a diagnostic kit is disclosed for the detection of hemoglobin , myoglobin , ferritin , or the like substances having peroxidase - like activity in different mixtures of biological origin , such as fecal blood in toilet bowl , occult blood in the breath of internally bleeding horses , or myoglobin in the urine of severely muscle damaged victims . the kit includes , in an air , moisture , and light proof package , an inert water insoluble matrix , such as a sheet of paper , which has an area where a chemical composition containing a water soluble polymer , or polymers , is deposited in at least two separate steps of thin film coating , for the detection of the above substances . the composition further includes one or more oxygen donors , one or more organic peroxides or other suitable oxidizing agents , and a leuco - dye which gives a colored oxidation product when it is oxidized by the oxidizing agents with the hemoglobin or like substance acting as the catalyst . also disclosed is a method of making the test device for use in the kit . also disclosed is a method of making the test device for use in the kit .
novel compositions comprising wetted mixtures of poorly soluble drugs with water soluble polymers useful in increasing bioavailability are disclosed .
the production of liquid crystal displays on plastic substrates is desirable over glass substrates so that the finished product is thinner , lighter , and more robust . plastic substrates can enable the use of new and different processing techniques which are not possible on glass such as roll - to - roll processing . this invention discusses an advancement which is laser cutting a plastic substrate and display layer . one aspect of the invention is laser cutting and welding together two or more plastic substrates and lcd layer therebetween from a larger sheet or roll of plastic lcds .
the invention relates to a process for the production of a very thick , self - supporting , z - shaped plastic laminate , starting from a plurality of kraft papers imbued with phenolic resin , possibly with a superposed sheet of decorative paper imbued with melaminic resin , said papers being pressed in two successive processing phases ; in the first phase the pressure is kept at a minimum level , while the temperature of the papers rises up to the temperature of polymerization of the resins , and in the second phase the temperature keeps at a substantially constant level while the pressure rapidly increases , at least initially .
the disclosed method provides an electret filter having a permanent electrostatic charge and formed of polymer fibers having an intrinsic viscosity of 1 . 5 or less . fibers of the requisite viscosity are formed into a non - woven fabric and fed , at room temperature , through a gap between a discharge electrode and a ground electrode while being tightly pressed against the ground electrode . the ground electrode preferrably presents a polished metal surface for contact with the web .
a method and system for preparing a bone surface , as by smoothing the surface , in preparation for contacting and / or receiving a prosthetic implant . the smoothing system and method are particularly well suited for use with articulating joints , in which a polymeric biomaterial such as polyurethane is implanted and retained upon one bone surface , in order to provide a corresponding surface for opposing , articulating bone . smoothing condylar bone , for instance , can significantly decrease the friction between a the condylar surface , and particularly one that is itself diseased or damaged , and to remove osteophytes and entheseophytes .
a method and apparatus for underwater pelletizing and subsequent drying of crystallizing polymers to crystallize the polymer pellets without subsequent heating is shown in fig . 5 . high velocity air or other inert gas is injected into the water and pellet slurry line toward the dryer near the pelletizer exit at a flow rate of from about 100 to about 175 m 3 / hour , or more . such high - speed air movement forms a vapor mist with the water and significantly increases the speed of the pellets into and out of the dryer such that the polymer pellets leave the dryer with sufficient latent heat to cause self - crystallization within the pellets . a valve mechanism in the slurry line after the gas injection further regulates the pellet residence time and a vibrating conveyor after the dryer helps the pellets to achieve the desired level of crystallinity and to avoid agglomeration .
the instant invention relates to a solid product comprising a liquid biologically active agent which is intimately associated to a stabilizing agent ; particularly a solid product that can be reconstituted to a clear , stable , stabilized nanodispersion or loaded micelles comprising a polymer as a stabilizing agent and a liquid , preferably water immiscible , biologically active agent . the instant invention is further directed toward a process for the production of the above solid product ; particularly to micelles or nanodispersions produced by hydration of a cake or powder of the solid product , produced via an effective treatment of a stabilized solution comprising for example a polymer as a stabilizing agent , such as an amphiphilic block copolymer or a small molecular weight surfactant , loaded with a liquid biologically active agent , such as propofol , an optional additive , and a suitable solvent .
the invention includes processes and products made by the processes . the processes include making a two - part mold having semi - cylindrical openings for the paddle shaft so that the paddle blade may be molded and co - cured directly on the paddle shaft . the mold surfaces correspond to the ultimate outer mold line of the paddle , and also are designed to express liquid resin from the centerline of the paddle outward toward its edges as the mold closes or to fuse and consolidate thermoplastic resin such as polypropylene on glass fiber . the mold closing and heating schedule is designed to partially cure the resin so that it flows outward through the reinforcing fiber at a controlled rate , preventing resin starvation of the fiber reinforcement and ensuring complete expulsion of any air bubbles in the reinforcing fiber . the mold is opened and the paddle is removed from the mold for trimming by a high speed cnc router to produce a paddle that conforms exactly to the desired peripheral shape .
functionalized biocompatible nanoparticles capable of penetrating through a mammalian cell membrane and delivering intracellularly a plurality of bioactive molecules for modulating a cellular function are disclosed herein the functionalized biocompatible nanoparticles comprise : a central nanoparticle ranging in size from about 5 to about 50 nm and having a polymer coating thereon , a plurality of functional groups covalently attached to the polymer coating , wherein the plurality of bioactive molecules are attached to the plurality of the functional groups , and wherein the plurality of bioactive molecules include at least a peptide and a protein , and wherein the peptide is capable of penetrating through the mammalian cell membrane and entering into the cell , and wherein the protein is capable of providing a new functionality within the cell . the protein may be a transcription factor selected from the group consisting of oct4 , sox2 , nanog , lin28 , cmyc , and klf4 .
a nucleic acid adsorbent in which a polymer having a constitutional unit represented by the following formula is immobilized on a water - insoluble carrier is used as a nucleic acid adsorbent capable of selectively and efficiently adsorbing nucleic acids from complex mixtures , such as cell extract , wherein r 1 represents hydrogen , fluoride , or methyl ; r 2 and r 3 each independently represent alkyl of 1 to 6 carbon atoms ; a is — nh — or — o —; and b represents alkylene of 2 to 18 carbon atoms . nucleic acids are recovered from cell extract by allowing them to be adsorbed to the nucleic acid adsorbent by mixing this nucleic acid adsorbent with cell extract , removing the nucleic acids from the cell extract by separating the adsorbent therefrom , and dissociating the nucleic acids from the nucleic acid adsorbent by treating the separated nucleic acid adsorbent with alkali .
the invention relates to a device for continuous heat treatment of granulated materials , especially to the crystallization of polymer granulate , such as polyethyleneterephthalate for example . the device comprises several adjacent fluidization chambers respectively provided with a sieve plate through which a fluidization gas used to fluidize the granulate can be insufflated into the respective chamber from below via a gas inlet , the gas being able to escape via a gas outlet in the top area of the device . the first chamber takes up the greater part of the overall volume of all chambers and neighboring chambers are , respectively , fluidically connected by product throughflow openings in the separating walls arranged therebetween . the granulated material can be guided through several adjacent fluidization chambers , the absolute filling level of the fluidized granulating material in the first chamber being at least as high as the absolute filling level of the other adjacent chambers disposed downstream therefrom .
an absorbable crystalline , monocentric polyaxial copolymer comprising a central carbon or nitrogen atom and at least three axes , each of which includes an amorphous flexible component adjacent and originating from the central atom and a rigid , crystallizable component extending outwardly from the amorphous , flexible component is disclosed along with the use of such copolymer in medical devices which may contain a bioactive agent . the present invention also relates to a suture , stents , stent mantles and sealing devices made from the polyaxial copolymer .
biodegradable poly designed to display two - stage degradation profiles are described . the presence of the anhydride linkages allows a relatively rapid decrease in molecular weight , the extent of which is governed by the concentration of the anhydride linkages along the chain , followed by possible dissolution and a slower degradation of the remaining oligomers , the rate of which is governed by the composition of the polyester prepolymers . methods for the preparation of the poly and their polyester precursors are also described .
moulding equipment for the production of plastic parts via the injection of a molten thermoplastic resin , chiefly consisting of a mould which consists of at least two mould halves , which when closed together produce a cavity and a core , wherein at least one mould half or mould part contains at least one moveable mould part with the necessary system to control the movement of the mould part or parts using the active control of the cavity pressure .
a monolithic dental implant is provided made from a material or materials having a elasticity moduli less than approximately 4 msi . the materials can be either a polymer or a composite material having a polymer matrix and a fiber - or particulate - reinforced second phase . when subject to occlusive forces , the monolithic dental implant provides improved lateral transmission of the forces , resulting in a reduction in bone resorption . additionally , because the dental implant is monolithic , it is not subject to the problems associated with bacteria collection and abrasive wear common to multi - component dental implants .
a non - metallic element system is provided as part of a downhole tool that can effectively seal or pack - off an annulus under elevated temperatures . the element system can also resist high differential pressures without sacrificing performance or suffering mechanical degradation , and is considerably faster to drill - up than a conventional element system . in one aspect , the composite material comprises an epoxy blend reinforced with glass fibers stacked layer upon layer at about 30 to about 70 degrees . in another aspect , a mandrel is formed of a non - metallic polymeric composite material . a downhole tool , such as a bridge plug , frac - plug , or packer , is also provided . the tool comprises a support ring having one or more wedges , an expansion ring , and a sealing member positioned with the expansion ring .
an apparatus for heat shrinking a heat - shrinkable plastic film wrapping a package includes a conveyor for conveying the package , a steam chamber arranged to cover the package on the conveyor at least from above , and a steam jetting pipe provided inside the steam chamber at an upper portion thereof for filling the steam chamber with steam . the package is conveyed to the location of the steam chamber by the conveyor and is introduced into the steam chamber where the plastic film wrapping the package is shrunk by heat given off by the steam .
a typewriter for portable use comprises a plurality of type lugs , a plurality of operation keys and key levers for operating the type lugs ; a carriage for supporting paper , a spacing means for moving the carriage one space , and a ribbon switching means provided in contact with the spacing means so as to be moved by the movement of the spacing means . a ribbon holder is shifted vertically to select the required color section of a two color ribbon . further , many parts of the ribbon switching means are adapted to easy manufacture , and to allow the extensive use of plastics in the construction .
a class of molecularly imprinted polymers that specifically recognizes and binds to nitrosamines members of which class are useful , for example , in analysis and separation of nitrosamines from biological fluids . such molecularly imprinted polymers are also useful in methods of treating and manufacturing tobacco products and materials .
a multilayer thermoformable film comprises a top - layer thermoplastic film having an inner surface and an outer surface , where the top layer thermoplastic film has a softening temperature , at least one mask layer thermoplastic film , where the mask layer thermoplastic film has a softening temperature that is within about 30 degrees centigrade of the softening temperature of the top layer film , and at least one tielayer disposed between the inner surface of the top layer film and the mask layer .
a bioelectronic device and method of making is disclosed . the device includes a scaffold formed via 3d printing . the device also includes a biologic and an electronic device formed via 3d printing , the biologic and electronic device being interweaved with or coupled to the scaffold . the electronic component may e . g ., include at least one of hard conductors , soft conductors , insulators and semiconductors . the scaffold may be formed of at least one of synthetic polymers and natural biological polymers . the biologic may include at least one of animal cells , plant cells , cellular organelles , proteins and dna .
a waterproof sheet used to waterproof structures has a single layer of non - degradable , water impermeable polymeric membrane that has layers of particles of non - hydrated sodium montmorillonite adhering to the membrane in a uniform layered thickness . the layers of particles of sodium montmorillonite spaced from the membrane adhere to each other , with a coating material that is designed to provide the necessary performance for waterproofing . a water soluble dye is provided in the layer of particles so if a tear occurs in the impermeable membrane and water contacts the particles , the dye will stain the membrane and mark the location of the tear .
methods and apparatus for generating a frequency comb and for its use in analyzing materials and in telecommunications . the frequency comb is generated by passing pulsed light from a laser through an optical fiber having a constriction . the frequency comb comprises a plurality of monochromatic components separated in frequency by a substantially constant frequency increment . the monochromatic components are used to probe materials for analysis . in preferred embodiments , the materials are dna , rna , pna and other biologically important molecules and polymers . optical responses are observed and used to analyze or identify samples . in telecommunication applications , the individual monochromatic components serve as carriers for individual communication channels that can carry information of any of a variety of types , such as voice , data and images .
the invention relates to a locking cap made of a molded plastic material for a vessel having a neck , intended for blocking a stopper in said neck , including a wire - cap adapted for surrounding the stopper and the neck in the mounted configuration of the cap . the wire - cap includes first and second flexible tabs capable of being respectively blocked on the neck and on the stopper , said first tabs being offset relative to said second tabs in an axial direction relative to said neck . the cap also includes a ring surrounding the wire - cap for preventing access to said tabs from outside the ring . the ring and the wire - cap are designed so as to be fitted and locked together . the tabs of the wire - cap are respectively arranged at an angle in first and second openings which are formed by the mesh of the wire - cap , and in which the tabs can disappear when mounting the cap on the neck .
a method for quality control of a stretch - blow - molded plastic container by inspecting its base , which method is easy to execute and is not highly susceptible to faults . such inspection of the container bases includes determining quality features such as the surface area of an unstretched and / or only slightly stretched region of the base of the plastic container .
the present invention relates to a biochip comprising an electrode having a titania coating layer on its surface ; an organic coupler comprising two or more carboxylic acid groups and capable of transporting electrons ; and bioactive molecules , wherein the organic coupler is covalently bonded to a hydroxyl group of titania on the electrode surface through one carboxylic acid group , and to the bioactive molecules through other one or more carboxylic acid groups , a method for analyzing target molecules using the biochip , a method for diagnosing the development of diseases using the biochip , an electrode provided with a titania coating layer on its surface to which an organic coupler , comprising 2 or more carboxylic acid groups and capable of transporting electrons , is bound , wherein the organic coupler is covalently bonded to a hydroxyl group of titania on the electrode surface through one carboxylic acid group , and a method for preparing the electrode provided with a mesoporous titania coating layer , the method comprising coating a mixed solution of a titania precursor and a template polymer on the top of the electrode , and calcinating the coated electrode under an air flow condition .
apparatus and method for joining two ends of plastic optical fibers after the ends have been formed , preferably cut at a bias . the ends are pushed together within a tightly fitting quartz tube and their juncture is heated , by a resistance wire filament which surrounds the tube , to melt the ends and form a splice . the quartz tube is split into a top member and a bottom member and the spliced optical fiber is removed from the tube by opening the two tube members .
a sling device for surgical implantation into human recipient to support the urethra , the sling including an elongated strip of supple material . the elongated strip has a center portion , opposite first and second side portions , and a slot passing through the center portion , through which one of the side portions can pass , thereby forming a loop in the elongated strip . the material is a biological acceptable material for implantation into the human recipient , preferably selected from the group consisting of synthetic polymers , processed animal tissues , and combination thereof . a method of reducing the incidence of involuntary urination or restoring urinary continence in an incontinent human subject is also disclosed , including the steps of providing a sling device of the type previously described and surgically implanting the sling device in the human subject so that the urethra is biased upward so as to elevate the urethra .
a biodegradable polymer includes a ) 20 to 60 % of a mixture of starch and / or a modified starch , b ) 8 to 22 % of starch plasticisers and processing agents c ) 30 to 70 % of one or more biodegradable aliphatic polyesters d ) 1 to 10 % of a layered silicate clay mineral . the silicate mineral is an organoclay which has been formed by reacting clay with an intercalating chemical to compatibilise it with the polymers so that the clay is exfoliated and makes the blend amorphous . the polymers may also include the usual additives including e ) from 0 to 20 % by weight of a polyol plasticiser f ) from 0 . 1 to 1 . 5 % by weight of a c 12 - 22 fatty acid or salt or a destructing agent preferably urea and / or urea derivatives , and g ) from 0 to 12 % by weight of added water . the polyester may be modified by reaction with maleic anhydride .
biocompatible metal balls are secured by affixation stems to the humerus and the scapular region of the shoulder . the balls are rotatably captured between a pair of cutout plastic hemispheres , which are secured to each other to form a spheroid by a metal shell . the prosthesis accordingly provides a wide range of articulation with substantially high stability .
a method of manufacturing polymeric material having enhanced structural integrity includes heating the material to a temperature between the material &# 39 ; s glass transition temperature and the material &# 39 ; s melt temperature . once heated , the material is highly overstretched in a first direction and moderately overstretched in a second direction . the material is then held in the overstretched condition while it is allowed to cool to room temperature . cooling is followed by reheating to a curing temperature . after curing for a predetermined period , the material is again allowed to cool . the completed material has high polymeric orientation in the first direction and moderate polymeric orientation in the second direction . therefore , the material is characterized by enhanced structural integrity and absence of pinhole defects common to highly oriented polymeric materials .
an insert - molded suture anchor having a biodegradable polymer body molded around a loop of suture . a drive head disposed on the proximal end of the body , and a screw thread spirals around the body . the suture is held securely within the anchor body by forming irregularities in the braided suture used to form the anchor . the anchor is produced by placing the braided suture within an injection mold , and injecting biodegradable polymer into the mold .
a stack of two different metals to be welded , one of which is harder than the other , and an additional soft metal placed on the harder metal is placed between a pair of horn tips of an ultrasonic welder . the harder metal is covered with a soft metal layer of a high plastic fluidity . serrations are formed on the surface of the horn tips to grip the softer metal and the additional metal tightly during ultrasonic vibration is applied .
modular plastic structural composites having a web section disposed along a horizontal axis and at least one flange section disposed along a horizontal axis parallel thereto and integrally molded to engage the top or bottom surface of the web section , wherein said composite is formed from a mixture of high density polyolefin and a thermoplastic - coated fiber material , poly - styrene , or a combination thereof . composites molded in the form of i - beams and bridges constructed therefrom are also disclosed .
a process for concurrent delivery of multiple therapeutic agents via hydrogels . the process includes polymerizing a hydrogel and combining said hydrogel with at least two biologically therapeutic agents . encapsulation of whole viable cells into polymerized hydrogel for transplantation is also disclosed .
the instant invention involves the use of a combination of preparatory steps in conjunction with mass spectroscopy and time - of - flight detection procedures to maximize the diversity of biopolymers which are verifiable within a particular sample . the cohort of biopolymers verified within such a sample is then viewed with reference to their ability to evidence at least one particular disease state ; thereby enabling a diagnostician to gain the ability to characterize either the presence or absence of said at least one disease state relative to recognition of the presence and / or the absence of said biopolymer .
slurries containing tri - or polyvalent cations are used for investment casting and making molds as well as core coatings . these slurries are aqueous or alcohol - based containing a mineral component and a polyanionic binder , where at least one of the continuous phase or mineral component contains trivalent or polyvalent cations or cations that are converted into trivalent or polyvalent cations during use . the cationic component is selected from a group consisting of at least one of the metals iron or aluminum . the polyanionic component contains at least one of the group consisting of colloidal silica or one or more water - soluble organic polymers .
there is disclosed a releasable closure for a container which is particularly suitable for plastic bags . the closure is formed by a pair of opposed bands of static cling vinyl film , preferably polyvinyl chloride , which extend along the mouth of the container and which are permanently secured thereto . the bands of static cling vinyl extend inwardly , into the container where they form internal flaps that are coextensive the length of the mouth of the container , thereby forming internal flaps within the bag . these internal flaps provide the pressure resistant capability of the resealable closure , permitting it to retain its fluid - tight characteristic against internal pressures .
a non - metallic element system is provided as part of a downhole tool that can effectively seal or pack - off an annulus under elevated temperatures . the element system can also resist high differential pressures without sacrificing performance or suffering mechanical degradation , and is considerably faster to drill - up than a conventional element system . in one aspect , the composite material comprises an epoxy blend reinforced with glass fibers stacked layer upon layer at about 30 to about 70 degrees . in another aspect , a mandrel is formed of a non - metallic polymeric composite material . a downhole tool , such as a bridge plug , frac - plug , or packer , is also provided . the tool comprises a support ring having one or more wedges , an expansion ring , and a sealing member positioned with the expansion ring .
processes for the batch production of rubber - based compositions capable of being shaped and shaped articles made thereof . they include a step of high intensity mixing cured rubber particles with other selected compounds into a closed mixing chamber provided on a high intensity mixer including a central shaft having mixing blades . through high speed rotation of the shaft , blade tip speed above about 20 meter / s are obtained to intensively mix and thermokinetically heat the batch of mixable material , whose temperature is continuously monitored . discharge of the batch from the mixing chamber takes place when the temperature is considered to have reached a reference value ensuring a substantially uniform mix of the rubber material and added compounds , to produce the rubber - based composition . according to a first preferred embodiment , cured rubber is fed into the mixing chamber with a resinous material , and discharge occurs at a temperature ensuring a substantially uniform mix of the rubber material in a matrix of resinous material to produce the rubber - based composition , which can be then shaped without any further heating . according to a second preferred embodiment , a curing agent is added to the cured rubber particles , and the batch is discharged from the mixing chamber when the temperature reaches a reference value ensuring a substantially uniform mix of the cured rubber material with the curing agent without causing a significant further curing , to produce a rubber - based composition capable of being heat - shaped . other preferred embodiments using a reactive polymeric binding agent and a bonding agent are described .
nanocrystalline cellulose is employed as the cross - linker and reinforcement domain for developing nanocomposite hydrogels possessing high strength and improved diffusion property ; the resulting nanocomposite hydrogels are shown to have high mechanical properties , reversible swelling ability , and are biodegradable and biocompatible ; the approach relies on free radical polymerization to form the hydrogels using a variety of hydrophilic vinyl monomers . these hydrogels are suitable for developing highly absorbent hygiene products , as well as for applications in medicine , engineering materials and sensors .
the invention provides polymer particles that are obtainable by a method selected from emulsion methods , diffusion methods and evaporation methods carried out in the presence of surface - engineering surfactant which is one or more polymer that displays a lower critical solution temperature , in aqueous media , that is between 10 to 90 ° c ., this polymer being the polymerisation product of one or more monomer selected from polymerisable alkyleneglycol acrylate monomers and polymerisable alkyleneglycol methacrylate monomers . the polymer particles can be used in controlled release applications , such as flavour release applications , fragrance release applications and biomedical applications . the invention also provides a cell support matrix comprising the polymer particles .
a preferred embodiment of the present invention provides a method and system for building cost - efficient biocompatible hydrogel constructs using stereolithography . hydrogel constructs may be used in , for example , multi - lumen nerve regeneration conduits and other tissue engineering scaffolds with embedded channel architecture that facilitate tissue regeneration through possible incorporation of precisely located bioactive agents , cells , and other desired inert and / or active chemical agents and devices . another preferred embodiment of the present invention provides a method of fabricating a hydrogel construct comprising : solidifying a first solution into a first construct layer with a first energy dosage using stereolithography , the first solution comprising : a first polymer ; and a first photoinitiator , wherein the first polymer and first photoinitiator are of a first concentration .
microfluidic devices are provided for the performance of chemical and biochemical analyzes , syntheses and detection . the devices of the invention combine precise fluidic control systems with microfabricated polymeric substrates to provide accurate , low cost miniaturized analytical devices that have broad applications in the fields of chemistry , biochemistry , biotechnology , molecular biology and numerous other fields .
a method for twin sheet forming layers high heat distortion temperature thermoplastic materials . the process employs a low heat distortion temperature thermoplastic material layer disposed between the layers of high heat distortion temperature material layer to permit adhesion therebetween at moderate temperatures to reduce thermal degradation . the structures made therefrom are useful as aircraft ducting .
improved powder coatings exhibit enhanced resistance to bacterial and fungal attack , while possessing excellent toughness , appearance , corrosion resistance , durability , processability , and ease of application . the coating is comprised of anti - microbial agents melt - processed into the matrices of coating powders or bonded to coating powders . an article may be coated with a thermoset or thermoplastic powder that may be applied by electrostatic spray or fluidized bed or by thermal or flame spray .
biomedical materials are encapsulated in ionically crosslinked polymer capsules , preferably alginate microcapsules . the alginate capsules are then subjected , in a liquid vehicle , to an ethylenically unsaturated monomer and an initiator , to induce polymerization of the unsaturated monomer and therey enhance the strength of the capsule wall . the microcapsules can be after - treated with , for example , polysine and alginate to reduce their tendency to elicit an immune response if implanted in an animal . the invention extends to the microcapsules and also to a method of treating or preventing medical conditions in an animal particularly a human , by implanting microcapsule containing biomedical material in the animal .
a dielectric weldable material includes a blend of at least two components including an inert polymer and an elastomeric polar polymer . a method of forming a bond includes providing a substrate having a first end and a second end , wherein the substrate includes a blend of at least two components including an inert polymer and an elastomeric polar polymer . the method further includes bonding the first end and second end of the substrate with high frequency electromagnetic energy .
a release device , and in particular a release device for use in parachute systems in place of pyrotechnic cutters . the inventive systems utilize a severable structural member of low melting point , high strength polymer that is severed by introducing a heat defect . the member is typically a ultra high molecular weight polyethylene braided line and the heat defect is preferably caused a resistance heater or solid state laser diode . this inventive results in a low cost non - pyrotechnic release device with is not subject to regulatory and transportation restrictions .
the instant invention involves the use of a combination of preparatory steps in conjunction with mass spectroscopy and time - of - flight detection procedures to maximize the diversity of biopolymers which are verifiable within a particular sample . the cohort of biopolymers verified within such a sample is then viewed with reference to their ability to evidence at least one particular disease state ; thereby enabling a diagnostician to gain the ability to characterize either the presence or absence of said at least one disease state relative to recognition of the presence and / or the absence of said biopolymer .
a process for producing a highly uniaxially oriented film is disclosed , comprising supporting a composition comprising two or more liquid crystal monomers displaying a nematic or smectic state and having a polymerizable functional group in the molecule thereof and a photopolymerization initiator on or between a support or supports having been subjected to orientation , and irradiating said composition with radiation while maintaining said composition in a liquid crystal state to cause polymerization of said composition . the resulting film is free from pinholes , strain or unevenness and is excellent in optical transparency .
a method and system are disclosed for orienting a multilayer polymeric film structure by differentially heating different film layers thereof by dielectric heating and then molecular orienting the film layers at their respective optimal orientation temperatures .
a paper , or cardboard , or card stock material is made from an organic material , such as ground - up sunflower seeds using an organic binder , such as a glue , which may have the form of a polysaccharide e . g ., a long chain naturally occurring sugar . a water resistant , or water impermeable coating , such as a pla coating , is applied to one or both sides of the card stock to form a laminate . the card stock may be formed into a shape or structure , such as a carton , or bowl , or cup , either prior to or after coating . the card stock material or the primary layer , the binder , and the plastic coating are all based on materials that are typically considered to be waste by - products of agricultural or food services processing , and they are all materials that may tend to be suitable for composting or biodegradation .
the present invention relates to polymeric compositions useful in the manufacture of biocompatible medical devices . more particularly , the present invention relates to certain hydrophilic monomers capable of polymerization to form polymeric compositions having desirable physical characteristics useful in the manufacture of ophthalmic devices . the polymeric compositions comprise polymerized hydrophilic siloxanyl monomers .
a flexible film laminate and retortable pouch therefrom comprising a first layer of heat - sealable polyolefin film ; a syndiotactic poly - 1 , 2 - butadiene adhesive be bonding said first layer to a second layer of polyacrylonitrile homopolymer film ; said laminate having been subjected to conditions sufficient to effect the generation of free radicals in the system to an extent resulting in greater bond strength between layers than in the absence of said conditions .
chemical polymerization procedures initiated by , and proceeding from , a biomolecule , particularly a protein , for the formation of biomolecule - polymer conjugates , particularly protein - polymer conjugates , which have therapeutic uses , are intermediates for forming other materials or are usable in diagnostic sensors are disclosed . polymerization can be initiated by a protein in the absence of additional initiation agents to form the protein - polymer conjugate . alternatively , polymerization is initiated in the presence of an additional initiation agent that does not interact with the protein . amino acids existing in the protein can serve as the sites for initiation of the polymerization or the protein can be modified to contain site for initiation or protein with active sites can be prepared by recombinant methods , chemical ligation , solid - phase synthesis , or other techniques to generate site for initiation .
disclosed are methods and devices for producing very fine particles which are then coated with protective polymers in another step of the process . the particles are produced using a method in which a liquid flow comprising a particle - free liquid 1 that contains the active substance in a dissolved form is combined with a second liquid flow comprising a liquid 2 in a high - energy zone or no sooner than two seconds before reaching the high - energy zone . said two liquids can be mixed with each other while the active substance dissolved in liquid 1 is insoluble or more difficult to dissolve in liquid 2 than in liquid 1 and settles in the form of particles in the high - energy zone or within a maximum of 2 seconds before reaching the high - energy zone when the two liquids are mixed . the obtained particles are introduced into an aqueous outer phase which contains the coating materials in a dissolved form and are then subjected to a drying step such that said materials settle on the particles as a closed coating . the coated particles are protected from damaging influences and are provided with modified release kinetics compared to uncoated particles .
a transport pallet , in the form of a square or rectangular board , is particularly suited for air transport . the transport pallet is formed to a large extent from plastics material . it has at least two intersecting reinforcing struts formed from a fiber - reinforced composite plastics material . the reinforcing struts lie adjacent each other via notches stabilizing the relative positions , constituting a plug - type connection . the transport pallet further has a plate - like core of mechanically stable foamed plastics material formed by several part - cores . the core is attached to or surrounds the reinforcing struts and holds the same in a stable position . the foamed plastics material core is sheathed by the fiber - reinforced composite plastics layer . the lateral edges of the pallet board thus formed are reinforced by light alloy profiled members pulled over the edges .
a method of producing a thermoplastic polyurethane compound including a polyurethane powder comprising microcellular polyurethane . the method minimizes discarding scrap mcu , reduces the cost of tpu articles by introducing a partial replacement for the tpu resin , and reduces injection - molding times to produce tpu articles . the tpu compound including polyurethane powder has superior melt temperature and compression set properties as compared to tpu compounds of similar shore hardness that are free of the polyurethane powder . the invention also provides a tpu article including the tpu compound and a method of recycling a mcu foam .
the present invention relates to a method for preparing linear alpha olefin comonomers , such as 1 - butene , 1 - hexene or 1 - octene , from ethylene monomer . the comonomer generated is stored on site for use in a subsequent process , such as a polyethylene polymerization reactor . the method includes the steps of feeding an ethylene monomer , and a catalyst in a solvent to one or more comonomer synthesis reactors ; reacting the ethylene monomer and the catalyst in solvent under reaction conditions to produce an effluent stream comprising unreacted ethylene monomer , a catalyst in a solvent , and comonomer ; passing the effluent stream to one or more downstream gas / liquid phase separators to form a gas stream of unreacted ethylene monomer , and a liquid stream of comonomer , and catalyst in a solvent ; recycling to the one or more comonomer synthesis reactors the unreacted ethylene monomer and a portion of the liquid stream ; and storing a remaining portion of said liquid stream for subsequent processing of the comonomer . some of the benefits of the method include process simplification and reduced capital and operating costs from , inter alia , not having to recover ethylene in high purity nor separate catalyst from comonomer .
absorbent dressings , including highly - absorbent dressings having antimicrobial polymer attached thereto via non - siloxane bonds are disclosed . bandages , sanitary napkins and the like are useful applications for the intrinsically bactericidal absorbent dressings whose method of manufacture and use are disclosed and claimed .
a pallet base stacked with commodities for wrapping is positioned on a horizontal platform , whereupon the wrapping operation is effected by an l - profile beam carrying a roll of plastic film and rotatable about a vertical axis in such a way as to circle the platform and wind the film around the pallet ; to advantage , the horizontal member of the beam lies below the uncoiling roll of film , passing between the platform and a horizontal bed afforded by the stationary frame of the apparatus , such that with the l - beam set in rotation about the main axis a low center of inertia is achieved .
membranes for fluid separation are disclosed . these membranes have a matrix layer sandwiched between an active layer and a porous support layer . the matrix layer includes 1 - d nanoparticles that are vertically aligned in a porous polymer matrix , and which substantially extend through the matrix layer . the active layer provides species - specific transport , while the support layer provides mechanical support . a matrix layer of this type has favorable surface morphology for forming the active layer . furthermore , the pores that form in the matrix layer tend to be smaller and more evenly distributed as a result of the presence of aligned 1 - d nanoparticles . improved performance of separation membranes of this type is attributed to these effects .
a panel having a honeycomb core and thermoplastic resin facings with adhered decorative polyvinyl fluoride overlayer is shaped in a press after being preheated to the softening temperature of the resin and the placing of the heated thermoplastic resin facing in registry with the overlayer which is preheated , thus pressing the two together in the press .
a polylumenal implantable device comprises a body defining a plurality of capillary lumina . the prosthetic device is suitable for implantation in a patient as an arterial or venous bypass graft or shunt , or intra - organ implant as well as other purposes . the improved prosthetic device has increased surface area and preferably a three - dimensional porosity for encouraging the harboring of , for example , endothelial cells , as well as for receiving organized deposition of material such as genetically enhanced cell types . a method for providing a bioactive material to a patient includes the steps of providing a polyluminal implantable organ comprising an implantable body defining a plurality of capillary lumina , treating the interior surfaces of the lumina with a bioactive material or plasma polymerization , and implanting the prosthetic device in the patient so that bodily fluids of the patient come into contact with the treated interior surfaces .
an integrally formed single piece light strip having no internal voids , comprising first and second bus elements spaced apart from one another by a predetermined distance for operative connection to a power source . a substrate strip includes a top surface and a bottom surface having a printed circuit thereon . at least one light emitting diode , including electrical contact prongs , is provided , with the led being mounted on the top surface of the substrate strip , and with the electrical contact prongs contacting the printed circuit on the bottom surface of the substrate strip . the printed circuit is in electrical contact with the bus elements to conduct electricity thereon . an extruded plastic material completely encapsulates the first and second bus elements , with the substrate strip and the led to thereby provide a protective barrier and thereby make the light strip impervious to moisture . alternatively , an integrally formed light strip is provided that includes a plastic material extruded over first and second bus elements , a substrate strip including a printed circuit and at least one led mounted thereon to completely encapsulate the components to provide a light strip protective barrier , with the extruded plastic material being extruded to form a bottom surface defining a channel therein for facilitating connection of the strip with other like strips through a channel engaging electrical connector .
a permselective graft polymer is disclosed that is formed by converting into intermediate reactive sites a portion of the cyano groups of a backbone polymer containing — ch 2 — ch — units , and grafting polyalkylene oxide polymer chains to the backbone polymer through the reactive sites . either the backbone polymer of a polymer resin or a permselective polymer membrane can be grafted . when a resin is used , it is formed into a permselective polymer membrane using known methods . the resulting permselective membrane can be formed into hollow fibers or flat sheets for the encapsulation of living cells . the encapsulated cells are then implanted into a patient in need of the biologically active factors produced by the cells . the permselective graft polymer membrane exhibits good molecular diffusion with minimal protein adsorption .
a container assembly provided with an antibacterial agent against “ slow - leak ” bacteria , comprising a container such as a plastic bottle which has a mouth portion having a rim ; and a seal member such as a crown cap fitted to the mouth portion at the rim , wherein at least either a surface portion of the rim or the rim - contacting surface portion of the seal member includes an antibacterial agent such as silver zeolite in the form of a coating or a liner , thereby effectively blocking the entry of unwanted live bacteria and eumycetes which may enter the interior of the container assembly due to slow - leak .
new ampholyte biomaterial compounds containing ampholyte moieties are synthesized and integrated into polymeric assemblies to provide hydrophilic polymers exhibiting improved biocompatibility , haemocompatibility , hydrophilicity non - thrombogenicity , anti - bacterial ability , and mechanical strength , as well as suitability as a drug delivery platform .
a biologically - active compound which includes an inorganic mixed metal cationic portion having anion exchange properties and an anionic portion containing a biologically - active anion . the mixed metal cationic portion can be an oxide , hydroxide , or both , and can be fully hydrated , partially hydrated , or not hydrated . the biologically - active anion can be , e . g ., an antibiotic , an analgesic , an antimicrobial , a pharmaceutical , an antioxidant , or an agricultural chemical such as a herbicide or a pesticide . these biologically - active compounds can have controlled - release properties and can be produced by relatively simple processes , using for the cationic portion relatively common starting materials . these biologically - active compounds are useful , for example , in compositions to form pharmaceuticals , antioxidants , or herbicides , and can be incorporated into a polymeric material to form a shaped body , such as a plastic film which can be utilized to form bags for food storage or transportation . also included are processes for making the biologically - active compounds .
a fiber sample holder and fiber sample system are provided , in which a thin card member , preferably made of injection moldable plastic , is provided with opposing broad faces across which a fiber sample is wound , and the broad faces are bounded laterally by converging edges which themselves are bounded by upper and lower pairs of shoulders which operate to retain the wound fibers in position between the shoulders .
a protective hybrid composite for a rotor blade is based on the use of tape cast ceramic layers densified by pre - ceramic polymer infiltration methods and laminated together with polymer matrix composite prepregs , with or without an embedded metallic mesh , to form a conforming helicopter blade cladding that is laminated to the blade surface for added erosion protection . the hybrid composite is fabricated to net shape and laminated to the blade using either an adhesive or a polymer composite prepreg inner layer . installation is accomplished by a standard composite fabrication method of vacuum bagging the blade while the system is laminated to its surface . repair methods based on removal of ceramic tiles is facilitated by incorporation of a metallic mesh element laminated beneath the ceramic tiles that can be used to heat the tile and decrease its adhesion strength .
a water soluble flux composition includes a vehicle portion of polyoxyethylene - polyoxypropylene block copolymers and their adducts of trimethylolpropane along with an activator portion of tetrakis hydroxyalkyl derivatives of alkalene diamines such as n , n , n &# 39 ;, n &# 39 ;- tetrakis ethylenediamine and / or a long chain alkyldiethanolamine , such as polyoxyethylene soyamine .
a rotary plastic molding apparatus having internal packing space is featured . a nozzle is divided into channels equal to the number of casting device disks . grooves are disposed in casting disks for supplying the melt . the grooves are displaced relative to each other and slots are provided between them to introduce packing lintels . the mold is divided into sections . in each section , an accumulator and sockets for molding articles are provided . the components communicate among themselves and can be oriented at definite angles . the accumulator is disposed before the molds . holes are provided to supply the melt from the accumulator to the molds . certain holes can be closed to get a certain article drawing . the transition section of the accumulator is divided into sections for uniform division of the melt . the number of sections is equal to the number of sockets . centers of sockets are connected with the mold inner space by means of holes for casting articles with lugs or for supplying additional melt component to the socket .
disclosed is a tuneable microwave apparatus useful in carrying out chemical and physical processes on a sample , particularly including polymerization . the apparatus includes a cavity in which the sample is disposed , a microwave supply , microwave power meter and sensor , means for sensing the temperature in the cavity , means for varying the volume of the chamber within the cavity wherein the sample is disposed , means for measuring microwave reflection from the sample , and computer - controlled means operatively associated with the foregoing to vary the microwave power and the size of the chamber . openings are provided within the chamber to permit removal of vapor generated during expousre of the sample to the microwave radiation .
the invention relates to a process for crosslinking aromatic polymers containing radiation - sensitive methylene groups by exposing the polymers to ionizing radiation thereby causing crosslinking of the polymers through the methylene groups . crosslinked polymers are resistant to most organic solvents such as acetone , alcohols , hydrocarbons , methylene , chloride , chloroform , and other halogenated hydrocarbon , to common fuels and to hydraulic fluids in contrast to readily soluble uncrosslinked polymers . in addition , the degree of crosslinking of the polymers depends upon the percentage of the connecting groups which are methylene which ranges from 5 to 50 % and preferably from 25 to 50 % of the connecting groups and is also controlled by the level of irradiation which ranges from 25 to 1000 mrads and preferably from 25 to 250 mrads . the temperature of the reaction conditions ranges from 25 ° to 200 ° c . and preferably at or slightly above the glass transition temperature of the polymer . the crosslinked polymers are generally more resistant to degradation at elevated temperatures such as greater than 150 ° c ., have a reduced tendency to creep under load and show no significant embrittlement of parts fabricated from the polymers .
this invention is directed to an enamel paint receptive flexible laminate and its method of manufacture . the laminate is useful for making banners , flags , signs and the like that are decorated with enamel poster paints . the laminates of the present invention comprise a base fabric material , a first film coating of a plasticized polyvinyl chloride and a second coating of thermosetting vinyl acrylic copolymer . the thermosetting vinyl acrylic copolymer promotes increased adhesion and decreased drying time of poster paints and lettering enamel when they are applied to the coating .
a medical balloon and catheter in which the balloon is wrapped and folded upon itself tortuously and tightly so outer surfaces contact each other for insertion into the body and in which the balloon is free of bridging and adhesion between abutting surfaces . the balloon has a base of a continuous polymeric surface expandable from a folded , wrapped configuration with surfaces touching each other into a balloon when inflated . a lubricious , biocompatible , hydrogel coating is disposed on the polymeric surface and a thin , lubricious , blood - compatible coating is disposed upon the hydrogel coating and adheres to it to prevent abutting surfaces of the folded polymeric surfaces from adhering to each other during inflation and to prevent delamination of the hydrogel coating and / or rupture of the balloon . preferably the blood - compatible coating is polyethylene glycol , methoxy polyethylene glycol or mixtures thereof having a molecular weight between about 100 and 20 , 000 grams per gram mole .
a method of adding or removing a gas to or from a solution of the gas in a liquid involves transferring the gas between the liquid and another fluid through a membrane unit . the membrane unit includes a membrane which is substantially impermeable to the solvent and having a permeability to oxygen of at least 100 barrers ; formed from an amorphous copolymer of perfluoro - 2 , 2 - dimethyl - 1 , 3 - dioxole ; and is maintained at a temperature below the glass transition temperature of the copolymer . the fluid can be another liquid or a gas . the novel method provides very high rates of gas transmission between liquids and permits gasifying liquids without resort to sparging bubbles through the liquid . the method thus can gasify liquid with superior efficiency and without excessive agitation due to bubbling . these features result in economy of gas consumption and reduced need for gas recovery equipment , and when used in connection with a toxic or organic gaseous component , reduced requirements for additional pollution control equipment . the membrane material is resistant to fouling by liquids , and especially , by bioreactor mass . hence , the novel method can remain in service for long duration without substantially diminished performance . utilities for the novel method include purifying drinking water through ozonolysis , oxygenating bioreactors and blood ; oxidizing volatile organic compounds in water ; adding gaseous reactants to liquid chemical reactions and supplying oxygen to and removing volatile pollutants from waste water .
a moldable fibrous composite comprising a first layer comprising a non - woven fabric , a second intermediate layer comprising a thermoformable material , and a third layer comprising a non - woven fabric is provided . this moldable fibrous composite can be utilized to form a one - piece trunk liner for an automobile trunk compartment . additionally , the thermoformable material can be comprised of the same polymeric material as that of the staple fiber of the non - woven fabric of the first and third layer , thereby allowing recyclability of the moldable fibrous composite . a method is provided for the production of the moldable fibrous composite , and , additionally , a method is provided for the production of a moldable automotive trunk liner .
a removable utility fluid bottle cover is provided for covering a refillable fluid reservoir bottle that has a dual function , releasable element subassembly with an inwardly facing surface fastened to the bottle cover and an opposing outwardly facing surface being adapted for receiving at least one exterior detachable accessory fixture subassembly for improving a fluid reservoir bottle aesthetics , for adding additional shelf storage space , and for bottle transfer portability . the removable utility fluid bottle cover is designed to flexibly cover a standard five - gallon , refillable fluid reservoir bottle while the bottle is in use as a personal potable water supply or as a flammable gas utility supply that is supplemental to the common municipality - provided utility sink tap water source or building flammable gas source . the removable utility fluid bottle cover enhances the plain standard plastic bottle aesthetics by facially enclosing the exterior unremarkable plastic surface of the fluid reservoir bottle , affords visual fluid level observation , and provides supplemental handy storage space .
the present invention relates to a process for the manufacture of short or discontinuous lignocellulosic fiber in combination with synthetic fiber filled thermoplastic composites , in which the process consists of preferably , defiberization and dispersion of the cellulosic fibers in the thermoplastic matrix , further consolidation and dispersion of the blended thermoplastic composition , further blending of the same with inorganic fibers to get the moldable thermoplastic composition and further injection or compression or compression injection molded under high pressure ranging from 100 tones to 1000 tones and a temperature range from 170 to 210 degree centigrade into composite products . the said composites have a tensile strength of at least 75 mpa and a flexural strength of at least 125 mpa . the invention also relates to the use of the said composites in automotive , aerospace , furniture and other structural applications .
metal housing provided with a sidewall and a neck connected to the sidewall via a shoulder , the neck being constructed and arranged for irreversible fixation to a dispensing head for perfect leaktightness to liquids . the dispensing head includes a plastic flange provided with a sealing skirt and an outer catching skirt provided with a snap - fit rim on its inner surface , wherein the neck has a wall and the shoulder has a wall , both said walls being of substantially the same thickness as the sidewall .
the present invention relates to a method for producing man - made devices which have the properties and functions of biological membranes and membrane proteins , and to the structure of such devices . briefly , in one aspect of the invention , natural or genetically engineered proteins are incorporated into a polymeric vesicle that is conjugated to a thread to form a vesicle - thread conjugate . the engineered protein is preferably a transmembrane protein embedded in the wall of the polymeric vesicle . the vesicle - thread conjugate is then formed into a membrane or thin fabric having a wide variety of inherent functionality , including the ability to selectively transport and / or filter compounds between fluids . by selecting proteins with specific properties , membranes can be fabricated with a defined functionality including molecular scale addressability via directed electrostatic , electromagnetic , and chemical forces .
the invention provides a biocompatible copolymer produced by polymerizing a mixture comprising at least one monomer selected from the group consisting of itaconates , acrylates , fumarates and styrenics , at least one ethylenically unsaturated organosiloxane monomer and at least one monomer comprising a poss compound .
a compatible , biodegradable microcapsule delivery system for active ingredients , including hormonally active peptides , proteins , or other bioactive molecules , and a method of making the same . the ingredients are encapsulated in biodegradable copolymer excipients of varying mole ratios and the blend of the microcapsules are administered to an animal . delivery of the ingredient occurs over a prolonged period of time at a constant rate as a result of the varying break - down rates of the copolymer excipients .
biodegradable anionic polymers are disclosed which include recurring polymeric subunits preferably made up of vinylic and dicarboxylic monomers such as vinyl acetate or vinyl alcohol and maleic anhydride , itaconic anhydride or citraconic anhydride , or combinations thereof . free radical polymerization is used in the synthesis of the polymers , which are then hydrolyzed to replace ester groups with alcohol groups . the polymers may be complexed with ions and / or mixed with fertilizers or seed to yield agriculturally useful compositions . the preferred products of the invention may be applied foliarly , to seeds , to fertilizer , or to the earth adjacent growing plants in order to enhance nutrient uptake by the plants .
the invention relates to chewing gum comprising at least two different biodegradable polymers . according to the invention , a chewing gum comprising at least two different biodegradable polymers exhibits an improved texture prior to any adding of for example softeners . it has been realized that the desired chewing gum texture properties , contrary to every expectation and any prior art disclosures , may actually be obtained when combining biodegradable chewing gum polymers , for example in the gum base or in the final gum .
a sanitary pump and sanitary valve is provided employing a dual action piston for providing a constant pressure metering and delivery of fluids utilizing a drive shaft positively driven and controlled by a drive motor for sanitary applications . the novel sanitary pump may be fabricated from stainless steel , glass , plastic or other materials which do not include surface imperfections that would allow the growth of bacteria or allow the contamination of foods , medicines and other products that may be precisely metered by the novel sanitary pump . the novel sanitary pump includes novel sanitary check valves for opening and closing a high speed dependably and reliably and cycles up to 200 cycles per minute and preferably in the range of 60 to 160 cycles per minute by providing guides for maintaining check valve stem stability . the novel sanitary pump further include compression seals for sealing the drive piston to maintain high reliability and dependability in high speed constant pressure applications .
a rotational molded plastic refuse container having side walls defining downwardly facing shoulders . a pair of metal side fork pockets each having outwardly extending flanges abutting one of said shoulders and being affixed thereto . the shoulders and the flanges functioning to bear the weight of the container and its contents when the container is being manipulated to empty its contents . a lid pivotally attached to the open upper end of the container and casters removably attached to the bottom of the container . arfid tag disposed internally of at least one of the side walls .
the present invention relates to the packaging of a hot melt adhesive in a plastic film to prevent the adhesive from blocking during shipping and storage . the hot melt adhesives of the present invention may be thermoplastic or thermosetting in nature . the films used to wrap the adhesive are flexible in nature and are made of polymer composition , which become part of the adhesive once the adhesive is melted .
a closure assembly is disclosed which includes a plastic sealing ring having an annular channel in it for receiving and sealing against the entrance mouth of a container , a metal foil liner spanning the sealing ring and a flexible plastic overcap which receives the sealing ring and foil liner therein . the foil liner has a heat seal coating on one or both faces for sealing to the sealing ring and , in some packages , to the plastic overcap . the three - piece closure assembly is positioned on the entrance mouth of a container and the foil liner is induction heated to soften the heat seal coating thereon to seal the liner to the sealing ring . induction heating may also be employed to adhesively join the foil liner to the undersurface of the overcap and seal the sealing ring to a foil layer in the container body .
a system for sealing thermoplastic film includes one or more bag sealing units , each comprising a lower vacuum platen and a vacuum chamber cover adapted for sealing engagement on the platen to form a vacuum chamber . a sealing bar assembly includes a sealing bar designed for constant heated operation and a pair of cooling plates which function as heat sinks . the sealing bar assembly is pneumatically reciprocated between a raised , disengaged position and a lowered position with the sealing bar engaging the neck of a bag for hermetically sealing same . the cooling plates clamp the bag neck against a sealing support assembly . a method of sealing a thermoplastic film bag includes the steps of placing a packaging object in a thermoplastic bag and placing the bag on a cradle with the bag neck extending over a bag support assembly . a . vacuum chamber cover is placed on the platen and evacuated to form a vacuum chamber . a sealing bar assembly melds the thermoplastic to form a sealed area across the bag neck . a cutoff knife blade severs the end of the bag beyond a sealed area , which extends across its neck .
the presently claimed invention comprises a biopolymer nanoparticle for drug delivery wherein the nanoparticle comprises a homogeneous blend of an aliphatic polyester polymer blended with a polyether , a lipophilic or polypeptide drug and a biocompatible cholesterol interacting agent for preserving the activity of the drug administered to the patient while at the same time controlling the release of the drug . methods for making the homogeneous drug delivery nanoparticles are also disclosed .
the invention provides a decomposable resin composition which is stable at the using time and quickly decomposed when being discarded . according to the present invention , there is provided a resin composition comprising an agent generating an acid or a base by light or heat together with a hydrolyzable and biodegradable resin . the decomposable resin composition can promote decomposition of the polymer by generating an acid or a base in the resin by carrying out light irradiation and / or heat treatment at a desired time and can control the decomposition speed of the polymer by controlling the generation amount of an acid or a base .
an emergency trunk release handle for an automobile displays the graphics explaining the use and function of the handle by cutting out the material from the handle . forming the emergency release handle from a phosphorescent plastic material that can be formed by a molding process , such as injection molding , the cut - out graphics show as darkened areas , when viewed in the dark confines of an automobile trunk , to provide a high degree of visibility for the graphics . the graphics are also visible when seen against the dark carpet in the interior of an opened trunk cavity . the formation of the graphics is accomplished by coring the mold in the configuration of the desired graphics and by forming the plastic material in the mold around the cores . the resultant handle structure is thus formed in a cost effective manner that reduces the process failure potential during the manufacturing of the handle .
current approaches for treating cancer are limited , in part , by the inability of drugs to affect the poorly vascularized regions of tumors . we have found that spores of anaerobic bacteria in combination with agents which interact with microtubules can cause the destruction of both the vascular and avascular compartments of tumors . two classes of microtubule inhibitors were found to exert markedly different effects . some agents that inhibited microtubule synthesis , such as vinorelbine , caused rapid , massive hemorrhagic necrosis when used in combination with spores . in contrast , agents that stabilized microtubules , such as the taxane docetaxel , resulted in slow tumor regressions that killed most neoplastic cells . remaining cells in the poorly perfused regions of tumors could be eradicated by sponzlated bacteria . mechanistic studies showed that the microtubule destabilizers , but not the microtubule stabilizers , radically reduced blood flow to tumors , thereby enlarging the hypoxic niche in which spores could germinate . a single intravenous injection of spores plus selected microtubule - interacting agents was able to cause regressions of several tumors in the absence of excessive toxicity .
peg and related polymer derivatives having weak , hydrolytically unstable linkages near the reactive end of the polymer are provided for conjugation to drugs , including proteins , enzymes , small molecules , and others . these derivatives provide a sufficient circulation period for a drug - peg conjugate , followed by hydrolytic breakdown of the conjugate and release of the bound molecule . in some cases , drugs that demonstrate reduced activity when permanently coupled to peg maintain a therapeutically suitable activity when coupled to a degradable peg in accordance with the invention . the peg derivatives of the invention can be used to impart improved water solubility , increased size , a slower rate of kidney clearance , and reduced immunogenicity to a conjugate formed by attachment thereto . controlled hydrolytic release of the bound molecule into an aqueous environment can then enhance the drug &# 39 ; s delivery profile by providing a delivery system which employs such polymers and utilizes the teachings provided herein .
the invention relates to a method of , and a device for delivering a predetermined volume of beverage into a thermoplastic container formed from a heated preform , the preform being positioned in a mould , characterized in that the method includes a step of injecting at least some beverage into a recess in the preform so as to promote expansion of the preform inside the mould , the mould defining the shape of the container , a longitudinal displacement of a stretch rod carried out during a given period ensuring longitudinal elongation of the heated preform , the stretch rod being immobile at the end of the given period , and a volume of beverage greater than a predefined fraction of the predetermined volume , preferably equal to 50 %, being present in the recess at said end of the given period .