<reponame>LovisAnderson/flipy import pytest from flipy.lp_objective import LpObjective, Minimize, Maximize @pytest.fixture def objective(name='', expression=None, constant=0): return LpObjective(name, expression, constant) class TestLpExpression(object): def test_init(self): obj = LpObjective(name='', expression=None, constant=0) assert obj assert obj.sense == Minimize obj.sense = Maximize assert obj.sense == Maximize def test_bad_sense(self): with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e: LpObjective(name='', expression=None, constant=0, sense='') assert "Sense must be one of %s, %s not " % (Minimize, Maximize) in str(e.value) obj = LpObjective(name='', expression=None, constant=0) with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e: obj.sense = 'maximize' assert "Sense must be one of %s, %s not " % (Minimize, Maximize) in str(e.value)
<reponame>diCagri/content<filename>Packs/SecurityAdvisor/Integrations/SecurityAdvisor/ import SecurityAdvisor URL_SUFFIX = 'apis/coachuser/' BASE_URL = '' CONTEXT_JSON = { "SecurityAdvisor.CoachUser": { "coaching_date": "2019-10-04T21:04:19.480425", "coaching_status": "Pending", "coaching_score": "", "user": "<EMAIL>", "context": "phishing", "message": "Coaching Sent" } } RESPONSE_JSON = { "coaching_date": "2019-10-04T21:04:19.480425", "coaching_status": "Pending", "coaching_score": "", "user": "<EMAIL>", "context": "phishing", "message": "Coaching Sent" } HEADERS = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json', 'Authorization': 'Token ' + '<PASSWORD>' } def test_coach_end_user_command(requests_mock): """Unit test for coach-end-user command Args: requests_mock ([type]): [description] """ mock_reponse = RESPONSE_JSON + URL_SUFFIX, json=mock_reponse) client = SecurityAdvisor.Client( base_url=BASE_URL, verify=False, proxy=False, headers=HEADERS ) args = {"user": "<EMAIL>", "context": "phishing"} _, _, result = SecurityAdvisor.coach_end_user_command(client, args) assert result == RESPONSE_JSON def test_module_command(requests_mock): """Unit test for test-module command Args: requests_mock ([type]): [description] """ mock_reponse = RESPONSE_JSON + URL_SUFFIX, json=mock_reponse) client = SecurityAdvisor.Client( base_url=BASE_URL, verify=False, proxy=False, headers=HEADERS ) response = SecurityAdvisor.test_module(client) assert response == "ok"
<gh_stars>0 # The preprocessing steps all in one import logging import math import os import pandas as pd import numpy as np from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split # Input: PATH_ARTICLES = '/mnt/data/datasets/newspapers/guardian/articles.csv' PATH_ORIG_COMMENTS = '/mnt/data/datasets/newspapers/guardian/comments.csv' PATH_TOKENIZED_TEXT = '/mnt/data/datasets/newspapers/guardian/sorted_comments_twokenized_lower' # Output: PATH_MERGED_COMMENTS = '/mnt/data/group07/johannes/proc_data/merged_comments.csv' AMOUNT_OF_RANKS = 10 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def process_tokenized_text():'Reading original comments data') comments = pd.read_csv(PATH_ORIG_COMMENTS, usecols=lambda x: x != 'comment_text')'Reading tokenized text') text = pd.read_table(PATH_TOKENIZED_TEXT, skip_blank_lines=False) assert comments.shape[0] == text.shape[0]'Merging tokenized text into comment data') comments = pd.concat([comments, text], axis=1) del text # free memory comments.rename(inplace=True, index=str, columns={"commen t_t ext": "comment_text"}) # the tokenized file has a strange col name comments.to_csv(PATH_MERGED_COMMENTS) def filter_comments_by_category(category='sport'): # "politics" # Output: path_category_comments = f"/mnt/data/group07/johannes/proc_data/{category}_comments.csv"'Collecting articles') articles = pd.read_csv(PATH_ARTICLES) articles = articles[articles['article_url'].str.contains("" + category + "/")] # Read in chunkwise chunksize = 10 ** 6 comments_list = []'Reading merged comments chunkwise') for chunk in pd.read_csv(PATH_MERGED_COMMENTS, chunksize=chunksize): comment_chunk = chunk[chunk['comment_text'].notnull()] # filter out NaNs comment_chunk = comment_chunk[comment_chunk['parent_comment_id'].isnull()] # only select root comments comment_chunk = comment_chunk[comment_chunk['article_id'].isin(articles['article_id'])] # filter out article in category comment_chunk = comment_chunk.drop(['parent_comment_id'], axis=1) comments_list.append(comment_chunk) # it's faster to first gather all in a list and concat once comments = pd.concat(comments_list)'Storing filtered category comments') comments.to_csv(path_category_comments) return path_category_comments def _enhance_and_filter_comments(co):'Enhance comments with rank and apply filtering') groupby = co.groupby('article_id') co['rank'] = groupby['timestamp'].rank(method='dense').astype(int) co = co[co['rank'] <= AMOUNT_OF_RANKS] # select only first 10 comments co['total_upvotes'] = groupby['upvotes'].transform('sum') co['total_comments'] = groupby['upvotes'].transform('count') co = co[co['total_upvotes'] > 20] # do not consider articles with under 10 upvotes co = co[co['total_comments'] == 10] # remove articles with over under 10 comments. co['rel_upvotes'] = co.apply(lambda row: (row.upvotes / row.total_upvotes) * 100, axis=1) return co def _split_and_label(enhanced_comments, top_bot_perc):'Label data for perc {top_bot_perc}') num_rows = co.shape[0] N = int((num_rows * top_bot_perc) / AMOUNT_OF_RANKS) groupby = co.groupby("rank", group_keys=False) res_pos = groupby.apply(lambda g: g.nlargest(N, "rel_upvotes", keep="last")) res_pos['class'] = 1 res_neg = groupby.apply(lambda g: g.nsmallest(N, "rel_upvotes", keep="first")) if (top_bot_perc == 0.5): # There is a problem when the want to bin the *whole* dataset. It would result in 2 duplicates. Most likely due to # rel_upvotes is the same for multiple values and it's not possible to have a clear cut. res = pd.merge(co, res_pos, how='left') res['class'] = res['class'].fillna(0) else: res_neg['class'] = 0 res = pd.concat([res_pos, res_neg]) assert(res[res['class'] == 0].shape[0] == res[res['class'] == 1].shape[0]) # ensure same number of classes assert(res['comment_id'].is_unique) # make sure we don't have duplicates return res def filter_by_rank(path_category_comments, category='politics', suffix='_fixed'): co = pd.read_csv(path_category_comments) co = _enhance_and_filter_comments(co) for top_bot_perc in [0.1, 0.25, 0.5]: co = _split_and_label(co, top_bot_perc) co.to_csv(f"/mnt/data/group07/johannes/proc_data/classes_{category}_comments_{top_bot_perc}{suffix}.csv") def split_train_val_test(category='politics', suffix='_fixed'): perc = ['0.1', '0.25', '0.5'] for p in perc:'Create train, val and test set for category {category} and perc {p}') outdir = f'/mnt/data/group07/johannes/exp_data/{category}_{p}{suffix}' if not os.path.exists(outdir): os.mkdir(outdir) df = pd.read_csv(f'/mnt/data/group07/johannes/proc_data/classes_{category}_comments_{p}{suffix}.csv') train, not_train = train_test_split(df, test_size=0.2) # first train: 0.8 val, test = train_test_split(not_train, test_size=0.5) # then, val: 0.1, test: 0.1 train.to_csv(outdir + '/train.csv') val.to_csv(outdir + '/val.csv') test.to_csv(outdir + '/test.csv') if __name__ == "__main__": merged_path = process_tokenized_text() path = filter_comments_by_category(merged_path, category='sport') filter_by_rank(path, category='sport', suffix='_new') split_train_val_test(category='sport', suffix='_new') path = filter_comments_by_category(merged_path, category='politics') filter_by_rank(path, category='politics', suffix='_new') split_train_val_test(category='politics', suffix='_new')
planetary_nebula_calculator/radial velocity
<filename>planetary_nebula_calculator/radial velocity ''' 21cm 전파를 보내는 행성상성운과 우리 은하 사이 상대적 속도를 계산합니다. 21cm 전파의 lamda_0 는 5006.84 A 이고,관측된 파장 lamda 와 적색편이 z가 주어졌을 때 시선속도 V_r 은 다음과 같이 주어집니다. V_r = z * c = (lambda_obsereved - lamda_0/lambda_0)*c ''' from astropy import constants as const import math lambda_obsereved = float(input("Enter the obeserved wavelength (lambda_obsereved): ")) lambda_0 = 5006.84 c ='km/s') def func_V_r(): print(" \n V_r = " , end='', flush = True) func_V_r() def func_radial_velocity(lambda_obsereved, lambda_0, c): print( ((lambda_obsereved - lambda_0)/ lambda_0 )*c ) func_radial_velocity(lambda_obsereved, lambda_0, c)
""" @author <NAME> A.I. Engineer & Software developer <EMAIL> Created on 27 December, 2017 @ 12:40 AM. Copyright © 2017. Victor. All rights reserved. """ import os APP_NAME = 'folktales' PROJECT_DIR = os.getcwd() STATIC_DIR = os.path.join(PROJECT_DIR, 'static') DATASET_DIR = os.path.join(STATIC_DIR, 'datasets')
RAW_DATA_PATH = 'data/raw' PROCESSED_DATA_PATH = 'data/processed' OUTPUT_DATA_PATH = 'data/output' MODELS_PATH = 'models' REPORTS_PATH = 'reports'
<gh_stars>0 from content.views import Index from content.models import BlogCategory, VideocastCategory, PodcastCategory, Blog from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.core.files.uploadedfile import SimpleUploadedFile from django.templatetags.static import static from django.test import TestCase import environ import os class BlogCategoryModelTest(TestCase): def test_saving_and_retrieving_BlogCategory(self): first_category = BlogCategory() first_category.title = 'Category1' second_category = BlogCategory() second_category.title = 'Category2' saved_category = BlogCategory.objects.all() self.assertEqual(saved_category.count(), 2) first_saved_category = saved_category[0] second_saved_category = saved_category[1] self.assertEqual(first_saved_category.title, 'Category1') self.assertEqual(second_saved_category.title, 'Category2') class VideocastCategoryModelTest(TestCase): def test_saving_and_retrieving_VideocastCategory(self): first_videocast_category = VideocastCategory() first_videocast_category.title = 'VideoCastCategory1' second_videocast_category = VideocastCategory() second_videocast_category.title = 'VideoCastCategory2' saved_videocast_category = VideocastCategory.objects.all() self.assertEqual(saved_videocast_category.count(), 2) first_saved_videocast_category = saved_videocast_category[0] second_saved_videocast_category = saved_videocast_category[1] self.assertEqual(first_saved_videocast_category.title, 'VideoCastCategory1') self.assertEqual(second_saved_videocast_category.title, 'VideoCastCategory2') class PodcastCategoryModelTest(TestCase): def test_saving_and_retrieving_PodcastCategory(self): first_podcast_category = PodcastCategory() first_podcast_category.title = 'PodCastCategory1' second_podcast_category = PodcastCategory() second_podcast_category.title = 'PodCastCategory2' saved_podcast_category = PodcastCategory.objects.all() self.assertEqual(saved_podcast_category.count(), 2) first_saved_podcast_category = saved_podcast_category[0] second_saved_podcast_category = saved_podcast_category[1] self.assertEqual(first_saved_podcast_category.title, 'PodCastCategory1') self.assertEqual(second_saved_podcast_category.title, 'PodCastCategory2')
from .main import Frame
# best time compleity- O(1) # worst time compleity_ O(logn) # space compleity- O(1) # use when list is sorted def binary_search(arr, value): length = len(arr) start = 0 end = length - 1 mid = (start + end) // 2 while mid != start: if arr[mid] == value: return True elif arr[mid] > value: end = mid else: start = mid mid = (start + end) // 2 if arr[start] == value or arr[end] == value: return True return False if __name__ == '__main__': arr = [2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18] print(binary_search(arr, 16))
from import BaseXpressDemocracyClubCsvImporter class Command(BaseXpressDemocracyClubCsvImporter): council_id = "BAI" addresses_name = "2021-03-16T14:11:49.270209/Democracy_Club__06May2021.csv" stations_name = "2021-03-16T14:11:49.270209/Democracy_Club__06May2021.csv" elections = ["2021-05-06"] csv_delimiter = "," def address_record_to_dict(self, record): uprn = record.property_urn.strip().lstrip("0") if uprn in [ "100091587330", # CEDAR COTTAGE, LOWER DUNTON ROAD, BULPHAN, UPMINSTER "10090682049", # FERNDALE, TYE COMMON ROAD, BILLERICAY "100090239089", # FLAT 1, ST. DAVIDS COURT, LONDON ROAD, BASILDON "100091212751", # PROBATION OFFICE, 1 FELMORES, BASILDON "10013352273", # 17 CHURCH ROAD, LAINDON, BASILDON "100090273531", # 23 GREENS FARM LANE, BILLERICAY ]: return None if record.addressline6 in [ "SS12 0AU", "SS15 5GX", "CM11 2ER", "SS13 2EA", "CM11 2JX", "CM11 2AD", "CM12 9JJ", "SS15 6GJ", "SS15 6PF", "SS13 3EA", "CM11 1HH", "SS15 5NZ", "CM11 2RU", "SS16 5PW", "SS13 2LG", "SS16 6PH", "SS12 9LE", "SS14 3RZ", ]: return None return super().address_record_to_dict(record)
<reponame>reetawwsum/Language-Model import os import zipfile import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf from collections import Counter class Dataset(): '''Load dataset''' def __init__(self, config, dataset_type): self.config = config self.file_name = os.path.join(config.dataset_dir, config.dataset + '.' + dataset_type + '.txt') self.load_dataset() def load_dataset(self): self.load() self.build_vocabulary() self.convert_words_to_wordids() = self.wordids def load(self): '''Reading dataset as a list of words''' with open(self.file_name, 'rb') as f: words = tf.compat.as_str( self.words = words def build_vocabulary(self): counter = Counter(self.words) count_pairs = sorted(counter.items(), key=lambda x: (-x[1], x[0])) words, _ = list(zip(*count_pairs)) self.words2id = dict(zip(words, range(len(words)))) self.id2words = dict(zip(range(len(words)), words)) def convert_words_to_wordids(self): self.wordids = [self.words2id[word] for word in self.words] def convert_wordids_to_words(self, wordids): words = [self.id2words[id] for id in wordids] return words class BatchGenerator(): '''Generate Batches''' def __init__(self, config): self.config = config self.batch_size = batch_size = config.batch_size self.num_unrollings = config.num_unrollings self.batch_dataset_type = config.batch_dataset_type self.load_dataset() self.dataset_size = dataset_size = len( segment = dataset_size / batch_size self.cursor = [offset * segment for offset in xrange(batch_size)] def load_dataset(self): dataset = Dataset(self.config, self.batch_dataset_type) = def sequence(self, position): '''Generate a sequence from a cursor position''' sequence = [] for _ in xrange(self.num_unrollings + 1): sequence.append([self.cursor[position]]) self.cursor[position] = (self.cursor[position] + 1) % self.dataset_size return sequence def next(self): '''Generate next batch from the data''' batch = [] for position in xrange(self.batch_size): batch.append(self.sequence(position)) return np.array(batch)
<filename>test/integration/dppl/inference/ from .harness import MCMCTest, Config from pprint import pprint def test_neal_funnel(config=Config()): test_neal_funnel = MCMCTest( name='neal_funnel', model_file='good/neal_funnel.stan', config=config ) return if __name__ == "__main__": pprint(test_neal_funnel())
<filename>python/py_gapic_repositories.bzl<gh_stars>100-1000 # Copyright 2019 Google LLC # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive") _BLACK_PY_BUILD_FILE = """ py_binary( name = "black", srcs = glob(["**/*.py"]), visibility = ["//visibility:public"], ) """ def py_gapic_repositories(): _maybe( http_archive, name = "pypi_black", strip_prefix = "black-19.3b0", urls = [""], build_file_content = _BLACK_PY_BUILD_FILE, ) def _maybe(repo_rule, name, strip_repo_prefix = "", **kwargs): if not name.startswith(strip_repo_prefix): return repo_name = name[len(strip_repo_prefix):] if repo_name in native.existing_rules(): return repo_rule(name = repo_name, **kwargs)
import csv import time import numpy as np import argparse import warnings warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') from sklearn.preprocessing import scale from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV from sklearn.neural_network import MLPRegressor from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.feature_extraction import DictVectorizer def load_eyedata(data_folder): datafile = '{}/eyedata.csv'.format(data_folder) data = np.loadtxt(datafile, skiprows=1, delimiter=',') data = scale(data) X, y = data[:, :-1], data[:, -1] featnames = np.array( list(map(lambda i: '{:03}'.format(i), range(X.shape[1])))) return X, y, featnames def load_iwpc(data_folder): datafile = '{}/iwpc-scaled.csv'.format(data_folder) col_types = {'race': str, 'age': float, 'height': float, 'weight': float, 'amiodarone': int, 'decr': int, 'cyp2c9': str, 'vkorc1': str, 'dose': float} X, y = [], [] with open(datafile) as csvfile: reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile) for row in reader: for col_name in reader.fieldnames: col_type = col_types[col_name] row[col_name] = col_type(row[col_name]) # cast to correct type if col_name == 'dose': y.append(row[col_name]) del row[col_name] X.append(row) dv = DictVectorizer() X = dv.fit_transform(X) y = np.array(y) featnames = np.array(dv.get_feature_names()) return X, y, featnames if __name__ == '__main__': data_folder = '../data' parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('data', choices=['eyedata', 'iwpc'], help='Specify the data to use') args = parser.parse_args() dataset = if dataset == 'eyedata': X, y, featnames = load_eyedata(data_folder) if dataset == 'iwpc': X, y, featnames = load_iwpc(data_folder) train_X, test_X, train_y, test_y = train_test_split(X, y, random_state=9) time params = { 'activation' : ['identity', 'logistic', 'tanh', 'relu'], 'solver' : ['lbfgs', 'sgd', 'adam'], 'hidden_layer_sizes': [(100,),(150,),(200,),(300,), (50,100,),(50,150,),(100,100,),(100,150,),(50,75,100,)], 'max_iter':[200,250,300,350] } mlp_clf_grid = GridSearchCV(MLPRegressor(random_state=9), param_grid=params, n_jobs=-1, cv=5, verbose=1),train_y) print('Train Accuracy : ',mlp_clf_grid.best_estimator_.score(train_X,train_y)) print('Test Accuracy : ',mlp_clf_grid.best_estimator_.score(test_X, test_y)) print('Grid Search Best Accuracy :',mlp_clf_grid.best_score_) print('Best Parameters : ',mlp_clf_grid.best_params_) print('Best Estimators: ',mlp_clf_grid.best_estimator_)
<reponame>mindspore-ai/models # Copyright 2022 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================ """ prepare train data """ import os import sys import random from datetime import datetime import numpy as np from tqdm import tqdm import torch import torchaudio from hyperpyyaml import load_hyperpyyaml import speechbrain as sb from speechbrain.utils.data_utils import download_file from speechbrain.utils.distributed import run_on_main from speechbrain.dataio.sampler import ReproducibleRandomSampler from src.voxceleb_prepare import prepare_voxceleb def dataio_prep(params): "Creates the datasets and their data processing pipelines." data_folder = params["data_folder"] # 1. Declarations: train_data_reader = sb.dataio.dataset.DynamicItemDataset.from_csv( csv_path=params["train_annotation"], replacements={"data_root": data_folder}, ) valid_data_reader = sb.dataio.dataset.DynamicItemDataset.from_csv( csv_path=params["valid_annotation"], replacements={"data_root": data_folder}, ) datasets = [train_data_reader, valid_data_reader] label_encoder = sb.dataio.encoder.CategoricalEncoder() snt_len_sample = int(params["sample_rate"] * params["sentence_len"]) # 2. Define audio pipeline: @sb.utils.data_pipeline.takes("wav", "start", "stop", "duration") @sb.utils.data_pipeline.provides("sig") def audio_pipeline(wav, start, stop, duration): if params["random_chunk"]: duration_sample = int(duration * params["sample_rate"]) start = random.randint(0, duration_sample - snt_len_sample - 1) stop = start + snt_len_sample else: start = int(start) stop = int(stop) num_frames = stop - start sig, _ = torchaudio.load( wav, num_frames=num_frames, frame_offset=start ) sig = sig.transpose(0, 1).squeeze(1) return sig sb.dataio.dataset.add_dynamic_item(datasets, audio_pipeline) # 3. Define text pipeline: @sb.utils.data_pipeline.takes("spk_id") @sb.utils.data_pipeline.provides("spk_id", "spk_id_encoded") def label_pipeline(spk_id): yield spk_id spk_id_encoded = label_encoder.encode_sequence_torch([spk_id]) yield spk_id_encoded sb.dataio.dataset.add_dynamic_item(datasets, label_pipeline) # 3. Fit encoder: # Load or compute the label encoder (with multi-GPU DDP support) lab_enc_file = os.path.join(hparams["save_folder"], "label_encoder.txt") label_encoder.load_or_create( path=lab_enc_file, from_didatasets=[train_data_reader], output_key="spk_id", ) # 4. Set output: sb.dataio.dataset.set_output_keys(datasets, ["id", "sig", "spk_id_encoded"]) return train_data_reader, valid_data_reader, label_encoder if __name__ == "__main__": hparams_file, run_opts, overrides = sb.parse_arguments(sys.argv[1:]) print('parse parameters done') print("start load hyper param") # Load hyperparameters file with command-line overrides with open(hparams_file) as fin: hparams = load_hyperpyyaml(fin, overrides) print("download verification file") # Download verification list (to exclude verification sentences from train) veri_file_path = os.path.join( hparams["save_folder"], os.path.basename(hparams["verification_file"]) ) download_file(hparams["verification_file"], veri_file_path) print("data_prep") # Dataset prep (parsing VoxCeleb and annotation into csv files) run_on_main( prepare_voxceleb, kwargs={ "data_folder": hparams["data_folder"], "save_folder": hparams["save_folder"], "verification_pairs_file": veri_file_path, "splits": ("train", "dev"), "split_ratio": (90, 10), "seg_dur": hparams["sentence_len"], "skip_prep": hparams["skip_prep"] }, ) print("data io prep") if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(hparams["feat_folder"])): os.makedirs(os.path.join(hparams["feat_folder"]), exist_ok=False) save_dir = os.path.join(hparams["feat_folder"]) # Dataset IO prep: creating Dataset objects and proper encodings for phones train_data, valid_data, _ = dataio_prep(hparams) print("len of train:", len(train_data)) loader_kwargs = hparams["dataloader_options"] sampler = None if loader_kwargs.get("shuffle", False) is True: sampler = ReproducibleRandomSampler(train_data) loader_kwargs["sampler"] = sampler del loader_kwargs["shuffle"] dataloader = sb.dataio.dataloader.make_dataloader( train_data, **loader_kwargs ) fea_fp = open(os.path.join(save_dir, "fea.lst"), 'w') label_fp = open(os.path.join(save_dir, "label.lst"), 'w') for epoch in range(hparams["number_of_epochs"]): sampler.set_epoch(epoch) cnt = 0 for batch in tqdm(dataloader): batch ='cpu') wavs, lens = batch.sig wavs_aug_tot = [] wavs_aug_tot.append(wavs) for count, augment in enumerate(hparams["augment_pipeline"]): # Apply augment wavs_aug = augment(wavs, lens) # Managing speed change if wavs_aug.shape[1] > wavs.shape[1]: wavs_aug = wavs_aug[:, 0 : wavs.shape[1]] else: zero_sig = torch.zeros_like(wavs) zero_sig[:, 0 : wavs_aug.shape[1]] = wavs_aug wavs_aug = zero_sig if hparams["concat_augment"]: wavs_aug_tot.append(wavs_aug) else: wavs = wavs_aug wavs_aug_tot[0] = wavs wavs =, dim=0) n_augment = len(wavs_aug_tot) lens =[lens] * n_augment) # Feature extraction and normalization feats = hparams["compute_features"](wavs) feats = hparams["mean_var_norm"](feats, lens) ct = ts = ct.timestamp() id_save_name = str(ts) + "_id.npy" fea_save_name = str(ts) + "_fea.npy" spkid = spkid =[] * n_augment, dim=0), id_save_name), spkid.numpy()), fea_save_name), feats.numpy()) label_fp.write(id_save_name + "\n") fea_fp.write(fea_save_name + "\n") cnt += 1
<gh_stars>10-100 # import warnings from typing import Union, Dict import numpy as np from geopandas import GeoDataFrame as GDF from pandas import DataFrame as DF import shapely from shapely.geometry import Polygon import import geopandas as gpd from tqdm import tqdm import utils.img def buffer_zero(ingeo: Union[GDF, Polygon]) -> Union[GDF, Polygon]: """Make invalid polygons (due to self-intersection) valid by buffering with 0.""" if isinstance(ingeo, Polygon): if ingeo.is_valid is False: return ingeo.buffer(0) else: return ingeo elif isinstance(ingeo, GDF): if False in ingeo.geometry.is_valid.unique(): ingeo.geometry = ingeo.geometry.apply(lambda _p: _p.buffer(0)) return ingeo else: return ingeo def close_holes(ingeo: Union[GDF, Polygon]) -> Union[GDF, Polygon]: """Close polygon holes by limitation to the exterior ring.""" def _close_holes(poly: Polygon): if poly.interiors: return Polygon(list(poly.exterior.coords)) else: return poly if isinstance(ingeo, Polygon): return _close_holes(ingeo) elif isinstance(ingeo, GDF): ingeo.geometry = ingeo.geometry.apply(lambda _p: _close_holes(_p)) return ingeo def set_crs(df: GDF, epsg_code: Union[int, str]) -> GDF: """Sets dataframe crs in geopandas pipeline. TODO: Deprecate with next rasterio version that will integrate set_crs method. """ = {'init': f'epsg:{str(epsg_code)}'} return df def explode_mp(df: GDF) -> GDF: """Explode all multi-polygon geometries in a geodataframe into individual polygon geometries. Adds exploded polygons as rows at the end of the geodataframe and resets its index. """ outdf = df[df.geom_type == 'Polygon'] df_mp = df[df.geom_type == 'MultiPolygon'] for idx, row in df_mp.iterrows(): df_temp = gpd.GeoDataFrame(columns=df_mp.columns) df_temp = df_temp.append([row] * len(row.geometry), ignore_index=True) for i in range(len(row.geometry)): df_temp.loc[i, 'geometry'] = row.geometry[i] outdf = outdf.append(df_temp, ignore_index=True) outdf.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) return outdf def keep_biggest_poly(df: GDF) -> GDF: """Replaces MultiPolygons with the biggest polygon contained in the MultiPolygon.""" row_idxs_mp = df.index[df.geometry.geom_type == 'MultiPolygon'].tolist() for idx in row_idxs_mp: mp = df.loc[idx].geometry poly_areas = [p.area for p in mp] max_area_poly = mp[poly_areas.index(max(poly_areas))] df.loc[idx, 'geometry'] = max_area_poly return df def clip(df: GDF, clip_poly: Polygon, explode_mp_: bool = False, keep_biggest_poly_: bool = False, ) -> GDF: """Filter and clip geodataframe to clipping geometry. The clipping geometry needs to be in the same projection as the geodataframe. Args: df: input geodataframe clip_poly: Clipping polygon geometry, needs to be in the same crs as the input geodataframe. explode_mp_: Applies explode_mp function. Append dataframe rows for each polygon in potential multipolygons that were created by the intersection. Resets the dataframe index! keep_biggest_poly_: Applies keep_biggest_poly function. Replaces MultiPolygons with the biggest polygon contained in the MultiPolygon. Returns: Result geodataframe. """ df = df[df.geometry.intersects(clip_poly)].copy() df.geometry = df.geometry.apply(lambda _p: _p.intersection(clip_poly)) # df = gpd.overlay(df, clip_poly, how='intersection') # Slower. row_idxs_mp = df.index[df.geometry.geom_type == 'MultiPolygon'].tolist() if not row_idxs_mp: return df elif not explode_mp_ and (not keep_biggest_poly_): warnings.warn(f"Warning, intersection resulted in {len(row_idxs_mp)} split multipolygons. Use " f"explode_mp_=True or keep_biggest_poly_=True.") return df elif explode_mp_ and keep_biggest_poly_: raise ValueError('You can only use one of "explode_mp_" or "keep_biggest_poly_"!') elif explode_mp_: return explode_mp(df) elif keep_biggest_poly_: return keep_biggest_poly(df) def reclassify_col(df: Union[GDF, DF], rcl_scheme: Dict, col_classlabels: str= 'lcsub', col_classids: str= 'lcsub_id', drop_other_classes: bool=True ) -> Union[GDF, DF]: """Reclassify class label and class ids in a dataframe column. # TODO: Simplify & make more efficient! Args: df: input geodataframe. rcl_scheme: Reclassification scheme, e.g. {'springcereal': [1,2,3], 'wintercereal': [10,11]} col_classlabels: column with class labels. col_classids: column with class ids. drop_other_classes: Drop classes that are not contained in the reclassification scheme. Returns: Result dataframe. """ if drop_other_classes is True: classes_to_drop = [v for values in rcl_scheme.values() for v in values] df = df[df[col_classids].isin(classes_to_drop)].copy() rcl_dict = {} rcl_dict_id = {} for i, (key, value) in enumerate(rcl_scheme.items(), 1): for v in value: rcl_dict[v] = key rcl_dict_id[v] = i df[f'r_{col_classlabels}'] = df[col_classids].copy().map(rcl_dict) # map name first, id second! df[f'r_{col_classids}'] = df[col_classids].map(rcl_dict_id) return df reclass_legend = { 'springcereal': [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 21, 55, 56, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 224, 230, 234, 701, 702, 703, 704, 705], 'wintercereal': [10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 22, 57, 220, 221, 222, 223, 235], 'maize': [5, 216], 'grassland': [101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 120, 121, 122, 123, 125, 126, 162, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 180, 182, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 281, 282, 283, 284], 'other': [23, 24, 25, 30, 31, 32, 35, 36, 40, 42, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 124, 160, 161, 280, 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410, 411, 412, 413, 415, 416, 417, 418, 420, 421, 422, 423, 424, 429, 430, 431, 432, 434, 440, 448, 449, 450, 487, 488, 489, 491, 493, 496, 497, 498, 499, 501, 502, 503, 504, 505, 507, 509, 512, 513, 514, 515, 516, 517, 518, 519, 520, 521, 522, 523, 524, 525, 526, 527, 528, 529, 530, 531, 532, 533, 534, 536, 539, 540, 541, 542, 543, 544, 545, 547, 548, 549, 550, 551, 552, 553, 560, 561, 563, 570, 579] # drop other non-crop related classes (forest related, environment, recreation, other grass, permanent grass, # wasteland, ..) } def reduce_precision(ingeo: Union[Polygon, GDF], precision: int=3) -> Union[Polygon, GDF]: """Reduces the number of after comma decimals of a shapely Polygon or geodataframe geometries. GeoJSON specification recommends 6 decimal places for latitude and longitude which equates to roughly 10cm of precision ( Args: ingeo: input geodataframe or shapely Polygon. precision: number of after comma values that should remain. Returns: Result polygon or geodataframe, same type as input. """ def _reduce_precision(poly: Polygon, precision: int) -> Polygon: geojson = shapely.geometry.mapping(poly) geojson['coordinates'] = np.round(np.array(geojson['coordinates']), precision) poly = shapely.geometry.shape(geojson) if not poly.is_valid: # Too low precision can potentially lead to invalid polygons due to line overlap effects. poly = poly.buffer(0) return poly if isinstance(ingeo, Polygon): return _reduce_precision(poly=ingeo, precision=precision) elif isinstance(ingeo, GDF): ingeo.geometry = ingeo.geometry.apply(lambda _p: _reduce_precision(poly=_p, precision=precision)) return ingeo def to_pixelcoords(ingeo: Union[Polygon, GDF], reference_bounds: Union[rasterio.coords.BoundingBox, tuple], scale: bool=False, nrows: int=None, ncols: int=None ) -> Union[Polygon, GDF]: """Converts projected polygon coordinates to pixel coordinates of an image array. Subtracts point of origin, scales to pixelcoordinates. Input: ingeo: input geodataframe or shapely Polygon. reference_bounds: Bounding box object or tuple of reference (e.g. image chip) in format (left, bottom, right, top) scale: Scale the polygons to the image size/resolution. Requires image array nrows and ncols parameters. nrows: image array nrows, required for scale. ncols: image array ncols, required for scale. Returns: Result polygon or geodataframe, same type as input. """ def _to_pixelcoords(poly: Polygon, reference_bounds, scale, nrows, ncols): try: minx, miny, maxx, maxy = reference_bounds w_poly, h_poly = (maxx - minx, maxy - miny) except (TypeError, ValueError): raise Exception( f'reference_bounds argument is of type {type(reference_bounds)}, needs to be a tuple or rasterio bounding box ' f'instance. Can be delineated from transform, nrows, ncols via rasterio.transform.reference_bounds') # Subtract point of origin of image bbox. x_coords, y_coords = poly.exterior.coords.xy p_origin = shapely.geometry.Polygon([[x - minx, y - miny] for x, y in zip(x_coords, y_coords)]) if scale is False: return p_origin elif scale is True: if ncols is None or nrows is None: raise ValueError('ncols and nrows required for scale') x_scaler = ncols / w_poly y_scaler = nrows / h_poly return shapely.affinity.scale(p_origin, xfact=x_scaler, yfact=y_scaler, origin=(0, 0, 0)) if isinstance(ingeo, Polygon): return _to_pixelcoords(poly=ingeo, reference_bounds=reference_bounds, scale=scale, nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols) elif isinstance(ingeo, GDF): ingeo.geometry = ingeo.geometry.apply(lambda _p: _to_pixelcoords(poly=_p, reference_bounds=reference_bounds, scale=scale, nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols)) return ingeo def invert_y_axis(ingeo: Union[Polygon, GDF], reference_height: int ) -> Union[Polygon, GDF]: """Invert y-axis of polygon or geodataframe geometries in reference to a bounding box e.g. of an image chip. Usage e.g. for COCOJson format. Args: ingeo: Input Polygon or geodataframe. reference_height: Height (in coordinates or rows) of reference object (polygon or image, e.g. image chip. Returns: Result polygon or geodataframe, same type as input. """ def _invert_y_axis(poly: Polygon=ingeo, reference_height=reference_height): x_coords, y_coords = poly.exterior.coords.xy p_inverted_y_axis = shapely.geometry.Polygon([[x, reference_height - y] for x, y in zip(x_coords, y_coords)]) return p_inverted_y_axis if isinstance(ingeo, Polygon): return _invert_y_axis(poly=ingeo, reference_height=reference_height) elif isinstance(ingeo, GDF): ingeo.geometry = ingeo.geometry.apply(lambda _p: _invert_y_axis(poly=_p, reference_height=reference_height)) return ingeo def cut_chip_geometries(vector_df, raster_width, raster_height, raster_transform, chip_width=128, chip_height=128, first_n_chips=None): """Workflow to cut a vector geodataframe to chip geometries. Filters small polygons and skips empty chips. Args: vector_df: Geodataframe containing the geometries to be cut to chip geometries. raster_width: rasterio meta['width'] raster_height: rasterio meta['height'] raster_transform: rasterio meta['transform'] chip_width: Desired pixel width. chip_height: Desired pixel height. first_n_chips: Only processes the first n image chips, used for debugging. Returns: Dictionary containing the final chip_df, chip_window, chip_transform, chip_poly objects. """ generator_window_bounds = utils.img.get_chip_windows(raster_width=raster_width, raster_height=raster_height, raster_transform=raster_transform, chip_width=chip_width, chip_height=chip_height, skip_partial_chips=True) all_chip_dfs = {} for i, (chip_window, chip_transform, chip_poly) in enumerate(tqdm(generator_window_bounds)): if i >= first_n_chips: break # # Clip geometry to chip chip_df = vector_df.pipe(utils.geo.clip, clip_poly=chip_poly, keep_biggest_poly_=True) if not all(chip_df.geometry.is_empty): chip_df.geometry = chip_df.simplify(1, preserve_topology=True) else: continue # Drop small geometries chip_df = chip_df[chip_df.geometry.area * (10 * 10) > 5000] #5000 sqm in UTM # Transform to chip pixelcoordinates and invert y-axis for COCO format. if not all(chip_df.geometry.is_empty): chip_df = chip_df.pipe(utils.geo.to_pixelcoords, reference_bounds=chip_poly.bounds, scale=True, ncols=chip_width, nrows=chip_height) chip_df = chip_df.pipe(invert_y_axis, reference_height=chip_height) else: continue chip_name = f'COCO_train2016_000000{100000+i}' # _{clip_minX}_{clip_minY}_{clip_maxX}_{clip_maxY}' all_chip_dfs[chip_name] = {'chip_df': chip_df, 'chip_window': chip_window, 'chip_transform': chip_transform, 'chip_poly': chip_poly} return all_chip_dfs
class SimpleProduct: def solution(self, value1, value2): return "PROD = " + str(value1 * value2)
# (C) Copyright 2005-2021 Enthought, Inc., Austin, TX # All rights reserved. # # This software is provided without warranty under the terms of the BSD # license included in LICENSE.txt and may be redistributed only under # the conditions described in the aforementioned license. The license # is also available online at # # Thanks for using Enthought open source! import inspect import unittest from traits.observation import expression from traits.observation._dict_item_observer import DictItemObserver from traits.observation._filtered_trait_observer import FilteredTraitObserver from traits.observation._list_item_observer import ListItemObserver from traits.observation._metadata_filter import MetadataFilter from traits.observation._named_trait_observer import NamedTraitObserver from traits.observation._set_item_observer import SetItemObserver from traits.observation._observer_graph import ObserverGraph def create_graph(*nodes): """ Create an ObserverGraph with the given nodes joined one after another. Parameters ---------- *nodes : hashable Items to be attached as nodes Returns ------- ObserverGraph """ node = nodes[-1] graph = ObserverGraph(node=node) for node in nodes[:-1][::-1]: graph = ObserverGraph(node=node, children=[graph]) return graph def create_expression(observer): """ Create an expression with a dummy observer for testing purposes. Parameters ---------- observer : hashable Item to be used as a node on ObserverGraph Returns ------- expression : ObserverExpression """ return expression.SingleObserverExpression(observer) class TestObserverExpressionComposition(unittest.TestCase): """ Test composition of ObserverExpression with generic observers.""" def test_new_with_branches(self): observer = 1 expr = create_expression(observer) expected = [ create_graph(observer), ] actual = expr._as_graphs() self.assertEqual(actual, expected) def test_or_operator(self): observer1 = 1 observer2 = 2 expr1 = create_expression(observer1) expr2 = create_expression(observer2) expr = expr1 | expr2 expected = [ create_graph(observer1), create_graph(observer2), ] actual = expr._as_graphs() self.assertEqual(actual, expected) def test_or_maintain_order(self): # Test __or__ will maintain the order provided by the user. observer1 = 1 observer2 = 2 expr1 = create_expression(observer1) expr2 = create_expression(observer2) combined1 = expr1 | expr2 combined2 = expr2 | expr1 self.assertEqual(combined1._as_graphs(), combined2._as_graphs()[::-1]) def test_then_operator(self): observer1 = 1 observer2 = 2 expr1 = create_expression(observer1) expr2 = create_expression(observer2) expr = expr1.then(expr2) expected = [ create_graph( observer1, observer2, ) ] actual = expr._as_graphs() self.assertEqual(actual, expected) def test_chained_then_or(self): observer1 = 1 observer2 = 2 observer3 = 3 observer4 = 4 expr1 = create_expression(observer1) expr2 = create_expression(observer2) expr3 = create_expression(observer3) expr4 = create_expression(observer4) expr = (expr1.then(expr2)) | (expr3.then(expr4)) expected = [ create_graph( observer1, observer2, ), create_graph( observer3, observer4, ), ] actual = expr._as_graphs() self.assertEqual(actual, expected) def test_or_then_chained(self): observer1 = 1 observer2 = 2 observer3 = 3 observer4 = 4 expr1 = create_expression(observer1) expr2 = create_expression(observer2) expr3 = create_expression(observer3) expr4 = create_expression(observer4) expr = (expr1 | expr2).then(expr3 | expr4) expected = [ ObserverGraph( node=observer1, children=[ create_graph(observer3), create_graph(observer4), ], ), ObserverGraph( node=observer2, children=[ create_graph(observer3), create_graph(observer4), ], ), ] actual = expr._as_graphs() self.assertEqual(actual, expected) def test_join_expressions(self): observer1 = 1 observer2 = 2 expr1 = create_expression(observer1) expr2 = create_expression(observer2) expr = expression.join(expr1, expr2) expected = [ create_graph( observer1, observer2, ) ] actual = expr._as_graphs() self.assertEqual(actual, expected) class TestObserverExpressionFilter(unittest.TestCase): """ Test ObserverExpression.match """ def setUp(self): def anytrait(name, trait): return True self.anytrait = anytrait def test_match_notify_true(self): # Test the top-level function expr = expression.match(filter=self.anytrait) expected = [ create_graph( FilteredTraitObserver(filter=self.anytrait, notify=True), ), ] actual = expr._as_graphs() self.assertEqual(actual, expected) def test_match_notify_false(self): # Test the top-level function expr = expression.match(filter=self.anytrait, notify=False) expected = [ create_graph( FilteredTraitObserver(filter=self.anytrait, notify=False), ), ] actual = expr._as_graphs() self.assertEqual(actual, expected) def test_match_method_notify_true(self): # Test the instance method calls the top-level function correctly. expr = expression.match(filter=self.anytrait).match( filter=self.anytrait ) expected = [ create_graph( FilteredTraitObserver(filter=self.anytrait, notify=True), FilteredTraitObserver(filter=self.anytrait, notify=True), ), ] actual = expr._as_graphs() self.assertEqual(actual, expected) def test_match_method_notify_false(self): # Test the instance method calls the top-level function correctly. expr = expression.match(filter=self.anytrait).match( filter=self.anytrait, notify=False, ) expected = [ create_graph( FilteredTraitObserver(filter=self.anytrait, notify=True), FilteredTraitObserver(filter=self.anytrait, notify=False), ), ] actual = expr._as_graphs() self.assertEqual(actual, expected) def test_call_signatures(self): # Test to help developers keeping the two function signatures in-sync. # Remove this if the two need to divert in the future. top_level = expression.match method = expression.ObserverExpression().match self.assertEqual( inspect.signature(top_level), inspect.signature(method) ) class TestObserverExpressionFilterMetadata(unittest.TestCase): """ Test ObserverExpression.metadata """ def test_metadata_notify_true(self): # Test the top-level function expr = expression.metadata("butterfly") expected = [ create_graph( FilteredTraitObserver( filter=MetadataFilter(metadata_name="butterfly"), notify=True, ), ), ] actual = expr._as_graphs() self.assertEqual(actual, expected) def test_metadata_notify_false(self): # Test the top-level function expr = expression.metadata("butterfly", notify=False) expected = [ create_graph( FilteredTraitObserver( filter=MetadataFilter(metadata_name="butterfly"), notify=False, ), ), ] actual = expr._as_graphs() self.assertEqual(actual, expected) def test_metadata_method_notify_true(self): # Test the instance method calls the top-level function correctly. expr = expression.metadata("bee").metadata("ant") expected = [ create_graph( FilteredTraitObserver( filter=MetadataFilter(metadata_name="bee"), notify=True, ), FilteredTraitObserver( filter=MetadataFilter(metadata_name="ant"), notify=True, ), ), ] actual = expr._as_graphs() self.assertEqual(actual, expected) def test_metadata_method_notify_false(self): # Test the instance method calls the top-level function correctly. expr = expression.metadata("bee").metadata("ant", notify=False) expected = [ create_graph( FilteredTraitObserver( filter=MetadataFilter(metadata_name="bee"), notify=True, ), FilteredTraitObserver( filter=MetadataFilter(metadata_name="ant"), notify=False, ), ), ] actual = expr._as_graphs() self.assertEqual(actual, expected) def test_call_signatures(self): # Test to help developers keeping the two function signatures in-sync. # Remove this if the two need to divert in the future. top_level = expression.metadata method = expression.ObserverExpression().metadata self.assertEqual( inspect.signature(top_level), inspect.signature(method) ) class TestObserverExpressionTrait(unittest.TestCase): """ Test ObserverExpression.trait """ def test_trait_name(self): # Test the top-level function expr = expression.trait("name") expected = [ create_graph( NamedTraitObserver(name="name", notify=True, optional=False) ), ] actual = expr._as_graphs() self.assertEqual(actual, expected) def test_trait_name_notify_false(self): # Test the top-level function expr = expression.trait("name", notify=False) expected = [ create_graph( NamedTraitObserver(name="name", notify=False, optional=False) ), ] actual = expr._as_graphs() self.assertEqual(actual, expected) def test_trait_name_optional_true(self): # Test the top-level function expr = expression.trait("name", optional=True) expected = [ create_graph( NamedTraitObserver(name="name", notify=True, optional=True) ), ] actual = expr._as_graphs() self.assertEqual(actual, expected) def test_trait_method(self): # Test the instance method calls the top-level function correctly. expr = expression.trait("name").trait("attr") expected = [ create_graph( NamedTraitObserver(name="name", notify=True, optional=False), NamedTraitObserver(name="attr", notify=True, optional=False), ), ] actual = expr._as_graphs() self.assertEqual(actual, expected) def test_trait_method_notify_false(self): # Test the instance method calls the top-level function correctly. expr = expression.trait("name").trait("attr", notify=False) expected = [ create_graph( NamedTraitObserver(name="name", notify=True, optional=False), NamedTraitObserver(name="attr", notify=False, optional=False), ), ] actual = expr._as_graphs() self.assertEqual(actual, expected) def test_trait_method_optional_true(self): # Test the instance method calls the top-level function correctly. expr = expression.trait("name").trait("attr", optional=True) expected = [ create_graph( NamedTraitObserver(name="name", notify=True, optional=False), NamedTraitObserver(name="attr", notify=True, optional=True), ), ] actual = expr._as_graphs() self.assertEqual(actual, expected) def test_call_signatures(self): # Test to help developers keeping the two function signatures in-sync. # Remove this if the two need to divert in the future. top_level_trait = expression.trait method_trait = expression.ObserverExpression().trait self.assertEqual( inspect.signature(top_level_trait), inspect.signature(method_trait) ) class TestObserverExpressionDictItem(unittest.TestCase): """ Test ObserverExpression.dict_items """ def test_dict_items(self): expr = expression.dict_items() expected = [ create_graph( DictItemObserver(notify=True, optional=False), ), ] actual = expr._as_graphs() self.assertEqual(actual, expected) def test_dict_items_notify_false(self): expr = expression.dict_items(notify=False) expected = [ create_graph( DictItemObserver(notify=False, optional=False), ), ] actual = expr._as_graphs() self.assertEqual(actual, expected) def test_dict_items_optional_true(self): expr = expression.dict_items(optional=True) expected = [ create_graph( DictItemObserver(notify=True, optional=True), ), ] actual = expr._as_graphs() self.assertEqual(actual, expected) def test_dict_items_method_notify(self): # Test the instance method calls the top-level function correctly. expr = expression.dict_items().dict_items(notify=False) expected = [ create_graph( DictItemObserver(notify=True, optional=False), DictItemObserver(notify=False, optional=False), ), ] actual = expr._as_graphs() self.assertEqual(actual, expected) def test_dict_items_method_optional(self): # Test the instance method calls the top-level function correctly. expr = expression.dict_items().dict_items(optional=True) expected = [ create_graph( DictItemObserver(notify=True, optional=False), DictItemObserver(notify=True, optional=True), ), ] actual = expr._as_graphs() self.assertEqual(actual, expected) def test_call_signatures(self): # Test to help developers keeping the two function signatures in-sync. # Remove this if the two need to divert in the future. top_level = expression.dict_items method = expression.ObserverExpression().dict_items self.assertEqual( inspect.signature(top_level), inspect.signature(method) ) class TestObserverExpressionListItem(unittest.TestCase): """ Test ObserverExpression.list_items """ def test_list_items(self): expr = expression.list_items() expected = [ create_graph( ListItemObserver(notify=True, optional=False), ), ] actual = expr._as_graphs() self.assertEqual(actual, expected) def test_list_items_notify_false(self): expr = expression.list_items(notify=False) expected = [ create_graph( ListItemObserver(notify=False, optional=False), ), ] actual = expr._as_graphs() self.assertEqual(actual, expected) def test_list_items_optional_true(self): expr = expression.list_items(optional=True) expected = [ create_graph( ListItemObserver(notify=True, optional=True), ), ] actual = expr._as_graphs() self.assertEqual(actual, expected) def test_list_items_method_notify(self): # Test the instance method calls the top-level function correctly. expr = expression.list_items().list_items(notify=False) expected = [ create_graph( ListItemObserver(notify=True, optional=False), ListItemObserver(notify=False, optional=False), ), ] actual = expr._as_graphs() self.assertEqual(actual, expected) def test_list_items_method_optional(self): # Test the instance method calls the top-level function correctly. expr = expression.list_items().list_items(optional=True) expected = [ create_graph( ListItemObserver(notify=True, optional=False), ListItemObserver(notify=True, optional=True), ), ] actual = expr._as_graphs() self.assertEqual(actual, expected) def test_call_signatures(self): # Test to help developers keeping the two function signatures in-sync. # Remove this if the two need to divert in the future. top_level = expression.list_items method = expression.ObserverExpression().list_items self.assertEqual( inspect.signature(top_level), inspect.signature(method) ) class TestObserverExpressionSetItem(unittest.TestCase): """ Test ObserverExpression.set_items """ def test_set_items(self): expr = expression.set_items() expected = [ create_graph( SetItemObserver(notify=True, optional=False), ), ] actual = expr._as_graphs() self.assertEqual(actual, expected) def test_set_items_notify_false(self): expr = expression.set_items(notify=False) expected = [ create_graph( SetItemObserver(notify=False, optional=False), ), ] actual = expr._as_graphs() self.assertEqual(actual, expected) def test_set_items_optional_true(self): expr = expression.set_items(optional=True) expected = [ create_graph( SetItemObserver(notify=True, optional=True), ), ] actual = expr._as_graphs() self.assertEqual(actual, expected) def test_set_items_method_notify(self): # Test the instance method calls the top-level function correctly. expr = expression.set_items().set_items(notify=False) expected = [ create_graph( SetItemObserver(notify=True, optional=False), SetItemObserver(notify=False, optional=False), ), ] actual = expr._as_graphs() self.assertEqual(actual, expected) def test_set_items_method_optional(self): # Test the instance method calls the top-level function correctly. expr = expression.set_items().set_items(optional=True) expected = [ create_graph( SetItemObserver(notify=True, optional=False), SetItemObserver(notify=True, optional=True), ), ] actual = expr._as_graphs() self.assertEqual(actual, expected) def test_call_signatures(self): # Test to help developers keeping the two function signatures in-sync. # Remove this if the two need to divert in the future. top_level = expression.set_items method = expression.ObserverExpression().set_items self.assertEqual( inspect.signature(top_level), inspect.signature(method) ) class TestObserverExpressionEquality(unittest.TestCase): """ Test ObserverExpression.__eq__ """ def test_trait_equality(self): expr1 = create_expression(1) expr2 = create_expression(1) self.assertEqual(expr1, expr2) def test_join_equality_with_then(self): # The following all result in the same graphs expr1 = create_expression(1) expr2 = create_expression(2) combined1 = expression.join(expr1, expr2) combined2 = expr1.then(expr2) self.assertEqual(combined1, combined2) def test_equality_different_type(self): expr = create_expression(1) self.assertNotEqual(expr, "1")
# Copyright 2016 Google Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import mock import requests import requests.adapters from six.moves import http_client import google.auth.transport.requests from tests.transport import compliance class TestRequestResponse(compliance.RequestResponseTests): def make_request(self): return google.auth.transport.requests.Request() def test_timeout(self): http = mock.Mock() request = google.auth.transport.requests.Request(http) request(url='', method='GET', timeout=5) assert http.request.call_args[1]['timeout'] == 5 class MockCredentials(object): def __init__(self, token='token'): self.token = token def apply(self, headers): headers['authorization'] = self.token def before_request(self, request, method, url, headers): self.apply(headers) def refresh(self, request): self.token += '1' class MockAdapter(requests.adapters.BaseAdapter): def __init__(self, responses, headers=None): self.responses = responses self.requests = [] self.headers = headers or {} def send(self, request, **kwargs): self.requests.append(request) return self.responses.pop(0) def make_response(status=http_client.OK, data=None): response = requests.Response() response.status_code = status response._content = data return response class TestAuthorizedHttp(object): TEST_URL = '' def test_constructor(self): authed_session = google.auth.transport.requests.AuthorizedSession( mock.sentinel.credentials) assert authed_session.credentials == mock.sentinel.credentials def test_request_no_refresh(self): mock_credentials = mock.Mock(wraps=MockCredentials()) mock_response = make_response() mock_adapter = MockAdapter([mock_response]) authed_session = google.auth.transport.requests.AuthorizedSession( mock_credentials) authed_session.mount(self.TEST_URL, mock_adapter) response = authed_session.request('GET', self.TEST_URL) assert response == mock_response assert mock_credentials.before_request.called assert not mock_credentials.refresh.called assert len(mock_adapter.requests) == 1 assert mock_adapter.requests[0].url == self.TEST_URL assert mock_adapter.requests[0].headers['authorization'] == 'token' def test_request_refresh(self): mock_credentials = mock.Mock(wraps=MockCredentials()) mock_final_response = make_response(status=http_client.OK) # First request will 401, second request will succeed. mock_adapter = MockAdapter([ make_response(status=http_client.UNAUTHORIZED), mock_final_response]) authed_session = google.auth.transport.requests.AuthorizedSession( mock_credentials) authed_session.mount(self.TEST_URL, mock_adapter) response = authed_session.request('GET', self.TEST_URL) assert response == mock_final_response assert mock_credentials.before_request.call_count == 2 assert mock_credentials.refresh.called assert len(mock_adapter.requests) == 2 assert mock_adapter.requests[0].url == self.TEST_URL assert mock_adapter.requests[0].headers['authorization'] == 'token' assert mock_adapter.requests[1].url == self.TEST_URL assert mock_adapter.requests[1].headers['authorization'] == 'token1'
import csv import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # pip install matplotlib-venn from matplotlib_venn import venn3 with open('../../Data/Annotations/ethnicity.csv') as f: reader = csv.DictReader(f) entries = list(reader) images_per_language = {'dutch': set(), 'german': set(), 'english': set()} for entry in entries: language = entry['language'] flickr_id = entry['flickr_id'] images_per_language[language].add(flickr_id) diagram = venn3([images_per_language['dutch'], images_per_language['german'], images_per_language['english']], ['Dutch','German','English']) for patch in diagram.patches: patch.set_facecolor('white') patch.set_linewidth(1) patch.set_edgecolor('black') patch.set_alpha(1.0) for label in diagram.set_labels: label.set_size(20) for label in diagram.subset_labels: label.set_size(20) # Minor tweaks label_12 = diagram.subset_labels[2] x,y = label_12.get_position() label_12.set_y(y+0.03) label_12.set_x(x+0.02) label_11 = diagram.subset_labels[4] x,y = label_11.get_position() #label_11.set_x(x-0.025) label_11.set_y(y-0.07) plt.savefig('../Output/ethnicity.pdf')
<reponame>suecarmol/externallinks<gh_stars>1-10 from .base import * from .logging import * DEBUG = True SERVER_EMAIL = "Wikilink Local <<EMAIL>>" DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL = SERVER_EMAIL # Django Debug Toolbar config # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Sometimes, developers do not want the debug toolbar on their local environments, # so we can disable it by not passing a REQUIREMENTS_FILE variable when building # the docker containers if os.environ["REQUIREMENTS_FILE"] == "local.txt": INSTALLED_APPS += [ "debug_toolbar", "django_extensions", ] MIDDLEWARE += [ "debug_toolbar.middleware.DebugToolbarMiddleware", ] INTERNAL_IPS = ["", "localhost", ""] def show_toolbar(request): return True DEBUG_TOOLBAR_CONFIG = { "SHOW_TOOLBAR_CALLBACK": show_toolbar, }
GUI_Working/New Folder/
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Form implementation generated from reading ui file 'loader2.ui' # # Created by: PyQt5 UI code generator 5.15.4 # # WARNING: Any manual changes made to this file will be lost when pyuic5 is # run again. Do not edit this file unless you know what you are doing. from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets class Ui_MainWindow(object): def setupUi(self, MainWindow): MainWindow.setObjectName("MainWindow") MainWindow.resize(500, 426) MainWindow.setStyleSheet("") self.centralwidget = QtWidgets.QWidget(MainWindow) self.centralwidget.setStyleSheet("QWidget{\n" " background-color: qlineargradient(spread:pad, x1:0, y1:0, x2:1, y2:1, stop:0 rgba(185, 38, 38, 255), stop:0.502778 rgba(118, 61, 93, 255), stop:0.827778 rgba(87, 46, 43, 255));\n" "}\n" "\n" "\n" ".QLabel{\n" "\n" " background-color: transparent;\n" "\n" "}\n" "\n" ".QPushButton{\n" "\n" " background-color: rgb(31, 0, 1);\n" " border-radius: 1px;\n" "\n" " color: rgb(255, 255, 255);\n" " width : 60px;\n" " height: 20px;\n" " border-radius: 10px;\n" " border: none;\n" " padding: 2px;\n" " \n" "}\n" "") self.centralwidget.setObjectName("centralwidget") self.verticalLayout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout(self.centralwidget) self.verticalLayout.setObjectName("verticalLayout") self.horizontalLayout_2 = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() self.horizontalLayout_2.setObjectName("horizontalLayout_2") self.label = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.centralwidget) self.label.setEnabled(True) font = QtGui.QFont() font.setPointSize(36) self.label.setFont(font) self.label.setStyleSheet("") self.label.setObjectName("label") self.horizontalLayout_2.addWidget(self.label) spacerItem = QtWidgets.QSpacerItem(40, 20, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Expanding, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Minimum) self.horizontalLayout_2.addItem(spacerItem) self.label_2 = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.centralwidget) self.label_2.setObjectName("label_2") self.horizontalLayout_2.addWidget(self.label_2) self.lineEdit = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self.centralwidget) self.lineEdit.setMouseTracking(False) self.lineEdit.setStyleSheet("color: rgb(255, 255, 255);\n" "background-color: transparent;") self.lineEdit.setText("") self.lineEdit.setObjectName("lineEdit") self.horizontalLayout_2.addWidget(self.lineEdit) spacerItem1 = QtWidgets.QSpacerItem(40, 20, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Expanding, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Minimum) self.horizontalLayout_2.addItem(spacerItem1) self.verticalLayout.addLayout(self.horizontalLayout_2) self.tableWidget = QtWidgets.QTableWidget(self.centralwidget) self.tableWidget.setEnabled(True) self.tableWidget.setStyleSheet("background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);") self.tableWidget.setAutoScroll(False) self.tableWidget.setCornerButtonEnabled(False) self.tableWidget.setObjectName("tableWidget") self.tableWidget.setColumnCount(10) self.tableWidget.setRowCount(0) item = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem() self.tableWidget.setHorizontalHeaderItem(0, item) item = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem() self.tableWidget.setHorizontalHeaderItem(1, item) item = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem() self.tableWidget.setHorizontalHeaderItem(2, item) item = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem() self.tableWidget.setHorizontalHeaderItem(3, item) item = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem() self.tableWidget.setHorizontalHeaderItem(4, item) item = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem() self.tableWidget.setHorizontalHeaderItem(5, item) item = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem() self.tableWidget.setHorizontalHeaderItem(6, item) item = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem() self.tableWidget.setHorizontalHeaderItem(7, item) item = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem() self.tableWidget.setHorizontalHeaderItem(8, item) item = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem() self.tableWidget.setHorizontalHeaderItem(9, item) self.tableWidget.horizontalHeader().setHighlightSections(False) self.tableWidget.verticalHeader().setVisible(True) self.tableWidget.verticalHeader().setHighlightSections(False) self.verticalLayout.addWidget(self.tableWidget) self.progressBar = QtWidgets.QProgressBar(self.centralwidget) self.progressBar.setEnabled(True) self.progressBar.setStyleSheet("QProgressBar{\n" " background-color: rgb(98,114,164);\n" " color: rgb(200, 200, 200);\n" " border-style: none;\n" " border-radius: 10px;\n" " text-align: center;\n" " \n" "}\n" "\n" "QProgressBar::chunk{ \n" " background-color: qlineargradient(spread:pad, x1:0, y1:0, x2:1, y2:0, stop:0.0170455 rgba(226, 0, 185, 255), stop:1 rgba(21, 25, 255, 255));\n" " border-radius: 10px;\n" " \n" "}") self.progressBar.setProperty("value", 24) self.progressBar.setObjectName("progressBar") self.verticalLayout.addWidget(self.progressBar) self.horizontalLayout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() self.horizontalLayout.setObjectName("horizontalLayout") self.pushButton_3 = QtWidgets.QPushButton(self.centralwidget) self.pushButton_3.setObjectName("pushButton_3") self.horizontalLayout.addWidget(self.pushButton_3) spacerItem2 = QtWidgets.QSpacerItem(40, 20, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Expanding, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Minimum) self.horizontalLayout.addItem(spacerItem2) self.pushButton_2 = QtWidgets.QPushButton(self.centralwidget) self.pushButton_2.setEnabled(True) self.pushButton_2.setObjectName("pushButton_2") self.horizontalLayout.addWidget(self.pushButton_2) self.pushButton_4 = QtWidgets.QPushButton(self.centralwidget) self.pushButton_4.setObjectName("pushButton_4") self.horizontalLayout.addWidget(self.pushButton_4) self.pushButton_5 = QtWidgets.QPushButton(self.centralwidget) self.pushButton_5.setObjectName("pushButton_5") self.horizontalLayout.addWidget(self.pushButton_5) self.pushButton = QtWidgets.QPushButton(self.centralwidget) self.pushButton.setEnabled(True) self.pushButton.setObjectName("pushButton") self.horizontalLayout.addWidget(self.pushButton) self.verticalLayout.addLayout(self.horizontalLayout) MainWindow.setCentralWidget(self.centralwidget) self.menubar = QtWidgets.QMenuBar(MainWindow) self.menubar.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(0, 0, 500, 21)) self.menubar.setObjectName("menubar") MainWindow.setMenuBar(self.menubar) self.statusbar = QtWidgets.QStatusBar(MainWindow) self.statusbar.setObjectName("statusbar") MainWindow.setStatusBar(self.statusbar) self.retranslateUi(MainWindow) QtCore.QMetaObject.connectSlotsByName(MainWindow) MainWindow.setTabOrder(self.tableWidget, self.lineEdit) MainWindow.setTabOrder(self.lineEdit, self.pushButton_3) MainWindow.setTabOrder(self.pushButton_3, self.pushButton_2) MainWindow.setTabOrder(self.pushButton_2, self.pushButton_4) MainWindow.setTabOrder(self.pushButton_4, self.pushButton_5) MainWindow.setTabOrder(self.pushButton_5, self.pushButton) def retranslateUi(self, MainWindow): _translate = QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate MainWindow.setWindowTitle(_translate("MainWindow", "MainWindow")) self.label.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Scrapelancer")) self.label_2.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Search")) self.tableWidget.setSortingEnabled(False) item = self.tableWidget.horizontalHeaderItem(0) item.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Username")) item = self.tableWidget.horizontalHeaderItem(1) item.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Tagline")) item = self.tableWidget.horizontalHeaderItem(2) item.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Country")) item = self.tableWidget.horizontalHeaderItem(3) item.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Ratings")) item = self.tableWidget.horizontalHeaderItem(4) item.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "EarningLabel")) item = self.tableWidget.horizontalHeaderItem(5) item.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Reviews")) item = self.tableWidget.horizontalHeaderItem(6) item.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Rate")) item = self.tableWidget.horizontalHeaderItem(7) item.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "description")) item = self.tableWidget.horizontalHeaderItem(8) item.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "skills")) item = self.tableWidget.horizontalHeaderItem(9) item.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "imgSrc")) self.pushButton_3.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Sort")) self.pushButton_2.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "OK")) self.pushButton_4.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Pause")) self.pushButton_5.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Resume")) self.pushButton.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Load Data"))
<reponame>TheDuckCow/pose-tools #### BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### bl_info = { "name": "PoseTools", "author": "<NAME> <<EMAIL>>", "version": (1, 3), "blender": (2, 80, 0), "location": "Armature > Pose Library", "description": "Allows dynamic mixing between poses in library and clipboard", "warning": "", "wiki_url": "", "category": "Animation"} import bpy v = False # v for verbose BV_IS_28 = None # global initialization def bv28(): """Check if blender 2.8, for layouts, UI, and properties. """ global BV_IS_28 if not BV_IS_28: BV_IS_28 = hasattr(, "version") and >= (2, 80) return BV_IS_28 def poseAddLimited(ob, frame): # ob is the object/armature, should get the list of currently selected bones. # frame is the pre-determined frame where print("getting there eventually") # brute force copies all location/rotation/scale of all bones and returns list def getPose(poseCurr): pose = [] b = bpy.context.selected_pose_bones for a in b: rotway = a.rotation_mode rotname = '' if rotway in ['QUATERNION']: rotname = "rotation_quaternion" # for now, fix later elif rotway in ['XYZ','XZY','YXZ','YZX','ZYX','ZXY']: rotname = "rotation_euler" elif rotway in ['AXIS_ANGLE']: rotname = 'rotation_axis_angle' else: rotway = "rotation_quaternion" # for now, fix later # rotation modes: rotation_axis_angle, rotation_euler, rotation_quaternion if rotname == 'rotation_axis_angle': # it's a list type, so can't/no need to .copy() pose.append([a.location.copy(), a.rotation_axis_angle, a.scale.copy(), rotname]) else: pose.append([a.location.copy(), getattr(a,rotname).copy(), a.scale.copy(), rotname]) return pose # generic function for mixing two poses def mixToPose(ob, pose, value): def linmix(orig, new, factor): return orig*(1-factor)+new*factor autoinsert = bpy.context.scene.tool_settings.use_keyframe_insert_auto bones_select = bpy.context.selected_pose_bones for b,p in zip(bones_select,pose): # moved from for loops to hard coded in attempt to increase speed, # this is the critical section! #for x in range(len(p[1])): #position # b.location[x] =linmix(b.location[x], p[1][x], value) b.location[0] =linmix(b.location[0], p[0][0], value) b.location[1] =linmix(b.location[1], p[0][1], value) b.location[2] =linmix(b.location[2], p[0][2], value) b.scale[0] = linmix(b.scale[0], p[2][0], value) b.scale[1] = linmix(b.scale[1], p[2][1], value) b.scale[2] = linmix(b.scale[2], p[2][2], value) if p[3] == "rotation_quaternion" or p[3] == '': b.rotation_quaternion[0] = linmix(b.rotation_quaternion[0], p[1][0], value) b.rotation_quaternion[1] = linmix(b.rotation_quaternion[1], p[1][1], value) b.rotation_quaternion[2] = linmix(b.rotation_quaternion[2], p[1][2], value) b.rotation_quaternion[3] = linmix(b.rotation_quaternion[3], p[1][3], value) elif p[3] == "rotation_euler": b.rotation_euler[0] = linmix(b.rotation_euler[0], p[1][0], value) b.rotation_euler[1] = linmix(b.rotation_euler[1], p[1][1], value) b.rotation_euler[2] = linmix(b.rotation_euler[2], p[1][2], value) elif p[3] == "rotation_axis_angle": b.rotation_axis_angle[0] = linmix(b.rotation_axis_angle[0], p[1][0], value) b.rotation_axis_angle[1] = linmix(b.rotation_axis_angle[1], p[1][1], value) b.rotation_axis_angle[2] = linmix(b.rotation_axis_angle[2], p[1][2], value) b.rotation_axis_angle[3] = linmix(b.rotation_axis_angle[3], p[1][3], value) else: print("ERROR!") #for x in range(len(p[2])): #rotation_quaternion, not EULER # b.rotation_quaternion[x] = linmix(b.rotation_quaternion[x], p[2][x], value) if autoinsert: bpy.ops.anim.keyframe_insert_menu(type='BUILTIN_KSI_VisualLocRotScale') ####### # The tool for mixing poses class mixCurrentPose(bpy.types.Operator): """Mix-apply the selected library pose on to the current pose""" bl_idname = "poselib.mixcurrpose" bl_label = "Mix current pose" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} influence = bpy.props.FloatProperty( name="Mix influence", default=100, subtype='PERCENTAGE', unit='NONE', min = 0, max = 100, description="influence" ) pose_index = bpy.props.IntProperty( name="Pose Index", default= 0, # will be passed in min = 0, description="pose index" ) # make a property here for which pose, like the input one? # or even make it a dropdown? and have the numbers become the poseindex below for builtin def execute(self, context): #get a COPY of the current pose ob = context.object prePose = getPose(ob.pose) # each element is a list of vectors, [loc, rot (quat.), scale, rottype] bpy.ops.poselib.apply_pose(pose_index=self.pose_index) #bpy.ops.poselib.apply_pose(pose_index=context.object.pose_library.pose_markers.active_index) mixToPose(ob, prePose, 1-self.influence/100) # mix back in the poses back return {'FINISHED'} @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return (context.object and context.object.type == 'ARMATURE' and context.object.mode == 'POSE' ) # in the above, remove the last one once I get it working in object mode too (apply to all bones..) class mixedPosePaste(bpy.types.Operator): """Mix-paste the stored pose on to the current pose""" bl_idname = "poselib.mixedposepaste" bl_label = "Mix current pose with copied pose" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} influence = bpy.props.FloatProperty( name="Mix influence", default=100, subtype='PERCENTAGE', unit='NONE', min = 0, max = 100, description="influence" ) def execute(self, context): ob = context.object prePose = getPose(ob.pose) #get a COPY of the current pose bpy.ops.pose.paste() mixToPose(ob, prePose, 1-self.influence/100) # mix back in the previous pose return {'FINISHED'} @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return (context.object and context.object.type == 'ARMATURE' and context.object.mode == 'POSE' ) def pose_tools_panel(self, context): """UI for new tool, drawn next to the built-in post library tools in armature tab""" layout = self.layout col = layout.split(align=True) p = col.operator("poselib.mixcurrpose",text="Apply mixed pose") p.influence = context.scene.posemixinfluence if context.object.pose_library: p.pose_index = context.object.pose_library.pose_markers.active_index col.prop(context.scene, "posemixinfluence", slider=True, text="Mix Influence") class poselibToolshelf(bpy.types.Panel): """Post Tools operations""" bl_label = "Pose Library Tools" bl_space_type = 'VIEW_3D' bl_region_type = "UI" if bv28() else "TOOLS" # bl_context = "posemode" bl_category = "Tool" if bv28() else 'Tools' def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout row = layout.row() row.label(text="Pose Library") ob = context.object try: poselib = ob.pose_library except: row = layout.row() row.label(text="Select an armature for poses") return layout.template_ID(ob, "pose_library", new="", unlink="poselib.unlink") if poselib: # list of poses in pose library row = layout.row() row.template_list("UI_UL_list", "pose_markers", poselib, "pose_markers", poselib.pose_markers, "active_index", rows=3) col = row.column(align=True) = (poselib.library is None) col.operator("poselib.pose_add", icon="ZOOMIN" if < (2, 80) else "ADD", text="") # frame = int, to bpypass menu add frame of the last un-used datablock! col.operator_context = 'EXEC_DEFAULT' # exec not invoke, so menu doesn't need showing pose_marker_active = col2 = layout.column(align=True) if pose_marker_active is not None: col.operator("poselib.pose_remove", icon="ZOOMOUT" if < (2, 80) else "REMOVE", text="") col2 = layout.column(align=True) if poselib: if pose_marker_active is not None: p = col2.operator("poselib.mixcurrpose",text="Apply mixed pose") p.influence = context.scene.posemixinfluence p.pose_index = context.object.pose_library.pose_markers.active_index row = col2.row(align=True) row.operator("pose.copy", text="Copy Pose") row.operator("poselib.mixedposepaste", text="Mixed Paste").influence = context.scene.posemixinfluence col2.prop(context.scene, "posemixinfluence", slider=True, text="Mix Influence") def register(): bpy.types.Scene.posemixinfluence = bpy.props.FloatProperty( name="Mix", description="The mix factor between the original pose and the new pose", subtype='PERCENTAGE', min=0, max=100, default=100) bpy.utils.register_class(mixCurrentPose) bpy.utils.register_class(poselibToolshelf) bpy.utils.register_class(mixedPosePaste) bpy.types.DATA_PT_pose_library.append(pose_tools_panel) def unregister(): bpy.types.DATA_PT_pose_library.remove(pose_tools_panel) bpy.utils.unregister_class(mixedPosePaste) bpy.utils.unregister_class(poselibToolshelf) bpy.utils.unregister_class(mixCurrentPose) del bpy.types.Scene.posemixinfluence if __name__ == "__main__": register()
<gh_stars>0 import asyncio import discord from discord.ext.commands import Bot from discord.ext import commands from discord import Color, Embed from backend.game_database import GameDatabase import backend.commands as db class Automated(commands.Cog): def __init__(self, bot): = bot self.player_count = 10 self.required_checks = 8 # Not including bot self.required_x = 5 # Not including bot self.game_db = GameDatabase() # Print out error as embed async def __show_error(self, ctx, error_message): embed = Embed( title="Error!",, description=error_message ) await ctx.send(embed=embed) @commands.Cog.listener() async def on_reaction_add(self, reaction, user): msg_id = # Check if message is a pending game if not msg_id in self.game_db.pending: return # Get game id and list of players in the game game_id = self.game_db.pending[msg_id] player_ids =[game_id] # Remove reaction if user isn't in the game if not in player_ids and not await reaction.message.remove_reaction(reaction.emoji, user) # Score game if self.required_reactions threshold is met all_reactions = reaction.message.reactions if self.required_checks+1 == all_reactions[0].count \ or self.required_x+1 == all_reactions[1].count: # Title variable is for embed title = "Game Results Canceled!" color = if all_reactions[0].count == self.required_checks+1: title = "Game Results Submitted!" color = # Get info from old embed old_embed = reaction.message.embeds[0] # Edit embed message embed = Embed( title=title, color=color, description=old_embed.description ) for field in old_embed.fields: embed.add_field(, value=field.value, inline=True ) await reaction.message.edit(embed=embed) # Don't score game if it's canceled if self.required_x+1 == all_reactions[1].count: self.game_db.reverse_pending(game_id) return # Remove game from pending games self.game_db.remove_pending_game(game_id) # To make a call to the scoring database, we need to fill # 4 parameters: # - [List] of ID's of all players # - [List] of display names of all players # - [List] of ID's of all impostors # - [Boolean] that represents whether crew won or not imp_ids, did_imps_win = self.game_db.imps[game_id] player_names = [] for id in player_ids: player_names.append( reaction.message.guild.get_member(id).display_name ) # Add game to database player_ids = [str(i) for i in player_ids] imp_ids = [str(i) for i in imp_ids[0]] db.add_game(player_ids, player_names, imp_ids, not did_imps_win) @commands.command() async def start(self, ctx): # Find VC of player who typed command member = voice_state = member.voice # Error if not in a VC if voice_state is None: await self.__show_error(ctx, "You are not in a voice channel!") return # Get list of all 10 ID's voice_channel = member_ids = list(voice_channel.voice_states.keys()) # Error if VC does not have self.player_count players if len(member_ids) != self.player_count: error_message = "There are not enough people in your voice channel!" await self.__show_error(ctx, error_message) return # Store in database self.game_db.add_game(member_ids) # Send embed listing all ids as mentions players_str = "" number = 1 for id in member_ids: players_str += f"{number}. <@{id}>\n" number += 1 embed = Embed( title="Game Setup",, ) embed.add_field( name="Players", value=players_str, inline=True ) scoring_help = "Type `!score # # [I/C]`.\n\ The # refers to the imp's\n\ place on the list." embed.add_field( name="When finished...", value=scoring_help, inline=True ) embed.set_footer(text=f"Game ID: {self.game_db.game_number-1}") await ctx.send(embed=embed) @commands.command() async def score(self, ctx): # Get message content = ctx.message.content.split()[1:] # Error if format is incorrect if len(content) != 3: await self.__show_error(ctx, "Incorrect format!") return valid_nums = [str(i) for i in range(1, 11)] format_checks = [ content[0] in valid_nums, # Imps are valid numbers content[1] in valid_nums, # Imps are valid numbers content[2].upper() in ["I", "C"], # Valid game winner content[0] != content[1] # Imps are not the same ] if not all(format_checks): await self.__show_error(ctx, "Incorrect format!") return # Find game with author try: author_id = player_ids = self.game_db.get_game(author_id) game_id = self.game_db.get_game_id(author_id) except: # Error if no game found await self.__show_error(ctx, "You are not in a game!") return # Check if game is already being scored if self.game_db.is_game_pending(game_id): await self.__show_error(ctx, "Game is already being scored!") return # Description of embed will be based on winner if content[2].upper() == "I": winner_str = "`Impostors Win!`" else: winner_str = "`Crewmates Win!`" # Print out game and wait for 6 reactions embed = Embed( title="Pending Game Results!", description=winner_str, ) # crew_str = "1. Dale\n2. Peter\n 3. Steve" # crew_counter = 1 # imp_str = "1. John\n2. David" # imp_counter = 1 crew_str = imp_str = "" crew_counter = imp_counter = 1 for i in range(len(player_ids)): if i+1 != int(content[0]) and i+1 != int(content[1]): crew_str += f"{crew_counter}. <@{player_ids[i]}>\n" crew_counter += 1 else: imp_str += f"{imp_counter}. <@{player_ids[i]}>\n" imp_counter += 1 embed.add_field( name="Crewmates", value=crew_str, inline=True ) embed.add_field( name="Impostors", value=imp_str, inline=True ) embed.set_footer(text=f"{self.required_checks} reactions required.") pending_msg = await ctx.send(embed=embed) # React to the message with the check and X Emoji await pending_msg.add_reaction("\U00002705") await pending_msg.add_reaction("\U0000274C") # Give embed message id to game database imp_ids = [player_ids[int(content[0])-1], player_ids[int(content[1])-1]] self.game_db.add_pending_game(, game_id, [imp_ids], content[2].upper() == "C" ) # @commands.command() # async def void(self, ctx): # desc = "Void" # # embed = Embed( # title="Void", # color=Color.dark_gray(), # description=desc # ) # # await ctx.send(embed=embed) def setup(bot): bot.add_cog(Automated(bot))
# Symbolicate the kernelcache from jtool2 #@author simo #@category iOS.kernel from utils.methods import * if __name__ == "__main__": default_file = "test" fname = askString("Kernelcache symbol file","Symbol file: ",default_file) f = open(fname,"rb+") buf ='\n') i = 0 for line in buf: if len(line) == 0: continue addr , symbol , empty = line.split("|") if len(symbol) == 0: continue if "func_" in symbol: continue print addr,symbol symbol = symbol.strip()#.replace(" ","_") symbolicate(addr,symbol) i+= 1
## # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. ## ''' Run test: >> pytest -q python/test/ ''' from import Type from import Layout def test_data_types_1(): # Here just check some types randomly assert Type.BOOL.value == 0 assert Layout.FIXED_WIDTH.value == 1 assert Type.INT32 == 6 assert Layout.FIXED_WIDTH == 1
# Script to add photometry from the BDNYC database into SIMPLE from astrodbkit2.astrodb import Database, and_ from sqlalchemy import types # for BDNYC column overrides verbose = True # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Establish connection to databases # Note that special parameters have to be passed to allow the BDNYC schema work properly connection_string = 'sqlite:///../BDNYCdevdb/bdnycdev.db' bdnyc = Database(connection_string, reference_tables=['changelog', 'data_requests', 'publications', 'ignore', 'modes', 'systems', 'telescopes', 'versions', 'instruments'], primary_table='sources', primary_table_key='id', foreign_key='source_id', column_type_overrides={'spectra.spectrum': types.TEXT(), 'spectra.local_spectrum': types.TEXT()}) # SIMPLE connection_string = 'sqlite:///SIMPLE.db' db = Database(connection_string) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Reload from directory, if needed db.load_database('data', verbose=False) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # For each source in SIMPLE, search in BDNYC and grab specified photometry # Will be only grabbing WISE data for now telescope = 'WISE' band_list = ['WISE_W1', 'WISE_W2', 'WISE_W3', 'WISE_W4'] # Don't include sources that already have photometry in these bands temp = db.query(db.Photometry.c.source).filter( sources_with_photometry = [s[0] for s in temp] sources = db.query(db.Sources).\ filter(db.Sources.c.source.notin_(sources_with_photometry)).\ pandas() # Get the BDNYC source_id values for our SIMPLE sources source_dict = {} for i, row in sources.iterrows(): bd_source = bdnyc.search_object(row['source'], output_table='sources', table_names={'sources': ['designation', 'names']}, fmt='pandas') if len(bd_source) != 1: print(f"ERROR matching {row['source']}") else: source_dict[row['source']] = int(bd_source['id'].values[0]) # Grab only photometry in the band list that has version flags and publications for source, bdnyc_id in source_dict.items(): print(f'{source} : {bdnyc_id}') bd_data = bdnyc.query(bdnyc.photometry).\ filter(and_(bdnyc.photometry.c.source_id == bdnyc_id, bdnyc.photometry.c.publication_shortname.isnot(None), bdnyc.photometry.c.version <= 2,\ pandas() if len(bd_data) == 0: continue # Insert into the database new_data = [] for i, row in bd_data.iterrows(): old_data = db.query(db.Photometry).filter(db.Photometry.c.source == source).pandas() if len(old_data) > 0: if (row['band'], row['publication_shortname']) in zip(old_data['band'].tolist(), old_data['reference'].tolist()): if verbose: print(f"{source}: {row['band']} already in database for reference {row['publication_shortname']}") new_data = None continue datum = {'source': source, 'band': row['band'], 'magnitude': row['magnitude'], 'magnitude_error': row['magnitude_unc'], 'telescope': 'WISE', 'reference': row['publication_shortname'], 'epoch': row['epoch'], 'comments': row['comments']} new_data.append(datum) if new_data is not None: print(f"{source} : Ingesting new data: {new_data}") db.Photometry.insert().execute(new_data) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Output changes to directory db.save_database('data')
from .user_dto import User from .drink_dto import Drinks from .dessert_dto import Dessert from .role_dto import Roles
# -*- coding: utf-8 -* # # # # Created by JohnnyB0Y on 2021/07/11. # Copyright © 2021 JohnnyB0Y. All rights reserved. def domain(): # 0 1 2 3 3 5 12 4 strs = ["", "a", "aa", "aba", "baaa", "baaabd", "kkkfcddddddcfkabckkl", "aaaabcdefghijjjjklmn"] for str in strs: max = maxOfPalindrome(str) print(str, "maxOfPalindrome:", max) pass # 有三种硬币,分别面值2元、5元和7元,每种硬币都足够多 # 买一本书需要27元 # 问?如何用最少的硬币组合正好付清,且不需要对方找零? def minOfCoinChange(): pass # 字符串中的最长回文(Palindrome) def maxOfPalindrome(str): # aa : 遇到两个重复字符的时候 # aaa: 遇到多个重复字符的时候 # aba: 遇到左右字符重复的时候 # 第一步,找到中心轴 # 第二步,向左向右探 strLen = len(str) left = 0 right = 1 max = 0 if strLen == 0 else 1 while right < strLen: if str[left] == str[right]: # aa... while right + 1 < strLen and str[right] is str[right+1]: # aaa.... right += 1 else: # ab... right += 1 if (left < 0 or right >= strLen) or str[left] is not str[right]: # abc ? aba left += 1 continue # 左右探索 while (left > 0 and right + 1 < strLen) and str[left-1] is str[right+1]: left -= 1 right += 1 # 探索完成 max = (right - left + 1) if (right - left + 1) > max else max if max >= (strLen - right - 1): return max # 当后面的字符串数量少于最大回文个数时,提前跳出循环 left = right right += 1 return max # test domain()
def to_n_bits(input, input_bits = 8, output_bits = 5): """ Convert an array of N-bits integer into an array of N'-bits integers """ carry = 0 bits_count = 0 output = [] for number in input: carry = carry << input_bits carry += number bits_count += input_bits while bits_count >= output_bits: number = (carry >> (bits_count - output_bits)) output.append(number) carry -= (number << bits_count - output_bits) bits_count -= output_bits if bits_count and output_bits > bits_count: output.append(carry << (output_bits - bits_count)) return bytes(output) def _convertbits(data, frombits, tobits, pad=True): """General power-of-2 base conversion.""" acc = 0 bits = 0 ret = bytearray() maxv = (1 << tobits) - 1 max_acc = (1 << (frombits + tobits - 1)) - 1 for value in data: acc = ((acc << frombits) | value) & max_acc bits += frombits while bits >= tobits: bits -= tobits ret.append((acc >> bits) & maxv) if pad and bits: ret.append((acc << (tobits - bits)) & maxv) return ret
#!/usr/bin/python3 import scrapy from yarl import URL from datetime import datetime import json import newspaper.spiders.config as config from newspaper.spiders.generate_links import generate_links as generate from newspaper.spiders.makepdf import make_pdf class IndianExpressSpider(scrapy.Spider): name = "indian_express" allowed_domains = [config.INDIAN_EXPRESS_ROOT] tag = "" def start_requests(self): with open(config.JSON_FILE) as json_file: terms = json.load(json_file) terms = terms["search"] for term in terms: self.tag = term urls = generate(, term) for url in urls: yield scrapy.Request(url, self.parse) def parse(self, response): response_links = response.css("div.details") for response_link in response_links: anchor = response_link.css("h3 a::attr(href)").get() name = response_link.css("h3 a::text").get() article_name = name.replace(" ", "_") indian_express_link = str(anchor) try: date_list = response_link.css("time::text").getall() date_list.reverse() date = str(date_list[0]) date = date[14:-11].replace(" ", "") date = datetime.strptime(date, "%B%d,%Y").strftime("%Y-%b-%d") print(date) mpdf = make_pdf( str(, str(indian_express_link), str(date), str(self.tag), str(article_name), ) mpdf.print() except IndexError: pass
def event_key(event): try: return event['start']['dateTime'] except KeyError: return event['start']['date']
import sys from ..gateway import KeepAlive class DiscordGateway: def __init__(self, client, ws): = ws self.token = client.token self.client = client self.closed = @classmethod async def start_gateway(cls, client): url = await client.request("GET", "/gateway")["url"] ws = await client.ws_connect(url + "&encoding=json") self = cls(client, ws) return self async def login(self): payload = { "op": 2, "d": { "token": <PASSWORD>.token, "intents": 513, "properties": { "$os": sys.platform, "$browser": "", "$device": "" } } } await self.send(payload) async def send(self, data:dict): await async def catch_message(self): async for msg in if msg.type is aiohttp.WSMsgType.TEXT: await self.event_catch(msg) elif msg.type is aiohttp.WSMsgType.ERROR: raise async def event_catch(self, msg): data = msg.json() if data["op"] != 0: if data["op"] == 10: self.interval = data["d"]['heartbeat_interval'] / 1000.0 self.keepalive = KeepAlive(ws = self, interval = self.interval) await self.send(self.keepalive.get_data()) self.keepalive.start() await self.login() self.sequence = data["s"] self.client.dispatch("gateway_response", data["t"], data["d"])
from django.shortcuts import render from django.contrib.auth.hashers import make_password from django.contrib.auth import authenticate, login, logout from django.views.generic import View, ListView, DetailView,TemplateView from django.urls import reverse from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect,HttpRequest, HttpResponse, JsonResponse, QueryDict, Http404 from django.conf import settings from users.models import UserProfile from django.contrib.auth.mixins import LoginRequiredMixin, PermissionRequiredMixin from pure_pagination.mixins import PaginationMixin from django.db.models import Q from django.contrib.auth.hashers import make_password from users.forms import UserProfileForm, UserUpdateForm from django.contrib.auth.models import Group, Permission class UserView(LoginRequiredMixin, PaginationMixin, ListView): """ 组功能 """ model = UserProfile template_name = 'user/user_list.html' context_object_name = 'userlist' paginate_by = 2 keyword = '' login_url = '/login' def get_queryset(self): queryset = super(UserView, self).get_queryset() self.keyword = self.request.GET.get("keyword", "").strip() if self.keyword: queryset = queryset.filter(Q(name_cn__icontains=self.keyword)| Q(username__icontains=self.keyword)) return queryset def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): context = super(UserView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs) context['keyword'] = self.keyword return context def post(self, request): _userForm = UserProfileForm(request.POST) if _userForm.is_valid(): try: _userForm.cleaned_data['password'] = make_password("<PASSWORD>") _userForm.cleaned_data['is_active'] = True data = _userForm.cleaned_data self.model.objects.create(**data) res = {'code': 0, 'result': '添加用户成功'} except: res = {'code': 1, 'errmsg': '添加用户失败'} else: # 获取自定义的表单错误的两种常用方式 # print(_userForm.errors) print(_userForm.errors.as_json()) # print(_userForm.errors['phone'][0]) # 手机号码非法 # print(_userForm.errors['username'][0]) # 已存在一位使用该名字的用户 res = {'code': 1, 'errmsg': _userForm.errors.as_json()} return JsonResponse(res, safe=True) def delete(self, request): data = QueryDict(request.body).dict() print(data) pk = data.get('id') try: if pk == 1: res = {'code': 1, 'result': '不能删除管理员'} else: user = self.model.objects.filter(pk=pk) user.delete() res = {'code':0,'result':'删除用户成功'} except: res = {'code':1, 'result':'删除用户失败'} return JsonResponse(res,safe=True) class UserDetailView(LoginRequiredMixin, DetailView): model = UserProfile template_name = 'user/user_edit.html' context_object_name = 'user' def post(self, request, **kwargs): print( request.POST) # <QueryDict: {'id': ['7'], 'username': ['aa'], 'name_cn': ['bb'], 'phone': ['13305779168']}> print(kwargs) # {'pk': '7'} print(request.body) # b'id=7&username=aa&name_cn=bb&phone=13305779168' pk = kwargs.get("pk") data = QueryDict(request.body).dict() print(data) # {'id': '7', 'username': 'aa', 'name_cn': 'bb', 'phone': '13305779168'} _userForm = UserUpdateForm(request.POST) if _userForm.is_valid(): try: self.model.objects.filter(pk=pk).update(**data) res = {'code': 0, "next_url": reverse("users:user_list"), 'result': '更新用户成功'} except: res = {'code': 1, "next_url": reverse("users:user_list"), 'errmsg': '更新用户失败'} else: # 获取所有的表单错误 print(_userForm.errors) res = {'code': 1, "next_url": reverse("users:user_list"), 'errmsg': _userForm.errors} return render(request, settings.JUMP_PAGE, res)
from django.conf.urls import url from blog import views from django.conf import settings from django.conf.urls.static import static app_name="blog" urlpatterns = [ url(r'(?P<id>\d+)/post_edit/$', views.post_edit, name="post_edit"), url(r'(?P<reqid>\d+)/(?P<proid>\d+)/(?P<posid>\d+)/(?P<comid>\d+)/report/$',, name="report"), url(r'(?P<id>\d+)/post_delete/$', views.post_delete, name="post_delete"), url(r'(?P<id>\d+)/cmnt_delete/$', views.cmnt_delete, name="cmnt_delete"), url(r'(?P<id>\d+)/(?P<slug>[\w-]+)/$', views.post_detail, name="post_detail"), url(r'post_create/$', views.post_create, name="post_create"), url(r'edit_profile/$', views.edit_profile, name="edit_profile"), ] if settings.DEBUG: urlpatterns += static(settings.MEDIA_URL, document_root=settings.MEDIA_ROOT)
<filename>scripts/ #%% [markdown] # # Density test # Here, we compare the two unmatched networks by treating each as an Erdos-Renyi network # and simply compare their estimated densities. #%% [markdown] # ## The Erdos-Renyi (ER) model # The [**Erdos-Renyi (ER) model** # ]( # is one of the simplest network models. This model treats # the probability of each potential edge in the network occuring to be the same. In # other words, all edges between any two nodes are equally likely. # # ```{admonition} Math # Let $n$ be the number of nodes. We say that for all $(i, j), i \neq j$, with $i$ and # $j$ both running # from $1 ... n$, the probability of the edge $(i, j)$ occuring is: # $$ P[A_{ij} = 1] = p_{ij} = p $$ # Where $p$ is the the global connection probability. # Each element of the adjacency matrix $A$ is then sampled independently according to a # [Bernoulli distribution]( # $$ A_{ij} \sim Bernoulli(p) $$ # For a network modeled as described above, we say it is distributed # $$ A \sim ER(n, p) $$ # ``` # Thus, for this model, the only parameter of interest is the global connection # probability, $p$. This is sometimes also referred to as the **network density**. #%% [markdown] # ## Testing under the ER model # In order to compare two networks $A^{(L)}$ and $A^{(R)}$ under this model, we # simply need to compute these network densities ($p^{(L)}$ and $p^{(R)}$), and then # run a statistical test to see if these densities are significantly different. # ```{admonition} Math # Under this # model, the total number of edges $m$ comes from a $Binomial(n(n-1), p)$ distribution, # where $n$ is the number of nodes. This is because the number of edges is the sum of # independent Bernoulli trials with the same probability. If $m^{(L)}$ is the number of # edges on the left # hemisphere, and $m^{(R)}$ is the number of edges on the right, then we have: # $$m^{(L)} \sim Binomial(n^{(L)}(n^{(L)} - 1), p^{(L)})$$ # and independently, # $$m^{(R)} \sim Binomial(n^{(R)}(n^{(R)} - 1), p^{(R)})$$ # To compare the two networks, we are just interested in a comparison of $p^{(L)}$ vs. # $p^{(R)}$. Formally, we are testing: # $$H_0: p^{(L)} = p^{(R)}, \quad H_a: p^{(L)} \neq p^{(R)}$$ # Fortunately, the problem of testing for equal proportions is well studied. # In our case, we will use Fisher's Exact test to run this test for the null and # alternative hypotheses above. # ``` #%% import datetime import time import matplotlib.path import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.transforms import numpy as np import pandas as pd import seaborn as sns from giskard.plot import merge_axes, soft_axis_off from graspologic.simulations import er_np from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection from import load_network_palette, load_node_palette, load_unmatched from import FIG_PATH from import glue as default_glue from import savefig from pkg.plot import SmartSVG, networkplot_simple, set_theme from import plot_density from pkg.stats import erdos_renyi_test from pkg.utils import sample_toy_networks from svgutils.compose import Figure, Panel, Text from pkg.plot import draw_hypothesis_box, rainbowarrow DISPLAY_FIGS = True FILENAME = "er_unmatched_test" def gluefig(name, fig, **kwargs): savefig(name, foldername=FILENAME, **kwargs) glue(name, fig, figure=True) if not DISPLAY_FIGS: plt.close() def glue(name, var, **kwargs): default_glue(name, var, FILENAME, **kwargs) t0 = time.time() set_theme(font_scale=1.25) network_palette, NETWORK_KEY = load_network_palette() node_palette, NODE_KEY = load_node_palette() left_adj, left_nodes = load_unmatched("left") right_adj, right_nodes = load_unmatched("right") #%% # describe ER model np.random.seed(8888) ps = [0.2, 0.4, 0.6] n_steps = len(ps) fig, axs = plt.subplots( 2, n_steps, figsize=(6, 3), gridspec_kw=dict(height_ratios=[2, 0.5]), constrained_layout=True, ) n = 18 for i, p in enumerate(ps): A = er_np(n, p) if i == 0: node_data = pd.DataFrame(index=np.arange(n)) ax = axs[0, i] networkplot_simple(A, node_data, ax=ax, compute_layout=i == 0) label_text = f"{p}" if i == 0: label_text = r"$p = $" + label_text ax.set_title(label_text, pad=10) fig.set_facecolor("w") ax = merge_axes(fig, axs, rows=1) soft_axis_off(ax) rainbowarrow(ax, (0.15, 0.5), (0.85, 0.5), cmap="Blues", n=100, lw=12) ax.set_xlim((0, 1)) ax.set_ylim((0, 1)) ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) ax.set_xlabel("Increasing density") gluefig("er_explain", fig) #%% A1, A2, node_data = sample_toy_networks() node_data["labels"] = np.ones(len(node_data), dtype=int) palette = {1: sns.color_palette("Set2")[2]} fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(6, 6), gridspec_kw=dict(wspace=0.7)) ax = axs[0, 0] networkplot_simple(A1, node_data, ax=ax) ax.set_title("Compute global\nconnection density") ax.set_ylabel( "Left", color=network_palette["Left"], size="large", rotation=0, ha="right", labelpad=10, ) ax = axs[1, 0] networkplot_simple(A2, node_data, ax=ax) ax.set_ylabel( "Right", color=network_palette["Right"], size="large", rotation=0, ha="right", labelpad=10, ) stat, pvalue, misc = erdos_renyi_test(A1, A2) ax = axs[0, 1] ax.text( 0.4, 0.2, r"$p = \frac{\# \ edges}{\# \ potential \ edges}$", ha="center", va="center", ) ax.axis("off") ax.set_title("Compare ER\nmodels") ax.set(xlim=(-0.5, 2), ylim=(0, 1)) ax = axs[1, 1] ax.axis("off") x = 0 y = 0.55 draw_hypothesis_box("er", -0.2, 0.8, ax=ax, fontsize="medium", yskip=0.2) gluefig("er_methods", fig) #%% stat, pvalue, misc = erdos_renyi_test(left_adj, right_adj) glue("pvalue", pvalue, form="pvalue") #%% n_possible_left = misc["possible1"] n_possible_right = misc["possible2"] glue("n_possible_left", n_possible_left) glue("n_possible_right", n_possible_right) density_left = misc["probability1"] density_right = misc["probability2"] glue("density_left", density_left, form="0.2g") glue("density_right", density_right, form="0.2g") n_edges_left = misc["observed1"] n_edges_right = misc["observed2"] #%% coverage = 0.95 glue("coverage", coverage, form="2.0f%") plot_density(misc, palette=network_palette, coverage=coverage) gluefig("er_density", fig) #%% [markdown] # ## Reject bilateral symmetry under the ER model #%% [markdown] # ```{glue:figure} fig:er_unmatched_test-er_density # :name: "fig:er_unmatched_test-er_density" # # Comparison of estimated densities for the left and right hemisphere networks. The # estimated density (probability of any edge across the entire network), $\hat{p}$, for # the left # hemisphere is ~{glue:text}`er_unmatched_test-density_left:0.3f`, while for the right # it is # ~{glue:text}`er_unmatched_test-density_right:0.3f`. Black lines denote # {glue:text}`er_unmatched_test-coverage_percentage`**%** # confidence intervals for this estimated parameter $\hat{p}$. The p-value for testing # the null hypothesis that these densities are the same is # {glue:text}`er_unmatched_test-pvalue:0.3g` (two # sided Fisher's exact test). # ``` #%% [markdown] # {numref}`Figure {number} <fig:er_unmatched_test-er_density>` shows the comparison of # the network densities between the left and right hemisphere induced subgraphs. We see # that the density on the left is ~{glue:text}`er_unmatched_test-density_left:0.3f`, and # on the right it is ~{glue:text}`er_unmatched_test-density_right:0.3f`. To determine # whether this is a difference likely to be observed by chance under the ER model, # we ran a two-sided Fisher's exact test, which tests whether the success probabilities # between two independent binomials are significantly different. This test yields a # p-value of {glue:text}`er_unmatched_test-pvalue:0.3g`, suggesting that we have strong # evidence to reject this version of our hypotheis of bilateral symmetry. We note that # while the difference between estimated densities is not massive, this low p-value # results from the large sample size for this comparison. We note that there are # {glue:text}`er_unmatched_test-n_possible_left:,.0f` and # {glue:text}`er_unmatched_test-n_possible_right:,.0f` potential edges on the left and # right, # respectively, making the sample size for this comparison quite large. # # To our knowledge, when neuroscientists have considered the question of bilateral # symmetry, they have not meant such a simple comparison of proportions. In many ways, # the ER model is too simple to be an interesting description of connectome structure. # However, we note that *even the simplest network model* yields a significant # difference between brain hemispheres for this organism. It is unclear whether this # difference in densities is biological (e.g. a result of slightly differing rates of # development for this individual), an artifact of how the data was collected (e.g. # technological limitations causing slightly lower reconstruction rates on the left # hemisphere), or something else entirely. Still, the ER test results also provide # important considerations for other tests. Almost any network statistic (e.g. # clustering coefficient, number of triangles, etc), as well as many of the model-based # parameters we will consider in this paper, are strongly related to the network # density. Thus, if the densities are different, it is likely that tests based on any # of these other test statistics will also reject the null hypothesis. Thus, we will # need ways of telling whether an observed difference for these other tests could be # explained by this difference in density alone. #%% FIG_PATH = FIG_PATH / FILENAME fontsize = 12 methods = SmartSVG(FIG_PATH / "er_methods.svg") methods.set_width(200) methods.move(10, 20) methods_panel = Panel( methods, Text("A) Density test methods", 5, 10, size=fontsize, weight="bold") ) density = SmartSVG(FIG_PATH / "er_density.svg") density.set_height(methods.height) density.move(10, 15) density_panel = Panel( density, Text("B) Density comparison", 5, 10, size=fontsize, weight="bold") ) density_panel.move(methods.width * 0.9, 0) fig = Figure( (methods.width + density.width) * 0.9, (methods.height) * 0.9, methods_panel, density_panel, ) / "composite.svg") fig #%% elapsed = time.time() - t0 delta = datetime.timedelta(seconds=elapsed) print(f"Script took {delta}") print(f"Completed at {}")
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ## @package inversetoon.geometry.polyline # # Implementation of 2D polyline. # @author tody # @date 2015/08/12 import numpy as np from inversetoon.geometry.bounding_box import BoundingBox from inversetoon.geometry.line import Line from inversetoon.util.timer import timing_func from import normVectors ## Simple bounding box hierarchy for the given polints. # # Usage: # ``` # bvh1 = BVH(points1) # bvh2 = BVH(points2) # ibvhs = bvh1.intersect(bvh2) # for ibvh1, ibvh2, ip in ibvhs: # print ip # ``` class BVH: ## Constructor def __init__(self, points, params, level=0): self._level = level self._bb = BoundingBox(points) self._children = [] self._line = None self._createChildren(points, params) ## Return if the node is leaf. def isLeaf(self): return len(self._children) == 0 ## Return the points in the node. def points(self): return self._points ## Return the children in the node. def children(self): if self.isLeaf(): return [self] return self._children ## Return true if the given point is included in the node. def contains(self, p): return self._bb.contains(p) ## Find intersections with the given BVH structure. def intersect(self, bvh): if self._bb.intersects(bvh._bb): if bvh.isLeaf() and self.isLeaf(): ip = self._line.intersect(bvh._line) if ip is not None: ilt = self._line.closestParam(ip) t_min, t_max = self._param_range it = (1.0 - ilt) * t_min + ilt * t_max return [(self, bvh, ip, it)] else: ibvhs = [] for self_ch in self.children(): for bvh_ch in bvh.children(): ibvh = self_ch.intersect(bvh_ch) if ibvh is not None: ibvhs.extend(ibvh) return ibvhs else: return None return None ## Plot BVH. def plotBVH(self, plt, color="b", alpha=0.05): self._bb.plotBoundingBox(plt, color=color, alpha=alpha) if self.isLeaf(): return for bvh in self.children(): bvh.plotBVH(plt, color) def _createChildren(self, points, params): if len(points) < 5: self._points = points self._params = params self._param_range = [np.min(params), np.max(params)] self._line = Line(self._points[0], self._points[-1]) return points_left = points[:len(points) / 2 + 1] points_right = points[len(points) / 2:] params_left = params[:len(points) / 2 + 1] params_right = params[len(points) / 2:] self._children = [BVH(points_left, params_left, self._level + 1), BVH(points_right, params_right, self._level + 1)] ## Implementation of 2D polyline. class Polyline: ## Constructor def __init__(self, points): self.create(points) ## Create 2D polyline with the given points. def create(self, points): points = np.array(points) self._points = points self.computeParameters() self._bvh = BVH(points, self._params) ## Return points on the polyline. def points(self): return self._points ## Return point at the given parameter. def pointAt(self, t): params = self._params t_ranges = zip(params[:-1], params[1:]) points = self._points p_ranges = zip(points[:-1], points[1:]) for (p_min, p_max), (t_min, t_max) in zip(p_ranges, t_ranges): if t_max > t: pt = (t - t_min) / (t_max - t_min) return p_min + pt * (p_max - p_min) return None ## Compute arc length parameters. def computeParameters(self): cvs = self._points diff_cvs = cvs[1:, :] - cvs[:-1, :] dist_cvs = normVectors(diff_cvs) al_total = np.sum(dist_cvs) params = np.zeros(len(cvs)) al = 0 for pi in range(len(cvs) - 1): al += dist_cvs[pi] params[pi + 1] = al if al_total > 0.00001: params *= (1.0 / al_total) self._params = params ## Find intersected points with the given polyline. # # BVH structure is used for fast intersection. def intersect(self, pl): ibvhs = self._bvh.intersect(pl._bvh) ips = [ip for ibvh1, ibvh2, ip, it in ibvhs] return ips ## Plot polyline. def plotPolyline(self, plt): ps = self._points plt.plot(ps[:, 0], ps[:, 1], "-") ## Plot BVH structure. def plotBVH(self, plt, color="b"): self._bvh.plotBVH(plt, color=color) ## Plot intersection with BVH structure. def plotIntersection(self, plt, pl): ibvhs = self._bvh.intersect(pl._bvh) if ibvhs is None: return its = [] for ibvh1, ibvh2, ip, it in ibvhs: ibvh1.plotBVH(plt, color="r", alpha=0.2) ibvh2.plotBVH(plt, color="r", alpha=0.2) plt.plot(ip[0], ip[1], "o", color="r") its.append(it) plt.title("Num intersections: %s %s " % (len(ibvhs), its)) for it in its: ip = self.pointAt(it) print ip plt.plot(ip[0] + 0.001, ip[1] + 0.001, "x", color="g") def splinePoints(cvs, num_points=100): from scipy.interpolate import UnivariateSpline spl = UnivariateSpline(cvs[:, 0], cvs[:, 1]) bb = BoundingBox(cvs) x_new = np.linspace(bb.min()[0], bb.max()[0], num_points) y_new = spl(x_new) ps = np.zeros((num_points, 2)) ps[:, 0] = x_new ps[:, 1] = y_new return ps if __name__ == '__main__': import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from inversetoon.plot.window import showMaximize cv1 = np.random.rand(4, 2) cv2 = np.random.rand(4, 2) ps1 = splinePoints(cv1) ps2 = splinePoints(cv2) pl1 = Polyline(ps1) pl2 = Polyline(ps2) pl1.plotPolyline(plt) pl2.plotPolyline(plt) pl1.plotBVH(plt, color="b") pl2.plotBVH(plt, color="g") pl1.plotIntersection(plt, pl2) showMaximize()
from django.urls import reverse from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model from rest_framework import status from rest_framework.authtoken.models import Token from rest_framework.test import APITestCase, APIClient from .fixture import RegiaoFactory, CidadeFactory User = get_user_model() class CidadeViewSetTests(APITestCase): def setUp(self): self.user = User.objects.create_user( username='bruce', email='<EMAIL>', password='<PASSWORD>' ) self.anon_user = User.objects.create_user( username='jane', email='<EMAIL>', password='<PASSWORD>' ) self.unath_client = APIClient() self.client = APIClient() token, _ = Token.objects.get_or_create(user=self.user) self.client.credentials(HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=f'Token {token.key}') self.regiao = RegiaoFactory.create(id=1) def test_perform_create(self): data = { 'nome': 'Gotham', 'regiao': } response ='cidade-list'), data=data) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED) response ='cidade-list'), data=data) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_201_CREATED) self.assertEqual(['nome'], data['nome']) self.assertEqual(['slug'], 'gotham') def test_list(self): CidadeFactory.create_batch(5, regiao=self.regiao) response = self.unath_client.get(reverse('cidade-list')) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED) response = self.client.get(reverse('cidade-list')) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK) self.assertTrue(len(, 5) def test_retrieve(self): cidade = CidadeFactory.create(id=10, regiao=self.regiao) response = self.unath_client.get(reverse('cidade-detail', args=[10])) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED) response = self.client.get(reverse('cidade-detail', args=[10])) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK) self.assertEqual(['nome'], cidade.nome) def test_update(self): cidade = CidadeFactory.create(id=21, regiao=self.regiao) data = {'nome': 'Gotham City', 'regiao':} self.assertNotEqual(cidade.nome, data['nome']) response = self.unath_client.put(reverse('cidade-detail', args=[21]), data=data) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED) response = self.client.put(reverse('cidade-detail', args=[21]), data=data) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK) self.assertEqual(['nome'], data['nome']) self.assertEqual(['slug'], 'gotham-city') def test_partial_update(self): cidade = CidadeFactory.create(id=22, regiao=self.regiao) data = {'nome': 'Gotham City'} self.assertNotEqual(cidade.nome, data['nome']) response = self.unath_client.patch(reverse('cidade-detail', args=[22]), data=data) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED) response = self.client.patch(reverse('cidade-detail', args=[22]), data=data) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK) self.assertEqual(['nome'], data['nome']) def test_destroy(self): CidadeFactory.create(id=15, regiao=self.regiao) response = self.unath_client.get(reverse('cidade-detail', args=[15])) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED) response = self.client.get(reverse('cidade-list')) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK) self.assertTrue(len(, 1) response = self.client.delete(reverse('cidade-detail', args=[15])) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT) response = self.client.get(reverse('cidade-list')) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK) self.assertEqual(len(, 0)
<reponame>i14kawanaka/AtCoder import numpy as np def big(a, b): if(a > b): return a return b def small(a, b): if(a > b): return b return a def bbb(a,b): if(a>b): return (a-b+1)**2 return(b-a+1)**2 def sisumi(a,b): if(a>b): return (a-b+1) def abs(a): if(a>0): return a else: return -a s = input() s1 = [input().split() for i in range(int(s[0]))] si = [] for i in range(0,int(s),1): si.append([int(s1[i][0]),int(s1[i][1]),int(s1[i][2])]) print(si) for i in range(0,int(s),1): zentai = bbb(si[i][0],si[i][1])*bbb(si[i][0],si[i][2]) kaburi_zentai = ((big(si[i][1],si[i][2])+(small(si[i][1],si[i][2])-1))**2)*bbb(si[i][0],big(si[i][1],si[i][2])) kaburi_hoten_1 = ((big(si[i][1],si[i][2])+(small(si[i][1],si[i][2])-1))**2) - big(si[i][1],si[i][2])**2 #kaburi_hoten_2 = ((big(si[i][1],si[i][2])+(small(si[i][1],si[i][2])-1))**2) - (big(si[i][1],si[i][2])+(small(si[i][1],si[i][2])-1)) kaburi_hoten_2 = (big(si[i][1],si[i][2])+(small(si[i][1],si[i][2])-1)) flag = si[i][0]-big(si[i][1],si[i][2])-small(si[i][1],si[i][2]) if(flag => 0): kaburi_hoten_3 = 0 else: kaburi_hoten_3 = print(zentai) print(kaburi_zentai) print(kaburi_hoten_1) print(kaburi_hoten_2) print((si[i][0]-big(si[i][1],si[i][2])-1)*4) print((zentai-(kaburi_zentai-(kaburi_hoten_1*4+kaburi_hoten_2*4*(si[i][0]-big(si[i][1],si[i][2])-1))))%1000000007) #for i in range(0,int(s),1): # aaa = (int(s1[i][0])-int(s1[i][1])+1)*(int(s1[i][0])-int(s1[i][1])+1)*(int(s1[i][0])-int(s1[i][2])+1)*(int(s1[i][0])-int(s1[i][2])+1)-((bigman(s1[i][1],s1[i][2])-smallman(s1[i][1],s1[i][2])+1)**2*(int(s1[i][0])-bigman(s1[i][1],s1[i][2])+1)**2) # #print((bigman(s1[i][1],s1[i][2])-smallman(s1[i][1],s1[i][2])+1)**2) # print(((int(s1[i][0])-bigman(s1[i][1],s1[i][2])+1)**2)) # print(aaa%1000000007)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Generated by Django 1.10.3 on 2016-12-05 14:24 from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.db import migrations class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('imageledger', '0010_auto_20161130_1814'), ] operations = [ migrations.AlterModelOptions( name='favorite', options={'ordering': ['-updated_on']}, ), migrations.AlterModelOptions( name='list', options={'ordering': ['-updated_on']}, ), ]
<reponame>BrickSchema/reconciliation-api<gh_stars>1-10 abbrmap = { "ahu": ["air", "handler", "unit"], "vav": ["variable", "volume", "box"], "fcu": ["fan", "coil", "unit"], "avg": ["average"], "cmd": ["command"], "elec": ["electrical"], "equip": ["equipment"], "freq": ["frequency"], "occ": ["occupied"], "rtu": ["rootftop", "unit"], "roof": ["rooftop"], "dmp": ["damper"], "pos": ["position"], "sp": ["setpoint"], "spt": ["setpoint"], "stpt": ["setpoint"], "temp": ["temperature"], "tmp": ["temperature"], "t": ["temperature"], "unocc": ["unoccupied"], "volt": ["voltage"], "ctl": ["control"], "cfm": ["flow"], "sa": ["supply", "air"], "ea": ["exhaust", "air"], "da": ["discharge", "air"], "oa": ["outside", "air"], "ra": ["return", "air"], "sat": ["supply", "air", "temperature"], "eat": ["exhaust", "air", "temperature"], "dat": ["discharge", "air", "temperature"], "oat": ["outside", "air", "temperature"], "rat": ["return", "air", "temperature"], "sap": ["supply", "air", "pressure"], "eap": ["exhaust", "air", "pressure"], "dap": ["discharge", "air", "pressure"], "oap": ["outside", "air", "pressure"], "rap": ["return", "air", "pressure"], "sf": ["supply", "fan"], "ef": ["exhaust", "fan"], "df": ["discharge", "fan"], "of": ["outside", "fan"], "rf": ["return", "fan"], "sup": ["supply"], "dis": ["discharge"], "ex": ["exhaust"], "ret": ["return"], "hw": ["hot", "water"], "chw": ["chilled", "water"], "z": ["zone"], "zn": ["zone"], 'mat': ['mixed', 'air', 'temperature'], 'wcadj': ['warm/cool', 'adjust'], 'sap': ['static', 'pressure'], 'znt': ['zone', 'space', 'temperature'], 'htgo': ['heating', 'valve', 'analog', 'signal'], 'clgo': ['cooling', 'valve', 'analog', 'signal'], 'sfo': ['supply', 'fan', 'inlet', 'vane', 'vfd', 'signal'], 'sfs': ['supply', 'fan', 'status'], 'rfs': ['return', 'fan', 'status'], 'smk': ['smoke', 'detector'], 'sds': ['smoke', 'detector'], 'dcdb': ['discharge', 'cooling', 'deadband'], 'dcit': ['discharge', 'cooling', 'intergration'], 'dcpb': ['discharge', 'cooling', 'proportional', 'band'], 'depb': ['discharge', 'economizer', 'proportional', 'band'], 'dhdb': ['discharge', 'heating', 'dead', 'band'], 'dll': ['discharge', 'low', 'limit'], 'disrb': ['discharge', 'reset', 'band'], 'rhl': ['return', 'air', 'high', 'limit'], 'retrb': ['return', 'reset', 'band'], 'swovdif': ['economizer', 'switchover', 'differential'], 'dbswov': ['economizer', 'switchover', 'setpoint'], 'minpossp': ['economizer', 'minimum', 'position'], 'malldb': ['mixed', 'air', 'low', 'limit', 'dead', 'band'], 'mallit': ['mixed', 'air', 'low', 'limit', 'integration'], 'mallo': ['mixed', 'air', 'low', 'limit', 'offset'], 'mallpb': ['mixed', 'air', 'low', 'limit', 'proportional', 'band'], 'mall': ['mixed', 'air', 'lowlimit', 'setpoint'], 'ucncdf': ['unoccupied', 'cooling', 'differential'], 'ucncsp': ['unoccupied', 'cooling', 'setpoint'], 'ucnhdf': ['unoccupied', 'heating', 'differential'], 'ucnhsp': ['unoccupied', 'heating', 'setpoint'], 'spdb': ['static', 'pressure'], 'spdw': ['static', 'pressure', 'derivitive', 'weight'], 'spit': ['static', 'pressure', 'integration'], 'sppb': ['static', 'pressure', 'proportional', 'band'], 'spset': ['static', 'pressure', 'setpoint'], 'sprampst': ['static', 'pressure', 'output', 'ramp'], 'zpb': ['zone', 'proportional', 'band'], 'zntsp': ['zone', 'temperature', 'setpoint'], 'ahusp': ['calculated', 'discharge', 'setpoint'], 'occc': ['occupied', 'command'], 'sdwnc': ['shutdown', 'command'], 'wcc': ['warmup', 'command'], 'econs': ['economizer', 'status'], 'occs': ['occupied', 'status'], 'restasts': ['status', 'of', 'restart', 'delay'], 'sdwns': ['shutdown', 'status'], 'sfa': ['supply', 'fan', 'alarm'], 'boxhtgc': ['box', 'heating', 'command'], 'shtgc': ['supplemental', 'heating', 'command'], 'htgminfl': ['heating', 'minimum', 'cfm', 'setpoint'], 'commonsp': ['common', 'setpoint'], 'clgbias': ['active', 'cooling', 'bias'], 'cmaxflo': ['maximum', 'cooling', 'cfm', 'setpoint'], 'ocmncsp': ['occupied', 'cooling', 'minimum', 'cfm', 'setpoint'], 'ucmncsp': ['unoccupied', 'cooling', 'minimum', 'cfm', 'setpoint'], 'wmupmin': ['warmup', 'cfm', 'setpoint'], 'htgbias': ['active', 'heating', 'bias'], 'occhtgfl': ['occupied', 'heating', 'cfm', 'setpoint'], 'unchmax': ['unoccupied', 'cooling', 'maximum', 'cfm', 'setpoint'], 'occcbias': ['occupied', 'cooling', 'bias'], 'stbycbia': ['standby', 'cooling', 'bias'], 'unoccbia': ['unoccupied', 'cooling', 'bias'], 'occhbias': ['occupied', 'heating', 'bias'], 'stbyhbia': ['standby', 'heating', 'bias'], 'boxmode': ['current', 'box', 'mode'], 'htgmode': ['current', 'heating', 'mode'], 'onochbia': ['unoccupied', 'heating', 'bias'], 'pkupgain': ['pickup', 'gain'], 'supflow': ['cfm', 'supply', 'flow'], 'supflosp': ['calculated', 'cfm', 'setpoint'], 'bhoutput': ['box', 'heat', 'output'], 'shoutput': ['supplemental', 'heat', 'output'], 'wtrflush': ['water', 'flush', 'command'], 'boxelec': ['electrical', 'heat', 'protection', 'enabled'], 'acreq': ['autocalibration', 'required'], 'acact': ['autocalibration', 'in', 'process'], 'effclg': ['effective', 'cooling', 'setpoint'], 'effhtg': ['effective', 'heating', 'setpoint'], 'htgvlv': ['heating', 'valve'], 'htgocc': ['occ', 'heating', 'setpoint'], 'htgoccminflow': ['occ', 'heating', 'minimum', 'flow'], 'htgunocc': ['night', 'heating', 'setpoint'], 'network': ['network', 'setpoint'], 'occsched': ['occupancy', 'schedule'], 'saf': ['supply', 'airflow', 'rate'], 'vp': ['velocity', 'pressure'], 'clgocc': ['occ', 'cooling'], 'autocal': ['autocalibration'], }
<filename>algo/tools/ import os class UciReader: def __init__(self, docword_file, vocab_file, logger=None): self.logger = logger self.log("Start UciReader...") self.vocab = dict() with open(vocab_file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: i = 1 for line in f: line = line.replace('\n', '') parsed = line.split() if len(parsed) == 2: self.vocab[i] = parsed else: self.vocab[i] = (line, "@default_class") i += 1 self.docword_file = docword_file self.log("UCI read OK") def write_doc(self): self.out.write("%06d.txt " % self.cur_doc_id) for modality, string in self.bow.items(): self.out.write("|%s %s" % (modality, string)) self.out.write("\n") # if self.cur_doc_id % 100 == 0: # print(self.cur_doc_id) self.bow = {} def save_vw(self, output_file): self.out = open(output_file, "w", encoding='utf-8') self.cur_doc_id = 1 self.bow = dict() with open(self.docword_file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: for line in f: parsed = line.split() if len(parsed) != 3: continue doc_id = int(parsed[0]) if doc_id != self.cur_doc_id: self.write_doc() self.cur_doc_id = doc_id if self.cur_doc_id % 1000 == 0: self.log(str(self.cur_doc_id)) word, modality = self.vocab[int(parsed[1])] count = parsed[2] write = word if ':' in word: print("Warning! Colon found! Term ignored.") continue if count != "1": write += ':' + count try: self.bow[modality] += write + ' ' except BaseException: self.bow[modality] = write + ' ' self.write_doc() self.out.close() def log(self, s): if self.logger: self.logger.log(s) def uci2vw(docword_file_name, vocab_file_name, vw_file_name, logger=None): uci = UciReader(docword_file_name, vocab_file_name, logger=logger) uci.save_vw(vw_file_name) def vw2uci(vw_file_name, docword_file_name, vocab_file_name): vocab = dict() temp_docword_file_name = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(vw_file_name), "temp.txt") temp_docword_file = open(temp_docword_file_name, "w") vocab_file = open(vocab_file_name, "w", encoding='utf-8') docs_counter = 0 terms_counter = 0 entries_counter = 0 for line in open(vw_file_name, encoding='utf-8'): docs_counter += 1 tokens = line.split() current_modality = "@default_class" bow = dict() for token in tokens[1:]: if token[0] == '|': current_modality = token[1:] else: parsed = token.split(':') try: cnt = int(parsed[1]) except BaseException: cnt = 1 word = parsed[0] + " " + current_modality try: wid = vocab[word] except BaseException: vocab_file.write(word + "\n") terms_counter += 1 vocab[word] = terms_counter wid = terms_counter try: bow[wid] += cnt except BaseException: bow[wid] = cnt for key, value in sorted(bow.items()): temp_docword_file.write("%d %d %d\n" % (docs_counter, key, value)) entries_counter += 1 temp_docword_file.close() vocab_file.close() with open(docword_file_name, "w") as f: f.write( "%d\n%d\n%d\n" % (docs_counter, terms_counter, entries_counter)) for line in open(temp_docword_file_name): f.write(line) if __name__ == "__main__": docword_file = "D:\\visartm\\data\\datasets\\lenta\\UCI\\docword.lenta.txt" vocab_file = "D:\\visartm\\data\\datasets\\lenta\\UCI\\vocab.lenta.txt" output_file = "D:\\visartm\\data\\datasets\\lenta\\vw.txt" uci = UciReader(docword_file, vocab_file) uci.save_vw(output_file)
<filename>multipleStrategy/ #!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import baseMultiple import csv, copy, datetime, numpy as np class CPairTradeMultiple(baseMultiple.CBaseMultiple): #------------------------------ #继承重载函数 #------------------------------ #自定义初始化函数 def customInit(self): = "pairTradeMultiple" self.baseVol = 200 #基本开仓量 200手 self.outputFile = ".\\log\\tradPoint.csv" self.pairDict = {} self.pairTradeStatus = {} self.loadPairPara() self.isFirstData = True #行情数据触发函数 def onRtnMarketData(self, data): if self.isFirstData: self.firstDataTrigger(data) self.isFirstData = False self.sendMessage((1, data["dateTime"])) self.strategyEntrance(data) def dayEnd(self): pass #自动保存缓存触发函数 def autosaveCache(self): self.saveCache(pairDict = self.pairDict, pairTradeStatus = self.pairTradeStatus) def firstDataTrigger(self, data): self.loadTrueTrade() #------------------------------ #执行策略方法 #------------------------------ #读取配对参数 def loadPairPara(self): reader = csv.reader(open("filtPara.csv")) for line in reader: if line: self.pairDict[line[0]] = { "stock_A" : line[0][:6], "stock_B" : line[0][7:15], "beta" : float(line[1]), "mean" : float(line[2]), "std" : float(line[3]), "open" : float(line[4]), "close" : float(line[5]), "stop" : float(line[6])} self.pairTradeStatus[line[0]] = { "direction" : 0, # 0 未开仓, 1 正方向, 2 负方向, -1 不要做了 "tradPoint" : [] } self.sendMessage((0, self.pairDict)) def loadTrueTrade(self): execfile(".\\log\\tureTrade.log") for key, value in self.pairTradeStatus.items(): try: if value["direction"] != -1: try: value["direction"] = self.positionsPair[key][-1]["direction"] value["tradPoint"].append(self.positionsPair[key][-1]) except Exception: value["direction"] = 0 except Exception: pass #获得股票价格 def getStockCurPrice(self, stockCode): if self.actuatorDict[stockCode].signalObjDict["baseSignal"].MDList: return copy.copy(self.actuatorDict[stockCode].signalObjDict["baseSignal"].MDList[-1]["close"]) return None #获得股票行数数据 def getStockOfferStatus(self, stockCode): if self.actuatorDict[stockCode].signalObjDict["baseSignal"].MDList: ask = zip(*(copy.copy(self.actuatorDict[stockCode].signalObjDict["baseSignal"].MDList[-1]["askPrice"]), copy.copy(self.actuatorDict[stockCode].signalObjDict["baseSignal"].MDList[-1]["askVol"])))[:5] bid = zip(*(copy.copy(self.actuatorDict[stockCode].signalObjDict["baseSignal"].MDList[-1]["bidPrice"]), copy.copy(self.actuatorDict[stockCode].signalObjDict["baseSignal"].MDList[-1]["bidVol"])))[:5] volList = ask + bid volList = sorted(volList, key=lambda d:d[0], reverse=True) return volList return None #策略主入口 def strategyEntrance(self, data): for pairKey, pairPara in self.pairDict.items(): pa, pb = self.getStockCurPrice(pairPara["stock_A"]), self.getStockCurPrice(pairPara["stock_B"]) if pa and pb: volList_A, volList_B = self.getStockOfferStatus(pairPara["stock_A"]), self.getStockOfferStatus(pairPara["stock_B"]) self.pairTradeStatus[pairKey]["pa"], self.pairTradeStatus[pairKey]["pb"] = pa, pb value = self.getPairValue(pa, pb, pairPara) #发送参数信号 self.sendMessage((2, (pairKey, data["dateTime"],pa, pb, value, volList_A, volList_B))) self.getTradeMessage(pairKey, data, value, pairPara, self.pairTradeStatus[pairKey]) #计算配对策略值 def getPairValue(self, pa, pb, para): St = np.log(pa) - para["beta"]*np.log(pb) S = (St - para["mean"])/para["std"] return S #计算开平仓信号 def getTradeMessage(self, pairKey, data, value, para, status): if not status["direction"]: if value > para["open"]: #正方向 status["preOpenTime"] = copy.copy(data["dateTime"]) status["tradPoint"].append({ "type" : "open", "pairKey" : pairKey, "stock_A" : pairKey[:6], "stock_B" : pairKey[7:15], "beta" : para["beta"], "dateTime" : data["dateTime"], "direction" : 1, "dirc_A" : "sell", "dirc_B" : "buy", "pa" : status["pa"], "pb" : status["pb"], "vol_a" : self.baseVol, "vol_b" : self.baseVol*status["pa"]*para["beta"]/status["pb"] }) if para["beta"] < 0: status["tradPoint"][-1]["dirc_B"] = status["tradPoint"][-1]["dirc_A"] self.sendMessage((3, status["tradPoint"][-1])) status["direction"] = 1 if value < -para["open"]: #负 status["preOpenTime"] = copy.copy(data["dateTime"]) status["tradPoint"].append({ "type" : "open", "pairKey" : pairKey, "stock_A" : pairKey[:6], "stock_B" : pairKey[7:15], "beta" : para["beta"], "dateTime" : data["dateTime"], "direction" : 2, "dirc_A" : "buy", "dirc_B" : "sell", "pa" : status["pa"], "pb" : status["pb"], "vol_a" : self.baseVol, "vol_b" : self.baseVol*status["pa"]*para["beta"]/status["pb"] }) if para["beta"] < 0: status["tradPoint"][-1]["dirc_B"] = status["tradPoint"][-1]["dirc_A"] self.sendMessage((3, status["tradPoint"][-1])) status["direction"] = 2 elif status["direction"] == 1: #正方向 if value < para["close"]: #平仓 ratio_A = (status["tradPoint"][-1]["pa"] - status["pa"])*0.9992/status["tradPoint"][-1]["pa"] ratio_B = (status["pb"] - status["tradPoint"][-1]["pb"])*0.9992/status["tradPoint"][-1]["pb"] ratio = (ratio_A+ratio_B*np.abs(para["beta"]))/(1+np.abs(para["beta"])) status["tradPoint"].append({ "type" : "close", "pairKey" : pairKey, "stock_A" : pairKey[:6], "stock_B" : pairKey[7:15], "beta" : para["beta"], "dateTime" : data["dateTime"], "direction" : 1, "dirc_A" : "buy", "dirc_B" : "sell", "pa" : status["pa"], "pb" : status["pb"], "ratio_A" : ratio_A, "ratio_B" : ratio_B, "ratio" : ratio }) if para["beta"] < 0: status["tradPoint"][-1]["dirc_B"] = status["tradPoint"][-1]["dirc_A"] self.creatTradingLog(status["tradPoint"][-1], status["tradPoint"][-2]) self.sendMessage((3, status["tradPoint"][-1])) status["direction"] = 0 if value > para["stop"]: #止损 ratio_A = (status["tradPoint"][-1]["pa"] - status["pa"])*0.9992/status["tradPoint"][-1]["pa"] ratio_B = (status["pb"] - status["tradPoint"][-1]["pb"])*0.9992/status["tradPoint"][-1]["pb"] ratio = (ratio_A+ratio_B*np.abs(para["beta"]))/(1+np.abs(para["beta"])) status["tradPoint"].append({ "type" : "stop", "pairKey" : pairKey, "stock_A" : pairKey[:6], "stock_B" : pairKey[7:15], "beta" : para["beta"], "dateTime" : data["dateTime"], "direction" : 1, "dirc_A" : "buy", "dirc_B" : "sell", "pa" : status["pa"], "pb" : status["pb"], "ratio_A" : ratio_A, "ratio_B" : ratio_B, "ratio" : ratio }) if para["beta"] < 0: status["tradPoint"][-1]["dirc_B"] = status["tradPoint"][-1]["dirc_A"] self.creatTradingLog(status["tradPoint"][-1], status["tradPoint"][-2]) self.sendMessage((3, status["tradPoint"][-1])) status["direction"] = -1 elif status["direction"] == 2: #负方向 if value > -para["close"]: #平仓 ratio_A = (status["pa"] - status["tradPoint"][-1]["pa"])*0.9992/status["tradPoint"][-1]["pa"] ratio_B = (status["tradPoint"][-1]["pb"] - status["pb"])*0.9992/status["tradPoint"][-1]["pb"] ratio = (ratio_A+ratio_B*np.abs(para["beta"]))/(1+np.abs(para["beta"])) status["tradPoint"].append({ "type" : "close", "pairKey" : pairKey, "stock_A" : pairKey[:6], "stock_B" : pairKey[7:15], "beta" : para["beta"], "dateTime" : data["dateTime"], "direction" : 2, "dirc_A" : "sell", "dirc_B" : "buy", "pa" : status["pa"], "pb" : status["pb"], "ratio_A" : ratio_A, "ratio_B" : ratio_B, "ratio" : ratio }) if para["beta"] < 0: status["tradPoint"][-1]["dirc_B"] = status["tradPoint"][-1]["dirc_A"] self.creatTradingLog(status["tradPoint"][-1], status["tradPoint"][-2]) self.sendMessage((3, status["tradPoint"][-1])) status["direction"] = 0 if value < -para["stop"]: #止损 ratio_A = (status["pa"] - status["tradPoint"][-1]["pa"])*0.9992/status["tradPoint"][-1]["pa"] ratio_B = (status["tradPoint"][-1]["pb"] - status["pb"])*0.9992/status["tradPoint"][-1]["pb"] ratio = (ratio_A+ratio_B*np.abs(para["beta"]))/(1+np.abs(para["beta"])) status["tradPoint"].append({ "type" : "stop", "pairKey" : pairKey, "stock_A" : pairKey[:6], "stock_B" : pairKey[7:15], "beta" : para["beta"], "dateTime" : data["dateTime"], "direction" : 2, "dirc_A" : "sell", "dirc_B" : "buy", "pa" : status["pa"], "pb" : status["pb"], "ratio_A" : ratio_A, "ratio_B" : ratio_B, "ratio" : ratio }) if para["beta"] < 0: status["tradPoint"][-1]["dirc_B"] = status["tradPoint"][-1]["dirc_A"] self.creatTradingLog(status["tradPoint"][-1], status["tradPoint"][-2]) self.sendMessage((3, status["tradPoint"][-1])) status["direction"] = -1 pass #创建交易日志 def creatTradingLog(self, closeTrade, openTrade): if closeTrade["beta"] < 0: openTrade["dirc_B"] = openTrade["dirc_A"] closeTrade["dirc_B"] = closeTrade["dirc_A"] closeTrade["ratio_B"] = -1*closeTrade["ratio_B"] closeTrade["ratio"] = (closeTrade["ratio_A"] + closeTrade["ratio_B"]*np.abs(closeTrade["beta"]))/(1+np.abs(closeTrade["beta"])) outputFile = open(self.outputFile, "a") content = "%s,%s,openTime,%s,closeTime,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,ratio_A,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,ratio_B,%s,all_ratio,%s\n"%( closeTrade["pairKey"], closeTrade["type"], str(openTrade["dateTime"]), str(closeTrade["dateTime"]), closeTrade["stock_A"], openTrade["dirc_A"], openTrade["pa"], closeTrade["pa"],closeTrade["ratio_A"], closeTrade["stock_B"], openTrade["dirc_B"], openTrade["pb"], closeTrade["pb"],closeTrade["ratio_B"], closeTrade["ratio"]) outputFile.write(content) outputFile.close() pass
<gh_stars>1-10 # Python 3! import socket import os import re import _thread def TraitNewConnection(ConnexionAUnClient,addrclient): # Acceder au repertoire racine os.chdir(Chemin_racine) print("Connexion de la machine = ", addrclient) while True: # Format des commandes transmis par le client : "Type_Commande:NomFichier" # Type_Commande == 3 changer le repertoire courant (Change Working Dirrectory "CWD" dans FTP et "cd" dans Windows et Linux) # Type_Commande == 2 demander la liste des fichiers dans le repetoir courant (comme la commande "dir" dans Windows et "ls" dans Linux) # Type_Commande == 1 telecharger un fichier( par exemple si la commande recue == "1:File.png" signifie telecharger "File.png" ) # Type_Commande == 0 Si la commende commence par "0:" cela signifie que le client souhaite deconnecter # par exemple "0:", "0:CYA" et "0:leaving" signifient deconnexion try: Commande=ConnexionAUnClient.recv(1024).decode("utf-8") # decouper la commande par le caractere ":" Arguments=Commande.split(":") # le premier argument represente le type de la commande Type_Commande=int(Arguments[0]) Nom_Fichier=Arguments[1] if(Type_Commande==0):# commande de deconnexion ConnexionAUnClient.send(b"200 k, bye") # L'envoie d'une sequence "--\r\n\r\n" delimite la fin d'une reponse ConnexionAUnClient.send(b"--\r\n\r\n") # Sortir de la boucle de traitement while break elif(Type_Commande==1):# commande de telechargement de fichier # Nom_Fichier ne doit pas contenir ".." ou / (tentative de parcourir les repertoires ) if( ".." in Nom_Fichier or "/" in Nom_Fichier ): ConnexionAUnClient.send(b"501 DIRECTORY TRAVERSAL DENIED") ConnexionAUnClient.send(b"--\r\n\r\n") continue # Esquiver le reste des instructions if os.path.isfile(Nom_Fichier): taille = os.path.getsize(Nom_Fichier) ConnexionAUnClient.sendall(b"EXISTS "+str(taille).encode()) userResponse = ConnexionAUnClient.recv(1024) if userResponse.decode('utf-8')[:2] == 'OK': with open(Nom_Fichier, 'rb') as f: bytesToSend = sendedData = len(bytesToSend) ConnexionAUnClient.send(bytesToSend) while sendedData < taille: bytesToSend = ConnexionAUnClient.send(bytesToSend) sendedData += len(bytesToSend) print("Done File") else: ConnexionAUnClient.sendall(b"ERR ") elif(Type_Commande==2):# commande pour lister le contenu du repertoir courant # os.listdir(".") revoie la liste des fichier / repertoires dans le repertoire courant (comme ls et dir) Liste_Des_Fichiers=os.listdir(".") ConnexionAUnClient.send(("\n".join(Liste_Des_Fichiers)).encode()) ConnexionAUnClient.send(b"--\r\n\r\n") elif(Type_Commande==3):# commande d'acces au repertoir en parametre try: # acceder au repertoir transmis par le client ( cd Nom_Fichier) # os.chdir renvoie une exeception si le nom du repertoir en parametre ("Nom_Fichier") n'existe pas os.chdir(Nom_Fichier) if( Reprtoir_racine in os.listdir(".")): os.chdir(Reprtoir_racine) ConnexionAUnClient.send(b"501 Nope (pls, just, k?)") else: ConnexionAUnClient.send(("200 OK "+Nom_Fichier).encode()) except: # en cas d'exception (le repertoir demandee par le client est inexistant) # transmettre le code 404 ConnexionAUnClient.send(("404 Le repertoire "+Nom_Fichier+" est introuvable").encode()) ConnexionAUnClient.send(b"--\r\n\r\n") else: # si la commande du client ne correspond a aucune des commandes permises # transmettre le code 400 ConnexionAUnClient.send(("400 Commande inconue = "+Commande).encode()) ConnexionAUnClient.send(b"--\r\n\r\n") except: try: # envoie de code 401: syntaxe incorrecte ConnexionAUnClient.send(("401 Format de commande incorrect : "+Commande).encode()) ConnexionAUnClient.send(b"--\r\n\r\n") except: pass break try: print( "Deconnexion de :",addrclient) ConnexionAUnClient.close() except : pass SocketServeur = socket.socket() port = 9500 # Obtention du chemin courant (getcwd()==get current working directory) Chemin_racine=os.getcwd() Reprtoir_racine=os.getcwd().split("\\")[-1] # Ecout de connexion sur toutes les insterfacces ( SocketServeur.bind(("", port)) SocketServeur.listen(1) print("Lancement serveur") while True: # Attente d'une connexion (accept) ConnexionAUnClient, addrclient = SocketServeur.accept() _thread.start_new_thread(TraitNewConnection,(ConnexionAUnClient,addrclient)) SocketServeur.close()
<filename> from flask import (Flask, render_template, abort, send_from_directory, url_for, g, request, jsonify, redirect, make_response) import requests import re import datetime from icalendar import Calendar, Event, vText import qrcode import qrcode.image.svg from io import BytesIO app = Flask(__name__) app.config["APPLICATION_ROOT"] = "/ttics/" app.config['SERVER_NAME'] = '' app.debug=True class MyError(Exception): pass @app.route('/', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def hello_world(): if request.method == 'GET': return render_template("form.html", rootdir=app.config["APPLICATION_ROOT"]) page_url = request.form.get('url') try: idxes = page_to_idxes(page_url) except MyError as err: return render_template("form.html", url=page_url, error=str(err)) url = url_for("ics", idxes="_".join(idxes), _external=True) return render_template("form.html", url=page_url, dest=url, qr=qr(url)) @app.route('/<string:idxes>/cal.ics') def ics(idxes): tts = get_current_timetable(idxes) cal = tt_to_ical(tts) response = make_response(cal.to_ical().decode('utf-8')) response.headers["Content-Disposition"] = ("attachment; " "filename=calendar.ics") response.headers["Content-Type"] = "text/calendar; charset=utf-8" return response def page_to_idxes(url): m = re.match( r"http(s?)://(www\.)?\d+|staff/\w+)", url) if not m: raise MyError( "{url} doesn't look like HSE professor personal page".format( url=url )) url_tt = + "/timetable" page = requests.get(url_tt) out = [ for m in re.finditer(r"idx.push\('(\d+)'\);", page.text)] if not out: raise MyError("idx not found on page {url_tt}".format( url_tt=url_tt )) return out def qr(data): factory = qrcode.image.svg.SvgImage img = qrcode.make(data, image_factory=factory) io = BytesIO() return io.getvalue().decode("utf-8") def get_timetable(idxes, fromdate, todate): entrypoint = "" out = [] for idx in idxes.split("_"): out.append(requests.get(entrypoint, params=dict(fromdate=fromdate, todate=todate, lectureroid=idx, receiverType='1')).json()) return out def dt_to_Ymd(dt): return dt.strftime("%Y.%m.%d") def get_current_timetable(idxes, weeks=10): now = delta = datetime.timedelta(weeks=weeks) fromdate = dt_to_Ymd(now - delta) todate = dt_to_Ymd(now + delta) return get_timetable(idxes, fromdate, todate) def lesson_to_event(lesson): ev = Event() date = lesson['date'] begin = lesson['beginLesson'] end = lesson['endLesson'] fmt = "%Y.%m.%d %H:%M" begin_dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(date + " " + begin, fmt) end_dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(date + " " + end, fmt) ev.add("dtstart", begin_dt) ev.add("dtend", end_dt) ev.add("summary", lesson['discipline']) ev.add("location", vText(", ".join([lesson['building'], lesson.get('auditorium', '')]))) return ev def tt_to_ical(tts): cal = Calendar() for tt in tts: for lesson in tt['Lessons']: cal.add_component(lesson_to_event(lesson)) return cal if __name__ == '__main__':
<reponame>topdeveloper424/epatient-django import re from django.conf import settings from django.shortcuts import redirect from django.contrib.auth import logout class LoginRequiredMiddleware: def __init__(self,get_response): self.get_response = get_response def __call__(self,request): response = self.get_response(request) return response def process_view(self, request, view_func, view_args, view_kwargs): path = request.path_info.lstrip('/') print(path) if path.find("admin/") != -1: return None if path == 'sign-out': return None flag1 = True try: email = request.session['useremail'] phone_number = request.session['phone_number'] except KeyError: flag1 = False flag2 = False if path in settings.LOGIN_EXEMPT_URLS: flag2 = True if flag1 and flag2: return redirect('main:dashboard') elif flag1 or flag2: return None return redirect(settings.LOGIN_URL) class UserTypeRequiredMiddleware: def __init__(self,get_response): self.get_response = get_response def __call__(self,request): response = self.get_response(request) return response def process_view(self, request, view_func, view_args, view_kwargs): path = request.path_info.lstrip('/')
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import pickle import pandas as pd import easygui as eg from collections import defaultdict from PyQt5 import QtCore as qtc class file_entry(): def __init__(self,route_response_label,route_destiny_label): self.route_response_label=route_response_label self.route_destiny_label=route_destiny_label self.dwc_terms=self.dict_loader() #Diccionario def dict_loader(self): #Apertura del dict dict_path=r"documents\dwc_terms\dwc_fieldName_dict.pkl" with open(dict_path , 'rb') as dict_file: return pickle.load(dict_file) def file_opener(self): #Apertura del archivo, con el index correcto, se borran columnas sin datos try: file_path=self.route_response_label if file_path.endswith('.xlsx') or file_path.endswith('.xls'): data=pd.read_excel(file_path,header=0) elif file_path.endswith('.csv'): data=pd.read_csv(file_path,header=0,sep=';') #ver como variar de ; o , except: print("No hemos podido encontrar la ruta del archivo Excel") try: data.dropna(axis=1, how='all',inplace=True) except: pass return data def darwinizer(self): #Encuentra match entre el df y el diccionario dataframe=self.file_opener() #proveniente de la funcion file opener dwc_terms_keys=self.dwc_terms.keys() dataframe_columns=dataframe.columns.tolist() darwinizer_list=[] #generar una lista que contenga tuplas verbatimFieldName,stdFieldName #iterador para encontrar tuplas verbatimFieldName,stdFieldName for verbatimFieldName in dataframe_columns: for stdFieldName in dwc_terms_keys: if verbatimFieldName in self.dwc_terms.get(stdFieldName): darwinizer_list.append((verbatimFieldName,stdFieldName)) #tupla del match return dataframe,darwinizer_list def set_df_index(self,data): columns_df=data.columns.tolist() msg="Seleccione una columna para ser el indice de la base de datos\n Este debe ser un valor unico para cada especimen" title="Seleccion" indexo=eg.choicebox(msg,title,columns_df) data=data.set_index(indexo, drop = True) return data def dataframe_label_transformer(self,data,listWidget,darwinizer_list): column_dict=defaultdict() selected_indexes=[x.row() for x in listWidget.selectedIndexes()] if not selected_indexes: column_dict=dict(darwinizer_list) else: i=0 while i<=len(darwinizer_list)-1: if i not in selected_indexes: column_dict[darwinizer_list[i][0]]=darwinizer_list[i][1] #Fix this method not proud of it else: pass i=i+1 data=data.rename(columns=column_dict) os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(f"{self.route_destiny_label}\dwc_terms\df_column_dict_rename.pkl"), exist_ok=True) f = open(f"{self.route_destiny_label}\dwc_terms\df_column_dict_rename.pkl","wb") pickle.dump(column_dict,f) f.close() os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(f"{self.route_destiny_label}\dwc_terms\df_columns_renamed.pkl"), exist_ok=True) f = open(f"{self.route_destiny_label}\dwc_terms\df_columns_renamed.pkl","wb") pickle.dump(data.columns.tolist(),f) f.close() listWidget.clear() #return data def dwc_label_checker(self,listWidget): with open(f"{self.route_destiny_label}\dwc_terms\df_columns_renamed.pkl", 'rb') as f: df_columns = pickle.load(f) not_recommended_labels=[] for labels in df_columns: if labels not in self.dwc_terms.keys(): not_recommended_labels.append(labels) listWidget.addItems(df_columns) for i in not_recommended_labels: matching_items = listWidget.findItems(i, qtc.Qt.MatchExactly) for item in matching_items: item.setSelected(True) return df_columns def dwc_label_transformer(self,listWidget,df_columns): selected_indexes=[x.row() for x in listWidget.selectedIndexes()] df_selected_dwc_labels=[] i=0 while i <= len(df_columns)-1: if i not in selected_indexes: df_selected_dwc_labels.append(df_columns[i]) i=i+1 os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(f"{self.route_destiny_label}\dwc_terms\df_selected_dwc_labels.pkl"), exist_ok=True) f = open(f"{self.route_destiny_label}\dwc_terms\df_selected_dwc_labels.pkl","wb") pickle.dump(df_selected_dwc_labels,f) f.close() listWidget.clear() def visitors_label_filler(self,listWidget): with open(f"{self.route_destiny_label}\dwc_terms\df_columns_renamed.pkl", 'rb') as f: df_columns = pickle.load(f) listWidget.addItems(df_columns) return df_columns def visitors_label_transformer(self,listWidget,df_columns): selected_indexes=[x.row() for x in listWidget.selectedIndexes()] df_selected_visitors_labels=[] i=0 while i <= len(df_columns)-1: if i not in selected_indexes: df_selected_visitors_labels.append(df_columns[i]) i=i+1 os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(f"{self.route_destiny_label}\dwc_terms\df_selected_visitors_labels.pkl"), exist_ok=True) f = open(f"{self.route_destiny_label}\dwc_terms\df_selected_visitors_labels.pkl","wb") pickle.dump(df_selected_visitors_labels,f) f.close() listWidget.clear() def sensitive_data(self): pass #Visitors va a seguir quedando en script refresh data base #leer columnas de lista de dwc_file, visitors_file, estas se deben leer para refresh data base igual, esto queda para refresh data base #Comparar columnas dwcorear #quiero guardar una lista con columnas de dwc del archivo y otras para visitor # así ya esta predefinido cuando se abra nuevamente #Esta función debe ir en refresh data base o en darwinizer, # mejor no ya que al guarar listas de columnas solo debo hacer esto una vez #Borar dynamic links user info y todos los dwc_terms #Herramienta para normalizar horas #Georreferenciación #Guardar df como csv y ese pasarlo para refreshdatabase
<reponame>arimakaoru/CameraSystem #!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # 色に関する定義 class Color(): # 色コード UNKNOWN = 0 RED = 1 GREEN = 2 BLUE = 3 BLACK = 4 YELLOW = 5 # 色コードから表示用文字列への変換メソッド def toColorName(code): COLOR_NAME = { Color.UNKNOWN: "Unknown", Color.RED: "RED", Color.GREEN: "GREEN", Color.BLUE: "BLUE", Color.BLACK: "BLACK", Color.YELLOW: "YELLOW" } return COLOR_NAME[code] # HSV値から色コードへの変換メソッド(閾値は環境に合わせて調整下さい) def getColor(hsv): if (0 <= hsv[2] and hsv[2] <= 20): return Color.BLACK if (0 <= hsv[0] and hsv[0] <= 15) \ and (20 <= hsv[1] and hsv[1] <= 255) \ and (20 <= hsv[2] and hsv[2] <= 255): return Color.RED if (100 <= hsv[0] and hsv[0] <= 115) \ and (60 <= hsv[1] and hsv[1] <= 255) \ and (60 <= hsv[2] and hsv[2] <= 255): return Color.BLUE if (45 <= hsv[0] and hsv[0] <= 90) \ and (50 <= hsv[1] and hsv[1] <= 255) \ and (50 <= hsv[2] and hsv[2] <= 255): return Color.GREEN if (20 <= hsv[0] and hsv[0] <= 30) \ and (20 <= hsv[1] and hsv[1] <= 255) \ and (20 <= hsv[2] and hsv[2] <= 255): return Color.YELLOW return Color.UNKNOWN # コマンドコード定義 class CommandCode(): Specific = 0x01 All = 0x02 # レスポンスコード定義 class ResponseCode(): Color = 0x51 Error = 0xC8
<filename>opticalFlow/deepvel/training/ import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as pl import h5py import platform import os import json import sys import argparse import scipy.ndimage as nd import pickle import as io from ipdb import set_trace as stop if (platform.node() == 'viga'): os.environ["THEANO_FLAGS"] = "mode=FAST_RUN,device=cpu,floatX=float32" os.environ["KERAS_BACKEND"] = "tensorflow" if (platform.node() != 'viga'): os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "1" from keras.layers import Input, Dense, Convolution2D, Flatten, merge, MaxPooling2D, UpSampling2D, Cropping2D, Deconvolution2D, Activation from keras.callbacks import ModelCheckpoint, Callback from keras.models import Model, model_from_json from keras.utils.visualize_util import plot as kerasPlot import keras.optimizers from keras.utils import np_utils def running_mean(x, N): cumsum = np.cumsum(np.insert(x, 0, 0)) return (cumsum[N:] - cumsum[:-N]) / N class LossHistory(Callback): def __init__(self, root, losses): self.root = root self.losses = losses def on_epoch_end(self, batch, logs={}): self.losses.append(logs) with open("{0}_loss.json".format(self.root), 'w') as f: json.dump(self.losses, f) def finalize(self): pass class trainDNNFull(object): def __init__(self, root): self.root = root self.nx = 50 self.ny = 50 self.n_times = 2 self.n_filters = 64 self.batch_size = 32 self.n_conv_layers = 10 self.stride = 1 self.skip_frequency = 2 def readNetwork(self): print("Reading previous network...") f = open('{0}_model.json'.format(self.root), 'r') json_string = f.close() json_string = json_string.replace('"output_shape": [null', '"output_shape": [%d' % 32) self.model = model_from_json(json_string) self.model.load_weights("{0}_weights.hdf5".format(self.root)) def defineNetwork(self): conv = [None] * self.n_conv_layers deconv = [None] * self.n_conv_layers inputs = Input(shape=(self.nx, self.ny, self.n_times)) conv[0] = Convolution2D(self.n_filters, 3, 3, activation='relu', subsample=(self.stride,self.stride), border_mode='same', init='he_normal')(inputs) for i in range(self.n_conv_layers-1): conv[i+1] = Convolution2D(self.n_filters, 3, 3, activation='relu', subsample=(self.stride,self.stride), border_mode='same', init='he_normal')(conv[i]) deconv[0] = Deconvolution2D(self.n_filters, 3, 3, activation='relu', output_shape=(self.batch_size, self.nx, self.ny,self.n_filters), subsample=(self.stride,self.stride), border_mode='same', init='he_normal')(conv[-1]) for i in range(self.n_conv_layers-1): if (i % self.skip_frequency == 0): x = Deconvolution2D(self.n_filters, 3, 3, output_shape=(self.batch_size,self.nx, self.ny,self.n_filters), activation='relu', subsample=(self.stride,self.stride), border_mode='same', init='he_normal')(deconv[i]) x = merge([conv[self.n_conv_layers-i-2], x], mode='sum') deconv[i+1] = Activation('relu')(x) else: deconv[i+1] = Deconvolution2D(self.n_filters, 3, 3, output_shape=(self.batch_size,self.nx, self.ny,self.n_filters), activation='relu', subsample=(self.stride,self.stride), border_mode='same', init='he_normal')(deconv[i]) final = Deconvolution2D(6, 1, 1, output_shape=(self.batch_size,self.nx, self.ny, 6), activation='relu', subsample=(self.stride,self.stride), border_mode='same', init='he_normal')(deconv[-1]) self.model = Model(input=inputs, output=final) self.model.load_weights("{0}_weights.hdf5".format(self.root)) def validation_generator(self): f_images = h5py.File('/net/duna/scratch1/aasensio/deepLearning/opticalFlow/database/database_images_validation.h5', 'r') images = f_images.get("intensity") while 1: for i in range(1): input_validation = images[i:i+self.batch_size,:,:,:].astype('float32') yield input_validation f_images.close() def predict_validation(self): print("Predicting validation data...") f_images = h5py.File('/net/duna/scratch1/aasensio/deepLearning/opticalFlow/database/database_images_validation.h5', 'r') f_velocity = h5py.File('/net/duna/scratch1/aasensio/deepLearning/opticalFlow/database/database_velocity_validation.h5', 'r') im = f_images.get("intensity")[:] v = f_velocity.get("velocity")[:] im = im.astype('float32') out = self.model.predict_generator(self.validation_generator(), 32) pl.close('all') minv = 0.0 maxv = 1.0 np.random.seed(123) index = np.random.permutation(30) label = [1, 0.1, 0.01] for loop in range(3): f, ax = pl.subplots(nrows=3, ncols=5, figsize=(18,10)) for ind in range(3): minv = np.min([v[index[ind],:,:,2*loop],v[index[ind],:,:,2*loop+1]]) maxv = np.max([v[index[ind],:,:,2*loop],v[index[ind],:,:,2*loop+1]]) res = ax[ind,0].imshow(im[index[ind],:,:,0]) pl.colorbar(res, ax=ax[ind,0]) res = ax[ind,1].imshow(v[index[ind],:,:,2*loop], vmin=minv, vmax=maxv) pl.colorbar(res, ax=ax[ind,1]) res = ax[ind,2].imshow(v[index[ind],:,:,2*loop+1], vmin=minv, vmax=maxv) pl.colorbar(res, ax=ax[ind,2]) res = ax[ind,3].imshow(out[index[ind],:,:,2*loop], vmin=minv, vmax=maxv) pl.colorbar(res, ax=ax[ind,3]) res = ax[ind,4].imshow(out[index[ind],:,:,2*loop+1], vmin=minv, vmax=maxv) pl.colorbar(res, ax=ax[ind,4]) ax[ind,1].set_title(r'vx ($\tau$={0})'.format(label[loop])) ax[ind,2].set_title(r'vy ($\tau$={0})'.format(label[loop])) ax[ind,3].set_title(r'vx(CNN) ($\tau$={0})'.format(label[loop])) ax[ind,4].set_title(r'vy(CNN) ($\tau$={0})'.format(label[loop])) ax[0,0].set_title('Time 1') ax[1,0].set_title('Time 2') ax[2,0].set_title('Time 3') pl.tight_layout() pl.savefig("{0}_prediction_tau_{1}.png".format(self.root, label[loop])) stop() if (__name__ == '__main__'): out = trainDNNFull('cnns/test') out.defineNetwork() out.predict_validation()
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright 2014-2018 PUNCH Cyber Analytics Group # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ Overview ======== Scan payloads using Falcon Sandbox """ import requests from time import sleep from json import JSONDecodeError from configparser import ConfigParser from typing import Dict, Optional, Union, Tuple, List from stoq import helpers from stoq.plugins import WorkerPlugin from stoq.exceptions import StoqPluginException from stoq import Payload, RequestMeta, WorkerResponse class FalconSandboxPlugin(WorkerPlugin): def __init__(self, config: ConfigParser, plugin_opts: Optional[Dict]) -> None: super().__init__(config, plugin_opts) self.sandbox_url = None self.apikey = None self.delay = 30 self.max_attempts = 10 self.useragent = 'Falcon Sandbox' # Available environments ID: # 300: 'Linux (Ubuntu 16.04, 64 bit)', # 200: 'Android Static Analysis’, # 160: 'Windows 10 64 bit’, # 110: 'Windows 7 64 bit’, # 100: ‘Windows 7 32 bit’ self.environment_id = 160 self.wait_for_results = True if plugin_opts and 'sandbox_url' in plugin_opts: self.sandbox_url = plugin_opts['sandbox_url'] elif config.has_option('options', 'sandbox_url'): self.sandbox_url = config.get('options', 'sandbox_url') if plugin_opts and 'apikey' in plugin_opts: self.apikey = plugin_opts['apikey'] elif config.has_option('options', 'apikey'): self.apikey = config.get('options', 'apikey') if plugin_opts and 'delay' in plugin_opts: self.delay = int(plugin_opts['delay']) elif config.has_option('options', 'delay'): self.delay = int(config.get('options', 'delay')) if plugin_opts and 'max_attempts' in plugin_opts: self.max_attempts = int(plugin_opts['max_attempts']) elif config.has_option('options', 'max_attempts'): self.max_attempts = config.getint('options', 'max_attempts') if plugin_opts and 'useragent' in plugin_opts: self.useragent = plugin_opts['useragent'] elif config.has_option('options', 'useragent'): self.useragent = config.get('options', 'useragent') if plugin_opts and 'environment_id' in plugin_opts: self.environment_id = int(plugin_opts['environment_id']) elif config.has_option('options', 'environment_id'): self.environment_id = config.getint('options', 'environment_id') if plugin_opts and 'wait_for_results' in plugin_opts: self.wait_for_results = plugin_opts['wait_for_results'] elif config.has_option('options', 'wait_for_results'): self.wait_for_results = config.getboolean('options', 'wait_for_results') if not self.sandbox_url: raise StoqPluginException("Falcon Sandbox URL was not provided") if not self.apikey: raise StoqPluginException("Falcon Sandbox API Key was not provided") def scan(self, payload: Payload, request_meta: RequestMeta) -> WorkerResponse: """ Scan payloads using Falcon Sandbox """ errors = None url = f'{self.sandbox_url}/submit/file' headers = {'api-key': self.apikey, 'user-agent': self.useragent} filename = payload.payload_meta.extra_data.get( 'filename', helpers.get_sha1(payload.content) ) if isinstance(filename, bytes): filename = filename.decode() files = {'file': (filename, payload.content)} data = {'environment_id': self.environment_id} response =, data=data, files=files, headers=headers) response.raise_for_status() results = response.json() if self.wait_for_results: results, errors = self._parse_results(results['job_id']) return WorkerResponse(results, errors=errors) def _parse_results( self, job_id: str ) -> Tuple[Union[Dict, None], Union[List[str], None]]: """ Wait for a scan to complete and then parse the results """ count = 0 err = None while count < self.max_attempts: sleep(self.delay) try: url = f'{self.sandbox_url}/report/{job_id}/summary' headers = {'api-key': self.apikey, 'user-agent': self.useragent} response = requests.get(url, headers=headers) response.raise_for_status() result = response.json() if result['state'] not in ('IN_QUEUE', 'IN_PROGRESS'): return result, None except (JSONDecodeError, KeyError) as err: err = str(err) finally: count += 1 if count >= self.max_attempts: err = f'Scan did not complete in time -- attempts: {count}' return None, [err]
<filename> # 1.       给一个数组,统计每个字母出现次数,并按照出现次数排序(不限制语言); # EG: # [a,a,c,b,d,c,c,c,d,d] # {c:4,d:3,a:2,b:1} #  2.  常用的Linux命令是什么,如何查看日志?使用shell命令过滤出日志中的ERROR出现的次数; # 1题 arry_list = ["a","a","c","b","d","c","c","c","d","d"] def programFun(arry_list): set_result = set(arry_list) results = {} for str in set_result: #strs = [] nums = 0 for ele in arry_list: if str == ele: nums+=1 results[str] = nums def programFun2(arry_list): results2 = {} count = 1 for i in arry_list: if i not in results2.keys: results2[i] = 1 else: results2[i] = int(results2[i])+1 programFun2(arry_list) # 写在白纸上,完成之后拍照 # 2题 # ps -ef | grep # sed -i "1,2p" nohup.log # grep # tail -f # netstat # top # mv # cp # ssh # scp # 查看日志 # tail -f nohup.out # tail -f nohup.log |grep "ERROR" | wc 忘记了
<filename>.travis/<gh_stars>0 #!/usr/bin/env python from pathlib import Path import subprocess from versions import get_versions_data, write_versions_json INDEX_HTML = r'''<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="0; url={default_branch}" /> </head> <body> <p>Got to <a href="{default_branch}">default documentation</a>.</p> </body> </html> ''' def write_index_html(default_branch): """Write an index.html that redirects to the DEFAULT_BRANCH.""" with open("index.html", "w") as out_fh: out_fh.write(INDEX_HTML.format(default_branch=default_branch))['git', 'add', 'index.html'], check=True) def find_downloads(folder): """Find files in the 'download' subfolder of the given `folder`.""" downloads = [] for filename in Path(folder).glob(r'download/*'): label = "".join(filename.suffixes).replace('.', '').lower() if len(label) > 0: downloads.append((label, str(filename))) return downloads def main(): """Main function.""" print("Post-processing documentation on gh-pages") print("Gather versions info") versions_data = get_versions_data(find_downloads=find_downloads) latest_release = versions_data['latest_release'] if latest_release is None: latest_release = 'master' print("Write index.html") write_index_html(latest_release) print("Write versions.json") write_versions_json(versions_data, outfile='versions.json') print("DONE post-processing") if __name__ == "__main__": main()
<reponame>baldingwizard/thermostatpi<gh_stars>1-10 from subprocess import call import time image=100000 while True: call(["cp", "ramdisk/ui.png", "ramdisk/ui_"+str(image)+".png"]) time.sleep(0.2) image = image + 1
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #for grating_id_start in [7, 8]: # for grating_id in xrange(grating_id_start, 240, 30): # f_list = [] # for i in xrange(0, 10): # f_list.append('output_ll1_g%d_%d/tot_f_rate.dat' % (grating_id, i)) for k1 in [278]: #[0]: for k2 in xrange(8, 240, 30): #[0]: f_list = [] for i in xrange(0, 5): #xrange(0, 10): f_list.append('output_ll2_g%d_%d_sd%d/tot_f_rate.dat' % (k2, i, k1)) #f_list.append('output_g8_%d_sd_190_all/tot_f_rate.dat' % (i)) gids = np.array([]) f_rate_mean = np.array([]) for f_name in f_list: print 'Processing data from file %s' % (f_name) data = np.genfromtxt(f_name, delimiter=' ') if (gids.size == 0): gids = data[:, 0] f_rate_mean = np.zeros(gids.size) f_rate = data[:, 1] f_rate_mean = f_rate_mean + f_rate plt.plot(gids, f_rate) f_rate_mean = f_rate_mean / (1.0 * len(f_list)) plt.plot(gids, f_rate_mean, '-o', linewidth=3) plt.ylim(bottom=0.0) plt.xlabel('gid') plt.ylabel('Firing rate (Hz)') #plt.legend() plt.hist(f_rate_mean[0:8500], bins=np.arange(-0.1, 50.0, 0.1)) plt.xlabel('Firing rate (Hz)') plt.ylabel('Number of cells') plt.title('Distribution of firing rates over cells') # Get a running average of f_rate_mean; here, we use a solution from, # under "Efficient solution". N_r = 100 cumsum = np.cumsum(np.insert(f_rate_mean, 0, 0)) f_rate_mean_r_av = (cumsum[N_r:] - cumsum[:-N_r]) / (1.0 * N_r) plt.plot(gids[(N_r-1):], f_rate_mean_r_av) plt.ylim(bottom=0.0) plt.xlabel('gid') plt.ylabel('Firing rate (Hz)') plt.title('Running average of the firing rate, N_r = %d' % (N_r))
from sage.misc.lazy_import import lazy_import lazy_import('sage.geometry.polyhedron.constructor', 'Polyhedron') lazy_import('sage.geometry.polyhedron.library', 'polytopes')
<filename>fancy_todo_list/application/entities/ from .base import RefId from .user import Username, User # from .task import Title, Task
from Position import Position from Sheep import Sheep from Grass import Grass if __name__ == '__main__': grass = Grass(position=Position(10, 10)) sheep = Sheep(position=Position(-10, -10)) for i in range(0,10): print('-- Iteration {0} --'.format(i)) grass.move() print(grass) sheep.move() print(sheep)
from django.views.generic import ListView, DetailView from django.shortcuts import render, get_object_or_404 from analytics.mixins import ObjectViewedMixin from carts.models import Cart from .models import Product from django.http import Http404 class ProductFeaturedListView(ListView): template_name = "products/list.html" def get_queryset(self, *args, **kwargs): request = self.request return Product.objects.featured() class ProductFeaturedDetailView(ObjectViewedMixin, DetailView): queryset = Product.objects.featured() template_name = "products/featured-detail.html" class ProductListView(ListView): queryset = Product.objects.all() template_name = "products/list.html" def get_context_data(self,*args, **kwargs): context = super(ProductListView, self).get_context_data(*args, **kwargs) cart_obj , new_obj = Cart.objects.new_or_get(self.request) context['cart'] = cart_obj return context def product_list_view(request): queryset = Product.objects.all() context = { 'object_list': queryset } return render(request, "products/list.html", context) class ProductDetailView(ObjectViewedMixin, DetailView): queryset = Product.objects.all() template_name = "products/detail.html" class ProductDetailSlugView(ObjectViewedMixin, DetailView): queryset = Product.objects.all() template_name = "products/detail.html" def get_context_data(self,*args, **kwargs): context = super(ProductDetailSlugView, self).get_context_data(*args, **kwargs) cart_obj , new_obj = Cart.objects.new_or_get(self.request) context['cart'] = cart_obj return context # def get_object(self, *args, **kwargs): # request = self.request # slug = self.kwargs.get('slug') # try: # instance = Product.objects.get(slug=slug, active=True) # except Product.DoesNotExist: # raise Http404("Not Found..") # except Product.MultipleObjectsReturned: # qs = Product.objects.get(slug=slug, active=True) # instance = qs.first() # except: # raise Http404("Uhmm") # return instance def product_detail_view(request, pk): # instance = get_object_or_404(Product, pk=pk) # try: # instance = Product.objects.filter(pk=pk) # except Product.DoesNotExist: # print('no product here') # raise Http404("Product doesn't exist.") # except: # print("Huh?") # # qs = Product.objects.filter(pk=pk) # if qs.exists() and qs.count == 1: # instance = qs.first() # else: # raise Http404("Product doesn't exist.") instance = Product.objects.get_by_id(pk) if instance is None: raise Http404("Product doesn't exist.") context = { 'object': instance } return render(request, "products/detail.html", context)
import os from .xccompiler import * from ...Helpers import logging_helper from ...Helpers import xcrun_helper from ...Helpers import path_helper class clangcompiler(xccompiler): def __init__(self, compiler, config_dict): super(clangcompiler, self).__init__(compiler, config_dict); def build(self): build_system =['buildsystem']; arch =['arch']; product_name = build_system.environment.parseKey(None, '$(PRODUCT_NAME)')[1]; output_dir = build_system.environment.parseKey(None, '$(OBJECT_FILE_DIR_$(CURRENT_VARIANT))/$(CURRENT_ARCH)')[1]; path_helper.create_directories(output_dir) link_file_list = os.path.join(output_dir, product_name+'.LinkFileList') link_file_list_fd = open(link_file_list, 'w'); for file in['files']: file_name ='.')[0]; args = (); # add base (compiler) args +=['baseargs']; sdk_name = build_system.environment.valueForKey('SDKROOT'); sdk_path = xcrun_helper.make_xcrun_with_args(('--sdk', sdk_name, '--show-sdk-path')); # add language dialect found_dialect = False; identifier = file.fileRef.ftype; language = ''; while found_dialect == False: file_ref_spec = build_system.getSpecForIdentifier(identifier); if file_ref_spec != None: if 'GccDialectName' not in file_ref_spec.contents.keys(): identifier = file_ref_spec.basedOn.identifier; else: language = file_ref_spec.contents['GccDialectName']; found_dialect = True; else: break; if found_dialect == True: args += ('-x', language); else: # should this be an error? logging_helper.getLogger().warn('[clangcompiler]: unknown language used: "%s"' % (language)); # I think this should be handled by something in the xcspec args += ('-isysroot', sdk_path); # this is missing all the build settings, also needs output set resolved_settings = build_system.environment.resolvedValues(); environment_variables_has_flags = filter(lambda envar: envar.hasCommandLineArgs() == True, resolved_settings.values()); for envar in environment_variables_has_flags: if envar.satisfiesCondition(build_system.environment, resolved_settings) == True: if hasattr(envar, 'FileTypes'): file_ref_spec = build_system.getSpecForIdentifier(file.fileRef.ftype); file_types = file_ref_spec.inheritedTypes(); skip_file = True; for allowed_file_type_for_var in envar.FileTypes: if allowed_file_type_for_var in file_types: skip_file = False; break; if skip_file == True: continue; result = envar.commandLineFlag(build_system.environment, lookup_dict=resolved_settings); if result != None and len(result) > 0: args += (result,); file_path = str(file.fileRef.fs_path.root_path); args += ('-c', file_path); # # add arch # args += ('-arch',['arch']); # add diag args += ('',); # add output object_file = file_name + '.o'; output_file_path = os.path.join(output_dir, object_file); # writing the object file path to the linkfilelist print >> link_file_list_fd, output_file_path; args += ('-o', output_file_path) # this is displaying the command being issued for this compiler in the build phase args_str = ''; for word in args: flag = str(word) if flag != '\'\'': args_str += flag args_str += ' '; print '\t'+args_str; print ''; # this is running the compiler command # compiler_output = xcrun_helper.make_subprocess_call(args); # if compiler_output[1] != 0: # logging_helper.getLogger().error('[xcbuildsystem]: Compiler error %s' % compiler_output[0]); link_file_list_fd.close();
<filename> import pdb import re """ """ STOP_WORDS = ["mean living area", "Renovation", "Noise level", "Outlier detection", "Steuerfuss", "Tags gruppieren", "Stacked model", "Without Tags"] STATS_WORD = ["R²-Score:", "MAPE:", "MdAPE:", "Min", "Max", "Max", "Mean", "Median", "Mean"] regex = re.compile('^([0-9]{1,2}?)') def main(): with open('train.log', 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() table_name = "" table_per = "" table_stat = "" table_featue = "" feature_c = 0 counter = 0 idx = 0 for line in lines: if line.startswith("BREAK"): table_per += """\end{table*} """ counter = 0 table_stat += """\end{table*} """ with open("./report/attachments/ml_results_{}.tex".format(idx), 'w') as file: file.write(table_per) with open("./report/attachments/ml_results2_{}.tex".format(idx), 'w') as file: file.write(table_stat) idx += 1 table_per = "" table_stat = "" continue l = line[32:].strip() if l.startswith('-') or l.startswith('='): continue if l.startswith('Statistics for:'): table_name = l.split(":")[1].strip().replace("_", "\_") if table_name == "adaboost": table_name = "AdaBoost" elif table_name == "xgb": table_name = "XGBoost" elif table_name == "ExtraTree\_train": table_name = "Extra Trees" if counter == 0: table_per += """ \\begin{table*}[ht] \\begin{minipage}{.3\\textwidth} \centering \\ra{1.3} \\resizebox{\\textwidth}{!}{ \\begin{tabular}{@{}lr@{}} \\toprule Abweichung in \% & Abdeckung in \%\\\\ \midrule""" table_stat += """ \\begin{table*}[ht] \\begin{minipage}{.3\\textwidth} \centering \\ra{1.3} \\resizebox{\\textwidth}{!}{ \\begin{tabular}{@{}lr@{}} \\toprule Name & Wert in \\\\ \midrule""" if counter >= 1: table_per += """\\begin{minipage}{.3\\textwidth} \centering \\ra{1.3} \\resizebox{\\textwidth}{!}{ \\begin{tabular}{@{}lr@{}} \\toprule Abweichung in \% & Abdeckung in \%\\\\ \midrule""" table_stat += """\\begin{minipage}{.3\\textwidth} \centering \\ra{1.3} \\resizebox{\\textwidth}{!}{ \\begin{tabular}{@{}lr@{}} \\toprule Name & Wert in \\\\ \midrule""" if l.split()[0] in STATS_WORD: name, value = l.split(':') table_stat += """ {} & {:.2f}\\\\""".format(name.replace(":", "").replace("%", ""), float(value.split("%")[0])) if l.startswith('Feature Ranking'): if feature_c == 0: table_featue += """ \\begin{table*}[ht] \\begin{minipage}{.3\\textwidth} \centering \\ra{1.3} \\resizebox{\\textwidth}{!}{ \\begin{tabular}{@{}lr@{}} \\toprule Feature & Gewichtung in \%\\\\ \midrule""" if feature_c >= 1: table_featue += """\\begin{minipage}{.3\\textwidth} \centering \\ra{1.3} \\resizebox{\\textwidth}{!}{ \\begin{tabular}{@{}lr@{}} \\toprule Feature & Gewichtung in \%\\\\ \midrule""" if re.match(regex, l): try: nr, dummy, *feature, percent = l.split() except Exception: pdb.set_trace() percent = float(percent.replace("(", "").replace(")", "")) if percent > 0.0001: table_featue += """ {} & {:.5f}\\\\""".format(feature[0].replace("_", "\_"), percent) if l.startswith('I'): percent, value = l.split(':') table_per += """ {} & {:.2f}\\\\""".format(percent.split(" ")[-1], float(value.split("%")[0])) if l.startswith('PLOT NR'): if counter <= 1: table_per += """ \\bottomrule \end{tabular}} \caption{""" +table_name+"""} \end{minipage} """ table_stat += """ \\bottomrule \end{tabular}} \caption{""" +table_name+"""} \end{minipage} """ table_featue += """ \\bottomrule \end{tabular}} \caption{""" +table_name+"""} \end{minipage} """ elif counter >= 2: table_per += """ \\bottomrule \end{tabular}} \caption{""" +table_name+"""} \end{minipage} \end{table*} """ table_stat += """ \\bottomrule \end{tabular}} \caption{""" +table_name+"""} \end{minipage} \end{table*} """ table_featue += """ \\bottomrule \end{tabular}} \caption{""" +table_name+"""} \end{minipage} \end{table*} """ with open("./report/attachments/ml_results_{}.tex".format(idx), 'w') as file: file.write(table_per) with open("./report/attachments/ml_results2_{}.tex".format(idx), 'w') as file: file.write(table_stat) with open("./report/attachments/feature_impl{}.tex".format(idx), 'w') as file: file.write(table_featue) idx += 1 table_per = "" table_stat = "" table_featue = "" counter = (counter+1) % 3 if __name__ == "__main__": main()
import sys if sys.version_info < (3, 0): from nose.plugins.skip import SkipTest raise SkipTest from mlxtend.text import generalize_names def test_generalize_names(): assert(generalize_names("<NAME>") == 'etoo s') assert(generalize_names("Eto'o, Samuel") == 'etoo s') assert(generalize_names("Eto'o, Samuel") == 'etoo s') assert(generalize_names('Xavi') == 'xavi') assert(generalize_names('<NAME>') == 'toure y') assert(generalize_names('<NAME>') == 'pozo j') assert(generalize_names('<NAME>') == 'pozo j') assert(generalize_names('<NAME>') == 'pozo j') assert(generalize_names('<NAME>') == 'pozo j') assert(generalize_names('<NAME>', firstname_output_letters=2) == 'pozo jo') assert(generalize_names("<NAME>", firstname_output_letters=2) == 'etoo sa') assert(generalize_names("Eto'o, Samuel", firstname_output_letters=0) == 'etoo') assert(generalize_names("Eto'o, Samuel", output_sep=', ') == 'etoo, s') assert(generalize_names("Eto'o, Samuel", output_sep=', ') == 'etoo, s') assert(generalize_names("<NAME>, Robin", output_sep=', ') == 'vanpersie, r') assert(generalize_names("<NAME>", output_sep=', ') == 'vanpersie, r') assert(generalize_names("<NAME>", output_sep=', ') == 'vandervaart, r') assert(generalize_names("<NAME>, Rafael", output_sep=', ') == 'vandervaart, r') assert(generalize_names("<NAME>") == 'hamer b')
<filename>tools/<gh_stars>100-1000 # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT import glob import os import pathlib import re import shutil import colorama import uefi_firmware from .guid_db import UEFI_GUIDS DIR_NAME = "all" PE_DIR = "modules" g_re_guid = re.compile( r"file-[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}" ) class Dumper: def __init__(self, fw_name, dir_name, pe_dir): self.fw_name = fw_name self.dir_name = dir_name self.pe_dir = pe_dir self.modules = list() if not os.path.isdir(self.dir_name): os.mkdir(self.dir_name) if not os.path.isdir(self.pe_dir): os.mkdir(self.pe_dir) @staticmethod def _unsupported() -> bool: print("[-] This type of binary is not supported") return False def get_unique_name(self, module_name: str) -> str: # Get unique name, see index = 1 unique_name = module_name while True: if unique_name in self.modules: unique_name = f"{module_name}_{index:#d}" index += 1 continue return unique_name def get_module_name(self, module_path: str) -> str: module_name = str() dir_name, _ = os.path.split(module_path) template = os.path.join(dir_name, "*.ui") if len(glob.glob(template)) == 1: # try to get a friendly name from the *.ui file ui_path = glob.glob(template)[0] with open(ui_path, "rb") as f: module_name = module_name = module_name.decode("utf-16le") module_name = self.get_unique_name(module_name[:-1]) self.modules.append(module_name) return module_name # no UI section, try to get a friendly name from the GUID database file_guids = g_re_guid.findall(dir_name) if not file_guids: return str() module_guid = file_guids[-1].replace("file-", "") module_name = UEFI_GUIDS.get(module_guid.upper()) if not module_name: module_name = module_guid module_name = self.get_unique_name(module_name) self.modules.append(module_name) return module_name @staticmethod def search_pe(d: str) -> list: return list(map(str, pathlib.Path(d).rglob("*.pe"))) @staticmethod def search_te(d: str) -> list: return list(map(str, pathlib.Path(d).rglob("*.te"))) def get_pe_files(self): pe_files = self.search_pe(self.dir_name) te_files = self.search_te(self.dir_name) for module_path in te_files + pe_files: module_name = self.get_module_name(module_path) if not module_name: print(f"Current module: unknown") continue print(f"Current module: {module_name}") dst = os.path.join(self.pe_dir, module_name) shutil.copy(module_path, dst) def dump_all(self) -> bool: if not os.path.isfile(self.fw_name): print(f"[-] Check {self.fw_name} file") return False with open(self.fw_name, "rb") as fw: file_content = parser = uefi_firmware.AutoParser(file_content) if parser.type() is "unknown": fvh_index = file_content.find(b"_FVH") if fvh_index < 0: return self._unsupported() parser = uefi_firmware.AutoParser(file_content[fvh_index - 40 :]) if parser.type() is "unknown": return self._unsupported() firmware = parser.parse() firmware.dump(self.dir_name) return True def get_efi_images(fw_name) -> bool: """get images from firmware""" colorama.init(autoreset=True) # for correct color display in uefi_firmware module dumper = Dumper(fw_name, DIR_NAME, PE_DIR) if not dumper.dump_all(): exit() dumper.get_pe_files() return True
from nanoget import get_input from argparse import ArgumentParser from nanoplot import utils from .version import __version__ from nanoplotter import check_valid_time_and_sort, Plot from os import path import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np def main(): args = get_args() merged_df = get_input(source="summary", files=args.summary).set_index("readIDs") \ .merge(right=get_input(source="bam", files=args.bam).set_index("readIDs"), how="left", left_index=True, right_index=True) plot_retrotect(df=merged_df, path=path.join(args.outdir, args.prefix), figformat=args.format, title=args.title, hours=args.hours) merged_df.dropna(axis="index", how="any").sort_values(by="start_time").to_csv( path_or_buf=path.join(args.outdir, args.prefix) + "Retrotect_details.txt.gz", sep="\t", columns=["start_time"], compression='gzip') def get_args(): epilog = """""" parser = ArgumentParser( description="Get detection curve of nanopore experiment.", epilog=epilog, formatter_class=utils.custom_formatter, add_help=False) general = parser.add_argument_group( title='General options') general.add_argument("-h", "--help", action="help", help="show the help and exit") general.add_argument("-v", "--version", help="Print version and exit.", action="version", version='NanoComp {}'.format(__version__)) general.add_argument("-t", "--threads", help="Set the allowed number of threads to be used by the script", default=4, type=int) general.add_argument("-o", "--outdir", help="Specify directory in which output has to be created.", default=".") general.add_argument("-p", "--prefix", help="Specify an optional prefix to be used for the output files.", default="", type=str) general.add_argument("--verbose", help="Write log messages also to terminal.", action="store_true") visual = parser.add_argument_group( title='Options for customizing the plots created') visual.add_argument("-f", "--format", help="Specify the output format of the plots.", default="png", type=str, choices=['eps', 'jpeg', 'jpg', 'pdf', 'pgf', 'png', 'ps', 'raw', 'rgba', 'svg', 'svgz', 'tif', 'tiff']) visual.add_argument("--title", help="Add a title to all plots, requires quoting if using spaces", type=str, default=None) visual.add_argument("--hours", help="How many hours to plot in the graph", type=int, default=8) target = parser.add_argument_group( title="Input data sources, requires a bam and a summary file.") target.add_argument("--summary", help="Data is a summary file generated by albacore.", nargs='+', metavar="files", required=True) target.add_argument("--bam", help="Data as a sorted bam file.", nargs='+', metavar="files", required=True) return parser.parse_args() def plot_retrotect(df, path, figformat="png", title=None, hours=8): dfs = check_valid_time_and_sort( df=df, timescol="start_time", days=hours / 24, warning=False) dfs["start_time"] = dfs["start_time"].astype('timedelta64[m]') # ?! dtype float64 cum_yield_reads = Plot( path=path + "CumulativeYieldPlot_NumberOfReads." + figformat, title="Cumulative yield") ax = sns.regplot( x=dfs['start_time'], y=np.log10(dfs['index'] + 1), x_ci=None, fit_reg=False, color="blue", scatter_kws={"s": 1}) aligned_df = dfs.drop('index', axis=1) \ .dropna(axis="index", how="any") \ .reset_index(drop=True) \ .reset_index() ax = sns.regplot( x=aligned_df['start_time'], y=np.log10(aligned_df["index"] + 1), x_ci=None, fit_reg=False, color="red", scatter_kws={"s": 1}, ax=ax) yticks = [10**i for i in range(10) if not 10**i > 10 * dfs["index"].max()] ax.set( xlabel='Run time (minutes)', yticks=np.log10(yticks), yticklabels=yticks, ylabel='Cumulative yield in log transformed number of reads', title=title or cum_yield_reads.title) fig = ax.get_figure() cum_yield_reads.fig = fig fig.savefig(cum_yield_reads.path, format=figformat, dpi=100, bbox_inches="tight") plt.close("all") if __name__ == '__main__': main()
<reponame>zhu8655/angr from .region_identifier import RegionIdentifier from .structurer import Structurer from .structured_codegen import StructuredCodeGenerator from .clinic import Clinic from .region_simplifier import RegionSimplifier from .decompiler import Decompiler from .decompilation_options import options, options_by_category from . import optimization_passes
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import ymz294 import mml import time class Sequencer: # initialize. # @param psgplayer ymz294.PSGPlayer instance def __init__(self, psgplayer): self.psgplayer = psgplayer # play sound by MML string # @param chA_MML a MML string for PSG channel A # @param chB_MML a MML string for PSG channel B # @param chC_MML a MML string for PSG channel C # @param core_freq frequency of the octave 4's A def playMML(self, chA_MML, chB_MML="", chC_MML="", core_freq=440): parser = mml.Parser(core_freq) chA_seq = parser.parse(chA_MML) chB_seq = parser.parse(chB_MML) chC_seq = parser.parse(chC_MML) wait_a = 0 index_a = 0 wait_b = 0 index_b = 0 wait_c = 0 index_c = 0 eom = 0 #End of mml while(index_a < len(chA_seq) or index_b < len(chB_seq) or index_c < len(chC_seq)): if wait_a <= 0: if index_a < len(chA_seq): seq = chA_seq[index_a] wait_a = seq["duration"] self.__play_tone__(ymz294.PSGPlayer.CHANNEL_A, seq) index_a += 1 else: self.psgplayer.setMute(True, ymz294.PSGPlayer.CHANNEL_A) eom |= 1 if wait_b <= 0: if index_b < len(chB_seq): seq = chB_seq[index_b] wait_b = seq["duration"] self.__play_tone__(ymz294.PSGPlayer.CHANNEL_B, seq) index_b += 1 else: self.psgplayer.setMute(True, ymz294.PSGPlayer.CHANNEL_B) eom |= 2 if wait_c <= 0: if index_c < len(chC_seq): seq = chC_seq[index_c] wait_c = seq["duration"] self.__play_tone__(ymz294.PSGPlayer.CHANNEL_C, seq) index_c += 1 else: self.psgplayer.setMute(True, ymz294.PSGPlayer.CHANNEL_C) eom |= 4 wait = min(wait_a + ((eom & 1) == 1) * 10, wait_b + ((eom & 2) == 2) * 10, wait_c + ((eom & 4) == 4) * 10) time.sleep(wait) if wait_a > 0: wait_a -= wait if wait_b > 0: wait_b -= wait if wait_c > 0: wait_c -= wait time.sleep(max(wait_a, wait_b, wait_c)) def __play_tone__(self, channel, seq): if seq["freq"] != 0: self.psgplayer.setMute(False, channel) self.psgplayer.playSound(channel, seq["freq"]) #print seq["freq"] else: #mute self.psgplayer.setMute(True, channel) #self.psgplayer.playSound(channel, 20000) return if seq["tie_slur"] == False: env = self.psgplayer.getEnvelopType() if env is not None and channel == ymz294.PSGPlayer.CHANNEL_A: self.psgplayer.setEnvelopType(env)
# Copyright 2021 Pants project contributors (see # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (see LICENSE). """Jupyter support for Pants projects and PEX files.""" # N.B.: Flit uses this as our distribution description. __version__ = "0.0.4" # N.B.: Flit uses this as our distribution version. from IPython import InteractiveShell from .plugin import _PexEnvironmentBootstrapper def load_ipython_extension(ipython: InteractiveShell) -> None: ipython.register_magics(_PexEnvironmentBootstrapper)
import random import arcade from ant import Ant from colony import Colony # TODO # - Food blobs 2x zo groot # - Food blobs droppen met muis # - Food blob coo is altijd centrale coo # - Lijn tekenen bij backtrack from settings import settings class Arena(arcade.Window): def __init__(self, width, height, title, generation_callback=None): super().__init__(width, height, title) self.wall_list = arcade.SpriteList(is_static=True, use_spatial_hash=True) self.food_list = arcade.SpriteList(is_static=True, use_spatial_hash=True) self.ant_list = arcade.SpriteList(use_spatial_hash=False) self.physics_engine = None if settings.MAX_FPS: self.set_update_rate(1 / settings.MAX_FPS) self.actual_fps = settings.MAX_FPS # Initializse to something self.generation = 0 self.generation_callback = generation_callback # For testing purposes def setup(self): if settings.DRAW_BASE: self.create_base() for _ in range(settings.NUM_WALLS): self.create_wall() for _ in range(settings.NUM_FOOD_BLOBS): self.create_food_blob(settings.FOOD_BLOB_SIZE) self.colony = Colony() for _ in range(settings.NUM_ANTS): ant = Ant( settings.SCREEN_WIDTH / 2, 0, self, self.colony, scale=settings.SCALE ) self.ant_list.append(ant) arcade.set_background_color(settings.FIELD_COLOR) if self.generation_callback: self.generation_callback(self.generation, self) def create_base(self): x = settings.SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 for y in range(0, round(20 * settings.SCALE), settings.WALL_THICKNESS()): block = arcade.SpriteSolidColor( settings.WALL_THICKNESS(), settings.WALL_THICKNESS(), settings.BASE_COLOR, ) block.center_x = x - 8 * settings.SCALE block.center_y = y self.wall_list.append(block) block = arcade.SpriteSolidColor( settings.WALL_THICKNESS(), settings.WALL_THICKNESS(), settings.BASE_COLOR, ) block.center_x = x + 8 * settings.SCALE block.center_y = y self.wall_list.append(block) def create_wall(self): def block_at(x, y): block = arcade.SpriteSolidColor( settings.WALL_THICKNESS(), settings.WALL_THICKNESS(), settings.WALL_COLOR, ) block.center_x = x block.center_y = y wally.append(block) while True: wally = [] length = random.randint(settings.WALL_MIN(), settings.WALL_MAX()) if random.random() < 0.5: # Horizontal start_x = random.randint(0, settings.SCREEN_WIDTH - length) y = random.randint(0, settings.SCREEN_HEIGHT) for x in range(start_x, start_x + length, settings.WALL_THICKNESS()): block_at(x, y) else: # Vertical start_y = random.randint(0, settings.SCREEN_HEIGHT - length) x = random.randint(0, settings.SCREEN_WIDTH) for y in range(start_y, start_y + length, settings.WALL_THICKNESS()): block_at(x, y) for block in wally: if arcade.check_for_collision_with_list(block, self.wall_list): break # Oops, break it off, try a new wall else: for block in wally: self.wall_list.append(block) return def create_food_blob(self, size=10, start_coo=None): scale = settings.SCALE * 3 if start_coo: start_x, start_y = start_coo else: start_x = random.randint(0, settings.SCREEN_WIDTH - size * scale) start_y = random.randint(0, settings.SCREEN_HEIGHT - size * scale) for x in range(start_x, start_x + size * scale, scale): for y in range(start_y, start_y + size * scale, scale): block = arcade.SpriteSolidColor(scale, scale, settings.FOOD_COLOR) block.center_x = x block.center_y = y if not arcade.check_for_collision_with_list(block, self.wall_list): self.food_list.append(block) def on_draw(self): # This command has to happen before we start drawing arcade.start_render() # Draw all the sprites. self.wall_list.draw() self.food_list.draw() for ant in self.ant_list: ant.draw() # ant.draw_hit_box((255,0,0)) # def on_key_press(self, key, modifiers): # """Called whenever a key is pressed. """ # # if key == arcade.key.UP: # self.player_sprite.change_y = MOVEMENT_SPEED # elif key == arcade.key.DOWN: # self.player_sprite.change_y = -MOVEMENT_SPEED # elif key == arcade.key.LEFT: # self.player_sprite.change_x = -MOVEMENT_SPEED # elif key == arcade.key.RIGHT: # self.player_sprite.change_x = MOVEMENT_SPEED # # def on_key_release(self, key, modifiers): # """Called when the user releases a key. """ # # if key == arcade.key.UP or key == arcade.key.DOWN: # self.player_sprite.change_y = 0 # elif key == arcade.key.LEFT or key == arcade.key.RIGHT: # self.player_sprite.change_x = 0 def on_update(self, delta_time): self.colony.tick() self.actual_fps = (99 * self.actual_fps + 1 / delta_time) / 100 food_per_100_turns = self.colony.food_per_turn() * 100 self.set_caption( f"{settings.SCREEN_TITLE} - {self.actual_fps:0.0f} fps, {food_per_100_turns:0.0f} food per 100 turns - {self.generation}" ) arcade.start_render() for ant in self.ant_list: ant.move() self.generation += 1 #!! Dubbel naast colony.tick() if self.generation_callback: self.generation_callback(self.generation, self) if __name__ == "__main__": window = Arena(settings.SCREEN_WIDTH, settings.SCREEN_HEIGHT, settings.SCREEN_TITLE) window.setup()
<filename>src/data/ import gdown import zipfile from pathlib import Path class MakeDataset(): """ A class that handles everything related to getting and setting up the training and test datasets ... Methods ------- download_data() Downloads the data from Google Drive and unzips it """ def __init__(self, file_url): super().__init__() self.file_url = file_url def download_unzip_data(self): """ Downloads the data from Google Drive and unzips it """ project_dir = Path(__file__).resolve().parents[2] print(project_dir), './data/raw/', quiet=False) #with zipfile.ZipFile(path_to_zip_file, 'r') as zip_ref: # zip_ref.extractall(directory_to_extract_to) #!unzip ./ > /dev/null # TEST # Test 2
import tkinter from tkinter import messagebox from tkinter import Button window = tkinter.Tk() HEIGHT = window.winfo_height() WIDTH = window.winfo_width() print(f'Height: {HEIGHT}, Width: {WIDTH}') def click_button(): msg = messagebox.showinfo("Hello!", "You clicked a button!") # initializing button button_widget = Button( window, text='Click me!', command=click_button ) # placing a button to center of the window relx=0.5, rely=0.5, anchor=tkinter.CENTER ) window.mainloop()
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from IPython.core.debugger import set_trace import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F import torch.optim as optim import glob import os from import imread from skimage.transform import resize from torch.utils import data import os from config import Config import pandas as pd from utils.rotate_fcns import rotate_2d,rotate_3d,flip_2d class DataLoader2D(data.Dataset): def __init__(self, split,path_to_data): self.split=split self.path=path_to_data data = pd.read_csv("utils/rot_dict_unique.csv") self.rots_table=data.loc[:,:].to_numpy() xl_file = pd.ExcelFile(self.path + os.sep+'ListOfData.xlsx') data = pd.read_excel(xl_file,header=None) folders=data.loc[:,0].tolist() names=data.loc[:,1].tolist() file_names=[] for folder,name in zip(folders,names): file_names.append((self.path + os.sep + folder.split('\\')[-1] + os.sep + name).replace('.mhd','')) if self.split=='training': file_names=file_names[:int(len(file_names)*0.8)] elif self.split=='testing': file_names=file_names[int(len(file_names)*0.8):-20] self.file_names=[] self.vec=[] self.flip=[] self.lbls=[] for file in file_names: for flip in [0,1]: for unique_rot_num in range(self.rots_table.shape[0]): self.file_names.append(file) self.vec.append(self.rots_table[unique_rot_num,:]) self.flip.append(flip) self.lbls.append(unique_rot_num) def __len__(self): return len(self.file_names) def __getitem__(self, index): file_name=self.file_names[index] r=self.vec[index][0:3] flip=self.flip[index] flip=np.array([flip]) img_list=[] folders=['mean','max','std'] for folder in folders: for k in range(3): tmp=imread(file_name + '_' + folder + '_'+ str(k+1) +'.png' ) tmp=tmp.astype(np.float32)/255-0.5 img_list.append(tmp) # if self.split=='training': # max_mult_change=0.3 # for k in range(len(img_list)): # mult_change=1+torch.rand(1).numpy()[0]*2*max_mult_change-max_mult_change # img_list[k]=img_list[k]*mult_change # max_add_change=0.3 # for k in range(len(img_list)): # add_change=torch.rand(1).numpy()[0]*2*max_add_change-max_add_change # img_list[k]=img_list[k]+add_change imgs=np.stack(img_list,axis=2) for k in range(0,9,3): if flip==1: imgs[:,:,k:k+3]=flip_2d(imgs[:,:,k:k+3]) imgs[:,:,k:k+3]=rotate_2d(imgs[:,:,k:k+3],r) imgs=torch.from_numpy(imgs.copy()) imgs=imgs.permute(2,0,1) lbl=self.lbls[index] lbl2=np.zeros(self.rots_table.shape[0]).astype(np.float32) lbl2[lbl]=1 lbl=torch.from_numpy(lbl2) return imgs,lbl
#!/usr/bin/env python3 from aws_cdk import (core as cdk) from core.monorepo_stack import MonorepoStack from core.pipelines_stack import PipelineStack app = cdk.App() core = MonorepoStack(app, "MonoRepoStack") PipelineStack(app, "PipelinesStack", core.exported_monorepo) app.synth()
Pesos = input("¿Cuántos Pesos Colombianos tiene?: ") Pesos = float(Pesos) v_Dolar = 4033 Dolares = Pesos / v_Dolar Dolares = str(Dolares) print("Tienes $" + Dolares + " Dolares")
<reponame>gillistephan/aas-core-codegen<gh_stars>1-10 class Something: some_property = 3 __book_url__ = "dummy" __book_version__ = "dummy"
<gh_stars>1-10 class Solution(object): def nthUglyNumber(self, n): """ :type n: int :rtype: int """ h = [1] s = set([1]) while n > 1: now = heapq.heappop(h) for k in (2, 3, 5): nxt = now * k if nxt not in s: heapq.heappush(h, nxt) s.add(nxt) n -= 1 return h[0]
<reponame>DevopediaOrg/python-for-kids import sys import random from PIL import Image, ImageDraw config = { 'count' : 10, 'color' : { 'random' : True, 'fixed' : (180, 10, 240) }, 'shape' : 'rectangle' } img ="RGB", (400, 400), '#fff') draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img) for _ in range(config['count']): # Select colour if config['color']['random'] or config['shape'] == 'rectangle': rgb = random.randint(128,255), random.randint(0,255), random.randint(80,255) else: rgb = config['color']['fixed'] # Get random endpoints for shape start = random.randint(0, img.size[0]), random.randint(0, img.size[1]) end = random.randint(0, img.size[0]), random.randint(0, img.size[1]) # Draw shape shape = config['shape'] if shape == 'line': draw.line((*start, *end), fill=rgb) elif shape == 'rectangle': draw.rectangle((*start, *end), fill=rgb) elif shape == 'arc': draw.arc((*start, *end), 0, random.randint(-180, 180), fill=rgb) elif shape == 'pieslice': draw.pieslice((*start, *end), 0, random.randint(0, 180), fill=rgb) # Store in file"art.{}.{}.jpg".format(shape, random.randint(1000,9999)))
<reponame>apokhr/PumpProbe-analysis from PyQt5 import QtGui, QtCore # (the example applies equally well to PySide) import sys import pyqtgraph as pg import numpy as np ## Always start by initializing Qt (only once per application) #app = QtGui.QApplication([]) app = QtCore.QCoreApplication.instance() if app is None: app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) ## Define a top-level widget to hold everything w = QtGui.QWidget() w.move(400,100) #w.showFullScreen() # change background color pg.setConfigOption('background', 'w') pg.setConfigOption('foreground', 'k') ## Create some widgets to be placed inside btn = QtGui.QPushButton('press me') text = QtGui.QLineEdit('enter text') listw = QtGui.QListWidget() pltW1 = pg.PlotWidget() #pw2 = pg.PlotWidget() x = np.arange(0,1000,1) noise = np.random.normal(0,1,1000)/1 y = np.sin(x/10)+noise plt1 = pltW1.plot(x,y, color='g') ## Create a grid layout to manage the widgets size and position layout = QtGui.QGridLayout() w.setLayout(layout) ## Add widgets to the layout in their proper positions layout.addWidget(btn, 0, 0) # button goes in upper-left layout.addWidget(text, 1, 0) # text edit goes in middle-left layout.addWidget(listw, 2, 0) # list widget goes in bottom-left layout.addWidget(pltW1, 0, 1, 3, 1) # plot goes on right side, spanning 3 rows #layout.addWidget(pw2, 3, 1, 2, 1) ## Display the widget as a new window ## Start the Qt event loop app.exec_()
<filename>apps/consumer_portrait/ #!/usr/bin/python # encoding: utf-8 """ @author: Ian @contact:<EMAIL> @file: @time: 2019/3/16 18:32 采用无监督的方式做, 通过估算正态分布 """ from surprise import NormalPredictor from surprise import Dataset, Reader from surprise.model_selection import cross_validate import pandas as pd if __name__ == '__main__': traindf = pd.read_csv('D:/Desktop/DF/portrait/train_dataset.csv') print(traindf.columns) # A reader is still needed but only the rating_scale param is requiered. reader = Reader(rating_scale=(422, 719)) # The columns must correspond to user id, item id and ratings (in that order). data = Dataset.load_from_df(traindf[['用户编码', '当月网购类应用使用次数', '信用分']], reader) algo = NormalPredictor() # perf = cross_validate(algo, data, cv=5, measures=['RMSE', 'MAE'], verbose=True) trainset = data.build_full_trainset() r = [] for line in traindf.itertuples(): # print(line[1], line[23]) pred = algo.predict(line[1], line[23], r_ui=4, verbose=True) print(type(pred.est), pred.est) r.append(round(pred.est)) traindf['r'] = r traindf.to_csv('D:/Desktop/DF/portrait/train_dataset1.csv')
import datetime import uuid from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model from django.db import models from django.urls import reverse from django.utils import timezone from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from taggit.managers import TaggableManager from taggit.models import GenericUUIDTaggedItemBase, TaggedItemBase class UUIDTaggedItem(GenericUUIDTaggedItemBase, TaggedItemBase): class Meta: verbose_name = _("Tag") verbose_name_plural = _("Tags") class PublishedManager(models.Manager): def get_queryset(self): return super(PublishedManager, self).get_queryset().filter(status="published") class Question(models.Model): STATUS_CHOICES = ( ("draft", "Draft"), ("published", "Published"), ) id = models.UUIDField(primary_key=True, default=uuid.uuid4, editable=False) question_text = models.CharField(max_length=200) slug = models.SlugField(max_length=250, unique_for_date='pub_date') pub_date = models.DateTimeField('date published', created_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) updated_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True) status = models.CharField(max_length=10, choices=STATUS_CHOICES, default="draft") created_by = models.ForeignKey(get_user_model(), on_delete=models.CASCADE) objects = models.Manager() published = PublishedManager() tags = TaggableManager(through=UUIDTaggedItem) class Meta: ordering = ('-pub_date',) def __str__(self): return self.question_text def get_absolute_url(self): return reverse('polls:question_detail', args=[]) def was_published_recently(self): return self.pub_date >= - datetime.timedelta(days=1) def get_update_url(self): return reverse('polls:question_update', args=[]) def get_delete_url(self): return reverse('polls:question_delete', args=[]) def can_update(self, user): return user.is_superuser or self.created_by == user def can_delete(self, user): return user.is_superuser or self.created_by == user class Choice(models.Model): id = models.UUIDField(primary_key=True, default=uuid.uuid4, editable=False) choice_text = models.CharField(max_length=200) votes = models.IntegerField(default=0) created_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) question = models.ForeignKey(Question, on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name='choices') def __str__(self): return self.choice_text def get_absolute_url(self): return reverse('choice_detail', args=str([]))
<filename>problems/B/ __author__ = '<NAME>' ''' Solution: Calculate the sum of each round of errors. The difference of first and second will give the error resolved by second round. Similarly, the difference of second and third will give the error resolved by third round. ''' def solve(first_errors, second_errors, third_errors): first_sum = sum(first_errors) second_sum = sum(second_errors) third_sum = sum(third_errors) print first_sum - second_sum print second_sum - third_sum if __name__ == "__main__": raw_input() # ignoring n first_errors = map(int, raw_input().split(" ")) second_errors = map(int, raw_input().split(" ")) third_errors = map(int, raw_input().split(" ")) solve(first_errors, second_errors, third_errors)
<filename>study/day02_spider/ # coding=utf-8 import urllib2 # 设置代理 # authproxy_handler = urllib2.ProxyHandler({"http": "mr_mao_hacker:[email protected]:16816"}) authproxy_handler = urllib2.ProxyHandler({"http": ""}) # authproxy_handler = urllib2.ProxyHandler({"http": ""}) opener = urllib2.build_opener(authproxy_handler) # 构建了一个全局的opener,之后所有的请求都可以用urlopen()方式去发送,也附带Handler的功能 urllib2.install_opener(opener) # 获取请求 url = "" request = urllib2.Request(url) # 获取响应 response = # 获取响应的html信息 html = print(html)
<reponame>Informasjonsforvaltning/fdk-baseregistries-publisher """Unit test package. Modules: test_fdk_baseregistries_service """
<reponame>PingHuskar/hackerrank<filename>python/py-itertools/ # Python > Itertools > itertools.combinations() # Print all the combinations of a string using itertools. # # # from itertools import combinations s, n = input().split() for k in range(1, int(n) + 1): for i in combinations(sorted(s), k): print("".join(i))
<gh_stars>10-100 #!/usr/bin/env python from hashlib import md5 import os import sys # The following 4 lines are necessary until our modules are public import inspect currentdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe()))) sys.path.insert(1,os.path.dirname(currentdir)) import database from io import StringIO import pandas as pd import requests from datetime import datetime import logging log = logging.getLogger(__name__) CONFIG = os.path.abspath("../../trusat-config.yaml") # Use this as our browser, to get past UCS 403 errors http_headers = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.76 Safari/537.36'} def fingerprint_line(line): """ Creates a unique signature from a line.""" return md5(line.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest() def load_ucs_satdb_data():"Fetching UCSATDB data and loading into memory...") # satdb_url = "" satdb_url = "" # s=requests.get(satdb_url, headers= http_headers).text satdb=pd.read_csv(StringIO(s), sep=";", delimiter="\t", encoding="Windows-1252") # satdb = pd.read_csv(satdb_url, delimiter="\t", encoding="Windows-1252") satdb = satdb.iloc[:, :35] satdb.applymap(format) satdb.columns = [ "name", "country_registered", "country_owner", "owner_operator", "users", "purpose", "purpose_detailed", "orbit_class", "orbit_type", "GEO_longitude", "perigee_km", "apogee_km", "eccentricity", "inclination_degrees", "period_minutes", "launch_mass_kg", "dry_mass_kg", "power_watts", "launch_date", "expected_lifetime_years", "contractor", "contractor_country", "launch_site", "launch_vehicle", "international_designator", "norad_number", "comments", "detailed_comments", "source_1", "source_2", "source_3", "source_4", "source_5", "source_6", "source_7", ] return satdb def load_celestrak_satcat_data():"Fetching CELESTRAK SATCAT data and loading into memory...") satcat_url = "" satcat = pd.read_csv( satcat_url, engine="python", delimiter=r"\n", encoding="Windows-1252" ) data = [] for row in satcat.itertuples(index=False, name=None): row = [format(q) for q in parse_celestrak_row(row[0])] data.append(row) df = pd.DataFrame( data, columns=[ "intl_desg", "norad_num", "multiple_name_flag", "payload_flag", "ops_status_code", "name", "source", "launch_date", "launch_site", "decay_date", "orbit_period_minutes", "inclination_deg", "apogee", "perigee", "radar_crosssec", "orbit_status_code", ], ) df.set_index("norad_num") return df def fix_discrepencies(satdb, satcat):"Fixing discrepencies in the UCS data...") # discrepencies_url = "" for i, satdb_row in satdb.iterrows(): norad_number = format(satdb_row.loc["norad_number"]) try: satcat_row = satcat.loc[norad_number] satdb.loc[i, "name"] = satcat_row.loc["name"] satdb.loc[i, "perigee_km"] = satcat_row.loc["perigee"] satdb.loc[i, "apogee_km"] = satcat_row.loc["apogee"] satdb.loc[i, "inclination_degrees"] = satcat_row.loc["inclination_deg"] satdb.loc[i, "period_minutes"] = satcat_row.loc["orbit_period_minutes"] satdb.loc[i, "launch_date"] = satcat_row.loc["launch_date"] satdb.loc[i, "launch_site"] = satcat_row.loc["launch_site"] satdb.loc[i, "international_designator"] = satcat_row.loc["intl_desg"] import random if random.randint(1, 101) < 3: satdb.loc[i, "name"] = "BLAH BLAH BLAH" except (KeyError, ValueError): log.warning( f"""Satellite with norad number {norad_number} in satdb is not found in the Celestrak Catalog. Relying on SatDB data only.""" ) return satdb def format(val): if pd.isna(val): return None if type(val).__module__ == "numpy": val = val.item() if type(val) is int or type(val) is float: return val val = val.strip() try: return int(val.replace(",", "")) except: pass try: return float(val.replace(",", "")) except: pass try: return datetime.strptime(val, "%m/%d/%y").date() except: pass try: return datetime.strptime(val, "%m/%d/%Y").date() except: pass try: return datetime.strptime(val, "%Y/%m/%d").date() except: pass if not val or val == "N/A": return None return val def update_ucs_satdb_raw_table(Database, df):"Updating the ucs_satdb_raw table...") total_rows = 0 data_batch = [] for row in df.itertuples(index=False, name=None): record_fingerprint = fingerprint_line("".join(str(e) for e in row)) savable = [format(i) for i in row] + [record_fingerprint] data_batch.append(savable) total_rows = total_rows + 1 if len(data_batch) > 0: db.add_ucs_satdb_raw_batch(data_batch) def update_ucs_satdb_table(Database, df):"Updating the (corrected) ucs_satdb table...") total_rows = 0 data_batch = [] for row in df.itertuples(index=False, name=None): record_fingerprint = fingerprint_line("".join(str(e) for e in row)) savable = [format(i) for i in row] + [record_fingerprint] data_batch.append(savable) total_rows = total_rows + 1 if len(data_batch) > 0: db.add_ucs_satdb_batch(data_batch) def parse_celestrak_row(line): intl_desg = line[0:11] norad_number = line[13:18] multiple_name_flag = line[19] if not multiple_name_flag: multiple_name_flag = 0 else: multiple_name_flag = 1 payload_flag = line[20] if not payload_flag: payload_flag = 0 else: payload_flag = 1 ops_status_code = line[21] name = line[23:47] source = line[49:54] launch_date = line[56:66] launch_site = line[69:73] decay_date = line[75:85] orbit_period_minutes = line[87:94] inclination_deg = line[96:101] apogee = line[103:109] perigee = line[111:117] radar_crosssec = line[119:127] orbit_status_code = line[129:132] satcat_tuple = ( intl_desg, norad_number, multiple_name_flag, payload_flag, ops_status_code, name, source, launch_date, launch_site, decay_date, orbit_period_minutes, inclination_deg, apogee, perigee, radar_crosssec, orbit_status_code, ) return satcat_tuple def update_celestrak_satcat_table(Database, df):"Updating the celestrak_satcat table...") data_batch = [] for row in df.itertuples(index=False, name=None): record_fingerprint = fingerprint_line("".join(str(e) for e in row)) savable = [format(i) for i in row] + [record_fingerprint] data_batch.append(savable) if len(data_batch) > 0: db.add_celestrak_satcat_batch(data_batch) # make it print to the console. console = logging.StreamHandler() log.addHandler(console) log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) db = database.Database(CONFIG) db.create_celestrak_satcat_table() db.create_ucs_satdb_raw_table() db.create_ucs_satdb_table() satdb = load_ucs_satdb_data() satcat = load_celestrak_satcat_data() update_ucs_satdb_raw_table(db, satdb) update_celestrak_satcat_table(db, satcat) satdb = fix_discrepencies(satdb, satcat) update_ucs_satdb_table(db, satdb)"Script Complete") sys.exit(0)
<gh_stars>0 import json import requests if __name__ == '__main__': response ='', data={ # URL 'client_id': 'your app id', # 填写app-id、app-secret、账号及密码 'client_secret': 'your app secret', 'grant_type': 'password', 'username': 'your account name(admin)', 'password': '<PASSWORD>' }, cookies={ 'Abp.TenantId': 'your tenant id' # 设置Cookie,使用租户id }) access_token = json.loads(response.text)['access_token'] # 从响应中获取access_token taskdata = { # 构造要计算的数据 'type': 0, 'packingCargoes': [{ # 货物数据 'name': 'cargo1', 'length': 1.1, 'width': 0.8, 'height': 0.6, 'weight': 0.5, 'quantity': 99 }], 'packingContainers': [{ # 容器数据 'name': "20ft", 'InnerX': 2.35, 'InnerY': 2.38, 'InnerZ': 5.89, 'Maxload': 21000 }], 'interimContainers': [], 'loadingOptions': {}, 'interimOptions': {}, 'predefinedModels': [], 'pointedContainers': [], 'skuCargoes': [] } r ='', data=json.dumps({'taskData': taskdata}), headers={ 'Authorization': 'bearer ' + access_token, 'content-type': 'application/json' }) # 发送请求,使用access_token进行认证,Body为要计算的数据 print(r.text)
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO class Pin: def __init__(self, pin_id): self.pin_id = pin_id self.state = Off GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) def sense(self): GPIO.setup(self.pin_id, GPIO.IN) output = GPIO.input(self.pin_id) self.state = output return output def set(self, state): GPIO.setup(self.pin_id, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.output(self.pin_id, state) self.state = state def get(self): return self.state @classmethod def cleanup(cls): GPIO.cleanup()
<filename>scripts/mybgg/ from decimal import Decimal from datetime import datetime import html import re articles = ['A', 'An', 'The'] class BoardGame: def __init__(self, game_data, collection_data, expansions=[], accessories=[]): = game_data["id"] name = collection_data["name"] if len(name) == 0: name = game_data["name"] alt_names = self.gen_name_list(game_data, collection_data) self.alternate_names = list(dict.fromkeys(alt_names)) # De-dupe the list, keeping order title = name.split() if title[0] in articles: name = ' '.join(title[1:]) + ", " + title[0] = name self.description = html.unescape(game_data["description"]) self.categories = game_data["categories"] self.mechanics = game_data["mechanics"] self.contained = game_data["contained"] self.families = game_data["families"] self.artists = game_data["artists"] self.designers = game_data["designers"] self.publishers = game_data["publishers"] self.reimplements = list(filter(lambda g: g["inbound"], game_data["reimplements"])) self.reimplementedby = list(filter(lambda g: not g["inbound"], game_data["reimplements"])) self.integrates = game_data["integrates"] self.players = self.calc_num_players(game_data, expansions) self.weight = self.calc_weight(game_data) self.weightRating = float(game_data["weight"]) self.year = game_data["year"] self.playing_time = self.calc_playing_time(game_data) self.rank = self.calc_rank(game_data) self.other_ranks = self.filter_other_ranks(game_data) self.usersrated = self.calc_usersrated(game_data) self.numowned = self.calc_numowned(game_data) self.average = self.calc_average(game_data) self.rating = self.calc_rating(game_data) self.minage = game_data["min_age"] self.suggested_age = self.calc_suggested_age(game_data) self.numplays = collection_data["numplays"] self.image = collection_data["image_version"] or collection_data["image"] or game_data["image"] self.tags = collection_data["tags"] self.comment = collection_data["comment"] self.wishlist_comment = collection_data["wishlist_comment"] if "players" in collection_data: self.previous_players = list(set(collection_data["players"])) self.expansions = expansions self.accessories = accessories self.lastmodified = datetime.strptime(collection_data["last_modified"], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') self.version_name = collection_data["version_name"] self.version_year = collection_data["version_year"] self.collection_id = collection_data["collection_id"] def __hash__(self): return hash( def __eq__(self, other): return (self.__class__ == other.__class__ and == def calc_num_players(self, game_data, expansions): num_players = game_data["suggested_numplayers"].copy() for supported_num in range(game_data["min_players"], game_data["max_players"] + 1): if supported_num > 0 and str(supported_num) not in [num for num, _ in num_players]: num_players.append((str(supported_num), "supported")) # Add number of players from expansions for expansion in expansions: for expansion_num, support in expansion.players: if expansion_num not in [num for num, _ in num_players]: #TODO another expansion may upgrade this player count to remove the supported if support == "supported": num_players.append((expansion_num, "exp_supported")) else: num_players.append((expansion_num, "expansion")) num_players = sorted(num_players, key=lambda x: int(x[0].replace("+", ""))) # Remove "+ player counts if they are not the last in the list num_players[:-1] = [ player for player in num_players[:-1] if player[0][-1] != "+" and int(player[0]) < 14 ] return num_players def calc_playing_time(self, game_data): playing_time_mapping = { 30: '< 30min', 60: '30min - 1h', 120: '1-2h', 180: '2-3h', 240: '3-4h', } for playing_time_max, playing_time in playing_time_mapping.items(): if not game_data["playing_time"]: return 'Unknown' if playing_time_max > int(game_data["playing_time"]): return playing_time return '> 4h' def calc_rank(self, game_data): if not game_data["rank"] or game_data["rank"] == "Not Ranked": return None return Decimal(game_data["rank"]) def calc_usersrated(self, game_data): if not game_data["usersrated"]: return 0 return Decimal(game_data["usersrated"]) def calc_numowned(self, game_data): if not game_data["numowned"]: return 0 return Decimal(game_data["numowned"]) def calc_rating(self, game_data): if not game_data["rating"]: return None return Decimal(game_data["rating"]) def calc_average(self, game_data): if not game_data["average"]: return None return Decimal(game_data["average"]) def calc_weight(self, game_data): weight_mapping = { -1: "Unknown", 0: "Light", 1: "Light", 2: "Light Medium", 3: "Medium", 4: "Medium Heavy", 5: "Heavy", } return weight_mapping[round(Decimal(game_data["weight"] or -1))] def calc_suggested_age(self, game_data): sum = 0 total_votes = 0 suggested_age = 0 for player_age in game_data["suggested_playerages"]: count = player_age["numvotes"] sum += int(player_age["age"]) * count total_votes += count if total_votes > 0: suggested_age = round(sum / total_votes, 2) return suggested_age def filter_other_ranks(self, game_data): # Remove the BGG Rank, since it's already handled elsewhere other_ranks = list(filter(lambda g: g["id"] != "1" and g["value"] != "Not Ranked", game_data["other_ranks"])) for i, rank in enumerate(other_ranks): other_ranks[i]["friendlyname"] = re.sub(" Rank", "", rank["friendlyname"]) return other_ranks def gen_name_list(self, game_data, collection_data): """rules for cleaning up linked items to remove duplicate data, such as the title being repeated on every expansion""" game = game_data["name"] game_titles = [] game_titles.append(collection_data["name"]) game_titles.append(game) game_titles.append(game.split("–")[0].strip()) # Medium Title game_titles.append(game.split(":")[0].strip()) # Short Title game_titles.append(game.split("(")[0].strip()) # No Edition # Carcassonne Big Box 5, Alien Frontiers Big Box, El Grande Big Box if any("Big Box" in title for title in game_titles): game_tmp = re.sub(r"\s*\(?Big Box.*", "", game, flags=re.IGNORECASE) game_titles.append(game_tmp) if "Chronicles of Crime" in game_titles: game_titles.insert(0, "The Millennium Series") game_titles.insert(0, "Chronicles of Crime: The Millennium Series") elif any(title in ("King of Tokyo", "King of New York") for title in game_titles): game_titles.insert(0, "King of Tokyo/New York") game_titles.insert(0, "King of Tokyo/King of New York") elif "Legends of Andor" in game_titles: game_titles.append("Die Legenden von Andor") elif "No Thanks!" in game_titles: game_titles.append("Schöne Sch#!?e") elif "Power Grid Deluxe" in game_titles: game_titles.append("Power Grid") elif "Queendomino" in game_titles: game_titles.append("Kingdomino") elif "Rivals for Catan" in game_titles: game_titles.append("The Rivals for Catan") game_titles.append("Die Fürsten von Catan") game_titles.append("Catan: Das Duell") elif "Rococo" in game_titles: game_titles.append("Rokoko") elif "Small World Underground" in game_titles: game_titles.append("Small World") elif "Unforgiven" in game_titles: game_titles.insert(0, "Unforgiven: The Lincoln Assassination Trial") elif "Viticulture Essential Edition" in game_titles: game_titles.append("Viticulture") game_titles.extend(game_data["alternate_names"]) #game_titles.extend([ game["name"] for game in game_data["reimplements"]]) #game_titles.extend([ game["name"] for game in game_data["reimplementedby"]]) #game_titles.extend([ game["name"] for game in game_data["integrates"]]) return game_titles
#import string #import socket #import struct #import bitstring from capture import *
# 多个文件中要用到的函数之类的统一写在这里 from skimage.measure import label import numpy as np import copy # 如果最大连通域面积小于2000,直接认为分割错误,返回无分割结果,反之保留面积最大连通域,如果面积第二大连通域和最大差不多,则两个都保留 def refine_output(output): refine = np.zeros((1280, 2440), dtype=np.uint8) if len(np.where(output > 0)[0]) > 0: output = label(output) top = output.max() area_list = [] for i in range(1, top + 1): area = len(np.where(output == i)[0]) area_list.append(area) max_area = max(area_list) max_index = area_list.index(max_area) if max_area < 2000: return refine else: refine[output == max_index + 1] = 1 if top > 1: temp_list = copy.deepcopy(area_list) del temp_list[max_index] second_max_area = max(temp_list) second_max_index = area_list.index(second_max_area) if (max_area / second_max_area) < 1.2: refine[output == second_max_index + 1] = 1 return refine else: return refine else: return refine else: return refine # 如果两颗牙的分割结果重合面积大于其中一颗牙的40%,则认为这颗牙分割错误在了其它牙齿上,去掉这颗牙的分割结果 def judge_overlap(id, output_all): ids = [11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48] index = ids.index(id) output_id = output_all[:, :, index].reshape(1, -1) # 每一通道保存着一颗牙的分割结果 output_id_area = output_id.sum(1) + 0.001 refine = output_all if index <= 29: end = index + 3 elif index == 30: # 倒数第二颗牙前面只有一颗牙 end = index + 2 else: end = index + 1 # 最后一颗牙不用再计算重叠率了 for i in range(index + 1, end): # 每颗牙和前面两颗牙算重叠区域,因为有可能前面少了一颗牙齿,所以选两颗 output_other = output_all[:, :, i].reshape(1, -1) output_other_area = output_other.sum(1) + 0.001 inter = (output_id * output_other).sum(1) + 0.001 if (inter / output_id_area) >= 0.4: refine[:, :, index] = 0 if (inter / output_other_area) >= 0.4: refine[:, :, i] = 0 return refine # 输入一个模型,获得其参数量 def get_model_params(net): total_params = sum(p.numel() for p in net.parameters()) print(f'{total_params:,} total parameters.') total_trainable_params = sum(p.numel() for p in net.parameters() if p.requires_grad) print(f'{total_trainable_params:,} training parameters.') print()
from signature import Structure, add_signature class SpamTheOldWay: def __init__(self, name, price): = name self.price = price @add_signature("name", "price") class Spam(Structure): pass if __name__ == "__main__": spam_0 = Spam(price=0.618, name="wexort") print(, spam_0.price) spam_1 = Spam("hughluo", 42) print(, spam_1.price)
from bool_filters import * from dict_filters import * from hash_filters import * from list_filters import * from version_filters import * from string_filters import * from datetime_filters import *
import os import shutil import arrow import glob def get_date_range(start, end): """get the date range of the used months""" start = start[:4] + '-' + start[4:] startdate = arrow.get(start) end = end[:4] + '-' + end[4:] enddate = arrow.get(end) return arrow.Arrow.range('month', startdate, enddate) def get_train(date, quan_name): """get the file name of the training data""" date0 = date[:4] + '-' + date[4:] first = arrow.get(date0) quan = quan_name.split("m_")[0] m = -1 * int(quan) second = first.shift(months=-1) second = second.format("YYYYMM") first = first.shift(months=m) first = first.format('YYYYMM') ret = first + '-' + second + '_train.csv' return ret def get_test(date): """get the file name of the test data""" ret = date + 'pred.csv' return ret startDate = '201805' endDate = '201805' rootDir = 'D:/rongshidata' # dataInfo = 'experiment_data_1' dataInfo = 'experiment_data_2' periodInfo = 'monthly' usedQuantile = [] usedQuantile.extend(['6m_1_16', '6m_3_18']) usedQuantile.extend(['12m_1_16', '12m_3_18']) usedQuantile.extend(['3m_1_31', '3m_3_33']) usedQuantile.extend(['24m_1_13', '24m_3_15']) usedQuantile.extend(['36m_1_11', '36m_3_13']) dir1st = 'D:/copy{0}_{1}'.format(startDate, endDate) if not os.path.exists(dir1st): os.mkdir(dir1st) closePriceFile = '{0}/{1}/close.txt'.format(rootDir, dataInfo) shutil.copy(closePriceFile, dir1st) featureDir = '{0}/{1}/{2}/end/feature_v*'.format(rootDir, dataInfo, periodInfo) featureList = glob.glob(featureDir) for feature in featureList: featureName = os.path.basename(feature) for Date in get_date_range(startDate, endDate): Date = Date.format('YYYYMM') testDataDir = '{0}/{1}/end/{2}/testing'.format(dir1st, periodInfo, featureName) if not os.path.exists(testDataDir): os.makedirs(testDataDir) testFile = feature + '/testing/' + get_test(Date) shutil.copy(testFile, testDataDir) trainDataList = glob.glob(feature + '/training/*m_*_*') for quantile in trainDataList: quantileName = os.path.basename(quantile) if quantileName not in usedQuantile: continue trainDataDir = '{0}/{1}/end/{2}/training/{3}'.format(dir1st, periodInfo, featureName, quantileName) if not os.path.exists(trainDataDir): os.makedirs(trainDataDir) trainFile = quantile + '/' + get_train(Date, quantileName) shutil.copy(trainFile, trainDataDir) print(quantile, 'DONE')
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- # """Module to access site configuration in siteconfig.ini.""" from ConfigParser import ConfigParser from flask import g FILENAME = '/srv/oclubs/siteconfig.ini' def _done(commit=True): if g.get('siteconfigParser', None): if commit: if g.get('siteconfigHasWrites', False): with open(FILENAME, 'w') as configfile: g.siteconfigParser.write(configfile) g.siteconfigParser = None del g.siteconfigParser g.siteconfigHasWrites = None del g.siteconfigHasWrites def _get_parser(): if g.get('siteconfigParser', None): return g.siteconfigParser g.siteconfigParser = ConfigParser() return g.siteconfigParser def get_config(name): """ Get a site configuration boolean. :param basestring name: name of site configuration :returns: value of site configuration :rtype: bool """ return _get_parser().getboolean('siteconfig', name) def set_config(name, value): """ Set a site configuration boolean. :param basestring name: name of site configuration :param bool value: new value of site configuration """ # ConfigParser stores bool in memory, and getboolean expects string _get_parser().set('siteconfig', name, str(int(value))) g.siteconfigHasWrites = True
import unittest import library NUM_CORPUS = ''' On the 5th of May every year, Mexicans celebrate Cinco de Mayo. This tradition began in 1845 (the twenty-second anniversary of the Mexican Revolution), and is the 1st example of a national independence holiday becoming popular in the Western Hemisphere. (The Fourth of July didn't see regular celebration in the US until 15-20 years later.) It is celebrated by 77.9% of the population-- trending toward 80. ''' class TestCase(unittest.TestCase): # Helper function def assert_extract(self, text, extractors, *expected): actual = [x[1].group(0) for x in library.scan(text, extractors)] self.assertEquals(str(actual), str([x for x in expected])) # First unit test; prove that if we scan NUM_CORPUS looking for mixed_ordinals, # we find "5th" and "1st". def test_mixed_ordinals(self): self.assert_extract(NUM_CORPUS, library.mixed_ordinals, '5th', '1st') # Second unit test; prove that if we look for integers, we find four of them. def test_integers(self): self.assert_extract(NUM_CORPUS, library.integers, '1845', '15', '20', '80') # Third unit test; prove that if we look for integers where there are none, we get no results. def test_no_integers(self): self.assert_extract("no integers", library.integers) def test_dates(self): self.assert_extract('I was born on 2015-12-31.', library.dates_iso8601, '2015-12-31') def test_dates_no_integers(self): self.assert_extract("I was born on 2015-12-31", library.dates_iso8601) def test_dates_fmt2(self): self.assert_extract('I was born on 25 Jan 2017.', library.dates_fmt2, '25 Jan 2017') # Checks for the iso date format with full Date 2018-06-21 15:54:14.87Z def test_dates_1(self): self.assert_extract(' 2018-06-21 15:54:14.876 ', library.dates_newiso8601, '2018-06-21 15:54:14.876') # Checks only for the date def test_dates_2(self): self.assert_extract(' 2018-06-21 ', library.dates_newiso8601, '2018-06-21') # Checks with hours and min def test_dates_3(self): self.assert_extract(' 2018-06-21 15:54', library.dates_newiso8601, '2018-06-21 15:54') # Checks with hours and min with seconds def test_dates_4(self): self.assert_extract(' 2018-06-21 15:54:00 ', library.dates_newiso8601, '2018-06-21 15:54:00') # Checks with hours and min with seconds with milliseconds def test_dates_5(self): self.assert_extract(' 2018-06-21 15:54:00.123 ', library.dates_newiso8601, '2018-06-21 15:54:00.123') # Checks with hours and min with seconds with milliseconds and timezone(Z) def test_dates_6(self): self.assert_extract(' 2018-06-21 15:54:00.123Z ', library.dates_newiso8601, '2018-06-21 15:54:00.123Z') # Checks with hours and min with seconds with milliseconds and timezone offset -0800 def test_dates_7(self): self.assert_extract(' 2018-06-21 15:54:00.123-0800 ', library.dates_newiso8601, '2018-06-21 15:54:00.123-0800') # Checks with hours and min with seconds with milliseconds and timezone offset -0800 def test_dates_8(self): self.assert_extract(' 2018-06-21 15:54:00.123-0800 ', library.dates_newiso8601, '2018-06-21 15:54:00.123-0800') # Checks for date format and , after the month def test_dates_fmt3(self): self.assert_extract(' 21 Jun, 2018 ', library.dates_fmt3, '21 Jun, 2018') # Checks for date format - regular def test_dates_fmt31(self): self.assert_extract(' 21 Jun 2018 ', library.dates_fmt3, '21 Jun 2018') # Support comma seperated grouping def test_numbers(self): self.assert_extract(' 123,456,789 ', library.comma_seperator, '123,456,789') if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
<filename>src/tanuki/database/ from __future__ import annotations from types import TracebackType from typing import Any, cast, Optional, Type, TYPE_CHECKING, TypeVar from tanuki.data_store.column_alias import ColumnAlias from tanuki.data_store.data_type import DataType from tanuki.data_store.metadata import Metadata from tanuki.data_store.query import Query from .adapter.database_adapter import DatabaseAdapter from .data_token import DataToken from .database_registrar import DatabaseRegistrar from .db_exceptions import MissingTableError if TYPE_CHECKING: from tanuki.data_store.data_store import DataStore T = TypeVar("T", bound="DataStore") M = TypeVar("M", bound="Metadata") class Database: _db_adapter: DatabaseAdapter _registrar: DatabaseRegistrar def __init__(self, database_adapter: DatabaseAdapter) -> None: self._db_adapter = database_adapter self._registrar = DatabaseRegistrar(database_adapter) def table_columns(self, data_token: DataToken) -> list[str]: with self._db_adapter: col_ids = self._registrar.store_type(data_token).columns return [str(col_id) for col_id in col_ids] def table_dtypes(self, data_token: DataToken) -> dict[str, DataType]: with self._db_adapter: store_class = self._registrar.store_type(data_token) return { column.dtype for column in store_class.columns} def has_table(self, data_token: DataToken) -> bool: with self._db_adapter: return self._registrar.has_table(data_token) def list_tables(self) -> list[DataToken]: with self._db_adapter: return self._registrar.list_tables() def has_group(self, data_group: str) -> bool: with self._db_adapter: return self._registrar.has_group(data_group) def list_groups(self) -> set[str]: with self._db_adapter: return self._registrar.list_groups() def list_group_tables(self, data_group: str) -> list[DataToken]: with self._db_adapter: return self._registrar.list_group_tables(data_group) def query( self: Database, store_type: Type[T], data_token: DataToken, query: Optional[Query] = None, columns: Optional[list[ColumnAlias]] = None, ) -> T: with self._db_adapter: if not self.has_table(data_token): raise MissingTableError(data_token) columns = [str(col) for col in columns] if columns is not None else None table_data = self._db_adapter.query(data_token, query, columns) store_class: Type[T] = self._registrar.store_type(data_token) metadata_class: Type[M] = self._registrar.metadata_class(data_token) metadata: Optional[M] = None if metadata_class is not None: metadata = self._db_adapter.get_group_table_metadata(data_token, metadata_class) store = store_class.from_rows(table_data, columns=columns, metadata=metadata) return cast(store_type, store) def create_table(self: Database, data_token: DataToken, store_type: Type[T]) -> None: with self._db_adapter: if not self._registrar.has_table(data_token): self._registrar.create_table(data_token, store_type) def insert( self: Database, data_token: DataToken, data_store: T ) -> None: with self._db_adapter: if not self._registrar.has_table(data_token): self._registrar.create_table(data_token, data_store.__class__) self._db_adapter.insert(data_token, data_store) def update( self: Database, data_token: DataToken, data_store: T, alignment_columns: list[ColumnAlias], ) -> None: with self._db_adapter: if not self._registrar.has_table(data_token): raise MissingTableError(data_token) columns = [str(col) for col in alignment_columns] self._db_adapter.update(data_token, data_store, columns) def upsert( self: Database, data_token: DataToken, data_store: T, alignment_columns: list[ColumnAlias], ) -> None: with self._db_adapter: if not self._registrar.has_table(data_token): raise MissingTableError(data_token) columns = [str(col) for col in alignment_columns] self._db_adapter.upsert(data_token, data_store, columns) def delete(self: Database, data_token: DataToken, criteria: Query) -> None: with self._db_adapter: if not self._registrar.has_table(data_token): raise MissingTableError(data_token) self._db_adapter.delete(data_token, criteria) def drop_table(self: Database, data_token: DataToken) -> None: with self._db_adapter: self._registrar.drop_table(data_token) def drop_group(self: Database, data_group: str) -> None: with self._db_adapter: self._registrar.drop_group(data_group) def copy_table( self: Database, source_data_token: DataToken, target_data_token: DataToken, ) -> None: with self._db_adapter: self._registrar.copy_table(source_data_token, target_data_token) def move_table( self: Database, source_data_token: DataToken, target_data_token: DataToken, ) -> None: with self._db_adapter: self._registrar.copy_table(source_data_token, target_data_token) def copy_group( self: Database, source_data_token: DataToken, target_data_token: DataToken, ) -> None: with self._db_adapter: self._registrar.copy_table(source_data_token, target_data_token) def move_group( self: Database, source_data_token: DataToken, target_data_token: DataToken, ) -> None: with self._db_adapter: self._registrar.copy_table(source_data_token, target_data_token) def row_count(self, data_token: DataToken) -> int: with self._db_adapter: return self._db_adapter.row_count(data_token) def __enter__(self: Database) -> Database: return self def __exit__( self: Database, type: Optional[Type[BaseException]] = None, value: Optional[BaseException] = None, traceback: Optional[TracebackType] = None, ) -> None: self.stop() def stop(self) -> None: self._db_adapter.stop()
<reponame>leandevops/terraform-aws-lambda<filename>tests/fixtures/tf_module/function/<gh_stars>0 def lambda_handler(event, context): print('Lambda is running...')
<reponame>ilya-e/coordinates<gh_stars>0 # coding=utf8 """Test suite for gpss.coordinates.""" from io import StringIO from os import remove from contextlib import contextmanager from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile from coordinates import retrieve_xyz, xyz2lbh RNX = '''\ 2.11 OBSERVATION DATA M (MIXED) RINEX VERSION / TYPE teqc 2016Nov7 NOAA/NOS/NGS/CORS 20170707 04:06:33UTCPGM / RUN BY / DATE ASPA MARKER NAME 50503S006 MARKER NUMBER <NAME> NGS OBSERVER / AGENCY 4733K06635 TRIMBLE NETR5 4.85 REC # / TYPE / VERS 30517456 TRM55971.00 NONE ANT # / TYPE -6100258.8690 -996506.1670 -1567978.8630 APPROX POSITION XYZ 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 ANTENNA: DELTA H/E/N 1 1 WAVELENGTH FACT L1/2 11 L1 L2 L5 C1 P1 C2 P2 C5 S1# / TYPES OF OBSERV S2 S5 # / TYPES OF OBSERV 30.0000 INTERVAL 18 LEAP SECONDS 2017 7 6 0 0 0.0000000 GPS TIME OF FIRST OBS END OF HEADER ''' @contextmanager def mktmp(tmp_str): """Returns the name of the file which holds tmp_str inside, and removes the file after all. """ tmp_file_name = None try: with NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w', delete=False) as tmp_file: tmp_file.writelines(tmp_str) tmp_file.close() tmp_file_name = yield tmp_file_name finally: if tmp_file_name: remove(tmp_file_name) def test_retrieve_xyz(): std_xyz = (-6100258.8690, -996506.1670, -1567978.8630) managers = [ mktmp, StringIO, ] for manager in managers: with manager(RNX) as tmp_rinex: xyz = retrieve_xyz(tmp_rinex) assert xyz == std_xyz def test_xyz2lbh(): xyz = (4121967.5664, 2652172.1378, 4069036.5926) std_lbh = (32.75819444508266, 39.88741666437168, 989.9998747808859) lbh = xyz2lbh(*xyz) assert std_lbh == lbh
#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2020-2022 OpenDR European Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import rospy import torch import cv2 from vision_msgs.msg import Detection2DArray from sensor_msgs.msg import Image as ROS_Image from opendr_bridge import ROSBridge from opendr.perception.pose_estimation import get_bbox from opendr.perception.pose_estimation import LightweightOpenPoseLearner from opendr.perception.fall_detection import FallDetectorLearner from import Image from import BoundingBox, BoundingBoxList class FallDetectionNode: def __init__(self, input_image_topic="/usb_cam/image_raw", output_image_topic="/opendr/image_fall_annotated", fall_annotations_topic="/opendr/falls", device="cuda"): """ Creates a ROS Node for fall detection :param input_image_topic: Topic from which we are reading the input image :type input_image_topic: str :param output_image_topic: Topic to which we are publishing the annotated image (if None, we are not publishing annotated image) :type output_image_topic: str :param fall_annotations_topic: Topic to which we are publishing the annotations (if None, we are not publishing annotated fall annotations) :type fall_annotations_topic: str :param device: device on which we are running inference ('cpu' or 'cuda') :type device: str """ if output_image_topic is not None: self.image_publisher = rospy.Publisher(output_image_topic, ROS_Image, queue_size=10) else: self.image_publisher = None if fall_annotations_topic is not None: self.fall_publisher = rospy.Publisher(fall_annotations_topic, Detection2DArray, queue_size=10) else: self.fall_publisher = None self.input_image_topic = input_image_topic self.bridge = ROSBridge() # Initialize the pose estimation self.pose_estimator = LightweightOpenPoseLearner(device=device, num_refinement_stages=2, mobilenet_use_stride=False, half_precision=False)".", verbose=True) self.pose_estimator.load("openpose_default") self.fall_detector = FallDetectorLearner(self.pose_estimator) def listen(self): """ Start the node and begin processing input data """ rospy.init_node('opendr_fall_detection', anonymous=True) rospy.Subscriber(self.input_image_topic, ROS_Image, self.callback) rospy.loginfo("Fall detection node started!") rospy.spin() def callback(self, data): """ Callback that process the input data and publishes to the corresponding topics :param data: input message :type data: sensor_msgs.msg.Image """ # Convert sensor_msgs.msg.Image into OpenDR Image image = self.bridge.from_ros_image(data, encoding='bgr8') # Run fall detection detections = self.fall_detector.infer(image) # Get an OpenCV image back image = image.opencv() bboxes = BoundingBoxList([]) for detection in detections: fallen = detection[0].data pose = detection[2] if fallen == 1: color = (0, 0, 255) x, y, w, h = get_bbox(pose) bbox = BoundingBox(left=x, top=y, width=w, height=h, name=0) cv2.rectangle(image, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), color, 2) cv2.putText(image, "Detected fallen person", (5, 55), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.75, color, 1, cv2.LINE_AA) # Convert detected boxes to ROS type and publish ros_boxes = self.bridge.to_ros_boxes(bboxes) if self.fall_publisher is not None: self.fall_publisher.publish(ros_boxes) if self.image_publisher is not None: message = self.bridge.to_ros_image(Image(image), encoding='bgr8') self.image_publisher.publish(message) if __name__ == '__main__': # Select the device for running the try: if torch.cuda.is_available(): print("GPU found.") device = 'cuda' else: print("GPU not found. Using CPU instead.") device = 'cpu' except: device = 'cpu' fall_detection_node = FallDetectionNode(device=device) fall_detection_node.listen()
<reponame>tturowski/gwide<gh_stars>1-10 #!/usr/bin/env python import os, argparse from argparse import RawTextHelpFormatter import gwide.methods as gtm import gwide.Classes.HittableClass as ghc def hittable(): ## option parser usage = "For more options type -h" description = "Downstream analysis on hittables crated by pyReadCounter. Chose type of analysys Usage: create hittables using pyReadCounter then run script in the folder containing hittables" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage=usage, description=description) #functions parser.add_argument('--output', required=True, dest="function", choices=['correlation', 'count', 'piechart', 'classes'], help='REQUIRED, Calculate "correlations"; ' '"count" hittables for further analysis. Ideal to work with multiple experiments; ' 'Plot "piechart"s for hittable classes') # parser for input files options files = parser.add_argument_group('Input file options') files.add_argument("-g", dest="gtf_file", help="Provide the path to your gtf file.", type=str, default=None) files.add_argument("--stdin", dest="stdin", action="store_true", help="Use standard input instead ./*hittable* Default: False", default=False) # universal options universal = parser.add_argument_group('universal options') universal.add_argument("-n", dest="normalized", action="store_true", help="Use when you want to work on data normalized 'reads per Milion'. Default: False", default=False) universal.add_argument("-w", dest="whole_name", action="store_true", help="As defauls scripts takes 'a_b_c' from a_b_c_hittable_reads.txt as experiment name. Use this option if your file names do not suit to this pattern. Default: False", default=False) universal.add_argument("-p", dest="out_prefix", type=str, help="Prefix for output files.", default=None) # parser specific for counts corr_group = parser.add_argument_group("counts options") corr_group.add_argument("--rpkm", dest="rpkm", action="store_true", help="Use RPKM instead of hits. Default: False", default=False) # parser specific for correlations corr_group = parser.add_argument_group("correlation options") corr_group.add_argument("-c", dest="gene_class", action="store_true", help="Calculate Pearson coefficient for different classes separately. Default: False", default=False) corr_group.add_argument("-o", dest="output", choices=["p", "s", "k", "a"], help="Select from following options: p - Pearson (standard correlation coefficient); s - Spearman rank correlation; k - Kendall Tau correlation coefficient; a - all at once", default="p") #parser specific for piecharts piechart_group = parser.add_argument_group("piechart options") piechart_group.add_argument("-s", "--single", dest="print_single", help="Print hittables in single files", action="store_true", default=False) options = parser.parse_args() ## Creating HittableClass object data = ghc.HittableClass(gtf=gtm.getGTF(options.gtf_file), whole_name=options.whole_name, n_rpM=options.normalized, out_prefix=options.out_prefix, read_stdin=options.stdin) #running chosen function if options.function == 'correlation': data.correlation(output=options.output, gene_class=options.gene_class) elif options.function == 'count': data.count(normalize=options.normalized, use_RPKM=options.rpkm) elif options.function == 'piechart': data.plot(print_single=options.print_single) elif options.function == 'classes': data.classes_to_tab() print "Done."
<filename> import re from glob import glob import numpy as np from import DataLoader from import default_collate from import Dataset class adict(dict): def __init__(self, *av, **kav): dict.__init__(self, *av, **kav) self.__dict__ = self def pad_collate(batch): max_context_sen_len = float('-inf') max_context_len = float('-inf') max_question_len = float('-inf') for elem in batch: context, question, _ = elem max_context_len = max_context_len if max_context_len > len(context) else len(context) max_question_len = max_question_len if max_question_len > len(question) else len(question) for sen in context: max_context_sen_len = max_context_sen_len if max_context_sen_len > len(sen) else len(sen) max_context_len = min(max_context_len, 70) for i, elem in enumerate(batch): _context, question, answer = elem _context = _context[-max_context_len:] context = np.zeros((max_context_len, max_context_sen_len)) for j, sen in enumerate(_context): context[j] = np.pad(sen, (0, max_context_sen_len - len(sen)), 'constant', constant_values=0) question = np.pad(question, (0, max_question_len - len(question)), 'constant', constant_values=0) batch[i] = (context, question, answer) return default_collate(batch) class BabiDataset(Dataset): def __init__(self, task_id, mode='train'): self.vocab_path = 'dataset/babi{}_vocab.pkl'.format(task_id) self.mode = mode raw_train, raw_test = get_raw_babi(task_id) self.QA = adict() self.QA.VOCAB = {'<PAD>': 0, '<EOS>': 1} self.QA.IVOCAB = {0: '<PAD>', 1: '<EOS>'} self.train = self.get_indexed_qa(raw_train) self.valid = [self.train[i][int(-len(self.train[i]) / 10):] for i in range(3)] self.train = [self.train[i][:int(9 * len(self.train[i]) / 10)] for i in range(3)] self.test = self.get_indexed_qa(raw_test) def set_mode(self, mode): self.mode = mode def __len__(self): if self.mode == 'train': return len(self.train[0]) elif self.mode == 'valid': return len(self.valid[0]) elif self.mode == 'test': return len(self.test[0]) def __getitem__(self, index): if self.mode == 'train': contexts, questions, answers = self.train elif self.mode == 'valid': contexts, questions, answers = self.valid elif self.mode == 'test': contexts, questions, answers = self.test return contexts[index], questions[index], answers[index] def get_indexed_qa(self, raw_babi): unindexed = get_unindexed_qa(raw_babi) questions = [] contexts = [] answers = [] for qa in unindexed: context = [c.lower().split() + ['<EOS>'] for c in qa['C']] for con in context: for token in con: self.build_vocab(token) context = [[self.QA.VOCAB[token] for token in sentence] for sentence in context] question = qa['Q'].lower().split() + ['<EOS>'] for token in question: self.build_vocab(token) question = [self.QA.VOCAB[token] for token in question] self.build_vocab(qa['A'].lower()) answer = self.QA.VOCAB[qa['A'].lower()] contexts.append(context) questions.append(question) answers.append(answer) return (contexts, questions, answers) def build_vocab(self, token): if not token in self.QA.VOCAB: next_index = len(self.QA.VOCAB) self.QA.VOCAB[token] = next_index self.QA.IVOCAB[next_index] = token def get_raw_babi(taskid): paths = glob('data/en-10k/qa{}_*'.format(taskid)) for path in paths: if 'train' in path: with open(path, 'r') as fp: train = elif 'test' in path: with open(path, 'r') as fp: test = return train, test def build_vocab(raw_babi): lowered = raw_babi.lower() tokens = re.findall('[a-zA-Z]+', lowered) types = set(tokens) return types # adapted from def get_unindexed_qa(raw_babi): tasks = [] task = None babi = raw_babi.strip().split('\n') for i, line in enumerate(babi): id = int(line[0:line.find(' ')]) if id == 1: task = {"C": "", "Q": "", "A": "", "S": ""} counter = 0 id_map = {} line = line.strip() line = line.replace('.', ' . ') line = line[line.find(' ') + 1:] # if not a question if line.find('?') == -1: task["C"] += line + '<line>' id_map[id] = counter counter += 1 else: idx = line.find('?') tmp = line[idx + 1:].split('\t') task["Q"] = line[:idx] task["A"] = tmp[1].strip() task["S"] = [] # Supporting facts for num in tmp[2].split(): task["S"].append(id_map[int(num.strip())]) tc = task.copy() tc['C'] = tc['C'].split('<line>')[:-1] tasks.append(tc) return tasks if __name__ == '__main__': dset_train = BabiDataset(20, is_train=True) train_loader = DataLoader(dset_train, batch_size=2, shuffle=True, collate_fn=pad_collate) for batch_idx, data in enumerate(train_loader): contexts, questions, answers = data break
import pytest import subprocess import testinfra import pprint # scope='session' uses the same container for all the tests; # scope='function' uses a new container per test function. @pytest.fixture(scope='session') def host(request): # build local ./Dockerfile subprocess.check_call(['docker', 'build', '-t', 'web', '.']) # run a container docker_id = subprocess.check_output( ['docker', 'run', '-d', 'web']).decode().strip() # return a testinfra connection to the container yield testinfra.get_host("docker://" + docker_id) # at the end of the test suite, destroy the container subprocess.check_call(['docker', 'rm', '-f', docker_id]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('name,version', [ ('python3', '3.6.4'), ]) def test_container_version(host, name, version): pkg = host.package(name) assert pkg.is_installed assert pkg.version.startswith(version) @pytest.mark.parametrize('name,version', [ ('Flask', '1.0.2'), ]) def test_pip_version(host, name, version): pkgs = host.pip_package.get_packages() pkg = pkgs[name] assert pkg assert pkg['version'] == version def test_sshd_disabled(host): try: sshd = host.service('sshd') assert not sshd.is_running return except: return'sshd should not be running')