Throw in the towel.
<p align="center"> <a href="#"><img src="" height="150"></a> </p> <h1 align="center"> Towel </h1> <p align="center"> A .NET library intended to make coding a bit more towelerable: data structures, algorithms, mathematics, metadata, extensions, console, and more. :) </p> > "It's a tough galaxy. If you want to survive, you've gotta know... where your towel is." - Ford Prefect <p align="center"> <a href=""><img src="" title="Go To Github Repo"></a> <a href=""><img src="" title="Go To C# Documentation"></a> <a href=""><img src="" title="Go To .NET Download"></a> <a href=""><img src="" title="Go To Nuget Package" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" title="Go To Docfx Documentation"></a> <a href=""><img src="" title="Go To Action"></a> <a href=""><img src="" title="Go Test Coverage Report" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" title="Go To Discord Server" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" title="Go To License" /></a> </p> > _**Note** This project has a goal of keeping up-to-date on modern coding practices rather than maintaining backwards compatibility such as targetting the latest non-preview version of .NET and embracing favorable breaking changes ("Semantic Versioning" is not being respected at this time)._ ## Getting Started <details> <summary> Run The Included Examples <sub>[Expand]</sub> </summary> <p> > Towel has [Examples]( included in this repository. > > [Download]( this repository and unzip the contents. > > There are no custom build processes. Towel should build with any standard .NET build process, but one of the following is recommended: > > <details> > <summary> > Visual Studio <sub>[Expand]</sub> > </summary> > <p> > > > 1. Install [Visual Studio]( if not already installed. > > > > 2. Open the <sub><a href="Towel.sln"><img src="" title="File"></a></sub> **`Towel.sln`** file in Visual Studio. > > > > - _(optional) [Here are some settings you change in Visual Studio]( > > </p> > </details> > > <details> > <summary> > Visual Studio Code <sub>[Expand]</sub> > </summary> > <p> > > > 1. Install the [.NET SDK]( if not already installed. > > > > 2. Install [Visual Studio Code]( if not already installed. > > > > 3. Open the <sub><a href="#"><img src="" title="Directory"></a></sub> **`root folder`** of the repository in Visual Studio Code. > > > > _The following files are included in the repository:_ > > - `.vscode/extensions.json` <sub>recommends Vistual Studio Code extension dependencies</sub> > > - `.vscode/launch.json` <sub>includes the configurations for debugging the examples</sub> > > - `.vscode/settings.json` <sub>automatically applies settings to the workspace</sub> > > - `.vscode/tasks.json` <sub>includes the commands to build the projects</sub> > > > > _Visual Studio Code Extensions (will be prompted to install these when you open the folder):_ > > - `ms-vscode.csharp` <sub>C# support</sub> > > - `formulahendry.dotnet-test-explorer` _(optional)_ <sub>MSTest unit testing support</sub> > > - `` _(optional)_ <sub>T4 Template support</sub> > > - `zbecknell.t4-support` _(optional)_ <sub>T4 Template syntax highlighting</sub> > > </p> > </details> </p> </details> <details> <summary> Use Towel In Your .NET Projects <sub>[Expand]</sub> </summary> <p> > - Your project must target the same or newer version of .NET as Towel. [See this documentation on how to check the current target of your project]( Towel targets the following version of .NET: <sub><sub><a href=""><img src="" title="Go To .NET Download"></a></sub></sub> > > - Towel has a nuget package: <sub><sub><a href=""><img src="" title="Go To Nuget Package"/></a></sub></sub><br/>Instructions on how to reference the package are included on _(click the badge)_. > > - If you use Towel and would be willing to show it, here is a badge you can copy-paste into your readme: <sub><sub><a href="#"><img src="" title="Go To Towel"></a></sub></sub> > ```html > <a href=""><img src="" title="Go To Towel"></a> > ``` > > - Share your work. If you use Towel in one of your projects we want to hear about it. :) </p> </details> <details> <summary> View Documentation <sub>[Expand]</sub> </summary> <p> > - Change Log: > - [docfx]( generated API documentation reference: <sub><sub><a href=""><img src="" title="Go To Docfx Documentation"></a></sub></sub> > - [Coverlet]( + [ReportGenerator]( generated test coverage report: <sub><sub><a href=""><img src="" title="Go Test Coverage Report"/></a></sub></sub> > - [BenchmarkDotNet]( generated benchmarking: > > Relevant Articles: > > - [MSDN Accessing XML Documentation Via Reflection](</br> > - [Beginner's Guide To Console Input In C#](</br> > - [Generating Unique Random Data](</br> > - [Random Generation (with efficient exclusions)](</br> > - [Omnitree](</br> > - [C# Generic Math](</br> > > File Structure Overview _(except for <sub><a href=""><img src="" title="Branch"></a></sub> `gh-pages`)_: > > - <sub><a href=".github"><img src="" title="Directory"></a></sub> `.github` <sub>content regarding the GitHub repoistory.</sub> > - <sub><a href=".github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE"><img src="" title="Directory"></a></sub> `ISSUE_TEMPLATE` <sub>templates for issue submissions to the GitHub repository</sub> > - <sub><a href=".github/Resources"><img src="" title="Directory"></a></sub> `Resources` <sub>resources such as image files</sub> > - <sub><a href=".github/workflows"><img src="" title="Directory"></a></sub> `workflows` <sub>[GitHub Actions]( workflows</sub> > - <sub><a href=".github/workflows/Continuous Integration.yml"><img src="" title="Action"></a></sub> `Continuous Integration.yml` <sub>workflow for checking that code compiles and unit tests pass</sub> > - <sub><a href=".github/workflows/Towel Deployment.yml"><img src="" title="Action"></a></sub> `Towel Deployment.yml` <sub>workflow to manage [releases]( and deploy [nuget packages](</sub> > - <sub><a href=".github/workflows/Documentation.yml"><img src="" title="Action"></a></sub> `Documentation.yml` <sub>workflow that runs [docfx]( + [Coverlet]( + [ReportGenerator]( to output [GitHub Pages]( to <sub><a href=""><img src="" title="Branch"></a></sub> `gh-pages`</sub> > - <sub><a href=".github/"><img src="" title="File"></a></sub> `` <sub>template for when pull requests are created</sub> > - <sub><a href=".vscode"><img src="" title="Directory"></a></sub> `.vscode` <sub>confirguration files for if the code is opened in [Visual Studio Code](</sub> > - <sub><a href="Examples"><img src="" title="Directory"></a></sub> `Examples` <sub>root folder for all the example projects</sub> > - <sub><a href="Sources"><img src="" title="Directory"></a></sub> `Sources` <sub>root folder for the source code of released nuget packages</sub> > - <sub><a href="Sources/Towel"><img src="" title="Directory"></a></sub> **`Towel` <sub>the root folder for all source code in the Towel nuget package</sub>** > - <sub><a href="Tools"><img src="" title="Directory"></a></sub> `Tools` <sub>root folder for all support projects (not included in nuget packages)</sub> > - <sub><a href="Tools/docfx_project"><img src="" title="Directory"></a></sub> `docfx_project` <sub>root folder for [docfx]( project (used in <sub><a href=".github/workflows/Documentation.yml"><img src="" title="Action"></a></sub> `Documentation.yml`)</sub> > - <sub><a href="Tools/docfx_project/articles"><img src="" title="Directory"></a></sub> `articles` <sub>root folder for all articless of the [docfx]( generated [GitHub Pages]( website</sub> > - <sub><a href="Tools/docfx_project/apidoc"><img src="" title="Directory"></a></sub> `apidoc` <sub>root folder for all api overrides of the [docfx]( generated [GitHub Pages]( website</sub> > - <sub><a href="Tools/docfx_project/docfx.json"><img src="" title="File"></a></sub> `docfx.json` <sub>configuration file that controls [docfx](</sub> > - <sub><a href="Tools/docfx_project/"><img src="" title="File"></a></sub> `` <sub>home page of the [docfx]( generated [GitHub Pages]( website</sub> > - <sub><a href="Tools/docfx_project/toc.yml"><img src="" title="File"></a></sub> `toc.yml` <sub>primary navigation for the [docfx]( generated [GitHub Pages]( website</sub> > - <sub><a href="Tools/Towel_Benchmarking"><img src="" title="Directory"></a></sub> `Towel_Benchmarking` <sub>project with all the benchmarking for the Towel project</sub> > - <sub><a href="Tools/Towel_Generating"><img src="" title="Directory"></a></sub> `Towel_Generating` <sub>project with code generation for the Towel Project</sub> > - <sub><a href="Tools/Towel_Testing"><img src="" title="Directory"></a></sub> `Towel_Testing` <sub>project with all unit tests for the Towel project (used in <sub><a href=".github/workflows/Continuous Integration.yml"><img src="" title="Action"></a></sub> `Continuous Integration.yml` and <sub><a href=".github/workflows/Documentation.yml"><img src="" title="Action"></a></sub> `Documentation.yml`)</sub> </p> </details> <details> <summary> Get Involved <sub>[Expand]</sub> </summary> <p> > - The easiest way to support Towel is to star the github repository. > > - If you have any questions, you can [start a new discussion]( > > - If you notice anything in Towel that may be improved, please [create a new issue](<br/> > Feature requests are welcome. > > - You can chat with the developer(s) on discord: <sub><sub><a href=""><img src="" title="Go To Discord Server"/></a></sub></sub> > > - If you want to contribute to Towel:<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;1. Fork this repository<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;2. Make some changes<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;3. Open a pull request </p> </details> ## Overview <details> <summary> Algorithms <sub>[Expand]</sub> </summary> <p> > ```cs > // supports System.Span<T> and any (non ref struct) int-indexed type > IsPalindrome<...>(...); > > // supports System.ReadOnlySpan<T> > IsInterleavedRecursive<...>(...); > IsInterleavedIterative<...>(...); > > IsReorderOf<...>(...); // aka "anagrams" > > // supports System.Span<T> and any (non ref struct) int-indexed type > SortShuffle<T>(...); > SortBubble<T>(...); > SortSelection<T>(...); > SortInsertion<T>(...); > SortQuick<T>(...); > SortMerge<T>(...); > SortHeap<T>(...); > SortOddEven<T>(...); > SortCocktail<T>(...); > SortComb<T>(...); > SortGnome<T>(...); > SortShell<T>(...); > SortBogo<T>(...); > SortSlow<T>(...); > SortCycle<T>(...); > SortPancake<T>(...); > SortStooge<T>(...); > SortTim<T>(...); > SortIntro<T>(...); > SortCounting<T>(...); // uint-based (non-comparative sort) > SortRadix<T>(...); // uint-based (non-comparative sort) > SortPidgeonHole<T>(...); // int-based (non-comparative sort) > > // supports System.ReadOnlySpan<T> and any (non ref struct) int-indexed type > SearchBinary<T>(...); > > // supports System.ReadOnlySpan<T> and any (non ref struct) int-indexed type > int HammingDistanceIterative<...>(...); > int LevenshteinDistanceRecursive<...>(...); > int LevenshteinDistanceIterative<...>(...); > > // Permutations of sequences > // supports System.Span<T> and any (non ref struct) int-indexed type > void PermuteRecursive<...>(...); > void PermuteIterative<...>(...); > > // Combinations of sequences > void Combinations<...>(...); > > // Path Finding (Graph Search) > // overloads for A*, Dijkstra, and Breadth-First-Search algorithms > SearchGraph<...>(...); > > // Combines ranges without gaps between them > IEnumerable<(T A, T B)> CombineRanges<T>(IEnumerable<(T A, T B)> ranges) > ``` > > > [Sorting Algorithm Benchmarks]( <sub>Note: not all permuations of the input are benchmarked, so take with a grain of salt.</sub><br/> > > [Permute Benchmarks]( </p> </details> <details> <summary> Extensions <sub>[Expand]</sub> </summary> <p> > ```cs > // System.Random extensions to generate more random types > // there are overloads to specify possible ranges > string NextString(this Random random, int length); > char NextChar(this Random random); > decimal NextDecimal(this Random random); > DateTime DateTime(this Random random); > TimeSpan TimeSpan(this Random random); > long NextLong(this Random random); > int[] Next(this Random random, int count, int minValue, int maxValue, Span<T> excluded); // with exclusions > int[] NextUnique(this Random random, int count, int minValue, int maxValue); // unique values > int[] NextUnique(this Random random, int count, int minValue, int maxValue, Span<T> excluded); // unique values with exclusions > T Next<T>(this Random random, IEnumerable<(T Value, double Weight)> pool); // weighted values > void Shuffle<T>(this Random random, T[] array); // randomize arrays > > // Type conversion to string definition as appears in C# source code > string ConvertToCSharpSourceDefinition(this Type type); > // Example: typeof(List<int>) -> "System.Collections.Generic.List<int>" > > string ToEnglishWords(this decimal @decimal); > // Example: 42 -> "Forty-Two" > (bool Success, decimal Value) TryParseEnglishWordsToDecimal(string words); > // Example: "Forty-Two" -> 42 > > int TryParseRomanNumeral(string @string); > // Example: "XLII" -> 42 > int TryToRomanNumeral(int value); > // Example: 42 -> "XLII" > > // Reflection Extensions To Access XML Documentation > string GetDocumentation(this Type type); > string GetDocumentation(this FieldInfo fieldInfo); > string GetDocumentation(this PropertyInfo propertyInfo); > string GetDocumentation(this EventInfo eventInfo); > string GetDocumentation(this ConstructorInfo constructorInfo); > string GetDocumentation(this MethodInfo methodInfo); > string GetDocumentation(this MemberInfo memberInfo); > string GetDocumentation(this ParameterInfo parameterInfo); > ``` > > > [Weighted Random Benchmarks](<br/> > > [Random With Exclusions Benchmarks](<br/> > > [decimal To English Words Benchmarks]( </p> </details> <details> <summary> Data Structures <sub>[Expand]</sub> </summary> <p> > <details> > <summary> > Heap <sub>[Expand]</sub> > </summary> > <p> > > > ```cs > > // A heap is a binary tree that is sorted vertically using comparison methods. This is different > > // from AVL Trees or Red-Black Trees that keep their contents stored horizontally. The rule > > // of a heap is that no parent can be less than either of its children. A Heap using "sifting up" > > // and "sifting down" algorithms to move values vertically through the tree to keep items sorted. > > > > IHeap<T> heap = HeapArray.New<T>(); > > > > // Visualization: > > // > > // Binary Tree > > // > > // -7 > > // / \ > > // / \ > > // / \ > > // / \ > > // / \ > > // / \ > > // / \ > > // / \ > > // -4 1 > > // / \ / \ > > // / \ / \ > > // / \ / \ > > // -1 3 6 4 > > // / \ / \ / \ / \ > > // 30 10 17 51 45 22 19 7 > > // > > // Flattened into an Array > > // > > // Root = 1 > > // Left Child = 2 * Index > > // Right Child = 2* Index + 1 > > // __________________________________________________________________________ > > // |0 |-7 |-4 |1 |-1 |3 |6 |4 |30 |10 |17 |51 |45 |22 |19 |7 |0 |0 |0 ... > > // ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ > > // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 > > ``` > > </p> > </details> > > <details> > <summary> > AVL Tree <sub>[Expand]</sub> > </summary> > <p> > > > ```cs > > // An AVL tree is a binary tree that is sorted using comparison methods and automatically balances > > // itself by tracking the heights of nodes and performing one of four specific algorithms: rotate > > // right, rotate left, double rotate right, or double rotate left. Any parent in an AVL Tree must > > // be greater than its left child but less than its right child (if the children exist). An AVL > > // tree is sorted in the same manor as a Red-Black Tree, but uses different algorithms to maintain > > // the balance of the tree. > > > > IAvlTree<T> avlTree = AvlTreeLinked.New<T>(); > > > > // Visualization: > > // > > // Binary Tree > > // > > // Depth 0 ------------------> 7 > > // / \ > > // / \ > > // / \ > > // / \ > > // / \ > > // / \ > > // / \ > > // / \ > > // Depth 1 ---------> 1 22 > > // / \ / \ > > // / \ / \ > > // / \ / \ > > // Depth 2 ----> -4 4 17 45 > > // / \ / \ / \ / \ > > // Depth 3 ---> -7 -1 3 6 10 19 30 51 > > // > > // Flattened into an Array > > // > > // Root = 1 > > // Left Child = 2 * Index > > // Right Child = 2* Index + 1 > > // __________________________________________________________________________ > > // |0 |7 |1 |22 |-4 |4 |17 |45 |-7 |-1 |3 |6 |10 |19 |30 |51 |0 |0 |0 ... > > // ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ > > // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 > > ``` > > </p> > </details> > > <details> > <summary> > Red Black Tree <sub>[Expand]</sub> > </summary> > <p> > > > ```cs > > // A Red-Black treeis a binary tree that is sorted using comparison methods and automatically > > // balances itself. Any parent in an Red-Black Tree must be greater than its left child but less > > // than its right child (if the children exist). A Red-Black tree is sorted in the same manor as > > // an AVL Tree, but uses different algorithms to maintain the balance of the tree. > > > > IRedBlackTree<T> redBlackTree = RedBlackTreeLinked.New<T>(); > > > > // Visualization: > > // > > // Binary Tree > > // > > // Color Black ----------------> 7 > > // / \ > > // / \ > > // / \ > > // / \ > > // / \ > > // / \ > > // / \ > > // / \ > > // Color Red ---------> 1 22 > > // / \ / \ > > // / \ / \ > > // / \ / \ > > // Color Black ---> -4 4 17 45 > > // / \ / \ / \ / \ > > // Color Red ---> -7 -1 3 6 10 19 30 51 > > // > > // Flattened into an Array > > // > > // Root = 1 > > // Left Child = 2 * Index > > // Right Child = 2* Index + 1 > > // __________________________________________________________________________ > > // |0 |7 |1 |22 |-4 |4 |17 |45 |-7 |-1 |3 |6 |10 |19 |30 |51 |0 |0 |0 ... > > // ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ > > // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 > > ``` > > </p> > </details> > > <details> > <summary> > Omnitree <sub>[Expand]</sub> > </summary> > <p> > > > ```cs > > // An Omnitree is a Spacial Partitioning Tree (SPT) that works on an arbitrary number of dimensions. > > // It stores items sorted along multiple dimensions by dividing spaces into sub-spaces. A 3D > > // version of an SPT is often called an "Octree" and a 2D version of an SPT is often called a > > // "Quadtree." There are two versions of the Omnitree: Points and Bounds. The Points version stores > > // vectors while the Bounds version stores spaces with a minimum and maximum vector. > > > > IOmnitreePoints<T, A1, A2, A3...> omnitreePoints = > > new OmnitreePointsLinked<T, A1, A2, A3...>( > > (T value, out A1 a1, out A2 a2, out A3 a3...) => { ... }); > > > > IOmnitreeBounds<T, A1, A2, A3...> omnitreeBounds = > > new OmnitreeBoundsLinked<T, A1, A2, A3...>( > > (T value, > > out A1 min1, out A1 max1, > > out A2 min2, out A2 max2, > > out A3 min3, out A3 max3...) => { ... }); > > > > // The maximum number of children any node can have is 2 ^ N where N is the number > > // of dimensions of the tree. > > // > > // ------------------------------- > > // | Dimensions | Max # Children | > > // |============|================| > > // | 1 | 2 ^ 1 = 2 | > > // | 2 | 2 ^ 2 = 4 | > > // | 3 | 2 ^ 3 = 8 | > > // | 4 | 2 ^ 4 = 16 | > > // | ... | ... | > > // ------------------------------- > > // > > // Visualizations > > // > > // 1 Dimensional: > > // > > // -1D |-----------|-----------| +1D Children Indexes: > > // -1D: 0 > > // <--- 0 ---> <--- 1 ---> +1D: 1 > > // > > // 2 Dimensional: > > // _____________________ > > // | | | +2D > > // | | | ^ > > // | 2 | 3 | | Children Indexes: > > // | | | | -2D -1D: 0 > > // |----------|----------| | -2D +1D: 1 > > // | | | | +2D -1D: 2 > > // | | | | +2D +1D: 3 > > // | 0 | 1 | | > > // | | | v > > // |__________|__________| -2D > > // > > // -1D <-----------> +1D > > // > > // 3 Dimensional: > > // > > // +3D _____________________ > > // 7 / / /| > > // / / 6 / 7 / | > > // / /---------/----------/ | Children Indexes: > > // / / 2 / 3 /| | -3D -2D -1D: 0 > > // L /_________/__________/ | | -3D -2D +1D: 1 > > // -3D | | | | /| +2D -3D +2D -1D: 2 > > // | | | |/ | ^ -3D +2D +1D: 3 > > // | 2 | 3 | / | | +3D -2D -1D: 4 > > // | | |/| | <-- 5 | +3D -2D +1D: 5 > > // |----------|----------| | | | +3D +2D -1D: 6 > > // | | | | / | +3D +2D +1D: 7 > > // | | | | / | > > // | 0 | 1 | |/ | > > // | | | / v > > // |__________|__________|/ -2D > > // > > // ^ > > // | > > // 4 (behind 0) > > // > > // -1D <-----------> +1D > > // > > // 4 Dimensional: > > // > > // +1D +2D +3D +4D Children Indexes: > > // ^ ^ ^ ^ > > // | | | | -4D -3D -2D -1D: 0 +4D -3D -2D -1D: 8 > > // | | | | -4D -3D -2D +1D: 1 +4D -3D -2D +1D: 9 > > // | | | | -4D -3D +2D -1D: 2 +4D -3D +2D -1D: 10 > > // | | | | -4D -3D +2D +1D: 3 +4D -3D +2D +1D: 11 > > // | | | | -4D +3D -2D -1D: 4 +4D +3D -2D -1D: 12 > > // --- --- --- --- -4D +3D -2D +1D: 5 +4D +3D -2D +1D: 13 > > // | | | | -4D +3D +2D -1D: 6 +4D +3D +2D -1D: 14 > > // | | | | -4D +3D +2D +1D: 7 +4D +3D +2D +1D: 15 > > // | | | | > > // | | | | > > // | | | | > > // v v v v > > // -1D -2D -3D -4D > > // > > // With a value that is in the (+1D, -2D, -3D, +4D)[Index 9] child: > > // > > // +1D +2D +3D +4D > > // ^ ^ ^ ^ > > // | | | | > > // | | | | > > // O--- | | ---O > > // | \ | | / | > > // | \ | | / | > > // --- \ --- --- / --- > > // | \ | | / | > > // | \ | | / | > > // | ---O-----------O--- | > > // | | | | > > // | | | | > > // v v v v > > // -1D -2D -3D -4D > > > > // By default, the omnitree will sort items along each axis and use the median algorithm to determine > > // the point of divisions. However, you can override the subdivision algorithm. For numerical values, > > // the mean algorithm can be used (and is much faster than median). If you know the data set will be > > // relatively evenly distributed within a sub-space, you can even set the subdivision algorithm to > > // calculate the subdivision from parent spaces rather than looking at the current contents of the > > // space. > > > > // The depth of the omnitree is bounded by "ln(count)" the natural log of the current count. When adding > > // and item to the tree, if the number of items in the respective child is greater than ln(count) and > > // the depth bounding has not been reached, then the child will be subdivided. The goal is to achieve > > // Ω(ln(count)) runtime complexity when looking up values. > > ``` > > </p> > </details> > > <details> > <summary> > B-Tree <sub>[Expand]</sub> > </summary> > <p> > > > ```cs > > // a B-tree is a self-balancing tree data structure that maintains > > // sorted data and allows searches, sequential access, insertions, > > // and deletions in logarithmic time. The B-tree generalizes the > > // binary search tree, allowing for nodes with more than two children. > > > > // There are two ways to Add and Remove elements in a B-Tree > > // 1) Pre-emptive: Search the tree from top to bottom (for place to add/ > > // node to delete) and perform fixing of the B-Tree (Splitting > > // or Merging) in a single pass > > // 2) Non Pre-emptive: Add/Remove the required node and go up the tree to > > // fix the tree as needed > > // > > // Pre-emptive methods are optimal, especially if the Maximum Degree of > > // a node is set to an even number. This implementation of B-Tree > > // uses Pre-emptive modes of Add/Removal methods and therefore the > > // value of Maximum Degree is mandated to be even > > > > // This implementation is taken from Thomas H. Cormen's book "Introduction > > // to Algorithms, 3rd edition", Chapter 18: B-Trees > > > > BTree<int> tree = new BTree<int>(4); > > > > tree.Add(20); > > tree.Add(10); > > tree.Add(30); > > tree.Add(50); > > tree.Add(40); > > tree.Add(5); > > tree.Add(15); > > // > > // [20] > > // / \ > > // / \ > > // [5, 10, 15] [30, 40, 50] > > // > > // All elements added in the BTree, where each node can have a maximum > > // of 4 children (and therefore, a maximum of 3 elements) > > > > bool r1 = tree.TryRemove(50).Success; // r1 = true > > bool r2 = tree.TryRemove(50).Success; // r2 = false, 50 is no longer in the tree > > > > // > > // [20] > > // / \ > > // / \ > > // [5, 10, 15] [30, 40] > > > > int[] array = tree.ToArray(); // array = [5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40] > > ``` > > > </p> > </details> > > <details> > <summary> > Tree <sub>[Expand]</sub> > </summary> > <p> > > > ```cs > > ITree<T> treeMap = TreeMap.New<T>(...); > > ``` > > </p> > </details> > > <details> > <summary> > Graph <sub>[Expand]</sub> > </summary> > <p> > > > ```cs > > // A graph is a data structure that contains nodes and edges. They are useful > > // when you need to model real world scenarios. They also are generally used > > // for particular algorithms such as path finding. The GraphSetOmnitree is a > > // graph that stores nodes in a hashed set and the edges in a 2D omnitree (aka > > // quadtree). > > > > IGraph<int> graph = GraphSetOmnitree.New<int>(); > > // add nodes > > graph.Add(0); > > graph.Add(1); > > graph.Add(2); > > graph.Add(3); > > // add edges > > graph.Add(0, 1); > > graph.Add(1, 2); > > graph.Add(2, 3); > > graph.Add(0, 3); > > // visualization > > // > > // 0 --------> 1 > > // | | > > // | | > > // | | > > // v v > > // 3 <-------- 2 > > ``` > > </p> > </details> > > <details> > <summary> > SkipList <sub>[Expand]</sub> > </summary> > <p> > > > ```cs > > // A skip list is a probabilistic data structure that stores data > > // similar to a Linked List, but has additional layers which allow > > // the list to perform basic operations (add/search/delete) in > > // O(log n) average complexity > > > > SkipList<int, SFunc<int, int, CompareResult>>? list = SkipList.New<int>(5); // create a list with 5 levels > > list.Add(60); > > list.Add(20); > > list.Add(30); > > list.Add(40); > > list.Add(20); > > list.Add(90); > > list.Add(80); > > // #-------------------->| |--------------------------------->NULL > > // #-------------------->| |--------------------------->| |->NULL > > // # ------------------->| |------------------->| |--->| |->NULL > > // # ----------->| |--->| |--->| |----------->| |--->| |->NULL > > // # --->|20|--->|20|--->|30|--->|40|--->|60|--->|80|--->|90|->NULL > > // > > // PS: SkipList nodes are assigned levels randomly, so this is one of the possible configurations obtainable > > bool result; > > result = list.Contains(40); //result = true > > result = list.Remove(40).Suceess; // result = true > > result = list.Contains(40); //result = false > > ``` > > </p> > </details> > > <details> > <summary> > Trie <sub>[Expand]</sub> > </summary> > <p> > > > ```cs > > // A trie is a tree that stores values in a way that partial keys may be shared > > // amongst values to reduce redundant memory usage. They are generally used with > > // large data sets such as storing all the words in the English language. For > > // example, the words "farm" and "fart" both have the letters "far" in common. > > // A trie takes advantage of that and only stores the necessary letters for > > // those words ['f'->'a'->'r'->('t'||'m')]. A trie is not limited to string > > // values though. Any key type that can be broken into pieces (and shared), > > // could be used in a trie. > > // > > // There are two versions. One that only stores the values of the trie (ITrie<T>) > > // and one that stores the values of the trie plus an additional generic value > > // on the leaves (ITrie<T, D>). > > > > ITrie<T> trie = TrieLinkedHashLinked.New<T>(); > > > > ITrie<T, D> trie = TrieLinkedHashLinked.New<T, D>(); > > ``` > > </p> > </details> </p> </details> <details> <summary> Generic Mathematics & Logic <sub>[Expand]</sub> </summary> <p> > <details> > <summary> > How It Works <sub>[Expand]</sub> > </summary> > <p> > > > ```cs > > public static T Addition<T>(T a, T b) > > { > > return AdditionImplementation<T>.Function(a, b); > > } > > > > internal static class AdditionImplementation<T> > > { > > internal static Func<T, T, T> Function = (T a, T b) => > > { > > var A = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T)); > > var B = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T)); > > var BODY = Expression.Add(A, B); > > Function = Expression.Lambda<Func<T, T, T>>(BODY, A, B).Compile(); > > return Function(a, b); > > }; > > } > > ``` > > > > You can break type safe-ness using generic types and runtime compilation, and you can store the runtime compilation in a delegate so the only overhead is the invocation of the delegate. > > </p> > </details> > > ```cs > // Logic Fundamentals > bool Equate<T>(T a , T b); > bool LessThan<T>(T a, T b); > bool GreaterThan<T>(T a, T b); > CompareResult Compare<T>(T a, T b); > > // Mathematics Fundamentals > T Negation<T>(T a); > T Addition<T>(T a, T b); > T Subtraction<T>(T a, T b); > T Multiplication<T>(T a, T b); > T Division<T>(T a, T b); > T Remainder<T>(T a, T b); > > // More Logic > bool IsPrime<T>(T a); > bool IsEven<T>(T a); > bool IsOdd<T>(T a); > T Minimum<T>(T a, T b); > T Maximum<T>(T a, T b); > T Clamp<T>(T value, T floor, T ceiling); > T AbsoluteValue<T>(T a); > bool EqualityLeniency<T>(T a, T b, T leniency); > > // More Numerics > void FactorPrimes<T>(T a, ...); > T Factorial<T>(T a); > T LinearInterpolation<T>(T x, T x0, T x1, T y0, T y1); > T LeastCommonMultiple<T>(T a, T b, params T[] c); > T GreatestCommonFactor<T>(T a, T b, params T[] c); > LinearRegression2D<T>(..., out T slope, out T y_intercept); > > // Statistics > T Mean<T>(T a, params T[] b); > T Median<T>(params T[] values); > Heap<Link<T, int>> Mode<T>(T a, params T[] b); > void Range<T>(out T minimum, out T maximum, ...); > T[] Quantiles<T>(int quantiles, ...); > T GeometricMean<T>(...); > T Variance<T>(...); > T StandardDeviation<T>(...); > T MeanDeviation<T>(...); > > // Vectors > Vector<T> V1 = new Vector<T>(params T[] vector); > Vector<T> V2 = new Vector<T>(params T[] vector); > Vector<T> V3; > T scalar; > V3 = -V1; // Negate > V3 = V1 + V2; // Add > V3 = V1 - V2; // Subtract > V3 = V1 * scalar; // Multiply > V3 = V1 / scalar; // Divide > scalar = V1.DotProduct(V2); // Dot Product > V3 = V1.CrossProduct(V2); // Cross Product > V1.Magnitude; // Magnitude > V3 = V1.Normalize(); // Normalize > bool equal = V1 == V2; // Equal > > // Matrices > Matrix<T> M1 = new Matrix<T>(int rows, int columns); > Matrix<T> M2 = new Matrix<T>(int rows, int columns); > Matrix<T> M3; > Vector<T> V2 = new Vector<T>(params T[] vector); > Vector<T> V3; > T scalar; > M3 = -M1; // Negate > M3 = M1 + M2; // Add > M3 = M1 - M2; // Subtract > M3 = M1 * M2; // Multiply > V3 = M1 * V2; // Multiply (vector) > M3 = M1 * scalar; // Multiply (scalar) > M3 = M1 / scalar; // Divide > M3 = M1 ^ 3; // Power > scalar = M1.Determinent(); // Determinent > M3 = M1.Minor(int row, int column); // Minor > M3 = M1.Echelon(); // Echelon Form (REF) > M3 = M1.ReducedEchelon(); // Reduced Echelon Form (RREF) > M3 = M1.Inverse(); // Inverse > M1.DecomposeLowerUpper(ref M2, ref M3); // Lower Upper Decomposition > bool equal = M1 == M2; // Equal > ``` </p> </details> <details> <summary> Symbolic Mathematics <sub>[Expand]</sub> </summary> <p> > ```cs > // Parsing From Linq Expression > Expression<Func<double, double>> exp1 = (x) => 2 * (x / 7); > Symbolics.Expression symExp1 = Symbolics.Parse(exp1); > > // Parsing From String > Symbolics.Expression symExp2 = Symbolics.Parse("2 * ([x] / 7)"); > > // Mathematical Simplification > Symbolics.Expression simplified = symExp1.Simplify(); > > // Variable Substitution > symExp1.Substitute("x", 5); > ``` </p> </details> <details> <summary> Measurement Mathematics <sub>[Expand]</sub> </summary> <p> > <details> > <summary> > Supported Measurements <sub>[Expand]</sub> > </summary> > <p> > > > Here are the currently supported measurement types: > > > > ```cs > > // Acceleration: Length/Time/Time > > // AngularAcceleration: Angle/Time/Time > > // Angle: Angle > > // AngularSpeed: Angle/Time > > // Area: Length*Length > > // AreaDensity: Mass/Length/Length > > // Density: Mass/Length/Length/Length > > // ElectricCharge: ElectricCharge > > // ElectricCurrent: ElectricCharge/Time > > // Energy: Mass*Length*Length/Time/Time > > // Force: Mass*Length/Time/Time > > // Length: Length > > // LinearDensity: Mass/Length > > // LinearMass: Mass*Length > > // LinearMassFlow: Mass*Length/Time > > // Mass: Mass > > // MassRate: Mass/Time > > // Power: Mass*Length*Length/Time/Time/Time > > // Pressure: Mass/Length/Time/Time > > // Speed: Length/Time > > // Tempurature: Tempurature > > // Time: Time > > // TimeArea: Time*Time > > // Volume: Length*Length*Length > > // VolumeRate: Length*Length*Length/Time > > ``` > > > > The measurement types are generated in the *Towel/Measurements/* T4 text template file. The unit (enum) definitions are in the *Towel/Measurements/MeasurementUnitDefinitions.cs* file. Both measurment types and unit definitions can be easily added. If you think a measurement type or unit type should be added, please [submit an enhancement issue]( > > </p> > </details> > > ```cs > // Towel has measurement types to help write scientific code: Acceleration<T>, Angle<T>, Area<T>, > // Density<T>, Length<T>, Mass<T>, Speed<T>, Time<T>, Volume<T>, etc. > > // Automatic Unit Conversion > // When you perform mathematical operations on measurements, any necessary unit conversions will > // be automatically performed by the relative measurement type (in this case "Angle<T>"). > Angle<double> angle1 = (90d, Degrees); > Angle<double> angle2 = (.5d, Turns); > Angle<double> result1 = angle1 + angle2; // 270° > > // Type Safeness > // The type safe-ness of the measurement types prevents the miss-use of the measurements. You cannot > // add "Length<T>" to "Angle<T>" because that is mathematically invalid (no operator exists). > Length<double> length1 = (2d, Yards); > object result2 = angle1 + length1; // WILL NOT COMPILE!!! > > // Simplify The Syntax Even Further > // You can use alias to remove the generic type if you want to simplify the syntax even further. > using Speedf = Towel.Measurements.Speed<float>; // at top of file > Speedf speed1 = (5, Meters / Seconds); > > // Vector + Measurements > // You can use the measurement types inside Towel Vectors. > Vector<Speed<float>> velocity1 = new Vector<Speed<float>>( > (1f, Meters / Seconds), > (2f, Meters / Seconds), > (3f, Meters / Seconds)); > Vector<Speedf> velocity2 = new Vector<Speedf>( > (1f, Centimeters / Seconds), > (2f, Centimeters / Seconds), > (3f, Centimeters / Seconds)); > Vector<Speed<float>> velocity3 = velocity1 + velocity2; > > // Manual Unit Conversions > // 1. Index Operator On Measurement Type > double angle1_inRadians = angle1[Radians]; > float speed1_inMilesPerHour = speed1[Miles / Hours]; > // 2. Static Conversion Methods > double angle3 = Angle<double>.Convert(7d, > Radians, // from > Degrees); // to > double speed2 = Speed<double>.Convert(8d, > Meters / Seconds, // from > Miles / Hours); // to > double force1 = Force<double>.Convert(9d, > Kilograms * Meters / Seconds / Seconds, // from > Grams * Miles / Hours / Hours); // to > double angle4 = Measurement.Convert(10d, > Radians, // from > Degrees); // to > // The unit conversion on the Measurement class > // is still compile-time-safe. > > // Measurement Parsing > Speed<float>.TryParse("20.5 Meters / Seconds", > out Speed<float> parsedSpeed); > Force<decimal>.TryParse(".1234 Kilograms * Meters / Seconds / Seconds", > out Force<decimal> parsedForce); > ``` </p> </details> <details> <summary> Console Helpers <sub>[Expand]</sub> </summary> <p> > ```cs > // Just some helper methods for console applications... > > // wait for keypress to continue an intercept input > ConsoleHelper.PromptPressToContinue(...); > // generic method for retrieving validated console input > ConsoleHelper.GetInput<T>(...); > // animated ellipsis character to show processing > ConsoleHelper.AnimatedEllipsis(...); > // render progress bar in console > ConsoleHelper.ProgressBar(...); > // Console.ReadLine() with hidden input characters > ConsoleHelper.HiddenReadLine(); > // easily manage int-based console menus > ConsoleHelper.IntMenu(...); > // preventing console input > ConsoleHelper.FlushInputBuffer(); > ``` </p> </details> <details> <summary> TagAttribute <sub>[Expand]</sub> </summary> <p> > ```cs > // With TagAttribute's you can make value-based attributes so > // you don't always have to make your own custom attribute types. > // Just "tag" a code member with constant values. > > using System; > using Towel; > > var (Found, Value) = typeof(MyClass).GetTag("My Tag"); > Console.WriteLine("My Tag..."); > Console.WriteLine("Found: " + Found); > Console.WriteLine("Value: " + Value); > > [Tag("My Tag", "hello world")] > public class MyClass { } > ``` </p> </details> <details> <summary> SLazy&lt;T&gt; + ValueLazy&lt;T&gt; <sub>[Expand]</sub> </summary> <p> > ```cs > // SLazy<T> is a faster Lazy<T> when using the default > // LazyThreadSafetyMode.ExecutionAndPublication setting. > > SLazy<string> slazy = new(() => "hello world"); > Console.WriteLine(slazy.IsValueCreated); // False > Console.WriteLine(slazy.Value); // hello world > Console.WriteLine(slazy.IsValueCreated); // True > > // ValueLazy<T> is even faster than SLazy<T> but it > // is unsafe as it will potentially call the factory > // delegate multiple times if the struct is copied. > // So please use ValueLazy<T> with caution. > > // There are various types for supporting no multithread lock, > // no exception caching, and publication only locks. > ``` > > > [Initialization Benchmarks](<br/> > > [Caching Benchmarks](<br/> > > [Construction Benchmarks]( </p> </details> <details> <summary> SpanBuilder&lt;T&gt; + SStringBuilder <sub>[Expand]</sub> </summary> <p> > ```cs > // SpanBuilder<char> is a small helper for initializing > // stack allocated spans. > SpanBuilder<char> span = stackalloc char[10]; > span.AppendLine("ab"); > > // SStringBuilder is a small helper for initializing strings. > // It will append to the span until the capacity is reached > // and then it will revert to a StringBuilder if necessary > // rather than throwing like SpanBuilder<T> does. > SStringBuilder<char> span = stackalloc char[10]; > span.AppendLine("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"); > ``` </p> </details> <details> <summary> Command Line Parser <sub>[Expand]</sub> </summary> <p> > ```cs > // Just put the [Command] attribute on any method you want to call > // from the command line, and call the "HandleArguments" method. > > using System; > using static Towel.CommandLine; > > public static class Program > { > public static void Main(string[] args) > { > HandleArguments(args); > } > > [Command] > public static void A(int a) > { > Console.WriteLine(nameof(A) + " called"); > Console.WriteLine(nameof(a) + ": " + a); > } > } > > // output: > // dotnet run A --a 7 > // A called > // a: 7 > ``` </p> </details>
We have made you a wrapper you can't refuse
一个方便安全研究人员获取每日安全日报的爬虫和推送程序,目前爬取范围包括先知社区、安全客、Seebug Paper、跳跳糖、奇安信攻防社区、棱角社区以及绿盟、腾讯玄武、天融信、360等实验室博客,持续更新中。
<h1 align="center"> SecCrawler </h1> ![SecCrawler]( <h4 align="center"> 一个方便安全研究人员获取每日安全日报的爬虫和推送程序,目前爬取范围包括先知社区、安全客、Seebug Paper、跳跳糖、奇安信攻防社区、棱角社区以及绿盟、腾讯玄武、天融信、360等实验室博客,持续更新中。 </h4> <p align="center"> <a href=""> <img src=""> </a> <a href=""> <img src=""> </a> <a href=""> <img src=""> </a> <a href=""> <img src=""> </a> <a href=""> <img src=""> </a> <a href=""> <img src=""> </a> <a href=""> <img src=""> </a> </p> ## Table of Contents - [Introduction](#introduction) - [Usage](#usage) - [守护进程](#守护进程配置) - [API](#api) - [先知社区相关配置说明](#先知社区相关配置说明) - [ChromeDriver](#chromedriver) - [微信或QQ推送群](#微信或QQ推送群) - [Features](#features) - [Install](#install) - [Config](#config) - [Demo](#demo) - [Contributing](#contributing) - [License](#license) ## Introduction SecCrawler 是一个跨平台的方便安全研究人员获取每日安全日报的爬虫和机器人推送程序,目前爬取范围包括先知社区、安全客、Seebug Paper、跳跳糖、奇安信攻防社区、棱角社区,机器人推送范围包括企业微信机器人、飞书机器人、钉钉机器人、Server酱、HexQBot(QQ群机器人)、WgpSecBot(微信机器人),持续更新中。 ### Usage 程序使用yml格式的配置文件,第一次使用时请使用`-init`参数在当前文件夹生成默认配置文件,在配置文件中设置爬取的网站和推送机器人相关配置,目前包括在内的网站和推送的机器人在[Features](#features)中可以查看,可以设置每日推送的整点时间以及是否开启API。 ```text _____ _____ _ / ____| / ____| | | | (___ ___ ___| | _ __ __ ___ _| | ___ _ __ \___ \ / _ \/ __| | | '__/ _ \ \ /\ / / |/ _ \ '__| ____) | __/ (__| |____| | | (_| |\ V V /| | __/ | |_____/ \___|\___|\_____|_| \__,_| \_/\_/ |_|\___|_| SecCrawler dev Options: -c file the config file to be used, or generate a config file with the specified name with -init (default "config.yml") -help print help info -init generate a config file -test stop after running once -version print version info ``` - 使用`-h/-help`查看详细命令 - 使用`-c`指定使用的配置文件,或者在生成配置文件时配合`-init`生成指定文件名的配置文件 - 使用`-test`参数执行一次程序后退出 - 使用`-version`输出详细版本信息 如果开启了定时任务(Cron),程序使用定时任务每天根据设置好的时间整点自动运行,编辑好相关配置后后台运行即可。 简单运行命令: ```sh $ nohup ./SecCrawler >> run.log 2>&1 & ``` 或者使用screen ```sh $ screen ./SecCrawler $ ctrl a+d / control a+d # 回到主会话 ``` 如果长期使用,建议配置[守护进程](#守护进程配置)。 ### 守护进程配置 首先执行`vim /etc/systemd/system/SecCrawler.service`输入以下内容: ``` [Unit] Description=SecCrawler [Service] Type=simple WorkingDirectory=<SecCrawler Path> ExecStart=<SecCrawler Path>/SecCrawler -c config.yml Restart=on-failure [Install] ``` 其中`<SecCrawler Path>`为SecCrawler可执行文件存放的路径。 保存后执行`systemctl daemon-reload`,现在你就可以使用以下命令来管理程序了: - 启动: systemctl start SecCrawler - 关闭: systemctl stop SecCrawler - 自启: systemctl enable SecCrawler - 状态: systemctl status SecCrawler - 重启: systemctl restart SecCrawler - **查看日志**: journalctl -u SecCrawler 程序旨在帮助安全研究者自动化获取每日更新的安全文章,适用于每日安全日报推送,爬取的安全社区网站范围和支持推送的机器人持续增加中,欢迎在[issues](中提供宝贵的建议。 :rocket: 目前 SecCrawler 已在MacOS Apple silicon 、Ubuntu 20.04运行测试通过。 ### API SecCrawler提供了Web API,配合其他工具可以主动调用API进行爬取或推送。 - [API文档]( - 注意请求API需要带上Authorization头,在配置文件中配置`auth`值 ### 先知社区相关配置说明 先知安全社区设置有反爬措施,官方RSS需要使用 Selenium 调用浏览器进行渲染,SecCrawler 提供了两种方法: - 配置文件中`XianZhi.UseChromeDriver`设置为true:使用 Selenium 调用浏览器渲染,需要用户自行下载对应版本的`ChromeDriver`和`Chrome`,并且在配置文件中指定`ChromeDriver`的路径 - `XianZhi.UseChromeDriver`设置为false:需要用户设置`XianZhi.CustomRSSURL`为无反爬措施的先知社区RSS镜像站地址,如 (笔者不保证无害,这里只做示例,请自行判断是否使用) ### ChromeDriver ChromeDriver镜像站: - Windows和Mac用户在[下载Chrome](并安装后,下载对应chrome版本的ChromeDriver并在配置文件`config.yml`中指定ChromeDriver的路径 - Linux用户在下载Chrome(链接如下)并安装后,同上编辑配置文件 - [Debian/Ubuntu(64位.deb)]( - [Fedora/openSUSE(64位.rpm)]( > Chrome浏览器可以访问`chrome://version/`查看版本 > 命令行可以使用`google-chrome-stable --version`查看版本 ### 微信或QQ推送群 如果不想自己配置环境,只想获取每日推送,可以扫码加推送群: 如果微信群二维码失效或者人数已满,可以添加微信号:WgpSecBot,然后私聊发送 SecCrawler 进群。 <img src="" width = "300" alt="" align=center /><img src="" width = "300" alt="" align=center /> ## Features 支持的爬取网站列表: - [x] [先知安全社区]( - [x] [安全客]( (安全知识专区) - [x] [Seebug Paper]( - [x] [棱角安全社区]( - [x] [跳跳糖]( - [x] [奇安信攻防社区]( - [x] ~~[洞见微信聚合]( 暂时注释,有需要可自行编译 - [x] 实验室 - [x] [Noah Lab]( - [x] [360 核心安全技术博客]( - [x] [绿盟科技技术博客]( - [x] [腾讯安全玄武实验室]( - [x] [天融信阿尔法实验室]( - [x] [360 Netlab]( - [x] [斗象能力中心]( - [x] [腾讯安全响应中心]( - [x] [南京邮电大学小绿草信息安全实验室]( 支持的推送机器人列表: - [x] [企业微信群机器人]( - [x] [HexQBot]( (QQ群机器人 自建) - [x] [Server酱]( - [x] [飞书群机器人]( - [x] [钉钉群机器人]( - [x] [WgpSecBot]( - [ ] [pushplus]( ## Install 你可以在[Releases](下载最新的SecCrawler。 或者从源码编译: ```sh $ git clone $ cd SecCrawler $ go build . ``` ## Config `config.yml`配置文件模板注释: ```yml # 设置Selenium使用的ChromeDriver路径,支持相对路径或绝对路径(如果不爬取先知社区可以不用设置) ChromeDriver: ./chromedriver/linux64 Proxy: ProxyUrl: # 代理地址,支持http/https/socks协议 CrawlerProxyEnabled: false # 是否开启爬虫代理 BotProxyEnabled: false # 是否开启请求机器人代理 Cron: enabled: false # 是否开启定时任务,开启后每天按照指定的时间爬取并推送 time: 11 # 设置定时任务每天整点爬取推送时间,范围 0 ~ 23(整数) Api: enabled: false # 是否开启API debug: false # 是否开启Gin-DEBUG模式 host: port: 8080 auth: auth_key_here # 请求api需要带上Authorization头 Crawler: # 棱角社区 # EdgeForum: enabled: false # 先知安全技术社区 # XianZhi: enabled: false UseChromeDriver: true # 是否使用selenium调用浏览器爬取,设置为true需要指定ChromeDriver地址,为false需要指定没有反爬措施的自定义网址CustomRSSURL CustomRSSURL: "" # SeebugPaper(知道创宇404实验室) # SeebugPaper: enabled: false # 安全客 # Anquanke: enabled: false # 跳跳糖 # Tttang: enabled: false # 奇安信攻防社区 # QiAnXin: enabled: false # 洞见微信聚合 # # DongJian: # enabled: false Lab: enabled: true # 是否开启各大实验室文章爬取 NoahLab: enabled: true Blog360: enabled: true Nsfocus: enabled: true Xlab: enabled: true AlphaLab: enabled: true Netlab: enabled: true RiskivyBlog: enabled: true TSRCBlog: enabled: true X1cT34m: enabled: true Bot: # 企业微信群机器人 # WecomBot: enabled: false key: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx timeout: 2 # 飞书群机器人 # FeishuBot: enabled: false key: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx timeout: 2 # 钉钉群机器人 # DingBot: enabled: false token: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx timeout: 2 # HexQBot # HexQBot: enabled: false api: qqgroup: 0 key: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx timeout: 2 # Server酱 # ServerChan: enabled: false sendkey: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx timeout: 2 # WgpSecBot # WgpSecBot: enabled: false key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx timeout: 2 ``` ## Demo <p align="center"> <img src="" /> <img src="" /> </p> ## Contributing 如果您有高质量的安全社区网站希望被爬取,或者想推荐被广泛使用的推送机器人,欢迎联系我微信和邮箱:`leonsec[at]`或提交[issue](和[PR](。 <img src="" width = "300" alt="" align=center /> ## License [GNU General Public License v3.0](
An NLP library for building bots, with entity extraction, sentiment analysis, automatic language identify, and so more
![NLPjs logo](screenshots/nlplogo.gif) # NLP.js [![](]( [![Coverage Status](]( [![NPM version](]( [![NPM downloads](]( [![Sonarcloud Status](]( [![Maintainability Rating](]( [![Reliability Rating](]( [![Security Rating](]( *If you're looking for the version 3 docs, you can find them here* [Version 3](docs/v3/ "NLP.js" is a general natural language utility for nodejs. Currently supporting: - Guess the language of a phrase - Fast _Levenshtein_ distance of two strings - Search the best substring of a string with less _Levenshtein_ distance to a given pattern. - Get stemmers and tokenizers for several languages. - Sentiment Analysis for phrases (with negation support). - Named Entity Recognition and management, multi-language support, and acceptance of similar strings, so the introduced text does not need to be exact. - Natural Language Processing Classifier, to classify an utterance into intents. - NLP Manager: a tool able to manage several languages, the Named Entities for each language, the utterances, and intents for the training of the classifier, and for a given utterance return the entity extraction, the intent classification and the sentiment analysis. Also, it is able to maintain a Natural Language Generation Manager for the answers. - 40 languages natively supported, 104 languages supported with BERT integration - Any other language is supported through tokenization, even fantasy languages ![Hybrid bot](screenshots/hybridbot.gif) ## New in version 4`!` Version 4 is very different from previous versions. Before this version, NLP.js was a monolithic library. The big changes: - Now the library is split into small independent packages. - So every language has its own package - It provides a plugin system, so you can provide your own plugins or replace the existing ones. - It provides a container system for the plugins, settings for the plugins and also pipelines - A pipeline is code defining how the plugins interact. Usually it is linear: there is an input into the plugin, and this generates the input for the next one. As an example, the preparation of a utterance (the process to convert the utterance to a hashmap of stemmed features) is now a pipeline like this: `normalize -> tokenize -> removeStopwords -> stem -> arrToObj` - There is a simple compiler for the pipelines, but they can also be built using a modified version of javascript and python (compilers are also included as plugins, so other languages can be added as a plugin). - NLP.js now includes connectors, a connector is understood to be something that has at least 2 methods: `hear` and `say`. Examples of connectors included: Console Connector, Microsoft Bot Framework Connector and a Direct Line Offline Connector (this one allows you to build a web chatbot using the Microsoft Webchat, but without having to deploy anything in Azure). - Some plugins can be registered by language, so for different languages different plugins will be used. Also some plugins, like NLU, can be registered not only by language but also by domain (a functional set of intents that can be trained separately) - As an example of per-language/domain plugins, a Microsoft LUIS NLU plugin is provided. You can configure your chatbot to use the NLU from NLP.js for some languages/domains, and LUIS for other languages/domains. - Having plugins and pipelines makes it possible to write chatbots by only modifying the configuration and the pipelines file, without modifying the code. ### TABLE OF CONTENTS <!--ts--> - [Installation](#installation) - [QuickStart](docs/v4/ - [Install the library](docs/v4/ - [Create the code](docs/v4/ - [Extracting the corpus into a file](docs/v4/ - [Extracting the configuration into a file](docs/v4/ - [Creating your first pipeline](docs/v4/ - [Console Connector](docs/v4/ - [Extending your bot with the pipeline](docs/v4/ - [Adding multiple languages](docs/v4/ - [Adding API and WebChat](docs/v4/ - [Using Microsoft Bot Framework](docs/v4/ - [Recognizing the bot name and the channel](docs/v4/ - [One bot per connector](docs/v4/ - [Different port for Microsoft Bot Framework and Webchat](docs/v4/ - [Adding logic to an intent](docs/v4/ - [Mini FAQ](docs/v4/ - [Web and React Native](docs/v4/ - [Preparing to generate a bundle](docs/v4/ - [Your first web NLP](docs/v4/ - [Creating a distributable version](docs/v4/ - [Load corpus from URL](docs/v4/ - [QnA](docs/v4/ - [Install the library and the qna plugin](docs/v4/ - [Train and test a QnA file](docs/v4/ - [Extracting the configuration into a file](docs/v4/ - [Exposing the bot with a Web and API](docs/v4/ - [NER Quickstart](docs/v4/ - [Install the needed packages](docs/v4/ - [Create the conf.json](docs/v4/ - [Create the corpus.json](docs/v4/ - [Create the heros.json](docs/v4/ - [Create the index.js](docs/v4/ - [Start the application](docs/v4/ - [Stored context](docs/v4/ - [NeuralNetwork](docs/v4/ - [Introduction](docs/v4/ - [Installing](docs/v4/ - [Corpus Format](docs/v4/ - [Example of use](docs/v4/ - [Exporting trained model to JSON and importing](docs/v4/ - [Options](docs/v4/ - [Logger](docs/v4/ - [Introduction](docs/v4/ - [Default logger in @nlpjs/core](docs/v4/ - [Default logger in @nlpjs/basic](docs/v4/ - [Adding your own logger to the container](docs/v4/ - [@nlpjs/emoji](docs/v4/ - [Introduction](docs/v4/ - [Installing](docs/v4/ - [Example of use](docs/v4/ - [@nlpjs/console-connector](docs/v4/ - [Installation](docs/v4/ - [Example of use inside NLP.js](docs/v4/ - [Example of use of the package](docs/v4/ - [Example of use with @nlpjs/basic](docs/v4/ - [@nlpjs/similarity](docs/v4/ - [Installation](docs/v4/ - [leven](docs/v4/ - [similarity](docs/v4/ - [SpellCheck](docs/v4/ - [SpellCheck trained with words trained from a text](docs/v4/ - [@nlpjs/nlu](docs/v4/ - [Installation](docs/v4/ - [NluNeural](docs/v4/ - [DomainManager](docs/v4/ - [NluManager](docs/v4/ - [React Native](#react-native) - [Example of use](#example-of-use) - [False Positives](#false-positives) - [Log Training Progress](#log-training-progress) - [Benchmarking](docs/v3/ - [Language Support](docs/v4/ - [Supported languages](docs/v4/ - [Sentiment Analysis](docs/v4/ - [Comparision with other NLP products](docs/v4/ - [Example with several languages](docs/v4/ - [Language Guesser](docs/v3/ - [Similar Search](docs/v3/ - [NLU](docs/v3/ - [NLU Manager](docs/v3/ - [Brain NLU](docs/v3/ - [Bayes NLU](docs/v3/ - [Binary Relevance NLU](docs/v3/ - [Logistic Regression NLU](docs/v3/ - [NER Manager](docs/v4/ - [Enum Named Entities](docs/v4/ - [Regular Expression Named Entities](docs/v4/ - [Trim Named Entities](docs/v4/ - [Utterances with duplicated Entities](docs/v4/ - [Integration with Duckling](docs/v3/ - [Language support](docs/v3/ - [How to integrate with duckling](docs/v3/ - [Email Extraction](docs/v3/ - [Phone Number Extraction](docs/v3/ - [URL Extraction](docs/v3/ - [Number Extraction](docs/v3/ - [Ordinal Extraction](docs/v3/ - [Dimension Extraction](docs/v3/ - [Quantity Extraction](docs/v3/ - [Amount of Money Extraction](docs/v3/ - [Date Extraction](docs/v3/ - [Builtin Entity Extraction](docs/v3/ - [Email Extraction](docs/v3/ - [IP Extraction](docs/v3/ - [Hashtag Extraction](docs/v3/ - [Phone Number Extraction](docs/v3/ - [URL Extraction](docs/v3/ - [Number Extraction](docs/v3/ - [Ordinal Extraction](docs/v3/ - [Percentage Extraction](docs/v3/ - [Age Extraction](docs/v3/ - [Currency Extraction](docs/v3/ - [Date Extraction](docs/v3/ - [Duration Extraction](docs/v3/ - [Sentiment Analysis](docs/v3/ - [NLP Manager](docs/v4/ - [Load/Save](docs/v4/ - [Import/Export](docs/v4/ - [Context](docs/v4/ - [Intent Logic (Actions, Pipelines)](docs/v4/ - [Slot Filling](docs/v4/ - [Loading from Excel](docs/v3/ - [Microsoft Bot Framework](docs/v3/ - [Introduction](docs/v3/ - [Example of use](docs/v3/ - [Recognizer and Slot filling](docs/v3/ - Languages - [English]( - [Indonesian]( - [Italian]( - [Spanish]( - [Contributing](#contributing) - [Contributors](#contributors) - [Code of Conduct](#code-of-conduct) - [Who is behind it](#who-is-behind-it) - [License](#license) <!--te--> ## Installation If you're looking to use NLP.js in your Node application, you can install via NPM like so: ```bash npm install node-nlp ``` ## React Native There is a version of NLP.js that works in React Native, so you can build chatbots that can be trained and executed on the mobile even without the internet. You can install it via NPM: ```bash npm install node-nlp-rn ``` Some limitations: - No Chinese - The Japanese stemmer is not the complete one - No Excel import - No loading from a file, or saving to a file, but it can still import from JSON and export to JSON. ## Example of use You can see a great example of use in the folder [`/examples/02-qna-classic`]( This example is able to train the bot and save the model to a file, so when the bot is started again, the model is loaded instead of being trained again. You can start to build your NLP from scratch with a few lines: ```javascript const { NlpManager } = require('node-nlp'); const manager = new NlpManager({ languages: ['en'], forceNER: true }); // Adds the utterances and intents for the NLP manager.addDocument('en', 'goodbye for now', 'greetings.bye'); manager.addDocument('en', 'bye bye take care', 'greetings.bye'); manager.addDocument('en', 'okay see you later', 'greetings.bye'); manager.addDocument('en', 'bye for now', 'greetings.bye'); manager.addDocument('en', 'i must go', 'greetings.bye'); manager.addDocument('en', 'hello', 'greetings.hello'); manager.addDocument('en', 'hi', 'greetings.hello'); manager.addDocument('en', 'howdy', 'greetings.hello'); // Train also the NLG manager.addAnswer('en', 'greetings.bye', 'Till next time'); manager.addAnswer('en', 'greetings.bye', 'see you soon!'); manager.addAnswer('en', 'greetings.hello', 'Hey there!'); manager.addAnswer('en', 'greetings.hello', 'Greetings!'); // Train and save the model. (async() => { await manager.train();; const response = await manager.process('en', 'I should go now'); console.log(response); })(); ``` This produces the following result in a console: ```bash { utterance: 'I should go now', locale: 'en', languageGuessed: false, localeIso2: 'en', language: 'English', domain: 'default', classifications: [ { label: 'greetings.bye', value: 0.698219120207268 }, { label: 'None', value: 0.30178087979273216 }, { label: 'greetings.hello', value: 0 } ], intent: 'greetings.bye', score: 0.698219120207268, entities: [ { start: 12, end: 14, len: 3, accuracy: 0.95, sourceText: 'now', utteranceText: 'now', entity: 'datetime', resolution: [Object] } ], sentiment: { score: 1, comparative: 0.25, vote: 'positive', numWords: 4, numHits: 2, type: 'senticon', language: 'en' }, actions: [], srcAnswer: 'Till next time', answer: 'Till next time' } ``` ## False Positives By default, the neural network tries to avoid false positives. To achieve that, one of the internal processes is that words never seen by the network are represented as a feature that gives some weight to the `None` intent. So, if you try the previous example with "_I have to go_" it will return the `None` intent because 2 of the 4 words have never been seen while training. If you don't want to avoid those false positives, and you feel more comfortable with classifications into the intents that you declare, then you can disable this behavior by setting the `useNoneFeature` to false: ```javascript const manager = new NlpManager({ languages: ['en'], nlu: { useNoneFeature: false } }); ``` ## Log Training Progress You can also add a log progress, so you can trace what is happening during the training. You can log the progress to the console: ```javascript const nlpManager = new NlpManager({ languages: ['en'], nlu: { log: true } }); ``` Or you can provide your own log function: ```javascript const logfn = (status, time) => console.log(status, time); const nlpManager = new NlpManager({ languages: ['en'], nlu: { log: logfn } }); ``` ## Contributing You can read the guide for how to contribute at [Contributing]( ## Contributors [![Contributors](]( Made with [contributors-img]( ## Code of Conduct You can read the Code of Conduct at [Code of Conduct]( ## Who is behind it`?` This project is developed by AXA Group Operations Spain S.A. If you need to contact us, you can do it at the email [email protected] ## License Copyright (c) AXA Group Operations Spain S.A. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
.NET Client for Telegram Bot API
# .NET Client for Telegram Bot API [![package](]( [![Bot API Version](,%202022)-f36caf.svg?style=flat-square)]( [![documentations](]( [![telegram chat](]( [![build](]( [![build](]( [![downloads](]( [![contributors](]( [![license](]( [![Gitpod Ready-to-Code](]( **Telegram.Bot** is the most popular .NET Client for 🤖 [Telegram Bot API]. The Bot API is an HTTP-based interface created for developers keen on building bots for [Telegram]. Check 👉 [_Bots: An introduction for developers_] 👈 to understand what a Telegram bot is and what it can do. We, the [Telegram Bots team], mainly focus on developing multiple [NuGet packages] for creating chatbots. > ➡️ If Bot API is too limited for your use cases you can try Telegram Client API implementation written 100% in C# > <> |Package|Documentation|News Channel|Team|Group Chat| |:-----:|:-----------:|:----------:|:--:|:--------:| | [![package](docs/logo-nuget.png)]( | [![documentations](docs/logo-docs.png)]( | [![News Channel](docs/logo-channel.jpg)]( | [![Team](docs/logo-gh.png)]( | [![Group Chat](docs/logo-chat.jpg)]( | | This package on NuGet | Telegram bots book | Subscribe to 📣 [`@tgbots_dotnet`] channel to get our latest news | The team contributing to this work | [Join our chat] 💬 to talk about bots and ask questions | ## 🔨 Getting Started Please check ➡️ [the Quickstart guide]. ## 🚧 Supported Platforms Project targets **.NET Standard 2.0** and **.NET 6** at minimum. ## 📦 Extension Packages This project is referred to as the core package and is always required for developing Telegram bots. There are extension packages that you can include in your bot projects for additional functionality: - [Telegram.Bot.Extensions.LoginWidget] - [Telegram.Bot.Extensions.Passport] ## ✅ Correctness & Testing This project is fully tested using Unit tests and Systems Integration tests before each release. In fact, our test cases are self-documenting and serve as examples for Bot API methods. Once you learn the basics of Telegram chatbots, you will be able to easily understand the code in examples and use it in your own bot projects. ## 🗂 References - [Changelog]( - [Documentation]( - [Examples]( <!-- ---- --> [Telegram Bot API]: [Telegram]: [_Bots: An introduction for developers_]: [Telegram Bots team]: [NuGet packages]: [`@tgbots_dotnet`]: [Join our chat]: [the Quickstart guide]: [Telegram.Bot.Extensions.LoginWidget]: [Telegram.Bot.Extensions.Passport]:
LINE Messaging API SDK for Node.js
# LINE Messaging API SDK for nodejs [![Github Action](]( [![npmjs](]( ## Introduction The LINE Messaging API SDK for nodejs makes it easy to develop bots using LINE Messaging API, and you can create a sample bot within minutes. ## Documentation See the official API documentation for more information - English: - Japanese: line-bot-sdk-nodejs documentation: ## Requirements * **Node.js** 10 or higher ## Installation Using [npm]( ``` bash $ npm install @line/bot-sdk --save ``` ## Help and media FAQ: Community Q&A: News: Twitter: @LINE_DEV ## Versioning This project respects semantic versioning See ## Contributing Please check [CONTRIBUTING]( before making a contribution. ## License ``` Copyright (C) 2016 LINE Corp. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ```
A guide to creating Steam bots and websites using Node.js
# Andrew's Guide to Steam Bots [![Codacy][codacy-img]][codacy-url] [![PayPal][paypal-img]][paypal-url] [![Steam Donate][steam-img]][steam-url] [![Creative Commons][cc-img]][cc-url] A complete guide to building Steam bots using Node.js. ## Table of Contents - [Chapter 1 - Basics](./Chapter%201%20-%20Basics) - [Chapter 1.1 - Introduction](./Chapter%201%20-%20Basics/Chapter%201.1%20-%20Introduction) - [Chapter 1.2 - Prerequisites](./Chapter%201%20-%20Basics/Chapter%201.2%20-%20Prerequisites) - [Chapter 1.3 - Starting to Code](./Chapter%201%20-%20Basics/Chapter%201.3%20-%20Starting%20to%20Code) - [Chapter 1.4 - TOTP](./Chapter%201%20-%20Basics/Chapter%201.4%20-%20TOTP) - [Chapter 1.5 - Errors](./Chapter%201%20-%20Basics/Chapter%201.5%20-%20Errors) - [Chapter 2 - Trading](./Chapter%202%20-%20Trading) - [Chapter 2.1 - Prerequisites](./Chapter%202%20-%20Trading/Chapter%202.1%20-%20Prerequisites) - [Chapter 2.2 - Handling Trade Offers](./Chapter%202%20-%20Trading/Chapter%202.2%20-%20Handling%20Trade%20Offers) - [Chapter 2.3 - Sending Trade Offers](./Chapter%202%20-%20Trading/Chapter%202.3%20-%20Sending%20Trade%20Offers) - [Chapter 2.4 - Accepting Donations](./Chapter%202%20-%20Trading/Chapter%202.4%20-%20Accepting%20Donations) - [Chapter 3 - User Interaction](./Chapter%203%20-%20User%20Interaction) - [Chapter 3.1 - Friend Requests](./Chapter%203%20-%20User%20Interaction/Chapter%203.1%20-%20Friend%20Requests) - [Chapter 4 - Basics of Web Development](./Chapter%204%20-%20Basics%20of%20Web%20Development) - [Chapter 4.1 - Prerequisites](./Chapter%204%20-%20Basics%20of%20Web%20Development/Chapter%204.1%20-%20Prerequisites) - [Chapter 4.2 - Base App](./Chapter%204%20-%20Basics%20of%20Web%20Development/Chapter%204.2%20-%20Base%20App) - [Chapter 4.3 - Templates](./Chapter%204%20-%20Basics%20of%20Web%20Development/Chapter%204.3%20-%20Templates) - [Chapter 4.4 - Databases](./Chapter%204%20-%20Basics%20of%20Web%20Development/Chapter%204.4%20-%20Databases) - [Chapter 4.5 - WebSockets](./Chapter%204%20-%20Basics%20of%20Web%20Development/Chapter%204.5%20-%20WebSockets) - [Chapter 5 - Advanced Web Development](./Chapter%205%20-%20Advanced%20Web%20Development) - [Chapter 5.1 - Prerequisites](./Chapter%205%20-%20Advanced%20Web%20Development/Chapter%205.1%20-%20Prerequisites) - [Chapter 5.2 - Authentication](./Chapter%205%20-%20Advanced%20Web%20Development/Chapter%205.2%20-%20Authentication) - [Chapter 6 - Connecting Sites and Bots](./Chapter%206%20-%20Connecting%20Sites%20and%20Bots) - [Chapter 6.1 - Prerequisites](./Chapter%206%20-%20Connecting%20Sites%20and%20Bots/Chapter%206.1%20-%20Prerequisites) - [Chapter 6.2 - Getting Started](./Chapter%206%20-%20Connecting%20Sites%20and%20Bots/Chapter%206.2%20-%20Getting%20Started) - [Chapter 6.3 - Beginning the Connection](./Chapter%206%20-%20Connecting%20Sites%20and%20Bots/Chapter%206.3%20-%20Beginning%20the%20Connection) *(more chapters to come)* ## Inspiration Many people in the [/r/SteamBot]( and [/r/SteamBotMarket]( communities have been looking for a complete guide to building Node.js Steam bots, but there really isn't a complete, up-to-date tutorial online anywhere. This guide is here to help out anyone and everyone who wants to learn about creating Steam bots. When I first started creating Steam bots in the early ages about 2 years ago, it was fairly overwhelming. Trying to piece together different modules in order to form a functioning bot was a real struggle – but I'm looking help save new-comers the struggle of learning the new and modern Steam technologies. Together, we'll learn how to make bots and connect them to websites in this multi-chapter guide. ## Projects In this course, you'll be making a number of mini-projects, which will all come together to create the final website. Eventually we'll end up with a site which can be used to make profit by selling and buying TF2 or CS:GO skins, similar to ## Contributing Please read the [contribution guidelines](/ before creating a Pull Request. ## Donating If you found this guide useful, there are a few ways for you to support me and keep this project going: - [Steam]( - [Patreon]( <!-- Badge URLs --> [codacy-img]: [codacy-url]: [paypal-img]: [paypal-url]: [steam-img]: [steam-url]: [cc-img]: [cc-url]:
LINE Messaging API SDK for Go
# LINE Messaging API SDK for Go [![Build Status](]( [![codecov](]( [![GoDoc](]( [![Go Report Card](]( ## Introduction The LINE Messaging API SDK for Go makes it easy to develop bots using LINE Messaging API, and you can create a sample bot within minutes. ## Documentation See the official API documentation for more information. - English: - Japanese: ## Requirements This library requires Go 1.11 or later. ## Installation ## ```sh $ go get -u ``` ## Configuration ## ```go import ( "" ) func main() { bot, err := linebot.New("<channel secret>", "<channel access token>") ... } ``` ### Configuration with http.Client ### ```go client := &http.Client{} bot, err := linebot.New("<channel secret>", "<channel accsss token>", linebot.WithHTTPClient(client)) ... ``` ## How to start ## The LINE Messaging API uses the JSON data format. ```ParseRequest()``` will help you to parse the ```*http.Request``` content and return a slice of Pointer point to Event Object. ```go events, err := bot.ParseRequest(req) if err != nil { // Do something when something bad happened. } ``` The LINE Messaging API defines 7 types of event - ```EventTypeMessage```, ```EventTypeFollow```, ```EventTypeUnfollow```, ```EventTypeJoin```, ```EventTypeLeave```, ```EventTypePostback```, ```EventTypeBeacon```. You can check the event type by using ```event.Type``` ```go for _, event := range events { if event.Type == linebot.EventTypeMessage { // Do Something... } } ``` ### Receiver ### To send a message to a user, group, or room, you need either an ID ```go userID := event.Source.UserID groupID := event.Source.GroupID RoomID := event.Source.RoomID ``` or a reply token. ```go replyToken := event.ReplyToken ``` ### Create message ### The LINE Messaging API provides various types of message. To create a message, use ```New<Type>Message()```. ```go leftBtn := linebot.NewMessageAction("left", "left clicked") rightBtn := linebot.NewMessageAction("right", "right clicked") template := linebot.NewConfirmTemplate("Hello World", leftBtn, rightBtn) message := linebot.NewTemplateMessage("Sorry :(, please update your app.", template) ``` ### Send message ### With an ID, you can send message using ```PushMessage()``` ```go var messages []linebot.SendingMessage // append some message to messages _, err := bot.PushMessage(ID, messages...).Do() if err != nil { // Do something when some bad happened } ``` With a reply token, you can reply to messages using ```ReplyMessage()``` ```go var messages []linebot.SendingMessage // append some message to messages _, err := bot.ReplyMessage(replyToken, messages...).Do() if err != nil { // Do something when some bad happened } ``` ## Help and media FAQ: Community Q&A: News: Twitter: @LINE_DEV ## Versioning This project respects semantic versioning. See ## Contributing Please check [CONTRIBUTING]( before making a contribution. ## License ``` Copyright (C) 2016 LINE Corp. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ```
LINE Messaging API SDK for Java
# LINE Messaging API SDK for Java [![Maven Central](]( [![javadoc](]( [![codecov](]( ## Introduction The LINE Messaging API SDK for Java makes it easy to develop bots using LINE Messaging API, and you can create a sample bot within minutes. ## Documentation See the official API documentation for more information. - English: - Japanese: ## Requirements This library requires Java 8 or later. ## Installation We've uploaded this library to the Maven Central Repository. You can install the modules using Maven or Gradle. ## Modules This project contains the following modules: * line-bot-api-client: API client library for the Messaging API * line-bot-model: Model classes for the Messaging API * line-bot-servlet: Java servlet utilities for bot servers * line-bot-spring-boot: Spring Boot auto configuration library for bot servers This project contains the following sample projects: * sample-spring-boot-echo: A simple echo server. * sample-spring-boot-kitchensink: Full featured sample code. ## Spring Boot integration The line-bot-spring-boot module lets you build a bot application as a Spring Boot application. ```java /* * Copyright 2016 LINE Corporation * * LINE Corporation licenses this file to you under the Apache License, * version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package; import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication; import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication; import; import; import; import; import; import; @SpringBootApplication @LineMessageHandler public class EchoApplication { public static void main(String[] args) {, args); } @EventMapping public TextMessage handleTextMessageEvent(MessageEvent<TextMessageContent> event) { System.out.println("event: " + event); return new TextMessage(event.getMessage().getText()); } @EventMapping public void handleDefaultMessageEvent(Event event) { System.out.println("event: " + event); } } ``` ## How do I use a proxy server? You can use `LineMessagingServiceBuilder` to configure a proxy server. It accepts your own OkHttpBuilder instance. Note: You don't need to use an add-on like Fixie to have static IP addresses for proxy servers. You can make API calls without entering IP addresses on the server IP whitelist. ## Help and media FAQ: Community Q&A: News: Twitter: [@LINE_DEV]( ## Versioning This project respects semantic versioning. See ## Version 5.x and 6.x This library provides the Spring Boot binding. And there are some incompatible changes between Spring Boot 2.x and 3.x. As a result, line-bot-sdk-java maintainers maintain two maintenance lines until the end of the life of Spring Boot 2.x. - line-bot-sdk-java 6.x supports Spring Boot 3.x and Jakarta EE, Java 17+(Branch: master). - line-bot-sdk-java 5.x supports Spring Boot 2.x and Java EE, Java 8+(branch: maint/5.x). Spring Boot 2.x is scheduled for retirement on 2023/11/18. This means that line-bot-sdk-java 5.x will be retired on 2023/11/18. We will add new features to line-bot-sdk-java 6.x. But if you send us a backport patch for maint/5.x branch, we might apply it :) ## Contributing Please check [CONTRIBUTING]( before making a contribution. ## License Copyright (C) 2016 LINE Corp. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
Modern Telegram Bot Framework for Node.js
LINE Messaging API SDK for PHP
# LINE Messaging API SDK for PHP [![Build Status](]( ## Introduction The LINE Messaging API SDK for PHP makes it easy to develop bots using LINE Messaging API, and you can create a sample bot within minutes. ## Documentation See the official API documentation for more information. - English: - Japanese: ## Requirements - PHP 7.2 or later ## Installation Install the LINE Messaging API SDK using [Composer]( ``` $ composer require linecorp/line-bot-sdk ``` ## Getting started ### Create the bot client instance The bot client instance is a handler of the Messaging API. ```php $httpClient = new \LINE\LINEBot\HTTPClient\CurlHTTPClient('<channel access token>'); $bot = new \LINE\LINEBot($httpClient, ['channelSecret' => '<channel secret>']); ``` The constructor of the bot client requires an instance of `HTTPClient`. This library provides `CurlHTTPClient` by default. ### Call API You can call an API through the bot client instance. A very simple example: ```php $response = $bot->replyText('<reply token>', 'hello!'); ``` This procedure sends a message to the destination that is associated with `<reply token>`. A more advanced example: ```php $textMessageBuilder = new \LINE\LINEBot\MessageBuilder\TextMessageBuilder('hello'); $response = $bot->replyMessage('<reply token>', $textMessageBuilder); if ($response->isSucceeded()) { echo 'Succeeded!'; return; } // Failed echo $response->getHTTPStatus() . ' ' . $response->getRawBody(); ``` `LINEBot#replyMessage()` takes the reply token and `MessageBuilder`. The method sends a message that is built by `MessageBuilder` to the destination. ## Components ### MessageBuilder The type of message that is sent depends on the type of instance of `MessageBuilder`. For example, the method sends a text message if you pass `TextMessageBuilder` and it sends an image message if you pass `ImageMessageBuilder`. For more detailed information on `MessageBuilder`, see `\LINE\LINEBot\MessageBuilder` and the namespace. Other methods that take `MessageBuilder` behave in the same way. ### Response Methods that call API returns `Response`. A `Response` instance has following methods: - `Response#isSucceeded()` - `Response#getHTTPStatus()` - `Response#getRawBody()` - `Response#getJSONDecodedBody()` - `Response#getHeader($name)` - `Response#getHeaders()` You can use these methods to check the response status and take response body. #### `Response#isSucceeded()` Returns a Boolean value. The return value represents whether the request succeeded or not. #### `Response#getHTTPStatus()` Returns the HTTP status code of a response. #### `Response#getRawBody()` Returns the body of the response as raw data (a byte string). #### `Response#getJSONDecodedBody()` Returns the body that is decoded in JSON. This body is an array. #### `Response#getHeader($name)` This method returns a response header string, or null if the response does not have a header of that name. #### `Response#getHeaders()` This method returns all of the response headers as string array. ### Webhook LINE's server sends user actions (such as a message, image, or location) to your bot server. Request of that contains event(s); event is action of the user. The following shows how the webhook is handled: 1. Receive webhook from LINE's server. 2. Parse request payload by `LINEBot#parseEventRequest($body, $signature)`. 3. Iterate parsed events and some react as you like. The following examples show how webhooks are handled: - [EchoBot: Route.php](/examples/EchoBot/src/LINEBot/EchoBot/Route.php) - [KitchenSink: Route.php](/examples/KitchenSink/src/LINEBot/KitchenSink/Route.php) More information -- For more information, see the [official API documents](#documentation) and PHPDoc. If it's your first time using this library, we recommend taking a look at `examples` and the PHPDoc of `\LINE\LINEBot`. Hints -- ### Examples This repository contains two examples of how to use the LINE Messaging API. #### [EchoBot](/examples/EchoBot) A simple sample implementation. This application reacts to text messages that are sent from users. #### [KitchenSink](/examples/KitchenSink) A full-stack (and slightly complex) sample implementation. This application demonstrates a practical use of the LINE Messaging API. ### PHPDoc []( This library provides PHPDoc to describe how to use the methods. You can generate the documentation using [phpDocumenter]( using the following command. ``` $ wget $ php phpDocumentor.phar run -d src -t docs ``` The HTML files are generated in `docs/`. ### Official API documentation [Official API documents](#documentation) shows the detail of Messaging API and fundamental usage of SDK. Notes -- ### How to switch the HTTP client implementation 1. Implement `\LINE\LINEBot\HTTPClient` 2. Pass the implementation to the constructor of `\LINE\LINEBot` Please refer [CurlHTTPClient](/src/LINEBot/HTTPClient/CurlHTTPClient.php) that is the default HTTP client implementation. See also -- ### [line-bot-sdk-tiny](./line-bot-sdk-tiny) A very simple SDK (subset) for the LINE Messaging API for PHP. line-bot-sdk-tiny provides a simple interface and functions which makes it a good way to learn how to use the LINE Messaging API. ### Laravel Support Easy to use from Laravel. After installed, add `LINE_BOT_CHANNEL_ACCESS_TOKEN` and `LINE_BOT_CHANNEL_SECRET` to `.env` ``` LINE_BOT_CHANNEL_ACCESS_TOKEN=<Channel Access Token> LINE_BOT_CHANNEL_SECRET=<Channel Secret> ``` then you can use `LINEBot` facade like following. ``` $profile = \LINEBot::getProfile($userId); ``` ## Help and media FAQ: Community Q&A: News: Twitter: [@LINE_DEV]( ## Versioning This project respects semantic versioning. See ## Contributing Please check [CONTRIBUTING]( before making a contribution. For hacking instructions, please refer [](/ ## License ``` Copyright 2016 LINE Corporation Licensed under the Apache License, version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ```
The Telegram Bot Framework.
<div align="center"><a href=""><img src="" alt="grammY"></a></h1></div> <div align="right"> # The Telegram Bot Framework. </div> <div align="center"> <!-- deno-fmt-ignore-start --> [![Bot API](]( [![Deno](]( [![npm](]( [![All Contributors](](#contributors-) <!-- deno-fmt-ignore-end --> ## _[docs.]( [reference.]( [chat.]( [news.]( </div> **grammY makes it easy to create Telegram bots.** Both for beginners and at scale. You want grammY because it is easy to use. It is very powerful and always up to date. It has the best [documentation]( in town. It is extremely efficient and scales up effortlessly. It has a thriving ecosystem of plugins, a friendly community chat, seamless integrations with web frameworks and databases, and so much more. Are you ready? 🤖🚀 Bots are written in [TypeScript]( (or JavaScript) and run on [Node.js]( or [Deno](#deno-support). ## Quickstart > If you are new to Telegram bots, read the official [Introduction for Developers]( written by the Telegram team. Visit [@BotFather]( and create a new bot. You will obtain a **bot token**. Create a new directory and run ```bash npm install grammy ``` inside it. Then create a file `bot.js` with this content: ```ts const { Bot } = require("grammy"); // Create a bot object const bot = new Bot(""); // <-- place your bot token in this string // Register listeners to handle messages bot.on("message:text", (ctx) => ctx.reply("Echo: " + ctx.message.text)); // Start the bot (using long polling) bot.start(); ``` Now you can run the bot via ```bash node bot.js ``` and it will echo all received text messages. Congrats! You just wrote a Telegram bot :) ## Going Further grammY has an excellent [documentation](, and an [API Reference]( It even integrates with your code editor, e.g. [VSCode]( You can hover over any element of grammY to get a detailed description of what that thing does or means. If you are still stuck, just join the [Telegram chat]( and ask for help. People are nice there and we appreciate your question, no matter what it is :) Here are some more resources to support you: ## Resources ### [grammY Website]( —main project website and documentation. Gets you started and explains all concepts. ### [grammY API Reference]( —reference of everything that grammY exports. Useful to look up descriptions about any element of grammY. ### [grammY Example Bots]( —repository full of example bots. Includes a setup to easily run any of them. ### [Awesome grammY]( —list of awesome projects built with grammY. Helpful if you want to see some real-world usage. ### [grammY Telegram Chat]( —Telegram chat where you can ask any question about grammY or bots in general. We are also open for feedback, ideas, and contributions! The Russian community chat can be found [here]( ### [grammY News Channel]( —Telegram channel where updates to grammY and the ecosystem are posted. We are also [on Twitter]( ### [Telegram Bot API Reference]( —documentation of the API that Telegram offers, and that grammY connects to under the hood. ## Deno Support All grammY packages published by [@grammyjs]( run natively on [Deno]( We are compiling every codebase to still run on Node.js. However, given that most bot developers are still using Node.js, all documentation is written Node.js-first. We may migrate it if Deno overtakes Node.js. If you are already on Deno today, import grammY from [``]( You may also be interested in [why we support Deno]( ## Browser Support The grammY core package in this repository is available as a JavaScript bundle from the CDN at ``. Currently, we transpile all stable versions (all releases since v1.0) as well as the current `main` branch to ES6 and ESNext. You can download them from the URL `[ES version lowercased]@[grammY version including v-prefix].js`. For example, the most recent source on `main` in ES6 is available from <[email protected]>. Being compatible with browsers is especially useful for running bots on Cloudflare Workers. For this reason, we include the web bundle in our npm package. You can simply do `import { Bot } from "grammy/web"`. ## [Contribution Guide »](./ ## Contributors ✨ Thanks goes to these wonderful people ([emoji key]( <!-- ALL-CONTRIBUTORS-LIST:START - Do not remove or modify this section --> <!-- prettier-ignore-start --> <!-- markdownlint-disable --> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td align="center" valign="top" width="14.28%"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt="KnorpelSenf"/><br /><sub><b>KnorpelSenf</b></sub></a><br /><a href="#ideas-KnorpelSenf" title="Ideas, Planning, & Feedback">🤔</a> <a href="" title="Code">💻</a> <a href="" title="Documentation">📖</a> <a href="#design-KnorpelSenf" title="Design">🎨</a> <a href="#example-KnorpelSenf" title="Examples">💡</a> <a href="" title="Tests">⚠️</a> <a href="#plugin-KnorpelSenf" title="Plugin/utility libraries">🔌</a> <a href="#platform-KnorpelSenf" title="Packaging/porting to new platform">📦</a> <a href="" title="Reviewed Pull Requests">👀</a> <a href="#mentoring-KnorpelSenf" title="Mentoring">🧑‍🏫</a> <a href="#projectManagement-KnorpelSenf" title="Project Management">📆</a> <a href="#infra-KnorpelSenf" title="Infrastructure (Hosting, Build-Tools, etc)">🚇</a></td> <td align="center" valign="top" width="14.28%"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt="Heero"/><br /><sub><b>Heero</b></sub></a><br /><a href="#plugin-HeeroML" title="Plugin/utility libraries">🔌</a> <a href="#userTesting-HeeroML" title="User Testing">📓</a> <a href="#example-HeeroML" title="Examples">💡</a> <a href="" title="Documentation">📖</a> <a href="" title="Reviewed Pull Requests">👀</a> <a href="" title="Code">💻</a> <a href="#ideas-HeeroML" title="Ideas, Planning, & Feedback">🤔</a></td> <td align="center" valign="top" width="14.28%"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt="Wojciech Pawlik"/><br /><sub><b>Wojciech Pawlik</b></sub></a><br /><a href="#ideas-wojpawlik" title="Ideas, Planning, & Feedback">🤔</a> <a href="" title="Reviewed Pull Requests">👀</a> <a href="#infra-wojpawlik" title="Infrastructure (Hosting, Build-Tools, etc)">🚇</a> <a href="#platform-wojpawlik" title="Packaging/porting to new platform">📦</a> <a href="#tool-wojpawlik" title="Tools">🔧</a></td> <td align="center" valign="top" width="14.28%"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt="Alessandro Bertozzi"/><br /><sub><b>Alessandro Bertozzi</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Documentation">📖</a></td> <td align="center" valign="top" width="14.28%"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt="trgwii"/><br /><sub><b>trgwii</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Code">💻</a> <a href="" title="Reviewed Pull Requests">👀</a></td> <td align="center" valign="top" width="14.28%"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt="KnightNiwrem"/><br /><sub><b>KnightNiwrem</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Code">💻</a> <a href="" title="Bug reports">🐛</a> <a href="#plugin-KnightNiwrem" title="Plugin/utility libraries">🔌</a> <a href="" title="Documentation">📖</a> <a href="#example-KnightNiwrem" title="Examples">💡</a> <a href="" title="Reviewed Pull Requests">👀</a> <a href="#mentoring-KnightNiwrem" title="Mentoring">🧑‍🏫</a></td> <td align="center" valign="top" width="14.28%"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt="Muthu Kumar"/><br /><sub><b>Muthu Kumar</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Reviewed Pull Requests">👀</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center" valign="top" width="14.28%"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt="EdJoPaTo"/><br /><sub><b>EdJoPaTo</b></sub></a><br /><a href="#plugin-EdJoPaTo" title="Plugin/utility libraries">🔌</a> <a href="" title="Documentation">📖</a> <a href="#ideas-EdJoPaTo" title="Ideas, Planning, & Feedback">🤔</a> <a href="" title="Reviewed Pull Requests">👀</a> <a href="" title="Bug reports">🐛</a> <a href="" title="Code">💻</a></td> <td align="center" valign="top" width="14.28%"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt="Amir Zouerami"/><br /><sub><b>Amir Zouerami</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Documentation">📖</a> <a href="#plugin-Amir-Zouerami" title="Plugin/utility libraries">🔌</a> <a href="#example-Amir-Zouerami" title="Examples">💡</a></td> <td align="center" valign="top" width="14.28%"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt="Roj"/><br /><sub><b>Roj</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Documentation">📖</a> <a href="" title="Reviewed Pull Requests">👀</a> <a href="#infra-roj1512" title="Infrastructure (Hosting, Build-Tools, etc)">🚇</a> <a href="#translation-roj1512" title="Translation">🌍</a> <a href="" title="Code">💻</a> <a href="#ideas-roj1512" title="Ideas, Planning, & Feedback">🤔</a> <a href="#mentoring-roj1512" title="Mentoring">🧑‍🏫</a> <a href="#example-roj1512" title="Examples">💡</a></td> <td align="center" valign="top" width="14.28%"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt="jokasimr"/><br /><sub><b>jokasimr</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Bug reports">🐛</a></td> <td align="center" valign="top" width="14.28%"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt="Ciki Momogi"/><br /><sub><b>Ciki Momogi</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Documentation">📖</a> <a 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href="" title="Bug reports">🐛</a> <a href="" title="Code">💻</a></td> <td align="center" valign="top" width="14.28%"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt="Kashyap Sharma"/><br /><sub><b>Kashyap Sharma</b></sub></a><br /><a href="#example-kashyapndps00" title="Examples">💡</a></td> <td align="center" valign="top" width="14.28%"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt="AlexOwl"/><br /><sub><b>AlexOwl</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Bug reports">🐛</a> <a href="" title="Code">💻</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center" valign="top" width="14.28%"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt="Shrimadhav U K"/><br /><sub><b>Shrimadhav U K</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Code">💻</a></td> <td align="center" valign="top" width="14.28%"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt="Binamra Lamsal"/><br /><sub><b>Binamra Lamsal</b></sub></a><br /><a href="#ideas-binamralamsal" title="Ideas, Planning, & Feedback">🤔</a></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <!-- markdownlint-restore --> <!-- 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Contributions of any kind welcome!
Java wrapper for the popular chat & VOIP service: Discord
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These features are undocumented API endpoints or protocols that are not available to bot-accounts. _Please see the [Discord docs]( for more information about bot accounts._ 1. [Introduction](#creating-the-jda-object) 2. [Sharding](#sharding-a-bot) 3. [Entity Lifetimes](#entity-lifetimes) 4. [Download](#download) 5. [Documentation](#documentation) 6. [Support](#getting-help) 7. [Extensions And Plugins](#third-party-recommendations) 8. [Contributing](#contributing-to-jda) 9. [Dependencies](#dependencies) 10. [Other Libraries](#related-projects) ## UserBots and SelfBots Discord is currently prohibiting creation and usage of automated client accounts (AccountType.CLIENT). We have officially dropped support for client login as of version **4.2.0**! Note that JDA is not a good tool to build a custom discord client as it loads all servers/guilds on startup unlike a client which does this via lazy loading instead. If you need a bot, use a bot account from the [Application Dashboard]( [Read More]( ## Creating the JDA Object Creating the JDA Object is done via the JDABuilder class. After setting the token and other options via setters, the JDA Object is then created by calling the `build()` method. When `build()` returns, JDA might not have finished starting up. However, you can use `awaitReady()` on the JDA object to ensure that the entire cache is loaded before proceeding. Note that this method is blocking and will cause the thread to sleep until startup has completed. **Example**: ```java JDA jda = JDABuilder.createDefault("token").build(); ``` ### Configuration Both the `JDABuilder` and the `DefaultShardManagerBuilder` allow a set of configurations to improve the experience. **Example**: ```java public static void main(String[] args) { JDABuilder builder = JDABuilder.createDefault(args[0]); // Disable parts of the cache builder.disableCache(CacheFlag.MEMBER_OVERRIDES, CacheFlag.VOICE_STATE); // Enable the bulk delete event builder.setBulkDeleteSplittingEnabled(false); // Set activity (like "playing Something") builder.setActivity(Activity.watching("TV"));; } ``` > See [JDABuilder]( and [DefaultShardManagerBuilder]( You can configure the memory usage by changing enabled `CacheFlags` on the `JDABuilder`. Additionally, you can change the handling of member/user cache by setting either a `ChunkingFilter`, disabling **intents**, or changing the **member cache policy**. ```java public void configureMemoryUsage(JDABuilder builder) { // Disable cache for member activities (streaming/games/spotify) builder.disableCache(CacheFlag.ACTIVITY); // Only cache members who are either in a voice channel or owner of the guild builder.setMemberCachePolicy(MemberCachePolicy.VOICE.or(MemberCachePolicy.OWNER)); // Disable member chunking on startup builder.setChunkingFilter(ChunkingFilter.NONE); // Disable presence updates and typing events builder.disableIntents(GatewayIntent.GUILD_PRESENCE, GatewayIntent.GUILD_MESSAGE_TYPING); // Consider guilds with more than 50 members as "large". // Large guilds will only provide online members in their setup and thus reduce bandwidth if chunking is disabled. builder.setLargeThreshold(50); } ``` ### Listening to Events The event system in JDA is configured through a hierarchy of classes/interfaces. We offer two implementations for the `IEventManager`: - **InterfacedEventManager** which uses an `EventListener` interface and the `ListenerAdapter` abstract class - **AnnotatedEventManager** which uses the `@SubscribeEvent` annotation that can be applied to methods By default the **InterfacedEventManager** is used. Since you can create your own implementation of `IEventManager` this is a very versatile and configurable system. If the aforementioned implementations don't suit your use-case you can simply create a custom implementation and configure it on the `JDABuilder` with `setEventManager(...)`. #### Examples: **Using EventListener**: ```java public class ReadyListener implements EventListener { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // Note: It is important to register your ReadyListener before building JDA jda = JDABuilder.createDefault("token") .addEventListeners(new ReadyListener()) .build(); // optionally block until JDA is ready jda.awaitReady(); } @Override public void onEvent(GenericEvent event) { if (event instanceof ReadyEvent) System.out.println("API is ready!"); } } ``` **Using ListenerAdapter**: ```java public class MessageListener extends ListenerAdapter { public static void main(String[] args) { JDA jda = JDABuilder.createDefault("token") .enableIntents(GatewayIntent.MESSAGE_CONTENT) // enables explicit access to message.getContentDisplay() .build(); //You can also add event listeners to the already built JDA instance // Note that some events may not be received if the listener is added after calling build() // This includes events such as the ReadyEvent jda.addEventListener(new MessageListener()); } @Override public void onMessageReceived(MessageReceivedEvent event) { if (event.isFromType(ChannelType.PRIVATE)) { System.out.printf("[PM] %s: %s\n", event.getAuthor().getName(), event.getMessage().getContentDisplay()); } else { System.out.printf("[%s][%s] %s: %s\n", event.getGuild().getName(), event.getTextChannel().getName(), event.getMember().getEffectiveName(), event.getMessage().getContentDisplay()); } } } ``` **Slash-Commands**: ```java public class Bot extends ListenerAdapter { public static void main(String[] args) { if (args.length < 1) { System.out.println("You have to provide a token as first argument!"); System.exit(1); } // args[0] would be the token (using an environment variable or config file is preferred for security) // We don't need any intents for this bot. Slash commands work without any intents! JDA jda = JDABuilder.createLight(args[0], Collections.emptyList()) .addEventListeners(new Bot()) .setActivity(Activity.playing("Type /ping")) .build(); // Sets the global command list to the provided commands (removing all others) jda.updateCommands().addCommands( Commands.slash("ping", "Calculate ping of the bot"), Commands.slash("ban", "Ban a user from the server") .setDefaultPermissions(DefaultMemberPermissions.enabledFor(Permission.BAN_MEMBERS)) // only usable with ban permissions .setGuildOnly(true) // Ban command only works inside a guild .addOption(OptionType.USER, "user", "The user to ban", true) // required option of type user (target to ban) .addOption(OptionType.STRING, "reason", "The ban reason") // optional reason ).queue(); } @Override public void onSlashCommandInteraction(SlashCommandInteractionEvent event) { // make sure we handle the right command switch (event.getName()) { case "ping": long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); event.reply("Pong!").setEphemeral(true) // reply or acknowledge .flatMap(v -> event.getHook().editOriginalFormat("Pong: %d ms", System.currentTimeMillis() - time) // then edit original ).queue(); // Queue both reply and edit break; case "ban": // double check permissions, don't trust discord on this! if (!event.getMember().hasPermission(Permission.BAN_MEMBERS)) { event.reply("You cannot ban members! Nice try ;)").setEphemeral(true).queue(); break; } User target = event.getOption("user", OptionMapping::getUser); // optionally check for member information Member member = event.getOption("user", OptionMapping::getMember); if (!event.getMember().canInteract(member)) { event.reply("You cannot ban this user.").setEphemeral(true).queue(); break; } // Before starting our ban request, tell the user we received the command // This sends a "Bot is thinking..." message which is later edited once we finished event.deferReply().queue(); String reason = event.getOption("reason", OptionMapping::getAsString); AuditableRestAction<Void> action = event.getGuild().ban(target, 0); // Start building our ban request if (reason != null) // reason is optional action = action.reason(reason); // set the reason for the ban in the audit logs and ban log action.queue(v -> { // Edit the thinking message with our response on success event.getHook().editOriginal("**" + target.getAsTag() + "** was banned by **" + event.getUser().getAsTag() + "**!").queue(); }, error -> { // Tell the user we encountered some error event.getHook().editOriginal("Some error occurred, try again!").queue(); error.printStackTrace(); }); } } } ``` ### RestAction Through [RestAction]( we provide request handling with - [callbacks]( - [promises]( - and [sync]( and it is up to the user to decide which pattern to utilize. It can be combined with reactive libraries such as [reactor-core]( due to being lazy. The RestAction interface also supports a number of operators to avoid callback hell: - [`map`]( Convert the result of the `RestAction` to a different value - [`flatMap`]( Chain another `RestAction` on the result - [`delay`]( Delay the element of the previous step **Example**: ```java public RestAction<Void> selfDestruct(MessageChannel channel, String content) { return channel.sendMessage("The following message will destroy itself in 1 minute!") .delay(10, SECONDS, scheduler) // edit 10 seconds later .flatMap((it) -> it.editMessage(content)) .delay(1, MINUTES, scheduler) // delete 1 minute later .flatMap(Message::delete); } ``` ### More Examples We provide a small set of Examples in the [Example Directory]( <!-- TODO: Find good examples - [JDA Butler]( [And many more!]( --> ## Sharding a Bot Discord allows Bot-accounts to share load across sessions by limiting them to a fraction of the total connected Guilds/Servers of the bot. <br>This can be done using **sharding** which will limit JDA to only a certain amount of Guilds/Servers including events and entities. Sharding will limit the amount of Guilds/Channels/Users visible to the JDA session so it is recommended to have some kind of elevated management to access information of other shards. To use sharding in JDA you will need to use `JDABuilder.useSharding(int shardId, int shardTotal)`. The **shardId** is 0-based which means the first shard has the ID 0. The **shardTotal** is the total amount of shards (not 0-based) which can be seen similar to the length of an array, the last shard has the ID of `shardTotal - 1`. The [`SessionController`]( is a tool of the JDABuilder that allows to control state and behaviour between shards (sessions). When using multiple builders to build shards you have to create one instance of this controller and add the same instance to each builder: `builder.setSessionController(controller)` Since version **3.4.0** JDA provides a `ShardManager` which automates this building process. ### Example Sharding - Using JDABuilder ```java public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { JDABuilder shardBuilder = JDABuilder.createDefault(args[0]); //register your listeners here using shardBuilder.addEventListeners(...) shardBuilder.addEventListeners(new MessageListener()); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { shardBuilder.useSharding(i, 10) .build(); } } ``` > When the `useSharding` method is invoked for the first time, the builder automatically sets a SessionController internally (if none is present) ### Example Sharding - Using DefaultShardManager ```java public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { DefaultShardManagerBuilder builder = DefaultShardManagerBuilder.createDefault(args[0]); builder.addEventListeners(new MessageListener());; } ``` ## Entity Lifetimes An **Entity** is the term used to describe types such as **GuildChannel**/**Message**/**User** and other entities that Discord provides. Instances of these entities are created and deleted by JDA when Discord instructs it. This means the lifetime depends on signals provided by the Discord API which are used to create/update/delete entities. This is done through Gateway Events known as "dispatches" that are handled by the JDA WebSocket handlers. When Discord instructs JDA to delete entities, they are simply removed from the JDA cache and lose their references. Once that happens, nothing in JDA interacts or updates the instances of those entities, and they become useless. Discord may instruct to delete these entities randomly for cache synchronization with the API. **It is not recommended to store _any_ of these entities for a longer period of time!** Instead of keeping (e.g.) a `User` instance in some field, an ID should be used. With the ID of a user, you can use `getUserById(id)` to get and keep the user reference in a local variable (see below). ### Entity Updates When an entity is updated through its manager, they will send a request to the Discord API which will update the state of the entity. The success of this request **does not** imply the entity has been updated yet. All entities are updated by the aforementioned **Gateway Events** which means you cannot rely on the cache being updated yet once the execution of a RestAction has completed. Some requests rely on the cache being updated to correctly update the entity. An example of this is updating roles of a member which overrides all roles of the member by sending a list of the new set of roles. This is done by first checking the current cache, the roles the member has right now, and appending or removing the requested roles. If the cache has not yet been updated by an event, this will result in unexpected behavior. ### Entity Deletion Discord may request that a client (the JDA session) invalidates its entire cache. When this happens, JDA will remove all of its current entities and reconnect the session. This is signaled through the `ReconnectEvent`. When entities are removed from the JDA cache, they lose access to the encapsulating entities. For instance, a channel loses access to its guild. Once that happens, they are unable to make any API requests through RestAction and instead throw an `IllegalStateException`. It is **highly recommended** to only keep references to entities by storing their **id** and using the respective `get...ById(id)` method when needed. #### Example ```java public class UserLogger extends ListenerAdapter { private final long userId; public UserLogger(User user) { this.userId = user.getIdLong(); } @Override public void onMessageReceived(MessageReceivedEvent event) { User author = event.getAuthor(); Message message = event.getMessage(); if (author.getIdLong() == userId) { // Print the message of the user System.out.println(author.getAsTag() + ": " + message.getContentDisplay()); } } @Override public void onGuildJoin(GuildJoinEvent event) { JDA api = event.getJDA(); User user = api.getUserById(userId); // Acquire a reference to the User instance through the id user.openPrivateChannel().queue((channel) -> { // Send a private message to the user channel.sendMessageFormat("I have joined a new guild: **%s**", event.getGuild().getName()).queue(); }); } } ``` ## Download [ ![maven-central][] ]( [ ![jitpack][] ]( Latest Release: [GitHub Release]( <br> Be sure to replace the **VERSION** key below with the one of the versions shown above! For snapshots, please use the instructions provided by [JitPack]( **Maven** ```xml <dependency> <groupId>net.dv8tion</groupId> <artifactId>JDA</artifactId> <version>VERSION</version> </dependency> ``` **Maven without Audio** ```xml <dependency> <groupId>net.dv8tion</groupId> <artifactId>JDA</artifactId> <version>VERSION</version> <exclusions> <exclusion> <groupId>club.minnced</groupId> <artifactId>opus-java</artifactId> </exclusion> </exclusions> </dependency> ``` **Gradle** ```gradle repositories { mavenCentral() } dependencies { //Change 'implementation' to 'compile' in old Gradle versions implementation("net.dv8tion:JDA:VERSION") } ``` **Gradle without Audio** ```gradle dependencies { //Change 'implementation' to 'compile' in old Gradle versions implementation("net.dv8tion:JDA:VERSION") { exclude module: 'opus-java' } } ``` The snapshot builds are only available via JitPack and require adding the JitPack resolver, you need to specify specific commits to access those builds. Stable releases are published to [maven-central]( If you do not need any opus de-/encoding done by JDA (voice receive/send with PCM) you can exclude `opus-java` entirely. This can be done if you only send audio with an `AudioSendHandler` which only sends opus (`isOpus() = true`). (See [lavaplayer]( If you want to use a custom opus library you can provide the absolute path to `OpusLibrary.loadFrom(String)` before using the audio api of JDA. This works without `opus-java-natives` as it only requires `opus-java-api`. <br>_For this setup you should only exclude `opus-java-natives` as `opus-java-api` is a requirement for en-/decoding._ See [opus-java]( ### Logging Framework - SLF4J JDA is using [SLF4J]( to log its messages. That means you should add some SLF4J implementation to your build path in addition to JDA. If no implementation is found, following message will be printed to the console on startup: ``` SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder". SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation SLF4J: See for further details. ``` JDA currently provides a fallback Logger in case that no SLF4J implementation is present. We strongly recommend to use one though, as that can improve speed and allows you to customize the Logger as well as log to files There is a guide for logback-classic available in our wiki: [Logging Setup]( ## Documentation Docs can be found on the [Jenkins][jenkins] or directly [here]( <br>A simple Wiki can also be found at []( ### Annotations We use a number of annotations to indicate future plans for implemented functionality such as new features of the Discord API. - [Incubating]( <br>This annotation is used to indicate that functionality may change in the future. Often used when a new feature is added. - [ReplaceWith]( <br>Paired with `@Deprecated` this is used to inform you how the new code-fragment is supposed to look once the hereby annotated functionality is removed. - [ForRemoval]( <br>Paired with `@Deprecated` this indicates that we plan to entirely remove the hereby annotated functionality in the future. - [DeprecatedSince]( <br>Paired with `@Deprecated` this specifies when a feature was marked as deprecated. [Sources]( ## Getting Help For general troubleshooting you can visit our wiki [Troubleshooting][troubleshooting] and [FAQ][faq]. <br>If you need help, or just want to talk with the JDA or other Devs, you can join the [Official JDA Discord Guild][discord-invite]. Alternatively you can also join the [Unofficial Discord API Guild]( Once you joined, you can find JDA-specific help in the `#java_jda` channel. For guides and setup help you can also take a look at the [wiki]( <br>Especially interesting are the [Getting Started]( and [Setup]( Pages. ## Third Party Recommendations ### [LavaPlayer]( Created and maintained by [sedmelluq]( <br>LavaPlayer is the most popular library used by Music Bots created in Java. It is highly compatible with JDA and Discord4J and allows to play audio from Youtube, Soundcloud, Twitch, Bandcamp and [more providers]( <br>The library can easily be expanded to more services by implementing your own AudioSourceManager and registering it. It is recommended to read the [Usage]( section of LavaPlayer to understand a proper implementation. <br>Sedmelluq provided a demo in his repository which presents an example implementation for JDA: ### [Lavalink]( Maintained by [Freya Arbjerg]( Lavalink is a popular standalone audio sending node based on Lavaplayer. Lavalink was built with scalability in mind, and allows streaming music via many servers. It supports most of Lavaplayer's features. Lavalink is used by many large bots, as well as bot developers who can not use a Java library like Lavaplayer. If you plan on serving music on a smaller scale with JDA it is often preferable to just use Lavaplayer directly as it is easier. [Lavalink-Client]( is the official Lavalink client for JDA. ### [jda-nas]( Created and maintained by [sedmelluq]( <br>Provides a native implementation for the JDA Audio Send-System to avoid GC pauses. Note that this send system creates an extra UDP-Client which causes audio receive to no longer function properly since discord identifies the sending UDP-Client as the receiver. ```java JDABuilder builder = JDABuilder.createDefault(BOT_TOKEN) .setAudioSendFactory(new NativeAudioSendFactory()); ``` ### [jda-ktx]( Created and maintained by [MinnDevelopment]( <br>Provides [Kotlin]( extensions for **RestAction** and events that provide a more idiomatic Kotlin experience. ```kotlin fun main() { val jda = light(BOT_TOKEN) jda.onCommand("ping") { event -> val time = measureTime { event.reply("Pong!").await() // suspending }.inWholeMilliseconds event.hook.editOriginal("Pong: $time ms").queue() } } ``` There is a number of examples available in the [README]( ------ More can be found in our github organization: [JDA-Applications]( ## Contributing to JDA If you want to contribute to JDA, make sure to base your branch off of our **development** branch (or a feature-branch) and create your PR into that **same** branch. **We will be rejecting any PRs between branches or into release branches!** It is very possible that your change might already be in development or you missed something. More information can be found at the wiki page [Contributing](\)-Contributing) ### Deprecation Policy When a feature is introduced to replace or enhance existing functionality we might deprecate old functionality. A deprecated method/class usually has a replacement mentioned in its documentation which should be switched to. Deprecated functionality might or might not exist in the next minor release. (Hint: The minor version is the `MM` of `XX.MM.RR` in our version format) It is possible that some features are deprecated without replacement, in this case the functionality is no longer supported by either the JDA structure due to fundamental changes (for example automation of a feature) or due to Discord API changes that cause it to be removed. We highly recommend discontinuing usage of deprecated functionality and update by going through each minor release instead of jumping. For instance, when updating from version 3.3.0 to version 3.5.1 you should do the following: - Update to `3.4.RR` and check for deprecation, replace - Update to `3.5.1` and check for deprecation, replace The `RR` in version `3.4.RR` should be replaced by the latest version that was published for `3.4`, you can find out which the latest version was by looking at the [release page]( ## Dependencies: This project requires **Java 8+**.<br> All dependencies are managed automatically by Gradle. * NV Websocket Client * Version: **2.14** * [Github]( * OkHttp * Version: **4.10.0** * [Github]( * Apache Commons Collections4 * Version: **4.4** * [Website]( * jackson * Version: **2.14.1** * [Github]( * Trove4j * Version: **3.0.3** * [BitBucket]( * slf4j-api * Version: **1.7.36** * [Website]( * opus-java (optional) * Version: **1.1.1** * [GitHub]( ## Related Projects - [Discord4J]( - [Discord.NET]( - []( - [serenity]( **See also:** [Discord API Community Libraries](
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🔍 gowitness - a golang, web screenshot utility using Chrome Headless
<h1 align="center"> <br> 🔍 gowitness <br> <br> </h1> <h4 align="center">A golang, web screenshot utility using Chrome Headless.</h4> <p align="center"> <a href=""><img src="" alt="@leonjza" height="18"></a> <a href=""><img src="" alt="Go Report Card" height="18"></a> <a href=""><img alt="Docker build & Push" src=""></a> </p> <br> ## introduction `gowitness` is a website screenshot utility written in Golang, that uses Chrome Headless to generate screenshots of web interfaces using the command line, with a handy report viewer to process results. Both Linux and macOS is supported, with Windows support mostly working. Inspiration for `gowitness` comes from [Eyewitness]( If you are looking for something with lots of extra features, be sure to check it out along with these [other]( [projects]( ## documentation For installation information and other documentation, please refer to the wiki [here]( ## screenshots ![dark](images/gowitness-detail.png) ## credits `gowitness` would not have been posssible without these amazing projects: - [chromedp]( - [tabler]( - [zerolog]( - [cobra]( - [gorm]( - [go-nmap]( - [wappalyzergo]( - [goimagehash]( And many more! ## license `gowitness` is licensed under a [GNU General Public v3 License]( Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at <>.
Develop desktop GUI applications using PHP, HTML5, JavaScript and SQLite
# PHP Desktop Table of contents: * [Introduction](#introduction) * [Downloads](#downloads) * [Support](#support) * [Fundings for new features](#fundings-for-new-features) * [Support development](#support-development) * [Seeking sponsors](#seeking-sponsors) ## Introduction PHP Desktop is an open source project founded by Czarek Tomczak in 2012 to provide a way for developing native desktop GUI applications using web technologies such as PHP, HTML5, JavaScript and SQLite. Think of it as Electron for PHP. It is a convienient tool for converting PHP web apps and PHP CLI tools to desktop applications with little effort. The development workflow you are used to while creating web applications remains the same, there is no new framework / API to learn. The process of turning an existing website into a desktop application is basically a matter of copying it to the "phpdesktop/www/" directory. In a certain sense phpdesktop acts as a PHP to EXE compiler. It embeds a web browser, a multi-threaded web server and a PHP interpreter. All embedded into a single application, a portable folder that you can easily distribute to end users by packing it to zip archive or by making an [installer for your application](../../wiki/Knowledge-Base#application-installer). The web server embedded is a custom edition of [Mongoose](, a web server used by NASA on the International Space Station. Supported browsers are Internet Explorer and Google Chrome via open source Chromium. The package with Chrome embedded has no external dependencies, everything is included in phpdesktop binaries and works out of the box on a user's computer. All popular PHP frameworks are supported, see the [PHP frameworks support](../../wiki/PHP-frameworks-support) wiki page for example configurations for CakePHP, CodeIgniter, Laravel, Symfony, Yii and Zend Framework. You can create a standalone executable for distribution with the help of the [Inno Setup installer](../../wiki/Knowledge-Base#application-installer). PHP sources can be protected with the many of the available [PHP encoders](../../wiki/Knowledge-Base#how-do-i-protect-php-sources-in-the-www-directory). PHP Desktop is released under non-restrictive license, thus it is [free for commercial use](../../wiki/Knowledge-Base#can-i-use-php-desktop-in-a-commercial-closed-sourced-project). It is one of the top goals for PHP Desktop to be stable, to work reliably. PHP Desktop does not suffer from memory leaks. PHP by design was never intended for running long hours/days, as desktop applications usually do. This is not a concern when using PHP Desktop, as it is running an internal web server and serving pages through CGI. So when PHP script execution ends, PHP-CGI process is killed and all memory is always freed. Lots of other useful information can be found on the [Knowledge Base](../../wiki/Knowledge-Base) wiki page and on the [PHP Desktop Forum]( ## Downloads * Windows - [PHP Desktop v57.0 for Windows ]( release - [PHP Desktop MSIE v1.14]( wiki page * Linux - [PHP Desktop v72.1 for Linux]( release * Mac - No release yet, see the ongoing funding in [Issue #208]( There are two ways to be notified about new releases: - Watch the project with the "Releases only" option checked - Subscribe to the [RSS/Atom feed]( ## Support * Documentation is on the [Wiki Pages](../../wiki). Start with the [Knowledge Base](../../wiki/Knowledge-Base), [Settings](../../wiki/Settings) and [Chrome settings](../../wiki/Chrome-settings) wiki pages. * Ask questions and report problems on the [PHP Desktop Forum]( * See also this externally maintained tutorial: [Create your first Desktop Application with PHP and PHP Desktop]( ## Fundings for new features Here is a list of ongoing fundings for new features in PHP Desktop: Feature | Funds gathered | Issue | Status --- | --- | --- | --- Chrome v100 release for Windows | $890 of $2,000 | [Issue #227]( | Ongoing funding Initial Mac release | $2,000 of $2,000 | [Issue #208]( | Work started Below is a list of completed fundings with features already implemented: Feature | Funds gathered | Issue | Status --- | --- | --- | --- Initial Linux release | $1,500 of $1,500 | [Issue #221]( | Done Fundings for other features submitted in the issue tracker and the ones presented on the [PHP Desktop Pro]( wiki page are also possible, just let know Czarek. ## Support development If you would like to support PHP Desktop general development efforts by making a donation please click the Donate button below: [![Donate](]( ## Seeking sponsors PHP Desktop is seeking companies to sponsor further development of the project. There are many proposals for new features submitted in the issue tracker and on wiki pages. Most notable are: * Monthly releases with latest Chrome * An automated build system * Cross-platform support with full functionality on Mac and Linux * More Javascript and PHP API exposed for accomplishing desktop specific tasks * Better integration with desktop, taskbar and systray * HTTPS/SSL support * Custom window themes * Running app in background * SQLite encryption * Desktop notifications If your company would like to sponsor PHP Desktop development efforts then please contact [Czarek]( Long term sponsorships are welcome and Czarek is open to ideas about the project. He would love to spend more time on developing this project, but he can't afford doing so in his free time.
A browser extension for the Motrix Download Manager
# Motrix WebExtension This WebExtension allows you to automatically download all the files via [Motrix Download Manager]( instead of your browser's native download manager. You must download and install the Motrix download manager first to use this extension: [Releases]( ![motrix-extension]( ## How to use ### Demo video: - [Chrome]( ### Text introduction: 1. Open the Motrix download manager installed on your computer, and go to `Preferences > Advanced > Security > RPC secret` and create a random secret key and copy it. <img src="" alt="how to use motrix step 1" valign="middle"> 2. Go to chrome extensions, go to Motrix WebExtension settings, paste the key and click on "SET KEY" button. You are ready to go! <img src="" alt="how to use motrix step 2" valign="middle"> Note: **You should keep Motrix always running in the background for this extension to work. We cant launch motrix programmatically.** ## Installing ### Chrome / Opera / Edge [link-chrome]: 'Version published on Chrome Web Store' [<img src="" width="48" alt="Chrome" valign="middle">][link-chrome] [<img valign="middle" src="">][link-chrome] also compatible with [<img src="" width="24" alt="Edge" valign="middle">][link-chrome] [<img src="" width="24" alt="Opera" valign="middle">][link-chrome] ### Firefox [link-firefox]: 'Version published on Mozilla Add-ons' [<img src="" width="48" alt="Firefox" valign="middle">][link-firefox] [<img valign="middle" src="">][link-firefox] ### Building from sources More info [here]( ## Development ### Install ```shell yarn install ``` ### Starting the development server ```shell yarn run dev chrome yarn run dev firefox yarn run dev opera yarn run dev edge ``` ### Build ```shell yarn run build chrome yarn run build firefox yarn run build opera yarn run build edge ``` ### Environment The build tool also defines a variable named `process.env.NODE_ENV` in your scripts. ### Toolkit Docs * [webextension-toolbox]( ### License This project is licensed under the GPL License - see the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details ### Bugs If you are experiencing any bugs, don’t forget to open a [new issue]( ### Maintainers - [@gautamkrishnar]( - [@JaroslawPokropinski]( ### Contributors Special thanks to these amazing people <a href=""> <img src="" /> </a> ### Liked it? Hope you liked this project, don't forget to give it a star ⭐
chrome browser of android version from chromium open project
# AndroidChromium [中文文档]( ![]( ### Brief Introduction * Google browser android version of the source program * This project is a world-class android architecture * Clarify the project business logic can completely fit for domestic company engineer * This project will follow up and update Google browser kernel version for a long time, welcome to the star ### Notice If you are using AndroidStudio above 2.0 version and open instant run function, suggested to debug after closing (instant run will modify on the Application of the result in chrome provider context reference error) ### Screenshots ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ### The upgrade Chromium kernel steps are as follows --- ### Preparation Refer to [official]( and other tutorial compile chromium source code, and can generate chrome apk ### purpose Using AndroidStudio debugging Chromium Android ### The build process 1. Android Studio as a development environment, from Chromium for Android from chrome module source code, to join the Android project. 2. Native code in the chromium environment to build, as so file to join the Android project 3. Basic module (base, the content, net, etc.) in the chromium environment to build into a jar package, then add to the Android project 4. content, chrome, UI modules such as resource file to join an Android library project ### Why can't a resource file are directly added to the Android project? Because namespace problems, such as the content of the module resources namespace is org.chromium.content,the chrome module namespace is, so need to build different Android library project, specify different package name. ### Directory corresponding relation app/libs ----------- chromium/src/out/gnbuild/ app/src/main/aidl ----------- chromium/src/chrome/android/java/src/android/support/customtabs/*.aidl app/src/main/assets ----------- chromium/src/out/gnbuild/ app/src/main/java ------------ chromium/src/chrome/android/java/src app/src/main/jniLibs ----------- chromium/src/out/gnbuild/ app/src/main/res(app module init res) libraries/androidmedia_res ----------- chromium/src/third_party/android_media/java/res libraries/chrome_res ----------- chromium/src/chrome/android/java/res & chromium/src/chrome/android/java/res_chromium libraries/content_res ----------- chromium/src/content/public/android/java/res libraries/datausagechart_res --------- chromium/src/third_party/android_data_chart/java/res libraries/ui_res ---------- chromium/src/ui/android/java/res ### The kernel upgrade matters needing attention 1. Pak and dat files need to be added to the assets directory, and cannot be compressed 2. Aidl files added to the main/aidl 3. The current build chromium version is 55.0.2883.99 4. Because some Java file is through the C compiler generated, there is the chromium/src/out directory or exist in the jars.If according to corresponding relation between the above updated version missing files, please go to the out/directory search, add corresponding files according to the namespace.There are some temporary generated XML resource file also need the out/directory on copy to the corresponding resource module. ### Thanks The project is inspiration from the 365 browser ### License Copyright 2016 Jacky Wang<[email protected]> Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
Go lang bindings for the Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF)
CEF2go ====== Table of contents: * [Introduction](#introduction) * [Compatibility](#compatibility) * [Binary examples](#binary-examples) * [Help](#help) * [Support Development](#support-development) * [Forks worth a look](#forks-worth-a-look) * [Communication between Go and Javascript](#communication-between-go-and-javascript) * [Getting started on Windows](#getting-started-on-windows) * [Getting started on Linux](#getting-started-on-linux) * [Getting started on Mac OS X](#getting-started-on-mac-os-x) * [Built a cool app?](#built-a-cool-app) * [Familiar with Python or PHP?](#familiar-with-python-or-php) Introduction ------------ CEF2go is an open source project founded by [Czarek Tomczak]( in 2014 to provide Go bindings for the [Chromium Embedded Framework]( (CEF). CEF2go can act as a GUI toolkit, allowing you to create an HTML 5 based GUI in your application. Or you can provide browser capabilities to your application. Currently the CEF2go example creates just a simple window with the Chromium browser embedded. You can set a few options for your application like the cache directory. More advanced bindings are in plans, and that includes javascript bindings and callbacks, so that you can have bidirectional communication between Go and Javascript in a native way. Though, it is already possible to communicate with Go from Javascript, see the "Communication between Go and Javascript" section further down this page. CEF2go is licensed under the BSD 3-clause license, see the LICENSE file. Compatibility ------------- Supported platforms: Windows, Linux, Mac OSX. CEF2go was tested and works fine with Go 1.2 / Go 1.3.3. Binary examples --------------- The binary examples provided here use CEF 3 branch 1750 (Chrome 33 beta channel as of build time). Windows example: [releases/tag/v0.10]( Linux example: [releases/tag/v0.11]( Mac OSX example: [releases/tag/v0.12]( Help ---- Having problems or questions? Go to the [CEF2go Forum]( Please do not use Issue Tracker for asking questions. See the auto generated docs for the following packages: * [cef]( * [cocoa]( * [gtk]( * [wingui]( Support development ------------------- Both code contributions and Paypal donations are welcome. [![Donate through Paypal](]( Thanks to those who have made a Paypal donation: - David Witten Forks worth a look ------------------ * [fromkeith/cef2go]( * Adds support for client handlers (eg. Display, LifeSpan, Request, Resource, Scheme, Download). * Exposes new objects (eg. Browser, Frame, Request, Response). * Tested only on Windows. * [paperlesspost/cef2go]( * Adds suport for a few client handlers including Render handler (off-screen rendering to a raw pixel buffer). * Implements V8 callbacks for native communication from Javascript to Go. * Tested only on Linux. Communication between Go and Javascript --------------------------------------- For now to make communication between Go and javascript possible you have to run an internal http server and communicate using XMLHttpRequests in javascript. See the [http_server_windows.go]( example that embeds both a http server and a Chromium browser in a standalone application. To run it type "build.bat http_server". The http server is listening at, thus it is not accessible from the outside, it can be accessed only from the machine it is running on. Getting started on Windows -------------------------- 1. Install Go 32-bit. CEF 64-bit binaries are still experimental and were not tested. 2. Install mingw 32-bit and add C:\MinGW\bin to PATH. You can install mingw using [mingw-get-setup.exe]( Select packages to install: "mingw-developer-toolkit", "mingw32-base", "msys-base". CEF2go was tested and works fine with GCC 4.8.2. You can check gcc version with "gcc --version". 3. Download CEF 3 branch 1750 revision 1590 binaries: [cef_binary_3.1750.1590_windows32.7z]( Copy Release/* to cef2go/Release Copy Resources/* to cef2go/Release 4. Run build.bat (or "build.bat noconsole" to get rid of the console window when running the final executable) Getting started on Linux ------------------------ 1. These instructions work fine with Ubuntu 12.04 64-bit. On Ubuntu 13/14 is missing and it is required to create a symbolic link to For example on Ubuntu 14.04 64-bit run this command: `cd /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ && sudo ln -sf`. 2. Install CEF dependencies: `sudo apt-get install build-essential libgtk2.0-dev libgtkglext1-dev` 3. Download CEF 3 branch 1750 revision 1604 binaries: []( Copy Release/* to cef2go/Release 4. Run "make" command. Getting started on Mac OS X --------------------------- 1. These instructions work fine with OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion. May also work with other versions, but were not tested. 2. Install Go 32-bit. Tested with Go 1.2-386 for OSX 10.8. CEF binaries for OSX 64-bit are still experimental, that's why we're using 32-bit. Though you can try building with CEF 64-bit, download binaries from []( 3. Install command line tools (make is required) from: (In my case command line tools for Mountain Lion from September 2013) 4. Install XCode (gcc that comes with XCode is required). Use the link above. In my case it was XCode 4.6.3 from June 2013. 5. Download CEF 3 branch 1750 revision 1625 binaries for 32-bit: [releases/tag/v0.12]( Copy the directory to cef2go/Release. 6. Run "make" command. Built a cool app? ----------------- Built a cool app using CEF2go and would like to share info with the community? Talk about it on the [CEF2go Forum]( Familiar with Python or PHP? ---------------------------- The author of CEF2go is also working on CEF bindings for other languages. For Python see the [CEF Python]( project. For PHP see the [PHP Desktop]( project.
Python bindings for the Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF)
# CEF Python Table of contents: * [Introduction](#introduction) * [Latest releases sponsored by](#latest-releases-sponsored-by) * [Thanks to all sponsors](#thanks-to-all-sponsors) * [Install](#install) * [Tutorial](#tutorial) * [Examples](#examples) * [Support](#support) * [Releases](#releases) * [Next release](#next-release) * [Latest release](#latest-release) * [v49 release (WinXP/Vista)](#v49-release-winxpvista) * [v31 release (old systems)](#v31-release-old-systems) * [Support development](#support-development) * [Thanks to all](#thanks-to-all) * [Seeking new sponsors](#seeking-new-sponsors) * [Other READMEs](#other-readmes) * [Quick links](#quick-links) ## Introduction CEF Python is an open source project founded by [Czarek Tomczak]( in 2012 to provide Python bindings for the [Chromium Embedded Framework]( (CEF). The Chromium project focuses mainly on Google Chrome application development while CEF focuses on facilitating embedded browser use cases in third-party applications. Lots of applications use CEF control, there are more than [100 million CEF instances]( installed around the world. There are numerous use cases for CEF: 1. Use it as a modern HTML5 based rendering engine that can act as a replacement for classic desktop GUI frameworks. Think of it as Electron for Python. 2. Embed a web browser widget in a classic Qt / GTK / wxPython desktop application 3. Render web content off-screen in applications that use custom drawing frameworks 4. Use it for automated testing of web applications with more advanced capabilities than Selenium web browser automation due to CEF low level programming APIs 5. Use it for web scraping, as a web crawler or other kind of internet bots CEF Python also provides examples of embedding CEF for many Python GUI frameworks such as PyQt, wxPython, PyGTK, PyGObject, Tkinter, Kivy, Panda3D, PyGame, PyOpenGL, PyWin32, PySide and PySDL2. ## Latest releases sponsored by <table border="0"><tr> <td width="50%" valign="top"> <p align="center"> <a href=""> <img src=""> </a> </p> Thank you to Fivestars for sponsoring the [v66.1 release](../../releases/tag/v66.1) with Python 3.8 / 3.9 support. Fivestars helps local communities thrive by empowering small businesses with cutting edge marketing technology. Please visit their website: <a href=""></a> </td><td width="50%" valign="top"> <p align="center"> <a href=""> <img src=""> </a> </p> Thank you to Lampix for sponsoring the [v66 release](../../releases/tag/v66.0). Lampix is the first hardware and software solution that turns any surface into a smart, augmented reality or interactive surface. Please visit their website: <a href=""></a> </tr></table> ### Thanks to all sponsors <table> <tr> <td> <div align="center"> <a href=""> <img src=""> </a><br> <a href=""></a> </div> </td> <td> <div align="center"> <a href=""> <img src=""> </a><br> <a href=""></a> </div> </td> <td> <div align="center"> <a href=""> <img src=""> </a><br> <a href=""></a> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <div align="center"> <a href=""> <img src=""> </a><br> <a href=""></a> <div align="center"> </td> <td> <div align="center"> <a href=""> <img src=""> </a><br> <a href=""></a> </div> </td> <td> <div align="center"> <a href=""> <img src=""> </a><br> <a href=""></a> </div> </td> <tr> </table> ## Install You can install [pypi/cefpython3]( package using pip tool. On Linux pip 8.1+ is required. You can also download packages for offline installation available on the [GitHub Releases](../../releases) pages. Command to install with pip: ``` pip install cefpython3==66.0 ``` ## Tutorial See the [](docs/ document. ## Examples See the [](examples/ and [](examples/snippets/ documents. ## Support - Ask questions and report problems on the [Forum]( - Supported examples are listed in the [](examples/ file - Documentation is in the [docs/](docs) directory: - [Build instructions](docs/ - [Contributing code](docs/ - [Knowledge Base](docs/ - [Migration guide](docs/ - [Tutorial](docs/ - API reference is in the [api/](api) directory: - [API categories](api/ - [API index](api/ - Additional documentation is available in [Issues labelled Knowledge Base](../../issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22Knowledge+Base%22) - To search documentation use GitHub "This repository" search at the top. To narrow results to documentation only select "Markdown" in the right pane. - You can vote on issues in the tracker to let us know which issues are important to you. To do that add a +1 thumb up reaction to the first post in the issue. See [Most popular issues](../../issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+sort%3Areactions-%2B1-desc) sorted by reactions. ## Releases Information on planned new and current releases, supported platforms, python versions, architectures and requirements. If you want to support old operating systems then choose the v31 release. ### Next release - To see planned new features or bugs to be fixed in the near future in one of next releases, see the [next release](../../issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22next+release%22) label in the tracker - To see planned new features or bugs to be fixed in further future, see the [next release 2](../../issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22next+release+2%22) label in the tracker ### Latest release OS | Py2 | Py3 | 32bit | 64bit | Requirements --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- Windows | 2.7 | 3.4 / 3.5 / 3.6 / 3.7 / 3.8 / 3.9 | Yes | Yes | Windows 7+ (Note that Python 3.9 supports Windows 8.1+) Linux | 2.7 | 3.4 / 3.5 / 3.6 / 3.7 | Yes | Yes | Debian 8+, Ubuntu 14.04+,<br> Fedora 24+, openSUSE 13.3+ Mac | 2.7 | 3.4 / 3.5 / 3.6 / 3.7 | No | Yes | MacOS 10.9+ These platforms are not supported yet: - ARM - see [Issue #267](../../issues/267) - Android - see [Issue #307](../../issues/307) ### v49 release (WinXP/Vista) OS | Py2 | Py3 | 32bit | 64bit | Requirements --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- Windows | 2.7 | 3.4 | Yes | Yes | Windows XP+ - Install with command: `pip --no-cache-dir install cefpython3==49.0`. - Please note that if you were previously installing cefpython3 package it is required to use the `--no-cache-dir` flag, otherwise pip will end up with error message `No matching distribution found for cefpython3==49.0`. This happens because 49.0 release occured after 57.0 and 66.0 releases. - Downloads are available on GitHub Releases tagged [v49.0](../../releases/tag/v49.0). - See [Migration guide](docs/ document for changes in this release - Documentation is available in the [docs/](../../tree/cefpython49-winxp/docs) directory in the `cefpython49-winxp` branch - API reference is available in the [api/](../../tree/cefpython49-winxp/api) directory in the `cefpython49-winxp` branch ### v31 release (old systems) OS | Py2 | Py3 | 32bit | 64bit | Requirements --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- Windows | 2.7 | No | Yes | Yes | Windows XP+ Linux | 2.7 | No | Yes | Yes | Debian 7+ / Ubuntu 12.04+ Mac | 2.7 | No | Yes | Yes | MacOS 10.7+ Additional information for v31.2 release: - On Windows/Mac you can install with command: `pip install cefpython3==31.2` - Downloads are available on the GitHub Releases page tagged [v31.2](../../releases/tag/v31.2). - API reference is available in revision [169a1b2](../../tree/169a1b20d3cd09879070d41aab28cfa195d2a7d5/docs/api) - Other documentation can be downloaded by cloning the repository: `git clone [email protected]:cztomczak/` ## Support development If you would like to support general CEF Python development efforts by making a donation then please click the Paypal Donate button below. If you would like to see a specific feature implemented then you can make a comment about that when making a donation and that will give it a higher priority. <a href=''> <img src='' /> </a><br><br> ### Thanks to all * [2021] Thank you to [Fivestars]( for sponsoring the v66.1 release with Python 3.8 / 3.9 support * [2018] Thanks to [Fivestars]( for sponsoring the v49 release for legacy systems (WinXP/Vista) * [2018] Many thanks to [Lampix]( for sponsoring the v66 release for all platforms * [2017] Many thanks to [HighSide Inc.]( for sponsoring the v55/v56 releases for all platforms * [2016-2018] Thanks to JetBrains for providing an Open Source license for [PyCharm]( * [2014] Thanks to Adam Duston for donating a Macbook to aid the development of Mac port * [2013-2015] Lots of thanks goes to [Cyan Inc.]( for sponsoring this project for a long time, making CEF Python 3 mature * [2013] Thanks to [Rentouch GmbH]( for sponsoring the development of the off-screen rendering support * [2013] Thanks to Thomas Wusatiuk for sponsoring the development of the web response reading features * [2012-2018] Thanks to those who have made a Paypal donation: [Rentouch GmbH](, Walter Purvis, Rokas Stupuras, Alex Rattray, Greg Kacy, Paul Korzhyk, Tomasz Tomanek. * [2012-2017] Thanks to those who have donated their time through code contributions, they are listed in the [Authors](Authors) file ## Seeking new sponsors CEF Python is seeking companies to sponsor further development of the project. There are many proposals for new features submitted in the issue tracker. Most notable are: * Monthly releases with latest Chromium * An automated build system similar to upstream CEF Spotify Automated Builds * ARM and Android support * Multi-threaded support for increased performance * Proprietary codecs support in build tools: H264, H265,AC3, EAC3, MPEG-4 * More CEF API exposed, only about 50% is exposed so far * Hundreds of new settings and Chromium preferences not yet exposed * Easier integration with popular GUI toolkits in just a few lines of code and support for more third party GUI frameworks * More examples of implementing various advanced features and more snippets as well If your company would like to sponsor CEF Python development efforts then please contact [Czarek]( Long term sponsorships are welcome and Czarek is open to ideas about the project. He would love to spend more time on developing this project, but he can't afford doing so in his free time. Currently there is no company supporting this project actively on a daily basis. ## Other READMEs - [PyInstaller packager](examples/pyinstaller/ ## Quick links ### Docs - [Build instructions](docs/ - [Knowledge Base](docs/ - [Migration guide](docs/ - [Tutorial](docs/ ### API categories #### Modules * [cefpython](api/ module #### Settings * [ApplicationSettings](api/ dictionary * [BrowserSettings](api/ dictionary * [CommandLineSwitches](api/ dictionary #### Classes and objects * [Browser](api/ object * [Callback](api/ object * [Cookie](api/ class * [CookieManager](api/ class * [DpiAware](api/ class (Win) * [DragData](api/ object * [Frame](api/ object * [Image](api/ object * [JavascriptBindings](api/ class * [JavascriptCallback](api/ object * [PaintBuffer](api/ object * [Request](api/ class * [Response](api/ object * [WebPluginInfo](api/ object * [WebRequest](api/ class * [WindowInfo](api/ class * [WindowUtils](api/ class #### Client handlers (interfaces) * [AccessibilityHandler](api/ * [DisplayHandler](api/ * [DownloadHandler](api/ * [FocusHandler](api/ * [JavascriptDialogHandler](api/ * [KeyboardHandler](api/ * [LifespanHandler](api/ * [LoadHandler](api/ * [RenderHandler](api/ * [RequestHandler](api/ * [ResourceHandler](api/ * [V8ContextHandler](api/ #### Other interfaces * [CookieVisitor](api/ interface * [StringVisitor](api/ interface * [WebRequestClient](api/ interface ### API index * [AccessibilityHandler (interface)](api/ * [_OnAccessibilityTreeChange](api/ * [_OnAccessibilityLocationChange](api/ * [Application settings](api/ * [accept_language_list](api/ * [app_user_model_id](api/ * [auto_zooming](api/ * [background_color](api/ * [browser_subprocess_path](api/ * [cache_path](api/ * [command_line_args_disabled](api/ * [context_menu](api/ * [downloads_enabled](api/ * [external_message_pump](api/ * [framework_dir_path](api/ * [ignore_certificate_errors](api/ * [javascript_flags](api/ * [locale](api/ * [locales_dir_path](api/ * [debug](api/ * [log_file](api/ * [log_severity](api/ * [multi_threaded_message_loop](api/ * [net_security_expiration_enabled](api/ * [pack_loading_disabled](api/ * [persist_session_cookies](api/ * [persist_user_preferences](api/ * [product_version](api/ * [remote_debugging_port](api/ * [resources_dir_path](api/ * [single_process](api/ * [string_encoding](api/ * [uncaught_exception_stack_size](api/ * [unique_request_context_per_browser](api/ * [user_agent](api/ * [user_data_path](api/ * [windowless_rendering_enabled](api/ * [Browser (object)](api/ * [AddWordToDictionary](api/ * [CanGoBack](api/ * [CanGoForward](api/ * [CloseBrowser](api/ * [CloseDevTools](api/ * [DragTargetDragEnter](api/ * [DragTargetDragOver](api/ * [DragTargetDragLeave](api/ * [DragTargetDrop](api/ * [DragSourceEndedAt](api/ * [DragSourceSystemDragEnded](api/ * [ExecuteFunction](api/ * [ExecuteJavascript](api/ * [Find](api/ * [GetClientCallback](api/ * [GetClientCallbacksDict](api/ * [GetFocusedFrame](api/ * [GetFrame](api/ * [GetFrameByIdentifier](api/ * [GetFrames](api/ * [GetFrameCount](api/ * [GetFrameIdentifiers](api/ * [GetFrameNames](api/ * [GetImage](api/ * [GetJavascriptBindings](api/ * [GetMainFrame](api/ * [GetNSTextInputContext](api/ * [GetOpenerWindowHandle](api/ * [GetOuterWindowHandle](api/ * [GetSetting](api/ * [GetUrl](api/ * [GetUserData](api/ * [GetWindowHandle](api/ * [GetIdentifier](api/ * [GetZoomLevel](api/ * [GoBack](api/ * [GoForward](api/ * [HandleKeyEventAfterTextInputClient](api/ * [HandleKeyEventBeforeTextInputClient](api/ * [HasDevTools](api/ * [HasDocument](api/ * [Invalidate](api/ * [IsFullscreen](api/ * [IsLoading](api/ * [IsMouseCursorChangeDisabled](api/ * [IsPopup](api/ * [IsWindowRenderingDisabled](api/ * [LoadUrl](api/ * [Navigate](api/ * [NotifyMoveOrResizeStarted](api/ * [NotifyScreenInfoChanged](api/ * [ParentWindowWillClose](api/ * [Print](api/ * [Reload](api/ * [ReloadIgnoreCache](api/ * [ReplaceMisspelling](api/ * [SetAutoResizeEnabled](api/ * [SetBounds](api/ * [SendKeyEvent](api/ * [SendMouseClickEvent](api/ * [SendMouseMoveEvent](api/ * [SendMouseWheelEvent](api/ * [SendFocusEvent](api/ * [SendCaptureLostEvent](api/ * [SetAccessibilityState](api/ * [SetClientCallback](api/ * [SetClientHandler](api/ * [SetFocus](api/ * [SetMouseCursorChangeDisabled](api/ * [SetJavascriptBindings](api/ * [SetUserData](api/ * [SetZoomLevel](api/ * [ShowDevTools](api/ * [StartDownload](api/ * [StopLoad](api/ * [StopFinding](api/ * [ToggleFullscreen](api/ * [TryCloseBrowser](api/ * [WasResized](api/ * [WasHidden](api/ * [Browser settings](api/ * [Font settings](api/ * [accept_language_list](api/ * [application_cache_disabled](api/ * [background_color](api/ * [databases_disabled](api/ * [default_encoding](api/ * [dom_paste_disabled](api/ * [file_access_from_file_urls_allowed](api/ * [inherit_client_handlers_for_popups](api/ * [image_load_disabled](api/ * [javascript_disabled](api/ * [javascript_close_windows_disallowed](api/ * [javascript_access_clipboard_disallowed](api/ * [local_storage_disabled](api/ * [plugins_disabled](api/ * [remote_fonts](api/ * [shrink_standalone_images_to_fit](api/ * [tab_to_links_disabled](api/ * [text_area_resize_disabled](api/ * [universal_access_from_file_urls_allowed](api/ * [user_style_sheet_location](api/ * [web_security_disabled](api/ * [webgl_disabled](api/ * [windowless_frame_rate](api/ * [Callback (object)](api/ * [Continue](api/ * [Cancel](api/ * [cefpython](api/ * [CreateBrowser](api/ * [CreateBrowserSync](api/ * [ExceptHook](api/ * [GetAppSetting](api/ * [GetAppPath](api/ * [GetBrowserByIdentifier](api/ * [GetBrowserByWindowHandle](api/ * [GetCommandLineSwitch](api/ * [GetDataUrl](api/ * [GetGlobalClientCallback](api/ * [GetModuleDirectory](api/ * [GetVersion](api/ * [Initialize](api/ * [IsThread](api/ * [LoadCrlSetsFile](api/ * [MessageLoop](api/ * [MessageLoopWork](api/ * [PostTask](api/ * [PostDelayedTask](api/ * [QuitMessageLoop](api/ * [SetGlobalClientCallback](api/ * [SetGlobalClientHandler](api/ * [SetOsModalLoop](api/ * [Shutdown](api/ * [Command line switches](api/ * [enable-media-stream](api/ * [proxy-server](api/ * [no-proxy-server](api/ * [disable-gpu](api/ * [Cookie (class)](api/ * [Set](api/ * [Get](api/ * [SetName](api/ * [GetName](api/ * [SetValue](api/ * [GetValue](api/ * [SetDomain](api/ * [GetDomain](api/ * [SetPath](api/ * [GetPath](api/ * [SetSecure](api/ * [GetSecure](api/ * [SetHttpOnly](api/ * [GetHttpOnly](api/ * [SetCreation](api/ * [GetCreation](api/ * [SetLastAccess](api/ * [GetLastAccess](api/ * [SetHasExpires](api/ * [GetHasExpires](api/ * [SetExpires](api/ * [GetExpires](api/ * [CookieManager (class)](api/ * [GetGlobalManager](api/ * [GetBlockingManager](api/ * [CreateManager](api/ * [SetSupportedSchemes](api/ * [VisitAllCookies](api/ * [VisitUrlCookies](api/ * [SetCookie](api/ * [DeleteCookies](api/ * [SetStoragePath](api/ * [FlushStore](api/ * [CookieVisitor (interface)](api/ * [Visit](api/ * [DisplayHandler (interface)](api/ * [OnAddressChange](api/ * [OnAutoResize](api/ * [OnConsoleMessage](api/ * [OnLoadingProgressChange](api/ * [OnStatusMessage](api/ * [OnTitleChange](api/ * [OnTooltip](api/ * [DownloadHandler](api/ * [DpiAware (class)](api/ * [CalculateWindowSize](api/ * [EnableHighDpiSupport](api/ * [GetSystemDpi](api/ * [IsProcessDpiAware](api/ * [SetProcessDpiAware](api/ * [Scale](api/ * [DragData (object)](api/ * [IsLink](api/ * [IsFragment](api/ * [GetLinkUrl](api/ * [GetLinkTitle](api/ * [GetFragmentText](api/ * [GetFragmentHtml](api/ * [GetImage](api/ * [GetImageHotspot](api/ * [HasImage](api/ * [FocusHandler (interface)](api/ * [OnTakeFocus](api/ * [OnSetFocus](api/ * [OnGotFocus](api/ * [Frame (object)](api/ * [Copy](api/ * [Cut](api/ * [Delete](api/ * [ExecuteFunction](api/ * [ExecuteJavascript](api/ * [GetBrowser](api/ * [GetParent](api/ * [GetIdentifier](api/ * [GetBrowserIdentifier](api/ * [GetName](api/ * [GetParent](api/ * [GetSource](api/ * [GetText](api/ * [GetUrl](api/ * [IsFocused](api/ * [IsMain](api/ * [IsValid](api/ * [LoadString](api/ * [LoadUrl](api/ * [Paste](api/ * [Redo](api/ * [SelectAll](api/ * [Undo](api/ * [ViewSource](api/ * [Image (object)](api/ * [GetAsBitmap](api/ * [GetAsPng](api/ * [GetHeight](api/ * [GetWidth](api/ * [JavascriptBindings (class)](api/ * [\_\_init\_\_](api/ * [IsValueAllowed](api/ * [Rebind](api/ * [SetFunction](api/ * [SetObject](api/ * [SetProperty](api/ * [JavascriptCallback (object)](api/ * [Call](api/ * [GetFrame](api/ * [GetId](api/ * [GetFunctionName](api/ * [JavascriptDialogHandler (interface)](api/ * [Continue](api/ * [OnJavascriptDialog](api/ * [OnBeforeUnloadJavascriptDialog](api/ * [OnResetJavascriptDialogState](api/ * [OnJavascriptDialogClosed](api/ * [KeyboardHandler (interface)](api/ * [OnPreKeyEvent](api/ * [OnKeyEvent](api/ * [LifespanHandler (interface)](api/ * [DoClose](api/ * [_OnAfterCreated](api/ * [OnBeforeClose](api/ * [OnBeforePopup](api/ * [LoadHandler (interface)](api/ * [OnLoadingStateChange](api/ * [OnLoadStart](api/ * [OnDomReady](api/ * [OnLoadEnd](api/ * [OnLoadError](api/ * [Network error](api/ * [ERR_NONE](api/ * [ERR_ABORTED](api/ * [ERR_ACCESS_DENIED](api/ * [ERR_ADDRESS_INVALID](api/ * [ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE](api/ * [ERR_CACHE_MISS](api/ * [ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID](api/ * [ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID](api/ * [ERR_CERT_CONTAINS_ERRORS](api/ * [ERR_CERT_DATE_INVALID](api/ * [ERR_CERT_END](api/ * [ERR_CERT_INVALID](api/ * [ERR_CERT_NO_REVOCATION_MECHANISM](api/ * [ERR_CERT_REVOKED](api/ * [ERR_CERT_UNABLE_TO_CHECK_REVOCATION](api/ * [ERR_CONNECTION_ABORTED](api/ * [ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED](api/ * [ERR_CONNECTION_FAILED](api/ * [ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED](api/ * [ERR_CONNECTION_RESET](api/ * [ERR_DISALLOWED_URL_SCHEME](api/ * [ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE](api/ * [ERR_FAILED](api/ * [ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND](api/ * [ERR_FILE_TOO_BIG](api/ * [ERR_INSECURE_RESPONSE](api/ * [ERR_INTERNET_DISCONNECTED](api/ * [ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT](api/ * [ERR_INVALID_CHUNKED_ENCODING](api/ * [ERR_INVALID_HANDLE](api/ * [ERR_INVALID_RESPONSE](api/ * [ERR_INVALID_URL](api/ * [ERR_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED](api/ * [ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED](api/ * [ERR_NO_SSL_VERSIONS_ENABLED](api/ * [ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED](api/ * [ERR_RESPONSE_HEADERS_TOO_BIG](api/ * [ERR_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH_CERT_NEEDED](api/ * [ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR](api/ * [ERR_SSL_RENEGOTIATION_REQUESTED](api/ * [ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH](api/ * [ERR_TIMED_OUT](api/ * [ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS](api/ * [ERR_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_FAILED](api/ * [ERR_UNEXPECTED](api/ * [ERR_UNEXPECTED_PROXY_AUTH](api/ * [ERR_UNKNOWN_URL_SCHEME](api/ * [ERR_UNSAFE_PORT](api/ * [ERR_UNSAFE_REDIRECT](api/ * [PaintBuffer (object)](api/ * [GetIntPointer](api/ * [GetBytes](api/ * [RenderHandler (interface)](api/ * [GetRootScreenRect](api/ * [GetViewRect](api/ * [GetScreenRect](api/ * [GetScreenPoint](api/ * [OnPopupShow](api/ * [OnPopupSize](api/ * [OnPaint](api/ * [OnCursorChange](api/ * [OnScrollOffsetChanged](api/ * [OnTextSelectionChanged](api/ * [StartDragging](api/ * [UpdateDragCursor](api/ * [Request (class)](api/ * [CreateRequest](api/ * [IsReadOnly](api/ * [GetUrl](api/ * [SetUrl](api/ * [GetMethod](api/ * [SetMethod](api/ * [GetPostData](api/ * [SetPostData](api/ * [GetHeaderMap](api/ * [GetHeaderMultimap](api/ * [SetHeaderMap](api/ * [SetHeaderMultimap](api/ * [GetFlags](api/ * [SetFlags](api/ * [GetFirstPartyForCookies](api/ * [SetFirstPartyForCookies](api/ * [GetResourceType](api/ * [GetTransitionType](api/ * [RequestHandler (interface)](api/ * [CanGetCookies](api/ * [CanSetCookie](api/ * [GetAuthCredentials](api/ * [GetCookieManager](api/ * [GetResourceHandler](api/ * [OnBeforeBrowse](api/ * [_OnBeforePluginLoad](api/ * [OnBeforeResourceLoad](api/ * [_OnCertificateError](api/ * [OnQuotaRequest](api/ * [OnResourceRedirect](api/ * [OnResourceResponse](api/ * [OnPluginCrashed](api/ * [OnProtocolExecution](api/ * [OnRendererProcessTerminated](api/ * [ResourceHandler (interface)](api/ * [ProcessRequest](api/ * [GetResponseHeaders](api/ * [ReadResponse](api/ * [CanGetCookie](api/ * [CanSetCookie](api/ * [Cancel](api/ * [Response (object)](api/ * [IsReadOnly](api/ * [GetStatus](api/ * [SetStatus](api/ * [GetStatusText](api/ * [SetStatusText](api/ * [GetMimeType](api/ * [SetMimeType](api/ * [GetHeader](api/ * [GetHeaderMap](api/ * [GetHeaderMultimap](api/ * [SetHeaderMap](api/ * [SetHeaderMultimap](api/ * [StringVisitor (interface)](api/ * [Visit](api/ * [V8ContextHandler (interface)](api/ * [OnContextCreated](api/ * [OnContextReleased](api/ * [Virtual Key codes](api/ * [WebPluginInfo (object)](api/ * [GetName](api/ * [GetPath](api/ * [GetVersion](api/ * [GetDescription](api/ * [WebRequest (class)](api/ * [Create](api/ * [GetRequest](api/ * [GetRequestStatus](api/ * [GetRequestError](api/ * [GetResponse](api/ * [Cancel](api/ * [WebRequestClient (interface)](api/ * [OnUploadProgress](api/ * [OnDownloadProgress](api/ * [OnDownloadData](api/ * [OnRequestComplete](api/ * [WindowInfo (class)](api/ * [SetAsChild](api/ * [SetAsPopup](api/ * [SetAsOffscreen](api/ * [WindowUtils (class)](api/ * [OnSetFocus ](api/ * [OnSize ](api/ * [OnEraseBackground ](api/ * [SetTitle ](api/ * [SetIcon ](api/ * [GetParentHandle](api/ * [IsWindowHandle](api/ * [gtk_plug_new ](api/ * [gtk_widget_show ](api/ * [InstallX11ErrorHandlers ](api/
Chrome Headless docker images built upon alpine official image
[![GitHub Stars](]( [![Docker Build Status](]( [![Docker Pulls](]( [![Docker Stars](]( <!-- ALL-CONTRIBUTORS-BADGE:START - Do not remove or modify this section --> [![All Contributors](](#-contributors) <!-- ALL-CONTRIBUTORS-BADGE:END --> # Available registries Following the changes with the [Rate Limiting on Docker Hub]( [Tweet here for more information in 🇫🇷]( - On the [Docker Hub]( without any prefix: `zenika/alpine-chrome` - On Google Cloud - available in the closest region: - Global: `` - Europe: `` - Asia: `` - US: `` # Supported tags and respective `Dockerfile` links - `latest`, `100` [(Dockerfile)]( - `with-node`, `100-with-node`, `100-with-node-16` [(Dockerfile)]( - `with-puppeteer`, `100-with-puppeteer` [(Dockerfile)]( - `with-playwright`, `100-with-playwright` [(Dockerfile)]( - `with-selenoid`, `100-with-selenoid` [(Dockerfile)]( - `with-chromedriver`, `100-with-chromedriver` [(Dockerfile)]( - `89`, `86`, `85`, `84`, `83`, `81`, `80`, `77`, `76`, `73`, `72`, `71`, `68`, `64` - `89-with-node`, `86-with-node`, `85-with-node`, `84-with-node`, `83-with-node`, `81-with-node`, `80-with-node`, `77-with-node`, `76-with-node` - `89-with-puppeteer`, `86-with-puppeteer`, `85-with-puppeteer`,`84-with-puppeteer`, `83-with-puppeteer`, `81-with-puppeteer`, `80-with-puppeteer`, `77-with-puppeteer`, `76-with-puppeteer` # alpine-chrome Chrome running in headless mode in a tiny Alpine image **** # 🤔 Why use a Headless Chrome In the world of webdev, the ability to run quickly end-to-end tests are important. Popular technologies like Puppeteer enable developers to make fun things like testing, automating forms, crawling, generating screenshots, capturing timeline... And there is a secret: some of these features are directly available on Chrome! 🙌 ## 💡 Crafting the perfect container - 📦 Tiniest Headless Chrome (Compressed size: [423 MB]( - 🐳 Easy to use, ephemeral and reproducible Headless Chrome with Docker - 📝 Doc-friendly with examples for printing the DOM, generating an image with a mobile ratio or generating a PDF. - 👷‍♂️ Autobuild with the [Docker Hub]( to sync the project and ship the images with confidence - 📌 Up-to-date latest Chromium and tags available to test different versions of Chromium - 🔐 Secure with the best way to use Chrome and Docker - [See "3 ways to securely use Chrome Headless"]( section - 🌐 Ready for internationalisation use: support for asian characters - [See "screenshot-asia.js" file]( - 💄 Ready for design use: support for WebGL, support for emojis- See ["How to use with WebGL" section]( and ["Emojis are not rendered properly" section]( - 📄 Open Source with an Apache2 licence - 👥 Community-built with external contributors - [See "✨ Contributors" section]( - 💚 Dev-friendly with examples using NodeJS, Puppeteer, docker-compose and also a test with a X11 display - [See "Run examples" section]( # 3 ways to securely use Chrome Headless with this image ## ❌ With nothing Launching the container using only `docker container run -it zenika/alpine-chrome ...` will fail with some logs similar to [#33]( Please use the 3 others ways to use Chrome Headless. ## ✅ With `--no-sandbox` Launch the container using: `docker container run -it --rm zenika/alpine-chrome` and use the `--no-sandbox` flag for all your commands. Be careful to know the website you're calling. Explanation for the `no-sandbox` flag in a [quick introduction here]( and for [More in depth design document here]( ## ✅ With `SYS_ADMIN` capability Launch the container using: `docker container run -it --rm --cap-add=SYS_ADMIN zenika/alpine-chrome` This allows to run Chrome with sandboxing but needs unnecessary privileges from a Docker point of view. ## ✅ The best: With `seccomp` Thanks to ever-awesome Jessie Frazelle seccomp profile for Chrome. This is The most secure way to run this Headless Chrome docker image. [chrome.json]( Also available here `wget` Launch the container using: `docker container run -it --rm --security-opt seccomp=$(pwd)/chrome.json zenika/alpine-chrome` # How to use in command line ## Default entrypoint The default entrypoint runs `chromium-browser --headless` with some common flags from `CHROMIUM_FLAGS` set in the [`Dockerfile`](./Dockerfile). You can change the `CHROMIUM_FLAGS` by overriding the environment variable using: `docker container run -it --rm --env CHROMIUM_FLAGS="--other-flag ..." zenika/alpine-chrome chromium-browser ...` You can get full control by overriding the entrypoint using: `docker container run -it --rm --entrypoint "" zenika/alpine-chrome chromium-browser ...` ## Use the devtools Command (with no-sandbox): `docker container run -d -p 9222:9222 zenika/alpine-chrome --no-sandbox --remote-debugging-address= --remote-debugging-port=9222` Open your browser to: `http://localhost:9222` and then click on the tab you want to inspect. Replace the beginning `[END]` by `chrome-devtools://devtools/bundled/inspector.html?ws=localhost:9222/[END]` ## Print the DOM Command (with no-sandbox): `docker container run -it --rm zenika/alpine-chrome --no-sandbox --dump-dom` ## Print a PDF Command (with no-sandbox): `docker container run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/usr/src/app zenika/alpine-chrome --no-sandbox --print-to-pdf --hide-scrollbars` ## Take a screenshot Command (with no-sandbox): `docker container run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/usr/src/app zenika/alpine-chrome --no-sandbox --screenshot --hide-scrollbars` ### Size of a standard letterhead. Command (with no-sandbox): `docker container run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/usr/src/app zenika/alpine-chrome --no-sandbox --screenshot --hide-scrollbars --window-size=1280,1696` ### Nexus 5x Command (with no-sandbox): `docker container run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/usr/src/app zenika/alpine-chrome --no-sandbox --screenshot --hide-scrollbars --window-size=412,732` ### Screenshot owned by current user (by default the file is owned by the container user) Command (with no-sandbox): `` docker container run -u `id -u $USER` -it --rm -v $(pwd):/usr/src/app zenika/alpine-chrome --no-sandbox --screenshot --hide-scrollbars --window-size=412,732 `` # How to use with Deno Go the deno `src` folder. Build your image using this command: ``` docker image build -t zenika/alpine-chrome:with-deno-sample . ``` Then launch the container: ``` docker container run -it --rm zenika/alpine-chrome:with-deno-sample Download Warning Implicitly using master branch Compile Welcome to Deno 🦕 ``` With your own file, use this command: ``` docker container run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/usr/src/app zenika/alpine-chrome:with-deno-sample run helloworld.ts Compile file:///usr/src/app/helloworld.ts Download Warning Implicitly using master branch Hello world! ``` # How to use with Puppeteer With tool like ["Puppeteer"](, we can add a lot things with our Chrome Headless. With some code in NodeJS, we can improve and make some tests. See the ["with-puppeteer"]( folder for more details. We have to [follow the mapping of Chromium => Puppeteer described here]( If you have a NodeJS/Puppeteer script in your `src` folder named `pdf.js`, you can launch it using the following command: ``` docker container run -it --rm -v $(pwd)/src:/usr/src/app/src --cap-add=SYS_ADMIN zenika/alpine-chrome:with-puppeteer node src/pdf.js ``` With the ["font-wqy-zenhei"]( library, you could also manipulate asian pages like in ["screenshot-asia.js"]( ``` docker container run -it --rm -v $(pwd)/src:/usr/src/app/src --cap-add=SYS_ADMIN zenika/alpine-chrome:with-puppeteer node src/screenshot-asia.js ``` These websites are tested with the following supported languages: - Chinese (with ``) - Japanese (with ``) - Korean (with ``) # How to use with Puppeteer to test a Chrome Extension [According to puppeteer official doc]( you can not test a Chrome Extension in headleass mode. You need a display available, that's where Xvfb comes in. See the ["with-puppeteer-xvfb"]( folder for more details. We have to [follow the mapping of Chromium => Puppeteer described here]( Assuming you have a NodeJS/Puppeteer script in your `src` folder named `extension.js`, and the unpacked extension in the `chrome-extension` folder, you can launch it using the following command: ``` docker container run -it --rm -v $(pwd)/src:/usr/src/app/src --cap-add=SYS_ADMIN zenika/alpine-chrome:with-puppeteer-xvfb node src/extension.js ``` The extension provided will change the page background in red for every website visited. This demo will load the extension and take a screenshot of the website. # How to use with Playwright Like ["Puppeteer"](, we can do a lot things using ["Playwright"]( with our Chrome Headless. Go to the `with-playwright` folder and launch the following command: ``` docker container run -it --rm -v $(pwd)/src:/usr/src/app/src --cap-add=SYS_ADMIN zenika/alpine-chrome:with-playwright node src/useragent.js ``` A `example-chromium.png` file will be created in your `with-playwright/src` folder. # How to use with WebGL By default, this image works with WebGL. If you want to disable it, make sure to add `--disable-gpu` when launching Chromium. `docker container run -it --rm --cap-add=SYS_ADMIN -v $(pwd):/usr/src/app zenika/alpine-chrome --screenshot --hide-scrollbars` `docker container run -it --rm --cap-add=SYS_ADMIN -v $(pwd):/usr/src/app zenika/alpine-chrome --screenshot --hide-scrollbars` # How to use with Chromedriver [ChromeDriver]( is a separate executable that Selenium WebDriver uses to control Chrome. You can use this image as a base for your Docker based selenium tests. See [Guide for running Selenium tests using Chromedriver]( # How to use with Selenoid [Selenoid]( is a powerful implementation of Selenium hub using Docker containers to launch browsers. Even if it used to run browsers in docker containers, it can be quite useful as lightweight Selenium replacement. `with-selenoid` image is a self sufficient selenium server, chrome and chromedriver installed. You can run it with following command: ``` docker container run -it --rm --cap-add=SYS_ADMIN -p 4444:4444 zenika/alpine-chrome:with-selenoid -capture-driver-logs ``` And run your tests against `http://localhost:4444/wd/hub` One of the use-cases might be running automation tests in the environment with restricted Docker environment like on some CI systems like GitLab CI, etc. In such case you may not have permissions for `--cap-add=SYS_ADMIN` and you will need to pass the `--no-sandbox` to `chromedriver`. See more [selenoid docs]( # Run as root and override default entrypoint We can run the container as root with this command: ``` docker container run --rm -it --entrypoint "" --user root zenika/alpine-chrome sh ``` # Run examples Some examples are available on the `examples` [directory](examples): - 🐳 [docker-compose]( to launch a chrome calling a nginx server in the same docker-compose - ☸️ [kubernetes]( to launch a pod with a headless chrome - 🖥 [x11]( to experiment this image with a X11 server. # References - Headless Chrome website: - List of all options of the "Chromium" command line: - Where to file issues: - Maintained by: # Versions (in latest) ## Alpine version ``` docker container run -it --rm --entrypoint "" zenika/alpine-chrome cat /etc/alpine-release 3.15.4 ``` ## Chrome version ``` docker container run -it --rm --entrypoint "" zenika/alpine-chrome chromium-browser --version Chromium 100.0.4896.60 ``` ## Image disk size ``` docker image inspect zenika/alpine-chrome --format='{{.Size}}' 357467827 # 341 MB ``` # ✨ Contributors Thanks goes to these wonderful people ([emoji key]( <!-- ALL-CONTRIBUTORS-LIST:START - Do not remove or modify this section --> <!-- prettier-ignore-start --> <!-- markdownlint-disable --> <table> <tr> <td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt=""/><br /><sub><b>Julien Landuré</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Code">💻</a> <a href="" title="Reviewed Pull Requests">👀</a> <a href="" title="Tests">⚠️</a> <a href="#ideas-jlandure" title="Ideas, Planning, & Feedback">🤔</a> <a href="#question-jlandure" title="Answering Questions">💬</a> <a href="#maintenance-jlandure" title="Maintenance">🚧</a></td> <td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt=""/><br /><sub><b>Yonggang Luo</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Code">💻</a> <a href="#ideas-lygstate" title="Ideas, Planning, & Feedback">🤔</a> <a href="#question-lygstate" title="Answering Questions">💬</a></td> <td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" 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🖼 新浪微博图床 Chrome/Firefox 扩展,支持同步到微相册
# Weibo-Picture-Store - [更新日志(CHANGELOG)]( - [前往 Chrome 网上应用商店下载]( - [前往 Firefox 附加组件商店下载]( ## Introduction 上传图片到微博并生成外链的 Chrome 浏览器扩展 注意:虽然现在支持了 Firefox 浏览器,但是相关文档的描述部分仍然保持不变,用词以 Chrome 为主。 ## Feature > 已下列出的是功能的简介,详情可以继续往下阅读 - 支持点选、拖拽、粘贴以及页面右键菜单上传图片到微博并同步到微相册 - 支持拖拽上传文件夹中的图片文件 - 支持 JPEG、PNG、GIF 三种图片格式 - 支持 SVG、BMP、WebP、ico 有损转换为 PNG - 支持把 HTML5 视频的当前帧上传为 JPG 图像 - 支持查看上传记录,简单的浏览及删除操作 - 支持生成 URL、HTML、UBB、Markdown 四种格式 - 支持单条、多条模式的复制操作 - 支持选择协议(http、https 和相对协议) - 支持三种固定裁剪尺寸和用户自定义尺寸 - 支持使用微博账号和密码自动登录 - 支持微博图片水印功能 ## Instruction > 具体的操作指南,包含图示 <img src="screenshot/chrome-notify.jpg" width="358" alt=""> 上图展示的是扩展中常用的提示,不同的操作系统显示上略有差异。 <img src="screenshot/popup.jpg" width="972" alt=""> 1. 地址协议选择 2. 图片裁剪选择 3. 在单条和多条复制模式之间切换的按钮 4. 上传记录按钮 5. 选择上传图片的按钮 6. 复制当前类型的地址,批量模式下会复制此类型的所有地址 7. 粘贴区域及拖拽区域,弹窗任何区域都可以使用(这里可以批量粘贴图片链接) 8. 隐藏菜单,用于放置反馈及其他信息(图中是菜单展开状态) 9. 在 GitHub 上提交建议或者 BUG 10. 通过电子邮件反馈问题(如果不方便使用 GitHub) 11. [捐赠](支持一下 12. 查看更新日志 <img src="screenshot/right-upload.jpg" width="530" alt=""> 如果可以获取到页面中的图片,则会在右键菜单中显示把这张图片上传到微相册的选项,点击后会自动上传,上传结束后会出现提示。 <img src="screenshot/video-frame.jpg" width="707" alt=""> 如果可以获取到页面中 HTML5 的视频并且原生的右键菜单可用,则会在右键菜单中显示把当前的视频帧上传到微相册的选项,上传流程和上述图片一样。 <img src="screenshot/video-frame-enhancement.jpg" width="786" alt=""> 如果页面中 HTML5 视频在其他容器的下层,或者原生的右键菜单被屏蔽了。可以使用默认快捷键 `Alt+Shift+T`(可在 `chrome://extensions/shortcuts` 键盘快捷键中修改按键)来修改页面元素,让 HTML5 视频可以被右键菜单捕获并且原生右键菜单这时候处于可用状态。需要注意,在页面元素处于修改状态中,页面上的其他元素不可以被鼠标选中,并且页面周围会显示红白相间的条纹表示页面元素处于修改状态。再次按下快捷键 `Alt+Shift+T` 即可退出这种状态,恢复正常。 1. 红白相间的条纹提示线 2. 在页面未修改场景下的右键菜单 3. 原生的右键菜单 <img src="screenshot/history.jpg" width="1265" alt=""> 1. 切换相册(不可用状态) 2. 打开微相册 3. 切换相册(可用状态) 4. 从微相册中移除这张图片 5. 在图片上右击可以复制图片地址 6. 批量删除选中的文件(按住 Ctrl/Command 键可以多选) 7. 图片最近的修改时间 <img src="screenshot/directory.gif" width="689" alt=""> 上图是拖拽文件夹上传图片的示例。 <img src="screenshot/options.jpg" width="459" alt=""> 上图是选项设置,填写微博的账号和密码,可以在传图时自动登录到你的微博,这是可选的设置。默认情况下,使用浏览器中微博的 Cookies,如果你的微博没有登录,则会收到需要登录微博的提示。 ## More - [深入了解概念](docs/ - [自定义剪裁格式](docs/ - [获得/生成 CRX 文件](docs/ - [已知问题](docs/ - [项目结构预览(开发者文档)](docs/ - [基础架构预览(开发者文档)](docs/ ## FAQ - 图片上传到哪儿了? - 上传到用户的微博上了 - 在扩展中填写微博账号和密码,这样做是否安全? - 你填写的账号和密码存在本地,不会上传到任何服务器上 - 我的常用微博账号是**A**,我可以在扩展中填写另一个账号**B**吗? - 可以但不推荐,因为一个浏览器同时只能有一个微博的登录状态,在使用**B**时,**A**可能会被强制登出 - 若有同时登录两个账户的需求,请使用 [Chrome 的多用户模式](来避免上述这种情况 - 可以上传的最大图片大小是多少? - 目前是 20MB - 如何设置微博图片水印? - 请参考[官方教程](设置微博图片水印 - 如何管理已上传的图片? - 上传记录或者微相册均可以管理 - 如何删除已上传的图片? - 目前无法删除,微相册中的删除是针对相册的操作,对图片本身没有影响 - 粘贴上传没有效果? - 粘贴上传只支持复制图片文件,在资源文件管理器中的复制文件并粘贴是没有效果的 - 上传的是 PNG 图片,返回的却是 JPG 后缀的地址? - 微博不支持 PNG 后缀,后缀对于浏览器判断图片的格式是没有影响的 - 如何使用自定义裁剪? - 自定义裁剪的格式需要微博支持,否则生成的地址是不能访问的 - 裁剪操作对图片的影响? - 裁剪适用于 JPEG 格式的图片。PNG 图片裁剪后会丢失透明通道,GIF 则会变成静态图片 - 微相册同步图片的最大数量是多少? - 1000 张。如果达到这个数量后继续使用,会创建新的相册,如果相册也满了,则不再同步图片 - 微相册数量已达到上限 100 个,不能同步图片了怎么办? - 前往[微相册](清理陈旧的相册即可 - 为什么通过复制粘贴的方式上传 GIF 会变成静态图片? - 在浏览器或操作系统中复制 GIF 时,只有其中一帧被复制到了剪切板,因此上传后会变成静态图片 - 如何获取扩展日志? - 在扩展栏上的扩展图标上右击,点击【导出日志】选项。 ## Privacy Policy [隐私权和条款](docs/ ## Thanks - [JetBrains IDEs]( - [Font Awesome]( - [Base64 encode/decode]( - [@Suxiaogang](参考了某些交互设计) <p align="center"> <a href="" title="前往官网了解JetBrains出品的IDEs"> <img src="scratches/jetbrains.svg" width="128" alt="JetBrains logo"> </a> </p>
🤖 CDN assets - The #1 free and open source CDN built to make life easier for developers.
<h1 align="center"> <a href=""><img src="" width="175px" alt="< cdnjs >"></a> </h1> <h3 align="center">The #1 free and open source CDN built to make life easier for developers.</h3> --- <p align="center"> <a href="#contributing"> <img src="" alt="Robots only"> </a> <a href=""> <img src="" alt="MIT License"> </a> <a href=""> <img src="" alt="Discussions"> </a> </p> <p align="center"> <a href=""> <img src="" alt="GitHub Sponsors"> </a> <a href=""> <img src="" alt="Open Collective"> </a> <a href=""> <img src="" alt="Patreon"> </a> </p> --- ## Table of Contents * [Introduction](#introduction) * [Other Repositories](#other-repositories) * [Contributing](#contributing) * [Sponsors](#sponsors) * [License](#license) ## Introduction This is the robot-only repository for cdnjs, where all the library assets that are hosted on cdnjs are stored. For the JSON files that control the libraries we host, please see the "human" [`cdnjs/packages`]( repository. ### Other Repositories For the JSON files controlling the libraries we host on cdnjs, please take a look at the "human" [`cdnjs/packages`]( repository. For our website, please refer to the [`cdnjs/static-website`]( repository. For the cdnjs API, please refer to the [`cdnjs/api-server`]( repository. For the full cdnjs branding and brand-related assets/guidelines, please see the [`cdnjs/brand`]( repository. For our monthly CDN stats and usage reports, check out the [`cdnjs/cf-stats`]( repository. You can find all our repositories at [](! ## Contributing As this repository is now considered robot-only, pull requests are no longer accepted for this repository. If you are looking to contribute to cdnjs, please take a look at the [`cdnjs/packages`]( repository or any of our other [open-source repositories on GitHub](! ## Sponsors cdnjs wouldn't be the success that it is today without our sponsors' kind support. These companies currently support cdnjs: * [Cloudflare]( * [Algolia]( * [DigitalOcean]( * [Statuspage]( * [Sentry]( * [UptimeRobot]( If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, please feel free to contact us! ## License Each library is released under its own license. This cdnjs repository is published under [MIT license](LICENSE).
💯 The most essential list of resources for Front-End beginners (🇺🇸 🇬🇧 🇨🇦 & 🇫🇷)
# The most essential list of resources for Front-End beginners (🇺🇸 🇬🇧 & 🇫🇷) [![Join the chat at][gitter-image]][gitter-url] [![Contributors](]( [![CC0](]( [gitter-image]: [gitter-url]: If you want to learn how to become a Front-End developer, you are in the right place! I will regularly update that list with new resources and links I found on the web. Don't hesitate to participate by sending a PR! Maybe your first on Github :) I'm using some emoticons to give you more information on these links. 1. All links without a flag are in English 🇺🇸 🇬🇧. The flag 🇫🇷 means the resource is in French, 🌍 means the resource is multi-language. 2. 💰 are paid tutorials, 🆓 are free tutorials. Sometimes you will have some free videos / articles and other paid on the same website. 3. 🔝 indicate that the link is a reference 4. 📹 is present when video content is available --- ## Table of Contents 1. **[Start here](#start-here)** 2. **[Learn HTML](#learn-html)** 3. **[Learn CSS](#learn-css)** 4. **[Learn JavaScript](#learn-javascript)** 5. **[Learn Git](#learn-git)** 6. **[Tools](#tools)** 7. **[Chat / Slack](#chat--slack-channels)** 8. **[Aggregators / News](#aggregators--news)** 9. **[Newsletters](#newsletters)** ![Learn the basics]( ***From Web Developer Roadmap 2017*** --- ## Start here * Understand Internet * [How Does the Internet Actually Work?]( 📹 🔝 * [What is Internet?]( 📹 🔝 * [How does the internet work? - Part 1 (It's like a bad drawing.)]( 📹 * [How Does the Internet Work?]( 📹 * [How the Internet Works for Developers - Pt 1 - Overview & Frontend]( 📹 * 🇫🇷 [Benjamin Bayart : Qu'est ce qu'Internet (Conférence à SciencesPo le 14 avril 2010, durée 5h30)]( 📹 🔝 * 🇫🇷 [C'est pas sorcier -INTERNET : Les pirates tissent leur toile]( 📹 * 🇫🇷 [Comprendre Internet - histoire]( 📹 * 🇫🇷 [Comprendre comment marche Internet]( 📹 * 🇫🇷 [Comprendre Internet]( * Understand your journey → [Web Developer Roadmap 2019 - Github]( **[⬆ back to top](#table-of-contents)** --- ## Learn HTML * Courses / Tutorials * 🌍 [Learn HTML - CodeCademy]( 💰🆓 📹 🔝 * [HTML5 and CSS - FreeCodeCamp]( 🆓 🔝 * [MarkSheet - A free HTML & CSS tutorial]( 🆓 🔝 * [Intro to HTML/CSS: Making webpages - KhanAcademy]( 🆓 * [Learn the Web]( 🆓 * [HTML5 Introduction - EDX]( 🆓 * [HTML - Creating basic web pages]( 🆓 * [Learn to code HTML & CSS - Shay Howe]( 🆓 * [HTML Tutorials]( 🆓 * [Intro to HTML and CSS - Udacity]( 🆓 * [Learn HTML in 12 minutes - Youtube]( 🆓 📹 * [Learn HTML in 30 Minutes - Youtube]( 🆓 📹 * [HTML Fundamentals - SoloLearn]( 💰🆓 * [HTML Basics - TreeHouse]( 💰 📹 * [HTML/CSS Path - Code School]( 💰 📹 * [HTML Essential Training - Lynda]( 💰 📹 * [Your First Day with HTML - Pluralsight]( 💰 📹 * [HTML Fundamentals - Pluralsight]( 💰 📹 * [Introduction to HTML and CSS - TreeHouse]( 💰 * [Introduction to HTML5 and CSS3 - Frontend Masters]( 💰 📹 * [HTML/CSS on Code Avengers]( 💰🆓 * [30 Days to Learn HTML & CSS]( 💰🆓 📹 * [Introduction to HTML]( 🆓 📹 * 🇫🇷 [Apprenez à créer votre site web avec HTML5 et CSS3 - OpenClassRooms]( 💰🆓 * 🇫🇷 [Tutoriels web HTML - Alsacréations]( 🆓 * 🇫🇷 [HTML et CSS - Le Cours Complet - Udemy]( 💰 * [HTML5 Tutorial - w3schools]( 🆓 * [AlgoExpert's Front-end Expert Course]( 💰 * Documentation * [HTML Reference]( 🔝 * [Introduction to HTML - MDN web docs]( 🔝 * [HTML Cheat Sheet - Compilation]( * [HTML5 Tutorial PDF - Tutorialspoint]( * [Getting to Know HTML - Shay Howe]( * [The Elements of HTML]( * Guidelines * [SEO, Speed and Security Best Practices - Checkbot]( * [HTML Best Practices - Github]( * Quiz / Challenges * [LearnYouHTML - NodeSchool]( * [HTML Quiz beginner level - Skillvalue]( * Articles/Books * [Learn to Code HTML and CSS: Develop and Style Websites]( * [HTML and CSS: Design and Build Websites]( * 🇫🇷 [Réalisez votre site web avec HTML 5 et CSS 3]( **[⬆ back to top](#table-of-contents)** --- ### Learn CSS * Courses / Tutorials * 🌍 [Learn CSS - CodeCademy]( 💰🆓 🔝 * [Learn CSS in 12 Minutes - Youtube]( 🆓 📹 * [CSS Basics - TreeHouse]( 💰 📹 * [Introduction to CSS]( 💰 📹 * [CSS3 In-Depth]( 💰 📹 * [CSS Essential Training 3 - Lynda]( 💰 📹 * [Scalable Modular Architecture for CSS (SMACSS) - Frontend Masters]( 💰 📹 * 🇫🇷 [Tutoriel HTML/CSS - Box Sizing - Grafikart]( 🆓 📹 * 🇫🇷 [Tutoriel CSS : Comment bien organiser son CSS - Grafikart]( 🆓 📹 * 🇫🇷 [Tutoriels web CSS - Alsacréations]( 🆓 * [CSS Tutorial - w3schools]( 🆓 * [Introduction to CSS]( 🆓 📹 * [Learn CSS - Sololearn]( * Selectors * [CSS Diner]( 🆓 🔝 * Flexbox * 🌍 [Flexbox Froggy]( 🆓 🔝 * [Flexbox Defense]( 🆓 🔝 * CSS Grid * 🌍 [Grid Garden]( 🆓 🔝 * [Learn CSS Grid with Wes Bos]( 🆓 🔝 * Documentation * [CSS Reference]( 🔝 * [CSS - MDN web docs]( 🔝 * [Open Web Reference - CSS]( * [CSS Reference]( * [Getting to know CSS]( * Guidelines * 🌍 [CSS]( 🔝 * [Airbnb CSS / Sass Styleguide - Github]( * [Scalable and Modular Architecture for CSS - SMACSS]( 🔝 * [Google HTML/CSS Style Guide - Github]( * [Sensible CSS Guidelines - Github]( * [Trello CSS Guide - Github]( * Quizz / challenges * [CSS Quiz beginner level - Skillvalue]( * Articles/Books * [CSS, The definitive guide - Eric Meyer]( * [Enduring CSS - Ben Frain]( * [The CSS PocketGuide - Chris Casciano]( * [CSS Secrets: Better Solutions to Everyday Web Design Problems - Lea Verou]( * [Professional CSS3 - Piotr Sikora]( * 🇫🇷 [CSS3 - Raphaël Goetter, Hugo Giraudel]( * 🇫🇷 [CSS avancées - Raphaël Goetter]( * 🇫🇷 [CSS avancées, Vers HTML5 et CSS3 - Mathieu Nebra](%>) * 🇫🇷 [Premier pas en CSS3 et HTML5]( **[⬆ back to top](#table-of-contents)** --- ### Learn JavaScript * Courses / Tutorials * [Basic JavaScript]( 🆓 🔝 * [Introduction To JavaScript - CodeCademy]( 💰🆓 🔝 * [Beau teaches JavaScript - Youtube]( 🆓 📹 * [JS 30 For 30 - 30 Projects for 30 Days]( 🆓 📹 * [Intro to JavaScript - Udacity]( 🆓 * [Learn JavaScript - Codementor]( 🆓 * [Introduction to JavaScript Programming - Frontend Masters]( 💰 📹 * [LambdaSchool Javascript Mini Bootcamp](💰🆓 🔝 * [JavaScript Essential Training - Lynda]( 💰 📹 * [JavaScript Fundamentals - Tuts+]( 💰🆓 📹 * [Getting Started with JavaScript for Web Development - Scotch]( 💰🆓 * [JavaScript Basics - TreeHouse]( 💰 * [JavaScript path - Code School]( 💰 * [ES6 for everyone]( 💰 📹 * 🇫🇷 [Tutoriels web JavaScript - Alsacréations]( 🆓 * [JavaScript.Info]( * [JavaScript Tutorial - w3schools]( 🆓 * [Javascript Tutorial - Watch and Code by Gordon Zhu]( 🆓💰 * [Learn Javascript]( * [Introduction to Javascript]( 🆓 * Documentation * [JavaScript reference]( * [Modern JavaScript Cheatsheet]( * [ES6 Katas - Learn ES6 by doing it]( * Guidelines * [Clean Code concepts adapted for JavaScript - Github]( * Quiz / challenges * [Workshoppers - NodeSchool]( 🔝 * [JavaScript Quiz beginner level - Skillvalue]( 🔝 * Articles / Books * [Practical Modern JavaScript]( 🆓 * [You Don't Know JS (book series)]( 🆓 * [JavaScript, the definitive guide]( * [Javascript: The Good Parts]( * [Eloquent JavaScript: A Modern Introduction to Programming]( * [JavaScript Allongée]( * [Learning JavaScript]( * [Understanding ECMAScript 6: The Definitive Guide for JavaScript Developers]( * [JavaScript and JQuery: Interactive Front-End Web Development]( * 🇫🇷 [JavaScript - Développez efficacement](éveloppez-efficacement-2e-édition/dp/2409009727) * [Airbnb JavaScript Guide()]( **[⬆ back to top](#table-of-contents)** --- ## Learn GIT * [15 minutes to learn Git]( 🔝 * [Git-it (Desktop App) - NodeSchool]( 🆓 🔝 * 🌍 [Learn Git on CodeCademy]( 💰🆓 🔝 * [Git-it is a (Mac, Win, Linux) Desktop App for Learning Git and GitHub]( 🆓 🔝 * [Learn Git Branching – Educational challenges]( 🆓 * [Introduction to version control with Git - Microsoft Learn]( 🆓 * [Git-it – Learn Git in a real terminal]( 🆓 * [Git CheatSheet]( 🆓 * [Git Essential Training - Lynda]( 💰 📹 * [Try Git]( 🆓 * [Learn Git - Git Tutorials, workflows and commands](🆓 **[⬆ back to top](#table-of-contents)** --- ## Tools * Essential * [Github]( 💰🆓 🔝 * Website auditors * [Checkbot]( 💰🆓 🔝 * Playgrounds * [Codepen]( 💰🆓 🔝 * [CodeSandbox]( * [SassMeister]( * [JSFiddle]( * [JSBin]( * [Thimble]( * Web design Tools * [Webflow](🆓💰 * Editors * [Visual Studio Code]( 🆓 🔝 * [Sublime Text]( 🆓 * [Atom]( 🆓 * [Brackets]( 🆓 * [NotePad++]( 🆓 * [Cloud9]( 💰🆓 **[⬆ back to top](#table-of-contents)** --- ## Chat / Slack channels * [FEDs - Slack]( * 🇫🇷 [Front-end France - Slack]( * 🇫🇷 [DevFr - Telegram]( --- ### Aggregators / News * [Smashing Magazine]( 🔝 * [CSS-Tricks]( 🔝 * [Front-End Stash]( 🔝 * [Codrops]( 🔝 * [Front-End Front - Basically, front-end news]( * [Echo JS - JavaScript News]( * [A list Apart - Code]( * [Scotch - Code Eat Sleep Loop]( **[⬆ back to top](#table-of-contents)** --- ## Newsletters * [Frontend Focus]( * [CSS Weekly]( * [CSS-Tricks]( * [JavaScript Weekly]( * [WebTools Weekly]( * [Smashing Magazine]( * [Sidebar]( * [Responsive Design Weekly]( * [JSK Weekly]( * [WebRTC Weekly]( ## Contributing **Open an issue or a pull request to suggest changes or additions.** ### Contributors Check out all the super awesome [contributors]( ## Authors **[David Dias](** ## License [![CC0](]( **[⬆ back to top](#table-of-contents)**
🚀 A command line tool aims to improve front-end engineer workflow and standard, powered by TypeScript.
English | [简体中文](./ <h1 align="center">Feflow</h1> <p align="center"> 🚀 A tool aims to improve front-end engineer workflow and standard, powered by TypeScript. </p> <br> [![npm][npm]][npm-url] [![Build Status][build-status]][build-status-url] [![Install Size][size]][size-url] [![Downloads][downloads]][downloads-url] [![lerna][lerna]][lerna-url] [![GitHub contributors][contributors]][contributors-url] [![Issue resolution][issue-resolution]][issue-resolution-url] [![PR's welcome][pr-welcome]][pr-welcome-url] ## Introduction Feflow is an engineering solution of Tencent's open source front-end field, which is committed to improving development efficiency and specification. ## Getting Started Let's start by installing Feflow with npm. ``` npm install @feflow/cli -g ``` There are three kinds of commands in Feflow - Native Commands - `fef config` - `fef help` - `fef info` - `fef install` - `fef uninstall` - `fef list` You can write a Feflow devkit or plugin to extends commands. More detail document can be found: - [Github Wiki]( - [Website]( ## Change Log This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning]( Every release, along with the migration instructions, is documented on the GitHub [Releases]( page. ## License [MIT](LICENSE.txt) [build-status]: [build-status-url]: [contributors]: [contributors-url]: [downloads]: [downloads-url]: [issue-resolution]: [issue-resolution-url]: [lerna]: [lerna-url]: [npm]: [npm-url]: [pr-welcome]: [pr-welcome-url]: [size]: [size-url]:
📘 Front-end developer roadmap in 2022.
# Front-End Developer Roadmap In 2022 > This repository aims to collect the most important concepts of front-end. Next, I will build a professional front-end knowledge map to help you master front-end development. * Front-End Developer Roadmap * 💡 React & Vue Ecosystem * High Quality Coding Guide * Data Structures & Algorithms Guide This list will continue to update… ### Front-End Developer Roadmap ![Front-End Developer Roadmap](./images/FrontEndDeveloperRoadmap.svg) Recommended Books * 《Professional JavaScript for Web Developers 4th Edition》 ### React & Vue Ecosystem ![React & Vue Ecosystem](./images/ReactVueEcosystem.svg) Recommended Project * [bestofjs]( ### High Quality Coding Guide ![CodingGuide](./images/HighQualityCodingGuide.svg) Recommended Books * 《Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship》 * 《A Philosophy of Software Design》 * 《Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code (2nd Edition)》 ### Data Structures & Algorithms Guide ![Data Structures & Algorithms](./images/DataStructuresAlgorithmsGuide.svg) Recommended Books * 《Introduction to Algorithms, 3rd Edition》 * 《Algorithms (4th Edition)》 ## Contribution If you think that these can be improved in anyway, please do suggest. * Open pull request with improvements * Discuss ideas in issues ## Support Please star ⭐️ the repository to show your support! Share it on Twitter or other places! ## License [![License: CC BY-NC-ND 3.0](](
Eva.js is a front-end game engine specifically for creating interactive game projects.
# Eva.js (Interactive Game Engine) ![npm-version]( ![npm-size]( ![npm-download]( English | [Chinese](./ ## Introduction Eva.js is a front-end game engine specifically for creating interactive game projects. **Easy to Use**: Eva.js provides out-of-box game components for developers to use right away. Yes, it's simple and elegant! **High-performance**: Eva.js is powered by efficient runtime and rendering pipeline ([Pixi.JS]( which makes it possible to unleash the full potential of your device. **Scalability**: Thanks to the ECS(Entity-Component-System) structure, you can expand your needs by highly customizable APIs. The only limitation is your imagination! ## Documentation You can find the Eva.js Documentation on [](, we appreciate your devotion by sending pull requests to [this repository]( Checking out the [Live example]( - [Quick Start]( - [Start Demo]( ## Usage ### With NPM ```bash npm i @eva/eva.js @eva/plugin-renderer @eva/plugin-renderer-img --save ``` ### In Browser ```html <script src="[email protected]/dist/EVA.min.js"></script> ``` ### Example ```html <canvas id="canvas" ></canvas> ``` ```javascript import { Game, GameObject, resource, RESOURCE_TYPE } from '@eva/eva.js'; import { RendererSystem } from '@eva/plugin-renderer'; import { Img, ImgSystem } from '@eva/plugin-renderer-img'; resource.addResource([ { name: 'imageName', type: RESOURCE_TYPE.IMAGE, src: { image: { type: 'png', url: '', }, }, preload: true, }, ]); const game = new Game({ systems: [ new RendererSystem({ canvas: document.querySelector('#canvas'), width: 750, height: 1000, }), new ImgSystem(), ], }); const image = new GameObject('image', { size: { width: 750, height: 1319 }, origin: { x: 0, y: 0 }, position: { x: 0, y: -319, }, anchor: { x: 0, y: 0, }, }); image.addComponent( new Img({ resource: 'imageName', }) ); game.scene.addChild(image); ``` ## Questions For questions and support please use [Gitter]( or [DingTalk]( (钉钉) to scan [this QR Code](!!6000000001067-2-tps-465-668.png). ## Issues Please make sure to read the [Issue Reporting Checklist](.github/ before opening an issue. Issues not conforming to the guidelines may be closed immediately. ## Changelog [release notes]( in documentation. ## Contribute [How to Contribute](.github/ ## License The Eva.js is released under the MIT license. See [LICENSE file](./LICENSE).
This repository contains content which will be helpful in your journey as a front-end Web Developer
<!-- @format --> [![contributions welcome](]( [![GitHub issues](]( [![GitHub forks](]( [![GitHub stars](]( [![Twitter](]( # Front-end development # Hi There <p> This is an open-source repository for all who want to learn front-end Development.</p> <br> <h2 align="center" ><strong>Front-end development</strong></h2><br> > **Front-end web development** is the practice of converting data to a graphical interface, through the use of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, so that users can view and interact with that data. > <br> **Make sure to show your support by star mark & sharing the repository** # A List of Useful Resources for Front End Developers --- ## Table of Contents - [Front-end development](#front-end-development) - [Hi There](#hi-there) - [A List of Useful Resources for Front End Developers](#a-list-of-useful-resources-for-front-end-developers) - [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents) - [RoadMap](#roadmap) - [Useful](#useful) - [Learning](#learning) - [A11y](#a11y) - [YouTube Channels](#youtube-channels) - [Blogs](#blogs) - [Hiring](#hiring) - [Podcasts](#podcasts) - [Code Editors](#code-editors) - [Visual Studio Code Extensions](#visual-studio-code-extensions) - [Tools](#tools) - [CSS Frameworks](#css-frameworks) - [Icons](#icons) - [Colors](#colors) - [Typography](#typography) - [Design Inspiration](#design-inspiration) - [Animation Frameworks](#animation-frameworks) - [Stock Resources](#stock-resources) - [Geolocation](#geolocation) - [APIs](#apis) - [Mockups](#mockups) - [Books](#books) - [Challenges / Games](#challenges--games) - [Free Tools For Students](#free-tools-for-students) - [YouTube Videos](#youtube-videos) - [Testing](#testing) ## RoadMap - [Roadmap]( - For a well described step-by-step roadmap for front-end developers. ![Free]( ## Useful - [BGJar]( - Free SVG background generator for your websites, blogs, and app. ![Free]( - [Inspect]( - inspect and debug your mobile web apps and websites on iOS devices directly from Mac or Windows. ## Learning - [A Complete Guide to Flexbox | CSS-Tricks]( - A comprehensive guide to the Flexbox Layout. ![Free]( - [A Complete Guide to Grid | CSS-Tricks]( - A comprehensive guide to the Grid Layout. ![Free]( - [Command Line Power User]( - A video series for web developers on learning a modern command-line workflow with ZSH, Z, and related tools. ![Free]( - [CSS Grid]( - Complete video course all about CSS Grid ![Free]( - [Best Of JS]( A site to check the best GitHub Repos for your favourite js framework ![Free]( - [CodeCademy]( - A series of interactive courses teaching the world how to code. Offering free and paid subscriptions across a variety of languages. ![Free]( ![Paid]( - [Codementor]( - A tool to get help from experienced developers in various coding languages on your learning journey. ![Paid]( - [Scaler Topics]( - A platform to learn programming languages like HTML, Java, Javascript, Python etc. ![Free]( - [Conquering Responsive Layouts]( - Made by Kevin Powell( This course takes you through everything you need to know to create responsive layouts in his brilliant 21-day course. ![Paid]( - [Coursera]( - A selection of courses from highly reputable schools like Stanford and Yale. ![Free]( ![Paid]( - [CSS Almanac | CSS-Tricks]( - A quick reference guide to many features of CSS. ![Free]( - [CSS Grid Playground]( - A visual guide curated by the Mozilla team to help you learn CSS's grid layout features with lots of code example and demos. ![Free]( - [Design Resources]( - Design Resources from Skullface. ![Free]( - []( - Where programmers share ideas and help each other grow. ![Free]( - [DevProjects]( - A free community consists of curated projects from senior developers to help you bridge the gap between theory and practice. ![Free]( ! - [Dicoding Academy]( - Where everyone can learn programming from fundamentals (**Available only in Bahasa Indonesia**). ![Free]( ![Paid]( - [edx]( - A series of University-level courses from Harvard, MIT, Wharton, and more. ![Free]( - [EggHead]( - Web development video tutorials in "bite-size" segments. Has both free and "Pro" (paid) memberships. ![Free]( ![Paid]( - [Enboard | Front End Resources]( - Organized resources about front end development. ![Free]( - [Flexbox]( - Level up your Flexbox knowledge – an online, Zombie-centric story course. ![Free]( - [freeCodeCamp]( - A free resource incorporating programming projects and interview preparation for developer jobs. ![Free]( - [Frontend Masters]( - Web development video tutorials from industry leaders (updated frequently). Has both free (limited-time) and paid memberships. ![Free]( ![Paid]( - [Full Stack Open]( - Course on Full Stack Web Development by University of Helsinski. Learn React, Redux, Node.js, MongoDB, GraphQL and TypeScript in one go! This course will introduce you to modern JavaScript-based web development. The main focus is on building single page applications with ReactJS that use REST APIs built with Node.js. ![Free]( - [GeeksforGeeks]( - A computer science portal for geeks. ![Free]( - [Khan Academy]( - A universal online learning platform that also provides the important courses for developers. ![Free]( ![Paid]( - [LearnAnything]( - Search interactive mind maps to learn anything. ![Free]( - [Learn JavaScript]( - Learn JavaScript in an interactive environment. Read short lessons, take notes, and complete challenges directly in your browser. ![Free]( ![Paid]( - [Mastering Markdown]( - A Mini Series that will change how you write documentation. ![Free]( - [Mozilla Developer Network]( - The latest information about Open Web technologies. ![Free]( - [Complete web development tutorials]( complete web development tutorials with well explained examples for free. ![Free]( - [Pluralsight]( - Unlimited online developer training from industry experts. ![Free]( ![Paid]( - [Saylor]( - An open, online learning solution offering college credit opportunities for students. ![Free]( - [Scrimba]( - Code-screencast-based learning in a variety of languages. ![Free]( ![Paid]( - [Scotch]( - Many Web development courses. Has both free and "Premium" (paid) memberships. ![Free]( ![Paid]( - [Search Courses]( - A selection of trending courses and tutorials. ![Free]( ![Paid]( - [SoloLearn]( A free portal for learning web development. ![Free]( - [Team Treehouse]( - Self-paced learning across a variety of languages and subjects. ![Free]( ![Paid]( - [The Modern JavaScript Tutorial]( - Everything about the Javascript Language. ![Free]( - [The Odin Project]( - An Open-Source Curriculum for Learning Web Development ![Free]( - [Tutorials point]( - Tutorials for many different languages with interactive code examples. ![Free]( - [Udacity]( - Learn anything online – deep learning, machine learning, front end languages. ![Free]( ![Paid]( - [Udemy]( - An online learning and teaching marketplace. ![Free]( ![Paid]( - [Watch and Code]( - The computer science school for students that demand intellectual rigor and depth. ![Paid]( - [W3School]( - Web development reference library. Covers HTML, CSS, Javascript (jQuery, AJAX, and more), as well as some server-side languages. Includes descriptions and interactive examples. ![Free]( - [Web APIs | MDN]( - Everything a beginner needs to know about Web APIs. ![Free]( - [Web Design in 4 minutes]( by Jeremy Thomas creator of [Bulma CSS]( and []( ![Free]( - [WesBos]( - Free and premium courses in web development ![Free]( ![Paid]( - [Web Dev Tricks]( - All your CSS, js, jQuery trending codes with source codes in one place. Your handy partner for all types of modern web development and designs. ![Free]( - []( - Guides and resources for modern fast websites by google developers. ![Free]( - [Become a Front-End Web Developer]( - Develop competency with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery. ![Free]( ![Paid]( - [Web Skills]( - A visual overview of useful skills to learn as a web developer. ![Free]( - [The App Brewery]( - All in one platform to cover your web development skills ![Paid]( - [Full Stack open 2021]( - This course serves as an introduction to modern web application development with JavaScript. ![Free]( - [Devtools Tech]( - A free interview preparation platform for Frontend Engineers with a focus on high quality real world programming questions. ![Free]( **[⬆ back to top](#table-of-contents)** --- ## A11y - [A11y Style Guide]( - A living style guide or pattern library, generated from KSS documented styles...with an accessibility twist. ![Free]( - [Axe]( - Accessibility testing toolkit. ![Free]( ![Paid]( - [Colour Contrast Analyser]( - CCA helps you determine the legibility of text and the contrast of visual elements, such as graphical controls and visual indicators. ![Free]( - [Deque University]( - Online courses on web and mobile accessibility skills. ![Free]( ![Paid]( - [W3C Intro to Web Accessibility]( - Strategies, standards, resources to make the Web accessible to people with disabilities. ![Free]( **[⬆ back to top](#table-of-contents)** --- ## YouTube Channels - [Adrian Twarog]( Tutorials on HTML,CSS,Bootstrap,JavaScript,React,React Native,UI/UX and cool Designing stuff ![Free]( - [1stWebDesigner]( - Tutorials on WordPress, PSD to HTML ![Free]( - [Brad Hussey]( - Tutorials on Bootstrap, SASS, jQuery, PHP, Freelancing ![Free]( - [CSS Tricks]( - YouTube channel of well-known web design and development blog CSS Tricks by Chris Coyier. ![Free]( - [CSS Tutorials]( - Tutorials in Hindi by Husain sir covering all the basics of CSS. ![Free]( - [Coder’s Guide]( - Tutorials on HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap ![Free]( - [Codevolution]( - Tutorials on React, Vue, Angular, MongoDB, JavaScript, MEAN stack, HTML, CSS. ![Free]( - [Clever Programmer]( - Tutorials on React, MongoDB, JavaScript, MERN stack, HTML, CSS, React Native. ![Free]( - [Derek Banas]( - Tutorials on C#, Visual Basic, Django, Python, NodeJS, AngularJS, MongoDB, jQuery, JavaScript, CSS, Ruby on Rails, Java, SQLite, Android, HTML, PHP, Objective C ![Free]( - [DevTips]( - Tutorials on HTML5, CSS, SASS, Bootstrap, Foundation, jQuery, Ruby on Rails, GitHub. ![Free]( - [DesignCourse]( - Tutorials on UI/UX Design or HTML5, CSS, SASS, Animation Library. ![Free]( - [Dennis Ivy]( - Tutorials on Django & Flask Full-Stack Web Development Projects ![Free]( - [Elzero Web School]( - **Arabic only** ![Free]( - [freeCodeCamp]( - Tutorials on JQuery, JavaScript, React, Math, Science, Software Engineering, Open source software ![Free]( - [Fun Fun Function]( - Tutorials on JavaScript, React, Functional Programming, GraphQL, Life as a Developer ![Free]( - [Google Chrome Developers]( - Latest and greatest talks on modern web development with pro-tips, insights, and techniques to help you level up your web development skill. ![Free]( - [Kevin Powell]( - Tutorials on HTML, CSS, Helping to Understand Css Better in Simple Way ![Free]( - []( - Tutorials on HTML, CSS, jQuery, JavaScript, React JS / Redux, Node JS ![Free]( - [LevelUpTuts]( - Tutorials on HTML, CSS, SASS, WordPress, Magento,Drupal, React, Meteor ![Free]( - [Mackenzie Child - Design to Code Challenge]( - Tutorials on UI, how to design & code multiple styles of sites. ![Free]( - [The Coding Train]( - Tutorials on JavaScript, Node, Machine Learning, Neural Networks, Algorithms ![Free]( - [The Net Ninja]( - Tutorials on HTML, CSS, jQuery, JavaScript, Git and GitHub, Bootstrap, MangoDB, PSD to WordPress, PSD to HTML, and many more. ![Free]( - [TheDigiCraft]( - Tutorials on HTML, CSS, jQuery, PHP, Ajax, Bootstrap, MySQL. ![Free]( - [thenewboston]( - Tutorials on ECMAScript 6, React JS / Redux, Django, Angular 2, Gulp, Git, Python, SEO, SASS, SCSS, Grunt, Illustrator, MongoDB, PHP, Java, Ruby, Objective C ![Free]( - [Traversy Media]( - Tutorials on HTML, CSS, jQuery, PHP, Ajax, Bootstrap, MySQL, ECMAScript 6, React JS / Redux, Django, Angular, Ionic, Gulp, Git, Python, Node JS, PHP, Laravel, Cake PHP, Symfony, CodeIgniter, Programming Tips ![Free]( - [CodeWithHarry]( - Tutorials on HTML, CSS, Javascript, Node JS, MongoDB and hosting. ![Free]( - [Programming With Mosh]( - Tutorial on React, Nodejs, Python, Javascript, Angular,Typescipt and C#. ![Free]( - [Dev Ed]( - Learn web development, web design, 3d modelling, tools like figma and more ![Free]( - [Web Dev Simplified]( - Learn Website Developments with Html , Javascript , Css and other Frameworks with same projects and more ![Free]( - [Mozilla Developer]( - Videos for helping you with your work as a web designer, web developer, or person involved making websites or web apps ![Free]( - [Academind]( - There's always something to learn. Whether you want to have look at Angular Tutorials or Guides, Vue.js, other Frontend Development Content or Data Science Topics or anything else - you're probably right![Free]( - [Sonny Sangha]( Project Tutorials on React, Redux, Next JS & React Native![Free]( - [WB Web Development]( - Tutorials on HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, SASS, JavaScript, Git and GitHub, MongoDB, NodeJS, ReactJS ![Free]( - [Online Tutorials]( Top class contents on front end web development. Has exclusive tutorials on HTML,CSS and javascript with amazing effects. A must visit for all front end developers![Free]( - [Akshay Saini]( Videos on Frontend Interview Tips, Interview Experiences, and specially core concepts of Javascript. - [Devtools Tech]( Videos on Advanced Frontend Concepts, Interview Questions & Experiences, and focus on intermediate to advanced JavaScript concepts. ![Free]( **[⬆ back to top](#table-of-contents)** --- ## Blogs - [10 Need to Know JavaScript Concepts Courses]( - From basic to advance Javascript concept explained in simple way that every Javascript developer need to know. ![Free]( - [100 Ways to be more creative]( - 100 Ways to be More Creative from Shaunta Grimes. ![Free]( - [2017 Design RoundUp]( - Collection of all Codrops web development resources for 2017. ![Free]( - [50 Things You [Probably] Forgot To Design – UX Power Tools – Medium]( - 50 Things You Probably Forgot to Design from Jon Moore ![Free]( - [ACM Month Of Code 2k17: Building Moodify]( - ACM Month Of Code 2k17: Building Moodify from Ajay NS. ![Free]( - [An Illustrated Guide for Setting Up Your Website Using GitHub &amp; Cloudflare]( - An illustrated guide to setting up your website using GitHub and Cloudflare from Karan Thakkar. ![Free]( - [Brad Frost Blog]( - Author of Atomic Design, building design systems in CSS & HTML. ![Free]( - [Best Free Fonts]( - 70+ Best Free Fonts for Designers – Free for Commercial Use in 2019 ![Free]( - [CSS Animations vs the Web Animations API: A Case Study]( ![Free]( - [CSS Tricks]( - Daily articles about CSS, HTML, JavaScript, and all things related to web design and development. ![Free]( - [Design and Creativity quotes]( - 72 Quotes about Design and Creativity from Margaret Kelsey. ![Free]( - [Design Resources]( - List of resources for working in and learning about design. ![Free]( - [Design For Change]( - Article on regenerative and sustainable designing by Viba Mohan. ![Free]( - [Domain registrars DNS and hosting]( - Domain Registrars, DNS, and Hosting from Kirby Kohlmorge ![Free]( - [Beginners guide to Gatsby]( - Gatsby.js: How to set up and use the React Static Site Generator from Aman Mittal ![Free]( - [Examples of everything in ECMAScript in 2016,2017, 2018]( ![Free]( - [Flavio Copes Tutorials]( - Daily tutorials about Javascript and Web development by Flavio Copes ![Free]( - [From URL to Interactive]( - Explanation of how our world wide web works. ![Free]( - [Frontend Weekly]( - The best articles, links and news related to Frontend Development delivered once a week to your inbox. ![Free]( - [How I Animated the bitsofcode Logo with CSS]( - Process article on a custom CSS animation. ![Free]( ![Paid]( - [How the minmax() Function Works]( - Explanation of the CSS minmax() function, which can be used for CSS grid layouts. ![Free]( ![Paid]( - [How to Build an Impressive Portfolio When You're New to Tech]( - How to Build an Impressive Portfolio When You’re New to Tech from Randle Browning ![Free]( - [How to build a random quote generator with JavaScript and HTML, for absolute beginners]( - How to Build a Random Quote Generator with JavaScript and HTML, for Absolute Beginners from Sophanarith Sok. ![Free]( - [How to build your first Vue Component]( - Beginner project tutorial to build a Vue Component by Sarah Dayan. ![Free]( - [Let’s code a Neural Network from scratch — Part 1 – TypeMe – Medium]( - Let’s Code a Neural Network from Scratch from Charles Fried ![Free]( - [Music Player Inspirations]( - Music Player Inspiration 2017 from Muzli. ![Free]( - [The Front End CheckList]( - An Exhaustive List of all the Elements you need to have/test Before Launching your Website To Production. ![Free]( - [What it’s like to build and market a chatbot when you’re only 14 years old]( - What it’s Like to Build and Market a Chatbot When You’re Only 14 Years Old from Alec Jones ![Free]( - [What's the Deal with Collapsible Margins?]( - Explanation of CSS' Collapsing Margins feature. ![Free]( ![Paid]( - [A well curated list for UX]( - Curated resource list for UX by fernandocomet. ![Free]( - [Airbnb Open source]( - Engineering and Data Science articles and open source projects. ![Free]( - [The Cost of JS]( - How to deliver JavaScript efficiently for valuable user experience by Addy Osmani. ![Free]( - [CSS Scroll-Snap]( - Tutorial on CSS scroll snapping, which allows you to lock the viewport after a user has finished scrolling. ![Free]( - [Preload, Prefetch and priorities in chrome]( - Article on how web loading primitives work on Chrome's neworking stack by Addy Osmani. ![Free]( - [Learning Git for yourself]( - Traditional Chinese ![Free]( ![Paid]( - [IDEs for web Developers]( - Factors to consider when choosing an IDE for web development and examples of good options. ![Free]( - [The Top 8 Weather APIs for 2020]( - Top 8 Weather APIs for 2020 - The Best Free Weather APIs for Developers - [Digital Ocean community Tutorials]( - A free tutorial collection from experts. All contributted from digital ocean community. - [React for Beginners – A React.js Handbook for Front End Developers]( - A React.js Handbook for Front End Developers - [Ultimate React Resources]( - The blog includes blog posts, free e-books, Github Repos with curated lists, practical implementation of React.js in the real world with working code. - [Complete Introduction to CSS Grid]( - A blog to learn the fundamentals of CSS grid by building different complex layouts. - [Rado's Blog)]( - A blog consisiting of articles on React Dependencies and Implementation, GraphQl and Lot more! - [Monica Powell Blog]( - An awesome blog on JavaScript, React, Gatsby and Git. - [Devtools Tech]( - Carefully curated high quality resources for Frontend Engineers. ![Free]( ### Hiring - [Two Great Places to Discover Tech Talent and How to Attract Them]( - Hiring tech talent in 2020 **[⬆ back to top](#table-of-contents)** --- ## Podcasts - [Coding Blocks]( - Software development podcasts by a team of professional programmers. ![Free]( - [Frontend Happy Hour]( - Front end, software, and career development podcasts by industry panelists. ![Free]( - [JavaScript Jabber]( - Podcasts for JavaScript developers. Website also offers many other programming-related podcasts. ![Free]( - [Syntax]( - Front end development podcasts by Wes Bos and Scott Tolinski from Level Up Tuts. ![Free]( **[⬆ back to top](#table-of-contents)** --- ## Code Editors - [Atom]( - Atom is a text editor that's modern, approachable, yet hackable to the core—a tool you can customize to do anything but also use productively without ever touching a config file. **Open Source** | **All Platforms** ![Free]( - [Brackets]( - With focused visual tools and preprocessor support, Brackets is a modern text editor that makes it easy to design in the browser. It's crafted from the ground up for web designers and front-end developers. **Open Source** | **All Platforms** ![Free]( - [Geany]( - Geany is a small and lightweight integrated development environment. ![Free]( - [IntellijIDEA]( - A universal IDE from JetBrains. It has code-completion, integrationa, and Version Control System (VCS). ![Free]( ![Paid]( - [Notepad++]( - Notepad++ is a free (as in "free speech" and also as in "free beer") source code editor and Notepad replacement that supports several languages. **Windows Only** ![Free]( -[Pycharm]( specially for python language,It provides code analysis,a graphical debugger,an integrated unit tester,integration with version control systems and supports web development with Django as well as data science with Anaconda. **All Platforms** | **Open Source** ![Free]( - [Sublime Text]( - A sophisticated text editor for code, markup and prose. **All Platforms** ![Free]( ![Paid]( - [Vim]( - Vim is a highly configurable text editor for efficiently creating and changing any kind of text. It is included as "vi" with most UNIX systems and with Apple OS X. ![Free]( - [Visual Studio Code]( - Code editing Redefined. It has syntax highlighting and autocompletion with IntelliSense, Git commands built-in, Extensible and customizable. **Open Source** | **All Platforms** ![Free]( - [WebStorm]( - The smartest JavaScript IDE, WebStorm is an integrated development environment for JavaScript and related technologies. **All Platforms** ![Free]( ![Paid]( - [UltraEdit]( - UltraEdit is a powerful HTML and Code editor available for Mac, Windows, and Linux. It comes with a built-in file comparison utility, autocompletion, advanced layout, multi-tab, multi-pane editors, and syntax highlighting for the most popular programming languages. ![Free]( ![Paid]( - [Nano]( - GNU nano is a text editor for Unix-like OS's. ![Free]( - [StackBlitz]( - An online open-source powerful code editor for JavaScript Frameworks and Libraries, with some awesome features such as GitHub Imports, Live Server and direct commit from the Editor to Github! ![Free]( **[⬆ back to top](#table-of-contents)** ### Visual Studio Code Extensions - [Auto Rename Tag]( - When you rename one HTML/XML tag, automatically rename the paired HTML/XML tag. ![Free]( - [Better Comments]( - This extension color codes various types of comments to give them different significance and stand out from the rest of your code. ![Free]( - [Bracket Pair Colorizor]( - Colors matching brackets to make your code much more readable - very helpful. ![Free]( - [Code Spell Checker]( - A basic spell checker that works well with camelCase code. ![Free]( - [ES Lint]( - Javascript linter for highlighting code errors and best practices. ![Free]( - [Formatting Toggle]( - A VS Code extension that allows you to toggle the formatter (Prettier, Beautify, …) ON and OFF with a simple click. ![Free]( - [Git History]( - View git log, file history, compare branches or commits ![Free]( - [GitLens]( - Supercharge the Git capabilities built into Visual Studio Code — Visualize code authorship at a glance via Git blame annotations and code lens, seamlessly navigate and explore Git repositories, gain valuable insights via powerful comparison commands, and so much more. ![Free]( - [JS Snippets]( - This extension contains code snippets for JavaScript in ES6 syntax for VS Code editor (supports both JavaScript and TypeScript). ![Free]( - [Live server]( - A Quick Development Live Server with live browser reload. ![Free]( - [Material Icon Theme]( - Google Material themed icon pack. ![Free]( - [Path Intellisense]( - As you start typing a path in quotations, you will get intellisense for directories and file names. ![Free]( - [Peacock]( - Subtly change the workspace color of your workspace. Ideal when you have multiple VS Code instances and you want to quickly identify which is which. ![Free]( - [Polacode]( - You know those fancy code screenshots you see in articles and tweets? Well, most likely they came from Polacode. It's super simple to use. Copy a piece of code to your clipboard, open up the extension, paste the code, and click to save your image! ![Free]( - [Prettier]( - Format your code automatically on save. ![Free]( - [Quokka.js]( - Quokka.js is a developer productivity tool for rapid JavaScript / TypeScript prototyping. Runtime values are updated and displayed in your IDE next to your code, as you type. ![Free]( ![Paid]( - [Settings Sync]( - Settings Sync extension save your setting off in Github. Then, you can load them to any new version of VS Code with one command. ![Free]( **[⬆ back to top](#table-of-contents)** --- ## Tools - [API Directory | ProgrammableWeb]( ![Free]( - [Animista]( - CSS animation presets/generator ![Free]( - [Better Code Hub]( - Checks GitHub codebase against software engineering guidelines and gives feedback. ![Free]( - [Browserling]( - Live interactive cross-browser testing on virtual machines. ![Free]( ![Paid]( - [LambdaTest]( - Test websites & web apps on 2000+ browsers & OS. ![Free]( ![Paid]( - [BrowserStack]( - Test websites and mobile apps on different browsers and mobile devices. ![Free]( ![Paid]( - [Can I use...]( - Support tables for HTML5, CSS3, etc. on desktop and mobile browsers ![Free]( - [Checkbot]( - Browser extension that tests websites for SEO, speed and security issues ![Free]( ![Paid]( - [Codepen]( - Social development environment where you can write code in the browser and see results as you build. ![Free]( ![Paid]( - [Codeply]( - A HTML, CSS, JavaScript editor playground for designers & developers to compare, prototype and test frontend frameworks.![Free]( ![Paid]( - [Codesandbox]( - Instant IDE and prototyping tool for web development. ![Free]( ![Paid]( - [Create a new fiddle - JSFiddle]( - Test JS, CSS, HTML, or CoffeeScript in an online code editor. ![Free]( - [Critical Path CSS Generator - by Jonas Ohlsson]( - Reduces the amount of CSS the browser has to go through to render a webpage. ![Free]( - [CrossBrowserTesting App]( - Web service for running functional web tests on mobile and desktop web browsers. ![Free]( - [CSS cheat sheet]( - A very easy to use one page reference for css selectors and properties. It also includes categories for flexbox and grid. ![Free]( - [CSS Minifier]( - Minify your CSS files! ![Free]( - [CSS Reference]( - A free visual guide to CSS. ![Free]( - [CSS Triggers]( - Tells you what gets triggered when mutating a given CSS property. ![Free]( - [CSS Filters]( - Interactive CSS filter generator ![Free]( - [ColorLisa]( - Color palette generator based on great artists ![Free]( - [DirtyMarkup]( - Tidy up your HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code. ![Free]( - [ExtendsClass]( - Provides tools to add features directly usable in the browser. ![Free]( - [Favicon Generator]( - Upload an image and generate a favicon for your website. ![Free]( - [Favicon Generator for iOS/Google Progressive Web App Manifest]( - Online tool to test favicons on different platforms. ![Free]( - [Free Developer Stuff]( - List of free stuff for developer by developer to use. Some services are free forever or have a free tier at least for 1 year. ![Free]( ![Paid]( - [Free for Developers]( - This website has an extensive amount of free and paid resource lists curated not only for frontend developers but also for any kind of developer. ![Free]( ![Paid]( - [Generate favicon based on text]( - Generate a favicon from text, an image, or emojis. ![Free]( - [Get Waves]( - Generate many types of SVG waves for use in web design. ![Free]( - [Glitch]( - Glitch is like working together in Google Docs–multiple people can work on the same project at the same time. ![Free]( - [Graphic Generator]( - Generates graphics for some common front end applications. - [Google Analytics]( - Web service that tracks and reports website traffic. ![Free]( - [Google APIs Explorer]( - Tool to interactively explore various Google APIs. ![Free]( - [Javascript Console in Sublime Text]( - Tutorial to test JavaScript and execute it via build systems in Sublime Text 3. ![Free]( - [jQuery mega cheat sheet]( - Cheat sheet of jQuery selectros, manipulation, events, and more in PDF format. ![Free]( - [JS Bin](,output) - Live pastebin for HTML, CSS, and JS, as well as a range of processors. ![Free]( ![Free]( ![Paid]( - [Lighthouse]( - Open source, automated tool for improving the quality of webpages. ![Free]( - [Modern JavaScript cheat sheet]( - This is an excellent collection of JavaScript Tips and concept by Manuel Beaudru works as a nice overview of many of the things you'll need to be familiar with if you're just getting started with JavaScript and other related frameworks. ![Free]( - [Node Package Manager(npm)]( - Package manager for Javascript. ![Free]( - [Yarn]( - Package manager for Javascript, Like npm. ![Free]( - [Responsinator]( - Replicate how responsive sites will look on popular devices. ![Free]( - [React cheat sheet]( - A documentation based website also a progressive web app which means that works well even in offline. You can search by keyword or select one of the predefined filters. ![Free]( - [Responsive Grid System]( - Generate flexible grids to create a responsive website. ![Free]( - [Regular Expression (Regex) Editor]( - Helps create and verify your regular expressions. - [Sans Francisco - a tool for designers]( - Collection of tools for designers ![Free]( - [Screensizemap]( - A comparison of screen sizes in device-independent pixel. ![Free]( - [Sizzy:Browser Testing Tool]( - Tool for developing and testing responsive design on multiple devices at once. ![Free]( - [Stack Overflow]( - Online community for developers to ask questions and get answers. ![Free]( - [The W3C Markup Validation Service]( - Checks the markup validity of Web documents in HTML, XHTML, SMIL, MATHML, etc. ![Free]( - [The W3C CSS Validation Service]( - Checks the validity of CSS and XHTML documents with style sheets. ![Free]( - [Time Helper]( - Helps convert millis to DateTimes and vice-versa. - [TinyPNG]( - PNG and JPEG compression/optimizer ![Free]( - [Web Developer Checklist]( - Categorized checklist for things to cover during web development. ![Free]( - [Progressive Tooling to optimize your performance on Web]( - List of tools that can be used to improve page performance. ![Free]( - [StackBlitz]( - Online IDE for Angular and React projects that can be share via link. ![Free]( - [Postman(Tool for testing APIs)]( - API client to create, share, test, and document APIs. ![Free]( - [Free Bootstrap 5 Cheat Sheet]( - It is an interactive list of Bootstrap 5 classes, variables, and mixins. ![Free]( - [JSONT]( - An online simple and powerful JSON formatting tool. ![Free]( **[⬆ back to top](#table-of-contents)** --- ## CSS Frameworks - [Bootstrap]( - Design and customize responsible mobile-first sites. ![Free]( - [Bulma CSS]( - Modular open source framework based on Flexbox. ![Free]( - [Caramel]( - A simple, modern, responsive website framework. ![Free]( - [Cardinal]( - Modular mobile-first framework for performance and scalability. ![Free]( - [Element CSS]( - Vue 2.0 based component library. ![Free]( - [Foundation CSS]( - Family of responsive front-end frameworks. ![Free]( - [Halfmoon]( - Fully customizable and responsive front-end framework for building dashboards and tools. ![Free]( - [Jeet]( - Fractional grid system for Sass and Stylus. ![Free]( - [Less]( - CSS grid system for designing adaptive websites. ![Free]( - [Material Design Lite]( - Implementation of Material Design components in vanilla CSS, JS, and HTML. ![Free]( - [Materialize CSS]( - CSS framework aimed to allow a unified user experience across all products on any platform. ![Free]( - [Milligram]( - A minimalist CSS framework. ![Free]( - [Neat]( - A lightweight and flexible Sass grid. ![Free]( - [Petal CSS]( - Light CSS UI framework based on LESS. ![Free]( - [Pure CSS]( - A set of small, responsive CSS modules. ![Free]( - [Semantic UI]( - UI framework designed for theming and responsive design. ![Free]( - [Skeleton CSS]( - Simple, responsive boilerplate to kickstart any responsive project. ![Free]( - [Spectre CSS]( - Lightweight, Responsive and Modern CSS framework for faster and extensible development. ![Free]( - [Tacit]( - Primitive but attractive framework for beginners in graphic design. ![Free]( - [TailwindCSS]( - Highly customizable, low level CSS framework. ![Free]( - [UI Kit]( - Lightweight and modular front-end framework for web interfaces. ![Free]( - [Unsemantic]( - Fluid grid system based on percentages, rather than a set number of columns. ![Free]( - [Vital CSS]( - Minimally invasive CSS framework for web applications built with Sass and Slim. ![Free]( **[⬆ back to top](#table-of-contents)** --- ## Icons - [Brandicons]( - Icon font generator and viewer. ![Free]( - [Flat Icon]( - Database of free icons in PNG, SVG, EPS, PSD, and Base64 formats. ![Free]( - [Font Awesome]( - Open source icon set and toolkit with consistent styles. ![Free]( ![Paid]( - [Glyphicon]( - Icons for use with Bootstrap, other CSS frameworks, and any web projects. ![Free]( - [Google Material Design Icons]( - An overview of material icons and how to integrate them into projects. ![Free]( - [Icomoon]( - Icon font generator and icon collection. ![Free]( ![Paid]( - [Icongram]( - Collection of icon packs from different sources. ![Free]( - [IconSVG]( - Quick customizable icons for your projects ![Free]( ![Paid]( - [Icons8]( - Consistently styled and customizable icon packs. ![Free]( - [Ionicons]( - Open source icons in SVG and webfont. ![Free]( - [Mapicons]( - Icon font for use with Google Maps API and Google Places API using SVG markers and icon labels. ![Free]( - [Material Design Iconic Font]( - Full suite of material design icons for easy SVGs on website or desktop. ![Free]( - [MfgLabs-Iconset]( - MFG Lab's icon set for use in webfonts and CSS. ![Free]( - [Micon]( - Windows font and CSS toolkit. ![Free]( - [The Noun Project]( - Comprehensive icon collection. ![Free]( - [Octicons]( - Collection of GitHub's icons for projects. ![Free]( - [Open Iconic, a free and open icon set]( - Open source icon set in SVG, webfont, and raster formats. ![Free]( ![Paid]( - [OpenWebIcons]( - Webfont for scalable vector icons and logos. ![Free]( - [ReactIcons]( -SVG react icons of popular icon packs. ![Free]( - [RemixIcon]( - Open source neutral style icon system. ![Free]( - []( - Customizable collection of icons and animations. ![Free]( ![Paid]( - [Stackicons]( - Customizable icons for social brands. ![Free]( - [Typicons]( - Free-to-use vector icons embedded in a webfont. ![Free]( - [Weather Icons]( - Weather themed icon font and CSS. ![Free]( - [Zocial | CSS3 Button Set]( - Create social buttons using CSS and rendering social icons as a font. ![Free]( **[⬆ back to top](#table-of-contents)** --- ## Colors - [Adobe Color]( - Color Wheel, Extract Theme, Extract Gradient, Accessibility Tools and more ![Free]( - [BADA55 Color Codes]( - Convert leet words into CSS hex colors. ![Free]( - [Color Hunt]( - Open collections of beautiful color palettes ![Free]( - [Color Theory by Natalya Shelburne]( - Practical Color Theory for People who Code: Tutorial on the use of color with examples ![Free]( - [Color wheel | Color schemes - Adobe Color CC](,1,0.6943295865110486,0.13153196324950517,0.04550000000000004,0.91,1,0,0,0.91,0.6632375135840386,0.04550000000000004,0.2526315789473136,0.48,0.216140350877193&swatchOrder=0,1,2,3,4) - Interactive color wheel with different color rules (adjustments possible) ![Free]( - [Colordesigner Tools]( - The main purpose of this tool is to help with building a color palette and generate tints and shades based on it. Just pick a color, and the app does the rest. You can use the preselected colors or the color picker for more control. Check also the other tools [here]( ![Free]( - [Colormind - Bootstrap]( - Colormind is a color scheme generator that uses deep learning to automatically apply the color pallete to a live website mockup. ![Free]( - [Coolors]( Super fast color scheme creator with a lot of functionalities ![Free]( - [CSS Gradient]( - Curated list of sites to explore gradients and color palettes. ![Free]( - [Data Color Picker]( - Generate color palettes with visually equidistant colors. Useful for data visualizations. ![Free]( - [Designing in Color]( - A complete guide to design in color (article on Medium) ![Free]( - [Flat UI Colors]( - Color picker for flat designs ![Free]( - [Image Color Picker]( - Image color picker and palette generator ![Free]( - [LOL Colors]( - Curated color palette inspirations ![Free]( - [Material Palette]( - Color palette generator for Material Design ![Free]( - [Palettable]( - Interactive color picker: creates a color scheme based on your preferences and palettes on the Internet ![Free]( - [Paletton - The Color Scheme Designer]( - Advanced tool for creating color schemes ![Free]( - [Picular - Google, but for colors]( - Primary color generator using Google's image search. ![Free]( - [Pigment - Palette Generator]( - Generate color palettes based on lighting and pigment. ![Free]( - [UI Gradients]( - Scroll through or pick from beautiful gradients, download JPG and copy CSS Code ![Free]( - [W3school Color Picker]( - Find the perfect color from the color wheel, easy control ![Free]( - [UI Color Picker]( - Best colors in few selected shades to choose from very helpful for quickly choosing and adding color to design. ![Free] **[⬆ back to top](#table-of-contents)** --- ## Typography - [A Crash Course in Typography: The Basics of Type]( - First article of a series on Typography ![Free]( ![Paid]( - [Circular Font Combinations | Free Alternatives | Typewolf]( - A great resource for everything related to Typography ![Free]( - [Font Pair - Helps designers pair Google Fonts together. Beautiful Google Font combinations and pairs.]( - Clean web-tool on How to pair Google Fonts ![Free]( - [Fontspiration]( - An iOS app for creating custom typographic designs ![Free]( - [Fontsquirrel]( - A resource for FREE, hand-picked, high-quality, commercial-use fonts ![Free]( - [Google Fonts]( - A catalog of free & open source fonts, great details and font pair suggestions ![Free]( - [Just My Type]( - A collection of font pairings ![Free]( - [Table of Contents | The Elements of Typographic Style Applied to the Web]( - A practical guide to web typography ![Free]( - [Typekit]( - "Quality fonts from the world’s best foundries" ![Free]( ![Paid]( - [Typography Terms]( - An infographic on Typography Terms + explanations ![Free]( **[⬆ back to top](#table-of-contents)** --- ## Design Inspiration - [Admire The Web]( - Admire the Web is where we showcase the very best in website design inspiration - carefully curated and organised to keep you inspired. ![Free]( - [Awwwards]( - The Website Awards that recognize and promote the talent and effort of the best developers, designers and web agencies in the world. ![Free]( - [Dribble]( - Dribbble is where designers gain inspiration, feedback, community, and jobs and is your best resource to discover and connect with designers worldwide. ![Free]( - [Site Inspire]( - siteInspire is a showcase of the finest web and interactive design. ![Free]( - [Web design Inspiration]( - Find inspiration for your next web design project. We help web designers, digital agencies and entrepreneurs to be inspired. Everyday, our team of experts hand picks the best new web designs from all over the world. ![Free]( - [Behance]( - Behance is a social media platform to showcase and discover creative work like Graphic Design, Illustration, Game Design and many more things ![Free]( - [Pinterest]( - Pinterest has a host of design inspirations in a variety of forms and styles. ![Free]( - [Pixpa]( - Pixpa features some nice modern designs and inspirations for web designers and photographers. ![Free]( - [Lapa Ninja]( - Lapa Ninja is a gallery featuring the best 4127 landing page examples, free books for designers and free UI kits from around the web. ![Free]( - [Landings]( - Find the best landing pages for your design inspiration based on your preference. ![Free]( **[⬆ back to top](#table-of-contents)** --- ## Animation Frameworks - [Animate CSS]( - Choose, try out and get the CSS-Code for different animation types (over 70) ![Free]( - [Anime JS]( - It’s easy to use, has a small and simple API, and offers everything you could want from a modern animation engine. ![Free]( - [Bounce JS]( - Tool and JS Library, creating CSS3 powered animations(adjustments possible) & export CSS code ![Free]( - [Magic Animations]( - Showcase of different animations with link to GitHub repo ![Free]( - [MO JS]( - The library provides built-in components to start animating from scratch like HTML, shape, swirl, burst, and stagger but also brings you tools to help craft your animation in a most natural way. ![Free]( - [Particles JS]( - A lightweight JavaScript library for creating particles. ![Free]( - [Typed JS]( - A JavaScript typing animation library with a great documentation on GitHub ![Free]( - [Wow JS]( - JavaScript library: Reveal CSS animation as you scroll down a page ![Free]( ![Paid]( **[⬆ back to top](#table-of-contents)** --- ## Stock Resources - [Burst]( - Free, high-resolution images. All our pictures are free to download for personal and commercial use. ![Free]( - [Canva]( - 8,000+ free templates and thousands of free photos ![Free]( - [Free stock images and Videos]( - A great collection of stock photos, videos and other resources. Most of them under the CC0-License, all of them free. ![Free]( - [Gratisography]( - Photographer Ryan McGuire provides this collection of high-resolution pictures for free. You can use them on your personal or commercial project free of copyright restrictions. ![Free]( - [Humaaans]( - Library of editable people illustrations. Free for both commercial and personal use. ![Free]( - [I’d Pin That!]( - Created to help bloggers and non-designers create high quality images like those often seen on Pinterest. I’d Pin That is more than just a source for free images — **it is an image editor!** Use the tools provided here to add your own text and edit the images right on the site. ![Free]( - [Illlustrations]( - 120+ Awesome free illustrations made by the artist vijay verma on a 100 days challenge. ![Free]( - [MakerBook - The best free resources for creatives]( - A directory of sites to get free resources (Photography, Mockups, Graphics, Textures, Fonts, Colours, Video, Audio & Tools). ![Free]( - [Morguefile]( - Founded in 1996 by college student Michael Connors.Photographers contribute images to Morguefile for visitors to use in their creative projects. Yes, they’re all completely free. The website does ask that you credit the photographer when possible. ![Free]( - [Open Doodles]( - A Free Set of Open-Source Illustrations. ![Free]( - [The Open Photo Project]( - The Open Photo Project is a photo sharing platform created in 1998 by Michael Jastremski. Contributors have offered their images free of charge under terms of Creative Commons licensing. ![Free]( - [Pexels]( - Exclusively stock photos of high quality, great feature: Filter photos by color. ![Free]( - [Picalls]( - Free photos and wallpapers licensed under the Creative Commons CC0 license. ![Free]( - [Pixabay]( - In addition to photos, Pixabay offers **video, vectors and illustrations.** ![Free]( - [Pikwizard]( - Free stock photo library for commercial and editorial use. Huge library of stunning, high quality, royalty free images. No attribution required ![Free]( ![Paid]( - [Public Domain Archive]( - “a public domain image repository” created by Matt a graphic designer, web designer and photographer.Vintage and modern images. ![Free]( - []( - High quality stock photos free to download and use. Licensed under the Creative Commons CC0 license. ![Free]( - [The Stocks]( - Another awesome directory sharing sites for resources, loading directly on the webpage ![Free]( - [UnDraw]( - "MIT licensed illustrations for every project you can imagine and create ![Free]( - [UnSplash]( - "Beautiful, Free Photos" & themed collections of photos ![Free]( - [3D Bay]( - "Free, 3D Illustrations" A collection of High-quality 3D Illustration resources ![Free]( - [Design Stripe]( - "Create beautiful illustrations, no design skills needed ![Free]( ![Paid]( **[⬆ back to top](#table-of-contents)** --- ## Geolocation - [Geocomplete-location autocomplete]( - An advanced jQuery plugin that wraps the Google Maps APIs Geocoding and Places Autocomplete services into a dropdown for an input-form. ![Free]( - [Google maps API | Google]( - Google Map APIs including documentation & learning resources - extensive ![Free]( - [Google maps API | Traversy]( - Great YouTube tutorial on using the Google Maps APIs ![Free]( - [OpenCage Geocoder]( - Free to use forward (lat/long to text) and reverse (text to lat/long) geocoding API ![Free]( - [GeoJS]( - Free to use API for geolocation lookup by IP address ![Free]( **[⬆ back to top](#table-of-contents)** --- ## APIs - [Alexa API | Codecademy]( - Learn to develop a custom Amazon Alexa skill that respond to the user's voice with custom messages. ![Free]( ![Paid]( - [Abstract APIs]( - Free utility API's for compressing images, creating user avatars, validating emails, and more ![Free]( - [jsonplaceholder]( - Fake Online REST API for Testing and Prototyping ![Free]( - [A list of public APIs]( ![Free]( - [Lorem Picsum]( - Easy to use and customize placeholder photos ![Free]( - [OpenWeatherMap]( - Weather API with free and paid licenses ![Free]( ![Paid]( - [Random famous quotes | Rapid APIs]( - Gets a random quote in JSON format. ![Free]( - [TMDB API]( - API Service for those who are interested in displaying data/images about different movies, TV Shows or actors in their application. ![Free]( - [Unsplash Source]( - API to retrieve random images from ![Free]( - [Web APIs | MDN]( ![Free]( - [News API]( - Locate articles and breaking news headlines from news sources and blogs across the web with our JSON API. ![Free]( ![Paid]( - [Spotify API]( - Spotify's Web API allows you to find music and podcasts, manage your Spotify collection, control audio playing, and do a variety of other things. ![Free]( ![Paid]( **[⬆ back to top](#table-of-contents)** --- ## Mockups - [Am I Responsive]( - This is a tool to check the responsiveness of a website and take a screenshot on multiple devices in a single frame. Go to the site and enter the URL to capture the screenshot. You should have separate screen capture tool to take the proper screenshot. ![Free]( - [Figma]( - Free app with a simple to use surface for designing, prototyping and sharing your website and app ideas ![Free]( - [Adobe XD](!3085!3!394015010053!e!!g!!adobe%20xd!1641846448!65452677551) - One of the best tool for UI/UX Design, Wireframe, animate, prototype, collaborate, and more ![Free]( ![Paid]( - [Magic Mockups]( - Place your product in realistic environment! Free real-life product/app mockup generator. **Laptop, Phone, Tablet, Imac.** ![Free]( - [Rotato 3D Mockup Generator]( - Make video 3D mockups and images. No experience required. Unlimited renders. MacOS. - [The MockUp Club]( - Website that offers free downloads of design mockups (mostly Photoshop format). ![Free]( - [MockupsJar]( - Build mockups with screenshots of your application or web Design for free to share with customers and clients ![Free]( - [MockUPhone]( - Free and simple screenshots device mockups generator. Wrap your design in mobile devices or Laptop/Desktop in a few clicks! ![Free]( - [Multi Device Website Mockup Generator]( - Multi device website mockup generator is free online tool to test your responsive website on apple devices including Apple iMac, MacBook, iPad and iPhone. This tool is very helpful for theme developers to mockup the web template on various apple devices with a single click. You should have a proper screen grabber tool to take the screenshot from the browser. ![Free]( - []( - Great tool for sketching out ideas and layouts, super minimalistic ![Free]( **[⬆ back to top](#table-of-contents)** --- ## Books - [Ebook Foundation-free programing books: GitHub Repository]( - A directory of free learning resources, categorized by language ![Free]( - [HTML Basics]( - A workshop covering the basics of HTML (free pdf/18 pages) ![Free]( - [HTML5 for Masterminds, 2nd Edition]( - A complete course from Beginner to Mastermind ![Paid]( - [HTML5 Pocket Reference (Pocket Reference (O'Reilly)]( - A comprehensive compact reference for HTML 5 ![Paid]( - [HTML Tutorialspoint]( - A thorough tutorial on HTML (free pdf/486 pages) ![Free]( - [Learn How To Code In HTML5 and CSS3]( - A free e-book about making websites in HTML5 and CSS for absolute beginners ![Free]( - [Responsive Web Design with HTML5 and CSS3]( - A comprehensive book about making RWD ![Paid]( - [You don't know JS]( - Book series diving deep into the core mechanisms of the JavaScript language. ![Free]( - [Guide to Git and Github]( - A beginner friendly guide to using git and working with Github. ![Free]( - [Introduction to HTTP]( - Introduction to HTTP, the stateless protocol underlying all of the web. ![Free]( - [Introduction to the Command Line]( - A short and beginner friendly introduction to the command line, covering common commands that will make you immediately productive. ![Free]( - [HTML & CSS Books]( ![Free] **[⬆ back to top](#table-of-contents)** --- ## Challenges / Games - [Ace Front End]( - Ace Front End has complete and practical coding challenges, with a detailed walk through of a perfect interview solution. ![Free]( - [Codepen Challenges]( - Each month has a theme and every week there is a new challenge prompt that you can use to build a project online using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The best projects are featured on Codepen's homepage. ![Free]( - [Codewars]( - Improve your skills by training with others on real code challenges. ![Free]( - [CSS Battle]( - CSSBattle is an online CSS [Code Golfing]( game. Here, players from all around the world try to visually replicate **Targets** in smallest possible CSS code and battle it out to get to the top of the leaderboard. ![Free]( - [CSS Diner]( - It's a fun game to learn and practice CSS selectors. ![Free]( - [CSS Zen Garden]( - A demonstration of what can be accomplished through CSS-based design, and a chance to do your own. ![Free]( - [Dev Challenges]( - Made by [Thu Nghiem]( is a community driven platform for anyone who wants to solve practical tasks. It has some tricky and curated challenges. ![Free]( - [Flexbox Defense]( - It is a game that covers the flex properties align-items, justify-content, flex-direction, align-self and has 12 different levels. ![Free]( - [Flexbox Froggy]( - This game is also about Flexbox and it covers even more flex properties: align-items, justify-content, align-content, flex-direction, align-self, flex-wrap, flex-flow and has 24 different levels. ![Free]( - [Front End Mentor]( - Solve real-world HTML, CSS and JavaScript challenges whilst working to professional designs. Join 192,401 developers building projects, reviewing code, and helping each other get better. ![Free]( ![Paid]( - [Grid Garden]( - Interactive CSS code game. Practice your CSS skills by watering your garden! It has 28 different levels to learn CSS Grid Layout. ![Free]( - [Hackerrank]( - Practice coding, prepare for interviews, and solve interview style coding challenges. ![Free]( - [JavaScript30]( - A free challenge course, building 30 little projects with HTML, CSS and plain JavaScript. ![Free]( - [Leetcode]( - Coding problems to solve in a range of categories and difficulties ![Free]( ![Paid]( - [Project Euler]( - Challenging computer science and mathematical problems. ![Free]( - [100DaysOfCode]( - Regardless of your coding skills or your language of choice, this challenge invites you to code for at least 1 hour a day. ![Free]( - [Devtools Tech]( - Devtools Tech is a free platform for Frontend Engineers to practice high quality real world programming interview questions, follow curated learning paths, read blogs, and track progress across various frontend domains. ![Free]( **[⬆ back to top](#table-of-contents)** --- ## Free Tools For Students - [**JetBrains Student License**]( Free individual licenses of the award-winning professional developer tools from JetBrains for students and faculty members. ![Free]( - [**Student Developer Pack**]( The best developer tools, free for students via @githubeducation ![Free]( **[⬆ back to top](#table-of-contents)** --- ## YouTube Videos - [**Flexbox in 20 minutes**]( - Quick crash-course on the CSS Flexbox model. ![Free]( - [**SVGs can do that**]( 😎 - Sarah Drasner's talk on nontypical pratical uses of SVGs. ![Free]( - [**CSS Grid Tutorial**]( - Use CSS grid to structure and position websites with ease. ![Free]( - [**Git and GitHub for Beginners - Crash Course**]( - Ad-free tutorial by freeCodeCamp.![Free]( - [**12HR Coding Bootcamp 2021!**]( - Complete frontend bootcamp! ![Free]( **[⬆ back to top](#table-of-contents)** ## Testing - [Jest]( - JavaScript testing framework ![Free]( - [Mocha]( - JavaScript testing framework ![Free]( - [Karma]( - JavaScript test runner![Free]( - [Istanbul]( - JavaScript test coverage tool ![Free]( - [TestCafe]( - Node.js end-to-end testing ![Free]( - [Cypress]( - JavaScript end-to-end testing framework ![Free]( ![Paid]( - [Puppeteer]( - Google's Chrome automation tool for E2E testing. - [Playwright]( - Microsoft's browser automation tool for E2E testing. - [Sinon.JS]( - Standalone test spies, stubs and mocks for JavaScript ![Free]( - [Chai]( - Assertation library for JavaScript testing ![Free]( - [PactumJS]( - REST API Testing Tool used to automate e2e, integration, contract & component (or service level) tests ![Free]( - [Vitest]( - Vitest is a blazing fast unit test framework powered by Vite ![Free]( **[⬆ back to top](#table-of-contents)**
Angular testing library for mocking components, directives, pipes, services and facilitating TestBed setup
[<img src="" alt="chat on gitter" width="90" height="20" />]( [<img src="" alt="npm version" width="88" height="20" />]( [<img src="" alt="build status" width="88" height="20" />]( [<img src="" alt="coverage status" width="104" height="20" />]( # Mock components, services and more out of annoying dependencies for simplification of Angular testing `ng-mocks` facilitates **Angular testing** and helps to: - **mock Components**, Directives, Pipes, Modules, Services and Tokens - reduce boilerplate in tests - access declarations via simple interface The current version of the library **has been tested** and **can be used** with: | Angular | ng-mocks | Jasmine | Jest | Ivy | | ------: | :------: | :-----: | :--: | :-: | | 15 | latest | yes | yes | yes | | 14 | latest | yes | yes | yes | | 13 | latest | yes | yes | yes | | 12 | latest | yes | yes | yes | | 11 | latest | yes | yes | yes | | 10 | latest | yes | yes | yes | | 9 | latest | yes | yes | yes | | 8 | latest | yes | yes | | | 7 | latest | yes | yes | | | 6 | latest | yes | yes | | | 5 | latest | yes | yes | | ## Important links - **[Documentation with examples of Angular testing](** - [CHANGELOG]( - [GitHub repo]( - [NPM package]( * Live [example on StackBlitz]( * Live [example on CodeSandbox]( - [chat on gitter]( - **[ask a question on Stackoverflow](** - [report an issue on GitHub]( ## Very short introduction Global configuration for mocks in `src/test.ts`. In case of jest, `src/setup-jest.ts` / `src/test-setup.ts` should be used. ```ts title="src/test.ts" // All methods in mock declarations and providers // will be automatically spied on their creation. // ngMocks.autoSpy('jasmine'); // or jest // ngMocks.defaultMock helps to customize mocks // globally. Therefore, we can avoid copy-pasting // among tests. // ngMocks.defaultMock(AuthService, () => ({ isLoggedIn$: EMPTY, currentUser$: EMPTY, })); ``` An example of a spec for a profile edit component. ```ts title="src/profile.component.spec.ts" // Let's imagine that there is a ProfileComponent // and it has 3 text fields: email, firstName, // lastName, and a user can edit them. // In the following test suite, we would like to // cover behavior of the component. describe('profile:builder', () => { // Helps to reset customizations after each test. MockInstance.scope(); // Let's configure TestBed via MockBuilder. // The code below says to mock everything in // ProfileModule except ProfileComponent and // ReactiveFormsModule. beforeEach(() => { // The result of MockBuilder should be returned. // return MockBuilder( ProfileComponent, ProfileModule, ).keep(ReactiveFormsModule); // // or old fashion way // return TestBed.configureTestingModule({ // imports: [ // MockModule(SharedModule), // mock // ReactiveFormsModule, // real // ], // declarations: [ // ProfileComponent, // real // MockPipe(CurrencyPipe), // mock // MockDirective(HoverDirective), // mock // ], // providers: [ // MockProvider(AuthService), // mock // ], // }).compileComponents(); }); // A test to ensure that ProfileComponent // can be created. it('should be created', () => { // MockRender is an advanced version of // TestBed.createComponent. // It respects all lifecycle hooks, // onPush change detection, and creates a // wrapper component with a template like // <app-root ...allInputs></profile> // and renders it. // It also respects all lifecycle hooks. // const fixture = MockRender(ProfileComponent); expect( fixture.point.componentInstance, ).toEqual(assertion.any(ProfileComponent)); }); // A test to ensure that the component listens // on ctrl+s hotkey. it('saves on ctrl+s hot key', () => { // A fake profile. const profile = { email: '[email protected]', firstName: 'testFirst2', lastName: 'testLast2', }; // A spy to track save calls. // MockInstance helps to configure mock // providers, declarations and modules // before their initialization and usage. // const spySave = MockInstance( StorageService, 'save', jasmine.createSpy(), // or jest.fn() ); // Renders <profile [profile]="params.profile"> // </profile>. // const { point } = MockRender( ProfileComponent, { profile }, // bindings ); // Let's change the value of the form control // for email addresses with a random value. // ngMocks.change finds a related control // value accessor and updates it properly. // ngMocks.change( '[name=email]', // css selector '[email protected]', // an email address ); // Let's ensure that nothing has been called. expect(spySave).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); // Let's assume that there is a host listener // for a keyboard combination of ctrl+s, // and we want to trigger it. // ngMocks.trigger helps to emit events via // simple interface. // ngMocks.trigger(point, 'keyup.control.s'); // The spy should be called with the user // and the random email address. expect(spySave).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ email: '[email protected]', firstName: profile.firstName, lastName: profile.lastName, }); }); }); ``` Profit. ## Extra If you like `ng-mocks`, please support it: - [with a star on GitHub]( - [with a tweet]( Thank you! P.S. Feel free to [contact us]( if you need help.
Curriculum for learning front-end development during #100DaysOfCode.
**Note:** this resource is old! I will be archiving this repository by the end of July 2021 as I feel that many of the recommendations here are outdated for learning front-end web development in 2021. --- <p align="center"> <img alt="#100DaysOfCode Front-End Development" src="" /> </p> **Please support this repo by giving it a star ⭐️ at the top of the page and [follow me]( for more resources!** Want to learn more about frontend development? Consider: - signing up for my [free newsletter]( where I periodically send out digestible bits of frontend knowledge! - subscribing to my [YouTube channel]( where I teach JavaScript, Typescript, and React. --- This is a somewhat opinionated curriculum for learning front-end development during #100DaysOfCode. As it covers a wide range of front-end development topics, it can be thought of as more of a "survey" style course rather than a deep dive into any one area. Ideally, your takeaway from completing this curriculum will be some familiarity with each topic and the ability to easily dive deeper in any area in the future when necessary. This curriculum was influenced significantly by Kamran Ahmed's [Modern Frontend Developer]( roadmap. Please check it out--it is excellent. **Note**: I know front-end development means a lot of different things to a lot of people! If you're a front-end developer and you think this guide could be improved, please let me know by raising an issue as described in the [Contributing](#contributing) section. Thank you! # Translations Thanks to some incredible contributors, this curriculum has been translated into the following languages! - [Russian русский](/ru) (translation by [@Ibochkarev]( and [@JonikUl]( - [Chinese 中文](/chinese) (translation by [@simplefeel]( - [Portuguese Português](/portuguese) (translation by [@Zardosh]( - [Polish polski](/polish) (translation by [@mbiesiad]( - [Malay/Indonesia](/Malay) (translation by [@asyraf-labs]( - [Vietnamese Tiếng Việt](/Vietnam) (translation by [@duca7]( - [Japanese 日本語](/japanese) (translation by [miily8310s]( - [Bangla বাংলা](/bangla) (translation by [mirajus-salehin]( # :calendar: Curriculum The underlying principle of this repository is [timeboxing]( If you have spent any amount of time in the past trying to learn web development or a similar skill, you have likely experienced going down a rabbit hole on any one particular topic. This repository aims to assign a certain number of days to each technology and encourages you to move to the next once that number of days is up. It is anticipated that everyone is at a different level of proficiency when starting this challenge, and that's okay. Beginner and expert front-end developers alike can benefit from timeboxed practice in each of these areas. The recommended day-by-day activities are as follows: - Days 1-8: [HTML](#html) - Days 9-16: [CSS](#css) - Days 17-24: [JavaScript Basics](#javascript) - Days 25-27: [jQuery](#jquery) - Days 28-33: [Responsive Web Design](#rwd) - Days 34-36: [Accessibility](#accessibility) - Days 37-39: [Git](#git) - Days 40-44: [Node and NPM](#node) - Days 45-50: [Sass](#sass) - Days 51-54: [Bootstrap](#bootstrap) - Day 55: [BEM](#bem) - Days 57-61: [Gulp](#gulp) - Days 62-65: [Webpack](#webpack) - Day 66: [ESLint](#eslint) - Days 68-83: [React](#react) - Days 84-89: [Redux](#redux) - Days 90-94: [Jest](#jest) - Days 95-97: [TypeScript](#typescript) - Days 98-100: [NextJS](#nextjs) # :mag_right: The Details Below you can find a little information about each topic in the curriculum as well as some ideas/guidance on what to do for each. For inspiration on projects to do alongside this curriculum, see the [Project Ideas section](#project-ideas). As part of the timeboxing principle, it's okay if you don't get through all of the items in the "Learning Areas and Ideas" sections. You should instead focus on getting the most you can out of the number of days assigned to each area and then move on. <a name="html"></a> ![HTML]( Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is the standard markup language for creating web pages and web applications. With Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and JavaScript, it forms a triad of cornerstone technologies for the World Wide Web. Web browsers receive HTML documents from a web server or from local storage and render the documents into multimedia web pages. HTML describes the structure of a web page semantically and originally included cues for the appearance of the document. (Source: [Wikipedia]( ### :bulb: Quick Takeaway HTML is really the foundation of web development. Even in the javascript-based frameworks, you end up writing HTML in one form or another. ### :book: Learning Areas and Ideas - Take the [Basic HTML and HTML5 section]( on freeCodeCamp. - HTML page structure - HTML elements - Nesting HTML elements - Semantic markup - Links / multiple pages - Images - Audio/video media - Forms and form elements - Create a multi-page website! (See [Project Ideas](#project-ideas) if you need some inspiration). <a name="css"></a> ![CSS]( Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style sheet language used for describing the presentation of a document written in a markup language like HTML. CSS is a cornerstone technology of the World Wide Web, alongside HTML and JavaScript. CSS is designed to enable the separation of presentation and content, including layout, colors, and fonts. This separation can improve content accessibility, provide more flexibility and control in the specification of presentation characteristics, enable multiple web pages to share formatting by specifying the relevant CSS in a separate .css file, and reduce complexity and repetition in the structural content. (Source: [Wikipedia]( ### :bulb: Quick Takeaway CSS is another essential component of web development. While it is mainly used to style and position HTML elements, it has become increasingly capable of more dynamic tasks (e.g., animations) that would once be handled by javascript. ### :book: Learning Areas and Ideas - Take the [Basic CSS, CSS flexbox, and CSS grid sections]( on freeCodeCamp. - In-line CSS - `<style>` tags - External CSS with `<link>` - Styling elements - Selectors - Floats, clearing floats - Layouts (grid, flexbox) - Fonts, custom fonts - Style the HTML page(s) you made when learning HTML! <a name="javascript"></a> ![JavaScript]( JavaScript , often abbreviated as JS, is a high-level, interpreted programming language that conforms to the ECMAScript specification. It is a language that is also characterized as dynamic, weakly typed, prototype-based and multi-paradigm. Alongside HTML and CSS, JavaScript is one of the three core technologies of the World Wide Web. JavaScript enables interactive web pages and thus is an essential part of web applications. The vast majority of websites use it, and all major web browsers have a dedicated JavaScript engine to execute it. (Source: [Wikipedia]( ### :bulb: Quick Takeaway JavaScript has become increasingly important in the front-end world. While it was once used mainly to make pages dynamic, it is now the foundation of many front-end frameworks. These frameworks handle a lot of the tasks that were formerly handled by the back-end (e.g., routing and displaying different views). ### :book: Learning Areas and Ideas - Take the [Basic JavaScript and ES6 sections]( on freeCodeCamp. - Too many language fundamentals to list here! - `<script>` tag and placement - Accessing HTML elements - The event loop, call stack, and event queue - Prototypal Inheritance - Reference vs. value - Add some dynamic elements or logic to your HTML/CSS page(s) developed earlier! <a name="jquery"></a> ![jQuery]( jQuery is a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library. It makes things like HTML document traversal and manipulation, event handling, animation, and Ajax much simpler with an easy-to-use API that works across a multitude of browsers. With a combination of versatility and extensibility, jQuery has changed the way that millions of people write JavaScript. (Source: []( ### :bulb: Quick Takeaway After you have spent some time with plain (also called "vanilla") javascript, you may find some tasks a bit cumbersome, especially those related to accessing and manipulating HTML elements. For quite a while, jQuery was the go-to library for making these kinds of tasks easier and consistent across different browsers. Nowadays, jQuery isn't necessarily "mandatory" learning because of advancements in vanilla javascript, CSS, and newer javascript frameworks (we'll look at frameworks later). Still, it would be beneficial to take a little time to learn some jQuery and apply it to a small project. ### :book: Learning Areas and Ideas - Take the [jQuery section]( on freeCodeCamp. - Document ready - Selectors - Toggle classes - Animation - Add or move HTML elements - Add jQuery to your site! <a name="rwd"></a> ![Responsive Web Design]( Responsive web design (RWD) is an approach to web design that makes web pages render well on a variety of devices and window or screen sizes. Recent work also considers the viewer proximity as part of the viewing context as an extension for RWD. Content, design and performance are necessary across all devices to ensure usability and satisfaction. A site designed with RWD adapts the layout to the viewing environment by using fluid, proportion-based grids, flexible images, and CSS3 media queries, an extension of the @media rule. (Source: [Wikipedia]( ### :bulb: Quick Takeaway Responsive web design is all about making web applications look and function properly on all types of device. A quick-and-dirty example would be that a website should look and function properly both in a desktop web browser and on a mobile phone browser. An understanding of responsive design is crucial for any front-end developer! ### :book: Learning Areas and Ideas - Take the [Responsive Web Design Principles section]( on freeCodeCamp. - Media queries, breakpoints - Responsive images - Make your website responsive! - Use Chrome DevTools to view your site on different devices/viewports. <a name="accessibility"></a> ![Accessibility]( Web accessibility is the inclusive practice of ensuring there are no barriers that prevent interaction with, or access to, websites on the World Wide Web by people with disabilities. When sites are correctly designed, developed and edited, generally all users have equal access to information and functionality. (Source: [Wikipedia]( ### :bulb: Quick Takeaway Accessibility, often written as a11y, is one of the most important topics in front-end web development, yet it seems to often get short shrift. Creating accessible web applications is not only ethically sound, but also makes a lot of business sense considering the additional audience that will be able to view your applications when they are accessible. ### :book: Learning Areas and Ideas - Take the [Applied Accessibility section]( on freeCodeCamp. - Read some content on [The A11Y Project]( - Review their [checklist]( - Update your site(s) for accessibility based on this checklist <a name="git"></a> ![Git]( Git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency. (Source: []( ### :bulb: Quick Takeaway Version/code control is an essential part of any web developer's toolkit. There are a number of different version control systems, but Git is by far the most prevalent at the moment. You can (and should!) use it to track your projects as you learn! ### :book: Learning Areas and Ideas - [Git Tutorial for Beginners (Video)]( - Install git - Set up a [github]( account - Learn the most-used git commands: - init - clone - add - commit - push - pull - merge - rebase - Add your existing projects to github! <a name="node"></a> ![Node and NPM]( Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript run-time environment that executes JavaScript code outside of a browser. JavaScript is used primarily for client-side scripting, in which scripts written in JavaScript are embedded in a webpage's HTML and run client-side by a JavaScript engine in the user's web browser. Node.js lets developers use JavaScript to write command line tools and for server-side scripting—running scripts server-side to produce dynamic web page content before the page is sent to the user's web browser. Consequently, Node.js represents a "JavaScript everywhere" paradigm, unifying web application development around a single programming language, rather than different languages for server side and client side scripts. (Source: [Wikipedia]( ### :bulb: Quick Takeaway While Node.js is typically known as a back-end solution, it is used quite frequently to support front-end development. It does this in a number of ways, including things like running build tools, testing, and linting (all to be covered soon!). Node Package Manager (npm) is another great feature of Node and can be used to manage dependencies of your project (i.e., code libraries your project might rely on -- jQuery is an example!). ### :book: Learning Areas and Ideas - Research node and how it is different than the browser - Install node (npm comes with it) - Create a simple javascript file and run it with node - Use NPM to manage any dependencies in your existing project(s) (e.g., jQuery!) <a name="sass"></a> ![Sass]( Sass is an extension of CSS that adds power and elegance to the basic language. It allows you to use variables, nested rules, mixins, inline imports, and more, all with a fully CSS-compatible syntax. Sass helps keep large stylesheets well-organized, and get small stylesheets up and running quickly, particularly with the help of the Compass style library. (Source: []( ### :bulb: Quick Takeaway Sass allows you to write CSS in a more programmatic way. If you've done some CSS, you might have noticed that you end up repeating a lot of information--for example, specifying the same color code. In Sass, you can use things like variables, loops, and nesting to reduce redundancy and increase readability. After writing your code in Sass, you can quickly and easily compile it to regular CSS. ### :book: Learning Areas and Ideas - [Install Sass]( globally with npm! - [Sass Crash Course Video]( - Follow the [Learn Sass]( tutorial and/or [freeCodeCamp]( Sass tutorial. - Update your existing site to generate your CSS using Sass! <a name="bootstrap"></a> ![Bootstrap]( \* Some alternatives: Foundation, Bulma, Materialize Bootstrap is a free and open-source front-end framework for developing websites and web applications. It contains HTML and CSS-based design templates for typography, forms, buttons, navigation and other interface components, as well as optional JavaScript extensions. (Source: [Wikipedia](<>)) ### :bulb: Quick Takeaway There are many options for laying out, styling, and making your web application dynamic, but you'll find that starting with a framework helps you tremendously in getting a head start. Bootstrap is one such framework, but it is definitely far from the only option! I recommend getting familiar with one framework like this, but it's far more important to grasp HTML, CSS, and JavaScript fundamentals than it is to get caught up in any one framework. ### :book: Learning Areas and Ideas - Learn what Bootstrap is and why you would want to use it - [Bootstrap 4 Crash Course (Video)]( - Complete the Bootstrap section on [freeCodeCamp]( - Refactor your site using bootstrap! <a name="bem"></a> ![BEM]( The Block, Element, Modifier methodology (commonly referred to as BEM) is a popular naming convention for classes in HTML and CSS. Developed by the team at Yandex, its goal is to help developers better understand the relationship between the HTML and CSS in a given project. (Source: []( ### :bulb: Quick Takeaway It's important to know naming and organization systems like BEM exist and why they are used. Do some research here, but at a beginner level I wouldn't recommend devoting too much time to the subject. ### :book: Learning Areas and Ideas - Read the [BEM introduction]( - [Why I Use BEM (Video)]( - Create a simple webpage using BEM conventions. <a name="gulp"></a> ![Gulp]( Gulp is a toolkit for automating painful or time-consuming tasks in your development workflow, so you can stop messing around and build something. (Source: []( ### :bulb: Quick Takeaway In modern front-end development, you'll often find yourself needing to automate tasks like bundling, moving files, and injecting references into HTML files. Gulp is one tool that can help you do these things! ### :book: Learning Areas and Ideas - Install gulp with npm - Follow the [gulp for beginners tutorial]( on CSS-Tricks - In your website, set up gulp to: - Compile Sass for you - Put the generated CSS file in `build` subdirectory - Move your web pages to the build directory - Inject a reference to your generated CSS file into your web pages <a name="webpack"></a> ![Webpack]( At its core, webpack is a static module bundler for modern JavaScript applications. When webpack processes your application, it internally builds a dependency graph which maps every module your project needs and generates one or more bundles. (Source: []( ### :bulb: Quick Takeaway Imagine that you have a large web development project with a number of different developers working on a lot of different tasks. Rather than all working in the same files, you might want to modularize them as much as possible. Webpack helps enable this by letting your team work modularly and then, come time to build the application, Webpack will stick it all together: HTML, CSS/Sass, JavasScript, images, etc. Webpack isn't the only module bundler, but it seems to be the front-runner at the moment. ### :book: Learning Areas and Ideas - Read [webpack concepts]( - [What is Webpack, How does it work? (Video)]( - [This webpack tutorial]( <a name="eslint"></a> ![ESLint]( ESLint is an open source JavaScript linting utility originally created by Nicholas C. Zakas in June 2013. Code linting is a type of static analysis that is frequently used to find problematic patterns or code that doesn’t adhere to certain style guidelines. There are code linters for most programming languages, and compilers sometimes incorporate linting into the compilation process. (Source: []( ### :bulb: Quick Takeaway Linting is a fantastic tool for code quality, readability, and consistency. Using a linter will help you catch syntax and formatting mistakes before they go to production. You can run linters manually or include them in your build/deployment process. ### :book: Learning Areas and Ideas - Install eslint using npm - [How to Setup VS Code + Prettier + ESLint (Video)]( - Lint your JavaScript <a name="react"></a> ![React]( \* Some alternatives: Vue, Angular, Ember React (also known as React.js or ReactJS) is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It is maintained by Facebook and a community of individual developers and companies. React can be used as a base in the development of single-page or mobile applications. Complex React applications usually require the use of additional libraries for state management, routing, and interaction with an API. (source: [Wikipedia](<>)) ### :bulb: Quick Takeaway Front-end JavaScript frameworks are at the forefront of modern front-end development. One important takeaway here is that React, despite being incredibly popular, is only a library for building user interfaces whereas frameworks like Vue and Angular aim to be more full-featured. For example, if you build an application with in React that needs to route to different views, you'll need to bring in something like `react-router`. ### :book: Learning Areas and Ideas - Take the [React tutorial]( - [Learn React with Mosh]( - Refactor your website as a React app! - Note: `create-react-app` is a convenient tool to scaffold new React projects. <a name="redux"></a> ![Redux]( Redux is a predictable state container for JavaScript apps. It helps you write applications that behave consistently, run in different environments (client, server, and native), and are easy to test. On top of that, it provides a great developer experience, such as live code editing combined with a time traveling debugger. (Source: []( ### :bulb: Quick Takeaway As you build bigger and bigger front-end applications, you start realizing that it's hard to maintain application state: things like the if the user is logged in, who the user is, and generally what's going on in the application. Redux is a great library that helps you maintain a single source of state on which your application can base its logic. ### :book: Learning Areas and Ideas - This [Redux video tutorial]( - This [Redux video series]( by Dan Abramov, creator of Redux - Take note of the [Redux three principles]( - Single source of truth - State is read-only - Changes are made with pure functions - Add Redux state management to your app! <a name="jest"></a> ![Jest]( Jest is a delightful JavaScript Testing Framework with a focus on simplicity. It works with projects using: Babel, TypeScript, Node, React, Angular, Vue and more! (Source: []( ### :bulb: Quick Takeaway It is very important to set up automated testing for your front-end projects. Setting up automated testing will allow you to make future changes with confidence--if you make changes and your tests still pass, you will be fairly comfortable you didn't break any existing functionality. There are too many testing frameworks to list; Jest is simply one of my favorties. ### :book: Learning Areas and Ideas - Learn [Jest basics]( - If you used `create-react-app`, [Jest is already configured]( - Add tests to your application! <a name="typescript"></a> ![TypeScript]( \* Alternative: Flow TypeScript is an open-source programming language developed and maintained by Microsoft. It is a strict syntactical superset of JavaScript, and adds optional static typing to the language. TypeScript is designed for development of large applications and transcompiles to JavaScript. As TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript, existing JavaScript programs are also valid TypeScript programs. TypeScript may be used to develop JavaScript applications for both client-side and server-side (Node.js) execution. (Source: [Wikipedia]( ### :bulb: Quick Takeaway JavaScript is dynamically typed. However, it is a common belief that static typing (i.e., specifying variable types, classes, interfaces ahead of time) is both clearer and reduces the likelihood of defects/bugs. Regardless of how you feel on the topic, it's important to at least get a feel for a statically-typed version of JavaScript like TypeScript. Note that TypeScript compiles down to JavaScript so it can be interpreted by browsers (i.e., browsers don't natively interpret TypeScript). ### :book: Learning Areas and Ideas - [Learn TypeScript in 5 minutes]( - [Learn TypeScript in 50 minutes (Video)]( - Optionally [create a React app with TypeScript]( <a name="nextjs"></a> ![NextJS]( Next.js is a minimalistic framework for server-rendered React applications. (Source: [Next.js — React Server Side Rendering Done Right]( ### :bulb: Quick Takeaway Now we're getting advanced! By now you've built a React (or Vue or Angular) application that does quite a bit of work in the browser. For various reasons (e.g., SEO, concerns over client performance), you might actually want your front-end application to be rendered on the server rather than the client. That's where a framework like next.js comes in. ### :book: Learning Areas and Ideas - Next.js [Getting Started]( - [Next.js Crash Course (Video)]( - Create a Next.js app or migrate your existing app to Next.js # But What About X? This list is supposed to give you broad exposure to the front-end ecosystem, but it's simply impossible to hit on every single topic, not to mention the myriad tools within each area! If you do think I missed something very important, please see the [Contributing](#contributing) section to see how you can help make this guide better. # Project Ideas As you progress through #100DaysOfCode, you'll want one or multiple projects to which you can apply your new knowledge. In this section, I attempt to provide a few project ideas that you can use. Alternatively, you're encouraged to come up with your own project ideas as those ideas may interest and motivate you more. - Beginner ideas: - Build a portfolio website - Intermediate/Advanced ideas: - Build a tweet analysis app (If you know back-end and API integration already) # Need Help? Generally, I have found the following resources invaluable to learning software development: - Googling the issue - [StackOverflow]( (There's a good chance your question has already been asked and will be a high-ranking result when googling). - [Mozilla MDN Web Docs]( - [freeCodeCamp]( - Local software development Meetups! Most are very friendly to all experience levels. If you'd like my input on anything, feel free to [connect with me on Twitter]( and I'll do my best to try to offer some assistance. If you think there's an issue with the curriculum or have a recommendation, see the [contributing section](#contributing) below. # Contributing ## Spread the Word If you appreciate the work done here, you can contribute significantly by spreading the word about this repository, including things like: - Starring and forking this repository - Sharing this repository on social media ## Contribute to this Repository This is a work in progress and I very much appreciate any help in maintaining this knowledge base! When contributing to this repository, please first discuss the change you wish to make via issue before making a change. Otherwise, it will be very hard to understand your proposal and could potentially result in you putting in a lot of work to a change that won't get merged. Please note that everyone involved in this project is either trying to learn or trying to help--Please be nice! ## Pull Request Process 1. Create an issue outlining the proposed pull request. 2. Obtain approval from a project owner to make the proposed change. 3. Create the pull request.
📚 Study guide and introduction to the modern front end stack.
Grab Front End Guide == [![Front End Developer Desk](images/desk.png)]( _Credits: [Illustration]( by [@yangheng]( _This guide has been cross-posted on [Free Code Camp]( [Grab]( is Southeast Asia (SEA)'s leading transportation platform and our mission is to drive SEA forward, leveraging on the latest technology and the talented people we have in the company. As of May 2017, we handle [2.3 million rides daily]( and we are growing and hiring at a rapid scale. To keep up with Grab's phenomenal growth, our web team and web platforms have to grow as well. Fortunately, or unfortunately, at Grab, the web team has been [keeping up]( with the latest best practices and has incorporated the modern JavaScript ecosystem in our web apps. The result of this is that our new hires or back end engineers, who are not necessarily well-acquainted with the modern JavaScript ecosystem, may feel overwhelmed by the barrage of new things that they have to learn just to complete their feature or bug fix in a web app. Front end development has never been so complex and exciting as it is today. New tools, libraries, frameworks and plugins emerge every other day and there is so much to learn. It is imperative that newcomers to the web team are guided to embrace this evolution of the front end, learn to navigate the ecosystem with ease, and get productive in shipping code to our users as fast as possible. We have come up with a study guide to introduce why we do what we do, and how we handle front end at scale. This study guide is inspired by ["A Study Plan to Cure JavaScript Fatigue"]( and is mildly opinionated in the sense that we recommend certain libraries/frameworks to learn for each aspect of front end development, based on what is currently deemed most suitable at Grab. We explain why a certain library/framework/tool is chosen and provide links to learning resources to enable the reader to pick it up on their own. Alternative choices that may be better for other use cases are provided as well for reference and further self-exploration. If you are familiar with front end development and have been consistently keeping up with the latest developments, this guide will probably not be that useful to you. It is targeted at newcomers to front end. If your company is exploring a modern JavaScript stack as well, you may find this study plan useful to your company too! Feel free to adapt it to your needs. We will update this study plan periodically, according to our latest work and choices. *- Grab Web Team* **Pre-requisites** - Good understanding of core programming concepts. - Comfortable with basic command line actions and familiarity with source code version control systems such as Git. - Experience in web development. Have built server-side rendered web apps using frameworks like Ruby on Rails, Django, Express, etc. - Understanding of how the web works. Familiarity with web protocols and conventions like HTTP and RESTful APIs. ### Table of Contents - [Single-page Apps (SPAs)](#single-page-apps-spas) - [New-age JavaScript](#new-age-javascript) - [User Interface](#user-interface---react) - [State Management](#state-management---fluxredux) - [Coding with Style](#coding-with-style---css-modules) - [Maintainability](#maintainability) - [Testing](#testing---jest--enzyme) - [Linting JavaScript](#linting-javascript---eslint) - [Linting CSS](#linting-css---stylelint) - [Formatting Code](#formatting-code---prettier) - [Types](#types---flow) - [Build System](#build-system---webpack) - [Package Management](#package-management---yarn) - [Continuous Integration](#continuous-integration) - [Hosting and CDN](#hosting-and-cdn) - [Deployment](#deployment) - [Monitoring](#monitoring) Certain topics can be skipped if you have prior experience in them. ## Single-page Apps (SPAs) Web developers these days refer to the products they build as web apps, rather than websites. While there is no strict difference between the two terms, web apps tend to be highly interactive and dynamic, allowing the user to perform actions and receive a response for their action. Traditionally, the browser receives HTML from the server and renders it. When the user navigates to another URL, a full-page refresh is required and the server sends fresh new HTML for the new page. This is called server-side rendering. However in modern SPAs, client-side rendering is used instead. The browser loads the initial page from the server, along with the scripts (frameworks, libraries, app code) and stylesheets required for the whole app. When the user navigates to other pages, a page refresh is not triggered. The URL of the page is updated via the [HTML5 History API]( New data required for the new page, usually in JSON format, is retrieved by the browser via [AJAX]( requests to the server. The SPA then dynamically updates the page with the data via JavaScript, which it has already downloaded in the initial page load. This model is similar to how native mobile apps work. The benefits: - The app feels more responsive and users do not see the flash between page navigations due to full-page refreshes. - Fewer HTTP requests are made to the server, as the same assets do not have to be downloaded again for each page load. - Clear separation of the concerns between the client and the server; you can easily build new clients for different platforms (e.g. mobile, chatbots, smart watches) without having to modify the server code. You can also modify the technology stack on the client and server independently, as long as the API contract is not broken. The downsides: - Heavier initial page load due to loading of framework, app code, and assets required for multiple pages.<sup><a href="#fn1" id="ref1">1</a></sup> - There's an additional step to be done on your server which is to configure it to route all requests to a single entry point and allow client-side routing to take over from there. - SPAs are reliant on JavaScript to render content, but not all search engines execute JavaScript during crawling, and they may see empty content on your page. This inadvertently hurts the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) of your app. <sup><a href="#fn2" id="ref2">2</a></sup>. However, most of the time, when you are building apps, SEO is not the most important factor, as not all the content needs to be indexable by search engines. To overcome this, you can either server-side render your app or use services such as [Prerender]( to "render your javascript in a browser, save the static HTML, and return that to the crawlers". While traditional server-side rendered apps are still a viable option, a clear client-server separation scales better for larger engineering teams, as the client and server code can be developed and released independently. This is especially so at Grab when we have multiple client apps hitting the same API server. As web developers are now building apps rather than pages, organization of client-side JavaScript has become increasingly important. In server-side rendered pages, it is common to use snippets of jQuery to add user interactivity to each page. However, when building large apps, just jQuery is insufficient. After all, jQuery is primarily a library for DOM manipulation and it's not a framework; it does not define a clear structure and organization for your app. JavaScript frameworks have been created to provide higher-level abstractions over the DOM, allowing you to keep state in memory, out of the DOM. Using frameworks also brings the benefits of reusing recommended concepts and best practices for building apps. A new engineer on the team who is unfamiliar with the code base, but has experience with a framework, will find it easier to understand the code because it is organized in a structure that they are familiar with. Popular frameworks have a lot of tutorials and guides, and tapping on the knowledge and experience from colleagues and the community will help new engineers get up to speed. #### Study Links - [Single Page App: advantages and disadvantages]( - [The (R)Evolution of Web Development]( - [Here's Why Client Side Rendering Won]( ## New-age JavaScript Before you dive into the various aspects of building a JavaScript web app, it is important to get familiar with the language of the web - JavaScript, or ECMAScript. JavaScript is an incredibly versatile language which you can also use to build [web servers](, [native mobile apps]( and [desktop apps]( Prior to 2015, the last major update was ECMAScript 5.1, in 2011. However, in the recent years, JavaScript has suddenly seen a huge burst of improvements within a short span of time. In 2015, ECMAScript 2015 (previously called ECMAScript 6) was released and a ton of syntactic constructs were introduced to make writing code less unwieldy. If you are curious about it, Auth0 has written a nice article on the [history of JavaScript]( Till this day, not all browsers have fully implemented the ES2015 specification. Tools such as [Babel]( enable developers to write ES2015 in their apps and Babel transpiles them down to ES5 to be compatible for browsers. Being familiar with both ES5 and ES2015 is crucial. ES2015 is still relatively new and a lot of open source code and Node.js apps are still written in ES5. If you are doing debugging in your browser console, you might not be able to use ES2015 syntax. On the other hand, documentation and example code for many modern libraries that we will introduce later below are still written in ES2015. At Grab, we use [babel-preset-env]( to enjoy the productivity boost from the syntactic improvements the future of JavaScript provides and we have been loving it so far. `babel-preset-env` intelligently determines which Babel plugins are necessary (which new language features are not supported and have to be transpiled) as browsers increase native support for more ES language features. If you prefer using language features that are already stable, you may find that [babel-preset-stage-3](, which is a complete specification that will most likely be implemented in browsers, will be more suitable. Spend a day or two revising ES5 and exploring ES2015. The more heavily used features in ES2015 include "Arrows and Lexical This", "Classes", "Template Strings", "Destructuring", "Default/Rest/Spread operators", and "Importing and Exporting modules". **Estimated Duration: 3-4 days.** You can learn/lookup the syntax as you learn the other libraries and try building your own app. #### Study Links - [Learn ES5 on Codecademy]( - [Learn ES6 on Codecademy]( - [Learn ES2015 on Babel]( - [ES6 Katas]( - [You Don't Know JS]( (Advanced content, optional for beginners) - [Answers to Front End Job Interview Questions — JavaScript]( ## User Interface - React <img alt="React Logo" src="" width="256px" /> If any JavaScript project has taken the front end ecosystem by storm in recent years, that would be [React]( React is a library built and open-sourced by the smart people at Facebook. In React, developers write components for their web interface and compose them together. React brings about many radical ideas and encourages developers to [rethink best practices]( For many years, web developers were taught that it was a good practice to write HTML, JavaScript and CSS separately. React does the exact opposite, and encourages that you write your HTML and [CSS in your JavaScript]( instead. This sounds like a crazy idea at first, but after trying it out, it actually isn't as weird as it sounds initially. Reason being the front end development scene is shifting towards a paradigm of component-based development. The features of React: - **Declarative** - You describe what you want to see in your view and not how to achieve it. In the jQuery days, developers would have to come up with a series of steps to manipulate the DOM to get from one app state to the next. In React, you simply change the state within the component and the view will update itself according to the state. It is also easy to determine how the component will look like just by looking at the markup in the `render()` method. - **Functional** - The view is a pure function of `props` and `state`. In most cases, a React component is defined by `props` (external parameters) and `state` (internal data). For the same `props` and `state`, the same view is produced. Pure functions are easy to test, and the same goes for functional components. Testing in React is made easy because a component's interfaces are well-defined and you can test the component by supplying different `props` and `state` to it and comparing the rendered output. - **Maintainable** - Writing your view in a component-based fashion encourages reusability. We find that defining a component's `propTypes` make React code self-documenting as the reader can know clearly what is needed to use that component. Lastly, your view and logic is self-contained within the component, and should not be affected nor affect other components. That makes it easy to shift components around during large-scale refactoring, as long as the same `props` are supplied to the component. - **High Performance** - You might have heard that React uses a virtual DOM (not to be confused with [shadow DOM]( and it re-renders everything when there is a change in state. Why is there a need for a virtual DOM? While modern JavaScript engines are fast, reading from and writing to the DOM is slow. React keeps a lightweight virtual representation of the DOM in memory. Re-rendering everything is a misleading term. In React it actually refers to re-rendering the in-memory representation of the DOM, not the actual DOM itself. When there's a change in the underlying data of the component, a new virtual representation is created, and compared against the previous representation. The difference (minimal set of changes required) is then patched to the real browser DOM. - **Ease of Learning** - Learning React is pretty simple. The React API surface is relatively small compared to [this](; there are only a few APIs to learn and they do not change often. The React community is one of the largest, and along with that comes a vibrant ecosystem of tools, open-sourced UI components, and a ton of great resources online to get you started on learning React. - **Developer Experience** - There are a number of tools that improves the development experience with React. [React Developer Tools]( is a browser extension that allows you to inspect your component, view and manipulate its `props` and `state`. [Hot reloading]( with webpack allows you to view changes to your code in your browser, without you having to refresh the browser. Front end development involves a lot of tweaking code, saving and then refreshing the browser. Hot reloading helps you by eliminating the last step. When there are library updates, Facebook provides [codemod scripts]( to help you migrate your code to the new APIs. This makes the upgrading process relatively pain-free. Kudos to the Facebook team for their dedication in making the development experience with React great. <br> ![React Devtools Demo](images/react-devtools-demo.gif) Over the years, new view libraries that are even more performant than React have emerged. React may not be the fastest library out there, but in terms of the ecosystem, overall usage experience and benefits, it is still one of the greatest. Facebook is also channeling efforts into making React even faster with a [rewrite of the underlying reconciliation algorithm]( The concepts that React introduced has taught us how to write better code, more maintainable web apps and made us better engineers. We like that. We recommend going through the [tutorial]( on building a tic-tac-toe game on the React homepage to get a feel of what React is and what it does. For more in-depth learning, check out the Egghead course, [Build Your First Production Quality React App]( It covers some advanced concepts and real-world usages that are not covered by the React documentation. [Create React App]( by Facebook is a tool to scaffold a React project with minimal configuration and is highly recommended to use for starting new React projects. React is a library, not a framework, and does not deal with the layers below the view - the app state. More on that later. **Estimated Duration: 3-4 days.** Try building simple projects like a to-do list, Hacker News clone with pure React. You will slowly gain an appreciation for it and perhaps face some problems along the way that isn't solved by React, which brings us to the next topic... #### Study Links - [React Official Tutorial]( - [Egghead Course - Build Your First Production Quality React App]( - [Simple React Development in 2017]( - [Presentational and Container Components]( #### Alternatives - [Angular]( - [Ember]( - [Vue]( - [Cycle]( ## State Management - Flux/Redux <img alt="Redux Logo" src="" width="256px" /> As your app grows bigger, you may find that the app structure becomes a little messy. Components throughout the app may have to share and display common data but there is no elegant way to handle that in React. After all, React is just the view layer, it does not dictate how you structure the other layers of your app, such as the model and the controller, in traditional MVC paradigms. In an effort to solve this, Facebook invented Flux, an app architecture that complements React's composable view components by utilizing a unidirectional data flow. Read more about how Flux works [here]( In summary, the Flux pattern has the following characteristics: - **Unidirectional data flow** - Makes the app more predictable as updates can be tracked easily. - **Separation of concerns** - Each part in the Flux architecture has clear responsibilities and are highly decoupled. - **Works well with declarative programming** - The store can send updates to the view without specifying how to transition views between states. As Flux is not a framework per se, developers have tried to come up with many implementations of the Flux pattern. Eventually, a clear winner emerged, which was [Redux]( Redux combines the ideas from Flux, [Command pattern]( and [Elm architecture]( and is the de facto state management library developers use with React these days. Its core concepts are: - App **state** is described by a single plain old JavaScript object (POJO). - Dispatch an **action** (also a POJO) to modify the state. - **Reducer** is a pure function that takes in current state and action to produce a new state. The concepts sound simple, but they are really powerful as they enable apps to: - Have their state rendered on the server, booted up on the client. - Trace, log and backtrack changes in the whole app. - Implement undo/redo functionality easily. The creator of Redux, [Dan Abramov](, has taken great care in writing up detailed documentation for Redux, along with creating comprehensive video tutorials for learning [basic]( and [advanced]( Redux. They are extremely helpful resources for learning Redux. **Combining View and State** While Redux does not necessarily have to be used with React, it is highly recommended as they play very well with each other. React and Redux have a lot of ideas and traits in common: - **Functional composition paradigm** - React composes views (pure functions) while Redux composes pure reducers (also pure functions). Output is predictable given the same set of input. - **Easy To Reason About** - You may have heard this term many times but what does it actually mean? We interpret it as having control and understanding over our code - Our code behaves in ways we expect it to, and when there are problems, we can find them easily. Through our experience, React and Redux makes debugging simpler. As the data flow is unidirectional, tracing the flow of data (server responses, user input events) is easier and it is straightforward to determine which layer the problem occurs in. - **Layered Structure** - Each layer in the app / Flux architecture is a pure function, and has clear responsibilities. It is relatively easy to write tests for pure functions. You have to centralize changes to your app within the reducer, and the only way to trigger a change is to dispatch an action. - **Development Experience** - A lot of effort has gone into creating tools to help in debugging and inspecting the app while development, such as [Redux DevTools]( <br> ![Redux Devtools Demo](images/redux-devtools-demo.gif) Your app will likely have to deal with async calls like making remote API requests. [redux-thunk]( and [redux-saga]( were created to solve those problems. They may take some time to understand as they require understanding of functional programming and generators. Our advice is to deal with it only when you need it. [react-redux]( is an official React binding for Redux and is very simple to learn. **Estimated Duration: 4 days.** The egghead courses can be a little time-consuming but they are worth spending time on. After learning Redux, you can try incorporating it into the React projects you have built. Does Redux solve some of the state management issues you were struggling with in pure React? #### Study Links - [Flux Homepage]( - [Redux Homepage]( - [Egghead Course - Getting Started with Redux]( - [Egghead Course - Build React Apps with Idiomatic Redux]( - [React Redux Links]( - [You Might Not Need Redux]( #### Alternatives - [MobX]( ## Coding with Style - CSS Modules <img alt="CSS Modules Logo" src="" width="256px" /> CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) are rules to describe how your HTML elements look. Writing good CSS is hard. It usually takes many years of experience and frustration of shooting yourself in the foot before one is able to write maintainable and scalable CSS. CSS, having a global namespace, is fundamentally designed for web documents, and not really for web apps that favor a components architecture. Hence, experienced front end developers have designed methodologies to guide people on how to write organized CSS for complex projects, such as using [SMACSS](, [BEM](, [SUIT CSS](, etc. However, the encapsulation of styles that these methodologies bring about are artificially enforced by conventions and guidelines. They break the moment developers do not follow them. As you might have realized by now, the front end ecosystem is saturated with tools, and unsurprisingly, tools have been invented to [partially solve some of the problems]( with writing CSS at scale. "At scale" means that many developers are working on the same large project and touching the same stylesheets. There is no community-agreed approach on writing [CSS in JS]( at the moment, and we are hoping that one day a winner would emerge, just like Redux did, among all the Flux implementations. For now, we are banking on [CSS Modules]( CSS modules is an improvement over existing CSS that aims to fix the problem of global namespace in CSS; it enables you to write styles that are local by default and encapsulated to your component. This feature is achieved via tooling. With CSS modules, large teams can write modular and reusable CSS without fear of conflict or overriding other parts of the app. However, at the end of the day, CSS modules are still being compiled into normal globally-namespaced CSS that browsers recognize, and it is still important to learn and understand how raw CSS works. If you are a total beginner to CSS, Codecademy's [HTML & CSS course]( will be a good introduction to you. Next, read up on the [Sass preprocessor](, an extension of the CSS language which adds syntactic improvements and encourages style reusability. Study the CSS methodologies mentioned above, and lastly, CSS modules. **Estimated Duration: 3-4 days.** Try styling up your app using the SMACSS/BEM approach and/or CSS modules. #### Study Links - [Learn HTML & CSS course on Codecademy]( - [Intro to HTML/CSS on Khan Academy]( - [SMACSS]( - [BEM]( - [SUIT CSS]( - [CSS Modules Specification]( - [Sass Homepage]( - [Answers to Front End Job Interview Questions — HTML]( - [Answers to Front End Job Interview Questions — CSS]( #### Alternatives - [JSS]( - [Styled Components]( ## Maintainability Code is read more frequently than it is written. This is especially true at Grab, where the team size is large and we have multiple engineers working across multiple projects. We highly value readability, maintainability and stability of the code and there are a few ways to achieve that: "Extensive testing", "Consistent coding style" and "Typechecking". Also when you are in a team, sharing same practices becomes really important. Check out these [JavaScript Project Guidelines]( for instance. ## Testing - Jest + Enzyme <img alt="Jest Logo" src="" width="164px" /> [Jest]( is a testing library by Facebook that aims to make the process of testing pain-free. As with Facebook projects, it provides a great development experience out of the box. Tests can be run in parallel resulting in shorter duration. During watch mode, by default, only the tests for the changed files are run. One particular feature we like is "Snapshot Testing". Jest can save the generated output of your React component and Redux state and save it as serialized files, so you wouldn't have to manually come up with the expected output yourself. Jest also comes with built-in mocking, assertion and test coverage. One library to rule them all! ![Jest Demo](images/jest-demo.gif) React comes with some testing utilities, but [Enzyme]( by Airbnb makes it easier to generate, assert, manipulate and traverse your React components' output with a jQuery-like API. It is recommended that Enzyme be used to test React components. Jest and Enzyme makes writing front end tests fun and easy. When writing tests becomes enjoyable, developers write more tests. It also helps that React components and Redux actions/reducers are relatively easy to test because of clearly defined responsibilities and interfaces. For React components, we can test that given some `props`, the desired DOM is rendered, and that callbacks are fired upon certain simulated user interactions. For Redux reducers, we can test that given a prior state and an action, a resulting state is produced. The documentation for Jest and Enzyme are pretty concise, and it should be sufficient to learn them by reading it. **Estimated Duration: 2-3 days.** Try writing Jest + Enzyme tests for your React + Redux app! #### Study Links - [Jest Homepage]( - [Testing React Applications with Jest]( - [Enzyme Homepage]( - [Enzyme: JavaScript Testing utilities for React]( #### Alternatives - [AVA]( - [Karma]( ## Linting JavaScript - ESLint <img alt="ESLint Logo" src="" width="256px" /> A linter is a tool to statically analyze code and finds problems with them, potentially preventing bugs/runtime errors and at the same time, enforcing a coding style. Time is saved during pull request reviews when reviewers do not have to leave nitpicky comments on coding style. [ESLint]( is a tool for linting JavaScript code that is highly extensible and customizable. Teams can write their own lint rules to enforce their custom styles. At Grab, we use Airbnb's [`eslint-config-airbnb`]( preset, that has already been configured with the common good coding style in the [Airbnb JavaScript style guide]( For the most part, using ESLint is as simple as tweaking a configuration file in your project folder. There's nothing much to learn about ESLint if you're not writing new rules for it. Just be aware of the errors when they surface and Google it to find out the recommended style. **Estimated Duration: 1/2 day.** Nothing much to learn here. Add ESLint to your project and fix the linting errors! #### Study Links - [ESLint Homepage]( - [Airbnb JavaScript Style Guide]( #### Alternatives - [Standard]( - [JSHint]( - [XO]( ## Linting CSS - stylelint <img alt="stylelint Logo" src="" width="256px" /> As mentioned earlier, good CSS is notoriously hard to write. Usage of static analysis tools on CSS can help to maintain our CSS code quality and coding style. For linting CSS, we use stylelint. Like ESLint, stylelint is designed in a very modular fashion, allowing developers to turn rules on/off and write custom plugins for it. Besides CSS, stylelint is able to parse SCSS and has experimental support for Less, which lowers the barrier for most existing code bases to adopt it. ![stylelint Demo](images/stylelint-demo.png) Once you have learnt ESLint, learning stylelint would be effortless considering their similarities. stylelint is currently being used by big companies like [Facebook](, [Github]( and [Wordpress]( One downside of stylelint is that the autofix feature is not fully mature yet, and is only able to fix for a limited number of rules. However, this issue should improve with time. **Estimated Duration: 1/2 day.** Nothing much to learn here. Add stylelint to your project and fix the linting errors! #### Study Links - [stylelint Homepage]( - [Lint your CSS with stylelint]( #### Alternatives - [Sass Lint]( - [CSS Lint]( ## Formatting Code - Prettier <img alt="Prettier Logo" src="" width="256px" /> Another tool for enforcing consistent coding style for JavaScript and CSS is [Prettier]( In most cases, it is recommended to setup Prettier on top of ESLint and stylelint and integrate it into the workflow. This allows the code to be formatted into consistent style automatically via commit hooks, so that developers do not need to spend time formatting the coding style manually. Note that Prettier only enforces coding style, but does not check for logic errors in the code. Hence it is not a replacement for linters. **Estimated Duration: 1/2 day.** Nothing much to learn here. Add Prettier to your project and add hooks to enforce the coding style! #### Study Links - [Prettier Homepage]( - [Prettier GitHub repo]( - [Comparison between tools that allow you to use ESLint and Prettier together]( ## Types - Flow <img alt="Flow Logo" src="" width="256px" /> Static typing brings about many benefits when writing apps. They can catch common bugs and errors in your code early. Types also serve as a form of documentation for your code and improves the readability of your code. As a code base grows larger, we see the importance of types as they gives us greater confidence when we do refactoring. It is also easier to onboard new members of the team to the project when it is clear what kind of values each object holds and what each function expects. Adding types to your code comes with the trade-off of increased verbosity and a learning curve of the syntax. But this learning cost is paid upfront and amortized over time. In complex projects where the maintainability of the code matters and the people working on it change over time, adding types to the code brings about more benefits than disadvantages. Recently, I had to fix a bug in a code base that I haven’t touched in months. It was thanks to types that I could easily refresh myself on what the code was doing, and gave me confidence in the fix I made. The two biggest contenders in adding static types to JavaScript are [Flow]( (by Facebook) and [TypeScript]( (by Microsoft). As of date, there is no clear winner in the battle. For now, we have made the choice of using Flow. We find that Flow has a lower learning curve as compared to TypeScript and it requires relatively less effort to migrate an existing code base to Flow. Being built by Facebook, Flow has better integration with the React ecosystem out of the box. [James Kyle](, one of the authors of Flow, has [written]( on a comparison between adopting Flow and TypeScript. Anyway, it is not extremely difficult to move from Flow to TypeScript as the syntax and semantics are quite similar, and we will re-evaluate the situation in time to come. After all, using one is better than not using any at all. Flow recently revamped their homepage and it's pretty neat now! **Estimated Duration: 1 day.** Flow is pretty simple to learn as the type annotations feel like a natural extension of the JavaScript language. Add Flow annotations to your project and embrace the power of type systems. #### Study Links - [Flow Homepage]( - [TypeScript vs Flow]( #### Alternatives - [TypeScript]( ## Build System - webpack <img alt="webpack Logo" src="" width="256px" /> This part will be kept short as setting up webpack can be a tedious process and might be a turn-off to developers who are already overwhelmed by the barrage of new things they have to learn for front end development. In a nutshell, [webpack]( is a module bundler that compiles a front end project and its dependencies into a final bundle to be served to users. Usually, projects will already have the webpack configuration set up and developers rarely have to change it. Having an understanding of webpack is still a good to have in the long run. It is due to webpack that features like hot reloading and CSS modules are made possible. We have found the [webpack walkthrough]( by SurviveJS to be the best resource on learning webpack. It is a good complement to the official documentation and we recommend following the walkthrough first and referring to the documentation later when the need for further customization arises. **Estimated Duration: 2 days (Optional).** #### Study Links - [webpack Homepage]( - [SurviveJS - Webpack: From apprentice to master]( #### Alternatives - [Rollup]( - [Browserify]( - [Parcel]( ## Package Management - Yarn <img alt="Yarn Logo" src="" width="256px" /> If you take a peek into your `node_modules` directory, you will be appalled by the number of directories that are contained in it. Each babel plugin, lodash function, is a package on its own. When you have multiple projects, these packages are duplicated across each project and they are largely similar. Each time you run `npm install` in a new project, these packages are downloaded over and over again even though they already exist in some other project in your computer. There was also the problem of non-determinism in the installed packages via `npm install`. Some of our CI builds fail because at the point of time when the CI server installs the dependencies, it pulled in minor updates to some packages that contained breaking changes. This would not have happened if library authors respected [semver]( and engineers did not assume that API contracts would be respected all the time. [Yarn]( solves these problems. The issue of non-determinism of installed packages is handled via a `yarn.lock` file, which ensures that every install results in the exact same file structure in `node_modules` across all machines. Yarn utilizes a global cache directory within your machine, and packages that have been downloaded before do not have to be downloaded again. This also enables offline installation of dependencies! The most common Yarn commands can be found [here]( Most other yarn commands are similar to the `npm` equivalents and it is fine to use the `npm` versions instead. One of our favorite commands is `yarn upgrade-interactive` which makes updating dependencies a breeze especially when the modern JavaScript project requires so many dependencies these days. Do check it out! [email protected] was [released in May 2017]( and it seems to address many of the issues that Yarn aims to solve. Do keep an eye on it! **Estimated Duration: 2 hours.** #### Study Links - [Yarn Homepage]( - [Yarn: A new package manager for JavaScript]( #### Alternatives - [Good old npm]( ## Continuous Integration We used [Travis CI]( for our continuous integration (CI) pipeline. Travis is a highly popular CI on Github and its [build matrix]( feature is useful for repositories which contain multiple projects like Grab's. We configured Travis to do the following: - Run linting for the project. - Run unit tests for the project. - If the tests pass: - Test coverage generated by Jest is uploaded to [Codecov]( - Generate a production bundle with webpack into a `build` directory. - `tar` the `build` directory as `<hash>.tar` and upload it to an S3 bucket which stores all our tar builds. - Post a notification to Slack to inform about the Travis build result. #### Study Links - [Travis Homepage]( - [Codecov Homepage]( #### Alternatives - [Jenkins]( - [CircleCI]( - [GitLab CI/CD]( ## Hosting and CDN Traditionally, web servers that receive a request for a webpage will render the contents on the server, and return a HTML page with dynamic content meant for the requester. This is known as server-side rendering. As mentioned earlier in the section on Single-page Apps, modern web applications do not involve server-side rendering, and it is sufficient to use a web server that serves static asset files. Nginx and Apache are possible options and not much configuration is required to get things up and runnning. The caveat is that the web server will have to be configured to route all requests to a single entry point and allow client-side routing to take over. The flow for front end routing goes like this: 1. Web server receives a HTTP request for a particular route, for example `/user/john`. 1. Regardless of which route the server receives, serve up `index.html` from the static assets directory. 1. The `index.html` should contain scripts that load up a JavaScript framework/library that handles client-side routing. 1. The client-side routing library reads the current route, and communicates to the MVC (or equivalent where relevant) framework about the current route. 1. The MVC JavaScript framework renders the desired view based on the route, possibly after fetching data from an API if required. Example, load up `UsersController`, fetch user data for the username `john` as JSON, combine the data with the view, and render it on the page. A good practice for serving static content is to use caching and putting them on a CDN. We use [Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)]( for hosting our static website content and [Amazon CloudFront]( as the CDN. We find that it is an affordable and reliable solution that meets our needs. S3 provides the option to "Use this bucket to host a website", which essentially directs the requests for all routes to the root of the bucket, which means we do not need our own web servers with special routing configurations. An example of a web app that we host on S3 is [Hub]( Other than hosting the website, we also use S3 to host the build `.tar` files generated from each successful CI build. #### Study Links - [Amazon S3 Homepage]( - [Hosting a Static Website on Amazon S3]( #### Alternatives - [Google Cloud Platform]( - [Now]( ## Deployment The last step in shipping the product to our users is deployment. We used [Ansible Tower]( which is a powerful automation software that enables us to deploy our builds easily. As mentioned earlier, all our commits, upon successful build, are being uploaded to a central S3 bucket for builds. We follow semver for our releases and have commands to automatically generate release notes for the latest release. When it is time to release, we run a command to tag the latest commit and push to our code hosting environment. Travis will run the CI steps on that tagged commit and upload a tar file (such as `1.0.1.tar`) with the version to our S3 bucket for builds. On Tower, we simply have to specify the name of the `.tar` we want to deploy to our hosting bucket, and Tower does the following: 1. Download the desired `.tar` file from our builds S3 bucket. 1. Extracts the contents and swap in the configuration file for specified environment. 1. Upload the contents to the hosting bucket. 1. Post a notification to Slack to inform about the successful deployment. This whole process is done under 30 seconds and using Tower has made deployments and rollbacks easy. If we realize that a faulty deployment has occurred, we can simply find the previous stable tag and deploy it. #### Study Links - [Ansible Tower Homepage]( #### Alternatives - [Jenkins]( ## Monitoring After shipping the product, you would also want to monitor it for any errors. Apart from network level monitoring from our CDN service provider and hosting provider, we use [Sentry]( to monitor errors that originates from the app logic. #### Study Links - [Sentry Homepage]( ### The Journey has Just Begun Congratulations on making it this far! Front end development today is [hard](, but it is also more interesting than before. What we have covered so far will help any new engineer to Grab's web team to get up to speed with our technologies pretty quickly. There are many more things to be learnt, but building up a solid foundation in the essentials will aid in learning the rest of the technologies. This helpful [front end web developer roadmap]( shows the alternative technologies available for each aspect. We made our technical decisions based on what was important to a rapidly growing Grab Engineering team - maintainability and stability of the code base. These decisions may or may not apply to smaller teams and projects. Do evaluate what works best for you and your company. As the front end ecosystem grows, we are actively exploring, experimenting and evaluating how new technologies can make us a more efficient team and improve our productivity. We hope that this post has given you insights into the front end technologies we use at Grab. If what we are doing interests you, [we are hiring](! *Many thanks to [Joel Low](, [Li Kai]( and [Tan Wei Seng]( who reviewed drafts of this article.* ### More Reading **General** - [State of the JavaScript Landscape: A Map for Newcomers]( - [The Hitchhiker's guide to the modern front end development workflow]( - [How it feels to learn JavaScript in 2016]( - [Roadmap to becoming a web developer in 2017]( - [Modern JavaScript for Ancient Web Developers]( **Other Study Plans** - [A Study Plan To Cure JavaScript Fatigue]( - [JS Stack from Scratch]( - [A Beginner’s JavaScript Study Plan]( ### Footnotes <p id="fn1">1. This can be solved via <a href="">webpack code splitting</a>. <a href="#ref1" title="Jump back to footnote 1 in the text.">↩</a></p> <p id="fn2">2. <a href="">Universal JS</a> to the rescue! <a href="#ref2" title="Jump back to footnote 1 in the text.">↩</a></p>
A list of resources in different fields of Computer Science
<h1 align="center">Computer Science Resources</h1> <h1 align="center"> <img alt="CS" title="Computer-Science-Resources" src=""> </br> </h1> <p align="center"> A list of resources in different fields of <b>Computer Science</b> (in multiple languages). </p> ## Content - Getting Started - [Map of Computer Science]( - [Map of Mathematics]( - [Map of Physics]( - [MIT Courses]( - [MIT 6.00 Intro to Computer Science & Programming]( - [MIT 6.0001 Introduction to Computer Science & Programming in Python]( - [MIT 6.0002 Introduction to Computational Thinking and Data Science]( - [CS50 Harvard]( - [Audio/Video Courses from Colleges and Universities]( - [Everything Computer Science]( - Computer Fundamentals - [Algorithms & Data Structures]( - [Computer Architecture]( - [Operating Systems]( - [Mathematics]( - [Regular Expressions]( - [Physics]( - [Signals and Systems]( - [Information Theory]( - [Cloud Computing]( - [Quantum Computing]( - [Computer Networks]( - [Computer Graphics]( - [Virtual Reality]( - Programming Languages - [Assembly]( - [C]( - [C++]( - [Python]( - [Java]( - [Javascript]( - [Ruby]( - [Bash]( - [Go]( - [PHP]( - [Haskell]( - [R]( - [Julia]( - [Elixir]( - Artificial Intelligence - [Machine Learning]( - [Artificial Neural Networks]( - [Natural Language Processing]( - [Computer Vision]( - [Cybernetics & Robotics]( - Information Security - [Computer Security]( - [Web Hacking]( - [Exploits]( - [Reverse Engineering]( - [Social Engineering]( - [Cryptography]( - Databases - [SQL]( - [NOSQL]( - [Big Data]( - [Data Mining](
Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces(OSTEP) homework and project solutions
# OSTEP-HW [Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces]( homework solutions [CS-537 videos]( ## Requirements - Unix-like operating system - [Clang]([GCC]( - [LLDB]([GDB]( - [Valgrind]( - [Gawk]( - [Python]( - 🐈 ## [ostep-projects](./projects) C/Linux Projects and Kernel Hacking Projects (xv6) ## Chapters ### Virtualization 4. [The Abstraction: The Process](./4) 5. [Interlude: Process API](./5) 6. [Mechanism: Limited Direct Execution](./6) 7. [Scheduling: Introduction](./7) 8. [Scheduling: The Multi-Level Feedback Queue](./8) 9. [Scheduling: Proportional Share](./9) 10. [Multiprocessor Scheduling (Advanced)](./10) 11. Summary Dialogue on CPU Virtualization 12. A Dialogue on Memory Virtualization 13. [The Abstraction: Address Spaces](./13) 14. [Interlude: Memory API](./14) 15. [Mechanism: Address Translation](./15) 16. [Segmentation](./16) 17. [Free-Space Management](./17) 18. [Paging: Introduction](./18) 19. [Paging: Faster Translations (TLBs)](./19) 20. [Paging: Smaller Tables](./20) 21. [Beyond Physical Memory: Mechanisms](./21) 22. [Beyond Physical Memory: Policies](./22) ### Concurrency 26. [Concurrency: An Introduction](./26) 27. [Interlude: Thread API](./27) 28. [Locks](./28) 29. [Lock-based Concurrent Data Structures](./29) 30. [Condition Variables](./30) 31. [Semaphores](./31) 32. [Common Concurrency Problems](./32) 33. [Event-based Concurrency (Advanced)](./33) ### Persistence 37. [Hard Disk Drives](./37) 38. [Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks (RAIDs)](./38) 39. [Interlude: Files and Directories](./39) 40. [File System Implementation](./40) 41. [Locality and The Fast File System](./41) 42. [Crash Consistency: FSCK and Journaling](./42) 43. [Log-structured File Systems](./43) 44. [Flash-based SSDs](./44) 45. [Data Integrity and Protection](./45) 46. Summary Dialogue on Persistence 47. A Dialogue on Distribution 48. [Distributed Systems](./48) 49. [Sun’s Network File System (NFS)](./49) 50. [The Andrew File System (AFS)](./50) ## License This work is licensed under the GPLv3 or any later version.
This repository contains all the DSA (Data-Structures, Algorithms, 450 DSA by Love Babbar Bhaiya, FAANG Questions), Technical Subjects (OS + DBMS + SQL + CN + OOPs) Theory+Questions, FAANG Interview questions, and Miscellaneous Stuff (Programming MCQs, Puzzles, Aptitude, Reasoning). The Programming languages used for demonstration are C++, Python, and Java.
<p align="center"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src=""/> </a> </p> [![FAANG](]( <p align="center"> <code><img src="{The-Complete-FAANG-Preparation}/count.svg" alt="Views Count" width="500px" height="80px" /></code> </p> <p align="center"> <img src="" width="450px" /> </p> <p align="center"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img align="center" src="" width="500px" height="150px" /> </a> <br> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src=""/> </a> </p> <div align="center"> # `🏆 Table of Contents 📋` | SNo. | Topics | Sub Topics | |------|--------|------------| | 1. | [📘Aptitude + Puzzle]( | [1️⃣Aptitude]( <br> [2️⃣Puzzle]( | | 2. | [📘Languages]( | [1️⃣C++]( <br> [2️⃣Python]( <br> [3️⃣Java](| | 3. | [📘DSA + CP]( <hr> [📘Top Problem Lists]( | [1️⃣Data Structures and Algorithms]( <br> [2️⃣Competitive Programming]( <hr> [1️⃣Striver SDE Sheet]( <br> [2️⃣Love Babbar DSA Sheet](| | 4. | [📘Technical Subject]( | [1️⃣Operating System]( <br> [2️⃣Database Management System]( <br> [3️⃣Computer Networks]( <br> [4️⃣Object Oriented Programming in C++]( <br>&emsp; [4️⃣🅰️Object Oriented Programming in Python]( <br>&emsp; [4️⃣🅱️Object Oriented Programming in Java]( <br> [5️⃣System Design](| <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src=""/> </a> <table border="3"> <thead> <tr> <th> SNo. </th> <th> Topics </th> <th> Sub-Topics </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <th valign="top"> 1. </th> <th align="left" valign="top"> 📘Aptitude + Puzzles </th> <th align="left"> 📒Aptitude <table> <td align="center"><a href="" target="_blank"><img src=",204,203,200_QL40_FMwebp_.jpg" width="100" alt=""/><br /><sub><b>Quantitative Aptitude - <br> Dr. R S Aggarwal</b></sub></a><br /></td> </table> </th> </tr> </tbody> <tbody> <tr> <th valign="top"> 2. </th> <th align="left" valign="top"> 📘Programming Languages </th> <th align="left"> 📒C & C++ Language <table> <td align="center"><a href="" target="_blank"><img src=",204,203,200_QL40_FMwebp_.jpg" width="100" alt=""/><br /><sub><b>Let Us C</b></sub></a><br /></td> <td align="center"><a href="" target="_blank"><img src=",204,203,200_QL40_FMwebp_.jpg" width="100" alt=""/><br /><sub><b>C in Depth</b></sub></a><br /></td> <tr> <td align="center"><a href="" target="_blank"><img src=",204,203,200_QL40_FMwebp_.jpg" width="100" alt=""/><br /><sub><b>Let Us C++</b></sub></a><br /></td> <td align="center"><a href="" target="_blank"><img src=",204,203,200_.jpg" width="100" alt=""/><br /><sub><b>The Complete Reference <br> C++</b></sub></a><br /></td> </table> 📒Python Language <table> <td align="center"><a href="" target="_blank"><img src=",204,203,200_.jpg" width="100" alt=""/><br /><sub><b>Core Python</b></sub></a><br /></td> </table> 📒Java Language <table> <td align="center"><a href="" target="_blank"><img src=",204,203,200_.jpg" width="100" alt=""/><br /><sub><b>Core Java</b></sub></a><br /></td> </table> </th> </tr> </tbody> <tbody> <tr> <th valign="top"> 3. </th> <th align="left" valign="top"> 📘DSA <hr> 📘CP <hr> 📘Coding Interviews </th> <th align="left"> 📒Data Structures <table> <td align="center"><a href="" target="_blank"><img src=",204,203,200_.jpg" width="100" alt=""/><br /><sub><b>Data Structures <br> and Algorithms <br> Made Easy</b></sub></a><br /></td> <td align="center"><a href="" target="_blank"><img src=",204,203,200_.jpg" width="100" alt=""/><br /><sub><b>Data Structures <br> and Algorithms <br> Thinking with Python</b></sub></a><br /></td> </table> 📒Algorithms <table> <td align="center"><a href="" target="_blank"><img src=",204,203,200_.jpg" width="100" alt=""/><br /><sub><b>Introduction to Algorithms</b></sub></a><br /></td> <td align="center"><a href="" target="_blank"><img src=",204,203,200_.jpg" width="100" alt=""/><br /><sub><b>Algorithms</b></sub></a><br /></td> </table> <hr> 📒Competitive Programming <table> <td align="center"><a href="" target="_blank"><img src=",204,203,200_.jpg" width="100" alt=""/><br /><sub><b>Guide to <br> Competitive Programming</b></sub></a><br /></td> </table> <hr> 📒Coding Interviews <table> <td align="center"><a href="" target="_blank"><img src=",204,203,200_QL40_FMwebp_.jpg" width="100;" alt=""/><br /><sub><b>Cracking the Coding Interview</b></sub></a><br /></td> </table> </th> </tr> </tbody> <tbody> <tr> <th valign="top"> 4. </th> <th align="left" valign="top"> 📘Technical Subject </th> <th align="left"> 📒Object Oriented Programming (OOP) <table> <td align="center"><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" width="100" alt=""/><br /><sub><b>Object Oriented Programming <br> with C++ <br> E Balagurusamy</b></sub></a><br /></td> </table> 📒Operating System (OS) <table> <td align="center"><a href="" target="_blank"><img src=",204,203,200_.jpg" width="100" alt=""/><br /><sub><b>Operating System</b></sub></a><br /></td> </table> 📒Database Management System (DBMS) <table> <td align="center"><a href="" target="_blank"><img src=",204,203,200_QL40_FMwebp_.jpg" width="100" alt=""/><br /><sub><b>Database Management System</b></sub></a><br /></td> </table> 📒Computer Network (CN) <table> <td align="center"><a href="" target="_blank"><img src=",204,203,200_.jpg" width="100" alt=""/><br /><sub><b>Computer Network</b></sub></a><br /></td> </table> 📒System Design <table> <td align="center"><a href="" target="_blank"><img src=",204,203,200_.jpg" width="100" alt=""/><br /><sub><b>System Design - Volume 1</b></sub></a><br /></td> <td align="center"><a href="" target="_blank"><img src=",204,203,200_.jpg" width="100" alt=""/><br /><sub><b>System Design - Volume 2</b></sub></a><br /></td> </table> </th> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <!-- # [`Community Exchange`]( <code>[![Community Exchange](]( [![CLASS OF 2022 - Yearbook](](</code> ## [`Welcome to The-Complete-FAANG-Preparation Discussions!`]( <code>[![Discussion Tab](](</code> --> --- [![Hello programmer Welcome to my profile](,Programmer!-Welcome-orange.svg?style=flat&logo=github)]( [![Open Source Love](]( [![GitHub followers](]( [![GitHub Stars](]( [![GitHub Forks](]( [![GitHub Watchers](]( [![License](]( ![Size]( ![Lines 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The Programming languages used for demonstration are C++, Python, and Java. ``` <!-- <div align="center"> <p> <a href=""> <b>Applying to internships?</b> <br> Autofill all your applications in a single click. <br> <div> <img src="" width="450" alt="Simplify"> </div> </a> <sub><i>Stop manually re-entering your information. Simplify’s extension helps you autofill internship applications on millions of sites.</i></sub> </p> </div> --> --- <h1 align='center'> <a href=""> <code> Full Repository Status </code> </a><br> <a href=""> <code> Learning Index </code> </a> </h1> <table> <thead> <tr> <th> SNo. </th> <th> <a href=""> <img src=""> </a> </th> <th> <a href=""> <img src=""> </a> </th> <th> <a href=""> <img src=""> </a> </th> <th> <a href=""> <img src=""> </a> </th> <th> <a href=""> <img src=""> </a> </th> <th> <a href=""> <img src=""> </a> </th> <th> <a href=""> <img src=""> </a> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td valign="top"> 1. </td> <td valign="top"> <table border="5"> <thead> <tr> <th> SNo. </th> <th> Contents </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <th> 1. </th> <th align="left"> <a href=""> Aptitude & Reasoning </a> </th> </tr> </tbody> <tbody> <tr> <th> 2. </th> <th align="left"> <a href=""> Basic Programming MCQs </a> </th> </tr> </tbody> <tbody> <tr> <th> 3. </th> <th align="left"> <a href=""> Puzzles </a> </th> </tr> </tbody> </table> </td> <td valign="top"> <table border="5"> <thead> <tr> <th> SNo. </th> <th> Contents </th> <th> Sub-Contents </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <th valign="top"> 1. </th> <th align="left" valign="top"> <a href=""> DSA </a> </th> <th> <table border="3"> <thead> <tr> <th> SNo. </th> <th> Topics </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <th> 1. </th> <th align="left"> <a href=""> Data Structures </a> </th> </tr> </tbody> <tbody> <tr> <th> 2. </th> <th align="left"> <a href=""> Algorithms </a> </th> </tr> </tbody> <tbody> <tr> <th> 3. </th> <th align="left"> <a href=""> 450 DSA by Love Babbar </a> </th> </tr> </tbody> <tbody> <tr> <th> 4. </th> <th align="left"> <a href=""> Striver Series </a> </th> </tr> </tbody> <tbody> <tr> <th> 5. </th> <th align="left"> <a href=""> DSA Sheet by Apna College </a> </th> </tr> </tbody> </table> </th> </tr> </tbody> <tbody> <tr> <th valign="top"> 2. </th> <th align="left" valign="top"> <a href=""> CP </a> </th> <th> <table border="3"> <thead> <tr> <th> SNo. </th> <th> Topics </th> <th> Sub-Topics </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <th> 1. </th> <th align="left"> <a href=""> <img src="" width="15" height="15"> Google </a> </th> <th align="left"> <a href=""> 1️⃣Code Jam </a> <br> <a href=""> 2️⃣Hash Code </a> <br> <a href=""> 3️⃣Kick Start </a> </th> </tr> </tbody> <tbody> <tr> <th> 2. </th> <th align="left"> <a href=""> <img src="" width="15" height="15"> Facebook (Meta) </a> </th> <th align="left"> <a href=""> 1️⃣Facebook Hackercup </a> <br> <a href=""> 2️⃣FB Hack </a> </th> </tr> </tbody> <tbody> <tr> <th> 3. </th> <th align="left"> <a href=""> <img src="" width="15" height="15"> LeetCode </a> </th> <th align="left"> <a href=""> 1️⃣Problems </a> <br> <a href=""> 2️⃣Contests </a> <br>&emsp; <a href=""> 📕Weekly Contests </a> <br>&emsp; <a href=""> 📕Biweekly Contests </a> <br> <a href=""> 3️⃣Study Plan </a> <br>&emsp; <a href=""> 📕Comprehensive Study Plans </a> <br>&emsp;&emsp; <a href=""> 📖LeetCode 75 </a> <br>&emsp;&emsp; <a href=""> 📖Data Structure </a> <br>&emsp;&emsp; <a href=""> 📖Algorithm </a> <br>&emsp; <a href=""> 📕In-Depth Topics </a> <br>&emsp;&emsp; <a href=""> 📖SQL </a> <br>&emsp;&emsp; <a href=""> 📖Programming Skills </a> <br>&emsp;&emsp; <a href=""> 📖Binary Search </a> <br>&emsp;&emsp; <a href=""> 📖Graph Theory </a> <br>&emsp;&emsp; <a href=""> 📖Dynamic Programming </a> </th> </tr> </tbody> <tbody> <tr> <th> 4. </th> <th align="left"> <a href=""> <img src="" width="18" height="15"> Coding Ninjas </a> </th> <th align="left"> <a href=""> 1️⃣Practice </a> <br> <a href=""> 2️⃣Contests </a> </th> </tr> </tbody> <tbody> <tr> <th> 5. </th> <th align="left"> <a href=""> <img src="" width="15" height="12"> GeeksforGeeks </a> </th> <th align="left"> <a href=""> 1️⃣Problems </a> <br> <a href=""> 2️⃣Contests </a> </th> </tr> </tbody> <tbody> <tr> <th> 6. </th> <th align="left"> <a href=""> <img src="" width="15" height="15"> InterviewBit </a> </th> <th align="left"> <a href=""> 1️⃣Practice </a> <br> <a href=""> 2️⃣Resources </a> <br> <a href=""> 3️⃣Contests </a> </th> </tr> </tbody> <tbody> <tr> <th> 7. </th> <th align="left"> <a href=""> <img src="" width="15" height="15"> PrepBytes </a> </th> <th align="left"> <a href=""> 1️⃣Competitive Coding </a> <br> <a href=""> 2️⃣Interview Coding </a> <br> <a href=""> 3️⃣Company Coding </a> </th> </tr> </tbody> <tbody> <tr> <th> 8. </th> <th align="left"> <a href=""> <img src="" width="15" height="15"> Work@Tech </a> </th> <th align="left"> <a href=""> 1️⃣Basic Coding For Beginners </a> <br> <a href=""> 2️⃣Data Structures & Algorithms </a> <br> <a href=""> 3️⃣Machine Coding </a> </th> </tr> </tbody> <tbody> <tr> <th> 9. </th> <th align="left"> <a href=""> <img src="" width="15" height="15"> CodeSignal </a> </th> <th align="left"> <a href=""> 1️⃣Arcade </a> <br> <a href=""> 2️⃣Interview Practice </a> <br> <a href=""> 3️⃣Challenges </a> <br> <a href=""> 4️⃣Company Challenges </a> </th> </tr> </tbody> <tbody> <tr> <th> 10. </th> <th align="left"> <a href=""> <img src="" width="15" height="15"> HackerRank </a> </th> <th align="left"> <a href=""> 1️⃣Prepare </a> <br> <a href=""> 2️⃣Compete </a> </th> </tr> </tbody> <tbody> <tr> <th> 11. </th> <th align="left"> <a href=""> <img src="" width="15" height="15"> HackerEarth </a> </th> <th align="left"> <a href=""> 1️⃣Practice </a> <br> <a href=""> 2️⃣Compete </a> </th> </tr> </tbody> <tbody> <tr> <th> 12. </th> <th align="left"> <a href=""> <img src="" width="15" height="15"> CodeChef </a> </th> <th align="left"> <a href=""> 1️⃣Learn </a> <br> <a href=""> 2️⃣Practice </a> <br> <a href=""> 3️⃣Compete </a> </th> </tr> </tbody> <tbody> <tr> <th> 13. </th> <th align="left"> <a href=""> <img src="" width="15" height="15"> CodeForces </a> </th> <th align="left"> <a href=""> 1️⃣Problem Set </a> <br> <a href=""> 2️⃣Contests </a> </th> </tr> </tbody> <tbody> <tr> <th> 14. </th> <th align="left"> <a href=""> <img src="" width="15" height="15"> AtCoder </a> </th> <th align="left"> <a href=""> 1️⃣Contest </a> </th> </tr> </tbody> <tbody> <tr> <th> 15. </th> <th align="left"> <a href=""> <img src="" width="15" height="15"> Sphere Online Judge (SPOJ) </a> </th> <th align="left"> <a href=""> 1️⃣Problems </a> <br> <a href=""> 2️⃣Contests </a> </th> </tr> </tbody> <tbody> <tr> <th> 16. </th> <th align="left"> <a href=""> <img src="" width="15" height="15"> LightOJ </a> </th> <th align="left"> <a href=""> 1️⃣Problems </a> <br> <a href=""> 2️⃣Compete </a> </th> </tr> </tbody> <tbody> <tr> <th> 17. </th> <th align="left"> <a href=""> <img src="" width="15" height="15"> Toph </a> </th> <th align="left"> <a href=""> 1️⃣Problems </a> <br> <a href=""> 2️⃣Contests </a> </th> </tr> </tbody> <tbody> <tr> <th> 18. </th> <th align="left"> <a href=""> <img src="" width="25" height="15"> Australian Maths Trust (AMT) </a> </th> <th align="left"> </th> </tr> </tbody> <tbody> <tr> <th> 19. </th> <th align="left"> <a href=""> <img src="" width="25" height="15"> CSES </a> </th> <th align="left"> <a href=""> 1️⃣CSES Problem Set </a> <br> <a href=""> 2️⃣BOI Contest Collection </a> <br> <a href=""> 3️⃣CEOI Contest Collection </a> </th> </tr> </tbody> </table> </th> </tr> </tbody> </table> </td> <td valign="top"> <table border="5"> <thead> <tr> <th> SNo. </th> <th> Contents </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <th> 1. </th> <th align="left"> <a href=""> OOP </a> </th> </tr> </tbody> <tbody> <tr> <th> 2. </th> <th align="left"> <a href=""> OS </a> </th> </tr> </tbody> <tbody> <tr> <th> 3. </th> <th align="left"> <a href=""> DBMS </a> </th> </tr> </tbody> <tbody> <tr> <th> 4. </th> <th align="left"> <a href=""> SQL </a> </th> </tr> </tbody> <tbody> <tr> <th> 5. </th> <th align="left"> <a href=""> CN </a> </th> </tr> </tbody> </table> </td> <td valign="top"> <table border="5"> <thead> <tr> <th> SNo. </th> <th> Contents </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <th> 1. </th> <th align="left"> <a href=""> Low Level Design </a> </th> </tr> </tbody> <tbody> <tr> <th> 2. </th> <th align="left"> <a href=""> High Level Design </a> </th> </tr> </tbody> </table> </td> <td valign="top"> <table border="5"> <thead> <tr> <th> SNo. </th> <th> Contents </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <th> 1. </th> <th align="left"> <a href=""> Blockchain Development </a> </th> </tr> </tbody> <tbody> <tr> <th> 2. </th> <th align="left"> <a href=""> Data Science </a> </th> </tr> </tbody> <tbody> <tr> <th> 3. </th> <th align="left"> <a href=""> Internet of Things (IOT) </a> </th> </tr> </tbody> <tbody> <tr> <th> 4. </th> <th align="left"> <a href=""> Web Development </a> </th> </tr> </tbody> <tbody> <tr> <th> 5. </th> <th align="left"> <a href=""> Mobile Development </a> </th> </tr> </tbody> <tbody> <tr> <th> 6. </th> <th align="left"> <a href=""> Desktop Development </a> </th> </tr> </tbody> </table> </td> <td valign="top"> <table border="5"> <thead> <tr> <th> SNo. </th> <th> Contents </th> <th> Sub-Contents </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <th valign="top"> 1. </th> <th align="left" valign="top"> <a href=""> 📚Important Books </a> </th> <th> <table border="3"> <thead> <tr> <th> SNo. </th> <th> Topics </th> <th> Sub-Topics </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <th valign="top"> 1. </th> <th align="left" valign="top"> 📘Aptitude + Puzzles </th> <th align="left"> 📒Aptitude <table> <td align="center"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src=",204,203,200_QL40_FMwebp_.jpg" width="100" alt=""/> <br> <sub><b>Quantitative Aptitude - <br> Dr. R S Aggarwal</b></sub> </a><br /> </td> </table> </th> </tr> </tbody> <tbody> <tr> <th valign="top"> 2. </th> <th align="left" valign="top"> 📘Programming Languages </th> <th align="left"> 📒C & C++ Language <table> <td align="center"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src=",204,203,200_QL40_FMwebp_.jpg" width="100" alt=""/> <br> <sub><b>Let Us C</b></sub> </a><br /> </td> <td align="center"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src=",204,203,200_QL40_FMwebp_.jpg" width="100" alt=""/> <br> <sub><b>C in Depth</b></sub> </a><br /> </td> <tr> <td align="center"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src=",204,203,200_QL40_FMwebp_.jpg" width="100" alt=""/> <br> <sub><b>Let Us C++</b></sub> </a><br /> </td> <td align="center"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src=",204,203,200_.jpg" width="100" alt=""/> <br> <sub><b>The Complete Reference <br> C++</b></sub> </a><br /> </td> </table> 📒Python Language <table> <td align="center"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src=",204,203,200_.jpg" width="100" alt=""/> <br> <sub><b>Core Python</b></sub> </a><br /> </td> </table> 📒Java Language <table> <td align="center"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src=",204,203,200_.jpg" width="100" alt=""/> <br> <sub><b>Core Java</b></sub> </a><br /> </td> </table> </th> </tr> </tbody> <tbody> <tr> <th valign="top"> 3. </th> <th align="left" valign="top"> 📘DSA <hr> 📘CP <hr> 📘Coding Interviews </th> <th align="left"> 📒Data Structures <table> <td align="center"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src=",204,203,200_.jpg" width="100" alt=""/> <br> <sub><b>Data Structures <br> and Algorithms <br> Made Easy</b></sub> </a><br /> </td> <td align="center"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src=",204,203,200_.jpg" width="100" alt=""/> <br> <sub><b>Data Structures <br> and Algorithms <br> Thinking with Python</b></sub> </a><br /> </td> </table> 📒Algorithms <table> <td align="center"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src=",204,203,200_.jpg" width="100" alt=""/> <br> <sub><b>Introduction to Algorithms</b></sub> </a><br /> </td> <td align="center"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src=",204,203,200_.jpg" width="100" alt=""/> <br> <sub><b>Algorithms</b></sub> </a><br /> </td> </table> <hr> 📒Competitive Programming <table> <td align="center"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src=",204,203,200_.jpg" width="100" alt=""/> <br> <sub><b>Guide to <br> Competitive Programming</b></sub> </a><br /> </td> </table> <hr> 📒Coding Interviews <table> <td align="center"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src=",204,203,200_QL40_FMwebp_.jpg" width="100;" alt=""/> <br> <sub><b>Cracking the Coding Interview</b></sub> </a><br /> </td> </table> </th> </tr> </tbody> <tbody> <tr> <th valign="top"> 4. </th> <th align="left" valign="top"> 📘Technical Subject </th> <th align="left"> 📒Object Oriented Programming (OOP) <table> <td align="center"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="" width="100" alt=""/> <br> <sub><b>Object Oriented Programming <br> with C++ <br> E Balagurusamy</b></sub> </a><br /> </td> </table> 📒Operating System (OS) <table> <td align="center"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src=",204,203,200_.jpg" width="100" alt=""/> <br> <sub><b>Operating System</b></sub> </a><br /> </td> </table> 📒Database Management System (DBMS) <table> <td align="center"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src=",204,203,200_QL40_FMwebp_.jpg" width="100" alt=""/> <br> <sub><b>Database Management System</b></sub> </a><br /> </td> </table> 📒Computer Network (CN) <table> <td align="center"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src=",204,203,200_.jpg" width="100" alt=""/> <br> <sub><b>Computer Network</b></sub> </a><br /> </td> </table> 📒System Design <table> <td align="center"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src=",204,203,200_.jpg" width="100" alt=""/> <br> <sub><b>System Design - Volume 1</b></sub> </a><br /> </td> <td align="center"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src=",204,203,200_.jpg" width="100" alt=""/> <br> <sub><b>System Design - Volume 2</b></sub> </a><br /> </td> </table> </th> </tr> </tbody> </table> </th> </tr> </tbody> <tbody> <tr> <th valign="top"> 2. </th> <th align="left" valign="top"> <a href=""> 📓Learning Resources </a> </th> <th> <a href="" target="_blank"><img align="center" src="" width="300px" height="80px" /></a> <br><img src="" /> <table border="3"> <thead> <tr> <th> SNo. </th> <th> Topics </th> <th> Sub-Topics </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <th> 1. </th> <th align="left"> 📘Aptitude + Puzzle </th> <th align="left"> <a href=""> 1️⃣Aptitude </a> <br> <a href=""> 2️⃣Puzzle </a> </th> </tr> </tbody> <tbody> <tr> <th> 2. </th> <th align="left"> 📘Languages </th> <th align="left"> <a href=""> 1️⃣C++ </a> <br> <a href=""> 2️⃣Python </a> <br> <a href="">3️⃣Java </a> </th> </tr> </tbody> <tbody> <tr> <th> 3. </th> <th align="left"> 📘DSA + CP <hr> 📘Top Problem Lists </th> <th align="left"> <a href=""> 1️⃣Data Structures and Algorithms </a> <br> <a href=""> 2️⃣Competitive Programming </a> <hr> <a href=""> 1️⃣Striver SDE Sheet </a> <br> <a href=""> 2️⃣Love Babbar DSA Sheet </a> </th> </tr> </tbody> <tbody> <tr> <th> 4. </th> <th align="left"> 📘Technical Subject </th> <th align="left"> <a href=""> 1️⃣Operating System </a> <br> <a href=""> 2️⃣Database Management System </a> <br> <a href=""> 3️⃣Computer Networks </a> <br> <a href="">4️⃣ Object Oriented Programming in C++ </a> <br>&emsp; <a href=""> 4️⃣🅰️Object Oriented Programming in Python </a> <br>&emsp; <a href=""> 4️⃣🅱️Object Oriented Programming in Java </a> <br> <a href=""> 5️⃣System Design </a> </th> </tr> </tbody> </table> <br> <a href="" target="_blank"><img align="center" src="" width="300px" height="50px" /></a> <br><img src="" /> <table border="3"> <thead> <tr> <th> SNo. </th> <th> Topics </th> <th> Sub-Topics </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <th> 1. </th> <th align="left"> 📘Aptitude + Puzzles </th> <th align="left"> <a href=""> 1️⃣Aptitude </a> <br> <a href=""> 2️⃣Puzzle </a> </th> </tr> </tbody> <tbody> <tr> <th> 2. </th> <th align="left"> 📘Languages </th> <th align="left"> <a href=""> 1️⃣C++ </a> <br> <a href=""> 2️⃣Python </a> <br> <a href=""> 3️⃣Java </a> </th> </tr> </tbody> <tbody> <tr> <th> 3. </th> <th align="left"> 📘DSA + CP <hr> 📘Top Problem Lists </th> <th align="left"> <a href=""> 1️⃣Data Structures </a> <br> <a href=""> 2️⃣Algorithms </a> <br> <a href=""> 3️⃣Competitive Programming </a> <hr> <a href="">1️⃣GFG SDE Sheet </a> <br>&emsp; <a href=""> 🔵Facebook(Meta) SDE Sheet </a> <br>&emsp; <a href=""> 🟠Amazon SDE Sheet </a> <br>&emsp; <a href=""> ⚫Apple SDE Sheet </a> <br>&emsp; <a href=""> 🔴Netflix SDE Sheet </a> <br>&emsp; <a href=""> 🟢Google SDE Sheet </a> <br> <a href=""> 2️⃣Love Babbar DSA Sheet </a> </th> </tr> </tbody> <tbody> <tr> <th> 4. </th> <th align="left"> 📘Technical Subject </th> <th align="left"> <a href=""> 1️⃣Operating System </a> <br> <a href=""> 2️⃣Database Management System </a> <br> <a href=""> 3️⃣Computer Networks </a> <br> <a href=""> 4️⃣System Design </a> <br>&emsp; <a href=""> 4️⃣🅰️Software Design Patterns </a> </th> </tr> </tbody> <tbody> <tr> <th> 5. </th> <th align="left"> 📘Projects </th> <th align="left"> <a href=""> 1️⃣Computer Science Projects </a> </th> </tr> </tbody> </table> </th> </tr> </tbody> </table> </td> <td valign="top"> <table border="5"> <thead> <tr> <th> SNo. </th> <th> Contents </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <th> 1. </th> <th align="left"> <a href=""> Behavioural Interview Questions </a> </th> </tr> </tbody> </table> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </br> ## 🏆 `Project Admin` | <a href=""><img src="" width=200px height=200px 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/><sub><b>Ash515</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Commits">💻</a> <a href="" title="Contribution Graph">📊</a></td> <td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt=""/><br /><sub><b>fame2105</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Commits">💻</a> <a href="" title="Contribution Graph">📊</a></td> <!-- 2nd Row --> <tr> <td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt=""/><br /><sub><b>vkhurana25</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Commits">💻</a> <a href="" title="Contribution Graph">📊</a></td> <td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt=""/><br /><sub><b>RAUNAK-PANDEY</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Commits">💻</a> <a href="" title="Contribution Graph">📊</a></td> <td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt=""/><br /><sub><b>codeaholic-shub</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Commits">💻</a> <a href="" title="Contribution Graph">📊</a></td> <td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt=""/><br /><sub><b>aroravansh</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Commits">💻</a> <a href="" title="Contribution Graph">📊</a></td> <td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt=""/><br /><sub><b>tanmayChakrawarty</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Commits">💻</a> <a href="" title="Contribution Graph">📊</a></td> <td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt=""/><br /><sub><b>onlykingKD</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Commits">💻</a> <a href="" title="Contribution Graph">📊</a></td> <!-- 3rd Row --> <tr> <td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt=""/><br /><sub><b>parajshah</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Commits">💻</a> <a href="" title="Contribution Graph">📊</a></td> <td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt=""/><br /><sub><b>Pranjal-bisht</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Commits">💻</a> <a href="" title="Contribution Graph">📊</a></td> <td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt=""/><br /><sub><b>SanandhKumar02</b></sub></a><br /></td> <td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt=""/><br /><sub><b>sainikhil1605</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Commits">💻</a> <a href="" title="Contribution Graph">📊</a></td> <td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt=""/><br /><sub><b>work-mohit</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Commits">💻</a> <a href="" title="Contribution Graph">📊</a></td> <td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt=""/><br /><sub><b>Ayush7614</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Commits">💻</a> <a href="" title="Contribution Graph">📊</a></td> <!-- 4th Row --> <tr> <td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt=""/><br /><sub><b>sayeedajmal</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Commits">💻</a> <a href="" title="Contribution Graph">📊</a></td> <td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt=""/><br /><sub><b>Wenodh</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Commits">💻</a> <a href="" title="Contribution Graph">📊</a></td> <td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt=""/><br /><sub><b>devraj4522</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Commits">💻</a> <a href="" title="Contribution Graph">📊</a></td> <td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt=""/><br /><sub><b>RounakNeogy</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Commits">💻</a> <a href="" title="Contribution Graph">📊</a></td> <td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt=""/><br /><sub><b>ashwin3082002</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Commits">💻</a> <a href="" title="Contribution Graph">📊</a></td> <td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt=""/><br /><sub><b>VishnuSastryHK</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Commits">💻</a> <a href="" title="Contribution Graph">📊</a></td> <!-- 5th Row --> <tr> <td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt=""/><br /><sub><b>muhiqsimui</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Commits">💻</a> <a href="" 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contributions! Kindly follow the steps below to get started: 0. Star <a href="" title="this">this</a> repository. 1. Fork <a href="" title="this">this</a> repository. 2. Clone the forked repository. ```css git clone<your-github-username>/The-Complete-FAANG-Preparation ``` 3. Navigate to the project directory. ```py cd The-Complete-FAANG-Preparation ``` 4. Create a new branch. ```css git checkout -b <your_branch_name> ``` 5. Make changes. 6. Stage your changes and commit ```css git add -A git commit -m "<your_commit_message>" ``` 7. Push your local commits to the remote repo. ```css git push -u origin <your_branch_name> ``` 8. Create a <a href="" title="Pull Request">Pull-Request</a> to `develop` ! 9. Congratulations! 🎉 Sit and relax, you've made your contribution to <a href="" title="The-Complete-FAANG-Preparation">The Complete FAANG Preparation</a>. ✌️ ❤️ 💥 --- ## `Stargazers Over Time 📊📈` <table> <td> <a href=""><img src="" width="100%" height="100%"></a> </td> <tr> <td> <a href=""><img src="" width="100%" height="100%"></a> </td> </table> <!-- [![Stargazers over time](]( --> ## [`MIT LICENSE 📜`]( | Permissions | Limitations | Conditions | |-------------------|--------------|---------------------------------| | ✔ Commercial use | ❌ Liability | 🛈 License and copyright notice | | ✔ Modification | ❌ Warranty | | | ✔ Distribution | | | | ✔ Private use | | | > **Note** ```css MIT License Copyright (c) 2021 Akash Singh Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ```
Operating System for Enterprise Blockchain
![Cello](docs/images/favicon.png) [![Build Status](]( Hyperledger Cello is a blockchain provision and operation system, which helps manage blockchain networks in an efficient way. 1. [Introduction](#introduction) 2. [Main Features](#main-features) 3. [Quick Start](#quick-start) 4. [Documentation](#documentation-getting-started-and-develop-guideline) 5. [Why named cello?](#why-named-cello) 6. [Notice](#incubation-notice) ## Introduction Using Cello, everyone can easily: * Build up a Blockchain as a Service (BaaS) platform quickly from scratch. * Provision customizable Blockchains instantly, e.g., a Hyperledger fabric network v1.0. * Maintain a pool of running blockchain networks on top of baremetals, Virtual Clouds (e.g., virtual machines, vsphere Clouds), Container clusters (e.g., Docker, Swarm, Kubernetes). * Check the system status, adjust the chain numbers, scale resources... through dashboards. A typical usage scenario is illustrated as: ![Typical Scenario](docs/images/scenario.png) ## Quick Start Environmental preparation: 1. docker [how install]( 2. docker compose(`we switched to` [Docker Compose V2]( [how install]( 3. make `all script for cello service management is written in Makefile` 4. kubernetes (`optional`) [how install]( 5. node [how install]( If environment is prepared, then we can start cello service. * Build essential images for cello service (Optional, because currently the dockerhub image auto build haven't ready, in the future you can ignore this step.) * Build API Engine ```bash $ make api-engine ``` * Build Docker Agent ```bash $ make docker-rest-agent ``` * Build Docker Dashboard ```bash $ make dashboard ``` <!--- * config variables for service deployment through menuconfig/alldefconfig, then will generate .config file under the project folder. if you want to use default configuration for service deployment, only need run alldefconfig. ```bash # make alldefconfig ``` if you want to set the config through terminal ui, run menuconfig ![menuconfig](docs/images/menuconfig.png). ```bash # make menuconfig ``` --> * Start cello service.<!---, default deployment method is using docker-compose, if you have kubernetes environment,--> <!---you can change deployment method to kubernetes through `DEPLOY_METHOD=k8s make start`.--> ```bash $ make start ``` After service started up, if use docker-compose method, you can see output: ```bash CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 81e6459965ec hyperledger/cello-agent-docker "gunicorn server:app…" 4 seconds ago Up 2 seconds>2375/tcp, :::2375->2375/tcp,>5001/tcp, :::5001->5001/tcp cello.docker.agent 04367ab6bd5e postgres:11.1 "docker-entrypoint.s…" 4 seconds ago Up 2 seconds>5432/tcp, :::5432->5432/tcp cello-postgres 29b56a279893 hyperledger/cello-api-engine "/bin/sh -c 'bash /e…" 4 seconds ago Up 2 seconds>8080/tcp, :::8080->8080/tcp cello-api-engine a272a06d8280 hyperledger/cello-dashboard "bash -c 'nginx -g '…" 4 seconds ago Up 2 seconds 80/tcp,>8081/tcp, :::8081->8081/tcp cello-dashboard ``` <!--- If use kubernetes method to deploy, the output is: ```bash NAME READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE deployment.extensions/api-engine 1/1 1 1 7s deployment.extensions/api-engine-tasks 1/1 1 1 7s deployment.extensions/postgres 1/1 1 1 8s deployment.extensions/redis 1/1 1 1 8s NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE pod/api-engine-5844d7d9d4-zqw9k 1/1 Running 0 7s pod/api-engine-tasks-74484d6f45-jj6p9 1/1 Running 0 7s pod/postgres-774d5cd5f-p5j5l 1/1 Running 0 8s pod/redis-6bf574b8c5-p2dnl 1/1 Running 0 7s NAME HOSTS ADDRESS PORTS AGE ingress.extensions/ingress-api-engine * 80 7s ``` --> * Stop cello service.<!---, same as start, need set the `DEPLOY_METHOD` variable.--> ```bash $ make stop ``` * Check [troubleshoot]( section if you get any question. ## Main Features * Manage the lifecycle of blockchains, e.g., create/start/stop/delete/keep health automatically. * Support customized (e.g., size, consensus) blockchains request, currently we mainly support [Hyperledger fabric]( * Support native Docker host, swarm or Kubernetes as the worker nodes. More supports on the way. * Support heterogeneous architecture, e.g., X86, POWER and Z, from bare-metal servers to virtual machines. * Extend with monitor, log, health and analytics features by employing additional components. ## Documentation, Getting Started and Develop Guideline For new users, it is highly recommended to read the [tutorial](docs/ or [index](docs/ first. And feel free to visit the [online documentation]( for more information. You can also run `make doc` to start a local documentation website (Listen at [localhost:8000]( ## Why named Cello? Can you find anyone better at playing chains? :) ## Incubation Notice This project is a Hyperledger project in _Incubation_. It was proposed to the community and documented [here](, and was approved by [Hyperledger TSC at 2017-01-07]( Information on what _Incubation_ entails can be found in the [Hyperledger Project Lifecycle document]( ## Inclusive Language Statement These guiding principles are very important to the maintainers and therefore we respectfully ask all contributors to abide by them as well: - Consider that users who will read the docs are from different backgrounds and cultures and that they have different preferences. - Avoid potential offensive terms and, for instance, prefer "allow list and deny list" to "white list and black list". - We believe that we all have a role to play to improve our world, and even if writing inclusive documentation might not look like a huge improvement, it's a first step in the right direction. - We suggest to refer to [Microsoft bias free writing guidelines]( and [Google inclusive doc writing guide]( as starting points. <a rel="license" href=""><img alt="Creative Commons License" style="border-width:0" src="" /></a><br />This work is licensed under a <a rel="license" href="">Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License</a>.
Writing an OS in Rust
# Blog OS This repository contains the source code for the _Writing an OS in Rust_ series at []( If you have questions, open an issue or chat with us [on Gitter]( ## Where is the code? The code for each post lives in a separate git branch. This makes it possible to see the intermediate state after each post. **The code for the latest post is available [here][latest-post].** [latest-post]: You can find the branch for each post by following the `(source code)` link in the [post list](#posts) below. The branches are named `post-XX` where `XX` is the post number, for example `post-03` for the _VGA Text Mode_ post or `post-07` for the _Hardware Interrupts_ post. For build instructions, see the Readme of the respective branch. You can check out a branch in a subdirectory using [git worktree]: [git worktree]: ``` git worktree add code post-10 ``` The above command creates a subdirectory named `code` that contains the code for the 10th post ("Heap Allocation"). ## Posts The goal of this project is to provide step-by-step tutorials in individual blog posts. We currently have the following set of posts: **Bare Bones:** - [A Freestanding Rust Binary]( ([source code]( - [A Minimal Rust Kernel]( ([source code]( - [VGA Text Mode]( ([source code]( - [Testing]( ([source code]( **Interrupts:** - [CPU Exceptions]( ([source code]( - [Double Faults]( ([source code]( - [Hardware Interrupts]( ([source code]( **Memory Management:** - [Introduction to Paging]( ([source code]( - [Paging Implementation]( ([source code]( - [Heap Allocation]( ([source code]( - [Allocator Designs]( ([source code]( **Multitasking**: - [Async/Await]( ([source code]( ## First Edition Posts The current version of the blog is already the second edition. The first edition is outdated and no longer maintained, but might still be useful. The posts of the first edition are: <details><summary><i>Click to expand</i></summary> **Bare Bones:** - [A Minimal x86 Kernel]( ([source code]( - [Entering Long Mode]( ([source code]( - [Set Up Rust]( ([source code]( - [Printing to Screen]( ([source code]( **Memory Management:** - [Allocating Frames]( ([source code]( - [Page Tables]( ([source code]( - [Remap the Kernel]( ([source code]( - [Kernel Heap]( ([source code]( **Exceptions:** - [Handling Exceptions]( ([source code]( - [Double Faults]( ([source code]( **Additional Resources:** - [Cross Compile Binutils]( - [Cross Compile libcore]( - [Set Up GDB]( - [Handling Exceptions using Naked Functions]( - [Catching Exceptions]( ([source code]( - [Better Exception Messages]( ([source code]( - [Returning from Exceptions]( ([source code]( </details> ## License This project, with exception of the `blog/content` folder, is licensed under either of - Apache License, Version 2.0 ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or - MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or at your option. For licensing of the `blog/content` folder, see the [`blog/content/`](blog/content/ ### Contribution Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.
Incompatible Timesharing System
# Incompatible Timesharing System ![CI Build Status]( ### About ITS ITS, the Incompatible Timesharing System, is an operating system for the PDP-10 computer family. It was created by hackers at MIT in the 1960s. The MIT site was shut down in 1990, but enthusiasts continue to operate ITS systems to this day. Some notable ITS features: - Hosted the first versions of Emacs, Zork, Macsyma, Maclisp, Scheme, and multi-player Maze War - Virtual memory - User-space device drivers - Networking: TCP/IP, ARPAnet, Chaosnet - Transparent network file system - Terminal-independent text output - Graphical workstations There is a mailing list for discussion about ITS. Go to for more information. ### About this project This repository contains source code, tools, and scripts to build an ITS system from scratch. The goals are: - To provide an automated build from start to end. No user intervention is necessary. - To check which programs have source code, and [which programs are missing source code]( - To ensure that we know how to build all programs. - To update programs with the latest bug fixes and enhancements. - To be able to set configurable options across the whole system, such as host name, IP address, hardware devices. The build currently runs on the SIMH and KLH10 emulators. Of course, we'd be delighted to test this on a real KS10. ### Building To build ITS with this repository, you need some tools installed; see the table below. Ensure all submodules are checked out, and then type `make EMULATOR=simh`, `make EMULATOR=pdp10-ka`, `make EMULATOR=pdp10-kl`, `make EMULATOR=pdp10-ks`, or `make EMULATOR=klh10`. This will leave built files in the `out` directory, some of which are disk images with ITS installed. | Emulator | Dependencies | | --- | --- | | klh10 | git, c compiler, make, expect, curses, autoconf | simh | git, c compiler, make, expect, curses, autoconf, sdl2 | pdp10-ka | git, c compiler, make, expect, curses, autoconf, sdl2, sdl2-image, sdl2-net, gtk3 | pdp10-kl | git, c compiler, make, expect, curses, autoconf, sdl2, sdl2-image, gtk3 | pdp10-ks | git, c compiler, make, expect, curses, autoconf, sdl2 ### Usage To start ITS, type `./start`. If you see `KLH10#`, type `go` and Enter. If you see the `DSKDMP` prompt, type `its`, press Enter, and then <kbd>ESC</kbd><kbd>G</kbd>. If you use the `pdp10-kl` emulator there is no prompt and you need to type <kbd>ESC</kbd><kbd>L</kbd> `ITS`, press Enter, and then <kbd>ESC</kbd><kbd>G</kbd>. Eventually, you will see `SYSTEM JOB USING THIS CONSOLE`. You are now ready to log in, so type <kbd>CTRL</kbd><kbd>Z</kbd>. See [doc/](doc/ for a list of useful commands. Alternatively to logging in directly in the system console window, which will always be displaying daemon messages, you may prefer to use a seperate terminal session for logging in. To do this just run `telnet localhost 10003` from another shell window and press <kbd>CTRL</kbd><kbd>Z</kbd> to log in there. To shut down ITS, type `:lock` and then `5down`. Log yourself out to avoid the 5 minute grace period: type `:logout`. When ITS writes `SHUTDOWN COMPLETE`, it's safe to stop the emulator. Press <kbd>CTRL</kbd><kbd>\\</kbd> to escape to the simulator command prompt and `quit` to close it. If you had a separate telnet user session running you can similary press <kbd>CTRL</kbd><kbd>\[</kbd> and then exit telnet. ITS can optionally use some additional peripheral devices. To attach a simulated GT40 graphics terminal, type `./start gt40`. If you run the KA10 emulator, you can use the Knight TV raster display by typing `./start tv11 tvcon`. On a TV, type <kbd>F1</kbd> instead of <kbd>CTRL</kbd><kbd>Z</kbd>. Here is an overview of the repository: - bin - PDP-10 binary files necessary to bootstrap the system. - build - build scripts. - conf - configuration for building ITS. - doc - documentation, most of which appear in the INFO system. - src - source code for ITS and all programs. - tools - build tools. - out - build output. - user - optional user files installed in ITS. ### Terminal Emulators Several emulators for terminals and peripheral processors are built along with ITS. They can be started conveniently with the `start` script, or separately. Not all terminal emulators are set up to work with all PDP-10 emulators by default. | Name | Description | Type | klh10 | pdp10-ka | pdp10-kl | pdp10-ks | simh | ------- | ----------------- | ------ | ----- | -------- | -------- | -------- | ---- | type340 | Type 340 | vector | no | yes | no | no | no | gt40 | GT40 PDP-11 | vector | no | yes | no | yes | yes | imlac | Imlac PDS-1 | vector | no | yes | no | no | no | simh_imlac | Imlac PDS-1 | vector | no | yes | no | no | no | tv11 | Knight TV PDP-11 | cpu | no | yes | no | no | no | tvcon | Knight TV console | raster | no | yes | no | no | no | datapoint | Datapoint 3300 | text | no | yes | no | no | no | vt52 | VT52 | text | no | yes | yes | yes | yes | tek | Tektronix 4010 | vector | no | yes | yes | no | no ### Documentation See the [`doc` subdirectory](doc) for documentation. There are some short introductions for beginners: - [How to create a new user](doc/ - [DDT cheat sheet for Unix users](doc/ - [Basic editing with EMACS](doc/ - [TECO survival guide](doc/ - [DDT debugging newbie guide](doc/ - [Hello MIDAS](doc/ - [Hello Maclisp](doc/ - [Introduction to Muddle](doc/ - [DUMP and itstar](doc/ - [Games](doc/ - [Printing](doc/ - [Assembling ITS](doc/ - [Com link mode](doc/ - [Logo](doc/ - [PDP-6](doc/ - [Networking](doc/ A list of [known ITS machines](doc/ How [ITS is built](doc/ ### Applications Some major applications: - Adventure, game - C10, C compiler - CLU, progamming language. - DDT, debugger - Emacs, editor - Logo, interpreter - Mac Hack VI and Tech II, chess programs - Maclisp, interpreter and compiler - Muddle, interpreter - Macsyma, symbolic math - Maze War, game - Midas, assembler - Muscom and musrun, for playing music - PDP-11 simulator - Scheme, interpreter - Spacewar!, game - Stanford University Drawing System - TECO, editor - TOPS-10 and WAITS emulator There is a [detailed list of all installed programs](doc/
Lightweight operating system using Node.js as userspace
<!--- NodeOS Copyright (c) 2013-2017 Jacob Groundwater, Jesús Leganés-Combarro 'piranna' and other contributors MIT License --> [![Build Status](]( [![Stories in Ready](]( [![Join the chat at](]( [![MIT Licence](]( # NodeOS [![Greenkeeper badge](]( Lightweight operating system using [Node.js]( as userspace. NodeOS is an operating system built entirely in Javascript and managed by [npm]( Any package in `npm` is a NodeOS package, that means a selection of more than 400.000 packages. The goal of NodeOS is to provide just enough to let `npm` provide the rest. Since anyone can contribute to it, anyone can create NodeOS packages. This project won the Spanish [9th National Free Software Championship]( on the Systems category and was Honorable Mention of its [10th edition]( It was also presented as the degree thesis of [Jesús Leganes Combarro]( with a qualification of 10/10 with distinction. ## Useful links * [New Wiki (under work)]( * [pre-build releases images]( * [1.0 Roadmap]( * [2.0 Roadmap]( * [media files]( (logos, wallpapers...) * [discussion]( [![Join the Discussion](]( ## Introduction NodeOS is a Node.js based operating system, built-off of the Linux kernel. The NodeOS Project is aiming to, and can already run on some of the following platforms: - **real hardware** like desktops, laptops, or SoC's (Raspberry Pi) - **cloud providers** like Joyent, Amazon or Rackspace - **virtual machines** like QEmu, VirtualBox, VMWare and KVM - **PaaS providers** like Heroku or Joyent's Manta - **container providers** like Docker & Vagga Core development is being done in layers. There could be some differences to adjust better to each target platform, but the general structure is: - *barebones* custom Linux kernel with an initramfs that boots to a Node.js REPL - *initramfs* Initram environment to mount the users partition & boot the system - *usersfs* multi-user environment with the same behaviour of traditional OSes ### Booting process All the layers are bootable, leading *barebones* to a raw naked Node.js [REPL]( prompt as PID 1, while *initramfs* exec actual NodeOS code to isolate user code from the core system and, if available, mount a partition with the users' home directories and root filesystems. If a *usersfs* partition is being set at boot time, it will be mounted and the system will consider each one of its folders as the home folder for a valid user on the system, and will execute a `init` file in the root of each of them. If found, the `root` user will be the first to be considered and will have access to all of the home directories, but by design it will not be possible to elevate permissions once the system has finished booting. ### Hacking If you are hacking on NodeOS for a somewhat production environment, you are likely interested on building a custom *usersfs* image or modify it once booted, since each user is isolated from the others and everyone can be able to define its own root filesystem, but you can customize all other layers if you want. For example, you can modify *initramfs* to login users and mount their home folders from a cloud service or craft a system without global services (no `root` user), or also dedicate a full NodeOS instance to a single Node.js application. ## Pre-built Images Ready to use [pre-build images]( are automatically generated after each commit in master branch that sucessfully [pass the tests]( To exec them, you'll need to have [QEmu]( installed on your system. The *iso* can be written to a CD-R or flashed to a USB pendrive, but will only provide the read-only rootfs and the changes will be done in memory, losing them after reboot, so you'll manually need to set a read-write *usersfs* partition if you want to persist them. On the other hand, if you want to flash it to a USB pendrive, We recommended doing it by using `bin/installUSB` command so it will automatically create a read-write *usersfs* partition to fill the remaining space and use it as persistent storage. ## Build NodeOS in five steps 1. Download the project source code: ```bash git clone [email protected]:NodeOS/NodeOS.git cd NodeOS ``` 2. Install the required build tools. On a Ubuntu based system you can do it by executing: ```bash sudo bin/install-dependencies ``` 3. Install NodeOS build dependencies: ```bash npm install ``` 4. Build NodeOS: ```bash npm run build ``` By default it will generate some files that can be used with QEmu, compiled for your current machine architecture. You can configure the build process by passing some environment variables. For example, to force to build for 32 bits, use `BITS=32 npm install` instead. 5. Exec your freshly compiled NodeOS image: ```bash npm start ``` It will automatically detect what CPU architecture will need to be used on QEmu and exec the correct emulation. ...profit! :-D If you encounter an error when building NodeOS, take a look at [the wiki]( or open an [issue]( ## Single Process OS NodeOS can be used as a Single Process OS, where only run a single executable. To do so, set the `SINGLE_USER` environment variable to the name of a `npm` module when executing `npm run build`. This will run fully from initram, persistence can be achieved by setting this environment variable to an empty string and later using a custom `usersfs` partition, but this is still experimental. ## NodeOS on LXC containers (Docker and vagga) NodeOS fully officially supports Docker, published images are available at the [DockerHub NodeOS organization]( If you are interested in helping or testing, you can build them from source code. Vagga support is fairly experimental, and help here will be greatly appreciated. ### Quick Start 1. [Install Docker]( 2. One Liner ```bash sudo docker run -t -i nodeos/nodeos ``` ### Build from Source ```bash git clone cd NodeOS PLATFORM=docker npm install ``` ## License MIT This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many individuals. For exact contribution history, see the revision history available at
The extensible bootloader for embedded system with application engine, write once, run everywhere.
![xboot-logo](developments/logo/xboot-logo.svg) *** # XBOOT简介([English Version]( ``` _ _ _ _ | |___ _____ _____ _| |_ \ \/ /| _ | _ | _ |_ _| (C) 2007-2022 ) ( | |_| | |_| | |_| | | |____JIANJUN.JIANG__ /_/\_\|_____|_____|_____| |_____________________| ``` 操作一个GPIO,需要仔细对照芯片手册,好繁琐;每换一个主控芯片,所有工作从头来过;想开发个现代点支持各种动效的UI,发现几乎是不可能的事情;各种协议栈有如天书一样,阅读都困难,何谈编写;虚拟机技术很流行,功能很强大,想自己移植个,可是困难重重;还是放开自己吧,让XBOOT来替你解决这些问题。XBOOT不仅仅是一款功能强大、可移植性强、代码复用率高的嵌入式系统bootloader,而且还是一款SOC片上系统应用软件执行引擎,无需复杂的操作系统,APP上电直接执行。一次编写,到处运行,不仅仅是个口号,而且还是XBOOT存在的唯一原因。一些基本特性,简单列举如下: * 支持文件系统 * 支持lua虚拟机 * 支持各种协议栈 * 支持矢量图形库,矢量字体 * 支持各种现代GUI控件,以及动效 * 多平台支持 * 各种总线驱动,UART,I2C,SPI等等 * 各种设备驱动,GPIO,PWM,IRQ,CLK,LED,BUZZER,VIBRATOR,WATCHDOG,RNG,FRAMEBUFFER,RTC等 * 支持用lua编写应用软件,包含高等级API,可直接操作各种硬件抽象接口 * 应用软件平台无关,一次编写,到处运行 ![linux-sandbox-game-2048](docs/_images/linux-sandbox-game-2048.gif) # 文档及开发工具 * [Xboot文档]( * [交叉工具链]( * [Eclipse集成开发环境]( # 编译源码 Makefile中有两个变量在编译时需要传递,一个是交叉工具链,另一个是具体的硬件平台 | 变量 | 说明 | | ------------- | --------------------------- | | CROSS_COMPILE | 指定交叉工具链 | | PLATFORM | 指定硬件平台,由两部分组成,`arch`及`mach` | * ## Realview平台,qemu-system-arm模拟器 ```shell make clean make CROSS_COMPILE=/path/to/arm-none-linux-gnueabihf- PLATFORM=arm32-realview ``` * ## X86_64位linux系统下的sandbox sandbox依赖与SDL2库,在编译前需要安装libsdl2-dev,以ubuntu系统为例: ```shell sudo apt-get install libsdl2-dev ``` ```shell make clean make CROSS_COMPILE="" PLATFORM=x64-sandbox ``` # 讨论组,大佬聚集,请踊跃加入 XBOOT官方QQ群:[658250248]( (2000人) *** # Xboot Introduction It very tedious that we need careful read soc datasheet when operate GPIO on soc.We always repeat working when changed the soc.its almost almost impossible to We want develop a UI that support all kinds of magic motion.Stacks of protocols are like heavenly books ,it Reading is very hard , How do we program? Virtual machine technology is very popular and it function is powerful,but it very difficult to transplant we build the can help us deal with these problems. XBOOT is not only a powerful, portable, and highly reusable, embedded system bootloader,but also on a piece of SOC system application software execution engine, without complex operating system, electricity directly executed on the APP。"Once written, running everywhere." It not just a slogan,but also the only reason for the existence of XBOOT. What's on the XBOOT? - Support file systems - Support lua virtual machine - Support many protocol stacks - Support graphics library, and vector font - Supports a modern GUI, and animations - Multi-platform support - Bus drivers, UART, I2C, SPI and so on - Device drivers, GPIO, PWM, IRQ, CLK, LED, BUZZER, VIBRATOR, WATCHDOG, RNG, FRAMEBUFFER, RTC, etc. - Support application using lua, which include high-level API, can operate a variety of hardware abstract interface directly - Application software platform has nothing to do, write once, run everywhere # Documents and Development Tools * [Xboot Documents]( * [Cross Toolchains]( * [Eclipse Integrated Development Environment]( # Compile The Source Code Makefile have two variables need to pass, one is cross toolchain, the other is a specific hardware platform | variable | Description | | ------------- | ---------------------------------------- | | CROSS_COMPILE | The specical cross toolchain | | PLATFORM | The hardware platform, have two parts, `arch` and `mach` | * ## Realview Platform,qemu-system-arm Emulator ```shell make clean make CROSS_COMPILE=/path/to/arm-none-linux-gnueabihf- PLATFORM=arm32-realview ``` * ## Linux Sandbox On X86_64 The sandbox depends on the SDL2 library, you need to install libsdl2-dev before compile, as an example at the ubuntu system: ```shell sudo apt-get install libsdl2-dev ``` ```shell make clean make CROSS_COMPILE="" PLATFORM=x64-sandbox ``` # Discussion Group, Many Big Brother, Please Join Us XBOOT Official Tencent QQ Group: [658250248]( (2000 people)
A secure embedded operating system for microcontrollers
# ![TockOS]( "TockOS Logo") [![tock-ci](][tock-ci] [![slack](][slack] Tock is an embedded operating system designed for running multiple concurrent, mutually distrustful applications on Cortex-M and RISC-V based embedded platforms. Tock's design centers around protection, both from potentially malicious applications and from device drivers. Tock uses two mechanisms to protect different components of the operating system. First, the kernel and device drivers are written in Rust, a systems programming language that provides compile-time memory safety and type safety. Tock uses Rust to protect the kernel (e.g. the scheduler and hardware abstraction layer) from platform specific device drivers as well as isolate device drivers from each other. Second, Tock uses memory protection units to isolate applications from each other and the kernel. [tock-ci]: Tock 2.x! --------- Tock is now on its second major release! Tock 2.x includes significant changes from Tock 1.x, including: - Revamped system call interface. - Support for 11 new hardware platforms. - Updated kernel types. - Many new and improved HILs. For a summary of the latest new features and improvements, check out the [changelog]( Learn More ---------- How would you like to get started? ### Learn How Tock Works Tock is documented in the [doc](doc) folder. Read through the guides there to learn about the overview and design of Tock, its implementation, and much more. ### Use Tock Follow our [getting started guide](doc/ to set up your system to compile Tock. Head to the [hardware page]( to learn about the hardware platforms Tock supports. Also check out the [Tock Book]( for a step-by-step introduction to getting Tock up and running. A book on how to use Tock with the [micro:bit v2](boards/microbit_v2) and [Raspberry Pi Pico](boards/raspberry_pi_pico) boards is [Getting Started with Secure Embedded Systems]( Find example applications that run on top of the Tock kernel written in both [Rust]( and [C]( ### Develop Tock Read our [getting started guide](doc/ to get the correct version of the Rust compiler, then look through the `/kernel`, `/capsules`, `/chips`, and `/boards` directories. There are also generated [source code docs]( We encourage contributions back to Tock and are happy to accept pull requests for anything from small documentation fixes to whole new platforms. For details, check out our [Contributing Guide](.github/ To get started, please do not hesitate to submit a PR. We'll happily guide you through any needed changes. ### Keep Up To Date Check out the [blog]( where the **Talking Tock** post series highlights what's new in Tock. Also, follow [@talkingtock]( on Twitter. You can also browse our [email group](!forum/tock-dev) and our [Slack][slack] to see discussions on Tock development. [slack]: Code of Conduct --------------- The Tock project adheres to the Rust [Code of Conduct][coc]. All contributors, community members, and visitors are expected to familiarize themselves with the Code of Conduct and to follow these standards in all Tock-affiliated environments, which includes but is not limited to repositories, chats, and meetup events. For moderation issues, please contact members of the @tock/core-wg. [coc]: Cite this Project ----------------- <h4>Tock was presented at SOSP'17</h4> Amit Levy, Bradford Campbell, Branden Ghena, Daniel B. Giffin, Pat Pannuto, Prabal Dutta, and Philip Levis. 2017. Multiprogramming a 64kB Computer Safely and Efficiently. In Proceedings of the 26th Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP ’17). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 234–251. DOI: <p> <details> <summary>Bibtex</summary> <pre> @inproceedings{levy17multiprogramming, title = {Multiprogramming a 64kB Computer Safely and Efficiently}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 26th Symposium on Operating Systems Principles}, series = {SOSP'17}, year = {2017}, month = {10}, isbn = {978-1-4503-5085-3}, location = {Shanghai, China}, pages = {234--251}, numpages = {18}, url = {}, doi = {10.1145/3132747.3132786}, acmid = {3132786}, publisher = {ACM}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, conference-url = {}, author = {Levy, Amit and Campbell, Bradford and Ghena, Branden and Giffin, Daniel B. and Pannuto, Pat and Dutta, Prabal and Levis, Philip}, } </pre> </details> </p> <p>This is the primary paper that describes the design considerations of Tock.</p> <details> <summary>Other Tock-related papers</summary> <p>There are two shorter papers that look at potential limitations of the Rust language for embedded software development. The earlier PLOS paper lays out challenges and the later APSys paper lays out potential solutions. Some persons describing work on programming languages and type theory may benefit from these references, but generally, most work should cite the SOSP paper above.</p> <h4><a href="">APSys: The Case for Writing a Kernel in Rust</a></h4> <pre> @inproceedings{levy17rustkernel, title = {The Case for Writing a Kernel in Rust}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 8th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Systems}, series = {APSys '17}, year = {2017}, month = {9}, isbn = {978-1-4503-5197-3}, location = {Mumbai, India}, pages = {1:1--1:7}, articleno = {1}, numpages = {7}, url = {}, doi = {10.1145/3124680.3124717}, acmid = {3124717}, publisher = {ACM}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, conference-url = {}, author = {Levy, Amit and Campbell, Bradford and Ghena, Branden and Pannuto, Pat and Dutta, Prabal and Levis, Philip}, }</pre> <h4><a href="">PLOS: Ownership is Theft: Experiences Building an Embedded OS in Rust</a></h4> <pre> @inproceedings{levy15ownership, title = {Ownership is Theft: Experiences Building an Embedded {OS} in {R}ust}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Programming Languages and Operating Systems}, series = {PLOS 2015}, year = {2015}, month = {10}, isbn = {978-1-4503-3942-1}, doi = {10.1145/2818302.2818306}, url = {}, location = {Monterey, CA}, publisher = {ACM}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, conference-url = {}, author = {Levy, Amit and Andersen, Michael P and Campbell, Bradford and Culler, David and Dutta, Prabal and Ghena, Branden and Levis, Philip and Pannuto, Pat}, }</pre> <p>There is also a paper on the Tock security model. The threat model documentation in the docs/ folder is the source of truth for the current Tock threat model, but this paper represents a snapshot of the reasoning behind the Tock threat model and details how it compares to those in similar embedded OSes.</p> <h4><a href="">EuroSec: Tiered Trust for useful embedded systems security</a></h4> <pre> @inproceedings{10.1145/3517208.3523752, author = {Ayers, Hudson and Dutta, Prabal and Levis, Philip and Levy, Amit and Pannuto, Pat and Van Why, Johnathan and Watson, Jean-Luc}, title = {Tiered Trust for Useful Embedded Systems Security}, year = {2022}, isbn = {9781450392556}, publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, url = {}, doi = {10.1145/3517208.3523752}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 15th European Workshop on Systems Security}, pages = {15–21}, numpages = {7}, keywords = {security, embedded systems, operating systems, IoT}, location = {Rennes, France}, series = {EuroSec '22} }</pre> </details> License ------- Licensed under either of - Apache License, Version 2.0 ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or - MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or at your option. Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.
How to be low-level programmer
NOTICE1: Please do not copy the contents of this page to your blog. You can share this page but please share with the original link. That is how we compliment the authors of good document and open source project. NOTICE2: Please notice that low-level programming is out of trend and currently there are not many companies hiring low-level developer. It is getting harder for me to find a job. If you haven't started a professional career yet, I would like to recommend you consider other fields either carefully. NOTICE3: If you want a quick start, go to "How to start?". * [Low-Level Programming University](#Low-Level-Programming-University) * [What is it?](#What-is-it) * [What Is the Low Level](#What-Is-the-Low-Level) * [Theory](#Theory) * [Languages](#Languages) * [Assembly](#Assembly) * [C language](#C-language) * [Rust language](#Rust-language) * [Applications](#Applications) * [Hardware && Firmware](#Hardware-Firmware) * [Linux kernel and device driver](#Linux-kernel-and-device-driver) * [References](#References) * [Other applications](#Other-applications) * [Future of low-level programming](#Future-of-low-level-programming) * [How to start?](#How-to-start) * [Translation](#Translation) * [Who am I?](#who-am-i) # Low-Level Programming University ## <a name="What-is-it"></a>What is it? I'm inspired by [google-interview-university]( I'd like to share my experience and show a roadmap to becoming a low-level programmer because I have found that these skills are not as common as they once were. In addition, many students and beginners ask me how they could become low-level programmers and Linux kernel engineers. This page cannot include every link/book/course. For example, this page introduces Arduino but there is not detailed information about Arduino and embedded systems. You should go further yourself. You have the keyword "Arduino" with which you can start. So your next step is probably googling Arduino, buying a kit, and doing something for yourself, not collecting links or free books. Please remember this page is just a roadmap for beginners. Low-level programming is a part of computer science. Absolutely it would be much better to get education for computer science first. * [Path to a free self-taught education in Computer Science!]( ## <a name="What-Is-the-Low-Level"></a>What Is the Low-Level? I classify low-level programming as programming that is very close to the machine, using a lower level programming language like C or assembly. This is in contrast to higher-level programming, typical of user-space applications, using high level languages (e.g. Python, Java). * [Wikipedia: Low-level programming language]( Yes, systems programming is a very close concept to low-level programming. This page includes the hardware design and firmware development that is not included in systems programming. * [Wikipedia: System programming]( Finally, this page includes topics ranging from hardware components to the Linux kernel. That is a huge range of layers. A one page document can never cover the details of all the layers, so the aim of this document is to serve as a starting point for low-level programming. ## <a name="Theory"></a>Theory There are two background theories to low-level programming: * Computer Architecture * Operating Systems I think the best way to learn theory is by taking a course. Reading books is not bad but takes too much time and effort. You can find many good classes on online universities, for instance, and Theory is theory. I don't think you need to get an A+ in the class, just understand the big picture. You'll get better and better with experience. Let me introduce several books that I've read. They are commonly used as textbooks in universities. If there is no class with these books in your university, it's worth spending some time reading them. * Computer Architecture * Computer Architecture, Fifth Edition: A Quantitative Approach * Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective * Computer Organization and Design, Fourth Edition: The Hardware/Software Interface * Operating Systems * The Magic Garden Explained: The Internals of UNIX System V Release 4 an Open Systems Design * The Design of the UNIX Operating System * Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles by William Stallings * Recommended Courses * [CS401: Operating Systems from]( * General Programming Skill * [Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs]( * It's about how to be a good Software programmer. You need not only theory but only technique because programming is a kind of craftwork. * If you learn Lisp/Scheme, you should be able to learn any other language quickly. * [I've solved about 80% exercises. It should be worth to try every single exercise.]( * Hardware Design * Build Your Own 8086 Microprocessor Kit * If you don't build your HW board, you don't understand what physical memory mapped device is. * Modern APs includes so many IPs. So you don't have a chance to understand how CPU core and peripheral devices are connected. * When you build your own 8086 kit, you have a chance to locate each peripheral devices on the physical memory. And you can set how the main HW components (BUS, IRQ, Clock, Power and etc) works with your own eyes. * I built the 8086 kit in my University. It was one of the most valuable courses I've ever taken. Try to build your own HW kit. It would be better if the HW is older ans simpler because you should do more for yourself. * Google "8086 kit". You would be able to find some web-sites you can buy a HW scheme, parts and manuals. There is an infinite list of good books. I don't want to say that you should read many books. Just read one book carefully. Whenever you learn a theory, implement simulation code of it. **Implementing one thing is better than knowing one hundred theories.** ## <a name="Languages"></a>Languages ### <a name="Assembly"></a>Assembly Choose one between x86 or ARM. No need to know both. It doesn't matter to know assembly language. The essential thing is understanding the internals of a CPU and computer. So you don't need to practice the assembly of the latest CPU. Select 8086 or Corex-M. * [8086 assembly programming with emu8086]( * basic concepts of CPU and computer architecture * basic concepts of C programming language * [64bit assembly programming(translation in progress)]( * basic concepts of modern CPU and computer architecture * basic concepts of disassembling and debugging of C code * _need help for translation_ * [Learning assembly for linux-x64]( * pure 64-bit assembly programming with NASM and inline assembly with GCC * [ARM Architecture Reference Manual, 2nd Edition]( * Complete reference on ARM programming * Computer Organization and Design * [MIPS Edition]( * [ARM Edition]( * [RISC-V Edition]( * Academic books that explain how every component of a computer work from the ground up. * Explains in detail the different concepts that make up computer architecture. * They are not targeted at readers who wish to become proficient in a specific assembly language. * The MIPS and ARM edition cover the same topics but by dissecting a different architecture. * Both editions contain examples in the x86 world ### <a name="C-language"></a>C language There is no shortcut. Just read the entire book and solve all the exercises. * [C Programming: A Modern Approach, 2nd Edition]( * [The C Programming Language 2nd Edition]( * Modern C: Jens Gustedt. Modern C. Manning, 2019, 9781617295812. ffhal-02383654f * For new standard of C * [Is Parallel Programming Hard, And, If So, What Can You Do About It?]( * raw implementation of synchronization with C * Essential for large scale C programming (especially for kernel programming) * [C Project Based Tutorials?]( * If you finish reading one or two C programming books, then you MUST make something. * Choose whatever you like. * First make on your own and then compare with someone else's source code. It is very important to compare your source and others. You can improve your skill only when you read the other's source and learn better methods. Books are dead and source is live. * [C and other languages based projects]( * find more interesting projects * [Michael Abrash’s Graphics Programming Black Book, Special Edition]( * Reference on optimization using C and a bit of x86 assembly * Starts from the 8088 up to today * Special focus on low-level graphics optimization * [Framework and plugin design in C]( * How to develop framework and plugin in C for large scale software * Very basic programming tips for Linux kernel source reading If you want to be expert of C programming, visit Good luck! ### <a name="Rust-language"></a>Rust language I am sure that the next language for the systems programming would be Rust. I will make a list what I did to learn Rust. [Linus Torvalds said "Unless something odd happens, it [Rust] will make it into 6.1."]( * [The Rust Programming Language]( * Great introduction, but lack of examples and exercises. * [Rust by Example]( * While reading "The Rust Programming Language", you can find examples and exercises here. * But there are not many exercises you can do something for yourself. Only some examples includes "do-this" exercises and they are very simple. * [Programming Rust, 2nd]( * Deeper introduction, but still lack of examples and exercises. * [Exercism]( * Good exercises to practice indivisual features of RUST. * I am not sure Mentors are working actively but it would be enough to compare your solution with others. * After submitting your solution, you can see other's solutions with "Community solutions" tab (since Exercism V3). * Many easy level exercises are for functional feature such as map/filter/any and etc. * [Easy rust]( * A book written in easy English. * Youtube materials provided: * [Let's get rusty]( * There are many Youtubers uploading Rust course but I enjoied this course most. * He has been uploading the latest news for Rust. It's worth substribing. * [Rust for Linux]( * See the example sources and check how Rust will get into the Linux kernel ## <a name="Applications"></a>Applications ### <a name="Hardware-Firmware"></a>Hardware && Firmware If you want to be an embedded systems engineer, it would be best to start from a simple hardware kit, rather than starting with the latest ARM chipset. * [Arduino Start Kit]( * There are many series of Arduinos but "Arduino Start Kit" has the most simple processor(Atmega328P) and guide book * Atmega328P has an 8-bit core which is a good place to start digital circuit design and firmware development. * You don't need to know how to draw schematics and layouts and assemble the chips. * But you do need to know how to read schematics and understand how the chips are connected. * Firmware developers should be able to read the schematics and figure out how to send data to the target device. * Follow the guide book! * [8086 manual]( * If you're a beginner to x86 architecture, 8086 is also very good guide for processor architecture and 80x86 assembly * [80386 manual]( * Best guide for protected mode and paging mechanism of 80x86 processor * Web version: At this point, you should be good to start the latest ARM or x86 processor. * * * For example, the Raspberry Pi board has a Cortex-A53 Processor that supports a 64-bit instruction set. This allows you to experience a modern processor architecture with rPi. Yes, you can buy it... but... what are you going to do with it? If you have no target project, you would be likely to throw the board into a drawer and forget it like other gadgets you may have bought before. So, I recommend one project for you. * [Making your own kernel]( * Good references: * [Learning operating system development using Linux kernel and Raspberry Pi]( * (description of the project) This repository contains a step-by-step guide that teaches how to create a simple operating system (OS) kernel from scratch...(skip)...Each lesson is designed in such a way that it first explains how some kernel feature is implemented in the RPi OS, and then it tries to demonstrate how the same functionality works in the Linux kernel. I've made [a toy kernel]( that supports 64-bit long mode, paging and very simple context switching. Making a toy kernel is good way to understand modern computer architecture and hardware control. In fact, you have already the latest processor and the latest hardware devices. Your laptop! Your desktop! You already have all that you need in order to start! You don't need to buy anything. The qemu emulator can emulate the latest ARM processors and Intel processors. So everything you need is already on hand. There are many toy kernels and documents you can refer to. Just install qemu emulator and make a tiny kernel that just boots, turns on paging, and prints some messages. Other toy kernels: * * ### <a name="Linux-kernel-and-device-driver"></a>Linux kernel and device driver You don't need to make a complete operating system. Join the Linux community and participate in development. Some resources for Linux kernel and device driver development from beginner to advanced. * Books: Read the following in order * [The Design of the Unix Operating System]( * The basic concepts of Unix are applied into all operating systems. * This book is a very good place to learn the core concepts of operating systems. * [Linux Device Drivers]( * Make all examples for yourself * [Linux Kernel Development]( * Understand the design of the Linux Kernel * [Understanding the Linux Kernel]( * Read this book and the kernel source v2.6 at the same time * Never start with the latest version, v2.6 is enough! * Use qemu and gdb to run the kernel source line by line * * * Use busybox to make the simplest filesystem that takes only one second to boot * * Other resources: Free resources I recommend * [Linux device driver labs]( * Practical guide and excellent exercises making Linux device drivers with essential kernel APIs * I think this document introduces almost all essential kernel APIs. * [The Eudyptula Challenge]( * _Sadly, this challenge does not accept new challengers because there is no challenge anymore._ The maintainer said he/she is planning a new format. I hope it comes back ASAP. * But you can find the questions of the challenge with Google. Some people already uploaded what they did. Find the questions and try to solve them on your own, and compare your solution with others. * This is like an awesome private teacher who guides you on what to do. * If you don't know what to do, just start this. * [Learning operating system development using Linux kernel and Raspberry Pi]( * This project is not completed yet. * I always think making a kernel similar to the Linux kernel is the best way to understand the Linux kernel. * [Block layer and device driver]( * start from a simple block device driver example (Ramdisk) with multi-queue mode * go forward to block layer * I completed translation into English. Please send me your feedback. * [md driver of Linux kernel(Korean)]( * how mdadm tool works and how it calls md driver * how md driver works * [A Heavily Commemted Linux Kernel Source Code]( * Heavy comments for the ancient Linux v0.12. * It would be good to start with old and simple OS. * Unix version: [Lions' Commentary on UNIX 6th Edition, with Source Code](,_with_Source_Code) #### <a name="References"></a>References Check when you need something * [Free-electrons homepage]( * many slide files introducing good topics, specially ARM-linux * [Julia Evans's posting: You can be a kernel hacker!]( * guide to start kernel programming ### <a name="Other-applications"></a>Other application Yes, you might not be interested in Linux or firmware. If so, you can find other applications: * Windows systems programming & device drivers * Security * Reverse engineering I don't have any knowledge about those applications. Please send me any information for beginners. **Kernels and drivers are not all of low-level programming.** One more important application of low-level programming is the software-defined storage or distributed filesystem. Detailed descriptions of them is beyond the scope of this document but there is an excellent course where you can try a simple distributed filesystem. * Course: * reference Source: ## <a name="Future-of-low-level-programming"></a>Future of low-level programming I do not know the future, but I keep my eye on Rust. * If I could have one week free and alone, I would learn Rust. That is because Rust is the latest language with which I can develop Linux device drivers. * IoT is new trend, so it's worth to check what OSs are for IoT. ARM, Samsung and some companies has their own realtime OS but sadly many of them are closed source. But Linux Foundation also has a solution: Zephyr * Typical cloud servers have many layers; for instance, host OS, kvm driver, qemu process, guest OS and service application. A container has been developed to provide light virtualization. In the near future, a new concept of OS, a so-called library OS or Unikernel, would replace the typical stack of SW for virtualization. * Big data and cloud computing require bigger and bigger storage. Some disks directly attached to server machines cannot satisfy the required capacity, stability and performance. Therefore there has been research to make huge storage systems with many storage machines connected by a high speed network. It used to be focused on making one huge storage volume. But currently they are providing many volumes dedicated for many virtual machines. * * * ## <a name="How-to-start"></a>How to start? I received an email to ask how to start. There are many information about books, courses and projects in this page. It is my mistake to forget to write how to start. Unfortunately there is no King's Road to [King's Landing]( I will just write what I did in order. If you have already done something, please skip it. AGAIN, this is just an example that you could do in order, just in case if you do not know how to start or what to do. * Reading OS theory books: at least "The Design of the UNIX Operating System by Maurice J. Bach" * Learn assembly and C * [8086 assembly programming with emu8086]( * It is enough if you understand the concept of assembly programming. You do not need to do something practical. * [The C Programming Language 2nd Edition]( * DO YOUR BEST TO solve every single exercises! * [C Programming: A Modern Approach, 2nd Edition]( * Do something practical with C * [C Project Based Tutorials?]( Find one or two interesting projects and make your own project. * []( If you cannot find an interesting project, it would be also good to focus on data-structure and algorithm. * Do a hardware project * Raspberrypi or Arduino does not matter. You need a experience to control a hardware directly with only C. ONLY C! * I recommend to buy a Atmega128 kit and make a firmware to turn on/off LEDs, detect switch input and display message on the text LCD. Motor control program is also a very good project: for instance, the line tracer. * DO NOT use any library. You should make everything on your own, except program downloader. * Basic of the Linux kernel * Low-level programming is very close to the operating system. You should know inside of the OS. * Start with drivers * Read [Linux Device Drivers]( * [Linux device driver labs]( * [The Eudyptula Challenge]( * Read [Linux Kernel Development]( to understand the internal of Linux kernel. * Go to the professional field * If you want to be professional Linux Kernel Developer * must read [Understanding the Linux Kernel]( * Then try to make a toy kernel * [Learn operating system development using Linux kernel and Raspberry Pi]( * [Making your own kernel]( * Write the github link to your kernel on your resume (Don't forget to write the detail description in commit message) * Check the latest issues at and join it. * Check "Recent kernel patches" at "" or direct link * Find an interesting patch to you. Try to understand the source code. Of course it would be really difficult but try. You will be closer and closer whenever you try. * Build kernel and test it on your system. For example, performance test, stability test with LTP( or static code analysis tools inside of kernel. * Report any problem if you find any: compile warnings/errors, performance drop, kernel panic/oops or any problem * If it works well, report that with the spec of your system. The patch owner would write a "Reviewed-by" tag with your name. * Find your name in kernel git log * Or find another topics * There are many fields where the low-level engineer can work: security, Compiler, Firmware, robot/car and so on # <a name="Translation"></a>Translation Please send me the pull request if you'd like to translate this page. I'll list it here. * [Chinese(Traditional)]( * [Chinese(Simplified)]( * [Portuguese (Brazilian)]( * [Italian]( * [Czech]( * [Russian]( * [Turkish]( * [Persian]( # <a name="who-am-i"></a>Who am I? I'm inspired by [google-interview-university]( I'd like to share my experience and show a roadmap to becoming a low-level programmer because I have found that these skills are not as common as they once were. In addition, many students and beginners ask me how they could become low-level programmers and Linux kernel engineers. FYI, I have over 10 years of experience as a low-level programmer: * 80x86 Assembly programming * Hardware device with Atmel chip and firmware * C language system programming for Unix * Device driver in Linux * Linux kernel: page allocation * Linux kernel: block device driver and md module
A list of operating systems and stuff
# Awesome Operating System Stuff This list contains awesome OS related stuff. It contains open source operating sytems and hobby operating systems as one can study their code and learn from them. ## Open Source Operating Systems * [9front]( - A fork of Plan 9, designed for distributed, networked computing. * [ackOS]( - A simple 64-bit operating system. * [AROS]( - Research Operating System is a lightweight, efficient, and flexible desktop operating system, designed to help you make the most of your computer. It's an independent, portable and free project, aiming at being compatible with AmigaOS at the API level * [BoneOS]( OS for everyone built by everyone * [Bottlerocket OS]( Linux-based OS meant for hosting containers. * *[broken]* [Cadex OS]( - a simple operating system kernel originally made by Prof. Douglas Thain at the University of Notre Dame and students * [ChibiOS]( - a complete development environment for embedded applications including RTOS, an HAL, peripheral drivers, support files and tools * [Clive]( - A unikernel OS inspired by Plan9 and Nix developed at *Universidad Rey Juan Carlos of Madrid* * [CollapseOS]( - Bootstrap post-collapse technology * [dahliaOS]( dahliaOS is a modern, secure, lightweight and responsive operating system, combining the best of GNU/Linux and Fuchsia OS. * [eggos]( - A Go unikernel running on x86 bare metal * *[broken]* [Embox]( - Configurable operating system kernel designed for resource constrained and embedded systems. * [ExectOS](, [GitHub]( - ExectOS is a modern, EFI-enabled, general purpose operating system written from scratch and implementing the XT architecture. It runs on x86 and x86_64 architectures and provides NT drivers compatibility layer. * [Fiwix](, [GitHub]( - A UNIX-like kernel for the i386 architecture. * [FreeRTOS](, [GitHub]( - IoT operating system for microcontrollers, by Amazon. * [Genode]( - A FOSS operating system framework consisting of a microkernel abstraction layer and a collection of userspace components * [gopher-os]( - A proof of concept OS kernel written in Go * [GreenteaOS](, [Github]( - A free OS designed to be compatible with Windows executables * [HarveyOS]( - A distributed operating system * [HelenOS]( - multikernel multiserver OS * [helium]( - A BSD-based OS project that aims to provide an experience like and some compatibility with macOS * [Hubris]( - Hubris is an operating system for microcontrollers developed by Oxide Computer Company in Rust * [Interim]( - Minimalist OS with concepts from Lisp machines and Plan9 * [Jehanne](, [GitHub]( - OS inspired by Plan9, 9front and Harvey OS * [KnightOS]( - for z80 calculators * [L4re]( - Operating system and hypervisor for security/safety-critical and virtualization-enabled applications. * [managarm]( - Pragmatic microkernel-based OS with fully asynchronous I/O * [MentOS]( - An educational 32-bit linux-like Operating System. * [Mimiker](, [GitHub]( - Simple unix-like operating system for education and research purposes. MIPS microkernel. * [Minoca OS]( - General purpose OS, written in C * [MollenOS]( - MollenOS/Vali is a modern operating system that is built with focus on abstraction and a modular design, allowing anyone to port it to any architecture. It currently targets the x86-32 and x86-64 platform * [Nanos]( - Unikernel that is linux-compatible, written in C * [NodeOS]( - OS using NodeJS and Linux * [opuntiaOS]( - an operating system targeting x86, ARMv7, Aarch64. * [orange_slice]( - A research kernel and hypervisor attempting to get fully deterministic emulation with minimum performance cost. In Rust * [Pidi OS]( - Independent and minimalistic OS * [Redox]( - written in Rust * [Sanos](, [GitHub]( - Sanos is a minimalistic 32-bit x86 operating system kernel for network server appliances running on standard PC hardware. * [skiftOS](, [GitHub]( - A simple, handmade, operating system with a graphical user interface. * [Sculpt OS]( - Genode based OS * [soso]( - Simple unix-like operating system written in Nasm assembly and mostly in C * [SynestiaOS]( - 32/64 bit operating system written in C for arm platform * [Thor]( - 64bit operating system mostly written in C++ * [Theseus]( - A modern experimental OS written from scratch in Rust to explore novel OS structure and state management techniques. * [tilck]( - A Tiny Linux-Compatible Kernel. * [tock](, [GitHub]( - A secure embedded operating system for microcontrollers * [Unikraft]( - A modular unikernel for specialization, high efficiency, performance, and security; Linux/POSIX-compatible; mostly in C * [Mimosa](, [GitHub]( - Research Operating System that runs Scheme on bare-metal * [hhuOS]( - hhuOS is a small operating system written in C++ and Assembler for the x86-architecture. The main purpose of this project is to show how different aspects of operating systems theory can be implemented and linked together. The system is not aimed to be a full-featured operating system for daily use. ### Hobby * [AlmeidaOS]( - x86-64 OS with its own bootloader, scheduler and limited libc all written from scratch * [AquilaOS]( - Operating System that is designed to be POSIX compliant and mostly ISA transparent * [Animal]( - 32 bit multithreaded operating system (formerly Gramado) * [Brutal](, [GitHub]( - An operating system inspired by brutalist design that combines the ideals of UNIX from the 1970s with modern technology and engineering * [Cyjon]( - pure x64 assembly language operating system (related to [Fern-Night]( project). * [DragonOS]( - An x86-64 OS build from scratch. * [Dreamos64]( - An x86-64 hobby os built from scratch * [duckOS]( - A hobby UNIX-like OS with a graphical window manager for x86 computers. * [emerald]( - An operating system kernel written for fun in C * [Fern-Night]( - C language operating system (related to [Cyjon]( project). * [HalideOS]( - experimental operating system written entirely from scratch. * [hydrogen]( - toy OS. 64-bit, preemptive multitasking kernel supporting EFI, PCIe, SATA, framebuffer graphics mode, HFS+. * [JSD-OS]( - A small operating system for 32 bit x86. * [KripayaOS]( - x86 Kernel with it's own bootloader. * [KolibriOS]( - MenuetOS fork * [LemonOS](, [GitHub]( - UNIX-like 64-bit operating system written in C++. * [lyre]( - x86 kernel and distribution powered by mlibc, GNU userland tools, and other common *nix software. * [Mako]( - Hobby OS for x86 from scratch, written in C * [MenuetOS]( - Hobby OS supporting 32 and 64 bit, written in Assembly language * [MeetixOS]( - A hobby OS written in modern C++20 which aims to be Unix-like. * [mOS]( - A hobby operating system developed from scratch * [moros]( - MOROS is a hobby operating system written in Rust for the x86 architecture. * [MyXomycota]( - Monolithic kernel in C * [nopeos]( - Simple OS kernel with BASIC interpreter for x86 * [Northport]( - Monolithic kernel and support libraries for riscv64 and x86_64. * [oneOS]( - x86-32 and ARMv7 kernel with pre-emptive multi-threading, window manager and editor * [pranaOS]( - A unix operating system written from scratch in c / c++ * [PathOS]( - Hobby OS based on [MikeOS](, written in Assembly Language * [PonyOS](, [GitHub]( - ToaruOS-based, My Little Pony themed OS * [PouplyOS]( - Simple OS for fun and learning, named after the ESISAR mascot Poulpy * [r3]( - A hobby x86_64 Operating System kernel written in Rust -- with minimal functionalities * [SayoriOS]( - Hobby OS for x86 computers, currently under active development, written in C * [Serenity]( - Graphical Unix-like operating system for x86 computers * [SimpleOS]( - Simple Operating System coded in C and Assembly * [Snowdrop OS]( - a homebrew operating system from scratch, in assembly language * [Sortix]( - Hobby OS in C and C++ by *Jonas 'Sortie' Termansen* * [TempleOS]( - Religious OS :-) * [TETRIS-OS]( - An operating system, but it only plays Tetris. * [ToaruOS]( - Hobby operating system from scratch * [Týndur]( - Hobby operating system build by the Lowlevel community. Written in C and Pascal * [Ultron OS]( - x86 Operating System written in C++, High School Project * [Visopsys]( - Open Source Hobby OS developed since 1997 * [willOS]( - A minimal 64 bits kernel (Operating System that cannot "operate" a lot of things) * [Windows 95 in Electron]( - Hobby Windows 95 implementation in Electron * [Xv6]( - A teaching operating system developed in the summer of 2006 for MIT's operating systems course * [BareMetal](, [GitHub]( - 64 bit operating system written in Assembly for x86-64 * [ZealOS]( - The Zeal Operating System is a modernized, professional fork of the 64-bit Temple Operating System, TempleOS. ### Popular Operating Systems * [Darwin XNU]( - The XNU kernel source code for use in MacOS and iOS * [FreeBSD](, [Github]( - Unix-like operating system based on the BSD * [FreeDOS]( - DOS compatible OS * [Haiku]( - BeOS inspired OS * [Linux]( - Linux kernel * [Minix](, [Github]( - Unix-like operating system based on a microkernel architecture * [MS-DOS]( - The original sources of MS-DOS 1.25 and 2.0 * [NetBSD](, [Github]( - Unix-like operating system based on the BSD * [OpenBSD](, [Github]( - Unix-like operating system based on the BSD * [Plan 9 from Bell Labs]( - An OS from the creators of Unix, extending the Unix philosophy of "everything is a file" with a network-centric file system, namespaces and distributed computing. * [ReactOS](, [Github]( - A free Windows-compatible Operating System * [SystemV]( - AT&T UNIX System V Source Code ## Books and Guides ### Online books * [How to Make a Computer Operating System]( - in C++ * [Intermezzos]( - A follow along book to build IntermezzosOS in Rust * [Linux Kernel in a Nutshell]( - Covers the entire range of kernel tasks, available as chapters or one PDF * [The little book about OS development]( by *Erik Helin* and *Adam Renberg* * [Think OS]( - A Brief Introduction to Operating Systems by *Allen B. Downey* * [Operating System Development Series]( - OS from the ground up in C * [Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces]( - Easy to read book covering virtualization, concurrency and persistence * [xv6: a simple, Unix-like teaching operating system]( - Book for Xv6 * [Operating Systems: From 0 to 1]( - Bootstrap yourself to write an OS from scratch by *Do Hoang Tu* * [Osdev Notes]( - How to write an operating system from scratch by *Ivan G.* and *Dean T.* ### Tutorials * [Baking Pi – Operating Systems Development]( by University of Cambridge * [Build a minimal multi-tasking OS kernel for ARM from scratch]( by Jim Huang * [Bran's Kernel Development]( by Brandon Friesen * [How to write a Linux kernel patch and submit it]( by Greg Kroah-Hartman * [Presentation on how the Linux kernel is developed]( by Greg Kroah-Hartman * [os-tutorial - How to create an OS from scratch]( by Carlos Fenollosa * [Roll your own toy UNIX-clone OS]( by James Molloy * [Writing an OS in Rust]( by Philipp Oppermann * [Making a RISC-V Operating System using Rust]( by Stephen Marz * [Operating systems development for Dummies]( by Leo Whitehead * [Kernels 101 – Let’s write a Kernel]( by Arjun Sreedharan * [Kernels 201 - Let’s write a Kernel with keyboard and screen support]( by Arjun Sreedharan * [Writing a Tiny x86 Bootloader]( by Joe Bergeron * [Writing a Bootloader]( by Alex Parker * [Learning operating system development using Linux kernel and Raspberry Pi]( ### Website * [Genodians]( - Stories around the Genode Operating System * [os-dev]( - Wiki with everything you need to know * [Lowlevel]( - A wiki about creating an OS from scratch. In German * [POSIX]( - Standards for maintaining compatibility between operating systems ### Papers * [The benefits and costs of writing a POSIX kernel in a high-level language]( by Cody Cutler, M. Frans Kaashoek, and Robert T. Morris, MIT CSAIL * [Running Scheme On Bare Metal]( by Samuel Yvon, Marc Feeley, Scheme 2020 * [Unikraft: Fast, Specialized Unikernels the Easy Way]( by Kuenzer et al., EuroSys 2021 ### Video Tutorials * [Write your own Operating System]( * [Nanobyte]( * [Kernel dev from scratch by Dragon Zap Education]( ### Linux Kernel specific Resources * [The Linux Kernel Module Programming Guide]( * [The Linux Kernel documentation]( * [Working with the kernel development community]( * [Linux Kernel Teaching]( * [linux-insides]( * [Linux Kernel Workbook]( * [bootlins interactive Linux kernel map]( * [OldLinux]( - A Heavily Commented Linux kernel source and more * [sam4ks Linux Kernel Resources]( * [xairys Linux Kernel Exploitation]( * [Linux kernel system call table for all archs]( by Marcin Juszkiewicz * [You can be a kernel hacker!]( * [4 paths to being a kernel hacker]( * [Guessing Linux kernel registers](
Build your Chromium OS for Raspberry Pi 3B/3B+/4B and Pi400
[<img src="">]( [<img src="">]( <br> # TL;DR: (in FAQ format) <details> <summary>What's this, is this FydeOS?</summary> <br> We get it, it's confusing. There are `Chromium OS for Raspberry Pi`, `openFyde` that happens to boot on Raspberry Pi and `FydeOS for You - Raspberry Pi 400`, these are different releases. This project is about **Chromium OS for Raspberry Pi**, not FydeOS for You - Raspberry Pi 400, also not openFyde. This project aims to only ship vanilla Chromium OS developed by Google and the Chromium Authors, ported to the world's favourite single-board computer - the Raspberry Pi platform. The next question gives detailed differences between these confusing terms. </details> <details> <summary>What's the difference between Chromium OS, Chrome OS, openFyde and FydeOS?</summary> <br> - Chromium OS is an open-source project, used primarily by developers, with code that is available for anyone to checkout, modify, and build. - Google Chrome OS is the Google product that OEMs ship on Chromebooks for general consumer use. - openFyde is a downstream fork of the Chromium OS, with modifications and enhancements developed by Fyde Innovations. It's an open-source initiative sharing a similar series of relaxed licenses as per the Chromium OS upstream. - FydeOS is similar to Google Chrome OS, it's a commercial-grade operating system product developed and maintained by Fyde Innovations, based on openFyde and Chromium OS. Some specific differences: - These OS projects fundamentally share the same code base, but Google Chrome OS has some additional firmware features, including verified boot and easy recovery, which require corresponding hardware changes and thus also don't work out of the box in Chromium OS builds. - Google Chrome OS / "FydeOS for You" runs on specially optimised hardware to get enhanced performance and security. - Chromium OS and openFyde images do not auto-update by default (so that changes you may have made to the code are not blown away), whereas Google Chrome OS / FydeOS seamlessly auto-updates so that users have the latest and greatest features and fixes. - Google Chrome OS / FydeOS includes some proprietary/commercial/licensed packages which are not included in the Chromium OS project. - In consequence of the above, Google Chrome OS / FydeOS supports the Android subsystem, while Chromium OS and openFyde do not. - Google Chrome OS has a green/yellow/red logo, Chromium OS has a blue/bluer/bluest logo, openFyde has a logo that looks like ⭕️ and the logo FydeOS is only textural. </details> <details> <summary>Can I build Chromium OS? Can I build FydeOS?</summary> <br> - Yes you can build Chromium OS, in fact, this project is all about building your own Chromium OS for Raspberry Pi as well as offering pre-built images using the provided build artefacts. - No you can't build FydeOS - the same reason that you can't build Google Chrome OS. - You can build openFyde too, more information about openFyde is available on its [project website]( </details> <details> <summary>I don't want to be bothered with the technicalities, where are the download links?</summary> <br> - To download pre-built Chromium OS for Raspberry Pi, head over to [releases]( tab, you will find all historical releases as well as important release notes. Please do read the release note! - To download FydeOS for You - Raspberry Pi 400, please use the [Download]( page of the FydeOS official site. </details> <details> <summary>Where to get help?</summary> <br> You are welcome to open an issue in this project if: - You've read the entire developer guide and even watched the [build demonstration video](, and then you are attempting to build Chromium OS but have encountered problems - You believe your copy of the Chromium OS for Raspberry Pi isn't functioning correctly as it should be Your issues will likely get closed if: - You are asking about FydeOS for You - Raspberry Pi 400: for this please use [FydeOS Community]( or join [Official FydeOS Telegram Group]( - You are asking for generic features/bugs about Chromium OS / Chrome OS itself: for this please use [chromium-os-dev Google Group]( or report bugs to [CRBUGS]( - You are asking about issues about a 3rd-party app, a non-standard peripheral device or a special setup that does not benefit the general community </details> <br><br> # Table of contents (for cool kids) <!-- TOC --> - [Introduction](#introduction) - [System requirement](#system-requirement) - [Prepare the system](#prepare-the-system) - [Get Chromium OS source code](#get-chromium-os-source-code) - [Setup Raspberry Pi overlay](#setup-raspberry-pi-overlay) - [Setup local chromium source](#setup-local-chromium-source) - [Build Chromium OS for Raspberry Pi](#build-chromium-os-for-raspberry-pi) - [Boot Raspberry Pi from the image](#boot-raspberry-pi-from-the-image) - [Video demonstration of the build process](#video-demonstration-of-the-build-process) - [More information](#more-information) - [About us](#about-us) <!-- /TOC --> <br> # Introduction This document describes how to build and run Google [Chromium OS]( on Raspberry Pi 3B, 3B+, 4B and the Pi 400 personal computer kit(Pi400 hereafter), from its source code and the board overlay hosted in this repository. These overlays and the document has been tested against Raspberry Pi 3B, 3B+, 4B and Pi400 by the FydeOS team. It **will not work** on an earlier version of the Raspberry Pi line-up. ### Goal of this project * To provide a usable Chromium OS pre-built image that everybody can download and use that offers a similar experience to Chrome OS * To provide an open-source code base that everybody can use to build and improve Chromium OS on Raspberry Pi. * This project does not aim to provide support for Chromium OS itself. If you find bugs and glitches, please report to [crbugs](; if you have further queries regarding Chromium OS, please revert to one of the official Chromium related [Google groups]( ### About this repository The code and document in this repository are the results of works by the people of the FydeOS team. We previously worked on this overlay internally and released a few disk images for Raspberry Pi to the public. Now we open this to the public. ### Branches and tags in this repository - **branches** - `main` - the default branch of this project. It has been tested against our current release version. You are welcome to test it with future releases and send feedback and/or PRs. - `r<revision>` - branches for specific Chromium OS revision, it could be served for archiving purposes or used as a development branch for future (non-stable) code. - **tags** - When we do release a prebuilt image, the commit would be tagged with a release number corresponding to the repo manifest. For example, if the repo manifest release is `rrelease-R102-14695.B`, then our release tag would be `r102`. - Often we will be doing more than one release for each repo manifest release number, so we will append a meaningful string to the tag name to identify such. For example: `r102-hardware_acceleration` ### Typography Conventions Shell Commands are shown with different labels to indicate whether they apply to - your build computer (the computer on which you're doing development) - the chroot (Chromium OS SDK) on your build computer - your Chromium OS computer (the device on which you run the images you build) | Label | Commands | | --------- | ------------------------------------------ | | (outside) | on your build computer, outside the chroot | | (inside) | inside the chroot on your build computer | <br> # System requirement * An x86_64 system to perform the build. 64-bit hardware and OS are a must. The Chromium OS is a very large project, building from the source from scratch usually takes hours to over 10 hours, depending on the system configuration. * CPU: we recommend using a 4-core or higher processor. The Chromium OS build process runs in parallel so more cores can help shorten build time dramatically. * Memory: we recommend at least 16GB, plus enough swap space because for this project you will need to build Chromium from source code. Linking Chromium required between 8GB and 28GB of RAM as of March 2017, so you will run into massive swapping or OOM if you have less memory. However, if you are not building your copy of Chromium, the RAM requirements will be substantially lower at a cost of losing some of the key features provided by this project. * Disk: at least 100GB of free space, 200GB or more is recommended. SSD could noticeably shorten the build time as there are many gigabytes of files that need to be written to and read from the disk. * Network: total source code downloading will be over 10GB. Fast and stable Internet access is going to be very helpful. * An x86_64 Linux OS, it is called the host OS later in this doc. The Chromium OS build process utilises chroot to isolate the built environment from the host OS. So theoretically any modern Linux system should work. However, only limited Linux distros are tested by the Chromium OS team and the FydeOS team. Linux versions that are known to work: * Ubuntu 18.04 LTS * Ubuntu 20.04 LTS * Gentoo Linux * A non-root user account with sudo access. The build process should be run by this user, not the root user. The user needs to have _sudo_ access. For simplicity and convenience password-less sudo could be set for this user. <br> # Prepare the system ### Install necessary tools Git and curl as the essential tools that need to be installed in the host OS, you will also need Python3 for most of the scripting work in the build process. ```bash (outside) sudo apt-get install git-core gitk git-gui curl lvm2 thin-provisioning-tools \ python-pkg-resources python-virtualenv python-oauth2client xz-utils \ python3.6 # If Python 3.5 is the default, switch it to Python 3.6. python3 --version # If above version says 3.5, you'll need to run: sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python3 python3 /usr/bin/python3.5 1 sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python3 python3 /usr/bin/python3.6 2 sudo update-alternatives --config python3 ``` This command also installs git's graphical front end (`git gui`) and revision history browser (`gitk`). ### Install Google depot_tools The depot_tools is a software package of scripts, provided by Google, to manage source code checkouts and code reviews. We need it to fetch the Chromium OS source code. ```bash (outside) $ sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/repo $ sudo chmod 777 /usr/local/repo $ cd /usr/local/repo $ git clone ``` Then add depot_tools directory to PATH and set up proper umask for the user who is going to perform the build. Add below lines to the file `~/.bash_profile` of that user. Or if you are using a different shell, handle that accordingly. ```bash (outside) export PATH=/usr/local/repo/depot_tools:$PATH umask 022 ``` Then re-login to make the above changes take effect. ### Configure git Better configure git now or it may complain in some operations later. ```bash (outside) $ git config --global "[email protected]" $ git config --global "Your Name" ``` <br> # Get Chromium OS source code ### Create directory structure The directory structure described here is a recommendation based on the best practice in the FydeOS team. You may host the files differently as you wish. ```bash (outside) # This is the directory to hold Chromium OS source code, aka cros-sdk $ mkdir -p /path/to/cros-pi ``` If you are building a different release, make sure you use the actual directory name on your system, the name here mentioned is just an example. ### Fetch Chromium OS source code First, you need to find out the reference name of the release you would like to build, by visiting this page []( You will see a list of Git commit IDs and its name in the form of `refs/heads/release-Rxx-xxxx.B`. That `release-Rxx-XXXX.B` link is what you need for fetching the code of that specific Chromium OS release. For example, [release-R102-14695.B]( for release r102. Now run these commands to fetch the source code. Find and use a different release name if you would like to build a different release. ```bash (outside) #Assuming you understand what /path/to means. If not, replace it with '~' $ cd /path/to/cros-pi $ repo init -u --repo-url -b release-R102-14695.B # Raise this number if you have a fast internet connection $ repo sync -j8 ``` Fetching Chromium OS source code may take 20 to more than 40 minutes depending on your connection speed, around 10GB of data will need to be downloaded primarily from, it'd be helpful if you have a decent internet speed to reach Google's server. ### Request for Google API key If you would like to login into the Chromium OS GUI by using your Google account, you will need to request for Google API key and include them in the disk image you build. Since the only authentication mechanism included in Chromium OS is Google ID, you probably will need this or you will only be able to log in as a guest user. Apply for Google API on the Google website per [this document]( After acquiring the client ID, client secret and API key, put them in ```~/.googleapikeys``` file as in the below format. ``` 'google_api_key': 'your api key', 'google_default_client_id': 'your client id', 'google_default_client_secret': 'your client secret', ``` Then the Chromium OS build script will read the necessary information from this file automatically, and the image you build will allow Google ID login. <br> # Setup Raspberry Pi overlay Now fetch this overlay and also create symlinks in the designated place. ```bash (outside) $ cd /path/to/overlays $ git clone . $ cd /path/to/cros-pi/src/overlays $ ln -s /path/to/overlays/* . ``` By now, your `cros-pi/src/overlays` directory should have included symbolic links for: - `project-cros-pi` - `baseboard-rpi3` - `overlay-rpi3` - `overlay-rpi4` - `chipset-bcm2837` <br> # Setup local chromium source It's recommended to build Chromium browser on your local setup so that your Chromium OS for Raspberry Pi could benefit from the additional functionalities like kiosk mode, you will also have the option to incorporate your modifications. If you wish to do so, you need to prepare the necessary files before entering the cros_sdk. As far as this project is concerned, the chromium source that we use to build our releases can be found in the [chromium-raspberry_pi]( project. You may also choose to use Google's vanilla chromium repository which can be found [here]( Note that we use a much simpler way to manage releases, with our [chromium-raspberry_pi]( project you need to select the correct branch corresponding to the [repo manifest](#fetch-chromium-os-source-code) you used in the previous step to sync your Chromium OS code. For example, if you are building r102, you will then need to look out for "`chromium-m102`" branch under [chromium-raspberry_pi]( The letter "m" stands for "milestone" and it correlates to the release number for Chromium OS(r102 in this case). Choosing an unmatched chromium milestone branch and Chromium OS repo will probably result in endless build errors. With Google's repository, you need to choose a correct release tag rather than a branch. For example, if you are building r102, you can browse all existing chromium release tags on [this page]( and deduce that the latest tag on your desired milestone version. At the point where this was written, this would be [102.0.5005.90]( Having understood the above, now create a directory parallel to your Chromium OS repo to house the chromium source: ```bash (outside) $ mkdir chromium-pi $ cd chromium-pi $ mkdir src $ cd src ``` Now clone the desired chromium project: ```bash (outside) # use our chromium repo $ git clone [email protected]:FydeOS/chromium-raspberry_pi.git . # use google's vanilla chromium $ git clone . ``` Note that chromium is an absolute **HUGE** project, cloning the entire repo will require ~22GB of disk space and will require about 2 hours to complete even if you have a decent internet speed. Then choose the correct branch/tag ```bash (outside) #with our chromium repo $ git checkout chromium-m102 #with Google's repo and you wish to build for r102 $ git checkout 102.0.5005.90 ``` Now you need to create a config file known to gclient for syncing the chromium dependencies: ```bash (outside) $ cd .. # now you should be in /path/to/chromium-pi $ touch .gclient ``` The .gclient file should have the following content, note that you should replace the correct branch name with the `url` field (in this example we use `chromium-m102`) you may also replace the `url` value to Google's per your setup. ``` solutions = [{'custom_deps': {}, 'custom_vars': {}, 'deps_file': '.DEPS.git', 'managed': False, 'name': 'src', 'url': '[email protected]:FydeOS/chromium-raspberry_pi.git@refs/remotes/origin/chromium-m102'}] target_os = ['chromeos'] ``` Now you can start syncing: ```bash (outside) $ gclient sync ``` Note, due to an existing issue with WebRTC, during syncing you may encounter a git related error complaining fetch failure(if you do not see such error, you can safely ignore this and move on). A temporary fix is to manually edit the `src/third_party/webrtc/.git/config` file under the WebRTC folder: ``` [core] repositoryformatversion = 0 filemode = true bare = false logallrefupdates = true [remote "origin"] url = fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* fetch = +refs/branch-heads/*:refs/remotes/branch-heads/* [branch "master"] remote = origin merge = refs/heads/master ``` Once gclient sync is completed, the chromium source folder is now fully set up. <br> # Build Chromium OS for Raspberry Pi ### Create the chroot As mentioned above, a chroot environment will be used to run the actual build process and some other related tasks. To create the chroot environment, run the below commands. ``` (outside) $ cd /path/to/cros-pi $ cros_sdk ``` If you wish to build your chromium and you have to follow the steps to set it up, you need to specify it when entering the cros_sdk by: ```bash (outside) $ cd /path/to/cros-pi $ cros_sdk --chrome-root /path/to/your/chromium-pi #absolute path needed ``` It may take 10 to over 30 minutes depending on your internet connection speed and disk i/o speed. Once finished, it will enter into the chroot. The shell prompt string looks like below so it is very easy to tell whether you are currently in the chroot or not. ``` (inside) (release-R102-14695.B/(xxxxxx...)) <user>@<host> ~/trunk/src/scripts $ ``` The chroot environment is located under the `/path/to/cros-pi/chroot` directory. Let's exit from the chroot first as we need to do some customisation before moving on. Type `exit` or `ctrl + d` to exit from the chroot shell. Usually, the chroot only needs to be created once and can be used to build a board many times or build different boards. It very rarely needs to be removed/re-created. ### Delete the chroot If you would like to remove the chroot and re-create it from scratch, don't delete the `chroot` directory directly. As there could be directories from the host OS bind mounted in the chroot, an `rm chroot` command could remove files from your host OS undesirably. The correct way to remove the chroot is by using the below commands. ```bash (outside) $ cd /path/to/cros-pi $ cros_sdk --delete ``` ### Setup bind mount directories for chroot Programs running inside the chroot will not be able to access files outside of the chroot. One way to circumvent this is to bind-mount those files into a directory inside the chroot. When entering the Chromium OS chroot environment, a file named `.local_mounts` will be checked and directories listed in it will be bind-mounted inside the chroot. All we need to do is to create this file in the right place and put the necessary contents in, by using the below command. ```bash (outside) $ echo "/path/to/overlays" > /path/to/cros-pi/src/scripts/.local_mounts ``` Now, after entering the chroot, a `/path/to/overlays` directory will exist in the chroot and its content is the same as the `/path/to/overlays` directory in the host OS, as it is bind-mounted from the host OS. If we don't do this, the `/path/to/cros-pi/src/overlays/overlay-rpi4` symbolic link will not be accessible, as the top directory (`/path/to/overlays`) it points to doesn't exist in the chroot. ### Enter the chroot Now we can enter the chroot. ```bash (outside) $ cd /path/to/cros-pi $ cros_sdk ``` It is the same command used to create the chroot. It creates the chroot if one does not exist and enters the chroot if there is already one. And we can check whether the above `.local_mounts` setup was done correctly. ```bash (inside) $ ls /path/to/overlays/ # You should be able to see the same content as in the host OS. $ ls ../overlays/overlay-rpi4/ # You should be able to see the content of this repo. ``` Move on if it works well. If not, check and make sure you set up `.local_mounts` correctly. ### Set password for the chronos user The chronos user is used to log into the command line interface of Chromium OS, via ssh, local console or the shell in crosh interface. It is recommended that a password is set for this user so you can log in as this user and also can do `sudo` in the Chromium OS command line, for advanced tasks. To set a password for the chronos user, run the below command. ```bash (inside) $ ./ ``` Type in a password when prompted. If you would like to change the password, simply run the command again. The password is encrypted and saved in the file `/etc/shared_user_passwd.txt` in the chroot. You only need to set it once and it will be used for all the images you build unless you re-create the chroot. ### Setup Raspberry Pi board In the Chromium OS terminology, a board refers to a class of computer platforms with distinct hardware configurations. The board will be used as a target in the process of building software packages and disk images for that specific computer platform. There are many boards in the Chromium OS code base. They are either development platforms or real selling hardware products running Chrome OS, such as Chromebooks you can buy from many vendors. The Chromium OS project utilises the Portage package management system from Gentoo Linux. Each board lives in its own "overlay", which holds distinct build configuration, system configurations, collection of software packages, system services, disk image customisation etc. for that board. In our case here, we created a board named "rpi4" which refers to the Raspberry Pi 4B. We call the overlay "overlay-rpi4" and all its files are hosted in this repository. To build Chromium OS for a board, the first thing is to initialise the board from its overlay. **Beginning from release 86 and onwards, we have done some efforts to add Raspberry Pi 3B/3B+ support to the Raspberry Pi 4B overlay. In the following steps, we will be using the rpi4 board as an example, the resulting image will also likely work on both Raspberry Pi 3B/3B+.** ```bash (inside) $ setup_board --board=rpi4 ``` Again, it may take 10 to over 30 minutes depending on the speed of your internet connection and disk i/o. Once it's done, a directory structure for the "rpi4" board will be created under `/build/rpi4` of the chroot. ### Re-initialise the board It is usually not necessary to re-initialise the board as what you have already built will be lost, and you will have to spend hours rebuilding all packages from scratch. But if you need to do so, just re-run the same setup_board command with the `---force` option. ```bash (inside) $ setup_board --board=rpi4 --force ``` The `--force` option will remove the existing board directory `/build/rpi4` and re-create it from scratch. ### Build packages Now it is time to build all software packages for the rpi4 board. ```bash (inside) $ ./build_packages --board=rpi4 --nowithautotest # Append "--nowithautotest" to speed up the build process by skipping some tests ``` It may take hours depending on your processor power, your memory size, your disk speed and the quality of your internet connection. Here are some examples for you to adjust your expectation: - On a decent machine with 4 cores 8 threads, 16GB memory, files on regular HDD, and 100Mb broadband, it takes about 5 to 6 hours for the command to finish. - On a Workstation-grade server with AMD Threadripper 3990x CPU with 64-core 128-thread, 128GB memory and 300Mb broadband, it takes 44mins for the command to finish. ### Things to note - **What is happening now** The `build_packages` script acts as an entry point to initialise a series of processes aiming to compile all the necessary software packages from source code and build them together forming Chromium OS as a whole. During the process there are a few required dependencies will be fetched and cloned from GitHub, so please do ensure a decent internet connection to - **When interrupted** The build process is incremental. If it gets interrupted for any reason, you can always re-run the same `build_packages` command and it will resume the build instead of rebuilding from scratch. - **Read the output** The `build_packages` command throws out a lot of information on the console. Fortunately, that information is very well organised. - <span style="color:red">Red text</span>: these are error messages and very likely will cause the build process to break. - <span style="color:green">Green text</span>: these are useful messages printed by the build script itself. They are useful when debugging problem. - White text: these are regular information that mostly is printed by the commands called in the build script. They provide more details about the build process and thus are also useful for debugging. - **Read the logs** The `build_packages` script spends most of its airtime on running the `emerge` commands, to build, install and pack those hundreds of software packages required by the overlay. The `emerge` command is from the Portage system of Gentoo Linux. The `emerge` command saves the output of its building, installation and packing process into log files. These files are extremely useful if there is a failure when building packages. Those log files are located under the `/build/rpi4/tmp/portage/logs` directory of the chroot. They are plain text files so can be viewed right from your command-line interface. ### Build the disk image After the build_packages command is finished successfully, you can start building the disk image. ```bash (inside) $ ./build_image --board=rpi4 --noenable_rootfs_verification # Append --noenable_rootfs_verification flag to enable root file system read/write on the built image ``` It may take 10 to 30 minutes, mainly depending on the speed of your disk. It will be much faster on SSD than on HDD. ### Find your image After the command finished successfully, you will have disk images generated, saved under `/mnt/host/source/src/build/images/rpi4/` directory in the chroot, or `/path/to/cros-pi/src/build/images/rpi4` in the host OS. These two are the same directory, just bind mounted in the chroot. Each invocation of the build_image command will create a directory named similar to `R102-XXXX.XXX.<date time>-a1` under above directory. There is a symlink named `latest` under the above directory, that always points to the image directory of the last successful build. The disk image is usually named `chromiumos_image.bin`, under the abovementioned directory. So full path to the latest image is ``` /mnt/host/source/src/build/images/rpi4/latest/chromiumos_image.bin ``` in the chroot, and ``` /path/to/cros-pi/src/build/images/rpi4/latest/chromiumos_image.bin ``` in the host OS. <br> # Boot Raspberry Pi from the image The Raspberry Pi boots from the SD card so we need to write the previously generated disk image onto the SD card. An SD card of at least 8GB capacity is required. ### Write the disk image to an SD card There are two usual ways to write the Chromium OS disk image to an SD card. You can copy the image out to another Windows/macOS/Linux system and write it using your favourite GUI/CLI application. It is the same as writing other Linux images for Raspberry Pi, so will not be explained here. Another Chromium OS-specific way is by using the `cros` command in the chroot. ### Write the image by using the `cros` command First, plug the SD card into the box used to build the image and has the chroot. Then run the below command. ``` (inside) $ cros flash usb:// rpi4/latest ``` This asks to write the latest disk image to USB removable media. A list of USB removable media will be presented, with the index number prefixed. You can select which USB drive to write to by typing in the index number when prompted. ### Boot from the SD card After the disk image is successfully written to the SD card, plug it into the Raspberry Pi and boot it as usual. After a few seconds, you will see a Chromium logo, later on, it will boot into GUI mode and the first time setup screen (OOBE) will pop up for you to configure the system and log in. <br> # Video demonstration of the build process <> <br> # More information [Chromium OS Developer Guide]( This is the official source of how to build Chromium OS. [openFyde](, the open-sourced version of FydeOS. [The FydeOS website](, our home. [FydeOS official Telegram group](, to say hi and get help. <br> # About us Fyde began with a vision where all applications and services we use today will be living in the Cloud. We believed that with the ever-advancing browser platform technology and web frontend performances, it’s not surprising that most things we do today with the internet can be done through a single browser window. We are stepping into an era where installable apps will soon become history. FydeOS is our answer to this new era of computing. FydeOS is a simple, secure, fast and productive operating system. Based on the open-source Chromium Project that also powers the well-known Google Chromebooks. FydeOS inherits most of the benefits that Chromebooks have but is also bundled with our enhancements and new features. We have turned FydeOS into a more open platform, users will no longer be forced to rely on Google services and have the freedom to choose whichever services they prefer. We have also made FydeOS run on a wider range of hardware platforms ranging from x86 PCs and ARM-based single board computers, providing endless possibilities and potentials of how FydeOS can be used and applied.
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Practical Ethical Hacking Labs 🗡🛡
# <p align="center">Ethical Hacking Labs </p> ![h]( This is a collection of tutorials and labs made for ethical hacking students, cybersecurity students, network and sys-admins. These tutorials accompany the resources of CEH content and different resources across the internet. ⌨️ The tutorials is very practical/hands-on. Don't worry if you are a completely noob, you don't need to be an expert to start learn ethical hacking. **Google is always your best friend.** This repo will guide you very carefully from basics to more advanced techniques. **✅ Prerequisites**: * Any computer with at least 8GB RAM (16GB recommended) * At least 80GB of free disk space available * Hardware-based virtualization support * * * > **⚠️ Disclaimer**: *This is purely for educational purposes only. DO NOT try these techniques with any public network. Because if you are find guilty for causing any harm to any individual, government, corporate body, non-profit etc you will be sued with serious charges of cyber crime. I recommend you to practice the lessons in this course on your owned system and your own data in a private or local network.* * * * ## ⚙️ Core Knowledge First things first, you really need to understand how things work before start to disassembly and look for vulnerable components. The more you understand how things works, a better hacker you'll be. The 'Core Knowledge' (module 0) is just a jumpstart to these topics. **Core Knowledge provides a jumpstart to networking, linux systems, virtualization, lab building, scripting and also information security topics. If you are familiar on these topics you can skip it straight to Ethical Hacking module.** * [Networking 101]( * [Lab Building / Virtualization]( * [Introduction to Linux]( * [Scripting] * [Information Security 101]( ## ⚔️ Ethical Hacking 1. **Footprinting and Reconnaissance** * [Introduction]( * [Windows command line]( * [Maltego basics]( * [Recon-ng]( * [OSRFramework]( * [Metasploit]( * [theHarvester]( * [Another tools for Recon]( 2. **Scanning Networks** * [Introduction]( * [hping3]( * [Detect OS's by TTL using Wireshark]( * [Mega Ping]( * [Nmap Basics]( * [Avoid Detection with Nmap]( * [More Windows GUI Tools]( 3. **Enumeration** * [Introduction]( * [Enumeration with Nmap]( * [SNMP Enumeration]( * [Enum4Linux]( * [More Windows GUI Tools]( 4. **Vulnerability Analysis** * [Overview and Tools]( 5. **System Hacking** * [Introduction]( * [LLMNR / NBT-NS Spoofing]( * [Dumping and Cracking SAM hashes]( * [Rainbow Tables]( * [Establishing a VNC Session]( * [Escalating Privileges]( * [Hacking Windows with MS Word file]( * [Hacking Windows with Msf/Meterpreter - Post Exploitation]( * [Hiding Data - NTFS streams]( * [Hiding Data - Steganography]( * [Using Covert_TCP]( * [Auditpol basics]( * [More Windows GUI Tools]( 6. **Malware** * [Introduction]( * [njRAT]( * [HTTP RAT Trojan]( * [Obfuscating a Trojan using SwayzCryptor]( * [Malware Analysis Lab]( * [Windows Tools]( 7. **Sniffing** * [Introduction]( * [MITM using BetterCAP]( * [MAC Address Spoofing]( * [Windows Tools]( 8. **Social Engineering** * [Introduction]( * [Using SET]( * [Tools]( 9. **Denial-of-Service** * [Introduction]( * [SYN Flooding]( * [DDoS using HOIC]( * [Detecting DoS Traffic]( 10. **Session Hijacking** * [Introduction]( * [Using ZAP - Zed Attack Proxy]( * [Intercepting HTTP Traffic]( 11. **Bonus - 🔬 The Forensic Approach** * [TCPDump]( * [Dissecting Packets]( * [ExifTool]( * [hdparm & dd command]( * [Recovering a Deleted Partition]( * [Recovering Deleted Files]( * * * **💭 To Do**: - ![]( - Add Foundational level modules (~~networking~~, ~~virtualization~~, crypto, linux kernel and scripting). - Bonus modules to add: - ~~Introduction to Infosec terms and methodologies (from [CEH Study Guide]( - More Reconnaissance techniques. - Active Directory: Lab build and attack vectors. - Web application: Enumeration and exploitation using some OWASP Top 10 vulnerabilities and Bug Bounty techniques. - Wireless hacking (WPA)
A Curated list of IoT Security Resources
![]( ![Awesome]( - A Collection for IoT Security Resources - You are welcome to fork and [contribute]( - Other Interesting Areas - [ICS-Security]( - [Automotive-Security]( ******************************************************************************************************************************** #### Approach Methodology - ***1. Network*** - ***2. Web (Front & Backend and Web services)*** - ***3. Mobile App (Android & iOS)*** - ***4. Wireless Connectivity (Zigbee , WiFi , Bluetooth , etc)*** - ***5. Firmware Pentesting (OS of IoT Devices)*** - ***6. Hardware Hacking & Fault Injections & SCA Attacks*** - ***7. Storage Medium*** - ***8. I/O Ports*** ## Contents - IoT Security information - [IoT Security Chat groups](#Chat-groups-for-IoT-Security) - [Books](#Books-For-IoT-Pentesting) - [Blogs](#Blogs-for-iotpentest) - [Cheatsheets](#Awesome-CheatSheets) - [Search Engines](#search-engines-for-exposed-iot-devices-worldwide) - [CTF](#CTF-For-IoT-And-Embeddded) - [Youtube](#YouTube-Channels-for-IoT-Pentesting) - [Exploitation Tools](#Exploitation-Tools) - [IoT Pentesting OSes](#IoT-Pentesting-OSes) - [IoT Vulnerabilites Checking Guides](#IoT-Vulnerabilites-Checking-Guides) - [IoT Labs](#Vulnerable-IoT-and-Hardware-Applications) - [Awesome IoT Pentesting Guides](#Awesome-IoT-Pentesting-Guides) - [Fuzzing Things](#Fuzzing-Things) - [IoT Lab Setup guide for corporate/individual]( - Network - Web IoT Message Protocols - [MQTT](#MQTT) - [CoAP](#CoAP) - Mobile app - [Mobile security (Android & iOS)](#mobile-security-android--ios) - Wireless Protocols - [RADIO HACKING STARTING GUIDE](#RADIO-HACKER-QUICK-START-GUIDE) - [Cellular Hacking GSM BTS](#cellular-hacking-gsm-bts) - [Zigbee](#Zigbee-ALL-Stuff) - [Bluetooth](#BLE-Intro-and-SW-HW-Tools-to-pentest) - Firmware - [Reverse Engineering Tools](#Reverse-Engineering-Tools) - [Online Assemblers](#Online-Assemblers) - [ARM](#ARM) - [Pentesting Firmwares and emulating and analyzing](#Pentesting-Firmwares-and-emulating-and-analyzing) - [Firmware samples to pentest](#Firmware-samples-to-pentest) - [Secureboot](#Secureboot) - Hardware - [IoT Hardware Intro](#IoT-hardware-Overview-and-Hacking) - [IoT Hardware hacking Intro] - [Required hardware to pentest IoT](#Hardware-Gadgets-to-pentest) - [Hardware interfaces](#Attacking-Hardware-Interfaces) - [SPI](#SPI) - [UART](#UART) - [JTAG](#JTAG) - [SideChannel Attacks & Glitching attacks](#sidechannel-attacks) - [Glitching Attacks](#glitching-attacks) - Storage Medium - [EMMC Hacking](#emmc-hacking) ******************************************************************************************************************************** ### To seen Hacked devices - - - - [Your Lenovo Watch X Is Watching You & Sharing What It Learns]( - [Your Smart Scale is Leaking More than Your Weight: Privacy Issues in IoT]( - [Smart Bulb Offers Light, Color, Music, and… Data Exfiltration?]( - [Besder-IPCamera analysis]( - [Smart Lock]( - [Subaru Head Unit Jailbreak]( - [Jeep Hack]( - [Dropcam hacking]( - [Printer Hacking live sessions - gamozolabs]( - [LED Light Hacking]( ******************************************************************************************************************************** - [IoT-Vuln-with CVE and PoC of tenda and dlink]( ******************************************************************************************************************************** ### Chat groups for IoT Security - IoTSecurity101 Telegram - <> - IoTSecurity101 Reddit - <> - IoTSecurity101 Discord - <> - hardware hacking Telegram - <> - RFID Discord group - <> - ICS Discord group - <> ******************************************************************************************************************************** ### Books For IoT Pentesting - [The Firmware Handbook (Embedded Technology) 1st Edition by Jack Ganssle ]( - 2004 - [Hardware Hacking: Have Fun while Voiding your Warranty 1st Edition ]( - 2004 - [Linksys WRT54G Ultimate Hacking 1st Edition by Paul Asadoorian]( - 2007 - [Applied Cyber Security and the Smart Grid: Implementing Security Controls into the Modern Power Infrastructure by Eric D. Knapp , Raj Samani]( -2013 - [Hacking the Xbox-An Introduction to Reverse Engineering HACKING THE XBOX by Andrew “bunnie” Huang]( - Openbook - 2013 - [Android Hacker's Handbook by Joshua J. Drake]( - 2014 - [The Art of Pcb Reverse Engineering: Unravelling the Beauty of the Original Design ]( - 2015 - [Abusing the Internet of Things: Blackouts, Freakouts, and Stakeouts 1st Edition, by Nitesh Dhanjani]( - 2015 - [Learning Linux Binary Analysis By Ryan "elfmaster" O'Neill]( - 2016 - [Car hacker's handbook by Craig Smith]( - 2016 - [IoT Penetration Testing Cookbook By Aaron Guzman , Aditya Gupta]( - 2017 - [Inside Radio: An Attack and Defense Guide by Authors: Yang, Qing, Huang, Lin]( -2018 - [Pentest Hardware]( - Openbook -2018 - [Gray Hat Hacking: The Ethical Hacker's Handbook, Fifth Edition 5th Edition by by Daniel Regalado , Shon Harris , Allen Harper , Chris Eagle , Jonathan Ness , Branko Spasojevic , Ryan Linn , Stephen Sims]( - 2018 - [Practical Hardware Pentesting]( - 2021 - [The Hardware Hacking Handbook: Breaking Embedded Security with Hardware Attacks Front Cover Jasper van Woudenberg, Colin O'Flynn]( - 2021 - [Practical IoT Hacking-The Definitive Guide to Attacking the Internet of Things by Fotios Chantzis, Ioannis Stais, Paulino Calderon, Evangelos Deirmentzoglou, Beau Woods]( - 2021 - [Internet of Things Security Encyclopedia]( - Openbook - [PatrIoT: practical and agile threat research for IoT by Emre Süren]( - 2022 - [Practical Hardware Pentesting - Second Edition]( - 2023 ******************************************************************************************************************************** ### Blogs for iotpentest - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ******************************************************************************************************************************** ### Awesome CheatSheets - [Hardware Hacking]( - [Nmap]( ******************************************************************************************************************************** ### Search Engines for Exposed IoT devices worldwide - [Shodan]( - [FOFA]( - [Censys]( - [Zoomeye]( - [ONYPHE]( ******************************************************************************************************************************** ### CTF For IoT And Embeddded - - - - - - ******************************************************************************************************************************** ### YouTube Channels for IoT Pentesting - [Joe Grand]( - [Liveoverflow]( - [Binary Adventure]( - [EEVBlog]( - [Craig Smith]( - [iotpentest [Mr-IoT]]( - [Besim ALTINOK - IoT - Hardware - Wireless]( - [Ghidra Ninja]( - [Cyber Gibbons]( - [Scanline]( - [Aaron Christophel]( - [Valerio Di Giampietro]( ******************************************************************************************************************************** ### Vehicle Security Resources - ******************************************************************************************************************************** ### IoT Vulnerabilites Checking Guides - [Reflecting upon OWASP TOP-10 IoT Vulnerabilities]( - [OWASP IoT Top 10 2018 Mapping Project]( - [Hardware toolkits for IoT security analysis]( ******************************************************************************************************************************** ### IoT Gateway Software - [Webthings by Mozilla - RaspberryPi]( ******************************************************************************************************************************** ### IoT Pentesting OSes - [Sigint OS- LTE IMSI Catcher]( - [Instatn-gnuradio OS - For Radio Signals Testing]( - [AttifyOS - IoT Pentest OS - by Aditya Gupta]( - [Ubutnu Best Host Linux for IoT's - Use LTS]( - [Internet of Things - Penetration Testing OS v1]( - [Dragon OS - DEBIAN LINUX WITH PREINSTALLED OPEN SOURCE SDR SOFTWARE]( - [EmbedOS - Embedded security testing virtual machine]( - [Skywave Linux- Software Defined Radio for Global Online Listening]( - [A Small, Scalable Open Source RTOS for IoT Embedded Devices]( - [ICS -]( ******************************************************************************************************************************** ### Exploitation Tools - [Expliot - IoT Exploitation framework - by Aseemjakhar]( - [Routersploit (Exploitation Framework for Embedded Devices)]( - [IoTSecFuzz (comprehensive testing for IoT device)]( - [HomePwn - Swiss Army Knife for Pentesting of IoT Devices]( - [killerbee - Zigbee exploitation]( - [PRET - Printer Exploitation Toolkit]( - [HAL – The Hardware Analyzer]( - [FwAnalyzer (Firmware Analyzer)]( - [ISF(Industrial Security Exploitation Framework]( - [PENIOT: Penetration Testing Tool for IoT]( - [MQTT-PWN]( ******************************************************************************************************************************** ### Reverse Engineering Tools - [IDA Pro]( - [GDB]( - [Radare2]( | [cutter]( - [Ghidra]( ******************************************************************************************************************************** ## Introduction - [Introduction to IoT]( - [IoT Architecture]( - [IoT attack surface]( - [IoT Protocols Overview]( ******************************************************************************************************************************** ### IoT Web and message services #### MQTT - [Introduction]( - [Hacking the IoT with MQTT]( - [thoughts about using IoT MQTT for V2V and Connected Car from CES 2014]( - [Nmap]( - [The Seven Best MQTT Client Tools]( - [A Guide to MQTT by Hacking a Doorbell to send Push Notifications]( - [Are smart homes vulnerable to hacking]( - [Deep Learning UDF for KSQL / ksqlDB for Streaming Anomaly Detection of MQTT IoT Sensor Data]( - [Authenticating & Authorizing Devices using MQTT with Auth0]( - [Development information for the MQTT with hardware]( - [Understanding the MQTT Protocol Packet Structure]( - [R7-2019-18: Multiple Hickory Smart Lock Vulnerabilities]( - [IoT Live Demo: 100.000 Connected Cars With Kubernetes, Kafka, MQTT, TensorFlow]( #### Softwares - [Mosquitto-An open source MQTT broker]( - [HiveMQ]( - [MQTT Explorer]( - [MQTT proxy - IoXY]( - [MQTT Broker Security - 101]( - [Welcome to MQTT-PWN!]( #### CoAP - [Introduction]( - [CoAP client Tools]( - [CoAP Pentest Tools]( - [Nmap - NSE for coap]( ******************************************************************************************************************************** ### RADIO HACKER QUICK START GUIDE - [Complete course in Software Defined Radio (SDR) by Michael Ossmann]( - [SDR Notes - Radio IoT Protocols Overview]( - [Understanding Radio]( - [Introduction to Software Defined Radio]( - [Introduction Gnuradio companion]( - [Creating a flow graph in gunradiocompanion]( - [Analysing radio signals 433Mhz ]( - [Recording specific radio signal]( - [Replay Attacks with raspberrypi -rpitx]( ### Cellular Hacking GSM BTS #### BTS - [Awesome-Cellular-Hacking]( - [what is base tranceiver station]( - [How to Build Your Own Rogue GSM BTS]( #### GSM SS7 Pentesting - [Introduction to GSM Security]( - [GSM Security 2 ]( - [vulnerabilities in GSM security with USRP B200]( - [Security Testing 4G (LTE) Networks]( - [Case Study of SS7/SIGTRAN Assessment]( - [Telecom Signaling Exploitation Framework - SS7, GTP, Diameter & SIP]( - [ss7MAPer – A SS7 pen testing toolkit]( - [Introduction to SIGTRAN and SIGTRAN Licensing]( - [SS7 Network Architecture]( - [Introduction to SS7 Signaling]( - [Breaking LTE on Layer Two]( ******************************************************************************************************************************** ### Zigbee ALL Stuff - [Introduction and protocol Overview]( - [Hacking Zigbee Devices with Attify Zigbee Framework]( - [Hands-on with RZUSBstick]( - [ZigBee & Z-Wave Security Brief]( - [Hacking ZigBee Networks]( - [Zigator: Analyzing the Security of Zigbee-Enabled Smart Homes]( - [Security Analysis of Zigbee Networks with Zigator and GNU Radio]( - [Low-Cost ZigBee Selective Jamming]( #### SW TOOLS - [zigbear]( - [ZigDiggity]( - [Zigator]( - [Z3sec]( #### Hardware Tools for Zigbee - [APIMOTE IEEE 802.15.4/ZIGBEE SNIFFING HARDWARE]( - [RaspBee-The Raspberry Pi Zigbee gateway]( - [USRP SDR 2]( - [ATUSB IEEE 802.15.4 USB Adapter]( - [nRF52840-Dongle]( ******************************************************************************************************************************** ### BLE Intro and SW-HW Tools to pentest - [Step By Step guide to BLE Understanding and Exploiting]( - [Traffic Engineering in a Bluetooth Piconet]( - [BLE Characteristics]( #### Bluetooth and BLE Pentest Tools - [btproxy]( - [hcitool & bluez]( - [Testing With GATT Tool]( - [Cracking encryption]( - [bettercap]( - [BtleJuice Bluetooth Smart Man-in-the-Middle framework]( - [gattacker]( - [BTLEjack Bluetooth Low Energy Swiss army knife]( #### Hardware for bluetooth hacking - [NRFCONNECT - 52840]( - [EDIMAX]( - [CSR 4.0]( - [ESP32 - Development and learning Bluetooth]( - [Ubertooth]( - [Sena 100]( - [ESP-WROVER-KIT-VB]( #### BLE Pentesting Tutorials - [Bluetooth vs BLE Basics]( - [Finding bugs in Bluetooth]( - [Intel Edison as Bluetooth LE — Exploit box]( - [How I Reverse Engineered and Exploited a Smart Massager]( - [My journey towards Reverse Engineering a Smart Band — Bluetooth-LE RE]( - [Bluetooth Smartlocks]( - [I hacked MiBand 3]( - [GATTacking Bluetooth Smart Devices]( - [blueooth beacon vulnerability]( - [Sweyntooth Vulnerabilties]( - [AIRDROP_LEAK - sniffs BLE traffic and displays status messages from Apple devices]( - [BRAKTOOTH: Causing Havoc on Bluetooth Link Manager]( ******************************************************************************************************************************** ### Mobile security (Android & iOS) - [Android App Reverse Engineering 101]( - [Android Application pentesting book]( - [Android Pentest Video Course-TutorialsPoint]( - [IOS Pentesting]( - [OWASP Mobile Security Testing Guide]( - [Android Tamer - Android Tamer is a Virtual / Live Platform for Android Security professionals]( ******************************************************************************************************************************* ### Online Assemblers - [AZM Online Arm Assembler by Azeria]( - [Online Disassembler]( - [Compiler Explorer is an interactive online compiler which shows the assembly output of compiled C++, Rust, Go]( ******************************************************************************************************************************** ### ARM - [Azeria Labs]( - [ARM EXPLOITATION FOR IoT]( - [Damn Vulnerable ARM Router (DVAR)]( - [EXPLOIT.EDUCATION]( ******************************************************************************************************************************** ### Pentesting Firmwares and emulating and analyzing - [EMBA-An analyzer for embedded Linux firmware]( - [Firmware analysis and reversing]( - [IoT Security Verification Standard (ISVS)]( - [OWASP Firmware Security Testing Methodology]( - [Firmware emulation with QEMU]( - [Reversing ESP8266 Firmware]( - [Emulating Embedded Linux Devices with QEMU]( - [Emulating Embedded Linux Systems with QEMU]( - [Fuzzing Embedded Linux Devices]( - [Emulating ARM Router Firmware]( - [Reversing Firmware With Radare]( - [Samsung Firmware Magic - Unpacking and Decrypting]( - [Qiling & Binary Emulation for automatic unpacking]( - [Reverse engineering with #Ghidra: Breaking an embedded firmware encryption scheme]( - [Simulating and hunting firmware vulnerabilities with Qiling]( ******************************************************************************************************************************** ### Firmware samples to pentest - [Download From here by]( ******************************************************************************************************************************** ### Secureboot #### Dev - [Writing a Bootloader]( #### Hacking - [Pwn the ESP32 Secure Boot]( - [Pwn the ESP32 Forever: Flash Encryption and Sec. Boot Keys Extraction]( - [Amlogic S905 SoC: bypassing the (not so) Secure Boot to dump the BootROM]( / [another-link]( - [Defeating Secure Boot with Symlink Attacks]( - [PS4 Aux Hax 5 & PSVR Secure Boot Hacking with Keys by Fail0verflow!]( - [ECLYPSIUM DISCOVERS MULTIPLE VULNERABILITIES AFFECTING 129 DELL MODELS VIA DELL REMOTE OS RECOVERY AND FIRMWARE UPDATE CAPABILITIES]( ******************************************************************************************************************************** ### Storage Medium #### EMMC HACKING - [HARDWARE HACKING 101: IDENTIFYING AND DUMPING EMMC FLASH]( - [EMMC DATA RECOVERY FROM DAMAGED SMARTPHONE]( - [Another bunch of Atricles for EMMC]( - [Unleash your smart-home devices: Vacuum Cleaning Robot Hacking]( - [Hands-On IoT Hacking: Rapid7 at DEF CON 30 IoT Village, Part 1]( ******************************************************************************************************************************** ### IoT hardware Overview and Hacking - [IoT Hardware Guide]( - [Intro To Hardware Hacking - Dumping Your First Firmware]( #### Hardware Gadgets to pentest - [Bus Pirate]( - [EEPROM reader/SOIC Cable]( - [Jtagulator/Jtagenum]( - [Logic Analyzer]( - [The Shikra]( - [FaceDancer21 (USB Emulator/USB Fuzzer)]( - [RfCat]( - [Hak5Gear- Hak5FieldKits]( - [Ultra-Mini Bluetooth CSR 4.0 USB Dongle Adapter]( - [Attify Badge - UART, JTAG, SPI, I2C (w/ headers)]( #### Attacking Hardware Interfaces - [An Introduction to Hardware Hacking]( - [Serial Terminal Basics]( - [Reverse Engineering Serial Ports]( - [REVERSE ENGINEERING ARCHITECTURE AND PINOUT OF CUSTOM ASICS]( - [ChipWhisperer - Hardware attacks]( - [Hardware hacking tutorial: Dumping and reversing firmware]( #### SPI - [Reading FlashROMS - Youtube]( - [Dumping the firmware From Router using BUSPIRATE - SPI Dump]( - [How to Flash Chip of a Router With a Programmer | TP-Link Router Repair & MAC address change]( - [Extracting Flash Memory over SPI]( - [Extracting Firmware from Embedded Devices (SPI NOR Flash)]( - [SPI-Blogs]( #### UART - [Identifying UART interface]( - [onewire-over-uart]( - [Accessing sensor via UART]( - [Using UART to connect to a chinese IP cam]( - [A journey into IoT – Hardware hacking: UART]( - [UARTBruteForcer]( - [UART Connections and Dynamic analysis on Linksys e1000]( - [Accessing and Dumping Firmware Through UART]( #### JTAG - [HARDWARE HACKING 101: INTRODUCTION TO JTAG]( - [How To Find The JTAG Interface - Hardware Hacking Tutorial]( - [Buspirate JTAG Connections - Openocd](,protocols%20like%20I%C2%B2C%20and%20SPI.) - [Extracting Firmware from External Memory via JTAG]( - [Analyzing JTAG]( - [The hitchhacker’s guide to iPhone Lightning & JTAG hacking]( #### SideChannel Attacks - [Side channel attacks]( - [Attacks on Implementations of Secure Systems]( - [fuzzing, binary analysis, IoT security, and general exploitation]( - [Espressif ESP32: Bypassing Encrypted Secure Boot(CVE-2020-13629)]( - [Breaking AES with ChipWhisperer - Piece of scake (Side Channel Analysis 100)]( - [Researchers use Rowhammer bit flips to steal 2048-bit crypto key]( #### Glitching attacks - [NAND Glitching Attack]( - [Tutorial CW305-4 Voltage Glitching with Crowbars]( - [Voltage Glitching Attack using SySS iCEstick Glitcher]( - [Samy Kamkar - FPGA Glitching & Side Channel Attacks]( - [Hardware Power Glitch Attack (Fault Injection) - rhme2 Fiesta (FI 100)]( - [Keys in flash - Glitching AES keys from an Arduino / ATmega with a camera flash]( - [Implementing Practical Electrical Glitching Attacks]( ******************************************************************************************************************************** ### Awesome IoT Pentesting Guides - [Shodan Pentesting Guide]( - [Car Hacking Practical Guide 101]( - [OWASP Firmware Security Testing Methodology ]( - [Awesome-bluetooth-security]( ******************************************************************************************************************************** ### Fuzzing Things - [OWASP Fuzzing Info]( - [Fuzzing_ICS_protocols]( - [Fuzzowski - the Network Protocol Fuzzer that we will want to use]( - [Fuzz Testing of Application Reliability]( - [FIRM-AFL : High-Throughput Greybox Fuzzing of IoT Firmware via Augmented Process Emulation]( - [Snipuzz : Black-box Fuzzing of IoT Firmware via Message Snippet Inference]( - [fuzzing-iot-binaries] - [part1]( / [part2]( ******************************************************************************************************************************** ### ICS - [ICS-Security]( ******************************************************************************************************************************** ### Automotive - [Automotive-Security]( ******************************************************************************************************************************** ## Vulnerable IoT and Hardware Applications - IoT Goat : - IoT : - Safe : - Router : - SCADA : - PI : - SS7 Network: - VoIP :,40/ - Hardware Hacking 101 : - RHME-2015 : - RHME-2016 : - RHME-2017 : ******************************************************************************************************************************** ## follow the people - [Jilles]( - [Joe Fitz]( - [Aseem Jakhar]( - [Cybergibbons]( - [Jasper]( - [Dave Jones]( - [bunnie]( - [Ilya Shaposhnikov]( - [Mark C.]( - [A-a-ron Guzman]( - [Yashin Mehaboobe]( - [Arun Magesh]( - [Mr-IoT]( - [QKaiser](
Make any web page a desktop application
# Nativefier ![Example of Nativefier app in the macOS dock](.github/dock-screenshot.png) You want to make a native-looking wrapper for WhatsApp Web (or any web page). ```bash nativefier '' ``` ![Walkthrough animation](.github/nativefier-walkthrough.gif) You're done. ## Introduction Nativefier is a command-line tool to easily create a “desktop app” for any web site with minimal fuss. Apps are wrapped by [Electron]( (which uses Chromium under the hood) in an OS executable (`.app`, `.exe`, etc) usable on Windows, macOS and Linux. I built this because I grew tired of having to Alt-Tab to my browser and then search through numerous open tabs when using Messenger or Whatsapp Web ([HN thread]( Nativefier features: - Automatically retrieval of app icon / name - Injection of custom JS & CSS - Many more, see the [API docs]( or `nativefier --help` ## Installation Install Nativefier globally with `npm install -g nativefier` . Requirements: - macOS 10.10+ / Windows / Linux - [Node.js]( ≥ 12.9 and npm ≥ 6.9 Optional dependencies: - [ImageMagick]( or [GraphicsMagick]( to convert icons. Be sure `convert` + `identify` or `gm` are in your `$PATH`. - [Wine]( to build Windows apps from non-Windows platforms. Be sure `wine` is in your `$PATH`. <details> <summary>Or install with Docker (click to expand)</summary> - Pull the image from [Docker Hub]( `docker pull nativefier/nativefier` - ... or build it yourself: `docker build -t local/nativefier .` (in this case, replace `nativefier/` in the below examples with `local/`) By default, `nativefier --help` will be executed. To build e.g. a Gmail app into `~/nativefier-apps`, ```bash docker run --rm -v ~/nativefier-apps:/target/ nativefier/nativefier /target/ ``` You can pass Nativefier flags, and mount volumes to pass local files. E.g. to use an icon, ```bash docker run --rm -v ~/my-icons-folder/:/src -v $TARGET-PATH:/target nativefier/nativefier --icon /src/icon.png --name whatsApp -p linux -a x64 /target/ ``` </details> <details> <summary>Or install with Snap & AUR (click to expand)</summary> These repos are *not* managed by Nativefier maintainers; use at your own risk. If using them, for your security, please inspect the build script. - [Snap]( - [AUR]( </details> ## Usage To create an app for, simply `nativefier ''` Nativefier will try to determine the app name, and well as other options that you can override. For example, to override the name, `nativefier --name 'My Medium App' ''` **Read the [API docs]( or run `nativefier --help`** to learn about command-line flags and configure your app. ## Troubleshooting **See []( for site-specific ideas & workarounds contributed by the community**. If this doesn’t help, go look at our [issue tracker]( ## Development Help welcome on [bugs]( and [feature requests](! Docs: [Developer / build / hacking](, [API / flags](, [Changelog]( License: [MIT](
An endless drawing canvas desktop app made with Tauri (Rust) and React 🎨 ✍️
![logo](./screenshots/banner.jpg) ![app](./screenshots/app.png) # Table of Contents - [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents) - [Introduction](#introduction) - [Features](#features) - [Installation](#installation) - [Development](#development) - [Creating a build](#creating-a-build) - [License](#license) # Introduction Pointless is an endless drawing canvas that provides useful features when you're in need for a simple whiteboard/note app. It is build using Tauri (Rust) and React with a pure SVG canvas and local files are saved with brotli compression to ensure small file sizes. ❗️ Currently, this app can only be build locally. Anytime soon there will be public releases available with prebuild binaries for MacOS, Windows and Linux. 📚 ✍️ Feel like contributing? Submit an issue with your ideas (or bugs) and we'll discuss it. # Features - [ ] Save as PNG - [ ] Save as JPG - [ ] Toolbar - [x] Undo - [x] Redo - [x] Pan - [x] Clear - [x] Zoom in - [x] Zoom out - [x] Scale to fit - [x] Create arrow shapes - [x] Create rectangle shapes - [x] Create ellipse shapes - [ ] Text - [x] Create folders - [x] Save/load state from file - [x] Light/dark theme # Prerequisites - [NodeJS]( - [Yarn]( - [Cargo]( # Installation ``` $ git clone && cd pointless $ yarn install ``` # Development Starting the development server can be done with `yarn run tauri dev` # Creating a build Creating a build can simply be done with `yarn run tauri build` # License Pointless is licensed under the GPL-3.0 license.
Linux networking examples and tutorials
Network Examples ================ Welcome to my Linux Networking tutorials. The first part, learning two widely used routing protocols, OSPF and BGP, is almost completed. ## Target audience You've been a Linux server and network administrator for some years, have been building an office and/or colocation network with IPv4, IPv6, firewalls with IPTables, some stateful filtering (and NAT for IPv4). You've set up VPN tunnels between different locations to be able to reach the internal IPv4 network using RFC1918 addresses on the other side. You know how to use the `iproute2` programs (`ip a`, `ip r`, etc) to set up your networking, and haven't typed the `ifconfig` or `route` commands in your terminal since 1999. You know how to debug problems using `tcpdump`, `traceroute` etc... But... your network doesn't show much redundancy. You're pointing a static route to your VPN tunnel to be able to reach the other side, and when you connect a third location, you're realizing that this way of working is getting more and more painful. You're googling the interwebz for tutorials about an introduction to routing protocols, and discover that most of them start out with a huge amount of theoretical information, and then teach you how to configure Cisco equipment. You found out that there's helper software to make routing more dynamic, like BIRD, but you have no idea where to start. You don't have money to buy physical routers and switches and cables to connect them, and got a headache after once playing around with a cisco simulator for an hour, missing your cozy linux command line. ## Does the web need more tutorials on these topics? There aren't a lot of tutorials that take a practical approach, ignoring most of the theory that's not yet needed to be known before just starting to explore the working of e.g. a routing protocol. In my opinion there is really no use in first of all learning that "a type 5 AS-external Link State Advertisement is not allowed in a Not So Stubby Area, unless it's a type 7 Link State Advertisement, that has been converted to a type 5 at an Area Border router, which makes it possible to traverse a..." whatever... :o) And, while BIRD (the routing software used in these tutorials) has good reference documentation, it's missing tutorial-style documentation for new users. Even if you already know routing protocols, these tutorials should be a quick way to learn using BIRD and some of its quirks on Linux. I hope that while following the tutorials, you're going to experience the "Wow!" moments, that "make the penny drop" and suddenly make you understand a lot more about complex networking topologies on the internet. Just reading the pages will not make that happen, setting up the examples and doing the assignments will. Depending on your current knowledge and experience, following the tutorials can take quite some time. This is normal. Don't skip pages or part of them, because when writing, I assume that everything told before is known already. Even though the tutorials are meant as an introduction, there's still already a huge amount of information hidden in them. Have fun! ## Getting up to speed setting up test environments All test setups used in the tutorials are built using Linux, LXC and OpenvSwitch for setting up network topologies, and using BIRD as routing daemon. * [Setting up a lab environment](/lxcbird/ explains how to set up a local test environment to build example networks using LXC and openvswitch. The result of the tutorial is having a base container that can be cloned into routers and end hosts. * [A basic network example](/birdhouse-intro/ provides an introduction to the computer network of a fictional company, the Birdhouse Factory. The tutorial part is to practice some more with setting up a network with containers and openvswitch. ## Learning OSPF and BGP * [The Birdhouse Factory continued](/birdhouse-vlans-vpn/ shows how the network at the Birdhouse Factory is evolving, and shows the need for a dynamic routing protocol when multiple routers are introduced. * [An introduction to OSPF](/ospf-intro/ explains the basics of using OSPF as an IGP. * [An introduction to BGP](/bgp-intro/ shows using BGP to make a connection to an external network that is managed by someone else. Also shows how the routes learned are propagated into the local network, having OSPF and iBGP work together. * [A bigger BGP network](/bgp-contd/ shows redundant routes, asymmetric traffic flow and explains the difference between "peering" and "transit". * To be finished: [Wait what... The Internet](/routing-on-the-internet/ shows that with the little amount of knowledge we built up about routing, we can suddenly understand how the whole Internet works! (So, fun with traceroute,, etc...) ## Further ideas * Building a pair of stateful filtering IPv4 and IPv6 gateways that can fail over traffic to each other, using `keepalived` and `conntrackd`, while participating in OSPF. * Building a load balancer using LVS. * Example showcases would be really nice. For example, visiting some IXP that uses BIRD as route server, and doing a writeup of what their network architecture looks like and the been-there-done-thats that they want to share. * ... ## Feedback, getting help * I'm very interested in feedback on the amount of time it takes to work through the tutorials. Since I wrote them, I cannot predict those, and it may provide useful information about reordering the pages if they're too long. * If you like IRC, try the `#bird` channel on Libera Chat. There's a bunch of friendly BIRD users in there that might help you with the BIRD configuration if you have questions. Hans van Kranenburg, `[email protected]`
A fast and easy-to-use status bar
<p align="center"> <img src="doc/_static/banner.png#gh-light-mode-only" alt="Polybar"> <img src="doc/_static/banner-dark-mode.png#gh-dark-mode-only" alt="Polybar"> </p> <p align="center"> A fast and easy-to-use tool for creating status bars. </p> <p align="center"> <a href=""><img src=""></a> <a href=""><img alt="GitHub All Releases" src="" /></a> <a href=""><img src=""></a> <a href=""><img src=""></a> <a href=""><img src=""></a> <a href=""><img src=""></a> <a href=""><img src=""></a> <a href=""><img src=""></a> <a href=""><img src=""></a> <a href=""><img src=""></a> </p> **[Documentation]( | [Installation](#installation) | [Support]( | [Donate](#donations)** **Polybar** aims to help users build beautiful and highly customizable status bars for their desktop environment, without the need of having a black belt in shell scripting. ![default configuration screenshot](doc/_static/default.png) ## Table of Contents * [Introduction](#introduction) * [Getting Help](#getting-help) * [Contributing](#contributing) * [Getting started](#getting-started) * [Installation](#installation) * [First Steps](#first-steps) * [Community](#community) * [Contributors](#contributors) * [Donations](#donations) * [Sponsors](#sponsors) * [Backers](#backers) * [License](#license) * [Signatures](#signatures) ## Introduction The main purpose of **Polybar** is to help users create awesome status bars. It has built-in functionality to display information about the most commonly used services. Some of the services included so far: - Systray icons - Window title - Playback controls and status display for [MPD]( using [libmpdclient]( - [ALSA]( and [PulseAudio]( volume controls - Workspace and desktop panel for [bspwm]( and [i3]( - Workspace module for [EWMH compliant]( window managers - Keyboard layout and indicator status - CPU and memory load indicator - Battery display - Network connection details - Backlight level - Date and time label - Time-based shell script execution - Command output tailing - User-defined menu tree - Inter-process messaging - And more... [See the wiki for more details]( ## Getting Help If you find yourself stuck, have a look at our [Support]( page for resources where you can find help. ## Contributing Read our [contributing guidelines]( for how to get started with contributing to polybar. ## Getting started ### Installation <a href=""> <img src="" alt="Packaging status" align="right"> </a> Polybar is already available in the package manager for many repositories. We list some of the more prominent ones here. Also click the [image on the right]( to see a more complete list of available polybar packages. If you are using **Debian** (bullseye/11/stable) or later, you can install [polybar]( using `sudo apt install polybar`. Newer releases of polybar are sometimes provided in the [backports]( repository for stable users, you need to enable [backports]( and then install using `sudo apt -t bullseye-backports install polybar`. If you are using **Ubuntu** 20.10 (Groovy Gorilla) or later, you can install polybar using `sudo apt install polybar`. If you are using **Arch Linux**, you can install [polybar]( to get the latest stable release using `sudo pacman -S polybar`. The latest unstable changes are also available in the [`polybar-git`]( package in the AUR. If you are using **Manjaro**, you can install [polybar]( to get the latest stable release using `sudo pacman -S polybar`. If you are using **Void Linux**, you can install [polybar]( using `xbps-install -S polybar`. If you are using **NixOS**, polybar is available in both the stable and unstable channels and can be installed with the command `nix-env -iA nixos.polybar`. If you are using **Slackware**, polybar is available from the [SlackBuilds]( repository. If you are using **Source Mage GNU/Linux**, polybar spell is available in test grimoire and can be installed via `cast polybar`. If you are using **openSUSE Leap** or **openSUSE Tumbleweed**, polybar is available from the [official repositories]( and can be installed via `zypper install polybar`. The package is available for openSUSE Leap 15.3 and above. If you are using **FreeBSD**, [polybar]( can be installed using `pkg install polybar`. Make sure you are using the `latest` package branch. If you are using **Gentoo**, both release and git-master versions are available in the [main]( repository. If you are using **Fedora**, you can install [polybar]( using `sudo dnf install polybar`. If you can't find your distro here, you will have to [build from source]( ### First Steps [See the wiki for details on how to run and configure polybar]( ## Community Want to get in touch? * Visit our [Discussion page]( * Join our Gitter room at [``]( * We have our own subreddit at [`r/polybar`]( * Chat with us in the `#polybar` IRC channel on the [``]( server ## Contributors ### Maintainers * Patrick Ziegler [**@patrick96**]( ### Owner * Michael Carlberg [**@jaagr**]( ### Former Maintainers * [**@Lomadriel**]( * [**@NBonaparte**]( * Chase Geigle [**@skystrife**]( ### Logo Design by * [**@Tobaloidee**]( ### [All Contributors]( ## Donations Polybar accepts donations through [open collective]( [Become a backer]( and support polybar! ### Sponsors <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> ### Backers <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> ## License Polybar is licensed under the MIT license. [See LICENSE for more information]( ## Signatures Release archives and tags are signed by a maintainer using GPG. Currently everything is signed by [Patrick Ziegler]( with fingerprint `1D5791352D51A228D4DDDBA4521E5E03AEBCA1A7`
📦 Get a clean, ready-to-go Linux box in seconds.
<p align="right">En | <a href="./docs/">简</a> | <a href="./docs/">繁</a></p> <div align="center"> ![logo]( # instantbox Get a clean, ready-to-go Linux box in seconds. [![Travis CI](]( [![Docker](]( ![Python 3.6]( ![Code Style Pep8]( [![Chat on Telegram](]( [![MIT](](LICENSE) </div> ## Introduction ### What is instantbox? It's a project that spins up temporary Linux systems with instant webshell access from any browser. ### What can an instantbox do? 1. provides a clean Linux environment for a presentation 2. let students experience the charm of Linux at your school or your next LUG meet 3. run with an inspiration in a clean environment 4. manage servers from any device 5. experiment with an open source project 6. test software performance under resource constraints and more! ideas are endless... ### Which Linux distributions are available? We currently supports various versions of Ubuntu, CentOS, Arch Linux, Debian, Fedora and Alpine. ## Quickstart ![Demo screenshot]( ## Deploy Prerequisite: docker [[More Information]]( ```bash mkdir instantbox && cd $_ bash <(curl -sSL ``` ## Questions Please submit an issue or join the conversation on [telegram]( ## Donations We are in urgent need for donations in the form of server resources. Please contact us at [email protected] if you are able to help. We appreciate it! ## Credits * [tsl0922/ttyd]( - webshell ## License [MIT](LICENSE)
Modular file scanning/analysis framework
MultiScanner ============ [![Build Status](]( Introduction ------------ MultiScanner is a file analysis framework that assists the user in evaluating a set of files by automatically running a suite of tools for the user and aggregating the output. Tools can be custom built Python scripts, web APIs, software running on another machine, etc. Tools are incorporated by creating modules that run in the MultiScanner framework. Modules are designed to be quickly written and easily incorporated into the framework. Currently written and maintained modules are related to malware analytics, but the framework is not limited to that scope. For a list of modules you can look in [modules/](modules). Descriptions and config options can be found on the [Analysis Modules]( page. MultiScanner also supports a distributed workflow for sample storage, analysis, and report viewing. This functionality includes a web interface, a REST API, a distributed file system (GlusterFS), distributed report storage / searching (Elasticsearch), and distributed task management (Celery / RabbitMQ). Please see [Architecture]( for more details. Usage ----- MultiScanner can be used as a command-line interface, a Python API, or a distributed system with a web interface. See the documentation for more detailed information on [installation]( and [usage]( ### Command-Line ### Install Python (2.7 or 3.4+) if you haven't already. Then run the following (substituting the actual file you want to scan for `<file>`): ``` bash $ git clone $ cd multiscanner $ sudo -HE ./ $ multiscanner init ``` This will generate a default configuration for you. Check `config.ini` to see what modules are enabled. See [Configuration]( for more information. Now you can scan a file (substituting the actual file you want to scan for `<file>`): ``` bash $ multiscanner <file> ``` You can run the following to get a list of all of MultiScanner's command-line options: ``` bash $ multiscanner --help ``` **Note**: If you are not on a RedHat or Debian based Linux distribution, instead of running the `` script, install pip (if you haven't already) and run the following: ``` bash $ pip install -r requirements.txt ``` ### Python API ### ``` python import multiscanner multiscanner.config_init(filepath) output = multiscanner.multiscan(file_list) results = multiscanner.parse_reports(output, python=True) ``` ### Web Interface ### Install the latest versions of [Docker]( and [Docker Compose]( if you haven't already. ``` bash $ git clone $ cd multiscanner $ docker-compose up ``` You may have to wait a while until all the services are up and running, but then you can use the web interface by going to `http://localhost:8000` in your web browser. *Note*: this should not be used in production; it is simply an introduction to what a full installation would look like. See [here]( for more details. Documentation ------------- For more information, see the [full documentation]( on ReadTheDocs.
Qt binding for Go (Golang) with support for Windows / macOS / Linux / FreeBSD / Android / iOS / Sailfish OS / Raspberry Pi / AsteroidOS / Ubuntu Touch / JavaScript / WebAssembly
Introduction ------------ [Qt]( is a free and open-source widget toolkit for creating graphical user interfaces as well as cross-platform applications that run on various software and hardware platforms with little or no change in the underlying codebase. [Go](, also known as Golang, is a programming language designed at Google. [therecipe/qt]( allows you to write Qt applications entirely in Go, [JavaScript/TypeScript](, [Dart/Flutter](, [Haxe]( and [Swift]( Beside the language bindings provided, `therecipe/qt` also greatly simplifies the deployment of Qt applications to various software and hardware platforms. At the time of writing, almost all Qt functions and classes are accessible, and you should be able to find everything you need to build fully featured Qt applications. Impressions ----------- [Gallery]( of example applications. [JavaScript Demo]( | *[source](* Installation ------------ The following instructions assume that you already installed [Go]( and [Git]( #### (Experimental) cgo-less version (try this first, if you are new and want to test the binding) ##### Windows ```powershell go get -ldflags="-w" && for /f %v in ('go env GOPATH') do %v\bin\widgets.exe ``` ##### macOS/Linux ```bash go get -ldflags="-w" && $(go env GOPATH)/bin/widgets ``` #### Default version ##### Windows [(more info)]( ```powershell set GO111MODULE=off go get -v && for /f %v in ('go env GOPATH') do %v\bin\qtsetup test && %v\bin\qtsetup -test=false ``` ##### macOS [(more info)]( ```bash export GO111MODULE=off; xcode-select --install; go get -v && $(go env GOPATH)/bin/qtsetup test && $(go env GOPATH)/bin/qtsetup -test=false ``` ##### Linux [(more info)]( ```bash export GO111MODULE=off; go get -v && $(go env GOPATH)/bin/qtsetup test && $(go env GOPATH)/bin/qtsetup -test=false ``` Resources --------- - [Installation]( - [Getting Started]( - [Wiki]( - [Qt Documentation]( - [FAQ]( - [#qt-binding]( Slack channel ([invite](\) Deployment Targets ------------------ | Target | Arch | Linkage | Docker Deployment | Host OS | |:------------------------:|:----------------:|:-------------------------:|:-----------------:|:-------:| | Windows | 32 / 64 | dynamic / static | Yes | Any | | macOS | 64 | dynamic | Yes | Any | | Linux | arm / arm64 / 64 | dynamic / static / system | Yes | Any | | Android (+Wear) | arm / arm64 | dynamic | Yes | Any | | Android-Emulator (+Wear) | 32 | dynamic | Yes | Any | | SailfishOS | arm | system | Yes | Any | | SailfishOS-Emulator | 32 | system | Yes | Any | | Raspberry Pi (1/2/3) | arm | dynamic / system | Yes | Any | | Ubuntu Touch | arm / 64 | system | Yes | Any | | JavaScript | 32 | static | Yes | Any | | WebAssembly | 32 | static | Yes | Any | | iOS | arm64 | static | No | macOS | | iOS-Simulator | 64 | static | No | macOS | | AsteroidOS | arm | system | No | Linux | | FreeBSD | 32 / 64 | system | No | FreeBSD | License ------- This package is released under [LGPLv3]( Qt itself is licensed and available under multiple [licenses](
The flexible game engine.
The flexible game engine. [![Build Status](]( ===================================== Crown is a general purpose and data-driven game engine, written in [orthodox C++]( with a minimalistic and data-oriented design philosophy in mind. Crown isn't tied to a particular game type or genre but instead it offers a set of generic primitives and facilities to help you create a wide gamut of interactive 2D and 3D products. Check out the [Introduction]( for more info. ## Download ### Binaries * [Changelog]( * [Crown v0.47.0 for Linux 64-bits]( * [Crown v0.47.0 for Windows 64-bits]( * [Crown v0.47.0 all releases]( ### Arch Linux ([AUR]( yay -S crown ## Documentation ### Unstable (master) * [User Manual]( * [Lua API]( * [Building]( ### Latest Stable (v0.47.0) * [User Manual]( * [Lua API]( ## Community Support & Development * [Discord]( [![Discord Chat](]( * [Trello Roadmap]( ## Screenshots ### [Level Editor]( ![level-editor]( ### [00-empty]( Engine initialization and shutdown. ### [01-physics]( ![01-physics]( ### [02-animation]( ![02-animation]( ### [03-joypad]( ![03-joypad]( Contact ------- Daniele Bartolini ([@aa_dani_bart]( Project page: Contributors ------------ In chronological order. Daniele Bartolini ([@dbartolini]( Simone Boscaratto ([@Xed89]( Michele Rossi ([@mikymod]( Michela Iacchelli - Pepper logo. Raphael de Vasconcelos Nascimento ([@vasconssa]( Giulia Gazzoli - Crown logo.
:snake: Syntax, working with Shell commands, Files, Text Processing, and more...
<br> --- :warning: :warning: I'm archiving this repo, as I don't intend to work on this repo further. I'm re-using materials in this repo for the **100 Page Python Intro** book ( I'm also working on **Practice Python Projects** book (, which I had intended in this repo for the `mini_projects` folder. --- <br> <br> <br> # <a name="python-basics"></a>Python Basics Introduction to Python - Syntax, working with Shell commands, Files, Text Processing, and more... * Suitable for a one/two day workshop for Python beginners * Visit [Python re(gex)?]( repo for a book on regular expressions * [Python resources for everybody]( for a curated and searchable collection, including resources for complete beginners to programming * For more related resources, visit [scripting course]( and my programming blog <br> # <a name="chapters"></a>Chapters * [Introduction](./ * Installation, Hello World example, Python Interpreter, Python Standard Library * [Number and String data types](./ * Numbers, String, Constants, Built-in Operators * [Functions](./ * def, print function, range function, type function, Variable Scope * [Getting User input](./ * Integer input, Floating point input, String input * [Executing external commands](./ * Calling Shell commands, Calling Shell commands with expansion, Getting command output and redirections * [Control Structures](./ * Condition checking, if, for, while, continue and break * [Lists](./ * Assigning List variables, Slicing and Modifying Lists, Copying Lists, List Methods and Miscellaneous, Looping, List Comprehension, Getting List as user input, Getting random items from list * [Sequence, Set and Dict data types](./ * Strings, Tuples, Set, Dictionary * [Text Processing](./ * String methods, Regular Expressions, Pattern matching and extraction, Search and Replace, Compiling Regular Expressions, Further Reading on Regular Expressions * [File handling](./ * open function, Reading files, Writing to files, Inplace editing with fileinput * [Command line arguments](./ * Known number of arguments, Varying number of arguments, Using program name in code, Command line switches * [Exception Handling and Debugging](./ * Exception Handling, Syntax check, pdb, Importing program * [Docstrings](./ * Style guide, Palindrome example * [Testing](./ * assert statement, Using assert to test a program, Using unittest framework, Using unittest.mock to test user input and program output, Other testing frameworks * [Exercises](./ * [Further Reading](./ * Standard topics not covered, Useful links on coding, Python extensions <br> ## <a name="contributing"></a>Contributing * Please open an issue for typos/bugs/suggestions/etc * As this repo is no longer actively worked upon, **please do not submit pull requests** * Share the repo with friends/colleagues, on social media, etc to help reach other learners * In case you need to reach me, mail me at `echo 'bGVhcm5ieWV4YW1wbGUubmV0QGdtYWlsLmNvbQo=' | base64 --decode` or send a DM via [twitter]( <br> # <a name="ebook"></a>ebook * Read as ebook on [gitbook]( * All `` links are now automatically redirected to ``, so there's no longer an option to download ebooks for offline reading <br> # <a name="acknowledgements"></a>Acknowledgements * [automatetheboringstuff]( for getting me started with Python * [/r/learnpython/]( - helpful forum for beginners and experienced programmers alike * [stackoverflow]( - for getting answers to pertinent questions as well as sharpening skills by understanding and answering questions * [Devs and Hackers]( - helpful slack group * [Weekly Coders, Hackers & All Tech related thread](;restrict_sr=on&amp;sort=new&amp;t=all) - for suggestions and critique <br> # <a name="license"></a>License This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License](
A lightweight, fast and extensible game server for Minecraft
# Cuberite [![Jenkins Build Status](]( [![AppVeyor Build Status](]( Cuberite is a Minecraft-compatible multiplayer game server that is written in C++ and designed to be efficient with memory and CPU, as well as having a flexible Lua Plugin API. Cuberite is compatible with the Java Edition Minecraft client. Cuberite runs on Windows, *nix and Android operating systems. This includes Android phones and tablets as well as Raspberry Pis. Currently we support Release 1.8 - 1.12.2 Minecraft protocol versions. Subscribe to [the newsletter][1] for important updates and project news. ## Installation There are several ways to obtain Cuberite. ### Binaries - The easiest method is downloading for Windows or Linux from the [website][2]. - You can use the EasyInstall script for Linux and macOS, which automatically downloads the correct binary. The script is described below. #### The EasyInstall script This script will download the correct binary from the project site. curl -sSfL | sh ### Compiling - You can compile automatically for Linux, macOS and FreeBSD with the `` script. The script is described below. - You can also compile manually. See [][4]. Compiling may provide better performance (1.5-3x as fast) and it supports more operating systems. #### The script This script downloads the source code and compiles it. The script is smart enough to notify you of missing dependencies and instructing you on how to install them. The script doesn't work for Windows. Using curl: sh -c "$(curl -sSfL -o -" Or using wget: sh -c "$(wget -O -" ### Hosted services - Hosted Cuberite is available via [Gamocosm][5]. ## Contributing Cuberite is licensed under the Apache License V2, and we welcome anybody to fork and submit a Pull Request back with their changes, and if you want to join as a permanent member we can add you to the team. Cuberite is developed in C++ and Lua. To contribute code, please check out [][6] and [][7] for more details. Plugins are written in Lua. You can contribute by developing plugins and submitting them to the [plugin repository][8] or the [forum][9]. Please check out our [plugin introduction guide][10] for more info. If you are not a programmer, you can help by testing Cuberite and reporting bugs. See [][11] for details. You can also help with documentation by contributing to the [User's Manual][12]. ## Other Stuff For other stuff, check out the [homepage][13], the [Users' Manual][14], the [forums][15], and the [Plugin API][16]. Support the Cuberite development team on [Liberapay][17] [1]: [2]: [4]: [5]: [6]: [7]: [8]: [9]: [10]: [11]: [12]: [13]: [14]: [15]: [16]: [17]:
HackSys Extreme Vulnerable Windows Driver (HEVD)
# HackSys Extreme Vulnerable Driver ooooo ooooo oooooooooooo oooooo oooo oooooooooo. `888' `888' `888' `8 `888. .8' `888' `Y8b 888 888 888 `888. .8' 888 888 888ooooo888 888oooo8 `888. .8' 888 888 888 888 888 " `888.8' 888 888 888 888 888 o `888' 888 d88' o888o o888o o888ooooood8 `8' o888bood8P' ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [![Black Hat Arsenal](]( [![Appveyor Build Status](]( [![GitHub all Releases](]( [![Twitter Follow](]( [![Mastodon Follow](]( The **HackSys Extreme Vulnerable Driver (HEVD)** is a **Windows Kernel** driver that is intentionally vulnerable. It has been developed for **security researchers** and **enthusiasts** to improve their skills in **kernel-level** exploitation. **HEVD** offers a range of vulnerabilities, from simple **stack buffer overflows** to more complex issues such as **use-after-free**, **pool buffer overflows**, and **race conditions**. This allows researchers to explore exploitation techniques for each implemented vulnerability. ## Black Hat Arsenal 2016 [Presentation]( [White Paper]( ## Blog Post []( ## External Exploits []( []( []( []( []( []( []( []( []( []( []( []( []( []( []( []( []( []( ## External Blog Posts []( []( []( []( []( []( []( []( []( []( []( []( []( []( []( []( []( []( []( []( []( []( []( []( []( []( []( []( []( []( []( ## Author > **Ashfaq Ansari** > ashfaq[at]hacksys[dot]io > **[Blog]( "HackSys Team") | [@HackSysTeam](** > [![HackSys Inc]( "HackSys Inc")]( > []( "HackSys Inc") ## Screenshots ![Driver Banner](Screenshots/hevd-banner.png "Driver Banner") ![Help](Screenshots/hevd-help.png "Help") ![Exploitation](Screenshots/hevd-exploitation.png "Exploitation") ![Driver Debug Print](Screenshots/hevd-debug-print.png "Driver Debug Print") ## Vulnerabilities Implemented * **Write NULL** * **Double Fetch** * **Buffer Overflow** * **Stack** * **Stack GS** * **NonPagedPool** * **NonPagedPoolNx** * **PagedPoolSession** * **Use After Free** * **NonPagedPool** * **NonPagedPoolNx** * **Type Confusion** * **Integer Overflow** * **Arithmetic Overflow** * **Memory Disclosure** * **NonPagedPool** * **NonPagedPoolNx** * **Arbitrary Increment** * **Arbitrary Overwrite** * **Null Pointer Dereference** * **Uninitialized Memory** * **Stack** * **NonPagedPool** * **Insecure Kernel Resource Access** ## Building the driver 1. [Install Visual Studio 2017]( 2. [Install Windows Driver Kit]( 3. Run the appropriate driver builder `Build_HEVD_Vulnerable_x86.bat` or `Build_HEVD_Vulnerable_x64.bat` ## Download If you do not want to build **HackSys Extreme Vulnerable Driver** from source, you could download pre-built executables for the latest release: []( ## Installing the driver Use [OSR Driver Loader]( to install **HackSys Extreme Vulnerable Driver** ## Testing The **HackSys Extreme Vulnerable Driver** and the respective exploits have been tested on **Windows 7 SP1 x86** and **Windows 10 x64** ## Sessions Conducted * [Windows Kernel Exploitation 1]( * [Windows Kernel Exploitation 2]( * [Windows Kernel Exploitation 3]( * [Windows Kernel Exploitation 4]( * [Windows Kernel Exploitation 5]( * [Windows Kernel Exploitation 6]( * [Windows Kernel Exploitation 7]( ## Workshops Conducted * [Windows Kernel Exploitation Humla Pune]( * [Windows Kernel Exploitation Humla Mumbai]( ## License Please see the file `LICENSE` for copying permission ## Contribution Guidelines Please see the file `` for contribution guidelines ## TODO & Bug Reports Please file any enhancement request or bug report via **GitHub** issue tracker at the below-given address: []( ## Acknowledgments Thanks go to these wonderful people: 🎉 <a href=""> <img src="" /> </a> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [![HackSys Inc]( "HackSys Inc")](
Native, lightweight modal code editor
[![Build Status](]( [![Discord](]( # Onivim 2 ### Lightweight, Modal Code Editor :warning: Currently in alpha - may have bugs or instability - use with caution :warning: <p align="center"> <img width="800" alt="Onivim 2" src=""> </p> ## Introduction Onivim 2 is a reimagination of the [Oni]( editor. Onivim 2 aims to bring the _speed_ of Sublime, the _language integration_ of VSCode, and the _modal editing experience_ of Vim together, in a single package. Onivim 2 is built in [`reason`]( using the [`revery`]( framework. Onivim 2 uses [`libvim`]( to manage buffers and provide authentic modal editing, and features a fast, native front-end. In addition, Onivim 2 leverages the VSCode Extension Host process in its entirety - meaning, eventually, complete support for VSCode extensions and configuration. ### Goals - __Modern UX__ - an experience on par with modern code editors like VSCode and Atom - __VSCode Plugin Support__ - use all of the features of VSCode plugins, including language servers and debuggers - __Cross-Platform__ - works on Windows, OSX, and Linux - __Batteries Included__ - works out of the box - __Performance__ - no compromises: native performance, minimal input latency - __Easy to Learn__ - Onivim 2 should be comfortable for non-vimmers, too! The goal of this project is to build an editor that doesn't exist today - the _speed_ of a native code editor like Sublime, the _power_ of modal editing, and the _rich tooling_ that comes with a lightweight editor like VSCode. ### Non-goals - __100% VimL compatibility__ - we may not support all features of VimL plugins / configuration. ## Documentation - Onivim User Manual - [Getting Started]( - [Basic Usage]( - [FAQ]( ## Contributing We'd :heart: help building Onivim 2! If you are interested in fixing issues and contributing directly to the code, please see the [How to Contribute]( document, which includes the following: - [How to build and run from source]( - [Pull Request Guidelines]( Please also see our [Code of Conduct](./ ## Feedback - [Tweet us]( with feedback - Come visit us on [Discord]( - Join the discussion on [Reddit]( - [File an issue]( on GitHub ## License Onivim 2 source code is licensed under the [MIT]( license. Onivim 2 downloads, available at, are licensed under the [Outrun Labs EULA 1.1](./ #### Third-Party Code Several dependencies have their own set of license terms here: [ThirdPartyLicenses.txt](ThirdPartyLicenses.txt) Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Outrun Labs, LLC.
Daemon to ban hosts that cause multiple authentication errors
__ _ _ ___ _ / _|__ _(_) |_ ) |__ __ _ _ _ | _/ _` | | |/ /| '_ \/ _` | ' \ |_| \__,_|_|_/___|_.__/\__,_|_||_| v1.0.1.dev1 20??/??/?? ## Fail2Ban: ban hosts that cause multiple authentication errors Fail2Ban scans log files like `/var/log/auth.log` and bans IP addresses conducting too many failed login attempts. It does this by updating system firewall rules to reject new connections from those IP addresses, for a configurable amount of time. Fail2Ban comes out-of-the-box ready to read many standard log files, such as those for sshd and Apache, and is easily configured to read any log file of your choosing, for any error you wish. Though Fail2Ban is able to reduce the rate of incorrect authentication attempts, it cannot eliminate the risk presented by weak authentication. Set up services to use only two factor, or public/private authentication mechanisms if you really want to protect services. <img src="" height="52pt"/> | Since v0.10 fail2ban supports the matching of IPv6 addresses. ------|------ This README is a quick introduction to Fail2Ban. More documentation, FAQ, and HOWTOs to be found on fail2ban(1) manpage, [Wiki](, [Developers documentation]( and the website: Installation: ------------- **It is possible that Fail2Ban is already packaged for your distribution. In this case, you should use that instead.** Required: - [Python2 >= 2.7 or Python >= 3.2]( or [PyPy]( - python-setuptools, python-distutils or python3-setuptools for installation from source Optional: - [pyinotify >= 0.8.3](, may require: * Linux >= 2.6.13 - [gamin >= 0.0.21]( - [systemd >= 204]( and python bindings: * [python-systemd package]( - [dnspython]( To install: tar xvfj fail2ban-1.0.1.tar.bz2 cd fail2ban-1.0.1 sudo python install Alternatively, you can clone the source from GitHub to a directory of Your choice, and do the install from there. Pick the correct branch, for example, master or 0.11 git clone cd fail2ban sudo python install This will install Fail2Ban into the python library directory. The executable scripts are placed into `/usr/bin`, and configuration in `/etc/fail2ban`. Fail2Ban should be correctly installed now. Just type: fail2ban-client -h to see if everything is alright. You should always use fail2ban-client and never call fail2ban-server directly. You can verify that you have the correct version installed with fail2ban-client version Please note that the system init/service script is not automatically installed. To enable fail2ban as an automatic service, simply copy the script for your distro from the `files` directory to `/etc/init.d`. Example (on a Debian-based system): cp files/debian-initd /etc/init.d/fail2ban update-rc.d fail2ban defaults service fail2ban start Configuration: -------------- You can configure Fail2Ban using the files in `/etc/fail2ban`. It is possible to configure the server using commands sent to it by `fail2ban-client`. The available commands are described in the fail2ban-client(1) manpage. Also see fail2ban(1) and jail.conf(5) manpages for further references. Code status: ------------ * [![tests status](]( / [![tests status](]( (0.11 branch) / [![tests status](]( (0.10 branch) * [![Coverage Status](]( / [![Coverage Status](]( (0.11 branch) / [![Coverage Status](]( / (0.10 branch) * [![](]( / [![](]( (0.11 branch) / [![](]( (0.10 branch) Contact: -------- ### Bugs, feature requests, discussions? See []( ### You just appreciate this program: Send kudos to the original author ([Cyril Jaquier](mailto:[email protected])) or *better* to the [mailing list]( since Fail2Ban is "community-driven" for years now. Thanks: ------- See [THANKS]( file. License: -------- Fail2Ban is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Fail2Ban is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Fail2Ban; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110, USA
Legacy code of the WebCatalog app.
# WebCatalog [![License: MPL 2.0](](LICENSE) ## Archived This repository is archived. To help us better improve the product and protect our intellectual assets, WebCatalog app's development has been moved to a closed source code base. ## Introduction |macOS| |---| |[![macOS](](| |Windows| |---| |[![Windows](](| |Linux (x64)|Linux (arm64)| |---|---| |[![Linux (x64)](](|[![Linux (arm64)](](| **[WebCatalog](** - Turn Websites into Desktop Apps. **master** branch only includes the source code of WebCatalog 13 and above. For older versions, check out the **legacy-** branches. --- ## Licensing ### Usage **WebCatalog is a commercial product.** [Learn more about our pricing]( ### Source Code On the other hand, **the source code is freely available** for use, modification and distribution under the permissions, limitations and conditions listed in the [Mozilla Public License 2.0](LICENSE). --- ## Development This repository only contains the source code of the WebCatalog app. For the source code of the core that powers the apps created with WebCatalog, check out <>. For the app to be fully functional, set these environment variables: ``` REACT_APP_AMPLITUDE_API_KEY= REACT_APP_ELASTIC_CLOUD_APP_SEARCH_SEARCH_KEY= REACT_APP_ELASTIC_CLOUD_APP_SEARCH_API_ENDPOINT= REACT_APP_ELASTIC_CLOUD_APP_SEARCH_ENGINE_NAME= ELECTRON_APP_SENTRY_DSN= ``` Then, run: ```bash # clone the project: git clone cd webcatalog-app # install the dependencies yarn # run the app yarn electron-dev # Build for production yarn dist ```
generate CobaltStrike's cross-platform payload
# CrossC2 framework [README]( | [中文文档]( 🚀 For a faster way, see **cna** introduction [GO📌](#cna-plugin-way) 🔥 **Linux** & **MacOS** supports no file landing, load and execute from memory **dynamic library** or **executable file** [GO📖]( 🔥 Flexibly customize the data return type of the execution file, **portscan**, **screenshot**, **keystrokes**, **credentials** and other user-defined development to achieve more convenient implementation [GO📖]( ( [Sample: GO📌](#CustomExtension) ) 🔥 Custom communication protocol [GO📖]( 🔥 Now supports lateral movement [GO📌](#Lateral-movement:-Usage) 🔥 Now supports loading scripts from memory [GO📌](#Run script-in-memory) 🎉 **Android** & **iPhone** support [GO📌](#Mobile) # CrossC2 framework - Generator CobaltStrike's cross-platform beacon ``` ▄████▄ ██▀███ ▒█████ ██████ ██████ ▄████▄ ██████▄ ▒██▀ ▀█ ▓██ ▒ ██▒▒██▒ ██▒▒██ ▒ ▒██ ▒ ▒██▀ ▀█ ██░ ▒▓█ ▄ ▓██ ░▄█ ▒▒██░ ██▒░ ▓██▄ ░ ▓██▄ ▒▓█ █████▒ ▒▓▓▄ ▄██▒▒██▀▀█▄ ▒██ ██░ ▒ ██▒ ▒ ██▒ ▒▓▓▄ ▄█ ░▒██ ▒ ▓███▀ ░░██▓ ▒██▒░ ████▓▒░▒██████▒▒▒██████▒▒ ▒ ▓███▀ ░▒▓█████▓ ░ ░▒ ▒ ░░ ▒▓ ░▒▓░░ ▒░▒░▒░ ▒ ▒▓▒ ▒ ░▒ ▒▓▒ ▒ ░ ░ ░▒ ▒ ░▒ ░▓ ░░ ░ ▒ ░▒ ░ ▒░ ░ ▒ ▒░ ░ ░▒ ░ ░░ ░▒ ░ ░ ░ ▒ ░ ░░ ░ ░ ░░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ▒ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ CrossC2 v2.0 @hook ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ``` ![](media/15901534124389/15985513904454.jpg) ![](media/15848885324084/15848892759774.jpg) # Description A security framework for enterprises and Red Team personnel, supports CobaltStrike's penetration testing of other platforms (Linux / MacOS / ...), supports custom modules, and includes some commonly used penetration modules. `Only for internal use by enterprises and organizations, this framework has a certain degree of instability. Non-professionals are not allowed to use it. Anyone shall not use it for illegal purposes and profitability. Besides that, publishing unauthorized modified version is also prohibited, or otherwise bear legal responsibilities.` | | Windows | Linux | MacOS | iOS | Android | Embedded | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Run Env (x86) | | √ | | | | | | Run Env (x64) | √ | √ | √ | | | | | gen beacon (x86) | | √ | | | √ | | | gen beacon (x64) | | √ | √ | | | | | gen beacon (armv7) | | | | ⍻ | √ | | | gen beacon (arm64) | | | | √ | √ | | | gen beacon (mips[el]) | | | | | | ⍻ | Restricted description: * CobaltStrike: currently only supports the last version of cs 3.14(bug fixs) and 4.x versions are supported (see the cs4.1 branch for details). * Linux: For particularly old systems, you can choose "Linux-GLIBC" option in cna (around 2010) * MacOS: Latest systems only support 64-bit programs * iOS: sandbox, restricted cmd * Embedded: only *nix * ⍻ : Loader is still in progress # Install & Usage > Download: * **CrossC2.cna** * **genCrossC2** `(If it is a Windows system, download genCrossC2.Win.exe)` 1. choose `Script Manager`,add `CrossC2.cna` (If successfully installed, the menu bar will have an additional item `CrossC2`) 2. Modify the `genCC2` path in the` CrossC2.cna` script to the **real path** ``` 77: $genCC2 = "/xxx/xx/xx/genCrossC2.MacOS"; # <-------- fix ``` > Create listener and copy key: For some reasons, only HTTPS beacon is currently supported. **Copy `.cobaltstrike.beacon_keys` from the cs directory on the server to the local directory.** ## Reference documents: [📖 Wiki]( ## Module: API introduction [📖 Wiki]( It adopts the method of loading memory without landing, and supports dynamic libraries (.so/.dylib) and executable files (ELF/MachO). `⚠️: Although the file is loaded directly from memory, the process can be viewed in ps when the executable file is passed in, but the process name can be customized.` The type of output information can be freely specified at the time of execution. The return type has been predetermined and can be docked with the native return data type of CS. `⚠️: For special data types, such as passwords, port scan results, etc., please refer to the information returned by the native function of cs, which will be matched according to the regular.` 1. Password dump module: cc2_mimipenguin uses the open source project MimiPenguin2.0, see CrossC2Kit/ mimipenguin/mimipenguin.cna 2. Authentication backdoor modules: cc2_auth, cc2_ssh sudo / su / passwd and other authentication backdoors, ssh is connected and the credentials to connect to other hosts will be recorded. 3. Information collection modules: cc2_safari_dump, cc2_chrome_dump, cc2_iMessage_dump, cc2_keychain_dump access records of common browsers, as well as iMessage chat content and authentication credentials saved in the keychain will be obtained. 4. Traffic proxy module: cc2_frp supports fast TCP/KCP(UDP) reverse socks5 encrypted traffic proxy. 5. Keylogger module: cc2_keylogger records user's keyboard input. 6. Network detection module: cc2_portscan, cc2_serverscan for port scanning and service version scanning. 7. Privilege promotion module: cc2_prompt_spoof induces deception to obtain user account password. 8. Task management module: cc2_job manages the modules running in memory. 9. ... ## Custom communication protocol: API introduction [📖 Wiki]( Can more easily realize C2Profile configuration and custom communication protocol TCP / UDP and so on. ## Lateral movement 1. Generate beacon of `Linux-bind` / `MacOS-bind` type 2. The target in the intranet runs `./MacOS-bind.beacon <port>` to start the service 3. Run `connect <targetIP>:<port>` in the session of China Unicom ## Run script in memory The script interpreter such as **bash** / **python** / **ruby** / **perl** / **php** in the host can be called directly in the session to execute the script passed into the memory. `There is no information in the process, all running content is transferred from the memory to the interpreter` 1. python c:\ 2. python import base64;print base64.b64encode('whoami'); print 'a'*40 3. php <?php phpinfo()?> Try to load local script: ![](media/15901534124389/16041501958652.jpg) Try to run the scripting language directly: ![](media/15901534124389/16041502298949.jpg) # Coming soon 1. Rich C2Profile support ✔︎ (Choose custom HTTP module when CNA generates beaocn) 2. Staged Type Shellcode Generation ✔︎ (Only Linux is temporarily supported, and stagerServer needs to be started on the server) 3. http-proxy (auth) & socks proxy back connection support 4. Proxy-Pivots ✔︎ (Temporarily adopt the method of connecting back to socks proxy) 5. node beacon? (Single node type, can host other beacon without relying on teamserver) # Examples ## Mobile ![](media/15848885324084/15848892759774.jpg) ![](media/15848885324084/15848892902723.jpg) ## MacOS & Linux ![](media/15794884596715/15795001494711.jpg) ![](media/15824278372797/15824282351545.jpg) ## CustomExtension Develop dynamic libraries and customize data return types, such as implementing some built-in functions. ### keystrokes ![](media/15854585486601/15854592406527.jpg) ### credentials ![](media/15854585486601/15854601104042.jpg) ### portscan ![](media/15854585486601/15854593957704.jpg) # ChangeLog ## release v2.1 : * +support Support for parsing and executing scripts from memory * +support Support CobaltStrike 4.1 (see cs4.1 branch for details) ## release v2.0 : * -fix Fix the problem of path errors caused by backslashes when uploading files in the file management office * -fix Long-term testing in various scenarios in the real environment, fixing some hidden problems, and now more stable * +support Support for lower kernel version systems * +support Environment variables are automatically set at startup * +support Delete sensitive env records at startup * +support The background service process can be linked to the init process at startup * +support Increase session spawn function * +support Increase the function of session setting environment variables * +support Increase the privilege escalation function of session getsystem * +support Increase session analysis function to handle multiple merge tasks * +support Increase Mac & Linux lateral movement function ## release v1.5 : * -fix genCrossC2's bug about protocol rebinding. ## release v1.4 : * -fix Linux daemon process and joblist display problem. ## release v1.3 : * +support Support custom communication protocol (HTTP, TCP, UDP...) . * +support A new joblist module has been added to manage programs running without files in persistent memory. * +support Reverse proxy module{TCP/KCP(UDP)} that executes without files in memory. md5(genCrossC2.Linux) = 221b3ede4e78fee80f59946f116d7245 md5(genCrossC2.MacOS) = d216cad3fe3c25ead46b85c7ad7051f1 md5(genCrossC2.Win.exe) = a573506e8825b46b041ac3b9307a656b ## release v1.2 : * +support Support manual selection of key files. * +support Support to generate shellcode. * -change No longer rely on cobaltstrike.jar (plug-ins can be placed in any directory). * -change More flexible and convenient Script Unix Web Delivery. md5(genCrossC2.Linux) = 2ef7250cc3787d3cbd1e6f99c3c434aa md5(genCrossC2.MacOS) = eaabde94dd7fed8dabb37cd67a1171c4 md5(genCrossC2.Win.exe) = c65ac808ed3a1000b3ff4ebb8c48ea4e ## release v1.1 : * -fix Multi-language garbled problem fix for memory load execution function md5(genCrossC2.Linux) = 2347ed6e30e4655b793a6dbb4d33d25c md5(genCrossC2.MacOS) = f530333500a76fe228864f8901af4104 md5(genCrossC2.Win.exe) = c223e31b2674a8a11d3254f92259e87a ## release v1.0 : * -fix Test multiple times for a long time in multiple scenarios in real environment, fix some hidden problems, now more stable * +support Linux & MacOS Supports no file landing, loading and executing from memory * +support Reserved CS built-in data types, richer user-defined plug-in return data types, free and easy to implement 'portscan' and other native functions md5(genCrossC2.Linux) = 12295998d4bffd5b4c4a411fb33428bb md5(genCrossC2.MacOS) = c88ce9df47529b243e2215a866d445c5 md5(genCrossC2.Win.exe) = 51d1814f1ebbab634bce0373ceb7cee6 ## release v0.4 : * -change Multi-threaded background when shell commands are executed * -change Redirect error output to standard output when shell command is executed. * +support Add background file download function. md5(genCrossC2.Linux) = b2e34f721ec2543b6625e33c8c2935df md5(genCrossC2.MacOS) = 4e38a9d9a3eeff309648afc02e2e7664 ## release v0.3 : * +support Compatibility with older versions of GLIBC on older systems Linux (around 2010). ## release v0.2 : * -fix genCrossC2.Linux crash. * -fix uploading large file error. * +support GUI file manager. md5(genCrossC2.Linux) = 8256374d88c2149efc102aff7e90b3f9 md5(genCrossC2.MacOS) = 08fce0a5d964a091d8bf2344d7ab809e ## release v0.1 : * Support Linux & MacOS beacon generation. md5(genCrossC2.Linux) = f4c0cc85c7cdd096d2b7febedc037538 md5(genCrossC2.MacOS) = 79fff0505092fc2055824ed1289ce8f9
HTTP and WebSocket built on Boost.Asio in C++11
<img width="880" height = "80" alt = "Boost.Beast Title" src=""> # HTTP and WebSocket built on Boost.Asio in C++11 Branch | Linux / Windows | Coverage | Documentation | Matrix | ----------------------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| [master]( | [![Build Status](]( | [![codecov](]( | [![Documentation](]( | [![Matrix](]( | [develop]( | [![Build Status](]( | [![codecov](]( | [![Documentation](]( | [![Matrix](]( | ## Contents - [Introduction](#introduction) - [Appearances](#appearances) - [Description](#description) - [Requirements](#requirements) - [Git Branches](#branches) - [Building](#building) - [Usage](#usage) - [License](#license) - [Contact](#contact) - [Contributing](#contributing-we-need-your-help) ## Introduction Beast is a C++ header-only library serving as a foundation for writing interoperable networking libraries by providing **low-level HTTP/1, WebSocket, and networking protocol** vocabulary types and algorithms using the consistent asynchronous model of Boost.Asio. This library is designed for: * **Symmetry:** Algorithms are role-agnostic; build clients, servers, or both. * **Ease of Use:** Boost.Asio users will immediately understand Beast. * **Flexibility:** Users make the important decisions such as buffer or thread management. * **Performance:** Build applications handling thousands of connections or more. * **Basis for Further Abstraction.** Components are well-suited for building upon. ## Appearances | <a href="">CppCon 2018</a> | <a href="">Bishop Fox 2018</a> | | ------------ | ------------ | | <a href=""><img width="320" height = "180" alt="Beast" src=""></a> | <a href=""><img width="320" height = "180" alt="Beast Security Review" src=""></a> | | <a href="">CppCon 2017</a> | <a href="">CppCast 2017</a> | <a href="">CppCon 2016</a> | | ------------ | ------------ | ----------- | | <a href=""><img width="320" height = "180" alt="Beast" src=""></a> | <a href=""><img width="180" height="180" alt="Vinnie Falco" src=""></a> | <a href=""><img width="320" height = "180" alt="Beast" src=""></a> | ## Description This software is in its first official release. Interfaces may change in response to user feedback. For recent changes see the [CHANGELOG]( * [Official Site]( * [Documentation]( (master branch) * [Autobahn|Testsuite WebSocket Results]( ## Requirements This library is for programmers familiar with Boost.Asio. Users who wish to use asynchronous interfaces should already know how to create concurrent network programs using callbacks or coroutines. * **C++11:** Robust support for most language features. * **Boost:** Boost.Asio and some other parts of Boost. * **OpenSSL:** Required for using TLS/Secure sockets and examples/tests When using Microsoft Visual C++, Visual Studio 2017 or later is required. One of these components is required in order to build the tests and examples: * Properly configured bjam/b2 * CMake 3.5.1 or later (Windows only) ## Building Beast is header-only. To use it just add the necessary `#include` line to your source files, like this: ```C++ #include <boost/beast.hpp> ``` If you use coroutines you'll need to link with the Boost.Coroutine library. Please visit the Boost documentation for instructions on how to do this for your particular build system. ## GitHub To use the latest official release of Beast, simply obtain the latest Boost distribution and follow the instructions for integrating it into your development environment. If you wish to build the examples and tests, or if you wish to preview upcoming changes and features, it is suggested to clone the "Boost superproject" and work with Beast "in-tree" (meaning, the libs/beast subdirectory of the superproject). The official repository contains the following branches: * [**master**]( This holds the most recent snapshot with code that is known to be stable. * [**develop**]( This holds the most recent snapshot. It may contain unstable code. Each of these branches requires a corresponding Boost branch and all of its subprojects. For example, if you wish to use the **master** branch version of Beast, you should clone the Boost superproject, switch to the **master** branch in the superproject and acquire all the Boost libraries corresponding to that branch including Beast. To clone the superproject locally, and switch into the main project's directory use: ``` git clone --recursive cd boost ``` "bjam" is used to build Beast and the Boost libraries. On a non-Windows system use this command to build bjam: ``` ./ ``` From a Windows command line, build bjam using this command: ``` .\BOOTSTRAP.BAT ``` ## Building tests and examples Building tests and examples requires OpenSSL installed. If OpenSSL is installed in a non-system location, you will need to copy the [user-config.jam](tools/user-config.jam) file into your home directory and set the `OPENSSL_ROOT` environment variable to the path that contains an installation of OpenSSL. ### Ubuntu/Debian If installed into a system directory, OpenSSL will be automatically found and used. ```bash sudo apt install libssl-dev ``` ### Windows Replace `path` in the following code snippets with the path you installed vcpkg to. Examples assume a 32-bit build, if you build a 64-bit version replace `x32-windows` with `x64-windows` in the path. - Using [vcpkg]( and CMD: ```bat vcpkg install openssl --triplet x32-windows SET OPENSSL_ROOT=path\installed\x32-windows ``` - Using [vcpkg]( and PowerShell: ```powershell vcpkg install openssl --triplet x32-windows $env:OPENSSL_ROOT = "path\x32-windows" ``` - Using [vcpkg]( and bash: ```bash vcpkg.exe install openssl --triplet x32-windows export OPENSSL_ROOT=path/x32-windows ``` ### Mac OS Using [brew]( ```bash brew install openssl export OPENSSL_ROOT=$(brew --prefix openssl) # install bjam tool user specific configuration file to read OPENSSL_ROOT # see cp ./libs/beast/tools/user-config.jam $HOME ``` Make sure the bjam tool (also called "b2") is available in the path your shell uses to find executables. The Beast project is located in "libs/beast" relative to the directory containing the Boot superproject. To build the Beast tests, examples, and documentation use these commands: ``` export PATH=$PWD:$PATH b2 -j2 libs/beast/test cxxstd=11 # bjam must be in your $PATH b2 -j2 libs/beast/example cxxstd=11 # "-j2" means use two processors b2 libs/beast/doc # Doxygen and Saxon are required for this ``` Additional instructions for configuring, using, and building libraries in superproject may be found in the [Boost Wiki]( ## Visual Studio CMake may be used to generate a very nice Visual Studio solution and a set of Visual Studio project files using these commands: ``` cd libs/beast mkdir bin cd bin cmake .. # for 32-bit Windows builds, or cmake -G"Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" .. # for 64-bit Windows builds (VS2017) ``` The files in the repository are laid out thusly: ``` ./ bin/ Create this to hold executables and project files bin64/ Create this to hold 64-bit Windows executables and project files doc/ Source code and scripts for the documentation include/ Where the header files are located example/ Self contained example programs meta/ Metadata for Boost integration test/ The unit tests for Beast tools/ Scripts used for CI testing ``` ## Usage These examples are complete, self-contained programs that you can build and run yourself (they are in the `example` directory). ## License Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file [LICENSE_1_0.txt](LICENSE_1_0.txt) or copy at ## Contact Please report issues or questions here: --- ## Contributing (We Need Your Help!) If you would like to contribute to Beast and help us maintain high quality, consider performing code reviews on active pull requests. Any feedback from users and stakeholders, even simple questions about how things work or why they were done a certain way, carries value and can be used to improve the library. Code review provides these benefits: * Identify bugs * Documentation proof-reading * Adjust interfaces to suit use-cases * Simplify code You can look through the Closed pull requests to get an idea of how reviews are performed. To give a code review just sign in with your GitHub account and then add comments to any open pull requests below, don't be shy! <p></p> Here are some resources to learn more about code reviews: * <a href="">Top 10 Pull Request Review Mistakes</a> * <a href="">Best Kept Secrets of Peer Code Review (pdf)</a> * <a href="">11 Best Practices for Peer Code Review (pdf)</a> * <a href="">Code Review Checklist – To Perform Effective Code Reviews</a> * <a href="">Code review guidelines</a> * <a href="">C++ Core Guidelines</a> * <a href="">C++ Coding Standards (Sutter & Alexandrescu)</a> Beast thrives on code reviews and any sort of feedback from users and stakeholders about its interfaces. Even if you just have questions, asking them in the code review or in issues provides valuable information that can be used to improve the library - do not hesitate, no question is insignificant or unimportant!
Text, samples and website for my 'Effective Shell' series.
# effective-shell <!-- ALL-CONTRIBUTORS-BADGE:START - Do not remove or modify this section --> [![All Contributors](](#contributors-) <!-- ALL-CONTRIBUTORS-BADGE:END --> [![Release Please](]( ![Version Badge]( [![Creative Commons BY-NC-SA](]( Text, samples and references for my 'Effective Shell' series. This website is hosted at []( If you find this book useful, please do consider [sponsoring me]( to help support my open-source work! <!-- vim-markdown-toc GFM --> * [Introduction](#introduction) * [Installing the Samples](#installing-the-samples) * [The Website](#the-website) * [Building the Website](#building-the-website) * [Custom Components](#custom-components) * [Versioning](#versioning) * [Contributing](#contributing) * [Copyright & Licensing](#copyright--licensing) * [ASCII Terminal Recordings](#ascii-terminal-recordings) * [Thanks!](#thanks) * [Contributors ✨](#contributors-) <!-- vim-markdown-toc --> ## Introduction This repository contains all of the content for the [Effective Shell]( online book. ## Installing the Samples You can install the samples into your `~/effective-shell` folder with this command: ```sh curl | sh ``` Or can also manually download them using from any of these locations: - []( - []( The one-line shell installer is hosted at []( ## The Website The content in this repository is built into a static site available at []( This site is generated using [Docusaurus]( This section contains information on how to built, use and edit the site. To help you quickly edit the site, some tips are below: - The book content is at [./docs/](./docs/) - The menu structure is defined at [sidebars.js](sidebars.js). ### Building the Website To setup dependencies, run: ```bash make setup ``` To test that TypeScript types compile, run: ```bash make typescript-check ``` To serve the site locally, run: ```bash make serve ``` To build the site, run: ```bash make build ``` The built site is generated at `./build`. Note that the [`samples`](./samples) folder is automatically zipped up and added to the website, meaning it can be downloaded directly from: ``` ``` ## Custom Components Custom Components to support styling are available at: ``` src/components ``` There is a live view that can be used to preview each component: http://localhost:3000/zz-developer-guide/components Components can be added to global scope, i.e. available in call pages, by adding to the `MDXComponents.js` swizzled file: ``` src/theme/MDXComponents.js ``` ## Versioning The version of the site and the code is defined in the [`package.json`](./package.json) file. Releasing in managed via [Release Please]( in the [`release-please.yaml`](./.github/workflows/release-please.yaml) workflow file. ## Contributing Please carefully read the [Contributing Guide](./.github/ before working on changes. ## Copyright & Licensing All content is Copyright (©) Dave Kerr. Please get in touch by opening an issue if you have questions on copyright or licensing. [![Creative Commons BY-NC-SA](]( This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License]( ## ASCII Terminal Recordings All terminal recordings used in this project are built using the superb '[asciinema](' tool. Many thanks to Marcin Kulik for building such an excellent piece of software. ## Thanks! Thanks to the following people who have helped with reviews, comments, suggestions. - Andrew Bestbier, Thomas Neumann, Tam Nguyen, Rahul Maliakkal, Peter Mondlock, Samantha Baldwin, Niklas Schmuecker for the proofing, comments and suggestions - [Ogus Ismail]( for helping me understand some of the [nuances of word splitting and filename expansion]( - [Josh Timmons]( for proof-reading and suggesting structural improvements as well as grammar and spelling fixes - [Joel Schwarzmann]( for proofing and adding content on the Python code in the 'How to avoid shell scripting' chapter - [Xiaoyou "Elsie" Jiang]( for proof-reading and improvements to Chapter 30 ## Contributors ✨ Thanks goes to these wonderful people ([emoji key]( <!-- ALL-CONTRIBUTORS-LIST:START - Do not remove or modify this section --> <!-- prettier-ignore-start --> <!-- markdownlint-disable --> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td align="center" valign="top" width="14.28%"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt="Xiaoyou "Elsie" Jiang"/><br /><sub><b>Xiaoyou "Elsie" Jiang</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Documentation">📖</a> <a href="" title="Reviewed Pull Requests">👀</a></td> <td align="center" valign="top" width="14.28%"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt="Tobias Büschel"/><br /><sub><b>Tobias Büschel</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Reviewed Pull Requests">👀</a></td> <td align="center" valign="top" width="14.28%"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt="Doug Foo"/><br /><sub><b>Doug Foo</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Documentation">📖</a> <a href="" title="Reviewed Pull Requests">👀</a></td> <td align="center" valign="top" width="14.28%"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt="Sallah Kokaina"/><br /><sub><b>Sallah Kokaina</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Documentation">📖</a> <a href="" title="Reviewed Pull Requests">👀</a></td> <td align="center" valign="top" width="14.28%"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt="samhinton88"/><br /><sub><b>samhinton88</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Documentation">📖</a> <a href="" title="Reviewed Pull Requests">👀</a></td> <td align="center" valign="top" width="14.28%"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt="Alex Vinall"/><br /><sub><b>Alex Vinall</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Documentation">📖</a> <a href="" title="Reviewed Pull Requests">👀</a></td> <td align="center" valign="top" width="14.28%"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt="Joseph Knight"/><br /><sub><b>Joseph Knight</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Documentation">📖</a> <a href="" title="Reviewed Pull Requests">👀</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center" valign="top" width="14.28%"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt="Doug Todd"/><br /><sub><b>Doug Todd</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Documentation">📖</a> <a href="" title="Reviewed Pull Requests">👀</a></td> <td align="center" valign="top" width="14.28%"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt="jdhzzz"/><br /><sub><b>jdhzzz</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Documentation">📖</a> <a href="" title="Reviewed Pull Requests">👀</a></td> <td align="center" valign="top" width="14.28%"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt="valankar"/><br /><sub><b>valankar</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Documentation">📖</a> <a href="" title="Reviewed Pull Requests">👀</a></td> <td align="center" valign="top" width="14.28%"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt="Denpeer"/><br /><sub><b>Denpeer</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Reviewed Pull Requests">👀</a> <a href="" title="Documentation">📖</a></td> <td align="center" valign="top" width="14.28%"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt="Marek Bogatzki"/><br /><sub><b>Marek Bogatzki</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Documentation">📖</a> <a href="" title="Reviewed Pull Requests">👀</a></td> <td align="center" valign="top" width="14.28%"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt="MWarnecke"/><br /><sub><b>MWarnecke</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Documentation">📖</a> <a href="" title="Reviewed Pull Requests">👀</a> <a href="" title="Bug reports">🐛</a></td> <td align="center" valign="top" width="14.28%"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt="Spike"/><br /><sub><b>Spike</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Reviewed Pull Requests">👀</a> <a href="" title="Bug reports">🐛</a></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <!-- markdownlint-restore --> <!-- prettier-ignore-end --> <!-- ALL-CONTRIBUTORS-LIST:END --> This project follows the [all-contributors]( specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!
Linux Binary Exploitation
# Binary Exploitation I have another interesting project @[DockerENT](, @[Trashemail]( take some time to review it as well. #### Any Doubt...? [Let's Discuss]( > ## Introduction > I am quite passionate about exploiting binary files. The first time when I came across Buffer Overflow(a simple technique of exploitation), then I was not able to implement the same with the same copy of code on my system. The reason for that was there was no consolidated document that would guide me thoroughly to write a perfect exploit payload for the program in case of system changes. > Also, there are very few descriptive blogs/tutorials that had helped me exploiting a given binary. > I have come up with the consolidation of Modern exploitation techniques (in the form of the tutorial) that will allow you to understand exploitation from scratch. I will be using [vagrant file](Vagrantfile) to set up the system on a virtual box. To do the same in your system follow: 1. `vagrant up` 2. `vagrant ssh` ## Topics 1. **[Lecture 1.](Lecture1/** * Memory Layout of C program. * ELF binaries. * Overview of stack during function call. * Assembly code for the function call and return. * Concept of `$ebp` and `$esp`. * Executable memory. 1. **[Lecture 1.5.](Lecture1.5/** * How Linux finds the binaries utilis? * Simple exploit using Linux $PATH variable. 1. **[Lecture 2.](Lecture2/** * What are stack overflows? * **ASLR** (basics), avoiding **Stack protection**. * Shellcodes * Buffer overflow: * Changing Control of the program to return to some other function * Shellcode injection in buffer and spawning the shell 1. **[Lecture 3.](Lecture3/** * **Shellcode** injection with **ASLR** enabled. * Environment variables. 1. **[Lecture 3.5](Lecture3.5/** * Return to Libc attacks. * Spawning `shell` in **non executable stack** * Stack organization in case `ret2libc` attack. 1. **[Lecture 4.](Lecture4/)** * This folder contains the set of questions to exploit binaries on the concept that we have learned so far. 1. **[Lecture 5.](Lecture5/** * What is format string Vulnerability? * Seeing the content of stack. * Writing onto the stack. * Writing to arbitrary memory location. 1. **[Lecture 6.](Lecture6/** * GOT * Overriding GOT entry. * Spawning shell with format string vuln. 1. **[Lecture 7.](Lecture7/** * Heaps * Arena, Bins, Chunks. * Use after free exploit. * Double free exploit.
:notebook: Books, reference guides and resources on Regular Expressions, CLI one-liners, Scripting Languages and Vim.
# Scripting Course Books, reference guides and resources on Regular Expressions, CLI one-liners, Scripting Languages and Vim. ## Ebooks Free to read online versions: * [Understanding Python re(gex)?]( * [JavaScript RegExp]( * [Ruby Regexp]( * [GNU grep and ripgrep]( * [GNU sed]( * [GNU awk]( * [Ruby one-liners cookbook]( * [Perl one-liners cookbook]( * [100 Page Python Intro]( * [Practice Python Projects]( * [Command line text processing with GNU Coreutils]( * [Vim reference guide]( * [Computing from the Command Line]( * [Command line text processing with Rust tools]( — work-in-progress :information_source: :moneybag: You can buy PDF/EPUB versions from [Gumroad]( or [Leanpub]( :loudspeaker: :loudspeaker: Use [this coupon link]( to get **All books bundle** with 25% discount. ### Ebook drafts * [Command Line Text Processing]( — From finding text to search and replace, from sorting to beautifying text and more * `grep`, `sed`, `awk`, `perl` and `ruby` got their own books * Coreutils like `head`, `paste`, `sort`, etc were collated into a single book * remaining commands (`find` for example) were added to the *Computing from the Command Line* ebook * [Python Basics]( — older version of *100 Page Python Intro* * [Ruby Scripting]( — examples based tutorial for Ruby scripting * [Perl Introduction]( — Introductory course for Perl 5 through examples, geared towards VLSI engineers <br> ## Blog — my super duper awesome programming blog <br> ## Newsletter [learnbyexample weekly]( — programming resources, tips, tools, free ebooks and more. This is a free newsletter, delivered every Friday <br> ## Curated resources Here's my collection of learning resources. Thanks to [mdBook](, these lists also have an intelligent search feature to find resources based on keywords. * [Computer Science and Programming]( * [Python]( * [Linux CLI and Shell scripting]( * [Vim]( * [Perl]( * [Git and GitHub]( <br> ## dot files This repo also includes Bash and Vim customization files (files starting with `.`) based on my personal preferences. ⚠️ Do NOT copy these files directly to your home directory. You might overwrite useful settings already present. Understand the customizations and apply them manually. <br> ## Contributing * Please open an issue for typos/bugs/suggestions/etc * Even for pull requests, open an issue for discussion before submitting PRs * Share the repo with friends/colleagues, on social media, etc to help reach other learners * In case you need to reach me, mail me at `echo 'bGVhcm5ieWV4YW1wbGUubmV0QGdtYWlsLmNvbQo=' | base64 --decode` or ping me on [twitter]( <br> ## License This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License](
The `io_uring` library for Rust
# Linux IO Uring [![github actions](]( [![crates](]( [![license](]( [![license](]( [![](]( The low-level [`io_uring`]( userspace interface for Rust. ## Usage To use `io-uring` crate, first add this to your `Cargo.toml`: ```toml [dependencies] io-uring = "0.5" ``` Next we can start using `io-uring` crate. The following is quick introduction using `Read` for file. ```rust use io_uring::{opcode, types, IoUring}; use std::os::unix::io::AsRawFd; use std::{fs, io}; fn main() -> io::Result<()> { let mut ring = IoUring::new(8)?; let fd = fs::File::open("")?; let mut buf = vec![0; 1024]; let read_e = opcode::Read::new(types::Fd(fd.as_raw_fd()), buf.as_mut_ptr(), buf.len() as _) .build() .user_data(0x42); // Note that the developer needs to ensure // that the entry pushed into submission queue is valid (e.g. fd, buffer). unsafe { ring.submission() .push(&read_e) .expect("submission queue is full"); } ring.submit_and_wait(1)?; let cqe = ring.completion().next().expect("completion queue is empty"); assert_eq!(cqe.user_data(), 0x42); assert!(cqe.result() >= 0, "read error: {}", cqe.result()); Ok(()) } ``` Note that opcode `Read` is only available after kernel 5.6. If you use a kernel lower than 5.6, this example will fail. ## Test and Benchmarks You can run the test and benchmark of the library with the following commands. ``` $ cargo run --package io-uring-test $ cargo bench --package io-uring-bench ``` ### License This project is licensed under either of * Apache License, Version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or at your option. ### Contribution Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in io-uring by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.
AuthPass - Password Manager based on Flutter for all platforms. Keepass 2.x (kdbx 3.x) compatible.
[![Contribute](]( [![Contribute](]( [<img align="right" src="">]( [![](_docs/logo-header.png)]( # - Open Source Password Manager for mobile and desktop AuthPass - Password Manager based on Flutter for all platforms. Keepass 2.x (kdbx 3.x) compatible. * Mac Desktop: [Mac App Store]( or [check the releases]( * Android: [Google Play Store]( * iOS: [App Store]( * Linux Desktop: [Snapcraft Store](, [Flathub flatpak]( [Check out our blog post for installation instructions]( * Windows Desktop: [Microsoft Store]( or [Windows Install Guide]( * Browser/Web: ![Mac OS, iOS and Android Screenshot](_docs/authpass-platform-composition.png) ## Contribute to AuthPass [Need ideas how to contribute? Visit the forum for many different ways to contribute.]( [![Contribute](]( If you like AuthPass, and want to contribute. First, spread the word ;-) Writing reviews, vote or share AuthPass on twitter, reddit, etc. * Help us translate AuthPass (work in progress): [![Crowdin](]( * [Contact us for new languages]( * Interested in writing documentation? Let us know in our [discord channel]( * Want to code? See []( * If you need some slight introduction to the code, ask in the [discord channel]( * Good at design? Or marketing? Just get in contact ;-) ## Roadmap/TODOs see also [![GitHub issues](]( * [x] Read/Decrypt kdbx 3.x using password * [x] Download of kdbx files through url * [x] Parse decrypted XML/handle protected values * [x] Flutter scaffold for mobile (ios/android) * [X] Platforms 🎉️👍️✅️ * [x] iOS: [App Store]( * [x] Android: [Google Play Store]( * [x] Mac OS [Mac App Store]( * [x] [Windows]( * [x] [Linux]( * [x] Decrypt with keyfile * [x] List of password entries * [x] 👆️ Search through entries * [x] 👆️ Entry details * [x] 👆️ mobile: copy usernames, passwords * [x] mobile: integrate with biometrics (fingerprint) * [ ] mac: Auto-Type * [ ] 👆️ Auto-lock after x minutes of inactivity. * [x] Editing existing entries * [x] Saving of changes into kdbx file. * [x] Creating of new kdbx files. * [ ] Syncing of kdbx files via custom cloud service and QR codes. * [x] Syncing with cloud services like dropbox or google drive? * [x] 👆️ CI pipeline/continous builds, releases * [x] kdbx 4 support (missing argon2) compatibility * [x] Android: Auto Fill * [ ] iOS: Auto Fill # Donations If you like AuthPass check out the [website for ways to support us]( * Bitcoin: 3NcBacCmJbYWpwxj6rWzpM7sx48etMrPtc * GitHub Sponsor: (Or just hit the *Sponsor* button up top).
A web-based interface for CNC milling controller running Grbl, Marlin, Smoothieware, or TinyG.
# CNCjs [![Backers on Open Collective](](#backers) [![Sponsors on Open Collective](](#sponsors) [![Travis CI Build Status](]( [![AppVeyor Build status](]( [![Coverage Status](]( [![NPM](]( ![cncjs]( CNCjs is a full-featured web-based interface for CNC controllers running [Grbl](, [Marlin](, [Smoothieware](, or [TinyG]( For a more complete introduction, see the [Introduction]( section of the wiki page. ![cncjs]( ## Features * Supported controllers - [Grbl]( ([Download]( - [Grbl-Mega]( ([Download]( - [Marlin]( ([Download]( - [Smoothieware]( ([Download]( - [TinyG]( (_Recommend: firmware version 0.97 build 449.xx_) ([Download]( - [g2core]( * [Desktop App for Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows]( * 6-axis digital readout (DRO) * Tool path 3D visualization * Simultaneously communicate with multiple clients * Responsive view for small screen display with device width less than 720px - <i>Safari on an iPhone 5S</i> [\[1\]]( [\[2\]]( * Customizable workspace * [Custom widget]( (since 1.9.10) * Custom MDI (Multiple Document Interface) command buttons (since 1.9.13) * My Account * Commands * Events * [Keyboard Shortcuts]( * [Contour ShuttleXpress]( * Multi-Language Support * Watch Directory * [Tool Change]( (since 1.9.11) * Z-Probe ## Custom Widgets * [cncjs-widget-boilerplate]( - Creating custom widgets for CNCjs. ## Pendants ### Boilerplate Code * [cncjs-pendant-boilerplate]( - A bare minimum example to develop a cncjs pendant. ### Existing Pendants * [cncjs-pendant-keyboard]( - A simple pendant (using wireless keyboard or usb) to CNCJS. * [cncjs-pendant-numpad]( - A simple pendant (using wireless numpad or usb) to CNCJS. * [cncjs-pendant-lcd]( - CNCjs Web Kiosk for Raspberry Pi Touch Displays. * [cncjs-pendant-ps3]( - Dual Shock / PS3 Bluetooth Remote Pendant for CNCjs. * [cncjs-pendant-raspi-gpio]( - Simple Raspberry Pi GPIO Pendant control for CNCjs. ## Tablet UI * [cncjs-pendant-tinyweb]( - A tiny web console for small 320x240 LCD display.<br> ![cncjs-pendant-tinyweb]( * [cncjs-shopfloor-tablet]( - A simplified UI for cncjs optimized for tablet computers in a production (shop floor) environment.<br> ![cncjs-shopfloor-tablet]( ## Browser Support ![Chrome](<br>Chrome | ![Edge](<br>Edge | ![Firefox](<br>Firefox | ![IE](<br>IE | ![Opera](<br>Opera | ![Safari](<br>Safari --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | Yes | Yes | Yes| Not supported | Yes | Yes | ## Supported Node.js Versions | Version | Supported Level | | :------ |:--------------- | | <= 10 | Not supported | | 12 | Supported | | >= 14 | Recommended | ## Getting Started ### Node.js Installation Node.js 14 or higher is recommended. You can install [Node Version Manager]( to manage multiple Node.js versions. If you have `git` installed, just clone the `nvm` repo, and check out the latest version: ``` git clone ~/.nvm cd ~/.nvm git checkout `git describe --abbrev=0 --tags` cd .. . ~/.nvm/ ``` Add these lines to your `~/.bash_profile`, `~/.bashrc`, or `~/.profile` file to have it automatically sourced upon login: ```bash export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm" [ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && . "$NVM_DIR/" # This loads nvm ``` Once installed, you can select Node.js versions with: ``` nvm install 14 nvm use 14 ``` It's also recommended that you upgrade npm to the latest version. To upgrade, run: ``` npm install npm@latest -g ``` ### Installation Install cncjs as a non-root user, or the [serialport]( module may not install correctly on some platforms like Raspberry Pi. ``` npm install -g cncjs ``` If you're going to use sudo or root to install cncjs, you need to specify the `--unsafe-perm` option to run npm as the root account. ``` sudo npm install --unsafe-perm -g cncjs ``` Check out []( for other installation methods. ### Upgrade Run `npm install -g cncjs@latest` to install the latest version. To determine the version, use `cncjs -V`. ### Usage Run `cncjs` to start the server, and visit `http://yourhostname:8000/` to view the web interface. Pass `--help` to `cncjs` for more options. ``` pi@rpi3$ cncjs -h Usage: cncjs [options] Options: -V, --version output the version number -p, --port <port> Set listen port (default: 8000) -H, --host <host> Set listen address or hostname (default: -b, --backlog <backlog> Set listen backlog (default: 511) -c, --config <filename> Set config file (default: ~/.cncrc) -v, --verbose Increase the verbosity level (-v, -vv, -vvv) -m, --mount <route-path>:<target> Add a mount point for serving static files -w, --watch-directory <path> Watch a directory for changes --access-token-lifetime <lifetime> Access token lifetime in seconds or a time span string (default: 30d) --allow-remote-access Allow remote access to the server (default: false) --controller <type> Specify CNC controller: Grbl|Marlin|Smoothie|TinyG|g2core (default: '') -h, --help output usage information Examples: $ cncjs -vv $ cncjs --mount /pendant:/home/pi/tinyweb $ cncjs --mount /widget:~+/widget --mount /pendant:~/pendant $ cncjs --mount /widget: $ cncjs --watch-directory /home/pi/watch $ cncjs --access-token-lifetime 60d # e.g. 3600, 30m, 12h, 30d $ cncjs --allow-remote-access $ cncjs --controller Grbl ``` Instead of passing command line options for `--watch-directory`, `--access-token-lifetime`, `--allow-remote-access`, and `--controller`, you can create a `~/.cncrc` file that contains the following configuration in JSON format: ```json { "mountPoints": [ { "route": "/pendant", "target": "/home/pi/tinyweb" }, { "route": "/widget", "target": "" } ], "watchDirectory": "/path/to/dir", "accessTokenLifetime": "30d", "allowRemoteAccess": false, "controller": "" } ``` To troubleshoot issues, run: ``` cncjs -vvv ``` ### Configuration File The configuration file <b>.cncrc</b> contains settings that are equivalent to the cncjs command-line options. The configuration file is stored in user's home directory. To find out the actual location of the home directory, do the following: * Linux/Mac ```sh echo $HOME ``` * Windows ```sh echo %USERPROFILE% ``` Check out an example configuration file [here]( ### File Format See for a detailed explanation. ```json { "ports": [ { "path": "/dev/ttyAMA0", "manufacturer": "" } ], "baudrates": [115200, 250000], "mountPoints": [ { "route": "/widget", "target": "" } ], "watchDirectory": "/path/to/dir", "accessTokenLifetime": "30d", "allowRemoteAccess": false, "controller": "", "state": { "checkForUpdates": true, "controller": { "exception": { "ignoreErrors": false } } }, "commands": [ { "title": "Update (root user)", "commands": "sudo npm install -g cncjs@latest --unsafe-perm; pkill -f cncjs" }, { "title": "Update (non-root user)", "commands": "npm install -g cncjs@latest; pkill -f cncjs" }, { "title": "Reboot", "commands": "sudo /sbin/reboot" }, { "title": "Shutdown", "commands": "sudo /sbin/shutdown" } ], "events": [], "macros": [], "users": [] } ``` ## Documentation ## Examples There are several *.gcode files in the [examples]( directory. You can use the GCode widget to load a GCode file and make a trial run. If you don't have a CAM software, try using [jscut]( to create G-Code from *.svg. It's a simple CAM package that runs in the browser. Check out a live demo at ## Contributions Use [GitHub issues]( for requests. Pull requests welcome! Learn how to [contribute]( ## Localization You can help translate resource files in both of [app]( and [server]( directories from English to other languages. Check out [Localization guide]( to learn how to get started. If you are not familiar with GitHub development, you can [open an issue]( or send your translations to [email protected]. Locale | Language | Status | Contributors :----- | :------- | :----- | :----------- [cs]( | Čeština (Czech) | ✔ | [Miroslav Zuzelka]( [de]( | Deutsch (German) | ✔ | [Thorsten Godau](, [Max B.]( [es]( | Español (Spanish) | ✔ | [Juan Biondi]( [fr]( | Français (French) | ✔ | [Simon Maillard](, [CorentinBrulé]( [hu]( | Magyar (Hungarian) | ✔ | Sipos Péter [it]( | Italiano (Italian) | ✔ | [vince87]( [ja]( | 日本語 (Japanese) | ✔ | [Naoki Okamoto]( [nl]( | Nederlands (Netherlands) | ✔ | [dutchpatriot]( [pt-br]( | Português (Brasil) | ✔ | [cmsteinBR]( [ru]( | Ру́сский (Russian) | ✔ | [Denis Yusupov]( [tr]( | Türkçe (Turkish) | ✔ | Ali GÜNDOĞDU [zh-cn]( | 简体中文 (Simplified Chinese) | ✔ | [Mandy Chien](, [Terry Lee]( [zh-tw]( | 繁體中文 (Traditional Chinese) | ✔ | [Cheton Wu]( ## Donate If you would like to support this project, you can make a donation using PayPal. Thank you! [![Donate](]( ## Contributors This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute. [[Contribute](]. <a href="graphs/contributors"><img src="" /></a> ## Backers Thank you to all our backers! 🙏 [[Become a backer](] <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> ## Sponsors Support this project by becoming a sponsor. Your logo will show up here with a link to your website. [[Become a sponsor](] <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> ## License Licensed under the [MIT License](
An open source re-implementation of Chris Sawyer's Locomotion
# OpenLoco An open source re-implementation of Chris Sawyer's Locomotion. A construction and management simulation video game that simulates running a transport company. --- ![]( # Contents - 1 - [Introduction](#1-introduction) - 2 - [Downloading the game (pre-built)](#2-downloading-the-game-pre-built) - 3 - [Contributing](#3-contributing) - 4 - [Compiling the game](#4-compiling-the-game) - 4.1 - [Building prerequisites](#41-building-prerequisites) - 4.2 - [Compiling and running](#42-compiling-and-running) - 5 - [Licence](#5-licence) - 6 - [More information](#6-more-information) --- ### Build Status | | Windows / Linux | Download | |-------------|-----------------|----------| | **master** | ![CI]( | [![GitHub release](]( | ### Chat Feel free to join our Discord server to talk about developing the game, or for help getting it to run. [![Discord](]( # 1 Introduction **OpenLoco** is an open-source re-implementation of Chris Sawyer's Locomotion (CSL). CSL is the spiritual successor to Transport Tycoon and OpenLoco aims to improve the game similar to how [OpenTTD]( improved Transport Tycoon and [OpenRCT2]( improved RollerCoaster Tycoon. Chris Sawyer's Locomotion was originally written by Chris Sawyer in x86 assembly, building on top of his RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 engine. Much of the code is 1:1 with RollerCoaster Tycoon 2. However, the engine has changed substantially enough that OpenLoco currently does not share its codebase with OpenRCT2. Recent implementation efforts have focussed on re-implementing the UI, so that the data structures involved may be better understood. Once this is done, it is our hope the game logic will be easier to understand and implement. --- # 2 Downloading the game (pre-built) The latest releases can be [downloaded from GitHub]( Releases are currently provided for Windows and macOS (32-bit only). For Linux and BSD distributions, we currently do not provide any builds. Please refer to the next section to compile the game manually. Please note that OpenLoco requires the asset files of the original Chris Sawyer's Locomotion to play the game. It can be bought at e.g. [Steam]( or []( --- # 3 Contributing We warmly welcome any contributions to the project, e.g. for C++ code (game implementation, bug fixes, features) or localisation (new translations). Please have a look at our [issues for newcomers]( For code contributions, please stick to our [code style]( You can use `clang-format` to apply these guidelines automatically. --- # 4 Compiling the game If you would like to contribute code to OpenLoco, please follow the instructions below to get started compiling the game. Alternatively, we have platform-specific guides for [Ubuntu]( and [macOS]( If you just want to play the game, you can just [download the latest release]( from GitHub. Releases are currently provided for Windows and macOS (32-bit only). ## 4.1 Building prerequisites The following libraries/dependencies are required: - [libpng]( - [libzip]( - [OpenAL]( - [SDL2]( - [yaml-cpp]( (fetched during CMake generation) - [breakpad]( (only required on Windows) ### Windows - 7 / 8 / 10 / 11 - [Visual Studio 2022]( - Desktop development with C++ - Dependencies are managed with [vcpkg]( ### Linux - cmake 3.22+ - make or ninja - 32-bit versions of the libraries mentioned above --- ## 4.2 Compiling and running ### Windows: Note: The game can currently only be built for 32-bit architectures. 1. Check out the repository. This can be done using [GitHub Desktop]( or [other tools]( 2. With VS 2022 use the "Open a local folder" option to start the project file generation. This may take some time as it downloads dependencies. 3. After successful generation of the project files open "build/windows-msvc/openloco.sln". 4. Select a config Debug or Release and run Build -> Build Solution. 4. Run the game from "build/windows-msvc/<config>/OpenLoco.exe" or within VS. Alternatively using CMake use the following commands. 1. Run `cmake --preset windows-msvc` 2. Run `cmake --build --preset windows-msvc-release` ### Linux: Due to issues with yaml-cpp package we download it during CMake generation. The standard CMake build procedure is to install the required libraries, then: ``` cmake --preset linux cmake --build --preset linux-release ``` Note that installing some packages can be problematic on desktop AMD64 distributions, you can use our docker images for compilation. Running the game will need the data directory from the root of the source code next to the binary. Assuming you're in `$SRC/build`, ``` ln -s ../data OR cp -r ../data ./data ``` ### MacOS For technical reasons OpenLoco can only be built as 32-bit x86 application, for which Apple dropped support in Mac OS 10.15. We can't provide MacOS builds at this time. --- # 5 Licence **OpenLoco** is licensed under the MIT License. --- # 6 More information - [GitHub]( - [TT-Forums]( - [Locomotion subreddit](
A real-time monitoring system with custom-monitor and agentless. Aim to monitor everything! Web, database, os, middleware, cloudnative and more. Notified support discord, slack, email, telegram, dingding, wechat, feishu, webhook, sms.
<p align="center"> <a href=""> <img alt="hertzbeat" src="" width="260"> </a> </p> [comment]: <> (<img alt="sureness" src="" width="300">) ## HertzBeat | [中文文档]( > An open-source, real-time monitoring system with custom-monitor and agentLess. | 易用友好的实时监控告警系统,无需Agent,强大自定义监控能力. [![discord](]( [![Gitter](]( [![QQ](]( ![hertzbeat]( ![hertzbeat]( ![hertzbeat]( ![hertzbeat]( ![hertzbeat]( ![hertzbeat]( ![hertzbeat]( ![hertzbeat]( ![hertzbeat]( ![hertzbeat]( **Home: [](** **Cloud: [](** ## 🎡 <font color="green">Introduction</font> > [HertzBeat]( is an open-source, real-time monitoring system with custom-monitor and agentless. > **Monitor+Alerter+Notify** all in one. Support monitoring web service, database, os, middleware, cloud-native and more. > Most important is HertzBeat supports [Custom Monitoring](, just by editing YML file, we can customize monitor type and metrics what we want. > More liberal threshold alarm configuration (calculation expression), timely notification delivery by `Discord` `Slack` `Telegram` `Email` `DingDing` `WeChat` `FeiShu` `Webhook` `SMS`. > We make protocols such as `Http, Jmx, Ssh, Snmp, Jdbc` configurable, and you only need to configure YML to use these protocols to custom collect any metrics you want. > Do you believe that you can immediately adapt a new monitoring type such as K8s or Docker just by configuring YML? > `HertzBeat`'s powerful custom-define, multi-type support, easy expansion, low coupling, hope to help developers and micro teams to quickly build their own monitoring system. > We also provide **[Monitoring Saas Cloud](**, users no longer need to deploy a cumbersome monitoring system in order to monitor resources. **[Get started for free](**. ---- [![hertzbeat](home/static/img/home/1.png)]( ---- ## 🥐 Architecture ![hertzBeat](home/static/img/docs/hertzbeat-arch.png) ## ⛄ Supported - [Website](manager/src/main/resources/define/app/app-website.yml), [Port Telnet](manager/src/main/resources/define/app/app-port.yml), [Http Api](manager/src/main/resources/define/app/app-api.yml), [Ping Connect](manager/src/main/resources/define/app/app-ping.yml), [Jvm](manager/src/main/resources/define/app/app-jvm.yml), [SiteMap](manager/src/main/resources/define/app/app-fullsite.yml), [Ssl Certificate](manager/src/main/resources/define/app/app-ssl_cert.yml), [SpringBoot](manager/src/main/resources/define/app/app-springboot2.yml), [FTP Server](manager/src/main/resources/define/app/app-ftp.yml) - [Mysql](manager/src/main/resources/define/app/app-mysql.yml), [PostgreSQL](manager/src/main/resources/define/app/app-postgresql.yml), [MariaDB](manager/src/main/resources/define/app/app-mariadb.yml), [Redis](manager/src/main/resources/define/app/app-redis.yml), [ElasticSearch](manager/src/main/resources/define/app/app-elasticsearch.yml), [SqlServer](manager/src/main/resources/define/app/app-sqlserver.yml), [Oracle](manager/src/main/resources/define/app/app-oracle.yml), [MongoDB](manager/src/main/resources/define/app/app-mongodb.yml), [DM](manager/src/main/resources/define/app/app-dm.yml), [OpenGauss](manager/src/main/resources/define/app/app-opengauss.yml), [ClickHouse](manager/src/main/resources/define/app/app-clickhouse.yml), [IoTDB](manager/src/main/resources/define/app/app-iotdb.yml) - [Linux](manager/src/main/resources/define/app/app-linux.yml), [Ubuntu](manager/src/main/resources/define/app/app-ubuntu.yml), [CentOS](manager/src/main/resources/define/app/app-centos.yml), [Windows](manager/src/main/resources/define/app/app-windows.yml) - [Tomcat](manager/src/main/resources/define/app/app-tomcat.yml), [Nacos](manager/src/main/resources/define/app/app-nacos.yml), [Zookeeper](manager/src/main/resources/define/app/app-zookeeper.yml), [RabbitMQ](manager/src/main/resources/define/app/app-rabbitmq.yml), [Flink](manager/src/main/resources/define/app/app-flink.yml), [Kafka](manager/src/main/resources/define/app/app-kafka.yml), [ShenYu](manager/src/main/resources/define/app/app-shenyu.yml), [DynamicTp](manager/src/main/resources/define/app/app-dynamic_tp.yml), [Jetty](manager/src/main/resources/define/app/app-jetty.yml), [ActiveMQ](manager/src/main/resources/define/app/app-activemq.yml) - [Kubernetes](manager/src/main/resources/define/app/app-kubernetes.yml), [Docker](manager/src/main/resources/define/app/app-docker.yml) - And More Your Custom Define. - Notified Support `Discord` `Slack` `Telegram` `Email` `DingDing` `WeChat` `FeiShu` `Webhook` `SMS`. ## 🐕 Quick Start - If you don’t want to deploy but use it directly, we provide [SAAS Monitoring Cloud-TanCloud](, **[Log In And Register For Free](**. - If you want to deploy HertzBeat local, please refer to the following Deployment Documentation for operation. ### 🍞 Install HertzBeat > HertzBeat supports installation through source code, docker or package, cpu support X86/ARM64. ##### 1:Install quickly via docker 1. Just one command to get started: `docker run -d -p 1157:1157 --name hertzbeat tancloud/hertzbeat` 2. Access `localhost:1157` to start, default account: `admin/hertzbeat` Detailed config refer to [Install HertzBeat via Docker]( ##### 2:Install via package 1. Download the installation package [GITEE Release]( [GITHUB Release]( 2. Need Jdk Environment, `jdk11` 3. [optional]Configure the HertzBeat configuration yml file `hertzbeat/config/application.yml` 4. Run shell `$ ./ ` 5. Access `localhost:1157` to start, default account: `admin/hertzbeat` Detailed config refer to [Install HertzBeat via Package]( ##### 3:Start via source code 1. Local source code debugging needs to start the back-end project `manager` and the front-end project `web-app`. 2. Backend:need `maven3+`, `java11`, `lombok`, start the `manager` service. 3. Web:need `nodejs npm angular-cli` environment, Run `ng serve --open` in `web-app` directory after backend startup. 4. Access `localhost:4200` to start, default account: `admin/hertzbeat` Detailed steps refer to [CONTRIBUTING]( ##### 4:Install All(hertzbeat+mysql+iotdb/tdengine) via Docker-compose Install and deploy the mysql database, iotdb/tdengine database and hertzbeat at one time through [docker-compose deployment script](script/docker-compose). Detailed steps refer to [Install via Docker-Compose](script/docker-compose/ **HAVE FUN** ## 🥐 Roadmap ![hertzBeat](home/static/img/docs/hertzbeat-roadmap.png) ## ✨ Contributors Thanks these wonderful people, welcome to join us: [Contributor Guide]( <!-- ALL-CONTRIBUTORS-LIST:START - Do not remove or modify this section --> <!-- prettier-ignore-start --> <!-- markdownlint-disable --> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td align="center" valign="top" width="14.28%"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt="tomsun28"/><br /><sub><b>tomsun28</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Code">💻</a> <a href="" title="Documentation">📖</a> <a href="#design-tomsun28" title="Design">🎨</a></td> <td align="center" valign="top" width="14.28%"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt="会编程的王学长"/><br /><sub><b>会编程的王学长</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Code">💻</a> <a href="" title="Documentation">📖</a> <a href="#design-wang1027-wqh" title="Design">🎨</a></td> <td align="center" valign="top" width="14.28%"><a 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[QQ Group]( : Add group num `718618151` [Gitter Channel]( [Github Discussion]( [User Club]( ##### Public <img alt="tan-cloud" src="" width="400"/> <br/> <img alt="planet" src="" width="400"/> ##### Friends - [Hippo4j]( : 强大的动态线程池框架,附带监控报警功能 - [Jpom]( : 简而轻的低侵入式在线构建、自动部署、日常运维、项目监控软件 ##### Sponsor - Postcat [An Open Source API Tool]( supporting api test, mock, documentation, team collaboration etc. - Thanks [吉实信息(构建全新的微波+光交易网络)]( sponsored server node. - Thanks [蓝易云(全新智慧上云)]( sponsored server node. ## 🛡️ License [`Apache License, Version 2.0`](
Cover your tracks during Linux Exploitation by leaving zero traces on system logs and filesystem timestamps.
<div align="center"> <h1><code>moonwalk</code></h1> <p><strong><em>Cover your tracks during Linux Exploitation / Penetration Testing by leaving zero traces on system logs and filesystem timestamps.</em></strong></p> <img height="90" width="90" src=""> <img height="90" width="90" src=""> </div> --- ## 📖 Table of Contents - [Introduction](#%E2%84%B9%EF%B8%8F-introduction) - [Features](#features) - [Installation](#installation) - [Usage](#usage) - [Contribution](#contribution) - [License](#license) ## ℹ️ Introduction **moonwalk** is a 400 KB single-binary executable that can clear your traces while penetration testing a **Unix** machine. It saves the state of system logs pre-exploitation and reverts that state including the filesystem timestamps post-exploitation leaving zero traces of a _ghost in the shell_. ⚠️ **NOTE:** This tool is open-sourced to assist solely in [**Red Team**]( operations and in no means is the author liable for repercussions caused by any prohibited use of this tool. Only make use of this in a machine you have permission to test. ## Features - **Small Executable:** Get started quickly with a `curl` fetch to your target machine. - **Fast:** Performs all session commands including logging, trace clearing, and filesystem operations in under 5 milliseconds. - **Reconnaissance:** To save the state of system logs, `moonwalk` finds a world-writable path and saves the session under a dot directory which is removed upon ending the session. - **Shell History:** Instead of clearing the whole history file, `moonwalk` reverts it back to how it was including the invokation of `moonwalk`. - **Filesystem Timestamps:** Hide from the Blue Team by reverting the access/modify timestamps of files back to how it was using the [`GET`](#usage) command. ## Installation ``` $ curl -L -o moonwalk ``` (`AMD x86-64`) **OR** Download the executable from [**Releases**]( OR Install with `cargo`: $ cargo install --git [Install Rust/Cargo]( ## Build From Source **Prerequisites:** * [Git]( * [Rust]( * Cargo (Automatically installed when installing Rust) * A C linker (Only for Linux, generally comes pre-installed) ``` $ git clone $ cd moonwalk/ $ cargo build --release ``` The first command clones this repository into your local machine and the last two commands enters the directory and builds the source in release mode. ## Usage <div align="center"> <table> <tr> <td><img height="300" width="400" src=""></td> </tr> </table> </div> Once you get a shell into the target Unix machine, start a moonwalk session by running this command: $ moonwalk start While you're doing recon/exploitation and messing with any files, get the `touch` timestamp command of a file beforehand to revert it back after you've accessed/modified it: $ moonwalk get ~/.bash_history Post-exploitation, clear your traces and close the session with this command: $ moonwalk finish That's it! ## Contribution Ways to contribute: - Suggest a feature - Report a bug - Fix something and open a pull request - Help me document the code - Spread the word - Find something I missed which leaves any trace! ## License Licensed under the MIT License, see <a href="">LICENSE</a> for more information.
The Tcl Core. (Mirror of
# README: Tcl This is the **Tcl 9.0a4** source distribution. You can get any source release of Tcl from [our distribution site]( 8.6 (production release, daily build) [![Build Status](]( [![Build Status](]( [![Build Status](]( <br> 8.7 (in development, daily build)) [![Build Status](]( [![Build Status](]( [![Build Status](]( <br> 9.0 (in development, daily build)) [![Build Status](]( [![Build Status](]( [![Build Status](]( ## Contents 1. [Introduction](#intro) 2. [Documentation](#doc) 3. [Compiling and installing Tcl](#build) 4. [Development tools](#devtools) 5. [Tcl newsgroup](#complangtcl) 6. [The Tcler's Wiki](#wiki) 7. [Mailing lists](#email) 8. [Support and Training](#support) 9. [Tracking Development](#watch) 10. [Thank You](#thanks) ## <a id="intro">1.</a> Introduction Tcl provides a powerful platform for creating integration applications that tie together diverse applications, protocols, devices, and frameworks. When paired with the Tk toolkit, Tcl provides the fastest and most powerful way to create GUI applications that run on PCs, Unix, and Mac OS X. Tcl can also be used for a variety of web-related tasks and for creating powerful command languages for applications. Tcl is maintained, enhanced, and distributed freely by the Tcl community. Source code development and tracking of bug reports and feature requests take place at []( Tcl/Tk release and mailing list services are [hosted by SourceForge]( with the Tcl Developer Xchange hosted at []( Tcl is a freely available open-source package. You can do virtually anything you like with it, such as modifying it, redistributing it, and selling it either in whole or in part. See the file `license.terms` for complete information. ## <a id="doc">2.</a> Documentation Extensive documentation is available on our website. The home page for this release, including new features, is [here]( Detailed release notes can be found at the [file distributions page]( by clicking on the relevant version. Information about Tcl itself can be found at the [Developer Xchange]( There have been many Tcl books on the market. Many are mentioned in [the Wiki]( The complete set of reference manual entries for Tcl 9.0 is [online, here]( ### <a id="doc.unix">2a.</a> Unix Documentation The `doc` subdirectory in this release contains a complete set of reference manual entries for Tcl. Files with extension "`.1`" are for programs (for example, `tclsh.1`); files with extension "`.3`" are for C library procedures; and files with extension "`.n`" describe Tcl commands. The file "`doc/Tcl.n`" gives a quick summary of the Tcl language syntax. To print any of the man pages on Unix, cd to the "doc" directory and invoke your favorite variant of troff using the normal -man macros, for example groff -man -Tpdf Tcl.n >output.pdf to print Tcl.n to PDF. If Tcl has been installed correctly and your "man" program supports it, you should be able to access the Tcl manual entries using the normal "man" mechanisms, such as man Tcl ### <a id="">2b.</a> Windows Documentation The "doc" subdirectory in this release contains a complete set of Windows help files for Tcl. Once you install this Tcl release, a shortcut to the Windows help Tcl documentation will appear in the "Start" menu: Start | Programs | Tcl | Tcl Help ## <a id="build">3.</a> Compiling and installing Tcl There are brief notes in the `unix/README`, `win/README`, and `macosx/README` about compiling on these different platforms. There is additional information about building Tcl from sources [online]( ## <a id="devtools">4.</a> Development tools ActiveState produces a high-quality set of commercial quality development tools that is available to accelerate your Tcl application development. Tcl Dev Kit builds on the earlier TclPro toolset and provides a debugger, static code checker, single-file wrapping utility, bytecode compiler, and more. More information can be found at ## <a id="complangtcl">5.</a> Tcl newsgroup There is a USENET newsgroup, "`comp.lang.tcl`", intended for the exchange of information about Tcl, Tk, and related applications. The newsgroup is a great place to ask general information questions. For bug reports, please see the "Support and bug fixes" section below. ## <a id="wiki">6.</a> Tcl'ers Wiki There is a [wiki-based open community site]( covering all aspects of Tcl/Tk. It is dedicated to the Tcl programming language and its extensions. A wealth of useful information can be found there. It contains code snippets, references to papers, books, and FAQs, as well as pointers to development tools, extensions, and applications. You can also recommend additional URLs by editing the wiki yourself. ## <a id="email">7.</a> Mailing lists Several mailing lists are hosted at SourceForge to discuss development or use issues (like Macintosh and Windows topics). For more information and to subscribe, visit [here]( and go to the Mailing Lists page. ## <a id="support">8.</a> Support and Training We are very interested in receiving bug reports, patches, and suggestions for improvements. We prefer that you send this information to us as tickets entered into [our issue tracker]( We will log and follow-up on each bug, although we cannot promise a specific turn-around time. Enhancements may take longer and may not happen at all unless there is widespread support for them (we're trying to slow the rate at which Tcl/Tk turns into a kitchen sink). It's very difficult to make incompatible changes to Tcl/Tk at this point, due to the size of the installed base. The Tcl community is too large for us to provide much individual support for users. If you need help we suggest that you post questions to `comp.lang.tcl` or ask a question on [Stack Overflow]( We read the newsgroup and will attempt to answer esoteric questions for which no one else is likely to know the answer. In addition, see the wiki for [links to other organizations]( that offer Tcl/Tk training. ## <a id="watch">9.</a> Tracking Development Tcl is developed in public. You can keep an eye on how Tcl is changing at []( ## <a id="thanks">10.</a> Thank You We'd like to express our thanks to the Tcl community for all the helpful suggestions, bug reports, and patches we have received. Tcl/Tk has improved vastly and will continue to do so with your help.
A lightweight free Spotify 🎧 crossplatform-client 🖥📱 which handles playback manually, streams music using Youtube & no Spotify premium account is needed 😱
<p align="center"><img width="700" src="assets/spotube_banner.png" alt="Spotube Logo"></p> <p align="center"> <a href=""></a> </p> <p align="center"> <a href=""> <img alt="GitHub Workflow Status" src=""> </a> <a href=""> <img alt="GitHub release" src=""/> </a> <a href="LICENSE"> <img alt="License" src=""/> </a> <a href=""> <img alt="Maintainer" src=""/> </a> <a href=""> <img alt="Open Collective backers and sponsors" src=""/> </a> <a href=""> <img alt="Discord" src=""> </a> </p> Spotube is a [Flutter]( based lightweight spotify client. It utilizes the power of Spotify & Youtube's public API & creates a hazardless, performant & resource friendly User Experience #### <p align="center">Desktop</p> ![Application Desktop Screenshot](assets/spotube-screenshot.jpg) #### <p align="center">Mobile</p> ![Application Mobile Screenshot](assets/mobile-screenshots/mobile-combined.jpg) <p align="center"> <a href=""> <img src=""> </a> </p> # Features Following are the features that currently spotube offers: - Open Source - Anonymous/Guest Login - Cross platform - No telemetry, diagnostics or user data collection - Lightweight & resource friendly - Native performance (Thanks to Flutter+Skia) - Playback control is on user's machine instead of server based - Small size & less data hungry - No spotify or youtube ads since it uses all public & free APIs (But it's recommended to support the creators by watching/liking/subscribing to the artists youtube channel or add as favourite track in spotify. Mostly buying spotify premium is the best way to support their valuable creations) - Synced Lyrics - Downloadable track # Support this project <a href=""><img src="" width="250"/></a> [!["Donate to out Collective"](]( [!["Buy Me A Coffee"](]( # Installation I'm always releasing newer versions of binary of the software each 2-3 month with minor changes & each 6-8 month with major changes. Grab the binaries | Platform | Package/Installation Method | | ----------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Android | [<img width='240' alt='Android Download' src=''/>][android-dlink]<br/>[<img width='240' alt='Android Download' src=''/>][fdroid-dlink] | | Debian/Ubuntu | [<img width='240' alt='Linux Debian/Ubuntu Download' src=''/>][deb-dlink] <br/> Then run: `sudo apt install Spotube-linux-x86_64.deb` | | Flatpak | `flatpak install com.github.KRTirtho.Spotube` <br/> <a href=''><img width='240' alt='Download on Flathub' src=''/></a> | | Arch/Manjaro | pamac: `pamac install spotube-bin` <br/> yay: `yay -Sy spotube-bin` | | AppImage | [<img width='240' alt='AppImage Download' src=''/>][appimage-dlink]<br/> **Note**: AppImages require [appimage-launcher]( to be installed | | Linux (tarball) | [<img width='240' alt='Tarball Download' src=''/>][linux-dlink] | | Windows | [<img width='240' alt='Windows Download' src=''/>][win32-dlink] | | Windows (Chocolatey) | `choco install spotube` | | Windows (<a href="">Scoop</a>) | `scoop bucket add extras` <br/> `scoop install spotube` | | Windows (WinGet) | `winget install --id KRTirtho.Spotube` | | MacOS | [<img width='240' alt='MacOS Download' src=''/>][mac-dlink] | > **Note!:** If you don't understand this download table. You can read [installation instructions][wiki-installation-instructions] from the wiki ## Nightly Builds Get the latest nightly builds of Spotube [here]( # TODO: - [ ] Windows OS Media Control & Media Keys Support - [ ] Spotify Listen Along - [x] Skip non-music sections from Audio Track - [ ] Language Translations/Localization # Building from source You can find the details [here]( # Things that don't work - Shows & Podcasts aren't supported as it'd require premium anyway # License [BSD-4-Clause](/LICENSE) But why? You can learn about it [here]( # Financial Contributors ## Backers ![Backers]( ![Donors]( ## Sponsors ![Donors]( # Library/Plugin/Framework Credits - [Flutter]( - Flutter transforms the app development process. Build, test, and deploy beautiful mobile, web, desktop, and embedded apps from a single codebase - [Linux]( - Linux is a family of open-source Unix-like operating systems based on the Linux kernel, an operating system kernel first released on September 17, 1991, by Linus Torvalds. Linux is typically packaged in a Linux distribution - [AUR]( - AUR stands for Arch User Repository. It is a community-driven repository for Arch-based Linux distributions users - [Flatpak]( - Flatpak is a utility for software deployment and package management for Linux - [rentanadviser]( - Generous Synced lyrics API provider service - [SponsorBlock]( - SponsorBlock is an open-source crowdsourced browser extension and open API for skipping sponsor segments in YouTube videos. - [spotify (dart)]( - A dart library for interfacing with the Spotify API - [audioplayers]( - A Flutter plugin to play multiple audio files simultaneously (Android/iOS) - [youtube_explode_dart]( - YoutubeExplode is a library that provides an interface to query metadata of YouTube videos, playlists and channels, as well as to resolve and download video streams and closed caption tracks - [bitsdojo_window]( - A Flutter package that makes it easy to customize and work with your Flutter desktop app window on Windows, macOS and Linux - [Inno Setup]( - Inno Setup is a free installer for Windows programs by Jordan Russell and Martijn Laan - [collection]( - The collection package for Dart contains a number of separate libraries with utility functions and classes that makes working with collections easier - [flutter_riverpod]( - A Reactive Caching and Data-binding Framework - [flutter_hooks]( - React hooks for Flutter. Hooks are a new kind of object that manages a Widget life-cycles. They are used to increase code sharing between widgets and as a complete replacement for StatefulWidget - [hooks_riverpod]( - Riverpod with hooks - [go_router]( - A declarative router for Flutter based on Navigation 2 supporting deep linking, data-driven routes and more - [palette_generator]( - Flutter package for generating palette colors from a source image. - [logger]( - Small, easy to use and extensible logger which prints beautiful logs - [flutter_launcher_icons]( - A package which simplifies the task of updating your Flutter app's launcher icon. - [permission_handler]( - Permission plugin for Flutter. This plugin provides a cross-platform (iOS, Android) API to request and check permissions. - [marquee]( - ⏩ A Flutter widget that scrolls text infinitely. Provides many customizations including custom scroll directions, durations, curves as well as pauses after every round - [scroll_to_index]( - scroll to index with fixed/variable row height inside Flutter scrollable widget - [package_info_plus]( - This Flutter plugin provides an API for querying information about an application package. - [version]( - A dart library providing a Version class - [audio_service]( - Flutter plugin to play audio in the background while the screen is off. - [skeleton_text]( - Flutter package for Skeleton Text Animation - [hive]( - Lightweight and blazing fast key-value database written in pure Dart. - [dbus]( - Native Dart client library to use DBus - [introduction_screen]( - Add easily to your app an introduction screen to provide informations to new users - [audio_session]( - Sets the iOS audio session category and Android audio attributes for your app, and manages your app's audio focus, mixing and ducking behaviour. - [file_picker]( - A Flutter plugin to let users pick a file from the file system, be it from a local storage or a remote one (e.g. Google Drive, Dropbox, iCloud, etc). - [popover]( - Popover for Flutter. A popover is a transient view that appears above other content onscreen when you tap a control or in an area. - [queue]( - A library to easily handle sequential queueing of futures in dart - [auto_size_text]( - Flutter widget that automatically resizes text to fit perfectly within its bounds. - [badges]( - A flutter package for creating badges. - [mime]( - Dart package for working with MIME type definitions and for processing streams of MIME multipart media types. - [metadata_god]( - Audio file Metadata reading and writing library for Flutter - [visibility_detector]( - A widget that detects the visibility of its child and notifies a callback - [fl_query]( - Asynchronous data caching, refetching & invalidation library for Flutter - [fl_query_hooks]( - Elite flutter_hooks compatible library for fl_query, the Asynchronous data caching, refetching & invalidation library for Flutter - [flutter_inappwebview]( - A Flutter plugin that allows you to add an inline webview, to use a headless webview, and to open an in-app browser window # The Team - [Kingkor Roy Tirtho]( - The Founder, Maintainer and Lead Developer - [Owen Conor]( - The Cool Discord Moderator - [Piotr Rogowski]( - The MacOS Developer - [Rusty Apple]( - The Mysterious Unknown Guy # Social handlers Follow me on [Twitter]( for newer updates about this application <p align="center">&copy; 2022 Spotube</p> <!-- Variables/Text References --> [win32-dlink]: [deb-dlink]: [linux-dlink]: [appimage-dlink]: [mac-dlink]: [android-dlink]: [fdroid-dlink]: [wiki-installation-instructions]:
Install and Update Proton-GE
## Introduction CLI program and API to automate the installation and update of [GloriousEggroll]('s [Proton-GE]( [![Downloads](]( ## Installation Install from Python Package Index ``` pip3 install protonup ``` Install from source ``` git clone && cd protonup python3 install --user ``` If you get a `command not found` error, add the following to your `~/.profile` (if it's not already present) and run `source ~/.profile` ``` if [ -d "$HOME/.local/bin" ] ; then PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH" fi ``` ## Usage Set your installation directory before running the program with `-d "your/compatibilitytools.d/directory"` Example: ``` protonup -d "~/.steam/root/compatibilitytools.d/" ``` --- To update to the latest version, just run `protonup` from a command line Example: ``` protonup ``` --- List available versions with `--releases` Example: ``` protonup --releases ``` --- Install a specific version with `-t "version tag"` Example: ``` protonup -t 6.5-GE-2 ``` --- By default the downloads are stored in a temporary folder. Change it with `-o "custom/download/directory"` Example: ``` protonup -o ~/Downloads ``` --- List existing installations with `-l` Example: ``` protonup -l ``` --- Remove existing installations with `-r "version tag` Example: ``` protonup -r 6.5-GE-2 ``` --- Use `--download` to download Proton-GE to the current working directory without installing it, you can override destination with `-o` Example: ``` protonup --download ``` --- Use `-y` toggle to carry out actions without any logging or interaction Example: ``` protonup --download -o ~/Downloads -y ``` --- ### Restart Steam after making changes
Emulator for rapid prototyping of Software Defined Networks
Mininet: Rapid Prototyping for Software Defined Networks ======================================================== *The best way to emulate almost any network on your laptop!* Mininet 2.3.1b1 [![Build Status][1]]( ### What is Mininet? Mininet emulates a complete network of hosts, links, and switches on a single machine. To create a sample two-host, one-switch network, just run: `sudo mn` Mininet is useful for interactive development, testing, and demos, especially those using OpenFlow and SDN. OpenFlow-based network controllers prototyped in Mininet can usually be transferred to hardware with minimal changes for full line-rate execution. ### How does it work? Mininet creates virtual networks using process-based virtualization and network namespaces - features that are available in recent Linux kernels. In Mininet, hosts are emulated as `bash` processes running in a network namespace, so any code that would normally run on a Linux server (like a web server or client program) should run just fine within a Mininet "Host". The Mininet "Host" will have its own private network interface and can only see its own processes. Switches in Mininet are software-based switches like Open vSwitch or the OpenFlow reference switch. Links are virtual ethernet pairs, which live in the Linux kernel and connect our emulated switches to emulated hosts (processes). ### Features Mininet includes: * A command-line launcher (`mn`) to instantiate networks. * A handy Python API for creating networks of varying sizes and topologies. * Examples (in the `examples/` directory) to help you get started. * Full API documentation via Python `help()` docstrings, as well as the ability to generate PDF/HTML documentation with `make doc`. * Parametrized topologies (`Topo` subclasses) using the Mininet object. For example, a tree network may be created with the command: `mn --topo tree,depth=2,fanout=3` * A command-line interface (`CLI` class) which provides useful diagnostic commands (like `iperf` and `ping`), as well as the ability to run a command to a node. For example, `mininet> h11 ifconfig -a` tells host h11 to run the command `ifconfig -a` * A "cleanup" command to get rid of junk (interfaces, processes, files in /tmp, etc.) which might be left around by Mininet or Linux. Try this if things stop working! `mn -c` ### Python 3 Support - Mininet 2.3.1b1 supports Python 3 and Python 2! - You can install both the Python 3 and Python 2 versions of Mininet side by side, but the most recent installation will determine which Python version is used by default by `mn`. - You can run `mn` directly with Python 2 or Python 3, as long as the appropriate version of Mininet is installed, e.g. $ sudo python2 `which mn` - More information regarding Python 3 and Python 2 support may be found in the release notes on ### Other Enhancements and Information - Support for Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (and 18.04) - More reliable testing and CI via github actions - Minor bug fixes (2.3.1) - Additional information about this release and previous releases may be found in the release notes on ### Installation See `INSTALL` for installation instructions and details. ### Documentation In addition to the API documentation (`make doc`), much useful information, including a Mininet walkthrough and an introduction to the Python API, is available on the [Mininet Web Site]( There is also a wiki which you are encouraged to read and to contribute to, particularly the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) at ### Support Mininet is community-supported. We encourage you to join the Mininet mailing list, `mininet-discuss` at: <> ### Join Us Thanks again to all of the Mininet contributors and users! Mininet is an open source project and is currently hosted at <>. You are encouraged to download, examine, and modify the code, and to submit bug reports, bug fixes, feature requests, new features, and other issues and pull requests. Thanks to everyone who has contributed code to the Mininet project (see CONTRIBUTORS for more info!) It is because of everyone's hard work that Mininet continues to grow and improve. ### Enjoy Mininet Have fun! We look forward to seeing what you will do with Mininet to change the networking world. Bob Lantz, on behalf of the Mininet Contributors [1]:
A powerful, innovative and intuitive EDA tool for everyone!
# LibrePCB [![Azure Build Status](]( [![Become a Patron](]( [![Donate with Bitcoin](]( [![](]( ## About LibrePCB LibrePCB is a free [EDA]( software to develop printed circuit boards. It runs on Linux, Windows and Mac. The project is still in a rather early development stage. See [Project Status]( for more information about the currently available features, limitations and known bugs. ![Screenshot](doc/screenshot.png) ### Features - Cross-platform (Unix/Linux/BSD/Solaris, macOS, Windows) - Multilingual (both application and library elements) - All-In-One: project management + library/schematic/board editors - Intuitive, modern and easy-to-use graphical user interface - Very powerful library design with some innovative concepts - Human-readable file formats for both libraries and projects - Multi-PCB feature (different PCB variants of the same schematic) - Automatic netlist synchronisation between schematic and board ## Installation & Usage **Official stable releases are provided at our [download page](** **Please read our [user manual]( to see how you can install and use LibrePCB.** The [Getting Started]( guide gives you a quick introduction to LibrePCB. ## Contributing Contributions are welcome! See our [Contributing Guide]( for details. For internal details take a look at the [automatically generated documentation (doxygen)]( ## Development ***WARNING: The `master` branch always contains the latest UNSTABLE version of LibrePCB. Everything you do with this unstable version could break your workspace, libraries or projects, so you should not use it productively! For productive use, please install an official release as described in the [user manual]( For development, please read details [here](*** Instead of building LibrePCB manually, Arch Linux users could install the package [librepcb-git]( from the AUR. The package clones and builds the latest (unstable!) version of the `master` branch from GitHub. ### Requirements To compile LibrePCB, you need the following software components: - g++ >= 4.8, MinGW >= 4.8, or Clang >= 3.3 (C++11 support is required) - [Qt]( >= 5.5 - [zlib]( - [OpenSSL]( - [CMake]( 3.5 or newer #### Prepared Docker Image Instead of installing the dependencies manually on your system (see instructions below), you can also use one of our [Docker images]( with all dependencies pre-installed (except GUI tools like QtCreator). These images are actually used for CI, but are also useful to build LibrePCB locally. #### Installation on Debian/Ubuntu/Mint *Note: For Ubuntu older than 22.04, replace `qtbase5-dev` by `qt5-default`.* ```bash sudo apt-get install git build-essential qtbase5-dev qttools5-dev-tools qttools5-dev \ libglu1-mesa-dev openssl zlib1g zlib1g-dev libqt5opengl5-dev libqt5svg5-dev cmake sudo apt-get install qt5-doc qtcreator # optional ``` #### Installation on Arch Linux ```bash sudo pacman -S git base-devel qt5-base qt5-svg qt5-tools desktop-file-utils shared-mime-info \ openssl zlib cmake sudo pacman -S qt5-doc qtcreator # optional ``` #### Installation on Mac OS X 1. Install Xcode through the app store and start it at least once (for the license) 2. Install [homebrew]( (**the** package manager) 3. Install *qt5* and *cmake*: `brew update && brew install qt5 cmake` 4. Make the toolchain available: `brew unlink qt && brew link --force qt5` #### Installation on Windows Download and run the [Qt for Windows (MinGW) installer]( from [here]( LibrePCB does not compile with MSVC, so you must install following components with the Qt installer: - The MinGW compiler itself - The Qt libraries for MinGW - cmake ### Cloning It's important to clone the repository recursively to get all submodules too: ```bash git clone --recursive && cd LibrePCB ``` ### Updating When updating the repository, make sure to also update all the submodules recursively. Otherwise you may get strange compilation errors: ```bash git submodule update --init --recursive ``` ### Building You can either build LibrePCB using Qt Creator, or you can build on the command line using cmake. To build LibrePCB using cmake/make: ```bash mkdir build && cd build cmake .. make -j8 ``` The binary can then be found in `build/apps/librepcb/`. For more detailed instructions (including how to set up Qt Creator), see ## Credits - First of all, many thanks to all of our [contributors](! - Thanks also to []( for sponsoring our API server! ## License LibrePCB is published under the [GNU GPLv3]( license.
Mumble is an open-source, low-latency, high quality voice chat software.
![Mumble screenshot](screenshots/Mumble.png) # Mumble - Open Source voice-chat software [![](]( [![](]( [![Codacy](]( [![Azure](]( [![Cirrus CI](]( [![Travis CI](]( Mumble is an Open Source, low-latency and high-quality voice-chat program written on top of Qt and Opus. There are two modules in Mumble; the client (mumble) and the server (murmur). The client works on Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD and macOS, while the server should work on anything Qt can be installed on. Please note that with "Windows" we mean 7 and newer. Vista may be supported, but we can't guarantee it. If you don't want to encounter potential issues, you may download Mumble 1.3.x, the last version to provide support for XP. The documentation of the project can be found on the [wiki]( The [FAQ]( can also be found there. ## Contributing We always welcome contributions to the project. If you have code that you would like to contribute, please go ahead and create a PR. While doing so, please try to make sure that you follow our [commit guidelines]( If you are new to the Mumble project, you may want to check out the general [introduction to the Mumble source code](docs/dev/ ### Translating Mumble supports various languages. We are always looking for qualified people to contribute translations. We are using Weblate as a translation platform. [Register on Weblate](, and join [our translation project]( ### Writing plugins Mumble supports general-purpose plugins that can provide functionality that is not implemented in the main Mumble application. You can find more information on how this works and on how these have to be created in the [plugin documentation](docs/dev/plugins/ ## Building For information on how to build Mumble, checkout [the dedicated documentation](docs/dev/build-instructions/ ## Reporting issues If you want to report a bug or create a feature-request, you can open a new issue (after you have checked that there is none already) on [GitHub]( ## Windows ### Running Mumble After installation, you should have a new Mumble folder in your Start Menu, from which you can start Mumble. ### Running Murmur Doubleclick the Murmur icon to start murmur. There will be a small icon on your taskbar from which you can view the log. To set the superuser password, run murmur with the parameters `-supw <password>`. ## MacOS ### Running Mumble To install Mumble, drag the application from the downloaded disk image into your `/Applications` folder. ### Running Murmur Murmur is distributed separately from the Mumble client on MacOS. It is called Static OS X Server and can be downloaded from the main webpage. Once downloaded it can be run in the same way as on any other Unix-like system. For more information please see the "Running Murmur" in the Linux/Unix section below. ## Linux/Unix ### Running Mumble If you have installed Mumble through your distributon's package repository, you should be able to find Mumble in your start menu. No additional steps necessary. ### Running Murmur Murmur should be run from the command line, so start a shell (command prompt) and go to wherever you installed Mumble. Run murmur as ``` murmurd [-supw <password>] [-ini <inifile>] [-fg] [v] -supw Set a new password for the user SuperUser, which is hardcoded to bypass ACLs. Keep this password safe. Until you set a password, the SuperUser is disabled. If you use this option, murmur will set the password in the database and then exit. -ini Use an inifile other than murmur.ini, use this to run several instances of murmur from the same directory. Make sure each instance is using a separate database. -fg Run in the foreground, logging to standard output. -v More verbose logging. ``` #### Build and run from Docker On recent Docker versions you can build images directly from sources on GitHub: ```bash docker build --pull -t mumble-server ``` Example `--pull`s each time to check for updated base image, then downloads and builds `master` branch. You can also specify user id (UID) and group id (GID) for the *murmur* user in the image. This allows users who use bind mount volumes to use the same UID/GID in the container as in the host: ```bash docker build --pull -t mumble-server --build-arg UID=1234 --build-arg GID=1234 ``` ### OpenGL Overlay The OpenGL overlay works by intercepting the call to switch buffers, and just before the buffer switch, we draw our nice GUI. To load a game with the overlay enabled, start the game like this: ```bash LD_PRELOAD=/path/to/ gamename ``` If you have Mumble installed through the binary packages, this can be done by simply typing: ```bash mumble-overlay gamename ```
Upgrade all the things
<div align="center"> <h1> <img alt="Topgrade" src="doc/topgrade_transparent.png" width="850px"> </h1> <a href=""><img alt="GitHub Release" src=""></a> <a href=""><img alt="" src=""></a> <a href=""><img alt="AUR" src=""></a> <a href=""><img alt="Homebrew" src=""></a> <img alt="Demo" src="doc/screenshot.gif" width="550px"> </div> ## Introduction > **Note** > This is a fork of [topgrade by r-darwish]( to keep it maintained. Keeping your system up to date usually involves invoking multiple package managers. This results in big, non-portable shell one-liners saved in your shell. To remedy this, **Topgrade** detects which tools you use and runs the appropriate commands to update them. ## Installation [![Packaging status](]( - Arch Linux: [AUR]( - NixOS: [Nixpkgs]( - Void Linux: [XBPS]( - macOS: [Homebrew]( or [MacPorts]( Other systems users can either use `cargo install` or the compiled binaries from the release page. The compiled binaries contain a self-upgrading feature. Topgrade requires Rust 1.60 or above. ## Usage Just run `topgrade`. Visit the documentation at []( for more information. > **Warning** > Work in Progress ## Customization See `config.example.toml` for an example configuration file. ### Configuration Path The configuration should be placed in the following paths depending on the operating system: - **Windows** - `%APPDATA%/topgrade.toml` - **macOS** and **other Unix systems** - `${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-~/.config}/topgrade.toml` ## Remote Execution You can specify a key called `remote_topgrades` in the configuration file. This key should contain a list of hostnames that have Topgrade installed on them. Topgrade will use `ssh` to run `topgrade` on remote hosts before acting locally. To limit the execution only to specific hosts use the `--remote-host-limit` parameter. ## Contribution ### Problems or missing features? Open a new issue describing your problem and if possible provide a solution. ### Missing a feature or found an unsupported tool/distro? Just let us now what you are missing by opening an issue. For tools, please open an issue describing the tool, which platforms it supports and if possible, give us an example of its usage. ### Want to contribute to the code? Just fork the repository and start coding. ### Contribution Guidelines - Check if your code passes `cargo fmt` and `cargo clippy`. - Check if your code is self explanatory, if not it should be documented by comments. ## Roadmap - [ ] Add a proper testing framework to the code base. - [ ] Add unit tests for package managers. - [ ] Split up code into more maintainable parts, eg. putting every linux package manager in a own submodule of
Small C Compiler generating ELF executable Arm architecture, supporting JIT execution
# AMaCC = Arguably Minimalist Arm C Compiler ## Introduction AMaCC is built from scratch, targeted at 32-bit Arm architecture. It is a stripped down version of C meant as a pedagogical tool for learning about compilers, linkers, and loaders. There are 2 execution modes AMaCC implements: * Just-in-Time compiler (JITC) for Arm backend * Generate valid GNU/Linux executables with Executable and Linkable Format (ELF) It is worth mentioning that AMaCC is designed to compile a subset of C required to self-host with the above execution modes. For example, global variables and, in particular, global arrays are there. A simple stack based AST is generated through cooperating `stmt()` and `expr()` parsing functions, both of which are fed by a token generating function. The `expr()` function does some literal constant optimizations. The AST is transformed into a stack-based VM Intermediate Representation via a `gen()` function. The IR can be examined through a command-line option. Finally, a `codegen()` function is used to generate ARM32 instructions from the IR which can be executed via either `jit()` or `elf32()` executable generation. AMACC mixes classical recursive descent and operator precedence parsing. An operator precedence parser is actually quite a bit faster than recursive descent parser (RDP) for expressions when operator precedence is defined using grammar productions that would otherwise get turned into methods. ## Compatibility AMaCC is capable of compiling C source files written in the following syntax: * support for all C89 statements except typedef. * support for all C89 expression operators. * data types: char, int, enum, struct, union, and multi-level pointers - type modifiers, qualifiers, and storage class specifiers are currently unsupported, though many keywords of this nature are not routinely used, and can be easily worked around with simple alternative constructs. - struct/union assignments are not supported at the language level in AMaCC, e.g. s1 = s2. This also applies to function return values and parameters. Passing and returning pointers is recommended. Use memcpy if you want to copy a full struct, e.g. memcpy(&s1, &s2, sizeof(struct xxx)); * global/local variable initializations for supported data types - e.g., `int i = [expr]` - New variables are allowed to be declared within functions anywhere. - item-by-item array initialization is supported - but aggregate array declaration and initialization is yet to be supported e.g., `int foo[2][2] = { { 1, 0 }, { 0, 1 } };` The architecture support targets armv7hf with Linux ABI, verified on Raspberry Pi 2/3/4 with GNU/Linux. ## Prerequisites * Code generator in AMaCC relies on several GNU/Linux behaviors, and it is necessary to have Arm/Linux installed in your build environment. * Install [GNU Toolchain for the A-profile Architecture]( - Select `arm-linux-none-gnueabihf` (AArch32 target with hard float) * Install QEMU for Arm user emulation ```shell sudo apt-get install qemu-user ``` ## Running AMaCC Run `make check` and you should see this: ``` [ C to IR translation ] Passed [ JIT compilation + execution ] Passed [ ELF generation ] Passed [ nested/self compilation ] Passed [ Compatibility with GCC/Arm ] ........................................ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 52 tests in 8.842s OK ``` Check the messages generated by `make help` to learn more. ## Benchmark AMaCC is able to generate machine code really fast and provides 70% of the performance of `gcc -O0`. Test environment: * Raspberry Pi 4B (SoC: bcm2711, ARMv8-A architecture) * Raspbian GNU/Linux, kernel 5.10.17-v7l+, gcc 8.3.0 (armv7l userland) Input source file: `amacc.c` | comiler driver | binary size (KiB) | compile time (s) | | ---------------------------------- | ----------------- | ---------------- | | gcc with `-O0 -ldl` (compile+link) | 56 | 0.5683 | | gcc with `-O0 -c` (compile only) | 56 | 0.4884 | | AMaCC | 100 | 0.0217 | ## Internals Check [Intermediate Representation (IR) for AMaCC Compilation](docs/ ## Acknowledgements AMaCC is based on the infrastructure of [c4]( ## Related Materials * [Curated list of awesome resources on Compilers, Interpreters and Runtimes]( * [Hacker News discussions]( * [A Compiler Writing Journey]( by Warren Toomey.
Open source STM32 MCU programming toolset
# Open source version of the STMicroelectronics STlink Tools [![BSD licensed](]( [![GitHub release](]( [![Downloads](]( ![GitHub commits]( ![GitHub activity]( ![GitHub contributors]( [![CodeQL](]( [![C/C++ CI](]( [![Linux Status](]( [![macOS Status](]( Recent new features and bugfixes can be found in the [Changelog]( of this software project. #### License The stlink library and tools are licensed under the **[BSD-3 License](**. ## Introduction stlink is an open source toolset to program and debug STM32 devices and boards manufactured by STMicroelectronics. It supports several so called STLINK programmer boards (and clones thereof) which use a microcontroller chip to translate commands from USB to JTAG/SWD. There are four generations available on the market which are _all_ supported by this toolset: - **STLINK/V1** _[obsolete as of 21-11-2019, continued support by this toolset] \*)_ - transport layer: SCSI passthru commands over USB - stand-alone programmer - on-board on STM32VL Discovery boards - **STLINK/V2** - transport layer: raw USB commands - stand-alone programmer - on-board on STM32L Discovery and STM32 Nucleo boards - **STLINK/V2-1** - transport layer: raw USB commands - on-board on some STM32 Nucleo boards - **STLINK-V3** - transport layer: raw USB commands - stand-alone programmer (STLINK-V3SET, STLINK-V3MINI, STLINK-V3MODS) - on-board on some STM32 Nucleo boards (STLINK-V3E) _\*)_ **Note: Support for the STLINK/V1 on macOS is limited to 10.14 - 10.15. Due to the deprecation and removal of macOS Kernel Extensions (KEXT) there will be no support for this programmer on macOS 11 or any later version.** On the user level there is no difference in handling or operation between these different revisions. The STlink toolset includes: - `st-info` - a programmer and chip information tool - `st-flash` - a flash manipulation tool - `st-trace` - a logging tool to record information on execution - `st-util` - a GDB server (supported in Visual Studio Code / VSCodium via the [Cortex-Debug]( plugin) - `stlink-lib` - a communication library - `stlink-gui` - a GUI-Interface _[optional]_ ## Supported operating systems and hardware combinations Currently known working combinations of programmers and targets are listed in [](doc/ Supported operating systems are listed in [](doc/ ## Tutorial & HOWTO Our [tutorial](doc/ may help you along with some advanced tasks and additional info. ## Installation **Windows**: As of Release v1.6.1 stand-alone Windows binaries are made available (again) on the release page of the project. Please ensure to select the correct version for your system (i686 or x86_64). The archive file can be unzipped to any desired location as it does not contain any hardcoded paths. However we suggest to move the unzipped application folder to `C:\Program Files\` on 32-bit systems and to `C:\Program Files (x86)\` on 64-bit systems (the toolset is 32-bit). Alternatively one may compile and install from source as described in our [compiling manual](doc/ **macOS**: We recommend to install from: - [homebrew]( or - [MacPorts]( Alternatively one can compile and install from source as described in our [compiling manual](doc/ **Linux**: We recommend to install `stlink-tools` from the package repository of the used distribution: **Note:** As packages distributed via the [Debian]( and [Ubuntu]( repositories differ from our self-maintained deb-package, we recommend to use the latter instead (see link below). It provides the opportunity to handle and fix user-reported package issues directly within the project and is not redundant to any limitations deriving from external maintenance guidelines. - Debian Linux: [(Link)]( - Ubuntu Linux: [(Link)]( - Arch Linux: [(Link)]( - Alpine Linux: [(Link)]( - Fedora: [(Link)]( - Gentoo Linux: [(Link)]( **Other Operating Systems**: - RedHat/CentOS 8: Users can install from [EPEL repository]( - FreeBSD: Users can install from [freshports]( ## Installation from source (advanced users) When there is no executable available for your platform or you need the latest (possible unstable) version you need to compile the toolset yourself. This procedure is explained in the [compiling manual](doc/ ## Contributing and versioning - The semantic versioning scheme is used. Read more at []( - Before creating a pull request, please _ALWAYS_ open a new issue for the discussion of the intended new features. Bugfixes don't require a discussion via a ticket-issue. However they should always be described in a few words as soon as they appear to help others as well. - Contributors and/or maintainers may submit comments or request changes to patch-proposals and/or pull-requests. - **ATTENTION: _NEVER EVER_ use the '#' character to count-up single points within a listing as '#' is _exclusively_ reserved for referencing GitHub issues and pull-requests. Otherwise you accidentally introduce false cross references within the project.** - Please start new forks from the develop branch, as pull requests will go into this branch as well. Please also refer to our [Contribution Guidelines](
Unofficial app for Linux
<p align="center"><img width="35%" height="35%" src="" alt=""><br>unofficial Desktop app for Linux</p> ------ `Version: 0.05.1` # Introduction Welcome! This is an unofficial version of `` electron app. Since NotionHQ is busy doing other amazing feature developments, Linux is low on its priority. Here is the tweet from them explaining that <blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Hey we don&#39;t want to release on platforms that we cannot ensure the quality – the team is still small and we don&#39;t use Linux ourselves </p>&mdash; Notion (@NotionHQ) <a href="">September 26, 2017</a></blockquote> So I decided to build my own app using `nativefier` Here is how it looks ![image]( > Is it your first time finding out about the Notion app? > > Use this [link]( to sign up and get ready to manage your life like you have never managed before ([]( --- ⚠️ **NOTE** ⚠️ Before you go ahead and install Lotion, I've found a better implementation called [notion-enhancer]( which works seamlessly. You can try it out and if that solution works for you please use that instead. Lotion is **Not** actively maintained at this point, I might start working again at a later time. Thanks for all your support! --- # Installation Download setup script ```bash wget # Or curl > # Make the script executable chmod +x # Run (with sudo for global installation, without sudo for local installation) [sudo] ./ native # Or for web installation [sudo] ./ web ``` To install into a specific directory (creating a portable linux install) clone the repository and run this in the folder: ```bash ./ ``` During set up select `web` or `native`. The native version supports offline mode while the web version is the most up to date Notion web client. If the script has errors or you would like to install manually, you can refer to [these]( instructions. # Features - Better Icon (courtesy: [Konrad Kolasa]( ) <img width="15%" height="15%" src="" alt="Notion Icon"> <br>looks stunning in actual usage:<br> <img width="75%" height="75%" src=""> - Everything you would expect from Windows or Mac application - [Here]( are the instructions to manually install natively if the installer script doesn't work. - Tray icon ------- Thanks to [sysdrum](, I used some of his code and improved upon it ------- # Uninstall ```bash ./ ``` # Login issues At this point the web version does not support Google SSO logins, this is an issue with [Google](, they have stopped allowing login from unidentified browser. Earlier this could have been solved by adding a useragent, but now Google is doing sophisticated checks (and rightly so), making it harder for us to bypass. The only solution is to implement our own oAuth, which would require extreme amount of work. So a simple solution to this issue is, use email address ![image]( you will be emailed by Notion a login code that you can use to login. Some helpful issue threads for this problem: [Google issue](, [Apple issue]( Other way to not have this issue is to use Native version of this app.
Distributed systems runtime daemon written in Rust.
<!-- THE DOCUMENT --> ![Workflow in progress: deploy] ![Workflow in progress: documentation] ![Workflow in progress: build] <p align="center"> <img src="" width="450"> </p> # Mission Aurae is on a mission to be the most loved and effective way of managing workloads on a node. Our hope is that by bringing a better set of controls to a node, we can unlock brilliant higher order distributed systems in the future. # Introduction [Aurae] deploys a memory-safe [^memory-safe] runtime daemon, process manager, and PID-1 initialization system to remotely schedule processes, containers, and virtual machines as well as set node configurations (e.g., like networking storage). Through system proportioning and enterprise workload isolation techniques, the Aurae [open-source] project can complement higher order schedulers and control planes (such as Kubernetes) as Aurae supports the usage of multi-tenant workloads and enterprise identities all the way down to the socket layer. ## FOSDEM 2023 Presentation - Slides: [Link to presentation]( - Website : [Link to abstract]( <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" width="480" height="360" border="10" /></a> ## Project Status > **STILL IN EARLY DEVELOPMENT!**<br> > **The Aurae project and API can change without notice.**<br> > **Do not run the project in production until further notice!** - The Aurae project welcomes contributions of all kinds and sizes. - Please read the "[getting involved]" documentation before contributing to the project. - You do not have to know [Rust] to join the project. By joining the project in its early stages, you will help to create a milestone contender for corporate distributed systems and automation that will remain accessible to anyone. # **Expanded Overview** By [introducing Aurae cells] on top of a [Linux kernel] the control of each internal runtime process on a given node becomes possible. The auraed runtime maintains ownership of every process by managing everything from [PID]-1 to nested processes. Maintainable and predefined [.proto]-files contribute to the core definition of the distributed systems runtime and the standard library. During the build process, these [.proto]-files can allow for greater customization possibilities. The [TypeScript] file format replaces static manifests (like the [YAML] file format) for direct interactions with a running system. --- ||| | :--- | :--- | | **Auraed** | To ensure memory safety, Aurae serves the generic system's runtime daemon ([auraed]).| | **AuraeScript** | The [AuraeScript] (a Turing-complete scripting language built on TypeScript) library automatically generates itself from the pre-defined [.proto] files defined in the Aurae standard library.<br>It also directly embeds [Deno] source code to provide an SDK and the functionality to attach remote clients for the direct remote communication with Aurae. | ||| ```typescript #!/usr/bin/env auraescript let cells = new runtime.CellServiceClient(); let allocated = await cells.allocate(<runtime.AllocateCellRequest>{ cell: runtime.Cell.fromPartial({ name: "my-cell", cpus: "2", }), }); let started = await cells.start(<runtime.StartExecutableRequest>{ executable: runtime.Executable.fromPartial({ cellName: "my-cell", command: "sleep 4000", description: "Sleep for 4000 seconds", name: "sleep-4000", }), }); ``` ||| | :--- | :--- | | **Authentication** | Aurae extends [SPIFFE]/[SPIRE] (x509 mTLS)-backed identity, authentication (authn), and authorization (authz) in a distributed system down to the Unix domain socket layer. | | **Principle of Least Awareness** | A single Aurae instance has no awareness of higher order scheduling mechanisms such as the Kubernetes control plane. | | **Runtime Workloads** | The Aurae runtime API can manage [virtual machines], [executables], [cells], [pods], and other [spawned Aurae instances]. | | **The Aurae Standard Library** | The Aurae project exposes its functionality as a gRPC API through the [Aurae standard library]. The [V0 API reference] contains the current library definition. | ||| --- <!-- # **Getting Started** ## **Building Aurae from Source** ### **Dependencies** ### **Prepare the Environment** ## **Aurae Quick Start** ### **Running the Daemon** ### **Running your first Cell** ## **Developing on an M1** ### **Environment** ### **VM Setup** ### **CLion Setup** ### **Back to the VM (setting up Aurae)** --> <!-- All the links!! --> <!-- +Footnotes [^cells]: Additionally, with Aurae cells, the project provides various ways to partition and slice up systems allowing for isolation strategies in enterprise workloads. [^compare]: As a low-level building block, the Aurae Project works well with any higher-order system by offering a thoughtful set of API calls and controls for managing workloads on a single node. [^medium]: Learn more from the [Medium Blog: Why fix Kubernetes and Systemd?] by [Kris Nóva]). --> [^memory-safe]: The reliability and effectiveness of the Rust systems language make it an excellent choice for the development of the Aurae project. [Learn more about Rust] <!-- +Status Badges --> [workflow in progress: deploy]: "" [workflow in progress: documentation]: "" [workflow in progress: build]: "" <!-- --> [aurae cells]: "Learn more about Aurae cells" [aurae standard library]: "Learn more about Auraes standard library" [aurae]: "Visit" [cells]: "Processes running in a shared cgroup namespace" [executables]: "Basic runtime processes" [getting involved]: "Participate and contribute!" [pods]: "Cells running in spawned instances" [spawned aurae instances]: "Short lived nested virtual instances of Aurae" [v0 api reference]: "Learn more about the current Aurae library definitions" [virtual machines]: "Long-lived arbitrary virtual machines" [introducing aurae cells]: "Aurae Blog: 2022-10-24" <!-- +Wiki --> [grpc]: "Read about gRPC" [mtls]: "Read about mTLS" [pid]: "Read about PID" <!-- +Github --> [auraescript]: "Check out the Auraescript on Github 🌟" [containerd]: "Read about containerd on GH" [firecracker]: "Read about firecracker on Github" [kris nóva]: "Check out Kris Nóva on Github 🌟" [open-source]: "Apache License 2.0" [spiffe]: "Read about SPIFFE" [spire]: "Read about SPIRE" <!-- +External links --> [.proto]: "Read more about Protocol Buffers" [deno]: "Read more about Deno" [learn more about rust]: "The book about the Rust programming language" [linux kernel]: "Learn about the Linux kernels" [medium blog: why fix kubernetes and systemd?]: "Learn more about the possibilies of Aurae" [rust]: "Read and learn more about the Rust language" [systemd]: "Read more about Systemd" [typescript]: "Read more about TypeScript" [yaml]: "Read more about YAML"
htop - an interactive process viewer
DevOps Roadmap for 2022. with learning resources
# DevOps Roadmap 2022. This is a step by step guide on how to become a DevOps engineer, with links to relevant learning resources. ![DevOps roadmap](devops%20tools.png) ## Disclaimer > The purpose of this roadmap is to give you an idea about the landscape. The road map will guide you if you are confused about what to learn next, rather than encouraging you to pick what is hype and trendy. You should grow some understanding of why one tool would be better suited for some cases than the other and remember hype and trendy does not always mean best suited for the job. ## Give a Star! :star: If you like or are using this project to learn or start your solution, please give it a star. Thanks! ![DevOps roadmap](DevOps%20Roadmap.png) Download [Version without background](DevOps%20Roadmap%20No%20Background.png). ## PDF version [![DevOps roadmap](pdfversion.png)](DevOps%20Roadmap.pdf) Download [PDF version](DevOps%20Roadmap.pdf). ## Learning resources for DevOps Engineers (mostly free) ### 1. GIT - [Pro Git Book]( <sup>FREE</sup> - [Learn Git by Atlassian]( <sup>FREE</sup> - [Learn Git Branching]( <sup>FREE</sup> - [Learn Git & GitHub on CodeAcademy]( <sup>FREE</sup> - [Git Command Explorer]( <sup>FREE</sup> - [Git Immersion]( <sup>FREE</sup> - [A Visual Git Reference]( <sup>FREE</sup> ### 2. Learn programming language - [Automate the Boring Stuff with Python book]( <sup>FREE</sup> - [Python Crash Course]( <sup>FREE</sup> - [The Modern JavaScript Tutorial]( <sup>FREE</sup> - [JavaScript Crash Course For Beginners]( <sup>FREE</sup> - [Eloquent JavaScript, 3rd edition](, Marjin Haverbeke <sup>FREE book</sup> - [Go by Example]( <sup>FREE</sup> ### 3. Learn Linux & Scripting - [Operating System - Overview]( <sup>FREE</sup> - [Shell Scripting Tutorial]( <sup>FREE</sup> - [Powershell Tutorial for Beginners: Learn Powershell Scripting]( <sup>FREE</sup> - [Bash Reference Manual]( <sup>FREE</sup> - [Ultimate Guide: Getting Started With Ubuntu]( <sup>FREE</sup> - [FreeBSD Handbook]( <sup>FREE</sup> - [Linux command handbook]( <sup>FREE</sup> ### 4. Learn Networking & Security - [OSI Model Explained]( <sup>FREE</sup> - [Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach]( <sup>book</sup> - [TCP/IP and Networking Fundamentals for IT Pros]( <sup>Pluralsight course</sup> - [DevSecOps : Master Securing CI/CD | DevOps Pipeline]( <sup>Udemy course</sup> - [Hands-On Security in DevOps: Ensure continuous security, deployment, and delivery with DevSecOps]( <sup> Book</sup> - [Securing DevOps: Security in the Cloud]( <sup> Book</sup> ### 5. Learn Server Management - [What is a reverse proxy?]( <sup>FREE</sup> - [Cache Server]( <sup>FREE</sup> - [Reverse Proxy vs. Forward Proxy: The Differences]( <sup>FREE</sup> - [What is load balancing?]( <sup>FREE</sup> - [What is a Firewall?]( <sup>FREE</sup> - [The NGINX Handbook]( <sup>FREE</sup> - [Learn Apache Server]( <sup>FREE</sup> - [Learn IIS]( <sup>FREE</sup> ### 6. Learn Containers - [What are Containers?]( <sup>FREE</sup> - [Learning Containers From The Bottom Up]( <sup>FREE</sup> - [Docker Tutorial for Beginners by TechWorld with Nana]( <sup>FREE</sup> - [Docker Mastery: with Kubernetes +Swarm from a Docker Captain]( <sup>Udemy course</sup> - [What is Service Mesh?]( <sup>FREE</sup> ### 7. Learn Container Orchestration - [Kubernetes Crash Course for Absolute Beginners by TechWorld with Nana]( <sup>FREE</sup> - [Primer: How Kubernetes Came to Be, What It Is, and Why You Should Care]( <sup>Article</sup> - [Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) with Practice Tests]( <sup>Udemy course</sup> - [Learn Kubernetes - Beginners to Advanced by KodeKloud]( <sup>Course</sup> - [Understand when to use Cluster Services, Ingresses or API Gateways]( <sup>FREE</sup> - [Understand which Problems Service Mesh solve (Use an Abstraction]( <sup>FREE</sup> - [Learn how to automate TLS]( and [DNS]( <sup>FREE</sup> - [Kubernetes Up and Running]( <sup>Book</sup> ### 8. Learn Infrastructure as a code - [GUIs, CLI, APIs: Learn Basic Terms of Infrastructure-as-Code]( <sup>FREE</sup> - [Official Terraform Tutorials]( <sup>FREE</sup> - [A Comprehensive Guide to Terraform]( <sup>FREE</sup> - [Automate Terraform documentation like a pro!]( <sup>FREE</sup> - [Writing reusable Terraform modules]( <sup>FREE</sup> - [What is Istio?]( <sup>FREE</sup> - [Puppet overview]( <sup>FREE</sup> - [Puppet Courses]( <sup>FREE and PAID</sup> - [Getting Started With Ansible]( <sup>FREE</sup> - [Learning Ansible Basics]( - [Get started with Red Hat Ansible]( <sup>FREE and PAID</sup> - [Mastering Ansible]( <sup>Udemy Course</sup> - [Learn Chef]( <sup>FREE</sup> ### 9. Learn CI/CD - [CI/CD Pipeline: A Gentle Introduction]( <sup>FREE</sup> - [Learn GitLab with tutorials]( <sup>FREE</sup> - [Get started with GitLab CI/CD]( <sup>FREE</sup> - [Jenkins, From Zero To Hero: Become a DevOps Jenkins Master]( <sup>Udemy course</sup> - [Learn GitHub actions]( <sup>FREE</sup> - [Workflow syntax for GitHub Actions]( <sup>FREE</sup> - [Learn Azure DevOps]( <sup>FREE</sup> - [GitLab Cheatsheets]( <sup>FREE</sup> ### 10. Learn Monitoring & Observability - [What Is Observability? Comprehensive Beginners Guide]( <sup>FREE</sup> - [The Hows, Whys and Whats of Monitoring Microservices]( <sup>FREE</sup> - [DevOps Monitoring]( <sup>FREE</sup> - [Applying Basic vs. Advanced Monitoring Techniques]( <sup>FREE</sup> - [Learn Prometheus]( <sup>FREE</sup> - [Learn Grafana]( <sup>FREE</sup> - [Elastic Stack]( <sup>FREE</sup> ### 11. Learn one Cloud provider - [Exam AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals]( <sup>FREE</sup> - [Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Certification Course (AZ-900)]( <sup>FREE</sup> - [AZ-900 | Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Full Course, Free Practice Tests, Website and Study Guides]( <sup>FREE</sup> - [Ultimate AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner - 2022]( <sup>Udemy</sup> - [AWS Developer by A Cloud Guru]( <sup>Learning path</sup> ### 12. Learn Software Engineering Practices - [What is Scrum?]( <sup>FREE</sup> - [Ways To Learn About Scrum]( <sup>FREE</sup> - [Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Phases & Models]( <sup>FREE</sup> - [The Beginner's Guide to Agile in Jira: Course description]( <sup>FREE</sup> - [Learn SAFe]( <sup>FREE</sup> - [Learn Automation Testing]( <sup>FREE</sup> - [GitLab - Beginner's Guide to DevOps]( <sup>FREE</sup> ### Additional resources (mostly books) - [The DevOps Handbook: How to Create World-Class Agility, Reliability, and Security in Technology Organizations](, Gene Kim, Patrick Debois, John Willis, Jez Humble <sup>Book</sup> - [Accelerate: The Science of Lean Software and DevOps: Building and Scaling High Performing Technology Organizations](, Nicole Forsgren, Jez Humble, Gene Kim <sup>Book</sup> - [Continuous Delivery: Reliable Software Releases through Build, Test, and Deployment Automation ](, Jez Humble, David Farley <sup>Book</sup> - [Team Topologies: Organizing Business and Technology Teams for Fast Flow](, Matthew Skelton, Manuel Pais <sup>Book</sup> - [Effective DevOps: Building a Culture of Collaboration, Affinity, and Tooling at Scale](, Jennifer Davis, Ryn Daniels <sup>Book</sup> - [The Phoenix Project: A Novel about IT, DevOps, and Helping Your Business Win](, Gene Kim, Kevin Behr, George Spafford <sup>Book</sup> - [Site Reliability Engineering](, Betsy Beyer, Chris Jones, Jennifer Petoff, Niall Richard Murphy <sup>Book</sup> ![DevOps books](DevOpsBooks.jpg) ## Wrap Up If you think the roadmap can be improved, please do open a PR with any updates and submit any issues. Also, I will continue to improve this, so you might want to star this repository to revisit. ## Contribution - Open a pull request with improvements - Discuss ideas in issues - Spread the word ## License [![License](]( ## Authors - [Dr. Milan Milanović]( - CTO at [3MD]( - [Romano Roth]( - Chief of DevOps at [Zühlke](
Sysdig Inspect - A powerful opensource interface for container troubleshooting and security investigation
<p align="center"> <img src="/public/assets/images/sysdig-inspect-logo-color-620x96.png" alt="Sysdig Inspect" /> </p> --- [Sysdig Inspect]( is a powerful opensource interface for container troubleshooting and security investigation Inspect's user interface is designed to intuitively navigate the data-dense sysdig captures that contain granular system, network, and application activity of a Linux system. Sysdig Inspect helps you understand trends, correlate metrics and find the needle in the haystack. It comes packed with features designed to support both performance and security investigations, with deep container introspection. To use Sysdig Inspect, you need capture files collected on Linux with [sysdig]( Where to start? --- **Sysdig Inspect container** Sysdig Inspect is available as Docker container image. ``` docker run -d -v /local/path/to/captures:/captures -p8080:3000 sysdig/sysdig-inspect:latest ``` Sysdig Inspect will be available in your browser at http://localhost:8080! For more information, check out the [Sysdig Inspect repository on Docker Hub]( **Sysdig Inspect desktop** Here are the installers available for the latest version: * MacOS installer: * Windows installer: * Linux installer (RPM version): * Linux installer (DEB version): You can check the changelog at Main Features --- **Instant highlights** ![Instant Highlights](/assets/screenshots/Sysdig-Inspect-1.png) The overview page offers an out of the box, at a glance summary of the content of the capture file. Content is organized in tiles, each of which shows the value of a relevant metric and its trend. Tiles are organized in categories to surface useful information more clearly and are starting point for investigation and drill down. **Sub-second microtrends and metric correlation** ![Sub-second microtrends and metric correlation](/assets/screenshots/Sysdig-Inspect-2.png) Once you click on a tile, you will see the sub-second trend of the metric shown by the tile. Yes, sub-second. You will be amazed at how different your system, containers and applications look at this level of granularity. Multiple tiles can be selected to see how metrics correlate to each other and identify hot spots. **Intuitive drill-down-oriented workflow** ![Intuitive drill-down-oriented workflow](/assets/screenshots/Sysdig-Inspect-3.png) You can drill down into any tile to see the data behind it and start investigating. At this point you can either use the timeline to restrict what data you are seeing, or further drill down by double clicking on any line of data. You will be able to see processes, files, network connections and much more. **Payloads and system calls visualization** ![Payloads and system calls visualization](/assets/screenshots/Sysdig-Inspect-4.png) Every single byte of data that is read or written to a file (provided the appropriate `--snaplen` parameter is used while creating the capture), to a network connection to a pipe is recorded in the trace file and Sysdig Inspect makes it easy to observe it. Do you need to troubleshoot an intermittent network issue or determine what a malware wrote to the file system? All the data you need is there. And, of course, you can switch at any time into sysdig mode and look at every single system call. Collecting & Loading Captures --- **Creating a capture file** Sysdig Inspect works with capture files that have been collected by [sysdig]( on a Linux system. The [sysdig user guide]( contains a nice introduction to the tool and includes many examples that can guide you through the command line and filtering syntax. As a very easy quick start, here's how to capture all of the system events on a Linux box with sysdig: `sudo sysdig -w filename.scap` **Example Trace files** [502 Error]( Troubleshooting an HAProxy 502 [404 Error]( Troubleshooting a 404 error from a leaky file Join the Community --- * Join our [Public Slack]( channel for announcements discussions, and help * Follow us on [Twitter]( * This is our [blog]( There are many like it, but this one is ours. License Terms --- Sysdig is licensed to you under the [GPL 2.0]( open source license.
:penguin: A list of awesome projects and resources that make Linux even more awesome. :penguin:
<h1 align="center"> <a href=""><img src="" alt="awesome"></a> Linux </h1> <p align="center">We all know that Linux is awesome, but here's a list of especially awesome things related to the Linux ecosystem.</p> ![linux graphic]( --- <p align="center"> You might also want to check <a href="">awesome-c</a>, <a href="">awesome-shell</a>, <a href="">awesome-sysadmin</a>, and <a href="">awesome-security</a>.</p> --- ## Table of Content * [Distributions](#distributions) * [Beginners](#beginners) * [elementary OS](#elementary-os) * [Fedora](#fedora) * [Linux Mint](#linux-mint) * [Ubuntu](#ubuntu) * [Intermediate](#intermediate) * [CentOS](#centos) * [Debian GNU/Linux](#debian-gnulinux) * [Mageia](#mageia) * [Manjaro](#manjaro) * [openSUSE](#opensuse) * [Advanced](#advanced) * [Arch Linux](#arch-linux) * [Special Purpose](#special-purpose) * [CoreOS](#coreos) * [Kali Linux](#kali-linux) * [Puppy Linux](#puppy-linux) * [Ubuntu Studio](#ubuntu-studio) * [Tails](#tails) * [Learning Resources](#learning-resources) * [Books](#books) * [Courses](#courses) * [X Desktop Environments](#x-desktop-environments) * [GNOME](#gnome) * [KDE](#kde) * [Xfce](#xfce) * [LXDE](#lxde) * [Other Desktop Environments](#other-desktop-environments) * [X Windows Managers](#x-windows-managers) * [Applications](#applications) * [GUI-based Applications](#gui-based-applications) * [GNOME-based](#gnome-based) * [Pantheon-based](#pantheon-based) * [KDE-based](#kde-based) * [Not based on any desktop environment](#not-based-on-any-desktop-environment) * [Third-party clients for online services](#third-party-clients-for-online-services) * [Package management and creation tools](#distro-based-package-management-tools) * [Console-based Applications and Tools](#console-based-applications-and-tools) * [Useful Websites](#useful-websites) * [License](#license) ## Distributions Distributions are organized into three different categories: for **beginners**, for **intermediate** users and for **advanced** users. In those categories, the distributions are organized in the alphabetical order. ### Beginners #### [elementary OS]( > elementary OS is an Ubuntu-based desktop distribution. Some of its more interesting features include a custom desktop environment called Pantheon and many custom apps including Photos, Music, Videos, Calendar, Terminal, Files, and more. It also comes with some familiar apps like the Epiphany web browser and a fork of Geary mail. **Latest version:** elementary OS Juno (5.0) **Default Desktop Environment:** Pantheon ![default look]( #### [Fedora]( > Fedora (formerly Fedora Core) is a Linux distribution developed by the community-supported Fedora Project and owned by Red Hat. Fedora contains software distributed under a free and open-source license and aims to be on the leading edge of such technologies. Fedora has a reputation for focusing on innovation, integrating new technologies early on and working closely with upstream Linux communities. The default desktop in Fedora is the GNOME desktop environment and the default interface is the GNOME Shell. Other desktop environments, including KDE, Xfce, LXDE, MATE and Cinnamon, are available. Fedora Project also distributes custom variations of Fedora called Fedora spins. These are built with specific sets of software packages, offering alternative desktop environments or targeting specific interests such as gaming, security, design, scientific computing and robotics. **Latest version:** Fedora Twenty Nine (29) **Default Desktop Environment:** GNOME ![default look]( #### [Linux Mint]( > Linux Mint is an Ubuntu-based distribution whose goal is to provide a more complete out-of-the-box experience by including browser plugins, support for DVD playback, Java and other components. It also adds a custom desktop and menus, several unique configuration tools, and a web-based package installation interface. Linux Mint is compatible with Ubuntu software repositories. **Latest version:** Linux Mint Tessa (19.1) **Default Desktop Environment:** Cinnamon and MATE ![default look]( #### [Ubuntu]( > Ubuntu is a complete desktop Linux operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. The Ubuntu community is built on the ideas enshrined in the Ubuntu Manifesto: that software should be available free of charge, that software tools should be usable by people in their local language and despite any disabilities, and that people should have the freedom to customise and alter their software in whatever way they see fit. "Ubuntu" is an ancient African word, meaning "humanity to others". The Ubuntu distribution brings the spirit of Ubuntu to the software world. **Latest version:** Ubuntu 18.10 **Default Desktop Environment:** GNOME ![default look]( ### Intermediate #### [CentOS]( > CentOS as a group is a community of open source contributors and users. Typical CentOS users are organisations and individuals that do not need strong commercial support in order to achieve successful operation. CentOS is 100% compatible rebuild of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux, in full compliance with Red Hat's redistribution requirements. CentOS is for people who need an enterprise class operating system stability without the cost of certification and support. **Latest version:** CentOS 7.1810 **Default Desktop Environment:** GNOME ![default look]( #### [Debian GNU/Linux]( > The Debian Project is an association of individuals who have made common cause to create a free operating system. This operating system is called Debian. Debian systems currently use the Linux kernel. Linux is a completely free piece of software started by Linus Torvalds and supported by thousands of programmers worldwide. Of course, the thing that people want is application software: programs to help them get what they want to do done, from editing documents to running a business to playing games to writing more software. Debian comes with over 50,000 packages (precompiled software that is bundled up in a nice format for easy installation on your machine) - all of it free. It's a bit like a tower. At the base is the kernel. On top of that are all the basic tools. Next is all the software that you run on the computer. At the top of the tower is Debian -- carefully organizing and fitting everything so it all works together. **Latest version:** Debian Stretch (9.6) **Default Desktop Environment:** GNOME ![default look]( #### [Mageia]( > Mageia is a fork of Mandriva Linux formed in September 2010 by former employees and contributors to the popular French Linux distribution. Unlike Mandriva, which is a commercial entity, the Mageia project is a community project and a non-profit organisation whose goal is to develop a free Linux-based operating system. **Latest version:** Mageia 6.1 **Default Desktop Environment:** KDE ![default look]( #### [Manjaro]( > Manjaro Linux is a fast, user-friendly, desktop-oriented operating system based on Arch Linux. Key features include intuitive installation process, automatic hardware detection, stable rolling-release model, ability to install multiple kernels, special Bash scripts for managing graphics drivers and extensive desktop configurability. Manjaro Linux offers Xfce as the core desktop options, as well as a minimalist Net edition for more advanced users. Community-supported GNOME 3/Cinnamon and KDE flavours are available. Users also benefit from the supportive and vibrant Manjaro community forum. **Latest version:** Manjaro 18.0.2 **Default Desktop Environment:** XFCE, KDE ![default look]( #### [openSUSE]( > The openSUSE project is a community program sponsored by SUSE Linux and other companies. Promoting the use of Linux everywhere, this program provides free, easy access to openSUSE, a complete Linux distribution. The openSUSE project has three main goals: make openSUSE the easiest Linux for anyone to obtain and the most widely used Linux distribution; leverage open source collaboration to make openSUSE the world's most usable Linux distribution and desktop environment for new and experienced Linux users; dramatically simplify and open the development and packaging processes to make openSUSE the platform of choice for Linux developers and software vendors. **Latest version:** openSUSE Leap 15.0 and openSUSE Tumbleweed (Rolling Release system) **Default Desktop Environment:** KDE, GNOME, XFCE, LXDE (Choose on installation) ![default look]( ### Advanced #### [Arch Linux]( > Arch Linux is an independently developed, x86_64-optimised Linux distribution targeted at competent Linux users. It uses 'pacman', its home-grown package manager, to provide updates to the latest software applications with full dependency tracking. Operating on a rolling release system, Arch can be installed from a CD image or via an FTP server. The default install provides a solid base that enables users to create a custom installation. In addition, the Arch Build System (ABS) provides a way to easily build new packages, modify the configuration of stock packages, and share these packages with other users via the Arch Linux user repository. **Latest version:** Not applicable (Rolling Release system) **Default Desktop Environment:** Not applicable (there's no default Desktop environment) ### Special Purpose #### [CoreOS]( **Specialty:** Clusters > CoreOS is a Linux-based operating system for servers. Built from the ground up and designed primarily for the modern data centre, CoreOS provides specialist tools for making the system secure, reliable and up-to-date. Some of the more interesting features of the distribution include reliable updates and patches via FastPatch, a dashboard for managing rolling updates via CoreUpdate, a docker for packaging applications, as well as support for bare metal and many cloud providers. #### [Kali Linux]( **Specialty:** Penetration testing > Kali Linux (formerly known as BackTrack) is a Debian-based distribution with a collection of security and forensics tools. It features timely security updates, support for the ARM architecture, a choice of four popular desktop environments, and seamless upgrades to newer versions. #### [Puppy Linux]( **Specialty:** Low system requirements > Puppy Linux is yet another Linux distribution. What's different here is that Puppy is extraordinarily small, yet quite full-featured. Puppy boots into a ramdisk and, unlike live CD distributions that have to keep pulling stuff off the CD, it loads into RAM. This means that all applications start in the blink of an eye and respond to user input instantly. Puppy Linux has the ability to boot off a flash card or any USB memory device, CDROM, Zip disk or LS/120/240 Superdisk, floppy disks, internal hard drive. It can even use a multisession formatted CD-RW/DVD-RW to save everything back to the CD/DVD with no hard drive required at all. #### [Ubuntu Studio]( **Specialty:** Multimedia creation > Ubuntu Studio is a variant of Ubuntu aimed at the GNU/Linux audio, video and graphic enthusiast as well as professional. The distribution provides a collection of open-source applications available for multimedia creation. #### [Tails]( **Specialty:** Incognito live system > Tails is a live system that aims to preserve your privacy and anonymity. It helps you to use the Internet anonymously and circumvent censorship almost anywhere you go and on any computer but leaving no trace unless you ask it to explicitly. It is a complete operating system designed to be used from a USB stick or a DVD independently of the computer's original operating system. It is Free Software and based on Debian GNU/Linux. Tails comes with several built-in applications pre-configured with security in mind: web browser, instant messaging client, email client, office suite, image and sound editor, etc. ## Learning Resources ### Books #### [The Linux Command Line]( [4.36] [[FREE](] This is a great introduction to the Linux command line. - [@4iar]( > You've experienced the shiny, point-and-click surface of your Linux computer—now dive below and explore its depths with the power of the command line. #### [The Debian Administrator's Handbook, Debian Wheezy from Discovery to Mastery]( [4.83] [[FREE](] Good book that teaches you the basics of Debian GNU/Linux administration. - [@elninosi]( > It covers all the topics that a competent Linux administrator should master, from the installation, update of the system, up to the creation of packages and the compilation of the kernel, but also monitoring, backup and migration. Plus advanced topics to secure services, automated installations, or virtualization. #### Bash Shell Scripting [[FREE](] > Currently this book provides an introduction level knowledge of Bash. ### Courses #### [Introduction to Linux (LFS101x-1)]( [Free] Organized by the Linux Foundation, it's a great free course to learn basics about Linux. - [@aleksandar-todorovic]( #### [Linux Alternatives to Windows Applications]( [Free] If you used Windows and decided to switch to Linux, this course should help you to find their alternatives. It's pretty short and you can finish it in a day. - [@aleksandar-todorovic]( ### Bash Learning Resources * [Beautiful Bash: Let's make reading and writing bash scripts fun again!]( * [Best Practices for Writing Bash Scripts]( * [Shell Style Guide]( * [Linux Fu: Better Bash Scripting]( * [Bash Guide for Beginners]( * [Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide]( ## X Desktop Environments > You cannot talk about a unified Linux look because there is no such thing. ![relevant XKCD]( #### [GNOME]( > GNOME 3 is an easy and elegant way to use your computer. It is designed to put you in control and bring freedom to everybody. GNOME 3 is developed by the GNOME community, a diverse, international group of contributors that is supported by an independent, non-profit foundation. ![screenshot]( #### [KDE]( > The KDE® Community is an international technology team dedicated to creating a free and user-friendly computing experience, offering an advanced graphical desktop, a wide variety of applications for communication, work, education and entertainment and a platform to easily build new applications upon. We have a strong focus on finding innovative solutions to old and new problems, creating a vibrant atmosphere open for experimentation. ![screenshot]( #### [Xfce]( > Xfce is a lightweight desktop environment for UNIX-like operating systems. It aims to be fast and low on system resources, while still being visually appealing and user friendly. ![screenshot]( #### [LXDE]( > The "Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment" is an extremely fast-performing and energy-saving desktop environment. Maintained by an international community of developers, it comes with a beautiful interface, multi-language support, standard keyboard short cuts and additional features like tabbed file browsing. LXDE uses less CPU and less RAM than other environments. It is especially designed for cloud computers with low hardware specifications, such as netbooks, mobile devices (e.g. MIDs) or older computers. LXDE can be installed on many Linux distributions including Debian, Fedora, OpenSUSE and Ubuntu. It is the standard for Knoppix and lubuntu. LXDE also runs on OpenSolaris and BSD. LXDE provides a fast desktop experience; connecting easily with applications in the cloud. LXDE supports a wealth of programs that can be installed locally with Linux systems. The source code of LXDE is licensed partly under the terms of the GNU General Public License and partly under the LGPL. ![screenshot]( #### Other Desktop Environments * [Cinnamon]( - Strives to provide a traditional user experience. * [EDE]( - Small desktop environment built to be responsive, light in resource usage and to have a familiar look and feel. * [LXQt]( - Qt port and the upcoming version of LXDE, the Lightweight Desktop Environment. It is the product of the merge between the LXDE-Qt and the Razor-qt projects: A lightweight, modular, blazing-fast and user-friendly desktop environment. * [MATE]( - Provides an intuitive and attractive desktop to Linux users using traditional metaphors. Fork of GNOME 2. * [Pantheon]( - Pantheon is the default desktop environment originally created for the elementary OS distribution. The desktop has some similarities with GNOME Shell and macOS. ## X Windows Managers * [9wm]( - Window manager that attempts to emulate the Plan 9 window manager 8-1/2 as far as possible within the constraints imposed by X. * [awesome]( - Highly configurable window manager for X. Fast and extensible. * [Blackbox]( - Lightweight window manager for the X window system, without library dependencies. Built using C++. * [bspwm]( - Tiling window manager that represents windows as the leaves of a full binary tree. * [Compiz]( - OpenGL compositing window manager. It has a plug-in system to be changed at runtime. * [dwm]( - Dynamic window manager for X. It manages windows in tiled, monocle and floating layouts. All of the layouts can be applied dynamically, optimising the environment for the application and task performed. * [Enlightenment]( - Window manager bundled with a whole suite of libraries to help you create beautiful user interfaces. * [Fluxbox]( - Window manager for X, lightweight and easy to handle but full of features to make an easy and fast desktop experience. Built using C++. * [FVWM]( - ICCCM-compliant multiple virtual desktop window manager for X. Extremely powerful. * [i3]( - Tiling window manager. BSD-licensed. Primarily targeted at advanced users and developers. * [IceWM]( - Window manager with the goal of being fast, simple, and not getting in the user's way. * [JWM]( - Lightweight window manager for X11. Good choice for older and/or less powerful systems, though perfectly capable of running on modern systems. Built using C. * [Matchbox]( - Environment for X running on non-desktop embedded platforms such as handhelds, set-top boxes, kiosks and anything else for which screen space, input mechanisms or system resources are limited. * [Mutter]( - Window manager for X. Default window manager in GNOME 3. * [Openbox]( - Highly configurable window manager with extensive standards support. * [ratpoison]( - A simple window manager with no library dependencies, no graphics, and no decorations. Modeled after GNU Screen. * [Sawfish]( - Extensible window manager. Its aim is to manage windows in the most flexible and attractive manner possible. Built using Lisp-based scripting language. * [wmii]( - Small, scriptable window manager, with a 9P filesystem interface and an acme-like layout. * [xmonad]( - Dynamically tiling X11 window manager. Makes work easier by automating aligning and searching for windows. Built using Haskell. ## Applications The list of awesome Linux applications that you should be using. If you're looking for some pro-tips for your favorite text editor, you might be interested in [awesome-atom](, [sublime-bookmarks](, [vim-galore](, [awesome-emacs](, or [awesome-vscode]( ### GUI-based Applications #### GNOME-based * [Builder]( - IDE for GNOME that is focused on bringing the power of the GNOME platform to more developers. * [Evince]( - The most popular document viewer on the GNOME platform. * [Gedit]( - Powerful general purpose text editor. * [Polari]( - IRC client built to be easy to use. * [To Do]( - Minimalistic personal task manager designed to fit right into your GNOME desktop. For more GNOME-based apps, visit: #### Pantheon-based * [FeedReader]( - RSS desktop client able to integrate with multiple online services. * [Go For It!]( - To-do list with built-in productivity timer. * [NaSC]( - Intelligent calculator app. * [Spice-Up]( - Desktop presentation app. * [Vocal]( - Podcast client for the modern desktop. For more Pantheon-based apps, visit [elementary-apps]( #### KDE-based * [Dolphin]( - File manager for KDE focusing on usability. * [Krita]( - Painting program. For more KDE-based apps, visit: #### Not based on any desktop environment * [Atom]( - Hackable text editor for the 21st century. * [ghostwriter]( - Distraction-free Markdown editor. * [GParted]( - The most popular disk partitioning software out there. * [Kodi]( - Most popular entertainment center. * [Zathura]( - Highly customizable document viewer. It provides a minimalistic and space saving interface as well as an easy usage that mainly focuses on keyboard interaction. * [Etcher]( - Flash OS images to SD cards and USB drives, safely and easily. #### Third-party clients for online services > **Q:** Why third-party apps? Why not the official clients? > > **A:** Because, in 99% of the cases, official clients are proprietary. * [Corebird]( - Twitter client. * [GNOME Twitch]( - Twitch player. * [Caprine]( - Facebook's Messenger client with some added privacy features. * [PB for Desktop]( - Pushbullet client. * [ramme]( - Instagram client. * [Whatever]( - Evernote client based on the web version. #### Package management and creation tools Distro-oriented: * [Y PPA Manager]( (Ubuntu) - Manage PPAs and search for packages. * [pirut]( (Fedora) - Provides a set of graphical tools for managing software. * [Synaptics]( (Debian and `.deb` users) - Graphical package management program for `apt`. * [YaST]( (openSUSE) - Main package management tool on openSUSE. * [dnfdragora]( (Fedora) - A GUI for the `dnf` package manager. * [Yay]( (Arch) - Yay is one of the many wrappers to `pacman` which automatically downloads and installs packages from AUR, a full list can be found [here]( * [Aura]( (Arch) - Secure, multilingual package manager. Distro-independent: * [AppImageKit]( - Using AppImageKit you can package applications in the [AppImage]( format that runs on common Linux-based operating systems, such as RHEL, CentOS, Ubuntu, Fedora, debian and derivatives; one app = one file. ### Console-based Applications and Tools You might also be interested in checking out [awesome-shell](, [awesome-bash](, [awesome-zsh-plugins]( or [awesome-fish]( * [cmus]( - Small, fast and powerful console music player. * [fuck]( - Command line tool which corrects your previously mistyped command. * [git]( - Distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency. * [glances]( - Cross-platform system monitoring tool. * [htop]( - Nice looking, customizable task manager. * [nano]( - Simple to use text editor. * [photorec]( - Useful tool for restoring deleted files. * [ranger]( - Vim-inspired file manager for the console. * [screenFetch]( - Fetches system/theme information in terminal. * [shellcheck]( - Static analysis tool for shell scripts. * [speed-test]( - Test your Internet connection speed and ping using []( * [testdisk]( - A tool for disk partition recovery. * [tig]( - Text-mode interface for git. It functions mainly as a Git repository browser. * [vim]( - Advanced text editor that seeks to provide the power of the de-facto Unix editor 'Vi', with a more complete feature set. * [vtop]( - Easily-extendable activity monitor. * [wavemon]( - Monitoring application for wireless network devices. * [youtube-dl]( - A tool to download videos from YouTube and other video sites. ## Useful Websites #### [Compute Freely]( > A friendly place to start for the Free & Open Source Software and Linux curious. #### [AlternativeTo]( > Find better alternatives to the software you already use or a replacement for software you cannot or do not want to use. #### [Linux Foundation]( > The Linux Foundation is a non-profit consortium dedicated to fostering the growth of Linux. Founded in 2000, The Linux Foundation sponsors the work of Linux creator Linus Torvalds and is supported by leading Linux and open source companies and developers from around the world. #### []( > For the community, by the community, strives to be the central source for informed, reasonable, and intelligent Linux information, software, documentation and answers across the server, desktop/netbook, mobile, and embedded areas. #### []( Although its design is outdated, is (probably) the most popular forum and it's full of awesome Linux tutorials categorized by their difficulty. - [@aleksandar-todorovic]( #### []( > The Linux Kernel Organization is a California Public Benefit Corporation established in 2002 to distribute the Linux kernel and other Open Source software to the public without charge. #### []( > is an online publication focused on how open source is applied to different areas including business, education, government, health, law and other disciplines of life. > Our goal is to further the open source way by sharing the open source movement. Our community of readers is made up of those who believe that open participation and sharing can tackle the business, social, environmental, and technological challenges facing us today. #### [Linux.die]( > Linux.die is a resource with documentation, tutorials, books, etc in Linux. ## License This repository is licensed under the [Do What the Fuck You Want to Public License]( Its full content is located in the `LICENSE` file.
System and process monitor for Linux
[atop]( ============================== Created/maintained by Gerlof Langeveld <[email protected]> ## Introduction <img align="right" width="100" height="116" src=""> Atop is an ASCII full-screen performance monitor for Linux that is capable of reporting the activity of all processes (even if processes have finished during the interval), daily logging of system and process activity for long-term analysis, highlighting overloaded system resources by using colors, etcetera. At regular intervals, it shows system-level activity related to the CPU, memory, swap, disks (including LVM) and network layers, and for every process (and thread) it shows e.g. the CPU utilization, memory growth, disk utilization, priority, username, state, and exit code. In combination with the optional kernel module *netatop*, it even shows network activity per process/thread. In combination with the optional daemon *atopgpud*, it also shows GPU activity on system level and process level. ## Highlights The command atop has some major advantages compared to other performance monitoring tools: * __Resource consumption by *all* processes.__ It shows the resource consumption by all processes that were active during the interval, so also the resource consumption by those processes that have finished during the interval. * __Utilization of *all* relevant resources.__ Obviously it shows system-level counters concerning utilization of cpu and memory/swap, however it also shows disk I/O and network utilization counters on system level. * __Permanent logging of resource utilization.__ It is able to store raw counters in a file for long-term analysis on system level and process level. These raw counters are compressed at the moment of writing to minimize disk space usage. By default, the daily logfiles are preserved for 28 days. System activity reports can be generated from a logfile by using the atopsar command. * __Highlight critical resources.__ It highlights resources that have (almost) reached a critical load by using colors for the system statistics. * __Scalable window width.__ It is able to add or remove columns dynamically at the moment that you enlarge or shrink the width of your window. * __Resource consumption by individual *threads*.__ It is able to show the resource consumption for each thread within a process. * __Watch activity only.__ By default, it only shows system resources and processes that were really active during the last interval, so output related to resources or processes that were completely passive during the interval is by default suppressed. * __Watch deviations only.__ For the active system resources and processes, only the load during the last interval is shown (not the accumulated utilization since system boot or process startup). * __Accumulated process activity per user.__ For each interval, it is able to accumulate the resource consumption for all processes per user. * __Accumulated process activity per program.__ For each interval, it is able to accumulate the resource consumption for all processes with the same name. * __Accumulated process activity per container.__ For each interval, it is able to accumulate the resource consumption for all processes within the same container. * __Network activity per process.__ In combination with the optional kernel module netatop, it shows process-level counters concerning the number of TCP and UDP packets transferred, and the consumed network bandwidth per process. * __GPU activity on system level and per process.__ In combination with the optional daemon atopgpud, it shows system-level and process-level counters concerning the load and memory utilization per GPU. ## Links * [A Web interface for atop]( * [Graphical representation of system resource utilization](
🎉 An all-purpose toolbox app. | 一个万用的工具箱 🎉
<pre align="center"> ██╗ ██╗ ██╗ ████████╗ ██╗ ██╗ ██║ ██╔╝ ██║ ╚══██╔══╝ ╚██╗██╔╝ █████╔╝ ██║ ██║ █████╗ ╚███╔╝ ██╔═██╗ ██║ ██║ ╚════╝ ██╔██╗ ██║ ██╗ ██║ ██║ ██╔╝ ██╗ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ </pre> <a href=""> <img align="right" src="" height="200" width="200"/> </a> ##### 💻 Support OS [![Windows](](#) [![Linux](](#) [![MacOS](](#) [![Android](](#) [![iOS](](#) ##### 📢 Info [![LICENSE](](./LICENSE) [![Downloads](]( [![Discussions](]( [![Code Size](](#) [![Commit Activity](]( <details> <summary>状态 | Status</summary> [![Build Universal](]( [![Build Loaders](]( [![Build Plugins](]( </details> ##### 📧 Social [![Forks](]( [![Stars](]( [![Watches](]( [![Discord](]( --- ![ScreenShot of About View]( <details> <summary>更多截图 More Screenshots</summary> ![ScreenShot of About View]( ![ScreenShot of About View]( ![ScreenShot of About View]( </details> --- <br> <p align="center"> 🌐 <a href="#-中文简介">中文简介</a> | <a href="#-english-introduction">English Introduction</a><br> </p> <br> <details> <summary>目录 | Toc</summary> - [文档总览 | Docs Preview](#文档总览-docs-preview) - [📃 中文简介](#中文简介) - [ℹ 应用简介](#ℹ-应用简介) - [🗃 应用架构](#应用架构) - [🪧 运行要求](#运行要求) - [KitX Dashboard (面向最终用户)](#kitx-dashboard-面向最终用户) - [系统支持](#系统支持) - [环境支持](#环境支持) - [桌面端支持](#桌面端支持) - [移动端支持](#移动端支持) - [⛏ 参与开发](#参与开发) - [📃 English Introduction](#english-introduction) - [ℹ App Description](#ℹ-app-description) - [🗃 Application Architecture](#application-architecture) - [🪧 Operating requirements](#operating-requirements) - [KitX Dashboard (For end users)](#kitx-dashboard-for-end-users) - [System Support](#system-support) - [Environmental support](#environmental-support) - [Desktop support](#desktop-support) - [Mobile support](#mobile-support) - [⛏ Participating in development](#participating-in-development) - [更新周期 Update Plan](#更新周期-update-plan) - [贡献者 Contributors](#贡献者-contributors) </details> --- # 文档总览 | Docs Preview <details> <summary>展开 | Expand</summary> | Languages | Docs | |-----------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | zh-cn | [简体中文]( | | zh-cnt | [繁體中文]( | | en-us | [English (US)]( | | ja-jp | [日本語]( | </details> --- # 📃 中文简介 <details> <summary>中文简介</summary> ## ℹ 应用简介 KitX 是一个开放, 共享, 免费的工具平台. 允许`开发者(第三方)`以任何`受支持的语言, 框架`为这个平台增添功能. `最终用户`可以从`市场`中自由下载免费插件或是购买付费插件来搭建符合自己`工作流`的`快捷自动化环境`. 基于 KitX 的`三层设计`, 使得`最终用户`可以轻易在`终端场景`中进行不同设备间的流转与同步, 也可以轻松进行`终端场景`中的`多设备协同`. 同样得益于优秀的`三层设计`, `第三方`可以使用自己熟悉的语言, 框架来工作, 同样可以很轻松将旧有的代码进行迁移, 甚至可以保持旧有逻辑的同时支持 KitX 平台. <details> <summary>注解</summary> > `开发者(第三方)` => 指为 KitX 平台开发插件, 新功能或是更新旧有代码使之支持 KitX 平台的开发者们. > `受支持的语言, 框架` => 取决于第一方开发者(即我们)为 KitX 开发了哪些 Loader (三层设计中的一层). > `最终用户` => 指在终端设备安装 KitX 来使用 KitX 平台以及社区功能并搭建符合自己工作流的用户. > `市场` => KitX 当然支持旁加载, 但市场是一个更加方便, 有组织, 安全的插件获取平台(KitX Marketplace). > `工作流` => KitX 所有的插件支持管道消息, 可以在插件间进行任务流动, 以达到插件间协作的目的. > `快捷自动化环境` => KitX 的`任务计划`模块允许用户设定触发条件, 触发钩子等使工作流自动化. > `三层设计` => 见下方`应用架构`部分. > `终端场景` => 最终用户具体使用 KitX 平台的具体场景, 某些语境下指最终用户的局域网环境. > `多设备协同` => KitX Dashboard (三层设计中的一层) 目前已支持的系统参见下方`运行要求`部分. > `第三方` => 同上`开发者(第三方)`. </details> ## 🗃 应用架构 <details> <summary>展开</summary> KitX 采用了三层设计 `第三方` 开发 =--> `Plugins` <--= 互操作 =--> `Loaders` <--= Socket 通信 =--> `Dashboard` <--= UI 操作 =--> 用户 第三方负责参照文档实现 Plugin 应该实现的接口, 具体如何实现每种语言不同框架以及选择实现的 Loaders 都不同. 每种语言或者说框架都会有一个对应的 Loader 来实现与 Plugin 的互操作, 而 Loader 与 Dashboard 通过 Socket 通信, 汇报情况以及传递命令. 而这三层设计中的每一层都是可以替换的, 任何一层都可以自定义或是采用第三方的解决方案. 如此一来, 局域网中的其它设备上的插件也可以连接到当前设备, 因此可以实现局域网互联. </details> ## 🪧 运行要求 <details> <summary>展开</summary> ### KitX Dashboard (面向最终用户) #### 系统支持 桌面端支持: Windows (10, 11) x64 arm, Linux x64 arm, MacOS x64 arm 移动端支持: Android (5+) arm, iOS (12+) arm #### 环境支持 ##### 桌面端支持 全平台支持 .NET AOT 编译, 进一步增强运行速度, 但是缺少测试, 稳定性没有保证 Windows: 可选 带环境 与 不带环境 的便携版, 以及 在线安装包 和 离线安装包. Linux: 可选 带环境 的便携版, 也可以在 snap 中在线安装, 或者使用 .deb .rpm 包进行安装. MacOS: 可选 带环境 的便携版, 也可以在 App Store 中在线安装. ##### 移动端支持 Android: 可选 .apk 直接安装, 以及 Crequency Hub 中在线安装. iOS: 可选 App Store 中在线安装. </details> ## ⛏ 参与开发 <details> <summary>展开</summary> 1. 获取源代码 ```shell git clone [email protected]:Crequency/KitX.git cd KitX ``` 2. 选择您要开发的领域 - Windows ```shell ToolKits/start.ps1 <type> ``` - Linux/MacOS ```shell chmod +x ToolKits/ ToolKits/ <type> ``` `<type>` 为您要开发的领域, 可选值为 `dashboard`, `mobile`, `loader`, `plugin`, `installer` 此脚本会帮助您获取该领域子模块的源代码, 包含其依赖的子模块 如果您要获取全部子模块的源代码, 请执行以下命令: ```shell git submodule update --init --recursive ``` </details> </details> --- # 📃 English Introduction <details> <summary>English Introduction</summary> ## ℹ App Description KitX is an open, shared, free tool platform. Allows `developers (3rd party)` to add functionality to the platform in any `supported languages, frameworks`. `End users` can freely download from `market` for free Plug-ins or purchase paid plug-ins to build a `quick automation environment` that conforms to your `workflow`. Based on the `three-layer design` of KitX, `end users` can easily transfer and exchange between different devices in the `terminal scene` Synchronization, you can also easily perform `multi-device collaboration` in `terminal scene`. Also thanks to the excellent `three-layer design`, `third parties` can use their familiar languages and frameworks to work, and can also easily integrate The old code can be migrated, and even the KitX platform can be supported while maintaining the old logic. <details> <summary>Annotation</summary> > `Developer (Third Party)` => Refers to developers who develop plugins for the KitX platform, new functions or update old code to support the KitX platform. > `Supported Languages, Frameworks` => Depends on what Loaders (one of the three-tier design) the first-party developer (i.e. us) has developed for KitX. > `End user` => Refers to installing KitX on the terminal device to use the KitX platform and community functions and build users who conform to their own workflow. > `Market` => KitX certainly supports sideloading, but the Marketplace is a much more convenient, organized, and secure platform for getting plugins (KitX Marketplace). > `Workflow` => All KitX plugins support pipeline messages, and tasks can flow between plugins to achieve the purpose of collaboration between plugins. > `Quick Automation Environment` => KitX's `Task Scheduler` module allows users to set trigger conditions, trigger hooks, etc. to automate workflows. > `Three-Tier Design` => See the `Application Architecture` section below. > `Terminal scene` => The specific scene of the end user using the KitX platform, in some contexts it refers to the end user's local area network environment. > `Multi-device collaboration` => KitX Dashboard (one layer of the three-tier design) Currently supported systems see the `Running Requirements` section below. > `Third Party` => Same as above `Developer (Third Party)`. </details> ## 🗃 Application Architecture <details> <summary>Expand</summary> KitX uses a three-layer design `Third Party` Development =--> `Plugins` <--= Interop =--> `Loaders` <--= Socket Communication =--> `Dashboard` <--= UI Operation =--> User The third party is responsible for referring to the documentation to implement the interface that the Plugin should implement, how to implement the different frameworks of each language and the Loaders chosen to implement are different. Each language or framework will have a corresponding Loader to achieve interoperability with Plugin, and Loader communicates with Dashboard through Socket, reporting the situation and passing commands. Each of these three-layer designs can be replaced, and any layer can be customized or a third-party solution can be used. In this way, plug-ins on other devices in the LAN can also be connected to the current device, so LAN interconnection can be achieved. </details> ## 🪧 Operating requirements <details> <summary>Expand</summary> ### KitX Dashboard (For end users) #### System Support Desktop support: Windows (10, 11) x64 arm, Linux x64 arm, MacOS x64 arm Mobile support: Android (5+) arm, iOS (12+) arm #### Environmental support ##### Desktop support Any platform supports .NET AOT compilation, which further enhances the running speed, but lacks testing and stability is not guaranteed. Windows: Optional with environment, and portable version without environment, as well as online installation package and offline installation package. Linux: Optional portable version with environment, can also be installed online in snap, or installed using .deb .rpm package. MacOS: Optional portable version with environment, can also be installed online in the App Store. ##### Mobile support Android: Optional .apk direct installation, and online installation in Crequency Hub. iOS: Optional online installation from the App Store. </details> ## ⛏ Participating in development <details> <summary>Expand</summary> 1. Get source code ```shell git clone [email protected]:Crequency/KitX.git cd KitX ``` 2. Select your development area - Windows ```shell ToolKits/start.ps1 <type> ``` - Linux/MacOS ```shell chmod +x ToolKits/ ToolKits/ <type> ``` `<type>` is area you want to develop, you can choose `dashboard`, `mobile`, `loader`, `plugin`, `installer` This script help you get source code of this area, include its dependencies. If you want to get source code of all submodules, please execute following command: ```shell git submodule update --init --recursive ``` </details> </details> --- # 更新周期 Update Plan <details> <summary>旧版 Old versions</summary> | Version | Info | Code | Support | Term | Require | Runs on | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------|---------|------------|---------|------|--------------------|---------| | Beta_10016 | Beta | Beta1 | :x: | 0 | .Net Framework 4.8 | Windows | | Beta_10213 | Beta | Beta2 | :x: | 0 | .Net Framework 4.8 | Windows | | Beta_10235 | Beta | Beta3 | :x: | 0 | .Net Framework 4.8 | Windows | | [v1.0.0]( | Release | Hello | :x: | 0 | .Net Framework 4.8 | Windows | | [v1.0.4]( | Release | WoW | :x: | 0 | .Net Framework 4.8 | Windows | | [v1.0.5]( | Release | Nice Try | :x: | 0 | .Net Framework 4.8 | Windows | | [v1.1.0]( | Release | Apple | :x: | 0 | .Net Framework 4.8 | Windows | | [v1.1.1]( | Release | Banana | :x: | 0 | .Net Framework 4.8 | Windows | | [v1.1.2]( | Release | Cabbage | :x: | 0 | .Net Framework 4.8 | Windows | | [v1.1.4]( | Release | Durin | :x: | 0 | .Net Framework 4.8 | Windows | | [v1.1.5]( | Release | Grape | :x: | 0 | .Net Framework 4.8 | Windows | | [v1.2.0]( | Release | Herring | :x: | 0 | .Net Framework 4.8 | Windows | | [v1.2.1]( | Release | Wonderful | :x: | 0 | .Net Framework 4.8 | Windows | | [v1.2.2]( | Release | Abandon | :x: | 0 | .Net Framework 4.8 | Windows | | [v1.2.4]( | Preview | Panda | :x: | 0 | .Net Framework 4.8 | Windows | | [v1.2.4]( | Release | Panda | :x: | 0 | .Net Framework 4.8 | Windows | | [v1.2.5]( | Release | Orange | :x: | 0 | .Net Framework 4.8 | Windows | | [v1.2.6]( | Release | Muik | :x: | 0 | .Net Framework 4.8 | Windows | | [v1.2.7]( | Release | Cookie | :x: | 0 | .Net Framework 4.8 | Windows | | [v2.0.0]( | Release | Sea | :x: | 0 | .Net Framework 4.8 | Windows | | [v2.0.1]( | Release | Ocean | :x: | 0 | .Net Framework 4.8 | Windows | | [v2.0.2]( | Release | Calculator | :x: | 0 | .Net Framework 4.8 | Windows | | [v2.0.3]( | Release | Wood | :x: | 0 | .Net Framework 4.8 | Windows | | [v2.0.4]( | Release | Computer | :x: | 0 | .Net Framework 4.8 | Windows | | [v2.0.5]( | Preview | Laptop | :x: | 0 | .Net Framework 4.8 | Windows | </details> | Version | Info | Code | Support | Term | Require | Runs on | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------|---------|-----------|--------------------|--------------------|------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------| | [v3.0.6187.47831]( | Preview | Fly | :white_check_mark: | 2022.04 -> 2023.04 | .Net 6 (Also Self-Contained) | Windows, Linux, MacOS, Android, iOS, Browser, Raspberry Pi | | [v3.22.04.6230]( | Preview | Telegram | :white_check_mark: | 2022.04 -> 2023.04 | .Net 6 (Also Self-Contained) | Windows, Linux, MacOS, Android, iOS, Browser, Raspberry Pi | | [v3.22.04.6235]( | Release | Break | :white_check_mark: | 2022.04 -> 2023.04 | .Net 6 (Also Self-Contained) | Windows, Linux, MacOS, Android, iOS, Browser, Raspberry Pi | | [v3.22.04.6287]( | Release | Evolution | :white_check_mark: | 2022.04 -> 2023.04 | .Net 6 (Also Self-Contained) | Windows, Linux, MacOS, Android, iOS, Browser, Raspberry Pi | | v3.22.10.x | Release | Hi | coding | 2022.10 -> 2023.04 | .Net 6 (Also Self-Contained) | Windows, Linux, MacOS, Android, iOS, Browser, Raspberry Pi | | v3.23.04.x | Release | ToYou | coding | 2023.04 -> 2024.04 | .Net 6 (Also Self-Contained) | Windows, Linux, MacOS, Android, iOS, Browser, Raspberry Pi | # 贡献者 Contributors <a href = ""> <img src = ""/> </a>
This guide details creating a secure Linux production system. OpenSCAP (C2S/CIS, STIG).
<h2 align="center"><code>The Practical Linux Hardening Guide</code></h2> <br> <p align="center"> <a href=""> <img src="" alt="Master"> </a> </p> <br> <p align="center">"<i>Did you know all your doors were locked?</i>" - Riddick (The Chronicles of Riddick)</p> <br> <p align="center"> <a href=""> <img src="" alt="Pull Requests"> </a> <a href=""> <img src="" alt="MIT License"> </a> </p> <p align="center"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src=""> </a> </p> <div align="center"> <sub>Created by <a href="">trimstray</a> and <a href="">contributors</a> </div> <br> **** # Table of Contents - **[Introduction](#introduction)** - [Prologue](#prologue) - [The Importance of Hardening Linux](#the-importance-of-hardening-linux) - [How to Harden Linux](#how-to-harden-linux) - [Which Distribution Should be Used](#which-distribution-should-be-used) - [How to Read This Guide](#how-to-read-this-guide) - [Okay. Let's start, 3, 2, 1... STOP!](#okay-lets-start-3-2-1-stop) - **[Policy Compliance](#policy-compliance)** - [Center of Internet Security (CIS)](#center-of-internet-security-cis) - [Security Technical Implementation Guide (STIG)](#security-technical-implementation-guide-stig) - [National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)](#national-institute-of-standards-and-technology-nist) - [Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS)](#payment-card-industry-data-security-standard-pci-dss) - **[Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP)](#security-content-automation-protocol-scap)** - [SCAP Security Guide](#scap-security-guide) - [OpenSCAP Base](#openscap-base) - [SCAP Workbench](#scap-workbench) - **[DevSec Hardening Framework](#devsec-hardening-framework)** - **[Contributing & Support](#contributing--support)** - **[License](#license)** ## Introduction ### Prologue **[The Practical Linux Hardening Guide](** provides a high-level overview of hardening GNU/Linux systems. It is not an official standard or handbook but it _touches_ and _uses_ industry standards. This guide also provides you with _practical step-by-step instructions_ for building your own hardened systems and services. One of the main goals is to create a single document covering _internal_ and _external_ threats. A few rules for this project: - useful, simple, and not tiring - include a lot of security tips from the C2S/CIS - contains also non-related rules with C2S/CIS - based on a minimal [RHEL7]( and [CentOS 7]( installations - it's not exhaustive about Linux hardening - some hardening rules/descriptions can be done better - you can think of it as a checklist The Practical Linux Hardening Guide use following [OpenSCAP]( configurations: - [U.S. Government Commercial Cloud Services (C2S) baseline inspired by CIS v2.1.1]( > C2S for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 v0.1.43. - [Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Security Technical Implementation Guide (STIG)]( > The requirements are derived from the (NIST) 800-53 and related documents. Please also remember: > This guide contains my comments that may differ from certain industry principles. If you are not sure what to do please see **[Policy Compliance](#policy-compliance)**. ### The Importance of Hardening Linux Simply speaking, hardening is the process of making a system more secure. Out of the box, Linux servers don’t come "hardened" (e.g. with the attack surface minimized). It’s up to you to prepare for each eventuality and set up systems to notify you of any suspicious activity in the future. The process of hardening servers involves both IT ops. and security teams and require changes to the default configuration according to industry benchmarks. Also for me, hardening is the fine art of doing the right things, even if they don't always look to have a big impact. It's always a balance between ease of use and protection. You need to harden your system to protect your assets as much as possible. Why is it important? Please read a great, short article that [explains the hardening process]( step by step by [Michael Boelen]( ### How to Harden Linux In my opinion, you should drop all non-industry policies, articles, manuals, and others especially on production environments and standalone home servers. These lists exist to give a false sense of security and aren't based on authority standards. <p align="center"> <a href=""> <img src="" alt="Master"> </a> </p> There are a lot of great GNU/Linux hardening policies available to provide safer operating systems compatible with security protocols. For me, CIS and the STIGs compliances are about the best prescriptive guides - but of course you can choose a different one (e.g. PCI-DSS, DISA). > Most of all you should use [Security Benchmarks/Policies](#policy-compliance) which describe consensus best practices for the secure configuration of target systems. Configuring your systems in compliance eliminates the most common vulnerabilities. For example, CIS has been shown to eliminate 80-95% of known vulnerabilities. On the other hand, these standards are complicated checklists (often for newbies, difficult to implement). In my opinion, ideally, real world implementation is automated via something like OpenSCAP. > You should use a rational approach because more is not better. Each environment is different, so even though security rules should all work in theory, sometimes things will not work as expected. Hardening is not a simple process. Here are general rules following common best practices: - never use root account for anything that does not require it - only `sudo` individual commands - never set a server to run as root (except for initialization time) and ensure that it exits all unnecessary privileges before accepting requests - secure your firewall the best you can and forbid all unnecessary access - do not install unnecessary or unstable software ### Which Distribution Should be Used This guide is tested on **Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7** and **CentOS 7** distributions because these are: - free (CentOS) and open source - enterprise-class - stable and reliable - with great community support - built on coherent snapshots of old packages Both distributions allow the use of **[certified tools](#scap-security-guide)** which can parse and evaluate each component of the SCAP standard. If you use another distribution - no problem, this guide is also for you. ### How to Read This Guide Here is the structure of the chapters: ``` Chapter - e.g. Core Layer | |-- Subsection - e.g. Maintaining Software | \ | |-- Rationale | |-- Solution (+ policies) | |-- Comments | |-- Useful resources | |-- Subsection - e.g. Accounts and Access | \ | |-- Rationale | |-- Solution (+ policies) | |-- Comments | |-- Useful resources ``` Levels of understanding: - _Chapter_ and _subsection_ offers a general overview - _Rationale_ tells you the reasoning behind the changes - _Solution_ and _policies_ are always compliant with the standard and on this basis, make changes - _Comments_ helps you figure out what you can change or add to the _solution_ - _Useful resources_ provide deeper understanding If you do not have the time to read hundreds of articles (just like me) this multipurpose handbook may be useful. This handbook does not get into all aspects of GNU/Linux hardening. I tried to put external resources in many places in this handbook in order to dispel any suspicion that may exist. I did my best to make this guid a single and consistent (but now I know that is really hard). It's organized in an order that makes logical sense to me. Do not treat this hardening guide as revealed knowledge. You should take a scientific approach when reading this document. If you have any doubts and disagree with me, please point out my mistakes. You should to discover cause and effect relationships by asking questions, carefully gathering and examining the evidence, and seeing if all the available information can be combined in to a logical answer. I create this handbook for one more reason. Rather than starting from scratch in, I putting together a plan for answering your questions to help you find the best way to do things and ensure that you don't repeat my mistakes from the past. So, what's most important: - ask a questions about something that you observe - do background research - do tests with an experiments - analyze and draw conclusions - communicate results (for us!) ### Okay. Let's start, 3, 2, 1... STOP! Making major changes to your systems can be risky. The most important rule of system hardening that reasonable admins follow is: > **`A production environment is the real instance of the app so make your changes on the dev/test!`** The second most important rule is: > **`Don’t do anything that will affect the availability of the service or your system.`** The third rule is: > **`Make backups of the entire virtual machine and important components.`** And the last rule is: > **`Think about what you actually do with your server.`** ## Policy Compliance ### Center of Internet Security (CIS) The Center of Internet Security (CIS) is a nonprofit organization focused on improving public and private sector cybersecurity readiness and response. Please see **[CIS Benchmarks](**. ### Security Technical Implementation Guide (STIG) A Security Technical Implementation Guide (STIG) is a cybersecurity methodology for standardizing security protocols within networks, servers, computers, and logical designs to enhance overall security. Please see **[Stigviewer](** to explore all stigs. ### National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is a physical sciences laboratory and a non-regulatory agency of the United States Department of Commerce. Please see **[National Checklist Program (NCP)](**. ### Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS) Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS) compliance is a requirement for any business that stores, processes, or transmits cardholder data. In accordance with PCI-DSS requirements, establish a formal policy and supporting procedures for developing configuration standards for system components that are consistent with industry-accepted hardening standards like: - Center of Internet Security (CIS) - International Organization for Standardization (ISO) - SysAdmin, Audit, Network, and Security (SANS) Institute - National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) ## Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP) Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP) provides a mechanism to check configurations, vulnerability management and evaluate policy compliance for a variety of systems. One of the most popular implementations of SCAP is OpenSCAP and it is very helpful for vulnerability assessment and as a hardening helper. OpenSCAP can easily handle the SCAP standards and generate neat, HTML-based reports. Please see **[SCAP Security Policies](**, **[OpenSCAP User Manual](**, and **[OpenSCAP Static](**. ### SCAP Security Guide The auditing system settings with SCAP Security Guide project contains guidance for settings for Red Hat/CentOS and it's validated by NIST. You should inspect the security content of your system with `oscap info` module: ```bash # For RHEL: oscap info /usr/share/xml/scap/ssg/content/ssg-rhel7-ds.xml # For CentOS: oscap info /usr/share/xml/scap/ssg/content/ssg-centos7-ds.xml ``` ### OpenSCAP Base The OpenSCAP scanner will only provide meaningful results if the content you want it to process is correct and up to date. The `oscap` tool scans your system, validates security compliance content, and generates reports and guides based on these scans. Official [OpenSCAP Base]( documentation says: > _The command-line tool, called `oscap`, offers a multi-purpose tool designed to format content into documents or scan the system based on this content. Whether you want to evaluate DISA STIGs, NIST‘s USGCB, or Red Hat’s Security Response Team’s content, all are supported by OpenSCAP._ Before use, please read **[Using OSCAP](** documentation. ```bash # Installation: yum install openscap-scanner # Make a RHEL7 machine e.g. PCI-DSS compliant: oscap xccdf eval --report report.html --profile xccdf_org.ssgproject.content_profile_pci-dss /usr/share/xml/scap/ssg/content/ssg-rhel7-ds.xml # Make a CentOS machine e.g. PCI-DSS compliant: oscap xccdf eval --report report.html --profile xccdf_org.ssgproject.content_profile_pci-dss /usr/share/xml/scap/ssg/content/ssg-centos7-ds.xml ``` ### SCAP Workbench SCAP Workbench is a utility that offers an easy way to perform common `oscap` tasks on local or remote systems. Before use, please read **[Using SCAP Workbench](** documentation. ```bash # Installation: yum install scap-security-guide scap-workbench ``` ## DevSec Hardening Framework > _Security + DevOps: Automatic Server Hardening._ This project covers some of the things in this guide which can be automated (e.g. setting of grub password or enforcing the permissions of the common directories). Its a good start if you want to make changes and see how it works from the level of automation tools. Project: **[DevSec Hardening Framework](** and :octocat: GitHub repository: **[dev-sec](**. Thanks [@artem-sidorenko](! ## Contributing & Support If you find something which doesn't make sense, or something doesn't seem right, please make a pull request and please add valid and well-reasoned explanations about your changes or comments. Before adding a pull request, please see the **[contributing guidelines](.github/**. If this project is useful and important for you or if you really like _The Practical Linux Hardening Guide_, you can bring **positive energy** by giving some **good words** or **supporting this project**. Thank you! ## License For license information, please see [LICENSE]( --- <h4><p align="center">:beginner: To start please go to the <a href="">Wiki</a>.</p></h4>
This is the official repository for the back end of the Andronix app 🚀. Here you can know all the scripts you're installing 😎
<p align="center"> <img src=""> </p> <p align="center"> <a href=""><img src=""></a> <a href=""><img src=""></a> <a href=""><img src=""></a> <a href=""><img src=""></a> <a href=""><img src=""></a> <br> <h1 align="center">Install Linux on your Android 🔥</h1> <br> <p align="center"> <img src="" width="250"> <img src="" width="250"> </p> # How does this work? Andronix is simple inside the hood (well not really, but most of it is simple to understand). Andronix uses **PRoot** to run your favourite Linux distribution on your Android devices. ### What exactly is PRoot? As stated in the official website of PRoot > PRoot is a user-space implementation of **chroot, mount --bind, and binfmt_misc**. This means that users don't need any privileges or setup to do things like using an arbitrary directory as the new root file system, making files accessible somewhere else in the file system hierarchy, or executing programs built for another CPU architecture transparently through QEMU user-mode. or in easier words, the benefits of enabling PRoot include running Linux operating systems in a Termux [chroot]( on an Android smartphone, tablet and Chromebook. We use **Termux** to provide the command line and the packages that are especially compiled for Termux implemented inside Andronix. # Get started now 🚀 Hey! 😊, let's introduce to the basics of the documentations around here. This is the doc-hub for Andronix, from development to installations, you can find almost everything here. [Read the documentation here]( ### Introduction Docs 📒 Here you can find all the information necessary to understand Andronix better. Diving deep in **PRoot**, **app structure** and **Shell scripts** that actually make you understand about what's actually happening. ### Installation Docs 📱 All and everything for you to get up and running with your favourite Linux Distribution. If you're seeking for help installing a distribution, this is place you need to be. [Read the installation docs]( ### Apps Installation 💻 Here are the installation procedures of few most popular apps like **VS Code, IntelliJ Idea, GIMP, Blender** etc. Easy to follow and quick! [Read the app installation docs]( ### Development Docs 👨‍💻 Looking into contributing and developing things around or for Andronix? Here you can find all the required documentation regarding **termux-packages, app, scripts** or anything to development. *We are working on it 👷‍♂️* # What can you do with Andronix? Pretty much anything you like to do. You're just limited by the lack of the full Linux kernel, the SELinux policies of your Android versions, your CPU architecture and your device's hardware. We have users replacing their entire laptops and computer with Andronix. We are looking for something that can support web-browsing, coding or anything else that is not really taxing on your phone's hardware then you can use Andronix without any issues. You don't have to worry about multi-booting your system which means you can have all the Un-Modded and Modded OS installed at once. **12 OS at once given that you have the storage for it.** Install as many as you like, uninstall them when you're done. [Here's what you can't do on Andronix systems]( ## Is it free? Yes! ⚡ Andronix is completely **Ad-free** and all the Un-modded distros and **free to use as much as you want**. On the other hand [Modded OS]( are paid but they are very economical considering it is a **lifetime purchase with unlimited installs on unlimited devices.** (We spend hours optimizing and packing it, and these are very large files which we need to serve requiring a massive amount of bandwidth, which costs money). You can also get **Andronix Premium** which is another way to support the developers. You also get a few perks including online sync with Andronix Commands and a web-app to access it from any device you want. # What OS are supported? Andronix currently supports 8 Un-Modded OS and 4 Modded OS at the moment. ### Un-Modded OS 1. Ubuntu 2. Debian 3. Manjaro 4. Fedora 5. Kali 6. Void 7. Alpine 8. Arch ### Desktop Environment 1. LXDE 2. LXQT 3. XFCE ### Windows Managers 1. Awesome 2. Openbox 3. i3 ### Modded OS 1. Ubuntu XFCE 2. Debian XFCE 3. Ubuntu KDE 4. Manjaro XFCE # Are we open-source? 📖🔓 Yes but no. Andronix is partially open-source. All the free distro tar files and the shell scripts are available on our [GitHub repository]( While all the paid things, like the actual Android app and all the files concerning Andronix Modded OS are close-source for obvious reasons. That doesn't mean that we don't love open-source, **we** 💘 **open-source**. In fact if you're a developer or a maintainer of an open-source project, **we will be more than happy to provide you everything for free** for life. Just get-in touch with us and complete the process of verification😊. <br> # Here are a few screenshots 🤘 <br> <p align="center"> <img src="" width="400" > <img src="" width="400" > <img src="" width="400" > <img src="" width="400" > </p>
Performance monitoring and benchmarking suite
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Introduction -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Likwid is a simple to install and use toolsuite of command line applications and a library for performance oriented programmers. It works for Intel, AMD, ARMv8 and POWER9 processors on the Linux operating system. There is additional support for Nvidia GPUs. There is support for ARMv7 and POWER8 but there is currently no test machine in our hands to test them properly. [LIKWID Playlist (YouTube)]( [![Build Status](]( [![General LIKWID DOI](]( It consists of: - likwid-topology: print thread, cache and NUMA topology - likwid-perfctr: configure and read out hardware performance counters on Intel, AMD, ARM and POWER processors and Nvidia GPUs - likwid-powermeter: read out RAPL Energy information and get info about Turbo mode steps - likwid-pin: pin your threaded application (pthread, Intel and gcc OpenMP to dedicated processors) - likwid-bench: Micro benchmarking platform for CPU architectures - likwid-features: Print and manipulate cpu features like hardware prefetchers (x86 only) - likwid-genTopoCfg: Dumps topology information to a file - likwid-mpirun: Wrapper to start MPI and Hybrid MPI/OpenMP applications (Supports Intel MPI, OpenMPI, MPICH and SLURM) - likwid-perfscope: Frontend to the timeline mode of likwid-perfctr, plots live graphs of performance metrics using gnuplot - likwid-memsweeper: Sweep memory of NUMA domains and evict cachelines from the last level cache - likwid-setFrequencies: Tool to control the CPU and Uncore frequencies (x86 only) For further information please take a look at the [Wiki]( or contact us via Matrix chat [LIKWID General]( -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Supported architectures -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Intel - Intel Atom - Intel Pentium M - Intel Core2 - Intel Nehalem - Intel NehalemEX - Intel Westmere - Intel WestmereEX - Intel Xeon Phi (KNC) - Intel Silvermont & Airmont - Intel Goldmont - Intel SandyBridge - Intel SandyBridge EP/EN - Intel IvyBridge - Intel IvyBridge EP/EN/EX - Intel Xeon Phi (KNL, KNM) - Intel Haswell - Intel Haswell EP/EN/EX - Intel Broadwell - Intel Broadwell D - Intel Broadwell EP - Intel Skylake - Intel Kabylake - Intel Coffeelake - Intel Skylake SP - Intel Cascadelake SP - Intel Icelake - Intel Icelake SP - Intel Tigerlake (experimental) AMD - AMD K8 - AMD K10 - AMD Interlagos - AMD Kabini - AMD Zen - AMD Zen2 - AMD Zen3 (limited) ARM (experimental) - ARMv7 - ARMv8 - Special support for Marvell Thunder X2 - Fujitsu A64FX - ARM Neoverse N1 (AWS Graviton 2) POWER (experimental) - IBM POWER8 - IBM POWER9 Nvidia GPUs (experimental) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Download, Build and Install -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can get the releases of LIKWID at: For build and installation hints see INSTALL file or check the build instructions page in the wiki For quick install: ```bash VERSION=stable wget$VERSION.tar.gz tar -xaf likwid-$VERSION.tar.gz cd likwid-* vi # configure build, e.g. change installation prefix and architecture flags make sudo make install # sudo required to install the access daemon with proper permissions ``` For ARM builds, the `COMPILER` flag in `` needs to changed to `GCCARMv8` or `ARMCLANG` (experimental). For POWER builds, the `COMPILER` flag in `` needs to changed to `GCCPOWER` or `XLC` (experimental). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Documentation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For a detailed documentation on the usage of the tools have a look at the html documentation build with doxygen. Call `make docs` or after installation, look at the man pages. There is also a wiki at the github page: If you have problems or suggestions please let me know on the likwid mailing list: or if it is bug, add an issue at: You can also chat with us through Matrix: - General chat: - Development chat: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Extras -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - If you want to use the Marker API with Java, you can find the Java module here: - For Python you can find an interface to the LIKWID API here: or `pip install pylikwid` - A Julia interface to LIKWID is provided by the [Paderborn Center for Parallel Computing (PC²)]( and the [MIT JuliaLab]( or `] add LIKWID` -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Survey -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We opened a survey at the user mailing list to get a feeling who uses LIKWID and how. Moreover we would be interested if you are missing a feature or what annoys you when using LIKWID. Link to the survey:!topic/likwid-users/F7TDho3k7ps -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Funding -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIKWID development was funded by BMBF Germany under the FEPA project, grant 01IH13009. Since 2017 the development is further funded by BMBF Germany under the SeASiTe project, grant 01IH16012A. <div align=center><img src="" alt="BMBF logo"/></div>
Quick and Easy server testing/validation
# Goss - Quick and Easy server validation [![Build Status](]( [![Github All Releases](]( ** [![Blog](]( ## Goss in 45 seconds <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="asciicast"></a> **Note:** For an even faster way of doing this, see: [autoadd]( **Note:** For testing docker containers see the [dgoss]( wrapper. Also, user submitted wrapper scripts for Kubernetes [kgoss]( and Docker Compose [dcgoss]( **Note:** For some Docker/Kubernetes healthcheck, health endpoint, and container ordering examples, see my blog post [here][kubernetes-simplified-health-checks]. ## Introduction ### What is Goss? Goss is a YAML based [serverspec]( alternative tool for validating a server’s configuration. It eases the process of writing tests by allowing the user to generate tests from the current system state. Once the test suite is written they can be executed, waited-on, or served as a health endpoint. ### Why use Goss? * Goss is EASY! - [Goss in 45 seconds](#goss-in-45-seconds) * Goss is FAST! - small-medium test suites are near instantaneous, see [benchmarks]( * Goss is SMALL! - <10MB single self-contained binary ## Installation **Note:** For macOS and Windows, see: [platform-feature-parity]. This will install goss and [dgoss]( **Note:** Using `curl | sh` is not recommended for production systems, use manual installation below. ```bash # Install latest version to /usr/local/bin curl -fsSL | sh # Install v0.3.16 version to ~/bin curl -fsSL | GOSS_VER=v0.3.16 GOSS_DST=~/bin sh ``` ### Manual installation #### Latest ```bash curl -L -o /usr/local/bin/goss chmod +rx /usr/local/bin/goss curl -L -o /usr/local/bin/dgoss # Alternatively, using the latest master # curl -L -o /usr/local/bin/dgoss chmod +rx /usr/local/bin/dgoss ``` #### Specific Version ```bash # See for release versions VERSION=v0.3.10 curl -L "${VERSION}/goss-linux-amd64" -o /usr/local/bin/goss chmod +rx /usr/local/bin/goss # (optional) dgoss docker wrapper (use 'master' for latest version) VERSION=v0.3.10 curl -L "${VERSION}/dgoss" -o /usr/local/bin/dgoss chmod +rx /usr/local/bin/dgoss ``` ### Build it yourself ```bash make build ``` ## Full Documentation Documentation is available here: [manual]( ## Quick start ### Writing a simple sshd test An initial set of tests can be derived from the system state by using the [add]( or [autoadd]( commands. Let's write a simple sshd test using autoadd. ```txt # Running it as root will allow it to also detect ports $ sudo goss autoadd sshd ``` Generated `goss.yaml`: ```yaml $ cat goss.yaml port: tcp:22: listening: true ip: - tcp6:22: listening: true ip: - '::' service: sshd: enabled: true running: true user: sshd: exists: true uid: 74 gid: 74 groups: - sshd home: /var/empty/sshd shell: /sbin/nologin group: sshd: exists: true gid: 74 process: sshd: running: true ``` Now that we have a test suite, we can: * Run it once ```txt goss validate ............... Total Duration: 0.021s # <- yeah, it's that fast.. Count: 15, Failed: 0 ``` * Edit it to use [templates](, and run with a vars file ```txt goss --vars vars.yaml validate ``` * keep running it until the system enters a valid state or we timeout ```txt goss validate --retry-timeout 30s --sleep 1s ``` * serve the tests as a health endpoint ```txt goss serve & curl localhost:8080/healthz # JSON endpoint goss serve --format json & curl localhost:8080/healthz # rspecish response via content negotiation goss serve --format json & curl -H "Accept: application/vnd.goss-rspecish" localhost:8080/healthz ``` ### Manually editing Goss files Goss files can be manually edited to improve readability and expressiveness of tests. A [Json draft 7 schema]( available in [docs/goss-json-schema.yaml](./docs/goss-json-schema.yaml) makes it easier to edit simple goss.yaml files in IDEs, providing usual coding assistance such as inline documentation, completion and static analysis. See [PR 793]( for screenshots. For example, to configure the Json schema in JetBrains intellij IDEA, follow [documented instructions](, with arguments such as `schema url=`, `schema version=Json schema version 7`, `file path pattern=*/goss.yaml` In addition, Goss files can also be further manually edited (without yet full json support) to use: * [Patterns]( * [Advanced Matchers]( * [Templates]( * `title` and `meta` (arbitrary data) attributes are persisted when adding other resources with `goss add` Some examples: ```yaml user: sshd: title: UID must be between 50-100, GID doesn't matter. home is flexible meta: desc: Ensure sshd is enabled and running since it's needed for system management sev: 5 exists: true uid: # Validate that UID is between 50 and 100 and: gt: 50 lt: 100 home: # Home can be any of the following or: - /var/empty/sshd - /var/run/sshd package: kernel: installed: true versions: # Must have 3 kernels and none of them can be 4.4.0 and: - have-len: 3 - not: contain-element: 4.4.0 # Loaded from --vars YAML/JSON file {{.Vars.package}}: installed: true {{if eq .Env.OS "centos"}} # This test is only when $OS environment variable is set to "centos" libselinux: installed: true {{end}} ``` Goss.yaml files with templates can still be validated through the Json schema after being rendered using the `goss render` command. See example below ```bash cd docs goss --vars ./vars.yaml render > rendered_goss.yaml # proceed with json schema validation of rendered_goss.yaml in your favorite IDE # or in one of the Json schema validator listed in # The following example is for a Linux AMD64 host curl -LO chmod a+x yajsv.linux.amd64 sudo mv yajsv.linux.amd64 /usr/sbin/yajsv yajsv -s goss-json-schema.yaml rendered_goss.yaml rendered_goss.yaml: fail: skip is required rendered_goss.yaml: fail: service.sshd: skip is required 1 of 1 failed validation rendered_goss.yaml: fail: skip is required rendered_goss.yaml: fail: service.sshd: skip is required ``` Full list of available Json schema validators can be found in ## Supported resources * package - add new package * file - add new file * addr - add new remote address:port - ex: * port - add new listening [protocol]:port - ex: 80 or udp:123 * service - add new service * user - add new user * group - add new group * command - add new command * dns - add new dns * process - add new process name * kernel-param - add new kernel-param * mount - add new mount * interface - add new network interface * http - add new network http url with proxy support * goss - add new goss file, it will be imported from this one * matching - test for matches in supplied content ## Supported output formats * rspecish - **(default)** Similar to rspec output * documentation - Verbose test results * json - JSON, detailed test result * tap - TAP style * junit - JUnit style * nagios - Nagios/Sensu compatible output /w exit code 2 for failures. * prometheus - Prometheus compatible output. * silent - No output. Avoids exposing system information (e.g. when serving tests as a healthcheck endpoint). ## Community Contributions * [goss-ansible]( - Ansible module for Goss. * [degoss]( - Ansible role for installing, running, and removing Goss in a single go. * [kitchen-goss]( - A test-kitchen verifier plugin for Goss. * [goss-fpm-files]( - Might be useful for building goss system packages. * [molecule]( - Automated testing for Ansible roles, with native Goss support. * [packer-provisioner-goss]( - A packer plugin to run Goss as a provision step. * [gossboss]( - Collect and view aggregated Goss test results from multiple remote Goss servers. ## Limitations `goss` works well on Linux, but support on Windows & macOS is alpha. See [platform-feature-parity]. The following tests have limitations. Package: * rpm * deb * Alpine apk * pacman Service: * systemd * sysV init * OpenRC init * Upstart [kubernetes-simplified-health-checks]: [platform-feature-parity]: docs/
Learn where some of the network sysctl variables fit into the Linux/Kernel network flow
# TOC * [Introduction](#introduction) * [Linux network queues overview](#linux-network-queues-overview) * [Fitting the sysctl variables into the Linux network flow](#fitting-the-sysctl-variables-into-the-linux-network-flow) * Ingress - they're coming * Egress - they're leaving * How to check - perf * [What, Why and How - network and sysctl parameters](#what-why-and-how---network-and-sysctl-parameters) * Ring Buffer - rx,tx * Interrupt Coalescence (IC) - rx-usecs, tx-usecs, rx-frames, tx-frames (hardware IRQ) * Interrupt Coalescing (soft IRQ) and Ingress QDisc * Egress QDisc - txqueuelen and default_qdisc * TCP Read and Write Buffers/Queues * Honorable mentions - TCP FSM and congestion algorithm * [Network tools](#network-tools-for-testing-and-monitoring) * [References](#references) # Introduction Sometimes people are looking for [sysctl]( cargo cult values that bring high throughput and low latency with no trade-off and that works on every occasion. That's not realistic, although we can say that the **newer kernel versions are very well tuned by default**. In fact, you might [hurt performance if you mess with the defaults]( This brief tutorial shows **where some of the most used and quoted sysctl/network parameters are located into the Linux network flow**, it was heavily inspired by [the illustrated guide to Linux networking stack]( and many of [Marek Majkowski's posts]( > #### Feel free to send corrections and suggestions! :) # Linux network queues overview ![linux network queues](/img/linux_network_flow.png "A graphic representation of linux/kernel network main buffer / queues") # Fitting the sysctl variables into the Linux network flow ## Ingress - they're coming 1. Packets arrive at the NIC 1. NIC will verify `MAC` (if not on promiscuous mode) and `FCS` and decide to drop or to continue 1. NIC will [DMA packets at RAM](, in a region previously prepared (mapped) by the driver 1. NIC will enqueue references to the packets at receive [ring buffer]( queue `rx` until `rx-usecs` timeout or `rx-frames` 1. NIC will raise a `hard IRQ` 1. CPU will run the `IRQ handler` that runs the driver's code 1. Driver will `schedule a NAPI`, clear the `hard IRQ` and return 1. Driver raise a `soft IRQ (NET_RX_SOFTIRQ)` 1. NAPI will poll data from the receive ring buffer until `netdev_budget_usecs` timeout or `netdev_budget` and `dev_weight` packets 1. Linux will also allocate memory to `sk_buff` 1. Linux fills the metadata: protocol, interface, setmacheader, removes ethernet 1. Linux will pass the skb to the kernel stack (`netif_receive_skb`) 1. It will set the network header, clone `skb` to taps (i.e. tcpdump) and pass it to tc ingress 1. Packets are handled to a qdisc sized `netdev_max_backlog` with its algorithm defined by `default_qdisc` 1. It calls `ip_rcv` and packets are handled to IP 1. It calls netfilter (`PREROUTING`) 1. It looks at the routing table, if forwarding or local 1. If it's local it calls netfilter (`LOCAL_IN`) 1. It calls the L4 protocol (for instance `tcp_v4_rcv`) 1. It finds the right socket 1. It goes to the tcp finite state machine 1. Enqueue the packet to the receive buffer and sized as `tcp_rmem` rules 1. If `tcp_moderate_rcvbuf` is enabled kernel will auto-tune the receive buffer 1. Kernel will signalize that there is data available to apps (epoll or any polling system) 1. Application wakes up and reads the data ## Egress - they're leaving 1. Application sends message (`sendmsg` or other) 1. TCP send message allocates skb_buff 1. It enqueues skb to the socket write buffer of `tcp_wmem` size 1. Builds the TCP header (src and dst port, checksum) 1. Calls L3 handler (in this case `ipv4` on `tcp_write_xmit` and `tcp_transmit_skb`) 1. L3 (`ip_queue_xmit`) does its work: build ip header and call netfilter (`LOCAL_OUT`) 1. Calls output route action 1. Calls netfilter (`POST_ROUTING`) 1. Fragment the packet (`ip_output`) 1. Calls L2 send function (`dev_queue_xmit`) 1. Feeds the output (QDisc) queue of `txqueuelen` length with its algorithm `default_qdisc` 1. The driver code enqueue the packets at the `ring buffer tx` 1. The driver will do a `soft IRQ (NET_TX_SOFTIRQ)` after `tx-usecs` timeout or `tx-frames` 1. Re-enable hard IRQ to NIC 1. Driver will map all the packets (to be sent) to some DMA'ed region 1. NIC fetches the packets (via DMA) from RAM to transmit 1. After the transmission NIC will raise a `hard IRQ` to signal its completion 1. The driver will handle this IRQ (turn it off) 1. And schedule (`soft IRQ`) the NAPI poll system 1. NAPI will handle the receive packets signaling and free the RAM ## How to check - perf If you want to see the network tracing within Linux you can use [perf]( ``` docker run -it --rm --cap-add SYS_ADMIN --entrypoint bash ljishen/perf apt-get update apt-get install iputils-ping # this is going to trace all events (not syscalls) to the subsytem net:* while performing the ping perf trace --no-syscalls --event 'net:*' ping -c1 > /dev/null ``` ![perf trace network]( # What, Why and How - network and sysctl parameters ## Ring Buffer - rx,tx * **What** - the driver receive/send queue a single or multiple queues with a fixed size, usually implemented as FIFO, it is located at RAM * **Why** - buffer to smoothly accept bursts of connections without dropping them, you might need to increase these queues when you see drops or overrun, aka there are more packets coming than the kernel is able to consume them, the side effect might be increased latency. * **How:** * **Check command:** `ethtool -g ethX` * **Change command:** `ethtool -G ethX rx value tx value` * **How to monitor:** `ethtool -S ethX | grep -e "err" -e "drop" -e "over" -e "miss" -e "timeout" -e "reset" -e "restar" -e "collis" -e "over" | grep -v "\: 0"` ## Interrupt Coalescence (IC) - rx-usecs, tx-usecs, rx-frames, tx-frames (hardware IRQ) * **What** - number of microseconds/frames to wait before raising a hardIRQ, from the NIC perspective it'll DMA data packets until this timeout/number of frames * **Why** - reduce CPUs usage, hard IRQ, might increase throughput at cost of latency. * **How:** * **Check command:** `ethtool -c ethX` * **Change command:** `ethtool -C ethX rx-usecs value tx-usecs value` * **How to monitor:** `cat /proc/interrupts` ## Interrupt Coalescing (soft IRQ) and Ingress QDisc * **What** - maximum number of microseconds in one [NAPI]( polling cycle. Polling will exit when either `netdev_budget_usecs` have elapsed during the poll cycle or the number of packets processed reaches `netdev_budget`. * **Why** - instead of reacting to tons of softIRQ, the driver keeps polling data; keep an eye on `dropped` (# of packets that were dropped because `netdev_max_backlog` was exceeded) and `squeezed` (# of times ksoftirq ran out of `netdev_budget` or time slice with work remaining). * **How:** * **Check command:** `sysctl net.core.netdev_budget_usecs` * **Change command:** `sysctl -w net.core.netdev_budget_usecs value` * **How to monitor:** `cat /proc/net/softnet_stat`; or a [better tool]( * **What** - `netdev_budget` is the maximum number of packets taken from all interfaces in one polling cycle (NAPI poll). In one polling cycle interfaces which are registered to polling are probed in a round-robin manner. Also, a polling cycle may not exceed `netdev_budget_usecs` microseconds, even if `netdev_budget` has not been exhausted. * **How:** * **Check command:** `sysctl net.core.netdev_budget` * **Change command:** `sysctl -w net.core.netdev_budget value` * **How to monitor:** `cat /proc/net/softnet_stat`; or a [better tool]( * **What** - `dev_weight` is the maximum number of packets that kernel can handle on a NAPI interrupt, it's a Per-CPU variable. For drivers that support LRO or GRO_HW, a hardware aggregated packet is counted as one packet in this. * **How:** * **Check command:** `sysctl net.core.dev_weight` * **Change command:** `sysctl -w net.core.dev_weight value` * **How to monitor:** `cat /proc/net/softnet_stat`; or a [better tool]( * **What** - `netdev_max_backlog` is the maximum number of packets, queued on the INPUT side (_the ingress qdisc_), when the interface receives packets faster than kernel can process them. * **How:** * **Check command:** `sysctl net.core.netdev_max_backlog` * **Change command:** `sysctl -w net.core.netdev_max_backlog value` * **How to monitor:** `cat /proc/net/softnet_stat`; or a [better tool]( ## Egress QDisc - txqueuelen and default_qdisc * **What** - `txqueuelen` is the maximum number of packets, queued on the OUTPUT side. * **Why** - a buffer/queue to face connection burst and also to apply [tc (traffic control).]( * **How:** * **Check command:** `ifconfig ethX` * **Change command:** `ifconfig ethX txqueuelen value` * **How to monitor:** `ip -s link` * **What** - `default_qdisc` is the default queuing discipline to use for network devices. * **Why** - each application has different load and need to traffic control and it is used also to fight against [bufferbloat]( * **How:** * **Check command:** `sysctl net.core.default_qdisc` * **Change command:** `sysctl -w net.core.default_qdisc value` * **How to monitor:** `tc -s qdisc ls dev ethX` ## TCP Read and Write Buffers/Queues > The policy that defines what is [memory pressure]( is specified at tcp_mem and tcp_moderate_rcvbuf. * **What** - `tcp_rmem` - min (size used under memory pressure), default (initial size), max (maximum size) - size of receive buffer used by TCP sockets. * **Why** - the application buffer/queue to the write/send data, [understand its consequences can help a lot]( * **How:** * **Check command:** `sysctl net.ipv4.tcp_rmem` * **Change command:** `sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_rmem="min default max"`; when changing default value, remember to restart your user space app (i.e. your web server, nginx, etc) * **How to monitor:** `cat /proc/net/sockstat` * **What** - `tcp_wmem` - min (size used under memory pressure), default (initial size), max (maximum size) - size of send buffer used by TCP sockets. * **How:** * **Check command:** `sysctl net.ipv4.tcp_wmem` * **Change command:** `sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_wmem="min default max"`; when changing default value, remember to restart your user space app (i.e. your web server, nginx, etc) * **How to monitor:** `cat /proc/net/sockstat` * **What** `tcp_moderate_rcvbuf` - If set, TCP performs receive buffer auto-tuning, attempting to automatically size the buffer. * **How:** * **Check command:** `sysctl net.ipv4.tcp_moderate_rcvbuf` * **Change command:** `sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_moderate_rcvbuf value` * **How to monitor:** `cat /proc/net/sockstat` ## Honorable mentions - TCP FSM and congestion algorithm > Accept and SYN Queues are governed by net.core.somaxconn and net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog. [Nowadays net.core.somaxconn caps both queue sizes.]( * `sysctl net.core.somaxconn` - provides an upper limit on the value of the backlog parameter passed to the [`listen()` function](, known in userspace as `SOMAXCONN`. If you change this value, you should also change your application to a compatible value (i.e. [nginx backlog]( * `cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_fin_timeout` - this specifies the number of seconds to wait for a final FIN packet before the socket is forcibly closed. This is strictly a violation of the TCP specification but required to prevent denial-of-service attacks. * `cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_available_congestion_control` - shows the available congestion control choices that are registered. * `cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_congestion_control` - sets the congestion control algorithm to be used for new connections. * `cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_max_syn_backlog` - sets the maximum number of queued connection requests which have still not received an acknowledgment from the connecting client; if this number is exceeded, the kernel will begin dropping requests. * `cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_syncookies` - enables/disables [syn cookies](, useful for protecting against [syn flood attacks]( * `cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_slow_start_after_idle` - enables/disables tcp slow start. **How to monitor:** * `netstat -atn | awk '/tcp/ {print $6}' | sort | uniq -c` - summary by state * `ss -neopt state time-wait | wc -l` - counters by a specific state: `established`, `syn-sent`, `syn-recv`, `fin-wait-1`, `fin-wait-2`, `time-wait`, `closed`, `close-wait`, `last-ack`, `listening`, `closing` * `netstat -st` - tcp stats summary * `nstat -a` - human-friendly tcp stats summary * `cat /proc/net/sockstat` - summarized socket stats * `cat /proc/net/tcp` - detailed stats, see each field meaning at the [kernel docs]( * `cat /proc/net/netstat` - `ListenOverflows` and `ListenDrops` are important fields to keep an eye on * `cat /proc/net/netstat | awk '(f==0) { i=1; while ( i<=NF) {n[i] = $i; i++ }; f=1; next} \ (f==1){ i=2; while ( i<=NF){ printf "%s = %d\n", n[i], $i; i++}; f=0} ' | grep -v "= 0`; a [human readable `/proc/net/netstat`]( ![tcp finite state machine]( "A graphic representation of tcp tcp finite state machine") Source: # Network tools for testing and monitoring * [iperf3]( - network throughput * [vegeta]( - HTTP load testing tool * [netdata]( - system for distributed real-time performance and health monitoring # References * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Porting Windows Dynamic Link Libraries to Linux
# Porting Windows Dynamic Link Libraries to Linux ## Introduction This repository contains a library that allows native Linux programs to load and call functions from a Windows DLL. As a demonstration, I've ported Windows Defender to Linux. ``` $ ./mpclient main(): Scanning EngineScanCallback(): Scanning input EngineScanCallback(): Threat Virus:DOS/EICAR_Test_File identified. ``` ### How does it work? The `peloader` directory contains a custom PE/COFF loader derived from ndiswrapper. The library will process the relocations and imports, then provide a `dlopen`-like API. The code supports debugging with gdb (including symbols), basic block coverage collection, and runtime hooking and patching. ![Is such a thing even possible?]( ### What works? The intention is to allow scalable and efficient fuzzing of self-contained Windows libraries on Linux. Good candidates might be video codecs, decompression libraries, virus scanners, image decoders, and so on. * C++ exception dispatch and unwinding. * Loading additional symbols from IDA. * Debugging with gdb (including symbols), breakpoints, stack traces, etc. * Runtime hooking and patching. * Support for ASAN and Valgrind to detect subtle memory corruption bugs. If you need to add support for any external imports, writing stubs is usually quick and easy. ### Why? Distributed, scalable fuzzing on Windows can be challenging and inefficient. This is especially true for endpoint security products, which use complex interconnected components that span across kernel and user space. This often requires spinning up an entire virtualized Windows environment to fuzz them or collect coverage data. This is less of a problem on Linux, and I've found that porting components of Windows Antivirus products to Linux is often possible. This allows me to run the code I’m testing in minimal containers with very little overhead, and easily scale up testing. This is just personal opinion, but I also think Linux has better tools. `¯\_(ツ)_/¯` ## Windows Defender MsMpEng is the Malware Protection service that is enabled by default on Windows 8, 8.1, 10, Windows Server 2016, and so on. Additionally, Microsoft Security Essentials, System Centre Endpoint Protection and various other Microsoft security products share the same core engine. The core component of MsMpEng responsible for scanning and analysis is called mpengine. Mpengine is a vast and complex attack surface, comprising of handlers for dozens of esoteric archive formats, executable packers, full system emulators for various architectures and interpreters for various languages. All of this code is accessible to remote attackers. ### Building To build the test client, simply type `make`. ``` $ make ``` ### Dependencies *Note that the `.i686` or `:i386` suffixes are important, we need the 32bit libraries to use the 32bit dll.* | Fedora / RedHat | Ubuntu / Debian | Comment | | --------------------- | ----------------------------------- |:---------------------------- | | `glibc-devel.i686` | `libc6-dev:i386` / `libc6-dev-i386` | Name varies with version. | | `libgcc.i686` | `gcc-multilib` | | | `readline-devel.i686` | `libreadline-dev:i386` | Optional, used in mpscript. | | `cabextract` | `cabextract` | Used to extract definitions. | You will need to download the 32-bit antimalware update file from this page: * This should be a direct link to the right file: * This will download a file called `mpam-fe.exe`, which is a cabinet file that can be extracted with `cabextract`. Extract the files into the `engine` directory: ``` $ cabextract mpam-fe.exe Extracting cabinet: mpam-fe.exe extracting MPSigStub.exe extracting mpavdlta.vdm extracting mpasdlta.vdm extracting mpavbase.vdm extracting mpasbase.vdm extracting mpengine.dll All done, no errors. ``` If you want to know which version you got, try this: ``` $ exiftool mpengine.dll | grep 'Product Version Number' Product Version Number : 1.1.13701.0 ``` ### Running The main mpengine loader is called `mpclient`, it accepts filenames to scan as a parameter. ``` $ ./mpclient netsky.exe main(): Scanning netsky.exe... EngineScanCallback(): Scanning input EngineScanCallback(): Threat Worm:Win32/Netsky.P@mm identified. ``` There are some other sample tools, `mpstreamfuzz` and `mpscript`. ### Debugging If you want to debug a crash, single step through a routine or set breakpoints, follow these examples. First, you need a map file from IDA. Microsoft doesn't release public symbols for every build, and sometimes the symbols lag behind for a few months after release. Make sure you're using an mpengine version with public symbols available. Use the following sample commandline to generate map and idb files. ``` > idaw -A -P+ -S"createmap.idc" mpengine.dll ``` If you generate the map files on Windows, you'll get CRLF line terminators, fix them like this: ``` $ dos2unix ``` When you run mpclient under gdb, it will detect a debugger and print the commands you need to enter to teach gdb about the symbols: ``` $ gdb -q ./mpclient (gdb) r testfile.txt Starting program: mpclient main(): GDB: add-symbol-file engine/mpengine.dll 0xf6af4008+0x1000 main(): GDB: shell bash 0xf6af4008+0x1000 symbols_19009.o < main(): GDB: add-symbol-file symbols_19009.o 0 Program received signal SIGTRAP, Trace/breakpoint trap. 0x0804d213 in main (argc=1, argv=0xffffcc64, envp=0xffffcc6c) at mpclient.c:156 156 __debugbreak(); (gdb) ``` If you enter the commands it shows into gdb, you will have symbols available. > *Note that `` assumes you're using GNU awk.* ``` (gdb) add-symbol-file engine/mpengine.dll 0xf6af4008+0x1000 add symbol table from file "engine/mpengine.dll" at .text_addr = 0xf6af5008 Reading symbols from engine/mpengine.dll...done. (gdb) shell bash 0xf6af4008+0x1000 symbols_19009.o < (gdb) add-symbol-file symbols_19009.o 0 add symbol table from file "symbols_19009.o" at .text_addr = 0x0 Reading symbols from symbols_19009.o...done. (gdb) p as3_parsemetadata_swf_vars_t $1 = {void (void)} 0xf6feb842 <as3_parsemetadata_swf_vars_t> ``` Then you can continue, and it will run as normal. ``` (gdb) c ``` Breakpoints, watchpoints and backtraces all work as normal, although it may be more reliable to use hardware breakpoints than software breakpoints. To use hardware breakpoints in gdb, you just use `hb` or `hbreak` instead of `break`. Note that you only get a limited number of hardware breakpoints. ``` (gdb) b as3_parsemethodinfo_swf_vars_t Breakpoint 1 at 0xf6feb8da (gdb) c Continuing. main(): Scanning test/input.swf... EngineScanCallback(): Scanning input Breakpoint 1, 0xf6feb8da in as3_parsemethodinfo_swf_vars_t () (gdb) bt #0 0xf6feb8da in as3_parsemethodinfo_swf_vars_t () #1 0xf6dbad7f in SwfScanFunc () #2 0xf6d73ec3 in UfsScannerWrapper__ScanFile_scanresult_t () #3 0xf6d6c9e3 in UfsClientRequest__fscan_SCAN_REPLY () #4 0xf6d6a818 in UfsNode__ScanLoopHelper_wchar_t () #5 0xf6d6a626 in UfsNode__Analyze_UfsAnalyzeSetup () #6 0xf6d71f7f in UfsClientRequest__AnalyzeLeaf_wchar_t () #7 0xf6d71bb9 in UfsClientRequest__AnalyzePath_wchar_t () #8 0xf6dbbd88 in std___String_alloc_std___String_base_types_char_std__allocator_char______Myptr_void_ () #9 0xf6d75e72 in UfsCmdBase__ExecuteCmd__lambda_c80a88e180c1f4524a759d69aa15f87e____lambda_c80a88e180c1f4524a759d69aa15f87e__ () Backtrace stopped: previous frame inner to this frame (corrupt stack?) (gdb) x/3i $pc => 0xf6feb8da <as3_parsemethodinfo_swf_vars_t+7>: lea ebx,[edx+0x1c] 0xf6feb8dd <as3_parsemethodinfo_swf_vars_t+10>: push esi 0xf6feb8de <as3_parsemethodinfo_swf_vars_t+11>: mov edx,ebx ``` ## What about Wine and Winelib? This project does not replace Wine or Winelib. Winelib is used to port Windows C++ projects to Linux, and Wine is intended to run full Windows applications. This project is intended to allow native Linux code to load simple Windows DLLs. The closest analogy would be ndiswrapper but for userspace. ## Further Examples * [avscript]( - Loading another antivirus engine, demonstrates hooking and patching. ## License GPL2
Performance monitoring tools for Linux
## sysstat - System performance tools for the Linux operating system [![Coverity Scan Build Status](]( [![Build Status](]( [![Donate](]( (C) 1999-2023 Sebastien GODARD (sysstat (at) orange (dot) fr) ### Introduction The sysstat package contains various utilities, common to many commercial Unixes, to monitor system performance and usage activity: * **iostat** reports CPU statistics and input/output statistics for block devices and partitions. * **mpstat** reports individual or combined processor related statistics. * **pidstat** reports statistics for Linux tasks (processes) : I/O, CPU, memory, etc. * **tapestat** reports statistics for tape drives connected to the system. * **cifsiostat** reports CIFS statistics. Sysstat also contains tools you can schedule via cron or systemd to collect and historize performance and activity data: * **sar** collects, reports and saves system activity information (see below a list of metrics collected by sar). * **sadc** is the system activity data collector, used as a backend for sar. * **sa1** collects and stores binary data in the system activity daily data file. It is a front end to sadc designed to be run from cron or systemd. * **sa2** writes a summarized daily activity report. It is a front end to sar designed to be run from cron or systemd. * **sadf** displays data collected by sar in multiple formats (CSV, XML, JSON, etc.) and can be used for data exchange with other programs. This command can also be used to draw graphs for the various activities collected by sar using SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) format. Default sampling interval is 10 minutes but this can be changed of course (it can be as small as 1 second). #### System statistics collected by sar: - Input / Output and transfer rate statistics (global, per device, per partition and per network filesystem) - CPU statistics (global and per CPU), including support for virtualization architectures - Memory, hugepages and swap space utilization statistics - Virtual memory, paging and fault statistics - Process creation activity - Interrupt statistics (global, per CPU and per interrupt, including potential APIC interrupt sources, hardware and software interrupts) - Extensive network statistics: network interface activity (number of packets and kB received and transmitted per second, etc.) including failures from network devices; network traffic statistics for IP, TCP, ICMP and UDP protocols based on SNMPv2 standards; support for IPv6-related protocols - Fibre Channel traffic statistics - Software-based network processing (softnet) statistics - NFS server and client activity - Sockets statistics - Run queue and system load statistics - Kernel internal tables utilization statistics - Swapping statistics - TTY devices activity - Power management statistics (instantaneous and average CPU clock frequency, fans speed, devices temperature, voltage inputs) - USB devices plugged into the system - Filesystems utilization (inodes and blocks) - Pressure-Stall Information statistics #### Sysstat key features: - Display average statistics values at the end of the reports. - On-the-fly detection of new devices (disks, network interfaces, etc.) that are created or registered dynamically. - Support for UP and SMP machines, including machines with hyperthreaded or multi-core processors. - Support for hotplug CPUs (it detects automagically processors that are disabled or enabled on the fly) and tickless CPUs. - Works on many different architectures, whether 32- or 64-bit. - Needs very little CPU time to run (written in C). - System statistics collected by sar/sadc can be saved in a file for future inspection. You can configure the length of data history to keep. There is no limit for this history length but the available space on your storage device. - System statistics collected by sar/sadc can be exported in various different formats (CSV, XML, JSON, SVG, etc.). DTD and XML Schema documents are included in sysstat package. JSON output format is also available for mpstat and iostat commands. - iostat can display statistics for devices managed by drivers in userspace like spdk. - Smart color output for easier statistics reading. ![Smart color output](images/color_output.png) - Internationalization support (sysstat has been translated into numerous different languages). Sysstat is now part of the [Translation Project]( - Sysstat commands can automatically select the unit used to display sizes for easier reading (see option `--human`): ![Sample iostat output](images/iostat.png) - Graphs can be generated (SVG format - Scalable Vector Graphics) and displayed in your favorite web browser. See some sample screenshots below: ![Fancy sysstat graph](images/cpugraph.jpg) ![Fancy sysstat graph](images/tcgraph.png) ![Fancy sysstat graph](images/loadavg-svg.png) Sysstat is Open Source / Free Software, and is freely available under the GNU General Public License, version 2. The latest version of sysstat can always be found on my web site at: []( See the CHANGES file to know the new features/improvements/bug fixes added in this release of sysstat. Sysstat development can be tracked on [GitHub]( ### Installation #### Install from RHEL/Fedora/CentOS Enter: ``` $ sudo yum install sysstat ``` CentOS and Fedora systems call the collector process using a cron job in /etc/cron.d and it's enabled by default. On recent versions, systemd is used instead of cron. You may need to enable and start the sysstat service: ``` $ sudo systemctl enable --now sysstat ``` (or enter: ``` $ sudo systemctl enable sysstat $ sudo systemctl start sysstat ``` if option `--now` is not supported by your systemd version.) #### Install from Ubuntu Enter: ``` $ sudo apt-get install sysstat ``` Then enable data collecting: ``` $ sudo vi /etc/default/sysstat change ENABLED="false" to ENABLED="true" save the file ``` Last, restart the sysstat service: ``` $ sudo service sysstat restart ``` #### Install from sources Clone sysstat public repository with: ``` $ git clone git:// ``` Then configure sysstat for your system: ``` $ cd sysstat $ ./configure ``` You can set several variables and parameters on the command line. For example you can enter the following option to activate data collecting (either using cron or systemd): ``` $ ./configure --enable-install-cron ``` Enter `./configure --help` to display all possible options. Note: There is another way to configure sysstat instead of entering `./configure`: This is the **Interactive Configuration script** (_iconfig_) which will ask you for the value of the main sysstat variables and parameters. Enter `./iconfig` then answer the questions or enter Return to accept the (sane) default values. For yes/no questions, answer 'y' or 'n' (without the quotes): It is case sensitive! You can also enter '?' to get a help message that will explain the meaning of each variable or parameter. Compile and install: ``` $ make $ sudo make install ``` ### Feedback welcome! Please use the BUG_REPORT template file to report a bug: It contains important data that should be provided for this. Please also remember to read the FAQ that comes with sysstat or is available from the Wiki page on GitHub. Opening an issue or a pull request on GitHub is the preferred way to report a bug or submit a patch. Patches and suggestions for improvements are always welcome! ### Support sysstat! If you are reading this README file then you are probably about to use the sysstat tools to help you monitor your system and maybe troubleshoot some performance issues. Good choice. Sysstat is made for you. Moreover sysstat is free software and always will be. Yet have you ever considered making a donation to sysstat, regardless of how much your contribution is? This in turn would encourage me to keep up the work as good as it can be... Oh, and it would certainly also help me explain to my wife why I spend so much time in front of my computer instead of taking care of the household ;-) Click on the "Donate PayPal" button above at the beginning of this file. You can also make a donation [from my web page]( Enjoy! -- Sebastien GODARD - sysstat (at) orange (dot) fr
build-once run-anywhere c library
![Cosmopolitan Honeybadger](usr/share/img/honeybadger.png) [![build](]( # Cosmopolitan [Cosmopolitan Libc]( makes C a build-once run-anywhere language, like Java, except it doesn't need an interpreter or virtual machine. Instead, it reconfigures stock GCC and Clang to output a POSIX-approved polyglot format that runs natively on Linux + Mac + Windows + FreeBSD + OpenBSD + NetBSD + BIOS with the best possible performance and the tiniest footprint imaginable. ## Background For an introduction to this project, please read the [αcτµαlly pδrταblε εxεcµταblε]( blog post and [cosmopolitan libc]( website. We also have [API documentation]( ## Getting Started If you're doing your development work on Linux or BSD then you need just five files to get started. Here's what you do on Linux: ```sh wget unzip printf 'main() { printf("hello world\\n"); }\n' >hello.c gcc -g -Os -static -nostdlib -nostdinc -fno-pie -no-pie -mno-red-zone \ -fno-omit-frame-pointer -pg -mnop-mcount -mno-tls-direct-seg-refs -gdwarf-4 \ -o hello.c -fuse-ld=bfd -Wl,-T, -Wl,--gc-sections \ -include cosmopolitan.h crt.o ape-no-modify-self.o cosmopolitan.a objcopy -S -O binary ``` You now have a portable program. ```sh ./ bash -c './' # zsh/fish workaround (we patched them in 2021) ``` If `./` executed on Linux throws an error about not finding an interpreter, it should be fixed by running the following command (although note that it may not survive a system restart): ```sh sudo sh -c "echo ':APE:M::MZqFpD::/bin/sh:' >/proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/register" ``` If the same command produces puzzling errors on WSL or WINE when using Redbean 2.x, they may be fixed by disabling binfmt_misc: ```sh sudo sh -c 'echo -1 >/proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/status' ``` Since we used the `ape-no-modify-self.o` bootloader (rather than `ape.o`) your executable will not modify itself when it's run. What it'll instead do, is extract a 4kb program (the [APE loader]( to `${TMPDIR:-${HOME:-.}}` that maps your program into memory without needing to copy it. The APE loader must be in an executable location (e.g. not stored on a `noexec` mount) for it to run. See below for alternatives: It's possible to install the APE loader systemwide as follows. ```sh # System-Wide APE Install # for Linux, Darwin, and BSDs # 1. Copies APE Loader to /usr/bin/ape # 2. Registers w/ binfmt_misc too if Linux ape/ # System-Wide APE Uninstall # for Linux, Darwin, and BSDs ape/ ``` It's also possible to convert APE binaries into the system-local format by using the `--assimilate` flag. Please note that if binfmt_misc is in play, you'll need to unregister it temporarily before doing this, since the assimilate feature is part of the shell script header. ```sh $ file DOS/MBR boot sector ./ --assimilate $ file ELF 64-bit LSB executable ``` Now that you're up and running with Cosmopolitan Libc and APE, here's some of the most important troubleshooting tools APE offers that you should know, in case you encounter any issues: ```sh ./ --strace # log system calls to stderr ./ --ftrace # log function calls to stderr ``` Do you love tiny binaries? If so, you may not be happy with Cosmo adding heavyweight features like tracing to your binaries by default. In that case, you may want to consider using our build system: ```sh make m=tiny ``` Which will cause programs such as `` and `` to shrink from 60kb in size to about 16kb. There's also a prebuilt amalgamation online <> hosted on our download page <>. ### MacOS If you're developing on MacOS you can install the GNU compiler collection for x86_64-elf via homebrew: ```sh brew install x86_64-elf-gcc ``` Then in the above scripts just replace `gcc` and `objcopy` with `x86_64-elf-gcc` and `x86_64-elf-objcopy` to compile your APE binary. ### Windows If you're developing on Windows then you need to download an x86_64-pc-linux-gnu toolchain beforehand. See the [Compiling on Windows]( tutorial. It's needed because the ELF object format is what makes universal binaries possible. Cosmopolitan officially only builds on Linux. However, one highly experimental (and currently broken) thing you could try, is building the entire cosmo repository from source using the cross9 toolchain. ``` mkdir -p o/third_party rm -rf o/third_party/gcc wget unzip mv cross9 o/third_party/gcc build/bootstrap/ ``` ## Source Builds Cosmopolitan can be compiled from source on any Linux distro. First, you need to download or clone the repository. ```sh wget tar xf cosmopolitan.tar.gz # see releases page cd cosmopolitan ``` This will build the entire repository and run all the tests: ```sh build/bootstrap/ o//examples/ find o -name \*.com | xargs ls -rShal | less ``` If you get an error running then it's probably because you have WINE installed to `binfmt_misc`. You can fix that by installing the the APE loader as an interpreter. It'll improve build performance too! ```sh ape/ ``` Since the Cosmopolitan repository is very large, you might only want to build a particular thing. Cosmopolitan's build config does a good job at having minimal deterministic builds. For example, if you wanted to build only then you could do that as follows: ```sh build/bootstrap/ o//examples/ ``` Sometimes it's desirable to build a subset of targets, without having to list out each individual one. You can do that by asking make to build a directory name. For example, if you wanted to build only the targets and subtargets of the chibicc package including its tests, you would say: ```sh build/bootstrap/ o//third_party/chibicc o//third_party/chibicc/ --help ``` Cosmopolitan provides a variety of build modes. For example, if you want really tiny binaries (as small as 12kb in size) then you'd say: ```sh build/bootstrap/ m=tiny ``` Here's some other build modes you can try: ```sh build/bootstrap/ m=dbg # asan + ubsan + debug build/bootstrap/ m=asan # production memory safety build/bootstrap/ m=opt # -march=native optimizations build/bootstrap/ m=rel # traditional release binaries build/bootstrap/ m=optlinux # optimal linux-only performance build/bootstrap/ m=fastbuild # build 28% faster w/o debugging build/bootstrap/ m=tinylinux # tiniest linux-only 4kb binaries ``` For further details, see [//build/](build/ ## GDB Here's the recommended `~/.gdbinit` config: ```gdb set host-charset UTF-8 set target-charset UTF-8 set target-wide-charset UTF-8 set osabi none set complaints 0 set confirm off set history save on set history filename ~/.gdb_history define asm layout asm layout reg end define src layout src layout reg end src ``` You normally run the `.com.dbg` file under gdb. If you need to debug the `.com` file itself, then you can load the debug symbols independently as ``` gdb -ex 'add-symbol-file 0x401000' ``` ## Support Vector | Platform | Min Version | Circa | | :--- | ---: | ---: | | AMD | K8 Venus | 2005 | | Intel | Core | 2006 | | Linux | 2.6.18 | 2007 | | Windows | 8 [1] | 2012 | | Mac OS X | 15.6 | 2018 | | OpenBSD | 6.4 | 2018 | | FreeBSD | 13 | 2020 | | NetBSD | 9.2 | 2021 | [1] See our [vista branch]( for a community supported version of Cosmopolitan that works on Windows Vista and Windows 7. ## Special Thanks Funding for this project is crowdsourced using [GitHub Sponsors]( and [Patreon]( Your support is what makes this project possible. Thank you! We'd also like to give special thanks to the following groups and individuals: - [Joe Drumgoole]( - [Rob Figueiredo]( - [Wasmer]( For publicly sponsoring our work at the highest tier.
OpenPrinting CUPS Sources
OpenPrinting CUPS v2.4.2 ======================== ![Version]( ![Apache 2.0]( [![Build and Test](]( [![Coverity Scan](]( Introduction ------------ OpenPrinting CUPS is the most current version of CUPS, a standards-based, open source printing system for Linux® and other Unix®-like operating systems. CUPS supports printing to: - [AirPrint™][1] and [IPP Everywhere™][2] printers, - Network and local (USB) printers with Printer Applications, and - Network and local (USB) printers with (legacy) PPD-based printer drivers. CUPS provides the System V ("lp") and Berkeley ("lpr") command-line interfaces, a configurable web interface, a C API, and common print filters, drivers, and backends for printing. The [cups-filters][3] project provides additional filters and drivers. CUPS is licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0 with an exception to allow linking against GNU GPL2-only software. See the files `LICENSE` and `NOTICE` for more information. > Note: Apple maintains a separate repository for the CUPS that ships with macOS > and iOS at <>. [1]: [2]: [3]: Reading the Documentation ------------------------- Initial documentation to get you started is provided in the root directory of the CUPS sources: - ``: A list of changes in the current major release of CUPS. - ``: Guidelines for contributing to the CUPS project. - ``: A list of past contributors to the CUPS project. - ``: Guidelines for developing code for the CUPS project. - ``: Instructions for building and installing CUPS. - `LICENSE`: The CUPS license agreement (Apache 2.0). - `NOTICE`: Copyright notices and exceptions to the CUPS license agreement. - ``: This file. - ``: Instructions what information to provide when reporting an issue. Once you have installed the software you can access the documentation (and a bunch of other stuff) online at <http://localhost:631/> and using the `man` command, for example `man cups`. If you're having trouble getting that far, the documentation is located under the `doc/help` and `man` directories. *Please read the documentation before asking questions.* Setting Up Printers ------------------- CUPS includes a web-based administration tool that allows you to manage printers, classes, and jobs on your server. Open <http://localhost:631/admin/> in your browser to access the printer administration tools. You will be asked for the administration password (root or any other user in the "sys", "system", "root", "admin", or "lpadmin" group on your system) when performing any administrative function. The `lpadmin` command is used to manage printers from the command-line. For example, the following command creates a print queue called "myprinter" for an IPP Everywhere printer at address "": lpadmin -p myprinter -E -v "ipp://" -m everywhere The `-p` option specifies the printer name. The `-E` option enables the printer and accepts new print jobs immediately. The `-v` option specifies the *device URI* for the printer, which tells CUPS how to communicate with the printer. And the `-m` option specifies the model (driver) to use, in this case the IPP Everywhere ("everywhere") driver that is used for AirPrint and IPP Everywhere printers as well as shared printers and printers supported through Printer Applications. Legacy printers are supported using PPD (PostScript Printer Description) files that describe printer capabilities and driver programs needed for each printer. CUPS includes several sample PPD files for common legacy printers: Driver | PPD Name -----------------------------|------------------------------ Dymo Label Printers | drv:///sample.drv/dymo.ppd Intellitech Intellibar | drv:///sample.drv/intelbar.ppd EPSON 9-pin Series | drv:///sample.drv/epson9.ppd EPSON 24-pin Series | drv:///sample.drv/epson24.ppd Generic PCL Laser Printer | drv:///sample.drv/generpcl.ppd Generic PostScript Printer | drv:///sample.drv/generic.ppd HP DeskJet Series | drv:///sample.drv/deskjet.ppd HP LaserJet Series | drv:///sample.drv/laserjet.ppd OKIDATA 9-Pin Series | drv:///sample.drv/okidata9.ppd OKIDATA 24-Pin Series | drv:///sample.drv/okidat24.ppd Zebra CPCL Label Printer | drv:///sample.drv/zebracpl.ppd Zebra EPL1 Label Printer | drv:///sample.drv/zebraep1.ppd Zebra EPL2 Label Printer | drv:///sample.drv/zebraep2.ppd Zebra ZPL Label Printer | drv:///sample.drv/zebra.ppd The sample drivers provide basic printing capabilities, but generally do not exercise the full potential of the printers or CUPS. Other drivers provide greater printing capabilities. You can run the `lpinfo -m` command to list all of the available drivers: lpinfo -m Similarly, the `lpinfo -v` command lists the available printers and their device URIs: lpinfo -v Once you know the device URI and driver name, add the printer using the `lpadmin` command: lpadmin -p PRINTER-NAME -E -v "DEVICE-URI" -m DRIVER-NAME Printing Files -------------- CUPS provides both the System V `lp` and Berkeley `lpr` commands for printing: lp FILENAME lpr FILENAME Both the `lp` and `lpr` commands support printing options: lp -o media=A4 -o resolution=600dpi FILENAME lpr -o media=A4 -o resolution=600dpi FILENAME CUPS recognizes many types of images files as well as PDF, PostScript, and text files, so you can print those files directly rather than through an application. If you have an application that generates output specifically for your printer then you need to use the `-oraw` or `-l` options: lp -o raw FILENAME lpr -l FILENAME This will prevent the filters from misinterpreting your print file. Legal Stuff ----------- Copyright © 2020-2023 by OpenPrinting Copyright © 2007-2020 by Apple Inc. Copyright © 1997-2007 by Easy Software Products. CUPS is provided under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 with exceptions for GPL2/LGPL2 software. A copy of this license can be found in the file `LICENSE`. Additional legal information is provided in the file `NOTICE`. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
Euro Truck Simulator 2 autonomous driving solution
# <img src="" width="64">ChosunTruck ## Introduction ChosunTruck is an autonomous driving solution for [Euro Truck Simulator 2]( Recently, autonomous driving technology has become a big issue and as a result we have been studying technology that incorporates this. It is being developed in a simulated environment called Euro Truck Simulator 2 to allow us to study it using vehicles. We chose Euro Truck Simulator 2 because this simulator provides a good test environment that is similar to the real road. ## Features * You can drive a vehicle without handling it yourself. * You can understand the principles of autonomous driving. * (Experimental/Linux only) You can detect where other vehicles are. ## How To Run It ### Windows #### Dependencies - OS: Windows 7, 10 (64bit) - IDE: Visual Studio 2013, 2015 - OpenCV version: >= 3.1 - [Cuda Toolkit 7.5]( (Note: Do an ADVANCED INSTALLATION. ONLY install the Toolkit + Integration to Visual Studio. Do NOT install the drivers + other stuff it would normally give you. Once installed, your project properties should look like this: - If you have a problem during installation, look at our [Windows Installation wiki page]( #### Required to allow input to work in Windows: - **Go to C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\Documents\Euro Truck Simulator 2\profiles and edit controls.sii from** ``` config_lines[0]: "device keyboard `di8.keyboard`" config_lines[1]: "device mouse `fusion.mouse`" ``` to ``` config_lines[0]: "device keyboard `sys.keyboard`" config_lines[1]: "device mouse `sys.mouse`" ``` (thanks Komat!) - **While you are in controls.sii, make sure your sensitivity is set to:** ``` config_lines[33]: "constant c_rsteersens 0.775000" config_lines[34]: "constant c_asteersens 4.650000" ``` #### Then: - Set controls.sii to read-only - Open the visual studio project and build it. - Run ETS2 in windowed mode and set resolution to 1024 * 768.(It will work properly with 1920 * 1080 screen resolution and 1024 * 768 window mode ETS2.) ### Linux #### Dependencies - OS: Ubuntu 16.04 LTS - [OpenCV version: >= 3.1]( - (Optional) Tensorflow version: >= 0.12.1 ### Build the source code with the following command (inside the linux directory). ``` make ``` ### If you want the car detection function then: ```` make Drive ```` #### Then: - Run ETS2 in windowed mode and set its resolution to 1024 * 768. (It will work properly with 1920 * 1080 screen resolution and 1024 * 768 windowed mode ETS2) - It cannot find the ETS2 window automatically. Move the ETS2 window to the right-down corner to fix this. - In ETS2 Options, set controls to 'Keyboard + Mouse Steering', 'left click' to acclerate, and 'right click' to brake. - Go to a highway and set the truck's speed to 40~60km/h. (I recommend you turn on cruise mode to set the speed easily) - Run this program! #### To enable car detection mode, add -D or --Car_Detection. ``` ./ChosunTruck [-D|--Car_Detection] ``` ## Troubleshooting See [Our wiki page]( If you have some problems running this project, reference the demo video below. Or, [open a issue to contact our team]( ## Demo Video Lane Detection (Youtube link) [![youtube link](]( [![youtube link](]( Lane Detection + Vehicle Detection (Youtube link) [![youtube link](]( ## Todo * For better detection performance, Change the Tensorbox to YOLO2. * The information from in-game screen have Restrictions. Read ETS2 process memory to collect more driving environment data. ## Founders - Chiwan Song, [email protected] - JaeCheol Sim, [email protected] - Seongjoon Chu, [email protected] ## Contributors - [zappybiby]( ## How To Contribute Anyone who is interested in this project is welcome! Just fork it and pull requests! ## License ChosunTruck, Euro Truck Simulator 2 auto driving solution Copyright (C) 2017 chi3236, bethesirius, uoyssim This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>.
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# PENTESTING-BIBLE # Explore more than 2000 hacking articles saved over time as PDF. BROWSE HISTORY. # Created By Ammar Amer (Twitter @cry__pto) ## Support. *Paypal:* [![Donate via Paypal](]( -1- 3 Ways Extract Password Hashes from NTDS.dit: -2- 3 ways to Capture HTTP Password in Network PC: -3- 3 Ways to Crack Wifi using Pyrit,oclHashcat and Cowpatty: -4-BugBounty @ Linkedln-How I was able to bypass Open Redirection Protection: -5-BugBounty — “Let me reset your password and login into your account “-How I was able to Compromise any User Account via Reset Password Functionality: -6-“Journey from LFI to RCE!!!”-How I was able to get the same in one of the India’s popular property buy/sell company: -7-BugBounty — “I don’t need your current password to login into your account” - How could I completely takeover any user’s account in an online classi ed ads company: -8-BugBounty — “How I was able to shop for free!”- Payment Price Manipulation: -9-Recon — my way: -10-Reconnaissance: a eulogy in three acts: -11-Red-Teaming-Toolkit: -12-Red Team Tips: -13-Shellcode: A reverse shell for Linux in C with support for TLS/SSL: -14-Shellcode: Encrypting traffic: -15-Penetration Testing of an FTP Server: -16-Reverse Engineering of the Anubis Malware — Part 1: -17-Privilege Escalation on Linux with Live examples: -18-Pentesting Cheatsheets: -19-Powershell Payload Delivery via DNS using Invoke-PowerCloud: -20-SMART GOOGLE SEARCH QUERIES TO FIND VULNERABLE SITES – LIST OF 4500+ GOOGLE DORKS: -21-SQL Injection Cheat Sheet: -22-SQLmap’s os-shell + Backdooring website with Weevely: -23-SQLMap Tamper Scripts (SQL Injection and WAF bypass) Tips: -24-Top 10 Essential NMAP Scripts for Web App Hacking: -25-BugBounty — How I was able to download the Source Code of India’s Largest Telecom Service Provider including dozens of more popular websites!: -26-Re ected XSS Bypass Filter: -27-XSS Payloads, getting past alert(1): -28-XS-Searching Google’s bug tracker to find out vulnerable source code Or how side-channel timing attacks aren’t that impractical: -29-Web Application Firewall (WAF) Evasion Techniques: -30-OSINT Resources for 2019: -31-The OSINT Toolkit: -32-OSINT : Chasing Malware + C&C Servers: -33-OSINT tool for visualizing relationships between domains, IPs and email addresses: -34-From OSINT to Internal – Gaining Access from outside the perimeter: -35-Week in OSINT #2018–35: -36-Week in OSINT #2019–14: -37-Instagram OSINT | What A Nice Picture: -38-awesome-osint: -39-OSINT_Team_Links: -40-Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) Reconnaissance: -41-Hacking Cryptocurrency Miners with OSINT Techniques: -42-A penetration tester’s guide to sub- domain enumeration: -43-Packages that actively seeks vulnerable exploits in the wild. 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Cross Site Scripting Vulnerability Payload List: -96-Analyzing CVE-2018-6376 – Joomla!, Second Order SQL Injection: -97-Exploiting Sql Injection with Nmap and Sqlmap: -98-awesome-malware-analysis: -99-Anatomy of UAC Attacks: -100-awesome-cyber-skills: -101-5 ways to Banner Grabbing: -102-6 Ways to Hack PostgresSQL Login: -103-6 Ways to Hack SSH Login Password: -104-10 Free Ways to Find Someone’s Email Address: -105-USING A SCF FILE TO GATHER HASHES: -106-Hack Remote Windows PC using DLL Files (SMB Delivery Exploit): 107-Hack Remote Windows PC using Office OLE Multiple DLL Hijack Vulnerabilities: -108-BUG BOUNTY HUNTING (METHODOLOGY , TOOLKIT , TIPS & TRICKS , Blogs): -109-How To Perform External Black-box Penetration Testing in Organization with “ZERO” Information: -110-A Complete Penetration Testing & Hacking Tools List for Hackers & Security Professionals: -111-Most Important Considerations with Malware Analysis Cheats And Tools list: -112-Awesome-Hacking: -113-awesome-threat-intelligence: -114-awesome-yara: -115-Red-Team-Infrastructure-Wiki: -116-awesome-pentest: -117-awesome-cyber-skills: -118-pentest-wiki: -119-awesome-web-security: -120-Infosec_Reference: -121-awesome-iocs: -122-blackhat-arsenal-tools: -123-awesome-social-engineering: -124-Penetration Testing Framework 0.59: -125-Penetration Testing Tools Cheat Sheet : -126-SN1PER – A Detailed Explanation of Most Advanced Automated Information Gathering & Penetration Testing Tool: -127-Spear Phishing 101: -128-100 ways to discover (part 1): -129-Comprehensive Guide to SSH Tunnelling: -130-Capture VNC Session of Remote PC using SetToolkit: -131-Hack Remote PC using PSEXEC Injection in SET Toolkit: -132-Denial of Service Attack on Network PC using SET Toolkit: -133-Hack Gmail and Facebook of Remote PC using DNS Spoofing and SET Toolkit: -134-Hack Any Android Phone with DroidJack (Beginner’s Guide): -135-HTTP RAT Tutorial for Beginners: -136-5 ways to Create Permanent Backdoor in Remote PC: -137-How to Enable and Monitor Firewall Log in Windows PC: -138-EMPIRE TIPS AND TRICKS: -139-CSRF account takeover Explained Automated/Manual: -140-CSRF Exploitation using XSS: -141-Dumping Domain Password Hashes: -142-Empire Post Exploitation – Unprivileged Agent to DA Walkthrough: -143-Dropbox for the Empire: -144-Empire without PowerShell.exe: -145-REVIVING DDE: USING ONENOTE AND EXCEL FOR CODE EXECUTION: -146-PHISHING WITH EMPIRE: -146-BYPASSING UAC ON WINDOWS 10 USING DISK CLEANUP: -147-“FILELESS” UAC BYPASS USING EVENTVWR.EXE AND REGISTRY HIJACKING: -148-“FILELESS” UAC BYPASS USING SDCLT.EXE: -149-PHISHING AGAINST PROTECTED VIEW: -150-LATERAL MOVEMENT USING EXCEL.APPLICATION AND DCOM: -151-enum4linux Cheat Sheet: -152-enumeration: -153-Command and Control – WebSocket: -154-Command and Control – WMI: -155-Dangerous Virus For Windows Crashes Everything Hack window Using Virus: -156-Comprehensive Guide to Nmap Port Status: -157-Commix – Automated All-in-One OS Command Injection and Exploitation Tool: -158-Compromising Jenkins and extracting credentials: -159-footprinting: -160-awesome-industrial-control-system-security: -161-xss-payload-list: -162-awesome-vehicle-security: -163-awesome-osint: -164-awesome-python: -165-Microsoft Windows - UAC Protection Bypass (Via Slui File Handler Hijack) (Metasploit): -166-nbtscan Cheat Sheet: -167-neat-tricks-to-bypass-csrfprotection: -168-ACCESSING CLIPBOAR D FROM THE LOC K SC REEN IN WI NDOWS 10 #2: -169-NMAP CHEAT-SHEET (Nmap Scanning Types, Scanning Commands , NSE Scripts): -170-Nmap Cheat Sheet: -171-Powershell Without Powershell – How To Bypass Application Whitelisting, Environment Restrictions & AV: -172-Phishing with PowerPoint: -173-hide-payload-ms-office-document-properties: -174-How to Evade Application Whitelisting Using REGSVR32: -175-How to Build a C2 Infrastructure with Digital Ocean – Part 1: -176-WordPress Penetration Testing using Symposium Plugin SQL Injection: -177-Manual SQL Injection Exploitation Step by Step: -178-MSSQL Penetration Testing with Metasploit: -179-Multiple Ways to Get root through Writable File: -180-MySQL Penetration Testing with Nmap: -181-NetBIOS and SMB Penetration Testing on Windows: -182-Network Packet Forensic using Wireshark: -183-Escape and Evasion Egressing Restricted Networks: -183-Awesome-Hacking-Resources: -184-Hidden directories and les as a source of sensitive information about web application: -185-Hiding Registry keys with PSRe ect: -186-awesome-cve-poc: -187-Linux Capabilities Privilege Escalation via OpenSSL with SELinux Enabled and Enforced: -188-Post Exploitation in Windows using dir Command: 189-Web Application Firewall (WAF) Evasion Techniques #2: -190-Forensics Investigation of Remote PC (Part 1): -191-CloudFront Hijacking: -192-PowerPoint and Custom Actions: -193-Privilege Escalation on Windows 7,8,10, Server 2008, Server 2012 using Potato: -194-How to intercept TOR hidden service requests with Burp: -195-How to Make a Captive Portal of Death: -196-How to find any CEO’s email address in minutes: 197-Microsoft Windows 10 - Child Process Restriction Mitigation Bypass: -198-Microsoft Windows - Token Process Trust SID Access Check Bypass Privilege Escalation: -199-Microsoft Word upload to Stored XSS: -200-MobileApp-Pentest-Cheatsheet: -201-awesome: -201-writing arm shellcode: -202-debugging with gdb introduction: -203-emulate raspberrypi with qemu: -204-Bash One-Liner to Check Your Password(s) via’s API Using the k-Anonymity Method: -205-A Red Teamer's guide to pivoting: -206-Using WebDAV features as a covert channel: -207-A View of Persistence: -208- pupy websocket transport: -209-Subdomains Enumeration Cheat Sheet: -210-DNS Reconnaissance – DNSRecon: -211-Cheatsheets: -212-Understanding Guide to Nmap Firewall Scan (Part 2): -213-Exploit Office 2016 using CVE-2018-0802: -214-windows-exploit-suggester: -215-INSTALLING PRESISTENCE BACKDOOR IN WINDOWS: -216-IDS, IPS AND FIREWALL EVASION USING NMAP: -217-Wireless Penetration Testing Checklist – A Detailed Cheat Sheet: 218-Most Important Web Application Security Tools & Resources for Hackers and Security Professionals: -219-Web Application Penetration Testing Checklist – A Detailed Cheat Sheet: -220-Top 500 Most Important XSS Script Cheat Sheet for Web Application Penetration Testing: -221-USBStealer – Password Hacking Tool For Windows Machine Applications: -222-Most Important Mobile Application Penetration Testing Cheat sheet with Tools & Resources for Security Professionals: -223-Metasploit Can Be Directly Used For Hardware Penetration Testing Now: -224-How to Perform Manual SQL Injection While Pentesting With Single quote Error Based Parenthesis Method: -225-Email Spoo ng – Exploiting Open Relay configured Public Mailservers: -226-Email Header Analysis – Received Email is Genuine or Spoofed: -227-Most Important Cyber Threat Intelligence Tools List For Hackers and Security Professionals: -228-Creating and Analyzing a Malicious PDF File with PDF-Parser Tool: -229-Commix – Automated All-in-One OS Command Injection and Exploitation Tool: -230-Advanced ATM Penetration Testing Methods: -231-A8-Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF): -232-Fully undetectable backdooring PE File: -233-backdooring exe files: -234-From PHP (s)HELL to Powershell Heaven: -235-Forensic Investigation of Nmap Scan using Wireshark: -236-Unleashing an Ultimate XSS Polyglot: -237-wifi-arsenal: -238-XXE_payloads: -239-xss_payloads_2016: -240-A curated list of awesome command-line frameworks, toolkits, guides and gizmos. Inspired by awesome-php.: -241-The goal of this repository is to document the most common techniques to bypass AppLocker.: -242-A curated list of CTF frameworks, libraries, resources and softwares: -243-A collection of android security related resources: -244-OSX and iOS related security tools: -245-regexp-security-cheatsheet: -246-PowerView-2.0 tips and tricks: -247-A curated list of awesome awesomeness: -248-Android App Security Checklist: -249-Crack WPA/WPA2 Wi-Fi Routers with Airodump-ng and Aircrack-ng/Hashcat: -250-My-Gray-Hacker-Resources: -251-A collection of tools developed by other researchers in the Computer Science area to process network traces: -252-A curated list of awesome Hacking tutorials, tools and resources: -253-RFSec-ToolKit is a collection of Radio Frequency Communication Protocol Hacktools.: -254-Collection of the cheat sheets useful for pentesting: -255-Collection of the cheat sheets useful for pentesting: -256-Collection of the cheat sheets useful for pentesting: -257-A curated list of awesome forensic analysis tools and resources: -258-Open-Redirect-Payloads: -259-A Threat hunter's playbook to aid the development of techniques and hypothesis for hunting campaigns.: -260-Windows memory hacking library: -261-A collective list of public JSON APIs for use in security.: -262-An authoritative list of awesome devsecops tools with the help from community experiments and contributions.: -263-List of Awesome Hacking places, organised by Country and City, listing if it features power and wifi: -264-A comprehensive curated list of available Bug Bounty & Disclosure Programs and Write-ups: -265-Notes for taking the OSCP in 2097: -266-A curated list of awesome Windows Exploitation resources, and shiny things. Inspired by awesom: -267-A curated list of resources (books, tutorials, courses, tools and vulnerable applications) for learning about Exploit Development: -268-A curated list of awesome reversing resources: -269-Git All the Payloads! A collection of web attack payloads: -270-GitHub Project Resource List: -271-Use your macOS terminal shell to do awesome things.: -272-Defeating Windows User Account Control: -273-Free Security and Hacking eBooks: -274-Universal Radio Hacker: investigate wireless protocols like a boss: -275-A curated list of movies every hacker & cyberpunk must watch: -276-Various public documents, whitepapers and articles about APT campaigns: -277-A database of common, interesting or useful commands, in one handy referable form: -278-A curated list of tools for incident response: -279-A curated list of awesome guides, tools, and other resources related to the security and compromise of locks, safes, and keys: -280-A curated list of static analysis tools, linters and code quality checkers for various programming languages: -281-A Collection of Hacks in IoT Space so that we can address them (hopefully): -281-A Course on Intermediate Level Linux Exploitation: -282-Kali Linux Cheat Sheet for Penetration Testers: -283-A curated list of awesome infosec courses and training resources.: -284-A curated list of resources for learning about application security: -285-an awesome list of honeypot resources: 286-GitHub Enterprise SQL Injection: -287-A curated list of fuzzing resources ( Books, courses - free and paid, videos, tools, tutorials and vulnerable applications to practice on ) for learning Fuzzing and initial phases of Exploit Development like root cause analysis: -288-PHP htaccess injection cheat sheet: -289-A curated list of the awesome resources about the Vulnerability Research: -290-A list of useful payloads and bypass for Web Application Security and Pentest/CTF: -291-A collection of Red Team focused tools, scripts, and notes: -292-Awesome XSS stuff: -293-A collection of hacking / penetration testing resources to make you better!: -294-Docker Cheat Sheet: -295-Decrypted content of eqgrp-auction-file.tar.xz: -296-A bunch of links related to Linux kernel exploitation: -297-Penetration Testing 102 - Windows Privilege Escalation Cheatsheet: -298-Pentesting Cheatsheet: -299-Windows Privilege Escalation Methods for Pentesters: -300-Penetration Testing Cheat Sheet For Windows Machine – Intrusion Detection: -301-Reading Your Way Around UAC (Part 1): -302--Reading Your Way Around UAC (Part 2): -303-Executing Metasploit & Empire Payloads from MS Office Document Properties (part 2 of 2): -304-SSRF - Server Side Request Forgery (Types and ways to exploit it) Part-1: -304-Automating Cobalt Strike,Aggressor Collection Scripts: -305-Vi Cheat Sheet: -306-Network Recon Cheat Sheet: -307-LFI Cheat Sheet: -308-Systemd Cheat Sheet: -309-Aircrack-ng Cheatsheet: -310-Kali Linux Cheat Sheet for Penetration Testers: -311-Wifi Pentesting Command Cheatsheet: -312-Android Testing Environment Cheatsheet (Part 1): -313-cheatsheet: -314-Reverse Shell Cheat Sheet: -315-Linux Commands Cheat Sheet: -316-Linux Privilege Escalation using Sudo Rights: -317-Linux Privilege Escalation using Misconfigured NFS: -318-Linux Privilege Escalation by Exploiting Cronjobs: -319-Web Penetration Testing: -320-Webshell to Meterpreter: -321-WordPress Penetration Testing using WPScan & Metasploit: -322-XSS Exploitation in DVWA (Bypass All Security): -323-Linux Privilege Escalation Using PATH Variable: -324-VNC tunneling over SSH: -325-VNC Pivoting through Meterpreter: -326-Week of Evading Microsoft ATA - Announcement and Day 1: -327-Abusing DNSAdmins privilege for escalation in Active Directory: -328-Using SQL Server for attacking a Forest Trust: -329-Empire : -330-8 Deadly Commands You Should Never Run on Linux: -331-External C2 framework for Cobalt Strike: -332-How to use Public IP on Kali Linux: -333-Bypass Admin access through guest Account in windows 10: -334-Bypass Firewall Restrictions with Metasploit (reverse_tcp_allports): -335-Bypass SSH Restriction by Port Relay: -336-Bypass UAC Protection of Remote Windows 10 PC (Via FodHelper Registry Key): -337-Bypass UAC in Windows 10 using bypass_comhijack Exploit: -338-Bind Payload using SFX archive with Trojanizer: -339-Capture NTLM Hashes using PDF (Bad-Pdf): -340-Best of Post Exploitation Exploits & Tricks: -341-Detect SQL Injection Attack using Snort IDS: -342-Beginner Guide to Website Footprinting: -343-How to Enable and Monitor Firewall Log in Windows PC: -344-Wifi Post Exploitation on Remote PC: -335-Check Meltdown Vulnerability in CPU: -336-XXE: -337-[XSS] Re ected XSS Bypass Filter: -338-Engagement Tools Tutorial in Burp suite: -339-Wiping Out CSRF: -340-First entry: Welcome and fileless UAC bypass: -341-Writing a Custom Shellcode Encoder: -342-Security Harden CentOS 7 : -343-THE BIG BAD WOLF - XSS AND MAINTAINING ACCESS: -344-MySQL: -345-Deobfuscation of VM based software protection: -346-Online Assembler and Disassembler: -347-Shellcodes database for study cases: -348-Dynamic Binary Analysis and Obfuscated Codes: -349-How Triton may help to analyse obfuscated binaries: -350-Triton: A Concolic Execution Framework: -351-Automatic deobfuscation of the Tigress binary protection using symbolic execution and LLVM: -352-What kind of semantics information Triton can provide?: -353-Code coverage using a dynamic symbolic execution: -354-Triton (concolic execution framework) under the hood: -355-- Stack and heap overflow detection at runtime via behavior analysis and Pin: -356-Binary analysis: Concolic execution with Pin and z3: -357-In-Memory fuzzing with Pin: -358-Hackover 2015 r150 (outdated solving for Triton use cases): -359-Skip sh – Web Application Security Scanner for XSS, SQL Injection, Shell injection: -360-Sublist3r – Tool for Penetration testers to Enumerate Sub-domains: -361-bypassing application whitelisting with bginfo: -362-accessing-clipboard-from-the-lock-screen-in-windows-10: -363-bypassing-device-guard-umci-using-chm-cve-2017-8625: -364-defense-in-depth-writeup: -365-applocker-case-study-how-insecure-is-it-really-part-1: -366-empires-cross-platform-office-macro: -367-recon tools: -368-Black Hat 2018 tools list: -369-Application Introspection & Hooking With Frida: -370-And I did OSCP!: -371-CoffeeMiner: Hacking WiFi to inject cryptocurrency miner to HTML requests: -372-Most Important Endpoint Security & Threat Intelligence Tools List for Hackers and Security Professionals: -373-Penetration Testing Cheat Sheet For Windows Machine – Intrusion Detection: -374-privilege escalation: -375-The Complete List of Windows Post-Exploitation Commands (No Powershell): -376-The Art of Subdomain Enumeration: -377-The Principles of a Subdomain Takeover: -378-The journey of Web Cache + Firewall Bypass to SSRF to AWS credentials compromise!: -379-The Solution for Web for Pentester-I: -380-The Ultimate Penetration Testing Command Cheat Sheet for Linux: -381-: Ethical Hacking, Hack Tools, Hacking Tricks, Information Gathering, Penetration Testing, Recommended: -383-Introduction to Exploitation, Part 1: Introducing Concepts and Terminology: -384-How Hackers Kick Victims Off of Wireless Networks: -385-Maintaining Access Part 1: Introduction and Metasploit Example: -386-How to Steal Windows Credentials with Mimikatz and Metasploit: -387-Evading Anti-virus Part 2: Obfuscating Payloads with Msfvenom: -388-Evading Anti-virus Part 1: Infecting EXEs with Shellter: -389-Mobile Hacking Part 4: Fetching Payloads via USB Rubber Ducky: -390-Ethical Hacking Practice Test 6 – Footprinting Fundamentals Level1: -391-Skip Cracking Responder Hashes and Relay Them: -392-Cracking NTLMv1 Handshakes with -393-Top 3 Anti-Forensic OpSec Tips for Linux & A New Dead Man’s Switch: -394-VNC Penetration Testing (Port 5901): -395-Windows Privilege Escalation: -396-Removing Sender’s IP Address From Email’s Received: From Header: -397-Dump Cleartext Password in Linux PC using MimiPenguin: -398-Embedded Backdoor with Image using FakeImageExploiter: -399-Exploit Command Injection Vulnearbility with Commix and Netcat: -400-Exploiting Form Based Sql Injection using Sqlmap: -401-Beginner Guide to impacket Tool kit: -402-Best of Post Exploitation Exploits & Tricks: -403-Command Injection to Meterpreter using Commix: -404-Comprehensive Guide to Crunch Tool: -405-Compressive Guide to File Transfer (Post Exploitation): -406-Crack Wifi Password using Aircrack-Ng (Beginner’s Guide): -407-How to Detect Meterpreter in Your PC: -408-Easy way to Hack Database using Wizard switch in Sqlmap: -409-Exploiting the Webserver using Sqlmap and Metasploit (OS-Pwn): -410-Create SSL Certified Meterpreter Payload using MPM: -411-Port forwarding: A practical hands-on guide: -412-Exploit Dev 101: Jumping to Shellcode: -413-Introduction to Manual Backdooring: -414-Kernel Exploitation: -415-Exploit Dev 101: Bypassing ASLR on Windows: -416-Shellcode reduction tips (x86): -417-OSCE Study Plan: -418-[DefCamp CTF Qualification 2017] Don't net, kids! (Revexp 400): -419-DRUPAL 7.X SERVICES MODULE UNSERIALIZE() TO RCE: -420-SQL VULNERABLE WEBSITES LIST 2017 [APPROX 2500 FRESH SQL VULNERABLE SITES]: -421-Windows IR Live Forensics Cheat Sheet: -422-windows-kernel-logic-bug-class-access: -423-injecting-code-into-windows-protected: -424-USING THE DDE ATTACK WITH POWERSHELL EMPIRE: -425-Automated Derivative Administrator Search: -426-A Red Teamer’s Guide to GPOs and OUs: -427-Pen Testing and Active Directory, Part VI: The Final Case: -428-Offensive Tools and Techniques: -429-Three penetration testing tips to out-hack hackers: -430-Introducing BloodHound: -431-Red + Blue = Purple: -432-Active Directory Access Control List – Attacks and Defense – Enterprise Mobility and Security Blog: -433-PrivEsc: Unquoted Service Path: -434-PrivEsc: Insecure Service Permissions: -435-PrivEsc: DLL Hijacking: -436-Android Reverse Engineering 101 – Part 1: -437-Luckystrike: An Evil Office Document Generator: -438-the-number-one-pentesting-tool-youre-not-using: -439-uac-bypass: -440-XSSer – Automated Framework Tool to Detect and Exploit XSS vulnerabilities: -441-Penetration Testing on X11 Server: -442-Always Install Elevated: -443-Scanning for Active Directory Privileges & Privileged Accounts: -444-Windows Server 2016 Active Directory Features: -445-powershell: -446-PowerShell Security: PowerShell Attack Tools, Mitigation, & Detection: -447-DerbyCon 6 (2016) Talk – Attacking EvilCorp: Anatomy of a Corporate Hack: -448-Real-World Example of How Active Directory Can Be Compromised (RSA Conference Presentation): -449-Advanced ATM Penetration Testing Methods: -450-Background: Microsoft Ofice Exploitation: -451-Automated XSS Finder: -452-Application whitelist bypass using XLL and embedded shellcode: -453-AppLocker Bypass – Regsvr32: -454-Nmap Scans using Hex Value of Flags: -455-Nmap Scan with Timing Parameters: -456-OpenSSH User Enumeration Time- Based Attack with Osueta: -457-Penetration Testing: -458-Penetration Testing on Remote Desktop (Port 3389): -459-Penetration Testing on Telnet (Port 23): -460-Penetration Testing in Windows/Active Directory with Crackmapexec: -461-Penetration Testing in WordPress Website using WordPress Exploit Framework: -462-Port Scanning using Metasploit with IPTables: -463-Post Exploitation Using WMIC (System Command): -464-Privilege Escalation in Linux using etc/passwd file: -465-RDP Pivoting with Metasploit: -466-A New Way to Hack Remote PC using Xerosploit and Metasploit: -467-Shell to Meterpreter using Session Command: -468-SMTP Pentest Lab Setup in Ubuntu (Port 25): -469-SNMP Lab Setup and Penetration Testing: -470-SQL Injection Exploitation in Multiple Targets using Sqlmap: -471-Sql Injection Exploitation with Sqlmap and Burp Suite (Burp CO2 Plugin): -472-SSH Penetration Testing (Port 22): -473-Manual Post Exploitation on Windows PC (System Command): -474-SSH Pivoting using Meterpreter: -475-Stealing Windows Credentials of Remote PC with MS Office Document: -476-Telnet Pivoting through Meterpreter: -477-Hack Password using Rogue Wi-Fi Access Point Attack (WiFi-Pumpkin): -478-Hack Remote PC using Fake Updates Scam with Ettercap and Metasploit: -479-Hack Remote Windows 10 Password in Plain Text using Wdigest Credential Caching Exploit: -480-Hack Remote Windows 10 PC using TheFatRat: -481-2 Ways to Hack Windows 10 Password Easy Way: -482-How to Change ALL Files Extension in Remote PC (Confuse File Extensions Attack): -483-How to Delete ALL Files in Remote Windows PC: -484-How to Encrypt Drive of Remote Victim PC: -485-Post Exploitation in Linux With Metasploit: -486-Red Team: -487-Code Signing Certi cate Cloning Attacks and Defenses: -488-Phishing: -489-PowerPick – A ClickOnce Adjunct: -490-sql-injection-xss-playground: -491-Privilege Escalation & Post-Exploitation: -492-https-payload-and-c2-redirectors: -493-a-push-toward-transparency: -494-bloodhound: -495-active directory: -496-Load & Execute Bundles with migrationTool: -497-Outlook Forms and Shells: -498-Tools: -499-2018 pentesting resources: -500-network pentest: -501-[technical] Pen-testing resources: -502-Stored XSS on Facebook: -503-vulnerabilities: -504-Extending BloodHound: Track and Visualize Your Compromise: -505-so-you-want-to-be-a-web-security-researcher: -506-BugBounty — AWS S3 added to my “Bucket” list!: -507-BugBounty — API keys leakage, Source code disclosure in India’s largest e-commerce health care company: -508-BugBounty — Exploiting CRLF Injection can lands into a nice bounty: -509-BugBounty — How I was able to bypass rewall to get RCE and then went from server shell to get root user account: -510-BugBounty — “I don’t need your current password to login into youraccount” - How could I completely takeover any user’s account in an online classi ed ads company: -511-Ping Power — ICMP Tunnel: -512-hacking: -513-Top 8 Best YouTube Channels To Learn Ethical Hacking Online !: -514-Google Dorks List 2018 | Fresh Google Dorks 2018 for SQLi: -515-Art of Shellcoding: Basic AES Shellcode Crypter: -516-Big List Of Google Dorks Hacking: -517-nmap-cheatsheet: -518-Aws Recon: -519-Recon: -520-Subdomain Enumeration: -521-Shodan: -522-Dump LAPS passwords with ldapsearch: -523-peepdf - PDF Analysis Tool: -524-Evilginx 2 - Next Generation of Phishing 2FA Tokens: -526-Evil XML with two encodings: -527-create-word-macros-with-powershell: -528-Excess XSS A comprehensive tutorial on cross-site scripting: -529-Executing Commands and Bypassing AppLocker with PowerShell Diagnostic Scripts: -530-Abusing DCOM For Yet Another Lateral Movement Technique: -531-Trust Direction: An Enabler for Active Directory Enumeration and Trust Exploitation: -532-Abusing DCOM For Yet Another Lateral Movement Technique: -533-“Practical recon techniques for bug hunters & pen testers”: -534-Exploiting Node.js deserialization bug for Remote Code Execution: -535-Exploiting System Shield AntiVirus Arbitrary Write Vulnerability using SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege: -536-Running Macros via ActiveX Controls: -537-all=BUG+MALWARE+EXPLOITS -538-“FILELESS” UAC BYPASS USING EVENTVWR.EXE AND: -539-BYPASSING UAC ON WINDOWS 10 USING DISK CLEANUP: -540-A Look at CVE-2017-8715: Bypassing CVE-2017-0218 using PowerShell Module Manifests: -541-“FILELESS” UAC BYPASS USING SDCLT.EXE: -542-File Upload XSS: -543-Firebase Databases: -544-Safe Red Team Infrastructure: -545-RED-TEAM: -546-Egressing Bluecoat with Cobaltstike & Let's Encrypt: -547-Veil-Evasion: -548-Dangerous Virus For Windows Crashes Everything Hack window Using Virus: -549-Download Google Dorks List 2019: -550-Don’t leak sensitive data via security scanning tools: -551-CRLF Injection Into PHP’s cURL Options: -552-Open Redirects & Security Done Right!: -553-DOM XSS – -554-PowerPoint and Custom Actions: -555-exploiting-adobe-coldfusion: -556-Command and Control – HTTPS: -557-Command and Control – Images: -558-Command and Control – JavaScript: -559-XSS-Payloads: -560-Command and Control – Web Interface: -561-Command and Control – Website: -562-Command and Control – WebSocket: -563-atomic-red-team: -564-PowerView-3.0-tricks.ps1: -565-awesome-sec-talks: -566-Awesome-Red-Teaming: -567-awesome-php: -568-latest-hacks: -569-GraphQL NoSQL Injection Through JSON Types: -570-Writing .NET Executables for Pentesters: -571-A curated list of fuzzing resources ( Books, courses - free and paid, videos, tools, tutorials and vulnerable applications to practice on ) for learning Fuzzing and initial phases of Exploit Development like root cause analysis. -572-How to Shutdown, Restart, Logoff, and Hibernate Remote Windows PC: -572-Injecting Metasploit Payloads into Android Applications – Manually: -573-Google Dorks For Carding [Huge List] - Part 1: -574-Google dorks for growth hackers: -575-Google Dorks For Carding (HUGE LIST): -576-BIGGEST SQL Injection Dorks List ~ 20K+ Dorks: -577-Pastebin Accounts Hacking (Facebook/Paypal/LR/Gmail/Yahoo, etc): -578-How I Chained 4 vulnerabilities on GitHub Enterprise, From SSRF Execution Chain to RCE!: -579-Hijacking VNC (Enum, Brute, Access and Crack): -580-Linux Post Exploitation Command List: -581-List of google dorks for sql injection: -582-Microsoft Office – NTLM Hashes via Frameset: -583-Microsoft Windows 10 - Child Process Restriction Mitigation Bypass: -584-Microsoft Windows CVE-2018-8210 Remote Code Execution Vulnerability: -585-Microsoft Windows Kernel CVE-2018-0982 Local Privilege Escalation Vulnerability: -586-miSafes Mi-Cam Device Hijacking: -587-Low-Level Windows API Access From PowerShell: -588-Linux Kernel 'mm/hugetlb.c' Local Denial of Service Vulnerability: -589-Lateral Movement – RDP: -590-Snagging creds from locked machines: -591-Making a Blind SQL Injection a Little Less Blind: -592-VulnHub — Kioptrix: Level 5: -593-Unauthenticated Account Takeover Through HTTP Leak: -594-Hakluke’s Ultimate OSCP Guide: Part 1 — Is OSCP for you?: -595-Finding Target-relevant Domain Fronts: -596-Safe Red Team Infrastructure: -597-Cobalt Strike Visualizations: -598-OWASP Top 10 2017 — Web Application Security Risks: -599-XSS-Auditor — the protector of unprotected: -600-Netcat vs Cryptcat – Remote Shell to Control Kali Linux from Windows machine: -601-Jenkins Servers Infected With Miner.: -602-cheat-sheet: -603-Command and Control – Website Keyword: -604-Command and Control – Twitter: -605-Command and Control – Windows COM: -606-Microsoft Office – NTLM Hashes via Frameset: -607-PHISHING AGAINST PROTECTED VIEW: -608-PHISHING WITH EMPIRE: -609-Reverse Engineering Android Applications: -610-HTML Injection: -611-Meterpreter stage AV/IDS evasion with powershell: -612-Windows Atomic Tests by ATT&CK Tactic & Technique: -613-Windows Active Directory Post Exploitation Cheatsheet: -614-Windows 10 UAC Loophole Can Be Used to Infect Systems with Malware: -615-How to Bypass Anti-Virus to Run Mimikatz: -616-Userland API Monitoring and Code Injection Detection: -617-USE TOR. USE EMPIRE.: -617-ADVANCED CROSS SITE SCRIPTING (XSS) CHEAT SHEET: -618-Empire without PowerShell.exe: -619-RED TEAM: -620-PDF Tools: -621-DNS Data ex ltration — What is this and How to use? -621-Google Dorks: -622-Hacking with JSP Shells: -623-Malware Analysis: -624-A curated list of Capture The Flag (CTF) frameworks, libraries, resources and softwares.: -625-Group Policy Preferences: -627-CHECKING FOR MALICIOUSNESS IN AC OFORM OBJECTS ON PDF FILES: -628-deobfuscation: -629-POWERSHELL EMPIRE STAGERS 1: PHISHING WITH AN OFFICE MACRO AND EVADING AVS: -630-A COMPREHENSIVE TUTORIAL ON CROSS-SITE SCRIPTING: -631-GCAT – BACKDOOR EM PYTHON: -632-Latest Carding Dorks List for Sql njection 2019: -633-google docs for credit card: -634-How To Scan Multiple Organizations With Shodan and Golang (OSINT): -635-How to Evade Application Whitelisting Using REGSVR32: -636-phishing: -637-Merlin in action: Intro to Merlin: -638-IP Cams from around the world: -639-Advanced Cross Site Scripting(XSS) Cheat Sheet by Jaydeep Dabhi: -640-Just how easy it is to do a domain or subdomain take over!?: -641-How to Create hidden user in Remote PC: -642-Process Doppelgänging – a new way to impersonate a process: -643-How to turn a DLL into astandalone EXE: -644-Hijacking extensions handlers as a malware persistence method: -645-I'll Get Your Credentials ... Later!: -646-Game Over: CanYouPwnMe > Kevgir-1: -647-IKARUS anti.virus and its 9 exploitable kernel vulnerabilities: -648-Getting started in Bug Bounty: -649-Union SQLi Challenges (Zixem Write-up): -650-scanless – A Tool for Perform Anonymous Port Scan on Target Websites: -651-WEBAPP PENTEST: -652-Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Payloads: -653-sg1: swiss army knife for data encryption, exfiltration & covert communication: -654-NETWORK PENTEST: -655-SQL injection in an UPDATE query - a bug bounty story!: -656-Cross-site Scripting: -657-Local File Inclusion: -658-Command Injection: -659-a categorized list of Windows CMD commands: -660-Understanding Guide for Nmap Timing Scan (Firewall Bypass): -661-RFID Hacking with The Proxmark 3: -662-A practical guide to RFID badge copying: -663-Denial of Service using Cookie Bombing: -664-Vultr Domain Hijacking: -665-Command and Control: -666-Cisco Auditing Tool & Cisco Global Exploiter to Exploit 14 Vulnerabilities in Cisco Switches and Routers: -667-CHECKING FOR MALICIOUSNESS IN ACROFORM OBJECTS ON PDF FILES: -668-Situational Awareness: -669-Unquoted Service Path: -670-NFS: -671-List of Tools for Pentest Rookies: -672-Common Windows Commands for Pentesters: -673-Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) Reconnaissance: -674-OSINT x UCCU Workshop on Open Source Intelligence: -675-Advanced Attack Techniques: -676-Credential Theft: -678-The Cloud Shadow Admin Threat: 10 Permissions to Protect: -679-Online Credit Card Theft: Today’s Browsers Store Sensitive Information Deficiently, Putting User Data at Risk: -680-Weakness Within: Kerberos Delegation: -681-Simple Domain Fronting PoC with GAE C2 server: -682-Find Critical Information about a Host using DMitry: -683-How To Do OS Fingerprinting In Kali Using Xprobe2: -684-Crack SSH, FTP, Telnet Logins Using Hydra: -685-Reveal Saved Passwords in Browser using JavaScript Injection: -686-Nmap Cheat Sheet: -687-Manual Post Exploitation on Windows PC (Network Command): -688-Hack Gmail or Facebook Password of Remote PC using NetRipper Exploitation Tool: -689-Hack Locked Workstation Password in Clear Text: -690-How to Find ALL Excel, Office, PDF, and Images in Remote PC: -691-red-teaming: -692-Create a Fake AP and Sniff Data mitmAP: -693-Bruteforcing From Nmap Output BruteSpray: -694-Reverse Engineering Framework radare2: -695-Automated ettercap TCP/IP Hijacking Tool Morpheus: -696-List Of Vulnerable SQL Injection Sites: -697-Command and Control – Gmail: -698-Command and Control – DropBox: -699-Skeleton Key: -700-Secondary Logon Handle: -701-Hot Potato: -702-Leveraging INF-SCT Fetch & Execute Techniques For Bypass, Evasion, & Persistence (Part 2): -703-Linux-Kernel-exploits: -704-Linux-Kernel-Exploit Stack Smashing: -705-Linux Kernel Exploit Environment: -706-Linux-Kernel-Exploit NULL dereference: -707-Apache mod_python for red teams: -708-Bounty Write-up (HTB): 709-CTF Writeups: -710-Detecting Malicious Microsoft Office Macro Documents: -711-SQL injection in Drupal: -712-XSS and open redirect on Twitter: -713-Shopify login open redirect: -714-HackerOne interstitial redirect: -715-Ubiquiti sub-domain takeovers: pointing to Zendesk: -717-Starbucks' sub-domain takeover: -718-Vine's sub-domain takeover: -719-Uber's sub-domain takeover: -720-Read access to Google: -721-A Facebook XXE with Word: -722-The Wikiloc XXE: -723-Uber Jinja2 TTSI: -724-Uber Angular template injection: -725-Yahoo Mail stored XSS: -726-Google image search XSS: -727-Shopify Giftcard Cart XSS : -728-Shopify wholesale XSS : -729-Bypassing the Shopify admin authentication: -730-Starbucks race conditions: vulnerability – stealing a user's money: -732-HackerOne signal manipulation: -733-Shopify S buckets open: -734-HackerOne S buckets open: -735-Bypassing the GitLab 2F authentication: -736-Yahoo PHP info disclosure: -737-Shopify for exporting installed users: -738-Shopify Twitter disconnect: -739-Badoo full account takeover: -740-Disabling PS Logging: -741-macro-less-code-exec-in-msword: -742-5 ways to Exploiting PUT Vulnerability: -743-5 Ways to Exploit Verb Tempering Vulnerability: -744-5 Ways to Hack MySQL Login Password: -745-5 Ways to Hack SMB Login Password: -746-6 Ways to Hack FTP Login Password: -746-6 Ways to Hack SNMP Password: -747-6 Ways to Hack VNC Login Password: -748-Access Sticky keys Backdoor on Remote PC with Sticky Keys Hunter: -749-Beginner Guide to IPtables: -750-Beginner Guide to impacket Tool kit: -751-Exploit Remote Windows 10 PC using Discover Tool: -752-Forensics Investigation of Remote PC (Part 2): -753-5 ways to File upload vulnerability Exploitation: -754-FTP Penetration Testing in Ubuntu (Port 21): -755-FTP Penetration Testing on Windows (Port 21): -756-FTP Pivoting through RDP: -757-Fun with Metasploit Payloads: -758-Gather Cookies and History of Mozilla Firefox in Remote Windows, Linux or MAC PC: -759-Generating Reverse Shell using Msfvenom (One Liner Payload): -760-Generating Scan Reports Using Nmap (Output Scan): -761-Get Meterpreter Session of Locked PC Remotely (Remote Desktop Enabled): -762-Hack ALL Security Features in Remote Windows 7 PC: -763-5 ways to Exploit LFi Vulnerability: -764-5 Ways to Directory Bruteforcing on Web Server: -765-Hack Call Logs, SMS, Camera of Remote Android Phone using Metasploit: -766-Hack Gmail and Facebook Password in Network using Bettercap: -767-ICMP Penetration Testing: -768-Understanding Guide to Mimikatz: -769-5 Ways to Create Dictionary for Bruteforcing: -770-Linux Privilege Escalation using LD_Preload: -771-2 Ways to Hack Remote Desktop Password using kali Linux: -772-2 ways to use Msfvenom Payload with Netcat: -773-4 ways to Connect Remote PC using SMB Port: -774-4 Ways to DNS Enumeration: -775-4 Ways to get Linux Privilege Escalation: -776-101+ OSINT Resources for Investigators [2019]: -777-Week in OSINT #2019–02: -778-OSINT Cheat Sheet: -779-OSINT Cheat Sheet: -780-OSINT Links for Investigators: -781- Metasploit Cheat Sheet : -782- Exploit Development Cheat Sheet: -783-Building Profiles for a Social Engineering Attack: -784-Practical guide to NTLM Relaying in 2017 (A.K.A getting a foothold in under 5 minutes): -785-Getting the goods with CrackMapExec: Part 2: -786-Bug Hunting Methodology (part-1): -787-Exploring Cobalt Strike's ExternalC2 framework: -788-Airbnb – When Bypassing JSON Encoding, XSS Filter, WAF, CSP, and Auditor turns into Eight Vulnerabilities: -789-Adversarial Tactics, Techniques & Common Knowledge: -790-Bug Bounty — Tips / Tricks / JS (JavaScript Files): -791-Bug Bounty Hunting Tips #2 —Target their mobile apps (Android Edition): -792-DiskShadow: The Return of VSS Evasion, Persistence, and Active Directory Database Extraction: -793-Executing Commands and Bypassing AppLocker with PowerShell Diagnostic Scripts: -794-ClickOnce (Twice or Thrice): A Technique for Social Engineering and (Un)trusted Command Execution: -795-Leveraging INF-SCT Fetch & Execute Techniques For Bypass, Evasion, & Persistence (Part 2): -796-DiskShadow: The Return of VSS Evasion, Persistence, and Active Directory Database Extraction: -797-Trust Direction: An Enabler for Active Directory Enumeration and Trust Exploitation: -798-DiskShadow: The Return of VSS Evasion, Persistence, and Active Directory Database Extraction: -799-Abusing Exported Functions and Exposed DCOM Interfaces for Pass-Thru Command Execution and Lateral Movement: -800-Capcom Rootkit Proof-Of-Concept: -801-Linux Privilege Escalation using Misconfigured NFS: -802-Beginners Guide for John the Ripper (Part 1): -803-Working of Traceroute using Wireshark: -804-Multiple Ways to Get root through Writable File: -805-4 ways to SMTP Enumeration: -806-4 ways to Hack MS SQL Login Password: -807-4 Ways to Hack Telnet Passsword: -808-5 ways to Brute Force Attack on WordPress Website: -809-5 Ways to Crawl a Website: -810-Local Linux Enumeration & Privilege Escalation Cheatsheet: -811-The Drebin Dataset: -812-ECMAScript 6 from an Attacker's Perspective - Breaking Frameworks, Sandboxes, and everything else: -813-IT and Information Security Cheat Sheets: -814-Cheat Sheets - DFIR Training: -815-WinDbg Malware Analysis Cheat Sheet: -819-Cheat Sheet for Analyzing Malicious Software: -820-Analyzing Malicious Documents Cheat Sheet - Prodefence: -821-Cheat Sheets - SANS Digital Forensics: -822-Linux Command Line Forensics and Intrusion Detection Cheat Sheet: -823-Windows Registry Auditing Cheat Sheet: -824-Cheat Sheet of Useful Commands Every Kali Linux User Needs To Know: -825-kali-linux-cheatsheet: -826-8 Best Kali Linux Terminal Commands used by Hackers (2019 Edition): -827-Kali Linux Commands Cheat Sheet: -827-Kali Linux Commands Cheat Sheet A To Z: -828-Linux commands CHEATSHEET for HACKERS: -829-100 Linux Commands – A Brief Outline With Cheatsheet: -830-Kali Linux – Penetration Testing Cheat Sheet: -831-Basic Linux Terminal Shortcuts Cheat Sheet : -832-List Of 220+ Kali Linux and Linux Commands Line {Free PDF} : -833-Transferring files from Kali to Windows (post exploitation): -834-The Ultimate Penetration Testing Command Cheat Sheet for Kali Linux: -835-What is penetration testing? 10 hacking tools the pros use: -836-Best Hacking Tools List for Hackers & Security Professionals in 2019: -837-ExploitedBunker PenTest Cheatsheet: -838-How to use Zarp for penetration testing: -839-Wireless Penetration Testing Cheat Sheet; -840-Pentest Cheat Sheets: -841-40 Best Penetration Testing (Pen Testing) Tools in 2019: -842-Metasploit Cheat Sheet: -843-OSCP useful resources and tools; -844-Pentest + Exploit dev Cheatsheet: -845-What is Penetration Testing? A Quick Guide for 2019: -846-Recon resource: -847-Network Recon Cheat Sheet: -848-Recon Cheat Sheets: -849-Penetration Testing Active Directory, Part II: -850-Reverse-engineering Cheat Sheets: -851-Reverse Engineering Cheat Sheet: -852-ATOMBOMBING: BRAND NEW CODE INJECTION FOR WINDOWS: -853-PROPagate: -854-Process Doppelgänging, by Tal Liberman and Eugene Kogan:: -855-Gargoyle: -856-GHOSTHOOK: -857-Learn C: -858-x86 Assembly Programming Tutorial: -859-Dr. Paul Carter's PC Assembly Language: -860-Introductory Intel x86 - Architecture, Assembly, Applications, and Alliteration: -861-x86 Disassembly: -862-use-of-dns-tunneling-for-cc-communications-malware: -863-Using IDAPython to Make Your Life Easier (Series):: -864-NET binary analysis: -865-detailed analysis of the BlackEnergy3 big dropper: -866-detailed analysis of Uroburos rootkit: -867-TCP/IP and tcpdump Pocket Reference Guide: -868-TCPDUMP Cheatsheet: -869-Scapy Cheatsheet: -870-WIRESHARK DISPLAY FILTERS: -871-Windows command line sheet: -872-Metasploit cheat sheet: -873-IPv6 Cheatsheet: -874-IPv4 Subnetting: -875-IOS IPV4 ACCESS LISTS: -876-Common Ports List: -877-WLAN: -878-VLANs Cheatsheet: -879-VoIP Basics CheatSheet: -880-Google hacking and defense cheat sheet: -881-Nmap CheatSheet: -882-Netcat cheat sheet: -883-PowerShell cheat sheet: -884-Scapy cheat sheet POCKET REFERENCE: -885-SQL injection cheat sheet.: -886-Injection cheat sheet: -887-Symmetric Encryption Algorithms cheat sheet: -888-Intrusion Discovery Cheat Sheet v2.0 for Linux: -889-Intrusion Discovery Cheat Sheet v2.0 for Window: -890-Memory Forensics Cheat Sheet v1.2: -891-CRITICAL LOG REVIEW CHECKLIST FOR SECURITY INCIDENTS G E N E R AL APPROACH: -892-Evidence collection cheat sheet: -893-Hex file and regex cheat sheet v1.0: -894-Rekall Memory Forensic Framework Cheat Sheet v1.2.: -895-SIFT WORKSTATION Cheat Sheet v3.0.: -896-Volatility Memory Forensic Framework Cheat Sheet: -897-Hands - on Network Forensics.: -898-VoIP Security Vulnerabilities.: -899-Incident Response: How to Fight Back: -900-BI-7_VoIP_Analysis_Fundamentals: -901-Bug Hunting Guide: -902-Guide 001 |Getting Started in Bug Bounty Hunting: -903-SQL injection cheat sheet : › Web Security Academy › SQL injection › Cheat sheet -904-RSnake's XSS Cheat Sheet: -905-Bug Bounty Tips (2): -906-A Review of my Bug Hunting Journey: -907-Meet the First Hacker Millionaire on HackerOne: -908-XSS Cheat Sheet: -909-Bug Bounty Hunter Methodology: -910-#10 Rules of Bug Bounty: -911-Bugbounty Checklist: -912-FireBounty | The Ultimate Bug Bounty List!: -913-Brutelogic xss cheat sheet 2019: -914-XSS Cheat Sheet by Rodolfo Assis: -915-Cross-Site-Scripting (XSS) – Cheat Sheet: -916-XSS Cheat Sheet V. 2018 : -917-Cross-site Scripting Payloads Cheat Sheet : -918-Xss Cheat Sheet : -919-Open Redirect Cheat Sheet : -920-XSS, SQL Injection and Fuzzing Bar Code Cheat Sheet: -921-XSS Cheat Sheet: -922-XSS for developers: -923-Cross-Site Request Forgery Cheat Sheet: -924-CSRF Attacks: Anatomy, Prevention, and XSRF Tokens: -925-Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Prevention Cheat Sheet : -926-Guide to CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery): -927-Cross-site Request Forgery - Exploitation & Prevention: -928-SQL Injection Cheat Sheet : -929-MySQL SQL Injection Practical Cheat Sheet: -930-SQL Injection (SQLi) - Cheat Sheet, Attack Examples & Protection: -931-SQL injection attacks: A cheat sheet for business pros: -932-The SQL Injection Cheat Sheet: -933-SQL Injection Cheat Sheet: -934-Comprehensive SQL Injection Cheat Sheet: -935-MySQL SQL Injection Cheat Sheet: -936-SQL Injection Cheat Sheet: MySQL: -937- MySQL Injection Cheat Sheet: -938-SQL Injection Cheat Sheet: -939-Google dorks cheat sheet 2019: -940-Command Injection Cheatsheet : -941-OS Command Injection Vulnerability: -942-OS Command Injection: -943-Command Injection: The Good, the Bad and the Blind: -944-OS command injection: › Web Security Academy › OS command injection -945-How to Test for Command Injection: -946-Data Exfiltration via Blind OS Command Injection: -947-XXE Cheatsheet: -948-bugbounty-cheatsheet/xxe.: -949-XXE - Information Security: -950-XXE Cheat Sheet: -951-Advice From A Researcher: Hunting XXE For Fun and Profit: -952-Out of Band Exploitation (OOB) CheatSheet : -953-Web app penentration testing checklist and cheatsheet: -954-Useful Resources: -955-Exploiting XXE Vulnerabilities in IIS/.NET: -956-Top 65 OWASP Cheat Sheet Collections - ALL IN ONE: -957-Hacking Resources: -958-Out of Band XML External Entity Injection: -959-XXE - ZeroSec - Adventures In Information Security: -960-Blog - Automated Data Exfiltration with XXE: -961-My Experience during Infosec Interviews: -962-Top 10 Security Risks on the Web (OWASP): -963-Antivirus Evasion Tools [Updated 2019] : -964-Adventures in Anti-Virus Evasion: -965-Antivirus Bypass Phantom Evasion - 2019 : -966-Antivirus Evasion with Python: -967-Windows oneliners to get shell: -968-Does Veil Evasion Still Work Against Modern AntiVirus?: -969-Google dorks cheat sheet 2019 : -970-Malware Evasion Techniques : -971-How to become a cybersecurity pro: A cheat sheet: -972-Bypassing Antivirus With Ten Lines of Code: -973-Bypassing antivirus detection on a PDF exploit: -974-Generating Payloads & Anti-Virus Bypass Methods: -975-Apkwash Android Antivirus Evasion For Msfvemon: -976-Penetration Testing with Windows Computer & Bypassing an Antivirus: -978-Penetration Testing: The Quest For Fully UnDetectable Malware: -979-AVET: An AntiVirus Bypassing tool working with Metasploit Framework : -980-Creating an undetectable payload using Veil-Evasion Toolkit: -981-Evading Antivirus : -982-AVPASS – All things in moderation: -983-Complete Penetration Testing & Hacking Tools List: -984-Modern red teaming: 21 resources for your security team: -985-BloodHound and CypherDog Cheatsheet : -986-Redteam Archives: -987-NMAP Commands Cheat Sheet: -988-Nmap Cheat Sheet: -989-Nmap Cheat Sheet: From Discovery to Exploits: -990-Nmap Cheat Sheet and Pro Tips: -991-Nmap Tutorial: from the Basics to Advanced Tips: -992-How to run a complete network scan with OpenVAS; -993-Nmap: my own cheatsheet: -994-Top 32 Nmap Command Examples For Linux Sys/Network Admins: -995-35+ Best Free NMap Tutorials and Courses to Become Pro Hacker: -996-Scanning Tools: -997-Nmap - Cheatsheet: -998-Linux for Network Engineers: -999-Nmap Cheat Sheet: -1000-Tactical Nmap for Beginner Network Reconnaissance: -1001-A Guide For Google Hacking Database: -1002-2019 Data Breaches - The Worst Breaches, So Far: -1003-15 Vulnerable Sites To (Legally) Practice Your Hacking Skills: -1004-Google Hacking Master List : -1005-Smart searching with googleDorking | Exposing the Invisible: -1006-Google Dorks 2019: -1007-Google Dorks List and how to use it for Good; -1008-How to Use Google to Hack(Googledorks): -1009-Using google as hacking tool: -1010-#googledorks hashtag on Twitter: -1011-Top Five Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) Tools: -1012-What is open-source intelligence (OSINT)?: -1013-A Guide to Open Source Intelligence Gathering (OSINT): -1014-OSINT: How to find information on anyone: -1015-What is OSINT? How can I make use of it?: -1016-OSINT Tools for the Dark Web: -1017-A Guide to Open Source Intelligence (OSINT): -1018-An Introduction To Open Source Intelligence (OSINT): -1019-SSL & TLS HTTPS Testing [Definitive Guide] - Aptive: -1020-Exploit Title: [Files Containing E-mail and Associated Password Lists]: -1021-cheat_sheets: -1022-Intel SYSRET: -1023-Windows Preventive Maintenance Best Practices: -1024-An Overview of Storage Devices: -1025-An Overview of RAID: -1026-How to Troubleshoot: -1027-Mobile Device Security Troubleshooting: -1028-Using Wireshark: Identifying Hosts and Users: -1029-Using Wireshark - Display Filter Expressions: -1030-Decrypting SSL/TLS traffic with Wireshark: -1031-A collection of handy Bash One-Liners and terminal tricks for data processing and Linux system maintenance.: -1032- Bash One-Liners Explained, Part I: Working with files : -1033-Bash One-Liners Explained, Part IV: Working with history: -1034-Useful bash one-liners : -1035-Some Random One-liner Linux Commands [Part 1]: -1036-The best terminal one-liners from and for smart admins + devs.: -1037-Shell one-liner: -1038-SSH Cheat Sheet: -1039-7000 Google Dork List: -1040-GOOGLE HACKİNG DATABASE – GHDB: -1041-STEALING PASSWORD WITH GOOGLE HACK: -1042-Hack Remote PC with PHP File using PhpSploit Stealth Post-Exploitation Framework: -1043-Open Source database of android malware: -1044-big-list-of-naughty-strings: -1045-publicly available cap files: -1046-“Insertion, Evasion, and Denial of Service: Eluding Network Intrusion Detection”: -1047-Building a malware analysis toolkit: -1048-Netcat Reverse Shell Cheat Sheet: -1049-Packers and crypters: -1050-Evading antivirus: -1051-cheat sheets and information,The Art of Hacking: -1052-Error-based SQL injection: -1053-XSS cheat sheet: -1054-Active Directory Enumeration with PowerShell: -1055-Buffer Overflows, C Programming, NSA GHIDRA and More: -1056-Analysis of CVE-2019-0708 (BlueKeep): -1057-Windows Privilege Escalations: -1058-The Ultimate Guide For Subdomain Takeover with Practical: -1059-File transfer skills in the red team post penetration test: -1060-How To Exploit PHP Remotely To Bypass Filters & WAF Rules: -1061-Flying under the radar: -1062-what is google hacking? and why it is useful ?and how you can learn how to use it: -1063-useful blogs for penetration testers: -1064-useful #BugBounty resources & links & tutorials & explanations & writeups :: -1065-Union- based SQL injection: -1066-Broken access control: -1067-Understanding firewall types and configurations: -1068-5 Kali Linux tricks that you may not know: -1069-5 tips to make the most of Twitter as a pentester or bug bounty hunter: -1060-A Guide To Subdomain Takeovers: -1061-Advanced Recon Automation (Subdomains) case 1: -1062-Security testing for REST API with w3af: -1062-The Lazy Hacker: -1063-Practical recon techniques for bug hunters & pen testers: -1064-A More Advanced Recon Automation #1 (Subdomains): -1065-Expanding your scope (Recon automation #2): -1066-RCE by uploading a web.config: -1067-Finding and exploiting Blind XSS: -1068-Google dorks list 2018: -1096-Out of Band Exploitation (OOB) CheatSheet: -1070-Metasploit Cheat Sheet: -1071-Linux Post Exploitation Cheat Sheet : -1072-OSCP/Pen Testing Resources : -1073-Out Of Band Exploitation (OOB) CheatSheet : -1074-HTML5 Security Cheatsheet: -1075-Kali Linux Cheat Sheet for Penetration Testers: -1076-Responder - CheatSheet: -1076-Windows Post-Exploitation Command List: -1077-Transfer files (Post explotation) - CheatSheet -1078-SQL Injection Cheat Sheet: MSSQL — GracefulSecurity: -1079-OSCP useful resources and tools: -1080-Penetration Testing 102 - Windows Privilege Escalation - Cheatsheet: -1081-Transferring files from Kali to Windows (post exploitation) : -1082-Hack Like a Pro: The Ultimate Command Cheat Sheet for Metasploit: -1083-OSCP Goldmine (not clickbait): -1084-Privilege escalation: Linux : -1085-Exploitation Tools Archives : -1086-From Local File Inclusion to Remote Code Execution - Part 1: -1087-Basic Linux Privilege Escalation: -1088-Title: Ultimate Directory Traversal & Path Traversal Cheat Sheet: -1089-Binary Exploitation: 1090-A guide to Linux Privilege Escalation: -1091-Penetration Testing Tools Cheat Sheet : -1092-List of Metasploit Commands - Cheatsheet: -1093-A journey into Radare 2 – Part 2: Exploitation: -1094-Remote Code Evaluation (Execution) Vulnerability: -1095-Exploiting Python Code Injection in Web Applications: -1096-Shells · Total OSCP Guide: -1097-MongoDB Injection cheat sheet Archives: -1098-Basic Shellshock Exploitation: -1099-Wireshark Tutorial and Tactical Cheat Sheet : -1100-Windows Command Line cheatsheet (part 2): -1101-Detecting WMI exploitation: 1102-Metasploit Cheat Sheet - Hacking Land : -1103-5 Practical Scenarios for XSS Attacks: -1104-Ultimate gdb cheat sheet: -1105-Reverse Engineering Cheat Sheet: -1106-Reverse Engineering Cheat Sheet: -1107-Reverse Engineering For Malware Analysis: -1108-Reverse-engineering Cheat Sheets : -1109-Shortcuts for Understanding Malicious Scripts: -1110-WinDbg Malware Analysis Cheat Sheet : -1111-Cheat Sheet for Malware Analysis: -1112-Tips for Reverse-Engineering Malicious Code : -1113-Cheatsheet for radare2 : -1114-Reverse Engineering Cheat Sheets: -1115-Reverse Engineering Resources-Beginners to intermediate Guide/Links: -1116-Malware Resources : -1117-Zero-day exploits: A cheat sheet for professionals: -1118-Getting cozy with exploit development: -1119-appsec - Web Security Cheatsheet : -1120-PEDA - Python Exploit Development Assistance For GDB: -1121-Exploit Development Introduction (part 1) : -1122-Windows Exploit Development: A simple buffer overflow example: -1123-Exploit Development-Everything You Need to Know: -1124-Exploit Development : -1125-Exploit Development - Infosec Resources: -1126-Exploit Development : -1127-A Study in Exploit Development - Part 1: Setup and Proof of Concept : -1128-Exploit Development for Beginners: -1129-Introduction to Exploit Development: -1130-Exploit Development And Reverse Engineering: -1131-wireless forensics: -1132-fake AP Detection: -1133-In-Depth analysis of SamSam Ransomware: -1134-WannaCry ransomware: -1135-malware analysis: -1136-Metasploit's detailed communication and protocol writeup: -1137-Metasploit's SSL-generation module:: -1139-Empire IOCs:: -1140-excellent free training on glow analysis: -1141-NetFlow using Silk: -1142-Deep Packet Inspection: -1143-Detecting Behavioral Personas with OSINT and Datasploit: -1144-WordPress Penetration Testing using WPScan and MetaSploit: -1145-Bulk SQL Injection using Burp-to-SQLMap: -1146-XML External Entity Injection - Explanation and Exploitation: -1147- Web Application Firewall (WAF) Evasion Techniques #3 (CloudFlare and ModSecurity OWASP CRS3): -1148-File Upload Restrictions Bypass: -1149-VLAN Hopping Attack: -1150-Jigsaw Ransomware Analysis using Volatility: -1151-Ransomware early detection by the analysis of file sharing traffic: -1152-Do You Think You Can Analyse Ransomware?: -1153-Analysis of LockerGoga Ransomware : -1154-Detection and Forensic Analysis of Ransomware Attacks : -1155-Bad Rabbit Ransomware Technical Analysis: -1156-NotPetya Ransomware analysis : -1157-Identifying WannaCry on Your Server Using Logs: -1158-The past, present, and future of ransomware: -1159-The dynamic analysis of WannaCry ransomware : -1160-Malware Analysis: Ransomware - SlideShare: -1161-Article: Anatomy of ransomware malware: detection, analysis : -1162-Tracking desktop ransomware payments : -1163-What is Ransomware? Defined, Explained, and Explored: -1164-Detect and Recover from Ransomware Attacks: -1165-Wingbird rootkit analysis: -1166-Windows Kernel Rootkits: Techniques and Analysis: -1167-Rootkit: What is a Rootkit and How to Detect It : -1168-Dissecting Turla Rootkit Malware Using Dynamic Analysis: -1169-Rootkits and Rootkit Detection (Windows Forensic Analysis) Part 2: -1170-ZeroAccess – an advanced kernel mode rootkit : -1171-Rootkit Analysis Identification Elimination: -1172-TDL3: The Rootkit of All Evil?: -1173-Avatar Rootkit: Dropper Analysis: -1174-Sality rootkit analysis: -1175-RootKit Hook Analyzer: -1176-Behavioral Analysis of Rootkit Malware: -1177-Malware Memory Analysis of the IVYL Linux Rootkit: -1178-Analysis of the KNARK rootkit : -1179-32 Bit Windows Kernel Mode Rootkit Lab Setup with INetSim : -1180-Ten Process Injection Techniques: A Technical Survey of Common and Trending Process Injection Techniques: -1181-Code & Process Injection - Red Teaming Experiments: -1182-What Malware Authors Don't want you to know:'t-Want-You-To-Know -1183-.NET Process Injection: -1184-Memory Injection like a Boss : -1185-Process injection - Malware style: -1186-Userland API Monitoring and Code Injection Detection: -1187-Unpacking Redaman Malware & Basics of Self-Injection Packers: -1188-Code injection on macOS: -1189-(Shell)Code Injection In Linux Userland :!res/2018/ -1190-Code injection on Windows using Python: -1191-What is Reflective DLL Injection and how can be detected?: -1192-Windows Process Injection: -1193-A+ cheat sheet: -1194-A Bettercap Tutorial — From Installation to Mischief: -1195-Debugging Malware with WinDbg: -1195-Malware analysis, my own list of tools and resources: -1196-Getting Started with Reverse Engineering: -1197-Debugging malicious windows scriptlets with Google chrome: -1198-Intro to Radare2 for Malware Analysis: -1199-Intro to Malware Analysis and Reverse Engineering: -1200-Common Malware Persistence Mechanisms: -1201-Finding Registry Malware Persistence with RECmd: -1202-Windows Malware Persistence Mechanisms : -1203- persistence techniques: -1204- Persistence Mechanism - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics: -1205-Malware analysis for Linux: -1206-Linux Malware Persistence with Cron: -1207-What is advanced persistent threat (APT)? : -1208-Malware Analysis, Part 1: Understanding Code Obfuscation : -1209-Top 6 Advanced Obfuscation Techniques: -1210-Malware Obfuscation Techniques: -1211-How Hackers Hide Their Malware: Advanced Obfuscation: -1212-Malware obfuscation techniques: four simple examples: -1213-Malware Monday: Obfuscation: -1213-Challenge of Malware Analysis: Malware obfuscation Techniques: -1214-Static Malware Analysis - Infosec Resources: -1215-Malware Basic Static Analysis: -1216-Difference Between Static Malware Analysis and Dynamic Malware Analysis: -1217-What is Malware Analysis | Different Tools for Malware Analysis: -1218-Detecting Malware Pre-execution with Static Analysis and Machine Learning: -1219-Limits of Static Analysis for Malware Detection: -1220-Kernel mode versus user mode: -1221-Understanding the ELF: -1222-Windows Privilege Abuse: Auditing, Detection, and Defense: -1223-First steps to volatile memory analysis: -1224-Maliciously Mobile: A Brief History of Mobile Malware: -1225-Modern Binary Exploitation Writeups 0x01: -1226-Exploit Development 01 — Terminology: -1227-Zero-day exploits: A cheat sheet for professionals: -1228-Best google hacking list on the net: -1229-Google Hacking: -1230-OSCP links: -1231-Pentesting 1 Information gathering: -1232-OSCP-Survival-Guide: -1233-Googledork: -1234-Exploit DB: -1235-Dorks: -1236-GOOGLE HACKİNG DATABASE: -1237-Carding Dorks 2019: -1238-17k Carding Dorks 2019: -1239-CARDING DORKS 2019: -1240-sqli dork 2019: -1241-Private Carding Dorks 2018: -1242-20K dorks list fresh full carding 2018: -1243-8k Carding Dorks :): -1244-8500 SQL DORKS: -1245-REAL CARDING DORKS: -1246-15k btc dorks: -1247-Sqli dorks 2016-2017: -1248-Here is kind of a tutorial on how to write google dorks.: -1249-10k Private Fortnite Dorks: -1250-find login panel dorks: -1251-Shell dorks: -1252-HQ PAID GAMING DORKS: -1253-10K HQ Shopping DORKS: -1254-Exploit Dorks for Joomla,FCK and others 2015 Old but gold: -1255-Gain access to unsecured IP cameras with these Google dorks: -1256-new fresh dorks: -1257-SQL DORKS FOR CC: -1258-Wordpress uploadify Dorks Priv8: -1259-650 DORKS CC: -1260-3k Dorks Shopping: -1261-DORKS 2018 : -1262-HQ FORTNITE DORKS LIST: -1263-HQ PAID DORKS MIXED GAMING LOL STEAM ..MUSIC SHOPING: -1264-Camera dorks: -1265-Admin Login Dorks: -1266-sql gov dorks: -1267-10k hq gaming dorks: -1268-HQ SQLI Google Dorks For Shops/Amazon! Enjoy! : -1269-Dorks: -1270-10k btc dorks: -1271-7,000 Dorks for hacking into various sites: -1272-List of information gathering search engines/tools etc: -1273-FBOSINT: -1274-Ultimate Penetration Testing: -1275-massive list of information gathering search engines/tools : -1276-CEH Class: -1277-CEH/CHFI Bundle Study Group Sessions: -1278-OSINT - Financial: -1279-Most Important Security Tools and Resources: -1280-OSINT resources from -1281-Red Team Tips: -1282-OSCP Notes by Ash: -1283-OSCP Prep: -1284-OSCP Review/Cheat Sheet: -1285-OSCP Prep class: -1286-Complete Anti-Forensics Guide: -1287-The Linux Command Line Cheat Sheet: -1288-Command-Line Log Analysis: -1289-An A-Z Index of the Apple macOS command line (OS X): -1290-San Diego Exploit Development 2018: -1291-Windows Exploit Development Megaprimer: -1292-Some Free Reverse engineering resources: -1293-Sans: -1294-Metasploit Next Level: -1295-Just playing around....: -1296-Red Team Course: -1297-New Exploit Development 2018: -1298-Good reviews of CTP/OSCE (in no particular order):: -1299-Vulnerability Research Engineering Bookmarks Collection v1.0: -1300-Professional-hacker's Pastebin : -1301-Google Cheat Sheet: -1302-Shodan for penetration testers: -1303-Linux networking tools: -1304-DNS spoofing with NetHunter: -1305-Tips on writing a penetration testing report: -1306-Technical penetration report sample: -1307-Nessus sample reports: -1308-Sample penetration testing report: -1309-jonh-the-ripper-cheat-sheet: -1310-ultimate guide to cracking foreign character passwords using hashcat: -1311-Building_a_Password_Cracking_Rig_for_Hashcat_-_Part_III: -1312-cracking story how i cracked over 122 million sha1 and md5 hashed passwords: -1313-CSA (Cloud Security Alliance) Security White Papers: -1314-NIST Security Considerations in the System Development Life Cycle: -1315-ISO 29100 information technology security techniques privacy framework: -1316-NIST National Checklist Program: -1317-OWASP Guide to Cryptography: -1318-NVD (National Vulnerability Database): -1319-CVE details: -1320-CIS Cybersecurity Tools: -1321-Security aspects of virtualization by ENISA: -1322-CIS Benchmarks also provides a security guide for VMware, Docker, and Kubernetes: -1323-OpenStack's hardening of the virtualization layer provides a secure guide to building the virtualization layer: -1324-Docker security: -1325-Microsoft Security Development Lifecycle: -1326-OWASP SAMM Project: -1327-CWE/SANS Top 25 Most Dangerous Software Errors: -1329-OWASP Vulnerable Web Applications Directory Project: -1330-CERT Secure Coding Standards: -1331-NIST Special Publication 800-53: -1332-SAFECode Security White Papers: -1333-Microsoft Threat Modeling tool 2016: -1334-Apache Metron for real-time big data security: -1335-Introducing OCTAVE Allegro: Improving the Information Security Risk Assessment Process: -1336-NIST 800-18 Guide for Developing Security Plans for Federal Information Systems: -1337-ITU-T X.805 (10/2003) Security architecture for systems providing end- to-end communications:!!PDF-E&type=items -1338-ETSI TS 102 165-1 V4.2.1 (2006-12) : Method and proforma for Threat, Risk, Vulnerability Analysis: -1339-SAFECode Fundamental Practices for Secure Software Development: -1340-NIST 800-64 Security Considerations in the System Development Life Cycle: -1341-SANS A Security Checklist for Web Application Design: -1342-Best Practices for implementing a Security Awareness Program: -1343-ETSI TS 102 165-1 V4.2.1 (2006-12): Method and proforma for Threat, Risk, Vulnerability Analysis: -1344-NIST 800-18 Guide for Developing Security Plans for Federal Information Systems: -1345-SafeCode Tactical Threat Modeling: -1346-SANS Web Application Security Design Checklist: -1347-Data Anonymization for production data dumps: -1348-SANS Continuous Monitoring—What It Is, Why It Is Needed, and How to Use It: -1349-Guide to Computer Security Log Management: -1350-Malware Indicators: -1351-OSINT Threat Feeds: -1352-SANS How to Use Threat Intelligence effectively: -1353-NIST 800-150 Guide to Cyber Threat Information Sharing: -1354-Securing Web Application Technologies Checklist: -1355-Firmware Security Training: -1356-Burp Suite Bootcamp: -1357-Web app hacking: -1358-XSS Payload: -1359-XSS Filter Evasion Cheat Sheet: -1360-Persistence using RunOnceEx – Hidden from Autoruns.exe: -1361-Windows Operating System Archaeology: -1362-How to Backdoor Windows 10 Using an Android Phone & USB Rubber Ducky: -1363-Malware Analysis using Osquery : -1364-Tales of a Blue Teamer: Detecting Powershell Empire shenanigans with Sysinternals : -1365-Userland registry hijacking: -1366-Malware Hiding Techniques to Watch for: AlienVault Labs: -1367- Full text of "Google hacking for penetration testers" : -1368- Full text of "Long, Johnny Google Hacking For Penetration Testers" : -1369- Full text of "Coding For Penetration Testers" : -1370- Full text of "Hacking For Dummies" : -1371-Full text of "Wiley. Hacking. 5th. Edition. Jan. 2016. ISBN. 1119154685." : -1372- Full text of "Social Engineering The Art Of Human Hacking" : -1373- Full text of "CYBER WARFARE" : -1374-Full text of "NSA DOCID: 4046925 Untangling The Web: A Guide To Internet Research" : -1375- Full text of "sectools" : -1376- Full text of "Aggressive network self-defense" : -1377-Community Texts: -1378- Full text of "Cyber Spying - Tracking (sometimes).PDF (PDFy mirror)" : -1379- Full text of "Enzyclopedia Of Cybercrime" : -1380- Full text of "Information Security Management Handbook" : -1381- Full text of "ARMArchitecture Reference Manual" : -1382- Full text of "Metasploit The Penetration Tester S Guide" : -1383-Tips & tricks to master Google’s search engine: -1384-Ethical Google Hacking - Sensitive Doc Dork (Part 2) : -1385- Google Hacking Secrets:the Hidden Codes of Google : -1386-google hacking: -1387-How Penetration Testers Use Google Hacking: -1388-Free Automated Malware Analysis Sandboxes and Services: -1389-How to get started with Malware Analysis and Reverse Engineering: -1390-Handy Tools And Websites For Malware Analysis: -1391-Dynamic Malware Analysis: -1392-Intro to Radare2 for Malware Analysis: -1393-Detecting malware through static and dynamic techniques: -1394-Malware Analysis Tutorial : Tricks for Confusing Static Analysis Tools: -1395-Malware Analysis Lab At Home In 5 Steps: -1396-Malware Forensics Guide - Static and Dynamic Approach: -1397-Top 30 Bug Bounty Programs in 2019: -1398-Introduction - Book of BugBounty Tips: -1399-List of bug bounty writeups: -1400-Tips From A Bugbounty Hunter: -1401-Cross Site Scripting (XSS) - Book of BugBounty Tips: -1402-BugBountyTips: -1403-Xss Filter Bypass Payloads: -1404-Bug Bounty Methodology: -1405-GDB cheat-sheet for exploit development: -1406-A Study in Exploit Development - Part 1: Setup and Proof of Concept : -1407-Exploit development tutorial : -1408-exploit code development: -1409-“Help Defeat Denial of Service Attacks: Step-by-Step”: -1410-Internet Firewalls: Frequently Asked Questions: -1411-Service Name and Transport Protocol Port Number: -1412-10 Useful Open Source Security Firewalls for Linux Systems: -1413-40 Linux Server Hardening Security Tips: -1414-Linux hardening: A 15-step checklist for a secure Linux server : -1415-25 Hardening Security Tips for Linux Servers: -1416-How to Harden Unix/Linux Systems & Close Security Gaps: -1417-34 Linux Server Security Tips & Checklists for Sysadmins: -1418-Linux Hardening: -1419-23 Hardening Tips to Secure your Linux Server: -1420-What is the Windows Registry? : -1421-Windows Registry, Everything You Need To Know: -1422-Windows Registry Tutorial: -1423-5 Tools to Scan a Linux Server for Malware and Rootkits: -1424-Subdomain takeover dew to missconfigured project settings for Custom domain .: -1425-Massive Subdomains p0wned: -1426-Subdomain Takeover: Basics: -1427-Subdomain Takeover: Finding Candidates: -1428-Bugcrowd's Domain & Subdomain Takeover!: -1429-What Are Subdomain Takeovers, How to Test and Avoid Them?: -1430-Finding Candidates for Subdomain Takeovers: -1431-Subdomain takeover of -1432-Hostile Subdomain takeove: -1433-Microsoft Account Takeover Vulnerability Affecting 400 Million Users: -1434-What is Subdomain Hijack/Takeover Vulnerability? How to Identify? & Exploit It?: -1435-Subdomain takeover detection with AQUATONE: -1436-A hostile subdomain takeover! – Breaking application security: -1437-Web Development Reading List: -1438-CSRF Attack can lead to Stored XSS: -1439-What is Mimikatz: The Beginner's Guide | Varonis: -1440-Preventing Mimikatz Attacks : -1441-Mimikatz tutorial: How it hacks Windows passwords, credentials: -1442-Mimikatz: Walkthrough [Updated 2019]: -1443-Mimikatz -Windows Tutorial for Beginner: -1444-Mitigations against Mimikatz Style Attacks: -1445-Exploring Mimikatz - Part 1 : -1446-Powershell AV Evasion. Running Mimikatz with PowerLine: -1447-How to Steal Windows Credentials with Mimikatz and Metasploit: -1448-Retrieving NTLM Hashes without touching LSASS: -1449-From Responder to NT Authority\SYSTEM: -1450-Getting Creds via NTLMv2: -1451-Living off the land: stealing NetNTLM hashes: -1452-(How To) Using Responder to capture passwords on a Windows: -1453-Pwning with Responder - A Pentester's Guide: -1454-LLMNR and NBT-NS Poisoning Using Responder: -1455-Responder - Ultimate Guide : -1456-Responder - CheatSheet: -1457-LM, NTLM, Net-NTLMv2, oh my! : -1458-SMB Relay Attack Tutorial: -1459-Cracking NTLMv2 responses captured using responder: -1460-Skip Cracking Responder Hashes and Relay Them: -1461-Metasploit's First Antivirus Evasion Modules: -1462-Evading Anti-virus Part 1: Infecting EXEs with Shellter: -1463-Evading AV with Shellter: -1464-Shellter-A Shellcode Injecting Tool : -1465-Bypassing antivirus programs using SHELLTER: -1466-John the Ripper step-by-step tutorials for end-users : -1467-Beginners Guide for John the Ripper (Part 1): -1468-John the Ripper Basics Tutorial: -1469-Crack Windows password with john the ripper: -1470-Getting Started Cracking Password Hashes with John the Ripper : -1471-Shell code exploit with Buffer overflow: -1472-Shellcoding for Linux and Windows Tutorial : -1473-Buffer Overflow Practical Examples : -1474-Msfvenom shellcode analysis: -1475-Process Continuation Shellcode: -1476-Dynamic Shellcode Execution: -1477-Tutorials: Writing shellcode to binary files: -1478-Creating Shellcode for an Egg Hunter : -1479-How to: Shellcode to reverse bind a shell with netcat : -1480-Bashing the Bash — Replacing Shell Scripts with Python: -1481-How to See All Devices on Your Network With nmap on Linux: -1482-A Complete Guide to Nmap: -1483-Nmap from Beginner to Advanced : -1484-Using Wireshark: Identifying Hosts and Users: -1485-tshark tutorial and filter examples: -1486-Fuzz Testing(Fuzzing) Tutorial: What is, Types, Tools & Example: -1487-Tutorial: Dumb Fuzzing - Peach Community Edition: -1488-HowTo: ExploitDev Fuzzing: -1489-Fuzzing with Metasploit: -1490-Fuzzing – how to find bugs automagically using AFL: -1491-Introduction to File Format Fuzzing & Exploitation: -1492-0x3 Python Tutorial: Fuzzer: -1493-Hunting For Bugs With AFL: -1494-Fuzzing: The New Unit Testing: -1495-Fuzzing With Peach Framework: -1496-How we found a tcpdump vulnerability using cloud fuzzing: -1497-Finding a Fuzzer: Peach Fuzzer vs. Sulley: -1498-Android malware analysis: -1499-15+ Malware Analysis Tools & Techniques : -1500-30 Online Malware Analysis Sandboxes / Static Analyzers: -1501-Linux Command Line Forensics and Intrusion Detection Cheat Sheet: -1502-Cheat Sheets - SANS Digital Forensics: -1503-Breach detection with Linux filesystem forensics: -1504-Digital Forensics Cheat Sheets Collection : -1505-Security Incident Survey Cheat Sheet for Server Administrators: -1506-Digital forensics: A cheat sheet : -1507-Windows Registry Forensics using 'RegRipper' Command-Line on Linux: -1508-Windows IR Live Forensics Cheat Sheet: -1509-10 Best Known Forensics Tools That Works on Linux: -1510-Top 20 Free Digital Forensic Investigation Tools for SysAdmins: -1511-Windows Volatile Memory Acquisition & Forensics 2018: -1512-PowerShell Cheat Sheet : -1513-Forensic Artifacts: evidences of program execution on Windows systems: -1514-How to install a CPU?: -1515-How To Upgrade and Install a New CPU or Motherboard: -1516-Installing and Troubleshooting CPUs: -1517-15 FREE Pastebin Alternatives You Can Use Right Away: -1518-Basic computer troubleshooting steps: -1519-18 Best Websites to Learn Computer Troubleshooting and Tech support: -1520-Post Exploitation with PowerShell Empire 2.3.0 : -1521-Windows Persistence with PowerShell Empire : -1522-powershell-empire-tutorials-empire-to-meterpreter-shellcode-injection-ssl-tutorial: -1523-Bypassing Anti-Virtus & Hacking Windows 10 Using Empire : -1524-Hacking with Empire – PowerShell Post-Exploitation Agent : -1525-Hacking Windows Active Directory Full guide: -1526-PowerShell Empire for Post-Exploitation: -1527-Generate A One-Liner – Welcome To LinuxPhilosophy!: -1528-CrackMapExec - Ultimate Guide: -1529-PowerShell Logging and Security: -1530-Create your own FUD Backdoors with Empire: -1531-PowerShell Empire Complete Tutorial For Beginners: -1532-Bash Bunny: Windows Remote Shell using Metasploit & PowerShell: -1533-Kerberoasting - Stealing Service Account Credentials: -1534-Automating Mimikatz with Empire and DeathStar : -1535-Windows oneliners to get shell : -1536-ObfuscatedEmpire : -1537-Pentesting with PowerShell in six steps: -1538-Using Credentials to Own Windows Boxes - Part 3 (WMI and WinRM): -1539-PowerShell Security Best Practices: -1540-You can detect PowerShell attacks: -1541-Detecting and Preventing PowerShell Attacks: -1542-Detecting Offensive PowerShell Attack Tools – Active Directory Security: -1543-An Internal Pentest Audit Against Active Directory: -1544-A complete Active Directory Penetration Testing Checklist : -1545-Active Directory | Penetration Testing Lab: -1546-Building and Attacking an Active Directory lab with PowerShell : -1547-Penetration Testing in Windows Server Active Directory using Metasploit: -1548-Red Team Penetration Testing – Going All the Way (Part 2 of 3) : -1549-Penetration Testing Active Directory, Part II: -1550-Gaining Domain Admin from Outside Active Directory: -1551-Post Exploitation Cheat Sheet: -1552-Windows post-exploitation : -1553-OSCP - Windows Post Exploitation : -1554-Windows Post-Exploitation Command List: -1555-Windows Post-Exploitation Command List: -1556-Linux Post-Exploitation · OSCP - Useful Resources: -1557-Pentesting Cheatsheet: -1558-Pentesting Cheatsheets - Red Teaming Experiments: -1559-OSCP Goldmine: -1560-Linux Post Exploitation Cheat Sheet: -1562-OSCP useful resources and tools: -1563-Windows Post-Exploitation Command List : -1564-Metasploit Cheat Sheet: -1565-Windows Privilege Escalation: -1566-Linux Unix Bsd Post Exploitation: -1567-Privilege Escalation & Post-Exploitation: -1568-Metasploit Cheat Sheet: -1569-Metasploit Cheat Sheet : -1570-Privilege escalation: Linux: -1571-Cheat Sheets — Amethyst Security: -1572-Responder - CheatSheet: -1573-Cheatsheets: -1574-Are you ready for OSCP?: -1575-Windows Privilege Escalation: -1576-A guide to Linux Privilege Escalation: -1577-Windows Post-Exploitation-Cheat-Sheet: -1578-Windows Privilege Escalation (privesc) Resources: -1579-Dissecting Mobile Malware: -1580-Android malware analysis with Radare: Dissecting the Triada Trojan: -1581-Dissecting Mobile Native Code Packers: -1582-What is Mobile Malware? Defined, Explained, and Explored: -1583-Malware Development — Professionalization of an Ancient Art: -1584-Weaponizing Malware Code Sharing with Cythereal MAGIC: -1585-Web App Pentest Cheat Sheet: -1586-The USB Threat is [Still] Real — Pentest Tools for Sysadmins, Continued: -1587-How to Run An External Pentest: -1588-Advice for new pentesters: -1589-NodeJS Application Pentest Tips: -1590-How to combine Pentesting with Automation to improve your security: -1591-Day 79: FTP Pentest Guide: -1592-SigintOS: A Wireless Pentest Distro Review: -1593-Conducting an IoT Pentest : -1594-Efficient way to pentest Android Chat Applications: -1595-APT2 - Automated PenTest Toolkit : -1596-Pentest Tools and Distros: -1597-Keeping notes during a pentest/security assessment/code review: -1598-An intro to pentesting an Android phone: -1599-The Penetration Testing Report: -1600-VA vs Pentest: -1601-Pentest: Hacking WPA2 WiFi using Aircrack on Kali Linux: -1602-Pentesting Ethereum dApps: -1603-Android pentest lab in a nutshell : -1604-Pentest Magazine: Web Scraping with Python : -1605-Pentesting iOS apps without jailbreak: -1606-OSCP/Pen Testing Resources: -1607-Web Application Security & Bug Bounty (Methodology, Reconnaissance, Vulnerabilities, Reporting): -1608-Local File Inclusion (LFI) — Web Application Penetration Testing: -1609-Local File Inclusion (Basic): -1610-PHP File Inclusion Vulnerability: -1611-Local File Inclusion: -1612-Web Application Penetration Testing: Local File Inclusion: -1613-From Local File Inclusion to Code Execution : -1614-RFI / LFI: -1615-From Local File Inclusion to Remote Code Execution - Part 2: -1616-Local File Inclusion: -1617-Beginner Guide to File Inclusion Attack (LFI/RFI) : -1618-LFI / RFI: -1619-LFI and RFI Attacks - All You Need to Know: -1620-Log Poisoning - LFI to RCE : -1621-LFI: -1622-Hand Guide To Local File Inclusion(LFI): -1623-Local File Inclusion (LFI) - Cheat Sheet: -1624-Web Application Penetration Testing Local File Inclusion (LFI): -1625-File Inclusion Vulnerability Prevention: -1626-The Most In-depth Hacker's Guide: -1627-Hacking Essentials: The Beginner's Guide To Ethical Hacking: -1628-Web App Hacking, Part 11: Local File Inclusion: -1629-Local and remote file inclusion : -1630-Upgrade from LFI to RCE via PHP Sessions : -1631-CVV #1: Local File Inclusion: -1632-(PDF) Cross Site Scripting (XSS) in Action: -1633-XSS exploitation part 1: -1634-Weaponizing self-xss: -1635-Cookie Tracking and Stealing using Cross-Site Scripting: -1636-Defense against the Black Arts: -1637-CSRF Attacks: Anatomy, Prevention, and XSRF Tokens: -1638-Bypassing CSRF protection: -1639-Stealing CSRF tokens with XSS: -1640-Same Origin Policy and ways to Bypass: -1641-Bypassing Same Origin Policy : -1642-Client-Side Attack - an overview : -1643-Client-Side Injection Attacks: -1645-The Client-Side Battle Against JavaScript Attacks Is Already Here: -1646-Why Let’s Encrypt is a really, really, really bad idea: -1647-Huge Guide to Client-Side Attacks: -1648-OSCP Prep – Episode 11: Client Side Attacks: -1649-Client side attack - AV Evasion: -1650-Client-Side Attack With Metasploit (Part 4): -1651-Ransomware: Latest Developments and How to Defend Against Them: -1652-Cookie Tracking and Stealing using Cross-Site Scripting: -1653-How to Write an XSS Cookie Stealer in JavaScript to Steal Passwords: -1654-How I was able to steal cookies via stored XSS in one of the famous e-commerce site: -1655-Steal victim's cookie using Cross Site Scripting (XSS) : -1656-Remote Code Execution — Damn Vulnerable Web Application(DVWA) - Medium level security: -1657-Remote Command Execution: -1658-DevOops — An XML External Entity (XXE) HackTheBox Walkthrough: -1659-XML External Entity - Beyond /etc/passwd (For Fun & Profit): -1660-XXE - ZeroSec - Adventures In Information Security: -1661-Exploitation: XML External Entity (XXE) Injection: -1662-Hack The Box: DevOops: -1663-Web Application Penetration Testing Notes: -1664-WriteUp – Aragog (HackTheBox) : -1665-Linux Privilege Escalation Using PATH Variable: -1666-Linux Privilege Escalation via Automated Script : -1667-Privilege Escalation - Linux : -1668-Linux Privilege Escalation: -1669-Perform Local Privilege Escalation Using a Linux Kernel Exploit : -1670-Linux Privilege Escalation With Kernel Exploit: -1671-Reach the root! How to gain privileges in Linux: -1672-Enumeration for Linux Privilege Escalation: -1673-Linux Privilege Escalation Scripts : -1674-Understanding Privilege Escalation: -1675-Toppo:1 | Vulnhub Walkthrough: -1676-Privilege Escalation resources: -1678-OSCP Notes – Privilege Escalation (Linux): -1679-Udev Exploit Allows Local Privilege Escalation : -1680-Understanding Linux Privilege Escalation and Defending Against It: -1681-Windows Privilege Escalation Using PowerShell: -1682-Privilege Escalation | Azeria Labs: -1683-Abusing SUDO (Linux Privilege Escalation): -1684-Privilege Escalation - Linux: -1685-0day Linux Escalation Privilege Exploit Collection : -1686-Linux for Pentester: cp Privilege Escalation : -1687-Practical Privilege Escalation Using Meterpreter: -1688-dirty_sock: Linux Privilege Escalation (via snapd): -1689-Linux privilege escalation: -1690-The Complete Meterpreter Guide | Privilege Escalation & Clearing Tracks: -1691-How to prepare for PWK/OSCP, a noob-friendly guide: -1692-Basic Linux privilege escalation by kernel exploits: -1693-Linux mount without root : -1694-Linux Privilege Escalation Oscp: -1695-Privilege Escalation Attack Tutorial: -1696-Oscp Bethany Privilege Escalation: -1697-Hacking a Website and Gaining Root Access using Dirty COW Exploit: -1698-Privilege Escalation - Linux · Total OSCP Guide: -1699-Linux advanced privilege escalation: -1700-Local Linux privilege escalation overview: -1701-Windows Privilege Escalation Scripts & Techniques : -1702-Penetration Testing: Maintaining Access: -1703-Kali Linux Maintaining Access : -1704-Best Open Source Tools for Maintaining Access & Tunneling: -1705-Maintaining Access Part 1: Introduction and Metasploit Example: -1706-Maintaining Access - Ethical hacking and penetration testing: -1707-Maintaining Access with Web Backdoors [Weevely]: -1708-Best Open Source MITM Tools: Sniffing & Spoofing: -1709-Cain and Abel - Man in the Middle (MITM) Attack Tool Explained: -1710-Man In The Middle Attack (MITM): -1711-Real-World Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) Attack : -1712-The Ultimate Guide to Man in the Middle Attacks : -1713-How to Conduct ARP Spoofing for MITM Attacks: -1714-How To Do A Man-in-the-Middle Attack Using ARP Spoofing & Poisoning: -1715-Ettercap and middle-attacks tutorial : -1716-How To Setup A Man In The Middle Attack Using ARP Poisoning: -1717-Intro to Wireshark and Man in the Middle Attacks: -1718-MiTM Attack with Ettercap: -1719-Man in the Middle Attack with Websploit Framework: -1720-SSH MitM Downgrade : -1721-How to use Netcat for Listening, Banner Grabbing and Transferring Files: -1722-Powershell port scanner and banner grabber: -1723-What is banner grabbing attack: -1724-Network penetration testing: -1725-NMAP Cheatsheet: -1726-How To Scan a Network With Nmap: -1727-Hacking Metasploitable : Scanning and Banner grabbing: -1728-Penetration Testing of an FTP Server: -1729-Nmap Usage & Cheet-Sheet: -1730-Discovering SSH Host Keys with NMAP: -1731-Banner Grabbing using Nmap & NetCat - Detailed Explanation: -1732-Nmap – (Vulnerability Discovery): -1733-Penetration Testing on MYSQL (Port 3306): -1774-Password Spraying - Infosec Resources : -1775-Password Spraying- Common mistakes and how to avoid them: -1776-Password Spraying Tutorial: -1777-password spraying Archives: -1778-The 21 Best Email Finding Tools:: -1779-OSINT Primer: People (Part 2): -1780-Discovering Hidden Email Gateways with OSINT Techniques: -1781-Top 20 Data Reconnaissance and Intel Gathering Tools : -1782-101+ OSINT Resources for Investigators [2019]: -1783-Digging Through Someones Past Using OSINT: -1784-Gathering Open Source Intelligence: -1785-How to Locate the Person Behind an Email Address: -1786-Find hacked email addresses and check breach mails: -1787-A Pentester's Guide - Part 3 (OSINT, Breach Dumps, & Password : -1788-Top 10 OSINT Tools/Sources for Security Folks: -1789-Top 5 Open Source OSINT Tools for a Penetration Tester: -1790-Open Source Intelligence tools for social media: my own list: -1791-Red Teaming: I can see you! Insights from an InfoSec expert : -1792-OSINT Playbook for Recruiters: -1793- Links for Doxing, Personal OSInt, Profiling, Footprinting, Cyberstalking: -1794-Open Source Intelligence Gathering 201 (Covering 12 additional techniques): -1795-Online Investigative Tools for Social Media Discovery and Locating People: -1796-Expanding Skype Forensics with OSINT: Email Accounts: -1798-2019 OSINT Guide: -1799-OSINT - Passive Recon and Discovery of Assets: -1800-OSINT With Datasploit: -1801-Building an OSINT Reconnaissance Tool from Scratch: -1802-Find Identifying Information from a Phone Number Using OSINT Tools: -1803-Find Details Of any Mobile Number, Email ID, IP Address in the world (Step By Step): -1804-Investigative tools for finding people online and keeping yourself safe: -1805- Full text of "The Hacker Playbook 2 Practical Guide To Penetration Testing By Peter Kim": -1806-The Internet Archive offers over 15,000,000 freely downloadable books and texts. There is also a collection of 550,000 modern eBooks that may be borrowed by anyone with a free account: -1807-Exploiting SSRF like a Boss — Escalation of an SSRF to Local File Read!: -1808-How to Pass OSCP Like Boss: -1809-Deploy a private Burp Collaborator Server in Azure: -1810-Using Shodan Better Way! :): -1811-How To Do Your Reconnaissance Properly Before Chasing A Bug Bounty: -1812-How we got LFI in apache Drill (Recon like a boss):: -1813-Chaining Self XSS with UI Redressing is Leading to Session Hijacking: -1814-Week in OSINT #2019–19: -1814-Week in OSINT #2019–02: -1815-Week in OSINT #2019–24: -1816-Page Admin Disclosure | Facebook Bug Bounty 2019: -1817-XSS in Edmodo within 5 Minute (My First Bug Bounty): -1818-Collection Of Bug Bounty Tip-Will Be updated daily: -1819-A Unique XSS Scenario in SmartSheet || $1000 bounty.: -1820-How I found a simple bug in Facebook without any Test: -1821-Facebook BugBounty — Disclosing page members: -1822-Don’t underestimates the Errors They can provide good $$$ Bounty!: -1823-Django and Web Security Headers: -1824-Weaponising Staged Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Payloads: -1825-How I was able to Bypass XSS Protection on HackerOne’s Private Program: -1826-XSS in Microsoft subdomain: -1827-How Angular Protects Us From XSS Attacks?: -1828-[FUN] Bypass XSS Detection WAF: -1829-Bug Hunting Methodology(Part-2): -1830-Learn Web Application Penetration Testing: -1831-“Exploiting a Single Parameter”: -1832-CORS To CSRF Attack: -1833-Account Takeover Using CSRF(json-based): -1834-Bypassing Anti-CSRF with Burp Suite Session Handling: -1835-10 Methods to Bypass Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF): -1836-Exploiting CSRF on JSON endpoints with Flash and redirects: -1837-Finding and exploiting Cross-site request forgery (CSRF): -1838-Hacking Facebook accounts using CSRF in Oculus-Facebook integration: -1839-Synchronizer Token Pattern: No more tricks: -1840-The $12,000 Intersection between Clickjacking, XSS, and Denial of Service: -1841-XML External Entity(XXE): -1842-XXE Attacks— Part 1: XML Basics: -1843-From XXE to RCE with PHP/expect — The Missing Link: -1844-My first XML External Entity (XXE) attack with .gpx file: -1845-Open Redirects & Security Done Right!: -1846-XXE on Windows system …then what ??: -1847-Unauthenticated Blind SSRF in Oracle EBS CVE-2018-3167: -1848-SVG XLink SSRF fingerprinting libraries version: -1849-What is XML Injection Attack: -1850-SSRF - Server Side Request Forgery (Types and ways to exploit it) Part-1: -1851-Penetration Testing Introduction: Scanning & Reconnaissance: -1852-Beginner’s Guide to recon automation.: -1853-Red Teamer’s Guide to Pulse Secure SSL VPN: -1854-CVE-2019-15092 WordPress Plugin Import Export Users = 1.3.0 - CSV Injection: -1855-How I harvested Facebook credentials via free wifi?: -1856-How to hack any Payment Gateway?: -1857-How I hacked into my neighbour’s WiFi and harvested login credentials?: -1858-What do Netcat, SMTP and self XSS have in common? Stored XSS: -1859-1-Click Account Takeover in — a Nice Case Study: -1860-Digging into Android Applications — Part 1 — Drozer + Burp: -1861-Linux for Pentester: APT Privilege Escalation: -1862-Linux for Pentester : ZIP Privilege Escalation: -1863-Koadic - COM Command & Control Framework: -1864-Configure Sqlmap for WEB-GUI in Kali Linux : -1865-Penetration Testing: -1866-Buffer Overflow Examples, Code execution by shellcode : -1867-Dynamic Shellcode Execution: -1868-JSC Exploits: - -1869-Injecting Into The Hunt: -1870-Bypassing Antivirus with Golang: -1871-Windows Process Injection: Print Spooler: -1872-Inject Shellcode Into Memory Using Unicorn : -1873-Macros and More with SharpShooter v2.0: -1874-Fuzz Testing(Fuzzing) Tutorial: What is, Types, Tools & Example: -1875-Introduction to File Format Fuzzing & Exploitation: -1876-Hacking a social media account and safeguarding it: -1877-OTP Bypass on India’s Biggest Video Sharing Site: -1879-Getting Root on macOS via 3rd Party Backup Software: -1880-How to Enumerate MYSQL Database using Metasploit: -1881-Exploiting Insecure Firebase Database! -1882-Penetration Testing - Complete Guide: -1883-How To Upload A PHP Web Shell On WordPress Site: -1884-Mimikatz tutorial: How it hacks Windows passwords, credentials: -1885-Ethical hacking: Lateral movement techniques: -1886-A Pivot Cheatsheet for Pentesters: -1887-What to Look for When Reverse Engineering Android Apps: -1888-Modlishka: Advance Phishing to Bypass 2 Factor Auth: -1889-Bettercap Usage Examples (Overview, Custom setup, Caplets ): -1890-The Complete Hashcat Tutorial: -1891-Wireless Wifi Penetration Testing Hacker Notes: -1892-#BugBounty writeups: -1893-Kerberoasting attack: -1894-A Pentester's Guide - Part 2 (OSINT - LinkedIn is not just for jobs): -1895-Radare2 cutter tutorial: -1896-Cracking Password Hashes with Hashcat: -1897-From CSRF to RCE and WordPress-site takeover CVE-2020-8417: -1898-Best OSINT Tools: -1899-Metasploit Exploitation Tool 2020: -1900-How to exploit CVE-2020-7961: -1901-PowerShell for Pentesters: -1902-Android Pentest Tutorial: -1903-Burp Suite Tutorial: -1904-Company Email Enumeration + Breached Email Finder: -1905-Kali Linux Cheat Sheet for Penetration Testers: -1906-Active Directory Exploitation Cheat Sheet: A cheat sheet that contains common enumeration and attack methods for Windows Active Directory. -1907-Advanced Hacking Tutorials Collection: -1908-Persistence – DLL Hijacking: -1909-Brute force and dictionary attacks: A cheat sheet: -1910-How to use Facebook for Open Source Investigation: -1911-tcpdump Cheat Sheet: -1912-Windows Post exploitation recon with Metasploit: -1913-Bug Hunting Methodology: -1914-Malware traffic analysis tutorial: -1915-Recon-ng v5 Tutorial: -1916-Windows and Linux Privilege Escalation Tools: -1917-Total OSCP Guide: -1918-Phishing Windows Credentials: -1919-Getting What You're Entitled To: A Journey Into MacOS Stored Credentials: -1920-Recent Papers Related To Fuzzing: -1921-Web Shells 101 Using PHP (Web Shells Part 2): -1922-Python3 reverse shell: -1923-Reverse Shell between two Linux machines: -1924-Tutorial - Writing Hardcoded Windows Shellcodes (32bit): -1925-How to Use Wireshark: Comprehensive Tutorial + Tips: -1926-How To Use PowerShell for Privilege Escalation with Local Privilege Escalation? -1927-Ethical hacking:Top privilege escalation techniques in Windows: -1928-How to Identify Company's Hacked Email Addresses: -1929-Android APK Reverse Engineering: What's in an APK: -1930-Keep Calm and HackTheBox - Beep: -1931-Keep Calm and HackTheBox -Legacy: -1932-Keep Calm and HackTheBox -Lame: -1933-HacktheBox:Writeup Walkthrough: -1934-2020 OSCP Exam Preparation: -1935-My OSCP transformation: -1936-A Detailed Guide on OSCP Preparation: -1937-Useful Commands and Tools - #OSCP: -1938-Comprehensive Guide on Password Spraying Attack -1939-Privilege Escalation: -1940-Red Team: -1941-Linux post-exploitation.Advancing from user to super-user in a few clicks -1942--#BugBounty Cheatsheet -1943--#Windows Notes/Cheatsheet -1944-#Linux Notes/Cheatsheet -1945-Windows Notes -1946-#BlueTeam CheatSheet -1947-Linux Privilege Escalation Cheatsheet for OSCP: -1948-Shodan Pentesting Guide: -1949-Pentesters Guide to PostgreSQL Hacking: -1950-Hacking-OSCP cheatsheet: -1951-A Comprehensive Guide to Breaking SSH: -1952-Windows Privilege Escalation Methods for Pentesters: -1953-Best #firefox addons for #Hacking: -1954-S3 Bucket Enumeration Tools: -1955-Github Recon Tools: -1956-i created this group for more in depth sharing about hacking and penetration testing /daily posts: you can join: -1957-Directory Bruteforcing Tools: && SCREENSHOTTING Tools: -1958-S3 Bucket Enumeration Tools: -1959-Github Recon Tools: -1960-Website Mirroring Tools: -1961-automated credential discovery tools: -1962-Antiforensics Techniques: -1963-#bugbounty tools part (1): 1964-Binary Analysis Frameworks: -1965-#BugBounty tools part (5): -1966-#BugBounty tools part (3): -1967-Kali Linux Commands List (Cheat Sheet): -1968-#BugBounty tools part (4): -1969--Automated enumeration tools: -1970-DNS lookup information Tools: -1971-OSCP: -1972-Social Engineering Tools: -1973-Hydra : -1974-#OSINT Your Full Guide: -1975-#BugBounty tools part (2): -1976-my own ebook library: -1977-Practice part (2): -1978-Practice part (3): -1979-my blog: -1980-Practice: -1981-how to search for XSS without proxy tool: -1982-How to collect email addresses from search engines: -1983-Hacking Tools Cheat Sheet: -1984-#OSCP Your Full Guide: -1985-#HackTheBox Your Full Guide: -1986-Web Scanners: -1987-HACKING MAGAZINES: -1-2600 — The Hacker Quarterly -2-Hackin9: -3-(IN)SECURE magazine: -5-Hacker’s Manual 2019 -1988-Web Exploitation Tools: -1989-Kali Linux Cheat Sheet for Hackers: -1990-Web Exploitation Tools: -1991-2020 OSCP Exam Preparation + My OSCP transformation +A Detailed Guide on OSCP Preparation + Useful Commands and Tools - #OSCP: -1992-100 Best Hacking Tools for Security Professionals in 2020: -1993-SNMP Enumeration: SNMP SNMP -1994-INFO-SEC RELATED CHEAT SHEETS: -1995-METASPLOIT CHEAT SHEET: -1996-Nmap Cheat Sheet, plus bonus Nmap + Nessus: -1997-Wireshark Cheat Sheet - Commands, Captures, Filters, Shortcuts & More: -1998-learn penetration testing a great series as PDF: -1999-Detecting secrets in code committed to Gitlab (in real time): -2000-Penetration Tester’s Guide to Evaluating OAuth 2.0 — Authorization Code Grants: -2001-Building Virtual Machine Labs: -2002-Windows Kernel Exploit Cheat Sheet for [HackTheBox]: -2003-19 Powerful Penetration Testing Tools In 2020 (Security Testing Tools): -2004-Full Connect Scan (-sT): -complete the three-way handshake -slower than SYN scan -no need for superuser Privileges -when stealth is not required -to know for sure which port is open -when running port scan via proxies like TOR -it can be detected nmap -sT -p 80 -2005-today i learned that you can use strings command to extract email addresses from binary files: strings -n 8 /usr/bin/who | grep '@' -2005-pentest cheat sheet : -2006-Tcpdump cheat sheet : -2007-tcpdump - reading tcp flags : -2008-CTF-Notes - Hackers Resources Galore: -2009-Pentest-Cheat-Sheets: -2010--2-Web Application Cheatsheet (Vulnhub): -2011-A cheatsheet with commands that can be used to perform kerberos attacks : -2012-Master Shodan Search Engine: -2013-CTF Cheatsheet: -2014-Pentesting Cheatsheet: -2015-Hacking Cheatsheet: -2016-Hashcat-Cheatsheet: -2017-Wireshark Cheat Sheet: -2018-JustTryHarder: -2019-PWK-CheatSheet: -2020-kali linux cheatsheet: -2021-Hydra-Cheatsheet: -2022-Security Tools Cheatsheets: -2023-popping-shells-instead-of-alert-boxes-weaponizing-xss-for-fun-and-profit: -2024-TRICKS FOR WEAPONIZING XSS: -2025-OSCP Notes: -2026-OSCP Notes: -2027-list of useful commands, shells and notes related to OSCP: -2028-Notes for taking the OSCP in 2097: -2029-My OSCP notes: -2030-Discover Blind Vulnerabilities with DNSObserver: an Out-of-Band DNS Monitor -2031-Red Team Notes: -2032-Evading Detection with Excel 4.0 Macros and the BIFF8 XLS Format: -2033-ESCALATING SUBDOMAIN TAKEOVERS TO STEAL COOKIES BY ABUSING DOCUMENT.DOMAIN: -2034-[SSTI] BREAKING GO'S TEMPLATE ENGINE TO GET XSS: -2035-Metasploitable 3: -2036-Reverse engineering and modifying an Android game: -2037-Reverse Engineering The Medium App (and making all stories in it free): -2038-Android Apk Reverse Engineering: -2039-DIY Web App Pentesting Guide: -2040-Local Admin Access and Group Policy Don’t Mix: -2041-BREAKING TYPICAL WINDOWS HARDENING IMPLEMENTATIONS: -2042-Decrypting ADSync passwords - my journey into DPAPI: -2043-Ultimate Guide: PostgreSQL Pentesting: -2044-SMB Enumeration for Penetration Testing: -2045-(Almost) All The Ways to File Transfer: -2046-HackTheBox TartarSauce Writeup: -2047-Kerberos-Attacks-In-Depth: -2048-From Recon to Bypassing MFA Implementation in OWA by Using EWS Misconfiguration: -2049-Writeups for infosec Capture the Flag events by team Galaxians: -2050-Angstrom CTF 2018 — web challenges [writeup]: -2051-How to get started in CTF | Complete Begineer Guide: -2052-Hacking 101: An Ethical Hackers Guide for Getting from Beginner to Professional: -2053-Reconnaissance the key to Ethical Hacking!: -2054-Day 18: Essential CTF Tools: -2055-OSCP Cheatsheet: -2056-OSCP Cheat Sheet: -2057-TryHackMe: vulnversity: -2058-Malware Analysis Tools And Resources: -2059-Extracting Embedded Payloads From Malware: -2060-Attacks and Techniques Used Against WordPress Sites: -2061-Still Scanning IP Addresses? You’re Doing it Wrong: -2062-Source Code Disclosure via Exposed .git Folder: -2063-GitHub Recon - It’s Really Deep: -2064-From SSRF to Compromise: Case Study: -2065-Bug Hunting with Param Miner: Cache poisoning with XSS, a peculiar case: -2066-Akamai Web Application Firewall Bypass Journey: Exploiting “Google BigQuery” SQL Injection Vulnerability: -2067-Avoiding detection via dhcp options: -2068-Bug Bytes #86 - Stealing local files with Safari, Prototype pollution vs HTML sanitizers & A hacker’s mom learning bug bounty: -2069-Bug Bytes #78 - BIG-IP RCE, Azure account takeover & Hunt scanner is back: -2070-Hacking a Telecommunication company(MTN): -2071-$20000 Facebook DOM XSS: -2072-Backdooring WordPress with Phpsploit: -2073-Pro tips for bugbounty: -2074-Collection Of #bugbountytips: -2075-Offensive Netcat/Ncat: From Port Scanning To Bind Shell IP Whitelisting: -2076-XSS for beginners: -2077-LET’S GO DEEP INTO OSINT: PART 1: -2087-Beginner’s Guide to recon automation: -2079-Automating Recon: -2080-XSS WAF & Character limitation bypass like a boss: -2081-Chaining Improper Authorization To Race Condition To Harvest Credit Card Details : A Bug Bounty Story: -2082-TryHackMe Linux Challenges: -2083-Persistence – COM Hijacking: -2084-DLL Proxy Loading Your Favourite C# Implant -2085-how offensive actors use applescript for attacking macos: -2086-Windows Privilege Escalation without Metasploit -2087-Privilege Escalation in Windows: -2088-OSWE Prep — Hack The Box Magic: -2089-Hackthebox | Bastion Writeup: -2090-Hacking Android phone remotely using Metasploit: -2091-“Hacking with Metasploit” Tutorial: -2092-Hack The Box — Tally Writeup w/o Metasploit: -2093-Burp Suite: -2094-h1–702 CTF — Web Challenge Write Up: -2095-SQL Injection & Remote Code Execution: -2096-Juicy Infos hidden in js scripts leads to RCE : -2097-Escalating Privileges like a Pro: -2098-Top 16 Active Directory Vulnerabilities: -2099-Windows Red Team Cheat Sheet: -2100-OSCP: Developing a Methodology: -2101-Zero to OSCP: Concise Edition: -2102-59 Hosts to Glory — Passing the OSCP: -2103-Can We Automate Bug Bounties With Wfuzz? -2104-Advanced boolean-based SQLi filter bypass techniques: -2105-Beginners Guide On How You Can Use Javascript In BugBounty: -2106-OTP Bypass: -2107-How we Hijacked 26+ Subdomains: -2018-How to spot and exploit postMessage vulnerablities: -2119-IDA Pro Tips to Add to Your Bag of Tricks: -2120-N1QL Injection: Kind of SQL Injection in a NoSQL Database: -2121-CSRF Protection Bypass in Play Framework: -2122-$25K Instagram Almost XSS Filter Link — Facebook Bug Bounty: -2123-techniques for learning passwords: -2124-How a simple CSRF attack turned into a P1: -2125-How I exploited the json csrf with method override technique: -2126-How I found CSRF(my first bounty): -2127-Exploiting websocket application wide XSS and CSRF: -2128-Touch ID authentication Bypass on evernote and dropbox iOS apps: -2129-Oauth authentication bypass on airbnb acquistion using wierd 1 char open redirect: -2130-Two factor authentication bypass: -2132-Tricky oracle SQLI situation: -2133-CORS bug on google’s 404 page (rewarded): -2134-Subdomain takeover via unsecured s3 bucket: -2135-Subdomain takeover via wufoo service: -2136-How I found CSRF(my first bounty): -2137-Race condition that could result to RCE a story with an app: -2138-Creating thinking is our everything : Race condition and business logic: -2139-Chaining improper authorization to Race condition to harvest credit card details: -2140-Google APIs Clickjacking worth 1337$: -2141-Bypass CSRF with clickjacking on Google org: -2142-2FA Bypass via logical rate limiting Bypass: -2143-OTP bruteforce account takeover: -2144-Microsoft RCE bugbounty: -2145-Bug Bounty Tips #1: -2146-Bug Bounty Tips #2: -2147-Bug Bounty Tips #3: -2148-Bug Bounty Tips #4: -2149-Bug Bounty Tips #5: -2150-Bug Bounty Tips #6: -2151-Finding Bugs in File Systems with an Extensible Fuzzing Framework ﴾TOS 2020﴿: -2152-PeriScope: An Effective Probing and Fuzzing Framework for the Hardware‐OS Boundary ﴾NDSS2019﴿: -2153-Bug Bounty Tips #7: -2154-Fuzzing: Hack, Art, and Science ﴾CACM 2020﴿: -2155-Azure File Shares for Pentesters: -2156-XSS like a Pro: -2157-XSS on Cookie Pop-up Warning: -2158-Effortlessly finding Cross Site Script Inclusion (XSSI) & JSONP for bug bounty: -2159-XSS in Zoho Mail: -2160-Overview Of Empire 3.4 Features: -2161-Android App Source code Extraction and Bypassing Root and SSL Pinning checks: -2162-The 3 Day Account Takeover: -2163-A Review of Fuzzing Tools and Methods: -2164-PeriScope: An Effective Probing and Fuzzing Framework for the Hardware‐OS Boundary ﴾NDSS2019﴿: -2165-Oneplus XSS vulnerability in customer support portal: -2166-Windows-Privilege-Escalation-Resources: -2167-Persistence – DLL Hijacking: -2168-Scanning JS Files for Endpoints and Secrets: -2169-Password Spraying Secure Logon for F5 Networks: -2170-Password Spraying Dell SonicWALL Virtual Office: -2171-Attention to Details : Finding Hidden IDORs: -2172-Bypassing file upload filter by source code review in Bolt CMS: -2173-HTB{ Giddy }: -2174-Analyzing WhatsApp Calls with Wireshark, radare2 and Frida: -2175-2FA bypass via CSRF attack: -2176-CSRF token bypass [a tale of 2k bug]: -2177-Setting the ‘Referer’ Header Using JavaScript: -2178-Bug Bytes #91 - The shortest domain, Weird Facebook authentication bypass & GitHub Actions secrets: -2179-Stored XSS on Zendesk via Macro’s PART 2: -2180-Azure Account Hijacking using mimikatz’s lsadump::setntlm: -2181-CORS misconfiguration account takeover out of scope to grab items in scope: -2182-Razzer: Finding Kernel Race Bugs through Fuzzing ﴾S&P 2019﴿: -2183-Facebook Bug bounty : How I was able to enumerate instagram accounts who had enabled 2FA: -2184-Bypass hackerone 2FA: -2185-How I abused 2FA to maintain persistence after password recovery change google microsoft instragram: -2186-How I hacked 40k user accounts of microsoft using 2FA bypass outlook: -2187-How to bypass 2FA with a HTTP header: -2188-Building a custom Mimikatz binary: -2189-Self XSS to Good XSS: -2190-DOM based XSS or why you should not rely on cloudflare too much: -2191-Reading internal files using SSRF vulnerability: -2192-Latest web hacking tools: -2193-Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Cheat Sheet - 2020 Edition: -2194-Hijacking a Domain Controller with Netlogon RPC (aka Zerologon: CVE-2020-1472): -2195-How I got 1200+ Open S3 buckets…!: -2196-Open Sesame: Escalating Open Redirect to RCE with Electron Code Review: -2197-When you browse Instagram and find former Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott's passport number: -2198-HTB{ Vault }: -2199-HTB{ ellingson }: -2200-HTB{ Swagshop }: -2201-Evading Firewalls with Tunnels: -2202-How to Geolocate Mobile Phones (or not): -2203-Web application race conditions: It’s not just for binaries: -2204-Two-Factor Authentication Bypass: -2205-Proxies, Pivots, and Tunnels – Oh My! : -2206-Let's Debug Together: CVE-2020-9992: -2207-I Like to Move It: Windows Lateral Movement Part 3: DLL Hijacking: -2208-Abusing Chrome's XSS auditor to steal tokens: -2209-ModSecurity, Regular Expressions and Disputed CVE-2020-15598: -2210-Bug Bounty Tips #8: -2211-IOS Pentesing Guide From A N00bs Perspective: -2212-Bug Bytes #92 - Pwning Apple for three months, XSS in VueJS, Hacking Salesforce Lightning & Unicode byͥtes: -2213-We Hacked Apple for 3 Months: Here’s What We Found: -2214-Breaking JCaptcha using Tensorflow and AOCR: -2215-Bug Bytes #82 - Timeless timing attacks, Grafana SSRF, Pizza & Youtube delicacie: -2216-Bug Bytes #71 – 20K Facebook XSS, LevelUp 0x06 &Naffy’s Notes: -2217-Bug Bytes #90 - The impossible XSS, Burp Pro tips & A millionaire on bug bounty and meditation: -2218-How to Find Vulnerabilities in Code: Bad Words: -2219-Testing for WebSockets security vulnerabilities: -2220-Practical Web Cache Poisoning: -2221-htb{ zipper }: -2222-What is HTTP request smuggling? Tutorial & Examples: -2223-When alert fails: exploiting transient events: -2224-BugPoC LFI Challeng: -2225-Misc CTF - Request Smuggling: -2226-403 to RCE in XAMPP: -2227-Phone numbers investigation, the open source way: -2228-Covert Web Shells in .NET with Read-Only Web Paths: -2229-From Static Analysis to RCE: -2230-GitHub Pages - Multiple RCEs via insecure Kramdown configuration - $25,000 Bounty: -2231-Signed Binary Proxy Execution via PyCharm: -2232-Bug Bytes #93 - Discord RCE, Vulnerable HTML to PDF converters & DOMPurify bypass demystified : -2233-Bug Bytes #94 - Breaking Symfony apps, Why Cyber Security is so hard to learn & how best to approach it: -2234-Advanced Level Resources For Web Application Penetration Testing: -2235-Pass-the-hash wifi: -2236-HTML to PDF converters, can I hack them?: -2237-Android adb reverse tethering mitm setup: -2238-Typical Wi-Fi attacks: -2239-Burp suite “ninja moves”: -2240-Razzer: Finding Kernel Race Bugs through Fuzzing ﴾S&P 2019﴿: Paper: Code: Slides: -2241-MoonShine: Optimizing OS Fuzzer Seed Selection with Trace Distillation ﴾USENIX Security2018﴿: Paper: -2242-Sequence directed hybrid fuzzing ﴾SANER 2020﴿: Paper: -2243-Open Source Intelligence Tools And Resources Handbook 2020: -2244-How to Find IP Addresses Owned by a Company: -2245-What is Banner Grabbing? Best Tools and Techniques Explained: -2246-Recon Methods Part 4 – Automated OSINT: -2247-Forcing Firefox to Execute XSS Payloads during 302 Redirects: -2248-HTB{ Frolic }: -2249-Identifying Vulnerabilities in SSL/TLS and Attacking them: -2250-My First Bug Bounty Reward: -2251-2FA Bypass On Instagram Through A Vulnerable Endpoint: -2252-Automating XSS using Dalfox, GF and Waybackurls: -2253-Think Outside the Scope: Advanced CORS Exploitation Techniques: -2254-Intro to CTFs. Resources, advice and everything else: -2255-PowerShell Commands for Pentesters: -2256-31k$ SSRF in Google Cloud Monitoring led to metadata exposure: -2257-NAT Slipstreaming: -2258-How i got 7000$ in Bug-Bounty for my Critical Finding: -2259-SQL Injection Payload List: -2260-Taking over multiple user accounts: -2261-Bug Bytes #98 - Imagemagick's comeback, Treasure trove of wordlists, Advent of Cyber & How to get more hours in your day: -2262-How to get root on Ubuntu 20.04 by pretending nobody’s /home: -2263-What is Shodan? Diving into the Google of IoT Devices: -2264-Purgalicious VBA: Macro Obfuscation With VBA Purging & OfficePurge: -2265-Dynamic Invocation in .NET to bypass hooks: -2266-NepHack Online CTF June 2020 Write-up: -2268-Attacking SCADA Part II:: -2269-PENTESTING CHEATSHEET: -2270-CVE-2020-16898 – Exploiting “Bad Neighbor” vulnerability: -2271-TShark Cheatsheet: -2272-Exploiting a “Simple” Vulnerability – In 35 Easy Steps or Less!: -2273-Exploiting CVE-2020-0041 - Part 1: Escaping the Chrome Sandbox: -2274-Exploiting CVE-2020-0041 - Part 2: Escalating to root: -2275-Exploiting MS16-145: MS Edge TypedArray.sort Use-After-Free (CVE-2016-7288): -2276-Bug Bytes #99 – Bypassing bots and WAFs,JQ in Burp & Smarter JSON fuzzing and subdomain takeovers: -2277-Digging secrets from git repositories by using truffleHog: -2287-Apple Safari Pwn2Own 2018 Whitepaper: -2288-DISSECTING APT21 SAMPLES USING A STEP-BY-STEP APPROACH: -2289-MITRE ATT&CK T1082 System Information Discovery: -2290-A simple and fast Wireshark tutorial: -2291-Recon - My Way Or High Way: -2292-Finding bugs at limited scope programs (Single Domain Websites): -2293-Passive intelligence gathering techniques: -2294-Android Pen-testing/Hunting 101: -2295-All MITM attacks in one place: -2296-From Recon to Optimizing RCE Results: -2297-RCE on due to CVE-2020-0618: -2298-Remote iPhone Exploitation Part 1: Poking Memory via iMessage and CVE-2019-8641: -2299-Remote iPhone Exploitation Part 2: Bringing Light into the Darkness -- a Remote ASLR Bypass: -2300-Remote iPhone Exploitation Part 3: From Memory Corruption to JavaScript and Back -- Gaining Code Execution: -2301-1000$ for Open redirect via unknown technique [BugBounty writeup]: -2302-Facebook SSRF: -2303-Metasploit Tips and Tricks for HaXmas 2020: -2304-SubDomain TakeOver ~ Easy WIN WIN: -2305-Recon Methodology : -2306-h1-212 CTF Writeup: -2307-exploiting-second-order-blind-sql-injection: -2308-hunting-on-the-go-install-nethunter-on-unsupported-devices: -2309-$10,000 for a vulnerability that doesn’t exist: -2310-Finding bugs on -2311-Each and every request make sense: -2312-Exploiting Max. Character Limitation: -2313-API based IDOR to leaking Private IP address of 6000 businesses: -2314-Facebook bug Bounty -Finding the hidden members of the Vivek ps private events: -2315-IoT Vulnerability Assessment of the Irish IP Address Space: -2316-Facebook bug bounty (500 USD) :A blocked fundraiser organizer would be unable to view or remove themselves from the fundraiser -2317-This is how I was able to view anyone’s private email and birthday on Instagram: -2138-My Bug Bounty Journey and My First Critical Bug — Time Based Blind SQL Injection: -2139-JavaScript analysis leading to Admin portal access: -2140-SCADA hacker's toolset: -2141-red team phishing: -2142-Dependency Confusion: How I Hacked Into Apple, Microsoft and Dozens of Other Companies: -2143-Stored XSS in -2144-20 Common Tools & Techniques Used by macOS Threat Actors & Malware: -2145-Error-Based SQL Injection on a WordPress website and extract more than 150k user details: -2146-Scope Based Recon Methodology: Exploring Tactics for Smart Recon: -2147-Hail Frida!! The Universal SSL pinning bypass for Android applications: -2148-Common Tools & Techniques Used By Threat Actors and Malware — Part I : -2149-Common Tools & Techniques Used By Threat Actors and Malware — Part II: -2150-Tools designed to automate phishing attacks that are intended to bypass 2FA: evilginx2: Modlishka: KoiPhish: ReelPhish CredSniper: Muraena: -2151-Digital Forensic Tools -2152-Netcat Cheat Sheet: -2153-Web App Hacking Methodology: -2154-Penetration Testing MindMap: -2155-Hacking Concept and Fundamentals: -2156-Social Media Osint Tools: