432 values
Please can you communicate this sentence from Italian to English
Tom sarà qui molto presto.
Tom will be here very soon.
switch the text from Italian to English
Oggi mi sento un po' giù.
I'm feeling a little blue today.
communicate this text from Italian to English?
Non mi piacciono i fiori artificiali.
I don't like artificial flowers.
please can you switch the text from Italian to English?
Lui è molto sensibile al freddo.
He is very sensitive to cold.
translate from Italian to English
Ho bisogno di quel nastro.
I need that tape.
convert from Italian to English
Lei mi ha rubato l'idea.
You stole my idea.
switch the message from Italian to English?
Voglio essere competitiva.
I want to be competitive.
Can you please switch the message from Italian to English?
Quanto è grande la sua scuola?
How big is your school?
translate this message from Italian to English?
Fate attenzione lì dentro.
Be careful in there.
Translate this message from Italian to English.
Ciò è irritante.
This is annoying.
Please can you translate this text from Italian to English.
Tutto quello che ha fatto Tom è stato mangiare.
All Tom did was eat.
Can you please translate this text from Italian to English?
Mi chiedo perché sia così affollato qui oggi.
I wonder why it's so crowded here today.
convert the following sentence from Italian to English
Voi avete dissotterrato le patate?
Have you dug up the potatoes?
Please translate this sentence from Italian to English?
Sei stanco, vero?
You're tired, aren't you?
Can you please communicate this text from Italian to English?
Mi sta accusando di qualcosa?
Are you accusing me of something?
please convert from Italian to English.
Io ti salverò.
I'll save you.
can you please translate this input text from Italian to English?
Io ho trovato un posto molto bello oggi.
I found a very nice place today.
Please can you convert from Italian to English?
Fanno tutti degli errori a volte.
Everyone makes mistakes sometimes.
Please can you convert from Italian to English?
Devo rispondere alla sua lettera.
I have to answer his letter.
Please can you switch the text from Italian to English?
L'ha fatto?
Have you done it?
translate this message from Italian to English.
Sono quasi morto in quell'incidente.
I almost died in that accident.
can you please translate this text from Italian to English?
Cosa vi ricordate?
What do you remember?
convert the following message from Italian to English?
Non c'è oro.
There's no gold.
can you please translate from Italian to English?
Io odio soprattutto la matematica.
I hate math most of all.
Can you switch the text from Italian to English
Raramente ho ospiti.
I seldom have guests.
can you switch the text from Italian to English
Farei meglio a rimanere con Tom per un po'.
I'd better stay with Tom for a while.
Please can you translate this text from Italian to English?
Sei un vero uomo.
You're a real man.
please can you communicate this message from Italian to English?
Ascolto della musica.
I listen to music.
communicate this text from Italian to English?
Avresti dovuto aiutarlo con il suo lavoro.
You should have helped him with his work.
translate from Italian to English
Tom aveva bisogno del nostro aiuto, quindi l'abbiamo aiutato.
Tom needed our help, so we helped him.
Please can you switch the sentence from Italian to English.
Io ho piuttosto fame.
I'm sort of hungry.
can you switch the text from Italian to English?
Ha apparecchiato la tavola per la cena.
She set the table for supper.
please can you translate this input sentence from Italian to English?
Tom l'ha fatto molte volte prima.
Tom has done that many times before.
please can you translate from Italian to English?
Non è una buona idea.
That isn't a good idea.
please can you switch the sentence from Italian to English?
Vogliamo essere sul primo autobus domattina.
We want to be on the first bus tomorrow morning.
can you translate this message from Italian to English
Sai già troppo.
You already know too much.
Can you please switch the sentence from Italian to English.
State nascondendo qualcosa?
Are you hiding something?
Please can you switch the message from Italian to English?
Tom sta pensando di comprare una casa nuova.
Tom is thinking about buying a new house.
please can you convert from Italian to English.
Non è il mio obiettivo.
That's not my objective.
Can you please translate this input text from Italian to English
Ha ancora dei sentimenti per Tom?
Do you still have feelings for Tom?
can you communicate this message from Italian to English
Loro hanno detto che la conoscono.
They said they know you.
Translate this input sentence from Italian to English.
Mi piace quello con una cintura bianca.
I like the one with a white belt.
please translate this input text from Italian to English?
Tom sarà di ritorno fra qualche minuto.
Tom will be back in a few minutes.
can you please communicate this text from Italian to English
Io non mi sento così speciale.
I don't feel so special.
please can you translate this input text from Italian to English?
Tom mi raccontò la storia della sua vita.
Tom told me the story of his life.
please convert from Italian to English?
"Pioverà domani?" "Io spero di no."
"Will it rain tomorrow?" "I hope not."
can you please translate this sentence from Italian to English?
C'è qualcosa che potete fare?
Is there anything you can do?
please can you translate this input message from Italian to English.
Potremmo andarcene presto.
We might leave early.
please communicate this text from Italian to English
Cose del genere capitano tutte le volte.
Such things happen all the time.
please switch the sentence from Italian to English
Questo albero è un sempreverde.
This tree is an evergreen.
can you communicate this message from Italian to English?
Goditi le vacanze.
Enjoy your holidays.
Please can you translate this message from Italian to English.
La mia fidanzata viene dall'Australia.
My girlfriend is from Australia.
Please switch the text from Italian to English?
Vorrebbe giocare a calcio con noi?
Would you like to play soccer with us?
please can you communicate this text from Italian to English
Perché stai mentendo a Tom?
Why are you lying to Tom?
please translate this message from Italian to English?
Non ti ho sentito arrivare.
I didn't hear you coming.
Please translate this input text from Italian to English?
Il mio appartamento è veramente piccolo.
My apartment is really small.
Please translate from Italian to English
Tom disse che Mary era bipolare.
Tom said that Mary was bipolar.
can you please translate this sentence from Italian to English
Tom dice di non essere preoccupato a riguardo.
Tom says he isn't worried about that.
Please can you switch the message from Italian to English?
Sono passati dieci anni da quando ho lasciato l'università.
It's been ten years since I left college.
please translate this text from Italian to English
Loro sono fantastiche.
They're fantastic.
please switch the text from Italian to English
Sta andando troppo lontano.
You are going too far.
please can you translate this input text from Italian to English?
Tom è andato in chiesa.
Tom went to church.
Please communicate this message from Italian to English?
Una volta non è sufficiente.
Once isn't enough.
can you please switch the text from Italian to English
Tom è un fellone.
Tom is a felon.
can you please translate from Italian to English.
Penso di piacere a Mary.
I think Mary likes me.
Can you please translate this input message from Italian to English?
Tom sarà sorpreso.
Tom will be surprised.
Can you communicate this message from Italian to English?
La festa è iniziata.
The party has started.
Can you please communicate this text from Italian to English?
Io credo a quella storia.
I believe that story.
can you please switch the sentence from Italian to English?
Io non sono innamorato di te.
I'm not in love with you.
Can you communicate this text from Italian to English?
Io ho comprato un ombrello.
I bought an umbrella.
Switch the text from Italian to English?
Perché causare un problema?
Why cause an issue?
Switch the message from Italian to English
Voglio che Tom la faccia.
I want Tom to do it.
Please switch the text from Italian to English?
Mi dispiace, ma la mia risposta è no.
I'm sorry, but my answer is no.
Can you please translate this sentence from Italian to English
Cerca di non fare tardi domani.
Try not to be late tomorrow.
Please can you communicate this sentence from Italian to English.
La molli!
Drop it!
please translate this sentence from Italian to English
Si dice che lui odi studiare.
They say that he hates to study.
please can you convert from Italian to English?
La tua tosse mi preoccupa.
Your cough worries me.
can you translate this input message from Italian to English?
Io non so giocare a mahjong.
I don't know how to play mahjong.
please can you translate this input sentence from Italian to English.
Resterò a casa stasera.
I'll stay home tonight.
Translate this input message from Italian to English.
Questo orologio mi è stato dato da mio zio.
This watch was given me by my uncle.
Can you translate this sentence from Italian to English?
Tom ha mangiato un po' di pane.
Tom ate some bread.
please communicate this sentence from Italian to English
Dobbiamo andare davvero.
We really have to go.
Can you please switch the message from Italian to English?
Sono molto distratta.
I'm very absent-minded.
Can you please communicate this sentence from Italian to English?
Tom si è lasciato sfuggire un sospiro di sollievo.
Tom let out a sigh of relief.
Translate this sentence from Italian to English
Andiamo a vedere Tom.
Let's go see Tom.
Please translate this sentence from Italian to English?
Tom approva.
Tom approves.
please can you convert from Italian to English
Perché Tom sta aspettando?
Why is Tom waiting?
Switch the text from Italian to English?
Mi ha dato un bel regalo.
He gave a nice present to me.
please translate this input sentence from Italian to English
Siamo andati in un bel ristorante.
We went to a nice restaurant.
translate this input text from Italian to English?
Tom era fiero di te.
Tom was proud of you.
Please translate from Italian to English
Lei ha una famiglia a cui pensare.
You have a family to think of.
Translate this input text from Italian to English.
Tom me lo ha appena detto.
Tom just told me.
Please translate this input sentence from Italian to English?
Non ci faranno del male.
They won't hurt us.
Please translate this input message from Italian to English?
Io volevo dirti quanto mi dispiace.
I wanted to tell you how sorry I am.
can you communicate this sentence from Italian to English
Questa birra contiene il 5% di alcol.
This beer contains 5% alcohol.
please communicate this sentence from Italian to English
Lei cosa mangerà?
What'll you eat?
Translate this message from Italian to English.
Sembri familiare.
You look familiar.
please can you translate this input message from Italian to English.
Perché ha bisogno di una motosega?
Why do you need a chainsaw?
Can you switch the message from Italian to English
Ha cominciato a cantare.
He started singing.
can you translate this sentence from Italian to English?
È difficile suonare il piano.
It is difficult to play the piano.