a stopper for holding fluid in a container comprising a body of vulcanized elastomer having a convex surface , and , laminated to the convex surface without adhesive , a thin layer of thermoplastic , which forms a surface intended to contact the fluid and a side of an opening in the container .
an apparatus for manufacturing an elongate composite element in undefined lengths , the composite element containing reinforcement fibers embedded in a matrix based on a composition containing a curable resin , including a vacuum chamber , rigid - walled inlet tubing , an impregnation chamber , rigid - walled transfer tubing between the vacuum chamber and the impregnation chamber , a sizing die and , downstream of the sizing die , irradiation tubes providing radiation in the ultraviolet - visible spectrum to prepolymerize the resin .
a conveying device for free - flowing fine - particle solids , in particular for powdery and / or granular material , especially plastic granulate , includes a vertically arranged and flexibly mountable telescopic pipe for the conveyance of , preferably , polymer granulates , for example in a plant for the filling of polymer granulates .
the present invention relates to a method of manufacture of a group of transverse internal stiffening ribs for an aerodynamic fairing of an engine mounting device , including : production , for each rib , of a given rib preform by superplastic forming ; and in respect of at least one of the ribs of the group having a smaller size than that of the preform , division of the latter into four preform parts each incorporating one of the four corners of the quadrilateral formed by the preform , followed by the joining of the four parts to one another so as to obtain the rib .
a module for a modular conveyor belt , is described . the module is of a sandwich layer construction having a core polymeric material completely surrounded by a skin polymeric material . the skin material includes an antimicrobial material for inhibiting bacterial growth on the module , and the conveyor belt is particularly useful for conveying and transporting foods including food processing and food handling applications .
recyclable plastic film is efficiently collected for recycling at stores or other locations by compacting the plastic film as layers in plastic / cardboard bales . the plastic / cardboard bales can be formed using existing cardboard balers that stores typically already have for baling recyclable cardboard . in one embodiment , the plastic / cardboard bales are preferably formed with a bottom layer of cardboard , a middle layer of the recyclable plastic film , and a top layer of cardboard . the layered structure can be modified to omit one of the cardboard layers or to add additional plastic film and cardboard layers .
a port assembly for use with a polymeric bioreactor bag said assembly comprising : i ) a hollow port member comprised at least in part of a material suitable to be fusibly affixed to the wall surface of said bioreactor bag ; ii ) at least one fluorophore spot positioned on said port member ; iii ) conduit means for conveying excitation light from an optical source to said fluorophore , said conduit means being an assembly comprising at least one of a lens , an optic fiber , a curved parabolic collimator , a shaped reflector or a wave guide ; iv ) conduit means for conveying fluorescent emission light from said fluorophore to a photo - detector , said conduit means being an assembly comprising at least one of a lens , an optic fiber , a curved parabolic collimator , a shaped reflector or a wave guide .
coatings having very low critical surface tensions comprise a hydrophilic polymer such as polyacrylamide , an ionic perfluorocarbon compound such as 3 - sulfonyl ) amino ]- n , n , n - trimethyl - 1 - propanaminium iodide and a cyclic sulfonium zwitterion cross - linking agent such as 2 , 2 - bis - propylidene . such coatings are most advantageously employed as release coatings on internal surfaces of chemical reaction vessels in order to minimize the deposition of undesirable materials on such internal surfaces .
a padded toilet seat lid is made by magnetically induction welding to the upper surface of a plastic lid shell , a plastic frame which surrounds a cushion providing the padding . the frame traps a peripheral margin of the cushion against the upper surface of the lid . the cushion is also secured to the lid by a pressure - sensitive adhesive . welding of the frame to the lid is accomplished in a special fixture that supports the lid and cushion upside down .
a composite formulation consisting of agglomerated industrial / residential sewer sludge and recycled high density polyethylene and / or polypropylene materials . the recycled plastic materials act as a binder for the pozzolan industrial / residential sewer sludge . the composite formulation can be produced in a batching process wherein the sieved dried sewer sludge and the recycled plastic in appropriate small cut pieces is fed into a large plastic extruder , heated and extruded into specific structures . the formulation can also be compounded using a compression mold wherein sieved dry sewer sludge are added to heated chopped recycled plastics and heat mixed to produce pellets or directed into a compression mold to create a structural member of predetermined shape .
a process for forming plastic inorganic agglomerates from which inorganic catalysts or adsorbent bodies can be formed is disclosed . the process involves dispersing a portion of said inorganic material as surface hydrated noncolloidal sized dry particles in a water - immiscible solvent ; titrating the dispersion with a controlled quantity of an aqueous phase in the presence of colloidal sized particles of the same or different inorganic material while mixing until a hydrous plastic agglomerate forms ; and separating said hydrous plastic agglomerate from said water - immiscible solvent .
the instant invention involves the use of a combination of preparatory steps in conjunction with mass spectroscopy and time - of - flight detection procedures to maximize the diversity of biopolymers which are verifiable within a particular sample . the cohort of biopolymers verified within such a sample is then viewed with reference to their ability to evidence at least one particular disease state ; thereby enabling a diagnostician to gain the ability to characterize either the presence or absence of said at least one disease state relative to recognition of the presence and / or the absence of said biopolymer .
the present invention relates to the transmissive programmable mask for forming biomolecules such as dna or polymer array by irradiating specific cells with incident lights , and to the method for forming the biomolecules or polymer array using the same . each unit pixel of the programmable mask comprises , a solution which includes charged particles which are moved by electrophoresis and interrupt the progress of the incident light , and electrodes for applying voltages to the particles in order to adjust the transmissivity of the incident light by changing the arrangement of the particles .
a method for detecting a list of known biopolymer molecules comprises : calculating , for each biopolymer , a respective list of oligomer molecules predicted to be produced by chemical processing ; calculating , for each oligomer molecule , a respective predicted chromatographic elution time period ; assigning , for each biopolymer molecule , one or more selected oligomer molecules to be detected , wherein the selecting is performed using weighted selection probabilities determined from the predicted elution times ; scheduling a plurality of oligomer detection events of a detection system , wherein each oligomer detection event corresponds to a respective one of the predicted elution time periods ; performing the chemical reaction or processing of the sample to generate a processed sample ; introducing the processed sample into a chromatographic system ; introducing any eluting oligomers into the detection system ; and operating the detection system so as to search for each of the selected oligomer molecules in accordance with the scheduled detection events .
disclosed are methods , protocols , and compositions of matter useful for generation of lymphocytes with permanently inactivated immunological checkpoint genes , said genes comprising pd - 1 , ctla - 4 , lag - 3 , and tim - 3 . the generated lymphocytes may be autologous or allogeneic , and are useful in the treatment of neoplastic , viral or bacterial infections .
catalysts useful for epoxidizing olefins are disclosed . the catalysts comprise a vinylpyridine polymer and a titanium zeolite . preferably , the vinylpyridine polymer encapsulates the titanium zeolite . the catalysts are easy to prepare and use , they are easy to recover and reuse , and they convert olefins to epoxides in good yields with high selectivity . surprisingly , ring - opening reactions that form glycol or glycol ether by - products are minimized by using the vinylpyridine polymer - containing catalysts . the catalysts are valuable for making propylene oxide from propylene and hydrogen peroxide . vinylpyridine polymer - encapsulated transition metals and their use to produce hydrogen peroxide from hydrogen and oxygen is also disclosed .
a plastic composite construction and process for its preparation are disclosed in which the composite comprises a plastic core or center of extended surface area . the composite includes a metallic layer on at least one face of the core and an elastomeric layer , such as of a butyl rubber , adhered to an opposite face of the core . the addition of an elastomeric layer converts the composite to an energy - absorbing construction of substantially improved impact resistance which avoids the normal cracking or spalling of the metallic layer upon impact . the present plastic composite may have an impact resistance of at least seven foot pounds at minus 30 ° f . the plastic composite can be used as an exterior mirror housing and the like for vehicles .
a magnetic particle and fabrication method thereof . the magnetic particle comprises a polymer core , a magnetic material layer covering the polymer core , and a silicon containing layer covering the magnetic material layer . in addition , the magnetic particle may further comprise a coupling agent on the silicon containing layer , and an active molecule connected to the coupling agent . the magnetic particles provide controllable size , uniform diameter distribution , high magnetization , improved storage stability , and modified surface for targeting biomolecules for biomaterial separation and environmental analysis .
the present invention relates to a method for the stereospecific chemical recycling of a mixture of polymers based on polylactic acid pla , in order to reform the monomer thereof or one of the derivatives thereof . the latter may enter the traditional lactate market or once again serve as a raw material for synthesising pla .
the present invention relates to a disc for abrading which is fitted to an electrically driven tool and is able to freely abrade flat surfaces and curved surfaces . and provided is a disc for abrading flat surfaces and curved surfaces , wherein the disc comprises : a holder of a plastic material , which rotates following the coupling of the electrically driven tool into a coupling hole formed in the centre thereof ; a disc - shaped abrasive - fabric assembly formed by stacking layers of a plurality of abrasive - fabric pieces circumferentially along the edge of the holder ; a resin layer for integrally linking the holder and the abrasive - fabric assembly ; and a circular curving part which is formed between the edge of the holder and the edge of the abrasive - fabric assembly , and wherein the curving part can flex along the surface of a material to be abraded , so as to freely abrade a flat surface or curved surface of the material to be abraded .
this application discloses methods reflected in specialized apparatus for application of a flocked covering to the receptive surface of a formed base , such as that of a thermoplastic film concatenate with its extrusion , to produce a flocked composite web . a vacuous foraminous conveyance provides positive means for transferring flock to the base and influencing the depth of embedment .
sleeve molding apparatus and methods for making multi - layer injection molded plastic articles in successive mold cavities . in a first molding step , an inner sleeve is molded on a core in a first mold cavity , which may comprise a full body length sleeve or only a partial sleeve , such as an upper neck finish portion . the sleeve and core are withdrawn from the first mold cavity while the sleeve is still warm , and transferred without substantial delay to a second mold cavity for injection molding an outer layer which bonds to the inner sleeve . by transferring the sleeve at an elevated temperature into the second mold cavity , an improved bond is formed between the inner sleeve and outer layer which resists separation during a later reheat stretch blow molding step , and / or in use of the resulting article . in a preferred embodiment , a pasteurizable beer container is provided having a finish - only sleeve of a pen polymer . in a second embodiment , a returnable and refillable water container is provided having a full - length body sleeve of a pen polymer . a multi - station injection molding apparatus is provided having a transfer mechanism , such as a rotatable turret or reciprocating shuttle , for cost - effective manufacture of preforms simultaneously in multiple cavity sets .
a method of making a carboxylated carbohydrate is disclosed , cellulose being a preferred carbohydrate material . carboxylated cellulose fibers can be produced whose fiber strength and degree of polymerization is not significantly sacrificed . the method involves the use of a catalytic amount of a hindered cyclic oxammonium compounds as a primary oxidant and chlorine dioxide as a secondary oxidant in an aqueous environment . the oxammonium compounds may be formed in situ from their corresponding amine , hydroxylamine , or nitroxyl compounds . the oxidized cellulose may be stabilized against d . p . loss and color reversion by further treatment with an oxidant such as sodium chlorite or a chlorine dioxide / hydrogen peroxide mixture . alternatively it may be treated with a reducing agent such as sodium borohydride . in the case of cellulose the method results in a high percentage of carboxyl groups located at the fiber surface . the product is especially useful as a papermaking fiber where it contributes strength and has a higher attraction for cationic additives . the product is also useful as an additive to recycled fiber to increase strength . the method can be used to improve properties of either virgin or recycled fiber . it does not require high α - cellulose fiber but is suitable for regular market pulps .
absorbable polyester fibers , braids , and surgical meshes with prolonged strength retention have been developed . these devices are preferably derived from biocompatible copolymers or homopolymers of 4 - hydroxybutyrate . these devices provide a wider range of in vivo strength retention properties than are currently available , and could offer additional benefits such as anti - adhesion properties , reduced risks of infection or other post - operative problems resulting from absorption and eventual elimination of the device , and competitive cost . the devices may also be particularly suitable for use in pediatric populations where their absorption should not hinder growth , and provide in all patient populations wound healing with long - term mechanical stability . the devices may additionally be combined with autologous , allogenic and / or xenogenic tissues to provide implants with improved mechanical , biological and handling properties .
this invention relates to a heat - shrinkable film consisting essentially of a blend of 99 . 5 - 98 . 5 weight % of linear low or medium density polyethylene and 0 . 5 - 1 . 5 weight % of one or more copolymers of ethylene with a monomer selected from vinyl acetate and acrylic acids or esters , where said film has been cross - linked to the degree induced by an irradiation dosage of about 1 to 5 megarads .
a sealing arrangement for a plastic bottle includes a blow - molded bottle having a body and a mouth that includes an opening , an injection molded neck that includes a continuous wall that defines a top wall - opening and a bottom wall - opening . the top wall - opening provides a pour spout for liquid contained within the body of the bottle . the bottom wall - opening is fused to the mouth of the bottle so as to surround the bottle &# 39 ; s opening . a removable flange is located generally within the bottom wall - opening and a frangible region connects the flange to the wall . a foil is secured to a side of the flange that is generally adjacent to the bottom wall - opening , and the foil is adapted to close the bottom wall - opening . a plurality of foil - cutting teeth are carried by the wall generally adjacent to the bottom wall - opening , generally adjacent to the side of the flange and generally adjacent to the foil . a pull member is secured to the flange . manual operation of the pull member separates the flange from the wall , as at least a portion of the foil is cut by the teeth . an injection - molded cap removably closes the top wall - opening . the wall includes a weakened portion that will break upon an attempt to physically remove the wall from the bottle . the cap includes a cover plate that covers the top wall - opening and a skirt that extends from the cover plate to cover the weakened portion of the wall .
the instant invention involves the use of a combination of preparatory steps in conjunction with mass spectroscopy and time - of - flight detection procedures to maximize the diversity of biopolymers which are verifiable within a particular sample . the cohort of biopolymers verified within such a sample is then viewed with reference to their ability to evidence at least one particular disease state ; thereby enabling a diagnostician to gain the ability to characterize either the presence or absence of said at least one disease state relative to recognition of the presence and / or the absence of said biopolymer .
a substantially wrinkle - free , high modulus , thermoplastic film having at least one compound curve is disclosed . the substantially wrinkle - free film may form a part of a laminate which itself has utility in automotive glazing applications . an improved lamination process is also disclosed for the production of non - planar laminates from planar sheets of heat - shrinkable films through the use of a negative image mold of the non - planar article to be laminated . heat - shrinkable films which may be used in the practice of the invention include polyester films , polyolefin films , polyamide films , polyurethane films , polycarbonate films , polyvinylchloride films , and polystyrenic films . the method is applicable to a wide range of non - planar articles and is particularly suitable to articles having at least one compound curve forming at least part of its surface . the improved lamination process of the present invention has specific utility in the manufacture of automotive glazing products such as windshields and rear windows .
a rotary knife for a granulator having a two - piece design comprising a blade holder and a removable blade , the blade holder having a v - shaped saddle for holding the removable blade aligned . the v - shaped saddle having a flat surface for absorbing the shock of force transmitted by the blade shearing plastic and other materials for recycling and reuse .
a method for producing a panel sandwich for use as a wall , ceiling or floor panel comprising at least the following steps : providing a base panel made of wood - based material , arranging a sound - insulating layer above the base panel , arranging a cover panel above the base panel , pressing the sandwich , wherein an elastic plastic material is used to produce the sound - insulating layer , wherein according to a first alternative of the invention , a closed - cell foam is arranged as the elastic plastic material , wherein the plastic material before being introduced into the sandwich panel has an elasticity modulus under pressure of 0 . 25 mpa to 1 . 5 mpa , according to a second alternative of the invention , the elastic plastic material applied is a self - adhesive plastic material which connects the base panel to the cover panel , is elastic when set , has an elasticity modulus under pressure of 0 . 25 mpa to 1 . 5 mpa and has a minimum thickness of 0 . 3 mm .
a method and a device for processing a light - polymerizable material for building up an object in layers , using a lithography based generative manufacture having a construction platform for building up the object , a projecting exposure unit that can be controlled for locally selected exposing of a surface on the construction platform to an intensity pattern having a prescribed shape , and a control unit prepared for polymerizing overlapping layers on the construction platform in successive exposure steps , each having a prescribed geometry , by controlling the projecting exposure unit , in order to thus successively build up the object in the desired shape , said shape resulting from the sequence of layer geometries . the invention is characterized in that a further exposure unit for exposing the surface of the construction platform is provided on the side opposite the projecting exposure unit , and that the construction platform is designed to be at least partially transparent to light , and that the control unit is designed for controlling the further exposure unit at least while building up the first layer , said layer adhering to the construction platform , for exposing in the prescribed geometry .
the present invention relates to novel methods for the diagnosis of helicobacter pylori infection . specifically , the present invention relates to novel non - invasive methods for the detection of the presence or absence of a helicobacter pylori antigen or a metabolite produced by the bacterium in a biological sample with a biosensor - based measurement . the present invention also related to the use of a biosensor containing specific antibodies against h . pylori or antigen - binding fragments thereof immobilized thereto together with biomolecule - repellent polymers preventing the non - specific binding . the invention also relates to test kits useful in the methods .
a method is disclosed herein for treating a polymeric surface to resist non - specific binding of biomolecules and attachment of cells . the method includes the steps of : imparting a charge to the polymeric surface to produce a charged surface ; exposing the charged surface to a nitrogen - rich polymer to form a polymerized surface ; exposing the polymerized surface to an oxidized polysaccharide to form an aldehyde surface ; and exposing the aldehyde surface to a reducing agent . advantageously , a method is provided which produces surfaces that resist non - specific protein binding and cell attachment and that avoids the use of photochemical reactions or prior art specially designed compounds .
a system and method for 3d microfabrication projects light capable of initiating photopolymerization toward a spatial light modulator that modulates light responsive to digital masks corresponding to layers of the structure . projection optics focus the modulated light onto an optical plane within a photopolymerizable material supported on a stage . a computer controller causes the spatial light modulator to project a sequence of images corresponding to the digital masks while coordinating movement of the stage to move a position of the optical plane within the photopolymerizable material to sequentially project each image of the sequence to generate the structure by progressively photopolymerizing the photopolymerizable material .
a polymeric running board for an automotive vehicle is provided . the running board has a polymeric platform for supporting a vehicle occupant &# 39 ; s foot during entry or exit of a lateral side door of the vehicle . the platform is connected to the vehicle by j - shaped support brackets which are co - molded therewith . the running board provided is advantageous over prior running boards in that it is lighter and easier to assemble , reducing assembly time and cost .
a rolling load signal is detected during a few rotations of a top and a bottom backup roll at different detection time points at which the top and bottom backup rolls are out of phase from each other and then are analyzed by fourier analysis so as to detect the amplitudes and phases of the eccentricity of the top and bottom backup rolls separately , whereby the roll gap is controlled and the separately detected eccentricity of the top and bottom backup rolls is thus obtained . even when there is a difference in roll eccentricity frequency between the top and bottom backup rolls and even when external disturbances exist due to the aging of the roll eccentricity and to the estimated errors of the mill constant m and the plasticity coefficient q of a piece of metal to be rolled , the roll eccentricity can be suitably adjusted so that the roll eccentricity can be detected with a high degree of accuracy and then eliminated .
a biological tissue interface system is disclosed which employs an electroactive polymer actuator to pivot a tissue interface portion which may be adapted to engage with neural tissue . the system comprises a base portion , an articulating portion having a proximal end attached to the base portion and a free distal end , and an actuator operably coupled to the articulating portion , driven by a conjugated polymer that changes dimension in response to an electric charge . the polymer applies a force to pivot the articulating portion , relative to the base portion , to engage tissue at the distal tissue interface . in neural interface applications , the articulating portion may comprise at least one conducting surface for neural communications , such as a microelectrode or a polymer .
a prosthetic heart valve of the bi - leaflet type is provided that includes an annular structure comprised of biocompatible plastic and a pair of bearing blocks and a pair of leaflets equipped with ear - like projections that are all comprised of pyrolytic carbon . the leaflets associate pivotably with the bearing blocks , and , with the bearing blocks and the leaflets being initially held in a connected relationship , the annular structure is molded and formed about perimeter portions of the bearing blocks . the valve has a simple structure , yet is durable and reliable .
the invention relates to a novel biodegradable material prepared from pha and pla polymers , which can be used for manufacturing a blended product of pha and pla , and which can have accelerated biodegradation in a microorganic environment . the new product can be used for producing films , containers for solids and liquids , rigid or flexible packages , long - filament and short - fibre weaving , knitting and nonwoven fabrics , and composite products of fabrics , films and other materials by thermal forming , injection moulding or melt spinning . these blends also can have a long shelf life in a clean environment .
a new microsphere formulation for controlled - or sustained - release delivery of therapeutic ingredient , mainly peptides and proteins not over 10k in molecular weight , comprises at least a therapeutic ingredient , a helping agent and a biodegradable polymer . the therapeutic ingredient and the helping agent are in the form of fine particles , less than 1o um in diameter , encapsulated in the polymer which forms the microsphere matrix . a method for preparing the composition comprises a step of in - situ precipitating the therapeutic ingredient and the helping agent to the fine particles and successive steps for forming the microspheres . such a microsphere formulation offers a well - controlled release profile for prolonged period and encapsulation efficiency over 95 %.
the invention relates to a fragment of the genomic dna of streptococcus pneumoniae , a probe capable of specifically hybridizing with the genomic dna of streptococcus pneumoniae , a specific primer for the amplification , by polymerization , of the genomic dna , a reagent and a method which are used with the probe and , optionally , the primer , for specifically detecting streptococcus pneumoniae in a biological sample . the probe of the invention is a nucleotide sequence having at least 70 % homology with at least a portion of a consensus sequence of the genomic dna of streptococcus pneumoniae , this consensus sequence being chosen from the nucleotide sequences seq id no 2 , seq id no 3 , seq id no 4 , which are identified in the description , and their respective complementary sequences .
a probe - bearing element according to the present invention includes a sheet - like body having a plurality of through holes which each bears a biopolymer probe . the sheet - like body may have a thickness of 100 μm to 2 mm , and may be made of glass , acrylic resin , metal or plastic . preferably , the size of the through hole is about 10 - 100 μm in diameter considering the number of samples relative to the size of the element , amounts of probes required for hybridization and the detection sensitivity . the plurality of through holes are preferably arranged in concentric circles or in a spiral .
an apparatus for the manufacture of plastic pellets including an extruder , a chiller positioned to receive and solidify extruded strands from the extruder and , a pelletizer for converting such strands to pellets . the apparatus includes a quality testing device having a valve connected to the extruder , an injector having a sample receiving position operably connected to the valve , and a sample mold for forming solidified test samples of the material for analysis . the injector also has an ejection position operably connected to a mold inlet for injecting such samples into the mold .
a plastic conveyor belt formed of a large number of plastic belt modules includes outer belt modules having integral sideplatges . the sideplates are of heavier material and higher strength , for withstanding stress around the outside of curves and for withstanding edge wear in certain types of conveyor systems . in a preferred embodiment , each sideplate has a depending guide member which may include a hold down tab . in one embodiment , plastic connecting rods which serially connect belt modules are discontinuous in length , made up of several coaxial pieces which are held in place by press fitting at the outer ends . this enables the rod to be of high shear strength in areas of high pulling force , e . g . at the outside of a radius conveyor belt in a curve , but of lower strength extruded construction elsewhere .
a dispenser carton for continuous - length material , such as plastic film , is disclosed . the carton includes an integral cutting assembly or a cutting assembly on a separate board which may be fitted into operating position during carton use . a deflectable protective guard or shield for the cutting edge of the assembly is included , which normally resiliently rests in a protective posture against and overlapping the cutting edge . it is adapted to be temporarily deflected to facilitate normal cutting of the dispensed material and to be spontaneously returned to its protective posture during non - use of the carton . the guard is a relatively stiff flexible tape sandwiched between the cutting edge and its supporting board stock so that the tape may not be readily removed without destroying the function of the cutting edge . the preferred method of assembling the cutting assembly consists of supplying a cutter element having a serrated longitudinal edge and a protective guard tape , both in continuous strip form , and feeding the cutter , the guard tape and appropriate board stock longitudinally through an assembly station which stakes the components together as they are passed through the stations .
embodiments of a multi - purpose implant for use in surgery , such as for reconstruction of soft tissues , are disclosed . in some embodiments , the implant includes elastic polymer film made from a suitable biologically compatible polymer . the implant also includes a reinforcement element formed from a polyurethane mesh or other strong and stable woven or unwoven synthetic material . the reinforcement element can be fully enclosed by the film so that only the film comes into contact with the organs and tissues . anti - adhesive properties or control over implant &# 39 ; s integration into a body can be determined by the preset surface structure of the implant , while physical and mechanical properties , such as strength and elasticity of the implant , are obtained by virtue of reinforcement element geometry .
the present invention relates to a hydrated , biocompatible tissue - augmentation compound and its methodology for implantation into mammalian tissue . the tissue - augmentation compound is comprised of : living tissue , body derived fluids , at least one nco - terminated hydrophilic urethane prepolymer derived from an organic polyisocyanate , and oxyethylene - based diols or polyols comprised essentially all of hydroxyl groups capped with polyisocyanate
apparatus for forming and fibrillating a molten polymeric film into nanofibers consisting of a plurality of two - phase flow spinning nozzles arranged in a substantially liner array each nozzle into nanofibers including one or more first input orifices for a process gas ; one or more second input orifices for a polymer melt ; a flow channel including two or more channel walls and a monotonically decreasing flow area wherein the process gas and polymer melt are combined into a stratified two phase flow with the polymer melt formed into a film on one or more of the channel walls ; and one or more channel exit openings , each exit opening including an edge at which the process gas reaches sonic velocity or less and where the edge is configured to fibrillate the polymeric film into a stream of nanofibers .
a recyclable multilayer ethylene polymer sheet structure for constructing a package to hold bulk products such as dry pet food having an odoriferous component , the sheet having , from the inner surface contacting the product , to the outer non - product contacting surface the structure : lldpe / hdpe / lldpe / br / ldpe where lldpe is a linear low density polyethylene , hdpe is a high density polyethylene and br is an odor barrier resin such as ethylene vinyl alcohol copolymer having odor barrier properties and ldpe is low density polyethylene .
solid oral dosage formulations , such as tablet , mini - tab , multiparticulates or osmotic delivery systems , are coated with a mucoadhesive polymeric coating or formed of a mucoadhesive polymer to increase oral bioavailability of biopharmaceutical classification system class i drugs . representative bcs i drugs include valacyclovir , gabapentin , furosemide , levodopa , metformin , and ranitidine hcl . the inclusion of mucoadhesives in the solid oral dosage form brings the dosage form into close proximity with the target epithelium and facilitates diffusion of drug into intestinal tissue . the mucoadhesive polymer may be either dispersed in the matrix of the tablet or applied as a direct compressed coating to the solid oral dosage form . preferred mucoadhesive polymers include polyanhydride “ p ” and polyanhydride “ p ”. other preferred mucoadhesive polymers include non - erodable polymers such as dopa - maleic anhydride co polymer ; isopthalic anhydride polymer ; dopa - methacrylate polymers ; and dopa - cellulosic based polymers .
an apparatus that includes a flexible base material and a flexible conductive material formed on the flexible base material . both the flexible base material and the flexible conductive material have shrinkable and / or stretchable properties . the flexible base material may include a shrinkable polymer , which may shrink up to 500 %. the flexible base material may include a stretchable polymer , which may be stretched by at least 1000 %. these stretchable and shrinkable properties may be exhibited without substantial functional degradation of either the flexible base material and / or the flexible conductive material .
the invention relates to a child resistant carton package for a pharmaceutical or like dangerous product . the package comprises an outer sleeve , an insert that can be slidingly drawn out of the sleeve , the insert carrying the packaged product , and a locking mechanism between the sleeve and the insert . according to the invention at least the outer sleeve is made of board reinforced with polymer to increase its resistance to tearing . the board may have a reinforcing layer of a tough polymer such as polyester , preferably on both sides of the board . there may also be a coextruded outer heat seal layer of polyolefine . the cutting edges may be protected with a polymer shield against delamination of the board . the same extrusion coated board can be used also for the inner sleeve .
a biocompatible biological component is provided comprising a membrane - mimetic surface film covering a substrate . suitable substrates include hydrated substrates , e . g . hydrogels which may contain drugs for delivery to a patient through the membrane - mimetic film , or may be made up of cells , such as islet cells , for transplantation . the surface may present exposed bioactive molecules or moieties for binding to target molecules in vivo , for modulating host response when implanted into a patient and the surface may have pores of selected sizes to facilitate transport of substances therethrough . an optional hydrophilic cushion or spacer between the substrate and the membrane - mimetic surface allows transmembrane proteins to extend from the surface through the hydrophilic cushion , mimicking the structure of naturally - occurring cells . an alkylated layer directly beneath the membrane - mimetic surface facilates bonding of the surface to the remainder of the biological component . alkyl chains may extend entirely through the hydrophilic cushion when present . to facilitate binding , the substrate may optionally be treated with a polyelectrolyte or alternating layers of oppositely - charged polyelectrolytes to facilitate charged binding of the membrane - mimetic film or alkylated layer beneath the membrane - mimetic film to the substrate . the membrane - mimetic film is preferably made by in situ polymerization of phospholipid vesicles .
protective bags made of a plastic film have heretofore been produced by folding two pieces of films by hand , and it is very difficult to mass - produce asymmetrical bags at a low cost . protective bags made of a film bearing any design are now continuously produced at high speeds by using a film tube blank , inserting a floating separator in the film tube blank , forming openings with symmetrical or asymmetrical continuous or discrete cut lines in the upper and lower surfaces or in both side surfaces in a state where motion of the film tube blank is stopped , depending upon the length of the bag , and cutting the film tube blank at the melt - adhered portion using a cutting edge extending in the direction of width .
a cover for caps of the plastic threaded variety typically associated with beverage bottles , the apparatus being comprised of two primary components , namely 1 ) a hollowed body sized and shaped for the receipt of promotional or advertising indicia or other visually distinctive personalizing indicia on its exterior surface and adapted for frictional engagement with a bottle cap , and 2 ) optional three - dimensional personalization means integrally formed with or mounted to the top of said hollowed body . by means of this construction is provided a combination bottle identification apparatus and bottle cap removal apparatus which may be used in conjunction with an ordinary beverage bottle equipped with a threaded cap for purposes of facilitating removal of the cap from the bottle , 2 ) personalizing the bottle so as to avoid the unintended consumption of its contents by another , and 3 ) serving as a media upon which organizations may impart various promotional and advertising indicia .
the instant invention is directed to a molecular sieve comprising a carbonaceous substrate selected from the group consisting of molecular sieve carbon , calcined coconut char , oxidized and devolatilized agglomerated coal , calcined agglomerated coal and calcined agglomerated coconut char , impregnated with an organic polymer having a molecular weight of at least 400 , as determined by vapor phase osmometry , or with an inorganic polymer at a dosage of at least 0 . 001 weight percent up to a maximum dosage which still allows the resulting sieve to separate gas or liquid mixtures containing components of at least two different molecular diameters , molecular weights or molecular shapes . the instant invention is also directed to a process for preparing the molecular sieve and to a process for using it to separate gas or liquid mixtures .
a novel patient - convenient , cost effective pharmaceutical composition , comprising of thiazolidinediones and biguanide for controlling hyperglycemia manufactured as multilayer tablet and its process of manufacturing , for immediate release of thiazolidinediones or thiazolidinediones and biguanide and prolonged release of the biguanide only , the tablet comprising of minimum two layers wherein one outer layer comprises of a mixture of excipients and thiazolidinediones or thiazolidinediones and biguanide allowing immediate release of thiazolidinediones or thiazolidinediones and biguanide respectively and the other layer arranged in contact with the immediate release layer which comprises of a novel composition of excipients and a minimum one or more non - biodegradable , inert polymer and the biguanide allowing ph independent prolonged release of the biguanide up to a period of 8 - 12 hours . the tablets are for once a day dosing . the tablets may optionally be film coated or enrobed by soft gelatin ribbons for additional protection against oxidation , photodegradation , identification , ease of swallowing , taste masking and for aesthetic appeal without altering the dissolution profile .
the support clip for industrial bins includes at least one support on the clip and can be used to increase the hanging load of an industrial bin when hung . the supports may be in the form of ledges or cleats . the multi - support clip provides additional hanging strength for existing bins or allows flexibility to use bins manufactured of more economical or recycled polymers that tend to be softer or less rigid . the additional supports on the clip may also allow the bin to be hung in a sloped forward configuration . the use of multi - support clips allow for improved bin strength when hung and flexibility for placement and use of bins already in service . the support clip is manufactured by a process of metal extrusion , metal stamping , or metal die casting or polymer extrusion , thermoforming , injection molding , blow molding , and rotocasting .
a lipid or other hydrophobic or amphiphilic compound is integrated into a polymeric matrix for drug delivery to alter drug release kinetics . in embodiments where the drug is water soluble , the drug is released over longer periods of time as compared to release from the polymeric matrix not incorporating the hydrophobic compound into the polymeric material . in contrast to methods in which a surfactant or lipid is added as an excipient , the hydrophobic compound is actually integrated into the polymeric matrix , thereby modifying the diffusion of water into the microparticle and diffusion of solubilized drug out of the matrix . the integrated hydrophobic compound also prolongs degradation of hydrolytically unstable polymers forming the matrix , further delaying release of encapsulated drug .
apparatus and methods are provided for a microfabricated fluorescence activated cell sorter based on an optical switch for rapid , active control of cell routing through a microfluidic channel network . this sorter enables low - stress , highly efficient sorting of populations of small numbers of cells . the invention includes packaging of the microfluidic channel network in a self - contained plastic cartridge that enables microfluidic channel network to macro - scale instrument interconnect , in a sterile , disposable format .
a bottom insert for a mold cavity for the production of moldings of plastic material . the mold cavity has a main body with a hot side which has a recess for receiving molten plastic material under pressure and a cold side having a recess , the inside contour of which is intended to come into contact with the molding to be produced and to shape the outside contour thereof . a gate is provided that connects the recess of the hot side to the recess of the cold side and is intended to introduce molten plastic material from the hot side into the cold side . in accordance with the invention there is provided a device for thermal insulation within the bottom insert between the hot side and the cold side of the bottom insert to permit more rapid cooling of the cold side by restricting heat flow from the hot side .
a device for producing a plastic part that has a plurality of components includes a closing unit for receiving at least one mold in which a thermoplastic molded body can be shaped or positioned , and at least one polyurethane unit for introducing a polyurethane material into a larger cavity comprising the thermoplastic molded body . at least one additional polyurethane unit is provided for introducing an additional polyurethane material having different product properties into a same or a different , larger cavity . as an alternative , the at least one polyurethane unit can be adapted for an additional polyurethane material having different product properties for introduction into the same or a different , larger cavity .
a substantially pure capsular exopolysaccharide adhesin of coagulaso - negative staphylococcal strains , and a general method to prepare such adhesins , are described . vaccines composed of such adhesins , and uses of such adhesins to produce polyclonal and mono - clonal antibodies against such adhesins , are also disclosed . the adhesins are useful in coating polymeric medical materials to prevent colonization by coagulase - negative staphylococcal strains , and as a probe in selecting desirable polymeric medical materials . such adhesin antibodies are useful in vivo to prevent infection by noso - comial coagulase - negative staphylococcal strains , in assays for the detection of such bacteria , in assays for the estimation of such adhesins in complex mixtures , and as an affinity chromatography matrix .
for laminating layers consisting at least in part of thermoplastic films , in particular for producing identification cards , or the like , carrying information and / or data , a method is proposed where the blank , after having been introduced between pressing dies , is initially subjected to the pressure and heat required for complete lamination of the blank . heat dissipation is prevented during heating by the fact that cooling components are kept at a predetermined distance from the heating surfaces . during a subsequent transition from heating to cooling , the heating effect is terminated and cooling bodies are brought into contact with the pressing and heating components , for reducing the temperature of the completely laminated product .
the present invention relates to a systematic process for the creation of functionally organized , spatially patterned assemblies polymer - microparticle composites including the ac electric field - mediated assembly of patterned , self supporting organic films and organic - microparticle composite films of tailored composition and morphology ; the present invention further relates to the incorporation of said assemblies into other structures . the present invention . also relates to the application of such functional assemblies in materials science and biology . additional areas of application include sensors , catalysts , membranes , micro - reactors , smart materials . miniaturized format for generation of multifunctional thin films . provides a simple set - up to synthesize thin films of tailored composition and morphology .
a woody or non - woody biomass is delignified through continuous extrusion technology , utilizing high - pressure steam to break down complex biomass materials . the process is useful to form a hydrophobic fiber material for use as an extrusion filler , a plastics modifier , and in the papermaking arts . alternatively , the process is useful for preparing dietary feeds for ruminant animals , as well as to produce a broad range of alcohols or polymers from lignocellulosic substrates .
this invention relates to a biodegradable foam product and composed of paper fibers or other cellulosic biodegradable material with a superabsorbent polymer and shaped into any desired shape and size and to processes for making same . the foam product is made by blending fibers with up to 25 % by weight of a superabsorbent polymer , adding water to the blend allowing it to expand by letting the superabsorbent polymer soak up excess water and drawing off water . upon drying , the foam product gives off water and the polymer shrinks to its original size leaving voids between the fibers while maintaining the expanded dimensions . the foam product is a soft material especially suited as a cushioning material .
a method for manufacturing a predetermined shape of molded plastics , comprising the steps of introducing a foamable shell forming material in molding dies , introducing a hard core forming material having a foaming agent on the shell forming material , clamping the molding dies together , and heating both the material located in the molding dies by an induction heating .
the present invention relates to microparticles containing an active principle against malaria , such as primaquine , one of its amino acid derivatives , or their conjugates with a hepatotropic vector or their pharmaceutically acceptable salts , and a biocompatible and biodegradable polymer controlling the kinetics of release of the active principle , like polylactide . the invention also relates to pharmaceutical compositions comprising microcapsules according to the invention . lastly , the invention relates to processes for the preparation of microparticles as mentioned above , the processes comprising : dissolving the polymer in a volatile solvent , adding to this solution the active principle and possibly a substance regulating the size of the microparticles , and at the end of evaporation , recovering the microparticles by centrifugation and filtration .
a process is disclosed for producing plastic materials by providing a biology based feedstock and reacting the biology based feedstock to form a feedstock capable of reaction to form the plastic material , wherein the plastic material is selected from polystyrene and polyethylene terephthalate .
a very thin inner layer composed of a polymer chosen for its barrier and / or inertness properties is fabricated within a container preform constructed mainly from another polymer , or a structure of polymers . the inner layer on the preform is produced either by a controlled coating method involving coating of the injection mold core rod prior to injection molding or by a coating applied directly to the preform after injection molding . this enables both inner and main layers to be brought together at a time when the interface between them is molten . a tie layer can be employed , when desirable , to enable the layers to be combined without melting the layer interface .
applicant has developed a novel lid assembly . according to at least one embodiment of the invention , a lid for use in conjunction with a beverage container comprises : a plastic molding of circular footprint with a first inverted u - channel feature at its perimeter which engages the lip of a container . the outermost wall of the channel incorporates a plurality of molded , rolled , or similarly created , inwardly facing latch features at its boundary that engage reentrant detailing on the underside of the container &# 39 ; s lip . the lid is detached from the container by the purposeful disengagement of said latch details from the lid .
a multi - ply film including a thermoplastic polymeric substrate , and a vinylidene chloride polymer top - coat have a primer which anchors the substrate to the top - coat . the primer is a copolymer of one or more acrylic comonomers and a cross - linking copolymerizable comonomer having pendant free hydroxyl groups or groups convertible to free hydroxyl groups .
the invention relates to a composition comprising a polymer and wood fiber composite that can be used in the form of a linear extrudate or thermoplastic pellet to manufacture structural members . the polymer and wood fiber composite structural members can be manufactured in an extrusion process or an injection molding process . the linear extrudate or pellet can have a cross - section of any arbitrary shape , or can be a regular geometric . the pellet can have a cross - section shape having a volume of at least about 12 mm 3 . preferably the pellet is a right cylindrical pellet having a minimum radius of about 1 . 5 mm and a minimum length of 1 mm weighing at least 14 mg . the invention also relates to an environmentally sensitive recycle of waste streams . the polymer and wood fiber composite contains an intentional recycle of a waste stream comprising polymer flakes or particles or wood fiber . the waste stream can comprises , in addition to polymer such as polyvinyl chloride or wood fiber , adhesive , paint , preservative , or other chemical stream common in the wood - window or door manufacturing process , or mixtures thereof . the initial mixing step before extrusion of the composite material insures substantial mixing and melt contact between molten polymer and wood fiber . the extruded pellet comprises a consistent proportion of polymer , wood fiber and water . during the extrusion , water is removed intentionally to dry the material to a maximum water content of less than about 10 wt -% based on the pellet weight . to make a structural unit , the pellet is introduced into an extruder or injection molding apparatus wherein , under conditions of temperature and pressure , the composite pellet material is shaped into a useful cross - section . alternatively , the extruded thermoplastic mass , in the form of a elongated linear extrudate without a pelletizing step , can be immediately directed after formation into an extruder or injection molding apparatus .
carpet scrap containing mixtures of polyesters and / or polyamides and polyolefins are compatiblized with ultralow density polyethylene to make homogeneous thermoplastic blends having useful properties .
apparatus is provided for the recovery of dry polymer in porous crumb form in which pellets of polymer containing volatile material from a cutter located at the output end of an extrusion device are conveyed by a first gas stream from the cutter through a first pipe means to a cyclone separator . a second pipe means is supplied with and conveys a second gas stream to the cyclone separator , both the first and second pipe means terminating at and forming an entry to the cyclone separator in which the pellets are cooled and separated from the gas streams and volatile material . the pellets are then removed from the cyclone separator and conveyed to weighing and packaging means .
polymer optical waveguides can be produced by separating the processes into a distinct embossing process and a distinct uv exposure process . separating the processes can create a more refined product and a more efficient process , thus eliminating the need for special polymer optical waveguide fabrication machinery .
an apparatus for the manufacture of sections of thermoplastic resin reinforced with continuous fibers . the apparatus includes coating rovings , having their fibers previously arranged in the form of a sheet by passage through a baffle zone having at least one transverse baffle , in a coating zone fed with a molten thermoplastic , then , to ensure impregnation of each of the fibers of the rovings , the coated rovings are passed into a forced impregnation zone having at least two baffles parallel to the baffle in the baffle zone prior to passing into the channel for shaping the final product .
in some embodiments , without limitation , the invention comprises a micromachined probe with one or more buried flow microchannels , where at least one of the microchannels is filled with an organic polymer . in some additional embodiments , the invention comprises a micromachined probe having at least a portion of one external surface coated with an organic polymer . the internally or externally applied organic polymer increases the buckling strength of the micromachined probe and decreases the risk of fracture of the probe , or movement or migration of broken fragments , during insertion , use , or removal from biological tissues .
a poultry wing receiving wheel is formed in three separable wheel segments , each of which have peripheral teeth which are aligned when such three segments are assembled so as to collectively form a plurality of circumferentially spaced poultry wing receiving troughs . by separably assembling the three wheel segments , fabrication is simplified and replacement costs are greatly reduced by permitting replacement of only the wheel segment which has worn or damaged peripheral teeth , i . e ., the assembled wheel is to a degree rendered repairable . the assembled wheel may be uaed with a conventional apparatus for cutting apart poultry wings . the central most of the three wheel segments may be provided with an integral keyway for mounting on a drive shaft of such a conventional poultry wing cutting machine , with the two remaining segments axially aligned and bolted to such middle wheel segment on each axial side thereof . antibacterial compounds such as rtv silicon may be applie between the wheel segments and stainless steel bolts may be used to reversibly assemble the wheel segments comprising manmade materials such as thermoplastics , for example nylon .
process and apparatus for continuously and permanently shaping a plate in plastic material according to an undulated profile . the apparatus includes a guide and positioning surface of the plate ; a moulding and transferral wheel , peripherally shaped according to a plurality of seats , suitable for reproducing a continuous shaped profile ; and a positioning , advancement and maintenance assembly in the form of a plate , peripheral with respect to the moulding wheel , of the mobile type , respectively ; counter - clockwise in synchronization with the moulding and return wheel in a position independent of the moulding wheel . the assembly includes a pre - form presser , upstream of the surface involved in the shaping , set apart by at least one first stabilization and cooling presser , a moulding presser , interposed between the pre - form presser and a cooling presser ; and a possible blade for detaching the plate from the seats .
the invention relates to a method of packaging wine in a container essentially consisting of a plastics material glass closed by a lid , wherein a lid is sealed to the rim of the glass and , while sealing the lid , the container is deformed to reduce the volume of the head space .
uncured thermosetting resins are loaded with relatively high amounts of solid thermoplastic resin particles to form a resin precursor . the resin precursor is heat treated so as to produce an uncured resin composition wherein the thermoplastic resin particles become substantially dissolved in the thermosetting resin without causing cure of the resin mixture . heat treatment of highly loaded thermosetting resins in accordance with the present invention provides uncured resin compositions that are well suited for use in fabricating composite structures and particularly prepreg for use in lightning protection surface coatings .
diisopropenylbenzene is a monomer that can be used in the preparation of many useful polymers and is also a chemical intermediate that can be employed in a number of chemical processes . diisopropenylbenzene is normally synthesized by the dehydrogenation of diisopropylbenzene . unfortunately in this dehydrogenation process a number of olefinic impurities are produced as by - products . this invention discloses a process for the separation of diisopropenylbenzene from these impurities and for recycling some of the impurities . in one embodiment of this invention this process comprises : dehydrogenating diisopropylbenzene to form a dehydrogenation mixture containing diisopropenylbenzene and organic impurities , continuously distilling said dehydrogenation mixture to separate said diisopropenylbenzene from said organic impurities , fully hydrogenating said organic impurities to form a mixture of regenerated diisopropylbenzene and saturated organic impurities , and fractionally distilling said mixture of regenerated diisopropylbenzene and saturated organic impurities under conditions sufficient to separate said regenerated diisopropylbenzene from said saturated organic impurities . the regenerated diisopropylbenzene can then be recycled for dehydrogenation with fresh diisopropylbenzene in the first step of the above described process .
this invention is related to the use of polyurethane based polymer as a drug delivery device to deliver biologically active compounds at a constant rate for an extended period of time and methods of manufactures thereof . the device is very biocompatible and biostable , and is useful as an implant in patients for the delivery of appropriate bioactive substances to tissues or organs . the drug delivery device for releasing one or more drugs at controlled rates for an extended period of time to produce local or systemic pharmacological effects comprises : 1 . a reservoir , said reservoir comprising ; 2 . at least one active ingredient ; and , optionally , 3 . at least one pharmaceutically acceptable carrier ; a polyurethane based polymer completely surrounding the reservoir .
disclosed is super water absorbent polymers applied to contain water , and the polymers may further collocate with water absorbent cotton materials to accelerate water absorbent rates . the described water absorbent materials are combined with solid hydrogen fuel to complete a stable hydrogen supply device . performance of the hydrogen supply device is not effected by inverting or tilting thereof . even if inverting or tilting the device , the water contained in the water absorbent materials does not flow out from the device . as such , the mea film in the fuel cell connected to the hydrogen supply device will not blocked by the water , thereby avoiding the fuel cell performance degradation even breakdown .
the present invention provides methods for extracting similar expression patterns and related biopolymers considering natures that are characteristic of expression data of , for example , genes . a segment of experiment cases which includes an expression of interest is selected as a search range among an expression pattern of a reference gene or the like . by comparing the selected segment of the expression pattern with expression patterns of a group of candidate genes or the like , genes having an expression pattern with at least a partial similarity are searched from the group of candidate genes . a partially taken out curve is transferred to overlap an expression pattern curve of a candidate gene to search expression patterns with a similar pattern shape .
a water based coating which is smooth and skid resistant when dry and which has increased skid resistance when wet . the coating comprises water , a polymer dispersion , a coalescing agent , and an anti - slip material . the coating also includes a mar resistant material , an ultraviolet light absorber , and a light stabilizer . further , the coating also includes a fungicide and a biocide . a method of making a water based coating that is smooth and skid resistant when dry and which has increased resistance when wet . it comprises the steps of forming a pre - mix , adding water to said premix , and then adding an anti - skid agent . the , pre - mix comprises a polymer dispersion , a coalescing agent , a surfactant , and a defoaming agent . it further includes the steps stirring said pre - mix and said water at room temperature until said mixture is homogeneous , adding a mar resistant material , an ultra violet light absorber , a light stabilizer , a fungicide , and a biocide .
a multilayer compression support sleeve construction . the laminate material includes a thin polyurethane film coated on both surfaces with an adhesive . a stretchable elastomeric polymer material is bonded to each of the adhesive surfaces . a substantial portion of one of the elastomeric polymer surfaces is coated with a discontinuous layer of silicone microdots . the microdots are applied by gravure roll printing to project a uniform distance above the elastomeric polymer surface to form small tacky dots . the laminate material is fabricated into a sleeve with the material oriented so that the microdot coated face is adjacent the skin of the wearer . microdots may be applied in a predetermined pattern in order to impart enhanced compression to certain areas of the support sleeve . the resulting support sleeve retains its breathability while presenting a nonslip inner surface which prevents migration of the garment on the skin of the wearer during exercise . the garment does not cause irritation to the underlying skin .
metal - polymer nanolaminate products are fabricated from a bulk nanolaminate material composed of thousands of alternating metal and polymer layers . the nanolaminate material is produced by a prior art ultra high speed vacuum nanotechnology process that forms metal layers separated by radiation cross linked multifunctional acrylate polymer materials . the polymer to metal ratio in the nanolaminate composite can be successfully controlled . the polymer chemistry in the nanolaminate can be varied to incorporate a broad range of functional groups . the nanolaminate products are safe to handle and are environmentally and chemically stable at least up to 250 ° c . a change in polymer chemistry can be used to lower or enhance the thermal degradation point of the polymer material .
an open - air vehicle includes a rear cargo area having a floor , a pair of opposing side walls , and a weather - resistant quarter panel of molded polymeric material removably secured to each of the side walls . each quarter panel can be disengaged from a respective side wall by hand by a person , without requiring tools . the aesthetic appearance of each of the quarter panels can match the aesthetic appearance of the floor and / or one or more trim components within a passenger compartment of the open - air vehicle . removable quarter panels may also include various amenities found within the passenger compartment of vehicles such as cup holders , armrests , and receptacles for storing articles .
a system and method for sterile packaging of beverages in plastic containers forms the plastic containers and fills them with sterile beverages in a common sterile environment . the containers are formed from a blow molding process in which the containers reach elevated temperatures sufficient to at least inpart sterilize the interior of the containers , are filled with sterile beverages immediately after the containers are formed in the same sterile environment . this eliminates the need for heavy use of sterilizing fluids for the plastic containers such as hydrogen peroxide or the like .
this invention relates to pharmacologically - active polymeric compounds ; to substrates , such as implantable medical devices formed thereof or coated therewith ; and to methods of using said compounds or said substrates for providing pharmacological agents released in response to in vivo activation at a desired location in a mammal . the polymeric material has a backbone comprising a pharmacologically - active fragment covalently linked through at least two functional groups within the backbone , wherein the backbone comprises , preferably , polyamide , polyurethane and / or polyurea linkages with , optionally , polyester , polycarbonate , polyether and / or polyvinyl linkages . the preferred pharmacological compounds are fluoroquinolines , particularly , ciprofloxacin . the pharmacologically - active compounds provide in vivo enhanced long term anti - inflammatory , anti - bacterial , anti - microbial and / or anti - fungal activity .
a method of making a radially expandable fluid delivery device includes providing a tube of biocompatible fluoropolymer material with a predetermined porosity based on an extrusion and expansion forming process , applying a radial expansion force to the tube expanding the tube to a predetermined diameter dimension , and removing the radial expansion force . the tube is radially inelastic while sufficiently pliable to be collapsible and inflatable from a collapsed configuration to an expanded configuration upon introduction of an inflation force , such that the expanded configuration occurs upon inflation to the predetermined diameter dimension . the fluid delivery device is constructed of a microporous , biocompatible fluoropolymer material having a microstructure that can provide a controlled , uniform , low - velocity fluid distribution through the walls of the fluid delivery device to effectively deliver fluid to the treatment site without damaging tissue proximate the walls of the device .
multiple emulsions with an “ onion ” topology are useful vehicles for drug delivery , biochemical assays , and templating materials . they can be assembled by ternary liquid phase separation using microfluidics , but the control over their design is limited because the mechanism of their creation is unknown . here it is shown that phase separation occurs via self - similar cycles of mass transfer , spinodal decomposition or nucleation , and coalescence into multiple layers . mapping out the phase diagram demonstrates a linear relation between concentric layer diameters , whose slope depends on the initial ternary composition and the molecular weight of the surfactant . these general rules quantitatively predict the number of droplet layers . further , self - assembly routes for polymer capsules and liposomes are provided with techniques to assemble lipid - stabilized droplets with ordered internal structures .
a smokeless tobacco product adapted for oral administration includes a permeable pouch adapted for administration into a user &# 39 ; s mouth and adapted to be removed from the mouth and disposed in nature and smokeless tobacco contained in the pouch . the pouch is made from a degradable polymer whose degradation properties allow the pouch to be essentially intact until the time of disposal and allow the pouch to degrade in nature after disposal .
the present disclosure is directed to a sewage disposal system having a central aeration chamber flanked on each side by a pair of biological filters each containing tiers of buoyant plastic hollow spheres through and over which the liquid from the aeration chamber flows upwardly and the filters are connected at the top by a crossover pipe positioned below the top level of sludge in the aeration chamber . the crossover pipe communicates with a vertical riser which functions with a vertical antisyphon vent . the riser communicates with a flexible hose which connects the primary central aeration chamber with the chlorine contact tank to receive the sludge from the biological filters for chlorinating the liquid and providing an adequate retention time for disinfection prior to discharge overboard .
the present invention is a novel , theft - resistant , and senior - friendly packaging for consumer and retail products that is cheap and easy to manufacture . the packaging is designed to prevent individuals from gaining access to the enclosed product through tampering with the packaging while at the same time meeting or exceeding federal child - resistant and senior - friendly guidelines . the packaging incorporates plastic material and multiple cuts to be tear - resistant and to halt the propagation of a tear , if one should occur .
the present invention discloses a process for producing a braided suture having an improved knot strength comprising heating a braided suture coated with a low molecular weight biocompatible polymer to a temperature sufficient to melt the low molecular weight biocompatible polymer for a time sufficient to allow the low molecular polymer to be redistributed into the interstices of the braided suture thereby providing a coated braided suture with an improved knot tensile strength . also disclosed is the coated braided suture having a low molecular weight polymer optimally dispersed throughout the braided suture &# 39 ; s cross - section .
a container treatment machine with a tank and spaced - apart valve housings , wherein a pressure - resistant delivery pipe having a curved section is provided between the tank and each valve housing directly or via an intermediate flow regulator , the delivery pipe being composed , at least in its curved section , of a hard plastic which is pressure - and temperature - resistant , and is acid - and alkali - resistant and permissible for foodstuffs , in particular polytetrafluoroethylene .