<reponame>bachya/eufy-security-ws-python<gh_stars>10-100 """Define utilities related to eufy-websocket-ws versions.""" from dataclasses import dataclass @dataclass class VersionInfo: """Define the server's version info.""" driver_version: str server_version: str min_schema_version: int max_schema_version: int @classmethod def from_message(cls, msg: dict) -> "VersionInfo": """Create an instance from a version message.""" return cls( driver_version=msg["driverVersion"], server_version=msg["serverVersion"], min_schema_version=msg.get("minSchemaVersion", 0), max_schema_version=msg.get("maxSchemaVersion", 0), )
Practica1/Suma binaria/
<gh_stars>1-10 #Análisis de Algoritmos 3CV2 # <NAME> # <NAME> # Práctica 1 Suma Binaria # En este archivo se crean las funciones para el graficado del algoritmo import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np def graph ( size, time ): # Título de la ventana. plt.figure ( "Complejidad temporal del algoritmo de suma binaria" ) # Título de la gráfica. plt.title ( "Suma binaria:", color = ( 0.3, 0.4, 0.6 ), weight = "bold" ) # Construye los parámetros del gráfico. t, n = parametros ( size, time ) # Definir los límites del gráfico. plt.xlim ( 0, size ) plt.ylim ( 0, time ) # Función propuesta: g ( n ) = ( 5/3 )n. # Nombres de los ejes. plt.xlabel ( "Tamaño ( n )", color = ( 0.3, 0.4, 0.6 ), size = "large" ) plt.ylabel ( "Tiempo ( t )", color = ( 0.3, 0.4, 0.6 ), size = "large" ) # Gráfico. plt.plot ( n, _t, 'bs', label = "g( n ) = ( 5/3 )n" ) plt.plot ( n, t, 'g^', linewidth = 3, label = "E( n ) = n" ) plt.plot ( n, _t, 'r--', label = "g( n ) = ( 5/3 )n" ) plt.plot ( n, t, 'b--', linewidth = 3, label = "E( n ) = n" ) plt.legend ( loc = "lower right" ) ( ) def parametros ( size, time ): # tiempo frente a puntos de gráfico. t, n = [ ], [ 0 ] # div: Variable auxiliar que ayuda a trazar el gráfico. div = float ( "{0:.2f}".format ( 1 / round ( time / size ) ) ) # Tiempo ( t ) parametros. for i in range ( time ): t.append ( i ) # Tamaño ( n ) parametros. for i in range ( time ): if ( i != 0 ): n.append ( float ( "{0:.2f}".format ( n [ i - 1 ] + div ) ) ) # Return de valores. return t, n
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Chemical RDF converter & fixer. Version 2.3 (Dec 28, 14:25:00 2021) Added mol sanitization and try/catch run by calling rdf_fixer.convert(filename or path) (optional: returns list of new filenames) @author: <NAME> (DocMinus) license: MIT License Copyright (c) 2021 DocMinus """ import os import re import pandas as pd from collections import OrderedDict import rdkit.Chem as rdc from rdkit.Chem.MolStandardize import rdMolStandardize from rdkit import RDLogger # Important, or else waaaay too many RDkit details in output RDLogger.logger().setLevel(RDLogger.CRITICAL) def fix(RDF_IN: str) -> "zipped": """Retrieving all .RDF files in a subdirectory recursively. Then submit to conversion (i.e. fixing) Parts of os.walk snippet originated on Reddit somewhere, forgot where though. Args: RDF_IN = filename, alt. directory and subdirectories to scan Returns: zipped List of the new file names Order: input_file; fixed_file; csv_file """ file_list_in = [] file_list_ok = [] file_list_csv = [] if os.path.isfile(RDF_IN): if RDF_IN.endswith(("rdf", "RDF")): file_list_in.append(os.path.join(RDF_IN)) file_list_ok.append(os.path.splitext(RDF_IN)[0] + "_fixed.rdf") file_list_csv.append(os.path.splitext(RDF_IN)[0] + ".csv") elif os.path.isdir(RDF_IN): for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(RDF_IN): for file in files: if file.endswith(("rdf", "RDF")): file_list_in.append(os.path.join(subdir, file)) file_list_ok.append( os.path.join(subdir, os.path.splitext(file)[0] + "_fixed.rdf") ) file_list_csv.append( os.path.join(subdir, os.path.splitext(file)[0] + ".csv") ) zipped = zip(file_list_in, file_list_ok, file_list_csv) # note: zip gets unpacked upon usage and disappears for file_in, file_ok, file_csv in zipped: print("Converting file: ", file_in) convert(file_in, file_ok, file_csv) return zip(file_list_in, file_list_ok, file_list_csv) def convert(RDF_IN_FILE: str, RDF_OK_FILE: str, RDF_CSV_FILE: str): """original script with single file usage wrapped into this 'convert' function Args: RDF_IN_FILE: original input RDF file including path RDF_OK_FILE: new RDF file with corrections (if any) RDF_CSV_FILE: resulting CSV file (incl. path) Returns: None - output are the new files. """ ############################################################## # Fix erroneous entries (empty mols) by deleting those entries with open(RDF_IN_FILE) as file_in: seed_line = file_in.readline() previous_line = seed_line # get first line as "seed" for upcoming loop # seed_line is later reused again with open(RDF_OK_FILE, "w") as file_out: write_to_file = True for current_line in open(RDF_IN_FILE): # prevent first line from being written twice if current_line.startswith("$RDFILE") and previous_line.startswith( "$RDFILE" ): continue # correct molecule block # True write_to_file = current_line.startswith( "$RXN" ) and previous_line.startswith("$RFMT") # else for empty molecule block write_to_file = not ( current_line.startswith("$DTYPE") and previous_line.startswith("$RFMT") ) if write_to_file: file_out.write(previous_line) previous_line = current_line file_out.write(previous_line) # the last line is not caught in the loop, hence written out here. # end of fix section #################### def scifi_or_reax(in_file: str) -> str: """Determine if Scifinder or Reaxys rdf file (Scifinder contains 'SCHEME' in the enumeration) Returned string is multiple string.replace() methods, to render script independent of source Args: in_file (str): filename of the corrected file (in principle, the original one would work as well; alt even global variable possible instead) Returns: SCI_REAX (str): "RXN:" (scifinder) or string "ROOT:" (reaxys) """ f = open(in_file) NUMBER_OF_LINES = 3 for i in range(NUMBER_OF_LINES): line_three = f.readline() return "RXN:" if re.match(".+SCHEME", line_three) else "ROOT:" def build_empty_table(in_file: str, SCI_REAX: str): """Scans file three times to build a pandas df used as main table Args: in_file (str): filename of the corrected file: RDF_OK_FILE SCI_REAX (str): "RXN:" (scifinder) or string "ROOT:" (reaxys) used in replacements Returns: da_table (object): the (empty) pandas df working table max_reagents (int): number for later positioning of reagents smiles in table max_products (int): <> (products) """ # get the IDs and use as row index list_of_IDs = [] # i.e. rows for line in open(in_file): if line.startswith("$RFMT"): list_of_IDs.append(line.strip().split(" ")[2]) # determine max no of reagents/products flag = 0 max_reagents = 0 max_products = 0 for line in open(in_file): if line.startswith("$RXN") | flag == 1: flag = 1 if re.match("\s\s[0-9]\s\s[0-9]\n", line): # analyse the " y z" line. # implies: y reactants, z products. x = line.strip().split(" ") number_reagents = int(x[0]) number_products = int(x[1]) if number_reagents > max_reagents: max_reagents = number_reagents if number_products > max_products: max_products = number_products flag = 0 # build the column headers fields = [] for i in range(max_reagents): tmp_name = "Reagent" + str(i) fields.append(tmp_name) for i in range(max_products): tmp_name = "Product" + str(i) fields.append(tmp_name) for line in open(in_file): if line.startswith("$DTYPE"): fields.append((line.strip().split(" ")[1]).replace(SCI_REAX, "")) # finally, build the table da_table = pd.DataFrame( index=list_of_IDs, columns=list(OrderedDict.fromkeys(fields)) ) return da_table, max_reagents, max_products ############################################################## # Initialize Table and diverse variables # get string replacement variable depending on source SCI_REAX = scifi_or_reax(RDF_OK_FILE) # build table according to files specs. get max no of reagents & products at the same time. my_table, max_reagents, max_products = build_empty_table(RDF_OK_FILE, SCI_REAX) #################################################################### # Here comes the actual data extraction and addition to pandas table # ############### GET MOLECULES ############# # (structure same for Reaxys and Scifinder) # flag = 0 # 0 = generic # 1 = start of reaction block # 2 = single MOL (molecules) # 9 = skip molecule = [] number_reagents = 0 number_products = 0 number_molecules = 0 iterate_molecules = 0 mol_string = "" rxn_id = "" multiple_row_text = "" # get first line as "seed" for upcoming loop previous_line = seed_line for line in open(RDF_OK_FILE): current_line = line # get reaction ID if current_line.startswith("$RFMT"): rxn_id = str(current_line.strip().split(" ")[2]) flag = 0 continue # start of a new reaction block if current_line.startswith("$RXN") | flag == 1: flag = 1 if re.match("\s\s[0-9]\s\s[0-9]\n", current_line): # analyse the " y z" line. Not hard-coding this since it might change? # implies: y reactants, z product. x = current_line.strip().split(" ") number_reagents = int(x[0]) number_products = int(x[1]) number_molecules = number_reagents + number_products # create fresh list of max no of molecules, for use in $MOL block # yes, always same size within a *given file*, can change from file to file(!) for i in range(number_molecules): molecule.append([]) if current_line == "\n" or re.match("\s\s[0-9]\s\s[0-9]\n", current_line): # checks for empty lines and the number of molecules lines and skips them continue # after determining a block, find the molecules within the block if (current_line == "$MOL\n") | (flag == 2): flag = 2 if current_line != "$MOL\n" and (iterate_molecules < number_molecules): molecule[iterate_molecules].append(current_line) if current_line == "M END\n": iterate_molecules += 1 # end of the complete reaction block if current_line.startswith("$D") & (previous_line == "M END\n"): flag = 9 # could just use flag = 0(?) # rebuild the string of a molecule counter_reagents = 0 counter_products = 0 num_mols_this_instance = len(molecule) # should always be max_mol now, so doesn't matter for mol in range(num_mols_this_instance): mol_string = "".join(molecule[mol]) if mol_string == "": smiles = "" else: mol = rdc.MolFromMolBlock(mol_string, sanitize=False) if mol is None: continue try: rdc.SanitizeMol(mol) except ValueError as _e: print("Error: ", _e) continue mol.UpdatePropertyCache(strict=False) rdc.SanitizeMol( mol, sanitizeOps=( rdc.SANITIZE_ALL ^ rdc.SANITIZE_CLEANUP ^ rdc.SANITIZE_PROPERTIES ), ) mol = rdMolStandardize.Normalize(mol) smiles = rdc.MolToSmiles(mol) # some mols might be empty, this if/else positions reagents/products accordingly if counter_reagents + 1 <= number_reagents: my_table.loc[ rxn_id, my_table.columns[counter_reagents] ] = smiles counter_reagents += 1 else: my_table.loc[ rxn_id, my_table.columns[counter_products + max_reagents] ] = smiles counter_products += 1 # reset variables iterate_molecules = 0 molecule = [] mol_string = "" previous_line = current_line ################################ # ######### GET single line data ########## # # Nota bene: this will write first line of multiline columns as well # but doesn't matter since those will be correctly overwritten later on rxn_id = "" previous_line = seed_line for line in open(RDF_OK_FILE): current_line = line # get reaction ID if current_line.startswith("$RFMT"): rxn_id = str(current_line.strip().split(" ")[2]) # flag = 0 continue if previous_line.startswith("$DTYPE") and current_line.startswith("$DATUM"): current_column = previous_line.strip().split(" ")[1].replace(SCI_REAX, "") row_text = current_line.replace("\n", " ") # flag = 1 my_table.loc[rxn_id, current_column] = row_text.replace("$DATUM ", "") previous_line = current_line ################################ # ### Extract Experimental Procedure ### # Multiline, both, # Reaxys and Scifinder # flag = 0 # 0 = generic # 5 = exp procedure text over multiple lines # 9 = skip rxn_id = "" multiple_row_text = "" previous_line = seed_line for line in open(RDF_OK_FILE): current_line = line # get reaction ID if current_line.startswith("$RFMT"): rxn_id = str(current_line.strip().split(" ")[2]) flag = 0 continue # get experimental section if SCI_REAX == "RXN:": if re.match(".+EXP_PROC", previous_line) or flag == 5: # start of the experimental section. spans over multiple line if re.match(".+EXP_PROC", previous_line): current_column = ( previous_line.strip().split(" ")[1].replace(SCI_REAX, "") ) if re.match(".+NOTES", current_line) or re.match( ".+REFERENCE.+", current_line ): # this is the end of experimental block flag = 9 my_table.loc[rxn_id, current_column] = multiple_row_text.replace( "$DATUM ", "" ) multiple_row_text = "" else: multiple_row_text += current_line.replace("\n", " ") flag = 5 else: # Reaxys if re.match(".+TXT", previous_line) or flag == 5: # start of the experimental section. spans over multiple line if re.match(".+TXT", previous_line): current_column = ( previous_line.strip().split(" ")[1].replace(SCI_REAX, "") ) if re.match(".+STP", current_line): # this is the end of experimental block flag = 9 my_table.loc[rxn_id, current_column] = multiple_row_text.replace( "$DATUM ", "" ) multiple_row_text = "" else: multiple_row_text += current_line.replace("\n", " ") flag = 5 previous_line = current_line ################################ # ######## Extract Notes ######## # (only Scifinder) # flag = 0 # 0 = generic # 6 = notes, text potentially over multiple lines # 9 = skip rxn_id = "" multiple_row_text = "" previous_line = seed_line for line in open(RDF_OK_FILE): current_line = line # get reaction ID if current_line.startswith("$RFMT"): rxn_id = str(current_line.strip().split(" ")[2]) flag = 0 continue # Get Notes if re.match(".+NOTES", previous_line) or flag == 6: flag = 6 # start of the Notes section. might span over multiple line if re.match(".+NOTES", previous_line): current_column = ( previous_line.strip().split(" ")[1].replace(SCI_REAX, "") ) if current_line.startswith("$DTYPE"): # this is the end of Notes block flag = 9 my_table.loc[rxn_id, current_column] = multiple_row_text.replace( "$DATUM ", "" ) multiple_row_text = "" else: multiple_row_text += current_line.replace("\n", " ") flag = 6 previous_line = current_line ################################ # ######## Extract title ######## # (only Scifinder) # flag = 0 # 0 = generic # 7 = title # 9 = skip rxn_id = "" multiple_row_text = "" previous_line = seed_line for line in open(RDF_OK_FILE): current_line = line # get reaction ID if current_line.startswith("$RFMT"): rxn_id = str(current_line.strip().split(" ")[2]) flag = 0 continue # Get Title if re.match(".+TITLE", previous_line) or flag == 7: flag = 7 # start of the Title section. might span over multiple line if re.match(".+TITLE", previous_line): current_column = ( previous_line.strip().split(" ")[1].replace(SCI_REAX, "") ) if current_line.startswith("$DTYPE"): # this is the end of title block flag = 9 my_table.loc[rxn_id, current_column] = multiple_row_text.replace( "$DATUM ", "" ) multiple_row_text = "" else: multiple_row_text += current_line.replace("\n", " ") flag = 7 previous_line = current_line ################################ # ####### Extract authors ######## # (only Scifinder) # flag = 0 # 0 = generic # 8 = authors # 9 = skip rxn_id = "" multiple_row_text = "" previous_line = seed_line for line in open(RDF_OK_FILE): current_line = line # get reaction ID if current_line.startswith("$RFMT"): rxn_id = str(current_line.strip().split(" ")[2]) flag = 0 continue # Get Authors if re.match(".+AUTHOR", previous_line) or flag == 8: flag = 8 if re.match(".+AUTHOR", previous_line): current_column = ( previous_line.strip().split(" ")[1].replace(SCI_REAX, "") ) if current_line.startswith("$DTYPE"): # this is the end of author block flag = 9 my_table.loc[rxn_id, current_column] = multiple_row_text.replace( "$DATUM ", "" ) multiple_row_text = "" else: multiple_row_text += current_line.replace("\n", " ") flag = 8 previous_line = current_line ################################ # ### Extract citation (i.e. source) ### # # This is done last, since for Scifinder # this is the last entry in a file # not necessary for reaxys, but it will go through it anyway # (less ifs and doesn't screw anything up) # flag = 0 # 0 = generic # 9 = skip # 4 = citation rxn_id = "" multiple_row_text = "" previous_line = seed_line for line in open(RDF_OK_FILE): current_line = line # get reaction ID if current_line.startswith("$RFMT"): rxn_id = str(current_line.strip().split(" ")[2]) flag = 0 continue # Get Citation if re.match(".+CITATION", previous_line) or flag == 4: flag = 4 if re.match(".+CITATION", previous_line): current_column = ( previous_line.strip().split(" ")[1].replace(SCI_REAX, "") ) if current_line.startswith("$DTYPE"): # this is the end of citation block flag = 9 my_table.loc[rxn_id, current_column] = multiple_row_text.replace( "$DATUM ", "" ) multiple_row_text = "" else: multiple_row_text += current_line.replace("\n", " ") flag = 4 previous_line = current_line ################################ # End of file scanning # ############################################ # Finish table for export to csv file format my_table = my_table.replace(, "", regex=True) # need to remove NaN my_table.drop( list(my_table.filter(regex="COPYRIGHT")), axis=1, inplace=True ) # skip the copyright (optional) my_table.to_csv(RDF_CSV_FILE, sep="\t", header=True, index=True) # end of script # one could add a return value for better error handling. return None
<gh_stars>0 # This file is executed on every boot (including wake-boot from deepsleep) import esp import machine esp.osdebug(None) SESSION_FILENAME = 'SessionData.txt' exceptionMessage = None def reboot(): machine.reset() def help1(): print("This is a WIP help menu") print("Some description") # Reads data about the light state before the restart, used after restart def readSession(): try: f = open(SESSION_FILENAME, 'r') text = f.close() return text except OSError: print("Session File not found") return "00000" # Saves data about the light state before restarting def saveSession(bootMode, param1, param2): f = open(SESSION_FILENAME, 'w') f.write(str(bootMode)) f.write(str(param1)) f.write(str(param2)) f.close() def getCrashReport(): import sys sys.print_exception(exceptionMessage, sys.stderr) # Decide whether to go into workMode or editMode def main(): import gc import connectionManager as cm cm.setWifi(True) gc.collect() try: text = readSession() if int(text[0]) == 0: print("Entering Edit Mode gracefully") import editMode editMode.main() else: print("Entering Work Mode") import workMode workMode.main() machine.reset() except Exception as exc: global exceptionMessage exceptionMessage = exc import triac triac.activate(0) import editMode editMode.main() if __name__ == "__main__": main()
#!/usr/bin/env python3 from subprocess import run from sys import argv, exit PYVER = argv[1] IMAGE = f"ruterstop:python{PYVER}" print("Building", IMAGE) run( [ "docker", "build", "--network=host", "--file=.deploy/Dockerfile", f"--build-arg=PYTHON_VERSION={PYVER}", f"--build-arg=POETRY_VERSION=1.1.5", f"--tag=ruterstop:python{PYVER}", ".", ], check=True, ) print("Running unit-tests", IMAGE) run( [ "docker", "run", "--network=host", "--rm", IMAGE, ] + ["unittest"], check=True, ) print("Running livetest", IMAGE) run( [ "docker", "run", "--network=host", "--rm", IMAGE, ] + ["ruterstop", "--stop-id=6013"], check=True, ) print("Success!")
import bayesian_irl import mdp_worlds import utils import mdp import numpy as np import scipy import random import generate_efficient_frontier import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def generate_reward_sample(): #rewards for no-op are gamma distributed r_noop = [] locs = 1/2 scales = [20, 40, 80,190] for i in range(4): r_noop.append(-np.random.gamma(locs, scales[i], 1)[0]) r_noop = np.array(r_noop) #rewards for repair are -N(100,1) for all but last state where it is -N(130,20) r_repair = -100 + -1 * np.random.randn(4) return np.concatenate((r_noop, r_repair)) def generate_posterior_samples(num_samples): print("samples") all_samples = [] for i in range(num_samples): r_sample = generate_reward_sample() all_samples.append(r_sample) print("mean of posterior from samples") print(np.mean(all_samples, axis=0)) posterior = np.array(all_samples) return posterior.transpose() #each column is a reward sample if __name__=="__main__": seed = 1234 np.random.seed(seed) scipy.random.seed(seed) random.seed(seed) num_states = 4 num_samples = 2000 gamma = 0.95 alpha = 0.99 lamda = 0.9 posterior = generate_posterior_samples(num_samples) r_sa = np.mean(posterior, axis=1) init_distribution = np.ones(num_states)/num_states #uniform distribution mdp_env = mdp.MachineReplacementMDP(num_states, r_sa, gamma, init_distribution) print("---MDP solution for expectation---") print("mean MDP reward", r_sa) u_sa = mdp.solve_mdp_lp(mdp_env, debug=True) print("mean policy from posterior") utils.print_stochastic_policy_action_probs(u_sa, mdp_env) print("MAP/Mean policy from posterior") utils.print_policy_from_occupancies(u_sa, mdp_env) print("rewards") print(mdp_env.r_sa) print("expected value = ",, r_sa)) stoch_pi = utils.get_optimal_policy_from_usa(u_sa, mdp_env) print("expected return", mdp.get_policy_expected_return(stoch_pi, mdp_env)) print("values", mdp.get_state_values(u_sa, mdp_env)) print('q-values', mdp.get_q_values(u_sa, mdp_env)) #run CVaR optimization, maybe just the robust version for now u_expert = np.zeros(mdp_env.num_actions * mdp_env.num_states) # print("solving for CVaR optimal policy") posterior_probs = np.ones(num_samples) / num_samples #uniform dist since samples from MCMC #generate efficient frontier lambda_range = [0.0, 0.3, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95,0.99, 1.0] #generate_efficient_frontier.calc_frontier(mdp_env, u_expert, posterior, posterior_probs, lambda_range, alpha, debug=False) alpha = 0.99 print("calculating optimal policy for alpha = {} over lambda = {}".format(alpha, lambda_range)) cvar_rets = generate_efficient_frontier.calc_frontier(mdp_env, u_expert, posterior, posterior_probs, lambda_range, alpha, debug=False) cvar_rets_array = np.array(cvar_rets) plt.figure() plt.plot(cvar_rets_array[:,0], cvar_rets_array[:,1], '-o') #go through and label the points in the figure with the corresponding lambda values unique_pts_lambdas = [] unique_pts = [] for i,pt in enumerate(cvar_rets_array): unique = True for upt in unique_pts: if np.linalg.norm(upt - pt) < 0.00001: unique = False break if unique: unique_pts_lambdas.append((pt[0], pt[1], lambda_range[i])) unique_pts.append(np.array(pt)) #calculate offset offsetx = (np.max(cvar_rets_array[:,0]) - np.min(cvar_rets_array[:,0]))/30 offsety = (np.max(cvar_rets_array[:,1]) - np.min(cvar_rets_array[:,1]))/17 for i,pt in enumerate(unique_pts_lambdas): if i in [0,1,2,4]: plt.text(pt[0] - 6.2*offsetx, pt[1] , r"$\lambda = {}$".format(str(pt[2])), fontsize=19, fontweight='bold') elif i in [3]: plt.text(pt[0] - 6.2*offsetx, pt[1] - 1.2*offsety , r"$\lambda = {}$".format(str(pt[2])), fontsize=19, fontweight='bold') elif i in [5]: plt.text(pt[0] - 5.5*offsetx, pt[1] - 1.5*offsety, r"$\lambda = {}$".format(str(pt[2])), fontsize=19, fontweight='bold') else: plt.text(pt[0]-offsetx, pt[1] - 1.5*offsety, r"$\lambda = {}$".format(str(pt[2])), fontsize=19, fontweight='bold') plt.xticks(fontsize=18) plt.yticks(fontsize=18) plt.xlabel("Robustness (CVaR)", fontsize=20) plt.ylabel("Expected Return", fontsize=20) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig('./figs/machine_replacement/efficient_frontier_machine_replacement.png')
<reponame>khmurakami/pystocktwits_data_utils #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from pystocktwits_data_utils import PyStockTwitData from pystocktwits_data_utils.utils import return_json_file data = PyStockTwitData() recent_msg = data.get_most_recent_sentiment_by_symbol_id('AAPL') print(recent_msg) return_json_file(recent_msg, "../sample_json_output/get_most_recent_sentiment_by_symbol.json")
<gh_stars>1-10 # Copyright 2013 <NAME> # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Decorator module provides the @accumulator decorator, which offers a straightforward way of implementing trivial accumulators through a simple accumulation function. For example: >>> @Accumulator.immediate() # Don't forget the parentheses here! ... def count(accumulator_set, value, datum): ... return value + datum ... The decorator takes care of the boilerplate code required to produce an object which implements AccumulatorBase. """ import functools from accumulators.accumulator_base import AccumulatorBase class ImmediateAccuFromFunc(AccumulatorBase): """The ImmediateAccumulatorWrapper takes a naked function and turns it into something which implements AccumulatorBase. """ def __init__(self, accumulator_set, starting_value, fn): super(ImmediateAccuFromFunc, self).__init__(accumulator_set, starting_value) self.fn = fn def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): # Dispatch stored attributes to the decorated function. self.accu = self.fn(self.accumulator_set, self.accu, *args, **kwargs) class LazyAccuFromFunc(AccumulatorBase): """The LazyAccumulatorWrapper takes a naked function and turns it into something which implements AccumulatorBase. """ def __init__(self, accumulator_set, starting_value, fn): super(LazyAccuFromFunc, self).__init__(accumulator_set, starting_value) self.fn = fn def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): pass # No immediate accumulation def value(self): # Dispatch stored attributes to the decorated function. return self.fn(self.accumulator_set) class Accumulator(object): __slots__ = () @staticmethod def immediate(depends_on=[], result_name=None, starting_value=0): """Immediate accumulator decorator. Args: depends_on: list of accumulators on which this value depends result_name: name of the shortcut extractor function for the set starting_value: starting value for the accumulator (defaults to 0) """ return Accumulator._make_wrapper(ImmediateAccuFromFunc, depends_on, result_name, starting_value) @staticmethod def lazy(depends_on=[], result_name=None): """Lazy accumulator decorator. Args: depends_on: list of accumulators on which this value depends result_name: name of the shortcut extractor function for the set """ return Accumulator._make_wrapper(LazyAccuFromFunc, depends_on, result_name, starting_value=0) @staticmethod def _make_wrapper(accu_type, depends_on, result_name, starting_value): def _wrapper(fn): # The wrapped function acts as factory: it produces AccumulatorBase # instances, and forwards decorator parameters to the constructor. @functools.wraps(fn) def wrapped(accumulator_set): return accu_type(accumulator_set, starting_value, fn) # We need the Accumulating object to declare its dependencies and # its value identifier (if necessary). In this case, we attach this # information to the wrapped function. wrapped.depends_on = depends_on wrapped.value_identifier = result_name return wrapped return _wrapper
import time import math @profile def primes(n): start = time.time() prime1 = [2] sn=int(math.sqrt(n)) for attempt in range(3,sn+1,2): if all((attempt % prime != 0 and n%attempt==0) for prime in prime1): prime1.append(attempt) end = time.time() print(end - start) return prime1 n=primes(600851475143) print(max(n))
# Copyright 2021 Condenser Author All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import random from dataclasses import dataclass from typing import List, Dict import torch from import Dataset from transformers import DataCollatorForWholeWordMask @dataclass class CondenserCollator(DataCollatorForWholeWordMask): max_seq_length: int = 512 def __post_init__(self): super(CondenserCollator, self).__post_init__() from transformers import BertTokenizer, BertTokenizerFast from transformers import RobertaTokenizer, RobertaTokenizerFast if isinstance(self.tokenizer, (BertTokenizer, BertTokenizerFast)): self.whole_word_cand_indexes = self._whole_word_cand_indexes_bert elif isinstance(self.tokenizer, (RobertaTokenizer, RobertaTokenizerFast)): self.whole_word_cand_indexes = self. _whole_word_cand_indexes_roberta else: raise NotImplementedError(f'{type(self.tokenizer)} collator not supported yet') self.specials = self.tokenizer.all_special_tokens def _whole_word_cand_indexes_bert(self, input_tokens: List[str]): cand_indexes = [] for (i, token) in enumerate(input_tokens): if token in self.specials: continue if len(cand_indexes) >= 1 and token.startswith("##"): cand_indexes[-1].append(i) else: cand_indexes.append([i]) return cand_indexes def _whole_word_cand_indexes_roberta(self, input_tokens: List[str]): cand_indexes = [] for (i, token) in enumerate(input_tokens): if token in self.specials: raise ValueError('We expect only raw input for roberta for current implementation') if i == 0: cand_indexes.append([0]) elif not token.startswith('\u0120'): cand_indexes[-1].append(i) else: cand_indexes.append([i]) return cand_indexes def _whole_word_mask(self, input_tokens: List[str], max_predictions=512): """ Get 0/1 labels for masked tokens with whole word mask proxy """ cand_indexes = self._whole_word_cand_indexes_bert(input_tokens) random.shuffle(cand_indexes) num_to_predict = min(max_predictions, max(1, int(round(len(input_tokens) * self.mlm_probability)))) masked_lms = [] covered_indexes = set() for index_set in cand_indexes: if len(masked_lms) >= num_to_predict: break # If adding a whole-word mask would exceed the maximum number of # predictions, then just skip this candidate. if len(masked_lms) + len(index_set) > num_to_predict: continue is_any_index_covered = False for index in index_set: if index in covered_indexes: is_any_index_covered = True break if is_any_index_covered: continue for index in index_set: covered_indexes.add(index) masked_lms.append(index) assert len(covered_indexes) == len(masked_lms) mask_labels = [1 if i in covered_indexes else 0 for i in range(len(input_tokens))] return mask_labels def _truncate(self, example: List[int]): tgt_len = self.max_seq_length - self.tokenizer.num_special_tokens_to_add(False) if len(example) <= tgt_len: return example trunc = len(example) - tgt_len trunc_left = random.randint(0, trunc) trunc_right = trunc - trunc_left truncated = example[trunc_left:] if trunc_right > 0: truncated = truncated[:-trunc_right] if not len(truncated) == tgt_len: print(len(example), len(truncated), trunc_left, trunc_right, tgt_len, flush=True) raise ValueError return truncated def _pad(self, seq, val=0): tgt_len = self.max_seq_length assert len(seq) <= tgt_len return seq + [val for _ in range(tgt_len - len(seq))] def __call__(self, examples: List[Dict[str, List[int]]]): encoded_examples = [] masks = [] mlm_masks = [] for e in examples: e_trunc = self._truncate(e['text']) tokens = [self.tokenizer._convert_id_to_token(tid) for tid in e_trunc] mlm_mask = self._whole_word_mask(tokens) mlm_mask = self._pad([0] + mlm_mask) mlm_masks.append(mlm_mask) encoded = self.tokenizer.encode_plus( self._truncate(e['text']), add_special_tokens=True, max_length=self.max_seq_length, padding="max_length", truncation=True, return_token_type_ids=False, ) masks.append(encoded['attention_mask']) encoded_examples.append(encoded['input_ids']) inputs, labels = self.mask_tokens( torch.tensor(encoded_examples, dtype=torch.long), torch.tensor(mlm_masks, dtype=torch.long) ) batch = { "input_ids": inputs, "labels": labels, "attention_mask": torch.tensor(masks), } return batch @dataclass class CoCondenserCollator(CondenserCollator): def __call__(self, examples): examples = sum(examples, []) examples = [{'text': e} for e in examples] return super(CoCondenserCollator, self).__call__(examples) class CoCondenserDataset(Dataset): def __init__(self, dataset, data_args): self.dataset = dataset self.data_args = data_args def __len__(self): return len(self.dataset) def __getitem__(self, item): spans = self.dataset[item]['spans'] return random.sample(spans, 2)
from rest_framework.exceptions import APIException from core.exceptions import common_exception_handler def test_common_exception_handler_if_error_without_detail(mocker): exp = APIException({'data': 'test'}) response = common_exception_handler(exp, mocker.Mock()) assert['service_name'] == 'unittest.mock.Mock:' assert['error_name'] == 'APIException' assert['detail'] == {'data': 'test'} def test_common_exception_handler_if_error_is_string(mocker): exp = APIException(['testing error']) response = common_exception_handler(exp, mocker.Mock()) assert['service_name'] == 'unittest.mock.Mock:' assert['error_name'] == 'APIException' assert['detail'] == ['testing error']
<filename>tests/service/ from dynaconf import settings class TestAccount: """Test Account.""" def test_account_list(self, api): """Test account list.""" accounts = api.Account.list().all() assert list(accounts) def test_account(self, account): """Test account list.""" assert == settings.TEST_ACCOUNT_NAME
class Token: __slots__ = ('start', 'end') def __init__(self, start: int=None, end: int=None): self.start = start self.end = end @property def type(self): "Type of current token" return self.__class__.__name__ def to_json(self): return dict([(k, self.__getattribute__(k)) for k in dir(self) if not k.startswith('__') and k != 'to_json']) class Repeater(Token): __slots__ = ('count', 'value', 'implicit') def __init__(self, count: int, value: int, implicit: bool=False, *args): super(Repeater, self).__init__(*args) self.count = count self.value = value self.implicit = implicit class RepeaterNumber(Token): __slots__ = ('size', 'reverse', 'base', 'parent') def __init__(self, size: int, reverse: bool, base: int=0, parent: int=0, *args): super(RepeaterNumber, self).__init__(*args) self.size = size self.reverse = reverse self.base = base self.parent = parent class RepeaterPlaceholder(Token): __slots__ = ('value',) def __init__(self, value: str=None, *args): super(RepeaterPlaceholder, self).__init__(*args) self.value = value class Field(Token): __slots__ = ('name', 'index') def __init__(self, name: str, index: int=None, *args): super(Field, self).__init__(*args) self.index = index = name class Operator(Token): __slots__ = ('operator',) def __init__(self, operator: str, *args): super(Operator, self).__init__(*args) self.operator = operator class Bracket(Token): __slots__ = ('open', 'context') def __init__(self, is_open: bool, context: str, *args): super(Bracket, self).__init__(*args) = is_open self.context = context class Quote(Token): __slots__ = ('single', ) def __init__(self, single: bool, *args): super(Quote, self).__init__(*args) self.single = single class Literal(Token): __slots__ = ('value',) def __init__(self, value: str, *args): super(Literal, self).__init__(*args) self.value = value class WhiteSpace(Token): pass
from radioactivity import * from thermodynamics import * from dynamics import * from box import * from stats import * from meta import *
<gh_stars>0 price = float(input()) * 7.61 discount = price * 0.18 final = price - discount print(f'The final price is: {final} lv.\nThe discount is: {discount} lv.')
<filename>ui/<gh_stars>0 from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor import pathlib from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QMainWindow, QMessageBox, QFileDialog import threading from clutcher import settings from torrent.structure.torrent import Torrent from ui.generated import Ui_MainFrame class MainFrame(QMainWindow, Ui_MainFrame): def __init__(self, parent=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(parent) self.setupUi(self) # Triggers self.action_Add_Files.triggered.connect(self.add_files) self.action_Exit.triggered.connect(self.close) def retranslateUi(self, MainFrame): super().retranslateUi(MainFrame) MainFrame.setWindowTitle(settings.NAME.capitalize()) def closeEvent(self, event) -> None: super().closeEvent(event) # TODO: Should be not, but translate because must be an event! reply = QMessageBox.question(self, 'Message','Are you sure to quit?'), QMessageBox.Yes, QMessageBox.No) if reply == QMessageBox.Yes: event.accept() else: event.ignore() def process(self, torrent: Torrent) -> None: # self.save_to_database(torrent) print(f'Task Executed {threading.current_thread()}') def add_files(self) -> None: files = QFileDialog.getOpenFileNames(self, 'Open a file', '', 'All Files (*.*)') files = files[0] broken_files = [] torrents = [] for file in files: try: torrents.append(Torrent(file)) except Exception as e: broken_files.append(pathlib.Path(file).name) pass if broken_files: self.show_message(f'Errors for files: {", ".join(broken_files)} have occurred.', _type='error') with ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor: running_tasks = [executor.submit(self.process, torrent) for torrent in torrents] for running_task in running_tasks: running_task.result() def show_message(self, message: str, _type: str = 'message', text_color: str = None) -> None: if text_color: self.statusBar().setStyleSheet(f'color : {text_color}') self.statusbar.showMessage(message) return None if _type == 'error': text_color = 'red' elif _type == 'message': text_color = 'black' else: text_color = 'black' self.statusBar().setStyleSheet(f'color : {text_color}') self.statusbar.showMessage(message)
"""Models representing the data modifying payloads.""" from h.h_api.enums import DataType from h.h_api.model.json_api import JSONAPIData from h.h_api.schema import Schema class UpsertBody(JSONAPIData): data_type = None query_fields = [] @classmethod def create(cls, attributes, id_reference): query = {field: attributes.pop(field, None) for field in cls.query_fields} return super().create( data_type=cls.data_type, attributes=attributes, meta={"query": query}, id_reference=id_reference, ) @property def query(self): """The query used to select which item to update.""" return self.meta["query"] class UpsertUser(UpsertBody): """The data to upsert a user.""" validator = Schema.get_validator("bulk_api/command/upsert_user.json") data_type = DataType.USER query_fields = ["authority", "username"] class UpsertGroup(UpsertBody): """The data to upsert a group.""" validator = Schema.get_validator("bulk_api/command/upsert_group.json") data_type = DataType.GROUP query_fields = ["authority", "authority_provided_id"] class CreateGroupMembership(JSONAPIData): """The data to add a user to a group.""" validator = Schema.get_validator("bulk_api/command/create_group_membership.json") @classmethod def create(cls, user_ref, group_ref): """ Create a create group membership body for adding users to groups. :param user_ref: Custom user reference :param group_ref: Custom group reference :return: """ return super().create( DataType.GROUP_MEMBERSHIP, relationships={ "member": { "data": {"type": DataType.USER.value, "id": {"$ref": user_ref}} }, "group": { "data": {"type": DataType.GROUP.value, "id": {"$ref": group_ref}} }, }, ) @property def member(self): """The user which is a member of this group. :return: A value object with `id` and `ref` properties. """ return _IdRef(self.relationships["member"]["data"]["id"]) @property def group(self): """The group which this user is a member of. :return: A value object with `id` and `ref` properties. """ return _IdRef(self.relationships["group"]["data"]["id"]) class _IdRef: """A value object which represents an id reference or concrete id.""" def __init__(self, value): if isinstance(value, dict):, self.ref = None, value.get("$ref") else:, self.ref = value, None
<gh_stars>0 import unittest from app.models import User, Post, Comment class PitchTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.new_user = User(username='Olly', email='<EMAIL>', password='<PASSWORD>') self.new_post = Post() self.new_comment = Comment() def test_user_instance(self): pass def test_post_instance(self): pass def test_comment_instance(self): pass if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
#!/usr/bin/env python """Provides ways to join distinct graphs.""" from GArDen.transform.contraction import Minor from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin import networkx as nx import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class Flatten(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin): """DisjointUnion.""" def __init__(self): """Construct.""" pass def transform(self, graphs_list): """transform.""" try: for graphs in graphs_list: for graph in graphs: yield graph except Exception as e: logger.debug('Failed iteration. Reason: %s' % e) logger.debug('Exception', exc_info=True) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class DisjointUnion(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin): """DisjointUnion.""" def __init__(self): """Construct.""" pass def transform(self, graphs_list): """transform.""" try: for graphs in graphs_list: transformed_graph = self._disjoint_union(graphs) yield transformed_graph except Exception as e: logger.debug('Failed iteration. Reason: %s' % e) logger.debug('Exception', exc_info=True) def _disjoint_union(self, graphs): # make the disjoint union of all graphs graph_global = nx.Graph() for graph in graphs: graph_global = nx.disjoint_union(graph_global, graph) return graph_global # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class Union(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin): """Union.""" def __init__(self, attribute='position'): """Construct.""" self.attribute = attribute def transform(self, graphs_list): """transform.""" try: minor = Minor() graphs = self._union_list(graphs_list) return minor.transform(graphs) except Exception as e: logger.debug('Failed iteration. Reason: %s' % e) logger.debug('Exception', exc_info=True) def _union_list(self, graphs_list): for graphs in graphs_list: transformed_graph = self._union(graphs) yield transformed_graph def _union(self, graphs): graph_global = nx.Graph() for graph in graphs: graph_global = nx.disjoint_union(graph_global, graph) for n in graph_global.nodes(): if self.attribute in graph_global.node[n]: graph_global.node[n]['part_id'] = \ [graph_global.node[n][self.attribute]] graph_global.node[n]['part_name'] = \ [graph_global.node[n]['label']] return graph_global
<filename>python/showwhy-backend/showwhy_backend/InferenceJoinResultActivity/ # # Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. # Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project. # import uuid from typing import Dict from showwhy_inference.inference import join_results from import get_storage_client storage = get_storage_client() def main(body: Dict): session_id = body["session_id"] context = storage.read_context(session_id) result_name = body["result"] results = body["results"] results_df = join_results(results) file_name = storage.write_output( session_id, str(uuid.uuid4()), results_df, file_type="partial", extension="csv" ) context[result_name] = results_df storage.write_context(context) return {"output": file_name}
from SentimentAnalysis.creat_data.config import tencent import pandas as pd import numpy as np import requests import json import time import random import hashlib from urllib import parse from collections import OrderedDict AppID = tencent['account']['id_1']['APP_ID'] AppKey = tencent['account']['id_1']['AppKey'] def cal_sign(params_raw,AppKey=AppKey): # 官方文档例子为php,给出python版本 # params_raw = {'app_id': '10000', # 'time_stamp': '1493449657', # 'nonce_str': '20e3408a79', # 'key1': '腾讯AI开放平台', # 'key2': '示例仅供参考', # 'sign': ''} # AppKey = '<KEY>' # cal_sign(params_raw=params_raw, # AppKey=AppKey) # 返回:BE918C28827E0783D1E5F8E6D7C37A61 params = OrderedDict() for i in sorted(params_raw): if params_raw[i] != '': params[i] = params_raw[i] newurl = parse.urlencode(params) newurl += ('&app_key=' + AppKey) sign = hashlib.md5(newurl.encode("latin1")).hexdigest().upper() return sign def creat_label(texts, AppID=AppID, AppKey=AppKey): ''' :param texts: 需要打标签的文档列表 :param AppID: 腾讯ai账号信息,默认调用配置文件id_1 :param AppKey: 腾讯ai账号信息,默认调用配置文件id_1 :return: 打好标签的列表,包括原始文档、标签、置信水平、是否成功 ''' url = tencent['api']['nlp_textpolar']['url'] results = [] # 逐句调用接口判断 count_i=0 for one_text in texts: params = {'app_id': AppID, 'time_stamp': int(time.time()), 'nonce_str': ''.join([random.choice('1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz') for i in range(10)]), 'sign': '', 'text': one_text} params['sign'] = cal_sign(params_raw=params, AppKey=AppKey) # 获取sign r =, params=params) # 获取分析结果 result = json.loads(r.text) # print(result) results.append([one_text, result['data']['polar'], result['data']['confd'], result['ret'], result['msg'] ]) r.close() count_i += 1 if count_i % 50 == 0: print('tencent finish:%d' % (count_i)) return results if __name__ == '__main__': results = creat_label(texts=['价格便宜啦,比原来优惠多了', '壁挂效果差,果然一分价钱一分货', '东西一般般,诶呀', '讨厌你', '一般']) results = pd.DataFrame(results, columns=['evaluation', 'label', 'confidence', 'ret', 'msg']) results['label'] = np.where(results['label'] == 1, '正面', np.where(results['label'] == 0, '中性', '负面')) print(results)
<filename> import tensorflow as tf import numpy as np import os import utils.tfrecord_voc_utils as voc_utils import YOLOv3 as yolov3 # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # import matplotlib.patches as patches # from skimage import io, transform from utils.voc_classname_encoder import classname_to_ids os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = '0' lr = 0.001 batch_size = 12 buffer_size = 256 epochs = 160 reduce_lr_epoch = [] config = { 'mode': 'train', # 'train', 'test' 'data_shape': [448, 448, 3], 'num_classes': 20, 'weight_decay': 5e-4, 'keep_prob': 0.5, # not used 'data_format': 'channels_last', # 'channels_last' 'channels_first' 'batch_size': batch_size, 'coord_scale': 1, 'noobj_scale': 1, 'obj_scale': 5., 'class_scale': 1., 'num_priors': 3, 'nms_score_threshold': 0.5, 'nms_max_boxes': 10, 'nms_iou_threshold': 0.5, 'priors': [[[10., 13.], [16, 30.], [33., 23.]], [[30., 61.], [62., 45.], [59., 119.]], [[116., 90.], [156., 198.], [373.,326.]]] } image_augmentor_config = { 'data_format': 'channels_last', 'output_shape': [448, 448], # 'zoom_size': [520, 520], # 'crop_method': 'random', 'flip_prob': [0., 0.5], 'fill_mode': 'BILINEAR', 'keep_aspect_ratios': False, 'constant_values': 0., # 'color_jitter_prob': 0.5, # 'rotate': [0.5, -10., 10.], 'pad_truth_to': 60, } data = os.listdir('./voc2007/') data = [os.path.join('./voc2007/', name) for name in data] train_gen = voc_utils.get_generator(data, batch_size, buffer_size, image_augmentor_config) trainset_provider = { 'data_shape': [448, 448, 3], 'num_train': 5011, 'num_val': 0, # not used 'train_generator': train_gen, 'val_generator': None # not used } testnet = yolov3.YOLOv3(config, trainset_provider) testnet.load_weight('./weight/test-40449') for i in range(epochs): print('-'*25, 'epoch', i, '-'*25) if i in reduce_lr_epoch: lr = lr/10. print('reduce lr, lr=', lr, 'now') mean_loss = testnet.train_one_epoch(lr) print('>> mean loss', mean_loss) testnet.save_weight('latest', './weight/test') # 'latest', 'best' # img = io.imread() # img = transform.resize(img, [448,448]) # img = np.expand_dims(img, 0) # result = testnet.test_one_image(img) # id_to_clasname = {k:v for (v,k) in classname_to_ids.items()} # scores = result[0] # bbox = result[1] # class_id = result[2] # print(scores, bbox, class_id) # plt.figure(1) # plt.imshow(np.squeeze(img)) # axis = plt.gca() # for i in range(len(scores)): # rect = patches.Rectangle((bbox[i][1],bbox[i][0]), bbox[i][3]-bbox[i][1],bbox[i][2]-bbox[i][0],linewidth=2,edgecolor='b',facecolor='none') # axis.add_patch(rect) # plt.text(bbox[i][1],bbox[i][0], id_to_clasname[class_id[i]]+str(' ')+str(scores[i]), color='red', fontsize=12) #
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE - NUS # SINGAPORE INSTITUTE FOR NEUROTECHNOLOGY - SINAPSE # Singapore # URL: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Neuromorphic Engineering Group # Author: <NAME>, PhD # Contact: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Description: defines classes for processing tactile data to be used for # braille recognition. # The 'Braille' class stores the SVM model used to recognize braille characters. # this class abstracts the process of data processing, meaning that it only deals # with the data ready for training and/or classification procedures. # For handling data, the class 'BrailleHandler' should be used instead #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #LIBRARIES import os, os.path, sys sys.path.append('../general') import numpy as np import scipy as sp from sklearn.svm import SVC from sklearn.externals import joblib from dataprocessing import * #import the detect_peaks method #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Feature extraction for SVM-based braille classification class BrailleHandler(): #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #read a file and return the data def loadFile(filepath): if os.path.isfile(filepath): #return the data contained in the data return np.loadtxt(filepath) else: return False #file not found def convert2vector(data): return np.transpose(data) #convert the data from a file into a vector def oldconvert2vector(data,nrows,ncols): #first convert to 3D matrix datamat = BrailleHandler.oldconvert2frames(data,nrows,ncols) numsamples = np.size(datamat,2) #number of samples or frames dataVector = np.zeros((nrows*ncols,numsamples)) taxelCounter = 0 for i in range(nrows): for j in range(ncols): dataVector[taxelCounter] = datamat[i,j,:] taxelCounter+=1 return dataVector #return the dataVector #convert data from the file that are arranged #in a 2D array (every line contains reading from all rows for one column) #into a 3D array (row,col,frame) def oldconvert2frames(data,nrows,ncols): datamat = np.zeros((nrows,ncols,,0),nrows)))),dtype=int) c = 0 for ii in range(0,(np.size(data,0)-nrows),nrows): datamat[:,:,c] = data[ii:ii+nrows,:] c = c+1 return datamat #return the 3D matrix #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #find the number of peaks in every single taxel def countPeaks(inputMatrix,threshold): if len(inputMatrix.shape) == 3: #3D matrix nrows = inputMatrix.shape[0] #number of rows ncols = inputMatrix.shape[1] #number of columns nsamples = inputMatrix.shape[2] #number of samples #feature vector containing the number of peaks for #each taxel of the tactile sensor featureVector = np.zeros(nrows*ncols) #matrix M*NxT where each row corresponds to a taxel and the #columns to the time series signal tactileSignal = np.zeros((nrows*ncols,nsamples)) #counter for the index of the tactileSignal matrix counter = 0 #loop through the rows for k in range(nrows): #loop through the columns for w in range(ncols): #get a single taxel signal tactileSignal[counter] = inputMatrix[k,w,:] #count the number of peaks in the signal #and built the feature vector #find the peaks tmppeaks = detect_peaks(tactileSignal[counter],mph=threshold,mpd=20,show=False) #number of peaks is the length of 'tmppeaks' featureVector[counter] = len(tmppeaks) #increment the counter counter+=1 #list of list, every element of the list corresponds to #the time series of a single taxel else: #find the total number of taxels in the tactile array numberTaxels = len(inputMatrix) #feature vector containing the number of peaks for #each taxel of the tactile sensor featureVector = np.zeros(numberTaxels) #scan all the taxels for k in range(numberTaxels): #find the peaks tmppeaks = detect_peaks(inputMatrix[k],mph=threshold,mpd=20,show=False) #number of peaks is the length of 'tmppeaks' featureVector[k] = len(tmppeaks) #return the feature vector return featureVector #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #create the training data based on the list of the text files to be loaded #and the labels corresponding for each text data def createTrainingData(dataFiles,nrows,ncols,filt=False): for k in range(len(dataFiles)): #get the filename filename = dataFiles[k] #load the data datafile = BrailleHandler.loadFile(filename) #convert to vector #datavector = BrailleHandler.oldconvert2vector(datafile,nrows,ncols) datavector = BrailleHandler.convert2vector(datafile) #if data should be filtered if filt == True: #for every taxel for i in range(np.size(datavector,0)): mva = MovingAverage() #window size = 10, sampfreq = 100 Hz #for every sample, get the moving average response for z in range(np.size(datavector,1)): datavector[i,z] = mva.getSample(datavector[i,z]) #find the number of peaks peakTh = 0.05 #threshold for peak detection #create the feature vector featurevector = BrailleHandler.countPeaks(datavector,peakTh) #if it is the first iteration, create the training data if k != 0: trainingData = np.vstack((trainingData,featurevector)) else: trainingData = featurevector return trainingData #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Braille Recognition Class class Braille(): def __init__(self): #labels for every class #dictionary to associate label names and values self.classes = dict() #SVM model self.modelSVM = None #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #load a pre-trained SVM model from a file def load(self,filepath): #checks if the file exists if os.path.isfile(filepath): self.modelSVM = joblib.load(filepath) #loads the SVM model return True #load ok else: return False #file not found #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #save a new SVM model def save(self,filename): #saving joblib.dump(self.modelSVM,filename+'.pkl') #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #train a SVM model def train(self,trainingData,labels): #create a new SVM model self.modelSVM = SVC() #pass the training data and the labels for training,labels) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #classification #features should be a feature vector following the same pattern #that was used for training def classify(self,features): #check if there is a SVM model to classify the data if self.modelSVM is not None: #classify based on the input features svmResp = self.modelSVM.predict(features) #return the output of the classifier return svmResp else: return False #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if __name__=='__main__': #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- import numpy as np #numpy import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #matplotlib NROWS = 4 #number of columns in the tactile array NCOLS = 4 #number of lines in the tactile array peakTh = 300 #threshold for detecting peaks #load the braille data from file #2D matrix datafile = np.loadtxt('NewData_BRC/BRC_B1.txt') #convert data to a 3D matrix tactileData = BrailleHandler.oldconvert2frames(datafile,NROWS,NCOLS) #feature vector containing the number of peaks for each taxel features = BrailleHandler.countPeaks(tactileData,peakTh) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #feature extraction with 2D array #moving average of the 2D matrix #create a moving average object #default parameters, windowsize = 10, sampfreq = 100 Hz mva = MovingAverage() tactileVector = BrailleHandler.oldconvert2vector(datafile,NROWS,NCOLS) numsamples = np.size(tactileData,2) #total number of samples tactileMVA = np.zeros((NROWS*NCOLS,numsamples)) counter = 0 #taxel counter for k in range(NROWS*NCOLS): #scan all the columns for z in range(numsamples): #filtering the signal sample by sample tactileMVA[counter,z] = mva.getSample(tactileVector[k,z]) counter+=1 #increment the taxel counter #with the filtered data, count peaks again filtFeatures = BrailleHandler.countPeaks(tactileMVA,peakTh) #print the filtered feature vector print(filtFeatures)
<reponame>NogaBar/open_lth import argparse import matplotlib matplotlib.use('pdf') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import os import json import numpy as np from platforms.platform import get_platform import seaborn as sns def main(args): property= {} rand_property = {} sparsity = [] for dir in os.listdir(args.dir): # level directories if not 'level' in dir: continue with open(os.path.join(args.dir, dir, 'main', 'sparsity_report.json'), 'rb') as f_sparse: sparse_dict = json.load(f_sparse) sparsity.append((sparse_dict['unpruned'] / sparse_dict['total']) * 100) for subdir in os.listdir(os.path.join(args.dir, dir)): # find the right directory in level if 'properties' in subdir: path = os.path.join(args.dir, dir, subdir, f'properties_{}.log') if in path and args.sub_dir in path: with open(path, 'rb') as f: dict = json.load(f) property[int(dir.split('_')[1])] = dict['lth'] rand_property[int(dir.split('_')[1])] = dict['random'] sparsity = np.array(sparsity) keys = np.array(list(rand_property.keys())) id = np.argsort(np.array(list(rand_property.keys()))) colors_list = ['blue', 'green', 'magenta', 'red', 'brown', 'cyan', 'purple', 'grey', 'orange', 'pink', 'lime'] generator = rand_property[0].keys() if 'weight' in else range(len(rand_property[0])) layers = [range(args.layers[0])] if len(args.layers) == 1 else args.layers for i, layer in enumerate(generator): # if args.layers > 0 and i >= args.layers: # break # elif args.layers < 0 and i < len(generator) + args.layers: # continue if (i + 1) not in layers: continue prop_l = np.array([v[layer] for k, v in property.items()]) prop_rand_l = np.array([v[layer] for k, v in rand_property.items()]) plt.plot(sparsity[id], prop_l[id], 'o', label=f'lth layer{i+1}', color=colors_list[i]) plt.plot(sparsity[id], prop_rand_l[id], 'x', label=f'random layer{i+1}', color=colors_list[i]) plt.yscale('log') plt.legend() # save figure save_dir = os.path.join(args.dir, 'plots') if not os.path.exists(save_dir): os.makedirs(save_dir) plt.savefig(os.path.join(save_dir, f'property_{}_{args.sub_dir}.pdf')) if __name__ == '__main__': # Arguement Parser parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--dir", type=str, help="Directory") parser.add_argument("--property", type=str, help="property") parser.add_argument("--sub_dir", type=str, help="property directory number") parser.add_argument("--layers", nargs='+', type=int, help="number of layers to plot") args = parser.parse_args() main(args)
from algorithm import Algorithm from tkinter import * from tkinter import ttk class Gradient_Boosting_Classifier(Algorithm): def __init__(self, frame): self.frame = frame = "Gradient Boosting Classifier" #Options for the loss criteria. self.Loss_Label = ttk.Label(frame, text="Loss Function:") self.Loss = StringVar() self.Loss.set('deviance') self.Loss_Deviance = ttk.Radiobutton(frame, text='Deviance', variable=self.Loss, value='deviance') self.Loss_Exponential = ttk.Radiobutton(frame, text='Exponential', variable=self.Loss, value='exponential') #Options for the learning rate. self.LearningRate_Label = ttk.Label(frame, text="Learning Rate:") self.LearningRate = StringVar() self.LearningRate.set('0.1') self.LearningRate_Box = Spinbox(frame, textvariable=self.LearningRate, from_=0.0, to=1.0, increment=0.01, width=5) #Options for the number of boosting stages. self.Estimators_Label = ttk.Label(frame, text='# of Stages:') self.Estimators = StringVar() self.Estimators.set('100') self.Estimators_Box = ttk.Entry(frame, textvariable=self.Estimators, width=7) #Options for the max depth self.MaxDepth_Label = ttk.Label(frame, text='Max Depth:') self.MaxDepth = StringVar() self.MaxDepth.set('0') self.MaxDepth_Box = ttk.Entry(frame, textvariable=self.MaxDepth, width=7) #Options for the minimum number of samples before an internal node is split. self.MinSamplesSplit_Label = ttk.Label(frame, text='Min Samples to Split:') self.MinSamplesSplit = StringVar() self.MinSamplesSplit.set('2') self.MinSamplesSplit_Box = ttk.Entry(frame, textvariable=self.MinSamplesSplit, width=7) #Options for the minimum number of leaf nodes self.MinSamplesLeaf_Label = ttk.Label(frame, text='Min # of Leaf Nodes:') self.MinSamplesLeaf = StringVar() self.MinSamplesLeaf.set('1') self.MinSamplesLeaf_Box = ttk.Entry(frame, textvariable=self.MinSamplesLeaf, width=7) #Options for the minimum fraction of leaf nodes self.MinFractionLeaf_Label = ttk.Label(frame, text='Min % of Leaf Nodes:') self.MinFractionLeaf = StringVar() self.MinFractionLeaf.set('0.0') self.MinFractionLeaf_Box = ttk.Entry(frame, textvariable=self.MinFractionLeaf, width=7) #Options for batch size self.Subsample_Label = ttk.Label(frame, text='Batch Size:') self.Subsample = StringVar() self.Subsample.set('1.0') self.Subsample_Box = Spinbox(frame, from_=0.0, to=1.0, increment=0.01, textvariable=self.Subsample, width=5) #Options for max features. self.MaxFeatures_Label = ttk.Label(frame, text='Max Features:') self.MaxFeatures = StringVar() self.MaxFeatures.set('none') self.MaxFeatures_Integer = StringVar() self.MaxFeatures_Float = StringVar() self.MaxFeatures_Float.set('0.1') self.MaxFeatures_None = ttk.Radiobutton(frame, text='None', variable=self.MaxFeatures, value='none') self.MaxFeatures_Integer_Button = ttk.Radiobutton(frame, text='Number:', variable=self.MaxFeatures, value='integer') self.MaxFeatures_Integer_Box = ttk.Entry(frame, textvariable=self.MaxFeatures_Integer, width=7) self.MaxFeatures_Float_Button = ttk.Radiobutton(frame, text='Percentage:', variable=self.MaxFeatures, value='float') self.MaxFeatures_Float_Box = Spinbox(frame, from_=0.0, to=1.0, textvariable=self.MaxFeatures_Float, width=5, increment=0.01) self.MaxFeatures_Auto = ttk.Radiobutton(frame, text='Auto', variable=self.MaxFeatures, value='auto') self.MaxFeatures_Log2 = ttk.Radiobutton(frame, text='Log2', variable=self.MaxFeatures, value='log2') #Options for the max # of leaf nodes self.MaxLeafNodes_Label = ttk.Label(frame, text='Max Leaf Nodes:') self.MaxLeafNodes = StringVar() self.MaxLeafNodes.set('none') self.MaxLeafNodes_None = ttk.Radiobutton(frame, text='None', variable=self.MaxLeafNodes, value='none') self.MaxLeafNodes_Integer = StringVar() self.MaxLeafNodes_Integer.set('0') self.MaxLeafNodes_Integer_Button = ttk.Radiobutton(frame, text='Number:', variable=self.MaxLeafNodes, value='integer') self.MaxLeafNodes_Integer_Box = ttk.Entry(frame, textvariable=self.MaxLeafNodes_Integer, width=7) #Options for verbosity self.Verbose_Label = ttk.Label(frame, text='Verbose Level:') self.Verbose = StringVar() self.Verbose.set('0') self.Verbose_Box = ttk.Entry(frame, textvariable=self.Verbose, width=7) def Display_Options(self): #Display options for the Decision Tree Classifier. self.clear_frame(self.frame) #Insert the options into the frame. self.Loss_Label.grid(column=0,row=0, sticky=(W)) self.Loss_Deviance.grid(column=1, row=0, sticky=(W)) self.Loss_Exponential.grid(column=2, row=0, sticky=(W)) self.LearningRate_Label.grid(column=0, row=1, sticky=(W)) self.LearningRate_Box.grid(column=1, row=1, sticky=(W)) self.Estimators_Label.grid(column=0, row=2, sticky=(W)) self.Estimators_Box.grid(column=1, row=2, sticky=(W)) self.MaxDepth_Label.grid(column=0, row=3, sticky=(W)) self.MaxDepth_Box.grid(column=1, row=3, sticky=(W)) self.MinSamplesSplit_Label.grid(column=0, columnspan=2, row=4, sticky=(W)) self.MinSamplesSplit_Box.grid(column=2, row=4, sticky=(W)) self.MinSamplesLeaf_Label.grid(column=0, columnspan=2, row=5, sticky=(W)) self.MinSamplesLeaf_Box.grid(column=2, row=5, sticky=(W)) self.MinFractionLeaf_Label.grid(column=0, columnspan=2, row=6, sticky=(W)) self.MinFractionLeaf_Box.grid(column=2, row=6, sticky=(W)) self.Subsample_Label.grid(column=0, row=7, sticky=(W)) self.Subsample_Box.grid(column=1, row=7, sticky=(W)) self.MaxFeatures_Label.grid(column=0, row=8, sticky=(W)) self.MaxFeatures_None.grid(column=0, row=9, sticky=(W)) self.MaxFeatures_Integer_Button.grid(column=0, row=10, sticky=(W)) self.MaxFeatures_Integer_Box.grid(column=1, row=10, sticky=(W)) self.MaxFeatures_Float_Button.grid(column=0, row=11, sticky=(W)) self.MaxFeatures_Float_Box.grid(column=1, row=11, sticky=(W)) self.MaxFeatures_Auto.grid(column=0, row=12, sticky=(W)) self.MaxFeatures_Log2.grid(column=0, row=12, sticky=(W)) self.MaxLeafNodes_Label.grid(column=0, row=13, sticky=(W)) self.MaxLeafNodes_None.grid(column=0, row=14, sticky=(W)) self.MaxLeafNodes_Integer_Button.grid(column=0, row=15, sticky=(W)) self.MaxLeafNodes_Integer_Box.grid(column=1, row=15, sticky=(W)) self.Verbose_Label.grid(column=0, row=16, sticky=(W)) self.Verbose_Box.grid(column=1, row=16, sticky=(W))
<gh_stars>100-1000 #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import theano import theano.tensor as T from deepy.layers import NeuralLayer class WordEmbedding(NeuralLayer): """ Word embedding layer. The word embeddings are randomly initialized, and are learned over the time. """ def __init__(self, size, vocab_size, zero_index=None, mask=None, load_values=None, init=None): from deepy.core.neural_var import NeuralVariable super(WordEmbedding, self).__init__("word_embed") self.size = size self.vocab_size = vocab_size self.output_dim = size self.zero_index = zero_index self._mask = mask.tensor if type(mask) == NeuralVariable else mask self._init = init self._load_values = load_values self.init(1) def prepare(self): if self._load_values is not None: self.embed_matrix = theano.shared(self._load_values, name="embeddings") else: self.embed_matrix = self.create_weight(self.vocab_size, self.size, "embeddings", initializer=self._init) self.register_parameters(self.embed_matrix) def compute_tensor(self, x, mask=None): mask = mask if mask else self._mask if self.zero_index is not None: mask = T.neq(x, self.zero_index) # To avoid negative index x = T.cast(x * mask, "int32") if x.ndim == 1: ret_tensor = self.embed_matrix[x] else: ret_tensor = self.embed_matrix[x.flatten()].reshape(list(x.shape) + [self.size]) if mask: if x.ndim == 2: ret_tensor *= mask[:, :, None] elif x.ndim == 1: ret_tensor *= mask[:, None] return ret_tensor
Part 5 - Association Rule Learning/Section 28 - Apriori/Apriori_Python/
<reponame>xavialex/Machine-Learning-Templates # Apriori # Importing the libraries import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd # Data Preprocessing dataset = pd.read_csv('Market_Basket_Optimisation.csv', header = None) # Se especifica el header = None para no perder la primera línea # Conversión del dataset a una lista de listas transactions = [] for i in range(0, 7501): transactions.append([str(dataset.values[i,j]) for j in range(0, 20)]) # Training Apriori on the dataset from apyori import apriori rules = apriori(transactions, min_support = 0.003, min_confidence = 0.2, min_lift = 3, min_length = 2) # min_support: El support de un producto que es adquirido 3 veces al día: 3*7/7501 # min_confidence: Buena combinación para min_support # min_lift: Porque sí, hacer pruebas para obtener buenos valores para los parámetros # Visualising the results results = list(rules) myResults = [list(x) for x in results] # La lista se encuentra ordenada de mayor a menor relevancia (lift) # En frozenset aparecen los productos que están relacionados # Hacer doble click en la lista que aparece para cada valor hasta llegar a la última # El primer valor numérico es la confidence, en el primer caso 0.29, por lo que la gente que compre light cream tiene un 29 % de probabilidades de comprar pollo # El segundo y último es el lift. Un valor de 4.84 es alto con respecto a nuestro límite inferior (3), por lo que tiene sentido que sea la asociación más fuerte del dataset
import pdb import json import numpy as np file = 'benchmark_data.json' with open(file, 'r') as f: json_data = json.load(f) print(json_data.keys()) # ['domains', 'version'] domains = json_data['domains'] print('domain length', len(domains)) corr_data = [] for domain in domains: temp = {} temp['long_description'] = domain['description'] temp['short_description'] = domain['name'] intents = domain['intents'] print('intent length', len(intents)) for intent in intents: temp['intent'] = intent['name'] queries = intent['queries'] print('query length', len(queries)) for query in queries: temp['query'] = query['text'] corr_data.append(temp) print(len(corr_data)) corr_data = np.array(corr_data)'benchmark_data.npy', corr_data) """ (Pdb) json_data['domains'][3]['intents'][0].keys() dict_keys(['description', 'benchmark', 'queries', 'slots', '@type', 'name']) len(json_data['domains'][3]['intents'][0]['description']) json_data['domains'][3]['intents'][0]['queries'] # length (Pdb) json_data['domains'][3]['intents'][0]['queries'][0].keys() dict_keys(['text', 'results_per_service']) json_data['domains'][3]['intents'][0]['queries'][0]['text'] print(domains.keys()) # ['description', '@type', 'intents', 'name'] "Queries that are related to places (restaurants, shops, concert halls, etc), as well as to the user's location." 'Queries that are related to reservation.' 'Queries that are related to transit and navigation.' 'Queries that relate to weather.' (Pdb) json_data['domains'][3]['name'] 'weather' (Pdb) json_data['domains'][2]['name'] 'transit' (Pdb) json_data['domains'][1]['name'] 'reservation' (Pdb) json_data['domains'][0]['name'] 'places' print(len(domains)) # 4 (Pdb) len(json_data['domains'][0]['intents']) 4 (Pdb) len(json_data['domains'][1]['intents']) 2 (Pdb) len(json_data['domains'][2]['intents']) 3 (Pdb) len(json_data['domains'][3]['intents']) 1 """
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # !/usr/bin/env python # # @file # @brief G_MMPBSA DASK PROJECT # @author <NAME> # # <!-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Copyright (c) 2016-2019,<NAME>. # All rights reserved. # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following # disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided # with the distribution. # * Neither the name of the molmolpy Developers nor the names of any # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived # from this software without specific prior written permission. # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --> import itertools import time color_iter = itertools.cycle(['navy', 'c', 'cornflowerblue', 'gold', 'darkorange']) import multiprocessing import mdtraj as md from molmolpy.utils.cluster_quality import * from molmolpy.utils import folder_utils import json from molmolpy.utils import helper as hlp #'ggplot') sns.set(style="darkgrid") low_seed = 1 high_seed = 999999999 mgltools_utilities = '/home/john1990/MGLTools-1.5.6/MGLToolsPckgs/AutoDockTools/Utilities24' class GMMPBSAObject(object): """ Usage example >>> EPI_folder = '/media/Work/MEGA/Programming/StressHormones/dock_EPI' >>> EPI_samples = '/media/Work/MEGA/Programming/StressHormones/' >>> >>> >>> receptor_file = EPI_folder + os.sep + 'centroid_model_clust2.pdbqt' >>> ligand_file = EPI_folder + os.sep + 'EPI.pdbqt' >>> molname = 'EPI' >>> receptor_name = 'LasR' >>> run_type = 'vina_sample' >>> >>> >>> >>> receptor_file = EPI_folder + os.sep + 'centroid.pdb' >>> ligand_file = EPI_folder + os.sep + 'EPI.pdb' >>> molname = 'EPI' >>> receptor_name = 'LasR' >>> >>> >>> EPI_uber_dock = uber_docker.UberDockerObject(receptor_file, ligand_file, '.', molname=molname, receptor_name=receptor_name) >>> >>> >>> EPI_uber_dock.prepare_uber_dock_protocol() >>> EPI_uber_dock.run_uber_dock_protocol() Use together >>> self.prepare_uber_dock_protocol() for preparation >>> self.run_uber_dock_protocol() or seperately >>> EPI_uber_dock.calculate_max_radius_from_com() >>> EPI_uber_dock.calculate_cube_edges() >>> EPI_uber_dock.calculate_box_edges_from_com() >>> >>> >>> EPI_uber_dock.prepare_uber_docker() >>> >>> >>> #This is for rDock, and it works so comment this part for a while >>> EPI_uber_dock.prepare_rdock_settings() >>> EPI_uber_dock.generate_rdock_cavity() >>> # Prepare and run Dock programs >>> EPI_uber_dock.prep_rDock_dock_run_commands() >>> EPI_uber_dock.run_rDock_simulation(parallel=True, waitTime=15) >>> >>> #This is for FlexAid >>> EPI_uber_dock.prepare_flexaid_settings() >>> EPI_uber_dock.process_flexaid_ligand() >>> EPI_uber_dock.get_flexaid_clefts() >>> EPI_uber_dock.flexaid_generate_ga_dat_parameters() >>> EPI_uber_dock.flexaid_generate_config_input() >>> EPI_uber_dock.prep_FlexAid_dock_run_commands() >>> EPI_uber_dock.run_FlexAid_simulation(parallel=True, waitTime=15) >>> >>> >>> # This is for Autodock vina >>> EPI_uber_dock.set_up_Vina_Box() >>> EPI_uber_dock.prepare_Vina_run() >>> EPI_uber_dock.prepVinaSim_uberDock() >>> EPI_uber_dock.runVinaSim_uber() Molecule object loading of pdb and pbdqt file formats. Then converts to pandas dataframe. Create MoleculeObject by parsing pdb or pdbqt file. 2 types of parsers can be used: 1.molmolpy 2. pybel Stores molecule information in pandas dataframe as well as numpy list. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <MoleculeObject>`. Parameters ---------- filename : str, optional The maximum distance between two samples for them to be considered as in the same neighborhood. >>> LasR_MOR_mmpbsa_calc = g_mmpbsa_dask.GMMPBSAObject(traj, topol_file, tpr_file, mdp_file, index_file, first_index, second_index, molname, receptor_name) >>> >>> >>> >>> LasR_MOR_mmpbsa_calc.prepare_g_mmpbsa_dask_protocol(client) >>> >>> >>> LasR_MOR_mmpbsa_calc.prepare_for_dask_cluster(parallel=True) >>> # >>> # LasR_MOR_mmpbsa_calc.run_dask_docking(client) Notes ----- See examples/cluster/ for an example. This implementation bulk-computes all neighborhood queries, which increases the memory complexity to O(n.d) where d is the average number of neighbors, while original DBSCAN had memory complexity O(n). Sparse neighborhoods can be precomputed using :func:`NearestNeighbors.radius_neighbors_graph <sklearn.neighbors.NearestNeighbors.radius_neighbors_graph>` with ``mode='distance'``. References ---------- """ def __init__(self, traj, topol, tpr_file, mdp_file, index_file, first_index, second_index, molname='Unknown', receptor_name='Unknown', folder_path='.', job_name = 'Unknown', load_state_file=None): self.load_state_file = load_state_file if load_state_file is not None: self.load_state_data_json(self.load_state_file) else: print('G_MMPBSA Object has been created') self.trajectory_file = traj self.topology_file = topol self.tpr_file = tpr_file self.mdp_file = mdp_file self.index_file = index_file self.first_index = first_index self.second_index = second_index self.prep_g_mmpbsa_run = False self.folder_exists = False # Running vina,whether it's for exhaustiveness or traditional run self.folder_path = folder_path self.command_run_list = [] self.command_samples_run_list = [] self.molecule_name = molname self.ligand_name = molname self.receptor_name = receptor_name self.run_type = 'g_mmpbsa' self.state_data = {} self.state_data_samples = {} self.g_mmpbsa_run_finished = False self.g_mmpbsa_sim_states = {'simStates': {}} self.objects_loaded = False self.g_mmpbsa_prepared = False # This part needs clarification self.prep_mdtraj_object() # original data before transformation # Add receptor name def set_mgltools_path(self, path): print('MGLTools path is set to ', path) self.mgltools_utilities = path def set_flexaid_path(self, path): print('FlexAid path is set to ', path) self.flexaid_path = path def set_ledock_path(self, path): print('LeDock path is set to ', path) self.ledock_path = path def prep_mdtraj_object(self): ''' Prepare receptor mdtraj object get mdtraj topology and save as pandas dataframe Calculate pdb receptor center of mass :return: ''' self.trajectory_mdtraj = md.load_xtc(self.trajectory_file, top=self.topology_file) self.trajectory_mdtraj_topology = self.trajectory_mdtraj.topology self.trajectory_mdtraj_topology_dataframe = self.trajectory_mdtraj.topology.to_dataframe() self.objects_loaded = True def get_uber_g_mmpbsa_run_folder_name(self): curr_folder = os.getcwd() return curr_folder + os.sep + self.run_folder_name def prepare_g_mmpbsa_dask_protocol(self, dask_client=None, prep_g_mmpbsa=True): ''' prepare dask tasks for g_mmpbsa :return: ''' self.prepare_g_mmpbsa() test = 1 curr_client = dask_client # Testing Phase total_free_cores = 16 # Production # worker_status = run_dask_tools.get_dask_worker_status(curr_client) # # get_worker_free = run_dask_tools.check_free_resources(worker_status) # # # test = 1 # # total_free_cores = 0 # # for worker in get_worker_free: # preped = get_worker_free[worker]['preped'] # total_free_cores += preped['freeCores'] if prep_g_mmpbsa is False: print('prep gmmpbsa ', prep_g_mmpbsa) return 'Do not prepare run files' if self.g_mmpbsa_prepared is True: print('Do not prep files') return 'Do not prep files' traj_len = len(self.trajectory_mdtraj) import math # Free core approach div_traj = math.ceil(traj_len/total_free_cores) # select_indexes = list(range(total_free_cores)) # Maximum parallel #div_traj = math.trunc(traj_len/total_free_cores) select_frames = list(range(0,traj_len,div_traj)) select_indexes = list(range(len(select_frames))) folder_to_save = self.g_mmpbsa_folder temp_mdtraj = [] temp_mdtraj_indexes = [] file_save_list = [] abs_file_save_list = [] simStates = {'simStates':{}} for i,traj in zip(select_indexes,select_frames): temp_state = {str(i):{}} temp_traj = self.trajectory_mdtraj[traj:traj+div_traj] temp_mdtraj.append(temp_traj) temp_mdtraj_indexes.append(i) file_save = 'traj_part{0}.xtc'.format(i) abs_file_save = folder_to_save + os.sep + file_save file_save_list.append(file_save) abs_file_save_list.append(abs_file_save) temp_state[str(i)].update({'runFinished':False, 'index':i, 'absFolder':folder_to_save, 'fileSave':file_save, 'absFileSave':abs_file_save, 'firstIndex':self.first_index, 'secondIndex':self.second_index, 'indexFile':self.index_file, 'mdpFile':self.mdp_file, 'tprFile':self.tpr_file}) energy_mm = 'energy_MM_{0}.xvg'.format(i) polar = 'polar_{0}.xvg'.format(i) apolar = 'apolar_{0}.xvg'.format(i) contrib_mm = 'contrib_MM_{0}.dat'.format(i) contrib_pol = 'contrib_pol_{0}.dat'.format(i) contrib_apol = 'contrib_apol_{0}.dat'.format(i) temp_state[str(i)].update({'energyMM':energy_mm, 'polar':polar, 'apolar':apolar, 'contrib_MM':contrib_mm, 'contrib_pol':contrib_pol, 'contrib_apol':contrib_apol}) temp_state[str(i)].update({'fileSaved': True }) simStates['simStates'].update(temp_state) self.mdtraj_frames = select_frames self.mdtraj_sliced = temp_mdtraj self.mdtraj_parts = temp_mdtraj_indexes self.file_save_list = file_save_list self.abs_file_save_list = abs_file_save_list self.simStates = simStates test = 1 self.g_mmpbsa_prepared = True self.state_data['energySoftware']['g_mmpbsa'].update({'frames': self.mdtraj_frames}) self.state_data['energySoftware']['g_mmpbsa'].update({'prepare': self.g_mmpbsa_prepared}) self.state_data['energySoftware']['g_mmpbsa'].update({'parts': self.mdtraj_parts}) self.state_data['energySoftware']['g_mmpbsa'].update({'fileList': self.file_save_list}) self.state_data['energySoftware']['g_mmpbsa'].update({'absFileList': self.abs_file_save_list}) self.state_data['energySoftware']['g_mmpbsa'].update(self.simStates) self.state_data['energySoftware']['g_mmpbsa'].update({'firstIndex': self.first_index}) self.state_data['energySoftware']['g_mmpbsa'].update({'secondIndex': self.second_index}) self.state_data['energySoftware']['g_mmpbsa'].update({'indexFile': self.index_file}) self.state_data['energySoftware']['g_mmpbsa'].update({'mdpFile': self.mdp_file}) self.state_data['energySoftware']['g_mmpbsa'].update({'tprFile': self.tpr_file}) self.save_state_data_json() test = 1 #self.g_mmpbsa_sim_states = self.state_data['energySoftware']['g_mmpbsa']['simStates'] #self.ledock_samples = self.state_data['energySoftware']['g_mmpbsa']['LeDockSample_list'] # Divide trajectory to number of free cores # TODO article Pagadala Software for molecular docking: a review # This will be for leDock # if prep_g_mmpbsa is True: # # self.prepare_uber_docker() # self.prepare_ledock_settings() # self.prep_LeDock_dock_run_commands() @hlp.timeit def prep_LeDock_dock_run_commands(self, num_samples=10): ''' Prepare rdock run commands and save to json :param num_samples: test value 6 :return: ''' try: self.g_mmpbsa_sim_states = self.state_data['dockSoftware']['LeDock']['simStates'] self.ledock_samples = self.state_data['dockSoftware']['LeDock']['LeDockSample_list'] print('No need to generate LeDock commands') except: self.state_data['dockSoftware']['LeDock'].update({'LeDockSample_list': self.ledock_samples}) self.state_data['dockSoftware']['LeDock'].update(self.LeDock_sim_states) for sample_num in self.ledock_samples: self.prep_LeDock_dock_command(sample_num) print('Now continue for LeDock:D') self.save_state_data_json() test = 1 self.prep_LeDock_run = True @hlp.timeit def prep_LeDock_dock_command(self, sample_num, pose_gen=20): ''' prepare each separate rDock run command :param sample_num: :param pose_gen: default generate 20 poses :return: ''' try: if self.setup_ledock_pameters is not False: # print("Running Vina") # TODO need to think about seed #./ ledock_linux_x86 dock. in command_receptor = self.ledock_path + os.sep + 'ledock_linux_x86' sample_data = self.ledock_input_info[str(sample_num)] parm_name = sample_data['ledock_parm_name'] test = 1 self.save_run_name = "ledock_{0}_sample_{1}".format(self.run_type, sample_num) random_seed = np.random.randint(low_seed, high_seed) command_to_run = "{0} {1}".format(command_receptor, parm_name) ligand_clear_dok = sample_data['ligand_clear_name'] + '.dok' # -spli MOR_flexaid.dok command_to_clean = "{0} -spli {1}".format(command_receptor, ligand_clear_dok) print(command_to_run) self.LeDock_command_run_list.append(command_to_run) print("Launching new Sim") temp_dict = {str(sample_num): {'save_run_name': self.save_run_name, 'commandRun': command_to_run, 'commandToClean':command_to_clean, 'dokFileName':ligand_clear_dok, 'runFinished': False}} self.LeDock_sim_states.update(temp_dict) self.state_data['dockSoftware']['LeDock']['simStates'].update(temp_dict) # try: # os.system(command_to_run) # except KeyboardInterrupt: # # quit # sys.exit() print("LeDock command generation finished") else: print('Please setup LeDock settings') except Exception as e: print("error in runSim: ", e) sys.exit(0) @hlp.timeit def check_dask_jobs(self, submitted_jobs_dask, finished_jobs, finished_jobs_dict): import copy # modified_submitted_jobs_dask = copy.deepcopy(submitted_jobs_dask) for i, job in enumerate(submitted_jobs_dask): status = job.status if status == 'finished': test = 1 # pop_item = modified_submitted_jobs_dask.pop(i) try: if finished_jobs_dict[i] is True: continue except Exception as error: pass finished_jobs.append(job) finished_jobs_dict.update({i: True}) results = job.result() test = 1 try: key = list(results.keys())[0] prog = results[key]['Program'] # need [0] key sample_num = results[key]['part_num'] if prog == 'g_mmpbsa': sample_num = results[key]['part_num'] results_dask = results[key]['dask'] original_data = self.state_data['energySoftware'][prog] abs_folder = self.g_mmpbsa_folder # original_data['AbsFolder'] out_name = abs_folder + os.sep + results_dask['out_filename'] out_mem = results_dask['out_mem'] out_file = open(out_name, 'w') out_file.write(out_mem) out_file.close() out_name = abs_folder + os.sep + results_dask['apolar_filename'] out_mem = results_dask['apolar_mem'] out_file = open(out_name, 'w') out_file.write(out_mem) out_file.close() out_name = abs_folder + os.sep + results_dask['polar_filename'] out_mem = results_dask['polar_mem'] out_file = open(out_name, 'w') out_file.write(out_mem) out_file.close() out_name = abs_folder + os.sep + results_dask['energyMM_filename'] out_mem = results_dask['energyMM_mem'] out_file = open(out_name, 'w') out_file.write(out_mem) out_file.close() out_name = abs_folder + os.sep + results_dask['contribMM_filename'] out_mem = results_dask['contribMM_mem'] out_file = open(out_name, 'w') out_file.write(out_mem) out_file.close() out_name = abs_folder + os.sep + results_dask['contrib_apol_filename'] out_mem = results_dask['contrib_apol_mem'] out_file = open(out_name, 'w') out_file.write(out_mem) out_file.close() out_name = abs_folder + os.sep + results_dask['contrib_pol_filename'] out_mem = results_dask['contrib_pol_mem'] out_file = open(out_name, 'w') out_file.write(out_mem) out_file.close() # out_pdbqt_filename = out_pdbqt_name # self.state_data['dockSoftware'][prog]['simStates'][str(sample_num )] = \ # results[key] update_results = copy.deepcopy(results) update_results[key].pop('dask', None) # self.state_data['dockSoftware'][prog]['simStates'][str(sample_num )] = results[key] # self.state_data['energySoftware'][prog]['simStates'][str(sample_num)] = update_results[key] self.before_dask['energySoftware'][prog]['simStates'][str(sample_num)] = update_results[key] # results_dask = results[key]['dask'] # else: # self.state_data['dockSoftware'][prog]['simStates'][str(sample_num)] = results[key] # if filename is None and filedata is None: # # filename = self.json_state_file # filename = self.absolute_json_state_file # filedata = self.state_data self.save_state_data_json(filedata=self.before_dask, filename=self.absolute_json_state_file) # allow CPU to cool down # self.hold_nSec(5) print('This success ---> ', i) except Exception as error: print('error is ', error) # print('i is ', i) print('Finished checking dask submissions ---\n') print('---' * 10) return finished_jobs, finished_jobs_dict # @hlp.timeit def run_dask_gmmpbsa(self, client=None, max_jobs_to_run=10): # from molmolpy.moldock import run_dask_tools from import run_dask_tools test = 1 curr_client = client worker_status = run_dask_tools.get_dask_worker_status(curr_client) get_worker_free = run_dask_tools.check_free_resources(worker_status) import copy original_get_worker_free = copy.deepcopy(get_worker_free) # TEST IT WORKS # queue_jobs = self.run_mmpbsa_dask # job_test = queue_jobs[0] # # result = run_dask_tools.run_gmmpbsa_using_dask(job_test) test = 1 # Local upload test # big_future = self.dask_prep # run_dask_tools.upload_g_mmpbsa_files_dask(big_future) #TODO # Scatter a lot better using scatter for big files for upload G_MMPBSA files # test = 1 # tasks_upload = [] # big_future = client.scatter(self.dask_prep, broadcast=True) # for worker in get_worker_free: # worker_info = get_worker_free[worker] # worker_address = worker_info['preped']['workerAddress'] # # retries_num = 2 # # # Upload files to all clients client.upload_file # task = client.submit(run_dask_tools.upload_g_mmpbsa_files_dask, # big_future, # workers=[worker_address], # key='key_scatter_{0}'.format(worker_address), # retries=retries_num) # tasks_upload.append(task) # print("Starting uploading to ", worker_address) test = 1 # TODO # This part runs the main program submitted_jobs = [] submitted_jobs_dask = [] queue_jobs = self.run_mmpbsa_dask job_quantity = len(queue_jobs) finished_jobs = [] finished_jobs_dict = {} worker_status_free = None test = 1 # maybe 2 async threads, one checks finished simulations, other submits jobs ############################################################################################### gmmbpsa_min_mem = 1000 retries_num = 2 curr_index = 0 curr_worker = 0 # prepare worker ids for easier switch worker_ids = {} for i, id in enumerate(get_worker_free): worker_ids.update({i: id}) custom_index_curr = 3 while len(queue_jobs) > 0: if curr_index == len(queue_jobs): curr_index = 0 if curr_worker == len(worker_ids): curr_worker = 0 print('-----------------------------------------------------------------') worker_status_temp = run_dask_tools.get_dask_worker_status(curr_client, custom_index=custom_index_curr) get_worker_free_temp = run_dask_tools.check_free_resources(worker_status_temp) custom_index_curr += 2 print('----------------TEST------------------') curr_item = queue_jobs[curr_index] test = 1 curr_worker_id = worker_ids[curr_worker] workstation_info_temp = get_worker_free_temp[curr_worker_id] workstation_preped_temp = workstation_info_temp['preped'] workstation_address = workstation_preped_temp['workerAddress'] # This way folder is buggy workstation_dir = original_get_worker_free[curr_worker_id]['preped']['workerDir'] workstation_freemem = workstation_preped_temp['freeMemory'] workstation_freecpu = workstation_preped_temp['freeCores'] curr_item_prog = curr_item['Program'] ############################################################ # submitted_jobs_dask len less than 16 jobs_running = len(submitted_jobs_dask) - len(finished_jobs) max_jobus = max_jobs_to_run # g_mmpbsa part if curr_item_prog == 'g_mmpbsa': if workstation_freemem > gmmbpsa_min_mem and jobs_running <max_jobus: print('Submit MMPBSA job to DASK') pop_item = queue_jobs.pop(curr_index) key_name = pop_item['save_run_name'] run_name = 'key_{0}_{1}'.format(key_name, curr_worker_id) print('Cur run ', run_name) if curr_index == 0: curr_index = 0 else: curr_index -= 1 pop_item.update({'workingDir':workstation_dir}) submitted_jobs.append(pop_item) # MAYBE CHECK FOLDER HERE # #big_future = client.scatter(pop_item, workers=[workstation_address], hash=False) big_future = pop_item task_g_mmpbsa = client.submit(run_dask_tools.run_gmmpbsa_using_dask, big_future, workers=[workstation_address], key=run_name, retries=retries_num) submitted_jobs_dask.append(task_g_mmpbsa) else: key_name = curr_item['save_run_name'] run_name = 'key_{0}_{1}'.format(key_name, curr_worker_id) print('Passed running ', run_name) # submitted_jobs_dask_temp, finished_jobs_temp = self.check_dask_jobs(submitted_jobs_dask,finished_jobs) finished_jobs, finished_jobs_dict = self.check_dask_jobs(submitted_jobs_dask, finished_jobs, finished_jobs_dict) test = 1 ###################################################3 # update index # print(curr_item) # How to save submitted jobs state print('-------') if curr_index == 0 and len(submitted_jobs_dask) == 1: curr_index = 0 else: curr_index += 1 curr_worker += 1 time.sleep(10) test = 1 # ############################################################################################### # # # work_address = workstation1_preped['workerAddress'] # # # # # This is to run on dask server # # # # # TODO this works need to create a quiiee # # retries_num = 2 # # task = client.submit(run_dask_tools.run_vina_using_dask, # # data, # # workers=[work_address], # # key='key_test', # # retries=retries_num) # # # TODO This part needs further refinement # # # break # # test = 1 # print('Last Check of submitted jobs') while len(finished_jobs) != job_quantity: finished_jobs, finished_jobs_dict = self.check_dask_jobs(submitted_jobs_dask, finished_jobs, finished_jobs_dict) time.sleep(60) print('->' * 10) print('Everything is finished :))))))') print('---' * 10) print('\n') def prepare_for_dask_cluster(self, LeDock=2, rDock=2, FlexAid=2, Vina=2, parallel=False): ''' run uber dock protocol for LeDock, rDock,FlexAid, Vina :return: ''' current_pid = multiprocessing.current_process().pid print("Main Process with PID:{}".format(current_pid)) # free_threads_for_Vina = num_threads - LeDock-rDock-FlexAid run_g_mmpbsa = [] run_mmpbsa_queue = [] # Prepare outputs import copy self.before_dask = copy.deepcopy(self.state_data) ################################################################################ if self.g_mmpbsa_prepared is True: full_g_mmpbsa_data = self.state_data['energySoftware']['g_mmpbsa'] test = 1 tpr_abs= full_g_mmpbsa_data['tprFile'] tpr_file = open(tpr_abs, 'rb') tpr_mem = tpr_filename = tpr_abs.split(os.sep)[-1] # mdp_abs= full_g_mmpbsa_data['mdpFile'] mdp_file = open(mdp_abs, 'r') mdp_mem = mdp_filename = mdp_abs.split(os.sep)[-1] index_abs= full_g_mmpbsa_data['indexFile'] index_file = open(index_abs, 'r') index_mem = index_filename = index_abs.split(os.sep)[-1] # data_pre = self.state_data['energySoftware']['g_mmpbsa'] # data_pre.update({'dask': {}}) data_pre = {} data_pre.update({'tprName':tpr_filename, 'tprMem':tpr_mem}) data_pre.update({'mdpName':mdp_filename, 'mdpMem':mdp_mem}) data_pre.update({'indexName':index_filename, 'indexMem':index_mem}) self.dask_prep = data_pre for part_num in full_g_mmpbsa_data['parts']: # self.run_FlexAid_sim(FlexAid_sample_num, waitTime=waitTime) data = self.state_data['energySoftware']['g_mmpbsa']['simStates'][str(part_num)] save_run_name = "g_mmpbsa_part_{0}".format(part_num) data.update({'Program': 'g_mmpbsa'}) data.update({'part_num': part_num}) data.update({'save_run_name': save_run_name}) data.update({'dask': {}}) traj_abs = data['absFileSave'] traj_file = open(traj_abs, 'rb') traj_mem = traj_filename = data['fileSave'] data['dask'].update({'tprName': tpr_filename}) data['dask'].update({'mdpName': mdp_filename}) data['dask'].update({'indexName': index_filename}) data['dask'].update({'trajMem':traj_mem, 'trajName':traj_filename}) data['dask'].update({'tprName': tpr_filename, 'tprMem': tpr_mem}) data['dask'].update({'mdpName': mdp_filename, 'mdpMem': mdp_mem}) data['dask'].update({'indexName': index_filename, 'indexMem': index_mem}) test = 1 # data['dask'].update({'cavFile':cav_file_mem }) # self.state_data['dockSoftware']['LeDock']['simStates'][str(LeDock_sample_num)] = data test = 1 run_g_mmpbsa.append(data) # # result = run_dock_tools.run_LeDock_sim_parallel(LeDock_sample_num, data) # # test = 1 # # test = 1 ################################################################################################### test = 1 #################################################################################################### self.run_mmpbsa_dask = run_g_mmpbsa curr_LeDock = 0 # very slow # while len(run_docking_queue) != 40: # run_docking_queue += run_docking_LeDock[curr_LeDock:curr_LeDock + LeDock] # curr_LeDock += LeDock # # test = 1 # run_docking_queue += run_docking_rDock[curr_rDock:curr_rDock + rDock] # curr_rDock += rDock # # run_docking_queue += run_docking_FlexAid[curr_FlexAid:curr_FlexAid + FlexAid] # # curr_FlexAid += FlexAid # # run_docking_queue += run_docking_Vina[curr_Vina:curr_Vina + Vina] # curr_Vina += Vina # # test = 1 # test = 1 run_mmpbsa_queue = run_g_mmpbsa # run_docking_queue = run_docking_LeDock + run_docking_FlexAid + run_docking_Vina final_queue_job = [] # Need to select those that are not finished for pre_job in run_mmpbsa_queue: # print(pre_job) if pre_job['runFinished'] is False: final_queue_job.append(pre_job) test = 1 self.run_mmpbsa_dask = final_queue_job # random.shuffle(self.run_docking_queue) print('Finished preparing g_mmpbsa jobs') # TODO should I add json saving of information or not? def load_state_data_json(self, filename): ''' :param filename: load json state data :return: ''' # self.absolute_path = os.path.abspath(filename) self.load_state_called = True print(os.path.abspath(__file__)) self.state_data = json.load(open(filename, "r")) # os.chdir('HSL_exhaustiveness') self.trajectory_file = self.state_data['trajectoryFile'] self.mdp_file = self.state_data['mdpFile'] self.tpr_file = self.state_data['tprFile'] self.index_file = self.state_data['indexFile'] self.folder_path = self.state_data['folderPath'] self.run_type = self.state_data['runType'] self.molecule_name = self.state_data['molName'] self.receptor_name = self.state_data['receptorName'] # TODO test self.sim_folder_run = self.state_data['simRunFolder'] # .split('/')[-1] self.directories = self.state_data['directory'] self.folder_exists = self.state_data['folderCreated'] self.absolute_json_state_file = self.state_data['absoluteJsonStates'] self.g_mmpbsa_folder = self.state_data['RunFolder'] self.json_state_file = self.state_data['jsonStates'] test = 1 # self.rdock_folder_name = self.receptor_name + '_' + self.molecule_name + '_' + 'rDock' # self.rdock_absolute_folder_name = self.uber_dock_folder + os.sep + self.rdock_folder_name # self.directories = self.find_sample_folders(self.folder_path, dir_name=self.run_type) # self.directories = folder_utils.find_folder_in_path(self.uber_dock_folder, self.rdock_folder_name) # print('TADA ', self.directories) test = 1 # This will hold information about run states # self.uber_dock_folder = self.get_uber_dock_run_folder_name() ######################################################################################## # # LeDock settings part # # self.ledock_data = self.state_data['dockSoftware']['LeDock'] # test = 1 # # # Try to load initial LeDock try: self.mdtraj_frames = self.state_data['energySoftware']['g_mmpbsa']['frames'] self.mdtraj_parts = self.state_data['energySoftware']['g_mmpbsa']['parts'] self.file_save_list = self.state_data['energySoftware']['g_mmpbsa']['fileList'] self.abs_file_save_list = self.state_data['energySoftware']['g_mmpbsa']['absFileList'] self.simStates = self.state_data['energySoftware']['g_mmpbsa']['simStates'] test = 1 self.g_mmpbsa_prepared = self.state_data['energySoftware']['g_mmpbsa']['prepare'] # self.state_data['energySoftware']['g_mmpbsa'].update({'frames': self.mdtraj_frames}) # self.state_data['energySoftware']['g_mmpbsa'].update({'prepare': self.g_mmpbsa_prepared}) # self.state_data['energySoftware']['g_mmpbsa'].update({'parts': self.mdtraj_parts}) # self.state_data['energySoftware']['g_mmpbsa'].update({'fileList': self.file_save_list}) # self.state_data['energySoftware']['g_mmpbsa'].update({'absFileList': self.abs_file_save_list}) # self.state_data['energySoftware']['g_mmpbsa'].update(self.simStates) except: print('G_mmpbsa is empty verify yolo') # # test = 1 # # try: # self.setup_ledock_pameters = self.ledock_data['setup_LeDock'] # self.ledock_num_samples = self.ledock_data['num_samples'] # self.ledock_input_info = self.ledock_data['LeDockInputInfo'] # self.param_ledock_template = self.ledock_data['paramFull'] # except: # print('LeDock setting part is empty verify yolo') # # try: # self.ledock_param_title = self.ledock_data['LeDock_params']['title'] # self.rdock_title = self.ledock_data['LeDock_params']['title'] # # self.receptor_file_ledock = self.ledock_data['LeDock_params']['receptorFile'] # self.ledock_rmsd = self.ledock_data['LeDock_params']['LeDockRMSD'] # # self.ledock_xmin = self.ledock_data['LeDock_params']['xmin'] # self.ledock_xmax = self.ledock_data['LeDock_params']['xmax'] # self.ledock_ymin = self.ledock_data['LeDock_params']['ymin'] # self.ledock_ymax = self.ledock_data['LeDock_params']['ymax'] # self.ledock_zmin = self.ledock_data['LeDock_params']['zmin'] # self.ledock_zmax = self.ledock_data['LeDock_params']['zmax'] # # except: # print('LeDock_params is empty verify yolo') # # try: # self.LeDock_sim_states = self.state_data['dockSoftware']['LeDock']['simStates'] # self.ledock_samples = self.state_data['dockSoftware']['LeDock']['LeDockSample_list'] # print('No need to generate LeDock commands') # self.prep_LeDock_run = True # except: # print('LeDock_params simStates is empty verify yolo') # # test = 1 def prepare_g_mmpbsa(self): ''' Prepare g_mmpbsa run folder and initial json configuration :return: ''' self.run_folder_name = self.receptor_name + '_' + self.molecule_name + '_' + self.run_type self.sim_folder_run = self.folder_path + os.sep + self.run_folder_name # Create folder don't forget # self.directories = self.find_sample_folders(self.folder_path, dir_name=self.run_type) self.directories = folder_utils.find_folder_in_path(self.folder_path, self.run_folder_name) print('TADA ', self.directories) self.json_state_file = self.sim_folder_run + os.sep + self.receptor_name + '_' + self.molecule_name + '_' + self.run_type + '.json' # This will hold information about run states self.g_mmpbsa_folder = self.get_uber_g_mmpbsa_run_folder_name() self.absolute_json_state_file = self.g_mmpbsa_folder + os.sep + self.receptor_name + '_' + self.molecule_name + '_' + self.run_type + '.json' if len(self.directories) == 0: print('Creating folder for g_mmpbsa run\n') print(self.sim_folder_run) folder_utils.create_folder(self.sim_folder_run) self.folder_exists = True programs_dict = {'energySoftware': {'g_mmpbsa': {}}} self.state_data.update({'trajectoryFile': self.trajectory_file, 'mdpFile': self.mdp_file, 'tprFile': self.tpr_file, 'indexFile': self.index_file, 'runFolderName': self.run_folder_name, 'folderPath': self.folder_path, 'jsonStates': self.json_state_file, 'runType': self.run_type, 'molName': self.molecule_name, 'receptorName': self.receptor_name, 'simRunFolder': self.sim_folder_run, 'RunFolder': self.g_mmpbsa_folder, 'absoluteJsonStates': self.absolute_json_state_file, 'directory': self.directories, 'folderCreated': self.folder_exists, 'simStates': {}}) self.state_data.update(programs_dict) # self.prepVinaSim_exhaust() self.save_state_data_json() self.load_state_called = False else: self.load_state_file = self.json_state_file self.load_state_called = True self.load_state_data_json(self.load_state_file) def prepare_ledock_settings(self): ''' Prepare ultraDock folder and initial json configuration >>> EPI_uber_dock.prepare_rdock_settings() Convert with pybel to mol2 for receptor and sd for ligand :return: ''' # self.output_receptor_rdock = Outputfile("mol2", "{0}.mol2".format(self.receptor_name)) # self.output_receptor_rdock.write(self.receptor_pybel) # self.output_receptor_rdock.close() # # self.output_ligand_rdock = Outputfile("sd", "{0}.sd".format(self.ligand_name)) # self.output_ligand_rdock.write(self.ligand_pybel ) # self.output_ligand_rdock.close() self.ledock_folder_name = self.receptor_name + '_' + self.molecule_name + '_' + 'LeDock' self.ledock_absolute_folder_name = self.uber_dock_folder + os.sep + self.ledock_folder_name test = 1 # self.directories = self.find_sample_folders(self.folder_path, dir_name=self.run_type) self.ledock_directories = folder_utils.find_folder_in_path(self.uber_dock_folder, self.ledock_folder_name) print('TADA ', self.ledock_directories) test = 1 # This will hold information about run states # self.uber_dock_folder = self.get_uber_dock_run_folder_name() if len(self.ledock_directories) == 0: print('Creating rdock folder in uberDocker folder \n') print(self.ledock_directories) folder_utils.create_folder(self.ledock_absolute_folder_name) test = 1 self.receptor_ledock_pdb = "{0}.pdb".format(self.receptor_name) self.ligand_ledock_mol2 = "{0}.mol2".format(self.ligand_name) self.absolute_receptor_ledock_pdb = self.ledock_absolute_folder_name + os.sep + self.receptor_ledock_pdb self.absolute_ligand_ledock_mol2 = self.ledock_absolute_folder_name + os.sep + self.ligand_ledock_mol2 self.receptor_pybel.write("pdb", self.absolute_receptor_ledock_pdb, overwrite=True) self.ligand_pybel.write("mol2", self.absolute_ligand_ledock_mol2, overwrite=True) self.ledock_folder_exists = True test = 1 # TODO enter ledock folder and process structure for docking using lepro # ./lepro_linux_x86 LasR_flexaid.pdb os.chdir(self.ledock_absolute_folder_name) command_receptor = self.ledock_path + os.sep + 'lepro_linux_x86' + ' {0} '.format(self.receptor_ledock_pdb) os.system(command_receptor) self.lepro_pdb_file = 'pro.pdb' # Need to check whteter lepro ran fine print('Updated receptor with LePro\n') os.chdir(self.uber_dock_folder) self.state_data['dockSoftware']['LeDock'].update( {'receptor_pdb': self.receptor_ledock_pdb, 'ligand_mol2': self.ligand_ledock_mol2, 'lepro_pdb': self.lepro_pdb_file, 'lepro_abs_pdb': self.ledock_absolute_folder_name + os.sep + self.lepro_pdb_file, 'abs_receptor_pdb': self.absolute_receptor_ledock_pdb, 'abs_ligand_mol2': self.absolute_ligand_ledock_mol2, 'LeDockFolderStatus': self.ledock_folder_exists, 'LeDockAbsFolder': self.ledock_absolute_folder_name, 'LeDockFolderName': self.ledock_folder_name}) self.save_state_data_json() self.load_state_called = False self.ledock_title = self.receptor_name + '_' + self.ligand_name + '_LeDock Parameter file' self.ledock_rmsd = 0.5 self.set_up_ledock_dock_blind_parameters(title=self.ledock_title, receptor_file=self.lepro_pdb_file, ledock_rmsd=self.ledock_rmsd, x_center=self.x_center, y_center=self.y_center, z_center=self.z_center) else: print('state has beeen loaded \n') ############################################################################## def flexaid_generate_ga_dat_parameters(self): ''' Generate GA dat parameters for flexaid docking :return: ''' self.flexaid_ga_dat_param_template = '''# Number of chromosomes (number individuals in the population) # Integer in interval [1-N] NUMCHROM 500 # Number of generations # Integer in interval [1-N] NUMGENER 500 # Use Adaptive Genetic-Algorithm # Value of 0 or 1 ADAPTVGA 1 # Adaptive crossover and mutation probabilities # Floats in interval [0.0,1.0] ADAPTKCO 0.95 0.10 0.95 0.10 # Constant crossover probability # Float in interval [0.0,1.0] # Only considered when ADAPTVGA is 0 CROSRATE 0.90 # Constant mutation probability # Float in interval [0.0,1.0] # Only considered when ADAPTVGA is 0 MUTARATE 0.10 # Crossover operator # Intragenic crossovers are possible INTRAGEN # Specifies that the initial population is generated randomly POPINIMT RANDOM # Fitness function # Value in [LINEAR,PSHARE] FITMODEL PSHARE # Parameters of the shared fitness function # Floats in interval [0.0,1000.0] SHAREALF 4.0 SHAREPEK 5.0 SHARESCL 10.0 # Reproduction model # Values in [BOOM,STEADY] REPMODEL BOOM # Fraction of population to create # Only considered when REPMODEL is BOOM BOOMFRAC 1.0 # Number of new individuals to generate at each generation # Only considered when REPMODEL is STEADY # Integer in interval [1,N-1] where N is NUMCHROM STEADNUM 950 # Number of TOP individuals to print in console # Integer in interval [1,N] where N is NUMCHROM PRINTCHR 10 ''' self.generate_ga_dat_pameters = True self.generate_ga_dat = 'ga_inp_' + self.receptor_name + '-' + self.ligand_name + '.dat' self.generate_ga_dat_name_abs = self.flexaid_absolute_input_folder + os.sep + self.generate_ga_dat self.generate_ga_dat_object_file = open(self.generate_ga_dat_name_abs, 'w') self.generate_ga_dat_object_file.write(self.flexaid_ga_dat_param_template) self.generate_ga_dat_object_file.close() self.state_data['dockSoftware']['FlexAid'].update({'GA_params': {}}) self.state_data['dockSoftware']['FlexAid']['GA_params'].update( {'generateGA_param': self.generate_ga_dat_pameters, 'GA_DataName': self.generate_ga_dat, 'GA_DATA_Abs': self.generate_ga_dat_name_abs, 'GA_ParamFull': self.flexaid_ga_dat_param_template}) # self.state_data_samples = self.state_data.copy() self.save_state_data_json() # TODO this part needs to be thought out #################################################################################################################### def flexaid_generate_ga_dat_parameters_dask(self): ''' Generate GA dat parameters for flexaid docking :return: ''' self.flexaid_ga_dat_param_template = '''# Number of chromosomes (number individuals in the population) # Integer in interval [1-N] NUMCHROM 500 # Number of generations # Integer in interval [1-N] NUMGENER 500 # Use Adaptive Genetic-Algorithm # Value of 0 or 1 ADAPTVGA 1 # Adaptive crossover and mutation probabilities # Floats in interval [0.0,1.0] ADAPTKCO 0.95 0.10 0.95 0.10 # Constant crossover probability # Float in interval [0.0,1.0] # Only considered when ADAPTVGA is 0 CROSRATE 0.90 # Constant mutation probability # Float in interval [0.0,1.0] # Only considered when ADAPTVGA is 0 MUTARATE 0.10 # Crossover operator # Intragenic crossovers are possible INTRAGEN # Specifies that the initial population is generated randomly POPINIMT RANDOM # Fitness function # Value in [LINEAR,PSHARE] FITMODEL PSHARE # Parameters of the shared fitness function # Floats in interval [0.0,1000.0] SHAREALF 4.0 SHAREPEK 5.0 SHARESCL 10.0 # Reproduction model # Values in [BOOM,STEADY] REPMODEL BOOM # Fraction of population to create # Only considered when REPMODEL is BOOM BOOMFRAC 1.0 # Number of new individuals to generate at each generation # Only considered when REPMODEL is STEADY # Integer in interval [1,N-1] where N is NUMCHROM STEADNUM 950 # Number of TOP individuals to print in console # Integer in interval [1,N] where N is NUMCHROM PRINTCHR 10 ''' generate_ga_dat = 'ga_inp_' + self.receptor_name + '-' + self.ligand_name + '.dat' generate_ga_dat_name_abs = self.flexaid_absolute_input_folder + os.sep + self.generate_ga_dat return [generate_ga_dat, ] # self.generate_ga_dat_object_file = open(self.generate_ga_dat_name_abs, 'w') # self.generate_ga_dat_object_file.write(self.flexaid_ga_dat_param_template) # self.generate_ga_dat_object_file.close() # # self.state_data['dockSoftware']['FlexAid'].update({'GA_params': {}}) # # self.state_data['dockSoftware']['FlexAid']['GA_params'].update( # {'generateGA_param': self.generate_ga_dat_pameters, # 'GA_DataName': self.generate_ga_dat, # 'GA_DATA_Abs': self.generate_ga_dat_name_abs, # 'GA_ParamFull': self.flexaid_ga_dat_param_template}) # self.state_data_samples = self.state_data.copy() ############################################################################################## def flexaid_generate_config_input_dask(self): ''' Generate flexaid config input file Flexaid is very strict about spaces :return: ''' flexaid_config_input_template = '''# Optimization method (genetic-algorithms) METOPT GA # The variation in degrees for the anchor angle of the ligand # Float in interval [1.0-30.0] VARANG 5.0 # The variation in degrees for the anchor dihedral of the ligand # Float in interval [1.0-30.0] VARDIH 5.0 # The variation in degrees for flexible dihedrals of the ligand # Float in interval [1.0-30.0] VARFLX 10.0 # Use Vcontacts in the calculations of surfaces in contact COMPLF VCT # Do not consider intramolecular interactions NOINTR # Side-chain rotamer acceptance threshold # Float in interval [0.0-1.0] DEECLA 0.8 # Use instances of side-chain conformers rather than using the Penultimate Rotamer Library #ROTOBS # Defines the grid spacing of the binding-site # Float in interval [0.1,1.0] SPACER 0.375 # Exclude hetero groups in the target (water,metal,modified amino acids,cofactors,ligands) # To exclude these groups, uncomment the next line #EXCHET # Include water molecules in the target (always removed by default) # Only considered if EXCHET is disabled # To include water molecules, uncomment the next line #INCHOH # Permeability allowed between atoms # Float in interval [0.0,1.0] from fully permeable to no permeability PERMEA 0.9 # Permeability for side-chain rotamer acceptance # Float in interval [0.0,1.0] from fully permeable to no permeability ROTPER 0.8 # Solvent term penalty # When the value is 0.0 the solvent interactions are derived from the interaction matrix # Float in interval [-200.0,200.0] SLVPEN 0.0 # Use Vcontacts indexing VINDEX # Vcontacts plane definition # Value in [B,R,X] for Bissecting, Radical and Extended radical plane # See McConkey et al. (2002) Bioinformatics. 18(10); 1365-1373 VCTPLA R # Use normalized surfaces in contacts NORMAR # Define the RMSD cutoff between clusters # Float in interval [0.5,3.0] CLRMSD 2.0 # Number of results/docking poses to output MAXRES 20 # Only output scored atoms in the final results # Comment the next line if you wish to obtain the whole complex SCOOUT # Only calculate the CF for ligand atoms despite including flexible side-chains #SCOLIG # Ends reading of CONFIG file ENDINP ''' final_str = '''''' # Specify the processed target file to use pdbnam = 'PDBNAM ' + '{0}\n\n'.format( self.receptor_flexaid_mol2) # Specify the processed ligand file to use # BTN.inp has the unique RESNUMC identifier LIG9999A inplig = 'INPLIG ' + '{0}.inp\n\n'.format( self.ligand_flexaid_initials) # Specify to use one or multiple cleft(s) as binding-site rgnopt_locclf = 'RNGOPT LOCCLF ' + 'global_binding_site.pdb\n\n' # Specify the degrees of freedom (DOF) of the processed ligand with residue number 9999 and chain A # Translational DOF of the ligand (-1) optimz1 = 'OPTIMZ 9999 {0} -1\n\n'.format(self.flexaid_res_chain) # Rotational DOF of the ligand (0) optimz2 = 'OPTIMZ 9999 {0} 0\n\n'.format(self.flexaid_res_chain) # Add one extra line for each flexible bond of the ligand # The allowable flexible bonds are listed as FLEDIH lines in Processed_files/BTN.inp # In our example, Biotin has 5 flexible bonds flexible_bonds_data = open( self.flexaid_absolute_processed_files_folder + os.sep + '{0}.inp'.format(self.ligand_flexaid_initials), 'r') flexible_bonds_data_text = flexible_bonds_data.close() flexible_bonds_data_text_list = flexible_bonds_data_text.split('\n') flexible_index_list_phrases = [] flexible_index_list = [] for i in flexible_bonds_data_text_list: if 'FLEDIH' in i: print(i) temp = i.split(' ') print(temp) flex_index = temp[-2] flexible_index_list.append(int(flex_index)) temp_line = 'OPTIMZ {0} {1} {2}\n'.format(self.flexaid_res_number, self.flexaid_res_chain, flex_index) flexible_index_list_phrases.append(temp_line) test = 1 final_str += pdbnam final_str += inplig final_str += rgnopt_locclf final_str += optimz1 final_str += optimz2 for y in flexible_index_list_phrases: final_str += y final_str += '\n' rmsdst = 'RMSDST ' + '{0}_ref.pdb\n\n'.format( self.ligand_flexaid_initials) final_str += rmsdst final_str += flexaid_config_input_template generate_config_input_file = 'CONFIG_' + self.receptor_name + '-' + self.ligand_name + '.inp' return generate_config_input_file, final_str # self.state_data['dockSoftware']['FlexAid'].update({'GA_params': {}}) # # self.state_data['dockSoftware']['FlexAid']['GA_params'].update( # {'generateGA_param': self.generate_ga_dat_pameters, # 'GA_DataName': self.generate_ga_dat, # 'GA_DATA_Abs': self.generate_ga_dat_name_abs, # 'GA_ParamFull': self.flexaid_ga_dat_param_template}) # # # self.state_data_samples = self.state_data.copy() # # self.save_state_data_json() # TODO this part needs to be thought out #################################################################################################################### def prepare_samples_collection_run(self, standard_exhaust=128, num_samples_run=100, run_type='samples_run'): if self.setup_box is False: print('Please setup simulation box') sys.exit(0) self.run_type_samples = run_type self.prep_samples_run = True self.samples_exhaust = standard_exhaust self.samples_run = list(range(1, num_samples_run + 1)) self.run_folder_name_samples = self.receptor_name + '_' + self.molecule_name + '_' + self.run_type_samples self.sim_folder_run_samples = self.folder_path + os.sep + self.run_folder_name_samples # Create folder don't forget # Exhaustiveness for all samples # self.directories = self.find_sample_folders(self.folder_path, dir_name=self.run_type) self.directories_samples = folder_utils.find_folder_in_path(self.folder_path, self.run_folder_name_samples) print('TADA ', self.directories_samples) self.json_samples_state_file = self.sim_folder_run_samples + os.sep + self.receptor_name + '_' + self.molecule_name + '_' + self.run_type_samples + '.json' # This will hold information about run states if len(self.directories_samples) == 0: print('Creating folder for vina samples run\n') print('Vina run type: {0}'.format(self.run_type_samples)) print(self.sim_folder_run_samples) folder_utils.create_folder(self.sim_folder_run_samples) self.folder_exists_samples = True self.state_data_samples.update({'receptorFile': self.receptor_file, 'ligandFile': self.ligand_file, 'exhaustivenessList': self.exhaustiveness, 'samples_exhaust': self.samples_exhaust, 'samplesList': self.samples_run, 'folderPath': self.folder_path, 'runType': self.run_type_samples, 'molName': self.molecule_name, 'receptorName': self.receptor_name, 'simRunFolder': self.sim_folder_run_samples, 'directory': self.directories_samples, 'setup': self.setup_box, 'folderCreated': self.folder_exists_samples, 'simStates': {}}) self.prepVinaSim_samples() self.save_state_data_json(filedata=self.state_data_samples, filename=self.json_samples_state_file) self.load_state_called_samples = False self.prep_sample_run = True else: self.load_state_file_samples = self.json_samples_state_file self.load_state_called_samples = True self.load_samples_state_data_json(self.load_state_file_samples) self.prep_sample_run = True def get_exhaust_run_folder_name(self): curr_folder = os.getcwd() return curr_folder + os.sep + self.run_folder_name def get_samples_run_folder_name(self): curr_folder = os.getcwd() print("Yippie yi kay", curr_folder) return curr_folder + os.sep + self.run_folder_name_samples def save_state_data_json(self, filedata=None, filename=None): ''' :param filename: Saves state file :return: ''' # import json # with open(filename, 'w') as outfile: # json.dump(self.cluster_models, outfile) # pickle.dump(self.cluster_models, open(filename, "wb")) # TODO create folder for run saving state run # filename = self.sim_folder_run + os.sep + self.receptor_name + '_' + self.molecule_name + '.json' if filename is None and filedata is None: # filename = self.json_state_file filename = self.absolute_json_state_file filedata = self.state_data # elif filedata is not None: # filedata = filedata # filename = self.absolute_json_state_file else: filedata = filedata filename = filename json.dump(filedata, open(filename, "w"), sort_keys=True, indent=4) # TODO should I add json saving of information or not? def load_samples_state_data_json(self, filename): ''' :param filename: load json state data :return: ''' # self.absolute_path = os.path.abspath(filename) self.load_state_called_samples = True print(os.path.abspath(__file__)) self.state_data_samples = json.load(open(filename, "r")) # os.chdir('HSL_exhaustiveness') self.receptor_file = self.state_data_samples['receptorFile'] self.ligand_file = self.state_data_samples['ligandFile'] self.exhaustiveness = self.state_data_samples['exhaustivenessList'] self.samples_run = self.state_data_samples['samplesList'] self.folder_path = self.state_data_samples['folderPath'] self.run_type = self.state_data_samples['runType'] self.molecule_name = self.state_data_samples['molName'] self.receptor_name = self.state_data_samples['receptorName'] # TODO test self.samples_exhaust = self.state_data_samples['samples_exhaust'] self.sim_folder_run_samples = self.state_data_samples['simRunFolder'] # .split('/')[-1] self.directories_samples = self.state_data_samples['directory'] self.setup_box = self.state_data_samples['setup'] self.folder_exists = self.state_data_samples['folderCreated'] self.x_center = self.state_data_samples['boxSettings']['center_x'] self.y_center = self.state_data_samples['boxSettings']['center_y'] self.z_center = self.state_data_samples['boxSettings']['center_z'] self.x_size = self.state_data_samples['boxSettings']['size_x'] self.y_size = self.state_data_samples['boxSettings']['size_y'] self.z_size = self.state_data_samples['boxSettings']['size_z'] self.num_modes = self.state_data_samples['boxSettings']['numModes'] def hold_nSec(self, n): for i in range(1, n + 1): print(i) time.sleep(1) # Delay for 1 sec print('Ok %s secs have pass' % (n)) @hlp.timeit def prepVinaSampleCommand(self, sample_num): # try: if self.setup_box is not False: # print("Running Vina") # TODO need to think about seed self.save_run_name = 'vina_' + self.run_type_samples + '_' + str(sample_num) command_to_run = "vina --receptor {0} " \ "--ligand {1} " \ "--center_x {2} " \ "--center_y {3} " \ "--center_z {4} " \ "--size_x {5} " \ "--size_y {6} " \ "--size_z {7} " \ "--exhaustiveness {8} " \ "--num_modes {9} " \ "--seed 10 " \ "--log {10}.txt " \ "--out {11}_out.pdbqt".format(self.receptor_file, self.ligand_file, self.x_center, self.y_center, self.z_center, self.x_size, self.y_size, self.z_size, self.samples_exhaust, self.num_modes, self.save_run_name, self.save_run_name) print(command_to_run) self.command_samples_run_list.append(command_to_run) print("Launching new Sim") self.state_data_samples['simStates'].update({str(sample_num): {'save_run_name': self.save_run_name, 'commandRun': command_to_run, 'runFinished': False}}) # try: # os.system(command_to_run) # except KeyboardInterrupt: # # quit # sys.exit() print("Vina sample run command prep finished") else: print('Please setup vina box settings') # except Exception as e: # print("error in Sample runSim: ", e) # sys.exit(0) def get_molecule_name(self): return self.molecule_name def get_receptor_name(self): return self.receptor_name def set_molecule_name(self, mol_name): self.molecule_name = mol_name def set_receptor_name(self, receptor_name): self.receptor_name = receptor_name # This might need to get modified def find_sample_files(self, folder): try: VIP = [] for dirname, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(folder): for i in filenames: # print i if 'out' in i: VIP.append(i) # This is not necessary since info is inside pdbqt file # elif 'vina_sample_' in i: # VIP.append(i) return VIP except Exception as e: print("error in find_files: ", e) sys.exit(0) def find_sample_folders(self, folder_path='.', dir_name='vina_sample'): try: dir_names = [] for dirname, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(folder_path): # print(dirname, '-') if dir_name in dirname: # # print(dir_name) dir_names.append(dirname) # print sorted(dir_names) return sorted(dir_names) except Exception as e: print("Problem with finding folders : ", e) sys.exit(0)
import random from randomized_tsp.utils import cost, random_neighbour, random_tour def init_population(population_size, num_of_cities): """ Initializes the population """ population = set() while len(population) != population_size: population.add(tuple(random_tour(num_of_cities))) return [list(tour) for tour in population] def calculate_fitness(population, num_of_cities, distance_matrix): """ Return a fitness list for the population Fitness is just 1 / cost(tour) """ fitness = [1 / cost(num_of_cities, distance_matrix, tour) for tour in population] sum_fitness = sum(fitness) return [f / sum_fitness for f in fitness] def order_crossover(num_of_cities, parent1, parent2): """ Implements order crossover operator """ start = random.randint(0, num_of_cities - 2) end = random.randint(start, num_of_cities - 1) child1 = parent1[start:end] child2 = parent2[start:end] for city in parent1: if city not in child2: child2.append(city) for city in parent2: if city not in child1: child1.append(city) return [child1, child2] def cycle_crossover(num_of_cities, parent1, parent2): """ Implements cycle crossover operator """ child1 = [-1] * num_of_cities child2 = child1.copy() i = 0 while child1[i] == -1: child1[i] = parent1[i] i = parent1.index(parent2[i]) i = 0 while child2[i] == -1: child2[i] = parent2[i] i = parent2.index(parent1[i]) for i in range(num_of_cities): if child1[i] == -1: child1[i] = parent2[i] if child2[i] == -1: child2[i] = parent1[i] return [child1, child2] def mutate(num_of_cities, child): """ Given a child will will give a mutation Mutation is just random exchange any two cities """ return random_neighbour(num_of_cities, child) def _genetic_algorithm(num_of_cities, distance_matrix, population_size, mutation_prob, crossover): """ Implements the genetic algorithm for TSP Returns the best tour found and cost of that tour """ crossover_func = order_crossover if crossover == 'cycle': crossover_func = cycle_crossover population = init_population(population_size, num_of_cities) num_of_epochs = num_of_cities * 2 # In my experience a good value for `num_of_epochs` is directly # proportional to `num_of_cities`. # You can also experiment with different terminating condition for _ in range(num_of_epochs): # selection fitness = calculate_fitness(population, num_of_cities, distance_matrix) selected = random.choices(population, fitness, k=population_size) random.shuffle(selected) # offsprings offsprings = [] for i in range(population_size // 2): children = crossover_func(num_of_cities, selected[i], selected[i + population_size // 2]) offsprings.extend(children) # mutation for index in range(population_size): if random.uniform(0, 1) < mutation_prob: offsprings[index] = mutate(num_of_cities, offsprings[index]) # replacement population.extend(offsprings) fitness = calculate_fitness(population, num_of_cities, distance_matrix) population = [tour for _, tour in sorted(zip(fitness, population), reverse=True)] population = population[:population_size] return population[0], cost(num_of_cities, distance_matrix, population[0])
VERSION = (0, 12, 1)
<reponame>liyu13264/PyQt5_Practice import sys from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QDialog, QApplication, QMainWindow, QPushButton class QDialogDemo(QMainWindow): def __init__(self): super(QDialogDemo, self).__init__() self.button = QPushButton(self) self.init() def init(self): self.setWindowTitle('QDialog') self.resize(300, 300) self.button.setText('CLICK') self.button.clicked.connect(self.function) @staticmethod def function(): dialog = QDialog() button = QPushButton('QUIT', dialog) # button.setText() button.move(50, 50) button.clicked.connect(dialog.close) dialog.setWindowTitle('...') dialog.setWindowModality(Qt.ApplicationModal) # this position is necessary dialog.exec_() if __name__ == '__main__': app = QApplication(sys.argv) main = QDialogDemo() sys.exit(app.exec_())
import json import time import requests import unidecode from flask import Flask from flask_ask import Ask, question, session, statement APP = Flask(__name__) ASK = Ask(APP, "/british_problems") def get_british_problems(): """Get the titles of the /r/britishproblems posts""" user_pass_dict = {'user': 'alexabritishproblems', 'passwd': '<PASSWORD>&', 'api_type': 'json'} sess = requests.Session() sess.headers.update( {'User-Agent': 'alexa:british_problems:0.1 ' + '(by /u/alexabritishproblems)'})'', data=user_pass_dict) time.sleep(1) url = "" html = sess.get(url) data = json.loads(html.content.decode('utf-8')) titles = [unidecode.unidecode(listing['data']['title']) for listing in data['data']['children']] return titles titles = get_british_problems() print titles @APP.route('/') def homepage(): """Flask default routing""" return 'greetz fren' @ASK.launch def start_skill(): """Entry point for the alexa skill""" welcome_message = 'Hello there, would you like to hear a very British problem?' return question(welcome_message) @ASK.intent("GetNewBritishProblem") def handle_get_problem_intent(): """Handles the intent for getting a new british problem and outputting it to Alexa""" british_problem = get_british_problems() return statement(british_problem) @ASK.intent("NoIntent") def handle_no_intent(): """Handles an unmatched intent""" goodbye_message = 'See you later... bye.' return statement(goodbye_message) if __name__ == '__main__':
from django.db import models from django_extensions.db.fields import CreationDateTimeField from django_extensions.db.models import TimeStampedModel class CreationSortedTimeStampedModel(TimeStampedModel): class Meta(TimeStampedModel.Meta): abstract = True ordering = ['-created'] get_latest_by = 'created' created = CreationDateTimeField(db_index=True) class CopyrightLicense(models.TextChoices): CC_0 = 'CC-0', 'CC-0' # These 2 require attribution CC_BY = 'CC-BY', 'CC-BY' CC_BY_NC = 'CC-BY-NC', 'CC-BY-NC'
''' Created on Feb 24, 2015 @author: <NAME> <<EMAIL>> This module provides functions and classes for probability distributions, which build upon the scipy.stats package and extend it. ''' from __future__ import division import numpy as np from scipy import stats, special, linalg, optimize from ..data_structures.cache import cached_property def lognorm_mean_var_to_mu_sigma(mean, variance, definition='scipy'): """ determines the parameters of the log-normal distribution such that the distribution yields a given mean and variance. The optional parameter `definition` can be used to choose a definition of the resulting parameters that is suitable for the given software package. """ mean2 = mean**2 mu = mean2/np.sqrt(mean2 + variance) sigma = np.sqrt(np.log(1 + variance/mean2)) if definition == 'scipy': return mu, sigma elif definition == 'numpy': return np.log(mu), sigma else: raise ValueError('Unknown definition `%s`' % definition) def lognorm_mean(mean, sigma): """ returns a lognormal distribution parameterized by its mean and a spread parameter `sigma` """ if sigma == 0: return DeterministicDistribution(mean) else: mu = mean * np.exp(-0.5 * sigma**2) return stats.lognorm(scale=mu, s=sigma) def lognorm_mean_var(mean, variance): """ returns a lognormal distribution parameterized by its mean and its variance. """ if variance == 0: return DeterministicDistribution(mean) else: scale, sigma = lognorm_mean_var_to_mu_sigma(mean, variance, 'scipy') return stats.lognorm(scale=scale, s=sigma) def lognorm_sum_leastsq(count, var_norm, sim_terms=1e5, bins=64): """ returns the parameters of a log-normal distribution that estimates the sum of `count` log-normally distributed random variables with mean 1 and variance `var_norm`. These parameters are determined by fitting the probability density function to a histogram obtained by drawing `sim_terms` random numbers """ sum_mean = count sum_var = count * var_norm # get random numbers dist = lognorm_mean_var(1, var_norm) vals = dist.rvs((int(sim_terms), count)).sum(axis=1) # get the histogram val_max = sum_mean + 3 * np.sqrt(sum_var) bins = np.linspace(0, val_max, bins + 1) xs = 0.5*(bins[:-1] + bins[1:]) density, _ = np.histogram(vals, bins=bins, range=[0, val_max], density=True) def pdf_diff(params): """ evaluate the estimated pdf """ scale, sigma = params return stats.lognorm.pdf(xs, scale=scale, s=sigma) - density # do the least square fitting params_init = lognorm_mean_var_to_mu_sigma(sum_mean, sum_var, 'scipy') params, _ = optimize.leastsq(pdf_diff, params_init) return params def lognorm_sum(count, mean, variance, method='fenton'): """ returns an estimate of the distribution of the sum of `count` log-normally distributed variables with `mean` and `variance`. The returned distribution is again log-normal with mean and variance determined from the given parameters. Here, several methods can be used: `fenton` - match the first two moments of the distribution `leastsq` - minimize the error in the interval """ if method == 'fenton': # use the moments directly return lognorm_mean_var(count * mean, count * variance) elif method == 'leastsq': # determine the moments from fitting var_norm = variance / mean**2 scale, sigma = lognorm_sum_leastsq(count, var_norm) return stats.lognorm(scale=scale * mean, s=sigma) else: raise ValueError('Unknown method `%s` for determining the sum of ' 'lognormal distributions. Accepted methods are ' '[`fenton`, `leastsq`].') def gamma_mean_var(mean, variance): """ returns a gamma distribution with given mean and variance """ alpha = mean**2 / variance beta = variance / mean return stats.gamma(scale=beta, a=alpha) def loguniform_mean(mean, width): """ returns a loguniform distribution parameterized by its mean and a spread parameter `width`. The ratio between the maximal value and the minimal value is given by width**2 """ if width == 1: # treat special case separately return DeterministicDistribution(mean) else: scale = mean * (2*width*np.log(width)) / (width**2 - 1) return LogUniformDistribution(scale=scale, s=width) def loguniform_mean_var(mean, var): """ returns a loguniform distribution parameterized by its mean and variance. Here, we need to solve a non-linear equation numerically, which might degrade accuracy and performance of the result """ if var < 0: raise ValueError('Variance must be positive') elif var == 0: # treat special case separately return DeterministicDistribution(mean) else: # determine width parameter numerically cv2 = var / mean**2 # match square coefficient of variation def _rhs(q): """ match the coefficient of variation """ return 0.5 * (q + 1) * np.log(q) / (q - 1) - 1 - cv2 width = optimize.newton(_rhs, 1.1) return loguniform_mean(mean, np.sqrt(width)) def random_log_uniform(v_min, v_max, size): """ returns random variables that a distributed uniformly in log space """ log_min, log_max = np.log(v_min), np.log(v_max) res = np.random.uniform(log_min, log_max, size) return np.exp(res) def dist_skewness(dist): """ returns the skewness of the distribution `dist` """ mean = dist.mean() var = dist.var() return (dist.moment(3) - 3*mean*var - mean**3) / var**(3/2) class DeterministicDistribution_gen(stats.rv_continuous): """ deterministic distribution that always returns a given value Code copied from """ def _cdf(self, x): return np.where(x < 0, 0., 1.) def _stats(self): return 0., 0., 0., 0. def _rvs(self): return np.zeros(self._size) DeterministicDistribution = DeterministicDistribution_gen( name='DeterministicDistribution' ) class LogUniformDistribution_gen(stats.rv_continuous): """ Log-uniform distribution. """ def freeze(self, *args, **kwds): frozen = super(LogUniformDistribution_gen, self).freeze(*args, **kwds) =*args, **kwds) return frozen def support(self, *args, **kwds): """ return the interval in which the PDF of the distribution is non-zero """ extra_args, _, _, _ = self._parse_args_stats(*args, **kwds) mean = self.mean(*args, **kwds) scale = extra_args[0] width = mean * (2*scale*np.log(scale)) / (scale**2 - 1) return (width / scale, width * scale) def _rvs(self, s): """ random variates """ # choose the receptor response characteristics return random_log_uniform(1/s, s, self._size) def _pdf(self, x, s): """ probability density function """ s = s[0] # reset broadcasting res = np.zeros_like(x) idx = (1 < x*s) & (x < s) res[idx] = 1/(x[idx] * np.log(s*s)) return res def _cdf(self, x, s): """ cumulative probability function """ s = s[0] # reset broadcasting res = np.zeros_like(x) idx = (1 < x*s) & (x < s) log_s = np.log(s) res[idx] = (log_s + np.log(x[idx]))/(2 * log_s) res[x > s] = 1 return res def _ppf(self, q, s): """ percent point function (inverse of cdf) """ s = s[0] # reset broadcasting res = np.zeros_like(q) idx = (q > 0) res[idx] = s**(2*q[idx] - 1) return res def _stats(self, s): """ calculates statistics of the distribution """ mean = (s**2 - 1)/(2*s*np.log(s)) var = ((s**4 - 1) * np.log(s) - (s**2 - 1)**2) \ / (4 * s**2 * np.log(s)**2) return mean, var, None, None LogUniformDistribution = LogUniformDistribution_gen( a=0, name='LogUniformDistribution' ) class HypoExponentialDistribution(object): """ Hypoexponential distribution. Unfortunately, the framework supplied by scipy.stats.rv_continuous does not support a variable number of parameters and we thus only mimic its interface here. """ def __init__(self, rates, method='sum'): """ initializes the hypoexponential distribution. `rates` are the rates of the underlying exponential processes `method` determines what method is used for calculating the cdf and can be either `sum` or `eigen` """ if method in {'sum', 'eigen'}: self.method = method # prepare the rates of the system self.rates = np.asarray(rates) self.alpha = 1 / self.rates if np.any(rates <= 0): raise ValueError('All rates must be positive') if len(np.unique(self.alpha)) != len(self.alpha): raise ValueError('The current implementation only supports cases ' 'where all rates are different from each other.') # calculate terms that we need later with np.errstate(divide='ignore'): mat = self.alpha[:, None] \ / (self.alpha[:, None] - self.alpha[None, :]) mat[(self.alpha[:, None] - self.alpha[None, :]) == 0] = 1 self._terms =, 1) def rvs(self, size): """ random variates """ # choose the receptor response characteristics return sum(np.random.exponential(scale=alpha, size=size) for alpha in self.alpha) def mean(self): """ mean of the distribution """ return self.alpha.sum() def variance(self): """ variance of the distribution """ return (2 * np.sum(self.alpha**2 * self._terms) - (self.alpha.sum())**2) def pdf(self, x): """ probability density function """ if not np.isscalar(x): x = np.asarray(x) res = np.zeros_like(x) nz = (x > 0) if np.any(nz): if self.method == 'sum': factor = np.exp(-x[nz, None] * self.rates[..., :]) \ / self.rates[..., :] res[nz] = np.sum(self._terms[..., :] * factor, axis=1) else: Theta = (np.diag(-self.rates, 0) + np.diag(self.rates[:-1], 1)) for i in np.flatnonzero(nz): res.flat[i] = \ 1 - linalg.expm(x.flat[i]*Theta)[0, :].sum() elif x == 0: res = 0 else: if self.method == 'sum': factor = np.exp(-x*self.rates)/self.ratesx res[nz] = np.sum(self._terms * factor) else: Theta = np.diag(-self.rates, 0) + np.diag(self.rates[:-1], 1) res = 1 - linalg.expm(x*Theta)[0, :].sum() return res def cdf(self, x): """ cumulative density function """ if not np.isscalar(x): x = np.asarray(x) res = np.zeros_like(x) nz = (x > 0) if np.any(nz): factor = np.exp(-x[nz, None]*self.rates[..., :]) res = 1 - np.sum(self._terms[..., :] * factor, axis=1) elif x == 0: res = 0 else: factor = np.exp(-x*self.rates) res = 1 - np.sum(self._terms * factor) return res # ============================================================================== # OLD DISTRIBUTIONS THAT MIGHT NOT BE NEEDED ANYMORE # ============================================================================== class PartialLogNormDistribution_gen(stats.rv_continuous): """ partial log-normal distribution. a fraction `frac` of the distribution follows a log-normal distribution, while the remaining fraction `1 - frac` is zero Similar to the lognorm distribution, this does not support any location parameter """ def _rvs(self, s, frac): """ random variates """ # choose the items response characteristics res = np.exp(s * np.random.standard_normal(self._size)) if frac != 1: # switch off items randomly res[np.random.random(self._size) > frac] = 0 return res def _pdf(self, x, s, frac): """ probability density function """ s, frac = s[0], frac[0] # reset broadcasting return frac / (s*x*np.sqrt(2*np.pi)) * np.exp(-1/2*(np.log(x)/s)**2) def _cdf(self, x, s, frac): """ cumulative probability function """ s, frac = s[0], frac[0] # reset broadcasting return 1 + frac*(-0.5 + 0.5*special.erf(np.log(x)/(s*np.sqrt(2)))) def _ppf(self, q, s, frac): """ percent point function (inverse of cdf) """ s, frac = s[0], frac[0] # reset broadcasting q_scale = (q - (1 - frac)) / frac res = np.zeros_like(q) idx = (q_scale > 0) res[idx] = np.exp(s * special.ndtri(q_scale[idx])) return res PartialLogNormDistribution = PartialLogNormDistribution_gen( a=0, name='PartialLogNormDistribution' ) class PartialLogUniformDistribution_gen(stats.rv_continuous): """ partial log-uniform distribution. a fraction `frac` of the distribution follows a log-uniform distribution, while the remaining fraction `1 - frac` is zero """ def _rvs(self, s, frac): """ random variates """ # choose the receptor response characteristics res = random_log_uniform(1/s, s, self._size) # switch off receptors randomly if frac != 1: res[np.random.random(self._size) > frac] = 0 return res def _pdf(self, x, s, frac): """ probability density function """ s, frac = s[0], frac[0] # reset broadcasting res = np.zeros_like(x) idx = (1 < x*s) & (x < s) res[idx] = frac/(x[idx] * np.log(s*s)) return res def _cdf(self, x, s, frac): """ cumulative probability function """ s, frac = s[0], frac[0] # reset broadcasting res = np.zeros_like(x) idx = (1 < x*s) & (x < s) log_s = np.log(s) res[idx] = (log_s + np.log(x[idx]))/(2 * log_s) res[x > s] = 1 return (1 - frac) + frac*res def _ppf(self, q, s, frac): """ percent point function (inverse of cdf) """ s, frac = s[0], frac[0] # reset broadcasting q_scale = (q - (1 - frac)) / frac res = np.zeros_like(q) idx = (q_scale > 0) res[idx] = s**(2*q_scale[idx] - 1) return res PartialLogUniformDistribution = PartialLogUniformDistribution_gen( a=0, name='PartialLogUniformDistribution' ) NORMAL_DISTRIBUTION_NORMALIZATION = 1/np.sqrt(2*np.pi) class NormalDistribution(object): """ class representing normal distributions """ def __init__(self, mean, var, count=None): """ normal distributions are described by their mean and variance. Additionally, count denotes how many observations were used to estimate the parameters. All values can also be numpy arrays to represent many distributions efficiently """ self.mean = mean self.var = var self.count = count def copy(self): return self.__class__(self.mean, self.var, self.count) @cached_property() def std(self): """ return standard deviation """ return np.sqrt(self.var) def pdf(self, value, mask=None): """ return probability density function at value """ if mask is None: mean = self.mean var = self.var std = self.std else: mean = self.mean[mask] var = self.var[mask] std = self.std[mask] return NORMAL_DISTRIBUTION_NORMALIZATION/std \ * np.exp(-0.5*(value - mean)**2 / var) def add_observation(self, value): """ add an observed value and adjust mean and variance of the distribution. This returns a new distribution and only works if count was set """ if self.count is None: return self.copy() else: M2 = self.var*(self.count - 1) count = self.count + 1 delta = value - self.mean mean = self.mean + delta/count M2 = M2 + delta*(value - mean) return NormalDistribution(mean, M2/(count - 1), count) def distance(self, other, kind='kullback-leibler'): """ return the distance between two normal distributions """ if kind == 'kullback-leibler': dist = 0.5*(np.log(other.var/self.var) + (self.var + (self.mean - self.mean)**2)/other.var - 1) elif kind == 'bhattacharyya': var_ratio = self.var/other.var term1 = np.log(0.25*(var_ratio + 1/var_ratio + 2)) term2 = (self.mean - other.mean)**2/(self.var + other.var) dist = 0.25*(term1 + term2) elif kind == 'hellinger': dist_b = self.distance(other, kind='bhattacharyya') dist = np.sqrt(1 - np.exp(-dist_b)) else: raise ValueError('Unknown distance `%s`' % kind) return dist def welch_test(self, other): """ performs Welch's t-test of two normal distributions """ # calculate the degrees of freedom s1, s2 = self.var/self.count, other.var/other.count nu1, nu2 = self.count - 1, other.count - 1 dof = (s1 + s2)**2/(s1**2/nu1 + s2**2/nu2) # calculate the Welch t-value t = (self.mean - other.mean)/np.sqrt(s1 + s2) # calculate the probability using the Student's T distribution prob = stats.t.sf(np.abs(t), dof) * 2 return prob def overlap(self, other, common_variance=True): """ estimates the amount of overlap between two distributions """ if common_variance: if self.count is None: if other.count is None: # neither is sampled S = np.sqrt(0.5*(self.var + other.var)) else: # other is sampled S = self.std else: if other.count is None: # self is sampled S = other.std else: # both are sampled expr = ((self.count - 1)*self.var + (other.count - 1)*other.var) S = np.sqrt(expr/(self.count + other.count - 2)) delta = np.abs(self.mean - other.mean)/S return 2*stats.norm.cdf(-0.5*delta) else: # here, we would have to integrate numerically raise NotImplementedError
<gh_stars>0 lines = [] with open('input.txt') as f: lines = f.readlines() lines = list(map(lambda x: x.strip(), lines)) linelen = len(lines[0]) linec = len(lines) def check(x, y): posX = 0 posY = 0 trees = 0 while posY < linec: if lines[posY][posX % linelen] == '#': trees += 1 posX+=x posY+=y return trees print(f'part 1: {check(3, 1)}') slopes = [(1, 1), (3, 1), (5, 1), (7, 1), (1, 2)] result = 1 for i in slopes: result *= check(i[0], i[1]) print(f'part 2: {result}')
<filename>shoppingcart/shop/ from .models import Category def menu_links(request): """get menu links""" links = Category.objects.all() return dict(links=links)
<reponame>euranova/estimating_eces # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ @author: nicolas.posocco """ from .classwise_ece import classwise_ece from .classwise_ece_c import classwise_ece_c from .classwise_ece_a import classwise_ece_a from .classwise_ece_ac import classwise_ece_ac
from layers import * from metrics import * class Model(object): def __init__(self, **kwargs): name = kwargs.get('name') if not name: name = self.__class__.__name__.lower() = name self._LAYER_UIDS = {} self.vars = {} self.placeholders = {} self.layers = [] self.activations = [] self.inputs = None self.outputs = None self.loss = 0 self.accuracy = 0 self.optimizer = None self.opt_op = None def _build(self): raise NotImplementedError def build(self): """ Wrapper for _build() """ with tf.variable_scope( self._build() # Build sequential layer model self.activations.append(self.inputs) for layer in self.layers: hidden = layer(self.activations[-1]) self.activations.append(hidden) self.outputs = self.activations[-1] # Store model variables for easy access variables = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES, self.vars = { var for var in variables} # Build metrics self._loss() self._accuracy() # Joint Optimzer for Attention and Model Parameters self.opt_op = self.optimizer.minimize(self.loss) ##################################################### # Uncomment these optimizers for Alternate Optimization # of Attention and Model Parameters ##################################################### ''' attention_variables = tf.get_collection('ATTENTION_WEIGHTS', self.attention_op = self.optimizer.minimize(self.loss, var_list=attention_variables) model_variables = tf.get_collection('MODEL_WEIGHTS', self.model_op = self.optimizer.minimize(self.loss, var_list=model_variables) ''' ##################################################### def get_layer_uid(self,layer_name=''): """Helper function, assigns unique layer IDs.""" if layer_name not in self._LAYER_UIDS: self._LAYER_UIDS[layer_name] = 1 return 1 else: self._LAYER_UIDS[layer_name] += 1 return self._LAYER_UIDS[layer_name] def predict(self): pass def _loss(self): raise NotImplementedError def _accuracy(self): raise NotImplementedError def save(self, sess=None): if not sess: raise AttributeError("TensorFlow session not provided.") saver = tf.train.Saver(self.vars) save_path =, "tmp/%s.ckpt" % print("Model saved in file: %s" % save_path) def load(self, sess=None): if not sess: raise AttributeError("TensorFlow session not provided.") saver = tf.train.Saver(self.vars) save_path = "tmp/%s.ckpt" % saver.restore(sess, save_path) print("Model restored from file: %s" % save_path) class GAT(Model): def __init__(self, configs, placeholders, input_dim, **kwargs): super(GAT, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.configs = configs self.inputs = placeholders['features'] self.input_dim = input_dim self.output_dim = placeholders['labels'].get_shape().as_list()[1] self.placeholders = placeholders self.seed = configs['seed'] self.optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=configs['learning_rate']) self.num_heads = configs['num_heads'] def _loss(self): # Weight decay loss for layer in self.layers: for var in layer.vars.values(): if 'weight' in self.loss += self.configs['weight_decay'] * tf.nn.l2_loss(var) # Cross entropy error self.pred_error = masked_softmax_cross_entropy(self.outputs, self.placeholders['labels'], self.placeholders['labels_mask']) self.loss += self.pred_error def _accuracy(self): self.accuracy = masked_accuracy(self.outputs, self.placeholders['labels'], self.placeholders['labels_mask']) def _build(self): self.layers.append(GraphAttention(input_dim=self.input_dim, output_dim=self.configs['hidden_dims'], num_heads = self.num_heads, average_heads=False, act=tf.nn.elu, placeholders=self.placeholders, model_dropout=True, attention_dropout=True, bias=True, attention_bias=True, parent_model=self)) self.layers.append(GraphAttention(input_dim=self.configs['hidden_dims']*self.num_heads, output_dim=self.output_dim, num_heads=1, average_heads=True, act=lambda x: x, placeholders=self.placeholders, model_dropout=True, attention_dropout=True, bias=True, attention_bias=True, parent_model=self)) def predict(self): return tf.nn.softmax(self.outputs)
<filename>build/ import configparser import subprocess import argparse import shutil import base64 import glob import sys import os import promote class Manage(object): def __init__(self, image, verbose=False): self.init_feedback() self.verbose = verbose self.devnull = open(os.devnull, "w") self.image = image parser = configparser.ConfigParser()"authentication.ini") self.dockerhub_username = base64.b64decode( parser.get("dockerhub", "username")).decode("utf-8") self.dockerhub_password = <PASSWORD>4decode( parser.get("dockerhub", "password")).decode("utf-8") self.dockerhub_priv_username = base64.b64decode( parser.get("dockerhub_priv", "username")).decode("utf-8") self.dockerhub_priv_password = <PASSWORD>.b64decode( parser.get("dockerhub_priv", "password")).decode("utf-8") def init_feedback(self): print("#########################") print("# Void Build Pipeline #") print("#########################") def docker_login_pub(self): cmd = ("docker login " + "--username {} ".format(self.dockerhub_username) + "--password {}".format(self.dockerhub_password)), shell=True) def docker_login_priv(self): cmd = ("docker login " + "--username {} ".format(self.dockerhub_priv_username) + "--password {}".format(self.dockerhub_priv_password)), shell=True) def build(self): sys.stdout.write("Building Container... ") sys.stdout.flush() cmd = ("docker build -t {} ../" .format(self.image)) if self.verbose:, shell=True) else:, stdout=self.devnull, stderr=self.devnull, shell=True) sys.stdout.write("Done") sys.stdout.flush() print("") def push(self): sys.stdout.write("Pushing Container... ") sys.stdout.flush() cmd = ("docker push {}" .format(self.image)) if self.verbose:, shell=True) else:, stdout=self.devnull, stderr=self.devnull, shell=True) sys.stdout.write("Done") sys.stdout.flush() print("") def promote(self): sys.stdout.write("Promoting Container... ") sys.stdout.flush() prom = promote.Promote(self.image) sys.stdout.write("Done") sys.stdout.flush() def clean(self): files_to_remove = glob.glob("./*.pyc") for aFile in files_to_remove: os.remove(aFile) shutil.rmtree("__pycache__") def run(self): self.docker_login_pub() self.push() self.promote() self.clean() self.docker_login_priv() def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() required = parser.add_argument_group('Required arguments') required.add_argument("-i", "--image", action="store", help="Docker image and tag", required=True) required.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", help="Show output (default False)") args = parser.parse_args() if args.verbose: manage = Manage(args.image, args.verbose) else: manage = Manage(args.image) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import UUID from .. import db from . import Base roles = db.Table( 'roles', db.Column('role_id', UUID, db.ForeignKey('')), db.Column('user_id', UUID, db.ForeignKey('')) ) socialmedianetworks = db.Table( 'socialmedianetworks', db.Column('socialmedianetwork_id', UUID, db.ForeignKey('')), # noqa db.Column('profile_id', UUID, db.ForeignKey('')) ) class User(Base, db.Model): __tablename__ = 'user' openid = db.Column(db.String(200)) profile = db.relationship('Profile', backref='user', lazy='dynamic', uselist=False) roles = db.relationship('Role', backref=db.backref('user', lazy='dynamic'), lazy='dynamic', secondary=roles) def __init__(self, openid): self.openid = openid class Role(Base, db.Model): __tablename__ = 'role' name = db.Column(db.String(80), unique=True) def __init__(self, name): = name class SocialMediaNetwork(Base, db.Model): __tablename__ = 'socialmedianetwork' network = db.Column(db.String(10)) username = db.Column(db.String(255)) def __init__(self, network, username): = network self.username = username class Profile(Base, db.Model): __tablename__ = 'profile' username = db.Column(db.String(80), index=True, unique=True) email = db.Column(db.String(120), index=True, unique=True) display_name = db.Column(db.String(80), index=True, unique=True) first_name = db.Column(db.String(80), index=True) last_name = db.Column(db.String(80), index=True) user_id = db.Column(UUID, db.ForeignKey('')) social_media_networks = db.relationship( 'SocialMediaNetwork', backref=db.backref('user', lazy='dynamic'), lazy='dynamic', secondary=socialmedianetworks) def __init__(self, username, email, first_name=None, last_name=None, display_name=None, user_id=None, social_media_networks=None): self.username = username = email if not display_name: self.display_name = username else: self.display_name = display_name self.first_name = first_name self.last_name = last_name self.social_media_networks = social_media_networks self.user_id = user_id
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # coding=utf-8 import json import os import sys import unittest from src.utils.payloadHelper import PayloadHelper class MappedPayloadTests(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): pass def test_hartbeat(self): script_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) rel_path = 'data/source/heartbeatPayload.json' abs_file_path = os.path.join(script_dir, rel_path) with open(abs_file_path) as hartbeatData: self.hartbeatJson = json.load(hartbeatData) self.helper = PayloadHelper() for item in self.hartbeatJson: payload = self.assertIsNotNone(payload.heartbeat) def tearDown(self): self.helper = None self.assertIsNone(self.helper) pass if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main(exit=False)
import random import string from .player import Player # from flask import current_app # from flask_socketio import SocketIO, emit # socketio = SocketIO(current_app) # logger = current_app.logger class Word: def __init__(self, word: str, player: Player, guesser: Player = None): self.word = word.upper() self.scrambled = Word.scramble(word) # Scrambled also contains bonus letters at endgame self.creator = player self.guesser = guesser self.revealed_idx = 0 def __repr__(self): return "Word" + ','.join([str(x) for x in [self.word, self.scrambled, self.guesser, self.revealed_idx]]) def advance(self, state): if self.revealed_idx >= len(self.word) - 1: self.scrambled += random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase) self.revealed_idx += 1 state.update_history_log(f"{self.guesser} advanced") # socketio.emit('word advanced', {}, namespace='/word') def assign_guesser(self, players): # TODO: Assign a random guesser instead of a fixed one if self.guesser is None: self_idx = players.index(self.creator) if self_idx < len( players) - 1: # Array [a, b, c] has len 3 and idx 0, 1, 2. If it's 0 or 1, move right otherwise overflow guesser_idx = self_idx + 1 else: guesser_idx = 0 self.guesser = players[guesser_idx] # def assign_guesser(self, player: Player): # self.guesser = player @staticmethod def scramble(word): l = list(word) random.shuffle(l) return ''.join(l) @staticmethod def word_for_guesser(guesser: Player, list_of_words): for word_in_list in list_of_words: if guesser == word_in_list.guesser: return word_in_list return None
from import * from tests.base import OsfTestCase from tests.factories import UserFactory from scripts.migration.migrate_mailing_lists_to_mailchimp_field import main, get_users_with_no_mailchimp_mailing_lists class TestMigrateMailingLists(OsfTestCase): def setUp(self): super(TestMigrateMailingLists, self).setUp() self.user1 = UserFactory(mailing_lists={'mail': True}) self.user2 = UserFactory(mailing_lists={'mail': False}) self.user3 = UserFactory() def test_get_users_with_mailing_lists(self): users_with_mailing_list_ids = [user._id for user in get_users_with_no_mailchimp_mailing_lists()] assert_equal(len(users_with_mailing_list_ids), 2) assert_true(self.user1._id in users_with_mailing_list_ids) assert_true(self.user2._id in users_with_mailing_list_ids) assert_false(self.user3._id in users_with_mailing_list_ids) def test_migration_of_mailing_lists(self): assert_equal(self.user1.mailchimp_mailing_lists, {}) assert_equal(self.user2.mailchimp_mailing_lists, {}) main() self.user1.reload() self.user2.reload() assert_true(self.user1.mailchimp_mailing_lists.get(u'mail')) assert_false(self.user2.mailchimp_mailing_lists.get(u'mail'))
<reponame>aripekka/tbcalc # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Tests for the transverse deformation functions. Run with pytest. Created on Sat May 9 00:09:00 2020 @author: aripekka """ import sys import os.path import numpy as np sys.path.insert(1, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),'..')) from tbcalc.transverse_deformation import * from pyTTE import TTcrystal, Quantity def test_isotropic_circular(): #Calculate the reference stresses and strains as implemented in the #deprecated sbcalc package E = 165 nu = 0.22 thickness = 0.1 Rx = 1000.0 Ry = 500.0 R = np.sqrt(Rx*Ry) L = 100.0 x=np.linspace(-L/2,L/2,150) X,Y=np.meshgrid(x,x) stress = {} strain = {} stress['xx'] = -E/(16*R**2)*(X**2 + 3*Y**2 -L**2/4) stress['yy'] = -E/(16*R**2)*(3*X**2 + Y**2 -L**2/4) stress['xy'] = E/(8*R**2)*X*Y stress['yx'] = stress['xy'] strain['xx'] = ((1-nu)*L**2/4-(1-3*nu)*X**2-(3-nu)*Y**2)/(16*R**2) strain['yy'] = ((1-nu)*L**2/4-(1-3*nu)*Y**2-(3-nu)*X**2)/(16*R**2) strain['xy'] = (1+nu)/(8*R**2)*X*Y strain['yx'] = strain['xy'] strain['zz'] = nu/(4*R**2)*(X**2+Y**2-L**2/8) #missing zero strains from sbcalc strain['xz'] = X*0 strain['zx'] = X*0 strain['yz'] = X*0 strain['zy'] = X*0 for k in stress: stress[k][X**2+Y**2 > L**2/4] = np.nan for k in strain: strain[k][X**2+Y**2 > L**2/4] = np.nan #add int indexing int2char_ind = ['','x','y','z'] for i in range(1,3): for j in range(1,3): stress[i*10+j] = stress[int2char_ind[i]+int2char_ind[j]] for i in range(1,4): for j in range(1,4): strain[i*10+j] = strain[int2char_ind[i]+int2char_ind[j]] #COMPARE THE REFERENCE TO THE IMPLEMENTATION stress_imp, strain_imp, P_imp = isotropic_circular(Rx, Ry, L, thickness, nu, E) meps = np.finfo(np.float).eps #machine epsilon for i in range(1,3): for j in range(1,3): num_ind = i*10+j str_ind = int2char_ind[i]+int2char_ind[j] assert np.all(np.logical_or(np.abs(stress[num_ind] - stress_imp[num_ind](X,Y)) < meps, np.logical_and(np.isnan(stress[num_ind]), np.isnan(stress_imp[num_ind](X,Y))))) assert np.all(np.logical_or(np.abs(stress[str_ind] - stress_imp[str_ind](X,Y)) < meps, np.logical_and(np.isnan(stress[str_ind]), np.isnan(stress_imp[str_ind](X,Y))))) for i in range(1,4): for j in range(1,4): num_ind = i*10+j str_ind = int2char_ind[i]+int2char_ind[j] assert np.all(np.logical_or(np.abs(strain[num_ind] - strain_imp[num_ind](X,Y)) < meps, np.logical_and(np.isnan(strain[num_ind]), np.isnan(strain_imp[num_ind](X,Y))))) assert np.all(np.logical_or(np.abs(strain[str_ind] - strain_imp[str_ind](X,Y)) < meps, np.logical_and(np.isnan(strain[str_ind]), np.isnan(strain_imp[str_ind](X,Y))))) #check the contact force P = -thickness*(stress['xx']/Rx+stress['yy']/Ry) assert np.all(np.logical_or(np.abs(P - P_imp(X,Y)) < meps, np.logical_and(np.isnan(P), np.isnan(P_imp(X,Y))))) def test_anisotropic_circular_vs_sbcalc(): #For compliance matrix ttx = TTcrystal(crystal='Si',hkl=[9,5,1], thickness=Quantity(0.1,'mm')) S = ttx.S.in_units('GPa^-1') thickness = 0.1 Rx = 1000.0 Ry = 500.0 R = np.sqrt(Rx*Ry) L = 100.0 #Calculate the stresses and strains as in the now deprecated sbcalc x=np.linspace(-L/2,L/2,150) X,Y=np.meshgrid(x,x) r_squared = X**2+Y**2 phi = np.arctan2(Y,X) stress = {} strain = {} D = 1/(2*R**2*(3*(S[0,0]+S[1,1])+2*S[0,1]+S[5,5])) stress['xx'] = D*(L**2/4-X**2-3*Y**2) stress['yy'] = D*(L**2/4-3*X**2-Y**2) stress['xy'] = 2*D*X*Y stress['yx'] = stress['xy'] #shorthand notation uzzaux1 = (S[2,0]+S[2,1])*L**2/4 uzzaux2 = 2*(S[2,0]+S[2,1]) uzzaux3 = np.sqrt((S[2,1]-S[2,0])**2+S[2,5]**2) beta = np.arctan2(S[2,5],(S[2,1]-S[2,0])) strain['zz'] = D*(uzzaux1 - (uzzaux2+uzzaux3*np.cos(2*phi+beta))*r_squared) #In sbcalc, there's incorrectly sin instead of cos for k in stress: stress[k][X**2+Y**2 > L**2/4] = np.nan for k in strain: strain[k][X**2+Y**2 > L**2/4] = np.nan stress_imp, strain_imp, P_imp = anisotropic_circular(Rx, Ry, L, thickness, S) meps = np.finfo(np.float).eps #machine epsilon #add int indexing int2char_ind = ['','x','y','z'] for i in range(1,3): for j in range(1,3): str_ind = int2char_ind[i]+int2char_ind[j] assert np.all(np.logical_or(np.abs(stress[str_ind] - stress_imp[str_ind](X,Y)) < meps, np.logical_and(np.isnan(stress[str_ind]), np.isnan(stress_imp[str_ind](X,Y))))) assert np.all(np.logical_or(np.abs(strain['zz'] - strain_imp['zz'](X,Y)) < meps, np.logical_and(np.isnan(strain['zz']), np.isnan(strain_imp['zz'](X,Y))))) #check the contact force P = -thickness*(stress['xx']/Rx+stress['yy']/Ry) assert np.all(np.logical_or(np.abs(P - P_imp(X,Y)) < meps, np.logical_and(np.isnan(P), np.isnan(P_imp(X,Y))))) def test_anisotropic_circular_vs_isotropic_circular(): E = 165 nu = 0.22 thickness = 0.1 Rx = 1000.0 Ry = 500.0 L = 100.0 S = np.zeros((6,6)) #The elastic matrix for isotropic crystal S[0,0] = 1 S[1,1] = 1 S[2,2] = 1 S[0,1] = -nu S[0,2] = -nu S[1,2] = -nu S[1,0] = -nu S[2,0] = -nu S[2,1] = -nu S[3,3] = 2*(1+nu) S[4,4] = 2*(1+nu) S[5,5] = 2*(1+nu) S = S/E stress_iso, strain_iso, P_iso = isotropic_circular(Rx, Ry, L, thickness, nu, E) stress_aniso, strain_aniso, P_aniso = anisotropic_circular(Rx, Ry, L, thickness, S) x=np.linspace(-L/2,L/2,150) X,Y=np.meshgrid(x,x) meps = np.finfo(np.float).eps #machine epsilon int2char_ind = ['','x','y','z'] meps = np.finfo(np.float).eps #machine epsilon #Check stresses for i in range(1,3): for j in range(1,3): num_ind = i*10+j str_ind = int2char_ind[i]+int2char_ind[j] assert np.all(np.logical_or(np.abs(stress_iso[num_ind](X,Y) - stress_aniso[num_ind](X,Y)) < meps, np.logical_and(np.isnan(stress_iso[num_ind](X,Y)), np.isnan(stress_aniso[num_ind](X,Y))))) assert np.all(np.logical_or(np.abs(stress_iso[str_ind](X,Y) - stress_aniso[str_ind](X,Y)) < meps, np.logical_and(np.isnan(stress_iso[str_ind](X,Y)), np.isnan(stress_aniso[str_ind](X,Y))))) #Check strains for i in range(1,4): for j in range(1,4): num_ind = i*10+j str_ind = int2char_ind[i]+int2char_ind[j] assert np.all(np.logical_or(np.abs(strain_iso[num_ind](X,Y) - strain_aniso[num_ind](X,Y)) < meps, np.logical_and(np.isnan(strain_iso[num_ind](X,Y)), np.isnan(strain_aniso[num_ind](X,Y))))) assert np.all(np.logical_or(np.abs(strain_iso[str_ind](X,Y) - strain_aniso[str_ind](X,Y)) < meps, np.logical_and(np.isnan(strain_iso[str_ind](X,Y)), np.isnan(strain_aniso[str_ind](X,Y))))) #Check contact forces assert np.all(np.logical_or(np.abs(P_iso(X,Y) - P_aniso(X,Y)) < meps, np.logical_and(np.isnan(P_iso(X,Y)), np.isnan(P_aniso(X,Y))))) def test_isotropic_rectangular(): #Calculate the reference stresses and strains as implemented in the #deprecated sbcalc package E = 165 nu = 0.22 thickness = 0.1 Rx = 1000.0 Ry = 500.0 R = np.sqrt(Rx*Ry) a = 100.0 b = 50.0 x=np.linspace(-a/2,a/2,150) X,Y=np.meshgrid(x,x) stress = {} strain = {} g = 8 + 10*((a/b)**2+(b/a)**2) + (1-nu)*((a/b)**2-(b/a)**2)**2 stress['xx'] = E/(g*R**2) * (a**2/12-X**2 + ((1+nu)/2 + 5*(a/b)**2 + (1-nu)/2*(a/b)**4)*(b**2/12-Y**2)) stress['yy'] = E/(g*R**2) * (b**2/12-Y**2 + ((1+nu)/2 + 5*(b/a)**2 + (1-nu)/2*(b/a)**4)*(a**2/12-X**2)) #sbcalc has a typo on this line (corrected here) stress['xy'] = 2*E/(g*R**2)*X*Y stress['yx'] = stress['xy'] strain['zz'] = nu/(g*R**2) * (((3+nu)/2+5*(b/a)**2+(1-nu)/2*(b/a)**4)*(X**2 - a**2/12)+\ ((3+nu)/2+5*(a/b)**2+(1-nu)/2*(a/b)**4)*(Y**2 - b**2/12)) for k in stress: stress[k][np.abs(X) > a/2] = np.nan stress[k][np.abs(Y) > b/2] = np.nan for k in strain: strain[k][np.abs(X) > a/2] = np.nan strain[k][np.abs(Y) > b/2] = np.nan #add int indexing int2char_ind = ['','x','y','z'] for i in range(1,3): for j in range(1,3): stress[i*10+j] = stress[int2char_ind[i]+int2char_ind[j]] for i in range(3,4): for j in range(3,4): strain[i*10+j] = strain[int2char_ind[i]+int2char_ind[j]] #COMPARE THE REFERENCE TO THE IMPLEMENTATION stress_imp, strain_imp, P_imp = isotropic_rectangular(Rx, Ry, a, b, thickness, nu, E) meps = np.finfo(np.float).eps #machine epsilon for i in range(1,3): for j in range(1,3): num_ind = i*10+j str_ind = int2char_ind[i]+int2char_ind[j] assert np.all(np.logical_or(np.abs(stress[num_ind] - stress_imp[num_ind](X,Y)) < meps, np.logical_and(np.isnan(stress[num_ind]), np.isnan(stress_imp[num_ind](X,Y))))) assert np.all(np.logical_or(np.abs(stress[str_ind] - stress_imp[str_ind](X,Y)) < meps, np.logical_and(np.isnan(stress[str_ind]), np.isnan(stress_imp[str_ind](X,Y))))) for i in range(3,4): for j in range(3,4): num_ind = i*10+j str_ind = int2char_ind[i]+int2char_ind[j] assert np.all(np.logical_or(np.abs(strain[num_ind] - strain_imp[num_ind](X,Y)) < meps, np.logical_and(np.isnan(strain[num_ind]), np.isnan(strain_imp[num_ind](X,Y))))) assert np.all(np.logical_or(np.abs(strain[str_ind] - strain_imp[str_ind](X,Y)) < meps, np.logical_and(np.isnan(strain[str_ind]), np.isnan(strain_imp[str_ind](X,Y))))) #check the contact force P = -thickness*(stress['xx']/Rx+stress['yy']/Ry) assert np.all(np.logical_or(np.abs(P - P_imp(X,Y)) < meps, np.logical_and(np.isnan(P), np.isnan(P_imp(X,Y))))) def test_anisotropic_rectangular_vs_isotropic_rectangular(): E = 165 nu = 0.22 thickness = 0.1 Rx = 1000.0 Ry = 500.0 a = 100.0 b = 100.0 S = np.zeros((6,6)) #The elastic matrix for isotropic crystal S[0,0] = 1 S[1,1] = 1 S[2,2] = 1 S[0,1] = -nu S[0,2] = -nu S[1,2] = -nu S[1,0] = -nu S[2,0] = -nu S[2,1] = -nu S[3,3] = 2*(1+nu) S[4,4] = 2*(1+nu) S[5,5] = 2*(1+nu) S = S/E stress_iso, strain_iso, P_iso = isotropic_rectangular(Rx, Ry, a, b, thickness, nu, E) stress_aniso, strain_aniso, P_aniso = anisotropic_rectangular(Rx, Ry, a, b, thickness, S) x=np.linspace(-a/2,a/2,150) X,Y=np.meshgrid(x,x) meps = np.finfo(np.float).eps #machine epsilon int2char_ind = ['','x','y','z'] meps = np.finfo(np.float).eps #machine epsilon #Check stresses for i in range(1,3): for j in range(1,3): num_ind = i*10+j str_ind = int2char_ind[i]+int2char_ind[j] assert np.all(np.logical_or(np.abs(stress_iso[num_ind](X,Y) - stress_aniso[num_ind](X,Y)) < meps, np.logical_and(np.isnan(stress_iso[num_ind](X,Y)), np.isnan(stress_aniso[num_ind](X,Y))))) assert np.all(np.logical_or(np.abs(stress_iso[str_ind](X,Y) - stress_aniso[str_ind](X,Y)) < meps, np.logical_and(np.isnan(stress_iso[str_ind](X,Y)), np.isnan(stress_aniso[str_ind](X,Y))))) #Check strains for i in range(1,4): for j in range(1,4): num_ind = i*10+j str_ind = int2char_ind[i]+int2char_ind[j] assert np.all(np.logical_or(np.abs(strain_iso[num_ind](X,Y) - strain_aniso[num_ind](X,Y)) < meps, np.logical_and(np.isnan(strain_iso[num_ind](X,Y)), np.isnan(strain_aniso[num_ind](X,Y))))) assert np.all(np.logical_or(np.abs(strain_iso[str_ind](X,Y) - strain_aniso[str_ind](X,Y)) < meps, np.logical_and(np.isnan(strain_iso[str_ind](X,Y)), np.isnan(strain_aniso[str_ind](X,Y))))) #Check contact forces assert np.all(np.logical_or(np.abs(P_iso(X,Y) - P_aniso(X,Y)) < meps, np.logical_and(np.isnan(P_iso(X,Y)), np.isnan(P_aniso(X,Y))))) def test_anisotropic_rectangular_vs_old_Version(): #For compliance matrix ttx = TTcrystal(crystal='Si',hkl=[9,5,3], thickness=Quantity(0.1,'mm')) a = 100.0 b = 100.0 x=np.linspace(-a/2,a/2,150) X,Y=np.meshgrid(x,x) thickness = 0.1 Rx = 1000.0 Ry = 500.0 R = np.sqrt(Rx*Ry) S = ttx.S.in_units('GPa^-1') stress = {} strain = {} #Numerical solution through solving a linear system A*x = b B = np.array([0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,-0.5]) #Construction of A matrix rows #[C11, C20, C02, C22, C31, C13, C40, C04, lambda] A = [] A.append([12*S[5,5], -12*S[1,5], -12*S[0,5], -(S[0,5]*a**2 + S[1,5]*b**2), S[5,5]*a**2, S[5,5]*b**2, -S[1,5]*a**2, -S[0,5]*b**2, 0]) #dL/C11 A.append([-12*S[0,5], 12*S[0,1], 12*S[0,0], (S[0,0]*a**2 + S[0,1]*b**2), -S[0,5]*a**2, -S[0,5]*b**2, S[0,1]*a**2, S[0,0]*b**2, 0]) #dL/C02 A.append([-12*S[1,5], 12*S[1,1], 12*S[1,0], (S[1,0]*a**2 + S[1,1]*b**2), -S[1,5]*a**2, -S[1,5]*b**2, S[1,1]*a**2, S[0,1]*b**2, 0]) #dL/C20 A.append([-(S[0,5]*a**2 + S[1,5]*b**2), S[0,1]*a**2 + S[1,1]*b**2, S[0,0]*a**2 + S[0,1]*b**2, (S[0,1]+2*S[5,5])*a**2*b**2/6 + 3*(S[0,0]*a**4 + S[1,1]*b**4)/20, -(3*S[0,5]*a**4/20 + 5*S[1,5]*a**2*b**2/12), -(3*S[1,5]*b**4/20 + 5*S[0,5]*a**2*b**2/12), 3*S[0,1]*a**4/20 + S[1,1]*a**2*b**2/12, 3*S[0,1]*b**4/20 + S[0,0]*a**2*b**2/12, 2*S[0,1] + S[5,5]]) #dL/C22 A.append([S[5,5]*a**2, -S[1,5]*a**2, -S[0,5]*a**2, -(3*S[0,5]*a**4/20 + 5*S[1,5]*a**2*b**2/12), S[1,1]*a**2*b**2/3 + 3*S[5,5]*a**4/20, (S[0,1]/3 + S[5,5]/12)*a**2*b**2, -3*S[1,5]*a**4/20, - S[0,5]*a**2*b**2/12, -2*S[1,5]]) #dL/C31 A.append([S[5,5]*b**2, -S[1,5]*b**2, -S[0,5]*b**2, -(3*S[1,5]*b**4/20 + 5*S[0,5]*a**2*b**2/12), (S[0,1]/3 + S[5,5]/12)*a**2*b**2, S[0,0]*a**2*b**2/3 + 3*S[5,5]*b**4/20, -S[1,5]*a**2*b**2/12, -3*S[0,5]*b**4/20, -2*S[0,5]]) #dL/C13 A.append([-S[1,5]*a**2, S[1,1]*a**2, S[0,1]*a**2, S[1,1]*a**2*b**2/12 + 3*S[0,1]*a**4/20, -3*S[1,5]*a**4/20, -S[1,5]*a**2*b**2/12, 3*S[1,1]*a**4/20, S[0,1]*a**2*b**2/12, S[1,1]]) #dL/C40 A.append([-S[0,5]*b**2, S[0,1]*b**2, S[0,0]*b**2, S[0,0]*a**2*b**2/12 + 3*S[0,1]*b**4/20, -S[0,5]*a**2*b**2/12, -3*S[0,5]*b**4/20, S[0,1]*a**2*b**2/12, 3*S[0,0]*b**4/20, S[0,0]]) #dL/C04 A.append([0, 0, 0, 2*S[0,1] + S[5,5], -2*S[1,5], -2*S[0,5], S[1,1], S[0,0], 0]) A = np.array(A) C11, C20, C02, C22, C31, C13, C40, C04, L = np.linalg.solve(A,B) stress['xx'] = (C02 + C22*X**2 + 2*C13*X*Y + C04*Y**2)/R**2 stress['yy'] = (C20 + C22*Y**2 + 2*C31*X*Y + C40*X**2)/R**2 stress['xy'] = -(C11 + 2*C22*X*Y + C31*X**2 + C13*Y**2)/R**2 stress['yx'] = stress['xy'].copy() strain['zz'] = S[2,0]*stress['xx'] + S[2,1]*stress['yy'] + S[2,5]*stress['xy'] strain['xz'] = 0.5*(S[3,0]*stress['xx'] + S[3,1]*stress['yy'] + S[3,5]*stress['xy'] ) strain['zx'] = strain['xz'].copy() #Apply mask mask = np.ones(X.shape) mask[np.abs(X)>a/2] = 0 mask[np.abs(Y)>b/2] = 0 for key in stress: stress[key][mask < 0.5] = np.nan for key in strain: strain[key][mask < 0.5] = np.nan stress_imp, strain_imp, P_imp = anisotropic_rectangular(Rx, Ry, a, b, thickness, S) #add int indexing int2char_ind = ['','x','y','z'] for i in range(1,3): for j in range(1,3): stress[i*10+j] = stress[int2char_ind[i]+int2char_ind[j]] for i in [1,3]: for j in [1,3]: if i==1 and j == 1: continue strain[i*10+j] = strain[int2char_ind[i]+int2char_ind[j]] meps = np.finfo(np.float).eps #machine epsilon for i in range(1,3): for j in range(1,3): num_ind = i*10+j str_ind = int2char_ind[i]+int2char_ind[j] assert np.all(np.logical_or(np.abs(stress[num_ind] - stress_imp[num_ind](X,Y)) < meps, np.logical_and(np.isnan(stress[num_ind]), np.isnan(stress_imp[num_ind](X,Y))))) assert np.all(np.logical_or(np.abs(stress[str_ind] - stress_imp[str_ind](X,Y)) < meps, np.logical_and(np.isnan(stress[str_ind]), np.isnan(stress_imp[str_ind](X,Y))))) for i in [1,3]: for j in [1,3]: if i==1 and j == 1: continue num_ind = i*10+j str_ind = int2char_ind[i]+int2char_ind[j] assert np.all(np.logical_or(np.abs(strain[num_ind] - strain_imp[num_ind](X,Y)) < meps, np.logical_and(np.isnan(strain[num_ind]), np.isnan(strain_imp[num_ind](X,Y))))) assert np.all(np.logical_or(np.abs(strain[str_ind] - strain_imp[str_ind](X,Y)) < meps, np.logical_and(np.isnan(strain[str_ind]), np.isnan(strain_imp[str_ind](X,Y)))))
import pickle from typing import List, Set from os.path import join, exists, isfile, isdir from os import makedirs, listdir from hotpot.config import CORPUS_DIR from hotpot.configurable import Configurable from import RelevanceQuestion from hotpot.data_handling.word_vectors import load_word_vectors from hotpot.utils import ResourceLoader """ Squad data. For now, leaving out answer spans. When we want to predict answers, we will deal with it.""" class SquadParagraph(object): def __init__(self, doc_title: str, par_id: int, par_text: List[str], pickle_text=True): self.doc_title = doc_title self.par_id = par_id self.par_text = par_text self.pickle_text = pickle_text @property def num_tokens(self): return len(self.par_text) def get_paragraph_without_text_pickling(self): return SquadParagraph(self.doc_title, self.par_id, self.par_text, pickle_text=False) def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"Title: {self.doc_title}, Id: {self.par_id}\n" \ f"Paragraph:\n" + ' '.join(self.par_text) def __getstate__(self): if not self.pickle_text: state = self.__dict__.copy() state['par_text'] = None return state return self.__dict__ class SquadDocument(object): def __init__(self, title: str, paragraphs: List[SquadParagraph]): self.title = title self.paragraphs = paragraphs self.id_to_par = self._build_id_paragraph_dict() def _build_id_paragraph_dict(self): return {x.par_id: x for x in self.paragraphs} def get_par(self, par_id) -> SquadParagraph: return self.id_to_par[par_id] def add_par(self, par: SquadParagraph): if par.par_id in self.id_to_par: raise ValueError("This paragraph id already exists in this document!") if par.doc_title != self.title: raise ValueError("Paragraph title not matching document title!") self.paragraphs.append(SquadParagraph(par.doc_title, par.par_id, par.par_text, pickle_text=True)) self.id_to_par[par.par_id] = self.paragraphs[-1] def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"Title: {self.title}. Number of paragraphs: {len(self.paragraphs)}" class SquadQuestion(object): """ Squad Question and paragraphs.""" def __init__(self, question_id: str, question: List[str], answers: Set[str], paragraph: SquadParagraph): self.question_id = question_id self.question = question self.answers = answers self.paragraph = paragraph # .get_paragraph_without_text_pickling() def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{self.question_id}: {' '.join(self.question)}\nAnswer(s): {self.answers}\n" \ f"Paragraph:\n" + ' '.join(self.paragraph.par_text) class SquadQuestionWithDistractors(SquadQuestion): def __init__(self, question_id: str, question: List[str], answers: Set[str], paragraph: SquadParagraph, distractors: List[SquadParagraph]): super().__init__(question_id, question, answers, paragraph) # self.distractors = [x.get_paragraph_without_text_pickling() for x in distractors] self.distractors = distractors def add_distractors(self, paragraphs: List[SquadParagraph]): """ Doesn't add duplicates """ for paragraph in paragraphs: if any((x.par_id == paragraph.par_id and x.doc_title == paragraph.doc_title) for x in self.distractors): continue # self.distractors.append(paragraph.get_paragraph_without_text_pickling()) self.distractors.append(paragraph) def squad_question_to_relevance_question(squad_question: SquadQuestionWithDistractors) -> RelevanceQuestion: return RelevanceQuestion(dataset_name='squad', question_id=squad_question.question_id, question_tokens=squad_question.question, supporting_facts=[squad_question.paragraph.par_text], distractors=[x.par_text for x in squad_question.distractors]) class SquadRelevanceCorpus(Configurable): TRAIN_DOC_FILE = "train_documents.pkl" TRAIN_FILE = "train_questions.pkl" DEV_DOC_FILE = "dev_documents.pkl" DEV_FILE = "dev_questions.pkl" NAME = "squad" VOCAB_FILE = "squad_vocab.txt" WORD_VEC_SUFFIX = "_pruned" @staticmethod def make_corpus(train_documents: List[SquadDocument], train: List[SquadQuestionWithDistractors], dev_documents: List[SquadDocument], dev: List[SquadQuestionWithDistractors]): dir = join(CORPUS_DIR, SquadRelevanceCorpus.NAME) # if isfile(dir) or (exists(dir) and len(listdir(dir))) > 0: # raise ValueError("Directory %s already exists and is non-empty" % dir) if not exists(dir): makedirs(dir) train_document_dict = {doc.title: doc for doc in train_documents} if len(train_document_dict) != len(train_documents): raise ValueError("different train documents have the same title!") dev_document_dict = {doc.title: doc for doc in dev_documents} if len(dev_document_dict) != len(dev_documents): raise ValueError("different dev documents have the same title!") for name, data in [(SquadRelevanceCorpus.TRAIN_FILE, train), (SquadRelevanceCorpus.DEV_FILE, dev), (SquadRelevanceCorpus.TRAIN_DOC_FILE, train_document_dict), (SquadRelevanceCorpus.DEV_DOC_FILE, dev_document_dict)]: if data is not None: with open(join(dir, name), 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(data, f) def __init__(self): dir = join(CORPUS_DIR, self.NAME) if not exists(dir) or not isdir(dir): raise ValueError("No directory %s, corpus not built yet?" % dir) self.dir = dir self.train_title_to_document = None self.dev_title_to_document = None @property def evidence(self): return None def get_vocab_file(self): self.get_vocab() return join(self.dir, self.VOCAB_FILE) def get_vocab(self): """ get all-lower cased unique words for this corpus, includes train/dev/test files """ voc_file = join(self.dir, self.VOCAB_FILE) if exists(voc_file): with open(voc_file, "r") as f: return [x.rstrip() for x in f] else: voc = set() for fn in [self.get_train, self.get_dev, self.get_test]: for question in fn(): voc.update(x.lower() for x in question.question) for para in (question.distractors + [question.paragraph]): voc.update(x.lower() for x in para.par_text) voc_list = sorted(list(voc)) with open(voc_file, "w") as f: for word in voc_list: f.write(word) f.write("\n") return voc_list def get_pruned_word_vecs(self, word_vec_name, voc=None): """ Loads word vectors that have been pruned to the case-insensitive vocab of this corpus. WARNING: this includes dev words This exists since loading word-vecs each time we startup can be a big pain, so we cache the pruned vecs on-disk as a .npy file we can re-load quickly. """ vec_file = join(self.dir, word_vec_name + self.WORD_VEC_SUFFIX + ".npy") if isfile(vec_file): print("Loading word vec %s for %s from cache" % (word_vec_name, with open(vec_file, "rb") as f: return pickle.load(f) else: print("Building pruned word vec %s for %s" % (, word_vec_name)) voc = self.get_vocab() vecs = load_word_vectors(word_vec_name, voc) with open(vec_file, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(vecs, f) return vecs def get_resource_loader(self): return ResourceLoader(self.get_pruned_word_vecs) def _load_document_dict(self, train: bool): if train: if self.train_title_to_document is None: self.train_title_to_document = self._load(join(self.dir, self.TRAIN_DOC_FILE)) else: if self.dev_title_to_document is None: self.dev_title_to_document = self._load(join(self.dir, self.DEV_DOC_FILE)) def _insert_text_to_paragraph(self, paragraph: SquadParagraph, train: bool): title_to_doc = self.train_title_to_document if train else self.dev_title_to_document paragraph.par_text = title_to_doc[paragraph.doc_title].get_par(paragraph.par_id).par_text paragraph.pickle_text = True # So that there will be no problems later def _insert_text_to_question(self, question: SquadQuestionWithDistractors, train: bool): for par in [question.paragraph] + question.distractors: self._insert_text_to_paragraph(par, train) def _populate_questions(self, questions: List[SquadQuestionWithDistractors], train: bool): self._load_document_dict(train) for q in questions: self._insert_text_to_question(q, train) def get_train(self) -> List[SquadQuestionWithDistractors]: questions = self._load(join(self.dir, self.TRAIN_FILE)) self._populate_questions(questions, train=True) return questions def get_dev(self) -> List[SquadQuestionWithDistractors]: questions = self._load(join(self.dir, self.DEV_FILE)) self._populate_questions(questions, train=False) return questions def get_test(self) -> List[SquadQuestionWithDistractors]: return [] def _load(self, file): if not exists(file): return [] with open(file, "rb") as f: return pickle.load(f) def __getstate__(self): state = self.__dict__.copy() state['train_title_to_document'] = None state['dev_title_to_document'] = None return state def __setstate__(self, state): self.__dict__ = state
from .basepresenter import BasePresenter, PresenterWidgetMixin from .mainpresenter import MainPresenter
<reponame>Fricodelco/image_matching #!/usr/bin/env python3 from cv2 import resize from numpy import reshape import rospy import cv2 import numpy as np from PIL import Image import rospkg import gdal from dataclasses import dataclass from geodetic_conv import GeodeticConvert from decimal import Decimal import os from time import time @dataclass class img_point: pixel_y: int = 0 pixel_x: int = 0 lat: float = 0.0 lon: float = 0.0 class image_processing(): def __init__(self, filename = None, img = None): self.cuda = self.is_cuda_cv() self.main_points = [] self.g_c = GeodeticConvert() self.img = None self.pixel_size = 0 = None self.dp = None self.cadr_scale = 0.0 time_start = time() if filename is not None: home = os.getenv("HOME") data_path = home+'/copa5/map' file_exists = os.path.exists(data_path+'/'+filename+'.tif') # print("start job") try: if file_exists is True: # raster = gdal.Open(data_path+'/'+filename+'.tif') self.img = cv2.imread(data_path+'/'+filename+'.tif') else: # raster = gdal.Open(data_path+'/'+filename+'.TIF') self.img = cv2.imread(data_path+'/'+filename+'.TIF') except: # print("NO MAP FILE") return None # print("map loaded", time() - time_start) time_start = time() # self.img = raster.ReadAsArray() # self.img = np.dstack((self.img[0],self.img[1],self.img[2])) # self.img = self.img[0] self.img = cv2.cvtColor(self.img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) # print("to gray complete", time() - time_start) time_start = time() with open(data_path+'/'+filename+'.@@@') as f: lines = f.readlines() for i in range(2, len(lines)): sub_str = lines[i].split(' ') sub_str = [j for j in sub_str if j] try: sub_str.remove('\n') except: e = 0 sub_str = [float(k) for k in sub_str] point = img_point(sub_str[0], sub_str[1], sub_str[2], sub_str[3]) self.main_points.append(point) else: self.img = img # self.img = self.img[:,:,2] def find_pixel_size(self): self.g_c.initialiseReference(self.main_points[0].lat, self.main_points[0].lon, 0) x_1, y_1, z_1 = self.g_c.geodetic2Ned(self.main_points[1].lat, self.main_points[1].lon, 0) x_2, y_2, z_2 = self.g_c.geodetic2Ned(self.main_points[3].lat, self.main_points[3].lon, 0) if abs(x_1) > abs(x_2): x = x_1 else: x = x_2 if abs(y_1) > abs(y_2): y = y_1 else: y = y_2 pixel_size_1 = Decimal((abs(x)))/Decimal(self.img.shape[0]) pixel_size_2 = Decimal((abs(y)))/Decimal(self.img.shape[1]) pixel_size = (Decimal(pixel_size_1) + Decimal(pixel_size_2))/Decimal(2) self.pixel_size = pixel_size return pixel_size def find_pixel_size_by_height(self, height, poi): x = Decimal(np.tanh(poi/2)*2*height) self.pixel_size = x/Decimal(self.img.shape[1]) def is_cuda_cv(self): try: count = cv2.cuda.getCudaEnabledDeviceCount() if count > 0: # print("CUDA IS ENABLED") return True else: # print("CUDA IS DISABLED") return False except: # print("CUDA IS DISABLED") return False def find_kp_dp_scale(self, match_finder): self.img, self.cadr_scale, self.pixel_size = match_finder.rescale_cadr(self.img, self.pixel_size), self.dp, self.img = match_finder.find_kp_dp(self.img) # def main(): # map_ = image_processing(filename = '26_12_2021_nn') # map_.find_pixel_size() # if __name__ == '__main__': # main()
from flask import current_app, render_template, url_for from markupsafe import Markup from mass_flask_core.models import FileSample, IPSample, DomainSample, URISample, ExecutableBinarySample, UserLevel from mass_flask_webui.config import webui_blueprint @webui_blueprint.context_processor def sample_processors(): def sample_icon(sample): if isinstance(sample, FileSample): return Markup('<i class="fa fa-file"></i>') elif isinstance(sample, IPSample): return Markup('<i class="fa fa-desktop"></i>') elif isinstance(sample, DomainSample): return Markup('<i class="fa fa-globe"></i>') elif isinstance(sample, URISample): return Markup('<i class="fa fa-at"></i>') else: return Markup('<i class="fa fa-question"></i>') def is_file_sample(sample): return isinstance(sample, FileSample) def is_executable_binary_sample(sample): return isinstance(sample, ExecutableBinarySample) def tag_search_link(tag): kwargs = { 'common-tags': tag, 'submit': 'Submit' } return url_for('.sample_search', **kwargs) return dict( sample_icon=sample_icon, is_file_sample=is_file_sample, is_executable_binary_sample=is_executable_binary_sample, tag_search_link=tag_search_link ) @webui_blueprint.context_processor def user_processors(): def user_level(user): if user.user_level == UserLevel.USER_LEVEL_ADMIN: return 'Administrator' elif user.user_level == UserLevel.USER_LEVEL_MANAGER: return 'Manager' elif user.user_level == UserLevel.USER_LEVEL_PRIVILEGED: return 'Privileged user' elif user.user_level == UserLevel.USER_LEVEL_USER: return 'Normal user' elif user.user_level == UserLevel.USER_LEVEL_ANONYMOUS: return 'Guest user' else: return 'Unknown user level' return dict( user_level=user_level ) @webui_blueprint.context_processor def generic_processors(): def mass_version(): return current_app.version def pagination(paginator): return Markup(render_template('pagination.html', paginator=paginator)) return dict( mass_version=mass_version, pagination=pagination )
<filename>tests/ from os import scandir from pathlib import Path from differently import JsonDifferently def test() -> None: for directory in scandir(Path() / "tests" / "cases"): a = JsonDifferently.load(Path(directory) / "a.json") b = JsonDifferently.load(Path(directory) / "b.json") actual_json = str(JsonDifferently(a, b, color=True)) with open(Path(directory) / "actual-json.txt", "w") as f: f.write(actual_json) with open(Path(directory) / "expect-json.txt", "r") as f: expect = if actual_json != expect: print("ACTUAL:") print(actual_json) print() print("EXPECTED:") print(expect) assert False
<filename>ad_fcemu/ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import log_differ as ld import nes_cpu as nc import nes_file_test as nft def test_load_nes(): nes = nft.prepared_nes() mem = nc.Memory(None, None) mem.load_nes(nes) if len(nes.prg_rom) == 32 * 1024: expected = nes.prg_rom else: expected = nes.prg_rom * 2 result = mem.prg_rom assert expected == result, result def test_status(): for i in range(255): s = nc._Status(i) # 第 5 位始终为 1 assert s._ignore == 1 assert s.value == (i | 0b00100000), s.value def test_status2(): s = nc._Status(0x24) expected = dict( carry=0, zero=0, interrupt=1, decimal=0, overflow=0, negative=0, ) for k, v in expected.items(): r = getattr(s, k) assert r == v, r def address_for_log_info(addr): if addr is None: return -1 else: return addr def test_by_log_differ(): differ = ld.LogDiffer.from_json('misc/nestest_log.json') nes = nft.prepared_nes() mem = nc.Memory(None, None) mem.load_nes(nes) cpu = nc.NesCPU(mem) # nestest.nes 所需的特殊初始化 cpu.pc = 0xc000 cpu.status = nc._Status(0x24) while True: info = cpu.dump_registers() op, addr, mode = cpu._prepare() info['op'] = op info['address'] = address_for_log_info(addr) try: differ.diff(info) except ld.AllTestsPassed: break cpu._execute(op, addr, mode) def test_push_pop1(): mem = nc.Memory(None, None) cpu = nc.NesCPU(mem) cpu.push(1) expected = 1 result = cpu.pop() assert expected == result, result def test_push_pop2(): mem = nc.Memory(None, None) cpu = nc.NesCPU(mem) cpu.push(1) cpu.push(2) cpu.push(3) cpu.push(4) expected = [4, 3, 2, 1] result = [cpu.pop() for _ in range(4)] assert expected == result, result def test_push(): """ addr = s + 0x0100 """ mem = nc.Memory(None, None) cpu = nc.NesCPU(mem) sp = cpu.sp cpu.push(1) expected = 1 addr = sp + 0x0100 result = cpu.memory[addr] assert expected == result, result def _test_ppu(): nes = nft.prepared_nes() cpu = nc.NesCPU() cpu.load_nes(nes) cpu.interrupt('reset') for _ in range(20000): cpu.execute() expected = [ 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 45, 45, 32, 82, 117, 110, 32, 97, 108, 108, 32, 116, 101, 115, 116, 115, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 45, 45, 32, 66, 114, 97, 110, 99, 104, 32, 116, 101, 115, 116, 115, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 45, 45, 32, 70, 108, 97, 103, 32, 116, 101, 115, 116, 115, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 45, 45, 32, 73, 109, 109, 101, 100, 105, 97, 116, 101, 32, 116, 101, 115, 116, 115, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 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0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ] result = cpu.ppu.memory[0x2000:0x2400] assert expected == result, result
from .utils import get_classifier, MODEL_REGISTER
import math import os import random import re import sys a = [6, 4, 1] # Complete the countSwaps function below. def countSwaps(a): n = len(a) swapcount = 0 for i in range(n): for j in range(0, n-i-1): if a[j] > a[j+1]: swapcount += 1 a[j], a[j+1] = a[j+1], a[j] print(f"Array is sorted in {swapcount} swaps.") print(f"First Element: {a[0]}") print(f"Last Element: {a[-1]}") countSwaps(a)
from users.models import User from django.db import models PET_SIZES = [('P', 'Pequeno'), ('M', 'Médio'), ('G', 'Grande')] PET_SEX = [('M', 'Macho'), ('F', 'Fêmea')] # PET TYPE GATO = 'Gato' CACHORRO = 'Cachorro' PASSARO = 'Pássaro' ROEDOR = 'Roedor' OUTRO = 'Outro' # DEFAULT DE00 = 'Sem raça definida' DE01 = 'Outra' # CAT BREED CB00 = 'Abssínios' CB01 = 'Alemão de pelo comprido' CB02 = 'American Curl' CB03 = 'American Shorthair' CB04 = 'American Wirehair' CB05 = 'Azul Russo' CB06 = 'Balineses' CB07 = 'Bengalês' CB08 = 'Bobtail' CB09 = 'Bobtail Japonês' CB10 = 'Bombay' CB11 = 'British Shorthair' CB12 = 'Burmês' CB13 = 'Burmilla' CB14 = 'Califórinia Spangled' CB15 = 'Chartreux' CB16 = 'Cornish Rex' CB17 = 'Cymric' CB18 = 'Devon Rex' CB19 = 'Exóticos' CB20 = 'Foldex' CB21 = 'German Rex' CB22 = 'Habana' CB23 = 'High Land Fold' CB24 = 'Himalaios' CB25 = 'Javaneses' CB26 = 'Khao Manee' CB27 = 'Korat' CB28 = 'Maine Coon' CB29 = 'Manx' CB30 = '<NAME>' CB31 = '<NAME>' CB32 = 'Ragdoll' CB33 = '<NAME>' CB34 = 'Ragamuffin' CB35 = 'Ragdoll' # DOG BREED DB00 = 'Akita' DB01 = 'Basset hound' DB02 = 'Beagle' DB03 = 'Boiadeiro australiano' DB04 = 'Border collie' DB05 = 'Boston terrier' DB06 = 'Boxer' DB07 = 'Buldogue' DB08 = 'Bull terrier' DB09 = 'Chihuahua' DB10 = 'Chow chow' DB11 = 'Dálmata' DB12 = 'Doberman' DB13 = 'Dogo argentino' DB14 = 'Dogue alemão' DB15 = 'Fila brasileiro' DB16 = 'Golden retriever' DB17 = 'Husky siberiano' DB18 = '<NAME>' DB19 = 'Labrador' DB20 = 'Lhasa apso' DB21 = 'Lulu da pomerânia' DB22 = 'Maltês' DB23 = 'Pastor alemão' DB24 = 'Pastor australianoPastor de Shetland' DB25 = 'Pequinês' DB26 = 'Pinscher' DB27 = 'Pit bull' DB28 = 'Poodle' DB29 = 'Pug' DB30 = 'Rottweiler' DB31 = 'Shar-pei' DB32 = 'Shiba' DB33 = 'Shih tzu' DB34 = 'Weimaraner' DB35 = 'Yorkshire' # BIRD BREED BB00 = 'Agapornis' BB01 = 'Araponga' BB02 = 'Arara' BB03 = 'Azulão' BB04 = 'Bavete' BB05 = 'Bicudo' BB06 = 'Cabloquinho' BB07 = 'Cacatua' BB08 = 'Calafete' BB09 = 'Calopsita' BB10 = 'Canário' BB11 = 'Cardeal' BB12 = 'Coleiro' BB13 = 'Cordonbleu' BB14 = 'Coruja' BB15 = 'Curió' BB16 = 'Diamante Mandarin' BB17 = 'Dominó' BB18 = 'Explêndido' BB19 = 'Granatina' BB20 = 'Jandaia' BB21 = 'Lóris' BB22 = 'Mainá' BB23 = 'Modesto' BB24 = 'Papagaio' BB25 = 'Pássaro Preto' BB26 = 'Patativa' BB27 = 'Perequito Autraliano' BB28 = 'Pica-pau' BB29 = 'Pintassilgo' BB30 = 'Pombo' BB31 = 'Rolinha' BB32 = 'Rouxinol' BB33 = 'S<NAME>' BB34 = 'Tangará' BB35 = 'Tico-tico' BB36 = 'Tucano' # RODENT BREED RB00 = 'Camundongo' RB01 = 'Chinchila' RB02 = 'Gerbil - Esquilo da MOngólia' RB03 = 'Hamster Anão Russo' RB04 = 'Hamster Sírio' RB05 = 'Mecol - Twister' RB06 = 'Porquinho da índia' RB07 = 'Topolino' TYPE_CHOICES = [(GATO, GATO), (CACHORRO, CACHORRO), (PASSARO, PASSARO), (ROEDOR, ROEDOR), (OUTRO, OUTRO),] BREED_CHOICES = [ (DE00, DE00), (DE01, DE01), (CB00, CB00), (CB01, CB01), (CB02, CB02), (CB03, CB03), (CB04, CB04), (CB05, CB05), (CB06, CB06), (CB07, CB07), (CB08, CB08), (CB09, CB09), (CB10, CB10), (CB11, CB11), (CB12, CB12), (CB13, CB13), (CB14, CB14), (CB15, CB15), (CB16, CB16), (CB17, CB17), (CB18, CB18), (CB19, CB19), (CB20, CB20), (CB21, CB21), (CB22, CB22), (CB23, CB23), (CB24, CB24), (CB25, CB25), (CB26, CB26), (CB27, CB27), (CB28, CB28), (CB29, CB29), (CB30, CB30), (CB31, CB31), (CB32, CB32), (CB33, CB33), (CB34, CB34), (CB35, CB35), (DB00, DB00), (DB01, DB01), (DB02, DB02), (DB03, DB03), (DB04, DB04), (DB05, DB05), (DB06, DB06), (DB07, DB07), (DB08, DB08), (DB09, DB09), (DB10, DB10), (DB11, DB11), (DB12, DB12), (DB13, DB13), (DB14, DB14), (DB15, DB15), (DB16, DB16), (DB17, DB17), (DB18, DB18), (DB19, DB19), (DB20, DB20), (DB21, DB21), (DB22, DB22), (DB23, DB23), (DB24, DB24), (DB25, DB25), (DB26, DB26), (DB27, DB27), (DB28, DB28), (DB29, DB29), (DB30, DB30), (DB31, DB31), (DB32, DB32), (DB33, DB33), (DB34, DB34), (DB35, DB35), (BB00, BB00), (BB01, BB01), (BB02, BB02), (BB03, BB03), (BB04, BB04), (BB05, BB05), (BB06, BB06), (BB07, BB07), (BB08, BB08), (BB09, BB09), (BB10, BB10), (BB11, BB11), (BB12, BB12), (BB13, BB13), (BB14, BB14), (BB15, BB15), (BB16, BB16), (BB17, BB17), (BB18, BB18), (BB19, BB19), (BB20, BB20), (BB21, BB21), (BB22, BB22), (BB23, BB23), (BB24, BB24), (BB25, BB25), (BB26, BB26), (BB27, BB27), (BB28, BB28), (BB29, BB29), (BB30, BB30), (BB31, BB31), (BB32, BB32), (BB33, BB33), (BB34, BB34), (BB35, BB35), (RB00, RB00), (RB01, RB01), (RB02, RB02), (RB03, RB03), (RB04, RB04), (RB05, RB05), (RB06, RB06), (RB07, RB07), ] def get_cat_breeds(): catBreeds = [ DE00, DE01, CB00, CB01, CB02, CB03, CB04, CB05, CB06, CB07, CB08, CB09, CB10, CB11, CB12, CB13, CB14, CB15, CB16, CB17, CB18, CB19, CB20, CB21, CB22, CB23, CB24, CB25, CB26, CB27, CB28, CB29, CB30, CB31, CB32, CB33, CB34, CB35, ] return catBreeds def get_dog_breeds(): dogBreeds = [ DE00, DE01, DB00, DB01, DB02, DB03, DB04, DB05, DB06, DB07, DB08, DB09, DB10, DB11, DB12, DB13, DB14, DB15, DB16, DB17, DB18, DB19, DB20, DB21, DB22, DB23, DB24, DB25, DB26, DB27, DB28, DB29, DB30, DB31, DB32, DB33, DB34, DB35, ] return dogBreeds def get_bird_breeds(): birdBreeds = [ DE00, DE01, BB00, BB01, BB02, BB03, BB04, BB05, BB06, BB07, BB08, BB09, BB10, BB11, BB12, BB13, BB14, BB15, BB16, BB17, BB18, BB19, BB20, BB21, BB22, BB23, BB24, BB25, BB26, BB27, BB28, BB29, BB30, BB31, BB32, BB33, BB34, BB35, ] return birdBreeds def get_rodent_breeds(): rodentBreeds = [ DE00, DE01, RB00, RB01, RB02, RB03, RB04, RB05, RB06, RB07, ] return rodentBreeds def get_other_breeds(): otherBreed = [DE01,] return otherBreed class Pet(models.Model): user = models.ForeignKey(User, default=None, on_delete=models.CASCADE) image = models.ImageField(upload_to='pet_image', blank=False, null=False) name = models.CharField(max_length=30, blank=False, null=False) description = models.CharField(max_length=500, blank=False, null=False) age = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField(null=True) size = models.CharField(max_length=1, choices=PET_SIZES, blank=False, null=False) sex = models.CharField(max_length=1, choices=PET_SEX, blank=False, null=False) vaccinated = models.BooleanField(default=False) castrated = models.BooleanField(default=False) dewormed = models.BooleanField(default=False) vulnerable = models.BooleanField(default=False) isAdopted = models.BooleanField(default=False) pet_type = models.CharField(max_length=50, choices=TYPE_CHOICES) breed = models.CharField(max_length=50, choices=BREED_CHOICES)
<filename>2018/03/ #!/usr/bin/env python3.7 import sys lines = [claim.rstrip('\n') for claim in open(sys.argv[1])] canvas = [[0 for x in range(1000)] for y in range(1000)] for claim in lines: x = int(claim.split(' ')[2].split(',')[0]) y = int(claim.split(' ')[2].split(',')[1][:-1]) a = int(claim.split(' ')[3].split('x')[0]) b = int(claim.split(' ')[3].split('x')[1]) for i in range(x, x + a): for j in range(y, y + b): canvas[i][j] += 1 def checkIntact(canvas, claim): x = int(claim.split(' ')[2].split(',')[0]) y = int(claim.split(' ')[2].split(',')[1][:-1]) a = int(claim.split(' ')[3].split('x')[0]) b = int(claim.split(' ')[3].split('x')[1]) for i in range(x, x + a): for j in range(y, y + b): if canvas[i][j] > 1: return False # If we get here the claim is intact! return True for claim in lines: if checkIntact(canvas, claim): print(claim.split(' ')[0][1:]) break
<reponame>ripiu/djangocms_aoxomoxoa from django.contrib import admin from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ class TilesGridNavigationUniteOptionsAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): ''' Tiles - Grid ''' fieldsets = ( (_('Navigation options'), { 'classes': ('collapse',), 'fields': ( 'grid_num_rows', 'theme_navigation_type', 'theme_bullets_margin_top', 'theme_bullets_color', 'bullets_space_between', 'theme_arrows_margin_top', 'theme_space_between_arrows', 'theme_navigation_align', 'theme_navigation_offset_hor', ) }), ) class CarouselNavigationUniteOptionsAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): ''' Carousel ''' fieldsets = ( (_('Navigation options'), { 'classes': ('collapse',), 'fields': ( 'theme_enable_navigation', 'theme_navigation_position', 'theme_navigation_enable_play', 'theme_navigation_align', 'theme_navigation_offset_hor', 'theme_navigation_margin', 'theme_space_between_arrows', ) }), )
<reponame>tchimih/NSD_project import networkx as nx # All rights are reserved to the authors ... I only used a span of his code :) __author__ = """<NAME> (<EMAIL>)""" def modularity(partition, graph, weight='weight'): """Compute the modularity of a partition of a graph Parameters ---------- partition : dict the partition of the nodes, i.e a dictionary where keys are their nodes and values the communities graph : networkx.Graph the networkx graph which is decomposed weight : str, optional the key in graph to use as weight. Default to 'weight' Returns ------- modularity : float The modularity Raises ------ KeyError If the partition is not a partition of all graph nodes ValueError If the graph has no link TypeError If graph is not a networkx.Graph References ---------- .. 1. Newman, M.E.J. & <NAME>. Finding and evaluating community structure in networks. Physical Review E 69, 26113(2004). Examples -------- >>> G=nx.erdos_renyi_graph(100, 0.01) >>> part = best_partition(G) >>> modularity(part, G) if type(graph) != nx.Graph: raise TypeError("Bad graph type, use only non directed graph") """ inc = dict([]) deg = dict([]) links = graph.size(weight=weight) if links == 0: raise ValueError("A graph without link has an undefined modularity") for node in graph: com = partition[node] deg[com] = deg.get(com, 0.) +, weight=weight) for neighbor, datas in graph[node].items(): edge_weight = datas.get(weight, 1) if partition[neighbor] == com: if neighbor == node: inc[com] = inc.get(com, 0.) + float(edge_weight) else: inc[com] = inc.get(com, 0.) + float(edge_weight) / 2. res = 0. for com in set(partition.values()): res += inc.get(com, 0.) - \ ((deg.get(com, 0.) ** 2) / (4. * links)) return (1.0 / links) * res
<filename>ea_sim/<gh_stars>1-10 import os import json import pickle import sqlite3 import numpy as np import matplotlib # select matplotlib backend matplotlib.use('pdf') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from params_conf import N_MODULES, STIFF_TABLE # ================================== # # Utils functions # # ================================== # def print_dict(d, level=0, list_on_levels=False): for k, v in sorted(d.items()): if isinstance(v, dict): print('\t'*level + k+':') print_dict(v, level+1, list_on_levels) elif isinstance(v, list) and list_on_levels and k == 'modules_conf': print('\t' * level + '{}: ['.format(k)) for element in v: print('\t' * (level+1) + '{}'.format(element)) print('\t' * level + ']') else: print('\t'*level + '{}: {}'.format(k, v)) def print_header(config, bar_num=50): print('# ' + '='*bar_num + ' #') print('\t\tEVOLUTIONARY SIMULATION\n\t' + ' '*7 + 'OF TENSEGRITY SOFT ROBOTS') print('# ' + '='*bar_num + ' #\n') print('# ' + '='*bar_num + ' #') print('\t' + ' '*7 + 'EXPERIMENT CONFIGURATION') print('# ' + '='*bar_num + ' #') print_dict(config) print('# ' + '='*bar_num + ' #') def print_header_contr_evo(config, bar_num=50): print('# ' + '=' * bar_num + ' #') print('\t\tEVOLUTIONARY SIMULATION\n\t' + ' OF TENSEGRITY SOFT ROBOTS CONTROLLERS \n\t' + ('FOR GOAL REACHING AFTER SQUEEZING TASK' if 'SGR' in config['simulation_path'] else ' ' * 8 + 'FOR GOAL REACHING TASK') ) print('# ' + '=' * bar_num + ' #\n') print('# ' + '=' * bar_num + ' #') print('\t' + ' ' * 7 + 'EXPERIMENT CONFIGURATION') print('# ' + '=' * bar_num + ' #') print_dict(config, list_on_levels=True) print('# ' + '=' * bar_num + ' #') def print_header_coev(config, bar_num=55): print('# ' + '=' * bar_num + ' #') print('\t\tCO-EVOLUTIONARY SIMULATION\n\t' + ' ' * 7 + 'OF MORPHOLOGY AND CONTROLLER\n\t' + ' ' * 8 + 'OF TENSEGRITY SOFT ROBOTS\n\t' + (' ' * 2 + 'FOR GOAL REACHING AFTER SQUEEZING TASK' if 'SGR' in config['simulation_path'] else ' ' * 10 + 'FOR GOAL REACHING TASK') ) print('# ' + '=' * bar_num + ' #\n') print('# ' + '=' * bar_num + ' #') print('\t' + ' ' * 8 + 'EXPERIMENT CONFIGURATION') print('# ' + '=' * bar_num + ' #') print_dict(config, list_on_levels=False) print('# ' + '=' * bar_num + ' #') def print_header_double_map(config, bar_num=55): print('# ' + '=' * bar_num + ' #') print('\t\t EVOLUTIONARY SIMULATION\n\t' + ' ' * 7 + 'OF MORPHOLOGY AND CONTROLLER\n\t' + ' ' * 8 + 'OF TENSEGRITY SOFT ROBOTS\n\t' + (' ' * 2 + 'FOR GOAL REACHING AFTER SQUEEZING TASK' if 'SGR' in config['simulation_path'] else ' ' * 10 + 'FOR GOAL REACHING TASK') + '\n\t' + ' ' * 7 + '(DOUBLE MAP-ELITES VARIANT)' ) print('# ' + '=' * bar_num + ' #\n') print('# ' + '=' * bar_num + ' #') print('\t' + ' ' * 8 + 'EXPERIMENT CONFIGURATION') print('# ' + '=' * bar_num + ' #') print_dict(config, list_on_levels=False) print('# ' + '=' * bar_num + ' #') def print_header_single_map(config, bar_num=55): print('# ' + '=' * bar_num + ' #') print('\t\t EVOLUTIONARY SIMULATION\n\t' + ' ' * 7 + 'OF MORPHOLOGY AND CONTROLLER\n\t' + ' ' * 8 + 'OF TENSEGRITY SOFT ROBOTS\n\t' + (' ' * 2 + 'FOR GOAL REACHING AFTER SQUEEZING TASK' if 'SGR' in config['simulation_path'] else ' ' * 10 + 'FOR GOAL REACHING TASK') + '\n\t' + ' ' * 7 + '(SINGLE MAP-ELITES VARIANT)' ) print('# ' + '=' * bar_num + ' #\n') print('# ' + '=' * bar_num + ' #') print('\t' + ' ' * 8 + 'EXPERIMENT CONFIGURATION') print('# ' + '=' * bar_num + ' #') print_dict(config, list_on_levels=False) print('# ' + '=' * bar_num + ' #') def store_checkpoint(checkpoint, filename): with open(filename, 'wb') as cp_file: pickle.dump(checkpoint, cp_file) def record_info(logbook, stats, gen, pop, inv_ind): if stats is not None: record = stats.compile(pop) if stats is not None else {} logbook.record(gen=gen, nevals=len(inv_ind), **record) def record_population(num_sims, population, file, skips, pbar=None, verbose=False, coev=False): fitness_values = np.asarray(list(map(lambda i:, population))) if coev: fitness_values = [1.0 / f for f in fitness_values] pop_stats = { 'num_sims': num_sims, 'avg_fitness': np.mean(fitness_values), 'std_dev': np.std(fitness_values), 'min': np.min(fitness_values), 'max': np.max(fitness_values) } # store the current population values file.write(json.dumps({ **pop_stats, 'population': [ for individual in population] })) if verbose: if pbar is not None: pbar.set_postfix({ 'avg': pop_stats['avg_fitness'], 'std': pop_stats['std_dev'], 'min': pop_stats['min'], 'max': pop_stats['max'], 'skip': skips }) else: print('num_sims: {} | Fitness -> avg: {} std: {} min: {} max: {}'.format( pop_stats['num_sims'], pop_stats['avg_fitness'], pop_stats['std_dev'], pop_stats['min'], pop_stats['max'] )) def evaluate_ind(toolbox, individuals, glob_history, local_history=None, coev=False, eval_all=False): """ :param toolbox: :param individuals: :param glob_history: a dictionary that maps simulator input strings into corresponding computed fitness. :param local_history: :param coev: :param eval_all: :return: """ # consider only new individuals (offsprings) invalid_ind = [ind for ind in individuals if (not or (coev and eval_all))] # select for evaluation only solutions # that have not been already evaluated skip = [] to_evaluate = [] for ind in invalid_ind: ind_string = ind.string_input() if not coev and ind_string in glob_history: # assign fitness previously computed for the same configuration = glob_history[ind_string] # store also record into a local history to support MAP creation functionality if local_history is not None: local_history[ind_string] = glob_history[ind_string] skip.append(ind) else: to_evaluate.append(ind) n_evaluations = 0 if len(to_evaluate) > 0: fitnesses =, to_evaluate) n_evaluations = len(fitnesses) for ind, fit in zip(to_evaluate, fitnesses): = fit ind_string = ind.string_input() # update history records with latest fitness glob_history[ind_string] = fit # store also record into a local history to support MAP creation functionality if local_history is not None: local_history[ind_string] = fit if not coev: n_evaluations = len(individuals) return to_evaluate + skip, len(skip), n_evaluations def plot_population_stats(pop, results_folder, seed, num_sim, normalize=False): """ Plot the fitness/num_modules/stiffness distribution across given robot population :param pop: population of robot individuals :param results_folder: folder where to store the plots :param seed: simulation seed :param num_sim: simulation id :param normalize: whether to reports the plots in a normalized manner (default: False) :return: """ # split robots interested properties into three lists fits, n_mods, stiffs = list(zip(*[(ind.get_fitness(), ind.num_modules, ind.stiffness) for ind in pop])) # plot the properties distribution of last generation configs = [ { 'data': fits, 'title': 'Fitness', 'h_range': (0, np.max(fits)), 'out_file': os.path.join(results_folder, 'fitness', 'fit_dist_sim_{}_{}.pdf'.format(seed, num_sim)), 'bins': max(len(fits)//4, 1), 'discrete_hist': False, 'norm': normalize }, { 'data': n_mods, 'title': '# modules', 'h_range': (2, 11), 'out_file': os.path.join(results_folder, 'n_modules', 'num_mods_dist_sim_{}_{}.pdf'.format(seed, num_sim)), 'bins': N_MODULES, 'discrete_hist': True, 'norm': normalize }, { 'data': stiffs, 'title': 'Stiffness', 'out_file': os.path.join(results_folder, 'stiffness', 'stiff_dist_sim_{}_{}.pdf'.format(seed, num_sim)), 'bins': STIFF_TABLE, 'discrete_hist': True, 'norm': normalize } ] for conf in configs: plot_population_dist(conf) def plot_population_dist(conf): """ Plot the distribution of the values of given property across :param conf: :return: """ font = {'family': 'Source Sans Pro', 'size': 12, 'weight': 'light'} matplotlib.rc('font', **font) matplotlib.rcParams["axes.titlepad"] = 15 matplotlib.rcParams['figure.dpi'] = 300 # create potential needed directory where to store the graph os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(conf['out_file']), exist_ok=True) num_colors = len(conf['bins']) if isinstance(conf['bins'], list) else conf['bins'] colors =, 1, num_colors)) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 5)) ax = fig.gca() if conf['discrete_hist']: inds_vals = {str(sv): 0 for sv in conf['bins']} for ind_stiff in conf['data']: inds_vals[str(ind_stiff)] += 1 x, y = list(zip(*[(k, v) for k, v in sorted(inds_vals.items(), key=lambda r: float(r[0]))])) if conf['norm']: y = np.asarray(y)/np.sum(y), y, color=colors) else: _, bins, patches = ax.hist(conf['data'], bins=conf['bins'], density=conf['norm'], range=conf['h_range']) ax.set_xticks(bins) for i, (c, p) in enumerate(zip(bins, patches)): plt.setp(p, 'facecolor', colors[i]) ax.set_title('{} distribution across last generation'.format(conf['title']), fontweight='normal') ax.set_xlabel(conf['title']) ax.set_ylabel('# Individuals') if conf['norm']: ax.set_ylim(0, 1.1) plt.savefig(conf['out_file'], bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() def parse_robot_string(rb_string): robot = [] for module_str in rb_string.split('--')[:-1]: params = module_str.split('-') module = { 'order': int(params[0].strip()), 'connectedModules': int(params[1].strip()), 'connectedFaces': int(params[2].strip()), 'freq': float(params[3].strip()), 'amplitude': float(params[4].strip()), 'phase': float(params[5].strip()), 'rot': float(params[6].strip()), 'stiff': float(params[7].strip()) } robot.append(module) return robot # ================================== # # SIM HISTORY MANAGEMENT # # ================================== # def load_history(history_file): """ Load simulation history from provided file. In case no file is given, returns an empty history :param history_file: :return: """ history = {} if history_file is not None and os.path.exists(history_file): with open(history_file) as history_in: # skip header history_in.readline() for line in history_in: robot_string, fitness = line.strip().split(',') history[robot_string.strip()] = (float(fitness),) return history def store_history(history, history_file): """ Store simulation history in provided file :param history: :param history_file: :return: """ with open(history_file, 'w') as out_file: out_file.write('rob_string,fitness\n') for rob_string, fit in history.items(): out_file.write('{},{}\n'.format(rob_string.strip(), fit[0])) # NOTE: these functions below are currently not used. def load_history_db(history_db): """ Load simulation history from provided db. In case no db is given, returns an empty history :param history_db: :return: """ history = {} if history_db is not None: conn = sqlite3.connect(history_db) cursor = conn.cursor() for robot_string, fitness in cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM history'): history[robot_string] = (float(fitness),) cursor.close() conn.close() return history def store_history_db(history, history_db): """ Store simulation history in provided db :param history: :param history_db: :return: """ def history_gen(): for record in history.items(): yield record to_init = not os.path.exists(history_db) conn = sqlite3.connect(history_db) cursor = conn.cursor() # create the if to_init: cursor.execute('''CREATE TABLE history(robot_string VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY, fitness REAL NOT NULL)''') cursor.executemany('''REPLACE INTO history(robot_string, fitness) VALUES (?)''', history_gen()) cursor.close() conn.close()
# coding: utf-8 import pygame import os from functions import * from color import * from pygame.locals import * from listOfCards import allCards, values from About import About from Text import * from color import * class Card(pygame.sprite.Sprite): """Manages the cards in the game""" def __init__(self, number, owner): super(pygame.sprite.Sprite).__init__(Card) self.owner = owner self.number = number = allCards[self.number] self.image = None #self.verso = carteVerso self.About = About(, self) # We put the numbers of the card according to = values[number][0] self.right = values[number][1] self.bottom = values[number][2] self.left = values[number][3] self.values = [] self.values.append( self.values.append(self.right) self.values.append(self.bottom) self.values.append(self.left) self.parseToInt() # Which element self.elementName = values[number][4] # Offensive or defensive. Unused for now self.type = values[number][5] self.modifierValue = 0 self.inHand = 1 getCard(self) self.rect = self.image.get_rect() if self.elementName != None: self.element, self.elementRect = loadElement(self.elementName) self.elementRect.topright = self.rect.topright self.elementRect.move_ip(-2, 2) self.image.blit(self.element, self.elementRect) def changeOwner(self): getCard(self) self.image.set_alpha() def addModifier(self, value): """Add bonus or malus to the card and draw the bonus on the card""" self.modifierValue = value if value > 0: value = "+" + str(value) else: value = str(value) self.modifier = Text(value, "rimouski sb.ttf", white, 60) self.modifierBack = Text(value, "rimouski sb.ttf", black, 60) #self.modifier.rect.topleft = self.rect.topleft self.modifier.rect.move_ip(35, 15) self.modifierBack.rect.move_ip(38, 18) self.image.blit(self.modifierBack.surface, self.modifierBack.rect) self.image.blit(self.modifier.surface, self.modifier.rect) for i in range(0, 4): self.values[i] += self.modifierValue def addCursor(self): """Add a colored border to the focused card""" self.border, self.borderRect = loadImage("images/border.png") def parseToInt(self): for i in range(0, 4): if (self.values[i] == 'A'): self.values[i] = 10 else: self.values[i] = int(self.values[i]) def __repr__(self): return "<Card at %s >" % (self.rect)
<filename>tests/unit/stream_alert_alert_processor/<gh_stars>1-10 """ Copyright 2017-present, Airbnb Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. """ # pylint: disable=protected-access from collections import Counter, OrderedDict import json import boto3 from mock import call, patch from moto import mock_s3, mock_kms, mock_lambda from import ( assert_equal, assert_is_none, assert_is_not_none, assert_set_equal ) from stream_alert.alert_processor import outputs from stream_alert.alert_processor.output_base import OutputProperty from stream_alert_cli.helpers import create_lambda_function, put_mock_creds from tests.unit.stream_alert_alert_processor import CONFIG, FUNCTION_NAME, KMS_ALIAS, REGION from tests.unit.stream_alert_alert_processor.helpers import ( get_random_alert, get_alert, remove_temp_secrets ) def test_existing_get_output_dispatcher(): """Get output dispatcher - existing""" service = 'aws-s3' dispatcher = outputs.get_output_dispatcher( service, REGION, FUNCTION_NAME, CONFIG) assert_is_not_none(dispatcher) def test_nonexistent_get_output_dispatcher(): """Get output dispatcher - nonexistent""" nonexistent_service = 'aws-s4' dispatcher = outputs.get_output_dispatcher(nonexistent_service, REGION, FUNCTION_NAME, CONFIG) assert_is_none(dispatcher) @patch('logging.Logger.error') def test_get_output_dispatcher_logging(log_mock): """Get output dispatcher - log error""" bad_service = 'bad-output' outputs.get_output_dispatcher(bad_service, REGION, FUNCTION_NAME, CONFIG) log_mock.assert_called_with( 'designated output service [%s] does not exist', bad_service) def test_user_defined_properties(): """Get user defined properties""" for output in outputs.STREAM_OUTPUTS.values(): props = output(REGION, FUNCTION_NAME, CONFIG).get_user_defined_properties() # The user defined properties should at a minimum contain a descriptor assert_is_not_none(props.get('descriptor')) class TestPagerDutyOutput(object): """Test class for PagerDutyOutput""" @classmethod def setup_class(cls): """Setup the class before any methods""" cls.__service = 'pagerduty' cls.__descriptor = 'unit_test_pagerduty' cls.__backup_method = None cls.__dispatcher = outputs.get_output_dispatcher(cls.__service, REGION, FUNCTION_NAME, CONFIG) @classmethod def teardown_class(cls): """Teardown the class after all methods""" cls.__dispatcher = None def test_get_default_properties(self): """Get Default Properties - PagerDuty""" props = self.__dispatcher._get_default_properties() assert_equal(len(props), 1) assert_equal(props['url'], '') def _setup_dispatch(self): """Helper for setting up PagerDutyOutput dispatch""" remove_temp_secrets() # Cache the _get_default_properties and set it to return None self.__backup_method = self.__dispatcher._get_default_properties self.__dispatcher._get_default_properties = lambda: None output_name = self.__dispatcher.output_cred_name(self.__descriptor) creds = {'url': '', 'service_key': 'mocked_service_key'} put_mock_creds(output_name, creds, self.__dispatcher.secrets_bucket, REGION, KMS_ALIAS) return get_alert() def _teardown_dispatch(self): """Replace method with cached method""" self.__dispatcher._get_default_properties = self.__backup_method @patch('') @patch('urllib2.urlopen') @mock_s3 @mock_kms def test_dispatch_success(self, url_mock, log_info_mock): """PagerDutyOutput dispatch success""" alert = self._setup_dispatch() url_mock.return_value.getcode.return_value = 200 self.__dispatcher.dispatch(descriptor=self.__descriptor, rule_name='rule_name', alert=alert) self._teardown_dispatch() log_info_mock.assert_called_with('Successfully sent alert to %s', self.__service) @patch('logging.Logger.error') @patch('urllib2.urlopen') @mock_s3 @mock_kms def test_dispatch_failure(self, url_mock, log_error_mock): """PagerDutyOutput dispatch failure""" alert = self._setup_dispatch() bad_message = '{"error": {"message": "failed", "errors": ["err1", "err2"]}}' = bad_message url_mock.return_value.getcode.return_value = 400 self.__dispatcher.dispatch(descriptor=self.__descriptor, rule_name='rule_name', alert=alert) self._teardown_dispatch() log_error_mock.assert_called_with('Failed to send alert to %s', self.__service) @patch('logging.Logger.error') @mock_s3 @mock_kms def test_dispatch_bad_descriptor(self, log_error_mock): """PagerDutyOutput dispatch bad descriptor""" alert = self._setup_dispatch() self.__dispatcher.dispatch(descriptor='bad_descriptor', rule_name='rule_name', alert=alert) self._teardown_dispatch() log_error_mock.assert_called_with('Failed to send alert to %s', self.__service) @mock_s3 @mock_kms class TestPhantomOutput(object): """Test class for PhantomOutput""" @classmethod def setup_class(cls): """Setup the class before any methods""" cls.__service = 'phantom' cls.__descriptor = 'unit_test_phantom' cls.__dispatcher = outputs.get_output_dispatcher(cls.__service, REGION, FUNCTION_NAME, CONFIG) @classmethod def teardown_class(cls): """Teardown the class after all methods""" cls.__dispatcher = None def _setup_dispatch(self, url): """Helper for setting up PhantomOutput dispatch""" remove_temp_secrets() output_name = self.__dispatcher.output_cred_name(self.__descriptor) creds = {'url': url, 'ph_auth_token': '<PASSWORD>'} put_mock_creds(output_name, creds, self.__dispatcher.secrets_bucket, REGION, KMS_ALIAS) return get_alert() @patch('') @patch('urllib2.urlopen') def test_dispatch_existing_container(self, url_mock, log_mock): """PhantomOutput dispatch success, existing container""" alert = self._setup_dispatch('') url_mock.return_value.getcode.return_value = 200 = ['{"count": 1, "data": [{"id": 1948}]}'] self.__dispatcher.dispatch(descriptor=self.__descriptor, rule_name='rule_name', alert=alert) log_mock.assert_called_with('Successfully sent alert to %s', self.__service) @patch('') @patch('urllib2.urlopen') def test_dispatch_new_container(self, url_mock, log_mock): """PhantomOutput dispatch success, new container""" alert = self._setup_dispatch('') url_mock.return_value.getcode.return_value = 200 = ['{"count": 0, "data": []}', '{"id": 1948}'] self.__dispatcher.dispatch(descriptor=self.__descriptor, rule_name='rule_name', alert=alert) log_mock.assert_called_with('Successfully sent alert to %s', self.__service) @patch('logging.Logger.error') @patch('urllib2.urlopen') def test_dispatch_container_failure(self, url_mock, log_mock): """PhantomOutput dispatch failure (setup container)""" alert = self._setup_dispatch('') url_mock.return_value.getcode.return_value = 400 self.__dispatcher.dispatch(descriptor=self.__descriptor, rule_name='rule_name', alert=alert) log_mock.assert_called_with('Failed to send alert to %s', self.__service) @patch('logging.Logger.error') @patch('urllib2.urlopen') def test_dispatch_container_error(self, url_mock, log_mock): """PhantomOutput dispatch decode error (setup container)""" alert = self._setup_dispatch('') url_mock.return_value.getcode.return_value = 200 = 'this\nis\nnot\njson' self.__dispatcher.dispatch(descriptor=self.__descriptor, rule_name='rule_name', alert=alert) response = str( call('An error occurred while decoding ' 'Phantom container query response to JSON: %s', ValueError( 'No JSON object could be decoded',))) assert_equal(str(log_mock.call_args_list[0]), response) @patch('logging.Logger.error') @patch('urllib2.urlopen') def test_dispatch_failure(self, url_mock, log_mock): """PhantomOutput dispatch failure (artifact)""" alert = self._setup_dispatch('') = ['', '{"id": 1902}'] # Use side_effect to change the getcode return value the second time # it is called. This allows testing issues down the chain somewhere url_mock.return_value.getcode.side_effect = [200, 400] self.__dispatcher.dispatch(descriptor=self.__descriptor, rule_name='rule_name', alert=alert) log_mock.assert_called_with('Failed to send alert to %s', self.__service) @patch('logging.Logger.error') def test_dispatch_bad_descriptor(self, log_error_mock): """PhantomOutput dispatch bad descriptor""" alert = self._setup_dispatch('') self.__dispatcher.dispatch(descriptor='bad_descriptor', rule_name='rule_name', alert=alert) log_error_mock.assert_called_with('Failed to send alert to %s', self.__service) @patch('stream_alert.alert_processor.output_base.StreamOutputBase._request_helper') def test_dispatch_container_query(self, request_mock): """PhantomOutput - Container Query URL""" alert = self._setup_dispatch('') self.__dispatcher.dispatch(descriptor=self.__descriptor, rule_name='rule_name', alert=alert) full_url = '"rule_name"&page_size=1' headers = {'ph-auth-token': 'mocked_auth_token'} request_mock.assert_has_calls([call(full_url, None, headers, False)]) class TestSlackOutput(object): """Test class for PagerDutyOutput""" @classmethod def setup_class(cls): """Setup the class before any methods""" cls.__service = 'slack' cls.__descriptor = 'unit_test_channel' cls.__dispatcher = outputs.get_output_dispatcher(cls.__service, REGION, FUNCTION_NAME, CONFIG) @classmethod def teardown_class(cls): """Teardown the class after all methods""" cls.__dispatcher = None def test_format_message_single(self): """Format Single Message - Slack""" rule_name = 'test_rule_single' alert = get_random_alert(25, rule_name) loaded_message = json.loads(self.__dispatcher._format_message(rule_name, alert)) # tests assert_set_equal(set(loaded_message.keys()), {'text', 'mrkdwn', 'attachments'}) assert_equal( loaded_message['text'], '*StreamAlert Rule Triggered: test_rule_single*') assert_equal(len(loaded_message['attachments']), 1) def test_format_message_mutliple(self): """Format Multi-Message - Slack""" rule_name = 'test_rule_multi-part' alert = get_random_alert(30, rule_name) loaded_message = json.loads(self.__dispatcher._format_message(rule_name, alert)) # tests assert_set_equal(set(loaded_message.keys()), {'text', 'mrkdwn', 'attachments'}) assert_equal( loaded_message['text'], '*StreamAlert Rule Triggered: test_rule_multi-part*') assert_equal(len(loaded_message['attachments']), 2) assert_equal(loaded_message['attachments'][1] ['text'].split('\n')[3][1:7], '000028') def test_format_message_default_rule_description(self): """Format Message Default Rule Description - Slack""" rule_name = 'test_empty_rule_description' alert = get_random_alert(10, rule_name, True) loaded_message = json.loads(self.__dispatcher._format_message(rule_name, alert)) # tests default_rule_description = '*Rule Description:*\nNo rule description provided\n' assert_equal( loaded_message['attachments'][0]['pretext'], default_rule_description) def test_json_to_slack_mrkdwn_str(self): """JSON to Slack mrkdwn - simple str""" simple_str = 'value to format' result = self.__dispatcher._json_to_slack_mrkdwn(simple_str, 0) assert_equal(len(result), 1) assert_equal(result[0], simple_str) def test_json_to_slack_mrkdwn_dict(self): """JSON to Slack mrkdwn - simple dict""" simple_dict = OrderedDict([('test_key_01', 'test_value_01'), ('test_key_02', 'test_value_02')]) result = self.__dispatcher._json_to_slack_mrkdwn(simple_dict, 0) assert_equal(len(result), 2) assert_equal(result[1], '*test_key_02:* test_value_02') def test_json_to_slack_mrkdwn_nested_dict(self): """JSON to Slack mrkdwn - nested dict""" nested_dict = OrderedDict([ ('root_key_01', 'root_value_01'), ('root_02', 'root_value_02'), ('root_nested_01', OrderedDict([ ('nested_key_01', 100), ('nested_key_02', 200), ('nested_nested_01', OrderedDict([ ('nested_nested_key_01', 300) ])) ])) ]) result = self.__dispatcher._json_to_slack_mrkdwn(nested_dict, 0) assert_equal(len(result), 7) assert_equal(result[2], '*root_nested_01:*') assert_equal(Counter(result[4])['\t'], 1) assert_equal(Counter(result[6])['\t'], 2) def test_json_to_slack_mrkdwn_list(self): """JSON to Slack mrkdwn - simple list""" simple_list = ['test_value_01', 'test_value_02'] result = self.__dispatcher._json_to_slack_mrkdwn(simple_list, 0) assert_equal(len(result), 2) assert_equal(result[0], '*[1]* test_value_01') assert_equal(result[1], '*[2]* test_value_02') def test_json_to_slack_mrkdwn_multi_nested(self): """JSON to Slack mrkdwn - multi type nested""" nested_dict = OrderedDict([ ('root_key_01', 'root_value_01'), ('root_02', 'root_value_02'), ('root_nested_01', OrderedDict([ ('nested_key_01', 100), ('nested_key_02', 200), ('nested_nested_01', OrderedDict([ ('nested_nested_key_01', [ 6161, 1051, 51919 ]) ])) ])) ]) result = self.__dispatcher._json_to_slack_mrkdwn(nested_dict, 0) assert_equal(len(result), 10) assert_equal(result[2], '*root_nested_01:*') assert_equal(Counter(result[4])['\t'], 1) assert_equal(result[-1], '\t\t\t*[3]* 51919') def test_json_list_to_text(self): """JSON list to text""" simple_list = ['test_value_01', 'test_value_02'] result = self.__dispatcher._json_list_to_text(simple_list, '\t', 0) assert_equal(len(result), 2) assert_equal(result[0], '*[1]* test_value_01') assert_equal(result[1], '*[2]* test_value_02') def test_json_map_to_text(self): """JSON map to text""" simple_dict = OrderedDict([('test_key_01', 'test_value_01'), ('test_key_02', 'test_value_02')]) result = self.__dispatcher._json_map_to_text(simple_dict, '\t', 0) assert_equal(len(result), 2) assert_equal(result[1], '*test_key_02:* test_value_02') def _setup_dispatch(self): """Helper for setting up SlackOutput dispatch""" remove_temp_secrets() output_name = self.__dispatcher.output_cred_name(self.__descriptor) creds = {'url': ''} put_mock_creds(output_name, creds, self.__dispatcher.secrets_bucket, REGION, KMS_ALIAS) return get_alert() @patch('') @patch('urllib2.urlopen') @mock_s3 @mock_kms def test_dispatch_success(self, url_mock, log_info_mock): """SlackOutput dispatch success""" alert = self._setup_dispatch() url_mock.return_value.getcode.return_value = 200 self.__dispatcher.dispatch(descriptor=self.__descriptor, rule_name='rule_name', alert=alert) log_info_mock.assert_called_with('Successfully sent alert to %s', self.__service) @patch('logging.Logger.error') @patch('urllib2.urlopen') @mock_s3 @mock_kms def test_dispatch_failure(self, url_mock, log_error_mock): """SlackOutput dispatch failure""" alert = self._setup_dispatch() error_message = 'a helpful error message' = error_message url_mock.return_value.getcode.return_value = 400 self.__dispatcher.dispatch(descriptor=self.__descriptor, rule_name='rule_name', alert=alert) log_error_mock.assert_any_call('Encountered an error while sending to Slack: %s', error_message) log_error_mock.assert_any_call('Failed to send alert to %s', self.__service) @patch('logging.Logger.error') @mock_s3 @mock_kms def test_dispatch_bad_descriptor(self, log_error_mock): """SlackOutput dispatch bad descriptor""" alert = self._setup_dispatch() self.__dispatcher.dispatch(descriptor='bad_descriptor', rule_name='rule_name', alert=alert) log_error_mock.assert_called_with('Failed to send alert to %s', self.__service) class TestAWSOutput(object): """Test class for AWSOutput Base""" @classmethod def setup_class(cls): """Setup the class before any methods""" # pylint: disable=abstract-class-instantiated cls.__abstractmethods_cache = outputs.AWSOutput.__abstractmethods__ outputs.AWSOutput.__abstractmethods__ = frozenset() cls.__dispatcher = outputs.AWSOutput(REGION, FUNCTION_NAME, CONFIG) cls.__dispatcher.__service__ = 'aws-s3' @classmethod def teardown_class(cls): """Teardown the class after all methods""" outputs.AWSOutput.__abstractmethods__ = cls.__abstractmethods_cache cls.__dispatcher = None def test_aws_format_output_config(self): """AWSOutput format output config""" props = { 'descriptor': OutputProperty( 'short_descriptor', 'descriptor_value'), 'aws_value': OutputProperty( 'unique arn value, bucket, etc', 'bucket.value')} formatted_config = self.__dispatcher.format_output_config(CONFIG, props) assert_equal(len(formatted_config), 2) assert_is_not_none(formatted_config.get('descriptor_value')) assert_is_not_none(formatted_config.get('unit_test_bucket')) def test_dispatch(self): """AWSOutput dispatch pass""" passed = self.__dispatcher.dispatch() assert_is_none(passed) class TestS3Ouput(object): """Test class for S3Output""" @classmethod def setup_class(cls): """Setup the class before any methods""" cls.__service = 'aws-s3' cls.__descriptor = 'unit_test_bucket' cls.__dispatcher = outputs.get_output_dispatcher(cls.__service, REGION, FUNCTION_NAME, CONFIG) @classmethod def teardown_class(cls): """Teardown the class after all methods""" cls.dispatcher = None def test_locals(self): """S3Output local variables""" assert_equal(self.__dispatcher.__class__.__name__, 'S3Output') assert_equal(self.__dispatcher.__service__, self.__service) def _setup_dispatch(self): """Helper for setting up S3Output dispatch""" bucket = CONFIG[self.__service][self.__descriptor] boto3.client('s3', region_name=REGION).create_bucket(Bucket=bucket) return get_alert() @patch('') @mock_s3 def test_dispatch(self, log_mock): """S3Output dispatch""" alert = self._setup_dispatch() self.__dispatcher.dispatch(descriptor=self.__descriptor, rule_name='rule_name', alert=alert) log_mock.assert_called_with('Successfully sent alert to %s', self.__service) class TestLambdaOuput(object): """Test class for LambdaOutput""" @classmethod def setup_class(cls): """Setup the class before any methods""" cls.__service = 'aws-lambda' cls.__descriptor = 'unit_test_lambda' cls.__dispatcher = outputs.get_output_dispatcher(cls.__service, REGION, FUNCTION_NAME, CONFIG) @classmethod def teardown_class(cls): """Teardown the class after all methods""" cls.dispatcher = None def test_locals(self): """LambdaOutput local variables""" assert_equal(self.__dispatcher.__class__.__name__, 'LambdaOutput') assert_equal(self.__dispatcher.__service__, self.__service) def _setup_dispatch(self, alt_descriptor=''): """Helper for setting up LambdaOutput dispatch""" function_name = CONFIG[self.__service][alt_descriptor or self.__descriptor] create_lambda_function(function_name, REGION) return get_alert() @mock_lambda @patch('') def test_dispatch(self, log_mock): """LambdaOutput dispatch""" alert = self._setup_dispatch() self.__dispatcher.dispatch(descriptor=self.__descriptor, rule_name='rule_name', alert=alert) log_mock.assert_called_with('Successfully sent alert to %s', self.__service) @mock_lambda @patch('') def test_dispatch_with_qualifier(self, log_mock): """LambdaOutput dispatch with qualifier""" alt_descriptor = '{}_qual'.format(self.__descriptor) alert = self._setup_dispatch(alt_descriptor) self.__dispatcher.dispatch(descriptor=alt_descriptor, rule_name='rule_name', alert=alert) log_mock.assert_called_with('Successfully sent alert to %s', self.__service)
<filename>code/ import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.animation as animation plt.ion() dataset = open('../data/input.txt','r').read() #dataset = open('../data/code.txt','r').read() len_of_dataset = len(dataset) print('len of dataset:',len_of_dataset) vocab = set(dataset) len_of_vocab = len(vocab) print('len of vocab:',len_of_vocab) char_to_idx = {char:idx for idx,char in enumerate(vocab)} idx_to_char = {idx:char for idx,char in enumerate(vocab)} print('char_to_idx:',char_to_idx) print('idx_to_char:',idx_to_char) start_ptr = 0 lr = 1e-1 time_step = 25 mean =0.0 std =0.01 epoches = 10000 def sigmoid(x): return 1/(1+np.exp(-x)) def softmax(x): return np.exp(x)/np.sum(np.exp(x)) Wi,Ri,bi = np.random.normal(mean,std,(len_of_vocab,len_of_vocab)),np.random.normal(mean,std,(len_of_vocab,len_of_vocab)),np.random.normal(mean,std,(len_of_vocab,1)) Wo,Ro,bo = np.random.normal(mean,std,(len_of_vocab,len_of_vocab)),np.random.normal(mean,std,(len_of_vocab,len_of_vocab)),np.random.normal(mean,std,(len_of_vocab,1)) Wf,Rf,bf = np.random.normal(mean,std,(len_of_vocab,len_of_vocab)),np.random.normal(mean,std,(len_of_vocab,len_of_vocab)),np.random.normal(mean,std,(len_of_vocab,1)) Wz,Rz,bz = np.random.normal(mean,std,(len_of_vocab,len_of_vocab)),np.random.normal(mean,std,(len_of_vocab,len_of_vocab)),np.random.normal(mean,std,(len_of_vocab,1)) Wy,by = np.random.normal(mean,std,(len_of_vocab,len_of_vocab)),np.zeros((len_of_vocab,1)) mWi,mRi,mbi = np.zeros_like(Wi),np.zeros_like(Ri),np.zeros_like(bi) mWo,mRo,mbo = np.zeros_like(Wo),np.zeros_like(Ro),np.zeros_like(bo) mWf,mRf,mbf = np.zeros_like(Wf),np.zeros_like(Rf),np.zeros_like(bf) mWz,mRz,mbz = np.zeros_like(Wz),np.zeros_like(Rz),np.zeros_like(bz) mWy,mby = np.zeros_like(Wy),np.zeros_like(by) def sample(y_p,c_p): idx = [] x = np.zeros((len_of_vocab,1)) x[10,0] = np.random.randint(0,len_of_vocab) for t in range(200): I =,x),y_p)+bi i_g = sigmoid(I) O =,x),y_p)+bo o_g = sigmoid(O) F =,x) +,y_p)+bf f_g = sigmoid(F) Z =,x) +,y_p)+bz z_g = np.tanh(Z) c_p = i_g*z_g + f_g *c_p y_p = o_g * np.tanh(c_p) os =,y_p)+by p = softmax(os) id = np.random.choice(len_of_vocab,1,p=p.ravel())[0] idx.append(id) x = np.zeros((len_of_vocab,1)) x[id,0]=1 print(''.join([idx_to_char[c] for c in idx])) def forward_backward_pass(i,o,y_p,c_p): cs = {} ys = {} i_g = {} o_g = {} f_g = {} z_g = {} os = {} cs[-1] = np.copy(c_p) ys[-1] = np.copy(y_p) p = {} loss = 0 for t in range(time_step): x = np.zeros((len_of_vocab,1)) x[i[t],0] = 1 I =,x),ys[t-1])+bi i_g[t] = sigmoid(I) O =,x),ys[t-1])+bo o_g[t] = sigmoid(O) F =,x) +,ys[t-1])+bf f_g[t] = sigmoid(F) Z =,x) +,ys[t-1])+bz z_g[t] = np.tanh(Z) cs[t] = i_g[t]*z_g[t] + f_g[t] *cs[t-1] ys[t] = o_g[t] * np.tanh(cs[t]) os[t] =,ys[t])+by p[t] = softmax(os[t]) loss += -np.log(p[t][o[t],0]) dWi,dRi,dbi = np.zeros_like(Wi),np.zeros_like(Ri),np.zeros_like(bi) dWo,dRo,dbo = np.zeros_like(Wo),np.zeros_like(Ro),np.zeros_like(bo) dWf,dRf,dbf = np.zeros_like(Wf),np.zeros_like(Rf),np.zeros_like(bf) dWz,dRz,dbz = np.zeros_like(Wz),np.zeros_like(Rz),np.zeros_like(bz) dWy,dby = np.zeros_like(Wy),np.zeros_like(by) dy_z,dy_f,dy_o,dy_i = np.zeros((len_of_vocab,1)),np.zeros((len_of_vocab,1)),np.zeros((len_of_vocab,1)),np.zeros((len_of_vocab,1)) dcs_c = np.zeros((len_of_vocab,1)) for t in reversed(range(time_step)): x = np.zeros((len_of_vocab,1)) x[i[t],0] = 1 do = np.copy(p[t]) do[o[t],0] -= 1 dWy += np.outer(do,ys[t]) dby += do dy =,do) dy = dy + dy_z + dy_f + dy_i + dy_o dcs = o_g[t] * (1-np.tanh(cs[t])*np.tanh(cs[t]))*dy + dcs_c dcs_c = f_g[t]*dcs dig = z_g[t]*dcs dog = np.tanh(cs[t])*dy dzg = i_g[t]*dcs dfg = cs[t-1]*dcs dzg_ = (1-z_g[t]*z_g[t])*dzg dWz += np.outer(dzg_,x) dRz += np.outer(dzg_,ys[t-1]) dbz += dzg_ dy_z =,dzg_) dfg_ = f_g[t] * (1-f_g[t])*dfg dWf += np.outer(dfg_,x) dRf += np.outer(dfg_,ys[t-1]) dy_f =,dfg_) dbf += dfg_ dog_ = o_g[t]*(1-o_g[t])*dog dWo += np.outer(dog_,x) dRo += np.outer(dog_,ys[t-1]) dy_o =,dog_) dbo += dog_ dig_ = i_g[t]*(1-i_g[t])*dig dWi += np.outer(dig_,x) dRi += np.outer(dig_,ys[t-1]) dy_i =,dig_) dbi += dig_ for param in [dWi,dRi,dbi,dWo,dRo,dbo,dWf,dRf,dbf,dWz,dRz,dbz]: np.clip(param,-1,1,out=param) return loss,dWi,dRi,dbi,dWo,dRo,dbo,dWf,dRf,dbf,dWz,dRz,dbz,dWy,dby,ys[time_step-1],cs[time_step-1] y_prev,c_prev = np.zeros((len_of_vocab,1)),np.zeros((len_of_vocab,1)) n = 0 x=[] y=[] smooth_loss = -np.log(1/len_of_vocab)*time_step while n<=epoches: if start_ptr+time_step>len_of_dataset: start_ptr = 0 y_prev = np.zeros((len_of_vocab,1)) else: input = [char_to_idx[c] for c in dataset[start_ptr:start_ptr+time_step]] output = [char_to_idx[c] for c in dataset[start_ptr+1:start_ptr+time_step+1]] loss,dWi,dRi,dbi,dWo,dRo,dbo,dWf,dRf,dbf,dWz,dRz,dbz,dWy,dby,y_prev,c_prev=forward_backward_pass(i=input,o=output,y_p=y_prev,c_p=c_prev) for params,dparams,mparams in zip([Wi,Ri,bi,Wo,Ro,bo,Wf,Rf,bf,Wz,Rz,bz,Wy,by],\ [dWi,dRi,dbi,dWo,dRo,dbo,dWf,dRf,dbf,dWz,dRz,dbz,dWy,dby],[mWi,mRi,mbi,mWo,mRo,mbo,mWf,mRf,mbf,mWz,mRz,mbz,mWy,mby]): mparams += dparams*dparams params += -lr*dparams/np.sqrt(mparams+1e-8) smooth_loss = (0.999*smooth_loss)+(0.001*loss) x.append(n) y.append(smooth_loss) if n%1000 == 0: print('smooth_loss:',loss) sample(y_p=y_prev,c_p=c_prev) plt.ylabel('Loss') plt.xlabel('Epoch') plt.plot(x,y,color='r') plt.pause(1e-9) n+=1 start_ptr += time_step plt.savefig('../Performance/lstm_without_peephole.png')
''' Terminology used in trees Root The top node in a tree. Child A node directly connected to another node when moving away from the root. Parent The converse notion of a child. Siblings A group of nodes with the same parent. Descendant A node reachable by repeated proceeding from parent to child. Also known as subchild. Ancestor A node reachable by repeated proceeding from child to parent. Leaf External node (not common) A node with no children. Branch node Internal node A node with at least one child. Degree For a given node, its number of children. A leaf is necessarily degree zero. Edge The connection between one node and another. Path A sequence of nodes and edges connecting a node with a descendant. Level The level of a node is defined as: 1 + the number of edges between the node and the root. Height of node The height of a node is the number of edges on the longest path between that node and a leaf. Height of tree The height of a tree is the height of its root node. Depth The depth of a node is the number of edges from the tree's root node to the node. Forest A forest is a set of n ≥ 0 disjoint trees. ''' class Node(object): def __init__(self, data, num_children = 2): = data self.num_children = num_children self.children = [] return self class Tree(object): def __init__(self, data, num_children = 2, notation = "prefix"): self.root = Node(data, num_children) self.notation = notation # Common operations: # Incomplete: insert with queue. def insert(data, node = self.root): if len(node.children) < node.num_children: node.children.append(Node(data, node.num_children)) else: for child in node.children: if len(child.children) < child.num_children: Tree.insert(data, node = child) return # Searching for an item # Adding a new item at a certain position on the tree # Deleting an item # Pruning: Removing a whole section of a tree # Grafting: Adding a whole section to a tree # Finding the root for any node # Finding the lowest common ancestor of two nodes # Enumerating all the items # Enumerating a section of a tree
<gh_stars>0 # Generated by Django 3.0.3 on 2020-05-24 21:05 from django.db import migrations class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('get_random_quote', '0016_auto_20200525_0146'), ] operations = [ migrations.RenameField( model_name='quote', old_name='photo', new_name='image_object', ), ]
<reponame>Praneethvvs/CircleCi_FastApi<gh_stars>0 from time import sleep from selenium.webdriver.common.desired_capabilities import DesiredCapabilities from selenium import webdriver sleep(5) def screenshot_main(): driver = webdriver.Remote("http://:4444/wd/hub",desired_capabilities=DesiredCapabilities.CHROME) driver.get("") driver.save_screenshot("screenshot.png")
<filename>sss/ #!/usr/bin/python3 # 2021 Collegiate eCTF # SCEWL Security Server # <NAME> # # (c) 2021 The MITRE Corporation # # This source file is part of an example system for MITRE's 2021 Embedded System CTF (eCTF). # This code is being provided only for educational purposes for the 2021 MITRE eCTF competition, # and may not meet MITRE standards for quality. Use this code at your own risk! # # This is the Secure SCEWL Server that handles SED registration and key distribution for any given # deployment. Minimal changes have been made to the provided source files to allow for a these # features. It should be noted that any key generation is done within respective dockerfiles and # this script primarily focuses on verifying an SED as valid and distributing deployment wide keys. # # Registration: # 1) Given any SED with valid dev_id, establish path to SSS registration secret and scewl_secret # 2) Validate the scewl_secret that resides on the registering SED by comparing to the SSS's # registration secret # 3) Distribute AES key (16B), HMAC key (64B) and Random seed (32B), given a match # 4) Send some error given a discrepancy # # Succesful execution of this procedure means a given SED is valid and may communicate with other # deployed SEDs while through use of the aformentioned keys. If an SED doesn't receive these keys # its messages will be thrown out by any receiving SED which is part of the deployment. # # Deregistration is handled by sending deregistration message and removing registration secret from # the SED (see dockerfiles/3_remove_sed.Dockerfile) import socket import select import struct import argparse import logging import os import secrets from typing import NamedTuple SSS_IP = 'localhost' SSS_ID = 1 # mirroring scewl enum at scewl.c:4 ALREADY, REG, DEREG = -1, 0, 1 logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) Device = NamedTuple('Device', [('id', int), ('status', int), ('csock', socket.socket)]) class SSS: def __init__(self, sockf): # Make sure the socket does not already exist try: os.unlink(sockf) except OSError: if os.path.exists(sockf): raise self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.sock.bind(sockf) self.sock.listen(10) self.devs = {} @staticmethod def sock_ready(sock, op='r'): rready, wready, _ =[sock], [sock], [], 0) return rready if op == 'r' else wready def handle_transaction(self, csock: socket.SocketType): logging.debug('handling transaction') data = b'' while len(data) < 76: recvd = csock.recv(76 - len(data)) data += recvd # check for closed connection if not recvd: raise ConnectionResetError logging.debug(f'Received buffer: {repr(data)}') # Unpack message received from a given SED _, _, _, _, dev_id, op, scewl_secret = struct.unpack('<HHHHHH64s', data) '''Message responses are constructed below''' # Read in corresponding scewl secret secret_path = f'/secrets/{dev_id}_secret' if os.path.exists(secret_path): with open(secret_path, "rb") as secret_file: # Read in the registration secret for verification checked_secret = # Scewl_secret mismatch, registration key provided by SED is invalid. Log this event # and back ALREADY resp_op into the response. Without deployment keys, this SED is # considered invalid for registration. if checked_secret != scewl_secret:'{dev_id}:expected: {checked_secret}, found: {scewl_secret}') resp_op = ALREADY'{dev_id}:key mismatch') body = struct.pack('<Hh', dev_id, resp_op) # Requesting repeat transaction in the case that an SED state already reflects the # received op. Log this event. elif dev_id in self.devs and self.devs[dev_id].status == op: resp_op = ALREADY'{dev_id}:already {"Registered" if op == REG else "Deregistered"}') body = struct.pack('<Hh', dev_id, resp_op) # Record registration transaction and read in keys, then pack into response. This is # a valid SED which can communicate in the deployment. # AES key: 16 bytes # HMAC key: 64 bytes # Random seed: 32bytes elif op == REG: self.devs[dev_id] = Device(dev_id, REG, csock) resp_op = REG with open("/secrets/aes_key", "rb") as aes_file: aes_key = with open("/secrets/hmac_key", "rb") as hmac_file: hmac_key ='{dev_id}:Registered') seed = secrets.token_bytes(32) body = struct.pack('<Hh16s32s64s', dev_id, resp_op, aes_key, seed, hmac_key) # Record deregistration for an SED which was verified previously to register and # hasn't already been deregistered. else: self.devs[dev_id] = Device(dev_id, DEREG, csock) resp_op = DEREG'{dev_id}:Deregistered') body = struct.pack('<Hh', dev_id, resp_op) # Record some error from reading in the SEDs {dev_id}_secrets folder. This may happen if # an SED is attempted to register, which should not be included on the deployment as specified # by the {dev_id}_secrets folders generated in dockerfiles/2b_create_sed_secrets.Dockerfile else: resp_op = ALREADY'{dev_id}:bad ID') body = struct.pack('<Hh', dev_id, resp_op) # Send response to SED constructed in the previous section resp = struct.pack('<2sHHH', b'SC', dev_id, SSS_ID, len(body)) + body logging.debug(f'Sending response {repr(data)}') csock.send(resp) # The following methods reflect the provided insecure implementation and keep the SSS active # to received registration and deregistration messages before responding def start(self): unattributed_socks = set() # serve forever while True: # check for new client if self.sock_ready(self.sock): csock, _ = self.sock.accept()':New connection') unattributed_socks.add(csock) continue # check pool of unattributed sockets first for csock in unattributed_socks: try: if self.sock_ready(csock): self.handle_transaction(csock) unattributed_socks.remove(csock) break except (ConnectionResetError, BrokenPipeError):':Connection closed') unattributed_socks.remove(csock) csock.close() break # check pool of attributed sockets first old_ids = [] for dev in self.devs.values(): if dev.csock and self.sock_ready(dev.csock): try: self.handle_transaction(dev.csock) except (ConnectionResetError, BrokenPipeError):'{}:Connection closed') dev.csock.close() old_ids.append( for dev_id in old_ids: del self.devs[dev_id] def parse_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('sockf', help='Path to socket to bind the SSS to') return parser.parse_args() def main(): args = parse_args() # map of SCEWL IDs to statuses sss = SSS(args.sockf) sss.start() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd import torch from import Dataset from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split # Define the class for the Meta-material dataset class MetaMaterialDataSet(Dataset): """ The Meta Material Dataset Class """ def __init__(self, ftr, lbl, bool_train): """ Instantiate the Dataset Object :param ftr: the features which is always the Geometry !! :param lbl: the labels, which is always the Spectra !! :param bool_train: """ = ftr self.lbl = lbl self.bool_train = bool_train self.len = len(ftr) def __len__(self): return self.len def __getitem__(self, ind): return[ind, :], self.lbl[ind, :] ## Copied from Omar's code # Make geometry samples def MM_Geom(n): # Parameter bounds for metamaterial radius and height r_min = 20 r_max = 200 h_min = 20 h_max = 100 # Defines hypergeometric space of parameters to choose from space = 10 r_space = np.linspace(r_min, r_max, space + 1) h_space = np.linspace(h_min, h_max, space + 1) # Shuffles r,h arrays each iteration and then selects 0th element to generate random n x n parameter set r, h = np.zeros(n, dtype=float), np.zeros(n, dtype=float) for i in range(n): np.random.shuffle(r_space) np.random.shuffle(h_space) r[i] = r_space[0] h[i] = h_space[0] return r, h # Make geometry and spectra def Make_MM_Model(n): r, h = MM_Geom(n) spectra = np.zeros(300) geom = np.concatenate((r, h), axis=0) for i in range(n): w0 = 100 / h[i] wp = (1 / 100) * np.sqrt(np.pi) * r[i] g = (1 / 1000) * np.sqrt(np.pi) * r[i] w, e2 = Lorentzian(w0, wp, g) spectra += e2 return geom, spectra # Calculate Lorentzian function to get spectra def Lorentzian(w0, wp, g): freq_low = 0 freq_high = 5 num_freq = 300 w = np.arange(freq_low, freq_high, (freq_high - freq_low) / num_freq) # e1 = np.divide(np.multiply(np.power(wp, 2), np.add(np.power(w0, 2), -np.power(w, 2))), # np.add(np.power(np.add(np.power(w0, 2), -np.power(w, 2)), 2), # np.multiply(np.power(w, 2), np.power(g, 2)))) e2 = np.divide(np.multiply(np.power(wp, 2), np.multiply(w, g)), np.add(np.power(np.add(np.power(w0, 2), -np.power(w, 2)), 2), np.multiply(np.power(w, 2), np.power(g, 2)))) return w, e2 # Generates randomized dataset of simulated spectra for training and testing def Prepare_Data(osc, sets, batch_size): features = [] labels = [] for i in range(sets): geom, spectra = Make_MM_Model(osc) features.append(geom) labels.append(spectra) features = np.array(features, dtype='float32') labels = np.array(labels, dtype='float32') ftrsize = features.size / sets lblsize = labels.size / sets print('Size of Features is %i, Size of Labels is %i' % (ftrsize, lblsize)) print('There are %i datasets:' % sets) ftrTrain, ftrTest, lblTrain, lblTest = train_test_split(features, labels, test_size=0.2, random_state=1234) train_data = MetaMaterialDataSet(ftrTrain, lblTrain, bool_train=True) test_data = MetaMaterialDataSet(ftrTest, lblTest, bool_train=False) train_loader =, batch_size=batch_size) test_loader =, batch_size=batch_size) print('Number of Training samples is {}'.format(len(ftrTrain))) print('Number of Test samples is {}'.format(len(ftrTest))) return train_loader, test_loader def gen_data(name): train_loader, test_loader = Prepare_Data(1, 10000, 1000) with open(name, 'a') as datafile: for j, (geometry, spectra) in enumerate(train_loader): concate = np.concatenate([geometry, spectra], axis=1) # print(np.shape(concate)) np.savetxt(datafile, concate, delimiter=',') if __name__ == "__main__": train_loader, test_loader = Prepare_Data(1, 10000, 1000) with open('toy_data/mm1d_6.csv', 'a') as datafile: for j, (geometry, spectra) in enumerate(train_loader): concate = np.concatenate([geometry, spectra], axis=1) #print(np.shape(concate)) np.savetxt(datafile, concate, delimiter=',')
<filename>test/core_tests/ import talos as ta def test_params_object(): '''Tests the object from Params()''' print('Start testing Params object...') p = ta.Params() # without arguments p.activations() p.batch_size() p.dropout() p.epochs() p.kernel_initializers() p.layers() p.neurons() p.optimizers() p.shapes() p.shapes_slope() p.automated() p = ta.Params(replace=False) # with arguments p.activations() p.batch_size(10, 100, 5) p.dropout() p.epochs(10, 100, 5) p.kernel_initializers() p.layers(12) p.neurons(10, 100, 5) p.optimizers('multi_label') p.shapes() p.shapes_slope() p.automated('sloped') return "Finished testing Params object!"
<reponame>GilmarPereira/ReStrain """ Python Class To Load and Sync two files: Thermocouple and FBG Copyright (C) <NAME> 2015 DTU Wind Energy Author: <NAME> Email: <EMAIL>; <EMAIL> Last revision: 02-08-2016 ***License***: This file is part of FBG_ReStrain. FBG_ReStrain is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. FBG_ReStrain is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Foobar. If not, see <> """ #Packages import pandas as pd import datetime as dt class FBG_Temp_Loading(object): def __init__(self,TempPaths,TempFileNum,TempSkipRows,TempSep,TempColNumb,TempColNames,FBGPaths,FBGFileNum,FBGSkipRows,FBGSep,FBGColNumb,FBGColNames,TimeCorrect=0): """ Initialized the FBG and Temp Loading Class file Input_Parameters: ---------- """ #Temp Input self.TempPaths=TempPaths self.TempFileNum=TempFileNum self.TempSkipRows=TempSkipRows #Skip to the begin of the Data (skip head) self.TempSep=TempSep # Data separador self.TempColNumb=TempColNumb self.TempColNames=TempColNames self.TimeCorrect=TimeCorrect #FBG Input self.FBGPaths=FBGPaths self.FBGFileNum=FBGFileNum self.FBGSkipRows=FBGSkipRows#Skip to the begin of the Data (skip head) self.FBGSep=FBGSep # Data separador self.FBGColNumb=FBGColNumb self.FBGColNames=FBGColNames #Load File #Temp self.TempData=pd.DataFrame() for i in range (0,self.TempFileNum): TempPathtemp=self.TempPaths[i].replace("\\","/",99) TempDataTemp=pd.read_csv(TempPathtemp,sep=self.TempSep,names=self.TempColNames,skiprows=self.TempSkipRows,parse_dates=[['Date', 'Time']],dayfirst=True) #Merge Date and Hour self.TempData=pd.concat([self.TempData,TempDataTemp],ignore_index=True) #Correct Time self.TempData['Date_Time']=self.TempData['Date_Time']+dt.timedelta(hours=self.TimeCorrect) #Date_Time timestamp self.TempData=self.TempData.set_index('Date_Time') #FBG self.FBGData=pd.DataFrame() for i in range(0,self.FBGFileNum): FBGPathtemp=self.FBGPaths[i].replace("\\","/",99) FBGDataTemp=pd.read_csv(FBGPathtemp,sep=self.FBGSep,names=self.FBGColNames,skiprows=self.FBGSkipRows,parse_dates=[['Date', 'Time']],dayfirst=True) #Merge Date and Hour self.FBGData= pd.concat([self.FBGData,FBGDataTemp],ignore_index=True) #Delete collum Sample self.FBGData=self.FBGData.drop('Sample',1) #Organixe index self.FBGData=self.FBGData.set_index('Date_Time') def Syncron(self): """ Syncronize the FBG files and Temp files ---------- """ self.SyncData= pd.concat([self.FBGData,self.TempData],axis=1, join='inner') #Create collum with increment/sample serie #self.SyncData['Increment']=pd.Series(range(0,len(self.SyncData)), index=self.SyncData.index) self.SyncData.insert(0,'Increment/Sample',pd.Series(range(0,len(self.SyncData)), index=self.SyncData.index)) #Commands used to run this file without the GUI """ TempPath=['C:\\Users\\gfpe\\Desktop\\Example_Temp_File\\sync\\temp.csv'] TempFileNum=1 TempColNumb=5 TempColNames=['Date','Time','Temp1','Temp2','Temp3'] TempSkipRows=1 TempSep=';' FBGPaths=['C:\\Users\\gfpe\\Desktop\\Example_Temp_File\\Sync\\BM Data [2015. ; 2015.].txt','C:\\Users\\gfpe\\Desktop\\Example_Temp_File\\Sync\\BM Data [2015. ; 2015.].txt','C:\\Users\\gfpe\\Desktop\\Example_Temp_File\\Sync\\BM Data [2015. ; 2015.].txt'] FBGFileNum=3 FBGColNumb=5 FBGColNames=['Date','Time','Sample','FBG1','FBG2'] FBGSkipRows=2 FBGSep='\t' test=FBG_Temp_Loading(TempPath,TempFileNum,TempSkipRows,TempSep,TempColNumb,TempColNames,FBGPaths,FBGFileNum,FBGSkipRows,FBGSep,FBGColNumb,FBGColNames) #test.FBGData['FBG1'].plot() test.Syncron() #To save test.FBGData.to_csv('C:\\Users\\gfpe\\Desktop\\FBG.csv', sep=';') test.TempData.to_csv('C:\\Users\\gfpe\\Desktop\\temp.csv', sep=';') test.SyncData.to_csv('C:\\Users\\gfpe\\Desktop\\res.csv', sep=';') """
<reponame>girisandeep/Django-PiGPIO<filename>PiGPIO/migrations/ # Generated by Django 2.1.7 on 2019-03-25 23:17 from django.db import migrations, models import django.db.models.deletion class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('PiGPIO', '0006_program_logging'), ] operations = [ migrations.CreateModel( name='ProgramLog', fields=[ ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')), ('info', models.CharField(default='', max_length=256, null=True)), ('created_at', models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)), ('step', models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, to='PiGPIO.ProgramStep')), ], ), ]
<filename>tests/scripts/unicode💩.py<gh_stars>1000+ #!/env/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import time def function1(seconds): time.sleep(seconds) if __name__ == "__main__": function1(100)
<reponame>JoeyBF/sseq from js import ( location, console ) from js_wrappers.async_js import Fetcher from js_wrappers.filesystem import FileHandle import json import pathlib from spectralsequence_chart import SseqChart from spectralsequence_chart.serialization import JSON from working_directory import get_working_directory_a, set_working_directory_a from functools import wraps from repl.handler_decorator import collect_handlers, handle fetcher = Fetcher("api/") def create_display(name): disp = SseqDisplay(name) print(f"Creating display at {disp.url}") return disp.chart async def load_display_a(name): disp = SseqDisplay(name) await disp.load_a() return disp.chart @collect_handlers("message_handlers") class SseqDisplay: """ A Spectral Sequence display. This contains the logic to communicate between the SseqChart and the browser. All of the data is contained in the field SseqDisplay.chart which is the SseqChart object that is being displayed. You may want to store the chart into a variable and use it directly. """ # displays = {} def __init__(self, name, chart=None): = name self.chart = None self.save_file_handle = FileHandle() self.autosave = False chart = chart or SseqChart(name) self.set_sseq(chart) self.subscribers = {} SseqDisplay.displays[name] = self from repl.executor import Executor self.executor = Executor.executor self._started = False self.executor.loop.call_soon(self.start_a()) def __repr__(self): if self._started: return f'{type(self).__name__}(name="{}", url="{self.url}", chart={self.chart})' return f"""{type(self).__name__}(name="{}", state="Not started, run 'await display.start_a()' to start.")""" # def __dir__(self): # """ getattr and dir have to be set up carefully to allow jedi to provide good docs for the SseqChart functions. """ # result = self.chart.__dir__() # result.extend(self.__dict__.keys()) # return sorted(set(result)) # def __getattr__(self, name): # """ getattr and dir have to be set up carefully to allow jedi to provide good docs for the SseqChart functions. """ # if not hasattr(self.chart, name): # raise AttributeError(f'Instance of {self.__class__.__name__} has no attribute {name}') # return getattr(self.chart, name) def load_json(self, json_obj): if type(json_obj) is str: json_obj = json.loads(json_obj) self.set_sseq(SseqChart.from_json(json_obj)) def set_sseq(self, chart): if self.chart is not None: self.chart._agent = None self.chart = chart self.chart._agent = self @property def url(self): directory = str(pathlib.Path(location.pathname).parent) return f"{location.protocol}//{}{directory}/charts/{}" async def start_a(self): if self._started: return self._started = True response = await fetcher.put(f"charts/{}", {}) if response.status >= 400: raise Exception(f"Failed to create chart: {response.status_text}") body = await response.json() print(f'Display started. Visit "{self.url}" to view.') async def reset_state_a(self): with self.chart._batched_messages_lock: self.chart._clear_batched_messages() await self.send_message_a("chart.state.reset", state = self.chart.to_json()) await self.maybe_autosave_a() def update(self): self.executor.loop.call_soon(self.update_a()) async def update_a(self): await self.chart.update_a() async def send_batched_messages_a(self, messages): console.log("Sending batched messages:", messages) await self.send_message_a("chart.update", messages = messages) await self.maybe_autosave_a() async def maybe_autosave_a(self): if self.autosave and self.save_file_handle.is_open(): await self.save_a() async def save_a(self): await self.save_file_handle.ensure_open_a(modify=True) await self.save_file_handle.write_text_a(JSON.stringify(self.chart)) async def save_as_a(self, path = None): if path: working_directory = await get_working_directory_a() if not working_directory: raise RuntimeError("...") self.save_file_handle = await working_directory.path(path).resolve_file_handle_a(create=True) else: self.save_file_handle = FileHandle() await self.save_a() async def load_a(self, path = None): if path: working_directory = await get_working_directory_a() if not working_directory: raise RuntimeError("...") self.save_file_handle = await working_directory.path(path).resolve_file_handle_a() else: self.save_file_handle = FileHandle() await self.save_file_handle.open_a() self.set_sseq(JSON.parse(await self.save_file_handle.read_text_a())) await self.reset_state_a() @staticmethod def dispatch_message(obj): message = json.loads(obj["message"]) del obj["message"] message.update(obj) chart_name = message["chart_name"] del message["chart_name"] display = SseqDisplay.displays[chart_name] display.handle_message(**message) def handle_message(self, cmd, args, port, client_id, uuid, kwargs): kwargs = dict(kwargs) console.log(f"SseqDisplay.handle_message({cmd}, {JSON.stringify(kwargs)})") self.executor.loop.call_soon(self.message_handlers[cmd]( self, uuid=uuid, port=port, client_id=client_id, **kwargs )) @staticmethod def _create_message(cmd, **kwargs): return JSON.stringify(dict(cmd=cmd, args=[], kwargs=kwargs)) async def send_message_a(self, cmd, **kwargs): message = SseqDisplay._create_message(cmd, **kwargs) for port in self.subscribers.values(): port.postMessage(message) async def send_message_to_target_client_a(self, port, cmd, uuid, **kwargs): port.postMessage(JSON.stringify(dict( cmd=cmd, uuid=uuid, args=[], kwargs=kwargs ))) @handle("new_user") async def new_user__a(self, uuid, port, client_id): print("Handling new user...") # Might as well make sure that we don't have other charts that are out of date. # So let's send an update to the existing charts first. await self.update_a() self.subscribers[client_id] = port # "initialize" command sets chart range and page in addition to setting the chart. # "initialize" does a superset of what "reset" does. port.postMessage(SseqDisplay._create_message("chart.state.initialize", state = self.chart.to_json())) @handle("initialize.complete") async def initialize__complete__a(self, uuid, port, client_id): print("initialize.complete") def _wrap_chart_func(func): @wraps(func) def wrap(self, *args, **kwargs): return func(self.chart, *args, **kwargs) return wrap def _bind_chart_attribute(name): func = getattr(SseqChart, name) func_type_name = type(func).__name__ if func_type_name == "function": wrapped = _wrap_chart_func(func) elif func_type_name == "property": wrapped_fget = None wrapped_fset = None wrapped_fdel = None if func.fget: wrapped_fget = _wrap_chart_func(func.fget) if func.fset: wrapped_fset = _wrap_chart_func(func.fset) if func.fdel: wrapped_fdel = _wrap_chart_func(func.fdel) wrapped = property(wrapped_fget, wrapped_fset, wrapped_fdel) else: raise AssertionError() setattr(SseqDisplay, name, wrapped) # for a in dir(SseqChart): # if a.startswith("_") or a in dir(SseqDisplay): # continue # # The __getattr__ and __dir__ methods above aren't enough to get docs for properties. # # For properties, we copy a wrapper from SseqChart to SseqDisplay. # # Note that if we do this for methods too, it screws up jedi get_signatures. # # So __dir__ / __getattr__ work only for methods and this works only for properties... # if type(getattr(SseqChart, a)) is property: # _bind_chart_attribute(a)
from aiocloudflare.commons.auth import Auth class Summary(Auth): _endpoint1 = "zones" _endpoint2 = "spectrum/analytics/events/summary" _endpoint3 = None
<filename>2021/ #!/usr/bin/env python3 from __future__ import annotations import sys import re from dataclasses import dataclass from typing import List, NamedTuple, Tuple, Set def extract(s): return [int(x) for x in re.findall(r'(-?\d+).?', s)] class Pos(NamedTuple): x: int y: int z: int def dist(self, y: Pos) -> int: x = self return abs(x[0] - y[0]) + abs(x[1] - y[1]) + abs(x[2] - y[2]) @dataclass(frozen=True, order=True) class Box: bot: Pos top: Pos def split_at(self, axis, val): atop =[axis] abot =[axis] mid = val - 1 assert mid >= abot assert atop != abot axname = "xyz"[axis] return [ Box(,**{axname: mid})), Box(**{axname: mid+1}),, ] def overlap(self, other): return ( >= and >= and >= and >= and >= and >= ) def volume(self): assert >= 0 assert >= 0 assert >= 0 return (*(*( def splitoff(n, m): if not n.overlap(m): return [n], None on = n fns = [] for axis in [0,1,2]: if[axis] <[axis] <=[axis]: l, n = n.split_at(axis,[axis]) fns.append(l) if[axis] <=[axis] <[axis]: n, l = n.split_at(axis,[axis]+1) fns.append(l) assert sum(x.volume() for x in fns) + n.volume() == on.volume() check(fns, {m}) return fns, n def check(lhs, rhs): return for x in lhs: for y in rhs: assert x == y or not x.overlap(y), (x,y) def main(args): data = [s.strip() for s in sys.stdin if s.strip() and not s.startswith('#')] cmds = [(s.split(" ")[0], extract(s)) for s in data] cmds = [(s, ((x[0], x[2], x[4]), (x[1], x[3], x[5]))) for s, x in cmds] on = set() for i, (cmd, (lo, hi)) in enumerate(cmds): box = Box(Pos(*lo), Pos(*hi)) print(i, cmd, box) new_on = set() for x in on: splits, _ = splitoff(x, box) new_on.update(splits) check(new_on, {box}) if cmd == "on": new_on |= {box} on = new_on check(on, on) print(i, sum(x.volume() for x in on), len(on)) # just for fun, also compute part 1 part1 = { z for x in on if (z := splitoff(x, Box(Pos(-50,-50,-50), Pos(50,50,50)))[1]) } print(sum(x.volume() for x in part1)) print(sum(x.volume() for x in on)) if __name__ == '__main__': main(sys.argv)
Knowledge test/11 -
# Read the problem below and then implement it in code. You do not need to submit your # written decomposition of how you’ve worked it out but make sure to comment your code # to explain what you’ve done. # # A computer generates a random number from 0 – 10. It then asks the user to make a # guess. They have 5 attempts to get it right. If they get it correct, the program says # they’ve won and ends. If they’re wrong, they’re asked to guess again and told how many # attempts they have remaining. from random import randint # Inclusive random_num = randint(0, 10) turns = 5 # 5 turns for turn in range(turns - 1, 0, -1): guess = int(input("Make a guess: ")) if (guess == random_num): print("You're correct!") break else: print(f"Incorrect guess. You have {turn} guesses remaining.")
<gh_stars>10-100 from .util import KeyArgsConstructor class Traversal(KeyArgsConstructor): """Traversal method. Used by the tree rendering functions like :class:`~asciitree.LeftAligned`. """ def get_children(self, node): """Return a list of children of a node.""" raise NotImplementedError def get_root(self, tree): """Return a node representing the tree root from the tree.""" return tree def get_text(self, node): """Return the text associated with a node.""" return str(node) class DictTraversal(Traversal): """Traversal suitable for a dictionary. Keys are tree labels, all values must be dictionaries as well.""" def get_children(self, node): return list(node[1].items()) def get_root(self, tree): return list(tree.items())[0] def get_text(self, node): return node[0] class AttributeTraversal(Traversal): """Attribute traversal. Uses an attribute of a node as its list of children. """ attribute = 'children' #: Attribute to use. def get_children(self, node): return getattr(node, self.attribute)
from django.urls import reverse_lazy from oauth2_provider import views from .. import mixins class ApplicationList(mixins.TwoFactorMixin, mixins.ApplicationViewMixin, views.ApplicationList): template_name = 'oauth2/applications/list.html' class ApplicationRegistration(mixins.ApplicationCreationMixin, mixins.TwoFactorMixin, views.ApplicationRegistration): template_name = 'oauth2/applications/register.html' def get_success_url(self): return reverse_lazy('application_detail', kwargs={'pk':}) class ApplicationDetail(mixins.ApplicationViewMixin, mixins.TwoFactorMixin, views.ApplicationDetail): template_name = 'oauth2/applications/detail.html' class ApplicationDelete(mixins.ApplicationDeleteMixin, mixins.TwoFactorMixin, views.ApplicationDelete): template_name = 'oauth2/applications/delete.html' success_url = reverse_lazy('application_list') class ApplicationUpdate(mixins.ApplicationChangeMixin, mixins.TwoFactorMixin, views.ApplicationUpdate): template_name = 'oauth2/applications/update.html' def get_success_url(self): return reverse_lazy('application_detail', kwargs={'pk':})
# -*- coding: utf8 -*- from hon.packets import ID def setup(bot): bot.config.module_config('welcome_members',[1,'Will welcome members in /c m if set to non-zero value']) bot.config.module_config('officers', [[], 'Officers alts']) bot.config.module_config('allowdnd', [[], 'Allowed to use DND command']) bot.dnd = [] def change_member(bot,origin,data): who,status,whodid = data[0],data[1],data[2] if status == 0: del(bot.clan_roster[who]) elif status == 1: if who in bot.clan_roster: bot.clan_roster[who]['rank'] = 'Member' else: bot.clan_roster[who] = {"rank":"Member"} elif status == 2: bot.clan_roster[who]['rank'] = 'Officer' elif status == 3:#not sure about this one bot.clan_roster[who]['rank'] = 'Leader' change_member.event = [ID.HON_SC_CLAN_MEMBER_CHANGE] def add_member(bot,origin,data): id = data[0] bot.clan_roster[id] = {"rank":"Member"} if bot.config.welcome_members > 0 and id in bot.id2nick: nick = bot.id2nick[id] bot.write_packet(ID.HON_CS_CLAN_MESSAGE,'Welcome, {0}!'.format(nick)) add_member.event = [ID.HON_SC_CLAN_MEMBER_ADDED] def member_changestatus(bot,origin,data): id = data[0] if id in bot.clan_roster: bot.clan_status[id] = data[1] if data[0] in [ID.HON_STATUS_OFFLINE]: for key, nick in enumerate(bot.dnd): if id in bot.id2nick and bot.id2nick[id] == nick: del(bot.dnd[key]) break if data[1] in [ID.HON_STATUS_ONLINE]: """ """ #nick = bot.id2nick[id] #bot.clan_roster[id]['upgrades'] = user_upgrades(bot, nick) elif id in bot.id2nick and bot.id2nick[id] == bot.config.owner: bot.clan_status[id] = data[1] member_changestatus.event = [ID.HON_SC_UPDATE_STATUS] def member_initstatus(bot,origin,data): for u in data[1]: id = u[0] if id in bot.clan_roster: if u[1] in [ID.HON_STATUS_ONLINE, ID.HON_STATUS_INGAME]: nick = bot.id2nick[id] #bot.clan_roster[id]['upgrades'] = user_upgrades(bot, nick) bot.clan_status[id] = u[1] elif bot.id2nick[id] == bot.config.owner: bot.clan_status[id] = u[1] member_initstatus.event = [ID.HON_SC_INITIAL_STATUS] member_initstatus.thread = False def invite(bot,input): """invites to clan, admins only""" if not input.admin: return False bot.write_packet(ID.HON_CS_CLAN_ADD_MEMBER, bot.reply("Invited {0}".format( invite.commands = ['invite'] def remove(bot,input): """remove from clan, admins only""" if not input.admin: return False nick = if nick not in bot.nick2id: bot.reply('Sorry, I don''t know ' + nick) else: id = bot.nick2id[nick] bot.write_packet(ID.HON_CS_CLAN_REMOVE_MEMBER,id) query = { 'f' : 'set_rank', 'target_id' : id, 'member_ck': bot.cookie, 'rank' : 'Remove', 'clan_id' : bot.clan_info['clan_id'] } bot.masterserver_request(query) bot.reply(nick + " was removed from the clan") remove.commands = ['remove'] status = { ID.HON_STATUS_OFFLINE: "Offline", ID.HON_STATUS_ONLINE: "Online", ID.HON_STATUS_INLOBBY: "In Lobby", ID.HON_STATUS_INGAME: "In Game" } def sublist(alist, value): return [dictio for dictio in alist if alist[dictio] == value] def info(bot,input): """Get clan member info""" if not bot.reply( "{0} - Members: {1}, Online: {2}, In-Game: {3}" .format( bot.clan_info['name'], len(bot.clan_roster), len(sublist(bot.clan_status, ID.HON_STATUS_ONLINE)), len(sublist(bot.clan_status, ID.HON_STATUS_INGAME)) ) ) else: nick = if nick not in bot.nick2id: bot.reply("Unknown Player") else: id = bot.nick2id[nick] if id in bot.clan_roster: player = bot.clan_roster[id] rank = player['rank'] query = {'nickname' : nick} query['f'] = 'show_stats' query['table'] = 'player' data = bot.masterserver_request(query,cookie=True) bot.reply("{0} - Rank: {1}, Last Online: {2}, Status: {3}".format(nick, rank, data['last_activity'], status[bot.clan_status[id]])) else: bot.reply("Not in clan") info.commands = ['info'] def officers(bot, input): """Find available officers""" avail_officers = [] for ply in bot.id2nick: if ply == bot.account_id: continue if bot.id2nick[ply] in bot.dnd: continue if ply in bot.clan_status and ply in bot.clan_roster: if bot.clan_status[ply] is ID.HON_STATUS_ONLINE and (bot.clan_roster[ply]['rank'] in ['Officer', 'Leader'] or bot.id2nick[ply] in bot.config.officers): avail_officers.append(bot.id2nick[ply]) elif bot.id2nick[ply] in bot.config.officers: if ply in bot.user_status and bot.user_status[ply] is ID.HON_STATUS_ONLINE: avail_officers.append(bot.id2nick[ply]) if len(avail_officers) > 0: outstr = ', '.join(avail_officers) else: outstr = 'None' bot.reply( "Available officers: {0}".format( outstr ) ) officers.commands = ['officers'] def officer(bot, input): """Add Officer Alt""" if not input.admin: return officers(bot, input) if not return nick = if not nick in bot.config.officers: bot.config.set_add('officers', nick) bot.reply("Added {0} to officer list".format(nick)) else: bot.reply(nick + " is already an officer") officer.commands = ['officer'] def unofficer(bot, input): """Remove Officer Alt""" if not input.admin: return False if not return nick = if nick in bot.config.officers: bot.config.set_del('officers', nick) bot.reply("Removed {0} from officer list".format(nick)) else: bot.reply(nick + " isn't an officer") unofficer.commands = ['unofficer'] def announce(bot, input): if not input.admin: return False if not return bot.write_packet(ID.HON_CS_CLAN_MESSAGE, announce.commands = ['announce'] def dnd(bot, input): """Users can set themselves to not appear in player listing commands""" if input.nick not in bot.nick2id: bot.reply("Error occurred") return id = bot.nick2id[input.nick] if not id in bot.clan_roster or (id in bot.clan_roster and not bot.clan_roster[id]['rank'] in ['Officer', 'Leader']): if not input.nick in bot.config.officers and not input.nick in bot.config.allowdnd: return for key, nick in enumerate(bot.dnd): if input.nick == nick: bot.reply("You are now available.") del(bot.dnd[key]) return bot.reply("You are now unavailable.") bot.dnd.append(input.nick) dnd.commands = ['dnd']
import frappe def execute(): a=frappe.new_doc("Task") a.subject='axy' print( # #bench execute demo.doctype.task.execute # print('***************')
from gettext import gettext def foo(): print(gettext('ssshhh....'))
import numpy as np from ..colors import Color from .widget import Widget, overlapping_region from .widget_data_structures import Point, Size, Rect class _Root(Widget): """ Root widget. Meant to be instantiated by the `App` class. Renders to terminal. """ def __init__(self, app, env_out, default_char, default_color: Color): self._app = app self.env_out = env_out self.default_char = default_char self.default_color = default_color self.children = [ ] self.resize(env_out.get_size()) def resize(self, dim: Size): """ Resize canvas. Last render is erased. """ self.env_out.erase_screen() self.env_out.flush() self._dim = dim self._last_canvas = np.full(dim, self.default_char, dtype=object) self._last_colors = np.full((*dim, 6), self.default_color, dtype=np.uint8) self.canvas = np.full_like(self._last_canvas, "><") # "><" will guarantee an entire screen redraw. self.colors = self._last_colors.copy() # Buffer arrays to re-use in the `render` method: self._char_diffs = np.zeros_like(self.canvas, dtype=np.bool8) self._color_diffs = np.zeros_like(self.colors, dtype=np.bool8) self._reduced_color_diffs = np.zeros_like(self.canvas, dtype=np.bool8) for child in self.children: child.update_geometry() @property def top(self): return 0 @property def left(self): return 0 @property def pos(self): return Point(0, 0) @property def absolute_pos(self): return Point(0, 0) @property def is_transparent(self): return False @property def is_visible(self): return True @property def parent(self): return None @property def root(self): return self @property def app(self): return self._app def absolute_to_relative_coords(self, coord): return coord def render(self): """ Paint canvas. Render to terminal. """ # Swap canvas with last render: self.canvas, self._last_canvas = self._last_canvas, self.canvas self.colors, self._last_colors = self._last_colors, self.colors # Bring arrays into locals: canvas = self.canvas colors = self.colors char_diffs = self._char_diffs color_diffs = self._color_diffs reduced_color_diffs = self._reduced_color_diffs env_out = self.env_out write = env_out._buffer.append # Erase canvas: canvas[:] = self.default_char colors[:, :] = self.default_color overlap = overlapping_region height, width = canvas.shape rect = Rect( 0, 0, height, width, height, width, ) for child in self.children: if region := overlap(rect, child): dest_slice, child_rect = region child.render(canvas[dest_slice], colors[dest_slice], child_rect) # Find differences between current render and last render: # (This is optimized version of `(last_canvas != canvas) | np.any(last_colors != colors, axis=-1)` # that re-uses buffers instead of creating new arrays.) np.not_equal(self._last_canvas, canvas, out=char_diffs) np.not_equal(self._last_colors, colors, out=color_diffs) np.any(color_diffs, axis=-1, out=reduced_color_diffs) np.logical_or(char_diffs, reduced_color_diffs, out=char_diffs) write("\x1b[?25l") # Hide cursor ys, xs = np.nonzero(char_diffs) for y, x, color, char in zip(ys, xs, colors[ys, xs], canvas[ys, xs]): # The escape codes for moving the cursor and setting the color concatenated: write("\x1b[{};{}H\x1b[0;38;2;{};{};{};48;2;{};{};{}m{}".format(y + 1, x + 1, *color, char)) write("\x1b[0m") # Reset attributes env_out.flush() def dispatch_press(self, key_press): """ Dispatch key press to descendants until handled. """ any(widget.dispatch_press(key_press) for widget in reversed(self.children)) def dispatch_click(self, mouse_event): """ Dispatch mouse event to descendents until handled. """ any(widget.dispatch_click(mouse_event) for widget in reversed(self.children))
import re import time from datetime import datetime import urllib import mechanicalsoup import getpass from bs4 import BeautifulSoup # Conver Time Function def convertTime(time): try: time = time.replace(",","").replace("@","").replace("."," ").replace(":"," ") t2 = datetime.strptime(time[3:], "%A %B %d %Y %I %M%p") return (t2-datetime(1970,1,1)).total_seconds() except Exception: print ("Error while converting time to seconds") return 1 url = '' # List Variables outputList = [] article_headline_list = [] writer_list = [] time_posted_list = [] response = [] # Count Variables totalRecords=0 totalRecordsOut=0 page=-1 timestamp=0 browser = mechanicalsoup.StatefulBrowser() On_This_Page = False logged_in = False # Loop until logged in while not logged_in: nick = input("Enter your nickname for ") #Chazzio1 passw = getpass.getpass("Enter your password: ") #<PASSWORD> while(timestamp<1): try: timestamp = int(input("Enter timestamp in seconds since 1970: ")) # 1535241600 except Exception: "Not a valid number" browser.select_form(nr=1) browser['unickname'] = nick browser['upasswd'] = passw result = browser.submit_selected() response = result.content soup_0 = BeautifulSoup(response, "lxml") user = str(soup_0.find_all(class_="user-access")) if user.find(nick)>0: logged_in=True print ("Logged in") else: print ("Try Again\n") time.sleep(5) # Loop until date found while not(On_This_Page): page+=1 try: except Exception: print ("Error cannot open next page ") print ("Page " + url + " may not exist") browser.close() break #release resources # HTML to BeautifulSoup response = "" response=result.content soup = "" soup = BeautifulSoup(response, "lxml") # Find all Headlines article_headline = soup.find_all('span',class_="story-title") poster = soup.find_all('span', class_="story-byline") time_posted = soup.find_all('time') # Store all required info for headline in article_headline: title = '\"'+headline.a.get_text()+'\"' article_headline_list.append(title) #Get Text headline totalRecords+=1 for t in time_posted: time_posted_list.append(convertTime(t.get("datetime"))) for val in poster: writer = val.find(text=True) writer = " ".join(re.split("\s+", writer, flags=re.UNICODE)) writer = writer.replace(' ', '') writer = writer.replace('Posted','') writer = writer.replace('by','') writer_list.append(writer) # Make output List as per format required for j in range(totalRecords): if (int(time_posted_list[j]) < timestamp): On_This_Page = True break else: outputList.append(str( "{" "\n" "\"headline\": ") + str(article_headline_list[j]) + "\n\"author\": \"" + str(writer_list[j]) + "\"\n\"date\": " + str(int(time_posted_list[j])) + "\n},\n" ) totalRecordsOut+=1; # All records on page within timeframe, open next page if totalRecordsOut%totalRecords == 0: totalRecordsOut=0 url = str('') + str(page+1) # Display this message while loading other pages print ("Opening next page " + url) for headline in outputList: print (headline) print ("Total headlines returned: " + str(totalRecordsOut)) browser.close()
import os from bddcli import Given, stdout, Application, when, given def foos(): # pragma: no cover e = os.environ.copy() # For Linux and Windows discarded_variables = ['LC_CTYPE', 'PWD', 'COMSPEC', 'PATHEXT', 'PROMPT', 'SYSTEMROOT'] # Windows environment variables are case-insensitive, lowercase them print(' '.join( f'{k}: {v}' for k, v in e.items() if k not in discarded_variables ).lower()) app = Application('foo', 'tests.test_environ:foos') def test_environ(): with Given(app, environ={'bar': 'baz'}): assert stdout == 'bar: baz\n' when(environ=given - 'bar') assert stdout == '\n' when(environ=given + {'qux': 'quux'}) assert stdout == 'bar: baz qux: quux\n' when(environ=given | {'bar': 'quux'}) assert stdout == 'bar: quux\n'
from .base import * import dj_database_url # SECURITY WARNING: don't run with debug turned on in production! DEBUG = True ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['*'] # If DEBUG is False, send the errors to the email: ADMINS = [ ('Andre', '<EMAIL>'), ] MIDDLEWARE = [ '', 'whitenoise.middleware.WhiteNoiseMiddleware', 'django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware', 'django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware', 'django.middleware.csrf.CsrfViewMiddleware', 'django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware', 'django.contrib.messages.middleware.MessageMiddleware', 'django.middleware.clickjacking.XFrameOptionsMiddleware', ] ROOT_URLCONF = 'VEnCode_Django.urls' # Database # DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2', 'NAME': config("DB_NAME"), 'USER': config("DB_USER"), 'PASSWORD': '', 'HOST': config("DB_HOST"), 'PORT': '', } } # Static files (CSS, JavaScript, Images) # STATICFILES_STORAGE = '' # Configure Django App for Heroku. django_heroku.settings(locals()) # Production set up for heroku: db_from_env = dj_database_url.config(conn_max_age=500) DATABASES['default'].update(db_from_env) # Allauth configurations, backend to send sign-in e-mail verification e-mail: EMAIL_BACKEND = 'django.core.mail.backends.smtp.EmailBackend' # REDIS related settings CELERY_BROKER_URL = config('REDIS_URL', default="redis://") CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND = config('REDIS_URL', default="redis://") BROKER_URL = config('REDIS_URL', default="redis://") # Allauth related settings EMAIL_HOST = config("MAILGUN_SMTP_SERVER") EMAIL_PORT = config("MAILGUN_SMTP_PORT") EMAIL_HOST_USER = DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL = config("MAILGUN_SMTP_LOGIN") EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = config("MAILGUN_SMTP_PASSWORD")
import logging import numpy as np from openpnm.utils import SettingsAttr, Docorator from openpnm.integrators import ScipyRK45 from openpnm.algorithms import GenericAlgorithm from openpnm.algorithms._solution import SolutionContainer, TransientSolution logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) docstr = Docorator() @docstr.dedent class TransientMultiPhysicsSettings: r""" Parameters ---------- %(GenericAlgorithmSettings.parameters)s algorithms: list List of transient algorithm objects to be solved in a coupled manner """ algorithms = [] @docstr.dedent class TransientMultiPhysics(GenericAlgorithm): r""" A subclass for transient multiphysics simulations. """ def __init__(self, algorithms, settings=None, **kwargs): self.settings = SettingsAttr(TransientMultiPhysicsSettings, settings) self.settings.algorithms = [ for alg in algorithms] self._algs = algorithms super().__init__(settings=self.settings, **kwargs) def run(self, x0, tspan, saveat=None, integrator=None): """ Runs all of the transient algorithms simultaneoulsy and returns the solution. Parameters steal from transient reactive transport ---------- x0 : ndarray or float Array (or scalar) containing initial condition values. tspan : array_like Tuple (or array) containing the integration time span. saveat : array_like or float, optional If an array is passed, it signifies the time points at which the solution is to be stored, and if a scalar is passed, it refers to the interval at which the solution is to be stored. integrator : Integrator, optional Integrator object which will be used to to the time stepping. Can be instantiated using openpnm.integrators module. Returns ------- TransientSolution The solution object, which is basically a numpy array with the added functionality that it can be called to return the solution at intermediate times (i.e., those not stored in the solution object). In the case of multiphysics, the solution object is a combined array of solutions for each physics. The solution for each physics is available on each algorithm object independently. """'Running TransientMultiphysics') if np.isscalar(saveat): saveat = np.arange(*tspan, saveat) if (saveat is not None) and (tspan[1] not in saveat): saveat = np.hstack((saveat, [tspan[1]])) integrator = ScipyRK45() if integrator is None else integrator for i, alg in enumerate(self._algs): # Perform pre-solve validations alg._validate_settings() alg._validate_data_health() # Write x0 to algorithm the obj (needed by _update_iterative_props) x0_i = self._get_x0(x0, i) alg['pore.ic'] = x0_i = np.ones(alg.Np, dtype=float) * x0_i alg._merge_inital_and_boundary_values() # Build RHS (dx/dt = RHS), then integrate the system of ODEs rhs = self._build_rhs() # Integrate RHS using the given solver soln = integrator.solve(rhs, x0, tspan, saveat) # Return dictionary containing solution self.soln = SolutionContainer() for i, alg in enumerate(self._algs): # Slice soln and attach as TransientSolution object to each alg t = soln.t x = soln[i*alg.Np:(i+1)*alg.Np, :] alg.soln = TransientSolution(t, x) # Add solution of each alg to solution dictionary self.soln[alg.settings['quantity']] = alg.soln return self.soln def _run_special(self, x0): ... def _build_rhs(self): """ Returns a function handle, which calculates dy/dt = rhs(y, t). Notes ----- ``y`` is a composite array that contains ALL the variables that the multiphysics algorithm solves for, e.g., if the constituent algorithms are ``TransientFickianDiffusion``, and ``TransientFourierConduction``, ``y[0:Np-1]`` refers to the concentration, and ``[Np:2*Np-1]`` refers to the temperature values. """ def ode_func(t, y): # Initialize RHS rhs = [] for i, alg in enumerate(self._algs): # Get x from y, assume alg.Np is same for all algs x = self._get_x0(y, i) # again use helper function # Store x onto algorithm, alg.x = x # Build A and b alg._update_A_and_b() A = alg.A.tocsc() b = alg.b # Retrieve volume V =[alg.settings["pore_volume"]] # Calcualte RHS rhs_alg = np.hstack( + b)/V rhs = np.hstack((rhs, rhs_alg)) return rhs return ode_func def _get_x0(self, x0, i): tmp = [alg.Np for alg in self._algs] idx_end = np.cumsum(tmp) idx_start = np.hstack((0, idx_end[:-1])) x0 = x0[idx_start[i]:idx_end[i]] return x0
# Formatierte Stringausgabe dic={'Käse' : 5, 'Brot' : 3, 'Wein' : 2, 'Eier' : 6, 'Nuss' : 12, 'Tee' : 14, 'Müsli' : 1} print(('Inventar'.center(16, '#')).center(60)) for namen, anzahl in dic.items(): print((namen.ljust(13, '.') + str(anzahl).rjust(3, '.')).center(60)) print(('#'.center(16, '#')).center(60))
<filename>shorty/config/ import json import sys from pathlib import Path def create_config(): """ Creates a merged dictionary between the `config.json` and the respective environment's config, by merging them. Sidenote: the implementation for the generic access token was made specific so that the request headers are easily generated with just changing the access token per environment. """ with open("./config.json", "r") as config_file: default_config = json.load(config_file) if len(sys.argv) >= 1: env = sys.argv[1] else: env = "dev" if env not in {"dev", "prod", "staging", "test"}: raise ValueError("Invalid env name") env_config_path = Path("./config.{}.json".format(env)) if env_config_path.exists(): with open(env_config_path) as env_config_file: env_config = json.load(env_config_file) else: raise FileExistsError("The env config file does not exist") return dict(_merge_configs(default_config, env_config)) def _merge_configs(dict1, dict2): for k in set(dict1.keys()).union(dict2.keys()): if k in dict1 and k in dict2: if isinstance(dict1[k], dict) and isinstance(dict2[k], dict): yield (k, dict(_merge_configs(dict1[k], dict2[k]))) else: yield (k, dict2[k]) elif k in dict1: yield (k, dict1[k]) else: if k == "generic_access_token": dict1["headers"]["authorization"] = ( dict1["headers"]["authorization"] + dict2[k] ) yield (k, dict1["headers"]["authorization"]) else: yield (k, dict2[k]) config = create_config()
# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved. import mmocr.utils as utils import torch import torch.nn.functional as F from mmdeploy.core import FUNCTION_REWRITER @FUNCTION_REWRITER.register_rewriter( func_name='mmocr.models.textrecog.encoders.SAREncoder.forward', backend='default') def sar_encoder__forward(ctx, self, feat, img_metas=None): """Rewrite `forward` of SAREncoder for default backend. Rewrite this function to: 1. convert tuple value of feat.size to int, making model exportable. 2. use torch.ceil to replace original math.ceil and if else in mmocr. Args: ctx (ContextCaller): The context with additional information. self: The instance of the class SAREncoder. feat (Tensor): Encoded feature map of shape (N, C, H, W). img_metas (Optional[list[dict]]): A list of image info dict where each dict has: 'img_shape', 'scale_factor', 'flip', and may also contain 'filename', 'ori_shape', 'pad_shape', and 'img_norm_cfg'. For details on the values of these keys, see :class:`mmdet.datasets.pipelines.Collect`. Returns: holistic_feat (Tensor): A feature map output from SAREncoder. The shape [N, M]. """ if img_metas is not None: assert utils.is_type_list(img_metas, dict) assert len(img_metas) == feat.size(0) valid_ratios = None if img_metas is not None: valid_ratios = [ img_meta.get('valid_ratio', 1.0) for img_meta in img_metas ] if self.mask else None h_feat = int(feat.size(2)) feat_v = F.max_pool2d(feat, kernel_size=(h_feat, 1), stride=1, padding=0) feat_v = feat_v.squeeze(2) # bsz * C * W feat_v = feat_v.permute(0, 2, 1).contiguous() # bsz * W * C holistic_feat = self.rnn_encoder(feat_v)[0] # bsz * T * C if valid_ratios is not None: valid_hf = [] T = holistic_feat.size(1) for i, valid_ratio in enumerate(valid_ratios): # use torch.ceil to replace original math.ceil and if else in mmocr valid_step = torch.ceil(T * valid_ratio).long() - 1 valid_hf.append(holistic_feat[i, valid_step, :]) valid_hf = torch.stack(valid_hf, dim=0) else: valid_hf = holistic_feat[:, -1, :] # bsz * C holistic_feat = self.linear(valid_hf) # bsz * C return holistic_feat
# Tests for WikiText parsing # # Copyright (c) 2020-2021 <NAME>. See file LICENSE and import unittest from wikitextprocessor import Wtp from wikitextprocessor.parser import (print_tree, NodeKind, WikiNode) def parse_with_ctx(title, text, **kwargs): assert isinstance(title, str) assert isinstance(text, str) ctx = Wtp() ctx.analyze_templates() ctx.start_page(title) root = ctx.parse(text, **kwargs) print("parse_with_ctx: root", type(root), root) return root, ctx def parse(title, text, **kwargs): root, ctx = parse_with_ctx(title, text, **kwargs) assert isinstance(root, WikiNode) assert isinstance(ctx, Wtp) return root class NodeExpTests(unittest.TestCase): def backcvt(self, text, expected): root, ctx = parse_with_ctx("test", text) self.assertEqual(ctx.errors, []) self.assertEqual(ctx.warnings, []) t = ctx.node_to_wikitext(root) self.assertEqual(t, expected) def tohtml(self, text, expected): root, ctx = parse_with_ctx("test", text) self.assertEqual(ctx.errors, []) self.assertEqual(ctx.warnings, []) t = ctx.node_to_html(root) self.assertEqual(t, expected) def totext(self, text, expected): root, ctx = parse_with_ctx("test", text) self.assertEqual(ctx.errors, []) self.assertEqual(ctx.warnings, []) t = ctx.node_to_text(root) self.assertEqual(t, expected) def test_basic1(self): self.backcvt("", "") def test_basic2(self): self.backcvt("foo bar\nxyz\n", "foo bar\nxyz\n") def test_basic3(self): self.backcvt("&amp;amp;", "&amp;amp;") def test_basic4(self): self.backcvt("{{", "{{") def test_title1(self): self.backcvt("== T1 ==\nxyz\n", "\n== T1 ==\n\nxyz\n") def test_title2(self): self.backcvt("=== T1 ===\nxyz\n", "\n=== T1 ===\n\nxyz\n") def test_title3(self): self.backcvt("==== T1 ====\nxyz\n", "\n==== T1 ====\n\nxyz\n") def test_title4(self): self.backcvt("===== T1 =====\nxyz\n", "\n===== T1 =====\n\nxyz\n") def test_title5(self): self.backcvt("====== T1 ======\nxyz\n", "\n====== T1 ======\n\nxyz\n") def test_hline1(self): self.backcvt("aaa\n----\nbbbb", "aaa\n\n----\n\nbbbb") def test_list1(self): self.backcvt("*a\n* b\n", "*a\n* b\n") def test_list2(self): self.backcvt("abc\n*a\n* b\ndef", "abc\n*a\n* b\ndef") def test_list3(self): self.backcvt("abc\n*a\n*# c\n*# d\n* b\ndef", "abc\n*a\n*# c\n*# d\n* b\ndef") def test_list4(self): self.backcvt("abc\n*a\n**b\n*:c\n", "abc\n*a\n**b\n*:c\n") def test_pre1(self): self.backcvt("a<pre>foo\n bar</pre>b", "a<pre>foo\n bar</pre>b") def test_preformatted1(self): self.backcvt(" a\n b", " a\n b") def test_link1(self): self.backcvt("[[foo bar]]", "[[foo bar]]") def test_link2(self): self.backcvt("[[foo|bar]]", "[[foo|bar]]") def test_link3(self): self.backcvt("a [[foo]]s bar", "a [[foo]]s bar") def test_template1(self): self.backcvt("{{foo|a|b|c=4|{{{arg}}}}}", "{{foo|a|b|c=4|{{{arg}}}}}") def test_template2(self): self.backcvt("{{foo}}", "{{foo}}") def test_template3(self): self.backcvt("{{!}}", "{{!}}") def test_templatearg1(self): self.backcvt("{{{1}}}", "{{{1}}}") def test_templatearg1(self): self.backcvt("{{{{{templ}}}}}", "{{{{{templ}}}}}") def test_templatearg2(self): self.backcvt("{{{a|def}}}", "{{{a|def}}}") def test_templatearg3(self): self.backcvt("{{{a|}}}", "{{{a|}}}") def test_parserfn1(self): self.backcvt("{{#expr: 1 + 2}}", "{{#expr: 1 + 2}}") def test_parserfn2(self): self.backcvt("{{#expr:1+{{v}}}}", "{{#expr:1+{{v}}}}") def test_parserfn3(self): self.backcvt("{{ROOTPAGENAME}}", "{{ROOTPAGENAME:}}") def test_url1(self): self.backcvt("[]", "[]") def test_url2(self): self.backcvt("", "[]") def test_url3(self): self.backcvt("", "[]") def test_table1(self): self.backcvt("{| |}", "\n{| \n\n|}\n") def test_table2(self): self.backcvt('{| class="x"\n|}', '\n{| class="x"\n\n|}\n') def test_tablecaption1(self): self.backcvt("{|\n|+\ncapt\n|}", "\n{| \n\n|+ \n\ncapt\n\n|}\n") def test_tablerowcell1(self): self.backcvt("{|\n|- a=1\n| cell\n|}", '\n{| \n\n|- a="1"\n\n| cell\n\n\n|}\n') def test_tablerowhdr1(self): self.backcvt("{|\n|- a=1\n! cell\n|}", '\n{| \n\n|- a="1"\n\n! cell\n\n\n|}\n') def test_magicword1(self): self.backcvt("a\n__TOC__\nb", "a\n\n__TOC__\n\nb") def test_html1(self): self.backcvt("a<b>foo</b>b", "a<b>foo</b>b") def test_html1(self): self.backcvt('a<span class="bar">foo</span>b', 'a<span class="bar">foo</span>b') def test_italic1(self): self.backcvt("''i''", "''i''") def test_bold1(self): self.backcvt("''b''", "''b''") def test_text1(self): self.totext("", "") def test_text2(self): self.totext("\nfoo bar ", "foo bar") def test_text3(self): self.totext("<b>foo</b>", "foo") def test_text4(self): self.totext("<h1>foo</h1><p>bar</p>", "foo\n\nbar") def test_text5(self): self.totext("foo<ref x=1>bar</ref> z", "foo z")
<reponame>leonard-sxy/algorithm-practice<gh_stars>1-10 # ## # class Solution(object): def findMedianSortedArrays(self, nums1, nums2): """ :type nums1: List[int] :type nums2: List[int] :rtype: float """ if nums1 is None or nums2 is None: raise ValueError('Inputs should be arrays.') total_len = len(nums1) + len(nums2) if total_len == 0: raise ValueError('Two arrays cannot both be empty.') is_even = True if total_len % 2 == 0 else False median = [None, None] if is_even: median[1] = int(total_len / 2) median[0] = median[1] - 1 else: median[0] = int((total_len - 1) / 2) if len(nums1) == 0: if is_even: return (nums2[median[0]] + nums2[median[1]]) / 2.0 else: return nums2[median[0]] if len(nums2) == 0: if is_even: return (nums1[median[0]] + nums1[median[1]]) / 2.0 else: return nums1[median[0]] median_sum = idx_1 = idx_2 = 0 while True: if median[0] is None and median[1] is None: break if idx_1 == len(nums1): if median[0] is not None and idx_1 + idx_2 == median[0]: median_sum += nums2[idx_2] if median[1] is not None: median_sum += nums2[idx_2 + 1] break if median[1] is not None and idx_1 + idx_2 == median[1]: median_sum += nums2[idx_2] break idx_2 += 1 continue if idx_2 == len(nums2): if median[0] is not None and idx_1 + idx_2 == median[0]: median_sum += nums1[idx_1] if median[1] is not None: median_sum += nums1[idx_1 + 1] break if median[1] is not None and idx_1 + idx_2 == median[1]: median_sum += nums1[idx_1] break idx_1 += 1 continue if nums1[idx_1] == nums2[idx_2]: if median[0] is not None and idx_1 + idx_2 == median[0] - 1: median_sum += nums1[idx_1] median[0] = None if idx_1 + idx_2 == median[0]: median_sum += nums1[idx_1] median[0] = None if median[1] is not None: median_sum += nums2[idx_2] break if idx_1 + idx_2 == median[1] and median[1] is not None: median_sum += nums1[idx_1] break idx_1 += 1 idx_2 += 1 elif nums1[idx_1] > nums2[idx_2]: if median[0] is not None and idx_1 + idx_2 == median[0]: median_sum += nums2[idx_2] idx_2 += 1 median[0] = None continue if median[1] is not None and idx_1 + idx_2 == median[1]: median_sum += nums2[idx_2] break idx_2 += 1 else: if median[0] is not None and idx_1 + idx_2 == median[0]: median_sum += nums1[idx_1] idx_1 += 1 median[0] = None continue if median[1] is not None and idx_1 + idx_2 == median[1]: median_sum += nums1[idx_1] break idx_1 += 1 return median_sum / 2.0 if is_even else median_sum s = Solution() s.findMedianSortedArrays([1, 2], [1, 2])
<reponame>ldgregory/bishbot #! /usr/bin/env python3 """ Bishbot - <NAME> <<EMAIL>> v0.1 Tested to Python v3.7.3 Description: Fun commands for everyone Changelog: 20210606 - Fixed members command for intents 20200522 - Initial code Copyright 2020 <NAME> Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. """ import discord import json import os import requests from discord.ext import commands from dotenv import load_dotenv load_dotenv() BOT_PREFIX = os.getenv('DISCORD_BOT_PREFIX') GUILD = os.getenv('DISCORD_GUILD') AIRVISUAL_KEY = os.getenv('AIRVISUAL_KEY') class Utility(commands.Cog): def __init__(self, bot): = bot @commands.Cog.listener() async def on_ready(self): print('- Utility Cog loaded') @commands.command(name='ban', description='Ban member from server', help='Ban member from server', ignore_extra=True, hidden=True, enabled=False) async def ban(self, ctx, member: discord.member, *, reason=None): if member.hasPermission('BAN_MEMBERS'): await member.ban(reason=reason) await ctx.send(f"Banned {member.mention}") @commands.command(name='clear', description='Clear x messages, defaults to 3', help='Clear x messages, defaults to 3', ignore_extra=True, hidden=False, enabled=True) @commands.has_permissions(manage_messages=True) async def clear(self, ctx, amount=3): await @commands.command(name='ip_abuse', description='Get abuse score for IP', help='Get abuse score for IP', ignore_extra=True, hidden=False, enabled=True) async def ip_abuse(self, ctx, ipAddress): ABUSEIPDB_KEY = os.getenv('ABUSEIPDB_KEY') url = '' querystring = { 'ipAddress': ipAddress, 'maxAgeInDays': '90' } headers = { 'Accept': 'application/json', 'Key': ABUSEIPDB_KEY } response = requests.request(method='GET', url=url, headers=headers, params=querystring) ip_info = json.loads(response.text) data = '**Data provided by**\n\n' for k, v in ip_info['data'].items(): data += f"{k}: {v}\n" await @commands.command(name='kick', description='Kick member off server', help='Kick member off server', ignore_extra=True, hidden=True, enabled=False) async def kick(self, ctx, member: discord.member, *, reason=None): if member.hasPermission('KICK_MEMBERS'): await member.kick(reason=reason) await ctx.send(f"Kicked {member.mention}") @commands.command(name='member', description='Member information', help='Member information', ignore_extra=True, hidden=False, enabled=True) async def member(self, ctx, mention): guild = discord.utils.get(, name=GUILD) for member in guild.members: if str( == str(mention.lstrip('<@!').rstrip('>')): await"Nickname: {member.nick}\n" f"Discord Name: {}#{member.discriminator}\n" f"Discord ID: {}\n" f"Joined: {member.joined_at}\n" f"Status: {member.status}\n" # f"Is on Mobile: {member.is_on_mobile}\n" # f"Activity: {str(member.activity.type).lstrip('ActivityType.')} {}\n" f"Guild: {member.guild}\n" f"Guild Permissions: {member.guild_permissions}\n" f"Top Role: {member.top_role}\n" f"Roles: {str(', '.join([ for role in member.roles]).replace('@', ''))}\n") @commands.command(name='members', description='Current Members', help='Current Members', ignore_extra=True, hidden=False, enabled=True) async def members(self, ctx, showall=None): guild = discord.utils.get(, name=GUILD) members = '' for member in guild.members: if showall == 'showall': members += f"- {member.display_name} : " members += f"{} (" members += ', '.join([ for role in member.roles]) + ")\n" else: members += f"- {member.display_name}\n" await"**Server Members: {guild.member_count}**\n{members.replace('@', '')}") @commands.command(name='nickname', description='Change nickname', help='Change nickname', ignore_extra=True, hidden=False, enabled=True) async def nickname(self, ctx, *, nickname): await"{nickname}") # role = get(ctx.message.server.roles, name='ROLE_NAME') # if role: # If get could find the role # await client.add_role(, role) @commands.command(name='ping', description='Ping latency', help='Ping latency', ignore_extra=True, hidden=False, enabled=True) async def ping(self, ctx): await"Pong... {round( * 1000)} ms") @commands.command(name='server', description='Server information', help='Server information', ignore_extra=True, hidden=False, enabled=True) @commands.has_role('admins') async def server(self, ctx): guild = discord.utils.get(, name=GUILD) text_channels = '\n - '.join([ for channel in guild.text_channels]) voice_channels = '\n - '.join([ for channel in guild.voice_channels]) members = '\n - '.join([ for member in guild.members]) await"Server Name: {} (ID: {})\n" f"Server Owner: {guild.owner} (ID: {guild.owner_id})\n" f"Server Description: {guild.description}\n" f"Region: {guild.region}\n" f"File Size Limit: {guild.filesize_limit} bytes\n\n" f"**Text Channels:**\n - {text_channels}\n\n" f"**Voice Channels:**\n - {voice_channels}\n\n" f"**Server Members: {guild.member_count}**\n - {members}") @commands.command(name='unban', description='Unban member from server', help='Unban member from server', ignore_extra=True, hidden=True, enabled=False) async def unban(self, ctx, *, member): banned_users = await ctx.guild.bans() member_name, member_discriminator = member.split('#') for ban_entry in banned_users: user = ban_entry.user if (, user.discriminator) == (member_name, member_discriminator): await ctx.guild.unban(user) await ctx.send(f"Unbanned {user.mention}") return @commands.command(name='weather', description='Weather as !weather CITY STATE', help='Weather as !weather Santa_Fe New_Mexico', ignore_extra=True, hidden=True, enabled=True) async def weather(self, ctx, city, state): # This intended as a 'good enough' tool. There are some accuracy issues # such as conversion of C to F temps and wind_mapping where NNE is # actually 11.25 - 33.75 degrees vs the ints required by range(). url = f"{city.replace('_', '%20')}&state={state.replace('_', '%20')}&country=USA&key={AIRVISUAL_KEY}" response = requests.request(method='GET', url=url) jsonResponse = json.loads(response.text) if jsonResponse['status'] == 'success': weather_mapping = {'01': 'Clear Sky', '02': 'Few Clouds', '03': 'Scattered Clouds', '04': 'Broken Clouds', '09': 'Shower Rain', '10': 'Rain', '11': 'Thunderstorm', '13': 'Snow', '50': 'Mist'} aqius_mapping = {'Good': range(0, 50), 'Moderate': range(51, 100), 'Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups': range(101, 150), 'Unhealthy': range(151, 200), 'Very Unhealthy': range(201, 300), 'Hazardous': range(301, 500)} wind_mapping = {'North': range(349, 360), 'N': range(0, 11), 'NNE': range(12, 34), 'NE': range(35, 56), 'ENE': range(57, 79), 'E': range(80, 101), 'ESE': range(102, 124), 'SE': range(125, 146), 'SSE': range(147, 169), 'S': range(170, 191), 'SSW': range(192, 214), 'SW': range(215, 236), 'WSW': range(237, 259), 'W': range(260, 281), 'WNW': range(282, 304), 'NW': range(305, 326), 'NNW': range(327, 348)} data = f"{jsonResponse['data']['city']}, {jsonResponse['data']['state']}, {jsonResponse['data']['country']}\n" data += f"{jsonResponse['data']['location']['coordinates']}\n" # ic comes through like 01d or 01n to differentiate day or night, we don't care # so we're just mapping the numerical part to the human friendly text version. data += f"{weather_mapping[jsonResponse['data']['current']['weather']['ic'][:-1]]}\n" # Print out the AQIUS then do a map to ranges and print out a human friendly # equivilant. data += f"Air Quality Index: {jsonResponse['data']['current']['pollution']['aqius']} - " for key, val in aqius_mapping.items(): if int(jsonResponse['data']['current']['pollution']['aqius']) in val: data += f"{key}\n" data += f"Temperature: {int(((jsonResponse['data']['current']['weather']['tp']) * 9) / 5) + 32}°F\n" data += f"Pressure: {jsonResponse['data']['current']['weather']['pr']} hPa\n" data += f"Humidity: {jsonResponse['data']['current']['weather']['hu']}%\n" data += f"Wind: {int(jsonResponse['data']['current']['weather']['ws'] * 2.236936)} m/h from " for key, val in wind_mapping.items(): if int(jsonResponse['data']['current']['weather']['wd']) in val: data += f"{jsonResponse['data']['current']['weather']['wd']}° ({key})\n" await else: await"No data found. Make sure to use underscores instead of spaces in city or state, i.e. Sante_Fe New_Mexico") @commands.command(name='whoami', description='Info about you', help='Info about you', ignore_extra=True, hidden=True, enabled=True) async def whoami(self, ctx): await"User Name: {}\nUser ID: {}") def setup(bot): bot.add_cog(Utility(bot))
import collections import io import json import math import zipfile import logging from urllib.error import URLError from urllib.request import urlopen import pandas as pd from matplotlib import pyplot as plt # Getting data def set_source(filename): """ Sets source global variable to the path of .zip file. :param filename: path to the downloaded .zip file :return: None You can provide relative path to file >>> set_source('') Absolute path (works only on Windows) >>> set_source('C:/Users/Admin/Downloads/') """ filename = f'file:///{filename}' if filename[1] == ':' \ else (f'file:./{filename}' if filename.endswith('.zip') else f'file:./{filename}.zip') try: global source source = zipfile.ZipFile(io.BytesIO(urlopen(filename).read())) except URLError: logging.error('File not found, try again.') def get_data(conversation=None, chars=False, user=False): """ Reads data from messages.json or messages_chars.json and finds key based on the beginning of the string. :param conversation: beginning of the conversation id or None for overall statistics (default None) :param chars: True for counting chars in messages_chars.json, False for counting messages in messages.json (default False) :param user: True for user name instead of conversation id, False otherwise (default False) :return: dictionary containing the data and if applicable a key pointing to a specific conversation, otherwise None """ try: data = json.loads(open('messages_chars.json' if chars else 'messages.json', 'r', encoding='utf-8').read()) if user: data = pd.DataFrame(data).fillna(0).astype('int') for key in data.index: if key.lower().startswith(conversation.lower()): return data, key else: logging.error('Conversation not found.') return None, None if conversation is not None: for key in data.keys(): if key.lower().startswith(conversation.lower()): return data, key else: logging.error('Conversation not found.') return None, None else: return data, None except FileNotFoundError: logging.error('Characters not counted.' if chars else 'Messages not counted.') # Counting messages and characters def count_messages(): """ Counts messages and saves output to messages.json. :return: None """ namelist = source.namelist() total, senders = {}, {x.split('/')[2] for x in namelist if (x.endswith('/') and x.startswith('messages/inbox/') and x != 'messages/inbox/')} for sender in senders: messages, i = collections.Counter(), 0 while True: try: i += 1 messages += collections.Counter(pd.DataFrame(json.loads('messages/inbox/' + sender + '/message_' + str(i) + '.json').read())[ 'messages']).iloc[:, 0]) except KeyError: break total[sender] = {k.encode('iso-8859-1').decode('utf-8'): v for k, v in messages.items()} total[sender]['total'] = sum(messages.values()) with open('messages.json', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as output: json.dump(total, output, ensure_ascii=False) def count_characters(): """ Counts characters from messages and saves output to messages_chars.json. :return: None """ namelist = source.namelist() total, senders = {}, {x.split('/')[2] for x in namelist if (x.endswith('/') and x.startswith('messages/inbox/') and x != 'messages/inbox/')} for sender in senders: counted_all, i = collections.Counter(), 0 while True: try: i += 1 frame = pd.DataFrame(json.loads('messages/inbox/' + sender + '/message_' + str(i) + '.json').read())['messages']) frame['counted'] = frame.apply( lambda row: collections.Counter(str(row['content']).encode('iso-8859-1').decode('utf-8')), axis=1) counted_all += sum(frame['counted'], collections.Counter()) except KeyError: break total[sender] = dict(counted_all) with open('messages_chars.json', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as output: json.dump(total, output, ensure_ascii=False) def count(chars=False): """ Counts messages or characters from messages and saves output to the file. :param chars: True for counting characters, False for counting messages (default False) :return: None """ if chars: count_characters() else: count_messages() # Statistics def statistics(data_source, conversation=None, chars=False): """ Prints statistics of given data source. :param data_source: dictionary containing prepared data generated by the get_data() function :param conversation: conversation id or None for overall statistics (default None) :param chars: True for character statistics instead of messages, False otherwise (default False) :return: None """ if conversation is None: if chars: characters_statistics(data_source) else: messages_statistics(data_source) else: if chars: raise NotImplementedError() else: print(conversation) conversation_statistics(data_source, conversation) def messages_statistics(data_source): """ Prints messages overall statistics of given data source. :param data_source: dictionary containing prepared data generated by the get_data() function :return: None """ data_source = pd.DataFrame(data_source).fillna(0).astype('int') pd.set_option('display.max_rows', None) total_values = data_source.loc['total'].sort_values(ascending=False) print(total_values) print(total_values.describe()) total_values = total_values.sort_values() plt.rcdefaults() plt.barh(total_values.index.astype(str).str[:10][-20:], total_values.iloc[-20:]) def conversation_statistics(data_source, conversation): """ Prints messages statistics for specific conversation of given data source. :param data_source: dictionary containing prepared data generated by the get_data() function :param conversation: conversation id, or key from get_data() function :return: None """ data_source = pd.DataFrame(data_source) data_source = data_source.loc[:, conversation] data_source = data_source[data_source > 0].sort_values(ascending=False).astype('int') pd.set_option('display.max_rows', None) print(data_source) def characters_statistics(data_source): """ Prints characters statistics of given data source. :param data_source: dictionary containing prepared data generated by the get_data() function :return: None """ data_source = pd.DataFrame(data_source) data_source['total'] = data_source.sum(axis=1) data_source = data_source.iloc[:, -1] data_source = data_source.sort_values(ascending=False).astype('int') pd.set_option('display.max_rows', None) print(data_source) print(f'Total characters: {data_source.sum()}') # TODO characters conversation statistics def characters_conversation_statistics(data_source, conversation): """ Prints characters statistics for specific conversation of given data source. :param data_source: dictionary containing prepared data generated by the get_data() function :param conversation: conversation id, or key from get_data() function :return: None """ pass # User statistics def user_statistics(data_source, user_name): """ Prints detailed statistics for specific person of given data source. :param data_source: dictionary containing prepared data generated by the get_data() function :param user_name: person name, or key from get_data() function :return: None """ data_source = data_source.loc[user_name] data_source = data_source[data_source > 0].sort_values(ascending=False) data_source.index = x: x.split('_')[0][:30]) pd.set_option('display.max_rows', None) print(user_name, 'statistics:') print(data_source) # Intervals def interval_count(inbox_name, function, delta=0.0): """ Counts number of messages based on given timeframe function :param inbox_name: directory name that contains requested messages (usually conversation id) :param function: pandas function that returns requested time part :param delta: number of hours to time shift by and count messages differently (default 0.0) :return: dictionary of number of messages grouped by timeframe """ messages, i = collections.Counter(), 0 while True: try: i += 1 # iterates over all .json files in requested directory messages += collections.Counter(function(pd.to_datetime(pd.DataFrame(json.loads('messages/inbox/' + inbox_name + '/message_' + str(i) + '.json').read())[ 'messages']).iloc[:, 1], unit='ms').dt.tz_localize('UTC').dt.tz_convert( 'Europe/Warsaw').add(pd.Timedelta(hours=-delta)))) except KeyError: break return messages def interval_plot(messages): """ Shows chart based on previously defined timeframe :param messages: dictionary of number of messages grouped by timeframe :return: None """ messages = pd.Series(messages).sort_index() print(messages.describe()), messages) plt.savefig('messages.pdf') # Hours def hours(difference, conversation=None): """ Shows chart of average number of messages send by hour throughout the day. :param difference: number of hours to time shift by and show statistics differently :param conversation: conversation id or None for statistics from all conversations (default None) :return: None """ if conversation is None: hours_chats(difference) else: data = json.loads(open('messages.json', 'r', encoding='utf-8').read()) for key in data.keys(): if key.lower().startswith(conversation.lower()): hours_conversation(key, difference) break else: print('Conversation not found.') def hours_conversation(conversation, delta=0.0): """ Shows chart of average number of messages send in specific conversation by hour throughout the day. :param conversation: conversation id, or key from get_data() function :param delta: number of hours to time shift by and show statistics differently (default 0.0) :return: None """ hours_plot(interval_count(conversation, lambda x: x.dt.hour, delta), delta) def hours_chats(delta=0.0): """ Shows chart of average number of messages send across all conversations by hour throughout the day. :param delta: number of hours to time shift by and show statistics differently (default 0.0) :return: None """ messages = collections.Counter() for sender in {x.split('/')[2] for x in source.namelist() if (x.endswith('/') and x.startswith('messages/inbox/') and x != 'messages/inbox/')}: messages += interval_count(sender, lambda x: x.dt.hour, delta) hours_plot(messages, delta) def hours_plot(messages, delta): """ Shows chart of average number of messages grouped by hour throughout the day. :param messages: dictionary of number of messages grouped by timeframe :param delta: number of hours to time shift by and show statistics differently :return: None """ messages = pd.DataFrame(messages, index=[0]) print(messages.iloc[0].describe()), messages.iloc[0]) plt.xticks(list(range(24)), [f'{x % 24}:{int(abs((delta - int(delta)) * 60)):02}' for x in range(-(-math.floor(delta) % 24), math.floor(delta) % 24 if math.floor(delta) % 24 != 0 else 24)], rotation=90) plt.xlim(-1, 24) plt.savefig('messages.pdf') # Daily def daily(difference, conversation=None): """ Shows chart of number of messages per day. :param difference: number of hours to time shift by and show statistics differently :param conversation: conversation id or None for statistics from all conversations (default None) :return: None """ if conversation is None: daily_chats(difference) else: data = json.loads(open('messages.json', 'r', encoding='utf-8').read()) for key in data.keys(): if key.lower().startswith(conversation.lower()): daily_conversation(key, difference) break else: print('Conversation not found.') def daily_conversation(conversation, delta=0.0): """ Shows chart of number of messages per day from the beginning of the conversation. :param conversation: conversation id, or key from get_data() function :param delta: number of hours to time shift by and show statistics differently (default 0.0) :return: None """ interval_plot(interval_count(conversation, lambda x:, delta)) def daily_chats(delta=0.0): """ Shows chart of number of messages per day across all conversation. :param delta: number of hours to time shift by and show statistics differently (default 0.0) :return: None """ messages = collections.Counter() for sender in {x.split('/')[2] for x in source.namelist() if (x.endswith('/') and x.startswith('messages/inbox/') and x != 'messages/inbox/')}: messages += interval_count(sender, lambda x:, delta) interval_plot(messages) # Monthly (not working) def monthly_conversation(conversation): # TODO not working charts for monthly """ Shows chart of number of messages per month. :param conversation: conversation id or None for statistics from all conversations (default None) :return: None """ interval_plot(interval_count(conversation, lambda x: x.dt.to_period("M").astype('datetime64[ns]'))) def monthly_chats(): """ Shows chart of number of messages per month across all conversation. :return: None """ messages = collections.Counter() for sender in {x.split('/')[2] for x in source.namelist() if (x.endswith('/') and x.startswith('messages/inbox/') and x != 'messages/inbox/')}: messages += interval_count(sender, lambda x: x.dt.to_period("M").astype('datetime64[ns]')) interval_plot(messages) # Yearly def yearly(conversation=None): """ Shows chart of number of messages per year. :param conversation: conversation id or None for statistics from all conversations (default None) :return: None """ if conversation is None: yearly_chats() else: data = json.loads(open('messages.json', 'r', encoding='utf-8').read()) for key in data.keys(): if key.lower().startswith(conversation.lower()): yearly_conversation(key) break else: print('Conversation not found.') def yearly_conversation(conversation): """ Shows chart of number of messages per year from the beginning of the conversation. :param conversation: conversation id, or key from get_data() function :return: None """ interval_plot(interval_count(conversation, lambda x: x.dt.year)) def yearly_chats(): """ Shows chart of number of messages per year across all conversation. :return: None """ messages = collections.Counter() for sender in {x.split('/')[2] for x in source.namelist() if (x.endswith('/') and x.startswith('messages/inbox/') and x != 'messages/inbox/')}: messages += interval_count(sender, lambda x: x.dt.year) messages = pd.DataFrame(messages, index=[0]) print(messages.iloc[0].describe()), messages.iloc[0]) plt.savefig('messages.pdf') if __name__=='__main__': while True: filename = input('Enter filename: ') filename = f'file:///{filename}' if filename[1] == ':'\ else (f'file:./{filename}' if filename.endswith('.zip') else f'file:./{filename}.zip') try: source = zipfile.ZipFile(io.BytesIO(urlopen(filename).read())) break except URLError: print('File not found, try again.') while True: user_input = input('>').split(' ') if user_input[0] == 'exit': break if user_input[0] == '' or user_input[0] == 'count': count_messages() if user_input[0] == 'chars': count_characters() if user_input[0] == 'help' or user_input[0] == '?': print('Messenger Counter available commands:') print(' count - counts all messages and saves to messages.json') print(' chars - counts all characters and saves to messages_chars.json') print(' stats [conversation, -c] - displays statistics for counted messages') print(' [detailed statistics for specific conversation, character statistics]') print(' user [name] - detailed statistics for specific user') print(' yearly [name] - yearly messages') print(' [specific user]') # print(' monthly [name, -d] - monthly messages (available soon)') # print(' [specific user, day difference]') print(' daily [name, -h] - daily messages') print(' [specific user, hours difference]') print(' hours [name, -h] - hour distribution of messages') print(' [specific user, hours difference]') print(' help - displays this help prompt') print(' exit - exits the program') if user_input[0] == 'stats': if len(user_input) > 2 and user_input[2] == '-c': try: data = json.loads(open('messages_chars.json', 'r', encoding='utf-8').read()) for key in data.keys(): if key.startswith(user_input[1]): characters_conversation_statistics(data, key) break else: print('Conversation not found.') except FileNotFoundError: if input('Characters not counted. Count characters?[y/n] ').lower() == 'y': count_characters() elif len(user_input) > 1 and not user_input[1] == '-c': try: data = json.loads(open('messages.json', 'r', encoding='utf-8').read()) for key in data.keys(): if key.startswith(user_input[1]): conversation_statistics(data, key) break else: print('Conversation not found.') except FileNotFoundError: if input('Messages not counted. Count messages?[y/n] ').lower() == 'y': count_messages() elif len(user_input) > 1 and user_input[1] == '-c': try: data = json.loads(open('messages_chars.json', 'r', encoding='utf-8').read()) characters_statistics(data) except FileNotFoundError: if input('Characters not counted. Count characters?[y/n] ').lower() == 'y': count_characters() else: try: data = json.loads(open('messages.json', 'r', encoding='utf-8').read()) messages_statistics(data) except FileNotFoundError: if input('Messages not counted. Count messages?[y/n] ').lower() == 'y': count_messages() if user_input[0] == 'user': if len(user_input) > 1: try: data = json.loads(open('messages.json', 'r', encoding='utf-8').read()) data = pd.DataFrame(data).fillna(0).astype('int') for key in data.index: if key.startswith(' '.join(user_input[1:])): user_statistics(data, key) break else: print('Conversation not found.') except FileNotFoundError: if input('Messages not counted. Count messages?[y/n] ').lower() == 'y': count_messages() else: print('Please specify user name.') if user_input[0] == 'daily': if len(user_input) > 1 and not user_input[1] == '-h': try: data = json.loads(open('messages.json', 'r', encoding='utf-8').read()) if len(user_input) > 1: for key in data.keys(): if key.startswith(user_input[1]): if len(user_input) < 3: daily_conversation(key) else: daily_conversation(key, float(user_input[2])) break else: print('Conversation not found.') else: print('Please specify conversation.') except FileNotFoundError: if input('Messages not counted. Count messages?[y/n] ').lower() == 'y': count_messages() elif len(user_input) > 1 and user_input[1] == '-h': daily_chats(float(user_input[2])) else: daily_chats() if user_input[0] == 'monthly': if len(user_input) > 1: try: data = json.loads(open('messages.json', 'r', encoding='utf-8').read()) if len(user_input) > 1: for key in data.keys(): if key.startswith(user_input[1]): monthly_conversation(key) else: print('Conversation not found.') else: print('Please specify conversation.') except FileNotFoundError: if input('Messages not counted. Count messages?[y/n] ').lower() == 'y': count_messages() else: monthly_chats() if user_input[0] == 'yearly': if len(user_input) > 1: try: data = json.loads(open('messages.json', 'r', encoding='utf-8').read()) if len(user_input) > 1: for key in data.keys(): if key.startswith(user_input[1]): yearly_conversation(key) break else: print('Conversation not found.') else: print('Please specify conversation.') except FileNotFoundError: if input('Messages not counted. Count messages?[y/n] ').lower() == 'y': count_messages() else: yearly_chats() if user_input[0] == 'hours': if len(user_input) > 1 and not user_input[1] == '-h': try: data = json.loads(open('messages.json', 'r', encoding='utf-8').read()) if len(user_input) > 1: for key in data.keys(): if key.startswith(user_input[1]): if len(user_input) < 3: hours_conversation(key) else: hours_conversation(key, float(user_input[2])) break else: print('Conversation not found.') else: print('Please specify conversation.') except FileNotFoundError: if input('Messages not counted. Count messages?[y/n] ').lower() == 'y': count_messages() elif len(user_input) > 1 and user_input[1] == '-h': hours_chats(float(user_input[2])) else: hours_chats()
<filename>tests/unit/selection/factories/<gh_stars>0 # <NAME> <<EMAIL>> import os import sys import pytest from alphatwirl.selection.factories.expand import expand_path_cfg from alphatwirl.selection.factories.factory import FactoryDispatcher from alphatwirl.selection.modules.LambdaStr import LambdaStr from alphatwirl.selection.modules import All, Any, Not ##__________________________________________________________________|| # path_cfg, expanded, obj params = [ pytest.param( 'ev : ev.nJets[0] >= 2', dict( components=(), factory='LambdaStrFactory', lambda_str='ev : ev.nJets[0] >= 2', ), LambdaStr( name='ev : ev.nJets[0] >= 2', lambda_str='ev : ev.nJets[0] >= 2', ), id='string:lambda_str' ), pytest.param( 'ev : ev.nJets[0] >= {n}', dict( components=(), factory='LambdaStrFactory', lambda_str='ev : ev.nJets[0] >= {n}', ), LambdaStr( name='ev : ev.nJets[0] >= 5242', lambda_str='ev : ev.nJets[0] >= 5242', ), id='string:lambda_str-not-formatted' ), pytest.param( dict(All=()), {'factory': 'AllFactory', 'components': ()}, All(name='All', selections=[]), id='dict-all-empty' ), pytest.param( dict(Any=()), {'factory': 'AnyFactory', 'components': ()}, Any(name='Any', selections=[]), id='dict-any-empty' ), pytest.param( dict(Any=( 'ev : ev.x[0] == 0', dict(All=( 'ev : ev.x[0] >= 1', 'ev : ev.y[0] >= 100', )), dict(Not=dict( Any=( 'ev : ev.z[0] == 0', 'ev : ev.w[0] >= 300', ), )), )), dict( factory='AnyFactory', components=( dict( factory='LambdaStrFactory', components=(), lambda_str='ev : ev.x[0] == 0', ), dict( factory='AllFactory', components=( dict( factory='LambdaStrFactory', components=(), lambda_str='ev : ev.x[0] >= 1', ), dict( factory='LambdaStrFactory', components=(), lambda_str='ev : ev.y[0] >= 100', ) ) ), dict( factory='NotFactory', components=( dict( factory='AnyFactory', components=( dict( factory='LambdaStrFactory', components=(), lambda_str='ev : ev.z[0] == 0' ), dict( factory='LambdaStrFactory', components=(), lambda_str='ev : ev.w[0] >= 300', ), ), ), ), ) ) ), Any( name='Any', selections=[ LambdaStr( name='ev : ev.x[0] == 0', lambda_str='ev : ev.x[0] == 0' ), All( name='All', selections=[ LambdaStr( name='ev : ev.x[0] >= 1', lambda_str='ev : ev.x[0] >= 1'), LambdaStr( name='ev : ev.y[0] >= 100', lambda_str='ev : ev.y[0] >= 100') ] ), Not( name='Not', selection=Any( name='Any', selections=[ LambdaStr( name='ev : ev.z[0] == 0', lambda_str='ev : ev.z[0] == 0' ), LambdaStr( name='ev : ev.w[0] >= 300', lambda_str='ev : ev.w[0] >= 300' ) ] ) ) ] ), id='example', ## marks=pytest.mark.skip(reason='not fully expanded') ), ] @pytest.mark.parametrize('path_cfg, expected, _', params) def test_expand_path_cfg(path_cfg, expected, _): actual = expand_path_cfg(path_cfg=path_cfg) assert expected == actual # give expanded one actual = expand_path_cfg(path_cfg=actual) assert expected == actual @pytest.mark.parametrize('path_cfg, _, expected', params) def test_factory(path_cfg, _, expected): kargs = dict( AllClass=All, AnyClass=Any, NotClass=Not, LambdaStrClass=LambdaStr, n=5242, ) obj = FactoryDispatcher(path_cfg=path_cfg, **kargs) assert repr(expected) == repr(obj) assert str(expected) == str(obj) ##__________________________________________________________________|| @pytest.mark.parametrize('path_cfg, error', [ pytest.param( dict(All=(), Any=()), ValueError, id='multiple-vertices-All-Any' ), pytest.param( dict(All=(), Not=()), ValueError, id='multiple-vertices-All-Not' ), pytest.param( dict(Any=(), Not=()), ValueError, id='multiple-vertices-Any-Not' ), pytest.param( dict(), ValueError, id='empty-dict' ), ]) def test_expand_path_cfg_raise(path_cfg, error): with pytest.raises(error): expand_path_cfg(path_cfg=path_cfg) ##__________________________________________________________________||
<reponame>Ellenn01/Tugas-pertemuan-12 import os kata = ['', 'one', 'two', 'tree', 'four', 'five', 'six', 'seven', 'eight', 'nine'] def terbilang (n) : if n < 10 : return kata [n] elif n >= 1_000_000_000 : return terbilang (n // 1_000_000_000) + ' billion ' + (terbilang(n % 1_000_000_000) if n % 1_000_000_000 != 0 else '') elif n >= 1_000_000 : return terbilang (n // 1_000_000) + ' million ' + (terbilang(n % 1_000_000) if n % 1_000_000 != 0 else '') elif n >= 1_000 : if n // 1_000 == 1 : return 'one thousand' + (terbilang(n % 1_000) if n % 1_000 != 0 else '') else : return terbilang (n // 1_000) + ' thouosand ' + (terbilang(n % 1_000) if n % 1_000 !=0 else '') elif n >= 100 : if n // 100 == 1 : return 'one hundred' + (terbilang(n % 100) if n % 100 != 0 else '') else : return terbilang (n // 100) + 'hundred' + (terbilang(n % 100) if n % 100 !=0 else '') elif n >= 20 : if n == 21 : return 'twenty one' if n == 22 : return 'twenty two' if n == 23 : return 'twenty three' if n == 24 : return 'twenty four' if n == 25 : return 'twenty five' if n == 26 : return 'twenty six' if n == 27 : return 'twenty seven' if n == 28 : return 'twenty eight' if n == 29 : return 'twenty nine' if n == 30 : return 'thirty' if n == 50 : return 'fifty' return terbilang (n // 10) +'ty'+ (terbilang(n % 10) if n % 10 !=0 else '') else : if n == 10 : return 'ten' elif n == 11 : return 'eleven' elif n == 12 : return 'twelve' elif n == 13 : return 'thirteen' elif n == 14 : return 'fourteen' elif n == 15 : return 'fifteen' else : return terbilang (n % 10) + 'teen' while True : os.system('cls') try : n = int(input('Number ? ')) print (f'{n:,} = {terbilang(n)}') except : print('ty again ...') os.system('pause')
import xml.etree.ElementTree as et from objects.node import Node from objects.way import Way def extract_road(item, roads): way_id = int(item.attrib['id']) way = Way(way_id) is_highway = False for child in item: if child.tag == "nd": way.add_node(int(child.attrib['ref'])) elif child.tag == "tag": key = child.attrib['k'] val = child.attrib['v'] if key == "name" or (key == "ref" and is None): = val elif key == "oneway": way.is_one_way = val == "yes" elif key == "highway": is_highway = True if is not None and is_highway: roads.append(way) def extract_node(item, nodes): node_id = int(item.attrib['id']) node_lat = float(item.attrib['lat']) node_lon = float(item.attrib['lon']) node = Node(node_id, node_lat, node_lon) for child in item: key = child.attrib['k'] val = child.attrib['v'] if child.tag == "tag": node.add_tag(key, val) nodes[node_id] = node def parse_osm_file(filename): tree = et.parse(filename) roads = [] nodes = dict() for item in tree.iter(): if item.tag == "node": extract_node(item, nodes) elif item.tag == "way": extract_road(item, roads) return roads, nodes if __name__ == "__main__": roads, nodes = parse_osm_file("../osm_birmingham.xml") print(str(len(nodes)) + " nodes in dataset") print(str(len(roads)) + " roads in dataset") pass
<filename>code/ print(7/3)
<filename>linearRegression/ # coding: utf-8 import numpy as np from numpy import * import math import sys def loadDataSet(filename): f = open(filename) lines = f.readlines() dataSet = [] labels = [] for i in lines: i = i.strip() cols = i.split("\t") dataSet.append(list(map(lambda a:float(a), cols[0:-1]))) labels.append(float(cols[-1])) f.close() return dataSet, labels def sigmoid(num): return 1.0 / (1+math.exp(-num)) # loss function, forcast => y_hat, real=>labels and y def loss(forcast, real): return -(real * math.log(forcast) + (1-real)*log(1-forcast)) def sigmoidOnEle(matrix): m,n = shape(matrix) arr = [] for i in range(m): rows = [] for j in range(n): sig = sigmoid(matrix[i,j]) rows.append(sig) arr.append(rows) return mat(arr) """ alpha: learning rate is 0.001 maxCycle: loop times is 500 matrix rule: martix_A's columns equals matrix_B's rows """ def linearReg(dataSet, labels): dataSetMat = mat(dataSet) labelMat = mat(labels).transpose() alpha = 0.001 maxCycles = 1000 m,n = shape(dataSet) weights = zeros((n,1)) b = 0 for i in range(maxCycles): # this is Z set() z =, weights)+b # this is A set() y_hat = sigmoidOnEle(z) error_martrix = y_hat - labelMat dz = (1.0 / m) *,error_martrix) weights = weights - alpha * dz db = (1.0 / m) * np.sum(error_martrix) b = b - alpha * db return weights, b if __name__ == '__main__': filename = sys.argv[1] dataSet, labels = loadDataSet(filename) w,b= linearReg(dataSet, labels) print(w) print(b) # some test #test_data = mat(dataSet[0:10]) #test_labels = mat(labels[0:10]) #y_hat =,w) + b
<filename>cadishi/ # -*- Mode: python; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode:nil; coding: utf-8 -*- # vim: tabstop=4 expandtab shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 fileencoding=utf-8 # # Cadishi --- CAlculation of DIStance HIstograms # # Copyright (c) <NAME>, <NAME> # See the file AUTHORS.rst for the full list of contributors. # # Released under the MIT License, see the file LICENSE.txt. """Various NumPy- and dictionary-related utilities. Implements add, append, and scale operations for numerical data (ie. NumPy arrays) stored in dictionaries. In addition, an ASCII output routine is provided. """ import copy import numpy as np import json from . import util def sum_values(X, Y, skip_keys=['radii', 'frame']): """Implement X += Y where X and Y are Python dictionaries (with string keys) that contain summable data types. The operation is applied to X for any value in Y, excluding keys that are in the list skip_keys. Typically, the values of X, Y are NumPy arrays (e.g. histograms) that are summed. Parameters ---------- X : dict X is a dictionary with string keys that contains NumPy arrays. Y : dict Y is a dictionary with string keys that contains NumPy arrays. skip_keys : list of strings skip_keys is a list of strings for which the sum operation is skipped. Returns ------- None The function sum_values operates on X directly and does not return anything. """ assert isinstance(X, dict) assert isinstance(Y, dict) for key in list(Y.keys()): if key in skip_keys: continue if key not in X: X[key] = copy.deepcopy(Y[key]) else: X[key] += Y[key] def scale_values(X, C, skip_keys=['radii', 'frame']): """Implement X = X times C where X is a Python dictionary that contains supported data types. The operation is applied to any value in X, excluding keys that are in the list skip_keys. Typically, the values of X are NumPy arrays (histograms) that are rescaled after summation using a scalar C (e.g. to implement averaging operation). Parameters ---------- X : dict X is a dictionary with string keys that contains NumPy arrays. C : scalar, NumPy array C is a multiplier, either a scalar of a NumPy array of size compatible with the contents of X. skip_keys : list of strings skip_keys is a list of strings for which the sum operation is skipped. Returns ------- None The function scale_values operates on X directly and does not return anything. """ assert isinstance(X, dict) for key in list(X.keys()): if key in skip_keys: continue X[key] *= C def append_values(X, Y, skip_keys=['radii']): """Implement X.append(Y) where X and Y are Python dictionaries that contain NumPy data types. The operation is applied to X for any value in Y, excluding keys that are in the list skip_keys. Typically, the values of X, Y are NumPy arrays (e.g. particle numbers) that are appended. Parameters ---------- X : dict X is a dictionary with string keys that contains NumPy arrays. Y : dict Y is a dictionary with string keys that contains NumPy arrays. skip_keys : list of strings skip_keys is a list of strings for which the append operation is skipped. Returns ------- None The function scale_values operates on X directly and does not return anything. """ assert isinstance(X, dict) assert isinstance(Y, dict) for key in list(Y.keys()): if key in skip_keys: continue if key not in X: X[key] = copy.deepcopy(Y[key]) else: X[key] = np.append(X[key], Y[key]) def write_dict(dic, path, level=0): """Write a dictionary containing NumPy arrays or other Python data structures to text files. In case the dictionary contains other dictionaries, the function is called recursively. The keys should be strings to guarantee successful operation. Parameters ---------- dic : dictionary A dictionary containing NumPy arrays or other Python data structures. path : string Path where the dictionary and its data shall be written to. level : int, optional Level in the nested-dictionary hierarchy during recursive operation. This parameter was added for debugging purposes and does not have any practical relevance. Returns ------- None The function write_dict does not return anything. """ np_keys = [] py_keys = [] for key in list(dic.keys()): val = dic[key] if isinstance(val, dict): _path = path + '/' + key _level = level + 1 write_dict(val, _path, _level) else: if isinstance(val, np.ndarray): np_keys.append(key) else: py_keys.append(key) # --- np_keys.sort() py_keys.sort() # --- (1) save NumPy arrays to text files rad = 'radii' if rad in np_keys: np_keys.remove(rad) np_keys.insert(0, rad) # --- np_all_1d = True for key in np_keys: val = dic[key] if (len(val.shape) > 1): np_all_1d = False break if (len(np_keys) > 0): if np_all_1d: # --- concatenate arrays into a 2d array val = dic[np_keys[0]] n_row = val.shape[0] n_col = len(np_keys) arr = np.zeros([n_row, n_col]) for idx, key in enumerate(np_keys): arr[:, idx] = (dic[key])[:] # --- build header if rad in np_keys: np_keys.remove(rad) header = '#' for key in np_keys: header = header + ' ' + key # --- dump data util.savetxtHeader(path + '.dat', header, arr) else: # --- we save arrays with more than one dimension separately for key in np_keys: arr = dic[key] # --- dump data util.savetxtHeader(path + '/' + key + '.dat', '# ' + key, arr) # --- (2) for robustness, save any other Python data to JSON text files if (len(py_keys) > 0): for key in py_keys: file_name = path + '/' + key + '.json' with open(file_name, "w") as fp: json.dump(dic[key], fp, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
<reponame>ryansturmer/tableview<gh_stars>1-10 from core import (TableView, load, loads, __version__)
<filename>grocercheck/scripts/lazy_coding_scripts/ days = ["mon",'tue','wed','thu','fri','sat','sun'] for day in days: for i in range(0,24): if(i<10): i = '0'+str(i) else: i = str(i) print(day+i+' = models.IntegerField(null=True)')