<reponame>gray0018/CMU-16-385-Spring2020<gh_stars>0 import numpy as np # write your implementation here
<reponame>AutomoxCommunity/automox-console-sdk-python """Use case for automating the ingestion of CVE reports""" import glob import os import sys import time from getpass import getpass from io import FileIO import requests def upload_cve(file: FileIO) -> dict: """ Uploads vulnerability list to Automox Vulnerability Sync endpoint. Args: file (FileIO): A CSV file containing vulnerability data. Returns: response_data (dict): API response from Automox Vulnerability Sync """ response_data = {} task = "patch" url = f"{organization}/tasks/{task}/batches/upload" filename = os.path.basename( try: headers = { "Authorization": f"Bearer {api_secret}", } files = [ ('file', (filename, file, 'text/csv')) ] response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, files=files) response_data = response.json() if "errors" in response_data and len(response_data['errors']) > 0: msg = "" msg = msg.join(response_data['errors']) raise Exception(msg) except (requests.RequestException, Exception) as error: print(f"Error: Unable to complete CSV upload request. ({error})") return response_data def get_unprocessed_cves(directory: str) -> list: """Returns a list of CSV files to upload and process. Args: directory (str): Directory to look in for CSVs. Returns: cve_files (list): List of files to be processed and uploaded. """ cve_files = [] paths = glob.glob(f"{directory}/*.csv") for path in paths: try: cve_file = open(path, "rb") cve_files.append(cve_file) except (OSError, IOError) as error: print(f"Error: Could not open a CSV. {error}") print(f"Found {len(cve_files)} file(s) to upload.") return cve_files def process_cves(unprocessed_cve_list: list) -> dict: """Handles uploading and moving the CSV file to the processed directory. Args: unprocessed_cve_list (list): List of files to process. Returns: uploaded_batches (dict): Dictionary of batch ids correlated to API batch upload responses. """ uploaded_batches = {} for file in unprocessed_cve_list: try: # Make the request to upload the batch file print(f"Sending {os.path.basename(} to Automox Vulnerability Sync...") response = upload_cve(file) if response['id']: uploaded_batches[response['id']] = response upload_output = ( "==============================\n" f"BATCH ID: {response['id']}\n" f"{response['source']} has been uploaded.\n" "==============================" ) print(upload_output) path = os.path.realpath( directory = os.path.dirname(path) filename = os.path.basename( new_path = f"{directory}/processed/{filename}" print(f"Moving {filename} to {new_path}\n") os.rename(path, new_path) except OSError as error: print(f"Error processing CVE: {error}") return uploaded_batches def update_batches(uploaded_batches: dict) -> dict: """Polls the Automox API for the status of batches contained in this dictionary. When CSV files containing CVE information is uploaded to the Automox Vulnerability Sync API, a task list is built Args: uploaded_batches (dict): A dictionary of the latest responses from the Automox API about the status of a batch. Returns: uploaded_batches (dict): An updated dictionary of the latest responses from the Automox API about the status of a batch. """ for batch_id, batch in uploaded_batches.items(): try: if batch['status'] != "awaiting_approval": headers = { "Authorization": f"Bearer {api_secret}", } response = requests.get(f"{organization}/tasks/batches/{batch['id']}", headers=headers) response_data = response.json() if "errors" in response_data and len(response_data['errors']) > 0: msg = "" msg = msg.join(response_data['errors']) raise Exception(msg) uploaded_batches[batch_id] = response_data except (requests.RequestException, Exception) as error: print(f"Error: Unable to update batch {batch_id} status. ({error})") return uploaded_batches try: # Directory to watch for new CVE CSVs WATCH_DIR = os.getenv("WATCH_DIR") or "./cve_queue" # Prompt for inputs api_secret = os.getenv('AUTOMOX_API_KEY') or getpass('Enter your API Key: ') organization = os.getenv('AUTOMOX_ORGANIZATION_ID') or input("Enter your Organization ID: ") cve_list = get_unprocessed_cves(WATCH_DIR) if len(cve_list) == 0: sys.exit() batches = process_cves(cve_list) # Assumes the batches have not been built upon receipt. batches_complete = len(batches) == 0 while not batches_complete: print("Batches are still building... Checking for updates...") batches = update_batches(batches) for batch_id, batch in batches.items(): batches_complete = True if not batches[batch_id]['status'] == "awaiting_approval": batches_complete = False time.sleep(10) print("Batches are done processing!") for batch_id, batch in batches.items(): output = ( "==============================\n" f"BATCH ID: {batch['id']}\n" f"{batch['source']} has been processed.\n" f"Total Vulnerabilities: {batch['cve_count']}\n" f"Devices Impacted: {batch['impacted_device_count']}\n" f"Tasks Pending Creation: {batch['task_count']}\n" f"Batch Issues: {batch['issue_count']}\n" f"Unknown Hosts: {batch['unknown_host_count']}\n" "==============================" ) print(output) except Exception as e: print(f"Error: {e}\n") raise except KeyboardInterrupt: print ("Ctrl+C Pressed. Shutting down.")
from mean import mean import pytest def test_ints(): num_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] obs = mean(num_list) assert obs == 3 def test_not_numbers(): values = [2, "lolcats"] with pytest.raises(TypeError): out = mean(values) def test_zero(): num_list = [0, 2, 4, 6] assert mean(num_list) == 3 def test_empty(): assert mean([]) == 0 def test_single_int(): with pytest.raises(TypeError): mean(1)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Console script for gitlab_migration.""" import os import sys import click from gitlab_migration import gitlab_migration as glm def cli(): pass def projects(): """Commands for migrating projects.""" return 0 @projects.command() @click.argument('csv', type=click.File('r')) @click.argument('target_base_url', type=click.STRING) @click.argument('target_token', type=click.STRING) def from_csv(csv, target_base_url, target_token): ''' read in repos to action from a csv, migrate to target_base_url csv must contain two columns: source url in the first, and target base url in the second. target base url MUST be fleshed out. eg: `` or `<EMAIL>:` target_token must be an API-level private token valid on the target server ''' for line in csv.readlines(): old_url, target_group = [string.strip() for string in line.split(',')] click.echo(f"working on {old_url}...") glm.migrate_repo(old_url, target_base_url, target_group, target_token) @projects.command() @click.argument('csv', type=click.File('w')) @click.argument('gitlab_url', type=click.STRING) @click.argument('token', type=click.STRING) def to_csv(csv, gitlab_url, token): ''' get the SSH url for all projects (except archived projects) and write them to a (single-column) csv. WARNING: this will silently overwrite the specified file if it already exists ''' click.echo(f"Fetching all project SSH URLs from {gitlab_url}...") csv.writelines([f"{url},\n" for url in glm.get_project_urls(gitlab_url, token)]) click.echo("Done.") @projects.command() @click.argument('path', type=click.STRING) @click.argument('new_base_url', type=click.STRING) @click.argument('old_base_url', type=click.STRING) @click.argument('target_group', type=click.STRING) @click.option('set_as_origin', '--set-as-origin/--set-as-new', default=True) def update_local(path, new_base_url, old_base_url, target_group, set_as_origin): for child_path in os.listdir(path): if os.path.isdir(child_path) and os.path.isdir(f"{child_path}/.git"): glm.update_local_repo(child_path, old_base_url, new_base_url, target_group, set_as_origin) def variables(): """Commands for migrating group variables.""" return 0 @variables.command() @click.option('src_group', '--source-group', default=None, type=click.STRING, help="Leave blank to migrate vars from all groups") @click.argument('target_group', type=click.STRING) @click.argument('src_gitlab_url', type=click.STRING) @click.argument('target_gitlab_url', type=click.STRING) @click.argument('src_token', type=click.STRING) @click.argument('target_token', type=click.STRING) def migrate(src_group, target_group, src_gitlab_url, target_gitlab_url, src_token, target_token): ''' migrate group variables from 1+ groups on one host to a single group on another host ''' if src_group: src_group_id = glm._get_namespace_id(src_gitlab_url, src_group, src_token) else: src_group_id = None target_group_id = glm._get_namespace_id(target_gitlab_url, target_group, target_token) for var in glm.get_group_vars(src_gitlab_url, src_token, src_group_id): glm.create_group_var(target_gitlab_url, target_token, var, target_group_id) if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(cli()) # pragma: no cover
<filename>juju/ import logging from . import model log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Relation(model.ModelEntity): async def destroy(self): raise NotImplementedError() # TODO: destroy a relation
""" Please note, this code is only for python 3+. If you are using python 2+, please modify the code accordingly. """ import tensorflow as tf def add_layer(inputs, in_size, out_size, activation_function=None, ): # add one more layer and return the output of this layer Weights = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([in_size, out_size])) biases = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([1, out_size]) + 0.1, ) Wx_plus_b = tf.matmul(inputs, Weights) + biases if activation_function is None: outputs = Wx_plus_b else: outputs = activation_function(Wx_plus_b, ) return outputs # define placeholder for inputs to network # add output layer # the error between prediction and real data sess = tf.Session() # important step for i in range(1000): pass if i % 50 == 0: pass
<gh_stars>0 import pytest import sys import os import re os.environ['SENTINEL_ENV'] = 'test' os.environ['SENTINEL_CONFIG'] = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../test_sentinel.conf')) sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..', 'lib')) sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..')) import config from agnid import AgniDaemon from agni_config import AgniConfig def test_agnid(): config_text = AgniConfig.slurp_config_file(config.agni_conf) network = 'mainnet' is_testnet = False genesis_hash = u'00000054f31397c25fd692a80391aa238da20c5638171b0e89a8bbf6bf7e4288' for line in config_text.split("\n"): if line.startswith('testnet=1'): network = 'testnet' is_testnet = True genesis_hash = u'0000085e2ddad54c7313a28c2e96f7437e2ba9df1d5b2f3cdc3c554bf60dbe76' creds = AgniConfig.get_rpc_creds(config_text, network) agnid = AgniDaemon(**creds) assert agnid.rpc_command is not None assert hasattr(agnid, 'rpc_connection') # Agni testnet block 0 hash == 0000085e2ddad54c7313a28c2e96f7437e2ba9df1d5b2f3cdc3c554bf60dbe76 # test commands without arguments info = agnid.rpc_command('getinfo') info_keys = [ 'blocks', 'connections', 'difficulty', 'errors', 'protocolversion', 'proxy', 'testnet', 'timeoffset', 'version', ] for key in info_keys: assert key in info assert info['testnet'] is is_testnet # test commands with args assert agnid.rpc_command('getblockhash', 0) == genesis_hash
import unittest from ClassCollection import ClassCollection # Todo # Check if the classes exist in the classCollection (helper?) # Check if relationship already exists (helper?) # if it does, error # if not, add parameter pair to the relationshipCollection class RelationshipTest(unittest.TestCase): def testAddRelationshipNoFirstClass(self): collection = ClassCollection() collection.addClass("foo") self.assertRaises(KeyError, collection.addRelationship, "bar", "foo", "aggregation") def testAddRelationshipNoSecondClass(self): collection = ClassCollection() collection.addClass("bar") self.assertRaises(KeyError, collection.addRelationship, "bar", "foo", "aggregation") def testAddRelationshipNeitherClassExist(self): collection = ClassCollection() self.assertRaises(KeyError, collection.addRelationship, "bar", "foo", "aggregation") # Adding a relationship that already exists def testAddRelationshipAlreadyExists(self): collection = ClassCollection() collection.addClass("foo") collection.addClass("bar") collection.addRelationship("bar", "foo", "aggregation") self.assertRaises(KeyError, collection.addRelationship, "bar", "foo", "aggregation") def testRelationshipAddedSuccesfully(self): collection = ClassCollection() collection.addClass("foo") collection.addClass("bar") collection.addRelationship("foo", "bar", "realization") self.assertIsNotNone(collection.getRelationship("foo", "bar")) def testDeleteRelationshipNoFirstClass(self): collection = ClassCollection() collection.addClass("foo") self.assertRaises(KeyError, collection.deleteRelationship, "bar", "foo") def testDeleteRelationshipNoSecondClass(self): collection = ClassCollection() collection.addClass("bar") self.assertRaises(KeyError, collection.deleteRelationship, "bar", "foo") def testDeleteRelationshipNeitherClassExist(self): collection = ClassCollection() self.assertRaises(KeyError, collection.deleteRelationship, "bar", "foo") def testRelationshipDeletedSuccesfully(self): collection = ClassCollection() collection.addClass("foo") collection.addClass("bar") collection.addRelationship("foo", "bar", "inheritance") collection.deleteRelationship("foo", "bar") self.assertNotIn(("foo", "bar"), collection.relationshipDict) self.assertRaises(KeyError, collection.deleteRelationship, "foo", "bar") def testRenameRelationship(self): collection = ClassCollection() collection.addClass("foo") collection.addClass("bar") collection.addRelationship("foo", "bar", "inheritance") collection.renameRelationship("foo", "bar", "composition") self.assertEquals("composition",collection.relationshipDict[("foo", "bar")].typ) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
<reponame>charlie9578/greenbyte-api-sdk<filename>greenbyteapi/http/auth/ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ greenbyteapi This file was automatically generated by APIMATIC v2.0 ( ). """ from greenbyteapi.configuration import Configuration class CustomHeaderAuth: @staticmethod def apply(http_request): """ Add custom authentication to the request. Args: http_request (HttpRequest): The HttpRequest object to which authentication will be added. """ http_request.add_header("X-Api-Key", Configuration.x_api_key)
<filename>ale/drivers/ import spiceypy as spice import ale from ale.base.data_naif import NaifSpice from ale.base.label_isis import IsisLabel from ale.base.type_sensor import Framer from ale.base.base import Driver class Hayabusa2IsisLabelNaifSpiceDriver(Framer, IsisLabel, NaifSpice, Driver): @property def sensor_model_version(self): return 1 @property def ikid(self): return self.label['IsisCube']['Kernels']['NaifFrameCode'] @property def spacecraft_name(self): return super().spacecraft_name.replace('_', ' ') @property def pixel_size(self): return spice.gdpool('INS{}_PIXEL_PITCH'.format(self.ikid), 0, 1)[0] @property def detector_center_sample(self): return 499.5 @property def detector_center_line(self): return 499.5 @property def ephemeris_start_time(self): inital_time = spice.utc2et(self.utc_start_time.isoformat()) # To get shutter end (close) time, subtract 2 seconds from the start time updated_time = inital_time - 2 # To get shutter start (open) time, take off the exposure duration from the end time. start_time = updated_time - self.exposure_duration return start_time @property def ephemeris_stop_time(self): return self.ephemeris_start_time + self.exposure_duration
Project Euler (HackerRank)/016. Power digit
lookup = [] lookup.append(1); for i in range((10**4)+1): lookup.append(lookup[i]*2) answer = [] for i in lookup: anslist = [int(char) for char in str(i)] answer.append(sum(anslist)) t = int(input()) while t: t -= 1 n = int(input()) print(answer[n])
<gh_stars>0 #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # This file is part of the csp-lmc-prototype project # # # # Distributed under the terms of the BSD-3-Clause license. # See LICENSE.txt for more info. """Contain the tests for the CbfSubarray.""" # Standard imports import sys import os import time from datetime import datetime import json import logging # Path file_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) # Tango imports import tango from tango import DevState import pytest # SKA specific imports from ska_mid_cbf_mcs.commons.global_enum import freq_band_dict from ska_tango_base.control_model import LoggingLevel, HealthState from ska_tango_base.control_model import AdminMode, ObsState from ska_tango_base.base_device import _DEBUGGER_PORT @pytest.mark.usefixtures("proxies", "input_test_data") class TestCbfSubarray: def test_AddRemoveReceptors_valid(self, proxies): """ Test valid AddReceptors and RemoveReceptors commands """ timeout_millis = proxies.subarray[1].get_timeout_millis() log_msg = "timeout_millis = {} ".format(timeout_millis)"start_time = {}".format(time.time()))"start datetime = {}".format( if proxies.debug_device_is_on: port = proxies.subarray[1].DebugDevice() try: proxies.clean_proxies() if proxies.controller.State() == DevState.OFF: proxies.controller.Init() proxies.wait_timeout_dev([proxies.controller], DevState.STANDBY, 3, 1) proxies.controller.On() proxies.wait_timeout_dev([proxies.controller], DevState.ON, 3, 1) proxies.clean_proxies() # turn on Subarray if proxies.subarray[1].State() != DevState.ON: proxies.subarray[1].On() proxies.wait_timeout_dev([proxies.subarray[1]], DevState.ON, 3, 1) for proxy in [proxies.vcc[i + 1] for i in range(4)]: if proxy.State() == DevState.OFF: proxy.On() proxies.wait_timeout_dev([proxy], DevState.ON, 1, 1) for proxy in [proxies.fsp[i + 1] for i in range(4)]: if proxy.State() == DevState.OFF: proxy.On() proxies.wait_timeout_dev([proxy], DevState.ON, 1, 1) assert proxies.subarray[1].State() == DevState.ON assert proxies.subarray[1].obsState == ObsState.EMPTY # receptor list should be empty right after initialization assert len(proxies.subarray[1].receptors) == 0 assert all([proxies.vcc[i + 1].subarrayMembership == 0 for i in range(4)]) input_receptors = [1, 3, 4] # add some receptors proxies.subarray[1].AddReceptors(input_receptors) proxies.wait_timeout_obs([proxies.subarray[1]], ObsState.IDLE, 1, 1) assert [proxies.subarray[1].receptors[i] for i in range(3)] == input_receptors assert all([proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[i]].subarrayMembership == 1 for i in input_receptors]) assert proxies.subarray[1].obsState == ObsState.IDLE # add more receptors... proxies.subarray[1].AddReceptors([2]) time.sleep(1) assert [proxies.subarray[1].receptors[i] for i in range(4)] == [1, 3, 4, 2] assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[2]].subarrayMembership == 1 # remove some receptors proxies.subarray[1].RemoveReceptors([2, 1, 4]) time.sleep(1) assert proxies.subarray[1].receptors == ([3]) assert all([proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[i]].subarrayMembership == 0 for i in [1, 2, 4]]) assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[3]].subarrayMembership == 1 # remove remaining receptors proxies.subarray[1].RemoveReceptors([3]) proxies.wait_timeout_obs([proxies.subarray[1]], ObsState.EMPTY, 1, 1) assert len(proxies.subarray[1].receptors) == 0 assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[3]].subarrayMembership == 0 assert proxies.subarray[1].obsState == ObsState.EMPTY proxies.subarray[1].Off() proxies.wait_timeout_dev([proxies.subarray[1]], DevState.OFF, 3, 1) except AssertionError as ae: proxies.clean_proxies() raise ae except Exception as e: proxies.clean_proxies() raise e def test_AddRemoveReceptors_invalid_single(self, proxies): """ Test invalid AddReceptors commands involving a single subarray: - when a receptor ID is invalid (e.g. out of range) - when a receptor to be removed is not assigned to the subarray """ try: # turn on Subarray if proxies.subarray[1].State() != DevState.ON: proxies.subarray[1].On() proxies.wait_timeout_dev([proxies.subarray[1]], DevState.ON, 3, 1) for proxy in [proxies.vcc[i + 1] for i in range(4)]: if proxy.State() == DevState.OFF: proxy.On() proxies.wait_timeout_dev([proxy], DevState.ON, 1, 1) for proxy in [proxies.fsp[i + 1] for i in range(4)]: if proxy.State() == DevState.OFF: proxy.On() proxies.wait_timeout_dev([proxy], DevState.ON, 1, 1) assert proxies.subarray[1].State() == DevState.ON assert proxies.subarray[1].obsState == ObsState.EMPTY # receptor list should be empty right after initialization assert len(proxies.subarray[1].receptors) == 0 assert all([proxies.vcc[i + 1].subarrayMembership == 0 for i in range(4)]) # add some receptors to subarray 1 proxies.subarray[1].AddReceptors([1, 3]) proxies.wait_timeout_obs([proxies.subarray[1]], ObsState.IDLE, 1, 1) assert proxies.subarray[1].receptors[0] == 1 assert proxies.subarray[1].receptors[1] == 3 assert all([proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[i]].subarrayMembership == 1 for i in [1, 3]]) assert proxies.subarray[1].obsState == ObsState.IDLE # TODO: fix this # try adding an invalid receptor ID # with pytest.raises(tango.DevFailed) as df: # proxies.subarray[1].AddReceptors([5]) # time.sleep(1) # assert "Invalid receptor ID" in str(df.value.args[0].desc) # try removing a receptor not assigned to subarray 1 # doing this doesn't actually throw an error proxies.subarray[1].RemoveReceptors([2]) assert proxies.subarray[1].receptors[0] == 1 assert proxies.subarray[1].receptors[1] == 3 proxies.subarray[1].RemoveAllReceptors() proxies.wait_timeout_obs([proxies.subarray[1]], ObsState.EMPTY, 1, 1) proxies.subarray[1].Off() proxies.wait_timeout_dev([proxies.subarray[1]], DevState.OFF, 3, 1) except AssertionError as ae: proxies.clean_proxies() raise ae except Exception as e: proxies.clean_proxies() raise e @pytest.mark.skip(reason="Since there's only a single subarray, this test is currently broken.") def test_AddRemoveReceptors_invalid_multiple(self, proxies): """ Test invalid AddReceptors commands involving multiple subarrays: - when a receptor to be added is already in use by a different subarray """ # for proxy in vcc_proxies: # proxy.Init() # proxies.subarray[1].set_timeout_millis(60000) # subarray_2_proxy.set_timeout_millis(60000) # proxies.subarray[1].Init() # subarray_2_proxy.Init() # time.sleep(3) # cbf_controller_proxy.set_timeout_millis(60000) # cbf_controller_proxy.Init() # time.sleep(60) # takes pretty long for CBF controller to initialize # receptor_to_vcc = dict([*map(int, pair.split(":"))] for pair in # cbf_controller_proxy.receptorToVcc) # cbf_controller_proxy.On() # time.sleep(3) # # receptor list should be empty right after initialization # assert proxies.subarray[1].receptors == () # assert subarray_2_proxy.receptors == () # assert all([proxy.subarrayMembership == 0 for proxy in vcc_proxies]) # assert proxies.subarray[1].State() == DevState.OFF # assert subarray_2_proxy.State() == DevState.OFF # # add some receptors to subarray 1 # proxies.subarray[1].AddReceptors([1, 3]) # time.sleep(1) # assert proxies.subarray[1].receptors == (1, 3) # assert all([vcc_proxies[receptor_to_vcc[i] - 1].subarrayMembership == 1 for i in [1, 3]]) # assert proxies.subarray[1].State() == DevState.ON # # try adding some receptors (including an invalid one) to subarray 2 # with pytest.raises(tango.DevFailed) as df: # subarray_2_proxy.AddReceptors([1, 2, 4]) # time.sleep(1) # assert "already in use" in str(df.value.args[0].desc) # assert subarray_2_proxy.receptors == (2, 4) # assert all([vcc_proxies[receptor_to_vcc[i] - 1].subarrayMembership == 1 for i in [1, 3]]) # assert all([vcc_proxies[receptor_to_vcc[i] - 1].subarrayMembership == 2 for i in [2, 4]]) # assert subarray_2_proxy.State() == DevState.ON def test_RemoveAllReceptors(self, proxies): """ Test RemoveAllReceptors command """ try: # turn on Subarray if proxies.subarray[1].State() != DevState.ON: proxies.subarray[1].On() proxies.wait_timeout_dev([proxies.subarray[1]], DevState.ON, 3, 1) for proxy in [proxies.vcc[i + 1] for i in range(4)]: if proxy.State() == DevState.OFF: proxy.On() proxies.wait_timeout_dev([proxy], DevState.ON, 1, 1) for proxy in [proxies.fsp[i + 1] for i in range(4)]: if proxy.State() == DevState.OFF: proxy.On() proxies.wait_timeout_dev([proxy], DevState.ON, 1, 1) assert proxies.subarray[1].State() == DevState.ON assert proxies.subarray[1].obsState == ObsState.EMPTY # receptor list should be empty right after initialization assert len(proxies.subarray[1].receptors) == 0 assert all([proxies.vcc[i + 1].subarrayMembership == 0 for i in range(4)]) # add some receptors proxies.subarray[1].AddReceptors([1, 3, 4]) proxies.wait_timeout_obs([proxies.subarray[1]], ObsState.IDLE, 1, 1) assert all([proxies.subarray[1].receptors[i] == j for i, j in zip(range(3), [1, 3, 4])]) assert all([proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[i]].subarrayMembership == 1 for i in [1, 3, 4]]) assert proxies.subarray[1].obsState == ObsState.IDLE # remove all receptors proxies.subarray[1].RemoveAllReceptors() proxies.wait_timeout_obs([proxies.subarray[1]], ObsState.EMPTY, 1, 1) assert len(proxies.subarray[1].receptors) == 0 assert all([proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[i]].subarrayMembership == 0 for i in [1, 3, 4]]) assert proxies.subarray[1].obsState == ObsState.EMPTY proxies.subarray[1].Off() proxies.wait_timeout_dev([proxies.subarray[1]], DevState.OFF, 3, 1) except AssertionError as ae: proxies.clean_proxies() raise ae except Exception as e: proxies.clean_proxies() raise e #TODO: fix; currently tests break if multiple scan configurations are tested def test_ConfigureScan_basic(self, proxies): """ Test a successful scan configuration """ proxies.subarray[1].loggingLevel = LoggingLevel.DEBUG try: # turn on Subarray if proxies.subarray[1].State() != DevState.ON: proxies.subarray[1].On() proxies.wait_timeout_dev([proxies.subarray[1]], DevState.ON, 3, 1) for proxy in [proxies.vcc[i + 1] for i in range(4)]: if proxy.State() == DevState.OFF: proxy.On() proxies.wait_timeout_dev([proxy], DevState.ON, 1, 1) for proxy in [proxies.fsp[i + 1] for i in range(4)]: if proxy.State() == DevState.OFF: proxy.On() proxies.wait_timeout_dev([proxy], DevState.ON, 1, 1) # check initial value of attributes of CBF subarray vcc_index = proxies.receptor_to_vcc[4]"vcc_index = {}".format( vcc_index )) assert len(proxies.subarray[1].receptors) == 0 assert proxies.subarray[1].configID == '' # TODO in CbfSubarray, at end of scan, clear all private data #assert proxies.subarray[1].frequencyBand == 0 assert proxies.subarray[1].obsState == ObsState.EMPTY # add receptors proxies.subarray[1].AddReceptors([1, 3, 4, 2]) proxies.wait_timeout_obs([proxies.subarray[1]], ObsState.IDLE, 1, 1) assert all([proxies.subarray[1].receptors[i] == j for i, j in zip(range(3), [1, 3, 4])]) # configure scan config_file_name = "/../data/ConfigureScan_basic.json" f = open(file_path + config_file_name) proxies.subarray[1].ConfigureScan("\n", "")) f.close() proxies.wait_timeout_obs([proxies.subarray[1]], ObsState.READY, 15, 1) # check configured attributes of CBF subarray assert proxies.subarray[1].configID == "band:5a, fsp1, 744 channels average factor 8" assert proxies.subarray[1].frequencyBand == 4 # means 5a assert proxies.subarray[1].obsState == ObsState.READY proxies.wait_timeout_obs([proxies.vcc[i + 1] for i in range(4)], ObsState.READY, 1, 1) # check frequency band of VCCs, including states of # frequency band capabilities ("proxies.vcc[vcc_index].frequencyBand = {}". format( proxies.vcc[vcc_index].frequencyBand)) ) vcc_band_proxies = proxies.vccBand[vcc_index - 1] assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[4]].frequencyBand == 4 assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[1]].frequencyBand == 4 for proxy in proxies.vccBand[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[4] - 1]:"VCC proxy.State() = {}".format(proxy.State())) assert [proxy.State() for proxy in proxies.vccBand[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[4] - 1]] == [ DevState.DISABLE, DevState.DISABLE, DevState.DISABLE, DevState.ON] assert [proxy.State() for proxy in proxies.vccBand[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[1] - 1]] == [ DevState.DISABLE, DevState.DISABLE, DevState.DISABLE, DevState.ON] # check the rest of the configured attributes of VCCs # first for VCC belonging to receptor 10... assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[4]].subarrayMembership == 1 assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[4]].band5Tuning[0] == 5.85 assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[4]].band5Tuning[1] == 7.25 assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[4]].frequencyBandOffsetStream1 == 0 assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[4]].frequencyBandOffsetStream2 == 0 assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[4]].rfiFlaggingMask == "{}" # then for VCC belonging to receptor 1... assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[1]].subarrayMembership == 1 assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[1]].band5Tuning[0] == 5.85 assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[1]].band5Tuning[1] == 7.25 # check configured attributes of search windows # first for search window 1... # TODO - SearchWidow device test is disabled since the same # functionality is implemented by the VccSearchWindow device; # to be decide which one to keep. # print("proxies.sw[1].State() = {}".format(proxies.sw[1].State())) # print("proxies.sw[2].State() = {}".format(proxies.sw[2].State())) # assert proxies.sw[1].State() == DevState.ON # assert proxies.sw[1].searchWindowTuning == 6000000000 # assert proxies.sw[1].tdcEnable == True # assert proxies.sw[1].tdcNumBits == 8 # assert proxies.sw[1].tdcPeriodBeforeEpoch == 5 # assert proxies.sw[1].tdcPeriodAfterEpoch == 25 # assert "".join(proxies.sw[1].tdcDestinationAddress.split()) in [ # "[{\"receptorID\":4,\"tdcDestinationAddress\":[\"foo\",\"bar\",\"8080\"]},{\"receptorID\":1,\"tdcDestinationAddress\":[\"fizz\",\"buzz\",\"80\"]}]", # "[{\"tdcDestinationAddress\":[\"foo\",\"bar\",\"8080\"],\"receptorID\":4},{\"receptorID\":1,\"tdcDestinationAddress\":[\"fizz\",\"buzz\",\"80\"]}]", # "[{\"receptorID\":4,\"tdcDestinationAddress\":[\"foo\",\"bar\",\"8080\"]},{\"tdcDestinationAddress\":[\"fizz\",\"buzz\",\"80\"],\"receptorID\":1}]", # "[{\"tdcDestinationAddress\":[\"foo\",\"bar\",\"8080\"],\"receptorID\":4},{\"tdcDestinationAddress\":[\"fizz\",\"buzz\",\"80\"],\"receptorID\":1}]", # ] # # then for search window 2... # assert proxies.sw[2].State() == DevState.DISABLE # assert proxies.sw[2].searchWindowTuning == 7000000000 # assert proxies.sw[2].tdcEnable == False time.sleep(1) # check configured attributes of VCC search windows # first for search window 1 of VCC belonging to receptor 10... assert proxies.vccTdc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[4] - 1][0].State() == DevState.ON assert proxies.vccTdc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[4] - 1][0].searchWindowTuning == 6000000000 assert proxies.vccTdc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[4] - 1][0].tdcEnable == True assert proxies.vccTdc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[4] - 1][0].tdcNumBits == 8 assert proxies.vccTdc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[4] - 1][0].tdcPeriodBeforeEpoch == 5 assert proxies.vccTdc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[4] - 1][0].tdcPeriodAfterEpoch == 25 # TODO - re-enable and debug! # assert proxies.vccTdc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[4] - 1][0].tdcDestinationAddress == ( # "foo", "bar", "8080" # ) # then for search window 1 of VCC belonging to receptor 1... assert proxies.vccTdc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[1] - 1][0].State() == DevState.ON assert proxies.vccTdc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[1] - 1][0].searchWindowTuning == 6000000000 assert proxies.vccTdc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[1] - 1][0].tdcEnable == True assert proxies.vccTdc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[1] - 1][0].tdcNumBits == 8 assert proxies.vccTdc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[1] - 1][0].tdcPeriodBeforeEpoch == 5 assert proxies.vccTdc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[1] - 1][0].tdcPeriodAfterEpoch == 25 # TODO - re-enable and debug! # assert proxies.vccTdc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[1] - 1][0].tdcDestinationAddress == ( # "fizz", "buzz", "80" # ) # then for search window 2 of VCC belonging to receptor 10... assert proxies.vccTdc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[4] - 1][1].State() == DevState.DISABLE assert proxies.vccTdc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[4] - 1][1].searchWindowTuning == 7000000000 assert proxies.vccTdc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[4] - 1][1].tdcEnable == False # and lastly for search window 2 of VCC belonging to receptor 1... assert proxies.vccTdc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[1] - 1][1].State() == DevState.DISABLE assert proxies.vccTdc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[1] - 1][1].searchWindowTuning == 7000000000 assert proxies.vccTdc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[1] - 1][1].tdcEnable == False # check configured attributes of FSPs, including states of function mode capabilities assert proxies.fsp[1].functionMode == 1 assert 1 in proxies.fsp[1].subarrayMembership assert [proxy.State() for proxy in proxies.fsp1FunctionMode] == [ DevState.ON, DevState.DISABLE, DevState.DISABLE, DevState.DISABLE ] # TODO - # assert [proxy.State() for proxy in fsp_2_function_mode_proxy] == [ # DevState.ON, DevState.DISABLE, DevState.DISABLE, DevState.DISABLE # ] # check configured attributes of FSP subarrays # first for FSP 3 ... (this is a PSS fsp device) assert proxies.fspSubarray[3].receptors[0] == 3 assert proxies.fspSubarray[3].receptors[1] == 1 assert proxies.fspSubarray[3].searchWindowID == 2 assert proxies.fspSubarray[3].searchBeamID[0] == 300 assert proxies.fspSubarray[3].searchBeamID[1] == 400 # TODO: currently searchBeams is stored by the device # as a json string ( via attribute 'searchBeams'); # this has to be updated in FspPssSubarray # to read/write individual members searchBeam = proxies.fspSubarray[3].searchBeams searchBeam0 = json.loads(searchBeam[0]) searchBeam1 = json.loads(searchBeam[1]) assert searchBeam0["search_beam_id"] == 300 assert searchBeam0["receptor_ids"][0] == 3 assert searchBeam0["enable_output"] == True assert searchBeam0["averaging_interval"] == 4 # TODO - this does not pass - to debug & fix #assert searchBeam0["searchBeamDestinationAddress"] == "" assert searchBeam1["search_beam_id"] == 400 assert searchBeam1["receptor_ids"][0] == 1 assert searchBeam1["enable_output"] == True assert searchBeam1["averaging_interval"] == 2 # TODO - this does not pass - to debug & fix #assert searchBeam1["searchBeamDestinationAddress"] == "" # check configured attributes of FSP subarrays # first for FSP 1... (this is a CORR fsp device) assert proxies.fspSubarray[1].obsState == ObsState.READY assert proxies.fspSubarray[1].receptors == 4 assert proxies.fspSubarray[1].frequencyBand == 4 assert proxies.fspSubarray[1].band5Tuning[0] == 5.85 assert proxies.fspSubarray[1].band5Tuning[1] == 7.25 assert proxies.fspSubarray[1].frequencyBandOffsetStream1 == 0 assert proxies.fspSubarray[1].frequencyBandOffsetStream2 == 0 assert proxies.fspSubarray[1].frequencySliceID == 1 assert proxies.fspSubarray[1].corrBandwidth == 1 assert proxies.fspSubarray[1].zoomWindowTuning == 4700000 assert proxies.fspSubarray[1].integrationTime == 1 assert proxies.fspSubarray[1].fspChannelOffset == 14880 assert proxies.fspSubarray[1].channelAveragingMap[0][0] == 0 assert proxies.fspSubarray[1].channelAveragingMap[0][1] == 8 assert proxies.fspSubarray[1].channelAveragingMap[1][0] == 744 assert proxies.fspSubarray[1].channelAveragingMap[1][1] == 8 assert proxies.fspSubarray[1].channelAveragingMap[2][0] == 1488 assert proxies.fspSubarray[1].channelAveragingMap[2][1] == 8 assert proxies.fspSubarray[1].channelAveragingMap[3][0] == 2232 assert proxies.fspSubarray[1].channelAveragingMap[3][1] == 8 assert proxies.fspSubarray[1].channelAveragingMap[4][0] == 2976 assert proxies.fspSubarray[1].outputLinkMap[0][0] == 0 assert proxies.fspSubarray[1].outputLinkMap[0][1] == 4 assert proxies.fspSubarray[1].outputLinkMap[1][0] == 744 assert proxies.fspSubarray[1].outputLinkMap[1][1] == 8 assert proxies.fspSubarray[1].outputLinkMap[2][0] == 1488 assert proxies.fspSubarray[1].outputLinkMap[2][1] == 12 assert proxies.fspSubarray[1].outputLinkMap[3][0] == 2232 assert proxies.fspSubarray[1].outputLinkMap[3][1] == 16 assert str(proxies.fspSubarray[1].visDestinationAddress).replace('"',"'") == \ str({"outputHost": [[0, ""], [8184, ""]], "outputMac": [[0, "06-00-00-00-00-01"]], "outputPort": [[0, 9000, 1], [8184, 9000, 1]]}).replace('"',"'") # Clean Up proxies.clean_proxies() except AssertionError as ae: proxies.clean_proxies() raise ae except Exception as e: proxies.clean_proxies() raise e @pytest.mark.skip(reason="pst not currently supported") def test_ConfigureScan_onlyPst_basic(self, proxies): """ Test a successful PST-BF scan configuration """ try: # turn on Subarray if proxies.subarray[1].State() != DevState.ON: proxies.subarray[1].On() proxies.wait_timeout_dev([proxies.subarray[1]], DevState.ON, 3, 1) for proxy in [proxies.vcc[i + 1] for i in range(4)]: if proxy.State() == DevState.OFF: proxy.On() proxies.wait_timeout_dev([proxy], DevState.ON, 1, 1) for proxy in [proxies.fsp[i + 1] for i in range(4)]: proxy.loggingLevel = "DEBUG" if proxy.State() == DevState.OFF: proxy.On() proxies.wait_timeout_dev([proxy], DevState.ON, 1, 1) # check initial value of attributes of CBF subarray assert len(proxies.subarray[1].receptors) == 0 assert proxies.subarray[1].configID == '' assert proxies.subarray[1].frequencyBand == 0 assert proxies.subarray[1].obsState == ObsState.EMPTY # add receptors proxies.subarray[1].AddReceptors([4, 1, 3, 2]) proxies.wait_timeout_obs([proxies.subarray[1]], ObsState.IDLE, 1, 1) assert all([proxies.subarray[1].receptors[i] == j for i, j in zip(range(4), [4, 1, 3, 2])]) # configure scan f = open(file_path + "/../data/ConfigureScan_basic.json") proxies.subarray[1].ConfigureScan("\n", "")) f.close() proxies.wait_timeout_obs([proxies.subarray[1]], ObsState.READY, 15, 1) # check configured attributes of CBF subarray assert proxies.subarray[1].configID == "band:5a, fsp1, 744 channels average factor 8" assert proxies.subarray[1].frequencyBand == 4 assert proxies.subarray[1].obsState == ObsState.READY proxies.wait_timeout_obs([proxies.vcc[i + 1] for i in range(4)], ObsState.READY, 1, 1) # check frequency band of VCCs, including states of frequency band capabilities assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[2]].frequencyBand == 4 assert [proxy.State() for proxy in proxies.vccBand[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[2] - 1]] == [ DevState.DISABLE, DevState.DISABLE, DevState.DISABLE, DevState.ON] # check the rest of the configured attributes of VCCs # first for VCC belonging to receptor 2... assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[2]].subarrayMembership == 1 assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[2]].frequencyBandOffsetStream1 == 0 assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[2]].frequencyBandOffsetStream2 == 0 assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[2]].rfiFlaggingMask == "{}" # check configured attributes of FSPs, including states of function mode capabilities assert proxies.fsp[2].State() == DevState.ON assert proxies.fsp[2].functionMode == 3 assert 1 in proxies.fsp[2].subarrayMembership assert [proxy.State() for proxy in proxies.fsp2FunctionMode] == [ DevState.DISABLE, DevState.DISABLE, DevState.ON, DevState.DISABLE ] # check configured attributes of FSP subarrays # FSP 2 assert proxies.fspSubarray[6].obsState == ObsState.READY assert all([proxies.fspSubarray[6].receptors[i] == j for i, j in zip(range(1), [2])]) assert all([proxies.fspSubarray[6].timingBeamID[i] == j for i, j in zip(range(1), [10])]) # Clean Up proxies.clean_proxies() except AssertionError as ae: proxies.clean_proxies() raise ae except Exception as e: proxies.clean_proxies() raise e @pytest.mark.skip(reason="pst not currently supported") def test_ConfigureScan_onlyPst_basic_FSP_scan_parameters(self, proxies): """ Test a successful transmission of PST-BF parameters to FSP """ try: # turn on Subarray if proxies.subarray[1].State() != DevState.ON: proxies.subarray[1].On() proxies.wait_timeout_dev([proxies.subarray[1]], DevState.ON, 3, 1) for proxy in [proxies.vcc[i + 1] for i in range(4)]: if proxy.State() == DevState.OFF: proxy.On() proxies.wait_timeout_dev([proxy], DevState.ON, 1, 1) for proxy in [proxies.fsp[i + 1] for i in range(4)]: if proxy.State() == DevState.OFF: proxy.On() proxies.wait_timeout_dev([proxy], DevState.ON, 1, 1) # check initial value of attributes of CBF subarray assert len(proxies.subarray[1].receptors) == 0 assert proxies.subarray[1].configID == '' assert proxies.subarray[1].frequencyBand == 0 assert proxies.subarray[1].obsState == ObsState.EMPTY # add receptors proxies.subarray[1].AddReceptors([4, 1, 3, 2]) proxies.wait_timeout_obs([proxies.subarray[1]], ObsState.IDLE, 1, 1) assert all([proxies.subarray[1].receptors[i] == j for i, j in zip(range(4), [4, 1, 3, 2])]) # configure scan f = open(file_path + "/../data/ConfigureScan_basic.json") proxies.subarray[1].ConfigureScan("\n", "")) f.close() proxies.wait_timeout_obs([proxies.subarray[1]], ObsState.READY, 15, 1) # update jones matrices from tm emulator f = open(file_path + "/../data/jonesmatrix_fsp.json") jones_matrix = json.loads("\n", "")) epoch = str(int(time.time())) for matrix in jones_matrix["jonesMatrix"]: matrix["epoch"] = epoch if matrix["destinationType"] == "fsp": epoch = str(int(epoch) + 10) # update Jones Matrix = json.dumps(jones_matrix) time.sleep(1) for matrix in jones_matrix["jonesMatrix"]: if matrix["destinationType"] == "fsp": for receptor in matrix["matrixDetails"]: rec_id = int(receptor["receptor"]) fs_id = receptor["receptorMatrix"][0]["fsid"] for index, value in enumerate(receptor["receptorMatrix"][0]["matrix"]): try: assert proxies.fsp[fs_id].jonesMatrix[rec_id - 1][index] == value except AssertionError as ae: raise ae except Exception as e: raise e time.sleep(10) # update delay models from tm emulator f = open(file_path + "/../data/delaymodel_fsp.json") delay_model = json.loads("\n", "")) epoch = str(int(time.time())) for model in delay_model["delayModel"]: model["epoch"] = epoch if model["destinationType"] == "fsp": epoch = str(int(epoch) + 10) # update delay model = json.dumps(delay_model) time.sleep(1) for model in delay_model["delayModel"]: if model["destinationType"] == "fsp": for receptor in model["delayDetails"]: rec_id = int(receptor["receptor"]) fs_id = receptor["receptorDelayDetails"][0]["fsid"] for index, value in enumerate(receptor["receptorDelayDetails"][0]["delayCoeff"]): try: assert proxies.fsp[fs_id].delayModel[rec_id - 1][index] == value except AssertionError as ae: raise ae except Exception as e: raise e time.sleep(10) # update timing beam weights from tm emulator f = open(file_path + "/../data/timingbeamweights.json") timing_beam_weights = json.loads("\n", "")) epoch = str(int(time.time())) for weights in timing_beam_weights["beamWeights"]: weights["epoch"] = epoch epoch = str(int(epoch) + 10) # update delay model = json.dumps(timing_beam_weights) time.sleep(1) for weights in timing_beam_weights["beamWeights"]: for receptor in weights["beamWeightsDetails"]: rec_id = int(receptor["receptor"]) fs_id = receptor["receptorWeightsDetails"][0]["fsid"] for index, value in enumerate(receptor["receptorWeightsDetails"][0]["weights"]): try: assert proxies.fsp[fs_id].timingBeamWeights[rec_id - 1][index] == value except AssertionError as ae: raise ae except Exception as e: raise e time.sleep(10) # Clean Up proxies.clean_proxies() except AssertionError as ae: proxies.clean_proxies() raise ae except Exception as e: proxies.clean_proxies() raise e def test_EndScan(self, proxies, input_test_data): """ Test the EndScan command """ try: # turn on Subarray if proxies.subarray[1].State() != DevState.ON: proxies.subarray[1].On() proxies.wait_timeout_dev([proxies.subarray[1]], DevState.ON, 3, 1) for proxy in [proxies.vcc[i + 1] for i in range(4)]: if proxy.State() == DevState.OFF: proxy.On() proxies.wait_timeout_dev([proxy], DevState.ON, 1, 1) for proxy in [proxies.fsp[i + 1] for i in range(4)]: if proxy.State() == DevState.OFF: proxy.On() proxies.wait_timeout_dev([proxy], DevState.ON, 1, 1) assert proxies.subarray[1].obsState == ObsState.EMPTY # Input test data: input_receptors = input_test_data[0] config_file_name = input_test_data[1] subarr_index = 1; "input_receptors = {}".format(input_receptors) ) "config_file_name = {}".format(config_file_name) ) num_receptors = len(input_receptors) vcc_ids = [None for _ in range(num_receptors)] for receptor_id, ii in zip(input_receptors, range(num_receptors)): vcc_ids[ii] = proxies.receptor_to_vcc[receptor_id] proxies.subarray[subarr_index].AddReceptors(input_receptors) proxies.wait_timeout_obs([proxies.subarray[subarr_index]], ObsState.IDLE, 1, 1) assert all([proxies.subarray[subarr_index].receptors[i] == j for i, j in zip(range(num_receptors), input_receptors)]) assert proxies.subarray[subarr_index].obsState == ObsState.IDLE # Check fsp obsState BEFORE scan configuration: assert proxies.fspCorrSubarray[subarr_index-1].obsState == ObsState.IDLE assert proxies.fspPssSubarray[subarr_index-1].obsState == ObsState.IDLE assert proxies.fspPstSubarray[subarr_index-1].obsState == ObsState.IDLE "First vcc obsState BEFORE ConfigureScan = {}". format(proxies.vcc[vcc_ids[0]].obsState) ) f = open(file_path + config_file_name) json_string ="\n", "") input_config_dict = json.loads(json_string) proxies.subarray[subarr_index].ConfigureScan(json_string) f.close() proxies.wait_timeout_obs([proxies.subarray[subarr_index]], ObsState.READY, 15, 1) "First vcc obsState AFTER ConfigureScan = {}". format(proxies.vcc[vcc_ids[0]].obsState) ) # check some configured attributes of CBF subarray frequency_band = input_config_dict["common"]["frequency_band"] input_band_index = freq_band_dict()[frequency_band] assert proxies.subarray[subarr_index].configID == input_config_dict["common"]["config_id"] assert proxies.subarray[subarr_index].frequencyBand == input_band_index assert proxies.subarray[subarr_index].obsState == ObsState.READY # Send the Scan command f2 = open(file_path + "/../data/Scan1_basic.json") json_string ="\n", "") input_scan_dict = json.loads(json_string) proxies.subarray[subarr_index].Scan(json_string) f2.close() proxies.wait_timeout_obs([proxies.subarray[subarr_index]], ObsState.SCANNING, 1, 1) # Note: scan_id is 1-based and of 'string' type # scan_index is an index into an array, therefore 0-based scan_index = int(input_scan_dict["scan_id"]) - 1 "proxies.fspCorrSubarray[subarr_index-1].obsState = {}". format(proxies.fspCorrSubarray[subarr_index-1].obsState) ) "proxies.fspPssSubarray[subarr_index-1].obsState = {}". format(proxies.fspPssSubarray[subarr_index-1].obsState) ) "proxies.fspPstSubarray[subarr_index-1].obsState = {}". format(proxies.fspPstSubarray[subarr_index-1].obsState) ) # Check obsStates BEFORE the EndScan() command assert proxies.subarray[subarr_index].obsState == ObsState.SCANNING assert proxies.vcc[vcc_ids[0]].obsState == ObsState.SCANNING assert proxies.vcc[vcc_ids[num_receptors-1]].obsState == ObsState.SCANNING for fsp in input_config_dict["cbf"]["fsp"]: if fsp["function_mode"] == "CORR": assert proxies.fspCorrSubarray[subarr_index-1].obsState == ObsState.SCANNING elif fsp["function_mode"] == "PSS-BF": assert proxies.fspPssSubarray[subarr_index-1].obsState == ObsState.SCANNING # TODO: this check does not pass, to fix #elif fsp["function_mode"] == "PST-BF": # assert proxies.fspPstSubarray[subarr_index-1].obsState == ObsState.SCANNING proxies.subarray[subarr_index].EndScan() proxies.wait_timeout_obs([proxies.subarray[subarr_index]], ObsState.READY, 1, 1) # Check obsStates AFTER the EndScan() command assert proxies.subarray[subarr_index].obsState == ObsState.READY assert proxies.vcc[vcc_ids[0]].obsState == ObsState.READY assert proxies.vcc[vcc_ids[num_receptors -1]].obsState == ObsState.READY assert proxies.fspCorrSubarray[subarr_index-1].obsState == ObsState.READY for fsp in input_config_dict["cbf"]["fsp"]: if fsp["function_mode"] == "CORR": assert proxies.fspCorrSubarray[subarr_index-1].obsState == ObsState.READY elif fsp["function_mode"] == "PSS-BF": assert proxies.fspPssSubarray[subarr_index-1].obsState == ObsState.READY # TODO: this check does not pass, to fix #elif fsp["function_mode"] == "PST-BF": # assert proxies.fspPstSubarray[subarr_index-1].obsState == ObsState.READY proxies.clean_proxies() except AssertionError as ae: proxies.clean_proxies() raise ae except Exception as e: proxies.clean_proxies() raise e #TODO refactor to verify delay model values against input json @pytest.mark.skip(reason="test needs to be refactored") def test_ConfigureScan_delayModel(self, proxies): """ Test the reception of delay models """ # Read delay model data from file f = open(file_path + "/../data/delaymodel.json") delay_model = json.loads("\n", "")) f.close() aa = delay_model["delayModel"][0]["delayDetails"][0]["receptorDelayDetails"] num_fsp_IDs = len(aa) for jj in range(num_fsp_IDs): "delayCoeff = {}".format( aa[jj]["delayCoeff"]) ) try: # turn on Subarray if proxies.subarray[1].State() != DevState.ON: proxies.subarray[1].On() proxies.wait_timeout_dev([proxies.subarray[1]], DevState.ON, 3, 1) for proxy in [proxies.vcc[i + 1] for i in range(4)]: if proxy.State() == DevState.OFF: proxy.On() proxies.wait_timeout_dev([proxy], DevState.ON, 1, 1) for proxy in [proxies.fsp[i + 1] for i in range(4)]: if proxy.State() == DevState.OFF: proxy.On() proxies.wait_timeout_dev([proxy], DevState.ON, 1, 1) assert proxies.subarray[1].obsState == ObsState.EMPTY # add receptors proxies.subarray[1].AddReceptors([1, 3, 4, 2]) proxies.wait_timeout_obs([proxies.subarray[1]], ObsState.IDLE, 1, 1) assert all([proxies.subarray[1].receptors[i] == j for i, j in zip(range(3), [1, 3, 4])]) # configure scan f = open(file_path + "/../data/ConfigureScan_basic.json") proxies.subarray[1].ConfigureScan("\n", "")) f.close() proxies.wait_timeout_obs([proxies.subarray[1]], ObsState.READY, 30, 1) assert proxies.subarray[1].obsState == ObsState.READY # create a delay model # Insert the epoch delay_model["delayModel"][0]["epoch"] = str(int(time.time()) + 20) delay_model["delayModel"][1]["epoch"] = "0" delay_model["delayModel"][2]["epoch"] = str(int(time.time()) + 10) # update delay model = json.dumps(delay_model) time.sleep(1) for jj in range(4):" proxies.vcc[{}].receptorID = {}". format(jj+1, proxies.vcc[jj+1].receptorID))) ("Vcc, receptor 1, ObsState = {}". format(proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[1]].ObsState)) ) #proxies.vcc[0].receptorID assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[1]].delayModel[0][0] == 1.1 assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[1]].delayModel[0][1] == 1.2 assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[1]].delayModel[0][2] == 1.3 assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[1]].delayModel[0][3] == 1.4 assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[1]].delayModel[0][4] == 1.5 assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[1]].delayModel[0][5] == 1.6 assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[1]].delayModel[1][0] == 1.7 assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[1]].delayModel[1][1] == 1.8 assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[1]].delayModel[1][2] == 1.9 assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[1]].delayModel[1][3] == 2.0 assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[1]].delayModel[1][4] == 2.1 assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[1]].delayModel[1][5] == 2.2 assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[4]].delayModel[0][0] == 2.3 assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[4]].delayModel[0][1] == 2.4 assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[4]].delayModel[0][2] == 2.5 assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[4]].delayModel[0][3] == 2.6 assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[4]].delayModel[0][4] == 2.7 assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[4]].delayModel[0][5] == 2.8 assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[4]].delayModel[1][0] == 2.9 assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[4]].delayModel[1][1] == 3.0 assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[4]].delayModel[1][2] == 3.1 assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[4]].delayModel[1][3] == 3.2 assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[4]].delayModel[1][4] == 3.3 assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[4]].delayModel[1][5] == 3.4 # transition to obsState=SCANNING f2 = open(file_path + "/../data/Scan1_basic.json") proxies.subarray[1].Scan("\n", "")) f2.close() proxies.wait_timeout_obs([proxies.subarray[1]], ObsState.SCANNING, 1, 1) assert proxies.subarray[1].obsState == ObsState.SCANNING time.sleep(10) assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[1]].delayModel[0][0] == 2.1 assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[1]].delayModel[0][1] == 2.2 assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[1]].delayModel[0][2] == 2.3 assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[1]].delayModel[0][3] == 2.4 assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[1]].delayModel[0][4] == 2.5 assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[1]].delayModel[0][5] == 2.6 assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[1]].delayModel[1][0] == 2.7 assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[1]].delayModel[1][1] == 2.8 assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[1]].delayModel[1][2] == 2.9 assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[1]].delayModel[1][3] == 3.0 assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[1]].delayModel[1][4] == 3.1 assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[1]].delayModel[1][5] == 3.2 assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[4]].delayModel[0][0] == 3.3 assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[4]].delayModel[0][1] == 3.4 assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[4]].delayModel[0][2] == 3.5 assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[4]].delayModel[0][3] == 3.6 assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[4]].delayModel[0][4] == 3.7 assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[4]].delayModel[0][5] == 3.8 assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[4]].delayModel[1][0] == 3.9 assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[4]].delayModel[1][1] == 4.0 assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[4]].delayModel[1][2] == 4.1 assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[4]].delayModel[1][3] == 4.2 assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[4]].delayModel[1][4] == 4.3 assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[4]].delayModel[1][5] == 4.4 time.sleep(10) assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[1]].delayModel[0][0] == 0.1 assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[1]].delayModel[0][1] == 0.2 assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[1]].delayModel[0][2] == 0.3 assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[1]].delayModel[0][3] == 0.4 assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[1]].delayModel[0][4] == 0.5 assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[1]].delayModel[0][5] == 0.6 assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[1]].delayModel[1][0] == 0.7 assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[1]].delayModel[1][1] == 0.8 assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[1]].delayModel[1][2] == 0.9 assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[1]].delayModel[1][3] == 1.0 assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[1]].delayModel[1][4] == 1.1 assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[1]].delayModel[1][5] == 1.2 assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[4]].delayModel[0][0] == 1.3 assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[4]].delayModel[0][1] == 1.4 assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[4]].delayModel[0][2] == 1.5 assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[4]].delayModel[0][3] == 1.6 assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[4]].delayModel[0][4] == 1.7 assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[4]].delayModel[0][5] == 1.8 assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[4]].delayModel[1][0] == 1.9 assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[4]].delayModel[1][1] == 2.0 assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[4]].delayModel[1][2] == 2.1 assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[4]].delayModel[1][3] == 2.2 assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[4]].delayModel[1][4] == 2.3 assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[4]].delayModel[1][5] == 2.4 proxies.subarray[1].EndScan() proxies.wait_timeout_obs([proxies.subarray[1]], ObsState.READY, 1, 1) proxies.clean_proxies() except AssertionError as ae: proxies.clean_proxies() raise ae except Exception as e: proxies.clean_proxies() raise e def test_ConfigureScan_jonesMatrix(self, proxies): """ Test the reception of Jones matrices """ try: # turn on Subarray if proxies.subarray[1].State() != DevState.ON: proxies.subarray[1].On() proxies.wait_timeout_dev([proxies.subarray[1]], DevState.ON, 3, 1) for proxy in [proxies.vcc[i + 1] for i in range(4)]: if proxy.State() == DevState.OFF: proxy.On() proxies.wait_timeout_dev([proxy], DevState.ON, 1, 1) for proxy in [proxies.fsp[i + 1] for i in range(4)]: if proxy.State() == DevState.OFF: proxy.On() proxies.wait_timeout_dev([proxy], DevState.ON, 1, 1) assert proxies.subarray[1].obsState == ObsState.EMPTY # add receptors proxies.subarray[1].AddReceptors([1, 3, 4, 2]) proxies.wait_timeout_obs([proxies.subarray[1]], ObsState.IDLE, 1, 1) assert all([proxies.subarray[1].receptors[i] == j for i, j in zip(range(3), [1, 3, 4])]) # configure scan f = open(file_path + "/../data/ConfigureScan_basic.json") proxies.subarray[1].ConfigureScan("\n", "")) f.close() proxies.wait_timeout_obs([proxies.subarray[1]], ObsState.READY, 30, 1) assert proxies.subarray[1].obsState == ObsState.READY #create a Jones matrix f = open(file_path + "/../data/jonesmatrix.json") jones_matrix = json.loads("\n", "")) f.close() jones_matrix["jonesMatrix"][0]["epoch"] = str(int(time.time()) + 20) jones_matrix["jonesMatrix"][1]["epoch"] = "0" jones_matrix["jonesMatrix"][2]["epoch"] = str(int(time.time()) + 10) # update Jones Matrix = json.dumps(jones_matrix) time.sleep(5) for receptor in jones_matrix["jonesMatrix"][1]["matrixDetails"]: for frequency_slice in receptor["receptorMatrix"]: for index, value in enumerate(frequency_slice["matrix"]): vcc_id = proxies.receptor_to_vcc[receptor["receptor"]] fs_id = frequency_slice["fsid"] try: assert proxies.vcc[vcc_id].jonesMatrix[fs_id-1][index] == value except AssertionError as ae: logging.error("AssertionError; incorrect Jones matrix entry: epoch {}, VCC {}, i = {}, jonesMatrix[{}] = {}".format( jones_matrix["jonesMatrix"][1]["epoch"], vcc_id, index, fs_id-1, proxies.vcc[vcc_id].jonesMatrix[fs_id-1]) ) raise ae except Exception as e: raise e # transition to obsState == SCANNING f2 = open(file_path + "/../data/Scan1_basic.json") proxies.subarray[1].Scan("\n", "")) f2.close() proxies.wait_timeout_obs([proxies.subarray[1]], ObsState.SCANNING, 1, 1) assert proxies.subarray[1].obsState == ObsState.SCANNING time.sleep(10) for receptor in jones_matrix["jonesMatrix"][2]["matrixDetails"]: for frequency_slice in receptor["receptorMatrix"]: for index, value in enumerate(frequency_slice["matrix"]): vcc_id = proxies.receptor_to_vcc[receptor["receptor"]] fs_id = frequency_slice["fsid"] try: assert proxies.vcc[vcc_id].jonesMatrix[fs_id-1][index] == value except AssertionError as ae: logging.error("AssertionError; incorrect Jones matrix entry: epoch {}, VCC {}, i = {}, jonesMatrix[{}] = {}".format( jones_matrix["jonesMatrix"][1]["epoch"], vcc_id, index, fs_id-1, proxies.vcc[vcc_id].jonesMatrix[fs_id-1]) ) raise ae except Exception as e: raise e time.sleep(10) for receptor in jones_matrix["jonesMatrix"][0]["matrixDetails"]: for frequency_slice in receptor["receptorMatrix"]: for index, value in enumerate(frequency_slice["matrix"]): vcc_id = proxies.receptor_to_vcc[receptor["receptor"]] fs_id = frequency_slice["fsid"] try: assert proxies.vcc[vcc_id].jonesMatrix[fs_id-1][index] == value except AssertionError as ae: logging.error("AssertionError; incorrect Jones matrix entry: epoch {}, VCC {}, i = {}, jonesMatrix[{}] = {}".format( jones_matrix["jonesMatrix"][1]["epoch"], vcc_id, index, fs_id-1, proxies.vcc[vcc_id].jonesMatrix[fs_id-1]) ) raise ae except Exception as e: raise e proxies.subarray[1].EndScan() proxies.wait_timeout_obs([proxies.subarray[1]], ObsState.READY, 1, 1) proxies.clean_proxies() except AssertionError as ae: proxies.clean_proxies() raise ae except Exception as e: proxies.clean_proxies() raise e def test_Scan(self, proxies): """ Test the Scan command """ try: # turn on Subarray if proxies.subarray[1].State() != DevState.ON: proxies.subarray[1].On() proxies.wait_timeout_dev([proxies.subarray[1]], DevState.ON, 3, 1) for proxy in [proxies.vcc[i + 1] for i in range(4)]: if proxy.State() == DevState.OFF: proxy.On() proxies.wait_timeout_dev([proxy], DevState.ON, 1, 1) for proxy in [proxies.fsp[i + 1] for i in range(4)]: if proxy.State() == DevState.OFF: proxy.On() proxies.wait_timeout_dev([proxy], DevState.ON, 1, 1) assert proxies.subarray[1].obsState == ObsState.EMPTY # add receptors proxies.subarray[1].AddReceptors([1, 3, 4, 2]) proxies.wait_timeout_obs([proxies.subarray[1]], ObsState.IDLE, 1, 1) assert all([proxies.subarray[1].receptors[i] == j for i, j in zip(range(3), [1, 3, 4])]) # configure scan f1 = open(file_path + "/../data/ConfigureScan_basic.json") proxies.subarray[1].ConfigureScan("\n", "")) f1.close() proxies.wait_timeout_obs([proxies.subarray[1]], ObsState.READY, 30, 1) # check initial states assert proxies.subarray[1].obsState == ObsState.READY assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[1]].obsState == ObsState.READY assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[4]].obsState == ObsState.READY assert proxies.fspSubarray[1].obsState == ObsState.READY assert proxies.fspSubarray[3].obsState == ObsState.READY # send the Scan command f2 = open(file_path + "/../data/Scan1_basic.json") proxies.subarray[1].Scan("\n", "")) f2.close() proxies.wait_timeout_obs([proxies.subarray[1]], ObsState.SCANNING, 1, 1) # check scanID on VCC and FSP assert proxies.fspSubarray[1].scanID == 1 assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[4]].scanID ==1 # check states assert proxies.subarray[1].obsState == ObsState.SCANNING assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[1]].obsState == ObsState.SCANNING assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[4]].obsState == ObsState.SCANNING assert proxies.fspSubarray[1].obsState == ObsState.SCANNING assert proxies.fspSubarray[3].obsState == ObsState.SCANNING proxies.subarray[1].EndScan() proxies.wait_timeout_obs([proxies.subarray[1]], ObsState.READY, 1, 1) assert proxies.subarray[1].obsState == ObsState.READY # Clean Up proxies.clean_proxies() except AssertionError as ae: proxies.clean_proxies() raise ae except Exception as e: proxies.clean_proxies() raise e def test_Abort_Reset(self, proxies): """ Test abort reset """ try: # turn on Subarray if proxies.subarray[1].State() != DevState.ON: proxies.subarray[1].On() proxies.wait_timeout_dev([proxies.subarray[1]], DevState.ON, 3, 1) for proxy in [proxies.vcc[i + 1] for i in range(4)]: if proxy.State() == DevState.OFF: proxy.On() proxies.wait_timeout_dev([proxy], DevState.ON, 1, 1) for proxy in [proxies.fsp[i + 1] for i in range(4)]: if proxy.State() == DevState.OFF: proxy.On() proxies.wait_timeout_dev([proxy], DevState.ON, 1, 1) assert proxies.subarray[1].obsState == ObsState.EMPTY ############################# abort from READY ########################### # add receptors proxies.subarray[1].AddReceptors([1, 3, 4, 2]) proxies.wait_timeout_obs([proxies.subarray[1]], ObsState.IDLE, 1, 1) # configure scan f = open(file_path + "/../data/ConfigureScan_basic.json") proxies.subarray[1].ConfigureScan("\n", "")) f.close() proxies.wait_timeout_obs([proxies.subarray[1]], ObsState.READY, 30, 1) assert proxies.subarray[1].obsState == ObsState.READY assert proxies.fspSubarray[1].obsState == ObsState.READY assert proxies.fspSubarray[3].obsState == ObsState.READY assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[1]].obsState == ObsState.READY assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[4]].obsState == ObsState.READY # abort proxies.subarray[1].Abort() proxies.wait_timeout_obs([proxies.subarray[1]], ObsState.ABORTED, 1, 1) assert proxies.subarray[1].obsState == ObsState.ABORTED # ObsReset proxies.subarray[1].ObsReset() proxies.wait_timeout_obs([proxies.subarray[1]], ObsState.IDLE, 1, 1) assert proxies.subarray[1].obsState == ObsState.IDLE assert all([proxies.subarray[1].receptors[i] == j for i, j in zip(range(3), [1, 3, 4])]) assert proxies.fspSubarray[1].obsState == ObsState.IDLE assert proxies.fspSubarray[3].obsState == ObsState.IDLE assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[1]].obsState == ObsState.IDLE assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[4]].obsState == ObsState.IDLE ############################# abort from SCANNING ########################### # add receptors proxies.subarray[1].AddReceptors([1, 3, 4, 2]) proxies.wait_timeout_obs([proxies.subarray[1]], ObsState.IDLE, 1, 1) # configure scan f = open(file_path + "/../data/ConfigureScan_basic.json") proxies.subarray[1].ConfigureScan("\n", "")) f.close() proxies.wait_timeout_obs([proxies.subarray[1]], ObsState.READY, 30, 1) # scan f2 = open(file_path + "/../data/Scan2_basic.json") proxies.subarray[1].Scan("\n", "")) f2.close() proxies.wait_timeout_obs([proxies.subarray[1]], ObsState.SCANNING, 1, 1) assert proxies.subarray[1].obsState == ObsState.SCANNING assert proxies.subarray[1].scanID == 2 assert proxies.fspSubarray[1].obsState == ObsState.SCANNING assert proxies.fspSubarray[3].obsState == ObsState.SCANNING assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[1]].obsState == ObsState.SCANNING assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[4]].obsState == ObsState.SCANNING # abort proxies.subarray[1].Abort() proxies.wait_timeout_obs([proxies.subarray[1]], ObsState.ABORTED, 1, 1) assert proxies.subarray[1].obsState == ObsState.ABORTED assert proxies.fspSubarray[1].obsState == ObsState.READY assert proxies.fspSubarray[3].obsState == ObsState.READY assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[1]].obsState == ObsState.READY assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[4]].obsState == ObsState.READY # ObsReset proxies.subarray[1].ObsReset() proxies.wait_timeout_obs([proxies.subarray[1]], ObsState.IDLE, 1, 1) assert proxies.subarray[1].obsState == ObsState.IDLE assert proxies.subarray[1].scanID == 0 assert proxies.fspSubarray[1].obsState == ObsState.IDLE assert proxies.fspSubarray[3].obsState == ObsState.IDLE assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[1]].obsState == ObsState.IDLE assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[4]].obsState == ObsState.IDLE # Clean Up proxies.clean_proxies() except AssertionError as ae: proxies.clean_proxies() raise ae except Exception as e: proxies.clean_proxies() raise e def test_Abort_Restart(self, proxies): """ Test abort restart """ try: # turn on Subarray if proxies.subarray[1].State() != DevState.ON: proxies.subarray[1].On() proxies.wait_timeout_dev([proxies.subarray[1]], DevState.ON, 3, 1) for proxy in [proxies.vcc[i + 1] for i in range(4)]: if proxy.State() == DevState.OFF: proxy.On() proxies.wait_timeout_dev([proxy], DevState.ON, 1, 1) for proxy in [proxies.fsp[i + 1] for i in range(4)]: if proxy.State() == DevState.OFF: proxy.On() proxies.wait_timeout_dev([proxy], DevState.ON, 1, 1) assert proxies.subarray[1].obsState == ObsState.EMPTY ############################# abort from IDLE ########################### # add receptors proxies.subarray[1].AddReceptors([1, 3, 4, 2]) proxies.wait_timeout_obs([proxies.subarray[1]], ObsState.IDLE, 1, 1) assert proxies.subarray[1].obsState == ObsState.IDLE # abort proxies.subarray[1].Abort() proxies.wait_timeout_obs([proxies.subarray[1]], ObsState.ABORTED, 1, 1) assert proxies.subarray[1].obsState == ObsState.ABORTED # Restart: receptors should be empty proxies.subarray[1].Restart() proxies.wait_timeout_obs([proxies.subarray[1]], ObsState.EMPTY, 1, 1) assert proxies.subarray[1].obsState == ObsState.EMPTY assert len(proxies.subarray[1].receptors) == 0 assert proxies.fspSubarray[1].obsState == ObsState.IDLE assert proxies.fspSubarray[3].obsState == ObsState.IDLE assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[1]].obsState == ObsState.IDLE assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[4]].obsState == ObsState.IDLE ############################# abort from READY ########################### # add receptors proxies.subarray[1].AddReceptors([1, 3, 4, 2]) proxies.wait_timeout_obs([proxies.subarray[1]], ObsState.IDLE, 1, 1) # configure scan f = open(file_path + "/../data/ConfigureScan_basic.json") proxies.subarray[1].ConfigureScan("\n", "")) f.close() proxies.wait_timeout_obs([proxies.subarray[1]], ObsState.READY, 30, 1) assert proxies.subarray[1].obsState == ObsState.READY assert proxies.fspSubarray[1].obsState == ObsState.READY assert proxies.fspSubarray[3].obsState == ObsState.READY assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[1]].obsState == ObsState.READY assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[4]].obsState == ObsState.READY # abort proxies.subarray[1].Abort() proxies.wait_timeout_obs([proxies.subarray[1]], ObsState.ABORTED, 1, 1) assert proxies.subarray[1].obsState == ObsState.ABORTED # ObsReset proxies.subarray[1].Restart() proxies.wait_timeout_obs([proxies.subarray[1]], ObsState.EMPTY, 1, 1) assert proxies.subarray[1].obsState == ObsState.EMPTY assert len(proxies.subarray[1].receptors) == 0 assert proxies.fspSubarray[1].obsState == ObsState.IDLE assert proxies.fspSubarray[3].obsState == ObsState.IDLE assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[1]].obsState == ObsState.IDLE assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[4]].obsState == ObsState.IDLE ############################# abort from SCANNING ########################### # add receptors proxies.subarray[1].AddReceptors([1, 3, 4, 2]) proxies.wait_timeout_obs([proxies.subarray[1]], ObsState.IDLE, 1, 1) # configure scan f = open(file_path + "/../data/ConfigureScan_basic.json") proxies.subarray[1].ConfigureScan("\n", "")) f.close() proxies.wait_timeout_obs([proxies.subarray[1]], ObsState.READY, 30, 1) # scan f2 = open(file_path + "/../data/Scan2_basic.json") proxies.subarray[1].Scan("\n", "")) f2.close() proxies.wait_timeout_obs([proxies.subarray[1]], ObsState.SCANNING, 1, 1) assert proxies.subarray[1].obsState == ObsState.SCANNING assert proxies.subarray[1].scanID == 2 assert proxies.fspSubarray[1].obsState == ObsState.SCANNING assert proxies.fspSubarray[3].obsState == ObsState.SCANNING assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[1]].obsState == ObsState.SCANNING assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[4]].obsState == ObsState.SCANNING # abort proxies.subarray[1].Abort() proxies.wait_timeout_obs([proxies.subarray[1]], ObsState.ABORTED, 1, 1) assert proxies.subarray[1].obsState == ObsState.ABORTED assert proxies.fspSubarray[1].obsState == ObsState.READY assert proxies.fspSubarray[3].obsState == ObsState.READY assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[1]].obsState == ObsState.READY assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[4]].obsState == ObsState.READY # ObsReset proxies.subarray[1].Restart() proxies.wait_timeout_obs([proxies.subarray[1]], ObsState.IDLE, 1, 1) assert len(proxies.subarray[1].receptors) == 0 assert proxies.fspSubarray[1].obsState == ObsState.IDLE assert proxies.fspSubarray[3].obsState == ObsState.IDLE assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[1]].obsState == ObsState.IDLE assert proxies.vcc[proxies.receptor_to_vcc[4]].obsState == ObsState.IDLE proxies.clean_proxies() except AssertionError as ae: proxies.clean_proxies() raise ae except Exception as e: proxies.clean_proxies() raise e def test_ConfigureScan_minimal(self, proxies): try: sub_id = 1 #TODO currently only support for 1 receptor per fsp test_receptor_ids = [4, 1] #test_receptor_ids = [1] vcc_index = proxies.receptor_to_vcc[test_receptor_ids[0]]"vcc_index = {}".format(vcc_index)) vcc_band_proxies = proxies.vccBand[vcc_index - 1] # turn on Subarray if proxies.subarray[sub_id].State() != DevState.ON: proxies.subarray[sub_id].On() proxies.wait_timeout_dev([proxies.subarray[sub_id]], DevState.ON, 3, 1) for proxy in [proxies.vcc[i + 1] for i in range(4)]: if proxy.State() == DevState.OFF: proxy.On() proxies.wait_timeout_dev([proxy], DevState.ON, 1, 1) for proxy in [proxies.fsp[i + 1] for i in range(4)]: if proxy.State() == DevState.OFF: proxy.On() proxies.wait_timeout_dev([proxy], DevState.ON, 1, 1) # check initial value of attributes of CBF subarray assert len(proxies.subarray[sub_id].receptors) == 0 assert proxies.subarray[sub_id].configID == '' # TODO in CbfSubarray, at end of scan, clear all private data #assert proxies.subarray[sub_id].frequencyBand == 0 assert proxies.subarray[sub_id].obsState == ObsState.EMPTY # add receptors proxies.subarray[sub_id].AddReceptors(test_receptor_ids) proxies.wait_timeout_obs([proxies.subarray[sub_id]], ObsState.IDLE, 1, 1) assert all([proxies.subarray[sub_id].receptors[i] == j for i, j in zip(range(len(test_receptor_ids)), test_receptor_ids)]) # configure scan f = open(file_path + "/../data/Configure_TM-CSP_v2.json") configuration ="\n", "") f.close() proxies.subarray[sub_id].ConfigureScan(configuration) proxies.wait_timeout_obs([proxies.subarray[sub_id]], ObsState.READY, 15, 1) configuration = json.loads(configuration) band_index = freq_band_dict()[configuration["common"]["frequency_band"]] # check configured attributes of CBF subarray assert sub_id == int(configuration["common"]["subarray_id"]) assert proxies.subarray[sub_id].configID == configuration["common"]["config_id"] assert proxies.subarray[sub_id].frequencyBand == band_index assert proxies.subarray[sub_id].obsState == ObsState.READY proxies.wait_timeout_obs([proxies.vcc[i + 1] for i in range(4)], ObsState.READY, 1, 1) # check frequency band of VCCs, including states of # frequency band capabilities ("proxies.vcc[vcc_index].frequencyBand = {}". format( proxies.vcc[vcc_index].frequencyBand)) ) assert proxies.vcc[vcc_index].configID == configuration["common"]["config_id"] assert proxies.vcc[vcc_index].frequencyBand == band_index assert proxies.vcc[vcc_index].subarrayMembership == sub_id #TODO fix these tests; issue with VccBand devices either not reconfiguring in between # configurations or causing a fault within the Vcc device # for proxy in vcc_band_proxies: #"VCC proxy.State() = {}".format(proxy.State())) # for i in range(4): # if (i == 0 and band_index == 0) or (i == (band_index - 1)): # assert vcc_band_proxies[i].State() == DevState.ON # else: # assert vcc_band_proxies[i].State() == DevState.DISABLE # check configured attributes of FSPs, including states of function mode capabilities fsp_function_mode_proxies = [proxies.fsp1FunctionMode, proxies.fsp2FunctionMode, proxies.fsp3FunctionMode, proxies.fsp4FunctionMode] for fsp in configuration["cbf"]["fsp"]: fsp_id = fsp["fsp_id"]"{}".format(fsp_id)) #TODO add function mode to enum or edit attribute to accept string in FSP if fsp["function_mode"] == "CORR": function_mode = 1 elif fsp["function_mode"] == "PSS-BF": function_mode = 2 elif fsp["function_mode"] == "PST-BF": function_mode = 3 elif fsp["function_mode"] == "VLBI": function_mode = 4 assert proxies.fsp[fsp_id].functionMode == function_mode assert sub_id in proxies.fsp[fsp_id].subarrayMembership assert [proxy.State() for proxy in fsp_function_mode_proxies[fsp_id-1]] == [ DevState.ON, DevState.DISABLE, DevState.DISABLE, DevState.DISABLE ] # check configured attributes of FSP subarray #TODO align IDs of fspSubarrays to fsp_id in conftest; currently works for fsps 1 and 2 assert proxies.fspSubarray[fsp_id].obsState == ObsState.READY assert proxies.fspSubarray[fsp_id].receptors == test_receptor_ids[0] assert proxies.fspSubarray[fsp_id].frequencyBand == band_index assert proxies.fspSubarray[fsp_id].frequencySliceID == fsp["frequency_slice_id"] assert proxies.fspSubarray[fsp_id].integrationTime == fsp["integration_factor"] assert proxies.fspSubarray[fsp_id].corrBandwidth == fsp["zoom_factor"] if fsp["zoom_factor"] > 0: assert proxies.fspSubarray[fsp_id].zoomWindowTuning == fsp["zoom_window_tuning"] assert proxies.fspSubarray[fsp_id].fspChannelOffset == fsp["channel_offset"] for i in range(len(fsp["channel_averaging_map"])): for j in range(len(fsp["channel_averaging_map"][i])): assert proxies.fspSubarray[fsp_id].channelAveragingMap[i][j] == fsp["channel_averaging_map"][i][j] for i in range(len(fsp["output_link_map"])): for j in range(len(fsp["output_link_map"][i])): assert proxies.fspSubarray[fsp_id].outputLinkMap[i][j] == fsp["output_link_map"][i][j] proxies.clean_proxies() except AssertionError as ae: proxies.clean_proxies() raise ae except Exception as e: proxies.clean_proxies() raise e ''' def test_ConfigureScan_onlyPss_basic( self, cbf_master_proxy, proxies.subarray[1], sw_1_proxy, sw_2_proxy, vcc_proxies, vcc_band_proxies, vcc_tdc_proxies, fsp_1_proxy, fsp_2_proxy, fsp_1_function_mode_proxy, fsp_2_function_mode_proxy, fsp_3_proxies.subarray[1], tm_telstate_proxy ): """ Test a minimal successful configuration """ for proxy in vcc_proxies: proxy.Init() fsp_3_proxies.subarray[1].Init() fsp_1_proxy.Init() fsp_2_proxy.Init() proxies.subarray[1].set_timeout_millis(60000) # since the command takes a while proxies.subarray[1].Init() time.sleep(3) cbf_master_proxy.set_timeout_millis(60000) cbf_master_proxy.Init() time.sleep(60) # takes pretty long for CBF Master to initialize tm_telstate_proxy.Init() time.sleep(1) receptor_to_vcc = dict([*map(int, pair.split(":"))] for pair in cbf_master_proxy.receptorToVcc) cbf_master_proxy.On() time.sleep(3) # check initial value of attributes of CBF subarray # assert proxies.subarray[1].receptors == () # assert proxies.subarray[1].configID == 0 assert proxies.subarray[1].frequencyBand == 0 assert proxies.subarray[1].obsState.value == ObsState.IDLE.value # assert tm_telstate_proxy.visDestinationAddress == "{}" assert tm_telstate_proxy.receivedOutputLinks == False # add receptors proxies.subarray[1].RemoveAllReceptors() proxies.subarray[1].AddReceptors([1, 3, 4]) time.sleep(1) assert proxies.subarray[1].receptors[0] == 1 assert proxies.subarray[1].receptors[1] == 3 assert proxies.subarray[1].receptors[2] == 4 # configure scan f = open(file_path + "/test_json/test_ConfigureScan_onlyPss_basic.json") proxies.subarray[1].ConfigureScan("\n", "")) f.close() time.sleep(15) # check configured attributes of CBF subarray # def test_ConfigureScan_basic( # self, # cbf_master_proxy, # proxies.subarray[1], # sw_1_proxy, # sw_2_proxy, # vcc_proxies, # vcc_band_proxies, # vcc_tdc_proxies, # fsp_1_proxy, # fsp_2_proxy, # fsp_1_function_mode_proxy, # fsp_2_function_mode_proxy, # fsp_1_proxies.subarray[1], # fsp_2_proxies.subarray[1], # fsp_3_proxies.subarray[1], # tm_telstate_proxy # ): # """ # Test a minimal successful configuration # """ # for proxy in vcc_proxies: # proxy.Init() # fsp_1_proxies.subarray[1].Init() # fsp_2_proxies.subarray[1].Init() # fsp_3_proxies.subarray[1].Init() # fsp_1_proxy.Init() # fsp_2_proxy.Init() # proxies.subarray[1].set_timeout_millis(60000) # since the command takes a while # proxies.subarray[1].Init() # time.sleep(3) # cbf_master_proxy.set_timeout_millis(60000) # cbf_master_proxy.Init() # time.sleep(60) # takes pretty long for CBF Master to initialize # tm_telstate_proxy.Init() # time.sleep(1) # receptor_to_vcc = dict([*map(int, pair.split(":"))] for pair in # cbf_master_proxy.receptorToVcc) # cbf_master_proxy.On() # time.sleep(60) # # turn on Subarray # assert proxies.subarray[1].state()==DevState.OFF # proxies.subarray[1].On() # time.sleep(10) # # check initial value of attributes of CBF subarray # assert len(proxies.subarray[1].receptors) == 0 # assert proxies.subarray[1].configID == 0 # assert proxies.subarray[1].frequencyBand == 0 # assert proxies.subarray[1].State() == DevState.ON # assert proxies.subarray[1].ObsState == ObsState.EMPTY # # assert tm_telstate_proxy.visDestinationAddress == "{}" # assert tm_telstate_proxy.receivedOutputLinks == False # # add receptors # proxies.subarray[1].RemoveAllReceptors() # proxies.subarray[1].AddReceptors([1, 3, 4]) # time.sleep(1) # assert proxies.subarray[1].receptors[0] == 1 # assert proxies.subarray[1].receptors[1] == 3 # assert proxies.subarray[1].receptors[2] == 4 # # configure scan # f = open(file_path + "/test_json/test_ConfigureScan_basic.json") # proxies.subarray[1].ConfigureScan("\n", "")) # f.close() # time.sleep(15) # # check configured attributes of CBF subarray # assert proxies.subarray[1].configID == "band:5a, fsp1, 744 channels average factor 8" # assert proxies.subarray[1].frequencyBand == 4 # means 5a? # assert proxies.subarray[1].obsState.value == ObsState.READY.value # # check frequency band of VCCs, including states of frequency band capabilities # assert vcc_proxies[receptor_to_vcc[4] - 1].frequencyBand == 4 # assert vcc_proxies[receptor_to_vcc[1] - 1].frequencyBand == 4 # assert [proxy.State() for proxy in vcc_band_proxies[receptor_to_vcc[4] - 1]] == [ # DevState.DISABLE, DevState.DISABLE, DevState.DISABLE, DevState.ON] # assert [proxy.State() for proxy in vcc_band_proxies[receptor_to_vcc[1] - 1]] == [ # DevState.DISABLE, DevState.DISABLE, DevState.DISABLE, DevState.ON] # # check the rest of the configured attributes of VCCs # # first for VCC belonging to receptor 10... # assert vcc_proxies[receptor_to_vcc[4] - 1].subarrayMembership == 1 # assert vcc_proxies[receptor_to_vcc[4] - 1].band5Tuning[0] == 5.85 # assert vcc_proxies[receptor_to_vcc[4] - 1].band5Tuning[1] == 7.25 # assert vcc_proxies[receptor_to_vcc[4] - 1].frequencyBandOffsetStream1 == 0 # assert vcc_proxies[receptor_to_vcc[4] - 1].frequencyBandOffsetStream2 == 0 # assert vcc_proxies[receptor_to_vcc[4] - 1].rfiFlaggingMask == "{}" # # then for VCC belonging to receptor 1... # assert vcc_proxies[receptor_to_vcc[1] - 1].subarrayMembership == 1 # assert vcc_proxies[receptor_to_vcc[1] - 1].band5Tuning[0] == 5.85 # assert vcc_proxies[receptor_to_vcc[1] - 1].band5Tuning[1] == 7.25 # assert vcc_proxies[receptor_to_vcc[1] - 1].frequencyBandOffsetStream1 == 0 # assert vcc_proxies[receptor_to_vcc[1] - 1].frequencyBandOffsetStream2 == 0 # assert vcc_proxies[receptor_to_vcc[1] - 1].rfiFlaggingMask == "{}" # # check configured attributes of search windows # # first for search window 1... # assert sw_1_proxy.State() == DevState.ON # assert sw_1_proxy.searchWindowTuning == 6000000000 # assert sw_1_proxy.tdcEnable == True # assert sw_1_proxy.tdcNumBits == 8 # assert sw_1_proxy.tdcPeriodBeforeEpoch == 5 # assert sw_1_proxy.tdcPeriodAfterEpoch == 25 # assert "".join(sw_1_proxy.tdcDestinationAddress.split()) in [ # "[{\"receptorID\":4,\"tdcDestinationAddress\":[\"foo\",\"bar\",\"8080\"]},{\"receptorID\":1,\"tdcDestinationAddress\":[\"fizz\",\"buzz\",\"80\"]}]", # "[{\"tdcDestinationAddress\":[\"foo\",\"bar\",\"8080\"],\"receptorID\":4},{\"receptorID\":1,\"tdcDestinationAddress\":[\"fizz\",\"buzz\",\"80\"]}]", # "[{\"receptorID\":4,\"tdcDestinationAddress\":[\"foo\",\"bar\",\"8080\"]},{\"tdcDestinationAddress\":[\"fizz\",\"buzz\",\"80\"],\"receptorID\":1}]", # "[{\"tdcDestinationAddress\":[\"foo\",\"bar\",\"8080\"],\"receptorID\":4},{\"tdcDestinationAddress\":[\"fizz\",\"buzz\",\"80\"],\"receptorID\":1}]", # ] # # then for search window 2... # assert sw_2_proxy.State() == DevState.DISABLE # assert sw_2_proxy.searchWindowTuning == 7000000000 # assert sw_2_proxy.tdcEnable == False # # check configured attributes of VCC search windows # # first for search window 1 of VCC belonging to receptor 10... # assert vcc_tdc_proxies[receptor_to_vcc[4] - 1][0].State() == DevState.ON # assert vcc_tdc_proxies[receptor_to_vcc[4] - 1][0].searchWindowTuning == 6000000000 # assert vcc_tdc_proxies[receptor_to_vcc[4] - 1][0].tdcEnable == True # assert vcc_tdc_proxies[receptor_to_vcc[4] - 1][0].tdcNumBits == 8 # assert vcc_tdc_proxies[receptor_to_vcc[4] - 1][0].tdcPeriodBeforeEpoch == 5 # assert vcc_tdc_proxies[receptor_to_vcc[4] - 1][0].tdcPeriodAfterEpoch == 25 # assert vcc_tdc_proxies[receptor_to_vcc[4] - 1][0].tdcDestinationAddress == ( # "foo", "bar", "8080" # ) # # then for search window 1 of VCC belonging to receptor 1... # assert vcc_tdc_proxies[receptor_to_vcc[1] - 1][0].State() == DevState.ON # assert vcc_tdc_proxies[receptor_to_vcc[1] - 1][0].searchWindowTuning == 6000000000 # assert vcc_tdc_proxies[receptor_to_vcc[1] - 1][0].tdcEnable == True # assert vcc_tdc_proxies[receptor_to_vcc[1] - 1][0].tdcNumBits == 8 # assert vcc_tdc_proxies[receptor_to_vcc[1] - 1][0].tdcPeriodBeforeEpoch == 5 # assert vcc_tdc_proxies[receptor_to_vcc[1] - 1][0].tdcPeriodAfterEpoch == 25 # assert vcc_tdc_proxies[receptor_to_vcc[1] - 1][0].tdcDestinationAddress == ( # "fizz", "buzz", "80" # ) # # then for search window 2 of VCC belonging to receptor 10... # assert vcc_tdc_proxies[receptor_to_vcc[4] - 1][1].State() == DevState.DISABLE # assert vcc_tdc_proxies[receptor_to_vcc[4] - 1][1].searchWindowTuning == 7000000000 # assert vcc_tdc_proxies[receptor_to_vcc[4] - 1][1].tdcEnable == False # # and lastly for search window 2 of VCC belonging to receptor 1... # assert vcc_tdc_proxies[receptor_to_vcc[1] - 1][1].State() == DevState.DISABLE # assert vcc_tdc_proxies[receptor_to_vcc[1] - 1][1].searchWindowTuning == 7000000000 # assert vcc_tdc_proxies[receptor_to_vcc[1] - 1][1].tdcEnable == False # # check configured attributes of FSPs, including states of function mode capabilities # assert fsp_1_proxy.functionMode == 1 # assert 1 in fsp_1_proxy.subarrayMembership # # assert 1 in fsp_2_proxy.subarrayMembership # assert [proxy.State() for proxy in fsp_1_function_mode_proxy] == [ # DevState.ON, DevState.DISABLE, DevState.DISABLE, DevState.DISABLE # ] # # assert [proxy.State() for proxy in fsp_2_function_mode_proxy] == [ # # DevState.ON, DevState.DISABLE, DevState.DISABLE, DevState.DISABLE # # ] # # check configured attributes of FSP subarrays # # first for FSP 1... # assert fsp_1_proxies.subarray[1].obsState == ObsState.EMPTY # assert fsp_1_proxies.subarray[1].receptors == 4 # assert fsp_1_proxies.subarray[1].frequencyBand == 4 # assert fsp_1_proxies.subarray[1].band5Tuning[0] == 5.85 # assert fsp_1_proxies.subarray[1].band5Tuning[1] == 7.25 # assert fsp_1_proxies.subarray[1].frequencyBandOffsetStream1 == 0 # assert fsp_1_proxies.subarray[1].frequencyBandOffsetStream2 == 0 # assert fsp_1_proxies.subarray[1].frequencySliceID == 1 # assert fsp_1_proxies.subarray[1].corrBandwidth == 1 # assert fsp_1_proxies.subarray[1].zoomWindowTuning == 4700000 # assert fsp_1_proxies.subarray[1].integrationTime == 140 # assert fsp_1_proxies.subarray[1].fspChannelOffset == 14880 # # assert fsp_1_proxies.subarray[1].channelAveragingMap[0][0] == 0 # # assert fsp_1_proxies.subarray[1].channelAveragingMap[0][1] == 8 # # assert fsp_1_proxies.subarray[1].channelAveragingMap[1][0] == 744 # # assert fsp_1_proxies.subarray[1].channelAveragingMap[1][1] == 8 # # assert fsp_1_proxies.subarray[1].channelAveragingMap[2][0] == 1488 # # assert fsp_1_proxies.subarray[1].channelAveragingMap[2][1] == 8 # # assert fsp_1_proxies.subarray[1].channelAveragingMap[3][0] == 2232 # # assert fsp_1_proxies.subarray[1].channelAveragingMap[3][1] == 8 # # assert fsp_1_proxies.subarray[1].channelAveragingMap[4][0] == 2976 # # assert fsp_1_proxies.subarray[1].channelAveragingMap[4][1] == 8 # # assert fsp_1_proxies.subarray[1].channelAveragingMap[5][0] == 3720 # # assert fsp_1_proxies.subarray[1].channelAveragingMap[5][1] == 8 # # assert fsp_1_proxies.subarray[1].channelAveragingMap[6][0] == 4464 # # assert fsp_1_proxies.subarray[1].channelAveragingMap[6][1] == 8 # # assert fsp_1_proxies.subarray[1].channelAveragingMap[7][0] == 5208 # # assert fsp_1_proxies.subarray[1].channelAveragingMap[7][1] == 8 # # assert fsp_1_proxies.subarray[1].channelAveragingMap[8][0] == 5952 # # assert fsp_1_proxies.subarray[1].channelAveragingMap[8][1] == 8 # # assert fsp_1_proxies.subarray[1].channelAveragingMap[9][0] == 6696 # # assert fsp_1_proxies.subarray[1].channelAveragingMap[9][1] == 8 # # assert fsp_1_proxies.subarray[1].channelAveragingMap[10][0] == 7440 # # assert fsp_1_proxies.subarray[1].channelAveragingMap[10][1] == 8 # # assert fsp_1_proxies.subarray[1].channelAveragingMap[11][0] == 8184 # # assert fsp_1_proxies.subarray[1].channelAveragingMap[11][1] == 8 # # assert fsp_1_proxies.subarray[1].channelAveragingMap[12][0] == 8928 # # assert fsp_1_proxies.subarray[1].channelAveragingMap[12][1] == 8 # # assert fsp_1_proxies.subarray[1].channelAveragingMap[13][0] == 9672 # # assert fsp_1_proxies.subarray[1].channelAveragingMap[13][1] == 8 # # assert fsp_1_proxies.subarray[1].channelAveragingMap[14][0] == 10416 # # assert fsp_1_proxies.subarray[1].channelAveragingMap[14][1] == 8 # # assert fsp_1_proxies.subarray[1].channelAveragingMap[15][0] == 11160 # # assert fsp_1_proxies.subarray[1].channelAveragingMap[15][1] == 8 # # assert fsp_1_proxies.subarray[1].channelAveragingMap[16][0] == 11904 # # assert fsp_1_proxies.subarray[1].channelAveragingMap[16][1] == 8 # # assert fsp_1_proxies.subarray[1].channelAveragingMap[17][0] == 12648 # # assert fsp_1_proxies.subarray[1].channelAveragingMap[17][1] == 8 # # assert fsp_1_proxies.subarray[1].channelAveragingMap[18][0] == 13392 # # assert fsp_1_proxies.subarray[1].channelAveragingMap[18][1] == 8 # # assert fsp_1_proxies.subarray[1].channelAveragingMap[19][0] == 14136 # # assert fsp_1_proxies.subarray[1].channelAveragingMap[19][1] == 8 # assert fsp_1_proxies.subarray[1].outputLinkMap[0][0] == 0 # assert fsp_1_proxies.subarray[1].outputLinkMap[0][1] == 4 # assert fsp_1_proxies.subarray[1].outputLinkMap[1][0] == 744 # assert fsp_1_proxies.subarray[1].outputLinkMap[1][1] == 8 # assert fsp_1_proxies.subarray[1].outputLinkMap[2][0] == 1488 # assert fsp_1_proxies.subarray[1].outputLinkMap[2][1] == 12 # assert fsp_1_proxies.subarray[1].outputLinkMap[3][0] == 2232 # assert fsp_1_subarray_1_proroxy.receptors[2] == 4 # # assert fsp_2_proxies.subarray[1].frequencyBand == 4 # # assert fsp_2_proxies.subarray[1].band5Tuning[0] == 5.85 # # assert fsp_2_proxies.subarray[1].band5Tuning[1] == 7.25 # # assert fsp_2_proxies.subarray[1].frequencyBandOffsetStream1 == 0 # # assert fsp_2_proxies.subarray[1].frequencyBandOffsetStream2 == 0 # # assert fsp_2_proxies.subarray[1].frequencySliceID == 20 # # assert fsp_2_proxies.subarray[1].corrBandwidth == 0 # # assert fsp_2_proxies.subarray[1].integrationTime == 1400 # # assert fsp_2_proxies.subarray[1].channelAveragingMap[0][0] == 1 # # assert fsp_2_proxies.subarray[1].channelAveragingMap[0][1] == 0 # # assert fsp_2_proxies.subarray[1].channelAveragingMap[1][0] == 745 # # assert fsp_2_proxies.subarray[1].channelAveragingMap[1][1] == 0 # # assert fsp_2_proxies.subarray[1].channelAveragingMap[2][0] == 1489 # # assert fsp_2_proxies.subarray[1].channelAveragingMap[2][1] == 0 # # assert fsp_2_proxies.subarray[1].channelAveragingMap[3][0] == 2233 # # assert fsp_2_proxies.subarray[1].channelAveragingMap[3][1] == 0 # # assert fsp_2_proxies.subarray[1].channelAveragingMap[4][0] == 2977 # # assert fsp_2_proxies.subarray[1].channelAveragingMap[4][1] == 0 # # assert fsp_2_proxies.subarray[1].channelAveragingMap[5][0] == 3721 # # assert fsp_2_proxies.subarray[1].channelAveragingMap[5][1] == 0 # # assert fsp_2_proxies.subarray[1].channelAveragingMap[6][0] == 4465 # # assert fsp_2_proxies.subarray[1].channelAveragingMap[6][1] == 0 # # assert fsp_2_proxies.subarray[1].channelAveragingMap[7][0] == 5209 # # assert fsp_2_proxies.subarray[1].channelAveragingMap[7][1] == 0 # # assert fsp_2_proxies.subarray[1].channelAveragingMap[8][0] == 5953 # # assert fsp_2_proxies.subarray[1].channelAveragingMap[8][1] == 0 # # assert fsp_2_proxies.subarray[1].channelAveragingMap[9][0] == 6697 # # assert fsp_2_proxies.subarray[1].channelAveragingMap[9][1] == 0 # # assert fsp_2_proxies.subarray[1].channelAveragingMap[10][0] == 7441 # # assert fsp_2_proxies.subarray[1].channelAveragingMap[10][1] == 0 # # assert fsp_2_proxies.subarray[1].channelAveragingMap[11][0] == 8185 # # assert fsp_2_proxies.subarray[1].channelAveragingMap[11][1] == 0 # # assert fsp_2_proxies.subarray[1].channelAveragingMap[12][0] == 8929 # # assert fsp_2_proxies.subarray[1].channelAveragingMap[12][1] == 0 # # assert fsp_2_proxies.subarray[1].channelAveragingMap[13][0] == 9673 # # assert fsp_2_proxies.subarray[1].channelAveragingMap[13][1] == 0 # # assert fsp_2_proxies.subarray[1].channelAveragingMap[14][0] == 10417 # # assert fsp_2_proxies.subarray[1].channelAveragingMap[14][1] == 0 # # assert fsp_2_proxies.subarray[1].channelAveragingMap[15][0] == 11161 # # assert fsp_2_proxies.subarray[1].channelAveragingMap[15][1] == 0 # # assert fsp_2_proxies.subarray[1].channelAveragingMap[16][0] == 11905 # # assert fsp_2_proxies.subarray[1].channelAveragingMap[16][1] == 0 # # assert fsp_2_proxies.subarray[1].channelAveragingMap[17][0] == 12649 # # assert fsp_2_proxies.subarray[1].channelAveragingMap[17][1] == 0 # # assert fsp_2_proxies.subarray[1].channelAveragingMap[18][0] == 13393 # # assert fsp_2_proxies.subarray[1].channelAveragingMap[18][1] == 0 # # assert fsp_2_proxies.subarray[1].channelAveragingMap[19][0] == 14137 # # assert fsp_2_proxies.subarray[1].channelAveragingMap[19][1] == 0 # # then for FSP 3... # assert fsp_3_proxies.subarray[1].receptors[0] == 3 # assert fsp_3_proxies.subarray[1].receptors[1] == 1 # assert fsp_3_proxies.subarray[1].searchWindowID == 2 # assert fsp_3_proxies.subarray[1].searchBeamID[0] == 300 # assert fsp_3_proxies.subarray[1].searchBeamID[1] == 400 # searchBeam = fsp_3_proxies.subarray[1].searchBeams # searchBeam300 = json.loads(searchBeam[0]) # searchBeam400 = json.loads(searchBeam[1]) # assert searchBeam300["searchBeamID"] == 300 # assert searchBeam300["receptors"][0] == 3 # assert searchBeam300["outputEnable"] == True # assert searchBeam300["averagingInterval"] == 4 # assert searchBeam300["searchBeamDestinationAddress"] == "" # assert searchBeam400["searchBeamID"] == 400 # assert searchBeam400["receptors"][0] == 1 # assert searchBeam400["outputEnable"] == True # assert searchBeam400["averagingInterval"] == 2 # assert searchBeam400["searchBeamDestinationAddress"] == "" # proxies.subarray[1].GoToIdle() # time.sleep(3) # assert proxies.subarray[1].obsState == ObsState.IDLE # proxies.subarray[1].RemoveAllReceptors() # time.sleep(3) # assert proxies.subarray[1].state() == tango.DevState.OFFequency band capabilities assert vcc_proxies[receptor_to_vcc[4] - 1].frequencyBand == 4 assert vcc_proxies[receptor_to_vcc[1] - 1].frequencyBand == 4 assert [proxy.State() for proxy in vcc_band_proxies[receptor_to_vcc[4] - 1]] == [ DevState.DISABLE, DevState.DISABLE, DevState.DISABLE, DevState.ON] assert [proxy.State() for proxy in vcc_band_proxies[receptor_to_vcc[1] - 1]] == [ DevState.DISABLE, DevState.DISABLE, DevState.DISABLE, DevState.ON] # check the rest of the configured attributes of VCCs # first for VCC belonging to receptor 10... assert vcc_proxies[receptor_to_vcc[4] - 1].subarrayMembership == 1 assert vcc_proxies[receptor_to_vcc[4] - 1].band5Tuning[0] == 5.85 assert vcc_proxies[receptor_to_vcc[4] - 1].band5Tuning[1] == 7.25 assert vcc_proxies[receptor_to_vcc[4] - 1].frequencyBandOffsetStream1 == 0 assert vcc_proxies[receptor_to_vcc[4] - 1].frequencyBandOffsetStream2 == 0 assert vcc_proxies[receptor_to_vcc[4] - 1].rfiFlaggingMask == "{}" # then for VCC belonging to receptor 1... assert vcc_proxies[receptor_to_vcc[1] - 1].subarrayMembership == 1 assert vcc_proxies[receptor_to_vcc[1] - 1].band5Tuning[0] == 5.85 assert vcc_proxies[receptor_to_vcc[1] - 1].band5Tuning[1] == 7.25 assert vcc_proxies[receptor_to_vcc[1] - 1].frequencyBandOffsetStream1 == 0 assert vcc_proxies[receptor_to_vcc[1] - 1].frequencyBandOffsetStream2 == 0 assert vcc_proxies[receptor_to_vcc[1] - 1].rfiFlaggingMask == "{}" # check configured attributes of search windows # first for search window 1... assert sw_1_proxy.State() == DevState.ON assert sw_1_proxy.searchWindowTuning == 6000000000 assert sw_1_proxy.tdcEnable == True assert sw_1_proxy.tdcNumBits == 8 assert sw_1_proxy.tdcPeriodBeforeEpoch == 5 assert sw_1_proxy.tdcPeriodAfterEpoch == 25 assert "".join(sw_1_proxy.tdcDestinationAddress.split()) in [ "[{\"receptorID\":4,\"tdcDestinationAddress\":[\"foo\",\"bar\",\"8080\"]},{\"receptorID\":1,\"tdcDestinationAddress\":[\"fizz\",\"buzz\",\"80\"]}]", "[{\"tdcDestinationAddress\":[\"foo\",\"bar\",\"8080\"],\"receptorID\":4},{\"receptorID\":1,\"tdcDestinationAddress\":[\"fizz\",\"buzz\",\"80\"]}]", "[{\"receptorID\":4,\"tdcDestinationAddress\":[\"foo\",\"bar\",\"8080\"]},{\"tdcDestinationAddress\":[\"fizz\",\"buzz\",\"80\"],\"receptorID\":1}]", "[{\"tdcDestinationAddress\":[\"foo\",\"bar\",\"8080\"],\"receptorID\":4},{\"tdcDestinationAddress\":[\"fizz\",\"buzz\",\"80\"],\"receptorID\":1}]", ] # then for search window 2... assert sw_2_proxy.State() == DevState.DISABLE assert sw_2_proxy.searchWindowTuning == 7000000000 assert sw_2_proxy.tdcEnable == False # check configured attributes of VCC search windows # first for search window 1 of VCC belonging to receptor 10... assert vcc_tdc_proxies[receptor_to_vcc[4] - 1][0].State() == DevState.ON assert vcc_tdc_proxies[receptor_to_vcc[4] - 1][0].searchWindowTuning == 6000000000 assert vcc_tdc_proxies[receptor_to_vcc[4] - 1][0].tdcEnable == True assert vcc_tdc_proxies[receptor_to_vcc[4] - 1][0].tdcNumBits == 8 assert vcc_tdc_proxies[receptor_to_vcc[4] - 1][0].tdcPeriodBeforeEpoch == 5 assert vcc_tdc_proxies[receptor_to_vcc[4] - 1][0].tdcPeriodAfterEpoch == 25 assert vcc_tdc_proxies[receptor_to_vcc[4] - 1][0].tdcDestinationAddress == ( "foo", "bar", "8080" ) # then for search window 1 of VCC belonging to receptor 1... assert vcc_tdc_proxies[receptor_to_vcc[1] - 1][0].State() == DevState.ON assert vcc_tdc_proxies[receptor_to_vcc[1] - 1][0].searchWindowTuning == 6000000000 assert vcc_tdc_proxies[receptor_to_vcc[1] - 1][0].tdcEnable == True assert vcc_tdc_proxies[receptor_to_vcc[1] - 1][0].tdcNumBits == 8 assert vcc_tdc_proxies[receptor_to_vcc[1] - 1][0].tdcPeriodBeforeEpoch == 5 assert vcc_tdc_proxies[receptor_to_vcc[1] - 1][0].tdcPeriodAfterEpoch == 25 assert vcc_tdc_proxies[receptor_to_vcc[1] - 1][0].tdcDestinationAddress == ( "fizz", "buzz", "80" ) # then for search window 2 of VCC belonging to receptor 10... assert vcc_tdc_proxies[receptor_to_vcc[4] - 1][1].State() == DevState.DISABLE assert vcc_tdc_proxies[receptor_to_vcc[4] - 1][1].searchWindowTuning == 7000000000 assert vcc_tdc_proxies[receptor_to_vcc[4] - 1][1].tdcEnable == False # and lastly for search window 2 of VCC belonging to receptor 1... assert vcc_tdc_proxies[receptor_to_vcc[1] - 1][1].State() == DevState.DISABLE assert vcc_tdc_proxies[receptor_to_vcc[1] - 1][1].searchWindowTuning == 7000000000 assert vcc_tdc_proxies[receptor_to_vcc[1] - 1][1].tdcEnable == False assert fsp_3_proxies.subarray[1].receptors[0] == 3 assert fsp_3_proxies.subarray[1].receptors[1] == 1 assert fsp_3_proxies.subarray[1].searchWindowID == 2 assert fsp_3_proxies.subarray[1].searchBeamID[0] == 300 assert fsp_3_proxies.subarray[1].searchBeamID[1] == 400 searchBeam = fsp_3_proxies.subarray[1].searchBeams searchBeam300 = json.loads(searchBeam[0]) searchBeam400 = json.loads(searchBeam[1]) assert searchBeam300["searchBeamID"] == 300 assert searchBeam300["receptors"][0] == 3 assert searchBeam300["outputEnable"] == True assert searchBeam300["averagingInterval"] == 4 assert searchBeam300["searchBeamDestinationAddress"] == "" assert searchBeam400["searchBeamID"] == 400 assert searchBeam400["receptors"][0] == 1 assert searchBeam400["outputEnable"] == True assert searchBeam400["averagingInterval"] == 2 assert searchBeam400["searchBeamDestinationAddress"] == "" proxies.subarray[1].GoToIdle() time.sleep(3) assert proxies.subarray[1].obsState == ObsState.IDLE proxies.subarray[1].RemoveAllReceptors() time.sleep(3) assert proxies.subarray[1].state() == tango.DevState.OFF def test_band1( self, cbf_master_proxy, proxies.subarray[1], sw_1_proxy, sw_2_proxy, vcc_proxies, vcc_band_proxies, vcc_tdc_proxies, fsp_1_proxy, fsp_2_proxy, fsp_1_function_mode_proxy, fsp_2_function_mode_proxy, fsp_1_proxies.subarray[1], fsp_2_proxies.subarray[1], fsp_3_proxies.subarray[1], tm_telstate_proxy ): """ Test a minimal successful configuration """ for proxy in vcc_proxies: proxy.Init() fsp_1_proxies.subarray[1].Init() fsp_2_proxies.subarray[1].Init() fsp_3_proxies.subarray[1].Init() fsp_1_proxy.Init() fsp_2_proxy.Init() time.sleep(3) cbf_master_proxy.set_timeout_millis(60000) cbf_master_proxy.Init() time.sleep(60) # takes pretty long for CBF Master to initialize tm_telstate_proxy.Init() time.sleep(1) receptor_to_vcc = dict([*map(int, pair.split(":"))] for pair in cbf_master_proxy.receptorToVcc) cbf_master_proxy.On() time.sleep(3) # check initial value of attributes of CBF subarray assert len(proxies.subarray[1].receptors) == 0 assert proxies.subarray[1].configID == '' assert proxies.subarray[1].frequencyBand == 0 assert proxies.subarray[1].obsState.value == ObsState.IDLE.value # assert tm_telstate_proxy.visDestinationAddress == "{}" assert tm_telstate_proxy.receivedOutputLinks == False # add receptors proxies.subarray[1].AddReceptors([1, 3, 4]) time.sleep(1) assert proxies.subarray[1].receptors[0] == 1 assert proxies.subarray[1].receptors[1] == 3 assert proxies.subarray[1].receptors[2] == 4 # configure scan f = open(file_path + "/test_json/data_model_confluence.json") proxies.subarray[1].ConfigureScan("\n", "")) f.close() time.sleep(15) # check configured attributes of CBF subarray assert proxies.subarray[1].configID == "sbi-mvp01-20200325-00001-science_A" assert proxies.subarray[1].frequencyBand == 0 # means 1 assert proxies.subarray[1].obsState.value == ObsState.READY.value # check frequency band of VCCs, including states of frequency band capabilities assert vcc_proxies[receptor_to_vcc[4] - 1].frequencyBand == 0 assert vcc_proxies[receptor_to_vcc[1] - 1].frequencyBand == 0 # check the rest of the configured attributes of VCCs # first for VCC belonging to receptor 10... assert vcc_proxies[receptor_to_vcc[4] - 1].subarrayMembership == 1 # then for VCC belonging to receptor 1... assert vcc_proxies[receptor_to_vcc[1] - 1].subarrayMembership == 1 # check configured attributes of FSPs, including states of function mode capabilities assert fsp_1_proxy.functionMode == 1 assert 1 in fsp_1_proxy.subarrayMembership # assert 1 in fsp_2_proxy.subarrayMembership assert [proxy.State() for proxy in fsp_1_function_mode_proxy] == [ DevState.ON, DevState.DISABLE, DevState.DISABLE, DevState.DISABLE ] # assert [proxy.State() for proxy in fsp_2_function_mode_proxy] == [ # DevState.ON, DevState.DISABLE, DevState.DISABLE, DevState.DISABLE # ] # check configured attributes of FSP subarrays # first for FSP 1... assert fsp_1_proxies.subarray[1].obsState == ObsState.READY assert fsp_1_proxies.subarray[1].frequencyBand == 0 assert fsp_1_proxies.subarray[1].frequencySliceID == 1 assert fsp_1_proxies.subarray[1].corrBandwidth == 0 assert fsp_1_proxies.subarray[1].integrationTime == 1400 assert fsp_1_proxies.subarray[1].outputLinkMap[0][0] == 1 assert fsp_1_proxies.subarray[1].outputLinkMap[0][1] == 0 assert fsp_1_proxies.subarray[1].outputLinkMap[1][0] == 201 assert fsp_1_proxies.subarray[1].outputLinkMap[1][1] == 1 proxies.subarray[1].GoToIdle() time.sleep(3) assert proxies.subarray[1].obsState == ObsState.IDLE proxies.subarray[1].RemoveAllReceptors() time.sleep(1) proxies.subarray[1].Off() assert proxies.subarray[1].state() == tango.DevState.OFF '''
from mmgroup.mm_space import MMSpace, MMV, MMVector from mmgroup.mm_space import characteristics from mmgroup.structures.mm0_group import MM0Group from mmgroup.tests.spaces.sparse_mm_space import SparseMmSpace from mmgroup.tests.spaces.sparse_mm_space import SparseMmV from mmgroup.tests.groups.mgroup_n import MGroupN #print("module mmgroup.tests.spaces.spaces is deprecated!!") spaces_dict = {} g = MM0Group() ref_g = MGroupN() class TestSpace: def __init__(self, p): self.p = p = MMV(p) self.ref_space = SparseMmV(p) = g self.ref_group = ref_g def __call__(self, *args): return*args) def MMTestSpace(p): global spaces_dict try: return spaces_dict[p] except KeyError: spaces_dict[p] = TestSpace(p) return spaces_dict[p]
<gh_stars>1-10 #!/usr/bin/python # fetch the latest arXiv listings and transform them to markdown # Copyright (C) 2014 <NAME> # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining # a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), # to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation # the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, # and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the # Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included # in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES # OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. # IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, # DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, # TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE # OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. from __future__ import print_function import feedparser import subprocess import time import re def parse_archive(archive, updates=True, link_to="pdf"): out = u"" d = feedparser.parse("{}".format(archive)) day = time.strftime("%F", d.feed.updated_parsed) if updates: update_string=u"with replacements" else: update_string=u"" out=out + u"<h1>{} arXiv of {} {}</h1>\n".format(a, day, update_string) for entry in d.entries: if (not updates) and entry.title.endswith("UPDATED)"): break out = out + u"<h2>{}</h2>\n".format(entry.title) out = out + u"<p>Authors: {}</p>\n".format( out = out + u"<a href='{}'>Link</a>\n".format("abs",link_to,1)) out = out + entry.summary+u"\n" pandoc = subprocess.Popen("pandoc -R -f html -t markdown --atx-headers".split(), stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) (result,error) = pandoc.communicate(input=out) pandoc.stdout.close() # Pandoc conversion to markdown escapes LaTeX, we need to unescape it result = re.sub(r"\\([\\$^_*<>])", r"\1", result) if error: result = result + u"*ERROR: Pandoc conversion failed with error {}*\n".format(error) return result if __name__ == "__main__": import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="fetch the latest arXiv listings and transform them to markdown") parser.add_argument("archive", help="an archive to fetch", nargs="+") parser.add_argument("-r", "--replacements", help="also fetch the replacements", action="store_true", default=False) parser.add_argument("-a", "--link-to-abstract", help="make the links point to the abstracts rather than the PDFs", action="store_true", default=False) args = parser.parse_args() if args.link_to_abstract: link_to = "abs" else: link_to = "pdf" for a in args.archive: print(parse_archive(a,args.replacements,link_to))
Templates - Script/
"""Advanced Collection of Data: Collects all the walls of height 10""" __author__ = '<NAME>' import Autodesk.Revit.DB as DB doc = __revit__.ActiveUIDocument.Document uidoc = __revit__.ActiveUIDocument height_param_id = DB.ElementId(DB.BuiltInParameter.WALL_USER_HEIGHT_PARAM) height_param_prov = DB.ParameterValueProvider(height_param_id) param_equality = DB.FilterNumericEquals() heigh_value_rule = DB.FilterDoubleRule(height_param_prov, param_equality, 10.0, 1E-6) param_filter = DB.ElementParameterFilter(heigh_value_rule) walls = DB.FilteredElementCollector(doc) \ .WherePasses(param_filter) \ .ToElementIds() uidoc.Selection.SetElementIds(walls)
def prime(limit): count = 1 while(count<limit): flag = 0 for i in range(3,count,2): if (count%i==0): flag = 1 if (flag==0): print(count) count+=2 prime(100)
from big_fiubrother_core import QueueTask from big_fiubrother_core.db import Database, VideoChunk from import raw_storage from big_fiubrother_core.synchronization import ProcessSynchronizer from os import path import logging class StoreVideoChunk(QueueTask): def __init__(self, configuration, input_queue, output_queue): super().__init__(input_queue) self.output_queue = output_queue self.configuration = configuration def init(self): self.db = Database(self.configuration['db']) = raw_storage(self.configuration['storage']) self.process_synchronizer = ProcessSynchronizer( self.configuration['synchronization']) def execute_with(self, message): video_chunk = VideoChunk(camera_id=message.camera_id, timestamp=message.timestamp) self.db.add(video_chunk)"{} created in DB. Sampling starting!") self.process_synchronizer.register_video_task(str( filepath = path.join('tmp', '{}.h264'.format( with open(filepath, 'wb') as file: file.write(message.payload), filepath) self.output_queue.put({ 'video_chunk_id':, 'path': filepath }) def close(self): self.db.close() self.process_synchronizer.close()
<reponame>drewsonne/dagster<filename>python_modules/dagster/dagster/core/definitions/ import inspect from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, Generator, Optional, cast from dagster import check from import AssetMaterialization, RetryRequested from dagster.core.errors import ( DagsterInvalidConfigError, DagsterInvalidInvocationError, DagsterInvariantViolationError, DagsterSolidInvocationError, user_code_error_boundary, ) if TYPE_CHECKING: from dagster.core.definitions import SolidDefinition from dagster.core.execution.context.invocation import DirectSolidExecutionContext def solid_invocation_result( solid_def: "SolidDefinition", context: Optional["DirectSolidExecutionContext"], *args, **kwargs ) -> Any: context = _check_invocation_requirements(solid_def, context) input_dict = _resolve_inputs(solid_def, args, kwargs) outputs = _execute_and_retrieve_outputs(solid_def, context, input_dict) if len(outputs) == 1: return outputs[0] return outputs def _check_invocation_requirements( solid_def: "SolidDefinition", context: Optional["DirectSolidExecutionContext"] ) -> "DirectSolidExecutionContext": """Ensure that provided context fulfills requirements of solid definition. If no context was provided, then construct an enpty DirectSolidExecutionContext """ from dagster.core.execution.context.invocation import DirectSolidExecutionContext from dagster.config.validate import validate_config # Check resource requirements if solid_def.required_resource_keys and context is None: raise DagsterInvalidInvocationError( f'Solid "{}" has required resources, but no context was provided. Use the' "`build_solid_context` function to construct a context with the required " "resources." ) if context is not None and solid_def.required_resource_keys: resources_dict = cast( # type: ignore[attr-defined] "DirectSolidExecutionContext", context, ).resources._asdict() for resource_key in solid_def.required_resource_keys: if resource_key not in resources_dict: raise DagsterInvalidInvocationError( f'Solid "{}" requires resource "{resource_key}", but no resource ' "with that key was found on the context." ) # Check config requirements if not context and solid_def.config_schema.as_field().is_required: raise DagsterInvalidInvocationError( f'Solid "{}" has required config schema, but no context was provided. ' "Use the `build_solid_context` function to create a context with config." ) config = None if solid_def.config_field: solid_config = check.opt_dict_param( context.solid_config if context else None, "solid_config" ) config_evr = validate_config(solid_def.config_field.config_type, solid_config) if not config_evr.success: raise DagsterInvalidConfigError( "Error in config for solid ", config_evr.errors, solid_config ) mapped_config_evr = solid_def.apply_config_mapping({"config": solid_config}) if not mapped_config_evr.success: raise DagsterInvalidConfigError( "Error in config for solid ", mapped_config_evr.errors, solid_config ) config = mapped_config_evr.value.get("config", {}) return ( context if context else DirectSolidExecutionContext(solid_config=config, resources_dict=None, instance=None) ) def _resolve_inputs(solid_def, args, kwargs): input_defs = solid_def.input_defs # Fail early if too many inputs were provided. if len(input_defs) < len(args) + len(kwargs): raise DagsterInvalidInvocationError( f"Too many input arguments were provided for solid '{}'. This may be because " "an argument was provided for the context parameter, but no context parameter was defined " "for the solid." ) input_dict = { input_val for input_val, input_def in zip(args, input_defs[: len(args)]) } for input_def in input_defs[len(args) :]: if not input_def.has_default_value and not in kwargs: raise DagsterInvalidInvocationError( f'No value provided for required input "{}".' ) input_dict[] = ( kwargs[] if in kwargs else input_def.default_value ) return input_dict def _execute_and_retrieve_outputs( solid_def: "SolidDefinition", context: "DirectSolidExecutionContext", input_dict: Dict[str, Any] ) -> tuple: output_values = {} output_names = { for output_def in solid_def.output_defs} for output in _core_generator(solid_def, context, input_dict): if not isinstance(output, AssetMaterialization): if output.output_name in output_values: raise DagsterInvariantViolationError( f'Solid "{}" returned an output "{output.output_name}" multiple ' "times" ) elif output.output_name not in output_names: raise DagsterInvariantViolationError( f'Solid "{}" returned an output "{output.output_name}" that does ' f"not exist. The available outputs are {list(output_names)}" ) else: output_values[output.output_name] = output.value else: context.record_materialization(output) # Check to make sure all non-optional outputs were yielded. for output_def in solid_def.output_defs: if not in output_values and output_def.is_required: raise DagsterInvariantViolationError( f'Solid "{}" did not return an output for non-optional ' f'output "{}"' ) # Explicitly preserve the ordering of output defs return tuple([output_values[] for output_def in solid_def.output_defs]) def _core_generator( solid_def: "SolidDefinition", context: "DirectSolidExecutionContext", input_dict: Dict[str, Any] ) -> Generator[Any, None, None]: from dagster.core.execution.plan.compute import gen_from_async_gen with user_code_error_boundary( DagsterSolidInvocationError, control_flow_exceptions=[RetryRequested], msg_fn=lambda: f'Error occurred while invoking solid "{}":', ): compute_iterator = solid_def.compute_fn(context, input_dict) if inspect.isasyncgen(compute_iterator): compute_iterator = gen_from_async_gen(compute_iterator) yield from compute_iterator
from .k_armed_bandit import KArmedBandit from .grid_world import GridWorld from .race_track import RaceTrack from .windy_grid_world import WindyGridWorld from .maze import Maze from .mountain_car import MountainCar from .random_walk import RandomWalk from .short_corridor import ShortCorridor
from random import randint for i in range(5): n = (randint(0,10)) if(i == 0): m = n M = n if (n > M): M = n elif (n < m): m = n print(n, end=' ') print(f'\nO maior número foi {M}\nE o Menor foi {m}')
<reponame>omerk2511/dropbox from Tkinter import * from common import Codes from ..controllers import FileController # EditorController (?) from import Data class Editors(Frame): def __init__(self, parent): Frame.__init__(self, parent) self.parent = parent self.elements = {} title_frame = Frame(self) title_frame.pack(expand=True, fill=BOTH, padx=70, pady=(30, 20)) self.elements['title'] = Label(title_frame, text='Editors', fg='#003399', font=('Arial', 28)) self.elements['title'].pack(side=TOP) self.elements['editors_frame'] = Frame(self) self.elements['editors_frame'].pack(side=TOP, padx=120, pady=30, expand=False, fill=BOTH) self.elements['new_editor_frame'] = Frame(self) self.elements['new_editor_frame'].pack(side=TOP, padx=120, pady=30, expand=False, fill=BOTH) self.elements['editor_frames'] = [] self.current_file = None def initialize(self): self.current_file = Data().get_current_file() self.editors = FileController.get_file_editors(self.current_file, Data().get_token()) for editor_frame in self.elements['editor_frames']: editor_frame.pack_forget() self.elements['editor_frames'] = [] self.elements['editors_frame'].pack_forget() self.elements['editors_frame'].pack(side=TOP, padx=120, pady=30, expand=False, fill=BOTH) self.elements['new_editor_frame'].pack_forget() self.elements['new_editor_frame'].pack(side=TOP, padx=120, pady=(10, 30), expand=False, fill=BOTH) if not self.editors: no_editors_label = Label(self.elements['editors_frame'], bg='gray', text='There are no editors for this file.', font=('Arial', 22), anchor='w') no_editors_label.pack(side=LEFT, expand=True, fill=X) self.elements['editor_frames'].append(no_editors_label) for editor in self.editors: editor_frame = Frame(self.elements['editors_frame'], bg='gray') editor_frame.pack(side=TOP, expand=False, fill=X, pady=10) editor_label = Label(editor_frame, font=('Arial', 18), bg='gray', text='%s (%s)' % (editor['user']['username'], editor['user']['full_name'])) editor_label.pack(side=LEFT, padx=20, pady=10) remove_editor_button = Button(editor_frame, text='Remove', font=('Arial', 16), bg='#990000', fg='#ffffff', activebackground='#b30000', activeforeground='#ffffff', command=self.generate_remove_editor(editor['id'])) remove_editor_button.pack(side=RIGHT, padx=20, pady=10) self.elements['editor_frames'].append(editor_frame) if 'editor_entry' in self.elements: self.elements['editor_entry'].pack_forget() self.elements['editor_entry'] = Entry(self.elements['new_editor_frame'], font=('Arial', 18)) self.elements['editor_entry'].pack(side=LEFT, padx=(0, 10), expand=True, fill=BOTH) if 'add_editor_button' in self.elements: self.elements['add_editor_button'].pack_forget() self.elements['add_editor_button'] = Button(self.elements['new_editor_frame'], text='Add Editor', font=('Arial', 18), bg='#003399', activebackground='#002266', fg='#ffffff', activeforeground='#ffffff', command=self.add_editor) self.elements['add_editor_button'].pack(side=LEFT, expand=False, fill=X) def add_editor(self): editor_username = self.elements['editor_entry'].get() self.elements['editor_entry'].delete(0, END) if not editor_username: self.parent.display_error('You have to enter an editor username.') return response = FileController.add_file_editor(self.current_file, editor_username, Data().get_token()) if response.code == Codes.SUCCESS: self.parent.display_info('Editor added successfully!') self.initialize() else: self.parent.display_error(response.payload['message']) def generate_remove_editor(self, editor_id): return lambda: self.remove_editor(editor_id) def remove_editor(self, editor_id): response = FileController.remove_file_editor(editor_id, Data().get_token()) if response.code == Codes.SUCCESS: self.parent.display_info('Editor removed successfully!') self.initialize() else: self.parent.display_error(response.payload['message'])
# apispec-swaggerinherit - Plugin for apispec adding support for Swagger-style # inheritance using `allOf` # Copyright (C) 2018 <NAME> # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. from apispec.ext.marshmallow import swagger from marshmallow import Schema std_bases = [Schema] try: from marshmallow_oneofschema import OneOfSchema std_bases.append(OneOfSchema) except ImportError: pass def swaggerinherit_definition_helper(spec, name, schema, definition, **kwargs): """Definition helper that modifies the schema definition to make use of swagger-style inheritance using `allOf`. Uses the `schema` parameter. """ parents = [b for b in schema.__bases__ if b not in std_bases] if not parents: return ref_path = swagger.get_ref_path(spec.openapi_version.version[0]) try: refs = ['#/{}/{}'.format(ref_path, spec.plugins['apispec.ext.marshmallow']['refs'][schema_cls]) for schema_cls in parents] except KeyError: raise ValueError("Parent schemas must be added to the spec before the " "child schema") child_def = definition.copy() for parent in parents: for name in parent._declared_fields.keys(): del child_def['properties'][name] try: child_def['required'].remove(name) except ValueError: pass if not child_def['required']: del child_def['required'] definition.clear() return { 'allOf': [{'$ref': ref} for ref in refs] + [child_def] } def setup(spec): spec.register_definition_helper(swaggerinherit_definition_helper)
<gh_stars>0 from sqlalchemy import ( MetaData, Table, Column, Integer, ) meta = MetaData() def upgrade(migrate_engine): meta.bind = migrate_engine t = Table("demographics_request_column_definition", meta, autoload=True) uhl_system_number_column_id = Column("uhl_system_number_column_id", Integer) uhl_system_number_column_id.create(t) def downgrade(migrate_engine): meta.bind = migrate_engine t = Table("demographics_request_column_definition", meta, autoload=True) t.c.uhl_system_number_column_id.drop()
import pytest from aao.spiders import spiders pytestmark = pytest.mark.sports class TestSport(): """Nothing to test. """ pass class TestSoccer(): """Test the Soccer ABC across all bookmakers. """ @pytest.fixture(scope='class', params=spiders.values()) def spider(self, request): s = request.param() yield s s.quit() competitions = { 'england': 'premier_league', 'italy': 'serie_a', 'spain': 'la_liga', } def test_countries(self, spider): countries = assert set(self.competitions.keys()) <= set(countries) assert isinstance(countries, list) def test_countries_full(self, spider): countries = assert set(self.competitions.keys()) <= set(countries.keys()) assert isinstance(countries, dict) @pytest.mark.parametrize('country', competitions.keys()) def test_leagues(self, spider, country): leagues = assert self.competitions[country] in leagues assert isinstance(leagues, list) @pytest.mark.parametrize('country', competitions.keys()) def test_leagues_full(self, spider, country): leagues =, full=True) assert self.competitions[country] in leagues.keys() assert isinstance(leagues, dict) def test_league_not_supported(self, spider): country = 'foo_country' with pytest.raises(KeyError, match=f'{country} is not supported *'): @pytest.mark.parametrize('country,league', competitions.items()) def test_teams(self, spider, country, league): teams =, league) assert isinstance(teams, list) @pytest.mark.parametrize('country,league', competitions.items()) def test_teams_full(self, spider, country, league): teams =, league, full=True) assert isinstance(teams, dict) def test_teams_not_supported(self, spider): country, league = 'serie_a', 'foo_league' with pytest.raises(KeyError, match=f'{league} is not supported *'):, league) @pytest.mark.parametrize('country,league', competitions.items()) def test_setattr_competiton(self, spider, country, league):, league) assert assert assert assert @pytest.mark.parametrize( 'country,league', [next(iter(competitions.items()))]) def test_events(self, spider, country, league): events =, league) assert isinstance(events, list) assert events @pytest.mark.parametrize( 'country,league', [next(iter(competitions.items()))]) def test_odds(self, spider, country, league): events, odds =, league) assert isinstance(events, list) assert events assert isinstance(odds, list) assert odds
from bs_dateutil.easter import easter from bs_dateutil.easter import EASTER_WESTERN, EASTER_ORTHODOX, EASTER_JULIAN from datetime import date import pytest # List of easters between 1990 and 2050 western_easter_dates = [ date(1990, 4, 15), date(1991, 3, 31), date(1992, 4, 19), date(1993, 4, 11), date(1994, 4, 3), date(1995, 4, 16), date(1996, 4, 7), date(1997, 3, 30), date(1998, 4, 12), date(1999, 4, 4), date(2000, 4, 23), date(2001, 4, 15), date(2002, 3, 31), date(2003, 4, 20), date(2004, 4, 11), date(2005, 3, 27), date(2006, 4, 16), date(2007, 4, 8), date(2008, 3, 23), date(2009, 4, 12), date(2010, 4, 4), date(2011, 4, 24), date(2012, 4, 8), date(2013, 3, 31), date(2014, 4, 20), date(2015, 4, 5), date(2016, 3, 27), date(2017, 4, 16), date(2018, 4, 1), date(2019, 4, 21), date(2020, 4, 12), date(2021, 4, 4), date(2022, 4, 17), date(2023, 4, 9), date(2024, 3, 31), date(2025, 4, 20), date(2026, 4, 5), date(2027, 3, 28), date(2028, 4, 16), date(2029, 4, 1), date(2030, 4, 21), date(2031, 4, 13), date(2032, 3, 28), date(2033, 4, 17), date(2034, 4, 9), date(2035, 3, 25), date(2036, 4, 13), date(2037, 4, 5), date(2038, 4, 25), date(2039, 4, 10), date(2040, 4, 1), date(2041, 4, 21), date(2042, 4, 6), date(2043, 3, 29), date(2044, 4, 17), date(2045, 4, 9), date(2046, 3, 25), date(2047, 4, 14), date(2048, 4, 5), date(2049, 4, 18), date(2050, 4, 10), ] orthodox_easter_dates = [ date(1990, 4, 15), date(1991, 4, 7), date(1992, 4, 26), date(1993, 4, 18), date(1994, 5, 1), date(1995, 4, 23), date(1996, 4, 14), date(1997, 4, 27), date(1998, 4, 19), date(1999, 4, 11), date(2000, 4, 30), date(2001, 4, 15), date(2002, 5, 5), date(2003, 4, 27), date(2004, 4, 11), date(2005, 5, 1), date(2006, 4, 23), date(2007, 4, 8), date(2008, 4, 27), date(2009, 4, 19), date(2010, 4, 4), date(2011, 4, 24), date(2012, 4, 15), date(2013, 5, 5), date(2014, 4, 20), date(2015, 4, 12), date(2016, 5, 1), date(2017, 4, 16), date(2018, 4, 8), date(2019, 4, 28), date(2020, 4, 19), date(2021, 5, 2), date(2022, 4, 24), date(2023, 4, 16), date(2024, 5, 5), date(2025, 4, 20), date(2026, 4, 12), date(2027, 5, 2), date(2028, 4, 16), date(2029, 4, 8), date(2030, 4, 28), date(2031, 4, 13), date(2032, 5, 2), date(2033, 4, 24), date(2034, 4, 9), date(2035, 4, 29), date(2036, 4, 20), date(2037, 4, 5), date(2038, 4, 25), date(2039, 4, 17), date(2040, 5, 6), date(2041, 4, 21), date(2042, 4, 13), date(2043, 5, 3), date(2044, 4, 24), date(2045, 4, 9), date(2046, 4, 29), date(2047, 4, 21), date(2048, 4, 5), date(2049, 4, 25), date(2050, 4, 17), ] # A random smattering of Julian dates. # Pulled values from julian_easter_dates = [ date(326, 4, 3), date(375, 4, 5), date(492, 4, 5), date(552, 3, 31), date(562, 4, 9), date(569, 4, 21), date(597, 4, 14), date(621, 4, 19), date(636, 3, 31), date(655, 3, 29), date(700, 4, 11), date(725, 4, 8), date(750, 3, 29), date(782, 4, 7), date(835, 4, 18), date(849, 4, 14), date(867, 3, 30), date(890, 4, 12), date(922, 4, 21), date(934, 4, 6), date(1049, 3, 26), date(1058, 4, 19), date(1113, 4, 6), date(1119, 3, 30), date(1242, 4, 20), date(1255, 3, 28), date(1257, 4, 8), date(1258, 3, 24), date(1261, 4, 24), date(1278, 4, 17), date(1333, 4, 4), date(1351, 4, 17), date(1371, 4, 6), date(1391, 3, 26), date(1402, 3, 26), date(1412, 4, 3), date(1439, 4, 5), date(1445, 3, 28), date(1531, 4, 9), date(1555, 4, 14), ] @pytest.mark.parametrize("easter_date", western_easter_dates) def test_easter_western(easter_date): assert easter_date == easter(easter_date.year, EASTER_WESTERN) @pytest.mark.parametrize("easter_date", orthodox_easter_dates) def test_easter_orthodox(easter_date): assert easter_date == easter(easter_date.year, EASTER_ORTHODOX) @pytest.mark.parametrize("easter_date", julian_easter_dates) def test_easter_julian(easter_date): assert easter_date == easter(easter_date.year, EASTER_JULIAN) def test_easter_bad_method(): with pytest.raises(ValueError): easter(1975, 4)
<gh_stars>0 #! /usr/bin/python3 #Functionality to for reading and using config file # #Author: <NAME> #Date: May 2019 import os import subprocess import pathlib import shlex import datetime import yaml import cerberus class validateYAML: def validate_yaml(self, schemaFile: str, yamlFile: str): schema = eval(open(schemaFile, 'r').read()) v = cerberus.Validator(schema) doc = yaml.safe_load(open(yamlFile, 'r').read()) r = v.validate(doc, schema) return r, v.errors class Config: """ Configuration parsed directly from a YAML file """ def __init__(self): self.config = None def load(self, config_file: str): try: validator = validateYAML() ok, errs = validator.validate_yaml('configs/schema.yaml', config_file) if ok: print(config_file, "validated") with open(config_file, 'r') as stream: self.config = yaml.safe_load(stream) else: print(config_file, "validation failed") print(errs) except Exception as e: print('ERROR: Couldn\'t setup config parameters') print(e) def load_str(self, config_str: str): self.config = yaml.load(config_str) def get(self, field: str): return self.config[field]
"""Tests the GHDL backend.""" from unittest import TestCase import os import re from plumbum import local from .common import run_vhdeps DIR = os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) class TestPatterns(TestCase): """Tests the test case pattern matching logic (also used by the vsim backend).""" def test_no_patterns(self): """Test the default test case pattern (`*.tc`)""" with local.env(PATH=DIR+'/ghdl/fake-ghdl:' + local.env['PATH']): code, out, _ = run_vhdeps('ghdl', '-i', DIR+'/simple/multiple-ok') self.assertEqual(code, 0) self.assertTrue(bool('ghdl -a [^\n]*foo_tc.vhd', out))) self.assertTrue(bool('ghdl -a [^\n]*bar_tc.vhd', out))) self.assertTrue(bool('ghdl -a [^\n]*baz.vhd', out))) self.assertTrue(bool('ghdl -e [^\n]*foo_tc', out))) self.assertTrue(bool('ghdl -e [^\n]*bar_tc', out))) self.assertFalse(bool('ghdl -e [^\n]*baz', out))) self.assertTrue(bool('ghdl -r [^\n]*foo_tc', out))) self.assertTrue(bool('ghdl -r [^\n]*bar_tc', out))) self.assertFalse(bool('ghdl -r [^\n]*baz', out))) def test_positive_name(self): """Test positive entity name test case patterns""" with local.env(PATH=DIR+'/ghdl/fake-ghdl:' + local.env['PATH']): code, out, _ = run_vhdeps( 'ghdl', '-i', DIR+'/simple/multiple-ok', '-pfoo_tc', '-pbaz') self.assertEqual(code, 0) self.assertTrue(bool('ghdl -a [^\n]*foo_tc.vhd', out))) self.assertTrue(bool('ghdl -a [^\n]*bar_tc.vhd', out))) self.assertTrue(bool('ghdl -a [^\n]*baz.vhd', out))) self.assertTrue(bool('ghdl -e [^\n]*foo_tc', out))) self.assertFalse(bool('ghdl -e [^\n]*bar_tc', out))) self.assertTrue(bool('ghdl -e [^\n]*baz', out))) self.assertTrue(bool('ghdl -r [^\n]*foo_tc', out))) self.assertFalse(bool('ghdl -r [^\n]*bar_tc', out))) self.assertTrue(bool('ghdl -r [^\n]*baz', out))) def test_negative_name(self): """Test negative entity name test case patterns""" with local.env(PATH=DIR+'/ghdl/fake-ghdl:' + local.env['PATH']): code, out, _ = run_vhdeps( 'ghdl', '-i', DIR+'/simple/multiple-ok', '-p*_tc', '-p!foo*') self.assertEqual(code, 0) self.assertTrue(bool('ghdl -a [^\n]*foo_tc.vhd', out))) self.assertTrue(bool('ghdl -a [^\n]*bar_tc.vhd', out))) self.assertTrue(bool('ghdl -a [^\n]*baz.vhd', out))) self.assertFalse(bool('ghdl -e [^\n]*foo_tc', out))) self.assertTrue(bool('ghdl -e [^\n]*bar_tc', out))) self.assertFalse(bool('ghdl -e [^\n]*baz', out))) self.assertFalse(bool('ghdl -r [^\n]*foo_tc', out))) self.assertTrue(bool('ghdl -r [^\n]*bar_tc', out))) self.assertFalse(bool('ghdl -r [^\n]*baz', out))) def test_positive_filename(self): """Test positive filename test case patterns""" with local.env(PATH=DIR+'/ghdl/fake-ghdl:' + local.env['PATH']): code, out, _ = run_vhdeps( 'ghdl', '-i', DIR+'/simple/multiple-ok', '-p:*_tc.vhd', '-pbaz') self.assertEqual(code, 0) self.assertTrue(bool('ghdl -a [^\n]*foo_tc.vhd', out))) self.assertTrue(bool('ghdl -a [^\n]*bar_tc.vhd', out))) self.assertTrue(bool('ghdl -a [^\n]*baz.vhd', out))) self.assertTrue(bool('ghdl -e [^\n]*foo_tc', out))) self.assertTrue(bool('ghdl -e [^\n]*bar_tc', out))) self.assertTrue(bool('ghdl -e [^\n]*baz', out))) self.assertTrue(bool('ghdl -r [^\n]*foo_tc', out))) self.assertTrue(bool('ghdl -r [^\n]*bar_tc', out))) self.assertTrue(bool('ghdl -r [^\n]*baz', out))) def test_negative_filename(self): """Test negative filename test case patterns""" with local.env(PATH=DIR+'/ghdl/fake-ghdl:' + local.env['PATH']): code, out, _ = run_vhdeps( 'ghdl', '-i', DIR+'/simple/multiple-ok', '-p:*.vhd', '-p:!*baz.vhd') self.assertEqual(code, 0) self.assertTrue(bool('ghdl -a [^\n]*foo_tc.vhd', out))) self.assertTrue(bool('ghdl -a [^\n]*bar_tc.vhd', out))) self.assertTrue(bool('ghdl -a [^\n]*baz.vhd', out))) self.assertTrue(bool('ghdl -e [^\n]*foo_tc', out))) self.assertTrue(bool('ghdl -e [^\n]*bar_tc', out))) self.assertFalse(bool('ghdl -e [^\n]*baz', out))) self.assertTrue(bool('ghdl -r [^\n]*foo_tc', out))) self.assertTrue(bool('ghdl -r [^\n]*bar_tc', out))) self.assertFalse(bool('ghdl -r [^\n]*baz', out))) def test_multi_tc_per_file(self): """Test multiple test cases per file""" with local.env(PATH=DIR+'/ghdl/fake-ghdl:' + local.env['PATH']): code, out, _ = run_vhdeps('ghdl', '-i', DIR+'/complex/multi-tc-per-file') self.assertEqual(code, 0) self.assertTrue(bool('ghdl -a [^\n]*test_tc.vhd', out))) self.assertTrue(bool('ghdl -e [^\n]*foo_tc', out))) self.assertTrue(bool('ghdl -e [^\n]*bar_tc', out))) self.assertFalse(bool('ghdl -e [^\n]*baz', out))) self.assertTrue(bool('ghdl -r [^\n]*foo_tc', out))) self.assertTrue(bool('ghdl -r [^\n]*bar_tc', out))) self.assertFalse(bool('ghdl -r [^\n]*baz', out)))
""" ========================================================== Sample pipeline for text feature extraction and evaluation ========================================================== The dataset used in this example is the 20 newsgroups dataset which will be automatically downloaded and then cached and reused for the document classification example. You can adjust the number of categories by giving their names to the dataset loader or setting them to None to get the 20 of them. Here is a sample output of a run on a quad-core machine:: Loading 20 newsgroups dataset for categories: ['alt.atheism', 'talk.religion.misc'] 1427 documents 2 categories Performing grid search... pipeline: ['vect', 'tfidf', 'clf'] parameters: {'clf__alpha': (1.0000000000000001e-05, 9.9999999999999995e-07), 'clf__n_iter': (10, 50, 80), 'clf__penalty': ('l2', 'elasticnet'), 'tfidf__use_idf': (True, False), 'vect__max_n': (1, 2), 'vect__max_df': (0.5, 0.75, 1.0), 'vect__max_features': (None, 5000, 10000, 50000)} done in 1737.030s Best score: 0.940 Best parameters set: clf__alpha: 9.9999999999999995e-07 clf__n_iter: 50 clf__penalty: 'elasticnet' tfidf__use_idf: True vect__max_n: 2 vect__max_df: 0.75 vect__max_features: 50000 """ # Author: <NAME> <<EMAIL>> # <NAME> <<EMAIL>> # <NAME> <<EMAIL>> # License: BSD 3 clause from __future__ import print_function from pprint import pprint from time import time import logging import sys import numpy as np from sklearn.feature_extraction import DictVectorizer from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfTransformer from sklearn.linear_model import SGDClassifier from sklearn.model_selection import ParameterGrid, GridSearchCV from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin from sklearn.pipeline import FeatureUnion from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler #print(__doc__) import warnings with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings("ignore",category=Warning) #DeprecationWarning) # Display progress logs on stdout logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s') class ItemSelector(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin): def __init__(self, key): self.key = key def fit(self, x, y=None): return self def transform(self, data_dict): return data_dict[self.key] class CustomFeatures(BaseEstimator): def __init__(self): pass def get_feature_names(self): return np.array(['sent_len']) #, 'lang_prob']) def fit(self, documents, y=None): return self def transform(self, x_dataset): X_num_token = list() #X_count_nouns = list() for sentence in x_dataset: # takes raw text and calculates type token ratio X_num_token.append(len(sentence)) # takes pos tag text and counts number of noun pos tags (NN, NNS etc.) # X_count_nouns.append(count_nouns(sentence)) X = np.array([X_num_token]).T #, X_count_nouns]).T if not hasattr(self, 'scalar'): self.scalar = StandardScaler().fit(X) return self.scalar.transform(X) class FeatureExtractor(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin): """Extract the subject & body from a usenet post in a single pass. Takes a sequence of strings and produces a dict of sequences. Keys are `subject` and `body`. """ def fit(self, x, y=None): return self def transform(self, posts): features = np.recarray(shape=(len(posts),), dtype=[('words', object), ('meta', object)]) #('length', object), ('condscore', object), ('score', object), ('normscore', object), ('langpred', bool)]) for i, text in enumerate(posts): elems = text.split('\t') words, cs, s, ns, lp = elems[:5] #print(elems) features['words'][i] = words features['meta'][i] = {'length': len(words.split()), 'condscore': float(cs), 'score': float(s), 'normscore': float(ns), 'langpred': bool(lp)} if len(elems) > 5: ecs, es, ens, ep = elems[5:] features['meta'][i].update({'event_condscore': float(ecs), 'event_score': float(es), 'event_normscore': float(ens), 'event_pred': bool(ep)}) return features # ############################################################################# # Load data test def load_data(filename, suffix): contents, labels = [], [] #data = StoryData() with open(filename+'.true.'+suffix) as tinf, open(filename+'.false.'+suffix) as finf: for line in tinf: elems = line.strip()#.split('\t') contents.append(elems) labels.append(1) for line in finf: elems = line.strip()#.split('\t') contents.append(elems) labels.append(0) print("data size:", len(contents)) return [contents, labels] def event_orig_mapping(orig_idx_file, event_idx_file): orig_idx_array = [] event_idx_dict = {} with open(orig_idx_file) as oinf, open(event_idx_file) as einf: oinf.readline() einf.readline() for line in oinf: elems = line.strip().split() orig_idx_array.append(elems[0]) counter = 0 for line in einf: elems = line.strip().split() event_idx_dict[elems[0]] = counter counter += 1 origin_to_event = {} for i, oidx in enumerate(orig_idx_array): if oidx in event_idx_dict: origin_to_event[i] = event_idx_dict[oidx] print ('map dictionary size:', len(origin_to_event)) return origin_to_event def add_e2e_scores(original_data_array, event_data_array, origin_to_event): assert len(event_data_array) == 2 * len(origin_to_event), (len(event_data_array), len(origin_to_event)) assert len(original_data_array) >= len(event_data_array) half_len = len(original_data_array) / 2 for i, elems in enumerate(original_data_array): if i in origin_to_event: original_data_array[i] = elems + '\t' + event_data_array[origin_to_event[i]] if i - half_len in origin_to_event: #print(i, origin_to_event[i-half_len], len(origin_to_event)) original_data_array[i] = elems + '\t' + event_data_array[origin_to_event[i-half_len] + len(origin_to_event)] return original_data_array def pairwise_eval(probs): mid = int(len(probs) / 2) print('middle point: %d' % mid) pos = probs[:mid] neg = probs[mid:] assert len(pos) == len(neg) count = 0.0 for p, n in zip(pos, neg): if p[1] > n[1]: count += 1.0 # print('True') # else: # print('False') acc = count/mid print('Test result: %.3f' % acc) return acc train_data = load_data(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[3]) test_data = load_data(sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3]) #train_event = load_data(sys.argv[4], sys.argv[6]) #test_event = load_data(sys.argv[5], sys.argv[6]) #train_e2o = event_orig_mapping(sys.argv[7], sys.argv[8]) #test_e2o = event_orig_mapping(sys.argv[9], sys.argv[10]) # add event-to-event info #train_data[0] = add_e2e_scores(train_data[0], train_event[0], train_e2o) #test_data[0] = add_e2e_scores(test_data[0], test_event[0], test_e2o) print('Finished data loading!!') for elem in train_data[0][:10]: print (elem) # ############################################################################# # Define a pipeline combining a text feature extractor with a simple # classifier pipeline = Pipeline([ ('featextract', FeatureExtractor()), ('union', FeatureUnion( transformer_list=[ ('meta', Pipeline([ ('selector', ItemSelector(key='meta')), ('vect', DictVectorizer()), ('scale', StandardScaler(with_mean=False)), ])), ('word', Pipeline([ ('selector', ItemSelector(key='words')), ('vect', CountVectorizer(ngram_range=(1,5), max_df=0.9)), ('tfidf', TfidfTransformer()), ])), ('char', Pipeline([ ('selector', ItemSelector(key='words')), ('vect', CountVectorizer(ngram_range=(1,5), analyzer='char', max_df=0.8)), ('tfidf', TfidfTransformer()), ])), ], transformer_weights={ 'meta': 0.3, 'word': 1.0, 'char': 1.0, }, )), ('clf', SGDClassifier(loss='log', alpha=0.0005, tol=0.005, random_state=0)), ]) # uncommenting more parameters will give better exploring power but will # increase processing time in a combinatorial way parameters = { 'union__transformer_weights': ({'meta': 0.6, 'word': 1.0, 'char': 1.0}, # {'meta': 1.0, 'word': 1.0, 'char': 0.75}, # {'meta': 1.0, 'word': 1.0, 'char': 0.5}, # {'meta': 1.0, 'word': 0.75, 'char': 1.0}, # {'meta': 1.0, 'word': 0.75, 'char': 0.75}, # {'meta': 1.0, 'word': 0.75, 'char': 0.5}, # {'meta': 1.0, 'word': 0.5, 'char': 1.0}, # {'meta': 1.0, 'word': 0.5, 'char': 0.75}, # {'meta': 1.0, 'word': 0.5, 'char': 0.5}, {'meta': 0.7, 'word': 1.0, 'char': 1.0}, {'meta': 0.5, 'word': 1.0, 'char': 1.0}, {'meta': 0.4, 'word': 1.0, 'char': 1.0}, {'meta': 0.3, 'word': 1.0, 'char': 1.0}, # {'meta': 0.75, 'word': 1.0, 'char': 0.75}, # {'meta': 0.75, 'word': 1.0, 'char': 0.5}, # {'meta': 0.75, 'word': 0.75, 'char': 1.0}, # {'meta': 0.75, 'word': 0.75, 'char': 0.75}, # {'meta': 0.75, 'word': 0.75, 'char': 0.5}, # {'meta': 0.75, 'word': 0.5, 'char': 1.0}, # {'meta': 0.75, 'word': 0.5, 'char': 0.75}, # {'meta': 0.75, 'word': 0.5, 'char': 0.5}, # {'meta': 0.5, 'word': 1.0, 'char': 1.0}, # {'meta': 0.5, 'word': 1.0, 'char': 0.75}, # {'meta': 0.5, 'word': 1.0, 'char': 0.5}, # {'meta': 0.5, 'word': 0.75, 'char': 1.0}, # {'meta': 0.5, 'word': 0.75, 'char': 0.75}, # {'meta': 0.5, 'word': 0.75, 'char': 0.5}, # {'meta': 0.5, 'word': 0.5, 'char': 1.0}, # {'meta': 0.5, 'word': 0.5, 'char': 0.75}, # {'meta': 0.5, 'word': 0.5, 'char': 0.5}, ), 'union__word__vect__max_df': (0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0), #0.5, 'union__char__vect__max_df': (0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0), #0.5, #'vect__max_features': (None, 5000, 10000, 50000), #'union__word__vect__ngram_range': ((1, 4), (1, 5)), # trigram or 5-grams (1, 4), #'union__char__vect__ngram_range': ((1, 4), (1, 5)), # trigram or 5-grams #'tfidf__use_idf': (True, False), #'tfidf__norm': ('l1', 'l2'), 'clf__alpha': (0.001, 0.0005, 0.0001), #'clf__penalty': ('l2', 'l1'), 'clf__tol': (5e-3, 1e-3, 5e-4), #'clf__n_iter': (10, 50, 80), } if __name__ == "__main__": # multiprocessing requires the fork to happen in a __main__ protected # block # find the best parameters for both the feature extraction and the # classifier #[0], train_data[1]) # probs = pipeline.predict_proba(test_data[0]) # acc = pairwise_eval(probs) # exit(0) #grid_params = list(ParameterGrid(parameters)) grid_search = GridSearchCV(pipeline, parameters, cv=5, n_jobs=-1, verbose=1) print("Performing grid search...") print("pipeline:", [name for name, _ in pipeline.steps]) print("parameters:") pprint(parameters) t0 = time()[0], train_data[1]) #.contents, train_data.labels) '''for params in grid_params: print('Current parameters:', params) pipeline.set_params(**params)[0], train_data[1]) probs = pipeline.predict_proba(test_data[0]) acc = pairwise_eval(probs) exit(0) '''[0], train_data[1]) print("done in %0.3fs" % (time() - t0)) print() print("Best score: %0.3f" % grid_search.best_score_) print("Best parameters set:") best_parameters = grid_search.best_estimator_.get_params() for param_name in sorted(parameters.keys()): print("\t%s: %r" % (param_name, best_parameters[param_name])) print('predicting on the test data...') score = grid_search.score(test_data[0], test_data[1]) print('Test score: %.3f' % score) probs = grid_search.predict_proba(test_data[0]) pairwise_eval(probs)
<gh_stars>0 def comb_mod(n,r,mod): if n-r<r: r=n-r N=n R=r u=1 d=1 for i in range(r): u*=N u%=mod N-=1 d*=R d%=mod R-=1 return u*pow(d,mod-2,mod)%mod
from django import forms from django.utils.translation import ugettext, ugettext_lazy as _ from models import Message, Questionnaire class MessageForm(forms.ModelForm): """MessageForm Class. TThis class contains the treatments of the existents forms on create message page. """ class Meta: """Meta Class. This class defines the informations that will be used based on existent set from Message Model. """ model = Message fields = '__all__' class QuestionnarieForm(forms.ModelForm): """QuestionnarieForm Class. TThis class contains the treatments of the existents forms on create message page. """ class Meta: """Meta Class. This class defines the informations that will be used based on existent set from Questionnarie Model. """ model = Questionnaire fields = '__all__'
def func(): a = int(input("enter a number : ")) if a < 0: print("Negative") elif a > 0: print("Positive") else: print("zero") func()
<gh_stars>1-10 from django.shortcuts import render from django.http import HttpResponse from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_protect from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt from django.apps import AppConfig import os import numpy as np import json import re from enum import Enum import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow.contrib import learn class EmailClasses(Enum): recall = 0 status = 1 def getNoOfClasses(): return len(list(EmailClasses)) print(EmailClasses(0)) class Sentiment(AppConfig): def __init__(self): print("initialising module") self.checkpoint_dir = "/home/anson/Desktop/hackathons/crypto/sentiment/runs/1528569664/checkpoints" self.allow_soft_placement = True self.log_device_placement = False checkpoint_file = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(self.checkpoint_dir) graph = tf.Graph() with graph.as_default(): session_conf = tf.ConfigProto( allow_soft_placement=self.allow_soft_placement, log_device_placement=self.log_device_placement) self.sess = tf.Session(config=session_conf) with self.sess.as_default(): # Load the saved meta graph and restore variables saver = tf.train.import_meta_graph("{}.meta".format(checkpoint_file)) saver.restore(self.sess, checkpoint_file) # Get the placeholders from the graph by name self.input_x = graph.get_operation_by_name("input_x").outputs[0] self.scores = graph.get_operation_by_name("output/scores").outputs[0] # input_y = graph.get_operation_by_name("input_y").outputs[0] self.dropout_keep_prob = graph.get_operation_by_name("dropout_keep_prob").outputs[0] # Tensors we want to evaluate self.predictions = graph.get_operation_by_name("output/predictions").outputs[0] def ready(self): """ Called by Django only once during startup """ # Initialize the auto reply model(should be launched only once) # if not any(x in sys.argv for x in ['makemigrations', 'migrate']): # HACK: Avoid initialisation while migrate #do something print("In ready") @csrf_exempt def getResponse(self, request): if request.method == "POST": print("request") print(request.body) print(request.POST) reqStr = str(request.body,'utf-8') reqStrArr = reqStr.split() reqStr = ' '.join(reqStrArr) print("reqStr") print(reqStr) requestBody = json.loads(reqStr) print(requestBody) if requestBody['message'] is not None: query = requestBody['message'] # Map data into vocabulary vocab_path = os.path.join(self.checkpoint_dir, "..", "vocab") vocab_processor = learn.preprocessing.VocabularyProcessor.restore(vocab_path) x_test = np.array(list(vocab_processor.transform([query]))) # batch_predictions =, {self.input_x: x_test, self.dropout_keep_prob: 1.0}) batch_scores =, {self.input_x: x_test, self.dropout_keep_prob: 1.0}) # answer = batch_predictions[0] scores = batch_scores[0] scores = scores-np.min(scores) print(scores) scores = (scores*scores)/sum(scores*scores) print(scores) pred = np.argmax(scores) score = scores[0] + scores[1]*-1 else: score = 0 res = "Unable to classify request" # return HttpResponse(answer) # print(HttpResponse(res,content_type="text/plain",charset="utf-8")) # print(HttpResponse(res)) # print(HttpResponse(res,content_type="text/plain",charset="utf-8").getvalue()) return HttpResponse(score,content_type="text/plain",charset="utf-8") def getTemplate(self,_class, utr): template = "" if utr is None: template = "No utr found" else: m = re.match(r'SBI', str(utr)) print("utr") print(utr) print("m") print(m) if m is None: if _class == 1: template = """ Dear Sir,\\n\\n The status of your inward transaction is as follows:\\n 1. UTR No. =>XXXXXxxxxxxxxxxx\\n 2. Date =>15-03-2017\\n 3. Amount =>1234.00\\n 4. Sending IFSC =>XXXXX0176600\\n 5. Remitter A/c =>1111111111116452\\n 6. Remitter Name =>E456946\\n 7. Remitter Details =>ABC Cop DC Nagar\\n\\n\\n Regards.""" else: template = """ Dear Sir,\\n\\n The amount credited to the account xxxxxx mentioned in the mail trail has been remitted back to the remitter account as requested.\\n The details of the inward transaction are as follows:\\n 1. UTR No. =>XXXXXxxxxxxxxxxx\\n 2. Date =>15-03-2017\\n 3. Amount =>1234.00\\n 4. Sending IFSC =>XXXXX0176600\\n 5. Remitter A/c =>1111111111116452\\n 6. Remitter Name =>E456946\\n 7. Remitter Details =>ABC Cop DC Nagar\\n\\n Regards.""" else: if _class == 1: template = """ Dear Sir,\\n\\n The status of your outward transaction is as follows:\\n 1. UTR No. =>XXXXXxxxxxxxxxxx\\n 2. Date =>15-03-2017\\n 3. Amount =>1234.00\\n 4. Receiving IFSC =>XXXXX0176600\\n 5. Beneficiary A/c =>1111111111116452\\n 6. Beneficiary Name =>E456946\\n 7. Beneficiary Details =>ABC Cop DC Nagar\\n\\n Regards.""" else: template = """ Dear Sir,\\n\\n The transaction to the account mentioned in the mail trail has been recalled.\\n The details of the outward transaction are as follows:\\n 1. UTR No. =>XXXXXxxxxxxxxxxx\\n 2. Date =>15-03-2017\\n 3. Amount =>1234.00\\n 4. Receiving IFSC =>XXXXX0176600\\n 5. Beneficiary A/c =>1111111111116452\\n 6. Beneficiary Name =>E456946\\n 7. Beneficiary Details =>ABC Cop DC Nagar\\n\\n Regards.""" return template def saveLog(self, query, _class): logFileQ= "server/Log/query.txt" logFileL = "server/Log/labels.txt" try: with open(logFileQ,"a") as f: f.write(query+"\n") except Exception as e: raise e try: with open(logFileL,"a") as f: # noOfClasses = EmailClasses.getNoOfClasses() f.write(EmailClasses(_class).name+"\n") except Exception as e: raise e @csrf_exempt def log(self, request): if request.method == "POST": print("request") print(request.body) #Java sends string encoded in this format reqStr = str(request.body,'ISO 8859-1') print("reqStr ISO") print(reqStr) # reqStr.replace(u'\xa0', u' ').encode('utf-8') # reqStr = str(request.body,'utf-8') reqStrArr = reqStr.split() reqStr = ' '.join(reqStrArr) print("reqStr") print(reqStr) requestBody = json.loads(reqStr) print(requestBody) logFile= "server/Log/log.txt" try: with open(logFile,"a") as f: f.write(reqStr+"\n") except Exception as e: raise e return HttpResponse("Success")
<filename>Interactive from tkinter import * from time import sleep window = Tk() window.title("Diamond Clicker") back = Canvas(window, height=30, width=30) back.pack() diamonds = 0 def morediamonds(): global diamonds diamonds += 1 print ("You have " + str(diamonds) + " diamonds!") def cursorworking(): global diamonds for x in range(20): if diamonds < 15: print ("Not enough diamonds!") break diamonds -= 15 diamonds += 1 print ("You now have " + str(diamonds) + " diamonds!") sleep(1) def minerworking(): global diamonds diamonds -=15 Cursor = Button(window, text="Cursor: Clicks every second (Cost: 15). Lasts 20 seconds.", command=cursorworking) PlusOneDiamonds = Button(window, text="+1 Diamond", command=morediamonds) PlusOneDiamonds.pack() Cursor.pack()
def Singleton(cls): """装饰器,依赖闭包,python3以前没有nonlocal,所以需要定义为可变对象,比如,_instance={}""" _instance = None def wrap(*args, **kwargs): nonlocal _instance if _instance is None: _instance = cls(*args, **kwargs) return _instance return wrap class Singleton2(): """继承,依赖类变量_instance,""" def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): if not hasattr(cls, "_instance"): cls._instance = super().__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs) return cls._instance class Singleton3(type): """MetaClass""" def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs): if not hasattr(cls, "_instance"): cls._instance = super().__call__(*args, **kwargs) return cls._instance #@Singleton #class TestClass(Singleton2): class TestClass(metaclass = Singleton3): def __init__(self): print("TestClass init") if __name__ == "__main__": a = TestClass() b = TestClass() print("id of a:",id(a)) print("id of b:",id(b)) #
<reponame>ipodjke/django_authorization_system<filename>apps/django_auth_system/ default_app_config = 'django_auth_system.apps.UsersConfig'
"""Summary Attributes: Configer (TYPE): Description """ import logging import argparse from src.preprocess import * from src.item_preprocessor import * from src.configer import * from src import tfidf Configer = Configer('setting.ini') logging.basicConfig( # filename='log.log', format='%(asctime)s : %(levelname)s : %(message)s', level=logging.INFO) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() print(Configer.ip_address, Configer.port, Configer.ssh_username, Configer.ssh_password) print(Configer.db_name, Configer.db_username, Configer.db_password) if __name__ == '__main__': parser.add_argument( 'action', choices=['define_concepts', 'update_chartevents', 'create_train_dataset', 'crawl_webpages', 'tfidf_medical_webpages', 'cluster', 'backup', 'restore', 'create_los_dataset'], help='define action for preprocess' ) parser.add_argument('-p', '--process', default=2, type=int, help='number of process') parser.add_argument( '-cd', '--concept_dir', default='../data', help='directory to store concept definition') # options for create train data parser.add_argument( '-ed', '--export_dir', help='directory to store train data (options for create train data)') args = parser.parse_args() if args.action == 'define_concepts': define_concepts(output_dir=args.concept_dir, processes=args.process) elif args.action == 'update_chartevents': update_chartevents_value(concept_dir=args.concept_dir) elif args.action == 'create_train_dataset': create_train_feature_dataset(export_dir=args.export_dir, processes=args.process, concept_dir=args.concept_dir) elif args.action == 'create_los_dataset': create_cvd_los_dataset(export_dir=args.export_dir, concept_dir=args.concept_dir) elif args.action == 'crawl_webpages': # TODO: parameters export_dir = '../data/webpages' concept_dir = '../data' crawl_webpages(concept_dir, export_dir) elif args.action == 'tfidf_medical_webpages': tfidf.train_tfidf(min_count=5, chunksize=5000, ngrams=(1, 1), model_dir='../models') elif args.action == 'cluster': cluster() elif args.action == 'backup': backup_merge_data() elif args.action == 'restore': restore_merge_data()
Searching Algorithms/
"""This program implements linear search algorithms having a time complexity of O[n]. It compares every element of the array to the key. """ def linear_search(array, key): len_array = len(array) t = None for i in range(len_array): if array[i] == key: t = i else: pass if t != None: print("Found {} at position {} in the array.".format(key, t)) else: print("{} not present in the array.".format(key)) array = list(map(int, input("Enter elements of array separated by space: ").split())) key = input("Enter element to find: ") linear_search(array, key)
<reponame>tilde-nlp/pip2-expressive-speech-synthesis-for-dialogs """ Adapted from: - - """ import random from typing import List, Tuple import torch import numpy as np import from tacotron2_gst import layers from tacotron2_gst.text import text_to_sequence from tacotron2_gst.utils import load_filepaths_and_text from tacotron2_gst.audio_processing import load_wav_to_torch class TextMelLoader( """ 1) loads audio,text pairs 2) normalizes text and converts them to sequences of one-hot vectors 3) computes mel-spectrograms from audio files. """ def __init__(self, audiopaths_and_text: str, hparams): self.audiopaths_and_text = load_filepaths_and_text(audiopaths_and_text) self.text_cleaners = self.max_wav_value = self.sampling_rate = self.load_mel_from_disk = self.stft = layers.TacotronSTFT(,,,,,, random.seed(1234) random.shuffle(self.audiopaths_and_text) self.use_speaker_embedding = hparams.use_speaker_embedding if self.use_speaker_embedding: self.speaker_ids = self.create_speaker_lookup_table(self.audiopaths_and_text) def get_data_sample(self, audiopath_and_text: List) -> Tuple[torch.IntTensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: # separate filename and text audiopath, text = audiopath_and_text[0], audiopath_and_text[1] speaker_id = None if self.use_speaker_embedding: speaker_id = audiopath_and_text[2] text = self.get_text(text) mel = self.get_mel(audiopath) if speaker_id is not None: speaker_id = self.get_speaker_id(speaker_id) return text, mel, speaker_id def create_speaker_lookup_table(self, audiopaths_and_text): speaker_ids = np.sort(np.unique([x[2] for x in audiopaths_and_text])) d = {int(speaker_ids[i]): i for i in range(len(speaker_ids))} print("Number of speakers :", len(d)) return d def get_mel(self, filename: str) -> torch.Tensor: if not self.load_mel_from_disk: audio, sampling_rate = load_wav_to_torch(filename) if sampling_rate != self.stft.sampling_rate: raise ValueError("{} SR doesn't match target {} SR".format( sampling_rate, self.stft.sampling_rate)) audio_norm = audio / self.max_wav_value audio_norm = audio_norm.unsqueeze(0) audio_norm = audio_norm.clone().detach() melspec = self.stft.mel_spectrogram(audio_norm) melspec = torch.squeeze(melspec, 0) else: melspec = torch.from_numpy(np.load(filename)) assert melspec.size(0) == self.stft.n_mel_channels, ( 'Mel dimension mismatch: given {}, expected {}'.format( melspec.size(0), self.stft.n_mel_channels)) return melspec def get_text(self, text: str) -> torch.IntTensor: text_norm = torch.IntTensor(text_to_sequence(text, self.text_cleaners)) return text_norm def get_speaker_id(self, speaker_id) -> torch.Tensor: return torch.LongTensor([self.speaker_ids[int(speaker_id)]]) def __getitem__(self, index: int): return self.get_data_sample(self.audiopaths_and_text[index]) def __len__(self): return len(self.audiopaths_and_text) class TextMelCollate(): """ Zero-pads model inputs and targets based on number of frames per setep """ def __init__(self, n_frames_per_step: int): self.n_frames_per_step = n_frames_per_step def __call__(self, batch): """Collate's training batch from normalized text and mel-spectrogram PARAMS ------ batch: [text_normalized, mel_normalized] """ # Right zero-pad all one-hot text sequences to max input length input_lengths, ids_sorted_decreasing = torch.sort( torch.LongTensor([len(x[0]) for x in batch]), dim=0, descending=True) max_input_len = input_lengths[0] text_padded = torch.LongTensor(len(batch), max_input_len) text_padded.zero_() for i in range(len(ids_sorted_decreasing)): text = batch[ids_sorted_decreasing[i]][0] text_padded[i, :text.size(0)] = text # Right zero-pad mel-spec num_mels = batch[0][1].size(0) max_target_len = max([x[1].size(1) for x in batch]) if max_target_len % self.n_frames_per_step != 0: max_target_len += self.n_frames_per_step - max_target_len % self.n_frames_per_step assert max_target_len % self.n_frames_per_step == 0 # include mel padded and gate padded mel_padded = torch.FloatTensor(len(batch), num_mels, max_target_len) mel_padded.zero_() gate_padded = torch.FloatTensor(len(batch), max_target_len) gate_padded.zero_() output_lengths = torch.LongTensor(len(batch)) use_speaker_embedding = batch[0][2] is not None if use_speaker_embedding: speaker_ids = torch.LongTensor(len(batch)) else: speaker_ids = None for i in range(len(ids_sorted_decreasing)): mel = batch[ids_sorted_decreasing[i]][1] mel_padded[i, :, :mel.size(1)] = mel gate_padded[i, mel.size(1) - 1:] = 1 output_lengths[i] = mel.size(1) if use_speaker_embedding: speaker_ids[i] = batch[ids_sorted_decreasing[i]][2] return text_padded, input_lengths, mel_padded, speaker_ids, gate_padded, output_lengths
<filename> birth_year = input("What year were you born?") age = 2019 - int(birth_year) print(f"Your age is: {age}")
<reponame>swiftops/JUNIT_RESULT_AGGREGATION<filename><gh_stars>1-10 import map from pymongo import MongoClient import requests from flask import jsonify import json import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) remotevalue = map.remotevalue jenkinsdata = {} build_id = '' giturl = map.giturl headers = {map.token_name: map.token_value} headers1 = {'content-type': 'application/json'} def insertintomnogo(Xmldata, build_id): try: # insert parsed xml data into mongodb CLIENT = MongoClient(map.DB_IP, map.DB_PORT) MONGO_PERF_DB = CLIENT.perf_db MONGO_PERF_DB.authenticate(map.DB_USERNAME, map.DB_PASSWORD) MONGO_PERF_COLLECTION = MONGO_PERF_DB.junit_test_suite # get commit id from jenkins server jenkinsdata = getjenkinsdata(build_id) logging.debug(" Jenkinsdata" + json.dumps(jenkinsdata)) # get commit detials from git server gitdata = getgitcommitdata(jenkinsdata['commitid']) logging.debug(" GitData" + json.dumps(gitdata)) CommitMessage = gitdata['message'].split('<')[1].split(':')[0] query = {'CommitID': gitdata['id'], 'SHA': gitdata['short_id'], 'CommitMessage': gitdata['message'], 'AuthorName': gitdata['author_name'], 'Author_Email': gitdata['author_email'], 'BuildNumber': build_id, 'Branchname': jenkinsdata['branchname'], 'Ownercode': CommitMessage, 'URL': map.jenkins_public_url_prefix + build_id + map.jenkins_url_result, 'Junit_test': Xmldata} MONGO_PERF_COLLECTION.insert_one(query) # call defect creation service resp =, data=json.dumps(gitdata), headers=headers1) return resp.text except Exception as e: response = { "success": "false", "data": { "Result": "Build Failed" }, "error": {"Message": str(e)} } return jsonify(response) def getjenkinsdata(build_id): r = requests.get(map.jenkins_url_prefix + build_id + map.jenkins_url_postfix, auth=(map.jenkins_username, map.jenkins_password)) data = r.json() for item in data['actions']: if 'parameters' in item: jenkinsdata['branchname'] = item['parameters'][0]['value'] searchremotevalue = remotevalue + jenkinsdata['branchname'] for item in data['actions']: if 'buildsByBranchName' in item: if searchremotevalue in item['buildsByBranchName']: jenkinsdata['commitid'] = item['buildsByBranchName'][searchremotevalue]['marked']['SHA1'] return jenkinsdata def getgitcommitdata(commit_id): response = requests.get(giturl+commit_id, headers = headers, proxies={'http': '<proxy_url>'},timeout=5) return response.json() def junit_nightlybuild_data(Xmldata, rel_no, build_no, junit_url, branch_name): try: # insert parsed xml data into mongodb for nightly build CLIENT = MongoClient(map.DB_IP, map.DB_PORT) MONGO_PERF_DB = CLIENT.perf_db MONGO_PERF_DB.authenticate(map.DB_USERNAME, map.DB_PASSWORD) MONGO_PERF_COLLECTION = MONGO_PERF_DB.junit_nightly_build data = {'BranchName': branch_name, 'Release No': rel_no, 'Build No': build_no, 'JunitURL': junit_url, 'JunitData': Xmldata} MONGO_PERF_COLLECTION.insert_one(data) return 'SUCCESS' except Exception as e: response = { "success": "false", "data": { "Result": "Build Failed To get data for nightly build" }, "error": {"Message": str(e)} } return jsonify(response)
"""! All functions providing plotting functionalities. """ import matplotlib.pylab as plt import matplotlib.dates as mdates import matplotlib.image as image import pandas as pd import re import argparse import datetime as dt import numpy as np from pandas.plotting import register_matplotlib_converters from datetime import datetime register_matplotlib_converters() plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 22}) environment_sensor_pattern = re.compile(r"([0-9-]+)\s([0-9:.]+):\stemperature:\s([0-9.]+),\sgas:\s([0-9]+),\shumidity:\s([0-9.]+),\spressure:\s([0-9.]+),\saltitude:\s([0-9.]+)", re.MULTILINE) soil_moisture_pattern = re.compile(r"([0-9-]+)\s([0-9.:]+):\s\[([0-9]+),\s([0-9.]+),\s([0-9.]+)\]", re.MULTILINE) def plot_soil_moisture(dict, past24): """! Plots soil moisture data in simple line chart @param dict: Dicitonary containing timestamps and associated readings. """ lists = sorted(dict.items()) x, y = zip(*lists) fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(x, y, 'k', linewidth=2) fig.autofmt_xdate() hours6 = mdates.HourLocator(interval=6) hours3 = mdates.HourLocator(interval=3) # im = image.imread('./icons/Grow_Space_Logo.png') # fig.figimage(im, 300, 0, zorder=3, alpha=0.2) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(hours3) ax.tick_params(which='major', length=7, width=2, color='black') ax.tick_params(which='minor', length=4, width=2, color='black') ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(hours6) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(mdates.DateFormatter('%d - %H')) ax.grid() plt.xlabel("Day - Hour") plt.ylabel("Moisture Percentage (%)") plt.title("Soil Moisture % vs Time") DPI = fig.get_dpi() fig.set_size_inches(2400.0/float(DPI),1220.0/float(DPI)) if past24: datemin = np.datetime64(x[-1], 'h') - np.timedelta64(24, 'h') datemax = np.datetime64(x[-1], 'h') ax.set_xlim(datemin, datemax) plt.xlabel("Hour") plt.title("Soil Moisture % Past 24 Hrs") ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(hours3) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(mdates.DateFormatter('%H:%M')) plt.savefig('Moisture_vs_Time_24H.png', dpi=500) plt.savefig('Moisture_vs_Time.png', dpi=500) # def plot_temperature(dict, past24): """! Plots temperature data in simple line chart @param dict: Dicitonary containing timestamps and associated readings. """ lists = sorted(dict.items()) x, y = zip(*lists) fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(x, y, 'k', linewidth=2) fig.autofmt_xdate() hours6 = mdates.HourLocator(interval=6) hours3 = mdates.HourLocator(interval=3) # im = image.imread('./icons/Grow_Space_Logo.png') # fig.figimage(im, 650, 0, zorder=3, alpha=0.2) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(hours6) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(hours3) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(mdates.DateFormatter('%d - %H')) ax.tick_params(which='major', length=7, width=2, color='black') ax.tick_params(which='minor', length=4, width=2, color='black') ax.grid() plt.title("Temperature Over Time") plt.xlabel("Time (Month-Day Hour)") plt.ylabel("Temperature (°C)") DPI = fig.get_dpi() fig.set_size_inches(2400.0/float(DPI),1220.0/float(DPI)) if past24: datemin = np.datetime64(x[-1], 'h') - np.timedelta64(24, 'h') datemax = np.datetime64(x[-1], 'h') ax.set_xlim(datemin, datemax) plt.xlabel("Hour") plt.title('Temperature Past 24 Hrs') ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(hours3) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(mdates.DateFormatter('%H:%M')) plt.savefig('Temperature_vs_Time_24H.png', dpi=500) plt.savefig('Temperature_vs_Time.png', dpi=500) # def boxplot_environment(df): """! Creates a boxplot of all the relevant environment sensor data. What is a boxplot? Text from The box extends from the Q1 to Q3 quartile values of the data, with a line at the median (Q2). The whiskers extend from the edges of box to show the range of the data. The position of the whiskers is set by default to 1.5 * IQR (IQR = Q3 - Q1) from the edges of the box. Outlier points are those past the end of the whiskers. @param df: dataframe object from which we generate a boxplot. """ df['VOC'] = df['VOC'].div(1000) # with"seaborn"): fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3) fig.suptitle('Environment Sensor Data') df.boxplot('Temperature', ax=ax[0]) df.boxplot('VOC', ax=ax[1], fontsize=12) df.boxplot('Humidity', ax=ax[2]) ax[0].set_ylabel("Temperature (°C)") ax[1].set_ylabel("VOC (kΩ)") ax[2].set_ylabel("Humidity (%)") plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.95) DPI = fig.get_dpi() fig.set_size_inches(2400.0/float(DPI),1220.0/float(DPI)) plt.savefig('Environment_Boxplot.png', dpi=500) # def extract_data_from_log(data, pattern): """! Function for extracting data out of a log file using regex matching. Returns all regex match objects. @param data: Raw data from the log file. @param pattern: Regex pattern to use for matching. """ matches = list() for line in data: matches.append(re.match(pattern, line)) return matches def generate_plots(root="./logs/", soil_sensor_log="soil_moisture_sensor_1.txt", environment_sensor_log="environment_sensor.txt"): # Plot soil moisture data with open(root+soil_sensor_log, "r") as myfile: data = myfile.readlines() matches = extract_data_from_log(data, soil_moisture_pattern) data_dict = dict() for match in matches: # current_val = float( # Raw voltage reading current_val = float( # Percentage reading index_time = + " " + index_dt = dt.datetime.strptime(index_time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f") data_dict[index_dt] = current_val plot_soil_moisture(data_dict, True) plot_soil_moisture(data_dict, False) # Plot temperature data with open(root+environment_sensor_log, "r") as myfile: data = myfile.readlines() matches = extract_data_from_log(data, environment_sensor_pattern) data_dict = dict() temperature_dict = dict() data_dict['Temperature'] = {} data_dict['VOC'] = {} data_dict['Humidity'] = {} for match in matches: index_time = + " " + index_dt = dt.datetime.strptime(index_time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f") data_dict['Temperature'][index_dt] = float( data_dict['VOC'][index_dt] = float( data_dict['Humidity'][index_dt] = float( plot_temperature(data_dict['Temperature'], True) plot_temperature(data_dict['Temperature'], False) # Plot environment sensor data df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data_dict, orient='columns') df.reset_index(inplace=True) boxplot_environment(df) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__) parser.add_argument('-r', '--root', type=str, default="", help='Root filepath of the log data') parser.add_argument('-s', '--soil', type=str, default="soil_moisture_sensor_1.txt", help='Name of soil moisture sensor log file') parser.add_argument('-e', '--environment', type=str, default="environment_sensor.txt", help='Name of the envrionment sensor log file') args = parser.parse_args() if args.root: root_folder = "./logs/"+args.root+"/" else: root_folder = "./logs/" generate_plots(root_folder, args.soil, args.environment)
<reponame>jsfillman/GenericsUtil # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################ # # Autogenerated by the KBase type compiler - # any changes made here will be overwritten # ############################################################ from __future__ import print_function # the following is a hack to get the baseclient to import whether we're in a # package or not. This makes pep8 unhappy hence the annotations. try: # baseclient and this client are in a package from .baseclient import BaseClient as _BaseClient # @UnusedImport except: # no they aren't from baseclient import BaseClient as _BaseClient # @Reimport class GenericsUtil(object): def __init__( self, url=None, timeout=30 * 60, user_id=None, password=<PASSWORD>, token=<PASSWORD>, ignore_authrc=False, trust_all_ssl_certificates=False, auth_svc=''): if url is None: raise ValueError('A url is required') self._service_ver = None self._client = _BaseClient( url, timeout=timeout, user_id=user_id, password=password, token=token, ignore_authrc=ignore_authrc, trust_all_ssl_certificates=trust_all_ssl_certificates, auth_svc=auth_svc) def import_csv(self, params, context=None): """ :param params: instance of type "ImportCSVParams" -> structure: parameter "file" of type "File" (Import a CSV file into a NDArray or HNDArray. "File" and "usermeta" are common to all import methods.) -> structure: parameter "path" of String, parameter "shock_id" of String, parameter "workspace_name" of String, parameter "object_name" of String, parameter "object_type" of String, parameter "metadata" of type "usermeta" -> mapping from String to String :returns: instance of type "ImportResult" -> structure: parameter "object_ref" of String """ return self._client.call_method( 'GenericsUtil.import_csv', [params], self._service_ver, context) def import_obo(self, params, context=None): """ :param params: instance of type "ImportOBOParams" (Import an OBO file into an OntologyDictionary) -> structure: parameter "file" of type "File" (Import a CSV file into a NDArray or HNDArray. "File" and "usermeta" are common to all import methods.) -> structure: parameter "path" of String, parameter "shock_id" of String, parameter "workspace_name" of String, parameter "object_name" of String, parameter "metadata" of type "usermeta" -> mapping from String to String :returns: instance of type "ImportResult" -> structure: parameter "object_ref" of String """ return self._client.call_method( 'GenericsUtil.import_obo', [params], self._service_ver, context) def export_csv(self, params, context=None): """ :param params: instance of type "ExportParams" (Exporter for generic objects as CSV files) -> structure: parameter "input_ref" of String :returns: instance of type "ExportResult" -> structure: parameter "shock_id" of String """ return self._client.call_method( 'GenericsUtil.export_csv', [params], self._service_ver, context) def list_generic_objects(self, params, context=None): """ :param params: instance of type "ListGenericObjectsParams" (List generic objects in one or more workspaces optional parameters: allowed_object_types - limits to specific types of object, e.g., KBaseGenerics.NDArray (version number is optional) allowed_data_types - limits to specific data types, e.g., microbial growth allowed_scalar_types - limits to specific scalar types, e.g., object_ref, int, float (see KBaseGenerics.spec for valid types). HNDArrays must have at least one dimension that passes. min_dimensions - limits to generics with minimum number of dimensions max_dimensions - limits to generics with max number of dimensions limit_mapped - if 0 (or unset) returns all objects. if 1, returns only mapped objects. if 2, returns only umapped objects) -> structure: parameter "workspace_names" of list of String, parameter "allowed_object_types" of list of String, parameter "allowed_data_types" of list of String, parameter "allowed_scalar_types" of list of String, parameter "min_dimensions" of Long, parameter "max_dimensions" of Long, parameter "limit_mapped" of Long :returns: instance of type "ListGenericObjectsResult" -> structure: parameter "object_ids" of list of String """ return self._client.call_method( 'GenericsUtil.list_generic_objects', [params], self._service_ver, context) def get_generic_metadata(self, params, context=None): """ :param params: instance of type "GetGenericMetadataParams" (Get metadata describing the dimensions of one or more generic objects) -> structure: parameter "object_ids" of list of String :returns: instance of type "GetGenericMetadataResult" (maps object ids to structure with metadata) -> structure: parameter "object_info" of mapping from String to type "GenericMetadata" (Basic metadata about an object: object_type - e.g., KBaseGenerics.HNDArray‑4.0 data_type - e.g., microbial growth n_dimensions - number of dimensions is_mapped - 0 or 1 indicating mapped status value_types - list of value types in the object (there will only be 1 for NDArray objects), e.g., "specific activity" scalar_types - list of scalar types in the object (there will only be 1 for NDArray objects), e.g., "float" dimension_types - a string describing each dimension (e.g., "media name") dimension_sizes - size (length) of each dimension dimension_value_types - a string describing each context of each dimension (e.g., "media name") dimension_scalar_types - type of values in each context of each dimension (e.g., "int")) -> structure: parameter "object_type" of String, parameter "data_type" of String, parameter "n_dimensions" of Long, parameter "is_mapped" of type "boolean", parameter "value_types" of list of String, parameter "scalar_types" of list of String, parameter "dimension_types" of list of String, parameter "dimension_sizes" of list of Long, parameter "has_unique_subindices" of list of type "boolean", parameter "dimension_value_types" of list of list of String, parameter "dimension_scalar_types" of list of list of String """ return self._client.call_method( 'GenericsUtil.get_generic_metadata', [params], self._service_ver, context) def get_generic_dimension_labels(self, params, context=None): """ :param params: instance of type "GetGenericDimensionLabelsParams" (gets labels for list of dimension axes for a generic object. User will pass in the numeric indices of all dimensions they care about (e.g., 1/1 will mean 1st dimension, 1st data type, 2/1 = 2nd dimension, 1st data type), and an optional flag, convert_to_string. The API will return a hash mapping each of the dimension indices to a Values object. The Values will either contain the scalar type in the original format, or if the convert_to_string flag is set, will convert the scalar type to strings. If unique_values is set, the API will only return the unique values in each dimension (these will also be re-indexed, but not resorted, so the Values array may be a different length).) -> structure: parameter "object_id" of String, parameter "dimension_ids" of list of String, parameter "convert_to_string" of type "boolean", parameter "unique_values" of type "boolean" :returns: instance of type "GetGenericDimensionLabelsResult" -> structure: parameter "dimension_labels" of mapping from String to type "Values" (@optional object_refs oterm_refs int_values float_values string_values boolean_values) -> structure: parameter "scalar_type" of type "data_type", parameter "object_refs" of list of type "object_ref", parameter "oterm_refs" of list of type "oterm_ref", parameter "int_values" of list of Long, parameter "float_values" of list of Double, parameter "boolean_values" of list of type "boolean", parameter "string_values" of list of String """ return self._client.call_method( 'GenericsUtil.get_generic_dimension_labels', [params], self._service_ver, context) def get_generic_data(self, params, context=None): """ :param params: instance of type "GetGenericDataParams" (gets subset of generic data as a 2D matrix Users passes in the dimension indices to use as variables (1st one must be X axis; additional variables will lead to additional series being returned). User selects which dimension indices to fix to particular constants. This can be done one of two ways: either by fixing an entire dimension (e.g., "2" for the 2nd dimension) to an index in the complete list of labels, or by fixing a dimension index (e.g., "2/3" for the 3rd type of values in the 2nd dimension) to an index in the list of unique labels for that dimension index. returns: series_labels will show which variable index values correspond to which series values_x will contain 1 list of of x-axis values per series. The number of series depends on the number of variable dimensions. values_y will contain 1 list of of y-axis values per series. The number of series depends on the number of variable dimensions. In each series, values where either the X and Y data are null are removed.) -> structure: parameter "object_id" of String, parameter "variable_dimension_ids" of list of String, parameter "constant_dimension_ids" of mapping from String to Long :returns: instance of type "GetGenericDataResult" -> structure: parameter "series_labels" of list of String, parameter "values_x" of list of type "Values" (@optional object_refs oterm_refs int_values float_values string_values boolean_values) -> structure: parameter "scalar_type" of type "data_type", parameter "object_refs" of list of type "object_ref", parameter "oterm_refs" of list of type "oterm_ref", parameter "int_values" of list of Long, parameter "float_values" of list of Double, parameter "boolean_values" of list of type "boolean", parameter "string_values" of list of String, parameter "values_y" of list of type "Values" (@optional object_refs oterm_refs int_values float_values string_values boolean_values) -> structure: parameter "scalar_type" of type "data_type", parameter "object_refs" of list of type "object_ref", parameter "oterm_refs" of list of type "oterm_ref", parameter "int_values" of list of Long, parameter "float_values" of list of Double, parameter "boolean_values" of list of type "boolean", parameter "string_values" of list of String """ return self._client.call_method( 'GenericsUtil.get_generic_data', [params], self._service_ver, context) def status(self, context=None): return self._client.call_method('GenericsUtil.status', [], self._service_ver, context)
<reponame>IakovTaranenko/theia<filename> import discord, aiohttp, os, asyncio, colorama from colorama import Fore import video, image, audio, config colorama.init() async def dispatch(msg: discord.Message, ctx): msgLower = msg.content.lower() if msg.attachments: for attachment in msg.attachments: for attachment in msg.attachments: header = header_type(attachment.url) print(f'{Fore.WHITE}[ATTACHMENT FOUND] type: {attachment.content_type}') if header == 'VIDEO': await video.process_file(await save_attachment(attachment, msg), msg, ctx, attachment) elif header == 'GIF': await video.process_file(await save_attachment(attachment, msg), msg, ctx) elif header == 'PICTURE': await image.process_file(await save_attachment(attachment, msg), msg, ctx) elif header == 'AUDIO': await audio.process_file(await save_attachment(attachment, msg), msg, ctx) else: print(f'{Fore.RED}[DISPATCHER] failed to get file type from attachment{Fore.WHITE}') elif msg.embeds or (msgLower.__contains__('cdn.') or msgLower.__contains__('media.')): pass ''' for embed in msg.embeds: if header_type(msgLower) is not None: header = header_type(msgLower) if header == 'VIDEO': print(await save_embed(embed, msg)) video.process_file(embed, True) elif header == 'GIF': print(await save_embed(embed, msg)) video.process_file(embed, False) elif header == 'PICTURE': print(await save_embed(embed, msg)) image.process_file(embed) elif header == 'AUDIO': print(await save_embed(embed, msg)) audio.process_file(embed) else: print('failed to get file type from attachment') else: await msg.reply('good embed') print(msgLower) ''' def header_type(attachment_url): for key in config.FILE_HEADERS.keys(): for header in config.FILE_HEADERS[key]: if attachment_url.__contains__(header): return key return None async def save_attachment(attachment, msg): if attachment.url and await'temp/{}{attachment.filename}') return(f'temp/{}{attachment.filename}') else: print(f'{Fore.RED}[ATTACHMENT SAVING] attachment save requested did not have a .url or a .id{Fore.WHITE}') async def save_embed(embed, msg): if embed.url: async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: async with session.get(embed.url) as resp: if resp.status == 200: attachment_name = os.path.basename(embed.url) with open(f'temp/{}', "wb") as file: file.write(await else: print('[EMBED SAVING] embed save requested did not have any content attached to it')
from sklearn.preprocessing import PolynomialFeatures poly = PolynomialFeatures(6) def map(x): return poly.fit_transform(x)
from .intpy import deterministic from .data_access import get_cache_data, create_entry name="int_py"
<gh_stars>0 from django.db import models from liberaction.users.models import User from liberaction.core.models import BaseProduct class Cart(models.Model): is_open = models.BooleanField(default=True, verbose_name='Carrinho em aberto', help_text='Determina se a compra do carrinho está em aberto.') class Meta: verbose_name = 'carrinho de compras' verbose_name_plural = 'carrinhos de compras' def __str__(self): return f'Carrinho #{}' def get_items(self): return CartItem.objects.filter(cart=self) class CartItem(models.Model): cart = models.ForeignKey(Cart, on_delete=models.CASCADE, verbose_name='carrinho de compras') product = models.ForeignKey(BaseProduct, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, null=True, verbose_name='produto') product_count = models.IntegerField('unidades') class Meta: verbose_name = 'item do carrinho' verbose_name_plural = 'itens dos carrinhos' def __str__(self): return f'Cart #{} - {self.product}' class Sale(models.Model): buyer = models.ForeignKey(User,on_delete=models.SET_NULL, null=True) cart = models.OneToOneField(Cart, on_delete=models.CASCADE, verbose_name='carrinho de compras') freight = models.FloatField('frete') class Meta: verbose_name = 'venda' verbose_name_plural = 'vendas' def __str__(self): return f'Sale #{} - {self.buyer}' def get_items(self): return self.cart.get_items() def get_subtotal(self): subtotal = 0 for i in self.get_items(): subtotal += i.product.price return subtotal def get_total(self): return self.get_subtotal() + self.freight
<reponame>OBAMARIE13/portfolios<filename>christelle/migrations/<gh_stars>0 # Generated by Django 3.2.7 on 2021-10-22 10:20 from django.db import migrations class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('christelle', '0004_remove_about_fonction'), ] operations = [ migrations.RenameField( model_name='contact', old_name='nom', new_name='name', ), ]
<reponame>aminzayer/Amin-University-Data-Science<filename>Linear-Programing-Optimizing/ # Import pulp from pulp import * # Create an Instance of LpProblem problem = LpProblem('Car Factory', LpMaximize) # Create Decision Variables A = LpVariable('Car A', lowBound=0, cat=LpInteger) B = LpVariable('Car B', lowBound=0, cat=LpInteger) #Objective Function problem += 20000*A + 45000*B, 'Objective Function' #Constraints problem += 4*A + 5*B <= 30, 'Designer Constraint' problem += 3*A + 6*B <= 30, 'Engineer Constraint' problem += 2*A + 7*B <= 30, 'Machine Constraint' # Car_Profit: # MAXIMIZE # 20000*Car_A + 45000*Car_B + 0 # SUBJECT TO # Designer_Constraint: 4 Car_A + 5 Car_B <= 30 # Engineer_Constraint: 3 Car_A + 6 Car_B <= 30 # Machine_Constraint: 2 Car_A + 7 Car_B <= 30 # VARIABLES # 0 <= Car_A Integer # 0 <= Car_B Integer print(problem) print("Current Status: ", LpStatus[problem.status]) problem.solve() print("Number of Car A Made: ", A.varValue) print("Number of Car B Made: ", B.varValue) print("Total Profit: ", value(problem.objective))
from django.utils.translation import gettext as _ DAY_CHOICES = ( (1, _('Monday')), (2, _('Tuesday')), (3, _('Wednesday')), (4, _('Thursday')), (5, _('Friday')), (6, _('Saturday')), (7, _('Sunday')), )
# Generated by Django 3.1.12 on 2021-07-12 09:25 from django.db import migrations, models class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ("polio", "0016_config"), ] operations = [ migrations.AddField( model_name="campaign", name="gpei_email", field=models.EmailField(blank=True, max_length=254, null=True), ), ]
<filename>tools/ import SimpleITK as sitk import sys gridSpacing = 30; file = sys.argv[1] image = sitk.ReadImage( file ) size = image.GetSize(); black = sitk.Image( size, sitk.sitkUInt8 ) black.SetOrigin( image.GetOrigin() ) spacing = image.GetSpacing(); black.SetSpacing( spacing ) black.SetDirection( image.GetDirection() ) threshold = sitk.ThresholdImageFilter() threshold.SetLower( 10 ) threshold.SetOutsideValue ( 100 ) white = threshold.Execute( black ) threshold.SetOutsideValue ( 50 ) grey = threshold.Execute( black ) checker = sitk.CheckerBoardImageFilter(); pattern = [ 0, 0, 0 ] for i in [ 0, 1, 2 ] : pattern[ i ] = int( size[ i ] * spacing[ i ] / gridSpacing ) pattern[ 0 ] = 1 print pattern checker.SetCheckerPattern( pattern ); board = checker.Execute( grey, white ); sitk.WriteImage( board , "output.nii.gz" )
from marketlearn.portfolio.asset import Asset # noqa from marketlearn.portfolio.harry import Harry # noqa
import os import sqlite3 import random import string import time import datetime from datetime import timedelta import operator from tabulate import tabulate import config TS_GROUP_BY = dict( timestamp=0b10000, project=0b1000, task=0b0100, track=0b0010, date=0b0001 ) class Database: def init_db(self, db_path): self.conn = sqlite3.connect( db_path, detect_types=sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES|sqlite3.PARSE_COLNAMES ) self.conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row self.conn.text_factory = lambda x: x.decode('utf8') #try: #except sqlite3.OperationalError: self.cursor = self.conn.cursor() def close_db(self): self.conn.close() def create_db(self): self.cursor.execute("PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON") # Create Tables if do the not exist # PROJECTS self.cursor.execute( 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Projects(' ' id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, ' ' customer_id INTEGER, ' ' name VARCHAR UNIQUE COLLATE NOCASE, ' ' description TEXT DEFAULT "", ' ' created TIMESTAMP' ')') # TASKS self.cursor.execute( 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Tasks(' ' id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, ' ' project_id INTEGER REFERENCES Projects(id) ON DELETE CASCADE, ' ' name VARCHAR COLLATE NOCASE, ' ' description TEXT DEFAULT ""' ')') # TRACKS self.cursor.execute( 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Tracks(' ' id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, ' ' task_id INTEGER REFERENCES Tasks(id) ON DELETE CASCADE, ' ' started TIMESTAMP, ' ' finished TIMESTAMP, ' ' is_billed INTEGER DEFAULT 1' ')') # CUSTOMERS self.cursor.execute( 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Customers(' 'id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, ' 'name VARCHAR UNIQUE COLLATE NOCASE, ' 'description TEXT, ' 'created TIMESTAMP' ')') self.conn.commit() def __init__(self, db_name): # create DB self.init_db(db_name) self.create_db() def insert_test_task(self, project_id): name = ''.join(random.choice( string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for _ in range(3)) self.cursor.execute( "insert into Tasks ('name', 'project_id') " "values('%s', '%s')" % (name, project_id) ) self.conn.commit() return self.cursor.lastrowid def fill(self): """Fill with the test tasks""" self.cursor.execute('DELETE FROM Customers') self.cursor.execute('DELETE FROM Projects') self.cursor.execute('DELETE FROM Tasks') self.cursor.execute('DELETE FROM Tracks') # Add a Customer self.cursor.execute( "insert into Customers ('name', 'description') " "VALUES ('Andrey', 'Customer Numer One')") self.cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM Customers ORDER BY id LIMIT 1") customers = self.cursor.fetchone() #print('filled customers', customers) # Add a Project self.create_project('p1', 'Test Project #1') self.cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM Projects ORDER BY id LIMIT 1") project = self.cursor.fetchone() #print('filled projects', project) # Add the Task last_task = self.insert_test_task(project_id=1) # Add the Tracks started = - timedelta(days=4) self.create_track(last_task, started=started, finished=started + timedelta(seconds=3601)) self.create_track(last_task, started=started+timedelta(seconds=13600), finished=started+timedelta(seconds=14600)) self.create_track(last_task, started=started+timedelta(seconds=15600), finished=started+timedelta(seconds=16600)) last_task = self.insert_test_task(project_id=1) self.create_track(last_task, started=started+timedelta(seconds=17600), finished=started+timedelta(seconds=18600)) self.create_track(last_task, started=started+timedelta(seconds=19600), finished=started+timedelta(seconds=20600)) # Add a Project #2 self.create_project('p2', 'Test Project #1') self.cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM Projects ORDER BY id LIMIT 1") project = self.cursor.fetchone() #print('filled projects', project) # Add the Task tasks = [] last_task = self.insert_test_task(project_id=2) self.create_track(last_task, started=started+timedelta(seconds=21600), finished=started+timedelta(seconds=22600)) self.create_track(last_task, started=started+timedelta(seconds=23600), finished=started+timedelta(seconds=24600)) self.create_track(last_task, started=started+timedelta(seconds=25600), finished=started+timedelta(seconds=26600)) started = - timedelta(days=3) self.create_track(last_task, started=started, finished=started + timedelta(seconds=3600)) started = - timedelta(days=2) self.create_track(last_task, started=started, finished=started + timedelta(seconds=3600)) started = - timedelta(days=1) self.create_track(last_task, started=started, finished=started + timedelta(seconds=3600)) started = - timedelta(seconds=3300) self.create_track(last_task, started=started, finished=started + timedelta(seconds=600)) last_track = self.create_track(last_task) self.cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM Tracks ") tracks = self.cursor.fetchall() #print('filled tracks', tracks) print(tabulate(tracks, ['Track id', 'Task id', 'started', 'finished', 'billed'], tablefmt='simple')) return # CUSTOMERS def get_customer(self, customer): self.cursor.execute( "SELECT id, name FROM Customers " "WHERE name == '{name:s}'".format(name=customer) ) customer = self.cursor.fetchone() return customer def get_customer_or_create(self, customer): self.cursor.execute( "SELECT id, name FROM Customers " "WHERE name == '{name:s}'".format(name=customer) ) customer = self.cursor.fetchone() if customer: return customer self.cursor.execute( "INSERT INTO Customers ('name')" "VALUES ('{name:s}')" .format(name=customer) ) self.conn.commit() # PROJECTS def get_project_by_name(self, pname): self.cursor.execute( "SELECT " " id as pid, name as pname, created as created, " " description as description " "FROM Projects " "WHERE " " == ?", (pname.encode('utf8'),) ) return self.cursor.fetchone() def update_project(self, pid, name, description): """Updates a project""" self.cursor.execute( "UPDATE Projects " "SET name=?, description=?" "WHERE id=?", (name.encode('utf8'), description.encode('utf8'), pid) ) self.conn.commit() def is_project_existent(self, pname, pid): """Checks if project already exists """ self.cursor.execute( "SELECT " " id as pid, name as name, created as created, " " description as description " "FROM Projects " "WHERE " " pid == '{pid}'" " name == '{name}'".format(name=pname.encode('utf8'), pid=pid) ) return self.cursor.fetchone() def get_projects_with_activity_field(self, from_date='', to_date='', limit=0): """Get list of project including a field is a project is finished""" where_clause = first_limit_clause = last_limit_clause = '' if limit: first_limit_clause = "SELECT * FROM (" last_limit_clause = " DESC LIMIT %d) ORDER BY pid ASC" % limit if from_date and to_date: where_clause = " AND DATE(Projects.created) BETWEEN '{from_date}' " \ "AND '{to_date}' ".format(from_date=from_date, to_date=to_date) self.cursor.execute( "{first_limit_clause}" "SELECT " " as pid,, Projects.created, " " Projects.description, " " SUM(CASE WHEN Tracks.finished == '' THEN 1 ELSE 0 end) AS active " "FROM Projects, Tracks, Tasks " "WHERE " " Tasks.project_id == AND " " Tracks.task_id == {where_clause}" "GROUP BY " "UNION SELECT " " as pid,, Projects.created," " Projects.description, '' as active " "FROM Projects " "WHERE NOT EXISTS (" " SELECT id FROM Tasks WHERE " " Tasks.project_id == " ") {where_clause}" "ORDER BY {last_limit_clause}".format( where_clause=where_clause, first_limit_clause=first_limit_clause, last_limit_clause=last_limit_clause) ) return self.cursor.fetchall() def create_project(self, pname, description=''): """Create a project""" self.cursor.execute( "INSERT INTO Projects ('name', 'description', created)" "VALUES (?, ?, ?)", ( pname.encode('utf8'), description.encode('utf8'), str( ) ) self.conn.commit() return self.cursor.lastrowid def get_project_or_create(self, pname): self.cursor.execute( "SELECT id, name FROM Projects " "WHERE name == '{name:s}'".format(name=pname.encode('utf8')) ) project = self.cursor.fetchone() if project: return project return self.create_project(name) def delete_project_by_name(self, pname): self.cursor.execute( "DELETE FROM Projects WHERE name == '{name}'" "".format(name=pname.encode('utf8'))) self.conn.commit() # TASKS def get_tasks(self, limit=10, add_activity=False): """Lists of last tasks""" activity_field = '' if add_activity: activity_field = ", SUM(CASE WHEN Tracks.finished == '' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) " self.cursor.execute( "SELECT " ",,,, " " Tasks.description {activity_field}" "FROM Tasks, Projects, Tracks " "WHERE " " Tasks.project_id == AND " " Tracks.task_id == " "GROUP BY " "ORDER BY DESC LIMIT {limit:d}".format( limit=limit, activity_field=activity_field) ) tasks = self.cursor.fetchall() return tasks def get_profiled_tasks(self, started='', finished='', limit=0): """The list of last tasks between dates including unfinished""" where_clause = first_limit_clause = last_limit_clause = '' if started and finished: where_clause = str( "WHERE DATE(Tracks.started) BETWEEN '{started}' AND '{finished}'" "".format(started=started, finished=finished)) if limit: first_limit_clause = "SELECT * FROM (" last_limit_clause = " DESC LIMIT %d) ORDER BY tid ASC" % limit self.cursor.execute( "{first_limit_clause}" "SELECT " " as tid, as tname, as pid, " " as pname, Tasks.description as description, " " Tracks.started as started, Tracks.finished as finished " "FROM Tasks, Projects, Tracks " "WHERE " " Tasks.project_id == AND " " Tracks.task_id == AND " " IN (" " SELECT MAX( FROM Tracks " " {where_clause} " " GROUP BY Tracks.task_id " " ) ORDER BY tid {last_limit_clause}" "".format( where_clause=where_clause, first_limit_clause=first_limit_clause, last_limit_clause=last_limit_clause) ) tasks = self.cursor.fetchall() return tasks def get_task_by_alias(self, tname, pname): """Get task by name""" self.cursor.execute( "SELECT " " as tid, as tname, as pid, " " as pname, Tasks.description as description " "FROM Tasks, Projects " "WHERE " " Tasks.project_id == pid AND " " tname == '{task:s}' AND " " pname == '{project:s}'" "".format(task=tname.encode('utf8'), project=pname.encode('utf8')) ) return self.cursor.fetchone() def create_task(self, name, pid): self.cursor.execute( "INSERT INTO Tasks ('name', 'project_id') " "VALUES " " (?, ?)", ( name.encode('utf8'), pid ) ) self.conn.commit() return self.cursor.lastrowid def get_task_or_create(self, name, project_id): """Get a task or create one""" self.cursor.execute( "SELECT " " as tid, as tname, as pid, " " as pname, Tasks.description as description " "FROM Tasks, Projects " "WHERE " " tname == '{task}' AND " " Tasks.project_id == pid AND " " pid == '{project!s}'" "".format(task=name.encode('utf8'), project=project_id) ) last = self.cursor.fetchone() if last: return last['tid'] return self.create_task(name, project_id) def _get_active_tasks(self): """Get active tasks""" self.cursor.execute( "SELECT " " as tid, as tname, as pname, " " as track_id, Tracks.started as started, " " Tracks.finished as finished, " " Tasks.description as description " "FROM Tracks, Tasks, Projects " "WHERE " " Tracks.task_id == AND " " Tasks.project_id == AND " " finished == ''") return self.cursor.fetchall() def get_active_task(self, started='', finished='', tname='', pname=''): """Get an active task""" params = [] where_date_clause = where_project_clause = where_task_clause = '' if tname: tname = tname.encode('utf8') where_task_clause = "tname == ? AND " params.append(tname) if pname: pname = pname.encode('utf8') where_project_clause = "pname == ? AND " params.append(pname) if started and finished: where_date_clause = "AND DATE(Tracks.started) " \ " BETWEEN ? " \ " AND ? " params.extend([started, finished]) self.cursor.execute( "SELECT " " as tid, as tname, as pname, " " as track_id, Tracks.started as started, " " Tracks.finished as finished, " " Tasks.description as description " "FROM Tracks, Tasks, Projects " "WHERE " " {where_task_clause}" " {where_project_clause}" " Tracks.task_id == AND " " Tasks.project_id == AND " " finished == '' " " {where_date_clause}".format( where_date_clause=where_date_clause, where_project_clause=where_project_clause, where_task_clause=where_task_clause ), params ) return self.cursor.fetchone() def update_task(self, tid, name, description=''): """Updates the task info""" self.cursor.execute( "UPDATE Tasks " "SET name=?, description=?" "WHERE id=?", ( name.encode('utf8'), description.encode('utf8'), tid ) ) self.conn.commit() def delete_task(self, tid): """""" self.cursor.execute( "DELETE FROM Tasks WHERE id == '{tid}'".format(tid=tid)) self.conn.commit() # TRACKS def get_tracks_by_date(self, started='', finished='', also_unfinished=False): """Get tracks""" where_clause = '' between_clause = '' params = [] if not also_unfinished: where_clause = "AND NOT finished == '' " if started and finished: between_clause = "AND DATE(started) BETWEEN ? AND ?" params.extend([started, finished]) self.cursor.execute( "SELECT " " as tid, as tname, " " as pid, as pname, " " as trid, Tracks.started as started, " " Tracks.finished as finished, " " Tracks.is_billed as is_billed " "FROM Tracks, Tasks, Projects " "WHERE " " Tracks.task_id == tid AND " " Tasks.project_id == pid" " {where_clause} " " {between_clause} " "ORDER BY".format(started=started, finished=finished, where_clause=where_clause, between_clause=between_clause), params ) return self.cursor.fetchall() def get_track_by_id(self, tid): self.cursor.execute( "SELECT " " as tid, as tname, as pname, " " as trid, Tracks.started as started, " " Tracks.finished as finished, " " Tracks.is_billed as is_billed " "FROM Tracks, Tasks, Projects " "WHERE " " Tracks.task_id == tid AND " " Tasks.project_id == AND " " trid == %d" % tid ) return self.cursor.fetchone() def create_track(self, task_id, started='', finished='', is_billed=True): # started, finished - 9-item sequence, not float if not started: started = self.cursor.execute( "INSERT INTO Tracks " " ('task_id', 'started', 'finished', 'is_billed') " "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", (task_id, started, finished, int(is_billed)) ) self.conn.commit() return self.cursor.lastrowid def finish_track(self, track_id, started=None): finished = if started and config.BT_TIMESHEET_ROUNDING and config.BT_ROUNDING_INCREMENT: delta = finished - started round_to = config.BT_ROUNDING_INCREMENT * 60 seconds = round_to - delta.seconds % round_to finished = finished + datetime.timedelta(seconds=seconds) self.cursor.execute( "UPDATE Tracks SET finished=? WHERE id=?", (finished, track_id) ) self.conn.commit() return finished def update_track(self, track_id, started, finished, is_billed): """Updates the time was spend and is billed flag of the track record""" self.cursor.execute( "UPDATE Tracks " "SET started=?, finished=?, is_billed=? " "WHERE id=?", (started, finished, is_billed, track_id) ) self.conn.commit() def delete_tracks_by_date(self, started, finished, also_unfinished=False): """Deletes tracks by the date""" if not also_unfinished: where_clause = "AND NOT finished == '' " self.cursor.execute( "DELETE " " FROM Tracks " "WHERE " " DATE(started) BETWEEN ? AND ?" " {where_clause}" "".format(where_clause=where_clause), (started, finished) ) self.conn.commit() # TIMESHEET def get_group_by_clause(self, mask): """Makes a GROUP BY clause by bit mask""" def set_group_by_clause(bits, value, group_by): """Add a field to group_by clause""" if mask & bits: if group_by: group_by = "%s," % group_by group_by = '{group_by} {value}'.format(group_by=group_by, value=value) return group_by group_by = set_group_by_clause(TS_GROUP_BY['date'], 'DATE(started)', '') group_by = set_group_by_clause(TS_GROUP_BY['project'], 'Tasks.project_id', group_by) group_by = set_group_by_clause(TS_GROUP_BY['task'], 'Tracks.task_id', group_by) group_by = set_group_by_clause(TS_GROUP_BY['track'], '', group_by) if group_by: group_by = "GROUP BY %s " % group_by return group_by def get_timesheet_fields(self, mask, get_headers=False): """Makes a list of ordered fields""" # Priority: # datetime - 0 # date - 1 # task - 2 # project - 3 # spent - 4 # date, tname, pname, started, finished, spent date_field = (0, 'DATE(started) as "date [date]"', 'Date') task_field = (1, 'tname', 'Task') project_field = (2, 'pname', 'Project') started_field = (3, 'DATETIME(started) as "started [timestamp]"', 'From') finished_field = (4, 'DATETIME(finished) as "finished [timestamp]"', 'To') spent_field = (5, 'spent', 'Time Spent') clause = set() if mask & TS_GROUP_BY['date']: clause.add(date_field) if mask & TS_GROUP_BY['task']: clause.update([task_field, project_field]) if mask & TS_GROUP_BY['project']: clause.add(project_field) if mask & TS_GROUP_BY['track']: clause.update([task_field, project_field, started_field, finished_field]) clause.add(spent_field) to_get = 2 if get_headers else 1 return map(operator.itemgetter(to_get), sorted(clause, key=operator.itemgetter(0))) def get_timesheet_select_clause(self, mask): """Get prepared select's clause list of fields""" fields = self.get_timesheet_fields(mask) return ', '.join(fields) def get_minimal_started_track(self, tname='', pname=''): """Get a minimal tracked date""" params = [] where_project_clause = where_task_clause = '' if tname: tname = tname.encode('utf8') where_task_clause = "tname == ? AND " params.append(tname) if pname: pname = pname.encode('utf8') where_project_clause = "pname == ? AND " params.append(pname) self.cursor.execute( "SELECT " " as tid, as tname, as pname, " " DATE(started) as 'started [date]'" "FROM Tracks, Tasks, Projects " "WHERE " " {where_task_clause}" " {where_project_clause}" " Tracks.task_id == tid AND " " Tasks.project_id ==" "".format(where_task_clause=where_task_clause, where_project_clause=where_project_clause), params) return self.cursor.fetchone() def get_timesheet(self, started, finished, group_by_mask, only_billed=True, tname='', pname=''): """ Gets the time was spent for a task/project""" params = [] only_billed_clause = where_project_clause = where_task_clause = '' if tname: params.append(tname.encode('utf8')) where_task_clause = "tname == ? AND " if pname: params.append(pname.encode('utf8')) where_project_clause = "pname == ? AND " if only_billed: only_billed_clause = " AND Tracks.is_billed == 1 " params.extend([started, finished]) group_by_clause = self.get_group_by_clause(group_by_mask) query = str( "SELECT " " as tid, as tname, as pname, " " SUM(STRFTIME('%s', finished)-STRFTIME('%s', started)) as spent," " Tracks.started as started, " " Tracks.finished as finished " "FROM Tracks, Tasks, Projects " "WHERE " " {where_task_clause}" " {where_project_clause}" " Tracks.task_id == tid AND " " Tasks.project_id == AND " " (" " DATE(started) BETWEEN ? AND ?" " AND NOT Tracks.finished == ''" " {only_billed_clause}" " ) " "{group_by_clause} " "ORDER BY started," "".format(started=started, finished=finished, where_task_clause=where_task_clause, where_project_clause=where_project_clause, group_by_clause=group_by_clause, only_billed_clause=only_billed_clause) ) #print(query) if group_by_mask: select_clause = self.get_timesheet_select_clause(group_by_mask) query = "SELECT {clause} FROM ({query})".format( query=query, clause=select_clause) self.cursor.execute(query, params) return self.cursor.fetchall()
"""Identifiers are the smallest possible unit of a stream. Their fundamental property is that they come equipped with an equality operation. Not all equality operations are as simple as string= or numberical equality. These must employ a true identity function that does not reduce the amount of data that is compared. That is, identifiers are distinguished from other pieces of data in the sense that the family of functions that implement 'sameness' requires direct comparison of every byte of two streams with an allowance for conversion to a canonical form which may include reordering and deduplication of elements of the identifier that follow set equality rather than string equality for example composite primary keys in a database may be rearranged into a preferred order for further byte to byte comparison between rows, but the characters in a word cannot be sorted prior to comparison if we are interested in the equality of two ordered strings of chars. Note that under the defintion provided above the ONLY requirement for an identifier is that it come equipped with an identity function. This means that whole computer programs can be identifiers as long as the comparison function is defined. Then there is a question of the robustness of that identity function to a change in context, specifically defined as the failures of the equiality of identifiers to correctly imply the equality of what they dereference to. There is a tradeoff between robustness of reference and usefulness for human communication. And for better or for worse the IRBs and IACUCs of the world tend to frown upon shoving subjects through hash functions. """ import idlib class Identifier(idlib.Stream): # TODO decide if str should be base ... """ Base class for all Identifiers """ # all identifiers mapped to idlib should have a string representation # or be representable as strings in as unambiguous a way as possible # this means that distinctions based on types e.g. MyId('1') and YourId('1') # need stringify in such a way that they do not colide e.g. myid:1 yourid:1 # within the expected context of their expansion # local:?:myid:1 local:?:yourid:1 could represent the space of local identifiers # with unknown local conventions, maintaining a record of all local conventions # seems likely to be a giant pain, so local:?: ids would be ephemoral and would # probably have to be marked with a source as a kind of best guess maximal domain # for assuming similarity, though in some documents every instance of a local:?:id # should probably be assumed to be different under expansion # as a result of this, it is still not entirely clear whether # str is quite the right option, but since normalization can # occur before stringification, it is probably ok ... # e.g. hello:world -> local:?:hello:world in cases where # a local identifier is used without conventions # same with local:?:1, local:?:2, local:?:3, local:?:4 _id_class = str local_regex = None # an unqualified, likely non-unique regex for the system local identifier canonical_regex = None # but really '.+' #@staticmethod #def normalize(identifier): #raise NotImplementedError #return identifier def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): return super().__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): return super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) #def exists(self): # bad identifiers are not allowed to finish __init__ #raise NotImplementedError def metadata(self): raise NotImplementedError def data(self): raise NotImplementedError def asLocal(self, conventions=None): if conventions is None: conventions = self._local_conventions return conventions.asLocal(self)
import json import os from rest_framework.renderers import JSONRenderer from api.models import Project, DOCUMENT_CLASSIFICATION, SEQUENCE_LABELING from api.serializers import LabelSerializer from api.utils import JSONPainter def extract_document_classification(label, labels): return labels.get(pk=label["label"]).text def extract_label_seq_labeling(label, labels): return [ label["start_offset"], label["end_offset"], labels.get(pk=label["label"]).text, ] def get_extract_label(project): return { DOCUMENT_CLASSIFICATION: extract_document_classification, SEQUENCE_LABELING: extract_label_seq_labeling, }[project.project_type] def get_all_projects_json(): dump_dir = "projects_dump" if not os.path.exists(dump_dir): os.makedirs(dump_dir) for project in Project.objects.all(): try: project_dir = f"{dump_dir}/dump_{'/', '_')}" if not os.path.exists(project_dir): os.makedirs(project_dir) print(f"Dumping {}") labels = project.labels.all() label_serializer = LabelSerializer(labels, many=True) documents = project.documents.all() data = JSONPainter().paint(documents) data = map( lambda x: { **x, "labels": list( map( lambda y: get_extract_label(project)(y, labels), x["annotations"], ) ), }, data, ) data = map(json.dumps, data) data = map(lambda x: x + "\n", data) with open(f"{project_dir}/labels.json", "wb") as f: f.write(JSONRenderer().render( with open(f"{project_dir}/data.jsonl", "w") as f: f.writelines(data) except Exception as ex: print(f"Error {} {ex}")
<reponame>mcxemic/Graduate_work<filename>Graduate_work/main/ import numpy as np def calculate_task_table_from_productivity_factors(tasks_lists, productivity_factors): # p - count of task. k - vector productivity factors # transform two vector to matrix with task * productivity output_table = [] productivity_factors.sort() tasks_lists.sort() tasks_lists.reverse() # print(productivity_factors, tasks_lists) for j in range(len(productivity_factors)): row = [] for i in range(len(tasks_lists)): row.append(tasks_lists[i] * productivity_factors[j]) output_table.append(row) output_table = np.array(output_table) output_table = output_table.T return output_table def calculate_second_table(table): newtable = [] for i in range(table.shape[0]): row = [] for j in range(table.shape[1]): row.append(1 / table[i, j]) newtable.append(row) newtable = np.array(newtable) return newtable def output_result_algorithm(result): for i in enumerate(result): pass # print('Machine ', i[0] + 1, i[1]) def A1(count_of_machine, count_of_tasks, task_table_with_coefficient): task_of_machine = [] list_of_used_time_of_every_machine = list(count_of_machine * [0]) # create dict for every machine in task for _ in range(0, count_of_machine): machine = {} task_of_machine.append(machine) # distribute tasks for every machine with magic algorithms from the Heaven for j in range(count_of_tasks): index = list_of_used_time_of_every_machine.index(min(list_of_used_time_of_every_machine)) list_of_used_time_of_every_machine[index] += np.asscalar(task_table_with_coefficient[j][index]) task_of_machine[index].update({j + 1: np.asscalar(task_table_with_coefficient[j][index])}) output_result_algorithm(task_of_machine) return task_of_machine def A2(count_of_machine, count_of_task, table, tasks_list, C_foreach_machine): task_of_machine = [] list_of_used_time_of_every_machine = list(count_of_machine * [0]) #print("tasks" + tasks_list) for _ in range(0, count_of_machine): machine = {} task_of_machine.append(machine) for j in range(0, count_of_task): index = C_foreach_machine.index(max(C_foreach_machine)) # index with max f list_of_used_time_of_every_machine[index] += np.asscalar(table[j][index]) # fill C C_foreach_machine[index] -= tasks_list[j] task_of_machine[index].update({j + 1: np.asscalar(table[j][index])}) # output_result_algorithm(task_of_machine) return task_of_machine def optimization2(k, e, sigma, C): print('\n----------------------------------------------------------------') print('Second optimization') T = [] for i in range(len(k)): T.append((C - k[i] * e[i])) opt = [0] * len(k) x = [0] * len(k) counter = 0 sigma2 = round(sigma, 0) sigma2 = int(sigma2) print(int(sigma2)) for i in range(sigma2): for i in range(len(k)): opt[i] = k[i] * (e[i] - x[i]) index = opt.index(max(opt)) x[index] += 1 T[index] += k[index] counter += 1 print(counter) print("X = ", x) return x def optimization1(sigma, e, k, C): print('\n----------------------------------------------------------------') print('First optimization') T = [] for i in range(len(k)): T.append((C - k[i] * e[i])) FirstT = T.copy() Tq = T.copy() for i in range(len(k)): Tq[i] += k[i] x = [0] * len(k) sigma2 = round(sigma, 0) print(int(sigma2)) sigma2 = int(sigma2) print(int(sigma2)) for i in range(sigma2): index = Tq.index(min(Tq)) Tq[index] += k[index] x[index] += 1 for i in range(len(k)): T[i] += x[i] * k[i] print("X = ", x) return x, FirstT def run_algorithms(productivity_factors, sets, task_id, C): from .optimization_algorithms import get_finall_T, create import time schedules_first_alg = [] schedules_secoond_alg = [] for i in range(len(sets)): task_table_with_coefficient = calculate_task_table_from_productivity_factors(sets[i], productivity_factors[i]) schedules_first_alg.append( A1(len(productivity_factors[i]), len(sets[i]), task_table_with_coefficient)) for i in range(len((sets))): task_table_with_coefficient = calculate_task_table_from_productivity_factors(sets[i], productivity_factors[i]) C_foreach_machine = list(map(lambda i: C / i, productivity_factors[i])) schedules_secoond_alg.append(A2(len(productivity_factors[i]), len(sets[i]), task_table_with_coefficient, sets[i], C_foreach_machine)) # Get data from DB # Run algorithms # Write to algorithm table write_to_alorithms_table(task_id, schedules_first_alg, schedules_secoond_alg) # create optimization for i in range(len(sets)): start1 = time.time() final_T_first, keys1, ideal1 = get_finall_T(schedules_first_alg[i], productivity_factors[i]) optimizationed_schedule1,max_proj1,relative_projection1,iteration_count1 = create(keys1, ideal1, productivity_factors[i], final_T_first) print("Iteration count 1 {}".format(iteration_count1)) stop1 = time.time() write_to_optimization_table(task_id, optimizationed_schedule1, max_proj1, stop1 - start1,relative_projection1,iteration_count1) start2 = time.time() final_T_second, keys2, ideal2 = get_finall_T(schedules_secoond_alg[i], productivity_factors[i]) optimizationed_schedule2,max_proj2,relative_projection2,iteration_count2 = create(keys2, ideal2, productivity_factors[i], final_T_second) print("Iteration count 2 {}".format(iteration_count2)) stop2 = time.time() write_to_optimization_table(task_id,optimizationed_schedule2,max_proj2,stop2-start2,relative_projection2,iteration_count2) def write_to_alorithms_table(task_id, schedule1, schedule2): from ..models import Algorithm from .. import db import json for i in range(len(schedule1)): # print('schedule1 {0} schedule {1}'.format(schedule1, schedule2)) # print('1 len {0}, type {1} schedule {2}'.format(len(schedule1), type(schedule1[0]), schedule1[i][0]), i) #print('2 len {0}, type {1} schedule {2}'.format(len(schedule2), type(schedule2[0]), schedule2[i][0])) sched_JSON1 = json.dumps(schedule1[i]) sched_JSON2 = json.dumps(schedule2[i]) alg = Algorithm(task_id=task_id, initial_timetable_first_alg=sched_JSON1, initial_timetable_second_alg=sched_JSON2) db.session.add(alg) db.session.commit() def write_to_optimization_table(task_id,algorithm,projection,runtime,relative_projection,iteration_count): from ..models import Task import json from .. import db algo = json.dumps(algorithm) tsk = Task.query.filter_by(id=task_id).first() tsk.first_Optimization = algo tsk.first_projection = projection tsk.first_lead_time = runtime tsk.first_relatively_projection = relative_projection tsk.first_iteration_count = iteration_count db.session.commit()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from django.db import models from gestao.contrato.models.contrato.Contrato import Contrato from gestao.financeiro.models.movimentacoes.Despesa import Despesa from gestao.financeiro.models.pagamento.PagamentoDespesa import PagamentoDespesa class ContratoDespesas(models.Model): contrato = models.ForeignKey(Contrato, verbose_name="Contrato") despesa = models.ForeignKey(Despesa, verbose_name="Despesa") def __unicode__(self): return u'%s: %s' % (self.contrato.titulo, self.despesa.valor_total) def pagamento(self): pagamento_despesa = PagamentoDespesa.objects.filter(despesa=self.despesa) if pagamento_despesa: return pagamento_despesa[0] return None class Meta: app_label = 'contrato' verbose_name = 'Despesa do Contrato' verbose_name_plural = 'Despesas do Contrato'
from unittest import TestCase from simplifiedpytrends.request import TrendReq class TestTrendReq(TestCase): def test__get_data(self): """Should use same values as in the documentation""" pytrend = TrendReq() self.assertEqual(pytrend.hl, 'en-US') self.assertEqual(, 360) self.assertEqual(pytrend.geo, '') self.assertTrue(pytrend.cookies['NID']) def test_interest_over_time(self): pytrend = TrendReq() pytrend.build_payload(kw_list=['pizza', 'bagel']) self.assertIsNotNone(pytrend.interest_over_time())
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function from flask import Blueprint posts = Blueprint('posts', __name__) from . import views from . import models
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # ########################### # File Name: # Author: geekinglcq # Mail: <EMAIL> # Created Time: 2020-12-28 20:17:47 # ########################### import pandas as pd import os import logging from collections import defaultdict from import DataLoader, Dataset from .enum_type import FeatureSource as FS from .enum_type import item_type_dict from .dataset import DataSet, SubSet class HDataSet(DataSet): """ Dataset used for heterogenous items """ def __init__(self, config, restore_path=None): self.config = config self._init_setting() if restore_path is None: self._load_feats() else: # TODO pass self._preprocessing() def _load_feats(self): self.user_feat = self._load_meta_feats(self.config["user_feat_path"], FS.USER, "user_id") self.item_feat = self._load_item_feats(self.config["item_feat_path"], FS.ITEM) self.inter_feat = pd.read_csv(self.config["inter_feat_path"]).sample( frac=1, random_state=28) mask = None if len(self.types) < 3: for item_type, item_feat in self.item_feat.items(): new_mask = self.inter_feat[self.iid_field].isin( item_feat[self.iid_field]) if mask is not None: mask = mask | new_mask else: mask = new_mask self.inter_feat = self.inter_feat[mask] self.h_inter_feat = {} self.user_num = len(self.user_feat) self.item_num = sum([len(i) for i in self.item_feat.values()]) self.item_nums = {k: len(v) for k, v in self.item_feat.items()} print(f'user num: {self.user_num}') print(f'item num: {self.item_num}') print(f'item nums: {self.item_nums}') def _preprocessing(self): self._normalize() if len(self.types) < 3: self._reID(self.iid_field) self._reID(self.uid_field) def _load_item_feats(self, paths, source): item_feat = {} for item_type, item_path in paths.items(): if item_type not in self.types: continue if os.path.isfile(item_path): feat = pd.read_csv(item_path) item_feat[item_type] = feat else: raise ValueError("Dataset file not fountd.") return item_feat def _init_setting(self): self.logger = logging.getLogger() = self.config['name'] print(self.config) self.uid_field = self.config["USER_ID_FIELD"] self.iid_field = self.config["ITEM_ID_FIELD"] self.label_field = self.config["LABEL_FIELD"] self.itype_field = self.config["TYPE_FIELD"] self.types = self.config["type"] self.field2type = {} self.field2source = {} self.field2id_token = defaultdict(dict) self.field2token_id = defaultdict(dict) self.user_feat_fields = [] self.item_feat_fields = defaultdict(list) for feat_name, feat_value in self.config['feat'].items(): source = feat_value['source'] self.field2type[feat_name] = feat_value['type'] self.field2source[feat_name] = feat_value['source'] if source == 'user' and feat_name != self.uid_field: self.user_feat_fields.append(feat_name) if source.startswith('item') and feat_name != self.iid_field: item_type = source.split("_")[1] if item_type in self.types: self.item_feat_fields[item_type].append(feat_name) def num(self, field): if field == self.uid_field: return self.user_num if field == self.iid_field: return self.item_num if field not in self.field2type: raise ValueError('field {} not in dataset'.format(field)) # if field not in self.field2token_id: # raise ValueError('field {} is not token type'.format(field)) if len(self.field2token_id[field]) == 0: if field in self.user_feat_fields: return len(self.user_feat[field].unique()) else: for item_type, item_feat_fields in self.item_feat_fields.items( ): if field in item_feat_fields: return len(self.item_feat[item_type][field].unique()) return len(self.field2token_id[field]) def _reID(self, field): """ Re-ID the token-type feature, save the id map in self.field2token_id """'ReID field {field}.') ftype = self.field2type.get(field) assert ftype == 'token' source = self.field2source.get(field) if type(source) is str and source.startswith("item_"): item_type = source.split("_")[1] dataframe = self.item_feat[item_type] elif source is FS.ITEM_ID or source == "item": dataframe = pd.concat(list(self.item_feat.values()), join='inner') elif source == 'user' or source is FS.USER_ID: dataframe = self.user_feat else: dataframe = self.inter_feat id_map = {v: k for k, v in enumerate(dataframe[field].unique())} self.field2token_id[field].update(id_map) dataframe[field] = dataframe[field].map(id_map) if source in ['item', 'user', FS.ITEM_ID, FS.USER_ID]: if field in self.inter_feat: self.inter_feat[field] = self.inter_feat[field].map(id_map) for item_type, item_feat in self.item_feat.items(): if field in item_feat: item_feat[field] = item_feat[field].map(id_map) def join(self, df): """ Join user/item features to interactions. """ if self.user_feat is not None and self.uid_field in df: df = pd.merge(df, self.user_feat, on=self.uid_field, how='left', suffixes=('_inter', '_user')) if self.item_feat is not None and self.iid_field in df: for item_type, item_feat in self.item_feat.items(): df = pd.merge(df, item_feat, on=self.iid_field, how='left', suffixes=(f'_{item_type}', '_inter')) type_c = [i for i in df.columns if i.startswith(self.itype_field)] df[self.itype_field] = df[type_c].agg(sum, axis=1) return df def join_interaction(self): self.inter_feat = self.join(self.inter_feat) if 'sample' in self.config: sample_ratio = self.config['sample'] sampled = [] for kind in self.types: ratio = sample_ratio.get(kind, 1.0) kind_id = item_type_dict[kind] # preverse the data for val & test new_df = self.inter_feat[self.inter_feat['type'] == kind_id].sample(frac=ratio * 0.7 + 0.3, random_state=16) print(kind, kind_id, ratio, new_df.shape) sampled.append(new_df) self.inter_feat = pd.concat(sampled, ignore_index=True) self.inter_feat = self.inter_feat.sample(frac=1.).reset_index( drop=True) def train_val_test_split(self, ratios=[0.7, 0.2, 0.1], group_by=None, **kwargs): assert len(ratios) == 3 if 'sample' in self.config: train, val, test = self.split_by_ratio_sampled( ratios, create_new_dataset=False) else: train, val, test = self.split_by_ratio(ratios, group_by=group_by, create_new_dataset=False) user_fs = self.user_feat_fields item_fs = self.item_feat_fields type_field = self.itype_field self.train_inter_subset = {} self.val_inter_subset = {} self.test_inter_subset = {} for item_type in self.types: item_type_id = item_type_dict[item_type] self.train_inter_subset[item_type] = SubSet( train[train[type_field] == item_type_id], self.uid_field, self.iid_field, self.itype_field, self.label_field, user_fs, item_fs[item_type]) self.val_inter_subset[item_type] = SubSet( val[val[type_field] == item_type_id], self.uid_field, self.iid_field, self.itype_field, self.label_field, user_fs, item_fs[item_type]) self.test_inter_subset[item_type] = SubSet( test[test[type_field] == item_type_id], self.uid_field, self.iid_field, self.itype_field, self.label_field, user_fs, item_fs[item_type]) self.all_inter_feat = self.inter_feat "Replace interaction features with train interaction fatures.") "Interaction features are stored in self.all_inter_feat") self.inter_feat = train def init_data_loader(self, batch_size=256, num_workers=1): self.train_data_loader = {} self.val_data_loader = {} self.test_data_loader = {} for item_type in self.types: self.train_data_loader[item_type] = DataLoader( self.train_inter_subset[item_type], batch_size=batch_size, # pin_memory=True, num_workers=num_workers) self.val_data_loader[item_type] = DataLoader( self.val_inter_subset[item_type], batch_size=batch_size, num_workers=num_workers) self.test_data_loader[item_type] = DataLoader( self.test_inter_subset[item_type], batch_size=batch_size, num_workers=num_workers) class HSubSet(Dataset): def __init__(self, dataframes, uid_field, iid_field, label_field, u_feat_fields, i_feat_fields): self.types = dataframes.keys() self.dfs = dataframes self.uid = uid_field self.iid = iid_field self.label = label_field def __len__(self): return min([len(df.index) for df in self.dfs])
<filename>src/controllerarena/loggers/<gh_stars>0 import socket import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import json idx = 0 lines = [] def decode(dct): if "data" in dct: return dct["data"] elif "config" in dct: return dct["config"] elif "config" not in dct and "x" in dct and "y" in dct: global idx, lines idx += 1 plt.figure(idx) if "xlabel" in dct: plt.xlabel(dct["xlabel"]) if "ylabel" in dct: plt.ylabel(dct["ylabel"]) l, = plt.plot([], [], 'r-') lines.append(l) return [dct["x"], dct["y"]] else: return "Invalid JSON" def process(lines, datum, configs): arr = json.loads(datum, object_hook=decode) for idx, config in enumerate(configs): plt.figure(idx+1) xdata = arr[config[0]] ydata = arr[config[1]] l = lines[idx] x = l.get_xdata() y = l.get_ydata() if len(x) > 0: # Append new data l.set_xdata(np.append(x, xdata)) l.set_ydata(np.append(y, ydata)) # Adjust axis limits plt.xlim(0, np.amax(l.get_xdata())*1.05) plt.ylim(0, np.amax(l.get_ydata())*1.05) else: # Add first coordinates l.set_xdata([xdata]) l.set_ydata([ydata]) # Update plot plt.draw() # Socket address HOST = '' PORT = 8080 # Open socket s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) # Bind socket to address s.bind((HOST, PORT)) # Listen (1 connection in buffer) s.listen(1) # Accept connection conn, addr = s.accept() print "Connected by", addr configs = conn.recv(1024) configs = json.loads(configs, object_hook=decode) conn.sendall('Ready') while 1: # Receive data datum = conn.recv(1024) if datum: # If data is not terminating try: # Process and plot data process(lines, datum, configs) except: # Handle invalid data without closing connection print "Invalid data received" else: # If data is terminating break # Close connection conn.close() # Close socket s.close() # Keep showing plot
<reponame>ivanliao/EazyEEP<filename> #!/usr/bin/python ''' Created on May 20, 2016 @author: ''' import sys import os import json import eeprom #import logging as log from argparse import ArgumentParser class SysBoard(object): ''' Main system definition ''' def __init__(self, json_data): ''' Constructor ''' self.eeprom = eeprom.EepromBin("syseeprom.bin") # Init EEPROM programmer self.eepprog = eeprom.JsonEepromProg(self.eeprom,json_data['SysEeprom']) def main(board, argv=None): '''Command line options.''' if argv is None: argv = sys.argv else: sys.argv.extend(argv) eepprog = board.eepprog try: # Setup argument parser parser = ArgumentParser(prog=sys.argv[0]) subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(help='help for subcommand', dest='subcommand') parser_show = subparsers.add_parser('show', help='Display the device info') parser_dump = subparsers.add_parser('dump', help='Dump the binary content') parser_json = subparsers.add_parser('json', help='Output JSON format') parser_init = subparsers.add_parser('init', help='Initialize the device info') parser_erase = subparsers.add_parser('erase', help='Erase the device info') parser_update = subparsers.add_parser('update', help='Update the device info') parser_update.add_argument('fields', type=str, metavar='<field>=<value>', nargs='+', help='Update the specified field. ') parser_list = subparsers.add_parser('field', help='List the available fields. ') if len(sys.argv) == 1: parser.print_help() return 1 args = parser.parse_args() if args.subcommand == 'show': # eepprog show eepprog.eep_dev.reload() for key in sorted(eepprog.fields.keys(), key = lambda name: eepprog.fields[name].offset): print '%-16s: %s' % (eepprog.fields[key].descr, eepprog.get_field(key)) elif args.subcommand == 'dump': # eepprog dump eepprog.eep_dev.reload() print eepprog.eep_dev.dump() elif args.subcommand == 'erase': # eepprog erase if operation_confirm() == True: eepprog.erase_all() elif args.subcommand == 'init': # eepprog init if operation_confirm() == True: eepprog.init_default() elif args.subcommand == 'json': # eepprog json eepprog.eep_dev.reload() print eepprog.toJSON() elif args.subcommand == 'field': # eepprog field print '\nAvailable fields are: ' +', '.join(eepprog.fields.keys()) elif args.subcommand == 'update': # eepprog update # parse <field>=<value> eepprog.eep_dev.reload() fields = [] for f in args.fields: pair = f.split('=') if len(pair) != 2: parser_update.print_help() return 2 elif pair[0] not in eepprog.fields: print 'Available fields are: ' +', '.join(eepprog.fields.keys()) return 2 else: fields.append(pair) for f in fields: if eepprog.fields[f[0]] != None: eepprog.set_field(f[0],f[1]) else: parser.print_help() print '' except Exception, e: indent = len(parser.prog) * " " sys.stderr.write(parser.prog + ": " + repr(e) + "\n") sys.stderr.write(indent + " for help use --help\n") return 2 def operation_confirm(): s = raw_input('Are you sure to do this? (y/N): ') if s.lower() == 'y': return True return False # Entry point of the script if __name__ == '__main__': try: f=open('eeprom.json') # EEPROM format j_data = json.load(f) f.close() except Exception, e: print "File eeprom.json is not found." exit(1) board = SysBoard(j_data) sys.exit(main(board))
def decrypt_story(): """ Using the methods you created in this problem set, decrypt the story given by the function getStoryString(). Use the functions getStoryString and loadWords to get the raw data you need. returns: string - story in plain text """ story = CiphertextMessage(get_story_string()) return story.decrypt_message()
<reponame>crdoconnor/commandlib<filename>commandlib/ from copy import deepcopy from subprocess import PIPE, STDOUT, Popen from commandlib.exceptions import CommandError, CommandExitError from commandlib.utils import _check_directory from os import chdir, getcwd class PipedCommand(object): def __init__(self, command): self._command = command self._from_string = None self._from_handle = None self._from_filename = None self._stdout_to_filename = None self._stdout_to_handle = None self._stderr_to_handle = None def from_string(self, string): assert self._from_handle is None assert self._from_filename is None new_piped = deepcopy(self) new_piped._from_string = string return new_piped def from_handle(self, handle): assert self._from_string is None assert self._from_filename is None new_piped = deepcopy(self) new_piped._from_handle = handle return new_piped def from_filename(self, filename): assert self._from_string is None assert self._from_handle is None new_piped = deepcopy(self) new_piped._from_filename = str(filename) return new_piped def stdout_to_filename(self, filename): new_piped = deepcopy(self) new_piped._stdout_to_filename = filename return new_piped def stdout_to_handle(self, handle): new_piped = deepcopy(self) new_piped._stdout_to_handle = handle return new_piped def stderr_to_handle(self, handle): assert self._stderr_to_handle is None new_piped = deepcopy(self) new_piped._stderr_to_handle = handle return new_piped def run(self): _check_directory( previous_directory = getcwd() if ( self._from_handle is None and self._from_string is None and self._from_filename is None ): stdin = None else: if self._from_string: stdin = PIPE if self._from_handle: stdin = self._from_handle if self._from_filename: stdin = open(self._from_filename, "r") if self._stdout_to_handle is None and self._stdout_to_filename is None: stdout = None else: if self._stdout_to_handle: stdout = self._stdout_to_handle if self._stdout_to_filename: stdout = open(self._stdout_to_filename, "w") if self._stderr_to_handle is None: stderr = PIPE else: if self._stderr_to_handle: stderr = self._stderr_to_handle if is not None: chdir( try: process = Popen( self._command.arguments, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, stdin=stdin, shell=self._command._shell, env=self._command.env, ) if self._from_string: process.stdin.write(self._from_string.encode("utf8")) _, _ = process.communicate() returncode = process.returncode finally: if self._from_filename: stdin.close() if self._stdout_to_filename: stdout.close() chdir(previous_directory) if returncode != 0 and not self._command._ignore_errors: raise CommandError( '"{0}" failed (err code {1})'.format(self.__repr__(), returncode) ) def output(self): _check_directory( previous_directory = getcwd() if is not None: chdir( if self._from_handle is None and self._from_string is None: stdin = None else: if self._from_string: stdin = PIPE if self._from_handle: stdin = self._from_handle process = Popen( self._command.arguments, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, stdin=stdin, shell=self._command._shell, env=self._command.env, ) if self._from_string: process.stdin.write(self._from_string.encode("utf8")) stdoutput, _ = process.communicate() returncode = process.returncode chdir(previous_directory) if returncode != 0 and not self._command._ignore_errors: raise CommandExitError( self.__repr__(), returncode, stdoutput.decode("utf8").strip() ) return stdoutput.decode("utf8") def __str__(self): return " ".join(self._command.arguments) def __unicode__(self): return " ".join(self._command.arguments) def __repr__(self): return self.__str__()
<reponame>zenofewords/thebrushstash # Generated by Django 2.2.7 on 2019-12-02 23:35 from django.db import migrations, models class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('thebrushstash', '0005_setting'), ] operations = [ migrations.CreateModel( name='StaticPageContent', fields=[ ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')), ('title', models.CharField(max_length=1000)), ], ), ]
<reponame>hamisicodes/Awwaards # Generated by Django 3.0.7 on 2020-06-09 12:12 import django.core.validators from django.db import migrations, models class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('awwaards_app', '0003_rate'), ] operations = [ migrations.AddField( model_name='rate', name='content', field=models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0, validators=[django.core.validators.MaxValueValidator(10)]), ), migrations.AddField( model_name='rate', name='usability', field=models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0, validators=[django.core.validators.MaxValueValidator(10)]), ), ]
<reponame>deepguider/RoadGPS import os root_dir = './data_vps/custom_dataset/dataset_seoul' db_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, '.') queries_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, '.') if not os.path.exists(root_dir) or not(db_dir): raise FileNotFoundError("root_dir : {}, db_dir : {}".format(root_dir, db_dir)) struct_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, 'datasets') # For mat files in which list of image files are #structFile = join(struct_dir, 'pitts30k_test.mat') #structFile = os.path.join(struct_dir, 'dg_daejeon_test.mat') structFile = os.path.join(struct_dir, 'dg_seoul_test.mat') #x, y, coord, radius = 327934.67464998, 4153535.06119226, 'utm', 25 x, y, coord, radius = 37.511634, 127.061298, 'latlon', 25
""" Django settings for farmblr project. Generated by 'django-admin startproject' using Django 4.0. For more information on this file, see For the full list of settings and their values, see """ import os from pathlib import Path from decouple import config, Csv # Build paths inside the project like this: BASE_DIR / 'subdir'. BASE_DIR = Path(__file__).resolve().parent.parent TEMPLATE_DIR = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'templates') # Quick-start development settings - unsuitable for production # See # SECURITY WARNING: keep the secret key used in production secret! # TODO: Make secret key secret SECRET_KEY = 'django-insecure-xyjd9zz!%+e^k9emeu8--hvpp1zqv01e_85eis(dux3li8t2!$' # SECRET_KEY = config('SECRET_KEY') # SECURITY WARNING: don't run with debug turned on in production! # TODO: Uncomment the below 2 and delete defaults (for production) # DEBUG = config('DEBUG', default=True, cast=bool) # # ALLOWED_HOSTS = config('ALLOWED_HOSTS', cast=Csv()) DEBUG = True ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['*'] # Application definition INSTALLED_APPS = [ 'django.contrib.admin', 'django.contrib.auth', 'django.contrib.contenttypes', 'django.contrib.sessions', 'django.contrib.messages', 'django.contrib.staticfiles', 'web', 'blog', 'accounts', 'products' ] MIDDLEWARE = [ '', 'django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware', 'django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware', 'django.middleware.csrf.CsrfViewMiddleware', 'django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware', 'django.contrib.messages.middleware.MessageMiddleware', 'django.middleware.clickjacking.XFrameOptionsMiddleware', ] ROOT_URLCONF = 'farmblr.urls' TEMPLATES = [ { 'BACKEND': 'django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates', 'DIRS': [TEMPLATE_DIR], 'APP_DIRS': True, 'OPTIONS': { 'context_processors': [ 'django.template.context_processors.debug', 'django.template.context_processors.request', 'django.contrib.auth.context_processors.auth', 'django.contrib.messages.context_processors.messages', ], }, }, ] WSGI_APPLICATION = 'farmblr.wsgi.application' # Database # DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3', 'NAME': BASE_DIR / 'db.sqlite3', } } # Password validation # AUTH_PASSWORD_VALIDATORS = [ { 'NAME': 'django.contrib.auth.password_validation.UserAttributeSimilarityValidator', }, { 'NAME': 'django.contrib.auth.password_validation.MinimumLengthValidator', }, { 'NAME': 'django.contrib.auth.password_validation.CommonPasswordValidator', }, { 'NAME': 'django.contrib.auth.password_validation.NumericPasswordValidator', }, ] # Internationalization # LANGUAGE_CODE = 'en-us' TIME_ZONE = 'UTC' USE_I18N = True USE_TZ = True # Static files (CSS, JavaScript, Images) # STATIC_URL = 'static/' STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'staticfiles') STATICFILES_DIRS = [ BASE_DIR / "static", ] # User uploaded files MEDIA_URL = '/media/' MEDIA_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'media/') # Default primary key field type # DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD = 'django.db.models.BigAutoField' # Email configuration # EMAIL_BACKEND = config('EMAIL_BACKEND') # EMAIL_USE_TLS = config('EMAIL_USE_TLS', cast=bool) # EMAIL_ACTIVE_FIELD = config('EMAIL_ACTIVE_FIELD') # EMAIL_SERVER = EMAIL_HOST = config('EMAIL_HOST') # EMAIL_PORT = config('EMAIL_PORT', cast=int) # EMAIL_ADDRESS = EMAIL_HOST_USER = config('EMAIL_HOST_USER') # EMAIL_FROM_ADDRESS = config('EMAIL_HOST_USER') # EMAIL_PASSWORD = EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = config('EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD') # os.environ['password_key'] suggested # EMAIL_MAIL_SUBJECT = config('EMAIL_MAIL_SUBJECT') # EMAIL_MAIL_HTML = config('EMAIL_MAIL_HTML') # EMAIL_PAGE_TEMPLATE = config('EMAIL_PAGE_TEMPLATE') # EMAIL_PAGE_DOMAIN = config('EMAIL_PAGE_DOMAIN') # DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL = config('EMAIL_FROM_ADDRESS')
<filename>rubik_solver/Solver/CFOP/<gh_stars>10-100 from rubik_solver.Move import Move from .. import Solver class PLLSolver(Solver): STEPS = { "810345672": ["X", "R'", "U", "R'", "D2", "R", "U'", "R'", "D2", "R2", "X'"], "018345276": ["X'", "R", "U'", "R", "D2", "R'", "U", "R", "D2", "R2", "X"], "012743658": ["R2", "U", "R", "U", "R'", "U'", "R'", "U'", "R'", "U", "R'"], "012547638": ["R", "U'", "R", "U", "R", "U", "R", "U'", "R'", "U'", "R2"], "072543618": ["M2", "U", "M2", "U2", "M2", "U", "M2"], "018543672": ["R", "U", "R'", "U'", "R'", "F", "R2", "U'", "R'", "U'", "R", "U", "R'", "F'"], "230145678": ["R'", "U", "L'", "U2", "R", "U'", "R'", "U2", "R", "L", "U'"], "018347652": ["R", "U", "R'", "F'", "R", "U", "R'", "U'", "R'", "F", "R2", "U'", "R'", "U'"], "210745638": ["L", "U2", "L'", "U2", "L", "F'", "L'", "U'", "L", "U", "L", "F", "L2", "U"], "210347658": ["R'", "U2", "R", "U2", "R'", "F", "R", "U", "R'", "U'", "R'", "F'", "R2", "U'"], "852341670": ["R'", "U", "R'", "Y", "U'", "R'", "F'", "R2", "U'", "R'", "U", "R'", "F", "R", "F"], "650143278": ["R2", "Y", "D", "R'", "U", "R'", "U'", "R", "Y'", "D'", "R2", "Y'", "R'", "U", "R"], "832745016": ["R'", "U'", "R", "Y", "R2", "Y", "D", "R'", "U", "R", "U'", "R", "Y'", "D'", "R2"], "812743056": ["R2", "Y'", "D'", "R", "U'", "R", "U", "R'", "Y", "D", "R2", "Y", "R", "U'", "R'"], "670145238": ["R", "U", "R'", "Y'", "R2", "Y'", "D'", "R", "U'", "R'", "U", "R'", "Y", "D", "R2"], "012543876": ["R'", "U2", "R'", "Y", "U'", "R'", "F'", "R2", "U'", "R'", "U", "R'", "F", "R", "U'", "F"], "032147658": ["M2", "U", "M2", "U", "M'", "U2", "M2", "U2", "M'", "U2"], "832145670": ["F", "R", "U'", "R'", "U'", "R", "U", "R'", "F'", "R", "U", "R'", "U'", "R'", "F", "R", "F'"], "872345610": ["L", "U'", "R", "U2", "L'", "U", "R'", "L", "U'", "R", "U2", "L'", "U", "R'", "U"], "076345218": ["R'", "U", "L'", "U2", "R", "U'", "L", "R'", "U", "L'", "U2", "R", "U'", "L", "U'"], "618345072": ["X'", "R", "U'", "R'", "D", "R", "U", "R'", "D'", "R", "U", "R'", "D", "R", "U'", "R'", "D'", "X"] } @staticmethod def get_orientations(cube): cubies = ['BLU', 'BU', 'BRU', 'LU', 'U', 'RU', 'FLU', 'FU', 'FRU'] orientation = [] for cubie in cubies: o = PLLSolver.get_correct_cubie(cube, cubie) orientation.append(str(cubies.index(o))) return ''.join(orientation) def move(self, s, solution): self.cube.move(Move(s)) solution.append(s) @staticmethod def get_correct_cubie(cube, cubie): colors = [cube.cubies[c].facings[c].color for c in cubie.replace('U', '')] return cube.search_by_colors('Y', *colors) def solution(self): solution = [] while True: for _ in range(4): self.move('U', solution) for _ in range(4): self.move('Y', solution) orientation = PLLSolver.get_orientations(self.cube) if orientation in PLLSolver.STEPS: for s in PLLSolver.STEPS[orientation]: self.move(s, solution) return solution # Apply shortest and expect to be solvable after that for s in PLLSolver.STEPS["072543618"]: self.move(s, solution) return []
import os import shutil import pandas as pd import torch import PIL.Image as Image import torchvision.transforms as transforms import time t = transforms.Compose([transforms.Resize((224,224))]) data_dir = '../../data' image_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, 'isic/Images') def main(csv_filename, include_sonic): if include_sonic: new_image_dir = image_dir.replace('Images','ImagesSmallerWithSonic') p = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(data_dir,csv_filename)) else: new_image_dir = image_dir.replace('Images','ImagesSmaller') p = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(data_dir,csv_filename)) image_names = p['image_name'].values if not os.path.exists(new_image_dir): print('making ',new_image_dir) os.mkdir(new_image_dir) t1 = time.time() print('resizing images') for i,image_name in enumerate(image_names): if i % 1000 == 0: t2 = time.time() print(i, t2-t1) original = os.path.join(image_dir, image_name) target = os.path.join(new_image_dir, image_name) #shutil.copyfile(original, target) #print(image_name) img =,image_name)) # tranform img_t = t(img).convert("RGB"),image_name),"JPEG") if __name__ == '__main__': main(csv_filename='isic/df_with_sonic_age_over_50_id.csv',include_sonic=False)
<filename>misc/migrations/versions/ """empty message Revision ID: 4c4c7189593e Revises: 4b4e6d96c630 Create Date: 2017-04-04 12:37:27.512719 """ # revision identifiers, used by Alembic. revision = '4c4c7189593e' down_revision = '4b4e6d96c630' from alembic import op import sqlalchemy as sa def upgrade(): ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ### op.drop_constraint('organization_user_roles_name_german_key', 'organization_user_roles', type_='unique') op.drop_constraint('organization_user_roles_name_key', 'organization_user_roles', type_='unique') op.drop_column('organization_user_roles', 'deleted') op.drop_column('organization_user_roles', 'name_german') ### end Alembic commands ### def downgrade(): ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ### op.add_column('organization_user_roles', sa.Column('name_german', sa.VARCHAR(length=255), autoincrement=False, nullable=False)) op.add_column('organization_user_roles', sa.Column('deleted', sa.BOOLEAN(), autoincrement=False, nullable=True)) op.create_unique_constraint('organization_user_roles_name_key', 'organization_user_roles', ['name']) op.create_unique_constraint('organization_user_roles_name_german_key', 'organization_user_roles', ['name_german']) ### end Alembic commands ###
from turtle import Screen from snake import Snake from food import Food from scoreboard import Score import time screener = Screen() screener.setup(width=600, height=600) screener.bgcolor("black") screener.title("SNAKE GAME") screener.tracer(0) snake = Snake() food = Food() scoreboard = Score() screener.listen() screener.onkey(snake.up, "Up") screener.onkey(snake.down, "Down") screener.onkey(snake.left, "Left") screener.onkey(snake.right, "Right") game_is_on = True while game_is_on: screener.update() time.sleep(.1) snake.move() # Collision with food if snake.head.distance(food) < 15: food.refresh() snake.extent() scoreboard.increase_score() # Detect collision with wall if snake.head.xcor() > 280 or snake.head.xcor() < -280 or snake.head.ycor() > 280 or snake.head.ycor() < -280: scoreboard.reset() snake.reset() # Detect collision with tail for segment in snake.segments[1:]: if segment == snake.head: pass elif snake.head.distance(segment) < 10: scoreboard.reset() snake.reset() screener.exitonclick()
<filename>sdk/machinelearning/azure-mgmt-machinelearningservices/azure/mgmt/machinelearningservices/models/ # coding=utf-8 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. # Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. # Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. # Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- from enum import Enum, EnumMeta from six import with_metaclass class _CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta(EnumMeta): def __getitem__(self, name): return super().__getitem__(name.upper()) def __getattr__(cls, name): """Return the enum member matching `name` We use __getattr__ instead of descriptors or inserting into the enum class' __dict__ in order to support `name` and `value` being both properties for enum members (which live in the class' __dict__) and enum members themselves. """ try: return cls._member_map_[name.upper()] except KeyError: raise AttributeError(name) class AllocationState(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): """Allocation state of the compute. Possible values are: steady - Indicates that the compute is not resizing. There are no changes to the number of compute nodes in the compute in progress. A compute enters this state when it is created and when no operations are being performed on the compute to change the number of compute nodes. resizing - Indicates that the compute is resizing; that is, compute nodes are being added to or removed from the compute. """ STEADY = "Steady" RESIZING = "Resizing" class ApplicationSharingPolicy(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): """Policy for sharing applications on this compute instance among users of parent workspace. If Personal, only the creator can access applications on this compute instance. When Shared, any workspace user can access applications on this instance depending on his/her assigned role. """ PERSONAL = "Personal" SHARED = "Shared" class BillingCurrency(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): """Three lettered code specifying the currency of the VM price. Example: USD """ USD = "USD" class ComputeInstanceState(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): """Current state of a ComputeInstance. """ CREATING = "Creating" CREATE_FAILED = "CreateFailed" DELETING = "Deleting" RUNNING = "Running" RESTARTING = "Restarting" JOB_RUNNING = "JobRunning" SETTING_UP = "SettingUp" SETUP_FAILED = "SetupFailed" STARTING = "Starting" STOPPED = "Stopped" STOPPING = "Stopping" USER_SETTING_UP = "UserSettingUp" USER_SETUP_FAILED = "UserSetupFailed" UNKNOWN = "Unknown" UNUSABLE = "Unusable" class ComputeType(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): """The type of compute """ AKS = "AKS" AML_COMPUTE = "AmlCompute" COMPUTE_INSTANCE = "ComputeInstance" DATA_FACTORY = "DataFactory" VIRTUAL_MACHINE = "VirtualMachine" HD_INSIGHT = "HDInsight" DATABRICKS = "Databricks" DATA_LAKE_ANALYTICS = "DataLakeAnalytics" class EncryptionStatus(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): """Indicates whether or not the encryption is enabled for the workspace. """ ENABLED = "Enabled" DISABLED = "Disabled" class NodeState(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): """State of the compute node. Values are idle, running, preparing, unusable, leaving and preempted. """ IDLE = "idle" RUNNING = "running" PREPARING = "preparing" UNUSABLE = "unusable" LEAVING = "leaving" PREEMPTED = "preempted" class OperationName(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): """Name of the last operation. """ CREATE = "Create" START = "Start" STOP = "Stop" RESTART = "Restart" REIMAGE = "Reimage" DELETE = "Delete" class OperationStatus(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): """Operation status. """ IN_PROGRESS = "InProgress" SUCCEEDED = "Succeeded" CREATE_FAILED = "CreateFailed" START_FAILED = "StartFailed" STOP_FAILED = "StopFailed" RESTART_FAILED = "RestartFailed" REIMAGE_FAILED = "ReimageFailed" DELETE_FAILED = "DeleteFailed" class PrivateEndpointConnectionProvisioningState(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): """The current provisioning state. """ SUCCEEDED = "Succeeded" CREATING = "Creating" DELETING = "Deleting" FAILED = "Failed" class PrivateEndpointServiceConnectionStatus(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): """The private endpoint connection status. """ PENDING = "Pending" APPROVED = "Approved" REJECTED = "Rejected" DISCONNECTED = "Disconnected" TIMEOUT = "Timeout" class ProvisioningState(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): """The current deployment state of workspace resource. The provisioningState is to indicate states for resource provisioning. """ UNKNOWN = "Unknown" UPDATING = "Updating" CREATING = "Creating" DELETING = "Deleting" SUCCEEDED = "Succeeded" FAILED = "Failed" CANCELED = "Canceled" class QuotaUnit(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): """An enum describing the unit of quota measurement. """ COUNT = "Count" class ReasonCode(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): """The reason for the restriction. """ NOT_SPECIFIED = "NotSpecified" NOT_AVAILABLE_FOR_REGION = "NotAvailableForRegion" NOT_AVAILABLE_FOR_SUBSCRIPTION = "NotAvailableForSubscription" class RemoteLoginPortPublicAccess(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): """State of the public SSH port. Possible values are: Disabled - Indicates that the public ssh port is closed on all nodes of the cluster. Enabled - Indicates that the public ssh port is open on all nodes of the cluster. NotSpecified - Indicates that the public ssh port is closed on all nodes of the cluster if VNet is defined, else is open all public nodes. It can be default only during cluster creation time, after creation it will be either enabled or disabled. """ ENABLED = "Enabled" DISABLED = "Disabled" NOT_SPECIFIED = "NotSpecified" class ResourceIdentityType(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): """The identity type. """ SYSTEM_ASSIGNED = "SystemAssigned" USER_ASSIGNED = "UserAssigned" SYSTEM_ASSIGNED_USER_ASSIGNED = "SystemAssigned,UserAssigned" NONE = "None" class SshPublicAccess(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): """State of the public SSH port. Possible values are: Disabled - Indicates that the public ssh port is closed on this instance. Enabled - Indicates that the public ssh port is open and accessible according to the VNet/subnet policy if applicable. """ ENABLED = "Enabled" DISABLED = "Disabled" class SslConfigurationStatus(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): """Enable or disable ssl for scoring """ DISABLED = "Disabled" ENABLED = "Enabled" class Status(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): """Status of update workspace quota. """ UNDEFINED = "Undefined" SUCCESS = "Success" FAILURE = "Failure" INVALID_QUOTA_BELOW_CLUSTER_MINIMUM = "InvalidQuotaBelowClusterMinimum" INVALID_QUOTA_EXCEEDS_SUBSCRIPTION_LIMIT = "InvalidQuotaExceedsSubscriptionLimit" INVALID_VM_FAMILY_NAME = "InvalidVMFamilyName" OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_FOR_SKU = "OperationNotSupportedForSku" OPERATION_NOT_ENABLED_FOR_REGION = "OperationNotEnabledForRegion" class UnderlyingResourceAction(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): DELETE = "Delete" DETACH = "Detach" class UnitOfMeasure(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): """The unit of time measurement for the specified VM price. Example: OneHour """ ONE_HOUR = "OneHour" class UsageUnit(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): """An enum describing the unit of usage measurement. """ COUNT = "Count" class VMPriceOSType(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): """Operating system type used by the VM. """ LINUX = "Linux" WINDOWS = "Windows" class VmPriority(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): """Virtual Machine priority """ DEDICATED = "Dedicated" LOW_PRIORITY = "LowPriority" class VMTier(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): """The type of the VM. """ STANDARD = "Standard" LOW_PRIORITY = "LowPriority" SPOT = "Spot"
import os import cv2 import numpy as np def get_emojis(): emojis_folder = 'emoji/' emojis = [] for emoji in range(len(os.listdir(emojis_folder))): print(emoji) emojis.append(cv2.imread(emojis_folder + str(emoji) + '.png', -1)) return emojis[0:len(emojis) - 1] def overlay(image, emoji, x, y, w, h): emoji = cv2.resize(emoji, (w, h)) try: image[y:y + h, x:x + w] = blend_transparent(image[y:y + h, x:x + w], emoji) except: pass return image def blend_transparent(face_img, overlay_t_img): # Split out the transparency mask from the colour info overlay_img = overlay_t_img[:, :, :3] # Grab the BRG planes overlay_mask = overlay_t_img[:, :, 3:] # And the alpha plane # Again calculate the inverse mask background_mask = 255 - overlay_mask # Turn the masks into three channel, so we can use them as weights overlay_mask = cv2.cvtColor(overlay_mask, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) background_mask = cv2.cvtColor(background_mask, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) # Create a masked out face image, and masked out overlay # We convert the images to floating point in range 0.0 - 1.0 face_part = (face_img * (1 / 255.0)) * (background_mask * (1 / 255.0)) overlay_part = (overlay_img * (1 / 255.0)) * (overlay_mask * (1 / 255.0)) # And finally just add them together, and rescale it back to an 8bit integer image return np.uint8(cv2.addWeighted(face_part, 255.0, overlay_part, 255.0, 0.0)) def rescale_frame(frame, percent=75): width = int(frame.shape[1] * percent / 100) height = int(frame.shape[0] * percent / 100) dim = (width, height) return cv2.resize(frame, dim, interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA)
<filename> from pathlib import Path ROOT_DIR = Path(__file__).parent.resolve() IMAGE_DIR = ROOT_DIR / 'images'
<gh_stars>0 import socket import json from _thread import start_new_thread #from sense_hat import SenseHat from optparse import OptionParser import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import time parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option('-i', '--ip', type='string', dest='ip', default='') parser.add_option('-p', '--port', type='int', dest='port', default=5005) parser.add_option('-n', '--numNodes', type='int', dest='numNodes', default=15) parser.add_option('-u', '--update', type='float', dest='update', default=0.2) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() #sense = SenseHat() #sense.clear() # temp = sense.get_temperature() def clientReceiver(): # create server s = socket.socket() s.bind((options.ip, options.port)) s.listen(options.numNodes) # keep main in here to accept connections while True: con, _ = s.accept() start_new_thread(dataStream, (con,)) visDatas = {} # store all data to visualize # continually stream in data in separate threads def dataStream(con): while True: data = con.recv(1024).decode('utf-8') if data == '': break mDict = json.loads(data) uid = mDict['uid'] if uid not in visDatas: visDatas[uid] = {'mem_use':[], 'cpu_use':[]} visDatas[uid]['mem_use'].append(mDict['mem_use']) visDatas[uid]['cpu_use'].append(mDict['cpu_use']) print(mDict) start_new_thread(clientReceiver, ()) plt.ion() # for live update plot # plotting stuff fig = plt.figure() axRam = plt.subplot(2,1,1) axCpu = plt.subplot(2,1,2) # colors of lines cols = ['C'+str(i%10) for i in range(options.numNodes)] # styles of lines lins = ['-']*10 + ['--']*10 + ['-.']*10 # manually update if need more maxX = 20 while True: axRam.cla() axCpu.cla() for i, uid in enumerate(list(visDatas.keys())): l = len(visDatas[uid]['mem_use']) axRam.plot(visDatas[uid]['mem_use'][max(0, l-maxX):l], color=cols[i], linestyle=lins[i], label=uid) axCpu.plot(visDatas[uid]['cpu_use'][max(0, l-maxX):l], color=cols[i], linestyle=lins[i], label=uid) if len(visDatas[uid]['mem_use']) > maxX: visDatas[uid]['mem_use'] = visDatas[uid]['mem_use'][len(visDatas[uid]['mem_use'])-20:] if len(visDatas[uid]['cpu_use']) > maxX: visDatas[uid]['cpu_use'] = visDatas[uid]['cpu_use'][len(visDatas[uid]['cpu_use'])-20:] axRam.set_title('RAM Usage of Nodes') axRam.set_ylabel('RAM (GB)') axRam.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) axRam.legend(loc='upper left') axRam.set_ylim(0,1.05) axCpu.set_title('CPU Usage of Nodes (4 Cores)') axCpu.set_ylabel('CPU %') axCpu.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) axCpu.legend(loc='upper left') axCpu.set_ylim(0,105) plt.draw() fig.canvas.start_event_loop(options.update)
<filename> import lyte secret_number = 4 def shift(c, howMuch= 1): return chr(ord(c) + howMuch) def encoder(message): message=list(message) for i in range( len(message) ): message[i] = shift( message[i], howMuch= secret_number ) return ''.join(message) def decoder(message): message=list(message) for i in range( len(message) ): message[i] = shift(message[i], howMuch= - secret_number ) return ''.join(message) if __name__ == '__main__': message = 'this is a test' encoded_message = encoder(message) lyte.say(f' {message} -->encoded--> {encoded_message} -->decoded--> {decoder(encoded_message)} ') lyte.webMe()
# ****************************************************************************** # Copyright 2017-2018 Intel Corporation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ****************************************************************************** from __future__ import print_function from caffe2.python import core, workspace from ngraph.frontends.caffe2.c2_importer.importer import C2Importer from ngraph.testing import ExecutorFactory import numpy as np import random as random def run_all_close_compare_initiated_with_random_gauss(c2_op_name, shape=None, data=None, expected=None): workspace.ResetWorkspace() if not shape: shape = [2, 7] if not data: data = [random.gauss(mu=0, sigma=10) for i in range(] net = core.Net("net") net.GivenTensorFill([], "X", shape=shape, values=data, name="X") getattr(net, c2_op_name)(["X"], ["Y"], name="Y") # Execute via Caffe2 workspace.RunNetOnce(net) # Import caffe2 network into ngraph importer = C2Importer() importer.parse_net_def(net.Proto(), verbose=False) # Get handle f_ng = importer.get_op_handle("Y") # Execute with ExecutorFactory() as ex: f_result = ex.executor(f_ng)() c2_y = workspace.FetchBlob("Y") # compare Caffe2 and ngraph results assert(np.allclose(f_result, c2_y, atol=1e-4, rtol=0, equal_nan=False)) # compare expected results and ngraph results if expected: assert(np.allclose(f_result, expected, atol=1e-3, rtol=0, equal_nan=False)) def test_relu(): run_all_close_compare_initiated_with_random_gauss('Relu', shape=[10, 10]) def test_softmax(): shape = [2, 7] data = [ 1., 2., 3., 4., 1., 2., 3., 1., 2., 3., 4., 1., 2., 3. ] expected = [ [0.024, 0.064, 0.175, 0.475, 0.024, 0.064, 0.175], [0.024, 0.064, 0.175, 0.475, 0.024, 0.064, 0.175], ] run_all_close_compare_initiated_with_random_gauss('Softmax', shape=shape, data=data, expected=expected) def test_negative(): run_all_close_compare_initiated_with_random_gauss('Negative') def test_sigmoid(): run_all_close_compare_initiated_with_random_gauss('Sigmoid') def test_tanh(): run_all_close_compare_initiated_with_random_gauss('Tanh') def test_exp(): workspace.ResetWorkspace() shape = [2, 7] data = [ 1., 2., 3., 4., 1., 2., 3., 1., 2., 3., 4., 1., 2., 3. ] expected = [ [2.71828, 7.3890, 20.08553, 54.59815, 2.71828, 7.3890, 20.08553], [2.71828, 7.3890, 20.08553, 54.59815, 2.71828, 7.3890, 20.08553], ] run_all_close_compare_initiated_with_random_gauss('Exp', shape=shape, data=data, expected=expected) def test_NCHW2NHWC(): workspace.ResetWorkspace() # NCHW shape = [2, 3, 4, 5] data1 = [float(i) for i in range(] net = core.Net("net") X = net.GivenTensorFill([], ["X"], shape=shape, values=data1, name="X") X.NCHW2NHWC([], ["Y"], name="Y") # Execute via Caffe2 workspace.RunNetOnce(net) # Import caffe2 network into ngraph importer = C2Importer() importer.parse_net_def(net.Proto(), verbose=False) # Get handle f_ng = importer.get_op_handle("Y") # Execute with ExecutorFactory() as ex: f_result = ex.executor(f_ng)() # compare Caffe2 and ngraph results assert(np.array_equal(f_result, workspace.FetchBlob("Y"))) def test_NHWC2NCHW(): workspace.ResetWorkspace() # NHWC shape = [2, 3, 4, 5] data1 = [float(i) for i in range(] net = core.Net("net") X = net.GivenTensorFill([], ["X"], shape=shape, values=data1, name="X") X.NCHW2NHWC([], ["Y"], name="Y") # Execute via Caffe2 workspace.RunNetOnce(net) # Import caffe2 network into ngraph importer = C2Importer() importer.parse_net_def(net.Proto(), verbose=False) # Get handle f_ng = importer.get_op_handle("Y") # Execute with ExecutorFactory() as ex: f_result = ex.executor(f_ng)() # compare Caffe2 and ngraph results assert(np.array_equal(f_result, workspace.FetchBlob("Y")))
# This is a module with functions that can be used to calculate the Froude # number in a simple 2D system # <NAME>, 2015 import numpy as np import datetime from salishsea_tools.nowcast import analyze def find_mixed_depth_indices(n2, n2_thres=5e-6): """Finds the index of the mixed layer depth for each x-position. The mixed layer depth is chosen based on the lowest near-surface vertical grid cell where n2 >= n2_thres A resaonable value for n2_thres is 5e-6. If n2_thres = 'None' then the index of the maximum n2 is returned. n2 is the masked array of buoyancy frequencies with dimensions (depth, x) returns a list of indices of mixed layer depth cell for each x-position """ if n2_thres == 'None': dinds = np.argmax(n2, axis=0) else: dinds = [] for ii in np.arange(n2.shape[-1]): inds = np.where(n2[:, ii] >= n2_thres) # exlclude first vertical index less <=1 because the # buoyancy frequency is hard to define there if inds[0].size: inds = filter(lambda x: x > 1, inds[0]) if inds: dinds.append(min(inds)) else: dinds.append(0) # if no mixed layer depth found, set to 0 else: dinds.append(0) # if no mixed layer depth found, set it to 0 return dinds def average_mixed_layer_depth(mixed_depths, xmin, xmax): """Averages the mixed layer depths over indices xmin and xmax mixed_depths is a 1d array of mixed layer depths returns the mean mixed layer depth in the defined region """ mean_md = np.mean(mixed_depths[xmin:xmax+1]) return mean_md def mld_time_series(n2, deps, times, time_origin, xmin=300, xmax=700, n2_thres=5e-6): """Calculates the mean mixed layer depth in a region defined by xmin and xmax over time n2 is the buoyancy frequency array with dimensions (time, depth, x) deps is the model depth array times is the model time_counter array time_origin is the model's time_origin as a datetime returns a list of mixed layer depths mlds and dates """ mlds = [] dates = [] for t in np.arange(n2.shape[0]): dinds = find_mixed_depth_indices(n2[t, ...], n2_thres=n2_thres) mld = average_mixed_layer_depth(deps[dinds], xmin, xmax,) mlds.append(mld) dates.append(time_origin + datetime.timedelta(seconds=times[t])) return mlds, dates def calculate_density(t, s): """Caluclates the density given temperature in deg C (t) and salinity in psu (s). returns the density as an array (rho) """ rho = ( 999.842594 + 6.793952e-2 * t - 9.095290e-3 * t*t + 1.001685e-4 * t*t*t - 1.120083e-6 * t*t*t*t + 6.536332e-9 * t*t*t*t*t + 8.24493e-1 * s - 4.0899e-3 * t*s + 7.6438e-5 * t*t*s - 8.2467e-7 * t*t*t*s + 5.3875e-9 * t*t*t*t*s - 5.72466e-3 * s**1.5 + 1.0227e-4 * t*s**1.5 - 1.6546e-6 * t*t*s**1.5 + 4.8314e-4 * s*s ) return rho def calculate_internal_wave_speed(rho, deps, dinds): """Calculates the internal wave speed c = sqrt(g*(rho2-rho1)/rho2*h1) where g is acceleration due to gravity, rho2 is denisty of lower layer, rho1 is density of upper layer and h1 is thickness of upper layer. rho is the model density (shape is depth, x), deps is the array of depths and dinds is a list of indices that define the mixed layer depth. rho must be a masked array returns c, an array of internal wave speeds at each x-index in rho """ # acceleration due to gravity (m/s^2) g = 9.81 # calculate average density in upper and lower layers rho_1 = np.zeros((rho.shape[-1])) rho_2 = np.zeros((rho.shape[-1])) for ind, d in enumerate(dinds): rho_1[ind] = analyze.depth_average(rho[0:d+1, ind], deps[0:d+1], depth_axis=0) rho_2[ind] = analyze.depth_average(rho[d+1:, ind], deps[d+1:], depth_axis=0) # calculate mixed layer depth h_1 = deps[dinds] # calcuate wave speed c = np.sqrt(g*(rho_2-rho_1)/rho_2*h_1) return c def depth_averaged_current(u, deps): """Calculates the depth averaged current u is the array with current speeds (shape is depth, x). u must be a masked array deps is the array of depths returns u_avg, the depths averaged current (shape x) """ u_avg = analyze.depth_average(u, deps, depth_axis=0) return u_avg def calculate_froude_number(n2, rho, u, deps, depsU, n2_thres=5e-6): """Calculates the Froude number n2, rho, u are buoyancy frequency, density and current arrays (shape depth, x) deps is the depth array depsU is the depth array at U poinnts returns: Fr, c, u_avg - the Froude number, wave speed, and depth averaged velocity for each x-index """ # calculate mixed layers dinds = find_mixed_depth_indices(n2, n2_thres=n2_thres) # calculate internal wave speed c = calculate_internal_wave_speed(rho, deps, dinds) # calculate depth averaged currents u_avg = depth_averaged_current(u, depsU) # Froude numer Fr = np.abs(u_avg)/c return Fr, c, u_avg def froude_time_series(n2, rho, u, deps, depsU, times, time_origin, xmin=300, xmax=700, n2_thres=5e-6): """Calculates the Froude number time series n2, rho, u are buoyancy frequency, density and current arrays (shape time, depth, x) deps is the model depth array depsU is the model deps array at U points times is the model time_counter array time_origin is the mode's time_origin as a datetime xmin,xmax define the averaging area returns: Frs, cs, u_avgs, dates the Froude number, internal wave speed, and depth averaged current for each time associated with dates """ Frs = [] cs = [] u_avgs = [] dates = [] for t in np.arange(n2.shape[0]): Fr, c, u_avg = calculate_froude_number(n2[t, ...], rho[t, ...], u[t, ...], deps, depsU, n2_thres=n2_thres) Frs.append(np.mean(Fr[xmin:xmax+1])) cs.append(np.mean(c[xmin:xmax+1])) u_avgs.append(np.mean(u_avg[xmin:xmax+1])) dates.append(time_origin + datetime.timedelta(seconds=times[t])) return Frs, cs, u_avgs, dates def calculate_buoyancy_frequency(temp, sal, e3, depth_axis=1): """ Calculate the squared buoyancy frequency (n2) given temperature and salinity profiles. N2 is set to g*drho/dz/rho. Note that NEMO uses a defini tion based on an question of state: g* (alpha dk[T] + beta dk[S] ) / e3w temp and sal are the temperature and salinity arrays e3 is an array of the vertical scale factors (grid spacing). Use e3w for constistency with NEMO. depth_axis defines the axis which corresponds to depth in the temp/sal arrays returns n2, an array of square buoyancy frequency at each point in temp/sal. """ # acceleration due to gravity g = 9.80665 # First calculate density. rho = calculate_density(temp, sal) # Density gradient drho = np.zeros(rho.shape) # roll depth axis in rho and drho to first axis # assume e3 already has depth axis in first axis drho_r = np.rollaxis(drho, depth_axis) rho_r = np.rollaxis(rho, depth_axis) for k in np.arange(1, drho.shape[depth_axis]-1): drho_r[k, ...] = 1/e3[k, ...]*(rho_r[k+1, ...] - rho_r[k, ...]) # Unroll drho drho = np.rollaxis(drho_r, 0, depth_axis+1) rho = np.rollaxis(rho_r, 0, depth_axis+1) # Define N2 n2 = g*drho/rho # no negative because depth increases with increasking k return n2
__copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2018 CVision AI." __license__ = "GPLv3" # This file is part of OpenEM, released under GPLv3. # OpenEM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with OpenEM. If not, see <>. """SSD training utils. """ import tensorflow as tf def _l1_smooth_loss(y_true, y_pred): """Compute L1-smooth loss. # Arguments y_true: Ground truth bounding boxes, tensor of shape (?, num_boxes, 4). y_pred: Predicted bounding boxes, tensor of shape (?, num_boxes, 4). # Returns l1_loss: L1-smooth loss, tensor of shape (?, num_boxes). # References """ abs_loss = tf.abs(y_true - y_pred) sq_loss = 0.5 * (y_true - y_pred)**2 l1_loss = tf.where(tf.less(abs_loss, 1.0), sq_loss, abs_loss - 0.5) return tf.reduce_sum(l1_loss, -1) def _softmax_loss(y_true, y_pred): """Compute softmax loss. # Arguments y_true: Ground truth targets, tensor of shape (?, num_boxes, num_classes). y_pred: Predicted logits, tensor of shape (?, num_boxes, num_classes). # Returns softmax_loss: Softmax loss, tensor of shape (?, num_boxes). """ y_pred = tf.maximum(tf.minimum(y_pred, 1 - 1e-15), 1e-15) softmax_loss = -tf.reduce_sum(y_true * tf.log(y_pred), axis=-1) return softmax_loss class MultiboxLoss: """Multibox loss with some helper functions. # Arguments num_classes: Number of classes including background. alpha: Weight of L1-smooth loss. neg_pos_ratio: Max ratio of negative to positive boxes in loss. background_label_id: Id of background label. negatives_for_hard: Number of negative boxes to consider it there is no positive boxes in batch. # References """ def __init__(self, num_classes, alpha=1.0, neg_pos_ratio=3.0, background_label_id=0, negatives_for_hard=100.0, pos_cost_multiplier=1.0): self.pos_cost_multiplier = pos_cost_multiplier self.num_classes = num_classes self.alpha = alpha self.neg_pos_ratio = neg_pos_ratio if background_label_id != 0: raise Exception('Only 0 as background label id is supported') self.background_label_id = background_label_id self.negatives_for_hard = negatives_for_hard def compute_loss(self, y_true, y_pred): """Compute mutlibox loss. # Arguments y_true: Ground truth targets, tensor of shape (?, num_boxes, 4 + num_classes + 8), priors in ground truth are fictitious, y_true[:, :, -8] has 1 if prior should be penalized or in other words is assigned to some ground truth box, y_true[:, :, -7:] are all 0. y_pred: Predicted logits, tensor of shape (?, num_boxes, 4 + num_classes + 8). # Returns loss: Loss for prediction, tensor of shape (?,). """ batch_size = tf.shape(y_true)[0] num_boxes = tf.to_float(tf.shape(y_true)[1]) # loss for all priors conf_loss = _softmax_loss(y_true[:, :, 4:-8], y_pred[:, :, 4:-8]) loc_loss = _l1_smooth_loss(y_true[:, :, :4], y_pred[:, :, :4]) # get positives loss num_pos = tf.reduce_sum(y_true[:, :, -8], axis=-1) pos_loc_loss = tf.reduce_sum(loc_loss * y_true[:, :, -8], axis=1) pos_conf_loss = tf.reduce_sum(conf_loss * y_true[:, :, -8], axis=1) # get negatives loss, we penalize only confidence here num_neg = tf.minimum(self.neg_pos_ratio * num_pos, num_boxes - num_pos) pos_num_neg_mask = tf.greater(num_neg, 0) has_min = tf.to_float(tf.reduce_any(pos_num_neg_mask)) num_neg = tf.concat( axis=0, values=[num_neg, [(1 - has_min) * self.negatives_for_hard]]) num_neg_batch = tf.reduce_min(tf.boolean_mask(num_neg, tf.greater(num_neg, 0))) num_neg_batch = tf.to_int32(num_neg_batch) confs_start = 4 + self.background_label_id + 1 confs_end = confs_start + self.num_classes - 1 max_confs = tf.reduce_max(y_pred[:, :, confs_start:confs_end], axis=2) _, indices = tf.nn.top_k(max_confs * (1 - y_true[:, :, -8]), k=num_neg_batch) batch_idx = tf.expand_dims(tf.range(0, batch_size), 1) batch_idx = tf.tile(batch_idx, (1, num_neg_batch)) full_indices = (tf.reshape(batch_idx, [-1]) * tf.to_int32(num_boxes) + tf.reshape(indices, [-1])) # full_indices = tf.concat(2, [tf.expand_dims(batch_idx, 2), # tf.expand_dims(indices, 2)]) # neg_conf_loss = tf.gather_nd(conf_loss, full_indices) neg_conf_loss = tf.gather(tf.reshape(conf_loss, [-1]), full_indices) neg_conf_loss = tf.reshape(neg_conf_loss, [batch_size, num_neg_batch]) neg_conf_loss = tf.reduce_sum(neg_conf_loss, axis=1) # loss is sum of positives and negatives total_loss = pos_conf_loss * self.pos_cost_multiplier + neg_conf_loss total_loss /= (num_pos + tf.to_float(num_neg_batch)) num_pos = tf.where(tf.not_equal(num_pos, 0), num_pos, tf.ones_like(num_pos)) total_loss += (self.alpha * pos_loc_loss) / num_pos return total_loss
import activerest.formats.json_format import requests from furl import furl HTTP_FORMAT_HEADER_NAMES = { 'GET': 'Accept', 'PUT': 'Content-Type', 'POST': 'Content-Type', 'PATCH': 'Content-Type', 'DELETE': 'Accept', 'HEAD': 'Accept', } class Connection(object): _site = None _format = None _auth_type = 'basic' username = None password = <PASSWORD> _timeout = None _open_timeout = None _read_timeout = None _default_header = None proxies = None requests = [] def __init__(self, site, format=activerest.formats.json_format): = site self.format = format @property def site(self): return self._site @site.setter def site(self, site): if isinstance(self._site, furl): self._site = site else: self._site = furl(site) if self._site.username: self.username = self._site.username if self._site.password: self.password = <PASSWORD> @property def auth_type(self): return self._auth_type @auth_type.setter def auth_type(self, auth_type): if auth_type in ['basic', 'digest']: self._auth_type = auth_type else: raise ValueError("auth_type must be 'basic' or 'digest'") @property def timeout(self): return self._timeout @timeout.setter def timeout(self, timeout): if isinstance(timeout, (float, int, tuple)): self._timeout = timeout else: raise ValueError('timeout must be an instance of float, int or tuple') @property def open_timeout(self): return self._open_timeout @open_timeout.setter def open_timeout(self, open_timeout): if isinstance(open_timeout, (float, int)): self._open_timeout = open_timeout else: raise ValueError('open_timeout must be an instance of float or int') @property def read_timeout(self): return self._read_timeout @read_timeout.setter def read_timeout(self, read_timeout): if isinstance(read_timeout, (float, int)): self._read_timeout = read_timeout else: raise ValueError('read_timeout must be an instance of float or int') def get(self, path, **kwargs): return self._request('GET', path, **kwargs) def delete(self, path, **kwargs): return self._request('DELETE', path, **kwargs) def patch(self, path, **kwargs): return self._request('PATCH', path, **kwargs) def put(self, path, **kwargs): return self._request('PUT', path, **kwargs) def post(self, path, **kwargs): return self._request('POST', path, **kwargs) def head(self, path, **kwargs): return self._request('HEAD', path, **kwargs) def _request(self, method, path, **kwargs): kwargs['headers'] = self.build_request_headers(kwargs.get('headers', {}), method) if self.username and self.password: if self._auth_type == 'basic': auth_class = requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth if self._auth_type == 'digest': auth_class = requests.auth.HTTPDigestAuth kwargs['auth'] = auth_class(self.username, self.password) if self.proxies: kwargs['proxies'] = self.proxies open_timeout = read_timeout = None if self._timeout is not None: if isinstance(self._timeout, tuple): (open_timeout, read_timeout) = self._timeout else: open_timeout = read_timeout = self._timeout if self._open_timeout is not None: open_timeout = self._open_timeout if self._read_timeout is not None: read_timeout = self._read_timeout if open_timeout or read_timeout: kwargs['timeout'] = (open_timeout, read_timeout) url = furl().set(scheme=self._site.scheme,, port=self._site.port, path=path) response = requests.request(method, url, **kwargs) return response @property def default_header(self): if self._default_header: return self._default_header self._default_header = {} return self._default_header @default_header.setter def default_header(self, default_header): self._default_header = default_header def build_request_headers(self, headers, method): result = {} result.update(self.default_header) result.update(self.http_format_header(method)) result.update(headers) return result def http_format_header(self, method): return { HTTP_FORMAT_HEADER_NAMES[method]: self.format.mime_type(), }
latvolMod = addModule("CreateLatVol") size = 10 latvolMod.XSize = size latvolMod.YSize = size latvolMod.ZSize = size latvolMod.DataAtLocation = "Nodes" report1 = addModule("ReportFieldInfo") latvolMod.output[0] >> report1.input[0] data = {} addDataMod = addModule("CreateScalarFieldDataBasic") #eval.Operator = 2 #eval.Scalar = i report2 = addModule("ReportFieldInfo") addDataMod.output[0] >> report2.input[0] show = addModule("ShowField") latvolMod.output[0] >> addDataMod.input[0] addDataMod.output[0] >> show.input.Field view = addModule("ViewScene") show.output[0] >> view.input[0] view.showUI() executeAll() removeModule( view = addModule("ViewScene") show.output[0] >> view.input[0] view.showUI() executeAll() #executeAll() #executeAll()
<reponame>showtatsu/python-bind9zone import pytest, os from sqlalchemy import create_engine from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker, scoped_session from bind9zone.cli import Bind9ZoneCLI ZONEDIR_SRC = 'tests/input' ZONEDIR = 'tests/output' def get_connection_fixture_params(): if os.getenv('TEST_POSTGRES'): return ['sqlite:///tests/db.sqlite3', 'postgresql://postgres:postgres@db/database'] else: return ['sqlite:///tests/db.sqlite3'] @pytest.fixture() def zonedir_src(): return ZONEDIR_SRC @pytest.fixture() def zonedir(): return ZONEDIR @pytest.fixture(scope='module', params=get_connection_fixture_params()) def connection(request): """ pytest対象モジュールの引数に"connection"を指定すると、 このfixtureが実行され、データベースの初期化を行った上でconnection文字列を返します。 1つのモジュール内(pyファイル)から複数回使用された場合でも、データベースの初期化処理が 行われるのは各モジュールあたり最初の一回だけです。 """ connection = request.param con = ['--connection', connection] Bind9ZoneCLI(['init', *con, '--drop']).run() Bind9ZoneCLI(['bulkpush', *con, '--dir', ZONEDIR_SRC, '--zones', 'public/,private/' ]).run() return connection @pytest.fixture(scope='function') def session_factory(connection): """ pytest対象モジュールの引数に"session_factory"を指定すると、 このfixtureが実行され、データベースの初期化を行った上でSQLAlchemyのscoped_sessionを返します。 1つのモジュール内(pyファイル)から複数回使用された場合でも、データベースの初期化処理が行われるのは 各モジュールあたり最初の一回だけです。 """ engine = create_engine(connection) session_factory = sessionmaker(bind=engine) Session = scoped_session(session_factory) return Session
import os from setuptools import find_packages if __name__ == '__main__': for package in find_packages(): if '.test' in package: continue os.system(f'cmd /c "python -m pytest -s {package}/test"')
import logging.config import logging.handlers logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) smtp_handler = logging.handlers.SMTPHandler(mailhost=('', 465), fromaddr='<EMAIL>', toaddrs=['<EMAIL>'], subject='Sample Log Mail', credentials=('austinsp','<PASSWORD>'), secure=None) logger.addHandler(smtp_handler)"logger configured")
<reponame>OndSeb/<filename>naucse/<gh_stars>0 import contextlib from collections import deque from flask import current_app from flask_frozen import UrlForLogger, Freezer def record_url(url): """Logs that `url` should be included in the resulting static site""" urls_to_freeze = current_app.config.get('NAUCSE_ABSOLUTE_URLS_TO_FREEZE') if urls_to_freeze is not None: urls_to_freeze.append(url) class AllLinksLogger(UrlForLogger): """Logs ``url_for`` calls, but yields urls from ``absolute_urls_to_freeze`` as well. """ def __init__(self, app, urls_to_freeze): super().__init__(app) self.naucse_urls_to_freeze = urls_to_freeze def iter_calls(self): """Yield all logged urls and links parsed from content. """ # Unfortunately, ``yield from`` cannot be used as the queues are # modified on the go. while self.logged_calls or self.naucse_urls_to_freeze: while self.logged_calls: yield self.logged_calls.popleft() # Prefer URLs from logged_calls - ideally, cache is populated # from the base repository. # That means we only yield from urls_to_freeze # if there are no logged_calls. if self.naucse_urls_to_freeze: yield self.naucse_urls_to_freeze.popleft() @contextlib.contextmanager def temporary_url_for_logger(app): """Context manager which temporary adds a new UrlForLogger to the app. The logger is yielded as the context object, so it can be used to get logged calls. """ logger = UrlForLogger(app) yield logger # reverses the following operating from :class:`UrlForLogger` #, []).insert(0, logger) app.url_default_functions[None].pop(0) class NaucseFreezer(Freezer): def __init__(self, app): super().__init__(app) urls_to_freeze = deque() with app.app_context(): app.config['NAUCSE_ABSOLUTE_URLS_TO_FREEZE'] = urls_to_freeze # override the default url_for_logger with our modified version self.url_for_logger = AllLinksLogger(app, urls_to_freeze)
<reponame>JovanCe/mfp<gh_stars>0 __author__ = '<NAME> <<EMAIL>>' __date__ = '30 August 2015' __copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2015 Seven Bridges Genomics' from collections import defaultdict class PushRelabel(object): def __init__(self, flow_network): self.flow_network = flow_network self.height = {} self.excess = {} self._init_node_neighbour_lists() self.current_neighbhours = {k: 0 for k in flow_network.node_set} def _init_node_neighbour_lists(self): all_neighbours = defaultdict(set) for n1, n2 in self.flow_network.nodes: all_neighbours[n1].add(n2) all_neighbours[n2].add(n1) self.all_neighbours = {k: list(v) for k, v in all_neighbours.items()} def _push(self, n1, n2): residual = self.flow_network.residual cf = residual.get_arc_capacity(n1, n2) if cf <= 0 or self.height[n1] != self.height[n2] + 1: return False delta_flow = min(self.excess[n1], cf) try: self.flow_network.increase_flow(n1, n2, delta_flow) except KeyError: self.flow_network.decrease_flow(n2, n1, delta_flow) self.excess[n1] -= delta_flow self.excess[n2] += delta_flow return True def _relabel(self, n): residual = self.flow_network.residual neighbours = residual.get_node_neighbours(n) min_neighbour_height = float('inf') for neighbour in neighbours: n_height = self.height[neighbour] if n_height < min_neighbour_height and residual.get_arc_capacity(n, neighbour) > 0: min_neighbour_height = n_height if self.height[n] > n_height: return False self.height[n] = 1 + min_neighbour_height return True def _init_preflow(self): excess = {k: 0 for k in self.flow_network.node_set} height = {k: 0 for k in self.flow_network.node_set} self.flow_network.reset() s = self.flow_network.source height[s] = self.flow_network.total_nodes for n in self.flow_network.get_node_neighbours(s): c = self.flow_network.get_arc_capacity(s, n) self.flow_network.set_flow(s, n, c) excess[n] = c excess[s] -= c self.excess = excess self.height = height def _get_overflowing_node(self): for n, f in self.excess.items(): if f > 0 and n != self.flow_network.source and n != self.flow_network.sink: return n def generic_push_relabel(self): self._init_preflow() node = self._get_overflowing_node() while node is not None: res = False for neighbour in self.flow_network.residual.get_node_neighbours(node): res = self._push(node, neighbour) if res: break if not res: self._relabel(node) node = self._get_overflowing_node() return self.flow_network.get_current_flows() def _discharge(self, n): i = self.current_neighbhours[n] neighbour_list = self.all_neighbours[n] while self.excess[n] > 0: try: neighbour = neighbour_list[i] success = self._push(n, neighbour) i += 1 except IndexError: self._relabel(n) i = 0 self.current_neighbhours[n] = i def relabel_to_front(self): self._init_preflow() node_list = list(self.flow_network.node_set - {self.flow_network.source, self.flow_network.sink}) i = 0 while True: try: n = node_list[i] old_height = self.height[n] self._discharge(n) if self.height[n] > old_height: node_list.pop(i) node_list.insert(0, n) i = 0 i += 1 except IndexError: break return self.flow_network.get_current_flows() def generic_push_relabel(flow_network): return PushRelabel(flow_network).generic_push_relabel() def relabel_to_front(flow_network): return PushRelabel(flow_network).relabel_to_front()
<reponame>game-platform-awaresome/XSdkTools<gh_stars>1-10 #Embedded file name: D:/AnySDK_Package/Env/debug/../script\ # from taskManagerModule import taskManager import thread import threading import file_operate # import core def error(code): return # idChannel = int(threading.currentThread().getName()) # taskManager.shareInstance().notify(idChannel, 100 + code) # file_operate.printf('%s Failed at code %s!' % (idChannel, -100 - code))
<reponame>thenineteen/Semiology-Visualisation-Tool<filename>mega_analysis/crosstab/ import numpy as np import pandas as pd from mega_analysis.crosstab.all_localisations import all_localisations # list of all excel localisations all_localisations = all_localisations() # list of top level localisations we want to keep def top_level_lobes(Bayesian=False): Lobes = ['TL', 'FL', 'CING', 'PL', 'OL', 'INSULA', 'Hypothalamus', 'Sub-Callosal Cortex', 'Cerebellum', 'Perisylvian', 'FT', 'TO', 'TP', 'FTP', 'TPO Junction', 'PO', 'FP'] if Bayesian: redistributed = ['FT', 'FTP', 'PO', 'Perisylvian', 'FP', 'Sub-Callosal Cortex', 'TO', 'TPO Junction', 'TP'] redistributed.append('Cerebellum') Lobes = [i for i in Lobes if i not in redistributed] return Lobes major_localisations = top_level_lobes() # list of localisations to drop minor_locs = [ loc for loc in all_localisations if loc not in major_localisations] def drop_minor_localisations(df): df_temp = df.drop(columns=minor_locs, inplace=False, errors='ignore') return df_temp
<gh_stars>1-10 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import unittest class ApiTests(unittest.TestCase): pass # @Mocker() # def test_timeout_exception(self, m): # # given # m._adapter = Co2ApiTimeoutAdapter(m._adapter) # m.register_uri(ANY, ANY, text=self.hanging_callback) # client = ApiClient(adapter=Co2ApiTimeoutAdapter(), timeout=10) # # # when/then # with self.assertRaises(ApiException): # client.retrieve('GET', f'{BASE_URI}/foobar')
# This is open-source software licensed under a BSD license. # Please see the file LICENSE.txt for details. """Observation Log plugin. **Plugin Type: Global** ``ObsLog`` is a global plugin. Only one instance can be opened. **Usage** ***Saving the log to a file*** Put in values for the Observation Log folder and filename. The format of the file saved will depend on the file extension of the filename; use the type selector combobox to pick the right extension: * csv: * xlsx: MS Excel file format The file is rewritten out every time a new entry is added to the log ***Adding a memo to one or more log entries*** Write a memo in the memo box. Select one or more frames to add the memo to and press the "Add Memo" button. Multiple selection follows the usual rules about holding down CTRL and/or SHIFT keys. ***Displaying an image*** Double-click on a log entry. """ import os from collections import OrderedDict from ginga import GingaPlugin, AstroImage from import Widgets __all__ = ['ObsLog'] class ObsLog(GingaPlugin.GlobalPlugin): def __init__(self, fv): super(ObsLog, self).__init__(fv) self.chname = None self.file_prefixes = [] # columns to be shown in the table columns = [("Obs Mod", 'OBS-MOD'), ("Datatype", 'DATA-TYP'), ("FrameID", 'FRAMEID'), ("Object", 'OBJECT'), ("UT", 'UT'), ("PropId", 'PROP-ID'), ("Exp Time", 'EXPTIME'), ("Air Mass", 'AIRMASS'), #("Pos Ang", 'INST-PA'), #("Ins Rot", 'INSROT'), #("Foc Val", 'FOC-VAL'), #("Filter01", 'FILTER01'), #("Filter02", 'FILTER02'), #("Filter03", 'FILTER03'), ("RA", 'RA'), ("DEC", 'DEC'), ("EQUINOX", 'EQUINOX'), ("Memo", 'G_MEMO'), ] prefs = self.fv.get_preferences() self.settings = prefs.create_category('plugin_ObsLog') self.settings.add_defaults(sortable=True, color_alternate_rows=True, #max_rows_for_col_resize=5000, report_columns=columns, cache_normalized_images=True) self.settings.load(onError='silent') self.rpt_dict = OrderedDict({}) self.rpt_columns = [] self.fv.add_callback('add-image', self.incoming_data_cb) self.gui_up = False def build_gui(self, container): vbox = Widgets.VBox() vbox.set_border_width(1) vbox.set_spacing(1) tv = Widgets.TreeView(sortable=self.settings.get('sortable'), use_alt_row_color=self.settings.get('color_alternate_rows'), selection='multiple') self.w.rpt_tbl = tv vbox.add_widget(tv, stretch=1) tv.add_callback('activated', self.dblclick_cb) tv.add_callback('selected', self.select_cb) self.rpt_columns = self.settings.get('report_columns') tv.setup_table(self.rpt_columns, 1, 'FRAMEID') captions = (("Memo:", 'label', "memo", 'entry', 'Add Memo', 'button'), ) w, b = Widgets.build_info(captions, orientation='vertical') self.w.update(b) vbox.add_widget(w, stretch=0) b.memo.set_tooltip('Set memo for selected frames') b.add_memo.add_callback('activated', self.add_memo_cb) b.add_memo.set_enabled(False) captions = (("Folder:", 'label', "obslog_dir", 'entry', "Name:", 'label', "obslog_name", 'entryset', "Type", 'combobox', "Load", 'button'), ) w, b = Widgets.build_info(captions, orientation='vertical') self.w.update(b) vbox.add_widget(w, stretch=0) obs_log = self.settings.get('obslog_name', None) if obs_log is None: obs_log = '' b.obslog_name.set_text(obs_log) b.obslog_name.set_tooltip('File name for observation log') b.obslog_name.add_callback('activated', self.write_obslog_cb) b.obslog_dir.set_text("/tmp") b.obslog_dir.set_tooltip('Folder path for observation log') b.obslog_dir.add_callback('activated', self.write_obslog_cb) b.type.insert_alpha("csv") b.type.insert_alpha("xlsx") b.type.set_tooltip("Format for saving/loading ObsLog") b.type.add_callback('activated', self.set_obslog_format_cb) b.load.set_tooltip("Load a saved ObsLog") b.load.add_callback('activated', self.load_obslog_cb) btns = Widgets.HBox() btns.set_border_width(4) btns.set_spacing(4) btn = Widgets.Button("Close") btn.add_callback('activated', lambda w: self.close()) btn.set_enabled(False) btns.add_widget(btn) btn = Widgets.Button("Help") btn.add_callback('activated', lambda w: btns.add_widget(btn, stretch=0) btns.add_widget(Widgets.Label(''), stretch=1) vbox.add_widget(btns, stretch=0) container.add_widget(vbox, stretch=1) self.gui_up = True def replace_kwds(self, header): """Subclass this method to do munge the data for special reports.""" d = dict() d.update(header) return d def add_to_obslog(self, header, image): frameid = header['FRAMEID'] # replace some kwds as needed in the table d = self.replace_kwds(header.asdict()) # Hack to insure that we get the columns in the desired order d = OrderedDict([(kwd, d.get(kwd, '')) for col, kwd in self.rpt_columns]) self.rpt_dict[frameid] = d self.update_obslog() def stop(self): self.gui_up = False def process_image(self, chname, header, image): """Override this method to do something special with the data.""" pass def incoming_data_cb(self, fv, chname, image, info): if chname != self.chname: return imname = image.get('name', None) if imname is None: return # only accepted list of frames accepted = False for prefix in self.file_prefixes: if imname.startswith(prefix): accepted = True break if not accepted: return header = image.get_header() # add image to obslog self.fv.gui_do(self.add_to_obslog, header, image) try: self.process_image(chname, header, image) except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Failed to process image: {}".format(e), exc_info=True) def update_obslog(self): if not self.gui_up: return self.w.rpt_tbl.set_tree(self.rpt_dict) obslog_name = self.w.obslog_name.get_text().strip() if len(obslog_name) > 0: obslog_path = os.path.join(self.w.obslog_dir.get_text().strip(), obslog_name) self.write_obslog(obslog_path) def write_obslog(self, filepath): if len(self.rpt_dict) == 0: return try: import pandas as pd except ImportError: self.fv.show_error("Please install 'pandas' and " "'openpyxl' to use this feature") return try:"writing obslog: {}".format(filepath)) col_hdr = [colname for colname, key in self.rpt_columns] rows = [list(d.values()) for d in self.rpt_dict.values()] df = pd.DataFrame(rows, columns=col_hdr) if filepath.endswith('.csv'): df.to_csv(filepath, index=False, header=True) else: df.to_excel(filepath, index=False, header=True) except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Error writing obslog: {}".format(e), exc_info=True) def load_obslog(self, filepath): try: import pandas as pd except ImportError: self.fv.show_error("Please install 'pandas' and " "'openpyxl' to use this feature") return try:"loading obslog: {}".format(filepath)) col_hdr = [colname for colname, key in self.rpt_columns] if filepath.endswith('.csv'): df = pd.read_csv(filepath, header=0, #names=col_hdr, index_col=None) else: df = pd.read_excel(filepath, header=0, #names=col_hdr, index_col=None) self.rpt_dict = OrderedDict({}) res = df.to_dict('index') for row in res.values(): frameid = row['FrameID'] d = OrderedDict([(kwd, row.get(col, '')) for col, kwd in self.rpt_columns]) self.rpt_dict[frameid] = d self.w.rpt_tbl.set_tree(self.rpt_dict) except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Error loading obslog: {}".format(e), exc_info=True) def write_obslog_cb(self, w): obslog_path = os.path.join(self.w.obslog_dir.get_text().strip(), self.w.obslog_name.get_text().strip()) self.write_obslog(obslog_path) def load_obslog_cb(self, w): obslog_path = os.path.join(self.w.obslog_dir.get_text().strip(), self.w.obslog_name.get_text().strip()) self.load_obslog(obslog_path) def get_selected(self): res_dict = self.w.rpt_tbl.get_selected() return res_dict def dblclick_cb(self, widget, d): """Switch to the image that was double-clicked in the obslog""" frameid = list(d.keys())[0] info = d[frameid] self.view_image(frameid, info) def view_image(self, imname, info): chname = self.chname channel = self.fv.get_current_channel() if != chname: channel = self.fv.get_channel(chname) self.fv.change_channel(chname) channel.switch_name(imname) def select_cb(self, widget, d): res = self.get_selected() if len(res) == 0: self.w.add_memo.set_enabled(False) else: self.w.add_memo.set_enabled(True) def add_memo_cb(self, widget): memo_txt = self.w.memo.get_text().strip() res = self.get_selected() if len(res) == 0: self.fv.show_error("No frames selected for memo!") return for key in res.keys(): self.rpt_dict[key]['G_MEMO'] = memo_txt self.w.rpt_tbl.set_tree(self.rpt_dict) def set_obslog_format_cb(self, w, idx): ext = w.get_text() obslog_name = self.w.obslog_name.get_text().strip() name, old_ext = os.path.splitext(obslog_name) self.w.obslog_name.set_text(name + '.' + ext) self.write_obslog_cb(None) def close(self): self.fv.stop_global_plugin(str(self)) return True def __str__(self): return 'obslog'
import argparse import torch import sys import os import json from collections import defaultdict import h5py from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer, util import numpy import tqdm from itertools import zip_longest from utils import grouper, load_sentences, load_bnids, load_visualsem_bnids def retrieve_nodes_given_sentences(out_fname, batch_size, all_input_sentences, glosses_bnids, glosses_feats, topk): """ out_fname(str): Output file to write retrieved node ids to. batch_size(int): Batch size for Sentence BERT. all_input_sentences(list[str]): All input sentences loaded from `input_file`. glosses_bnids(list[str]): All gloss BNids loaded from `args.glosses_bnids`. Aligned with `glosses_feats`. glosses_feats(numpy.array): Numpy array with VisualSem gloss features computed with Sentence BERT. topk(int): Number of nodes to retrieve for each input sentence. """ if os.path.isfile(out_fname): raise Exception("File already exists: '%s'. Please remove it manually to avoid tampering."%out_fname) n_examples = len(all_input_sentences) print("Number of input examples to extract BNIDs for: ", n_examples) model_name = "paraphrase-multilingual-mpnet-base-v2" model = SentenceTransformer(model_name) with open(out_fname, 'w', encoding='utf8') as fh_out: ranks_predicted = [] for idxs_ in grouper(batch_size, range(n_examples)): idxs = [] queries = [] for i in idxs_: if not i is None: idxs.append(i) queries.append( all_input_sentences[i] ) queries_embs = model.encode(queries, convert_to_tensor=True) if torch.cuda.is_available(): queries_embs = queries_embs.cuda() scores = util.pytorch_cos_sim(queries_embs, glosses_feats) scores = scores.cpu().numpy() ranks = numpy.argsort(scores) # sort scores by cosine similarity (low to high) ranks = ranks[:,::-1] # sort by cosine similarity (high to low) for rank_idx in range(len(idxs[:ranks.shape[0]])): bnids_predicted = [] for rank_predicted in range(topk*10): bnid_pred = glosses_bnids[ ranks[rank_idx,rank_predicted] ] bnid_pred_score = scores[rank_idx, ranks[rank_idx, rank_predicted]] if not bnid_pred in bnids_predicted: bnids_predicted.append((bnid_pred,bnid_pred_score)) if len(bnids_predicted)>=topk: break # write top-k predicted BNids for iii, (bnid, score) in enumerate(bnids_predicted[:topk]): fh_out.write(bnid+"\t"+"%.4f"%score) if iii < topk-1: fh_out.write("\t") else: # iii == topk-1 fh_out.write("\n") def encode_query(out_fname, batch_size, all_sentences): """ out_fname(str): Output file to write SBERT features for query. batch_size(int): Batch size for Sentence BERT. all_sentences(list[str]): Sentences to be used for retrieval. """ n_lines = len(all_sentences) model_name = "paraphrase-multilingual-mpnet-base-v2" model = SentenceTransformer(model_name) shape_features = (n_lines, 768) with h5py.File(out_fname, 'w') as fh_out: fh_out.create_dataset("features", shape_features, dtype='float32', chunks=(1,768), maxshape=(None, 768), compression="gzip") for from_idx in tqdm.trange(0,n_lines,batch_size): to_idx = from_idx+batch_size if from_idx+batch_size <= n_lines else n_lines batch_sentences = all_sentences[ from_idx: to_idx ] emb_sentences = model.encode(batch_sentences, convert_to_tensor=True) #test_queries(emb_sentences, all_sentences, model) fh_out["features"][from_idx:to_idx] = emb_sentences.cpu().numpy() if __name__=="__main__": visualsem_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) visualsem_nodes_path = "%s/dataset/nodes.v2.json"%visualsem_path visualsem_images_path = "%s/dataset/images/"%visualsem_path glosses_sentence_bert_path = "%s/dataset/gloss_files/glosses.en.txt.sentencebert.h5"%visualsem_path glosses_bnids_path = "%s/dataset/gloss_files/glosses.en.txt.bnids"%visualsem_path os.makedirs("%s/dataset/gloss_files/"%visualsem_path, exist_ok=True) p = argparse.ArgumentParser() p.add_argument('--input_files', type=str, nargs="+", default=["example_data/queries.txt"], help="""Input file(s) to use for retrieval. Each line in each file should contain a detokenized sentence.""") p.add_argument('--topk', type=int, default=1, help="Retrieve topk nodes for each input sentence.") p.add_argument('--batch_size', type=int, default=1000) p.add_argument('--visualsem_path', type=str, default=visualsem_path, help="Path to directory containing VisualSem knowledge graph.") p.add_argument('--visualsem_nodes_path', type=str, default=visualsem_nodes_path, help="Path to file containing VisualSem nodes.") p.add_argument('--visualsem_images_path', type=str, default=visualsem_images_path, help="Path to directory containing VisualSem images.") p.add_argument('--glosses_sentence_bert_path', type=str, default=glosses_sentence_bert_path, help="""HDF5 file containing glosses index computed with Sentence BERT (computed with ``).""") p.add_argument('--glosses_bnids_path', type=str, default=glosses_bnids_path, help="""Text file containing glosses BabelNet ids, one per line (computed with ``).""") p.add_argument('--input_valid', action='store_true', help="""Perform retrieval for the glosses in the validation set. (See paper for reference)""") p.add_argument('--input_test', action='store_true', help="""Perform retrieval for the glosses in the test set. (See paper for reference)""") args = p.parse_args() # load all nodes in VisualSem all_bnids = load_visualsem_bnids(args.visualsem_nodes_path, args.visualsem_images_path) gloss_bnids = load_bnids( args.glosses_bnids_path ) gloss_bnids = numpy.array(gloss_bnids, dtype='object') with h5py.File(args.glosses_sentence_bert_path, 'r') as fh_glosses: glosses_feats = fh_glosses["features"][:] glosses_feats = torch.tensor(glosses_feats) if torch.cuda.is_available(): glosses_feats = glosses_feats.cuda() # load train/valid/test gloss splits glosses_splits = fh_glosses["split_idxs"][:] train_idxs = (glosses_splits==0).nonzero()[0] valid_idxs = (glosses_splits==1).nonzero()[0] test_idxs = (glosses_splits==2).nonzero()[0] # load gloss language splits language_splits = fh_glosses["language_idxs"][:] for input_file in args.input_files: print("Processing input file: %s ..."%input_file) sbert_out_fname = input_file+".sentencebert.h5" if os.path.isfile( sbert_out_fname ): raise Exception("File already exists: '%s'. Please remove it manually to avoid tampering."%sbert_out_fname) input_sentences = load_sentences( input_file ) encode_query(sbert_out_fname, args.batch_size, input_sentences) out_fname = input_file+".bnids" retrieve_nodes_given_sentences(out_fname, args.batch_size, input_sentences, gloss_bnids, glosses_feats, args.topk) # remove temporary SBERT index created for input file(s) os.remove( sbert_out_fname ) print("Retrieved glosses: %s"%out_fname)
import hcat.lib.functional import hcat.lib.functional as functional from hcat.lib.utils import calculate_indexes, load, cochlea_to_xml, correct_pixel_size, scale_to_hair_cell_diameter from hcat.lib.cell import Cell from hcat.lib.cochlea import Cochlea from hcat.backends.detection import FasterRCNN_from_url from hcat.backends.detection import HairCellFasterRCNN from hcat.lib.utils import warn import torch from torch import Tensor from tqdm import tqdm from itertools import product import numpy as np from hcat.lib.explore_lif import get_xml import torchvision.ops import as io import os.path from typing import Optional, List, Dict # DOCUMENTED def _detect(f: str, curve_path: str = None, cell_detection_threshold: float = 0.86, dtype=None, nms_threshold: float = 0.2, save_xml=False, save_fig=False, pixel_size=None, cell_diameter=None): """ 2D hair cell detection algorithm. Loads arbitrarily large 2d image and performs iterative faster rcnn detection on the entire image. :param *str* f: path to image by which to analyze :param *float* cell_detection_threshold: cells below threshold are rejected :param *float* nms_threshold: iou rejection threshold for nms. :return: *Cochlea* object containing data of analysis. """ print('Initializing hair cell detection algorithm...') if f is None: warn('ERROR: No File to Analyze... \nAborting.', color='red') return None if not pixel_size: warn('WARNING: Pixel Size is not set. Defaults to 288.88 nm x/y. ' 'Consider suplying value for optimal performance.', color='yellow') with torch.no_grad(): # Load and preprocess Image image_base = load(f, 'TileScan 1 Merged', verbose=True) # from hcat.lib.utils image_base = image_base[[2, 3],...].max(-1) if image_base.ndim == 4 else image_base shape = list(image_base.shape) shape[0] = 1 dtype = image_base.dtype if dtype is None else dtype scale: int = hcat.lib.utils.get_dtype_offset(dtype) device = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu' temp = np.zeros(shape) temp = np.concatenate((temp, image_base)) / scale * 255 c, x, y = image_base.shape print( f'DONE: shape: {image_base.shape}, min: {image_base.min()}, max: {image_base.max()}, dtype: {image_base.dtype}') if image_base.max() < scale * 0.33: warn(f'WARNING: Image max value less than 1/3 the scale factor for bit depth. Image Max: {image_base.max()},' f' Scale Factor: {scale}, dtype: {dtype}. Readjusting scale to 1.5 time Image max.', color='yellow') scale = image_base.max() * 1.5 image_base = torch.from_numpy(image_base.astype(np.uint16) / scale).to(device) if pixel_size is not None: image_base: Tensor = correct_pixel_size(image_base, pixel_size) #model expects pixel size of 288.88 print(f'Rescaled Image to match pixel size of 288.88nm with a new shape of: {image_base.shape}') elif cell_diameter is not None: image_base: Tensor = scale_to_hair_cell_diameter(image_base, cell_diameter) print(f'Rescaled Image to match pixel size of 288.88nm with a new shape of: {image_base.shape}') # normalize around zero image_base.sub_(0.5).div_(0.5) if device == 'cuda': warn('CUDA: GPU successfully initialized!', color='green') else: warn('WARNING: GPU not present or CUDA is not correctly intialized for GPU accelerated computation. ' 'Analysis may be slow.', color='yellow') # Initalize the model... model = FasterRCNN_from_url(url='', device=device) model.eval() # Initalize curvature detection predict_curvature = hcat.lib.functional.PredictCurvature(erode=3) # Get the indicies for evaluating cropped regions c, x, y = image_base.shape image_base =, x, y), device=device), image_base), dim=0) x_ind: List[List[int]] = calculate_indexes(10, 235, x, x) # [[0, 255], [30, 285], ...] y_ind: List[List[int]] = calculate_indexes(10, 235, y, y) # [[0, 255], [30, 285], ...] total: int = len(x_ind) * len(y_ind) # Initalize other small things cell_id = 1 cells = [] add_cell = cells.append # stupid but done for speed for x, y in tqdm(product(x_ind, y_ind), total=total, desc='Detecting: '): # Load and prepare image crop for ML model evaluation image: Tensor = image_base[:, x[0]:x[1], y[0]:y[1]].unsqueeze(0) # If the image has nothing in it we can skip for speed if image.max() == -1: continue # Evaluate Deep Learning Model out: Dict[str, Tensor] = model(image.float())[0] scores: Tensor = out['scores'].cpu() boxes: Tensor = out['boxes'].cpu() labels: Tensor = out['labels'].cpu() # The model output coords with respect to the crop of image_base. We have to adjust # idk why the y and x are flipped. Breaks otherwise. boxes[:, [0, 2]] += y[0] boxes[:, [1, 3]] += x[0] # center x, center y, width, height centers: Tensor = torchvision.ops.box_convert(boxes, 'xyxy', 'cxcywh').cpu() cx = centers[:, 0] cy = centers[:, 1] for i, score in enumerate(scores): if score > cell_detection_threshold: add_cell(Cell(id=cell_id, loc=torch.tensor([0, cx[i], cy[i], 0]), image=None, mask=None, cell_type='OHC' if labels[i] == 1 else 'IHC', boxes=boxes[i, :], scores=scores[i])) cell_id += 1 # some cells may overlap. We remove cells after analysis is complete. cells: List[Cell] = _cell_nms(cells, nms_threshold) ohc = sum([int(c.type == 'OHC') for c in cells]) # number of ohc ihc = sum([int(c.type == 'IHC') for c in cells]) # number of ihc print(f'Total Cells: {len(cells)}\n OHC: {ohc}\n IHC: {ihc}' ) max_projection: Tensor = image_base[[1], ...].mul(0.5).add(0.5).unsqueeze(-1).cpu() curvature, distance, apex = predict_curvature(max_projection, cells, curve_path) if curvature is None: warn('WARNING: All three methods to predict hair cell path have failed. Frequency Mapping functionality is ' 'limited. Consider Manual Calculation.', color='yellow') # curvature estimation really only works if there is a lot of tissue... if distance is not None and distance.max() > 4000: for c in cells: c.calculate_frequency(curvature[[0, 1], :], distance) # calculate cell's best frequency cells = [c for c in cells if not c._distance_is_far_away] # remove a cell if its far away from curve else: curvature, distance, apex = None, None, None warn('WARNING: Predicted Cochlear Distance is below 4000um. Not sufficient ' 'information to determine cell frequency.', color='yellow') xml = get_xml(f) if f.endswith('.lif') else None filename = os.path.split(f)[-1] # remove weird cell ID's for i, c in enumerate(cells): = i+1 # Store in compressible object for further use c = Cochlea(mask=None, filename=filename, path=f, analysis_type='detect', leica_metadata=xml, im_shape=image_base.shape, cochlear_distance=distance, curvature=curvature, cells=cells, apex=apex) c.write_csv() if save_xml: cochlea_to_xml(c) if save_fig: c.make_detect_fig(image_base) print('') return c def _cell_nms(cells: List[Cell], nms_threshold: float) -> List[Cell]: """ Perforns non maximum supression on the resulting cell predictions :param cells: Iterable of cells :param nms_threshold: cell iou threshold :return: Iterable of cells """ # nms to get rid of cells boxes = torch.zeros((len(cells), 4)) scores = torch.zeros(len(cells)) for i, c in enumerate(cells): boxes[i, :] = c.boxes scores[i] = c.scores ind = torchvision.ops.nms(boxes, scores, nms_threshold) # need to pop off list elements from an int64 tensor ind_bool = torch.zeros(len(cells)) ind_bool[ind] = 1 for i, val in enumerate(ind_bool): if val == 0: cells[i] = None return [c for c in cells if c]
import json from . import api, root from .decorators import gateway_belong_to_user, require_basic_or_oauth from userver.object.gateway import Gateway, Location from utils.errors import KeyDuplicateError, PatchError from .forms.form_gateway import AddGatewayForm, PatchGateway from flask import request, Response from .forms import get_formdata_from_json_or_form @api.route(root + 'gateways', methods=['GET', 'POST']) @require_basic_or_oauth def gateways(user): if request.method == 'GET': gateways_list = [] gateways = Gateway.query.filter_by( for gateway in gateways: dict = gateway.obj_to_dict() gateways_list.append(dict) data = json.dumps(gateways_list) return Response(status=200, response=data) elif request.method == 'POST': formdata = get_formdata_from_json_or_form(request) add_gateway = AddGatewayForm(formdata) if add_gateway.validate(): try: gateway = import_gateway(user, add_gateway) new_gateway = Gateway.query.get( return Response(status=201, response=json.dumps(new_gateway.obj_to_dict())) except KeyDuplicateError as error: errors = {'mac_addr': str(error)} return Response(status=406, response=json.dumps({"errors": errors})) except AssertionError as error: return Response(status=406, response=json.dumps({"errors": {"other": str(error)}})) else: errors = {} for key, value in add_gateway.errors.items(): errors[key] = value[0] return Response(status=406, response=json.dumps({"errors": errors})) @api.route(root + 'gateways/<gateway_id>/pull_info', methods=['GET']) @require_basic_or_oauth @gateway_belong_to_user def gateway_pull_info(user, gateway): """ :param user: :param gateway: :return: """ gateway.get_pull_info() @api.route(root + 'gateways/<gateway_id>', methods=['GET', 'DELETE', 'PATCH', 'POST']) @require_basic_or_oauth @gateway_belong_to_user def gateway(user, gateway): if request.method == 'GET': return Response(status=200, response=json.dumps(gateway.obj_to_dict())) elif request.method == 'PATCH': try: formdata = get_formdata_from_json_or_form(request) PatchGateway.patch(gateway, formdata) return json.dumps(gateway.obj_to_dict()), 200 except (AssertionError, PatchError, ValueError) as error: return json.dumps({'errors': str(error)}), 406 elif request.method == 'DELETE': gateway.delete() return json.dumps({'success': True}), 200 elif request.method == 'POST': formdata = get_formdata_from_json_or_form(request) if formdata and formdata.get('cmd') is not None: if formdata['cmd'] == 'restart': gateway.send_restart_request() return '', 204 else: return 'Unknown cmd %s ' % formdata['cmd'], 406 else: return '', 406 def import_gateway(user, add_gateway): mac_addr = add_gateway['mac_addr'].data name = add_gateway['name'].data platform = add_gateway['platform'].data freq_plan = add_gateway['freq_plan'].data model = add_gateway['model'].data location = Location(add_gateway['longitude'].data, add_gateway['latitude'].data, add_gateway['altitude'].data) return Gateway(, mac_addr, name, platform, model, freq_plan=freq_plan, location=location)
<gh_stars>0 import random from enum import Enum import rospy from std_msgs.msg import String class Step(Enum): CycleNotStarted = 'CycleNotStarted' CycleReadyInWaitingMode = 'CycleReadyInWaitingMode' CycleStarted = 'CycleStarted' ToResistanceStation = 'ToResistanceStation' ReadResistance = 'ReadResistance' ToControlPanel = 'ToControlPanel' ReadControlPanel = 'ReadControlPanel' ToFirstPuckAndGrabFirstPuck = 'ToFirstPuckAndGrabFirstPuck' ToFirstCornerAndReleaseFirstPuck = 'ToFirstCornerAndReleaseFirstPuck' ToSecondPuckAndGrabSecondPuck = 'ToSecondPuckAndGrabSecondPuck' ToSecondCornerAndReleaseSecondPuck = 'ToSecondCornerAndReleaseSecondPuck' ToThirdPuckAndGrabThirdPuck = 'ToThirdPuckAndGrabThirdPuck' ToThirdCornerAndReleaseThirdPuck = 'ToThirdCornerAndReleaseThirdPuck' ToSquareCenter = 'ToSquareCenter' CycleEndedAndRedLedOn = 'CycleEndedAndRedLedOn' def create_current_step(): return random.choice(list(Step)).name def mock_current_step(pub, step=create_current_step()): rospy.loginfo('Mocking current_step: {}'.format(step)) pub.publish(step) if __name__ == '__main__': rospy.init_node('mock_current_step', anonymous=True) current_step_publisher = rospy.Publisher('current_step', String, queue_size=10) mock_current_step(current_step_publisher)
"""Linear models.""" from .alma import ALMAClassifier from .glm import LinearRegression, LogisticRegression, Perceptron from .pa import PAClassifier, PARegressor from .softmax import SoftmaxRegression __all__ = [ "ALMAClassifier", "LinearRegression", "LogisticRegression", "PAClassifier", "PARegressor", "Perceptron", "SoftmaxRegression", ]
Chapter 02/
<reponame>hitosony/odoo {'name': '<NAME>', 'data': [ 'security/ir.model.access.csv', 'security/todo_access_rules.xml', 'views/todo_menu.xml', 'views/todo_view.xml'], 'application': True}
<filename> # Import dependencies from tkinter import * from tkinter import ttk import mysql.connector import sqlalchemy import json import datetime as dt import getpass import mysql with open("parameters/config.json") as config: param = json.load(config) # Establishing engine engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine('mysql+mysqlconnector://{0}:{1}@{2}/{3}'. format(param['Teletron'][0]['user'], param['Teletron'][0]['password'], param['Teletron'][0]['host'], param['Teletron'][0]['database']), echo=False) # Defining entry form def entry(): # getting form data temperature = Temperature.get() pressure = Pressure.get() recorddate = ('%Y-%m-%d') CreatedBy = getpass.getuser() # applying empty validation if temperature == '' or pressure =='' or recorddate == '' or CreatedBy == '': message.set("fill the empty field!!!") else: # Create connection object to Epi Epi_con = engine.connect() # Preparing SQL query to INSERT a record into the database. sql = """INSERT INTO crudexample (RecordDate, Temperature, Pressure,CreatedBy) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s) """ data = (recorddate, temperature, pressure , CreatedBy) try: # executing the sql command Epi_con.execute(sql, data) # commit changes in database Epi_con.commit() except: message.set("Data Stored successfully") #def read(): #def update(): #def delete(): #def dbsetup(): # defining Registration form function def Entryform(): global entry_screen entry_screen = Tk() # Setting title of screen entry_screen.title("Data Entry Form") # setting height and width of screen entry_screen.geometry("400x270") # declaring variable global message global RecordDate global Temperature global Pressure global CreatedBy Temperature = IntVar() Pressure = IntVar() RecordDate = StringVar() CreatedBy = StringVar() message = StringVar() # Creating layout of Data Entry Form Label(entry_screen, width="300", text="Please enter details below", bg="blue", fg="white").pack() # Temperature Label Label(entry_screen, text= "Temperature * ").place(x=20, y=80) # Temperature textbox Entry(entry_screen, textvariable= Temperature).place(x=140, y=82) # Pressure Label Label(entry_screen, text = "Pressure * ").place(x=20, y=120) # Pressure textbox Entry(entry_screen, textvariable = Pressure).place(x=140, y=122) # Label for displaying entry status[success/failed] Label(entry_screen, text = "", textvariable=message).place(x=95, y=240) # Submit Button Button(entry_screen, text="Submit", width=10, height=1, bg="gray", command=entry).place(x=105, y=210) Button(entry_screen, text="Update", width=10, height=1, bg="gray", command=entry).place(x=205, y=210) Button(entry_screen, text="Delete", width=10, height=1, bg="gray", command=entry).place(x=305, y=210) entry_screen.mainloop() # calling function entry form Entryform()
from django.contrib import admin from products.views import portfolio # Register your models here. from . models import Product, New, About, LatestNew class ProductAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): list_display = ('name','price','created_at') list_links = ('id', 'name') list_filter = ('name','price','created_at') search_fields = ('name','price') ordering =('name','price','created_at') class NewAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): list_display=('title','time') list_filter=('title','time') search_fields = ('title','time'), ProductAdmin), NewAdmin)
<filename>program/predictor/<gh_stars>1-10 from program.models.model_bilstm_crf import BilstmCrfModel from program.data_process.data_preprocessor import GeneralDataPreprocessor import pandas as pd import tensorflow as tf import tensorflow_addons as tf_ad from program.utils.tokenization import read_vocab from dataclasses import dataclass from program.utils.write_output_file import format_result from program.abstracts.abstract_ner_predictor import NerPredictor @dataclass class BilstmCrfPredictor(NerPredictor): def __post_init__(self): vocab_file_path = self.model_data_path + "vocab_file.txt" tag_file_path = self.model_data_path + "tag.txt" self.voc2id, self.id2voc = read_vocab(vocab_file_path) self.tag2id, self.id2tag = read_vocab(tag_file_path) test_X_path = self.model_data_path + "test_X.pkl" test_mapping_path = self.model_data_path + "test_mapping.pkl" self.test_X, self.test_mapping = GeneralDataPreprocessor.loadTestArrays( test_X_path, test_mapping_path ) self.model = BilstmCrfModel( hidden_num=self.hidden_nums, vocab_size=len(self.voc2id), label_size=len(self.tag2id), embedding_size=self.embedding_size, ) self.optimizer = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(self.learning_rate) def predict_sentence(self, sentence): """ predict single sentence. Input: Raw text string """ # dataset = encode sentence # = [[1445 33 1878 826 1949 1510 112]] dataset = tf.keras.preprocessing.sequence.pad_sequences( [[self.voc2id.get(char, 0) for char in sentence]], padding="post" ) # logits = (1, 7, 28) = (sentence, words, predict_distrib) # text_lens = [7] logits, text_lens = self.model.predict(dataset) paths = [] for logit, text_len in zip(logits, text_lens): viterbi_path, _ = tf_ad.text.viterbi_decode( logit[:text_len], self.model.transition_params ) paths.append(viterbi_path) # path[0] = tag in sentence # = [18, 19, 19, 1, 26, 27, 1] # result = ['B-name', 'I-name', 'I-name', 'O', 'B-time', 'I-time', 'O'] result = [self.id2tag[id] for id in paths[0]] # entities_result = # [{'begin': 0, 'end': 3, 'words': '賈伯斯', 'type': 'name'}, # {'begin': 4, 'end': 6, 'words': '七號', 'type': 'time'}] entities_result = format_result(list(sentence), result) return entities_result def predict(self): # restore model ckpt = tf.train.Checkpoint(optimizer=self.optimizer, model=self.model) ckpt.restore(tf.train.latest_checkpoint(self.checkpoint_path)) article_id = 0 counter = 0 results = [] result = [] for testset in self.test_X: prediction = self.predict_sentence(testset) # predict_pos + counter if prediction: for pred in prediction: pred["begin"] += counter pred["end"] += counter result.append(pred) counter += len(testset) if counter == self.test_mapping[article_id]: results.append(result) article_id += 1 counter = 0 result = [] self.results = results def output(self): """ results: [ [ {'begin': 170, 'end': 174, 'words': '1100', 'type': 'med_exam'}, {'begin': 245, 'end': 249, 'words': '1145', 'type': 'med_exam'}, ... ] ] """ titles = { "end": "end_position", "begin": "start_position", "words": "entity_text", "type": "entity_type", } df = pd.DataFrame() for i, result in enumerate(self.results): results = pd.DataFrame(result).rename(columns=titles) results = results[ ["start_position", "end_position", "entity_text", "entity_type"] ] article_ids = pd.Series([i] * len(result), name="article_id") df = df.append(pd.concat([article_ids, results], axis=1), ignore_index=True) df.to_csv(self.output_path + "output.tsv", sep="\t", index=False)