""" Amqp basic tests for recover methods """ import unittest from . import testcase from . import testing class RecoverTestCase(testcase.RabbitTestCase, unittest.TestCase): @testing.coroutine def test_basic_recover_async(self): yield from @testing.coroutine def test_basic_recover_async_no_requeue(self): yield from @testing.coroutine def test_basic_recover(self): result = yield from self.assertTrue(result)
<reponame>schinmayee/nimbus #!/usr/bin/python from pd.common import CONFIG from pd.common import SOCKET import os import mutex import time import threading import pickle class SERVER: def __init__(self): self.sessions={} self.next_id=1 # Define RPC interface self.mutex=threading.Lock() self.commands=["Register_Client","Session_Info","Session_List","Create_Session","Delete_Session","Label_Session","Update_Status","Remove_Status_If_Exists"] self.backup_interval=30 # Save loop self.session_file=CONFIG.pdmon_session_file self.backup_thread=threading.Thread() self.backup_thread.start() # read in data try: self.sessions=pickle.load(open(self.session_file,"r")) if(len(self.sessions.keys())>0): self.next_id=max(self.sessions.keys())+1 except: pass print "MON_SERVER: Next id starts at %d"%self.next_id def Client_Connect(self,x): pass def Client_Disconnect(self,x): pass def Register_Client(self,client_id,user,host): pass # private def Validate_Session_Id(self,session_id): if type(session_id)!=int: raise SOCKET.COMMAND_EXCEPTION("Invalid session id") elif not self.sessions.has_key(session_id): raise SOCKET.COMMAND_EXCEPTION("Invalid session id %d"%session_id) # PUBLIC ROUTINES def Session_Info(self,client,session_id): self.Validate_Session_Id(session_id) return self.sessions[session_id] def Session_List(self,client): return self.sessions def Create_Session(self,client,username): session_id,directory=None,None session_id=self.next_id self.next_id+=1 info={"id":session_id, "label": "<unnamed>","username": username,"created_date":time.time(),"last_update": 0,"user_status":{}} self.sessions[session_id]=info return info def Delete_Session(self,client,session_id): self.Validate_Session_Id(session_id) del self.sessions[session_id] def Label_Session(self,client,session_id,label): self.Validate_Session_Id(session_id) self.sessions[session_id]["label"]=label def Update_Status(self,client,session_id,key,value): self.Validate_Session_Id(session_id) self.sessions[session_id]["user_status"][key]=value self.sessions[session_id]["last_update"]=time.time() def Remove_Status_If_Exists(self,client,session_id,key): self.Validate_Session_Id(session_id) try: del self.sessions[session_id]["user_status"][key] except: pass def Backup(self): while 1: time.sleep(self.backup_interval) print "Backing up..." try: self.mutex.acquire() pickle.dump(self.sessions,open(self.session_file,"w")) finally: self.mutex.release() import socket if __name__ == "__main__": server=SERVER() SOCKET.SERVER(socket.gethostbyname(CONFIG.pdmon_server_host),CONFIG.pdmon_server_port,server) # SOCKET.SERVER(socket.gethostbyname(CONFIG.pdmon_server_host),CONFIG.pdmon_server_port,server, # (CONFIG.server_private_key_file,CONFIG.server_certificate_file,CONFIG.ca_certificate_file))
<reponame>HearyShen/leetcode-cn import time from typing import List class Solution: def dailyTemperatures(self, T: List[int]) -> List[int]: if not T: return [] deltaDays = [0] * len(T) stack = [] for i in range(len(T)): # print([(i, T[i]) for i in stack], (i, T[i])) if not stack: stack.append(i) continue # record and pop all the colder days in stack j = len(stack) - 1 while j >= 0 and T[stack[j]] < T[i]: deltaDays[stack[j]] = i - stack[j] stack.pop() j -= 1 stack.append(i) return deltaDays if __name__ == "__main__": testCases = [([73, 74, 75, 71, 69, 72, 76, 73], [1, 1, 4, 2, 1, 1, 0, 0])] for i, testCase in enumerate(testCases): temperatures, ans = testCase tic = time.time() ret = Solution().dailyTemperatures(temperatures) toc = time.time() print(f"{i}: {ret == ans}, return {ret} in {toc-tic:.3f}s.")
from rest_framework import serializers from recycle.models import Location, CommercialRequest, Transaction from recycle.validators import IsGarbageCollectorValidator, IsCommercialValidator, DateIsNotPast class LocationSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): id = serializers.ReadOnlyField() open_time = serializers.SerializerMethodField() close_time = serializers.SerializerMethodField() owner_id = serializers.SerializerMethodField() garbage_types = serializers.SerializerMethodField() @staticmethod def get_open_time(obj): return obj.open_time.strftime('%H:%M') @staticmethod def get_close_time(obj): return obj.close_time.strftime('%H:%M') @staticmethod def get_owner_id(obj): return @staticmethod def get_garbage_types(obj): return [{ 'short': gt.garbage_type, 'long': gt.get_garbage_type_display() } for gt in obj.garbagetype_set.all()] class Meta: model = Location fields = ( 'id', 'address', 'open_time', 'close_time', 'price_per_kg', 'garbage_types', 'owner_id' ) class CreateLocationSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): id = serializers.ReadOnlyField() garbage_types = serializers.ListField(required=False) class Meta: model = Location fields = ( 'id', 'address', 'open_time', 'close_time', 'price_per_kg', 'garbage_types', 'owner' ) validators = ( IsGarbageCollectorValidator('owner'), ) class EditLocationSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): id = serializers.ReadOnlyField() garbage_types = serializers.ListField(required=False) class Meta: model = Location fields = ( 'id', 'address', 'open_time', 'close_time', 'price_per_kg', 'garbage_types', 'owner' ) validators = ( IsGarbageCollectorValidator('owner'), ) extra_kwargs = { 'address': {'required': False}, 'open_time': {'required': False}, 'close_time': {'required': False}, 'price_per_kg': {'required': False}, 'garbage_types': {'required': False}, 'owner': {'required': False} } class CommercialOrderSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): id = serializers.ReadOnlyField() email = serializers.SerializerMethodField() location_id = serializers.SerializerMethodField() user_id = serializers.SerializerMethodField() @staticmethod def get_email(obj): return if obj.user else '' @staticmethod def get_location_id(obj): return if obj.location else -1 @staticmethod def get_user_id(obj): return if obj.user else -1 class Meta: model = CommercialRequest fields = ( 'id', 'address', 'email', 'date', 'garbage_type', 'mass', 'status', 'location_id', 'user_id' ) class CreateCommercialOrderSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): id = serializers.ReadOnlyField() class Meta: model = CommercialRequest fields = ( 'id', 'address', 'date', 'garbage_type', 'mass', 'status', 'location', 'user' ) validators = ( IsCommercialValidator('user'), DateIsNotPast('date') ) class EditCommercialOrderSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): id = serializers.ReadOnlyField() class Meta: model = CommercialRequest fields = ( 'id', 'address', 'date', 'garbage_type', 'mass', 'status', 'location', 'user' ) validators = ( IsCommercialValidator('user'), ) extra_kwargs = { 'address': {'required': False}, 'date': {'required': False}, 'garbage_type': {'required': False}, 'mass': {'required': False}, 'status': {'required': False}, 'location': {'required': False}, 'user': {'required': False} } class TransactionSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): id = serializers.ReadOnlyField() datetime = serializers.SerializerMethodField() user_id = serializers.SerializerMethodField() collector_id = serializers.SerializerMethodField() @staticmethod def get_datetime(obj): return obj.datetime.strftime('%b %d, %Y at %H:%M') @staticmethod def get_user_id(obj): return if obj.user else -1 @staticmethod def get_collector_id(obj): return if obj.collector else -1 class Meta: model = Transaction fields = ( 'id', 'datetime', 'garbage_type', 'mass', 'points', 'user_id', 'collector_id' ) class CreateTransactionSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): id = serializers.ReadOnlyField() class Meta: model = Transaction fields = ( 'id', 'garbage_type', 'points', 'mass', 'user', 'collector' )
DS-400/Medium/61-Rotate List/
# Definition for singly-linked list. # class ListNode(object): # def __init__(self, val=0, next=None): # self.val = val # = next class Solution(object): def rotateRight(self, head, k): """ :type head: ListNode :type k: int :rtype: ListNode """ if not head: return None n = 1 cur = head while n+=1 cur = = head m = n - k % n i = 0 while i < m: cur = i += 1 res = = None return res
<reponame>keithyang77/ofstest # Copyright (c) 2021, mds and Contributors # See license.txt # import frappe import unittest class TestStore(unittest.TestCase): pass
<filename>steps/oci-database-step-instances-terminate/ #!/usr/bin/env python import oci config = oci.config.from_file() from oci.config import validate_config validate_config(config) # initialize the DatabaseClient database = oci.database.DatabaseClient(config) db_system_ids = ["dfsdfgsfdsdf","fsdxfgsd"] if not db_system_ids: print("No instance IDs found") exit(0) print('Terminateing instances: {}'.format(db_system_ids)) for db_system_id in db_system_ids: database.terminate_db_system(db_system_ids)
<reponame>cshanxiao/superutils<filename>superutils/ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- u''' @summary: @author: cshanxiao @date: 2016-07-18 ''' import time def print_obj(obj, inner=True, full=False): print "\nStart {} {}".format(obj, "=" * 50) print "dir info: {}".format(dir(obj)) for attr in dir(obj): try: if attr.startswith("__") and not full: continue if attr.startswith("_") and not inner: continue attr_value = getattr(obj, attr) if "method" in str(type(attr_value)): print "### method {}".format(attr) elif "wrapper" in str(type(attr_value)): print "=== wrapper {}".format(attr) else: print "--- attribute {}: {}".format(attr, attr_value) except Exception, e: print "*** read error {}: {}".format(attr, e) print ("End {} {}").format(obj, "=" * 50) def func_time(func): _id = [0] def _wrapper(*args,**kwargs): start_time = time.time() result = func(*args,**kwargs) end_time = time.time() _id[0] += 1 print "{} [{}] [{:.3f} ms] {}".format( _id[0], time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), (end_time - start_time) * 1000, {"func_name": func.func_name, "file_name": func.func_code.co_filename, "file_lineno": func.func_code.co_firstlineno } ) return result return _wrapper def super_test(): print_obj(str, full=True) print_obj(lambda x: x, inner=True) if __name__ == '__main__': super_test()
<reponame>sharry008/anonymise """ This software has been developed by github user fndh ( You are free to use, modify and redistribute this software as you please, as long as you follow the conditions listed in the LICENSE file of the github repository indicated. I want to thank you for reading this small paragraph, and please consider sending me a message if you are using this software! It will surely make my day. """ from telegram import (TelegramError, ChatAction, InlineKeyboardMarkup, InlineKeyboardButton) class MessageSender: def __init__(self, logger): self.logger = logger def send_text(self, bot, user, message, tried=0, reply=None, reply_markup=None, parse_mode=None): """ Send messages with markdown, markup or replies. Returns the sent message. """ try: return bot.sendMessage( str(user), message, reply_to_message_id=reply, reply_markup=reply_markup, parse_mode=parse_mode) except TelegramError as e: # Log the errors self.logger.log( f"TelegramError when sending message to {user}:") self.logger.log(f"\t{e} - Try #{tried}/3") if e == 'Timed out' and tried < 3: # Retry up to 3 times return self.send_text( bot, user, message, tried=tried+1, reply=reply, reply_markup=reply_markup, parse_mode=parse_mode) except RuntimeError as e: self.logger.log("RuntimeError when sending message") self.logger.log(e) except Exception as e: self.logger.log("Unhandled error when sending message") self.logger.log(e) def send_typing(self, bot, chat_id): """ Send "Bot is typing..." action to chat """ bot.sendChatAction(chat_id, ChatAction.TYPING) def forward_message(self, message, user_id): return message.forward(user_id) def create_inline_keyboard(self, button_texts, callbacks): """Generate a keyboard with the options specified. Make sure bot handles callback methods before creating a keyboard. """ if button_texts is None or callbacks is None: return None if len(button_texts) != len(callbacks): raise ValueError("Buttons and callbacks size doesn't match") kb_buttons = [] # Iterate over information rows for n in range(len(button_texts)): # Extract display text and callback function button_text_row = button_texts[n] callback_row = callbacks[n] button_row = [] # Verify size if len(button_text_row) != len(callback_row): raise ValueError("Buttons and callbacks size doesn't match") # Iterate over button texts for m in range(len(button_text_row)): text = button_text_row[m] callback = callback_row[m] # Create button kb_button = InlineKeyboardButton( text=text, callback_data=callback) # Add to button row button_row.append(kb_button) # Add row to keyboard kb_buttons.append(button_row) keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup(kb_buttons) return keyboard
#!/usr/bin/env python # _*_ coding: utf-8_*_ # # Copyright 2016-2017 <EMAIL> # <EMAIL> # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import tornado.web import logging import time import sys import os import json as JSON # 启用别名,不会跟方法里的局部变量混淆 from comm import * from global_const import * from base_handler import * from tornado.escape import json_encode, json_decode from tornado.httpclient import * from tornado.httputil import url_concat from tornado_swagger import swagger from image_verify import generate_verify_image @swagger.model() class ImageResp: def __init__(self, errCode, errMsg, code, imgUrl): self.errCode = errCode self.errMsg = errMsg self.code = code self.imgUrl = imgUrl # /api/image-verify class ApiImageVerifyXHR(tornado.web.RequestHandler): @swagger.operation(nickname='post') def post(self): """ @description: 生成图片校验码 @rtype: L{ImageResp} @raise 400: Invalid Input @raise 500: Internal Server Error """"POST %r", self.request.uri) _id = generate_uuid_str() timestamp = current_timestamp() _datehour = timestamp_to_datehour(timestamp) path = cur_file_dir() logging.debug("got path %r", path) if not os.path.exists(path + "/static/image-verify/" + _datehour): os.makedirs(path + "/static/image-verify/" + _datehour) # To save it filepath = path + "/static/image-verify/" + _datehour + "/" + _id + '.gif' mstream, _code = generate_verify_image(save_img=True, filepath=filepath) img_url = self.request.protocol + "://" + img_url = img_url + '/static/image-verify/' + _datehour + "/" + _id + '.gif'"Success[200]: generate image-verify code=[%r] img_url=[%r]", _code, img_url) self.set_status(200) # Success self.write(JSON.dumps({"errCode":200,"errMsg":"Success","code":_code,"imageUrl":img_url})) self.finish()
<filename>lectures/slides_tex/<gh_stars>10-100 import math z = math.sin(3.14159) # Gives ~0
import pickle import pandas as pd import os from os import path from scripts.process_raw import keep_positive_ratings, count_filter from scripts.config import params def process_raw(input_dir, output_dir, movie_users_threshold, user_movies_threshold): ds = pd.read_csv(path.join(input_dir, 'ratings.csv')) print('Overall records:', ds.shape[0]) print('Overall users:', len(ds['userId'].unique())) print('Overall movies:', len(ds['movieId'].unique())) ds = keep_positive_ratings(ds, 'userId', 'movieId', 'rating') ds = count_filter(ds, movie_users_threshold, 'movieId', 'userId') ds = count_filter(ds, user_movies_threshold, 'userId', 'movieId') print('Left records:', ds.shape[0]) print('Left users:', len(ds['userId'].unique())) print('Left movies:', len(ds['movieId'].unique())) u2i = {user: ind for ind, user in enumerate(ds['userId'].unique())} x2i = {movie: ind for ind, movie in enumerate(ds['movieId'].unique())} processed = pd.DataFrame({'user': ds['userId'].apply(lambda x: u2i[x]), 'item': ds['movieId'].apply(lambda x: x2i[x])}) if not path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) processed.to_csv(path.join(output_dir, 'ds.csv'), index=False) with open(path.join(output_dir, 'u2i.pickle'), 'wb') as handle: pickle.dump(u2i, handle) with open(path.join(output_dir, 'x2i.pickle'), 'wb') as handle: pickle.dump(x2i, handle) if __name__ == '__main__': common_params = params['ml']['common'] proc_params = params['ml']['process_raw'] process_raw(common_params['raw_dir'], common_params['proc_dir'], int(proc_params['movie_users_threshold']), int(proc_params['user_movies_threshold']))
def get_seed_list(): return [6910, 1996, 2019, 153, 12, 5, 1010, 9999, 666, 467] def write_results_on_file(file_path, recommender_name, recommender_fit_parameters, num_folds, seed_list, results): with open(file_path, "w") as f: f.write("Recommender class: {}\n".format(recommender_name)) f.write("Recommender fit parameters: {}\n".format(recommender_fit_parameters)) f.write("Number of folds: {}\n".format(num_folds)) f.write("Seed list: {}\n\n".format(str(seed_list))) f.write(str(results))
<reponame>Luke943/CircadianDesktops<gh_stars>0 """ Main script for Circadian Desktops app. Settings file and logo images are stored locally. Contains MainWindow class and script to run app. """ import os import sys from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets import custom_qt import functions from ui_mainwindow import Ui_MainWindow settingsFile = "settings.txt" logoFile = "Icons\\logo.png" class MainWindow(QtWidgets.QMainWindow, Ui_MainWindow): """ MainWindow class for the UI. Inherits from Ui_MainWindow, which contains the layout of the widgets. """ def __init__(self, parent=None, settings=None): # setup super(MainWindow, self).__init__(parent) self.setupUi(self) self.settingsPath = settings self.isClosedFromTray = False self.settings = functions.get_settings(settings) self.activeImage = '' # connect widgets to methods self.btnSelectDayImg.clicked.connect( lambda: self.get_image(self.labelDayImg)) self.btnSelectDDImg.clicked.connect( lambda: self.get_image(self.labelDDImg)) self.btnSelectNightImg.clicked.connect( lambda: self.get_image(self.labelNightImg)) self.comboBox.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.set_background_style) self.spinShuffleTime.valueChanged.connect(self.set_shuffle_time) self.radioDefaultTimes.clicked.connect(self.default_times) self.radioCustomTimes.clicked.connect(self.custom_times) self.boxDark.stateChanged.connect(self.set_palette) self.boxMinimize.stateChanged.connect(self.minimize_behaviour) self.boxStartup.stateChanged.connect(self.startup_behaviour) # tray icon self.trayIcon = QtWidgets.QSystemTrayIcon() self.trayIcon.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(logoFile)) self.trayIcon.setToolTip("Circadian Desktops") self.trayIcon.activated.connect(self.__icon_activated) self.trayMenu = QtWidgets.QMenu() self.trayMenu.addAction("Open Circadian Desktops", self.show_window) self.trayMenu.addSeparator() self.trayMenu.addAction( "Exit Circadian Desktops", self.close_from_tray) self.trayIcon.setContextMenu(self.trayMenu) # timers self.mainTimer = QtCore.QTimer() self.mainTimer.timeout.connect(self.set_desktop) self.shuffleTimer = QtCore.QTimer() self.shuffleTimer.timeout.connect(self.shuffle_images) # populate data self.set_image(self.settings['labelDayImg'], self.labelDayImg) self.set_image(self.settings['labelDDImg'], self.labelDDImg) self.set_image(self.settings['labelNightImg'], self.labelNightImg) self.load_times() self.load_preferences() self.set_desktop() self.set_background_style() def set_image(self, fileName: str, imageLbl: QtWidgets.QLabel): if self.settings['isSlideshow']: fileName = functions.random_image(fileName) pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap(fileName) pixmap = pixmap.scaled( imageLbl.width(), imageLbl.height(), QtCore.Qt.KeepAspectRatio) imageLbl.setPixmap(pixmap) imageLbl.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter) self.settings[imageLbl.objectName()] = fileName def get_image(self, imageLbl: QtWidgets.QLabel): fileName, _ = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( None, "Select image", "", "Image files (*.png *.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp)") if fileName: self.set_image(fileName, imageLbl) self.set_desktop() def shuffle_images(self): self.set_image(self.settings['labelDayImg'], self.labelDayImg) self.set_image(self.settings['labelDDImg'], self.labelDDImg) self.set_image(self.settings['labelNightImg'], self.labelNightImg) self.shuffleTimer.start(self.settings['shuffleTime'] * 60000) self.set_desktop() def set_desktop(self): now = QtCore.QTime.currentTime() if self.timeDawn.time() < now <= self.timeDay.time(): imageFile = self.settings['labelDDImg'] elif self.timeDay.time() < now <= self.timeDusk.time(): imageFile = self.settings['labelDayImg'] elif self.timeDusk.time() < now <= self.timeNight.time(): imageFile = self.settings['labelDDImg'] else: imageFile = self.settings['labelNightImg'] if imageFile != self.activeImage: functions.set_desktop(imageFile) self.activeImage = imageFile self.mainTimer.start(60000) def set_background_style(self): if self.comboBox.currentText() == 'single image': self.shuffleTimer.stop() self.settings['isSlideshow'] = 0 self.spinShuffleTime.setReadOnly(True) elif self.comboBox.currentText() == 'slideshow from folders': self.shuffleTimer.start(self.settings['shuffleTime'] * 60000) self.settings['isSlideshow'] = 1 self.spinShuffleTime.setReadOnly(False) def set_shuffle_time(self): newTime = self.spinShuffleTime.value() * 60000 if self.shuffleTimer.remainingTime() > newTime: self.shuffleTimer.start(newTime) self.settings['shuffleTime'] = self.spinShuffleTime.value() def load_times(self): if int(self.settings['isCustomTimes']): self.timeDawn.setTime(QtCore.QTime( int(self.settings['dawnhour']), int(self.settings['dawnmin']), 0)) self.timeDay.setTime(QtCore.QTime( int(self.settings['dayhour']), int(self.settings['daymin']), 0)) self.timeDusk.setTime(QtCore.QTime( int(self.settings['duskhour']), int(self.settings['duskmin']), 0)) self.timeNight.setTime(QtCore.QTime( int(self.settings['nighthour']), int(self.settings['nightmin']), 0)) self.custom_times() self.radioCustomTimes.setChecked(True) else: self.default_times() def custom_times(self): self.timeDawn.setReadOnly(False) self.timeDay.setReadOnly(False) self.timeDusk.setReadOnly(False) self.timeNight.setReadOnly(False) def default_times(self): d = functions.get_times() self.timeDawn.setTime(QtCore.QTime( d['dawn'].hour, d['dawn'].minute, 0)) self.timeDay.setTime(QtCore.QTime( d['sunrise'].hour, d['sunrise'].minute, 0)) self.timeDusk.setTime(QtCore.QTime( d['sunset'].hour, d['sunset'].minute, 0)) self.timeNight.setTime(QtCore.QTime( d['dusk'].hour, d['dusk'].minute, 0)) self.timeDawn.setReadOnly(True) self.timeDay.setReadOnly(True) self.timeDusk.setReadOnly(True) self.timeNight.setReadOnly(True) def load_preferences(self): if self.settings['isSlideshow']: self.comboBox.setCurrentIndex(1) else: self.spinShuffleTime.setReadOnly(True) self.spinShuffleTime.setValue(self.settings['shuffleTime']) if self.settings['isDarkMode']: self.boxDark.setChecked(True) self.set_palette() if self.settings['minimizeToTray']: self.boxMinimize.setChecked(True) else: self.isClosedFromTray = True if self.settings['runOnStartup']: self.boxStartup.setChecked(True) def set_palette(self): if self.boxDark.isChecked(): self.setPalette(custom_qt.DarkPalette()) self.settings['isDarkMode'] = 1 else: self.setPalette(QtGui.QPalette()) self.settings['isDarkMode'] = 0 def startup_behaviour(self): if self.boxStartup.isChecked(): functions.run_on_startup(True) self.settings['runOnStartup'] = 1 else: functions.run_on_startup(False) self.settings['runOnStartup'] = 0 def minimize_behaviour(self): if self.boxMinimize.isChecked(): self.isClosedFromTray = False self.settings['minimizeToTray'] = 1 else: self.isClosedFromTray = True self.settings['minimizeToTray'] = 0 def show_window(self): functions.set_background_priority(False) getattr(self, "raise")() self.activateWindow() self.setWindowState(QtCore.Qt.WindowNoState) def close_from_tray(self): self.isClosedFromTray = True self.close() def closeEvent(self, event): if self.radioCustomTimes.isChecked(): self.settings['isCustomTimes'] = 1 self.settings['dawnhour'] = self.timeDawn.time().hour() self.settings['dawnmin'] = self.timeDawn.time().minute() self.settings['dayhour'] = self.timeDay.time().hour() self.settings['daymin'] = self.timeDay.time().minute() self.settings['duskhour'] = self.timeDusk.time().hour() self.settings['duskmin'] = self.timeDusk.time().minute() self.settings['nighthour'] = self.timeNight.time().hour() self.settings['nightmin'] = self.timeNight.time().minute() else: self.settings['isCustomTimes'] = 0 functions.write_settings(self.settingsPath, self.settings) if self.isClosedFromTray: event.accept() else: event.ignore() self.hide() functions.set_background_priority(True) def __icon_activated(self, reason): if reason == QtWidgets.QSystemTrayIcon.DoubleClick or reason == QtWidgets.QSystemTrayIcon.Trigger: self.show_window() if __name__ == "__main__": os.chdir(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) # To pick up settings & images functions.set_process_explicit() # So Windows uses logo icon app = QtWidgets.QApplication([]) ui = MainWindow(settings=settingsFile) app.setStyle('fusion') if '/noshow' in sys.argv: functions.set_background_priority(True) else: app.setWindowIcon(QtGui.QIcon(logoFile)) ui.setWindowIcon(QtGui.QIcon(logoFile)) sys.exit(app.exec_())
#!/usr/local/bin/python # coding: utf-8 import abc class Server(abc.ABC): """Server Model Template, containing properties for same attributes of MasterServer and GameServer objects""" _ip: str = '' _port: int = 8300 _response: bool = False _token = b'' _request_token: bytes = b'' def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: """Check for equality of objects :type other: Server :return: """ return self.ip == other.ip and self.port == other.port @property def ip(self) -> str: return self._ip @ip.setter def ip(self, ip: str) -> None: self._ip = ip @property def port(self) -> int: return self._port @port.setter def port(self, port: int) -> None: self._port = port @property def response(self) -> bool: return self._response @response.setter def response(self, response: bool) -> None: self._response = response @property def token(self) -> bytes: return self._token @token.setter def token(self, token: bytes) -> None: self._token = token @property def request_token(self) -> bytes: return self._request_token @request_token.setter def request_token(self, token: bytes) -> None: self._request_token = token
import os import sys import numpy as np import as sio from skimage import io import time import math import skimage import src.faceutil from src.faceutil import mesh from src.faceutil.morphable_model import MorphabelModel from src.util.matlabutil import NormDirection from math import sin, cos, asin, acos, atan, atan2 from PIL import Image import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # global data bfm = MorphabelModel('data/Out/BFM.mat') def get_transform_matrix(s, angles, t, height): """ :param s: scale :param angles: [3] rad :param t: [3] :return: 4x4 transmatrix """ x, y, z = angles[0], angles[1], angles[2] Rx = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, cos(x), sin(x)], [0, -sin(x), cos(x)]]) Ry = np.array([[cos(y), 0, -sin(y)], [0, 1, 0], [sin(y), 0, cos(y)]]) Rz = np.array([[cos(z), sin(z), 0], [-sin(z), cos(z), 0], [0, 0, 1]]) # rotate R = R = R.astype(np.float32) T = np.zeros((4, 4)) T[0:3, 0:3] = R T[3, 3] = 1. # scale S = np.diagflat([s, s, s, 1.]) T = # offset move M = np.diagflat([1., 1., 1., 1.]) M[0:3, 3] = t.astype(np.float32) T = # revert height # x[:,1]=height-x[:,1] H = np.diagflat([1., 1., 1., 1.]) H[1, 1] = -1.0 H[1, 3] = height T = return T.astype(np.float32)
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import json from alipay.aop.api.response.AlipayResponse import AlipayResponse from alipay.aop.api.domain.PaymentSuccessPagePlanInfo import PaymentSuccessPagePlanInfo class AlipayOpenMiniPlanOperateBatchqueryResponse(AlipayResponse): def __init__(self): super(AlipayOpenMiniPlanOperateBatchqueryResponse, self).__init__() self._page_data = None self._page_num = None self._page_size = None self._total_number = None @property def page_data(self): return self._page_data @page_data.setter def page_data(self, value): if isinstance(value, list): self._page_data = list() for i in value: if isinstance(i, PaymentSuccessPagePlanInfo): self._page_data.append(i) else: self._page_data.append(PaymentSuccessPagePlanInfo.from_alipay_dict(i)) @property def page_num(self): return self._page_num @page_num.setter def page_num(self, value): self._page_num = value @property def page_size(self): return self._page_size @page_size.setter def page_size(self, value): self._page_size = value @property def total_number(self): return self._total_number @total_number.setter def total_number(self, value): self._total_number = value def parse_response_content(self, response_content): response = super(AlipayOpenMiniPlanOperateBatchqueryResponse, self).parse_response_content(response_content) if 'page_data' in response: self.page_data = response['page_data'] if 'page_num' in response: self.page_num = response['page_num'] if 'page_size' in response: self.page_size = response['page_size'] if 'total_number' in response: self.total_number = response['total_number']
# All content Copyright (C) 2018 Genomics plc from wecall.genomics.chromosome import standardise_chromosome import pysam class TabixWrapper(object): def __init__(self, tabix_filename): self.__tabix_file = pysam.Tabixfile(tabix_filename, 'r') self.__contig_mapping = {standardise_chromosome( contig): contig for contig in self.__tabix_file.contigs} @property def header(self): return (line for line in self.__tabix_file.header) @property def contigs(self): return self.__tabix_file.contigs def fetch_generator(self, chrom_interval): # Tabix will throw a ValueError if the chromosome specified is not # present in the index for this file. try: if chrom_interval.chrom is None: return self.__tabix_file.fetch() else: return self.__tabix_file.fetch( self.__contig_mapping.get( chrom_interval.chrom, chrom_interval.chrom), chrom_interval.interval.start, chrom_interval.interval.end) except ValueError: raise StopIteration def fetch_region(self, region): try: return self.__tabix_file.fetch(region=region) except ValueError: raise StopIteration def close(self): self.__tabix_file.close() def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, ex_type, value, traceback): self.close()
<reponame>martinstastny/django-store from django.contrib import admin from simplestore.products.models.category import Category from simplestore.products.models.product import Product class CategoryAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): prepopulated_fields = {"slug": ('name',)} class ProductAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): prepopulated_fields = {"slug": ('name',)} list_display = ('name', 'sku', 'price', 'slug', 'is_active',) ordering = ['-is_active', 'name'] list_filter = ('is_active',), ProductAdmin), CategoryAdmin)
from collections import namedtuple, defaultdict import time import logging from datetime import datetime, timedelta from yapsy.PluginManager import PluginManager from api.exceptions import TerminateApplication from api.sensor import Sensor from api.motor import Motor PluginDetails = namedtuple('PluginInfo', ['name', 'key', 'instance', 'wants_last_chance', 'path']) ALLOWED_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTIONS_PER_PLUGIN = 10 MINIMAL_LOOP_DURATION = timedelta(seconds=0.2) class CoreApplication: def __init__(self, sensors, motors): self._motors = motors self._sensors = sensors self._disabled_plugins = set() self._runtime_stats = { 'start_time':, 'loop_counter': 0, 'errors': defaultdict(list), 'average_loop_duration': timedelta(seconds=0), 'last_loop_duration': timedelta(seconds=0) } self._termination = None self._total_loops_duration = timedelta() def _process_sensors(self, state): for plugin in self._sensors: if plugin.key in self._disabled_plugins: continue try: state[plugin.key] = plugin.instance.get_state() except TerminateApplication as exception: self._termination = (plugin.key, type(plugin.instance), exception.reason) except KeyboardInterrupt: self._termination = (None, None, "User interruption") except Exception as exception: logging.debug('"%s" threw exception.', plugin.key, exc_info=exception) self._runtime_stats['errors'][plugin.key].append(exception) state['errors'].append((plugin.key, exception)) def _process_motors(self, state): for plugin in self._motors: if plugin.key in self._disabled_plugins: continue try: plugin.instance.on_trigger(state) except TerminateApplication as exception: self._termination = (plugin.key, type(plugin.instance), exception.reason) except KeyboardInterrupt: self._termination = (None, None, "User interruption") except Exception as exception: logging.debug('"%s" threw exception.', plugin.key, exc_info=exception) self._runtime_stats['errors'][plugin.key].append(exception) state['errors'].append((plugin.key, exception)) def _disable_failing_plugins(self): for key in self._runtime_stats['errors']: if key in self._disabled_plugins: continue if len(self._runtime_stats['errors'][key]) > ALLOWED_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTIONS_PER_PLUGIN: logging.warning('Disabling plugin due to repeating failures: %s', key) self._disabled_plugins.add(key) def _update_runtime_statistics(self, loop_duration): self._total_loops_duration += loop_duration self._runtime_stats['loop_counter'] += 1 self._runtime_stats['average_loop_duration'] = self._total_loops_duration / self._runtime_stats['loop_counter'] self._runtime_stats['last_loop_duration'] = loop_duration def _build_loop_state(self): return { 'errors': [], 'now':, 'runtime': self._runtime_stats, 'disabled_plugins': self._disabled_plugins, 'termination': self._termination } def start_main_loop(self): while self._termination is None: try: loop_start = state = self._build_loop_state() self._process_sensors(state) self._process_motors(state) self._disable_failing_plugins() if len(self._disabled_plugins) == len(self._sensors) + len(self._motors): logging.warning('All plugins have been disabled. Terminating application..') break if state['errors']: logging.warning('Current loop was interrupted by following exceptions: %s', repr(state['errors'])) loop_stop = loop_duration = loop_stop - loop_start self._update_runtime_statistics(loop_duration) if loop_duration < MINIMAL_LOOP_DURATION: time.sleep((MINIMAL_LOOP_DURATION - loop_duration).total_seconds()) except KeyboardInterrupt: self._termination = (None, None, "User interruption")"Initiating shutdown procedure...") terminal_state = self._build_loop_state() for plugin in self._motors: if plugin.key in self._disabled_plugins or not plugin.wants_last_chance: continue try: logging.debug('Executing last chance motor: %s', plugin.key) plugin.instance.on_trigger(terminal_state) except Exception as exception: self._runtime_stats['errors'][plugin.key].append(exception)"Shutdown complete.") def collect_all_plugins(): plugin_manager = PluginManager() plugin_manager.setPluginPlaces(['plugins/motors', 'plugins/sensors']) plugin_manager.collectPlugins() for plugin in plugin_manager.getAllPlugins(): name = key = plugin.details.get('Core', 'key') wants_last_chance = plugin.details.get('Core', 'last chance', fallback='').lower() == "true" instance = plugin.plugin_object path = plugin.path yield PluginDetails(name, key, instance, wants_last_chance, path) def load_plugins(all_plugins): used_plugin_keys = set() motor_plugins = [] sensor_plugins = [] for plugin in all_plugins: logging.debug('Processing plugin %s (%s) <%s>...', plugin.key,, type(plugin.instance)) if plugin.key in used_plugin_keys: logging.warning('Attempt to load already loaded plugin. Duplicate: name="%s", key="%s", path "%s"',, plugin.key, plugin.path) continue if isinstance(plugin.instance, Motor): logging.debug("\tFound motor plugin.") motor_plugins.append(plugin) if isinstance(plugin.instance, Sensor): logging.debug("\tFound sensor plugin with key: %s", plugin.key) sensor_plugins.append(plugin) used_plugin_keys.add(plugin.key) return sensor_plugins, motor_plugins def main(): all_plugins = collect_all_plugins() sensors, motors = load_plugins(all_plugins) app = CoreApplication(sensors=sensors, motors=motors) app.start_main_loop() if __name__ == "__main__": logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format='[%(asctime)s][%(relativeCreated)d][%(levelname)s][%(module)s] %(message)s') try: main() except Exception as e: logging.error('Unexpected error occurred. If you believe issue is related to some bug in application, ' + 'please open issue with exception details at', exc_info=e)
from torch import nn from torchvision import models from torchvision.transforms import transforms import util class VGGFeatureExtractor(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self._vgg = models.vgg16(pretrained=True).features self._vgg.eval() for parameter in self._vgg.parameters(): parameter.requires_grad = False self.normalize = transforms.Normalize(mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225]) self.keep_idc = [1, 3, 6, 8, 11, 13, 15, 22, 29] def __call__(self, xs): assert xs.dim() == 4 xs = util.denormalize(xs) xs = xs / 255.0 xs = self.normalize(xs) feats = [xs] for i, layer in enumerate(self._vgg): xs = layer(xs) if i in self.keep_idc: feats.append(xs) return feats
import os import logging from logging import handlers from werkzeug.exceptions import InternalServerError basedir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) def handle_error(error): Log.logger().error(error) return error class Log: LOG_PATH = os.path.join(basedir, 'logs') LOG_NAME = os.path.join(LOG_PATH, 'log.txt') LOG_LEVEL = 'INFO' current_app = None @staticmethod def init_app(app): Log.current_app = app if not os.path.exists(Log.LOG_PATH): os.makedirs(Log.LOG_PATH) # 根据时间重命名log file_handler = logging.handlers.TimedRotatingFileHandler(Log.LOG_NAME, when='D', interval=1, backupCount=0, encoding='utf-8') file_handler.suffix = '%Y-%m-%d.log' # 单独设置handler的日志级别:低于该级别则该handler不处理(一个logger可以有多个handler) # file_handler用来写入文件 file_handler.setLevel(Log.LOG_LEVEL) fmt = '%(asctime)s-%(levelname)s-%(filename)s-%(funcName)s-%(lineno)s: %(message)s' formatter = logging.Formatter(fmt) file_handler.setFormatter(formatter) # 设置logger的日志级别:大于等于该级别才会交给handler处理 app.logger.setLevel('DEBUG') app.logger.addHandler(file_handler) # DEBUG模式下不会走到handle_error app.register_error_handler(InternalServerError, handle_error) @staticmethod def logger(): return Log.current_app.logger
<reponame>marina-haliem/Dynamic-RideSharing-Pooling-Simulator from simulator.models.customer.customer import Customer from db import Session # import request query = """ SELECT * FROM {table} WHERE request_datetime >= {t1} and request_datetime < {t2}; """ class DemandGenerator(object): def __init__(self, use_pattern=False): if use_pattern: self.table = "request_pattern" else: self.table = "request_backlog" def generate(self, current_time, timestep): try: # List of requests within a certain timeframe requests = list(Session.execute(query.format(table=self.table, t1=current_time, t2=current_time + timestep))) # List of customers associated with each request customers = [Customer(request) for request in requests] # for r in requests: # print("Iterating R: ", r) # print("Cust: ", len(customers), requests) except: Session.rollback() raise finally: Session.remove() return customers
<reponame>jay-z007/Natural-Language-Processing from DependencyTree import DependencyTree def loadConll(inFile): sents = [] trees = [] with open('data/' + inFile, 'rb') as fin: sentenceTokens = [] tree = DependencyTree() for line in fin: line = line.strip() line = line.split('\t') if len(line) < 10: if len(sentenceTokens) > 0: trees.append(tree) sents.append(sentenceTokens) tree = DependencyTree() sentenceTokens = [] else: word = line[1] pos = line[4] head = int(line[6]) depType = line[7] token = {} token['word'] = word token['POS'] = pos token['head'] = head token['depType'] = depType sentenceTokens.append(token) tree.add(head, depType) return sents, trees def writeConll(outFile, sentences, trees): with open(outFile, 'wb') as fout: for i in range(len(sentences)): sent = sentences[i] tree = trees[i] for j in range(len(sent)): fout.write("%d\t%s\t_\t%s\t%s\t_\t%d\t%s\t_\t_\n" % (j+1, sent[j]['word'], sent[j]['POS'], sent[j]['POS'], tree.getHead(j+1), tree.getLabel(j+1))) fout.write("\n") """ sents, trees = loadConll("train.conll") print sents[1] trees[1].print_tree() """
<filename>vimeo/auth/ #! /usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 from __future__ import absolute_import class GrantFailed(Exception): pass
<filename>dwinelle/video/ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # This file is part of dwinelle-tools. # dwinelle-tools is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # dwinelle-tools is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with dwinelle-tools. If not, see <>. # This can be used to generate data3d.js for the web frontend. import utils edge_lengths = utils.load_edge_lengths() print('var el = {{{}}};'.format(','.join('"{} {}":{}'.format(k[0], k[1], v) for k, v in edge_lengths.items()))) print('var coords = {{{}}};'.format(','.join('{}:{{x:{},y:{},z:{}}}'.format(k, v[0], v[1], v[2]) for k, v in utils.get_node_coords().items()))) print('var eh = {{{}}};'.format(','.join('"{} {}":{{bot:{},top:{},l:{}}}'.format(k[0], k[1], v[0], v[1], v[2]) for k, v in utils.load_edge_heights().items())))
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import requests, smtplib, time from flask import Flask, render_template, request, url_for from threading import Thread app = Flask(__name__) @app.route('/') def progstart(): return render_template("site.html") @app.route('/start_task') def start_task(): def do_work(stockInput, targetprice, email): targetprice = float(targetprice) while True: URL = "" + stockInput.upper() + "?p=" + stockInput.upper() + "&.tsrc=fin-srch" htmlFound = requests.get(URL).text retrieved = BeautifulSoup(htmlFound, 'html') price = retrieved.find("span", class_ = "Trsdu(0.3s) Fw(b) Fz(36px) Mb(-4px) D(ib)").text oldprice = float(price.replace(",", "")) newtargetprice = price.replace(",", "") print("The price is: " + price) newprice = float(price.replace(",", "")) server = smtplib.SMTP("", 587) server.ehlo() server.starttls() server.ehlo() server.login("email", "password") head = stockInput + " price update!" if oldprice < targetprice: if newprice >= targetprice: body = stockInput.upper() + " rose to " + str(newprice) + "!" message = f"Subject: {head}\n\n{body}" server.sendmail("<EMAIL>", email, message) if oldprice > targetprice: if newprice <= targetprice: body = stockInput.upper() + " fell to " + str(newprice) + "!" message = f"Subject: {head}\n\n{body}" server.sendmail("<EMAIL>", email, message) if oldprice == targetprice: body = stockInput.upper() + " has reached $" + str(newprice) + "!" message = f"Subject: {head}\n\n{body}" server.sendmail("<EMAIL>", email, message) time.sleep(30) kwargs = { 'stockInput':request.args.get('ticker'), 'targetprice':request.args.get('target'), 'email':request.args.get('email') } print(request.args) thread = Thread(target=do_work, kwargs=kwargs) thread.start() return render_template("site.html") if __name__ == "__main__":
<filename>serverwamp/ import logging from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from typing import Any, Iterable, Iterator from serverwamp.adapters.async_base import AsyncTaskGroup from serverwamp.protocol import (abort_msg, cra_challenge_msg, cra_challenge_string, event_msg, generate_global_id, goodbye_msg, scram_nonce, subscribed_response_msg, ticket_challenge_msg, unsubscribed_response_msg, welcome_msg) NO_MORE_EVENTS = object() NO_IDENTITY = object() logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class AbstractAsyncQueue(ABC): @abstractmethod async def get(self) -> Any: pass @abstractmethod def task_done(self) -> None: pass def put_nowait(self, item: Any): pass class WAMPSession: def __init__( self, connection, realm, tasks: AsyncTaskGroup, auth_id=None, auth_methods=() ): """Represents a WAMP session happening over a connection. The session is available to RPC and event topic routes. The session can be used to store information to be retrieved or changed by later effects: session['customer_id'] = 345 """ self.connection = connection = generate_global_id() self.auth_id = auth_id self.auth_methods = auth_methods self.is_open = False self.realm = realm self.identity = NO_IDENTITY self._custom_state = {} self._said_goodbye = False self._subscriptions = {} self._subscriptions_ids = {} self._tasks = tasks self._authenticated = False def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> Any: return self._custom_state[key] def __setitem__(self, key: str, value: Any) -> None: self._custom_state[key] = value def __delitem__(self, key: str) -> None: del self._custom_state[key] def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self._custom_state) def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]: return iter(self._custom_state) async def spawn_task(self, fn, *fn_args, **fn_kwargs): await self._tasks.spawn(fn, *fn_args, **fn_kwargs) async def send_raw(self, msg: Iterable): await self.connection.send_msg(msg) async def send_event(self, topic, args=(), kwargs=None, trust_level=None): if topic not in self._subscriptions: logger.debug("An event for %s was not sent to %s, as session " "isn't subscribed.", topic, return subscription_id = self._subscriptions[topic] msg = event_msg( subscription_id=subscription_id, publication_id=generate_global_id(), args=args, kwargs=kwargs, trust_level=trust_level ) await self.connection.send_msg(msg) async def request_ticket_authentication(self): await self.connection.send_msg(ticket_challenge_msg()) async def request_cra_auth(self, auth_role: str, auth_provider: str): challenge_string = cra_challenge_string(, auth_id=self.auth_id, auth_provider=auth_role, auth_role=auth_provider, nonce=scram_nonce() ) await self.connection.send_msg(cra_challenge_msg(challenge_string)) async def register_subscription(self, topic_uri: str) -> int: sub_id = self.subscription_id_for_topic(topic_uri) self._subscriptions[topic_uri] = sub_id self._subscriptions_ids[sub_id] = topic_uri return sub_id async def unregister_subscription(self, sub_id: int): topic_uri = self._subscriptions_ids.pop(sub_id) if not topic_uri: raise NoSuchSubscription() del self._subscriptions[topic_uri] async def mark_subscribed(self, request, subscription_id: int): await self.connection.send_msg( subscribed_response_msg(request, subscription_id) ) async def mark_unsubscribed(self, request): await self.connection.send_msg( unsubscribed_response_msg(request) ) @staticmethod def subscription_id_for_topic(topic): return hash(topic) & 0xFFFFFFFF async def mark_authenticated(self, identity: Any = None): if not self._authenticated: self._authenticated = True await self.connection.send_msg(welcome_msg( self.is_open = True self.identity = identity async def abort(self, uri=None, message=None): await self.connection.send_msg(abort_msg(uri, message)) self._said_goodbye = True await self.close(uri, message) async def close(self, uri=None, message=None): if self.is_open and not self._said_goodbye: await self.connection.send_msg(goodbye_msg(uri, message)) self.is_open = False class NoSuchSubscription(Exception): pass
<reponame>kmoy14-stanford/AA222FinalProject """ Some data cleansing for the solar PV data. """ #%% import numpy as np import pandas as pd # 5 years of PV data pvdata = pd.read_csv('solar_PV_15min_kWh.csv') pv = pvdata[:8760*4] pv.set_index(pd.date_range(start='2021-01-01 00:00', periods=35040, freq='15T'), inplace=True) pv.drop(columns='Period Beginning (UTC -08:00)', inplace=True) pv.columns = ['gen'] #%% Save to CSV pv.to_csv("pv_gen.csv") # %%
<reponame>redkfa/PDF_classification from keras.preprocessing.image import ImageDataGenerator from keras.layers import Conv2D, MaxPooling2D from keras.layers import Activation, Dropout, Flatten, Dense from keras import backend as K from keras.applications.vgg19 import VGG19 from keras.models import Model from keras.layers.normalization import BatchNormalization import numpy as np from keras.models import load_model from sklearn.metrics import classification_report, confusion_matrix import numpy as np from keras.models import Sequential import tensorflow as tf from sklearn import metrics import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn.metrics import auc from sklearn.metrics import roc_curve import os from sklearn.metrics import auc #validation_data_dir = r'C:\Users\randy\PycharmProjects\PJ1\classifiaction\test' validation_data_dir = r'C:\Users\randy\PycharmProjects\PJ1\classifiaction\test5' #C:\Users\randy\Downloads\betterdataset\test 494# #C:\Users\randy\PycharmProjects\PJ1\classifiaction\test2 #16 test_count =sum([len(files) for r, d, files in os.walk(validation_data_dir)]) nb_validation_samples =test_count batch_size =8 validation_steps= nb_validation_samples/batch_size print(test_count) print(validation_steps) img_width, img_height = 224,224 my_model = load_model('VO_2_classification_model.h5') test_datagen = ImageDataGenerator(rescale=1. / 255) validation_generator = test_datagen.flow_from_directory( validation_data_dir, target_size=(img_width, img_height), shuffle=False, batch_size=batch_size) Y_pred = my_model.predict_generator(validation_generator,len(validation_generator),verbose=1) y_pred = np.argmax(Y_pred, axis=1) y_true = validation_generator.classes print('Confusion Matrix') print(confusion_matrix(validation_generator.classes, y_pred)) print('Classification Report') target_names = ['3view', 'others'] print(classification_report(y_true, y_pred, target_names=target_names)) ''' loss, acc = my_model.evaluate_generator(validation_generator, steps=len(validation_generator), verbose=1) print('test acc = %.3f'%(acc)) print('test loss = %.3f'%(loss)) ''' ''' y_pred_keras = Y_pred.ravel() fpr_keras, tpr_keras, thresholds_keras = roc_curve(validation_generator.classes, y_pred_keras) auc_keras = auc(fpr_keras,tpr_keras) print(auc_keras) plt.figure(1) plt.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], 'k--') plt.plot(fpr_keras, tpr_keras, label='ROC (area = {:.3f})'.format(auc_keras)) plt.xlabel('False positive rate') plt.ylabel('True positive rate') plt.title('ROC curve') plt.legend(loc='best') print(auc_keras) ''' ''' #fpr, tpr, thresholds = metrics.roc_curve(y_true,Y_pred, pos_label=2) plt.plot(fpr_keras,tpr_keras,marker = 'o') #AUC = auc(fpr, tpr) '''
<gh_stars>1-10 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import mock from mig3_client import SubmissionBuilder def test_minimum_viable_submission(converted_tests): """Should produce something""" submission = SubmissionBuilder("t", "b", converted_tests).build() assert submission is not None def test_configuration_id(converted_tests): """Should contain target configuration ID used to initialize the builder""" submission = SubmissionBuilder("t", "b", converted_tests).build() assert submission.get("target") == "t", submission def test_build_number(converted_tests): """Should contain build number used to initialize the builder""" submission = SubmissionBuilder("t", "b", converted_tests).build() assert submission.get("number") == "b", submission def test_tests(): """Should contain test results used to initialize the builder""" submission = SubmissionBuilder("t", "b", ["anything"]).build() assert submission.get("results") == ["anything"], submission def test_version_details(converted_tests): """Should contain version details from git head commit""" with mock.patch("mig3_client.git") as patched_git: patched_git.Repo().head.object.hexsha = "a1" * 20 patched_git.Repo() = "<EMAIL>" submission = SubmissionBuilder("t", "b", converted_tests).build() assert submission.get("version", {}).get("hash") == ("a1" * 20), submission assert submission.get("version", {}).get("author") == ("<EMAIL>"), submission
<reponame>pierky/exabgp # encoding: utf-8 """ Created by <NAME> on 2009-09-06. Copyright (c) 2009-2017 Exa Networks. All rights reserved. License: 3-clause BSD. (See the COPYRIGHT file) """ def od(value): def spaced(value): even = None for v in value: if even is False: yield ' ' yield '%02X' % v even = not even return ''.join(spaced(value))
<gh_stars>0 # coding: utf-8 import string from datetime import datetime, timedelta import time from pytz import timezone import pytz from functools import wraps from flask import Flask, render_template, request, redirect, url_for, jsonify, session, g, abort from calendar import month_name from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple import re import os from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy from flask_assets import Environment, Bundle from sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid import hybrid_property import vippsparser app = Flask(__name__) app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = 'sqlite:///app.db' app.config['ASSETS_DEBUG'] = True app.config['SECRET_KEY'] = "development key" app.config['TIMEZONE'] = 'Europe/Oslo' app.config['TERM'] = "V16" app.config['PRICE'] = 50 app.config['VIPPS_STORAGE_PATH'] = os.path.join(app.root_path, 'vipps-reports') app.config['PASSWORDS'] = { 'F<PASSWORD>': '<PASSWORD>', 'SM': 'sm', 'Admin': 'admin', 'Superadmin': 'superadmin', } app.config['BLACKLIST'] = [] app.config.from_pyfile(os.getenv('CONFIG_FILE', 'production.cfg'), silent=True) tz = timezone(app.config['TIMEZONE']) assets = Environment(app) if 'WEBASSETS_DIR' in os.environ: = os.getenv('WEBASSETS_DIR') db = SQLAlchemy(app) def compute_queryname(context): return context.current_parameters['name'].lower() class Membership(db.Model): id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) _name = db.Column('name', db.Text, nullable=False) queryname = db.Column(db.Text, nullable=False) price = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=False) term = db.Column(db.Text, nullable=False) account = db.Column(db.Text, nullable=False) # Entrance/Wristband/BankAccount/Unknown vipps_transaction_id = db.Column(db.Text) created_at = db.Column(db.DateTime, default=datetime.utcnow, nullable=False) created_by = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) settled_by = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), nullable=True) created_session = db.relationship("Session", foreign_keys=[created_by], backref="created_memberships") settled_session = db.relationship("Session", foreign_keys=[settled_by], backref="settled_memberships") valid_term = (term == "Lifetime") | (term == app.config['TERM']) @hybrid_property def name(self): return self._name @name.setter def name(self, value): self._name = value self.queryname = value.lower() def is_free(self): return self.price == 0 ALPHABET = "".join(str(x) for x in range(10)) ALPHABET += string.ascii_uppercase ALPHABET = ALPHABET\ .replace("O", "")\ .replace("I", "") # too similar to 1 def code(self): # convert to Unix epoch epoch = int(time.mktime(self.created_at.timetuple())) code = "" while epoch > 0: epoch, i = divmod(epoch, len(self.ALPHABET)) code = self.ALPHABET[i] + code return code @classmethod def count_dict(cls, column): query = db.session.query(column, db.func.count()).group_by(column) result = {} for row in query: result[row[0]] = row[1] return result def price_for_term(term): if term == 'Lifetime': return app.config['PRICE'] * 10 else: return app.config['PRICE'] levels = ['Funk', 'SM', 'Admin', 'Superadmin'] class Session(db.Model): id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) description = db.Column(db.Text, nullable=False) level = db.Column(db.Text, nullable=False) user_name = db.Column(db.Text) created_at = db.Column(db.DateTime, default=datetime.utcnow, nullable=False) closed_at = db.Column(db.DateTime, nullable=True) def is_atleast(self, level): return levels.index(self.level) >= levels.index(level) def can(self, action, thing=None): if self.level == 'Superadmin': return True if action == 'settlement': return self.is_atleast('SM') if action == 'settlement_all': return self.is_atleast('Admin') if action == 'wristband': return app.config['ENABLE_WRISTBAND'] if action == 'memberships_new': return True if action == 'reports': return self.is_atleast('Admin') if action == 'sessions_list': return self.is_atleast('SM') if action == 'delete': # We can only delete our own memberships which are not settled if isinstance(thing, Membership): if thing.settled_by is None: return thing.created_by == if action == 'edit': if isinstance(thing, Membership): return True return False class VippsReport(db.Model): id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) state = db.Column(db.Text) created_at = db.Column(db.DateTime, default=datetime.utcnow, nullable=False) def file_path(self): return os.path.join(app.config['VIPPS_STORAGE_PATH'], "%05d.xlsx" % def transactions(self): return vippsparser.load_transactions(self.file_path()) def bootstrap_class(self): if self.state == "created": return "danger" if self.state == "uploaded": return "" if self.state == "resolved": return "success" if self.state == "pending": return "warning" class Entry: COMMAND_PATTERN = r'^([vh]\d+)|(evig|evil)' def __init__(self, transaction, memberships): self.transaction = transaction self.memberships = memberships self.accuracy = 0 self.parse_transaction() def is_complete(self): return len(self.memberships) > 0 def parse_transaction(self): amount = self.transaction.amount if amount == price_for_term('Current'): self.term = app.config['TERM'] elif amount == price_for_term('Lifetime'): self.term = "Lifetime" else: return self.accuracy = 1 cmd =, self.transaction.message, re.I) if cmd: idx = cmd.end(0) name = self.transaction.message[idx:] name = re.sub(r'^[^\wæøåÆØÅ]+', '', name, re.U) name = re.sub(r'[^\wæøåÆØÅ]+$', '', name, re.U) = name if and amount == price_for_term('Current'): self.accuracy = 2 if and amount == price_for_term('Lifetime'): self.accuracy = 2 else: = "%s %s" % (self.transaction.first_name, self.transaction.last_name) def entries(self): transactions = list(self.transactions()) trans_ids = [ for t in transactions] mapping = {} memberships = Membership.query.filter(Membership.vipps_transaction_id.in_(trans_ids)) for m in memberships: if m.vipps_transaction_id not in mapping: mapping[m.vipps_transaction_id] = [] mapping[m.vipps_transaction_id].append(m) return [self.Entry(t, mapping.get(, [])) for t in transactions] @app.before_request def before_request(): if 'session_id' in session: sess = Session.query.get(session['session_id']) # Closed sessions are not valid if sess.closed_at is not None: sess = None # Old sessions are not valid elif ( - sess.created_at) > timedelta(days = 1): sess = None setattr(g, 'sess', sess) else: setattr(g, 'sess', None) @app.context_processor def inject_helpers(): def localize(d): if d.tzinfo is None: d = d.replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc) return d.astimezone(tz) def latest_born_date(): now = now = now.replace(year=now.year-18) - timedelta(days = 1) return now def epoch(d): start = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0) return (d - start).total_seconds() return dict( localize=localize, latest_born_date=latest_born_date, epoch=epoch ) def logout(): session.pop('session_id') def requires(action): def decorator(func): @wraps(func) def route(*args, **kwargs): if g.sess and g.sess.can(action): return func(*args, **kwargs) else: abort(404) return route return decorator @app.route('/') def index(): if g.sess is None: return render_template('index.html') else: return redirect(url_for('memberships_new')) @app.route('/sessions/new') def sessions_new(error_message=None): level = request.args['level'] description = request.args['description'] return render_template('sessions/new.html', level=level, description=description, error_message=error_message) @app.route('/sessions/new', methods=['POST']) def sessions_create(): level = request.form["level"] real_password = app.config['PASSWORDS'][request.form["level"]] if real_password != request.form["password"]: return sessions_new(error_message="Wrong password") if not request.form["name"]: return sessions_new(error_message="Name is missing") sess = Session( level=level, user_name=request.form["name"], description=request.form.get("description", "Unknown"), ) db.session.add(sess) db.session.commit() session["session_id"] = return redirect(url_for('index')) @app.route('/sessions/switch', methods=['POST']) def sessions_switch(): new_session = Session( level=g.sess.level, user_name=request.form["name"], description=g.sess.description ) db.session.add(new_session) g.sess.closed_at = datetime.utcnow() db.session.commit() session["session_id"] = return redirect(url_for('index')) @app.route('/sessions/delete', methods=['POST']) def sessions_destroy(): g.sess.closed_at = datetime.utcnow() db.session.commit() logout() return redirect(url_for('index')) @app.route('/memberships/new') @requires('memberships_new') def memberships_new(): last_memberships = Membership.query.filter(Membership.valid_term).order_by(db.desc('created_at')).limit(10) term = request.args.get('term', app.config['TERM']) membership = Membership(term=term, account="Entrance") membership.price = price_for_term(membership.term) return render_template('memberships/new.html', membership=membership, last_memberships=last_memberships) @app.route('/memberships/new', methods=['POST']) @requires('memberships_new') def memberships_create(): membership = Membership( name=request.form["name"], term=request.form["term"], account=request.form["account"], ) membership.price = price_for_term(membership.term) if 'vipps_transaction_id' in request.form and g.sess.can('vipps'): tid = request.form['vipps_transaction_id'].strip() if len(tid) == 0: tid = None membership.vipps_transaction_id = tid errors = [] if == '': errors.append("Name is required") if len(errors) > 0: return render_template('memberships/new.html', membership=membership, errors=errors) db.session.add(membership) db.session.commit() return redirect(url_for('memberships_new', term=membership.term) + '#rf-membership-anchor') @app.route('/memberships/<id>/edit') def memberships_edit(id): mem = Membership.query.get(id) return render_template('memberships/edit.html', membership=mem) @app.route('/memberships/<id>/delete', methods=['POST']) @requires('memberships_new') def memberships_destroy(id): mem = Membership.query.get(id) if g.sess.can('delete', mem): db.session.delete(mem) db.session.commit() return redirect(url_for('memberships_new')) @app.route('/memberships/search') def memberships_search(): query_string = request.args['q'] query = Membership.query.filter(Membership.valid_term) for part in query_string.split(): like_string = '%' + part.lower() + '%' query = query.filter( limit = 10 memberships = list(query.order_by(db.desc('created_at')).limit(limit)) banned = [] if len(memberships) < limit: # Search in blacklist banned = app.config["BLACKLIST"] for part in query_string.split(): matches = lambda name: part.lower() in name.lower() banned = filter(matches, banned) return render_template('memberships/table.html', memberships=memberships, banned=banned) @app.route('/memberships/settle') @requires('settlement') def memberships_settle(): max_id = db.session.query(db.func.max( if g.sess.can('settlement_all'): account = request.args.get('account', 'Entrance') else: account = "Entrance" sessions = db.session.query( db.func.count(Membership.created_by), db.func.sum(Membership.price), Session ) \ .group_by(Membership.created_by) \ .filter(Membership.account == account) \ .filter(Membership.settled_by == None) \ .filter( <= max_id) \ .join(Membership.created_session) \ .all() summary = { 'count': sum(count for count,_,_ in sessions), 'price': sum(price for _,price,_ in sessions), } return render_template('memberships/settle.html', sessions=sessions, summary=summary, max_id=max_id, account=account) @app.route('/memberships/settle', methods=['POST']) @requires('settlement') def memberships_settle_submit(): max_id = request.form["max_id"] if g.sess.can('settlement_all'): account = request.form['account'] else: account = "Entrance" update = db.update(Membership) \ .where(Membership.account == account) \ .where(Membership.settled_by == None) \ .where( <= max_id) \ .values( \ .values(queryname=Membership.queryname) db.session.execute(update) db.session.commit() return redirect(url_for('memberships_settle', account=account)) @app.route('/memberships') @requires('memberships_list') def memberships_list(): memberships = Membership.query.all() return render_template('memberships/list.html', memberships=memberships) @app.route('/reports') @requires('reports') def reports(): membership_count = db.session.query( db.func.count(, Membership.term, db.func.strftime('%Y', Membership.created_at).label('year'), db.func.strftime('%W', Membership.created_at).label('week') ) \ .group_by('year', 'week', Membership.term) \ .order_by('year', 'week') terms = defaultdict(lambda: []) lifetime = 0 for count, term, year, week in membership_count: if term == "Lifetime": lifetime += count else: terms[term].append({"count": count, "year": int(year), "week": week}) summary = [] for term in terms: summary.append({ "name": term, "rows": terms[term], "total": sum(r["count"] for r in terms[term]), "year": int(term[1:]) + 2000, "sortkey": term[1:] + str(int(term[0] == 'H')) }) summary.sort(key=lambda k: k["sortkey"], reverse=True) return render_template('reports.html', summary=summary, lifetime=lifetime) @app.route('/reports/lifetime') @requires('reports') def reports_lifetime(): memberships = Membership.query \ .filter(Membership.term == "Lifetime") \ .order_by(Membership.created_at.desc()) return render_template('reports/lifetime.html', memberships=memberships) @app.route('/sessions') def sessions_list(): created = Membership.count_dict(Membership.created_by) settled = Membership.count_dict(Membership.settled_by) sessions = Session.query.order_by(db.desc('created_at')) return render_template('sessions/list.html', sessions=sessions, created=created, settled=settled) @app.route('/vipps') def vipps_index(): reports = VippsReport.query.order_by(VippsReport.created_at.desc()) return render_template('vipps/index.html', reports=reports) @app.route('/vipps', methods=['POST']) def vipps_import(): file = request.files['file'] report = VippsReport(state="created") db.session.add(report) db.session.commit() report.state = "uploaded" db.session.commit() return redirect(url_for('vipps_index')) @app.route('/vipps/<id>') def vipps_show(id): report = VippsReport.query.get(id) return render_template('vipps/show.html', report=report) @app.route('/vipps/<id>', methods=['POST']) def vipps_process(id): report = VippsReport.query.get(id) names = request.form.getlist("name") terms = request.form.getlist("term") tids = request.form.getlist("transaction_id") accepted_tids = request.form.getlist("accepted_transaction_id") for name, term, tid in zip(names, terms, tids): if tid not in accepted_tids: continue mem = Membership( name=name, term=term, account="Vipps", vipps_transaction_id=tid,, price=price_for_term(term) ) db.session.add(mem) report.state = request.form["state"] db.session.commit() return redirect(url_for('vipps_index')) @app.errorhandler(404) def page_not_found(e): return render_template('404.html'), 404
from buff import Buff, LastingBuff class DragonKiller(LastingBuff): def __init__(self): super().__init__('dragon_killer', 2 * 60, 20) def equip(self,engine, char_state): char_state.ap += 64 def dequip(self,engine, char_state): char_state.ap -= 64 def perform_impl(self,rotation, engine, char_state): char_state.ap += 260 def timeout(self, rotation, engine, char_state): char_state.ap -= 260
<gh_stars>100-1000 from django.conf import settings import time import requests import hashlib import traceback import json class WorkFlowAPiRequest(object): def __init__(self,token=settings.WORKFLOW_TOKEN, appname=settings.WORKFLOW_APP, username='admin', workflowurl=settings.WORKFLOW_URL): self.token = token self.appname = appname self.username = username self.workflowurl = workflowurl def getrequestheader(self): timestamp = str(time.time())[:10] ori_str = timestamp + self.token signature = hashlib.md5(ori_str.encode(encoding='utf-8')).hexdigest() headers = dict(signature=signature, timestamp=timestamp, appname=self.appname, username=self.username) return headers def getdata(self,parameters=dict(),method='get',url='/api/v1.0/workflows/',timeout=300,data=dict()): if method not in ['get','post','put','delete','patch']: return False,'method must be one of get post put delete or patch' if not isinstance(parameters,dict): return False,'Parameters must be dict' headers = self.getrequestheader() try: r = getattr(requests,method)('{0}{1}'.format(self.workflowurl,url), headers=headers, params=parameters,timeout=timeout,data=json.dumps(data)) result = r.json() return True,result except: return False,traceback.format_exc() # ins = WorkFlowAPiRequest() # print (ins.getdata(parameters=dict(username='admin', per_page=20, name=''),method='get',url='/api/v1.0/workflows'))
<reponame>nanusefue/CAP2-1 import click from .io import write_graph_to_filepath from .api import merge_filter_graphs_from_filepaths'strainotype') def strainotype_cli(): pass @strainotype_cli.command('merge') @click.option('-m', '--min-weight', default=2) @click.option('-o', '--outfile', type=click.File('w'), default='-') @click.argument('filepaths', nargs=-1) def merge_graphs_cli(min_weight, outfile, filepaths): G = merge_filter_graphs_from_filepaths(filepaths, min_weight=min_weight) write_graph_to_filepath(G, outfile)
import json from pathlib import Path from typing import List import cli_ui as ui import deserialize from conans.client.conan_api import Conan from .conanbuilder.configreader import ConfigReader from .conanbuilder.package import Package from .conanbuilder.runner import Runner from .conanbuilder.signature import Signature class MumocoAPI: def __init__(self, config_file_path: str, root: str): self.config: ConfigReader = config_reader_from_file(config_file_path) self.runner: Runner = get_runner(self.config, root) def sources(self, source_folder: str = "") -> None: self.runner.get_all_sources(source_folder) def add_remotes(self, username: str, password: str) -> None: self.runner.add_all_remotes(self.config.remotes, username, password) def remove(self, source_folder: str = "") -> None: self.runner.remove_all_sources(source_folder) def create(self) -> None: self.runner.export_all() self.runner.create_all(self.config.configurations) def upload(self, remote_name: str) -> None: self.runner.upload_all_packages(remote_name) def find_all_conanfiles_to_be_processed(root_path: str) -> List[str]: conan_files = [] for path in Path(root_path).rglob(""): path_string = str(path.absolute()) if "test_package" not in path_string: conan_files.append(path_string) return conan_files def find_all_packages_to_processed(conan_factory: Conan, root_path: str, signature: Signature) -> List[Package]: conan_files = find_all_conanfiles_to_be_processed(root_path) conan_packages = [] for file in conan_files: conan_packages.append(Package(conan_factory, signature, file)) return conan_packages def get_runner(config_reader: ConfigReader, root: str) -> Runner: conan_factory, _, _ = Conan.factory() packages = find_all_packages_to_processed(conan_factory, root, config_reader.signature) return Runner(conan_factory, packages) def config_reader_from_file(file: str) -> ConfigReader: try: with open(file, encoding="utf-8") as json_file: return config_reader_from_string(json.load(json_file)) except IOError: ui.fatal("Config file not accessible or readable") return ConfigReader() def config_reader_from_string(load: str) -> ConfigReader: reader: ConfigReader = deserialize.deserialize(ConfigReader, load) return reader
# Generated by Django 2.0.3 on 2018-04-05 07:55 from django.db import migrations, models class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('kyokigo', '0001_initial'), ] operations = [ migrations.RemoveField( model_name='kyokigo_input', name='ownurl', ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='kyokigo_input', name='text', field=models.CharField(max_length=100, verbose_name='テキスト'), ), ]
from db.sql.migration_of_db.tweet_migration_big.psql_tweet_mig_queries import psql_connector_twitter_mig from db.sql.migration_of_db.tweet_migration_big.big_queries_sql import big_connector_twitter_mig import data_collection.altdata_service.twitter.object_function.tweet_cleaner as cleaner def migration_tweet_tables(): print('start tweet migration') #tweet_mig(table_name='tweet_clone') print('start tweet_castag migration') tweet_mig(table_name='tweet_cashtag_clone') print('job done') def tweet_mig(table_name): psql_conn = psql_connector_twitter_mig() big_conn = big_connector_twitter_mig() tweet_df = psql_conn.get_twitter(table_name) t = 0 while not tweet_df.empty: bi_table = table_name.replace('_clone', '') tweet_df = psql_conn.get_twitter(table_name) if tweet_df.empty: break tweet_df = cleaner.clean_df_for_db(tweet_df) big_conn.insert_into_tweet(df=tweet_df, table_name=bi_table) psql_conn.delete_imported_tweets(df=tweet_df, table_name=table_name) t += len(tweet_df) print('we have processed ' + str(t) + ' rows') if __name__ == "__main__": migration_tweet_tables()
<reponame>jahosp/rsteg-tcp<filename> #!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- # Author: <NAME> <<EMAIL>> from rsteg_tcp import RstegTcp from utils import State, retrans_prob import time class RstegSocket: """A wrapper for RstegTcp that offers socket primitives for communicating like Python sockets.""" def __init__(self, rprob, host=None, dport=None, sport=49512): """Class constructor.""" = sport # Source port, defaults to 49512 self.dport = dport # Destination port self.dst = host # Destination host self.rprob = rprob self.rtcp = RstegTcp(, rprob) # Rsteg_Tcp instance self.f_index = 0 # Flags self.listening = False # Socket is listening on sport def bind(self, host, port): """Configures the socket with the parameters supplied.""" self.dst = host = port = def listen(self): """Starts the RstegTCP module.""" self.rtcp.restart(self.rprob, self.rtcp.start() self.listening = True def accept(self): """Waits for a established TCP connection.""" while self.rtcp.state != State.ESTAB: pass def connect(self, host, port): """Establishes a TCP connection with the host on port.""" if not self.listening: self.listen() self.rtcp.connect(host, port) while self.rtcp.state != State.ESTAB: pass def send(self, data): """Chunks the data according to MSS and sends it to the TCP receiver.""" data_chunks = [] interval = 1446 # payload chunk length # Slice the binary data in chunks the size of the payload length for n in range(0, len(data), interval): data_chunks.append(data[n:n + interval]) # RTO vars k = 4 g = 0.05 srtt = 0 rttvar = 0 rto = 1 alpha = 1/8 beta = 1/4 first_measurement = True # Send chunks for chunk in data_chunks: self.rtcp.send_data(chunk) # set timer rtt = time.time() res = False # while we don't receive ACK while not res: #print(rto) # Wait for ack event or timeout res = self.rtcp.ack_event.wait(timeout=rto) if not res: #timeout self.rtcp.retrans_data(chunk) else: #ack received self.rtcp.ack_event.clear() if first_measurement: srtt = time.time() - rtt rttvar = srtt/2 rto = srtt + max(g, int(k*rttvar)) first_measurement = False else: rttvar = (1- beta) * rttvar + beta * abs(srtt - (time.time() - rtt)) srtt = (1 - alpha) * srtt + alpha * (time.time() - rtt) rto = srtt + max(g, k*rttvar) def rsend(self, cover, secret): """Chunks the data and the secret according to the MSS. The data and secret will be sent to the TCP receiver with the RSTEG method. :param cover: binary data to transmit as cover :param secret: binary data to transmit during fake retransmission """ # Do the same for the secret secret_chunks = [] interval = 1444 for n in range(0, len(secret), interval): secret_chunks.append(secret[n:n + interval]) self.rtcp.secret_chunks = secret_chunks n = 0 start_time = time.time() # RTO vars k = 4 g = 0.05 srtt = 0 rttvar = 0 rto = 1 alpha = 1/8 beta = 1/4 first_measurement = True # Send cover while len(cover) > 0: # Send cover signal and secret if self.rtcp.secret_signal: chunk = cover[:1414] cover = cover[1414:] self.rtcp.send_data(chunk) # data with signal rtt = time.time() res = False while not res: #print(rto) res = self.rtcp.ack_event.wait(timeout=rto) if not res: # timeout as expected self.rtcp.send_secret() n += 1 else: self.rtcp.ack_event.clear() if first_measurement: srtt = time.time() - rtt rttvar = srtt / 2 rto = srtt + max(g, int(k * rttvar)) first_measurement = False else: rttvar = (1 - beta) * rttvar + beta * abs(srtt - (time.time() - rtt)) srtt = (1 - alpha) * srtt + alpha * (time.time() - rtt) rto = srtt + max(g, k * rttvar) # Send cover else: chunk = cover[:1446] cover = cover[1446:] self.rtcp.send_data(chunk) # data without signal # set timer rtt = time.time() res = False # while we don't receive ACK while not res: #print(rto) # Wait for ack event or timeout res = self.rtcp.ack_event.wait(timeout=rto) if not res: # timeout self.rtcp.retrans_data(chunk) else: # ack received self.rtcp.ack_event.clear() if first_measurement: srtt = time.time() - rtt rttvar = srtt / 2 rto = srtt + max(g, int(k * rttvar)) first_measurement = False else: rttvar = (1 - beta) * rttvar + beta * abs(srtt - (time.time() - rtt)) srtt = (1 - alpha) * srtt + alpha * (time.time() - rtt) rto = srtt + max(g, k * rttvar) # Update secret_signal flag according to the retrans_prob except if the secret has been sent. if not self.rtcp.secret_sent: self.rtcp.secret_signal = retrans_prob(self.rtcp.retrans_prob) else: self.rtcp.secret_signal = False break #print('# Cover Transfer time: %.2f' % round(time.time() - start_time, 2)) cover_time = round(time.time() - start_time, 2) if self.rtcp.secret_sent: #print('Secret successfully delivered.') #print('# Secret Transfer time: %.2f' % round(self.rtcp.secret_endtime - start_time, 2)) secret_time = round(self.rtcp.secret_endtime - start_time, 2) else: #print('# Cover data ended before delivering all the secret!') #print('# Delivered ' + str(n * 1444) + ' secret bytes') secret_time = cover_time return cover_time, secret_time def recv(self, size, timeout=0): """Reads the RstegTCP data buffer for new recv data. :param size: integer for the data read size :param timeout: seconds for waiting to new pushed data in the buffer :return: """ data = None self.rtcp.psh_event.wait(timeout) if len(self.rtcp.ingress_buffer) != 0: # check if empty if len(self.rtcp.ingress_buffer) <= size: # length = len(self.rtcp.ingress_buffer) data = self.rtcp.ingress_buffer[:length] # take chunk self.rtcp.ingress_buffer = self.rtcp.ingress_buffer[length:] return data else: data = self.rtcp.ingress_buffer[:size] # take chunk self.rtcp.ingress_buffer = self.rtcp.ingress_buffer[size:] return data else: # if buffer is empty return None return data def wait_and_recv(self): """Waits until end_event is set before accessing to the data buffer.""" data = [] self.rtcp.end_event.wait() if self.rtcp.ingress_buffer: data.append(self.rtcp.ingress_buffer) print('RECV ' + str(len(data[0])) + ' BYTES') if self.rtcp.ingress_secret_buffer: data.append(self.rtcp.ingress_secret_buffer) print('RECV ' + str(len(data[1])) + ' SECRET BYTES') return data def close(self): """Closes the TCP stream.""" self.rtcp.close() while self.rtcp.state != State.TIME_WAIT: pass
# (c) 2016 <NAME> " 1D PNP, modelling reservoirs and membrane far away from pore " import nanopores as nano import solvers geop = nano.Params( R = 35., H = 70., ) physp = nano.Params( bulkcon = 1000., bV = -1., ) geo, pnp = solvers.solve1D(geop, physp) solvers.visualize1D(geo, pnp) nano.showplots()
"""v3/mail/send response body builder Builder for assembling emails to be sent with the v3 SendGrid API. Usage example: def build_hello_email(): to_email = from_email = Email("<EMAIL>") subject = "Hello World from the SendGrid Python Library" content = Content("text/plain", "some text here") mail = Mail(from_email, subject, to_email, content) mail.personalizations[0].add_to(Email("<EMAIL>")) return mail.get() # assembled request body For more usage examples, see For more information on the v3 API, see """
<gh_stars>1-10 # Authors: # <NAME> (<EMAIL>) # <NAME> (<EMAIL>) # <NAME> (<EMAIL>) # Useful functions import nibabel as nib import numpy as np import os import glob from importlib.machinery import SourceFileLoader import config.system as sys_config import logging import tensorflow as tf from collections import Counter from matplotlib.image import imsave def fstr_to_label(fieldstrengths, field_strength_list, label_list): # input fieldstrenghts hdf5 list # field_strength_list must have the same size as label_list # returns a numpy array of labels assert len(label_list) == len(field_strength_list) labels = np.empty_like(fieldstrengths, dtype=np.int16) for fs_ind, current_field_strength in enumerate(fieldstrengths): valid_value = False for label_ind, current_label in enumerate(label_list): if(current_field_strength == field_strength_list[label_ind]): labels[fs_ind] = current_label valid_value = True break if(not valid_value): raise ValueError('unexpected value in fieldstrengths: %s' % current_field_strength) return labels def age_to_ordinal_reg_format(ages, bins=(65, 70, 75, 80, 85)): N = ages.shape[0] P = len(bins) ages_mat = np.transpose(np.tile(ages,(P,1))) bins_mat = np.tile(bins, (N,1)) return np.array(ages_mat>bins_mat, dtype=np.uint8) def age_to_bins(ages, bins=(65, 70, 75, 80, 85)): ages_ordinal = age_to_ordinal_reg_format(ages, bins) return np.sum(ages_ordinal, axis=-1) def ordinal_regression_to_bin(ages_ord_reg): # N = ages_ord_reg.shape[0] # binned_list = [] # for nn in range(N): # if np.sum(ages_ord_reg[nn,:]) > 0: # binned_list.append(all_argmax(ages_ord_reg[nn,:])[-1][0]+1) # else: # binned_list.append(0) return np.sum(ages_ord_reg, -1) def get_ordinal_reg_weights(ages_ordinal_reg): ages_binned = list(ordinal_regression_to_bin(ages_ordinal_reg)) P = ages_ordinal_reg.shape[1] counts = [ages_binned.count(pp) for pp in range(P)] counts = [np.divide(np.sqrt(cc), np.sum(np.sqrt(counts))) for cc in counts] return counts def all_argmax(arr, axis=None): return np.argwhere(arr == np.amax(arr, axis=axis)) def makefolder(folder): ''' Helper function to make a new folder if doesn't exist :param folder: path to new folder :return: True if folder created, False if folder already exists ''' if not os.path.exists(folder): os.makedirs(folder) return True return False def load_nii(img_path): ''' Shortcut to load a nifti file ''' nimg = nib.load(img_path) return nimg.get_data(), nimg.affine, nimg.header def save_nii(img_path, data, affine, header): ''' Shortcut to save a nifty file ''' nimg = nib.Nifti1Image(data, affine=affine, header=header) nimg.to_filename(img_path) def create_and_save_nii(data, img_path): img = nib.Nifti1Image(data, np.eye(4)), img_path) def get_latest_model_checkpoint_path(folder, name): ''' Returns the checkpoint with the highest iteration number with a given name :param folder: Folder where the checkpoints are saved :param name: Name under which you saved the model :return: The path to the checkpoint with the latest iteration ''' iteration_nums = [] for file in glob.glob(os.path.join(folder, '%s*.meta' % name)): file = file.split('/')[-1] file_base, postfix_and_number, rest = file.split('.')[0:3] it_num = int(postfix_and_number.split('-')[-1]) iteration_nums.append(it_num) latest_iteration = np.max(iteration_nums) return os.path.join(folder, name + '-' + str(latest_iteration)) def index_sets_to_selectors(*index_sets): # takes in sets of indices and changes them to lists with True if the index was in the set and false otherwise # works with lists or tuples of indices as well, but the in operation is O(n) instead of O(1) selector_result = [] for ind_set in index_sets: selector_result.append([(index in ind_set) for index in range(max(ind_set))]) return selector_result # Useful shortcut for making struct like contructs # Example: # mystruct = Bunch(a=1, b=2) # print(mystruct.a) # >>> 1 class Bunch: def __init__(self, **kwds): self.__dict__.update(kwds) def load_log_exp_config(experiment_path, file_name=None, other_py_files=['']): # loads the module of the experiment and returns a loader that can be used to access variables and classes in the # module (loader.myClass()) # if the file_name of the module is not given then the file of the module must be the only .py file in the directory # except for the files in other_py_files if file_name is None: # get experiment config file (assuming it is the first python file in log directory) py_file_list = [file for file in os.listdir(experiment_path) if (file.endswith('.py') and file not in other_py_files)] if len(py_file_list) != 1: raise ValueError('unexpected py files in log directory or experiment file not found') py_file_name = py_file_list[0] else: py_file_name = file_name py_file_path = os.path.join(experiment_path, py_file_name) # import config file # remove the .py with [:-3] experiment_module = SourceFileLoader(py_file_name[:-3], py_file_path).load_module() # experiment name is the same as the folder name experiment_folder_name = experiment_path.split('/')[-1] if experiment_folder_name != experiment_module.experiment_name: logging.warning('warning: the experiment folder name %s is different from the experiment name %s' % (experiment_folder_name, experiment_module.experiment_name)) return experiment_module, experiment_path def string_dict_in_order(dict, key_function=None, key_string='', value_string=''): # key is a function to give the elements in the dictionary a numerical value that is used for the order separator = '\n' lines = [] for dict_key in sorted(dict, key=key_function, reverse=True): lines.append(key_string + str(dict_key) + ' ' + value_string + str(dict[dict_key])) print_string = separator.join(lines) return print_string def module_from_path(path): module_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(path)[1])[0] return SourceFileLoader(module_name, path).load_module() def get_latest_checkpoint_and_step(logdir, filename): init_checkpoint_path = get_latest_model_checkpoint_path(logdir, filename)'Checkpoint path: %s' % init_checkpoint_path) last_step = int(init_checkpoint_path.split('/')[-1].split('-')[-1])'Latest step was: %d' % last_step) return init_checkpoint_path, last_step def get_session_memory_config(): # prevents ResourceExhaustError when a lot of memory is used config = tf.ConfigProto() config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True # Do not assign whole gpu memory, just use it on the go config.allow_soft_placement = True # If a operation is not defined in the default device, let it execute in another. return config def tuple_of_lists_to_list_of_tuples(tuple_in): return list(zip(*tuple_in)) def list_of_tuples_to_tuple_of_lists(list_in): # zip(*list_in) is a tuple of tuples return tuple(list(element) for element in zip(*list_in)) def remove_count(list_of_tuples, remove_counter): # remove tuples with labels specified by remove_counter from the front of the list in place # tuples (something, label) # remove_counter is a Counter or dict of with labels as keys and how many of each label should get removed # as the corresponding value # assuming only nonnegative counts if not all([item[1] >= 0 for item in remove_counter.items()]): raise ValueError('There are negative counts in remove_counter %s' % str(remove_counter)) remove_counter_copy = remove_counter.copy() remove_indices = set() for ind, tup in enumerate(list_of_tuples): if sum(remove_counter.values()) == 0: break else: if remove_counter_copy[tup[1]] > 0: remove_counter_copy[tup[1]] -= 1 remove_indices.add(ind) # make a list with only the tuples that have an index in keep_indices all_indices = set(range(len(list_of_tuples))) keep_indices = all_indices - remove_indices reduced_list = [element for ind, element in enumerate(list_of_tuples) if ind in keep_indices] return reduced_list def balance_source_target(source, target, random_seed=None): # source and target are tuples with (indices, labels corresponding to the indices) where indices and labels are lists # the returned data has the same structure but the source and target data have the same cardinality and label distribution # make sure there are an equal number of labels and indices if len(source[0]) != len(source[1]): raise ValueError('The number of source indices %d and source labels %d is not equal' % (len(source[0]),len(source[1]))) if len(target[0]) != len(target[1]): raise ValueError('The number of target indices %d and target labels %d is not equal' % (len(target[0]),len(target[1]))) # count the labels source_counter = Counter(source[1]) target_counter = Counter(target[1]) # only nonnegative counts remain, so just what needs to be removed s_to_remove = source_counter - target_counter t_to_remove = target_counter - source_counter # change to a representation with a list of tuples [(index1, label1), ...] source_samples = tuple_of_lists_to_list_of_tuples(source) target_samples = tuple_of_lists_to_list_of_tuples(target) # shuffle data np.random.seed(random_seed) np.random.shuffle(source_samples) np.random.shuffle(source_samples) # remove tuples source_samples = remove_count(source_samples, s_to_remove) target_samples = remove_count(target_samples, t_to_remove) # sort by index sort_key = lambda t: t[0] source_samples.sort(key=sort_key) target_samples.sort(key=sort_key) # change back to a representation with a tuple of lists of tuples ([index1, index2, ...], [label1, label2, ...]) reduced_source = list_of_tuples_to_tuple_of_lists(source_samples) reduced_target = list_of_tuples_to_tuple_of_lists(target_samples) reduced_source_count = Counter(reduced_source[1]) reduced_target_count = Counter(reduced_target[1])'source label count after reduction ' + str(reduced_source_count))'target label count after reduction ' + str(reduced_target_count)) # check whether the label counts of source and target domain are now equal assert reduced_source_count == reduced_target_count return reduced_source, reduced_target def save_image_and_cut(image, img_name, path_3d, path_2d, vmin=-1, vmax=1): # image is 3d numpy array # path with image name at the end but without the ending .nii.gz create_and_save_nii(image, os.path.join(path_3d, img_name) + '.nii.gz') # coronal cut through the hippocampy image_cut = image[:, 38, :] # rotate the image by 90 degree counterclockwise image_cut = np.rot90(image_cut) imsave(os.path.join(path_2d, img_name) + '.png', image_cut, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, cmap='gray') if __name__ == '__main__': source_indices1 = [0, 2, 3] source_labels1 = [0, 2, 0] target_indices1 = [1, 4, 5] target_labels1 = [2, 2, 0] source_labels2 = [0, 0, 0] target_indices2 = [1, 4, 5, 6, 7] target_labels2 = [2, 2, 0, 0, 2] source = (source_indices1, source_labels2) target = (target_indices2, target_labels2) source_tuples = tuple_of_lists_to_list_of_tuples(source) target_tuples = tuple_of_lists_to_list_of_tuples(target) print(source) print(target) print(source_tuples) print(target_tuples) source2, target2 = balance_source_target(source, target, random_seed=0) print(source2) print(target2) source_tuples2 = tuple_of_lists_to_list_of_tuples(source2) target_tuples2 = tuple_of_lists_to_list_of_tuples(target2) print(source_tuples2) print(target_tuples2) assert set(source_tuples2) <= set(source_tuples) assert set(target_tuples2) <= set(target_tuples)
<filename>databases/migrations/ """ThirdStorage Migration.""" from masoniteorm.migrations import Migration class ThirdStorage(Migration): def up(self): """ Run the migrations. """ with self.schema.create("thirdstorages") as table: table.increments("id") table.string("thirdstorage_name") table.string("thirdstorage_brand") table.string("thirdstorage_type") table.string("thirdstorage_size") table.integer("thirdstorage_price") table.string("thirdstorage_img") table.timestamps() def down(self): """ Revert the migrations. """ self.schema.drop("thirdstorages")
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import dns.e164 n = dns.e164.from_e164("+1 555 1212") print(n) print(dns.e164.to_e164(n))
<reponame>CDU55/FakeNews class FacebookDataSetEntry: def __init__(self, followers_number, likes_number, comments_number, share_number, grammar_index, subject_relevance, label): self.followers_number = followers_number self.likes_number = likes_number self.comments_number = comments_number self.share_number = share_number self.grammar_index = grammar_index self.subject_relevance = subject_relevance self.label = label class FacebookDataSetEntryUnlabeled: def __init__(self, followers_number, likes_number, comments_number, share_number, grammar_index, subject_relevance): self.followers_number = followers_number self.likes_number = likes_number self.comments_number = comments_number self.share_number = share_number self.grammar_index = grammar_index self.subject_relevance = subject_relevance class TwitterDataSetEntry: def __init__(self, followers_number, verified, tweets_number, retweets, quote_tweets, likes_number, grammar_index, subject_relevance, label): self.followers_number = followers_number self.verified = verified self.tweets_number = tweets_number self.retweets = retweets self.quote_tweets = quote_tweets self.likes_number = likes_number self.grammar_index = grammar_index self.subject_relevance = subject_relevance self.label = label class TwitterDataSetEntryUnlabeled: def __init__(self, followers_number, verified, tweets_number, retweets, quote_tweets, likes_number, grammar_index, subject_relevance): self.followers_number = followers_number self.verified = verified self.tweets_number = tweets_number self.retweets = retweets self.quote_tweets = quote_tweets self.likes_number = likes_number self.grammar_index = grammar_index self.subject_relevance = subject_relevance
import pyRF; import pyStk; import numpy as np; import math from scipy import stats; #print rf.refData.shape #print len(rf.refStnList) # #print rf.npv.shape; #print rf.nvv.shape; #print rf.refEpoch.shape; # #npv = rf.npvForEpoch(2003.50414524) #print npv.shape ts = pyStk.pyTS().initFromMatFile('../data/ts.mat'); rf = pyRF.pyRF('itrf08').initForStnList(map(str.lower,ts.stn_list)); fyear = ts.epochs[4000]; npv = ts.npvForEpoch(fyear); npvRF = rf.npvForEpoch(fyear); print "mean: ", stats.nanmean(npv-npvRF) print "median: ", stats.nanmedian(npv-npvRF) print "Aligning epoch ",fyear T,npvT,stats = pyStk.helmert(npv, npvRF); print print 'iter:',stats['iter']; print print 'pout:',stats['pout']; print 'nout:',stats['nout']; print 'npts:',stats['npts']; print print ' RMS:',stats['RMS']/1e-3, '[mm]' print 'wRMS:',stats['wRMS']/1e-3,'[mm]'; print print 'max resid:',stats['dvMax']/1e-3,'[mm]' print 'max resid indx:',stats['dvMaxIndx'][0] print 'max resid stn:',ts.stn_list[stats['dvMaxIndx']/3]
# Generated by Django 3.1.3 on 2020-11-25 11:09 from django.db import migrations from django.utils.text import slugify def popular_slug(apps, schema_editor): Modulo = apps.get_model('modulos', 'Modulo') for modulo in Modulo.objects.all(): modulo.slug = slugify(modulo.titulo) class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('modulos', '0003_modulo_slug'), ] operations = [ migrations.RunPython(popular_slug) ]
<gh_stars>0 from django.urls import path from .views import index, search, todo_list_view urlpatterns = [ path('', index, name='index'), path('list', todo_list_view, name='list'), path('search/', search, name='search') ]
#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2021 VMware, Inc. # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2 import argparse import configparser import io import sys import tau_clients import vt from tau_clients import decoders from tau_clients import exceptions from tau_clients import nsx_defender def download_from_vt(client: vt.Client, file_hash: str) -> bytes: """ Download file from VT. :param vt.Client client: the VT client :param str file_hash: the file hash :rtype: bytes :return: the downloaded data :raises ValueError: in case of any error """ try: buffer = io.BytesIO() client.download_file(file_hash, buffer), 0) return except (IOError, vt.APIError) as e: raise ValueError(str(e)) from e def main(): """Submit all samples or hashes by downloading from VT first.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "-c", "--config-file", dest="config_file", default="./data/tau_clients.ini", type=tau_clients.is_valid_config_file, help="read config from here", ) parser.add_argument( "-b", "--bypass-cache", dest="bypass_cache", action="store_true", default=False, help="whether to bypass the cache", ) decoders.InputTypeDecoder.add_arguments_to_parser( parser=parser, choices=[ decoders.InputType.DIRECTORY, decoders.InputType.FILE_HASH, decoders.InputType.FILE, ], ) args = parser.parse_args() conf = configparser.ConfigParser() # Load the analysis client analysis_client = nsx_defender.AnalysisClient.from_conf(conf, "analysis") # Decode input type file_inputs, input_type = decoders.InputTypeDecoder().decode( arguments=args.input_bits, input_type=decoders.InputType(args.input_type), inspect_content=False, ) # Parse the input vt_client = None file_paths = [] file_hashes = [] if input_type is decoders.InputType.FILE_HASH: try: vt_client = vt.Client(apikey=conf.get("vt", "apikey")) except configparser.Error: print("VT credentials not found. Hash submissions are disabled") return 1 file_hashes.extend(file_inputs) elif input_type is decoders.InputType.FILE: for file_input in file_inputs: file_paths.extend(tau_clients.get_file_paths(file_input)) else: raise ValueError("Unknown input type") print(f"Decoded input into {len(file_hashes)} file hashes and {len(file_paths)} samples") # Submit submission_start_ts = analysis_client.get_api_utc_timestamp() submissions = [] task_to_source = {} for file_path in file_paths: with open(file_path, "rb") as f: try: ret = analysis_client.submit_file(, bypass_cache=args.bypass_cache) submissions.append(ret) task_to_source[ret["task_uuid"]] = file_path except exceptions.ApiError as ae: print(f"Error '{str(ae)}' when submitting file {file_path}") for file_hash in file_hashes: try: file_data = download_from_vt(vt_client, file_hash) ret = analysis_client.submit_file(file_data, bypass_cache=args.bypass_cache) submissions.append(ret) task_to_source[ret["task_uuid"]] = file_hash except ValueError as ve: print(f"Error '{str(ve)}' when downloading file {file_hash}") except exceptions.ApiError as ae: print(f"Error '{str(ae)}' when submitting file {file_hash}") if vt_client: vt_client.close() print(f"All files have been submitted ({len(submissions)} submissions)") # Wait for completion try: for submission in analysis_client.yield_completed_tasks( submissions=submissions, start_timestamp=submission_start_ts, ): task_uuid = submission.get("task_uuid") if not task_uuid: print(f"File '{task_to_source[task_uuid]}' was not submitted correctly") else: task_link = tau_clients.get_task_link(task_uuid, prefer_load_balancer=True) print(f"File '{task_to_source[task_uuid]}' finished analysis: {task_link}") except KeyboardInterrupt: print("Waiting for results interrupted by user") print("Done") return 0 if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())
import RobinhoodFunctions as rf email, password = rf.getCredentials() rf.loginToRH(email, password) allPositions = [] allPositions = rf.getAllOptions(allPositions) frequentTickers = rf.getFrequentTickers(allPositions) rf.r.options.write_spinner() rf.r.options.spinning_cursor() optionNames, entryPrices, calls, puts = rf.getOptionTrades(allPositions) writer, excelPath= rf.writeOptionInfo(frequentTickers, optionNames, entryPrices, calls, puts) rf.closeAndSave(writer) print("Options successfully exported to:", excelPath)
from django.db import models from django_grainy.decorators import grainy_model from django_grainy.models import Permission, PermissionManager from django_grainy.handlers import GrainyMixin # Create your models here. """ These are the models used during the django_grainy unit tests. There is no need to ever install the "django_grainy_test" app in your project """ class ModelBase(GrainyMixin, models.Model): class Meta: abstract = True @grainy_model() class ModelA(ModelBase): name = models.CharField(max_length=255) @grainy_model(namespace="something.arbitrary") class ModelB(ModelA): pass @grainy_model( namespace=ModelB.Grainy.namespace(), namespace_instance="{namespace}.{}.c.{}", ) class ModelC(ModelA): b = models.ForeignKey(ModelB, related_name="c", on_delete=models.CASCADE) @grainy_model( namespace="dynamic.{value}", namespace_instance="{namespace}.{other_value}" ) class ModelD(ModelA): pass @grainy_model(namespace="x") class ModelX(ModelA): pass @grainy_model(namespace="custom", parent="x") class ModelY(ModelA): x = models.ForeignKey(ModelX, related_name="y", on_delete=models.CASCADE) @grainy_model(namespace="z", parent="y") class ModelZ(ModelA): y = models.ForeignKey(ModelY, related_name="z", on_delete=models.CASCADE) class APIKey(models.Model): key = models.CharField(max_length=255) class APIKeyPermission(Permission): api_key = models.ForeignKey( APIKey, related_name="grainy_permissions", on_delete=models.CASCADE ) objects = PermissionManager()
from telegram.ext import Updater, CallbackContext, CommandHandler, MessageHandler, Filters, Handler from telegram.ext.dispatcher import run_async, DispatcherHandlerStop, Dispatcher from telegram import Update, User, Message, ParseMode from telegram.error import BadRequest import requests_html import requests import json import logging #Enter API-KEY here updater = Updater("API-KEY", use_context=True) dispatcher = updater.dispatcher logging.basicConfig(filename="shipping.log", format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s', level=logging.INFO) #Tracking Function for E-Kart Logistics @run_async def ekart(update: Update, context: CallbackContext): if update.message!=None: trackingID = (update.message.text).split()[1] data = [] session = requests_html.HTMLSession() response = session.get(""+str(trackingID)+"/") for selector in response.html.xpath('//div[@id="no-more-tables"][1]/table/tbody'): data.append(selector.text), text="*Shipping Status: *\n\n`Latest Status: "+data[0]+"`\n\n*Tracking Info:*\n\n`"+data[1]+"`", reply_to_message_id=update.message.message_id, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) #Tracking Function for Pitney Bowes @run_async def pitneyb(update: Update, context: CallbackContext): if update.message!=None: trackingID = (update.message.text).split()[1] response = requests.get(""+trackingID) jsonData = json.loads(response.text) try: currentStatusData = [ 'Status: '+jsonData['currentStatus']['packageStatus'], 'Last Updated: '+jsonData['currentStatus']['eventDate']+' '+jsonData['currentStatus']['eventTime'], 'Description: '+jsonData['currentStatus']['eventDescription'], 'Location: '+jsonData['currentStatus']['eventLocation']['city']+", "+jsonData['currentStatus']['eventLocation']['countyOrRegion']+' - '+jsonData['currentStatus']['eventLocation']['postalOrZipCode'] ] except KeyError: currentStatusData = [ 'Status: '+jsonData['currentStatus']['packageStatus'], 'Last Updated: '+jsonData['currentStatus']['eventDate']+' '+jsonData['currentStatus']['eventTime'], 'Description: '+jsonData['currentStatus']['eventDescription'], 'Location: '+jsonData['currentStatus']['eventLocation']['city']+", "+jsonData['currentStatus']['eventLocation']['countyOrRegion']+' - ' ] currentStatusData = "\n".join(currentStatusData) history = [] for x in jsonData['scanHistory']['scanDetails']: try: history.append([ 'Status: '+x['packageStatus'], 'Last Updated: '+x['eventDate']+' '+x['eventTime'], 'Description: '+x['eventDescription'], 'Location: '+x['eventLocation']['city']+", "+x['eventLocation']['countyOrRegion']+' - '+x['eventLocation']['postalOrZipCode'] ]) except KeyError: history.append([ 'Status: '+x['packageStatus'], 'Last Updated: '+x['eventDate']+' '+x['eventTime'], 'Description: '+x['eventDescription'], ]) historyData = [] for i in range(len(history)): historyData.append("\n".join(history[i])) historyData = "\n\n".join(historyData), text="*Shipping Status: *\n\n`Latest Status:\n"+currentStatusData+"`\n\n*Tracking Info:*\n\n`"+historyData+"`", reply_to_message_id=update.message.message_id, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) #Tracking Function for Canada Post @run_async def canadapost(update: Update, context: CallbackContext): if update.message!=None: trackingID = (update.message.text).split()[1] response = requests.get(""+trackingID+"/detail") jsonData = json.loads(response.text) status = jsonData['status'] history = [] for x in jsonData['events']: history.append([ 'Date: '+ x['datetime']['date'] + x['datetime']['time'] + x['datetime']['zoneOffset'], 'Location: '+ x['locationAddr']['city'] + ", " + x['locationAddr']['regionCd'] + " (" + x['locationAddr']['countryCd'] + ")", 'Description: '+ x['descEn'] ]) currentStatusData = history[0] currentStatusData = "\n".join(currentStatusData) del history[0] historyData = [] for i in range(len(history)): historyData.append("\n".join(history[i])) historyData = "\n\n".join(historyData), text="*Shipping Status: *\n\n`Latest Status:\n"+currentStatusData+"`\n\n*Tracking Info:*\n\n`"+historyData+"`", reply_to_message_id=update.message.message_id, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) #Bot Start Message /start @run_async def start(update: Update, context: CallbackContext):, "typing") cmd_msg =, text="Hey there! I'm Shipping Info Bot!\nI can provide you latest tracking info on your package.\n\nUse the following commands to access your package tracking info.") def main(): start_handler = CommandHandler("start", start) dispatcher.add_handler(start_handler) #Command handler for E-Kart Logistics ekart_handler = CommandHandler("ekart", ekart) dispatcher.add_handler(ekart_handler) #Command handler for Pitney Bowes pitneyb_handler = CommandHandler("pitneyb", pitneyb) dispatcher.add_handler(pitneyb_handler) #Command handler for Canada Post canadapost_handler = CommandHandler("canadapost", canadapost) dispatcher.add_handler(canadapost_handler) updater.start_polling() updater.idle() if __name__ == "__main__": print(" _____ _ _ _ _____ __ ______ _ \n") print("/ ___| | (_) (_) |_ _| / _| | ___ \ | | \n") print("\ `--.| |__ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ __ _ | | _ __ | |_ ___ | |_/ / ___ | |_ \n") print(" `--. \ '_ \| | '_ \| '_ \| | '_ \ / _` || || '_ \| _/ _ \| ___ \/ _ \| __|\n") print("/\__/ / | | | | |_) | |_) | | | | | (_| || || | | | || (_) | |_/ / (_) | |_ \n") print("\____/|_| |_|_| .__/| .__/|_|_| |_|\__, \___/_| |_|_| \___/\____/ \___/ \__|\n") print(" | | | | __/ | \n") print(" |_| |_| |___/ ") main()
<gh_stars>0 # Definition for a binary tree node. # class TreeNode(object): # def __init__(self, val=0, left=None, right=None): # self.val = val # self.left = left # self.right = right class Solution(object): def flip(self, node): if not node: return None hold_node = node.left node.left = node.right node.right = hold_node self.flip(node.left) self.flip(node.right) def invertTree(self, root): """ :type root: TreeNode :rtype: TreeNode """ self.flip(root) return root
""" Some exercises about statistics """ from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from statistics.central_tendencies import * from statistics.variance import variance, standard_deviation from statistics.correlation import covariance, correlation def main(): num_friends = [500, 50, 25, 30, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 19, 28, 37, 46, 55, 64, 73, 82, 91, 10, 19, 28, 37, 33, 55, 64, 73, 82, 91, 10] daily_minutes = [1, 6, 10, 20, 4, 9, 12, 8, 9, 20, 5, 6, 10, 20, 4, 9, 12, 8, 9, 20, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] central_tendencies(num_friends) dispersion(num_friends) correlations(num_friends, daily_minutes) correlation_outliers(num_friends, daily_minutes) plot_graphs() def correlation_outliers(num_friends: List[float], daily_minutes: List[float]): outlier = num_friends.index(500) num_friends_good = [x for i, x in enumerate(num_friends) if i != outlier] daily_minutes_good = [x for i, x in enumerate(daily_minutes) if i != outlier] # plotting plt.figure() plt.scatter(num_friends, daily_minutes) plt.title("Correlation without outlier") plt.xlabel("# of friends") plt.ylabel("minutes") plt.figure() plt.scatter(num_friends_good, daily_minutes_good) plt.title("Correlation with outlier") plt.xlabel("# of friends") plt.ylabel("minutes") def correlations(num_frieds: List[float], daily_minutes: List[float]): cov = covariance(num_frieds, daily_minutes) print(f'covariance: {cov}') corr = correlation(num_frieds, daily_minutes) print(f'correlation: {corr}') def dispersion(num_friends: List[float]): print(data_range(num_friends)) varian = variance(num_friends) print(f'variance: {varian}') standard_devi = standard_deviation(num_friends) print(f'standard deviation: {standard_devi}') def central_tendencies(num_friends: List[float]): assert median([1, 10, 2, 9, 5]) == 5 vector_a = [1, 9, 2, 10] assert median(vector_a) == (2 + 9) / 2 print(median(vector_a)) print(4//2) # 2 print(9//2) # 4 result_q1 = quantile(num_friends, 0.10) print(f'quatile 10%: {result_q1}') result_q2 = quantile(num_friends, 0.25) print(f'quatile 25%: {result_q2}') result_q3 = quantile(num_friends, 0.50) print(f'quatile 50%: {result_q3}') result_q4 = quantile(num_friends, 0.75) print(f'quatile 75%: {result_q4}') result_q5 = quantile(num_friends, 0.90) print(f'quatile 90%: {result_q5}') moda = set(mode(num_friends)) print(f'moda: {moda}') def plot_graphs(): if __name__ == "__main__": main()
from typing import Type, Union, Optional from pathlib import Path from wunderkafka.types import TopicName, KeySchemaDescription, ValueSchemaDescription from import AbstractDescriptionStore from wunderkafka.compat.types import AvroModel from wunderkafka.compat.constants import PY36 from wunderkafka.serdes.avromodel import derive class SchemaTextRepo(AbstractDescriptionStore): def add(self, topic: TopicName, value: str, key: str) -> None: self._values[topic] = ValueSchemaDescription(text=value) if key is not None: self._keys[topic] = KeySchemaDescription(text=key) def _load_from_file(filename: Path) -> str: with open(filename) as fl: return # ToDo (tribunsky.kir): refactor it, maybe add hooks to parent class. # Barbara, forgive us. Looks like AbstractDescriptionStore should be generic. class SchemaFSRepo(AbstractDescriptionStore): def add(self, topic: TopicName, value: Union[str, Path], key: Union[str, Path]) -> None: self._values[topic] = ValueSchemaDescription(text=_load_from_file(Path(value))) if key is not None: self._keys[topic] = KeySchemaDescription(text=_load_from_file(Path(key))) class AvroModelRepo(AbstractDescriptionStore): def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__() if PY36: AvroModel() # ToDo (tribunsky.kir): change Type[AvroModel] to more general alias + check derivation from python built-ins def add(self, topic: TopicName, value: Type[AvroModel], key: Optional[Type[AvroModel]]) -> None: self._values[topic] = ValueSchemaDescription(text=derive(value, topic)) if key is not None: self._keys[topic] = KeySchemaDescription(text=derive(key, topic, is_key=True))
<filename>bin/tests/ """Tests for """ import random import os import copy import tempfile import unittest import logging from collections import OrderedDict from argparse import Namespace from adapt import alignment from adapt.prepare import align, ncbi_neighbors, prepare_alignment from adapt.utils import seq_io from bin import design __author__ = '<NAME> <<EMAIL>>' # Default args: window size 3, guide size 2, allow GU pairing # GU pairing allows AA to match GG in 1st window SEQS = OrderedDict() SEQS["genome_1"] = "AACTA" SEQS["genome_2"] = "AAACT" SEQS["genome_3"] = "GGCTA" SEQS["genome_4"] = "GGCTT" # Specificity seq stops AA from being the best guide in the 1st window SP_SEQS = OrderedDict() SP_SEQS["genome_5"] = "AA---" class TestDesign(object): """General class for testing Defines helper functions for test cases and basic setUp and tearDown functions. """ class TestDesignCase(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): # Disable logging logging.disable(logging.INFO) # Create a temporary input file self.input_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w', delete=False) # Closes the file so that it can be reopened on Windows self.input_file.close() # Create a temporary output file self.output_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w', delete=False) self.output_file.close() self.files_to_delete = [,] def check_results(self, file, expected, header='target-sequences'): """Check the results of the test output Given a TSV file of test output and expected output, fails the test if the test output guide target sequences do not equal the expected guide target sequences Args: file: string, path name of the file expected: list of lists of strings, all the expected guide target sequences in each line of the output header: the header of the CSV that contains the guide target sequences """ col_loc = None with open(file) as f: for i, line in enumerate(f): if i == 0: headers = line.split('\t') # Will raise an error if header is not in output col_loc = headers.index(header) continue self.assertLess(i, len(expected) + 1) guide_line = line.split('\t')[col_loc] guides = guide_line.split(' ') for guide in guides: self.assertIn(guide, expected[i-1]) self.assertEqual(len(guides), len(expected[i-1])) self.assertEqual(i, len(expected)) def baseArgv(self, search_type='sliding-window', input_type='fasta', objective='minimize-guides', model=False, specific=None, specificity_file=None, output_loc=None): """Get arguments for tests Produces the correct arguments for a test case given details of what the test case is testing. See help for details on input Args: search_type: 'sliding-window' or 'complete-targets' input_type: 'fasta', 'auto-from-args', or 'auto-from-file' objective: 'minimize-guides' or 'maximize-activity' model: boolean, true to use Cas13a built in model, false to use simple binary prediction specific: None, 'fasta', or 'taxa'; what sort of input to be specific against output_loc: path to the output file/directory; set to if None Returns: List of strings that are the arguments of the test """ input_file = if output_loc is None: output_loc = argv = ['', search_type, input_type] if input_type == 'fasta': argv.extend([input_file, '-o', output_loc]) elif input_type == 'auto-from-args': argv.extend(['64320', 'None', output_loc]) elif input_type == 'auto-from-file': argv.extend([input_file, output_loc]) if input_type in ['auto-from-args', 'auto-from-file']: argv.extend(['--sample-seqs', '1', '--mafft-path', 'fake_path']) if search_type == 'sliding-window': argv.extend(['-w', '3']) if search_type == 'complete-targets': argv.extend(['--best-n-targets', '2', '-pp', '.75', '-pl', '1', '--max-primers-at-site', '2']) if objective == 'minimize-guides': argv.extend(['-gm', '0', '-gp', '.75']) elif objective =='maximize-activity': argv.extend(['--maximization-algorithm', 'greedy']) # ID-M (mismatches to be considered identical) must be set to 0 since otherwise # having 1 base in common with a 2 base guide counts as a match if specific == 'fasta': argv.extend(['--specific-against-fastas', specificity_file, '--id-m', '0']) elif specific == 'taxa': argv.extend(['--specific-against-taxa', specificity_file, '--id-m', '0']) if model: argv.append('--predict-cas13a-activity-model') elif objective =='maximize-activity': argv.extend(['--use-simple-binary-activity-prediction', '-gm', '0']) argv.extend(['--obj', objective, '--seed', '0', '-gl', '2']) return argv def tearDown(self): for file in self.files_to_delete: if os.path.isfile(file): os.unlink(file) # Re-enable logging logging.disable(logging.NOTSET) class TestDesignFasta(TestDesign.TestDesignCase): """Test given an input FASTA """ def setUp(self): super().setUp() self.real_output_file = + '.tsv' self.files_to_delete.append(self.real_output_file) # Write to temporary input fasta seq_io.write_fasta(SEQS, def test_min_guides(self): argv = super().baseArgv() args = design.argv_to_args(argv) # Base args set the percentage of sequences to match at 75% expected = [["AA"], ["CT"], ["CT"]] self.check_results(self.real_output_file, expected) def test_max_activity(self): argv = super().baseArgv(objective='maximize-activity') args = design.argv_to_args(argv) # Doesn't use model, just greedy binary prediction with 0 mismatches # (so same outputs as min-guides) expected = [["AA"], ["CT"], ["CT"]] self.check_results(self.real_output_file, expected) def test_complete_targets(self): argv = super().baseArgv(search_type='complete-targets') args = design.argv_to_args(argv) # Since sequences are short and need 1 base for primer on each side, # only finds 1 target in middle expected = [["CT"]] self.check_results(self.real_output_file, expected, header='guide-target-sequences') def test_specificity_fastas(self): # Create a temporary fasta file for specificity self.sp_fasta = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w', delete=False) # Closes the file so that it can be reopened on Windows self.sp_fasta.close() seq_io.write_fasta(SP_SEQS, self.files_to_delete.append( argv = super().baseArgv(specific='fasta', args = design.argv_to_args(argv) # AA isn't allowed in 1st window by specificity fasta, # so 1st window changes expected = [["AC", "GG"], ["CT"], ["CT"]] self.check_results(self.real_output_file, expected) class TestDesignAutos(TestDesign.TestDesignCase): """Test given arguments to automatically download FASTAs Does not run the entire; prematurely stops by giving a fake path to MAFFT. All are expected to return a FileNotFoundError """ def setUp(self): super().setUp() # Write to temporary input file with open(, 'w') as f: f.write("Zika virus\t64320\tNone\tNC_035889\n") # Create a temporary output directory self.output_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() def test_auto_from_file(self): argv = super().baseArgv(input_type='auto-from-file', args = design.argv_to_args(argv) try: except FileNotFoundError: pass def test_auto_from_args(self): argv = super().baseArgv(input_type='auto-from-args') args = design.argv_to_args(argv) try: except FileNotFoundError: pass def test_specificity_taxa(self): argv = super().baseArgv(input_type='auto-from-args', specific='taxa', specificity_file='') args = design.argv_to_args(argv) try: except FileNotFoundError: pass def tearDown(self): super().tearDown() self.output_dir.cleanup() class TestDesignFull(TestDesign.TestDesignCase): """Test fully through """ def setUp(self): super().setUp() # Write to temporary input file with open(, 'w') as f: f.write("Zika virus\t64320\tNone\tNC_035889\n") # Create a temporary specificity file self.sp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w', delete=False) self.sp_file.write("123\tNone\n") # Closes the file so that it can be reopened on Windows self.sp_file.close() # 'auto-from-args' gives different outputs for every cluster # Our test only produces 1 cluster, so store the name of that file self.real_output_file = + '.0.tsv' self.files_to_delete.extend([, self.real_output_file]) # We cannot access MAFFT, so override this function; store original so # it can be fixed for future tests self.set_mafft_exec = align.set_mafft_exec align.set_mafft_exec = lambda mafft_path: None # Curating requires MAFFT, so override this function; store original so # it can be fixed for future tests self.curate_against_ref = align.curate_against_ref def small_curate(seqs, ref_accs, asm=None, remove_ref_accs=[]): return {seq: seqs[seq] for seq in seqs \ if seq.split('.')[0] not in remove_ref_accs} align.curate_against_ref = small_curate # Aligning requires MAFFT, so override this function and output simple # test sequences; store original so it can be fixed for future tests self.align = align.align align.align = lambda seqs, am=None: SEQS # We don't want to fetch sequences for the specificity file since we're # doing a simple test case, so override this function; store original # so it can be fixed for future tests self.fetch_sequences_for_taxonomy = prepare_alignment.fetch_sequences_for_taxonomy def small_fetch(taxid, segment): # 123 is the taxonomic ID used in our specificity file if taxid == 123: return SP_SEQS # If it's not the specificity taxonomic ID, test fetching the real # sequences, but don't return them as they won't be used else: self.fetch_sequences_for_taxonomy(taxid, segment) return SEQS prepare_alignment.fetch_sequences_for_taxonomy = small_fetch # Disable warning logging to avoid annotation warning logging.disable(logging.WARNING) def test_specificity_taxa(self): argv = super().baseArgv(input_type='auto-from-args', specific='taxa', args = design.argv_to_args(argv) # Same output as test_specificity_fasta, as sequences are the same expected = [["AC", "GG"], ["CT"], ["CT"]] self.check_results(self.real_output_file, expected) def tearDown(self): # Fix all overridden functions align.set_mafft_exec = self.set_mafft_exec align.curate_against_ref = self.curate_against_ref align.align = self.align prepare_alignment.fetch_sequences_for_taxonomy = self.fetch_sequences_for_taxonomy super().tearDown()
<filename>andela/<gh_stars>0 def carParkingRoof(cars: list, k): cars.sort() to_cover = cars[:k] mx = max(to_cover) mi = min(to_cover) return mx - (mi - 1) def process_file(filename: str) -> tuple: fptr = open(filename, "w") print("file opened") cars_count = int(input().strip()) cars = [] for _ in range(cars_count): cars_item = int(input().strip()) cars.append(cars_item) k = int(input().strip()) print("running code...") result = carParkingRoof(cars, k) fptr.write(str(result) + "\n") fptr.close() if __name__ == "__main__": # print(carParkingRoof([1], 3)) # print(carParkingRoof([6, 2, 12, 7], 3)) # print(carParkingRoof([2, 10, 8, 17], 3)) # print(carParkingRoof([1, 2, 3, 10], 4)) process_file("./andela/car_park_test_case.txt")
<gh_stars>0 import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog = "pydifier", add_help = True) ### File option ### # Input File parser.add_argument('pdf_file_path', action = 'store', type = str, metavar = "PDF_PATH", help = 'Pdf file path to be fixed.' ) # Output File parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', action = 'store', type = str, help = 'Output pdf file path .' ) # Output File suffix before extension parser.add_argument('-s', '--suffix', action = 'store', default = 'fix', type = str, help = 'Output pdf file path suffix before .pdf extention.' ) ### Split option ### split_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=False) # Vertical split split_group.add_argument('-sv', '--vertical', action = 'store_true', default = False, help = 'Split pdf page vertically.') # horizontal split split_group.add_argument('-sh', '--horizontal', action = 'store_true', default = False, help = 'Split pdf page horizontally.') ### Rotate option ### # rotate parser.add_argument('-r', '--rotate', action = 'store', type = int, choices = [90, 180, 270], help = 'Rotate pdf page clockwise specified degree.' ) ### Front page location ### front_page = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=False) # Front page is located front_page.add_argument('-ff', '--front-first', action = 'store_true', default = False, help = 'First page is located on first page when using saddle stitch option.' ) front_page.add_argument('-fs', '--front-second', action = 'store_true', default = True, help = 'First page is located on second page when using saddle stitch option.' ) ### Binding option ### parser.add_argument('-ss', '--saddle-stitch', action = 'store_true', default = False, help = 'Scanned PDF that is saddle stich binding.' ) ### Order option ### # Reverse output 3 parser.add_argument('-rv', '--reverse', action = 'store_true', default = False, help = 'Output pdf pages reversely.') ### Others ### # Verbose mode parser.add_argument('--verbose', action = 'store_true', default = False, help = 'Run as verbose mode.' ) # Version parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', action = 'version', version = '%(prog)s 0.1', help = 'Show version.' )
<reponame>BiteFoo/androyara<filename>androyara/core/ # coding:utf8 ''' @File : @Author : Loopher @Version : 1.0 @License : (C)Copyright 2020-2021,Loopher @Desc : Dex文件解析 ''' """ 每一个dex都会经过这里的解析处理,目的是建立一个映射表能快速索引和比较 """ from androyara.dex.dex_vm import DexFileVM class DexParser(object): parser_info = { "name": "DexParser", "desc": "Parsing Dex file into bytecode" } def __init__(self, pkg, buff): self.vm = DexFileVM(pkg,buff) self.vm.build_map()
""" The package provides a number of modules to be used in the clustering, extraction, and evaluation of white matter tractography. """
<reponame>Mizogg/Fillbit-Bitcoin-Address =====Made by <EMAIL> Donations 3P7PZLbwSt2bqUMsHF9xDsaNKhafiGuWDB ===== from bitcoinaddress import Wallet import random filename ='puzzle.txt' with open(filename) as f: line_count = 0 for line in f: line != "\n" line_count += 1 with open(filename) as file: add = add = set(add) print('Total Bitcoin Addresses Loaded and Checking : ',str (line_count)) x=int(input("'Start range in BITs 0 or Higher(Puzzle StartNumber) -> ")) a = 2**x y=int(input("Stop range Max in BITs 256 Max (Puzzle StopNumber) -> ")) b = 2**y print("Starting search... Please Wait min range: " + str(a)) print("Max range: " + str(b)) print("==========================================================") print('Total Bitcoin Addresses Loaded and Checking : ',str (line_count)) count=0 total=0 while True: count+=1 total+=5 ran=random.randrange(a,b) HEX = "%064x" % ran wallet = Wallet(HEX) uaddr = wallet.address.__dict__['mainnet'].__dict__['pubaddr1'] #Legacy uncompressed address caddr = wallet.address.__dict__['mainnet'].__dict__['pubaddr1c'] #Legacy compressed address saddr = wallet.address.__dict__['mainnet'].__dict__['pubaddr3'] #segwit_address bcaddr = wallet.address.__dict__['mainnet'].__dict__['pubaddrbc1_P2WPKH'] bc1addr = wallet.address.__dict__['mainnet'].__dict__['pubaddrbc1_P2WSH'] wif = wallet.key.__dict__['mainnet'].__dict__['wif'] wifc = wallet.key.__dict__['mainnet'].__dict__['wifc'] #print('\nPrivatekey (dec): ', ran,'\nPrivatekey (hex): ', HEX, '\nPrivatekey Uncompressed: ', wif, '\nPrivatekey compressed: ', wifc, '\nPublic Address 1 Uncompressed: ', uaddr, '\nPublic Address 1 Compressed: ', caddr, '\nPublic Address 3 Segwit: ', saddr, '\nPublic Address bc1 P2WPKH: ', bcaddr, '\nPublic Address bc1 P2WSH: ', bc1addr) print('Scan : ', count , ' : Total : ', total, ' : HEX : ', HEX, end='\r') if caddr in add or uaddr in add or saddr in add or bcaddr in add or bc1addr in add: print('\nMatch Found') f=open("winner.txt","a") f.write('\nPrivatekey (dec): ' + str(ran)) f.write('\nPrivatekey (hex): ' + HEX) f.write('\nPrivatekey Uncompressed: ' + wif) f.write('\nPrivatekey compressed: ' + wifc) f.write('\nPublic Address 1 Compressed: ' + caddr) f.write('\nPublic Address 1 Uncompressed: ' + uaddr) f.write('\nPublic Address 3 Segwit: ' + saddr) f.write('\nPublic Address bc1 P2WPKH: ' + bcaddr) f.write('\nPublic Address bc1 P2WSH: ' + bc1addr) f.write('\n =====Made by Donations 3P7PZLbwSt2bqUMsHF9xDsaNKhafiGuWDB =====' ) f.close()
## # train eeg data of mind commands # (beta) # ## import json import os import sys import time import pickle import numpy as np from mindFunctions import filterDownsampleData import codecs, json from scipy.signal import butter, lfilter from sklearn import svm, preprocessing, metrics from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV, StratifiedShuffleSplit from pathlib import Path # enable/disable debug Mode debug = False # the 5 commands from player commands = ['volup', 'playpause', 'next', 'prev', 'voldown'] cmdCount = len(commands) # nr of commands def main(): # read training data from files # default path with stored traingsdata # filepath-example = 'your project path'/data/mind/training-playpause.json' cwd = os.getcwd() traindataFolder = cwd + '/data/mind/' # default path if python script runs standalone if (os.path.basename(cwd) == "pyscripts"): traindataFolder = cwd + '/../../data/mind/' traindata = [] for cmd in range(cmdCount): filepath = Path(traindataFolder + 'training-' + commands[cmd] + '.json') # read file of trainingCmd with open(filepath) as f: data = json.load(f) traindata.append(np.array(data, dtype='f')) # read in baseline from file baseline = [] blpath = Path(traindataFolder + 'training-baseline.json') # read file of baseline with open(blpath) as blf: bl = json.load(blf) baseline = np.array(bl, dtype='f') ## read in test data with open(traindataFolder + 'test-baseline.json') as f: baselineTest = json.load(f) with open(traindataFolder + 'test-volts.json') as f: voltsTest = json.load(f) # create a numpy array voltsTest = np.array(voltsTest, dtype='f') baselineTest = np.array(baselineTest, dtype='f') if debug: print("\n------ Training Data ------") print("traindata length should be 5 (cmds): " + str(len(traindata))) print("traindata[0] length should be 1500 (samples): " + str(len(traindata[0]))) print("traindata[0][0] length should be 8 (channels): " + str(len(traindata[0][0]))) # 1. Filter and Downsample Trainingdata and Baseline [filterdTraindata, baselineDataBP] = filterDownsampleData(traindata, baseline, commands, debug) if debug: print("\n------ Filtered Training Data ------") print("filterdTraindata length should be 5 (cmds): " + str(len(filterdTraindata))) print("filterdTraindata[0] length is now 8 (channels): " + str(len(filterdTraindata[0]))) print("filterdTraindata[0][0] length is now 250 (samples): " + str(len(filterdTraindata[0][0]))) # # save filterd Data # filterdTraindata = np.array(filterdTraindata) # baselineDataBP = np.array(baselineDataBP) # outfile = '../../data/mind/model/filterdTraingdata.txt' # json.dump(filterdTraindata.tolist(),, 'w', encoding='utf-8'), separators=(',', ':'), sort_keys=True, # indent=4) ### this saves the array in .json format # outfile = '../../data/mind/model/baselineDataBP.txt' # json.dump(baselineDataBP.tolist(),, 'w', encoding='utf-8'), separators=(',', ':'), sort_keys=True, # indent=4) ### this saves the array in .json format ## 2. Extract Features for Trainingdata (only commands) [X, y] = extractFeature(filterdTraindata) if debug: print("Anz. Features: " + str(len(X))) print("y: " + str(y)) ## 3. Train Model with features # gamma: defines how far the influence of a single training example reaches, with low values meaning ‘far’ and high values meaning ‘close’. # C: trades off misclassification of training examples against simplicity of the decision surface. # A low C makes the decision surface smooth, while a high C aims at classifying all training examples correctly by giving the model freedom to select more samples as support vectors. # Find optimal gamma and C parameters: # TODO: Set correct SVM params [C, gamma] = findTrainClassifier(X, y) clf = svm.SVC(kernel='rbf', gamma=gamma, C=C), y) ## save model with open('../../data/mind/model/svm_model-mind.txt', 'wb') as outfile: pickle.dump(clf, outfile) ## Check if trainingdata get 100% accuracy if debug: [accuracy, _, _] = modelAccuracy(y, clf.predict(X)) if (accuracy == 1.0): print("Correct classification with traingdata") else: print("Wrong classification with traingdata. check SVM algorithm") print("\n------ Test Data ------") ## 4. Filter and Downsample Testdata [filterdTestdata] = filterDownsampleData(voltsTest, baselineTest, commands, debug) ## 5. Extract Features from Testdata targetCmd = 1 # Playpause===1 [X_test, y_test] = extractFeature(filterdTestdata, targetCmd) print("Anz. Features X_Test: " + str(len(X_test))) print("y_Test: " + str(y_test)) ## 6. Check Model Accuracy print("\n------ Model Accuracy ------") y_pred = clf.predict(X_test) # Predict the response for test dataset if debug: print("predicted y " + str(y_pred)) [accuracy, precision, recall] = modelAccuracy(y_test, y_pred) print("Accuracy: " + str(accuracy)) print("Precision: " + str(precision)) print("Recall: " + str(recall)) # send success back to node # TODO: implement real success boolean return print('true') def extractFeature(dataFilterd): ## Create X and Y data for SVM training X = [] y = [] # TODO: Extract Features ## Reshape Data reshapedData = [] dataFilterdNp = np.array(dataFilterd) trainCmd, nx, ny = dataFilterdNp.shape reshapedData = dataFilterdNp.reshape((trainCmd, nx * ny)) if (debug): print("\n-- Reshaped Data ---") print("len(reshapedData) aka 5 cmds: " + str(len(reshapedData))) print("len(reshapedData[0]) channels*samples aka 8*250=2000 : " + str(len(reshapedData[0]))) for cmd in range(cmdCount): X.append(reshapedData[cmd][0:2000]) X.append(reshapedData[cmd][2000:4000]) X.append(reshapedData[cmd][4000:6000]) y.append(cmd) y.append(cmd) y.append(cmd) # Feature Standardization X = preprocessing.scale(X) return X, y def extractFeatureTest(dataDownSample, cmd): ## Create X and Y data for SVM test X = [] y = [] print(len(X)) X.append(dataDownSample) y.append(cmd) if debug: print("\n-- X and Y Data ---") print("y : " + str(y)) ## Feature Standardization X = preprocessing.scale(X) return X, y def modelAccuracy(y_test, y_pred): # Model Accuracy: how often is the classifier correct accuracy = metrics.accuracy_score(y_test, y_pred) # Model Precision: what percentage of positive tuples are labeled as such? precision = metrics.precision_score(y_test, y_pred) # Model Recall: what percentage of positive tuples are labelled as such? recall = metrics.recall_score(y_test, y_pred) return [accuracy, precision, recall] def findTrainClassifier(X, y): C_range = np.logspace(-2, 10, 13) gamma_range = np.logspace(-9, 3, 13) param_grid = dict(gamma=gamma_range, C=C_range) cv = StratifiedShuffleSplit(n_splits=5, test_size=0.2, random_state=42) grid = GridSearchCV(svm.SVC(), param_grid=param_grid, cv=cv), y) if debug: print("The best parameters are %s with a score of %0.2f" % (grid.best_params_, grid.best_score_)) return grid.best_params_['C'], grid.best_params_['gamma'] # start process if __name__ == '__main__': main()
<gh_stars>1-10 from import Game def ai_output(board, game): #the ai's output corresponds to the human input output=input(game.move_description) while output not in [str(game.map_move_to_input[i]) for i in game.get_move_effective()]: #intput verification output=input(game.move_description) return(game.map_input_to_move[output])
#!/usr/bin/env python #-*- coding: ISO-8859-1 -*- #pylint: disable-msg=W0702 """ Set of UNIX commands, e.g. ls, cp, supported in cmssh. """ # system modules import os import re import sys import time import json import glob import shutil import base64 import pprint import mimetypes import traceback import subprocess # cmssh modules from cmssh.iprint import msg_red, msg_green, msg_blue from cmssh.iprint import print_warning, print_error, print_status, print_info from cmssh.filemover import copy_lfn, rm_lfn, mkdir, rmdir, list_se, dqueue from cmssh.utils import list_results, check_os, unsupported_linux, access2file from cmssh.utils import osparameters, check_voms_proxy, run, user_input from cmssh.utils import execmd, touch, platform, fix_so from cmssh.cmsfs import dataset_info, block_info, file_info, site_info, run_info from cmssh.cmsfs import CMSMGR, apply_filter, validate_dbs_instance from cmssh.cmsfs import release_info, run_lumi_info from cmssh.github import get_tickets, post_ticket from cmssh.cms_urls import dbs_instances, tc_url from cmssh.das import das_client from cmssh.url_utils import get_data, send_email from cmssh.regex import pat_release, pat_site, pat_dataset, pat_block from cmssh.regex import pat_lfn, pat_run, pat_se, pat_user from cmssh.tagcollector import architectures as tc_architectures from cmssh.results import RESMGR from cmssh.auth_utils import PEMMGR, working_pem from cmssh.cmssw_utils import crab_submit_remotely, crabconfig from cmssh.cern_html import read from cmssh.dashboard import jobsummary from cmssh.reqmgr import reqmgr from cmssh.cms_objects import get_dashboardname def options(arg): """Extract options from given arg string""" opts = [] for par in arg.split(): if len(par) > 0 and par[0] == '-': opts.append(par) return opts class Magic(object): """ Class to be used with ipython magic functions. It holds given command and provide a method to execute it in a shell """ def __init__(self, cmd): self.cmd = cmd def execute(self, args=''): "Execute given command in current shell environment" cmd = '%s %s' % (self.cmd, args.strip()) run(cmd) def subprocess(self, args=''): "Execute given command in original shell environment" cmd = '%s %s' % (self.cmd, args.strip()), shell=True) def installed_releases(): "Print a list of releases installed on a system" _osname, osarch = osparameters() releases = [] for idir in os.listdir(os.environ['VO_CMS_SW_DIR']): if idir.find(osarch) != -1: rdir = os.path.join(\ os.environ['VO_CMS_SW_DIR'], '%s/cms/cmssw' % idir) if os.path.isdir(rdir): for rel in os.listdir(rdir): releases.append('%s/%s' % (rel, idir)) if releases: releases.sort() print "\nInstalled releases:" for rel in releases: print rel else: msg = "\nYou don't have yet CMSSW release installed on your system." msg += "\nPlease use " + msg_green('install CMSSW_X_Y_Z') \ + ' command to install one' print msg def cms_read(arg): """ cmssh command to read provided HTML page (by default output dumps via pager) Examples: cmssh> read cmssh> read cmssh> read config.txt """ try: debug = get_ipython().debug except: debug = 0 orig_arg = arg if orig_arg.find('>') != -1: arg, out = orig_arg.split('>', 1) out = out.strip() arg = arg.strip() else: out = None if arg: arg = arg.strip() read(arg, out, debug) def cms_releases(arg=None): """ List available CMS releases. Optional parameters either <list> or <all> Examples: cmssh> releases # show installed CMSSW releases cmssh> releases list # list available CMSSW releases on given platform cmssh> releases all # show all known CMS releases, including online, tests, etc. """ if arg: print "CMSSW releases for %s platform" % platform() res = release_info(release=None, rfilter=arg) RESMGR.assign(res) releases = [str(r) for r in res] releases = list(set(releases)) releases.sort() for rel in releases: print rel installed_releases() def pkg_init(pkg_dir): "Create CMS command to source pkg environment" pkg_dir = '%s/%s/%s' \ % (os.environ['VO_CMS_SW_DIR'], os.environ['SCRAM_ARCH'], pkg_dir) cmd = 'source `find %s -name | tail -1`;' % pkg_dir if not os.path.isdir(pkg_dir): cmd = '' return cmd def cms_root(arg): """ cmssh command to run ROOT within cmssh Examples: cmssh> root -l """ pcre_init = pkg_init('external/pcre') gcc_init = pkg_init('external/gcc') root_init = pkg_init('lcg/root') pkgs_init = '%s %s %s' % (pcre_init, gcc_init, root_init) cmd = '%s root -l %s' % (pkgs_init, arg.strip()) run(cmd) def cms_xrdcp(arg): """ cmssh command to run ROOT xrdcp via cmssh shell Examples: cmssh> xrdcp /a/b/c.root file:////tmp.file.root """ dyld_path = os.environ.get('DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH', None) root_path = os.environ['DEFAULT_ROOT'] if dyld_path: os.environ['DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = os.path.join(root_path, 'lib') cmd = '%s/xrdcp %s' % (os.path.join(root_path, 'bin'), arg.strip()) run(cmd) if dyld_path: os.environ['DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = dyld_path #def debug(arg): # """ # debug shell command # """ # arg = arg.strip() # if arg: # print_info("Set debug level to %s" % arg) # DEBUG.set(arg) # else: # print_info("Debug level is %s" % DEBUG.level) def debug_http(arg): """ Show or set HTTP debug flag. Default is 0. """ arg = arg.strip() if arg: if arg not in ['0', '1']: print_error('Please provide 0/1 for debug_http command') return print_info("Set HTTP debug level to %s" % arg) os.environ['HTTPDEBUG'] = arg else: print_info("HTTP debug level is %s" % os.environ.get('HTTPDEBUG', 0)) def cms_find(arg): """ Perform lookup of given query in CMS data-services. cmssh find command lookup given query in CMS data-services. Examples: cmssh> find dataset=/ZMM* cmssh> find file dataset=/Cosmics/CRUZET3-v1/RAW csmsh> find site dataset=/Cosmics/CRUZET3-v1/RAW cmssh> find config dataset=/SUSY_LM9_sftsht_8TeV-pythia6/Summer12-START50_V13-v1/GEN-SIM cmssh> find run=160915 cmssh> find lumi dataset=/Photon/Run2012A-29Jun2012-v1/AOD cmssh> find lumi run=190704 cmssh> find user=oliver List of supported entities: dataset, block, file, run, lumi, site, user """ lookup(arg) def cms_du(arg): """ cmssh disk utility cmssh command. Examples: cmssh> du # UNIX command cmssh> du T3_US_Cornell """ arg = arg.strip() if pat_site.match(arg): lookup(arg) else: cmd = 'du ' + arg cmd = cmd.strip(), shell=True) def lookup(arg): """ Perform lookup of given query in CMS data-services. """ arg = arg.strip() debug = get_ipython().debug args = arg.split('|') if len(args) == 1: # no filter res = CMSMGR.lookup(arg) else: gen = CMSMGR.lookup(args[0].strip()) for flt in args[1:]: res = apply_filter(flt.strip(), gen) RESMGR.assign(res) list_results(res, debug) def verbose(arg): """ Set/get verbosity level """ arg = arg.strip() ipth = get_ipython() if arg == '': print_info("Verbose level is %s" % ipth.debug) else: if arg == 0 or arg == '0': ipth.debug = False else: ipth.debug = True # CMSSW commands def bootstrap(arch): "Bootstrap new architecture" swdir = os.environ['VO_CMS_SW_DIR'] arch = os.environ['SCRAM_ARCH'] cmd = 'sh -x %s/ setup -path %s -arch %s' % (swdir, swdir, arch) if unsupported_linux(): cmd += ' -unsupported_distribution_hack' sdir = os.path.join(os.environ['CMSSH_ROOT'], 'CMSSW') debug = 0 msg = 'Bootstrap %s ...' % arch # run bootstrap command in since it invokes # wget/curl and it can be spawned into serate process, therefore # subprocess.Popen will not catch it run(cmd, sdir, 'bootstrap.log', msg, debug, shell=True, call=True) cmd = 'source `find %s/%s/external/apt -name | tail -1`; ' \ % (swdir, arch) cmd += 'apt-get install external+fakesystem+1.0; ' cmd += 'apt-get update; ' msg = 'Initialize %s apt repository ...' % arch run(cmd, sdir, msg=msg, debug=debug, shell=True) def get_release_arch(rel): "Return architecture for given CMSSW release" args = {'release': rel} releases = get_data(tc_url('py_getReleaseArchitectures'), args) output = [] for item in releases: rel_arch = item[0] status = item[1] if check_os(rel_arch): output.append((rel_arch, status)) return output def check_release_arch(rel): "Check release/architecture" # check if given release name is installed on user system rel_dir = '%s/cms/cmssw/%s' % (os.environ['SCRAM_ARCH'], rel) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(os.environ['VO_CMS_SW_DIR'], rel_dir)): return 'ok' output = [] for arch, status in get_release_arch(rel): if not status: msg = '%s release is not officially supported under %s' \ % (rel, arch) print_warning(msg) if arch != os.environ['SCRAM_ARCH']: msg = 'Your SCRAM_ARCH=%s, while found arch=%s' \ % (os.environ['SCRAM_ARCH'], arch) print_warning(msg) msg = '\n%s/%s is not installed within cmssh, proceed' \ % (rel, arch) if user_input(msg, default='N'): os.environ['SCRAM_ARCH'] = arch if not os.path.isdir(\ os.path.join(os.environ['VO_CMS_SW_DIR'], arch)): bootstrap(arch) return 'ok' else: msg = '%s/%s rejected by user' % (rel, arch) output.append(msg) if output: return ', '.join(output) osname, osarch = osparameters() if osname == 'osx' and osarch == 'ia32': return 'OSX/ia32 is not supported in CMSSW' return 'no match' def get_apt_init(arch): "Return proper apt for given architecture" apt_dir = os.path.join(\ os.environ['VO_CMS_SW_DIR'], '%s/external/apt' % arch) dirs = os.listdir(apt_dir) dirs.sort() name = 'etc/profile.d/' script = os.path.join(os.path.join(apt_dir, dirs[-1]), name) return script def cms_install(rel): """ cmssh command to install given CMSSW release. Examples: cmssh> install CMSSW_5_2_4 """ rel = rel.strip() pat = pat_release if not pat.match(rel): msg = 'Fail to validate release name "%s"' % rel print_error(msg) msg = 'Please check the you provide correct release name,' msg += ' e.g. CMSSW_X_Y_Z<_patchN>' print msg return # check if we have stand-alone installation if os.environ.get('CMSSH_CMSSW', None): msg = '\nYou are not allowed to install new release, ' msg += 'since cmssh was installed with system CMSSW install area' print msg return # check if given release/architecture is in place status = check_release_arch(rel) if status != 'ok': msg = '\nCheck release architecture status: %s' % status print msg return print "Searching for %s" % rel script = get_apt_init(os.environ['SCRAM_ARCH']) cmd = 'source %s; apt-cache search %s | grep -v -i fwlite' % (script, rel) run(cmd) if rel.lower().find('patch') != -1: print "Installing cms+cmssw-patch+%s ..." % rel cmd = 'source %s; apt-get install cms+cmssw-patch+%s' % (script, rel) else: print "Installing cms+cmssw+%s ..." % rel cmd = 'source %s; apt-get install cms+cmssw+%s' % (script, rel), shell=True) # use subprocess due to apt-get interactive feature if platform() == 'osx': idir = '%s/%s/cms/cmssw/%s' \ % (os.environ['VO_CMS_SW_DIR'], os.environ['SCRAM_ARCH'], rel) fix_so(idir) print "Create user area for %s release ..." % rel cmsrel(rel) def cmsenv(_arg): "cmsenv command" # in CMS cmsenv is an alias to: eval `scramv1 runtime -sh`' msg = 'Within cmssh it is not required to use cmsenv\n' msg += 'please use ' + msg_green('cmsrel') + ' command and ' msg += 'CMS release environment will be set for you' print_info(msg) def cmsrel(rel): """ cmssh release setup command, it setups CMSSW environment and creates user based directory structure. Examples: cmssh> cmsrel # reset CMSSW environment to cmssh one cmssh> cmsrel CMSSW_5_2_4 """ ipython = get_ipython() rel = rel.strip() if not rel or rel in ['reset', 'clear', 'clean']: path = os.environ['CMSSH_ROOT'] for idir in ['external', 'lib', 'root']: pdir = os.path.join(path, 'install/lib/release_%s' % idir) if os.path.islink(pdir): os.remove(pdir) if os.path.isdir(pdir): shutil.rmtree(pdir) os.makedirs(pdir) # Set cmssh prompt prompt = 'cms-sh' ipython.prompt_manager.in_template = '%s|\#> ' % prompt return # check if given release name is installed on user system rel_arch = None for arch in cms_architectures(): rel_dir = '%s/cms/cmssw/%s' % (arch, rel) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(os.environ['VO_CMS_SW_DIR'], rel_dir)): rel_arch = arch break if not rel_arch: msg = 'Release ' + msg_red(rel) msg += ' is not yet installed on your system.\n' msg += 'Use ' + msg_green('releases') msg += ' command to list available releases.\n' msg += 'Use ' + msg_green('install %s' % rel) msg += ' command to install given release.' print msg return # set release architecture os.environ['SCRAM_ARCH'] = rel_arch # setup environment cmssw_dir = os.environ.get('CMSSW_RELEASES', os.getcwd()) if not os.path.isdir(cmssw_dir): os.makedirs(cmssw_dir) root = os.environ['CMSSH_ROOT'] idir = os.environ['CMSSH_INSTALL_DIR'] base = os.path.realpath('%s/CMSSW' % root) path = '%s/%s/cms/cmssw/%s' % (base, rel_arch, rel) os.environ['CMSSW_BASE'] = os.path.join(cmssw_dir, rel) os.environ['CMSSW_RELEASE_BASE'] = path for pkg in ['FWCore', 'DataFormats']: pdir = '%s/%s' % (idir, pkg) if os.path.exists(pdir): shutil.rmtree(pdir) os.mkdir(pdir) touch(os.path.join(pdir, '')) pkgs = ['Framework', 'GuiBrowsers', 'Integration', 'MessageLogger', 'MessageService', 'Modules', 'ParameterSet', 'PythonUtilities', 'Services', 'Utilities'] for pkg in pkgs: link = '%s/src/FWCore/%s/python' % (path, pkg) dst = '%s/FWCore/%s' % (idir, pkg) os.symlink(link, dst) link = '%s/src/DataFormats/FWLite/python' % path dst = '%s/DataFormats/FWLite' % idir os.symlink(link, dst) for lib in ['external', 'lib']: link = '%s/%s/%s' % (path, lib, rel_arch) dst = '%s/install/lib/release_%s' % (root, lib) if os.path.islink(dst): os.remove(dst) else: shutil.rmtree(dst) os.symlink(link, dst) # switch to given release os.environ['CMSSW_VERSION'] = rel os.environ['CMSSW_WORKAREA'] = os.path.join(cmssw_dir, rel) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(cmssw_dir, rel + '/src')): os.chdir(os.path.join(cmssw_dir, rel + '/src')) else: os.chdir(cmssw_dir) cmd = "scramv1 project CMSSW %s" % rel run(cmd) os.chdir(os.path.join(rel, 'src')) # get ROOT from run-time environment cmd = 'eval `scramv1 runtime -sh`; env | grep ^ROOTSYS=' stdout, stderr = execmd(cmd) if stderr: print "While executing cmd=%s" % cmd print_warning(stderr) rootsys = stdout.replace('\n', '').replace('ROOTSYS=', '') dst = '%s/install/lib/release_root' % root if os.path.exists(dst): if os.path.islink(dst): os.remove(dst) else: shutil.rmtree(dst) os.symlink(rootsys, dst) # set edm utils for given release ipython = get_ipython() rdir = '%s/bin/%s' % (rel_dir, rel_arch) reldir = os.path.join(os.environ['VO_CMS_SW_DIR'], rdir) for name in os.listdir(reldir): fname = os.path.join(reldir, name) if name.find('edm') == 0 and os.path.isfile(fname): # we use Magic(cmd).execute we don't need # to add scramv1 command in front of edm one, since # execute method will run in current shell environment # old command for reference: # cmd = "eval `scramv1 runtime -sh`; %s" % fname cmd = fname ipython.register_magic_function(Magic(cmd).execute, 'line', name) # Set cmssh prompt ipython.prompt_manager.in_template = '%s|\#> ' % rel # final message print "%s is ready, cwd: %s" % (rel, os.getcwd()) def cmsexe(cmd): """ Execute given command within CMSSW environment """ vdir = os.environ.get('VO_CMS_SW_DIR', None) arch = os.environ.get('SCRAM_ARCH', None) if not vdir or not arch: msg = 'Unable to identify CMSSW environment, please run first: ' msg = msg_red(msg) msg += msg_blue('cmsrel <rel>\n') releases = os.listdir(os.environ['CMSSW_RELEASES']) msg += '\nInstalled releases: ' + msg_green(', '.join(releases)) print msg return cmd = "eval `scramv1 runtime -sh`; %s" % cmd run(cmd, shell=True, call=True) def cmscrab(arg): """ Execute CRAB command, help is available at """ msg = \ 'CRAB FAQ:' print_info(msg) # check if release version and work area are set (should be set at cmsrel) rel = os.environ.get('CMSSW_VERSION', None) work_area = os.environ.get('CMSSW_WORKAREA', None) if not rel or not work_area: msg = 'In order to run crab command you must ' msg += 'run ' + msg_blue('cmsrel') + ' command' print_error(msg) return # check existence of crab.cfg crab_dir = os.path.join(work_area, 'crab') crab_cfg = os.path.join(crab_dir, 'crab.cfg') if not os.path.isdir(crab_dir): os.makedirs(crab_dir) os.chdir(crab_dir) if not os.path.isfile(crab_cfg): msg = 'No crab.cfg file found in %s' % crab_dir print_warning(msg) msg = 'Would you like to create one' if user_input(msg, default='N'): with open('crab.cfg', 'w') as config: config.write(crabconfig()) msg = 'Your crab.cfg has been created, please edit it ' msg += 'appropriately and re-run crab command' print_info(msg) print "cwd:", os.getcwd() return if os.uname()[0] == 'Darwin' and arg == '-submit': crab_submit_remotely(rel, work_area) return cmd = 'source $CRAB_ROOT/; crab %s' % arg cmsexe(cmd) def cmsrun(arg): """ cmssh command to execute CMSSW cmsRun command. Requires cmsrel to setup CMSSW environment. """ cmd = 'cmsRun %s' % arg cmsexe(cmd) def cms_pager(arg=None): """ cmssh command to show or set internal pager Examples: cmssh> pager # shows current setting cmssh> pager None # set pager to nill """ arg = arg.strip() if arg: if arg == '0' or arg == 'None' or arg == 'False': if os.environ.has_key('CMSSH_PAGER'): del os.environ['CMSSH_PAGER'] else: os.environ['CMSSH_PAGER'] = arg print "Set CMSSH pager to %s" % arg else: val = os.environ.get('CMSSH_PAGER', None) msg = "cmssh pager is set to: %s" % val print msg def dbs_instance(arg=None): """ cmssh command to show or set DBS instance Examples: cmssh> dbs_instance cmssh> dbs_instance cms_dbs_prod_global """ arg = arg.strip() if arg: if validate_dbs_instance(arg): os.environ['DBS_INSTANCE'] = arg print "Switch to %s DBS instance" % arg else: print "Invalid DBS instance" else: msg = "DBS instance is set to: %s" \ % os.environ.get('DBS_INSTANCE', 'global') print msg print '\nAvailable DBS instances:' for inst in dbs_instances(): print inst def cms_help_msg(): """cmsHelp message""" msg = 'Available cmssh commands:\n' msg += msg_green('find ') \ + ' search CMS meta-data (query DBS/Phedex/SiteDB)\n' msg += msg_green('dbs_instance') \ + ' show/set DBS instance, default is DBS global instance\n' msg += msg_green('mkdir/rmdir ') + ' mkdir/rmdir command, ' \ + 'e.g. mkdir /path/foo or rmdir T3_US_Cornell:/store/user/foo\n' msg += msg_green('ls ') \ + ' list file/LFN, e.g. ls local.file or ls /store/user/file.root\n' msg += msg_green('rm ') + ' remove file/LFN, ' \ + 'e.g. rm local.file or rm T3_US_Cornell:/store/user/file.root\n' msg += msg_green('cp ') \ + ' copy file/LFN, e.g. cp local.file or cp /store/user/file.root .\n' msg += msg_green('info ') \ + ' provides detailed info about given CMS entity, ' \ + 'e.g. info run=160915\n' msg += msg_green('das ') + ' query DAS service\n' msg += msg_green('das_json ') \ + ' query DAS and return data in JSON format\n' msg += msg_green('jobs ') \ + ' status of job queue or CMS jobs\n' msg += msg_green('read ') \ + ' read URL/local file content\n' msg += msg_green('root ') + ' invoke ROOT\n' msg += msg_green('du ') \ + ' display disk usage for given site, e.g. du T3_US_Cornell\n' msg += '\nAvailable CMSSW commands (once you install any CMSSW release):\n' msg += msg_green('releases ') \ + ' list available CMSSW releases, accepts <list|all> args\n' msg += msg_green('install ') \ + ' install CMSSW release, e.g. install CMSSW_5_0_0\n' msg += msg_green('cmsrel ') \ + ' switch to given CMSSW release and setup its environment\n' msg += msg_green('arch ') \ + ' show or switch to given CMSSW architecture, accept <list|all> args\n' msg += msg_green('scram ') + ' CMSSW scram command\n' msg += msg_green('cmsRun ') \ + ' cmsRun command for release in question\n' msg += '\nAvailable GRID commands: <cmd> either grid or voms\n' msg += msg_green('vomsinit ') \ + ' setup your proxy (aka voms-proxy-init)\n' msg += msg_green('vomsinfo ') \ + ' show your proxy info (aka voms-proxy-info)\n' msg += '\nQuery results are accessible via %s function, e.g.\n' \ % msg_blue('results()') msg += ' find dataset=/*Zee*\n' msg += ' for r in results(): print r, type(r)\n' msg += '\nList cmssh commands : ' + msg_blue('commands') msg += '\ncmssh command help : ' + msg_blue('cmshelp <command>') msg += '\nInstall python software: ' + \ msg_blue('pip <search|(un)install> <package>') return msg def cms_help(arg=None): """ cmshelp command Examples: cmssh> cmshelp cmssh> cmshelp commands cmssh> cmshelp ls """ if arg: if arg.strip() == 'commands': cms_commands() return ipython = get_ipython() if arg[0] == '(' and arg[-1] == ')': arg = arg[1:-1] for case in [arg, 'cms_'+arg, 'cms'+arg]: func = ipython.find_magic(case) if func: doc = func.func_doc break else: doc = 'Documentation is not available' else: doc = cms_help_msg() print doc def cms_rm(arg): """ CMS rm command works with local files/dirs and CMS storate elements. Examples: cmssh> rm local_file cmssh> rm -rf local_dir cmssh> rm T3_US_Cornell:/xrootdfs/cms/store/user/user_name/file.root """ arg = arg.strip() try: debug = get_ipython().debug except: debug = 0 if not arg: print_error("Usage: rm <options> source_file") dst = arg.split()[-1] if os.path.exists(dst) or len(glob.glob(dst)): cmd = "rm %s" % arg run(cmd) else: if pat_lfn.match(arg.split(':')[-1]): status = rm_lfn(arg, verbose=debug) print_status(status) else: if not os.path.exists(dst): print_error('File %s does not exists' % dst) else: raise Exception('Not implemented yet') def cms_rmdir(arg): """ cmssh rmdir command removes directory from local file system or CMS storage element. Examples: cmssh> rmdir foo cmssh> rmdir T3_US_Cornell:/store/user/user_name/foo """ arg = arg.strip() try: debug = get_ipython().debug except: debug = 0 if not arg: print_error("Usage: rmdir <options> dir") if os.path.exists(arg): run("rmdir %s" % arg) else: try: status = rmdir(arg, verbose=debug) print_status(status) except: traceback.print_exc() def cms_mkdir(arg): """ cmssh mkdir command creates directory on local filesystem or remote CMS storage element. Examples: cmssh> mkdir foo cmssh> mkdir T3_US_Cornell:/store/user/user_name/foo """ arg = arg.strip() try: debug = get_ipython().debug except: debug = 0 if not arg: print_error("Usage: mkdir <options> dir") if arg.find(':') == -1: # not a SE:dir pattern run("mkdir %s" % arg) else: try: status = mkdir(arg, verbose=debug) print_status(status) except: traceback.print_exc() def cms_ls(arg): """ cmssh ls command lists local files/dirs/CMS storate elements or CMS entities (se, site, dataset, block, run, release, file). Examples: cmssh> ls # UNIX command cmssh> ls -l local_file cmssh> ls T3_US_Cornell:/store/user/valya cmssh> ls run=160915 """ arg = arg.strip() res = [] try: debug = get_ipython().debug except: debug = 0 orig_arg = arg if orig_arg.find('|') != -1: arg, flt = orig_arg.split('|', 1) arg = arg.strip() else: flt = None startswith = None entities = \ ['se', 'site', 'lfn', 'dataset', 'block', 'run', 'release', 'file'] for item in entities: if arg.startswith(item + '='): startswith = item if os.path.isfile(orig_arg) or os.path.isdir(orig_arg): cmd = 'ls ' + orig_arg run(cmd, shell=True) elif pat_se.match(arg): arg = arg.replace('site=', '') res = list_se(arg, debug) elif pat_site.match(arg): arg = arg.replace('site=', '') res = site_info(arg, debug) elif pat_lfn.match(arg): arg = arg.replace('file=', '') arg = arg.replace('lfn=', '') res = file_info(arg, debug) elif pat_block.match(arg): arg = arg.replace('block=', '') res = block_info(arg, debug) elif pat_dataset.match(arg): arg = arg.replace('dataset=', '') try: res = dataset_info(arg, debug) except IndexError: msg = "Given pattern '%s' does not exist on local filesystem or in DBS" % arg print_error(msg) elif pat_run.match(arg): arg = arg.replace('run=', '') res = run_info(arg, debug) elif pat_release.match(arg): arg = arg.replace('release=', '') res = release_info(arg, debug) elif startswith: msg = 'No pattern is allowed for %s look-up' % startswith print_error(msg) else: cmd = 'ls ' + orig_arg run(cmd, shell=True) if res: RESMGR.assign(res) list_results(res, debug=True, flt=flt) def cms_jobs(arg=None): """ cmssh jobs command lists local job queue or provides information about jobs at give site or for given user. It accepts the following list of options: - list, which lists local transfer jobs - site, which lists jobs at given site - dashboard, which lists jobs of current user - user, which lists jobs of given user Examples: cmssh> jobs cmssh> jobs list cmssh> jobs site=T2_US_UCSD cmssh> jobs dashboard cmssh> jobs user=my_cms_user_name """ res = None try: debug = get_ipython().debug except: debug = 0 orig_arg = arg if orig_arg.find('|') != -1: arg, flt = orig_arg.split('|', 1) arg = arg.strip() else: flt = None if arg: arg = arg.strip() if not arg or arg == 'list': print_info('Local data transfer') dqueue(arg) elif arg == 'dashboard': userdn = os.environ.get('USER_DN', None) if userdn: user = get_dashboardname(userdn) print_info('Dashboard information, user=%s' % user) res = jobsummary({'user': user}) elif pat_site.match(arg): site = arg.replace('site=', '') print_info('Dashboard information, site=%s' % site) res = jobsummary({'site': site}) elif pat_user.match(arg): user = arg.replace('user=', '') print_info('Dashboard information, user=%s' % user) res = jobsummary({'user': user}) if res: RESMGR.assign(res) list_results(res, debug=True, flt=flt) def cms_config(arg): """ Return configuration object for given dataset Examples: cmssh> config dataset=/SUSY_LM9_sftsht_8TeV-pythia6/Summer12-START50_V13-v1/GEN-SIM """ if arg: arg = arg.strip() if pat_dataset.match(arg): reqmgr(arg.replace('dataset=', '')) def cms_lumi(arg): """ Return lumi info for a given dataset/file/block/lfn/run Examples: cmssh> lumi run=190704 cmssh> lumi dataset=/Photon/Run2012A-29Jun2012-v1/AOD cmssh> lumi block=/Photon/Run2012A-29Jun2012-v1/AOD#3e33ce8e-c44d-11e1-9a26-003048f0e1c6find cmssh> lumi file=/store/data/Run2012A/Photon/AOD/29Jun2012-v1/0000/001B241C-ADC3-E111-BD1D-001E673971CA.root cmssh> lumi run=190704 cmssh> lumi {190704:[1,2,3,4], 201706:[1,2,3,67]} """ try: debug = get_ipython().debug except: debug = 0 arg = arg.replace('dataset=', '').replace('file=', '').replace('block=', '') arg = arg.replace('lfn=', '').replace('run=', '') res = run_lumi_info(arg, debug) def cms_json(arg): "Print or set location of CMS JSON file" if arg: if access2file(arg): os.environ['CMS_JSON'] = arg print_info('CMS_JSON: %s' % arg) else: fname = os.environ.get('CMS_JSON') print_info('CMS JSON: %s' % fname) try: debug = get_ipython().debug except: debug = 0 if debug and access2file(fname): with open(fname, 'r') as cms_json: print def integration_tests(_arg): "Run series of integration tests for cmssh" for fname in ['file1.root', 'file2.root']: if os.path.isfile(fname): os.remove(fname) lfn = \ '/store/data/Run2012A/ElectronHad/AOD/PromptReco-v1/000/193/686/58802521-EF9A-E111-9EE7-BCAEC518FF50.root' lfn2 = \ '/store/data/Run2012A/ElectronHad/AOD/PromptReco-v1/000/190/450/84087548-ED80-E111-A737-0025901D5D80.root' dataset = '/PhotonHad/Run2011A-PromptReco-v1/RECO' dataset2 = '/SUSY_LM9_sftsht_8TeV-pythia6/Summer12-START50_V13-v1/GEN-SIM' run = 160915 sename = 'T3_US_Cornell:/store/user/valya' cmd_list = ['pager 0', 'debug_http 0'] cmd_list += ['ls', 'mkdir ttt', 'ls -l', 'rmdir ttt', 'ls'] cmd_list += ['ls dataset=%s' % dataset, 'ls run=%s' % run, 'ls file=%s' % lfn] cmd_list += ['ls %s' % dataset, 'info %s' % dataset] cmd_list += ['find dataset=/ZMM*', 'das dataset=/ZMM*', 'find dataset file=%s' % lfn] cmd_list += ['find lumi dataset=%s' % dataset, 'find lumi {"190704":[1,2,3]}', 'find lumi {190704:[1,2,3]}'] cmd_list += ['find config dataset=%s' % dataset2] cmd_list += ['du T3_US_Cornell', 'ls T3_US_Cornell'] cmd_list += ['ls %s' % sename, 'mkdir %s/foo' % sename, 'ls %s' % sename, 'rmdir %s/foo' % sename, 'ls %s' % sename, ] cmd_list += ['cp %s file.root' % lfn, 'ls', 'cp file.root %s' % sename, 'ls %s' % sename, 'rm %s/file.root' % sename, 'ls %s' % sename, 'rm file.root', 'cp %s file1.root &' % lfn, 'cp %s file2.root &' % lfn2, 'ls'] cmd_list += ['find user=oliver', 'jobs list', 'jobs user=AikenOliver'] cmd_list += ['releases list', 'arch list', 'jobs', 'ls'] cmd_list += ['read'] mgr = get_ipython() for item in cmd_list: print_info("Execute %s" % item) split = item.split(' ', 1) if len(split) == 1: cmd = item args = '' else: cmd = split[0] args = split[-1] mgr.run_line_magic(cmd, args) def cms_info(arg): """ cmssh info command provides information for given meta-data entity, e.g. dataset, block, file, run. Examples: cmssh> info dataset=/a/b/c cmssh> info /a/b/c cmssh> info run=160915 cmssh> info local_file.root Please note: to enable access to RunSummary service please ensure that your usercert.pem is mapped at """ if not arg: return try: debug = get_ipython().debug except: debug = 0 fname = arg.replace('file=', '') if arg and os.path.isfile(fname): mtype = mimetypes.guess_type(arg) if mtype[0]: print "Mime type:", mtype[0] ipython = get_ipython() magic = ipython.find_line_magic('edmFileUtil') if magic: if arg[0] == '/': cmd = '-e -f file:///%s' % fname else: cmd = '-e -f %s' % fname ipython.run_line_magic('edmFileUtil', cmd) if debug: if ipython.find_line_magic('edmDumpEventContent'): ipython.run_line_magic('edmDumpEventContent', fname) else: cms_ls(arg) def cms_cp(arg): """ cmssh cp command copies local files/dirs to/from local files/dirs or CMS storate elements. Examples: cmssh> cp file1 file2 cmssh> cp file.root T3_US_Cornell:/store/user/name cmssh> cp /store/mc/file.root T3_US_Cornell:/store/user/name cmssh> cp T3_US_Cornell:/store/user/name/file.root T3_US_Omaha """ check_voms_proxy() background = False orig_arg = arg arg = arg.strip() try: last_arg = arg.split(' ')[-1].strip() if last_arg == '&': background = True arg = arg.replace('&', '').strip() src, dst = arg.rsplit(' ', 1) if dst.find('&') != -1: background = True dst = dst.replace('&', '').strip() if dst == '.': dst = os.getcwd() # check if src still has options and user asked for -f options = src.split(' ') if len(options) > 1 and options[0] == '-f': overwrite = True else: overwrite = False except: traceback.print_exc() return try: debug = get_ipython().debug except: debug = 0 if not arg: print_error("Usage: cp <options> source_file target_{file,directory}") pat = pat_se orig = src.split(' ')[-1] if os.path.exists(orig) and not pat.match(dst): if background: cmd = 'cp %s' % orig_arg, shell=True) else: run("cp %s %s" % (src, dst)) else: try: status = copy_lfn(orig, dst, debug, background, overwrite) print_status(status) except: traceback.print_exc() def cms_architectures(arch_type=None): "Return list of CMSSW architectures (aka SCRAM_ARCH)" archs = [a for a in tc_architectures(arch_type)] return archs def cms_arch(arg=None): """ Show or set CMSSW architecture. Optional parameters either <all> or <list> Examples: cmssh> arch # show current and installed architecture(s) cmssh> arch all # show all known CMSSW architectures cmssh> arch list # show all CMSSW architectures for given platform """ if not arg: print "Current architecture: %s" % os.environ['SCRAM_ARCH'] archs = [] for name in os.listdir(os.environ['VO_CMS_SW_DIR']): if check_os(name) and name.find('.') == -1: archs.append(name) if archs: print '\nInstalled architectures:' for item in archs: print item elif arg == 'all' or arg == 'list': if arg == 'all': print 'CMSSW architectures:' else: print 'CMSSW architectures for %s:' \ % os.uname()[0].replace('Darwin', 'OSX') for name in cms_architectures('all'): if arg == 'all': print name else: if check_os(name): print name else: cms_archs = cms_architectures('all') if arg not in cms_archs: msg = 'Wrong architecture, please choose from the following list\n' msg += ', '.join(cms_archs) raise Exception(msg) print "Switch to SCRAM_ARCH=%s" % arg os.environ['SCRAM_ARCH'] = arg def cms_apt(arg=''): "Execute apt commands" if '-cache' in arg or '-get' in arg: cmd = 'apt%s' % arg else: msg = 'Not supported apt command' raise Exception(msg) run(cmd) def cms_das(query): """ cmssh command which queries DAS data-service with provided query. Examples: cmssh> das dataset=/ZMM* """ host = '' idx = 0 limit = 0 debug = 0 das_client(host, query, idx, limit, debug, 'plain') def cms_das_json(query): """ cmssh command which queries DAS data-service with provided query and returns results in JSON data format Examples: cmssh> das_json dataset=/ZMM* """ host = '' idx = 0 limit = 0 debug = 0 res = das_client(host, query, idx, limit, debug, 'json') RESMGR.assign([res]) pprint.pprint(res) def cms_vomsinit(_arg=None): """ cmssh command which executes voms-proxy-init on behalf of the user Examples: cmssh> vomsinit By default it applies the following options -rfc -voms cms:/cms -key <userkey.pem> -cert <usercert.pem> """ cert = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], '.globus/usercert.pem') with working_pem(PEMMGR.pem) as key: run("voms-proxy-destroy") cmd = "voms-proxy-init -rfc -voms cms:/cms -key %s -cert %s" % (key, cert) run(cmd) userdn = os.environ.get('USER_DN', '') if not userdn: cmd = "voms-proxy-info -identity" stdout, stderr = execmd(cmd) os.environ['USER_DN'] = stdout.replace('\n', '') def github_issues(arg=None): """ Retrieve information about cmssh tickets, e.g. Examples: cmssh> tickets # list all cmssh tickets cmssh> ticket 14 # get details for given ticket id cmssh> ticket new # post new ticket from cmssh # or post it at """ if arg == 'new': msg = 'You can post new ticket via web interface at\n' msg += '\n' msg += 'otherwise it will be posted as anonymous gist ticket' print_info(msg) if not user_input('Proceed', default='N'): return email = raw_input('Your Email : ') if not email: msg = "You did your email address" print_error(msg) return desc = '' msg = 'Type your problem, attach traceback, etc. Once done print ' msg += msg_blue('EOF') + ' and hit ' + msg_blue('Enter') + '\n' print msg while True: try: uinput = raw_input() if uinput.strip() == 'EOF': break desc += uinput + '\n' except KeyboardInterrupt: break if not desc: msg = "You did not provide bug description" print_error(msg) return if not user_input('Send this ticket', default='N'): print_info('Aborting your action') return key = '<KEY>' % time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(time.time())) files = {key: {'content': desc}} res = post_ticket(key, files) if res.has_key('html_url'): print_status('New gist ticket %s' % res['html_url']) title = 'cmssh gist %s' % res['html_url'] if isinstance(res, dict): ticket = pprint.pformat(res) else: ticket = res to_user = base64.decodestring('dmt1em5ldEBnbWFpbC5jb20=\n') send_email(to_user, email, title, ticket) else: res = get_tickets(arg) RESMGR.assign(res) pprint.pprint(res) def demo(_arg=None): "Show cmssh demo file" root = os.environ.get('CMSSH_ROOT') path = os.path.join(root, 'cmssh/DEMO') with open(path, 'r') as demo_file: print def results(): """Return results from recent query""" return RESMGR def cms_commands(_arg=None): """ cmssh command which lists all registered cmssh commands in current shell. Examples: cmssh> cmshelp commands """ mdict = get_ipython().magics_manager.lsmagic() cmds = [k for k, v in mdict['line'].items() if v.func_name.find('cms_')!=-1] cmds.sort() for key in cmds: print key
import torch class ACT_EMD: """ EMD stands for Earth Mover's Distance - Mallows distance or 1st Wasserstein distance between the two distributions, is a measure of the distance between two probability distributions. ACT or Approximate Constrained Transfers is a linear compelixty approximation of the ICT or Iterative Constrained Transfers, which is a symmetric lower bound approximation of the Eath Mover's Distance Note that as the number of iterations of ACT approaches infinity, ACT becomes the same as ICT. For more, read - """ def __init__(self, histograms, use_gpu=True, cost_matrix=None): self.use_gpu = use_gpu # these are the histograms to which the distance must be calculated self.histograms = histograms # this is the cost matrix showing the cost of # transporting one unit of 'dirt' from coordinate i to j self.cost_matrix = cost_matrix def act(self): # rename? pass
# Copyright 2015 Brocade Communications System, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import collections from eventlet import greenthread RouteRule = collections.namedtuple('RouteRule', 'dest_cidr, next_hop') def retry(fn, args=None, kwargs=None, exceptions=None, limit=1, delay=0): args = args or [] kwargs = kwargs or {} while limit > 0: try: return fn(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as e: if not exceptions or not isinstance(e, exceptions): raise if delay: greenthread.sleep(delay) limit -= 1 raise
import sys import time import serial import as stl def list_modi_serialports(): info_list = [] def __is_modi_port(port): return (port.vid == 0x2FDE and == 0x0003) modi_ports = [port for port in stl.comports() if __is_modi_port(port)] for modi_port in modi_ports: info_list.append(modi_port.device) if sys.platform.startswith("win"): from modi2_firmware_updater.util.modi_winusb.modi_winusb import list_modi_winusb_paths path_list = list_modi_winusb_paths() for index, value in enumerate(path_list): info_list.append(value) return info_list class ModiSerialPort(): SERIAL_MODE_COMPORT = 1 SERIAL_MODI_WINUSB = 2 def __init__(self, port = None, baudrate = 921600, timeout = 0.2, write_timeout = None): self.type = self.SERIAL_MODE_COMPORT self._port = port self._baudrate = baudrate self._timeout = timeout self._write_timeout = write_timeout self.serial_port = None self._is_open = False if self._port is not None: def open(self, port): self._port = port if sys.platform.startswith("win"): from modi2_firmware_updater.util.modi_winusb.modi_winusb import ModiWinUsbComPort, list_modi_winusb_paths if port in list_modi_winusb_paths(): self.type = self.SERIAL_MODI_WINUSB winusb = ModiWinUsbComPort(path = self._port, baudrate=self._baudrate, timeout=self._timeout) self.serial_port = winusb else: ser = serial.Serial(port = self._port, baudrate=self._baudrate, timeout=self._timeout, write_timeout=self._write_timeout, exclusive=True) self.serial_port = ser else: ser = serial.Serial(port = self._port, baudrate=self._baudrate, timeout=self._timeout, write_timeout=self._write_timeout, exclusive=True) self.serial_port = ser self.is_open = True def close(self): if self.is_open: self.serial_port.close() def write(self, data): if not self.is_open: raise Exception("serialport is not opened") if type(data) is str: data = data.encode("utf8") self.serial_port.write(data) def read(self, size=1): if not self.is_open: raise Exception("serialport is not opened") if size == None and self.type == self.SERIAL_MODE_COMPORT: size = 1 return def read_until(self, expected=b"\x0A", size=None): if not self.is_open: raise Exception("serialport is not opened") lenterm = len(expected) line = bytearray() modi_timeout = self.Timeout(self._timeout) while True: c = if c: line += c if line[-lenterm:] == expected: break if size is not None and len(line) >= size: break else: break if modi_timeout.expired(): break return bytes(line) def read_all(self): if not self.is_open: raise Exception("serialport is not opened") return self.serial_port.read_all() def flush(self): if not self.is_open: raise Exception("serialport is not opened") self.serial_port.flush() def flushInput(self): if not self.is_open: raise Exception("serialport is not opened") self.serial_port.flushInput() def flushOutput(self): if not self.is_open: raise Exception("serialport is not opened") self.serial_port.flushOutput() def setDTR(self, state): if not self.is_open: raise Exception("serialport is not opened") self.serial_port.setDTR(state) def setRTS(self, state): if not self.is_open: raise Exception("serialport is not opened") self.serial_port.setRTS(state) def inWaiting(self): if not self.is_open: raise Exception("serialport is not opened") waiting = None if self.type == self.SERIAL_MODE_COMPORT: waiting = self.serial_port.inWaiting() return waiting @property def port(self): return self._port @port.setter def port(self, value): self._port = value self.serial_port.port = value @property def baudrate(self): return self._baudrate @baudrate.setter def baudrate(self, value): self._baudrate = value self.serial_port.baudrate = value @property def timeout(self): return self._timeout @timeout.setter def timeout(self, value): self._timeout = value self.serial_port.timeout = value @property def write_timeout(self): return self._write_timeout @write_timeout.setter def write_timeout(self, value): self._write_timeout = value self.serial_port.write_timeout = value @property def dtr(self): if self.type == self.SERIAL_MODE_COMPORT: return self.serial_port.dtr else: return False class Timeout(object): """\ Abstraction for timeout operations. Using time.monotonic() if available or time.time() in all other cases. The class can also be initialized with 0 or None, in order to support non-blocking and fully blocking I/O operations. The attributes is_non_blocking and is_infinite are set accordingly. """ if hasattr(time, 'monotonic'): # Timeout implementation with time.monotonic(). This function is only # supported by Python 3.3 and above. It returns a time in seconds # (float) just as time.time(), but is not affected by system clock # adjustments. TIME = time.monotonic else: # Timeout implementation with time.time(). This is compatible with all # Python versions but has issues if the clock is adjusted while the # timeout is running. TIME = time.time def __init__(self, duration): """Initialize a timeout with given duration""" self.is_infinite = (duration is None) self.is_non_blocking = (duration == 0) self.duration = duration if duration is not None: self.target_time = self.TIME() + duration else: self.target_time = None def expired(self): """Return a boolean, telling if the timeout has expired""" return self.target_time is not None and self.time_left() <= 0 def time_left(self): """Return how many seconds are left until the timeout expires""" if self.is_non_blocking: return 0 elif self.is_infinite: return None else: delta = self.target_time - self.TIME() if delta > self.duration: # clock jumped, recalculate self.target_time = self.TIME() + self.duration return self.duration else: return max(0, delta) def restart(self, duration): """\ Restart a timeout, only supported if a timeout was already set up before. """ self.duration = duration self.target_time = self.TIME() + duration # main if __name__ == "__main__": stop = False def handle_received(serialport): global stop while not stop: init = time.time() recv = serialport.read_until(b"}") dt = time.time() - init if recv == None: print("disconnected") stop = True break print(f"dt: {int(dt * 1000.0)}ms - {recv}") time.sleep(0.001) serialport.close() import threading info_list = list_modi_serialports() if not info_list: raise Exception("No MODI+ is connected") serialport = ModiSerialPort(info_list[0]) threading.Thread(target=handle_received, daemon=True, args=(serialport, )).start() print("To exit the program, enter 'exit'.") while not stop: input_data = input() if input_data == "exit": stop = True break serialport.close()
from matplotlib.backends.backend_qt5agg import FigureCanvasQTAgg from matplotlib.figure import Figure from gui.utils import MessageBox import numpy as np class MplCanvas(FigureCanvasQTAgg): """ A canvas for matplotlib plots. Contains all plot functionality for Plot Mode """ def __init__(self, components, plotting_preferences): self.fig = Figure(dpi=100) self.empty = True self.components = components self.isenthalps = None self.isentropes = None self.isotherms = None self.isobars = None super(MplCanvas, self).__init__(figure=self.fig) self.plotting_preferences = plotting_preferences def toggle_isenthalps(self, is_checked): """ Hides / shows isenthalp lines in the plot if a plot exists :param is_checked: Status of isenthalp button (bool) """ if not self.empty and self.isenthalps: if is_checked: for line in self.isenthalps: line.set_linestyle("solid") else: for line in self.isenthalps: line.set_linestyle("None") self.draw() def toggle_isentropes(self, is_checked): """ Hides / shows isentrope lines in the plot if a plot exists :param is_checked: Status of isentrope button (bool) """ if not self.empty and self.isentropes: if is_checked: for line in self.isentropes: line.set_linestyle("solid") else: for line in self.isentropes: line.set_linestyle("None") self.draw() else: return def toggle_isotherms(self, is_checked): """ Hides / shows isotherm lines in the plot if a plot exists :param is_checked: Status of isotherm button (bool) """ if not self.empty and self.isotherms: if is_checked: for line in self.isotherms: line.set_linestyle("solid") else: for line in self.isotherms: line.set_linestyle("None") self.draw() else: return def toggle_isobars(self, is_checked): """ Hides / shows isobar lines in the plot if a plot exists :param is_checked: Status of isobar button (bool) """ if not self.empty and self.isobars: if is_checked: for line in self.isobars: line.set_linestyle("solid") else: for line in self.isobars: line.set_linestyle("None") self.draw() else: return def plot_envelope(self, tp, prim_vars, fractions): """ Plots a phase envelope :param tp: Thermopack instance :param prim_vars: Primary variables for the plot (e.g. PT, PH, ..) :param fractions: List of molar fractions for the components """ tpv_settings = self.plotting_preferences["Phase envelope"]["TPV"] isopleth_settings = self.plotting_preferences["Phase envelope"]["Isopleths"] critical_settings = self.plotting_preferences["Phase envelope"]["Critical"] plot_settings = self.plotting_preferences["Phase envelope"]["Plotting"] p_initial = tpv_settings["Initial pressure"] t_min = tpv_settings["Minimum temperature"] p_max = tpv_settings["Maximum pressure"] step_size = tpv_settings["Step size"] # Calculate T, P, V T, P, V = tp.get_envelope_twophase(initial_pressure=p_initial, z=fractions, maximum_pressure=p_max, minimum_temperature=t_min, step_size=step_size, calc_v=True) H = np.array([tp.enthalpy_tv(T[i], V[i], fractions) for i in range(len(T))]) S = np.array([tp.entropy_tv(T[i], V[i], fractions) for i in range(len(T))]) global H_list global T_list global S_list global P_list n_isopleths = isopleth_settings["Number of isopleths"] H_list = np.linspace(np.min(H), np.max(H), n_isopleths) S_list = np.linspace(np.min(S), np.max(S), n_isopleths) T_list = np.linspace(np.min(T) * 0.60, np.max(T) * 1.40, n_isopleths) P_list = np.linspace(np.min(P) * 0.60, np.max(P) * 1.40, n_isopleths) temp = critical_settings["Temperature"] v = critical_settings["Volume"] tol = critical_settings["Error tolerance"] # Calculate critical variables try: T_c, V_c, P_c = tp.critical(n=fractions, temp=temp, v=v, tol=tol) H_c = tp.enthalpy_tv(T_c, V_c, fractions) S_c = tp.entropy_tv(T_c, V_c, fractions) except Exception as e: msg = MessageBox("Error", str(e)) msg.exec_() T_c, V_c, P_c, H_c, S_c = None, None, None, None, None # Set global variables, so that they are accessible in all phase envelope plot functions global isopleth_1_color global isopleth_2_color global P_min global P_max global T_min global T_max global nmax isopleth_1_color = plot_settings["Colors"][2] isopleth_2_color = plot_settings["Colors"][3] P_min = isopleth_settings["Minimum pressure"] P_max = isopleth_settings["Maximum pressure"] T_min = isopleth_settings["Minimum temperature"] T_max = isopleth_settings["Maximum temperature"] nmax = isopleth_settings["N max"] # Plot depending on which primary variables are chosen if prim_vars == "PT": x, y, crit_x, crit_y = self.plot_envelope_PT(tp, T, P, T_c, P_c, fractions) elif prim_vars == "PH": x, y, crit_x, crit_y = self.plot_envelope_PH(tp, P, H, P_c, H_c, fractions) elif prim_vars == "PS": x, y, crit_x, crit_y = self.plot_envelope_PS(tp, P, S, P_c, S_c, fractions) elif prim_vars == "TH": x, y, crit_x, crit_y = self.plot_envelope_TH(tp, T, H, T_c, H_c, fractions) elif prim_vars == "TS": x, y, crit_x, crit_y = self.plot_envelope_TS(tp, T, S, T_c, S_c, fractions) else: return # Plotting line_color = plot_settings["Colors"][0] point_color = plot_settings["Colors"][1] grid_on = plot_settings["Grid on"] xlabel = plot_settings["x label"] ylabel = plot_settings["y label"] title = plot_settings["Title"] self.axes.plot(x, y, color=line_color, label="Phase envelope") self.axes.scatter([crit_x], [crit_y], color=point_color, label="Critical point") self.axes.set_title(title) self.axes.grid(grid_on) self.axes.set_xlabel(xlabel) self.axes.set_ylabel(ylabel) # Sort entries in the legend legend = True if legend: if n_isopleths > 0: handles, labels = self.axes.get_legend_handles_labels() self.axes.legend([handles[3], handles[2], handles[0], handles[1]], [labels[3], labels[2], labels[0], labels[1]], loc="best") else: self.axes.legend() self.draw() def plot_envelope_PT(self, tp, T, P, T_c, P_c, fractions): """ Return plot data for a PT phase envelope :param tp: Thermopack instance :param T: Temperature values :param P: Pressure values :param T_c: Critical temperature :param P_c: Critical pressure :param fractions: List of molar fractions :return: x: x values for plot, y: y values for plot, crit_x: x value for critical point, crit_y: y value for critical point, """ # Display correct buttons self.parent().parent().parent().isopleth_btn_stack.setCurrentIndex(0) self.parent().parent().parent().PT_H_btn.setChecked(True) self.parent().parent().parent().PT_S_btn.setChecked(True) x = T y = P crit_x = T_c crit_y = P_c # Isenthalps, isentropes enthalpies = H_list entropies = S_list self.isenthalps = [] self.isentropes = [] for i in range(len(enthalpies)): t_vals, p_vals, v_vals, s_vals = tp.get_isenthalp(enthalpies[i], fractions, minimum_pressure=P_min, maximum_pressure=P_max, minimum_temperature=T_min, maximum_temperature=T_max, nmax=nmax) if i == 0: h_line, = self.axes.plot(t_vals, p_vals, color=isopleth_1_color, label="Isenthalp") else: h_line, = self.axes.plot(t_vals, p_vals, color=isopleth_1_color) self.isenthalps.append(h_line) t_vals, p_vals, v_vals, h_vals = tp.get_isentrope(entropies[i], fractions, minimum_pressure=P_min, maximum_pressure=P_max, minimum_temperature=T_min, maximum_temperature=T_max, nmax=nmax) if i == 0: s_line, = self.axes.plot(t_vals, p_vals, color=isopleth_2_color, label="Isentrope") else: s_line, = self.axes.plot(t_vals, p_vals, color=isopleth_2_color) self.isentropes.append(s_line) self.isotherms = None self.isobars = None return x, y, crit_x, crit_y def plot_envelope_PH(self, tp, P, H, P_c, H_c, fractions): """ Return plot data for a PH phase envelope :param tp: Thermopack instance :param P: Pressure values :param H: Enthalpy values :param P_c: Critical pressure :param H_c: Critical enthalpy :param fractions: List of molar fractions :return: x: x values for plot, y: y values for plot, crit_x: x value for critical point, crit_y: y value for critical point, """ # Display correct buttons self.parent().parent().parent().isopleth_btn_stack.setCurrentIndex(1) self.parent().parent().parent().PH_T_btn.setChecked(True) self.parent().parent().parent().PH_S_btn.setChecked(True) x = H y = P crit_x = H_c crit_y = P_c # isotherms, isentropes temperatures = T_list entropies = S_list self.isotherms = [] self.isentropes = [] for i in range(len(temperatures)): p_vals, v_vals, s_vals, h_vals = tp.get_isotherm(temperatures[i], fractions, minimum_pressure=P_min, maximum_pressure=P_max, nmax=nmax) if i == 0: t_line, = self.axes.plot(h_vals, p_vals, color=isopleth_1_color, label="Isotherm") else: t_line, = self.axes.plot(h_vals, p_vals, color=isopleth_1_color) self.isotherms.append(t_line) t_vals, p_vals, v_vals, h_vals = tp.get_isentrope(entropies[i], fractions, minimum_pressure=P_min, maximum_pressure=P_max, minimum_temperature=T_min, maximum_temperature=T_max, nmax=nmax) if i == 0: s_line, = self.axes.plot(h_vals, p_vals, color=isopleth_2_color, label="Isentrope") else: s_line, = self.axes.plot(h_vals, p_vals, color=isopleth_2_color) self.isentropes.append(s_line) self.isenthalps = None self.isobars = None return x, y, crit_x, crit_y def plot_envelope_PS(self, tp, P, S, P_c, S_c, fractions): """ Return plot data for a PS phase envelope :param tp: Thermopack instance :param P: Pressure values :param S: Entropy values :param P_c: Critical pressure :param S_c: Critical entropy :param fractions: List of molar fractions :return: x: x values for plot, y: y values for plot, crit_x: x value for critical point, crit_y: y value for critical point, """ # Display correct buttons self.parent().parent().parent().isopleth_btn_stack.setCurrentIndex(2) self.parent().parent().parent().PS_T_btn.setChecked(True) self.parent().parent().parent().PS_H_btn.setChecked(True) x = S y = P crit_x = S_c crit_y = P_c # isotherms, isenthalps temperatures = T_list enthalpies = H_list self.isotherms = [] self.isenthalps = [] for i in range(len(temperatures)): p_vals, v_vals, s_vals, h_vals = tp.get_isotherm(temperatures[i], fractions, minimum_pressure=P_min, maximum_pressure=P_max, nmax=nmax) if i == 0: t_line, = self.axes.plot(s_vals, p_vals, color=isopleth_1_color, label="Isotherm") else: t_line, = self.axes.plot(s_vals, p_vals, color=isopleth_1_color) self.isotherms.append(t_line) t_vals, p_vals, v_vals, s_vals = tp.get_isenthalp(enthalpies[i], fractions, minimum_pressure=P_min, maximum_pressure=P_max, minimum_temperature=T_min, maximum_temperature=T_max, nmax=nmax) if i == 0: h_line, = self.axes.plot(s_vals, p_vals, color=isopleth_2_color, label="Isenthalp") else: h_line, = self.axes.plot(s_vals, p_vals, color=isopleth_2_color) self.isenthalps.append(h_line) self.isentropes = None self.isobars = None return x, y, crit_x, crit_y def plot_envelope_TH(self, tp, T, H, T_c, H_c, fractions): """ Return plot data for a PS phase envelope :param tp: Thermopack instance :param T: Temperature values :param H: Enthalpy values :param T_c: Critical temperature :param H_c: Critical enthalpy :param fractions: List of molar fractions :return: x: x values for plot, y: y values for plot, crit_x: x value for critical point, crit_y: y value for critical point, """ # Display correct buttons self.parent().parent().parent().isopleth_btn_stack.setCurrentIndex(3) self.parent().parent().parent().TH_S_btn.setChecked(True) self.parent().parent().parent().TH_P_btn.setChecked(True) x = H y = T crit_x = H_c crit_y = T_c # isobars, isentropes pressures = P_list entropies = S_list self.isobars = [] self.isentropes = [] for i in range(len(pressures)): t_vals, v_vals, s_vals, h_vals = tp.get_isobar(pressures[i], fractions, minimum_temperature=200.0, maximum_temperature=500.0, nmax=100) if i == 0: p_line, = self.axes.plot(h_vals, t_vals, color=isopleth_1_color, label="Isobar") else: p_line, = self.axes.plot(h_vals, t_vals, color=isopleth_1_color) self.isobars.append(p_line) t_vals, p_vals, v_vals, h_vals = tp.get_isentrope(entropies[i], fractions, minimum_pressure=P_min, maximum_pressure=P_max, minimum_temperature=T_min, maximum_temperature=T_max, nmax=nmax) if i == 0: s_line, = self.axes.plot(h_vals, t_vals, color=isopleth_2_color, label="Isentrope") else: s_line, = self.axes.plot(h_vals, t_vals, color=isopleth_2_color) self.isentropes.append(s_line) self.isenthalps = None self.isotherms = None return x, y, crit_x, crit_y def plot_envelope_TS(self, tp, T, S, T_c, S_c, fractions): """ Return plot data for a PS phase envelope :param tp: Thermopack instance :param T: Temperature values :param S: Entropy values :param T_c: Critical temperature :param S_c: Critical entropy :param fractions: List of molar fractions :return: x: x values for plot, y: y values for plot, crit_x: x value for critical point, crit_y: y value for critical point, """ # Display correct buttons self.parent().parent().parent().isopleth_btn_stack.setCurrentIndex(4) self.parent().parent().parent().TS_P_btn.setChecked(True) self.parent().parent().parent().TS_H_btn.setChecked(True) x = S y = T crit_x = S_c crit_y = T_c # Isenthalps, isobars pressures = P_list enthalpies = H_list self.isenthalps = [] self.isobars = [] for i in range(len(pressures)): t_vals, v_vals, s_vals, h_vals = tp.get_isobar(pressures[i], fractions, minimum_temperature=T_min, maximum_temperature=T_max) if i == 0: p_line, = self.axes.plot(s_vals, t_vals, color="#ffd2d2", label="Isobar") else: p_line, = self.axes.plot(s_vals, t_vals, color="#ffd2d2") self.isobars.append(p_line) t_vals, p_vals, v_vals, s_vals = tp.get_isenthalp(enthalpies[i], fractions, minimum_pressure=P_min, maximum_pressure=P_max, minimum_temperature=T_min, maximum_temperature=T_max, nmax=nmax) if i == 0: h_line, = self.axes.plot(s_vals, p_vals, color="#d5d3ff", label="Isenthalp") else: h_line, = self.axes.plot(s_vals, p_vals, color="#d5d3ff") self.isenthalps.append(h_line) self.isentropes = None self.isotherms = None return x, y, crit_x, crit_y def plot_binary_pxy(self, tp): """ Plots a binary pxy plot :param tp: Thermopack instance """ calc_settings = self.plotting_preferences["Binary pxy"]["Calc"] plot_settings = self.plotting_preferences["Binary pxy"]["Plotting"] T = calc_settings["Temperature"] p_max = calc_settings["Maximum pressure"] p_min = calc_settings["Minimum pressure"] dz_max = calc_settings["Maximum dz"] dlns_max = calc_settings["Maximum dlns"] LLE, L1VE, L2VE = tp.get_binary_pxy(temp=T, maximum_pressure=p_max, minimum_pressure=p_min, maximum_dz=dz_max, maximum_dlns=dlns_max) line_color = plot_settings["Colors"][0] if LLE[0] is not None: self.axes.plot(LLE[0], LLE[2], color=line_color) self.axes.plot(LLE[1], LLE[2], color=line_color) if L1VE[0] is not None: self.axes.plot(L1VE[0], L1VE[2], color=line_color) self.axes.plot(L1VE[1], L1VE[2], color=line_color) if L2VE[0] is not None: self.axes.plot(L2VE[0], L2VE[2], color=line_color) self.axes.plot(L2VE[1], L2VE[2], color=line_color) grid_on = plot_settings["Grid on"] title = plot_settings["Title"] xlabel = plot_settings["x label"] ylabel = plot_settings["y label"] self.axes.grid(grid_on) self.axes.set_title(title) self.axes.set_xlabel(xlabel) self.axes.set_ylabel(ylabel) self.draw() def plot_pressure_density(self, tp, fractions): """ Plots a pressure density plot :param tp: Thermopack instance :param fractions: List of molar fractions """ calc_settings = self.plotting_preferences["Pressure density"]["Calc"] tpv_settings = self.plotting_preferences["Pressure density"]["TPV"] crit_settings = self.plotting_preferences["Pressure density"]["Critical"] plot_settings = self.plotting_preferences["Pressure density"]["Plotting"] p_initial = tpv_settings["Initial pressure"] t_min = tpv_settings["Minimum temperature"] p_max = tpv_settings["Maximum pressure"] step_size = tpv_settings["Step size"] # Calculate T, P, V T_ph_env, P_ph_env, V_ph_env = tp.get_envelope_twophase(initial_pressure=p_initial, z=fractions, maximum_pressure=p_max, minimum_temperature=t_min, step_size=step_size, calc_v=True) crit_t_guess = crit_settings["Temperature"] crit_v_guess = crit_settings["Volume"] crit_tol = crit_settings["Error tolerance"] # Calculate critical T, V, P T_c, V_c, P_c = tp.critical(n=fractions, temp=crit_t_guess, v=crit_v_guess, tol=crit_tol) T_list = calc_settings["Temperatures"] V_start = V_c * calc_settings["Volume range start"] V_end = V_c * calc_settings["Volume range end"] V_num_points = calc_settings["Num points"] V_list = np.linspace(V_start, V_end, V_num_points) P_lists = [] for T in T_list: P_list = [] for V in V_list: P, = tp.pressure_tv(temp=T, volume=V, n=fractions) P_list.append(P) P_lists.append(P_list) rho_list = 1 / V_list title = plot_settings["Title"] grid_on = plot_settings["Grid on"] xlabel = plot_settings["x label"] ylabel = plot_settings["y label"] self.axes.plot([1 / v for v in V_ph_env], P_ph_env, label="Phase envelope") self.axes.scatter([1 / V_c], [P_c], label="Critical point") for i in range(len(P_lists)): self.axes.plot(rho_list, P_lists[i], label=str(T_list[i]) + " K") self.axes.set_title(title) self.axes.grid(grid_on) self.axes.set_xlabel(xlabel) self.axes.set_ylabel(ylabel) self.axes.legend(loc="best") self.draw() def plot_global_binary(self, tp): """ Plots a binary pxy plot :param tp: Thermopack instance """ calc_settings = self.plotting_preferences["Global binary"]["Calc"] plot_settings = self.plotting_preferences["Global binary"]["Plotting"] min_press = calc_settings["Minimum pressure"] min_temp = calc_settings["Minimum temperature"] azeotropes = calc_settings["Azeotropes"] KSTYPE, VLE, LLVE, CRIT, AZ = tp.global_binary_plot(minimum_pressure=min_press, minimum_temperature=min_temp, include_azeotropes=azeotropes) colors = plot_settings["Colors"] linestyles = ["-", "--", ":", "-."] label = "VLE" for i in range(len(VLE)): self.axes.plot(VLE[i][:, 0], VLE[i][:, 1], linestyle=linestyles[0], color=colors[0], label=label) label = None label = "LLVE" for i in range(len(LLVE)): self.axes.plot(LLVE[i][:, 0], LLVE[i][:, 1], linestyle=linestyles[1], color=colors[1], label=label) label = None label = "CRIT" for i in range(len(CRIT)): self.axes.plot(CRIT[i][:, 0], CRIT[i][:, 1], linestyle=linestyles[2], color=colors[2], label=label) label = None label = "AZ" for i in range(len(AZ)): self.axes.plot(AZ[i][:, 0], AZ[i][:, 1], linestyle=linestyles[3], color=colors[3], label=label) label = None ks_strings = { 1: "I", 2: "II", 3: "III", 4: "IV", 5: "V" } title = plot_settings["Title"] xlabel = plot_settings["x label"] ylabel = plot_settings["y label"] grid_on = plot_settings["Grid on"] if title == "<NAME> and Scott type: ": title += ks_strings[KSTYPE] self.axes.set_title(title) legend = self.axes.legend(loc="best", numpoints=1) legend.get_frame().set_linewidth(0.0) self.axes.set_xlabel(xlabel) self.axes.set_ylabel(ylabel) self.axes.grid(grid_on) self.draw()
import turtle s = turtle.Screen() t = turtle.Turtle() s.title("Christmas Tree") s.setup(width=800, height=600) # Title on the window pen = turtle.Turtle() pen.speed(0) pen.color("black") pen.penup() pen.hideturtle() pen.goto(0, 260) pen.write("Christmas Tree", align="center",font=("Arial", 24, "normal")) # Starting position t.up() t.rt(90) t.fd(100) t.down() # Stump t.color("brown") t.begin_fill() t.fd(40) t.fd(60) t.fd(40) t.fd(60) t.end_fill() t.up() # First triangle t.fd(60) t.fd(20) t.down() t.color("green") t.begin_fill() t.rt(180) t.fd(80) t.fd(80) t.fd(80) t.end_fill() t.up() # Second Triangle t.fd(80) t.fd(20) t.rt(90) t.down() t.begin_fill() t.fd(35) t.rt(120) t.fd(70) t.rt(120) t.fd(70) t.rt(120) t.fd(35) t.end_fill() t.up() # Thrid Triangle t.fd(35) t.rt(120) t.fd(70) t.fd(20) t.rt(90) t.down() t.begin_fill() t.fd(30) t.rt(120) t.fd(60) t.rt(120) t.fd(60) t.rt(120) t.fd(30) t.end_fill() t.up() # Star t.fd(30) t.rt(120) t.fd(60) t.rt(180) t.fd(15) t.rt(90) t.back(20) t.color("yellow") t.down() t.begin_fill() for i in range(5): t.forward(40) t.right(144) t.end_fill() t.hideturtle() while True: s.update()
#!/pxrpythonsubst # # Copyright 2017 Pixar # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License") # with the following modification; you may not use this file except in # compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it: # Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with: # # 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade # names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor # and its affiliates, except as required to comply with Section 4(c) of # the License and to reproduce the content of the NOTICE file. # # You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is # distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific # language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License. from pxr import Usd, UsdGeom, Vt import unittest class TestUsdGeomMesh(unittest.TestCase): def test_ValidateTopology(self): """Tests helpers for validating mesh topology.""" # sum(vertexCounts) != len(vertexIndices) faceVertexIndices = Vt.IntArray([0,1,2]) faceVertexCounts = Vt.IntArray([2,2]) valid,why = UsdGeom.Mesh.ValidateTopology(faceVertexIndices, faceVertexCounts, numPoints=3) self.assertFalse(valid) # Make sure we have a reason. self.assertTrue(why) # Negative vertex indices. faceVertexIndices = Vt.IntArray([0,-1,1]) faceVertexCounts = Vt.IntArray([3]) valid,why = UsdGeom.Mesh.ValidateTopology(faceVertexIndices, faceVertexCounts, numPoints=3) self.assertFalse(valid) # Make sure we have a reason. self.assertTrue(why) # Out of range vertex indices. faceVertexIndices = Vt.IntArray([1,2,3]) faceVertexCounts = Vt.IntArray([3]) valid,why = UsdGeom.Mesh.ValidateTopology(faceVertexIndices, faceVertexCounts, numPoints=3) self.assertFalse(valid) # Make sure we have a reason. self.assertTrue(why) # Valid topology. faceVertexIndices = Vt.IntArray([0,1,2,3,4,5]) faceVertexCounts = Vt.IntArray([3,3]) valid,why = UsdGeom.Mesh.ValidateTopology(faceVertexIndices, faceVertexCounts, numPoints=6) self.assertTrue(valid) # Shoult not have set a reason. self.assertFalse(why) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
<reponame>davidbrownell/DavidBrownell_TheLanguage # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # | # | # | # | <NAME> <<EMAIL>> # | 2021-10-12 10:28:57 # | # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # | # | Copyright <NAME> 2021 # | Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. See # | accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at # | # | # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- """Contains the MatchValueExpression object""" import os from typing import Callable, Tuple, Union import CommonEnvironment from CommonEnvironment import Interface from CommonEnvironmentEx.Package import InitRelativeImports # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- _script_fullpath = CommonEnvironment.ThisFullpath() _script_dir, _script_name = os.path.split(_script_fullpath) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- with InitRelativeImports(): from ..Common.Impl.MatchExpressionBase import MatchExpressionBase from ...GrammarInfo import AST, DynamicPhrasesType, ParserInfo from ....Parser.Expressions.MatchValueExpressionParserInfo import ( MatchValueCasePhraseParserInfo, MatchValueExpressionParserInfo, ) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- class MatchValueExpression(MatchExpressionBase): """\ Value-based version of a match expression. Examples: str_value = ( match value Add(1, 2): case 1, 2: "Too low" case 3: "Correct" default: "Way off!" ) """ PHRASE_NAME = "Match Value Expression" # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self): super(MatchValueExpression, self).__init__(DynamicPhrasesType.Expressions, self.PHRASE_NAME) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- @classmethod @Interface.override def ExtractParserInfo( cls, node: AST.Node, ) -> Union[ None, ParserInfo, Callable[[], ParserInfo], Tuple[ParserInfo, Callable[[], ParserInfo]], ]: return cls._ExtractParserInfoImpl( MatchValueExpressionParserInfo, MatchValueCasePhraseParserInfo, node, )
from parse import parse class Actions: def __init__(self): self.actions = {} self.unused = set() self.used = set() # TODO: Refactor: Deveria ter classe Action, e ela deveria ser retornada nesta funcao. def add_action(self, action_name): action_name = action_name.lower() if self.actions.get(action_name) is not None: raise DuplicatedActionException("Action {} already exists".format(action_name)) self.actions[action_name] = [] self.unused.add(action_name) def add_event(self, action_name, event): action_name = action_name.lower() events = self.actions.get(action_name) if events is None: possible = ','.join(list(self.actions)) raise UndefinedActionException("Undefined action {}. Possible values: {}".format(action_name, possible)) events.append(event) def get_action(self, action_name): action_name = action_name.lower() return self.actions.get(action_name) def get_steps_to_execute(self, action_name): events, parameters = self.__match_action(action_name) if events is None: possible = ','.join(list(self.actions)) raise UndefinedActionException("Undefined action {}. Possible values: {}".format(action_name, possible)) assert events is not None steps_to_execute = '' for event in events: step_event = self.__replace_parameters(event, parameters) steps_to_execute += step_event + '\n' return steps_to_execute def get_unused_actions(self): unused_actions = list(self.unused) return unused_actions def was_used(self, action_name): return action_name in self.used def __match_action(self, action_name): for action_type in self.actions.keys(): r = parse(action_type, action_name) if r: self.unused.discard(action_type) self.used.add(action_type) return self.actions[action_type], r.named return None, None def __replace_parameters(self, step, parameters): for parameter, value in parameters.items(): token_to_find = "{" + parameter + "}" step = step.replace(token_to_find, value) return step class DuplicatedActionException(Exception): pass class UndefinedActionException(Exception): pass
import home from ws.handler.event.enum import Handler as Parent class Handler(Parent): KLASS = TEMPLATE = "event/enum.html" LABEL = "Christmas" DAY = "day" EVE = "eve" TIME = "time" OVER = "is over" def _get_str(self, e): if e == return self.DAY elif e == return self.EVE elif e == return self.TIME elif e == return self.OVER return e def get_icon(self, e): if e == return "fas fa-gifts" elif e == return "fas fa-holly-berry" elif e == return "far fa-calendar-check" elif e == return "far fa-calendar-times" return e
<filename>ad-hoc/ from sys import stdin, stdout while True: n = int(input()) if n == 0: break line = list(map(int, stdin.readline().strip().split())) local_extremas = 0 for i in range(1, len(line) - 1): if line[i] > line[i-1] and line[i] > line[i+1]: local_extremas += 1 if line[i] < line[i-1] and line[i] < line[i+1]: local_extremas += 1 if line[0] > line[-1] and line[0] > line[1]: local_extremas += 1 if line[0] < line[-1] and line[0] < line[1]: local_extremas += 1 if line[0] > line[-1] and line[-2] > line[-1]: local_extremas += 1 if line[0] < line[-1] and line[-2] < line[-1]: local_extremas += 1 print(local_extremas)
import argparse import json from time import time import os import shutil import numpy as np import torch from datasets.oxford import get_dataloaders from datasets.boreas import get_dataloaders_boreas from datasets.radiate import get_dataloaders_radiate from networks.under_the_radar import UnderTheRadar from networks.hero import HERO from utils.utils import get_transform2, get_T_ba, computeKittiMetrics, computeMedianError from utils.vis import plot_sequences, draw_radar, draw_mask, draw_masked_radar, draw_detector_scores, \ draw_weights, draw_keypoints, draw_src_tgt_matches torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = False torch.backends.cudnn.enabled = True torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True def build_parser(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--config', type=str, required=True) parser.add_argument('--checkpoint', type=str, required=True) parser.add_argument('-no-vis', '--no-visualization', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('-out-fld', '--out-folder', type=str, required=True) return parser def makedirs_for_visualization(out_folder): os.makedirs(os.path.join(out_folder, 'radar'), exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(os.path.join(out_folder, 'mask'), exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(os.path.join(out_folder, 'masked_radar_vis'), exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(os.path.join(out_folder, 'detector_scores'), exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(os.path.join(out_folder, 'weights'), exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(os.path.join(out_folder, 'keypoints'), exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(os.path.join(out_folder, 'keypoints_only_masked'), exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(os.path.join(out_folder, 'keypoints_all'), exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(os.path.join(out_folder, 'keypoints_on_detector_scores'), exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(os.path.join(out_folder, 'keypoints_on_detector_scores_only_masked'), exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(os.path.join(out_folder, 'keypoints_on_detector_scores_all'), exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(os.path.join(out_folder, 'src_tgt_matches'), exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(os.path.join(out_folder, 'src_tgt_matches_only_masked'), exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(os.path.join(out_folder, 'src_tgt_matches_all'), exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(os.path.join(out_folder, 'src_tgt_matches_on_detector_scores'), exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(os.path.join(out_folder, 'src_tgt_matches_on_detector_scores_only_masked'), exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(os.path.join(out_folder, 'src_tgt_matches_on_detector_scores_all'), exist_ok=True) def visualize(batchi, batch, out, config, out_folder): radar_img = draw_radar(batch, i=1), 'radar/radar_{}.png'.format(batchi+1))) mask_img = draw_mask(batch, i=1), 'mask/mask_{}.png'.format(batchi+1))) masked_radar_img = draw_masked_radar(batch, i=1), 'masked_radar_vis/masked_radar_vis_{}.png'.format(batchi+1))) detector_scores_img = draw_detector_scores(out, i=1), 'detector_scores/detector_scores_{}.png'.format(batchi+1))) weights_img = draw_weights(out, i=1), 'weights/weights_{}.png'.format(batchi+1))) keypoints_img = draw_keypoints(batch, out, config, i=1, draw_uncertainty_scale=20), 'keypoints/keypoints_{}.png'.format(batchi+1))) keypoints_only_masked_img = draw_keypoints(batch, out, config, i=1, filtering='mask'), 'keypoints_only_masked/keypoints_only_masked_{}.png'.format(batchi+1))) keypoints_all_img = draw_keypoints(batch, out, config, i=1, filtering='none'), 'keypoints_all/keypoints_all_{}.png'.format(batchi+1))) keypoints_on_detector_scores_img = draw_keypoints(batch, out, config, i=1, draw_on='detector_scores', draw_uncertainty_scale=20), 'keypoints_on_detector_scores/keypoints_on_detector_scores_{}.png'.format(batchi+1))) keypoints_on_detector_scores_only_masked_img = draw_keypoints(batch, out, config, i=1, draw_on='detector_scores', filtering='mask'), 'keypoints_on_detector_scores_only_masked/keypoints_on_detector_scores_only_masked_{}.png'.format(batchi+1))) keypoints_on_detector_scores_all_img = draw_keypoints(batch, out, config, i=1, draw_on='detector_scores', filtering='none'), 'keypoints_on_detector_scores_all/keypoints_on_detector_scores_all_{}.png'.format(batchi+1))) src_tgt_matches_img = draw_src_tgt_matches(batch, out, config, draw_uncertainty_scale=20), 'src_tgt_matches/src_tgt_matches_{}.png'.format(batchi))) src_tgt_matches_only_masked_img = draw_src_tgt_matches(batch, out, config, filtering='mask'), 'src_tgt_matches_only_masked/src_tgt_matches_only_masked_{}.png'.format(batchi))) src_tgt_matches_all_img = draw_src_tgt_matches(batch, out, config, filtering='none'), 'src_tgt_matches_all/src_tgt_matches_all_{}.png'.format(batchi))) src_tgt_matches_on_detector_scores_img = draw_src_tgt_matches(batch, out, config, draw_on='detector_scores', draw_uncertainty_scale=20), 'src_tgt_matches_on_detector_scores/src_tgt_matches_on_detector_scores_{}.png'.format(batchi))) src_tgt_matches_on_detector_scores_only_masked_img = draw_src_tgt_matches(batch, out, config, draw_on='detector_scores', filtering='mask'), 'src_tgt_matches_on_detector_scores_only_masked/src_tgt_matches_on_detector_scores_only_masked_{}.png'.format(batchi))) src_tgt_matches_on_detector_scores_all_img = draw_src_tgt_matches(batch, out, config, draw_on='detector_scores', filtering='none'), 'src_tgt_matches_on_detector_scores_all/src_tgt_matches_on_detector_scores_all_{}.png'.format(batchi))) def print_used_time(model): print("Time used:") print(" All: {} s".format(np.mean(model.time_used['all']))) print(" Feature map extraction: {} s".format(np.mean(model.time_used['feature_map_extraction']))) print(" Keypoint extraction: {} s".format(np.mean(model.time_used['keypoint_extraction']))) print(" Keypoint matching: {} s".format(np.mean(model.time_used['keypoint_matching']))) print(" Optimization: {} s".format(np.mean(model.time_used['optimization']))) if __name__ == '__main__': torch.set_num_threads(8) parser = build_parser() args = parser.parse_args() out_folder = args.out_folder with_visualization = not args.no_visualization os.makedirs(out_folder, exist_ok=True) with open(args.config) as f: config = json.load(f) config_copy = os.path.join(out_folder, os.path.basename(args.config)) if args.config != config_copy: shutil.copy(args.config, config_copy) if config['model'] == 'UnderTheRadar': model = UnderTheRadar(config).to(config['gpuid']) elif config['model'] == 'HERO': model = HERO(config).to(config['gpuid']) model.solver.sliding_flag = False checkpoint = torch.load(args.checkpoint, map_location=torch.device(config['gpuid'])) failed = False try: model.load_state_dict(checkpoint['model_state_dict'], strict=False) except Exception as e: print(e) failed = True if failed: model.load_state_dict(checkpoint, strict=False) model.eval() model.no_throw = True seq_name_all = list() time_used_all = list() T_gt_all = list() T_pred_all = list() t_err_all = list() r_err_all = list() seq_nums = config['test_split'] for seq_num in seq_nums: config['test_split'] = [seq_num] if config['dataset'] == 'oxford': _, _, test_loader = get_dataloaders(config) elif config['dataset'] == 'boreas': _, _, test_loader = get_dataloaders_boreas(config) elif config['dataset'] == 'radiate': _, _, test_loader = get_dataloaders_radiate(config) seq_len = test_loader.dataset.seq_lens[0] seq_name = test_loader.dataset.sequences[0] time_used = list() T_gt = list() T_pred = list() print('Evaluating sequence {} (len {}): {}'.format(seq_num, seq_len, seq_name)) if with_visualization: out_vis_folder = os.path.join(out_folder, seq_name) makedirs_for_visualization(out_vis_folder) model.solver.solver_cpp.resetTraj() for batchi, batch in enumerate(test_loader): ts = time() with torch.no_grad(): out = model(batch) if out['exception'] is not None: fail_folder = os.path.join(out_folder, 'failed_{}'.format(batchi)) os.makedirs(fail_folder, exist_ok=True) makedirs_for_visualization(fail_folder) visualize(batchi, batch, out, config, fail_folder) print_used_time(model) raise out['exception'] if with_visualization and batchi % config['vis_rate'] == 0: visualize(batchi, batch, out, config, out_vis_folder) if config['model'] == 'UnderTheRadar': if 'T_21' in batch: T_gt.append(batch['T_21'][0].numpy().squeeze()) R_pred = out['R'][0].detach().cpu().numpy().squeeze() t_pred = out['t'][0].detach().cpu().numpy().squeeze() T_pred.append(get_transform2(R_pred, t_pred)) elif config['model'] == 'HERO': if batchi == len(test_loader) - 1: for w in range(config['window_size'] - 1): if 'T_21' in batch: T_gt.append(batch['T_21'][w].numpy().squeeze()) T_pred.append(get_T_ba(out, a=w, b=w+1)) else: w = 0 if 'T_21' in batch: T_gt.append(batch['T_21'][w].numpy().squeeze()) T_pred.append(get_T_ba(out, a=w, b=w+1)) time_used.append(time() - ts) if (batchi + 1) % config['print_rate'] == 0: print('Eval Batch {} / {}: {:.2}s'.format(batchi, len(test_loader), np.mean(time_used[-config['print_rate']:]))) time_used_all.extend(time_used) if len(T_gt) > 0: seq_name_all.append(seq_name) T_gt_all.extend(T_gt) T_pred_all.extend(T_pred) t_err, r_err = computeKittiMetrics(T_gt, T_pred, [len(T_gt)]) print('SEQ: {} : {}'.format(seq_num, seq_name)) print('KITTI t_err: {} %'.format(t_err)) print('KITTI r_err: {} deg/m'.format(r_err)) t_err_all.append(t_err) r_err_all.append(r_err) fname = os.path.join(out_folder, seq_name + '.png') if len(T_gt) > 0: plot_sequences(T_gt, T_pred, [len(T_pred)], returnTensor=False, savePDF=True, fnames=[fname]) else: plot_sequences(T_pred, T_pred, [len(T_pred)], returnTensor=False, savePDF=True, fnames=[fname]) print('time_used: {}'.format(sum(time_used_all) / len(time_used_all))) if len(T_gt_all) > 0: results = computeMedianError(T_gt_all, T_pred_all) print('dt: {} sigma_dt: {} dr: {} sigma_dr: {}'.format(results[0], results[1], results[2], results[3])) t_err_mean = np.mean(t_err_all) r_err_mean = np.mean(r_err_all) print('Average KITTI metrics over all test sequences:') print('KITTI t_err: {} %'.format(t_err_mean)) print('KITTI r_err: {} deg/m'.format(r_err_mean)) with open(os.path.join(out_folder, 'metrics.txt'), 'w') as f: f.write('sequence name: translation error (%) rotation error (deg/m)\n') for seq_name, t_err, r_err in zip(seq_name_all, t_err_all, r_err_all): line = '{}: {} {}\n'.format(seq_name, t_err, r_err) f.write(line) f.write("\n") f.write("mean: {} {}\n".format(t_err_mean, r_err_mean)) print_used_time(model)
<reponame>psmd-iberutaru/Akamai_Internship import inspect import numpy as np import scipy as sp import scipy.special as sp_spcl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from Robustness.exception import * import Robustness.validation as valid import gaussian_fitting as gaussfit import bessel_fitting as bessfit import misc_functions as misc def circular_magnetic_field_cyln(r, phi, z, propagation_function, ): """ This makes circular magnetic fields, in a way, fields without any divergence. However, this measures not the tangential vector, but rotational vector. """ # Type check r = valid.validate_float_array(r, deep_validate=True, greater_than=0) phi = valid.validate_float_array(phi, deep_validate=True, greater_than=0, less_than=2*np.pi) z = valid.validate_float_array(z) # Because of its invariantness in phi and z, also, only the r value # matters in this function. B_r = np.zeros_like(r) B_phi = propagation_function(r) B_z = np.zeros_like(r) # Return return B_r, B_phi, B_z def circular_magnetic_field_cart(x, y, propagation_function, tangential_axis='z'): """ This makes circular magnetic fields, in a way, fields without any divergence. However, this measures not the rotational vector, but tangential vector. The tangential axis is the axis of which is the axis of rotation for the field. Assume that the positive direction is pointing to the user. """ # Type check x = valid.validate_float_array(x) y = valid.validate_float_array(y) # Convert to a polar system for tangential vector. r_subaxis = np.hypot(x,y) phi_subaxis = np.arctan2(y,x) # Calculate the magnitude of the tangential vector. B_t = propagation_function(r_subaxis) # The vector is tangent to a circle made by r, thus the angle is related to # phi, but is not phi. B_angle = phi_subaxis + np.pi/2 # Calculate the components of the magnetic field vector based on the # magnitude and the angle. B_x = B_t * np.cos(B_angle) B_y = B_t * np.sin(B_angle) # Return return B_x, B_y
from django.contrib import admin from .models import * # Register your models here.
# Generated by Django 3.1.7 on 2021-11-19 23:36 from django.db import migrations import model_utils.fields class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('experiments', '0012_repoorigin_name'), ] operations = [ migrations.AddField( model_name='battery', name='status', field=model_utils.fields.StatusField(choices=[(0, 'dummy')], default='template', max_length=100, no_check_for_status=True), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='assignment', name='status', field=model_utils.fields.StatusField(choices=[(0, 'dummy')], default='not-started', max_length=100, no_check_for_status=True), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='result', name='status', field=model_utils.fields.StatusField(choices=[(0, 'dummy')], default='not-started', max_length=100, no_check_for_status=True), ), ]
#!/usr/bin/env python from distutils.core import setup setup(name='aifin', version='1.0.1', description='Python Distribution Utilities', author='<NAME>', author_email='<EMAIL>', url='', packages=['aifin'], install_requires=[ 'pandas','scipy' ] )
from typing import List, NoReturn def quick_sort(in_list: List[int], s_idx: int, e_idx: int) -> NoReturn: if e_idx > s_idx: first_idx = s_idx last_idx = e_idx base_idx = int((s_idx + e_idx)/2) base_val = in_list[base_idx] in_list[first_idx], in_list[base_idx] = in_list[base_idx], in_list[first_idx] s_idx += 1 while e_idx > s_idx: if in_list[s_idx] <= base_val: s_idx += 1 continue if in_list[e_idx] > base_val: e_idx -= 1 continue in_list[s_idx], in_list[e_idx] = in_list[e_idx], in_list[s_idx] s_idx += 1 e_idx -= 1 if in_list[s_idx] <= base_val: final_idx = s_idx else: final_idx = s_idx - 1 in_list[first_idx], in_list[final_idx] = in_list[final_idx], in_list[first_idx] quick_sort(in_list, first_idx, final_idx-1) quick_sort(in_list, final_idx+1, last_idx) if __name__ == "__main__": in_list = [15,12,73,23,89,2,87,94,54,3,162,12,33] quick_sort(in_list, 0, len(in_list)-1) assert in_list == [2, 3, 12, 12, 15, 23, 33, 54, 73, 87, 89, 94, 162] print("Test succeeded.")
<reponame>natgeosociety/Transmogrify import os import urlparse class Http404(Exception): pass def get_path(environ): """ Get the path """ from wsgiref import util request_uri = environ.get('REQUEST_URI', environ.get('RAW_URI', '')) if request_uri == '': uri = util.request_uri(environ) host = environ.get('HTTP_HOST', '') scheme = util.guess_scheme(environ) prefix = "{scheme}://{host}".format(scheme=scheme, host=host) request_uri = uri.replace(prefix, '') return request_uri def handle_purge(environ, start_response): """ Handle a PURGE request. """ from utils import is_valid_security, get_cached_files from settings import DEBUG server = environ['SERVER_NAME'] try: request_uri = get_path(environ) path_and_query = request_uri.lstrip("/") query_string = environ.get('QUERY_STRING', '') if is_valid_security('PURGE', query_string): cached_files = get_cached_files(path_and_query, server) for i in cached_files: try: os.remove(i) except OSError as e: return do_500(environ, start_response, e.message) start_response("204 No Content", []) return [] else: return do_405(environ, start_response) except Http404 as e: return do_404(environ, start_response, e.message, DEBUG) def do_redirect(environ, start_response, path): # if get_path(environ) == path: # return do_500(environ, start_response, 'Redirect Loop Detected') start_response("302 Found", [("Location", path)]) return [] def do_500(environ, start_response, message): resp = { 'message': message, 'status_code': 500, 'status_message': 'Internal Server Error', } start_response("500 Internal Server Error", [("Content-Type", "text/html")]) return [ERROR.format(**resp)] def do_405(environ, start_response): resp = { 'message': "Method not allowed", 'status_code': 405, 'status_message': 'Method Not Allowed', } start_response("405 Method Not Allowed", [("Content-Type", "text/html")]) return [ERROR.format(**resp)] def do_404(environ, start_response, why, debug): if debug: message = "<h2>%s</h2>" % why else: message = "File not found" resp = { 'message': message, 'status_code': 404, 'status_message': 'Not Found', } start_response("404 Not Found", [("Content-Type", "text/html")]) return [ERROR.format(**resp)] ERROR = """ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> <head> <title>{status_code} - {status_message}</title> </head> <body> <h1>{status_code} - {status_message}</h1>{message} </body> </html> """ class DemoApp(object): def __init__(self, fallback): from static import Cling from settings import BASE_PATH = Cling(BASE_PATH) self.fallback = fallback def __call__(self, environ, start_response): import wsgiref response = {} def sr(status, headers): response['status'] = status response['headers'] = headers result =, sr) if response['status'] == '404 Not Found': request_uri = wsgiref.util.request_uri(environ) p = urlparse.urlparse(request_uri) if p.query: request_uri = p.path + "?" + p.query else: request_uri = p.path environ['REQUEST_URI'] = request_uri return self.fallback(environ, start_response) elif response['status'] == '405 Method Not Allowed': request_uri = wsgiref.util.request_uri(environ) p = urlparse.urlparse(request_uri) if p.query: request_uri = p.path + "?" + p.query else: request_uri = p.path environ['REQUEST_URI'] = request_uri return self.fallback(environ, start_response) else: start_response(response['status'], response['headers']) return result
<gh_stars>0 import math def centroid(listCoordinates): xCentroid = 0 yCentroid = 0 listCentroid=[] for i in range(0, len(listCoordinates)): xCentroid += listCoordinates[i][0] yCentroid += listCoordinates[i][1] xCentroid = round(xCentroid / len(listCoordinates), 1) yCentroid = round(yCentroid / len(listCoordinates), 1) listCentroid.append(xCentroid) listCentroid.append(yCentroid) return listCentroid def coordinatesDistance(listCoordinates, centroid): listSmaller=[] listBigger=[] listDistance=[] for i in range(0, len(listCoordinates)): distance = math.sqrt(((listCoordinates[i][0] - centroid[0]) ** 2) + ((listCoordinates[i][1] - centroid[1]) ** 2)) listDistance.append(distance) temp_a = listDistance[0] for i in range(1, len(listDistance)): if listDistance[i] < temp_a: temp_b = listDistance[i] listSmaller = listCoordinates[i] temp_b = listDistance[0] for i in range(1, len(listDistance)): if listDistance[i] > temp_b: temp_b = listDistance[i] listBigger = listCoordinates[i] return listSmaller, listBigger #--------------------------Program Body-------------------------------------------------------------- listCoordinates = [] name = input("Type a coordinate: ") partsA = name.split() if name == "": print("No points read. So there is no centroid!!!") exit() for ind in range(0,2): partsA[ind] = int(partsA[ind]) listCoordinates.append(partsA) i = 1 while i >= 1: name = input("Type a coordinate: ") if name == "": break else: partsB = name.split() for ind in range(0,2): partsB[ind] = int(partsB[ind]) listCoordinates.append(partsB) listCentroid = centroid(listCoordinates) listSmaller, listBigger = coordinatesDistance(listCoordinates, listCentroid) print("Centroid: ", listCentroid) print ("Closest point to the Centroid: ", listSmaller) print ("Farthest point from the Centroid: ", listBigger)
#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2014 The Swarming Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by the Apache v2.0 license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Smoke test for Cloud Endpoints support in auth component. It launches app via dev_appserver and queries a bunch of cloud endpoints methods. """ import unittest import os import test_env test_env.setup_test_env() from support import local_app # /components/tests/. THIS_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) # /components/tests/endpoints_app/. TEST_APP_DIR = os.path.join(THIS_DIR, 'endpoints_app') class CloudEndpointsSmokeTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): super(CloudEndpointsSmokeTest, self).setUp() = local_app.LocalApplication(TEST_APP_DIR, 9700) def tearDown(self): try: if self.has_failed(): finally: super(CloudEndpointsSmokeTest, self).tearDown() def has_failed(self): # pylint: disable=E1101 return not self._resultForDoCleanups.wasSuccessful() def test_smoke(self): self.check_who_anonymous() self.check_who_authenticated() self.check_host_token() self.check_forbidden() def check_who_anonymous(self): response ='/_ah/api/testing_service/v1/who') self.assertEqual(200, response.http_code) self.assertEqual('anonymous:anonymous', response.body.get('identity')) self.assertIn(response.body.get('ip'), ('', '0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1')) def check_who_authenticated(self): # TODO(vadimsh): Testing this requires interacting with real OAuth2 service # to get OAuth2 token. It's doable, but the service account secrets had to # be hardcoded into the source code. I'm not sure it's a good idea. pass def check_forbidden(self): response = '/_ah/api/testing_service/v1/forbidden') self.assertEqual(403, response.http_code) expected = { u'error': { u'code': 403, u'errors': [ { u'domain': u'global', u'message': u'Forbidden', u'reason': u'forbidden', } ], u'message': u'Forbidden', }, } self.assertEqual(expected, response.body) def check_host_token(self): # Create token first. response = '/_ah/api/testing_service/v1/create_host_token', {'host': 'host-name'}) self.assertEqual(200, response.http_code) token = response.body.get('host_token') self.assertTrue(token) # Verify it is usable. response = '/_ah/api/testing_service/v1/who', headers={'X-Host-Token-V1': token}) self.assertEqual(200, response.http_code) self.assertEqual('host-name', response.body.get('host')) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
<gh_stars>0 from Token import Token class AST(object): def __init__(self, nome): self.nome = nome; self.children = [] self.tipo = None #tipo do nó. Compound, Assign, ArithOp, etc self.value = None def __str__(self, level=0): ret = "\t"*level+ repr(self) +"\n" for child in self.children: if (child != None): ret += child.__str__(level+1) #level+1 return ret def __repr__(self): return self.nome def __evaluate__(self): for child in self.children: if (child != None): return child.__evaluate__() class Compound(AST): """Represents a 'BEGIN ... END' block""" def __init__(self): AST.__init__(self,'Block') print('Criando um nó do tipo Block.') #self.children = [] def __repr__(self): return self.nome class Assign(AST): def __init__(self, left, op, right): AST.__init__(self,'Assign'); print('Criando um nó do tipo Assign.') if(not(left is None)): self.children.append(left) if(not(right is None)): self.children.append(right) self.left = left self.token = self.op = op self.right = right def __repr__(self): return self.nome class If(AST): def __init__(self, exp, c_true, c_false): AST.__init__(self, 'If') print('Criando um nó do tipo If.') if(not(exp is None)): self.children.append(exp) if(not(c_true is None)): self.children.append(c_true) if(not(c_false is None)): self.children.append(c_false) self.exp = exp; self.c_true = c_true; self.c_false = c_false; def __repr__(self): return self.nome class While(AST): def __init__(self, exp, commands): AST.__init__(self,'While') print('Criando um nó do tipo While.') if(not(exp is None)): self.children.append(exp) if(not (commands is None)): self.children.append(commands) self.exp = exp; self.commands = commands; def __repr__(self): return self.nome class For(AST): def __init__(self, attr, exp, attr2, commands): AST.__init__(self,'For') print('Criando um nó do tipo For.') if (not(attr is None)): self.children.append(attr) self.attr = attr if(not(exp is None)): self.children.append(exp) self.exp = exp; if (not(attr is None)): self.children.append(attr2) self.attr2 = attr2 if(not (commands is None)): self.children.append(commands) self.commands = commands def __repr__(self): return self.nome class Read(AST): def __init__(self, id_): AST.__init__(self,'Read') print('Criando um nó do tipo Read.') if(not(id_ is None)): self.children.append(id_) = id_; def __repr__(self): return self.nome class Print(AST): def __init__(self, exp): AST.__init__(self,'Print') print('Criando um nó do tipo Print.') if(not(exp is None)): self.children.append(exp) self.exp = exp; def __repr__(self): return self.nome class Expr(AST): def __init__(self, nome, op, left, right): AST.__init__(self,nome) if(not(left is None)): self.children.append(left) if(not(right is None)): self.children.append(right) self.left = left self.op = op self.right = right def __repr__(self): #self.left.repr(); return self.op class LogicalOp(Expr): def __init__(self, op, left, right): Expr.__init__(self,'LogicalOp', op, left, right) print('Criando um nó do tipo LogicalOp com operador ' + str(op)) class ArithOp(Expr): def __init__(self, op, left, right): Expr.__init__(self,'ArithOp', op, left, right) print('Criando um nó do tipo ArithOp com operador ' + str(op)) class RelOp(Expr): def __init__(self, left, op, right): Expr.__init__(self,'RelOp', op, left, right) print('Criando um nó do tipo RelOp com operador ' + str(op)) class Id(AST): """The Var node is constructed out of ID token.""" def __init__(self, token): AST.__init__(self,'Id') print('Criando um nó do tipo Id.') #self.children.append(token) self.token = token self.value = token.value def __repr__(self): return repr(self.token.getLexema()) def __evaluate__(self): return self.value class Num(AST): def __init__(self, token): AST.__init__(self,'Num') print('Criando um nó do tipo Num.') #self.children.append(token) self.token = token self.value = token.value #em python, não precisamos nos preocupar com o tipo de value def __repr__(self): return repr(self.token.getLexema()) def __evaluate__(self): return self.value def print_tree(current_node, indent="", last='updown'): nb_children = lambda node: sum(nb_children(child) for child in node.children) + 1 size_branch = {child: nb_children(child) for child in current_node.children} """ Creation of balanced lists for "up" branch and "down" branch. """ up = sorted(current_node.children, key=lambda node: nb_children(node)) down = [] while up and sum(size_branch[node] for node in down) < sum(size_branch[node] for node in up): down.append(up.pop()) """ Printing of "up" branch. """ for child in up: next_last = 'up' if up.index(child) is 0 else '' next_indent = '{0}{1}{2}'.format(indent, ' ' if 'up' in last else '│', " " * len(current_node.__repr__())) print_tree(child, indent=next_indent, last=next_last) """ Printing of current node. """ if last == 'up': start_shape = '┌' elif last == 'down': start_shape = '└' elif last == 'updown': start_shape = ' ' else: start_shape = '├' if up: end_shape = '┤' elif down: end_shape = '┐' else: end_shape = '' print('{0}{1}{2}{3}'.format(indent, start_shape, current_node.__repr__(), end_shape)) """ Printing of "down" branch. """ for child in down: next_last = 'down' if down.index(child) is len(down) - 1 else '' next_indent = '{0}{1}{2}'.format(indent, ' ' if 'down' in last else '│', " " * len(current_node.__repr__())) print_tree(child, indent=next_indent, last=next_last) class ToXML: @staticmethod def toXML(no): count = 1 arvoreToXML = open('../../tp2/output/arvoreToXML.txt','w') arvoreToXML.close() arvoreToXML = open('../../tp2/output/arvoreToXML.txt','w') arvoreToXML.write('<' + no.nome + '>\r\n') for child in no.children: i = 0 for i in range(0,count): arvoreToXML.write('\t') if(child.nome == 'Id' or child.nome == 'Num'): arvoreToXML.write('<' + child.nome + ToXML.classifierPrint(child) + '/\r\n') else: arvoreToXML.write('<' + child.nome + ToXML.classifierPrint(child) + '>\r\n') ToXML.deepSearch(child, count, arvoreToXML) for i in range(0,count): arvoreToXML.write('\t') arvoreToXML.write('</' + child.nome + '>\r\n') arvoreToXML.write('</' + no.nome + '>\r\n') @staticmethod def deepSearch( no, count,arvoreToXML): count = count + 1 for child in no.children: i = 0 for i in range(0,count): arvoreToXML.write('\t') if(child.nome == 'Id' or child.nome == 'Num'): arvoreToXML.write('<' + child.nome + ToXML.classifierPrint(child) + '/>\r\n') else: arvoreToXML.write('<' + child.nome + ToXML.classifierPrint(child) + '>\r\n') ToXML.deepSearch(child, count, arvoreToXML) for i in range(0,count): arvoreToXML.write('\t') arvoreToXML.write('</' + child.nome + '>\r\n') @staticmethod def classifierPrint(no): if(no.nome == 'Id'): return ' lexema=\'' + no.token.getLexema() + '\'' elif(no.nome == 'Num'): return ' value=\'' + no.token.getLexema() + ' type:\'' + no.value + '\'' elif(no.nome == 'ArithOp' or no.nome == 'RelOp' or no.nome == 'LogicalOp'): return ' op=\'' + no.op + '\'' else: return ''
# Generated by Django 2.0.5 on 2018-05-23 01:23 from django.db import migrations, models class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('hrs', '0001_initial'), ] operations = [ migrations.AddField( model_name='dept', name='excellent', field=models.BooleanField(default=0, verbose_name='是否优秀'), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='dept', name='location', field=models.CharField(max_length=10, verbose_name='部门所在地'), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='dept', name='name', field=models.CharField(max_length=20, verbose_name='部门名称'), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='dept', name='no', field=models.IntegerField(primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='部门编号'), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='emp', name='comm', field=models.DecimalField(blank=True, decimal_places=2, max_digits=7, null=True), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='emp', name='mgr', field=models.IntegerField(blank=True, null=True), ), ]
<gh_stars>0 import random import pyxel class ammoSpawner(): probability = 0 ammo_package_list = [] ammo_package_x = 0 ammo_package_y = 0 ammo_package_img = 0 ammo_package_u = 48 ammo_package_v = 0 ammo_package_w = 16 ammo_package_h = 16 ammo_package_color_exclusion = 0 def spawnAmmoInMap(self): if pyxel.frame_count % 500 == 0 and pyxel.frame_count != 0: if random.randint(0,1) == 1: self.ammo_package_list.append({ "x": self.APP_X_MAX_PLAYABLE_AREA + 10, "y": random.randint(self.APP_Y_MIN_PLAYABLE_AREA, self.APP_Y_MAX_PLAYABLE_AREA), "img": self.ammo_package_img, "u": self.ammo_package_u, "v": self.ammo_package_v, "w": self.ammo_package_w, "h": self.ammo_package_h, "colkey": self.ammo_package_color_exclusion }) def drawAmmoBox(self): if self.ammo_package_list.__len__() > 0: for index, ammo_box in enumerate(self.ammo_package_list): pyxel.blt( ammo_box["x"], ammo_box["y"], ammo_box["img"], ammo_box["u"], ammo_box["v"], ammo_box["w"], ammo_box["h"], ammo_box["colkey"] ) ammo_box['x'] -= 1 if abs(self.player_x-ammo_box['x']) <= 16 and abs(self.player_y-ammo_box['y']) <= 16: self.player_ammo += 40 self.ammo_package_list.pop(index), 4) if(ammo_box['x'] < self.APP_X_MIN_PLAYABLE_AREA): self.ammo_package_list.pop(index)
<reponame>sneeu/django-web3-auth from typing import Optional from typing import Optional from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model, backends from django.conf import settings from web3auth.utils import recover_to_addr User = get_user_model() DEFAULT_ADDRESS_FIELD = 'username' class Web3Backend(backends.ModelBackend): def authenticate( self, request, address, token, signature ) -> Optional[User]: # check if the address the user has provided matches the signature if address != recover_to_addr(token, signature): raise ValueError('Wallet address does not match signature') else: # get address field for the user model address_field = getattr( settings, 'WEB3AUTH_USER_ADDRESS_FIELD', DEFAULT_ADDRESS_FIELD) kwargs = { f"{address_field}__iexact": address } # try to get user with provided data user = User.objects.filter(**kwargs).first() if user is None: # create the user if it does not exist user = User(**{address_field: address}) fields = [ for field in User._meta.fields] if ( address_field != DEFAULT_ADDRESS_FIELD and 'username' in fields ): user.username = user.generate_username() return user
# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. class TimelineEvent(object): """Represents a timeline event.""" def __init__(self, category, name, start, duration, args=None): self.category = category = name self.start = start self.duration = duration self.args = args @property def end(self): return self.start + self.duration def __repr__(self): if self.args: args_str = ', ' + repr(self.args) else: args_str = '' return "TimelineEvent(name='%s', start=%f, duration=%s%s)" % (, self.start, self.duration, args_str)
import logging import numpy as np import scipy.sparse from typing import Union from .external import closedform_glm_mean, closedform_glm_scale logger = logging.getLogger("batchglm") def closedform_norm_glm_mean( x: Union[np.ndarray, scipy.sparse.csr_matrix], design_loc: np.ndarray, constraints_loc, size_factors=None, link_fn=lambda x: x, inv_link_fn=lambda x: x ): r""" Calculates a closed-form solution for the `mean` parameters of normal GLMs. :param x: The sample data :param design_loc: design matrix for location :param constraints_loc: tensor (all parameters x dependent parameters) Tensor that encodes how complete parameter set which includes dependent parameters arises from indepedent parameters: all = <constraints, indep>. This form of constraints is used in vector generalized linear models (VGLMs). :param size_factors: size factors for X :return: tuple: (groupwise_means, mean, rmsd) """ return closedform_glm_mean( x=x, dmat=design_loc, constraints=constraints_loc, size_factors=size_factors, link_fn=link_fn, inv_link_fn=inv_link_fn ) def closedform_norm_glm_logsd( x: Union[np.ndarray, scipy.sparse.csr_matrix], design_scale: np.ndarray, constraints=None, size_factors=None, groupwise_means=None, link_fn=np.log ): r""" Calculates a closed-form solution for the log-scale parameters of normal GLMs. :param x: The sample data :param design_scale: design matrix for scale :param constraints: some design constraints :param size_factors: size factors for X :param groupwise_means: optional, in case if already computed this can be specified to spare double-calculation :return: tuple (groupwise_scales, logsd, rmsd) """ def compute_scales_fun(variance, mean): groupwise_scales = np.sqrt(variance) return groupwise_scales return closedform_glm_scale( x=x, design_scale=design_scale, constraints=constraints, size_factors=size_factors, groupwise_means=groupwise_means, link_fn=link_fn, compute_scales_fun=compute_scales_fun )
<reponame>iptelephony/optic_store # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2019, 9T9IT and contributors # For license information, please see license.txt from __future__ import unicode_literals import frappe def after_insert(doc, method): is_gift_card = frappe.db.get_value("Item", doc.item_code, "is_gift_card") if is_gift_card: gift_card_value = frappe.db.get_value("Item", doc.item_code, "gift_card_value") frappe.get_doc( { "doctype": "Gift Card", "gift_card_no": doc.serial_no, "amount": gift_card_value, } ).insert() def on_trash(doc, method): gift_card_no = frappe.db.exists("Gift Card", {"gift_card_no": doc.serial_no}) if gift_card_no: frappe.delete_doc("Gift Card", gift_card_no)
<reponame>dianaproca/toolkitten<filename> # # # # Day1 homework # #hours in a year:8760 # print(365*24) # #minutes in a decade: 5256000 # print(60*24*365*10) # #age in seconds:1135296000 # print(60*60*24*365*36) # #days 32-bit system to timeout:497 # print((2**32-1)/100/60/60/24) # #days 64-bit system to timeout:1067519911673 # print((2**63)/100/60/60/24) # Day3 homework # Program that asks for a person's first name, middle and last then greet with full name # firstname = raw_input("What is your first name?") # middlename = raw_input("What is your middle name?") # lastname = raw_input("What is your last name?") # print('Hello there '+firstname+ middlename +lastname+ '!!') # # Program that asks for a person's favourite number, add 1 and suggest the result # fav_number = int(raw_input("What is your favourite number?")) # suggestion = fav_number+1 # print('your number is nice. However you might want to consider ' +str(suggestion)+ ' as a new fav. Just a thought..') # #AngryBoss # Boss= raw_input("What do you want this time?!?".upper()) # print('SO YOU THINK ' + str(Boss).upper()+' IS A GOOD IDEA??? FIRED!') #Table of Contents print('Chapter1 : Getting Started'+ ' page 10'.rjust(10)) print('Chapter 2: Numbers'+ ' page 9'.rjust(17)) print('Chapter 3: Letters page'+ ' page 13'.rjust(13))
#!/usr/bin/env python # This file is part of dxdiff. # # dxdiff is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # dxdiff is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Diamond. If not, see <>. from lxml import etree class EditScript: def __init__(self): self.script = [] def __str__(self): return etree.tostring(self.to_xml(), pretty_print = True) def __len__(self): return len(self.script) def __getitem__(self, key): return self.script[key] def __iter__(self): return self.script.__iter__() def update(self, path, value, userdata = None): self.script.append({ "type": "update", "location": path, "value": value, "userdata": userdata }) def insert(self, path, index, tag, value = None, userdata = None): self.script.append({ "type": "insert", "location": path, "index": index, "value": tag + (" " + value if value is not None else ""), "userdata": userdata}) def delete(self, path, userdata = None): self.script.append({ "type": "delete", "location": path, "userdata": userdata}) def move(self, path, destination, index, userdata = None): self.script.append({ "type": "move", "location": path, "index": index, "value": destination, "userdata": userdata }) def to_xml(self): tree = etree.Element("xmldiff") for edit in self.script: node = etree.Element(edit["type"], location = edit["location"]) if "index" in edit: node.attrib["index"] = edit["index"] if edit["userdata"] is not None: node.attrib["userdata"] = edit["userdata"] if "value" in edit: node.text = edit["value"] tree.append(node) return etree.ElementTree(tree) def write(self, path): self.to_xml().write(path, pretty_print = True, xml_declaration = True, encoding = "utf-8")
import logging from time import time from flask import Flask, request PLAIN_HEADER = {'Content-Type': 'text/plain; charset=utf-8'} logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(threadName)s %(message)s') log = logging.getLogger('chatserver') app = Flask(__name__) messages = [] @app.route('/post/<who>/<message>') def post_message(who, message): messages.append((time(), request.remote_addr, who, message)) print(messages) return "Message saved.\n" + str(messages), 200, PLAIN_HEADER'localhost', debug=True, threaded=True)
# Definition for a binary tree node. # class TreeNode: # def __init__(self, x): # self.val = x # self.left = None # self.right = None class Solution: def pathSum(self, root, total): """ :type root: TreeNode :type total: int :rtype: int """ if root is None: return 0 path = [] count = 0 def doCount(partial): nonlocal count if partial == 0: count += 1 for val in path: partial += val if partial == 0: count += 1 def dfs(node): nonlocal total total -= node.val doCount(total) path.append(node.val) if node.left is not None: dfs(node.left) if node.right is not None: dfs(node.right) total += path.pop() dfs(root) return count
<filename>examples/wordcount/ import json import boto3 import base64 OUTBOUND_EVENT = 'FileFiltered' LETTERS = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' def reword(word): ''' Removes non-letters from word ''' reworded = '' for letter in word: if letter not in LETTERS: continue reworded = reworded + letter return reworded def is_word(word): if len(word) <= 1: return False return True def filter_out_non_words(event, context): kinesis = boto3.client('kinesis') print("Received event: " + json.dumps(event, indent=4)) for record in event['Records']: # Kinesis data is base64 encoded so decode here payload = base64.b64decode(record['kinesis']['data']) print("Decoded payload: " + payload) try: payload = json.loads(payload) execution_id = payload.get('execution_id') words_arr = payload['words_arr'] # Filter non words words_filtered = [] for w in words_arr: reworded = reword(w) if not reworded: continue if not is_word(reworded): continue words_filtered.append(reworded) data = json.dumps({ 'execution_id': execution_id, 'words_filtered': words_filtered }) kinesis.put_record(StreamName=OUTBOUND_EVENT, Data=data, PartitionKey=data) except Exception as ex: print "Error processing record, error=%s" % str(object=ex) return 'Processed all records.'
Uche Clare/Phase 1/Python Basic 1/Day 2/
<gh_stars>1-10 file = input('Enter the file name: ') file_extsn= file.split(".") print(f"The file extension is {file_extsn[1]}")
import ply.yacc as yacc from CoachLex import tokens #enviromental variables enviro_vars = {} def p_statement_assign(p): 'statement : VARINT VAR expression' enviro_vars[p[2]] = p[3] def p_statement_expr(p): 'statement : expression' def p_statement_output(p): 'statement : OUTPUT expression' print("Coach says " + str(p[2]) + "!") def p_statement_if(p): '''statement : IFA VAR IFB statement''' if p[4]: p[6] def p_statement_file_in(p): 'statement : FILEIN VAR' file_str = "" f = open(p[2] + "." + 'osxc', "r") for line in f: file_str = '' file_str += line.rstrip('\n') yaccer.parse(file_str) #Basic Math def p_expression_basicop(p): '''expression : expression ADD expression | expression SUBA SUBB expression | expression MULT expression | expression DIV expression''' if p[1] == "add": p[0] = p[2] + p[0] elif p[1] == 'finished' and p[2] == 'of': p[0] = p[0] - p[3] elif p[2] == 'by': p[0] = p[1] * p[3] elif p[2] == 'split': p[0] = p[1] / p[3] def p_expression_number(p): 'expression : NUMBER' p[0] = p[1] def p_expression_var(p): 'expression : VAR' try: p[0] = enviro_vars[p[1]] except LookupError: print("undefined var, resorting to 0") p[0] = 0 def p_comparison_binop(p): '''comparison : expression GREATLESSTHANA EQUALTOA EQUALTOB expression | expression GREATLESSTHANA GREATERTHAN GREATLESSTHANB expression | expression GREATLESSTHANA LESSTHAN GREATLESSTHANB expression''' if p[4] == 'same': p[0] = p[1] == p[6] elif p[3] == 'faster': p[0] = p[1] > p[5] elif p[3] == 'slower': p[0] = p[1] < p[5] def p_error(p): print(f"Synax error at {p.value!r}") #set up yacc yaccer = yacc.yacc() while True: try: s = input('> ') except EOFError: break yaccer.parse(s)
from django.contrib import admin, messages from django.db import transaction from django.db.models import Prefetch from recipe.models import Ingredient, Recipe, RecipeIngredient, RecipeInstance, \ RecipeInstanceImage, Tag @admin.register(Ingredient) class IngredientAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): list_display = ( 'name', ) search_fields = ( 'name', ) @transaction.atomic def merge_ingredients(self, request, queryset): if len(queryset) < 2: self.message_user( request, 'At least two ingredients need to be selected!', messages.WARNING) return main = queryset.first() others = queryset[1:] len_others = len(others) RecipeIngredient.objects.filter(ingredient__in=others).update(ingredient=main) Ingredient.objects.filter(pk__in=[ for i in others]).delete() self.message_user( request, '{} ingredients were merged into {}'.format(len_others, main), messages.SUCCESS) merge_ingredients.short_description = 'Merge selected ingredients' actions = ( merge_ingredients, ) class RecipeIngredientInline(admin.TabularInline): model = RecipeIngredient autocomplete_fields = ( 'ingredient', ) class RecipeInstanceImageInline(admin.TabularInline): model = RecipeInstanceImage @admin.register(RecipeInstance) class RecipeInstanceAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): list_display = ( 'day', 'recipe', ) inlines = ( RecipeInstanceImageInline, ) @admin.register(Recipe) class RecipeAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): list_display = ( 'name', 'tag_str', 'view_count', ) list_filter = ( 'tags', ) search_fields = ( 'name', ) inlines = ( RecipeIngredientInline, ) def get_queryset(self, request): qs = super().get_queryset(request) return qs.prefetch_related(Prefetch('tags', Tag.objects.order_by('name')))
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Import a folder (~/people) full of person JSON from Legiscan to the database. """ from import BaseCommand from general.models import Person from ls_importer.models import LSIDPerson import json import os from tqdm import tqdm class Command(BaseCommand): """ Import a folder (~/people) full of person JSON from Legiscan to the database. """ help = 'Import a folder full of person JSON from Legiscan to the database.' def handle(self, *args, **options): """ Make it happen. """ def json_to_person(json_path): json_data = open(json_path) person_json = json.load(json_data) pj_unfold = person_json['person'] person_ls_id = pj_unfold['people_id'] # person_ls_role_id = pj_unfold['role_id'] # person_role = pj_unfold['role'] # person_ls_party_id = pj_unfold['party_id'] # person_name = pj_unfold['name'] person_first_name = pj_unfold['first_name'] person_middle_name = pj_unfold['middle_name'] person_last_name = pj_unfold['last_name'] person_suffix = pj_unfold['suffix'] person_nickname = pj_unfold['nickname'] # This try/catch structure exists # to prevent edge cases where # a person may be stored twice in Legiscan # under slightly different names. try: LSIDPerson.objects.get( lsid=person_ls_id ) except(LSIDPerson.DoesNotExist): person_object, person_created = Person.objects.get_or_create( first_name=person_first_name, middle_name=person_middle_name, last_name=person_last_name, suffix=person_suffix, defaults={ 'nickname': person_nickname, } ) link_object, link_created = LSIDPerson.objects.get_or_create( lsid=person_ls_id, person=person_object, ) target_directory = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), 'people') for file in tqdm(os.listdir(target_directory)): if file.endswith(".json"): json_to_person(os.path.join(target_directory, file))