We perform a lattice Monte-Carlo calculation of the two-point functions ofthe energy-momentum tensor at finite temperature in the SU(3) gauge theory.Unprecedented precision is obtained thanks to a multi-level algorithm. Thelattice operators are renormalized non-perturbatively and the classicaldiscretization errors affecting the correlators are corrected for. A robustupper bound for the shear viscosity to entropy density ratio is derived, eta/s< 1.0, and our best estimate is eta/s = 0.134(33) at T=1.65Tc under theassumption of smoothness of the spectral function in the low-frequency region.
We perform a lattice Monte-Carlo calculation of the two-point functions of the energy-momentum tensor at finite temperature in the SU(3) gauge theory. Unprecedented precision is obtained thanks to a multi-level algorithm. The lattice operators are renormalized non-perturbatively and the classical discretization errors affecting the correlators are corrected for.
By modifying and extending recent ideas [C. Seoanez et al., Europhys. Lett.78, 60002 (2007)], a theoretical framework to describe dissipation processes inthe surfaces of vibrating micro- and nanoelectromechanical devices, thought tobe the main source of friction at low temperatures, is presented. Qualityfactors as well as frequency shifts of flexural and torsional modes in doublyclamped beams and cantilevers are given, showing the scaling with dimensions,temperature, and other relevant parameters of these systems. Full agreementwith experimental observations is not obtained, leading to a discussion oflimitations and possible modifications of the scheme to reach a quantitativefitting to experiments. For nanoelectromechanical systems covered with metallicelectrodes, the friction due to electrostatic interaction between the flowingelectrons and static charges in the device and substrate is also studied.
By modifying and extending recent ideas [C. Seoanez et al., Europhys. Lett.78, 60002 (2007)], a theoretical framework to describe dissipation processes in the surfaces of vibrating micro- and nanoelectromechanical devices, thought to be the main source of friction at low temperatures, is presented. Quality factors as well as frequency shifts of flexural and torsional modes in doubly clamped beams and cantilevers are given, showing the scaling with dimensions, temperature, and other relevant parameters of these systems.
Spatiotemporal features and physics of vehicular traffic congestion occurringdue to heavy freeway bottlenecks caused by bad weather conditions or accidentsare found based on simulations in the framework of three-phase traffic theory.A model of a heavy bottleneck is presented. Under a continuous non-limitedincrease in bottleneck strength, i.e., when the average flow rate within acongested pattern allowed by the heavy bottleneck decreases continuously up tozero, the evolution of the traffic phases in congested traffic, synchronizedflow and wide moving jams, is studied.
Spatiotemporal features and physics of vehicular traffic congestion occurring due to heavy freeway bottlenecks caused by bad weather conditions or accidentsare found based on simulations in the framework of three-phase traffic theory. A model of a heavy bottleneck is presented.
We consider three-dimensional convection of an incompressible fluid saturatedin a parallelepiped with a porous medium. A mimetic finite-difference schemefor the Darcy convection problem in the primitive variables is developed. Itconsists of staggered nonuniform grids with five types of nodes, differencingand averaging operators on a two-nodes stencil. The nonlinear terms areapproximated using special schemes. Two problems with different boundaryconditions are considered to study scenarios of instability of the state ofrest. Branching off of a continuous family of steady states was detected forthe problem with zero heat fluxes on two opposite lateral planes.
A mimetic finite-difference scheme for the Darcy convection problem in the primitive variables is developed. It consists of staggered nonuniform grids with five types of nodes, differencing and averaging operators on a two-nodes stencil. The nonlinear terms are approximated using special schemes.
We present a position Langevin equation for overdamped particle motion onrough two-dimensional surfaces. A Brownian Dynamics algorithm is suggested toevolve this equation numerically, allowing for the prediction of effective(projected) diffusion coefficients over corrugated surfaces. In the case ofstatic surface roughness, we find that a simple area-scaling prediction for theprojected diffusion coefficient leads to seemingly quantitative agreement withnumerical results. To study the effect of dynamic surface evolution on thediffusive process, we consider particle diffusion over a thermally fluctuatingelastic membrane. Surface fluctuation has the effect of increasing theeffective diffusivity toward a limiting annealed-surface value discussedpreviously. We argue that protein motion over cell surfaces spans a variety ofphysical regimes, making it impossible to identify a single approximationscheme appropriate to all measurements of interest.
A Brownian Dynamics algorithm is suggested to evolve this equation numerically, allowing for the prediction of effective (projected) diffusion coefficients over corrugated surfaces.
We study the pure braid groups $P_n(RP^2)$ of the real projective plane$RP^2$, and in particular the possible splitting of the Fadell-Neuwirth shortexact sequence $1 \to P_m(RP^2 {x_1,...,x_n} \to P_{n+m}(RP^2)\stackrel{p_{\ast}}{\to} P_n(RP^2) \to 1$, where $n\geq 2$ and $m\geq 1$, and$p_{\ast}$ is the homomorphism which corresponds geometrically to forgettingthe last $m$ strings. This problem is equivalent to that of the existence of asection for the associated fibration $p: F_{n+m}(RP^2) \to F_n(RP^2)$ ofconfiguration spaces. Van Buskirk proved in 1966 that $p$ and $p_{\ast}$ admita section if $n=2$ and $m=1$. Our main result in this paper is to prove thatthere is no section if $n\geq 3$. As a corollary, it follows that $n=2$ and$m=1$ are the only values for which a section exists. As part of the proof, wederive a presentation of $P_n(RP^2)$: this appears to be the first time thatsuch a presentation has been given in the literature.
As part of the proof, we derive a presentation of $P_n(RP^2)$: this appears to be the first time that such a presentation has been given in the literature.
The length of minimal and maximal blocks equally distant on log-log scaleversus fluctuation function considerably influences bias and variance of DFA.Through a number of extensive Monte Carlo simulations and different fractionalBrownian motion/fractional Gaussian noise generators, we found the pair ofminimal and maximal blocks that minimizes the sum of mean-squared error ofestimated Hurst exponents for the series of length N=2^p, p=7,...,15.Sensitivity of DFA to sort-range correlations was examined using ARFIMA(p,d,q)generator. Due to the bias of the estimator for anti-persistent processes, wenarrowed down the range of Hurst exponent to 1/2<=H< 1.
Through a number of extensive Monte Carlo simulations and different fractional Brownian motion/fractional Gaussian noise generators, we found the pair of minimal and maximal blocks that minimizes the sum of mean-squared error of estimated Hurst exponents for the series of length N=2^p, p=7,...,15. Sensitivity of DFA to sort-range correlations was examined using ARFIMA(p,d,q) generator.
We explore the relationship among three coronal mass ejections (CMEs),observed on 28 October 2003, 7 November 2004, and 20 January 2005, the type IIburst-associated shock waves in the corona and solar wind, as well as thearrival of their related shock waves and magnetic clouds at 1 AU. Using sixdifferent coronal/interplanetary density models, we calculate the speeds ofshocks from the frequency drifts observed in metric and decametric radio wavedata. We compare these speeds with the velocity of the CMEs as observed in theplane-of-the-sky white-light observations and calculated with a cone model forthe 7 November 2004 event. We then follow the propagation of the ejecta usingInterplanetary Scintillation (IPS) measurements, which were available for the 7November 2004 and 20 January 2005 events. Finally, we calculate the travel timeof the interplanetary (IP) shocks between the Sun and Earth and discuss thevelocities obtained from the different data. This study highlights thedifficulties in making velocity estimates that cover the full CME propagationtime.
Using six different coronal/interplanetary density models, we calculate the speeds of shocks from the frequency drifts observed in metric and decametric radio wave data. We compare these speeds with the velocity of the CMEs as observed in the plane-of-the-sky white-light observations and calculated with a cone model for the 7 November 2004 event. We then follow the propagation of the ejecta using Interplanetary Scintillation (IPS) measurements, which were available for the 7 November 2004 and 20 January 2005 events.
We report a high fidelity (>90%) approximation of radial polarizationconversion using a birefringent lens. It offers the advantages of low-cost,easy fabrication, alignment robustness and high laser power handlingcapability.
We report a high fidelity (>90%) approximation of radial polarization conversion using a birefringent lens.
Given an object over the algebraic closure Qbar of Q, there is often noreason for invariants of the corresponding holomorphic object to be preservedby the absolute Galois group Gal(Qbar/Q), and in general this is not true,although it is sometimes surprising to observe in practice. The case of coversof the projective line branched only over the points 0, 1, and infinity,through Belyi's theorem, leads to Grothendieck's dessins d'enfants program forunderstanding the absolute Galois group through its faithful action on suchcovers. This note is motivated by Catanese's question about ahigher-dimensional analogue: does the absolute Galois group act faithfully onthe deformation equivalence classes of smooth surfaces? (These equivalenceclasses are of course by definition the strongest deformation invariants.) Wegive a short proof of a weaker result: the absolute Galois group actsfaithfully on the irreducible components of the moduli space of smooth surfaces(of general type, canonically polarized). Bauer, Catanese, and Grunewald haverecently answered Catanese's original question using a different construction.
Wegive a short proof of a weaker result:
I study how pulse to pulse phase coherence in a pulse train can survivesuper-broadening by extreme self phase modulation (SPM). Such pulse trains havebeen used in phase self-stabilizing schemes as an alternative to using afeedback process. However, such super-broadened pulses have undergoneconsiderable distortion, and it is far from obvious that they necessarilyretain any useful phase information. I propose measures of phase coherence(i.e. supercontinuum coherence) applicable to such pulse trains, and use themto analyze numerical simulations comparable to self-stabilization experiments.
I propose measures of phase coherence (i.e. supercontinuum coherence) applicable to such pulse trains, and use them to analyze numerical simulations comparable to self-stabilization experiments.
It is shown that functions defined on $\{0,1,...,r-1\}^n$ satisfying certainconditions of bounded differences that guarantee sub-Gaussian tail behavioralso satisfy a much stronger ``local'' sub-Gaussian property. For self-boundingand configuration functions we derive analogous locally subexponentialbehavior. The key tool is Talagrand's [Ann. Probab. 22 (1994) 1576--1587]variance inequality for functions defined on the binary hypercube which weextend to functions of uniformly distributed random variables defined on$\{0,1,...,r-1\}^n$ for $r\ge2$.
The key tool is Talagrand's [Ann. Probab. 22 (1994) 1576--1587] variance inequality for functions defined on the binary hypercube which we extend to functions of uniformly distributed random variables defined on $\{0,1,...,r-1\}^n$ for $r\ge2$.
We study the growth of black holes and stellar population in spheroids athigh redshift using several (sub)mm-loud QSO samples. Applying the samecriteria established in an earlier work, we find that, similar to IR QSOs atlow redshift, the far-infrared emission of these (sub)mm-loud QSOs mainlyoriginates from dust heated by starbursts. By combining low-z IR QSOs andhigh-z (sub)mm-loud QSOs, we find a trend that the star formation rate($\Mstardot$) increases with the accretion rate ($\Mdot$). We compare thevalues of $\Mstardot/\Mdot$ for submm emitting galaxies (SMGs), far-infraredultraluminous/hyperluminous QSOs and typical QSOs, and construct a likelyevolution scenario for these objects. The (sub)mm-loud QSO transition phase hasboth high $\Mdot$ and $\Mstardot$ and hence is important for establishing thecorrelation between the masses of black holes and spheroids.
We study the growth of black holes and stellar population in spheroids athigh redshift using several (sub)mm-loud QSO samples. Applying the same criteria established in an earlier work, we find that, similar to IR QSOs atlow redshift, the far-infrared emission of these (sub)mm-loud QSOs mainlyoriginates from dust heated by starbursts.
In this article we study the thermal response functions for twoone-dimensional models, namely the Hubbard and spin-less fermion $t$-$V$models. By exactly diagonalizing finite sized systems we calculate dynamicalelectrical, thermoelectrical, and thermal conductivities via the Kuboformalism. The thermopower (Seebeck coefficient), Lorenz number, anddimensionless figure of merit are then constructed which are quantities ofgreat interest to the physics community both theoretically and experimentally.We also geometrically frustrate these systems and destroy integrability by theinclusion of a second neighbor hop. These frustrated systems are shown to haveenhanced thermopower and Lorenz number at intermediate and low temperatures.
By exactly diagonalizing finite sized systems we calculate dynamicalelectrical, thermoelectrical, and thermal conductivities via the Kubo formalism.
We compare the recent results on the higher twist (HT) contribution to thenonsinglet combination $g_1^p - g_1^n$ of the polarized proton and neutronstructure functions with that one to the unpolarized structure function $F_3$using the assumption that the HT contributions to the Gross-Llewellyn Smith andthe Bjorken sum rules are similar. We have found, that the relation${1/3}h^{F_3}(x) \approx \frac{6}{g_A}h^{g_1^p - g_1^n}(x)$ is valid for $x\geq 0.2$ in the case of NLO QCD approximation for the leading term parts ofthe structure functions.
We compare the recent results on the higher twist (HT) contribution to the nonsinglet combination $g_1^p - g_1^n$ of the polarized proton and neutron structure functions with that one to the unpolarized structure function $F_3$ using the assumption that the HT contributions to the Gross-Llewellyn Smith and the Bjorken sum rules are similar.
Context: The Deep Extragalactic VLBI-Optical Survey (DEVOS) aims atconstructing a large sample of compact radio sources up to two orders ofmagnitude fainter than those studied in other Very Long Baseline Interferometry(VLBI) surveys. Optical identification of the objects is ensured by selectingthem from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) list. Aims: While continuing tobuild up the DEVOS data base, we investigated how the VLBI detection rate couldbe enhanced by refining the initial selection criteria introduced in the firstpaper of this series. Methods: We observed 26 sources in two adjacent, slightlyoverlapping 2 deg radius fields with the European VLBI Network (EVN) at 5 GHzfrequency on 2 March 2007.The phase-reference calibrator quasars wereJ1616+3621 and J1623+3909. The objects selected were unresolved both in theFaint Images of the Radio Sky at Twenty-centimeters (FIRST) survey catalogueand the SDSS Data Release 4. Results: We present images of milli-arcsecond(mas) scale radio structures and accurate coordinates of 24 extragalacticsources. Most of them have never been imaged with VLBI. Twenty-two compactradio sources (85% of our initial sample) are considered as VLBI detections ofthe corresponding optical quasars in SDSS. We found an efficient way toidentify quasars as potential VLBI targets with mas-scale compact radiostucture at >1 mJy level, based only on the FIRST and SDSS catalogue data byapplying simple selection criteria.
We observed 26 sources in two adjacent, slightly overlapping 2 deg radius fields with the European VLBI Network (EVN) at 5 GHz frequency on 2 March 2007. The phase-reference calibrator quasars were J1616+3621 and J1623+3909.
A program package for MATLAB is introduced that helps calculations in quantuminformation science and quantum optics. It has commands for the followingoperations: (i) Reordering the qudits of a quantum register, computing thereduced state of a quantum register. (ii) Defining important quantum stateseasily. (iii) Formatted input and output for quantum states and operators. (iv)Constructing operators acting on given qudits of a quantum register andconstructing spin chain Hamiltonians. (v) Partial transposition, matrixrealignment and other operations related to the detection of quantumentanglement. (vi) Generating random state vectors, random density matrices andrandom unitaries.
(i) Reordering the qudits of a quantum register, computing the reduced state of a quantum register. (ii) Defining important quantum states easily. (iii) Formatted input and output for quantum states and operators. (iv) Constructing operators acting on given qudits of a quantum register and constructing spin chain Hamiltonians. (v) Partial transposition, matrix realignment and other operations related to the detection of quantum entanglement. (vi) Generating random state vectors, random density matrices and random unitaries.
The main aim of the work presented here is to contribute to computer scienceadvances in the multimodal usability area, in-as-much as it addresses one ofthe major issues relating to the generation of effective oral system messages:how to design messages which effectively help users to locate specificgraphical objects in information visualisations? An experimental study wascarried out to determine whether oral messages including coarse information onthe locations of graphical objects on the current display may facilitate targetdetection tasks sufficiently for making it worth while to integrate suchmessages in GUIs. The display spatial layout varied in order to test theinfluence of visual presentation structure on the contribution of thesemessages to facilitating visual search on crowded displays. Finally, threelevels of task difficulty were defined, based mainly on the target visualcomplexity and the number of distractors in the scene. The findings suggestthat spatial information messages improve participants' visual searchperformances significantly; they are more appropriate to radial structures thanto matrix, random and elleptic structures; and, they are particularly usefulfor performing difficult visual search tasks.
An experimental study was carried out to determine whether oral messages including coarse information on the locations of graphical objects on the current display may facilitate target detection tasks sufficiently for making it worth while to integrate such messages in GUIs. The display spatial layout varied in order to test the influence of visual presentation structure on the contribution of these messages to facilitating visual search on crowded displays.
We justify WKB analysis for Hartree equation in space dimension at leastthree, in a regime which is supercritical as far as semiclassical analysis isconcerned. The main technical remark is that the nonlinear Hartree term can beconsidered as a semilinear perturbation. This is in contrast with the case ofthe nonlinear Schrodinger equation with a local nonlinearity, where quasilinearanalysis is needed to treat the nonlinearity.
The main technical remark is that the nonlinear Hartree term can be considered as a semilinear perturbation. This is in contrast with the case of the nonlinear Schrodinger equation with a local nonlinearity, where quasilinear analysis is needed to treat the nonlinearity.
The one-dimensional piston shock problem is a classical result of shock wavetheory. In this work, the analogous dispersive shock wave (DSW) problem for adispersive fluid described by the nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation is analyzed.Asymptotic solutions are calculated using Whitham averaging theory for a"piston" (step potential) moving with uniform speed into a dispersive fluid atrest. These asymptotic results agree quantitatively with numerical simulations.It is shown that the behavior of these solutions is quite different from theirclassical counterparts. In particular, the shock structure depends on the speedof the piston. These results have direct application to Bose-Einsteincondensates and the propagation of light through a nonlinear, defocusingmedium.
Asymptotic solutions are calculated using Whitham averaging theory for a "piston" (step potential) moving with uniform speed into a dispersive fluid at rest. These asymptotic results agree quantitatively with numerical simulations.
We present a search for the associated production of charginos andneutralinos in p-pbar collisions at 1.96 TeV. The data were collected at theCollider Detector at Fermilab (CDF II) and correspond to integratedluminosities between 0.7 and 1.0 fb-1. We look for final states with one highpT electron or muon, and two additional leptons. Our results are consistentwith the standard model expectations, and we set limits on the cross section asa function of the chargino mass in three different supersymmetric scenarios.For a specific MSSM scenario with no slepton mixing we set a 95 % C.L. limit at151 GeV/c^2.
We look for final states with one high pT electron or muon, and two additional leptons.
Minimal walking technicolor models can provide a nontrivial solution forcosmological dark matter, if the lightest technibaryon is doubly charged.Technibaryon asymmetry generated in the early Universe is related to baryonasymmetry and it is possible to create excess of techniparticles with charge(-2). These excessive techniparticles are all captured by $^4He$, creating\emph{techni-O-helium} $tOHe$ ``atoms'', as soon as $^4He$ is formed in BigBang Nucleosynthesis. The interaction of techni-O-helium with nuclei opens newpaths to the creation of heavy nuclei in Big Bang Nucleosynthesis. Due to thelarge mass of technibaryons, the $tOHe$ ``atomic'' gas decouples from thebaryonic matter and plays the role of dark matter in large scale structureformation, while structures in small scales are suppressed. Nuclearinteractions with matter slow down cosmic techni-O-helium in Earth below thethreshold of underground dark matter detectors, thus escaping severe CDMSconstraints. On the other hand, these nuclear interactions are not sufficientlystrong to exclude this form of Strongly Interactive Massive Particles byconstraints from the XQC experiment. Experimental tests of this hypothesis arepossible in search for $tOHe$ in balloon-borne experiments (or on the ground)and for its charged techniparticle constituents in cosmic rays andaccelerators. The $tOHe$ ``atoms'' can cause cold nuclear transformations inmatter and might form anomalous isotopes, offering possible ways to exclude (orprove?) their existence.
Experimental tests of this hypothesis are possible in search for $tOHe$ in balloon-borne experiments (or on the ground) and for its charged techniparticle constituents in cosmic rays and accelerators.
Fabrication of the bimorph lithium niobate cantilevers involves a micromachining of a z-cut wafer to create a multidomain structure. After etching,the bimorph ferroelectric cantilevers are fabricated at the locations nearinterdomain walls. Cantilever vibrations are excited by rf voltage due topiezoelectric effect in a ferroelectric chip, and optical detection is employedto pickup the vibrations. The self-assembling layers of two different Silanesare chemically deposited on the micro cantilevers. The layers are detectedindependently by two methods including a low frequency shift of cantilevernatural vibrations, and Raman spectral lines from the Silane layers. Possibleapplications include smart biosensors in a real time domain.
Fabrication of the bimorph lithium niobate cantilevers involves a micromachining of a z-cut wafer to create a multidomain structure. After etching, the bimorph ferroelectric cantilevers are fabricated at the locations near interdomain walls. Cantilever vibrations are excited by rf voltage due to piezoelectric effect in a ferroelectric chip, and optical detection is employed to pickup the vibrations. The self-assembling layers of two different Silanes are chemically deposited on the micro cantilevers.
A second-order Taylor series expansion of the free energy functional providesanalytical expressions for the magnetic field dependence of the free energy andof the magnetization of ferrofluids, here modelled by dipolar Yukawainteraction potentials. The corresponding hard core dipolar Yukawa referencefluid is studied within the framework of the mean spherical approximation. Ourfindings for the magnetic and phase equilibrium properties are in quantitativeagreement with previously published and new Monte Carlo simulation data.
A second-order Taylor series expansion of the free energy functional provides analytical expressions for the magnetic field dependence of the free energy and of the magnetization of ferrofluids, here modelled by dipolar Yukawa interaction potentials. The corresponding hard core dipolar Yukawa reference fluid is studied within the framework of the mean spherical approximation.
The modern phase diagram of strongly interacting matter reveals a richstructure at high-densities due to phase transitions related to the chiralsymmetry of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) and the phenomenon of colorsuperconductivity. These exotic phases have significant impacts on high-densityastrophysics as the properties of neutron stars and the evolution ofastrophysical systems as proto-neutron stars, core-collapse supernovae andneutron star mergers. Most recent pulsar mass measurements and constraints onneutron star radii are critically discussed. Astrophysical signals for exoticmatter and phase transitions in high-density matter proposed recently in theliterature are outlined. A strong first order phase transition leads to theemergence of a third family of compact stars besides white dwarfs and neutronstars. The different microphysics of quark matter results in an enhanced r-modestability window for rotating compact stars compared to normal neutron stars.Future telescope and satellite data will allow to extract signals from phasetransitions in dense matter in the heavens and will reveal properties of thephases of dense QCD. Spectral line profiles out of x-ray bursts will determinethe mass-radius ratio of compact stars. Gravitational wave patterns fromcollapsing neutron stars or neutron star mergers will even be able to constrainthe stiffness of the quark matter equation of state. Future astrophysical datacan therefore provide a crucial cross-check to the exploration of the QCD phasediagram with the heavy-ion program of the CBM detector at the FAIR facility.
Spectral line profiles out of x-ray bursts will determine the mass-radius ratio of compact stars. Gravitational wave patterns from collapsing neutron stars or neutron star mergers will even be able to constrain the stiffness of the quark matter equation of state.
Starting from the reduced dynamical model of a two-junction quantuminterference device, a quantum analog of the system has been exhibited, inorder to extend the well known properties of this device to the quantum regime.By finding eigenvalues of the corresponding Hamiltonian operator, thepersistent currents flowing in the ring have been obtained. The resultingquantum analog of the overdamped two-junction quantum interference device canbe seen as a supercurrent qubit operating in the limit of negligiblecapacitance and finite inductance.
By finding eigenvalues of the corresponding Hamiltonian operator, the persistent currents flowing in the ring have been obtained.
The effect of ions has received one of the highest priorities in R&D for thedamping rings of the International Linear Collider(ILC). It is detrimental tothe performance of the electron damping ring. In this note, an updateconcerning the ion studies for the ILC damping ring is given. We investigatethe gap role and irregular fill pattern in the ring.The ion density reductionin different fills is calculated analytically. Simulation results are alsopresented.
We investigate the gap role and irregular fill pattern in the ring. The ion density reduction in different fills is calculated analytically. Simulation results are also presented.
Let $K$ be a compact metrizable group and $\Ga$ be a group of automorphismsof $K$. We first show that each $\ap \in \Ga$ is distal on $K$ implies $\Ga$itself is distal on $K$, a local to global correspondence provided $\Ga$ is ageneralized $\ov{FC}$-group or $K$ is a connected finite-dimensional group. Weshow that $\Ga$ contains an ergodic automorphism when $\Ga$ is nilpotent andergodic on a connected finite-dimensional compact abelian group $K$.
We first show that each $\ap \in \Ga$ is distal on $K$ implies $\Ga$ itself is distal on $K$, a local to global correspondence provided $\Ga$ is a generalized $\ov{FC}$-group or $K$ is a connected finite-dimensional group. Weshow that $\Ga$ contains an ergodic automorphism when $\Ga$ is nilpotent and ergodic on a connected finite-dimensional compact abelian group $K$.
This paper concentrates on a study where finite conductivity corrections areincluded in the theoretical description of the effects of roughness on theCasimir force. The roughness data were taken from gold films evaporated ontoSilicon and polysterene spheres. We conclude that for a detailed comparisonwith experimental data, i.e. at the level of at least 5 % at short separationsbelow 200 nm, the lateral dimensions of roughness for real films should beincluded in the theoretical considerations. Moreover, if the RMS roughness isconsiderable, high local surface slopes are shown to have a significant effecton the Casimir force.
The roughness data were taken from gold films evaporated onto Silicon and polysterene spheres.
Forward time step integrators are splitting algorithms with only positivesplitting coefficients. When used in solving physical evolution equations,these positive coefficients correspond to positive time steps. Forwardalgorithms are essential for solving time-irreversible equations that cannot beevolved using backward time steps. However, forward integrators are also betterin solving time-reversible equations of classical dynamics by tracking asclosely as possible the physical trajectory. This work compares in detailvarious forward and non-forward fourth-order integrators using three, fourth,five and six force evaluations. In the case of solving the 2D Kepler orbit, allnon-forward integrators are optimized by simply minimizing the size of theirbackward time steps.
This work compares in detail various forward and non-forward fourth-order integrators using three, fourth, five and six force evaluations. In the case of solving the 2D Kepler orbit, all non-forward integrators are optimized by simply minimizing the size of their backward time steps.
New experimental data from the scattering of 6He+208Pb at energies around andbelow the Coulomb barrier are presented. The yield of breakup products comingfrom projectile fragmentation is dominated by a strong group of $\alpha$particles. The energy and angular distributions of this group have been analyzed andcompared with theoretical calculations. This analysis indicates that the$\alpha$ particles emitted at backward angles in this reaction are mainly dueto two-neutron transfer to weakly bound states of the final nucleus.
The energy and angular distributions of this group have been analyzed and compared with theoretical calculations. This analysis indicates that the $\alpha$ particles emitted at backward angles in this reaction are mainly due to two-neutron transfer to weakly bound states of the final nucleus.
The notion of a surface-order specific entropy h_c(P) of a two-dimensionaldiscrete random field P along a curve c is introduced as the limit of rescaledentropies along lattice approximations of the blowups of c. Existence is shownby proving a corresponding Shannon-McMillan theorem. We obtain a representationof h_c(P) as a mixture of specific entropies along the tangent lines of c. Asan application, the specific entropy along curves is used to refine Foellmerand Ort's lower bound for the large deviations of the empirical field of anattractive Gibbs measure from its ergodic behavior in the phase-transitionregime.
Existence is shown by proving a corresponding Shannon-McMillan theorem. We obtain a representation of h_c(P) as a mixture of specific entropies along the tangent lines of c.
In this paper we prove a duality between $k$-noncrossing partitions over$[n]=\{1,...,n\}$ and $k$-noncrossing braids over $[n-1]$. This duality isderived directly via (generalized) vacillating tableaux which are incorrespondence to tangled-diagrams \cite{Reidys:07vac}. We give a combinatorialinterpretation of the bijection in terms of the contraction of arcs oftangled-diagrams. Furthermore it induces by restriction a bijection between$k$-noncrossing, 2-regular partitions over $[n]$ and $k$-noncrossing braidswithout isolated points over $[n-1]$. Since braids without isolated pointscorrespond to enhanced partitions this allows, using the results of\cite{MIRXIN}, to enumerate 2-regular, 3-noncrossing partitions.
We give a combinatorial interpretation of the bijection in terms of the contraction of arcs of tangled-diagrams. Furthermore it induces by restriction a bijection between $k$-noncrossing, 2-regular partitions over $[n]$ and $k$-noncrossing braids without isolated points over $[n-1]$.
In a quantum mechanical model, Diosi, Feldmann and Kosloff arrived at aconjecture stating that the limit of the entropy of certain mixtures is therelative entropy as system size goes to infinity. The conjecture is proven inthis paper for density matrices. The first proof is analytic and uses thequantum law of large numbers. The second one clarifies the relation to channelcapacity per unit cost for classical-quantum channels. Both proofs lead togeneralization of the conjecture.
The first proof is analytic and uses the quantum law of large numbers. The second one clarifies the relation to channel capacity per unit cost for classical-quantum channels.
We report observation of Leggett's collective mode in a multi-band MgB2superconductor with T_c=39K arising from the fluctuations in the relative phasebetween two superconducting condensates. The novel mode is observed by Ramanspectroscopy at 9.4 meV in the fully symmetric scattering channel. The observedmode frequency is consistent with theoretical considerations based on the firstprinciple computations.
The novel mode is observed by Ramanspectroscopy at 9.4 meV in the fully symmetric scattering channel.
We analyze the evolution of nitrogen resulting from a set of spiral andirregular galaxy models computed for a large number of input mass radialdistributions and with various star formation efficiencies. We show that ourmodels produce a nitrogen abundance evolution in good agreement with theobservational data. Differences in the star formation histories of the regionsand galaxies modeled are essential to reproduce the observational data in theN/O-O/H plane and the corresponding dispersion.
We analyze the evolution of nitrogen resulting from a set of spiral and irregular galaxy models computed for a large number of input mass radial distributions and with various star formation efficiencies.
Calculations have been carried out for the vibrational quenching of excitedH$_2$ molecules which collide with Li$^+$ ions at ultralow energies. Thedynamics has been treated exactly using the well known quantum coupled-channelexpansions over different initial vibrational levels. The overall interactionpotential has been obtained from the calculations carried out earlier in ourgroup using highly correlated ab initio methods. The results indicate thatspecific features of the scattering observables, e.g. the appearance ofRamsauer-Townsend minima in elastic channel cross sections and the markedincrease of the cooling rates from specific initial states, can be linked topotential properties at vanishing energies (sign and size of scatteringlengths) and to the presence of either virtual states or bound states. Thesuggestion is made that by selecting the initial state preparation of themolecular partners, the ionic interactions would be amenable to controllingquenching efficiency at ultralow energies.
The dynamics has been treated exactly using the well known quantum coupled-channel expansions over different initial vibrational levels. The overall interaction potential has been obtained from the calculations carried out earlier in our group using highly correlated ab initio methods.
Interaction between metal surface waves and periodic geometry ofsubwavelength structures is at the core of the recent but crucial renewal ofinterest in plasmonics. One of the most intriguing points is the observation ofabnormal strong transmission through these periodic structures, which canexceed by orders of magnitude the classical transmission given by the fillingfactor of the plate. The actual paradigm is that this abnormal transmissionarises from the periodicity, and then that such high transmission shoulddisappear in random geometries. Here, we show that extra energy can be coupledthrough the subwavelength structure by adding a controlled quantity of noise tothe position of the apertures. This result can be modelled in the statisticalframework of stochastic resonance. The evolution of the coupled energy withrespect to noise gives access to the extra energy coupled at the surface of thesubwavelength array.
Here, we show that extra energy can be coupled through the subwavelength structure by adding a controlled quantity of noise to the position of the apertures. This result can be modelled in the statistical framework of stochastic resonance.
This article presents the Orthoglide project. The purpose of this project isthe realization of a prototype of machine tool to three degrees of translation.The characteristic of this machine is a parallel kinematic architectureoptimized to obtain a compact workspace with homogeneous performance. For that,the principal criterion of design which was used is the isotropy.
The characteristic of this machine is a parallel kinematic architecture optimized to obtain a compact workspace with homogeneous performance. For that, the principal criterion of design which was used is the isotropy.
The Hamiltonian H of one-body Maryland model is defined as the sum of alinear unperturbed Hamiltonian H_0 and the interaction V, which is a Toeplitzmatrix. Maryland model with a doubly infinite Hilbert space are exactly solved.Special cases of one-body Maryland model include the original Maryland model(Phys. Rev. Lett. 49, 833 (1982) and Physica 10D, 369 (1984)), which describesa quantum kickied linear rotator and single band Bloch oscillations. Marylandmodel and single band Bloch oscillations are the same Hamiltonian in twodifferent representations. A special case of many-body Maryland model isLuttinger model.
The Hamiltonian H of one-body Maryland model is defined as the sum of a linear unperturbed Hamiltonian H_0 and the interaction V, which is a Toeplitz matrix.
We determine $D$ and $D_s$ decay constants from lattice QCD with 2% errors, 4times better than experiment and previous theory: $f_{D_s}$ = 241(3) MeV, $f_D$= 207(4) MeV and $f_{D_s}/f_D$ = 1.164(11). We also obtain $f_K/f_{\pi}$ = 1.189(7) and $(f_{D_s}/f_D)/(f_K/f_{\pi})$ =0.979(11). Combining with experiment gives $V_{us}$=0.2262(14) and$V_{cs}/V_{cd}$ of 4.43(41). We use a highly improved quark discretization onMILC gluon fields that include realistic sea quarks fixing the $u/d, s$ and $c$masses from the $\pi$, $K$, and $\eta_c$ meson masses. This allows a stringenttest against experiment for $D$ and $D_s$ masses for the first time (to within7 MeV).
We use a highly improved quark discretization on MILC gluon fields that include realistic sea quarks fixing the $u/d, s$ and $c$ masses from the $\pi$, $K$, and $\eta_c$ meson masses.
We study a new type of effective interactions in terms of the $CPT$-evendimension-six Chern-Simons-like term, which could originate from superstringtheory, to generate the cosmological birefringence. We use the neutrino numberasymmetry to induce a sizable rotation polarization angle in the data of thecosmic microwave background radiation polarization. The combined effect of thenew term and the neutrino asymmetry provides an alternative way to understandthe birefringence.
We use the neutrino number asymmetry to induce a sizable rotation polarization angle in the data of the cosmic microwave background radiation polarization.
We present new photometric observations of 15 symbiotic stars (EG And, Z And,AE Ara, BF Cyg, CH Cyg, CI Cyg, V1329 Cyg, TX CVn, AG Dra, Draco C-1, RW Hya,SY Mus, AR Pav, AG Peg, AX Per) covering their last orbital cycle(s) from2003.9 to 2007.2. We obtained our data by both classical photoelectric and CCDphotometry. Main results are: EG And brightened by about 0.3 mag in U from2003. A 0.5 mag deep primary minimum developed in the U light curve (LC) at theend of 2006. Z And continues its recent activity that began during the 2000autumn. A new small outburst started in summer of 2004 with the peakU-magnitude of about 9.2. During the spring of 2006 the star entered a massiveoutburst. It reached its historical maximum at U = 8.0 in 2006 July. AE Araerupted in 2006 February with Dm(vis) approx. 1.2 mag. BF Cyg entered a newactive stage in 2006 August. A brightness maximum (U approx. 9.4) was measuredduring 2006 September. CH Cyg persists in a quiescent phase. During 2006 June -December about 2 mag decline in all colours was measured. CI Cyg started a newactive phase during 2006 May - June. After 31 years it erupted by about 2 magin U. TX CVn maintains a bright stage with U approx. 10.5 from 2003. AG Draentered a new major outburst in 2006 June. It reached its maximum at U = 8.0 in2006 September. AR Pav persists at a low level of the activity. AG Peg's LCprofile varies markedly during different orbital cycles. AX Per continues itsquiescent phase.
We obtained our data by both classical photoelectric and CCD photometry.
The linearizability of differential equations was first considered by Lie forscalar second order semi-linear ordinary differential equations. Since thenthere has been considerable work done on the algebraic classification oflinearizable equations and even on systems of equations. However, little hasbeen done in the way of providing explicit criteria to determine theirlinearizability. Using the connection between isometries and symmetries of thesystem of geodesic equations criteria were established for second orderquadratically and cubically semi-linear equations and for systems of equations.The connection was proved for maximally symmetric spaces and a conjecture wasput forward for other cases. Here the criteria are briefly reviewed and theconjecture is proved.
Using the connection between isometries and symmetries of the system of geodesic equations criteria were established for second order quadratically and cubically semi-linear equations and for systems of equations. The connection was proved for maximally symmetric spaces and a conjecture was put forward for other cases.
Young planets embedded in their protoplanetary disk interact gravitationallywith it leading to energy and angular momentum exchange. This interactiondetermines the evolution of the planet through changes to the orbitalparameters. We investigate changes in the orbital elements of a 20 Earth--massplanet due to the torques from the disk. We focus on the non-linear evolutionof initially non-vanishing eccentricity $e$ and/or inclination $i$. We treatthe disk as a two- or three-dimensional viscous fluid and performhydrodynamical simulations with an embedded planet. We find rapid exponentialdecay of the planet orbital eccentricity and inclination for small initialvalues of $e$ and $i$, in agreement with linear theory. For larger values of $e> 0.1$ the decay time increases and the decay rate scales as $\dot{e} \proptoe^{-2}$, consistent with existing theoretical models. For large inclinations($i$ > 6 deg) the inclination decay rate shows an identical scaling $di/dt\propto i^{-2}$. We find an interesting dependence of the migration on theeccentricity. In a disk with aspect ratio $H/r=0.05$ the migration rate isenhanced for small non-zero eccentricities ($e < 0.1$), while for larger valueswe see a significant reduction by a factor of $\sim 4$. We find no indicationfor a reversal of the migration for large $e$, although the torque experiencedby the planet becomes positive when $e \simeq 0.3$. This inward migration iscaused by the persisting energy loss of the planet. For non gap forming planets, eccentricity and inclination damping occurs on atime scale that is very much shorter than the migration time scale. The resultsof non linear hydrodynamic simulations are in very good agreement with lineartheory for small $e$ and $i$.
We treat the disk as a two- or three-dimensional viscous fluid and perform hydrodynamical simulations with an embedded planet.
In this paper we completely classify which graded polynomial R-algebras infinitely many even degree variables can occur as the singular cohomology of aspace with coefficients in R, a 1960 question of N. E. Steenrod, for acommutative ring R satisfying mild conditions. In the fundamental case R = Z,our result states that the only polynomial cohomology rings over Z which canoccur, are tensor products of copies of H^*(CP^\infty;Z) = Z[x_2],H^*(BSU(n);Z) = Z[x_4,x_6,...,x_{2n}], and H^*(BSp(n):Z) =Z[x_4,x_8,...,x_{4n}] confirming an old conjecture. Our classification extendsNotbohm's solution for R = F_p, p odd. Odd degree generators, excluded above,only occur if R is an F_2-algebra and in that case the recent classification of2-compact groups by the authors can be used instead of the present paper. Ourproofs are short and rely on the general theory of p-compact groups, but not onclassification results for these.
Our proofs are short and rely on the general theory of p-compact groups, but not on classification results for these.
The shape invariance condition is the integrability condition insupersymmetric quantum mechanics (SUSYQM). It is a difference-differentialequation connecting the superpotential W and its derivative at two differentvalues of parameters. We show that this difference equation is equivalent to anon-linear partial differential equation whose solutions are translationalshape invariant superpotentials. In lieu of trial and error, this methodprovides the first ab initio technique for generating shape invariantsuperpotentials.
We show that this difference equation is equivalent to a non-linear partial differential equation whose solutions are translational shape invariant superpotentials. In lieu of trial and error, this method provides the first ab initio technique for generating shape invariant superpotentials.
Future observations of CMB anisotropies will be able to probe high multipoleregions of the angular power spectrum, corresponding to a resolution of a fewarcminutes. Dust emission from merging haloes is one of the foregrounds thatwill affect such very small scales. We estimate the contribution to CMB angularfluctuations from objects that are bright in the sub-millimeter band due tointense star formation bursts following merging episodes. We base our approachon the Lacey-Cole merger model and on the Kennicutt relation which connects thestar formation rate in galaxies with their infrared luminosity. We set the freeparameters of the model in order to not exceed the SCUBA source counts, theMadau plot of star formation rate in the universe and COBE/FIRAS data on theintensity of the sub-millimeter cosmic background radiation. We show that theangular power spectrum arising from the distribution of such star-forminghaloes will be one of the most significant foregrounds in the high frequencychannels of future CMB experiments, such as PLANCK, ACT and SPT. Thecorrelation term, due to the clustering of multiple haloes at redshift z~2-6,is dominant in the broad range of angular scales 200<l<3000. Poissonfluctuations due to bright sub-millimeter sources are more important at higherl, but since they are generated from the bright sources, such contributioncould be strongly reduced if bright sources are excised from the sky maps. Thecontribution of the correlation term to the angular power spectrum dependsstrongly on the redshift evolution of the escape fraction of UV photons and theresulting temperature of the dust. The measurement of this signal willtherefore give important information about galaxies in the early stage of theirevolution.
We estimate the contribution to CMB angular fluctuations from objects that are bright in the sub-millimeter band due to intense star formation bursts following merging episodes. We base our approach on the Lacey-Cole merger model and on the Kennicutt relation which connects the star formation rate in galaxies with their infrared luminosity. We set the free parameters of the model in order to not exceed the SCUBA source counts, the Madau plot of star formation rate in the universe and COBE/FIRAS data on the intensity of the sub-millimeter cosmic background radiation.
The holographic upper bound on entropy is applied to the gravitational actionassociated with the non-relativistic contraction of a nebula. A critical radiusis identified, as a function of the initial radius and mass, for which thenumber of bits associated with the action would equal the maximum number ofbits allowed to the body. The gravitational action of a typical starapproximately saturates the holographic bound, perhaps suggesting a physicallink between holographic principles and astrophysical processes.
A critical radius is identified, as a function of the initial radius and mass, for which the number of bits associated with the action would equal the maximum number of bits allowed to the body.
We report a comprehensive x-ray scattering study of charge density wave(stripe) ordering in $\rm La_{2-x}Ba_xCuO_4 (x \approx 1/8)$, for which thesuperconducting $T_c$ is greatly suppressed. Strong superlattice reflectionscorresponding to static ordering of charge stripes were observed in thissample. The structural modulation at the lowest temperature was deduced basedon the intensity of over 70 unique superlattice positions surveyed. We foundthat the charge order in this sample is described with one-dimensional chargedensity waves, which have incommensurate wave-vectors (0.23, 0, 0.5) and (0,0.23, 0.5) respectively on neighboring $\rm CuO_2$ planes. The structuralmodulation due to the charge density wave order is simply sinusoidal, and nohigher harmonics were observed. Just below the structural transitiontemperature, short-range charge density wave correlation appears, whichdevelops into a large scale charge ordering around 40 K, close to the spindensity wave ordering temperature. However, this charge ordering fails to growinto a true long range order, and its correlation length saturates at $\sim230\AA$, and slightly decreases below about 15 K, which may be due to the onsetof two-dimensional superconductivity.
The structural modulation at the lowest temperature was deduced based on the intensity of over 70 unique superlattice positions surveyed. We found that the charge order in this sample is described with one-dimensional chargedensity waves, which have incommensurate wave-vectors (0.23, 0, 0.5) and (0,0.23, 0.5) respectively on neighboring $\rm CuO_2$ planes.
We present a systematic examination of the changes in semi-major axis causedby the mutual interactions of a group of massive bodies orbiting a central starin the presence of eccentricity dissipation. For parameters relevant to theoligarchic stage of planet formation, dynamical friction keeps the typicaleccentricities small and prevents orbit crossing. Interactions at impactparameters greater than several Hill radii cause the protoplanets to repel eachother; if the impact parameter is instead much less than the Hill radius, theprotoplanets shift slightly in semi-major axis but remain otherwiseunperturbed. If the orbits of two or more protoplanets are separated by lessthan a Hill radius, they are each pushed towards an equilibrium spacing betweentheir neighbors and can exist as a stable co-orbital system. In theshear-dominated oligarchic phase of planet formation we show that the feedingzones contain several oligarchs instead of only one. Growth of the protoplanetsin the oligarchic phase drives the disk to an equilibrium configuration thatdepends on the mass ratio of protoplanets to planetesimals, $\Sigma/\sigma$.Early in the oligarchic phase, when $\Sigma/\sigma$ is low, the spacing betweenrows of co-orbital oligarchs are about 5 Hill radii wide, rather than the 10Hill radii cited in the literature. It is likely that at the end of oligarchythe average number of co-orbital oligarchs is greater than unity. In the outersolar system this raises the disk mass required to form the ice giants. In theinner solar system this lowers the mass of the final oligarchs and requiresmore giant impacts than previously estimated. This result provides additionalevidence that Mars is not an untouched leftover from the oligarchic phase, butmust be composed of several oligarchs assembled through giant impacts.
Interactions at impact parameters greater than several Hill radii cause the protoplanets to repel each other; if the impact parameter is instead much less than the Hill radius, the protoplanets shift slightly in semi-major axis but remain otherwise unperturbed. If the orbits of two or more protoplanets are separated by less than a Hill radius, they are each pushed towards an equilibrium spacing between their neighbors and can exist as a stable co-orbital system.
We evaluate the Coulomb drag current in two finite-lengthTomonaga-Luttinger-liquid wires coupled by an electrostatic backscatteringinteraction. The drag current in one wire shows oscillations as a function ofthe bias voltage applied to the other wire, reflecting interferences of theplasmon standing waves in the interacting wires. In agreement with thispicture, the amplitude of the current oscillations is reduced with increasingtemperature. This is a clear signature of non-Fermi-liquid physics because forcoupled Fermi liquids the drag resistance is always expected to increase as thetemperature is raised.
We evaluate the Coulomb drag current in two finite-length Tomonaga-Luttinger-liquid wires coupled by an electrostatic backscattering interaction.
Matched filtering is used to search for gravitational waves emitted byinspiralling compact binaries in data from the ground-based interferometers.One of the key aspects of the detection process is the design of a templatebank that covers the astrophysically pertinent parameter space. In an earlierpaper, we described a template bank that is based on a square lattice. Althoughrobust, we showed that the square placement is over-efficient, with theimplication that it is computationally more demanding than required. In thispaper, we present a template bank based on an hexagonal lattice, which size isreduced by 40% with respect to the proposed square placement. We describe thepractical aspects of the hexagonal template bank implementation, its size, andcomputational cost. We have also performed exhaustive simulations tocharacterize its efficiency and safeness. We show that the bank is adequate tosearch for a wide variety of binary systems (primordial black holes, neutronstars and stellar mass black holes) and in data from both current detectors(initial LIGO, Virgo and GEO600) as well as future detectors (advanced LIGO andEGO). Remarkably, although our template bank placement uses a metric arisingfrom a particular template family, namely stationary phase approximation, weshow that it can be used successfully with other template families (e.g., Paderesummation and effective one-body approximation). This quality of beingeffective for different template families makes the proposed bank suitable fora search that would use several of them in parallel (e.g., in a binary blackhole search). The hexagonal template bank described in this paper is currentlyused to search for non-spinning inspiralling compact binaries in data from theLaser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO).
We describe the practical aspects of the hexagonal template bank implementation, its size, and computational cost. We have also performed exhaustive simulations to characterize its efficiency and safeness.
Recently the AAGL (Anshel-Anshel-Goldfeld-Lemieux) has been proposed whichcan be used for RFID tags. We give algorithms for the problem (we call theMSCSPv) on which the security of the AAGL protocol is based upon. Hence we givevarious attacks for general parameters on the recent AAGL protocol proposed.One of our attacks is a deterministic algorithm which has space complexity andtime complexity both atleast exponentialin the worst case. In a better caseusing a probabilistic algorithm the time complexity canbeO(|XSS(ui')^L5*(n^(1+e)) and the space complexity can be O(|XSS(ui')|^L6),where the element ui' is part of a public key, n is the index of braid group,XSS is a summit type set and e is a constant in a limit. The above shows theAAGL protocol is potentially not significantly more secure as using keyagreement protocols based on the conjugacy problem such as the AAG(Anshel-Anshel-Goldfeld) protocol because both protocols can be broken withcomplexity which do not significantly differ. We think our attacks can beimproved.
One of our attacks is a deterministic algorithm which has space complexity and time complexity both at least exponential in the worst case. In a better case using a probabilistic algorithm the time complexity can be O(|XSS(ui')^L5*(n^(1+e)) and the space complexity can be O(|XSS(ui')|^L6), where the element ui' is part of a public key, n is the index of braid group, XSS is a summit type set and e is a constant in a limit.
We study enhancement of diffusive mixing by fast incompressible time-periodicflows. The class of relaxation-enhancing flows that are especially efficient inspeeding up mixing has been introduced in [2]. The relaxation-enhancingproperty of a flow has been shown to be intimately related to the properties ofthe dynamical system it generates. In particular, time-independent flows $u$such that the operator $u \cdot \nabla$ has sufficiently smooth eigenfunctionsare not relaxation-enhancing. Here we extend results of [2] to time-periodicflows $u(x,t)$ and in particular show that there exist flows such that for eachfixed time the flow is Hamiltonian, but the resulting time-dependent flow isrelaxation-enhancing. Thus we confirm the physical intuition that timedependence of a flow may aid mixing. We also provide an extension of ourresults to the case of a nonlinear diffusion model. The proofs are based on ageneral criterion for the decay of a semigroup generated by an operator of theform $\Gamma+iAL(t)$ with a negative unbounded self-adjoint operator $\Gamma$,a time-periodic self-adjoint operator-valued function $L(t)$, and a parameter$A>>1$.
The proofs are based on a general criterion for the decay of a semigroup generated by an operator of the form $\Gamma+ i AL(t)$ with a negative unbounded self-adjoint operator $\Gamma$, a time-periodic self-adjoint operator-valued function $L(t)$, and a parameter $A >> 1$.
We study the smoothness of the density of a semilinear heat equation withmultiplicative spacetime white noise. Using Malliavin calculus, we reduce theproblem to a question of negative moments of solutions of a linear heatequation with multiplicative white noise. Then we settle this question byproving that solutions to the linear equation have negative moments of allorders.
Using Malliavin calculus, we reduce the problem to a question of negative moments of solutions of a linear heat equation with multiplicative white noise. Then we settle this question by proving that solutions to the linear equation have negative moments of all orders.
It is shown that a k=0, A_{2u} distortion of the terbium tetrahedral networkin Tb2Ti2O7 accounts for the apparent isolation of single tetrahedra as seen inneutron scattering studies. Single tetrahedron collective spin states, ratherthan individual spins, account for the main features of the spin liquid state,namely, fluctuating local moments and the absence of long range order. Singletand doublet collective spin ground states are considered. An effectiveinteraction between tetrahedra on the fcc lattice is derived and found to beweak and anisotropic.
It is shown that a k=0, A_{2u} distortion of the terbium tetrahedral networkin Tb2Ti2O7 accounts for the apparent isolation of single tetrahedra as seen inneutron scattering studies.
The ordinary contact process is used to model the spread of a disease in apopulation. In this model, each infected individual waits an exponentiallydistributed time with parameter 1 before becoming healthy. In this paper, weintroduce and study the contact process in a randomly evolving environment.Here we associate to every individual an independent two-state, $\{0,1\},$background process. Given $\delta_0<\delta_1,$ if the background process is instate $0,$ the individual (if infected) becomes healthy at rate $\delta_0,$while if the background process is in state $1,$ it becomes healthy at rate$\delta_1.$ By stochastically comparing the contact process in a randomlyevolving environment to the ordinary contact process, we will investigatematters of extinction and that of weak and strong survival. A key step in ouranalysis is to obtain stochastic domination results between certain pointprocesses. We do this by starting out in a discrete setting and then takingcontinuous time limits.
By stochastically comparing the contact process in a randomly evolving environment to the ordinary contact process, we will investigate matters of extinction and that of weak and strong survival. A key step in our analysis is to obtain stochastic domination results between certain point processes. We do this by starting out in a discrete setting and then taking continuous time limits.
We present results of measurements of electrical, magnetic and thermalproperties of EuB$_{5.99}$C$_{0.01}$. The observed anomalously large negativemagnetoresistance as above, so below the Curie temperature of ferromagneticordering $T_C$ is attributed to fluctuations in carbon concentration. Below$T_C$ the carbon richer regions give rise to helimagnetic domains, which areresponsible for an additional scattering term in the resistivity, which can besuppressed by a magnetic field. Above $T_C$ these regions prevent the processof percolation of magnetic polarons (MPs), acting as "spacers" between MPs. Wepropose that such "spacers", being in fact volumes incompatible with existenceof MPs, may be responsible for the decrease of the percolation temperature andfor the additional (magneto)resistivity increase in systems with MPs.
We present results of measurements of electrical, magnetic and thermal properties of EuB$_{5.99}$C$_{0.01}$.
We find an improved estimate of the radius of analyticity of the pressure ofthe hard-sphere gas in $d$ dimensions. The estimates are determined by thevolume of multidimensional regions that can be numerically computed. For $d=2$,for instance, our estimate is about 40% larger than the classical one.
The estimates are determined by the volume of multidimensional regions that can be numerically computed.
We investigate the properties of isospin-symmetric nuclear matter and neutronstars in a chiral model approach adopting the SU(2) parity doublet formulation.This ansatz explicitly incorporates chiral symmetry restoration with the limitof degenerate masses of the nucleons and their parity partners. Instead ofsearching for an optimized parameter set we explore the general parameterdependence of nuclear matter and star properties in the model. We are able toget a good description of ground state nuclear matter as well as large valuesof mass for neutron stars in agreement with observation.
This ansatz explicitly incorporates chiral symmetry restoration with the limit of degenerate masses of the nucleons and their parity partners. Instead of searching for an optimized parameter set we explore the general parameter dependence of nuclear matter and star properties in the model.
In this paper we introduce two new methods for constructing harmonicmorphisms from solvable Lie groups. The first method yields global solutionsfrom any simply connected nilpotent Lie group and from any Riemannian symmetricspace of non-compact type and rank $r\ge 3$. The second method provides us withglobal solutions from any Damek-Ricci space and many non-compact Riemanniansymmetric spaces. We then give a continuous family of 3-dimensional solvableLie groups not admitting any complex valued harmonic morphisms, not evenlocally.
The first method yields global solutions from any simply connected nilpotent Lie group and from any Riemannian symmetric space of non-compact type and rank $r\ge 3$. The second method provides us with global solutions from any Damek-Ricci space and many non-compact Riemannian symmetric spaces.
Convergence properties of Shannon Entropy are studied. In the differentialsetting, it is shown that weak convergence of probability measures, orconvergence in distribution, is not enough for convergence of the associateddifferential entropies. A general result for the desired differential entropyconvergence is provided, taking into account both compactly and uncompactlysupported densities. Convergence of differential entropy is also characterizedin terms of the Kullback-Liebler discriminant for densities with fairly generalsupports, and it is shown that convergence in variation of probability measuresguarantees such convergence under an appropriate boundedness condition on thedensities involved. Results for the discrete setting are also provided,allowing for infinitely supported probability measures, by taking advantage ofthe equivalence between weak convergence and convergence in variation in thissetting.
A general result for the desired differential entropy convergence is provided, taking into account both compactly and uncompactly supported densities. Convergence of differential entropy is also characterized in terms of the Kullback-Liebler discriminant for densities with fairly general supports, and it is shown that convergence in variation of probability measures guarantees such convergence under an appropriate boundedness condition on the densities involved.
The first excited state in neutron-rich 23O was observed in a (2p1n)knock-out reaction from 26Ne on a beryllium target at a beam energy of 86MeV/A. The state is unbound with respect to neutron emission and wasreconstructed from the invariant mass from the 22O fragment and the neutron. Itis unbound by 45(2) keV corresponding to an excitation energy of 2.8(1) MeV.The non-observation of further resonances implies a predominantly directreaction mechanism of the employed three-nucleon-removal reaction whichsuggests the assignment of the observed resonance to be the 5/2+ hole state.
The first excited state in neutron-rich 23O was observed in a (2p1n)knock-out reaction from 26Ne on a beryllium target at a beam energy of 86MeV/A.
In this work we study the spectral functions of scalar mesons in one- andtwo-channel cases. When the propagators satisfy the K\"allen-Lehmanrepresentation a normalized spectral function is obtained, allowing to takeinto account finite-width effects in the evaluation of decay rates. In theone-channel case, suitable to the light sigma and k mesons, the spectralfunction can deviate consistently from a Breit-Wigner shape. In the two-channelcase with one subthreshold channel the evaluated spectral function is wellapproximated by a Flatte' distribution; when applying the study to the a_0(980)and f_0(980) mesons the tree-level forbidden KK decay is analysed.
When the propagators satisfy the K\"allen-Lehman representation a normalized spectral function is obtained, allowing to take into account finite-width effects in the evaluation of decay rates.
In this paper, we investigate the properties of a membrane in the M5-branebackground. Through solving the classical equations of motion of the membrane,we can understand the classical dynamics of the membrane in this background.
Through solving the classical equations of motion of the membrane, we can understand the classical dynamics of the membrane in this background.
The structural properties of single component fluids of hard hyperspheres inodd space dimensionalities $d$ are studied with an analytical approximationmethod that generalizes the Rational Function Approximation earlier introducedin the study of hard-sphere fluids [S. B. Yuste and A. Santos, Phys. Rev. A{\bf 43}, 5418 (1991)]. The theory makes use of the exact form of the radialdistribution function to first order in density and extends it to finitedensity by assuming a rational form for a function defined in Laplace space,the coefficients being determined by simple physical requirements. Fouriertransform in terms of reverse Bessel polynomials constitute the mathematicalframework of this approximation, from which an analytical expression for thestatic structure factor is obtained. In its most elementary form, the methodrecovers the solution of the Percus-Yevick closure to the Ornstein-Zernikeequation for hyperspheres at odd dimension. The present formalism allows one togo beyond by yielding solutions with thermodynamic consistency between thevirial and compressibility routes to any desired equation of state. Excellentagreement with available computer simulation data at $d=5$ and $d=7$ isobtained. As a byproduct of this study, an exact and explicit polynomialexpression for the intersection volume of two identical hyperspheres inarbitrary odd dimensions is given.
The theory makes use of the exact form of the radial distribution function to first order in density and extends it to finite density by assuming a rational form for a function defined in Laplace space, the coefficients being determined by simple physical requirements. Fourier transform in terms of reverse Bessel polynomials constitute the mathematical framework of this approximation, from which an analytical expression for the static structure factor is obtained.
We present results for masses of light mesons obtained with the variationalmethod using an enhanced basis of interpolating field operators with differentquark smearings. The interpolators are constructed from Jacobi-smeared quarksof a Gaussian type as well as from derivative quark sources obtained by acovariant derivative acting on the Gaussian sources. For our analysis we usequenched gauge configurations with Chirally Improved quarks and theLuescher-Weisz gauge action on a 16^3 x 32 lattice with a = 0.148 fm. Wediscuss the influence of derivative sources on the overlap with excited states.
We present results for masses of light mesons obtained with the variational method using an enhanced basis of interpolating field operators with different quark smearings. The interpolators are constructed from Jacobi-smeared quarks of a Gaussian type as well as from derivative quark sources obtained by a covariant derivative acting on the Gaussian sources.
We give examples of smooth $\k$-unirational line-free quartic hypersurfacesover a non algebraically closed field $\k$. Unlike other methods of provingunirationality, our method does not rely on existence of linear spaces onquartics.
Unlike other methods of proving unirationality, our method does not rely on existence of linear spaces on quartics.
We propose a quasi-local formula for the linear momentum of black-holehorizons inspired by the formalism of quasi-local horizons. We test thisformula using two complementary configurations: (i) by calculating the largeorbital linear momentum of the two black holes in an unequal-mass, zero-spin,quasi-circular binary and (ii) by calculating the very small recoil momentumimparted to the remnant of the head-on collision of an equal-mass,anti-aligned-spin binary. We obtain results consistent with the horizontrajectory in the orbiting case, and consistent with the net radiated linearmomentum for the much smaller head-on recoil velocity.
We propose a quasi-local formula for the linear momentum of black-hole horizons inspired by the formalism of quasi-local horizons. We test this formula using two complementary configurations: (i) by calculating the large orbital linear momentum of the two black holes in an unequal-mass, zero-spin, quasi-circular binary and (ii) by calculating the very small recoil momentum imparted to the remnant of the head-on collision of an equal-mass, anti-aligned-spin binary.
The electron tunneling through a molecular junction modeled by a single siteweakly coupled to two leads is studied in the presence of a time-dependentexternal field using a master equation approach. In the case of small biasvoltages and high carrier frequencies of the external field, we observe thephenomenon of coherent destruction of tunneling, i.e. the current through themolecular junction vanishes completely for certain parameters of the externalfield. In previous studies the tunneling within isolated and open multi-sitesystems was suppressed; it is shown here that the tunneling between a singlesite and electronic reservoirs, i.e. the leads, can be suppressed as well. Forlarger bias voltages the current does not vanish any more since furthertunneling channels participate in the electron conduction and we also observephoton-assisted tunneling which leads to steps in the current-voltagecharacteristics. The described phenomena are demonstrated not only formonochromatic fields but also for laser pulses and therefore could be used forultrafast optical switching of the current through molecular junctions.
The electron tunneling through a molecular junction modeled by a single site weakly coupled to two leads is studied in the presence of a time-dependent external field using a master equation approach.
Three quantitative features of string theory on AdS_5 x X_5, for any(quasi)regular Sasaki-Einstein X_5, are recovered exactly from an expansion offield theory at strong coupling around configurations in the moduli space ofvacua. These configurations can be thought of as a generalized matrix model of(local) commuting matrices. First, we reproduce the spectrum of scalarKaluza-Klein modes on X_5. Secondly, we recover the precise spectrum of BMNstring states, including a nontrivial dependence on the volume of X_5. Finally,we show how the radial direction in global AdS_5 emerges universally in thesetheories by exhibiting states dual to AdS giant gravitons.
Three quantitative features of string theory on AdS_5 x X_5, for any (quasi)regular Sasaki- Einstein X_5, are recovered exactly from an expansion offield theory at strong coupling around configurations in the moduli space of vacua. These configurations can be thought of as a generalized matrix model of (local) commuting matrices.
We calculate the non-linear I-V tunneling curves for a two-point-contacttunneling junction between two edges of the $\nu={5/2}$ non-abelian fractionalquantum Hall state. The non-linear I-V tunneling curves are calculated for bothcases with and without an $e/4$ non-abelian quasiparticle between the twocontacts. We confirm that, within a dynamical edge theory, the presence of the$e/4$ quasiparticle between the two contacts destroys the interference betweenthe two tunneling paths. We also calculate how the interference reappears asthe $e/4$ quasiparticle is moved closer to an edge.
We calculate the non-linear I-V tunneling curves for a two-point-contact tunneling junction between two edges of the $\nu={5/2}$ non-abelian fractional quantum Hall state. The non-linear I-V tunneling curves are calculated for both cases with and without an $e/4$ non-abelian quasiparticle between the two contacts.
We analyze the observations of the transient X-ray pulsar 4U 0115+63 with theRXTE and INTEGRAL observatories in a wide X-ray (3-100 keV) energy band duringits intense outbursts in 1999 and 2004. The energy of the fundamental harmonicof the cyclotron resonance absorption line near the maximum of the X-ray fluxfrom the source (luminosity range 5x10^{37} - 2x10^{38} erg/s) is ~11 keV. Whenthe pulsar luminosity falls below ~5x10^{37} erg/s, the energy of thefundamental harmonic is displaced sharply toward the high energies, up to ~16keV. Under the assumption of a dipole magnetic field configuration, this changein cyclotron harmonic energy corresponds to a decrease in the height of theemitting region by ~2 km, while other spectral parameters, in particular, thecutoff energy, remain essentially constant. At a luminosity ~7x10^{37} erg/s,four almost equidistant cyclotron line harmonics are clearly seen in thespectrum. This suggests that either the region where the emission originates iscompact or the emergent spectrum from different (in height) segments of theaccretion column is uniform. We have found significant pulse profile variationswith energy, luminosity, and time. In particular, we show that the profilevariations from pulse to pulse are not reduced to a simple modulation of theaccretion rate specified by external conditions.
We analyze the observations of the transient X-ray pulsar 4U 0115+63 with the RXTE and INTEGRAL observatories in a wide X-ray (3-100 keV) energy band during its intense outbursts in 1999 and 2004.
INTEGRAL monitoring of the Galactic Plane is revealing a growing number ofrecurrent X-ray transients, characterised by short outbursts with very fastrise times (~ tens of minutes) and typical durations of a few hours. Asubstantial fraction of these sources are associated with OB supergiants andhence define a new class of massive X-ray binaries, which we call SupergiantFast X-ray Transients. Characterisation of the astrophysical parameters oftheir counterparts is underway. So far, we have found a number of late O andearly B supergiants of different luminosities at a large range of distances.Nothing in their optical properties sets them apart from classical SupergiantX-ray Binaries. On the other hand, there is now rather concluding evidence thatpersistent supergiant X-ray binaries also show fast outbursts. This suggests acontinuum of behaviours between typical persistent supergiant systems andpurely transient systems, but offers very little information about the physicalcauses of the outbursts.
Characterisation of the astrophysical parameters of their counterparts is underway. So far, we have found a number of late O and early B supergiants of different luminosities at a large range of distances.
We present a procedure for reconstructing particle cascades from event datameasured in a high energy physics experiment. For evaluating the hypothesis ofa specific physics process causing the observed data, all possiblereconstruction versions of the scattering process are constructed from thefinal state objects. We describe the procedure as well as examples of physicsprocesses of different complexity studied at hadron-hadron colliders. Weestimate the performance by 20 microseconds per reconstructed decay vertex, and0.6 kByte per reconstructed particle in the decay trees.
We present a procedure for reconstructing particle cascades from event data measured in a high energy physics experiment. For evaluating the hypothesis of a specific physics process causing the observed data, all possible reconstruction versions of the scattering process are constructed from the final state objects.
The relation between tidal interactions, starbursts, and the onset and/orfueling of active galactic nuclei (AGN) is a matter of debate. I Zw 1 isconsidered as the prototypical narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy (NLS1) and as oneof the closest quasi-stellar objects (QSOs). With a clear spiral host and asmall companion galaxy to the west, I Zw 1 is a possible example ofminor-merger-related nuclear activity. This study investigates possible signsof a relation between merger process, star formation activity, and AGNproperties in the case of I Zw 1. The morphology of I Zw 1 and nearby sourcesis investigated via high-resolution NIR images. Color trends in the host galaxyof I Zw 1 are discussed by means of optical-to-NIR color composites. Long-slitspectra of the QSO nucleus of I Zw 1 and of the two nearby sources to the northand the west of the I Zw 1 disk are analyzed. The data support the scenario ofa tidal interaction between I Zw 1 and the small companion galaxy to the west.A concentration of blue color in the western part of the I Zw 1 host galaxymight be the manifestation of merger-induced star formation activity. Previousfindings that the likely companion has an old evolved stellar population aresubstantiated by the new data. An extension to the west of the putativecompanion emerges as a separate source. The source to the north of the I Zw 1disk is reconfirmed as a late-type foreground star. Lines in the nuclear K-bandspectrum of I Zw 1 are discussed in comparison to data prior to this articleand line fluxes are reported.
The morphology of I Zw 1 and nearby sources is investigated via high-resolution NIR images. Color trends in the host galaxy of I Zw 1 are discussed by means of optical-to-NIR color composites. Long-slit spectra of the QSO nucleus of I Zw 1 and of the two nearby sources to the north and the west of the I Zw 1 disk are analyzed.
We propose a subtraction scheme for a massive Yang-Mills theory realized viaa nonlinear representation of the gauge group (here SU(2)). It is based on thesubtraction of the poles in D-4 of the amplitudes, in dimensionalregularization, after a suitable normalization has been performed. Perturbationtheory is in the number of loops and the procedure is stable under iterativesubtraction of the poles. The unphysical Goldstone bosons, the Faddeev-Popovghosts and the unphysical mode of the gauge field are expected to cancel out inthe unitarity equation. The spontaneous symmetry breaking parameter is not aphysical variable. We use the tools already tested in the nonlinear sigmamodel: hierarchy in the number of Goldstone boson legs and weak power-countingproperty (finite number of independent divergent amplitudes at each order). Itis intriguing that the model is naturally based on the symmetry SU(2)_L localtimes SU(2)_R global. By construction the physical amplitudes depend on themass and on the self-coupling constant of the gauge particle and moreover onthe scale parameter of the radiative corrections. The Feynman rules are in theLandau gauge.
It is based on the subtraction of the poles in D-4 of the amplitudes, in dimensional regularization, after a suitable normalization has been performed. Perturbation theory is in the number of loops and the procedure is stable under iterative subtraction of the poles.
Magnetic ordering at low temperature for Ising ferromagnets manifests itselfwithin the associated Fortuin-Kasteleyn (FK) random cluster representation asthe occurrence of a single positive density percolating network. In this paperwe investigate the percolation signature for Ising spin glass ordering -- bothin short-range (EA) and infinite-range (SK) models -- within a two-replica FKrepresentation and also within the different Chayes-Machta-Redner two-replicagraphical representation. Based on numerical studies of the $\pm J$ EA model inthree dimensions and on rigorous results for the SK model, we conclude that thespin glass transition corresponds to the appearance of {\it two} percolatingclusters of {\it unequal} densities.
In this paper we investigate the percolation signature for Ising spin glass ordering -- both in short-range (EA) and infinite-range (SK) models -- within a two-replica FK representation and also within the different Chayes-Machta-Redner two-replica graphical representation. Based on numerical studies of the $\pm J$ EA model in three dimensions and on rigorous results for the SK model, we conclude that the spin glass transition corresponds to the appearance of {\it two} percolating clusters of {\it unequal} densities.
Classes of $G$-Hom-associative algebras are constructed as deformations of$G$-associative algebras along algebra endomorphisms. As special cases, weobtain Hom-associative and Hom-Lie algebras as deformations of associative andLie algebras, respectively, along algebra endomorphisms. Chevalley-Eilenbergtype homology for Hom-Lie algebras are also constructed.
Classes of $G$-Hom-associative algebras are constructed as deformations of $G$-associative algebras along algebra endomorphisms. As special cases, we obtain Hom-associative and Hom-Lie algebras as deformations of associative and Lie algebras, respectively, along algebra endomorphisms.
We have observed five carbon-rich AGB stars in the Fornax dwarf spheroidal(dSph) galaxy, using the Infrared Spectrometer on board the Spitzer SpaceTelescope. The stars were selected from a near-infrared survey of Fornax andinclude the three reddest stars, with presumably the highest mass-loss rates,in that galaxy. Such carbon stars probably belong to the intermediate-agepopulation (2-8 Gyr old and metallicity of [Fe/H] -1) of Fornax. The primaryaim of this paper is to investigate mass-loss rate, as a function of luminosityand metallicity, by comparing AGB stars in several galaxies with differentmetallicities. The spectra of three stars are fitted with a radiative transfermodel. We find that mass-loss rates of these three stars are 4-7x10^-6 Msunyr-1. The other two stars have mass-loss rates below 1.3x10^-6 Msun yr-1. Wefind no evidence that these rates depend on metallicity, although we do suggestthat the gas-to-dust ratio could be higher than at solar metallicity, in therange 240 to 800. The C2H2 bands are stronger at lower metallicity because ofthe higher C/O ratio. In contrast, the SiC fraction is reduced at lowmetallicity, due to low silicon abundance. The total mass-loss rate from allknown carbon-rich AGB stars into the interstellar medium of this galaxy is ofthe order of 2x10^-5 Msun yr-1. This is much lower than that of the dwarfirregular galaxy WLM, which has a similar visual luminosity and metallicity.The difference is attributed to the younger stellar population of WLM. Thesuppressed gas-return rate to the ISM accentuates the difference between therelatively gas-rich dwarf irregular and the gas-poor dwarf spheroidal galaxies.Our study will be useful to constrain gas and dust recycling processes in lowmetallicity galaxies.
The spectra of three stars are fitted with a radiative transfer model.
Using 226 million BBbar events recorded on the Upsilon(4S) resonance with theBABAR detector at the SLAC e+e- PEPII storage rings, we reconstruct B- -> D*0e- nubar decays using the decay chain D*0 -> D0 pi0 and D0 -> K pi. From thedependence of their differential rate on w, the dot product of thefour-velocities of B and D*0, and using the form factor description by Capriniet al. with the parameters F(1) and rho_A1^2, we obtain the results rho_A1^2 =1.16 +- 0.06 +- 0.08, F(1)|V_cb| = (35.9 +- 0.6 +- 1.4) 10^-3, and BF(B- -> D*0e- nubar) = (5.56 +- 0.08 +- 0.41)%.
Using 226 million BBbar events recorded on the Upsilon(4S) resonance with the BABAR detector at the SLAC e+e- PEPII storage rings, we reconstruct B- -> D*0e- nubar decays using the decay chain D*0 -> D0 pi0 and D0 -> K pi.
For a given sequence of positive integers we make an explicit construction ofa reduced hyperbolic operator in SL(2,z) with the sequence as a period of ageometric continued fraction in the sense of Klein. Further we experimentallystudy an algorithm to construct a period for an arbitrary operator of SL(2,z)(the Gauss Reduction Theory).
For a given sequence of positive integers we make an explicit construction of a reduced hyperbolic operator in SL(2,z) with the sequence as a period of a geometric continued fraction in the sense of Klein. Further we experimentally study an algorithm to construct a period for an arbitrary operator of SL(2,z)(the Gauss Reduction Theory).
We are interested in the homogenization of elastic-electric couplingequation, with rapidly oscillating coefficients, in periodically perforatedpiezoelectric body. We justify the two first terms in the usual asymptoticdevelopment of the problem solution. For the main convergence results of thispaper, we use the notion of {\it two-scale convergence}. A two-scalehomogenized system is obtained as the limit of the periodic problem. While inthe static limit the method provides homogenized electroelastic coefficientswhicht coincide with those deduced from other homogenization techniques(asymptotic homogenization, $\Gamma$-convergence).
For the main convergence results of this paper, we use the notion of {\it two-scale convergence}. A two-scale homogenized system is obtained as the limit of the periodic problem.
This paper presents a useful compact formula for deriving an effectiveHamiltonian describing the time-averaged dynamics of detuned quantum systems.The formalism also works for ensemble-averaged dynamics of stochastic systems.To illustrate the technique we give examples involving Raman processes,Bloch-Siegert shifts and Quantum Logic Gates.
This paper presents a useful compact formula for deriving an effective Hamiltonian describing the time-averaged dynamics of detuned quantum systems. The formalism also works for ensemble-averaged dynamics of stochastic systems.
Index theorem is formulated in noncommutative geometry with finite degrees offreedom by using Ginsparg-Wilson relation. It is extended to the case where thegauge symmetry is spontaneously broken. Dynamical analysis about topologicalaspects in gauge theory is also shown.
Index theorem is formulated in noncommutative geometry with finite degrees offreedom by using Ginsparg-Wilson relation. It is extended to the case where the gauge symmetry is spontaneously broken.
Finsler and Lagrange spaces can be equivalently represented as almost Kahlermanifolds enabled with a metric compatible canonical distinguished connectionstructure generalizing the Levi Civita connection. The goal of this paper is toperform a natural Fedosov-type deformation quantization of such geometries. Allconstructions are canonically derived for regular Lagrangians and/orfundamental Finsler functions on tangent bundles.
The goal of this paper is to perform a natural Fedosov-type deformation quantization of such geometries. All constructions are canonically derived for regular Lagrangians and/or fundamental Finsler functions on tangent bundles.
Noether-Lefschetz divisors in the moduli of K3 surfaces are the locicorresponding to Picard rank at least 2. We relate the degrees of theNoether-Lefschetz divisors in 1-parameter families of K3 surfaces to theGromov-Witten theory of the 3-fold total space. The reduced K3 theory and theYau-Zaslow formula play an important role. We use results of Borcherds andKudla-Millson for O(2,19) lattices to determine the Noether-Lefschetz degreesin classical families of K3 surfaces of degrees 2, 4, 6 and 8. For the quarticK3 surfaces, the Noether-Lefschetz degrees are proven to be the Fouriercoefficients of an explicitly computed modular form of weight 21/2 and level 8.The interplay with mirror symmetry is discussed. We close with a conjecture onthe Picard ranks of moduli spaces of K3 surfaces.
We use results of Borcherds and Kudla-Millson for O(2,19) lattices to determine the Noether-Lefschetz degrees in classical families of K3 surfaces of degrees 2, 4, 6 and 8. For the quartic K3 surfaces, the Noether-Lefschetz degrees are proven to be the Fourier coefficients of an explicitly computed modular form of weight 21/2 and level 8.
We give an a priori construction of the two-dimensional reduction ofthree-dimensional quantum Chern-Simons theory. This reduction is atwo-dimensional topological quantum field theory and so determines to aFrobenius ring, which here is the twisted equivariant K-theory of a compact Liegroup. We construct the theory via correspondence diagrams of moduli spaces,which we "linearize" using complex K-theory. A key point in the construction isto consistently orient these moduli spaces to define pushforwards; theconsistent orientation induces twistings of complex K-theory. TheMadsen-Tillmann spectra play a crucial role.
We construct the theory via correspondence diagrams of moduli spaces, which we "linearize" using complex K-theory. A key point in the construction is to consistently orient these moduli spaces to define pushforwards; the consistent orientation induces twistings of complex K-theory.
We construct a DGP inspired braneworld scenario where a scalar fieldnon-minimally coupled to the induced Ricci curvature is present on the brane.First we investigate the status of gravitational potential with non-minimalcoupling and observational constraints on this non-minimal model. Then wefurther deepen the idea of embedding of FRW cosmology in this non-minimalsetup. Cosmological implications of this scenario are examined with details andthe quintessence and late-time expansion of the universe within this frameworkare examined. Some observational constraints imposed on this non-minimalscenario are studied and relation of this model with dark radiation formalismis determined with details.
First we investigate the status of gravitational potential with non-minimal coupling and observational constraints on this non-minimal model. Then we further deepen the idea of embedding of FRW cosmology in this non-minimal setup.
We present simulations of a large array of imaging atmospheric Cherenkovtelescopes (IACTs), for which the size of the array footprint is much largerthan the size of the Cherenkov lightpool. To evaluate limitations of theimaging atmospheric Cherenkov technique, the array is simulated under theassumption of ideal optics, having infinite resolution of the photon arrivaldirection, which makes our conclusions independent of any particular telescopeimplementation. The primary characteristics of the array performance, gamma-raytrigger efficiency, photon energy at the peak of the detection rate, andangular resolution are calculated as a function of the parameters of the array:telescope spacing, telescope aperture, and camera pixelation. We discussimplication of the results for the design of the next generation ground-basedgamma-ray observatory.
To evaluate limitations of the imaging atmospheric Cherenkov technique, the array is simulated under the assumption of ideal optics, having infinite resolution of the photon arrival direction, which makes our conclusions independent of any particular telescope implementation. The primary characteristics of the array performance, gamma-ray trigger efficiency, photon energy at the peak of the detection rate, and angular resolution are calculated as a function of the parameters of the array: telescope spacing, telescope aperture, and camera pixelation.
We have carried out measurements of the pressure dependence to 1.2 GPa of theoxygen isotope effect on $T_c$ in the high-$T_c$ superconductorYBa$_2$Cu$_4$O$_8$ using a clamp cell in a SQUID magnetometer. This compoundlies close to, but just above, the 1/8$^{th}$ doping point where inLa$_{2-x}$Sr$_x$CuO$_4$ marked anomalies in isotope effects occur. Bothisotopes show the same very large pressure dependence of $T_c$ with the resultthat the isotope exponent remains low ($\sim$0.08) but increases slightly withincreasing pressure. This is discussed in terms of stripe suppression, acompeting pseudogap and the effect of superconducting fluctuations.
We have carried out measurements of the pressure dependence to 1.2 GPa of the oxygen isotope effect on $T_c$ in the high-$T_c$ superconductor YBa$_2$Cu$_4$O$_8$ using a clamp cell in a SQUID magnetometer.
Finsler geometry is a natural and fundamental generalization of Riemanngeometry. The Finsler structure depends on both coordinates and velocities. Itis defined as a function on tangent bundle of a manifold. We use the Bianchiidentities satisfied by Chern curvature to set up a gravitation theory inBerwald-Finsler space. The geometric part of the gravitational field equationis nonsymmetric in general. This indicates that the local Lorentz invariance isviolated. Nontrivial solutions of the gravitational field equation arepresented.
We use the Bianchi identities satisfied by Chern curvature to set up a gravitation theory in Berwald-Finsler space.
The low-frequency peaked BL Lac (LBL) object BL Lacertae was observed withthe MAGIC telescope from 2005 August to December (22.2 hr), and from 2006 Julyto September (26.0 hr). A very high energy (VHE) gamma-ray signal wasdiscovered with a 5.1 sigma excess in the 2005 data. Above 200 GeV, an integralflux of (0.6+-0.2)x10e-11 m-2 s-1 was measured, corresponding to approximately3% of the Crab flux. The differential spectrum between 150 and 900 GeV israther steep, with a photon index of -3.6+-0.5. The light curve shows nosignificant variability during the observations in 2005. For the first time aclear detection of VHE gamma-ray emission from an LBL object was obtained. The2006 data show no significant excess. This drop in flux follows the observedtrend in optical activity
The low-frequency peaked BL Lac (LBL) object BL Lacertae was observed with the MAGIC telescope from 2005 August to December (22.2 hr), and from 2006 July to September (26.0 hr).
We present results of our projected rotational velocities (Vsin(i))measurements of F, G and K giants obtained from the cross-correlation function(CCF) constructed from high signal to noise spectra. We also present thecalibration of the HET/HRS cross-correlation function to determine accurateprojected rotational velocities Vsin(i) for slowly-rotating F-K giants.
We present results of our projected rotational velocities (Vsin(i)) measurements of F, G and K giants obtained from the cross-correlation function (CCF) constructed from high signal to noise spectra. We also present the calibration of the HET/HRS cross-correlation function to determine accurate projected rotational velocities Vsin(i) for slowly-rotating F-K giants.
In this paper, we propose an architecture/methodology for making FPGAssuitable for integer as well as variable precision floating pointmultiplication. The proposed work will of great importance in applicationswhich requires variable precision floating point multiplication such asmulti-media processing applications. In the proposed architecture/methodology,we propose the replacement of existing 18x18 bit and 25x18 bit dedicatedmultipliers in FPGAs with dedicated 24x24 bit and 24x9 bit multipliers,respectively. We have proved that our approach of providing the dedicated 24x24bit and 24x9 bit multipliers in FPGAs will make them efficient for performinginteger as well as single precision, double precision, and Quadruple precisionfloating point multiplications.
In the proposed architecture/methodology, we propose the replacement of existing 18x18 bit and 25x18 bit dedicated multipliers in FPGAs with dedicated 24x24 bit and 24x9 bit multipliers, respectively.
The lineshape of the Lambda(1405) was studied in the pp -> pK+ Y0 reaction ata beam momentum of 3.65 GeV/c at COSY-Juelich. The ANKE spectrometer was usedto identify two protons, one positively charged kaon, and one negativelycharged pion in the final state. Invariant-mass and missing-mass techniqueswere applied to separate two neighbouring neutral excited hyperon resonances,the Sigma0(1385) and Lambda(1405). Both the shape and the position of theLambda(1405) distribution are similar to those measured in other reactions andthis information contributes to the ongoing debate regarding the structure ofthis resonance.
The ANKE spectrometer was usedto identify two protons, one positively charged kaon, and one negativelycharged pion in the final state. Invariant-mass and missing-mass techniques were applied to separate two neighbouring neutral excited hyperon resonances, the Sigma0(1385) and Lambda(1405).
This work presents an extended formulation of maximal stiffness design,within the framework of the topology optimization. The mathematical formulationof the optimization problem is based on the postulated principle of equaldissipation rate during inelastic deformation. This principle leads to theenforcement of stress constraints in domains where inelastic deformation wouldoccur. During the transition from the continuous structure to the truss-likeone (strut-and-tie model) the dissipation rate is kept constant using theprojected gradient method. The equal dissipation rate in the resulting trussand in the original continuous structure can be regarded as an equivalencestatement and suggests an alternative understanding of physical motivationbehind the strut-and-tie modeling. The performance of the proposed formulationis demonstrated with the help of two examples.
This principle leads to the enforcement of stress constraints in domains where inelastic deformation would occur. During the transition from the continuous structure to the truss-like one (strut-and-tie model) the dissipation rate is kept constant using the projected gradient method.
In this paper, we continue the study of the category of functors Fquad,associated to F_2-vector spaces equipped with a nondegenerate quadratic form,initiated in two previous papers of the author. We define a filtration of thestandard projective objects in Fquad; this refines to give a decomposition intoindecomposable factors of the two first standard projective objects in Fquad.As an application of these two decompositions, we give a complete descriptionof the polynomial functors of the category Fquad.
We define a filtration of the standard projective objects in Fquad; this refines to give a decomposition into indecomposable factors of the two first standard projective objects in Fquad.
The purpose of this paper is to present simple and general algebraic methodsfor describing series connections in quantum networks. These methods build onand generalize existing methods for series (or cascade) connections by allowingfor more general interfaces, and by introducing an efficient algebraic tool,the series product. We also introduce another product, which we call theconcatenation product, that is useful for assembling and representing systemswithout necessarily having connections. We show how the concatenation andseries products can be used to describe feedforward and feedback networks. Aselection of examples from the quantum control literature are analyzed toillustrate the utility of our network modeling methodology.
These methods build on and generalize existing methods for series (or cascade) connections by allowing for more general interfaces, and by introducing an efficient algebraic tool, the series product. We also introduce another product, which we call the concatenation product, that is useful for assembling and representing systems without necessarily having connections.