Oak is strong and also gives shade.
Strong, oak is, and also shade, gives.
Strong, oak is, and also shade, gives.
Cats and dogs each hate the other.
Each hate the other, cats and dogs do.
Each hate the other, cats and dogs do.
The pipe began to rust while new.
While new, to rust, the pipe began.
While new, to rust, the pipe began.
Open the crate but don't break the glass.
The crate, open, but break the glass, do not.
The crate, open, but break the glass, do not. Yes, hrrmmm.
Add the sum to the product of these three.
To the product of these three, add the sum.
To the product of these three, add the sum.
Thieves who rob friends deserve jail.
Deserve jail, thieves who rob friends do.
Deserve jail, thieves who rob friends do.
The ripe taste of cheese improves with age.
With age, the ripe taste of cheese improves.
With age, the ripe taste of cheese improves. Hmm.
Act on these orders with great speed.
With great speed, on these orders, act.
With great speed, on these orders, act.
The hog crawled under the high fence.
Under the high fence, the hog crawled.
Under the high fence, the hog crawled.
Move the vat over the hot fire.
Over the hot fire, move the vat, you must.
Hrrmmm. Over the hot fire, move the vat, you must.
The bark of the pine tree was shiny and dark.
Shiny and dark, the bark of the pine tree was.
Hrrmmm. Shiny and dark, the bark of the pine tree was.
Leaves turn brown and yellow in the fall.
In the fall, brown and yellow, leaves turn.
In the fall, brown and yellow, leaves turn. Yes, hrrmmm.
The pennant waved when the wind blew.
When the wind blew, the pennant waved.
When the wind blew, the pennant waved.
Split the log with a quick, sharp blow.
With a quick, sharp blow, split the log, you must.
With a quick, sharp blow, split the log, you must. Yes, hrrmmm.
Burn peat after the logs give out.
After the logs give out, burn peat, you must.
After the logs give out, burn peat, you must. Hrmmm.
He ordered peach pie with ice cream.
Peach pie with ice cream, he ordered.
Peach pie with ice cream, he ordered. Yrsssss.
Weave the carpet on the right hand side.
On the right-hand side, weave the carpet, you must.
Hrrmmm. On the right-hand side, weave the carpet, you must. Hrmmm.
Hemp is a weed found in parts of the tropics.
In parts of the tropics, hemp is a weed found.
In parts of the tropics, hemp is a weed found.
A lame back kept his score low.
Kept his score low, a lame back did.
Kept his score low, a lame back did.
We find joy in the simplest things.
In the simplest things, joy we find.
In the simplest things, joy we find.
Type out three lists of orders.
Type out three lists of orders, you must.
Type out three lists of orders, you must.
The harder he tried the less he got done.
The less he got done, the harder he tried.
The less he got done, the harder he tried.
The boss ran the show with a watchful eye.
With a watchful eye, the boss ran the show.
With a watchful eye, the boss ran the show.
The cup cracked and spilled its contents.
Cracked and spilled its contents, the cup did.
Cracked and spilled its contents, the cup did. Hrmmm.
Paste can cleanse the most dirty brass.
Cleanse the most dirty brass, paste can.
Cleanse the most dirty brass, paste can.
The slang word for raw whiskey is booze.
For raw whiskey, the slang word is booze.
For raw whiskey, the slang word is booze.
It caught its hind paw in a rusty trap.
Its hind paw, in a rusty trap it caught .
Its hind paw, in a rusty trap it caught .
The wharf could be seen at the farther shore.
At the farther shore, the wharf could be seen.
At the farther shore, the wharf could be seen. Yes, hrrrm.
Feel the heat of the weak dying flame.
Feel the heat of the weak dying flame, you must.
Feel the heat of the weak dying flame, you must.
The tiny girl took off her hat.
Off her hat, the tiny girl took.
Off her hat, the tiny girl took. Hrmmm.
A cramp is no small danger on a swim.
No small danger on a swim, a cramp is.
No small danger on a swim, a cramp is. Hrmmm.
He said the same phrase thirty times.
The same phrase thirty times, he said.
The same phrase thirty times, he said.
Pluck the bright rose without leaves.
Without leaves, pluck the bright rose, you must.
Without leaves, pluck the bright rose, you must. Yes, hrrmmm.
Two plus seven is less than ten.
Less than ten, two plus seven is.
Less than ten, two plus seven is.
The glow deepened in the eyes of the sweet girl.
Deepened in the eyes of the sweet girl, the glow did.
Deepened in the eyes of the sweet girl, the glow did. Hmm.
Bring your problems to the wise chief.
To the wise chief, bring your problems, you must.
To the wise chief, bring your problems, you must. Yes, hrrrm.
Write a fond note to the friend you cherish.
To the friend you cherish, write a fond note, you must.
To the friend you cherish, write a fond note, you must. Yrsssss.
Clothes and lodging are free to new men.
Free to new men, clothes and lodging are.
Free to new men, clothes and lodging are.
We frown when events take a bad turn.
When events take a bad turn, frown we do.
When events take a bad turn, frown we do.
Port is a strong wine with s smoky taste.
With a smoky taste, port a strong wine is.
With a smoky taste, port a strong wine is.
The young kid jumped the rusty gate.
The rusty gate, the young kid jumped.
The rusty gate, the young kid jumped.
Guess the results from the first scores.
From the first scores, guess the results, you must.
From the first scores, guess the results, you must. Hmm.
A salt pickle tastes fine with ham.
Tastes fine with ham, a salt pickle does.
Tastes fine with ham, a salt pickle does.
The just claim got the right verdict.
Got the right verdict, the just claim did.
Got the right verdict, the just claim did.
These thistles bend in a high wind.
In a high wind, these thistles bend.
In a high wind, these thistles bend.
Pure bred poodles have curls.
Curls, pure bred poodles have.
Curls, pure bred poodles have. Yes, hrrmmm.
The tree top waved in a graceful way.
In a graceful way, the tree top waved.
In a graceful way, the tree top waved. Hrmmm.
The spot on the blotter was made by green ink.
Made by green ink, the spot on the blotter was.
Hrrmmm. Made by green ink, the spot on the blotter was.
Mud was spattered on the front of his white shirt.
On the front of his white shirt, mud was spattered.
On the front of his white shirt, mud was spattered.
The cigar burned a hole in the desk top.
Burned a hole in the desk top, the cigar did.
Burned a hole in the desk top, the cigar did.
The empty flask stood on the tin tray.
On the tin tray, the empty flask stood.
On the tin tray, the empty flask stood.
A speedy man can beat this track mark.
Can beat this track mark, a speedy man can.
Can beat this track mark, a speedy man can.
He broke a new shoelace that day.
A new shoelace that day, he broke.
A new shoelace that day, he broke. Hmm.
The coffee stand is too high for the couch.
Too high for the couch, the coffee stand is.
Too high for the couch, the coffee stand is. Yes, hrrrm.
The urge to write short stories is rare.
To write short stories, the urge is rare.
To write short stories, the urge is rare. Hrmmm.
The pencils have all been used.
All been used, the pencils have.
All been used, the pencils have. Hmm.
The pirates seized the crew of the lost ship.
Seized the crew of the lost ship, the pirates did.
Seized the crew of the lost ship, the pirates did. Yrsssss.
We tried to replace the coin but failed.
Replace the coin, we tried, but failed.
Replace the coin, we tried, but failed.
She sewed the torn coat quite neatly.
The torn coat quite neatly, she sewed.
Hrrmmm. The torn coat quite neatly, she sewed.
The sofa cushion is red and of light weight.
Red and of light weight, the sofa cushion is.
Hrrmmm. Red and of light weight, the sofa cushion is. Hmm.
The jacket hung on the back of the wide chair.
On the back of the wide chair, the jacket hung.
On the back of the wide chair, the jacket hung. Yrsssss.
At that high level the air is pure.
At that high level, puie, the air is.
At that high level, puie, the air is.
Drop the two when you add the figures.
When you add the figures, drop the two, you must.
When you add the figures, drop the two, you must. Hrmmm.
A filing case is now hard to buy.
Hard to buy, a filing case is now.
Hard to buy, a filing case is now.
An abrupt start does not win the prize.
Does not win the prize, an abrupt start does.
Does not win the prize, an abrupt start does. Hmm.
Wood is best for making toys and blocks.
For making toys and blocks, wood best is.
For making toys and blocks, wood best is.
The office paint was a dull sad tan.
A dull sad tan, the office paint was.
A dull sad tan, the office paint was. Hrmmm.
He knew the skill of the great young actress.
The skill of the great young actress, he knew.
The skill of the great young actress, he knew.
A rag will soak up spilled water.
Soak up spilled water, a rag will.
Soak up spilled water, a rag will.
A shower of dirt fell from the hot pipes.
From the hot pipes, a shower of dirt fell.
From the hot pipes, a shower of dirt fell. Yes, hrrrm.
Steam hissed from the broken valve.
From the broken valve, steam hissed.
From the broken valve, steam hissed.
The child almost hurt the small dog.
Almost hurt the small dog, the child did.
Almost hurt the small dog, the child did. Hrmmm.
There was a sound of dry leaves outside.
Of dry leaves outside, a sound there was.
Hrrmmm. Of dry leaves outside, a sound there was.
The sky that morning was clear and bright blue.
Clear and bright blue, the sky that morning was.
Clear and bright blue, the sky that morning was.
Torn scraps littered the stone floor.
Littered the stone floor, torn scraps did.
Littered the stone floor, torn scraps did. Yes, hrrmmm.
Sunday is the best part of the week.
The best part of the week, Sunday is.
The best part of the week, Sunday is. Yes, hrrmmm.
The doctor cured him with these pills.
With these pills, him, the doctor cured.
With these pills, him, the doctor cured.
The new girl was fired today at noon.
Fired today at noon, the new girl was.
Fired today at noon, the new girl was.
They felt gay when the ship arrived in port.
When the ship arrived in port, gay they felt.
When the ship arrived in port, gay they felt.
Add the store's account to the last cent.
To the last cent, the store's account add.
Hrrmmm. To the last cent, the store's account add.
Acid burns holes in wool cloth.
Burns holes in wool cloth, acid does.
Burns holes in wool cloth, acid does.
Fairy tales should be fun to write.
Fun to write, fairy tales should be.
Hrrmmm. Fun to write, fairy tales should be. Hmm.
Eight miles of woodland burned to waste.
Burned to waste, eight miles of woodland did.
Burned to waste, eight miles of woodland did.
The third act was dull and tired the players.
Dull and tired the players, the third act was.
Dull and tired the players, the third act was. Yes, hrrrm.
A young child should not suffer fright.
Suffer fright, a young child should not.
Suffer fright, a young child should not.
Add the column and put the sum here.
And put the sum here, add the column, you must.
And put the sum here, add the column, you must. Hmm.
We admire and love a good cook.
A good cook, we admire and love.
A good cook, we admire and love.
There the flood mark is ten inches.
Ten inches, there the flood mark is.
Ten inches, there the flood mark is.
He carved a head from the round block of marble.
From the round block of marble, a head he carved.
From the round block of marble, a head he carved.
She has st smart way of wearing clothes.
A smart way of wearing clothes, she has.
A smart way of wearing clothes, she has.
The fruit of a fig tree is apple-shaped.
Apple-shaped, the fruit of a fig tree is.
Apple-shaped, the fruit of a fig tree is.
Corn cobs can be used to kindle a fire.
To kindle a fire, corn cobs can be used.
To kindle a fire, corn cobs can be used.
Where were they when the noise started.
When the noise started, where were they?
Hrrmmm. When the noise started, where were they? Hrmmm.
The paper box is full of thumb tacks.
Is full of thumb tacks, the paper box is.
Is full of thumb tacks, the paper box is.
Sell your gift to a buyer at a good gain.
To a buyer at a good gain, sell your gift, you must.
To a buyer at a good gain, sell your gift, you must.
The tongs lay beside the ice pail.
Beside the ice pail, the tongs lay.
Beside the ice pail, the tongs lay. Hrmmm.
The petals fall with the next puff of wind.
With the next puff of wind, the petals fall.
With the next puff of wind, the petals fall. Yes, hrrmmm.
Bring your best compass to the third class.
To the third class, bring your best compass, you must.
To the third class, bring your best compass, you must. Hrmmm.
They could laugh although they were sad.
Although they were sad, laugh they could.
Although they were sad, laugh they could. Yes, hrrmmm.
Farmers came in to thresh the oat crop.
To thresh the oat crop, farmers came in.
To thresh the oat crop, farmers came in. Hrmmm.