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1,306 | study | https://github.com/timofurrer/awesome-asyncio | ['awesome'] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | timofurrer/awesome-asyncio | awesome-asyncio | 4,297 | 321 | 122 | null | null | A curated list of awesome Python asyncio frameworks, libraries, software and resources | timofurrer | 2024-01-13 | 2016-11-01 | 378 | 11.367725 | null | A curated list of awesome Python asyncio frameworks, libraries, software and resources | ['asyncio', 'awesome', 'awesome-list', 'coroutines', 'python-asyncio'] | ['asyncio', 'awesome', 'awesome-list', 'coroutines', 'python-asyncio'] | 2023-01-08 | [('dylanhogg/awesome-python', 0.7224661111831665, 'study', 2), ('pallets/quart', 0.6550799608230591, 'web', 1), ('aio-libs/aiohttp', 0.6443581581115723, 'web', 1), ('encode/httpx', 0.640356183052063, 'web', 1), ('klen/muffin', 0.6332191228866577, 'web', 1), ('magicstack/uvloop', 0.6274605989456177, 'util', 1), ('encode/uvicorn', 0.618058979511261, 'web', 1), ('fastai/fastcore', 0.6136905550956726, 'util', 0), ('neoteroi/blacksheep', 0.6109622716903687, 'web', 1), ('masoniteframework/masonite', 0.6026535034179688, 'web', 0), ('sumerc/yappi', 0.6000396013259888, 'profiling', 1), ('pypy/pypy', 0.5946156978607178, 'util', 0), ('krzjoa/awesome-python-data-science', 0.5890659093856812, 'study', 2), ('alirn76/panther', 0.5865374207496643, 'web', 0), ('aio-libs/aiobotocore', 0.5803163647651672, 'util', 1), ('samuelcolvin/aioaws', 0.5785270929336548, 'data', 1), ('pytest-dev/pytest-asyncio', 0.5779024958610535, 'testing', 1), ('willmcgugan/textual', 0.575556218624115, 'term', 0), ('pytoolz/toolz', 0.5735023021697998, 'util', 0), ('ets-labs/python-dependency-injector', 0.5701932311058044, 'util', 1), ('trananhkma/fucking-awesome-python', 0.5646189451217651, 'study', 1), ('starlite-api/starlite', 0.5622597932815552, 'web', 1), ('python-trio/trio', 0.5602687001228333, 'perf', 0), ('pylons/pyramid', 0.5598770380020142, 'web', 0), ('alex-sherman/unsync', 0.5594347715377808, 'util', 0), ('falconry/falcon', 0.5593904852867126, 'web', 0), ('ta-lib/ta-lib-python', 0.5574406981468201, 'finance', 0), ('tiangolo/asyncer', 0.5529595017433167, 'perf', 1), ('python/cpython', 0.55228590965271, 'util', 0), ('geeogi/async-python-lambda-template', 0.5508684515953064, 'template', 0), ('pallets/flask', 0.5479661822319031, 'web', 0), ('tornadoweb/tornado', 0.5469016432762146, 'web', 0), ('eleutherai/pyfra', 0.5461949110031128, 'ml', 0), ('christoschristofidis/awesome-deep-learning', 0.5383524298667908, 'study', 2), ('1200wd/bitcoinlib', 0.5357022285461426, 'crypto', 0), ('python-restx/flask-restx', 0.5342033505439758, 'web', 0), ('bottlepy/bottle', 0.5336396098136902, 'web', 0), ('agronholm/anyio', 0.5322125554084778, 'perf', 1), ('openai/openai-python', 0.524164617061615, 'util', 0), ('gradio-app/gradio', 0.5227011442184448, 'viz', 0), ('aio-libs/aiomysql', 0.522577166557312, 'data', 1), ('samuelcolvin/arq', 0.5215858817100525, 'data', 1), ('huggingface/huggingface_hub', 0.5210409164428711, 'ml', 0), ('plotly/dash', 0.5202446579933167, 'viz', 0), ('cherrypy/cherrypy', 0.5200496912002563, 'web', 0), ('wesm/pydata-book', 0.5189331769943237, 'study', 0), ('cython/cython', 0.5178491473197937, 'util', 0), ('samuelcolvin/watchfiles', 0.5153577327728271, 'util', 1), ('r0x0r/pywebview', 0.5146098136901855, 'gui', 0), ('flet-dev/flet', 0.5139799118041992, 'web', 0), ('tiangolo/fastapi', 0.5137189030647278, 'web', 1), ('cosmicpython/book', 0.5105115175247192, 'study', 0), ('wxwidgets/phoenix', 0.510340690612793, 'gui', 1), ('scrapy/scrapy', 0.5095760226249695, 'data', 0), ('webpy/webpy', 0.5086891651153564, 'web', 0), ('fchollet/deep-learning-with-python-notebooks', 0.5076543092727661, 'study', 0), ('emmett-framework/emmett', 0.5075742602348328, 'web', 1), ('pyston/pyston', 0.5064808130264282, 'util', 0), ('klen/py-frameworks-bench', 0.5063012838363647, 'perf', 0), ('erotemic/ubelt', 0.5056865811347961, 'util', 0), ('hoffstadt/dearpygui', 0.5044320225715637, 'gui', 0), ('cuemacro/finmarketpy', 0.5032345056533813, 'finance', 0), ('cohere-ai/notebooks', 0.5014423131942749, 'llm', 0), ('plotly/plotly.py', 0.5011566877365112, 'viz', 0), ('faster-cpython/ideas', 0.500760018825531, 'perf', 0), ('python-rope/rope', 0.5005401968955994, 'util', 0), ('holoviz/panel', 0.5001717805862427, 'viz', 0)] | 57 | 5 | null | 0 | 0 | 0 | 88 | 12 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 35 |
203 | viz | https://github.com/ml-tooling/opyrator | [] | null | [] | [] | 1 | null | null | ml-tooling/opyrator | opyrator | 2,974 | 157 | 50 | Python | https://opyrator-playground.mltooling.org | πͺ Turns your machine learning code into microservices with web API, interactive GUI, and more. | ml-tooling | 2024-01-14 | 2021-04-06 | 147 | 20.231293 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/45942048?v=4 | πͺ Turns your machine learning code into microservices with web API, interactive GUI, and more. | ['deployment', 'faas', 'fastapi', 'functions', 'machine-learning', 'microservices', 'pydantic', 'python-functions', 'serverless', 'streamlit', 'type-hints'] | ['deployment', 'faas', 'fastapi', 'functions', 'machine-learning', 'microservices', 'pydantic', 'python-functions', 'serverless', 'streamlit', 'type-hints'] | 2021-05-06 | [('unionai-oss/unionml', 0.6805552840232849, 'ml-ops', 1), ('titanml/takeoff', 0.6359823942184448, 'llm', 1), ('gradio-app/gradio', 0.6309301853179932, 'viz', 1), ('wandb/client', 0.6187072992324829, 'ml', 1), ('avaiga/taipy', 0.617566704750061, 'data', 0), ('polyaxon/polyaxon', 0.6038118600845337, 'ml-ops', 1), ('kubeflow/fairing', 0.5929511189460754, 'ml-ops', 0), ('bentoml/bentoml', 0.5898632407188416, 'ml-ops', 2), ('microsoft/nni', 0.5824997425079346, 'ml', 1), ('hugapi/hug', 0.5820281505584717, 'util', 0), ('mlflow/mlflow', 0.58051598072052, 'ml-ops', 1), ('explosion/thinc', 0.5795862674713135, 'ml-dl', 1), ('tiangolo/fastapi', 0.5786353349685669, 'web', 2), ('lucidrains/toolformer-pytorch', 0.5760772228240967, 'llm', 0), ('nccr-itmo/fedot', 0.5759302377700806, 'ml-ops', 1), ('huggingface/transformers', 0.5750659108161926, 'nlp', 1), ('online-ml/river', 0.574630618095398, 'ml', 1), ('googlecloudplatform/vertex-ai-samples', 0.5720667243003845, 'ml', 0), ('ludwig-ai/ludwig', 0.570716142654419, 'ml-ops', 1), ('falconry/falcon', 0.5693379044532776, 'web', 1), ('selfexplainml/piml-toolbox', 0.5633277297019958, 'ml-interpretability', 0), ('onnx/onnx', 0.5625835061073303, 'ml', 1), ('alpa-projects/alpa', 0.5594131350517273, 'ml-dl', 1), ('merantix-momentum/squirrel-core', 0.5560594797134399, 'ml', 1), ('adap/flower', 0.5547651648521423, 'ml-ops', 1), ('automl/auto-sklearn', 0.546398937702179, 'ml', 0), ('xplainable/xplainable', 0.5456689596176147, 'ml-interpretability', 1), ('google/trax', 0.5450164079666138, 'ml-dl', 1), ('ray-project/ray', 0.5436031818389893, 'ml-ops', 2), ('aws/sagemaker-python-sdk', 0.5434074401855469, 'ml', 1), ('deepmind/dm-haiku', 0.5379303097724915, 'ml-dl', 1), ('jina-ai/jina', 0.5350887775421143, 'ml', 2), ('young-geng/easylm', 0.5335082411766052, 'llm', 0), ('operand/agency', 0.5331600308418274, 'llm', 1), ('aiqc/aiqc', 0.532943844795227, 'ml-ops', 0), ('dylanhogg/awesome-python', 0.532485842704773, 'study', 1), ('huggingface/datasets', 0.5313810110092163, 'nlp', 1), ('ajndkr/lanarky', 0.5310590267181396, 'llm', 1), ('alirezadir/machine-learning-interview-enlightener', 0.5304664969444275, 'study', 1), ('mindsdb/mindsdb', 0.5296940207481384, 'data', 1), ('google/pyglove', 0.5290511846542358, 'util', 1), ('patchy631/machine-learning', 0.5287477970123291, 'ml', 0), ('google/vizier', 0.528394877910614, 'ml', 1), ('mosaicml/composer', 0.5281829833984375, 'ml-dl', 1), ('oegedijk/explainerdashboard', 0.5270505547523499, 'ml-interpretability', 0), ('google/mediapipe', 0.5265260338783264, 'ml', 1), ('epistasislab/tpot', 0.5252538323402405, 'ml', 1), ('eugeneyan/testing-ml', 0.5247636437416077, 'testing', 1), ('determined-ai/determined', 0.5243386626243591, 'ml-ops', 1), ('fastai/fastcore', 0.5239315629005432, 'util', 0), ('nvidia/deeplearningexamples', 0.5223838090896606, 'ml-dl', 0), ('asacristani/fastapi-rocket-boilerplate', 0.5223199725151062, 'template', 1), ('nevronai/metisfl', 0.5207219123840332, 'ml', 1), ('modularml/mojo', 0.5188204050064087, 'util', 1), ('vitalik/django-ninja', 0.5184093713760376, 'web', 1), ('radiantearth/radiant-mlhub', 0.5183095932006836, 'gis', 1), ('mlc-ai/mlc-llm', 0.5173749327659607, 'llm', 0), ('pathwaycom/pathway', 0.5166861414909363, 'data', 0), ('pathwaycom/llm-app', 0.5144424438476562, 'llm', 1), ('microsoft/flaml', 0.5143886804580688, 'ml', 1), ('meltano/meltano', 0.5139985084533691, 'ml-ops', 0), ('polyaxon/datatile', 0.5134544372558594, 'pandas', 0), ('ddbourgin/numpy-ml', 0.5126323699951172, 'ml', 1), ('feast-dev/feast', 0.5118728876113892, 'ml-ops', 1), ('huggingface/huggingface_hub', 0.5117499828338623, 'ml', 1), ('uber/petastorm', 0.5089090466499329, 'data', 1), ('microsoft/lmops', 0.5080411434173584, 'llm', 0), ('lukaszahradnik/pyneuralogic', 0.5073249936103821, 'math', 1), ('fmind/mlops-python-package', 0.50709468126297, 'template', 0), ('csinva/imodels', 0.5064631104469299, 'ml', 1), ('cheshire-cat-ai/core', 0.5056010484695435, 'llm', 0), ('scikit-learn/scikit-learn', 0.5052728056907654, 'ml', 1), ('uber/fiber', 0.5049328804016113, 'data', 1), ('fugue-project/fugue', 0.504669725894928, 'pandas', 1), ('microsoft/generative-ai-for-beginners', 0.5041592717170715, 'study', 0), ('kevinmusgrave/pytorch-metric-learning', 0.502253532409668, 'ml', 1), ('lancedb/lancedb', 0.501854658126831, 'data', 0), ('unity-technologies/ml-agents', 0.5017167925834656, 'ml-rl', 1), ('zenml-io/zenml', 0.5011926293373108, 'ml-ops', 1), ('bigscience-workshop/petals', 0.5010274648666382, 'data', 1), ('tensorflow/tensorflow', 0.5004213452339172, 'ml-dl', 1)] | 4 | 0 | null | 0 | 12 | 6 | 34 | 33 | 0 | 4 | 4 | 12 | 11 | 90 | 0.9 | 35 |
535 | nlp | https://github.com/huawei-noah/pretrained-language-model | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | huawei-noah/pretrained-language-model | Pretrained-Language-Model | 2,910 | 618 | 56 | Python | null | Pretrained language model and its related optimization techniques developed by Huawei Noah's Ark Lab. | huawei-noah | 2024-01-11 | 2019-12-02 | 217 | 13.401316 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/12619994?v=4 | Pretrained language model and its related optimization techniques developed by Huawei Noah's Ark Lab. | ['knowledge-distillation', 'large-scale-distributed', 'model-compression', 'pretrained-models', 'quantization'] | ['knowledge-distillation', 'large-scale-distributed', 'model-compression', 'pretrained-models', 'quantization'] | 2023-05-21 | [('yizhongw/self-instruct', 0.6405363082885742, 'llm', 0), ('cg123/mergekit', 0.6082916855812073, 'llm', 0), ('openai/finetune-transformer-lm', 0.5976941585540771, 'llm', 0), ('predibase/llm_distillation_playbook', 0.5744475722312927, 'llm', 0), ('freedomintelligence/llmzoo', 0.5728333592414856, 'llm', 0), ('baichuan-inc/baichuan-13b', 0.5544146299362183, 'llm', 0), ('young-geng/easylm', 0.5518462657928467, 'llm', 0), ('lianjiatech/belle', 0.5496155023574829, 'llm', 0), ('hiyouga/llama-factory', 0.5485014915466309, 'llm', 1), ('hiyouga/llama-efficient-tuning', 0.5485014319419861, 'llm', 1), ('titanml/takeoff', 0.5469074249267578, 'llm', 1), ('squeezeailab/squeezellm', 0.5468460917472839, 'llm', 2), ('microsoft/unilm', 0.5461228489875793, 'nlp', 0), ('tatsu-lab/stanford_alpaca', 0.5441707372665405, 'llm', 0), ('bigscience-workshop/biomedical', 0.5387159585952759, 'data', 0), ('jonasgeiping/cramming', 0.5355748534202576, 'nlp', 0), ('togethercomputer/redpajama-data', 0.5328022837638855, 'llm', 0), ('ctlllll/llm-toolmaker', 0.5290946364402771, 'llm', 0), ('bobazooba/xllm', 0.5261392593383789, 'llm', 0), ('extreme-bert/extreme-bert', 0.5199653506278992, 'llm', 0), ('hannibal046/awesome-llm', 0.5183480381965637, 'study', 0), ('artidoro/qlora', 0.5163824558258057, 'llm', 0), ('optimalscale/lmflow', 0.5153259038925171, 'llm', 1), ('juncongmoo/pyllama', 0.5146656036376953, 'llm', 0), ('huggingface/transformers', 0.51437908411026, 'nlp', 1), ('bigscience-workshop/petals', 0.5137228965759277, 'data', 1), ('next-gpt/next-gpt', 0.5096499919891357, 'llm', 0), ('jzhang38/tinyllama', 0.5081942081451416, 'llm', 0)] | 20 | 2 | null | 0.04 | 5 | 0 | 50 | 8 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 | 4 | 90 | 0.8 | 35 |
295 | sim | https://github.com/openai/mujoco-py | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | openai/mujoco-py | mujoco-py | 2,666 | 809 | 197 | Cython | null | MuJoCo is a physics engine for detailed, efficient rigid body simulations with contacts. mujoco-py allows using MuJoCo from Python 3. | openai | 2024-01-12 | 2016-04-24 | 405 | 6.578075 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/14957082?v=4 | MuJoCo is a physics engine for detailed, efficient rigid body simulations with contacts. mujoco-py allows using MuJoCo from Python 3. | [] | [] | 2022-11-17 | [('deepmind/dm_control', 0.5940796732902527, 'ml-rl', 0), ('viblo/pymunk', 0.5651075839996338, 'sim', 0)] | 33 | 3 | null | 0 | 24 | 4 | 94 | 14 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 24 | 24 | 90 | 1 | 35 |
501 | gis | https://github.com/google/earthengine-api | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | google/earthengine-api | earthengine-api | 2,445 | 980 | 203 | JavaScript | null | Python and JavaScript bindings for calling the Earth Engine API. | google | 2024-01-13 | 2015-04-22 | 457 | 5.340094 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/1342004?v=4 | Python and JavaScript bindings for calling the Earth Engine API. | [] | [] | 2024-01-10 | [('giswqs/geemap', 0.5498977899551392, 'gis', 0)] | 37 | 1 | null | 0.46 | 3 | 1 | 106 | 0 | 0 | 34 | 34 | 3 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 35 |
1,158 | util | https://github.com/nateshmbhat/pyttsx3 | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | nateshmbhat/pyttsx3 | pyttsx3 | 1,816 | 296 | 37 | Python | null | Offline Text To Speech synthesis for python | nateshmbhat | 2024-01-14 | 2017-06-24 | 344 | 5.272501 | null | Offline Text To Speech synthesis for python | ['pyttsx', 'pyttsx3', 'text-to-speech', 'text-to-speech-python3'] | ['pyttsx', 'pyttsx3', 'text-to-speech', 'text-to-speech-python3'] | 2021-07-14 | [('uberi/speech_recognition', 0.6923384070396423, 'ml', 0), ('pndurette/gtts', 0.6920114159584045, 'util', 1), ('espnet/espnet', 0.6220706105232239, 'nlp', 0), ('speechbrain/speechbrain', 0.5789477229118347, 'nlp', 0), ('facebookresearch/seamless_communication', 0.5521857142448425, 'nlp', 1), ('minimaxir/gpt-2-simple', 0.5467420220375061, 'llm', 0), ('spotify/pedalboard', 0.5451530814170837, 'util', 0), ('pytorch-labs/gpt-fast', 0.537563145160675, 'llm', 0), ('irmen/pyminiaudio', 0.536530077457428, 'util', 0), ('minimaxir/aitextgen', 0.5253090858459473, 'llm', 0), ('googleapis/python-speech', 0.5236392617225647, 'ml', 0), ('pypy/pypy', 0.5199990272521973, 'util', 0), ('m-bain/whisperx', 0.5181179046630859, 'nlp', 0), ('bastibe/python-soundfile', 0.5068590044975281, 'util', 0)] | 15 | 5 | null | 0 | 20 | 3 | 80 | 30 | 0 | 3 | 3 | 20 | 31 | 90 | 1.6 | 35 |
415 | ml | https://github.com/bmabey/pyldavis | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | bmabey/pyldavis | pyLDAvis | 1,756 | 355 | 53 | Jupyter Notebook | null | Python library for interactive topic model visualization. Port of the R LDAvis package. | bmabey | 2024-01-13 | 2015-04-09 | 459 | 3.819764 | null | Python library for interactive topic model visualization. Port of the R LDAvis package. | [] | [] | 2023-12-14 | [('contextlab/hypertools', 0.5628495812416077, 'ml', 0), ('holoviz/holoviz', 0.518200159072876, 'viz', 0), ('enthought/mayavi', 0.5115525722503662, 'viz', 0), ('scitools/iris', 0.5086809992790222, 'gis', 0), ('altair-viz/altair', 0.5086315274238586, 'viz', 0)] | 41 | 3 | null | 0.35 | 14 | 13 | 107 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 2 | 14 | 6 | 90 | 0.4 | 35 |
1,585 | util | https://github.com/pydoit/doit | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | pydoit/doit | doit | 1,741 | 174 | 48 | Python | http://pydoit.org | task management & automation tool | pydoit | 2024-01-13 | 2014-02-14 | 519 | 3.350839 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/6440864?v=4 | task management & automation tool | ['build-automation', 'build-system', 'build-tool', 'data-pipeline', 'data-science', 'task-runner', 'workflow', 'workflow-automation', 'workflow-management'] | ['build-automation', 'build-system', 'build-tool', 'data-pipeline', 'data-science', 'task-runner', 'workflow', 'workflow-automation', 'workflow-management'] | 2023-01-16 | [('dagster-io/dagster', 0.5810200572013855, 'ml-ops', 3), ('avaiga/taipy', 0.5572507977485657, 'data', 1), ('ploomber/ploomber', 0.5523402094841003, 'ml-ops', 2), ('mage-ai/mage-ai', 0.551956057548523, 'ml-ops', 1), ('apache/airflow', 0.5482216477394104, 'ml-ops', 2), ('tox-dev/tox', 0.5430145859718323, 'testing', 0), ('chaostoolkit/chaostoolkit', 0.5246021747589111, 'util', 0), ('orchest/orchest', 0.522449254989624, 'ml-ops', 1), ('polyaxon/polyaxon', 0.5158570408821106, 'ml-ops', 2), ('netflix/metaflow', 0.5121597051620483, 'ml-ops', 1), ('kestra-io/kestra', 0.5050574541091919, 'ml-ops', 2)] | 65 | 7 | null | 0 | 8 | 2 | 121 | 12 | 0 | 5 | 5 | 8 | 6 | 90 | 0.8 | 35 |
1,146 | data | https://github.com/aio-libs/aiomysql | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | aio-libs/aiomysql | aiomysql | 1,675 | 253 | 47 | Python | https://aiomysql.rtfd.io | aiomysql is a library for accessing a MySQL database from the asyncio | aio-libs | 2024-01-11 | 2015-01-07 | 472 | 3.542296 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/7049303?v=4 | aiomysql is a library for accessing a MySQL database from the asyncio | ['aiomysql', 'async', 'asyncio', 'mariadb', 'mysql', 'sqlalchemy'] | ['aiomysql', 'async', 'asyncio', 'mariadb', 'mysql', 'sqlalchemy'] | 2023-06-11 | [('aio-libs/aiopg', 0.7151634693145752, 'data', 2), ('tiangolo/sqlmodel', 0.5758809447288513, 'data', 1), ('sqlalchemy/sqlalchemy', 0.5567764043807983, 'data', 1), ('mcfunley/pugsql', 0.5428056716918945, 'data', 0), ('timofurrer/awesome-asyncio', 0.522577166557312, 'study', 1), ('ibis-project/ibis', 0.5113950967788696, 'data', 2)] | 98 | 6 | null | 0.5 | 7 | 3 | 110 | 7 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 7 | 6 | 90 | 0.9 | 35 |
607 | testing | https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-cov | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | pytest-dev/pytest-cov | pytest-cov | 1,601 | 209 | 41 | Python | null | Coverage plugin for pytest. | pytest-dev | 2024-01-11 | 2014-04-17 | 510 | 3.134825 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/8897583?v=4 | Coverage plugin for pytest. | ['pytest'] | ['pytest'] | 2023-05-24 | [('pytest-dev/pytest-xdist', 0.7077765464782715, 'testing', 1), ('pytest-dev/pytest-mock', 0.6337581872940063, 'testing', 1), ('samuelcolvin/pytest-pretty', 0.6255528926849365, 'testing', 1), ('pytest-dev/pytest-asyncio', 0.6025922894477844, 'testing', 0), ('nedbat/coveragepy', 0.5966586470603943, 'testing', 0), ('teemu/pytest-sugar', 0.5729233622550964, 'testing', 1), ('samuelcolvin/dirty-equals', 0.5618858933448792, 'util', 1), ('computationalmodelling/nbval', 0.5596536993980408, 'jupyter', 1), ('pytest-dev/pytest', 0.5345095992088318, 'testing', 0), ('kiwicom/pytest-recording', 0.52159583568573, 'testing', 1), ('taverntesting/tavern', 0.511971116065979, 'testing', 1), ('ionelmc/pytest-benchmark', 0.5074380040168762, 'testing', 1)] | 86 | 4 | null | 0.17 | 25 | 6 | 119 | 8 | 0 | 4 | 4 | 26 | 22 | 90 | 0.8 | 35 |
869 | time-series | https://github.com/alkaline-ml/pmdarima | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | alkaline-ml/pmdarima | pmdarima | 1,470 | 229 | 34 | Python | https://www.alkaline-ml.com/pmdarima | A statistical library designed to fill the void in Python's time series analysis capabilities, including the equivalent of R's auto.arima function. | alkaline-ml | 2024-01-13 | 2017-03-30 | 356 | 4.120945 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/58331763?v=4 | A statistical library designed to fill the void in Python's time series analysis capabilities, including the equivalent of R's auto.arima function. | ['arima', 'econometrics', 'forecasting', 'forecasting-models', 'machine-learning', 'pmdarima', 'sarimax', 'time-series'] | ['arima', 'econometrics', 'forecasting', 'forecasting-models', 'machine-learning', 'pmdarima', 'sarimax', 'time-series'] | 2023-10-23 | [('firmai/atspy', 0.7777550220489502, 'time-series', 3), ('rjt1990/pyflux', 0.7352306842803955, 'time-series', 1), ('unit8co/darts', 0.7097618579864502, 'time-series', 3), ('awslabs/gluonts', 0.6824057102203369, 'time-series', 3), ('tdameritrade/stumpy', 0.6753336787223816, 'time-series', 0), ('rasbt/mlxtend', 0.6218876838684082, 'ml', 1), ('statsmodels/statsmodels', 0.6218242645263672, 'ml', 2), ('ta-lib/ta-lib-python', 0.6164563894271851, 'finance', 0), ('pycaret/pycaret', 0.6138346791267395, 'ml', 2), ('winedarksea/autots', 0.6125960350036621, 'time-series', 3), ('bashtage/arch', 0.6099317669868469, 'time-series', 2), ('pandas-dev/pandas', 0.5989955067634583, 'pandas', 0), ('uber/orbit', 0.5944992899894714, 'time-series', 4), ('linkedin/greykite', 0.5944582223892212, 'ml', 0), ('sktime/sktime', 0.5908213257789612, 'time-series', 3), ('salesforce/merlion', 0.589963436126709, 'time-series', 3), ('google/temporian', 0.5879765152931213, 'time-series', 1), ('scikit-learn/scikit-learn', 0.5828933715820312, 'ml', 1), ('facebook/prophet', 0.581493079662323, 'time-series', 2), ('stan-dev/pystan', 0.5813616514205933, 'ml', 0), ('nixtla/statsforecast', 0.5763822197914124, 'time-series', 5), ('aistream-peelout/flow-forecast', 0.5597772002220154, 'time-series', 2), ('wilsonrljr/sysidentpy', 0.5545415878295898, 'time-series', 2), ('microsoft/flaml', 0.5537622570991516, 'ml', 1), ('pytoolz/toolz', 0.5435473918914795, 'util', 0), ('microprediction/microprediction', 0.5424190759658813, 'time-series', 2), ('ourownstory/neural_prophet', 0.5404297709465027, 'ml', 3), ('gbeced/pyalgotrade', 0.5389692783355713, 'finance', 0), ('dateutil/dateutil', 0.536246657371521, 'util', 0), ('wesm/pydata-book', 0.5350579619407654, 'study', 0), ('blue-yonder/tsfresh', 0.5346757173538208, 'time-series', 1), ('salesforce/deeptime', 0.533848762512207, 'time-series', 2), ('cuemacro/finmarketpy', 0.5333058834075928, 'finance', 0), ('pmorissette/ffn', 0.5328418612480164, 'finance', 0), ('featurelabs/featuretools', 0.5302847623825073, 'ml', 1), ('goldmansachs/gs-quant', 0.5274640917778015, 'finance', 0), ('mementum/bta-lib', 0.526504635810852, 'finance', 0), ('autoviml/auto_ts', 0.5241935849189758, 'time-series', 2), ('ranaroussi/quantstats', 0.522229790687561, 'finance', 0), ('pastas/pastas', 0.518909215927124, 'time-series', 0), ('facebookresearch/kats', 0.5154160261154175, 'time-series', 1), ('polyaxon/datatile', 0.5126562118530273, 'pandas', 0), ('awslabs/autogluon', 0.5124308466911316, 'ml', 3), ('mljar/mljar-supervised', 0.509310781955719, 'ml', 1), ('plotly/dash', 0.5089923143386841, 'viz', 0), ('quantecon/quantecon.py', 0.5083404779434204, 'sim', 0), ('yzhao062/pyod', 0.5062800049781799, 'data', 1), ('twopirllc/pandas-ta', 0.5053380131721497, 'finance', 0), ('gradio-app/gradio', 0.5039731860160828, 'viz', 1), ('pysal/pysal', 0.5029148459434509, 'gis', 0), ('scikit-mobility/scikit-mobility', 0.5019405484199524, 'gis', 0)] | 22 | 5 | null | 0.17 | 10 | 7 | 83 | 3 | 2 | 7 | 2 | 10 | 7 | 90 | 0.7 | 35 |
1,077 | ml-ops | https://github.com/kubeflow/examples | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | kubeflow/examples | examples | 1,356 | 746 | 45 | Jsonnet | null | A repository to host extended examples and tutorials | kubeflow | 2024-01-13 | 2018-02-01 | 312 | 4.336227 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/33164907?v=4 | A repository to host extended examples and tutorials | [] | [] | 2023-10-19 | [('conceptofmind/toolformer', 0.5328210592269897, 'llm', 0)] | 99 | 4 | null | 0.12 | 20 | 4 | 72 | 3 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 20 | 16 | 90 | 0.8 | 35 |
1,147 | data | https://github.com/aio-libs/aiopg | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | aio-libs/aiopg | aiopg | 1,356 | 156 | 41 | Python | http://aiopg.readthedocs.io | aiopg is a library for accessing a PostgreSQL database from the asyncio | aio-libs | 2024-01-11 | 2014-04-03 | 512 | 2.644748 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/7049303?v=4 | aiopg is a library for accessing a PostgreSQL database from the asyncio | ['asyncio', 'postgresql', 'sqlalchemy'] | ['asyncio', 'postgresql', 'sqlalchemy'] | 2023-08-30 | [('aio-libs/aiomysql', 0.7151634693145752, 'data', 2), ('sqlalchemy/sqlalchemy', 0.5661270618438721, 'data', 1), ('coleifer/peewee', 0.5507586002349854, 'data', 0), ('tiangolo/sqlmodel', 0.546112596988678, 'data', 1), ('mcfunley/pugsql', 0.5243105888366699, 'data', 0), ('ibis-project/ibis', 0.5114596486091614, 'data', 2)] | 62 | 7 | null | 0.13 | 3 | 2 | 119 | 5 | 0 | 6 | 6 | 3 | 3 | 90 | 1 | 35 |
810 | ml-dl | https://github.com/calculatedcontent/weightwatcher | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | calculatedcontent/weightwatcher | WeightWatcher | 1,354 | 119 | 32 | Python | null | The WeightWatcher tool for predicting the accuracy of Deep Neural Networks | calculatedcontent | 2024-01-13 | 2018-11-28 | 269 | 5.01747 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/4150431?v=4 | The WeightWatcher tool for predicting the accuracy of Deep Neural Networks | [] | [] | 2024-01-13 | [('rasbt/deeplearning-models', 0.5426604747772217, 'ml-dl', 0), ('facebookresearch/ppuda', 0.5242863297462463, 'ml-dl', 0), ('intellabs/bayesian-torch', 0.51715487241745, 'ml', 0), ('neuralmagic/deepsparse', 0.5087005496025085, 'nlp', 0), ('rasbt/stat453-deep-learning-ss20', 0.505051851272583, 'study', 0), ('pytorch/ignite', 0.5007023811340332, 'ml-dl', 0)] | 8 | 2 | null | 7 | 6 | 1 | 62 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 6 | 3 | 90 | 0.5 | 35 |
648 | profiling | https://github.com/sumerc/yappi | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | sumerc/yappi | yappi | 1,317 | 72 | 15 | Python | null | Yet Another Python Profiler, but this time multithreading, asyncio and gevent aware. | sumerc | 2024-01-13 | 2009-10-07 | 746 | 1.763389 | null | Yet Another Python Profiler, but this time multithreading, asyncio and gevent aware. | ['asgi', 'asynchronous', 'asyncio', 'coroutine', 'cpu', 'gevent', 'greenlet', 'multi-threaded-applications', 'multithreading', 'performance', 'profile', 'profilers', 'thread'] | ['asgi', 'asynchronous', 'asyncio', 'coroutine', 'cpu', 'gevent', 'greenlet', 'multi-threaded-applications', 'multithreading', 'performance', 'profile', 'profilers', 'thread'] | 2023-12-18 | [('noxdafox/pebble', 0.7094334959983826, 'perf', 1), ('pythonspeed/filprofiler', 0.6349960565567017, 'profiling', 0), ('python-trio/trio', 0.6272547245025635, 'perf', 0), ('joblib/joblib', 0.6218010783195496, 'util', 0), ('joerick/pyinstrument', 0.6088473200798035, 'profiling', 2), ('magicstack/uvloop', 0.6066219806671143, 'util', 1), ('benfred/py-spy', 0.6047118902206421, 'profiling', 0), ('timofurrer/awesome-asyncio', 0.6000396013259888, 'study', 1), ('agronholm/anyio', 0.593978226184845, 'perf', 1), ('klen/muffin', 0.5936639904975891, 'web', 2), ('samuelcolvin/arq', 0.5881884098052979, 'data', 1), ('pallets/quart', 0.5867199897766113, 'web', 2), ('neoteroi/blacksheep', 0.577142596244812, 'web', 2), ('klen/py-frameworks-bench', 0.5642154216766357, 'perf', 0), ('fastai/fastcore', 0.5639339685440063, 'util', 0), ('pympler/pympler', 0.559504508972168, 'perf', 0), ('pypy/pypy', 0.5568121671676636, 'util', 0), ('python-greenlet/greenlet', 0.5529376268386841, 'perf', 1), ('miguelgrinberg/python-socketio', 0.552412211894989, 'util', 2), ('tqdm/tqdm', 0.549595832824707, 'term', 0), ('plasma-umass/scalene', 0.549071192741394, 'profiling', 1), ('tiangolo/asyncer', 0.5410847067832947, 'perf', 1), ('locustio/locust', 0.5397162437438965, 'testing', 1), ('aio-libs/aiohttp', 0.5396091341972351, 'web', 1), ('airtai/faststream', 0.5390495657920837, 'perf', 1), ('jiffyclub/snakeviz', 0.5380180478096008, 'profiling', 0), ('alirn76/panther', 0.5367398858070374, 'web', 0), ('agronholm/apscheduler', 0.5361764430999756, 'util', 0), ('pyutils/line_profiler', 0.5341673493385315, 'profiling', 0), ('tornadoweb/tornado', 0.5336647629737854, 'web', 1), ('facebookincubator/cinder', 0.5309968590736389, 'perf', 0), ('reloadware/reloadium', 0.5243247151374817, 'profiling', 0), ('p403n1x87/austin', 0.5229708552360535, 'profiling', 1), ('faster-cpython/ideas', 0.5191786289215088, 'perf', 0), ('bogdanp/dramatiq', 0.517719566822052, 'util', 0), ('python-cachier/cachier', 0.5168151259422302, 'perf', 0), ('xrudelis/pytrait', 0.5159697532653809, 'util', 0), ('joblib/loky', 0.5158117413520813, 'perf', 0), ('ets-labs/python-dependency-injector', 0.5105165839195251, 'util', 1), ('ipython/ipyparallel', 0.5100932121276855, 'perf', 0), ('cython/cython', 0.5085721611976624, 'util', 1), ('google/gin-config', 0.5081563591957092, 'util', 0), ('starlite-api/starlite', 0.5070291757583618, 'web', 2), ('fluentpython/example-code-2e', 0.5051793456077576, 'study', 0), ('willmcgugan/textual', 0.5049981474876404, 'term', 0), ('eventlet/eventlet', 0.5047085285186768, 'perf', 1), ('mher/flower', 0.5045316219329834, 'perf', 1), ('samuelcolvin/watchfiles', 0.5043572187423706, 'util', 1), ('eleutherai/pyfra', 0.5033401250839233, 'ml', 0), ('encode/uvicorn', 0.5030171871185303, 'web', 2), ('dgilland/cacheout', 0.5023199915885925, 'perf', 0), ('s3rius/fastapi-template', 0.5003270506858826, 'web', 2)] | 31 | 7 | null | 0.63 | 26 | 24 | 174 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 2 | 26 | 21 | 90 | 0.8 | 35 |
941 | web | https://github.com/awtkns/fastapi-crudrouter | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | awtkns/fastapi-crudrouter | fastapi-crudrouter | 1,258 | 145 | 15 | Python | https://fastapi-crudrouter.awtkns.com | A dynamic FastAPI router that automatically creates CRUD routes for your models | awtkns | 2024-01-12 | 2020-12-19 | 162 | 7.744943 | null | A dynamic FastAPI router that automatically creates CRUD routes for your models | ['api', 'async', 'asyncio', 'code-generation', 'crud', 'crud-routes', 'fastapi', 'fastapi-crudrouter', 'framework', 'openapi', 'openapi-route', 'redoc', 'rest', 'sql', 'swagger-ui', 'web'] | ['api', 'async', 'asyncio', 'code-generation', 'crud', 'crud-routes', 'fastapi', 'fastapi-crudrouter', 'framework', 'openapi', 'openapi-route', 'redoc', 'rest', 'sql', 'swagger-ui', 'web'] | 2023-01-28 | [('vitalik/django-ninja', 0.6941371560096741, 'web', 2), ('tiangolo/fastapi', 0.6808283925056458, 'web', 10), ('tiangolo/full-stack-fastapi-postgresql', 0.5604096055030823, 'template', 2), ('starlite-api/starlite', 0.550251841545105, 'web', 5), ('asacristani/fastapi-rocket-boilerplate', 0.5432131886482239, 'template', 1), ('dmontagu/fastapi_client', 0.5253075361251831, 'web', 0), ('s3rius/fastapi-template', 0.514696478843689, 'web', 2), ('python-restx/flask-restx', 0.5144665837287903, 'web', 2), ('fastapi-users/fastapi-users', 0.5089220404624939, 'web', 3)] | 21 | 4 | null | 0.15 | 8 | 2 | 37 | 12 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 8 | 11 | 90 | 1.4 | 35 |
620 | viz | https://github.com/enthought/mayavi | ['visualization', 'scientific-visualization'] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | enthought/mayavi | mayavi | 1,192 | 276 | 96 | Python | http://docs.enthought.com/mayavi/mayavi/ | 3D visualization of scientific data in Python | enthought | 2024-01-12 | 2011-01-24 | 679 | 1.755154 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/539651?v=4 | 3D visualization of scientific data in Python | [] | ['scientific-visualization', 'visualization'] | 2023-12-09 | [('mwaskom/seaborn', 0.7422676086425781, 'viz', 0), ('marcomusy/vedo', 0.742211639881134, 'viz', 2), ('pyqtgraph/pyqtgraph', 0.734231173992157, 'viz', 2), ('scitools/iris', 0.7232843041419983, 'gis', 0), ('altair-viz/altair', 0.7132139801979065, 'viz', 1), ('contextlab/hypertools', 0.6949652433395386, 'ml', 1), ('dfki-ric/pytransform3d', 0.6477158665657043, 'math', 1), ('holoviz/holoviz', 0.6358242630958557, 'viz', 0), ('man-group/dtale', 0.6186628937721252, 'viz', 1), ('residentmario/geoplot', 0.6169453859329224, 'gis', 0), ('matplotlib/matplotlib', 0.6048174500465393, 'viz', 0), ('numpy/numpy', 0.5977712869644165, 'math', 0), ('holoviz/geoviews', 0.5856287479400635, 'gis', 0), ('pyvista/pyvista', 0.5794352293014526, 'viz', 2), ('holoviz/hvplot', 0.5784933567047119, 'pandas', 0), ('lux-org/lux', 0.5663363337516785, 'viz', 1), ('kanaries/pygwalker', 0.5563317537307739, 'pandas', 1), ('roban/cosmolopy', 0.5520604252815247, 'sim', 0), ('bokeh/bokeh', 0.550900936126709, 'viz', 1), ('maartenbreddels/ipyvolume', 0.5471249222755432, 'jupyter', 1), ('jakevdp/pythondatasciencehandbook', 0.5390788912773132, 'study', 0), ('gregorhd/mapcompare', 0.5386293530464172, 'gis', 0), ('westhealth/pyvis', 0.5338135361671448, 'graph', 0), ('holoviz/panel', 0.5323789715766907, 'viz', 0), ('has2k1/plotnine', 0.5297136902809143, 'viz', 0), ('earthlab/earthpy', 0.5246884822845459, 'gis', 0), ('pysal/pysal', 0.5210456848144531, 'gis', 0), ('scitools/cartopy', 0.5173063278198242, 'gis', 0), ('plotly/plotly.py', 0.5172713398933411, 'viz', 1), ('vispy/vispy', 0.5171870589256287, 'viz', 1), ('datapane/datapane', 0.5168454051017761, 'viz', 0), ('holoviz/holoviews', 0.5158518552780151, 'viz', 0), ('bmabey/pyldavis', 0.5115525722503662, 'ml', 0), ('artelys/geonetworkx', 0.5101572275161743, 'gis', 0), ('holoviz/datashader', 0.504320502281189, 'gis', 0), ('eleutherai/pyfra', 0.5028614401817322, 'ml', 0), ('cuemacro/chartpy', 0.5027343034744263, 'viz', 0), ('albahnsen/pycircular', 0.5026959776878357, 'math', 0), ('graphistry/pygraphistry', 0.5026683807373047, 'data', 1), ('vizzuhq/ipyvizzu', 0.501654863357544, 'jupyter', 0)] | 95 | 6 | null | 0.44 | 14 | 4 | 158 | 1 | 0 | 3 | 3 | 14 | 13 | 90 | 0.9 | 35 |
1,017 | term | https://github.com/jazzband/prettytable | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | jazzband/prettytable | prettytable | 1,186 | 137 | 22 | Python | https://pypi.org/project/PrettyTable/ | Display tabular data in a visually appealing ASCII table format | jazzband | 2024-01-13 | 2016-01-15 | 419 | 2.826694 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/15129049?v=4 | Display tabular data in a visually appealing ASCII table format | ['package', 'utility-library'] | ['package', 'utility-library'] | 2024-01-01 | [('astanin/python-tabulate', 0.6471048593521118, 'util', 0), ('wireservice/csvkit', 0.5902390480041504, 'util', 0), ('camelot-dev/camelot', 0.5252398252487183, 'util', 0), ('jazzband/tablib', 0.5020918250083923, 'data', 0)] | 55 | 2 | null | 0.46 | 16 | 10 | 97 | 0 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 15 | 14 | 90 | 0.9 | 35 |
537 | util | https://github.com/pdoc3/pdoc | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | pdoc3/pdoc | pdoc | 1,051 | 147 | 8 | Python | https://pdoc3.github.io/pdoc/ | :snake: :arrow_right: :scroll: Auto-generate API documentation for Python projects | pdoc3 | 2024-01-12 | 2019-01-02 | 264 | 3.968177 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/46306955?v=4 | π :arrow_right: π Auto-generate API documentation for Python projects | ['api-documentation', 'docs', 'docs-generator', 'docstring', 'docstring-documentation', 'docstrings', 'documentation', 'documentation-dumper', 'documentation-generator', 'documentation-tool', 'generator', 'pdoc'] | ['api-documentation', 'docs', 'docs-generator', 'docstring', 'docstring-documentation', 'docstrings', 'documentation', 'documentation-dumper', 'documentation-generator', 'documentation-tool', 'generator', 'pdoc'] | 2022-12-21 | [('mitmproxy/pdoc', 0.7915372252464294, 'util', 8), ('sphinx-doc/sphinx', 0.6652024388313293, 'util', 3), ('mkdocstrings/mkdocstrings', 0.6134604215621948, 'util', 1), ('mkdocstrings/griffe', 0.5867151618003845, 'util', 1), ('danielnoord/pydocstringformatter', 0.5444629192352295, 'util', 1), ('pyscaffold/pyscaffold', 0.5431029796600342, 'template', 0), ('mkdocstrings/python', 0.5424914360046387, 'util', 1), ('hhatto/autopep8', 0.5197219252586365, 'util', 0), ('mkdocs/mkdocs', 0.5143741369247437, 'util', 1), ('eugeneyan/python-collab-template', 0.5139718651771545, 'template', 0), ('eternnoir/pytelegrambotapi', 0.5075708031654358, 'util', 0), ('asacristani/fastapi-rocket-boilerplate', 0.502884566783905, 'template', 0)] | 58 | 4 | null | 0 | 18 | 9 | 61 | 13 | 0 | 10 | 10 | 18 | 13 | 90 | 0.7 | 35 |
1,061 | ml-rl | https://github.com/arise-initiative/robosuite | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | arise-initiative/robosuite | robosuite | 993 | 329 | 25 | Python | https://robosuite.ai | robosuite: A Modular Simulation Framework and Benchmark for Robot Learning | arise-initiative | 2024-01-13 | 2018-10-25 | 274 | 3.614665 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/66855713?v=4 | robosuite: A Modular Simulation Framework and Benchmark for Robot Learning | ['physics-simulation', 'reinforcement-learning', 'robot-learning', 'robot-manipulation', 'robotics'] | ['physics-simulation', 'reinforcement-learning', 'robot-learning', 'robot-manipulation', 'robotics'] | 2023-09-29 | [('nvidia-omniverse/orbit', 0.6593456268310547, 'sim', 2), ('pytorch/rl', 0.6132838129997253, 'ml-rl', 2), ('facebookresearch/habitat-lab', 0.596968412399292, 'sim', 2), ('google/brax', 0.5911247134208679, 'sim', 3), ('unity-technologies/ml-agents', 0.58687424659729, 'ml-rl', 1), ('nvidia-omniverse/omniisaacgymenvs', 0.5800082087516785, 'sim', 1), ('thu-ml/tianshou', 0.5250179171562195, 'ml-rl', 0), ('shangtongzhang/reinforcement-learning-an-introduction', 0.5221055746078491, 'study', 1), ('bulletphysics/bullet3', 0.5200599431991577, 'sim', 2), ('tensorlayer/tensorlayer', 0.5120179057121277, 'ml-rl', 1), ('deepmind/dm_control', 0.5112686157226562, 'ml-rl', 2), ('humancompatibleai/imitation', 0.5085115432739258, 'ml-rl', 0), ('openai/gym', 0.500554084777832, 'ml-rl', 1)] | 24 | 3 | null | 0.21 | 36 | 19 | 64 | 4 | 0 | 2 | 2 | 36 | 53 | 90 | 1.5 | 35 |
250 | ml-dl | https://github.com/tensorflow/similarity | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | tensorflow/similarity | similarity | 990 | 106 | 29 | Python | null | TensorFlow Similarity is a python package focused on making similarity learning quick and easy. | tensorflow | 2024-01-12 | 2020-06-15 | 189 | 5.234139 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/15658638?v=4 | TensorFlow Similarity is a python package focused on making similarity learning quick and easy. | ['barlow-twins', 'clustering', 'contrastive-learning', 'cosine-similarity', 'deep-learning', 'knn', 'machine-learning', 'metric-learning', 'nearest-neighbor-search', 'nearest-neighbors', 'simclr', 'simclr2', 'similarity-learning', 'similarity-search', 'simsiam', 'tensorflow', 'unsupervised-learning'] | ['barlow-twins', 'clustering', 'contrastive-learning', 'cosine-similarity', 'deep-learning', 'knn', 'machine-learning', 'metric-learning', 'nearest-neighbor-search', 'nearest-neighbors', 'simclr', 'simclr2', 'similarity-learning', 'similarity-search', 'simsiam', 'tensorflow', 'unsupervised-learning'] | 2023-10-23 | [('qdrant/quaterion', 0.6630039811134338, 'ml', 9), ('tensorly/tensorly', 0.6049955487251282, 'ml-dl', 2), ('arogozhnikov/einops', 0.5858622193336487, 'ml-dl', 2), ('ggerganov/ggml', 0.5696033239364624, 'ml', 1), ('tensorflow/addons', 0.5603650212287903, 'ml', 3), ('google/tf-quant-finance', 0.552481472492218, 'finance', 1), ('horovod/horovod', 0.5510625839233398, 'ml-ops', 3), ('rafiqhasan/auto-tensorflow', 0.5478165745735168, 'ml-dl', 2), ('intel/intel-extension-for-pytorch', 0.5410365462303162, 'perf', 2), ('huggingface/transformers', 0.5352794528007507, 'nlp', 3), ('oml-team/open-metric-learning', 0.5347641706466675, 'ml', 3), ('kevinmusgrave/pytorch-metric-learning', 0.5301912426948547, 'ml', 4), ('nyandwi/modernconvnets', 0.5236626863479614, 'ml-dl', 1), ('qdrant/qdrant', 0.522907555103302, 'data', 3), ('xl0/lovely-tensors', 0.5119929313659668, 'ml-dl', 1), ('pytorch/ignite', 0.5106225609779358, 'ml-dl', 2), ('ddbourgin/numpy-ml', 0.510289192199707, 'ml', 2), ('tensorflow/tensorflow', 0.5089390277862549, 'ml-dl', 3), ('explosion/thinc', 0.5028195381164551, 'ml-dl', 3), ('skorch-dev/skorch', 0.5013630986213684, 'ml-dl', 1)] | 35 | 3 | null | 1.73 | 7 | 3 | 44 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 7 | 4 | 90 | 0.6 | 35 |
845 | data | https://github.com/eliasdabbas/advertools | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | eliasdabbas/advertools | advertools | 979 | 192 | 35 | Python | https://advertools.readthedocs.io | advertools - online marketing productivity and analysis tools | eliasdabbas | 2024-01-13 | 2017-05-14 | 350 | 2.794861 | null | advertools - online marketing productivity and analysis tools | ['advertising', 'adwords', 'digital-marketing', 'google-ads', 'keywords', 'log-analysis', 'logfile-parser', 'marketing', 'online-marketing', 'robots-txt', 'scrapy', 'search-engine-marketing', 'search-engine-optimization', 'seo', 'seo-crawler', 'serp', 'social-media', 'twitter-api', 'youtube'] | ['advertising', 'adwords', 'digital-marketing', 'google-ads', 'keywords', 'log-analysis', 'logfile-parser', 'marketing', 'online-marketing', 'robots-txt', 'scrapy', 'search-engine-marketing', 'search-engine-optimization', 'seo', 'seo-crawler', 'serp', 'social-media', 'twitter-api', 'youtube'] | 2023-11-03 | [('sloria/textblob', 0.5545390248298645, 'nlp', 0), ('clips/pattern', 0.5270535349845886, 'nlp', 0)] | 9 | 4 | null | 1.21 | 16 | 13 | 81 | 2 | 0 | 6 | 6 | 16 | 14 | 90 | 0.9 | 35 |
1,576 | llm | https://github.com/lupantech/chameleon-llm | ['reasoning', 'language-model'] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | lupantech/chameleon-llm | chameleon-llm | 968 | 84 | 18 | Jupyter Notebook | https://chameleon-llm.github.io | Codes for "Chameleon: Plug-and-Play Compositional Reasoning with Large Language Models". | lupantech | 2024-01-13 | 2023-04-19 | 40 | 23.692308 | null | Codes for "Chameleon: Plug-and-Play Compositional Reasoning with Large Language Models". | ['ai', 'chatgpt', 'gpt-4', 'llm', 'openai', 'tool'] | ['ai', 'chatgpt', 'gpt-4', 'language-model', 'llm', 'openai', 'reasoning', 'tool'] | 2023-12-23 | [('reasoning-machines/pal', 0.672268271446228, 'llm', 2), ('kyegomez/tree-of-thoughts', 0.6684974431991577, 'llm', 1), ('microsoft/autogen', 0.661708652973175, 'llm', 2), ('hannibal046/awesome-llm', 0.6220220327377319, 'study', 1), ('lianjiatech/belle', 0.6197055578231812, 'llm', 0), ('lm-sys/fastchat', 0.6096516251564026, 'llm', 1), ('next-gpt/next-gpt', 0.6010711193084717, 'llm', 3), ('xtekky/gpt4free', 0.5982718467712402, 'llm', 4), ('openlmlab/moss', 0.5891066789627075, 'llm', 2), ('dylanhogg/llmgraph', 0.574148416519165, 'ml', 2), ('guidance-ai/guidance', 0.5735355019569397, 'llm', 2), ('microsoft/generative-ai-for-beginners', 0.5721330046653748, 'study', 4), ('killianlucas/open-interpreter', 0.5703567862510681, 'llm', 2), ('nomic-ai/gpt4all', 0.5625832080841064, 'llm', 1), ('guardrails-ai/guardrails', 0.5615499019622803, 'llm', 3), ('ctlllll/llm-toolmaker', 0.5588576197624207, 'llm', 1), ('run-llama/rags', 0.5582309365272522, 'llm', 3), ('prefecthq/marvin', 0.5581182837486267, 'nlp', 3), ('yueyu1030/attrprompt', 0.5579221248626709, 'llm', 0), ('srush/minichain', 0.5546031594276428, 'llm', 0), ('freedomintelligence/llmzoo', 0.5542495250701904, 'llm', 1), ('salesforce/codet5', 0.551190972328186, 'nlp', 1), ('embedchain/embedchain', 0.5511299967765808, 'llm', 3), ('eugeneyan/obsidian-copilot', 0.5486295819282532, 'llm', 1), ('bobazooba/xllm', 0.5471572875976562, 'llm', 4), ('eth-sri/lmql', 0.5429258942604065, 'llm', 2), ('aiwaves-cn/agents', 0.5420612692832947, 'nlp', 2), ('oobabooga/text-generation-webui', 0.5410828590393066, 'llm', 1), ('mindsdb/mindsdb', 0.5369391441345215, 'data', 2), ('databrickslabs/dolly', 0.5342248678207397, 'llm', 0), ('spcl/graph-of-thoughts', 0.5331078171730042, 'llm', 1), ('juncongmoo/pyllama', 0.5328553915023804, 'llm', 0), ('chatarena/chatarena', 0.5320706963539124, 'llm', 3), ('huggingface/text-generation-inference', 0.531190812587738, 'llm', 0), ('davidadsp/generative_deep_learning_2nd_edition', 0.5299697518348694, 'study', 1), ('minedojo/voyager', 0.5282621383666992, 'llm', 0), ('llmware-ai/llmware', 0.5269300937652588, 'llm', 1), ('lucidrains/toolformer-pytorch', 0.5233466029167175, 'llm', 1), ('microsoft/lora', 0.5212894082069397, 'llm', 1), ('togethercomputer/redpajama-data', 0.5191816687583923, 'llm', 0), ('stanfordnlp/dspy', 0.5166156888008118, 'llm', 1), ('conceptofmind/toolformer', 0.5162728428840637, 'llm', 1), ('openlm-research/open_llama', 0.5159003138542175, 'llm', 1), ('modularml/mojo', 0.5143639445304871, 'util', 1), ('salesforce/codegen', 0.5142695307731628, 'nlp', 1), ('eureka-research/eureka', 0.5140032768249512, 'ml-rl', 0), ('ai21labs/lm-evaluation', 0.5124858617782593, 'llm', 1), ('baichuan-inc/baichuan-13b', 0.5114999413490295, 'llm', 2), ('openai/finetune-transformer-lm', 0.5111390352249146, 'llm', 0), ('optimalscale/lmflow', 0.509954571723938, 'llm', 2), ('argilla-io/argilla', 0.5085508823394775, 'nlp', 3), ('deeppavlov/deeppavlov', 0.5067449808120728, 'nlp', 1), ('deepset-ai/haystack', 0.505305290222168, 'llm', 3), ('thudm/codegeex', 0.5048568844795227, 'llm', 0), ('langchain-ai/langgraph', 0.5040978193283081, 'llm', 0), ('thudm/chatglm2-6b', 0.5024386644363403, 'llm', 1), ('young-geng/easylm', 0.5002449154853821, 'llm', 1)] | 2 | 1 | null | 0.73 | 1 | 1 | 9 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 35 |
1,692 | util | https://github.com/pyo3/rust-numpy | ['rust'] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | pyo3/rust-numpy | rust-numpy | 941 | 90 | 23 | Rust | null | PyO3-based Rust bindings of the NumPy C-API | pyo3 | 2024-01-07 | 2017-04-21 | 353 | 2.661414 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/28156855?v=4 | PyO3-based Rust bindings of the NumPy C-API | ['ndarray', 'numpy', 'numpy-capi', 'rust-bindings', 'rust-ndarray', 'rust-numpy'] | ['ndarray', 'numpy', 'numpy-capi', 'rust', 'rust-bindings', 'rust-ndarray', 'rust-numpy'] | 2023-11-11 | [('pyo3/pyo3', 0.6885672211647034, 'util', 1), ('pyo3/maturin', 0.654156506061554, 'util', 1), ('rustpython/rustpython', 0.5917856097221375, 'util', 1), ('delta-io/delta-rs', 0.5224049687385559, 'pandas', 1), ('aswinnnn/pyscan', 0.5087146759033203, 'security', 1), ('cupy/cupy', 0.5001054406166077, 'math', 1)] | 42 | 3 | null | 0.6 | 6 | 3 | 82 | 2 | 3 | 5 | 3 | 6 | 15 | 90 | 2.5 | 35 |
1,501 | ml-dl | https://github.com/deepmind/android_env | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | deepmind/android_env | android_env | 923 | 62 | 27 | Python | null | RL research on Android devices. | deepmind | 2024-01-12 | 2021-04-21 | 144 | 6.371795 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/8596759?v=4 | RL research on Android devices. | ['android', 'reinforcement-learning'] | ['android', 'reinforcement-learning'] | 2024-01-12 | [('denys88/rl_games', 0.577807605266571, 'ml-rl', 1), ('lucidrains/palm-rlhf-pytorch', 0.5164604187011719, 'ml-rl', 1)] | 8 | 3 | null | 1.23 | 30 | 30 | 33 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 30 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 35 |
23 | math | https://github.com/fredrik-johansson/mpmath | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | fredrik-johansson/mpmath | mpmath | 863 | 170 | 39 | Python | http://mpmath.org | Python library for arbitrary-precision floating-point arithmetic | fredrik-johansson | 2024-01-12 | 2011-12-07 | 633 | 1.361506 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/118537268?v=4 | Python library for arbitrary-precision floating-point arithmetic | ['arbitrary-precision', 'complex-numbers', 'floating-point', 'multiprecision', 'numerical-integration', 'numerical-methods', 'numerical-optimization', 'ordinary-differential-equations', 'plotting', 'special-functions'] | ['arbitrary-precision', 'complex-numbers', 'floating-point', 'multiprecision', 'numerical-integration', 'numerical-methods', 'numerical-optimization', 'ordinary-differential-equations', 'plotting', 'special-functions'] | 2024-01-05 | [('sympy/sympy', 0.6130483150482178, 'math', 0), ('numpy/numpy', 0.5976458191871643, 'math', 0), ('pmorissette/ffn', 0.58493971824646, 'finance', 0), ('pytoolz/toolz', 0.580827534198761, 'util', 0), ('connorferster/handcalcs', 0.5756496787071228, 'jupyter', 0), ('scikit-geometry/scikit-geometry', 0.5644670724868774, 'gis', 0), ('pyston/pyston', 0.5607538819313049, 'util', 0), ('pypy/pypy', 0.5547716021537781, 'util', 0), ('scipy/scipy', 0.5546449422836304, 'math', 0), ('legrandin/pycryptodome', 0.5532434582710266, 'util', 0), ('hgrecco/pint', 0.5482094883918762, 'util', 0), ('cython/cython', 0.527232825756073, 'util', 0), ('gbeced/pyalgotrade', 0.5237154364585876, 'finance', 0), ('scikit-hep/uproot5', 0.516451895236969, 'data', 0), ('goldmansachs/gs-quant', 0.5134932398796082, 'finance', 0), ('1200wd/bitcoinlib', 0.5103440284729004, 'crypto', 0), ('google/jax', 0.5052241086959839, 'ml', 0), ('ta-lib/ta-lib-python', 0.5021244287490845, 'finance', 0)] | 56 | 4 | null | 3.75 | 147 | 127 | 147 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 147 | 55 | 90 | 0.4 | 35 |
784 | sim | https://github.com/viblo/pymunk | [] | null | [] | [] | 1 | null | null | viblo/pymunk | pymunk | 843 | 184 | 21 | Python | http://www.pymunk.org | Pymunk is a easy-to-use pythonic 2d physics library that can be used whenever you need 2d rigid body physics from Python | viblo | 2024-01-12 | 2013-10-02 | 538 | 1.564422 | null | Pymunk is a easy-to-use pythonic 2d physics library that can be used whenever you need 2d rigid body physics from Python | ['physics-2d', 'physics-engine', 'physics-simulation', 'pygame', 'pyglet'] | ['physics-2d', 'physics-engine', 'physics-simulation', 'pygame', 'pyglet'] | 2023-12-25 | [('pypy/pypy', 0.5984816551208496, 'util', 0), ('pyglet/pyglet', 0.5925350189208984, 'gamedev', 1), ('pythonarcade/arcade', 0.584841787815094, 'gamedev', 0), ('marcomusy/vedo', 0.5741404294967651, 'viz', 0), ('pygame/pygame', 0.5696349740028381, 'gamedev', 1), ('openai/mujoco-py', 0.5651075839996338, 'sim', 0), ('bulletphysics/bullet3', 0.5624234080314636, 'sim', 0), ('gboeing/pynamical', 0.5553194880485535, 'sim', 0), ('pytoolz/toolz', 0.5366160869598389, 'util', 0), ('cyrus2d/pyrus2d', 0.5240238904953003, 'sim', 0), ('pandas-dev/pandas', 0.5168660283088684, 'pandas', 0)] | 18 | 3 | null | 1.15 | 5 | 3 | 125 | 1 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 5 | 20 | 90 | 4 | 35 |
1,794 | viz | https://github.com/hazyresearch/meerkat | [] | null | [] | [] | 1 | null | null | hazyresearch/meerkat | meerkat | 793 | 45 | 15 | Python | null | Creative interactive views of any dataset. | hazyresearch | 2024-01-10 | 2021-05-07 | 142 | 5.562124 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/2165246?v=4 | Creative interactive views of any dataset. | ['data-science', 'foundation-models', 'machine-learning', 'ml', 'pandas'] | ['data-science', 'foundation-models', 'machine-learning', 'ml', 'pandas'] | 2023-06-27 | [('huggingface/datasets', 0.5792464017868042, 'nlp', 2), ('lux-org/lux', 0.5568585991859436, 'viz', 2), ('man-group/dtale', 0.5547817945480347, 'viz', 2), ('polyaxon/datatile', 0.5525878071784973, 'pandas', 2), ('raphaelquast/eomaps', 0.543424129486084, 'gis', 0), ('pair-code/lit', 0.5387915968894958, 'ml-interpretability', 1), ('districtdatalabs/yellowbrick', 0.5290077924728394, 'ml', 1), ('bokeh/bokeh', 0.5242655277252197, 'viz', 0), ('holoviz/panel', 0.5195465683937073, 'viz', 0), ('tensorflow/data-validation', 0.5165846943855286, 'ml-ops', 0), ('adamerose/pandasgui', 0.5161508321762085, 'pandas', 1), ('huggingface/evaluate', 0.5127301216125488, 'ml', 1), ('koaning/embetter', 0.5117366313934326, 'data', 0), ('firmai/industry-machine-learning', 0.5096346735954285, 'study', 2), ('holoviz/datashader', 0.5083599090576172, 'gis', 0), ('jovianml/opendatasets', 0.5027737021446228, 'data', 2), ('mwaskom/seaborn', 0.5017697215080261, 'viz', 2)] | 20 | 2 | null | 14.56 | 2 | 0 | 33 | 7 | 7 | 15 | 7 | 2 | 1 | 90 | 0.5 | 35 |
1,276 | llm | https://github.com/oliveirabruno01/babyagi-asi | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | oliveirabruno01/babyagi-asi | babyagi-asi | 733 | 82 | 18 | Python | null | BabyAGI: an Autonomous and Self-Improving agent, or BASI | oliveirabruno01 | 2024-01-14 | 2023-04-07 | 42 | 17.218121 | null | BabyAGI: an Autonomous and Self-Improving agent, or BASI | ['agi', 'ai', 'autonomous-agents', 'chain-of-thought', 'program-of-thoughts'] | ['agi', 'ai', 'autonomous-agents', 'chain-of-thought', 'program-of-thoughts'] | 2023-06-02 | [('transformeroptimus/superagi', 0.5967099666595459, 'llm', 3), ('prefecthq/marvin', 0.5443987846374512, 'nlp', 1), ('operand/agency', 0.519800066947937, 'llm', 3), ('antonosika/gpt-engineer', 0.518890917301178, 'llm', 1), ('jina-ai/thinkgpt', 0.5025618076324463, 'llm', 1), ('noahshinn/reflexion', 0.5022252798080444, 'llm', 1)] | 15 | 5 | null | 2.33 | 0 | 0 | 9 | 8 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 35 |
1,032 | finance | https://github.com/rsheftel/pandas_market_calendars | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | rsheftel/pandas_market_calendars | pandas_market_calendars | 695 | 150 | 31 | Python | null | Exchange calendars to use with pandas for trading applications | rsheftel | 2024-01-13 | 2016-12-07 | 372 | 1.863985 | null | Exchange calendars to use with pandas for trading applications | ['calendar', 'date', 'datetime', 'exchange', 'pandas'] | ['calendar', 'date', 'datetime', 'exchange', 'pandas'] | 2023-12-31 | [('gerrymanoim/exchange_calendars', 0.6709998846054077, 'finance', 0), ('adamerose/pandasgui', 0.5483811497688293, 'pandas', 1), ('tkrabel/bamboolib', 0.5060363411903381, 'pandas', 1)] | 48 | 3 | null | 0.9 | 28 | 24 | 86 | 0 | 7 | 4 | 7 | 28 | 20 | 90 | 0.7 | 35 |
1,489 | llm | https://github.com/opengenerativeai/genossgpt | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | opengenerativeai/genossgpt | GenossGPT | 682 | 56 | 13 | Python | https://genoss.ai/ | One API for all LLMs either Private or Public (Anthropic, Llama V2, GPT 3.5/4, Vertex, GPT4ALL, HuggingFace ...) ππ Replace OpenAI GPT with any LLMs in your app with one line. | opengenerativeai | 2024-01-14 | 2023-07-16 | 28 | 24.111111 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/102953894?v=4 | One API for all LLMs either Private or Public (Anthropic, Llama V2, GPT 3.5/4, Vertex, GPT4ALL, HuggingFace ...) ππ Replace OpenAI GPT with any LLMs in your app with one line. | ['api', 'gpt', 'gpt4all', 'huggingface', 'inference', 'llama', 'llm', 'openai', 'private', 'public'] | ['api', 'gpt', 'gpt4all', 'huggingface', 'inference', 'llama', 'llm', 'openai', 'private', 'public'] | 2023-08-28 | [('berriai/litellm', 0.7308034896850586, 'llm', 2), ('shishirpatil/gorilla', 0.6697072982788086, 'llm', 2), ('mmabrouk/chatgpt-wrapper', 0.56969153881073, 'llm', 2), ('vllm-project/vllm', 0.5517637133598328, 'llm', 4), ('openai/openai-cookbook', 0.5448883175849915, 'ml', 1), ('chainlit/chainlit', 0.5370033979415894, 'llm', 2), ('jerryjliu/llama_index', 0.5268757939338684, 'llm', 2), ('langchain-ai/opengpts', 0.5244327783584595, 'llm', 1), ('microsoft/semantic-kernel', 0.5167599320411682, 'llm', 2), ('predibase/lorax', 0.5129587650299072, 'llm', 3), ('farizrahman4u/loopgpt', 0.5030877590179443, 'llm', 1), ('dylanhogg/llmgraph', 0.5003108382225037, 'ml', 1)] | 4 | 2 | null | 2.29 | 1 | 0 | 6 | 5 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 35 |
1,432 | util | https://github.com/tox-dev/py-filelock | ['communication', 'processes'] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | tox-dev/py-filelock | filelock | 614 | 92 | 15 | Python | https://py-filelock.readthedocs.io | A platform-independent file lock for Python. | tox-dev | 2024-01-12 | 2014-02-23 | 518 | 1.184675 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/20345659?v=4 | A platform-independent file lock for Python. | ['filelock'] | ['communication', 'filelock', 'processes'] | 2024-01-10 | [('fsspec/filesystem_spec', 0.6173799633979797, 'util', 0), ('python-trio/trio', 0.5723570585250854, 'perf', 0), ('pantsbuild/pex', 0.5669477581977844, 'util', 0), ('bogdanp/dramatiq', 0.5492278337478638, 'util', 0), ('samuelcolvin/watchfiles', 0.5285630822181702, 'util', 0)] | 41 | 4 | null | 1.52 | 19 | 17 | 120 | 0 | 17 | 6 | 17 | 19 | 18 | 90 | 0.9 | 35 |
787 | gis | https://github.com/kvos/coastsat | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | kvos/coastsat | CoastSat | 589 | 228 | 24 | Jupyter Notebook | http://coastsat.wrl.unsw.edu.au/ | Global shoreline mapping tool from satellite imagery | kvos | 2024-01-09 | 2018-09-28 | 278 | 2.114359 | null | Global shoreline mapping tool from satellite imagery | ['coastal-engineering', 'earth-engine', 'google-earth-engine', 'remote-sensing', 'satellite-images', 'shoreline-detection'] | ['coastal-engineering', 'earth-engine', 'google-earth-engine', 'remote-sensing', 'satellite-images', 'shoreline-detection'] | 2023-12-18 | [] | 16 | 5 | null | 0.75 | 49 | 43 | 64 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 2 | 49 | 70 | 90 | 1.4 | 35 |
1,270 | ml | https://github.com/qdrant/quaterion | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | qdrant/quaterion | quaterion | 586 | 42 | 11 | Python | https://quaterion.qdrant.tech/ | Blazing fast framework for fine-tuning similarity learning models | qdrant | 2024-01-11 | 2021-08-31 | 126 | 4.650794 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/73504361?v=4 | Blazing fast framework for fine-tuning similarity learning models | ['contrastive-learning', 'cosine-similarity', 'deep-learning', 'knn', 'machine-learning', 'metric-learning', 'nearest-neighbor-search', 'pytorch', 'pytorch-lightning', 'similarity-learning', 'similarity-search'] | ['contrastive-learning', 'cosine-similarity', 'deep-learning', 'knn', 'machine-learning', 'metric-learning', 'nearest-neighbor-search', 'pytorch', 'pytorch-lightning', 'similarity-learning', 'similarity-search'] | 2023-12-29 | [('tensorflow/similarity', 0.6630039811134338, 'ml-dl', 9), ('criteo/autofaiss', 0.6242879629135132, 'ml', 1), ('oml-team/open-metric-learning', 0.618319571018219, 'ml', 5), ('kevinmusgrave/pytorch-metric-learning', 0.584888219833374, 'ml', 5), ('lmcinnes/pynndescent', 0.5621644854545593, 'ml', 1), ('jina-ai/finetuner', 0.5520226359367371, 'ml', 2), ('qdrant/qdrant', 0.5457815527915955, 'data', 3), ('facebookresearch/faiss', 0.5449787378311157, 'ml', 0), ('pytorch/ignite', 0.5309311747550964, 'ml-dl', 3), ('scikit-learn-contrib/metric-learn', 0.5228015184402466, 'ml', 2), ('neuralmagic/sparseml', 0.5124584436416626, 'ml-dl', 1), ('huggingface/transformers', 0.5091818571090698, 'nlp', 3), ('skorch-dev/skorch', 0.506058394908905, 'ml-dl', 2), ('koaning/human-learn', 0.5016433000564575, 'data', 1)] | 14 | 3 | null | 0.15 | 9 | 6 | 29 | 1 | 1 | 14 | 1 | 9 | 19 | 90 | 2.1 | 35 |
1,691 | util | https://github.com/pyo3/setuptools-rust | ['setuptools', 'rust', 'build'] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | pyo3/setuptools-rust | setuptools-rust | 533 | 91 | 15 | Python | https://setuptools-rust.readthedocs.io | Setuptools plugin for Rust support | pyo3 | 2024-01-11 | 2017-03-09 | 359 | 1.481732 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/28156855?v=4 | Setuptools plugin for Rust support | ['rust', 'setuptools'] | ['build', 'rust', 'setuptools'] | 2024-01-02 | [('pypa/setuptools', 0.6672810912132263, 'util', 2), ('pyo3/maturin', 0.5044507384300232, 'util', 1)] | 49 | 5 | null | 2.15 | 34 | 34 | 83 | 0 | 4 | 7 | 4 | 34 | 18 | 90 | 0.5 | 35 |
1,229 | perf | https://github.com/python-cachier/cachier | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | python-cachier/cachier | cachier | 482 | 57 | 8 | Python | null | Persistent, stale-free, local and cross-machine caching for Python functions. | python-cachier | 2024-01-12 | 2016-08-24 | 387 | 1.242726 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/119668473?v=4 | Persistent, stale-free, local and cross-machine caching for Python functions. | ['cache', 'cache-storage', 'cachemanager', 'caching', 'decorator', 'decorators', 'memoization', 'memoize', 'mongodb', 'pickle'] | ['cache', 'cache-storage', 'cachemanager', 'caching', 'decorator', 'decorators', 'memoization', 'memoize', 'mongodb', 'pickle'] | 2023-12-13 | [('dgilland/cacheout', 0.7924980521202087, 'perf', 2), ('grantjenks/python-diskcache', 0.6893970966339111, 'util', 1), ('joblib/joblib', 0.6731811165809631, 'util', 2), ('pythonspeed/filprofiler', 0.605586588382721, 'profiling', 0), ('erotemic/ubelt', 0.5962907671928406, 'util', 0), ('pympler/pympler', 0.5893210768699646, 'perf', 0), ('pytoolz/toolz', 0.5554683208465576, 'util', 0), ('aio-libs/aiocache', 0.5451957583427429, 'data', 2), ('spotify/annoy', 0.5307378768920898, 'ml', 0), ('python-trio/trio', 0.528437077999115, 'perf', 0), ('pytables/pytables', 0.5254138112068176, 'data', 0), ('fastai/fastcore', 0.5200280547142029, 'util', 0), ('reloadware/reloadium', 0.5175240635871887, 'profiling', 0), ('klen/py-frameworks-bench', 0.5169395208358765, 'perf', 0), ('sumerc/yappi', 0.5168151259422302, 'profiling', 0), ('zilliztech/gptcache', 0.5158444046974182, 'llm', 0), ('collerek/ormar', 0.5154281258583069, 'data', 0), ('ibis-project/ibis', 0.5115165710449219, 'data', 0), ('sqlalchemy/sqlalchemy', 0.5100117921829224, 'data', 0), ('tiangolo/sqlmodel', 0.5081299543380737, 'data', 0), ('locustio/locust', 0.5075251460075378, 'testing', 0), ('long2ice/fastapi-cache', 0.5056164860725403, 'web', 1), ('pypa/hatch', 0.502075731754303, 'util', 0)] | 16 | 5 | null | 0.63 | 12 | 7 | 90 | 1 | 7 | 8 | 7 | 12 | 40 | 90 | 3.3 | 35 |
1,517 | llm | https://github.com/squeezeailab/squeezellm | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | squeezeailab/squeezellm | SqueezeLLM | 474 | 33 | 15 | Python | https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.07629v2 | SqueezeLLM: Dense-and-Sparse Quantization | squeezeailab | 2024-01-11 | 2023-06-12 | 33 | 14.301724 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/92235103?v=4 | SqueezeLLM: Dense-and-Sparse Quantization | ['efficient-inference', 'large-language-models', 'llama', 'llm', 'localllm', 'model-compression', 'natural-language-processing', 'post-training-quantization', 'quantization', 'small-models', 'text-generation', 'transformer'] | ['efficient-inference', 'large-language-models', 'llama', 'llm', 'localllm', 'model-compression', 'natural-language-processing', 'post-training-quantization', 'quantization', 'small-models', 'text-generation', 'transformer'] | 2024-01-05 | [('opengvlab/omniquant', 0.6535307168960571, 'llm', 3), ('artidoro/qlora', 0.6456478834152222, 'llm', 0), ('timdettmers/bitsandbytes', 0.6107233166694641, 'util', 0), ('huggingface/text-generation-inference', 0.6000766158103943, 'llm', 1), ('bobazooba/xllm', 0.596723735332489, 'llm', 3), ('neuralmagic/deepsparse', 0.5691953301429749, 'nlp', 1), ('sjtu-ipads/powerinfer', 0.5623429417610168, 'llm', 3), ('vllm-project/vllm', 0.5539712309837341, 'llm', 3), ('huggingface/transformers', 0.5502358078956604, 'nlp', 2), ('young-geng/easylm', 0.5474568605422974, 'llm', 4), ('bigscience-workshop/petals', 0.5468687415122986, 'data', 3), ('huawei-noah/pretrained-language-model', 0.5468460917472839, 'nlp', 2), ('ray-project/ray-llm', 0.5445480942726135, 'llm', 2), ('infinitylogesh/mutate', 0.5389288067817688, 'nlp', 1), ('explosion/spacy-llm', 0.5361400246620178, 'llm', 4), ('hpcaitech/energonai', 0.5279243588447571, 'ml', 0), ('salesforce/xgen', 0.5263859629631042, 'llm', 2), ('titanml/takeoff', 0.5222111940383911, 'llm', 3), ('lianjiatech/belle', 0.5215714573860168, 'llm', 1), ('optimalscale/lmflow', 0.5209859609603882, 'llm', 1), ('paddlepaddle/paddlenlp', 0.5054431557655334, 'llm', 2), ('cg123/mergekit', 0.504544734954834, 'llm', 2), ('google-research/electra', 0.5039941072463989, 'ml-dl', 0)] | 6 | 1 | null | 0.75 | 13 | 9 | 7 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 14 | 4 | 90 | 0.3 | 35 |
1,083 | gis | https://github.com/laspy/laspy | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | laspy/laspy | laspy | 416 | 114 | 33 | Python | https://laspy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ | Laspy is a pythonic interface for reading/modifying/creating .LAS LIDAR files matching specification 1.0-1.4. | laspy | 2024-01-10 | 2012-05-16 | 610 | 0.68101 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/24229635?v=4 | Laspy is a pythonic interface for reading/modifying/creating .LAS LIDAR files matching specification 1.0-1.4. | ['copc', 'las', 'laz', 'lidar', 'point-cloud', 'pointcloud'] | ['copc', 'las', 'laz', 'lidar', 'point-cloud', 'pointcloud'] | 2024-01-04 | [] | 49 | 6 | null | 0.77 | 13 | 13 | 142 | 0 | 6 | 3 | 6 | 12 | 24 | 90 | 2 | 35 |
1,832 | data | https://github.com/koaning/embetter | ['data-quality', 'sklearn', 'training-data', 'bulk-labelling'] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | koaning/embetter | embetter | 381 | 12 | 7 | Python | https://koaning.github.io/embetter/ | just a bunch of useful embeddings | koaning | 2024-01-04 | 2021-10-31 | 117 | 3.248477 | null | just a bunch of useful embeddings | [] | ['bulk-labelling', 'data-quality', 'sklearn', 'training-data'] | 2023-10-31 | [('qdrant/fastembed', 0.6213396787643433, 'ml', 0), ('koaning/bulk', 0.6180914044380188, 'data', 3), ('cvxgrp/pymde', 0.6085571646690369, 'ml', 0), ('koaning/whatlies', 0.6023291945457458, 'nlp', 0), ('milvus-io/bootcamp', 0.6010968089103699, 'data', 0), ('jina-ai/vectordb', 0.5935912728309631, 'data', 0), ('nomic-ai/nomic', 0.5922350287437439, 'nlp', 0), ('facebookresearch/pytorch-biggraph', 0.5848337411880493, 'ml-dl', 0), ('chroma-core/chroma', 0.5779300332069397, 'data', 0), ('neuml/txtai', 0.538155198097229, 'nlp', 0), ('jina-ai/clip-as-service', 0.5349407196044922, 'nlp', 0), ('sebischair/lbl2vec', 0.5337308645248413, 'nlp', 0), ('plasticityai/magnitude', 0.5330700278282166, 'nlp', 0), ('infinitylogesh/mutate', 0.5295093059539795, 'nlp', 0), ('jina-ai/finetuner', 0.526446521282196, 'ml', 0), ('cleanlab/cleanlab', 0.5257184505462646, 'ml', 1), ('awslabs/dgl-ke', 0.5223193764686584, 'ml', 0), ('huggingface/datasets', 0.5214577317237854, 'nlp', 0), ('eleutherai/the-pile', 0.5203182101249695, 'data', 1), ('activeloopai/deeplake', 0.5196226239204407, 'ml-ops', 0), ('flairnlp/flair', 0.5184030532836914, 'nlp', 0), ('huggingface/text-embeddings-inference', 0.5125843286514282, 'llm', 0), ('llmware-ai/llmware', 0.5121687650680542, 'llm', 0), ('hazyresearch/meerkat', 0.5117366313934326, 'viz', 0), ('bigscience-workshop/biomedical', 0.5097063183784485, 'data', 0), ('xl0/lovely-tensors', 0.5069031119346619, 'ml-dl', 0), ('nvidia/deeplearningexamples', 0.5039408206939697, 'ml-dl', 0)] | 8 | 6 | null | 2.62 | 7 | 5 | 27 | 2 | 13 | 9 | 13 | 7 | 6 | 90 | 0.9 | 35 |
1,030 | finance | https://github.com/gerrymanoim/exchange_calendars | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | gerrymanoim/exchange_calendars | exchange_calendars | 352 | 115 | 15 | Python | null | Calendars for various securities exchanges. | gerrymanoim | 2024-01-12 | 2020-10-30 | 169 | 2.075821 | null | Calendars for various securities exchanges. | [] | [] | 2024-01-13 | [('rsheftel/pandas_market_calendars', 0.6709998846054077, 'finance', 0)] | 98 | 2 | null | 1.08 | 16 | 14 | 39 | 0 | 7 | 21 | 7 | 16 | 18 | 90 | 1.1 | 35 |
1,218 | ml | https://github.com/googleapis/python-speech | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | googleapis/python-speech | python-speech | 352 | 261 | 54 | null | null | This library has moved to https://github.com/googleapis/google-cloud-python/tree/main/packages/google-cloud-speech | googleapis | 2024-01-04 | 2019-12-10 | 216 | 1.62963 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/16785467?v=4 | This library has moved to https://github.com/googleapis/google-cloud-python/tree/main/packages/google-cloud-speech | [] | [] | 2023-10-31 | [('dialogflow/dialogflow-python-client-v2', 0.743192732334137, 'nlp', 0), ('pndurette/gtts', 0.7090864181518555, 'util', 0), ('uberi/speech_recognition', 0.6549380421638489, 'ml', 0), ('googleapis/google-api-python-client', 0.5471388101577759, 'util', 0), ('dsdanielpark/bard-api', 0.5438737273216248, 'llm', 0), ('nateshmbhat/pyttsx3', 0.5236392617225647, 'util', 0), ('spotify/pedalboard', 0.5077892541885376, 'util', 0)] | 64 | 7 | null | 0.87 | 8 | 8 | 50 | 2 | 10 | 17 | 10 | 8 | 11 | 90 | 1.4 | 35 |
1,748 | data | https://github.com/drivendataorg/cloudpathlib | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | drivendataorg/cloudpathlib | cloudpathlib | 351 | 43 | 7 | Python | https://cloudpathlib.drivendata.org | Python pathlib-style classes for cloud storage services such as Amazon S3, Azure Blob Storage, and Google Cloud Storage. | drivendataorg | 2024-01-05 | 2020-07-27 | 183 | 1.916537 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/9515608?v=4 | Python pathlib-style classes for cloud storage services such as Amazon S3, Azure Blob Storage, and Google Cloud Storage. | ['azure-blob', 'cloud-storage', 'google-cloud-storage', 'pathlib', 's3'] | ['azure-blob', 'cloud-storage', 'google-cloud-storage', 'pathlib', 's3'] | 2023-12-29 | [('boto/boto3', 0.5708515644073486, 'util', 0), ('pyfilesystem/pyfilesystem2', 0.5201523900032043, 'util', 0), ('fsspec/filesystem_spec', 0.5109065175056458, 'util', 0)] | 12 | 3 | null | 0.58 | 28 | 16 | 42 | 0 | 6 | 8 | 6 | 28 | 71 | 90 | 2.5 | 35 |
876 | time-series | https://github.com/pastas/pastas | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | pastas/pastas | pastas | 335 | 69 | 16 | Python | https://pastas.readthedocs.io | :spaghetti: Pastas is an open-source Python framework for the analysis of groundwater time series. | pastas | 2024-01-09 | 2016-04-15 | 406 | 0.823963 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/18461359?v=4 | π Pastas is an open-source Python framework for the analysis of groundwater time series. | ['analysis', 'groundwater', 'hydrology', 'pastas', 'timeseries'] | ['analysis', 'groundwater', 'hydrology', 'pastas', 'timeseries'] | 2023-11-30 | [('firmai/atspy', 0.5670745372772217, 'time-series', 0), ('rjt1990/pyflux', 0.5493255257606506, 'time-series', 0), ('alkaline-ml/pmdarima', 0.518909215927124, 'time-series', 0), ('google/temporian', 0.5104494094848633, 'time-series', 0), ('dateutil/dateutil', 0.502344012260437, 'util', 0)] | 17 | 8 | null | 3.04 | 63 | 32 | 94 | 1 | 7 | 4 | 7 | 63 | 67 | 90 | 1.1 | 35 |
1,586 | llm | https://github.com/princeton-nlp/alce | ['citations'] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | princeton-nlp/alce | ALCE | 332 | 21 | 8 | Python | null | [EMNLP 2023] Enabling Large Language Models to Generate Text with Citations. Paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/2305.14627 | princeton-nlp | 2024-01-12 | 2023-05-23 | 36 | 9.222222 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/44678448?v=4 | [EMNLP 2023] Enabling Large Language Models to Generate Text with Citations. Paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/2305.14627 | [] | ['citations'] | 2023-12-10 | [('huggingface/text-generation-inference', 0.6029461622238159, 'llm', 0), ('paperswithcode/galai', 0.6015400290489197, 'llm', 1), ('whitead/paper-qa', 0.5843133330345154, 'llm', 0), ('yueyu1030/attrprompt', 0.5694684982299805, 'llm', 0), ('infinitylogesh/mutate', 0.5599058866500854, 'nlp', 0), ('ai21labs/lm-evaluation', 0.5408934950828552, 'llm', 0), ('lianjiatech/belle', 0.5311445593833923, 'llm', 0), ('hannibal046/awesome-llm', 0.5235013365745544, 'study', 0), ('togethercomputer/redpajama-data', 0.5159098505973816, 'llm', 0), ('explosion/spacy-llm', 0.5158350467681885, 'llm', 0), ('cg123/mergekit', 0.5112486481666565, 'llm', 0), ('salesforce/xgen', 0.5106900930404663, 'llm', 0), ('paddlepaddle/paddlenlp', 0.5002155900001526, 'llm', 0), ('neuml/txtai', 0.5001633763313293, 'nlp', 0)] | 6 | 3 | null | 0.48 | 4 | 3 | 8 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4 | 6 | 90 | 1.5 | 35 |
1,530 | ml-ops | https://github.com/zenml-io/mlstacks | ['mlops', 'terraform'] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | zenml-io/mlstacks | mlstacks | 228 | 23 | 5 | HCL | https://mlstacks.zenml.io/ | A series of Terraform based recipes to provision popular MLOps stacks on the cloud. | zenml-io | 2024-01-13 | 2022-06-29 | 82 | 2.751724 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/88676955?v=4 | A series of Terraform based recipes to provision popular MLOps stacks on the cloud. | ['infrastructure-as-code', 'ml', 'mlops'] | ['infrastructure-as-code', 'ml', 'mlops', 'terraform'] | 2023-12-22 | [('netflix/metaflow', 0.5789435505867004, 'ml-ops', 2), ('fmind/mlops-python-package', 0.5667558312416077, 'template', 2), ('localstack/localstack', 0.5585765838623047, 'util', 0), ('skypilot-org/skypilot', 0.5491843819618225, 'llm', 0), ('zenml-io/zenml', 0.5486688613891602, 'ml-ops', 2), ('orchest/orchest', 0.5279688239097595, 'ml-ops', 0), ('bodywork-ml/bodywork-core', 0.5243047475814819, 'ml-ops', 1), ('unionai-oss/unionml', 0.5240914225578308, 'ml-ops', 1), ('jina-ai/jina', 0.514028012752533, 'ml', 1), ('polyaxon/polyaxon', 0.5073304176330566, 'ml-ops', 2), ('mingrammer/diagrams', 0.5006417036056519, 'util', 0)] | 12 | 4 | null | 2.44 | 29 | 23 | 19 | 1 | 16 | 14 | 16 | 29 | 33 | 90 | 1.1 | 35 |
1,538 | llm | https://github.com/openlmlab/leval | ['evaluation', 'language-model'] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | openlmlab/leval | LEval | 228 | 8 | 4 | Python | null | Data and code for L-Eval, a comprehensive long context language models evaluation benchmark | openlmlab | 2024-01-13 | 2023-07-12 | 28 | 7.90099 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/127190579?v=4 | Data and code for L-Eval, a comprehensive long context language models evaluation benchmark | [] | ['evaluation', 'language-model'] | 2023-12-20 | [('ai21labs/lm-evaluation', 0.7304577231407166, 'llm', 1), ('openai/evals', 0.6452102661132812, 'llm', 2), ('freedomintelligence/llmzoo', 0.6185758113861084, 'llm', 1), ('eleutherai/lm-evaluation-harness', 0.6121481657028198, 'llm', 2), ('juncongmoo/pyllama', 0.5909538269042969, 'llm', 0), ('cstankonrad/long_llama', 0.5901378989219666, 'llm', 1), ('lm-sys/fastchat', 0.5838186740875244, 'llm', 2), ('openbmb/toolbench', 0.5642274022102356, 'llm', 1), ('hannibal046/awesome-llm', 0.540010392665863, 'study', 1), ('fasteval/fasteval', 0.5392605662345886, 'llm', 1), ('anthropics/evals', 0.5348479747772217, 'llm', 0), ('jonasgeiping/cramming', 0.5251019597053528, 'nlp', 1), ('ctlllll/llm-toolmaker', 0.5215489864349365, 'llm', 1), ('lianjiatech/belle', 0.518318772315979, 'llm', 0), ('huggingface/evaluate', 0.5112590193748474, 'ml', 1), ('salesforce/xgen', 0.5019434690475464, 'llm', 1), ('ai21labs/in-context-ralm', 0.5012268424034119, 'llm', 1)] | 9 | 3 | null | 2.5 | 4 | 4 | 6 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4 | 8 | 90 | 2 | 35 |
1,697 | util | https://github.com/mkdocstrings/python | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | mkdocstrings/python | python | 130 | 54 | 4 | Python | https://mkdocstrings.github.io/python | A Python handler for mkdocstrings. | mkdocstrings | 2024-01-10 | 2021-10-30 | 117 | 1.107056 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/75664361?v=4 | A Python handler for mkdocstrings. | ['autodoc', 'documentation', 'mkdocs', 'mkdocstrings', 'mkdocstrings-handler', 'python-documentation'] | ['autodoc', 'documentation', 'mkdocs', 'mkdocstrings', 'mkdocstrings-handler', 'python-documentation'] | 2024-01-09 | [('mkdocstrings/mkdocstrings', 0.6996007561683655, 'util', 3), ('danielnoord/pydocstringformatter', 0.563347578048706, 'util', 0), ('pdoc3/pdoc', 0.5424914360046387, 'util', 1), ('mkdocstrings/griffe', 0.5423215627670288, 'util', 0), ('hhatto/autopep8', 0.5049331784248352, 'util', 0), ('mitmproxy/pdoc', 0.5048332214355469, 'util', 1), ('pycqa/docformatter', 0.503516674041748, 'util', 0)] | 14 | 5 | null | 2.38 | 13 | 8 | 27 | 0 | 18 | 22 | 18 | 13 | 41 | 90 | 3.2 | 35 |
1,787 | llm | https://github.com/citadel-ai/langcheck | ['evaluation', 'language-model'] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | citadel-ai/langcheck | langcheck | 88 | 6 | 2 | Python | https://langcheck.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html | Simple, Pythonic building blocks to evaluate LLM applications. | citadel-ai | 2024-01-12 | 2023-10-10 | 16 | 5.5 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/75781367?v=4 | Simple, Pythonic building blocks to evaluate LLM applications. | [] | ['evaluation', 'language-model'] | 2023-12-27 | [('confident-ai/deepeval', 0.6523064374923706, 'testing', 2), ('openai/evals', 0.6390816569328308, 'llm', 2), ('deep-diver/pingpong', 0.6283354759216309, 'llm', 0), ('agenta-ai/agenta', 0.613926351070404, 'llm', 0), ('alpha-vllm/llama2-accessory', 0.5963909029960632, 'llm', 0), ('exaloop/codon', 0.5882013440132141, 'perf', 0), ('hwchase17/langchain', 0.5860381722450256, 'llm', 1), ('young-geng/easylm', 0.5656929612159729, 'llm', 1), ('pympler/pympler', 0.5642958283424377, 'perf', 0), ('eugeneyan/open-llms', 0.5613651275634766, 'study', 0), ('numba/llvmlite', 0.5582582950592041, 'util', 0), ('truera/trulens', 0.5569631457328796, 'llm', 1), ('tigerlab-ai/tiger', 0.5546644926071167, 'llm', 0), ('microsoft/promptflow', 0.5546442866325378, 'llm', 0), ('chainlit/chainlit', 0.5534338355064392, 'llm', 0), ('ibm/dromedary', 0.5524911880493164, 'llm', 1), ('langchain-ai/langsmith-cookbook', 0.5509293079376221, 'llm', 2), ('salesforce/codet5', 0.5499178171157837, 'nlp', 1), ('pathwaycom/llm-app', 0.5472109317779541, 'llm', 0), ('pmorissette/bt', 0.537364661693573, 'finance', 0), ('rlancemartin/auto-evaluator', 0.5368258357048035, 'llm', 1), ('nvidia/tensorrt-llm', 0.5307314395904541, 'viz', 1), ('microsoft/semantic-kernel', 0.5307271480560303, 'llm', 0), ('berriai/litellm', 0.5299030542373657, 'llm', 0), ('bentoml/openllm', 0.5283021926879883, 'ml-ops', 0), ('vllm-project/vllm', 0.5279338359832764, 'llm', 0), ('eth-sri/lmql', 0.5266656279563904, 'llm', 1), ('hiyouga/llama-efficient-tuning', 0.5261443257331848, 'llm', 1), ('hiyouga/llama-factory', 0.5261441469192505, 'llm', 1), ('mooler0410/llmspracticalguide', 0.5259177088737488, 'study', 0), ('ray-project/ray-llm', 0.524300754070282, 'llm', 0), ('salesforce/xgen', 0.5217398405075073, 'llm', 1), ('pypa/hatch', 0.5197140574455261, 'util', 0), ('ai21labs/lm-evaluation', 0.518677294254303, 'llm', 1), ('nomic-ai/gpt4all', 0.5129213333129883, 'llm', 1), ('night-chen/toolqa', 0.5104190111160278, 'llm', 0), ('h2oai/h2o-llmstudio', 0.5101147890090942, 'llm', 0), ('shishirpatil/gorilla', 0.5088066458702087, 'llm', 0), ('hegelai/prompttools', 0.5087067484855652, 'llm', 0), ('pomponchik/instld', 0.5082795023918152, 'util', 0), ('rubik/radon', 0.505801796913147, 'util', 0), ('deepset-ai/haystack', 0.5050056576728821, 'llm', 1), ('pytransitions/transitions', 0.5025991201400757, 'util', 0)] | 7 | 1 | null | 11.92 | 58 | 47 | 3 | 1 | 3 | 12 | 3 | 58 | 105 | 90 | 1.8 | 35 |
597 | testing | https://github.com/newsapps/beeswithmachineguns | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | newsapps/beeswithmachineguns | beeswithmachineguns | 6,372 | 670 | 224 | Python | http://apps.chicagotribune.com/ | A utility for arming (creating) many bees (micro EC2 instances) to attack (load test) targets (web applications). | newsapps | 2024-01-12 | 2010-06-29 | 709 | 8.987306 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/317822?v=4 | A utility for arming (creating) many bees (micro EC2 instances) to attack (load test) targets (web applications). | [] | [] | 2017-12-20 | [('rhinosecuritylabs/pacu', 0.5492108464241028, 'security', 0)] | 49 | 8 | null | 0 | 5 | 0 | 165 | 74 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 | 2 | 90 | 0.4 | 34 |
1,008 | finance | https://github.com/gbeced/pyalgotrade | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | gbeced/pyalgotrade | pyalgotrade | 4,224 | 1,408 | 350 | Python | http://gbeced.github.io/pyalgotrade/ | Python Algorithmic Trading Library | gbeced | 2024-01-13 | 2012-03-07 | 620 | 6.803497 | null | Python Algorithmic Trading Library | [] | [] | 2023-03-05 | [('quantopian/zipline', 0.8662933707237244, 'finance', 0), ('robcarver17/pysystemtrade', 0.756932258605957, 'finance', 0), ('cuemacro/finmarketpy', 0.7125941514968872, 'finance', 0), ('quantconnect/lean', 0.7084618806838989, 'finance', 0), ('gbeced/basana', 0.7055126428604126, 'finance', 0), ('goldmansachs/gs-quant', 0.6751449108123779, 'finance', 0), ('mementum/backtrader', 0.6685662269592285, 'finance', 0), ('quantecon/quantecon.py', 0.6401932835578918, 'sim', 0), ('pmorissette/ffn', 0.628166913986206, 'finance', 0), ('ranaroussi/quantstats', 0.6159399747848511, 'finance', 0), ('ta-lib/ta-lib-python', 0.5967674851417542, 'finance', 0), ('primal100/pybitcointools', 0.5933455228805542, 'crypto', 0), ('probml/pyprobml', 0.5891293883323669, 'ml', 0), ('pytoolz/toolz', 0.5849488377571106, 'util', 0), ('sympy/sympy', 0.5751481652259827, 'math', 0), ('cuemacro/findatapy', 0.5724738836288452, 'finance', 0), ('ethereum/web3.py', 0.570094883441925, 'crypto', 0), ('domokane/financepy', 0.5683234333992004, 'finance', 0), ('mynameisfiber/high_performance_python_2e', 0.5649918913841248, 'study', 0), ('hydrosquall/tiingo-python', 0.5620060563087463, 'finance', 0), ('scipy/scipy', 0.5615862011909485, 'math', 0), ('quantopian/pyfolio', 0.5584282875061035, 'finance', 0), ('1200wd/bitcoinlib', 0.5566604733467102, 'crypto', 0), ('firmai/atspy', 0.5548366904258728, 'time-series', 0), ('kernc/backtesting.py', 0.5535092949867249, 'finance', 0), ('keon/algorithms', 0.5470435619354248, 'util', 0), ('eleutherai/pyfra', 0.5397642850875854, 'ml', 0), ('alkaline-ml/pmdarima', 0.5389692783355713, 'time-series', 0), ('ccxt/ccxt', 0.5324677228927612, 'crypto', 0), ('polakowo/vectorbt', 0.5312750935554504, 'finance', 0), ('fredrik-johansson/mpmath', 0.5237154364585876, 'math', 0), ('legrandin/pycryptodome', 0.5236385464668274, 'util', 0), ('wesm/pydata-book', 0.5229116082191467, 'study', 0), ('python/cpython', 0.520494818687439, 'util', 0), ('quantopian/alphalens', 0.5202894806861877, 'finance', 0), ('clips/pattern', 0.5164464712142944, 'nlp', 0), ('pycaret/pycaret', 0.5147980451583862, 'ml', 0), ('connorferster/handcalcs', 0.5120189189910889, 'jupyter', 0), ('pypy/pypy', 0.5119675397872925, 'util', 0), ('qdrant/qdrant-client', 0.5113593935966492, 'util', 0), ('google/tf-quant-finance', 0.5105053186416626, 'finance', 0), ('scikit-learn/scikit-learn', 0.5099478363990784, 'ml', 0), ('numerai/example-scripts', 0.5094029307365417, 'finance', 0), ('thealgorithms/python', 0.5092158317565918, 'study', 0), ('shangtongzhang/reinforcement-learning-an-introduction', 0.5082697868347168, 'study', 0), ('pyston/pyston', 0.507022500038147, 'util', 0), ('google/latexify_py', 0.5051184296607971, 'util', 0), ('freqtrade/freqtrade', 0.5014805197715759, 'crypto', 0)] | 11 | 2 | null | 0.04 | 2 | 2 | 144 | 10 | 0 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 90 | 1 | 34 |
794 | data | https://github.com/pallets/itsdangerous | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | pallets/itsdangerous | itsdangerous | 2,781 | 222 | 56 | Python | https://itsdangerous.palletsprojects.com | Safely pass trusted data to untrusted environments and back. | pallets | 2024-01-12 | 2011-06-24 | 657 | 4.229198 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/16748505?v=4 | Safely pass trusted data to untrusted environments and back. | ['hmac', 'itsdangerous', 'pallets', 'security', 'serialization'] | ['hmac', 'itsdangerous', 'pallets', 'security', 'serialization'] | 2023-09-06 | [('snyk/faker-security', 0.5056630969047546, 'security', 0)] | 42 | 5 | null | 0.62 | 6 | 2 | 153 | 4 | 0 | 2 | 2 | 6 | 1 | 90 | 0.2 | 34 |
114 | nlp | https://github.com/huggingface/neuralcoref | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | huggingface/neuralcoref | neuralcoref | 2,775 | 476 | 99 | C | https://huggingface.co/coref/ | β¨Fast Coreference Resolution in spaCy with Neural Networks | huggingface | 2024-01-13 | 2017-07-03 | 343 | 8.087011 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/25720743?v=4 | β¨Fast Coreference Resolution in spaCy with Neural Networks | ['coreference', 'coreference-resolution', 'machine-learning', 'neural-networks', 'nlp', 'pytorch', 'spacy', 'spacy-extension', 'spacy-pipeline'] | ['coreference', 'coreference-resolution', 'machine-learning', 'neural-networks', 'nlp', 'pytorch', 'spacy', 'spacy-extension', 'spacy-pipeline'] | 2021-06-22 | [('explosion/spacy-models', 0.6682751774787903, 'nlp', 3), ('explosion/spacy-stanza', 0.6504446864128113, 'nlp', 4), ('explosion/spacy-transformers', 0.6309342980384827, 'llm', 6), ('explosion/spacy-streamlit', 0.5396462082862854, 'nlp', 3), ('franck-dernoncourt/neuroner', 0.5318391919136047, 'nlp', 3), ('jina-ai/finetuner', 0.5169621706008911, 'ml', 0), ('google-research/electra', 0.5090615153312683, 'ml-dl', 1), ('neuralmagic/sparseml', 0.5070856213569641, 'ml-dl', 2), ('explosion/spacy', 0.5070719122886658, 'nlp', 4)] | 21 | 5 | null | 0 | 5 | 1 | 80 | 31 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 5 | 4 | 90 | 0.8 | 34 |
1,470 | web | https://github.com/fastapi-admin/fastapi-admin | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | fastapi-admin/fastapi-admin | fastapi-admin | 2,335 | 318 | 34 | Python | https://fastapi-admin-docs.long2ice.io | A fast admin dashboard based on FastAPI and TortoiseORM with tabler ui, inspired by Django admin | fastapi-admin | 2024-01-13 | 2020-04-06 | 199 | 11.725251 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/83151292?v=4 | A fast admin dashboard based on FastAPI and TortoiseORM with tabler ui, inspired by Django admin | ['admin', 'admin-dashboard', 'dashboard', 'fastapi', 'fastapi-admin', 'tabler', 'tortoise-orm'] | ['admin', 'admin-dashboard', 'dashboard', 'fastapi', 'fastapi-admin', 'tabler', 'tortoise-orm'] | 2023-07-27 | [('aminalaee/sqladmin', 0.6240462064743042, 'data', 3), ('piccolo-orm/piccolo_admin', 0.6113201975822449, 'data', 3), ('s3rius/fastapi-template', 0.6024838089942932, 'web', 2), ('rawheel/fastapi-boilerplate', 0.5968390107154846, 'web', 1), ('fastapi-users/fastapi-users', 0.5555592775344849, 'web', 1), ('vitalik/django-ninja', 0.5257643461227417, 'web', 0), ('wagtail/wagtail', 0.5146538019180298, 'web', 0), ('fastai/fastcore', 0.5095018148422241, 'util', 0), ('tiangolo/fastapi', 0.5084497928619385, 'web', 1), ('feincms/feincms', 0.5065550804138184, 'web', 0)] | 13 | 1 | null | 0.25 | 4 | 1 | 46 | 6 | 0 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 90 | 0.2 | 34 |
25 | util | https://github.com/google/gin-config | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | google/gin-config | gin-config | 1,946 | 120 | 23 | Python | null | Gin provides a lightweight configuration framework for Python | google | 2024-01-08 | 2018-06-27 | 291 | 6.667646 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/1342004?v=4 | Gin provides a lightweight configuration framework for Python | ['configuration-management', 'tensorflow', 'tensorflow-experiments'] | ['configuration-management', 'tensorflow', 'tensorflow-experiments'] | 2023-10-04 | [('omry/omegaconf', 0.5957804322242737, 'util', 0), ('arogozhnikov/einops', 0.5846500396728516, 'ml-dl', 1), ('micropython/micropython', 0.578527569770813, 'util', 0), ('nvidia/tensorrt-llm', 0.5778404474258423, 'viz', 0), ('eleutherai/pyfra', 0.5706988573074341, 'ml', 0), ('willmcgugan/textual', 0.5691657662391663, 'term', 0), ('google/tf-quant-finance', 0.5610681772232056, 'finance', 1), ('fastai/fastcore', 0.5576726198196411, 'util', 0), ('reloadware/reloadium', 0.5562544465065002, 'profiling', 0), ('pytoolz/toolz', 0.555968701839447, 'util', 0), ('facebookresearch/hydra', 0.5556942224502563, 'util', 0), ('pypy/pypy', 0.5548017621040344, 'util', 0), ('klen/py-frameworks-bench', 0.5510473847389221, 'perf', 0), ('ray-project/ray', 0.5417131185531616, 'ml-ops', 1), ('rafiqhasan/auto-tensorflow', 0.5411630868911743, 'ml-dl', 1), ('google/jax', 0.5384674668312073, 'ml', 0), ('fchollet/deep-learning-with-python-notebooks', 0.5364246964454651, 'study', 0), ('pomponchik/instld', 0.5354675650596619, 'util', 0), ('beeware/toga', 0.5335937738418579, 'gui', 0), ('kubeflow/fairing', 0.5331827402114868, 'ml-ops', 0), ('ashleve/lightning-hydra-template', 0.5326757431030273, 'util', 0), ('pytorch/data', 0.5325197577476501, 'data', 0), ('hoffstadt/dearpygui', 0.5313805341720581, 'gui', 0), ('dosisod/refurb', 0.5311492085456848, 'util', 0), ('intel/intel-extension-for-pytorch', 0.5311468839645386, 'perf', 0), ('pypa/hatch', 0.5304906368255615, 'util', 0), ('pympler/pympler', 0.5286837816238403, 'perf', 0), ('nvidia/warp', 0.5256108641624451, 'sim', 0), ('numba/llvmlite', 0.5255877375602722, 'util', 0), ('gradio-app/gradio', 0.5216200351715088, 'viz', 0), ('determined-ai/determined', 0.520888090133667, 'ml-ops', 1), ('pyston/pyston', 0.5207974910736084, 'util', 0), ('tensorly/tensorly', 0.5206177830696106, 'ml-dl', 1), ('alphasecio/langchain-examples', 0.5197805762290955, 'llm', 0), ('cosmicpython/book', 0.5146122574806213, 'study', 0), ('backtick-se/cowait', 0.5143940448760986, 'util', 0), ('exaloop/codon', 0.5136995911598206, 'perf', 0), ('wandb/client', 0.5134484767913818, 'ml', 1), ('horovod/horovod', 0.5107054710388184, 'ml-ops', 1), ('tensorflow/addons', 0.5091912150382996, 'ml', 1), ('buildbot/buildbot', 0.5084891319274902, 'util', 0), ('ageron/handson-ml2', 0.5084095001220703, 'ml', 0), ('plasma-umass/scalene', 0.5083065032958984, 'profiling', 0), ('sumerc/yappi', 0.5081563591957092, 'profiling', 0), ('pytorch/pytorch', 0.5066419243812561, 'ml-dl', 0), ('eventual-inc/daft', 0.5050129890441895, 'pandas', 0), ('goldmansachs/gs-quant', 0.5047725439071655, 'finance', 0), ('pallets/flask', 0.5042587518692017, 'web', 0), ('google/vizier', 0.5030581951141357, 'ml', 0), ('pyinfra-dev/pyinfra', 0.5022099614143372, 'util', 1), ('klen/muffin', 0.5011733770370483, 'web', 0)] | 24 | 2 | null | 0.1 | 2 | 1 | 68 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 3 | 90 | 1.5 | 34 |
1,005 | finance | https://github.com/pmorissette/bt | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | pmorissette/bt | bt | 1,892 | 444 | 88 | Python | http://pmorissette.github.io/bt | bt - flexible backtesting for Python | pmorissette | 2024-01-12 | 2014-06-19 | 501 | 3.771071 | null | bt - flexible backtesting for Python | [] | [] | 2023-12-11 | [('mementum/backtrader', 0.6390605568885803, 'finance', 0), ('wolever/parameterized', 0.620602011680603, 'testing', 0), ('ionelmc/pytest-benchmark', 0.6115341186523438, 'testing', 0), ('nedbat/coveragepy', 0.6093915700912476, 'testing', 0), ('spulec/freezegun', 0.5981432199478149, 'testing', 0), ('pytest-dev/pytest-bdd', 0.5979208946228027, 'testing', 0), ('cuemacro/finmarketpy', 0.5734877586364746, 'finance', 0), ('locustio/locust', 0.5575364828109741, 'testing', 0), ('klen/py-frameworks-bench', 0.5551998615264893, 'perf', 0), ('citadel-ai/langcheck', 0.537364661693573, 'llm', 0), ('pypy/pypy', 0.5179216861724854, 'util', 0), ('getsentry/responses', 0.5153909921646118, 'testing', 0), ('samuelcolvin/dirty-equals', 0.5151998996734619, 'util', 0), ('taverntesting/tavern', 0.5144594311714172, 'testing', 0), ('pytest-dev/pytest', 0.5103425979614258, 'testing', 0), ('pyeve/cerberus', 0.507025420665741, 'data', 0)] | 31 | 2 | null | 0.29 | 21 | 16 | 117 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 21 | 14 | 90 | 0.7 | 34 |
310 | util | https://github.com/linkedin/shiv | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | linkedin/shiv | shiv | 1,662 | 94 | 28 | Python | null | shiv is a command line utility for building fully self contained Python zipapps as outlined in PEP 441, but with all their dependencies included. | linkedin | 2024-01-13 | 2018-03-13 | 307 | 5.413681 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/357098?v=4 | shiv is a command line utility for building fully self contained Python zipapps as outlined in PEP 441, but with all their dependencies included. | [] | [] | 2023-09-07 | [('ofek/pyapp', 0.5412315130233765, 'util', 0), ('indygreg/pyoxidizer', 0.5276411175727844, 'util', 0), ('erotemic/ubelt', 0.5263099670410156, 'util', 0), ('pyodide/micropip', 0.5121049284934998, 'util', 0), ('pypa/pipenv', 0.5103631615638733, 'util', 0), ('beeware/briefcase', 0.5067877173423767, 'util', 0), ('quantopian/zipline', 0.5038162469863892, 'finance', 0), ('pdm-project/pdm', 0.5008074641227722, 'util', 0), ('pypy/pypy', 0.5005409717559814, 'util', 0)] | 39 | 6 | null | 0.04 | 8 | 0 | 71 | 4 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 8 | 3 | 90 | 0.4 | 34 |
759 | diffusion | https://github.com/divamgupta/stable-diffusion-tensorflow | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | divamgupta/stable-diffusion-tensorflow | stable-diffusion-tensorflow | 1,546 | 225 | 24 | Python | null | Stable Diffusion in TensorFlow / Keras | divamgupta | 2024-01-13 | 2022-09-15 | 71 | 21.557769 | null | Stable Diffusion in TensorFlow / Keras | [] | [] | 2022-11-22 | [('bentoml/onediffusion', 0.6373262405395508, 'diffusion', 0), ('carson-katri/dream-textures', 0.6051181554794312, 'diffusion', 0), ('tanelp/tiny-diffusion', 0.6014887690544128, 'diffusion', 0), ('lllyasviel/controlnet', 0.5530334115028381, 'diffusion', 0), ('stability-ai/stability-sdk', 0.5413241386413574, 'diffusion', 0), ('openai/improved-diffusion', 0.5380927324295044, 'diffusion', 0), ('comfyanonymous/comfyui', 0.5308429002761841, 'diffusion', 0), ('huggingface/diffusers', 0.5232102274894714, 'diffusion', 0), ('apple/ml-stable-diffusion', 0.5180650949478149, 'diffusion', 0), ('tensorflow/mesh', 0.5049545168876648, 'ml-dl', 0)] | 13 | 2 | null | 0 | 3 | 0 | 16 | 14 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 1 | 90 | 0.3 | 34 |
1,742 | util | https://github.com/facebookincubator/bowler | ['refactoring'] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | facebookincubator/bowler | Bowler | 1,497 | 93 | 36 | Python | https://pybowler.io/ | Safe code refactoring for modern Python. | facebookincubator | 2024-01-13 | 2018-06-07 | 294 | 5.079496 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/19538647?v=4 | Safe code refactoring for modern Python. | [] | ['refactoring'] | 2023-01-20 | [('python-rope/rope', 0.7546546459197998, 'util', 1), ('dosisod/refurb', 0.5965598225593567, 'util', 0), ('jendrikseipp/vulture', 0.5705008506774902, 'util', 0), ('pyupio/safety', 0.5631865859031677, 'security', 0), ('asottile/reorder-python-imports', 0.5548760890960693, 'util', 1), ('grahamdumpleton/wrapt', 0.5219171047210693, 'util', 0), ('hhatto/autopep8', 0.5189270973205566, 'util', 0), ('landscapeio/prospector', 0.5116630792617798, 'util', 0), ('facebook/pyre-check', 0.5039924383163452, 'typing', 0), ('rubik/radon', 0.5027236938476562, 'util', 0)] | 27 | 6 | null | 0 | 1 | 0 | 68 | 12 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 90 | 2 | 34 |
1,113 | web | https://github.com/pylons/waitress | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | pylons/waitress | waitress | 1,337 | 166 | 37 | Python | https://docs.pylonsproject.org/projects/waitress/en/latest/ | Waitress - A WSGI server for Python 3 | pylons | 2024-01-12 | 2011-12-17 | 632 | 2.114073 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/452227?v=4 | Waitress - A WSGI server for Python 3 | ['http-server', 'wsgi-server'] | ['http-server', 'wsgi-server'] | 2024-01-10 | [('encode/uvicorn', 0.6356403827667236, 'web', 1), ('benoitc/gunicorn', 0.6345184445381165, 'web', 2), ('pallets/werkzeug', 0.6237661838531494, 'web', 0), ('encode/httpx', 0.594509482383728, 'web', 0), ('bottlepy/bottle', 0.5867997407913208, 'web', 0), ('pallets/quart', 0.5782569050788879, 'web', 1), ('pallets/flask', 0.5715507864952087, 'web', 0), ('neoteroi/blacksheep', 0.5685455799102783, 'web', 1), ('falconry/falcon', 0.5612348318099976, 'web', 0), ('pylons/webob', 0.5591251254081726, 'web', 0), ('cherrypy/cherrypy', 0.5498244762420654, 'web', 1), ('pylons/pyramid', 0.5299732089042664, 'web', 0), ('aio-libs/aiohttp', 0.5173540711402893, 'web', 1), ('requests/toolbelt', 0.5072819590568542, 'util', 0), ('aws/chalice', 0.5070593953132629, 'web', 0), ('klen/muffin', 0.5056185126304626, 'web', 0), ('masoniteframework/masonite', 0.5041007399559021, 'web', 0)] | 51 | 6 | null | 0.15 | 10 | 2 | 147 | 0 | 0 | 4 | 4 | 10 | 2 | 90 | 0.2 | 34 |
1,265 | llm | https://github.com/run-llama/llama-lab | ['llama-index', 'llama', 'language-model'] | Llama Lab is a repo dedicated to building cutting-edge projects using LlamaIndex | [] | [] | null | null | null | run-llama/llama-lab | llama-lab | 1,149 | 150 | 16 | Python | null | null | run-llama | 2024-01-14 | 2023-04-14 | 41 | 27.639175 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/130722866?v=4 | Llama Lab is a repo dedicated to building cutting-edge projects using LlamaIndex | [] | ['language-model', 'llama', 'llama-index'] | 2023-05-30 | [('facebookresearch/llama-recipes', 0.7252361178398132, 'llm', 2), ('microsoft/llama-2-onnx', 0.7098461985588074, 'llm', 2), ('jerryjliu/llama_index', 0.6514791250228882, 'llm', 3), ('tloen/alpaca-lora', 0.6453814506530762, 'llm', 2), ('jzhang38/tinyllama', 0.6213663816452026, 'llm', 2), ('mshumer/gpt-llm-trainer', 0.6018344759941101, 'llm', 0), ('zrrskywalker/llama-adapter', 0.5806187391281128, 'llm', 2), ('run-llama/llama-hub', 0.5685200095176697, 'data', 0), ('facebookresearch/llama', 0.562117874622345, 'llm', 2), ('abetlen/llama-cpp-python', 0.5617009401321411, 'llm', 2), ('lightning-ai/lit-llama', 0.550618588924408, 'llm', 2), ('ggerganov/llama.cpp', 0.545893132686615, 'llm', 2), ('young-geng/easylm', 0.5406877398490906, 'llm', 2), ('oobabooga/text-generation-webui', 0.5403240919113159, 'llm', 1), ('agenta-ai/agenta', 0.5381309986114502, 'llm', 1), ('bentoml/openllm', 0.5358179211616516, 'ml-ops', 1), ('ajndkr/lanarky', 0.5272144079208374, 'llm', 0), ('karpathy/llama2.c', 0.5159832835197449, 'llm', 2), ('hwchase17/langchain', 0.5104470252990723, 'llm', 1), ('tairov/llama2.mojo', 0.5075839757919312, 'llm', 1), ('eugeneyan/open-llms', 0.5069587826728821, 'study', 0), ('openlm-research/open_llama', 0.5049968957901001, 'llm', 2), ('alpha-vllm/llama2-accessory', 0.5041949152946472, 'llm', 0), ('h2oai/h2o-llmstudio', 0.5041861534118652, 'llm', 1), ('salesforce/codet5', 0.5031118392944336, 'nlp', 1)] | 4 | 2 | null | 0.6 | 2 | 0 | 9 | 8 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 34 |
674 | util | https://github.com/lukasschwab/arxiv.py | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | lukasschwab/arxiv.py | arxiv.py | 887 | 107 | 16 | Python | null | Python wrapper for the arXiv API | lukasschwab | 2024-01-13 | 2015-11-25 | 426 | 2.077979 | null | Python wrapper for the arXiv API | ['arxiv', 'arxiv-api', 'pdf', 'python-wrapper'] | ['arxiv', 'arxiv-api', 'pdf', 'python-wrapper'] | 2023-10-25 | [('man-c/pycoingecko', 0.5484018921852112, 'crypto', 0), ('pyfpdf/fpdf2', 0.5308734774589539, 'util', 1), ('arxiv-vanity/arxiv-vanity', 0.5270992517471313, 'nlp', 1), ('mattbierbaum/arxiv-public-datasets', 0.5195563435554504, 'data', 0), ('requests/toolbelt', 0.5077224969863892, 'util', 0), ('indygreg/pyoxidizer', 0.5008288621902466, 'util', 0)] | 14 | 5 | null | 0.52 | 28 | 27 | 99 | 3 | 8 | 4 | 8 | 28 | 22 | 90 | 0.8 | 34 |
359 | ml-ops | https://github.com/tensorflow/data-validation | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | tensorflow/data-validation | data-validation | 739 | 162 | 48 | Python | null | Library for exploring and validating machine learning data | tensorflow | 2024-01-09 | 2018-07-02 | 291 | 2.538273 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/15658638?v=4 | Library for exploring and validating machine learning data | [] | [] | 2024-01-08 | [('huggingface/evaluate', 0.7562239170074463, 'ml', 0), ('teamhg-memex/eli5', 0.6825962066650391, 'ml', 0), ('rasbt/mlxtend', 0.6768656373023987, 'ml', 0), ('firmai/industry-machine-learning', 0.6276463866233826, 'study', 0), ('districtdatalabs/yellowbrick', 0.6272578239440918, 'ml', 0), ('pyeve/cerberus', 0.6110429167747498, 'data', 0), ('patchy631/machine-learning', 0.6105336546897888, 'ml', 0), ('scikit-learn/scikit-learn', 0.5854442715644836, 'ml', 0), ('pycaret/pycaret', 0.584001898765564, 'ml', 0), ('jovianml/opendatasets', 0.5710594654083252, 'data', 0), ('scikit-learn-contrib/imbalanced-learn', 0.5666349530220032, 'ml', 0), ('marcotcr/lime', 0.5638388395309448, 'ml-interpretability', 0), ('mlflow/mlflow', 0.56364506483078, 'ml-ops', 0), ('seldonio/alibi', 0.5581661462783813, 'ml-interpretability', 0), ('csinva/imodels', 0.5509118437767029, 'ml', 0), ('rasbt/machine-learning-book', 0.5481884479522705, 'study', 0), ('pair-code/lit', 0.5432097315788269, 'ml-interpretability', 0), ('featurelabs/featuretools', 0.5417819023132324, 'ml', 0), ('gradio-app/gradio', 0.5404645204544067, 'viz', 0), ('unionai-oss/pandera', 0.5394289493560791, 'pandas', 0), ('eugeneyan/testing-ml', 0.5382910966873169, 'testing', 0), ('tensorflow/tensor2tensor', 0.5354011654853821, 'ml', 0), ('tensorflow/tensorflow', 0.5338260531425476, 'ml-dl', 0), ('selfexplainml/piml-toolbox', 0.5335401892662048, 'ml-interpretability', 0), ('ggerganov/ggml', 0.525627076625824, 'ml', 0), ('microsoft/flaml', 0.5238473415374756, 'ml', 0), ('oml-team/open-metric-learning', 0.5238116979598999, 'ml', 0), ('carla-recourse/carla', 0.5232628583908081, 'ml', 0), ('tensorflow/lucid', 0.5206327438354492, 'ml-interpretability', 0), ('polyaxon/datatile', 0.5198504328727722, 'pandas', 0), ('hazyresearch/meerkat', 0.5165846943855286, 'viz', 0), ('pytorch/ignite', 0.5164223313331604, 'ml-dl', 0), ('deepchecks/deepchecks', 0.512187123298645, 'data', 0), ('dask/dask-ml', 0.5110467076301575, 'ml', 0), ('scikit-learn-contrib/metric-learn', 0.5105538368225098, 'ml', 0), ('huggingface/datasets', 0.5105088353157043, 'nlp', 0), ('catboost/catboost', 0.5083582997322083, 'ml', 0), ('paperswithcode/axcell', 0.5049012899398804, 'util', 0), ('maif/shapash', 0.5037372708320618, 'ml', 0), ('automl/auto-sklearn', 0.5028933882713318, 'ml', 0), ('lightly-ai/lightly', 0.5010249018669128, 'ml', 0)] | 26 | 2 | null | 1.48 | 12 | 5 | 67 | 0 | 2 | 8 | 2 | 12 | 15 | 90 | 1.2 | 34 |
590 | gis | https://github.com/uber/h3-py | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | uber/h3-py | h3-py | 718 | 127 | 32 | Python | https://uber.github.io/h3-py | Python bindings for H3, a hierarchical hexagonal geospatial indexing system | uber | 2024-01-13 | 2018-06-12 | 294 | 2.442177 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/538264?v=4 | Python bindings for H3, a hierarchical hexagonal geospatial indexing system | ['geocoding', 'geospatial', 'gis', 'h3', 'hexagonal-architecture', 'uber'] | ['geocoding', 'geospatial', 'gis', 'h3', 'hexagonal-architecture', 'uber'] | 2024-01-01 | [('toblerity/rtree', 0.6043885350227356, 'gis', 0), ('opengeos/leafmap', 0.5105132460594177, 'gis', 2), ('residentmario/geoplot', 0.500649094581604, 'gis', 0)] | 16 | 5 | null | 0.12 | 19 | 6 | 68 | 0 | 0 | 4 | 4 | 19 | 14 | 90 | 0.7 | 34 |
47 | data | https://github.com/macbre/sql-metadata | [] | null | [] | [] | 1 | null | null | macbre/sql-metadata | sql-metadata | 668 | 111 | 15 | Python | https://pypi.python.org/pypi/sql-metadata | Uses tokenized query returned by python-sqlparse and generates query metadata | macbre | 2024-01-13 | 2017-06-06 | 347 | 1.925072 | null | Uses tokenized query returned by python-sqlparse and generates query metadata | ['database', 'hive', 'hiveql', 'metadata', 'mysql-query', 'parser', 'python-package', 'python3-library', 'sql', 'sql-parser', 'sqlparse'] | ['database', 'hive', 'hiveql', 'metadata', 'mysql-query', 'parser', 'python-package', 'python3-library', 'sql', 'sql-parser', 'sqlparse'] | 2024-01-04 | [('tobymao/sqlglot', 0.6693900227546692, 'data', 3), ('ibis-project/ibis', 0.6164320707321167, 'data', 2), ('tiangolo/sqlmodel', 0.6107516288757324, 'data', 1), ('andialbrecht/sqlparse', 0.5947306156158447, 'data', 0), ('kayak/pypika', 0.5715281367301941, 'data', 1), ('sqlalchemy/sqlalchemy', 0.5708635449409485, 'data', 1), ('malloydata/malloy-py', 0.5103316307067871, 'data', 1), ('python-odin/odin', 0.5047857761383057, 'util', 0)] | 20 | 5 | null | 1.21 | 27 | 19 | 80 | 0 | 4 | 5 | 4 | 27 | 13 | 90 | 0.5 | 34 |
412 | util | https://github.com/bastibe/python-soundfile | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | bastibe/python-soundfile | python-soundfile | 628 | 135 | 17 | Python | null | SoundFile is an audio library based on libsndfile, CFFI, and NumPy | bastibe | 2024-01-12 | 2013-08-27 | 544 | 1.154412 | null | SoundFile is an audio library based on libsndfile, CFFI, and NumPy | [] | [] | 2024-01-05 | [('spotify/pedalboard', 0.7314440608024597, 'util', 0), ('irmen/pyminiaudio', 0.6631749868392944, 'util', 0), ('libaudioflux/audioflux', 0.6440500617027283, 'util', 0), ('taylorsmarks/playsound', 0.6413252949714661, 'util', 0), ('uberi/speech_recognition', 0.575599730014801, 'ml', 0), ('quodlibet/mutagen', 0.5448225736618042, 'util', 0), ('nateshmbhat/pyttsx3', 0.5068590044975281, 'util', 0), ('speechbrain/speechbrain', 0.5037903189659119, 'nlp', 0), ('facebookresearch/audiocraft', 0.5025203227996826, 'util', 0)] | 33 | 4 | null | 0.5 | 23 | 11 | 126 | 0 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 23 | 44 | 90 | 1.9 | 34 |
1,729 | util | https://github.com/akaihola/darker | ['code-quality'] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | akaihola/darker | darker | 600 | 50 | 10 | Python | https://pypi.org/project/darker/ | Apply black reformatting to Python files only in regions changed since a given commit. For a practical usage example, see the blog post at https://dev.to/akaihola/improving-python-code-incrementally-3f7a | akaihola | 2024-01-13 | 2020-02-16 | 206 | 2.908587 | null | Apply black reformatting to Python files only in regions changed since a given commit. For a practical usage example, see the blog post at https://dev.to/akaihola/improving-python-code-incrementally-3f7a | [] | ['code-quality'] | 2023-08-05 | [] | 28 | 7 | null | 1.23 | 7 | 0 | 48 | 5 | 3 | 6 | 3 | 7 | 9 | 90 | 1.3 | 34 |
1,788 | math | https://github.com/dfki-ric/pytransform3d | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | dfki-ric/pytransform3d | pytransform3d | 536 | 63 | 10 | Python | https://dfki-ric.github.io/pytransform3d/ | 3D transformations for Python. | dfki-ric | 2024-01-12 | 2017-05-19 | 349 | 1.533306 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/37366708?v=4 | 3D transformations for Python. | ['mathematics', 'matplotlib', 'transformations', 'visualization'] | ['mathematics', 'matplotlib', 'transformations', 'visualization'] | 2023-11-04 | [('enthought/mayavi', 0.6477158665657043, 'viz', 1), ('marcomusy/vedo', 0.6237989664077759, 'viz', 1), ('scitools/cartopy', 0.6194444298744202, 'gis', 1), ('matplotlib/matplotlib', 0.5860082507133484, 'viz', 1), ('mwaskom/seaborn', 0.5858793258666992, 'viz', 1), ('altair-viz/altair', 0.5856305360794067, 'viz', 1), ('holoviz/geoviews', 0.5822384357452393, 'gis', 0), ('residentmario/geoplot', 0.5743772983551025, 'gis', 1), ('google/jax', 0.5666728615760803, 'ml', 0), ('maartenbreddels/ipyvolume', 0.5542986392974854, 'jupyter', 0), ('pyproj4/pyproj', 0.5527838468551636, 'gis', 0), ('holoviz/holoviz', 0.5455291867256165, 'viz', 0), ('contextlab/hypertools', 0.5422584414482117, 'ml', 1), ('artelys/geonetworkx', 0.5281858444213867, 'gis', 0), ('isl-org/open3d', 0.5204105377197266, 'sim', 1), ('luispedro/mahotas', 0.5193596482276917, 'viz', 0), ('holoviz/hvplot', 0.5157265663146973, 'pandas', 0), ('has2k1/plotnine', 0.5153816342353821, 'viz', 0), ('gboeing/pynamical', 0.5125102400779724, 'sim', 2), ('pyqtgraph/pyqtgraph', 0.5104587078094482, 'viz', 1), ('scikit-geometry/scikit-geometry', 0.5100734233856201, 'gis', 0), ('connorferster/handcalcs', 0.5065004229545593, 'jupyter', 0), ('earthlab/earthpy', 0.5059515833854675, 'gis', 0), ('vispy/vispy', 0.5056593418121338, 'viz', 1)] | 19 | 4 | null | 10.4 | 12 | 5 | 81 | 2 | 8 | 5 | 8 | 12 | 12 | 90 | 1 | 34 |
1,487 | crypto | https://github.com/1200wd/bitcoinlib | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | 1200wd/bitcoinlib | bitcoinlib | 531 | 177 | 18 | Python | http://bitcoinlib.readthedocs.io/ | Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrencies Library for Python. Includes a fully functional wallet, Mnemonic key generation and management and connection with various service providers to receive and send blockchain and transaction information. | 1200wd | 2024-01-12 | 2016-02-17 | 414 | 1.279959 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/944360?v=4 | Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrencies Library for Python. Includes a fully functional wallet, Mnemonic key generation and management and connection with various service providers to receive and send blockchain and transaction information. | ['bitcoin', 'dash', 'litecoin'] | ['bitcoin', 'dash', 'litecoin'] | 2023-11-23 | [('primal100/pybitcointools', 0.7157860994338989, 'crypto', 0), ('pyca/cryptography', 0.6551878452301025, 'util', 0), ('legrandin/pycryptodome', 0.6432069540023804, 'util', 0), ('pypy/pypy', 0.6188755631446838, 'util', 0), ('pmaji/crypto-whale-watching-app', 0.6108453869819641, 'crypto', 3), ('ethereum/web3.py', 0.6057431101799011, 'crypto', 0), ('man-c/pycoingecko', 0.6038165092468262, 'crypto', 0), ('pytoolz/toolz', 0.5831727385520935, 'util', 0), ('plotly/dash', 0.5799865126609802, 'viz', 1), ('pyca/pynacl', 0.5711807608604431, 'util', 0), ('pyston/pyston', 0.5686086416244507, 'util', 0), ('ccxt/ccxt', 0.566085934638977, 'crypto', 1), ('willmcgugan/textual', 0.5643294453620911, 'term', 0), ('gbeced/basana', 0.5637730360031128, 'finance', 0), ('dylanhogg/awesome-python', 0.5614901185035706, 'study', 0), ('numerai/example-scripts', 0.5599415898323059, 'finance', 0), ('libtcod/python-tcod', 0.5591480731964111, 'gamedev', 0), ('fastai/fastcore', 0.5587186813354492, 'util', 0), ('erotemic/ubelt', 0.5576600432395935, 'util', 0), ('gbeced/pyalgotrade', 0.5566604733467102, 'finance', 0), ('cherrypy/cherrypy', 0.5514862537384033, 'web', 0), ('ethereum/py-evm', 0.546512246131897, 'crypto', 0), ('clips/pattern', 0.5464682579040527, 'nlp', 0), ('masoniteframework/masonite', 0.5462782979011536, 'web', 0), ('domokane/financepy', 0.5450164675712585, 'finance', 0), ('bottlepy/bottle', 0.5447421669960022, 'web', 0), ('python/cpython', 0.5435817241668701, 'util', 0), ('krzjoa/awesome-python-data-science', 0.5427032113075256, 'study', 0), ('goldmansachs/gs-quant', 0.5417495965957642, 'finance', 0), ('paramiko/paramiko', 0.5394938588142395, 'util', 0), ('ta-lib/ta-lib-python', 0.5371884703636169, 'finance', 0), ('timofurrer/awesome-asyncio', 0.5357022285461426, 'study', 0), ('tiangolo/sqlmodel', 0.5315213799476624, 'data', 0), ('ranaroussi/quantstats', 0.5297749638557434, 'finance', 0), ('webpy/webpy', 0.5290544033050537, 'web', 0), ('eleutherai/pyfra', 0.5283639430999756, 'ml', 0), ('evhub/coconut', 0.5255511403083801, 'util', 0), ('pallets/flask', 0.5223922729492188, 'web', 0), ('python-odin/odin', 0.5217608213424683, 'util', 0), ('cython/cython', 0.5212488770484924, 'util', 0), ('scrapy/scrapy', 0.5212147831916809, 'data', 0), ('adafruit/circuitpython', 0.519145131111145, 'util', 0), ('pygamelib/pygamelib', 0.5186594128608704, 'gamedev', 0), ('imageio/imageio', 0.517402708530426, 'util', 0), ('ofek/bit', 0.5140418410301208, 'crypto', 1), ('pmorissette/ffn', 0.5135668516159058, 'finance', 0), ('pandas-dev/pandas', 0.5127820372581482, 'pandas', 0), ('pyparsing/pyparsing', 0.5124039053916931, 'util', 0), ('r0x0r/pywebview', 0.5121883153915405, 'gui', 0), ('quantopian/zipline', 0.5117334723472595, 'finance', 0), ('fredrik-johansson/mpmath', 0.5103440284729004, 'math', 0), ('dylanhogg/crazy-awesome-crypto', 0.5096782445907593, 'crypto', 1), ('quantconnect/lean', 0.5076516270637512, 'finance', 0), ('falconry/falcon', 0.5075222849845886, 'web', 0), ('wesm/pydata-book', 0.5045524835586548, 'study', 0), ('gradio-app/gradio', 0.5043916702270508, 'viz', 0), ('micropython/micropython', 0.5035257935523987, 'util', 0), ('hoffstadt/dearpygui', 0.5015420913696289, 'gui', 0), ('googleapis/google-api-python-client', 0.5004116892814636, 'util', 0), ('simple-salesforce/simple-salesforce', 0.5001790523529053, 'data', 0)] | 26 | 5 | null | 1.85 | 29 | 17 | 96 | 2 | 0 | 6 | 6 | 29 | 38 | 90 | 1.3 | 34 |
1,556 | ml | https://github.com/nevronai/metisfl | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | nevronai/metisfl | MetisFL | 528 | 49 | 17 | Python | https://metisfl.org | The first open Federated Learning framework implemented in C++ and Python. | nevronai | 2024-01-10 | 2023-06-05 | 34 | 15.464435 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/6014092?v=4 | The first open Federated Learning framework implemented in C++ and Python. | ['artificial-intelligence', 'collaborative-ai', 'deep-learning', 'federated-analytics', 'federated-learning', 'federated-learning-framework', 'machine-learning'] | ['artificial-intelligence', 'collaborative-ai', 'deep-learning', 'federated-analytics', 'federated-learning', 'federated-learning-framework', 'machine-learning'] | 2023-11-06 | [('adap/flower', 0.8411728739738464, 'ml-ops', 6), ('jonasgeiping/breaching', 0.6550554037094116, 'ml', 2), ('tensorflow/tensorflow', 0.6451448798179626, 'ml-dl', 2), ('mlflow/mlflow', 0.5837588310241699, 'ml-ops', 1), ('horovod/horovod', 0.5837339162826538, 'ml-ops', 2), ('nccr-itmo/fedot', 0.5833522081375122, 'ml-ops', 1), ('merantix-momentum/squirrel-core', 0.560804009437561, 'ml', 2), ('determined-ai/determined', 0.5598009824752808, 'ml-ops', 2), ('onnx/onnx', 0.543806254863739, 'ml', 2), ('rasahq/rasa', 0.5226208567619324, 'llm', 1), ('ml-tooling/opyrator', 0.5207219123840332, 'viz', 1), ('uber/fiber', 0.5169682502746582, 'data', 1), ('eventual-inc/daft', 0.515454113483429, 'pandas', 2), ('polyaxon/polyaxon', 0.5108596682548523, 'ml-ops', 3), ('ai4finance-foundation/finrl', 0.5089988112449646, 'finance', 0), ('explosion/thinc', 0.5079528093338013, 'ml-dl', 3), ('paddlepaddle/paddle', 0.5069923996925354, 'ml-dl', 2), ('dylanhogg/awesome-python', 0.5050832033157349, 'study', 2), ('huggingface/huggingface_hub', 0.5000477433204651, 'ml', 2)] | 14 | 2 | null | 5.6 | 0 | 0 | 7 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 34 |
484 | gis | https://github.com/earthlab/earthpy | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | earthlab/earthpy | earthpy | 472 | 161 | 19 | Python | https://earthpy.readthedocs.io | A package built to support working with spatial data using open source python | earthlab | 2024-01-04 | 2018-02-20 | 310 | 1.522581 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/19476722?v=4 | A package built to support working with spatial data using open source python | ['education', 'raster', 'spatial-data', 'vector'] | ['education', 'raster', 'spatial-data', 'vector'] | 2023-08-23 | [('makepath/xarray-spatial', 0.6488336324691772, 'gis', 0), ('pysal/pysal', 0.6416592597961426, 'gis', 0), ('residentmario/geoplot', 0.63930344581604, 'gis', 0), ('gregorhd/mapcompare', 0.6392421722412109, 'gis', 0), ('scitools/cartopy', 0.6048831343650818, 'gis', 0), ('geopandas/geopandas', 0.6019172668457031, 'gis', 0), ('imageio/imageio', 0.5848910808563232, 'util', 0), ('artelys/geonetworkx', 0.5808680057525635, 'gis', 0), ('scitools/iris', 0.5802125930786133, 'gis', 0), ('raphaelquast/eomaps', 0.5780810713768005, 'gis', 0), ('osgeo/gdal', 0.5730497241020203, 'gis', 2), ('opengeos/leafmap', 0.572256863117218, 'gis', 0), ('pandas-dev/pandas', 0.5722144842147827, 'pandas', 0), ('marcomusy/vedo', 0.5666988492012024, 'viz', 0), ('osgeo/grass', 0.5645433068275452, 'gis', 2), ('opengeos/segment-geospatial', 0.5494171977043152, 'gis', 0), ('giswqs/geemap', 0.5480675101280212, 'gis', 0), ('pycaret/pycaret', 0.5419654846191406, 'ml', 0), ('kornia/kornia', 0.5408483743667603, 'ml-dl', 0), ('contextlab/hypertools', 0.5363619923591614, 'ml', 0), ('sentinel-hub/eo-learn', 0.5327595472335815, 'gis', 0), ('isl-org/open3d', 0.5324108004570007, 'sim', 0), ('cloudsen12/easystac', 0.5297847390174866, 'gis', 0), ('weecology/deepforest', 0.5284902453422546, 'gis', 0), ('tebelorg/rpa-python', 0.5264238715171814, 'util', 0), ('toblerity/rtree', 0.5261022448539734, 'gis', 0), ('altair-viz/altair', 0.5252060294151306, 'viz', 0), ('enthought/mayavi', 0.5246884822845459, 'viz', 0), ('krzjoa/awesome-python-data-science', 0.5236297249794006, 'study', 0), ('holoviz/geoviews', 0.5206630229949951, 'gis', 0), ('remotesensinglab/raster4ml', 0.5156380534172058, 'gis', 0), ('fatiando/verde', 0.5133398771286011, 'gis', 0), ('wesm/pydata-book', 0.512826681137085, 'study', 0), ('holoviz/spatialpandas', 0.5123425722122192, 'pandas', 0), ('albahnsen/pycircular', 0.5108852982521057, 'math', 0), ('has2k1/plotnine', 0.5097348093986511, 'viz', 0), ('numpy/numpy', 0.5088415741920471, 'math', 0), ('lightly-ai/lightly', 0.5085079669952393, 'ml', 0), ('holoviz/holoviz', 0.5084066987037659, 'viz', 0), ('featurelabs/featuretools', 0.5079247355461121, 'ml', 0), ('pyqtgraph/pyqtgraph', 0.506048321723938, 'viz', 0), ('dfki-ric/pytransform3d', 0.5059515833854675, 'math', 0), ('mwaskom/seaborn', 0.5044101476669312, 'viz', 0)] | 44 | 8 | null | 0.71 | 17 | 9 | 72 | 5 | 0 | 6 | 6 | 17 | 21 | 90 | 1.2 | 34 |
557 | gis | https://github.com/geopandas/contextily | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | geopandas/contextily | contextily | 456 | 80 | 16 | Jupyter Notebook | https://contextily.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ | Context geo-tiles in Python | geopandas | 2024-01-11 | 2016-09-08 | 385 | 1.182222 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/8130715?v=4 | Context geo-tiles in Python | ['cartography', 'geography', 'mapping', 'matplotlib', 'openstreetmap', 'osm', 'stamen', 'stamen-maps', 'tile', 'tiles', 'webtiles'] | ['cartography', 'geography', 'mapping', 'matplotlib', 'openstreetmap', 'osm', 'stamen', 'stamen-maps', 'tile', 'tiles', 'webtiles'] | 2023-12-29 | [('bitcraft/pytmx', 0.5879520177841187, 'gamedev', 0), ('opengeos/leafmap', 0.5741623044013977, 'gis', 1), ('holoviz/geoviews', 0.5272794961929321, 'gis', 0), ('marceloprates/prettymaps', 0.5095080137252808, 'viz', 3)] | 24 | 5 | null | 0.27 | 6 | 5 | 89 | 0 | 3 | 1 | 3 | 6 | 15 | 90 | 2.5 | 34 |
1,488 | ml | https://github.com/scikit-build/scikit-build | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | scikit-build/scikit-build | scikit-build | 448 | 160 | 18 | Python | https://scikit-build.readthedocs.io | Improved build system generator for CPython C, C++, Cython and Fortran extensions | scikit-build | 2024-01-07 | 2014-07-11 | 498 | 0.898567 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/8144855?v=4 | Improved build system generator for CPython C, C++, Cython and Fortran extensions | ['build-tool', 'c', 'c-extension', 'c-plus-plus', 'cmake', 'cpython', 'cython', 'fortran', 'kitware', 'packaging', 'scikit-build', 'wheels'] | ['build-tool', 'c', 'c-extension', 'c-plus-plus', 'cmake', 'cpython', 'cython', 'fortran', 'kitware', 'packaging', 'scikit-build', 'wheels'] | 2023-12-23 | [('cython/cython', 0.6388826966285706, 'util', 3), ('pyo3/maturin', 0.6356386542320251, 'util', 3), ('pypy/pypy', 0.5764753222465515, 'util', 1), ('openai/triton', 0.5731392502784729, 'util', 0), ('pytoolz/cytoolz', 0.5701683759689331, 'util', 0), ('ninja-build/ninja', 0.562438428401947, 'util', 0), ('faster-cpython/tools', 0.5580853819847107, 'perf', 1), ('faster-cpython/ideas', 0.5575029253959656, 'perf', 1), ('python/cpython', 0.5448643565177917, 'util', 1), ('facebookincubator/cinder', 0.5411034226417542, 'perf', 1), ('panda3d/panda3d', 0.5191662907600403, 'gamedev', 1), ('pypa/hatch', 0.509085476398468, 'util', 1), ('spack/spack', 0.5056064128875732, 'util', 0)] | 67 | 3 | null | 2.4 | 24 | 14 | 116 | 1 | 10 | 4 | 10 | 24 | 31 | 90 | 1.3 | 34 |
1,831 | data | https://github.com/koaning/bulk | ['data-quality', 'training-data', 'bulk-labelling'] | Bulk is a quick UI developer tool to apply some bulk labels. | [] | [] | 1 | null | null | koaning/bulk | bulk | 422 | 36 | 9 | Python | null | A Simple Bulk Labelling Tool | koaning | 2024-01-11 | 2022-05-25 | 87 | 4.803252 | null | A Simple Bulk Labelling Tool | [] | ['bulk-labelling', 'data-quality', 'training-data'] | 2023-11-15 | [('koaning/embetter', 0.6180914044380188, 'data', 3), ('koaning/doubtlab', 0.5618610382080078, 'data', 1), ('cleanlab/cleanlab', 0.5123386383056641, 'ml', 1)] | 11 | 5 | null | 1 | 1 | 1 | 20 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 3 | 90 | 3 | 34 |
951 | nlp | https://github.com/cqcl/lambeq | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | cqcl/lambeq | lambeq | 406 | 93 | 27 | Python | https://cqcl.github.io/lambeq/ | A high-level Python library for Quantum Natural Language Processing | cqcl | 2024-01-14 | 2021-10-10 | 120 | 3.375297 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/15688781?v=4 | A high-level Python library for Quantum Natural Language Processing | ['qnlp'] | ['qnlp'] | 2024-01-11 | [('pyscf/pyscf', 0.6749314069747925, 'sim', 0), ('cqcl/tket', 0.6623311638832092, 'util', 0), ('quantumlib/cirq', 0.6558890342712402, 'sim', 0), ('timdettmers/bitsandbytes', 0.5420622229576111, 'util', 0), ('mnooner256/pyqrcode', 0.5321901440620422, 'util', 0), ('jackhidary/quantumcomputingbook', 0.5265811681747437, 'study', 0), ('allenai/allennlp', 0.5252924561500549, 'nlp', 0), ('qiskit/qiskit', 0.5245597958564758, 'sim', 0), ('pytoolz/toolz', 0.5159991979598999, 'util', 0), ('bytedance/lightseq', 0.5084514617919922, 'nlp', 0), ('ferdinandzhong/punctuator', 0.5024779438972473, 'nlp', 0)] | 13 | 2 | null | 0.27 | 7 | 2 | 28 | 0 | 5 | 7 | 5 | 7 | 14 | 90 | 2 | 34 |
1,817 | util | https://github.com/roniemartinez/dude | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | roniemartinez/dude | dude | 393 | 22 | 13 | Python | https://roniemartinez.github.io/dude/ | dude uncomplicated data extraction: A simple framework for writing web scrapers using Python decorators | roniemartinez | 2024-01-10 | 2022-02-14 | 102 | 3.847552 | null | dude uncomplicated data extraction: A simple framework for writing web scrapers using Python decorators | ['async', 'beautifulsoup4', 'crawler', 'css', 'framework', 'lxml', 'parsel', 'playwright', 'scraper', 'scraping', 'selenium', 'sync', 'web-scraping', 'webscraping', 'xpath'] | ['async', 'beautifulsoup4', 'crawler', 'css', 'framework', 'lxml', 'parsel', 'playwright', 'scraper', 'scraping', 'selenium', 'sync', 'web-scraping', 'webscraping', 'xpath'] | 2024-01-08 | [('alirezamika/autoscraper', 0.781152606010437, 'data', 5), ('scrapy/scrapy', 0.7514920830726624, 'data', 4), ('nv7-github/googlesearch', 0.6479972004890442, 'util', 0), ('clips/pattern', 0.6342862844467163, 'nlp', 0), ('requests/toolbelt', 0.6033374071121216, 'util', 0), ('binux/pyspider', 0.5958371758460999, 'data', 1), ('masoniteframework/masonite', 0.560670018196106, 'web', 1), ('cobrateam/splinter', 0.5549781918525696, 'testing', 1), ('psf/requests', 0.5494452118873596, 'web', 0), ('webpy/webpy', 0.5446486473083496, 'web', 0), ('twintproject/twint', 0.5376254916191101, 'data', 0), ('falconry/falcon', 0.5347031354904175, 'web', 1), ('jiffyclub/snakeviz', 0.5278874635696411, 'profiling', 0), ('python-odin/odin', 0.5273708701133728, 'util', 0), ('python-markdown/markdown', 0.5186324715614319, 'util', 0), ('pallets/werkzeug', 0.5181063413619995, 'web', 0), ('klen/muffin', 0.5161595940589905, 'web', 0), ('eleutherai/pyfra', 0.5149586200714111, 'ml', 0), ('holoviz/panel', 0.5136420726776123, 'viz', 0), ('plotly/dash', 0.512108325958252, 'viz', 0), ('lxml/lxml', 0.5113477110862732, 'util', 0), ('landscapeio/prospector', 0.5066967606544495, 'util', 0), ('pallets/flask', 0.5063819289207458, 'web', 0), ('reflex-dev/reflex', 0.5052448511123657, 'web', 1), ('seleniumbase/seleniumbase', 0.5045518279075623, 'testing', 1), ('bokeh/bokeh', 0.5035302042961121, 'viz', 0), ('jovianml/opendatasets', 0.5030663013458252, 'data', 0)] | 3 | 1 | null | 3.5 | 48 | 46 | 23 | 0 | 6 | 23 | 6 | 48 | 41 | 90 | 0.9 | 34 |
972 | util | https://github.com/google/pyglove | [] | null | [] | [] | 1 | null | null | google/pyglove | pyglove | 310 | 17 | 6 | Python | null | Manipulating Python Programs | google | 2024-01-12 | 2022-05-12 | 89 | 3.455414 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/1342004?v=4 | Manipulating Python Programs | ['automl', 'evolution', 'machine-learning', 'manipulation', 'meta-learning', 'meta-programming', 'symbolic-programming'] | ['automl', 'evolution', 'machine-learning', 'manipulation', 'meta-learning', 'meta-programming', 'symbolic-programming'] | 2024-01-09 | [('automl/auto-sklearn', 0.6234724521636963, 'ml', 2), ('epistasislab/tpot', 0.6232022643089294, 'ml', 2), ('featurelabs/featuretools', 0.601290225982666, 'ml', 2), ('norvig/pytudes', 0.5999535322189331, 'util', 0), ('gradio-app/gradio', 0.5854032039642334, 'viz', 1), ('evhub/coconut', 0.583031415939331, 'util', 0), ('eleutherai/pyfra', 0.5793092250823975, 'ml', 0), ('python/cpython', 0.5745415687561035, 'util', 0), ('scikit-learn/scikit-learn', 0.5719713568687439, 'ml', 1), ('mljar/mljar-supervised', 0.5717796683311462, 'ml', 2), ('nccr-itmo/fedot', 0.5598992109298706, 'ml-ops', 2), ('pexpect/pexpect', 0.557771623134613, 'util', 0), ('modularml/mojo', 0.5558887124061584, 'util', 1), ('lukaszahradnik/pyneuralogic', 0.5553054809570312, 'math', 1), ('microsoft/flaml', 0.5550763607025146, 'ml', 2), ('stanfordnlp/dspy', 0.5547299385070801, 'llm', 0), ('fastai/fastcore', 0.5538975596427917, 'util', 0), ('python-rope/rope', 0.5538163781166077, 'util', 0), ('reloadware/reloadium', 0.5510817766189575, 'profiling', 0), ('firmai/atspy', 0.5508860349655151, 'time-series', 0), ('pytoolz/toolz', 0.550031304359436, 'util', 0), ('google/jax', 0.5426806211471558, 'ml', 0), ('pypy/pypy', 0.5365838408470154, 'util', 0), ('pyston/pyston', 0.5362030863761902, 'util', 0), ('dagworks-inc/hamilton', 0.5348206162452698, 'ml-ops', 1), ('pyomo/pyomo', 0.5334599018096924, 'math', 0), ('goldmansachs/gs-quant', 0.5296308994293213, 'finance', 0), ('sourcery-ai/sourcery', 0.5295018553733826, 'util', 0), ('ml-tooling/opyrator', 0.5290511846542358, 'viz', 1), ('robcarver17/pysystemtrade', 0.5276491045951843, 'finance', 0), ('joblib/joblib', 0.526533305644989, 'util', 0), ('amaargiru/pyroad', 0.5239276885986328, 'study', 0), ('microsoft/nni', 0.5230394005775452, 'ml', 2), ('microsoft/pycodegpt', 0.520497739315033, 'llm', 0), ('mementum/backtrader', 0.5199276208877563, 'finance', 0), ('kubeflow/fairing', 0.5187657475471497, 'ml-ops', 0), ('artemyk/dynpy', 0.5151891708374023, 'sim', 0), ('dylanhogg/awesome-python', 0.5149620175361633, 'study', 1), ('sympy/sympy', 0.5143080353736877, 'math', 0), ('lucidrains/toolformer-pytorch', 0.5139380097389221, 'llm', 0), ('winedarksea/autots', 0.5115013122558594, 'time-series', 2), ('allrod5/injectable', 0.5078258514404297, 'util', 0), ('krzjoa/awesome-python-data-science', 0.5056788325309753, 'study', 1), ('awslabs/autogluon', 0.5035163164138794, 'ml', 2)] | 7 | 2 | null | 2.62 | 18 | 18 | 20 | 0 | 7 | 5 | 7 | 18 | 15 | 90 | 0.8 | 34 |
1,460 | util | https://github.com/mamba-org/quetz | ['conda', 'packages'] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | mamba-org/quetz | quetz | 251 | 66 | 19 | Python | https://quetz.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ | The Open-Source Server for Conda Packages | mamba-org | 2024-01-04 | 2020-05-22 | 192 | 1.303412 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/66118895?v=4 | The Open-Source Server for Conda Packages | [] | ['conda', 'packages'] | 2023-12-04 | [('conda/conda-pack', 0.785363495349884, 'util', 1), ('conda/conda-build', 0.7619379758834839, 'util', 1), ('mamba-org/boa', 0.7533841729164124, 'util', 1), ('conda/constructor', 0.7079612612724304, 'util', 1), ('mamba-org/mamba', 0.699140191078186, 'util', 1), ('conda-forge/feedstocks', 0.6082790493965149, 'util', 1), ('conda/conda', 0.5807616710662842, 'util', 1), ('mamba-org/gator', 0.5806750655174255, 'jupyter', 2), ('conda-forge/miniforge', 0.5642527341842651, 'util', 0), ('mamba-org/micromamba-docker', 0.5259016752243042, 'util', 1), ('conda-forge/conda-smithy', 0.5191918015480042, 'util', 0), ('openai/openai-python', 0.5004561543464661, 'util', 0)] | 46 | 6 | null | 1.33 | 19 | 9 | 44 | 1 | 14 | 10 | 14 | 19 | 23 | 90 | 1.2 | 34 |
1,450 | util | https://github.com/thoth-station/micropipenv | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | thoth-station/micropipenv | micropipenv | 224 | 24 | 7 | Python | https://pypi.org/project/micropipenv/ | A lightweight wrapper for pip to support requirements.txt, Pipenv and Poetry lock files or converting them to pip-tools compatible output. Designed for containerized Python applications but not limited to them. | thoth-station | 2024-01-04 | 2020-02-10 | 207 | 1.081379 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/36954363?v=4 | A lightweight wrapper for pip to support requirements.txt, Pipenv and Poetry lock files or converting them to pip-tools compatible output. Designed for containerized Python applications but not limited to them. | ['dependency-management', 'pip', 'pip-tools', 'pip3', 'pipenv', 'poetry', 'thoth'] | ['dependency-management', 'pip', 'pip-tools', 'pip3', 'pipenv', 'poetry', 'thoth'] | 2023-11-28 | [('pypa/pipenv', 0.6586019992828369, 'util', 1), ('jazzband/pip-tools', 0.6279821991920471, 'util', 2), ('bndr/pipreqs', 0.625019907951355, 'util', 0), ('pdm-project/pdm', 0.5940836071968079, 'util', 0), ('pomponchik/instld', 0.5940703749656677, 'util', 1), ('pyenv/pyenv', 0.5758981704711914, 'util', 1), ('pypa/hatch', 0.5751578211784363, 'util', 0), ('python-poetry/poetry', 0.5704753994941711, 'util', 1), ('kellyjonbrazil/jc', 0.5520144701004028, 'util', 0), ('tiangolo/poetry-version-plugin', 0.5446652173995972, 'util', 0), ('pypy/pypy', 0.5429415106773376, 'util', 0), ('pytoolz/toolz', 0.5317614078521729, 'util', 0), ('pypa/virtualenv', 0.5239235758781433, 'util', 1), ('dagworks-inc/hamilton', 0.522192656993866, 'ml-ops', 0), ('indygreg/pyoxidizer', 0.513746976852417, 'util', 0), ('trailofbits/pip-audit', 0.5130209922790527, 'security', 1), ('orchest/orchest', 0.5059201121330261, 'ml-ops', 0), ('mitsuhiko/rye', 0.5018079280853271, 'util', 0)] | 17 | 6 | null | 0.58 | 7 | 7 | 48 | 2 | 0 | 11 | 11 | 7 | 25 | 90 | 3.6 | 34 |
1,766 | data | https://github.com/mause/duckdb_engine | ['duckdb'] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | mause/duckdb_engine | duckdb_engine | 215 | 31 | 4 | Python | null | SQLAlchemy driver for DuckDB | mause | 2024-01-11 | 2020-09-28 | 174 | 1.234619 | null | SQLAlchemy driver for DuckDB | ['duckdb', 'duckdb-engine', 'sql', 'sqlalchemy'] | ['duckdb', 'duckdb-engine', 'sql', 'sqlalchemy'] | 2024-01-14 | [('sqlalchemy/sqlalchemy', 0.6847227215766907, 'data', 2), ('sqlalchemy/alembic', 0.6483481526374817, 'data', 2), ('aminalaee/sqladmin', 0.5703755021095276, 'data', 1), ('agronholm/sqlacodegen', 0.5388209819793701, 'data', 0), ('tiangolo/sqlmodel', 0.529965877532959, 'data', 2), ('duckdb/duckdb', 0.510148286819458, 'pandas', 1), ('ibis-project/ibis', 0.5086135864257812, 'data', 3), ('mongodb/mongo-python-driver', 0.5003612041473389, 'data', 0)] | 22 | 3 | null | 6.37 | 82 | 74 | 40 | 0 | 14 | 16 | 14 | 82 | 45 | 90 | 0.5 | 34 |
1,263 | util | https://github.com/weaviate/weaviate-python-client | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | weaviate/weaviate-python-client | weaviate-python-client | 83 | 39 | 24 | Python | https://weaviate.io/developers/weaviate/current/client-libraries/python.html | A python native client for easy interaction with a Weaviate instance. | weaviate | 2024-01-06 | 2019-09-10 | 229 | 0.362445 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/37794290?v=4 | A python native client for easy interaction with a Weaviate instance. | ['vector-search', 'weaviate'] | ['vector-search', 'weaviate'] | 2024-01-02 | [('qdrant/qdrant-client', 0.5938428640365601, 'util', 1), ('pinecone-io/pinecone-python-client', 0.5670716762542725, 'data', 1), ('weaviate/demo-text2vec-openai', 0.5271196365356445, 'util', 2), ('huggingface/huggingface_hub', 0.5164599418640137, 'ml', 0), ('beeware/toga', 0.5031599998474121, 'gui', 0)] | 32 | 3 | null | 9.33 | 184 | 175 | 53 | 0 | 36 | 35 | 36 | 184 | 218 | 90 | 1.2 | 34 |
962 | ml-rl | https://github.com/keras-rl/keras-rl | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | keras-rl/keras-rl | keras-rl | 5,463 | 1,368 | 207 | Python | http://keras-rl.readthedocs.io/ | Deep Reinforcement Learning for Keras. | keras-rl | 2024-01-12 | 2016-07-02 | 395 | 13.81539 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/37139783?v=4 | Deep Reinforcement Learning for Keras. | ['keras', 'machine-learning', 'neural-networks', 'reinforcement-learning', 'tensorflow', 'theano'] | ['keras', 'machine-learning', 'neural-networks', 'reinforcement-learning', 'tensorflow', 'theano'] | 2019-11-11 | [('tensorlayer/tensorlayer', 0.6922048926353455, 'ml-rl', 2), ('google/trax', 0.6790956258773804, 'ml-dl', 2), ('denys88/rl_games', 0.6609601974487305, 'ml-rl', 1), ('thu-ml/tianshou', 0.6519415378570557, 'ml-rl', 0), ('keras-team/keras', 0.64116370677948, 'ml-dl', 3), ('unity-technologies/ml-agents', 0.6218107342720032, 'ml-rl', 3), ('pytorch/rl', 0.6202392578125, 'ml-rl', 2), ('tensorflow/tensor2tensor', 0.6136747002601624, 'ml', 2), ('salesforce/warp-drive', 0.6099841594696045, 'ml-rl', 1), ('ddbourgin/numpy-ml', 0.6088154911994934, 'ml', 3), ('ai4finance-foundation/finrl', 0.5993512272834778, 'finance', 1), ('google/dopamine', 0.5969773530960083, 'ml-rl', 1), ('deepmind/dm_control', 0.590694010257721, 'ml-rl', 3), ('openai/spinningup', 0.5871951580047607, 'study', 0), ('tensorflow/tensorflow', 0.5854769349098206, 'ml-dl', 2), ('nyandwi/modernconvnets', 0.58319491147995, 'ml-dl', 3), ('d2l-ai/d2l-en', 0.5773378610610962, 'study', 4), ('onnx/onnx', 0.5747138261795044, 'ml', 3), ('danielegrattarola/spektral', 0.5715480446815491, 'ml-dl', 2), ('mosaicml/composer', 0.5626094341278076, 'ml-dl', 2), ('keras-team/keras-nlp', 0.5594122409820557, 'nlp', 3), ('determined-ai/determined', 0.5585846900939941, 'ml-ops', 3), ('microsoft/onnxruntime', 0.5557011961936951, 'ml', 3), ('mrdbourke/pytorch-deep-learning', 0.554979681968689, 'study', 1), ('openai/baselines', 0.5544887781143188, 'ml-rl', 0), ('xl0/lovely-tensors', 0.5526697635650635, 'ml-dl', 0), ('ageron/handson-ml2', 0.5413088202476501, 'ml', 0), ('pytorchlightning/pytorch-lightning', 0.5397281050682068, 'ml-dl', 1), ('kzl/decision-transformer', 0.5381110906600952, 'ml-rl', 0), ('pytorch/pytorch', 0.535692572593689, 'ml-dl', 1), ('googlecloudplatform/vertex-ai-samples', 0.5353646278381348, 'ml', 0), ('tlkh/tf-metal-experiments', 0.5308326482772827, 'perf', 1), ('amanchadha/coursera-deep-learning-specialization', 0.5269455909729004, 'study', 1), ('huggingface/deep-rl-class', 0.5257301926612854, 'study', 1), ('alirezadir/machine-learning-interview-enlightener', 0.5244634747505188, 'study', 1), ('keras-team/autokeras', 0.5215295553207397, 'ml-dl', 3), ('inspirai/timechamber', 0.5203887224197388, 'sim', 1), ('explosion/thinc', 0.5199488997459412, 'ml-dl', 2), ('humancompatibleai/imitation', 0.5172331929206848, 'ml-rl', 0), ('alpa-projects/alpa', 0.5167292356491089, 'ml-dl', 1), ('pyro-ppl/pyro', 0.5166857242584229, 'ml-dl', 1), ('bentoml/bentoml', 0.5166836977005005, 'ml-ops', 1), ('nvidia/deeplearningexamples', 0.5158306956291199, 'ml-dl', 1), ('deepmind/pysc2', 0.5143329501152039, 'ml-rl', 2), ('horovod/horovod', 0.509486973285675, 'ml-ops', 3), ('ggerganov/ggml', 0.5087230205535889, 'ml', 1), ('pytorch/ignite', 0.5081517696380615, 'ml-dl', 1), ('rasbt/deeplearning-models', 0.5067861080169678, 'ml-dl', 0), ('opentensor/bittensor', 0.5059829950332642, 'ml', 2), ('rasbt/machine-learning-book', 0.5053036212921143, 'study', 2), ('mrdbourke/tensorflow-deep-learning', 0.5023423433303833, 'study', 1), ('polyaxon/polyaxon', 0.5010080337524414, 'ml-ops', 4)] | 41 | 3 | null | 0 | 1 | 0 | 92 | 51 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 33 |
170 | nlp | https://github.com/minimaxir/textgenrnn | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | minimaxir/textgenrnn | textgenrnn | 4,935 | 765 | 138 | Python | null | Easily train your own text-generating neural network of any size and complexity on any text dataset with a few lines of code. | minimaxir | 2024-01-13 | 2017-08-07 | 338 | 14.594423 | null | Easily train your own text-generating neural network of any size and complexity on any text dataset with a few lines of code. | ['deep-learning', 'keras', 'tensorflow', 'text-generation'] | ['deep-learning', 'keras', 'tensorflow', 'text-generation'] | 2020-07-14 | [('google/sentencepiece', 0.6446799635887146, 'nlp', 0), ('google-research/electra', 0.6392484903335571, 'ml-dl', 2), ('huggingface/text-generation-inference', 0.6332951188087463, 'llm', 1), ('infinitylogesh/mutate', 0.5876234769821167, 'nlp', 1), ('minimaxir/gpt-2-simple', 0.5805365443229675, 'llm', 2), ('lucidrains/imagen-pytorch', 0.5763087272644043, 'ml-dl', 1), ('minimaxir/aitextgen', 0.57369065284729, 'llm', 0), ('yueyu1030/attrprompt', 0.545197069644928, 'llm', 0), ('alibaba/easynlp', 0.5449576377868652, 'nlp', 1), ('lucidrains/dalle2-pytorch', 0.5387126207351685, 'diffusion', 1), ('microsoft/unilm', 0.5143858194351196, 'nlp', 0), ('allenai/allennlp', 0.5124790072441101, 'nlp', 1), ('nvidia/deeplearningexamples', 0.5115391612052917, 'ml-dl', 2), ('lucidrains/deep-daze', 0.5096532106399536, 'ml', 1), ('kagisearch/vectordb', 0.5044152140617371, 'data', 0), ('nvidia/nemo', 0.5010759234428406, 'nlp', 1)] | 19 | 3 | null | 0 | 0 | 0 | 78 | 43 | 0 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 33 |
389 | diffusion | https://github.com/openai/glide-text2im | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | openai/glide-text2im | glide-text2im | 3,387 | 479 | 158 | Python | null | GLIDE: a diffusion-based text-conditional image synthesis model | openai | 2024-01-14 | 2021-12-10 | 111 | 30.357234 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/14957082?v=4 | GLIDE: a diffusion-based text-conditional image synthesis model | [] | [] | 2022-03-21 | [('compvis/stable-diffusion', 0.6833638548851013, 'diffusion', 0), ('compvis/latent-diffusion', 0.6436025500297546, 'diffusion', 0), ('stability-ai/stablediffusion', 0.6436024308204651, 'diffusion', 0), ('sharonzhou/long_stable_diffusion', 0.6345992684364319, 'diffusion', 0), ('saharmor/dalle-playground', 0.6006641387939453, 'diffusion', 0), ('lucidrains/dalle2-pytorch', 0.5790383219718933, 'diffusion', 0), ('huggingface/diffusers', 0.565796971321106, 'diffusion', 0), ('nateraw/stable-diffusion-videos', 0.5577892661094666, 'diffusion', 0), ('chenyangqiqi/fatezero', 0.5413234233856201, 'diffusion', 0), ('thudm/cogvideo', 0.5404991507530212, 'ml', 0), ('albarji/mixture-of-diffusers', 0.5093878507614136, 'diffusion', 0)] | 4 | 1 | null | 0 | 2 | 0 | 25 | 22 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 33 |
1,811 | data | https://github.com/awslabs/amazon-redshift-utils | ['aws', 'redshift'] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | awslabs/amazon-redshift-utils | amazon-redshift-utils | 2,685 | 1,238 | 221 | Python | null | Amazon Redshift Utils contains utilities, scripts and view which are useful in a Redshift environment | awslabs | 2024-01-12 | 2014-12-09 | 477 | 5.628931 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/3299148?v=4 | Amazon Redshift Utils contains utilities, scripts and view which are useful in a Redshift environment | [] | ['aws', 'redshift'] | 2023-11-03 | [] | 190 | 2 | null | 0.56 | 6 | 2 | 111 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 6 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 33 |
665 | ml | https://github.com/apple/ml-ane-transformers | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | apple/ml-ane-transformers | ml-ane-transformers | 2,416 | 77 | 47 | Python | null | Reference implementation of the Transformer architecture optimized for Apple Neural Engine (ANE) | apple | 2024-01-13 | 2022-06-03 | 86 | 27.907591 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/10639145?v=4 | Reference implementation of the Transformer architecture optimized for Apple Neural Engine (ANE) | [] | [] | 2022-08-09 | [('huggingface/optimum', 0.5597668886184692, 'ml', 0), ('alignmentresearch/tuned-lens', 0.5322527289390564, 'ml-interpretability', 0), ('eleutherai/knowledge-neurons', 0.5135902762413025, 'ml-interpretability', 0), ('huggingface/transformers', 0.5047073364257812, 'nlp', 0), ('karpathy/mingpt', 0.5006250143051147, 'llm', 0)] | 1 | 1 | null | 0 | 0 | 0 | 20 | 17 | 0 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 33 |
1,376 | ml-rl | https://github.com/kzl/decision-transformer | ['gym', 'atari'] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | kzl/decision-transformer | decision-transformer | 2,001 | 389 | 31 | Python | null | Official codebase for Decision Transformer: Reinforcement Learning via Sequence Modeling. | kzl | 2024-01-13 | 2021-06-02 | 138 | 14.410494 | null | Official codebase for Decision Transformer: Reinforcement Learning via Sequence Modeling. | [] | ['atari', 'gym'] | 2022-02-07 | [('thu-ml/tianshou', 0.6393781900405884, 'ml-rl', 1), ('nvidia-omniverse/isaacgymenvs', 0.5959394574165344, 'sim', 1), ('lvwerra/trl', 0.5943164229393005, 'llm', 0), ('google/trax', 0.5694336891174316, 'ml-dl', 0), ('farama-foundation/gymnasium', 0.5532186031341553, 'ml-rl', 1), ('pytorch/rl', 0.5421603322029114, 'ml-rl', 0), ('keras-rl/keras-rl', 0.5381110906600952, 'ml-rl', 0), ('nvidia-omniverse/omniisaacgymenvs', 0.5326739549636841, 'sim', 0), ('denys88/rl_games', 0.5308516025543213, 'ml-rl', 0), ('humancompatibleai/imitation', 0.5276908874511719, 'ml-rl', 0), ('pettingzoo-team/pettingzoo', 0.5139691829681396, 'ml-rl', 1), ('openai/baselines', 0.5097741484642029, 'ml-rl', 0), ('openai/gym', 0.5008352994918823, 'ml-rl', 0)] | 5 | 2 | null | 0 | 7 | 3 | 32 | 24 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 7 | 7 | 90 | 1 | 33 |
422 | debug | https://github.com/gotcha/ipdb | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | gotcha/ipdb | ipdb | 1,788 | 148 | 28 | Python | null | Integration of IPython pdb | gotcha | 2024-01-09 | 2011-01-15 | 680 | 2.627756 | null | Integration of IPython pdb | ['debugger', 'ipython'] | ['debugger', 'ipython'] | 2023-08-03 | [('inducer/pudb', 0.6826649904251099, 'debug', 2), ('p403n1x87/austin', 0.5680873394012451, 'profiling', 0), ('python/cpython', 0.5667539238929749, 'util', 0), ('ipython/ipyparallel', 0.5557621717453003, 'perf', 0), ('wesm/pydata-book', 0.5557295083999634, 'study', 0), ('alexmojaki/snoop', 0.5553923845291138, 'debug', 1), ('faster-cpython/tools', 0.549821138381958, 'perf', 0), ('faster-cpython/ideas', 0.5395191311836243, 'perf', 0), ('ipython/ipykernel', 0.5379695892333984, 'util', 1), ('pytorch/data', 0.5220991969108582, 'data', 0), ('brandtbucher/specialist', 0.5149388313293457, 'perf', 0), ('samuelcolvin/python-devtools', 0.5089204907417297, 'debug', 0), ('rasbt/watermark', 0.5067563652992249, 'util', 1)] | 58 | 6 | null | 0.13 | 3 | 1 | 158 | 5 | 0 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 90 | 1 | 33 |
217 | ml | https://github.com/linkedin/greykite | [] | null | [] | [] | 1 | null | null | linkedin/greykite | greykite | 1,765 | 105 | 37 | Python | null | A flexible, intuitive and fast forecasting library | linkedin | 2024-01-11 | 2021-04-27 | 144 | 12.256944 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/357098?v=4 | A flexible, intuitive and fast forecasting library | [] | [] | 2023-06-07 | [('nixtla/statsforecast', 0.5983828902244568, 'time-series', 0), ('alkaline-ml/pmdarima', 0.5944582223892212, 'time-series', 0), ('unit8co/darts', 0.5859647989273071, 'time-series', 0), ('salesforce/merlion', 0.5402796864509583, 'time-series', 0), ('facebook/prophet', 0.5375127196311951, 'time-series', 0), ('sktime/sktime', 0.5227073431015015, 'time-series', 0), ('firmai/atspy', 0.5171492099761963, 'time-series', 0), ('salesforce/deeptime', 0.5127387642860413, 'time-series', 0), ('microsoft/flaml', 0.5093781352043152, 'ml', 0), ('aistream-peelout/flow-forecast', 0.5091543197631836, 'time-series', 0)] | 9 | 3 | null | 0.08 | 2 | 0 | 33 | 7 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 33 |
772 | nlp | https://github.com/deepset-ai/farm | ['question-answering'] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | deepset-ai/farm | FARM | 1,710 | 244 | 53 | Python | https://farm.deepset.ai | :house_with_garden: Fast & easy transfer learning for NLP. Harvesting language models for the industry. Focus on Question Answering. | deepset-ai | 2024-01-14 | 2019-07-17 | 236 | 7.219542 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/51827949?v=4 | π‘ Fast & easy transfer learning for NLP. Harvesting language models for the industry. Focus on Question Answering. | ['bert', 'deep-learning', 'germanbert', 'language-models', 'ner', 'nlp', 'nlp-framework', 'nlp-library', 'pretrained-models', 'pytorch', 'question-answering', 'roberta', 'transfer-learning', 'xlnet-pytorch'] | ['bert', 'deep-learning', 'germanbert', 'language-models', 'ner', 'nlp', 'nlp-framework', 'nlp-library', 'pretrained-models', 'pytorch', 'question-answering', 'roberta', 'transfer-learning', 'xlnet-pytorch'] | 2022-08-31 | [('alibaba/easynlp', 0.6495715975761414, 'nlp', 6), ('paddlepaddle/paddlenlp', 0.6488863229751587, 'llm', 4), ('jonasgeiping/cramming', 0.6375002861022949, 'nlp', 0), ('huggingface/transformers', 0.6317070126533508, 'nlp', 7), ('extreme-bert/extreme-bert', 0.6253734827041626, 'llm', 5), ('graykode/nlp-tutorial', 0.6138063669204712, 'study', 3), ('llmware-ai/llmware', 0.6115893721580505, 'llm', 4), ('explosion/spacy', 0.6052958965301514, 'nlp', 3), ('allenai/allennlp', 0.5969370007514954, 'nlp', 3), ('maartengr/bertopic', 0.5806211233139038, 'nlp', 2), ('huggingface/text-generation-inference', 0.5736597180366516, 'llm', 3), ('jina-ai/finetuner', 0.5661262273788452, 'ml', 3), ('flairnlp/flair', 0.5659800171852112, 'nlp', 2), ('qanastek/drbert', 0.5561661720275879, 'llm', 2), ('srush/minichain', 0.5554335713386536, 'llm', 1), ('explosion/spacy-models', 0.5511075854301453, 'nlp', 1), ('google-research/electra', 0.5499265789985657, 'ml-dl', 2), ('microsoft/unilm', 0.5462345480918884, 'nlp', 1), ('explosion/spacy-transformers', 0.5454752445220947, 'llm', 4), ('jina-ai/clip-as-service', 0.5426168441772461, 'nlp', 3), ('ddangelov/top2vec', 0.5399625897407532, 'nlp', 1), ('nvidia/deeplearningexamples', 0.5379154086112976, 'ml-dl', 3), ('databrickslabs/dolly', 0.5375163555145264, 'llm', 0), ('bigscience-workshop/megatron-deepspeed', 0.5374853014945984, 'llm', 0), ('microsoft/megatron-deepspeed', 0.5374853014945984, 'llm', 0), ('intellabs/fastrag', 0.5346118211746216, 'nlp', 2), ('explosion/spacy-llm', 0.5298573970794678, 'llm', 1), ('keras-team/keras-nlp', 0.5295949578285217, 'nlp', 2), ('infinitylogesh/mutate', 0.5289068818092346, 'nlp', 1), ('thilinarajapakse/simpletransformers', 0.5268033742904663, 'nlp', 1), ('norskregnesentral/skweak', 0.5261529088020325, 'nlp', 1), ('paddlepaddle/rocketqa', 0.5212914347648621, 'nlp', 2), ('tatsu-lab/stanford_alpaca', 0.5168743133544922, 'llm', 1), ('ofa-sys/ofa', 0.5126766562461853, 'llm', 1), ('prithivirajdamodaran/styleformer', 0.5097511410713196, 'nlp', 1), ('lvwerra/trl', 0.5094181299209595, 'llm', 0), ('night-chen/toolqa', 0.508597195148468, 'llm', 1), ('salesforce/blip', 0.5072547197341919, 'diffusion', 0), ('amansrivastava17/embedding-as-service', 0.5068530440330505, 'nlp', 4), ('young-geng/easylm', 0.5065217614173889, 'llm', 1), ('rasahq/rasa', 0.505393922328949, 'llm', 1), ('franck-dernoncourt/neuroner', 0.5047802329063416, 'nlp', 2), ('yueyu1030/attrprompt', 0.5037703514099121, 'llm', 0), ('nltk/nltk', 0.5018087029457092, 'nlp', 1), ('bytedance/lightseq', 0.5006200671195984, 'nlp', 1)] | 37 | 3 | null | 0 | 3 | 1 | 55 | 17 | 0 | 6 | 6 | 3 | 1 | 90 | 0.3 | 33 |
150 | data | https://github.com/simple-salesforce/simple-salesforce | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | simple-salesforce/simple-salesforce | simple-salesforce | 1,540 | 651 | 92 | Python | null | A very simple Salesforce.com REST API client for Python | simple-salesforce | 2024-01-13 | 2013-01-17 | 575 | 2.674938 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/19581234?v=4 | A very simple Salesforce.com REST API client for Python | ['api', 'api-client', 'salesforce'] | ['api', 'api-client', 'salesforce'] | 2023-09-06 | [('snyk-labs/pysnyk', 0.6529852151870728, 'security', 1), ('encode/httpx', 0.6496359705924988, 'web', 0), ('falconry/falcon', 0.6300815939903259, 'web', 1), ('hugapi/hug', 0.6207526922225952, 'util', 0), ('requests/toolbelt', 0.610306441783905, 'util', 0), ('taverntesting/tavern', 0.6006324291229248, 'testing', 0), ('python-restx/flask-restx', 0.5995645523071289, 'web', 1), ('psf/requests', 0.5815314650535583, 'web', 0), ('pyeve/eve', 0.5759877562522888, 'web', 0), ('bottlepy/bottle', 0.5755710601806641, 'web', 0), ('cherrypy/cherrypy', 0.5702207088470459, 'web', 0), ('webpy/webpy', 0.5696903467178345, 'web', 0), ('replicate/replicate-python', 0.5586280226707458, 'ml', 0), ('websocket-client/websocket-client', 0.5527551770210266, 'web', 0), ('ethereum/web3.py', 0.5512309670448303, 'crypto', 0), ('cohere-ai/cohere-python', 0.5442338585853577, 'util', 0), ('nasdaq/data-link-python', 0.5415635704994202, 'finance', 0), ('googleapis/google-api-python-client', 0.541388213634491, 'util', 0), ('hydrosquall/tiingo-python', 0.5396576523780823, 'finance', 0), ('openai/openai-python', 0.5326930284500122, 'util', 0), ('urwid/urwid', 0.5318827629089355, 'term', 0), ('encode/uvicorn', 0.5294420123100281, 'web', 0), ('masoniteframework/masonite', 0.5242258310317993, 'web', 0), ('steamship-core/python-client', 0.5220065116882324, 'util', 0), ('willmcgugan/textual', 0.5137646198272705, 'term', 0), ('fastai/ghapi', 0.5124199986457825, 'util', 1), ('aio-libs/aiohttp', 0.5096431970596313, 'web', 0), ('vitalik/django-ninja', 0.508848249912262, 'web', 0), ('radiantearth/radiant-mlhub', 0.5078471899032593, 'gis', 0), ('man-c/pycoingecko', 0.5065068602561951, 'crypto', 1), ('typesense/typesense-python', 0.503971517086029, 'data', 1), ('mitmproxy/pdoc', 0.5029121041297913, 'util', 1), ('1200wd/bitcoinlib', 0.5001790523529053, 'crypto', 0)] | 75 | 4 | null | 0.19 | 34 | 10 | 134 | 4 | 3 | 4 | 3 | 34 | 13 | 90 | 0.4 | 33 |
1,844 | util | https://github.com/quodlibet/mutagen | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | quodlibet/mutagen | mutagen | 1,390 | 152 | 36 | Python | https://mutagen.readthedocs.io | Python module for handling audio metadata | quodlibet | 2024-01-13 | 2016-04-07 | 407 | 3.40925 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/11544695?v=4 | Python module for handling audio metadata | ['apev2', 'flac', 'id3', 'id3v1', 'id3v2', 'mp3', 'mp4', 'music', 'ogg', 'opus', 'tagging'] | ['apev2', 'flac', 'id3', 'id3v1', 'id3v2', 'mp3', 'mp4', 'music', 'ogg', 'opus', 'tagging'] | 2023-10-28 | [('taylorsmarks/playsound', 0.6006749868392944, 'util', 1), ('spotify/pedalboard', 0.5746901035308838, 'util', 0), ('irmen/pyminiaudio', 0.5700762867927551, 'util', 0), ('bastibe/python-soundfile', 0.5448225736618042, 'util', 0), ('uberi/speech_recognition', 0.5264820456504822, 'ml', 0), ('libaudioflux/audioflux', 0.5058978796005249, 'util', 1)] | 44 | 3 | null | 0.81 | 5 | 4 | 95 | 3 | 1 | 8 | 1 | 5 | 5 | 90 | 1 | 33 |
719 | typing | https://github.com/patrick-kidger/torchtyping | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | patrick-kidger/torchtyping | torchtyping | 1,300 | 31 | 16 | Python | null | Type annotations and dynamic checking for a tensor's shape, dtype, names, etc. | patrick-kidger | 2024-01-13 | 2021-03-28 | 148 | 8.766859 | null | Type annotations and dynamic checking for a tensor's shape, dtype, names, etc. | ['named-tensors', 'python-typing', 'pytorch', 'shape', 'tensors', 'typing'] | ['named-tensors', 'python-typing', 'pytorch', 'shape', 'tensors', 'typing'] | 2023-06-20 | [('arogozhnikov/einops', 0.6377165913581848, 'ml-dl', 1), ('instagram/monkeytype', 0.6300653219223022, 'typing', 0), ('facebook/pyre-check', 0.6189740300178528, 'typing', 0), ('tensorly/tensorly', 0.5934515595436096, 'ml-dl', 1), ('strawberry-graphql/strawberry', 0.5875641703605652, 'web', 0), ('microsoft/pyright', 0.5727251172065735, 'typing', 0), ('agronholm/typeguard', 0.5700576305389404, 'typing', 0), ('ggerganov/ggml', 0.5691167712211609, 'ml', 0), ('python/mypy', 0.5514424443244934, 'typing', 1), ('pydantic/pydantic', 0.5341143012046814, 'util', 1), ('google/pytype', 0.5230032205581665, 'typing', 1), ('rafiqhasan/auto-tensorflow', 0.5187631845474243, 'ml-dl', 0), ('pytorch/pytorch', 0.5150875449180603, 'ml-dl', 0), ('xl0/lovely-tensors', 0.5010529160499573, 'ml-dl', 1)] | 7 | 5 | null | 0.04 | 1 | 1 | 34 | 7 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 90 | 1 | 33 |
1,220 | template | https://github.com/ionelmc/cookiecutter-pylibrary | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | ionelmc/cookiecutter-pylibrary | cookiecutter-pylibrary | 1,194 | 207 | 23 | Python | null | Enhanced cookiecutter template for Python libraries. | ionelmc | 2024-01-14 | 2014-05-28 | 504 | 2.365025 | null | Enhanced cookiecutter template for Python libraries. | ['cookiecutter', 'cookiecutter-template', 'template'] | ['cookiecutter', 'cookiecutter-template', 'template'] | 2023-12-15 | [('giswqs/pypackage', 0.8761537075042725, 'template', 3), ('lyz-code/cookiecutter-python-project', 0.8550078272819519, 'template', 1), ('tedivm/robs_awesome_python_template', 0.8226386308670044, 'template', 1), ('cookiecutter/cookiecutter', 0.7163523435592651, 'template', 1), ('buuntu/fastapi-react', 0.6523356437683105, 'template', 1), ('cjolowicz/cookiecutter-hypermodern-python', 0.6513864994049072, 'template', 0), ('crmne/cookiecutter-modern-datascience', 0.5333271026611328, 'template', 2)] | 50 | 3 | null | 0.27 | 1 | 0 | 117 | 1 | 0 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 90 | 2 | 33 |
1,665 | term | https://github.com/python-poetry/cleo | ['testing'] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | python-poetry/cleo | cleo | 1,180 | 84 | 23 | Python | null | Cleo allows you to create beautiful and testable command-line interfaces. | python-poetry | 2024-01-13 | 2013-12-16 | 528 | 2.234244 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/48722593?v=4 | Cleo allows you to create beautiful and testable command-line interfaces. | ['cli', 'command-line'] | ['cli', 'command-line', 'testing'] | 2024-01-11 | [('google/python-fire', 0.6746692657470703, 'term', 1), ('kellyjonbrazil/jc', 0.6012207269668579, 'util', 2), ('pyscript/pyscript-cli', 0.5874193906784058, 'web', 0), ('tiangolo/typer', 0.5780348777770996, 'term', 1), ('textualize/trogon', 0.5179005265235901, 'term', 1), ('tox-dev/tox', 0.515224039554596, 'testing', 2), ('pallets/click', 0.5077859163284302, 'term', 1), ('hoffstadt/dearpygui', 0.5041629672050476, 'gui', 0)] | 34 | 2 | null | 1.21 | 35 | 30 | 123 | 0 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 35 | 13 | 90 | 0.4 | 33 |
378 | ml-interpretability | https://github.com/cdpierse/transformers-interpret | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | cdpierse/transformers-interpret | transformers-interpret | 1,163 | 94 | 20 | Jupyter Notebook | null | Model explainability that works seamlessly with π€ transformers. Explain your transformers model in just 2 lines of code. | cdpierse | 2024-01-13 | 2020-05-27 | 191 | 6.061802 | null | Model explainability that works seamlessly with π€ transformers. Explain your transformers model in just 2 lines of code. | ['captum', 'computer-vision', 'deep-learning', 'explainable-ai', 'interpretability', 'machine-learning', 'model-explainability', 'natural-language-processing', 'neural-network', 'nlp', 'transformers', 'transformers-model'] | ['captum', 'computer-vision', 'deep-learning', 'explainable-ai', 'interpretability', 'machine-learning', 'model-explainability', 'natural-language-processing', 'neural-network', 'nlp', 'transformers', 'transformers-model'] | 2023-08-30 | [('thilinarajapakse/simpletransformers', 0.6818839311599731, 'nlp', 1), ('huggingface/transformers', 0.6538716554641724, 'nlp', 4), ('alignmentresearch/tuned-lens', 0.6314489245414734, 'ml-interpretability', 2), ('eleutherai/knowledge-neurons', 0.6161298155784607, 'ml-interpretability', 2), ('interpretml/interpret', 0.6050029993057251, 'ml-interpretability', 3), ('mosaicml/composer', 0.5288192629814148, 'ml-dl', 3), ('lucidrains/toolformer-pytorch', 0.5184912085533142, 'llm', 2), ('bigscience-workshop/megatron-deepspeed', 0.5142018795013428, 'llm', 0), ('microsoft/megatron-deepspeed', 0.5142018795013428, 'llm', 0), ('rafiqhasan/auto-tensorflow', 0.5105558633804321, 'ml-dl', 1), ('csinva/imodels', 0.500318169593811, 'ml', 3)] | 8 | 6 | null | 0.04 | 1 | 0 | 44 | 5 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 90 | 1 | 33 |
691 | data | https://github.com/scholarly-python-package/scholarly | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | scholarly-python-package/scholarly | scholarly | 1,145 | 282 | 25 | Python | https://scholarly.readthedocs.io/ | Retrieve author and publication information from Google Scholar in a friendly, Pythonic way without having to worry about CAPTCHAs! | scholarly-python-package | 2024-01-13 | 2014-12-02 | 478 | 2.395397 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/65581503?v=4 | Retrieve author and publication information from Google Scholar in a friendly, Pythonic way without having to worry about CAPTCHAs! | ['citation-analysis', 'citation-index', 'citation-network', 'citations', 'googlescholar', 'publication-data', 'scholar', 'scholarly-articles', 'scholarly-communications'] | ['citation-analysis', 'citation-index', 'citation-network', 'citations', 'googlescholar', 'publication-data', 'scholar', 'scholarly-articles', 'scholarly-communications'] | 2023-01-16 | [('nv7-github/googlesearch', 0.6054853796958923, 'util', 0), ('googleapis/google-api-python-client', 0.5367330312728882, 'util', 0), ('urschrei/pyzotero', 0.5180812478065491, 'util', 1), ('goldsmith/wikipedia', 0.5016988515853882, 'data', 0)] | 42 | 6 | null | 0 | 13 | 7 | 111 | 12 | 2 | 7 | 2 | 13 | 21 | 90 | 1.6 | 33 |
1,631 | util | https://github.com/python-versioneer/python-versioneer | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | python-versioneer/python-versioneer | python-versioneer | 1,043 | 199 | 19 | Python | null | version-string management for VCS-controlled trees | python-versioneer | 2024-01-12 | 2011-11-16 | 636 | 1.63773 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/71078182?v=4 | version-string management for VCS-controlled trees | [] | [] | 2023-12-31 | [('mtkennerly/dunamai', 0.5904924869537354, 'util', 0), ('mtkennerly/poetry-dynamic-versioning', 0.5653854012489319, 'util', 0), ('pypa/setuptools_scm', 0.5380630493164062, 'util', 0), ('callowayproject/bump-my-version', 0.5228790640830994, 'util', 0)] | 70 | 6 | null | 0.85 | 10 | 5 | 148 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 10 | 4 | 90 | 0.4 | 33 |
386 | nlp | https://github.com/shivam5992/textstat | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | shivam5992/textstat | textstat | 1,041 | 156 | 19 | Python | https://textstat.org | :memo: python package to calculate readability statistics of a text object - paragraphs, sentences, articles. | shivam5992 | 2024-01-12 | 2014-06-18 | 501 | 2.074295 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/88800038?v=4 | π python package to calculate readability statistics of a text object - paragraphs, sentences, articles. | ['flesch-kincaid-grade', 'flesch-reading-ease', 'readability', 'smog', 'textstat'] | ['flesch-kincaid-grade', 'flesch-reading-ease', 'readability', 'smog', 'textstat'] | 2024-01-09 | [] | 47 | 3 | null | 0.15 | 3 | 3 | 117 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 3 | 4 | 90 | 1.3 | 33 |
1,518 | util | https://github.com/c4urself/bump2version | ['versioning'] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | c4urself/bump2version | bump2version | 1,026 | 135 | 13 | Python | https://pypi.python.org/pypi/bump2version | Version-bump your software with a single command | c4urself | 2024-01-11 | 2017-03-27 | 357 | 2.8728 | null | Version-bump your software with a single command | [] | ['versioning'] | 2023-10-11 | [('callowayproject/bump-my-version', 0.7459608316421509, 'util', 1)] | 52 | 5 | null | 0.02 | 5 | 3 | 83 | 3 | 0 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 2 | 90 | 0.4 | 33 |
1,514 | ml | https://github.com/patchy631/machine-learning | ['tutorials'] | Machine Learning Tutorials Repository | [] | [] | null | null | null | patchy631/machine-learning | machine-learning | 918 | 187 | 30 | Jupyter Notebook | null | null | patchy631 | 2024-01-11 | 2022-06-01 | 86 | 10.569079 | null | Machine Learning Tutorials Repository | [] | ['tutorials'] | 2024-01-10 | [('rasbt/machine-learning-book', 0.6192141175270081, 'study', 0), ('tensorflow/data-validation', 0.6105336546897888, 'ml-ops', 0), ('automl/auto-sklearn', 0.6001100540161133, 'ml', 0), ('alirezadir/machine-learning-interview-enlightener', 0.5960847735404968, 'study', 0), ('rasbt/stat451-machine-learning-fs20', 0.5887393355369568, 'study', 0), ('mrdbourke/zero-to-mastery-ml', 0.5848323106765747, 'study', 0), ('microsoft/nni', 0.5835422873497009, 'ml', 0), ('ml-for-high-risk-apps-book/machine-learning-for-high-risk-applications-book', 0.5826952457427979, 'study', 0), ('mlflow/mlflow', 0.5804417729377747, 'ml-ops', 0), ('huggingface/evaluate', 0.5767751932144165, 'ml', 0), ('firmai/industry-machine-learning', 0.5763393044471741, 'study', 0), ('scikit-learn/scikit-learn', 0.575724184513092, 'ml', 0), ('teamhg-memex/eli5', 0.5695274472236633, 'ml', 0), ('probml/pyprobml', 0.5563993453979492, 'ml', 0), ('googlecloudplatform/vertex-ai-samples', 0.5536148548126221, 'ml', 0), ('eugeneyan/testing-ml', 0.5529058575630188, 'testing', 0), ('ageron/handson-ml2', 0.5471069812774658, 'ml', 0), ('seldonio/alibi', 0.5448355078697205, 'ml-interpretability', 0), ('tensorflow/tensorflow', 0.5448095798492432, 'ml-dl', 0), ('doccano/doccano', 0.5417935848236084, 'nlp', 0), ('ml-tooling/opyrator', 0.5287477970123291, 'viz', 0), ('gradio-app/gradio', 0.5269427299499512, 'viz', 0), ('rasbt/mlxtend', 0.5243169665336609, 'ml', 0), ('districtdatalabs/yellowbrick', 0.5236752033233643, 'ml', 0), ('csinva/imodels', 0.5233355760574341, 'ml', 0), ('nccr-itmo/fedot', 0.517076313495636, 'ml-ops', 0), ('microsoft/flaml', 0.5163537263870239, 'ml', 0), ('mrdbourke/pytorch-deep-learning', 0.5156992673873901, 'study', 0), ('marcotcr/lime', 0.5150882601737976, 'ml-interpretability', 0), ('google-research/google-research', 0.5150724053382874, 'ml', 0), ('google-research/language', 0.5135775804519653, 'nlp', 0), ('pycaret/pycaret', 0.513546884059906, 'ml', 0), ('sktime/sktime', 0.5128931403160095, 'time-series', 0), ('featurelabs/featuretools', 0.5084584355354309, 'ml', 0), ('keras-team/autokeras', 0.5066499710083008, 'ml-dl', 0), ('jindongwang/transferlearning', 0.5060864090919495, 'ml', 0), ('shankarpandala/lazypredict', 0.5044746398925781, 'ml', 0), ('udlbook/udlbook', 0.5037120580673218, 'study', 0), ('jovianml/opendatasets', 0.5012773275375366, 'data', 0)] | 3 | 1 | null | 0.62 | 1 | 0 | 20 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 90 | 1 | 33 |