a composite interbody device for use with spinal fusion surgery is described herein . the composite interbody device comprises a central body made from a radiolucent biocompatible polymer and metallic plates , which are placed at the superior and inferior surfaces of the central body . the metallic plates are comprised of an end plate that is adjacent to a vertebral body and an intermediate plate that is adjacent to the central body . the end plates may have one or more arrays of apertures to facilitate bone growth into the end plates to secure the interbody device within the intervertebral space . the intermediate plates may also have one or more arrays of apertures to allow the central body to bond to the end plates through compression molding , injection molding , and / or heat molding . the arrays of apertures in the end plates are not aligned with the arrays of apertures in the intermediate plates so that polymer material of the central body will not penetrate into the end plate , where bone growth is encouraged , and vice versa .
the invention relates to a polymerizable lc material with negative optical dispersion , a polymer film with negative optical dispersion obtainable from such a material , and the use of the polymerizable lc material and polymer film in optical , electrooptical , electronic , semiconducting or luminescent components or devices .
a weldable workpiece prepared by depositing on a surface of the workpiece , an absorber dye possessing strong absorption and a high extinction coefficient . the dye is deposited at a uniform density and thereby has the capacity to convert inbound radiant energy over about 0 . 1 j per square millimeter into thermal energy via vibronic relaxation and exothermic decomposition . in optical applications , the workpiece forms welds of high photopic and optical transmission . a method for preprocessing the workpiece describes steps for selecting polymers , dyes and vehicles .
in a method for producing plastic parts , which comprises the step that the plastic parts are injection - moulded by means of a moulding tool , the moulding tool is displaced after the injection - moulding together with the plastic part . an apparatus for the production of plastic parts is also described . the apparatus has an injection - moulding nozzle and a moulding tool with co - operating mould parts or halves , the tool having an open and a closed position . further , the apparatus has means for displacing each plastic part in relation to an injection - moulding position where injection - moulding takes place and means for displacing the moulding tool in the closed state together with the plastic part .
a procedure for detecting microorganisms by bioluminescence in an aqueous formulation containing an ase or hase - type polymer , which implements at least one step of dilution of the aqueous formulation . this dilution step , and notably the regulation of the dilution factor , allows the bioluminescence technique , up to now ineffective on this type of products , to be implemented . it can henceforth be used on these ase or hase - type polymers , but also on products containing them , such as a paper coating , paint , lacquer , varnish or stain .
a container for viscous materials having volatile components is constructed to have substantial transparency . the container includes a tubular housing having first and second closing structures at opposite ends . the housing may be entirely constructed of amorphous nylon , but preferably is formed as a laminate having a relatively thin inner lining of high barrier amorphous nylon and an outer sleeve of low barrier plastic , such as plyethylene terephthalate . in one embodiment the container is adapted for caulking compounds wherein the first closing structure is an end wall , nozzle and snout assembly and wherein the second closing structure is defined by a moveable piston slideably received in the housing interior . the transparent side wall of the housing and the snout are indexed whereby the snout is severed at a desired location , which determines the outlet size , and the side wall indexing is correlated to outlet size to inform the user of the length of the caulking bead that may be obtained from the contents remaining in the housing as shown by the position of the piston relative to the side wall indexing .
a method for detecting a list of known biopolymer molecules comprises : calculating , for each biopolymer , a respective list of oligomer molecules predicted to be produced by chemical processing ; calculating , for each oligomer molecule , a respective predicted chromatographic elution time period ; assigning , for each biopolymer molecule , one or more selected oligomer molecules to be detected , wherein the selecting is performed using weighted selection probabilities determined from the predicted elution times ; scheduling a plurality of oligomer detection events of a detection system , wherein each oligomer detection event corresponds to a respective one of the predicted elution time periods ; performing the chemical reaction or processing of the sample to generate a processed sample ; introducing the processed sample into a chromatographic system ; introducing any eluting oligomers into the detection system ; and operating the detection system so as to search for each of the selected oligomer molecules in accordance with the scheduled detection events .
material - handling systems are described that maximize the stability of materials , such as inks or clear overcoat materials . some of the material handling systems oxygenate the material as it moves through the material - handling systems , reducing premature polymerization of the material and / or providing a stable viscosity .
a vehicle visor includes a molded body pivotally secured to a vehicle by means of a pivot mounting bracket and a support rod . the support rod is l - shaped with a torque fitting at an end secured within the pivot bracket for movement about an axis permitting the visor to swing from the front of the vehicle to the side . the visor body is secured to an elongated section of the l - shaped rod by a pair of torque fittings permitting rotation of the visor body on the support rod . the torque fittings comprise a lubricous polymeric material molded onto the support rod to provide a predetermined torque between the fittings and the rod . the fittings are anchored within the body of the visor and the pivot bracket permitting movement of the visor along the two axes . in the preferred embodiment , the torque fittings include oppositely extending configurated flanges fitted into keyways within the visor body and pivot bracket for anchoring the rod within the visor body .
a modified medical device substrate surface designed to improve adhesion of biomimetic surfactants to the medical device surface , thus reducing the risk of thrombosis is described . the surface modification is accomplished through either an application of a tie layer of a hydrophobic material on the substrate surface intermediate the biomimetic coating or through incorporation of a hydrophobic dopant in the polymeric substrate prior to extrusion or molding . either method creates a hydrophobically modified surface that enhances the biomimetic surfactant bonding strength .
biodegradable , cross - linked polymer films and methods of making the same are described . the polymer films can be used for preventing adhesions following surgery and / or delivering therapeutic agents .
the invention relates to component parts comprised of at least two alternating layers comprising a polyphenylene ether - containing molded piece and an elastomeric thermoplastic block copolymer of the type a - b - a , wherewith a represents a styrene block and b a soft phase block ; and a method of manufacturing the same .
the present invention relates to a process for separating two or more components of a plastic material for the purposes of recycling , with particular application to purifying poly during recycling procedures . the process comprises contacting a quantity of the plastic material with one or more discrete pre - heated particles .
a process for inhibiting symptoms of a subject with celiac disease is provided that includes administration of monoclonal -, or polyclonal -, monomeric , dimeric , or polymeric iga . joining secretory component to the iga limits oral administration degradation . formulating agents are mixed with the monomeric , dimeric , or polymeric iga to yield a dosing form of a capsule , tablet , and a suppository . the therapeutic is amenable to enrobement directly through microencapsulation or the dosing form is coated with an enteric coating .
the instant invention involves the use of a combination of preparatory steps in conjunction with mass spectroscopy and time - of - flight detection procedures to maximize the diversity of biopolymers which are verifiable within a particular sample . the cohort of biopolymers verified within such a sample is then viewed with reference to their ability to evidence at least one particular disease state ; thereby enabling a diagnostician to gain the ability to characterize either the presence or absence of said at least one disease state relative to recognition of the presence and / or the absence of said biopolymer .
an aqueous liquid composition containing dihydrogen phosphate salt , sulfur containing surfactant , and preferably a small amount of phosphoric acid cleans soiled metal surfaces without damaging any plastic parts that come into contact with the composition with the composition and without supporting the growth of bacteria that cause unpleasant odors . the composition is particularly useful for cleaning unpainted aluminum sided rail transport cars that have polycarbonate housings insulating electrical contact points that provide motive electric power to the cars ; many conventional aqueous alkaline and acid cleaners promote stress cracking of polycarbonate plastics .
the present invention relates to provide an anticorrosive layer having a biomimetic surface nano microstructure and the application . the anticorrosive layer comprises a polymer and a nano - particle . both of the nano - particle and the biomimetic surface nano microstructure are required for the anticorrosive layer to effectively enhance the anticorrosive performance .
a dmfc system which realizes appropriate temperature management on a methanol aqueous solution and on a dmfc with consideration given to the activity of methanol oxidation reaction between electrodes and suppression of degradation of solid polymer films . the fuel cell system according to the present invention comprises : a fuel cell which generates electric power by using liquid fuel ; a fuel feed unit which feeds the liquid fuel to the fuel cell ; an emission recovery unit which recovers emissions from the fuel cell ; and a heat medium feed unit which feeds a heat medium for cooling the emissions to the emission recovery unit . here , the heat medium cools the fuel cell .
a multi - layered plastic body for containing , storing or conducting a medical , diagnostic , pharmaceutical , cosmetic or other product , the plastic body including a first layer made of a stress fracture resistant plastic material , and at least a second layer adjacent to the first layer and made of a plastic material exhibiting a lower resistance to stress fractures than the first plastic material . the invention encompasses a suitable method of making the body .
a high - throughput device is structured to perform a continuous - flow reaction , e . g ., a polymerase chain reaction requiring repetitive temperature control in a timely fashion .
this invention relates to a nozzle having a restriction in the form of an insert comprised of a pre - metering orifice in the nozzle that causes the emerging stream to flare out and impinge on the nozzle side walls and create turbulence to flood the nozzle and achieve a predetermined spray pattern . the premetering insert is formed to provide a non - uniform orifice length and is installed immediately ahead of the nozzle to reduce the velocity of the stream without disrupting the spraying performance of the nozzle and one or both parts are made from a plastic material such as nylon .
implants for forming a positive connection with human or animal parts include a material , such as thermoplastics and thixotropic materials , that can be liquefied by means of mechanical energy . the implants are brought into contact with the tissue part , are subjected to the action of ultrasonic energy while being pressed against the tissue part . the liquefiable material liquefies and is pressed into openings or surface asperities of the tissue part so that , once solidified , the implant is positively joined thereto . the implantation involves the use of an implantation device that includes a generator , an oscillating element , and a resonator . the generator causes the oscillating element to mechanically oscillate , and the element transmits the oscillations to the resonator . the resonator is used to press the implant against the tissue part to transmit oscillations to the implant .
method of securing a separate handle to a plastic blow - molded container , the container having a molded external flange which is not subject to stretching during the blow - molding process . the flange has a substantially flat underside face and serves as a rigid support for the handle when a substantially flat upper abutment surface of the handle is positioned against the flange . preferably , the upper end of the handle has a downwardly extending lug which is surrounded by the blow - molded sidewall of the container . the preform and handle can be brought together into position where the upper end of the handle is adjacent to the underside of the external flange by relative movement of the preform and handle towards each other along a first path which is substantially perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the preform . in addition , the handle and preform can be brought together prior to their introduction into the mold , and then introduced together into the blow mold along a second path which is also substantially perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the preform . further , the preform can be heated prior to introduction into the mold , while the handle remains unheated .
the present invention relates to a hot melt extrusion composition , a process for preparing a hot melt extruded product using the hot melt extrusion composition , a solid dispersion of decoquinate , and pharmaceutical uses of the composition and the solid dispersion of decoquinate . the hot melt extrusion composition comprises 5 to 30 % of decoquinate , 60 to 90 % of a polymeric carrier and 0 to 10 % of a surfactant . the hot melt extrusion composition can be melted into a liquid at a temperature below the melting point of decoquinate to achieve complete mixing , effectively avoiding the possible thermal decomposition of decoquinate and other components of the composition during the hot - melt process , thus retaining their original structures and pharmacodynamic activity . in the solid dispersion of decoquinate according to the present invention , the active pharmaceutical ingredient and the formulation excipients are melted into amorphous material with homogeneity , possessing improved solubility and drug releasing rate as well as enhanced oral bioavailability and efficacy .
among the conventional processes for producing solid dispersion , the solid dispersion obtained by a solvent method is excellent in terms of solubility and bioavailability of a poorly soluble drug . however , due to frequent uses of organic solvents in the solvent method , problems have arisen such as organic solvent residue in products , environmental pollution and operational safety as well as corporate problems such as capital investment and the like required to avoid such events . the present invention provides a process for preparing pharmaceutical solid preparations without use of organic solvents frequently used in conventional solvent methods . specifically , the present invention provides a process for producing a pharmaceutical solid preparation , which is formulated by spraying a solution wherein a poorly soluble drug is dissolved in a plasticizer , and an aqueous solution and / or water dispersion of a water - soluble polymer from nozzle outlets simultaneously and separately in the process for producing the pharmaceutical solid preparation .
a accessory container attachment for a paint can comprising an inexpensive plastic paint can caddy having a substantially rectangular container housing with multi - compartments adapted to fit securely to a paint can . the substantially rectangular container housing having one side thereof curved to conform to the curvature of the paint can , and attached thereto is a detachable strap member used in combination with a slot extending downwardly in the curved side for detachably securing the housing to a paint can . a plurality of various - shaped extrusions may be molded into compartments on the side walls of the housing to hold accessories such as a paintbrush , paint can top , small and tools , measuring tape and the like .
by combining a wedged cushion and specialized method for aligning a user &# 39 ; s ischial tuberosities — which increases relative lordosis in the lumbar spine and pelvis venous outflow from the lower extremities , in a sitting position by decreasing venous obstruction and enhancing flow at the femoral vein level , novel seating products are achieved which are particularly amenable to installation in combination with conventional children &# 39 ; s seating mechanisms , using seat cushions , inserts , or specialized plastic - related enhancements . proper spinal alignment , growth and sustainable posture are further possible for developing systems according to the teachings of the present disclosure .
the method of the present invention involves taking a comminuted mixture of waste plastic materials , feeding the mixture into a screw extruder capable of applying heat and pressure to the mixture ; using the screw extruder to heat the mixture to a temperature of between 350 ° and 600 ° fahrenheit ; and forcing the molten mixture outwardly through a die opening under a pressure of from 100 lbs . per sq . inch to 600 lbs . per sq . inch into a mold in tightly sealed relationship over the die opening . the mold , after being filled , is removed from the screw extruder , and the mixture is permitted to cool and harden in the mold . the hardened mixture is then removed from the mold .
a method and an apparatus for the manufacture of pipes of thermoplastics with transverse profile features comprises mold segment halves which are circulated by twos on a molding path . a conveying device of the type of a gantry crane is provided for recirculation of the mold segment halves . on a conveying bridge that bridges the molding path , provision is made for two conveying carriages , which are movable in opposite directions and crosswise of the direction of production and which have mounted on them a downward conveying arm with a holding device for a respective mold segment half . provided downstream of the downstream end of the molding path are parking positions for additional mold segment halves , those of which that are closest to the molding path being carriages which are movable out of the path of displacement of the conveying arms .
a display channel apparatus for displaying containers comprises a starter channel , a plurality of extender channels , fronts and rears . these components include a plurality of horizontally - engaging mating connectors that are preferably integrally formed , and formed without slides or pulls in the plastic molding dies , and further that have sufficient length and stiffness to provide a stable assembly after interconnection . they also facilitate quick assembly by sliding engagement on a table top . in one form , the components are laterally compressible / extendable to a selected width for receiving a particular sized product , and clips or connectors are adapted to fix the selected width . the individual components and the assembled components mate together for densely - stacked compact arrangements for storage and / or shipping . also , the components can be selectively assembled to meet individual needs and preferences , as well as broken down for reuse , refurbishing , and / or recycling .
embodiments of the present invention provide a core of individual components having properties such that a system assembled from the components absorbs the kinetic energy of a moving vehicle . the components may be interlocking components . the components may be manufactured of ceramic or polymeric composite or other materials that are strong enough to absorb the vehicle &# 39 ; s energy and help stop the vehicle safely by the system &# 39 ; s ability to crush or deform upon impact , and not so strong that it causes the vehicle to crumple against the barrier . in one particular embodiment , the components may be modified packing elements that are traditionally used in gas to liquid columns .
this invention is an improved thermoforming process and apparatus for the production of rigid plastic containers . the apparatus employs a molten sheet of thermoplastic material that is processed through two extrusion rolls , thermoformed on the periphery of a rotating form tool , mechanically ejected from the form tool conveyed to a conventional punch press where the formed articles are trimmed from the sheet then packaged for shipment . the operation of the extruder , extrusion rolls , forming wheel , mechanical ejection and trim stations are operated as a continuous , integrated system .
the present invention comprises novel preparations of polyoxypropylene / polyoxyethylene copolymers which retain the therapeutic activity of the commercial preparations , but are substantially free from the undesirable effects which are inherent in the prior art preparations . because the preparations of polyoxypropylene / polyoxyethylene copolymers which comprise the present invention are a less polydisperse population of molecules than the prior an polyoxypropylene / polyoxyethylene copolymers , the biological activity of the copolymers is better defined and more predictable .
bioabsorbable copolymers comprising ρ - dioxanone and aa - bb type polyalkylene carbonates are provided . the copolymers are useful in the fabrication of sterile surgical articles and bioabsorbable coatings for sutures and are produced from organic carbonates by way of prepolymeric synthetic intermediates .
a method of coating an article is provided . the method includes : preparing a solution including a bioactive agent and a carbon nanotube precursor ; treating the solution to form carbon nanotubes ; and applying the solution to the article . a method of producing a medical device is provided . the method includes : forming a core of the medical device with a pattern on a surface of the core and assembling a multi - walled carbon nanotube array on the pattern on the surface . the pattern on the surface may determine an orientation of the multi - walled carbon nanotube array . a method of manufacturing a medical appliance is provided . the method includes creating a mixture of a carbon nanotube precursor and a polymer and injecting the mixture into a mold . the mold forms the mixture into a shape of the medical appliance . a method of forming a nanotube tissue scaffold is provided . the method includes forming a nanotube precursor and treating the nanotube precursor to form the nanotube tissue scaffold . the nanotube tissue scaffold is electrically conductive .
the process serves for the preparation of tubular copper or copper alloy chills or ingot moulds for use in continuous steel casting system , including a first stage comprising the formation of an inclined shoulder on one end of a tubular blank having a rectilinear axis , by cold plastic deformation ; a second stage comprising shaping the said blank in such a way as to impart to it a curved form ; a third stage comprising subsequently introducing into the interior of the blank a mandrel having external shape and dimensions equal to those of the chill which it is desired to obtained ; a fourth stage comprising passing the blank through a die of a drawplate having dimensions such as to deform the material of the blank to cause the internal surface of the blank to adhere strictly to the external surface of the mandrel ; a fifth stage performed when the blank has traversed the die , comprising exerting a substantially axial force on the mandrel in the opposite direction from that exerted in the preceding stage , while one end of the blank is engaged on abutment sectors disposed beneath the die .
an apparatus for transforming plastic preforms into containers , includes at least one blow mould which forms a cavity , inside which the plastic preforms can be transformed into containers . the apparatus includes an opening and closing mechanism for opening and closing the blow mould , and a cleaning device for cleaning regions of the blow mould . the cleaning device includes at least a first cleaning element for cleaning an inner wall of the blow mould , which cleaning element is arranged at least at times outside the blow mould .
a spin welding apparatus is employed for hermetically sealing seamless overpacks . the seamless overpacks are utilized , for example , for isolating corroding 55 gallon drums which contain hazardous materials . the overpacks include a receiver which contains the 55 gallon drum and a cover which is spin welded onto the receiver . the receiver and cover have circular welding surfaces which oppose one cover which is spin welded onto the receiver . the receiver and cover have circular welding surfaces which oppose one another across a horizontal plane . the welding surfaces have a composition of heat fusible plastic . during the spin welding process , the cover is rotationally driven by the spin welding apparatus while simultaneously being forced downward onto the receiver , which is held stationary . frictional heat melts the opposing welding surfaces . after the rotational motion stops , the opposing welding surfaces cool and solidify to form a seamless weld joint . during the spin welding process , the covers are rendered susceptible to centrifugal imbalance due their large size . the resultant centrifugal imbalance can couple to other components of the system . several features serve to ameliorate this centrifugal imbalance : vibrational coupling between the receiver from the cover is minimized by the horizontal configuration of the welding surfaces ; rotational imbalance transmitted to the drive shaft is damped by pillow blocks ; the damping efficiency of the pillow blocks is enhanced by mounting the pillow blocks and the torque driver onto a linear positioning table for effecting the axial movements of the drive shaft .
there is disclosed a process of etching the surface of polymeric materials made of polymers having at least one oxidatively degradable functionality which comprises treating said surface with a solution of at least one member of the etchant group consisting of nitronium , nitrosonium ions and complexes thereof , in a solvent containing less than 40 % by weight of water and nitroacidium ions and complexes thereof . the process further comprises use of cosolvents and swellants . it also includes pre and post etching steps directed to the preparation of the surface for etching and removal of the etchant respectively .
a process of making an article of a tungsten - carbide - cobalt alloy with or without an additive of one or more of tantalum , cobalt - nickel , nickel - tantalum , tantalum - carbide , titanium - carbide , niobium - carbide , chromium - carbide , titanium - nitride and diamond dust . the method includes forming a homogeneous mixture of polygonal - shaped powder tungsten - carbide - cobalt and a polygonal - shaped powder additive and a binder including wax and a high molecular weight polyolefin polymer and injecting the mixture under heat and pressure into a metal injection mold to form a green preform of the article . the green preform is immersed in a linear hydrocarbon or a halogenated hydrocarbon or mixtures to dissolve and remove the wax and convert the green preform into a brown preform which is sintered to remove the remainder of the binder and to densify the brown preform into an article having a density not less than 98 %. various tungsten - carbide articles are disclosed .
the invention describes a coordination polymer construct for multimodal imaging and therapy . the construct consists of a core particle made of a novel coordination polymer . the core is coated with a biocompatible coating that stabilizes the particles in a physiological environment . the biocompatible coating can contain attached targeting agents , imaging agents and therapeutic agents or combinations one or more of the targeting , imaging and therapeutic agents . when administered to a subject or a subject - derived specimen , the resulting coordination polymer core - shell construct enables multimodal imaging and therapy , which improves the diagnostic and treatment outcomes of the conditions or diseases where it is administered . the invention describes the novel material , base for the construct , methods for the preparation of the said construct and its use as a multimodal imaging and therapy agent .
a device for measuring a total dose of biologically effective radiation is provided , in a specific embodiment , for measuring ultraviolet b radiation in the wavelength range of 290 - 400 nm . x - radiation and high - energy particle radiation are also measurable with this device . the device includes a sample of dna dried onto a plastic film , and the analysis method includes assaying for damage with the use of polymerase chain reaction and fluorescence techniques . the damage to the dna is correlatable with dosage via a comparison with standardized calibration data .
the invention is based on the discovery that the sequence of monomers in a polymeric biomolecule can be determined in a self - contained , high pressure reaction and detection apparatus , without the need for fluid flow into or out from the apparatus . the pressure is used to control the activity of enzymes that digest the polymeric biomolecule to yield the individual monomers in the sequence in which they existed in the polymer . high pressures modulate enzyme kinetics by reversibly inhibiting those enzymatic processes which result in a higher average activation volume , when compared to the ground state , and reversibly accelerating those processes which have lower activation volumes than the ground state . modulating the pressure allows the experimenter to precisely control the activity of the enzyme . conditions can be found , for example , where the enzyme removes only one monomer from the biomolecule before the pressure is again raised to a prohibitive level . the identity of the single released nucleotide or amino acid can be determined using a detector that is in communication with a probe in the detection zone within the reaction vessel .
a method for producing a pulley assembly intended primarily for use with the endless drive belt of a vehicle accessories drive system is provided . the method involves placing a circular metal insert having an axis and an outer substantially flat circumferential surface extending radially from the axis on a locating means , located inside a mold cavity and positioned around the outside circumference of the metal insert , for positioning the metal insert inside the mold cavity before molding and for maintaining the roundness of the metal insert during molding , and molding a plastic annular body about the metal insert . a pulley assembly produced by this method is also provided . the method of producing the pulley assembly may include modifying the outer flat circumferential surface of the metal insert prior to molding the plastic annular body about the metal insert , for clamping , structurally bonding , and resisting relative rotation between the plastic body and the metal insert .
a method for producing a multicolor heat transfer decal comprises printing specially formulated thermoplastic inks successively onto a pre - release coated carrier sheet . the inks give optimum print quality using plastic printing plates and a rotary letterpress or flexographic printing process .
the instant invention involves the use of a combination of preparatory steps in conjunction with mass spectroscopy and time - of - flight detection procedures to maximize the diversity of biopolymers which are verifiable within a particular sample . the cohort of biopolymers verified within such a sample is then viewed with reference to their ability to evidence at least one particular disease state ; thereby enabling a diagnostician to gain the ability to characterize either the presence or absence of said at least one disease state relative to recognition of the presence and / or the absence of said biopolymer , predict disease risk assessment , and develop therapeutic avenues against said disease .
there is provided a multiple - component tampon applicator formed from at least three separate components . a fingergrip having a reduced cross - section as compared to that of the barrel may be formed such that it is a separate component or is integrally formed with a barrel component . the reduced cross - section fingergrip provides exceptional grippability to the user . the multiple components may be formed from materials including , for example , biopolymer including starches and proteins , cardboard , heat shrink plastic , paper slurry , plastic , plastic tubing , pulp slurry , pulp - molded paper , or any combinations thereof . prior to assembly of the applicator and prior to loading the barrel component with an absorbent pledget , petals may be formed on the insertion end of the barrel using existing processes and equipment . alternatively , a separate insertion tip component having petals may be formed . this separate component may then be connected to the barrel component either before or after an absorbent pledget is loaded into the barrel component .
a garbage bag holder includes a base frame and a pair of side frames extending upwardly at spaced apart positions from the base frame to receive a paper bag or a plastic bag between the side frames . depending frames are suspended from the top ends of the two side frames so as to be arranged to extend downwardly only partway into a paper bag so that the particular size of the frame is not required to be critically matched to the bags being used nor does the frame become soiled by the contents of the bag . outward biasing force can be applied to the depending frames by the side frames along the full height of the depending frames to prevent any tearing at the top edges of a paper bag . alternatively , a plastic bag can be held under tension between the top ends of the side frames .
a method for preparing hydroxamic acid polymers from primary amide polymers wherein polyvinyl monomers such as polyacrylamide are reacted with hydroxyl amine in aqueous solution at room temperature . the low reaction temperature is crucial to producing a high yield of polymer with hydroxamic acid groups and having a low carboxylic acid content . the polymers display high metal affinity over a broad ph range . the polymers are particularly useful for biomedical applications due to the low carboxylic acid content and for the removal and purification of metals due to the high binding constants and rapid reaction rates .
disclosed herein is a process for the production of shaped polybenzimidazole articles which comprises forming a solvent solution of the polymer , depositing the solution on a support to form a film , removing sufficient solvent from the deposited film such that the film contains from about 10 to about 30 percent by weight of said solvent and compression molding the resulting product into a shaped article . thus , this invention provides a unique process for the forming of molded shaped articles from polybenzimidazole based polymers .
a cold rolling process for impressing a pattern on a surface of a sheet metal article involves passing the sheet article through a pair of rolls and engaging a patterning feature with isolated areas of a surface of the sheet article , at a localized pressure to plastically deform at least the surface of the sheet article . a rolling pressure is maintained on other areas of the sheet article that is less than the bulk elastic yield strength of the metal . a cold rolling apparatus is also described having a pair of rolls , each with partially cylindrical outer surfaces . the rolls have a gap between the cylindrical parts . one of the rolls has a localized surface region that is displaced relative to the surface of the roll . when the localized region is brought near the other roll , a spacing exists that is narrower than the gap . one of the rolls has a localized patterning feature that aligns with the localized surface region to impress a pattern into the sheet article . the gap allows the rolls to engage opposite surfaces of the sheet article while imparting compression less than a bulk elastic yield strength of the metal .
a novel car wash composition that significantly reduces water spotting , redeposition of soil , and inhibits the formation of hard water scale . the novel car wash composition is comprised of : a substantive polymer to render the painted surface of the car more hydrophilic , a surfactant package containing a mixture of anionic and non - ionic surfactants selected to optimize the benefits of the substantive polymer , and various fragrances , dyes , and biocides commonly found in car wash compositions .
the invention provides a method for labeling a glass , plastic or metal container or surface with a polymeric label by means of a water based adhesive composition by the following steps : selecting a polymeric label having a density of less than 0 . 9 ; applying a water based adhesive to said polymeric label to form a fastenable polymeric label ; fastening said fastenable polymeric label to a glass , plastic or metal container or surface ; and allowing said polymeric label to dry on said glass , plastic or metal surface or container .
the present application teaches a coating having a biologically compatible compound conjugated to , or blended with , a polymer , wherein the polymer includes at least one olefin - derived unit and at least one unit derived from a vinyl alcohol , an allyl alcohol , or derivatives thereof .
the present invention is an implantable cable and a process to manufacture said implantable cable . the cable is composed of a biocompatible fluoropolymer , in which biocompatible conductor wires are embedded . the entire cable is heat treated at various stages to ensure the wires are securely embedded . the cable is then undulated to enhance its pliability and flexibility . further treatment activates the outer surface of the cable , following which it may be encapsulated in silicone .
disclosed are expandable bladders for use in curing presses for rubber compositions such as pneumatic tires . the bladders are a crosslinked elastomer comprising an isobutylene rubbery polymer . the bladder composition includes corn oil which improves the release characteristics of the cured bladder from a tire innerliner cured in contact with said bladder . the improved release characteristics have been observed to allow rubber compositions such as tires to be molded with fewer defects caused during release of the bladder from the tires or caused by abraded or deformed bladders . the use of corn oil also has been observed to increase the useful life time of the bladder allowing more tires to be cured without changing bladders . a preferred isobutylene rubbery polymer is a brominated copolymer of isobutylene and p - methylstyrene . the bladder compositions have also been observed to have an enhanced flexibility due to the corn oil .
a water based coating composition for unvulcanized rubber articles that comprises a polymeric antidegradant latex , an additional emulsifier , a thickening agent , and a filler / mold release / lubricating agent . the water based coating composition is placed on an uncured rubber article prior to vulcanization and results in improved molding of the rubber article and provides a final rubber vulcanizate that possesses superior antidegradative properties .
the object of the present invention is to provide a joint prosthesis , bearing material and a production method thereof , which suppresses wear in a sliding section and suppresses the production of abrasive powder even during repeated daily operation . to achieve the object , there is provided a biomaterial comprising : a substrate made of metal , alloy or ceramic ; and a biocompatible material layer laminated on the substrate , wherein hydroxyl groups are formed on the substrate by surface - treating , while the biocompatible material layer comprises a polymer containing phosphorylcholine groups , the substrate and the biocompatible material layer are bound via a binder layer which is combined with the hydroxyl groups of the substrate and with the biocompatible material layer .
a trash receptacle lining system utilizes a roll or box of perforated or adhered plastic trash bags stored in a self cleaning bag compartment . the free end of the trash bag is received through the slotted partition into the upper portion of the receptacle . this allows a new trash bag liner to be conveniently installed upon removal of a filled trash bag . the slotted opening is raised to reduce waste fluid contamination of the trash bags and has bristles mounted thereon to remove any solids from the outside of the trash bags .
a tool assists a user to open a frozen car door without causing damage to the car door or door frame . the tool can be carried on a key ring so as to be readily available to the user . the tool can be made in a hook shape with smooth edges and with a resin or plastic material that will not damage the vehicle like a conventional metal screwdriver may cause .
a package for oxygen sensitive goods is made using a barrier material , an oxygen scavenging system , and a polymeric base which is reactive with the by - products of oxygen scavenging . such packages demonstrate improved product quality .
a coiled section of a plastic sheathed stub cable is placed on a support which is orbited about a longitudinal axis of a straight section of the stub cable . the straight section of cable is positioned coaxially within an aperture formed in a casing part which is mounted in a rotating nest . the juncture between the apertured casing and the cable sheath is heated , whereafter a bead of bonding material is extruded around the juncture . a molding die is moved onto the extruded bead to force portions of the bead into the juncture to form a homogeneous weld with the cable sheath and casing parts while uniformly shaping the remaining portions .
novel membranes comprising various polymers containing heterocyclic nitrogen groups are described . these membranes are usefully employed in electrochemical sensors , such as amperometric biosensors . more particularly , these membranes effectively regulate a flux of analyte to a measurement electrode in an electrochemical sensor , thereby improving the functioning of the electrochemical sensor over a significant range of analyte concentrations . electrochemical sensors equipped with such membranes are also described .
a composite wheel using preheaded spokes insertable in a rim , a hub notched to receive and position the spokes and two plastic resin hub inserts compressively mating with the hub so as to secure the spokes therebetween . a method of assembly is also described .
a fluid collection container for retention of leaked automobile fluids is thermally bonded to the traffic lane surface adjacent to a drive up service point . the shallow , rectangular basin is formed of a thermoplastic material which is impervious to automotive fuels and lubricants , and resistant to wear and degradation by the environment . the container is formed of multiple thermoplastic components which are assembled during installation on the traffic lane surface . these components include a base sheet which provides the bottom surface of the container , side walls , and end walls . the outer edges of the end walls may be tapered during installation to remove any abrupt discontinuities in the traffic lane surface . the leaked fluids are retained within the container until removed in compliance with local laws and codes . a method of installing the container on a traffic lane surface adjacent to a drive up service point is described .
a continuous spectrophotometric assay monitors the release of colored cellulose oligosaccharides during the cellulase catalyzed hydrolysis of dyed crystalline cellulose preparations . an anthraquinone derivative , remazol brilliant blue r - salt , is used to uniformly dye a variety of cellulose biopolymers without altering their respective polysaccharide conformations . the increase in dye absorbance of a cellulose filtrate is a direct measure of the total concentration of carbohydrates formed and the cellulase activity . the continuous cellulase assay has specific utility in the study of cellulase kinetics and in comparing the cellulase activities of different microorganisms .
the present invention refers to new microspheres including pancreatic enzymes , pharmaceutical compositions containing them , and a process to obtain them . the process here described doesn &# 39 ; t involve the use of solvents and proves to be remarkably shorter and efficient than the producing methods of the prior arts . the microspheres obtained , including one or more pancreatic enzymes , one or more hydrophilic low - melting polymers and eventual excipients , have an high enzymatic activity , bio - availability and stability .
the invention provides compounds of formula : and salts thereof , wherein x and y have any of the values defined herein . the compounds inhibit bacterial rna polymerase , inhibit bacterial growth , and have applications in , analysis of rna polymerase structure and function , control of bacterial gene expression , control of bacterial growth , antibacterial chemistry , antibacterial therapy , and drug discovery .
a pharmaceutical formulation comprising a solid matrix of one or more biodegradable polymers , the solid matrix including a pharmaceutically active substance or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof distributed homogeneously or substantially homogeneously within the matrix ; wherein the pharmaceutically active substance is , for example , a gonadotropin releasing hormone , a gnrh agonist or a gnrh antagonist .
method for comminuting and cleaning waste plastic , in particular , mixed plastic with the following steps : a compacted material , especially , an agglomerate is produced from film scraps or film remnants comminuted into flakes and / or thick - walled plastic parts chopped up into chips , the compacted material is introduced into a disc or drum refiner and is ground therein in the presence of water , wherein the portion of compacted material of the goods located in the refiner amounts to at least 10 percent by weight , a fine grain fraction is removed from the ground stock exiting from the refiner , the remaining ground stock is washed and either mechanically dewatered and dried , or pulverized again in a further refiner stage in the presence of water , and subsequently dewatered and dried .
the present invention provides an antibacterial artificial nail composition which can form a cured article having an antibacterial effect by applying the composition on a surface of a natural nail or an artificial nail and polymerizing the composition , using an artificial nail technique of forming a cured article on a natural nail or an artificial nail . disclosed is an antibacterial artificial nail composition comprising a compound having at least one radical polymerizable unsaturated double bond and an antibacterial group in the molecule and / or an antibacterial filler , a compound having at least one radical polymerizable unsaturated double bond in the molecule , and a polymerization initiator .
a controlled release fertilizer including a fertilizer granule , having an outer surface , a coating of biopolymer composition on the outer surface of the fertilizer granule , wherein the biopolymer composition includes at least one biopolymer , and a process of making the controlled release fertilizer including the steps of screening fertilizer granules to a preselected granule size , heating a biopolymer to become substantially fluid , and applying the biopolymer onto the surface of the fertilizer granule to produce a coating on the granule of a predetermined amount .
a respirator harness of polymeric components and elastic straps can be made in a 2 - part injection mold in a single step . the elastic straps can have superior resistance to pull - out when secured to each polymeric component by a cage that is intergral with the polymeric component , and the cage has at least one transverse rib that is fused to the elastic strap and around which the strap is stretched .
a product having a textured surface thereon is disclosed wherein the textured surface is obtained by relieving the stress in pre - stressed polymeric chips that have been distributed as a single layer throughout a polymeric layer superimposed on a substrate .
an amide / olefin polymeric film laminate suitable for packaging , water cooking , and storing food within the package is prepared by coextruding polyamide and polyolefin layers to form a laminate and then cross - linking the laminate by irradiation . prior art polyolefin / polyamide laminates delaminate readily when subjected to agitation in hot water , but this tendency is significantly reduced by laminates according to the present invention .
a novel bag for holding , transporting , and pouring a bulk product is provided . the bag comprises two handles , with one handle being primarily configured for carrying , and the other being primarily configured for pouring . the handles are positioned on adjacent sides of the bag , with the pouring handle being positioned near the bottom half of the bag to facilitate a controlled tilting of the bag . in one embodiment , the bag also includes a third handle on the same side of the bag as the pouring handle . the bag is typically formed of plastic , and can be used for salt , animal food , and other pourable products . the bag has a very high strength , with the second handle being particularly strong as a result of a longitudinal seam positioned adjacent that handle .
a method for preparing a composite multilayer porous hollow fiber membrane and the device and product thereof . the method comprises preparing uncured porous hollow fibers with larger pore diameters as the inner supporter of the membrane from thermoplastic macromolecule polymer resins by thermal induced phase separation method and then bonding a superthin coating layer with microfiltration or nanofiltration function and small pore diameter prepared on the outer surface of the hollow fibers from a solution of the thermoplastic macromolecule polymer resins by a coating process using non - solvent induced phase separation method . the composite multilayer porous hollow fiber membrane has such excellent mechanical strength and high water flux as the membranes prepared by thermal induced phase separation method , such high precision filter effect and high contamination resistance as the membranes prepared by non - solvent induced phase separation method , and high binding force of the membrane prepared by the above method .
an electrical biosensor for analyte determination is prepared by polymerization of a mixture of a biological receptor capable of binding an analyte in a sample , a protein and a polymerizing agent such as glutaraldehyde to form a polymeric film on a transducer . the mixture preferably contains a stabilizer selected from lipids , detergents and antioxidents . the receptor may be an acetylcholine receptor and the analyte , acetylcholine . a preferred stabilizer is a combination of phosphatidyl choline and octyphenoxypolyethoxyethanol . in carrying out a determination , analyte in a sample binds to the receptor causing a change in an electrical characteristic of the film which is indicative of the presence of the analyte . the biosensor may contain a second polymeric film that is free of the receptor and which serves as a control .
the invention provides an ostomy bag assembly including an outer bag and an inner bag secured to one side of a flange . the inner bag is removable to facilitate disposal . the flange has a polymeric backing film and a layer of bioadhesive for securing the ostomy bag assembly to the body of a patient . the flange includes an orifice to enable bodily waste to be received by the inner bag . the outer bag is detachably bonded to a first attachment zone on the flange and the inner bag is secured to a second attachment zone on the flange . the outer bag is mounted to the flange by an annular bonding element is formed from a multilayer polymeric material comprising first and second ethylene vinyl acetate layers and a polymeric support layer interposed there between . a method of fabricating ostomy bags is also provided .
compostable and biodegradable compositions of a blend of natural cellulosic and thermoplastic biodegradable fibers are disclosed . typically the compositions include cotton and cellulose acetate . a process for the manufacture of a nonwoven composition which comprises a compostable blend of natural cellulosic fibers such as cotton and thermoplastic biodegradable fibers such as cellulose acetate ; the blend is then carded to obtain the nonwoven composition .
the invention relates to a method and a device for blow - moulding containers from preforms which are previously heated in the region of a heating section and consist of a thermoplastic material . the preforms are transferred to a blowing device following the heating thereof , in which they are shaped to form containers by the application of a blowing pressure inside blow moulds . said blow moulds respectively consist of at least two blow mould segments . the preforms are transported together with the blow moulds at least along part of a peripheral path of a rotating blow wheel . a separating plane of the blow mould segments is positioned at least in an opened state of the blow station in a rotational direction of the blow wheel , facing forwards , with an angle of inclination in relation to the radial direction of the blow wheel . the blow station is positioned at least in two parts during a transfer process .
now , according to the present invention , functional coatings are provided that comprise both a porous inorganic layer and a polymeric filler . the porous inorganic layer comprises an inorganic material that can be formed into a layer at relatively low heat load . the polymeric filler fills the porosities in the porous inorganic layer , and can be , for example , wet coated onto the porous inorganic layer . the resulting functional coatings offer simpler and cheaper fabrication along with improved physical and optical performance .
the present invention provides improved syntheses of oligosacchairdes . in accordance with preferred embodiments , anomeric specificity in such syntheses can be attained using polymer - supported liquid synthetic design with certain novel diether linkers . the present invention also provides novel strategies for capping imcompletely glycosylated hydroxyls .
a concentration of cationic polymer is able to floc algae cells in about 30 minutes compared to the 30 + hours for the cells to flocculate and settle without additives . the addition of the polymer requires less than 1 wt % polymer to complete the algae floc and does not require large amounts of energy to perform or extra processing steps to recover the flocculent .
the fabrication of an injection - molded plastic part using a blow - mold resin includes a first step of modifying an injection - molding machine by enlarging resin passages in order for that machine to accept a more viscous resin . the next step in the fabrication process is to provide a mass of blow - molded resin heated to a viscosity suitable for the modified injection - molding machine . a third step is to introduce the mass of blow - molded resin into the modified injection - molding machine . the fourth step is operating the modified injection - molding machine in a manner consistent with the normal operation for injection - molding of the desired plastic part . a part of the present invention is the specific method of modifying component parts of the injection - molding machine so that those component parts are compatible with a more viscous plastic resin .
this invention is related to the use of polyurethane - based polymer as a drug delivery device to deliver biologically active compounds at a constant rate for an extended period of time and methods of manufactures thereof . the device is very biocompatible and biostable , and is useful as an implant in patients for the delivery of appropriate bioactive substances to tissues or organs .
a supporting structure for positioning a product within an outer shipping container takes the form of a plastic air bladder shaped on one side to provide a cavity having internal dimensions matching external dimensions of the product and shaped on the other to have external dimensions matching internal dimensions of the shipping container . the air bladder may be either a vertical or a horizontal positioning elements and is typically used in pairs within a single container . the air bladder is compact and can be discarded after use with minimal environment impact . in examples shown , the air bladder is of a plastic material such as polyethylene and is produced by blow molding , making it particularly suitable for disposal after use by a recycling process , thereby further reducing potential environmental impact .
a method and apparatus for warming thermoplastic articles such as eyeglass frames quickly up to the softening temperature of the thermoplastic , but not exceeding the temperature at which degradation of the thermoplastic would take place by means of temperature controlled infrared radiators and also preferably using a body of heated air to blanket the thermoplastic article from ambient air .
the invention relates to a disposable packaging item capable of being sterilised and / or depyrogenated . the invention in particular relates to the packaging of products and / or devices in the fields of medicine , pharmaceutics , chemistry , biology , food or electronics . the invention in particular relates to a disposable packaging item at least partially produced with at least one thermoplastic film that can withstand sterilisation and / or depyrogenation , said disposable packaging item defining at least one inner enclosure for receiving one or more elements to be packaged , said inner enclosure being under vacuum and preferably sterile and / or depyrogenated , said packaging item including one or more packaged elements .
a method of producing a multilayer plastic film from resin starting material includes irradiating a batch of plastic resin material and using irradiated resin from the batch to produce at least one layer of a multilayer plastic film .
a throttle shaft and butterfly construction is formed by molding both components from composite plastic , the shaft having integral bosses which are received in holes formed in the throttle plate . the bosses are ultrasonically or heat staked to lock the throttle plate onto the throttle shaft . the butterfly has ribs extending across a face of the butterfly substantially to the edge of the valve in a direction parallel to the flow of air across the butterfly to stiffen the butterfly and reinforcing ribs on the butterfly parallel to the throttle shaft to stiffen both the butterfly and the throttle shaft .
the invention relates to a method of filling cavities and , in particular , mold cavities , with a reactive solid - forming or foam - forming mixture , wherein at least two reactants are introduced into a spatially limited mixing zone , mixed therein as they pass through , and the mixture produced is introduced into a mold cavity where it reacts and wherein the mold cavity is initially enlarged in - part for storing a portion of the mixture , which portion is subsequently transferred to the final mold cavity volume . the object of the invention is to produce plastic articles which are shaped in molds , but also to fill out other cavities , for example , for the purposes of reinforcement .
simple and economical embodiments of a drip - stop resistance assembly for caulking guns incorporating a resistance clip , or alternatively , an elastic grommet or constricted spring . the drip - stop assembly may be used with various manually - operated caulking guns including those with metal enclosures and single piece molded plastic open frames , and with various types of plunger shafts including those with a circular or hexagonal cross - section , or ratchet teeth . the drip - stop assembly includes a resistance clip formed of resilient steel wire or the like , and bent or cast in the form of an annular yoke for encircling the plunger shaft and providing frictional resistance against sliding . the resistance clip may be inserted onto the plunger shaft at various positions along the shaft . a back - plate formed by a conventional washer , or angle - bracket is inserted on the plunger shaft and is spaced from the resistance clip for allowing the latter to frictionally slide a short distance . an elastic grommet and constricted spring are also shown as substitutes for the resistance clip . all of the illustrated drip - stop assemblies provide an initial momentary release feature to terminate the bead of caulk upon initial release of the trigger , reduce blow - back , and prevent inadvertent retraction of the plunger shaft . the assemblies are all simple and inexpensive to manufacture , yet highly effective . its simplicity allows them to be manufactured oem or retrofit for minimal additional cost .
degradable isocyanate compounds , methods for making these compounds , and uses of these compounds for preparing degradable cross - linked polymers and composite materials are provided .
disclosed is a process for molding plastic optical articles with a hard coated film , comprising steps of coating one side of an optical film with a hard coating , pre - curing the hard coating to a tack free state while still maintaining the coating flexibility , making an insert from the coated film for the desired optical article , molding the plastic resin onto the insert through insert injection molding , and post - curing the molded article . the utilization of the pre - curing and post - curing steps have been found to eliminate hard coating cracks during the insert making and the molding step , while providing a hard coating with desired properties . such an optical article possesses a hard coating integrated on its surface , thus , eliminating the need to further coat the optical article .
a process for manufacturing hollow handled toothbrushes is disclosed . the process includes ; a ) providing a toothbrush mold having a head portion , a base portion , a toothbrush cavity located between said head and end portions and having walls , an injection port for molten plastic , and a gas injection port , wherein the gas injection port is positioned in the end of the base portion of the mold so that gas is injected into the mold cavity substantially centrally thereof and in a direction parallel to the longitudinal axis of the mold ; b ) injecting a predetermined amount of a molten plastic into the mold cavity to partially fill the cavity ; and c ) injecting at least one gas through the gas injection port into the cavity to direct the molten plastic against the walls of the mold cavity .
the efficient production of ethanol from low - cost biomass has become increasingly important in making ethanol competitive with gasoline and decreasing the united states &# 39 ; dependence on foreign oil . for example , to reduce the cost of transporting biomass to ethanol production facilities , mobile systems for producing ethanol from biomass are provided . also provided are small - scale ethanol production facilities . for example , instead of transporting biomass to the production facility , the facility is transported to the biomass or is located nearby the source of the biomass . the ethanol production facilities or components thereof may be transported via land , water , or air . production of other products , such as hydrocarbons , natural gas , hydrogen gas , plastics , polymers , and proteins , can also be made by the methods and facilities . any product described herein can be made in finished form or un - finished form and moved , e . g ., to a fixed facility , e . g ., fixed production facility .
an injection moulding machine for producing small plastic components with a drive unit , a plasticizing device and a hot channel nozzle having a collection chamber for the molten plastic . an injection ram projects into the hot channel nozzle and can push the collected plastic out . in an embodiment , the plasticizing device and the drive unit are secured to a movable bearing housing and can move the injection ram .
a machine for removing tubular plastic labels from bottles to facilitate their re - use and recycling . the machine has a multi - station turret and supply and exit conveyors to sequentially supply labeled bottles in line to the turret and remove delabeled bottles from the turret . the delabeling is accomplished with a cutter which is preferably in the form of a high - pressure jet of water . ideally , the cutter is adjusted so that it is a differential cutter which will cut a label without cutting or marring a bottle from which a label is being removed . with one embodiment , a water flush mechanism is provided to flush cut labels from their bottles and the turret onto a screen conveyor . the flush water passes through the conveyor into a container from which it is pumped for re - use . removed labels are transported by the screen conveyor to a collection bin . with another embodiment , an air blast mechanism is used to strip cut labels from bottles and a vacuum pick up is used to collect stripped labels .
one aspect of the invention relates to a sterilized nutritional beverage product comprising : • from 0 . 5 - 8 . 0 wt . % protein ; • from 0 . 1 - 10 wt . % of dispersed fat ; • from 0 . 2 - 4 . 0 wt . % of starch component ; • from 0 . 01 - 2 . 0 wt . % of fatty acid emulsifier ; • from 0 . 01 - 2 . 5 wt . % of non - dissolved edible salt ; • from 0 . 005 - 0 . 5 wt . % of a hydrocolloid selected from the group consisting of carrageenan , guar gum , carboxymethyl cellulose , microcrystalline cellulose and combinations thereof ; • from 0 - 8 . 0 wt . % of other nutritional components ; and • 70 - 90 wt . % water . the invention provides a sterilised nutritionally balanced beverage , which beverage exhibits excellent stability even when stored for several weeks under tropical conditions . furthermore , despite the high content of solutes and biopolymers , said beverage produces a pleasant mouthfeel . the invention also provides a process for the manufacture of the aforementioned beverage .