a mixture of gases containing helium , oxygen , nitrogen or carbon dioxide wherein the method comprises a . contacting the gas mixture with a thin , non - porous membrane comprising a polymer with a perfluorinated backbone and pendant ionomer moieties which contain cations of alkali metals , alkaline earth metals , or transition metals under conditions such that helium , oxygen , nitrogen or carbon dioxide selectively permeates through the membrane to the other side of the membrane ; and , b . removing the permeated helium , oxygen , nitrogen or carbon dioxide from the other side of the membrane . the membranes useful in the method of this invention demonstrate good selectivity for oxygen , helium , nitrogen , and carbon dioxide over other gases in gas mixtures containing such gases . furthermore , the permeabilities of oxygen , helium , and carbon dioxide through these membranes is quite good .
the present invention discloses a process for producing a braided suture having an improved knot strength comprising heating a braided suture coated with a low molecular weight biocompatible polymer to a temperature sufficient to melt the low molecular weight biocompatible polymer for a time sufficient to allow the low molecular polymer to be redistributed into the interstices of the braided suture thereby providing a coated braided suture with an improved knot tensile strength . also disclosed is the coated braided suture having a low molecular weight polymer optimally dispersed throughout the braided suture &# 39 ; s cross - section .
methods for the fabrication of negative coefficient thermal expansion engineered elements , and particularly , wherein such elements provide for fillers possessing a low or even potentially zero coefficient thermal expansion and which are employable as fillers for polymers possessing high coefficients of thermal expansion . further , disclosed are novel structures , which are obtained by the inventive methods .
the invention provides a bendable thermoplastic reinforcement for a profiled seal or profiled molding of a vehicle , such a profiled element including same and a method for producing the reinforcement . the reinforcement of substantially u - shaped cross section , has a central portion and two arms , each arm having over its length a series of limbs separated from one another by slots . over at least one part of the length of the reinforcement , each limb has laterally an asymmetrical geometry and an area greater than that of each adjacent slot . the reinforcement is produced by extrusion of a thermoplastic material via a die of u - shaped profile formed between an extruder head and a receiving member for the material being discharged from the head which is provided with a hollow cavity designed to form directly said central portion , the slots and limbs , so that the extruded material progressively covers the receiving member .
an automobile chassis and a one - piece body integrated into a unitary structure , and a method for fabricating , assembling and integrating the chassis and body . the body includes interior panels , a cockpit , an engine enclosure module , and an underbody . the chassis / body structure , comprised of a single type of aluminum alloy and a single type of thermoplastic , is resistant to high - stress loads and is substantially recyclable into industrial - quality constituents . a first preferred embodiment includes a body rotomolded from a reinforced polycarbonate , polycarbonate / abs blend , or polyimide thermoplastic , seven aluminum alloy bulkheads , and stacks of thin - wall aluminum honeycomb - cell panels embedded in an unreinforced foam of the thermoplastic . a second preferred embodiment includes a body rotomolded from a reinforced liquid crystal polymer thermoplastic , seven aluminum alloy bulkheads , and stacks of thin - wall aluminum honeycomb panels . a third preferred embodiment includes a body rotomolded from a reinforced polycarbonate thermoplastic , seven aluminum alloy bulkheads , and aggregated sub - assemblies of polycarbonate micro - honeycomb blocks having cells filled with a foam of the unreinforced polycarbonate thermoplastic .
absorbable polyester fibers , braids , and surgical meshes with prolonged strength retention have been developed . these devices are preferably derived from biocompatible copolymers or homopolymers of 4 - hydroxybutyrate . these devices provide a wider range of in vivo strength retention properties than are currently available , and could offer additional benefits such as anti - adhesion properties , reduced risks of infection or other post - operative problems resulting from absorption and eventual elimination of the device , and competitive cost . the devices may also be particularly suitable for use in pediatric populations where their absorption should not hinder growth , and provide in all patient populations wound healing with long - term mechanical stability . the devices may additionally be combined with autologous , allogenic and / or xenogenic tissues to provide implants with improved mechanical , biological and handling properties .
the invention relates to a biodegradable halogen - free flame retardants composition used for fire - safety and prevention , that limits and extinguishes fires by means of increased resistance to ignition , slowing down burning rates and the rate of heat , smoke and toxic gas release from polymers with different physical and chemical properties and structure , such as textiles , wooden materials , paper , cardboard , corrugated board , leather , cellular polystyrene , foamed polyurethane , and items made of them . the composition according to the invention contains orthophosphoric acid , urea , triethanolamine , ammonia water , polydimethylsiloxane , surfactant , which may be anionic , cationic , amphoteric , non - ionic or mixtures thereof and water .
the specification discloses an apparatus and method for wrapping paper rolls with a paper coated with a thermoplastic material . the leading edge of the wrapper is adhered to the roll by softening the thermoplastic . after the wrapper is wrapped about the roll , the trailing edge of the wrapper is adhered to the wrapped roll by softening the thermoplastic . the wrapping apparatus includes a heatable transport bar for heating the desired portions of the wrapper and contacting the heated portions to the roll .
nanobiomimetic supercapacitors comprise an “ electron well ” and an “ electron - dam ” membrane electrode assembling ; the “ electron - well ” mea compromises an electrode comprising a substrate of glassy carbon ; a self - assembling membrane comprises a polymer matrix ; wherein the polymer matrix is comprised of an electrically conductive copolymer ; wherein the copolymer is further comprised of one or more first β - cyclodextrin molecules having at least one or more free acetyl groups ; one or more polyethylene glycol molecules ; one or more poly molecules ; and one or more second β - cyclodextrin molecules ; the self - assembling membrane having a surface structure comprising one or more nanopores and pillars ; the nanopores and pillars are vertically oriented on the substrate to form nanopore and pillar array ; the “ electron - dam ” mea compromises the nanopore / pillar layer sealed with an embedded hydrophobic aromatic substance having a flat lid structure ; wherein the mea can be as either said positive or negative electrode ; wherein the “ electron - well ” also can be either said as positive or negative electrode ; separated by a porous insulator wetted by an electrolyte - free and air - independent organic solution ; at least two current collectors are at each of the end of the meas .
a plastic cap assembly with a base cap and a cap that is formed in one piece and may be installed on the neck of the container that is sealed with a foil or a membrane . a projection in the flat wall of the base cap has on its underside a penetrator with which the foil can be penetrated . the contents of the container can then flow through the hole in the foil from the penetrator to the pour opening . the cap assembly is simple to operate and to produce ; it supports the foil and in addition can be safety sealed . it is particularly well - suited for containers used for readily oxidizable foodstuffs such as ketchup , for example .
homogeneous membranes are disclosed which are composed of acrylic copolymers and are capable of absorbing 10 % to 50 % of their dry weight of water . the copolymers include a hydrophilic component which comprises acrylic esters having a poly substituent as part of the alcohol moiety . the copolymers further comprise methacrylate and / or acrylate monomer units . the membranes are useful in the fabrication of biosensors , e . g ., a glucose sensor , intended for in vivo use . variations in the ratios of the monomeric components make possible the fabrication of membranes which have varying permeabilities .
an apparatus and method for molding plastic materials is provided comprising a mold having a first mold section and a second mold section with a mold cavity disposed in between . a first gate design is provided by at least one first gate design mold member , and a second gate design is provided by at least one second gate design mold member . the first and second gate design mold members are removably attachable to , and interchangeable on , at least one of the first or the second mold sections to change from the first gate design to the second gate design .
methods and apparatuses for masking the edges of a substrate when performing direct or reverse gravure coating using a kiss - coat configuration , particularly useful for in - line coating of biaxially oriented polymeric films . the methods and apparatuses include a masking plate configured to prevent the edge of a portion of a substrate from contacting a gravure roll , the masking plate includes a top portion having a rockwell b hardness equal to or greater than 80 , and a thickness of between 0 . 03125 inches and 0 . 375 inches . this masking plate prevents build - up of coating on the edges of the substrate which otherwise can cause film orientation production instabilities such as film breaks , sticking to tenter clips , and / or edge trim recycling incompatibilities . the masking plate provides a masking method that is effective and durable , minimizing production downtime and maintenance .
a method and apparatus for molding a composite plastic article having a piece of plastic film fused to the outer surface of the plastic article at a location away from the main parting line of the mold in which the plastic article is formed .
in one aspect , a water - activated , ingestible battery , comprises a cathode comprising a metal oxide with a decreased amount of toxicity , relative to an amount of toxicity of other metal oxides ; an anode comprising a biocompatible , water stable compound , the anode infused with benign cations ; a separator between the cathode and the anode ; a cathodic lead comprising a first conducting material , the cathodic lead in contact with the cathode ; an anodic lead comprising a second conducting material , the anodic lead in contact with the anode ; and a cell casing comprising a water - permeable biocompatible polymer , the cathodic lead , and the anodic lead , with the cell casing enclosing the cathode , the anode , and the separator .
a process for manufacturing moldings of plastic material includes successive cycles of conveying a succession of mobile molding tool parts independently of each other along lateral and vertical guideways of a conveyor to a work station holding a basic molding tool part . each cycle includes the steps of joining the mobile molding tool part and the basic molding tool part together at the work station to close the mold cavity in the mobile tool part , dispensing the plastic material into the closed mold cavity from a dispensing device , imparting a predetermined temperature to the mold cavity to permit the plastic material in the mold cavity to harden into a shape - retaining molding , separating the basic molding tool part from the mobile molding tool part after the molding has hardened , conveying the mobile molding tool part holding the molding in the mold cavity thereof independently of succeeding mobile molding tool parts to at least one succeeding work station for further treatment , and ejecting the molding from the mold cavity .
a body containing lengths of fiber embedded therein is formed by providing a winding fixture including a plurality of parallel support rods spaced apart in a z - direction . a length of a fiber is wound over the rods such that a portion of the fiber extends in the z - direction , to form a skeletal structure . the fiber may be coated , as with a resistive material to modify energy absorbtion , after winding . the skeletal structure is filled with foam , and the support structure is removed to leave a structure in which discrete lengths of fiber embedded in the foam lie parallel to the z - direction . the fibers may be transferred to a sheet of uncured polymeric material by placing the foam piece in contact with the sheet of polymeric material and forcing the fibers into the sheet under an applied pressure .
the invention relates to a method and to an assembly for recycling plastic materials , comprising the following processing steps : a ) reprocessing the raw material , wherein the material , if necessary , is comminuted and brought into a fluid - like form and heated and permanently mixed , while preserving the lumpiness and pourability thereof , and optionally the viscosity thereof is increased and / or it is degassed , softened , dried and / or crystallized ; b ) melting the reprocessed material , at least so much that filtration is possible ; c ) filtering the melt in order to remove impurities ; d ) homogenizing the filtered melt ; e ) degassing the homogenized melt ; and f ) discharging and / or subsequently processing the melt , such as by granulation , blown film processing , with said processing steps being carried out consecutively in the order listed .
a biocompatible wound dressing comprised of a pad for insertion substantially into a wound site and wound drape for sealing enclosure of the foam pad at the wound site . the pad , comprised of a foam or other like material having relatively few open cells in contact with the areas upon which cell growth is to be encouraged so as to avoid unwanted adhesions , but having sufficiently numerous open cells so that drainage and negative pressure therapy may continue unimpaired , is placed in fluid communication with a vacuum source for promotion of fluid drainage , as known in the art . the pad is further comprised of an ultra - low density fused - fibrous ceramic , or a bioabsorbable branched polymer , or cell growth enhancing matrix or scaffolding .
disclosed is a pharmaceutical composition for extended release of an erythromycin derivative in the gastrointestinal environment . the composition comprises an erythromycin derivative and a pharmaceutically acceptable polymer so that , when ingested orally , the composition induces statistically significantly lower c max in the plasma than an immediate release composition of the erythromycin derivative while maintaining bioavailability and minimum concentration substantially equivalent to that of the immediate release composition of the erythromycin derivative upon multiple dosing . the compositions of the invention have an improved taste profile and reduced gastrointestinal side effects as compared to those for the immediate release composition .
a bag structure of a thermoplastic film material comprising front and rear bag walls connected by side walls and having an open mouth top portion , said open mouth portion being characterized by having handles located at opposite end regions thereof , said handles being of two films as a result of being integral extensions of said front , rear and gusseted side walls ; said bag having a bottom wall planarly extensible so as to form a rectangle with at least no substantial excess film outside of the bulk volumetric capacity of said bottom region of said bag .
a biodegradable composition comprising a polymer matrix having distributed substantially uniformly therethrough hollow sphere - like inclusions or microcapsules , said polymer matrix consisting essentially of a water - soluble polymer / polymer - compatible salt complex with said salt present in an amount sufficient to render said polymer insoluble in water and products made by shaping such composition .
a polymer blend that contains a polymer of fluorinated monomers and another biocompatible polymer . the polymer blend can form a coating on a medical device . the medical device can be used for treat , prevent or ameliorate a medical condition .
this invention is directed to a method and apparatus using polymerase chain reaction technology for automatically collecting air samples and identifying biological agents in the air sample . a fully automated system is provided that is capable of detecting transient events such as bacillus anthracis in a piece of mail being processed on high - speed mail processing equipment . the system includes apparatus for implementing the following features : particle collection and pre - separation using a collection hood and dry cyclone passive filtration system ; continuous particle collection into a liquid sample ; automated fluid transfer to a pcr analysis cartridge at pre - scheduled times ; automated cartridge handling and transfer to pcr bio - agent identification apparatus for detecting a bio - agent in a piece of mail ; automatic retesting of the liquid sample upon various error conditions ; automatic confirmation testing upon preliminary positive results ; automated fluid transfer to archive containers at the completion of analysis ; and , automated notification / reporting system to alert designated personnel / organizations upon the occurance of selected events such as the presence of bacillus antracis .
a protective coating applied to the underwater portion of a marine vessel operable to inhibit the growth of marine foulants . the coating comprises a polymer , a marine biocide , a preservative , an antimicrobial agent , and optionally a coloring agent . in certain embodiments , the marine biocide , preservative , and optional antimicrobial agent are chemically bonded with the polymer thereby significantly reducing the ability of the biocide , preservative , and antimicrobial agent to leach from the coating into the surrounding environment .
simple , durable tripods for instruments such as those employed by surveyors , cameras , telescopes , laser - based measuring devices , etc . these tripods feature a tripod head which is a single piece of material and pivotable legs with a one - piece foot and a side - by - side or triangular array of hollow posts which provides strength and rigidity at a low weight . the tripod components are fabricated principally from colorfast , impact resistant , synthetic polymers which are : dimensionally stable under varying ambient temperatures ; impact resistant ; resistant to chemical attack and ultraviolet degradation ; and , in the case of components which move relative to each other , self - lubricating . the tripod legs may or may not be extensible ; in either case the tension between each tripod leg and the tripod head is independently adjustable . stability may be promoted by rolling bearings which are located at the upper ends of the tripod legs and are seated on complementary bearing surfaces in the tripod head . a novel overcenter type , cam - operated clamping mechanism , also useful for other purposes , is employed to lock the tripod leg assemblies together in the wanted relationship in those tripods which employ legs with one or more extensible leg assemblies . either spike or tilting shoes may be provided to stabilize the tripod legs on the tripod - supporting stratum ; a battery hanger may be attached to one of the tripod legs ; and a novel arrangement coupler the instrument attaching bell of the tripod to the tripod head so that the bell will not be lost or misplaced .
a dispenser is disclosed for retaining and dispensing plastic bags which are wound on a core . the dispenser is made of heavy metal wire configured to provide curved tracks in which a core can ride . the dispenser includes a separating tongue which enables a customer to dispense the bags one by one by pulling on the free end of the outermost bag . in order to prevent freewheeling , a braking surface is provided which engages the roll and retards rotation . a supplemental braking force is provided by spring elements mounted within the tracks which apply a frictional force to the ends of core . the spring elements are oriented such that the force applied to the core by the springs as the roll rotates when the bags are dispensed , causes the roll to tend to move downwardly into engagement with the braking surface . the spring elements are attached to the dispenser at a point below the braking surface . as a result , the braking force applied by the springs increases as the size of the roll decreases .
reversibly deployable energy absorbing assemblies for impact management generally include a translatable first element , a rigid support structure and a second element having one end fixedly attached to the rigid support structure and an other end fixedly attached to the translatable first element . the second elements are adapted to plastically deform along a predefined buckling path . the predefined buckling path may be uni - modal or multi - modal depending on the desired application and / or impact conditions . also disclosed herein are methods for operating the energy absorbing assemblies .
the invention herein relates to a method and apparatus for forming an embossed blister from a laminated film wherein an indicia is formed on the base of the blister . in particular , the invention involves a single pass process of combining the formation of a blister and the formation of an indicia on the blister , wherein the blister - forming pin contains a face with an indicia and is adapted to controllably stretch the laminated film during blister formation to minimize stretching of the film at the base of the blister . the invention is particularly useful in manufacturing processes which involve the formation of blisters having laminated films which contain a metal foil and polymer layer , wherein improved control in the stretching of the laminate during blister formation is desirable .
a biodegradable copolymer network , which is particularly suited for use in applications such as interbody implants for bone fusion , is provided . the biodegradable copolymer network of the present invention is biodegradable yet provides sufficient mechanical strength for use in procedures such as spinal fusion . also provided are methods of producing said biodegradable copolymer network , methods of delivery of biologically active substances , implants comprising said biodegradable copolymer network and methods of administering bioactive and in particular , osteoinductive , substances .
a grey water tank mounting and control arrangement for the recycling and storage of used water contains three plastic tanks constructed as individual standing units , which can be mechanically connected to one another and to a control unit . the tanks and the control unit contain orienting means so as to permit mutual orientation thereof in such a way that they can be fixed to one another in the correct position .
n , n &# 39 ;- hydrocarbylenebisamic acid hydrazides ] and their derivatives are useful for stabilizing polymeric systems which are subject to degradation and / or discoloration upon exposure to heat and / or light . the novel compounds contain at least two hindered amine light stabilizing groups and two hydrazide or hydrazide derivative thermal oxidative stabilizing groups . the novel compounds are excellent light stabilizers for polyolefins , have low volatility and are not readily lost from polymeric systems via volatilization , migration or extraction .
a preferred novel breaker - crosslinker - polymer complex and a method for using the complex in a fracturing fluid to fracture a subterranean formation that surrounds a well bore by pumping the fluid to a desired location within the well bore under sufficient pressure to fracture the surrounding subterranean formation . the complex may be maintained in a substantially non - reactive state by maintaining specific conditions of ph and temperature , until a time at which the fluid is in place in the well bore and the desired fracture is completed . once the fracture is completed , the specific conditions at which the complex is inactive are no longer maintained . when the conditions change sufficiently , the complex becomes active and the breaker begins to catalyze polymer degradation causing the fracturing fluid to become sufficiently fluid to be pumped from the subterranean formation to the well surface .
a brake bleed tool includes a pliable plastic tube which sealingly engages a bleed fitting . a bleed wrench coaxially slides along the tool to engage the bleed fitting . the bleed wrench includes a socket end for engaging the bleed fitting at one end and a winged end at the opposite end which is used to loosen and tighten the bleed fitting .
a method for implanting cells onto a prosthesis includes the steps of : providing a prosthesis including a porous tube , where at least 25 % of the pores on the inner surface of the tube have diameters of more than about 40 μm , at least 25 % of the pores on the outer surface of the tube have diameters of less than about 30 μm , and the tube includes a substantially continuous layer of a biocompatible material ; contacting the prosthesis with a suspension of cells ; and providing a pressure differential between the inner surface and the outer surface , whereby the cells are retained in the pores of the inner surface . a method for obtaining an endothelial cell culture from a blood sample involved : obtaining a sample for mononuclear cells from a blood sample ; and culturing the sample of mononuclear cells , without further cell separation , on a cell adhesive polymer - coated solid support in the presence of endothelial growth factors .
vascular biomaterial structures may be coated with a plasma - induced layer on their surface . vascular biomaterial structures may include cardiovascular devices such as heart valves , stents , vascular graphs , and the like . devices coated with a plasma polymerized coating may show reduced amounts of undesirable coagulation of blood at the surface of the device . a reduced amount of thrombosis may be observed for such plasma coated medical devices .
the invention provides a lenticular lens type three - dimensional image display device and a method of fabricating the device without a need for a clear plastic substrate transposed between the image and lenticular lenses . the device can be obtained by directly printing curable coatings onto the image , making them particularly well suited for volume production . the combination the image printing and application of curable coatings process can be joined together to conduct the single pass - process . the single pass - process allows for flexibility of the printing only selective areas of the substrate . moreover , this process allows the device to be recyclable .
a construction for the packaging of plastic separators having top , middle and bottom plates formed of single plastic moldings . each of the plates have support plugs for positioning one or more yarn spools sandwiched between the top plate and the middle plate , the top plate and the bottom plate , or the middle plate and the bottom plate . wrapping film covers the yarn spools sandwiched between the plates . the top and bottom plates each include deep grooves with widths larger than that of the packaging rope . the packaging rope is arranged along the grooves tor secure the yarn spools between the plates . the bottom plate includes at least four corners with upper rims and bottom rims . the upper rims are more projected than the bottom rims . the rims are configured as fixing parts for the wrapping film that extends from the top plate to the bottom plate .
a surface reforming method capable of efficiently carrying out a sustainable , even reforming treatment on a prescribed surface part of an element , a surface treatment liquid to be employed for the above - described method , and an element having a reformed surface treated by the above - described method . a part of the surface of an element is subjected to the reforming treatment by providing the object surface with a polymer , which is different from a constituent material of the objet surface and comprises a first part having a functional group and a second part having an interfacial energy different from that of the functional group and approximately equal to the surface energy of the object surface and orienting the second part of the polymer toward the object surface and orienting the first part in a direction different from the object surface .
the invention relates to a polymeric product having domains of injected ingredients therein . a tire having precisely placed and oriented injected ingredients is described . the nature of the injected components , and their density , as well as their placement and orientation , are determined based on tire property enhancements desired . fibers may be injected into the tread shoulder area of an uncured tire to provide abrasion resistance and traction in the cured tire . high tack rubbers or adhesives may be injected into the central tread region of a cured tire to enhance traction and grip .
a method for sequence - based diagnosis of a human neoplastic tissue , blood or other body fluid sample , comprises analysing from genomic dna or cdna derived from said neoplasia the dna sequence of a gene encoding a cancer - related protein for the presence of mutations therein , determining from the presence , nature and location of any such mutation or mutations the influence thereof on the biological function of the corresponding protein and thereby on the properties of the neoplasia , and on the basis thereof prognosticating the development of the neoplasia .
a pigment - based ink composition including a colorant , a cyclic amide represented by the formula : wherein r is at least one of ch 3 , c 2 h 5 , c 3 h 9 , c 4 h 9 , c 5 h 11 , c 6 h 13 , c 7 h 15 , and c 8 h 17 , and together with the n atom to which it is attached forms a 5 member ring ; an organic solvent ; an amine ; a biocide ; first and second surfactants ; and water . the ink is utilized in inkjet printing , it does not include resins or polymers , and it provides substantially permanent images on both porous and nonporous substrates .
an impact protection reinforcing element has at least one outer surface which is conformed to the contour of a surface of at least one vehicle body part in such a way that it may be positioned with extensive contact against the body part in the area of complementary construction and connected firmly to the body part . provision is made for the impact protection reinforcing element to be formed of a fiber / plastics composite . a method of producing the impact protection reinforcing element uses an injection molding process .
there is provided a multiple - component tampon applicator formed from at least three separate components . a fingergrip having a reduced cross - section as compared to that of the barrel may be formed such that it is a separate component or is integrally formed with a barrel component . the reduced cross - section fingergrip provides exceptional grippability to the user . the multiple components may be formed from materials including , for example , biopolymer including starches and proteins , cardboard , heat shrink plastic , paper slurry , plastic , plastic tubing , pulp slurry , pulp - molded paper , or any combinations thereof . prior to assembly of the applicator and prior to loading the barrel component with an absorbent pledget , petals may be formed on the insertion end of the barrel using existing processes and equipment . alternatively , a separate insertion tip component having petals may be formed . this separate component may then be connected to the barrel component either before or after an absorbent pledget is loaded into the barrel component .
an implant such as a stent is coated with a biodegradable or non - biodegradable polymer having therein an antiproliferative / immunosuppressive agent and a compound which reduces the rate of metabolism of the antiproliferative / immunosuppressive agent thereby inhibiting restenosis .
the invention provides novel dental enamel inspired materials for biomedical and dental applications . the materials are apatite - like calcium phosphate complexes and may comprise apatite , octacalcium phosphate crystals , or mixtures thereof . in one embodiment , the materials are mixtures of crystals of apatite and its precursor , octacalcium phosphate , nucleated on a titanium surface . they are prepared using a chemical process leading to the formation of biological apatite which is similar to that found in natural bone and teeth . in one embodiment , the materials are prepared by placing a titanium substrate in a supersaturated calcifying solution containing native or purified recombinant amelogenins . the presence of the amelogenins modulates apatite crystal growth to mimic in vivo apatite crystal formation . applications for the materials include , without limitation , dental tissue replacement , orthopeadic implants for bone repair , and coatings for improving the biocompatibility and bone regeneration capability of currently available implants or medical devices made of metallic , polymeric , ceramic or composite materials .
there is presented an underwater vehicle polymer ejection control valve ambly comprising a valve in communication with a polymer reservoir and in communication with ejection ports . the assembly further comprises a valve actuator including structure responsive to the vehicle in an ascending mode reaching a first predetermined depth in a water column to open the valve to place the polymer reservoir in communication with the ejection ports . the aforementioned structure is further responsive to the vehicle reaching a second and lesser predetermined depth to close the valve to interrupt communication between the polymer reservoir and the ejection ports .
the present invention describes polymer compositions that have enhanced properties as oxygen barriers , as well as manufacturing methods for such oxygen - scavenging polymers and devices composed of such oxygen - scavenging polymers . these oxygen - scavenging polymers offer several benefits over existing materials , including a reduced ability for oxygen and carbon dioxide to permeate the polymer , reduced foaming of beverages stored in containers composed of the polymers , improved moisture absorption , and increased anti - bacterial / anti - fungal properties .
an expansion molding apparatus for forming molded articles having consistently or partially thin - walls by expanding expandable thermoplastic resin beads in a cavity formed between molds with the application of heat . the apparatus has a moving device , for example , a cylinder which moles the molds in one orthogonal direction relative to a closing direction of the molds when filling the cavity with the expandable thermoplastic resin beads . after filling the resin beads in the cavity by moving at least one of the molds in at least one direction orthogonal to the closing direction so that a distance in a circumference section of the cavity becomes greater , the mold is moved back to the original position and the application of heat is performed to obtain molded articles .
an apparatus and method for use in the biopharmaceutical and chemical industries to facilitate the temporary attachment of standard laboratory glassware to vibratory mixers and other types of aggressive shaking equipment . the container holder couples the entire flask or container to the mixing equipment in a secure fashion . the technology may be used with conventional glass flasks , or with plastic flasks that can be configured for either single - use or multiple - use . the invention allows for single handed , low force insertion of the flaskware as well as the incorporation of sensors into the container holder .
a method for preparing a material for medical or veterinary use by uniformly mixing a thermoplastic polymer , preferably polyether etherketone , at least with tricalcium phosphate 2 ), and injection or extrusion moulding the resulting mixture under conditions suitable for converting the tricalcium phosphate into calcium hydroxyapatite . tite . the basic mixture preferably comprises a biocompatible metal oxide such as titanium dioxide . the resulting material is useful for making endosseous implants or bone prostheses .
a process and an apparatus for the direct , continuous and flexible modification of polymer melts by branching off a branch melt stream from the main melt stream to be modified , dispersing the initially introduced additive in the melt in a specially designed twin - screw extruder , and subsequent recycling of the additive melt concentrate to the melt stream to be modified .
a center heated die plate for an underwater pelletizer radiates heat outwardly to the extrusion orifices and die faces of the die plate thereby maintaining the die plate and extrusion orifices at an elevated temperature to obtain optimum flow of molten polymer through the extrusion orifices . in one embodiment , a cylindrical heating coil is placed in a hollow central core of the die plate and a plurality of peripheral heating elements are inserted in radial recesses distributed around an outer perimeter of the die plate to create an inner heat zone and an outer heat zone which are separately controllable .
a polishing pad for use in chemical mechanical polishing is disclosed . the polishing pad has a pad surface for polishing wafer surfaces . the pad surface is composed of a polymeric matrix material . the polishing pad also contains a polymeric additive which is defined in the polymeric matrix of the pad surface and in cells of the pad surface . the polymeric additive may include one of a polyurethane , a polyamide , a polyester , a polyacrylonitrile , a polyacrylate , a polymethacrylate , a polyvinylchloride , and a polyvinylidene chloride . the polymeric additive is configured to be hydrophilic so that the pad surface is wettable to enable improved slurry distribution over the pad surface .
a convertible toy wagon includes a plastic body with side walls that define a passenger space and a bottom portion that defines a storage compartment . horizontal seating surfaces are located fore and aft of the opening of the storage compartment . seatbacks are pivotally attached to the wagon body and close to cover the horizontal seating surfaces and the storage compartment . a handle is pivotally attached to the front of the wagon body by a handle bracket that includes a pair of arms and an arcuate locking surface positioned therebetween . a ridge is formed on a cylindrical lower portion of the handle and interacts with the locking surface of the handle bracket so that the handle may be locked into an upright position .
the invention relates to a process for reprocessing plastic wastes , in which the plastic wastes filled into vessels are autoclaved as coherent , porous bundles with high water absorption capacity in a steam atmosphere at approximately 150 ° to 220 ° c ., preferably 165 ° to 190 ° c ., and melted by this means , at the end of the autoclaving process , the resulting bodies of molten plastic are at least partly dried by re - evaporating the water contained therein and are cooled .
a blow - molded plastics bottle having a neck , a side wall and a base , includes an internal spider attached to the side wall of the bottle . the spider and the side wall are formed from biaxially - oriented plastics such that the strength of the bottle is increased and such that the bottle resists the pressures caused by the contents thereof .
in a simple , preferred embodiment , the present invention is a plastic , gas - impermeable , sealable container with gloves affixed therein . any package or material can be sealed within the container and safely opened and inspected using the gloves without fear any chemical / biological agent will permeate the gloves or the container . principally , the present invention was viewed as a cost - effective tool for individuals to handle and / or open mail and determine if any unexpected , harmful substances are inside . for this purpose , placing a letter opener , a knife , scissors , or any other tool within the container would also be useful . the present invention can also be utilized in other ways .
a synthesis for a silated acidic polymer by a copolymerization of several monomers includes one acidic monomer and one silated monomer . the silated acidic polymer is used as a resist barrier in imprint lithography and is easily removed by an environmental basic aqua - solution during the stripping process without using rie process or organic solvent at the last step of resist stripping so that the throughput is enhanced and good etching resistibility together with cost - saving is obtained .
implementations of the present disclosure provide an environmentally resistant structural member for use in areas exposed to water or other environmental elements . the structural member includes a core member and a polymer layer . the core member has an environmentally sensitive composition wherein extended exposure to the environmental element causes degradation of the core member . the core member includes at least one surface , such as a bottom and side surfaces . the surface is configured for positioning in the area exposed to the environmental element . the polymer layer has a molded shape and covers the surface so as to seal the surface of the core member against exposure to the environmental element .
a method for making a blood - contacting medical device with improved biocompatibility by applying to the blood - contacting surface an aqueous solution of heparin and then overcoating the heparin with a porous polymer . the inclusion of a porous polymer in intimate contact with a heparin on the device controls the administration of heparin following implantation or other blood contact . the adhesion of the coating and the rate at which the heparin is delivered can be controlled by the selection of an appropriate bioabsorbable or biostable polymer .
a plastic pail having a continuous side wall and a radially extending rim includes a pair of diametrically opposed bail ears which receive a bail . the bail ears are of a box - like configuration and extend outwardly from the side wall and downwardly from the rim . an outer face of the bail ear has an aperture through which the bail is received . a plurality of connecting walls join the outer face with the side wall , and an arcuate configuration joins the connecting walls to the side wall . the bail includes an elongated gripping portion with a pair of diverging side portions extending therefrom . a pair of connectors defined by arcs having a circumferential extent greater than 180 ° is joined to the respective side portions by substantially parallel end portions .
the invention involves biopolymer / oil suspension compositions for the oil service industry , most particularly drilling and completion fluids , which provide such fluids a variety of desirable properties . biopolymers include water soluble polymers and water swellable polymers . such biopolymer / oil suspension compositions are essentially mixtures of biopolymers such as cellulosics in an oil medium with a specific anti - settling additive . the invention is particularly directed to providing enhanced anti - settling properties to such biopolymer / oil compositions ; that is , the ability of the biopolymer / oil composition to retain the biopolymers in suspension prior to the composition being introduced into drilling and completion fluids . the invention in one embodiment is described as a liquid biopolymer - in - oil additive compositions for use in aqueous - based completion fluids , containing an agent comprising : a ) one or more polyamides , and b ) hydrogenated caster oils including castorwax .
a roll riser for supporting rolled goods during shipment is formed as a doughnut from a recyclable material such as corrugated paper or foamed plastic . the weight of the roll riser is selected in consideration of the size and weight to the rolled goods .
a thermosensitive reversible recording material having a thermosensitive recording layer formed on a substrate sheet and including a substantially colorless dye precursor and a color developing agent capable of reversibly color - developing and erasing the dye - precursor , in which the color developing agent comprises an aromatic compound of the general formula and optionally an overcoat layer preferably containing an electron - beam or ultraviolet - ray cured polymer is formed on the thermosensitive recording layer general formula : ## str1 ## r = naphthyl or lower alkoxy - substituted phenol group , y =-- nhco --, -- sconh --, -- conhco --, -- nhconh --, -- oco --, -- nhcoo --, -- nhcos --, -- s --, -- nhconhso 2 --, -- o --, -- ocsnh --, -- conhnh --, -- oconhso 2 --, -- co --, -- scsnh --, -- nhso 2 --, -- conhso 2 --, -- oso 2 --, -- nhcsnh --, or -- n = ch -- groups , n = integer of 11 - 30 !
the invention relates to an operating fluid container for a motor vehicle , said container including a container body which is assembled from at least two injection - molded shells of thermoplastic plastics material which are complementary to each other . the shells are provided in each case with integrally molded structures which extend into the free container volume in such a manner that they bring about a restriction of a fluid surge created , for instance , in the container . at least some of the structures on each of the two shells are welded together at least in part or in a punctiform manner approximately in the joining plane of the container .
antimicrobial compositions which are active against bacteria , yeast and mold spores are described . the compositions may be blends of an acrylate / methacrylate copolymer having a hydrophobic network structure and a preservative component comprising comprising an isothiazolinone or phenoxyethanol and either a 1 , 2 - diol or benzoic acid and dehydroacetic acid .
a method is provided for direct coating of transiently stable , colloidal particulate magnetic substrates with various synthetic or naturally - occurring polymers , particularly biologically - active peptides and proteins . the resulting coated resuspendable , colloidal magnetic particles are particularly adapted for use in bioanalytical procedures involving affinity separation , or the like . there is also provided a method for selectively binding chemically - treated colloidal magnetic particles to polyelectrolytes , e . g ., to facilitate extraction of nucleic acids from cell lysates .
the instant invention provides a process for substantially reducing the polymer cement viscosity or reducing the molecular weight distribution of the a conjugated diene polymer synthesized by using a charge of catalytically effective amounts of a rare earth catalyst and an organo magnesium component by adding an organo zinc component to the charge in an amount and under conditions sufficient to reduce the polymer cement viscosity . the invention also contemplates a catalyst compostion for substantially reducing the polymer cement viscosity of a polymer product as well the resultant polymer product .
a bone fixation device and method for compressing bone or bone fragments temporarily or permanently using a tension strip to surround the exterior surface of the bone or bone fragments and applying a force to the tension strip wherein the bone or bone fragments are compressed together . bone or bone fragments are able to heal more quickly when compressed under super natural pressure . the temporary tension strips may be made of bioresorbable polymer and a radiopaque dopent so that the tension strip is visible under fluoroscopic observation .