an apparatus for fusing a pipe to a fitting includes an induction heating element wholly encased or coated with a flusible thermoplastic polymeric material , a fitting having a socket or a flange . the induction heating element is adapted to be inserted into said socket or mounted on said flange , the fitting and the element together defining a throughbore , a portion of a pipe adapted to be inserted into the throughbore or mountable on said flange . the apparatus also includes a locating and maintaining member on the induction heating element with one or more projections adapted to be snap - fitted on the fitting , the pipe or both , and capable of locating and maintaining the position of the heating element relative to the fitting or the member portion . the induction fusion element is capable of fusing the fitting and the pipe portion .
organisms are provided which express enzymes such as glycerol dehydratase , diol dehydratase , acyl - coa transferase , acyl - coa synthetase β - ketothiolase , acetoacetyl - coa reductase , pha synthase , glycerol - 3 - phosphate dehydrogenase and glycerol - 3 - phosphatase , which are useful for the production of phas . in some cases one or more of these genes are native to the host organism and the remainder are provided from transgenes . these organisms produce poly homopolymers or co - polymers incorporating 3 - hydroxypropionate or 3 - hydroxyvalerate monomers wherein the 3 - hydroxypropionate and 3 - hydroxyvalreate units are derived from the enzyme catalysed conversion of diols . suitable diols that can be used include 1 , 2 - propanediol , 1 , 3 propanediol and glycerol . biochemical pathways for obtaining the glycerol from normal cellular metabolites are also described . the pha polymers are readily recovered and industrially useful as polymers or as starting materials for a range of chemical intermediates including 1 , 3 - propanediol , 3 - hydroxypropionaldehyde , acrylics , malonic acid , esters and amines .
novel orthoesters are provided which can be used as a 2 &# 39 ;- hydroxyl protecting groups or 2 &# 39 ;- modification in the synthesis of polymers containing ribonucleic acid nucleotides . the rna comprising the orthoester can be handled and analyzed while 2 &# 39 ;- modified , thereby minimizing potential degradation . the orthoester is stable during oligonucleotide synthesis . the orthoester is subsequently modified and can then be removed under mild acidic conditions . the ease and dependability of this process and the quality of the rna product synthesized with this invention are comparable to that previously associated only with dna synthesis .
a bowl guard for mounting , containing and protecting a plastic or glass bowl of a compressed air system device . the bowl guard holds , protects and retains an opaque , transparent or translucent bowl such as a bowl which encloses a filter or lubricator device . the bowl guard is secured to a header of the device and locks the bowl in a sealed relationship with the header . the guard may have apertures so that the contents of the bowl may be observed . a drain through the bowl and guard can be provided when appropriate . a locking pin on the bowl guard insures that the entire assembly is held in alignment . when the bowl guard is latched into place and the system is under pressure the guard may not easily be withdrawn .
an optical adhesive product and a process for manufacturing an optical adhesive product , laminated film ensembles , and laminated lenses . the optical adhesive product includes a glyoxal water solution that is ph adjusted for use as an optical adhesive that demonstrates a wet peel three strength above about 6 newtons . a water based polymer , such as pvoh , may be added to the adhesive system . according to the process , the glyoxal adhesive system is manufactured and utilized to laminate tac - pva - tac films together to form a polar film ensemble . the polar film ensemble is laminated to an optical substrate and in the case of an ophthalmic lens , surfaced , coated and edged . the optical adhesive product avoids film separation in the polar tac - pav - tac film ensemble during edging
the multifunctional polymer nano - composite sensor system for detecting various biosignals , such as ekg , includes a polymer nano - composite sensor material that is flexible , elastic , soft , and conductive , a sensor material fabricated into a desired shape or form , and a signal capturing interface for collecting , transmitting and processing the signals . the present invention more specifically reveals a multi - functional nano - composite sensor for detecting biologically generated electrical signals which is comprised of a polymeric composition having an electrically conductive wire embedded therein , wherein the polymeric composition has a dispersion phase and a dispersed phase , wherein the dispersion phase is comprised of a thermoplastic polymer or a thermoset polymer , wherein the dispersed phase includes an electrically conductive filler , wherein the polymeric composition is gel - free , and wherein the electrically conductive wire is adapted for conveying an electrical signal to a signal processing device .
a method of applying an applique to a support , comprising the steps , of providing a cover layer of synthetic plastic sheet material having a design surface with an outer contour line , a narrow outer bonding zone along the outer contour line and at least one inner bonding zone spaced inwardly from the outer bonding zone ; further providing an intermediate layer of a resiliently compressible latently adhesive thermoplastic material having spaces filled with a gaseous medium ; sandwiching the intermediate layer between the cover layer and a support material ; and pressing against the cover layer die means having outer and inner pressure faces corresponding to the outer and inner bonding zones and a raised cutting edge fixed along the outer pressure face and corresponding to the contour line , while activating the latently adhesive thermoplastic material of the intermediate layer and thereby bonding the cover layer by the intermediate layer in the outer and inner bonding zones to the support material while severing the cover layer and intermediate layer along the outer contour line , the presence of the intermediate layer resulting in formation of a cushion between the support material and the cover layer in the area surrounded by the outer bonding zone upon bonding of the cover layer to the support material .
a razor includes a handle and detachable blade cartridge . the end of the handle has a pivot sphere upon which the blade cartridge is rotatably mounted , with freedom to pivot around three axes of the handle , and otherwise holds its orientation relative to the handle . the blade cartridge is held to the pivot sphere by a clevis having recesses defined in at least the inner side surfaces of its legs . the recesses , together with the clevis , are sized to admit the pivot sphere between them and to hold the sphere therein once admitted . the clevis and / or the pivot sphere can be formed of a resilient injection molded plastic . the range of motion of the blade cartridge can be limited by forming one or more stops on the pivot sphere to interact with the clevis and thereby interrupt its free rotation .
polyolefins are produced by a process which includes the steps of : polymerizing an olefin in a reaction zone ; removing unreacted olefin from the polymer in a flash chamber and recycling the unreacted olefin to the reaction zone ; stripping unreacted olefin from the polymer by passing a stripping gas through the polymer in a stripping zone ; passing the unreacted olefin from the stripping zone at superatmospheric pressure through an adsorbent which selectively adsorbs olefins ; depressurizing the adsorbent to produce a substantially pure olefin and recycling the substantially pure olefin to the reaction zone ; purging the adsorbent bed with a nonadsorbable gas to remove residual unreacted olefin from the adsorbent ; and passing the purge gas - unreacted olefin to the stripping zone to be used as stripping gas .
a water purification apparatus comprising an injection moulded floating non - toxic , biodegradable , and recyclable polymer planar structures that are easily stackable , shippable , and connectable to as many companion units as the user desires ; such apparatus further comprising many receiving structures made to accommodate plants without inhibiting them so that the user may create a film of plants over a toxic body of liquid for bioremediation purposes .
a mixture is provided which manifests a gel phase at a temperature higher than that in which the mixture manifests a liquid phase . the mixture is a combination of a lipid , a polymer - grafted phospholipid and a surfactant . it is biomimetic in nature and changes phases when subjected to one or a plurality of environmental stimuli .
an automatic high speed packaging machine for wrapping packages in polymer film is disclosed wherein the film seal at the sides and ends of the packages is made at a high rate of speed as the packages travel through the machine . the packages travel continuously in a straight line through the machine . the packages are delivered at the input end of the machine by an in - feed conveyor into a film inverting head where the packages are surrounded by longitudinally half - folded polymer film . thereafter , the packages are transported to a side sealing mechanism which forms a longitudinal seal in the film on the side opposite the fold . finally , the packages are transported to a traveling end seal mechanism where a lateral seal is formed at each end of the package and the film web connecting succeeding packages is severed . the machine produces packages which have a sealed film wrap around the entire package . if desired , the polymer film may be of a heat shrinkable variety and the sealed package may be passed through a shrinking oven to produce a package having a tight “ shrinkwrap ” film covering .
an optical scanning system and method for laser engraving a plurality of data subrasters into a substrate to form a raster of engraved data defining an image on the substrate . each subraster has a length dimension and a width dimension . the system includes a transport assembly having an objective lens and a mirror , the mirror capable of reflecting a substantially collimated scanning beam incident thereon in a direction transverse to an axis of the incident beam such that it is directed to the objective lens . the objective lens is capable of focusing the scanning beam on the substrate to engrave a set of data in the width dimension of the subraster and the objective lens and mirror combination is capable of moving along the axis of the incident beam to allow subsequent engraving of other sets of data in the width dimension until a complete subraster is formed along its length dimension . the objective lens and mirror combination is also capable of returning to its starting position to begin engraving of a subsequent subraster of the plurality of subrasters forming the raster of engraved data . a thermoset plastic substrate is also identified as being particularly suitable for use with the aforementioned system and method .
a novel method for disposing of drill cuttings and more particularly to the process for source identification of such cuttings and the identification of value added processes for commercializing the cuttings in an economical manner . the method of recycling of oil and gas well drill cuttings as disclosed herein begins by identifying drill cuttings by location , type of earth formation and earth strata level from whence extracted , drying , coding and containerizing said cuttings by said grade , mineral type , extraction location , and geological age . uses for the recycled and graded drill cuttings include graded virgin aggregate for road construction including asphaltic cement , recyclable stone retaining walls and lawn ornaments or other applications useful in landscaping or water drainage control by mixing the dried and refined cuttings with recycled polymer .
a sustained release medicinal preparation is produced by enclosing a macrocyclic compound represented by 17 - allyl - 1 , 14 - dihydroxy - 12 -- 1 - methylvinyl )- 23 , 25 - dimethoxy - 13 , 19 , 21 , 27 - tetramethyl - 11 , 28 - dioxa - 4 - azatricyclooctacos - 18 - ene - 2 , 3 , 10 , 16 - tetraone or 17 - ethyl - 1 , 14 - dihydroxy - 12 -- 1 - methylvinyl ]- 23 , 25 - dimethoxy - 13 , 19 , 21 , 27 - tetramethyl - 11 , 28 - dioxa - 4 - azatricyclooctacos - 18 - ene - 2 , 3 , 10 , 16 - tetraone , into the fine particles generally called microspheres which arc made of biodegradable polymer . this preparation , when , for example , given by injection , appreciably improves the transferance of said macrocyclic compound into the blood . further , this is also used as an agent suitable for topical administration .
a method of manufacturing a heterogeneous composite includes the steps of providing a first constituent and a second constituent , wherein the first constituent is porous or capable of developing pores when under hydrostatic pressure , and the second constituent comprises a solid having thermoplastic properties ; positioning the second constituent relative to the first constituent and coupling energy into the second constituent to cause at least portions of the second constituent to liquefy and to penetrate into pores or other structures of the first constituent , whereby the first constituent is interpenetrated by the second constituent to yield a composite ; and , causing an irreversible transition at least of the second constituent to yield a modified composite .
a drug delivery medical device such as a gastrointestinal stent comprises a support 1 which has an outer cover or coating 2 . the cover or coating comprises a plurality of patches or tiles 3 of a polymeric material which contain a drug . the patches 3 form a continuous or discontinuous mosaic . the patches may be held together using a biodegradable adhesive .
the present invention relates to a plasticizer , which is fabricated by mixing monomers of biodegradable polymer with bio - molecules subsequently to deal the mixture with thermal treatment . the biodegradable material comprising the plasticizer has high melt index which is contributive for the processing of thermal processing , and the microwave - tolerance and water - resistance of the material makes the material suitable for food packaging .
a process for inhibiting symptoms of a subject with celiac disease is provided that includes administration of monoclonal -, or polyclonal -, monomeric , dimeric , or polymeric iga . joining secretory component to the iga limits oral administration degradation . formulating agents are mixed with the monomeric , dimeric , or polymeric iga to yield a dosing form of a capsule , tablet , and a suppository . the therapeutic is amenable to enrobement directly through microencapsulation or the dosing form is coated with an enteric coating .
this invention concentrates on making squeeze - to - open self - closing devices for small hand held plastic bags with or without reclosable closures ; having bag openings limited to under 4 inches for possible grasping of opposing ends of the bag opening for squeezing , by the same hand holding said plastic bag ; for bags wider than 4 inches cater - cornering the 4 inches and under said plastic bag is possible ; when reclosable closures are used they can be made with a tamper evident shipping seal thereby eliminating the need for conventional off - set lip and ridges made for gripping and easier opening , along with the usual single or double track seals at the bag outlet top portion . a small hand held pill box or container is offered for fabrication ; using only two separate male and female ribbons extruded from conventional extrusion profiles ; cut to predetermined lengths ; superimposed and aligned for seal welding respective edges for shaping a cylindrical container bottom for up - right standing .
a method and a mold for manufacturing a component for a wind turbine are provided . the method includes the steps of a ) laying a fiber material onto a mold , b ) attaching the fiber material to the mold and / or to a core of the component using staples , c ) infiltrating the fiber material with a resin , and d ) curing the resin to form the component . the method may further include wherein the fiber material is attached to a flexible mold part into which the staples are driven . the method may still further include wherein the flexile mold part is made of a polymer material . the method is advantageous in that a lack of consolidation of the component is prevented or reduced .
the present application is generally directed towards polyacrylonitrile — based , amphophilic graft copolymers , for example , for the production of membranes for liquid filtration . in one aspect , the present invention provides systems and methods for preparing high flux , fouling resistant nanofiltration membranes whose pore size can be readily tuned . in some cases , microphase separation of a graft copolymer comprising a backbone comprising polyacrylonitrile and hydrophilic side - chains is used . in some cases , nanochannels of tunable width are formed , which may give the membrane permselective properties and / or anti - fouling character . in some cases , a copoylmer may be used as an additive in the immersion precipitation casting of ultrafiltration or microfiltration membranes . in certain instances , the additive can segregate to the membrane exterior and / or pore surfaces , e . g ., due to favorable interactions between the hydrophilic side chains and the surrounding environment , which may create a surface that resists fouling , e . g ., by biological molecules .
a corrosion proof pressure transducer for measuring exhaust gas pressure includes a chip with a semiconductive diaphragm , electronics , and conductive pads thereon ; with leads sonically bonded to the pads . to preclude degradation of the transducer by internal combustion engine exhaust gases , the chip may have a thin glass passivation layer , a vacuum deposited polymeric coating and a layer of gel , thereon .
processes are provided for coating the surfaces of objects with hyaluronic acid , its derivatives or other natural or semisynthetic polymers , for applications in the fields of surgery , health care and diagnostics . the processes make it possible to bind such polymers in a stable manner to the surfaces of objects made of a wide range of materials . surfaces treated according to the processes are characterized by a high degree of wettability , and are able to inhibit the adhesion of cells or bacteria present in the biological fluids .
the performance of natural rubber based products , such as engine mounts which are susceptible to degradation caused by heat , oxidation , ozone attack or ultraviolet radiation is significantly improved by coating exposed surfaces of the product with a polymeric material having excellent heat and oxidation resistance properties . by applying such polymeric coatings having high resistance towards oxidation under excessive heat , the c ═ c bonds of the natural rubber are protected from oxygen and ozone attacks , thereby allowing its strain - crystallization characteristic properties to be retained .
the composition as described serves for in vivo cartilage repair . it basically consists of a naturally derived osteoinductive and / or chondroinductive mixture of factors or of a synthetic mimic of such a mixture combined with a nanosphere delivery system . a preferred mixture of factors is the combination of factors isolated from bone , known as bp and described by poser and benedict . the nanosphere delivery system consists of nanospheres defined as polymer particles of less than 1000 nm in diameter in which nanospheres the combination of factors is encapsulated . the nanospheres are loaded with the mixture of factors in a weight ratio of 0 . 001 to 17 % , preferably of 1 to 4 % and have a release profile with an initial burst of 10 to 20 % of the total load over the first 24 hours and a long time release of at least 0 . 1 per day during at least seven following days . the nanospheres are composed of e . g . - lactic acid / glycolic acid )- copolymer . the loaded nanospheres are e . g . made by phase inversion . the composition is advantageously utilized as a device comprising any biodegradable matrix in which the nanospheres loaded with the factor combination is contained .
a collapsible steering column assembly comprising a mounting structure , the mounting structure comprising a first part for connecting to the body of a vehicle and a second part for connecting to part of a steering mechanism , the first and second parts being interconnected to permit relative movement therebetween as the assembly collapses , wherein : one of the first or second parts comprises a slot , the slot comprising a pocket and a channel defined by two opposing sidewalls , each sidewall being the outer edge of a deformable structure ; the other of the first or second parts comprises a lug , the lug extending into the pocket when the assembly is in a non - collapsed state and being configured to be driven through the channel to cause plastic deformation of the deformable structure as the assembly collapses ; and the assembly comprises a re - enforcement that limits the plastic deformation of the deformable structure during the collapsing stroke to regions of the deformable structure adjacent to regions of the channel through which the lug has passed .
the present invention provides an absorbable barrier membrane for guided tissue regeneration which is useful for regeneration of animal tissues , including those of humans , the absorbable barrier membrane being superior in heat stability , processability , reproducibility , storage stability , bioabsorbablity , and tissue regeneration effects , and further provides a method for regeneration , using the absorbable barrier membrane , of a mandible , periodontal tissue , or defective tubulous bone , and particularly a defective tubulous bone which possesses a segmental bone defect in which both ends of the bone are in separate segments . the above objects are attained by an absorbable barrier membrane for use in guided tissue generation , comprising a lactic copolyester in which a polymerization catalyst is deactivated , as an essential component .
the present invention relates to a method of immobilizing proteins on a polymeric matrix by means of plasma activation and an apparatus and process for the use of such material . the protein mixture is applied to the surface of the polymeric matrix with or without the addition of a crosslinking agent . if is then placed into a plasma generator , wherein the functional groups on both the protein and the matrix molecules are activated to form free radicals . upon returning from their high energy state , the free radicals form covalent bonds between the proteins and between the protein and the polymeric matrix . using this method , the proteins are nonspecifically immobilized on the surface of the polymeric matrix . the method can be utilized to immobilize proteins on the surface of polymeric membranes , polymeric beads , polymeric tubes and polymeric plates . the immobilized protein has high biological activity and stability .
a manufacturing method of biodegradable net - shaped articles includes : preparing a biodegradable mixture ; granulating the mixture into plastic grains ; baking the plastic grains in an oven at 60 ° c . to 70 ° c . for 3 to 4 hours ; melting and extruding the plastic grains by a screw - type extruder so as to obtain a net - shaped preform ; and cooling and thereby finalizing the net - shaped preform in a cooling bath at 15 ° c . to 30 ° c . so as to obtain the net - shaped article .
the invention relates to a method which is used to operate an injection molding machine for processing plastics , which has a mold closing unit for opening and closing an injection mold having at least one mold cavity in order to produce an injection molded part , an injection molding unit for plasticizing and injecting new plasticizable material into the mold cavity , and a control system for operating the injection molding machine . stored in the control system is expert knowledge about the operation of the injection molding machine and the peripheral devices of the latter which may possibly be present and about the production of injection molded parts using injection molding technology , in order to produce an injection molded part using interactive contact as needed by an operator by using injection molding parameters . the fact that , in further steps , information about the component or the mold cavity is provided to the control system means that the plant and process parameters required for the production of the injection molded part can be calculated by the control system before the first injection molded part is produced , such that an alternative procedure for the operator - friendly setting of a machine for processing plastics is made available .
it is described a new method for the preparation of pharmaceutical tablets carrying poorly soluble in water principle ; this method allows to obtain tablets with fast and / or slow release of the active principle . the peculiar feature is the fact that the poorly soluble in water active principle is treated with a surfactant , during the granulation phase or whatever during the preparation process ; the obtained product , subjected to a compression , produces pharmaceutical tablets which show high bioavailability of the carried active principle . this procedure can be used to prepare polymeric matrixes , formed by tablets with one or more layers . the procedure of manufacture and the characteristics of the new finished tablet are described .
a coextruded multilayer film includes a layer of a vinylidene chloride copolymer , and a layer of ethylene vinyl alcohol copolymer . the coextruded film has high oxygen barrier properties under both high and low humidity conditions .
an apparatus for converting thermoplastic waste material into a commercial - grade granular material wherein the waste material is introduced into a chamber containing a rotating cutter which shreds and frictionally heats the thermoplastic material which is thereafter cooled by cooling water added to the material while the cutting operation continues . the cooling water or vapor is then withdrawn or exhausted from the container under negative pressure leaving the granular material dry . also , solvents are removed from the material . the cutter blade may include baffle bars which provide frictional heating surfaces for heating the thermoplastic waste material .
disclosed is a method for modifying naturally occuring biocompatible biopolymers of plant and animal origin by subjecting same to ionizing radiation in the presence of a mediating gas , typically acetylene to enable one to selectively enhance and modify one or more of the physiochemical propserties of the starting materials which have a wide range of uses in medicine , food technology and other industrial applications . notwithstanding the modifications , the biocompatibility of the biopolymer remains unchanged and no new or additional functional groups are introduced into the starting biopolymer .
a sound - absorbing shield device for use in a vehicle door comprises a sheet of sound - absorbing material and a thin sheet of polymer film . a first face of the polymer film is attached to the sound absorbing material and a plurality of apertures extending through the polymer film from the first face thereof to a second face thereof opposite the first face . each aperture is bounded by a hollow protrusion extending from the second film face , whereby the apertures and protrusions cooperate to form a barrier against moisture or other environmental contamination while admitting acoustic energy therethrough into the sound absorbing material .
apparatus and method for removing an ink image from a plastic substrate , particularly a plastic container such as a cup , are provided . a solvent capable of solvating the ink image is utilized in order to de - ink articles so that they can be recycled and re - imprinted thereby reducing waste associated with printing line start up . as the articles may be intended for use with food and beverage products , a safe and non - toxic solvent may be selected . however , to ensure that the article is not contaminated with foreign materials prior to human use , the de - inked article may undergo a rinse and drying operation to remove solvent residues and uv light treatment to eliminate any harmful microorganisms that may be present on the article &# 39 ; s surfaces .
a textile barrier apparatus includes an inner layer comprising an aqueous super absorbent polymer composition and first and second outer textile layers attached to opposite sides of the inner layer . a landfill version includes an odor neutralizer , a biocide and / or a nutrient to support vegetation . a fire barrier version has the first and second outer textile layers including water permeable membrane and a fire retardant treatment . a planting groundcover version includes a patterned thickness of sap corresponding to a planting pattern and a nutrient to support vegetation .
a hydrogel - metal assembly is provided . an intervening polymer network is used to bond together a water - swollen hydrogel layer and a biocompatible surface - modified metallic layer . the hydrogel layer is a water - swollen hydrogel layer of at least two interpenetrating polymers . the surface of the biocompatible surface - modified metallic layer is surface - modified with an inorganic material . the intervening polymer network has been chemically grafted to the inorganic material of the biocompatible surface - modified metallic layer through bi - functional linker molecules . the intervening polymer network is further physically or chemically cross - linked with the polymers of the water - swollen hydrogel . the hydrogel - metal assembly can be adapted to form a medical device , medical implant , an artificial implant , an orthopedic implant , or at least as part of a joint . the hydrogel - metal assembly is attractive for use as such implants or devices due to its characteristics such as , for example , low coefficient of friction , impact - absorption capacity or strength , and / or biocompatibility .
a method of utilizing a food cutting guide that has a base having a circular first and circular second planar surface . the guide has a plurality of grooves formed in at least one of the planar surfaces and at least one centering guide formed on the at least one of the planar surfaces to facilitate cutting equal size slices and / or sections of food . a wider angled guide groove is formed at the end of each of the plurality of grooves . at least one centering groove / mark is concentric about an intersection of the plurality of grooves to center a pizza or food item . the cutting guide comprises at least one handle . a guide material comprises food safe and / or nsf approved plastic , wood and plastic composites , bamboo , wood , ash , hickory , oak , walnut , maple , purple heartwood , chestnut , cherry ; plastic , porcelain , metal , stone , wood composite materials , glass , porcelain , bamboo , recycled paper composite , countertop material , plastic composite materials , and food safe materials ; wherein the cutting guide first and second planar surfaces have enough friction so that protrusions are not necessary to stabilize the equal size slices and / or sections of food during cutting .
in a process for manufacturing degradable cigarette filters wherein adhesive is applied to at least one longitudinal edge of the plug wrap paper , a bond is made while the adhesive is molten and the resultant bond is held in compression for sufficient time to prevent bond movement , the improvement which comprises , using as the adhesive , from about 20 to 60 % by weight of an intermediate or high ds starch ester having from about 2 to 18 carbon atoms in the ester component and a ds of from about 0 . 3 to 2 . 5 , 5 to 40 % by weight of a polar wax , 5 to 50 % by weight of a plasticizing diluent , 0 to 25 % by weight of a compatible tackifier and 0 to 3 % by weight of an antioxidant .
a method and apparatus for applying nail tabs to roofing and building cover materials involving the steps of depositing tab material onto the surface of the roofing or building cover material , during or after its manufacture , resulting in a plurality of nail tabs from a lamination roll , and bonding the tabs to the surface of the material by pressure between the lamination roll and said surface . the method also encompasses depositing the tab material or pre - formed tads by a pressure roll in contact with said surface . the tabs preferably ate made substantially of a polymer material and may be hardened or cured by ultra - violet or visible light . the tabs may also be pre - formed and have adhesive backing .
a sheet of polymer material is secured between a pair of clamping members . the sheet is directed through a localized heated region to provide a localized heated portion of said sheet . a first one of said clamping members is pulled away from the second clamping members to stretch said sheet and create from the localized heated portion of said sheet a neck - down region . the neck - down region separates providing a pair of neck - down region portions and a reduced thickness portion or stretched portion of the sheet between said neck - down region portions . one of said neck - down regions propagates along unstretched portions of the sheet as the movable clamping member moves away from the fixed clamping member while the other neck - down region remains adjacent the fixed member . this propagating neck - down region portion of the sheet is kept within the localized heated region by moving the localized heated region at a rate related to the rate which unstretched material of the sheet is fed into the neck - down region portion . while the neck - down region portion is maintained within the localized heated region , an electric field is applied to the neck - down region portion to polarize the film .
this invention harvests nanocomposite which enable targeted delivery of antibiotics . biodegradable and biocompatible polymer such as diethylaminoethyl - cellulose are used in combination with iron , which contributes its magnetic characteristics to the nanocomposite . the nanoparticles produced could be used as carriers for releasing chloramphenicol at the targeted site for sustained release .
the present invention solves the problems left unaddressed by the prior known processes by providing a method to produce foamed - thermoplastic films of sufficient strength for use in consumer trash - bag applications utilizing high strength thermoplastic resins . most broadly , the present invention comprises a blown - film bag formed from a material comprising a matrix of foamed polyolefin - based film and gaseous cells formed from a foaming agent .
a method and apparatus for the continuous processing of polymers and , more particularly , a method and apparatus for the continuous dilution of solutions of long - chain polymers by successive or multiple recycling without degrading of the polymers .
nanoporous polymers with gyroid nanochannels can be fabricated from the self - assembly of degradable block copolymer , polystyrene - b - poly , followed by the hydrolysis of plla blocks . a well - defined nanohybrid material with sio 2 gyroid nanostructure in a ps matrix can be obtained using the nanoporous ps as a template for the sol - gel reaction . after subsequent uv degradation of the ps matrix , a highly porous inorganic gyroid network remains , yielding a single - component material with an exceptionally low refractive index .
in one embodiment , a method of modifying a surface of a membrane includes exposing the surface to an impinging atmospheric pressure plasma source to produce an activated surface , and exposing the activated surface to a solution including a vinyl monomer . in another embodiment , a method of manufacturing a desalination membrane includes treating a surface of the membrane with an impinging atmospheric plasma source for an optimal period of time and rf power , and exposing the surface to an aqueous solution containing a vinyl monomer . in another embodiment , an apparatus includes a membrane having a surface , and polymer chains terminally grafted onto the surface of the membrane .
novel single film bipolar membranes , of substantially improved efficiency and durability , i . e . having an ion selectivity above 80 % in an electrolyte medium of about one mole , are prepared from pre - swollen films containing a relatively high amount , i . e . at least 15 % of an insoluble cross - linked aromatic polymer . under controlled conditions , high dissociable cationic - exchange groups are chemically bonded to the aromatic nuclei to a desired depth of the film from one side only ; subsequently , highly dissociable anion - exchange groups are chemically bonded to the unreacted aromatic nuclei on the other side of the film . the functionalized , densely structured single film ion exchange membrane undergoes negligible degradation , is blister free , and is uniquely suited for electrodialysis particularly water - splitting operations due to its low electrical resistance and low salt leakage . the membrane operates with improved current efficiencies at both high electrolyte concentrations and high current densities , for time periods not previously achievable .
n - halamine biocidal materials and coatings are provided . monomeric oxazolidinones or hydantoins are homopolymerized or copolymerized with other monomers so as to produce materials or coatings , which upon exposure to solutions of chlorine or bromine become biocidal . the biocidal materials and coatings are effective at inactivating microorganisms upon surface contact and are regenerable following loss of efficacy upon further exposure to solutions of chlorine or bromine . surfaces which could be treated with the materials and coatings include , but are not limited to : glass , plastic , metals , fibers , and wood for use in pool and tank liners , food wrappers , catheters , paints , tiles , shower walls , fabrics , sterile bandages , pipes , medical and dental coatings , preservatives , and the like .
composite moulded rubber or plastic articles , each comprising two distinct parts separately formed by injection moulding of different materials and subsequently joined together by vulcanizing or the like , are produced in a dual purpose apparatus that simultaneously moulds two separate parts and bonds together two previously moulded parts .
a catcher device is provided for a continuous ink jet printer of the kind for generating a row of parallel selectively charged drop streams catches charged ink drops . the catcher device combines the attributes of two different materials , specifically a polymer and a metal , and two different processes , to eliminate high cost , material limitations , and geometry constraints associated with prior art catcher constructions .
prophylactic devices are made in an inert atmosphere by cooling mandrels on which the devices are to be deposited , dipping the mandrels into a polymeric material in a solvent / carrier and a mold release agent , rotating the mandrels during and after the dipping , and evaporating the solvent after dipping . the apparatus includes an air lock between a section in which these functions are performed and a section located in an air atmosphere for removing the devices from the mandrels , followed by cleaning the mandrels for use in a subsequent production run for making devices .
a propylene polymer composition stabilized against oxidative degradation comprising 100 parts by weight of a propylene polymer , 0 . 001 to 5 parts by weight of a poly composed substantially of monomeric units represented by the following formula ## str1 ## wherein r 1 represents a hydrogen atom or a tertiary butyl group , and 0 . 001 to 5 parts by weight of a dialkylthiodipropionate represented by the following formula s -- c . sub . 2 h . sub . 4 coor ). sub . 2 wherein r represents an alkyl group containing 10 to 20 carbon atoms .
this invention relates to a process for the preparation of silicious polymeric materials and their use in the separation of fluids in the gaseous phase , wherein the materials are obtained through three basic procedures : polymerization of monomeric substances in the presence of high purity submicroscopic silica particles in which the polymerization of the monomers can be followed by a deactivation reaction with silylating agent ; addition of high purity submicroscopic silica particles to monomeric substances , and coupling regents , which will react with surface hydroxyl groups on the silica and a polymer or monomers which are forming a polymer in the reaction medium ; through dispersion of the high purity submicroscopic particles in plymeric organic substances . the materials obtained in this invention are solid , usually white , highly porous , of relatively high surface area , thermally stable and have good mechanical strength , and when used as a packing material in a gas chromatographic column provide excellent results with respect to permeability , efficiency , and selectivity .
a plastics material variable diameter tubular structure for a biomedical use has a diameter which increases as the structure is subjected to an inner force , and returns to a starting diameter in a rest condition of the structure , the tubular structure being advantageously used for making a body of a vascular introducer device .
an enhanced recovery method that optimizes the stages of pumping , transport and surface treatment of the production effluent , during which a sweep fluid having at least one polymer so as to displace hydrocarbons towards a production well is injected into a reservoir , the resulting production effluent having hydrocarbons is collected through the production well , and a degradation agent for a polymer within the sweep fluid is injected into the effluent .
durable , weather and an insect - resistant railway ties are fabricated by the co - extrusion into a die of at least one mixture comprising asphalt binder and aggregate and recycled plastic , optionally strengthened by fillers such as glass fiber or kevlar .
an anti - staining , antibacterial dentifrice comprises an anti - staining effective amount of an orally acceptable polymer or copolymer that comprises a plurality of monomeric groups of formula wherein one of a and a ′ is hydrogen and the other is a moiety n m , n in individual such moieties is independently 0 or 1 , linking groups x if present independently comprise an oxygen , sulfur , nitrogen , phosphorus or silicon atom , where n is 0 , m is 1 , and where n is 1 , m is independently an integer from 1 to 3 as determined by x , terminal groups r are independently hydrogen or c 1 - 18 organic radicals , and m and m ′ are independently selected from hydrogen , alkali metal and ammonium ; said polymer or copolymer having an average molecular weight of at least about 1 , 000 . the dentifrice further comprises an antibacterial effective amount of an orally acceptable halogenated diphenylether antibacterial agent , and an antibacterial enhancing effective amount of an orally acceptable polyvinylmethylether / maleic anhydride copolymer .
the present invention relates to a biochip comprising an electrode having a titania coating layer on its surface ; an organic coupler comprising two or more carboxylic acid groups and capable of transporting electrons ; and bioactive molecules , wherein the organic coupler is covalently bonded to a hydroxyl group of titania on the electrode surface through one carboxylic acid group , and to the bioactive molecules through other one or more carboxylic acid groups , a method for analyzing target molecules using the biochip , a method for diagnosing the development of diseases using the biochip , an electrode provided with a titania coating layer on its surface to which an organic coupler , comprising 2 or more carboxylic acid groups and capable of transporting electrons , is bound , wherein the organic coupler is covalently bonded to a hydroxyl group of titania on the electrode surface through one carboxylic acid group , and a method for preparing the electrode provided with a mesoporous titania coating layer , the method comprising coating a mixed solution of a titania precursor and a template polymer on the top of the electrode , and calcinating the coated electrode under an air flow condition .
a container having a container body , a thermic module at one end of the body , and a closure at the other end of the body initiates an internal exothermic chemical reaction to heat its contents when auser actuates the thermic module . a plastic thermic module body is spin - welded to a plastic container body by rotating one relative to and in contact with the other . the container body has multiple layers , including an inner layer such as a so - called oxygen barrier layer that inhibits oxidation and spoilage of the contents , and spin - welding the container body to the module body seals the otherwise - exposed oxygen barrier layer against air or moisture intrusion . the container includes a rotatable cover adhered to the container end over the closure with heat - sensitive adhesive that prevents a user from accessing the contents until a certain temperature is reached . the thermic module further includes a seal between an inner actuator button and an outer actuator button that seals the thermic module reactants against moisture intrusion prior to use , and is punctured when the thermic module is actuated . the thermic module may also include a filter disposed in interfering relation with the thermic module vents , including a portion between the inner and outer actuator buttons , to block egress of any particles of the solid reactant or the reaction product .
a gear - type pump for thermoplastic materials including synthetic and natural polymers or resins , the pump including a housing , intermeshing gears disposed in the housing , the housing having an inlet conduit for directing bulk thermoplastic materials to the gears and an outlet conduit for movement of the material from the gears , and heater structure disposed in the housing and proximate the gears and the inlet and outlet conduits to impart heat to the material as the material flows through the pump .
an uncured polyurethane coating formed by applying polyurethane paint containing isocyanate prepolymer on a substrate is cured by a method which comprises applying a catalyst on the uncured polyurethane coating and subsequently exposing the polyurethane coating to a heating atmosphere of 60 ° to 100 ° c . by this method , the reaction of urethanation explosively proceeds and the time for curing the coating can be notably cut because the optimum catalyst for the polyurethane coating can be selected without restriction and the catalyst in a highly concentrated state can be brought into contact with the polyurethane coating .
a method for producing bacteriorhodopsin - containing microcapsules is described , which can be optically activated , having a diameter of less than 50 μm , preferably less than 10 μm , comprising an enveloping layer , which protects the bacteriorhodopsin from harmful environmental factors , while at the same time preserving the functionality thereof . in doing so , bacteriorhodopsin is suspended in a first step , in the form of pm / br patches in an aqueous medium having a ph value ranging from 6 - 9 in the presence of a water - retaining polymer , and said suspension is spray - dried to form a powder , or is dried in an aliphatic solvent using low steam pressure and subsequent dehydration to form a powder . in a second step , the powder obtained in this way is provided with an envelope , which is substantially completely translucent to light in the visible range and made of a polymer and / or a paraffin having a solidification point ranging between 45 ° c . and 65 ° c . and / or a carnauba wax having a melting range of 70 - 90 ° c . furthermore , such microcapsules are described , and uses of such microcapsules .
a hot melt adhesive composition can be made using a polyester derived from 2 - hydroxy - propanoic acid . a biodegradable / compostable thermoplastic resin can be formulated into a hot melt adhesive using a lower molecular weight material as a tackifying resin . the adhesive material can be made pressure sensitive and can be made entirely biodegradable by combining the polyester polymer with other biodegradable / compostable ingredients . the biodegradable / compostable adhesive material can be used as a substitute for non - biodegradable materials made from commercial polymers that resist attack by bacteria , fungi and other microbial populations . the resulting adhesive composition can be used in a variety of applications such as packaging and for the manufacture of disposable articles which are made from degradable materials . the entire disposable article can be made from adhesives and structural materials that are fully biodegradable / compostable .
a body assembly of a motor vehicle comprises an outer body structure of a motor vehicle , an interior member disposed between the outer body structure and a passenger compartment at a predetermined distance from the outer body structure , and an inner member comprising a moisture vapor permeable metalized composite sheet comprising a sheet layer having first and second outer surfaces and at least one multi - layer coating on said first outer surface of the sheet layer , the multi - layer coating comprising a first metal coating layer having a thickness between about 15 nanometers and 200 nanometers adjacent the first outer surface of the sheet layer and an outer organic coating layer of a composition containing a metal selected from the group consisting of organic polymers , organic oligomers and combinations thereof , having a thickness between about 0 . 2 micrometer and 2 . 5 micrometers deposited on the metal layer . the metalized composite sheet is disposed within the predetermined distance between the outer body structure and the inner member such that the first metal coating layer faces the outer body structure and the distance between the metalized composite sheet and the outer body structure is at least 6 mm . the body assembly of the invention improves the thermal efficiency of automobiles by reflecting thermal radiation in and out through the roof and / or door panel modules , without increasing the risk of moisture condensations within the modules .
an orally consumable film composition for delivering antiplaque and breath freshening benefits to the oral cavity which is rapidly dissolvable or dispersible in the oral cavity , the composition being comprised of a homogeneous mixture of a water soluble or dispersible film forming polymer and an antibacterial ester having the formula where r 1 is an alkyl chain of 1 to 8 carbon atoms , and r 2 is an alkyl chain of 6 to 30 carbon atoms and x is an anion .
a prefabricated asphalt - based waterproof roofing membrane for use in a multi - ply asphalt - based commercial roofing system , e . g . a cap sheet that forms the exposed layer of a multi - ply built - up roofing system , is manufactured at a factory to have a highly reflective non - asphalt based elastomeric top coating layer with an upper surface that meets current epa energy star requirements . preferably , a polymer primer layer is interposed between the highly reflective coating layer and an asphalt saturated and coated reinforcing substrate to keep oils and other colored components in the asphalt from exuding into the highly reflective coating layer .
an electrically conductive composition comprises a polymeric foam and carbon nanotubes . the composition has a volume resistivity of about 10 − 3 ohm - cm to about 10 8 ohm - cm . in another embodiment , an electrically conductive elastomeric composition comprises an elastomer and carbon nanotubes , and has a volume resistivity of about 10 − 3 ohm - cm to about 10 3 ohm - cm . the polymeric foams and elastomers retain their desirable physical properties , such as compressibility , flexibility and compression set resistance . they are of particular use as that articles provide electromagnetic shielding and / or electrostatic dissipation , especially for applications involving complicated geometries , such as in computers , personal digital assistants , cell phones , medical diagnostics , and other wireless digital devices , electronic goods such as cassette and digital versatile disk players , as well as in automobiles , ships and aircraft , and the like , where high strength to weight ratios are desirable .
a method for automatically loading bags of recyclable containers into a trailer . the containers of plastic bags are put onto a conveyor , which delivers them to a loader having a ram to push the bags of containers into the trailer automatically . in a preferred embodiment , a computer assisted by electric eye sensors controls the number of strokes of the ram , and controls when the conveyor and loader is operating .
a cylindrical internally contoured sleeve - shaped attachment for a screwdriver designed to prevent the screwdriver from slipping out of a slotted head screw and thereby inflicting injury to the fingers or work piece . a cushioned end prevents any marring of the work piece . this attachment is preferably molded of clear plastic material and has no direct mechanical connection to the screwdriver .
provided is an apparatus for detecting biopolymers capable of total analysis including non - reacted samples without complicated operations such as washing . a dna probe is fixed to one of electrodes and direct current voltage is placed between the electrodes , so that it becomes possible to separate complementary strand sample dna and non - complementary strand sample dna . by analyzing from a ratio in the whole reaction system , it is possible to obtain clearer results . further , by using electrophoresis by gel together , it is possible to separate reacted samples and non - reacted samples to perform measurements therefor in the same reaction field .
wood composite articles and methods of manufacturing wood composite articles that easily can be stained by a consumer that is inexperienced in staining wood articles , to consistently provide a wood composite article that has a look of natural wood having multiple coats of professionally applied stain . to manufacture a wood composite article that has a relatively lightly colored , unfinished surface that can be consistently stained with a desired color by an inexperienced wood finisher in a very forgiving process , with few steps , it has been found that a loose mat of cellulosic fibers and binder preferably should be first manufactured having a relatively lightly colored , non - fuzzy surface . further , the pressed article , using at least 40 % by weight , preferably 100 % by weight , softwood fibers , such as pine , redwood or fir , e . g ., southern pine , should not be post - press heat treated with a tempering oil , such as linseed oil , since after press heat treating with a tempering oil darkens the surface too much to allow for the subsequent application of one or more stain compositions that can be applied easily by an inexperienced consumer . also , it has been found that one or more coatings of a pigmented wax or pigmented polymeric film - forming agent , can be easily applied to the unfinished wood composite article preferably by first applying one or more base coats from a pigmented , relatively soft wax composition and then from top coat containing a pigmented or non - pigmented harder wax composition , to achieve a professional look that can be consistently applied by the inexperienced wood finisher .
the present invention provides a resin composition and a resin molded article capable of designing to make specific properties , in particular , fuel barrier properties , consistent with impact resistance . the resin composition includes a mixture of a thermoplastic resin with fibers having lengths of from 4 to 20 mm . the fibers have melting points higher than a melting point of the thermoplastic resin or are infusible .
the invention relates to compositions that may be used as catalysts for the preparation of polymers of carbon monoxide and at least one olefinically unsaturated organic compound . the invention also relates to a process using the catalyst compositions of the invention to prepare said polymers . the process comprises contacting the monomers in the presence of a catalyst obtained from the reaction of a group viii metal compound with a bidentate phosphorus , arsenic or antimony ligand , a compound selected from the group consisting of a main group metal salt having an anion of a non - hydrohalogenic acid with a pka less than 6 , and an ether .
asphaltic compositions that are made from recycled waste building materials may include recycled plastics , provide reduced environmental impact and may be formed to meet state standards for aggregates used in asphaltic cement and other paving and construction standards .
a process of forming an image comprising imagewise - exposing , by means of a laser , a thermal recording element comprising a transparent support having thereon at least two metal layers having a melting point below about 2 , 000 ° c . and a substantially transparent , polymeric spacer layer separating each metal layer from another metal layer , thereby causing portions of each metal layer to coalesce in response to the imagewise exposure by the laser , thus forming the image .
a novel connection for a thermoplastic neck to a stub neck portion of a container , comprising a curl on the stub neck portion and a complimentary groove on the neck which cooperate to permit a portion of the neck below the curl to expand when a plug of the closure cap , which is threaded onto the neck , is inserted into the neck . the neck and neck portion have interlocking projections to prevent the neck from turning and the neck and cap having a novel thread arrangement which insures that the plug will properly enter into the neck and provide a good seal which could be frustrated if the neck was permitted to turn .
multiple conductor electrical power cords , signal transmitting wiring and cable is insulated with one or more layers or sheathing of a thermoplastic polymer composition with at least the outer layer of the composition containing contaminant resistant or combating agents that inhibit growth of biological contamination . the microbial resistant cord or wiring has particularly advantageous utility of power cords for use with appliances or electrical products in facilities that affect health , such as medical and food related facilities that require safeguarding against contaminating microorganism attack formation , or growth .
the present invention is a method to produce novel composites based on microcapsules or microspheres embedded in contiuous polymeric matrices . both non - bioerodible and erodible polymers can be used . material can be incorporated into the microcapsules or microspheres for subsequent release . in one embodiment of the present invention , spheres are homogeneously dispersed in a polymer matrix and then forced to release their contents by exposure to temperature , light or ultrasound . alternatively , polymers which degrade as a function of time or hydrolysis can be used for controlled releases . the polymer composites have completely different properties from either a continuous polymer matrix or microcapsules or microspheres and are therefore useful for a wide variety of applications . when carbon tetrachloride is the incorporated material , the film is useful as a flame retarding device . when foaming agents are used , especially uv or heat sensitive materials , gas can be evolved inside each capsul the government has rights in this invention pursuant to grant number 5 - r01 - gm26698 awarded by the department of health and human services .
an agent and method for treating biodegradable synthetic yarns fabricated from a polymer comprising lactic acid as a main component , which enable improved lubricity , cohesion , etc . to be so imparted to the biodegradable synthetic yarns that the yarns can be prevented from fuzzing and breaking at every step from spinning to down - stream step , especially at a false twisting step and improved in terms of bulkiness , providing yarns having improved mechanical properties in a stable manner . the agent of the invention comprises 0 . 1 to 30 weight % of a specific functional agent , and a lubricant and a surfactant in the total amount of 70 weight % or greater , and has a friction coefficient in the range of 0 . 04 to 0 . 35 .
the present invention relates to a system for analyzing molecular sequences , which is capable of decoding unit molecules constituting various biopolymers on a real - time basis using nanochannels . a control electrode serves to control the unit molecules passing along the channel such that the velocity of movement , arrangement , and directivity of the unit molecules can be rendered uniform . particularly , at least four probe electrodes are separately formed in the case of decoding ss - dna base molecules . each probe electrode is coated with four different types of dna base molecules to maximize detection efficiency through the interaction with complementary base molecules moving along the inside of the channel .
the present invention provides a manipulable or reconfigurable dental model system and methods for its use to model a series of tooth configurations corresponding to sequential tooth movements during an orthodontic treatment . when a patient undergoes orthodontic treatment , teeth and bite configurations are realigned in a series of stages . each stage represents a new pattern or dental configuration that will eventually lead to a proper final positioning of the entire dentition . progress from the initial configuration , through the intermediate stages and finally to the final configuration may be accomplished using any one or a combination of different dental appliances . of particular interest to the present invention , many of these appliances may be made using a dental mold representing the patient &# 39 ; s dental configuration . in particular , thermoformable plastic positioning appliances which fit over the patient &# 39 ; s teeth may be formed over a three - dimensional mold of the patient &# 39 ; s dentition . when successive appliances are used throughout treatment to reposition the teeth from initial to final configuration , a new mold has typically been produced to fabricate the appliance for each stage . the present invention provides an apparatus and methods which employ a manipulable or reconfigurable mold to model patient dentition and gingiva at each stage of treatment .
apparatus and method for sterilizing and encapsulating contaminated waste particularly medical implement waste in which a volume of thermoplastic compound having a melting point temperature - calibrated at a value which corresponds substantially to the temperature at which all biological contamination is rendered sterile substantially on contact , and impregnating a space containing contaminated waste items with the liquid compound and thereafter cooling the mass to its solidified phase while containing it against protrusion of any waste item . two stage treatment of the waste is effected by utilizing a second calibrated thermoplastic having a lower melting temperature in a common deformable waste container with the first thermoplastic . the container is locked in a first geometry by means of the first thermoplastic so that preliminary heating liquefies the second thermoplastic to at least partially encapsulate and sterilize successive charges of waste , while simultaneously creating additional space in the container to receive the subsequent charges of waste . when the container is heated to a final elevated temperature it is released from its initial geometry by the liquefaction of the first thermoplastic to complete the final encapsulation and sterilization process .
a system for sealing thermoplastic film includes one or more bag sealing units , each comprising a lower vacuum platen and a vacuum chamber cover adapted for sealing engagement on the platen to form a vacuum chamber . a sealing bar assembly includes a sealing bar designed for constant heated operation and a pair of cooling plates which function as heat sinks . the sealing bar assembly is pneumatically reciprocated between a raised , disengaged position and a lowered position with the sealing bar engaging the neck of a bag for hermetically sealing same . the cooling plates clamp the bag neck against a sealing support assembly . a method of sealing a thermoplastic film bag includes the steps of placing a packaging object in a thermoplastic bag and placing the bag on a cradle with the bag neck extending over a bag support assembly . a . vacuum chamber cover is placed on the platen and evacuated to form a vacuum chamber . a sealing bar assembly melds the thermoplastic to form a sealed area across the bag neck . a cutoff knife blade severs the end of the bag beyond a sealed area , which extends across its neck .
enzyme formulations should stay active and devoid of all possible inactivation processes during transport and long - term storage . the stabilization of enzymatic activity , especially in presence of critical functional components for specialized application , has been a long - standing obstacle when stored over an extended period of time . one such obstacle is the stability of enzyme in presence of weak acids in formulation , which is often desired to efficiently break down biopolymer filtercake embedded in a carbonate matrix , in the open - hole section of a horizontal well , for hydrocarbon production . the invention comprises methods and compositions to enhance the long - term storage stability of an enzyme formulation consisting of an in - situ acid precursor system , where in - situ generated precursors are mainly ester compounds that dissociate by slow hydrolysis to generate organic acid , shifting the ph of the formulation outside the pka of the enzyme protein . the methods and compositions include the addition of high concentrations of metal halide salts , a ph control additive , and a water activity reducing agent . the methods and compositions of the invention provide a high degree of stability for enzyme formulation at long - term storage conditions .
there is disclosed an apparatus for applying top end stops to a fastener stringer chain substantially in a continuous cycle of operation , wherein a first means is provided to effect the fusing and shaping of a strip of plastic film for application to the chain and a second means is provided to effect the cutting of the chain to which the film strip has been applied in the form of a top end stop . said first and second means are arranged so that both shaping and cutting take place at the same working station without having to transfer the chain for the two different operations .
here , we present a photodegradable microparticle system that can be employed to entrap and deliver bioactive proteins to cells during culture . by using a photosensitive delivery system , experimenters can achieve a wide variety of spatiotemporally regulated release profiles with a single microparticle formulation , thereby enabling one to probe many questions as to how protein presentation can be manipulated to regulate cell function . photodegradable microparticles were synthesized via inverse suspension polymerization with a mean diameter of 22 μm , and degradation was demonstrated upon exposure to several irradiation conditions . the protein - loaded depots were incorporated into cell cultures and release of bioactive protein was quantified during the photodegradation process . this phototriggered release allowed for the delivery of tgf - β1 to stimulate pe25 cells and for the delivery of fluorescently labeled annexin v to assay apoptotic 3t3 fibroblasts during culture . by incorporating these photoresponsive protein delivery depots into cell culture , new types of experiments are now possible to test hypotheses about how individual or multiple soluble factors might affect cell function when presented in a uniform , temporally varying , or gradient manner .
a durable erosion control blanket featuring a novel synthetic fiber filler is disclosed . the erosion control blanket of the present invention addresses the need for a particularly resilient erosion control blanket through the use of a post - consumer , crimped , polyester fiber filler material . in one embodiment , the post - consumer fiber material is of polyethylene terephthalate readily available in post - consumer form from the recycling of soda bottles . in short , a preferred filler material for the blanket of the present invention would utilize recycled soda bottle material which has been converted into a crimped , highly - resilient fibrous filler . it is , thus , possible to achieve the desired physical and mechanical properties in the erosion control blanket of the present invention while conserving natural resources to some extent by using a readily available post - consumer polymer material .
improved thermoplastic adhesive liquid coatings adapted for use as a primer coating for inground pipelines , which coatings include an amphipathic metal complexing reagent in an amount effective to provide protection against cathodic disbondment , the improvement being the bonding to the thermoplastic moiety of an anhydride in an amount sufficient to provide still further protection against degradative environmental forces ; and novel protective pipewrap systems including same .
an apparatus for continuously stretching a web of thermoplastic sheet into an arcuate form of desired curvature for manufacturing laminated windshields . the apparatus comprises conventional heating rolls , but employs at least two adjustable multispoke pyramids , one hot setting pyramid and one cooling pyramid which are separated by a wall incorporating a folding bar .
process for continuously printing a plastic film includes the steps of applying to the back of the plastic film a temporary anti - sticking support , heating the assembly of the plastic film and the temporary support to a temperature such that the plastic film reaches its softening point to stick temporarily to the temporary sport , transferring by sublimation a design constituted by a sublimable ink pre - printed on a printing paper , by contact under predetermined temperature and pressure with the front of the plastic film therm - stuck to the temporary support , and cooling the assembly of the thus - printed plastic film and of the temporary support to a temperature permitting unsticking the temporary support .
a ceramic sponge made from plastic is described . because of the ease of cutting the plastic in various shapes before converting to ceramic several unique applications are possible . in case of a column packing better contact between liquid and gas is made . for an auto catalytic converter better contact between gas and catalyst is realized . by cutting in other ways a filter to remove solids is made , permitting longer use before clogging , also a scrubber to remove particulates . a rotary ceramic filter is described ; it is also a composite of fibers and ceramic which retains small particulates without excessive pressure drop upon passage of fluid through the filter . an acid resistant collector plate for an electrostatic precipitation is described .
a method for blending multiple immiscible polymers resulting in a fine morphology with good interfacial adhesion is disclosed . the method can include melt compounding more than two immiscible polymers with different viscosity ratios in the presence of more than one compatibilizer . the immiscible polymers may be chosen from a wide range of materials including but not limited to thermoplastics , elastomers , thermoplastic elastomers , fibers or composites of any of the aforementioned polymers . the compatibilizers may take the form of block copolymers , graft copolymers , random copolymers or other polymers known to reduce the interfacial tension of the immiscible polymers present in the blend . the compatibilizers may be functionalized to further reduce the size of the final morphology of the new polymer alloy . this method has been found to be advantageous in recycling commingled plastic wastes .
an expandable media filter structure is composed largely of biodegradable materials and is environmentally disposable . a plurality of pleated panels are interconnected at their edges so as to be collapsible for storage and shipping purposes but expandable for installation and use . a plurality of ribbons are ultrasonically welded to each of the panels edges , with the ribbon portions between edges being of substantially equal lengths , thereby maintaining equal spacing between the panel edges when the filter is in the expanded condition but allowing an each collapsing of the filter for storage . forming a part of the nondisposable framework for support of the disposable filter are a pair of end plates which are c - shaped in cross section for slidably receiving an end panel of the media filter therein . the depth of the c - shaped channel is sufficient to allow a plurality of the unexpended pleats to be stored therein so that a single sized filter may be used for various sizes of cabinet openings . the end plates include a pair of slots formed near their ends for attachment to a nondisposable support structure . the nondisposable support structure includes a pair of molded plastic side caps that fit over the respective ends of the filter panels and the end plates . each side cap has pair of flanges at its opposite ends which act to maintain the filter in its expanded condition when the end plates are placed in abutting position therewith . each side cap also includes a boss which fits into a respective end plate slot to hold the end plates in their installed positions within the side caps .
a recombinant gene encoding a single - chain variable fragment antibody against venezuelan equine encephalitis virus being cloned into a prokaryotic t7 rna polymerase - regulated expression vector was disclosed . a streptavidin - binding peptide sequence fused to a 6his tag is then attached downstream to the scfv gene . the recombinant fusion protein is expressed in bacteria and then purified by immobilized metal affinity chromatography . elisa and western blotting results revealed that the fusion protein not only retained vee antigen binding and specificity properties similar to those of its parent native monoclonal antibody , but also possessed streptavidin - binding activity . this discovery obviates the need for chemical biotinylation of antibodies and the risk associated with antibody denaturation and provides a stable and reproducible reagent for rapid and efficient immunoassay of vee .
a temporary stent endoprosthesis that does not require an interventional procedure for removal . the disintegrating stent is preferably made from a bioabsorbable polymer , such as by braiding polymer monofilaments into a tubular mesh shape , and the polymer has fracture initiation sites within it that promotes the disintegration of the stent into small pieces that are harmlessly transported out of the body by the vessel contents . fracture initiation sites may be created by controlling the heterogenous structure of amorphous and crystalline regions , by introducing internal or surface fracture initiation sites , or use of multiple strands with small section size .
a method attaches a liquid - repellent filter to an air vent of a resin molded article accommodating a component / electronic part . a thermal processing tip and a thermally welding tip and a molded article are provided . the thermal processing tip forms a filter attachment surface at the inlet or outlet of an air vent in a thermoplastic resin molded article . a filter fixing rib is formed around the attachment surface . the porous filter is dropped onto the filter attachment surface , and a thermal welding tip is used to melt the filter fixing rib such that the melted resin flows onto and covers a circumferential edge portion of the filter , penetrating the body of the filter . the melted resin penetrating the filter 18 and covering the circumferential edge portion of the filter are cooled to solid , whereby the filter is fixed to the filter attachment surface .
the present invention provides compositions , uses and methods thereof , for inhibiting the growth of caries - causing bacteria . the composition comprises xylitol , sodium citrate , sodium bicarbonate , anionic polymers and acceptable carrier materials . the compositions can tend to be used for treating or preventing a condition caused by caries - causing bacteria the compositions can further tend to be used in patients such as children , adolescents or patients suffering from a heightened susceptibility to toxic substances .
a method is provided for vacuum packaging a molded meat product in a cook - in bag that includes the steps of vacuum stuffing a substantially deaerated moldable meat product into a thermoplastic bag lining a cooking mold , the bag having a length greater than the mold to define a bag neck ; substantially removing any meat from the bag neck ; and then , while still under vacuum , gathering and clipping the bag neck . associated apparatus for carrying out the method is also provided .