""" Because Gooey communicates with the host program over stdin/out, we have to be able to differentiate what's coming from gooey and structured, versus what is arbitrary junk coming from the host's own logging. To do this, we just prefix all written by gooey with the literal string 'gooey::'. This lets us dig through all the noisy stdout to find just the structured Gooey data we're after. """ import json from base64 import b64decode from typing import Dict, Any from gooey.python_bindings.schema import validate_public_state from gooey.python_bindings.types import PublicGooeyState prefix = 'gooey::' def serialize_outbound(out: PublicGooeyState): """ Attaches a prefix to whatever is about to be written to stdout so that we can differentiate it in the sea of other stdout writes """ return prefix + json.dumps(out) def deserialize_inbound(stdout: bytes, encoding): """ Deserializes the incoming stdout payload after finding the relevant sections give the gooey prefix. e.g. std='foo\nbar\nstarting run\ngooey::{active_form: [...]}\n' => {active_form: [...]} """ data = json.loads(stdout.decode(encoding).split(prefix)[-1]) return validate_public_state(data) def decode_payload(x): """ To avoid quoting shenanigans, the json state sent from Gooey is b64ecoded for ease of CLI transfer. Argparse will usually barf when trying to parse json directly """ return json.loads(b64decode(x))
<gh_stars>1-10 # Advent of Code 2018, Day 6 # (c) blu3r4y import numpy as np def part1(coordinates): # create a matrix filled with -1 big enough to hold all coordinates shape = np.amax(coordinates, axis=0) + (1, 1) matrix = np.full(shape, -1) for cell, _ in np.ndenumerate(matrix): # calculate manhattan distance to every coordinate dists = np.sum(np.abs(cell - coordinates), axis=1) # assign the minimum distance to the cell, if it is unique mins = np.argwhere(dists == np.amin(dists)) if len(mins) == 1: matrix[cell] = mins[0][0] # invalidate infinite regions infinite = np.unique(np.hstack((matrix[(0, -1), :], matrix[:, (0, -1)].T))) matrix[np.isin(matrix, infinite)] = -1 # measure region size _, counts = np.unique(matrix.ravel(), return_counts=True) return np.max(counts[1:]) def part2(coordinates, min_dist): # create an empty matrix big enough to hold all coordinates shape = np.amax(coordinates, axis=0) + (1, 1) matrix = np.zeros(shape, dtype=int) for cell, _ in np.ndenumerate(matrix): # sum manhattan distance to every coordinate dist = np.sum(np.abs(cell - coordinates)) # assign a marker if the distance is small enough if dist < min_dist: matrix[cell] = 1 return np.sum(matrix) if __name__ == "__main__": print(part1(np.array([(1, 1), (1, 6), (8, 3), (3, 4), (5, 5), (8, 9)]))) print(part1(np.loadtxt(r"../assets/day6.txt", delimiter=',', dtype=int))) print(part2(np.array([(1, 1), (1, 6), (8, 3), (3, 4), (5, 5), (8, 9)]), 32)) print(part2(np.loadtxt(r"../assets/day6.txt", delimiter=',', dtype=int), 10000))
import numpy as np from pytest_cases import parametrize_with_cases, case from snake_learner.direction import Direction from snake_learner.linalg_util import block_distance, closest_direction, \ project_to_direction CLOSEST_DIRECTION = "closest_direction" PROJECT_TO_DIRECTION = "project_to_direction" @case(tags=[CLOSEST_DIRECTION]) def case_closest_direction_up_direction(): vec = Direction.UP.to_array() distance = 1 direction = Direction.UP return vec, distance, direction @case(tags=[CLOSEST_DIRECTION]) def case_closest_direction_down_direction(): vec = Direction.DOWN.to_array() distance = 1 direction = Direction.DOWN return vec, distance, direction @case(tags=[CLOSEST_DIRECTION]) def case_closest_direction_left_direction(): vec = Direction.LEFT.to_array() distance = 1 direction = Direction.LEFT return vec, distance, direction @case(tags=[CLOSEST_DIRECTION]) def case_closest_direction_right_direction(): vec = Direction.RIGHT.to_array() distance = 1 direction = Direction.RIGHT return vec, distance, direction @case(tags=[CLOSEST_DIRECTION]) def case_closest_direction_long_up_direction(): n = 8 vec = n * Direction.UP.to_array() distance = n direction = Direction.UP return vec, distance, direction @case(tags=[CLOSEST_DIRECTION]) def case_closest_direction_long_down_direction(): n = 8 vec = n * Direction.DOWN.to_array() distance = n direction = Direction.DOWN return vec, distance, direction @case(tags=[CLOSEST_DIRECTION]) def case_closest_direction_long_right_direction(): n = 8 vec = n * Direction.RIGHT.to_array() distance = n direction = Direction.RIGHT return vec, distance, direction @case(tags=[CLOSEST_DIRECTION]) def case_closest_direction_long_left_direction(): n = 8 vec = n * Direction.LEFT.to_array() distance = n direction = Direction.LEFT return vec, distance, direction @case(tags=[CLOSEST_DIRECTION]) def case_closest_direction_up_right_direction(): n, m = 3, 2 vec = n * Direction.UP.to_array() + m * Direction.RIGHT.to_array() distance = n + m direction = Direction.UP return vec, distance, direction @case(tags=[CLOSEST_DIRECTION]) def case_closest_direction_right_up_direction(): n, m = 3, 2 vec = m * Direction.UP.to_array() + n * Direction.RIGHT.to_array() distance = n + m direction = Direction.RIGHT return vec, distance, direction @case(tags=[PROJECT_TO_DIRECTION]) def case_project_to_direction_up(): vec = np.array([5, 2]) direction = Direction.UP result = np.array([5, 2]) return vec, direction, result @case(tags=[PROJECT_TO_DIRECTION]) def case_project_to_direction_right(): vec = np.array([5, 2]) direction = Direction.RIGHT result = np.array([2, -5]) return vec, direction, result @case(tags=[PROJECT_TO_DIRECTION]) def case_project_to_direction_down(): vec = np.array([5, 2]) direction = Direction.DOWN result = np.array([-5, -2]) return vec, direction, result @case(tags=[PROJECT_TO_DIRECTION]) def case_project_to_direction_left(): vec = np.array([5, 2]) direction = Direction.LEFT result = np.array([-2, 5]) return vec, direction, result @parametrize_with_cases( argnames=["vec", "distance", "direction"], cases=".", has_tag=CLOSEST_DIRECTION ) def test_closest_direction(vec, distance, direction): assert block_distance(vec) == distance assert closest_direction(vec) == direction @parametrize_with_cases( argnames=["vec", "direction", "result"], cases=".", has_tag=PROJECT_TO_DIRECTION ) def test_project_to_direction(vec, direction, result): np.testing.assert_array_equal( project_to_direction(sight_vector=vec, direction=direction), result )
<gh_stars>0 from flask_wtf import FlaskForm from wtforms import StringField, PasswordField, SubmitField, BooleanField, DateField, IntegerField from wtforms.validators import DataRequired, Email, EqualTo, ValidationError import wtforms_json from chatbot_back.models import Cuenta, Cliente wtforms_json.init() class Registration(FlaskForm): class Meta: csrf = False username = StringField('Username', validators=[DataRequired()]) email = StringField('Email', validators=[DataRequired(), Email()]) nombres = StringField('Nombre(s)', validators=[DataRequired()]) apellidos = StringField('Apellido(s)', validators=[DataRequired()]) fecha_nacimiento = DateField('Fecha de Nacimiento') password = PasswordField('Password', validators=[DataRequired()]) confirm_password = PasswordField('<PASSWORD> Password', validators=[ DataRequired(), EqualTo('password')]) class Login(FlaskForm): email = StringField('Email', validators=[DataRequired(), Email()]) password = PasswordField('Password', validators=[DataRequired()]) remember = BooleanField('Remember Me') submit = SubmitField('Log in') def validate_field(self, field): if True: raise ValidationError('Validation Message') class UpdateClient(FlaskForm): class Meta: csrf = False estado_civil = StringField('Estado Civil', validators=[DataRequired()]) dueno_vivienda = BooleanField('¿Eres dueño de vivienda?') num_contacto = IntegerField('Número de contacto', validators=[DataRequired()]) calle = StringField('Calle') num_exterior = IntegerField('Número exterior') num_interior = IntegerField('Número interior') colonia = StringField('Colonia') estado = StringField('Estado') educacion = StringField('Educación') pais = StringField('Pais') class UpdateBalance(FlaskForm): class Meta: csrf = False balance = IntegerField('balance', validators=[DataRequired()]) class CreatePayment(FlaskForm): class Meta: csrf = False monto = IntegerField('monto', validators=[DataRequired()])
<reponame>MakiPool/hasher-mtp { "targets": [ { "target_name": "hashermtp", "sources": [ "src/argon2ref/argon2.c", "src/argon2ref/blake2ba.c", "src/argon2ref/core.c", "src/argon2ref/encoding.c", "src/argon2ref/ref.c", "src/argon2ref/thread.c", "src/merkletree/merkle-tree.cpp", "src/merkletree/mtp.cpp", "src/sha3/sph_blake.c", "" ], "include_dirs": [ ".", "src", "<!(node -e \"require('nan')\")" ], "cflags_cc": [ "-std=c++0x" ] } ] }
<filename> import cutils as utils def search_metabolite_info_by_id(hmdb_id, info_titles): request_result = utils.__http_req('' + hmdb_id) info_values = {value: "" for value in info_titles} for title in info_titles: th = request_result.find("th", string=title) if(th != None): info_values[title] = th.next_sibling.get_text().strip() return info_values def search_metabolites_by_name(metabolite_name): search_result = utils.__http_req("\"" +metabolite_name + "\"&searcher=metabolites") ids = [] for link in search_result.find_all('div', class_="result-link"): ids.append(link.a.get_text()) return ids def search_metabolites_by_name_mass(metabolite_name, metabolite_mass, equal_mass_tolerance_percent = 0.001): TOLERATED_ERROR = metabolite_mass * equal_mass_tolerance_percent #if target_compound_mass > 0 and abs(c.monoisotopic_mass - target_compound_mass) > TOLERATED_ERROR : discard result_ids = [] for metabolite_id in search_metabolites_by_name(metabolite_name): try: info = search_metabolite_info_by_id(metabolite_id, ["Monoisotopic Molecular Weight"]) mono_mass = float(info["Monoisotopic Molecular Weight"]) if metabolite_mass > 0 and abs(mono_mass - metabolite_mass) > TOLERATED_ERROR : continue result_ids.append(metabolite_id) except ValueError: print("ValueError for metabolite", metabolite_name) return result_ids
<gh_stars>10-100 # Generated by Django 3.0.4 on 2020-04-15 07:47 from django.db import migrations class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ("news", "0012_auto_20200409_1452"), ("news", "0009_auto_20200414_0913"), ] operations = []
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import logging import json import random import string import time import requests from requests import RequestException logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class PyttributionIo: """ A Python wrapper around the API (by <NAME> – """ GET_REQUEST = 'GET' PRIVATE_API_URL = '' PUBLIC_API_URL = '' REQUEST_RETRY_AMOUNT = 10 REQUEST_RETRY_DELAY = 5 def __init__(self, api_key, api_secret): self._api_key = api_key self._api_secret = api_secret self.RequestException = RequestException """ General methods """ @staticmethod def _generate_random_id(size=24, chars=string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits): return ''.join(random.choice(chars) for n in range(size)) def _build_identity_request_data(self, attributionio_id, client_id='', user_agent=''): return { 'identity': { 'aliases': [attributionio_id], 'client_id': client_id if client_id else self._generate_random_id(), 'public_key': self._api_key, 'created_at': int(time.time()), 'meta': { 'agent': user_agent if user_agent else 'User-Agent unknown' } } } def _build_event_request_data(self, attributionio_id, event_key, client_id='', user_agent='', last_url=''): client_id = client_id if client_id else self._generate_random_id() return { 'event': { 'aliases': [attributionio_id], 'client_id': client_id, 'event_public_key': event_key, 'url': last_url if last_url else 'URL unknown', 'public_key': self._api_key, 'transaction_id': str(client_id) + '@' + str(int(time.time())), 'is_informational': False, 'created_at': int(time.time()), 'meta': { 'agent': user_agent if user_agent else 'User-Agent unknown' } } } def _make_private_api_request(self, subject_id, method='GET', endpoint='customers', **params): try: params.update({'secret': self._api_secret}) return json.loads( self._send_private_api_request( retries=PyttributionIo.REQUEST_RETRY_AMOUNT, subject_id=subject_id, method=method, endpoint=endpoint, params=params, ).content ) except RequestException: raise RequestException() def _make_public_api_request(self, url, data): try: return self._send_public_api_request( retries=PyttributionIo.REQUEST_RETRY_AMOUNT, url=url, data=data, ).status_code except RequestException: raise RequestException() def _send_private_api_request(self, retries, subject_id, method, endpoint, **params): while retries > 0: try: return requests.request( method=method, url='{url}/{api_key}/{endpoint}/{subject_id}'.format( url=PyttributionIo.PRIVATE_API_URL, api_key=self._api_key, endpoint=endpoint, subject_id=subject_id, ), params=params, ) except: retries -= 1 time.sleep(PyttributionIo.REQUEST_RETRY_DELAY) raise RequestException() def _send_public_api_request(self, retries, url, data): while retries > 0: try: return url=url, json=data, ) except: retries -= 1 time.sleep(PyttributionIo.REQUEST_RETRY_DELAY) raise RequestException() """ Private API methods """ """ Section: Customer """ def fetch_customer_info_base(self, client_id): """ Retrieves the basic information about any customer. :param client_id: The identification earlier used to identify the customer e.g. an email address :return: The fetched data as native Python data structures """ try: return self._make_private_api_request( method=PyttributionIo.GET_REQUEST, endpoint='customers', subject_id=client_id, ).get('customer') except RequestException as e: logger.error(' Retrieval of base customer info failed with HTTP status {exception}'.format( exception=e)) def fetch_customer_info_full(self, client_id): """ Retrieves the full information about any customer. :param client_id: The identification earlier used to identify the customer e.g. an email address :return: The fetched data as native Python data structures """ try: return self._make_private_api_request( method=PyttributionIo.GET_REQUEST, endpoint='customers', subject_id=client_id, show_all='true' ).get('customer') except RequestException as e: logger.error(' Retrieval of full customer info failed with HTTP status {exception}'.format( exception=e)) def fetch_customer_info_pageviews(self, client_id): """ Retrieves the pageviews information about any customer. :param client_id: The identification earlier used to identify the customer e.g. an email address :return: The fetched data as native Python data structures """ try: return self._make_private_api_request( method=PyttributionIo.GET_REQUEST, endpoint='customers', subject_id=client_id, show_pageviews='true' ).get('customer') except RequestException as e: logger.error(' Retrieval of customer pageviews failed with HTTP status {exception}'.format( exception=e)) def fetch_customer_info_touchpoints(self, client_id): """ Retrieves the touchpoints information about any customer. :param client_id: The identification earlier used to identify the customer e.g. an email address :return: The fetched data as native Python data structures """ try: return self._make_private_api_request( method=PyttributionIo.GET_REQUEST, endpoint='customers', subject_id=client_id, show_touchpoints='true' ).get('customer') except RequestException as e: logger.error( ' Retrieval of customer touchpoints failed with HTTP status {exception}'.format( exception=e)) def fetch_customer_info_events(self, client_id): """ Retrieves the events information about any customer. :param client_id: The identification earlier used to identify the customer e.g. an email address :return: The fetched data as native Python data structures """ try: return self._make_private_api_request( method=PyttributionIo.GET_REQUEST, endpoint='customers', subject_id=client_id, show_events='true' ).get('customer') except RequestException as e: logger.error( ' Retrieval of customer events failed with HTTP status {exception}'.format(exception=e)) def fetch_customer_info_identities(self, client_id): """ Retrieves the identities information about any customer. :param client_id: The identification earlier used to identify the customer e.g. an email address :return: The fetched data as native Python data structures """ try: return self._make_private_api_request( method=PyttributionIo.GET_REQUEST, endpoint='customers', subject_id=client_id, show_identities='true' ).get('customer') except RequestException as e: logger.error(' Retrieval of customer identities failed with HTTP status {exception}'.format( exception=e)) """ Public API Methods """ def trigger_identity(self, attributionio_id, client_id='', user_agent=''): """ Links any type of identification e.g. an email address, a customer reference number etc. to a so far anonymous cookie. :param attributionio_id: The cookie value (AttrioP_) :param client_id: [optional] The chosen identification of the client e.g. an email address :param user_agent: [optional] The User Agent of the client :return: The HTTP status code of the request """ try: return self._make_public_api_request( url=PyttributionIo.PUBLIC_API_URL + 'identities', data=self._build_identity_request_data( attributionio_id=attributionio_id, client_id=client_id, user_agent=user_agent, ) ) except RequestException as e: logger.error( ' Identity trigger for ID "{attributionio_id}" failed with HTTP status {exception}!'.format( attributionio_id=attributionio_id, exception=e, ) ) def trigger_event(self, attributionio_id, event_key, client_id='', user_agent='', last_url=''): """ Triggers any event towards :param attributionio_id: The cookie value (AttrioP_) :param event_key: The event key chosen in the settings of :param client_id: [optional] The chosen identification of the client e.g. an email address :param user_agent: [optional] The User Agent of the client :param last_url: [optional] The most recent URL the client visited where he/she triggered the event :return: The HTTP status code of the request """ try: event_trigger_response = self._make_public_api_request( url=PyttributionIo.PUBLIC_API_URL + 'events', data=self._build_event_request_data( attributionio_id=attributionio_id, event_key=event_key, client_id=client_id, user_agent=user_agent, last_url=last_url, ) ) identity_trigger_response = self.trigger_identity( attributionio_id=attributionio_id, client_id=client_id, user_agent=user_agent, ) return event_trigger_response, identity_trigger_response except RequestException as e: logger.error( ' Event trigger for ID "{attributionio_id}" failed with HTTP status {exception}!'.format( attributionio_id=attributionio_id, exception=e, ) )
from setuptools import setup setup( name="google-doc", version="0.1", description="Manipulating files pragmatically", url="", author="<NAME>", author_email="<EMAIL>", license="MIT", packages=["app"], zip_safe=False, )
mundo 3/
temp = [] princ = [] mai = men = 0 while True: temp.append(str(input('nome: '))) temp.append(float(input('peso: '))) if len(princ) == 0: mai = men = temp[1] else: if temp[1] > mai: mai = temp[1] if temp[1] < men: men = temp[1] princ.append(temp[:]) temp.clear() resp = str(input('quer continuar? ')) if resp in 'Nn': break print('-=' * 30) print(f'Ao todo você cadastrou {len(princ)} pessoas.') print(f'O maior peso foi {mai}Kg de', end='') for p in princ: if p[1] == mai: print(f'{[p[0]]}', end='') print(f'E o menor peso foi {men} de ', end='') for p in princ: if p[1] == men: print(f'{[p[0]]}', end='')
""" Provides Volatile type """ class Volatile: pass
# Generated by Django 2.1.4 on 2019-10-03 13:44 from django.db import migrations, models class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('core', '0032_auto_20190729_1249'), ] operations = [ migrations.AddField( model_name='ocrmodel', name='job', field=models.PositiveSmallIntegerField(choices=[(1, 'Segment'), (2, 'Recognize')], default=2), preserve_default=False, ), ]
<reponame>The-Animals/data-pipeline from __future__ import absolute_import from .minio_client import MinioClient from .mysql_client import MySqlClient from .utils import get_config from .schema import DbSchema
<gh_stars>1-10 from flake8.api import legacy as flake8 import sys if __name__ == '__main__': ignored_errors = ['W', 'E126'] excluded_files = [''] line_length = 121 style_guide = flake8.get_style_guide(ignore=ignored_errors, excluded=excluded_files, max_line_length=line_length) report = style_guide.check_files('') if report.get_statistics('E'): print('Код не соответствует стандарту PEP8\nили в нем есть синтаксические ошибки') sys.exit(1)
<gh_stars>0 from .level import Level from .graph.interface import Node class ManhattanDistanceHeuristic(): def __init__(self, level: Level): self.level = level def manhattan_distance(self, x: Node, y: Node) -> int: x_coords = self.level.id_to_coords(x.pos()) y_coords = self.level.id_to_coords(y.pos()) return abs(x_coords[0] - y_coords[0]) + abs(x_coords[1] - y_coords[1])
# # Jasy - Web Tooling Framework # Copyright 2010-2012 Zynga Inc. # Copyright 2013-2014 <NAME> # import shutil import json import base64 import os import re import random import sys import mimetypes import http.client import urllib.parse import hashlib import jasy.core.Console as Console __all__ = ("requestUrl", "uploadData") # # Generic HTTP support # def requestUrl(url, content_type="text/plain", headers=None, method="GET", port=None, body="", user=None, password=None): """Generic HTTP request wrapper with support for basic authentification and automatic parsing of response content.""""Opening %s request to %s..." % (method, url)) parsed = urllib.parse.urlparse(url) if parsed.scheme == "http": request = http.client.HTTPConnection(parsed.netloc) elif parsed.scheme == "https": request = http.client.HTTPSConnection(parsed.netloc) else: raise Exception("Unsupported url: %s" % url) if parsed.query: request.putrequest(method, parsed.path + "?" + parsed.query) else: request.putrequest(method, parsed.path) request.putheader("Content-Type", content_type) request.putheader("Content-Length", str(len(body))) if user is not None and password is not None: auth = "Basic %s" % base64.b64encode(("%s:%s" % (user, password)).encode("utf-8")).decode("utf-8") request.putheader("Authorization", auth) request.endheaders() if body:"Sending data (%s bytes)..." % len(body)) else:"Sending request...") Console.indent() request.send(body) response = request.getresponse() res_code = int(response.getcode()) res_headers = dict(response.getheaders()) res_content = res_success = False if res_code >= 200 and res_code <= 300: Console.debug("HTTP Success!") res_success = True else: Console.error("HTTP Failure Code: %s!", res_code) if "Content-Type" in res_headers: res_type = res_headers["Content-Type"] if ";" in res_type: res_type = res_type.split(";")[0] if res_type in ("application/json", "text/html", "text/plain"): res_content = res_content.decode("utf-8") if res_type == "application/json": res_content = json.loads(res_content) if "error" in res_content: Console.error("Error %s: %s", res_content["error"], res_content["reason"]) elif "reason" in res_content:"Success: %s" % res_content["reason"]) Console.outdent() return res_success, res_headers, res_content # # Multipart Support # def uploadData(url, fields, files, user=None, password=<PASSWORD>, method="POST"): """Easy wrapper for uploading content via HTTP multi part.""" content_type, body = encode_multipart_formdata(fields, files) return requestUrl(url, body=body, content_type=content_type, method=method, user=user, password=password) def choose_boundary(): """Return a string usable as a multipart boundary.""" # Follow IE and Firefox nonce = "".join([str(random.randint(0, sys.maxsize - 1)) for i in (0, 1, 2)]) return "-" * 27 + nonce def get_content_type(filename): """Figures out the content type of the given file.""" return mimetypes.guess_type(filename)[0] or "application/octet-stream" def encode_multipart_formdata(fields, files): """Encodes given fields and files to a multipart ready HTTP body.""" # Choose random boundary boundary = choose_boundary() # Build HTTP content type with generated boundary content_type = "multipart/form-data; boundary=%s" % boundary # Join all fields and files into one collection of lines lines = [] for (key, value) in fields: lines.append("--" + boundary) lines.append('Content-Disposition: form-data; name="' + key + '"') lines.append("") lines.append(value) for (key, filename, value) in files: lines.append("--" + boundary) lines.append('Content-Disposition: form-data; name="' + key + '"; filename="' + filename + '"') lines.append('Content-Type: ' + get_content_type(filename)) lines.append("") lines.append(value) lines.append("--" + boundary + "--") lines.append("") # Encode and join all lines as ascii bytelines = [line if isinstance(line, bytes) else line.encode("ascii") for line in lines] body = "\r\n".encode("ascii").join(bytelines) return content_type, body
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2017, <NAME> # All rights reserved. # # The file is part of the xpcc library and is released under the 3-clause BSD # license. See the file `LICENSE` for the full license governing this code. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- import subprocess, locale from collections import defaultdict import argparse author_handles = { "<NAME>": "AndreGilerson", "<NAME>": "Sh4rK", "<NAME>": None, "<NAME>": "cajt", "<NAME>": "chrism333", "<NAME>": None, "<NAME>": "chris-durand", "<NAME>": "daniel-k", "<NAME>": "dhebbeker", "<NAME>": "dergraaf", "<NAME>": "georgi-g", "<NAME>": "RzwoDzwo", "<NAME>": None, "<NAME>": "ekiwi", "<NAME>": "lmoesch", "<NAME>": "Maju-Ketchup", "<NAME>": "Scabber", "<NAME>": "thundernail", "<NAME>": "mhthies", "<NAME>": "genbattle", "<NAME>": None, "<NAME>": "salkinium", "<NAME>": "rleh", "<NAME>": "strongly-typed", "<NAME>": "7Kronos", "<NAME>": "TheTh0r", "<NAME>": "tomchy", "<NAME>": "acristoffers", } def get_author_log(since = None, until = None, handles = True, count = False): sl_command = "git shortlog -sn" if since is not None: sl_command += " --since=\"{}\"".format(since) if until is not None: sl_command += " --until=\"{}\"".format(until) # get the shortlog summary output = subprocess.Popen(sl_command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)\ # parse the shortlog shortlog = defaultdict(int) for line in output.splitlines(): commits, author = line.split("\t") shortlog[author] += int(commits) # convert to list of tuples for sorting commit_tuples = [(c, a) for a, c in shortlog.items()] if count: # sort by number of commits, then alphabetically by author commit_tuples.sort(key=lambda a: (-a[0], a[1])) else: # sort by name commit_tuples.sort(key=lambda a: a[1]) output = [] for (commits, author) in commit_tuples: out = author if handles and author in author_handles and author_handles[author] is not None: out += u" (@{})".format(author_handles[author]) if count: out = u"{:4} {}".format(commits, out) output.append(out) return output if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Author statistics of xpcc.") parser.add_argument("--handles", dest="with_handles", action="store_true", help="adds the GitHub handle to the author if known") parser.add_argument("--count", dest="with_count", action="store_true", help="adds and sorts authors by commit count") parser.add_argument("--shoutout", dest="with_shoutout", action="store_true", help="annotates first time contributers") parser.add_argument("--since", dest="since", help="evaluates the git history from this date until present") args = parser.parse_args() since_date = args.since if args.since else None log_authors = get_author_log(since=since_date, handles=args.with_handles, count=args.with_count) new_authors = [] if args.with_shoutout and since_date: previous_authors = get_author_log(until=since_date, handles=False, count=False) new_authors = get_author_log(since=since_date, handles=False, count=False) new_authors = [a for a in new_authors if a not in previous_authors] authors = [] for author in log_authors: if any(a in author for a in new_authors): author += u" 🎉🎊" authors.append(author) print("\n".join(authors))
<filename>twiml/voice/pay/pay-tokenize-connector/<gh_stars>0 from twilio.twiml.voice_response import Pay, VoiceResponse response = VoiceResponse()'0', payment_connector='My_Pay_Connector', action='') print(response)
<filename>day13_transparent-origami/ # <NAME>, <EMAIL> # Advent of Code 2021, Day 13: Transparent Origami #%% LONG INPUT my_input = [] with open('input_roman.txt', 'r') as f: for line in f: my_input.append(line.strip('\n')) #%% EXAMPLE INPUT my_input = [ '6,10', '0,14', '9,10', '0,3', '10,4', '4,11', '6,0', '6,12', '4,1', '0,13', '10,12', '3,4', '3,0', '8,4', '1,10', '2,14', '8,10', '9,0', '', 'fold along y=7', 'fold along x=5', ] #%% PART 1 AND 2 CODE class Point(): def __init__(self, x, y): self.x, self.y = x, y def __eq__(self, other): return (self.x == other.x) and (self.y == other.y) def __hash__(self): return hash((self.x, self.y)) def equals(self, x, y): return (self.x == x) and (self.y == y) class Fold(): def __init__(self, axis, val): self.axis, self.val = axis, int(val) class Paper(list): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.x_size, self.y_size = 0, 0 def __str__(self): total = '' for point in self: total += f"({point.x}, {point.y})\n" return total def display(self): for y in range(self.y_size + 1): accum = '' for x in range(self.x_size + 1): if any([p.equals(x, y) for p in self]): accum += '#' else: accum += '.' print(accum) def fold_paper(self, fold): if fold.axis == 'x': for point in self: if point.x > fold.val: point.x = (2 * fold.val) - point.x self.x_size = int((self.x_size - 1) / 2) elif fold.axis == 'y': for point in self: if point.y > fold.val: point.y = (2 * fold.val) - point.y self.y_size = int((self.y_size - 1) / 2) def dot_count(self): unique = set() for point in self: unique.add((point.x, point.y)) return len(unique) p = Paper() f = [] for line in my_input: if len(line) > 0: if line.find('fold') == -1: x, y = line.split(',') p.append(Point(int(x), int(y))) else: axis, val = line[len('fold along '):].split('=') f.append(Fold(axis, val)) p.x_size = max([s.x for s in p]) p.y_size = max([s.y for s in p]) for fold in f: p.fold_paper(fold) print(p.dot_count()) p.display()
import pytest from pyisic import KSIC10_to_ISIC4 from pyisic.types import Standards @pytest.mark.parametrize( "code,expected", [ ("DOESNT EXIST", set()), ("A", set()), ("14112", {(Standards.ISIC4, "1410")}), ], ) def test_ksic10_to_isic4_concordance(code: str, expected: str): """Test KSIC10 to ISIC4 sample concordances.""" assert KSIC10_to_ISIC4.concordant(code) == expected
<reponame>lzz42/Notes<gh_stars>1-10 # -*- coding:UTF-8 -*- import os import re import time import itchat from itchat.content import * # itchat: def main(): LogIn() def LogIn(): itchat.auto_login() itchat.send('Hello, filehelper', toUserName='filehelper') @itchat.msg_register([TEXT]) def text_reply(msg): res ='ok', msg['Text']) if res: itchat.send(('fine thanks'), msg['FromUserName']) else: itchat.send(('are you ok?'), msg['FromUserName']) @itchat.msg_register([PICTURE, RECORDING, VIDEO, SHARING]) def other_msg(msg): itchat.send(('hello?'), msg['FromUserName']) def start_itchat(): itchat.auto_login(enableCmdQR=True, hotReload=True) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
from unittest import TestCase, main from ko_pron import romanise def mr_romanize(word): return romanise(word, "mr") class TestKoPron(TestCase): def test_kosinga(self): self.assertEqual("kŏsin'ga", mr_romanize("것인가")) def test_kosida(self): self.assertEqual("kŏsida", mr_romanize("것이다")) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
<gh_stars>0 # coding: utf-8 # # Nengo Example: Learning to compute a product # # Unlike the communication channel and the element-wise square, # the product is a nonlinear function on multiple inputs. # This represents a difficult case for learning rules # that aim to generalize a function given many # input-output example pairs. # However, using the same type of network structure # as in the communication channel and square cases, # we can learn to compute the product of two dimensions # with the `nengo.PES` learning rule. # In[ ]: import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import nengo from nengo.processes import WhiteSignal # ## Create the model # # Like previous examples, the network consists of `pre`, `post`, and `error` ensembles. # We'll use two-dimensional white noise input and attempt to learn the product # using the actual product to compute the error signal. # In[ ]: model = nengo.Network() with model: # -- input and pre popluation inp = nengo.Node(WhiteSignal(60, high=5), size_out=2) pre = nengo.Ensemble(120, dimensions=2) nengo.Connection(inp, pre) # -- post population post = nengo.Ensemble(60, dimensions=1) # -- reference population, containing the actual product product = nengo.Ensemble(60, dimensions=1) nengo.Connection(inp, product, function=lambda x: x[0] * x[1], synapse=None) # -- error population error = nengo.Ensemble(60, dimensions=1) nengo.Connection(post, error) nengo.Connection(product, error, transform=-1) # -- learning connection conn = nengo.Connection(pre, post, function=lambda x: np.random.random(1), learning_rule_type=nengo.PES()) nengo.Connection(error, conn.learning_rule) # -- inhibit error after 40 seconds inhib = nengo.Node(lambda t: 2.0 if t > 40.0 else 0.0) nengo.Connection(inhib, error.neurons, transform=[[-1]] * error.n_neurons) # -- probes product_p = nengo.Probe(product, synapse=0.01) pre_p = nengo.Probe(pre, synapse=0.01) post_p = nengo.Probe(post, synapse=0.01) error_p = nengo.Probe(error, synapse=0.03) with nengo.Simulator(model) as sim: # In[ ]: plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8)) plt.subplot(3, 1, 1) plt.plot(sim.trange(),[pre_p], c='b') plt.legend(('Pre decoding',), loc='best') plt.subplot(3, 1, 2) plt.plot(sim.trange(),[product_p], c='k', label='Actual product') plt.plot(sim.trange(),[post_p], c='r', label='Post decoding') plt.legend(loc='best') plt.subplot(3, 1, 3) plt.plot(sim.trange(),[error_p], c='b') plt.ylim(-1, 1) plt.legend(("Error",), loc='best'); # ## Examine the initial output # # Let's zoom in on the network at the beginning: # In[ ]: plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8)) plt.subplot(3, 1, 1) plt.plot(sim.trange()[:2000],[pre_p][:2000], c='b') plt.legend(('Pre decoding',), loc='best') plt.subplot(3, 1, 2) plt.plot(sim.trange()[:2000],[product_p][:2000], c='k', label='Actual product') plt.plot(sim.trange()[:2000],[post_p][:2000], c='r', label='Post decoding') plt.legend(loc='best') plt.subplot(3, 1, 3) plt.plot(sim.trange()[:2000],[error_p][:2000], c='b') plt.ylim(-1, 1) plt.legend(("Error",), loc='best'); # The above plot shows that when the network is initialized, it is not able to compute the product. The error is quite large. # ## Examine the final output # # After the network has run for a while, and learning has occurred, the output is quite different: # In[ ]: plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8)) plt.subplot(3, 1, 1) plt.plot(sim.trange()[38000:42000],[pre_p][38000:42000], c='b') plt.legend(('Pre decoding',), loc='best') plt.subplot(3, 1, 2) plt.plot(sim.trange()[38000:42000],[product_p][38000:42000], c='k', label='Actual product') plt.plot(sim.trange()[38000:42000],[post_p][38000:42000], c='r', label='Post decoding') plt.legend(loc='best') plt.subplot(3, 1, 3) plt.plot(sim.trange()[38000:42000],[error_p][38000:42000], c='b') plt.ylim(-1, 1) plt.legend(("Error",), loc='best'); # You can see that it has learned a decent approximation of the product, # but it's not perfect -- typically, it's not as good as the offline optimization. # The reason for this is that we've given it white noise input, # which has a mean of 0; since this happens in both dimensions, # we'll see a lot of examples of inputs and outputs near 0. # In other words, we've oversampled a certain part of the # vector space, and overlearned decoders that do well in # that part of the space. If we want to do better in other # parts of the space, we would need to construct an input # signal that evenly samples the space.
<gh_stars>100-1000 # tests/ # Automatically generated by tools/ (24-Sep-2021 15:18:02 UTC) def test_provider_import(): import terrascript.provider.hashicorp.hashicups def test_resource_import(): from terrascript.resource.hashicorp.hashicups import hashicups_order def test_datasource_import(): from import hashicups_coffees from import hashicups_ingredients from import hashicups_order # TODO: Shortcut imports without namespace for official and supported providers. # TODO: This has to be moved into a required_providers block. # def test_version_source(): # # import terrascript.provider.hashicorp.hashicups # # t = terrascript.provider.hashicorp.hashicups.hashicups() # s = str(t) # # assert '' in s # assert '0.3.1' in s
import sys try: from Queue import PriorityQueue except: from queue import PriorityQueue try: from memory import page except: import page from collections import OrderedDict # Disable bytecode generation sys.dont_write_bytecode = True class PageTable(object): ''' Simulates the operations of the Memory Management Unit Page Table. ''' def __init__(self): ''' Constructor function ''' self.disk = OrderedDict() self.memory = OrderedDict() def __getitem__(self, process_id, orderedDict): ''' ''' for p in orderedDict: if p == process_id: return orderedDict[process_id] def print_memory_map(self): ''' Used to print all pages currently in memory or on the disk ''' memory_output = '\n\tPages in Memory:' for key in self.memory: memory_output += '\n\t\t' + str(self.memory[key]) disk_output = '\n\n\tPages on Disk:' for key in self.disk: disk_output += '\n\t\t' + str(self.disk[key]) output = memory_output + disk_output return output def touch(self, page, clock): ''' Touch is called any time a page is accessed ''' # if page not in memory, add it if not in self.memory.keys(): self.memory[] = page # if page had been evicted to disk and is currently there if in self.disk.keys(): del self.disk[]
<reponame>danheath/pykol-lib from enum import Enum import libkol from ..util import parsing from .clan_rumpus import Furniture from .request import Request class MeatFurniture(Enum): Orchid = Furniture.MeatOrchid Tree = Furniture.MeatTree Bush = Furniture.MeatBush class clan_rumpus_meat(Request[int]): """ Uses a meat dispenser in the clan rumpus room. """ def __init__(self, session: "libkol.Session", furniture: MeatFurniture) -> None: super().__init__(session) spot, furni = furniture.value params = {"action": "click", "spot": spot, "furni": furni} self.request = session.request("clan_rumpus.php", params=params) @staticmethod async def parser(content: str, **kwargs) -> int: return parsing.meat(content)
# Code to reboot an EC2 instance (configured with 'aws configure') import boto3 from botocore.exceptions import ClientError def getFirstInstanceID(ec2): # Get all EC2 instances all_instances = ec2.describe_instances() # Select the first first = all_instances['Reservations'][0]['Instances'][0] # Return the ID return first['InstanceId'] def main(): # Create an EC2 Client ec2 = boto3.client('ec2') try: ec2.reboot_instances(InstanceIds=[getFirstInstanceID(ec2)], DryRun=True) except ClientError as e: if 'DryRunOperation' not in str(e): print("You don't have permission to reboot instances.") raise try: response = ec2.reboot_instances(InstanceIds=[getFirstInstanceID(ec2)], DryRun=False) print('Success', response) except ClientError as e: print('Error', e) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
from dataclasses import dataclass @dataclass class Dialog: message: str sideObjects: tuple = () extraEvents: tuple = () @dataclass class Branch: dialogsList: list class Chapter: def __init__(self, branchList: dict): self.branchList = branchList self.currentBranch = branchList["main"] self.dialogIndex = 0 def goToBranch(self, branchName: str): self.currentBranch = branchList[branchName] self.dialogIndex = 0 def getCurrentDialog(self) -> Dialog: return self.currentBranch.dialogsList[self.dialogIndex] def advanceDialogIndex(self): if (len(self.currentBranch.dialogsList) - 1) == self.dialogIndex: return self.dialogIndex += 1 def getCurrentBranchLength(self) -> int: return len(self.currentBranch.dialogsList) class StoryManager: def __init__(self, chapters: list): self.chapters: list = chapters self.chapterIndex: int = 0 def getNow(self) -> Dialog: return self.chapters[self.chapterIndex].getCurrentDialog() def getNext(self) -> Dialog: self.chapters[self.chapterIndex].advanceDialogIndex() return self.chapters[self.chapterIndex].getCurrentDialog() def getCurrentChapterLength(self) -> int: return self.chapters[self.chapterIndex].getCurrentBranchLength() def advanceDialogIndex(self): self.chapters[self.chapterIndex].advanceDialogIndex()
<reponame>Kapil-Shyam-M/riscv-isac import importlib import pluggy from riscv_isac.plugins.specification import * import riscv_isac.plugins as plugins def interface (trace, arch, mode): ''' Arguments: Trace - Log_file_path Arch - Architecture Mode - Execution trace format ''' parser_pm = pluggy.PluginManager("parser") decoder_pm = pluggy.PluginManager("decoder") parser_pm.add_hookspecs(ParserSpec) decoder_pm.add_hookspecs(DecoderSpec) parserfile = importlib.import_module("riscv_isac.plugins."+mode) parserclass = getattr(parserfile, "mode_"+mode) parser_pm.register(parserclass()) parser = parser_pm.hook parser.setup(trace=trace,arch=arch) instructionObjectfile = importlib.import_module("riscv_isac.plugins.internalDecoder") decoderclass = getattr(instructionObjectfile, "disassembler") decoder_pm.register(decoderclass()) decoder = decoder_pm.hook decoder.setup(arch=arch) iterator = iter(parser.__iter__()[0]) for instr, mnemonic, addr, commitvalue in iterator: if instr is not None: instrObj = decoder.decode(instr=instr, addr=addr)
<reponame>bozcani/borsa-scraper-app # Generated by Django 3.0.2 on 2020-02-15 16:10 from django.db import migrations, models class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('BasicApp', '0008_auto_20200215_1605'), ] operations = [ migrations.AlterField( model_name='stock', name='stock_name', field=models.CharField(max_length=100), ), ]
from rest_framework.views import APIView from rest_framework.response import Response from rest_framework import status from profiles_api import serializers class HelloApiView(APIView): """Test the Api view""" serializers_class = serializers.HelloSerializer def get(self, request, format=None): """Return a list api view features""" an_apiview = ['Uses Http Method as function(get,post,put,patch,delete)', 'Is similar to a traditional django view'] return Response({'message': 'hello', 'an_apiview': an_apiview}) def post(self, request): """ Create a hello message with our name """ serializers = self.serializers_class( if serializers.is_valid(): name = serializers.validated_data.get('name') message = f'Hello {name}' return Response({'message': message}) else: return Response(serializers.errors, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
<filename>a10sdk/core/ipv6/ from a10sdk.common.A10BaseClass import A10BaseClass class Pmtu(A10BaseClass): """Class Description:: Configure Path MTU option. Class pmtu supports CRUD Operations and inherits from `common/A10BaseClass`. This class is the `"PARENT"` class for this module.` :param action: {"description": "\"disable\": Disable IPv6 PMTU processing; \"enable\": Enable IPv6 PMTU processing; ", "format": "enum", "default": "disable", "type": "string", "enum": ["disable", "enable"], "optional": true} :param timeout: {"description": "Path MTU timeout to restore the original value (Path MTU timeout of the aggregated route (Default: 300 secs)).", "format": "number", "type": "number", "maximum": 900, "minimum": 120, "optional": true} :param DeviceProxy: The device proxy for REST operations and session handling. Refer to `common/` URL for this object:: `https://<Hostname|Ip address>//axapi/v3/ipv6/pmtu`. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.ERROR_MSG = "" self.required=[] self.b_key = "pmtu" self.a10_url="/axapi/v3/ipv6/pmtu" self.DeviceProxy = "" self.action = "" self.timeout = "" for keys, value in kwargs.items(): setattr(self,keys, value)
from typing import List, Dict, Tuple, Callable, Any, Optional, Union from drepr.models import Variable, Location from import RAIterator from import RAReader class MultiRAReader(RAReader): def __init__(self, ra_readers: Dict[str, RAReader]): self.ra_readers = ra_readers def get_value(self, index: List[Union[str, int]], start_idx: int = 0) -> Any: return self.ra_readers[index[start_idx]].get_value(index, start_idx + 1) def replace_value(self, index: List[Union[str, int]], value: Any, start_idx: int = 0): self.ra_readers[index[start_idx]].replace_value(index, value, start_idx + 1) def insert_value(self, index: List[Union[str, int]], value: Any, start_idx: int = 0): self.ra_readers[index[start_idx]].insert_value(index, value, start_idx + 1) def remove_value(self, index: List[Union[str, int]], start_idx: int = 0): self.ra_readers[index[start_idx]].remove_value(index, start_idx + 1) def ground_location_mut(self, loc: Location, start_idx: int = 0) -> None: return self.ra_readers[loc.resource_id].ground_location_mut(loc, start_idx) def dump2json(self) -> Union[dict, list]: return {k: v.dump2json() for k, v in self.ra_readers.items()} def iter_data(self, grounded_loc: Location, reverse: bool = False) -> RAIterator: upperbound = [grounded_loc.resource_id] lowerbound = [grounded_loc.resource_id] step_sizes = [0] is_dynamic = False for i, s in enumerate(grounded_loc.slices): if s.is_range(): lowerbound.append(s.start) upperbound.append(s.end) step_sizes.append(s.step) if s.end is None: is_dynamic = True else: lowerbound.append(s.idx) upperbound.append(s.idx) step_sizes.append(0) return RAIterator(self, upperbound, lowerbound, step_sizes, reverse, is_dynamic)
''' Created on Nov 14, 2018 @author: nilson.nieto ''' import time, datetime # Using Epoch print(time.ctime(time.time())) print('Current day') print(
<filename>aoc/day04/<gh_stars>0 # Advent of Code - Day 4 - Part One from import Game def result(raw_bingo_game: list[str]): game = Game(raw_bingo_game) game.perform() return sum(game.all_unmarked_numbers(game.winning_board)) * game.winning_number
<reponame>rbose85/bounce-cars<gh_stars>0 from rest_framework import serializers from trades.models import Trade class TradeSerializer(serializers.HyperlinkedModelSerializer): """ Regulate what goes over the wire for a `Trade` resource. """ class Meta: model = Trade exclude = ("created", "modified") def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """custom initialisation of serializer to support dynamic field list""" fields = None context = kwargs.get("context") if context: # Don not pass 'fields' to superclass fields = context.pop("fields", None) # Instantiate the superclass normally super(TradeSerializer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if fields: # Drop fields not specified in the `fields` argument. for field_name in (set(self.fields.keys()) - set(fields)): self.fields.pop(field_name)
############################################################################### # Copyright 2011,2012 The University of Texas at Austin # # # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # # limitations under the License. # ############################################################################### import copy import logging import multiprocessing import time from queue import Empty from import Data,Representation from ipf.error import NoMoreInputsError, StepError ####################################################################################################################### class Step(multiprocessing.Process): def __init__(self): multiprocessing.Process.__init__(self) = None # a unique id for the step in a workflow self.description = None self.time_out = None self.params = {} self.requires = [] # Data or Representation that this step requires self.produces = [] # Data that this step produces self.accepts_params = {} self._acceptParameter("id","an identifier for this step",False) self._acceptParameter("requires","list of additional types this step requires",False) self._acceptParameter("outputs","list of ids for steps that output should be sent to (typically not needed)", False) self.input_queue = multiprocessing.Queue() self.inputs = [] # input data received from input_queue, but not yet wanted self.no_more_inputs = False self.outputs = {} # steps to send outputs to. keys are, values are lists of steps self.logger = logging.getLogger(self._logName()) def configure(self, step_doc, workflow_params): = step_doc.get("id",None) self.output_ids = {} # Data class -> [step id] if "outputs" in step_doc: if len(self.produces) != 1: raise StepError("parameter 'outputs' can only be specified for steps that produce one data type") self.output_ids[self.produces[0]] = step_doc["outputs"] if "output_map" in step_doc: data_classes = {} for cls in self.produces: data_classes["%s.%s" % (cls.__module__,cls.__name__)] = cls for cls_name in step_doc["output_map"]: if cls_name not in data_classes: raise StepError("step does not produce data %s",cls_name) self.output_ids[data_classes[cls_name]] = step_doc["output_map"][cls_name] self._setParameters(step_doc.get("params",{}),workflow_params) def _setParameters(self, step_params, workflow_params): self._checkUnexpectedParameters(step_params) self.params = dict(list(workflow_params.items())+list(step_params.items())) self._checkExpectedParameters(self.params) def _acceptParameter(self, name, description, required): self.accepts_params[name] = (description,required) def _checkUnexpectedParameters(self, params): for name in params: if not self._acceptsParameter(name):"received an unexpected parameter: %s - %s",name,params[name]) def _checkExpectedParameters(self, params): for name in self.accepts_params: if self._requiresParameter(name): if name not in params: raise StepError("required parameter %s not provided" % name) def _acceptsParameter(self, name): if name in self.accepts_params: return True return False def _requiresParameter(self, name): if name not in self.accepts_params: return False return self.accepts_params[name][1] def __str__(self, indent=""): if is None: sstr = indent+"Step:\n" else: sstr = indent+"Step %s:\n" % sstr += indent+" name: %s.%s\n" % (self.__module__,self.__class__.__name__) sstr += indent+" description: %s\n" % self.description if self.time_out is None: sstr += indent+" time out: None\n" else: sstr += indent+" time out: %d secs\n" % self.time_out if len(self.params) > 0: sstr += indent+" parameters:\n" for param in self.params: sstr += indent+" %s: %s\n" % (param,self.params[param]) sstr += indent+" requires:\n" for cls in self.requires: sstr += indent+" %s.%s\n" % (cls.__module__,cls.__name__) sstr += indent+" produces:\n" for cls in self.produces: sstr += indent+" %s.%s\n" % (cls.__module__,cls.__name__) if len(self.outputs) > 0: sstr += indent+" outputs:\n" for cls in self.outputs: for step in self.outputs[cls]: sstr += indent+" %s.%s -> %s\n" % (cls.__module__,cls.__name__, return sstr def _getInput(self, cls): # need to handle Representations, too for index in range(0,len(self.inputs)): if self.inputs[index].__class__ == cls: return self.inputs.pop(index) if self.no_more_inputs: raise NoMoreInputsError("No more inputs and none of the %d waiting message is a %s." % (len(self.inputs),cls)) while True: data = self.input_queue.get(True) if data == None: self.no_more_inputs = True raise NoMoreInputsError("no more inputs while waiting for %s" % cls) if data.__class__ == cls: return data else: self.inputs.append(data) def run(self): """Run the step - the Engine will have this in its own thread.""" raise StepError(" not overridden") def _output(self, data): if data.__class__ not in self.outputs: self.warning("%s is not a specified output - not passing it on" % data.__class__.__name__) return self.debug("output %s",data) for step in self.outputs[data.__class__]: self.debug("sending output %s to step %s",data, # isolate any changes to the data by queuing copies step.input_queue.put(copy.deepcopy(data)) def _logName(self): return self.__module__ + "." + self.__class__.__name__ def error(self, msg, *args, **kwargs): args2 = (,)+args self.logger.error("%s - "+msg,*args2,**kwargs) def warning(self, msg, *args, **kwargs): args2 = (,)+args self.logger.warning("%s - "+msg,*args2,**kwargs) def info(self, msg, *args, **kwargs): args2 = (,)+args"%s - "+msg,*args2,**kwargs) def debug(self, msg, *args, **kwargs): args2 = (,)+args self.logger.debug("%s - "+msg,*args2,**kwargs) ####################################################################################################################### class PublishStep(Step): def __init__(self): Step.__init__(self) self.accepts_params = {} self._acceptParameter("publish","a list of representations to publish",True) self.publish = [] def _setParameters(self, workflow_params, step_params): Step._setParameters(self,workflow_params,step_params) try: publish_names = self.params["publish"] except KeyError: raise StepError("required parameter 'publish' not specified") from ipf.catalog import catalog # can't import this at the top - circular import for name in publish_names: try: rep_class = catalog.representations[name] self.publish.append(rep_class) except KeyError: raise StepError("unknown representation %s" % name) if not rep_class.data_cls in self.requires: self.requires.append(rep_class.data_cls) def run(self): while True: data = self.input_queue.get(True) if data == None: break for rep_class in self.publish: if rep_class.data_cls != data.__class__: continue rep = rep_class(data) self._publish(rep) break ####################################################################################################################### class TriggerStep(Step): def __init__(self): Step.__init__(self) self.accepts_params = {} self._acceptParameter("trigger","a list of representations to trigger on",False) self._acceptParameter("minimum_interval","the minimum interval in seconds between triggers",False) self._acceptParameter("maximum_interval","the maximum interval in seconds between triggers",False) self.trigger = [] self.minimum_interval = None self.maximum_interval = None self.last_trigger = None self.next_trigger = None def _setParameters(self, workflow_params, step_params): Step._setParameters(self,workflow_params,step_params) trigger_names = self.params.get("trigger",[]) from ipf.catalog import catalog # can't import this at the top - circular import for name in trigger_names: try: rep_class = catalog.representations[name] self.trigger.append(rep_class) except KeyError: raise StepError("unknown representation %s" % name) if not rep_class.data_cls in self.requires: self.requires.append(rep_class.data_cls) def run(self): try: self.minimum_interval = self.params["minimum_interval"] self.last_trigger = time.time() except KeyError: pass try: self.maximum_interval = self.params["maximum_interval"] self.next_trigger = time.time() + self.maximum_interval except KeyError: pass if len(self.trigger) == 0 and self.maximum_interval is None: raise StepError("You must specify at least one trigger or a maximum_interval") if len(self.trigger) == 0: self._runPeriodic() else: self._runTrigger() def _runPeriodic(self): while True: self._doTrigger(None) time.sleep(self.maximum_interval) def _runTrigger(self): while True: try: data = self.input_queue.get(True,1) except Empty: if self.next_trigger is not None and time.time() >= self.next_trigger: # if it has been too long since the last trigger, send one self._doTrigger(None) else: if data == None: # no more data will be sent, the step can end break for rep_class in self.trigger: if rep_class.data_cls != data.__class__: continue rep = rep_class(data) if self.last_trigger is None or time.time() - self.last_trigger > self.minimum_interval: # trigger if it isn't too soon since the last one self._doTrigger(rep) else: # pull forward the next trigger if it is too soon self.next_trigger = self.last_trigger + self.minimum_interval break def _doTrigger(self, representation): if self.minimum_interval is not None: self.last_trigger = time.time() if self.maximum_interval is not None: self.next_trigger = time.time() + self.maximum_interval else: self.next_trigger = None self._trigger(representation) ####################################################################################################################### class WorkflowStep(TriggerStep): def __init__(self): TriggerStep.__init__(self) self.description = "runs a workflow on triggers under constraints" self._acceptParameter("workflow","the workflow description file to execute",True) def _trigger(self, representation): try: workflow_file = self.params["workflow"] except KeyError: raise StepError("required parameter 'workflow' not specified")"running workflow %s",workflow_file) # error if import is above from ipf.engine import WorkflowEngine engine = WorkflowEngine() ############################################################################################################## class SleepStep(Step): def __init__(self): Step.__init__(self) self.description = "a test step that sleeps for a specified amount of time" self._acceptParameter("duration","the number of seconds to sleep for",False) def run(self): try: duration = self.params["duration"] # should be a number except KeyError: duration = 60"sleeping for %d seconds" % duration) time.sleep(duration) ##############################################################################################################
import itchat import datetime, os, platform, time import cv2 import face_recognition as face from sklearn.externals import joblib def send_move(friends_name, text): users = itchat.search_friends(name = friends_name) print(users) userName = users[0]['UserName'] itchat.send(text, toUserName = userName) print('Success') def send_move_danger(): users = itchat.search_friends(name = 'Boss') userName = users[0]['UserName'] itchat.send("Someone is in the room!", toUserName = userName) itchat.send_image("breaker.jpg", toUserName = userName) print('Success') def send_move_save(): users = itchat.search_friends(name = 'Boss') userName = users[0]['UserName'] itchat.send("He left, we are safe!", toUserName = userName) print('Success') @itchat.msg_register(itchat.content.TEXT) def print_content(msg): print(msg['User']['NickName'] + 'said: ' + msg['Text']) def is_my_face(clf, image_name): img = face.load_image_file(image_name) encode = face.face_encodings(img) if(len(encode) != 0): out = clf.predict(encode) if(out[0] == 1): return True return False clf = joblib.load("./face_regonition/my_face.pkl") itchat.auto_login(hotReload = True) is_break_in = False key = cv2.waitKey(20) me = False try: while(True): if(not me): if(os.path.isfile("./breaker.jpg") and (not is_break_in)): if(is_my_face(clf, "./breaker.jpg")): print("Welcome back my lord") me = True send_move_danger() is_break_in = True elif((not os.path.isfile("./breaker.jpg")) and is_break_in): send_move_save() is_break_in = False except KeyboardInterrupt: print("Finish") print("Finish")
import pandas as pd from src.config import Config config = Config() dfs = [] for cloth in ['blouse', 'skirt', 'outwear', 'dress', 'trousers']: df = pd.read_csv(config.proj_path + 'kp_predictions/' + cloth + '.csv') dfs.append(df) res_df = pd.concat(dfs) res_df.to_csv(config.proj_path +'kp_predictions/result.csv', index=False)
### Author : <NAME> # --> Implementation of **K-MEANS** algorithim. """ #Importing the Libraries import pandas as pd import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import random #Reading the dataset iris = pd.read_csv('') #iris.head() iris.tail() iris.describe() # Preparing input with 4 features from dataset X = iris.iloc[:,1:5].values X.shape # Preparing Expected output for comparison Y = iris.iloc[:,-1].values for i in range(150): if i < 50 : Y[i] = 0 elif i < 100 : Y[i] = 1 else : Y[i] = 2 #Y #number of training datapoints m = X.shape[0] #number of features n = X.shape[1] # number of iterations n_iterations = 100 # number of clusters k = 3 print(m,n,k) data = iris.iloc[:,1:3].values plt.scatter(data[:,0], data[:,1], c = 'black', label = 'Unclustered Data') plt.xlabel('Sepal Length') plt.ylabel('Sepal Width') plt.legend() # It claculates Eucledian distance between two points def E_distance(X1,X2): d = sum((X1 - X2)**2)**0.5 return d # K-Means Algorithm def K_Means(data): # choosing centroids randomly random.seed(121) centroids = {} for i in range(k): rand = random.randint(0,m-1) centroids[i] = data[rand] # creating output dictionary for iteration in range(n_iterations): classes = {} # classes are initialising with classKey as indices. for class_key in range(k): classes[class_key] = [] # finding the distance of each data point with 3 centroids assigned recently. p = 0 for data_point in data: distance = [] for centroid in centroids: temp_dis = E_distance(data_point, centroids[centroid]) distance.append(temp_dis) # finding the centroid with minimum distance from the point and append it into that centroid class. min_dis = min(distance) min_dis_index = distance.index(min_dis) classes[min_dis_index].append(data_point) Y[p] = min_dis_index p += 1 # new centroids are formed by taking the mean of the data in each class. for class_key in classes: class_data = classes[class_key] new_centroids = np.mean(class_data, axis = 0) centroids[class_key] = list(new_centroids) return classes, centroids # Running K-Means algorithm classes, centroids = K_Means(X) classes # plotting the clustered data color = ['red','blue','green'] labels = ['Iris-setosa','Iris-versicolour','Iris-virginica'] for i in range(k): x = list(list(zip(*classes[i]))[0]) y = list(list(zip(*classes[i]))[1]) plt.scatter(x, y, c = color[i], label = labels[i]) # plotting centroids of clusters cv = centroids.values() plt.scatter(list(list(zip(*cv))[0]), list(list(zip(*cv))[1]), s = 100, c = 'cyan',label= 'centroids') plt.xlabel('Sepal Length') plt.ylabel('Sepal Width') plt.legend() """# **K-MEANS** algorithm using inbuilt-function.""" from sklearn.cluster import KMeans k_means = KMeans(n_clusters = 3, max_iter = 100, random_state = 15) predicted = k_means.fit_predict(X) predicted # plotting the clusters plt.scatter(X[predicted == 0, 0], X[predicted == 0, 1], s = 100, c = 'red', label = 'Iris-setosa') plt.scatter(X[predicted == 1, 0], X[predicted == 1, 1], s = 100, c = 'blue', label = 'Iris-versicolour') plt.scatter(X[predicted == 2, 0], X[predicted == 2, 1], s = 100, c = 'green', label = 'Iris-virginica') # plotting the centroids of the clusters plt.scatter(k_means.cluster_centers_[:, 0], k_means.cluster_centers_[:,1], s = 100, c = 'cyan', label = 'Centroids') plt.legend() """# **Summary** : Both clusters using my implementation and using Kmeans function from sklearn library gives nearly same results."""
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Tests for :mod:`~utilipy.utils`.""" __all__ = [ "test_init_data_utils", "test_init_decorators", "test_init_imports", "test_init_ipython", "test_init_math", "test_init_plot", "test_init_scripts", "test_init_utils", "test_utils_top_level_imports", ] ############################################################################## # IMPORTS # BUILT-IN import os # PROJECT-SPECIFIC from utilipy import ( data_utils, decorators, imports, ipython, math, plot, scripts, utils, ) ############################################################################## # TESTS ############################################################################## def test_init_data_utils(): """Test :mod:`~utilipy.data_utils` initialization.""" # Expectations local = [ # modules "crossmatch", "decorators", "select", "fitting", "utils", "xfm", # decorators "idxDecorator", # data transformation graph "data_graph", "TransformGraph", "DataTransform", # xmatch "indices_xmatch_fields", "xmatch_fields", "xmatch", "non_xmatched", # utils "get_path_to_file", "make_shuffler", ] local += # test __all__ conforms to module for name in data_utils.__all__: assert hasattr(data_utils, name) # test __all__ matches expectations for name in data_utils.__all__: assert name in local return # /def # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- def test_init_decorators(): """Test :mod:`~utilipy.decorators` initialization.""" # Expectations local = [ # modules "baseclass", "docstring", "func_io", "code_dev", # defined here "store_function_input", "add_folder_backslash", # baseclass "DecoratorBaseClass", "classy_decorator", # data-type decorators "dtypeDecorator", "dtypeDecoratorMaker", "intDecorator", "floatDecorator", "strDecorator", "boolDecorator", "ndarrayDecorator", "ndfloat64Decorator", # convenience "functools", "inspect", "wraps", ] # test __all__ conforms to module for name in decorators.__all__: assert hasattr(decorators, name) # test __all__ matches expectations for name in decorators.__all__: assert name in local return # /def # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- def test_init_imports(): """Test :mod:`~utilipy.imports` initialization.""" # Expectations local = [ "conf", "use_import_verbosity", ] # test __all__ conforms to module for name in imports.__all__: assert hasattr(imports, name) # test __all__ matches expectations for name in imports.__all__: assert name in local return # /def # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- def test_init_ipython(): """Test :mod:`~utilipy.ipython` initialization.""" # Expectations local = [ "ipython_help", "get_ipython", "InteractiveShell", "set_trace", "display", "Latex", "Markdown", "HTML", "set_autoreload", "aimport", "run_imports", "import_from_file", "add_raw_code_toggle", "printMD", "printLTX", ] # test __all__ conforms to module for name in ipython.__all__: assert hasattr(ipython, name), name # test __all__ matches expectations for name in ipython.__all__: assert name in local return # /def # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- def test_init_math(): """Test :mod:`~utilipy.math` initialization.""" # Expectations local = [] local += math.core.__all__ # test __all__ conforms to module for name in math.__all__: assert hasattr(math, name) # test __all__ matches expectations for name in math.__all__: assert name in local return # /def # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- def test_init_plot(): """Test :mod:`~utilipy.plot` initialization.""" # Expectations local = [] # test __all__ conforms to module for name in plot.__all__: assert hasattr(plot, name) # test __all__ matches expectations for name in plot.__all__: assert name in local return # /def # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- def test_init_scripts(): """Test :mod:`~utilipy.scripts` initialization.""" # Expectations local = [] # test __all__ conforms to module for name in scripts.__all__: assert hasattr(scripts, name) # test __all__ matches expectations for name in scripts.__all__: assert name in local return # /def # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- def test_init_utils(): """Test :mod:`~utilipy.utils` initialization.""" # Expectations local = [ # modules "collections", "logging", "exceptions", "functools", "inspect", "metaclasses", "misc", "pickle", "string", "typing", # classes and functions "LogPrint", "LogFile", "ObjDict", "WithDocstring", "WithMeta", "WithReference", "temporary_namespace", "make_help_function", ] # test __all__ conforms to module for name in utils.__all__: assert hasattr(utils, name) # test __all__ matches expectations for name in utils.__all__: assert name in local return # /def def test_utils_top_level_imports(): """Test Top-Level Imports.""" # First test they exist subpkg: str for subpkg in utils.__all_top_imports__: assert hasattr(utils, subpkg) # Next test that top-levels are all the possible top-levels drct: str = os.path.split(utils.__file__)[0] # directory donottest = ("tests", "__pycache__") # stuff not to test for file in os.listdir(drct): # iterate through directory # test? if os.path.isdir(drct + "/" + file) and file not in donottest: assert file in utils.__all_top_imports__ # else: # nope, chuck testa. # pass return # /def # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ############################################################################## # END
<filename>test/ #! /usr/bin/env python3 # ========================================================================================================================================================== # Copyright 2021 Carnegie Mellon University. # # NO WARRANTY. THIS CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY AND SOFTWARE ENGINEERING INSTITUTE MATERIAL IS FURNISHED ON AN "AS-IS" # BASIS. CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY MAKES NO WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, AS TO ANY MATTER # INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR PURPOSE OR MERCHANTABILITY, EXCLUSIVITY, OR RESULTS OBTAINED # FROM USE OF THE MATERIAL. CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY DOES NOT MAKE ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WITH RESPECT TO FREEDOM # FROM PATENT, TRADEMARK, OR COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT. Released under a BSD (SEI)-style license, please see license.txt # or contact <EMAIL> for full terms. # # [DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A] This material has been approved for public release and unlimited distribution. Please see # Copyright notice for non-US Government use and distribution. # # This Software includes and/or makes use of the following Third-Party Software subject to its own license: # 1. Pytorch ( Copyright 2016 facebook, inc.. # 2. NumPY ( Copyright 2020 Numpy developers. # 3. Matplotlib ( Copyright 2013 Matplotlib Development Team. # 4. pillow ( Copyright 2020 <NAME> and contributors. # 5. SKlearn ( Copyright 2013 scikit-learn # developers. # 6. torchsummary ( Copyright 2020 <NAME>. # 7. adversarial robust toolbox ( # Copyright 2018 the adversarial robustness toolbox authors. # 8. pytest ( Copyright 2020 <NAME> and others. # 9. pylint ( Copyright 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.. # 10. python ( Copyright 2001 python software foundation. # # DM20-1149 # # ========================================================================================================================================================== import csv import random import os from pathlib import Path from unittest import mock import juneberry import as jb_data import juneberry.filesystem as jbfs from juneberry.config.dataset import DatasetConfig from import TrainingConfig import juneberry.config.dataset as jb_dataset import test_training_config def make_data(): data_list = [["a", 0], ["b", 1], ["c", 2], ["d", 3], ["e", 0], ["f", 1], ["g", 2], ["h", 3], ["i", 0], ["j", 0], ["k", 1], ["l", 1], ] data_dict = {0: ['a', 'e', 'i', 'j'], 1: ['b', 'f', 'k', 'l'], 2: ['c', 'g'], 3: ['d', 'h']} return data_list, data_dict def check_allocation(good_dict, result_dict): for k, v in result_dict.items(): for i in v: assert i in good_dict[k] def test_listdir_no_hidden(): with mock.patch('os.listdir') as mocked_listdir: mocked_listdir.return_value = ['thing1', '.myhidden', 'thing2'] results = jb_data.listdir_nohidden('') assert len(results) == 2 assert '.myhidden' not in results assert 'thing1' in results assert 'thing2' in results # _____ # |_ _| # | | _ __ ___ __ _ __ _ ___ # | || '_ ` _ \ / _` |/ _` |/ _ \ # _| || | | | | | (_| | (_| | __/ # \___/_| |_| |_|\__,_|\__, |\___| # __/ | # |___/ # This is a hard-code list dir that we use to test get images def mock_list_image_dir(path): if str(path).endswith("frodo"): return [f'fr_{x}.png' for x in range(6)] elif str(path).endswith("sam"): return [f'sm_{x}.png' for x in range(6)] else: return [] def make_basic_data_set_image_config(): return { "numModelClasses": 4, "timestamp": "never", "formatVersion": jb_dataset.FORMAT_VERSION, "labelNames": {"0": "frodo", "1": "sam"}, "dataType": 'image', "imageData": { "taskType": "classification", "sources": [ { "directory": "frodo", "label": 0, # "samplingCount": "4", # "samplingFraction": "" }, { "directory": "sam", "label": 1, # "samplingCount": "4", # "samplingFraction": "" } ] } } def make_sample_stanza(algorithm, args): return { "sampling": { "algorithm": algorithm, # < 'none', 'randomFraction', 'randomQuantity', 'roundRobin' > "arguments": args # < custom json structure depending on algorithm - see details > } } def assert_correct_list(test_list, frodo_indexes, sam_indexes): correct_names = [str(Path('data_root', 'frodo', f'fr_{x}.png')) for x in frodo_indexes] correct_labels = [0] * len(frodo_indexes) correct_names.extend([str(Path('data_root', 'sam', f'sm_{x}.png')) for x in sam_indexes]) correct_labels.extend([1] * len(sam_indexes)) for idx, train in enumerate(test_list): assert train[0] == correct_names[idx] assert train[1] == correct_labels[idx] def test_generate_image_list(): # Just replace listdir os.listdir = mock_list_image_dir data_set_struct = make_basic_data_set_image_config() data_set_config = DatasetConfig(data_set_struct) dm = jbfs.DataManager({}) train_list, val_list = jb_data.generate_image_list('data_root', data_set_config, None, dm) assert len(train_list) == 12 assert len(val_list) == 0 assert_correct_list(train_list, range(6), range(6)) def test_generate_image_sample_quantity(): # If we pass in sampling count we should just get those # We know how the internal randomizer works. We know it uses random.sample on both # sets in order. This is a secret and fragile to this test. # With a seed of 1234 and two pulls of sampling with a count of 3, it pulls [3,0,4] and [0,4,5] os.listdir = mock_list_image_dir data_set_struct = make_basic_data_set_image_config() data_set_struct.update(make_sample_stanza("randomQuantity", {'seed': 1234, 'count': 3})) data_set_config = DatasetConfig(data_set_struct) dm = jbfs.DataManager({}) train_list, val_list = jb_data.generate_image_list('data_root', data_set_config, None, dm) assert len(train_list) == 6 assert len(val_list) == 0 # Make sure they are in this order assert_correct_list(train_list, [3, 0, 4], [0, 4, 5]) def test_generate_image_sample_fraction(): # If we pass in sampling count we should just get those # We know how the internal randomizer works. We know it uses random.sample on both # sets in order. This is a secret and fragile to this test. # With a seed of 1234 and two pulls of sampling with a count of 2, it pulls [3,0] and [0,5] os.listdir = mock_list_image_dir data_set_struct = make_basic_data_set_image_config() data_set_struct.update(make_sample_stanza("randomFraction", {'seed': 1234, 'fraction': 0.3333333333})) data_set_config = DatasetConfig(data_set_struct) dm = jbfs.DataManager({}) train_list, val_list = jb_data.generate_image_list('data_root', data_set_config, None, dm) assert len(train_list) == 4 assert len(val_list) == 0 # Make sure they are in this order assert_correct_list(train_list, [3, 0], [0, 5]) def test_generate_image_validation_split(): os.listdir = mock_list_image_dir data_set_struct = make_basic_data_set_image_config() data_set_config = DatasetConfig(data_set_struct) train_struct = test_training_config.make_basic_config() train_struct['validation'] = { "algorithm": "randomFraction", "arguments": { "seed": 1234, "fraction": 0.3333333 } } train_config = TrainingConfig('', train_struct) dm = jbfs.DataManager({}) train_list, val_list = jb_data.generate_image_list('data_root', data_set_config, train_config, dm) assert len(train_list) == 8 assert len(val_list) == 4 # NOTE: Another fragile secret we know is the order from the validation is is reversed assert_correct_list(train_list, [1, 2, 4, 5], [1, 2, 3, 4]) assert_correct_list(val_list, [3, 0], [5, 0]) # _____ _ _ # |_ _| | | | | # | | __ _| |__ _ _| | __ _ _ __ # | |/ _` | '_ \| | | | |/ _` | '__| # | | (_| | |_) | |_| | | (_| | | # \_/\__,_|_.__/ \__,_|_|\__,_|_| # def make_basic_data_set_tabular_config(): return { "numModelClasses": 4, "timestamp": "never", "formatVersion": jb_dataset.FORMAT_VERSION, "labelNames": {"0": "frodo", "1": "sam"}, "dataType": 'tabular', "tabularData": { "sources": [ { "root": "dataroot", # [ dataroot | workspace | relative ] "path": "dr.csv", # subdirectory }, { "root": "workspace", # [ dataroot | workspace | relative ] "path": "ws.csv", # subdirectory }, { "root": "relative", # [ dataroot | workspace | relative ] "path": "re*.csv", # subdirectory } ], "labelIndex": 2 } } def fill_tabular_tempdir(root_dir): """ Creates the sample files to be read and returns the data we should find :param root_dir: The root directory :return: Good data in a dict of label -> dict of x -> y """ results = {0: {}, 1: {}} # Directory, filename, val_range dir_struct = [ ['myworkspace', 'ws.csv', list(range(0, 4))], ['mydataroot', 'dr.csv', list(range(4, 8))], ['myrelative', 'rel.csv', list(range(8, 12))] ] for dir_name, file_name, data in dir_struct: dir_path = Path(root_dir) / dir_name dir_path.mkdir() csv_path = dir_path / file_name with open(csv_path, "w") as csv_file: csv_writer = csv.writer(csv_file, delimiter=',') csv_writer.writerow('x,y,label') for idx, val in enumerate(data): results[idx % 2][val] = val + 10 csv_writer.writerow([val, val + 10, idx % 2]) return results def test_load_tabular_data(tmp_path): correct = fill_tabular_tempdir(tmp_path) juneberry.WORKSPACE_ROOT = Path(tmp_path) / 'myworkspace' juneberry.DATA_ROOT = Path(tmp_path) / 'mydataroot' data_set_struct = make_basic_data_set_tabular_config() data_set_config = DatasetConfig(data_set_struct, Path(tmp_path) / 'myrelative') train_list, val_list = jb_data.load_tabular_data(None, data_set_config) # THe sample data is three files each with 4 sample with 2 in each class. # THe default validation split is 2. So 3 * 4 / 2 = 6 per list assert len(train_list) == 12 assert len(val_list) == 0 # Make sure that evert returned value is in the results. for data, label in train_list: assert correct[int(label)][int(data[0])] == int(data[1]) del correct[int(label)][int(data[0])] def test_load_tabular_data_with_sampling(tmp_path): correct = fill_tabular_tempdir(tmp_path) juneberry.WORKSPACE_ROOT = Path(tmp_path) / 'myworkspace' juneberry.DATA_ROOT = Path(tmp_path) / 'mydataroot' # We only need to test one sample because the sampling core is tested elsewhere data_set_struct = make_basic_data_set_tabular_config() data_set_struct.update(make_sample_stanza("randomQuantity", {'seed': 1234, 'count': 3})) data_set_config = DatasetConfig(data_set_struct, Path(tmp_path) / 'myrelative') train_list, val_list = jb_data.load_tabular_data(None, data_set_config) # THe sample data is three files each with 4 sample with 2 in each class. # THe default validation split is 2. So 3 * 4 / 2 = 6 per list assert len(train_list) == 6 assert len(val_list) == 0 # Now, make sure they are in each one, removing as we go for data, label in train_list: assert correct[int(label)][int(data[0])] == int(data[1]) del correct[int(label)][int(data[0])] # At this point we should have three unused entries of each class assert len(correct[0]) == 3 assert len(correct[1]) == 3 def test_load_tabular_data_with_validation(tmp_path): correct = fill_tabular_tempdir(tmp_path) juneberry.WORKSPACE_ROOT = Path(tmp_path) / 'myworkspace' juneberry.DATA_ROOT = Path(tmp_path) / 'mydataroot' data_set_struct = make_basic_data_set_tabular_config() data_set_config = DatasetConfig(data_set_struct, Path(tmp_path) / 'myrelative') train_struct = test_training_config.make_basic_config() train_config = TrainingConfig('', train_struct) train_list, val_list = jb_data.load_tabular_data(train_config, data_set_config) # THe sample data is three files each with 4 sample with 2 in each class. # THe default validation split is 2. So 3 * 4 / 2 = 6 per list assert len(train_list) == 6 assert len(val_list) == 6 # Now, make sure they are in each one, removing as we go for data, label in train_list: assert correct[int(label)][int(data[0])] == int(data[1]) del correct[int(label)][int(data[0])] assert len(correct[0]) == 3 assert len(correct[1]) == 3 for data, label in val_list: assert correct[int(label)][int(data[0])] == int(data[1]) del correct[int(label)][int(data[0])] assert len(correct[0]) == 0 assert len(correct[1]) == 0 # _____ _ _ # / ___| | (_) # \ `--. __ _ _ __ ___ _ __ | |_ _ __ __ _ # `--. \/ _` | '_ ` _ \| '_ \| | | '_ \ / _` | # /\__/ / (_| | | | | | | |_) | | | | | | (_| | # \____/ \__,_|_| |_| |_| .__/|_|_|_| |_|\__, | # | | __/ | # |_| |___/ def test_sampling_random_quantity(): randomizer = random.Random() randomizer.seed(1234) data_list = list(range(6)) sampled = jb_data.sample_data_list(data_list, "randomQuantity", {"count": 3}, randomizer) for correct, test in zip([3, 0, 4], sampled): assert correct == test def test_sampling_random_fraction(): randomizer = random.Random() randomizer.seed(1234) data_list = list(range(6)) sampled = jb_data.sample_data_list(data_list, "randomFraction", {"fraction": 0.3333333333}, randomizer) for correct, test in zip([3, 0], sampled): assert correct == test def test_sampling_round_robin(): randomizer = random.Random() randomizer.seed(1234) data_list = list(range(9)) sampled = jb_data.sample_data_list(data_list, "roundRobin", {"groups": 3, "position": 1}, randomizer) for correct, test in zip([3, 4, 1], sampled): assert correct == test def test_sampling_none(): randomizer = random.Random() randomizer.seed(1234) data_list = list(range(8)) sampled = jb_data.sample_data_list(data_list, "none", {}, randomizer) for correct, test in zip(range(8), sampled): assert correct == test # ___ ____ # | \/ (_) # | . . |_ ___ ___ # | |\/| | / __|/ __| # | | | | \__ \ (__ # \_| |_/_|___/\___| def test_flatten_dict_to_pairs(): data_list, data_dict = make_data() result_pairs = jb_data.flatten_dict_to_pairs(data_dict) # Order doesn't matter. Just check to make sure that the entries are in the original dict assert len(result_pairs) == len(data_list) for v, k in result_pairs: assert v in data_dict[k] def test_labeled_pairs_to_labeled_dict(): data_list, data_dict = make_data() result_dict = jb_data.labeled_pairs_to_labeled_dict(data_list) assert len(result_dict) == len(data_dict) for k, v in result_dict.items(): assert len(v) == len(data_dict[k]) for i in v: assert i in data_dict[k] def test_make_balanced_list(): data_list, data_dict = make_data() result = jb_data.make_balanced_labeled_list(data_list, -1, random.Random()) result_dict = jb_data.labeled_pairs_to_labeled_dict(result) assert len(result_dict) == 4 for k, v in result_dict.items(): assert len(v) == 2 check_allocation(data_dict, result_dict) def test_make_balanced_dict(): data_list, data_dict = make_data() result_dict = jb_data.make_balanced_labeled_dict(data_dict, -1, random.Random()) assert len(result_dict) == 4 for k, v in result_dict.items(): assert len(v) == 2 check_allocation(data_dict, result_dict)
import os import re import itertools import cv2 import time import numpy as np import torch from torch.autograd import Variable from utils.craft_utils import getDetBoxes, adjustResultCoordinates from data import imgproc from data.dataset import SynthTextDataSet import math import xml.etree.ElementTree as elemTree #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# def rotatePoint(xc, yc, xp, yp, theta): xoff = xp - xc yoff = yp - yc cosTheta = math.cos(theta) sinTheta = math.sin(theta) pResx = cosTheta * xoff + sinTheta * yoff pResy = - sinTheta * xoff + cosTheta * yoff # pRes = (xc + pResx, yc + pResy) return int(xc + pResx), int(yc + pResy) def addRotatedShape(cx, cy, w, h, angle): p0x, p0y = rotatePoint(cx, cy, cx - w / 2, cy - h / 2, -angle) p1x, p1y = rotatePoint(cx, cy, cx + w / 2, cy - h / 2, -angle) p2x, p2y = rotatePoint(cx, cy, cx + w / 2, cy + h / 2, -angle) p3x, p3y = rotatePoint(cx, cy, cx - w / 2, cy + h / 2, -angle) points = [[p0x, p0y], [p1x, p1y], [p2x, p2y], [p3x, p3y]] return points def xml_parsing(xml): tree = elemTree.parse(xml) annotations = [] # Initialize the list to store labels iter_element = tree.iter(tag="object") for element in iter_element: annotation = {} # Initialize the dict to store labels annotation['name'] = element.find("name").text # Save the name tag value box_coords = element.iter(tag="robndbox") for box_coord in box_coords: cx = float(box_coord.find("cx").text) cy = float(box_coord.find("cy").text) w = float(box_coord.find("w").text) h = float(box_coord.find("h").text) angle = float(box_coord.find("angle").text) convertcoodi = addRotatedShape(cx, cy, w, h, angle) annotation['box_coodi'] = convertcoodi annotations.append(annotation) box_coords = element.iter(tag="bndbox") for box_coord in box_coords: xmin = int(box_coord.find("xmin").text) ymin = int(box_coord.find("ymin").text) xmax = int(box_coord.find("xmax").text) ymax = int(box_coord.find("ymax").text) # annotation['bndbox'] = [xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax] annotation['box_coodi'] = [[xmin, ymin], [xmax, ymin], [xmax, ymax], [xmin, ymax]] annotations.append(annotation) bounds = [] for i in range(len(annotations)): box_info_dict = {"points": None, "text": None, "ignore": None} box_info_dict["points"] = np.array(annotations[i]['box_coodi']) if annotations[i]['name'] == "dnc": box_info_dict["text"] = "###" box_info_dict["ignore"] = True else: box_info_dict["text"] = annotations[i]['name'] box_info_dict["ignore"] = False bounds.append(box_info_dict) return bounds #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# def load_prescription_gt(dataFolder): total_img_path = [] total_imgs_bboxes = [] for (root, directories, files) in os.walk(dataFolder): for file in files: if '.jpg' in file: img_path = os.path.join(root, file) total_img_path.append(img_path) if '.xml' in file: gt_path = os.path.join(root, file) total_imgs_bboxes.append(gt_path) total_imgs_parsing_bboxes = [] for img_path, bbox in zip(sorted(total_img_path), sorted(total_imgs_bboxes)): # check file assert img_path.split(".jpg")[0] == bbox.split(".xml")[0] result_label = xml_parsing(bbox) total_imgs_parsing_bboxes.append(result_label) return total_imgs_parsing_bboxes, sorted(total_img_path) # NOTE def load_prescription_cleval_gt(dataFolder): total_img_path = [] total_gt_path = [] for (root, directories, files) in os.walk(dataFolder): for file in files: if '.jpg' in file: img_path = os.path.join(root, file) total_img_path.append(img_path) if '_cl.txt' in file: gt_path = os.path.join(root, file) total_gt_path.append(gt_path) total_imgs_parsing_bboxes = [] for img_path, gt_path in zip(sorted(total_img_path), sorted(total_gt_path)): # check file assert img_path.split(".jpg")[0] == gt_path.split('_label_cl.txt')[0] lines = open(gt_path, encoding="utf-8").readlines() word_bboxes = [] for line in lines: box_info_dict = {"points": None, "text": None, "ignore": None} box_info = line.strip().encode("utf-8").decode("utf-8-sig").split(",") box_points = [int(box_info[i]) for i in range(8)] box_info_dict["points"] = np.array(box_points) word_bboxes.append(box_info_dict) total_imgs_parsing_bboxes.append(word_bboxes) return total_imgs_parsing_bboxes, sorted(total_img_path) def load_synthtext_gt(data_folder): synth_dataset = SynthTextDataSet( output_size=768, data_dir=data_folder, saved_gt_dir=data_folder, logging=False ) img_names, img_bbox, img_words = synth_dataset.load_data(bbox="word") total_img_path = [] total_imgs_bboxes = [] for index in range(len(img_bbox[:100])): img_path = os.path.join(data_folder, img_names[index][0]) total_img_path.append(img_path) try: wordbox = img_bbox[index].transpose((2, 1, 0)) except: wordbox = np.expand_dims(img_bbox[index], axis=0) wordbox = wordbox.transpose((0, 2, 1)) words = [re.split(" \n|\n |\n| ", t.strip()) for t in img_words[index]] words = list(itertools.chain(*words)) words = [t for t in words if len(t) > 0] if len(words) != len(wordbox): import ipdb ipdb.set_trace() single_img_bboxes = [] for j in range(len(words)): box_info_dict = {"points": None, "text": None, "ignore": None} box_info_dict["points"] = wordbox[j] box_info_dict["text"] = words[j] box_info_dict["ignore"] = False single_img_bboxes.append(box_info_dict) total_imgs_bboxes.append(single_img_bboxes) return total_imgs_bboxes, total_img_path def load_icdar2015_gt(dataFolder, isTraing=False): if isTraing: img_folderName = "ch4_training_images" gt_folderName = "ch4_training_localization_transcription_gt" else: img_folderName = "ch4_test_images" gt_folderName = "ch4_test_localization_transcription_gt" gt_folder_path = os.listdir(os.path.join(dataFolder, gt_folderName)) total_imgs_bboxes = [] total_img_path = [] for gt_path in gt_folder_path: gt_path = os.path.join(os.path.join(dataFolder, gt_folderName), gt_path) img_path = ( gt_path.replace(gt_folderName, img_folderName) .replace(".txt", ".jpg") .replace("gt_", "") ) image = cv2.imread(img_path) lines = open(gt_path, encoding="utf-8").readlines() single_img_bboxes = [] for line in lines: box_info_dict = {"points": None, "text": None, "ignore": None} box_info = line.strip().encode("utf-8").decode("utf-8-sig").split(",") box_points = [int(box_info[j]) for j in range(8)] word = box_info[8:] word = ",".join(word) box_points = np.array(box_points, np.int32).reshape(4, 2) cv2.polylines( image, [np.array(box_points).astype(], True, (0, 0, 255), 1 ) box_info_dict["points"] = box_points box_info_dict["text"] = word if word == "###": box_info_dict["ignore"] = True else: box_info_dict["ignore"] = False single_img_bboxes.append(box_info_dict) total_imgs_bboxes.append(single_img_bboxes) total_img_path.append(img_path) return total_imgs_bboxes, total_img_path def load_icdar2013_gt(dataFolder, isTraing=False): # choise test dataset if isTraing: img_folderName = "Challenge2_Test_Task12_Images" gt_folderName = "Challenge2_Test_Task1_GT" else: img_folderName = "Challenge2_Test_Task12_Images" gt_folderName = "Challenge2_Test_Task1_GT" gt_folder_path = os.listdir(os.path.join(dataFolder, gt_folderName)) total_imgs_bboxes = [] total_img_path = [] for gt_path in gt_folder_path: gt_path = os.path.join(os.path.join(dataFolder, gt_folderName), gt_path) img_path = ( gt_path.replace(gt_folderName, img_folderName) .replace(".txt", ".jpg") .replace("gt_", "") ) image = cv2.imread(img_path) lines = open(gt_path, encoding="utf-8").readlines() single_img_bboxes = [] for line in lines: box_info_dict = {"points": None, "text": None, "ignore": None} box_info = line.strip().encode("utf-8").decode("utf-8-sig").split(",") box = [int(box_info[j]) for j in range(4)] word = box_info[4:] word = ",".join(word) box = [ [box[0], box[1]], [box[2], box[1]], [box[2], box[3]], [box[0], box[3]], ] box_info_dict["points"] = box box_info_dict["text"] = word if word == "###": box_info_dict["ignore"] = True else: box_info_dict["ignore"] = False single_img_bboxes.append(box_info_dict) total_imgs_bboxes.append(single_img_bboxes) total_img_path.append(img_path) return total_imgs_bboxes, total_img_path def test_net( net, image, text_threshold, link_threshold, low_text, cuda, poly, canvas_size=1280, mag_ratio=1.5, ): # resize img_resized, target_ratio, size_heatmap = imgproc.resize_aspect_ratio( image, canvas_size, interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR, mag_ratio=mag_ratio ) ratio_h = ratio_w = 1 / target_ratio # preprocessing x = imgproc.normalizeMeanVariance(img_resized) x = torch.from_numpy(x).permute(2, 0, 1) # [h, w, c] to [c, h, w] x = Variable(x.unsqueeze(0)) # [c, h, w] to [b, c, h, w] if cuda: x = x.cuda() # forward pass with torch.no_grad(): y, feature = net(x) # make score and link map score_text = y[0, :, :, 0].cpu().data.numpy().astype(np.float32) score_link = y[0, :, :, 1].cpu().data.numpy().astype(np.float32) # NOTE score_text = score_text[: size_heatmap[0], : size_heatmap[1]] score_link = score_link[: size_heatmap[0], : size_heatmap[1]] # Post-processing boxes, polys = getDetBoxes( score_text, score_link, text_threshold, link_threshold, low_text, poly ) # coordinate adjustment boxes = adjustResultCoordinates(boxes, ratio_w, ratio_h) polys = adjustResultCoordinates(polys, ratio_w, ratio_h) for k in range(len(polys)): if polys[k] is None: polys[k] = boxes[k] # render results (optional) score_text = score_text.copy() render_score_text = imgproc.cvt2HeatmapImg(score_text) render_score_link = imgproc.cvt2HeatmapImg(score_link) render_img = [render_score_text, render_score_link] # ret_score_text = imgproc.cvt2HeatmapImg(render_img) return boxes, polys, render_img
from time import time from telemetry_datastore import Datastore def data_push_to_cloud(data_points): last_id = 0 for data_point in data_points: last_id = data_point["id"] return last_id if __name__ == '__main__': start_time = time() total = 0 index = 0 batch_size = 1000 with Datastore("/tmp/telemetry.db3") as ds: sensors = ds.sensors() while True: values = ds.raw_dump(index, batch_size) if values: last_index = data_push_to_cloud(values) index = last_index + 1 total += len(values) else: break elapsed = time() - start_time print("{} data points published to cloud in {} seconds".format(total, round(elapsed, 2)))
<gh_stars>0 import time import numpy as np def log(*argv): """ Maybe someday i make normal logging... :return: """ msg = '' for i in argv: msg += i + ' ' print(msg) def blend(alpha, base=(255, 255, 255), color=(0, 0, 0)): """ :param color should be a 3-element iterable, elements in [0,255] :param alpha should be a float in [0,1] :param base should be a 3-element iterable, elements in [0,255] (defaults to white) :return: rgb, example: (255, 255, 255) """ return tuple(int(round((alpha * color[i]) + ((1 - alpha) * base[i]))) for i in range(3)) def sleep(sec): time.sleep(sec) def get_part_array(array, part, additional_area, offset={'x': 0, 'y': 0}): """ Retrieve part of array :param array: supposed for world :param part: size of x and y :param offset: offset for world :return: part of world """ result = [] offset_before = { 'x': offset['x'] - additional_area['x'], 'y': offset['y'] - additional_area['y'] } if offset_before['x'] < 0: print('set x') offset_before['x'] = 0 if offset_before['y'] < 0: print('set y') offset_before['y'] = 0 for i in array[offset_before['y'] : offset['y']+part['y']+additional_area['y']]: result.append(i[offset_before['x'] : offset['x']+part['x']+additional_area['x']]) return np.array(result)
# # Copyright (c) 2017 <NAME>. All rights reserved. # @gem('Sapphire.TupleOfExpression') def gem(): require_gem('Sapphire.Cache') require_gem('Sapphire.TokenTuple') tuple_of_expression_cache = {} class TupleOfExpression(TokenTuple): __slots__ = (()) display_name = 'expression-*' def morph(t, vary, first_priority, middle_priority, last_priority): iterator = iterate(t) element_priority = first_priority maximum_i_m1 = length(t) - 1 v = next_method(iterator)() v__2 = v.mutate(vary, first_priority) if v is not v__2: element_priority = middle_priority i = 0 many__2 = [v__2] append = many__2.append else: element_priority = middle_priority i = 1 for v in iterator: v__2 = v.mutate(vary, (last_priority if i is maximum_i_m1 else middle_priority)) if v is not v__2: break i += 1 else: return t if i is 1: many__2 = [t[0], v__2] append = many__2.append else: many__2 = List(t[:i]) append = many__2.append append(v__2) for v in iterator: i += 1 append(v.mutate(vary, (last_priority if i is maximum_i_m1 else middle_priority))) assert i == maximum_i_m1 return conjure_tuple_of_many_expression(many__2) conjure_tuple_of_many_expression = produce_conjure_tuple( 'many-expression', TupleOfExpression, tuple_of_expression_cache, ) append_cache('tuple-of-expression', tuple_of_expression_cache) share( 'conjure_tuple_of_many_expression', conjure_tuple_of_many_expression, )
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.contrib import admin from .models import *
<reponame>rajeshr188/one from django.urls import path, include from rest_framework import routers from . import api from . import views router = routers.DefaultRouter() router.register(r'invoice', api.InvoiceViewSet) router.register(r'invoiceitem', api.InvoiceItemViewSet) router.register(r'payment', api.PaymentViewSet) urlpatterns = ( # urls for Django Rest Framework API path('api/v1/', include(router.urls)), ) urlpatterns += ( # urls for Invoice path('purchase/invoice/', views.InvoiceListView.as_view(), name='purchase_invoice_list'), path('purchase/invoice/create/', views.InvoiceCreateView.as_view(), name='purchase_invoice_create'), path('purchase/invoice/detail/<slug:slug>/', views.InvoiceDetailView.as_view(), name='purchase_invoice_detail'), path('purchase/invoice/update/<slug:slug>/', views.InvoiceUpdateView.as_view(), name='purchase_invoice_update'), ) urlpatterns += ( # urls for InvoiceItem path('purchase/invoiceitem/', views.InvoiceItemListView.as_view(), name='purchase_invoiceitem_list'), path('purchase/invoiceitem/create/', views.InvoiceItemCreateView.as_view(), name='purchase_invoiceitem_create'), path('purchase/invoiceitem/detail/<int:pk>/', views.InvoiceItemDetailView.as_view(), name='purchase_invoiceitem_detail'), path('purchase/invoiceitem/update/<int:pk>/', views.InvoiceItemUpdateView.as_view(), name='purchase_invoiceitem_update'), ) urlpatterns += ( # urls for Payment path('purchase/payment/', views.PaymentListView.as_view(), name='purchase_payment_list'), path('purchase/payment/create/', views.PaymentCreateView.as_view(), name='purchase_payment_create'), path('purchase/payment/detail/<slug:slug>/', views.PaymentDetailView.as_view(), name='purchase_payment_detail'), path('purchase/payment/update/<slug:slug>/', views.PaymentUpdateView.as_view(), name='purchase_payment_update'), )
from common_fixtures import * # NOQA def _process_names(processes): return set([x.processName for x in processes]) def test_container_ha_default(admin_client, sim_context): c = admin_client.create_container(imageUuid=sim_context['imageUuid'], data={'simForgetImmediately': True}) c = admin_client.wait_success(c) ping = one(admin_client.list_task, name='') ping.execute() def callback(): processes = process_instances(admin_client, c, type='instance') if 'instance.stop' not in _process_names(processes): return None return processes processes = wait_for(callback) c = admin_client.wait_success(c) assert c.state == 'stopped' assert _process_names(processes) == set(['instance.create', 'instance.restart', 'instance.stop']) def test_container_ha_stop(admin_client, sim_context): c = admin_client.create_container(imageUuid=sim_context['imageUuid'], instanceTriggeredStop='stop', data={'simForgetImmediately': True}) c = admin_client.wait_success(c) ping = one(admin_client.list_task, name='') ping.execute() def callback(): processes = process_instances(admin_client, c, type='instance') if 'instance.stop' not in _process_names(processes): return None return processes processes = wait_for(callback) c = admin_client.wait_success(c) assert c.state == 'stopped' assert _process_names(processes) == set(['instance.create', 'instance.restart', 'instance.stop']) def test_container_ha_restart(admin_client, sim_context): c = admin_client.create_container(imageUuid=sim_context['imageUuid'], instanceTriggeredStop='restart', data={'simForgetImmediately': True}) c = admin_client.wait_success(c) ping = one(admin_client.list_task, name='') ping.execute() def callback(): processes = process_instances(admin_client, c, type='instance') if 'instance.start' not in _process_names(processes): return None return processes processes = wait_for(callback) c = admin_client.wait_success(c) assert c.state == 'running' assert _process_names(processes) == set(['instance.create', 'instance.restart', 'instance.stop', 'instance.start']) def test_container_ha_remove(admin_client, sim_context): c = admin_client.create_container(imageUuid=sim_context['imageUuid'], instanceTriggeredStop='remove', data={'simForgetImmediately': True}) c = admin_client.wait_success(c) ping = one(admin_client.list_task, name='') ping.execute() def callback(): processes = process_instances(admin_client, c, type='instance') if 'instance.remove' not in _process_names(processes): return None return processes processes = wait_for(callback) c = admin_client.wait_success(c) assert c.state == 'removed' assert _process_names(processes) == set(['instance.create', 'instance.restart', 'instance.stop', 'instance.remove'])
<gh_stars>10-100 #we are going to use the MDAnalysis to read in topo and traj #numpy from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import numpy as np #import my running stats class from pybilt.common.running_stats import RunningStats # import the coordinate wrapping function--for unwrapping from pybilt.mda_tools.mda_unwrap import wrap_coordinates from six.moves import range ''' function to compute the mean square displacement (MSD) and diffusion constant of a list of MDAnalysis atom selections (atom_sel_list). The list of atom selections are averaged at each timestep. Returns 2d numpy array with len(atom_sel_list)X6 elements: [:,0]=dt [:,1]=msd [:,2]=msd_dev [:,3]=diff_con_instantaneous [:,4]=diff_con_running_average [:,5]=diff_con_running_dev Long time mean squared displacement: MSD = lim_(t->inf) <||r_i(t) - r_i(0)||**2>_(nsels) = 2*dim*D*t ''' def mda_msd (trajectory, atom_sel_list, lateral=False, plane="xy", unwrap=True, verbose=False): dim=3 plane_index = [0,1,2] if lateral: dim=2 ii=0 jj=1 if plane=="yz" or plane=="zy": ii=1 jj=2 if plane=="xz" or plane=="zx": ii=0 jj=2 plane_index = [ii, jj] naxes = len(plane_index) #get the number of frames from the trajectory nframes = len(trajectory) #get the number of atomselections nsels = len(atom_sel_list) #initialize a numpy array to hold the center of mass vectors comlist = np.zeros((nsels, nframes, 3)) #print "l comlist ",len(comlist) times = np.zeros(nframes) #index counter for the frame number comit = 0 #combine all the selections into one (for wrapping) msel = atom_sel_list[0] for s in range(1, nsels): msel+=atom_sel_list[s] natoms = len(msel) oldcoord = np.zeros((natoms,naxes)) index = msel.indices firstframe = True # loop over the trajectory for ts in trajectory: time=ts.time if verbose: print(" ") print("frame ",ts.frame) #unwrap coordinates -- currently unwraps all the coordinates if unwrap: if verbose: print("unwrapping frame ",ts.frame) currcoord = ts.positions[index] if firstframe: oldcoord = currcoord firstframe = False else: abc = ts.dimensions[0:3] wrapcoord = wrap_coordinates(abc, currcoord, oldcoord) ts._pos[index] = wrapcoord[:] #loop over the selections for i in range(nsels): if verbose: print("frame ",ts.frame," getting com of selection ",atom_sel_list[i]) #compute the center of mass of the current selection and current frame com = atom_sel_list[i].center_of_mass() #print "com ",com #add to the numpy array comlist[i,comit]=com #print comlist times[comit]=time comit+=1 #initialize a numpy array to hold the msd for each selection msd = np.zeros((nframes, 6)) #initialize a running stats object to do the averaging drs_stat = RunningStats() #initialize a running stats object for the diffusion constant (frame/time average) diff_stat = RunningStats() #loop over the frames starting at index 1 #print comlist #print len(comlist) coml0 = comlist[:,0,plane_index] #print coml0 for i in range(1, nframes): # get the current com frame list comlcurr = comlist[:,i,plane_index] dr = comlcurr - coml0 drs = dr*dr #loop over the selections for this frame for j in range(nsels): drs_curr = drs[j,:] drs_mag = drs_curr.sum() drs_stat.push(drs_mag) #get the msd for the current selection msdcurr = drs_stat.mean() devcurr = drs_stat.deviation() dt = times[i]-times[0] DiffCon = msdcurr/(2.0*dim*dt) diff_stat.push(DiffCon) #print "msdcurr ",msdcurr #push to the msd array msd[i,0]=dt msd[i,1]=msdcurr msd[i,2]=devcurr msd[i,3]=DiffCon msd[i,4]=diff_stat.mean() msd[i,5]=diff_stat.deviation() if verbose: print("selection number ",i," has msd ",msdcurr," with deviation ",devcurr) #reset the running stats object--prepare for next selection drs_stat.Reset() #return msd array return msd
<filename>mokocchi/tomoko/repaint/ def int_to_pixel(n): return (int(n & 0xff0000) >> 16, int(n & 0x00ff00) >> 8, int(n & 0x0000ff)) def pixel_to_int(p): return p[0] << 16 | p[1] << 8 | p[2]
import os import errno ERRNO_STRINGS = [ os.strerror(x).lower() for x in errno.errorcode.keys() ] MANPAGE_MAPPING = { '.ldaprc': [''], '30-systemd-environment-d-generator': ['', ''], 'AS': [''], 'BC': [''], 'BPF': [''], 'BerElement': [''], 'BerValue': [''], 'BerVarray': [''], 'CAKE': [''], 'CBQ': [''], 'CBS': [''], 'CIRCLEQ_ENTRY': [''], 'CIRCLEQ_HEAD': [''], 'CIRCLEQ_INIT': [''], 'CIRCLEQ_INSERT_AFTER': [''], 'CIRCLEQ_INSERT_BEFORE': [''], 'CIRCLEQ_INSERT_HEAD': [''], 'CIRCLEQ_INSERT_TAIL': [''], 'CIRCLEQ_REMOVE': [''], 'CLEAR': [''], 'CMSG_ALIGN': [''], 'CMSG_DATA': [''], 'CMSG_FIRSTHDR': [''], 'CMSG_LEN': [''], 'CMSG_NXTHDR': [''], 'CMSG_SPACE': [''], 'COLORS': [''], 'COLOR_PAIR': [''], 'COLOR_PAIRS': [''], 'COLS': [''], 'CPU_ALLOC': [''], 'CPU_ALLOC_SIZE': [''], 'CPU_AND': [''], 'CPU_AND_S': [''], 'CPU_CLR': [''], 'CPU_CLR_S': [''], 'CPU_COUNT': [''], 'CPU_COUNT_S': [''], 'CPU_EQUAL': [''], 'CPU_EQUAL_S': [''], 'CPU_FREE': [''], 'CPU_ISSET': [''], 'CPU_ISSET_S': [''], 'CPU_OR': [''], 'CPU_OR_S': [''], 'CPU_SET': [''], 'CPU_SET_S': [''], 'CPU_XOR': [''], 'CPU_XOR_S': [''], 'CPU_ZERO': [''], 'CPU_ZERO_S': [''], 'CoDel': [''], 'DES_FAILED': [''], 'ESCDELAY': [''], 'ETF': [''], 'FD_CLR': ['', ''], 'FD_ISSET': [''], 'FD_SET': [''], 'FD_ZERO': [''], 'FQ': [''], 'Firecfg': [''], 'Firejail': [''], 'Firemon': [''], 'GNU': [''], 'HFSC': [''], 'HTB': [''], 'HUGE_VAL': [''], 'HUGE_VALF': [''], 'HUGE_VALL': [''], 'IFE': [''], 'INFINITY': [''], 'LINES': [''], 'LIST_EMPTY': [''], 'LIST_ENTRY': [''], 'LIST_FIRST': [''], 'LIST_FOREACH': [''], 'LIST_HEAD': [''], 'LIST_HEAD_INITIALIZER': [''], 'LIST_INIT': [''], 'LIST_INSERT_AFTER': [''], 'LIST_INSERT_BEFORE': [''], 'LIST_INSERT_HEAD': [''], 'LIST_NEXT': [''], 'LIST_REMOVE': [''], 'LOGARCHIVE': [''], 'LOGIMPORT': [''], 'MB_CUR_MAX': [''], 'MB_LEN_MAX': [''], 'MQPRIO': [''], 'NAN': [''], 'NetEm': [''], 'PAIR_NUMBER': [''], 'PAM': [''], 'PC': [''], 'PCPIntro': ['', ''], 'PCRE': [''], 'PIE': [''], 'PMAPI': [''], 'PMAPI_INTERNAL': [''], 'PMDA': [''], 'PMWEBAPI': [''], 'PM_FAULT_CHECK': [''], 'PM_FAULT_CLEAR': [''], 'PM_FAULT_POINT': [''], 'PM_FAULT_RETURN': [''], 'PRIO': [''], 'QMC': [''], 'QmcContext': [''], 'QmcDesc': [''], 'QmcGroup': [''], 'QmcIndom': [''], 'QmcMetric': [''], 'QmcSource': [''], 'RESET': [''], 'SD_ALERT': [''], 'SD_BUS_ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED': [''], 'SD_BUS_ERROR_ADDRESS_IN_USE': [''], 'SD_BUS_ERROR_AUTH_FAILED': [''], 'SD_BUS_ERROR_BAD_ADDRESS': [''], 'SD_BUS_ERROR_DISCONNECTED': [''], 'SD_BUS_ERROR_END': [''], 'SD_BUS_ERROR_FAILED': [''], 'SD_BUS_ERROR_FILE_EXISTS': [''], 'SD_BUS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND': [''], 'SD_BUS_ERROR_INCONSISTENT_MESSAGE': [''], 'SD_BUS_ERROR_INTERACTIVE_AUTHORIZATION_REQUIRED': [''], 'SD_BUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS': [''], 'SD_BUS_ERROR_INVALID_SIGNATURE': [''], 'SD_BUS_ERROR_IO_ERROR': [''], 'SD_BUS_ERROR_LIMITS_EXCEEDED': [''], 'SD_BUS_ERROR_MAKE_CONST': [''], 'SD_BUS_ERROR_MAP': [''], 'SD_BUS_ERROR_MATCH_RULE_INVALID': [''], 'SD_BUS_ERROR_MATCH_RULE_NOT_FOUND': [''], 'SD_BUS_ERROR_NAME_HAS_NO_OWNER': [''], 'SD_BUS_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED': [''], 'SD_BUS_ERROR_NO_MEMORY': [''], 'SD_BUS_ERROR_NO_NETWORK': [''], 'SD_BUS_ERROR_NO_REPLY': [''], 'SD_BUS_ERROR_NO_SERVER': [''], 'SD_BUS_ERROR_NULL': [''], 'SD_BUS_ERROR_PROPERTY_READ_ONLY': [''], 'SD_BUS_ERROR_SERVICE_UNKNOWN': [''], 'SD_BUS_ERROR_TIMEOUT': [''], 'SD_BUS_ERROR_UNIX_PROCESS_ID_UNKNOWN': [''], 'SD_BUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_INTERFACE': [''], 'SD_BUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_METHOD': [''], 'SD_BUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_OBJECT': [''], 'SD_BUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_PROPERTY': [''], 'SD_CRIT': [''], 'SD_DEBUG': [''], 'SD_EMERG': [''], 'SD_ERR': [''], 'SD_EVENT_ARMED': [''], 'SD_EVENT_EXITING': [''], 'SD_EVENT_FINISHED': [''], 'SD_EVENT_INITIAL': [''], 'SD_EVENT_OFF': [''], 'SD_EVENT_ON': [''], 'SD_EVENT_ONESHOT': [''], 'SD_EVENT_PENDING': [''], 'SD_EVENT_PREPARING': [''], 'SD_EVENT_PRIORITY_IDLE': [''], 'SD_EVENT_PRIORITY_IMPORTANT': [''], 'SD_EVENT_PRIORITY_NORMAL': [''], 'SD_EVENT_RUNNING': [''], 'SD_ID128_CONST_STR': [''], 'SD_ID128_FORMAT_STR': [''], 'SD_ID128_FORMAT_VAL': [''], 'SD_ID128_MAKE': [''], 'SD_ID128_MAKE_STR': [''], 'SD_ID128_NULL': [''], 'SD_INFO': [''], 'SD_JOURNAL_APPEND': [''], 'SD_JOURNAL_CURRENT_USER': [''], 'SD_JOURNAL_FOREACH': [''], 'SD_JOURNAL_FOREACH_BACKWARDS': [''], 'SD_JOURNAL_FOREACH_DATA': [''], 'SD_JOURNAL_FOREACH_FIELD': [''], 'SD_JOURNAL_FOREACH_UNIQUE': [''], 'SD_JOURNAL_INVALIDATE': [''], 'SD_JOURNAL_LOCAL_ONLY': [''], 'SD_JOURNAL_NOP': [''], 'SD_JOURNAL_OS_ROOT': [''], 'SD_JOURNAL_RUNTIME_ONLY': [''], 'SD_JOURNAL_SUPPRESS_LOCATION': [''], 'SD_JOURNAL_SYSTEM': [''], 'SD_LISTEN_FDS_START': [''], 'SD_NOTICE': [''], 'SD_WARNING': [''], 'SELinux': [''], 'SLIST_EMPTY': [''], 'SLIST_ENTRY': [''], 'SLIST_FIRST': [''], 'SLIST_FOREACH': [''], 'SLIST_HEAD': [''], 'SLIST_HEAD_INITIALIZER': [''], 'SLIST_INIT': [''], 'SLIST_INSERT_AFTER': [''], 'SLIST_INSERT_HEAD': [''], 'SLIST_NEXT': [''], 'SLIST_REMOVE': [''], 'SLIST_REMOVE_HEAD': [''], 'SP': [''], 'SSHFS': [''], 'STAILQ_CONCAT': [''], 'STAILQ_EMPTY': [''], 'STAILQ_ENTRY': [''], 'STAILQ_FIRST': [''], 'STAILQ_FOREACH': [''], 'STAILQ_HEAD': [''], 'STAILQ_HEAD_INITIALIZER': [''], 'STAILQ_INIT': [''], 'STAILQ_INSERT_AFTER': [''], 'STAILQ_INSERT_HEAD': [''], 'STAILQ_INSERT_TAIL': [''], 'STAILQ_NEXT': [''], 'STAILQ_REMOVE': [''], 'STAILQ_REMOVE_HEAD': [''], 'Sockbuf_IO': [''], 'TABS': [''], 'TABSIZE': [''], 'TAILQ_CONCAT': [''], 'TAILQ_EMPTY': [''], 'TAILQ_ENTRY': [''], 'TAILQ_FIRST': [''], 'TAILQ_FOREACH': [''], 'TAILQ_FOREACH_REVERSE': [''], 'TAILQ_HEAD': [''], 'TAILQ_HEAD_INITIALIZER': [''], 'TAILQ_INIT': [''], 'TAILQ_INSERT_AFTER': [''], 'TAILQ_INSERT_BEFORE': [''], 'TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD': [''], 'TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL': [''], 'TAILQ_LAST': [''], 'TAILQ_NEXT': [''], 'TAILQ_PREV': [''], 'TAILQ_REMOVE': [''], 'TAILQ_SWAP': [''], 'TAPRIO': [''], 'TPUT': [''], 'TSET': [''], 'TYPE_ALNUM': [''], 'TYPE_ALPHA': [''], 'TYPE_ENUM': [''], 'TYPE_INTEGER': [''], 'TYPE_IPV4': [''], 'TYPE_NUMERIC': [''], 'TYPE_REGEXP': [''], 'UP': [''], 'UTF-8': [''], 'Wget': [''], '_Exit': ['', ''], '__after_morecore_hook': [''], '__clone2': [''], '__fbufsize': [''], '__flbf': [''], '__fpending': [''], '__fpurge': [''], '__freadable': [''], '__freading': [''], '__free_hook': [''], '__fsetlocking': [''], '__fwritable': [''], '__fwriting': [''], '__malloc_hook': [''], '__malloc_initialize_hook': [''], '__memalign_hook': [''], '__pmAFblock': [''], '__pmAFisempty': [''], '__pmAFregister': [''], '__pmAFsetup': [''], '__pmAFunblock': [''], '__pmAFunregister': [''], '__pmAddIPC': [''], '__pmConnectLogger': [''], '__pmControlLog': [''], '__pmConvertTime': [''], '__pmFaultInject': [''], '__pmFaultSummary': [''], '__pmFdLookupIPC': [''], '__pmFreeAttrsSpec': [''], '__pmFreeHostAttrsSpec': [''], '__pmFreeHostSpec': [''], '__pmFreeProfile': [''], '__pmLocalPMDA': [''], '__pmLookupIPC': [''], '__pmMktime': [''], '__pmOverrideLastFd': [''], '__pmParseCtime': [''], '__pmParseDebug': [''], '__pmParseHostAttrsSpec': [''], '__pmParseHostSpec': 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[''], 'whereis': [''], 'whline': [''], 'whline_set': [''], 'who': ['', ''], 'whoami': [''], 'win_wch': [''], 'win_wchnstr': [''], 'win_wchstr': [''], 'winch': [''], 'winchnstr': [''], 'winchstr': [''], 'windmc': [''], 'windres': [''], 'winnstr': [''], 'winnwstr': [''], 'wins_nwstr': [''], 'wins_wch': [''], 'wins_wstr': [''], 'winsch': [''], 'winsdelln': [''], 'winsertln': [''], 'winsnstr': [''], 'winsstr': [''], 'winstr': [''], 'winwstr': [''], 'wipefs': [''], 'wmemchr': ['', ''], 'wmemcmp': ['', ''], 'wmemcpy': ['', ''], 'wmemmove': ['', ''], 'wmempcpy': [''], 'wmemset': ['', ''], 'wmouse_trafo': [''], 'wmove': [''], 'wnoutrefresh': [''], 'wordexp': ['', ''], 'wordexp.h': [''], 'wordfree': ['', ''], 'wprintf': ['', ''], 'wprintw': [''], 'wredrawln': [''], 'wrefresh': [''], 'wresize': [''], 'write': ['', '', '', ''], 'writev': ['', ''], 'wscanf': [''], 'wscanw': [''], 'wscrl': [''], 'wsetscrreg': [''], 'wsrep_sst_common': [''], 'wsrep_sst_mariabackup': [''], 'wsrep_sst_mysqldump': [''], 'wsrep_sst_rsync': [''], 'wsrep_sst_rsync_wan': [''], 'wsrep_sst_xtrabackup': [''], 'wsrep_sst_xtrabackup-v2': [''], 'wstandend': [''], 'wstandout': [''], 'wsyncdown': [''], 'wsyncup': [''], 'wtimeout': [''], 'wtmp': [''], 'wtouchln': [''], 'wunctrl': [''], 'wvline': [''], 'wvline_set': [''], 'x25': [''], 'x86_64': [''], 'x_contexts': [''], 'xargs': ['', ''], 'xattr': [''], 'xcrypt': [''], 'xdecrypt': [''], 'xdr': [''], 'xdr_accepted_reply': [''], 'xdr_array': [''], 'xdr_authunix_parms': [''], 'xdr_bool': [''], 'xdr_bytes': [''], 'xdr_callhdr': [''], 'xdr_callmsg': [''], 'xdr_char': [''], 'xdr_destroy': [''], 'xdr_double': [''], 'xdr_enum': [''], 'xdr_float': [''], 'xdr_free': [''], 'xdr_getpos': [''], 'xdr_inline': [''], 'xdr_int': [''], 'xdr_long': [''], 'xdr_opaque': [''], 'xdr_opaque_auth': [''], 'xdr_pmap': [''], 'xdr_pmaplist': [''], 'xdr_pointer': [''], 'xdr_reference': [''], 'xdr_rejected_reply': [''], 'xdr_replymsg': [''], 'xdr_setpos': [''], 'xdr_short': [''], 'xdr_string': [''], 'xdr_u_char': [''], 'xdr_u_int': [''], 'xdr_u_long': [''], 'xdr_u_short': [''], 'xdr_union': [''], 'xdr_vector': [''], 'xdr_void': [''], 'xdr_wrapstring': [''], 'xdrmem_create': [''], 'xdrrec_create': [''], 'xdrrec_endofrecord': [''], 'xdrrec_eof': [''], 'xdrrec_skiprecord': [''], 'xdrstdio_create': [''], 'xencrypt': [''], 'xfs': [''], 'xfs_admin': [''], 'xfs_bmap': [''], 'xfs_copy': [''], 'xfs_db': [''], 'xfs_estimate': [''], 'xfs_freeze': [''], 'xfs_fsr': [''], 'xfs_growfs': [''], 'xfs_info': [''], 'xfs_io': [''], 'xfs_logprint': [''], 'xfs_mdrestore': [''], 'xfs_metadump': [''], 'xfs_mkfile': [''], 'xfs_ncheck': [''], 'xfs_quota': [''], 'xfs_repair': [''], 'xfs_rtcp': [''], 'xfs_scrub': [''], 'xfs_scrub_all': [''], 'xfs_spaceman': [''], 'xfsctl': [''], 'xfsdump': [''], 'xfsinvutil': [''], 'xfsrestore': [''], 'xgettext': [''], 'xprt_register': [''], 'xprt_unregister': [''], 'xqmstats': [''], 'xt': [''], 'xtables-legacy': [''], 'xtables-monitor': [''], 'xtables-nft': [''], 'xtables-translate': [''], 'y0': ['', ''], 'y0f': [''], 'y0l': [''], 'y1': ['', ''], 'y1f': [''], 'y1l': [''], 'yacc': [''], 'yes': [''], 'yn': ['', ''], 'ynf': [''], 'ynl': [''], 'ypdomainname': [''], 'yum': [''], 'yum-aliases': [''], 'yum-builddep': [''], 'yum-changelog': [''], 'yum-changelog.conf': [''], 'yum-complete-transaction': [''], 'yum-config-manager': [''], 'yum-copr': [''], 'yum-cron': [''], 'yum-debug-dump': [''], 'yum-debug-restore': [''], 'yum-filter-data': [''], 'yum-fs-snapshot': [''], 'yum-fs-snapshot.conf': [''], 'yum-groups-manager': [''], 'yum-list-data': [''], 'yum-ovl': [''], 'yum-plugin-copr': [''], 'yum-shell': [''], 'yum-updatesd': [''], 'yum-updatesd.conf': [''], 'yum-utils': [''], 'yum-verify': [''], 'yum-versionlock': [''], 'yum-versionlock.conf': [''], 'yum.conf': [''], 'yumdb': [''], 'yumdownloader': [''], 'zbxpcp': [''], 'zcat': [''], 'zdump': [''], 'zenmap': [''], 'zero': [''], 'zic': [''], 'zos-remote.conf': [''], 'zramctl': [''], 'zsoelim': [''] }
from PIL import Image import pytesseract import os import openpyxl as xl from pytesseract import Output from pytesseract import pytesseract as pt import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import cv2 from imutils.object_detection import non_max_suppression class Scan(): def __init__(self,folder,readfile,writefile): self.folder=folder self.readfile=readfile self.writefile=writefile def text_en(self): os.chdir(self.folder) img = im.load() text = pytesseract.image_to_string(im,lang='eng') print(text) def text_ar(self): os.chdir(self.folder) img = img.load() text = pytesseract.image_to_string(im,lang='ara') print(text) wb2 = xl.load_workbook(self.writefile) ws2 = wb2.get_sheet_by_name("Sheet1") for row in ws2: for cell in row: ws2[cell.coordinate].value = text def pdf_extract_table(self): import camelot os.chdir(self.folder) #table file must be pdf file tables = camelot.read_pdf(self.readfile) #TableList #self.writefile must be csv file n=1 tables.export(self.writefile, f='csv', compress=True) # json, excel, html,csv tables[1] Table_shape=(7, 7) tables[1].parsing_report { 'accuracy': 99.02, 'whitespace': 12.24, 'order': 1, 'page': 1} tables[1].to_csv(self.writefile) # to_json, to_excel, to_html,to_csv def boxes(self): os.chdir(self.folder) # read the image and get the dimensions img = cv2.imread(self.readfile) h, w, _ = img.shape # assumes color image # run tesseract, returning the bounding boxes boxes = pytesseract.image_to_boxes(img) # also include any config options you use # draw the bounding boxes on the image for b in boxes.splitlines(): b = b.split(' ') img = cv2.rectangle(img, (int(b[1]), h - int(b[2])), (int(b[3]), h - int(b[4])), (0, 255, 0), 2) cv2.imshow('img', img) cv2.waitKey(0) def all_boxes(self): os.chdir(self.folder) # read the image and get the dimensions img = cv2.imread(self.readfile) gray=cv2.cvtColor(img,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) contours,hierarchy = cv2.findContours(gray,cv2.RETR_LIST,cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) idx =0 for cnt in contours: idx += 1 x,y,w,h = cv2.boundingRect(cnt) roi=img[y:y+h,x:x+w] cv2.imwrite(str(idx) + '.jpg', roi) #cv2.rectangle(im,(x,y),(x+w,y+h),(200,0,0),2) cv2.imshow('img',img) cv2.waitKey(0) def select_box(self): '''this function is very useful for corp images then press ctrl+c the past it in iny place by ctrl+v''' os.chdir(self.folder) # read the image and get the dimensions # Read image img = cv2.imread(self.readfile) # Select ROI showCrosshair = False #to hide the rectangle selection line when select fromCenter = True # true for corss line # false for triangle r = cv2.selectROI('image',img, fromCenter, showCrosshair) #to select from center # Crop image imCrop = img[int(r[1]):int(r[1]+r[3]), int(r[0]):int(r[0]+r[2])] # Display cropped image cv2.imshow("Image", imCrop) cv2.waitKey(0) def hand_writing_digit(self): os.chdir(self.folder) #by knn technices img = cv2.imread(self.readfile) gray = cv2.cvtColor(img,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # Now we split the image to 5000 cells, each 20x20 size cells = [np.hsplit(row,100) for row in np.vsplit(gray,50)] # Make it into a Numpy array. It size will be (50,100,20,20) x = np.array(cells) # Now we prepare train_data and test_data. train = x[:,:50].reshape(-1,400).astype(np.float32) # Size = (2500,400) test = x[:,50:100].reshape(-1,400).astype(np.float32) # Size = (2500,400) # Create labels for train and test data k = np.arange(10) train_labels = np.repeat(k,250)[:,np.newaxis] test_labels = train_labels.copy() # Initiate kNN, train the data, then test it with test data for k=1 knn = cv2.KNearest() knn.train(train,train_labels) ret,result,neighbours,dist = knn.find_nearest(test,k=5) # Now we check the accuracy of classification # For that, compare the result with test_labels and check which are wrong matches = result==test_labels correct = np.count_nonzero(matches) accuracy = correct*100.0/result.size print (accuracy) # save the data np.savez('knn_data.npz',train=train, train_labels=train_labels) # Now load the data with np.load('knn_data.npz') as data: print (data.files) train = data['train'] train_labels = data['train_labels'] def line_detection(self): #Reading the required image in # which operations are to be done. # Make sure that the image is in the same # directory in which this python program is os.chdir(self.folder) #by knn technices img = cv2.imread(self.readfile) # Convert the img to grayscale gray = cv2.cvtColor(img,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # Apply edge detection method on the image edges = cv2.Canny(gray,50,150,apertureSize = 3) # This returns an array of r and theta values lines = cv2.HoughLines(edges,1,np.pi/180, 200) # The below for loop runs till r and theta values # are in the range of the 2d array for r,theta in lines[0]: # Stores the value of cos(theta) in a a = np.cos(theta) # Stores the value of sin(theta) in b b = np.sin(theta) # x0 stores the value rcos(theta) x0 = a*r # y0 stores the value rsin(theta) y0 = b*r # x1 stores the rounded off value of (rcos(theta)-1000sin(theta)) x1 = int(x0 + 1000*(-b)) # y1 stores the rounded off value of (rsin(theta)+1000cos(theta)) y1 = int(y0 + 1000*(a)) # x2 stores the rounded off value of (rcos(theta)+1000sin(theta)) x2 = int(x0 - 1000*(-b)) # y2 stores the rounded off value of (rsin(theta)-1000cos(theta)) y2 = int(y0 - 1000*(a)) # cv2.line draws a line in img from the point(x1,y1) to (x2,y2). # (0,0,255) denotes the colour of the line to be #drawn. In this case, it is red. cv2.line(img,(x1,y1), (x2,y2), (0,0,255),2) # All the changes made in the input image are finally # written on a new image houghlines.jpg cv2.imwrite('linesDetected.jpg', img) cv2.imshow('img', img) cv2.waitKey(0) def spilt_cells_of_table(self): os.chdir(self.folder) #by knn technices img = cv2.imread(self.readfile) # find edges in the image edges = cv2.Laplacian(img, cv2.CV_8U) # kernel used to remove vetical and small horizontal lines using erosion kernel = np.zeros((5, 11), np.uint8) kernel[2, :] = 1 eroded = cv2.morphologyEx(edges, cv2.MORPH_ERODE, kernel) # erode image to remove unwanted lines # find (x,y) position of the horizontal lines indices = np.nonzero(eroded) # As indices contain all the points along horizontal line, so get unique rows only (indices[0] contains rows or y coordinate) rows = np.unique(indices[0]) # now you have unique rows but edges are more than 1 pixel thick # so remove lines which are near to each other using a certain threshold filtered_rows = [] for ii in range(len(rows)): if ii == 0: filtered_rows.append(rows[ii]) else: if np.abs(rows[ii] - rows[ii - 1]) >= 10: filtered_rows.append(rows[ii]) print(filtered_rows) # crop first row of table first_cropped_row = img[filtered_rows[0]:filtered_rows[1], :, :] #cv2.resize(img, (960, 540) cv2.imshow('Image', eroded) cv2.imshow('Cropped_Row', first_cropped_row) cv2.waitKey(0)
from hotbox.managers import * configManager = ConfigManager() commandManager = CommandManager() #Main class for controlling program state class Main(): def __init__(self, configManager, commandManager): self.state = 0 self.configManager = configManager self.commandManager = commandManager def loop(self): while self.state != 5: if self.state == 0: self.main_menu() elif self.state == 1: self.change_resource() self.state = 0 elif self.state == 2: self.list_keys() self.state = 0 elif self.state == 3: self.delete_key() self.state = 0 elif self.state == 4: self.add_key() self.state = 0 #Ensure valid menu selection def validate_selection(self,options,value): int_value = 0 try: int_value = int(value) except ValueError: print('Invalid Selection') if int_value < 1 or int_value > options: print('Invalid Selection') int_value = 0 return int_value def main_menu(self): options = 5 menu = ''' Main Menu: 1. Set Resource File Path 2. List Hotkeys 3. Delete Hotkey 4. Add Hotkey 5. Exit ''' print(menu) while self.state == 0: self.state = self.validate_selection(options,input('Enter Selection: ')) #Change location of openbox configuration file def change_resource(self): value = input('Set resource path. Currently using ' + self.configManager.get_resource_path() + ': ') if value != '': self.configManager.set_resource_path(value) #List currently used hotkeys def list_keys(self): if configManager.is_loaded(): self.configManager.generate_all_actions_string() else: print('Error: Configutation file could not be loaded') #delete a hotkey def delete_key(self): if configManager.is_loaded(): self.configManager.delete_key() else: print('Error: Configutation file could not be loaded') #Add a new hotkey def add_key(self): if configManager.is_loaded(): hotkey_string = input('Enter Hotkey E.G. A-t for Alt+t: ') if self.configManager.hotkey_available(hotkey_string): self.configManager.add_hotkey(hotkey_string,self.commandManager,False) else: if input(hotkey_string + ' is already in use! Continue? y/n: ') == 'y': if input('Remove all actions associated with ' + hotkey_string + '? y/n: ') == 'y': self.configManager.add_hotkey(hotkey_string,self.commandManager,True) else: self.configManager.add_hotkey(hotkey_string,self.commandManager,False) else: print('Error: Configuration file could not be loaded') def main(): main_man = Main(configManager,commandManager) #run main loop main_man.loop()
############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2016 Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd and others. # # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # ############################################################################## import tornado.ioloop import tornado.web from tornado.options import define from tornado.options import options from api.urls import mappings define("port", default=8000, help="run on the given port", type=int) def main(): tornado.options.parse_command_line() application = tornado.web.Application(mappings) application.listen(options.port) tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.current().start() if __name__ == "__main__": main()
from flask import has_request_context, request from flask_login import current_user as user import logging class MyFormatter(logging.Formatter): # test: no cover def __init__(self, fmt, style) -> None: super().__init__(fmt=fmt, style=style) def format(self, record): if user: if user.is_authenticated: record.user = str(user) else: record.user = "anonymous" else: record.user = "-" if has_request_context(): record.url = request.url record.method = request.method record.remote_addr = request.remote_addr else: record.url = "-" record.method = "-" record.remote_addr = "-" return super().format(record) formatter = MyFormatter( "[{levelname} - {asctime}] {user} {remote_addr} at {pathname}:{lineno}\n" " {message}", style="{", )
<gh_stars>0 # (c) Copyright [2018-2021] Micro Focus or one of its affiliates. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import pytest, warnings from verticapy import vDataFrame from import * from verticapy import set_option set_option("print_info", False) @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def amazon_vd(base): from verticapy.learn.datasets import load_amazon amazon = load_amazon(cursor=base.cursor) yield amazon with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: drop_table( name="", cursor=base.cursor, ) class TestvDFStatsTools: def test_adfuller(self, amazon_vd): # testing without trend result = adfuller( amazon_vd, column="number", ts="date", by=["state"], p=40, with_trend=False ) assert result["value"][0] == pytest.approx(-0.4059507552046538, 1e-2) assert result["value"][1] == pytest.approx(0.684795156687264, 1e-2) assert result["value"][-1] == False # testing with trend result = adfuller( amazon_vd, column="number", ts="date", by=["state"], p=40, with_trend=True ) assert result["value"][0] == pytest.approx(-0.4081159118011171, 1e-2) assert result["value"][1] == pytest.approx(0.683205052234998, 1e-2) assert result["value"][-1] == False def test_durbin_watson(self, amazon_vd): result = durbin_watson(amazon_vd, eps="number", ts="date", by=["state"]) assert result == pytest.approx(0.583991056156811, 1e-2) def test_het_arch(self, amazon_vd): result = het_arch(amazon_vd, eps="number", ts="date", by=["state"], p=2) assert result["value"] == [ pytest.approx(883.1042774059952), pytest.approx(1.7232277858576802e-192), pytest.approx(511.3347213420665), pytest.approx(7.463757606288815e-207), ] def test_het_breuschpagan(self, amazon_vd): result = amazon_vd.groupby(["date"], ["AVG(number) AS number"]) result["lag_number"] = "LAG(number) OVER (ORDER BY date)" result = het_breuschpagan(result, eps="number", X=["lag_number"]) assert result["value"] == [ pytest.approx(68.30346484950417), pytest.approx(1.4017446778018072e-16), pytest.approx(94.83450355369129), pytest.approx(4.572276908758215e-19), ] def test_het_goldfeldquandt(self, amazon_vd): result = amazon_vd.groupby(["date"], ["AVG(number) AS number"]) result["lag_number"] = "LAG(number) OVER (ORDER BY date)" result = het_goldfeldquandt(result, y="number", X=["lag_number"]) assert result["value"] == [ pytest.approx(0.0331426182368922), pytest.approx(0.9999999999999999), ] def test_het_white(self, amazon_vd): result = amazon_vd.groupby(["date"], ["AVG(number) AS number"]) result["lag_number"] = "LAG(number) OVER (ORDER BY date)" result = het_white(result, eps="number", X=["lag_number"]) assert result["value"] == [ pytest.approx(72.93515335650999), pytest.approx(1.3398039866815678e-17), pytest.approx(104.08964747730063), pytest.approx(1.7004013245871353e-20), ] def test_jarque_bera(self, amazon_vd): result = jarque_bera(amazon_vd, column="number") assert result["value"][0] == pytest.approx(930829.520860999, 1e-2) assert result["value"][1] == pytest.approx(0.0, 1e-2) assert result["value"][-1] == False def test_kurtosistest(self, amazon_vd): result = kurtosistest(amazon_vd, column="number") assert result["value"][0] == pytest.approx(47.31605467852915, 1e-2) assert result["value"][1] == pytest.approx(0.0, 1e-2) def test_normaltest(self, amazon_vd): result = normaltest(amazon_vd, column="number") assert result["value"][0] == pytest.approx(7645.980976250067, 1e-2) assert result["value"][1] == pytest.approx(0.0, 1e-2) def test_ljungbox(self, amazon_vd): # testing Ljung–Box result = ljungbox( amazon_vd, column="number", ts="date", by=["state"], p=40, box_pierce=False ) assert result["Serial Correlation"][-1] == True assert result["p_value"][-1] == pytest.approx(0.0) assert result["Ljung–Box Test Statistic"][-1] == pytest.approx( 40184.55076431489, 1e-2 ) # testing Box-Pierce result = ljungbox( amazon_vd, column="number", ts="date", by=["state"], p=40, box_pierce=True ) assert result["Serial Correlation"][-1] == True assert result["p_value"][-1] == pytest.approx(0.0) assert result["Box-Pierce Test Statistic"][-1] == pytest.approx( 40053.87251600001, 1e-2 ) def test_mkt(self, amazon_vd): result = amazon_vd.groupby(["date"], ["AVG(number) AS number"]) result = mkt(result, column="number", ts="date") assert result["value"][0] == pytest.approx(2.579654773618437, 1e-2) assert result["value"][1] == pytest.approx(3188.0, 1e-2) assert result["value"][2] == pytest.approx(1235.43662996799, 1e-2) assert result["value"][3] == pytest.approx(0.009889912917327177, 1e-2) assert result["value"][4] == True assert result["value"][5] == "increasing" def test_skewtest(self, amazon_vd): result = skewtest(amazon_vd, column="number") assert result["value"][0] == pytest.approx(73.53347500226347, 1e-2) assert result["value"][1] == pytest.approx(0.0, 1e-2)
import ipywidgets as widgets class ButtonWithValue(widgets.Button): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.value = kwargs['value'] kwargs.pop('value', None) super(ButtonWithValue, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
<reponame>sequencer2014/TS #!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (C) 2011 Ion Torrent Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved from pynvml import * nvmlInit() print("Driver Version: %s" % nvmlSystemGetDriverVersion()) deviceCount = nvmlDeviceGetCount() for i in range(deviceCount): handle = nvmlDeviceGetHandleByIndex(i) print("Device %s: %s" % (i, nvmlDeviceGetName(handle))) memory_info = nvmlDeviceGetMemoryInfo(handle) print("Device %s: Total memory: %s" % (i, print("Device %s: Free memory: %s" % (i, print("Device %s: Used memory: %s" % (i,memory_info.used/1024/1024)) util = nvmlDeviceGetUtilizationRates(handle) print("Device %s: GPU Utilization: %s%%" % (i,util.gpu)) print("Device %s: Memory Utilization: %s%%" % (i,util.memory)) nvmlShutdown()
<gh_stars>0 from pathlib import Path import pandas as pd import argparse if __name__ == '__main__': directory = Path('records') directory.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) for file in Path('./').glob('*.csv'): df = pd.read_csv(file).to_parquet(directory / f'{file.stem}.parquet')
"""Access to all categorizations is provided directly at the module level, using the names of categorizations. To access the example categorization `Excat`, simply use `climate_categories.Excat` . """ __author__ = """<NAME>""" __email__ = "<EMAIL>" __version__ = "0.7.1" import importlib import importlib.resources import typing from . import data # noqa: F401 from . import search from ._categories import Categorization # noqa: F401 from ._categories import Category # noqa: F401 from ._categories import HierarchicalCategory # noqa: F401 from ._categories import from_pickle # noqa: F401 from ._categories import from_python # noqa: F401 from ._categories import from_spec # noqa: F401 from ._categories import from_yaml # noqa: F401 from ._categories import HierarchicalCategorization from ._conversions import Conversion, ConversionRule # noqa: F401 cats = {} def _read_py_hier(name) -> HierarchicalCategorization: mod = importlib.import_module(f".data.{name}", package="climate_categories") cat = HierarchicalCategorization.from_spec(mod.spec) cat._cats = cats cats[] = cat return cat # do this explicitly to help static analysis tools IPCC1996 = _read_py_hier("IPCC1996") IPCC2006 = _read_py_hier("IPCC2006") IPCC2006_PRIMAP = _read_py_hier("IPCC2006_PRIMAP") CRF1999 = _read_py_hier("CRF1999") CRFDI = _read_py_hier("CRFDI") CRFDI_class = _read_py_hier("CRFDI_class") BURDI = _read_py_hier("BURDI") BURDI_class = _read_py_hier("BURDI_class") GCB = _read_py_hier("GCB") RCMIP = _read_py_hier("RCMIP") gas = _read_py_hier("gas") def find_code(code: str) -> typing.Set[Category]: """Search for the given code in all included categorizations.""" return search.search_code(code, cats.values()) __all__ = [ "cats", "Categorization", "HierarchicalCategorization", "Category", "HierarchicalCategory", "Conversion", "ConversionRule", "find_code", "from_pickle", "from_spec", "from_yaml", ] + list(cats.keys())
<filename>wavespec/Spectrogram/ import numpy as np from .Spectrogram import Spectrogram def Spectrogram3D(t,vx,vy,vz,wind,slip,Freq=None,Method='FFT', WindowFunction=None,Param=None,Detrend=True, FindGaps=False,GoodData=None,Threshold=0.0, Fudge=False,OneSided=True,Tax=None,Steps=None): #check that the frequencies exist if we are using LS #if Freq is None and Method == 'LS': # print('Please set the Freq keyword before using the LS method') # return Nw,LenW,F,xt = Spectrogram(t,vx,wind,slip,Freq,Method,WindowFunction,Param,Detrend,FindGaps,GoodData,Quiet=True,Threshold=Threshold,Fudge=Fudge,OneSided=OneSided,Tax=Tax,Steps=Steps) Nw,LenW,F,yt = Spectrogram(t,vy,wind,slip,Freq,Method,WindowFunction,Param,Detrend,FindGaps,GoodData,Quiet=True,Threshold=Threshold,Fudge=Fudge,OneSided=OneSided,Tax=Tax,Steps=Steps) Nw,LenW,F,zt = Spectrogram(t,vz,wind,slip,Freq,Method,WindowFunction,Param,Detrend,FindGaps,GoodData,Quiet=True,Threshold=Threshold,Fudge=Fudge,OneSided=OneSided,Tax=Tax,Steps=Steps) Nf = F.size - 1 #need to calculate k vector Jxy = xt.Imag*yt.Real - yt.Imag*xt.Real Jxz = xt.Imag*zt.Real - zt.Imag*xt.Real Jyz = yt.Imag*zt.Real - zt.Imag*yt.Real A = np.sqrt(Jxy**2 + Jxz**2 + Jyz**2) kx = Jyz/A ky =-Jxz/A kz = Jxy/A #create an output recarray dtype = [('Tspec','float64'),('xSize','int32'),('ySize','int32'),('zSize','int32'), ('xGood','int32'),('yGood','int32'),('zGood','int32'), ('xVar','float32'),('yVar','float32'),('zVar','float32'), ('xPow','float32',(Nf,)),('yPow','float32',(Nf,)),('zPow','float32',(Nf,)), ('xPha','float32',(Nf,)),('yPha','float32',(Nf,)),('zPha','float32',(Nf,)), ('xAmp','float32',(Nf,)),('yAmp','float32',(Nf,)),('zAmp','float32',(Nf,)), ('xReal','float32',(Nf,)),('yReal','float32',(Nf,)),('zReal','float32',(Nf,)), ('xImag','float32',(Nf,)),('yImag','float32',(Nf,)),('zImag','float32',(Nf,)), ('kx','float32',(Nf,)),('ky','float32',(Nf,)),('kz','float32',(Nf,))] out = np.recarray(Nw,dtype=dtype) #now fill it up names = xt.dtype.names for n in names: if not n == 'Tspec': out['x'+n] = xt[n] out['y'+n] = yt[n] out['z'+n] = zt[n] out.Tspec = xt.Tspec out.kx = kx = ky = kz #clean up previous arrays del xt del yt del zt return Nw,LenW,F,out
<reponame>travism16/Python-Course import os from netmiko import ConnectHandler from getpass import getpass from datetime import datetime device = { "host": "", "username": "pyclass", "password": getpass(), "device_type": "cisco_nxos", "session_log": "nxos1_session.txt", "global_delay_factor": 2 } net_connect = ConnectHandler(**device) output = net_connect.send_command("show lldp neighbors", strip_prompt=False, strip_command=False) now = time = now.strftime("%m/%d/%Y, %H:%M:%S") print() print(output) print("Command was successfully executed at ", time) print(("=")*55) print() output = net_connect.send_command("show lldp neighbors", delay_factor=8, strip_prompt=False, strip_command=False) now = time = now.strftime("%m/%d/%Y, %H:%M:%S") print() print(output) print("Command was successfully executed at ", time,"!") print(("=")*55) print()
import numpy as np import json import logging logging.basicConfig() logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class YarrHisto1d: def __init__(self, data: np.array, metadata: json = {}) -> None: # need to check shape self._histogram = data self._name = "" self._overflow = 0.0 self._underflow = 0.0 self._type = "Histo2d" self._x_label = "" self._x_n_bins = 0 self._x_low_edge = 0 self._x_high_edge = 0 self._y_label = "" if metadata: # need to add support for jsonschema self._name = metadata["Name"] self._overflow = metadata["Overflow"] self._underflow = metadata["Underflow"] self._type = metadata["Type"] self._x_label = metadata["x"]["AxisTitle"] self._x_n_bins = metadata["x"]["Bins"] self._x_low_edge = metadata["x"]["Low"] self._x_high_edge = metadata["x"]["High"] self._y_label = metadata["y"]["AxisTitle"] @property def histogram(self): return self._histogram @property def name(self): return self._name @name.setter def name(self, val): self._name = val @property def x_label(self): return self._x_label @x_label.setter def x_label(self, val): self._x_label = val @property def x_n_bins(self): return self._x_n_bins @x_n_bins.setter def x_n_bins(self, val): self._x_n_bins = val @property def x_low_edge(self): return self._x_low_edge @x_low_edge.setter def x_low_edge(self, val): self._x_low_edge = val @property def x_high_edge(self): return self._x_high_edge @x_high_edge.setter def x_high_edge(self, val): self._x_high_edge = val @property def y_label(self): return self._y_label @y_label.setter def y_label(self, val): self._y_label = val def __add__(self, other): if isinstance(other, YarrHisto1d): assert ( self._histogram.shape == other.histogram.shape ), f"Histograms must have the same shape (self = {self._histogram.shape}, other = {other.histogram.shape})" self._histogram += other.histogram else: assert isinstance(other, (int, float)) self._histogram += other return self def __iadd__(self, other): self.__add__(other) return self def __sub__(self, other): if isinstance(other, YarrHisto1d): assert ( self._histogram.shape == other.histogram.shape ), f"Histograms must have the same shape (self = {self._histogram.shape}, other = {other.histogram.shape})" self._histogram -= other.histogram else: assert isinstance(other, (int, float)) self._histogram -= other return self def __isub__(self, other): self.__sub__(other) return self def __mul__(self, other): assert isinstance( other, (int, float) ), "Can only multiple histogram by a number!" self._histogram *= other return self def __imul__(self, other): self.__mul__(other) return self class YarrHisto2d: def __init__(self, data: np.array, metadata: json = {}) -> None: # need to check shape self._histogram = data self._name = "" self._overflow = 0.0 self._underflow = 0.0 self._type = "Histo2d" self._x_label = "" self._x_n_bins = 0 self._x_low_edge = 0 self._x_high_edge = 0 self._y_label = "" self._y_n_bins = 0 self._y_low_edge = 0 self._y_high_edge = 0 self._z_label = "" # need to add support for jsonschema if metadata: self._name = metadata["Name"] self._overflow = metadata["Overflow"] self._underflow = metadata["Underflow"] assert self._type == metadata["Type"] self._x_label = metadata["x"]["AxisTitle"] self._x_n_bins = metadata["x"]["Bins"] self._x_low_edge = metadata["x"]["Low"] self._x_high_edge = metadata["x"]["High"] self._y_label = metadata["y"]["AxisTitle"] self._y_n_bins = metadata["y"]["Bins"] self._y_low_edge = metadata["y"]["Low"] self._y_high_edge = metadata["y"]["High"] self._z_label = metadata["z"]["AxisTitle"] @property def histogram(self): return self._histogram @property def name(self): return self._name @name.setter def name(self, val): self._name = val @property def x_label(self): return self._x_label @x_label.setter def x_label(self, val): self._x_label = val @property def x_n_bins(self): return self._x_n_bins @x_n_bins.setter def x_n_bins(self, val): self._x_n_bins = val @property def x_low_edge(self): return self._x_low_edge @x_low_edge.setter def x_low_edge(self, val): self._x_low_edge = val @property def x_high_edge(self): return self._x_high_edge @x_high_edge.setter def x_high_edge(self, val): self._x_high_edge = val @property def y_label(self): return self._y_label @y_label.setter def y_label(self, val): self._y_label = val @property def y_n_bins(self): return self._y_n_bins @y_n_bins.setter def y_n_bins(self, val): self._y_n_bins = val @property def y_low_edge(self): return self._y_low_edge @y_low_edge.setter def y_low_edge(self, val): self._y_low_edge = val @property def y_high_edge(self): return self._y_high_edge @y_high_edge.setter def y_high_edge(self, val): self._y_high_edge = val def __add__(self, other): if isinstance(other, YarrHisto2d): assert ( self._histogram.shape == other.histogram.shape ), f"Histograms must have the same shape (self = {self._histogram.shape}, other = {other.histogram.shape})" self._histogram += other.histogram else: assert isinstance(other, (int, float)) self._histogram += other return self def __iadd__(self, other): self.__add__(other) return self def __sub__(self, other): if isinstance(other, YarrHisto2d): assert ( self._histogram.shape == other.histogram.shape ), f"Histograms must have the same shape (self = {self._histogram.shape}, other = {other.histogram.shape})" self._histogram -= other.histogram else: assert isinstance(other, (int, float)) self._histogram -= other return self def __isub__(self, other): self.__sub__(other) return self def __mul__(self, other): assert isinstance( other, (int, float) ), "Can only multiple histogram by a number!" self._histogram *= other return self def __imul__(self, other): self.__mul__(other) return self
<gh_stars>0 import logging import os import socket import subprocess import sys def get_formatter(): return logging.Formatter( '%(asctime)s [%(threadName)s.{}] ' '[%(name)s] [%(levelname)s] ' '%(message)s'.format(get_hostname())) def configure_logging(args, output_path=None): loglevel = args.loglevel if hasattr(args, 'loglevel') else 'INFO' # Set logging level. numeric_log_level = getattr(logging, loglevel.upper(), None) if not isinstance(numeric_log_level, int): raise ValueError('Invalid log level: %s' % loglevel.upper()) # Configure logging level. logging.basicConfig(level=numeric_log_level) logging.getLogger().setLevel(numeric_log_level) # Set-up log formatting. log_formatter = get_formatter() for handler in logging.getLogger().handlers: handler.setFormatter(log_formatter) if output_path is not None: # Sanity-check model output. if os.path.exists('{0}.log'.format(output_path)): logging.error('Model output already exists.') raise IOError() # Output to file. file_handler = logging.FileHandler('{0}.log'.format(output_path)) file_handler.setFormatter(log_formatter) logging.getLogger().addHandler(file_handler)'Arguments: %s', args)'Git revision: %s', get_git_revision_hash()) def log_module_info(*modules): for module in modules:'%s version: %s (%s)', module.__name__, module.__version__, module.__path__) def get_git_revision_hash(): try: proc = subprocess.Popen( ['git', 'rev-parse', 'HEAD'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.path[0] or __file__))) return proc.communicate()[0].strip() except: return None def get_hostname(): return socket.gethostbyaddr(socket.gethostname())[0]
""" A :class:`~Dataset` represents a collection of data suitable for feeding into a model. For example, when you train a model, you will likely have a *training* dataset and a *validation* dataset. """ import logging from collections import defaultdict from typing import Dict, List, Union import numpy import tqdm from import Instance from import Vocabulary from allennlp.common.checks import ConfigurationError logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # pylint: disable=invalid-name class Dataset: """ A collection of :class:`` objects. The ``Instances`` have ``Fields``, and the fields could be in an indexed or unindexed state - the ``Dataset`` has methods around indexing the data and converting the data into arrays. """ def __init__(self, instances: List[Instance]) -> None: """ A Dataset just takes a list of instances in its constructor. It's important that all subclasses have an identical constructor to this (though possibly with different Instance types). If you change the constructor, you also have to override all methods in this base class that call the constructor, such as `truncate()`. """ all_instance_fields_and_types: List[Dict[str, str]] = [{k: v.__class__.__name__ for k, v in x.fields.items()} for x in instances] # Check all the field names and Field types are the same for every instance. if not all([all_instance_fields_and_types[0] == x for x in all_instance_fields_and_types]): raise ConfigurationError("You cannot construct a Dataset with non-homogeneous Instances.") self.instances = instances def truncate(self, max_instances: int): """ If there are more instances than ``max_instances`` in this dataset, we truncate the instances to the first ``max_instances``. This `modifies` the current object, and returns nothing. """ if len(self.instances) > max_instances: self.instances = self.instances[:max_instances] def index_instances(self, vocab: Vocabulary): """ Converts all ``UnindexedFields`` in all ``Instances`` in this ``Dataset`` into ``IndexedFields``. This modifies the current object, it does not return a new object. """"Indexing dataset") for instance in tqdm.tqdm(self.instances): instance.index_fields(vocab) def get_padding_lengths(self) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, int]]: """ Gets the maximum padding lengths from all ``Instances`` in this dataset. Each ``Instance`` has multiple ``Fields``, and each ``Field`` could have multiple things that need padding. We look at all fields in all instances, and find the max values for each (field_name, padding_key) pair, returning them in a dictionary. This can then be used to convert this dataset into arrays of consistent length, or to set model parameters, etc. """ padding_lengths: Dict[str, Dict[str, int]] = defaultdict(dict) all_instance_lengths: List[Dict[str, Dict[str, int]]] = [instance.get_padding_lengths() for instance in self.instances] if not all_instance_lengths: return {**padding_lengths} all_field_lengths: Dict[str, List[Dict[str, int]]] = defaultdict(list) for instance_lengths in all_instance_lengths: for field_name, instance_field_lengths in instance_lengths.items(): all_field_lengths[field_name].append(instance_field_lengths) for field_name, field_lengths in all_field_lengths.items(): for padding_key in field_lengths[0].keys(): max_value = max(x[padding_key] if padding_key in x else 0 for x in field_lengths) padding_lengths[field_name][padding_key] = max_value return {**padding_lengths} def as_array_dict(self, padding_lengths: Dict[str, Dict[str, int]] = None, verbose: bool = True) ->Dict[str, Union[numpy.ndarray, Dict[str, numpy.ndarray]]]: # This complex return type is actually predefined elsewhere as a DataArray, # but we can't use it because mypy doesn't like it. """ This method converts this ``Dataset`` into a set of numpy arrays that can be passed through a model. In order for the numpy arrays to be valid arrays, all ``Instances`` in this dataset need to be padded to the same lengths wherever padding is necessary, so we do that first, then we combine all of the arrays for each field in each instance into a set of batched arrays for each field. Parameters ---------- padding_lengths : ``Dict[str, Dict[str, int]]`` If a key is present in this dictionary with a non-``None`` value, we will pad to that length instead of the length calculated from the data. This lets you, e.g., set a maximum value for sentence length if you want to throw out long sequences. Entries in this dictionary are keyed first by field name (e.g., "question"), then by padding key (e.g., "num_tokens"). verbose : ``bool``, optional (default=``True``) Should we output logging information when we're doing this padding? If the dataset is large, this is nice to have, because padding a large dataset could take a long time. But if you're doing this inside of a data generator, having all of this output per batch is a bit obnoxious. Returns ------- data_arrays : ``Dict[str, DataArray]`` A dictionary of data arrays, keyed by field name, suitable for passing as input to a model. This is a `batch` of instances, so, e.g., if the instances have a "question" field and an "answer" field, the "question" fields for all of the instances will be grouped together into a single array, and the "answer" fields for all instances will be similarly grouped in a parallel set of arrays, for batched computation. Additionally, for TextFields, the value of the dictionary key is no longer a single array, but another dictionary mapping TokenIndexer keys to arrays. The number of elements in this sub-dictionary therefore corresponds to the number of ``TokenIndexers`` used to index the Field. """ if padding_lengths is None: padding_lengths = defaultdict(dict) # First we need to decide _how much_ to pad. To do that, we find the max length for all # relevant padding decisions from the instances themselves. Then we check whether we were # given a max length for a particular field and padding key. If we were, we use that # instead of the instance-based one. if verbose:"Padding dataset of size %d to lengths %s", len(self.instances), str(padding_lengths))"Getting max lengths from instances") instance_padding_lengths = self.get_padding_lengths() if verbose:"Instance max lengths: %s", str(instance_padding_lengths)) lengths_to_use: Dict[str, Dict[str, int]] = defaultdict(dict) for field_name, instance_field_lengths in instance_padding_lengths.items(): for padding_key in instance_field_lengths.keys(): if padding_lengths[field_name].get(padding_key) is not None: lengths_to_use[field_name][padding_key] = padding_lengths[field_name][padding_key] else: lengths_to_use[field_name][padding_key] = instance_field_lengths[padding_key] # Now we actually pad the instances to numpy arrays. field_arrays: Dict[str, list] = defaultdict(list) if verbose:"Now actually padding instances to length: %s", str(lengths_to_use)) for instance in self.instances: for field, arrays in instance.as_array_dict(lengths_to_use).items(): field_arrays[field].append(arrays) # Finally, we combine the arrays that we got for each instance into one big array (or set # of arrays) per field. The `Field` classes themselves have the logic for batching the # arrays together, so we grab a dictionary of field_name -> field class from the first # instance in the dataset. field_classes = self.instances[0].fields final_fields = {} for field_name, field_array_list in field_arrays.items(): final_fields[field_name] = field_classes[field_name].batch_arrays(field_array_list) return final_fields
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os from time import sleep from glob import glob from shutil import copytree, rmtree, ignore_patterns from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader, select_autoescape from watchdog.observers import Observer from import FileSystemEventHandler env = Environment( loader=FileSystemLoader(['examples', 'templates']), autoescape=select_autoescape(['html']), ) class Handler(FileSystemEventHandler): @staticmethod def build_project(): print('BUILDING PROJECT') rmtree('build', ignore_errors=True) print('static', '...') static_path = os.path.join('build', 'static') copytree( 'static', static_path, ignore=ignore_patterns('*~', '.*'), ) for filepath in glob('examples/*.html'): print(filepath, '...') name = os.path.basename(filepath) template = env.get_template(name) output = template.render() output_path = os.path.join('build', name) with open(output_path, 'w') as fp: fp.write(output) def dispatch(self, event=None): sleep(1) self.build_project() if __name__ == "__main__": handler = Handler() handler.build_project() observer = Observer() for directory in ['examples', 'templates', 'static']: observer.schedule(handler, directory, recursive=True) observer.start() try: while True: sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: observer.stop() observer.join()
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import logging from flask import Blueprint from flask import request from api.utils.responses import response_with from api.utils import responses as resp from api.models.person import Person, PersonSchema from import Group, GroupSchema from import Email route_general = Blueprint("route_general", __name__) @route_general.route('/v1.0/persons', methods=['POST']) def create_person(): """ Create person endpoint --- parameters: - in: body name: body schema: id: Person required: - first_name - last_name - emails - phones - addresses - groups properties: first_name: type: string description: First name of the person default: "John" last_name: type: string description: Last name of the person default: "Doe" emails: type: string description: Person's emails as string separated with commas default: "<EMAIL>,<EMAIL>,<EMAIL>" phones: type: string description: Person's phone numbers as string separated with commas default: "112233,334455,667788" addresses: type: string description: Person's addresses as string separated with commas default: "address1,address2,address3" groups: type: string description: Persons groups as string separated with commas default: "group0,group1,group2" responses: 200: description: Person created successfully schema: id: PersonAddSuccess properties: code: type: string description: Short response code default: "success" person: schema: id: Person 500: description: Server error schema: id: GeneralError properties: code: type: string default: "serverError" message: type: string description: Error message default: "Server Error" """ try: data = request.get_json() loaded, error = PersonSchema().load(data) created_person = loaded.create() dumped, error = PersonSchema().dump(created_person) return response_with(resp.SUCCESS_200, value={'person': dumped}) except Exception as e: logging.error(e) return response_with(resp.SERVER_ERROR_500) @route_general.route('/v1.0/groups', methods=['POST']) def create_group(): """ Create group endpoint --- parameters: - in: body name: body schema: id: Group required: - name properties: name: type: string description: name of the group default: "group0" responses: 200: description: Group created successfully schema: id: GroupAddSuccess properties: code: type: string description: Short response code default: "success" group: schema: id: GroupExtended properties: id: type: number name: type: string 500: description: Server error schema: id: GeneralError """ try: data = request.get_json() loaded, error = GroupSchema().load(data) created_group = loaded.create() dumped, error = GroupSchema().dump(created_group) return response_with(resp.SUCCESS_200, value={'group': dumped}) except Exception as e: logging.error(e) return response_with(resp.SERVER_ERROR_500) @route_general.route('/v1.0/groups/<string:name>', methods=['GET']) def get_group_with_name(name): """ Get group's persons by group name --- parameters: - in: path name: name description: Exact name of the group required: true schema: type: string responses: 200: description: List of users belongs to group schema: id: GetGroupSuccess properties: code: type: string description: Short response code default: "success" persons: schema: type: array items: schema: id: Person 500: description: Server error schema: id: GeneralError """ try: fetched = Group.query.filter_by(name=name).first() dumped, error = PersonSchema(many=True).dump(fetched.persons) return response_with(resp.SUCCESS_200, value={'persons': dumped}) except Exception as e: logging.error(e) return response_with(resp.SERVER_ERROR_500) @route_general.route('/v1.0/persons/<int:id>/groups', methods=['GET']) def get_person_groups(id): """ Returns groups of a person --- parameters: - in: path name: id description: ID of the person required: true schema: type: number responses: 200: description: List of the groups that person belongs to schema: id: UserGroups properties: code: type: string description: Short response code default: "success" groups: type: string description: Persons groups as string separated with commas 500: description: Server error schema: id: GeneralError """ try: fetched = Person.query.filter_by(id=id).first() dumped, error = PersonSchema(only=["groups"]).dump(fetched) return response_with(resp.SUCCESS_200, value=dumped) except Exception as e: logging.error(e) return response_with(resp.SERVER_ERROR_500) @route_general.route('/v1.0/persons/name/<string:keyword>', methods=['GET']) def find_person_by_name(keyword): """ Returns a person by his/her first name or surname or both --- parameters: - in: path name: keyword description: first name, last name or both required: true schema: type: string responses: 200: description: Record for the person with the first name, last name searched schema: id: PersonAddSuccess 500: description: Server error schema: id: GeneralError """ try: query = Person.query.filter( (Person.first_name + ' ' + Person.last_name).like('%' + keyword.lower() + '%') ) fetched = query.first() dumped, error = PersonSchema().dump(fetched) return response_with(resp.SUCCESS_200, value={'person': dumped}) except Exception as e: logging.error(e) return response_with(resp.SERVER_ERROR_500) @route_general.route('/v1.0/persons/email/<string:keyword>', methods=['GET']) def find_person_by_email(keyword): """ Returns the person with the email provided --- parameters: - in: path name: keyword description: prefix or full email required: true schema: type: string responses: 200: description: Record for the person with the email provided schema: id: PersonAddSuccess 500: description: Server error schema: id: GeneralError """ query = Person.query.join(Email, Email.person_id == \ .filter( + '%')) fetched = query.first() dumped, error = PersonSchema().dump(fetched) return response_with(resp.SUCCESS_200, value={'person': dumped})
<filename>generator/ """ ArtAI -- An Generative Art Project using Artificial Intelligence Copyright (c) 2021 SilentByte <> """ import os import time import subprocess import logging import requests from dotenv import load_dotenv from shutil import move load_dotenv() ARTAI_GEN_ENDPOINT_URL = os.environ['ARTAI_GEN_ENDPOINT_URL'].rstrip('/') ARTAI_GEN_OUTPUT_DIR = os.environ['ARTAI_GEN_OUTPUT_DIR'] ARTAI_GEN_TMP_FILE = os.getenv('', os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), '~tmp.png')) ARTAI_GEN_SIZE = os.environ['ARTAI_GEN_SIZE'] ARTAI_GEN_ITERATIONS = os.environ['ARTAI_GEN_ITERATIONS'] logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) log = logging.getLogger(__name__)'Setting up VQGAN-CLIP...') subprocess.check_call(['./'])'Starting generator service...') while True: try: response = requests.get(f'{ARTAI_GEN_ENDPOINT_URL}/jobs', json={ "limit": 1, "completed": False, }) response.raise_for_status() data = response.json() if len(data) == 0:"Job's done, waiting...") time.sleep(2) continue job = data[0] id = job['id'] prompt = job['prompt'].replace(':', '')"Generating %s %s", id, prompt) subprocess.check_call(['./', ARTAI_GEN_TMP_FILE, prompt, ARTAI_GEN_SIZE, ARTAI_GEN_ITERATIONS]) move(ARTAI_GEN_TMP_FILE, os.path.join(ARTAI_GEN_OUTPUT_DIR, f'{id}.png'))'{ARTAI_GEN_ENDPOINT_URL}/job/{id}/complete') \ .raise_for_status()"Completed job {id} with prompt '{prompt}'") except Exception as e: log.exception('Exception occurred', exc_info=e) time.sleep(2)
<filename>csaopt/model_loader/ import inspect import subprocess from pyhocon import ConfigTree from typing import Optional, List, Dict, Callable from ..model import RequiredFunctions from . import ValidationError def _empty_function(): pass class ModelValidator: empty_function_bytecode = _empty_function.__code__.co_code # TODO: review these required_param_counts = { 'initialize': 2, 'generate_next': 4, 'cool': 3, 'evaluate': 1, 'acceptance_func': 4, 'empty_state': 0 } def validate_functions(self, functions: Dict[str, Callable], internal_config: ConfigTree) -> List[ValidationError]: """Run validators on optimization functions Args: functions: Dictionary mapping function name to function object internal_config: Internal CSAOpt configuration Returns: A list of ValidationsErrors. This list will be empty when all restrictions are met. """ errors: List[ValidationError] = [] self.reserved_keywords: List[str] = internal_config['model.validation.reserved_keywords'] for func in RequiredFunctions: val_errors = self._validate_function(func.value, functions[func.value], self.required_param_counts[func.value]) errors.extend([err for err in val_errors if err is not None]) return errors def _validate_function(self, name: str, fun: Callable, param_count: int) -> List[Optional[ValidationError]]: """Run all validators on the input function Args: name: Name of function fun: Function object param_count: Number of expected function arguments """ return [ self._validate_missing_fun(name, fun), self._validate_empty_fun(name, fun), # TODO review if this is required self._validate_return_statement(name, fun), self._validate_fun_signature_len(name, fun, param_count), self._check_for_reserved_keywords(name, fun) ] def validate_typing(self, file_path: str) -> Optional[ValidationError]: """Validates the input file using mypy Args: file_path: Path to file Returns: :class:`~model_loader.ValidationError` if validation fails, otherwise `None` """ mypy_result =['mypy', file_path], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) if mypy_result.returncode != 0: return ValidationError(mypy_result.stdout.decode('utf-8')) return None def _check_for_reserved_keywords(self, name: str, fun: Callable) -> Optional[ValidationError]: """Returns ValidationError if function contains reserved keywords Args: name: Name of function that is checked fun: Function object to be checked Returns: :class:`~model_loader.ValidationError` if validation fails, otherwise `None` """ for reserved_keyword in self.reserved_keywords: if reserved_keyword in inspect.getsource(fun): return ValidationError('Reserved Keyword {} found in function \'{}\''.format(reserved_keyword, name)) return None def _validate_missing_fun(self, name: str, fun: Callable) -> Optional[ValidationError]: """Returns a ValidationError if function is missing Args: name: Name of function that is checked fun: Function object to be checked Returns: :class:`~model_loader.ValidationError` if validation fails, otherwise `None` """ if fun is None: return ValidationError('Definition of function `{}` not found.'.format(name)) return None def _validate_empty_fun(self, name: str, fun: Callable) -> Optional[ValidationError]: """Returns a ValidationError if function has no body (i.e. only pass, return) Args: name: Name of function that is checked fun: Function object to be checked Returns: :class:`~model_loader.ValidationError` if validation fails, otherwise `None` """ if fun.__code__.co_code == self.empty_function_bytecode: return ValidationError('Definition of function `{}` is empty.'.format(name)) return None def _validate_fun_signature_len(self, name: str, fun: Callable, num_params: int) -> Optional[ValidationError]: """Validates that a given function accepts the correct number of arguments Args: name: Name of function that is checked fun: Function object to be checked Returns: :class:`~model_loader.ValidationError` if validation fails, otherwise `None` """ if len(inspect.signature(fun).parameters) != num_params: return ValidationError( 'Signature of `{}` has an incorrect number of parameters (expected {}, found {})'.format( name, num_params, len(inspect.signature(fun).parameters))) return None def _validate_return_statement(self, name: str, fun: Callable) -> Optional[ValidationError]: """Validates that a given function includes a return statement Args: name: Name of function that is checked fun: Function object to be checked Returns: :class:`~model_loader.ValidationError` if validation fails, otherwise `None` """ if 'return' not in inspect.getsource(fun): return ValidationError('Body of function `{}` does not contain a `return` statement. '.format(name)) return None
from .lop_setup import * def test_resriction_0(): n = 4 index = jnp.array([0, 2]) T = lop.jit(lop.restriction(n, index)) x = random.normal(keys[0], (n,)) assert_allclose(T.times(x), x[index]) y = jnp.zeros_like(x).at[index].set(x[index]) assert lop.dot_test_real(keys[0], T) assert_allclose(T.trans(T.times(x)), y) assert lop.dot_test_complex(keys[1], T) @pytest.mark.parametrize("n,k,s,i", [ (10, 4, 1, 0), (10, 4, 5, 1), (20, 10, 5, 4), ]) def test_restriction1(n, k, s, i): I = random.permutation(cnb.KEYS[i], n) I = I[:k] # column-wise work T = lop.restriction(n, I, axis=0) x = random.normal(cnb.KEYS[i], (n,s)) y = T.times(x) y_ref = x[I, :] assert_array_equal(y_ref, y) y2 = T.trans(y) y3 = T.times(y2) assert_array_equal(y_ref, y3) assert lop.dot_test_real(cnb.KEYS[i+1], T, tol=1e-4) assert lop.dot_test_complex(cnb.KEYS[i+1], T, tol=1e-4) # row-wise work T = lop.restriction(n, I, axis=1) x = random.normal(cnb.KEYS[i], (s,n)) y = T.times(x) y_ref = x[:, I] assert_array_equal(y_ref, y) y2 = T.trans(y) y3 = T.times(y2) assert_array_equal(y_ref, y3) assert lop.dot_test_real(cnb.KEYS[i+2], T, tol=1e-4) assert lop.dot_test_complex(cnb.KEYS[i+2], T, tol=1e-4)
import unittest from programy.config.file.yaml_file import YamlConfigurationFile from programy.clients.polling.twitter.config import TwitterConfiguration from import ConsoleConfiguration class TwitterConfigurationTests(unittest.TestCase): def test_init(self): yaml = YamlConfigurationFile() self.assertIsNotNone(yaml) yaml.load_from_text(""" twitter: polling_interval: 59 rate_limit_sleep: 900 use_status: true use_direct_message: true auto_follow: true storage: file storage_location: ./storage/ welcome_message: Thanks for following me """, ConsoleConfiguration(), ".") twitter_config = TwitterConfiguration() twitter_config.load_configuration(yaml, ".") self.assertEqual(59, twitter_config.polling_interval) self.assertEqual(900, twitter_config.rate_limit_sleep) self.assertTrue(twitter_config.use_status) self.assertTrue(twitter_config.use_direct_message) self.assertTrue(twitter_config.auto_follow) self.assertEquals("file", self.assertEquals("./storage/", twitter_config.storage_location) self.assertEquals("Thanks for following me", twitter_config.welcome_message)
<reponame>wmarcuse/pokeman from pokeman.utils.custom_abc import ABCMeta, abstract_attribute # TODO: Add more arguments class AbstractBasicMessagingEndpoint(metaclass=ABCMeta): """ Abstract base class for Enterprise Integration Patterns, in specific Messaging Endpoints. """ @abstract_attribute def exchange(self): pass @abstract_attribute def queue(self): pass @abstract_attribute def callback_method(self): pass @abstract_attribute def qos(self): pass
<reponame>LucidumInc/update-manager import os import shutil import sys from loguru import logger from config_handler import get_lucidum_dir from exceptions import AppError def change_permissions_recursive(path, mode): os.chmod(path, mode) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path): for dir_ in dirs: os.chmod(os.path.join(root, dir_), mode) for file in files: os.chmod(os.path.join(root, file), mode) def create_directory(dir_): if not os.path.exists(dir_): os.makedirs(dir_)"Created directory: {}", dir_) return True"Directory exists: {}", dir_) return False def copy_file(from_, to, force=False): if os.path.exists(to): if force: shutil.copyfile(from_, to)"Copied {} file to {} file", from_, to) else:"File exists: {}", to) else: shutil.copyfile(from_, to)"Copied {} file to {} file", from_, to) def create_mongo_directory(base_dir): mongo_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, "mongo") created = create_directory(os.path.join(mongo_dir, "db")) if created: change_permissions_recursive(mongo_dir, 0o777) return mongo_dir def create_mysql_directory(base_dir): mysql_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, "mysql") created = create_directory(mysql_dir) create_directory(os.path.join(mysql_dir, "db")) config_dir = os.path.join(mysql_dir, "config") create_directory(config_dir) copy_file(os.path.join("resources", "mysql_my_custom_cnf"), os.path.join(config_dir, "my_custom.cnf")) if created: change_permissions_recursive(mysql_dir, 0o777) return mysql_dir def create_web_directory(base_dir): web_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, "web") created = create_directory(web_dir) create_directory(os.path.join(web_dir, "app", "logs")) hostdata_dir = os.path.join(web_dir, "app", "hostdata") create_directory(hostdata_dir) app_dir = os.path.join(web_dir, "app") conf_dir = os.path.join(web_dir, "app", "conf") create_directory(conf_dir) copy_file(os.path.join("resources", "server.pem"), os.path.join(hostdata_dir, "server.pem")) copy_file(os.path.join("resources", "server_private.pem"), os.path.join(hostdata_dir, "server_private.pem")) copy_file(os.path.join("resources", "server.xml"), os.path.join(conf_dir, "server.xml")) copy_file(os.path.join("resources", "web.xml"), os.path.join(conf_dir, "web.xml")) copy_file(os.path.join("resources", "index.jsp"), os.path.join(app_dir, "index.jsp")) if created: change_permissions_recursive(web_dir, 0o777) return web_dir @logger.catch(onerror=lambda _: sys.exit(1)) def init(): lucidum_dir = get_lucidum_dir()"Lucidum directory: {}", lucidum_dir) create_directory(lucidum_dir) create_mongo_directory(lucidum_dir) create_mysql_directory(lucidum_dir) create_web_directory(lucidum_dir)
## ========================================================= ## Copyright 2019 <NAME> ## ## Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); ## you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ## You may obtain a copy of the License at ## ## ## ## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ## distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ## WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ## See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ## limitations under the License. ## --------------------------------------------------------- """examples/newskylabs/graphics/svg/library/ Data for VCard examples. """ __author__ = "<NAME>" __email__ = "<EMAIL>" __copyright__ = "Copyright 2019 <NAME>" __license__ = "Apache License 2.0," __date__ = "2019/12/19" ## ========================================================= ## Data for VCard examples ## --------------------------------------------------------- _data0 = { 'name': { 'family': 'Family', 'given': 'Name', # 'suffix': ',PhD', 'suffix': 'Jr.', }, 'title': 'Job Title', 'org': { 'name': 'Organization Name', 'unit': 'Organization Unit', }, 'contact': { 'work': { 'email': '<EMAIL>', 'url': '', 'tel': '+12-345-67-89-10', 'adr': { 'street': 'Street 123', 'city': 'City', 'code': '12345', 'country': 'Country', }, }, 'home': None, } } _data = [ _data0, ] ## ========================================================= ## get_example_data() ## --------------------------------------------------------- def get_example_data(ex=0): return _data[ex] ## ========================================================= ## ========================================================= ## fin.
<gh_stars>0 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Project | pysci-tutorial # Module | minsit-tut # Author | <NAME> # Description | minsit dataset tutorial # Reference | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- from sklearn import datasets, svm, linear_model, metrics from numpy import array # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # MINSIT Dataset # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # load minsit dataset minsit = datasets.load_digits() dt_count = len(minsit.images) data = minsit.images.reshape((dt_count, -1)) # define the training set minsit_train_set = data[ 1 : dt_count/2 ] minsit_train_set_target =[ 1 : dt_count/2 ] # define the testing set minsit_test_set = data[ dt_count/2 : -1] minsit_test_set_lenght = len(minsit_test_set) minsit_test_set_target =[ dt_count/2 : -1 ] expected = minsit_test_set_target # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Support Vector Machine # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # initialize support vector machine classifier svm_classifier_obj = svm.SVC(gamma=0.001) # train the svm model using the training set minsit_train_set, minsit_train_set_target ) # predict the testing set using svm model predicted_svm = svm_classifier_obj.predict( minsit_test_set ) svm_err_count = sum(array([ [1,0][x==y] for x, y in zip(expected, predicted_svm)])) svm_tp_count = minsit_test_set_lenght - svm_err_count # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Logistic Regression # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # initialize logistic regression classifier object logreg_classifer_obj = linear_model.LogisticRegression() # train the logistic regression classifier on minsit training set minsit_train_set,minsit_train_set_target ) # predict the testing set using logistic regression model predicted_logreg = logreg_classifer_obj.predict( minsit_test_set ) logreg_err_count = sum(array([ [1,0][x==y] for x, y in zip(expected, predicted_logreg)])) logreg_tp_count = minsit_test_set_lenght - logreg_err_count # print model test results print("------------------------------------------------------------------") print(" TEST SAMPLE SIZE : %4.0f" % minsit_test_set_lenght ) print("------------------------------------------------------------------") print(" SVM TRUE. PREDICT : %4.0f - %2.2f %%" % ( svm_tp_count , svm_tp_count / minsit_test_set_lenght * 100) ) print(" LOGREG TRUE. PREDICT : %4.0f - %2.2f %%" % ( logreg_tp_count, logreg_tp_count / minsit_test_set_lenght * 100) ) print("------------------------------------------------------------------")
#!/usr/bin/env python # # This library is free software, distributed under the terms of # the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3, or any later version. # See the COPYING file included in this archive # # The docstrings in this module contain epytext markup; API documentation # may be created by processing this file with epydoc: import os import sys import unittest # Add root directory of the project to our path in order to import db_store dir_of_executable = os.path.dirname(__file__) path_to_project_root = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(dir_of_executable, '..')) sys.path.insert(0, path_to_project_root) from node.db_store import Obdb from node.setup_db import setup_db TEST_DB_PATH = "test/test_ob.db" def setUpModule(): # Create a test db. if not os.path.isfile(TEST_DB_PATH): print "Creating test db: %s" % TEST_DB_PATH setup_db(TEST_DB_PATH) def tearDownModule(): # Cleanup. print "Cleaning up." os.remove(TEST_DB_PATH) class TestDbOperations(unittest.TestCase): def test_insert_select_operations(self): # Initialize our db instance db = Obdb(TEST_DB_PATH) # Create a dictionary of a random review review_to_store = {"pubKey": "123", "subject": "A review", "signature": "a signature", "text": "Very happy to be a customer.", "rating": 10} # Use the insert operation to add it to the db db.insertEntry("reviews", review_to_store) # Try to retrieve the record we just added based on the pubkey retrieved_review = db.selectEntries("reviews", {"pubkey": "123"}) # The above statement will return a list with all the # retrieved records as dictionaries self.assertEqual(len(retrieved_review), 1) retrieved_review = retrieved_review[0] # Is the retrieved record the same as the one we added before? self.assertEqual( review_to_store["pubKey"], retrieved_review["pubKey"], ) self.assertEqual( review_to_store["subject"], retrieved_review["subject"], ) self.assertEqual( review_to_store["signature"], retrieved_review["signature"], ) self.assertEqual( review_to_store["text"], retrieved_review["text"], ) self.assertEqual( review_to_store["rating"], retrieved_review["rating"], ) # Let's do it again with a malicious review. review_to_store = {"pubKey": "321", "subject": "Devil''''s review", "signature": "quotes\"\"\"\'\'\'", "text": 'Very """"happy"""""" to be a customer.', "rating": 10} # Use the insert operation to add it to the db db.insertEntry("reviews", review_to_store) # Try to retrieve the record we just added based on the pubkey retrieved_review = db.selectEntries("reviews", {"pubkey": "321"}) # The above statement will return a list with all the # retrieved records as dictionaries self.assertEqual(len(retrieved_review), 1) retrieved_review = retrieved_review[0] # Is the retrieved record the same as the one we added before? self.assertEqual( review_to_store["pubKey"], retrieved_review["pubKey"], ) self.assertEqual( review_to_store["subject"], retrieved_review["subject"], ) self.assertEqual( review_to_store["signature"], retrieved_review["signature"], ) self.assertEqual( review_to_store["text"], retrieved_review["text"], ) self.assertEqual( review_to_store["rating"], retrieved_review["rating"], ) # By ommiting the second parameter, we are retrieving all reviews all_reviews = db.selectEntries("reviews") self.assertEqual(len(all_reviews), 2) # Use the <> operator. This should return the review with pubKey 123. retrieved_review = db.selectEntries( "reviews", {"pubkey": {"value": "321", "sign": "<>"}} ) self.assertEqual(len(retrieved_review), 1) retrieved_review = retrieved_review[0] self.assertEqual( retrieved_review["pubKey"], "123" ) def test_update_operation(self): # Initialize our db instance db = Obdb(TEST_DB_PATH) # Retrieve the record with pubkey equal to '123' retrieved_review = db.selectEntries("reviews", {"pubkey": "321"})[0] # Check that the rating is still '10' as expected self.assertEqual(retrieved_review["rating"], 10) # Update the record with pubkey equal to '123' # and lower its rating to 9 db.updateEntries("reviews", {"pubkey": "123"}, {"rating": 9}) # Retrieve the same record again retrieved_review = db.selectEntries("reviews", {"pubkey": "123"})[0] # Test that the rating has been updated succesfully self.assertEqual(retrieved_review["rating"], 9) def test_delete_operation(self): # Initialize our db instance db = Obdb(TEST_DB_PATH) # Delete the entry with pubkey equal to '123' db.deleteEntries("reviews", {"pubkey": "123"}) # Looking for this record with will bring nothing retrieved_review = db.selectEntries("reviews", {"pubkey": "123"}) self.assertEqual(len(retrieved_review), 0) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
#!/usr/bin/env python # curriculum - semantic browsing for groups # (c)nytlabs 2014 import datetime import json import tornado import tornado.ioloop import tornado.web import tornado.options import tornado.template import ResponseObject import traceback class BaseHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # logging.debug('entering init funciton of BaseHandler') try: tornado.web.RequestHandler.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.set_header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*") self.response = ResponseObject.ResponseObject() except Exception as reason: print reason, traceback.format_exc() def write_response(self): try: self.write(self.response.response) except Exception as reason: print reason, traceback.format_exc() print self.response.response
import numpy as np import pandas as pd from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression, RANSACRegressor from sklearn.preprocessing import PolynomialFeatures import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # housing_data = pd.read_fwf("", header=None) housing_data = pd.read_fwf("../Data/", header=None) housing_data.columns = [ "crime_rate", "zoned_land", "industry", "bounds_river", "nox_conc", "rooms", "age", "distance", "highways", "tax", "pt_ratio", "b_estimator", "pop_stat", "price", ] housing_data_input = housing_data.drop("price", axis=1) housing_data_output = housing_data["price"] # Check shapes of the data print(housing_data_input.shape) print(housing_data_output.shape) # X will be copied # Intercept will be calculated # No jobs to be run in parallel model = LinearRegression(), housing_data_output) # Check the accuracy score print("Model score: ", model.score(housing_data_input, housing_data_output)) # Linear coefficient # print(model.coef_) # Intercept # print(model.intercept_) """ for column_label in housing_data_input.columns: # print(column_label) plt.title(column_label) plt.scatter(housing_data_input[column_label], housing_data_output, label = "original data") plt.scatter(housing_data_input[column_label], model.predict(housing_data_input), label = "fitted data") # plt.scatter((min_x, min_y), (max_x, max_y), label = "fitted data") plt.legend() """ polynomial_features = PolynomialFeatures(2, interaction_only=False) polynomial_input = polynomial_features.fit_transform(housing_data_input) # Check shape - there should be less features than measurements print(polynomial_input.shape) polynomial_model = LinearRegression(), housing_data_output) # Check the accuracy score print( "Polynomial model score:", polynomial_model.score(polynomial_input, housing_data_output), ) """ for column_label in range(polynomial_input.shape[1]): # print(column_label) plt.title(column_label) plt.scatter(polynomial_input[:, column_label], housing_data_output, label = "original data") plt.scatter(polynomial_input[:, column_label], polynomial_model.predict(polynomial_input), label = "fitted data") # plt.scatter((min_x, min_y), (max_x, max_y), label = "fitted data") plt.legend() """
"""Module for the custom commands for the programming appliation."""
<reponame>artifice-project/artifice-scraper import logging from flask import current_app from flask import request from flask_restful import Resource from artifice.scraper.models import ( db, Queue, Content, ) from artifice.scraper.utils import ( reply_success, ) from artifice.scraper.supervisor import Supervisor log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class MetricsResource(Resource): @staticmethod def queue_metrics(): return dict( total=db.session.query(Queue).count(), READY=db.session.query(Queue).filter_by(status='READY').count(), TASKED=db.session.query(Queue).filter_by(status='TASKED').count(), DONE=db.session.query(Queue).filter_by(status='DONE').count(), ) @staticmethod def content_metrics(): return dict( total=db.session.query(Content).count(), ) @staticmethod def idle_ratio(q): done = q['DONE'] ready = q['READY'] tasked = q['TASKED'] try: ratio = (tasked + ready) / done except ZeroDivisionError: ratio = 0 return round(ratio, 2) def get(self): ''' displays statistics on database size, can also be used for Redis values and uptime. ''' q = self.queue_metrics() c = self.content_metrics() database = dict(queue=q, content=c) i = self.idle_ratio(q) ratio = dict(idle=i) return reply_success(database=database, ratio=ratio)
import copy import numpy as np from sklearn.base import RegressorMixin from spinesTS.base import EstimatorMixin class Pipeline(RegressorMixin, EstimatorMixin): """estimators pipeline """ def __init__(self, steps:[tuple]): """ Demo: '''python from spinesTS.pipeline import Pipeline from spinesTS.preprocessing import split_array from spinesTS.datasets import LoadElectricDataSets from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler from spinesTS.nn import TCN1D X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = LoadElectricDataSets().split_ds() pp = Pipeline([ ('sc', 'StandardScaler()), ('tcn', 'TCN1D(30, 30)) ]), y_train) y_hat = pp.predict(X_test) print(pp.score(X_test, y_test)) ''' """ assert 0 < len(steps) == np.sum([isinstance(i, tuple) for i in steps]) self._names, self._estimators = zip(*steps) self._model = self._estimators[-1] # validate steps self._validate_steps() self._init_steps = steps self._order_steps = dict() for n, c in zip(self._names, self._estimators): self._order_steps[n] = c.__class__.__name__ def fit(self, train_x, train_y, eval_set=None, **kwargs): x = copy.deepcopy(train_x) y = copy.deepcopy(train_y) for t in range(len(self._estimators[:-1])): if hasattr(t, 'fit_transform'): x = self._estimators[t].fit_transform(x) else: self._estimators[t].fit(x) x = self._estimators[t].transform(x) if eval_set is not None: _target = copy.deepcopy(eval_set) if isinstance(_target[0], tuple): ex, ey = _target[0] ex = self._estimators[t].transform(ex) eval_set = [(ex, ey)] else: ex, ey = _target ex = self._estimators[t].transform(ex) eval_set = (ex, ey) self._fit(x, y, eval_set=eval_set, **kwargs) return self def predict(self, x_pred, **kwargs): x = copy.deepcopy(x_pred) for t in range(len(self._estimators[:-1])): x = self._estimators[t].transform(x) return self._model.predict(x, **kwargs) def get_params(self): return copy.deepcopy(self._order_steps) def _validate_steps(self): transformers = self._estimators[:-1] estimator = self._model for t in transformers: if t is None: continue else: if not (hasattr(t, "fit") or hasattr(t, "fit_transform")) or not hasattr( t, "transform" ): raise TypeError( "All intermediate steps should be " "transformers and implement fit and transform " "'%s' (type %s) doesn't" % (t, type(t)) ) if ( estimator is not None and not hasattr(estimator, "fit") and not hasattr(estimator, "predict") ): raise TypeError( "Last step of Pipeline should implement fit and predict" "'%s' (type %s) doesn't" % (estimator, type(estimator)) ) def save_model(self, path): pass
<gh_stars>1-10 #Exercício Python 092: Crie um programa que leia nome, ano de nascimento e carteira de trabalho e cadastre-o (com idade) em um dicionário. Se por acaso a CTPS for diferente de ZERO, o dicionário receberá também o ano de contratação e o salário. Calcule e acrescente, além da idade, com quantos anos a pessoa vai se aposentar. from datetime import date cadastro = dict() print() print('========----- CADASTRO RESURSOS HUMANOS -----========') print("-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-") print() cadastro["NOME"] = str(input("Informe o nome: ")) ano_nascimento = int(input("Ano de nascimento (ex.2002): ")) idade = ( cadastro["IDADE"] = idade ctps = int(input("Informe número da sua CTPS (0-NÃO TEM): ")) if ctps != 0: cadastro["CTPS"] = ctps cadastro["CONTRATAÇÃO"] = int(input("Informe o ano de sua contração: ")) cadastro["SALÁRIO"] = float(input("Informe o valor do seu salário R$: ")) cadastro["APOSENTADORIA"] = 65-idade else: cadastro["CTPS"] = "NÃO POSSUI!" print("-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-") print() for k, v in cadastro.items(): print(f" - {k} tem o valor: [{v}]") print() print('========----- CADASTRO RESURSOS HUMANOS -----========') print()
# generated from rosidl_generator_py/resource/ # with input from control_msgs:msg/PidState.idl # generated code does not contain a copyright notice # Import statements for member types import rosidl_parser.definition # noqa: E402, I100 class Metaclass_PidState(type): """Metaclass of message 'PidState'.""" _CREATE_ROS_MESSAGE = None _CONVERT_FROM_PY = None _CONVERT_TO_PY = None _DESTROY_ROS_MESSAGE = None _TYPE_SUPPORT = None __constants = { } @classmethod def __import_type_support__(cls): try: from rosidl_generator_py import import_type_support module = import_type_support('control_msgs') except ImportError: import logging import traceback logger = logging.getLogger( 'control_msgs.msg.PidState') logger.debug( 'Failed to import needed modules for type support:\n' + traceback.format_exc()) else: cls._CREATE_ROS_MESSAGE = module.create_ros_message_msg__msg__pid_state cls._CONVERT_FROM_PY = module.convert_from_py_msg__msg__pid_state cls._CONVERT_TO_PY = module.convert_to_py_msg__msg__pid_state cls._TYPE_SUPPORT = module.type_support_msg__msg__pid_state cls._DESTROY_ROS_MESSAGE = module.destroy_ros_message_msg__msg__pid_state from builtin_interfaces.msg import Duration if Duration.__class__._TYPE_SUPPORT is None: Duration.__class__.__import_type_support__() from std_msgs.msg import Header if Header.__class__._TYPE_SUPPORT is None: Header.__class__.__import_type_support__() @classmethod def __prepare__(cls, name, bases, **kwargs): # list constant names here so that they appear in the help text of # the message class under "Data and other attributes defined here:" # as well as populate each message instance return { } class PidState(metaclass=Metaclass_PidState): """Message class 'PidState'.""" __slots__ = [ '_header', '_timestep', '_error', '_error_dot', '_p_error', '_i_error', '_d_error', '_p_term', '_i_term', '_d_term', '_i_max', '_i_min', '_output', ] _fields_and_field_types = { 'header': 'std_msgs/Header', 'timestep': 'builtin_interfaces/Duration', 'error': 'double', 'error_dot': 'double', 'p_error': 'double', 'i_error': 'double', 'd_error': 'double', 'p_term': 'double', 'i_term': 'double', 'd_term': 'double', 'i_max': 'double', 'i_min': 'double', 'output': 'double', } SLOT_TYPES = ( rosidl_parser.definition.NamespacedType(['std_msgs', 'msg'], 'Header'), # noqa: E501 rosidl_parser.definition.NamespacedType(['builtin_interfaces', 'msg'], 'Duration'), # noqa: E501 rosidl_parser.definition.BasicType('double'), # noqa: E501 rosidl_parser.definition.BasicType('double'), # noqa: E501 rosidl_parser.definition.BasicType('double'), # noqa: E501 rosidl_parser.definition.BasicType('double'), # noqa: E501 rosidl_parser.definition.BasicType('double'), # noqa: E501 rosidl_parser.definition.BasicType('double'), # noqa: E501 rosidl_parser.definition.BasicType('double'), # noqa: E501 rosidl_parser.definition.BasicType('double'), # noqa: E501 rosidl_parser.definition.BasicType('double'), # noqa: E501 rosidl_parser.definition.BasicType('double'), # noqa: E501 rosidl_parser.definition.BasicType('double'), # noqa: E501 ) def __init__(self, **kwargs): assert all('_' + key in self.__slots__ for key in kwargs.keys()), \ 'Invalid arguments passed to constructor: %s' % \ ', '.join(sorted(k for k in kwargs.keys() if '_' + k not in self.__slots__)) from std_msgs.msg import Header self.header = kwargs.get('header', Header()) from builtin_interfaces.msg import Duration self.timestep = kwargs.get('timestep', Duration()) self.error = kwargs.get('error', float()) self.error_dot = kwargs.get('error_dot', float()) self.p_error = kwargs.get('p_error', float()) self.i_error = kwargs.get('i_error', float()) self.d_error = kwargs.get('d_error', float()) self.p_term = kwargs.get('p_term', float()) self.i_term = kwargs.get('i_term', float()) self.d_term = kwargs.get('d_term', float()) self.i_max = kwargs.get('i_max', float()) self.i_min = kwargs.get('i_min', float()) self.output = kwargs.get('output', float()) def __repr__(self): typename = self.__class__.__module__.split('.') typename.pop() typename.append(self.__class__.__name__) args = [] for s, t in zip(self.__slots__, self.SLOT_TYPES): field = getattr(self, s) fieldstr = repr(field) # We use Python array type for fields that can be directly stored # in them, and "normal" sequences for everything else. If it is # a type that we store in an array, strip off the 'array' portion. if ( isinstance(t, rosidl_parser.definition.AbstractSequence) and isinstance(t.value_type, rosidl_parser.definition.BasicType) and t.value_type.typename in ['float', 'double', 'int8', 'uint8', 'int16', 'uint16', 'int32', 'uint32', 'int64', 'uint64'] ): if len(field) == 0: fieldstr = '[]' else: assert fieldstr.startswith('array(') prefix = "array('X', " suffix = ')' fieldstr = fieldstr[len(prefix):-len(suffix)] args.append(s[1:] + '=' + fieldstr) return '%s(%s)' % ('.'.join(typename), ', '.join(args)) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False if self.header != other.header: return False if self.timestep != other.timestep: return False if self.error != other.error: return False if self.error_dot != other.error_dot: return False if self.p_error != other.p_error: return False if self.i_error != other.i_error: return False if self.d_error != other.d_error: return False if self.p_term != other.p_term: return False if self.i_term != other.i_term: return False if self.d_term != other.d_term: return False if self.i_max != other.i_max: return False if self.i_min != other.i_min: return False if self.output != other.output: return False return True @classmethod def get_fields_and_field_types(cls): from copy import copy return copy(cls._fields_and_field_types) @property def header(self): """Message field 'header'.""" return self._header @header.setter def header(self, value): if __debug__: from std_msgs.msg import Header assert \ isinstance(value, Header), \ "The 'header' field must be a sub message of type 'Header'" self._header = value @property def timestep(self): """Message field 'timestep'.""" return self._timestep @timestep.setter def timestep(self, value): if __debug__: from builtin_interfaces.msg import Duration assert \ isinstance(value, Duration), \ "The 'timestep' field must be a sub message of type 'Duration'" self._timestep = value @property def error(self): """Message field 'error'.""" return self._error @error.setter def error(self, value): if __debug__: assert \ isinstance(value, float), \ "The 'error' field must be of type 'float'" self._error = value @property def error_dot(self): """Message field 'error_dot'.""" return self._error_dot @error_dot.setter def error_dot(self, value): if __debug__: assert \ isinstance(value, float), \ "The 'error_dot' field must be of type 'float'" self._error_dot = value @property def p_error(self): """Message field 'p_error'.""" return self._p_error @p_error.setter def p_error(self, value): if __debug__: assert \ isinstance(value, float), \ "The 'p_error' field must be of type 'float'" self._p_error = value @property def i_error(self): """Message field 'i_error'.""" return self._i_error @i_error.setter def i_error(self, value): if __debug__: assert \ isinstance(value, float), \ "The 'i_error' field must be of type 'float'" self._i_error = value @property def d_error(self): """Message field 'd_error'.""" return self._d_error @d_error.setter def d_error(self, value): if __debug__: assert \ isinstance(value, float), \ "The 'd_error' field must be of type 'float'" self._d_error = value @property def p_term(self): """Message field 'p_term'.""" return self._p_term @p_term.setter def p_term(self, value): if __debug__: assert \ isinstance(value, float), \ "The 'p_term' field must be of type 'float'" self._p_term = value @property def i_term(self): """Message field 'i_term'.""" return self._i_term @i_term.setter def i_term(self, value): if __debug__: assert \ isinstance(value, float), \ "The 'i_term' field must be of type 'float'" self._i_term = value @property def d_term(self): """Message field 'd_term'.""" return self._d_term @d_term.setter def d_term(self, value): if __debug__: assert \ isinstance(value, float), \ "The 'd_term' field must be of type 'float'" self._d_term = value @property def i_max(self): """Message field 'i_max'.""" return self._i_max @i_max.setter def i_max(self, value): if __debug__: assert \ isinstance(value, float), \ "The 'i_max' field must be of type 'float'" self._i_max = value @property def i_min(self): """Message field 'i_min'.""" return self._i_min @i_min.setter def i_min(self, value): if __debug__: assert \ isinstance(value, float), \ "The 'i_min' field must be of type 'float'" self._i_min = value @property def output(self): """Message field 'output'.""" return self._output @output.setter def output(self, value): if __debug__: assert \ isinstance(value, float), \ "The 'output' field must be of type 'float'" self._output = value
<filename>external/models/TransH_BERT_h2/ from .TransH_BERT_h2 import TransH_BERT_h2
<reponame>Algokodabra/IdleBreakoutBot<gh_stars>0 """ This module contains class FramesProvider allowing to acquire frames by using take_frame() method. These frames can be either images, which have been read from the disk, or the screen snapshots. """ import os import enum import numpy as np import cv2 import pyautogui as gui class FrameSources(enum.Enum): """ Enum of possible frame sources. """ FILE = 0 SCREEN = 1 class FramesProvider: """ This class allows to grab frames from different sources. """ def __init__(self, frame_source=FrameSources.SCREEN, images_dir_path=None): self.frame_source = frame_source self.frames = [] self.current_frame_index = 0 if self.frame_source == FrameSources.FILE: if not isinstance(images_dir_path, str): raise Exception('`images_dir_path` should be a string path to the directory with images') file_names_list = os.listdir(images_dir_path) if len(file_names_list) == 0: raise Exception('`images_dir_path` does not have any files') for file_name in file_names_list: image_file_path = os.path.join(images_dir_path, file_name) image = cv2.cvtColor(cv2.imread(image_file_path), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) self.frames.append(image) def take_frame(self): """ Get single frame. Source of the frame depends on the current value of the self.frame_source. Returns: NumPy array: Frame. """ if self.frame_source == FrameSources.FILE: if self.current_frame_index >= len(self.frames): self.current_frame_index = 0 frame = self.frames[self.current_frame_index] self.current_frame_index += 1 else: frame = np.array(gui.screenshot()) return frame
<gh_stars>10-100 #!/usr/bin/python import os import sys def parse_experiments( fd, ignore_blank=False ): ret = {} # map experiment name to data mode = "none" experiment_name = "" fc_distro = "" experiment_lines = [] while True: line = fd.readline() if len(line) == 0: break line = line.strip() if mode == "none": if len(line) == 0: continue if line.startswith("---------- BEGIN"): parts = line.split() experiment_name = parts[2] mode = "experiment" continue if "redhat release" in line: fc_distro = line.split("'")[1] continue elif mode == "experiment": if ignore_blank and len(line) == 0: continue if line.startswith("PRAGMA"): continue if line.startswith("---------- END"): parts = line.split() if parts[2] == experiment_name: # end of this experiment if ret.get(experiment_name) == None: ret[experiment_name] = [] ret[experiment_name].append( experiment_lines ) experiment_name = "" experiment_lines = [] mode = "none" continue else: # could not parse print >> sys.stderr, "%s: Unexpected END of %s" % (experiment_name, parts[2]) continue experiment_lines.append( line ) else: break ret['fcdistro'] = fc_distro return ret def read_experiment_data( experiment_dict, experiment_name ): if not experiment_dict.has_key( experiment_name ): return None data = [] for run in experiment_dict[experiment_name]: ret = None try: # try to cast as a dict exec("ret = " + str(run) ) data.append( ret ) except: pass return data if __name__ == "__main__": experiment_name = sys.argv[1] fd = open( experiment_name, "r" ) ret = parse_experiments( fd, ignore_blank=True ) fd.close() print ret print "" data = read_experiment_data( ret, "" ) print data
# Commented out as this code does not run as is (missing imports etc) # class Tomo_Analysis(MeasurementAnalysis): # def __init__(self, num_qubits=2, quad='IQ', over_complete_set=False, # plot_oper=True, folder=None, auto=False, **kw): # self.num_qubits = num_qubits # self.num_states = 2**num_qubits # self.over_complete_set = over_complete_set # if over_complete_set: # self.num_measurements = 6**num_qubits # else: # self.num_measurements = 4**num_qubits # self.quad = quad # self.plot_oper = plot_oper # super(self.__class__, self).__init__(**kw) # def run_default_analysis(self, **kw): # self.get_naming_and_values() # data_I = self.get_values(key='I') # data_Q = self.get_values(key='Q') # measurements_tomo = (np.array([data_I[0:36], data_Q[0:36]])).flatten() # measurements_cal = np.array([np.average(data_I[36:39]), # np.average(data_I[39:42]), # np.average(data_I[42:45]), # np.average(data_I[45:48]), # np.average(data_Q[36:39]), # np.average(data_Q[39:42]), # np.average(data_Q[42:45]), # np.average(data_Q[45:48])]) # if self.quad == 'IQ': # self.use_both_quad = True # else: # self.use_both_quad = False # if self.quad == 'Q': # measurements_tomo[0:self.num_measurements]=measurements_tomo[self.num_measurements:] # measurements_cal[0:self.num_states]=measurements_cal[self.num_states:] # elif self.quad != 'I': # raise Error('Quadrature to use is not clear.') # beta_I = self.calibrate_beta(measurements_cal=measurements_cal[0:self.num_states]) # beta_Q = np.zeros(self.num_states) # if self.use_both_quad==True: # beta_Q = self.calibrate_beta(measurements_cal=measurements_cal[self.num_states:]) # if self.use_both_quad==True: # max_idx = 2*self.num_measurements # else: # max_idx = self.num_measurements # results = self.calc_operators(measurements_tomo[:max_idx], beta_I, beta_Q) # self.results = results # self.dens_mat = self.calc_density_matrix(results) # if self.plot_oper == True: # self.plot_operators(**kw) # def calibrate_beta(self, measurements_cal): # #calibrates betas for the measurement operator # cal_matrix = np.zeros((self.num_states,self.num_states)) # for i in range(self.num_states): # for j in range(self.num_states): # cal_matrix[i,j] = (-1)**(self.get_bit_sum(i & j)) # beta =,measurements_cal) # print beta # return beta # def calc_operators(self,measurements_tomo,beta_I,beta_Q): # M = self.num_measurements # K = 4**self.num_qubits - 1 # if self.use_both_quad == False: # measurement_matrix = np.zeros((M, K)) # measurements_tomo[:M] = measurements_tomo[:M] - beta_I[0] # measurements_tomo[M:] = measurements_tomo[M:] - beta_Q[0] # else: # measurement_matrix = np.zeros((2*M,K)) # for i in range(M): # for j in range(1,self.num_states): # place, sign = self.rotate_M0_elem(i,j) # measurement_matrix[i,place] = sign*beta_I[j] # if self.use_both_quad == True: # for i in range(M): # for j in range(1,self.num_states): # place, sign = self.rotate_M0_elem(i,j) # measurement_matrix[i+M,place] = sign*beta_Q[j] # inverse = np.linalg.pinv(measurement_matrix) # pauli_operators =,measurements_tomo) # p_op = np.zeros(4**self.num_qubits) # p_op[0] = 1 # p_op[1:] = pauli_operators # return np.real(p_op) # def rotate_M0_elem(self,rotation,elem): # # moves first the first one # rot_vector = self.get_rotation_vector(rotation) # # moves first the last one # elem_op_vector = self.get_m0_elem_vector(elem) # res_vector = np.zeros(len(rot_vector)) # sign = 1 # for i in range(len(rot_vector)): # value = elem_op_vector[i] # res_vector[i] = 0 # if value == 1: # if rot_vector[i] == 0: # res_vector[i] = value # sign = sign # if rot_vector[i] == 1: # res_vector[i] = value # sign = -1*sign # if rot_vector[i] == 2: # res_vector[i] = 3 # sign = sign # if rot_vector[i] == 3: # res_vector[i] = 2 # sign = -1*sign # if rot_vector[i] == 4: # res_vector[i] = 3 # sign = -1*sign # if rot_vector[i] == 5: # res_vector[i] = 2 # sign = sign # else: # res_vector[i] = value # sign = sign # res_number = self.get_pauli_op_number(res_vector) - 1 # # the minus 1 is to not consider the <II> in the pauli vector # return np.array([res_number,sign]) # def calc_density_matrix(self, pauli_operators): # Id2 = np.identity(2) # Z_op = [[1+0.j,0+0.j],[0+0.j,-1+0.j]] # X_op = [[0+0.j,1+0.j],[1+0.j,0+0.j]] # Y_op = [[0+0.j,-1.j],[1.j,0+0.j]] # rho = np.zeros((self.num_states,self.num_states)) # #np.kron works in the same way as bits (the most signifcant at left) # for i in range(0,2**self.num_states): # vector = self.get_pauli_op_vector(i) # acum = 1 # for j in range(self.num_qubits-1,-1,-1): # if vector[j] == 0: # temp = np.kron(Id2,acum) # if vector[j] == 1: # temp = np.kron(Z_op,acum) # if vector[j] == 2: # temp = np.kron(X_op,acum) # if vector[j] == 3: # temp = np.kron(Y_op,acum) # del acum # acum = temp # del temp # rho = rho + acum*pauli_operators[i] # return rho/self.num_states # def get_pauli_op_number(self,pauli_vector): # pauli_number = 0 # N = len(pauli_vector) # for i in range(0,N,1): # pauli_number += pauli_vector[N-i-1] * (4**i) # return pauli_number # def get_pauli_op_vector(self,pauli_number): # N = self.num_qubits # pauli_vector = np.zeros(N) # rest = pauli_number # for i in range(0,N,1): # value = rest % 4 # pauli_vector[i] = value # rest = (rest-value)/4 # return pauli_vector # def get_m0_elem_vector(self,elem_number): # elem_vector = np.zeros(self.num_qubits) # rest = elem_number # for i in range(self.num_qubits-1,-1,-1): # value = rest % 2 # elem_vector[i] = value # rest = (rest-value)/2 # return elem_vector # def get_rotation_vector(self,rot_number): # N = self.num_qubits # rot_vector = np.zeros(N) # rest = rot_number # if self.over_complete_set: # total = 6 # else: # total = 4 # for i in range(N-1,-1,-1): # value = rest % total # rot_vector[i] = value # rest = (rest-value)/total # return rot_vector # def get_bit_sum(self,number): # N = self.num_qubits # summ = 0 # rest = number # for i in range(N-1,-1,-1): # value = rest % 2 # summ += value # rest = (rest-value)/2 # return summ # def get_operators_label(self): # labels=[] # for i in range(2**self.num_states): # vector = self.get_pauli_op_vector(i) # label='' # for j in range(self.num_qubits): # if vector[j] == 0: # label='I'+label # if vector[j] == 1: # label='Z'+label # if vector[j] == 2: # label='X'+label # if vector[j] == 3: # label='Y'+label # labels.append(label) # labels = ['IX','IY','IZ','XI','YI','ZI','XX','XY','XZ','YX','YY','YZ','ZX','ZY','ZZ'] # return labels # def plot_operators(self, **kw): # import qutip as qtip # fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15,5)) # ax = fig.add_subplot(121) # pauli_1,pauli_2,pauli_cor = self.order_pauli_output2(self.results) # width=0.35 # ind1 = np.arange(3) # ind2 = np.arange(3,6) # ind3 = np.arange(6,15) # ind = np.arange(15) # q1 =, pauli_1, width, color='r') # q1 =, pauli_2, width, color='b') # q2 =, pauli_cor, width, color='purple') # ax.set_title('%d Qubit State Tomography' % self.num_qubits) # # ax.set_ylim(-1,1) # ax.set_xticks(np.arange(0,2**self.num_states)) # ax.set_xticklabels(self.get_operators_label()) # ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122,projection='3d') # qtip.matrix_histogram_complex(qtip.Qobj(self.dens_mat), # xlabels=['00','01','10','11'],ylabels=['00','01','10','11'], # fig=fig,ax=ax2) # print 'working so far' # self.save_fig(fig, figname=self.measurementstring, **kw) # # print 'Concurrence = %f' % qt.concurrence(qt.Qobj(self.dens_mat,dims=[[2, 2], [2, 2]])) # return # def order_pauli_output2(self, pauli_op_dis): # pauli_1 = np.array([pauli_op_dis[2],pauli_op_dis[3],pauli_op_dis[1]]) # pauli_2 = np.array([pauli_op_dis[8],pauli_op_dis[12],pauli_op_dis[4]]) # pauli_corr = np.array([pauli_op_dis[10],pauli_op_dis[11],pauli_op_dis[9], # pauli_op_dis[14],pauli_op_dis[15],pauli_op_dis[13], # pauli_op_dis[6],pauli_op_dis[7],pauli_op_dis[5]]) # return pauli_1,pauli_2,pauli_corr
from plaso.lib.eventdata import EventTimestamp from case_plaso.event_exporter import EventExporter @EventExporter.register('fs:stat:ntfs') class NTFSExporter(EventExporter): TIMESTAMP_MAP = { EventTimestamp.CREATION_TIME: 'mftFileNameCreatedTime', EventTimestamp.MODIFICATION_TIME: 'mftFileNameModifiedTime', EventTimestamp.ACCESS_TIME: 'mftFileNameAccessedTime', EventTimestamp.ENTRY_MODIFICATION_TIME: 'mftFileNameRecordChangeTime'} def export_event_data(self, event): # TODO: Figure out how to associate MftRecord pb with the associated # File pb so we don't have to make separate traces. # (The path spec points to the $Mft file.) trace = self.document.create_trace() pb = trace.create_property_bundle( 'MftRecord', mftFileID=getattr(event, 'file_reference', None), mftFlags=getattr(event, 'file_attribute_flags', None), mftParentID=getattr(event, 'parent_file_reference', None)) return pb
from typing import Any, List, Literal, TypedDict from .FHIR_Address import FHIR_Address from .FHIR_CodeableConcept import FHIR_CodeableConcept from .FHIR_ContactPoint import FHIR_ContactPoint from .FHIR_Element import FHIR_Element from .FHIR_HumanName import FHIR_HumanName from .FHIR_Period import FHIR_Period from .FHIR_Reference import FHIR_Reference from .FHIR_string import FHIR_string # Demographics and other administrative information about an individual or animal receiving care or other health-related services. FHIR_Patient_Contact = TypedDict( "FHIR_Patient_Contact", { # Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces. "id": FHIR_string, # May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. "extension": List[Any], # May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions.Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself). "modifierExtension": List[Any], # The nature of the relationship between the patient and the contact person. "relationship": List[FHIR_CodeableConcept], # A name associated with the contact person. "name": FHIR_HumanName, # A contact detail for the person, e.g. a telephone number or an email address. "telecom": List[FHIR_ContactPoint], # Address for the contact person. "address": FHIR_Address, # Administrative Gender - the gender that the contact person is considered to have for administration and record keeping purposes. "gender": Literal["male", "female", "other", "unknown"], # Extensions for gender "_gender": FHIR_Element, # Organization on behalf of which the contact is acting or for which the contact is working. "organization": FHIR_Reference, # The period during which this contact person or organization is valid to be contacted relating to this patient. "period": FHIR_Period, }, total=False, )
<reponame>muniri92/django-react-blog<filename>portfolio/portfolio_api/migrations/ # Generated by Django 2.0.5 on 2018-05-21 10:41 from django.db import migrations, models class Migration(migrations.Migration): initial = True dependencies = [ ] operations = [ migrations.CreateModel( name='About', fields=[ ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')), ('title', models.CharField(max_length=250)), ('description', models.CharField(max_length=1000)), ], ), migrations.CreateModel( name='Education', fields=[ ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')), ('institution', models.CharField(max_length=100)), ('degree', models.CharField(max_length=500)), ('start_date', models.DateTimeField(verbose_name='Start Date')), ('end_date', models.DateTimeField(verbose_name='End Date')), ], ), migrations.CreateModel( name='Skill', fields=[ ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')), ('skill', models.CharField(max_length=100)), ('image', models.URLField(max_length=500)), ('proficieny', models.CharField(choices=[('Proficient', 'Proficient'), ('Intermediate', 'Intermediate'), ('Beginning', 'Beginning')], default='Proficient', max_length=20)), ], ), migrations.CreateModel( name='Work', fields=[ ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')), ('company', models.CharField(max_length=100)), ('position', models.CharField(max_length=100)), ('description', models.CharField(max_length=1000)), ('start_date', models.DateTimeField(verbose_name='Start Date')), ('end_date', models.DateTimeField(verbose_name='End Date')), ], ), ]
from dataclasses import dataclass from typing import List, Optional from import JsonStr @dataclass class Author(JsonStr): """An object representing a commiter.""" login: str avatar_url: str email: str @dataclass class AssociatedPullRequest(JsonStr): """Information for commits that are associated with a pull request.""" # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes author: Author merged: bool pr_number: int target_branch: str target_sha: str pr_branch: str pr_sha: str title: str body: str @dataclass class Commit(JsonStr): """The git commit info.""" author_login: str short_sha: str sha: str message: str url: str associated_pull_request: Optional[AssociatedPullRequest] = None def get_pr_branch(self) -> str: """Return the pr branch if the commit has an associated pr or empty string.""" if not self.associated_pull_request: return '' return self.associated_pull_request.pr_branch def is_release(self, release_prefix: Optional[str]) -> bool: """Determine if the current commit should create a release.""" if not release_prefix: return False return self.get_pr_branch().startswith(release_prefix) @dataclass class PullRequest(JsonStr): """Pull request information.""" # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes author: Author pr_number: int pr_branch: str target_branch: str target_sha: str url: str title: str body: str file_count: int files: List[str] is_draft: bool def is_release_pr(self, release_prefix: Optional[str]) -> bool: """Determine if the pull request is a release pull request.""" if not release_prefix: return False return self.pr_branch.startswith(release_prefix) @dataclass class Release(JsonStr): """Github release <==> Git tag.""" name: str tag_name: str published_at: str @dataclass class GithubCiRunInfo(JsonStr): """The main information we need for a ci run.""" commit: Commit pull_request: Optional[PullRequest] = None release: Optional[Release] = None @dataclass class CommitInfo(JsonStr): """A commit can be tracked with the following properties.""" owner: str repo: str sha: str
#!/usr/bin/env python3 from ev3dev.ev3 import * from ev3dev2.motor import OUTPUT_A, OUTPUT_B, OUTPUT_C, OUTPUT_D, MoveTank, MediumMotor, LargeMotor from ev3dev2.sensor import INPUT_1, INPUT_2, INPUT_3 from import GyroSensor import time tank = MoveTank(OUTPUT_C, OUTPUT_D) Sensor_Cor[0].mode = 'COL-COLOR' Sensor_Cor[1].mode = 'COL-COLOR' def rotateTo(degrees, speed = 10, linearSpeed = 0): # Clockwise angleBase = gy.value() if degrees > 0: left_speed = speed + linearSpeed right_speed = -speed + linearSpeed else: left_speed = -speed + linearSpeed right_speed = speed + linearSpeed degrees = abs(degrees) tank.on(left_speed, right_speed) while abs(gy.value() - angleBase) <= degrees: pass tank.stop() def walkUntilDistance(distance, speed = 10, limit = 0): tank.on(speed, speed) count = 0 while us.value() > distance: count += 1 if(limit != 0 and count > limit): return False pass tank.stop() return True def walkUntilColor(color, speed = 10, limit = 0): tank.on(speed, speed) count = 0 while Sensor_Cor[0].value() != color and Sensor_Cor[1].value() != color: count += 1 if(limit != 0 and count > limit): return False pass tank.stop() return True def grabTube(): #fica se mexendo rotateTo(10) for i in range(0, 2): rotateTo(-20, speed = 5 , linearSpeed = 5) rotateTo(20, speed = 5, linearSpeed = 5) if(us.value() < 80): break rotateTo(-10) #avança para pegar o tubo #retorna se pegou ou não if(us.value() < 80): tank.on_for_degrees(10, 10, 90) return True return False def alignWithTube(degrees, count = 0, test = True): if(count == 5): tank.on_for_degrees(10, 10, -100 * count) backOriginalPosition(0) main() return "break" tube = { "angle": 0, "dist": 500 } loopSize = int(degrees/5) loopCal = int(loopSize/2) startAngle = gy.value() for i in range(0, loopSize): ultra = us.value() if us.value() < 500 else 500 # fazer ele se mecher e ler diversar distancias dentro desse 10cm e calcular a media if(ultra < tube['dist']): tube['angle'] = i*5 #Angulo Atual tube['dist'] = ultra if(i == loopCal): #recalibra rotateTo(startAngle + (degrees/2) - gy.value()) rotateTo(5, speed = 4) rotateTo(-degrees) rotateTo(startAngle - gy.value()) startAngle = gy.value() for i in range(0, loopSize): ultra = us.value() if us.value() < 500 else 500 # fazer ele se mecher e ler diversar distancias dentro desse 10cm e calcular a media if(ultra < tube['dist']): tube['angle'] = i*-5 #Angulo Atual tube['dist'] = ultra if(i == loopCal): #recalibra rotateTo(startAngle - (degrees/2) - gy.value()) rotateTo(-5 , speed = 4) # agora ja sei o angulo onde o tubo de encontra rotateTo(degrees) rotateTo(startAngle - gy.value()) if(tube['dist'] == 500 and test): tank.on_for_degrees(10, 10, 180) alignWithTube(90, count + 1) return True; if tube['dist'] == 500 and not test: tank.on_for_degrees(10, 10, -180) alignWithTube(60, count + 1) return True rotateTo(tube['angle']) return tube['angle']; def backOriginalPosition(baseAngle): walkUntilDistance(2000, speed = -10, limit = 1500) rotateTo(180) rotateTo(-baseAngle) walkUntilColor(1) alinhar(1) rotateTo(180) walkUntilColor(1) alinhar(1) def PegarTubo(): # Rotaciona e acha o angulo onde o tubo se encontra tank.on_for_degrees(10, 10, 180) baseAngle = alignWithTube(90, count = 1) if(baseAngle == "break"): return True # # Caminha até o tubo if (not walkUntilDistance(110, limit = 1500)):#10cm if(us.value() < 200): tank.on_for_degrees(10, 10, 90) else: tank.on_for_degrees(10, 10, -120) baseAngle += alignWithTube(40, test = False) tank.on_for_degrees(10, 10, 120) #caminha mais um pouco com a intenção de empurrar um pouco o tubo tank.on_for_degrees(10, 10, 45) for i in range (0,2): if(grabTube()): break if(us.value() < 80): Mov_Garra_Sensor(0, 150) tank.on_for_degrees(10, 10, -360) rotateTo(180) rotateTo(-baseAngle) walkUntilColor(1) alinhar(1) else: tank.on_for_degrees(10, 10, -360) backOriginalPosition(baseAngle) main() return True
''' Naively optimize a trajectory of inputs. ''' import tensorflow as tf def run_naive_trajopt(env, x_0, u_init): ''' Runs a naive trajectory optimization using built-in TensorFlow optimizers. ''' # Validate u_init shape. N = u_init.shape[0] assert u_init.shape == (N, env.get_num_actuators) # Initialize the control variable. u = tf.Variable(u_init) # Compute the total reward env.state = x_0 total_reward = tf.constant(0.) for i in range(N): _, reward, _, _ = env.step(u[i, :]) total_reward += reward optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate=0.1) train = optimizer.minimize(total_reward) init = tf.global_variables_initializer() # Run the optimization procedure. with tf.Session() as sess: # Initialize all of the variables. # Run the optimization procedure for 100 steps. for i in range(100): _, loss_value =, reward)) print(loss_value)
<filename>LeetCodeSolutions/python/ class TreeNode(object): def __init__(self, x): self.val = x self.left = None self.right = None class Solution(object): def pathSum(self, root, s): """ :type root: TreeNode :type s: int :rtype: int """ if not root: return 0 return self.find_path(root, s) + self.pathSum(root.left, s) + \ self.pathSum(root.right, s) def find_path(self, node, s): res = 0 if not node: return res if s == node.val: res += 1 res += self.find_path(node.left, s - node.val) res += self.find_path(node.right, s - node.val) return res
<gh_stars>0 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Generated by Django 1.11.10 on 2018-02-16 12:00 from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.db import migrations, models import django.db.models.deletion class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('patients', '0004_auto_20180215_1208'), ] operations = [ migrations.CreateModel( name='Laboratory', fields=[ ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')), ('name', models.CharField(max_length=50)), ], ), migrations.CreateModel( name='Patient', fields=[ ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')), ('first_name', models.CharField(max_length=50)), ('middle_name', models.CharField(max_length=50, null=True)), ('last_name', models.CharField(max_length=50)), ('maiden_name', models.CharField(max_length=50, null=True)), ('birth_date', models.DateField()), ('address', models.CharField(max_length=100)), ('phone', models.CharField(max_length=50)), ('email', models.EmailField(max_length=254, null=True)), ('document', models.CharField(db_index=True, max_length=20, unique=True)), ('document_type', models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, to='patients.DocumentType')), ('gender', models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, to='patients.Gender')), ], ), migrations.RemoveField( model_name='patiente', name='document_type', ), migrations.RemoveField( model_name='patiente', name='gender', ), migrations.RemoveField( model_name='medicalhistory', name='patiente', ), migrations.AddField( model_name='medicine', name='is_generic', field=models.BooleanField(default=True), preserve_default=False, ), migrations.DeleteModel( name='Patiente', ), migrations.AddField( model_name='medicalhistory', name='patient', field=models.ForeignKey(default=1, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, to='patients.Patient'), preserve_default=False, ), migrations.AddField( model_name='medicine', name='laboratory', field=models.ForeignKey(default=1, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, to='patients.Laboratory'), preserve_default=False, ), ]
from .base import BaseHandler, DefaultHandler # noqa: F401 from .cast import caster as callback_caster # noqa: F401
<reponame>cyrildzumts/django-catalog<gh_stars>0 # from django.db import models from catalog.models import Category, Product class CategoryEntry: def __init__(self, category): self.current = category self.children = self.current.get_categories def is_parent(self): return self.children is not None def products(self): return Product.objects.filter() class CategoryTree(object): pass def has_children(category): return Category.objects.filter(parent=category) is None def get_children_categories(category, cat_list=[]): if has_children(category): cat_list.append()
<filename>diffpy/srxplanar/ #!/usr/bin/env python ############################################################################## # # diffpy.srxplanar by DANSE Diffraction group # <NAME> # (c) 2010 Trustees of the Columbia University # in the City of New York. All rights reserved. # # File coded by: <NAME> # # See AUTHORS.txt for a list of people who contributed. # See LICENSE.txt for license information. # ############################################################################## import numpy as np import scipy.sparse as ssp try: import fabio def openImage(im): rv = fabio.openimage.openimage(im) return except: import tifffile print 'Only tiff or .npy mask is support since fabio is not available' def openImage(im): try: rv = tifffile.imread(im) except: rv = 0 return rv import scipy.ndimage.filters as snf import scipy.ndimage.morphology as snm import os from diffpy.srxplanar.srxplanarconfig import _configPropertyR class Mask(object): ''' provide methods for mask generation, including: static mask: tif mask, npy mask dymanic mask: masking dark pixels, bright pixels ''' xdimension = _configPropertyR('xdimension') ydimension = _configPropertyR('ydimension') fliphorizontal = _configPropertyR('fliphorizontal') flipvertical = _configPropertyR('flipvertical') wavelength = _configPropertyR('wavelength') maskfile = _configPropertyR('maskfile') brightpixelmask = _configPropertyR('brightpixelmask') darkpixelmask = _configPropertyR('darkpixelmask') cropedges = _configPropertyR('cropedges') avgmask = _configPropertyR('avgmask') def __init__(self, p, calculate): self.config = p self.staticmask = np.zeros((self.ydimension, self.xdimension)) self.dynamicmask = None self.calculate = calculate return def staticMask(self, maskfile=None): ''' create a static mask according existing mask file. This mask remain unchanged for different images :param maskfile: string, file name of mask, mask file supported: .npy, .tif file, ATTN: mask in .npy form should be already flipped, and 1 (or larger) stands for masked pixels, 0(<0) stands for unmasked pixels :return: 2d array of boolean, 1 stands for masked pixel ''' maskfile = self.maskfile if maskfile == None else maskfile if os.path.exists(maskfile): if maskfile.endswith('.npy'): rv = np.load(maskfile) elif maskfile.endswith('.tif'): immask = openImage(maskfile) rv = self.flipImage(immask) else: rv = np.zeros((self.ydimension, self.xdimension)) self.staticmask = (rv > 0) return self.staticmask def dynamicMask(self, pic, dymask=None, brightpixelmask=None, darkpixelmask=None, avgmask=None): ''' create a dynamic mask according to image array. This mask changes for different images :param pic: 2d array, image array to be processed :parma dymask: 2d array, mask array used in average mask calculation :param brightpixelmask: pixels with much lower intensity compare to adjacent pixels will be masked :param darkpixelmask: pixels with much higher intensity compare to adjacent pixels will be masked :param avgmask: Mask the pixels too bright or too dark compared to the average intensity at the similar diffraction angle :return: 2d array of boolean, 1 stands for masked pixel ''' brightpixelmask = self.brightpixelmask if brightpixelmask == None else brightpixelmask darkpixelmask = self.darkpixelmask if darkpixelmask == None else darkpixelmask avgmask = self.avgmask if avgmask == None else avgmask if darkpixelmask or brightpixelmask or avgmask: rv = np.zeros((self.ydimension, self.xdimension)) if darkpixelmask: rv += self.darkPixelMask(pic) if brightpixelmask: rv += self.brightPixelMask(pic) if avgmask: rv += self.avgMask(pic, dymask=dymask) self.dynamicmask = (rv > 0) else: self.dynamicmask = None return self.dynamicmask def edgeMask(self, cropedges=None): ''' generate edge mask :param cropedges: crop the image, maske pixels around the image edge (left, right, top, bottom), must larger than 0, if None, use self.corpedges ''' ce = self.cropedges if cropedges == None else cropedges mask = np.ones((self.ydimension, self.xdimension), dtype=bool) mask[ce[2]:-ce[3], ce[0]:-ce[1]] = 0 return mask def avgMask(self, image, high=None, low=None, dymask=None, cropedges=None): ''' generate a mask that automatically mask the pixels, whose intensities are too high or too low compare to the pixels which have similar twotheta value :param image: 2d array, image file (array) :param high: float (default: 2.0), int > avgint * high will be masked :param low: float (default: 0.5), int < avgint * low will be masked :param dymask: 2d bool array, mask array used in calculation, True for masked pixel, if None, then use self.staticmask :param cropedges: crop the image, maske pixels around the image edge (left, right, top, bottom), must larger than 0, if None, use self.config.corpedges :return 2d bool array, True for masked pixel, edgemake included, dymask not included ''' if dymask == None: dymask = self.staticmask high = self.config.avgmaskhigh if high == None else high low = self.config.avgmasklow if low == None else low self.calculate.genIntegrationInds(dymask) chi = self.calculate.intensity(image) index = np.rint(self.calculate.tthorqmatrix / self.config.tthorqstep).astype(int) index[index >= len(chi[1]) - 1] = len(chi[1]) - 1 avgimage = chi[1][index.ravel()].reshape(index.shape) mask = np.ones((self.ydimension, self.xdimension), dtype=bool) ce = self.cropedges if cropedges == None else cropedges mask[ce[2]:-ce[3], ce[0]:-ce[1]] = np.logical_or(image[ce[2]:-ce[3], ce[0]:-ce[1]] < avgimage * low, image[ce[2]:-ce[3], ce[0]:-ce[1]] > avgimage * high) return mask def darkPixelMask(self, pic, r=None): ''' pixels with much lower intensity compare to adjacent pixels will be masked :param pic: 2d array, image array to be processed :param r: float, a threshold for masked pixels :return: 2d array of boolean, 1 stands for masked pixel ''' r = self.config.darkpixelr if r == None else r # 0.1 avgpic = np.average(pic) ks = np.ones((5, 5)) ks1 = np.ones((7, 7)) picb = snf.percentile_filter(pic, 5, 3) < avgpic * r picb = snm.binary_dilation(picb, structure=ks) picb = snm.binary_erosion(picb, structure=ks1) return picb def brightPixelMask(self, pic, size=None, r=None): ''' pixels with much higher intensity compare to adjacent pixels will be masked, this mask is used when there are some bright spots/pixels whose intensity is higher than its neighbors but not too high. Only use this on a very good powder averaged data. Otherwise it may mask wrong pixels. This mask has similar functions as 'selfcorr' function. However, this mask will only consider pixels' local neighbors pixels and tend to mask more pixels. While 'selfcorr' function compare one pixel to other pixels in same bin. :param pic: 2d array, image array to be processed :param size: int, size of local testing area :param r: float, a threshold for masked pixels :return: 2d array of boolean, 1 stands for masked pixel ''' size = self.config.brightpixelsize if size == None else size # 5 r = self.config.brightpixelr if r == None else r # 1.2 rank = snf.rank_filter(pic, -size, size) ind = snm.binary_dilation(pic > rank * r, np.ones((3, 3))) return ind def undersample(self, undersamplerate): ''' a special mask used for undesampling image. It will create a mask that discard (total number*(1-undersamplerate)) pixels :param undersamplerate: float, 0~1, ratio of pixels to keep :return: 2d array of boolean, 1 stands for masked pixel ''' mask = np.random.rand(self.ydimension, self.xdimension) < undersamplerate return mask def flipImage(self, pic): ''' flip image if configured in config :param pic: 2d array, image array :return: 2d array, flipped image array ''' if self.fliphorizontal: pic = pic[:, ::-1] if self.flipvertical: pic = pic[::-1, :] return pic def saveMask(self, filename, pic=None, addmask=None): ''' generate a mask according to the addmask and pic. save it to .npy. 1 stands for masked pixel the mask has same order as the pic, which means if the pic is flipped, the mask is fliped (when pic is loaded though loadimage, it is flipped) :param filename: str, filename of mask file to be save :param pic: 2d array, image array :param addmask: list of str, control which mask to generate :return: 2d array of boolean, 1 stands for masked pixel ''' if not hasattr(self, 'mask'): self.normalMask(addmask) if (not hasattr(self, 'dynamicmask')) and (pic != None): self.dynamicMask(pic, addmask=addmask) tmask = self.mask if hasattr(self, 'dynamicmask'): if self.dynamicmask != None: tmask = np.logical_or(self.mask, self.dynamicmask) if pic != None else self.mask, tmask) return tmask
# coding: utf-8 from . import database_operation class HaxiSimpleCrud(object): @staticmethod def get(table, limit=None, skip=None, desc=None, fields=[], contions={}): return database_operation.DatabaseOperation(table).find(fields=fields, contions=contions, limit=limit, skip=skip, desc=desc) @staticmethod def create(table, informations): i = 0 # record index for information in informations: if not (type(information) == dict): return i obj = database_operation.DatabaseOperation(table) if not obj.create(information): return i i += 1 return None @staticmethod def update(table, informations): i = 0 for information in informations: if not (type(information) == dict and information): return i contions = information.get('contions') if contions.get('u_id'): contions['u_id'] = int(contions['u_id']) contents = information.get('content') if not database_operation.DatabaseOperation(table).update(contions=contions, contents=contents): return i i += 1 @staticmethod def delete(table, contions): i = 0 for contion in contions: if not (type(contion) == dict and contion): return i if not database_operation.DatabaseOperation(table).delete(contion): return i i += 1