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Furthermore, the Guidelines then provide the details of the conservation agriculture systems which are suitable for Malawi with reference to research findings and lessons learnt in implementing conservation agriculture in the country
Kuwonjezera apa, ndondomekozi zimapeleka tsatanetsatane wa ulimi wamtayakhasu zomwe zili zoyenera ku Malawi polingalira zotsatira zakafukufuku ndi zomwe aphunzira pogwira ntchito za ulimi wamtayakhasu mdziko muno
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The step by step guide for the farmer to implement conservation agriculture is also included so that there is a uniform application of techniques in the implementation of conservation agriculture in order to meet the principles of conservation agriculture
Tsatanetsatene wa malangizo a zomwe mlimi ayenera kuchita pa ulimi wamtayakhasu zaphatikizidwa ndi cholinga chakuti pakhale kutsatira ndondomekozo mofanana pochita ulimi wamtayakhasu pofuna kukwaniritsa malamulo a ulimi wamtayakhasu
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In ensuring sustainable land management, other complementary practices which should be implemented alongside conservation agriculture are also presented in the Guidelines
Pofuna kukwaniritsa kasamalidwe kamalo kosaononga chilengedwe, zochitika zina zothandizira zomwe zikuyenera kuchitidwa pamodzi ndi ulimi wamtayakhasu zalembedwanso mu ndondomekozo
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Some practices such as use of herbicides and pit planting have been associated and let alone be mistaken as part of CA while in actual sense they are NOT but that such practices are just complimentary
Zochitika zina monga kugwiritsa ntchito mankhwala ophera tchire ndi kubzala mmayenje zakhala zikutengedwa komanso kusokonezedwa kuti ndi gawo limodzi la ulimi wamtayakhasu koma kunena zoona izi sizoona koma mchitidwe umenewu umangothandizira basi
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Rainwater harvesting is the process of collecting and storing water from an area that has been prepared to increase precipitation runoff
Kukolola madzi a mvula ndi njira yosonkhanitsira ndi kusunga madzi kuchokera ku malo amene akonzedwa kuti awonjezere kuthamanga kwa madzi a mvula
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Water collection can be from direct rainfall, runoff and underground water sources. One of the most widespread and directly accessible sources of water is rainfall
Kusonkhanitsa madzi kukhoza kuchitita ndi mvula, madzi othamanga a mvula komanso madzi a pansi pamthaka. Njira imodzi yotchuka komanso yofikirika yopezera madzi ndi mvula
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When rain falls the following may happen: Direct evaporation, Interception by vegetation and other natural or artificial structures
Mvula ikagwa, zinthu izi zikhoza kuchitika: Kuuma kwa madzi, kuyamwidwa kwamadzi ndi zomera komanso zina zachilengedwe kapena zipangizo zomwe sizachilengedwe
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Infiltration into the soil where it can provide water for vegetation as well as recharge ground water sources; Run-off from the surface into rivers, which take the water to lakes, the sea or ocean
Kulowa kwa madzi mdothi kuti apeleke madzi ku zomera komanso kuwonjezera kuchuluka kwa madzi pansi pamthaka; Madzi othamanga pamthaka kupita mmitsinje, yomwe imatenga madzi kupita nawo munyanja zazing'ono ndi zazikulu zomwe
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Rain water harvesting therefore seeks to reduce evaporation losses, runoff and deep percolation of the water by harnessing and storing it in storage structures or in the field for direct use by crops
Choncho kukolola madzi a mvula kumafuna kuchepetsa kuuma kwa madzi, kuthamanga kwa madzi komanso kulowa kwa mmadzi mumthaka pogwiritsa ntchito ndi kusunga mu zipangizo zosungira kapena kuminda kuti mbewu zigwiritse ntchito
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Harvested rainwater can be used for the following purposes; Domestic usages; Satisfying crop requirements through improvement of soil moisture; Controlling and mitigating drought
Madzi okololedwa akhoza kugwiritsidwa pa zinthu zotsatirazi: kugwiritsa ntchito zapakhomo; kukwaniritsa zosowekera za mbewu powonjezera chinyezi mdothi; kuthana ndi kupewa chilala
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Conserving land resource including erosion control; Recharging ground water resources; Watering livestock and for wildlife; Forestry support; Industrial use and fire-fighting (putting out fire)
Kusamala malo kuphatikiza kuteteza kukokoloka kwa dothi; kubwezeretsa madzi pansi pamthaka; kumwetsera ziweto komanso nyama zakutchire; kuthandizira zankhalango; kugwiritsa ntchito popanga zinthu ku mafakitale ndi kuthimitsira moto
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The rainwater harvesting techniques are categorized into micro catchments, small external catchments, in-situ rain water conservation, and macro catchments techniques
Njira zokololela madzi zayikidwa mmagulu a njira zazing'ono, kukolola madzi kunja, njira zapamalo pomwepo zokololela madzi, komanso njira zikuluzikulu
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They are normally within cropped land, which generate small quantities of runoff for a single crop, group of crops or row of crops
Zimakhala mkati mwa malo omwe ali ndi zomera, zomwe zimatulutsa madzi ochepa okwana mbewu imodzi, gulu la mbewu kapena mzere wa mbewu
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The techniques include; negarims, infiltration pits, planting pits, stone bunds, contour ridging, box ridging, semicircular bunds
Njira zimenezi ndi monga: zidikha zokololela madzi, mayenje oti madzi adzilowa pansi, mayenje obzala mbewu, milambala ya miyala, akalodzera, mabokosi a mizere, mayenje mmbali mwa zomera okololela madzi
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Small external catchments include techniques that collect runoff from road drainage and adjacent fields before being diverted into cropland such as road/ footpath run off harvesting
Njira zakunja zazing'ono zokololela madzi zimasonkhetsa madzi kuchokera mu ngalande zammiseu ndi minda yoyandikana asanakhotetsedwe kupita ku zomera monga kukolola madzi a munjira
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In situ rainwater conservation technologies are distinct from runoff farming systems in that they do not include a runoff generation area, but instead aims at conserving the rainfall where it falls in the cropped area
Njira yokolola madzi a mvula yapamalo pomwepoyi ndiyosiyana ndi njira zina zokololela madzi othamanga chifukwa simaphatikiza malo otengera madzi a mvula koma cholinga chake ndikuteteza madzi a mvula pomwe agwera mmundamo
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The techniques include; agroforestry, grass strips/hedgerows along contours, compost manure making and application, mulching and crop residue management, terrace catchments, and gully reclamation for crop production
Njirazi ndi monga: kuchita ulim wosakaniza ndi mitengo, kubzala udzu mu akalodzera, kupanga ndi kuthira mayowa, kuphimbira ndi kusamala zinyalala za mbewu, kukonza ma terrace, komanso kukonza ngalande kuti padzilimidwa
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Permanent planting pits or basins are small pits in the ground used for planting many types of crops
Mayenje okhalitsa kapena zidikha ndi mayenje ang'onoang'ono mdothi omwe amagwiritsidwa ntchito pobzala mbewu zosiyanasiyana
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They are about 30cm wide, 30cm long and 20cm deep, about the size of a man’s foot
Amakhala ndi mulifupi mwa 30cm, mulitali 30cm ndipo akuya 20cm, pafupifupi ngati kutalika kwa phazi lamunthu
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They are best suited to areas with less than1,000mm of rain a year. Correctly constructed planting pits may be used for various crops for many years
Ndiwoyenera kudera komwe mvula imagwa yosapyola 1000mm pa chaka. Mayenje obzala mbewu okonzedwa moyenera akhoza kugwiritsidwa ntchito polima mbewu zoaiyanasiyana kwa zaka zambiri
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Remove stumps, wood and roots if it is on virgin land. The stump holes should be covered by hand and leveled off. Do not plough
Chotsani zitsa, mitengo ndi mitsitsi ngati ndi munda watsopano. Mayenje a zitsa akwiliridwe ndi manja ndipo asalazidwe. Musagaule
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In a field that was previously cropped, leave up to 30% crop residue. The residue will decompose, add organic matter and improve soil structure
Mmunda womwe munali mbewu, lekani 30% ya zinyalala za mbewu. Zinyalalazi ziola, kuonjezera chonde ndikupititsa patsogolo mthaka ya dothi
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Mark pit position using the rope following a contour line i.e the pits should be dug across the slope.
Ikani zizindikiro mmalo okumba mayenje pogwiritsa ntchito chingwe kutsatira akalodzera kutanthauza kuti mayenje akumbidwe motsatira kutsetsereka kwa malo
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As the pits will be permanent, precision is important in construction of these pits. At the spacing given in the table number there will be 15,850 pits per hectare
Pakuti mayenje akhala okhalitsa, kukumba mayenje pamalo oyeneradi ndikofunika. Pa kutalikirana komwe kwapelekedwa, chiwerengero chake chidzakhala mayenje 15,850 pa hectare
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If there is high degree of moisture stress, the pits can be made deeper and wider to make maximum use of rain water. Spread mulch within and around the pits
Ngati pali chiopsezo chachikulu chakusowa madzi, mayenje akhale akuya komanso otambalala kuti adzikolola madzi ambiri. Mwazani zophimbira padzenje komanso kuzungulira dzenje
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It is recommended to apply 2 handfuls of manure in a pit with above specified dimension
Ndi koyenera kuthira manja awiri odzadza ndi manyowa pa dzenje la mulingo tafotokoza mmwambamu
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If basal fertilizer is available, it can also be applied at the same time. When manure has been applied, they should be covered with soil. A shallow depression should still remain on top
Ngati feteleza okulitsa alipo, akhoza kuthilidwa panthawi yomweyo. Pomwe manyowa athiridwa, akwiliridwe ndi dothi. Pamwamba pakhalebe kadzenje kosaya
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Keep pits free of weeds at all times. Weed as soon as the weeds appear and just before harvesting. This will reduce the amount of weeds in the next season
Mayenje akhale opanda tchire nthawi zonse. Palitani pamene tchire laoneka ndiponso musanayambe kukolola. Izi zimechepetsa kuchuluka kwa udzu mu nyengo yolima yotsatira
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Top dressing fertilizer to maize must be applied after 21days. Use the area specific fertilizer recommended rates
Feteleza wobereketsa athiridwe kuchimanga pakutha pamasiku 21. Gwiritsani ntchito mulingo woyenera wa feteleza wa kuderalo
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At harvest, remove the crop by cutting plants at base. Stems and leaves should be left on the surface of the soil
Panthawi yokolola, chotsani zokolola podula mbewu pansi. Tsinde ndi masamba zisiyidwe pamwamba pa dothi
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The roots should not be uprooted; they should be left to decompose within the pit
Mitsitsi isazulidwe; isiyidwe kuti iwole mmayenje momwemo
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In order to increase the efficiency of the pits, it is important to realize that the use of these pits alone will not produce the highest yields
Pofuna kuwonjezera kagwiridwe ntchito kamayenje, ndikofunika kuzindikira kuti kugwiritsa ntchito mayenje paokha sikubweretsa zokolola zochuluka
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Therefore, to obtain the best results: Always incorporate crop residues; leave a minimum of 30% crop residue on the field
Motero, pofuna kupeza zotsatira zabwino: phatikizani zotsalitra za zokolola nthawi zonse; siyani 30% ya zotsalira za zokolola mmunda momwemo
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Agro-forestry trees and cover crops can also be integrated into the pits. Apply manure generously
Mitengo yobweretsa chonde ndi mbewu zamphimbira zikhoza kuphatikizidwa mmayenjemo. Thirani manyowa mosaumira
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Protect crops from weeds, pests and diseases; Always plant with first planting rains; Grow crops in rotation, at least 30% of the cropped land should be planted to legumes.
Tetezani mbewu ku tchire, tizilombo ndi matenda; bzalani ndi mvula yoyamba nthawi zonse; limani mbewu mwakasinthasintha, 30% yamalo olima mbewu pabzalidwe mbewu zanyemba
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When using planting pits: Remember that the pits are permanent and can be used for three successive seasons. So it is important to take care of them
Pamene mukugwiritsa ntchito mayenje obzalira: kumbukirani kuti mayenje ndi okhalitsa ndipo akhoza kugwiritsidwa ntchito pa nyengo zitatu motsogozana. Motero nkofunika kuti asamalidwe
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Family members should be trained to make the pits and should understand the ideas of conservation agriculture
Anthu apabanja aphunzitsidwe kukumba mayenje ndipo ayenera kumvetsetsa maganizo a ulimi wa mtayakhasu
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Do not plant in a pit which is not nearly filled with soil - the crops will drown; Do not dig pits during the rainy season. Hard pans are best dealt with in the dry season
Musabzale mbewu mmayenje omwe sanadzadze ndi dothi - mbewu zimamira; musakumbe mayenje nthawi yamvula. Thanani ndi vuto la dothi louma kwambiri munyengo yadzuwa
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These comprise large external catchments producing massive runoff (floods) which is diverted from gullies and ephemeral streams and spread into crop land
Izi zimaphatikiza njira zokolela madzi zazikulu zobweretsa madzi ambiri othamanga omwe amakhotetsedwa mu ngalande ndi mmitsinje yosachedwa kuuma ndikuthiridwa ku mbewu
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Because these techniques handle large amounts of water, designing and constructing them need special skills
Chifukwa njira izi zimasunga madzi ochuluka kwambiri, kukonza ndi kumanga kumafunika luzo lapadera
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The following are the most important macro catchment techniques; flood diversion and spreading, and permeable rock dams
Njira zokololela madzi zikuluzikulu zotsatirazi ndi zofunika kwambiri: kupatutsa madzi osefukira ndi kuwamwaza, kupanga malo osungira madzi ndi miyala yoyamwa madzi
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Storage systems offer the land user a tool for water stress control and dry spell mitigation
Njira zosungira zimapeleka kwamwini munda chida chopewera kutha kwa madzi mu mbewu komanso kupewa chilala
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Due to the intermittent nature of rainfall, storing rain water allows use of the water at a convenient time as required by an individual or communities
Chifukwa chakusapanganika kwa mvula, kusunga madzi a mvula kumalola kugwiritsa ntchito madzi panthawi yoyenera pamene afunidwa ndi munthu kapena midzi
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Storage systems are needed to: Make water potable and easy to utilize; Harvest rainwater when it is plenty and use it later; Reduce the distance to watering points and Increase the water head/pressure so that it can be used for gravity fed irrigation
Zipangizo zosungira ndizofunika: kuti madzi adzinyamulika komanso asavute kugwiritsa ntchito; kukolola madzi a mvula pamene alipo ambiri ndi kuwagwiritsa ntchito pambuyo pake; kuchepetsa mtunda wa malo opezeka madzi ndi kuchulukitsa mphamvu yamadzi pamalo okwera ndi cholinga choti agwiritsidwe ntchito zamthilira zodalira kutsetsereka kwa madzi
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Farm planning should be encouraged to derive maximum benefit from available resources on a sustainable basis. For details on farm planning refer to the section on farm management in this guide. In addition, consult agricultural staff
Kukonza ndondomeko za ntchito zapamunda kulimbikitsidwe pofuna kupeza phindu lochuluka kuchokera ku zinthu zomwe zilipo mosamala. Pofuna kudziwa zambiri za kukonza ndondomeko zapamunda, onani gawo la kasamalidwe kamunda mu bukuli. Kuphatikiza apa, funsani alangizi a zaulimi
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Agro-pastoral systems such as planting of improved pastures, growing of fodder crops and use of crop residues for animal feed and bedding should be undertaken in all suitable areas
Ntchito zolima mitengo pamodzi ndi kusunga ziweto monga kubzala udzu wa ziweto wamakono, kulima mbewu zomwe ziweto zimadya komanso kugwiritsa ntchito zotsalira za mbewu ngati zakudya za ziweto ndi zogonera kuchitike mmadera onse omwe zingatheke kutero
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Implementation of simple gully control measures such as use of brushwood, check dams, planting of suitable vegetative materials such as vetiver, napier and bananas, should be encouraged
Kugwira ntchito zoteteza ngalande monga kugwiritsa ntchito mafutu, zotchinga madzi, kubzala zophimba dothi zoyenera monga vetiver, napier ndi nthochi kulimbikitsidwe
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The use of herbicides in conservation agriculture is well known and documented. The correct application of herbicides is important in minimizing soil disturbance, but also in reducing the overall production costs, notably reduction of labour demand for weeding
Kugwiritsa ntchito mankhwala ophera tchire pa ulimi wa myatakhasu ndi zodziwika komanso zalembedwa. Kuthira koyenera kwa mankhwala ophera tchire ndikofunika chifukwa kumachepetsa kusokoneza dothi komanso kuchepetsa ndalama zogwiritsa ntchito polima, makamaka kuchepetsa kufunika kwa antchito popalira
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It is critical that one should have proper knowledge and expertise in the handling of herbicides before deciding to use them
Ndikofunika zedi kuti munthu ayenera kukhala ndi nzeru komanso upangiri wogwiritsa ntchito mankhwala ophera tchire asanapange chiganizo chowagwriritsa ntchito
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The following will have to be understood about herbicides: Herbicides require clean, debris free water. Dirty water may turn the application of herbicides to be costly due to constant break down of sprayers
Ayenera kumvetsetsa zinthu zotsatirazi zokhuza mankhwala ophera tchire: mankhwala ophera tchire amafuna madzi aukhondo, opanda zinyalala. Madzi akuda amachititsa kupopera mankhwala kukhala kokwera mtengo chifukwa chakuonongeka pafupipafupi kwa ma sprayer
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Repeated use of a particular herbicide on a mono-cropping plot can easily lead to resistance. Integrating the use of herbicides with crop rotations will assist in breaking cycles
Kuthira mankkhwala ophera tchire mobwerezabwereza pamalo olima mbewu imodz zimayambitsa tizilombo kupilira kumankhwalawo. Kuphatikiza kugwiritsa ntchito mankhwala ophera tchire ndi ulimi wakasinthasintha zidzathandiza kulepheretsa kukula kwa tizilombo
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The role of irrigation in increasing agricultural production is evident from the existing irrigation activities throughout the country
Kufunikira kwa mthilira pochulikitsa zokolola ndiyachidziwikire kutengera ntchito zamthilira zomwe zili dziko lonse
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Irrigation in Malawi is very important as it assists in addressing the challenges of food insecurity and poverty
Mthilira mMalawi muno ndiwofunikira pakuti umathandiza kukonza mavuto a chakudya komanso umphawi
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These challenges have largely been brought about due to erratic rainfall distribution which has resulted into prolonged dry spells, droughts and floods whose occurrence has increased due to climate change effects
Mavuto amenewa abwera chifukwa chakuti mvula ikumagwa mwanjomba zomwe zachititsa kuti madera ena mukhale ng'amba, chilala ndi kusefukira kwa madzi zomwe kuchitika kwake kwakula potsatira kusintha kwanyengo
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These effects have negatively affected rain-fed agriculture. In addition, food demand in Malawi has been increasing steadily due to absolute increase in population which is estimated at an annual growth rate of 2.8%.
Izi zakhuza kwambiri ulimi wodalira mvula. Kuonjezera apa, kufunika kwa chakudya mMalawi muno kwakhala kukukula chifukwa cha chakukwera kwa chiwerengero cha anthu chomwe chikukula pachaka ndi anthu 2.8 pa 100 aliwonse
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Potential irrigable area in Malawi is estimated at 407,000 hectares. Present total irrigated area is estimated at about 104,600 hectares, of which 54,284 hectares are irrigated by smallholder farmers
Malo amthilira mMalawi muno alipo pafupifupi ma hekitala 407,000. Malo onse omwe pakuchitika mthilira ndi pafupifupi ma hekitala 104,000, omwe ma hekitala 54,284 akuthililidwa ndi alimi ang'onoang'ono
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The overall goal of Irrigation Policy is to contribute to sustainable national economic growth and development through enhanced irrigated agriculture production and productivity
Cholinga chachikulu cha ndondomeko za mthilira ndi kuthandizira kukweza chuma cha dziko ndi chitukuko kudzera kupeza zokolola zambiri kumthilira ndi phindu lake
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This is provided under organized smallholder and estate management institutions. The policy objectives of irrigation in Malawi are: Increase land under sustainable irrigation farming;
Izi zapelekedwa pansi pa umodzi wa alimi ang'onoang'ono ndi oyang'anira minda ikuluikulu. Zolinga za ndondomeko za mthilira mMalawi muno ndi: kuwonjezera minda yolimidwa mwamakono kudzera mu mthilira;
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Facilitate crop diversification and intensification; Create an enabling environment for irrigated agriculture;
Kuthandizira kulima mbewu zochuluka komanso kuchulikitsa zokolola; papezeke zoyenereza za ulimi zamthilira
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Optimize investment in irrigation development taking into account climate change; Enhance capacity for irrigated agriculture; Promote a business culture in the small-scale irrigated agriculture sector
Ikani chidwi ndi ndalama pa ntchito zamthilira poganizira kusintha kwa nyengo: onjezerani luso pa ulimi wa mthilira; limbikitsani kuchita zinthu mwadongosolo pa mthilira wa alimi ang'onoang'ono
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In order to achieve the overall goal, the policy focuses on three priority areas namely, Sustainable Irrigation Development, Sustainable Irrigation Management and Capacity Development
Kuti tikwaniritse cholinga chachikulu, ndondomeko zikutsamira pa magawo atatu ofunikira omwe ndi Kutukula ntchito za mthilira zokhazikika, kayendetsedwe kantchito zamthilira ndi kuphunzitsa anthu za mthilira
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Sustainable Irrigation Development entails construction of new irrigation infrastructure to put more land under irrigation
Ntchito zamthilira zikhazikika zikuphatikiza kumanga zipangizo zamthilira zatsopano kuti minda yambiri ikhale yamthilira
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The policy, therefore, aims at addressing issues such as inadequate financial resource mobilization, high development costs, unharmonised irrigation development initiatives, environmental degradation, customary land disputes and limited participation of stakeholders
Choncho malamulowa akufuna kuthana ndi zovuta monga kupelewera kwa njira zopezera ndalama, kukwera mitengo kwa zinthu, kusafanana kwa zitukuko za nthilira, kuonongeka kwa chilengedwe, kukanganira malo akumidzi ndi kusatenga mbali mokwanira kwa onse okhuzidwa
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Sustainable Irrigation Management. The developed areas of irrigated schemes should be well managed to sustain productivity
Kasamalidwe ka mthilira kosaononga zachilengedwe. Madera omwe ayikidwa minda yamthilira akuyenera kusamalidwa kuti adzipitilira kupeleka phindu
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The beneficiary community should operate and maintain the infrastructure so that the designed capacities are maintained to support desired crop production levels
Madera omwe akupindula akuyenera kugwiritsa ntchito komanso kusamala zipangizo ndi cholinga chakuti mulingo womwe unayikidwa pokonza zipangizo za mthilira udzikwanilitsidwa kuti uthandizire kulima mbewu moyenera
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The policy, therefore, aims at addressing issues such as degradation of catchment areas which is affecting availability of water resources; beneficiary community unwillingness or capacity limitations to operate and maintain the systems; marketing challenges; land tenure issues and inadequate irrigation extension services which cause loss of systems capacity
Choncho lamuloli likufuna kuthana ndi zovuta monga kuonongeka kwa malo omwe amasunga madzi zomwe zikukhuza kapezekedwe ka madzi; midzi yopindula kusafuna kapena kusowa upangiri wogwiritsa ntchito ndi kusamala zipangizo; ntchito za ulangizi zomwe zadzetsa kuchepa kwa ntchito za mthilira
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Capacity Development. The development and management of irrigation schemes require adequate technical and administrative capacity among others
Kuphunzitsa anthu: Kukonza komanso kusamala minda yamthilira kumasowa upangiri wokwanira komanso kayendetsedwe koyenera mwa zina
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The technical competence within the public and private sectors including training institutions and beneficiary communities is critical for sustainable irrigation development and management
Kukhala ndi upangiri woyenera mkati mwa nthambi za boma ndi zomwe sizaboma kuphatikizirapo sukulu zophunzitsa luso ndi midzi yopindula ndi kofunika pa kakonzedwe ndi kasamalidwe ka mthilira
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There are three factors to be considered when choosing a site for irrigation development. These are physical, economic and social factors
Pali zinthu zitathu zoyenera kuunika posankha malo a mthilira. Izi ndi zinthu zomwe sizamoyo, chuma komanso zochitika kudera
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Physical factors include: Reliability and closeness to the water supply; Land slope and soil characteristics; Risk of flooding; Protection of the crop and equipment from theft and damage by livestock
Zinthu zomwe sizamoyo ndi monga: kudalirika komanso kuyandikira madzi, kutsetsereka kwa malo ndi mtundu wa dothi; chiopsezo chosefukira madzi; kuteteza mbewu ndi zida kwa akuba ndi kuonongedwa ndi ziweto
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Economic factors include: Ease of vehicle access if surveying and engineering work is required; Ease of access to markets for supply of inputs and sale of produce
Zachuma ndi monga: kufikirika ndi galimoto popanga kafukufuku ndi kuyeza malo ngati nkofunika kutero; kufikirika kwa misika kuti pokapeza zipangizo za ulimi komanso kukagulitsa zokolola
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Social factors include: Farmer organization; Land tenure issues; Water rights issues
Zochitika za kudera ndi monga: magulu a alimi; zokhuza umwini wa malo; ufulu wogwiritsa ntchito madzi
agriculture document
Each of these factors must be checked and found to be suitable before serious efforts are made to promote or encourage irrigated farming
Chilichonse mwa zinthuzi chionedwe ndi kupezeka kuti ndichoyenera ntchito yayikulu yopititsa patsogolo kapena kulimbikitsa mthilira isanayambe
agriculture document
The following are common methods of irrigating crops. Watering can/bucket irrigation: Watering can or bucket irrigation is widely used by smallholder farmers
Njira zotsatirazi ndi zimene zimagwiritsidwa ntchito pothilira mbewu nthawi zambiri. Kugwiritsa ntchito ndowa zothililira: ndowa zothililira zimagwiritsidwa ntchito kwambiri ndi alimi ang'onoang'ono
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This method is best for small plots of land which are close to the water source; particularly where the water source is limited or where open wells re-fill slowly
Njira iyi ndi yoyenera minda ing'onoing'ono yomwe ili pafupi ndi madzi; makamaka komwe madzi samapezeka okwanira kapena komwe zitsime zimachedwa kubwera madzi
agriculture document
Water should not be poured directly from the bucket because if the crop is young, the plants may be damaged
Madzi asathiridwe kuchokera mu ndowa chifukwa ngati mbewu zili zazing'ono, zimaonongeka
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Basin irrigation: A basin is a levelled area of land, surrounded by earth embankments, which is totally flooded during irrigation
Mthilira wodzadza madzi pachidikha: Chidikha ndi malo osalazidwa, omwe akwezeredwa mmbali ndi dothi, omwe amadzadzidwa ndi madzi panthawi yothilira
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Basins can be flat, either sunken or raised, or ridged. In all cases good basin irrigation requires the ground surface to be level
Chidikha chikhoza kukhala cha thyathyathya, cholowa pansi kapena chokwezedwa, kapena cha mizere. Mu zonsezi, mthilira wamuchidikha umafuna pamalo pakhale posatsetsereka
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Basin irrigation is suitable for many crops. The advantages are: The right amount of water can be given with a minimum amount of labour if the beds are well levelled
Mthilira wamuchidikha ndi woyenera mbewu zambiri, Ubwino wake ndi: madzi oyenera amaplekedwa ndi antchito ochepa ngati mabedi asalazidwa bwino
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Water losses can be kept low by minimal runoff. Basins last for a long time once they are constructed.
Kutayika kwa madzi kumachepa chifukwa chochepetsa madzi othamanga. Zidikha zimakhala nthawi yayitali zikakozedwa
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Prolonged ponding and crop damage can occur in poorly managed flat beds. There is also a risk of soil erosion in the supply channel as a result of high speed of water
Kukhalitsa kwa madzi komanso kuonongeka kwa mbewu kukhoza kuchitika pamalo osatsetsereka omwe sakusamalidwa bwino. Palinso chiopsezo chakukoloka kwa dothi polowera madzi ngati madzi akuthamanga kwambiri polowa
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Furrow Irrigation-Furrows are generally used on farms with large uniform fields where long furrows can be formed. They are not appropriate in plots which are of irregular shapes
Mthilira wangalande- ngalande zimagwiritsidwa ntchito kwambiri mminda yomwe ili ndi malo aakulu ofanana pomwe ngalande zitalizitali zimakumbidwa. Ndi zosayenera mminda yomwe ilibe malire oongoka
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Water is gradually absorbed into the bottom and sides of the long furrow wetting the soil
Madzi amayamwidwa kulowa pansi ndi mbali mwa ngalande, kumanyowetsa dothi
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The length of the furrow is normally greater than 50m but depends on the type of soil and the land slope
Kutalika kwa ngalande nthawi zambiri kumaposa 50m koma kumatengera mtundu wa dothi komanso kutsetsereka kwa malo
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It is important to use the right shape of furrow, furrow spacing and length. If managed well, furrow irrigation has the following advantages: Moderate to high irrigation efficiency.
Ndikofunika kugwiritsa ntchito kaonekedwe koyenera ka ngalande, kutalikirana kwa ngalande koyenera komanso kutalika koyenera. Zikasamalidwa bwino, ngalande za mthilira zimakhala ndi ubwino wotsatirawu: kuthilira osataya madzi ambiri
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Less danger of leaching nutrients from the soil than with basin methods; Crop stems are not wetted
Chiopsezo chochepa cha kusuluka kwa michere ya mdothi kusiyana ndi mthilira wamudikha; mitengo ya mbewu siyimanyowa
agriculture document
Even soils which form a surface crust when flooded, can be irrigated as water moves laterally from the furrow into the ridge below the level of plant growth
Ngakhale dothi lomwe limaundana pamwamba likanyowa likhoza kuthiliridwa chifukwa madzi amayenda kuchoka mu ngalande kulowa munzere munsi mwa mbewu
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The disadvantages of furrow irrigation are: Erosion can occur if the slope is too steep; Labour requirements may be high as the streams must be carefully regulated to achieve uniform water distribution
Kuyipa kwa mthilira wamungalande ndiwakuti: kukoloka kwa mthaka kumachitika ngati malo ndi otsetsereka kwambiri; umafuna atchito ochuluka chifukwa kuyenda kwa madzi kumayenera kusinthidwa pofuna kuti madzi afike paliponse mofanana
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Salts from the soil or water supply may concentrate on top of the ridge and eventually cause damage to young crops
Michere yochokera mu dothi kapena mmadzi imachulukana pamwamba pa mzere ndipo pamapeto pake imaononga mbewu zazing'ono
agriculture document
Lateral spread of water in coarse textured soils may not be enough to wet the soil between the furrows
Kufalikira kwa madzi mmbali mu dothi lamchenga pena kumakhala kosakwanira kunyowetsa dothi pakati pa ngalande
agriculture document
Sprinkler irrigation is a way of applying irrigation water to the soil that is similar to natural rainfall
Mthilira wa sprinkler ndi njira yothilira madzi ku dothi yomwe ndiyofanana ndi mvula yachilengedwe
agriculture document
It can be used on many crops, soils and geographic conditions. The system can be used on a land slope of up to 12%
Ikhoza kugwiritsidwa ntchito pa mbewu, dothi ndi madera osiyanasiyana. Njirayi ikhoza kugwiritsidwa ntchito pamalo opekendeka mpaka 12%
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A small sprinkler system can be used where the water supply (flow rate) is limited
Sprinkler yaying'ono ikhoza kugwiritsidwa ntchito pomwe madzi ndi ochepa
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Advantages of sprinkler irrigation include the following: Can be used on steep slopes and uneven ground; Can be used on a wide variety of crops; The labour requirement is low; Water is spread evenly over the irrigation plot resulting in high efficiency, if managed properly
Ubwino wa mthilira ndi sprinkler ndi monga: Ukhoza kugwiritsidwa ntchito pamalo otsika kwambiri komanso pamalo osasalaza; ukhoza kugwiritsidwa ntchito pa mbewu zosiyanasiyana; umafuna atchito ochepa; madzi amamwazidwa mofanana pamunda wamthilira zomwe zimakweza kagwiridwe ntchito, ukasamalidwa bwino
agriculture document
The disadvantages of a sprinkler irrigation system are: High capital cost of the equipment; High operational and maintenance costs for the pump and field equipment
Kuyipa kwa mthilira wa sprinkler ndi monga: Umafuna ndalama zambiri zogulira zida; umafuna ndalama zambiri zokonzera pampu ndi zida zakumunda
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Irrigation is affected by high winds; Evaporation losses can be high; Sprinkler nozzles are easily blocked if sediment-laden water is used
Mthilira umakhuzidwa ndi mphempo yamphamvu; kuuma kwa madzi pena kumakula; chotulutsira madzi pa sprinkler sichichedwa kutsekeka ngati madzi amatope akugwiritsidwa ntchito
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Micro irrigation includes a number of technologies where water is only applied to part of the field surface
Micro irrigation ndi mthilira umene madzi amathilidwa pomwe pakufunikira basi
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It can save on water and improve crop yield. It can also be used for fertigation; a process where fertilizers are applied through irrigation water
Madzi samatayika ndipo umawonjezera zokolola. Njirayi ikhoza kugwiritsidwanso ntchito pothira feteleze kudzera mmadzi- njira yomwe feteleza amathiridwa kudzera mmadzi a mthilira
agriculture document
With such a system there is even distribution of nutrients and actual crop nutrient requirements can be met since incremental supply of nutrients is possible
Ndi njira imeneyi pamakhala kugawa michere mofanana ndipo michere yofunikira ya mbewu imapezeka chifukwa kuchulukitsa kupeleka michere ndi kotheka
agriculture document
In drip irrigation water is given more frequently than with other irrigation methods and this provides a high moisture level in the soil. However the costs of purchasing, operating and maintaining the equipment are high
Mu mthilira wodontheza madzi amapelekdwa ku mbewu pafupipafupi kuposera njira zina za mthilira ndipo zimapeleka chinyezi chokwanira ku dothi. Komabe mtengo wogulira, kugwiritsa ntchito ndi kusamala zida umakhala wokwera
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