<reponame>johny-b/blargh ''' CURRENT ASSUMPTIONS: * all tables are in a single schema * tables have the same names as resources ''' from ..base_storage import BaseStorage from blargh.engine import dm from .query import Query from .... import exceptions import psycopg2 def capture_psycopg_error(f): def wrapped(self, *args, **kwargs): def diag_2_msg(diag): # print(diag.message_primary) return diag.message_primary # return "{}\n{}".format(diag.message_primary, diag.message_detail) try: return f(self, *args, **kwargs) except psycopg2.extensions.TransactionRollbackError as e: # Either transaction was not serializable, or some deadlock was detected. # Whatever happened, it makes sense to run this operation again. raise exceptions.TransactionConflictRetriable() except psycopg2.InterfaceError as e: raise exceptions.e500(diag_2_msg(e.diag)) except psycopg2.Error as e: raise exceptions.e400(diag_2_msg(e.diag)) return wrapped class PGStorage(BaseStorage): def __init__(self, conn, schema, query_cls=Query): # This construction is purely to avoid wrapping __init__ self._true_init(conn, schema, query_cls) @capture_psycopg_error def _true_init(self, conn, schema, query_cls): # Modify connection if conn.status is not psycopg2.extensions.STATUS_READY: conn.commit() conn.set_session(isolation_level='SERIALIZABLE', autocommit=False) conn.cursor().execute('''SET CONSTRAINTS ALL DEFERRED''') self._conn = conn self._schema = schema # To initialize query instance we need list of all primary keys. Those are available # in the data model, but it seems a good idea to avoid passing data model directly to storage. # Instead, self._query is built in lazy way, when needed - and that should be after engine # was set up, so the data model is available in dm() function. self._query_cls = query_cls self._query = None def _q(self): if self._query is None: self._query = self._query_cls(self._conn, self._schema, { o.pkey_field().name for o in dm().objects().values()}) return self._query # PUBLIC INTERFACE @capture_psycopg_error def save(self, instance): # If we got here, instance.changed() is True, but all changes could be made # on "virtual" columns (rel fields stored on the other side). In such case, # nothing is saved, because no database columns changed. table_columns = self._q().table_columns( changed_columns = [ for f in instance.changed_fields if in table_columns] if not changed_columns: return # Create representation data = self._write_repr(instance) # Save new value name = self._q().upsert(name, data) def _write_repr(self, instance): ''' Returns INSTANCE representation including all columns that will be written to the database. This means * all values other than None * None values, if they were explicitly set (by INSTANCE.update() -> they are in INSTANCE.changed_fields ''' # 1. Create dictionary with all columns that should be written to the database data = {} for field, val in instance.field_values(): if not field.stored(): continue # If val.stored() is None it should be written only if field changed. # This way we distinguish None fields that were never set before (and might be set to # a different value by database default) from updated fields set to None. if val.stored() is None and field not in instance.changed_fields: continue data[] = val.stored() # 2. Add primary key value (if this is a fresh instance, it is already in data) pkey_name = instance.model.pkey_field().name data[pkey_name] = # 3. Remove keys not matching database columns clean_data = self._remove_virtual_columns(, data) return clean_data @capture_psycopg_error def load(self, name, id_): return self.load_many(name, [id_])[0] @capture_psycopg_error def load_many(self, name, ids): if not ids: return [] # Determine column name pkey_name = dm().object(name).pkey_field().name stored_data = self._select_objects(name, {pkey_name: ids}) if len(stored_data) != len(ids): got_ids = [d[pkey_name] for d in stored_data] missing_ids = [id_ for id_ in ids if id_ not in got_ids] raise exceptions.e404(object_name=name, object_id=missing_ids[0]) full_data = self._add_virtual_columns(name, stored_data) return full_data @capture_psycopg_error def begin(self): # All necesary things were set in __init__(autocommit, deferrable constraints), # so begin does nothing pass @capture_psycopg_error def commit(self): self._conn.commit() @capture_psycopg_error def rollback(self): self._conn.rollback() @capture_psycopg_error def delete(self, name, id_): self._q().delete(name, id_) @capture_psycopg_error def selected_ids(self, this_name, wr, sort, limit): ''' Return IDs from table NAME matching WR. SORT and LIMIT are ignored (storages are allwed to ignore those parameters, they are applied later in Enigne.get). HOW IT SHOULD BE DONE 1. WR is interpreted as WHERE 2. SORT becomes ORDER BY 3. LIMIT becomes LIMIT and everything is processed in a single query. That would be easy if we assumed that all REL fields have information stored in THIS_NAME table but unfortunately REL field could be stored on any table, so instead of WHEREs we might get some JOINS and this becomes more complicated. HOW IT IS CURRENLY DONE 1. WR is split into two parts: * one select for THIS_NAME table with all possible WHEREs * one select for each joined table with REL field stored on the other side 2. Intersection of IDs from all selects is returned 3. SORT and LIMIT are ignored. SORT is ignored because there is no way of implementing it different from both: * HOW IT SHOULD BE DONE above * sorting in Engine.get and LIMIT is ignored because SORTing first is necesary. ''' model = dm().object(this_name) # First, split to parts this_table_wr = {} other_selects = [] for key, val in wr.items(): if key in self._q().table_columns(this_name): this_table_wr[key] = val else: field = model.field(key) other_name = other_field_name = other_pkey_name = dm().object(other_name).pkey_field().name other_selects.append((other_name, other_field_name, {other_pkey_name: val})) # List of sets of ids, to be intersected later sets_of_ids = [] # This table ids this_table_objects = self._select_objects(this_name, this_table_wr) this_pkey_name = model.pkey_field().name sets_of_ids.append(set([x[this_pkey_name] for x in this_table_objects])) # Other tables ids for other_name, other_fk_name, other_table_wr in other_selects: other_table_objects = self._select_objects(other_name, other_table_wr) sets_of_ids.append(set([x[other_fk_name] for x in other_table_objects])) # Final ids return sorted(set.intersection(*sets_of_ids)) @capture_psycopg_error def _select_objects(self, name, wr): ''' WR containst key-val pairs matching columns in table NAME. List of dictionaries from table NAME is returned. ''' return self._q().select(name, wr) @capture_psycopg_error def next_id(self, name): ''' If NAME primary key column has default value, it is returned. This works well with * nextval(sequence) * any simmilar user-defined function If there is no default, an exception is raised. This might change and one day we'll look for the biggest current ID and add 1. NOTE: Any value returned by any generator might be already taken, if client set it in an explicit way (probably via PUT). Generator is called repeatedly, until we find a non-duplicated value. This might take long, if there were many PUT's, but next time, it will probably be fast (if nextval(sequence) is used). Also: * if generator returns twice the same value, exception is raised * maybe this could be done better? Note - we want to handle also other than nextval() defaults, i.e. dependant on now(). ''' pkey_name = dm().object(name).pkey_field().name default_expr = self._q().default_pkey_expr(name, pkey_name) if default_expr is None: raise exceptions.ProgrammingError("Unknown default pkey value for {}".format(name)) old_val = None while True: cursor = self._conn.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT {}".format(default_expr)) val = cursor.fetchone()[0] if self._select_objects(name, {pkey_name: val}): if old_val == val: raise exceptions.ProgrammingError('Pkey value generator returned twice the same value. \ Table: {}, val: {}'.format(name, val)) else: old_val = val else: return val @capture_psycopg_error def data(self): d = {} for name, obj in dm().objects().items(): d[name] = self._q().dump_table(name, obj.pkey_field().name) return d # PRIVATE METHODS def _remove_virtual_columns(self, name, data): ''' DATA contains all "possible" column values. Some of those need to be written to the database, but other are redundat (i.e. if we have relation parent-child, probably child table has something like 'parent_id', but parent table has no 'children' column, so it might not be written) and they need to be removed now. This operation should reverse _add_virtual_columns. ''' clean_data = {} for key, val in data.items(): if key in self._q().table_columns(name): clean_data[key] = val return clean_data def _add_virtual_columns(self, this_name, data): ''' DATA contains only values stored in table NAME. We need to fill relationship fields based on other tables. I.e. if we have parent-child relationship probably child table has 'parent_id', and parent has no 'children' column, so if NAME == 'parent' we need to add 'children' key in data, based on relationship fields. This operation should reverse _remove_virtual_columns. ''' # Determine IDs pkey_name = dm().object(this_name).pkey_field().name ids = [d[pkey_name] for d in data] for field in dm().object(this_name).fields(): name = if field.rel and name not in data[0]: other_name = other_field_name = all_related = self._select_objects(other_name, {other_field_name: ids}) related_pkey_name = dm().object(other_name).pkey_field().name for el in data: this_related = [x for x in all_related if x[other_field_name] == el[pkey_name]] related_ids = [x[related_pkey_name] for x in this_related] if field.multi: el[name] = related_ids else: el[name] = related_ids[0] if related_ids else None return data
"""981. Time Based Key-Value Store Create a timebased key-value store class TimeMap, that supports two operations. 1. set(string key, string value, int timestamp) Stores the key and value, along with the given timestamp. 2. get(string key, int timestamp) Returns a value such that set(key, value, timestamp_prev) was called previously, with timestamp_prev <= timestamp. If there are multiple such values, it returns the one with the largest timestamp_prev. If there are no values, it returns the empty string (""). Example 1: Input: inputs = ["TimeMap","set","get","get","set","get","get"], inputs = [[],["foo","bar",1],["foo",1],["foo",3],["foo","bar2",4],["foo",4],["foo",5]] Output: [null,null,"bar","bar",null,"bar2","bar2"] Explanation: TimeMap kv; kv.set("foo", "bar", 1); // store the key "foo" and value "bar" along with timestamp = 1 kv.get("foo", 1); // output "bar" kv.get("foo", 3); // output "bar" since there is no value corresponding to foo at timestamp 3 and timestamp 2, then the only value is at timestamp 1 ie "bar" kv.set("foo", "bar2", 4); kv.get("foo", 4); // output "bar2" kv.get("foo", 5); //output "bar2" Example 2: Input: inputs = ["TimeMap","set","set","get","get","get","get","get"], inputs = [[],["love","high",10],["love","low",20],["love",5],["love",10],["love",15],["love",20],["love",25]] Output: [null,null,null,"","high","high","low","low"] Note: All key/value strings are lowercase. All key/value strings have length in the range [1, 100] The timestamps for all TimeMap.set operations are strictly increasing. 1 <= timestamp <= 10^7 TimeMap.set and TimeMap.get functions will be called a total of 120000 times (combined) per test case. """ class TimeMap: def __init__(self): """ Initialize your data structure here. """ self.dic = {} def set(self, key: 'str', value: 'str', timestamp: 'int') -> 'None': if key in self.dic: self.dic[key].append({'v': value, 't': timestamp}) else: self.dic[key] = [{'v': value, 't': timestamp}] def get(self, key: 'str', timestamp: 'int') -> 'str': if key in self.dic: for kv in reversed(self.dic[key]): if timestamp >= kv['t']: return kv['v'] return "" else: return "" # Your TimeMap object will be instantiated and called as such: # obj = TimeMap() # obj.set(key,value,timestamp) # param_2 = obj.get(key,timestamp)
import json import os from jinja2 import Template from chronologer.config import config def write_html(): html_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "templates", "index.html") with open(html_file) as fp: html_template = Template( if not config.dry_run: boxplot_spec = json.dumps(_get_boxplot_spec(), indent=2) with open(config.html_output_file, "w") as fp: fp.write(html_template.render(boxplot_spec=boxplot_spec)) def _get_boxplot_spec(): with open(config.combined_benchmark_file) as fp: values = json.load(fp) return { "$schema": "", "data": {"values": values}, "mark": {"type": "boxplot", "extent": "min-max", "size": 5}, "width": 1400, "height": 500, "encoding": { "y": {"field": "time", "type": "quantitative", "axis": {"title": "Time"}}, "x": { "field": "commit", "type": "ordinal", "axis": {"title": "Commit", "labels": False, "ticks": False}, }, "tooltip": {"field": "message", "type": "ordinal", "aggregate": "min"}, }, }
from core import * import core def Initialize(): """ find libcom-api and initialize """ import os import sys dirname = os.path.dirname(__file__) ext = '.so' if sys.platform == 'darwin': ext = '.dylib' elif sys.platform.startswith("win"): ext = '.dll' AX_AAF_COMAPI = os.path.join(dirname,'libcom-api' + ext) os.environ['AX_AAF_COMAPI'] = os.environ.get('AX_AAF_COMAPI', AX_AAF_COMAPI) return core.AxInit() _AxInit = Initialize() from util import __AxWrap __AxWrap(globals()) from open import open from util import Ax
import yaml import os fileNamePath = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(__file__))[0] dir = os.path.join(fileNamePath,'../conf') def get(file_name,*keys,file_path=dir): yamlPath = os.path.join(file_path, file_name) file = open(yamlPath, 'r', encoding='utf-8') config = yaml.load(file) for key in keys: config = config[key] return config if __name__ == '__main__': # wait_time = yaml_utils.get("constant.yaml", "wait_elements_time") # driver = get("host","url_regerister") # driver2 = get_url("constant.yaml","host") driver2 = get("constant.yaml","test1","test2","test33") print(driver2) # a = (1,2) # print(type(a))
<reponame>jamesholland-uk/checkov from checkov.common.models.enums import CheckCategories, CheckResult from checkov.terraform.checks.resource.base_resource_check import BaseResourceCheck class IAMPasswordLength(BaseResourceCheck): def __init__(self): name = "OCI IAM password policy for local (non-federated) users has a minimum length of 14 characters" id = "CKV_OCI_18" supported_resources = ['oci_identity_authentication_policy'] categories = [CheckCategories.IAM] super().__init__(name=name, id=id, categories=categories, supported_resources=supported_resources) def scan_resource_conf(self, conf): if 'password_policy' in conf.keys(): self.evaluated_keys = ["password_policy"] rules = conf.get("password_policy")[0] if 'minimum_password_length' in rules: passwordlength = rules.get("minimum_password_length") if isinstance(passwordlength[0], int) and passwordlength[0] < 14: self.evaluated_keys = ["password_policy/minimum_password_length"] return CheckResult.FAILED return CheckResult.PASSED return CheckResult.FAILED return CheckResult.FAILED check = IAMPasswordLength()
<reponame>ilyavinn/geppetto """ The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) <NAME>, Inc. 2015. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """ import os import sys import argparse import textwrap import traceback from common.common import report, capture_exception_and_abort from common.geppetto import Geppetto def parse_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-t', '--test_file', required=True, help="Test file.") parser.add_argument('-c', '--config', required=True, help="Configuration file.") parser.add_argument('-e', '--email', help="Email to send results to.") return parser.parse_args() def do_welcome(): title = """ _____ _ _ / ____| | | | | | | __ ___ _ __ _ __ ___| |_| |_ ____ | | |_ |/ _ \ '_ \| '_ \ / _ \ __| __/ _ | | |__| | __/ |_) | |_) | __/ |_| || (_) | \_____|\___| .__/| .__/ \___|\__|\__\___/ | | | | |_| |_| The Cloud Maestro """ license = """THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.""" license = '%s\n%s\n%s' % ('*' * 70, textwrap.fill(license, 70), '*' * 70,) usage = """ """ print(title) print(license) print(usage) def main(): args = parse_args() # Import the test file. try: test_file_name = args.test_file test_file = test_file_name[:-3].replace('/', '.') mod = __import__(test_file, fromlist=['TestRun']) TestRun = getattr(mod, 'TestRun') except: report('Unable to load TestRun() from file: %s' % args.test_file, 'critical', no_date=True) print(traceback.print_exc()) sys.exit(1) # Import the config file. try: config_file_name = args.config config_file = config_file_name[:-3].replace('/', '.') mod = __import__(config_file, fromlist=['CONFIG_DICT']) config_dict = getattr(mod, 'CONFIG_DICT') except: report("Unable to import the config file: %s" % args.config, 'critical', no_date=True) print(traceback.print_exc()) sys.exit(1) do_welcome() class GeppettoExecutableTest(TestRun): def __init__(self): Geppetto.__init__(self) TestRun.set_init_params(self, config_dict, args, test_file_name, config_file_name) @capture_exception_and_abort def run(self): g = GeppettoExecutableTest() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
__copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2019 <NAME>" __license__ = """ Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """ import numpy as np import pystella as ps import pytest from import ( # noqa pytest_generate_tests_for_pyopencl as pytest_generate_tests) @pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", [np.float64]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("Stepper", [ps.RungeKutta4, ps.LowStorageRK54]) def test_expansion(ctx_factory, proc_shape, dtype, Stepper, timing=False): if proc_shape != (1, 1, 1): pytest.skip("test expansion only on one rank") def sol(w, t): x = (1 + 3*w) return (x*(t/np.sqrt(3) + 2/x))**(2/x)/2**(2/x) from pystella.step import LowStorageRKStepper is_low_storage = LowStorageRKStepper in Stepper.__bases__ for w in [0, 1/3, 1/2, 1, -1/4]: def energy(a): return a**(-3-3*w) def pressure(a): return w * energy(a) t = 0 dt = .005 expand = ps.Expansion(energy(1.), Stepper, mpl=np.sqrt(8.*np.pi)) while t <= 10. - dt: for s in range(expand.stepper.num_stages): slc = (0) if is_low_storage else (0 if s == 0 else 1) expand.step(s, energy(expand.a[slc]), pressure(expand.a[slc]), dt) t += dt slc = () if is_low_storage else (0) order = expand.stepper.expected_order rtol = dt**order print(order, w, expand.a[slc]/sol(w, t) - 1, expand.constraint(energy(expand.a[slc]))) assert np.allclose(expand.a[slc], sol(w, t), rtol=rtol, atol=0), \ f"FLRW solution inaccurate for {w=}" assert expand.constraint(energy(expand.a[slc])) < rtol, \ f"FLRW solution disobeying constraint for {w=}" if __name__ == "__main__": from common import parser args = parser.parse_args() from pystella.step import all_steppers for stepper in all_steppers[-5:]: test_expansion( None, proc_shape=args.proc_shape, dtype=args.dtype, timing=args.timing, Stepper=stepper, )
import pytest from mergify_engine import subscription def test_init(): subscription.Subscription( 123, True, "friend", {}, frozenset({subscription.Features.PRIVATE_REPOSITORY}) ) def test_dict(): owner_id = 1234 sub = subscription.Subscription( owner_id, True, "friend", {}, frozenset({subscription.Features.PRIVATE_REPOSITORY}), ) assert sub.from_dict(owner_id, sub.to_dict()) == sub @pytest.mark.parametrize( "features", ( {}, {subscription.Features.PRIVATE_REPOSITORY}, { subscription.Features.PRIVATE_REPOSITORY, subscription.Features.PRIORITY_QUEUES, }, ), ) @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_save_sub(features): owner_id = 1234 sub = subscription.Subscription(owner_id, True, "friend", {}, frozenset(features)) await sub.save_subscription_to_cache() rsub = await subscription.Subscription._retrieve_subscription_from_cache(owner_id) assert rsub == sub @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_unknown_sub(): sub = await subscription.Subscription._retrieve_subscription_from_cache(98732189) assert sub is None def test_from_dict_unknown_features(): assert subscription.Subscription.from_dict( 123, { "subscription_active": True, "subscription_reason": "friend", "tokens": {}, "features": ["unknown feature"], }, ) == subscription.Subscription( 123, True, "friend", {}, frozenset(), ) def test_active_feature(): sub = subscription.Subscription( 123, True, "friend", {}, frozenset(), ) assert sub.has_feature(subscription.Features.PRIORITY_QUEUES) is False sub = subscription.Subscription( 123, False, "friend", {}, frozenset([subscription.Features.PRIORITY_QUEUES]), ) assert sub.has_feature(subscription.Features.PRIORITY_QUEUES) is False sub = subscription.Subscription( 123, True, "friend", {}, frozenset([subscription.Features.PRIORITY_QUEUES]), ) assert sub.has_feature(subscription.Features.PRIORITY_QUEUES) is True
from airflow.plugins_manager import AirflowPlugin from hubmap_api.manager import aav1 as hubmap_api_admin_v1 from hubmap_api.manager import aav2 as hubmap_api_admin_v2 from hubmap_api.manager import aav3 as hubmap_api_admin_v3 from hubmap_api.manager import aav4 as hubmap_api_admin_v4 from hubmap_api.manager import aav5 as hubmap_api_admin_v5 from hubmap_api.manager import aav6 as hubmap_api_admin_v6 from hubmap_api.manager import blueprint as hubmap_api_blueprint class AirflowHuBMAPPlugin(AirflowPlugin): name = "hubmap_api" operators = [] sensors = [] hooks = [] executors = [] macros = [] admin_views = [hubmap_api_admin_v1, hubmap_api_admin_v2, hubmap_api_admin_v3, hubmap_api_admin_v4, hubmap_api_admin_v5, hubmap_api_admin_v6] flask_blueprints = [hubmap_api_blueprint] menu_links = [] appbuilder_views = [] appbuilder_menu_items = [] global_operator_extra_links = []
''' Setup file for Operator and Hamiltonain Generators. ''' def configuration(parent_package='',top_path=None): from numpy.distutils.misc_util import Configuration config=Configuration('hgen',parent_package,top_path) return config if __name__ == '__main__': from numpy.distutils.core import setup setup(configuration=configuration)
# Generated by Django 3.2.9 on 2022-01-10 08:19 import cloudinary.models from django.db import migrations class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('hoodapp', '0013_auto_20220110_1102'), ] operations = [ migrations.AlterModelOptions( name='post', options={'ordering': ['-pk']}, ), migrations.RemoveField( model_name='post', name='image', ), migrations.AddField( model_name='business', name='image', field=cloudinary.models.CloudinaryField(blank=True, max_length=255, null=True, verbose_name='image'), ), ]
<reponame>aiuto/google-apis-client-generator #!/usr/bin/python2.7 """Foundary for getting a package writer.""" from googleapis.codegen.filesys import filesystem_library_package from googleapis.codegen.filesys import single_file_library_package from googleapis.codegen.filesys import tar_library_package from googleapis.codegen.filesys import zip_library_package def GetPackageWriter(output_dir=None, output_file=None, output_format='zip'): """Get an output writer for a package.""" if not (output_dir or output_file): raise ValueError( 'GetPackageWriter requires either output_dir or output_file') if output_dir and output_file: raise ValueError( 'GetPackageWriter requires only one of output_dir or output_file') if output_dir: package_writer = filesystem_library_package.FilesystemLibraryPackage( output_dir) else: out = open(output_file, 'w') if output_format == 'tgz': package_writer = tar_library_package.TarLibraryPackage(out) elif output_format == 'tar': package_writer = tar_library_package.TarLibraryPackage(out, compress=False) elif output_format == 'txt': package_writer = single_file_library_package.SingleFileLibraryPackage(out) else: package_writer = zip_library_package.ZipLibraryPackage(out) return package_writer
<gh_stars>1-10 # Import QRCode from pyqrcode import pyqrcode import png from pyqrcode import QRCode print("WELCOME TO THE QR CODE GENERATION") # Take input name = input("Enter Name : ") stream = input("Enter Stream : ") collegename = input("Enter Name of College : ") # String which represents the QR code s = "Name : "+ name + "\nStream : " + stream +"\nCollege Name : " + collegename # Generate QR code url = pyqrcode.create(s) # Create and save the png file naming "myqr.png" url.png('myqr.png', scale = 6)
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod from typing import Optional import json def error_catcher(method): def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): try: return method(*args, **kwargs) except (AttributeError, ValueError): return "File error: указан неверный тип файла." return wrapper class AbstractHandler(metaclass=ABCMeta): """The Interface for handling requests.""" @abstractmethod def set_successor(self, successor): """Set the next handler in the chain""" pass @abstractmethod def handle(self, file) -> Optional[str]: """Handle the event""" pass class JSON(AbstractHandler): def __init__(self): self._successor = None self._temp: list = list() def set_successor(self, successor): self._successor = successor return successor @error_catcher def handle(self, FILE): """Handle the *.json file event""" file_name, file_ext = str(FILE).split(".") if file_ext == self.__class__.__name__.lower(): with open(FILE, "r") as f: self.deserialization(json.load(f)) return self.getter() else: return self._successor.handle(FILE) def deserialization(self, data): length = len(data['x']) for i in range(length): x_temp = list(map(float, data['x'][i])) y_temp = list(map(float, data['y'][i])) temp = [x_temp, y_temp] self._temp.append(temp) def __repr__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__}" def getter(self): return self._temp class TXT(AbstractHandler): def __init__(self): self._successor = None self._temp: list = list() def set_successor(self, successor): self._successor = successor return successor @error_catcher def handle(self, FILE): """Handle the *.txt file event""" file_name, file_ext = str(FILE).split(".") if file_ext == self.__class__.__name__.lower(): with open(FILE, "r") as f: for line in'\n'): reformat_line = line[1:-1].split('];[') a = [list(map(float, elem.split(','))) for elem in reformat_line] self._temp.append(a) return self.getter() else: return self._successor.handle(FILE) def __repr__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__}" def getter(self): return self._temp class CSV(AbstractHandler): def __init__(self): self._successor = None self._temp: list = list() def set_successor(self, successor): self._successor = successor return successor @error_catcher def handle(self, FILE): """Handle the *.csv file event""" file_name, file_ext = str(FILE).split(".") if file_ext == self.__class__.__name__.lower(): with open(FILE, "r") as f: for line in',\n'): reformat_line = line[1:-1].split('","') a = [list(map(float, elem.split(','))) for elem in reformat_line] self._temp.append(a) return self.getter() else: return self._successor.handle(FILE) def __repr__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__}" def getter(self): return self._temp class FilesChain: def __init__(self): self.chain1 = JSON() self.chain2 = TXT() self.chain3 = CSV() # set the chain of responsibility # The Client may compose chains once or # the hadler can set them dynamically at # handle time self.chain1.set_successor(self.chain2).set_successor(self.chain3) def client_code(self): FILE = str(input("Input file name: ")) return self.chain1.handle(FILE)
<filename>benchmarks/toolkit/methods/ from importlib import import_module import numpy as np # Dynamically import matlab _matlab = None _matlab_engine = None try: _matlab = import_module("matlab") _matlab.engine = import_module("matlab.engine") except ModuleNotFoundError: pass def init_matlab(): global _matlab_engine if _matlab is None: return None if _matlab_engine is not None: return _matlab_engine # start the engine print("Launching MATLAB Engine: ", end="", flush=True) _matlab_engine = _matlab.engine.start_matlab() print("DONE", flush=True) return _matlab_engine class VakhitovHelper: """Utility functions to prepare inputs for what is requested by functions in Vakhitov's pnpl toolbox. We adopt the same naming convention the author used. """ def lines(line_2d, line_3d, K): # set up bearing vectors bear = np.linalg.solve( K, np.vstack((line_2d.reshape((-1, 2)).T, np.ones((1, 2 * len(line_2d))))) ).T[:, :-1] bear = bear.reshape((-1, 2, 2)) # Split points into start and end points xs = _matlab.double(bear[:, 0, :].T.tolist()) xe = _matlab.double(bear[:, 1, :].T.tolist()) Xs = _matlab.double(line_3d[:, 0, :].T.tolist()) Xe = _matlab.double((line_3d[:, 1, :]).T.tolist()) return xs, xe, Xs, Xe def points(pts_2d, pts_3d, K): # set up bearing vectors bear = np.linalg.solve(K, np.vstack((pts_2d.T, np.ones((1, len(pts_2d)))))) # Rename vars to PnPL convention xxn = _matlab.double(bear[:-1].tolist()) XXw = _matlab.double(pts_3d.T.tolist()) return xxn, XXw
<reponame>ppedraum/infosatc-lp-avaliativo-02 #5 lista = ["laranja", "banana", "maçã", "goiaba", "romã"] if "laranja" in lista: print("Laranja está na lista.") else: print("Laranja não está na lista")
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # @Time : 2019-01-17 13:48 # @Author : pang # @File : # @Software: PyCharm
<reponame>shadiakiki1986/garage<gh_stars>1-10 import numpy as np import pygame CAPTION = "dm_control viewer" class DmControlViewer: def __init__(self): pygame.init() pygame.display.set_caption(CAPTION) self.screen = None def loop_once(self, image): image = np.swapaxes(image, 0, 1) if not self.screen: self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((image.shape[0], image.shape[1])) pygame.surfarray.blit_array(self.screen, image) pygame.display.flip() def finish(self): pygame.quit()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT! # source: update_comment.proto import sys _b=sys.version_info[0]<3 and (lambda x:x) or (lambda x:x.encode('latin1')) from google.protobuf import descriptor as _descriptor from google.protobuf import message as _message from google.protobuf import reflection as _reflection from google.protobuf import symbol_database as _symbol_database # @@protoc_insertion_point(imports) _sym_db = _symbol_database.Default() from topboard_sdk.model.topboard import comment_pb2 as topboard__sdk_dot_model_dot_topboard_dot_comment__pb2 from topboard_sdk.model.topboard import issue_basic_pb2 as topboard__sdk_dot_model_dot_topboard_dot_issue__basic__pb2 from topboard_sdk.model.cmdb import user_pb2 as topboard__sdk_dot_model_dot_cmdb_dot_user__pb2 DESCRIPTOR = _descriptor.FileDescriptor( name='update_comment.proto', package='topboard', syntax='proto3', serialized_options=None, serialized_pb=_b('\n\x14update_comment.proto\x12\x08topboard\x1a)topboard_sdk/model/topboard/comment.proto\x1a-topboard_sdk/model/topboard/issue_basic.proto\x1a\"topboard_sdk/model/cmdb/user.proto\"M\n\x14UpdateCommentRequest\x12\x11\n\tcommentID\x18\x01 \x01(\t\x12\"\n\x07\x63omment\x18\x02 \x01(\x0b\x32\x11.topboard.Comment\"q\n\x1cUpdateCommentResponseWrapper\x12\x0c\n\x04\x63ode\x18\x01 \x01(\x05\x12\x13\n\x0b\x63odeExplain\x18\x02 \x01(\t\x12\r\n\x05\x65rror\x18\x03 \x01(\t\x12\x1f\n\x04\x64\x61ta\x18\x04 \x01(\x0b\x32\x11.topboard.Commentb\x06proto3') , dependencies=[topboard__sdk_dot_model_dot_topboard_dot_comment__pb2.DESCRIPTOR,topboard__sdk_dot_model_dot_topboard_dot_issue__basic__pb2.DESCRIPTOR,topboard__sdk_dot_model_dot_cmdb_dot_user__pb2.DESCRIPTOR,]) _UPDATECOMMENTREQUEST = _descriptor.Descriptor( name='UpdateCommentRequest', full_name='topboard.UpdateCommentRequest', filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, containing_type=None, fields=[ _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='commentID', full_name='topboard.UpdateCommentRequest.commentID', index=0, number=1, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=_b("").decode('utf-8'), message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='comment', full_name='topboard.UpdateCommentRequest.comment', index=1, number=2, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=None, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR), ], extensions=[ ], nested_types=[], enum_types=[ ], serialized_options=None, is_extendable=False, syntax='proto3', extension_ranges=[], oneofs=[ ], serialized_start=160, serialized_end=237, ) _UPDATECOMMENTRESPONSEWRAPPER = _descriptor.Descriptor( name='UpdateCommentResponseWrapper', full_name='topboard.UpdateCommentResponseWrapper', filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, containing_type=None, fields=[ _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='code', full_name='topboard.UpdateCommentResponseWrapper.code', index=0, number=1, type=5, cpp_type=1, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=0, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='codeExplain', full_name='topboard.UpdateCommentResponseWrapper.codeExplain', index=1, number=2, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=_b("").decode('utf-8'), message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='error', full_name='topboard.UpdateCommentResponseWrapper.error', index=2, number=3, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=_b("").decode('utf-8'), message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='data', full_name='', index=3, number=4, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=None, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR), ], extensions=[ ], nested_types=[], enum_types=[ ], serialized_options=None, is_extendable=False, syntax='proto3', extension_ranges=[], oneofs=[ ], serialized_start=239, serialized_end=352, ) _UPDATECOMMENTREQUEST.fields_by_name['comment'].message_type = topboard__sdk_dot_model_dot_topboard_dot_comment__pb2._COMMENT _UPDATECOMMENTRESPONSEWRAPPER.fields_by_name['data'].message_type = topboard__sdk_dot_model_dot_topboard_dot_comment__pb2._COMMENT DESCRIPTOR.message_types_by_name['UpdateCommentRequest'] = _UPDATECOMMENTREQUEST DESCRIPTOR.message_types_by_name['UpdateCommentResponseWrapper'] = _UPDATECOMMENTRESPONSEWRAPPER _sym_db.RegisterFileDescriptor(DESCRIPTOR) UpdateCommentRequest = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType('UpdateCommentRequest', (_message.Message,), { 'DESCRIPTOR' : _UPDATECOMMENTREQUEST, '__module__' : 'update_comment_pb2' # @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:topboard.UpdateCommentRequest) }) _sym_db.RegisterMessage(UpdateCommentRequest) UpdateCommentResponseWrapper = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType('UpdateCommentResponseWrapper', (_message.Message,), { 'DESCRIPTOR' : _UPDATECOMMENTRESPONSEWRAPPER, '__module__' : 'update_comment_pb2' # @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:topboard.UpdateCommentResponseWrapper) }) _sym_db.RegisterMessage(UpdateCommentResponseWrapper) # @@protoc_insertion_point(module_scope)
from setuptools import setup import numpy setup( name='CIGAN', version='0.2dev', packages=['vpa'], license='MIT License', include_dirs=[numpy.get_include(),], )
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import re, argparse, numpy as np, glob, os #from sklearn.neighbors.kde import KernelDensity import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from extractTargetFilesNonDim import epsNuFromRe from extractTargetFilesNonDim import getAllData from computeSpectraNonDim import readAllSpectra colors = ['#1f78b4', '#33a02c', '#e31a1c', '#ff7f00', '#6a3d9a', '#b15928', '#a6cee3', '#b2df8a', '#fb9a99', '#fdbf6f', '#cab2d6', '#ffff99'] colors = ['#e41a1c', '#377eb8', '#4daf4a', '#984ea3', '#ff7f00', '#ffff33', '#a65628', '#f781bf', '#999999'] #colors = ['#a6cee3', '#1f78b4', '#b2df8a', '#33a02c', '#fb9a99', '#e31a1c', '#fdbf6f', '#ff7f00', '#cab2d6', '#6a3d9a', '#ffff99', '#b15928'] #colors = ['#abd9e9', '#74add1', '#4575b4', '#313695', '#006837', '#1a9850', '#66bd63', '#a6d96a', '#d9ef8b', '#fee08b', '#fdae61', '#f46d43', '#d73027', '#a50026', '#8e0152', '#c51b7d', '#de77ae', '#f1b6da'] def findDirectory(runspath, re, token): retoken = 'RE%03d' % re alldirs = glob.glob(runspath + '/*') for dirn in alldirs: if retoken not in dirn: continue if token not in dirn: continue return dirn assert(False, 're-token combo not found') def main_integral(runspath, target, REs, tokens, labels): nBins = 2 * 16//2 - 1 modes = np.arange(1, nBins+1, dtype=np.float64) # assumes box is 2 pi plt.figure() #REs = findAllParams(path) nRes = len(REs) axes, lines = [], [] for j in range(nRes): axes += [ plt.subplot(1, nRes, j+1) ] for j in range(nRes): RE = REs[j] # read target file logSpectra, logEnStdev, _, _ = readAllSpectra(target, [RE]) for i in range(len(tokens)): eps, nu = epsNuFromRe(RE) dirn = findDirectory(runspath, RE, tokens[i]) runData = getAllData(dirn, eps, nu, nBins, fSkip=1) logE = np.log(runData['spectra']) avgLogSpec = np.mean(logE, axis=0) assert(avgLogSpec.size == nBins) LL = (avgLogSpec.ravel() - logSpectra.ravel()) / logEnStdev.ravel() print(LL.shape) p = axes[j].plot(LL, modes, label=labels[i], color=colors[i]) #p = axes[j].plot(LL, modes, color=colors[i]) if j == 0: lines += [p] #stdLogSpec = np.std(logE, axis=0) #covLogSpec = np.cov(logE, rowvar=False) #print(covLogSpec.shape) axes[0].set_ylabel(r'$k$') for j in range(nRes): axes[j].set_title(r'$Re_\lambda$ = %d' % REs[j]) #axes[j].set_xscale("log") axes[j].set_ylim([1, 15]) axes[j].grid() axes[j].set_xlabel(r'$\frac{\log E(k) - \mu_{\log E(k)}}{\sigma_{\log E(k)}}$') for j in range(1,nRes): axes[j].set_yticklabels([]) #axes[0].legend(lines, labels, bbox_to_anchor=(-0.1, 2.5), borderaxespad=0) assert(len(lines) == len(labels)) #axes[0].legend(lines, labels, bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 0.5)) axes[0].legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 0.5)) plt.tight_layout() #axes[0].legend(loc='lower left') if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description = "Compute a target file for RL agent from DNS data.") parser.add_argument('--target', help="Path to target files directory") parser.add_argument('--tokens', nargs='+', help="Text token distinguishing each series of runs") parser.add_argument('--res', nargs='+', type=int, help="Reynolds numbers") parser.add_argument('--labels', nargs='+', help="Plot labels to assiciate to tokens") parser.add_argument('--runspath', help="Plot labels to assiciate to tokens") args = parser.parse_args() assert(len(args.tokens) == len(args.labels)) main_integral(args.runspath,, args.res, args.tokens, args.labels)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ An attempt to solve the Last Factorial Digit """ import sys # This is totally wrong, but given N maxes out at 10, and anything after 5 the last digit is 0, # this is likely cheaper and faster result_dict = {1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 6, 4: 4} dont_care = sys.stdin.readline() for line in sys.stdin.readlines(): number = int(line.rstrip()) if number >= 5: print(0) else: print(result_dict[number])
# vim: tabstop=4 expandtab shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 # # Copyright (c) 2014 <NAME> <<EMAIL>> # """Pytz dummy module""" # This empty module with the name fools # into loading; we then provide the only # pytz-reference used by bson - 'utc' from datetime import datetime from datetime import tzinfo class UTC(tzinfo): """UTC""" def utcoffset(self, dt): return ZERO def tzname(self, dt): return "UTC" def dst(self, dt): return ZERO utc = UTC()
import os, sys from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui from qtpy.QtWidgets import QApplication import ctypes from sys import platform sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", ".." )) from window import ExecutionNodeEditorWindow if __name__ == '__main__': app = QApplication(sys.argv) exe_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0])) assets_dir = os.path.join(exe_path, 'assets') for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(os.path.join(assets_dir, 'fonts')): for f in filenames: font_id = QtGui.QFontDatabase.addApplicationFont(f) if QtGui.QFontDatabase.applicationFontFamilies(font_id) == -1: print("Could not load font") sys.exit(-1) # print(QStyleFactory.keys()) app.setStyle('Fusion') app_icon = QtGui.QIcon() app_icon.addFile(os.path.join(assets_dir, 'icons/16x16.png'), QtCore.QSize(16,16)) app_icon.addFile(os.path.join(assets_dir, 'icons/24x24.png'), QtCore.QSize(24,24)) app_icon.addFile(os.path.join(assets_dir, 'icons/32x32.png'), QtCore.QSize(32,32)) app_icon.addFile(os.path.join(assets_dir, 'icons/48x48.png'), QtCore.QSize(48,48)) app_icon.addFile(os.path.join(assets_dir, 'icons/64x64.png'), QtCore.QSize(64,64)) app_icon.addFile(os.path.join(assets_dir, 'icons/128x128.png'), QtCore.QSize(128,128)) app_icon.addFile(os.path.join(assets_dir, 'icons/256x256.png'), QtCore.QSize(256,256)) app.setWindowIcon(app_icon) if platform == "win32": # Windows... #This will make sure that the app icon is set in the taskbar on windows # See myappid = u'no-company.node-editor.execution-graph-editor.1.0' # arbitrary string ctypes.windll.shell32.SetCurrentProcessExplicitAppUserModelID(myappid) wnd = ExecutionNodeEditorWindow() wnd.setWindowIcon(app_icon) wnd.actNew.trigger() if len(sys.argv) == 2: wnd.openFile(sys.argv[1]) sys.exit(app.exec_())
<filename>pyunsplash/tests/ ############################################################################### # Copyright (c) 2016 <NAME> <<EMAIL>> # # File: # # Author: <NAME> <<EMAIL>> # Date: 14 Dec 2016 # Purpose: users unit tests # # Revision: 1 # Comment: What's new in revision 1 # use local resources # ############################################################################### import responses import json import os from pyunsplash import PyUnsplash from pyunsplash.src.settings import API_ROOT api_key = os.environ.get('APPLICATION_ID', None) or 'DUMMY_APPLICATION_ID' class TestUsers: # TODO: avoid code duplication # Need to workout how to combine responses.activate so as to avoid # code duplication, as the testcases are pretty much the same for all # TOXINIDIR comes from tox.ini root_path = os.environ.get('TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR', None) or os.environ.get('TOXINIDIR', None) store_mapping = { 'salvoventura': os.sep.join([root_path, 'pyunsplash', 'tests', 'resources', 'resource__users_salvoventura.json']), 'salvoventura_statistics': os.sep.join([root_path, 'pyunsplash', 'tests', 'resources', 'resource__users_salvoventura_statistics.json']) } @responses.activate def test_stats_total(self): type = 'salvoventura' resource_filepath = self.store_mapping[type] stored_response = json.loads(open(resource_filepath).read()) responses.add( responses.GET, '{}{}'.format(API_ROOT, stored_response.get('url').split('?')[0]), # cheating on the url, because the class always inits without query params json=stored_response.get('body'), status=stored_response.get('status_code'), content_type='application/json', adding_headers=stored_response.get('headers') ) pu_obj = PyUnsplash(api_key=api_key) this_user = pu_obj.user(source=type) print(, this_user.link_html, this_user.link_portfolio, this_user.link_following, this_user.link_followers, this_user.link_photos) # TODO: collections, photos and users from the user object @responses.activate def test_user_stats(self): username = 'salvoventura' # Add the user api response type = 'salvoventura' resource_filepath = self.store_mapping[type] stored_response = json.loads(open(resource_filepath).read()) responses.add( responses.GET, '{}{}'.format(API_ROOT, stored_response.get('url').split('?')[0]), # cheating on the url, because the class always inits without query params json=stored_response.get('body'), status=stored_response.get('status_code'), content_type='application/json', adding_headers=stored_response.get('headers') ) # Add the user statistics api response type = 'salvoventura_statistics' resource_filepath = self.store_mapping[type] stored_response = json.loads(open(resource_filepath).read()) responses.add( responses.GET, '{}{}'.format(API_ROOT, stored_response.get('url').split('?')[0]), # cheating on the url, because the class always inits without query params json=stored_response.get('body'), status=stored_response.get('status_code'), content_type='application/json', adding_headers=stored_response.get('headers') ) pu_obj = PyUnsplash(api_key=api_key) this_user = pu_obj.user(source=username) # create a User object this_user_stats = this_user.statistics() # fetch a UserStatistics object print(this_user_stats.downloads.get('total'), this_user_stats.views.get('total'), this_user_stats.likes.get('total'))
<gh_stars>0 from math import trunc def escreva(msg): c = trunc(len(msg)/2) print(f'{"-=":^}' * (c + 2)) print(f' {msg}') print(f'{"-=":^}' * (c + 2)) # Programa Principal n = input('Escreva uma mensagem: ') escreva(n)
<gh_stars>0 #!/usr/bin/env python import subprocess from flask import Flask, request app = Flask(__name__) class OptionGraph: def __init__(self): self.header = [] self.footer = [] self.sections = {} self.current = self.header def parse(self, filename): def parse_label(line): return line.strip().split()[1] current = self.header with open(filename) as handle: for line in handle: if '#*/' in line: assert current is not self.header, 'stop before first section' assert current is not self.footer, 'footer has no stop' current = self.footer continue if '/*#' in line: assert current is self.header or current is self.footer, 'nested section' label = parse_label(line) current = self.sections[label] = [] continue current.append(line) return self def emit(self, query=()): result = [] result.extend(self.header) for label, section in self.sections.items(): if label in query: result.extend(section) result.extend(self.footer) return "".join(result) def list(self): return self.sections graph = OptionGraph().parse('') @app.route('/') def index(): with open('index.html') as handle: return @app.route('/sections') def sections(): return {'sections': [{'section': section} for section in graph.list()]} @app.route('/render') def render(): query = request.args.getlist('sections') dot = graph.emit(query).encode() result ='dot -Tsvg', input=dot, capture_output=True, shell=True).stdout return result, 200, {'Content-Type': 'image/svg+xml'} if __name__ == '__main__':
from environs import Env env = Env() env.read_env() db_host = env.str('DB_HOST', 'localhost') db_port ='DB_PORT', 27017)
from .sina import SinaQuotation from .tencent import TencentQuotation from .helpers import update_stock_codes, stock_a_hour __version__ = "" __author__ = "demonfinch"
Python Files/
import cv2 def image_equalize(imgA, imgB): new_size = max(imgA.shape, imgB.shape) new_imgA = cv2.resize(imgA, new_size) new_imgB = cv2.resize(imgB, new_size) return new_imgA, new_imgB
from .GetPickupDetailsRequest import GetPickupDetailsRequest from .GetPickupDetailsResponse import GetPickupDetailsResponse
<filename>kegs/ from django.shortcuts import render, redirect, get_object_or_404 from kegs.forms import BeerForm, KegForm from kegs.models import Beer, Keg # Create your views here. def keg_detail(request, pk): beer_obj = Beer.objects.get(pk=pk) keg_objs = Keg.objects.filter( context = { 'kegs': keg_objs, 'beers': beer_obj, } return render(request, 'keg_detail.html', context) def beer_list(request, template_name='beer_list.html'): beer = Beer.objects.all() data = {} data['object_list'] = beer return render(request, template_name, data) def keg_list(request, template_name='keg_list.html'): keg = Keg.objects.all() data = {} data['object_list'] = keg return render(request, template_name, data) def beer_create(request, template_name='beer_form.html'): form = BeerForm(request.POST or None) if form.is_valid(): return redirect('kegs:beer_list') return render(request, template_name, {'form':form}) def keg_create(request, template_name='keg_form.html'): form = KegForm(request.POST or None) if form.is_valid(): return redirect('kegs:keg_list') return render(request, template_name, {'form':form}) def beer_update(request, pk, template_name='beer_form.html'): beer = get_object_or_404(Beer, pk=pk) form = BeerForm(request.POST or None, instance=beer) if form.is_valid(): return redirect('kegs:beer_list') return render(request, template_name, {'form':form}) def keg_update(request, pk, template_name='keg_form.html'): keg = get_object_or_404(Keg, pk=pk) form = KegForm(request.POST or None, instance=keg) if form.is_valid(): return redirect('kegs:keg_list') return render(request, template_name, {'form':form}) def beer_delete(request, pk, template_name='beer_confirm_delete.html'): beer = get_object_or_404(Beer, pk=pk) if request.method=='POST': beer.delete() return redirect('kegs:beer_list') return render(request, template_name, {'object':beer}) def keg_delete(request, pk, template_name='keg_confirm_delete.html'): keg = get_object_or_404(Keg, pk=pk) if request.method=='POST': keg.delete() return redirect('kegs:keg_list') return render(request, template_name, {'object':keg})
<reponame>rick12000/time-series-cross-validation class TimeCV: def __init__(self, X, train_sample_size = None, test_sample_size = None, step = 1): #initiate variables: self.X = X self.train_sample_size = train_sample_size self.test_sample_size = test_sample_size self.step = step if train_sample_size == None: self.train_sample_size = max(1,round(len(X)/3)) if test_sample_size == None: self.test_sample_size = max(1, round(len(X)/10)) #error handling: if len(X) == 0: raise IndexError("input array 'X' cannot have length zero.") if len(X) == 1: raise IndexError("input array 'X' cannot have length 1.") if train_sample_size > len(X): raise IndexError("train_sample_size cannot be larger than length of input variable (X).") if test_sample_size > len(X): raise IndexError("test_sample_size cannot be larger than length of input variable (X).") if step > len(X): raise IndexError("step cannot be larger than length of input variable.") def rolling_train_test_split(self): list_of_indexes = [] for i in range(0, len(self.X) + 1 -(self.train_sample_size + self.test_sample_size), self.step): train_index = list(range(0+i,self.train_sample_size+i)) test_index = list(range(self.train_sample_size+i,self.train_sample_size+i+self.test_sample_size)) list_of_indexes.append((train_index, test_index)) return list_of_indexes def expanding_train_test_split(self): list_of_indexes = [] for i in range(0, len(self.X) + 1 -(self.train_sample_size + self.test_sample_size), self.step): train_index = list(range(0,self.train_sample_size+i)) test_index = list(range(self.train_sample_size+i,self.train_sample_size+i+self.test_sample_size)) list_of_indexes.append((train_index, test_index)) return list_of_indexes
import click import pandas as pd @click.command() @click.option("--input-path", "-i", default = "data/0_raw/", required=True, help="Path to csv file to be processed.", ) @click.option("--output-path", "-o", default="data/3_processed/", help="Path to csv file to store the result.") def main(input_path, output_path): """ Runs data processing scripts to read raw data (../0_raw) and convert it into processed csv file (../3_processed) to be used for further analysis. """ print("Preprocessing indian_license_plate.csv") df = pd.read_csv(input_path+"indian_license_plates.csv", dtype={'image_name':str}) df["image_name"] = df["image_name"] + ".jpg" df.to_csv(output_path+"processed.csv", index=False) print("Preprocessed and saved as processed.csv") if __name__ == '__main__': main()
<reponame>danielrcardenas/ac-course-2017 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # writes compressed, true-color RGBA PNG files # # RGBA stands for "Red Green Blue Alpha", where alpha is the opacity level # # extracted from: # # # Original source code: #$155 # def write_png(buf, width, height): # by ideasman42, 2013-10-04, """ buf: must be bytes or a bytearray in py3, a regular string in py2. formatted RGBARGBA... """ import zlib, struct # reverse the vertical line order and add null bytes at the start width_byte_4 = width * 4 raw_data = b''.join(b'\x00' + buf[span:span + width_byte_4] for span in range((height - 1) * width * 4, -1, - width_byte_4)) def png_pack(png_tag, data): chunk_head = png_tag + data return (struct.pack("!I", len(data)) + chunk_head + struct.pack("!I", 0xFFFFFFFF & zlib.crc32(chunk_head))) return b''.join([ b'\x89PNG\r\n\x1a\n', png_pack(b'IHDR', struct.pack("!2I5B", width, height, 8, 6, 0, 0, 0)), png_pack(b'IDAT', zlib.compress(raw_data, 9)), png_pack(b'IEND', b'')]) def test_write_png(): # a red square: buf=b'\xFF\x00\x00\xFF' n=9 imgsize=2**n # generate an image of size imgsize x imgsize pixels for i in range(2*n): buf = buf + buf print "len=", len(buf)/4 # The data should be written directly to a file opened as binary, as in: data = write_png(buf, imgsize, imgsize) with open("my_image.png", 'wb') as fd: fd.write(data) def saveAsPNG(array, filename): # by <NAME>, 2014-01-10, import struct if any([len(row) != len(array[0]) for row in array]): raise ValueError, "Array should have elements of equal size" #First row becomes top row of image. flat = []; map(flat.extend, reversed(array)) #Big-endian, unsigned 32-byte integer. buf = b''.join([struct.pack('>I', ((0xffFFff & i32)<<8)|(i32>>24) ) for i32 in flat]) #Rotate from ARGB to RGBA. data = write_png(buf, len(array[0]), len(array)) f = open(filename, 'wb') f.write(data) f.close() def test_save_png(): import numpy as np a = np.empty((2,2), np.uint32) a.fill(0xFF) r = np.empty((2,2), np.uint32) r[0,0] = 0xFF r[0,1] = 0xFF g = np.empty((2,2), np.uint32) g[0,1] = 0xFF b = np.empty((2,2), np.uint32) b[1,1] = 0xFF tot = (a << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b print tot saveAsPNG(tot, 'test_grid.png') #saveAsPNG([[0xffff0000, 0xffFFFF00], # [0xff00aa77, 0xff333333]], 'test_grid.png') if __name__ == '__main__': test_save_png()
<filename>lib/10x/<gh_stars>1-10 import argparse import sys import logging import os import csv import gzip DEBUG=False NotDEBUG=not DEBUG parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Extract barcode and UMI from 10x fastq first read file.", formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('-1', '--input1', action='store', nargs='?', help='Input 10x first read file', required=NotDEBUG) parser.add_argument('-2', '--input2', action='store', nargs='?', help='Input 10x second read file', required=NotDEBUG) parser.add_argument('-o', '--output1', action='store', nargs='?', help="Output first read file", required=NotDEBUG) parser.add_argument('-p', '--output2', action='store', nargs='?', help="Output second read file", required=NotDEBUG) parser.add_argument('-b', '--barcodeFile', action='store', nargs='?', help="Input barcode white list file", required=NotDEBUG) args = parser.parse_args() if DEBUG: args.input1 = "/data/cqs/jonathan_brown_data/3804/FASTQ/3804-LD-2_S90_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz" args.input2 = "/data/cqs/jonathan_brown_data/3804/FASTQ/3804-LD-2_S90_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz" args.output1 = "/data/cqs/jonathan_brown_data/3804/FASTQ/3804-LD-2_S90_L001_R1_001.processed.fastq.gz" args.output2 = "/data/cqs/jonathan_brown_data/3804/FASTQ/3804-LD-2_S90_L001_R2_001.processed.fastq.gz" args.barcodeFile = "/data/cqs/jonathan_brown_data/3804/Count/3804-LD-2/filtered_feature_bc_matrix/barcodes.tsv.gz" logger = logging.getLogger('10xFastq') logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)-8s - %(message)s') barcodes = set() with, 'rt') as fin: for barcode in fin: barcode = barcode.rstrip() barcode = barcode.replace("-1", "") barcodes.add(barcode)"Total %d barcode in whitelist" % len(barcodes)) tmpFile1 = args.output1 + ".tmp.gz" tmpFile2 = args.output2 + ".tmp.gz" fin1count = 0"Processing reads ...") with, 'rt') as fin1: with, 'rt') as fin2: count = 0 with, "wt") as fout1: with, "wt") as fout2: while True: query = fin1.readline() if query == "": break seq = fin1.readline() sig = fin1.readline() score = fin1.readline() fin1count += 1 if fin1count % 100000 == 0:"processed %d reads ..." % fin1count) q2 = fin2.readline() seq2 = fin2.readline() sig2 = fin2.readline() score2 = fin2.readline() barcode = seq[:16] if not (barcode in barcodes): continue count = count + 1 umi = seq[16:26] seq = seq[26:] score = score[26:] query = "@q%d:%s:%s\n" % (count, barcode, umi) fout1.write(query) fout1.write(seq) fout1.write(sig) fout1.write(score) fout2.write(query) fout2.write(seq2) fout2.write(sig2) fout2.write(score2) # # if count == 1000: # break if os.path.isfile(args.output1): os.remove(args.output1) if os.path.isfile(args.output2): os.remove(args.output2) os.rename(tmpFile1, args.output1) os.rename(tmpFile2, args.output2)"done.")
"""Tests for""" import logging from datetime import timedelta import pytest from custom_components.hueremote import DOMAIN from custom_components.hueremote.data_manager import HueSensorData from custom_components.hueremote.hue_api_response import ( parse_hue_api_response, parse_rwl, parse_zgp, parse_z3_rotary, ) from custom_components.hueremote.remote import async_setup_platform, HueRemote from .conftest import ( DEV_ID_REMOTE_1, entity_test_added_to_hass, patch_async_track_time_interval, ) from .api_samples import ( MOCK_RWL, MOCK_ZGP, MOCK_Z3_ROTARY, PARSED_RWL, PARSED_ZGP, PARSED_Z3_ROTARY, ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "raw_response, sensor_key, parsed_response, parser_func", ( (MOCK_ZGP, "ZGP_00:44:23:08", PARSED_ZGP, parse_zgp), (MOCK_RWL, "RWL_00:17:88:01:10:3e:3a:dc-02", PARSED_RWL, parse_rwl), ( MOCK_Z3_ROTARY, "Z3-_ff:ff:00:0f:e7:fd:ba:b7-01-fc00", PARSED_Z3_ROTARY, parse_z3_rotary, ), ), ) def test_parse_remote_raw_data( raw_response, sensor_key, parsed_response, parser_func, caplog ): """Test data parsers for known remotes and check behavior for unknown.""" assert parser_func(raw_response) == parsed_response unknown_sensor_data = {"modelid": "new_one", "uniqueid": "ff:00:11:22"} assert parse_hue_api_response( [raw_response, unknown_sensor_data, raw_response] ) == {sensor_key: parsed_response} assert len(caplog.messages) == 0 async def test_platform_remote_setup(mock_hass, caplog): """Test platform setup for remotes.""" with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG): with patch_async_track_time_interval(): await async_setup_platform( mock_hass, {"platform": "hueremote", "scan_interval": timedelta(seconds=3)}, lambda *x: logging.warning("Added remote entity: %s", x[0]), ) assert DOMAIN in data_manager =[DOMAIN] assert isinstance(data_manager, HueSensorData) assert len(data_manager.registered_entities) == 1 assert data_manager._scan_interval == timedelta(seconds=3) assert len( == 1 assert DEV_ID_REMOTE_1 in assert len(data_manager.sensors) == 0 assert len(data_manager.registered_entities) == 1 remote = data_manager.registered_entities[DEV_ID_REMOTE_1] assert not remote.hass await entity_test_added_to_hass(data_manager, remote) # await remote.async_added_to_hass() assert len(data_manager.sensors) == 1 assert DEV_ID_REMOTE_1 in data_manager.sensors assert isinstance(remote, HueRemote) assert remote.hass assert remote.force_update assert remote.state == "3_click" assert remote.icon == "mdi:remote" assert not remote.should_poll assert "last_updated" in remote.device_state_attributes assert remote.unique_id == DEV_ID_REMOTE_1 await remote.async_will_remove_from_hass() assert len(data_manager.sensors) == 0 assert len(data_manager.registered_entities) == 0 assert not data_manager.available
<filename>App/McCloud/ from django.shortcuts import render from .text_generator import create # Create your views here. def text_generation(request): context = {} if request.method == "POST": file = request.FILES.get("file") if'.txt')): context['output'] = create('utf-8')) return render(request, 'McCloud/text_generation.html', context)
<reponame>Supreme-Sector/Hand-Sign-Detection-Application import data_loader import network import _pickle as cPickle f=open("neural_network.pickle","rb") net=cPickle.load(f) f.close() training_data, test_data=data_loader.load_data() num_correct = net.evaluate(training_data) print("{}/{} correct".format(num_correct, len(training_data)))
<filename>online_store/apps/products/migrations/ # Generated by Django 4.0.2 on 2022-02-23 17:14 from django.db import migrations, models class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('products', '0004_productimage_is_main'), ] operations = [ migrations.AlterField( model_name='productimage', name='is_main', field=models.BooleanField(default=False), ), ]
<filename>bindings/python/examples/ """ Simple program to demonstrate how to use muniverse on a game that takes mouse events. """ import sys import numpy as np sys.path.insert(0, '..') import muniverse # noqa: E402 def main(): print('Looking up environment...') spec = muniverse.spec_for_name('TowerMania-v1') print('Creating environment...') env = muniverse.Env(spec) try: print('Resetting environment...') env.reset() print('Getting observation...') obs = env.observe() print(ascii_art(obs)) print('Playing game...') step_idx = 0 action = muniverse.MouseAction('mousePressed', x=100, y=100, click_count=1) actions = [action, action.with_event('mouseReleased')] while True: reward, done = env.step(0.1, actions[step_idx % 2]) step_idx += 1 print('reward: ' + str(reward)) if done: break finally: env.close() def ascii_art(img): brightness = np.sum(img, axis=2) / 3 downsampled = brightness[::14, ::7] binary = downsampled > 128 height, width = binary.shape res = '' for y in range(0, height): if res != '': res += '\n' for x in range(0, width): if binary[y, x]: res += 'X' else: res += ' ' return res if __name__ == '__main__': main()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # (c) University of Strathclyde 2021 # Author: <NAME> # # Contact: <EMAIL> # # <NAME>, # Strathclyde Institute for Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences, # Cathedral Street, # Glasgow, # G4 0RE # Scotland, # UK # # The MIT License # # Copyright (c) 2021 University of Strathclyde # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. """Code to implement the ANIblastall average nucleotide identity method.""" import logging import os import platform import re import shutil import subprocess from pathlib import Path from . import pyani_config from . import PyaniException class PyaniblastallException(PyaniException): """ANIblastall-specific exception for pyani.""" def get_version(blast_exe: Path = pyani_config.BLASTALL_DEFAULT) -> str: r"""Return BLAST blastall version as a string. :param blast_exe: path to blastall executable We expect blastall to return a string as, for example .. code-block:: bash $ blastall -version [blastall 2.2.26] ERROR: Number of database sequences to show \ one-line descriptions for (V) [ersion] is bad or out of range [? to ?] This is concatenated with the OS name. The following circumstances are explicitly reported as strings - no executable at passed path - non-executable file at passed path (this includes cases where the user doesn't have execute permissions on the file) - no version info returned - executable cannot be run on this OS """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) try: blastall_path = Path(shutil.which(blast_exe)) # type:ignore except TypeError: return f"{blast_exe} is not found in $PATH" if not blastall_path.is_file(): # no executable return f"No blastall at {blastall_path}" # This should catch cases when the file can't be executed by the user if not os.access(blastall_path, os.X_OK): # file exists but not executable return f"blastall exists at {blastall_path} but not executable" if platform.system() == "Darwin": cmdline = [blast_exe, "-version"] else: cmdline = [blast_exe] try: result = cmdline, # type: ignore shell=False, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, # type: ignore stderr=subprocess.PIPE, check=False, # blastall doesn't return 0 ) except OSError: logger.warning("blastall executable will not run", exc_info=True) return f"blastall exists at {blastall_path} but could not be executed" version = # type: ignore r"(?<=blastall\s)[0-9\.]*", str(result.stderr, "utf-8") ).group() if 0 == len(version.strip()): return f"blastall exists at {blastall_path} but could not retrieve version" return f"{platform.system()}_{version} ({blastall_path})"
<gh_stars>1-10 """ Convenience wrappers around matplotlib plotting functions. Points are handled in matrix columns rather than separate arguments for separate coordinates. """ import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D def plot(ax, X, *args, **kwargs): """ Plot 2d or 3d points in numpy.array X ax should be the matplotlib.Axes (or Axes3D) on which to plot X[:,p] should be the p^{th} point to plot args and kwargs should be as in matplotlib.Axes.plot """ if X.shape[0]==2: ax.plot(X[0,:],X[1,:], *args, **kwargs) elif X.shape[0]==3: #ax = plt.gca(projection="3d") ax.plot(X[0,:],X[1,:],X[2,:],*args, **kwargs) def scatter(ax, X, *args, **kwargs): """ Scatter-plot 2d or 3d points in numpy.array X ax should be the matplotlib.Axes (or Axes3D) on which to plot X[:,p] should be the p^{th} point to plot args and kwargs should be as in matplotlib.Axes.plot """ if X.shape[0]==2: ax.scatter(X[0,:],X[1,:], *args, **kwargs) elif X.shape[0]==3: #ax = plt.gca(projection="3d") ax.scatter(X[0,:],X[1,:],X[2,:],*args, **kwargs) def text(ax, X, strs, *args, **kwargs): """ Plot text at 2d or 3d points in numpy.array X ax should be the matplotlib.Axes (or Axes3D) on which to plot X[:,p] should be the p^{th} point at which to plot strs[p] should be the p^{th} string to plot args and kwargs should be as in matplotlib.Axes.plot """ for j in range(X.shape[1]): if X.shape[0]==2: ax.text(X[0,j],X[1,j], strs[j], *args, **kwargs) elif X.shape[0]==3: #ax = plt.gca(projection="3d") ax.text(X[0,j],X[1,j],X[2,j], strs[j], *args, **kwargs) def quiver(ax, X, U, *args, **kwargs): """ Plot 2d or 3d vector field in numpy.arrays X and U. ax should be the matplotlib.Axes (or Axes3D) on which to plot X[:,p] should be the base point for the p^{th} vector U[:,p] should be the p^{th} vector to plot args and kwargs should be as in matplotlib.Axes.plot """ if X.shape[0]==2: ax.quiver(X[0,:],X[1,:],U[0,:],U[1,:], *args, **kwargs) elif X.shape[0]==3: #ax = plt.gca(projection="3d") ax.quiver(X[0,:],X[1,:],X[2,:],U[0,:],U[1,:],U[2,:],*args, **kwargs) def plotNd(X, lims, *args): """ Plot Nd points in numpy.array X Every two dimensions are shown on a separate subplot The last dimension is omitted when N odd X[:,p] should be the p^{th} point to plot lims[n,0] and lims[n,1] are low and high plot limits for the n^{th} dimension args should be as in matplotlib.Axes.plot """ num_subplots = int(X.shape[0]/2); num_rows = np.floor(np.sqrt(num_subplots)) num_cols = np.ceil(num_subplots/num_rows) for subplot in range(num_subplots): ax = plt.subplot(num_rows, num_cols, subplot+1) ax.plot(X[2*subplot,:], X[2*subplot+1,:], *args) ax.set_xlim(lims[0,:]) ax.set_ylim(lims[1,:]) def set_lims(ax, lims): """ Set all 2d or 3d plot limits at once. ax is the matplotlib.Axes (or Axes3D) on which to plot lims[0,:] are xlims, etc. """ ax.set_xlim(lims[0,:]) ax.set_ylim(lims[1,:]) if len(lims)>2: ax.set_zlim(lims[2,:]) def lattice(mins, maxes, samp): """ Samples Nd points on a regularly spaced grid mins[i], maxes[i] are the grid extents in the i^{th} dimension samp is the number of points to sample in each dimension Returns numpy.array G, where G[:,n] is the n^{th} grid point sampled """ G = np.mgrid[tuple(slice(mins[d],maxes[d],(samp*1j)) for d in range(len(mins)))] G = np.array([g.flatten() for g in G]) return G def plot_trisurf(ax, X, *args, **kwargs): """ Plots points in numpy.array X as a surface. ax is the matplotlib.Axes3D on which to plot X[:,p] is the p^{th} point X[2,:] is shown as a surface over X[1,:] and X[2,:] args and kwargs should be as in matplotlib.Axes3D.plot_trisurf """ ax.plot_trisurf(X[0,:],X[1,:],X[2,:],*args, **kwargs)
from functools import partial from import MutableSequence from . import base_types from . import tree from . import transform from .state import CncState from . import point as pt from . import action class Assembly(tree.Tree, transform.TransformableMixin): '''tree of assembly items''' def __init__(self, name=None, parent=None, state=None): super().__init__(name=name, parent=parent) if state is not None: if not isinstance(state, CncState): raise TypeError('state must be of type CncState, not {}'.format(type(state))) self._state = state @property def state(self): return self._state @state.setter def state(self, new_state): self._state = new_state for child in self.children: child.state = self.state def check_type(self, other): assert isinstance(other, Assembly) def append(self, arg): super().append(arg) arg.state = self.state def last(self): return self.children[-1] def get_gcode(self): return self.get_actions().get_gcode() def get_points(self): return self.get_actions().get_points() def update_children_preorder(self): pass def get_preorder_actions(self): return () def get_postorder_actions(self): return () def update_children_postorder(self): pass def get_actions(self): with self.state.excursion(): al = action.ActionList() for step in self.depth_first_walk(): if step.is_visit: if step.is_preorder: step.visited.update_children_preorder() al.extend(step.visited.get_preorder_actions()) elif step.is_postorder: al.extend(step.visited.get_postorder_actions()) step.visited.update_children_postorder() return al @property def pos(self): return self.state['position'] @pos.setter def pos(self, arg): self.state['position'] = arg def pos_offset(self, x=None, y=None, z=None): self.pos = self.pos.offset(x, y, z) @property def root_transforms(self): '''get transforms stacked all the way to the root''' result = transform.TransformList() for walk_step in self.root_walk(): if walk_step.is_visit and walk_step.is_preorder: if isinstance(walk_step.visited, Assembly): # extend left result[0:0] = walk_step.visited.transforms return result class SafeJog(Assembly): def __init__(self, x=0, y=0, z=0, name=None, parent=None, state=None): super().__init__(name=name, parent=parent, state=state) self.dest = pt.PointList(((x, y, z), )) @property def point(self): return pt.PointList(self.root_transforms(self.dest.arr))[0] @property def changes(self): return pt.changes(self.pos, self.point) def get_preorder_actions(self): al = action.ActionList() # print(self.changes) if self.changes: jog = partial(action.Jog, state=self.state) al += jog(x=self.pos.x, y=self.pos.y, z=self.state['z_safe']) al += jog(x=self.point.x, y=self.point.y, z=self.pos.z) al += jog(x=self.point.x, y=self.point.y, z=self.point.z) # print("safejog", self.state['position']) return al class SafeZ(Assembly): def __init__(self, name=None, parent=None, state=None): super().__init__(name=name, parent=parent, state=state) def get_preorder_actions(self): al = action.ActionList() points = pt.PointList(((0, 0, self.state['z_margin']), )) point = pt.PointList(self.root_transforms(points.arr))[0] jog = partial(action.Jog, state=self.state) al += jog(x=self.pos.x, y=self.pos.y, z=self.state['z_safe']) return al
from django.shortcuts import render # # from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404 # from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect # from django.urls import reverse import datetime from django.contrib.auth.decorators import permission_required from django.views.generic.edit import CreateView, UpdateView, DeleteView from django.urls import reverse_lazy from .models import Book, Author, BookInstance from django.views import generic from django.contrib.auth.mixins import PermissionRequiredMixin def index(request): """View function for home page of site.""" # Generate counts of some of the main objects num_books = Book.objects.all().count() num_instances = BookInstance.objects.all().count() # # Available copies of books num_instances_available = \ BookInstance.objects.filter(status__exact='a').count() num_authors = Author.objects.count() # The 'all()' is implied by default. # Number of visits to this view, as counted in the session variable. # num_visits = request.session.get('num_visits', 0) # request.session['num_visits'] = num_visits + 1 # Render the HTML template index.html # with the data in the context variable. return render(request,'index.html',context={ 'num_books': num_books, 'num_instances': num_instances, 'num_instances_available': num_instances_available, 'num_authors': num_authors, } ) class BookListView(generic.ListView): """Generic class-based view for a list of books.""" model = Book paginate_by = 2 class BookDetailView(generic.DetailView): """Generic class-based detail view for a book.""" model = Book class AuthorListView(generic.ListView): """Generic class-based list view for a list of authors.""" model = Author paginate_by = 2 class AuthorDetailView(generic.DetailView): """Generic class-based detail view for an author.""" model = Author @permission_required('catalog.can_mark_returned') class LoanedBooksAllListView(PermissionRequiredMixin, generic.ListView): # Generic class-based view listing all books # on loan. Only visible to users with can_mark_returned permission.""" model = BookInstance permission_required = 'catalog.can_mark_returned' template_name = 'catalog/bookinstance_list_borrowed_all.html' paginate_by = 2 class AuthorCreate(PermissionRequiredMixin, CreateView): model = Author fields = '__all__' initial = {'date_of_death': '05/01/2018'} permission_required = 'catalog.can_mark_returned' class AuthorUpdate(PermissionRequiredMixin, UpdateView): model = Author fields = ['first_name', 'last_name', 'date_of_birth', 'date_of_death'] permission_required = 'catalog.can_mark_returned' class AuthorDelete(PermissionRequiredMixin, DeleteView): model = Author success_url = reverse_lazy('authors') permission_required = 'catalog.can_mark_returned' # Classes created for the forms challenge class BookCreate(PermissionRequiredMixin, CreateView): model = Book fields = '__all__' permission_required = 'catalog.can_mark_returned' class BookUpdate(PermissionRequiredMixin, UpdateView): model = Book fields = '__all__' permission_required = 'catalog.can_mark_returned' class BookDelete(PermissionRequiredMixin, DeleteView): model = Book success_url = reverse_lazy('books') permission_required = 'catalog.can_mark_returned'
""" # Read report and generate messages to fill missing scenes #### Utility utilization The DAG can be parameterized with run time configurations `scenes_limit`, which receives a INT as value. * The option scenes_limit limit the number of scenes to be read from the report, therefore limit the number of messages to be sent #### example conf in json format { "scenes_limit":10 } """ import gzip import json import logging import traceback from datetime import datetime from typing import Optional from airflow import DAG from airflow.contrib.hooks.aws_sqs_hook import SQSHook from airflow.operators.python_operator import PythonOperator from import publish_messages from infra.connections import CONN_LANDSAT_SYNC from infra.s3_buckets import LANDSAT_SYNC_BUCKET_NAME from infra.sqs_queues import LANDSAT_SYNC_USGS_SNS_FILTER_SQS_NAME from infra.variables import REGION from landsat_scenes_sync.variables import STATUS_REPORT_FOLDER_NAME from utility.utility_slackoperator import task_fail_slack_alert, task_success_slack_alert from utils.aws_utils import S3 REPORTING_PREFIX = "status-report/" # This process is manually run SCHEDULE_INTERVAL = None default_args = { "owner": "RODRIGO", "start_date": datetime(2021, 6, 7), "email": ["<EMAIL>"], "email_on_failure": True, "email_on_success": True, "email_on_retry": False, "retries": 0, "version": "0.0.1", "on_failure_callback": task_fail_slack_alert, } def post_messages(message_list) -> None: """ Publish messages :param message_list:(list) list of messages :return:(None) """ count = 0 messages = [] sqs_conn = SQSHook(aws_conn_id=CONN_LANDSAT_SYNC) sqs_hook = sqs_conn.get_resource_type( resource_type="sqs", region_name=REGION ) queue = sqs_hook.get_queue_by_name(QueueName=LANDSAT_SYNC_USGS_SNS_FILTER_SQS_NAME)"Sending messages") for message_dict in message_list: message = { "Id": str(count), "MessageBody": str(json.dumps(message_dict)), } messages.append(message) count += 1 # Send 10 messages per time if count % 10 == 0: publish_messages(queue, messages) messages = [] # Post the last messages if there are any if len(messages) > 0: publish_messages(queue, messages)"{count} messages sent successfully") def find_latest_report(landsat: str) -> str: """ Function to find the latest gap report :param landsat:(str)satellite name :return:(str) return the latest report file name """ continuation_token = None list_reports = [] while True: s3 = S3(conn_id=CONN_LANDSAT_SYNC) resp = s3.list_objects( bucket_name=LANDSAT_SYNC_BUCKET_NAME, region=REGION, prefix=f"{STATUS_REPORT_FOLDER_NAME}/", continuation_token=continuation_token, ) if not resp.get("Contents"): raise Exception( f"Report not found at " f"{LANDSAT_SYNC_BUCKET_NAME}/{STATUS_REPORT_FOLDER_NAME}/" f" - returned {resp}" ) list_reports.extend( [ obj["Key"] for obj in resp["Contents"] if landsat in obj["Key"] and "orphaned" not in obj["Key"] ] ) # The S3 API is paginated, returning up to 1000 keys at a time. if resp.get("NextContinuationToken"): continuation_token = resp["NextContinuationToken"] else: break list_reports.sort() return list_reports[-1] if list_reports else "" def build_message(missing_scene_paths, update_stac): """ """ message_list = [] for path in missing_scene_paths: landsat_product_id = str(path.strip("/").split("/")[-1]) if not landsat_product_id: raise Exception(f'It was not possible to build product ID from path {path}') message_list.append( { "Message": { "landsat_product_id": landsat_product_id, "s3_location": str(path), "update_stac": update_stac } } ) return message_list def fill_the_gap(landsat: str, scenes_limit: Optional[int] = None) -> None: """ Function to retrieve the latest gap report and create messages to the filter queue process. :param landsat:(str) satellite name :param scenes_limit:(str) limit of how many scenes will be filled :return:(None) """ try:"Looking for latest report") latest_report = find_latest_report(landsat=landsat)"Latest report found {latest_report}") if not latest_report: logging.error("Report not found") raise RuntimeError("Report not found!") else:"Reading missing scenes from the report") s3 = S3(conn_id=CONN_LANDSAT_SYNC) missing_scene_file_gzip = s3.get_s3_contents_and_attributes( bucket_name=LANDSAT_SYNC_BUCKET_NAME, region=REGION, key=latest_report, ) # This should just use Pandas. It's already a dependency. missing_scene_paths = [ scene_path for scene_path in gzip.decompress(missing_scene_file_gzip).decode("utf-8").split("\n") if scene_path ]"Number of scenes found {len(missing_scene_paths)}")"Example scenes: {missing_scene_paths[0:10]}")"Limited: {'No limit' if scenes_limit else scenes_limit}") if scenes_limit: missing_scene_paths = missing_scene_paths[:int(scenes_limit)] update_stac = False if 'update' in latest_report:'FORCED UPDATE FLAGGED!') update_stac = True messages_to_send = build_message( missing_scene_paths=missing_scene_paths, update_stac=update_stac )"Publishing messages") post_messages(message_list=messages_to_send) except Exception as error: logging.error(error) # print traceback but does not stop execution traceback.print_exc() raise error with DAG( "landsat_scenes_fill_the_gap", default_args=default_args, schedule_interval=SCHEDULE_INTERVAL, tags=["Landsat_scenes", "fill the gap"], catchup=False, ) as dag: PROCESSES = [] satellites = [ "landsat_8", "landsat_7", "landsat_5" ] for sat in satellites: PROCESSES.append( PythonOperator( task_id=f"{sat}_fill_the_gap", python_callable=fill_the_gap, op_kwargs=dict(landsat=sat, scenes_limit="{{ dag_run.conf.scenes_limit }}"), on_success_callback=task_success_slack_alert, ) ) PROCESSES
<reponame>ikechuku/bouncer_rest_api<gh_stars>0 from rest_framework import status from rest_framework.response import Response from rest_framework.views import APIView import bcrypt from ...models.user import User class ResetPassword(APIView): def post(self, request): data = password = data['password'] token = data['token'] if len(password) < 6: return Response({"message":"Invalid Password! Password must contain 6 or more characters"}, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) result = User.objects.filter(forgot_password_token = token) if result.count() == 1: user = result[0] # hash user password using bcrypt algorithm hashed = bcrypt.hashpw(password.encode('utf-8'), bcrypt.gensalt()) user.password = <PASSWORD> message = "Your password has been sucessfully reset" return Response({"message":message},status=status.HTTP_200_OK) return Response(dict(error="This user does not exist"), status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
"""Increase sql path column length to 128 Revision ID: 799310dca712 Revises: ca514840f404 Create Date: 2020-04-09 11:34:05.456439 """ from alembic import op import sqlalchemy as sa # revision identifiers, used by Alembic. revision = '799310dca712' down_revision = 'ca514840f404' branch_labels = None depends_on = None def upgrade(): op.alter_column('flask_usage', 'path', type_=sa.String(128), existing_type=sa.String(length=32)) def downgrade(): op.alter_column('flask_usage', 'path', type_=sa.String(32), existing_type=sa.String(length=128))
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from import BaseCommand, CommandError from asylum.tests.fixtures.full import generate_all class Command(BaseCommand): help = 'Generates full set of test data' def add_arguments(self, parser): pass def handle(self, *args, **options): generate_all()
import numpy as np import pyvista as pv from pylie import SE3 class Viewer3D: """Visualises the lab in 3D""" def __init__(self): """Sets up the 3D viewer""" self._plotter = pv.Plotter() # Add scene origin and plane scene_plane = pv.Plane(i_size=1000, j_size=1000) self._plotter.add_mesh(scene_plane, show_edges=True, style='wireframe') self._add_axis(SE3(), 100) # Set camera. = (100, 1500, -500) = (-0.042739, -0.226979, -0.972961) = (100, 300, -200)"3D visualization", interactive_update=True) def add_body_axes(self, pose_local_body: SE3): """Add axes representing the body pose to the 3D world :param pose_local_body: The pose of the body in the local coordinate system. """ self._add_axis(pose_local_body) def add_camera_axes(self, pose_local_camera: SE3): """Add axes representing the camera pose to the 3D world :param pose_local_camera: The pose of the camera in the local coordinate system. """ self._add_axis(pose_local_camera) def add_camera_frustum(self, camera_model, image): """Add a frustum representing the camera model and image to the 3D world""" self._add_frustum(camera_model, image) def _add_axis(self, pose: SE3, scale=10.0): T = pose.to_matrix() point = pv.Sphere(radius=0.1*scale) point.transform(T) self._plotter.add_mesh(point) x_arrow = pv.Arrow(direction=(1.0, 0.0, 0.0), scale=scale) x_arrow.transform(T) self._plotter.add_mesh(x_arrow, color='red') y_arrow = pv.Arrow(direction=(0.0, 1.0, 0.0), scale=scale) y_arrow.transform(T) self._plotter.add_mesh(y_arrow, color='green') z_arrow = pv.Arrow(direction=(0.0, 0.0, 1.0), scale=scale) z_arrow.transform(T) self._plotter.add_mesh(z_arrow, color='blue') def _add_frustum(self, camera_model, image, scale=20.0): S = camera_model.pose_world_camera.to_matrix() @ np.diag([scale, scale, scale, 1.0]) img_height, img_width = image.shape[:2] point_bottom_left = np.squeeze(camera_model.pixel_to_normalised(np.array([img_width-1., img_height-1.]))) point_bottom_right = np.squeeze(camera_model.pixel_to_normalised(np.array([0., img_height-1.]))) point_top_left = np.squeeze(camera_model.pixel_to_normalised(np.array([0., 0.]))) point_top_right = np.squeeze(camera_model.pixel_to_normalised(np.array([img_width-1., 0.]))) point_focal = np.zeros([3]) pyramid = pv.Pyramid([point_bottom_left, point_bottom_right, point_top_left, point_top_right, point_focal]) pyramid.transform(S) rectangle = pv.Rectangle([point_bottom_left, point_bottom_right, point_top_left, point_top_right]) rectangle.texture_map_to_plane(inplace=True) rectangle.transform(S) image_flipped_rgb = image[::-1, :, ::-1].copy() tex = pv.numpy_to_texture(image_flipped_rgb) self._plotter.add_mesh(pyramid, show_edges=True, style='wireframe') self._plotter.add_mesh(rectangle, texture=tex, opacity=0.9) def update(self, time=500): self._plotter.update(time) def show(self):
import pytest def test_import(): """ """ import @pytest.fixture def moonshot(): """ """ import pinot ds = return ds def test_moonshot(moonshot): """ Parameters ---------- moonshot : Returns ------- """ print(moonshot)
<reponame>YuriyLisovskiy/NeuralNetwork<filename>tests/unittest/ import unittest from import net from neural_network.config.config import INPUT_LAYER, HIDDEN_LAYERS, OUTPUT_LAYER class TestExceptions(unittest.TestCase): def test_last_layer_exception(self): with self.assertRaises(ValueError): params = { 'input_layer': INPUT_LAYER, 'hidden_layers': HIDDEN_LAYERS, 'output_layer': [2] } net.NeuralNetwork(**params) def test_redundant_layers_exception(self): with self.assertRaises(ValueError): params = { 'input_layer': INPUT_LAYER, 'hidden_layers': [9], 'output_layer': OUTPUT_LAYER } net.NeuralNetwork(**params) def test_input_layer_exception(self): with self.assertRaises(ValueError): params = { 'input_layer': INPUT_LAYER, 'hidden_layers': HIDDEN_LAYERS, 'output_layer': [1, 2] } net.NeuralNetwork(**params) def test_output_layer_exception(self): with self.assertRaises(ValueError): params = { 'input_layer': [1, 1], 'hidden_layers': HIDDEN_LAYERS, 'output_layer': [1] } net.NeuralNetwork(**params) def run(suite): suite.addTest(TestExceptions('test_last_layer_exception')) suite.addTest(TestExceptions('test_redundant_layers_exception')) suite.addTest(TestExceptions('test_input_layer_exception')) suite.addTest(TestExceptions('test_output_layer_exception'))
<gh_stars>0 # pylint: disable=invalid-name,too-few-public-methods import ctypes import os from typing import Iterator, Optional from . import bsd_util CTL_KERN = 1 KERN_PROC = 14 KERN_PROC_FILEDESC = 33 KF_TYPE_VNODE = 1 PATH_MAX = 1024 pid_t = ctypes.c_int sa_family_t = ctypes.c_uint8 _SS_MAXSIZE = 128 _SS_ALIGNSIZE = ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_int64) _SS_PAD1SIZE = _SS_ALIGNSIZE - ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_ubyte) - ctypes.sizeof(sa_family_t) _SS_PAD2SIZE = ( _SS_MAXSIZE - ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_ubyte) - ctypes.sizeof(sa_family_t) - _SS_PAD1SIZE - _SS_ALIGNSIZE ) CAP_RIGHTS_VERSION = 0 class SockaddrStorage(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [ ("ss_len", ctypes.c_ubyte), ("ss_family", sa_family_t), ("ss_pad1", (ctypes.c_char * _SS_PAD1SIZE)), ("ss_align", ctypes.c_int64), ("ss_pad2", (ctypes.c_char * _SS_PAD2SIZE)), ] class CapRights(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [ ("cr_rights", (ctypes.c_uint64 * (CAP_RIGHTS_VERSION + 2))), ] class KinfoFile11(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [ ("kf_vnode_type", ctypes.c_int), ("kf_sock_domain", ctypes.c_int), ("kf_sock_type", ctypes.c_int), ("kf_sock_protocol", ctypes.c_int), ("kf_sa_local", SockaddrStorage), ("kf_sa_peer", SockaddrStorage), ] class KinfoFileSock(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [ ("kf_sock_sendq", ctypes.c_uint32), ("kf_sock_domain0", ctypes.c_int), ("kf_sock_type0", ctypes.c_int), ("kf_sock_protocol0", ctypes.c_int), ("kf_sa_local", SockaddrStorage), ("kf_sa_peer", SockaddrStorage), ("kf_sock_pcb", ctypes.c_uint64), ("kf_sock_inpcb", ctypes.c_uint64), ("kf_sock_unpconn", ctypes.c_uint64), ("kf_sock_snd_sb_state", ctypes.c_uint16), ("kf_sock_rcv_sb_state", ctypes.c_uint16), ("kf_sock_recvq", ctypes.c_uint32), ] class KinfoFileFile(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [ ("kf_file_type", ctypes.c_int), ("kf_spareint", (ctypes.c_int * 3)), ("kf_spareint64", (ctypes.c_uint64 * 30)), ("kf_file_fsid", ctypes.c_uint64), ("kf_file_rdev", ctypes.c_uint64), ("kf_file_fileid", ctypes.c_uint64), ("kf_file_size", ctypes.c_uint64), ("kf_file_fsid_freebsd11", ctypes.c_uint32), ("kf_file_rdev_freebsd11", ctypes.c_uint32), ("kf_file_mode", ctypes.c_uint16), ("kf_file_pad0", ctypes.c_uint16), ("kf_file_pad1", ctypes.c_uint32), ] class KinfoFileSem(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [ ("kf_spareint", (ctypes.c_uint32 * 4)), ("kf_spareint64", (ctypes.c_uint64 * 32)), ("kf_sem_value", ctypes.c_uint32), ("kf_sem_mode", ctypes.c_uint16), ] class KinfoFilePipe(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [ ("kf_spareint", (ctypes.c_uint32 * 4)), ("kf_spareint64", (ctypes.c_uint64 * 32)), ("kf_pipe_addr", ctypes.c_uint64), ("kf_pipe_peer", ctypes.c_uint64), ("kf_pipe_buffer_cnt", ctypes.c_uint32), ("kf_pts_pad0", (ctypes.c_uint32 * 3)), ] class KinfoFilePts(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [ ("kf_spareint", (ctypes.c_uint32 * 4)), ("kf_spareint64", (ctypes.c_uint64 * 32)), ("kf_pts_dev_freebsd11", ctypes.c_uint32), ("kf_pts_pad0", ctypes.c_uint32), ("kf_pts_dev", ctypes.c_uint64), ("kf_pts_pad1", (ctypes.c_uint32 * 4)), ] class KinfoFileProc(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [ ("kf_spareint", (ctypes.c_uint32 * 4)), ("kf_spareint64", (ctypes.c_uint64 * 32)), ("kf_pid", pid_t), ] class KinfoFileUn(ctypes.Union): _fields_ = [ ("kf_freebsd11", KinfoFile11), ("kf_sock", KinfoFileSock), ("kf_file", KinfoFileFile), ("kf_sem", KinfoFileSem), ("kf_pipe", KinfoFilePipe), ("kf_pts", KinfoFilePts), ("kf_proc", KinfoFileProc), ] class KinfoFile(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [ ("kf_structsize", ctypes.c_int), ("kf_type", ctypes.c_int), ("kf_fd", ctypes.c_int), ("kf_ref_count", ctypes.c_int), ("kf_flags", ctypes.c_int), ("kf_pad0", ctypes.c_int), ("kf_offset", ctypes.c_int64), ("kf_un", KinfoFileUn), ("kf_status", ctypes.c_uint16), ("kf_pad1", ctypes.c_uint16), ("_kf_ispare0", ctypes.c_int), ("kf_cap_rights", CapRights), ("_kf_cap_spare", ctypes.c_uint64), ("kf_path", (ctypes.c_char * PATH_MAX)), ] def _iter_kinfo_files(pid: int) -> Iterator[KinfoFile]: kinfo_file_data = bsd_util.sysctl_bytes_retry( [CTL_KERN, KERN_PROC, KERN_PROC_FILEDESC, pid], None ) kinfo_file_size = ctypes.sizeof(KinfoFile) i = 0 while i < len(kinfo_file_data): kfile_data = kinfo_file_data[i: i + kinfo_file_size].ljust(kinfo_file_size, b"\0") kfile = KinfoFile.from_buffer_copy(kfile_data) if kfile.kf_structsize == 0: break yield kfile i += kfile.kf_structsize def try_recover_fd_path(fd: int) -> Optional[str]: for kfile in _iter_kinfo_files(os.getpid()): if kfile.kf_fd == fd and kfile.kf_type == KF_TYPE_VNODE: # Sometimes the path is empty ("") for no apparent reason. return os.fsdecode(kfile.kf_path) or None return None
<reponame>jed-frey/opensda_flasher """Module config functions.""" import os import sys from configparser import ConfigParser from configparser import ExtendedInterpolation def read_config(local_config=None): """Read Configuration File.""" if local_config is None: local_config = "" module_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) home_dir = os.path.expanduser("~") default_config = os.path.join(module_dir, "opensda_flasher.ini") home_config = os.path.join(home_dir, ".opensda_flasher.ini") config = ConfigParser(interpolation=ExtendedInterpolation())[default_config, home_config, local_config]) return config if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) > 1: cfg = read_config(sys.argv[1]) else: cfg = read_config() for k, v in cfg.items(): print(k) for k2, v2 in v.items(): print(f"\t{k2}: {v2}")
import asyncio from unittest.mock import MagicMock class MockException(Exception): pass # AsyncMock is new in Python 3.8 class AsyncMock(MagicMock): async def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): # pylint: disable = invalid-overridden-method, useless-super-delegation return super().__call__(*args, **kwargs) class CancellableAsyncMock(AsyncMock): # pylint: disable = too-many-ancestors async def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): await asyncio.sleep(1) return await super().__call__(*args, **kwargs)
Section 1/Section1/
''' Created on Mar 31, 2018 @author: <NAME> ''' # ------------ Tuples ------------ number_tuple = (1, 2, 3, 4) # tuples use parentheses for creation letter_tuple = ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd') mixed_tuple = (1, 'a', 2, 'b', [88, 99]) # can mix different types print(number_tuple) print(letter_tuple) print(mixed_tuple) print(type(number_tuple)) # <class 'tuple'> try: number_tuple[0] = 9 # tuples are immutable, can't change items once assigned except Exception as e: print('** caught Exception:', e) # TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment try: # try to add item to tuples by creating a new tuple new_number_tuple = number_tuple + (5) # TypeError: can only concatenate tuple (not "int") to tuple except Exception as e: print('** caught Exception:', e) new_number_tuple = number_tuple + (5,) # have to add a comma to make it a tuple print(new_number_tuple) number_tuple = number_tuple + (5,) # if we reassign to original tuple value, print(number_tuple) # it appears as if we are updating it print(id(number_tuple)) # but they are two different objects number_tuple = number_tuple + (6,) print(id(number_tuple)) # the variable name is now pointing to a new object print(number_tuple[:]) # slice operator - entire tuple print(number_tuple[1:3]) # start at element 1, end at 3 (exclusive) print(number_tuple[3:]) # start at element 3 until the end (inclusive)
import sys import os import logging sys.path.append(os.environ["PWD"]) from pyga import * population_size = 10 elite_count = 2 crossover_points = 2 crossover_mutate_probability = 0.2 max_weight = 15 city_names = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] distances = [ # a b c d [ 0, 130, 180, 300], # a [130, 0, 320, 350], # b [180, 320, 0, 360], # c [300, 350, 360, 0] # d ] class SalesmanFitnessEvaluator(FitnessEvaluator): def __init__(self, distances): super().__init__() self.distances = distances def get_fitness(self, candidate, population): total_distance = 0 cities_order = for i, city in enumerate(cities_order): next_city = cities_order[i+1] if i+1 < len(cities_order) else cities_order[0] total_distance += self.distances[city][next_city] return Fitness(-total_distance, is_natural=False) def print_results(result): print('Visit cities in this order:') cities_order = for i, city in enumerate(cities_order): next_city = cities_order[i + 1] if i + 1 < len(cities_order) else cities_order[0] print('- ', city_names[city], distances[city][next_city]) print('Total distance: ', abs( logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) random = Random() probability = Probability(crossover_mutate_probability, random) candidate_factory = ListFactory(random, len(distances)-1) crossover = ListOrderCrossover(probability, random) mutation = ListOrderMutation(probability, random, 2) operator = PipelineOperator() operator.append_operator(crossover) operator.append_operator(mutation) fitness_evaluator = SalesmanFitnessEvaluator(distances) selection_strategy = RouletteWheelSelection(random) termination_condition = Stagnation(100) engine = GenerationalEvolutionEngine() engine.create(candidate_factory, operator, fitness_evaluator, selection_strategy) population = engine.evolve(population_size, elite_count, termination_condition) print_results(population.get_best())
<reponame>babubaskaran/pands-problem-set # Author : <NAME> # Date : 05/04/2019 Time : 19:00 pm # Solution for problem number 2 # Version 1.0 # import the datetime of the system using import syntax import datetime # checking the weekday number is equal to 1 using if condition if == 1: # print result if the weekday number is 1 print("Yes - today begins with a T") # checking the weekday number is equal to 3 using elif conditon elif == 3: # print result if the weekday number is 3 print("Yes - today begins with a T") # pass on if the weekday number is not 1 or 3 else: # print the day is not beging with T since the weekday is not 1 & 3 print("No - today is doesn't begins with T")
""" Add a species to your database usiing a log file """ import sys import os import autofile import automol from mechanalyzer.inf import thy as tinfo from mechanalyzer.inf import rxn as rinfo from mechanalyzer.inf import spc as sinfo import elstruct import autorun from import _saved_cnf_info from import _sym_unique from import _save_unique_parsed_conformer from import _geo_unique from import _fragment_ring_geo from import save_saddle_point from mechlib.reaction.rxnid import _id_reaction THEORY_DCT = { 'lvl_wbs': { 'orb_res': 'RU', 'program': 'gaussian09', 'method': 'wb97xd', 'basis': '6-31g*' }, 'lvl_wbm': { 'orb_res': 'RU', 'program': 'gaussian09', 'method': 'wb97xd', 'basis': '6-31+g*' }, 'lvl_wbt': { 'orb_res': 'RU', 'program': 'gaussian09', 'method': 'wb97xd', 'basis': 'cc-pvtz'}, 'lvl_m06s': { 'orb_res': 'RU', 'program': 'gaussian09', 'method': 'm062x', 'basis': '6-31g*' }, 'lvl_m06m': { 'orb_res': 'RU', 'program': 'gaussian09', 'method': 'm062x', 'basis': '6-31+g*' }, 'lvl_m06t': { 'orb_res': 'RU', 'program': 'gaussian09', 'method': 'm062x', 'basis': 'cc-pvtz'}, 'lvl_b2d': { 'orb_res': 'RU', 'program': 'gaussian09', 'method': 'b2plypd3', 'basis': 'cc-pvdz'}, 'lvl_b2t': { 'orb_res': 'RU', 'program': 'gaussian09', 'method': 'b2plypd3', 'basis': 'cc-pvtz'}, 'lvl_b2q': { 'orb_res': 'RU', 'program': 'gaussian09', 'method': 'b2plypd3', 'basis': 'cc-pvqz' }, 'lvl_b3s': { 'orb_res': 'RU', 'program': 'gaussian09', 'method': 'b3lyp', 'basis': '6-31g*' }, 'lvl_b3mg': { 'orb_res': 'RU', 'program': 'gaussian09', 'method': 'b3lyp', 'basis': '6-311g**' }, 'lvl_b3t': { 'orb_res': 'RU', 'program': 'gaussian09', 'method': 'b3lyp', 'basis': 'cc-pvtz'}, 'cc_lvl_d': { 'orb_res': 'RR', 'program': 'molpro2015', 'method': 'ccsd(t)', 'basis': 'cc-pvdz'}, 'cc_lvl_t': { 'orb_res': 'RR', 'program': 'molpro2015', 'method': 'ccsd(t)', 'basis': 'cc-pvtz'}, 'cc_lvl_q': { 'orb_res': 'RR', 'program': 'molpro2015', 'method': 'ccsd(t)', 'basis': 'cc-pvqz' }, 'cc_lvl_df': { 'orb_res': 'RR', 'program': 'molpro2015', 'method': 'ccsd(t)-f12', 'basis': 'cc-pvdz-f12' }, 'cc_lvl_tf': { 'orb_res': 'RR', 'program': 'molpro2015', 'method': 'ccsd(t)-f12', 'basis': 'cc-pvtz-f12' }, 'cc_lvl_qf': { 'orb_res': 'RR', 'program': 'molpro2015', 'method': 'ccsd(t)-f12', 'basis': 'cc-pvqz-f12' }, 'mlvl_cas_dz': { 'orb_res': 'RR', 'program': 'molpro2015', 'method': 'caspt2', 'basis': 'cc-pvdz'}, 'mlvl_cas_tz': { 'orb_res': 'RR', 'program': 'molpro2015', 'method': 'caspt2', 'basis': 'cc-pvtz'}} def parse_user_locs(insert_dct): rid = insert_dct['rid'] cid = insert_dct['cid'] if rid is None: rid = autofile.schema.generate_new_ring_id() if cid is None: cid = autofile.schema.generate_new_conformer_id() return (rid, cid) def parse_user_species(insert_dct): smi = insert_dct['smiles'] ich = insert_dct['inchi'] mult = insert_dct['mult'] chg = insert_dct['charge'] if ich is None and smi is None: print( 'Error: user did not specify species' + 'with an inchi or smiles in input') sys.exit() if ich is None: ich = automol.smiles.inchi(smi) if not automol.inchi.is_complete(ich): ich = automol.inchi.add_stereo(ich) if mult is None: print('Error: user did not specify mult in input') sys.exit() if chg is None: print('Error: user did not specify charge in input') sys.exit() return sinfo.from_data(ich, chg, mult) def parse_user_reaction(insert_dct): smis = insert_dct['smiles'] ichs = insert_dct['inchi'] mults = insert_dct['mult'] chgs = insert_dct['charge'] rxn_class = insert_dct['rxn_class'] # zrxn_file = insert_dct['zrxn_file'] if ichs is None: ichs = [[], []] for smi in smis[0]: ichs[0].append(automol.smiles.inchi(smi)) for smi in smis[1]: ichs[1].append(automol.smiles.inchi(smi)) for idx, ich in enumerate(ichs[0]): if not automol.inchi.is_complete(ich): ich = automol.inchi.add_stereo(ich) ichs[0][idx] = ich for idx, ich in enumerate(ichs[1]): if not automol.inchi.is_complete(ich): ich = automol.inchi.add_stereo(ich) ichs[1][idx] = ich if mults is None: print('Error: user did not specify mults in input') sys.exit() if chgs is None: print('Error: user did not specify charges in input') sys.exit() flat_ichs = sum(ichs, []) if len(flat_ichs) != len(mults): print( 'Error: number of species does not match number of mults') sys.exit() if len(flat_ichs) != len(chgs): print( 'Error: number of species does not match number of charges') sys.exit() idx = 0 rxn_muls = [[], []] rxn_chgs = [[], []] for ich in ichs[0]: mults_allowed = automol.graph.possible_spin_multiplicities( automol.inchi.graph(ich, stereo=False)) if mults[idx] not in mults_allowed: print( 'user specified mult of {}'.format(mults[idx]) + 'is not an allowed multiplicty for inchi {}'.format(ich)) sys.exit() rxn_muls[0].append(mults[idx]) rxn_chgs[0].append(chgs[idx]) idx += 1 for ich in ichs[1]: mults_allowed = automol.graph.possible_spin_multiplicities( automol.inchi.graph(ich, stereo=False)) if mults[idx] not in mults_allowed: print( 'user specified mult of {}'.format(mults[idx]) + 'is not an allowed multiplicty for inchi {}'.format(ich)) sys.exit() rxn_muls[1].append(mults[idx]) rxn_chgs[1].append(chgs[idx]) idx += 1 ts_mult = insert_dct['ts_mult'] if ts_mult is None: print( 'Error: user did not specify ts_mul') sys.exit() rxn_info = rinfo.sort((ichs, rxn_chgs, rxn_muls, ts_mult)) ts_info = rinfo.ts_info(rxn_info) # if zrxn_file is not None: # zrxn_str = autofile.io_.read_file(zrxn_file) # zrxns = [automol.reac.from_string(zrxn_str)] # else: # zrxns, _ = _id_reaction(rxn_info) if rxn_class is None: print( 'Error: user did not specify rxn_class') sys.exit() return rxn_info, ts_info, rxn_class def parse_user_theory(insert_dct): # Get input method explicitly inputted program = insert_dct['program'] method = insert_dct['method'] basis = insert_dct['basis'] orb_res = insert_dct['orb_res'] # Get input method from theory dictionary theory = insert_dct['theory'] if theory is None: if program is None: print('Error: user did not specify program in input') sys.exit() elif method is None: print('Error: user did not specify method in input') sys.exit() elif basis is None: print('Error: user did not specify basis in input') sys.exit() elif orb_res is None: print('Error: user did not specify orb_res in input') sys.exit() else: thy_info = (program, method, basis, orb_res) else: if theory in THEORY_DCT: thy_info = tinfo.from_dct(THEORY_DCT[theory]) else: print( 'Error: user did not specify a theory {}'.format(theory) + ' that is in the THEORY_DCT' + 'please add it to the dct in the script or use program/method/basis/orb_dct' + 'keywords instead of theory') sys.exit() return thy_info def create_species_filesystems(prefix, spc_info, mod_thy_info, locs=None): # species filesystem spc_fs = autofile.fs.species(prefix) spc_fs[-1].create(spc_info) spc_prefix = spc_fs[-1].path(spc_info) # theory filesystem thy_fs = autofile.fs.theory(spc_prefix) thy_fs[-1].create(mod_thy_info[1:]) thy_prefix = thy_fs[-1].path(mod_thy_info[1:]) # conformer cnf_fs = autofile.fs.conformer(thy_prefix) if locs is not None: cnf_fs[-1].create(locs) cnf_prefix = cnf_fs[-1].path(locs) else: cnf_prefix = None return ( (spc_fs, thy_fs, cnf_fs), (spc_prefix, thy_prefix, cnf_prefix)) def create_reaction_filesystems( prefix, rxn_info, mod_thy_info, ts_locs=None, locs=None): # species filesystem print('rxn_info', rxn_info) rxn_fs = autofile.fs.reaction(prefix) sort_rxn_info = rinfo.sort(rxn_info, scheme='autofile') rxn_fs[-1].create(sort_rxn_info) rxn_prefix = rxn_fs[-1].path(sort_rxn_info) # theory filesystem thy_fs = autofile.fs.theory(rxn_prefix) thy_fs[-1].create(mod_thy_info[1:]) thy_prefix = thy_fs[-1].path(mod_thy_info[1:]) if ts_locs is None: ts_locs = (0,) ts_fs = autofile.fs.transition_state(thy_prefix) ts_fs[-1].create(ts_locs) ts_prefix = ts_fs[-1].path(ts_locs) # conformer cnf_fs = autofile.fs.conformer(ts_prefix) if locs is not None: cnf_fs[-1].create(locs) cnf_prefix = cnf_fs[-1].path(locs) else: cnf_prefix = None return ( (rxn_fs, thy_fs, ts_fs, cnf_fs), (rxn_prefix, thy_prefix, ts_prefix, cnf_prefix)) def read_user_file(dct, keyword): if dct[keyword] is None: print( 'ERROR: No filename is specified for {}'.format(keyword) + 'Script will exit') sys.exit() file_name = dct[keyword] return autofile.io_.read_file(file_name) def read_user_filesystem(dct): if dct['save_filesystem'] is None: print( 'ERROR: No save_filesystem}' + 'Script will exit') sys.exit() return dct['save_filesystem'] def choose_cutoff_distance(geo): rqhs = [x * 0.1 for x in range(26, 38, 2)] chosen_ts_gra = [] chosen_oversaturated_atom = None for rqh in rqhs: ts_gras = automol.geom.connectivity_graph(geo, rqq_bond_max=3.5, rqh_bond_max=rqh, rhh_bond_max=2.3) ts_gras = automol.graph.set_stereo_from_geometry(ts_gras, geo) ts_gras = automol.graph.connected_components(ts_gras) if len(ts_gras) != 1: continue for ts_gra_i in ts_gras: vals = automol.graph.atom_unsaturated_valences(ts_gra_i, bond_order=True) oversaturated_atoms = [atm for atm, val in vals.items() if val < 0] if len(oversaturated_atoms) == 1: chosen_ts_gra = ts_gras[0] chosen_oversaturated_atom = oversaturated_atoms[0] break if chosen_oversaturated_atom is None: print('could not figure out which H is being transfered') sys.exit() return chosen_ts_gra, chosen_oversaturated_atom def get_zrxn(geo, rxn_info, rxn_class): ts_gra, oversaturated_atom = choose_cutoff_distance(geo) atoms_bnd = automol.graph.atoms_bond_keys(ts_gra) bonds = atoms_bnd[oversaturated_atom] if len(bonds) != 2: print('too many bonds to transfered atom for me to figure out') print('I promise i will be smarter in the future') sys.exit() breaking_bond, forming_bond = bonds # when we move on to other reaction types we have to check for double # bonds when doing bond orders forw_bnd_ord_dct = {breaking_bond: 0.9, forming_bond: 0.1} back_bnd_ord_dct = {breaking_bond: 0.1, forming_bond: 0.9} forward_gra = automol.graph.set_bond_orders(ts_gra, forw_bnd_ord_dct) backward_gra = automol.graph.set_bond_orders(ts_gra, back_bnd_ord_dct) reactant_gras = automol.graph.without_dummy_bonds( automol.graph.without_fractional_bonds(forward_gra)) reactant_gras = automol.graph.connected_components(reactant_gras) product_gras = automol.graph.without_dummy_bonds( automol.graph.without_fractional_bonds(backward_gra)) product_gras = automol.graph.connected_components(product_gras) ts_gras = [forward_gra, backward_gra] rxn_gras = [reactant_gras, product_gras] rxn_smis = [[], []] for i, side in enumerate(rxn_info[0]): for ich in side: rxn_smis[i].append(automol.inchi.smiles(ich)) ts_smis = [[], []] ts_ichs = [[], []] for rgra in reactant_gras: try: rich = automol.graph.inchi(rgra, stereo=True) except IndexError: rich = automol.graph.inchi(rgra) rsmi = automol.inchi.smiles(rich) ts_ichs[0].append(rich) ts_smis[0].append(rsmi) for pgra in product_gras: try: pich = automol.graph.inchi(pgra, stereo=True) except IndexError: pich = automol.graph.inchi(pgra) psmi = automol.inchi.smiles(pich) ts_ichs[1].append(pich) ts_smis[1].append(psmi) reactant_match = False product_match = False if ts_smis[0] == rxn_smis[0]: reactant_match = True elif ts_smis[0][::-1] == rxn_smis[0]: ts_ichs[0] = ts_ichs[0][::-1] ts_smis[0] = ts_smis[0][::-1] reactant_match = True else: ts_ichs = ts_ichs[::-1] ts_smis = ts_smis[::-1] ts_gras = ts_gras[::-1] rxn_gras = rxn_gras[::-1] if ts_smis[0] == rxn_smis[0]: reactant_match = True elif ts_smis[0][::-1] == rxn_smis[0]: ts_ichs[0] = ts_ichs[0][::-1] ts_smis[0] = ts_smis[0][::-1] reactant_match = True if reactant_match: if ts_smis[1] == rxn_smis[1]: product_match = True elif ts_smis[1][::-1] == rxn_smis[-1]: ts_ichs[1] = ts_ichs[1][::-1] ts_smis[1] = ts_smis[1][::-1] product_match = True if reactant_match and product_match: reactant_keys = [] for gra in rxn_gras[0]: reactant_keys.append(automol.graph.atom_keys(gra)) product_keys = [] for gra in rxn_gras[1]: product_keys.append(automol.graph.atom_keys(gra)) std_rxn = automol.reac.Reaction( rxn_class, *ts_gras, reactant_keys, product_keys) ts_zma, zma_keys, dummy_key_dct = automol.reac.ts_zmatrix( std_rxn, geo) std_zrxn = automol.reac.relabel_for_zmatrix( std_rxn, zma_keys, dummy_key_dct) rxn_info = (ts_ichs, *rxn_info[1:]) ts_geo = automol.zmat.geometry(ts_zma) # geo_reorder_dct = {} # dummies = [] # for dummy in dummy_key_dct.keys(): # add_idx = 1 # for dumm_j in dummies: # if dummy > dumm_j: # add_idx += 1 # dummies.append(dummy + add_idx) # remove_idx = 0 # for idx_i, idx_j in enumerate(zma_keys): # if idx_i in dummies: # remove_idx -= 1 # else: # geo_reorder_dct[idx_i + remove_idx] = idx_j # ts_geo = automol.geom.reorder_coordinates(geo, geo_reorder_dct) else: print( 'The reactants and products found for the transition state' + 'did not match those specified in user input') sys.exit() return std_zrxn, ts_zma, ts_geo, rxn_info def main(insert_dct): prefix = read_user_filesystem(insert_dct) # Read in the input and output files that we # Are inserting into the filesystem inp_str = read_user_file(insert_dct, 'input_file') out_str = read_user_file(insert_dct, 'output_file') # parse method from insert input file thy_info = parse_user_theory(insert_dct) # parse out geo information first, to make sure # user save specifications match output prog, method, basis, _ = thy_info ene =, method, out_str) geo = elstruct.reader.opt_geometry(prog, out_str) if geo is None: print( 'No geometry could be parsed from output' + 'Check that the program matches user specied' + ' {}'.format(prog) + ' and method matches' + ' {}'.format(method)) sys.exit() # Parse out user specified save location zrxn = None if insert_dct['saddle']: rxn_info, spc_info, rxn_class = parse_user_reaction(insert_dct) zrxn, zma, geo, rxn_info = get_zrxn(geo, rxn_info, rxn_class) # for zrxn_i in zrxns: # forw_form_key = automol.reac.forming_bond_keys(zrxn_i) # back_form_key = automol.reac.forming_bond_keys(zrxn_i, rev=True) # forw_brk_key = automol.reac.breaking_bond_keys(zrxn_i) # back_brk_key = automol.reac.breaking_bond_keys(zrxn_i, rev=True) # forward_gra = automol.graph.without_stereo_parities( # automol.graph.without_dummy_bonds( # automol.graph.without_fractional_bonds( # zrxn_i.forward_ts_graph))) # forward_gra = automol.graph.add_bonds(forward_gra, forw_form_key) # backward_gra = automol.graph.without_stereo_parities( # automol.graph.without_dummy_bonds( # automol.graph.without_fractional_bonds( # zrxn_i.backward_ts_graph))) # backward_gra = automol.graph.add_bonds(backward_gra, back_form_key) # if zrxn_i.class_ == 'hydrogen abstraction': # forward_gra = automol.graph.remove_bonds(forward_gra, forw_brk_key) # backward_gra = automol.graph.remove_bonds(backward_gra, back_brk_key) # print('forRXN', automol.graph.string(zrxn_i.forward_ts_graph)) # print('forRXN', automol.graph.string(forward_gra)) # print('bacRXN', automol.graph.string(zrxn_i.backward_ts_graph)) # print('bacRXN', automol.graph.string(backward_gra)) # if forward_gra == automol.geom.graph(geo, stereo=False): # zrxn = zrxn_i # zma, _, _ = automol.reac.ts_zmatrix(zrxn, geo) # elif backward_gra == automol.geom.graph(geo, stereo=False): # zrxn = automol.reac.reverse(zrxn_i) # zma, _, _ = automol.reac.ts_zmatrix(zrxn, geo) # if zrxn is None: # print( # 'Your geometry did not match any of the attempted ' + # 'zrxns, which are the following') # for zrxn_i in zrxns: # print(zrxns) # sys.exit() # # hess = elstruct.reader.hessian(prog, out_str) # Hess = None # If hess is None: # print( # 'No hessian found in output, cannot save ' + # 'a transition state without a hessian') # sys.exit() # run_path = insert_dct['run_path'] # if run_path is None: # run_path = os.getcwd() # run_fs = # freq_run_path = run_fs[-1].path(['hessian']) # run_fs[-1].create(['hessian']) # script_str = autorun.SCRIPT_DCT['projrot'] # freqs, _, imags, _ = autorun.projrot.frequencies( # script_str, freq_run_path, [geo], [[]], [hess]) # if len(imags) != 1: # print( # 'Can only save a transition state that has a single' + # 'imaginary frequency, projrot found the following' + # 'frequencies: ' + ','.join(imags)) # sys.exit() else: spc_info = parse_user_species(insert_dct) mod_thy_info = tinfo.modify_orb_label(thy_info, spc_info) locs = parse_user_locs(insert_dct) # Check that the save location matches geo information if not insert_dct['saddle']: if not species_match(geo, spc_info): print( 'I refuse to save this geometry until user specified' + ' info matches the info in user given output') sys.exit() # Check that the rid/cid info matches the filesystem fs_array, prefix_array = create_species_filesystems( prefix, spc_info, mod_thy_info, locs=None) else: fs_array, prefix_array = create_reaction_filesystems( prefix, rxn_info, mod_thy_info, ts_locs=insert_dct['ts_locs'], locs=None) cnf_fs = fs_array[-1] if not locs_match(geo, cnf_fs, locs): print( 'I refuse to save this geometry until user specified' + ' info matches the info in user given output') sys.exit() inf_obj = job=elstruct.Job.OPTIMIZATION, prog=prog, version='', method=method, basis=basis, status=autofile.schema.RunStatus.SUCCESS) ret = (inf_obj, inp_str, out_str) _, saved_geos, saved_enes = _saved_cnf_info( cnf_fs, mod_thy_info) if _geo_unique(geo, ene, saved_geos, saved_enes, zrxn=zrxn): sym_id = _sym_unique( geo, ene, saved_geos, saved_enes) if sym_id is None: if cnf_fs[0] rinf_obj = cnf_fs[0] else: rinf_obj = autofile.schema.info_objects.conformer_trunk(0) rinf_obj.nsamp = 1 if cnf_fs[1][locs[0]]): cinf_obj = cnf_fs[1][0]) cnsampd = cinf_obj.nsamp cnsampd += 1 cinf_obj.nsamp = cnsampd else: cinf_obj = autofile.schema.info_objects.conformer_branch(0) cinf_obj.nsamp = 1 cnf_fs[1].create([locs[0]]) cnf_fs[0] cnf_fs[1], [locs[0]]) hess, freqs, imags = None, None, None if hess is not None and zrxn is not None: hess_inf_obj = job=elstruct.Job.HESSIAN, prog=prog, version='', method=method, basis=basis, status=autofile.schema.RunStatus.SUCCESS) hess_ret = (hess_inf_obj, inp_str, out_str) save_saddle_point( zrxn, ret, hess_ret, freqs, imags, mod_thy_info, {'runlvl_cnf_fs': (cnf_fs, None)}, locs, zma_locs=(0,), zma=zma) else: _save_unique_parsed_conformer( mod_thy_info, cnf_fs, locs, (geo, zma, ene), inf_obj, inp_str, zrxn=zrxn, zma_locs=(0,)) print( 'geometry is now saved at {}'.format(cnf_fs[-1].path(locs))) else: print( 'the geometry in the output is not unique to filesystem' + '... not saving') def species_match(geo, spc_info): match = True ich, _, mul = spc_info mults_allowed = automol.graph.possible_spin_multiplicities( automol.inchi.graph(ich, stereo=False)) geo_ich = automol.geom.inchi(geo, stereo=True) if ich != geo_ich: print( 'user specified inchi {}'.format(ich) + 'does not match inchi from output {}'.format(geo_ich) + 'which is based on geometry from output:\n' + '{}'.format(automol.geom.string(geo))) match = False if mul not in mults_allowed: print( 'user specified mult of {}'.format(mul) + 'is not an allowed multiplicty for inchi {}'.format(ich)) match = False return match def locs_match(geo, cnf_fs, locs): match = True rid = locs[0] geo_rid = rng_loc_for_geo(geo, cnf_fs) if geo_rid is not None: if geo_rid != rid: print( 'Error: rid mismatch for the filesystem at' + ' {}'.format(cnf_fs[0].path()) + '\nthe expected rid for this geo is {}'.format(geo_rid) + '\nthe user rid in input file is {}'.format(rid)) match = False return match def rng_loc_for_geo(geo, cnf_fs): rid = None frag_geo = _fragment_ring_geo(geo) if frag_geo is not None: frag_zma = automol.geom.zmatrix(frag_geo) checked_rids = [] for locs in cnf_fs[-1].existing(): current_rid, _ = locs if current_rid in checked_rids: continue if cnf_fs[-1].file.geometry.exists(locs): checked_rids.append(current_rid) locs_geo = cnf_fs[-1] frag_locs_geo = _fragment_ring_geo(locs_geo) if frag_locs_geo is None: rid = locs[0] break frag_locs_zma = automol.geom.zmatrix(frag_locs_geo) if automol.zmat.almost_equal( frag_locs_zma, frag_zma, dist_rtol=0.1, ang_atol=.4): rid = locs[0] break return rid def parse_script_input(script_input_file): script_input = autofile.io_.read_file(script_input_file).splitlines() insert_dct = { 'save_filesystem': None, 'smiles': None, 'inchi': None, 'mult': None, 'charge': None, 'rid': None, 'cid': None, 'theory': None, 'program': None, 'method': None, 'basis': None, 'orb_res': None, 'input_file': None, 'output_file': None, 'ts_locs': None, 'ts_mult': None, 'rxn_class': None, 'zrxn_file': None, 'run_path': None, 'saddle': False, } for i, line in enumerate(script_input): if len(line) < 2: continue elif '!' in line[0]: continue line = line.split('!')[0] if ':' not in line: print( 'ERROR: line\n({}) {}\n is not parsable, '.format(i, line) + 'script will exit until input is resolved to avoid' + ' filesystem contamination.' + 'Comment lines should contain "!"' + 'Key format should be:\n' + '<Keyword>: <Value>\n' + 'Allowed keywords are:\n' + '{}'.format('\n'.join(list(insert_dct.keys()))) ) sys.exit() keyword, value = line.split(':') if keyword in insert_dct: if 'None' in value: value = None elif keyword in ['mult', 'charge', 'ts_mult']: values = [] for val in value.split(','): values.append(int(val)) if len(values) == 1: value = values[0] else: value = values elif keyword in ['ts_locs']: value = (int(value),) elif keyword in ['rxn_class']: # strip whitespaces form either side of reaction # class but not in between words value = value.split() for i, val in enumerate(value): value[i] = val.replace(' ', '') value = ' '.join(value) elif keyword not in ['smiles', 'inchi']: value = value.replace(' ', '') else: value = value.split(' = ') if len(value) > 1: insert_dct['saddle'] = True reactants, products = value reactants = reactants.split(' + ') products = products.split(' + ') values = [[], []] for reactant in reactants: values[0].append(reactant.replace(' ', '')) for product in products: values[1].append(product.replace(' ', '')) value = values else: value = value[0].replace(' ', '') print(keyword, value) insert_dct[keyword] = value else: print( 'ERROR: Keyword {} is not recognized'.format(keyword) + 'script will exit until inpupt is resolved to avoid' + ' filesystem contamination.' + 'Allowed keywords are:\n' + '{}'.format('\n'.join(list(insert_dct.keys()))) ) sys.exit() return insert_dct if __name__ == '__main__': SCRIPT_INPUT_FILE = 'insert_options.txt' insert_dct = parse_script_input(SCRIPT_INPUT_FILE) main(insert_dct)
import typing if typing.TYPE_CHECKING: from ..client import Client from ..core import Gateway, GatewayDispatch from ..models import SlashContext, Option async def interaction_create(client: "Client", gateway: "Gateway", event: "GatewayDispatch") -> typing.List[typing.Awaitable]: """ |coro| This event called when the client is ready. It does provide the client and the user that was ready. Parameters ---------- client : `Client` The main client. gateway : `Gateway` The gateway that dispatched the event. event : `GatewayDispatch` The event that was dispatched. """ data = # options = [Option(i["type"], name=i["name"], description=i["description"], required=) # for i in data.get("data")["options"]] context = SlashContext( client, event["type"], id=data["id"], application_id=data["application_id"], command_id=data.get("data")["id"], name=data.get("data")["name"], options=Option(), ) return "on_interaction_create", [ context ] """ The event that was dispatched. """ def export(): """ Exports the function. """ return interaction_create
#!/bin/python from deap import tools import numpy as np import os statisticsNames = {'avg': 'Average profit', 'std': 'Profit variation', 'min': 'Minimum profit', 'max': 'Maximum profit', 'size': 'Population size', 'maxsize': 'Max population size'} def getStatisticsMeter(): stats = tools.Statistics(lambda ind:[0]) stats.register("avg", np.mean) stats.register("std", np.std) stats.register("min", np.min) stats.register("max", np.max) return stats def write_evolution_logs(i, stats, filename="output/evolution_gen.csv"): #print(i, stats) if type(stats) == dict: message = ','.join([str(x) for x in [i,stats['avg'], stats['std'], stats['min'], stats['max'], stats['dateRange']]]) elif type(stats) == list: message = ','.join([str(x) for x in [i] + stats]) else: raise #print(message) if i == 0 and os.path.isfile(filename): os.remove(filename) f=open(filename, 'a+') f.write(message+"\n") #print(message) f.close()
<reponame>bt1401/Django from django import urls from django.db.models.fields import URLField from django.shortcuts import render, redirect from django.http import HttpResponse, request from django.views import View from.models import Title, Headline, Artical from.forms import PostForm from django.contrib.auth import authenticate, login from django.contrib.auth.mixins import LoginRequiredMixin from django.views.generic import ListView, DetailView, CreateView, UpdateView, DeleteView from django.urls import reverse_lazy import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup # Create your views here. class Scrape(View): def get(self, request): #Artical.objects.all().delete() Headline.objects.all().delete() session = requests.Session() session.headers = {"User-Agent": "Googlebot/2.1 (+"} url = "" content = session.get(url).content soup = BeautifulSoup(content, "html.parser") News = soup.find_all('div', {"class":"clearfix item"}) for article in News: linkx = article.find('a', {"class":"m-t-5 w-240 d-ib thumb left m-r-20"}) link=linkx['href'] imagex = article.find('img', {"class":"lazy"}) image = imagex['src'] titlex = article.find('a', {"class":"f-18 title"}) title = titlex.text authorx = article.find('a', {"class":"box-subcate-style4-namecate"}) author = authorx.text timex = article.find('span', {"class":"time"}) time = timex.text textx = article.find('div', {"class":"lead"}) text = textx.text new_headline = Headline() new_headline.title = title new_headline.image = image = author new_headline.time = time new_headline.text = text new_headline.url = ""+link headlines = Headline.objects.all()[::-1] context = {'object_list': headlines,} return render(request, "mysite/scrape.html", context) def post(self, request): list_link = Headline.objects.values_list('url', flat=True) link = request.POST.get('link') id_get = request.POST.get('id') if (link in list_link): session = requests.Session() session.headers = {"User-Agent": "Googlebot/2.1 (+"} url = link content = session.get(url).content soup = BeautifulSoup(content, "html.parser") News = soup.find_all('div', {"class":"ArticleDetail w-660 d-ib"}) for artical in News: image = artical.find("img", {"class": ""})['src'] title = artical.find("h1", {"class": "title f-22 c-3e"}).text text = artical.find("div", {"class": "ArticleContent"}).text author = artical.find("strong", {"class": ""}).text time = artical.find("span", {"class": "ArticleDate"}).text if not Artical.objects.filter(title=title): new_post = Artical() = id_get new_post.image = image new_post.title = title new_post.text = text = author new_post.time = time return redirect(f'/post/{id_get}') else: return redirect(f'/post/{id_get}') def show_detail(request, id_get): headlines = Artical.objects.get(id = id_get) context = {'object_list': headlines,} return render(request, "mysite/scrape_detail.html", context) class HomeClass(View): def get(self, request): list_title = Title.objects.all() context = {"baiviet" : list_title} return render(request, 'mysite/home.html', context) class LoginClass(View): def get(self, request): return render(request, 'mysite/login.html') def post(self, request): username = request.POST.get('user_name') password = request.POST.get('pass_word') my_user = authenticate(username=username, password=password) if my_user is None: return render(request, 'mysite/login_unsuccess.html') login(request, my_user) return render(request, 'mysite/login_success.html') class AddPost(LoginRequiredMixin,View): login_url='/login/' def get(self, request): f = PostForm() context = {'fm': f} return render(request,'mysite/add_post.html',context ) def post(self, request): f = PostForm(request.POST) if not f.is_valid(): return render(request, 'mysite/add_unsuccess.html') if request.user.has_perm('mysite.add_post'): else: return HttpResponse('You do not have access!') return render(request, 'mysite/add_success.html') class AdminView(ListView): model = Title template_name = 'mysite/admin_site.html' class TestDetailView(DetailView): model = Title template_name = 'mysite/admin_detailview.html' class UpdatePost(UpdateView): model = Title template_name = 'mysite/update_post.html' fields = ['title', 'body_text', 'date'] class DeletePost(DeleteView): model = Title template_name = 'mysite/delete_post.html' success_url = reverse_lazy('mysite:admin-site')
<reponame>rotomer/nlp-project SNP_TICKERS = ['AAPL', 'XOM', 'GE', 'CVX', 'MSFT', 'IBM', 'T', 'GOOG', 'PG', 'JNJ', 'PFE', 'WFC', 'BRK.B', 'JPM', 'PM', 'KO', 'MRK', 'VZ', 'WMT', 'ORCL', 'INTC', 'PEP', 'ABT', 'QCOM', 'CSCO', 'SLB', 'C', 'CMCSA', 'BAC', 'DIS', 'MCD', 'AMZN', 'HD', 'KFT', 'V', 'OXY', 'COP', 'MO', 'UTX', 'USB', 'AMGN', 'CVS', 'MMM', 'EMC', 'UNH', 'BMY', 'UNP', 'CAT', 'EBAY', 'AXP', 'UPS', 'GS', 'ESRX', 'GILD', 'NWSA', 'MON', 'MA', 'LLY', 'CL', 'BA', 'DD', 'HON', 'SPG', 'DUK', 'ACN', 'MDT', 'COST', 'TWX', 'TGT', 'SO', 'SBUX', 'AIG', 'F', 'FCX', 'MET', 'BIIB', 'EMR', 'APC', 'NKE', 'DOW', 'LOW', 'NOV', 'KMB', 'APA', 'HPQ', 'PNC', 'COF', 'BAX', 'TJX', 'CELG', 'DTV', 'DE', 'DHR', 'TXN', 'HAL', 'WAG', 'PX', 'PCLN', 'EXC', 'D', 'EOG', 'YUM', 'NEE', 'TWC', 'PSX', 'COV', 'ADP', 'AMT', 'AGN', 'NEM', 'BK', 'TRV', 'TYC', 'GIS', 'ITW', 'ACE', 'PRU', 'VIAB', 'CTL', 'LMT', 'FDX', 'PCP', 'BBT', 'MS', 'BLK', 'DVN', 'AFL', 'ALXN', 'GD', 'WMB', 'CBS', 'CSX', 'TMO', 'AEP', 'CTSH', 'MRO', 'DFS', 'NSC', 'MCK', 'CB', 'KMI', 'STT', 'PSA', 'BHI', 'ISRG', 'GLW', 'CRM', 'ALL', 'SE', 'HCP', 'RTN', 'WLP', 'CCI', 'JCI', 'MPC', 'MMC', 'FE', 'VTR', 'SYY', 'PCG', 'HNZ', 'ADM', 'BRCM', 'ED', 'PPG', 'CME', 'LYB', 'APD', 'VLO', 'EQR', 'BEN', 'ECL', 'PPL', 'AON', 'WFM', 'BXP', 'YHOO', 'S', 'NBL', 'NOC', 'CMI', 'CCL', 'PEG', 'INTU', 'PLD', 'SYK', 'TROW', 'COH', 'ADBE', 'HES', 'ETN', 'MOS', 'IP', 'BDX', 'MHP', 'STI', 'LO', 'M', 'MJN', 'EIX', 'EL', 'DISCA', 'HCN', 'BBBY', 'TEL', 'SRE', 'MSI', 'ROST', 'DELL', 'CTXS', 'FITB', 'RAI', 'PCAR', 'WY', 'SCHW', 'VFC', 'WM', 'CF', 'AZO', 'AMAT', 'CAM', 'VNO', 'OMC', 'CI', 'XEL', 'A', 'CAH', 'AET', 'STJ', 'AVB', 'L', 'IR', 'PXD', 'KR', 'SWK', 'K', 'TDC', 'SHW', 'ESV', 'SYMC', 'PH', 'GWW', 'EW', 'ETR', 'NUE', 'SWN', 'MAT', 'CBE', 'NU', 'AMP', 'NTAP', 'ZMH', 'LTD', 'ADI', 'PGR', 'HST', 'FAST', 'MTB', 'HOT', 'RRC', 'HUM', 'CERN', 'CAG', 'IVZ', 'DLTR', 'KSS', 'FTI', 'RHT', 'WU', 'STX', 'DOV', 'ALTR', 'WPI', 'HSY', 'ROP', 'PAYX', 'GPS', 'SNDK', 'DTE', 'PRGO', 'RF', 'NTRS', 'DGX', 'CMG', 'FISV', 'ORLY', 'MUR', 'OKE', 'MYL', 'BF.B', 'MAR', 'ROK', 'CHK', 'ABC', 'ICE', 'HOG', 'XRX', 'APH', 'GPC', 'CHRW', 'SJM', 'AA', 'COG', 'FLR', 'DPS', 'CLX', 'RL', 'WYNN', 'BEAM', 'CNP', 'NE', 'JNPR', 'LH', 'EQT', 'CA', 'DVA', 'XLNX', 'EMN', 'SIAL', 'WEC', 'CCE', 'WDC', 'LIFE', 'MCO', 'HIG', 'JWN', 'FRX', 'MNST', 'FFIV', 'NVDA', 'KIM', 'KEY', 'RSG', 'MKC', 'BCR', 'BSX', 'KLAC', 'AEE', 'BWA', 'SPLS', 'FIS', 'SRCL', 'EXPD', 'COL', 'VRSN', 'FMC', 'ADSK', 'PFG', 'WYN', 'SLM', 'PLL', 'TIF', 'TXT', 'XL', 'LLTC', 'WAT', 'NI', 'DRI', 'PCL', 'TAP', 'LLL', 'AVP', 'CNX', 'AES', 'AKAM', 'LNC', 'VAR', 'BLL', 'FLS', 'LUV', 'KMX', 'FDO', 'WHR', 'MCHP', 'SCG', 'DNR', 'CFN', 'CPB', 'CMS', 'VMC', 'MU', 'BMC', 'NYX', 'CMA', 'BTU', 'WIN', 'JOY', 'HBAN', 'TSO', 'HRS', 'LRCX', 'PNW', 'DHI', 'ARG', 'LEN', 'QEP', 'EFX', 'CVH', 'CLF', 'CBG', 'CINF', 'NWL', 'HSP', 'EXPE', 'XRAY', 'UNM', 'MAS', 'MWV', 'SNI', 'PWR', 'JEC', 'PHM', 'IRM', 'HP', 'CSC', 'SUN', 'TMK', 'FTR', 'NRG', 'IPG', 'IFF', 'GAS', 'STZ', 'HRB', 'XYL', 'TSN', 'FOSL', 'DO', 'BBY', 'LUK', 'CTAS', 'HAS', 'POM', 'PBCT', 'NFX', 'RDC', 'SNA', 'GCI', 'URBN', 'NBR', 'TEG', 'EA', 'HRL', 'SWY', 'LSI', 'TSS', 'ZION', 'HCBK', 'AIV', 'RHI', 'PCS', 'MOLX', 'TE', 'TRIP', 'DNB', 'LEG', 'JBL', 'IGT', 'JCP', 'CVC', 'ATI', 'SAI', 'PKI', 'WPX', 'BMS', 'AVY', 'HAR', 'OI', 'AIZ', 'NFLX', 'DF', 'FLIR', 'GT', 'LM', 'APOL', 'PDCO', 'JDSU', 'ANF', 'PBI', 'NDAQ', 'X', 'SEE', 'TER', 'THC', 'GME', 'GNW', 'FHN', 'ETFC', 'AMD', 'R', 'FII', 'RRD', 'BIG', 'AN', 'WPO', 'LXK', 'ANR', 'FSLR', 'DV', 'TIE'] ALL_TICKERS = ['A', 'AA', 'AAN', 'AAON', 'AAP', 'AAPL', 'ABAX', 'ABC', 'ABFS', 'ABM', 'ABT', 'ACAT', 'ACC', 'ACE', 'ACI', 'ACIW', 'ACM', 'ACN', 'ACO', 'ACXM', 'ADBE', 'ADI', 'ADM', 'ADP', 'ADS', 'ADSK', 'ADTN', 'ADVS', 'AEE', 'AEGN', 'AEIS', 'AEO', 'AEP', 'AES', 'AET', 'AF', 'AFAM', 'AFFX', 'AFG', 'AFL', 'AGCO', 'AGN', 'AGP', 'AGYS', 'AHL', 'AHS', 'AIG', 'AINV', 'AIR', 'AIRM', 'AIT', 'AIV', 'AIZ', 'AJG', 'AKAM', 'AKR', 'AKRX', 'AKS', 'ALB', 'ALE', 'ALEX', 'ALGN', 'ALGT', 'ALK', 'ALL', 'ALOG', 'ALTR', 'ALXN', 'AM', 'AMAT', 'AMCX', 'AMD', 'AME', 'AMED', 'AMG', 'AMGN', 'AMP', 'AMSF', 'AMSG', 'AMT', 'AMZN', 'AN', 'ANDE', 'ANF', 'ANN', 'ANR', 'ANSS', 'AOL', 'AON', 'AOS', 'APA', 'APC', 'APD', 'APEI', 'APH', 'APOG', 'APOL', 'ARB', 'ARE', 'AREX', 'ARG', 'ARO', 'ARQL', 'ARRS', 'ARW', 'ASBC', 'ASEI', 'ASGN', 'ASH', 'ASNA', 'ASTE', 'ATI', 'ATK', 'ATMI', 'ATML', 'ATNI', 'ATO', 'ATR', 'ATU', 'ATW', 'AVA', 'AVAV', 'AVB', 'AVD', 'AVID', 'AVP', 'AVT', 'AVY', 'AWR', 'AXE', 'AXP', 'AYI', 'AZO', 'AZZ', 'B', 'BA', 'BABY', 'BAC', 'BAS', 'BAX', 'BBBY', 'BBG', 'BBOX', 'BBT', 'BBY', 'BC', 'BCO', 'BCOR', 'BCPC', 'BCR', 'BDC', 'BDX', 'BEAM', 'BEAV', 'BELFB', 'BEN', 'BFS', 'BGC', 'BGFV', 'BGG', 'BGS', 'BH', 'BHE', 'BHI', 'BID', 'BIG', 'BIIB', 'BJRI', 'BK', 'BKE', 'BKH', 'BKI', 'BKMU', 'BKS', 'BLK', 'BLKB', 'BLL', 'BMC', 'BMI', 'BMR', 'BMS', 'BMY', 'BOBE', 'BOH', 'BPFH', 'BR', 'BRC', 'BRCM', 'BRKL', 'BRKS', 'BRLI', 'BRO', 'BRS', 'BSX', 'BTH', 'BTU', 'BWA', 'BWLD', 'BWS', 'BXP', 'BXS', 'BYD', 'BYI', 'C', 'CA', 'CAB', 'CACI', 'CAG', 'CAH', 'CAKE', 'CALM', 'CAM', 'CAS', 'CASC', 'CASY', 'CAT', 'CATM', 'CATO', 'CATY', 'CB', 'CBB', 'CBE', 'CBEY', 'CBG', 'CBK', 'CBM', 'CBOE', 'CBR', 'CBRL', 'CBS', 'CBSH', 'CBST', 'CBT', 'CBU', 'CCC', 'CCE', 'CCI', 'CCL', 'CCMP', 'CCRN', 'CDI', 'CDNS', 'CDR', 'CEB', 'CEC', 'CECO', 'CELG', 'CELL', 'CENX', 'CERN', 'CEVA', 'CF', 'CFN', 'CFR', 'CGNX', 'CGX', 'CHCO', 'CHD', 'CHE', 'CHG', 'CHK', 'CHRW', 'CHS', 'CI', 'CIEN', 'CINF', 'CIR', 'CKH', 'CKP', 'CL', 'CLC', 'CLD', 'CLF', 'CLGX', 'CLH', 'CLI', 'CLMS', 'CLP', 'CLW', 'CLX', 'CMA', 'CMC', 'CMCSA', 'CME', 'CMG', 'CMI', 'CMN', 'CMP', 'CMS', 'CMTL', 'CNC', 'CNK', 'CNL', 'CNMD', 'CNP', 'CNQR', 'CNW', 'CNX', 'COCO', 'COF', 'COG', 'COH', 'COHU', 'COL', 'COLB', 'COO', 'COP', 'COST', 'COV', 'CPB', 'CPLA', 'CPRT', 'CPSI', 'CPT', 'CPWR', 'CR', 'CRDN', 'CREE', 'CRI', 'CRK', 'CRL', 'CRM', 'CROX', 'CRR', 'CRS', 'CRUS', 'CRVL', 'CRY', 'CSC', 'CSCO', 'CSGS', 'CSH', 'CSL', 'CSTR', 'CSX', 'CTAS', 'CTL', 'CTS', 'CTSH', 'CTXS', 'CUB', 'CUZ', 'CVBF', 'CVC', 'CVD', 'CVG', 'CVGW', 'CVH', 'CVLT', 'CVS', 'CVX', 'CW', 'CWTR', 'CXW', 'CY', 'CYBX', 'CYH', 'CYMI', 'CYN', 'CYT', 'D', 'DAKT', 'DAR', 'DBD', 'DCI', 'DCOM', 'DD', 'DDD', 'DE', 'DECK', 'DEL', 'DELL', 'DF', 'DFS', 'DGII', 'DGIT', 'DGX', 'DHI', 'DHR', 'DHX', 'DIN', 'DIOD', 'DIS', 'DISCA', 'DKS', 'DLTR', 'DLX', 'DM', 'DMND', 'DNB', 'DNR', 'DO', 'DOV', 'DOW', 'DPS', 'DRC', 'DRE', 'DRH', 'DRI', 'DRIV', 'DRQ', 'DSPG', 'DTE', 'DTSI', 'DTV', 'DUK', 'DV', 'DVA', 'DVN', 'DW', 'DWA', 'DY', 'EA', 'EAT', 'EBAY', 'EBIX', 'EBS', 'ECL', 'ECPG', 'ED', 'EE', 'EFX', 'EGL', 'EGN', 'EGP', 'EHTH', 'EIG', 'EIX', 'EL', 'ELY', 'EMC', 'EME', 'EMN', 'EMR', 'ENDP', 'ENR', 'ENS', 'ENSG', 'ENTR', 'ENZ', 'EOG', 'EPAY', 'EPIQ', 'EPR', 'EQIX', 'EQR', 'EQT', 'EQY', 'ESE', 'ESI', 'ESIO', 'ESL', 'ESRX', 'ESS', 'ESV', 'ETFC', 'ETH', 'ETN', 'ETR', 'EV', 'EW', 'EWBC', 'EXAR', 'EXC', 'EXH', 'EXLS', 'EXP', 'EXPD', 'EXPE', 'EXPO', 'EXR', 'EZPW', 'F', 'FAF', 'FARO', 'FAST', 'FBHS', 'FBP', 'FCF', 'FCFS', 'FCN', 'FCS', 'FCX', 'FDO', 'FDS', 'FDX', 'FE', 'FEIC', 'FELE', 'FFBC', 'FFIN', 'FFIV', 'FHN', 'FICO', 'FII', 'FINL', 'FIRE', 'FIS', 'FISV', 'FITB', 'FIX', 'FL', 'FLIR', 'FLO', 'FLR', 'FLS', 'FMBI', 'FMC', 'FMER', 'FNB', 'FNF', 'FNFG', 'FNGN', 'FNP', 'FOR', 'FORR', 'FOSL', 'FRED', 'FRT', 'FRX', 'FSLR', 'FSP', 'FST', 'FTI', 'FTR', 'FUL', 'FULT', 'FWRD', 'GAS', 'GB', 'GBCI', 'GCI', 'GCO', 'GD', 'GDI', 'GE', 'GEF', 'GEO', 'GES', 'GFF', 'GGG', 'GHL', 'GIFI', 'GILD', 'GIS', 'GLW', 'GMCR', 'GME', 'GMT', 'GNCMA', 'GNTX', 'GNW', 'GOOG', 'GPC', 'GPI', 'GPN', 'GPOR', 'GPS', 'GS', 'GSM', 'GT', 'GTAT', 'GTIV', 'GTY', 'GVA', 'GWW', 'GXP', 'GY', 'HAE', 'HAFC', 'HAIN', 'HAL', 'HAR', 'HAS', 'HAYN', 'HBAN', 'HBHC', 'HBI', 'HCBK', 'HCC', 'HCN', 'HCP', 'HCSG', 'HD', 'HE', 'HES', 'HF', 'HFC', 'HGR', 'HHS', 'HI', 'HIBB', 'HIG', 'HII', 'HITK', 'HITT', 'HIW', 'HLIT', 'HLX', 'HMA', 'HME', 'HMN', 'HMSY', 'HNI', 'HNT', 'HNZ', 'HOG', 'HOLX', 'HOMB', 'HON', 'HOS', 'HOT', 'HOTT', 'HP', 'HPQ', 'HPT', 'HPY', 'HR', 'HRB', 'HRC', 'HRL', 'HRS', 'HSC', 'HSH', 'HSIC', 'HSII', 'HSNI', 'HSP', 'HST', 'HSTM', 'HSY', 'HTLD', 'HTSI', 'HUBG', 'HUM', 'HVT', 'HW', 'HWAY', 'HWKN', 'HZO', 'IART', 'IBKR', 'IBM', 'IBOC', 'ICE', 'ICON', 'ICUI', 'IDA', 'IDTI', 'IDXX', 'IEX', 'IFF', 'IFSIA', 'IGT', 'IGTE', 'IILG', 'IIVI', 'IM', 'IN', 'INDB', 'INFA', 'INGR', 'ININ', 'INT', 'INTC', 'INTU', 'IO', 'IP', 'IPAR', 'IPCC', 'IPCM', 'IPG', 'IPHS', 'IPI', 'IR', 'IRBT', 'IRC', 'IRF', 'IRM', 'ISCA', 'ISIL', 'ISRG', 'IT', 'ITG', 'ITRI', 'ITT', 'ITW', 'IVAC', 'IVC', 'IVZ', 'JACK', 'JAH', 'JAKK', 'JBHT', 'JBL', 'JBLU', 'JBT', 'JCI', 'JCOM', 'JCP', 'JDAS', 'JDSU', 'JEC', 'JEF', 'JJSF', 'JKHY', 'JLL', 'JNJ', 'JNPR', 'JNS', 'JOSB', 'JOY', 'JPM', 'JWN', 'K', 'KALU', 'KAMN', 'KBH', 'KBR', 'KDN', 'KELYA', 'KEX', 'KEY', 'KFY', 'KIM', 'KIRK', 'KLAC', 'KLIC', 'KMB', 'KMI', 'KMPR', 'KMT', 'KMX', 'KND', 'KNX', 'KO', 'KOP', 'KOPN', 'KR', 'KRA', 'KRC', 'KRG', 'KS', 'KSS', 'KSU', 'KSWS', 'KWK', 'KWR', 'L', 'LAD', 'LAMR', 'LANC', 'LAWS', 'LDL', 'LDR', 'LECO', 'LEG', 'LEN', 'LFUS', 'LG', 'LH', 'LHCG', 'LHO', 'LIFE', 'LII', 'LINC', 'LKQ', 'LL', 'LLL', 'LLTC', 'LLY', 'LM', 'LMNX', 'LMOS', 'LMT', 'LNC', 'LNCE', 'LNN', 'LNT', 'LO', 'LOGM', 'LOW', 'LPNT', 'LPS', 'LPSN', 'LPX', 'LQDT', 'LRCX', 'LRY', 'LSI', 'LSTR', 'LTC', 'LTD', 'LTM', 'LUFK', 'LUK', 'LUV', 'LXK', 'LXP', 'LXU', 'LYV', 'LZB', 'M', 'MA', 'MAA', 'MAC', 'MAN', 'MANH', 'MANT', 'MAR', 'MAS', 'MASI', 'MAT', 'MATW', 'MATX', 'MCD', 'MCF', 'MCHP', 'MCK', 'MCO', 'MCRI', 'MCRL', 'MCRS', 'MCS', 'MCY', 'MD', 'MDC', 'MDCO', 'MDP', 'MDRX', 'MDSO', 'MDT', 'MDU', 'MEAS', 'MED', 'MEI', 'MENT', 'MET', 'MFB', 'MGAM', 'MGLN', 'MHK', 'MHO', 'MIG', 'MINI', 'MJN', 'MKC', 'MKSI', 'MLHR', 'MLI', 'MLM', 'MMC', 'MMM', 'MMS', 'MMSI', 'MNRO', 'MNST', 'MNTA', 'MO', 'MOH', 'MOLX', 'MON', 'MOS', 'MOV', 'MPC', 'MPW', 'MPWR', 'MRCY', 'MRK', 'MRO', 'MRX', 'MS', 'MSA', 'MSCC', 'MSCI', 'MSFT', 'MSI', 'MSM', 'MSTR', 'MTB', 'MTD', 'MTH', 'MTRN', 'MTRX', 'MTSC', 'MTX', 'MU', 'MUR', 'MW', 'MWIV', 'MWV', 'MWW', 'MYE', 'MYL', 'NAFC', 'NANO', 'NATI', 'NAVG', 'NBL', 'NBR', 'NBTB', 'NCI', 'NCIT', 'NCR', 'NCS', 'NDAQ', 'NDSN', 'NE', 'NEE', 'NEM', 'NEOG', 'NEU', 'NEWP', 'NFG', 'NFLX', 'NFP', 'NFX', 'NI', 'NILE', 'NJR', 'NKE', 'NNN', 'NOC', 'NOV', 'NP', 'NPBC', 'NPK', 'NPO', 'NRG', 'NSC', 'NSIT', 'NSP', 'NSR', 'NTAP', 'NTCT', 'NTGR', 'NTLS', 'NTRI', 'NTRS', 'NU', 'NUE', 'NUVA', 'NVDA', 'NVE', 'NVR', 'NVTL', 'NWBI', 'NWE', 'NWL', 'NWN', 'NWSA', 'NX', 'NYB', 'NYT', 'NYX', 'O', 'OCR', 'ODFL', 'ODP', 'OFC', 'OGE', 'OHI', 'OI', 'OII', 'OIS', 'OKE', 'OLN', 'OMC', 'OMCL', 'OMG', 'OMI', 'OMX', 'ONB', 'ONE', 'OPEN', 'OPLK', 'OPNT', 'ORB', 'ORCL', 'ORI', 'ORIT', 'ORLY', 'ORN', 'OSG', 'OSIS', 'OSK', 'OXM', 'OXY', 'OZRK', 'PACW', 'PAY', 'PAYX', 'PB', 'PBCT', 'PBH', 'PBI', 'PBY', 'PCAR', 'PCG', 'PCH', 'PCL', 'PCLN', 'PCP', 'PCTI', 'PDCE', 'PDCO', 'PEET', 'PEG', 'PEI', 'PEP', 'PERY', 'PES', 'PETM', 'PETS', 'PFE', 'PFG', 'PFS', 'PG', 'PGR', 'PH', 'PHM', 'PII', 'PJC', 'PKE', 'PKG', 'PKI', 'PKY', 'PL', 'PLCE', 'PLCM', 'PLD', 'PLFE', 'PLL', 'PLT', 'PLXS', 'PM', 'PMC', 'PMTC', 'PMTI', 'PNC', 'PNFP', 'PNK', 'PNM', 'PNR', 'PNRA', 'PNW', 'PNY', 'POL', 'POM', 'POOL', 'POST', 'POWI', 'POWL', 'PPG', 'PPS', 'PQ', 'PRA', 'PRAA', 'PRFT', 'PRGO', 'PRGS', 'PRU', 'PRX', 'PRXL', 'PSA', 'PSB', 'PSEC', 'PSEM', 'PSS', 'PSSI', 'PSX', 'PTEN', 'PULS', 'PVA', 'PVH', 'PVTB', 'PWR', 'PX', 'PXD', 'PXP', 'PZZA', 'QCOM', 'QCOR', 'QEP', 'QLGC', 'QNST', 'QSFT', 'QSII', 'R', 'RAH', 'RAI', 'RAX', 'RBC', 'RBCN', 'RBN', 'RCII', 'RDC', 'RE', 'RECN', 'REG', 'REGN', 'RF', 'RFMD', 'RGA', 'RGLD', 'RGR', 'RGS', 'RHI', 'RHT', 'RJF', 'RKT', 'RL', 'RLI', 'RMD', 'ROCK', 'ROG', 'ROK', 'ROL', 'ROP', 'ROSE', 'ROST', 'ROVI', 'RPM', 'RRC', 'RRD', 'RRGB', 'RS', 'RSG', 'RSH', 'RSTI', 'RSYS', 'RT', 'RTEC', 'RTI', 'RTN', 'RUE', 'RUTH', 'RVBD', 'RYL', 'RYN', 'S', 'SAFM', 'SAFT', 'SAH', 'SAI', 'SAM', 'SBRA', 'SBUX', 'SCG', 'SCHL', 'SCHW', 'SCI', 'SCL', 'SCOR', 'SCSC', 'SCSS', 'SE', 'SEE', 'SEIC', 'SENEA', 'SF', 'SFD', 'SFG', 'SFNC', 'SFY', 'SGMS', 'SGY', 'SHAW', 'SHFL', 'SHLM', 'SHOO', 'SHW', 'SIAL', 'SIG', 'SIGI', 'SIGM', 'SIVB', 'SJI', 'SJM', 'SKS', 'SKT', 'SKX', 'SKYW', 'SLAB', 'SLB', 'SLG', 'SLGN', 'SLH', 'SLM', 'SLXP', 'SM', 'SMA', 'SMCI', 'SMG', 'SMP', 'SMRT', 'SMTC', 'SNA', 'SNCR', 'SNDK', 'SNH', 'SNI', 'SNPS', 'SNV', 'SNX', 'SO', 'SON', 'SONC', 'SPAR', 'SPF', 'SPG', 'SPLS', 'SPN', 'SPPI', 'SPTN', 'SPW', 'SRCL', 'SRDX', 'SRE', 'SSD', 'SSI', 'SSP', 'SSS', 'STBA', 'STC', 'STE', 'STI', 'STJ', 'STL', 'STLD', 'STMP', 'STR', 'STRA', 'STRI', 'STT', 'STX', 'STZ', 'SUN', 'SUP', 'SUPX', 'SUSQ', 'SVU', 'SWI', 'SWK', 'SWKS', 'SWM', 'SWN', 'SWS', 'SWX', 'SWY', 'SXC', 'SXI', 'SXT', 'SYK', 'SYKE', 'SYMC', 'SYMM', 'SYNA', 'SYY', 'T', 'TAP', 'TBI', 'TCB', 'TCBI', 'TCO', 'TDC', 'TDS', 'TDW', 'TDY', 'TE', 'TECD', 'TECH', 'TEG', 'TEL', 'TER', 'TEX', 'TFX', 'TG', 'TGI', 'TGT', 'THC', 'THG', 'THO', 'THOR', 'THS', 'TIBX', 'TIE', 'TIF', 'TJX', 'TKR', 'TLAB', 'TMK', 'TMO', 'TMP', 'TNC', 'TOL', 'TPX', 'TQNT', 'TR', 'TRAK', 'TRIP', 'TRLG', 'TRMB', 'TRMK', 'TRN', 'TROW', 'TRST', 'TRV', 'TSCO', 'TSN', 'TSO', 'TSRA', 'TSS', 'TTC', 'TTEC', 'TTEK', 'TTI', 'TTMI', 'TTWO', 'TUES', 'TUP', 'TW', 'TWC', 'TWGP', 'TWTC', 'TWX', 'TXI', 'TXN', 'TXRH', 'TXT', 'TYC', 'TYL', 'TYPE', 'UA', 'UBA', 'UBSI', 'UCBI', 'UDR', 'UEIC', 'UFCS', 'UFPI', 'UFS', 'UGI', 'UHS', 'UHT', 'UIL', 'UMBF', 'UMPQ', 'UNF', 'UNFI', 'UNH', 'UNM', 'UNP', 'UNS', 'UNT', 'UNTD', 'UPS', 'URBN', 'URI', 'URS', 'USB', 'USMO', 'USTR', 'UTEK', 'UTHR', 'UTI', 'UTIW', 'UTX', 'UVV', 'V', 'VAL', 'VAR', 'VCI', 'VCLK', 'VDSI', 'VECO', 'VFC', 'VIAB', 'VICR', 'VIVO', 'VLO', 'VLTR', 'VLY', 'VMC', 'VMI', 'VNO', 'VOXX', 'VPFG', 'VPHM', 'VRSN', 'VRTS', 'VRTU', 'VRTX', 'VSAT', 'VSH', 'VSI', 'VTR', 'VVC', 'VZ', 'WAB', 'WABC', 'WAFD', 'WAG', 'WAT', 'WBS', 'WBSN', 'WCG', 'WCN', 'WDC', 'WDFC', 'WDR', 'WEC', 'WEN', 'WERN', 'WFC', 'WFM', 'WGL', 'WGO', 'WHR', 'WIBC', 'WIN', 'WIRE', 'WLP', 'WM', 'WMB', 'WMS', 'WMT', 'WOOF', 'WOR', 'WPO', 'WPP', 'WPX', 'WR', 'WRB', 'WRC', 'WRI', 'WRLD', 'WSM', 'WSO', 'WST', 'WTFC', 'WTR', 'WTS', 'WU', 'WWD', 'WWW', 'WY', 'WYN', 'WYNN', 'X', 'XEC', 'XEL', 'XL', 'XLNX', 'XLS', 'XOM', 'XOXO', 'XRAY', 'XRX', 'XYL', 'Y', 'YHOO', 'YUM', 'ZBRA', 'ZEP', 'ZEUS', 'ZLC', 'ZMH', 'ZQK', 'ZUMZ'] TICKERS = sorted(list(set(SNP_TICKERS) & set(ALL_TICKERS)))
"Other Redirection Options: os.popen and subprocess Revisited" ''' the built-in os.popen function and its subprocess.Popen relative, which provide a way to redirect another command’s streams from within a Python program. these tools can be used to run a shell command line. Other Redirection Options: os.popen and subprocess Revisited Near the end of the preceding chapter, we took a first look at the built-in os.popen function and its subprocess.Popen relative, which provide a way to redirect another command’s streams from within a Python program. As we saw, these tools can be used to run a shell command line (a string we would normally type at a DOS or csh prompt) but also provide a Python file-like object connected to the command’s output stream— reading the file object allows a script to read another program’s output. I suggested that these tools may be used to tap into input streams as well. Because of that, the os.popen and subprocess tools are another way to redirect streams of spawned programs and are close cousins to some of the techniques we just met. Their effect is much like the shell | command-line pipe syntax for redirecting streams to programs (in fact, their names mean “pipe open”), but they are run within a script and provide a file-like interface to piped streams. They are similar in spirit to the redirect function, but are based on running programs (not calling functions), and the command’s streams are processed in the spawning script as files (not tied to class objects). These tools redirect the streams of a program that a script starts, instead of redirecting the streams of the script itself. ''' "Redirecting input or output with os.popen" ''' In fact, by passing in the desired mode flag, we redirect either a spawned program’s output or input streams to a file in the calling scripts, and we can obtain the spawned program’s exit status code from the close method (None means “no error” here). C:\...\PP4E\System\Streams> type print('Hello shell world') C:\...\PP4E\System\Streams> type inp = input() open('hello-in.txt', 'w').write('Hello ' + inp + '\n') ''' ''' Python scripts can read output from other programs and scripts like these, too, using code like the following: C:\...\PP4E\System\Streams> python >>> import os >>> pipe = os.popen('python') # 'r' is default--read stdout >>> print(pipe.close()) # exit status: None is good ''' """ But Python scripts can also provide input to spawned programs’ standard input streams—passing a “w” mode argument, instead of the default “r”, connects the returned object to the spawned program’s input stream. What we write on the spawning end shows up as input in the program started: >>> pipe = os.popen('python', 'w') # 'w'--write to program stdin >>> pipe.write('Gumby\n') >>> pipe.close() # \n at end is optional >>> open('hello-in.txt').read() # output sent to a file The popen call is also smart enough to run the command string as an independent process on platforms that support such a notion. It accepts an optional third argument that can be used to control buffering of written text. """ "Redirecting input and output with subprocess" ''' For even more control over the streams of spawned programs, we can employ the subprocess module. module can emulate os.popen functionality, but it can also achieve feats such as bidirectional stream communication (accessing both a program’s input and output) and tying the output of one program to the input of another. this module provides multiple ways to spawn a program and get both its standard output text and exit status. C:\...\PP4E\System\Streams> python >>> from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, call >>> X = call('python') # convenience >>> X >>> pipe = Popen('python', stdout=PIPE) >>> pipe.communicate()[0] # (stdout, stderr) >>> pipe.returncode # exit status >>> pipe = Popen('python', stdout=PIPE) >>> # read all output >>> pipe.wait() # exit status ''' """ Redirecting and connecting to the spawned program’s input stream is just as simple, though a bit more complex than the os.popen approach with 'w' file mode >>> pipe = Popen('python', stdin=PIPE) >>> pipe.stdin.write(b'Pokey\n') >>> pipe.stdin.close() >>> pipe.wait() >>> open('hello-in.txt').read() # output sent to a file In fact, we can use obtain both the input and output streams of a spawned program with this module. C:\...\PP4E\System\Streams> type print("Help! Help! I'm being repressed!") print(42) C:\...\PP4E\System\Streams> type print('Got this: "%s"' % input()) import sys data = sys.stdin.readline()[:-1] print('The meaning of life is', data, int(data) * 2) """ ''' the following connects two programs, by piping the output of one Python script into another, first with shell syntax, and then with the subprocess module: C:\...\PP4E\System\Streams> python | python Got this: "Help! Help! I'm being repressed!" The meaning of life is 42 84 C:\...\PP4E\System\Streams> python >>> from subprocess import Popen, PIPE >>> p1 = Popen('python', stdout=PIPE) >>> p2 = Popen('python', stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=PIPE) >>> output = p2.communicate()[0] >>> output b'Got this: "Help! Help! I\'m being repressed!"\r\nThe meaning of life is 42 84\r\n' >>> p2.returncode 0 We can get close to this with os.popen, but that the fact that its pipes are read or write (and not both) prevents us from catching the second script’s output in our code: >>> import os >>> p1 = os.popen('python', 'r') >>> p2 = os.popen('python', 'w') >>> p2.write( ) 36 >>> X = p2.close() Got this: "Help! Help! I'm being repressed!" The meaning of life is 42 84 >>> print(X) None '''
#Callbacks """Create training callbacks""" import os import numpy as np import pandas as pd from datetime import datetime from DeepTreeAttention.utils import metrics from DeepTreeAttention.visualization import visualize from tensorflow.keras.callbacks import ReduceLROnPlateau from tensorflow.keras.callbacks import Callback, TensorBoard from tensorflow import expand_dims class F1Callback(Callback): def __init__(self, experiment, eval_dataset, y_true, label_names, submodel, train_shp, n=10): """F1 callback Args: n: number of epochs to run. If n=4, function will run every 4 epochs y_true: instead of iterating through the dataset every time, just do it once and pass the true labels to the function """ self.experiment = experiment self.eval_dataset = eval_dataset self.label_names = label_names self.submodel = submodel self.n = n self.train_shp = train_shp self.y_true = y_true def on_train_end(self, logs={}): y_pred = [] sites = [] #gather site and species matrix y_pred = self.model.predict(self.eval_dataset) if self.submodel in ["spectral","spatial"]: y_pred = y_pred[0] #F1 macro, micro = metrics.f1_scores(self.y_true, y_pred) self.experiment.log_metric("Final MicroF1", micro) self.experiment.log_metric("Final MacroF1", macro) #Log number of predictions to make sure its constant self.experiment.log_metric("Prediction samples",y_pred.shape[0]) results = pd.DataFrame({"true":np.argmax(self.y_true, 1),"predicted":np.argmax(y_pred, 1)}) #assign labels if self.label_names: results["true_taxonID"] = results.true.apply(lambda x: self.label_names[x]) results["predicted_taxonID"] = results.predicted.apply(lambda x: self.label_names[x]) #Within site confusion site_lists = self.train_shp.groupby("taxonID").siteID.unique() site_confusion = metrics.site_confusion(y_true = results.true_taxonID, y_pred = results.predicted_taxonID, site_lists=site_lists) self.experiment.log_metric(name = "Within_site confusion[training]", value = site_confusion) plot_lists = self.train_shp.groupby("taxonID").plotID.unique() plot_confusion = metrics.site_confusion(y_true = results.true_taxonID, y_pred = results.predicted_taxonID, site_lists=plot_lists) self.experiment.log_metric(name = "Within_plot confusion[training]", value = plot_confusion) domain_lists = self.train_shp.groupby("taxonID").domainID.unique() domain_confusion = metrics.site_confusion(y_true = results.true_taxonID, y_pred = results.predicted_taxonID, site_lists=domain_lists) self.experiment.log_metric(name = "Within_domain confusion[training]", value = domain_confusion) #Genus of all the different taxonID variants should be the same, take the first scientific_dict = self.train_shp.groupby('taxonID')['scientific'].apply(lambda x: x.head(1).values.tolist()).to_dict() genus_confusion = metrics.genus_confusion(y_true = results.true_taxonID, y_pred = results.predicted_taxonID, scientific_dict=scientific_dict) self.experiment.log_metric(name = "Within Genus confusion", value = genus_confusion) #Most confused most_confused = results.groupby(["true_taxonID","predicted_taxonID"]).size().reset_index(name="count") most_confused = most_confused[~(most_confused.true_taxonID == most_confused.predicted_taxonID)].sort_values("count", ascending=False) self.experiment.log_table("most_confused.csv",most_confused.values) def on_epoch_end(self, epoch, logs={}): if not epoch % self.n == 0: return None y_pred = [] sites = [] #gather site and species matrix y_pred = self.model.predict(self.eval_dataset) if self.submodel in ["spectral","spatial"]: y_pred = y_pred[0] #F1 macro, micro = metrics.f1_scores(self.y_true, y_pred) self.experiment.log_metric("MicroF1", micro) self.experiment.log_metric("MacroF1", macro) #Log number of predictions to make sure its constant self.experiment.log_metric("Prediction samples",y_pred.shape[0]) class ConfusionMatrixCallback(Callback): def __init__(self, experiment, dataset, label_names, y_true, submodel): self.experiment = experiment self.dataset = dataset self.label_names = label_names self.submodel = submodel self.y_true = y_true def on_train_end(self, epoch, logs={}): y_pred = self.model.predict(self.dataset) if self.submodel is "metadata": name = "Metadata Confusion Matrix" elif self.submodel in ["ensemble"]: name = "Ensemble Matrix" else: name = "Confusion Matrix" cm = self.experiment.log_confusion_matrix( self.y_true, y_pred, title=name, file_name= name, labels=self.label_names, max_categories=90, max_example_per_cell=1) class ImageCallback(Callback): def __init__(self, experiment, dataset, label_names, submodel=False): self.experiment = experiment self.dataset = dataset self.label_names = label_names self.submodel = submodel def on_train_end(self, epoch, logs={}): """Plot sample images with labels annotated""" #fill until there is atleast 20 images images = [] y_pred = [] y_true = [] limit = 20 num_images = 0 for data, label in self.dataset: if num_images < limit: pred = self.model.predict(data) images.append(data) if self.submodel: y_pred.append(pred[0]) y_true.append(label[0]) else: y_pred.append(pred) y_true.append(label) num_images += label.shape[0] else: break images = np.vstack(images) y_true = np.concatenate(y_true) y_pred = np.concatenate(y_pred) y_true = np.argmax(y_true, axis=1) y_pred = np.argmax(y_pred, axis=1) true_taxonID = [self.label_names[x] for x in y_true] pred_taxonID = [self.label_names[x] for x in y_pred] counter = 0 for label, prediction, image in zip(true_taxonID, pred_taxonID, images): figure = visualize.plot_prediction(image=image, prediction=prediction, label=label) self.experiment.log_figure(figure_name="{}_{}".format(label, counter)) counter += 1 def create(experiment, train_data, validation_data, train_shp, log_dir=None, label_names=None, submodel=False): """Create a set of callbacks Args: experiment: a comet experiment object train_data: a tf data object to generate data validation_data: a tf data object to generate data train_shp: the original shapefile for the train data to check site error """ #turn off callbacks for metadata callback_list = [] reduce_lr = ReduceLROnPlateau(monitor='val_loss', factor=0.5, patience=10, min_delta=0.1, min_lr=0.00001, verbose=1) callback_list.append(reduce_lr) #Get the true labels since they are not shuffled y_true = [ ] for data, label in validation_data: if submodel in ["spatial","spectral"]: label = label[0] y_true.append(label) y_true = np.concatenate(y_true) if not submodel in ["spatial","spectral"]: confusion_matrix = ConfusionMatrixCallback(experiment=experiment, y_true=y_true, dataset=validation_data, label_names=label_names, submodel=submodel) callback_list.append(confusion_matrix) f1 = F1Callback(experiment=experiment, y_true=y_true, eval_dataset=validation_data, label_names=label_names, submodel=submodel, train_shp=train_shp) callback_list.append(f1) #if submodel is None: #plot_images = ImageCallback(experiment, validation_data, label_names, submodel=submodel) #callback_list.append(plot_images) if log_dir is not None: print("saving tensorboard logs at {}".format(log_dir)) tensorboard = TensorBoard(log_dir=log_dir, histogram_freq=0, profile_batch=30) callback_list.append(tensorboard) return callback_list
# program template for mini-project 0 # Modify the print statement according to # the mini-project instructions #CodeSkulptor link: # print "We want... a shrubbery!"
<reponame>UOC/dlkit<gh_stars>1-10 import pytest from dlkit.abstract_osid.osid import errors from dlkit.primordium.locale.types.format import get_type_data class TestFormat(object): def test_get_type_data_with_format(self): results = get_type_data('troff') assert results['identifier'] == 'TROFF' assert results['domain'] == 'DisplayText Formats' assert results['display_name'] == 'troff Format Type' assert results['display_label'] == 'troff' assert results['description'] == 'The display text format type for the troff format.' def test_unknown_type(self): with pytest.raises(errors.NotFound): get_type_data('foo')
<reponame>woudt/bunq2ifttt """ Target balance Handles the target balance internal/external actions """ import json import uuid from flask import request import bunq import payment def target_balance_internal(): """ Execute a target balance internal action """ data = request.get_json() print("[target_balance_internal] input: {}".format(json.dumps(data))) if "actionFields" not in data: errmsg = "missing actionFields" print("[target_balance_internal] ERROR: "+errmsg) return json.dumps({"errors": [{"status": "SKIP", "message": errmsg}]})\ , 400 fields = data["actionFields"] errmsg = check_fields(True, fields) if errmsg: print("[target_balance_internal] ERROR: "+errmsg) return json.dumps({"errors": [{"status": "SKIP", "message": errmsg}]})\ , 400 # the account NL42BUNQ0123456789 is used for test payments if fields["account"] == "NL42BUNQ0123456789": return json.dumps({"data": [{"id": uuid.uuid4().hex}]}) # retrieve balance config = bunq.retrieve_config() if fields["payment_type"] == "DIRECT": balance = get_balance(config, fields["account"], fields["other_account"]) if isinstance(balance, tuple): balance, balance2 = balance transfer_amount = fields["amount"] - balance if transfer_amount > balance2: transfer_amount = balance2 else: balance = get_balance(config, fields["account"]) if isinstance(balance, float): transfer_amount = fields["amount"] - balance if isinstance(balance, str): errmsg = balance print("[target_balance_internal] ERROR: "+errmsg) return json.dumps({"errors": [{"status": "SKIP", "message": errmsg}]})\ , 400 # construct payment message if "{:.2f}".format(fields["amount"]) == "0.00": errmsg = "No transfer needed, balance already ok" print("[target_balance_internal] ERROR: "+errmsg) return json.dumps({"errors": [{"status": "SKIP", "message": errmsg}]})\ , 400 if transfer_amount > 0 and "top up" in fields["direction"]: paymentmsg = { "amount": { "value": "{:.2f}".format(transfer_amount), "currency": "EUR" }, "counterparty_alias": { "type": "IBAN", "value": fields["account"], "name": "x" }, "description": fields["description"] } account = fields["other_account"] elif transfer_amount < 0 and "skim" in fields["direction"]: paymentmsg = { "amount": { "value": "{:.2f}".format(-transfer_amount), "currency": "EUR" }, "counterparty_alias": { "type": "IBAN", "value": fields["other_account"], "name": "x" }, "description": fields["description"] } account = fields["account"] else: errmsg = "No transfer needed, balance already ok" print("[target_balance_internal] ERROR: "+errmsg) return json.dumps({"errors": [{"status": "SKIP", "message": errmsg}]})\ , 400 print(paymentmsg) # get id and check permissions if fields["payment_type"] == "DIRECT": accid, enabled = payment.check_source_account(True, False, config, account) else: accid, enabled = payment.check_source_account(False, True, config, account) if accid is None: errmsg = "unknown account: "+account if not enabled: errmsg = "Payment type not enabled for account: "+account if errmsg: print("[target_balance_internal] ERROR: "+errmsg) return json.dumps({"errors": [{"status": "SKIP", "message": errmsg}]})\ , 400 # execute the payment if fields["payment_type"] == "DIRECT": result ="v1/user/{}/monetary-account/{}/payment" .format(config["user_id"], accid), paymentmsg) else: paymentmsg = {"number_of_required_accepts": 1, "entries": [paymentmsg]} result ="v1/user/{}/monetary-account/{}/draft-payment" .format(config["user_id"], accid), paymentmsg) print(result) if "Error" in result: return json.dumps({"errors": [{ "status": "SKIP", "message": result["Error"][0]["error_description"] }]}), 400 return json.dumps({"data": [{ "id": str(result["Response"][0]["Id"]["id"])}]}) def target_balance_external(): """ Execute a target balance external action """ data = request.get_json() print("[target_balance_external] input: {}".format(json.dumps(data))) if "actionFields" not in data: errmsg = "missing actionFields" print("[target_balance_external] ERROR: "+errmsg) return json.dumps({"errors": [{"status": "SKIP", "message": errmsg}]})\ , 400 fields = data["actionFields"] errmsg = check_fields(False, fields) if errmsg: print("[target_balance_external] ERROR: "+errmsg) return json.dumps({"errors": [{"status": "SKIP", "message": errmsg}]})\ , 400 # the account NL42BUNQ0123456789 is used for test payments if fields["account"] == "NL42BUNQ0123456789": return json.dumps({"data": [{"id": uuid.uuid4().hex}]}) # retrieve balance config = bunq.retrieve_config() balance = get_balance(config, fields["account"]) if isinstance(balance, str): errmsg = balance print("[target_balance_external] ERROR: "+errmsg) return json.dumps({"errors": [{"status": "SKIP", "message": errmsg}]})\ , 400 transfer_amount = fields["amount"] - balance # check for zero transfer if "{:.2f}".format(fields["amount"]) == "0.00": errmsg = "No transfer needed, balance already ok" print("[target_balance_external] ERROR: "+errmsg) return json.dumps({"errors": [{"status": "SKIP", "message": errmsg}]})\ , 400 # get account id and check permission if transfer_amount > 0: accid = None for acc in config["accounts"]: if acc["iban"] == fields["account"]: accid = acc["id"] enabled = False if "permissions" in config: if fields["account"] in config["permissions"]: if "PaymentRequest" in config["permissions"]\ [fields["account"]]: enabled = config["permissions"][fields["account"]]\ ["PaymentRequest"] else: accid, enabled = payment.check_source_account(False, True, config, fields["account"]) if accid is None: errmsg = "unknown account: "+fields["account"] if not enabled: errmsg = "Not permitted for account: "+fields["account"] if errmsg: print("[target_balance_external] ERROR: "+errmsg) return json.dumps({"errors": [{"status": "SKIP", "message": errmsg}]})\ , 400 # send request / execute payment if transfer_amount > 0 and "top up" in fields["direction"]: bmvalue = fields["request_phone_email_iban"].replace(" ", "") if "@" in bmvalue: bmtype = "EMAIL" elif bmvalue[:1] == "+" and bmvalue[1:].isdecimal(): bmtype = "PHONE_NUMBER" elif bmvalue[:2].isalpha() and bmvalue[2:4].isdecimal(): bmtype = "IBAN" else: errmsg = "Unrecognized as email, phone or iban: "+bmvalue print("[request_inquiry] ERROR: "+errmsg) return json.dumps({"errors": [{"status": "SKIP", "message":\ errmsg}]}), 400 msg = { "amount_inquired": { "value": "{:.2f}".format(transfer_amount), "currency": "EUR", }, "counterparty_alias": { "type": bmtype, "name": bmvalue, "value": bmvalue }, "description": fields["request_description"], "allow_bunqme": True, } print(json.dumps(msg)) config = bunq.retrieve_config() result ="v1/user/{}/monetary-account/{}/request-inquiry"\ .format(config["user_id"], accid), msg, config) elif transfer_amount < 0 and "skim" in fields["direction"]: paymentmsg = { "amount": { "value": "{:.2f}".format(-transfer_amount), "currency": "EUR" }, "counterparty_alias": { "type": "IBAN", "value": fields["payment_account"], "name": fields["payment_name"] }, "description": fields["payment_description"] } print(paymentmsg) paymentmsg = {"number_of_required_accepts": 1, "entries": [paymentmsg]} result ="v1/user/{}/monetary-account/{}/draft-payment" .format(config["user_id"], accid), paymentmsg) else: errmsg = "No transfer needed, balance already ok" print("[target_balance_external] ERROR: "+errmsg) return json.dumps({"errors": [{"status": "SKIP", "message": errmsg}]})\ , 400 print(result) if "Error" in result: return json.dumps({"errors": [{ "status": "SKIP", "message": result["Error"][0]["error_description"] }]}), 400 return json.dumps({"data": [{ "id": str(result["Response"][0]["Id"]["id"])}]}) def check_fields(internal, fields): """ Check the fields """ # check expected fields if internal: expected_fields = ["account", "amount", "other_account", "direction", "payment_type", "description"] else: expected_fields = ["account", "amount", "direction", "payment_account", "payment_name", "payment_description", "request_phone_email_iban", "request_description"] for field in expected_fields: if field not in fields: return "missing field: "+field # strip spaces from account numbers fields["account"] = fields["account"].replace(" ", "") if internal: fields["other_account"] = fields["other_account"].replace(" ", "") else: fields["payment_account"] = fields["payment_account"].replace(" ", "") # check amount try: orig = fields["amount"] fields["amount"] = float(fields["amount"]) except ValueError: fields["amount"] = -1 if fields["amount"] <= 0: return "only positive amounts allowed: "+orig return None def get_balance(config, account, account2=None): """ Retrieve the balance of one or two accounts """ balances = bunq.retrieve_account_balances(config) if account2 is None and account in balances: return balances[account] if account in balances and account2 in balances: return balances[account], balances[account2] if account not in balances: return "Account balance not found "+account return "Account balance not found "+account2
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import re from setuptools import setup # Get version without importing, which avoids dependency issues def get_version(): with open('malloc_tracer/') as version_file: return"""__version__\s+=\s+(['"])(?P<version>.+?)\1""",'version') def _long_description(): with open('README.rst', 'r') as f: return if __name__ == '__main__': setup( name='malloc_tracer', version=get_version(), description='This is a debugging tool for tracing malloc that occurs inside a function or class.', long_description=_long_description(), author='Hasenpfote', author_email='<EMAIL>', url='', download_url='', packages = ['malloc_tracer'], keywords=['debug', 'debugging-tool', 'tracemalloc'], classifiers=[ 'Programming Language :: Python', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7', 'License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License', 'Operating System :: OS Independent', 'Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable', 'Environment :: Other Environment', 'Intended Audience :: Developers', 'Topic :: Software Development', 'Topic :: Utilities' ], python_requires='>=3.4', install_requires=[], )
<gh_stars>1-10 import datetime import fileinput import functools import json import os import re import sys import unittest import urllib.parse import requests from fixups import ESPANDI_INDIRIZZO MESI = { 'gennaio': 1, 'febbraio': 2, 'marzo': 3, 'aprile': 4, 'maggio': 5, 'giugno': 6, 'luglio': 7, 'agosto': 8, 'settembre': 9, 'ottobre': 10, 'novembre': 11, 'dicembre': 12, } AGGIORNAMENTO_RE = re.compile(r"AGGIORNAMENTO: (?P<giorno>\d+) (?P<mese>\w+) (?P<anno>\d+)") CIRCOSCRIZIONE_RE = re.compile(r"CIRCOSCRIZIONE (?P<numero>\d+): (?P<nome>.+)") MMG_RE = re.compile(r"MMG") NOME_DOTTORE_RE = re.compile(r"(?P<nome>[\w\s']+) \[(?P<codice>\w+)\]") BLOCCO_ASSOCIAZIONE_RE = re.compile(r"Associazione:") INDIRIZZO_RE = re.compile(r"(?P<indirizzo>.+) TORINO (?P<cap>\d+) \(TORINO\) Telefono: ?(?P<telefono>\d*)?") FAX_RE = re.compile(r"FAX \d+") TELEFONO_RE = re.compile(r"(TELEFONO.*:\s*)?(?P<telefono>\d+)$") BLOCCO_ORARI_RE = re.compile(r"Giorno") GIORNO_RE = re.compile(r"(?P<giorno>Lunedi|Martedi|Mercoledi|Giovedi|Venerdi|Sabato)") ORARI_DA_RE = re.compile(r"Dalle") ORARIO_RE = re.compile(r"(?P<orario>\d{2}:\d{2})") ORARI_A_RE = re.compile(r"Alle") BLOCCO_NOTE_RE = re.compile(r"Note") def do_geocoding(indirizzo, token): mapbox_geocoding_v5 = "" url = "{}{}.json?limit=1&country=IT&access_token={}".format( mapbox_geocoding_v5, urllib.parse.quote(indirizzo, safe=""), token, ) response = requests.get(url) data = response.json() feature = data["features"][0] if "address" in feature["place_type"]: if "Torino Turin" in feature["place_name"] or "Collegno" in feature["place_name"]: return feature["center"] return None @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=128) def geocoding(indirizzo, token): # sostituiamo i sc. con scala per farli piacere a mapbox indirizzo = indirizzo.replace(" sc. ", " scala ") posizione = do_geocoding(indirizzo, token) if posizione: return posizione # se non abbiamo trovato l'indirizzo proviamo a sistemarlo a mano correzione = [(k, v) for k, v in ESPANDI_INDIRIZZO.items() if k in indirizzo] if correzione: via, via_corretta = correzione[0] indirizzo_corretto = indirizzo.replace(via, via_corretta) posizione = do_geocoding(indirizzo_corretto, token) if posizione: return posizione print("Geocoding fallito per {}".format(indirizzo), file=sys.stderr) return None if __name__ == '__main__': # se abbiamo un token di mapbox nell'environment facciamo il geocoding degli indirizzi mapbox_token = os.getenv("MAPBOX_ACCESS_TOKEN") documento = { 'aggiornamento': None, 'circoscrizione_numero': None, 'circoscrizione_nome': None, 'mmg': None, 'dottori': None, } dottori = [] dottore = None blocco_associazione = False blocco_note = False indirizzo = None for line in fileinput.input(): line = line.strip('\x0c') if not line.strip(): continue match = AGGIORNAMENTO_RE.match(line) if match: match_dict = match.groupdict() update = int(match_dict['anno']), MESI[match_dict['mese'].lower()], int(match_dict['giorno']) ) documento['aggiornamento'] = update.isoformat() continue match = CIRCOSCRIZIONE_RE.match(line) if match: match_dict = match.groupdict() documento['circoscrizione_numero'] = match_dict['numero'] documento['circoscrizione_nome'] = match_dict['nome'] continue match = MMG_RE.match(line) if match: documento['mmg'] = True continue match = NOME_DOTTORE_RE.match(line) if match: match_dict = match.groupdict() blocco_note = False if dottore: dottore['indirizzi'].append(indirizzo) dottori.append(dottore) indirizzo = None dottore = { 'nome': match_dict['nome'], 'codice': match_dict['codice'], 'associazione': [], 'indirizzi': [], } continue match = BLOCCO_ASSOCIAZIONE_RE.match(line) if match: blocco_associazione = True continue match = INDIRIZZO_RE.match(line) if match: match_dict = match.groupdict() blocco_note = False blocco_associazione = False if indirizzo: dottore['indirizzi'].append(indirizzo) indirizzo = { 'indirizzo': '{} {} TORINO'.format(match_dict['indirizzo'], match_dict['cap']), 'telefono': [match_dict['telefono']], 'giorni': [], 'ore': [], 'note': [], } continue # ci sono dottori senza associazione if blocco_associazione: dottore['associazione'].append(line.strip()) continue match = FAX_RE.match(line) if match: continue match = TELEFONO_RE.match(line) if match: match_dict = match.groupdict() indirizzo['telefono'].append(match_dict['telefono']) continue match = BLOCCO_ORARI_RE.match(line) if match: continue match = GIORNO_RE.match(line) if match: match_dict = match.groupdict() indirizzo['giorni'].append(match_dict['giorno']) continue match = ORARI_DA_RE.match(line) if match: continue match = ORARIO_RE.match(line) if match: match_dict = match.groupdict() indirizzo['ore'].append(match_dict['orario']) continue match = ORARI_A_RE.match(line) if match: continue match = BLOCCO_NOTE_RE.match(line) if match: blocco_note = True continue if blocco_note: indirizzo['note'].append(line.strip()) continue print(line, file=sys.stderr) # l'ultimo dottore if dottore: dottore['indirizzi'].append(indirizzo) dottori.append(dottore) indirizzo = None for dottore in dottori: for indirizzo in dottore['indirizzi']: # Proviamo a sistemare gli orari num_orari = len(indirizzo['ore']) / 2 indirizzo['orario_affidabile'] = num_orari == len(indirizzo['giorni']) num_orari = int(num_orari) orari = [(indirizzo['ore'][i], indirizzo['ore'][i+num_orari]) for i in range(num_orari)] if indirizzo['orario_affidabile']: indirizzo['orari'] = [ {'giorno': giorno, 'da': orario[0], 'a': orario[1]} for giorno, orario in zip(indirizzo['giorni'], orari) ] else: indirizzo['orari'] = [{'giorno': None, 'da': da, 'a': a} for da, a in orari] if mapbox_token: posizione = geocoding(indirizzo['indirizzo'], mapbox_token) indirizzo['posizione'] = posizione documento['dottori'] = dottori print(json.dumps(documento)) class ParseTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def test_nome_dottore_deve_fare_il_match_degli_apostrofi(self): match = NOME_DOTTORE_RE.match("NUR ADDO' [01234]") match_dict = match.groupdict() self.assertEqual(match_dict, {"nome": "NUR ADDO'", "codice": "01234"})
<filename>tests/linear/assembly/ ''' Test assembly <NAME>, 29 May 2018 ''' import os import copy import warnings import unittest import itertools import numpy as np import scipy.linalg as scalg import sharpy.utils.h5utils as h5utils import sharpy.linear.src.assembly as assembly import sharpy.linear.src.multisurfaces as multisurfaces import sharpy.linear.src.surface as surface import sharpy.linear.src.libuvlm as libuvlm import sharpy.utils.algebra as algebra np.set_printoptions(linewidth=200,precision=3) def max_error_tensor(Pder_an,Pder_num): ''' Finds the maximum error analytical derivatives Pder_an. The error is: - relative, if the element of Pder_an is nonzero - absolute, otherwise The function returns the absolute and relative error tensors, and the maximum error. @warning: The relative error tensor may contain NaN or Inf if the analytical derivative is zero. These elements are filtered out during the search for maximum error, and absolute error is checked. ''' Eabs=np.abs(Pder_num-Pder_an) nnzvec=Pder_an!=0 Erel=np.zeros(Pder_an.shape) Erel[nnzvec]=np.abs(Eabs[nnzvec]/Pder_an[nnzvec]) # Relative error check: remove NaN and inf... iifinite=np.isfinite(Erel) err_max=0.0 for err_here in Erel[iifinite]: if np.abs(err_here)>err_max: err_max=err_here # Zero elements check iizero=np.abs(Pder_an)<1e-15 for der_here in Pder_num[iizero]: if np.abs(der_here)>err_max: err_max=der_here return err_max, Eabs, Erel class Test_assembly(unittest.TestCase): ''' Test methods into assembly module ''' def setUp(self): # select test case fname = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + '/h5input/goland_mod_Nsurf01_M003_N004_a040.aero_state.h5' haero = h5utils.readh5(fname) tsdata = haero.ts00000 # # Rotating cases # fname = './basic_rotating_wing/' # haero = h5utils.readh5(fname) # tsdata =[-1] # = [] # for ss in range( #[-1].for_vel[3:6]) MS=multisurfaces.MultiAeroGridSurfaces(tsdata) MS.get_normal_ind_velocities_at_collocation_points() MS.verify_non_penetration() MS.verify_aic_coll() MS.get_joukovski_qs() MS.verify_joukovski_qs() self.MS=MS def test_nc_dqcdzeta(self): ''' For each output surface, where induced velocity is computed, all other surfaces are looped. For wakes, only TE is displaced. ''' print('----------------------------- Testing assembly.test_nc_dqcdzeta') MS=self.MS n_surf=MS.n_surf # analytical Dercoll_list,Dervert_list=assembly.nc_dqcdzeta(MS.Surfs,MS.Surfs_star) # check option Der_all_exp=np.block(Dervert_list)+scalg.block_diag(*Dercoll_list) Der_all=np.block( assembly.nc_dqcdzeta(MS.Surfs,MS.Surfs_star,Merge=True) ) _,ErAbs,ErRel=max_error_tensor(Der_all,Der_all_exp) # max absolute error ermax=np.max(ErAbs) # relative error at max abs error point iimax=np.unravel_index(np.argmax(ErAbs),ErAbs.shape) ermax_rel=ErRel[iimax] assert ermax_rel<1e-16,\ 'option Merge=True not working correctly, relative error (%.3e) too high!' %ErRel # allocate numerical Derlist_num=[] for ii in range(n_surf): sub=[] for jj in range(n_surf): sub.append(0.0*Dervert_list[ii][jj]) Derlist_num.append(sub) # store reference circulation and normal induced velocities MS.get_normal_ind_velocities_at_collocation_points() Zeta0=[] Zeta0_star=[] Vind0=[] N0=[] ZetaC0=[] for ss in range(n_surf): Zeta0.append(MS.Surfs[ss].zeta.copy()) ZetaC0.append(MS.Surfs[ss].zetac.copy('F')) Zeta0_star.append(MS.Surfs_star[ss].zeta.copy()) Vind0.append(MS.Surfs[ss].u_ind_coll_norm.copy()) N0.append(MS.Surfs[ss].normals.copy()) # calculate vis FDs Steps=[1e-6,] step=Steps[0] ### loop input surfs for ss_in in range(n_surf): Surf_in=MS.Surfs[ss_in] Surf_star_in=MS.Surfs_star[ss_in] M_in,N_in=Surf_in.maps.M,Surf_in.maps.N # perturb for kk in range(3*Surf_in.maps.Kzeta): cc,mm,nn=np.unravel_index( kk, (3,M_in+1,N_in+1) ) # perturb bound. vertices and collocation Surf_in.zeta=Zeta0[ss_in].copy() Surf_in.zeta[cc,mm,nn]+=step Surf_in.generate_collocations() # perturb wake TE if mm==M_in: Surf_star_in.zeta=Zeta0_star[ss_in].copy() Surf_star_in.zeta[cc,0,nn]+=step ### prepare output surfaces # - ensure normals are unchanged # - del ind. vel on output to ensure they are re-computed for ss_out in range(n_surf): Surf_out=MS.Surfs[ss_out] Surf_out.normals=N0[ss_out].copy() del Surf_out.u_ind_coll_norm try: del Surf_out.u_ind_coll except AttributeError: pass ### recalculate MS.get_normal_ind_velocities_at_collocation_points() # restore Surf_in.zeta=Zeta0[ss_in].copy() Surf_in.zetac=ZetaC0[ss_in].copy('F') Surf_star_in.zeta=Zeta0_star[ss_in].copy() # estimate derivatives for ss_out in range(n_surf): Surf_out=MS.Surfs[ss_out] dvind=(Surf_out.u_ind_coll_norm-Vind0[ss_out])/step Derlist_num[ss_out][ss_in][:,kk]=dvind.reshape(-1,order='C') ### check error for ss_out in range(n_surf): for ss_in in range(n_surf): Der_an=Dervert_list[ss_out][ss_in].copy() if ss_in==ss_out: Der_an=Der_an+Dercoll_list[ss_out] Der_num=Derlist_num[ss_out][ss_in] _,ErAbs,ErRel=max_error_tensor(Der_an,Der_num) # max absolute error ermax=np.max(ErAbs) # relative error at max abs error point iimax=np.unravel_index(np.argmax(ErAbs),ErAbs.shape) ermax_rel=ErRel[iimax] print('Bound%.2d->Bound%.2d\tFDstep\tErrAbs\tErrRel'%(ss_in,ss_out)) print('\t\t\t%.1e\t%.1e\t%.1e' %(step,ermax,ermax_rel)) assert ermax<50*step and ermax_rel<50*step, embed()#'Test failed!' # fig=plt.figure('Spy Er vs coll derivs',figsize=(12,4)) # ax1=fig.add_subplot(131) # ax1.spy(ErAbs,precision=1e2*step) # ax1.set_title('error abs %d to %d' %(ss_in,ss_out)) # ax2=fig.add_subplot(132) # ax2.spy(ErRel,precision=1e2*step) # ax2.set_title('error rel %d to %d' %(ss_in,ss_out)) # ax3=fig.add_subplot(133) # ax3.spy(Dercoll_list[ss_out],precision=50*step) # ax3.set_title('Dcoll an. %d to %d' %(ss_out,ss_out)) # # plt.close() def test_uc_dncdzeta(self,PlotFlag=False): print('---------------------------------- Testing assembly.uc_dncdzeta') MS=self.MS n_surf=MS.n_surf MS.get_ind_velocities_at_collocation_points() MS.get_normal_ind_velocities_at_collocation_points() for ss in range(n_surf): print('Surface %.2d:' %ss) Surf=MS.Surfs[ss] # generate non-zero field of external force Surf.u_ext[0,:,:]=Surf.u_ext[0,:,:]-20.0 Surf.u_ext[1,:,:]=Surf.u_ext[1,:,:]+60.0 Surf.u_ext[2,:,:]=Surf.u_ext[2,:,:]+30.0 Surf.u_ext=Surf.u_ext+np.random.rand(*Surf.u_ext.shape) ### analytical derivative # ind velocities computed already Surf.get_input_velocities_at_collocation_points() Der=assembly.uc_dncdzeta(Surf) ### numerical derivative #Surf.get_normal_input_velocities_at_collocation_points() u_tot0=Surf.u_ind_coll+Surf.u_input_coll u_norm0=Surf.project_coll_to_normal(u_tot0) u_norm0_vec=u_norm0.reshape(-1,order='C') zeta0=Surf.zeta DerNum=np.zeros(Der.shape) Steps=np.array([1e-2,1e-3,1e-4,1e-5,1e-6]) Er_max=0.0*Steps for ss in range(len(Steps)): step=Steps[ss] for jj in range(3*Surf.maps.Kzeta): # perturb cc_pert=Surf.maps.ind_3d_vert_vect[0][jj] mm_pert=Surf.maps.ind_3d_vert_vect[1][jj] nn_pert=Surf.maps.ind_3d_vert_vect[2][jj] zeta_pert=zeta0.copy() zeta_pert[cc_pert,mm_pert,nn_pert]+=step # calculate new normal velocity Surf_pert=surface.AeroGridSurface(Surf.maps,zeta=zeta_pert, u_ext=Surf.u_ext,gamma=Surf.gamma) u_norm=Surf_pert.project_coll_to_normal(u_tot0) u_norm_vec=u_norm.reshape(-1,order='C') # FD derivative DerNum[:,jj]=(u_norm_vec-u_norm0_vec)/step er_max=np.max(np.abs(Der-DerNum)) print('FD step: %.2e ---> Max error: %.2e'%(step,er_max) ) assert er_max<5e1*step, 'Error larger than 50 times step size' Er_max[ss]=er_max # assert error decreases with step size for ss in range(1,len(Steps)): assert Er_max[ss]<Er_max[ss-1],\ 'Error not decreasing as FD step size is reduced' print('------------------------------------------------------------ OK') if PlotFlag: pass # fig = plt.figure('Spy Der',figsize=(10,4)) # ax1 = fig.add_subplot(121) # ax1.spy(Der,precision=step) # ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122) # ax2.spy(DerNum,precision=step) # def test_nc_domegazetadzeta(self): """ Variation at colocation points due to geometrical variations at vertices Needs to be tested with a case that actually rotates """ print('----------------------------- Testing assembly.test_nc_domegazetadzeta') MS=self.MS n_surf=MS.n_surf # analytical Dervert_list = assembly.nc_domegazetadzeta(MS.Surfs,MS.Surfs_star) # allocate numerical # Derlist_num=[] # for ii in range(n_surf): # sub=[] # for jj in range(n_surf): # sub.append(0.0*Dervert_list[ii][jj]) # Derlist_num.append(sub) # Store the initial values of the variabes Zeta0=[] Zeta0_star=[] N0=[] ZetaC0=[] for ss in range(n_surf): Zeta0.append(MS.Surfs[ss].zeta.copy()) ZetaC0.append(MS.Surfs[ss].zetac.copy('F')) Zeta0_star.append(MS.Surfs_star[ss].zeta.copy()) N0.append(MS.Surfs[ss].normals.copy()) # Computation Steps=[1e-2, 1e-4, 1e-6] nsteps = len(Steps) error = np.zeros((nsteps,)) for istep in range(nsteps): step = Steps[istep] for ss in range(n_surf): Surf=MS.Surfs[ss] Surf_star=MS.Surfs_star[ss] M,N=Surf.maps.M,Surf.maps.N perturb_vector = np.zeros(3*Surf.maps.Kzeta) # PERTURBATION OF THE SURFACE for kk in range(3*Surf.maps.Kzeta): # generate a random perturbation between the 90% and the 110% of the step perturb_vector[kk] += step*(0.2*np.random.rand()+0.9) cc,mm,nn=np.unravel_index( kk, (3,M+1,N+1) ) # perturb bound. vertices and collocation Surf.zeta=Zeta0[ss].copy() Surf.zeta[cc,mm,nn] += perturb_vector[kk] # perturb wake TE if mm==M: Surf_star.zeta=Zeta0_star[ss].copy() Surf_star.zeta[cc,0,nn] += perturb_vector[kk] Surf.generate_collocations() # COMPUTE THE DERIVATIVES Der_an = np.zeros(Surf.maps.K) Der_an =[ss], perturb_vector) Der_num = np.zeros(Surf.maps.K) ipanel = 0 skew_omega = algebra.skew( for mm in range(M): for nn in range(N): Der_num[ipanel] = ([ss][:,mm,nn],, ZetaC0[ss][:,mm,nn])) -[ss][:,mm,nn],, Surf.zetac[:,mm,nn]))) ipanel += 1 # COMPUTE THE ERROR error[istep] = np.maximum(error[istep], np.absolute(Der_num-Der_an).max()) print('FD step: %.2e ---> Max error: %.2e'%(step,error[istep]) ) assert error[istep]<5e1*step, 'Error larger than 50 times the step size' if istep > 0: assert error[istep]<=error[istep-1],\ 'Error not decreasing as FD step size is reduced' print('------------------------------------------------------------ OK') def test_dfqsdgamma_vrel0(self): print('----------------------------- Testing assembly.dfqsdgamma_vrel0') MS=self.MS n_surf=MS.n_surf Der_list,Der_star_list=assembly.dfqsdgamma_vrel0(MS.Surfs,MS.Surfs_star) Er_max=[] Er_max_star=[] Steps=[1e-2,1e-4,1e-6,] for ss in range(n_surf): Der_an=Der_list[ss] Der_star_an=Der_star_list[ss] Surf=MS.Surfs[ss] Surf_star=MS.Surfs_star[ss] M,N=Surf.maps.M,Surf.maps.N K=Surf.maps.K fqs0=Surf.fqs.copy() gamma0=Surf.gamma.copy() for step in Steps: Der_num=0.0*Der_an Der_star_num=0.0*Der_star_an ### Bound for pp in range(K): mm=Surf.maps.ind_2d_pan_scal[0][pp] nn=Surf.maps.ind_2d_pan_scal[1][pp] Surf.gamma=gamma0.copy() Surf.gamma[mm,nn]+=step Surf.get_joukovski_qs(gammaw_TE=Surf_star.gamma[0,:]) df=(Surf.fqs-fqs0)/step Der_num[:,pp]=df.reshape(-1,order='C') er_max=np.max(np.abs(Der_an-Der_num)) print('Surface %.2d - bound:' %ss) print('FD step: %.2e ---> Max error: %.2e'%(step,er_max) ) assert er_max<5e1*step, 'Error larger than 50 times step size' Er_max.append(er_max) ### Wake Surf.gamma=gamma0.copy() gammaw_TE0=Surf_star.gamma[0,:].copy() M_star,N_star=Surf_star.maps.M,Surf_star.maps.N K_star=Surf_star.maps.K for nn in range(N): pp=np.ravel_multi_index( (0,nn), (M_star,N_star)) gammaw_TE=gammaw_TE0.copy() gammaw_TE[nn]+=step Surf.get_joukovski_qs(gammaw_TE=gammaw_TE) df=(Surf.fqs-fqs0)/step Der_star_num[:,pp]=df.reshape(-1,order='C') er_max=np.max(np.abs(Der_star_an-Der_star_num)) print('Surface %.2d - wake:' %ss) print('FD step: %.2e ---> Max error: %.2e'%(step,er_max) ) assert er_max<5e1*step, 'Error larger than 50 times step size' Er_max_star.append(er_max) Surf.gamma=gamma0.copy() ### Warning: this test fails: the dependency on gamma is linear, hence # great accuracy is obtained even with large steps. In fact, reducing # the step quickly introduced round-off error. # # assert error decreases with step size # for ii in range(1,len(Steps)): # assert Er_max[ii]<Er_max[ii-1],\ # 'Error not decreasing as FD step size is reduced' # assert Er_max_star[ii]<Er_max_star[ii-1],\ # 'Error not decreasing as FD step size is reduced' def test_dfqsdzeta_vrel0(self): ''' Note: the get_joukovski_qs method re-computes the induced velocity at the panel segments. A copy of Surf is required to ensure that other tests are not affected. ''' print('------------------------------ Testing assembly.dfqsdzeta_vrel0') MS=self.MS n_surf=MS.n_surf Der_list=assembly.dfqsdzeta_vrel0(MS.Surfs,MS.Surfs_star) Er_max=[] Steps=[1e-2,1e-4,1e-6,] for ss in range(n_surf): Der_an=Der_list[ss] Surf=copy.deepcopy(MS.Surfs[ss]) #Surf_star=MS.Surfs_star[ss] M,N=Surf.maps.M,Surf.maps.N K=Surf.maps.K Kzeta=Surf.maps.Kzeta fqs0=Surf.fqs.copy() zeta0=Surf.zeta.copy() for step in Steps: Der_num=0.0*Der_an for kk in range(3*Kzeta): Surf.zeta=zeta0.copy() ind_3d=np.unravel_index(kk, (3,M+1,N+1) ) Surf.zeta[ind_3d]+=step Surf.get_joukovski_qs(gammaw_TE=MS.Surfs_star[ss].gamma[0,:]) df=(Surf.fqs-fqs0)/step Der_num[:,kk]=df.reshape(-1,order='C') er_max=np.max(np.abs(Der_an-Der_num)) print('Surface %.2d - bound:' %ss) print('FD step: %.2e ---> Max error: %.2e'%(step,er_max) ) assert er_max<5e1*step, 'Error larger than 50 times step size' Er_max.append(er_max) def test_dfqsdzeta_omega(self): ''' Note: the get_joukovski_qs method re-computes the induced velocity at the panel segments. A copy of Surf is required to ensure that other tests are not affected. Needs to be tested with a case that actually rotates ''' print('------------------------------ Testing assembly.dfqsdzeta_omega') # rename MS=self.MS n_surf=MS.n_surf # Compute the anaytical derivative of the case Der_an_list=assembly.dfqsdzeta_omega(MS.Surfs,MS.Surfs_star) # Initialize Er_max=[] # Define steps to run Steps=[1e-2,1e-4,1e-6,] for ss in range(n_surf): # Select the surface with the analytica derivatives Der_an=Der_an_list[ss] # Copy to avoid modifying the original for other tests Surf=copy.deepcopy(MS.Surfs[ss]) # Define variables M,N=Surf.maps.M,Surf.maps.N K=Surf.maps.K Kzeta=Surf.maps.Kzeta # Save the reference values at equilibrium fqs0=Surf.fqs.copy() zeta0=Surf.zeta.copy() u_input_seg0=Surf.u_input_seg.copy() for step in Steps: # Initialize Der_num = 0.0*Der_an # Loop through the different grid modifications (three directions per vertex point) for kk in range(3*Kzeta): # Initialize to remove previous movements Surf.zeta=zeta0.copy() # Define DoFs where modifications will take place and modify the grid ind_3d=np.unravel_index(kk, (3,M+1,N+1) ) Surf.zeta[ind_3d]+=step # Recompute get_ind_velocities_at_segments and recover the previous grid Surf.get_input_velocities_at_segments() Surf.zeta=zeta0.copy() # Compute new forces Surf.get_joukovski_qs(gammaw_TE=MS.Surfs_star[ss].gamma[0,:]) df=(Surf.fqs-fqs0)/step Der_num[:,kk]=df.reshape(-1,order='C') er_max=np.max(np.abs(Der_an-Der_num)) print('Surface %.2d - bound:' %ss) print('FD step: %.2e ---> Max error: %.2e'%(step,er_max) ) assert er_max<5e1*step, 'Error larger than 50 times step size' Er_max.append(er_max) def test_dfqsduinput(self): ''' Step change in input velocity is allocated to both u_ext and zeta_dot ''' print('---------------------------------- Testing assembly.dfqsduinput') MS=self.MS n_surf=MS.n_surf Der_list=assembly.dfqsduinput(MS.Surfs,MS.Surfs_star) Er_max=[] Steps=[1e-2,1e-4,1e-6,] for ss in range(n_surf): Der_an=Der_list[ss] #Surf=copy.deepcopy(MS.Surfs[ss]) Surf=MS.Surfs[ss] #Surf_star=MS.Surfs_star[ss] M,N=Surf.maps.M,Surf.maps.N K=Surf.maps.K Kzeta=Surf.maps.Kzeta fqs0=Surf.fqs.copy() u_ext0=Surf.u_ext.copy() zeta_dot0=Surf.zeta_dot.copy() for step in Steps: Der_num=0.0*Der_an for kk in range(3*Kzeta): Surf.u_ext=u_ext0.copy() Surf.zeta_dot=zeta_dot0.copy() ind_3d=np.unravel_index(kk, (3,M+1,N+1) ) Surf.u_ext[ind_3d]+=0.5*step Surf.zeta_dot[ind_3d]+=-0.5*step Surf.get_input_velocities_at_segments() Surf.get_joukovski_qs(gammaw_TE=MS.Surfs_star[ss].gamma[0,:]) df=(Surf.fqs-fqs0)/step Der_num[:,kk]=df.reshape(-1,order='C') er_max=np.max(np.abs(Der_an-Der_num)) print('Surface %.2d - bound:' %ss) print('FD step: %.2e ---> Max error: %.2e'%(step,er_max) ) assert er_max<5e1*step, 'Error larger than 50 times step size' Er_max.append(er_max) def test_dfqsdvind_gamma(self): print('------------------------------ Testing assembly.dfqsdvind_gamma') MS=self.MS n_surf=MS.n_surf # analytical Der_list,Der_star_list=assembly.dfqsdvind_gamma(MS.Surfs,MS.Surfs_star) # allocate numerical Der_list_num=[] Der_star_list_num=[] for ii in range(n_surf): sub=[] sub_star=[] for jj in range(n_surf): sub.append(0.0*Der_list[ii][jj]) sub_star.append(0.0*Der_star_list[ii][jj]) Der_list_num.append(sub) Der_star_list_num.append(sub_star) # store reference circulation and force Gamma0=[] Gammaw0=[] Fqs0=[] for ss in range(n_surf): Gamma0.append(MS.Surfs[ss].gamma.copy()) Gammaw0.append(MS.Surfs_star[ss].gamma.copy()) Fqs0.append(MS.Surfs[ss].fqs.copy()) # calculate vis FDs #Steps=[1e-2,1e-4,1e-6,] Steps=[1e-5,] step=Steps[0] ###### bound for ss_in in range(n_surf): Surf_in=MS.Surfs[ss_in] # perturb for pp in range(Surf_in.maps.K): mm=Surf_in.maps.ind_2d_pan_scal[0][pp] nn=Surf_in.maps.ind_2d_pan_scal[1][pp] Surf_in.gamma=Gamma0[ss_in].copy() Surf_in.gamma[mm,nn]+=step # recalculate induced velocity everywhere MS.get_ind_velocities_at_segments(overwrite=True) # restore circulation: (include only induced velocity contrib.) Surf_in.gamma=Gamma0[ss_in].copy() # estimate derivatives for ss_out in range(n_surf): Surf_out=MS.Surfs[ss_out] fqs0=Fqs0[ss_out].copy() Surf_out.get_joukovski_qs( gammaw_TE=MS.Surfs_star[ss_out].gamma[0,:]) df=(Surf_out.fqs-fqs0)/step Der_list_num[ss_out][ss_in][:,pp]=df.reshape(-1,order='C') ###### wake for ss_in in range(n_surf): Surf_in=MS.Surfs_star[ss_in] # perturb for pp in range(Surf_in.maps.K): mm=Surf_in.maps.ind_2d_pan_scal[0][pp] nn=Surf_in.maps.ind_2d_pan_scal[1][pp] Surf_in.gamma=Gammaw0[ss_in].copy() Surf_in.gamma[mm,nn]+=step # recalculate induced velocity everywhere MS.get_ind_velocities_at_segments(overwrite=True) # restore circulation: (include only induced velocity contrib.) Surf_in.gamma=Gammaw0[ss_in].copy() # estimate derivatives for ss_out in range(n_surf): Surf_out=MS.Surfs[ss_out] fqs0=Fqs0[ss_out].copy() Surf_out.get_joukovski_qs( gammaw_TE=MS.Surfs_star[ss_out].gamma[0,:]) # <--- gammaw_0 needs to be used here! df=(Surf_out.fqs-fqs0)/step Der_star_list_num[ss_out][ss_in][:,pp]=df.reshape(-1,order='C') ### check error Er_max=[] Er_max_star=[] for ss_out in range(n_surf): for ss_in in range(n_surf): Der_an=Der_list[ss_out][ss_in] Der_num=Der_list_num[ss_out][ss_in] ErMat=Der_an-Der_num ermax=np.max(np.abs(ErMat)) print('Bound%.2d->Bound%.2d\tFDstep\tError'%(ss_in,ss_out)) print('\t\t\t%.1e\t%.1e' %(step,ermax)) assert ermax<50*step, 'Test failed!' Der_an=Der_star_list[ss_out][ss_in] Der_num=Der_star_list_num[ss_out][ss_in] ErMat=Der_an-Der_num ermax=np.max(np.abs(ErMat)) print('Wake%.2d->Bound%.2d\tFDstep\tError'%(ss_in,ss_out)) print('\t\t\t%.1e\t%.1e' %(step,ermax)) assert ermax<50*step, 'Test failed!' # fig = plt.figure('Spy Der',figsize=(10,4)) # ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111) # ax1.spy(ErMat,precision=50*step) # def test_dvinddzeta(self): ''' For each output surface, there induced velocity is computed, all other surfaces are looped. For wakes, only TE is displaced. ''' def comp_vind(zetac,MS): # comute induced velocity V=np.zeros((3,)) for ss in range(n_surf): Surf_in=MS.Surfs[ss] Surf_star_in=MS.Surfs_star[ss] V+=Surf_in.get_induced_velocity(zetac) V+=Surf_star_in.get_induced_velocity(zetac) return V print('----------------------------------- Testing assembly.dvinddzeta') MS=self.MS n_surf=MS.n_surf zetac=.5*(MS.Surfs[0].zeta[:,1,2]+MS.Surfs[0].zeta[:,1,3]) Dercoll=np.zeros((3,3)) Dervert_list=[] for ss_in in range(n_surf): dcoll_b,dvert_b=assembly.dvinddzeta(zetac,MS.Surfs[ss_in],IsBound=True) dcoll_w,dvert_w=assembly.dvinddzeta(zetac,MS.Surfs_star[ss_in], IsBound=False,M_in_bound=MS.Surfs[ss_in].maps.M) Dercoll+=dcoll_b+dcoll_w Dervert_list.append(dvert_b+dvert_w) # allocate numerical Dercoll_num=np.zeros((3,3)) Dervert_list_num=[] for ii in range(n_surf): Dervert_list_num.append(0.0*Dervert_list[ii]) # store reference grid Zeta0=[] Zeta0_star=[] for ss in range(n_surf): Zeta0.append(MS.Surfs[ss].zeta.copy()) Zeta0_star.append(MS.Surfs_star[ss].zeta.copy()) V0=comp_vind(zetac,MS) # calculate vis FDs #Steps=[1e-2,1e-4,1e-6,] Steps=[1e-6,] step=Steps[0] ### vertices for ss_in in range(n_surf): Surf_in=MS.Surfs[ss_in] Surf_star_in=MS.Surfs_star[ss_in] M_in,N_in=Surf_in.maps.M,Surf_in.maps.N # perturb for kk in range(3*Surf_in.maps.Kzeta): cc,mm,nn=np.unravel_index( kk, (3,M_in+1,N_in+1) ) # perturb bound Surf_in.zeta=Zeta0[ss_in].copy() Surf_in.zeta[cc,mm,nn]+=step # perturb wake TE if mm==M_in: Surf_star_in.zeta=Zeta0_star[ss_in].copy() Surf_star_in.zeta[cc,0,nn]+=step # recalculate induced velocity everywhere Vnum=comp_vind(zetac,MS) dv=(Vnum-V0)/step Dervert_list_num[ss_in][:,kk]=dv.reshape(-1,order='C') # restore Surf_in.zeta=Zeta0[ss_in].copy() if mm==M_in: Surf_star_in.zeta=Zeta0_star[ss_in].copy() ### check error at colloc Dercoll_num=np.zeros((3,3)) for cc in range(3): zetac_pert=zetac.copy() zetac_pert[cc]+=step Vnum=comp_vind(zetac_pert,MS) Dercoll_num[:,cc]=(Vnum-V0)/step ercoll=np.max(np.abs(Dercoll-Dercoll_num)) print('Error coll.\tFDstep\tErrAbs') print('\t\t%.1e\t%.1e' %(step,ercoll)) #if ercoll>10*step: embed() assert ercoll<10*step, 'Error at collocation point' ### check error at vert for ss_in in range(n_surf): Der_an=Dervert_list[ss_in] Der_num=Dervert_list_num[ss_in] ermax,ErAbs,ErRel=max_error_tensor(Der_an,Der_num) # max absolute error ermax=np.max(ErAbs) # relative error at max abs error point iimax=np.unravel_index(np.argmax(ErAbs),ErAbs.shape) ermax_rel=ErRel[iimax] print('Bound and wake%.2d\tFDstep\tErrAbs\tErrRel'%ss_in) print('\t\t\t%.1e\t%.1e\t%.1e' %(step,ermax,ermax_rel)) assert ercoll<10*step, 'Error at vertices' # fig=plt.figure('Spy Er vs coll derivs',figsize=(12,4)) # ax1=fig.add_subplot(121) # ax1.spy(ErAbs,precision=1e2*step) # ax1.set_title('error abs %d' %(ss_in)) # ax2=fig.add_subplot(122) # ax2.spy(ErRel,precision=1e2*step) # ax2.set_title('error rel %d' %(ss_in)) # # plt.close() def test_dfqsdvind_zeta(self): ''' For each output surface, there induced velocity is computed, all other surfaces are looped. For wakes, only TE is displaced. ''' print('------------------------------- Testing assembly.dfqsdvind_zeta') MS=self.MS n_surf=MS.n_surf # analytical Dercoll_list,Dervert_list=assembly.dfqsdvind_zeta(MS.Surfs,MS.Surfs_star) # allocate numerical Derlist_num=[] for ii in range(n_surf): sub=[] for jj in range(n_surf): sub.append(0.0*Dervert_list[ii][jj]) Derlist_num.append(sub) # store reference circulation and force Zeta0=[] Zeta0_star=[] Fqs0=[] for ss in range(n_surf): Zeta0.append(MS.Surfs[ss].zeta.copy()) Zeta0_star.append(MS.Surfs_star[ss].zeta.copy()) Fqs0.append(MS.Surfs[ss].fqs.copy()) # calculate vis FDs #Steps=[1e-2,1e-4,1e-6,] Steps=[1e-6,] step=Steps[0] ### loop input surfs for ss_in in range(n_surf): Surf_in=MS.Surfs[ss_in] Surf_star_in=MS.Surfs_star[ss_in] M_in,N_in=Surf_in.maps.M,Surf_in.maps.N # perturb for kk in range(3*Surf_in.maps.Kzeta): cc,mm,nn=np.unravel_index( kk, (3,M_in+1,N_in+1) ) # perturb bound Surf_in.zeta=Zeta0[ss_in].copy() Surf_in.zeta[cc,mm,nn]+=step # perturb wake TE if mm==M_in: Surf_star_in.zeta=Zeta0_star[ss_in].copy() Surf_star_in.zeta[cc,0,nn]+=step # recalculate induced velocity everywhere MS.get_ind_velocities_at_segments(overwrite=True) # restore zeta: (include only induced velocity contrib.) Surf_in.zeta=Zeta0[ss_in].copy() Surf_star_in.zeta=Zeta0_star[ss_in].copy() # estimate derivatives for ss_out in range(n_surf): Surf_out=MS.Surfs[ss_out] fqs0=Fqs0[ss_out].copy() Surf_out.get_joukovski_qs( gammaw_TE=MS.Surfs_star[ss_out].gamma[0,:]) df=(Surf_out.fqs-fqs0)/step Derlist_num[ss_out][ss_in][:,kk]=df.reshape(-1,order='C') ### check error for ss_out in range(n_surf): for ss_in in range(n_surf): Der_an=Dervert_list[ss_out][ss_in].copy() if ss_in==ss_out: Der_an=Der_an+Dercoll_list[ss_out] Der_num=Derlist_num[ss_out][ss_in] ermax, ErAbs, ErRel=max_error_tensor(Der_an,Der_num) # max absolute error ermax=np.max(ErAbs) # relative error at max abs error point iimax=np.unravel_index(np.argmax(ErAbs),ErAbs.shape) ermax_rel=ErRel[iimax] print('Bound%.2d->Bound%.2d\tFDstep\tErrAbs\tErrRel'%(ss_in,ss_out)) print('\t\t\t%.1e\t%.1e\t%.1e' %(step,ermax,ermax_rel)) assert ermax<5e2*step and ermax_rel<50*step, 'Test failed!' # fig=plt.figure('Spy Er vs coll derivs',figsize=(12,4)) # ax1=fig.add_subplot(131) # ax1.spy(ErAbs,precision=1e2*step) # ax1.set_title('error abs %d to %d' %(ss_in,ss_out)) # ax2=fig.add_subplot(132) # ax2.spy(ErRel,precision=1e2*step) # ax2.set_title('error rel %d to %d' %(ss_in,ss_out)) # ax3=fig.add_subplot(133) # ax3.spy(Dercoll_list[ss_out],precision=50*step) # ax3.set_title('Dcoll an. %d to %d' %(ss_out,ss_out)) # # plt.close() def test_dfunstdgamma_dot(self): ''' Test derivative of unsteady aerodynamic force with respect to changes in panel circulation. Warning: test assumes the derivative of the unsteady force only depends on Gamma_dot, which is true only for steady-state linearisation points ''' MS=self.MS Ders_an=assembly.dfunstdgamma_dot(MS.Surfs) step=1e-6 Ders_num=[] n_surf=len(MS.Surfs) for ss in range(n_surf): Surf=MS.Surfs[ss] Kzeta,K=Surf.maps.Kzeta,Surf.maps.K M,N=Surf.maps.M,Surf.maps.N Dnum=np.zeros((3*Kzeta,K)) # get refernce values Surf.get_joukovski_unsteady() Gamma_dot0=Surf.gamma_dot.copy() F0=Surf.funst.copy() for pp in range(K): mm,nn=np.unravel_index( pp, (M,N) ) Surf.gamma_dot=Gamma_dot0.copy() Surf.gamma_dot[mm,nn]+=step Surf.get_joukovski_unsteady() dF=(Surf.funst-F0)/step Dnum[:,pp]=dF.reshape(-1) # restore Surf.gamma_dot=Gamma_dot0.copy() ### verify ermax, ErAbs, ErRel=max_error_tensor(Ders_an[ss],Dnum) # max absolute error ermax=np.max(ErAbs) # relative error at max abs error point iimax=np.unravel_index(np.argmax(ErAbs),ErAbs.shape) ermax_rel=ErRel[iimax] print('Bound%.2d\t\t\tFDstep\tErrAbs\tErrRel'%(ss,)) print('\t\t\t%.1e\t%.1e\t%.1e' %(step,ermax,ermax_rel)) assert ermax<5e2*step and ermax_rel<50*step, 'Test failed!' def test_wake_prop(self): MS=self.MS C_list,Cstar_list=assembly.wake_prop(MS.Surfs,MS.Surfs_star) n_surf=len(MS.Surfs) for ss in range(n_surf): Surf=MS.Surfs[ss] Surf_star=MS.Surfs_star[ss] N=Surf.maps.N K_star=Surf_star.maps.K C=C_list[ss] Cstar=Cstar_list[ss] # add noise to circulations gamma=Surf.gamma+np.random.rand( *Surf.gamma.shape ) gamma_star=Surf_star.gamma+np.random.rand( *Surf_star.gamma.shape ),gamma.reshape(-1)),gamma_star.reshape(-1)) gvec_ref=np.concatenate((gamma[-1,:],gamma_star[:-1,:].reshape(-1))) assert np.max(np.abs(gvec-gvec_ref))<1e-15,\ 'Prop. from trailing edge not correct' if __name__=='__main__': unittest.main() # T=Test_assembly() # T.setUp() # ### force equation (qs term) # T.test_dvinddzeta() # T.test_dfqsdvind_zeta() # run setUp after this test # T.setUp() # T.test_dfqsdvind_gamma() # T.test_dfqsduinput() # T.test_dfqsdzeta_vrel0() # T.test_dfqsdgamma_vrel0() # ### state equation terms # T.test_uc_dncdzeta() # T.test_nc_dqcdzeta() ### force equation (unsteady) # T.test_dfunstdgamma_dot()
<filename>CIFA10/ import torch from torch import nn from torch.nn import functional as F class ResBl(nn.Module): def __init__(self,ch_in,ch_out,stride=1): super(ResBl,self).__init__() self.conv1=nn.Conv2d(ch_in,ch_out,kernel_size=3,stride=stride,padding=1) self.bn1=nn.BatchNorm2d(ch_out) self.conv2=nn.Conv2d(ch_out,ch_out,kernel_size=3,stride=1,padding=1) self.bn2=nn.BatchNorm2d(ch_out) self.extra=nn.Sequential() if ch_out!=ch_in: self.extra=nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(ch_in,ch_out,kernel_size=1,stride=stride), nn.BatchNorm2d(ch_out) ) def forward(self, x): out=F.relu(self.bn1(self.conv1(x))) out=self.bn2(self.conv2(out)) out=self.extra(x)+out return out class Resnet(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super(Resnet,self).__init__() self.con1=nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(3,64,kernel_size=3,stride=3,padding=0), nn.BatchNorm2d(64) ) self.blc1=ResBl(64,128,stride=2) self.blc2=ResBl(128,256,stride=2) self.blc3=ResBl(256,512,stride=2) self.blc4=ResBl(512,512,stride=2) self.outlayer=nn.Linear(512*1*1,10) def forward(self,x): x=F.relu(self.con1(x)) x=self.blc1(x) x=self.blc2(x) x=self.blc3(x) x=self.blc4(x) #print(x.shape) x=F.adaptive_avg_pool2d(x,[1,1]) #print(x.shape) x=x.view(x.size(0),-1) x=self.outlayer(x) return x # def main(): # blk=ResBl(64,128,stride=4) # tmp = torch.randn(2, 64, 32, 32) # out=blk(tmp) # print('block:',out.shape) # # x=torch.randn(2,3,32,32) # model=Resnet() # out=model(x) # print('resnet:',out.shape) # # # if __name__ == '__main__': # main()
<reponame>CoderChen01/smart_trash_can import base64 from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont import cv2 import configs FONT_SYTLE = ImageFont.truetype(configs.IMAGE_FONT, 25) def draw_image(img, text, color): img = Image.fromarray(cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img) draw.text((0, 0), '{}'.format(text), color, font=FONT_SYTLE) return img def cv2base64(image): base64_str = cv2.imencode('.jpg',image)[1].tostring() base64_str = base64.b64encode(base64_str).decode('utf8') return base64_str def id2data(_id): _labels = [ '_', '有害垃圾', '可回收垃圾', '厨余垃圾', '其他垃圾' ] class_name, object_name = configs.PREDICT_LABELS[_id].split('/') class_id = _labels.index(class_name) return { 'class_id': str(class_id), 'class_name': class_name, 'object_name': object_name }
import rtpipe.RT as rt import rtpipe.parsecands as pc import rtpipe.parsesdm as ps import rtpipe.reproduce as reproduce import click, os, glob import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') logging.captureWarnings(True) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)'rtpipe') def cli(): pass @cli.command() @click.argument('filename') @click.option('--paramfile', default='') @click.option('--bdfdir', default='') @click.option('--scan', default=1) def read(filename, paramfile, bdfdir, scan): """ Simple parse and return metadata for pipeline for first scan """ filename = os.path.abspath(filename) scans = ps.read_scans(filename, bdfdir=bdfdir)'Scans, Target names:')'%s' % str([(ss, scans[ss]['source']) for ss in scans]))'Example pipeline:') state = rt.set_pipeline(filename, scan, paramfile=paramfile, logfile=False) @cli.command() @click.argument('filename', type=str) @click.option('--scan', type=int, default=0) @click.option('--paramfile', type=str, default='rtpipe_cbe.conf') @click.option('--logfile', type=bool, default=False) @click.option('--bdfdir', default='') def searchone(filename, scan, paramfile, logfile, bdfdir): """ Searches one scan of filename filename is name of local sdm ('filename.GN' expected locally). scan is scan number to search. if none provided, script prints all. assumes filename is an sdm. """ filename = os.path.abspath(filename) scans = ps.read_scans(filename, bdfdir=bdfdir) if scan != 0: d = rt.set_pipeline(filename, scan, paramfile=paramfile, fileroot=os.path.basename(filename), logfile=logfile) rt.pipeline(d, range(d['nsegments'])) # clean up and merge files pc.merge_segments(filename, scan) pc.merge_scans(os.path.dirname(filename), os.path.basename(filename), scans.keys()) else:'Scans, Target names:')'%s' % str([(ss, scans[ss]['source']) for ss in scans]))'Example pipeline:') state = rt.set_pipeline(filename, scans.popitem()[0], paramfile=paramfile, fileroot=os.path.basename(filename), logfile=logfile) @cli.command() @click.argument('filename') @click.option('--snrmin', default=0.) @click.option('--snrmax', default=999.) @click.option('--bdfdir', default='') def mergeall(filename, snrmin, snrmax, bdfdir): """ Merge cands/noise files over all scans Tries to find scans from filename, but will fall back to finding relevant files if it does not exist. """ filename = os.path.abspath(filename) bignumber = 500 if os.path.exists(filename): scans = ps.read_scans(filename, bdfdir=bdfdir) scanlist = sorted(scans.keys()) else: logger.warn('Could not find file {0}. Estimating scans from available files.'.format(filename)) filelist = glob.glob(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(filename), '*{0}_sc*pkl'.format(os.path.basename(filename)))) try: scanlist = sorted(set([int(fn.rstrip('.pkl').split('_sc')[1].split('seg')[0]) for fn in filelist])) except IndexError: logger.warn('Could not parse filenames for scans. Looking over big range.') scanlist = range(bignumber)'Merging over scans {0}'.format(scanlist)) for scan in scanlist: pc.merge_segments(filename, scan) pc.merge_scans(os.path.dirname(filename), os.path.basename(filename), scanlist, snrmin=snrmin, snrmax=snrmax) @cli.command() @click.argument('filename', type=str) @click.option('--html', type=bool, default=True, help='Create html version') @click.option('--basenb', type=str, default='', help='Full path to base notebook. Default to distribution version') @click.option('--agdir', type=str, default='', help='Activegit repo for applying classifications') def nbcompile(filename, html, basenb, agdir): """ Compile the baseinteract.ipynb notebook into an analysis notebook for filename """ filename = os.path.abspath(filename) pc.nbcompile(os.path.dirname(filename), os.path.basename(filename), html=html, basenb=basenb, agdir=agdir) @cli.command() @click.argument('candsfile', type=str) @click.option('--threshold', type=float, default=0., help='Filter candidates to abs(snr) > threshold') def list_cands(candsfile, threshold): """ Print candidates above abs(snr) in candsfile """ reproduce.list_cands(candsfile, threshold) @cli.command() @click.argument('candsfile', type=str) @click.argument('candnum', type=int) @click.option('--threshold', type=float, default=0., help='Filter candidates to abs(snr) > threshold') def refine_cand(candsfile, candnum, threshold): """ Run refinement search for candnum in list_cands with abs(snr) > threshold """ reproduce.refine_cand(candsfile, candnum=candnum, threshold=threshold) @cli.command() @click.argument('candsfile', type=str) @click.option('--threshold', type=float, default=0., help='Filter candidates to abs(snr) > threshold') def refine_cands(candsfile, threshold): """ Run refinement search and save candidates for all in candsfile with snr > threshold """ reproduce.refine_cands(candsfile, threshold=threshold) if __name__ == '__main__': cli()
<reponame>dedds001/snowflake-tutorials<filename><gh_stars>0 #!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Wed Jul 3 14:45:54 2019 @author: deborahedds """ ###get files from http import requests r=requests.get("") r.status_code ##200 status ok, it work ##403 athorization denied ##500 server ##read as a text file r.text ###Get the second from the last row r.text.split('\n')[-2] ##write into a file a="/Users/deborahedds/Downloads/testfile04" f1=open(a, "w") f1.write(r.text.split('\n')[-2]) f1.close() ##import from s3 import requests url = "" headers = { 'Host': "", 'X-Amz-Content-Sha256': "e3numbergeneratedbypostman55", 'X-Amz-Date': "20190703T185532Z", 'Authorization': "AWS SECRET KEY, SignedHeaders=host;x-amz-content-sha256;x-amz-date, Signature=secret key", 'User-Agent': "PostmanRuntime/7.15.0", 'Accept': "*/*", 'Cache-Control': "no-cache", 'Postman-Token': "<PASSWORD>", 'accept-encoding': "gzip, deflate", 'Connection': "keep-alive", 'cache-control': "no-cache" } response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers) print(response.text) ##get the second to last row number 177 +2 int(response.text.split('\n')[-2].split(',')[3].split()[0]) +2 a="/Users/deborahedds/Downloads/testfile06" f1=open(a, "w") f1.write(str(int(response.text.split('\n')[-2].split(',')[3].split()[0]) +2)) f1.close() ###import datetime and get today's date import datetime as dt ##print today's date using ddmmyy format ddmmyy=print('%d-%m-%y'))
<reponame>u-transnet/utransnet-gateway from django.apps import AppConfig class AuthCustomConfig(AppConfig): name = 'auth_custom'
# Generated by Django 2.1.2 on 2018-12-16 13:01 from django.db import migrations class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('vespene', '0008_auto_20181106_2233'), ] operations = [ migrations.RemoveField( model_name='workerpool', name='sudo_password', ), ]
<gh_stars>10-100 __author__ = '<NAME>' import os import platform import logging import time import numpy as np from pypet.trajectory import Trajectory, load_trajectory from pypet.utils.explore import cartesian_product from pypet.environment import Environment from pypet.storageservice import HDF5StorageService from pypet import pypetconstants, Result, manual_run import pypet.pypetexceptions as pex import sys import unittest try: import psutil except ImportError: psutil = None try: import dill except ImportError: dill = None import scipy.sparse as spsp import random from pypet import Parameter import tables as pt from pypet.tests.testutils.ioutils import run_suite, make_temp_dir, make_trajectory_name,\ get_root_logger, parse_args, get_log_config, get_log_path from import create_param_dict, add_params, multiply,\ simple_calculations, TrajectoryComparator, multiply_args, multiply_with_storing, \ multiply_with_graceful_exit def add_one_particular_item(traj, store_full): traj.hi = Result('hi', 42, 'hi!') traj.f_store() traj.f_remove_child('hi') class SlowResult(Result): def _load(self, load_dict): time.sleep(3) super(SlowResult, self)._load(load_dict) class FullStorageTest(TrajectoryComparator): tags = 'integration', 'hdf5', 'environment' # Test tags def test_full_store(self): filename = make_temp_dir('full_store.hdf5') with Environment(filename=filename, log_config=get_log_config()) as env: traj = env.v_trajectory traj.par.x = Parameter('x', 3, 'jj') traj.f_explore({'x': [1,2,3]}) env.f_run(add_one_particular_item, True) traj = load_trajectory(index=-1, filename=filename) self.assertTrue('hi' in traj) def with_niceness(traj): if traj.multiproc: if hasattr(os, 'nice'): trajnice = traj.niceness osnice = os.nice(0) else: trajnice = traj.niceness osnice = psutil.Process().nice() if trajnice != osnice: if traj.use_scoop: import scoop if (not scoop.IS_RUNNING or scoop.IS_ORIGIN): return raise RuntimeError('traj niceness != os niceness; ' '%s != %s' % (str(trajnice), str(osnice))) def add_large_data(traj): np_array = np.random.rand(100, 1000, 10) traj.f_add_result('l4rge', np_array) traj.f_store_item('l4rge') traj.f_remove_item('l4rge') array_list = [] for irun in range(111): array_list.append(np.random.rand(10)) traj.f_add_result('m4ny', *array_list) class SimpleEnvironmentTest(TrajectoryComparator): tags = 'integration', 'hdf5', 'environment', 'quick' def test_make_default_file_when_giving_directory_without_slash(self): filename = make_temp_dir('test.hdf5') head, tail = os.path.split(filename) env = Environment(filename=head) the_file_name = env.v_traj.v_name + '.hdf5' head, tail = os.path.split(env.v_traj.v_storage_service.filename) self.assertEqual(tail, the_file_name) class EnvironmentTest(TrajectoryComparator): tags = 'integration', 'hdf5', 'environment' def set_mode(self): self.mode = 'LOCK' self.multiproc = False self.gc_interval = None self.ncores = 1 self.use_pool=True self.use_scoop=False self.freeze_input=False self.pandas_format='fixed' self.pandas_append=False self.complib = 'zlib' self.complevel=9 self.shuffle=True self.fletcher32 = False self.encoding = 'utf8' self.log_stdout=False self.wildcard_functions = None self.niceness = None self.port = None self.timeout = None self.add_time=True self.graceful_exit = False def explore_complex_params(self, traj): matrices_csr = [] for irun in range(3): spsparse_csr = spsp.lil_matrix((111,111)) spsparse_csr[3,2+irun] = 44.5*irun matrices_csr.append(spsparse_csr.tocsr()) matrices_csc = [] for irun in range(3): spsparse_csc = spsp.lil_matrix((111,111)) spsparse_csc[3,2+irun] = 44.5*irun matrices_csc.append(spsparse_csc.tocsc()) matrices_bsr = [] for irun in range(3): spsparse_bsr = spsp.lil_matrix((111,111)) spsparse_bsr[3,2+irun] = 44.5*irun matrices_bsr.append(spsparse_bsr.tocsr().tobsr()) matrices_dia = [] for irun in range(3): spsparse_dia = spsp.lil_matrix((111,111)) spsparse_dia[3,2+irun] = 44.5*irun matrices_dia.append(spsparse_dia.tocsc().todia()) self.explore_dict={'string':[np.array(['Uno', 'Dos', 'Tres']), np.array(['Cinco', 'Seis', 'Siette']), np.array(['Ocho', 'Nueve', 'Diez'])], 'int':[1,2,3], 'csr_mat' : matrices_csr, 'csc_mat' : matrices_csc, 'bsr_mat' : matrices_bsr, 'dia_mat' : matrices_dia, 'list' : [['fff'],[444444,444,44,4,4,4],[1,2,3,42]]} with self.assertRaises(pex.NotUniqueNodeError): traj.f_explore(self.explore_dict) traj.f_shrink(force=True) par_dict = traj.parameters.f_to_dict() for param_name in par_dict: param = par_dict[param_name] if param.v_name in self.explore_dict: param.f_unlock() if param.v_explored: param._shrink() self.explore_dict={'Numpy.string':[np.array(['Uno', 'Dos', 'Tres']), np.array(['Cinco', 'Seis', 'Siette']), np.array(['Ocho', 'Nueve', 'Diez'])], '':[1,2,3], 'csr_mat' : matrices_csr, 'csc_mat' : matrices_csc, 'bsr_mat' : matrices_bsr, 'dia_mat' : matrices_dia, 'list' : [['fff'],[444444,444,44,4,4,4],[1,2,3,42]]} traj.f_explore(self.explore_dict) def explore(self, traj): self.explored ={'Normal.trial': [0], 'Numpy.double': [np.array([1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0]), np.array([-1.0,3.0,5.0,7.0])], 'csr_mat' :[spsp.lil_matrix((2222,22)), spsp.lil_matrix((2222,22))]} self.explored['csr_mat'][0][1,2]=44.0 self.explored['csr_mat'][1][2,2]=33 self.explored['csr_mat'][0] = self.explored['csr_mat'][0].tocsr() self.explored['csr_mat'][1] = self.explored['csr_mat'][0].tocsr() traj.f_explore(cartesian_product(self.explored)) def explore_large(self, traj): self.explored ={'Normal.trial': [0,1]} traj.f_explore(cartesian_product(self.explored)) def tearDown(self): self.env.f_disable_logging() super(EnvironmentTest, self).tearDown() def setUp(self): self.set_mode() self.logfolder = make_temp_dir(os.path.join('experiments', 'tests', 'Log')) random.seed() self.trajname = make_trajectory_name(self) self.filename = make_temp_dir(os.path.join('experiments', 'tests', 'HDF5', 'test%s.hdf5' % self.trajname)) env = Environment(trajectory=self.trajname, filename=self.filename, file_title=self.trajname, log_stdout=self.log_stdout, log_config=get_log_config(), results_per_run=5, wildcard_functions=self.wildcard_functions, derived_parameters_per_run=5, multiproc=self.multiproc, ncores=self.ncores, wrap_mode=self.mode, use_pool=self.use_pool, gc_interval=self.gc_interval, freeze_input=self.freeze_input, fletcher32=self.fletcher32, complevel=self.complevel, complib=self.complib, shuffle=self.shuffle, pandas_append=self.pandas_append, pandas_format=self.pandas_format, encoding=self.encoding, niceness=self.niceness, use_scoop=self.use_scoop, port=self.port, add_time=self.add_time, timeout=self.timeout, graceful_exit=self.graceful_exit) traj = env.v_trajectory traj.v_standard_parameter=Parameter ## Create some parameters self.param_dict={} create_param_dict(self.param_dict) ### Add some parameter: add_params(traj,self.param_dict) #remember the trajectory and the environment self.traj = traj self.env = env @unittest.skipIf(not hasattr(os, 'nice') and psutil is None, 'Niceness not supported under non Unix.') def test_niceness(self): ###Explore self.explore(self.traj) self.env.f_run(with_niceness) self.assertTrue(self.traj.f_is_completed()) def test_file_overwriting(self): self.traj.f_store() with pt.open_file(self.filename, mode='r') as file: nchildren = len(file.root._v_children) self.assertTrue(nchildren > 0) env2 = Environment(filename=self.filename, log_config=get_log_config()) traj2 = env2.v_trajectory traj2.f_store() self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(self.filename)) with pt.open_file(self.filename, mode='r') as file: nchildren = len(file.root._v_children) self.assertTrue(nchildren > 1) env3 = Environment(filename=self.filename, overwrite_file=True, log_config=get_log_config()) self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(self.filename)) env2.f_disable_logging() env3.f_disable_logging() def test_time_display_of_loading(self): filename = make_temp_dir('sloooow.hdf5') env = Environment(trajectory='traj', add_time=True, filename=filename, log_stdout=False, log_config=get_log_config(), dynamic_imports=SlowResult, display_time=0.1) traj = env.v_traj res=traj.f_add_result(SlowResult, 'iii', 42, 43, comment='llk') traj.f_store() service_logger = traj.v_storage_service._logger root = logging.getLogger('pypet') old_level = root.level service_logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) root.setLevel(logging.INFO) traj.f_load(load_data=3) service_logger.setLevel(old_level) root.setLevel(old_level) path = get_log_path(traj) mainfilename = os.path.join(path, 'LOG.txt') with open(mainfilename, mode='r') as mainf: full_text = self.assertTrue('nodes/s)' in full_text) env.f_disable_logging() def make_run_large_data(self): self.env.f_run(add_large_data) def make_run(self): ### Make a test run simple_arg = -13 simple_kwarg= 13.0 results = self.env.f_run(simple_calculations,simple_arg,simple_kwarg=simple_kwarg) self.are_results_in_order(results) def test_a_large_run(self): get_root_logger().info('Testing large run') self.traj.f_add_parameter('TEST', 'test_run') ###Explore self.explore_large(self.traj) self.make_run_large_data() self.assertTrue(self.traj.f_is_completed()) # Check if printing and repr work get_root_logger().info(str(self.env)) get_root_logger().info(repr(self.env)) newtraj = Trajectory() newtraj.f_load(name=self.traj.v_name, as_new=False, load_data=2, filename=self.filename) self.traj.f_load_skeleton() self.traj.f_load_items(self.traj.f_to_dict().keys(), only_empties=True) self.compare_trajectories(self.traj,newtraj) size=os.path.getsize(self.filename) size_in_mb = size/1000000. get_root_logger().info('Size is %sMB' % str(size_in_mb)) self.assertTrue(size_in_mb < 30.0, 'Size is %sMB > 30MB' % str(size_in_mb)) def test_two_runs(self): self.traj.f_add_parameter('TEST', 'test_run') self.traj.hdf5.purge_duplicate_comments = False ###Explore self.explore(self.traj) self.make_run() newtraj = self.load_trajectory(trajectory_name=self.traj.v_name,as_new=False) self.traj.f_load_skeleton() self.traj.f_load_items(self.traj.f_to_dict().keys(), only_empties=True) self.compare_trajectories(self.traj, newtraj) size=os.path.getsize(self.filename) size_in_mb = size/1000000. get_root_logger().info('Size is %sMB' % str(size_in_mb)) self.assertTrue(size_in_mb < 6.0, 'Size is %sMB > 6MB' % str(size_in_mb)) mp_traj = self.traj old_multiproc = self.multiproc self.multiproc = False ### Make a new single core run self.setUp() self.traj.f_add_parameter('TEST', 'test_run') self.traj.hdf5.purge_duplicate_comments = False ###Explore self.explore(self.traj) self.make_run() # newtraj = self.load_trajectory(trajectory_name=self.traj.v_name,as_new=False) self.traj.f_load_skeleton() self.traj.f_load_items(self.traj.f_to_dict().keys(), only_empties=True) self.compare_trajectories(self.traj, newtraj) size=os.path.getsize(self.filename) size_in_mb = size/1000000. get_root_logger().info('Size is %sMB' % str(size_in_mb)) self.assertTrue(size_in_mb < 6.0, 'Size is %sMB > 6MB' % str(size_in_mb)) self.compare_trajectories(mp_traj, self.traj) self.multiproc = old_multiproc def test_errors(self): tmp = make_temp_dir('cont') if dill is not None: env1 = Environment(continuable=True, continue_folder=tmp, log_config=None, filename=self.filename) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): env1.f_run_map(multiply_args, [1], [2], [3]) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): Environment(multiproc=True, use_pool=False, freeze_input=True, filename=self.filename, log_config=None) env3 = Environment(log_config=None, filename=self.filename) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): env3.f_run_map(multiply_args) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): Environment(use_scoop=True, immediate_postproc=True) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): Environment(use_pool=True, immediate_postproc=True) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): Environment(continuable=True, wrap_mode='QUEUE', continue_folder=tmp) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): Environment(use_scoop=True, wrap_mode='QUEUE') with self.assertRaises(ValueError): Environment(automatic_storing=False, continuable=True, continue_folder=tmp) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): Environment(port='', wrap_mode='LOCK') def test_run(self): self.traj.f_add_parameter('TEST', 'test_run') ###Explore self.explore(self.traj) self.make_run() self.assertTrue(self.traj.f_is_completed()) newtraj = self.load_trajectory(trajectory_name=self.traj.v_name,as_new=False) self.traj.f_load_skeleton() self.traj.f_load_items(self.traj.f_to_dict().keys(), only_empties=True) self.compare_trajectories(self.traj, newtraj) size=os.path.getsize(self.filename) size_in_mb = size/1000000. get_root_logger().info('Size is %sMB' % str(size_in_mb)) self.assertTrue(size_in_mb < 6.0, 'Size is %sMB > 6MB' % str(size_in_mb)) def test_just_one_run(self): self.make_run() self.assertTrue(self.traj.f_is_completed()) newtraj = self.load_trajectory(trajectory_name=self.traj.v_name,as_new=False) self.traj.f_load_skeleton() self.traj.f_load_items(self.traj.f_to_dict().keys(), only_empties=True) self.compare_trajectories(self.traj, newtraj) self.assertTrue(len(newtraj) == 1) size=os.path.getsize(self.filename) size_in_mb = size/1000000. get_root_logger().info('Size is %sMB' % str(size_in_mb)) self.assertTrue(size_in_mb < 2.0, 'Size is %sMB > 6MB' % str(size_in_mb)) with self.assertRaises(TypeError): self.explore(self.traj) def test_run_complex(self): self.traj.f_add_parameter('TEST', 'test_run_complex') ###Explore self.explore_complex_params(self.traj) self.make_run() self.assertTrue(self.traj.f_is_completed()) newtraj = self.load_trajectory(trajectory_name=self.traj.v_name,as_new=False) self.traj.f_load_skeleton() self.traj.f_load_items(self.traj.f_to_dict().keys(), only_empties=True) self.compare_trajectories(self.traj, newtraj) def load_trajectory(self,trajectory_index=None,trajectory_name=None,as_new=False): ### Load The Trajectory and check if the values are still the same newtraj = Trajectory() newtraj.v_storage_service=HDF5StorageService(filename=self.filename) newtraj.f_load(name=trajectory_name, index=trajectory_index, as_new=as_new, load_parameters=2, load_derived_parameters=2, load_results=2, load_other_data=2) return newtraj def test_expand(self): ###Explore self.traj.f_add_parameter('TEST', 'test_expand') self.explore(self.traj) self.make_run() self.expand() get_root_logger().info('\n $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Second Run $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$') self.make_run() newtraj = self.load_trajectory(trajectory_name=self.traj.v_name,as_new=False) self.traj.f_load_skeleton() self.traj.f_load_items(self.traj.f_to_dict().keys(), only_empties=True) self.compare_trajectories(self.traj, newtraj) def test_expand_after_reload(self): self.traj.f_add_parameter('TEST', 'test_expand_after_reload') ###Explore self.explore(self.traj) self.make_run() traj_name = self.traj.v_name self.env = Environment(trajectory=self.traj, log_stdout=False, log_config=get_log_config()) self.traj = self.env.v_trajectory self.traj.f_load(name=traj_name) self.traj.res.f_remove() self.traj.dpar.f_remove() self.expand() get_root_logger().info('\n $$$$$$$$$$$$ Second Run $$$$$$$$$$ \n') self.make_run() newtraj = self.load_trajectory(trajectory_name=self.traj.v_name,as_new=False) self.traj.f_load_skeleton() self.traj.f_load_items(self.traj.f_to_dict().keys(), only_empties=True) self.compare_trajectories(self.traj, newtraj) def expand(self): self.expanded ={'Normal.trial': [1], 'Numpy.double': [np.array([1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0]), np.array([-1.0,3.0,5.0,7.0])], 'csr_mat' :[spsp.lil_matrix((2222,22)), spsp.lil_matrix((2222,22))]} self.expanded['csr_mat'][0][1,2]=44.0 self.expanded['csr_mat'][1][2,2]=33 self.expanded['csr_mat'][0]=self.expanded['csr_mat'][0].tocsr() self.expanded['csr_mat'][1]=self.expanded['csr_mat'][1].tocsr() self.traj.f_expand(cartesian_product(self.expanded)) self.traj.f_store() ################## Overview TESTS ############################# def test_switch_ON_large_tables(self): self.traj.f_add_parameter('TEST', 'test_switch_ON_LARGE_tables') ###Explore self.explore(self.traj) self.env._traj.config.hdf5.overview.results_overview = 1 self.env._traj.config.hdf5.overview.derived_parameters_overview = 1 self.make_run() hdf5file = pt.open_file(self.filename) overview_group = hdf5file.get_node(where='/'+ self.traj.v_name, name='overview') should = ['derived_parameters_overview', 'results_overview'] for name in should: self.assertTrue(name in overview_group, '%s not in overviews but it should!' % name) hdf5file.close() self.traj.f_load(load_parameters=2, load_derived_parameters=2, load_results=2) newtraj = self.load_trajectory(trajectory_name=self.traj.v_name) self.compare_trajectories(newtraj,self.traj) def test_switch_off_all_tables(self): ###Explore self.traj.f_add_parameter('TEST', 'test_switch_off_ALL_tables') self.explore(self.traj) self.env._traj.config.hdf5.overview.results_overview = 0 self.env._traj.config.hdf5.overview.derived_parameters_overview = 0 self.env._traj.config.hdf5.overview.derived_parameters_summary = 0 self.env._traj.config.hdf5.overview.results_summary = 0 self.env._traj.config.hdf5.purge_duplicate_comments = 0 self.env._traj.config.hdf5.overview.parameters_overview = 0 self.env._traj.config.hdf5.overview.config_overview = 0 self.env._traj.config.hdf5.overview.explored_parameters_overview = 0 self.make_run() hdf5file = pt.open_file(self.filename) overview_group = hdf5file.get_node(where='/'+ self.traj.v_name, name='overview') should_not = HDF5StorageService.NAME_TABLE_MAPPING.keys() for name in should_not: name = name.split('.')[-1] # Get only the name of the table, no the full name self.assertTrue(not name in overview_group, '%s in overviews but should not!' % name) hdf5file.close() def test_store_form_tuple(self): self.traj.f_store() self.traj.f_add_result('TestResItem', 42, 43) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): self.traj.f_store_item((pypetconstants.LEAF, self.traj.TestResItem,(),{},5)) self.traj.f_store_item((pypetconstants.LEAF, self.traj.TestResItem)) self.traj.results.f_remove_child('TestResItem') self.assertTrue('TestResItem' not in self.traj) self.traj.results.f_load_child('TestResItem', load_data=pypetconstants.LOAD_SKELETON) self.traj.f_load_item((pypetconstants.LEAF,self.traj.TestResItem,(),{'load_only': 'TestResItem'})) self.assertTrue(self.traj.TestResItem, 42) def test_store_single_group(self): self.traj.f_store() self.traj.f_add_parameter_group('').v_annotations.f_set(42) self.traj.f_store_item('') # group is below test not new, so ValueError thrown: with self.assertRaises(ValueError):'group') # group is below test not new, so ValueError thrown: with self.assertRaises(ValueError):'group') # group has children and recursive is false with self.assertRaises(TypeError):'test')'test', recursive=True) self.assertTrue('' not in self.traj)'test', recursive=True, load_data=pypetconstants.LOAD_SKELETON) self.assertTrue(, 42) self.traj.f_delete_item('') with self.assertRaises(pex.DataNotInStorageError): self.traj.parameters.f_load_child('', load_data=pypetconstants.LOAD_SKELETON) def test_switch_on_all_comments(self): self.explore(self.traj) self.traj.hdf5.purge_duplicate_comments=0 self.make_run() hdf5file = pt.open_file(self.filename) traj_group = hdf5file.get_node(where='/', name= self.traj.v_name) for node in traj_group._f_walk_groups(): if 'SRVC_LEAF' in node._v_attrs: self.assertTrue('SRVC_INIT_COMMENT' in node._v_attrs, 'There is no comment in node %s!' % node._v_name) hdf5file.close() def test_purge_duplicate_comments(self): self.explore(self.traj) with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError): self.traj.hdf5.purge_duplicate_comments = 1 self.traj.overview.results_summary = 0 self.make_run() self.traj.f_get('purge_duplicate_comments').f_unlock() self.traj.hdf5.purge_duplicate_comments=1 self.traj.f_get('results_summary').f_unlock() self.traj.overview.results_summary=1 self.make_run() hdf5file = pt.open_file(self.filename, mode='a') ncomments = {} try: traj_group = hdf5file.get_node(where='/',name= self.traj.v_name) for node in traj_group._f_walk_groups(): if ('/derived_parameters/' in node._v_pathname or '/results/' in node._v_pathname): if 'SRVC_LEAF' in node._v_attrs: if 'SRVC_INIT_COMMENT' in node._v_attrs: comment = node._v_attrs['SRVC_INIT_COMMENT'] if comment not in ncomments: ncomments[comment] = 0 ncomments[comment] += 1 finally: hdf5file.close() self.assertGreaterEqual(len(ncomments), 1) self.assertTrue(all(x == 1 for x in ncomments.values())) def test_NOT_purge_duplicate_comments(self): self.explore(self.traj) self.traj.f_get('purge_duplicate_comments').f_unlock() self.traj.hdf5.purge_duplicate_comments=0 self.traj.f_get('results_summary').f_unlock() self.traj.overview.results_summary=0 self.make_run() hdf5file = pt.open_file(self.filename, mode='a') ncomments = {} try: traj_group = hdf5file.get_node(where='/',name= self.traj.v_name) for node in traj_group._f_walk_groups(): if ('/derived_parameters/' in node._v_pathname or '/results/' in node._v_pathname): if 'SRVC_LEAF' in node._v_attrs: if 'SRVC_INIT_COMMENT' in node._v_attrs: comment = node._v_attrs['SRVC_INIT_COMMENT'] if comment not in ncomments: ncomments[comment] = 0 ncomments[comment] += 1 finally: hdf5file.close() self.assertGreaterEqual(len(ncomments), 1) self.assertTrue(any(x > 1 for x in ncomments.values())) def my_run_func(idx): return 'hello_%d' % idx def my_set_func(idx): return 'huhu_%d' % idx class TestOtherHDF5Settings(EnvironmentTest): tags = 'integration', 'hdf5', 'environment', 'hdf5_settings' def set_mode(self): EnvironmentTest.set_mode(self) self.mode = 'LOCK' self.multiproc = False self.ncores = 1 self.use_pool=True self.pandas_format='table' self.pandas_append=True self.complib = 'blosc' self.complevel=2 self.shuffle=False self.fletcher32 = False self.encoding='latin1' self.graceful_exit = True class TestOtherHDF5Settings2(EnvironmentTest): tags = 'integration', 'hdf5', 'environment', 'hdf5_settings' def set_mode(self): EnvironmentTest.set_mode(self) self.mode = 'LOCK' self.multiproc = False self.ncores = 1 self.use_pool=True self.pandas_format='table' self.pandas_append=False self.complib = 'lzo' self.complevel=2 self.shuffle=False self.fletcher32 = True self.encoding='latin1' self.wildcard_functions = {('$', 'crun') : my_run_func, ('$set', 'crunset'): my_set_func} class ResultSortTest(TrajectoryComparator): tags = 'integration', 'hdf5', 'environment' def set_mode(self): self.mode = 'LOCK' self.multiproc = False self.ncores = 1 self.use_pool=True self.log_stdout=False self.freeze_input=False self.use_scoop = False self.log_config = True self.port = None self.graceful_exit = True def tearDown(self): self.env.f_disable_logging() super(ResultSortTest, self).tearDown() def setUp(self): self.set_mode() self.filename = make_temp_dir(os.path.join('experiments','tests','HDF5','sort_tests.hdf5')) self.trajname = make_trajectory_name(self) env = Environment(trajectory=self.trajname,filename=self.filename, file_title=self.trajname, log_stdout=self.log_stdout, log_config=get_log_config() if self.log_config else None, multiproc=self.multiproc, wrap_mode=self.mode, ncores=self.ncores, use_pool=self.use_pool, use_scoop=self.use_scoop, port=self.port, freeze_input=self.freeze_input, graceful_exit=self.graceful_exit) traj = env.v_trajectory traj.v_standard_parameter=Parameter traj.f_add_parameter('x',99) traj.f_add_parameter('y',99) self.env=env self.traj=traj def load_trajectory(self,trajectory_index=None,trajectory_name=None,as_new=False, how=2): ### Load The Trajectory and check if the values are still the same newtraj = Trajectory() newtraj.v_storage_service=HDF5StorageService(filename=self.filename) newtraj.f_load(name=trajectory_name, index=trajectory_index, as_new=as_new, load_derived_parameters=how, load_results=how) return newtraj def explore(self,traj): self.explore_dict={'x':[-1,1,2,3,4],'y':[1,1,2,2,3]} traj.f_explore(self.explore_dict) def explore_cartesian(self,traj): self.explore_dict=cartesian_product({'x':[-1,1,2,3,4, 5, 6],'y':[1,1,2,2,3,4,4]}) traj.f_explore(self.explore_dict) def expand(self,traj): self.expand_dict={'x':[10,11,12,13],'y':[11,11,12,12,13]} with self.assertRaises(ValueError): traj.f_expand(self.expand_dict) self.expand_dict={'x':[10,11,12,13],'y':[11,11,12,12]} traj.f_expand(self.expand_dict) def test_if_results_are_sorted_correctly_manual_runs(self): ###Explore self.explore(self.traj) self.traj.f_store(only_init=True) man_multiply = manual_run()(multiply_with_storing) for idx in self.traj.f_iter_runs(yields='idx'): self.assertTrue(isinstance(idx, int)) man_multiply(self.traj) traj = self.traj traj.f_store() self.assertTrue(len(traj), 5) self.assertTrue(len(traj) == len(list(self.explore_dict.values())[0])) self.traj.f_load_skeleton() self.traj.f_load_items(self.traj.f_to_dict().keys(), only_empties=True) self.check_if_z_is_correct(traj) newtraj = self.load_trajectory(trajectory_name=self.traj.v_name,as_new=False) self.traj.f_load_skeleton() self.traj.f_load_items(self.traj.f_to_dict().keys(), only_empties=True) self.compare_trajectories(self.traj,newtraj) def test_if_results_are_sorted_correctly_using_map(self): ###Explore self.explore(self.traj) args1=[10*x for x in range(len(self.traj))] args2=[100*x for x in range(len(self.traj))] args3=list(range(len(self.traj))) results = self.env.f_run_map(multiply_args, args1, arg2=args2, arg3=args3) self.assertEqual(len(results), len(self.traj)) traj = self.traj self.assertTrue(len(traj) == len(list(self.explore_dict.values())[0])) self.traj.f_load_skeleton() self.traj.f_load_items(self.traj.f_to_dict().keys(), only_empties=True) self.check_if_z_is_correct_map(traj, args1, args2, args3) for res in results: self.assertEqual(len(res), 2) self.assertTrue(isinstance(res[0], int)) self.assertTrue(isinstance(res[1], int)) idx = res[0] self.assertEqual(self.traj.res.runs[idx].z, res[1]) newtraj = self.load_trajectory(trajectory_name=self.traj.v_name,as_new=False) self.traj.f_load_skeleton() self.traj.f_load_items(self.traj.f_to_dict().keys(), only_empties=True) self.assertEqual(len(traj), 5) self.compare_trajectories(self.traj,newtraj) def test_if_results_are_sorted_correctly(self): ###Explore self.explore(self.traj) results = self.env.f_run(multiply) self.are_results_in_order(results) self.assertEqual(len(results), len(self.traj)) traj = self.traj self.assertTrue(len(traj) == len(list(self.explore_dict.values())[0])) self.traj.f_load_skeleton() self.traj.f_load_items(self.traj.f_to_dict().keys(), only_empties=True) self.check_if_z_is_correct(traj) for res in results: self.assertEqual(len(res), 2) self.assertTrue(isinstance(res[0], int)) self.assertTrue(isinstance(res[1], int)) idx = res[0] self.assertEqual(self.traj.res.runs[idx].z, res[1]) newtraj = self.load_trajectory(trajectory_name=self.traj.v_name,as_new=False) self.traj.f_load_skeleton() self.traj.f_load_items(self.traj.f_to_dict().keys(), only_empties=True) self.compare_trajectories(self.traj,newtraj) def test_graceful_exit(self): ###Explore self.explore_cartesian(self.traj) results = self.env.f_run(multiply_with_graceful_exit) self.are_results_in_order(results) self.assertFalse(self.traj.f_is_completed()) def test_f_iter_runs(self): ###Explore self.explore(self.traj) results = self.env.f_run(multiply) self.are_results_in_order(results) traj = self.traj self.assertTrue(len(traj) == len(list(self.explore_dict.values())[0])) self.traj.f_load_skeleton() self.traj.f_load_items(self.traj.f_to_dict().keys(), only_empties=True) self.check_if_z_is_correct(traj) newtraj = self.load_trajectory(trajectory_name=self.traj.v_name,as_new=False) self.traj.f_load_skeleton() self.traj.f_load_items(self.traj.f_to_dict().keys(), only_empties=True) for idx, run_name in enumerate(self.traj.f_iter_runs()): newtraj.v_crun=run_name self.traj.v_idx = idx newtraj.v_idx = idx nameset = set((x.v_name for x in traj.f_iter_nodes(predicate=(idx,)))) self.assertTrue('run_%08d' % (idx+1) not in nameset) self.assertTrue('run_%08d' % idx in nameset) self.assertTrue(traj.v_crun == run_name) self.assertTrue(newtraj.crun.z==traj.x*traj.y,' z != x*y: %s != %s * %s' % (str(newtraj.crun.z),str(traj.x),str(traj.y))) for idx, traj in enumerate(self.traj.f_iter_runs(yields='self')): run_name = traj.f_idx_to_run(idx) self.assertTrue(traj is self.traj) newtraj.v_crun=run_name self.traj.v_idx = idx newtraj.v_idx = idx nameset = set((x.v_name for x in traj.f_iter_nodes(predicate=(idx,)))) self.assertTrue('run_%08d' % (idx+1) not in nameset) self.assertTrue('run_%08d' % idx in nameset) self.assertTrue(traj.v_crun == run_name) self.assertTrue(newtraj.crun.z==traj.x*traj.y,' z != x*y: %s != %s * %s' % (str(newtraj.crun.z),str(traj.x),str(traj.y))) for idx, traj in enumerate(self.traj.f_iter_runs(yields='copy')): run_name = traj.f_idx_to_run(idx) self.assertTrue(traj is not self.traj) newtraj.v_crun=run_name self.traj.v_idx = idx newtraj.v_idx = idx nameset = set((x.v_name for x in traj.f_iter_nodes(predicate=(idx,)))) self.assertTrue('run_%08d' % (idx+1) not in nameset) self.assertTrue('run_%08d' % idx in nameset) self.assertTrue(traj.v_crun == run_name) self.assertTrue(newtraj.crun.z==traj.x*traj.y,' z != x*y: %s != %s * %s' % (str(newtraj.crun.z),str(traj.x),str(traj.y))) traj = self.traj self.assertTrue(traj.v_idx == -1) self.assertTrue(traj.v_crun is None) self.assertTrue(traj.v_crun_ == pypetconstants.RUN_NAME_DUMMY) self.assertTrue(newtraj.v_idx == idx) def test_f_iter_runs_auto_load(self): ###Explore self.explore(self.traj) results = self.env.f_run(multiply) self.are_results_in_order(results) traj = self.traj self.assertTrue(len(traj) == len(list(self.explore_dict.values())[0])) self.traj.f_load_skeleton() self.traj.f_load_items(self.traj.f_to_dict().keys(), only_empties=True) self.check_if_z_is_correct(traj) newtraj = Trajectory() newtraj.v_storage_service=HDF5StorageService(filename=self.filename) newtraj.f_load(name=self.traj.v_name, index=None, as_new=False, load_data=0) newtraj.v_auto_load = True newtraj.par.f_load_child('y', load_data=1) for idx, run_name in enumerate(self.traj.f_iter_runs()): newtraj.v_crun=run_name self.traj.v_idx = idx newtraj.v_idx = idx nameset = set((x.v_name for x in traj.f_iter_nodes(predicate=(idx,)))) self.assertTrue('run_%08d' % (idx+1) not in nameset) self.assertTrue('run_%08d' % idx in nameset) self.assertTrue(traj.v_crun == run_name) self.assertTrue(newtraj.res.runs.crun.z==newtraj.par.x*newtraj.par.y,' z != x*y: %s != %s * %s' % (str(newtraj.crun.z),str(newtraj.x),str(newtraj.y))) traj = self.traj self.assertTrue(traj.v_idx == -1) self.assertTrue(traj.v_crun is None) self.assertTrue(traj.v_crun_ == pypetconstants.RUN_NAME_DUMMY) self.assertTrue(newtraj.v_idx == idx) def test_expand(self): ###Explore self.explore(self.traj) results = self.env.f_run(multiply) self.are_results_in_order(results) get_root_logger().info(results) traj = self.traj self.assertEqual(len(traj), len(list(list(self.explore_dict.values())[0]))) self.traj.f_load_skeleton() self.traj.f_load_items(self.traj.f_to_dict().keys(), only_empties=True) self.check_if_z_is_correct(traj) traj_name = self.env.v_trajectory.v_name del self.env self.env = Environment(trajectory=self.traj, log_stdout=False, log_config=get_log_config()) self.traj = self.env.v_trajectory self.traj.f_load(name=traj_name) self.expand(self.traj) results = self.env.f_run(multiply) self.are_results_in_order(results) traj = self.traj self.assertTrue(len(traj) == len(list(self.expand_dict.values())[0])+ len(list(self.explore_dict.values())[0])) self.traj.f_load_skeleton() self.traj.f_load_items(self.traj.f_to_dict().keys(), only_empties=True) self.check_if_z_is_correct(traj) newtraj = self.load_trajectory(trajectory_name=self.traj.v_name,as_new=False) self.traj.f_load_skeleton() self.traj.f_load_items(self.traj.f_to_dict().keys(), only_empties=True) self.compare_trajectories(self.traj,newtraj) def test_expand_after_reload(self): ###Explore self.explore(self.traj) results = self.env.f_run(multiply) self.are_results_in_order(results) traj = self.traj self.assertTrue(len(traj) == len(list(self.explore_dict.values())[0])) self.traj.f_load_skeleton() self.traj.f_load_items(self.traj.f_to_dict().keys(), only_empties=True) self.check_if_z_is_correct(traj) self.expand(self.traj) self.env.f_run(multiply) traj = self.traj self.assertTrue(len(traj) == len(list(self.expand_dict.values())[0])+\ len(list(self.explore_dict.values())[0])) self.traj.f_load_skeleton() self.traj.f_load_items(self.traj.f_to_dict().keys(), only_empties=True) self.check_if_z_is_correct(traj) newtraj = self.load_trajectory(trajectory_name=self.traj.v_name,as_new=False) self.traj.f_load_skeleton() self.traj.f_load_items(self.traj.f_to_dict().keys(), only_empties=True) self.compare_trajectories(self.traj,newtraj) def check_if_z_is_correct_map(self,traj, args1, args2, args3): for x, arg1, arg2, arg3 in zip(range(len(traj)), args1, args2, args3): traj.v_idx=x self.assertTrue(traj.crun.z==traj.x*traj.y+arg1+arg2+arg3,' z != x*y: %s != %s * %s' % (str(traj.crun.z),str(traj.x),str(traj.y))) traj.v_idx=-1 def check_if_z_is_correct(self,traj): traj.v_shortcuts=False for x in range(len(traj)): traj.v_idx=x z = traj.res.runs.crun.z x = traj.par.x y = traj.par.y self.assertTrue(z==x*y,' z != x*y: %s != %s * %s' % (str(z),str(x),str(y))) traj.v_idx=-1 traj.v_shortcuts=True # def test_runfunc(traj, list_that_changes): # traj.f_add_result('kkk', list_that_changes[traj.v_idx] + traj.v_idx) # list_that_changes[traj.v_idx] = 1000 # class DeepCopyTest(TrajectoryComparator): # # def test_deep_copy_data(self): # # self.filename = make_temp_dir('experiments/tests/HDF5/testcopy.hdf5') # self.logfolder = make_temp_dir('experiments/tests/Log') # self.trajname = make_trajectory_name(self) # # env = Environment(trajectory=self.trajname,filename=self.filename, # file_title=self.trajname, log_folder=self.logfolder, # log_stdout=False, # multiproc=False, # deep_copy_data=True) # # traj = env.v_trajectory # # traj.f_add_parameter('dummy', 1) # traj.f_explore({'dummy':[12, 3, 3, 4]}) # # list_that_should_not_change = [42, 42, 42, 42] # # env.f_run(test_runfunc, list_that_should_not_change) # # traj.v_auto_load=True # # for irun, val in enumerate(list_that_should_not_change): # self.assertTrue(list_that_should_not_change[irun] == 42) # x=traj.results.runs[irun].kkk # self.assertTrue(x==42+irun) # # def test_not_deep_copy_data(self): # self.filename = make_temp_dir('experiments/tests/HDF5/testcoyp2.hdf5') # self.logfolder = make_temp_dir('experiments/tests/Log') # self.trajname = make_trajectory_name(self) # # env = Environment(trajectory=self.trajname,filename=self.filename, # file_title=self.trajname, log_folder=self.logfolder, # log_stdout=False, # multiproc=False, # deep_copy_data=False) # # traj = env.v_trajectory # # traj.f_add_parameter('dummy', 1) # traj.f_explore({'dummy':[12, 3, 3, 4]}) # # list_that_should_change = [42, 42, 42, 42] # # env.f_run(test_runfunc, list_that_should_change) # # traj.v_auto_load=True # # for irun, val in enumerate(list_that_should_change): # self.assertTrue(list_that_should_change[irun] == 1000) if __name__ == '__main__': opt_args = parse_args() run_suite(**opt_args)
<gh_stars>0 # Copyright (C) 2018 The python-ravencoinlib developers # # This file is part of python-ravencoinlib. # # It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level # directory of this distribution. # # No part of python-ravencoinlib, including this file, may be copied, modified, # propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained in the # LICENSE file. import sys import bitcoin.core from bitcoin.core import * from bitcoin.core.script import OP_RETURN if sys.version > '3': _bytes = bytes else: _bytes = lambda x: bytes(bytearray(x)) # Core definitions COIN = 100000000 MAX_BLOCK_SIZE = 2000000 # after assets deployed MAX_BLOCK_WEIGHT = 8000000 MAX_BLOCK_SIGOPS = MAX_BLOCK_SIZE/50 # 25? WITNESS_COINBASE_SCRIPTPUBKEY_MAGIC = _bytes([OP_RETURN, 0x24, 0xaa, 0x21, 0xa9, 0xed]) class CoreMainParams(bitcoin.core.CoreChainParams): MAX_MONEY = 21000000000 * COIN NAME = 'mainnet' GENESIS_BLOCK = CBlock.deserialize(x('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')) SUBSIDY_HALVING_INTERVAL = 2100000 PROOF_OF_WORK_LIMIT = 2**256-1 >> 20 # Burn Amounts nIssueAssetBurnAmount = 500 * COIN nReissueAssetBurnAmount = 100 * COIN nIssueSubAssetBurnAmount = 100 * COIN nIssueUniqueAssetBurnAmount = 5 * COIN # Burn Addresses strIssueAssetBurnAddress = "RXissueAssetXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXhhZGt" strReissueAssetBurnAddress = "RXReissueAssetXXXXXXXXXXXXXXVEFAWu" strIssueSubAssetBurnAddress = "RXissueSubAssetXXXXXXXXXXXXXWcwhwL" strIssueUniqueAssetBurnAddress = "RXissueUniqueAssetXXXXXXXXXXWEAe58" # Global Burn Address strGlobalBurnAddress = "RXBurnXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXWUo9FV" class CoreTestNetParams(bitcoin.core.CoreMainParams): MAX_MONEY = 21000000000 * COIN NAME = 'testnet' GENESIS_BLOCK = CBlock.deserialize(x('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')) SUBSIDY_HALVING_INTERVAL = 2100000 PROOF_OF_WORK_LIMIT = 2**256-1 >> 20 # Burn Amounts nIssueAssetBurnAmount = 500 * COIN; nReissueAssetBurnAmount = 100 * COIN; nIssueSubAssetBurnAmount = 100 * COIN; nIssueUniqueAssetBurnAmount = 5 * COIN; # Burn Addresses strIssueAssetBurnAddress = "n1issueAssetXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXWdnemQ" strReissueAssetBurnAddress = "n1ReissueAssetXXXXXXXXXXXXXXWG9NLd" strIssueSubAssetBurnAddress = "n1issueSubAssetXXXXXXXXXXXXXbNiH6v" strIssueUniqueAssetBurnAddress = "n1issueUniqueAssetXXXXXXXXXXS4695i" # Global Burn Address strGlobalBurnAddress = "n1BurnXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXU1qejP" class CoreRegTestParams(bitcoin.core.CoreTestNetParams): MAX_MONEY = 21000000000 * COIN NAME = 'regtest' GENESIS_BLOCK = CBlock.deserialize(x('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')) SUBSIDY_HALVING_INTERVAL = 150 PROOF_OF_WORK_LIMIT = 2**256-1 >> 1 # Burn Amounts nIssueAssetBurnAmount = 500 * COIN; nReissueAssetBurnAmount = 100 * COIN; nIssueSubAssetBurnAmount = 100 * COIN; nIssueUniqueAssetBurnAmount = 5 * COIN; # Burn Addresses strIssueAssetBurnAddress = "n1issueAssetXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXWdnemQ" strReissueAssetBurnAddress = "n1ReissueAssetXXXXXXXXXXXXXXWG9NLd" strIssueSubAssetBurnAddress = "n1issueSubAssetXXXXXXXXXXXXXbNiH6v" strIssueUniqueAssetBurnAddress = "n1issueUniqueAssetXXXXXXXXXXS4695i" # Global Burn Address strGlobalBurnAddress = "n1BurnXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXU1qejP" # monkey patching bitcoin.core.COIN = COIN bitcoin.core.MAX_BLOCK_SIZE = MAX_BLOCK_SIZE bitcoin.core.MAX_BLOCK_WEIGHT = MAX_BLOCK_WEIGHT bitcoin.core.MAX_BLOCK_SIGOPS = MAX_BLOCK_SIGOPS bitcoin.core.WITNESS_COINBASE_SCRIPTPUBKEY_MAGIC = WITNESS_COINBASE_SCRIPTPUBKEY_MAGIC bitcoin.core.CoreMainParams = CoreMainParams bitcoin.core.CoreTestNetParams = CoreTestNetParams bitcoin.core.CoreRegTestParams = CoreRegTestParams def GetParams(): return bitcoin.core.coreparams
<reponame>MaggieIllustrations/softuni-github-programming holiday_price = float(input()) puzzle_count = int(input()) dolls_count = int(input()) teddy_bears_count = int(input()) minions_count = int(input()) trucks_count = int(input()) # total_price_dolls = dolls_count * 3 total_price_puzzles = puzzle_count * 2.6 total_price_teddy_bears = teddy_bears_count * 4.10 total_price_minions = minions_count * 8.20 total_price_trucks = trucks_count * 2 total_price = total_price_puzzles + total_price_dolls + \ total_price_teddy_bears + total_price_minions + \ total_price_trucks total_amount_toys = puzzle_count + dolls_count + teddy_bears_count + minions_count + trucks_count if total_amount_toys >= 50: discount = total_price * 0.25 total_price = total_price - discount rent = total_price * 0.1 earning_after_rent = total_price - rent if earning_after_rent >= holiday_price: earning_left = earning_after_rent - holiday_price print(f"Yes! {earning_left:.2f} lv left.") else: needed_money = holiday_price - earning_after_rent print(f"Not enough money! {needed_money:.2f} lv left.") else: rent = total_price * 0.1 earning_after_rent = total_price - rent if earning_after_rent >= holiday_price: earning_left = earning_after_rent - holiday_price print(f"Yes! {earning_left:.2f} lv left.") else: needed_money = holiday_price - earning_after_rent print(f"Not enough money! {needed_money:.2f} lv needed.")
from unittest import TestCase from unittest.mock import Mock, patch from profile_generator import generator from profile_generator.generator import ( ConfigFileReadError, InvalidConfigFileError, NoConfigFileError, OutputDirCreationFailure, ProfileWriteError, TemplateFileReadError, ) from profile_generator.schema import object_of, type_of class ProfileGeneratorTest(TestCase): @patch("sys.argv", ["", "one.json", "two.json"]) def test_get_config_files_returns_config_files(self) -> None: self.assertEqual(["one.json", "two.json"], generator.get_config_files()) @patch("sys.argv", [""]) def test_get_config_files_raises_error_when_arguments_are_missing(self) -> None: self.assertRaises(NoConfigFileError, generator.get_config_files) @patch( "profile_generator.util.file.create_dir", lambda *xs: "/root/" + "/".join(xs) ) def test_create_output_dir_raises_returns_created_dir_path(self) -> None: self.assertEqual("/root/profiles", generator.create_output_dir()) @patch("profile_generator.util.file.create_dir") def test_create_output_dir_raises_error_when_cannot_create_dir( self, create_dir: Mock ) -> None: create_dir.side_effect = OSError self.assertRaises(OutputDirCreationFailure, generator.create_output_dir) @patch("profile_generator.util.file.read_file") @patch( "profile_generator.util.file.get_full_path", lambda *xs: "/root/" + "/".join(xs) ) def test_get_profile_template_returns_template_file_content( self, read_file: Mock ) -> None: read_file.return_value = "file content" self.assertEqual("file content", generator.get_profile_template()) read_file.assert_called_once_with("/root/templates/raw_therapee.pp3") @patch("profile_generator.util.file.read_file") def test_get_profile_template_raises_error_when_cannot_read_template_file( self, read_file: Mock ) -> None: read_file.side_effect = OSError self.assertRaises(TemplateFileReadError, generator.get_profile_template) @patch("profile_generator.util.file.read_file") def test_load_configuration_file_loads_configuration_files( self, read_file: Mock ) -> None: read_file.return_value = '{"a": 2}' schema = object_of({"a": type_of(int)}) config = generator.load_configuration_file("config.json", schema) self.assertEqual({"a": 2}, config) read_file.assert_called_once_with("config.json") @patch("profile_generator.util.file.read_file") def test_load_configuration_file_raises_error_when_config_file_cannot_be_read( self, read_file: Mock ) -> None: schema = object_of({"a": type_of(int)}) read_file.side_effect = OSError self.assertRaises( ConfigFileReadError, generator.load_configuration_file, "config.json", schema, ) @patch("profile_generator.util.file.read_file") def test_load_configuration_file_raises_error_when_contains_variable_error( self, read_file: Mock ) -> None: read_file.return_value = '{"a": "$a"}' schema = object_of({"a": type_of(str)}) self.assertRaises( InvalidConfigFileError, generator.load_configuration_file, "config.json", schema, ) @patch("profile_generator.util.file.read_file") def test_load_configuration_file_raises_error_when_config_file_is_invalid( self, read_file: Mock ) -> None: read_file.return_value = '{"a": false}' schema = object_of({"a": type_of(int)}) self.assertRaises( InvalidConfigFileError, generator.load_configuration_file, "config.json", schema, ) @patch("profile_generator.util.file.read_file") def test_load_configuration_file_raises_error_when_config_file_is_invalid_json( self, read_file: Mock ) -> None: read_file.return_value = '{"a": false' schema = object_of({"a": type_of(int)}) self.assertRaises( InvalidConfigFileError, generator.load_configuration_file, "config.json", schema, ) def test_create_profile_content_should_create_profile_content(self) -> None: template = "{a}" cfg = {"a": "1"} marshall = lambda x: x content = generator.create_profile_content(template, cfg, marshall) self.assertEqual(content, "1") @classmethod @patch("profile_generator.util.file.write_file") def test_presist_profile_should_persist_profile(cls, write_file: Mock) -> None: name = "profile_name" content = "1" output_dir = "dir" generator.persist_profile(name, content, output_dir) write_file.assert_called_once_with(content, output_dir, f"{name}.pp3") @patch("profile_generator.util.file.write_file") def test_persist_profile_should_raise_error_when_writing_file_failed( self, write_file: Mock ) -> None: name = "profile_name" content = "1" output_dir = "dir" write_file.side_effect = OSError self.assertRaises( ProfileWriteError, generator.persist_profile, name, content, output_dir, )
<reponame>rdmolony/scaffold<filename>lib/ def run_in_env(c, command, env): commands = ['eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)"', f'conda activate {env}'] commands.append(command)' && '.join(commands))
import logging #store loggging file in ~/filename.log with encoding utf-8 and anything above log level logging DEBUG which is everything. logging.basicConfig(filename="filename.log",encoding="utf-8",level = logging.DEBUG) logging.debug() logging,warning() logging.error() logging.critical() # One logger go to one file_handler, one logger go to different file_handle with different log level. file_handler = logging.FileHandler(filename = "filename.log") file_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) file_handler.set_name() format_string = "%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s" formatter = logging.formatter(format_string) file_handler.setFormatter(formatter) logger = logging.getLogger() logger.addHandler(file_handler) logging.StreamHandler() try: run() except: logging.exception('Got exception on main handler') raise #logging level level:numeric_value CRITICAL : 50 ERROR : 40 WARNING : 30 INFO : 20 DEBUG : 10 NOTSET : 0
from django.contrib.auth import authenticate from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _ from rest_framework import serializers from rest_framework.exceptions import AuthenticationFailed from rest_framework_simplejwt.tokens import RefreshToken User = get_user_model() class SignupSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): """Serializer for signup user.""" password = serializers.CharField(max_length=150, min_length=6, write_only=True) def create(self, validated_data): """Create a new user.""" return User.objects.create_user(**validated_data) class Meta: """Meta information for signup serializer.""" model = User fields = ['username', 'name', 'role', 'password'] extra_kwargs = { 'username': { 'required': True }, 'role': { 'required': True }, 'password': { 'required': True } } ref_name = 'Sign up credentials' class LoginSerializer(serializers.Serializer): """Serializer for login user.""" password = serializers.CharField(max_length=150, min_length=5, write_only=True) username = serializers.CharField(max_length=150, min_length=5, write_only=True) def validate(self, attrs): """Validate credentials and get user tokens.""" username = attrs.get('username', '') password = attrs.get('password', '') user = authenticate(username=username, password=password) if not user: raise AuthenticationFailed(_('Invalid credentials')) refresh = RefreshToken.for_user(user) return {'access': str(refresh.access_token), 'refresh': str(refresh)} class Meta: """Meta information for login serializer.""" ref_name = 'Login credentials'
data = open("input","r").read() def parse(particle): return [list(map(int, p[3:-1].split(","))) for p in particle.split(", ")] def step(d): d[1][0] += d[2][0] d[1][1] += d[2][1] d[1][2] += d[2][2] d[0][0] += d[1][0] d[0][1] += d[1][1] d[0][2] += d[1][2] def part1(data): particles = [parse(d) for d in data.split('\n')] while True: for d in particles: step(d) m = sum([abs(e) for e in particles[0][0]]) min_n = 0 for i, d in enumerate(particles): if sum([abs(e) for e in d[0]]) < m: min_n = i m = sum([abs(e) for e in d[0]]) print(min_n) def part2(data): particles = [parse(d) for d in data.split('\n')] while True: positions = {} delete = [] for i, d in enumerate(particles): step(d) if tuple(d[0]) in positions: delete += [i, positions[tuple(d[0])]] else: positions[tuple(d[0])] = i particles = [d for i, d in enumerate(particles) if i not in delete] print(len(particles)) #part1(data) part2(data)
<reponame>AuthEceSoftEng/jira-apache-downloader<gh_stars>0 import pymongo from properties import database_host_and_port if __name__ == "__main__": client = pymongo.MongoClient(database_host_and_port) db = client["jidata"] db["issues"].create_index('projectname') db["users"].create_index('projectname') db["comments"].create_index('issue') db["comments"].create_index('projectname') db["events"].create_index('issue') db["events"].create_index('projectname') db["worklogs"].create_index('issue') db["worklogs"].create_index('projectname')
#!/usr/bin/env python """Remove embedded signalalign analyses from files""" ######################################################################## # File: # executable: # # Author: <NAME> # History: 02/06/19 Created ######################################################################## import os from py3helpers.utils import list_dir from py3helpers.multiprocess import * from argparse import ArgumentParser from signalalign.fast5 import Fast5 import numpy as np def parse_args(): parser = ArgumentParser(description=__doc__) # required arguments parser.add_argument('--directory', '-d', required=True, action='store', dest='dir', type=str, default=None, help="Path to directory of fast5 files") parser.add_argument('--analysis', required=False, action='store_true', dest='analysis', default=False, help="Remove all analysis files") parser.add_argument('--basecall', required=False, action='store_true', dest='basecall', default=False, help="Remove all basecall files") parser.add_argument('--signalalign', required=False, action='store_true', dest='signalalign', default=False, help="Remove all signalalign files") parser.add_argument('--threads', required=False, action='store', dest='threads', default=1, type=int, help="number of threads to run") args = parser.parse_args() return args def remove_sa_analyses(fast5): """Remove signalalign analyses from a fast5 file""" assert os.path.exists(fast5), "Fast5 path does not exist".format(fast5) fh = Fast5(fast5, read='r+') counter = 0 for analyses in [x for x in list(fh["Analyses"].keys()) if "SignalAlign" in x]: fh.delete(os.path.join("Analyses", analyses)) counter += 1 fh = fh.repack() fh.close() return counter def remove_basecall_analyses(fast5): """Remove basecall analyses from a fast5 file""" assert os.path.exists(fast5), "Fast5 path does not exist".format(fast5) fh = Fast5(fast5, read='r+') counter = 0 for analyses in [x for x in list(fh["Analyses"].keys()) if "Basecall" in x]: fh.delete(os.path.join("Analyses", analyses)) counter += 1 fh = fh.repack() fh.close() return counter def remove_analyses(fast5): """Remove analyses from a fast5 file""" assert os.path.exists(fast5), "Fast5 path does not exist".format(fast5) fh = Fast5(fast5, read='r+') counter = 0 for analyses in [x for x in list(fh["Analyses"].keys())]: fh.delete(os.path.join("Analyses", analyses)) counter += 1 fh.delete("Analyses") fh = fh.repack() fh.close() return counter def main(): args = parse_args() function_to_run = None if args.analysis: function_to_run = remove_analyses else: if args.signalalign or not args.basecall: function_to_run = remove_sa_analyses elif args.basecall: function_to_run = remove_basecall_analyses assert function_to_run is not None, "Must select --analysis, --signalalign or --basecall." service = BasicService(function_to_run, service_name="forward_multiprocess_aggregate_all_variantcalls") files = list_dir(args.dir, ext="fast5") total, failure, messages, output = run_service(, files, {}, ["fast5"], worker_count=args.threads) print("Deleted {} analysis datasets deleted from {} files".format(np.asarray(output).sum(), len(files))) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
# 1 def max_elem(a): max0 = a[0] for elem in a: if elem > max0: max0 = elem return max0 list0 = [2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3] result = max_elem(list0) print("#1 :",result) # return 7 # 2 list1 = [10,12,3,14,20,7,6,5] list1.sort() print("#2 :",list1[-1]) # 3 list2 = [3,5,9,7,1,5,8,8,7,5,6] max_num = max(list2) print("#3 :", max_num) #4 from functools import reduce list3 = [-5,-6,-7,-99,-67,-3,-4,-9] print("#4 :",reduce(max, list3))
#!/usr/bin/env python import orjson from falcon import media from app import wsgi # custom JSON handler JSONHandler = media.JSONHandler(dumps=orjson.dumps, loads=orjson.loads) extra_handlers = { "application/json": JSONHandler, "application/json; charset=UTF-8": JSONHandler } wsgi.req_options.media_handlers.update(extra_handlers) wsgi.resp_options.media_handlers.update(extra_handlers)
<filename> from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import re import sys from codecs import open from os import path from setuptools import find_packages, setup folderLib = 'Lib' packageName = find_packages(folderLib)[0] def get_version(*args): verpath = (folderLib, packageName, '') verstrline = open(path.join(*verpath), "rt").read() VSRE = r"^__version__ = ['\"]([^'\"]*)['\"]" mo =, verstrline, re.M) if mo: return else: return "undefined" def get_absolute_path(*args): """Transform relative pathnames into absolute pathnames.""" directory = path.dirname(path.abspath(__file__)) return path.join(directory, *args) def get_description(*args): readmepath = get_absolute_path('') if path.exists(readmepath): long_description = open(readmepath, encoding='utf-8').read() else: long_description = '' return long_description def get_requirements(*args): """Get requirements from pip requirement files.""" requirements = set() with open(get_absolute_path(*args)) as handle: for line in handle: # Strip comments. line = re.sub(r'^#.*|\s#.*', '', line) # Ignore empty lines if line and not line.isspace(): requirements.add(re.sub(r'\s+', '', line)) return sorted(requirements) needs_pytest = {'pytest', 'test'}.intersection(sys.argv) pytest_runner = ['pytest_runner'] if needs_pytest else [] needs_wheel = {'bdist_wheel'}.intersection(sys.argv) wheel = ['wheel'] if needs_wheel else [] setup( name=packageName, version=get_version(), description='Low-level reader and writer for FontLab JSON (VFJ) font source files', long_description=get_description(), long_description_content_type='text/markdown', url='', download_url='', author='<NAME>', author_email='<EMAIL>', license='LICENSE', classifiers=[ 'Environment :: MacOS X', 'Environment :: Win32 (MS Windows)', 'Operating System :: MacOS :: MacOS X', 'Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows', 'Development Status :: 3 - Alpha', 'Intended Audience :: Developers', 'Topic :: Multimedia :: Graphics', 'Topic :: Multimedia :: Graphics :: Graphics Conversion', 'Topic :: Multimedia :: Graphics :: Editors :: Vector-Based', 'Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules', 'License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7', ], keywords=['opentype', 'font', 'fontlab', 'vfj'], package_dir={"": folderLib}, packages=[packageName], include_package_data=True, setup_requires=pytest_runner + wheel, tests_require=[ 'pytest>=2.8', ], python_requires='>=2.7', install_requires=get_requirements('requirements.txt'), # To provide executable scripts, use entry points in preference to the # "scripts" keyword. Entry points provide cross-platform support and allow # pip to create the appropriate form of executable for the target platform. #entry_points={ # 'console_scripts': [ # 'vfj=vfjLib:main', # ], #}, )
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ This module """ import attr import typing from ..core.model import ( Property, Resource, Tag, GetAtt, TypeHint, TypeCheck, ) from ..core.constant import AttrMeta #--- Property declaration --- @attr.s class EnvironmentOptionSetting(Property): """ AWS Object Type = "AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Environment.OptionSetting" Resource Document: Property Document: - ``rp_Namespace``: - ``rp_OptionName``: - ``p_ResourceName``: - ``p_Value``: """ AWS_OBJECT_TYPE = "AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Environment.OptionSetting" rp_Namespace: TypeHint.intrinsic_str = attr.ib( default=None, validator=attr.validators.instance_of(TypeCheck.intrinsic_str_type), metadata={AttrMeta.PROPERTY_NAME: "Namespace"}, ) """Doc:""" rp_OptionName: TypeHint.intrinsic_str = attr.ib( default=None, validator=attr.validators.instance_of(TypeCheck.intrinsic_str_type), metadata={AttrMeta.PROPERTY_NAME: "OptionName"}, ) """Doc:""" p_ResourceName: TypeHint.intrinsic_str = attr.ib( default=None, validator=attr.validators.optional(attr.validators.instance_of(TypeCheck.intrinsic_str_type)), metadata={AttrMeta.PROPERTY_NAME: "ResourceName"}, ) """Doc:""" p_Value: TypeHint.intrinsic_str = attr.ib( default=None, validator=attr.validators.optional(attr.validators.instance_of(TypeCheck.intrinsic_str_type)), metadata={AttrMeta.PROPERTY_NAME: "Value"}, ) """Doc:""" @attr.s class ApplicationVersionSourceBundle(Property): """ AWS Object Type = "AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::ApplicationVersion.SourceBundle" Resource Document: Property Document: - ``rp_S3Bucket``: - ``rp_S3Key``: """ AWS_OBJECT_TYPE = "AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::ApplicationVersion.SourceBundle" rp_S3Bucket: TypeHint.intrinsic_str = attr.ib( default=None, validator=attr.validators.instance_of(TypeCheck.intrinsic_str_type), metadata={AttrMeta.PROPERTY_NAME: "S3Bucket"}, ) """Doc:""" rp_S3Key: TypeHint.intrinsic_str = attr.ib( default=None, validator=attr.validators.instance_of(TypeCheck.intrinsic_str_type), metadata={AttrMeta.PROPERTY_NAME: "S3Key"}, ) """Doc:""" @attr.s class ApplicationMaxAgeRule(Property): """ AWS Object Type = "AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Application.MaxAgeRule" Resource Document: Property Document: - ``p_DeleteSourceFromS3``: - ``p_Enabled``: - ``p_MaxAgeInDays``: """ AWS_OBJECT_TYPE = "AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Application.MaxAgeRule" p_DeleteSourceFromS3: bool = attr.ib( default=None, validator=attr.validators.optional(attr.validators.instance_of(bool)), metadata={AttrMeta.PROPERTY_NAME: "DeleteSourceFromS3"}, ) """Doc:""" p_Enabled: bool = attr.ib( default=None, validator=attr.validators.optional(attr.validators.instance_of(bool)), metadata={AttrMeta.PROPERTY_NAME: "Enabled"}, ) """Doc:""" p_MaxAgeInDays: int = attr.ib( default=None, validator=attr.validators.optional(attr.validators.instance_of(int)), metadata={AttrMeta.PROPERTY_NAME: "MaxAgeInDays"}, ) """Doc:""" @attr.s class ConfigurationTemplateSourceConfiguration(Property): """ AWS Object Type = "AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::ConfigurationTemplate.SourceConfiguration" Resource Document: Property Document: - ``rp_ApplicationName``: - ``rp_TemplateName``: """ AWS_OBJECT_TYPE = "AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::ConfigurationTemplate.SourceConfiguration" rp_ApplicationName: TypeHint.intrinsic_str = attr.ib( default=None, validator=attr.validators.instance_of(TypeCheck.intrinsic_str_type), metadata={AttrMeta.PROPERTY_NAME: "ApplicationName"}, ) """Doc:""" rp_TemplateName: TypeHint.intrinsic_str = attr.ib( default=None, validator=attr.validators.instance_of(TypeCheck.intrinsic_str_type), metadata={AttrMeta.PROPERTY_NAME: "TemplateName"}, ) """Doc:""" @attr.s class EnvironmentTier(Property): """ AWS Object Type = "AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Environment.Tier" Resource Document: Property Document: - ``p_Name``: - ``p_Type``: - ``p_Version``: """ AWS_OBJECT_TYPE = "AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Environment.Tier" p_Name: TypeHint.intrinsic_str = attr.ib( default=None, validator=attr.validators.optional(attr.validators.instance_of(TypeCheck.intrinsic_str_type)), metadata={AttrMeta.PROPERTY_NAME: "Name"}, ) """Doc:""" p_Type: TypeHint.intrinsic_str = attr.ib( default=None, validator=attr.validators.optional(attr.validators.instance_of(TypeCheck.intrinsic_str_type)), metadata={AttrMeta.PROPERTY_NAME: "Type"}, ) """Doc:""" p_Version: TypeHint.intrinsic_str = attr.ib( default=None, validator=attr.validators.optional(attr.validators.instance_of(TypeCheck.intrinsic_str_type)), metadata={AttrMeta.PROPERTY_NAME: "Version"}, ) """Doc:""" @attr.s class ConfigurationTemplateConfigurationOptionSetting(Property): """ AWS Object Type = "AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::ConfigurationTemplate.ConfigurationOptionSetting" Resource Document: Property Document: - ``rp_Namespace``: - ``rp_OptionName``: - ``p_ResourceName``: - ``p_Value``: """ AWS_OBJECT_TYPE = "AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::ConfigurationTemplate.ConfigurationOptionSetting" rp_Namespace: TypeHint.intrinsic_str = attr.ib( default=None, validator=attr.validators.instance_of(TypeCheck.intrinsic_str_type), metadata={AttrMeta.PROPERTY_NAME: "Namespace"}, ) """Doc:""" rp_OptionName: TypeHint.intrinsic_str = attr.ib( default=None, validator=attr.validators.instance_of(TypeCheck.intrinsic_str_type), metadata={AttrMeta.PROPERTY_NAME: "OptionName"}, ) """Doc:""" p_ResourceName: TypeHint.intrinsic_str = attr.ib( default=None, validator=attr.validators.optional(attr.validators.instance_of(TypeCheck.intrinsic_str_type)), metadata={AttrMeta.PROPERTY_NAME: "ResourceName"}, ) """Doc:""" p_Value: TypeHint.intrinsic_str = attr.ib( default=None, validator=attr.validators.optional(attr.validators.instance_of(TypeCheck.intrinsic_str_type)), metadata={AttrMeta.PROPERTY_NAME: "Value"}, ) """Doc:""" @attr.s class ApplicationMaxCountRule(Property): """ AWS Object Type = "AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Application.MaxCountRule" Resource Document: Property Document: - ``p_DeleteSourceFromS3``: - ``p_Enabled``: - ``p_MaxCount``: """ AWS_OBJECT_TYPE = "AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Application.MaxCountRule" p_DeleteSourceFromS3: bool = attr.ib( default=None, validator=attr.validators.optional(attr.validators.instance_of(bool)), metadata={AttrMeta.PROPERTY_NAME: "DeleteSourceFromS3"}, ) """Doc:""" p_Enabled: bool = attr.ib( default=None, validator=attr.validators.optional(attr.validators.instance_of(bool)), metadata={AttrMeta.PROPERTY_NAME: "Enabled"}, ) """Doc:""" p_MaxCount: int = attr.ib( default=None, validator=attr.validators.optional(attr.validators.instance_of(int)), metadata={AttrMeta.PROPERTY_NAME: "MaxCount"}, ) """Doc:""" @attr.s class ApplicationApplicationVersionLifecycleConfig(Property): """ AWS Object Type = "AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Application.ApplicationVersionLifecycleConfig" Resource Document: Property Document: - ``p_MaxAgeRule``: - ``p_MaxCountRule``: """ AWS_OBJECT_TYPE = "AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Application.ApplicationVersionLifecycleConfig" p_MaxAgeRule: typing.Union['ApplicationMaxAgeRule', dict] = attr.ib( default=None, converter=ApplicationMaxAgeRule.from_dict, validator=attr.validators.optional(attr.validators.instance_of(ApplicationMaxAgeRule)), metadata={AttrMeta.PROPERTY_NAME: "MaxAgeRule"}, ) """Doc:""" p_MaxCountRule: typing.Union['ApplicationMaxCountRule', dict] = attr.ib( default=None, converter=ApplicationMaxCountRule.from_dict, validator=attr.validators.optional(attr.validators.instance_of(ApplicationMaxCountRule)), metadata={AttrMeta.PROPERTY_NAME: "MaxCountRule"}, ) """Doc:""" @attr.s class ApplicationApplicationResourceLifecycleConfig(Property): """ AWS Object Type = "AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Application.ApplicationResourceLifecycleConfig" Resource Document: Property Document: - ``p_ServiceRole``: - ``p_VersionLifecycleConfig``: """ AWS_OBJECT_TYPE = "AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Application.ApplicationResourceLifecycleConfig" p_ServiceRole: TypeHint.intrinsic_str = attr.ib( default=None, validator=attr.validators.optional(attr.validators.instance_of(TypeCheck.intrinsic_str_type)), metadata={AttrMeta.PROPERTY_NAME: "ServiceRole"}, ) """Doc:""" p_VersionLifecycleConfig: typing.Union['ApplicationApplicationVersionLifecycleConfig', dict] = attr.ib( default=None, converter=ApplicationApplicationVersionLifecycleConfig.from_dict, validator=attr.validators.optional(attr.validators.instance_of(ApplicationApplicationVersionLifecycleConfig)), metadata={AttrMeta.PROPERTY_NAME: "VersionLifecycleConfig"}, ) """Doc:""" #--- Resource declaration --- @attr.s class ConfigurationTemplate(Resource): """ AWS Object Type = "AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::ConfigurationTemplate" Resource Document: Property Document: - ``rp_ApplicationName``: - ``p_Description``: - ``p_EnvironmentId``: - ``p_OptionSettings``: - ``p_PlatformArn``: - ``p_SolutionStackName``: - ``p_SourceConfiguration``: """ AWS_OBJECT_TYPE = "AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::ConfigurationTemplate" rp_ApplicationName: TypeHint.intrinsic_str = attr.ib( default=None, validator=attr.validators.instance_of(TypeCheck.intrinsic_str_type), metadata={AttrMeta.PROPERTY_NAME: "ApplicationName"}, ) """Doc:""" p_Description: TypeHint.intrinsic_str = attr.ib( default=None, validator=attr.validators.optional(attr.validators.instance_of(TypeCheck.intrinsic_str_type)), metadata={AttrMeta.PROPERTY_NAME: "Description"}, ) """Doc:""" p_EnvironmentId: TypeHint.intrinsic_str = attr.ib( default=None, validator=attr.validators.optional(attr.validators.instance_of(TypeCheck.intrinsic_str_type)), metadata={AttrMeta.PROPERTY_NAME: "EnvironmentId"}, ) """Doc:""" p_OptionSettings: typing.List[typing.Union['ConfigurationTemplateConfigurationOptionSetting', dict]] = attr.ib( default=None, converter=ConfigurationTemplateConfigurationOptionSetting.from_list, validator=attr.validators.optional(attr.validators.deep_iterable(member_validator=attr.validators.instance_of(ConfigurationTemplateConfigurationOptionSetting), iterable_validator=attr.validators.instance_of(list))), metadata={AttrMeta.PROPERTY_NAME: "OptionSettings"}, ) """Doc:""" p_PlatformArn: TypeHint.intrinsic_str = attr.ib( default=None, validator=attr.validators.optional(attr.validators.instance_of(TypeCheck.intrinsic_str_type)), metadata={AttrMeta.PROPERTY_NAME: "PlatformArn"}, ) """Doc:""" p_SolutionStackName: TypeHint.intrinsic_str = attr.ib( default=None, validator=attr.validators.optional(attr.validators.instance_of(TypeCheck.intrinsic_str_type)), metadata={AttrMeta.PROPERTY_NAME: "SolutionStackName"}, ) """Doc:""" p_SourceConfiguration: typing.Union['ConfigurationTemplateSourceConfiguration', dict] = attr.ib( default=None, converter=ConfigurationTemplateSourceConfiguration.from_dict, validator=attr.validators.optional(attr.validators.instance_of(ConfigurationTemplateSourceConfiguration)), metadata={AttrMeta.PROPERTY_NAME: "SourceConfiguration"}, ) """Doc:""" @attr.s class Application(Resource): """ AWS Object Type = "AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Application" Resource Document: Property Document: - ``p_ApplicationName``: - ``p_Description``: - ``p_ResourceLifecycleConfig``: """ AWS_OBJECT_TYPE = "AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Application" p_ApplicationName: TypeHint.intrinsic_str = attr.ib( default=None, validator=attr.validators.optional(attr.validators.instance_of(TypeCheck.intrinsic_str_type)), metadata={AttrMeta.PROPERTY_NAME: "ApplicationName"}, ) """Doc:""" p_Description: TypeHint.intrinsic_str = attr.ib( default=None, validator=attr.validators.optional(attr.validators.instance_of(TypeCheck.intrinsic_str_type)), metadata={AttrMeta.PROPERTY_NAME: "Description"}, ) """Doc:""" p_ResourceLifecycleConfig: typing.Union['ApplicationApplicationResourceLifecycleConfig', dict] = attr.ib( default=None, converter=ApplicationApplicationResourceLifecycleConfig.from_dict, validator=attr.validators.optional(attr.validators.instance_of(ApplicationApplicationResourceLifecycleConfig)), metadata={AttrMeta.PROPERTY_NAME: "ResourceLifecycleConfig"}, ) """Doc:""" @attr.s class Environment(Resource): """ AWS Object Type = "AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Environment" Resource Document: Property Document: - ``rp_ApplicationName``: - ``p_CNAMEPrefix``: - ``p_Description``: - ``p_EnvironmentName``: - ``p_OperationsRole``: - ``p_OptionSettings``: - ``p_PlatformArn``: - ``p_SolutionStackName``: - ``p_TemplateName``: - ``p_Tier``: - ``p_VersionLabel``: - ``p_Tags``: """ AWS_OBJECT_TYPE = "AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Environment" rp_ApplicationName: TypeHint.intrinsic_str = attr.ib( default=None, validator=attr.validators.instance_of(TypeCheck.intrinsic_str_type), metadata={AttrMeta.PROPERTY_NAME: "ApplicationName"}, ) """Doc:""" p_CNAMEPrefix: TypeHint.intrinsic_str = attr.ib( default=None, validator=attr.validators.optional(attr.validators.instance_of(TypeCheck.intrinsic_str_type)), metadata={AttrMeta.PROPERTY_NAME: "CNAMEPrefix"}, ) """Doc:""" p_Description: TypeHint.intrinsic_str = attr.ib( default=None, validator=attr.validators.optional(attr.validators.instance_of(TypeCheck.intrinsic_str_type)), metadata={AttrMeta.PROPERTY_NAME: "Description"}, ) """Doc:""" p_EnvironmentName: TypeHint.intrinsic_str = attr.ib( default=None, validator=attr.validators.optional(attr.validators.instance_of(TypeCheck.intrinsic_str_type)), metadata={AttrMeta.PROPERTY_NAME: "EnvironmentName"}, ) """Doc:""" p_OperationsRole: TypeHint.intrinsic_str = attr.ib( default=None, validator=attr.validators.optional(attr.validators.instance_of(TypeCheck.intrinsic_str_type)), metadata={AttrMeta.PROPERTY_NAME: "OperationsRole"}, ) """Doc:""" p_OptionSettings: typing.List[typing.Union['EnvironmentOptionSetting', dict]] = attr.ib( default=None, converter=EnvironmentOptionSetting.from_list, validator=attr.validators.optional(attr.validators.deep_iterable(member_validator=attr.validators.instance_of(EnvironmentOptionSetting), iterable_validator=attr.validators.instance_of(list))), metadata={AttrMeta.PROPERTY_NAME: "OptionSettings"}, ) """Doc:""" p_PlatformArn: TypeHint.intrinsic_str = attr.ib( default=None, validator=attr.validators.optional(attr.validators.instance_of(TypeCheck.intrinsic_str_type)), metadata={AttrMeta.PROPERTY_NAME: "PlatformArn"}, ) """Doc:""" p_SolutionStackName: TypeHint.intrinsic_str = attr.ib( default=None, validator=attr.validators.optional(attr.validators.instance_of(TypeCheck.intrinsic_str_type)), metadata={AttrMeta.PROPERTY_NAME: "SolutionStackName"}, ) """Doc:""" p_TemplateName: TypeHint.intrinsic_str = attr.ib( default=None, validator=attr.validators.optional(attr.validators.instance_of(TypeCheck.intrinsic_str_type)), metadata={AttrMeta.PROPERTY_NAME: "TemplateName"}, ) """Doc:""" p_Tier: typing.Union['EnvironmentTier', dict] = attr.ib( default=None, converter=EnvironmentTier.from_dict, validator=attr.validators.optional(attr.validators.instance_of(EnvironmentTier)), metadata={AttrMeta.PROPERTY_NAME: "Tier"}, ) """Doc:""" p_VersionLabel: TypeHint.intrinsic_str = attr.ib( default=None, validator=attr.validators.optional(attr.validators.instance_of(TypeCheck.intrinsic_str_type)), metadata={AttrMeta.PROPERTY_NAME: "VersionLabel"}, ) """Doc:""" p_Tags: typing.List[typing.Union[Tag, dict]] = attr.ib( default=None, converter=Tag.from_list, validator=attr.validators.optional(attr.validators.deep_iterable(member_validator=attr.validators.instance_of(Tag), iterable_validator=attr.validators.instance_of(list))), metadata={AttrMeta.PROPERTY_NAME: "Tags"}, ) """Doc:""" @property def rv_EndpointURL(self) -> GetAtt: """Doc:""" return GetAtt(resource=self, attr_name="EndpointURL") @attr.s class ApplicationVersion(Resource): """ AWS Object Type = "AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::ApplicationVersion" Resource Document: Property Document: - ``rp_ApplicationName``: - ``rp_SourceBundle``: - ``p_Description``: """ AWS_OBJECT_TYPE = "AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::ApplicationVersion" rp_ApplicationName: TypeHint.intrinsic_str = attr.ib( default=None, validator=attr.validators.instance_of(TypeCheck.intrinsic_str_type), metadata={AttrMeta.PROPERTY_NAME: "ApplicationName"}, ) """Doc:""" rp_SourceBundle: typing.Union['ApplicationVersionSourceBundle', dict] = attr.ib( default=None, converter=ApplicationVersionSourceBundle.from_dict, validator=attr.validators.instance_of(ApplicationVersionSourceBundle), metadata={AttrMeta.PROPERTY_NAME: "SourceBundle"}, ) """Doc:""" p_Description: TypeHint.intrinsic_str = attr.ib( default=None, validator=attr.validators.optional(attr.validators.instance_of(TypeCheck.intrinsic_str_type)), metadata={AttrMeta.PROPERTY_NAME: "Description"}, ) """Doc:"""
""" Efficient serialization GPU arrays. """ import cupy from .cuda import cuda_serialize, cuda_deserialize class PatchedCudaArrayInterface: """This class do two things: 1) Makes sure that __cuda_array_interface__['strides'] behaves as specified in the protocol. 2) Makes sure that the cuda context is active when deallocating the base cuda array. Notice, this is only needed when the array to deserialize isn't a native cupy array. """ def __init__(self, ary): cai = ary.__cuda_array_interface__ cai_cupy_vsn = cupy.ndarray(0).__cuda_array_interface__["version"] if cai.get("strides") is None and cai_cupy_vsn < 2: cai.pop("strides", None) self.__cuda_array_interface__ = cai # Save a ref to ary so it won't go out of scope self.base = ary def __del__(self): # Making sure that the cuda context is active # when deallocating the base cuda array try: import numba.cuda numba.cuda.current_context() except ImportError: pass del self.base @cuda_serialize.register(cupy.ndarray) def serialize_cupy_ndarray(x): # Making sure `x` is behaving if not x.flags.c_contiguous: x = cupy.array(x, copy=True) header = x.__cuda_array_interface__.copy() return header, [x] @cuda_deserialize.register(cupy.ndarray) def deserialize_cupy_array(header, frames): (frame,) = frames if not isinstance(frame, cupy.ndarray): frame = PatchedCudaArrayInterface(frame) arr = cupy.ndarray( header["shape"], dtype=header["typestr"], memptr=cupy.asarray(frame).data ) return arr
import autosar ws = autosar.workspace("4.2.2") components = ws.createPackage("ComponentTypes") swc = components.createCompositionComponent("MyComposition") print(
<reponame>dkraczkowski/opyapi from abc import ABCMeta from typing import Any from typing import Dict from typing import List from typing import Type from .errors import ValidationError from .types import Object from .types import String from .validators.validate import validate class SchemaMeta(ABCMeta): def __new__(mcs: "SchemaMeta", name: str, bases: tuple, namespace: dict, **kwargs): if ( f"{namespace['__module__']}.{namespace['__qualname__']}" == "opyapi.schema.schema.Schema" ): return super().__new__(mcs, name, bases, namespace) klass = super().__new__(mcs, name, bases, namespace) required = [] if "required" in kwargs: required = kwargs["required"] schema_definition = Object(properties=klass.__annotations__, required=required) klass.__schema__ = schema_definition return klass class Schema(metaclass=SchemaMeta): __data__: Dict[str, Any] __schema__: Object __mappings__: Dict[Type, Dict] def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None: super().__setattr__("__data__", {}) for key, value in kwargs.items(): self.__setattr__(key, value) def __getattr__(self, attribute_name): if attribute_name not in raise AttributeError( f"Attribute `{attribute_name}` is not specified in {self}." ) return ( self.__data__[attribute_name] if attribute_name in self.__data__ else None ) def __setattr__(self, attribute_name: str, value: Any) -> None: if attribute_name not in raise AttributeError( f"Attribute `{attribute_name}` is not specified in {self}." ) property_meta =[attribute_name] if isinstance(property_meta, String): try: value = property_meta.format_value(value) except ValueError as e: raise ValidationError(str(e)) else: validate(value, property_meta) self.__data__[attribute_name] = value def to_dict(self) -> dict: result = {} for key, value in self.__data__.items(): if self.__schema__[key].write_only: continue result[key] = value return result @classmethod def create_from(cls, obj: object) -> "Schema": if isinstance(obj, dict): return cls(**obj) object_type: Type = type(obj) if object_type not in cls.__mappings__: raise ValueError( f"Object of type {object_type} could not be mapped to {cls.__name__}. " f"Have you forgot to define mapping for the object?" ) mapping = cls.__mappings__[object_type] result: Dict[str, Any] = {} for key, attribute in if key not in mapping: if attribute.nullable: result[key] = None else: raise ValueError( f"Property `{key}` is not nullable, " f"and must be defined in mapping scheme for {obj.__class__}" ) continue mapped_key = mapping[key] if isinstance(mapped_key, str): result[key] = getattr(obj, mapped_key) elif mapped_key is True or mapped_key == 1: result[key] = getattr(obj, key) elif callable(mapped_key): result[key] = mapped_key(obj) else: raise ValueError( f"Property {key} has invalid mapping setting for object {obj.__class__}." ) return cls(**result) __all__ = ["Schema"]
<gh_stars>0 def function(value): degree = [] sum_numers = 0 for i in range(1, 1000, 2): degree.append(i ** 3 + value) for item in degree: str_degree = str(item) pred_sum = 0 for x in str_degree: int_degree = int(x) pred_sum += int_degree del_7 = pred_sum % 7 if del_7 == 0: sum_numers += int(str_degree) print(sum_numers) function(0) function(17)
''' Task You are given a date. Your task is to find what the day is on that date. Input Format A single line of input containing the space separated month, day and year, respectively, in format. Constraints * 2000<year<3000 Output Format Output the correct day in capital letters. Sample Input 08 05 2015 Sample Output WEDNESDAY Explanation The day on August 5th 2015 was WEDNESDAY. ''' # Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT import calendar as cal day={0:'MONDAY',1:'TUESDAY',2:'WEDNESDAY',3:'THURSDAY',4:'FRIDAY',5:'SATURDAY',6:'SUNDAY'} n=list(map(int,input().split())) if n[2] in range(2001,3000): n1=cal.weekday(n[2],n[0],n[1]) for i in day: if i==n1: print(day[i]) ''' output: 08 05 2015 WEDNESDAY '''
<gh_stars>0 from core.bean.wrapper import * class UserWrapper(Wrapper): filter = ['phone', 'password'] def __init__(self, status=0, data={}): if isinstance(data, list): for val in data: self.remove_key(val) else: self.remove_key(data) super().__init__(status, data)
import os, json import cmd import asyncio from fitbit import Fitbit from flask import Flask, render_template, url_for, session, redirect from authlib.integrations.flask_client import OAuth from azure.keyvault.secrets import SecretClient from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential from azure.core.exceptions import ResourceExistsError from azure.eventhub.aio import EventHubProducerClient from azure.eventhub import EventData app = Flask(__name__) app.config.from_object('config') app.secret_key = '!secret' oauth = OAuth(app) client = oauth.register(name="fitbit") # Step 1: Bring user to homepage to offer sync service with device cloud (fitbit in this example) @app.route('/') def home(): return render_template("index.html") @app.route("/login") def login(): redirect_uri = url_for('auth', _external=True) return oauth.fitbit.authorize_redirect("") @app.route('/auth') def auth(): token = oauth.fitbit.authorize_access_token() secretName = session["user"] = token["user_id"] secretValue = token["refresh_token"] app.secret_key = token["access_token"] client = SecretClient(vault_url=app.config["VAULT_URL"], credential=DefaultAzureCredential()) try: client.set_secret(secretName, secretValue) except ResourceExistsError: # assume user has renabled the service reset the key client.begin_delete_secret(secretName) # sync data with FHIR API using Io[M]T Connector loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() loop.run_until_complete(sync()) return "Successful Sync" @app.route('/sync') async def sync(): fit_client = Fitbit(user=session["user"], access_token=app.secret_key) result = fit_client.init_sync() # Create a producer client to send messages to the event hub. # Specify a connection string to your event hubs namespace and # the event hub name. producer = EventHubProducerClient.from_connection_string(conn_str=app.config["EVENT_HUB_CONN_STR"]) async with producer: # Create a batch. event_data_batch = await producer.create_batch() for item in result: print(item) event_data_batch.add(EventData(json.dumps(item, indent = 4))) # Send the batch of events to the event hub. await producer.send_batch(event_data_batch) if __name__ == '__main__':
<gh_stars>1-10 from __future__ import absolute_import import yaml from os.path import join class BaseComm: def __init__(self, config): self.config = config def setup(self): raise NotImplementedError def communicate(self): raise NotImplementedError def _load_config(self): config_file = open(join(self.CONFIG_FOLDER, 'comms.yml'), 'rb') yaml_config = yaml.load( config_file.close() return yaml_config