<reponame>rubenandrebarreiro/fct-nova-deep-learning-labs """ Lab 1.1 - Introduction to TensorFlow Author: - <NAME> (<EMAIL>) - <NAME> (<EMAIL>) """ # Import the Libraries and Packages # Import the Operative System Library as operative_system import os as operative_system # Disable all the Debugging Logs from TensorFlow Library operative_system.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = '2' # Import the TensorFlow Library as tensorflow alias import tensorflow as tensorflow # Constants LOGGING_FLAG = True # Create the constant "a" as a float of 32 bits and # assign to it the value 3 a = tensorflow.constant(3.0, dtype=tensorflow.float32, name="a") # Create the constant "b" and assign to it the value 4 b = tensorflow.constant(4.0, name="b") # Create the addition of the constants "a" and "b", as "total", # i.e., total = a + b total = tensorflow.add(a, b, name="total") # If the Logging Flag is set to True if LOGGING_FLAG: # Print the header for the Logging tensorflow.print("\n\nLogging of the Execution:\n") # Print the Tensor for the constant "a" tensorflow.print("a = ", a) # Print the Tensor for the constant "b" tensorflow.print("b = ", b) # Print the Tensor for the addition of # the constants "a" and "b", as "total" tensorflow.print("total = a + b = ", total)
"""Meteo-France generic test utils.""" from unittest.mock import patch import pytest @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def patch_requests(): """Stub out services that makes requests.""" patch_client = patch("homeassistant.components.meteo_france.meteofranceClient") patch_weather_alert = patch( "homeassistant.components.meteo_france.VigilanceMeteoFranceProxy" ) with patch_client, patch_weather_alert: yield
import os from contextlib import contextmanager from pyspark.sql import SparkSession from .log import logger @contextmanager def spark_session(config=None): pre_spark = SparkSession.builder \ .appName('science-papers-ml') \ .master(f"spark://{os.environ.get('SPARK_MASTER_HOST', 'spark-master')}:" f"{os.environ.get('SPARK_MASTER_PORT', '7077')}") \ if config is not None: for key, value in config.items(): pre_spark = pre_spark.config(key, value) spark = pre_spark.getOrCreate()"Created Spark session") try: yield spark finally:"Stopping Spark Session") spark.stop()
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np cnames = [ '#F0F8FF', '#FAEBD7', '#00FFFF', '#7FFFD4', '#F0FFFF', '#F5F5DC', '#FFE4C4', '#000000', '#FFEBCD', '#0000FF', '#8A2BE2', '#A52A2A', '#DEB887', '#5F9EA0', '#7FFF00', '#D2691E', '#FF7F50', '#6495ED', '#FFF8DC', '#DC143C', '#00FFFF', '#00008B', '#008B8B', '#B8860B', '#A9A9A9', '#006400', '#BDB76B', '#8B008B', '#556B2F', '#FF8C00', '#9932CC', '#8B0000', '#E9967A', '#8FBC8F', '#483D8B', '#2F4F4F', '#00CED1', '#9400D3', '#FF1493', '#00BFFF', '#696969', '#1E90FF', '#B22222', '#FFFAF0', '#228B22', '#FF00FF', '#DCDCDC', '#F8F8FF', '#FFD700', '#DAA520', '#808080', '#008000', '#ADFF2F', '#F0FFF0', '#FF69B4', '#CD5C5C', '#4B0082', '#FFFFF0', '#F0E68C', '#E6E6FA', '#FFF0F5', '#7CFC00', '#FFFACD', '#ADD8E6', '#F08080', '#E0FFFF', '#FAFAD2', '#90EE90', '#D3D3D3', '#FFB6C1', '#FFA07A', '#20B2AA', '#87CEFA', '#778899', '#B0C4DE', '#FFFFE0', '#00FF00', '#32CD32', '#FAF0E6', '#FF00FF', '#800000', '#66CDAA', '#0000CD', '#BA55D3', '#9370DB', '#3CB371', '#7B68EE', '#00FA9A', '#48D1CC', '#C71585', '#191970', '#F5FFFA', '#FFE4E1', '#FFE4B5', '#FFDEAD', '#000080', '#FDF5E6', '#808000', '#6B8E23', '#FFA500', '#FF4500', '#DA70D6', '#EEE8AA', '#98FB98', '#AFEEEE', '#DB7093', '#FFEFD5', '#FFDAB9', '#CD853F', '#FFC0CB', '#DDA0DD', '#B0E0E6', '#800080', '#FF0000', '#BC8F8F', '#4169E1', '#8B4513', '#FA8072', '#FAA460', '#2E8B57', '#FFF5EE', '#A0522D', '#C0C0C0', '#87CEEB', '#6A5ACD', '#708090', '#FFFAFA', '#00FF7F', '#4682B4', '#D2B48C', '#008080', '#D8BFD8', '#FF6347', '#40E0D0', '#EE82EE', '#F5DEB3', '#FFFFFF', '#F5F5F5', '#FFFF00', '#9ACD32'] months = {'Jan': [], 'Feb': [], 'Mar': [], 'Apr': [], 'May': [], 'Jun': [], 'Jul': [], 'Aug': [], 'Sep': [], 'Oct': [], 'Nov': [], 'Dec': [] } def getOwl(monthTable, ID): result = [] for f in monthTable: if f[0] == ID: result.append(f) return result def fillNull(months): months["Jan"].append(0) months["Feb"].append(0) months["Mar"].append(0) months["Apr"].append(0) months["May"].append(0) months["Jun"].append(0) months["Jul"].append(0) months["Aug"].append(0) months["Sep"].append(0) months["Oct"].append(0) months["Nov"].append(0) months["Dec"].append(0) return months def fillMonths(monthTable, months): curOwl = monthTable[0][0] for feature in monthTable: tempOwl = feature[0] month = feature[2] dist = feature[3] owl = getOwl(monthTable, "1751") # get all Data for one owl # fill all month with distance # missing data = 0 distance months = fillNull(months) if month == "01": months["Jan"][len(months["Jan"])-1] = dist if month == "02": months["Feb"][len(months["Feb"])-1] = dist if month == "03": months["Mar"][len(months["Mar"])-1] = dist if month == "04": months["Apr"][len(months["Apr"])-1] = dist if month == "05": months["May"][len(months["May"])-1] = dist if month == "06": months["Jun"][len(months["Jun"])-1] = dist if month == "07": months["Jul"][len(months["Jul"])-1] = dist if month == "08": months["Aug"][len(months["Aug"])-1] = dist if month == "09": months["Sep"][len(months["Sep"])-1] = dist if month == "10": months["Oct"][len(months["Oct"])-1] = dist if month == "11": months["Nov"][len(months["Nov"])-1] = dist if month == "12": months["Dec"][len(months["Dec"])-1] = dist return months months = fillMonths(monthTable, months) X = np.arange(12) curOwl = [np.nan,np.nan,np.nan,np.nan,np.nan,np.nan,np.nan,np.nan,np.nan,np.nan,np.nan,np.nan,] counter = 0 tempOwl = "0" lastOwl="none" for feature in monthTable: owl = feature[0] if owl != tempOwl: tempOwl = owl t = getOwl(monthTable, feature[0]) for i in t: month = i[2] if month == "01": curOwl[0] = i[3] if month == "02": curOwl[1] = i[3] if month == "03": curOwl[2] = i[3] if month == "04": curOwl[3] = i[3] if month == "05": curOwl[4] = i[3] if month == "06": curOwl[5] = i[3] if month == "07": curOwl[6] = i[3] if month == "08": curOwl[7] = i[3] if month == "09": curOwl[8] = i[3] if month == "10": curOwl[9] = i[3] if month == "11": curOwl[10] = i[3] if month == "12": curOwl[11] = i[3] col = cnames[counter] if lastOwl == "none":, curOwl, color = col) else:, curOwl, color = col, bottom = lastOwl) lastOwl = curOwl counter = counter + 5
<reponame>chongiadung/choinho # Auto generated by Delete this line if you make modification. from scrapy.spiders import Rule from scrapy.linkextractors import LinkExtractor XPATH = { 'name' : "//h1[@class='nameprod']", 'price' : "//div[@class='c2']/div[@class='imp'][1]/span[@class='price']", 'category' : "//div[@class='nav_center']/span/a/span", 'description' : "//div[@class='intro']", 'images' : "//div[@class='ui-corner-all']/div/div/a/@href", 'canonical' : "", 'base_url' : "", 'brand' : "" } name = '<EMAIL>' allowed_domains = [''] start_urls = [''] tracking_url = '' sitemap_urls = [''] sitemap_rules = [('', 'parse_item')] sitemap_follow = [''] rules = [ Rule(LinkExtractor(allow=['/yen-huyet/','/hong-yen/','/bach-yen/','/yen-gay-to/','/chan-to-yen/','/yen-tuoi/','/che-to-yen-sup-yen/','/combo-yen-sao/']), 'parse_item'), Rule(LinkExtractor(allow=['/yen-huyet.html','/hong-yen.html','/bach-yen.html','/yen-gay-to.html','/chan-to-yen.html','/yen-tuoi.html','/che-to-yen-sup-yen.html','/combo-yen-sao.html','page=\d+\.html$']), 'parse'), #Rule(LinkExtractor(), 'parse_item_and_links'), ]
# Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """Contains utilities for downloading and converting datasets.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf import pickle import os def save_obj(obj, save_dir, name): with open(os.path.join(save_dir, name + '.pkl'), 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(obj, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) def load_obj(name, file_dir): with open(os.path.join(file_dir, name + '.pkl'), 'rb') as f: return pickle.load(f) def int64_feature(values): """Returns a TF-Feature of int64s. Args: values: A scalar or list of values. Returns: a TF-Feature. """ if not isinstance(values, (tuple, list)): values = [values] return tf.train.Feature(int64_list=tf.train.Int64List(value=values)) def floats_feature(value): return tf.train.Feature(float_list=tf.train.FloatList(value=value)) def bytes_feature(values): """Returns a TF-Feature of bytes. Args: values: A string. Returns: a TF-Feature. """ return tf.train.Feature(bytes_list=tf.train.BytesList(value=[values])) def to_tfexample(image_data, image_format, im_size, bbox, azimuth, elevation, theta): return tf.train.Example(features=tf.train.Features(feature={ 'image/encoded': bytes_feature(image_data), 'image/format': bytes_feature(image_format), 'image/height': int64_feature(im_size[0]), 'image/width': int64_feature(im_size[1]), 'image/bbox': floats_feature(bbox), 'image/viewpoint': floats_feature([azimuth, elevation, theta]), })) def image_to_tfexample(image_data, image_format, height, width, class_id): return tf.train.Example(features=tf.train.Features(feature={ 'image/encoded': bytes_feature(image_data), 'image/format': bytes_feature(image_format), 'image/class/label': int64_feature(class_id), 'image/height': int64_feature(height), 'image/width': int64_feature(width), })) class ImageCoder(object): """Helper class that provides TensorFlow image coding utilities.""" def __init__(self): # Create a single Session to run all image coding calls. self._sess = tf.Session() # Initializes function that converts PNG to JPEG data. self._png_data = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.string) image = tf.image.decode_png(self._png_data, channels=3) self._png_to_jpeg = tf.image.encode_jpeg(image, format='rgb', quality=100) # Initializes function that converts CMYK JPEG data to RGB JPEG data. self._cmyk_data = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.string) image = tf.image.decode_jpeg(self._cmyk_data, channels=0) self._cmyk_to_rgb = tf.image.encode_jpeg(image, format='rgb', quality=100) # Initializes function that decodes RGB JPEG data. self._decode_jpeg_data = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.string) self._decode_jpeg = tf.image.decode_jpeg(self._decode_jpeg_data, channels=3) # Initializes function that encodes RGB JPEG data. self._encode_image_data = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.uint8) self._encode_jpeg = tf.image.encode_jpeg(self._encode_image_data) def png_to_jpeg(self, image_data): return, feed_dict={self._png_data: image_data}) def cmyk_to_rgb(self, image_data): return, feed_dict={self._cmyk_data: image_data}) def decode_jpeg(self, image_data): image =, feed_dict={self._decode_jpeg_data: image_data}) assert len(image.shape) == 3 assert image.shape[2] == 3 return image def encode_jpeg(self, image_data): image_data = image_data.astype(dtype=np.uint8) image =, feed_dict={self._encode_image_data: image_data}) return image
#!/usr/bin/env python3 from decimal import * from binascii import unhexlify # need some precision to evaluate PI getcontext().prec = 2000 # from the python docs def pi(): """Compute Pi to the current precision. >>> print(pi()) 3.141592653589793238462643383 """ getcontext().prec += 2 # extra digits for intermediate steps three = Decimal(3) # substitute "three=3.0" for regular floats lasts, t, s, n, na, d, da = 0, three, 3, 1, 0, 0, 24 while s != lasts: lasts = s n, na = n+na, na+8 d, da = d+da, da+32 t = (t * n) / d s += t getcontext().prec -= 2 return +s # unary plus applies the new precision ### The DH values defined in the RFC #2. 1536-bit MODP Group # # The 1536 bit MODP group has been used for the implementations for # quite a long time, but was not defined in RFC 2409 (IKE). # Implementations have been using group 5 to designate this group, we # standardize that practice here. # # The prime is: 2^1536 - 2^1472 - 1 + 2^64 * { [2^1406 pi] + 741804 } f = 2**1536 - 2**1472 - 1 + 2**64 * ((Decimal(2**1406) * pi()).to_integral_exact(ROUND_FLOOR) + 741804) # Its hexadecimal value is: # p ="""FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF C90FDAA2 2168C234 C4C6628B 80DC1CD1 29024E08 8A67CC74 020BBEA6 3B139B22 514A0879 8E3404DD EF9519B3 CD3A431B 302B0A6D F25F1437 4FE1356D 6D51C245 E485B576 625E7EC6 F44C42E9 A637ED6B 0BFF5CB6 F406B7ED EE386BFB 5A899FA5 AE9F2411 7C4B1FE6 49286651 ECE45B3D C2007CB8 A163BF05 98DA4836 1C55D39A 69163FA8 FD24CF5F 83655D23 DCA3AD96 1C62F356 208552BB 9ED52907 7096966D 670C354E 4ABC9804 F1746C08 CA237327 FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF""" p = int.from_bytes(unhexlify(p.replace('\n', '').replace(' ', '')), 'big') assert Decimal(p) - f == 0 # # The generator is: 2. #3. 2048-bit MODP Group # # This group is assigned id 14. # # This prime is: 2^2048 - 2^1984 - 1 + 2^64 * { [2^1918 pi] + 124476 } f = 2**2048 - 2**1984 - 1 + 2**64 * ((Decimal(2**1918) * pi()).to_integral_exact(ROUND_FLOOR) + 124476) # # Its hexadecimal value is: # p ="""FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF C90FDAA2 2168C234 C4C6628B 80DC1CD1 29024E08 8A67CC74 020BBEA6 3B139B22 514A0879 8E3404DD EF9519B3 CD3A431B 302B0A6D F25F1437 4FE1356D 6D51C245 E485B576 625E7EC6 F44C42E9 A637ED6B 0BFF5CB6 F406B7ED EE386BFB 5A899FA5 AE9F2411 7C4B1FE6 49286651 ECE45B3D C2007CB8 A163BF05 98DA4836 1C55D39A 69163FA8 FD24CF5F 83655D23 DCA3AD96 1C62F356 208552BB 9ED52907 7096966D 670C354E 4ABC9804 F1746C08 CA18217C 32905E46 2E36CE3B E39E772C 180E8603 9B2783A2 EC07A28F B5C55DF0 6F4C52C9 DE2BCBF6 95581718 3995497C EA956AE5 15D22618 98FA0510 15728E5A 8AACAA68 FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF""" p = int.from_bytes(unhexlify(p.replace('\n', '').replace(' ', '')), 'big') assert Decimal(p) - f == 0 # # The generator is: 2. #4. 3072-bit MODP Group # # This group is assigned id 15. # # This prime is: 2^3072 - 2^3008 - 1 + 2^64 * { [2^2942 pi] + 1690314 } f = 2**3072 - 2**3008 - 1 + 2**64 * ((Decimal(2**2942) * pi()).to_integral_exact(ROUND_FLOOR) + 1690314) # # Its hexadecimal value is: # p ="""FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF C90FDAA2 2168C234 C4C6628B 80DC1CD1 29024E08 8A67CC74 020BBEA6 3B139B22 514A0879 8E3404DD EF9519B3 CD3A431B 302B0A6D F25F1437 4FE1356D 6D51C245 E485B576 625E7EC6 F44C42E9 A637ED6B 0BFF5CB6 F406B7ED EE386BFB 5A899FA5 AE9F2411 7C4B1FE6 49286651 ECE45B3D C2007CB8 A163BF05 98DA4836 1C55D39A 69163FA8 FD24CF5F 83655D23 DCA3AD96 1C62F356 208552BB 9ED52907 7096966D 670C354E 4ABC9804 F1746C08 CA18217C 32905E46 2E36CE3B E39E772C 180E8603 9B2783A2 EC07A28F B5C55DF0 6F4C52C9 DE2BCBF6 95581718 3995497C EA956AE5 15D22618 98FA0510 15728E5A 8AAAC42D AD33170D 04507A33 A85521AB DF1CBA64 ECFB8504 58DBEF0A 8AEA7157 5D060C7D B3970F85 A6E1E4C7 ABF5AE8C DB0933D7 1E8C94E0 4A25619D CEE3D226 1AD2EE6B F12FFA06 D98A0864 D8760273 3EC86A64 521F2B18 177B200C BBE11757 7A615D6C 770988C0 BAD946E2 08E24FA0 74E5AB31 43DB5BFC E0FD108E 4B82D120 A93AD2CA FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF""" p = int.from_bytes(unhexlify(p.replace('\n', '').replace(' ', '')), 'big') assert Decimal(p) - f == 0 # # The generator is: 2. #5. 4096-bit MODP Group # # This group is assigned id 16. # # This prime is: 2^4096 - 2^4032 - 1 + 2^64 * { [2^3966 pi] + 240904 } f = 2**4096 - 2**4032 - 1 + 2**64 * ((Decimal(2**3966) * pi()).to_integral_exact(ROUND_FLOOR) + 240904) # # Its hexadecimal value is: # p ="""FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF C90FDAA2 2168C234 C4C6628B 80DC1CD1 29024E08 8A67CC74 020BBEA6 3B139B22 514A0879 8E3404DD EF9519B3 CD3A431B 302B0A6D F25F1437 4FE1356D 6D51C245 E485B576 625E7EC6 F44C42E9 A637ED6B 0BFF5CB6 F406B7ED EE386BFB 5A899FA5 AE9F2411 7C4B1FE6 49286651 ECE45B3D C2007CB8 A163BF05 98DA4836 1C55D39A 69163FA8 FD24CF5F 83655D23 DCA3AD96 1C62F356 208552BB 9ED52907 7096966D 670C354E 4ABC9804 F1746C08 CA18217C 32905E46 2E36CE3B E39E772C 180E8603 9B2783A2 EC07A28F B5C55DF0 6F4C52C9 DE2BCBF6 95581718 3995497C EA956AE5 15D22618 98FA0510 15728E5A 8AAAC42D AD33170D 04507A33 A85521AB DF1CBA64 ECFB8504 58DBEF0A 8AEA7157 5D060C7D B3970F85 A6E1E4C7 ABF5AE8C DB0933D7 1E8C94E0 4A25619D CEE3D226 1AD2EE6B F12FFA06 D98A0864 D8760273 3EC86A64 521F2B18 177B200C BBE11757 7A615D6C 770988C0 BAD946E2 08E24FA0 74E5AB31 43DB5BFC E0FD108E 4B82D120 A9210801 1A723C12 A787E6D7 88719A10 BDBA5B26 99C32718 6AF4E23C 1A946834 B6150BDA 2583E9CA 2AD44CE8 DBBBC2DB 04DE8EF9 2E8EFC14 1FBECAA6 287C5947 4E6BC05D 99B2964F A090C3A2 233BA186 515BE7ED 1F612970 CEE2D7AF B81BDD76 2170481C D0069127 D5B05AA9 93B4EA98 8D8FDDC1 86FFB7DC 90A6C08F 4DF435C9 34063199 FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF""" p = int.from_bytes(unhexlify(p.replace('\n', '').replace(' ', '')), 'big') assert Decimal(p) - f == 0 # # The generator is: 2. #6. 6144-bit MODP Group # # This group is assigned id 17. # # This prime is: 2^6144 - 2^6080 - 1 + 2^64 * { [2^6014 pi] + 929484 } f = 2**6144 - 2**6080 - 1 + 2**64 * ((Decimal(2**6014) * pi()).to_integral_exact(ROUND_FLOOR) + 929484) # # Its hexadecimal value is: # p ="""FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF C90FDAA2 2168C234 C4C6628B 80DC1CD1 29024E08 8A67CC74 020BBEA6 3B139B22 514A0879 8E3404DD EF9519B3 CD3A431B 302B0A6D F25F1437 4FE1356D 6D51C245 E485B576 625E7EC6 F44C42E9 A637ED6B 0BFF5CB6 F406B7ED EE386BFB 5A899FA5 AE9F2411 7C4B1FE6 49286651 ECE45B3D C2007CB8 A163BF05 98DA4836 1C55D39A 69163FA8 FD24CF5F 83655D23 DCA3AD96 1C62F356 208552BB 9ED52907 7096966D 670C354E 4ABC9804 F1746C08 CA18217C 32905E46 2E36CE3B E39E772C 180E8603 9B2783A2 EC07A28F B5C55DF0 6F4C52C9 DE2BCBF6 95581718 3995497C EA956AE5 15D22618 98FA0510 15728E5A 8AAAC42D AD33170D 04507A33 A85521AB DF1CBA64 ECFB8504 58DBEF0A 8AEA7157 5D060C7D B3970F85 A6E1E4C7 ABF5AE8C DB0933D7 1E8C94E0 4A25619D CEE3D226 1AD2EE6B F12FFA06 D98A0864 D8760273 3EC86A64 521F2B18 177B200C BBE11757 7A615D6C 770988C0 BAD946E2 08E24FA0 74E5AB31 43DB5BFC E0FD108E 4B82D120 A9210801 1A723C12 A787E6D7 88719A10 BDBA5B26 99C32718 6AF4E23C 1A946834 B6150BDA 2583E9CA 2AD44CE8 DBBBC2DB 04DE8EF9 2E8EFC14 1FBECAA6 287C5947 4E6BC05D 99B2964F A090C3A2 233BA186 515BE7ED 1F612970 CEE2D7AF B81BDD76 2170481C D0069127 D5B05AA9 93B4EA98 8D8FDDC1 86FFB7DC 90A6C08F 4DF435C9 34028492 36C3FAB4 D27C7026 C1D4DCB2 602646DE C9751E76 3DBA37BD F8FF9406 AD9E530E E5DB382F 413001AE B06A53ED 9027D831 179727B0 865A8918 DA3EDBEB CF9B14ED 44CE6CBA CED4BB1B DB7F1447 E6CC254B 33205151 2BD7AF42 6FB8F401 378CD2BF 5983CA01 C64B92EC F032EA15 D1721D03 F482D7CE 6E74FEF6 D55E702F 46980C82 B5A84031 900B1C9E 59E7C97F BEC7E8F3 23A97A7E 36CC88BE 0F1D45B7 FF585AC5 4BD407B2 2B4154AA CC8F6D7E BF48E1D8 14CC5ED2 0F8037E0 A79715EE F29BE328 06A1D58B B7C5DA76 F550AA3D 8A1FBFF0 EB19CCB1 A313D55C DA56C9EC 2EF29632 387FE8D7 6E3C0468 043E8F66 3F4860EE 12BF2D5B 0B7474D6 E694F91E 6DCC4024 FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF""" p = int.from_bytes(unhexlify(p.replace('\n', '').replace(' ', '')), 'big') assert Decimal(p) - f == 0 # # The generator is: 2. #7. 8192-bit MODP Group # (needs higher precision) getcontext().prec = 4000 # # This group is assigned id 18. # # This prime is: 2^8192 - 2^8128 - 1 + 2^64 * { [2^8062 pi] + 4743158 } f = 2**8192 - 2**8128 - 1 + 2**64 * ((Decimal(2**8062) * pi()).to_integral_exact(ROUND_FLOOR) + 4743158) # # Its hexadecimal value is: # p = """FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF C90FDAA2 2168C234 C4C6628B 80DC1CD1 29024E08 8A67CC74 020BBEA6 3B139B22 514A0879 8E3404DD EF9519B3 CD3A431B 302B0A6D F25F1437 4FE1356D 6D51C245 E485B576 625E7EC6 F44C42E9 A637ED6B 0BFF5CB6 F406B7ED EE386BFB 5A899FA5 AE9F2411 7C4B1FE6 49286651 ECE45B3D C2007CB8 A163BF05 98DA4836 1C55D39A 69163FA8 FD24CF5F 83655D23 DCA3AD96 1C62F356 208552BB 9ED52907 7096966D 670C354E 4ABC9804 F1746C08 CA18217C 32905E46 2E36CE3B E39E772C 180E8603 9B2783A2 EC07A28F B5C55DF0 6F4C52C9 DE2BCBF6 95581718 3995497C EA956AE5 15D22618 98FA0510 15728E5A 8AAAC42D AD33170D 04507A33 A85521AB DF1CBA64 ECFB8504 58DBEF0A 8AEA7157 5D060C7D B3970F85 A6E1E4C7 ABF5AE8C DB0933D7 1E8C94E0 4A25619D CEE3D226 1AD2EE6B F12FFA06 D98A0864 D8760273 3EC86A64 521F2B18 177B200C BBE11757 7A615D6C 770988C0 BAD946E2 08E24FA0 74E5AB31 43DB5BFC E0FD108E 4B82D120 A9210801 1A723C12 A787E6D7 88719A10 BDBA5B26 99C32718 6AF4E23C 1A946834 B6150BDA 2583E9CA 2AD44CE8 DBBBC2DB 04DE8EF9 2E8EFC14 1FBECAA6 287C5947 4E6BC05D 99B2964F A090C3A2 233BA186 515BE7ED 1F612970 CEE2D7AF B81BDD76 2170481C D0069127 D5B05AA9 93B4EA98 8D8FDDC1 86FFB7DC 90A6C08F 4DF435C9 34028492 36C3FAB4 D27C7026 C1D4DCB2 602646DE C9751E76 3DBA37BD F8FF9406 AD9E530E E5DB382F 413001AE B06A53ED 9027D831 179727B0 865A8918 DA3EDBEB CF9B14ED 44CE6CBA CED4BB1B DB7F1447 E6CC254B 33205151 2BD7AF42 6FB8F401 378CD2BF 5983CA01 C64B92EC F032EA15 D1721D03 F482D7CE 6E74FEF6 D55E702F 46980C82 B5A84031 900B1C9E 59E7C97F BEC7E8F3 23A97A7E 36CC88BE 0F1D45B7 FF585AC5 4BD407B2 2B4154AA CC8F6D7E BF48E1D8 14CC5ED2 0F8037E0 A79715EE F29BE328 06A1D58B B7C5DA76 F550AA3D 8A1FBFF0 EB19CCB1 A313D55C DA56C9EC 2EF29632 387FE8D7 6E3C0468 043E8F66 3F4860EE 12BF2D5B 0B7474D6 E694F91E 6DBE1159 74A3926F 12FEE5E4 38777CB6 A932DF8C D8BEC4D0 73B931BA 3BC832B6 8D9DD300 741FA7BF 8AFC47ED 2576F693 6BA42466 3AAB639C 5AE4F568 3423B474 2BF1C978 238F16CB E39D652D E3FDB8BE FC848AD9 22222E04 A4037C07 13EB57A8 1A23F0C7 3473FC64 6CEA306B 4BCBC886 2F8385DD FA9D4B7F A2C087E8 79683303 ED5BDD3A 062B3CF5 B3A278A6 6D2A13F8 3F44F82D DF310EE0 74AB6A36 4597E899 A0255DC1 64F31CC5 0846851D F9AB4819 5DED7EA1 B1D510BD 7EE74D73 FAF36BC3 1ECFA268 359046F4 EB879F92 4009438B 481C6CD7 889A002E D5EE382B C9190DA6 FC026E47 9558E447 5677E9AA 9E3050E2 765694DF C81F56E8 80B96E71 60C980DD 98EDD3DF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF""" p = int.from_bytes(unhexlify(p.replace('\n', '').replace(' ', '')), 'big') print(Decimal(p) - f) assert Decimal(p) - f == 0 # # The generator is: 2.
<reponame>afterloe/opencv-practice #!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding=utf-8 -*- from setuptools import setup PROJECT_NAME = "meter_reader_4_pointer" VERSION = "1.2.0" setup( name=PROJECT_NAME, version=VERSION, packages=find_packages(), include_package_data=True, install_requires=["opencv-python", "pyyaml", "imutils"], )
<reponame>pingf/yadashcomp<filename> from setuptools import setup exec (open('yadashcomp/').read()) setup( name='yadashcomp', version=__version__, author='pingf', packages=['yadashcomp'], include_package_data=True, license='MIT', description='yet another dash components', install_requires=[] )
import boto3 import os camera='1' bucket='' path='/mnt/cameraimages/images' s3 = boto3.resource('s3') for dirName, subdirList, fileList in os.walk(path): for fname in fileList: if len(path) == len(dirName): finame=fname else: finame = '%s/%s'%(dirName[len(path)+1:], fname) print(finame) res=s3.meta.client.upload_file(dirName + '/' + fname, bucket, finame) print res os.unlink(dirName + '/' + fname)
<reponame>kbaseapps/mags_mash from installed_clients.WorkspaceClient import Workspace from installed_clients.DataFileUtilClient import DataFileUtil import numpy as np import pandas as pd import os from collections import defaultdict from scipy.cluster.hierarchy import linkage, leaves_list def create_tree(GOLD, tree_cols, dist_compl, source_order=None): """ """ tree = [] if len(tree_cols) == 0: return tree col = tree_cols[0] type_count = GOLD[col].value_counts().to_dict() for t in type_count: # if len(t) > name_max_len: # name = t[:name_max_len] + '...' # else: # name = t count = "({})".format(type_count[t]) leaf = create_tree(GOLD[GOLD[col]==t], tree_cols[1:], dist_compl, source_order=source_order) if leaf == []: if col == "Project / Study Name": mag_dict = dist_compl[t] dist = {mag:val[0] for mag, val in mag_dict.items()} compl = {mag:val[1] for mag, val in mag_dict.items()} cont = {mag:val[2] for mag, val in mag_dict.items()} else: dist, compl, cont = "", "", "" print("-"*90) print('project name:',t) print("gold stuff:",GOLD[GOLD["Project / Study Name"]==t].iloc[0]) print("-"*90) trunc_name = GOLD[GOLD["Project / Study Name"] == t].iloc[0]['IMG Genome ID '] # is terminal node/actually a leaf # here we change the terminal nodes to have dists as a dict # of IMG_id -> distance, # and we include the list of img_id's for each tree.append({ 'truncated_name': str(trunc_name), 'name' : t, 'count': "({})".format(len(dist)) }) if source_order!=None: tree[-1]['dist'] = dist tree[-1]['compl'] = compl tree[-1]['cont'] = cont else: children = [] for key, val in dist.items(): child = {} child['truncated_name'] = key child['count'] = '' child['dist'] = val children.append(child) tree[-1]['children'] = children else: tree.append({ 'truncated_name':t, 'count':count, 'children':leaf }) if source_order!=None: sources = [] if leaf == []: g = GOLD[GOLD[col]==t][['upa','mag_id']] upas = g['upa'].tolist() ss = {} for upa in upas: mag_ids = g[g['upa']==upa]['mag_id'].tolist() ss[upa] = mag_ids for i, s in enumerate(source_order): if s in ss: sources.append(ss[upa]) # sources[i] = ss[upa] else: sources.append([]) else: source_count = GOLD[GOLD[col]==t]['upa'].value_counts().to_dict() for i, s in enumerate(source_order): if s in source_count: sources.append(source_count[s]) # sources[i] = source_count[s] else: sources.append(0) tree[-1]['sources'] = sources return tree def get_location_markers(ids, source=None): ''' For now this simply returns 1 marker with the location of LBL. Returns list of markers ids: list of ids marker format: { 'name': name of marker 'lat': latitude as a float 'lng': longitude as a float 'details': pop up details } ''' markers = [ {'name':"LBL", "lat":37.877344, "lng":-122.250694, "details":"This is Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory."}, {'name':"Golden Gate Bridge", "lat": 37.817060, "lng": -122.478206, "details":"This is the Golden Gate Bridge."}, {'name':"SFO Airport", 'lat':37.616310, 'lng': -122.386793, 'details':"This is San Francisco International Airport."}, {'name':"<NAME>", "lat": 37.881523, "lng": -121.914325, "details":"This is <NAME>."} ] if source!= None: for m in markers: m['source'] = "Input source:"+source return markers def unwind_tree(X, tree): """ """ if tree.get('children'): for t in tree['children']: if 'compl' in t: X.append(np.array([len(mag_ids) for mag_ids in t['sources']])) else: X.append(np.array(t['sources'])) X = unwind_tree(X, t) return X def remap_sources(sources, upa_order): new_sources = {} for j, i in enumerate(upa_order): val = sources[i] if val != 0 and val != []: new_sources[j] = val return new_sources def rewind_tree(tree, upa_order): """ """ for t_ix, t in enumerate(tree['children']): new_sources = remap_sources(t['sources'], upa_order) t['sources'] = new_sources if t.get('children'): t = rewind_tree(t, upa_order) tree['children'][t_ix] = t return tree def get_source_order(tree, upa_names): """ stats: """ X = unwind_tree([tree['sources']], tree) print("-"*80) print("je suis here first:",X) X = np.transpose(np.array(X)) print("je suis here:",X) print('-'*80) z = linkage(X, 'ward') upa_order = leaves_list(z) return upa_order def filter_results(ws_url, cb_url, query_results, n_max_results, max_distance, min_completeness, max_contamination): """ Here we do a combiantion of getting all the relevant statistics from the data csv, filtering the outputs according to the provided inputs, and staging some of the outputs for the templates. """ if len(query_results) > 1: upa_to_name = get_upa_names(ws_url, cb_url, list(query_results.keys())) else: upa_to_name = {list(query_results.keys())[0]:""} currdir = os.path.dirname(__file__) gold_path = os.path.join(currdir,'data','GOLD-metadata.csv') GOLD = pd.read_csv(gold_path) upa_names = [] upas = [] dist_compl = {} all_GOLD = [] # id_to_inputs = defaultdict(lambda:[]) stats = [] for upa in query_results: upas.append(upa) upa_name = upa_to_name[upa] curr_GOLD = GOLD[GOLD['GOLD Analysis Project ID'].isin([val[2]['GOLD_Analysis_ID'] for key, val in query_results[upa].items()])] tree_cols = ['Ecosystem','Ecosystem Category','Ecosystem Subtype',\ 'Ecosystem Type','Specific Ecosystem','Project / Study Name'] print("curr gold cols 1:",curr_GOLD.columns) curr_GOLD = curr_GOLD.fillna({col:"Unknown" for col in tree_cols}) print("curr gold cols 2:",curr_GOLD.columns) curr_stats = get_statistics(query_results[upa], curr_GOLD, upa_name=upa_name) curr_stats, curr_dist_compl = filter_stats(curr_stats, n_max_results, max_distance, min_completeness, max_contamination) curr_GOLD = curr_GOLD[curr_GOLD['GOLD Analysis Project ID'].isin([s['GOLD_Analysis_ID'] for s in curr_stats])] curr_GOLD['upa'] = upa print("curr gold cols 3:",curr_GOLD.columns) # We want to get a row for each mag id in curr_GOLD, # right now we only have a row for each img id stats += curr_stats # group them by img_ids curr_GOLD.set_index('IMG Genome ID ', inplace=True) print("curr gold cols 4:",curr_GOLD.columns) new_gold = defaultdict(lambda: []) for i, cs in enumerate(curr_stats): img_id = cs['IMG_Genome_ID'] mag_id = cs['mag_id'] gold_info = curr_GOLD.loc[int(img_id),:] new_gold['mag_id'].append(mag_id) new_gold['IMG Genome ID '].append(img_id) for key, val in gold_info.iteritems(): new_gold[key].append(val) new_gold = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(new_gold) all_GOLD.append(new_gold) for key in curr_dist_compl: if key in dist_compl: for mag_key in curr_dist_compl[key]: dist_compl[key][mag_key] = curr_dist_compl[key][mag_key] else: dist_compl[key] = curr_dist_compl[key] # dist_1, compl_1, cont_1 = dist_compl[key] # dist_2, compl_2, cont_2 = curr_dist_compl[key] # if compl_1 == compl_2 and cont_1 == cont_2: # # check to see distance dictionary # unincluded_keys = list(set(list(dist_2.keys())) - set(list(dist_1.keys()))) # for uinc_key in unincluded_keys: # dist_1[uinc_key] = dist_2[uinc_key] # dist_compl[key] = [dist_1, compl_1, cont_1] # else: # raise ValueError('Same project ids but contamination and/or completeness do not match') # # id_to_inputs[key].append(upa_name) # else: # dist_compl[key] = curr_dist_compl[key] upa_names.append(upa_name) all_GOLD = pd.concat(all_GOLD, ignore_index=True) tree_cols = ['Ecosystem','Ecosystem Category','Ecosystem Subtype',\ 'Ecosystem Type','Specific Ecosystem','Project / Study Name'] if len(upas) == 1: tree = create_tree(all_GOLD, tree_cols, dist_compl) count = sum([ int(t['count'][1:-1]) for t in tree]) #len(query_results[upas[0]]) tree = {"truncated_name":"", "count":"({})".format(str(count)), "count_num":count, "children":tree} else: tree = create_tree(all_GOLD, tree_cols, dist_compl, source_order=upas) sources = [0 for _ in range(len(upa_names))] for i in range(len(upa_names)): for t in tree: sources[i]+=t['sources'][i] total_num = sum(sources) tree = {"truncated_name":"", "count":"({})".format(str(total_num)), 'count_num':total_num, 'sources':sources, "children":tree} upa_order = get_source_order(tree, upa_names) tree['sources'] = remap_sources(tree['sources'], upa_order) tree = rewind_tree(tree, upa_order) new_upa_names = [] for i in upa_order: new_upa_names.append(upa_names[i]) upa_names = new_upa_names # TEMPORARY MARKER SET UP markers = get_location_markers(set([s['mag_id'] for s in stats])) return stats, upa_names, tree, markers def filter_stats(stats, n_max_results, max_distance, min_completeness, max_contamination): if max_distance: stats = [s for s in stats if s['dist'] <= max_distance] if min_completeness: stats = [s for s in stats if s['completeness'] >= min_completeness] if max_contamination: stats = [s for s in stats if s['contamination'] <= max_contamination] stats = sorted(stats, key=lambda s: s['dist']) if len(stats) > n_max_results: stats = stats[:n_max_results] dist_compl = {} for s in stats: if s['project'] not in dist_compl: dist_compl[s['project']] = {} dist_compl[s['project']][s['mag_id']] = [round(s['dist'], 3), round(s['completeness'],2), round(s['contamination'],2)] # dist_compl[s['project']] = [{s['mag_id']:round(s['dist'], 3)}, round(s['completeness'],2), round(s['contamination'],2)] else: dist_compl[s['project']][s['mag_id']] = [round(s['dist'], 3), round(s['completeness'],2), round(s['contamination'],2)] # print("mapping the items:",s, dist_compl[s['project']]) # if round(s['completeness'],2) == dist_compl[s['project']][1] and round(s['contamination'],2) == dist_compl[s['project']][2]: # dist_compl[s['project']][0][s['mag_id']] = (round(s['dist'], 3)) # else: # raise ValueError('same project ids but contamination and/or completeness do not match',\ # round(s['completeness'],2), dist_compl[s['project']][1], # round(s['contamination'],2), dist_compl[s['project']][2]) # dist_compl = {s['project']:(round(s['dist'], 3), round(s['completeness'], 2), round(s['contamination'], 2)) for s in stats} return stats, dist_compl def get_upa_names(ws_url, cb_url, upas): """ """ ws = Workspace(ws_url) objs = ws.get_object_info3({ 'objects': [{'ref':upa} for upa in upas] }) upa_to_name = {'/'.join([str(info[6]), str(info[0]), str(info[4])]):info[1] for info in objs['infos']} if len(upa_to_name)==len(upas): return upa_to_name missing_upas = list(set(upas) - set(list(upa_to_name.keys()))) dfu = DataFileUtil(cb_url) objs = dfu.get_objects({'object_refs':missing_upas})['data'] if len(objs) != len(missing_upas): raise ValueError("Could not find all input names. len upas: %s len objs: %s"%(len(upas), len(objs)), upas, [obj['info'] for obj in objs]) for obj in objs: info = obj['info'] upa = '/'.join([str(info[6]), str(info[0]), str(info[4])]) upa_to_name[upa] = info[1] return upa_to_name def get_statistics(ids, GOLD, upa_name=None): ''' get statistics from the GOLD and statitics csvs ids: GOLD: ''' output = [] currdir = os.path.dirname(__file__) stats_path = os.path.join(currdir, 'data', 'Stats-taxonomy.csv') Stats = pd.read_csv(stats_path) curr_stats = Stats[Stats['binid'].isin(ids.keys())] curr_stats = curr_stats.fillna('Unknown') for id_ in ids: curr = {} dist, kb_id, relatedids = ids[id_] if upa_name != None: curr['input_name'] = upa_name curr['dist'] = dist # if kb_id: # curr['kb_id'] = kb_id # else: # curr['kb_id'] = '' id_stats = curr_stats[curr_stats.binid == id_] curr['completeness'] = id_stats.iloc[0]['completeness'] curr['contamination'] = id_stats.iloc[0]['contamination'] curr['MIMAG'] = id_stats.iloc[0]['MIMAG'] curr['mag_id'] = id_ curr['IMG_Genome_ID'] = id_.split('_')[0] img_link = ""%(id_.split('_')[0], id_) curr['IMG_link'] = img_link if relatedids: for key in relatedids: if relatedids[key]: curr[key] = relatedids[key] else: curr[key] = 'Unknown' if relatedids['GOLD_Analysis_ID']: curr['project'] = GOLD[GOLD['GOLD Analysis Project ID'] == relatedids['GOLD_Analysis_ID']].iloc[0]['Project / Study Name'] else: curr['project'] = 'Unknown' output.append(curr) return output
<filename>codewars/7kyu/dinamuh/SpeedControl/ from main import gps def test_gps(benchmark): assert benchmark(gps, 20, [0.0, 0.23, 0.46, 0.69, 0.92, 1.15, 1.38, 1.61]) == 41 assert benchmark(gps, 12, [0.0, 0.11, 0.22, 0.33, 0.44, 0.65, 1.08, 1.26, 1.68, 1.89, 2.1, 2.31, 2.52, 3.25]) == 219 assert benchmark(gps, 20, [0.0, 0.18, 0.36, 0.54, 0.72, 1.05, 1.26, 1.47, 1.92, 2.16, 2.4, 2.64, 2.88, 3.12, 3.36, 3.6, 3.84]) == 80 assert benchmark(gps, 14, [0.0, 0.01, 0.36, 0.6, 0.84, 1.05, 1.26, 1.47, 1.68, 1.89, 2.1, 2.31, 2.52, 2.73, 2.94, 3.15]) == 90 assert benchmark(gps, 17, [0.0, 0.02, 0.36, 0.54, 0.72, 0.9, 1.08, 1.26, 1.44, 1.62, 1.8]) == 72 assert benchmark(gps, 12, [0.0, 0.24, 0.48, 0.72, 0.96, 1.2, 1.44, 1.68, 1.92, 2.16, 2.4]) == 72 assert benchmark(gps, 17, [0.0, 0.02, 0.44, 0.66, 0.88, 1.1, 1.32, 1.54, 1.76]) == 88 assert benchmark(gps, 16, [0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 1.32, 1.54, 1.76, 1.98, 2.2, 2.42, 2.76, 2.99, 3.22, 3.45]) == 76 assert benchmark(gps, 17, [0.0, 0.01, 0.36, 0.75, 1.0, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2.0, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3.0, 3.25, 3.5, 3.75, 4.0, 4.25, 4.5, 4.75]) == 82 assert benchmark(gps, 19, [0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.69, 0.92, 1.15, 1.38, 1.61, 1.92, 2.16, 2.4, 2.64, 2.88, 3.12, 3.36]) == 58 assert benchmark(gps, 19, []) == 0 assert benchmark(gps, 19, [0.0]) == 0
"""Graphical User Interface (GUI) utility module. This module contains various tools and utilities used to instantiate annotators and GUI elements. """ import logging import thelper.utils logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def create_key_listener(callback): """Returns a key press listener based on pynput.keyboard (used for mocking).""" import pynput.keyboard return pynput.keyboard.Listener(on_press=callback) def create_annotator(session_name, save_dir, config, datasets): """Instantiates a GUI annotation tool based on the type contained in the config dictionary. The tool type is expected to be in the configuration dictionary's `annotator` field, under the `type` key. For more information on the configuration, refer to :class:`thelper.gui.annotators.Annotator`. The instantiated type must be compatible with the constructor signature of :class:`thelper.gui.annotators.Annotator`. The object's constructor will be given the full config dictionary. Args: session_name: name of the annotation session used for printing and to create output directories. save_dir: path to the session directory where annotations and other outputs will be saved. config: full configuration dictionary that will be parsed for annotator parameters. datasets: map of named dataset parsers that will provide the data to annotate. Returns: The fully-constructed annotator object, ready to begin annotation via its ``run()`` function. .. seealso:: | :class:`thelper.gui.annotators.Annotator` """ if "annotator" not in config or not config["annotator"]: raise AssertionError("config missing 'annotator' field") annotator_config = config["annotator"] if "type" not in annotator_config or not annotator_config["type"]: raise AssertionError("annotator config missing 'type' field") annotator_type = thelper.utils.import_class(annotator_config["type"]) return annotator_type(session_name, config, save_dir, datasets)
<gh_stars>0 from configparser import ConfigParser config = ConfigParser()'data/channels.ini')
from .base import HttpbinAction class GetHeadersAction(HttpbinAction): METHOD = 'GET' URL_COMPONENTS = ['headers'] RESULT_KEY = 'headers' class GetIPAction(HttpbinAction): METHOD = 'GET' URL_COMPONENTS = ['ip'] RESULT_KEY = 'origin' class GetUserAgentAction(HttpbinAction): METHOD = 'GET' URL_COMPONENTS = ['user-agent'] RESULT_KEY = 'user-agent'
for index, entry in enumerate({"Tam", "Tim", "Tom"}): print(f"{index}: {entry}") for index, entry in enumerate({"Tam", "Tom", "Tim"}): print(f"{index}: {entry}") for index, entry in enumerate({"Tam", "Tom", "Tim"}): print(f"{index}: {entry}") for index, entry in enumerate({"Tam", "Tom", "Tim"}): print(f"{index}: {entry}")
"""Implementation of Expected-Actor Critic Agent.""" from rllib.algorithms.eac import ExpectedActorCritic from .actor_critic_agent import ActorCriticAgent class ExpectedActorCriticAgent(ActorCriticAgent): """Implementation of the Advantage-Actor Critic. TODO: build compatible function approximation. References ---------- <NAME>., & <NAME>. (2018). Expected policy gradients. AAAI. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(algorithm_=ExpectedActorCritic, *args, **kwargs)
from model.adacos import AdaCos from model.blocks import NetBlock from tensorflow.keras.layers import Input, Reshape, Conv2D, Activation, Flatten, Dropout, add from tensorflow.keras.models import Model import tensorflow.keras.backend as K class Net: def __init__(self, config): self.model_name = config.model_name self.start_fine_tune_layer_id = config.start_fine_tune_layer_id self.end_fine_tune_layer_id = config.end_fine_tune_layer_id self.embedding_dim = config.embedding_dim self.embedding_layer_name = config.embedding_layer_name self.dropout = config.dropout self.net_blocks = NetBlock(config) def build_mpsnet_backbone(self, input_shape): c = [32, 32, 64, 64, 128] t = [1, 2, 2, 3, 2] s = [2, 2, 2, 2, 1] n = [1, 2, 2, 3, 2] activation='relu' I = Input(shape = input_shape) M0 = self.net_blocks.conv_block(I, c[0], 3, s[0], activation=activation) M1 = self.net_blocks.inverted_residual_block(M0, c=c[1], ks=3, t=t[1], s=s[1], n=n[1], activation=activation) M0 = self.net_blocks.separable_conv_block(M0, c[1], 3, s[1], activation=None) A1 = add([M0, M1]) M2 = self.net_blocks.inverted_residual_block(A1, c=c[2], ks=3, t=t[2], s=s[2], n=n[2], activation=activation) A1 = self.net_blocks.separable_conv_block(A1, c[2], 3, s[2], activation=None) A2 = add([A1, M2]) M3 = self.net_blocks.inverted_residual_block(A2, c=c[3], ks=3, t=t[3], s=s[3], n=n[3], activation=activation) A2 = self.net_blocks.separable_conv_block(A2, c[3], 3, s[3], activation=None) A3 = add([A2, M3]) M4 = self.net_blocks.inverted_residual_block(A3, c=c[4], ks=3, t=t[4], s=s[4], n=n[4], activation=activation) A3 = self.net_blocks.separable_conv_block(A3, c[4], 3, s[4], activation=None) A4 = add([A3, M4]) M = self.net_blocks.spp_block(A4, pool_list=[1, 2, 4]) self.backbone = Model(inputs=I, outputs=M, name=self.model_name) def build_mobilenet_v1_backbone(self, input_shape, alpha=1.0): I = Input(shape = input_shape) activation = 'relu' c = int(32 * alpha) x = self.net_blocks.conv_block(I, 32, 3, 2, activation=activation) x = self.net_blocks.bottleneck_v1(x, 64 , 3, s=1, alpha=alpha, activation=activation) x = self.net_blocks.bottleneck_v1(x, 128, 3, s=2, alpha=alpha, activation=activation) x = self.net_blocks.bottleneck_v1(x, 128, 3, s=1, alpha=alpha, activation=activation) x = self.net_blocks.bottleneck_v1(x, 256, 3, s=2, alpha=alpha, activation=activation) x = self.net_blocks.bottleneck_v1(x, 256, 3, s=1, alpha=alpha, activation=activation) x = self.net_blocks.bottleneck_v1(x, 512, 3, s=2, alpha=alpha, activation=activation) x = self.net_blocks.bottleneck_v1(x, 512, 3, s=1, alpha=alpha, activation=activation) x = self.net_blocks.bottleneck_v1(x, 512, 3, s=1, alpha=alpha, activation=activation) x = self.net_blocks.bottleneck_v1(x, 512, 3, s=1, alpha=alpha, activation=activation) x = self.net_blocks.bottleneck_v1(x, 512, 3, s=1, alpha=alpha, activation=activation) x = self.net_blocks.bottleneck_v1(x, 512, 3, s=1, alpha=alpha, activation=activation) x = self.net_blocks.bottleneck_v1(x, 1024, 3, s=2, alpha=alpha, activation=activation) x = self.net_blocks.bottleneck_v1(x, 1024, 3, s=1, alpha=alpha, activation=activation) x = GlobalAveragePooling2D()(x) self.backbone = Model(inputs=I, outputs=x, name=self.model_name) def build_mobilenet_v2_backbone(self, input_shape, alpha=1.0): c = [32, 16, 24, 32, 64, 96, 160, 320, 1280] t = [1, 1, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 1] s = [2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1] n = [1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 3, 1, 1] activation = 'relu6' I = Input(shape = input_shape) n_filters = self.net_blocks.make_divisible(c[0] * alpha, 8) x = self.net_blocks.conv_block(I, n_filters, 3, s[0], activation=activation) # (64, 64, 32) x = self.net_blocks.inverted_residual_block(x, c=c[1], ks=3, t=t[1], s=s[1], n=n[1], alpha=alpha, activation=activation) x = self.net_blocks.inverted_residual_block(x, c=c[2], ks=3, t=t[2], s=s[2], n=n[2], alpha=alpha, activation=activation) x = self.net_blocks.inverted_residual_block(x, c=c[3], ks=3, t=t[3], s=s[3], n=n[3], alpha=alpha, activation=activation) x = self.net_blocks.inverted_residual_block(x, c=c[4], ks=3, t=t[4], s=s[4], n=n[4], alpha=alpha, activation=activation) x = self.net_blocks.inverted_residual_block(x, c=c[5], ks=3, t=t[5], s=s[5], n=n[5], alpha=alpha, activation=activation) x = self.net_blocks.inverted_residual_block(x, c=c[6], ks=3, t=t[6], s=s[6], n=n[6], alpha=alpha, activation=activation) x = self.net_blocks.inverted_residual_block(x, c=c[7], ks=3, t=t[7], s=s[7], n=n[7], alpha=alpha, activation=activation) if alpha > 1.0: last_filters = self.net_blocks.make_divisible(c[8] * alpha, 8) else: last_filters = c[8] x = self.net_blocks.conv_block(x, last_filters, 1, 1, activation=activation) x = GlobalAveragePooling2D()(x) self.backbone = Model(inputs=I, outputs=x, name=self.model_name) def build_mobilenet_v3_backbone(self, input_shape, alpha=1.0): I = Input(shape = input_shape) x = self.net_blocks.conv_block(I, 16, 3 , 2, activation='hard_swish') x = self.net_blocks.bottleneck_v3(x, 16 , 3, e=16 , s=1, alpha=alpha, squeeze=False, activation='relu6') x = self.net_blocks.bottleneck_v3(x, 24 , 3, e=64 , s=2, alpha=alpha, squeeze=False, activation='relu6') x = self.net_blocks.bottleneck_v3(x, 24 , 3, e=72 , s=1, alpha=alpha, squeeze=False, activation='relu6') x = self.net_blocks.bottleneck_v3(x, 40 , 5, e=72 , s=2, alpha=alpha, squeeze=True, activation='relu6') x = self.net_blocks.bottleneck_v3(x, 40 , 5, e=120, s=1, alpha=alpha, squeeze=True, activation='relu6') x = self.net_blocks.bottleneck_v3(x, 40 , 5, e=120, s=1, alpha=alpha, squeeze=True, activation='relu6') x = self.net_blocks.bottleneck_v3(x, 80 , 3, e=240, s=2, alpha=alpha, squeeze=False, activation='hard_swish') x = self.net_blocks.bottleneck_v3(x, 80 , 3, e=200, s=1, alpha=alpha, squeeze=False, activation='hard_swish') x = self.net_blocks.bottleneck_v3(x, 80 , 3, e=184, s=1, alpha=alpha, squeeze=False, activation='hard_swish') x = self.net_blocks.bottleneck_v3(x, 80 , 3, e=184, s=1, alpha=alpha, squeeze=False, activation='hard_swish') x = self.net_blocks.bottleneck_v3(x, 112, 3, e=480, s=1, alpha=alpha, squeeze=True, activation='hard_swish') x = self.net_blocks.bottleneck_v3(x, 112, 3, e=672, s=1, alpha=alpha, squeeze=True, activation='hard_swish') x = self.net_blocks.bottleneck_v3(x, 160, 5, e=672, s=2, alpha=alpha, squeeze=True, activation='hard_swish') x = self.net_blocks.bottleneck_v3(x, 160, 5, e=960, s=1, alpha=alpha, squeeze=True, activation='hard_swish') x = self.net_blocks.bottleneck_v3(x, 160, 5, e=960, s=1, alpha=alpha, squeeze=True, activation='hard_swish') x = self.net_blocks.conv_block(x, 960, 1, 1, activation='hard_swish') x = GlobalAveragePooling2D()(x) self.backbone = Model(inputs=I, outputs=x, name=self.model_name) def build_mobilefacenet_backbone(self, input_shape, alpha=1.0): c = [64, 64, 64, 128, 128, 128, 128] t = [1, 1, 2, 4, 2, 4, 2] s = [2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1] n = [1, 1, 5, 1, 6, 1, 2] activation='prelu' I = Input(shape = input_shape) x = self.net_blocks.conv_block(I, c[0], 3, s[0], activation=activation) x = self.net_blocks.separable_conv_block(M, c[1], 3, s[1], activation=activation) x = self.net_blocks.inverted_residual_block(x, c=c[2], ks=3, t=t[2], s=s[2], n=n[2], activation=activation) x = self.net_blocks.inverted_residual_block(x, c=c[3], ks=3, t=t[3], s=s[3], n=n[3], activation=activation) x = self.net_blocks.inverted_residual_block(x, c=c[4], ks=3, t=t[4], s=s[4], n=n[4], activation=activation) x = self.net_blocks.inverted_residual_block(x, c=c[5], ks=3, t=t[5], s=s[5], n=n[5], activation=activation) x = self.net_blocks.inverted_residual_block(x, c=c[6], ks=3, t=t[6], s=s[6], n=n[6], activation=activation) x = self.net_blocks.conv_block(x, 512, 1, 1, 'valid', activation=activation) ks = K.int_shape(x)[2] x = self.net_blocks.depthwise_conv_block(x, ks, 1, padding='valid', activation=None) self.backbone = Model(inputs=I, outputs=x, name=self.model_name) def build_softmax_model(self, n_classes): I=self.backbone.inputs x=self.backbone.outputs[0] if(len(x.shape)==2): c = K.int_shape(x)[self.net_blocks.channel_axis] x = Reshape((1, 1, c))(x) x = self.net_blocks.conv_block(x, self.embedding_dim, 1, 1, 'valid', activation=None) if(self.dropout>0): x = Dropout(rate=dropout)(x) x = self.net_blocks.conv_block(x, n_classes, 1, 1, activation='softmax', norm=None) x = Reshape((n_classes,))(x) self.softmax_model = Model(inputs=I, outputs=x, name=self.model_name) def build_adacos_model(self): label = Input(shape=(1,), name='label_input') softmax = self.softmax_model.outputs[0] n_classes = K.int_shape(softmax)[-1] inputs = self.softmax_model.inputs[0] x = self.softmax_model.layers[self.end_fine_tune_layer_id].output if(self.dropout>0): x = Dropout(rate=dropout)(x) x = Flatten(name=self.embedding_layer_name)(x) break_point = len(self.softmax_model.layers) + self.start_fine_tune_layer_id for layer in self.softmax_model.layers[:break_point]: layer.trainable=False outputs = AdaCos(n_classes, initializer=self.net_blocks.kernel_initializer, regularizer=self.net_blocks.kernel_regularizer, name='adacos')([x, label]) self.adacos_model = Model(inputs = (inputs, label), outputs = outputs, name=self.model_name)
"""A wrapper for the colorama module.""" """ Copyright 2019 - 2020 <NAME> Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. """ from colorama import init, Fore, Back, Style import os def printcol(text, fore_col=None, back_col=None, shade=None, end=None): """A function which prints the text in the specified colour on the specified background. Arguments: text - The text to print to the screen in the required format. fore_col - The colour of the text to print the text in. Default: white, can be either of: red, light red, magenta, light Magenta, yellow, light yellow, green, light green, blue, light blue, cyan, light cyan, black or white back_col - The colour to print the text onto. Default: black, can be either of: red, light red, magenta, light magenta, yellow, light yellow, green, light green, blue, light blue, cyan, light cyan, black or white shade - The shade of the colour to use. Default: normal, can be either of: dim, normal, bright end - What character to end the print line with. By default this is the newline character. This can be set to an empty string to change the colour of the text being printed out. """ # Handle the keyword arguments so that they still work correctly when the terminal is used, this allows any not # defined to be set to the default. E.G. It is possible to run printcol("Some text") and still get some output, # This will be white text using the normal shade on a white background, this is normal print for cmd, but may be # different for other terminals. if fore_col is None: fore_col = "white" if back_col is None: back_col = "black" if shade is None: shade = "normal" if end is None: end = "\n" # Convert the inputs into lowercase names to be checked fore_col = fore_col.lower() back_col = back_col.lower() shade = shade.lower() # Check if running from pycharm is_running_pycharm = "PYCHARM_HOSTED" in os.environ if is_running_pycharm: convert = False strip = False else: convert = None strip = None init(autoreset=True, convert=convert, strip=strip) # Make sure the next print statement runs correctly # Define values for each style and colour shades = {"dim": Style.DIM, "bright": Style.BRIGHT, "normal": Style.NORMAL} # When underline is available add Style.UNDERLINED fore_cols = {"red": Fore.RED, "light red": Fore.LIGHTRED_EX, "magenta": Fore.MAGENTA, "light magenta": Fore.LIGHTMAGENTA_EX, "yellow": Fore.YELLOW, "light yellow": Fore.LIGHTYELLOW_EX, "green": Fore.GREEN, "light green": Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX, "blue": Fore.BLUE, "light blue": Fore.LIGHTBLUE_EX, "cyan": Fore.CYAN, "light cyan": Fore.LIGHTCYAN_EX, "black": Fore.BLACK} back_cols = {"red": Back.RED, "light red": Back.LIGHTRED_EX, "magenta": Back.MAGENTA, "light magenta": Back.LIGHTMAGENTA_EX, "yellow": Back.YELLOW, "light yellow": Back.LIGHTYELLOW_EX, "green": Back.GREEN, "light green": Back.LIGHTGREEN_EX, "blue": Back.BLUE, "light blue": Back.LIGHTBLUE_EX, "cyan": Back.CYAN, "light cyan": Back.LIGHTCYAN_EX, "white": Back.WHITE} # Check the shade of colour to use if shade in shades: shade = shades[shade] else: shade = Style.NORMAL # Check the foreground colour to use if fore_col in fore_cols: fore_col = fore_cols[fore_col] else: fore_col = Fore.WHITE # Check the background colour to use if back_col in back_cols: back_col = back_cols[back_col] else: back_col = Back.BLACK # Then print the text to the screen print(shade + fore_col + back_col + text, end=end) def printcollist(list_to_print, fore_col=None, back_col=None, shade=None, end=None): """A Function which takes a list and iterates through the list and prints it out in coloured text. The colours and shade to use can be provided as a list or as a sting. Arguments: list_to_print - A iterable list of strings or numbers to print out. fore_col - A list of strings or a single string to use as the text colour for the strings being printed. Default White, colours same as printcol back_col - A list of strings or a single string to use as the background text colour for the strings being printed. Default Black, colours same as printcol shade - A list of strings or a single string to use as the shade of the text colour for the string. Default Normal, options same as printcol end - A list of strings or a single string to use as the separator between the strings being printed. Default Newline, this list must be passed for the system to work correctly """ # Check the keyword arguments are None and then set the defaults. if fore_col is None: fore_col = "white" if back_col is None: back_col = "black" if shade is None: shade = "normal" if end is None: end = "\n" # Check the lists are of the correct length before attempting the iteration if len(list_to_print) == len(fore_col) == len(back_col) == len(shade) == len(end): # Then print out each item as required in its colour for item, foreground, background, shade, ending in zip(list_to_print, fore_col, back_col, shade, end): # Print the item printcol(item, fore_col=foreground, back_col=background, shade=shade, end=ending) else: # The lists are not of all equal length so print an error message in red. printcol("Please use lists of equal length.") def inputcolour(text, prompt_fore_col=None, prompt_back_col=None, prompt_shade=None, input_fore_col=None, input_back_col=None, input_shade=None): """Returns input from a coloured input prompt. Arguments: text - The text to prompt the user for the desired input. prompt_fore_col - The colour of the text to print the prompt text in. Default: white, can be either of: red, light red, magenta, light Magenta, yellow, light yellow, green, light green, blue, light blue, cyan, light cyan, black or white prompt_back_col - The colour to print the prompt text onto. Default: black, can be either of: red, light red, magenta, light magenta, yellow, light yellow, green, light green, blue, light blue, cyan, light cyan, black or white prompt_shade - The shade of the colour to use for the input prompt. Default: normal, can be either of: dim, normal, bright input_fore_col - The colour of the text to print the user input in. Default: white, can be either of: red, light red, magenta, light Magenta, yellow, light yellow, green, light green, blue, light blue, cyan, light cyan, black or white input_back_col - The colour to print the user input onto. Default: black, can be either of: red, light red, magenta, light magenta, yellow, light yellow, green, light green, blue, light blue, cyan, light cyan, black or white input_shade - The shade of the colour to use for the text entered by the user. Default: normal, can be either of: dim, normal, bright""" # Handle None keywords if prompt_fore_col is None: prompt_fore_col = "white" if prompt_back_col is None: prompt_back_col = "black" if prompt_shade is None: prompt_shade = "normal" if input_fore_col is None: input_fore_col = "white" if input_back_col is None: input_back_col = "black" if input_shade is None: input_shade = "normal" # Convert the inputs into lowercase names to be checked prompt_fore_col = prompt_fore_col.lower() prompt_back_col = prompt_back_col.lower() prompt_shade = prompt_shade.lower() input_fore_col = input_fore_col.lower() input_back_col = input_back_col.lower() input_shade = input_shade.lower() # Check if running from pycharm is_running_pycharm = "PYCHARM_HOSTED" in os.environ if is_running_pycharm: convert = False strip = False else: convert = None strip = None init(autoreset=False, convert=convert, strip=strip) # Disable autoreset to colour the prompt correctly # Define values for each style and colour shades = {"dim": Style.DIM, "bright": Style.BRIGHT, "normal": Style.NORMAL} # When underline is available add Style.UNDERLINED fore_cols = {"red": Fore.RED, "light red": Fore.LIGHTRED_EX, "magenta": Fore.MAGENTA, "light magenta": Fore.LIGHTMAGENTA_EX, "yellow": Fore.YELLOW, "light yellow": Fore.LIGHTYELLOW_EX, "green": Fore.GREEN, "light green": Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX, "blue": Fore.BLUE, "light blue": Fore.LIGHTBLUE_EX, "cyan": Fore.CYAN, "light cyan": Fore.LIGHTCYAN_EX, "black": Fore.BLACK} back_cols = {"red": Back.RED, "light red": Back.LIGHTRED_EX, "magenta": Back.MAGENTA, "light magenta": Back.LIGHTMAGENTA_EX, "yellow": Back.YELLOW, "light yellow": Back.LIGHTYELLOW_EX, "green": Back.GREEN, "light green": Back.LIGHTGREEN_EX, "blue": Back.BLUE, "light blue": Back.LIGHTBLUE_EX, "cyan": Back.CYAN, "light cyan": Back.LIGHTCYAN_EX, "white": Back.WHITE} # Check which shade of colour to use for the input prompt and the user input. if prompt_shade in shades: prompt_shade = shades[prompt_shade] else: prompt_shade = Style.NORMAL if input_shade in shades: input_shade = shades[input_shade] else: input_shade = Style.NORMAL # Check each foreground colour to use if prompt_fore_col in fore_cols: prompt_fore_col = fore_cols[prompt_fore_col] else: prompt_fore_col = Fore.WHITE if input_fore_col in fore_cols: input_fore_col = fore_cols[input_fore_col] else: input_fore_col = Fore.WHITE # Check each background colour to use if prompt_back_col in back_cols: prompt_back_col = back_cols[prompt_back_col] else: prompt_back_col = Back.BLACK if input_back_col in back_cols: input_back_col = back_cols[input_back_col] else: input_back_col = Back.BLACK print(prompt_shade + prompt_fore_col + prompt_back_col, end='') show_text = str(text) + " " + Style.RESET_ALL # Force the text to string and add a space for styling show_text + input_shade + input_fore_col + input_back_col return_text = input(show_text) # Show the text print(Style.RESET_ALL) # Reset for normal return return_text def testcolour(use_string=None): """A function which is used to test the colour printing of the shell by printing a string in different colours onto different backgrounds. Arguments: use_string - The string to use for testing the console prints text correctly in all colours. Default: 'Hello World'.""" if use_string is None: use_string = "Hello World" printcol(use_string, "red", "black", "dim") printcol(use_string, "red", "black", "normal") printcol(use_string, "red", "black", "bright") printcol(use_string, "magenta", "black", "dim") printcol(use_string, "magenta", "black", "normal") printcol(use_string, "magenta", "black", "bright") printcol(use_string, "yellow", "black", "dim") printcol(use_string, "yellow", "black", "normal") printcol(use_string, "yellow", "black", "bright") printcol(use_string, "green", "black", "dim") printcol(use_string, "green", "black", "normal") printcol(use_string, "green", "black", "bright") printcol(use_string, "cyan", "black", "dim") printcol(use_string, "cyan", "black", "normal") printcol(use_string, "cyan", "black", "bright") printcol(use_string, "blue", "black", "dim") printcol(use_string, "blue", "black", "normal") printcol(use_string, "blue", "black", "bright") printcol(use_string, "white", "black", "dim") printcol(use_string, "white", "black", "normal") printcol(use_string, "white", "black", "bright") printcol(use_string, "black", "white", "dim") printcol(use_string, "black", "white", "normal") printcol(use_string, "black", "white", "bright")
<gh_stars>0 """ Author: <NAME> Date: 08/12/19 Description: Morse code encryper and decryter """ # The function retrieves the morse code from a text file and cleans it up so the letters # can be stored in the keys and code into the values def loadMorseTable(): codes = "" with open("morseTable.txt", "r") as code: codes = # removes the escape sequences and white spaces codes.split("\n") codes = codes.split() keys = [] values = [] for i in range(len(codes)): if(i % 2 == 0): keys.append(codes[i]) else: values.append(codes[i]) # creates the morse code dictionary morse_dict = {} for i in range(len(keys)): morse_dict[keys[i]] = values[i] # The function encrypts the plaintext into ciphertext and returns the string def encrypt(plain_text): word = "" plain_text = plain_text.upper() for letter in plain_text: if(letter in morse_dict): # each letter is separated by a space word += morse_dict.get(letter) + " " else: # each word is seperated by 7 spaces word += " " return word # The function returns the key by inputting a value of the key # if values not in dictionary, return -1 def values_by_keys(dictionary, value): for keys, values in dictionary.items(): if(value == values): return keys return -1 # The function decrypts the ciphertext def decrypt(cipher_text): decoded = "" # creates a list by seperating each letter by the space cipher_text = cipher_text.split(" ") for code in cipher_text: # if a space is in the elements of the list, add a space to the # decoded message and remove the space from the element, so it can be identified if " " in code: decoded += " " + values_by_keys(morse_dict, code.strip()) decoded += str(values_by_keys(morse_dict, code)) # the space in the code is not a morse symbol, so the values_by_keys method returns -1 # therefore replaces the 7 spaces of between the words that became 7 -1's to become a single space decoded = decoded.replace("-1-1-1-1-1-1-1"," ") return decoded # intro def main(): loadMorseTable() print("Welcome to the Morse Code Encoding and Decoder!") print("CAUTION: Please seperate each morse symbol with a space and each word by seven spaces\n") choice = input("Would you like to encrypt (e) or decrypt (d)? ") print() if(choice == "e"): text = input("What would you like to encrypt? ") print() print("Plaintext: " + text) print("Ciphertext: " + encrypt(text)) elif(choice == "d"): text = input("What would you like to decrypt? ") print() print("Ciphertext: " + text) print("Plaintext: "+ decrypt(text)) else: print("There must have been a problem! Please try again") if __name__ == "__main__": main()
<filename>ares/simulations/ """ Author: <NAME> Affiliation: University of Colorado at Boulder Created on: Mon Feb 16 12:46:28 MST 2015 Description: """ import numpy as np from .GasParcel import GasParcel from ..util import ParameterFile, ProgressBar from ..util.ReadData import _sort_history, _load_inits from .MetaGalacticBackground import MetaGalacticBackground from ..util.SetDefaultParameterValues import MultiPhaseParameters _mpm_defs = MultiPhaseParameters() class MultiPhaseMedium(object): def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ Initialize a MultiPhaseMedium object. By default, this is a two-zone model, consisting of a "bulk IGM" grid patch and an "HII regions" grid patch, dubbed "igm" and "cgm", respectively. To perform a single-zone calculation, simply set ``include_cgm=False`` or ``include_igm=False``. """ if 'load_ics' not in kwargs: kwargs['load_ics'] = True self.kwargs = kwargs @property def pf(self): if not hasattr(self, '_pf'): inits = self.inits self._pf = ParameterFile(**self.kwargs) return self._pf @property def inits(self): if not hasattr(self, '_inits'): self._inits = inits = _load_inits() zi =['initial_redshift'] if not np.all(np.diff(inits['z']) > 0): raise ValueError('Redshifts in ICs must be in ascending order!') Ti = np.interp(zi, inits['z'], inits['Tk']) xi = np.interp(zi, inits['z'], inits['xe']) #if['include_He']: new = {'igm_initial_temperature': Ti, 'initial_ionization': [1. - xi, xi, 1.-xi-1e-10, xi, 1e-10]} self.kwargs.update(new) #else: # new_pars = {'cosmological_ics': False, # 'igm_initial_temperature': Ti, # 'igm_initial_ionization': [1. - xi, xi]} # #self.kwargs.update(new_pars) return self._inits @property def field(self): if not hasattr(self, '_field'): if['include_igm']: self._field = MetaGalacticBackground(grid=self.parcel_igm.grid, **self.kwargs) else: self._field = MetaGalacticBackground(grid=self.parcel_cgm.grid, **self.kwargs) return self._field @property def pops(self): return self.field.pops @property def grid(self): return self.field.grid @property def parcels(self): if not hasattr(self, '_parcels'): self._initialize_zones() return self._parcels @property def parcel_igm(self): if not hasattr(self, '_parcel_igm'): self._parcel_igm = self.parcels[0] return self._parcel_igm @property def parcel_cgm(self): if not hasattr(self, '_parcel_cgm'): if['include_igm']: self._parcel_cgm = self.parcels[1] else: self._parcel_cgm = self.parcels[0] return self._parcel_cgm def rates_no_RT(self, grid): _rates_no_RT = \ {'k_ion': np.zeros((grid.dims, grid.N_absorbers)), 'k_heat': np.zeros((grid.dims, grid.N_absorbers)), 'k_ion2': np.zeros((grid.dims, grid.N_absorbers, grid.N_absorbers)), } return _rates_no_RT @property def tf(self): if not hasattr(self, '_tf'): z =['initial_redshift'] zf =['final_redshift'] self._tf = self.default_parcel.grid.cosm.LookbackTime(zf, z)['stop_time'] = self._tf /['time_units'] return self._tf def _initialize_zones(self): """ Initialize (up to two) GasParcels. """ # Reset stop time based on final redshift. z =['initial_redshift'] zf =['final_redshift'] self._parcels = [] for zone in ['igm', 'cgm']: if not['include_%s' % zone]: continue kw = # Loop over defaults, pull out the ones for this zone for key in _mpm_defs: if key[0:4] != '%s_' % zone: continue # Have to rename variables so Grid class will know them grid_key = key.replace('%s_' % zone, '') if key in self.kwargs: kw[grid_key] = self.kwargs[key] else: kw[grid_key] = _mpm_defs[key] if zone == 'igm': self.kw_igm = kw.copy() parcel_igm = GasParcel(**self.kw_igm) self.gen_igm = parcel_igm.step() # Set initial values for rate coefficients parcel_igm.update_rate_coefficients(, **self.rates_no_RT(parcel_igm.grid)) self._parcels.append(parcel_igm) else: self.kw_cgm = kw.copy() parcel_cgm = GasParcel(**self.kw_cgm) parcel_cgm.grid.set_recombination_rate(True) parcel_cgm._set_chemistry() self.gen_cgm = parcel_cgm.step() parcel_cgm.chem.chemnet.monotonic_EoR = \['monotonic_EoR'] parcel_cgm.update_rate_coefficients(, **self.rates_no_RT(parcel_cgm.grid)) self._parcels.append(parcel_cgm) self._parcels[-1].pf['stop_time'] = /['time_units'] @property def zones(self): if not hasattr(self, '_zones'): self._zones = int(['include_igm']) \ + int(['include_cgm']) return self._zones @property def default_parcel(self): if not hasattr(self, '_default_parcel'): self._default_parcel = self.parcel_igm if['include_igm'] \ else self.parcel_cgm return self._default_parcel @property def dynamic_tau(self): return['tau_dynamic'] def update_optical_depth(self): """ Dynamically update optical depth as simulation runs. """ # Recall that self.field.tau is a list with as many elements as there # are distinct populations tau = [] for i in range(self.field.Npops): pass self.field.tau = tau def subcycle(self): """ See if we need to re-do the previous timestep. This mean: (1) Re-compute the IGM optical depth. (2) """ return False # Check IGM ionization state between last two steps. # Converged to desired tolerance? #self. def _stop_criteria_met(self): pass def run(self): """ Run simulation from start to finish. Returns ------- Nothing: sets `history` attribute. """ self._insert_inits() pb = ProgressBar(,['progress_bar']) pb.start() # Evolve in time for t, z, data_igm, data_cgm, RC_igm, RC_cgm in self.step(): pb.update(t) # Save data self.all_z.append(z) self.all_t.append(t) if['include_cgm']: self.all_data_cgm.append(data_cgm.copy()) if['include_igm']: self.all_data_igm.append(data_igm.copy()) if['save_rate_coefficients']: if['include_cgm']: self.all_RCs_cgm.append(RC_cgm.copy()) if['include_igm']: self.all_RCs_igm.append(RC_igm.copy()) pb.finish() # Sort everything by time if['include_igm']: self.history_igm = \ _sort_history(self.all_data_igm, prefix='igm_', squeeze=True) self.history = self.history_igm.copy() else: self.history = {} if['include_cgm']: self.history_cgm = \ _sort_history(self.all_data_cgm, prefix='cgm_', squeeze=True) self.history.update(self.history_cgm) # Save rate coefficients [optional] if['save_rate_coefficients']: if['include_igm']: self.rates_igm = \ _sort_history(self.all_RCs_igm, prefix='igm_', squeeze=True) self.history.update(self.rates_igm) if['include_cgm']: self.rates_cgm = \ _sort_history(self.all_RCs_cgm, prefix='cgm_', squeeze=True) self.history.update(self.rates_cgm) self.history['t'] = np.array(self.all_t) self.history['z'] = np.array(self.all_z) def step(self): """ Generator for a two-phase intergalactic medium. Returns ------- Tuple containing the current time, redshift, and dictionaries for the IGM and CGM data at a single snapshot. """ t = 0.0 z =['initial_redshift'] dt =['time_units'] *['initial_timestep'] zf =['final_redshift'] # Read initial conditions if['include_igm']: data_igm = if['include_cgm']: data_cgm = # Evolve in time! while z > zf: # Increment time / redshift dtdz = self.default_parcel.grid.cosm.dtdz(z) t += dt z -= dt / dtdz # The (potential) generators need this self.field.update_redshift(z) # IGM rate coefficients if['include_igm']: done = False if['stop_igm_h_2'] is not None: if data_igm['h_2'] >['stop_igm_h_2']: data_igm = data_igm_pre.copy() dt1 = 1e50 done = True if not done: RC_igm = self.field.update_rate_coefficients(z, zone='igm', return_rc=True, igm_h_1=data_igm['h_1']) # Now, update IGM parcel t1, dt1, data_igm = # Pass rate coefficients off to the IGM parcel self.parcel_igm.update_rate_coefficients(data_igm, **RC_igm) else: dt1 = 1e50 RC_igm = data_igm = None data_igm = {'h_1': 1.0} if['include_cgm']: done = False if['stop_cgm_h_2'] is not None: if data_cgm['h_2'] >['stop_cgm_h_2']: data_cgm = data_cgm_pre.copy() dt2 = 1e50 done = True if not done: # CGM rate coefficients RC_cgm = self.field.update_rate_coefficients(z, zone='cgm', return_rc=True, cgm_h_1=data_cgm['h_1']) # Pass rate coefficients off to the CGM parcel self.parcel_cgm.update_rate_coefficients(data_cgm, **RC_cgm) # Now, update CGM parcel t2, dt2, data_cgm = else: dt2 = 1e50 RC_cgm = data_cgm = None # Must update timesteps in unison dt_pre = dt * 1. dt = min(dt1, dt2) dt = min(dt,['max_timestep'] *['time_units']) # Might need these... if['include_igm']: data_igm_pre = data_igm.copy() if['include_cgm']: data_cgm_pre = data_cgm.copy() # If we're computing the IGM optical depth dynamically, we may # need to "re-do" this step to ensure convergence. redo = self.subcycle() if not redo: # Changing attribute! A little scary, but we must make sure # these parcels are evolved in unison if['include_igm']: self.parcel_igm.dt = dt if['include_cgm']: self.parcel_cgm.dt = dt yield t, z, data_igm, data_cgm, RC_igm, RC_cgm continue # If we've made it here, we need to trick our generators a bit # "undo" this time-step t -= dt_pre z += dt_pre / dtdz self.update_optical_depth() def _insert_inits(self): """ Prepend provided initial conditions to the data storage lists. """ if not['load_ics']: self.all_t, self.all_z, self.all_data_igm, self.all_data_cgm = \ [], [], [], [] if['save_rate_coefficients']: self.all_RCs_igm, self.all_RCs_cgm = [], [] if not['include_cgm']: del self.all_RCs_cgm, self.all_data_cgm return # Flip to descending order (in redshift) z_inits = self.inits['z'][-1::-1] Tk_inits = self.inits['Tk'][-1::-1] xe_inits = self.inits['xe'][-1::-1] inits_all = {'z': z_inits, 'Tk': Tk_inits, 'xe': xe_inits} # Stop pre-pending once we hit the first light redshift i_trunc = np.argmin(np.abs(z_inits -['initial_redshift'])) if z_inits[i_trunc] <=['initial_redshift']: i_trunc += 1 self.all_t = [] self.all_data_igm = [] self.all_z = list(z_inits[0:i_trunc]) self.all_RCs_igm = [self.rates_no_RT(self.parcel_igm.grid)] * len(self.all_z) self.all_RCs_cgm = [self.rates_no_RT(self.parcel_igm.grid)] * len(self.all_z) # Don't mess with the CGM (much) if['include_cgm']: tmp = self.all_data_cgm = [tmp.copy() for i in range(len(self.all_z))] for i, cgm_data in enumerate(self.all_data_cgm): self.all_data_cgm[i]['rho'] = \ self.parcel_cgm.grid.cosm.MeanBaryonDensity(self.all_z[i]) self.all_data_cgm[i]['n'] = \ self.parcel_cgm.grid.particle_density(cgm_data, self.all_z[i]) if not['include_igm']: return # Loop over redshift and derive things for the IGM for i, red in enumerate(self.all_z): snapshot = {} for key in if key in self.inits.keys(): snapshot[key] = inits_all[key][i] continue # Electron fraction snapshot['e'] = inits_all['xe'][i] # Hydrogen neutral fraction xe = inits_all['xe'][i] if 2 not in self.parcel_igm.grid.Z: xe = min(xe, 1.0) xi = xe / (1. + self.parcel_igm.grid.cosm.y) snapshot['h_1'] = 1. - xi snapshot['h_2'] = xi # Add helium, assuming xHeII = xHII, and xHeIII << 1 if['include_He']: snapshot['he_1'] = 1. - xi snapshot['he_2'] = xi snapshot['he_3'] = 1e-10 snapshot['rho'] = self.parcel_igm.grid.cosm.MeanBaryonDensity(red) snapshot['n'] = \ self.parcel_igm.grid.particle_density(snapshot.copy(), red) self.all_t.append(0.0) self.all_data_igm.append(snapshot.copy())
<filename>web/migrations/ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Generated by Django 1.11.15 on 2018-08-08 15:00 from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.db import migrations, models class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('web', '0041_auto_20180808_1450'), ] operations = [ migrations.AlterField( model_name='resource', name='post_id', field=models.IntegerField(default=0), ), ]
import os from typing import Dict from typing import Optional from typing import Union import pandas as pd from cata import constants from cata.plotters import base_plotter class UnifiedPlotter(base_plotter.BasePlotter): """Class for plotting generalisation errors, overlaps etc. For case when logging is done in 'unified' fashion i.e. all into one dataframe. """ def __init__( self, save_folder: str, num_steps: int, log_overlaps: bool, ode_log_path: str, network_log_path: str, ): """ Class constructor. Args: save_folder: path to folder for saving plots. num_steps: total number of steps in the training run (used for scaling axes). log_overlaps: whether or not to plot overlaps (or just errors). log_ode: whether ot not to plot ode data. log_network: whether ot not to plot network data. """ self._ode_logger_path = ode_log_path self._network_logger_path = network_log_path super().__init__( save_folder=save_folder, num_steps=num_steps, log_overlaps=log_overlaps ) def _setup_data(self): """Setup data from relevant dataframes. Here, in the unified case, full dataset is loaded into memory. """ if self._ode_logger_path is not None: self._ode_logger = pd.read_csv(self._ode_logger_path, index_col=0) if self._network_logger_path is not None: self._network_logger = pd.read_csv(self._network_logger_path) def make_plots(self) -> None: """Orchestration method for plotting ode logs, network logs, or both.""" if self._ode_logger_path is not None: self._make_plot( data={constants.ODE: self._ode_logger}, save_path=os.path.join(self._save_folder, constants.ODE_PDF), ) if self._network_logger_path is not None: self._make_plot( data={constants.SIM: self._network_logger}, save_path=os.path.join(self._save_folder, constants.NETWORK_PDF), ) if self._ode_logger_path is not None and self._network_logger_path is not None: self._make_plot( data={ constants.ODE: self._ode_logger, constants.SIM: self._network_logger, }, save_path=os.path.join(self._save_folder, constants.OVERLAY_PDF), ) def _make_plot( self, data: Dict[str, Union[pd.DataFrame, Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]]], save_path: str, ) -> None: """Make plots for a set of results (e.g. ode or network or both). Args: data: mapping from type of results (ode, network etc.) to dataframes with results. save_path: path to save the plot. """ # can use arbitrary dataframe since columns will be the same. tag_groups = self._collate_tags(tags=list(list(data.values())[0].keys())) # e.g. [error, overlap, ...] group_names = list(tag_groups.keys()) # e.g. [[error_1, error_2, ...], [overlap_1, overlap_2, ...], ...] group_key_names = list(tag_groups.values()) # e.g. num_graphs = len(tag_groups) num_rows = self.GRAPH_LAYOUT[0] num_columns = self.GRAPH_LAYOUT[1] fig, spec = self._get_figure_skeleton( height=4, width=5, num_columns=num_columns, num_rows=num_rows ) for row in range(num_rows): for col in range(num_columns): graph_index = (row) * num_columns + col if graph_index < num_graphs: print("Plotting graph {}/{}".format(graph_index + 1, num_graphs)) group_name = group_names[graph_index] keys = group_key_names[graph_index] data_collection = { data_type: {key: data[data_type][key].dropna() for key in keys} for data_type in data.keys() } fig = self._plot_scalar( fig=fig, spec=spec, row=row, col=col, tag_group_name=group_name, data_collection=data_collection, ) fig.savefig(save_path, dpi=100)
from Komponent import Komponent class Potwierdzenie(Komponent): def drukuj(self): print("POTWIERDZENIE")
import os from typing import Any import requests import yaml if os.path.exists(""): from gh_token import GH_TOKEN else: GH_TOKEN = os.environ["GH_TOKEN"] headers = {"Authorization": f"token {GH_TOKEN}"} def query_gh_gpl_api(query: str) -> dict: """Query the GitHub GraphQL API. Args: query (str): Multi-line query string. Use triple-quotes. Minimal example: ''' { viewer { login } } ''' Raises: Exception: If the query returned an error message. Returns: dict: The data returned by the API. """ response = "", json={"query": query}, headers=headers ).json() if "errors" in response: err = response["errors"][0]["message"] raise Exception(f"Request failed with error '{err}'.") else: return response["data"] def pretty_print(dic: dict) -> None: """Pretty print a dictionary in YAML format. Useful for development and debugging. """ print(yaml.dump(dic)) def get_gql_query(settings: str, affil: str = "OWNER") -> str: """Construct GraphQL query from settings list. Args: settings (str): Names of repo settings according to the GraphQL API, separated by new lines. Use '\n'.join(settings_list). affil (str, optional): Comma-separated string of author affiliations to their repos. One or several of OWNER, COLLABORATOR, ORGANIZATION_MEMBER. Defaults to "OWNER". Returns: str: GraphQL query. """ return """{ viewer { repositories(first: 100, affiliations: [{affil}]) { nodes { name nameWithOwner isArchived isFork {settings} } } organizations(first: 100) { nodes { login repositories(first: 100) { nodes { name nameWithOwner isArchived isFork {settings} } } } } } }""".replace( "{settings}", settings ).replace( "{affil}", affil ) def load_config(config_path: str = None) -> tuple[dict[str, Any], list[str], bool]: """Load .repo-config.(yml|yaml). Returns: tuple[dict[str, Any], list[str], bool]: - Dictionary of GitHub settings to apply to all your repos - list of additional logins of your GitHub organizations to query for repos - boolean whether or not apply settings to repos you forked as well """ config = {} if config_path and not os.path.exists(config_path): raise FileNotFoundError( f"Path to config file was set as '{config_path}' but no such file exists." ) elif config_path: with open(config_path) as file: config = yaml.safe_load( for path in (".repo-config.yml", ".repo-config.yaml"): if os.path.exists(path): with open(path) as file: config = yaml.safe_load( if config == {}: raise ValueError( "No config file could be found. See for an example " "config file. All fields except 'settings' are optional." ) settings = config["settings"] orgs = config["orgs"] or [] skipForks = config["skipForks"] or True return settings, orgs, skipForks
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # def ImportEssentialityData(fileName): # Not yet ready for prime time # Import a defined format essentiality data file # Assumes that data is in the format: locus tag, gene name, essentiality from .utils import ParseCSVLine fileHandle = open(fileName, 'r') data = fileHandle.readlines() dataDict = {} i = 0 while i < len(data): # Ignore comment lines if data[i][0] != '#': dataLine = ParseCSVLine(data[i]) dataDict[dataLine[0]] = [dataLine[1], dataLine[2]] i += 1 return dataDict # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # def BuildEssentialityDictThatIsKeyedByLocusTag(dataArray): # Not yet ready for prime time # Build essentiality data dict that is keyed by locus tag essentialityDict = {} locusTags = [] headersWithoutSysName = [] i = 0 while i < len(headers): if headers[i] != 'sysName': headersWithoutSysName.append(headers[i]) i += 1 dataDict = {} for line in dataArray: dataDict[line['sysName']] = {} for header in headersWithoutSysName: dataDict[line['sysName']][header] = line[header] return dataDict # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # def BuildCDSDictThatIsKeyedByLocusTag(cdsFeatures): # Not yet ready for prime time i = 0 cdsDict = {} while i < len(cdsFeatures): locusTag = cdsFeatures[i].tagDict['locus_tag'][0] cdsDict[locusTag] = cdsFeatures[i] i += 1 return cdsDict # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # def SimulatePicking(hittableFeatures, notHittableFeatures, hittableTransposonCoords, \ transposonCoordToFeatureDict, maxMutants): from numpy.random import choice import pdb nonEssentialGeneCount = len(hittableFeatures) featureHitCountDict = {} for feature in hittableFeatures: featureHitCountDict[feature] = 0 featuresHitAtLeastOnce = 0 featuresHitAtLeastOnceVersusMutant = [] i = 1 while i <= maxMutants: randomCoord = int(choice(hittableTransposonCoords)) featuresToBeHit = transposonCoordToFeatureDict[randomCoord] isAnyFeatureIncludingThisCoordNotHittable = False for featureToBeHit in featuresToBeHit: if featureToBeHit in notHittableFeatures: isAnyFeatureIncludingThisCoordNotHittable = True if isAnyFeatureIncludingThisCoordNotHittable == False: for featureToBeHit in featuresToBeHit: try: featureHitCountDict[featureToBeHit] += 1 except: pdb.set_trace() if featureHitCountDict[featureToBeHit] == 1: featuresHitAtLeastOnce += 1 featuresHitAtLeastOnceVersusMutant.append(featuresHitAtLeastOnce) i += 1 return featuresHitAtLeastOnceVersusMutant # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # def SimulateMultiplePickings(transposonCoordToFeatureDictFile, numberOfTrials, maxMutants): from scipy import unique, intersect1d from numpy import mean, std, arange import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import pdb transposonCoordToFeatureDictFileHandle = open(transposonCoordToFeatureDictFile, 'r') transposonCoordToFeatureDict = {} hittableFeatures = [] hittableTransposonCoords = [] notHittableTransposonCoords = [] notHittableFeatures = [] otherFeatures = [] tree = ET.parse(transposonCoordToFeatureDictFile) root = tree.getroot() importedCoordsList = root.findall('coord') for coord in importedCoordsList: coordinate = int(coord.attrib['coord']) loci = coord.findall('locus') importedCoordsKeys = transposonCoordToFeatureDict.keys() if coordinate not in importedCoordsKeys: transposonCoordToFeatureDict[coordinate] = [] for locus in loci: locusName = locus.attrib['locus'] essentiality = locus.attrib['essentiality'] transposonCoordToFeatureDict[coordinate].append(locusName) if essentiality == 'Dispensable': hittableTransposonCoords.append(coordinate) hittableFeatures.append(locusName) elif essentiality == 'Essential': notHittableFeatures.append(locusName) notHittableTransposonCoords.append(coordinate) else: otherFeatures.append(locusName) print(locusName) hittableFeatures = unique(hittableFeatures) hittableTransposonCoords = unique(hittableTransposonCoords) notHittableFeatures = unique(notHittableFeatures) otherFeatures = unique(otherFeatures) intersection = intersect1d(hittableFeatures, notHittableFeatures) # Simulate a number of picking runs featuresHitAtLeastOnceTrialsArray = [] i = 0 while i < numberOfTrials: featuresHitAtLeastOnceVersusMutant = \ SimulatePicking(hittableFeatures, notHittableFeatures, hittableTransposonCoords, \ transposonCoordToFeatureDict, maxMutants) featuresHitAtLeastOnceTrialsArray.append(featuresHitAtLeastOnceVersusMutant) i += 1 # Collect together then data from the picking runs for calculation of mean and standard # deviation of number of hits picked i = 0 collectedFeatureHitCountArray = [] while i < len(featuresHitAtLeastOnceTrialsArray[0]): collectedFeatureHitCountArray.append([]) i += 1 i = 0 while i < len(collectedFeatureHitCountArray): j = 0 while j < len(featuresHitAtLeastOnceTrialsArray): collectedFeatureHitCountArray[i].append(featuresHitAtLeastOnceTrialsArray[j][i]) j += 1 i += 1 averageFeatureHitCount = [] sdFeatureHitCount = [] featureHitCountUpperBound = [] featureHitCountLowerBound = [] # Calculate the mean and standard deviation of the number of unique features hit at each pick # from the trials i = 0 while i < len(collectedFeatureHitCountArray): averageFeatureHitCount.append(mean(collectedFeatureHitCountArray[i])) sdFeatureHitCount.append(std(collectedFeatureHitCountArray[i])) featureHitCountUpperBound.append(averageFeatureHitCount[i] + sdFeatureHitCount[i]) featureHitCountLowerBound.append(averageFeatureHitCount[i] - sdFeatureHitCount[i]) i += 1 # Prepare an x axis (the number of mutants picked) for the output iAxis = arange(1, maxMutants+1, 1) noUniqHittableFeatures = len(hittableFeatures) return [iAxis, averageFeatureHitCount, sdFeatureHitCount, featureHitCountUpperBound, \ featureHitCountLowerBound, noUniqHittableFeatures ] # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # def PoissonEstimateOfGenesHit(iAxis, noUniqHittableFeatures): from numpy import exp, array, float uniqueGenesHit = [] i = 0 while i < len(iAxis): ans = noUniqHittableFeatures*(1-exp(-iAxis[i]/noUniqHittableFeatures)) uniqueGenesHit.append(ans) i += 1 uniqueGenesHit = array(uniqueGenesHit, float) return uniqueGenesHit # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # def FindATandTAPositions2(genomeFile, format='genbank'): # Does the same thing as FindATandTAPositions but can work with a GenBank or a Fasta file, \ # so you only need one file format import re from pdb import set_trace if format == 'genbank': sequence = ImportGenBankSequence(genomeFile) elif format == 'fasta': sequence = ImportFastaSequence(genomeFile) ATandTAPositions = [] atRegex = re.compile('(at|ta)', re.IGNORECASE) # set_trace() i = 0 while i < len(sequence) - 1: atMatch = atRegex.match(sequence[i:i+2]) if atMatch != None: ATandTAPositions.append(i+1) i += 1 return [ATandTAPositions, sequence] # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
import pytest from onegram.exceptions import NotSupportedError from onegram import follow, unfollow from onegram import like, unlike from onegram import comment, uncomment from onegram import save, unsave def test_follow(logged, user, cassette): if logged: response = follow(user) assert response == {'result': 'following', 'status': 'ok', 'user_id': user['id']} response = unfollow(user) assert response == {'status': 'ok', 'user_id': user['id']} else: with pytest.raises(NotSupportedError): follow(user) with pytest.raises(NotSupportedError): unfollow(user) def test_like(logged, post, cassette): if logged: response = like(post) assert response == {'status': 'ok', 'post_id': post['id']} response = unlike(post) assert response == {'status': 'ok', 'post_id': post['id']} else: with pytest.raises(NotSupportedError): like(post) with pytest.raises(NotSupportedError): unlike(post) def test_comment(logged, post, cassette): text = 'awesome!' if logged: commentary = comment(text, post) assert commentary['id'] assert commentary['text'] == text assert commentary['status'] == 'ok' assert commentary['post_id'] == post['id'] response = uncomment(commentary) assert response == {'status': 'ok', 'post_id': post['id']} else: with pytest.raises(NotSupportedError): comment(text, post) with pytest.raises(NotSupportedError): fake_comment = {'id': '1', 'post_id': '2'} uncomment(fake_comment) def test_save(logged, post, cassette): if logged: response = save(post) assert response == {'status': 'ok', 'post_id': post['id']} response = unsave(post) assert response == {'status': 'ok', 'post_id': post['id']} else: with pytest.raises(NotSupportedError): save(post) with pytest.raises(NotSupportedError): unsave(post)
<filename>doc/<gh_stars>1-10 from authorize import cim from pprint import pprint # Note that you need to specify a delimiter and an encapsulator # for your account (either in your account dashboard or through # the constructor of any of the API objects cim_api = cim.Api(u'LOGIN', u'TRANS_KEY', is_test=True, delimiter=u",", encapsulator=u"") # We create a profile for one of our users. tree = cim_api.create_profile( card_number=u"4111111111111111", expiration_date=u"2008-07", customer_id=u"test_account") # Store the profile id somewhere so that we can later retrieve it. # CIM doesn't have a listing or search functionality so you'll # have to keep this somewhere safe and associated with the user. profile_id = tree.customer_profile_id.text_ # Retrieve again the profile we just created using the profile_id tree = cim_api.get_profile(customer_profile_id=profile_id) pprint(tree) # And let's now try to create a transaction on that profile. resp = cim_api.create_profile_transaction( customer_profile_id=profile_id, amount=50.0 ) pprint(resp) # We did what we needed, we can remove the profile for this example. pprint(cim_api.delete_profile(customer_profile_id=profile_id))
<reponame>SutterButter4/AdventOfCode from typing import List, Tuple, Optional def report_repair(input_data_filepath: str) -> Tuple[int, int]: report_data = parse_input(input_data_filepath) report_data.sort() pair = find_pair(report_data, 2020) (a, b) = (-1, -1) if pair: (a, b) = pair triple = find_triple(report_data, 2020) (c, d, e) = (-1, -1, -1) if triple: (c, d, e) = triple return a * b, c * d * e def parse_input(input_data_filepath: str) -> List[int]: with open(input_data_filepath) as file: input_str = return [int(x) for x in input_str.split("\n")] def find_pair(sorted_report: List[int], target_num: int) -> Optional[Tuple[int, int]]: front_index = 0 end_index = len(sorted_report) - 1 while front_index != end_index: a = sorted_report[front_index] b = sorted_report[end_index] if a + b == target_num: return a, b elif a + b < target_num: front_index += 1 else: # a + b > advent_2020 end_index -= 1 # given valid input, should never be reached. return None def find_triple(sorted_report: List[int], target: int) -> Optional[Tuple[int, int, int]]: for i in sorted_report: pair = find_pair(sorted_report, target-i) if pair: a, b = pair return a, b, i return None
import logging import math import os import time import boto3 from pyspark.sql import SparkSession def get_asg_inservice_instance_count(asg_name: str, region_name: str) -> int: client = boto3.client('autoscaling', region_name=region_name) asg = client.describe_auto_scaling_groups(AutoScalingGroupNames=[asg_name])['AutoScalingGroups'][0] return sum([1 for inst in asg['Instances'] if inst['LifecycleState'] == 'InService']) def adjust_ec2_asg(asg_name: str, region_name: str, desired_capacity: int, check_interval_sec: int = 15, ten_inst_timeout_sec: int = 30): aws_client = boto3.client('autoscaling', region_name=region_name) aws_client.update_auto_scaling_group(AutoScalingGroupName=asg_name, DesiredCapacity=desired_capacity, MinSize=0, MaxSize=desired_capacity) current_capacity = get_asg_inservice_instance_count(asg_name, region_name) adjust_capacity = abs(desired_capacity - current_capacity) timeout_sec = ten_inst_timeout_sec * math.ceil(abs(adjust_capacity) / 10) max_trial = int(math.ceil(timeout_sec / check_interval_sec)) for trial in range(0, max_trial + 1): inservice_instance_count = get_asg_inservice_instance_count(asg_name, region_name) if inservice_instance_count != desired_capacity: time.sleep(check_interval_sec) else: return logging.warning('Failed to adjust the capacity of asg "%(g)s" from %(f)d to %(t)d in %(s)d seconds' % {'g': asg_name, 'f': current_capacity, 't': desired_capacity, 's': timeout_sec}) def wait_on_nodes_to_join_spark_cluster(spark, desired_cluster_size: int, timeout_sec: int, check_interval_sec: int = 3): max_trials = int(math.ceil(timeout_sec / check_interval_sec)) for trial in range(0, max_trials + 1): current_size = get_spark_worker_node_count(spark) if current_size != desired_cluster_size: time.sleep(check_interval_sec) else: return logging.warning('Failed to bring %(d)d nodes to Spark cluster in %(s)d seconds, current cluster size: %(c)d' % {'d': desired_cluster_size, 's': timeout_sec, 'c': get_spark_worker_node_count(spark)}) def get_spark_worker_node_count(spark): # noinspection PyProtectedMember return - 1 def setup_spark_session() -> SparkSession: from envconfig.env import env asg_name = env.aws_asg_name region_name = env.aws_region_name cluster_size = env.aws_cluster_size adjust_ec2_asg(asg_name, region_name, cluster_size) os.environ['PYSPARK_PYTHON'] = env.spark_pyspark_python os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = env.spark_pythonpath spark = SparkSession.builder \ .master(env.spark_master) \ .appName('Trinity %(e)s' % {'e': env.env}) \ .config('spark.executor.uri', env.spark_executor_uri) \ .config('spark.sql.shuffle.partitions', env.spark_sql_shuffle_partitions) \ .config('spark.driver.memory', env.spark_driver_memory) \ .config('spark.executor.memory', env.spark_executor_memory) \ .getOrCreate() wait_on_nodes_to_join_spark_cluster(spark, env.aws_cluster_size, env.aws_cluster_size * 10) return spark def prep_notebook(spark, aws_cluster_size: int = None, aws_asg_name: str = None, aws_region_name: str = None, setup_spark_cluster_timeout_sec: int = None): from envconfig.env import env if aws_cluster_size is None: aws_cluster_size = env.aws_cluster_size if aws_asg_name is None: aws_asg_name = env.aws_asg_name if aws_region_name is None: aws_region_name = env.aws_region_name logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s', datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')'Adjusting AWS autoscaling group "%(g)s" capacity to %(c)d ...' % {'g': aws_asg_name, 'c': aws_cluster_size}) adjust_ec2_asg(aws_asg_name, aws_region_name, aws_cluster_size)'Waiting for workers to join Spark cluster ...') if setup_spark_cluster_timeout_sec is None: setup_spark_cluster_timeout_sec = aws_cluster_size * 20 wait_on_nodes_to_join_spark_cluster(spark, aws_cluster_size, setup_spark_cluster_timeout_sec)'Notebook and Spark cluster are standing by') def shutdown_notebook(aws_asg_name: str = None, aws_region_name: str = None): from envconfig.env import env if aws_asg_name is None: aws_asg_name = env.aws_asg_name if aws_region_name is None: aws_region_name = env.aws_region_name'Shutting down AWS autoscaling group "%(g)s" by adjusting capacity to 0' % {'g': aws_asg_name}) adjust_ec2_asg(aws_asg_name, aws_region_name, 0)
from django import forms from .models import User from news.models import Category from django.utils.translation import gettext, gettext_lazy as _ from django.contrib.auth import authenticate, forms as auth_forms from django.db.models import Q class LoginForm(forms.Form): username = forms.CharField( label=_('Username'), ) password = forms.CharField( label=_("<PASSWORD>"), strip=False, widget=forms.PasswordInput(attrs={'autocomplete': 'current-password'}), ) error_messages = { 'invalid_login': _("Username hoặc mật khẩu không đúng."), } def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.user_cache = None return super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def get_initial_for_field(self, field, field_name): return '' def clean(self): username = self.cleaned_data.get('username') password = self.cleaned_data.get('password') if username is not None and password is not None: self.user_cache = authenticate( username=username, password=password) if self.user_cache is None: raise forms.ValidationError( self.error_messages['invalid_login'], code='invalid_login', ) return self.cleaned_data def get_user(self): return self.user_cache class RegisterForm(forms.ModelForm): error_messages = { 'password_mismatch': _('Mật khẩu không khớp.'), } re_password = forms.CharField( label='<PASSWORD>', widget=forms.PasswordInput, ) class Meta: model = User fields = ('username', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'email', 'password',) labels = { 'email': 'Email', 'password': '<PASSWORD>', 'first_name': 'Tên', 'last_name': 'Họ', } def get_initial_for_field(self, field, field_name): return '' def clean_re_password(self): password = self.cleaned_data.get('password') re_password = self.cleaned_data.get('re_password') if password and re_password and password != re_password: raise forms.ValidationError( self.error_messages['password_mismatch'], code='password_mismatch' ) return re_password def save(self, commit=True): user = super().save(commit=False) user.set_password(self.cleaned_data["password"]) if commit: return user class SetPasswordForm(auth_forms.SetPasswordForm): error_messages = { 'password_mismatch': _('Mật khẩu không khớp.'), } new_password1 = forms.CharField( label=_("Mật khẩu"), widget=forms.PasswordInput(attrs={'autocomplete': 'new-password'}), strip=False, ) new_password2 = forms.CharField( label=_("Nhập lại mật khẩu"), strip=False, widget=forms.PasswordInput(attrs={'autocomplete': 'new-password'}), ) class PasswordChangeForm(SetPasswordForm): error_messages = { **SetPasswordForm.error_messages, 'password_incorrect': _("Mật khẩu cũ bạn vừa nhập không đúng."), } old_password = forms.CharField( label=_("M<PASSWORD>"), strip=False, widget=forms.PasswordInput( attrs={'autocomplete': 'current-password', 'autofocus': True}), ) field_order = ['old_password', 'new_password1', 'new_<PASSWORD>'] def get_initial_for_field(self, field, field_name): return '' def clean_old_password(self): old_password = self.cleaned_data.get('old_password') if not self.user.check_password(old_password): raise forms.ValidationError( self.error_messages['password_incorrect'], code='password_incorrect', ) return old_password def clean(self): new_password = self.cleaned_data.get('<PASSWORD>_<PASSWORD>') self.user.set_password(new_password) return self.cleaned_data class TopicOrganizeForm(forms.ModelForm): def __init__(self, user, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.following_categories = user.following_categories.all() self.fields['following_categories'].queryset = self.following_categories class Meta: model = User fields = ('following_categories', ) widgets = { 'following_categories': forms.CheckboxSelectMultiple(), } class TopicAddForm(TopicOrganizeForm): adding_categories = forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField(queryset=None) def __init__(self, user, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(user, *args, **kwargs) following_query = Q() for category in self.following_categories: following_query |= Q( self.fields['adding_categories'].queryset = Category.objects.exclude(following_query) def clean(self): cleaned_data = self.cleaned_data cleaned_data['following_categories'] = self.following_categories.union(cleaned_data.get('adding_categories')) return cleaned_data class Meta(TopicOrganizeForm.Meta): fields = ('following_categories', 'adding_categories', ) widgets = { 'adding_categories': forms.CheckboxSelectMultiple() } class UserUpdateForm(forms.ModelForm): def __init__(self, user, *args, **kwargs): self.user = user return super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) class Meta: model = User fields = ('last_name', 'first_name', 'avatar') labels = { 'last_name': 'Họ', 'first_name': 'Tên', 'avatar': 'Avatar', }
<reponame>boomletsgo/falcon-rest from contextlib import contextmanager from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker @contextmanager def make(db_engine, **kwargs): """Scope a db_session for a context, and close it afterwards""" db_session = sessionmaker(bind=db_engine, **kwargs)() try: yield db_session finally: db_session.close()
from import ( NumericProperty, ReferenceListProperty, BooleanProperty) from kivy.vector import Vector from parabox.base_object import BaseObject class Movable(BaseObject): """Mixins for movable classes""" velocity_x = NumericProperty(0) velocity_y = NumericProperty(0) velocity = ReferenceListProperty(velocity_x, velocity_y) acceleration_x = NumericProperty(0) acceleration_y = NumericProperty(0) acceleration = ReferenceListProperty(acceleration_x, acceleration_y) in_move = BooleanProperty(False) def __init__(self, *args, velocity=(0, 0), speed_limit=10., **kwargs): """Movable constructor :param velocity: velocity vector :type velocity: kivy.vector.Vector :param speed_limit: speed limit for object. 10 by default :type speed_limit: float """ super(Movable, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.speed_limit = speed_limit self.velocity = velocity self.add_to_collections(["movable"]) self.register_event_type('on_move') self.register_event_type('on_move_x') self.register_event_type('on_move_y') self.register_event_type('on_stop') self.register_event_type('on_stop_x') self.register_event_type('on_stop_y') self.bind(on_update=self.move) def _update_velocity(self): """Change velocity because of acceleration""" self.velocity = Vector(*self.velocity) + Vector(*self.acceleration) velocity_vector = Vector(self.velocity) if velocity_vector.length() > self.speed_limit: self.velocity = (velocity_vector * self.speed_limit / velocity_vector.length()) def move(self, instance): """Move object :param instance: self analog :type instance: kivy.uix.widget.Widget """ self._update_velocity() self._change_position() self._reset_acceleration() def _change_position(self): """Change objects position""" self.x += self.velocity_x if self.velocity_x: self.dispatch("on_move_x") self.y += self.velocity_y if self.velocity_y: self.dispatch("on_move_y") if self.velocity_y or self.velocity_x: self.dispatch("on_move") def _reset_acceleration(self): """Set acceleration to zero""" self.acceleration_x = self.acceleration_y = 0 def move_stop_x(self): """Stop in x direction""" self.velocity_x = 0 def move_stop_y(self): """Stop in y direction""" self.velocity_y = 0 def move_stop(self): """Stop object""" self.move_stop_x() self.move_stop_y() def on_velocity_x(self, instance, value): """Dispatch event on x move""" if not value and self.in_move: self.dispatch("on_stop_x") if not self.velocity_y: self.dispatch("on_stop") def on_velocity_y(self, instance, value): """Dispatch event on y move""" if not value and self.in_move: self.dispatch("on_stop_y") if not self.velocity_x: self.dispatch("on_stop") def on_move(self): """On move event""" self.in_move = True def on_move_x(self): """On move x event""" pass def on_move_y(self): """On move y event""" pass def on_stop(self): """On stop event""" self.in_move = False def on_stop_x(self): """On stop x event""" pass def on_stop_y(self): """On stop y event""" pass
from functools import lru_cache from pydantic import BaseSettings class Settings(BaseSettings): """Settings model.""" secret_key: str = "" mongo_url: str = "" testing: bool = False @lru_cache(typed=False) def get_settings() -> Settings: """Initialize settings.""" return Settings()
from __future__ import print_function import minpy.numpy as mp import numpy as np import minpy.dispatch.policy as policy from minpy.core import convert_args, return_numpy, grad_and_loss, grad, minpy_to_numpy as mn, numpy_to_minpy as nm import time # mp.set_policy(policy.OnlyNumPyPolicy()) def test_autograd(): @convert_args def minpy_rnn_step_forward(x, prev_h, Wx, Wh, b): next_h = mp.tanh( + + b) return next_h def rel_error(x, y): """ returns relative error """ return np.max(np.abs(x - y) / (np.maximum(1e-8, np.abs(x) + np.abs(y)))) def rnn_step_forward(x, prev_h, Wx, Wh, b): next_h = np.tanh( + + b) cache = next_h, prev_h, x, Wx, Wh return next_h, cache def rnn_step_backward(dnext_h, cache): dx, dprev_h, dWx, dWh, db = None, None, None, None, None # Load values from rnn_step_forward next_h, prev_h, x, Wx, Wh = cache # Gradients of loss wrt tanh dtanh = dnext_h * (1 - next_h * next_h) # (N, H) # Gradients of loss wrt x dx = # Gradients of loss wrt prev_h dprev_h = # Gradients of loss wrt Wx dWx = # (D, H) # Gradients of loss wrt Wh dWh = # Gradients of loss wrt b. Note we broadcast b in practice. Thus result of # matrix ops are just sum over columns db = dtanh.sum(axis=0) # == np.ones([N, 1])[0, :] return dx, dprev_h, dWx, dWh, db # preparation N, D, H = 4, 5, 6 x = np.random.randn(N, D) h = np.random.randn(N, H) Wx = np.random.randn(D, H) Wh = np.random.randn(H, H) b = np.random.randn(H) out, cache = rnn_step_forward(x, h, Wx, Wh, b) dnext_h = np.random.randn(*out.shape) # test MinPy start = time.time() rnn_step_forward_loss = lambda x, h, Wx, Wh, b, dnext_h: minpy_rnn_step_forward(x, h, Wx, Wh, b) * nm(dnext_h) grad_loss_function = return_numpy(grad_and_loss(rnn_step_forward_loss, range(5))) grad_arrays = grad_loss_function(x, h, Wx, Wh, b, dnext_h)[0] end = time.time() print("MinPy total time elapsed:", end - start) # test NumPy start = time.time() out, cache = rnn_step_forward(x, h, Wx, Wh, b) dx, dprev_h, dWx, dWh, db = rnn_step_backward(dnext_h, cache) out *= dnext_h # to agree with MinPy calculation end = time.time() print("NumPy total time elapsed:", end - start) print() print("Result Check:") print('dx error: ', rel_error(dx, grad_arrays[0])) print('dprev_h error: ', rel_error(dprev_h, grad_arrays[1])) print('dWx error: ', rel_error(dWx, grad_arrays[2])) print('dWh error: ', rel_error(dWh, grad_arrays[3])) print('db error: ', rel_error(db, grad_arrays[4])) def test_zero_input_grad(): def foo1(x): return 1 bar1 = grad(foo1) assert bar1(0) == 0.0 def test_reduction(): def test_sum(): x_np = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]) x_grad = np.array([[1, 1], [1, 1], [1, 1]]) def red1(x): return mp.sum(x) def red2(x): return mp.sum(x, axis=0) def red3(x): return mp.sum(x, axis=0, keepdims=True) grad1 = grad(red1) assert np.all(grad1(x_np).asnumpy() == x_grad) grad2 = grad(red2) assert np.all(grad2(x_np).asnumpy() == x_grad) grad3 = grad(red3) assert np.all(grad3(x_np).asnumpy() == x_grad) def test_max(): x_np = np.array([[1, 2], [2, 1], [0, 0]]) x_grad1 = np.array([[0, 1], [1, 0], [0, 0]]) x_grad2 = np.array([[0, 1], [1, 0], [1, 1]]) x_grad3 = np.array([[0, 1], [1, 0], [0, 0]]) def red1(x): return mp.max(x) def red2(x): return mp.max(x, axis=1) def red3(x): return mp.max(x, axis=1, keepdims=True) def red4(x): return mp.max(x, axis=0) def red5(x): return mp.max(x, axis=0, keepdims=True) grad1 = grad(red1) assert np.all(grad1(x_np).asnumpy() == x_grad1) grad2 = grad(red2) assert np.all(grad2(x_np).asnumpy() == x_grad2) grad3 = grad(red3) assert np.all(grad3(x_np).asnumpy() == x_grad2) grad4 = grad(red4) assert np.all(grad4(x_np).asnumpy() == x_grad3) grad5 = grad(red5) assert np.all(grad5(x_np).asnumpy() == x_grad3) def test_min(): x_np = np.array([[1, 2], [2, 1], [0, 0]]) x_grad1 = np.array([[0, 0], [0, 0], [1, 1]]) x_grad2 = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1], [1, 1]]) x_grad3 = np.array([[0, 0], [0, 0], [1, 1]]) def red1(x): return mp.min(x) def red2(x): return mp.min(x, axis=1) def red3(x): return mp.min(x, axis=1, keepdims=True) def red4(x): return mp.min(x, axis=0) def red5(x): return mp.min(x, axis=0, keepdims=True) grad1 = grad(red1) assert np.all(grad1(x_np).asnumpy() == x_grad1) grad2 = grad(red2) assert np.all(grad2(x_np).asnumpy() == x_grad2) grad3 = grad(red3) assert np.all(grad3(x_np).asnumpy() == x_grad2) grad4 = grad(red4) assert np.all(grad4(x_np).asnumpy() == x_grad3) grad5 = grad(red5) assert np.all(grad5(x_np).asnumpy() == x_grad3) test_sum() test_max() test_min() if __name__ == "__main__": test_autograd() test_zero_input_grad() test_reduction()
from point import Point __author__ = 'pzqa' l1 = list(map(lambda i: Point(i, i*i), range(-5, 6))) l2 = list(filter(lambda el: el.x % 2 == 0, l1)) print(l1) print(l2)
#SORU 1_______________________________________________________ l_r=[] def flatten(l): for j in l: if type(j) == list: flatten(j) else: l_r.append(j) return l_r x= [[1,"a",["cat"],2],[[[3]],"dog"],4,5] print(flatten(x)) #SORU 2_________________________________________________________ def rev(l): for j in l: if type(j) == list: j.reverse() l.reverse() return l x=[[1, 2],[3, 4],[5, 6, 7]] print(rev(x))
<reponame>UsamaKashif/studentutor<gh_stars>1-10 # Generated by Django 3.0.4 on 2020-08-31 17:24 from django.conf import settings from django.db import migrations, models import django.db.models.deletion class Migration(migrations.Migration): initial = True dependencies = [ migrations.swappable_dependency(settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL), ] operations = [ migrations.CreateModel( name='Academy', fields=[ ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')), ('textArea', models.CharField(default='', max_length=300, null=True)), ('username', models.CharField(default='username', max_length=100)), ('name', models.CharField(max_length=200)), ('email', models.EmailField(max_length=254, unique=True)), ('city', models.CharField(max_length=100)), ('total_ads', models.IntegerField(default=0)), ('ads_deleted', models.IntegerField(default=0)), ('phone', models.CharField(max_length=11)), ('profile_complete', models.BooleanField(default=False)), ('invitations_sent', models.IntegerField(default=0)), ('invitations_sent_accepted', models.IntegerField(default=0)), ('invitations_sent_rejected', models.IntegerField(default=0)), ('invitations_recieved', models.IntegerField(default=0)), ('invitations_recieved_accepted', models.IntegerField(default=0)), ('invitations_recieved_rejected', models.IntegerField(default=0)), ('ad_post_count', models.IntegerField(default=0)), ('user_image', models.ImageField(default='user_profile_default.jpg', upload_to='profile_pics_stds')), ('academy', models.OneToOneField(null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, to=settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL)), ], ), ]
<filename> #!/usr/bin/env python ''' Created on Mar 8, 2012 @author: <NAME>, <EMAIL> Requirements - Python 3 - PyQt4 - SQLAlchemy - SQLite - numpy (diff) Features - filter tracks case insensitive, advanced filetring: !a:artist !n:name !r:rating - groups, group selector, favorites (first in the selector) - filter with groups - advanced sorting - resorting sorted (remember previous sort and apply it after the new sort) - context menu on tracks (the same as tracks menu) - detele tracks (or group tracks) - group management - add group (manually), rename group, remove group - merge tracks (and retain links to groups) - NOTE: merging tracks in the same group leads to duplicate grouptracks that share the same underlying track; in short, multiple tracks with the same name - add track to group - import group name - import context menu: delete, reset, select existing, as new, sk -> a,n, a,n -> sk - import delete row(s) - import search key -> artist & name (and vice versa) - import real searchkey - import mm - import should have some status containing number of tracks that are not yet selected or as new - import window shouldnt continue after enter is pressed (a problem with the groupname) - ok button must be disabled if there are any tracks that arent selected or marked as new - column sizes for importwindow - import cue (gruop) - time units - cuesheet has frames, everywhere else are seconds which themselves are inaccurate - it would be nice to have exact data type before moving on, datetime.time looks promising (immutable though) - datetime.time sucks for our purposes, store ms and convert them to and from string as needed (done?) - implement for import too - import directory (group) - stars for rating (it should support tracks in groups too) - star for new (star vs circle?, there must be visible difference with rating) - add new tracks to group - delete tracks from group (not just grouptracks) - ikona - configuration file ~/.regaudio : currently only one configuration value: location of the db - total number of pages - import window - disable enter and esc to close the window - automatically change groupname of import or provide an option to do so - striping certain parts from names like "original mix" - support flac, m4a (basic) - tidy up the menus and shortcuts - (any replacement to cfg) v0.1.1: + import: nameCutToSearchKey - make new search key from track name, but remove any parenthesis and their contents (shortcut ") + import: found tracks now marks verbatim matches with a star **, ++ if search strings match - import: fixed, cue files are expected to be in utf-8 but if they are not (on UnicodeDecodeError) latin1 is used - merge: fixed, now the links between groups and tracks dont disappear v0.1.2: - import: fixed importing mp3 without track number + addtogroup: now supported for grouptracks (group mode) too + import: tracks column now displays best match indicators + track rating in tooltip is now displayed as a set of stars, plus and dashes + track and import tables now both have smaller row height and alternating row colors + import: it is now possible to directly select multiple cuesheets + import: select best ('B' key) + import: quick resolve (select best track for **, ++, create new for no match, the rest is left as is) - tables: columns are now resized properly tanks to wordWrap=False - both tables: removed grid + filter: now doesn't reset automatically, theres a button and menu entry for it + filter: a history of last 20 filter rules is now available + filter: new advanced filter option !g: allow query groups (by names), note that its also possible to use it with groups and therefore it is possible to query and intersection of groups + import: * + _ indicators now work by parts, artist and name are evaluated separately - both tables: fixed context menu position v0.1.3: + all tracks: pressing all tracks again will return to previous group - delete: fixed the dialog message when deleting a track (not a group track) - group filter: enabling group filter now focuses the filter editline - in groups menu: groups are now listed alphabetically - id3v1: id3v1 reader fixed + merge: now allowed in groupmode (maybe it's confusing) + group delete: deleting a group doesn't reset the group filter + sort: sorting grouptracks by number is remembered between all tracks/groups switches (so switching back and forth between groups and all tracks doesn't screw up the ordering) + status: reworked the status line, now it provides some basic statistics about the tracks (counts and ratings) - adding tracks to a group with the same tracks already present didn't work (it was impossible to make duplicities except through import) + detachcopy: make a copy of a track in a group (grouptrack) and replace the current link in the group with it + relink: change the grouptrack to link to some other similar track v0.1.4: - migration to PyQt5 FIXME: - import: import file/directory selection crashes the application - import: saying no to name cleanup, cleans up the name anyway TODO: - (artist translator to help fix some issues with names) - (import should do some things automaticaly - cleanup group name, cleanup track names) - safe delete (introduce a new flag and set it instead of deletion, filter by it) ''' import sys import os from PyQt5 import QtWidgets from ui import mainWindow import model.config # this will read the config VERSION = 0.1.4 def main(): app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv) window=mainWindow.MainWindow() sys.exit(app.exec_()) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
analysis & data processing/
entity = {} with open("../output/analysis twitter output/entity.txt", "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: for line in f: word = line.replace('\n','') if word not in entity: entity[word] = 0 entity[word] = entity[word] + 1 with open("../output/analysis output/entity.txt", "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: for line in f: word = line.replace('\n','') if word not in entity: entity[word] = 0 entity[word] = entity[word] + 1 entity_freq = open("../output/entity_frequency.csv", "w", encoding="utf-8") entity_freq.write('entity,frequency\n') for key in entity: entity_freq.write(key+','+str(entity[key])+'\n') entity_freq.close() print(entity)
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod import os import spacy_udpipe from .utils import load_pickled_file from .settings import PATH_TO_RUS_UDPIPE_MODEL import spacy def processTag(tag_representation): res = {} if len(tag_representation.split('|')) > 0: for one_subtag in tag_representation.split('|'): if len(one_subtag.split('=')) > 1: key = one_subtag.split('=')[0] value = one_subtag.split('=')[1] res[key] = value return res class SyntaxVectorizer(ABC): def setup_rules(self): pass def text_structures_initializer(self): pass def calculate_morpho_tags(self, current_token): pass def normalize_morpho_tags(self): pass if __name__ == "__main__": # Just checking # Please, pay attention, that this class imported t = load_pickled_file(os.path.join('ProcessedData', 'Андреев_Ангелочек.pkl')) print('Pickle loaded') current_nlp_module = spacy_udpipe.load_from_path('ru-syntagrus', PATH_TO_RUS_UDPIPE_MODEL) print('Model loaded') hj = SyntaxVectorizerRU(current_nlp_module) hj.convert_to_attributes(t['Trees']) resAttribs = hj.get_res_attributes() print('Thats all')
import numpy as np from krikos.nn.layer import BatchNorm, BatchNorm2d, Dropout class Network(object): def __init__(self): super(Network, self).__init__() self.diff = (BatchNorm, BatchNorm2d, Dropout) def train(self, input, target): raise NotImplementedError def eval(self, input): raise NotImplementedError class Sequential(Network): def __init__(self, layers, loss, lr, regularization=None): super(Sequential, self).__init__() self.layers = layers self.loss = loss = lr self.regularization = regularization def train(self, input, target): layers = self.layers loss = self.loss regularization = self.regularization l = 0 for layer in layers: if isinstance(layer, self.diff): layer.mode = "train" input = layer.forward(input) if regularization is not None: for _, param in layer.params.items(): l += regularization.forward(param) l += loss.forward(input, target) dout = loss.backward() for layer in reversed(layers): dout = layer.backward(dout) for param, grad in layer.grads.items(): if regularization is not None: grad += regularization.backward(layer.params[param]) layer.params[param] -= * grad return np.argmax(input, axis=1), l def eval(self, input): layers = self.layers for layer in layers: if isinstance(layer, self.diff): layer.mode = "test" input = layer.forward(input) return np.argmax(input, axis=1)
import getpass from pymongo import MongoClient def main(): hostname = input("MongoDB Hostname (Default: localhost): ") if not hostname: hostname = "localhost" port = input("MongoDB Port (Default: 27017): ") if not port: port = "27017" username = input("MongoDB Username: ") password = getpass.getpass("MongoDB Password: ") database_name = input("MongoDB Database Name: ") url = f"mongodb://{username}:{password}@{hostname}:{port}" client = MongoClient(url) db = client[database_name] option = input("1: Create Indexes\n" "2: Drop TTL Indexes\n" "3: Drop Common Indexes\n" "4: Drop Database\n" "Option: ") if option == "1": db['download_cache'].create_index([("illust_id", 1)], unique=True) db['illust_detail_cache'].create_index([("", 1)], unique=True) db['illust_ranking_cache'].create_index([("mode", 1)], unique=True) db['search_illust_cache'].create_index([("word", 1)], unique=True) db['search_user_cache'].create_index([("word", 1)], unique=True) db['user_illusts_cache'].create_index([("user_id", 1)], unique=True) db['other_cache'].create_index([("type", 1)], unique=True) create_ttl_indexes = input("Create TTL Indexes? [y/N] ") if create_ttl_indexes == 'y' or create_ttl_indexes == 'Y': download_cache_expires_in = int(input("Download cache expires in (sec): ")) db['download_cache'].create_index([("update_time", 1)], expireAfterSeconds=download_cache_expires_in) illust_detail_cache_expires_in = int(input("Illust detail cache expires in (sec): ")) db['illust_detail_cache'].create_index([("update_time", 1)], expireAfterSeconds=illust_detail_cache_expires_in) illust_ranking_cache_expires_in = int(input("Illust ranking cache expires in (sec): ")) db['illust_ranking_cache'].create_index([("update_time", 1)], expireAfterSeconds=illust_ranking_cache_expires_in) search_illust_cache_expires_in = int(input("Search illust cache expires in (sec): ")) db['search_illust_cache'].create_index([("update_time", 1)], expireAfterSeconds=search_illust_cache_expires_in) search_user_cache_expires_in = int(input("Search user cache expires in (sec): ")) db['search_user_cache'].create_index([("update_time", 1)], expireAfterSeconds=search_user_cache_expires_in) user_illusts_cache_expires_in = int(input("User illusts cache expires in (sec): ")) db['user_illusts_cache'].create_index([("update_time", 1)], expireAfterSeconds=user_illusts_cache_expires_in) other_cache_expires_in = int(input("User bookmarks and recommended illusts cache expire in (sec): ")) db['other_cache'].create_index([("update_time", 1)], expireAfterSeconds=other_cache_expires_in) elif option == "2": db['download_cache'].drop_index([("update_time", 1)]) db['illust_detail_cache'].drop_index([("update_time", 1)]) db['illust_ranking_cache'].drop_index([("update_time", 1)]) db['search_illust_cache'].drop_index([("update_time", 1)]) db['search_user_cache'].drop_index([("update_time", 1)]) db['user_illusts_cache'].drop_index([("update_time", 1)]) db['other_cache'].drop_index([("update_time", 1)]) elif option == "3": db['download_cache'].drop_index([("illust_id", 1)]) db['illust_detail_cache'].drop_index([("illust_id", 1)]) db['illust_ranking_cache'].drop_index([("mode", 1)]) db['search_illust_cache'].drop_index([("word", 1)]) db['search_user_cache'].drop_index([("word", 1)]) db['user_illusts_cache'].drop_index([("user_id", 1)]) db['other_cache'].drop_index([("type", 1)]) elif option == "4": comfirm = input("Sure? [y/N]") if comfirm == 'y' or comfirm == 'Y': client.drop_database(database_name) else: print("Invalid Option.") if __name__ == '__main__': main()
<filename><gh_stars>0 #!/usr/bin/env python3 from setuptools import setup setup( name='monta', version='1.2', description='Disk mounting shortcut for use with dmenu.', author='<NAME>', url='', include_package_data=True, package_data={ '': [ 'monta', 'license.txt' ] }, scripts=[ 'monta/scripts/monta', 'monta/scripts/desmonta', 'monta/montautils' ] )
<filename>udacity/<gh_stars>1-10 import tensorflow as tf import numpy as np import logging logger = tf.get_logger() logger.setLevel(logging.ERROR) # training data celsius_q = np.array([-40, -10, 0, 8, 15, 22, 38], dtype=float) fahrenheit_a = np.array([-40, 14, 32, 46, 59, 72, 100], dtype=float) for i, c in enumerate(celsius_q): print("{} degrees Celsius = {} degrees Fahrenheit".format(c, fahrenheit_a[i])) # create model fc0 = tf.keras.layers.Dense(units=1, input_shape=[1]) model = tf.keras.Sequential([fc0]) # model = tf.keras.Sequential([tf.keras.layers.Dense(units=1, input_shape=[1])]) # compile model model.compile(loss="mean_squared_error", optimizer=tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(0.1)) # train model history =, fahrenheit_a, epochs=500, verbose=False) print("Finished training model") # plot stats import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.xlabel("Epoch Number") plt.ylabel("Loss Magnitude") plt.plot(history.history["loss"]) # use model to predict values print(model.predict([100.0])) # layer weights print(fc0.get_weights()) # more layers fc0 = tf.keras.layers.Dense(units=4, input_shape=[1]) fc1 = tf.keras.layers.Dense(units=4) fc2 = tf.keras.layers.Dense(units=1) model2 = tf.keras.Sequential([fc0, fc1, fc2]) model2.compile(loss="mean_squared_error", optimizer=tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(0.1)), fahrenheit_a, epochs=500, verbose=False) print("Finished training the model") print(model.predict([100.0])) print( "Model predicts that 100 degrees Celsius is: {} degrees Fahrenheit".format( model.predict([100.0]) ) ) print("These are the l0 variables: {}".format(fc0.get_weights())) print("These are the l1 variables: {}".format(fc1.get_weights())) print("These are the l2 variables: {}".format(fc2.get_weights()))
import logging import json import time from random import random, randint import asyncio import aiohttp import aiosqlite import aiofiles import regex from aiohttp.client_exceptions import ClientConnectorError from piggy import utils # Logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) ch = logging.StreamHandler() fh = logging.FileHandler("./piggy.log") ch.setLevel(logging.INFO) fh.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) formatter = logging.Formatter("%(message)s") ch.setFormatter(formatter) formatter = logging.Formatter( "[%(asctime)s] %(levelname)s %(funcName)s: %(message)s" ) fh.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(ch) logger.addHandler(fh) class Piggy: def __init__(self, loop): self.loop = loop async def http_request( self, method, url, headers=None, params=None, data=None, response_type="text" ): await asyncio.sleep(self.settings['connection']["wait_time"]) try: if method == "GET": r = await self.session.get( url, headers=headers, params=params ) logger.debug(f"[GET] {r.url}") elif method == "POST": r = await url, headers=headers, data=data ) logger.debug(f"[POST] {r.url}") else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid HTTP method: {method}") except ClientConnectorError: logger.error("Could not reach the server. Retrying in 30 seconds.") await asyncio.sleep(30) return await self.http_request( method, url, headers=headers, params=params, data=data, response_type=response_type ) else: logger.debug(f"Status code: {r.status} {r.reason}") if r.status == 200: # Successfull request: decrease retry time if self.settings['connection']["wait_time"] > 0: self.settings['connection']["wait_time"] -= 1 if response_type == "text": res = await r.text() logger.debug(res) return res elif response_type == "json": res = await r.json() logger.debug(res) return res else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid response type: {response_type}") elif r.status == 429: # Unsuccessfull request: increase retry time self.settings['connection']["wait_time"] += 1 logger.warning( f"""Too many requests! Retrying in {self.settings['connection']['wait_time']} seconds.""" ) return await self.http_request( method, url, headers=headers, params=params, data=data, response_type=response_type ) else: logger.error(f"Response status: {r.status}") logger.error(f"Response headers: {r.headers}") logger.error(await r.text()) raise ValueError(f"Response error: {r.status}") async def setup(self, settings_path="settings.json"):"Loading settings...") # Load settings with open(settings_path) as f: self.settings = json.loads( regex.sub(r"#.+$", "",, flags=regex.MULTILINE) ) # Load comments list for photos with open("comments/pic_comments.txt") as f: comments = f.readlines() self.pic_comments_list = [x.strip() for x in comments] # Load comments list for videos with open("comments/video_comments.txt") as f: comments = f.readlines() self.video_comments_list = [x.strip() for x in comments] # Initialize the asynchronous http session headers = { "DNT": "1", "Host": "", "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests": "1", "User-Agent": self.settings["connection"]["user_agent"] } timeout = aiohttp.ClientTimeout( total=self.settings["connection"]["timeout"] ) self.session = aiohttp.ClientSession(headers=headers, timeout=timeout)"Session initialized.") # Get the csrf token. It is needed to log in self.csrf_token = await self._getCsrfTokenFromForm() async def _getCsrfTokenFromForm(self): # Get login page and find the csrf token res = await self.http_request( "GET", "" ) return regex.findall( r"\"csrf_token\":\"(.*?)\"", res, flags=regex.MULTILINE )[0] async def login(self): payload = { "username": self.settings["user"]["username"], "password": self.settings["user"]["password"] } headers = { "User-Agent": self.settings["connection"]["user_agent"], "X-CSRFToken": self.csrf_token } res = await self.http_request( "POST", "", headers=headers, data=payload, response_type="json" ) if res["authenticated"]:"Logged in!") = res["userId"] elif res["message"] == "checkpoint_required":"Checkpoint required.") res = await self.http_request( "POST", f"{res['checkpoint_url']}", headers=headers, data=payload ) logger.error(res) else: logger.error("Couldn't log in.") cookies = utils.cookies_dict(self.session.cookie_jar) self.csrf_token = cookies["csrftoken"] # Initialize the database await self._init_database() async def _init_database(self):"Checking database...") # Connect to the local database and look for the table names async with aiosqlite.connect("./piggy.db") as db: logger.debug("Checking table: pics") await db.execute( """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS pics ( id INT, height INT, width INT, url TEXT, tags TEXT ) """ ) logger.debug("Checking table: users") await db.execute( """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS users ( id TEXT, username TEXT, ts_follower INTEGER, ts_following INTEGER, follower BOOL, following BOOL ) """ ) logger.debug("Checking table: likes") await db.execute( """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS likes ( id INTEGER, ts INTEGER ) """ ) logger.debug("Checking table: comments") await db.execute( """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS comments ( id INTEGER, ts INTEGER, comment TEXT ) """ )"Updating followers and following lists.") await db.execute("UPDATE users SET follower=0, following=1") for username in await self.followers(): await db.execute( "UPDATE users SET follower=0 WHERE username=?", (username,) ) for username in await self.following(): await db.execute( "UPDATE users SET following=1 WHERE username=?", (username,) ) await db.commit() async def followers(self, username=None): followers = [] if username is None: id = else: user = await self.get_user_by_username(username) id = user["graphql"]["user"]["id"] params = { "query_hash": "37479f2b8209594dde7facb0d904896a", "variables": json.dumps({"id": str(id), "first": 50}) } has_next_page = True while has_next_page: res = await self.http_request( "GET", "", params=params, response_type="json" ) has_next_page = res["data"]["user"]["edge_followed_by"]["page_info"]["has_next_page"] end_cursor = res["data"]["user"]["edge_followed_by"]["page_info"]["end_cursor"] params["variables"] = json.dumps( {"id": str(id), "first": 50, "after": end_cursor} ) for user in res["data"]["user"]["edge_followed_by"]["edges"]: followers.append(user["node"]["username"]) return followers async def following(self, username=None): following = [] if username is None: id = else: user = await self.get_user_by_username(username) id = user["graphql"]["user"]["id"] params = { "query_hash": "58712303d941c6855d4e888c5f0cd22f", "variables": json.dumps({"id": str(id), "first": 50}) } has_next_page = True while has_next_page: res = await self.http_request( "GET", "", params=params, response_type="json" ) has_next_page = res["data"]["user"]["edge_follow"]["page_info"]["has_next_page"] end_cursor = res["data"]["user"]["edge_follow"]["page_info"]["end_cursor"] params["variables"] = json.dumps( {"id": str(id), "first": 50, "after": end_cursor} ) for user in res["data"]["user"]["edge_follow"]["edges"]: following.append(user["node"]["username"]) return following async def feed(self, explore=True, users=[], hashtags=[], locations=[]): """ Generates a feed based on the passed parameters. Multiple parameters can be passed at the same time. Args: explore: [Bool] If True the explore page will be added to to the feed. users: [List of usernames] Their media will be pulled and added to the feed. hashtags: [List of hastags] Media with those hashtags will be added to the feed. locations: [List of locations ids] Media with those locations will be added to the feed. Retruns: Yields a media from the generated feed. """ # Initialize asynchronous queue where the feed elements will be # temporarely stored q = asyncio.Queue() if explore: # Add the "explore" feed to the queue asyncio.ensure_future(self._explore_feed(q)) if len(users): # Add all the media from the given users to the queue for user in users: asyncio.ensure_future(self._user_feed(q, user)) if len(hashtags): # Add all the media from the given hashtags to the queue for hashtag in hashtags: asyncio.ensure_future(self._hashtag_feed(q, hashtag)) if len(locations): # Add all the media from the given locations to the queue for location in locations: asyncio.ensure_future(self._location_feed(q, location)) # Keep on yielding media while more is loaded while 1: while not q.empty(): yield await q.get() await asyncio.sleep(1e-12) async def _explore_feed(self, q): params = { "query_hash": "ecd67af449fb6edab7c69a205413bfa7", "variables": json.dumps({"first": 24}) } has_next_page = True while has_next_page: res = await self.http_request( "GET", "", params=params, response_type="json" ) has_next_page = res["data"]["user"]["edge_web_discover_media"]["page_info"]["has_next_page"] end_cursor = res["data"]["user"]["edge_web_discover_media"]["page_info"]["end_cursor"] params["variables"] = json.dumps( {"first": 50, "after": end_cursor} ) for media in res["data"]["user"]["edge_web_discover_media"]["edges"]: await q.put(media["node"]) async def _user_feed(self, q, user): user = await self.get_user_by_usernameUsername(user) id = user["id"] params = { "query_hash": "a5164aed103f24b03e7b7747a2d94e3c", "variables": json.dumps({"id": id, "first": 24}) } has_next_page = True while has_next_page: res = await self.http_request( "GET", "", params=params, response_type="json" ) has_next_page = res["data"]["user"]["edge_owner_to_timeline_media"]["page_info"]["has_next_page"] end_cursor = res["data"]["user"]["edge_owner_to_timeline_media"]["page_info"]["end_cursor"] params["variables"] = json.dumps( {"id": id, "first": 50, "after": end_cursor} ) for media in res["data"]["user"]["edge_web_discover_media"]["edges"]: await q.put(media["node"]) async def _hashtag_feed(self, q, hashtag): count = 0 params = { "query_hash": "1780c1b186e2c37de9f7da95ce41bb67", "variables": json.dumps({"tag_name": hashtag, "first": count}) } has_next_page = True while has_next_page: res = await self.http_request( "GET", "", params=params, response_type="json" ) has_next_page = res["data"]["hashtag"]["edge_hashtag_to_media"]["page_info"]["has_next_page"] end_cursor = res["data"]["hashtag"]["edge_hashtag_to_media"]["page_info"]["end_cursor"] count += 1 params["variables"] = json.dumps( {"tag_name": hashtag, "first": count, "after": end_cursor} ) for media in res["data"]["hashtag"]["edge_hashtag_to_media"]["edges"]: await q.put(media["node"]) async def _location_feed(self, q, location_id): count = 0 params = { "query_hash": "1b84447a4d8b6d6d0426fefb34514485", "variables": json.dumps({"id": str(location_id), "first": 50}) } has_next_page = True while has_next_page: res = await self.http_request( "GET", "", params=params, response_type="json" ) has_next_page = res["data"]["location"]["edge_location_to_media"]["page_info"]["has_next_page"] end_cursor = res["data"]["location"]["edge_location_to_media"]["page_info"]["end_cursor"] count += 1 params["variables"] = json.dumps( { "id": str(location_id), "first": 50, "after": str(end_cursor) } ) for media in res["data"]["location"]["edge_location_to_media"]["edges"]: await q.put(media["node"]) async def print(self, media): """ Gives a visual representation of a media. Args: media: The media to be printed. Returns: None """"#--------"*3+"#") try: mediatype = media["__typename"] except KeyError: is_video = media["is_video"] if is_video: mediatype = "GraphVideo" else: mediatype = "GraphImage" pass likes = media["edge_liked_by"]["count"] comments = media["edge_media_to_comment"]["count"] shortcode = media["shortcode"] res = await self.http_request( "GET", f"{shortcode}/", params="__a=1", response_type="json" ) username = res["graphql"]["shortcode_media"]["owner"]["username"] f"{utils.translate_ig_media_type_to_custom(mediatype).capitalize()} by {username}\n❤️ {likes}, 💬 {comments}" ) try: caption = media["edge_media_to_caption"]["edges"][0]["node"]["text"] except IndexError: pass else: if len(caption) > 100:"{caption:.100}...") else:"{caption}") async def like(self, media): """ Check if the media satisfy the prerequisites and eventually it will send a like. Args: media: The media to like. Retruns: None """ # Check if the media has already been liked async with aiosqlite.connect("./piggy.db") as db: row = await db.execute( "SELECT * FROM likes WHERE id=?", (media["id"],) ) if await row.fetchone():"Already liked!") return try: mediatype = media["__typename"] except KeyError: is_video = media["is_video"] if is_video: mediatype = "GraphVideo" else: mediatype = "GraphImage" pass else: if not mediatype in utils.translate_custom_media_type_to_ig(self.settings["like"]["media_type"]):"Wrong media type. Not liked!") return likes = media["edge_liked_by"]["count"] if likes < self.settings["like"]["num_of_likes"]["min"] or likes >= self.settings["like"]["num_of_likes"]["max"]:"Too many or too few likes. Not liked!") return comments = media["edge_media_to_comment"]["count"] if comments < self.settings["like"]["num_of_comments"]["min"] or comments >= self.settings["like"]["num_of_comments"]["max"]:"Too many or too few comments. Not liked!") return if self.settings["like"]["rate"] / 100 > random(): await self._like(media["id"]) else:"Not liked!") async def _like(self, id): headers = { "DNT": "1", "Host": "", "User-Agent": self.settings["connection"]["user_agent"], "X-CSRFToken": self.csrf_token } await self.http_request( "POST", f"{id}/like/", headers=headers ) async with aiosqlite.connect("./piggy.db") as db: await db.execute( "INSERT INTO likes VALUES(?,?)", (id, int(time.time())) ) await db.commit()"Liked!") async def _unlike(self, id): headers = { "DNT": "1", "Host": "", "User-Agent": self.settings["connection"]["user_agent"], "X-CSRFToken": self.csrf_token } await self.http_request( "POST", f"{id}/unlike/", headers=headers ) async with aiosqlite.connect("./piggy.db") as db: await db.execute("INSERT INTO likes WHERE id=?", (id,)) await db.commit()"Unliked!") async def comment(self, media): """ Check if the media satisfy the prerequisites and eventually it will send a comment. Args: media: The media to comment. Retruns: None """ if media["comments_disabled"]:"Comments disabled.") return if self.settings["comment"]["only_once"]: async with aiosqlite.connect("./piggy.db") as db: row = await db.execute( "SELECT * FROM comments WHERE id=?", (media["id"],) ) if await row.fetchone() is None:"Already commented.") return try: mediatype = media["__typename"] except KeyError: is_video = media["is_video"] if is_video: mediatype = "GraphVideo" else: mediatype = "GraphImage" pass else: if not mediatype in utils.translate_custom_media_type_to_ig(self.settings["comment"]["media_type"]): return likes = media["edge_liked_by"]["count"] if likes < self.settings["comment"]["num_of_likes"]["min"] or likes >= self.settings["comment"]["num_of_likes"]["max"]: return comments = media["edge_media_to_comment"]["count"] if comments < self.settings["comment"]["num_of_comments"]["min"] or comments >= self.settings["comment"]["num_of_comments"]["max"]: return if self.settings["comment"]["rate"] / 100 <= random(): if mediatype == "GraphImage" or mediatype == "GraphSidecar": comment = self.pic_comments_list[ randint(0, len(self.pic_comments_list)-1) ] else: comment = self.video_comments_list[ randint(0, len(self.video_comments_list)-1) ] await self._comment(media["id"], comment) else:"Not commented!") async def _comment(self, id, comment, reply_to_id=None): headers = { "DNT": "1", "Host": "", "User-Agent": self.settings["connection"]["user_agent"], "X-CSRFToken": self.csrf_token } payload = { "comment_text": comment } await self.http_request( "POST", f"{id}/add/", headers=headers, data=payload ) async with aiosqlite.connect("./piggy.db") as db: await db.execute( "INSERT INTO comments VALUES(?,?,?)", (id, int(time.time()), comment) ) await db.commit()"Comment posted!") async def follow(self, media): """ Check if the media satisfy the prerequisites and eventually send a follow request. Args: media: The media of the user to be followed. Retruns: None """ if self.settings["follow"]["rate"] / 100 > random(): await self._follow(media["owner"]["id"]) else:"Not followed!") async def _follow(self, id): headers = { "DNT": "1", "Host": "", "User-Agent": self.settings["connection"]["user_agent"], "X-CSRFToken": self.csrf_token } await self.http_request( "POST", f"{id}/follow/", headers=headers ) async with aiosqlite.connect("./piggy.db") as db: c = await db.execute("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id=?", (id,)) if c.rowcount: await db.execute( """ UPDATE users SET ts_following=?, following=? WHERE id=? """, (int(time.time()), True, id) ) else: await db.execute( "INSERT INTO users VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)", (id, None, int(time.time()), False, True) ) await db.commit()"Follow request sent!") async def unfollow(self, id): return async def _unfollow(self, id): headers = { "DNT": "1", "Host": "", "User-Agent": self.settings["connection"]["user_agent"], "X-CSRFToken": self.csrf_token } await self.http_request( "POST", f"{id}/unfollow/", headers=headers ) async with aiosqlite.connect("./piggy.db") as db: await db.execute( "UPDATE users SET following=false WHERE id=?", (id,) ) await db.commit() async def backup(self): while 1:"Backing up database...") for table_name in ["users", "likes", "comments"]: if self.settings["backup"][table_name]: async with aiosqlite.connect("./piggy.db") as db: rows = await db.execute( f"SELECT * FROM '{table_name}'" ) header = [i[0] for i in rows.description] rows = await rows.fetchall() if self.settings["backup"]["format"] == "csv": await utils.to_csv(table_name, header, rows) elif self.settings["backup"]["format"] == "json": await utils.to_json(table_name, header, rows) else: logger.warning( f"""Unsupported file format: {self.settings['backup']['format']}.""" ) await asyncio.sleep( utils.interval_in_seconds(self.settings["backup"]["every"]) ) async def close(self):"\nClosing session...") # Close the http session await self.session.close() async def get_user_by_username(self, username): res = await self.http_request( "GET", f"{username}/", params="__a:1" ) return json.loads( regex.findall( r"<script[^>]*>window._sharedData = (.*?)</script>", regex.findall( r"<body[^>]*>(.*)</body>", res, flags=regex.DOTALL )[0], flags=regex.DOTALL )[0][:-1])["entry_data"]["ProfilePage"][0]["graphql"]["user"] # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- async def download(self, media): id = media["id"] url = media["display_url"] format = regex.findall(r".([a-zA-Z]+)$", url)[0] if media["__typename"] != "GraphImage" or await self.pic_already_saved(id): return height = media["dimensions"]["height"] width = media["dimensions"]["width"] try: caption = media["edge_media_to_caption"]["edges"][0]["node"]["text"] except IndexError: tags = [] pass else: if await self.download_pic(url, id, format):"Caption: {caption}") tags = regex.findall(r"#([\p{L}0-9_]+)", caption)"Tags: {tags}") else: return await self.save_to_database(id, type, height, width, url, tags) async def download_pic(self, url, id, format):"Downloading {id}") async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: try: async with session.get(url) as r: if r.status == 200: f = await f"./images/{id}.{format}", mode="wb" ) await f.write(await await f.close() return True else: return False except TimeoutError: return False async def pic_already_saved(self, id): logger.debug("Checking database.") async with aiosqlite.connect("./piggy.db") as db: row = await db.execute( "SELECT * FROM pics WHERE id=?", (id,) ) if await row.fetchone() is None: return False else: return True async def save_to_database(self, id, type, height, width, url, tags): tags = json.dumps(tags) async with aiosqlite.connect("./piggy.db") as db: await db.execute( "INSERT INTO pics VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)", (id, height, width, url, tags) ) await db.commit()
import os import random import tempfile import webbrowser import time import uuid import socket import shutil import subprocess import pathlib from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from yaplee.errors import UnknownTemplateValue from yaplee.js.converter import JSFunc class Server: def __init__(self, meta) -> None: self.port = meta['config']['port'] self.templates = meta['templates'] self.tree = meta['tree'] self.opentab = meta['config']['opentab'] self.tempuuid = '' self.module_path = str(pathlib.Path(__file__).resolve().parent) self.temp_uuid, self.temp_path = self.__gen_yaplee_temp() def is_port_open(self): a_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) local_connection = ('', self.port) port_open = a_socket.connect_ex(local_connection) a_socket.close() return not (not port_open) def __gen_yaplee_temp(self): self.tempuuid = uuid.uuid1().hex[:15] path = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), self.tempuuid) if not os.path.isdir(path): os.mkdir(path) return self.tempuuid, path def generate_files(self): generated_files = [] js_functions = {} for template, meta in self.templates.items(): template = template.split('-_-')[0] to_copy_path = meta['load_name'] if meta['load_name'] else template to_copy_path = to_copy_path.split(os.sep)[-1] template_to_copy = os.path.join(self.temp_path, to_copy_path.replace('\\', os.sep)) shutil.copy( template, template_to_copy ) tag_loc, tags = '', {} if 'tags' in meta['meta']: tag_loc, tags = meta['meta']['tags']() for tag_meta, tag in tags.items(): tag_source = '' is_tag_has_source = False tag_name = str(tag_meta.split('-_-')[0]) if tag_name in ['link']: if 'href' in str(tag): tag_source = tag.get('href') is_tag_has_source = True else: try: if 'src' in str(tag): tag_source = tag.get('src') is_tag_has_source = True except: continue if is_tag_has_source and ('://' not in tag_source and tag_source): shutil.copy( tag_source, os.path.join(self.temp_path, tag_source) ) if 'tagvalue' in tag.attrs: tagvalue = tag.get('tagvalue') del tag.attrs['tagvalue'] tag.append(tagvalue) elif 'functions' in meta['meta']: js_functions = {i.__name__:i for i in meta['meta']['functions']} elif 'style' in meta['meta']: if type(meta['meta']['style']) is str: styles = [meta['meta']['style']] elif type(meta['meta']['style']) is list: styles = meta['meta']['style'] else: raise UnknownTemplateValue( 'template style must be list or string (one style)' ) tag_loc, tags = 'head', { str(random.randint(111111, 999999)):BeautifulSoup('', 'html.parser').new_tag( 'link', rel='stylesheet', href=style ) for style in styles } for style in styles: shutil.copy( style, os.path.join(self.temp_path, style) ) with open(template_to_copy, 'r+') as file: template_data = soup = BeautifulSoup(template_data, 'html.parser') for tagname, tag in tags.items(): soup.find(tag_loc).append(tag) for funcname, function in js_functions.items(): unique_id = str(uuid.uuid1()).split('-')[0] soup.html.append(soup.new_tag('script', id=unique_id)) soup.find('script', {'id': unique_id}).append( 'function '+funcname+'(){ '+ str(JSFunc(function))+ ' }' ) file.truncate(0) file.write(soup.prettify()) del file generated_files.append(to_copy_path) if 'index.html' not in generated_files: with open(os.path.join(self.module_path, 'assets', ''), 'r+') as file: nohtml_base = file.close() del file nohtml_base = nohtml_base.replace('{% avaliable_paths %}', '' if not self.templates else '<h4>Avaliable paths : {}</h4>'.format( ', '.join(['<a style="text-decoration: none;" href="{}" target="_blank">{}</a>'.format( i.split('-_-')[0] if j['load_name'] == None else j['load_name'], i.split('-_-')[0] if not j['name'] else j['name'].title() ) for i, j in self.templates.items()]) ) ) with open(os.path.join(self.temp_path, 'index.html'), 'w+') as file: file.write(nohtml_base) def start(self): self.generate_files() if self.opentab:'{}/'.format(str(self.port))) time.sleep(1) yield self.temp_uuid, self.temp_path ('python3' if == 'posix' else 'python')+' -m http.server '+str(self.port)+' --bind --directory "'+self.temp_path+'"', shell=True ) def remove_yaplee_dir(self): if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), self.tempuuid)): shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), self.tempuuid))
# import module and read xyz file from import read, write file=read('', index=":") # create list of tags tags = [] for structure in file: if['config_type'] not in tags: tags.append(['config_type']) # extract unique tags and energy sigma dict={} for i in tags: dict.setdefault(i, []) for key in tags: for structure in file: if['config_type'] == key and['energy_sigma'] not in dict.get(key): dict[key].append(['energy_sigma'])
import cv2 import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt l: list = [] img = None img_cp = None def draw_circle(event, x, y, flags, param): global l global img global img_cp if event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN:, (x, y), 5, (255, 0, 0), -1) l.append([x, y]) cv2.imshow('image', img_cp) if len(l) == 4: print(l) pts1 = np.float32(l) pts2 = np.float32([[0, 0], [300, 0], [0, 300], [300, 300]]) M = cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(pts1, pts2) dst = cv2.warpPerspective(img, M, (300, 300)) cv2.imshow('Original image', img_cp) cv2.imshow('Final', dst) img_cp = img.copy() l.clear() def road_straight(): global img global img_cp img = cv2.imread('road.jpg') img = cv2.resize(img, dsize=(1000, 1000)) img = cv2.resize(img, (0, 0), fx=0.75, fy=0.75, interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST) img_cp = img.copy() cv2.namedWindow('image') cv2.imshow('image', img) cv2.setMouseCallback('image', draw_circle) cv2.waitKey() cv2.destroyAllWindows() return road_straight()
<gh_stars>10-100 import unittest from difflib import Differ from xml.dom import minidom from os import linesep from .context import get_files, tei_reader from pprint import pprint class TestText(unittest.TestCase): def test_files(self): differ = Differ() reader = tei_reader.TeiReader() for (tei, expected) in zip(get_files('tei.xml'), get_files('out.txt')): corpora = reader.read_file(tei) transformed = corpora.text with open(expected, encoding='utf-8') as f: diffs = list(diff for diff in [line.strip() for line in f.readlines()], [line.strip() for line in transformed.splitlines(keepends=False)])) self.assertEqual(len([diff for diff in diffs if diff[0:2] != ' ']), 0, "{0} not transformed as expected:\n{1}".format(tei, linesep.join(diffs))) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
<gh_stars>10-100 import scryptos.crypto.attack.rsautil as rsautil import scryptos.crypto.attack.knapsackutil as knapsackutil import scryptos.crypto.attack.prngutil as prngutil
<reponame>mheanng/PythonNote from p1 import * import p1.m1 import p1.m2 import p1.m3 import p1.m4 p1.m4.mm_main() import p1.pp1.a1 import p1.pp1.a2 import p1.pp1.a3
<reponame>rocabrera/audio-learning import re import os import json import pandas as pd from glob import glob from abc import ABC, abstractmethod class DataBase(ABC): @abstractmethod def make_tidy(self): pass @abstractmethod def parse_data(self) -> pd.DataFrame: pass class MLS(DataBase): ext = ".flac" basename = "multi_speech_librespeech" def __init__(self, data_train_dir, data_test_dir, data_dev_dir): self.train_path = data_train_dir self.test_path = data_test_dir self.dev_path = data_dev_dir def _create_path(self, path_type:str, audio_code:str): match ="(\d+)_(\d+)_(\d+)",audio_code) return os.path.join(path_type, "audio",,, "".join([audio_code, self.ext])) def _parse_type(self, path_type:str, type_:str) -> pd.DataFrame: path_label = os.path.join(path_type, "transcripts.txt") df = pd.read_csv(path_label, sep="\t",header=None,names=["audio_code", "text"]) df = df.assign(**{"type":type_, "file":df.audio_code.apply(lambda x: self._create_path(path_type,x)) }) return df.filter(["file", "text", "type"]) def make_tidy(self): pass def parse_data(self) -> pd.DataFrame: df_train = self._parse_type(self.train_path, "train") df_test = self._parse_type(self.test_path, "test") df_dev = self._parse_type(self.dev_path, "dev") return pd.concat([df_train, df_test, df_dev], ignore_index=True).assign(base=self.basename) class CommonVoice(DataBase): ext = ".mp3" basename = "common_voice" def __init__(self, main_path): self.train_path = os.path.join(main_path, "train.tsv") self.test_path = os.path.join(main_path, "test.tsv") self.dev_path = os.path.join(main_path, "validated.tsv") self.audios_path = os.path.join(main_path, "clips") def _create_path(self, audio_name): return os.path.join(self.audios_path, audio_name) def _parse_type(self, df_path, type_): df = pd.read_csv(df_path, sep = "\t") return (df.assign(**{"type":type_, "file":df["path"].apply(self._create_path)}) .rename(columns={"sentence":"text"}) .filter(["file", "text", "type"])) def make_tidy(self): pass def parse_data(self) -> pd.DataFrame: df_train = self._parse_type(self.train_path, "train") df_test = self._parse_type(self.test_path,"test") df_dev = self._parse_type(self.dev_path,"dev") return pd.concat([df_train, df_test, df_dev], ignore_index=True).assign(base=self.basename)
<gh_stars>0 #!/usr/bin/env python import colorsys import time from sys import exit try: from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont except ImportError: exit('This script requires the pillow module\nInstall with: sudo pip install pillow') FONT = ('/usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/FreeSansBold.ttf', 12) unicornhathd.rotation(270) unicornhathd.brightness(0.8) width, height = unicornhathd.get_shape() text_x = width text_y = height font_file, font_size = FONT font = ImageFont.truetype(font_file, font_size) text_width, text_height = width, 0 except KeyboardInterrupt:
<gh_stars>0 """ Radio button page clicking them in different order """ from pages.base_page import BasePage import time from import By class RadioButtonPage(BasePage): RADIO_BTN_1 = (By.ID, 'radio-button-1') RADIO_BTN_2 = (By.XPATH, '/html/body/div/div[2]/input') RADIO_BTN_3 = (By.XPATH, '/html/body/div/div[3]/input') def click_on_btn_3(self): btn_1 = self.driver.find_element(*self.RADIO_BTN_1) btn_2 = self.driver.find_element(*self.RADIO_BTN_2) btn_3 = self.driver.find_element(*self.RADIO_BTN_3) time.sleep(1) time.sleep(1) def click_on_btn_2(self): btn_1 = self.driver.find_element(*self.RADIO_BTN_1) btn_2 = self.driver.find_element(*self.RADIO_BTN_2) btn_3 = self.driver.find_element(*self.RADIO_BTN_3) time.sleep(1) time.sleep(1) def click_on_btn_1(self): btn_1 = self.driver.find_element(*self.RADIO_BTN_1) btn_2 = self.driver.find_element(*self.RADIO_BTN_2) btn_3 = self.driver.find_element(*self.RADIO_BTN_3) time.sleep(1) time.sleep(1)
# Copyright (c) 2017, Frappe and Contributors # License: GNU General Public License v3. See license.txt from __future__ import unicode_literals import frappe def execute(): for doctype in ['Sales Invoice', 'Delivery Note', 'Stock Entry']: frappe.db.sql(""" update `tabStock Ledger Entry` sle, `tab{0}` parent_doc set sle.project = parent_doc.project where sle.voucher_no = and sle.voucher_type = %s and sle.project is null and parent_doc.project is not null and parent_doc.project != ''""".format(doctype), doctype)
<reponame>abhayanigam/Learn_Python_Programming<filename>matplotlib/<gh_stars>1-10 import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt p = np.array([0,10]) p2 = p*2 p3 = p*3 plt.plot(p,p2,color = 'b',ls = '-.',linewidth = 2) plt.plot(p,p3,color = 'y',ls = '-',linewidth = 3) plt.title("Two line in same plot") plt.xlabel("X-Axis") plt.ylabel("Y-Axis")
<filename>pypy/jit/codegen/ """ Processor auto-detection """ import sys, os class ProcessorAutodetectError(Exception): pass def autodetect(): mach = None try: import platform mach = platform.machine() except ImportError: pass if not mach: platform = sys.platform.lower() if platform.startswith('win'): # assume an Intel Windows return 'i386' # assume we have 'uname' mach = os.popen('uname -m', 'r').read().strip() if not mach: raise ProcessorAutodetectError, "cannot run 'uname -m'" if mach == 'x86_64' and sys.maxint == 2147483647: mach = 'x86' # it's a 64-bit processor but in 32-bits mode, maybe try: return {'i386': 'i386', 'i486': 'i386', 'i586': 'i386', 'i686': 'i386', 'i86pc': 'i386', # Solaris/Intel 'x86': 'i386', # Apple 'Power Macintosh': 'ppc', }[mach] except KeyError: raise ProcessorAutodetectError, "unsupported processor '%s'" % mach
<filename>vtk/ import vtk.term as term class Style: def __init__(self): self.code = 0 def _render(self): return "{}[{}m".format(term.ESCAPE_CHARACTER, self.code) class Style_Reset(Style): def __init__(self): super() self.code = 0 class Style_Bold(Style): def __init__(self): super() self.code = 1 class Style_Faint(Style): def __init__(self): super() self.code = 2 class Style_Italic(Style): def __init__(self): super() self.code = 3 class Style_Underline(Style): def __init__(self): super() self.code = 4 class Style_Invert(Style): def __init__(self): super() self.code = 7 class Style_Strikethrough(Style): def __init__(self): super() self.code = 9 class Colour(Style): def __init__(self): super() def _render(self, isForeground = True): if isForeground: return "{}[{}m".format(term.ESCAPE_CHARACTER, self.code) else: return "{}[{}m".format(term.ESCAPE_CHARACTER, self.code + 10) class Colour_Transparent(Colour): def _render(self, isForeground = True): return "" class Colour_Black(Colour): def __init__(self): super() self.code = 30 class Colour_DarkRed(Colour): def __init__(self): super() self.code = 31 class Colour_DarkGreen(Colour): def __init__(self): super() self.code = 32 class Colour_DarkYellow(Colour): def __init__(self): super() self.code = 33 class Colour_DarkBlue(Colour): def __init__(self): super() self.code = 34 class Colour_DarkMagenta(Colour): def __init__(self): super() self.code = 35 class Colour_DarkCyan(Colour): def __init__(self): super() self.code = 36 class Colour_Grey(Colour): def __init__(self): super() self.code = 37 class Colour_DarkGrey(Colour): def __init__(self): super() self.code = 90 class Colour_Red(Colour): def __init__(self): super() self.code = 91 class Colour_Green(Colour): def __init__(self): super() self.code = 92 class Colour_Yellow(Colour): def __init__(self): super() self.code = 93 class Colour_Blue(Colour): def __init__(self): super() self.code = 94 class Colour_Magenta(Colour): def __init__(self): super() self.code = 95 class Colour_Cyan(Colour): def __init__(self): super() self.code = 96 class Colour_White(Colour): def __init__(self): super() self.code = 97
<filename>src/ # # # RefURL: # # # # import # import pytest def pytest_addoption(parser): """Add pytest command options.""" #RefURL: parser.addoption( "--change-conf", action="store", default="ftpdel.conf", help="ftpdel setting file" ) @pytest.fixture def cli_conf(request): return request.config.getoption('--change-conf')
from __future__ import unicode_literals from .error import error from io import open import arrow import os import oyaml as yaml import pandas as pd import re import sys # Load dataset file specifications spec_file_name = 'dataset_file_def.yaml' spec_file_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), spec_file_name) with open(spec_file_path, encoding='utf-8') as fh: spec = yaml.load(fh) def validate(input_path): if (sys.version_info > (3, 0)): wb = pd.read_excel(input_path, sheet_name=None, na_values=[], keep_default_na=False, dtype=str) else: wb = pd.read_excel(input_path, sheet_name=None, na_values=[], keep_default_na=False, dtype=unicode) errors = [] errors.extend(validate_filename(input_path, spec)) errors.extend(validate_sheet_metadata(wb, spec)) errors.extend(validate_sheet_vars(wb, spec)) errors.extend(validate_sheet_data(wb, spec)) return errors def validate_column_datetimes(series, colspec, sheet): errors = [] empty_errors, series = validate_column_generic(series, colspec, sheet) errors.extend(empty_errors) # Now look for format errors in non-empty rows present = series[series.str.len() > 0] for idx, val in present.iteritems(): try: dt = arrow.get(val, colspec['format']) except ValueError as e: errors.append(error({ 'message': 'error in datetime string: %s' % e, 'value': val, 'row': idx, 'column':, 'sheet': sheet })) except arrow.parser.ParserError as e: errors.append(error({ 'message': 'invalid datetime string - should match %s' % colspec['format'], 'value': val, 'row': idx, 'column':, 'sheet': sheet })) return errors def validate_column_floats(series, colspec, sheet): errors = [] empty_errors, series = validate_column_generic(series, colspec, sheet) errors.extend(empty_errors) # Convert to floats converted = pd.to_numeric(series, errors='coerce') # Non-numeric strings are now NaN # Flag NaN as errors nonnumeric_errors = series[pd.isna(converted)] for idx, val in nonnumeric_errors.iteritems(): errors.append(error({ 'message': 'invalid value', 'value': val, 'row': idx, 'column':, 'sheet': sheet })) # Check range min_errors = None max_errors = None if colspec.get('min', None) is not None: min_errors = series[converted < colspec['min']] for idx, val in min_errors.iteritems(): errors.append(error({ 'message': 'value less than minimum of {}'.format(colspec['min']), 'value': val, 'row': idx, 'column':, 'sheet': sheet })) if colspec.get('max', None) is not None: max_errors = series[converted > colspec['max']] for idx, val in max_errors.iteritems(): errors.append(error({ 'message': 'value greater than maximum of {}'.format(colspec['max']), 'value': val, 'row': idx, 'column':, 'sheet': sheet })) return errors def validate_column_generic(series, colspec, sheet): errors = [] required = colspec.get('required', None) na = colspec.get('na', None) if not required: # Empty cell is a valid value. Remove empty cells before further checks series = series[series.str.len() > 0] elif str(na) == '': # Empty cell is a valid value. Remove empty cells before further checks series = series[series.str.len() > 0] else: # NA is None or is not the empty string, therefore empty cells are not # valid values. Flag as errors. empty_errors = series[series.str.len() == 0] for idx, val in empty_errors.iteritems(): errors.append(error({ 'message': 'missing required field', 'row': idx, 'column':, 'sheet': sheet })) # Now remove empty cells series = series[series.str.len() > 0] if na is not None: # Remove NA values before further checks series = series[series != na] return (errors, series) def validate_column_strings(series, colspec, sheet): errors = [] empty_errors, series = validate_column_generic(series, colspec, sheet) errors.extend(empty_errors) if colspec.get('max', None) is not None: maxlen_errors = series[series.str.len() > colspec['max']] for idx, val in maxlen_errors.iteritems(): errors.append(error({ 'message': 'string length > %d' % colspec['max'], 'value': val, 'row': idx, 'column':, 'sheet': sheet })) return errors def validate_filename(input_path, spec): fn = os.path.basename(input_path) errors = [] filename_re = re.compile(r'^(?P<shortname>.+)_(?P<date>[^_]+)_(?P<version>[^_]+)\.xlsx$') m = filename_re.match(fn) if not m: errors.append(error({ 'message': 'filename does not match format <dataset_short_name>_<dataset_release_date>_v<dataset_version>.xlsx', 'value': fn })) else: try: dt = arrow.get('date'), spec['file_date']) except ValueError as e: errors.append(error({ 'message': 'error in filename datetime string: %s' % e, 'value':'date') })) except arrow.parser.ParserError as e: errors.append(error({ 'message': 'date in filename must be in %s format' % spec['file_date'], 'value':'date') })) if not re.match(r'^v.+$','version')): errors.append(error({ 'message': 'version string in filename must start with "v"', 'value': fn })) return errors def validate_sheet_data(wb, spec): errors = [] if not 'data' in wb: errors.append(error({ 'message': '"%s" worksheet is missing' % 'data', 'sheet': 'data' })) return errors df = wb['data'] errors.extend(validate_sheet_generic(df, 'data', spec)) # Next check columns in 'data' that were defined in 'vars_meta_data' # First make sure that 'vars_meta_data' doesn't have any errors, if it does # don't bother with any more checks here if len(validate_sheet_vars(wb, spec)) > 0: return errors # Now check custom data columns required_columns = list(spec['columns']['data'].keys()) df_data = df.drop(required_columns, axis='columns') # Collect variable short names from vars_meta_data sheet and check that # data columns in 'data' sheet match data columns defined in 'vars' sheet. vars_defined = wb['vars_meta_data']['var_short_name'].tolist() vars_found = df_data.columns.tolist() extra_defined = set(vars_defined).difference(set(vars_found)) extra_found = set(vars_found).difference(set(vars_defined)) if extra_defined: errors.append(error({ 'message': 'some data variables were defined in the "%s" worksheet but were not found in the "%s" worksheet' % ('vars_meta_data', 'data'), 'value': ', '.join(extra_defined) })) if extra_found: errors.append(error({ 'message': 'some data variables were found in the "%s" worksheet but were not defined in the "%s" worksheet' % ('data', 'vars_meta_data'), 'value': ', '.join(extra_found) })) # Now validate the actual data only on the condition of # proper missing values. # TODO: Is there any type-checking expected in custom vars? vars_missing_value = wb['vars_meta_data']['var_missing_value'].tolist() for var, na in zip(vars_defined, vars_missing_value): if var not in extra_defined: sheet = 'vars_meta_data' colspec = { 'required': True, 'na': na } empty_errors, _ = validate_column_generic(df_data[var], colspec, 'data') errors.extend(empty_errors) return errors def validate_sheet_generic(df, sheet, spec): errors = [] required_columns = list(spec['columns'][sheet].keys()) if df.columns.tolist()[:len(required_columns)] != required_columns: errors.append(error({ 'message': 'the first %d columns of the "%s" worksheet should be %s' % (len(required_columns), sheet, required_columns), 'value': str(df.columns.tolist()), 'sheet': sheet })) return errors # Validate cells for colname, colspec in spec['columns'][sheet].items(): v = validator_lookup[colspec['type']] errors.extend(v(df[colname], colspec, sheet)) return errors def validate_sheet_metadata(wb, spec): errors = [] if not 'dataset_meta_data' in wb: errors.append(error({ 'message': '"%s" worksheet is missing' % 'dataset_meta_data', 'sheet': 'dataset_meta_data' })) return errors df = wb['dataset_meta_data'] errors.extend(validate_sheet_generic(df, 'dataset_meta_data', spec)) return errors def validate_sheet_vars(wb, spec=spec): errors = [] if not 'vars_meta_data' in wb: errors.append(error({ 'message': '"%s" worksheet is missing' % 'vars_meta_data', 'sheet': 'vars_meta_data' })) return errors df = wb['vars_meta_data'] errors.extend(validate_sheet_generic(df, 'vars_meta_data', spec)) return errors # Register column validators in lookup validator_lookup = { 'float': validate_column_floats, 'string': validate_column_strings, 'datetime': validate_column_datetimes, 'generic': validate_column_generic }
import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F import torch SCORE_THRESH = 0.3 STRIDE_SCALE = 8 IOU_THRESH = 0.6 class Integral(nn.Module): """A fixed layer for calculating integral result from distribution. This layer calculates the target location by :math: `sum{P(y_i) * y_i}`, P(y_i) denotes the softmax vector that represents the discrete distribution y_i denotes the discrete set, usually {0, 1, 2, ..., reg_max} Args: reg_max (int): The maximal value of the discrete set. Default: 16. You may want to reset it according to your new dataset or related settings. """ def __init__(self, reg_max=16): super(Integral, self).__init__() self.reg_max = reg_max self.register_buffer('project', torch.linspace(0, self.reg_max, self.reg_max + 1)) def forward(self, x): """Forward feature from the regression head to get integral result of bounding box location. Args: x (Tensor): Features of the regression head, shape (N, 4*(n+1)), n is self.reg_max. Returns: x (Tensor): Integral result of box locations, i.e., distance offsets from the box center in four directions, shape (N, 4). """ x = F.softmax(x.reshape(-1, self.reg_max + 1), dim=1) x = F.linear(x, self.project.type_as(x)).reshape(-1, 4) return x def IouCal(Box1, Box2): inner_x1 = torch.max(Box1[0], Box2[0]) inner_y1 = torch.max(Box1[1], Box2[1]) inner_x2 = torch.min(Box1[2], Box2[2]) inner_y2 = torch.min(Box1[3], Box2[3]) area_inner = (inner_x2 - inner_x1) * (inner_y2 - inner_y1) area = (Box2[2] - Box2[0]) * (Box2[3] - Box2[1]) + \ (Box1[2] - Box1[0]) * (Box1[3] - Box1[1]) - \ area_inner return torch.max(torch.tensor(0.), area_inner / area) def nms(Bboxes): Bboxes = sorted(Bboxes, key=lambda x:x[4], reverse=True) record_dict = set() res = [] for i in range(len(Bboxes)): if i not in record_dict: record_dict.add(i) res.append(Bboxes[i]) else: continue for j in range(i + 1, len(Bboxes)): Iou = IouCal(Bboxes[i], Bboxes[j]) if Iou > IOU_THRESH: record_dict.add(j) continue return res def gfl_post_process(output, extra_info): integral = Integral(16) ml_scores, ml_bboxes = output scale_factor = extra_info["scale_factor"] levels = 5 total_bboxes = [] for level in range(levels): stride = 2**(level)*8 '''默认输出顺序为 小stride->大stride''' feat_h, feat_w = ml_scores[level].shape[2:] scores = ml_scores[level].permute(0, 2, 3, 1).view(feat_h*feat_w, 1).sigmoid() bboxes = integral(ml_bboxes[level].permute(0, 2, 3, 1))*stride for i in range(len(scores)): if scores[i] > SCORE_THRESH: x = i % int(feat_w) * stride y = i // int(feat_w) * stride x1 = x - bboxes[i][0] y1 = y - bboxes[i][1] x2 = x + bboxes[i][2] y2 = y + bboxes[i][3] score_loc = scores[i] box = torch.stack([x1, y1, x2, y2], dim=0)/torch.tensor(scale_factor) total_bboxes.append([box, score_loc], dim=0)) nmsBoxes = nms(total_bboxes) return nmsBoxes
<reponame>samsmusa/My-manim-master from manimlib import * # from manimlib.imports import * import numpy as np text = Text("hello") text2 = Text("how are you") text3 = Text("who are you") ltext = Tex("hello world") ltext2 = Tex("hey man!") class intro(Scene): def construct(self): text = TexText("hello"," OVI"," how"," are"," you?") for i in range(5): if i == 1: text[i].set_color(RED) else: text[i].set_color(GREEN)[i])) self.wait(1) kw = {"run_time": 3, "path_arc": PI / 2} text2 = TexText("Hi RAKIB!") text3 = TexText("hey ANOY bro!"), text2, **kw)) self.wait(), text3, **kw)) self.wait() class mohi(Scene): def construct(self): grid = NumberPlane((-10, 10), (-5, 5)) source = Text("আমাএর What lies behind you and what lies in front of you", height=0.4) target = Text("pales in comparison to what lies inside of you", height=0.5) source1 = Text("What's your Openion, MOHI?", height = 0.8) source.set_color(GREEN) source1.set_color(RED) ShowCreation(grid) ) self.wait() kw = {"run_time": 3, "path_arc": PI}, target, **kw)) self.wait(), source1, **kw)) self.wait() class intf(Scene): def construct(self): q = TexText("Beauty", " is", " the"," first"," test", font ="Arial" , font_size = 44, text_color = RED ).set_color(RED) qoute2 = Text("there is no permanent place in the world for ugly mathematics") a = (q[1]).next_to(q[0],UR) b = (q[2]).next_to(q[0],UL) c = (q[3]).next_to(q[0],DR) d = (q[4]).next_to(q[0],DL) e = VGroup(a,b,c,d) # qoute2.next_to(qoute, DOWN),run_time = 3) self.wait() #,run_time = 3) # self.wait() class newc(Scene): def construct(self): text = Text("This is a regular text") self.wait(3) class typeOfText(Scene): def construct(self): tipes = TexText(""" This is a regular text, $this is a formulas$, $$this is a formula$$ """) self.wait(3) class deff(Scene): def construct(self): text = TexText(""" This is a regular text, $\\displaystyle\\frac{x}{y}$, $$x^2+y^2=a^2$$ """) self.wait(3) #position relative to scereen class tidp(Scene): def construct(self): text = TexText("Hello", "i'm", " musa", " hey") text[0].to_edge(RIGHT) text[1].to_edge(DOWN) text[2].to_edge(LEFT) text[3].to_edge(UP) self.wait(3) class cp(Scene): def construct(self): text = Text("text") text2 = Text("central text") text.move_to(0.25*UP),Write(text2)) self.wait(3) class cp2(Scene): def construct(self): text = Text("hello") text2 = Text("how are you") text3 = Text("who are you") text2.move_to(3*DOWN+3*LEFT),Write(text2)) self.wait() text3.move_to(1*UP+2*RIGHT) self.wait() #relative position class cp3(Scene): def construct(self): self.wait() text2.next_to(text, LEFT, buff=1) self.wait() text.shift(UP*3) self.wait() #rotation class ro(Scene): def construct(self): text.shift(UP) text.rotate(PI/4) self.wait() text.rotate(PI/4) self.wait() text.rotate(PI/4) self.wait() text.flip(DOWN) self.wait() #latex class la(Scene): def construct(self): textHuge = Tex("{\\Huge Huge Text 012.\\#!?} Text") texthuge = Tex("{\\huge huge Text 012.\\#!?} Text") textLARGE = Tex("{\\LARGE LARGE Text 012.\\#!?} Text") textLarge = Tex("{\\Large Large Text 012.\\#!?} Text") textlarge = Tex("{\\large large Text 012.\\#!?} Text") textNormal = Tex("{\\normalsize normal Text 012.\\#!?} Text") textsmall = Tex("{\\small small Text 012.\\#!?} Texto normal") textfootnotesize = Tex("{\\footnotesize footnotesize Text 012.\\#!?} Text") textscriptsize = Tex("{\\scriptsize scriptsize Text 012.\\#!?} Text") texttiny = Tex("{\\tiny tiny Texto 012.\\#!?} Text normal") textHuge.to_edge(UP) texthuge.next_to(textHuge,DOWN,buff=0.1) textLARGE.next_to(texthuge,DOWN,buff=0.1) textLarge.next_to(textLARGE,DOWN,buff=0.1) textlarge.next_to(textLarge,DOWN,buff=0.1) textNormal.next_to(textlarge,DOWN,buff=0.1) textsmall.next_to(textNormal,DOWN,buff=0.1) textfootnotesize.next_to(textsmall,DOWN,buff=0.1) textscriptsize.next_to(textfootnotesize,DOWN,buff=0.1) texttiny.next_to(textscriptsize,DOWN,buff=0.1) self.add(textHuge,texthuge,textLARGE,textLarge,textlarge,textNormal,textsmall,textfootnotesize,textscriptsize,texttiny) self.wait(3) #transform class tr(Scene): def construct(self): self.wait(),text2)) self.wait() class trl(Scene): def construct(self): formula = Tex( "\\frac{d}{dx}", #0 "(", #1 "u", #2 "+", #3 "v", #4 ")", #5 "=", #6 "\\frac{d}{dx}", #7 "u", #8 "+", #9 "\\frac{d}{dx}", #10 "v" #11 , font_size=70) # formula VGroup(formula[0::2]).set_color(RED) VGroup(formula[1::2]).set_color(BLUE)[0:7])) self.wait() ReplacementTransform(formula[2].copy(),formula[8]), ReplacementTransform(formula[4].copy(),formula[11]), ReplacementTransform(formula[3].copy(),formula[9]), run_time = 3 ) self.wait() ReplacementTransform(formula[0].copy(),formula[7]), ReplacementTransform(formula[0].copy(),formula[10]), run_time=3 ) self.wait() class rtl2(Scene): def construct(self): formula = Tex( "\\frac{d}{dx}", #0 "(",#1 "u",#2 "+",#3 "v",#4 ")",#5 "=",#6 "\\frac{d}{dx}",#7 "u",#8 "+",#9 "\\frac{d}{dx}",#10 "v", font_size = 70 ) for letter, color in [("u",RED),("v",BLUE)]: formula.set_color_by_tex(letter,color)[0:7])) self.wait() ReplacementTransform(formula[2].copy(),formula[8]), ReplacementTransform(formula[4].copy(),formula[11]), ReplacementTransform(formula[3].copy(),formula[9]) ) self.wait() ReplacementTransform(formula[0].copy(),formula[7]), ReplacementTransform(formula[0].copy(),formula[10]) ) self.wait() class rtl3(Scene): def construct(self): formula1 = Tex( "\\neg", #0 "\\forall", #1 "x", #2 ":", #3 "P(x)", #4 ) formula2 = Tex( "\\exists", #0 "x", #1 ":", #2 "\\neg", #3 "P(x)" ) for size,pos,formula in [(2,2*UP,formula1),(2,2*DOWN,formula2)]: formula.scale(size) formula.move_to(pos) self.wait() changes = [ [(0,1,2,3,4), (3,0,1,2,4)], ] for pre_ind,post_ind in changes:*[ ReplacementTransform(formula1[i].copy(),formula2[j]) for i,j in zip(pre_ind,post_ind) ], run_time =2 ) self.wait() class rtl4(Scene): def construct(self): formula1 = Tex( "\\neg", #0 "\\forall", #1 "x", #2 ":", #3 "P(x)", #4 ) formula2 = Tex( "\\exists", #0 "x", #1 ":", #2 "\\neg", #3 "P(x)" #4 ) parametters = [(2,2*UP,formula1,GREEN,"\\forall"), (2,2*DOWN,formula2,ORANGE,"\\exists")] for size,pos,formula,col,sim in parametters: formula.scale(size) formula.move_to(pos) formula.set_color_by_tex(sim,col) formula.set_color_by_tex("\\neg",PINK) self.wait() changes =[ [(2,3,4),(1,2,4)], [(0,),(3,)], [(1,0),(0,)] ] for pre_ind, post_ind in changes:*[ ReplacementTransform(formula1[i].copy(),formula2[j]) for i,j in zip(pre_ind,post_ind) ], run_time =2 ) self.wait()
import sys,os arr = [] files = os.listdir(sys.path[0] + '/stickersraw') st = "{{$a := index .CmdArgs 0 }} \n" st += "{{$b := cslice " names = [] for fileName in files: names.append(fileName.split('.')[0]) names = sorted(names) n = "" for name in names: n += "\"" + name + "\" " st += n st += """ }} {{if or (eq $a "stickers") (eq $a "gifs") (eq $a "gif") (eq $a "gifss") }} {{deleteTrigger 0 }} {{if eq (len .Args) 1}} {{$r := joinStr " " $b.StringSlice}} {{$r}} {{else if eq (len .Args) 2}} {{$c := index .CmdArgs 1}} {{$s := cslice " " }} {{range $index,$value := $b}} {{- if or (hasPrefix $value $c) ( and (eq $a "gifss" ) ( reFind $c $value ) ) -}} {{$s = $s.Append $value}} {{- end -}} {{- end}} {{$r := joinStr " " $s.StringSlice}} {{$r := str $r}} {{$r}} {{ deleteResponse 30 }} {{end}} {{end}} {{range $b}} {{- if eq . $a -}} {{- $link := joinStr "" "" $a ".gif?raw=true" -}} {{- $link -}} {{- end -}} {{- end}}""" with open(sys.path[0] + "/output.yag", "w") as text_file: text_file.write(st)
import cv2 import sys import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def blur_display(infile, nogui=False): # The first argument is the image image = cv2.imread(infile) #conver to grayscale gray_image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) #blur it blurred_image = cv2.GaussianBlur(image, (7,7), 0) if nogui: cv2.imwrite('test_blurred.png', blurred_image) else: # Show all 3 images cv2.imwrite("Original_Image.png", image) cv2.imwrite("Gray_Image.png", gray_image) cv2.imwrite("Blurred_Image.png", blurred_image) cv2.waitKey(0) if __name__ == "__main__": blur_display(sys.argv[1]) plt.savefig('output/Original_Image.png') plt.savefig('output/Gray_Image.png') plt.savefig('output/Blurred_Image.png')
<reponame>kallelzied/PythonTutoriel<filename>best_practice_examples/ """ Giving an example of best practicing with multiple state variables.""" __author__ = "<NAME>" __copyright__ = """ Copyright 2018 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. """ __license__ = "Apache 2.0" def fibonacci_wrong_way(n): x = 0 y = 1 l = [] for i in range(n): l.append(x) t = y y = x + y x = t print(l) def fibonacci_correct_way(n): x, y, l = 0, 1, [] for i in range(n): l.append(x) x, y = y, x + y print(l) # Entry point if __name__ == '__main__': fibonacci_wrong_way(100) fibonacci_correct_way(100)
<reponame>inab/openEBench_vre #!/usr/bin/python2.7 import os import sys import argparse import json import time import socket # print localhost import logging import re import pprint import multiprocessing #import psutil # available memory import subprocess import shutil import glob import tarfile import subprocess import random out_dir="" class Mugparams(object): @staticmethod def check_json(json_file): logger = logging.getLogger("lg") if not os.path.exists(json_file): raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("%s does not exist" % json_file) with open(json_file,'r') as file_data: try: data = json.load(file_data) except ValueError, e: logger.exception("%s in not a valid json file." % json_file) return data @staticmethod def readable_dir(d): if not os.path.isdir(d): raise Exception("readable_dir:{0} is not a directory path or is not accessible".format(d)) if os.access(d, os.R_OK): return d else: raise Exception("readable_dir:{0} is not a readable dir".format(d)) @staticmethod def writeable_file(f): if not os.path.isfile(f): d = os.path.dirname(f) # TODO Fails if relative path given if not os.path.isdir(d): raise Exception("writeable_file:{0} not in a existing directory path, or not accessible".format(d)) else: if os.access(d, os.W_OK): return f else: raise Exception("writeable_file:{0} is not a writeable dir".format(d)) else: return f @staticmethod def process_arguments(args): global out_dir logger = logging.getLogger("lg") # Setting working directory (project) proj_idx = next(idx for (idx, d) in enumerate(args.config["arguments"]) if d["name"] == "project") out_dir = args.root_dir+"/"+args.config["arguments"][proj_idx]["value"]"Output file directory set to %s" % out_dir) # Indexing config arguments by name arguments_by_name = dict((d["name"], d["value"]) for (index, d) in enumerate(args.config["arguments"])) args.config["arguments"] = arguments_by_name # Indexing config input_files by name (name could not be unique - because of allow_multiple) inputs_by_name = {} for index,d in enumerate(args.config["input_files"]): name = args.config["input_files"][index]["name"] if name in inputs_by_name: pprint.pprint(inputs_by_name[name]) if type(inputs_by_name[name] is str): prev = inputs_by_name[name] inputs_by_name[name]= list() inputs_by_name[name].append(prev) inputs_by_name[name].append(d["value"]) else: inputs_by_name[name]=d["value"] args.config["input_files"] = inputs_by_name logger.debug("Configuration file arguments and input_files are:\n %s " % pprint.pformat(args.config)) return 1 @staticmethod def process_metadata(args): global out_dir logger = logging.getLogger("lg") # Indexing metadata files by file_id ([_id]) metadata_by_id = dict((d["_id"], dict(d)) for (index, d) in enumerate(args.metadata)) args.metadata = metadata_by_id logger.debug("VRE metadata for input_files is:\n %s " % pprint.pformat(args.metadata)) return 1 # # Executing pipeline # Calling MuG_Chromatin_equ_structure and MuG_Chromatin_sampling software in a subprocess def run_pipeline(args, num_cores, x_rnd): sort = args.config["input_files"]["sequence"] sequence = args.root_dir + "/" + args.metadata[sequence_file_id]["file_path"] nucl_pos_file_id = args.config["input_files"]["nuclPos"] nucl_pos = args.root_dir + "/" + args.metadata[nucl_pos_file_id]["file_path"] tmp_dir = "{0}/{1}/str_{2}".format(args.root_dir, args.config["arguments"]["project"], x_rnd) bashCommand = "cd /home/MuG/MuG_Chromatin_equ_structure/src_test; bash %s %s %s" % (nucl_pos, sequence, tmp_dir) print bashCommand process = subprocess.Popen(bashCommand,stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) proc_stdout = process.communicate()[0].strip() print proc_stdout usr_dir = args.root_dir + "/" + args.config["arguments"]["project"] bashCommand = "cp %s/output/chromdyn_str.pdb %s" % (tmp_dir, usr_dir) print bashCommand process = subprocess.Popen(bashCommand,stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) proc_stdout = process.communicate()[0].strip() print proc_stdout if "createTrajectory" in args.config["arguments"]["operations"]: print "do Trajectory" sequence_file_id = args.config["input_files"]["sequence"] sequence = args.root_dir + "/" + args.metadata[sequence_file_id]["file_path"] nucl_pos_file_id = args.config["input_files"]["nuclPos"] nucl_pos = args.root_dir + "/" + args.metadata[nucl_pos_file_id]["file_path"] tmp_dir = "{0}/{1}/tra_{2}".format(args.root_dir, args.config["arguments"]["project"], x_rnd) iterations = args.config["arguments"]["createTrajectory:numStruct"] bashCommand = "cd /home/MuG/MuG_Chromatin_sampling/src_test; bash %s %s %s %s" % (nucl_pos, sequence, iterations, tmp_dir) print bashCommand process = subprocess.Popen(bashCommand,stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) proc_stdout = process.communicate()[0].strip() print proc_stdout usr_dir = args.root_dir + "/" + args.config["arguments"]["project"] bashCommand = "cp %s/output/chromdyn_start_str.pdb %s/output/chromdyn_str.dcd %s/output/chromdyn_dummy_str.pdb %s" % (tmp_dir, tmp_dir, tmp_dir, usr_dir) print bashCommand process = subprocess.Popen(bashCommand,stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) proc_stdout = process.communicate()[0].strip() print proc_stdout if "create3DfromNucleaR" in args.config["arguments"]["operations"]: print "do 3D from NucleaR" gff_file_id = args.config["input_files"]["gffNucleaR"] gff_file = args.root_dir + "/" + args.metadata[gff_file_id]["file_path"] gen_reg = args.config["arguments"]["create3DfromNucleaR:genRegion"] tmp_dir = "{0}/{1}/str_{2}".format(args.root_dir, args.config["arguments"]["project"], x_rnd) bashCommand = " mkdir %s" % tmp_dir print bashCommand process = subprocess.Popen(bashCommand,stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) proc_stdout = process.communicate()[0].strip() print proc_stdout assembly = args.metadata[gff_file_id]["meta_data"]["assembly"] genome_file = "{0}/refGenomes/{1}/{1}.fa".format(args.public_dir,assembly) bashCommand = " /home/MuG/MuG_Chromatin_equ_structure/src_test/ --calls %s --genome_file %s --range %s --seq_output %s --nucs_output %s --margin 4" % (gff_file, genome_file, gen_reg, tmp_dir +"/nucleR_to_3D_seq.txt", tmp_dir +"/nucleR_to_3D_nucl_pos.txt") print bashCommand process = subprocess.Popen(bashCommand,stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) proc_stdout = process.communicate()[0].strip() print proc_stdout bashCommand = "cd /home/MuG/MuG_Chromatin_equ_structure/src_test; bash %s %s %s" % (tmp_dir +"/nucleR_to_3D_nucl_pos.txt", tmp_dir +"/nucleR_to_3D_seq.txt", tmp_dir) print bashCommand process = subprocess.Popen(bashCommand,stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) proc_stdout = process.communicate()[0].strip() print proc_stdout usr_dir = args.root_dir + "/" + args.config["arguments"]["project"] bashCommand = "cp %s/output/chromdyn_str.pdb %s" % (tmp_dir, usr_dir) print bashCommand process = subprocess.Popen(bashCommand,stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) proc_stdout = process.communicate()[0].strip() print proc_stdout return 1 # # Prepare metadata for the output files def prepare_results(args, x_rnd): global out_dir logger = logging.getLogger("lg") if (args.out_metadata): # Create out_metadata JSON json_data = {} json_data['output_files']= [] if ("createStructure" in args.config["arguments"]["operations"]) or ("create3DfromNucleaR" in args.config["arguments"]["operations"]): ### PDB_chromatin_structure pdbMeta = {} # Set name # Should coincide with tool.json pdbMeta["name"] = "PDB_chromatin_structure" # Set file_path # Absolute path. Should be better relative to root_dir? tmp_dir = args.root_dir + "/" + args.config["arguments"]["project"] pdb_file = tmp_dir + "/chromdyn_str.pdb" pdbMeta["file_path"] = pdb_file # Set source_id & taxon_id pdbMeta["source_id"] = [] if "sequence" in args.config['input_files']: pdbMeta["source_id"].append(args.config['input_files']["sequence"]) # Set taxon_id # taxon_id is inherited from the input file (i.e the source_id) pdbMeta["taxon_id"] = 0 if pdbMeta["source_id"]: for file_id in pdbMeta["source_id"]: pprint.pprint(args.metadata) if args.metadata[file_id]["taxon_id"]: pdbMeta["taxon_id"] = args.metadata[file_id]["taxon_id"] break # Append output_file metadata into JSON data json_data['output_files'].append(pdbMeta) if "createTrajectory" in args.config["arguments"]["operations"]: ### chromatin_starting_trajectory_structure pdbMeta1 = {} # Set name. Should coincide with tool.json pdbMeta1["name"] = "PDB_chromatin_starting_structure" # Set file_path. Absolute path. Should be better relative to root_dir? tmp_dir = args.root_dir + "/" + args.config["arguments"]["project"] pdb_file = tmp_dir + "/chromdyn_start_str.pdb" pdbMeta1["file_path"] = pdb_file # Set source_id & taxon_id pdbMeta1["source_id"] = [] if "sequence" in args.config['input_files']: pdbMeta1["source_id"].append(args.config['input_files']["sequence"]) # Set taxon_id. taxon_id is inherited from the input file (i.e the source_id) pdbMeta1["taxon_id"] = 0 if pdbMeta1["source_id"]: for file_id in pdbMeta1["source_id"]: pprint.pprint(args.metadata) if args.metadata[file_id]["taxon_id"]: pdbMeta1["taxon_id"] = args.metadata[file_id]["taxon_id"] break # Append output_file metadata into JSON data json_data['output_files'].append(pdbMeta1) ### chromatin_dummy_trajectory_structure pdbMeta2 = {} # Set name. Should coincide with tool.json pdbMeta2["name"] = "PDB_dummy_chromatin_structure" # Set file_path. Absolute path. Should be better relative to root_dir? tmp_dir = args.root_dir + "/" + args.config["arguments"]["project"] pdb_file = tmp_dir + "/chromdyn_dummy_str.pdb" pdbMeta1["file_path"] = pdb_file # Set source_id & taxon_id pdbMeta2["source_id"] = [] if "sequence" in args.config['input_files']: pdbMeta2["source_id"].append(args.config['input_files']["sequence"]) # Set taxon_id. taxon_id is inherited from the input file (i.e the source_id) pdbMeta2["taxon_id"] = 0 if pdbMeta2["source_id"]: for file_id in pdbMeta2["source_id"]: pprint.pprint(args.metadata) if args.metadata[file_id]["taxon_id"]: pdbMeta2["taxon_id"] = args.metadata[file_id]["taxon_id"] break # Append output_file metadata into JSON data json_data['output_files'].append(pdbMeta2) ### chromatin_trajectory trajMeta = {} # Set name # Should coincide with tool.json trajMeta["name"] = "chromatin_trajectory" # Set file_path # Absolute path. Should be better relative to root_dir? tmp_dir = args.root_dir + "/" + args.config["arguments"]["project"] traj_file = tmp_dir + "/chromdyn_str.dcd" trajMeta["file_path"] = traj_file # Set source_id & taxon_id trajMeta["source_id"] = [] if "sequence" in args.config['input_files']: trajMeta["source_id"].append(args.config['input_files']["sequence"]) # Set taxon_id. taxon_id is inherited from the input file (i.e the source_id) trajMeta["taxon_id"] = 0 if trajMeta["source_id"]: for file_id in trajMeta["source_id"]: pprint.pprint(args.metadata) if args.metadata[file_id]["taxon_id"]: trajMeta["taxon_id"] = args.metadata[file_id]["taxon_id"] break # Append output_file metadata into JSON data json_data['output_files'].append(trajMeta) # Prepare last output file: TAR of outputs, *CSVs and *PNGs files = [] extensions = ('*.txt','*.csv','*.png') out_dirs = [] if "createStructure" in args.config["arguments"]["operations"]: out_dirs.append("{0}/{1}/str_{2}/output".format(args.root_dir, args.config["arguments"]["project"], x_rnd)) if "createTrajectory" in args.config["arguments"]["operations"]: out_dirs.append("{0}/{1}/tra_{2}/output".format(args.root_dir, args.config["arguments"]["project"], x_rnd)) if "create3DfromNucleaR" in args.config["arguments"]["operations"]: out_dirs.append("{0}/{1}/str_{2}/output".format(args.root_dir, args.config["arguments"]["project"], x_rnd)) for out_dir in out_dirs: for extension in extensions: files.extend(glob.glob(out_dir+"/"+extension)) tmp_dir = args.root_dir + "/" + args.config["arguments"]["project"] out_tar = tmp_dir + "/results.tar.gz" tar =, "w:gz") for fil in files: ("Packing %s into statistics TAR" % os.path.basename(fil)) tar.add(fil, arcname=os.path.basename(fil)) tar.close() # Set metadata required for TAR output file result = {} result["name"] = "summary" result["source_id"] = [] if "sequence" in args.config['input_files']: result["source_id"].append(args.config['input_files']["sequence"]) result["file_path"] = out_tar result["taxon_id"] = 0 json_data['output_files'].append(result) # Write down output file metadata J = open(args.out_metadata, 'wb') json.dump(json_data,J, indent=4) J.close"Output files annotated into %s" % args.out_metadata) # Delete temporary directory if "createStructure" in args.config["arguments"]["operations"]: tmp_dir = "{0}/{1}/str_{2}".format(args.root_dir, args.config["arguments"]["project"], x_rnd) bashCommand = "rm -r %s" % tmp_dir print bashCommand process = subprocess.Popen(bashCommand,stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) proc_stdout = process.communicate()[0].strip() print proc_stdout if "create3DfromNucleaR" in args.config["arguments"]["operations"]: tmp_dir = "{0}/{1}/str_{2}".format(args.root_dir, args.config["arguments"]["project"], x_rnd) bashCommand = "rm -r %s" % tmp_dir print bashCommand process = subprocess.Popen(bashCommand,stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) proc_stdout = process.communicate()[0].strip() print proc_stdout if "createTrajectory" in args.config["arguments"]["operations"]: tmp_dir = "{0}/{1}/tra_{2}".format(args.root_dir, args.config["arguments"]["project"], x_rnd) bashCommand = "rm -r %s" % tmp_dir print bashCommand process = subprocess.Popen(bashCommand,stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) proc_stdout = process.communicate()[0].strip() print proc_stdout def main(): # Start logging logger = logging.getLogger("lg") logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) formatter = logging.Formatter(fmt='%(asctime)s - %(module)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') handler = logging.FileHandler('%s.log' % os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(__file__))[0]) handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) handler.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(handler) streamhandler = logging.StreamHandler() streamhandler.setLevel(logging.INFO) streamhandler.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(streamhandler)'Starting %s' % __file__) # Parse CMD parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog="chromatindyn_wf", description="Chromatin Dynamics workflow") parser.add_argument("--config", required=True, type=Mugparams.check_json, metavar="CONFIG_JSON", help="JSON file containing workflow parameters") parser.add_argument("--root_dir", required=True, type=Mugparams.readable_dir, metavar="ABS_PATH", help="Absolute path of the user data directory.") parser.add_argument("--public_dir", required=False, type=Mugparams.readable_dir, metavar="PUBLIC_PATH", help="Absolute path of the MuG public directory (with reference genome data, etc).") parser.add_argument("--metadata", required=True, type=Mugparams.check_json, metavar="METADATA_JSON", help="JSON file containing MuG metadata files") parser.add_argument("--out_metadata", required=False, type=Mugparams.writeable_file, metavar="RESULTS_JSON", help="JSON file containing results metadata") parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", required=False, action="store_true", help="increase output verbosity") parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s 0.1') args = parser.parse_args() if args.verbose: logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logger.addHandler(handler) streamhandler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logger.addHandler(streamhandler) logger.debug("Verbose mode on") # Parse config Mugparams.process_arguments(args) Mugparams.process_metadata(args) # Print host info num_cores = multiprocessing.cpu_count() host = socket.gethostname() #mem = psutil.virtual_memory() logger.debug('HOST=%s CPUs=%s MEM=x' %(host,num_cores)) # Run pipeline x_rnd = int(random.random()*10000000) outfiles = run_pipeline(args, num_cores, x_rnd) # Results prepare_results(args, x_rnd) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.patches import FancyBboxPatch from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap import numpy as np # Suppress matplotlib warnings np.warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') import xarray as xr import cmocean from pathlib import Path import _pickle as pickle import os import ship_mapper as sm import urllib.request import netCDF4 def map_density(info, file_in=None, cmap='Default', sidebar=False, to_screen=True, save=True, filename_out='auto',filedir_out='auto'): ''' Plots a map using a gridded (or merged) file Arguments: info (info): ``info`` object containing metadata Keyword Arguments: file_in (str): Gridded or merged file to map. If ``None`` it looks for ```` in the `\merged` directory cmap (str): Colormap to use sidebar (bool): If ``True``, includes side panel with metadata to_screen (bool): If ``True``, a plot is printed to screen save (bool): If ``True`` a ``.png`` figure is saved to hardrive filename_out (str): Name of produced figure. If ``auto`` then name is ``info.run_name + '__' + file_in + '.png'`` filedir_out (str): Directory where figure is saved. If ``auto`` then output directory is ``info.dirs.pngs`` Returns: Basemap object ''' print('map_density ------------------------------------------------------') # Load data if file_in == None: file_in = os.path.join(str(info.dirs.merged_grid),'') print(file_in) d = xr.open_dataset(file_in) # Define boundaries if info.grid.minlat == None or info.grid.maxlat == None or info.grid.minlon == None or info.grid.maxlon == None: minlat = d['lat'].values.min() maxlat = d['lat'].values.max() minlon = d['lon'].values.min() maxlon = d['lon'].values.max() else: minlat = d.attrs['minlat'] maxlat = d.attrs['maxlat'] minlon = d.attrs['minlon'] maxlon = d.attrs['maxlon'] basemap_file = info.dirs.basemap print('Basemap file: ' + basemap_file) # Check for basemap.p and, if doesn;t exist, make it if not os.path.exists(basemap_file): m = sm.make_basemap(info,info.dirs.project_path,[minlat,maxlat,minlon,maxlon]) else: print('Found basemap...') m = pickle.load(open(basemap_file,'rb')) # Create grid for mapping lons_grid, lats_grid = np.meshgrid(d['lon'].values,d['lat'].values) xx,yy = m(lons_grid, lats_grid) H = d['ship_density'].values # Rotate and flip H... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- H = np.rot90(H) H = np.flipud(H) # Mask zeros d.attrs['mask_below'] = info.maps.mask_below Hmasked =<=d.attrs['mask_below'],H) # Set vman and vmin print('Min: ' + str(np.min(Hmasked))) print('Max: ' + str(np.max(Hmasked))) print('Mean: ' + str(np.nanmean(Hmasked))) print('Std: ' + str(Hmasked.std())) if info.maps.cbarmax == 'auto': # vmax = (np.median(Hmasked)) + (4*Hmasked.std()) vmax = (np.max(Hmasked)) - (2*Hmasked.std()) elif info.maps.cbarmax != None: vmax = info.maps.cbarmax else: vmax = None if info.maps.cbarmin == 'auto': # vmin = (np.median(Hmasked)) - (4*Hmasked.std()) alat = (d.attrs['maxlat'] - d.attrs['minlat'])/2 cellsize = sm.degrees_to_meters(d.attrs['bin_size'], alat) # max_speed = 616.66 # m/min ...roughly 20 knots max_speed = 316.66 # m/min ...roughly 20 knots vmin = cellsize / max_speed elif info.maps.cbarmin != None: vmin = info.maps.cbarmin else: vmin = None # Log H for better display Hmasked = np.log10(Hmasked) if vmin != None: vmin = np.log10(vmin) if vmax != None: vmax = np.log10(vmax) # Make colormap fig = plt.gcf() ax = plt.gca() if cmap == 'Default': cmapcolor = load_my_cmap('my_cmap_amber2red') elif cmap == 'red2black': cmapcolor = load_my_cmap('my_cmap_red2black') else: cmapcolor =plt.get_cmap(cmap) cs = m.pcolor(xx,yy,Hmasked, cmap=cmapcolor, zorder=10, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) #scalebar sblon = minlon + ((maxlon-minlon)/10) sblat = minlat + ((maxlat-minlat)/20) m.drawmapscale(sblon, sblat, minlon, minlat, info.maps.scalebar_km, barstyle='fancy', units='km', fontsize=8, fontcolor='#808080', fillcolor1 = '#cccccc', fillcolor2 = '#a6a6a6', yoffset = (0.01*(m.ymax-m.ymin)), labelstyle='simple',zorder=60) if not sidebar: cbaxes2 = fig.add_axes([0.70, 0.18, 0.2, 0.03],zorder=60) cbar = plt.colorbar(extend='both', cax = cbaxes2, orientation='horizontal') # Change colorbar labels for easier interpreting label_values = cbar._tick_data_values log_label_values = np.round(10 ** label_values,decimals=0) labels = [] for log_label_value in log_label_values: labels.append(str(int(log_label_value)))['units']) if sidebar: text1, text2, text3, text4 = make_legend_text(info,d.attrs) ax2 = plt.subplot2grid((1,24),(0,0),colspan=4) # Turn off tick labels ax2.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax2.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) ax2.add_patch(FancyBboxPatch((0,0), width=1, height=1, clip_on=False, boxstyle="square,pad=0", zorder=3, facecolor='#e6e6e6', alpha=1.0, edgecolor='#a6a6a6', transform=plt.gca().transAxes)) plt.text(0.15, 0.99, text1, verticalalignment='top', horizontalalignment='left', weight='bold', size=10, color= '#737373', transform=plt.gca().transAxes) plt.text(0.02, 0.83, text2, horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='top', size=9, color= '#808080', transform=plt.gca().transAxes) plt.text(0.02, 0.145, text3, horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='top', size=7, color= '#808080', transform=plt.gca().transAxes) plt.text(0.02, 0.25, text4, style='italic', horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='top', size=8, color= '#808080', transform=plt.gca().transAxes) cbaxes2 = fig.add_axes([0.019, 0.9, 0.15, 0.02],zorder=60) cbar = plt.colorbar(extend='both', cax = cbaxes2, orientation='horizontal'), labelcolor='#808080') # Change colorbar labels for easier interpreting label_values = cbar._tick_data_values # print("values") # print(label_values) log_label_values = np.round(10 ** label_values,decimals=0) # print(log_label_values) labels = [] for log_label_value in log_label_values: labels.append(str(int(log_label_value)))['units'], size=9, color='#808080') # TODO: maybe delete this? # mng = plt.get_current_fig_manager() # mng.frame.Maximize(True) # # fig.tight_layout() # Save map as png if save: if filedir_out == 'auto': filedir = str(info.dirs.pngs) else: filedir = filedir_out if filename_out == 'auto': filename = info.run_name + '__' + sm.get_filename_from_fullpath(file_in) + '.png' else: filename = filename_out sm.checkDir(filedir) plt.savefig(os.path.join(filedir,filename), dpi=300) # Close netCDF file d.close() if to_screen == False: plt.close() return def make_legend_text(info,md): ''' Makes text for legend in left block of map :param info info: ``info`` object containing metadata :return: text for legend ''' import datetime alat = (md['maxlat'] - md['minlat'])/2 text1 = 'VESSEL DENSITY HEATMAP' # print(info) # -------------------------------------------------------- text2 = ('Unit description: ' + md['unit_description'] + '\n\n' + 'Data source: ' + md['data_source'] + '\n\n' + 'Data source description:\n' + md['data_description'] + '\n\n' + 'Time range: \n' + md['startdate'][0:-3] + ' to ' + md['enddate'][0:-3] + '\n\n' + 'Included speeds: ' + info.sidebar.included_speeds + '\n' + 'Included vessels: ' + info.sidebar.included_vessel_types + '\n\n' + 'Grid size: ' + str(md['bin_size']) + ' degrees (~' + str(int(round(sm.degrees_to_meters(md['bin_size'], alat))))+ ' m)\n' + 'EPGS code: ' + md['epsg_code'] + '\n' + 'Interpolation: ' + md['interpolation'] + '\n' + 'Interpolation threshold: ' + str(md['interp_threshold']) + ' knots\n' + 'Time bin: ' + str(round(md['time_bin']*1440,1)) + ' minutes\n' + 'Mask below: ' + str(md['mask_below']) + ' vessels per grid' ) text3 = ('Creation date: ' +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') + '\n' + 'Creation script: ' + info.run_name + '.py\n' + 'Software: ship mapper v0.1\n\n' + 'Created by:\n' + 'Oceans and Coastal Management Division\n' + 'Ecosystem Management Branch\n' + 'Fisheries and Oceans Canada – Maritimes Region\n' + 'Bedford Institute of Oceanography\n' + 'PO Box 1006, Dartmouth, NS, Canada, B2Y 4A2' ) text4 = ('---------------------------------------------------------------\n' + 'WARNING: This is a preliminary data product.\n' + 'We cannot ​guarantee the validity, accuracy, \n' + 'or quality of this product. ​Data is provided\n' + 'on an "AS IS" basis. ​USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.\n' + '---------------------------------------------------------------\n' ) return text1, text2, text3, text4 def map_dots(info, file_in, sidebar=False, save=True): ''' Creates a map of "pings" rather than gridded density Arguments: info (info): ``info`` object containing metadata Keyword Arguments: file_in (str): Gridded or merged file to map. If ``None`` it looks for ```` in the `\merged` directory sidebar (bool): If ``True``, includes side panel with metadata save (bool): If ``True`` a ``.png`` figure is saved to hardrive ''' print('Mapping...') # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- d = xr.open_dataset(file_in) # Define boundaries if info.grid.minlat == None or info.grid.maxlat == None or info.grid.minlon == None or info.grid.maxlon == None: minlat = d['lat'].values.min() maxlat = d['lat'].values.max() minlon = d['lon'].values.min() maxlon = d['lon'].values.max() else: minlat = info.grid.minlat maxlat = info.grid.maxlat minlon = info.grid.minlon maxlon = info.grid.maxlon path_to_basemap = info.dirs.project_path / 'ancillary' print('-----------------------------------------------------') print('-----------------------------------------------------') if sidebar: basemap_file = str(path_to_basemap / 'basemap_sidebar.p') else: basemap_file = str(path_to_basemap / 'basemap.p') if not os.path.exists(basemap_file): m = sm.make_basemap(info,[minlat,maxlat,minlon,maxlon]) else: print('Found basemap...') m = pickle.load(open(basemap_file,'rb')) x, y = m(d['longitude'].values,d['latitude'].values) cs = m.scatter(x,y,s=0.1,marker='o',color='r', zorder=10) # # # Save map as png # if save: # filedir = str(info.dirs.pngs) # sm.checkDir(filedir) # filename = info.project_name + '_' + str(info.grid.bin_number) + '.png' # plt.savefig(os.path.join(filedir,filename), dpi=300) return def map_dots_one_ship(info, file_in, Ship_No, save=True): ''' Creates a map of "pings" (i.e. not gridded density) of only one ship Arguments: info (info): ``info`` object containing metadata Keyword Arguments: file_in (str): Gridded or merged file to map. If ``None`` it looks for ```` in the `\merged` directory Ship_No (str): Unique identifier of the ship to plot save (bool): If ``True`` a ``.png`` figure is saved to hardrive ''' import pandas as pd print('Mapping...') # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- d = xr.open_dataset(file_in) # Define boundaries if info.grid.minlat == None or info.grid.maxlat == None or info.grid.minlon == None or info.grid.maxlon == None: minlat = d['lat'].values.min() maxlat = d['lat'].values.max() minlon = d['lon'].values.min() maxlon = d['lon'].values.max() else: minlat = info.grid.minlat maxlat = info.grid.maxlat minlon = info.grid.minlon maxlon = info.grid.maxlon path_to_basemap = info.dirs.project_path / 'ancillary' print('-----------------------------------------------------') print('-----------------------------------------------------') # basemap_file = str(path_to_basemap / 'basemap_spots.p') m = sm.make_basemap(info.dirs.project_path,[minlat,maxlat,minlon,maxlon]) # if not os.path.exists(str(path_to_basemap / 'basemap.p')): # m = sm.make_basemap(info.dirs.project_path,[minlat,maxlat,minlon,maxlon]) # else: # print('Found basemap...') # m = pickle.load(open(basemap_file,'rb')) indx = ((d['longitude']> minlon) & (d['longitude']<= maxlon) & (d['latitude']> minlat) & (d['latitude']<= maxlat)) filtered_data = d.sel(Dindex=indx) ship_id = info.ship_id unis = pd.unique(filtered_data[ship_id].values) ship = unis[Ship_No] indxship = (filtered_data[ship_id] == ship) singleship = filtered_data.sel(Dindex=indxship) print('Ship id:'+ str(ship)) # print(singleship['longitude'].values) # print(singleship['latitude'].values) x, y = m(singleship['longitude'].values,singleship['latitude'].values) # x, y = m(d['longitude'].values,d['latitude'].values) cs = m.scatter(x,y,2,marker='o',color='r', zorder=30) # fig = plt.figure() # plt.plot(filtered_data['longitude'].values,filtered_data['latitude'].values,'.') # # # Save map as png # if save: # filedir = str(info.dirs.pngs) # sm.checkDir(filedir) # filename = info.project_name + '_' + str(info.grid.bin_number) + '.png' # plt.savefig(os.path.join(filedir,filename), dpi=300) return def define_path_to_map(info, path_to_basemap='auto'): ''' Figures out where is the .basemap and .grid files Arguments: info (info): ``info`` object containing metadata ''' if path_to_basemap == 'auto': if info.grid.type == 'one-off': path_to_map = os.path.join(info.dirs.project_path,info.grid.region,'ancillary') elif info.grid.type == 'generic': path_to_map = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(info.dirs.project_path,'ancillary')) else: path_to_map = path_to_basemap return path_to_map def make_basemap(info,spatial,path_to_basemap='auto', sidebar=False): ''' Makes a basemap Arguments: info (info): ``info`` object containing metadata spatial (list): List with corners... this will be deprecated soon Keyword arguments: path_to_basemap (str): Directory where to save the produced basemap. If ``'auto'`` then path is setup by :func:`~ship_mapper.mapper.define_path_to_map` sidebar (bool): If ``True`` space for a side panel is added to the basemap Returns: A ``.basemap`` and a ``.grid`` files ''' print('Making basemap...') # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- path_to_map = define_path_to_map(info, path_to_basemap=path_to_basemap) sm.checkDir(str(path_to_map)) minlat = spatial[0] maxlat = spatial[1] minlon = spatial[2] maxlon = spatial[3] # Create map m = Basemap(projection='mill', llcrnrlat=minlat,urcrnrlat=maxlat, llcrnrlon=minlon, urcrnrlon=maxlon,resolution=info.maps.resolution) # TOPO # Read data from: # using the netCDF output option # bathymetry_file = str(path_to_map / '') bathymetry_file = os.path.join(path_to_map, '') if not os.path.isfile(bathymetry_file): isub = 1 base_url='' query='topo[(%f):%d:(%f)][(%f):%d:(%f)]' % (maxlat,isub,minlat,minlon,isub,maxlon) url = base_url+query # store data in NetCDF file urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, bathymetry_file) # open NetCDF data in nc = netCDF4.Dataset(bathymetry_file) ncv = nc.variables lon = ncv['longitude'][:] lat = ncv['latitude'][:] lons, lats = np.meshgrid(lon,lat) topo = ncv['topo'][:,:] # fig = plt.figure(figsize=(19,9)) # ax = fig.add_axes([0.05,0.05,0.80,1]) # ax = fig.add_axes([0,0,0.80,1]) # ax = fig.add_axes([0.23,0.035,0.85,0.9]) if sidebar: ax = plt.subplot2grid((1,24),(0,5),colspan=19) else: ax = fig.add_axes([0.05,0.05,0.94,0.94]) TOPOmasked =>0,topo) cs = m.pcolormesh(lons,lats,TOPOmasked,cmap=load_my_cmap('my_cmap_lightblue'),latlon=True,zorder=5) # m.drawcoastlines(color='#A27D0C',linewidth=0.5,zorder=25) # m.fillcontinents(color='#E1E1A0',zorder=23) m.drawcoastlines(color='#a6a6a6',linewidth=0.5,zorder=25) m.fillcontinents(color='#e6e6e6',zorder=23) m.drawmapboundary() def setcolor(x, color): for m in x: for t in x[m][1]: t.set_color(color) parallels = np.arange(minlat,maxlat,info.maps.parallels) # labels = [left,right,top,bottom] par = m.drawparallels(parallels,labels=[True,False,False,False],dashes=[20,20],color='#00a3cc', linewidth=0.2, zorder=25) setcolor(par,'#00a3cc') meridians = np.arange(minlon,maxlon,info.maps.meridians) mers = m.drawmeridians(meridians,labels=[False,False,False,True],dashes=[20,20],color='#00a3cc', linewidth=0.2, zorder=25) setcolor(mers,'#00a3cc') ax = plt.gca() # ax.axhline(linewidth=4, color="#00a3cc") # ax.axvline(linewidth=4, color="#00a3cc") # ax.spines['top'].set_color('#00a3cc') ax.spines['right'].set_color('#00a3cc') ax.spines['bottom'].set_color('#00a3cc') ax.spines['left'].set_color('#00a3cc') for k, spine in ax.spines.items(): #ax.spines is a dictionary spine.set_zorder(35) # ax.spines['top'].set_visible(False) # ax.spines['right'].set_visible(False) # ax.spines['bottom'].set_visible(False) # ax.spines['left'].set_visible(False) # fig.tight_layout(pad=0.25) fig.tight_layout(rect=[0.01,0.01,.99,.99]) if sidebar: basemap_name = 'basemap_sidebar.p' else: basemap_name = 'basemap.p' info = sm.calculate_gridcell_areas(info) # Save basemap save_basemap(m,info,path_to_basemap=path_to_map) # picklename = str(path_to_map / basemap_name) # pickle.dump(m,open(picklename,'wb'),-1) # print('!!! Pickle just made: ' + picklename) # ## pngDir = 'C:\\Users\\IbarraD\\Documents\\VMS\\png\\' ## plt.savefig(datadir[0:-5] + 'png\\' + filename + '- Grid' + str(BinNo) + ' - Filter' +str(downLim) + '-' + str(upLim) + '.png') # plt.savefig('test.png') return m def load_my_cmap(name): ''' Creates and loads custom colormap ''' # cdict = {'red': ((0.0, 0.0, 0.0), # (1.0, 0.7, 0.7)), # 'green': ((0.0, 0.25, 0.25), # (1.0, 0.85, 0.85)), # 'blue': ((0.0, 0.5, 0.5), # (1.0, 1.0, 1.0))} # my_cmap = LinearSegmentedColormap('my_colormap',cdict,256) if name == 'my_cmap_lightblue': cdict = {'red': ((0.0, 0.0, 0.0), # Dark (1.0, 0.9, 0.9)), # Light 'green': ((0.0, 0.9, 0.9), (1.0, 1.0,1.0)), 'blue': ((0.0, 0.9, 0.9), (1.0, 1.0, 1.0))} my_cmap = LinearSegmentedColormap('my_colormap',cdict,256) elif name == 'my_cmap_amber2red': # cdict = {'red': ((0.0, 1.0, 1.0), # (1.0, 0.5, 0.5)), # 'green': ((0.0, 1.0, 1.0), # (1.0, 0.0, 0.0)), # 'blue': ((0.0, 0.0, 0.0), # (1.0, 0.0, 0.0))} # my_cmap_yellow2red = LinearSegmentedColormap('my_colormap',cdict,256) cdict = {'red': ((0.0, 1.0, 1.0), (1.0, 0.5, 0.5)), 'green': ((0.0, 0.85, 0.85), (1.0, 0.0, 0.0)), 'blue': ((0.0, 0.3, 0.3), (1.0, 0.0, 0.0))} my_cmap = LinearSegmentedColormap('my_colormap',cdict,256) elif name == 'my_cmap_red2black': # c1 = np.array([252,142,110])/256 #RGB/256 c1 = np.array([250,59,59])/256 #RGB/256 c2 = np.array([103,0,13])/256 #RGB/256 cdict = {'red': ((0.0, c1[0], c1[0]), (1.0, c2[0], c2[0])), 'green': ((0.0, c1[1], c1[1]), (1.0, c2[1], c2[1])), 'blue': ((0.0, c1[2], c1[2]), (1.0, c2[2], c2[2]))} my_cmap = LinearSegmentedColormap('my_colormap',cdict,256) else: print('cmap name does not match any of the available cmaps') return my_cmap def save_basemap(m,info,path_to_basemap='auto'): ''' Saves basemap (and correspoding info.grid) to a pickle file Arguments: m (mpl_toolkits.basemap.Basemap): Basemap object info (info): ``info`` object containing metadata Keyword Arguments: path_to_basemap (str): If ``'auto'`` it looks in ``grids`` directory Returns: Pickle file See also: :mod:`pickle` ''' # # basemap = [grid, m] # f = open(str(path_to_map / (info.grid.basemap + '.p')),'w') # pickle.dump(grid, f) # pickle.dump(m, f) # f.close() # picklename = str(path_to_map / (info.grid.basemap + '.p')) # pickle.dump(basemap, open(picklename, 'wb'), -1) # print('!!! Pickle just made: ' + picklename) path_to_map = define_path_to_map(info, path_to_basemap=path_to_basemap) # basemap_picklename = str(path_to_map / (info.grid.basemap + '.basemap')) basemap_picklename = os.path.join(path_to_map,info.grid.basemap + '.basemap') pickle.dump(m, open(basemap_picklename, 'wb'), -1) # info_picklename = str(path_to_map / (info.grid.basemap + '.grid')) info_picklename = os.path.join(path_to_map, info.grid.basemap + '.grid') pickle.dump(info, open(info_picklename, 'wb'), -1) print('!!! Pickles were just made: ' + basemap_picklename) return
template/{{ cookiecutter.project_slug }}/{{ cookiecutter.project_module }}/cli/
<gh_stars>0 from .init_cfg import init from .root import root # add sub-command functions here root.add_command(init)
<reponame>DollSimon/tweezers class lazy(object): """ Property for the lazy evaluation of Python attributes. In the example below, the ``expensive_computation()`` is only called when the attribute ``object.my_attribute`` is accessed for the first time. Example: Use the ``@lazy`` decorator for a function that returns the result of the computation. Access it as a normal attribute:: @lazy def my_attribute(self): value = self.expensive_computation() return value """ def __init__(self, func): self.func = func def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return None value = self.func(instance) setattr(instance, self.func.__name__, value) return value
<filename>pymoo/model/ from abc import abstractmethod class Repair: """ This class is allows to repair individuals after crossover if necessary. """ def do(self, problem, pop, **kwargs): return self._do(problem, pop, **kwargs) @abstractmethod def _do(self, problem, pop, **kwargs): pass class NoRepair(Repair): """ A dummy class which can be used to simply do no repair. """ def do(self, problem, pop, **kwargs): return pop
#!/usr/bin/env python """ DAO Object for BlockSite table """ from dbs.dao.Oracle.BlockSite.Insert import Insert as OraBlockSiteInsert class Insert(OraBlockSiteInsert): pass
import pandas as pd import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns from glob import glob from re import sub from sys import argv, exit from os.path import splitext import numpy as np import os def load(fn): df=pd.read_csv(fn) return(df) def plot(df0, df, tracer) : out_fn = tracer + ".png" plt.clf() sns.stripplot(x="roi", y="value", hue="sub", data=df, jitter=True, alpha=.6, zorder=1) sns.pointplot(x="roi", y="value", data=df0, join=False, palette="dark", markers="d", scale=1.5) plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0.) plt.savefig(out_fn) def get_qc_metrics(): fn_list = [] df_list = [] fn_list += glob("raclopride/out_rcl/groupLevelQC/coreg_roc/test_group_qc_auc.csv") #fn_list += glob("scott/out_fdg/groupLevelQC/coreg_roc/test_group_qc_auc.csv") #fn_list += glob("fmz/out_fmz/groupLevelQC/coreg_roc/test_group_qc_auc.csv") for fn in fn_list : temp=pd.read_csv(fn) print fn args = fn.split("/")[4].split("_") if 'rcl' in fn : temp["tracer"] = ["rcl"] * temp.shape[0] elif 'fdg' in fn : temp["tracer"] = ["fdg"] * temp.shape[0] elif 'fmz' in fn : temp["tracer"] = ["fmz"] * temp.shape[0] #temp["frame"] = [0] * temp.shape[0] #temp["errortype"] = [args[1]] * temp.shape[0] #temp["error"] = [int(args[2])] * temp.shape[0] df_list += [temp] df = pd.concat(df_list) return(df) def get_error(): fn_list=[] fn_list += glob("fmz/out_fmz/preproc/_args_**/_angle_**/**/*_3d.csv") fn_list += glob("scott/out_fdg/preproc/_args_**/_angle_**/**/*_3d.csv") fn_list += glob("raclopride/out_rcl/preproc/_args_**/_angle_**/**/*_3d.csv") df_list = [] for fn in fn_list : temp=pd.read_csv(fn) args = fn.split("/")[4].split("_") if 'rcl' in fn : temp["tracer"] = ["rcl"] * temp.shape[0] elif 'fdg' in fn : temp["tracer"] = ["fdg"] * temp.shape[0] elif 'fmz' in fn : temp["tracer"] = ["fmz"] * temp.shape[0] temp["frame"] = [0] * temp.shape[0] temp["errortype"] = [args[1]] * temp.shape[0] temp["error"] = [int(args[2])] * temp.shape[0] df_list += [temp] df = pd.concat(df_list) df["metric"].loc[ (df["tracer"] == "fmz") & (df["metric"] == "mean")] = "BPnd" df["metric"].loc[ (df["tracer"] == "fdg") & (df["metric"] == "mean")] = "Ki" df["metric"].loc[ (df["tracer"] == "rcl") & (df["metric"] == "mean")] = "BPnd" df["roi"].loc[ (df["tracer"] == "rcl") ] = "Putamen" df["roi"].loc[ (df["tracer"] == "fmz") ] = "GM" df["roi"].loc[ (df["tracer"] == "fdg") ] = "GM" df.index = range(df.shape[0]) df["%Accuracy"]= [0] * df.shape[0] for name, df0 in df.groupby(['tracer','analysis', 'error', 'ses', 'task', 'sub', 'roi']) : sub=name[5] ses=name[3] task=name[4] error=name[2] idx = (df.tracer == name[0]) & (df.analysis == name[1]) & ( == name[3]) & (df.task == name[4]) & (df.roi == name[6]) & (df["sub"] == name[5]) zeros_df = df.loc[ (df.tracer == name[0]) & (df.analysis == name[1]) & ( == name[3]) & (df.task == name[4]) & (df.roi == name[6]) & (df.error == 0) & (df["sub"] == name[5]) ] values = df0["value"].mean() zeros = zeros_df["value"].mean() ratio = values / zeros df["%Accuracy"].loc[(df["error"] == name[2]) & idx] = ratio return(df) df_fn = os.getcwd() + os.sep + 'appian_error.csv' qc_fn = os.getcwd() + os.sep + 'appian_qc.csv' if not os.path.exists(df_fn) : df = get_error() df.to_csv(df_fn) else : df = pd.read_csv(df_fn) if not os.path.exists(qc_fn) : qc = get_qc_metrics() qc.to_csv(qc_fn) else : qc = pd.read_csv(qc_fn) print(qc) exit(0) df_mean = df.groupby(["analysis","tracer","error","errortype","frame","metric","roi"])["%Accuracy"].mean() df_mean = df_mean.reset_index() df_mean["tracer"].loc[ (df_mean["tracer"] == "rcl") ] = "RCL" df_mean["tracer"].loc[ (df_mean["tracer"] == "fdg") ] = "FDG" df_mean["tracer"].loc[ (df_mean["tracer"] == "fmz") ] = "FMZ" df_mean["analysis"].loc[ (df_mean["analysis"] == "tka") ] = "TKA" df_mean["analysis"].loc[ (df_mean["analysis"] == "pvc") ] = "PVC" df_mean["analysis"].loc[ (df_mean["analysis"] == "pet-coregistration") ] = "Coregistration" print df_mean plt.clf() plt.figure() nTracer = len(df["tracer"].unique()) nROI= len(df["analysis"].unique()) i=1 df.rename(index=str, columns={"roi":"ROI","analysis":"Analysis","tracer":"Radiotracer"}, inplace=True) sns.factorplot(x="error", y="%Accuracy", col="analysis", hue="tracer", palette="muted",kind="swarm",col_order=['Coregistration','PVC','TKA'], sharey=True, data=df_mean) #for name, df3 in df2.groupby(['sub']) : # print df3 # sns.swarmplot(x="roi", y='groundtruth',data=df3, palette="bright") # break #ax = sns.factorplot(x="roi", y="diff", row="roi", hue="analysis", data=df, palette="Set2", dodge=True) #grid = sns.FacetGrid(df_mean, row="tracer", col="analysis", sharey=True, palette="muted", size=5) #grid =, "roi", "value") #grid =, "groundtruth", "value") plt.savefig("appian_error.png")
<reponame>verhovsky/feedparser<filename>feedparser/datetimes/ from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals import re from .rfc822 import _parse_date_rfc822 # Unicode strings for Greek date strings _greek_months = \ { \ '\u0399\u03b1\u03bd': 'Jan', # c9e1ed in iso-8859-7 '\u03a6\u03b5\u03b2': 'Feb', # d6e5e2 in iso-8859-7 '\u039c\u03ac\u03ce': 'Mar', # ccdcfe in iso-8859-7 '\u039c\u03b1\u03ce': 'Mar', # cce1fe in iso-8859-7 '\u0391\u03c0\u03c1': 'Apr', # c1f0f1 in iso-8859-7 '\u039c\u03ac\u03b9': 'May', # ccdce9 in iso-8859-7 '\u039c\u03b1\u03ca': 'May', # cce1fa in iso-8859-7 '\u039c\u03b1\u03b9': 'May', # cce1e9 in iso-8859-7 '\u0399\u03bf\u03cd\u03bd': 'Jun', # c9effded in iso-8859-7 '\u0399\u03bf\u03bd': 'Jun', # c9efed in iso-8859-7 '\u0399\u03bf\u03cd\u03bb': 'Jul', # c9effdeb in iso-8859-7 '\u0399\u03bf\u03bb': 'Jul', # c9f9eb in iso-8859-7 '\u0391\u03cd\u03b3': 'Aug', # c1fde3 in iso-8859-7 '\u0391\u03c5\u03b3': 'Aug', # c1f5e3 in iso-8859-7 '\u03a3\u03b5\u03c0': 'Sep', # d3e5f0 in iso-8859-7 '\u039f\u03ba\u03c4': 'Oct', # cfeaf4 in iso-8859-7 '\u039d\u03bf\u03ad': 'Nov', # cdefdd in iso-8859-7 '\u039d\u03bf\u03b5': 'Nov', # cdefe5 in iso-8859-7 '\u0394\u03b5\u03ba': 'Dec', # c4e5ea in iso-8859-7 } _greek_wdays = \ { \ '\u039a\u03c5\u03c1': 'Sun', # caf5f1 in iso-8859-7 '\u0394\u03b5\u03c5': 'Mon', # c4e5f5 in iso-8859-7 '\u03a4\u03c1\u03b9': 'Tue', # d4f1e9 in iso-8859-7 '\u03a4\u03b5\u03c4': 'Wed', # d4e5f4 in iso-8859-7 '\u03a0\u03b5\u03bc': 'Thu', # d0e5ec in iso-8859-7 '\u03a0\u03b1\u03c1': 'Fri', # d0e1f1 in iso-8859-7 '\u03a3\u03b1\u03b2': 'Sat', # d3e1e2 in iso-8859-7 } _greek_date_format_re = \ re.compile(r'([^,]+),\s+(\d{2})\s+([^\s]+)\s+(\d{4})\s+(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})\s+([^\s]+)') def _parse_date_greek(dateString): '''Parse a string according to a Greek 8-bit date format.''' m = _greek_date_format_re.match(dateString) if not m: return wday = _greek_wdays[] month = _greek_months[] rfc822date = '%(wday)s, %(day)s %(month)s %(year)s %(hour)s:%(minute)s:%(second)s %(zonediff)s' % \ {'wday': wday, 'day':, 'month': month, 'year':,\ 'hour':, 'minute':, 'second':,\ 'zonediff':} return _parse_date_rfc822(rfc822date)
<reponame>cnglen/<gh_stars>1-10 from .arxiv import *
# Generated by Django 3.0 on 2019-12-15 02:01 import core.models from django.conf import settings from django.db import migrations, models import django.db.models.deletion import uuid class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('core', '0001_initial'), ] operations = [ migrations.CreateModel( name='Artifact', fields=[ ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')), ('type', models.CharField(choices=[(core.models.ArtifactType['ORTHOMOSAIC'], 'Orthomosaic'), (core.models.ArtifactType['SHAPEFILE'], 'Shapefile')], max_length=20)), ], ), migrations.CreateModel( name='Flight', fields=[ ('uuid', models.UUIDField(default=uuid.uuid4, editable=False, primary_key=True, serialize=False)), ('name', models.CharField(max_length=50)), ('date', models.DateField(auto_now_add=True)), ('camera', models.CharField(choices=[(core.models.Camera['REDEDGE'], 'Micasense RedEdge'), (core.models.Camera['RGB'], 'RGB')], max_length=10)), ('multispectral_processing', models.BooleanField(default=False)), ('annotations', models.TextField()), ('deleted', models.BooleanField(default=False)), ('state', models.CharField(choices=[(core.models.FlightState['WAITING'], 'Waiting for images'), (core.models.FlightState['PROCESSING'], 'Processing'), (core.models.FlightState['COMPLETE'], 'Complete'), (core.models.FlightState['PAUSED'], 'Paused'), (core.models.FlightState['CANCELED'], 'Canceled')], max_length=10)), ], ), migrations.RemoveField( model_name='user', name='bio', ), migrations.RemoveField( model_name='user', name='birth_date', ), migrations.RemoveField( model_name='user', name='location', ), migrations.AddField( model_name='user', name='organization', field=models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=20), ), migrations.AddField( model_name='user', name='type', field=models.CharField(choices=[(core.models.UserType['DEMO_USER'], 'DemoUser'), (core.models.UserType['ACTIVE'], 'Active'), (core.models.UserType['DELETED'], 'Deleted'), (core.models.UserType['ADMIN'], 'Admin')], default=core.models.UserType['DEMO_USER'], max_length=20), ), migrations.CreateModel( name='UserProject', fields=[ ('uuid', models.UUIDField(default=uuid.uuid4, editable=False, primary_key=True, serialize=False)), ('name', models.CharField(max_length=50)), ('description', models.TextField()), ('deleted', models.BooleanField(default=False)), ('artifacts', models.ManyToManyField(related_name='user_projects', to='core.Artifact')), ('flights', models.ManyToManyField(related_name='user_projects', to='core.Flight')), ('user', models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, related_name='user_projects', to=settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL)), ], options={ 'abstract': False, }, ), migrations.AddField( model_name='flight', name='user', field=models.ForeignKey(blank=True, null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, to=settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL), ), migrations.CreateModel( name='DemoProject', fields=[ ('uuid', models.UUIDField(default=uuid.uuid4, editable=False, primary_key=True, serialize=False)), ('name', models.CharField(max_length=50)), ('description', models.TextField()), ('deleted', models.BooleanField(default=False)), ('artifacts', models.ManyToManyField(related_name='demo_projects', to='core.Artifact')), ('flights', models.ManyToManyField(related_name='demo_projects', to='core.Flight')), ('users', models.ManyToManyField(related_name='demo_projects', to=settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL)), ], options={ 'abstract': False, }, ), migrations.AddField( model_name='artifact', name='flight', field=models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, related_name='artifacts', to='core.Flight'), ), ]
import numpy as np import cv2 cascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier('cascade.xml') img = cv2.imread('orange.jpg') gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) oranges = cascade.detectMultiScale(gray, 1.05, 15, 0, (150,150)) for (x,y,w,h) in oranges: cv2.rectangle(img,(x,y),(x+w,y+h),(255,0,0),2) imgs = cv2.resize(img, (img.shape[1] / 5, img.shape[0] / 5)) cv2.imshow('img',imgs) cv2.waitKey(0) cv2.destroyAllWindows() # # show image thats being collected # $ for filename in Positives/*.jpg; # $ do opencv_createsamples -img ${filename} -bg negatives.txt -num 25 -bgcolor 255 -w 60 -h 60 -vec output${filename}.vec -maxzangle 0.5 -maxyangle 0.3 -maxxangle 0.3; # $ done # $ opencv_traincascade -data Classifier -vec allvecs.vec -bg negatives.txt -numNeg 1000 -numPos 3000 -numStages 11 -h 60 -w 60 -minHitRate 0.99 -maxFalseAlarmRate 0.5 -featureType HAAR -precalcValBufSize 2048 -precalcIdxBufSize 2048
<reponame>3ndG4me/Configs #!/usr/bin/python3 import os import pathlib data_path = pathlib.Path(str(pathlib.Path().absolute()) + "/armory_data") home = str(pathlib.Path.home()) abolute_home = "CHANGEME" custom_modules = abolute_home + "/tools/armory_custom/modules" custom_reports = abolute_home + "/tools/armory_custom/reports" custom_webapps = abolute_home + "/tools/armory_webapps" if data_path.exists(): data_path = str(pathlib.Path().absolute()) + "/armory_data" else: os.mkdir("armory_data") data_path = str(pathlib.Path().absolute()) + "/armory_data" ARMORY_CONFIG = { 'ARMORY_BASE_PATH': data_path, 'ARMORY_CUSTOM_MODULES': [ custom_modules, ], 'ARMORY_CUSTOM_REPORTS': [ custom_reports, ], 'ARMORY_CUSTOM_WEBAPPS': [ custom_webapps, ], } DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3', 'NAME': os.path.join(ARMORY_CONFIG['ARMORY_BASE_PATH'], 'db.sqlite3'), } }
<gh_stars>0 import os import sqlite3 as sqlite import requests import time import base58 import PyCWaves import traceback import sharedfunc from web3 import Web3 from verification import verifier class TNChecker(object): def __init__(self, config): self.config = config self.dbCon = sqlite.connect('gateway.db') self.node = self.config['tn']['node'] self.w3 = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider(self.config['erc20']['node'])) self.privatekey = os.getenv(self.config['erc20']['seedenvname'], self.config['erc20']['privateKey']) self.verifier = verifier(config) cursor = self.dbCon.cursor() self.lastScannedBlock = cursor.execute('SELECT height FROM heights WHERE chain = "TN"').fetchall()[0][0] def getCurrentBlock(self): #return current block on the chain - try/except in case of timeouts try: CurrentBlock = requests.get(self.node + '/blocks/height').json()['height'] - 1 except: CurrentBlock = 0 return CurrentBlock def run(self): #main routine to run continuesly print('started checking tn blocks at: ' + str(self.lastScannedBlock)) self.dbCon = sqlite.connect('gateway.db') while True: try: nextblock = self.getCurrentBlock() - self.config['tn']['confirmations'] if nextblock > self.lastScannedBlock: self.lastScannedBlock += 1 self.checkBlock(self.lastScannedBlock) cursor = self.dbCon.cursor() cursor.execute('UPDATE heights SET "height" = ' + str(self.lastScannedBlock) + ' WHERE "chain" = "TN"') self.dbCon.commit() except Exception as e: self.lastScannedBlock -= 1 print('Something went wrong during tn block iteration: ') print(traceback.TracebackException.from_exception(e)) time.sleep(self.config['tn']['timeInBetweenChecks']) def checkBlock(self, heightToCheck): #check content of the block for valid transactions block = requests.get(self.node + '/blocks/at/' + str(heightToCheck)).json() for transaction in block['transactions']: if self.checkTx(transaction): targetAddress = base58.b58decode(transaction['attachment']).decode() targetAddress = self.w3.toChecksumAddress(targetAddress) if not(self.w3.isAddress(targetAddress)): self.faultHandler(transaction, "txerror") else: amount = transaction['amount'] / pow(10, self.config['tn']['decimals']) amount -= self.config['erc20']['fee'] amount *= pow(10, self.config['erc20']['decimals']) amount = int(round(amount)) if amount < 0: self.faultHandler(transaction, "senderror", e='under minimum amount') else: try: nonce = self.w3.eth.getTransactionCount(self.config['erc20']['gatewayAddress']) if self.config['erc20']['gasprice'] > 0: gasprice = self.w3.toWei(self.config['erc20']['gasprice'], 'gwei') else: gasprice = int(self.w3.eth.gasPrice * 1.1) tx = { 'to': targetAddress, 'value': amount, 'gas': self.config['erc20']['gas'], 'gasPrice': gasprice, 'nonce': nonce, 'chainId': self.config['erc20']['chainid'] } signed_tx = self.w3.eth.account.signTransaction(tx, private_key=self.privatekey) txId = self.w3.eth.sendRawTransaction(signed_tx.rawTransaction) if not(str(txId.hex()).startswith('0x')): self.faultHandler(transaction, "senderror", e=txId.hex()) else: print("send tx: " + str(txId.hex())) cursor = self.dbCon.cursor() amount /= pow(10, self.config['erc20']['decimals']) cursor.execute('INSERT INTO executed ("sourceAddress", "targetAddress", "tnTxId", "ethTxId", "amount", "amountFee") VALUES ("' + transaction['sender'] + '", "' + targetAddress + '", "' + transaction['id'] + '", "' + txId.hex() + '", "' + str(round(amount)) + '", "' + str(self.config['erc20']['fee']) + '")') self.dbCon.commit() print('send tokens from tn to other network!') self.verifier.verifyOther(txId) except Exception as e: self.faultHandler(transaction, "txerror", e=e) continue def checkTx(self, tx): #check the transaction if tx['type'] == 4 and tx['recipient'] == self.config['tn']['gatewayAddress'] and tx['assetId'] == self.config['tn']['assetId']: #check if there is an attachment targetAddress = base58.b58decode(tx['attachment']).decode() if len(targetAddress) > 1: #check if we already processed this tx cursor = self.dbCon.cursor() result = cursor.execute('SELECT ethTxId FROM executed WHERE tnTxId = "' + tx['id'] + '"').fetchall() if len(result) == 0: return True else: self.faultHandler(tx, 'noattachment') return False def faultHandler(self, tx, error, e=""): #handle transfers to the gateway that have problems amount = tx['amount'] / pow(10, self.config['tn']['decimals']) timestampStr = sharedfunc.getnow() if error == "noattachment": cursor = self.dbCon.cursor() cursor.execute('INSERT INTO errors ("sourceAddress", "targetAddress", "ethTxId", "tnTxId", "amount", "error") VALUES ("' + tx['sender'] + '", "", "", "' + tx['id'] + '", "' + str(amount) + '", "no attachment found on transaction")') self.dbCon.commit() print(timestampStr + " - Error: no attachment found on transaction from " + tx['sender'] + " - check errors table.") if error == "txerror": targetAddress = base58.b58decode(tx['attachment']).decode() cursor = self.dbCon.cursor() cursor.execute('INSERT INTO errors ("sourceAddress", "targetAddress", "ethTxId", "tnTxId", "amount", "error", "exception") VALUES ("' + tx['sender'] + '", "' + targetAddress + '", "", "' + tx['id'] + '", "' + str(amount) + '", "tx error, possible incorrect address", "' + str(e) + '")') self.dbCon.commit() print(timestampStr + " - Error: on outgoing transaction for transaction from " + tx['sender'] + " - check errors table.") if error == "senderror": targetAddress = base58.b58decode(tx['attachment']).decode() cursor = self.dbCon.cursor() cursor.execute('INSERT INTO errors ("sourceAddress", "targetAddress", "ethTxId", "tnTxId", "amount", "error", "exception") VALUES ("' + tx['sender'] + '", "' + targetAddress + '", "", "' + tx['id'] + '", "' + str(amount) + '", "tx error, check exception error", "' + str(e) + '")') self.dbCon.commit() print(timestampStr + " - Error: on outgoing transaction for transaction from " + tx['sender'] + " - check errors table.")
from enum import Enum class ComputeRequirementStatus(Enum): """ Describes the status of a compute requirement. The status of a compute requirement provides an aggregated view of the statuses of compute machine instances provisioned for that requirement. """ NEW = "NEW" """The compute requirement has been created and submitted to YellowDog Compute.""" PENDING = "PENDING" """ YellowDog Compute is in the process of provisioning compute machine instances to meet the requirement. The requirement will remain in PENDING state until all newly provisioned instances have transitioned to RUNNING or TERMINATED (in the case where a provider cancels provision). """ STARTING = "STARTING" """ The computer machine instances provisioned for the requirement are being re-started after having been stopped. Some instances may already have started, however the requirement is still considered to be STARTING until all instances have started. """ RUNNING = "RUNNING" """ The computer machine instances provisioned for the requirement are running. Individual instances may be independently transitioned to other states but the requirement is still considered to be running. """ STOPPING = "STOPPING" """ The computer machine instances provisioned for the requirement are being stopped. Some instances may already have stopped, however the requirement is still considered to be STOPPING until all instances have stopped. """ STOPPED = "STOPPED" """The computer machine instances provisioned for the requirement have stopped.""" TERMINATING = "TERMINATING" """ The computer machine instances provisioned for the requirement are being terminated. Some instances may already be terminated, however the requirement is still considered to be TERMINATING until all instances have terminated. """ TERMINATED = "TERMINATED" """ The computer machine instances provisioned for the requirement have been terminated. At this point the compute requirement may no longer be changed and is considered to be in a final state. """ def __str__(self) -> str: return
from helper import greeting greeting("What's Up", "Jake")
<gh_stars>0 import logging import unittest from bitfinex_algo.cli import load_config, validate_config from bitfinex_algo import cli as c logger = logging.getLogger('bitfinex') class ConfigTests(unittest.TestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): logging.disable(logging.CRITICAL) @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): logging.disable(logging.NOTSET) def test_load_config(self): self.assertIsNone(load_config('tests/config/invalid_config_1.yaml')) self.assertDictEqual( validate_config(load_config('tests/config/valid_config_5.yaml')), { c.LEVELS: [{ c.BUY_PRICE: 95, c.SELL_PRICE: 100, c.ORDER_SIZE: 100, c.ORDER_COUNT: 2 }, { c.BUY_PRICE: 100, c.SELL_PRICE: 105, c.ORDER_SIZE: 100, c.ORDER_COUNT: 1 }], c.UPDATE_FREQUENCY: 3, } ) def test_validate_config(self): for i in range(2, 5): with self.subTest(i=i): config = load_config(f'tests/config/invalid_config_{i}.yaml') self.assertIsNone(validate_config(config))
# Applied Database # Final Project # Section 4.4 - Python program answers # Author : Somu #mySQL modules import import mysql.connector from mysql.connector import Error from mysql.connector import errorcode import pandas as pd #Mongo modules import import pymongo from pymongo import MongoClient #Pandas printing module from tabulate import tabulate # This function will display a Menu as requested in the project specification def menu(): print("--------") print("World DB") print("--------") print("Menu") print("====") print("1 - View 15 Cities") print("2 - View Cities by population") print("3 - Add New City") print("4 - Find Car by Engine Size") print("5 - Add New Car") print("6 - View Countries by name") print("7 - View Countries by population") print("x - Exit application") myclient = None global dfp, df dfp ="" df = pd.DataFrame() def Mongoconnect(csize,choice,id,reg,size): try: global myclient myclient =pymongo.MongoClient(host = "localhost",port=27017) myclient.admin.command('ismaster') mydb = myclient['docs'] docs = mydb["docs"] if choice == "4": query = {"car.engineSize":float(csize)} car = docs.find(query) for p in car: print ('{0} | {1} | {2} '.format(p["_id"],p["car"],p["addresses"])) if choice == "5": query={"_id":int(id), "car": { "reg":reg,"engineSize":float(size)}} x = docs.insert_one(query) query = {"_id":int(id)} car = docs.find(query) for p in car: print (p) except : print ("******Error Occurred while executing Mongo commands******") def globalSet (): global dfp dfp = "2" def DBconnection(query,choice,code,param1): try: connection = mysql.connector.connect(host='localhost',database='world', user='root', password='<PASSWORD>') cursor = connection.cursor(prepared=True) global dfp,df if (choice == "6" or choice == "7") and dfp != "2" : df = pd.read_sql_query(query, connection) globalSet() if choice == "1" : cursor.execute(query) names = list(map(lambda x: x[0], cursor.description)) print("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------") print("{:5} | {:^20} | {:^12} | {:^20} | {:10}".format(names[0],names[1],names[2],names[3],names[4])) print("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------") for (id,name, countrycode, district,population, latitue,longitude) in cursor: print("{:5} | {:^20} | {:^12} | {:^20} | {:d}".format(id,name, countrycode, district,population)) elif choice == "2" : cursor.execute(query) names = list(map(lambda x: x[0], cursor.description)) print("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------") print("{:5} | {:^20} | {:^12} | {:^20} | {:10}".format(names[0],names[1],names[2],names[3],names[4])) print("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------") for (id,name, countrycode, district,population, latitue,longitude) in cursor: print("{:5} | {:^20} | {:^12} | {:^20} | {:d}".format(id,name, countrycode, district,population)) elif choice == "3": cursor.execute(query) connection.commit print("**** RESULT ***** The new city record is inserted into the table") elif choice == "6" : df1 = df[df["Name"].str.contains(code)].loc[:,["Name","Continent","population","HeadofState"]] #print tabulate(df1.to_string(index=False)) print(tabulate(df1, headers="keys",tablefmt="orgtbl")) elif choice == "7": if param1 == ">": df1 = df[(df["population"] > int(code)) ].loc[:,["Name","Continent","population","HeadofState"]] elif param1 == "<": df1 = df[(df["population"] < int(code)) ].loc[:,["Name","Continent","population","HeadofState"]] elif param1 == "=": df1 = df[(df["population"] == int(code)) ].loc[:,["Name","Continent","population","HeadofState"]] print(tabulate(df1, headers="keys",tablefmt="orgtbl")) except mysql.connector.Error as error : if error.errno == errorcode.ER_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR: print("Something is wrong with your user name or password") elif error.errno == errorcode.ER_BAD_DB_ERROR: print("Database does not exist") elif error.errno == 1452: print("----------------------------------------------------") print("***ERROR***: Country Code "+ code + " does not exist") print("----------------------------------------------------") else: print("Failed to connect to the database: {}".format(error)) connection.rollback() finally: #closing database connection. if(connection.is_connected()): connection.close() def displaymenu(): print("This is not a valid choice. You can only choose from the above options") input("\nPress enter to continue...") def main(): while True: menu() choice = input("Choice : --> ") Code,param1 = "","" if choice == "x": print("Bye - Program Terminate now and welcome back anytime!") return elif choice == "1": query= "select * from city limit 15" DBconnection (query, choice,Code,param1) elif choice == "2": print("Cities by Population") print("--------------------") while True: Comparison = input("Enter <, > or = :") if Comparison == "<" or Comparison == ">" or Comparison == "=": query = "select * from city where population" + Comparison break else: displaymenu() while True: Value= input("Enter Population :") if Value.isdigit() == True: query = query + str(Value) break else: displaymenu() DBconnection (query, choice,Code,param1) elif choice == "3": print("Add New City") print("------------") City= input("Enter City Name :") Code= input("Country Code :") district= input("District :") pop= input("Population :") query = "Insert INTO city (name, countrycode,district,population) VALUES ('" + City + "','" + Code + "','" + district + "',"+ str(pop)+")" DBconnection (query, choice, Code,param1) elif choice == "6": print("Countries by Name") print("-----------------") Ctyname = input("Enter Country Name :") query = "select code, Name, Continent,population,HeadofState from country" Code=Ctyname DBconnection (query, choice, Code,param1) elif choice == "7": print("Countries by Population") print("-----------------------") query = "select code, Name, Continent,population,HeadofState from country" while True: Comparison = input("Enter <, > or = :") if Comparison == "<" or Comparison == ">" or Comparison == "=": param1=Comparison break else: displaymenu() while True: Value= input("Enter Population :") if Value.isdigit() == True: Code = Value break else: displaymenu() DBconnection (query, choice, Code,param1) elif choice == "4": print("show cars by engine size") print("------------------------") while True: csize = input("Enter Car Engine Size :") if csize.isdigit() == True: csize = csize break else: displaymenu() Mongoconnect(csize,choice,"","","") elif choice == "5": print("Add New Car") print("-----------") id= input("_ids:") reg= input("Enter reg :") size= input("Enter Size :") Mongoconnect("",choice,id,reg,size) else: print("That is not a valid choice. You can only choose from the menu.") input("\nPress enter to continue...") if __name__ == "__main__": main()
#! /usr/bin/python # keep record of grades. Made by <NAME>. 0.1-PUBLIC # NOTE! All letter answers are to be written in quotes (including dates)! print """############################################ # Welcome to Gradebook! v 0.1 # # YOUR LIGHT WEIGHT SCHOOL RECORD MANAGER! # ############################################""" subject = raw_input("What is your assignment's subject? ") # ^^This asks your class subject; assigns it to 'subject'; and is used later. date = input('What is the date for your assignment? ') # ^^This is pretty much the same: but asks the date. amount = input('What is the number of questions? (NOTE: make all #s from now decimals. e.g.: "5.0" ') # ^^^This is also the same, but make the number a DECIMAL! correct = input('How many questions did you get correct? ') # ^^^The same... make all DECIMALS! calc = divmod(correct, amount) # This is a nice homework trick. Divides correct by amount, assigns to 'calc' calcx = (correct / amount) # divides correct by amount; assigns to 'calcx' text = "***%s*** \n %s | %d out of %d | %s or %s \n" % (date, subject, correct, amount, calc, calcx) # creates what will be in your file. assigns to 'text' print text # prints what it will put in your file (or append). fle = raw_input('What should I name the file to put the above data into? ') # prompts for a filename A = input('Do you want this to be appended to an existing file? ') # decides to either append,or to create new file. assigns answer to 'A' print 'Thanks! appending to file... ' if A is 'yes': #if you answered yes: fyl = open(fle, 'a') # the phrase 'fyl' is used to combine open('fle, 'a') with future commands fyl.write(text) # the command assigned to 'fyl' writes your data to the filename you said. fyl.close() # closes the file; job is done. elif A is 'no': # if you said no, this will happen: fyl = open(fle, 'w') # same as before, but saves the file (see the 'w' instead of 'a'?) fyl.write(text) # same fyl.close() # same else: # and if nothing was valid... print 'Error! Invalid transaction! ' # ...error message! print 'Done!' # says it is done raw_input("Press <RETURN> to quit.") # makes you type <enter> to quit.
<gh_stars>1-10 import sys from collections import Counter f = open(sys.argv[1], "r") groups = sys.argv[2:] one_to_one = [] ortho_plus_paralog = [] one_to_one_notallspecies = [] ortho_plus_paralog_notallspecies = [] group_single = {} group_paralog = {} for group in groups: group_single[group] = [] group_paralog[group] = [] for line in f: is_one_to_one = True is_ortho_plus_paralog = True for group in groups: if group not in line: is_one_to_one = False is_ortho_plus_paralog = False break if line.count(group) > 1: is_one_to_one = False if is_one_to_one: one_to_one.append(line) elif is_ortho_plus_paralog: ortho_plus_paralog.append(line) else: valid_group = True cur_group = None group_count = 0 for group in groups: line_count = line.count(group) if line_count == 0: continue if cur_group is not None: valid_group = False break cur_group = group group_count = line_count if valid_group and cur_group is not None: if line.count(cur_group) == 1: group_single[cur_group].append(line) else: group_paralog[cur_group].append(line) else: other_one_to_one = True for group in groups: if line.count(group) > 1: other_one_to_one = False break if other_one_to_one: one_to_one_notallspecies.append(line) else: ortho_plus_paralog_notallspecies.append(line) one_to_one_out = open("one_to_one.txt", "w") ortho_plus_paralog_out = open("ortho_plus_paralog.txt", "w") one_to_one_notallspecies_out = open("one_to_one_notallspecies.txt", "w") ortho_plus_paralog_notallspecies_out = open("ortho_plus_paralog_notallspecies.txt", "w") single_copy_out = open("single_copy.txt", "w") paralog_out = open("paralogs.txt", "w") for line in one_to_one: one_to_one_out.write(line) for line in one_to_one_notallspecies: one_to_one_notallspecies_out.write(line) for line in ortho_plus_paralog: ortho_plus_paralog_out.write(line) for line in ortho_plus_paralog_notallspecies: ortho_plus_paralog_notallspecies_out.write(line) for key in group_single: single_copy_out.write("\n{} single copy\n\n".format(key)) for line in group_single[key]: single_copy_out.write(line) for key in group_paralog: paralog_out.write("\n{} paralog\n\n".format(key)) for line in group_paralog[key]: paralog_out.write(line) paralog_out.close() single_copy_out.close() one_to_one_out.close() one_to_one_notallspecies_out.close() ortho_plus_paralog_out.close() ortho_plus_paralog_notallspecies_out.close() # # for key in group_paralog: # print("\n{} paralog\n".format(key)) # for line in group_paralog[key]: # print(line.rstrip()) # print("One to One\n\n") # for line in one_to_one: # print(line) # for line in ortho_plus_paralog: # print(line) # print("One to One\n\n") # for line in one_to_one_notallspecies: # print(line) # for line in ortho_plus_paralog_notallspecies: # print(line) # print(Counter(map(lambda w: "/".join([group for group in groups if group in w]), # f)))
<gh_stars>0 from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals from django.conf.urls import url, include from . import views, api_urls urlpatterns = [ url(r'^api/', include(api_urls, namespace='api')) ]
# Generated by Django 3.0.4 on 2020-04-01 13:24 from django.db import migrations class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('reading', '0007_auto_20200331_2133'), ] operations = [ migrations.RenameModel( old_name='ReadingListMetadata', new_name='ReadingMetadata', ), ]
"""This module provides the main functionality of cfbackup """ from __future__ import print_function import sys import argparse import json import CloudFlare # class CF_DNS_Records(object): """ commands for zones manipulation """ def __init__(self, ctx): self._ctx = ctx def run(self): """ run - entry point for DNS records manipulations """ cmd = self._ctx.command if cmd == "show": else: sys.exit("Command " + cmd + " not implemened for zones") def show(self): """Show CF zones""" # print("Show DSN records") try: records = self._all_records() except CloudFlare.exceptions.CloudFlareAPIError as e: exit('/zones %d %s - api call failed' % (e, e)) if not self._ctx.pretty: print(json.dumps(records, indent=4)) return records_by_type = {} types = {} for rec in records: if not records_by_type.get(rec["type"]): types[rec["type"]] = 0 records_by_type[rec["type"]] = [] types[rec["type"]] += 1 records_by_type[rec["type"]].append(rec) for t in sorted(list(types)): for rec in records_by_type[t]: # print(json.dumps(rec, indent=4)) print("Type: {}".format(rec["type"])) print("Name: {}".format(rec["name"])) print("Content: {}".format(rec["content"])) print("TTL: {}{}".format( rec["ttl"], " (auto)" if str(rec["ttl"]) == "1" else "", )) print("Proxied: {}".format(rec["proxied"])) print("Auto: {}".format(rec["meta"]["auto_added"])) print("") print("") print("-------------------") print("Records stat:") print("-------------------") print("{0: <11} {1: >4}".format("<type>", "<count>")) for t in sorted(list(types)): print("{0: <11} {1: >4}".format(t, types[t])) print("-------------------") print("{0: <11} {1: >4}".format("Total:", len(records))) def _all_records(self): cf = CloudFlare.CloudFlare() zones = cf.zones.get(params={'name': self._ctx.zone_name, 'per_page': 1}) if len(zones) == 0: exit('No zones found') zone_id = zones[0]['id'] cf_raw = CloudFlare.CloudFlare(raw=True) page = 1 records = [] while True: raw_results = cf_raw.zones.dns_records.get( zone_id, params={'per_page':100, 'page':page}, ) total_pages = raw_results['result_info']['total_pages'] result = raw_results['result'] for rec in result: records.append(rec) if page == total_pages: break page += 1 return records # class CF_Zones(object): """ commands for zones manipulation """ def __init__(self, ctx): self._ctx = ctx def run(self): """ run - entry point for zones manipulations """ cmd = self._ctx.command if cmd == "show": else: sys.exit("Command " + cmd + " not implemened for zones") def show(self): """Show CF zones""" # print("Show cf zones") try: zones = self._all_zones() except CloudFlare.exceptions.CloudFlareAPIError as e: exit('/zones %d %s - api call failed' % (e, e)) if not self._ctx.pretty: print(json.dumps(zones, indent=4)) return for z in zones: print("Zone: {0: <16} NS: {1}".format( z["name"], z["name_servers"][0], )) for ns in z["name_servers"][1:]: print(" {0: <16} {1}".format("", ns)) def _all_zones(self): cf = CloudFlare.CloudFlare(raw=True) if self._ctx.zone_name: raw_results = cf.zones.get(params={ 'name': self._ctx.zone_name, 'per_page': 1, 'page': 1, }) return raw_results['result'] page = 1 domains = [] while True: raw_results = cf.zones.get(params={'per_page':5, 'page':page}) total_pages = raw_results['result_info']['total_pages'] zones = raw_results['result'] for z in zones: domains.append(z) if page == total_pages: break page += 1 return domains COMMANDS = [ "show", # "restore" ] OBJECT_ENTRYPOINT = { "zones": CF_Zones, "dns": CF_DNS_Records, } def main(): """Main entry""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog="cfbackup", description='Simple Cloudflare backup tool.', ) parser.add_argument( "command", choices=[x for x in COMMANDS], help="command", ) subparsers = parser.add_subparsers( help='Object of command', dest="object" ) parser_zones = subparsers.add_parser("zones") parser_zones.add_argument( "--pretty", action='store_true', help="show user friendly output", ) parser_zones.add_argument( "-z", "--zone-name", help="optional zone name", ) parser_dns = subparsers.add_parser("dns") parser_dns.add_argument( "-z", "--zone-name", required=True, help="required zone name", ) parser_dns.add_argument( "--pretty", action='store_true', help="show user friendly output", ) args = parser.parse_args() OBJECT_ENTRYPOINT[args.object](args).run()
<gh_stars>0 # Original script: import re import time import selenium.common.exceptions from selenium import webdriver from import Options as chromeOptions import sys from datetime import datetime import hashlib import uuid import os import csv # performance elements to extract measurement_elements = ('protocol', 'server', 'domain', 'timestamp', 'connectEnd', 'connectStart', 'domComplete', 'domContentLoadedEventEnd', 'domContentLoadedEventStart', 'domInteractive', 'domainLookupEnd', 'domainLookupStart', 'duration', 'encodedBodySize', 'decodedBodySize', 'transferSize', 'fetchStart', 'loadEventEnd', 'loadEventStart', 'requestStart', 'responseEnd', 'responseStart', 'secureConnectionStart', 'startTime', 'firstPaint', 'firstContentfulPaint', 'nextHopProtocol', 'cacheWarming', 'error') file_elements = ('pep', 'run') # retrieve input params try: protocol = sys.argv[1] server = sys.argv[2] chrome_path = sys.argv[3] output_dir = sys.argv[4] file_elements_values = sys.argv[5].split(';') except IndexError: print("Input params incomplete (protocol, server, chrome_driver, output_dir)") sys.exit(1) if len(file_elements) != len(file_elements_values): print("Number of file elements does not match") sys.exit(1) # Chrome options chrome_options = chromeOptions() chrome_options.add_argument('--no-sandbox') chrome_options.add_argument('--headless') chrome_options.add_argument('--disable-dev-shm-usage') if protocol == 'quic': chrome_options.add_argument('--enable-quic') chrome_options.add_argument('') chrome_options.add_argument('--allow_unknown_root_cer') chrome_options.add_argument('--disable_certificate_verification') chrome_options.add_argument('--ignore-urlfetcher-cert-requests') chrome_options.add_argument(f"--host-resolver-rules=MAP {server}") chrome_options.add_argument('--verbose') chrome_options.add_argument('--disable-http-cache') # Function to create: openssl x509 -pubkey < "pubkey.pem" | openssl pkey -pubin -outform der | openssl dgst -sha256 -binary | base64 > "fingerprints.txt" chrome_options.add_argument('--ignore-certificate-errors-spki-list=D29LAH0IMcLx/d7R2JAH5bw/YKYK9uNRYc6W0/GJlS8=') def create_driver(): return webdriver.Chrome(options=chrome_options, executable_path=chrome_path) def get_page_performance_metrics(driver, page): script = """ // Get performance and paint entries var perfEntries = performance.getEntriesByType("navigation"); var paintEntries = performance.getEntriesByType("paint"); var entry = perfEntries[0]; var fpEntry = paintEntries[0]; var fcpEntry = paintEntries[1]; // Get the JSON and first paint + first contentful paint var resultJson = entry.toJSON(); resultJson.firstPaint = 0; resultJson.firstContentfulPaint = 0; try { for (var i=0; i<paintEntries.length; i++) { var pJson = paintEntries[i].toJSON(); if ( == 'first-paint') { resultJson.firstPaint = pJson.startTime; } else if ( == 'first-contentful-paint') { resultJson.firstContentfulPaint = pJson.startTime; } } } catch(e) {} return resultJson; """ try: driver.set_page_load_timeout(60) if protocol == 'quic': driver.get(f'https://{page}') else: driver.get(f'http://{page}') return driver.execute_script(script) except selenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException as e: return {'error': str(e)} def perform_page_load(page, cache_warming=0): driver = create_driver() timestamp = performance_metrics = get_page_performance_metrics(driver, page) # insert page into database if 'error' not in performance_metrics: # Print page source # print(driver.page_source) driver.save_screenshot(f'{output_dir}/screenshot.png') insert_performance(page, performance_metrics, timestamp, cache_warming=cache_warming) else: insert_performance(page, {k: 0 for k in measurement_elements}, timestamp, cache_warming=cache_warming, error=performance_metrics['error']) driver.quit() def create_measurements_table(): new = False global local_csvfile file_path = f'{output_dir}/http.csv' if file_elements_values[0] == 'false' else f'{output_dir}/http_pep.csv' if os.path.isfile(file_path): local_csvfile = open(file_path, mode='a') else: local_csvfile = open(file_path, mode='w') new = True global csvfile csvfile = csv.writer(local_csvfile, delimiter=';') if new == True: headers = file_elements + measurement_elements csvfile.writerow(headers) def insert_performance(page, performance, timestamp, cache_warming=0, error=''): performance['protocol'] = protocol performance['server'] = server performance['domain'] = page performance['timestamp'] = timestamp performance['cacheWarming'] = cache_warming performance['error'] = error values = file_elements_values.copy() for m_e in measurement_elements: values.append(performance[m_e]) csvfile.writerow(values) create_measurements_table() # performance measurement perform_page_load("") local_csvfile.close()
<reponame>GIScience/ohsome-qgis-plugin # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ /*************************************************************************** ohsomeTools A QGIS plugin QGIS client to query the ohsome API ------------------- begin : 2021-05-01 git sha : $Format:%H$ copyright : (C) 2021 by <NAME> email : <EMAIL> ***************************************************************************/ This plugin provides access to the ohsome API (, developed and maintained by the Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology, HeiGIT gGmbH, Heidelberg, Germany. /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ """ from qgis.core import QgsApplication from .gui import OhsomeToolsDialog from .proc import provider class OhsomeTools: """QGIS Plugin Implementation.""" # noinspection PyTypeChecker,PyArgumentList,PyCallByClass def __init__(self, iface): """Constructor. :param iface: An interface instance that will be passed to this class which provides the hook by which you can manipulate the QGIS application at run time. :type iface: QgsInterface """ self.dialog = OhsomeToolsDialog.OhsomeToolsDialogMain(iface) self.provider = provider.OhsomeToolsProvider() def initGui(self): """Create the menu entries and toolbar icons inside the QGIS GUI.""" QgsApplication.processingRegistry().addProvider(self.provider) self.dialog.initGui() def unload(self): """remove menu entry and toolbar icons""" QgsApplication.processingRegistry().removeProvider(self.provider) self.dialog.unload()
<filename>dashmat/custom/reviews/ from dashmat.core_modules.base import Module class Reviews(Module): @classmethod def dependencies(kls): yield "dashmat.core_modules.components.main:Components"
<filename>scripts/ #!/usr/bin/env python from learn_to_manipulate.simulate import Simulation import rospy if __name__ == "__main__" : rospy.init_node('learn_to_manipulate') sim = Simulation.load_simulation('/home/marcrigter/2019-08-08-11-49_learnt1_key_teleop0.pkl') case_number = 10 sim.run_new_episode(case_number, controller_type = 'learnt')
#!/usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 """ @author: zhanghe @software: PyCharm @file: @time: 2018-08-23 15:55 """ from __future__ import unicode_literals structure_key_item = 'enum_item' structure_key_items = 'enum_items' structure_key_item_cn = '枚举类型' structure_key_items_cn = '枚举类型'
<filename> print("Hello, AWESOME-O!")
<reponame>technocake/goto # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Text used by GOTO to do UX. """ from .text import GotoError, GotoWarning, print_text
<gh_stars>10-100 """covid_api.core"""
import os from setuptools import setup VERSION = "1.0.4" NAMESPACE = "newstore" NAME = "{}.json_encoder".format(NAMESPACE) def local_text_file(file_name): path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), file_name) with open(path, "rt") as fp: file_data = return file_data setup( name=NAME, version=VERSION, description="JSONEncoder", long_description=local_text_file(""), long_description_content_type="text/markdown", author="NewStore Inc.", author_email="<EMAIL>", url="", zip_safe=True, packages=[NAME], namespace_packages=[NAMESPACE], python_requires=">=3.6,<3.9", package_data={NAME: []}, install_requires=["setuptools"], )
from generallibrary import getBaseClassNames, SigInfo, dict_insert, wrapper_transfer def set_parent_hook(self, parent, _draw=True): """ :param generalgui.MethodGrouper self: :param generalgui.MethodGrouper parent: """ if _draw: for part in self.get_children(depth=-1, include_self=True, gen=True): part.draw_create() assert "Contain" in getBaseClassNames(parent) or parent is None class PartBaseClass: def draw_create_hook(self, kwargs): """ Used to decouple properties, called by draw_create which is called by init and set_parent. """ def draw_create_post_hook(self): """ Called after widget is packed. """ def _deco_draw_queue(func): """ Append one order to dict for this func call. Creates a key with id of Part and func's name. If key exists as an old order then it's removed. Returns key unless draw_now is True. """ def _wrapper(*args, **kwargs): sigInfo = SigInfo(func, *args, **kwargs) methodGrouper = sigInfo["self"] orders = methodGrouper.orders key = methodGrouper.get_order_key(func) if sigInfo["draw_now"]: orders.pop(key, None) # This allows us to manually call draw_create(draw_now=True) after instantiating a Page instead of passing draw_now to Page. else: orders[key] = sigInfo return key # Could possibly do something like this to skip queue instead of drawing instantly # if sigInfo["draw_now"]: # dict_insert(orders, **{key: sigInfo}) # else: # orders[key] = sigInfo return wrapper_transfer(func, _wrapper)
<filename>src/os_aio_pod/ from os_aio_pod.cmdline import execute def main(): command_packages = ["os_aio_pod.commands"] execute(command_packages=command_packages)
<filename>MaxiNet/WorkerServer/<gh_stars>1-10 #!/usr/bin/python2 # # This is a sample program to emulate P4 Switches in Distributed environment # using Maxinet. The skeleton application program should be like this # import argparse import atexit import logging import os import signal import subprocess import sys import tempfile import time import Pyro4 import threading import traceback import json import mininet.term from mininet.topo import Topo from mininet.node import OVSSwitch from mininet.node import UserSwitch, OVSSwitch from import Link, TCIntf from import Mininet # from MaxiNet.Frontend import maxinet from import Tools, MaxiNetConfig from MaxiNet.WorkerServer.ssh_manager import SSH_Manager from run_exercise import ExerciseRunner from p4_mininet import P4Switch from shutil import * import pdb # Include Project Directory in PYTHONPATH # This is done to pickup changes done by us in MaxiNet Frontend curr_path = os.getcwd() parent_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '..')) parent_dir = os.path.basename(os.path.abspath(parent_path)) sys.path.insert(1,parent_path) from Frontend import maxinet # create topology myglobalTopo = Topo() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--topo', dest="topo_fname", default="/tmp/in_topo.json", help = "Input Topology file for Experiment") parser.add_argument('--swlog_dir', dest="swlog_dir", default="/tmp", help = "Directory path for Switch Log files ") parser.add_argument('--pcap_dir', dest="pcap_dir", default="/tmp", help = "Directory path for Switch pcap files ") parser.add_argument('--switch_json', dest="switch_json", default="/tmp/routernew.json", help = "P4 Switch Parser JSON") # parser.add_argument('--switch_json', dest="switch_json", default="/home/rbabu/MaxiNet/MaxiNet/WorkerServer/simple_router.json", help = "P4 Switch Parser JSON") parser.add_argument('--switch_exe', dest="switch_exe",default="/home/rbabu/behavioral-model/targets/simple_router/simple_router", help="P4 Switch Executable") parser.add_argument('--mininet_cli', dest="cli_opt", default="False", help = "Invoke at Mininet CLI in the Workers") parser.add_argument('--switch_init', dest="swinit_opt", default="AtStart", help = "Switch Initialization AtStart | ByApp") parser.add_argument('--num_workers', dest="num_workers", default=1, help = "Number of Workers for the Experiment : (Default 1) ") args = parser.parse_args() if args.topo_fname : topo_fname = str(args.topo_fname) print "Input Topo File Name is ...", topo_fname if args.swlog_dir : swlog_dir = str(args.swlog_dir) print "Switch Log Dir ...", swlog_dir if args.pcap_dir : pcap_dir = str(args.pcap_dir) print "Pcap Dir ...", pcap_dir if args.switch_json : switch_json = str(args.switch_json) print "Switch Parser JSON File Name ...", switch_json if args.switch_exe : switch_exe = str(args.switch_exe) print "Switch EXE Name ...", switch_exe if args.cli_opt : cli_opt = str(args.cli_opt) print "Mininet CLI Option ...", cli_opt if args.swinit_opt : swinit_opt = str(args.swinit_opt) print "Switch Init Option ...", swinit_opt if args.num_workers : num_workers = int(args.num_workers) print "Number of Workers ...", num_workers # Now save the Input CLI arguments in experiment.cfg file # Num workers argument is not saved in experiment.cfg file f = open("t1_experiment.cfg", "w") out_line="topo_file_name=/tmp/in_topo.json" # This is going to be hardcoded print >>f, out_line out_line="swlog_dir="+str(swlog_dir) print >>f, out_line out_line="pcap_dir="+str(pcap_dir) print >>f, out_line out_line="p4_switch_json="+str(switch_json) print >>f, out_line out_line="bmv2_exe="+str(switch_exe) print >>f, out_line out_line="Invoke_mininet_cli="+str(cli_opt) print >>f, out_line out_line="p4_switch_initialization="+str(swinit_opt) print >>f, out_line f.close() # Rename the file t1_experiment.cfg -> experiment.cfg os.rename("t1_experiment.cfg", "experiment.cfg") # Now also copy the given input topo file as in_top.json in each of worker copy2(topo_fname,'in_topo.json') print "File sucessfully copied as in_topo.json..." with open('in_topo.json') as data_file: data = json.load(data_file) hnames = data["hosts"] hlen = len(hnames) cnt = 1 for x in range(0,hlen) : tmp = str(hnames[x]) myglobalTopo.addHost(tmp, ip=Tools.makeIP(cnt), mac=Tools.makeMAC(cnt)) cnt = cnt + 1 my_swlist=[] for key, value in dict.items(data["switches"]): my_swlist.append(key) # Add to list of switches in topology cnt = 1 for value1, value2 in dict.items(data["switches"][key]): tmp = str(key) myglobalTopo.addSwitch(tmp, dpid=Tools.makeDPID(cnt)) cnt = cnt + 1 #hnames = data["hosts"] hnames = data["links"] hlen = len(hnames) for x in range(0,hlen) : tmp = str(hnames[x][0]) tmp1 = str(hnames[x][1]) myglobalTopo.addLink(tmp, tmp1) print "Finished Loading Topology..." print "Creating Cluster ..." # start cluster cluster = maxinet.Cluster(minWorkers=1, maxWorkers=num_workers) # start experiment with P4Switch on cluster exp = maxinet.Experiment(cluster, myglobalTopo, switch=P4Switch) # We can copy experiment.cfg, in_topo.json files to the respective workers my_allowed_paths = [] for item in dict.items( data["allowed_paths"] ): my_allowed_paths.append(item) allowed_paths_len = len(my_allowed_paths) my_workers = cluster.workers() for worker in my_workers : "Copying to Worker 1...", worker worker.put_file("experiment.cfg", "/tmp/experiment.cfg") worker.put_file("in_topo.json", "/tmp/in_topo.json") if (allowed_paths_len <= 0): print "No Need to Create switch JSON file..." worker.put_file("simple_router.json", "/tmp/routernew.json") else : print "Create New switch JSON file..." # Assumption is that the input topo is in file named in_topo.json os.system('python') worker.put_file("routernew.json", "/tmp/routernew.json") print "***** Experiment Setup Start *****" exp.setup() print "waiting 10 seconds for routing algorithms on the controller to converge" time.sleep(10) # Try to do a pingall hosts hnames = data["hosts"] hlen = len(hnames) for host in hnames: for nxthost in hnames: if host != nxthost : print "pinging from ..", host ," -> ", nxthost, " to check network connectivity ..." nxt_hnum = int(nxthost[1:]) tmp_hname = str(nxt_hnum) rcmd = "ping -c 1 10.0." + tmp_hname + ".10" print "Rcmd is ..", rcmd print exp.get_node(host).cmd(rcmd) if (swinit_opt == "ByApp") : break print "Program Switch objects as per topology ..." raw_input("[Continue...]") for sw in my_swlist : exp.program_myswitch(sw) for host, my_cmd in data["host_cmnds"] : print "Execute Command on Host ...", host print "Command Monitor on Host ...", my_cmd print exp.get_node(host).cmd(my_cmd) raw_input("[Continue...]") # print exp.get_node("h2").cmd("python --cmd_file=/tmp/h2_cmnds.txt > /tmp/h2_out & ") raw_input("[Continue...]") # exp.get_node("s2").cmd("tc qdisc change dev s2-eth1 root netem delay 200ms") # exp.get_node("s2").cmd("tc qdisc change dev s2-eth2 root netem delay 200ms") # exp.get_node("s2").cmd("tc qdisc add dev mn_tun0 root netem delay 500ms") # exp.get_node("s3").cmd("tc qdisc add dev mn_tun0 root netem delay 500ms") # exp.get_node("s3").cmd("tc qdisc change dev s3-eth1 root netem delay 300ms") # exp.get_node("s3").cmd("tc qdisc change dev s3-eth2 root netem delay 300ms") # exp.get_node("s6").cmd("tc qdisc add dev mn_tun1 root netem delay 600ms") # exp.get_node("s5").cmd("tc qdisc add dev mn_tun1 root netem delay 600ms") raw_input("[Continue...]") print "Switch Class ..." print exp.switch raw_input("[Continue...]") for host in hnames: for nxthost in hnames: if host != nxthost : print "pinging from ..", host ," -> ", nxthost, " to check network connectivity ..." nxt_hnum = int(nxthost[1:]) tmp_hname = str(nxt_hnum) rcmd = "ping -c 1 10.0." + tmp_hname + ".10" print "Rcmd is ..", rcmd print exp.get_node(host).cmd(rcmd) exp.CLI(locals(),globals()) raw_input("[Continue...]") exp.stop() raw_input("[Continue]") # wait for user to acknowledge network connectivity