432 values
Please can you translate from Italian to English?
Tom riesce a cantare?
Can Tom sing?
Please can you switch the message from Italian to English?
Tom ha detto che dovrei visitare l'Australia.
Tom said I should visit Australia.
Can you please communicate this text from Italian to English.
Sarà libero.
You'll be free.
please communicate this sentence from Italian to English?
Posso prendere qualsiasi cosa.
I can take anything.
can you please translate from Italian to English?
Le richieste sono state negate.
The requests were denied.
can you please translate this input message from Italian to English?
Perché Tom sta ancora sorridendo?
Why is Tom still smiling?
Please translate this input message from Italian to English?
Io ho un grande cane nero.
I have a big black dog.
Can you please translate this input text from Italian to English?
I dati stanno venendo sincronizzati.
The data is being synchronized.
Please can you translate this sentence from Italian to English?
Lei è un uomo molto fortunato.
You're a very lucky man.
Convert the following sentence from Italian to English?
Tom sta soffrendo di mal di denti.
Tom is suffering from a toothache.
Please translate this text from Italian to English
Io e i miei amici andiamo fuori stasera. Ti vorresti unire a noi?
My friends and I are hanging out tonight. Would you like to join us?
switch the message from Italian to English.
Ovviamente Tom non è il tipo adatto a Mary.
Obviously, Tom isn't Mary's type.
Can you please translate this sentence from Italian to English.
Io ho più denaro di Tom.
I have more money than Tom.
can you switch the message from Italian to English.
Faccia i suoi compiti immediatamente.
Do your homework right away.
Please translate this sentence from Italian to English?
È entrato nella banca.
He went into the bank.
translate from Italian to English
Non la perda.
Don't lose it.
please translate this input sentence from Italian to English.
Ora questo è un problema.
Now, this is a problem.
switch the sentence from Italian to English?
È andato tutto liscio.
Everything went smoothly.
Please can you communicate this message from Italian to English.
Pensate al giorno.
You think of everything.
Can you please communicate this text from Italian to English?
Ti faccio sorridere.
I make you smile.
Please convert from Italian to English.
Lui insegna la grammatica inglese in una scuola superiore.
He teaches English grammar at a high school.
please can you communicate this message from Italian to English?
È ora di cambiare.
It's time to change.
please translate this input text from Italian to English?
Non esitare a chiedere informazioni.
Don't hesitate to ask for information.
please translate this text from Italian to English?
Ieri, Tom stava un po' meglio del solito.
Yesterday, Tom was a little better than usual.
Please translate this input message from Italian to English?
Io sono molto arrabbiata.
I'm very angry.
Please translate this input message from Italian to English.
Mangia in classe?
Do you eat in the classroom?
Translate from Italian to English.
Non ho bisogno del vostro aiuto.
I don't need your help.
can you please communicate this text from Italian to English.
Perché non siete in Australia con Tom?
Why aren't you in Australia with Tom?
Please can you translate this text from Italian to English?
È avvenuto un incidente terribile ieri.
An awful accident happened yesterday.
Can you please switch the message from Italian to English.
Non potete avere entrambe.
You can't have both.
Can you translate this input message from Italian to English.
Io vado a lavorare in autobus.
I go to work by bus.
convert the following sentence from Italian to English?
Ho conosciuto un'amica di Mary.
I met a friend of Mary's.
switch the message from Italian to English.
Tom non è riuscito a venire perché è malato.
Tom couldn't come because he's sick.
please translate this message from Italian to English?
Perché stai indossando un'etichetta con il nome?
Why are you wearing a name tag?
can you communicate this sentence from Italian to English.
Perché non mi vuoi vedere?
Why do you want to see me?
can you translate this input sentence from Italian to English?
Da che parte va la forchetta?
Which side does the fork go on?
Can you switch the sentence from Italian to English?
Tom fece una lista.
Tom made a list.
Please communicate this message from Italian to English
Le è piaciuta la mia foto?
Did you like my picture?
Can you translate this input text from Italian to English?
Il fiume Nilo è il più lungo del mondo.
The Nile River is the longest in the world.
Please convert from Italian to English.
Non potete darlo a Tom.
You can't give Tom that.
can you translate this text from Italian to English.
Ciò che è importante non è l'università in cui ci si è laureati, ma ciò che si ha imparato all'università.
What is important is not which university you've graduated from but what you've learned in the university.
Please can you switch the text from Italian to English?
Non dovreste mangiare troppi dolci.
You shouldn't eat too much candy.
Can you please communicate this message from Italian to English?
Dov'è la cassetta postale?
Where is the mailbox?
please can you communicate this sentence from Italian to English?
Non vogliamo che qualcuno si faccia del male.
We don't want anyone getting hurt.
can you communicate this text from Italian to English?
Starò bene tra un minuto o due.
I'll be all right in a minute or two.
Please switch the sentence from Italian to English.
Ci sono soltanto tre donne in questa classe.
There are only three women in this class.
translate from Italian to English
Deve tenersi le mani pulite.
You must keep your hands clean.
Please can you translate this input text from Italian to English.
Vorrei fare il check-out domattina.
I'd like to check out tomorrow morning.
can you please translate this message from Italian to English
Spostatevi! Mi siete nei piedi.
Move! You're in my way.
Can you please translate this input text from Italian to English?
Una persona su dieci è miope.
One in ten people have myopia.
Can you please communicate this message from Italian to English?
Non ho fatto niente.
I did nothing.
Can you communicate this sentence from Italian to English
Quando vuole mangiare?
When do you want to eat?
Can you communicate this sentence from Italian to English
Vorrei tre di queste.
I'd like three of these.
can you please switch the message from Italian to English.
Ci serviva questa vittoria.
We needed this win.
Translate this message from Italian to English?
Spaventoso, vero?
Scary, wasn't it?
I need a translation from Italian to English.
Tom ha perso tutto il suo denaro.
Tom lost all of his money.
Switch the message from Italian to English.
Vende del pane qua?
Do you sell bread here?
Please can you translate this message from Italian to English
Starò bene?
Am I going to be OK?
please can you translate this text from Italian to English?
Ne troverò una più tardi.
I'll find one later.
can you please translate this input sentence from Italian to English.
Io sono cresciuta da queste parti.
I grew up around here.
Can you please switch the sentence from Italian to English.
Qualcosa mi ha morso.
Something bit me.
Please can you convert from Italian to English?
Dovetti finire il lavoro entro la data stabilita.
I had to finish the job by the stated date.
Can you please communicate this message from Italian to English
Mangiai del formaggio.
I ate some cheese.
i need a translation from Italian to English?
Il ladro fu legato mani e piedi.
The thief was bound hand and foot.
Can you translate this sentence from Italian to English.
Tu dovresti smettere di fumare e di bere.
You should give up drinking and smoking.
Switch the message from Italian to English.
I nostri genitori sono così orgogliosi.
Our parents are so proud.
Please translate this input sentence from Italian to English.
Potete venire a casa adesso?
Can you come home now?
can you switch the message from Italian to English?
Io ho un po' paura.
I'm a little scared.
switch the text from Italian to English.
Siamo aperte per affari.
We're open for business.
Communicate this message from Italian to English?
Diede una leggera spinta alla porta.
She gave the door a gentle push.
Please can you translate from Italian to English.
I nostri piani sono cambiati.
Our plans have changed.
please can you translate this message from Italian to English?
Se n'è andato poco fa.
He left a while ago.
can you please switch the message from Italian to English?
Torna tra una settimana.
Come back in a week.
Can you please translate this input message from Italian to English.
Voi avete già fatto colazione?
Have you already had breakfast?
Please can you switch the text from Italian to English
Deve essere stata divertente.
It must've been fun.
Please can you translate from Italian to English.
Ha mai imbrogliato a un esame?
Have you ever cheated on an exam?
Can you translate this text from Italian to English.
Io abito vicino a un negozio di generi alimentari.
I live close to a convenience store.
Can you switch the text from Italian to English.
Perché sei vestito come un anziano?
Why are you dressed like an old man?
translate this input sentence from Italian to English.
Tom sta pulendo la sua pistola.
Tom is cleaning his gun.
Please translate this input text from Italian to English.
Non canzoni Tom.
Don't tease Tom.
Please can you translate this sentence from Italian to English
Che cosa abbiamo fatto?
What have we done?
please translate this input text from Italian to English
Vuole davvero che io spii Tom?
Do you really want me to spy on Tom?
Can you communicate this text from Italian to English?
Tom è un tipo strano, vero?
Tom is a strange guy, isn't he?
Please translate this input message from Italian to English?
Tom ha detto a Mary di andare nella sua stanza.
Tom told Mary to go to her room.
please can you communicate this text from Italian to English?
Tom e Mary stanno parlando.
Tom and Mary are talking.
Translate this input message from Italian to English.
Solamente un minuto. Sto arrivando.
Just a minute. I'm coming.
please switch the message from Italian to English.
Lui è andato a scuola soltanto per pochi anni.
He went to school only for a few years.
can you communicate this text from Italian to English.
Sembrate impegnati.
You look busy.
Switch the message from Italian to English.
Ero tentata di andare a casa presto.
I was tempted to go home early.
I need a translation from Italian to English?
Tom era sbalordito.
Tom was stunned.
please can you translate this input message from Italian to English
Ho una grande sorpresa per lei.
I have a big surprise for you.
can you please translate this input sentence from Italian to English?
Io ho una tesi da scrivere.
I have a thesis to write.
Please can you convert from Italian to English
Studiate il francese a scuola?
Do you study French at school?
please communicate this message from Italian to English?
Tom comprò un libro.
Tom bought a book.
Please can you translate this message from Italian to English
Tom ha letto molti libri.
Tom read a lot of books.
Please can you communicate this text from Italian to English.
So chi ha rubato il suo diario.
I know who stole your diary.
switch the text from Italian to English?
Boston sta cambiando.
Boston is changing.
Translate this text from Italian to English?
Tom ha cenato?
Did Tom eat dinner?
can you please switch the message from Italian to English?
Non si vergogni di se stesso.
Don't be ashamed of yourself.
Please can you communicate this message from Italian to English?
Non sono né ricca né famosa.
I'm neither rich not famous.