We prove a theorem about positive-operator-valued measures (POVMs) that is ananalog of the Kolmogorov extension theorem, a standard theorem of probabilitytheory. According to our theorem, if a sequence of POVMs G_n on $\mathbb{R}^n$satisfies the consistency (or projectivity) condition $G_{n+1}(A\times\mathbb{R}) = G_n(A)$ then there is a POVM G on the space$\mathbb{R}^\mathbb{N}$ of infinite sequences that has G_n as its marginal forthe first n entries of the sequence. We also describe an application in quantumtheory.
According to our theorem, if a sequence of POVMs G_n on $\mathbb{R}^n$ satisfies the consistency (or projectivity) condition $G_{n+1}(A\times\mathbb{R}) = G_n(A)$
The authors classify the finite index subgroups of R. Thompson's group $F$. All such groups that are not isomorphic to $F$ are non-split extensionsof finite cyclic groups by $F$. The classification describes precisely whichfinite index subgroups of $F$ are isomorphic to $F$, and also separates theisomorphism classes of the finite index subgroups of $F$ which are notisomorphic to $F$ from each other; characterizing the structure of theextensions using properties of the structure of the finite index subgroups of$Z\times Z$.
All such groups that are not isomorphic to $F$ are non-split extensions of finite cyclic groups by $F$.
The objective of the PSU/TCfA Search for Planets Around Evolved Stars is tostudy evolution of planetary systems in the stellar evolution timescale. Forsuch an analysis precise physical parameters of the hosts of the planetarysystems are essential. In this paper we present an attempt to obtain basicphysical parameters for a sample of evolved stars observed within our surveywith the High Resolution Spectrograph of the Hobby-Eberly Telescope.
In this paper we present an attempt to obtain basic physical parameters for a sample of evolved stars observed within our survey with the High Resolution Spectrograph of the Hobby- Eberly Telescope.
We explore how the local environment is related to the redshift, type, andluminosity of active galactic nuclei (AGN). Recent simulations and observationsare converging on the view that the extreme luminosity of quasars is fueled inmajor mergers of gas-rich galaxies. In such a picture, quasars are expected tobe located in regions with a higher density of galaxies on small scales wheremergers are more likely to take place. However, in this picture, the activityobserved in low-luminosity AGN is due to secular processes that are lessdependent on the local galaxy density. To test this hypothesis, we compare thelocal photometric galaxy density on kiloparsec scales around spectroscopic TypeI and Type II quasars to the local density around lower luminosityspectroscopic Type I and Type II AGN. To minimize projection effects andevolution in the photometric galaxy sample we use to characterize AGNenvironments, we place our random control sample at the same redshift as ourAGN and impose a narrow redshift window around both the AGN and controltargets. We find that higher luminosity AGN have more overdense environmentscompared to lower luminosity AGN on all scales out to our $2\Mpchseventy$limit. Additionally, in the range $0.3\leqslant z\leqslant 0.6$, Type IIquasars have similarly overdense environments to those of bright Type I quasarson all scales out to our $2\Mpchseventy$ limit, while the environment of dimmerType I quasars appears to be less overdense than the environment of Type IIquasars. We see increased overdensity for Type II AGN compared to Type I AGN onscales out to our limit of $2\Mpchseventy$ in overlapping redshift ranges. Wealso detect marginal evidence for evolution in the number of galaxies within$2\Mpchseventy$ of a quasar with redshift.
To test this hypothesis, we compare the local photometric galaxy density on kiloparsec scales around spectroscopic Type I and Type II quasars to the local density around lower luminosity spectroscopic Type I and Type II AGN. To minimize projection effects and evolution in the photometric galaxy sample we use to characterize AGN environments, we place our random control sample at the same redshift as our AGN and impose a narrow redshift window around both the AGN and control targets.
We calculate axisymmetric toroidal modes of magnetized neutron stars with asolid crust. We assume the interior of the star is threaded by a poloidalmagnetic field that is continuous at the surface with the outside dipole fieldwhose strength $B_p$ at the magnetic pole is $B_p\sim 10^{16}$G. Sinceseparation of variables is not possible for oscillations of magnetized stars,we employ finite series expansions of the perturbations using sphericalharmonic functions to represent the angular dependence of the oscillationmodes. For $B_p\sim 10^{16}$G, we find distinct mode sequences, in each ofwhich the oscillation frequency of the toroidal mode slowly increases as thenumber of radial nodes of the eigenfunction increases. The frequency spectrumof the toroidal modes for $B_p\sim 10^{16}$G is largely different from that ofthe crustal toroidal modes of the non-magnetized model, although the frequencyranges are overlapped each other. This suggests that an interpretation of theobserved QPOs based on the magnetic toroidal modes may be possible if the fieldstrength of the star is as strong as $B_p\sim 10^{16}$G.
We assume the interior of the star is threaded by a poloidal magnetic field that is continuous at the surface with the outside dipole field whose strength $B_p$ at the magnetic pole is $B_p\sim 10^{16}$G. Since separation of variables is not possible for oscillations of magnetized stars, we employ finite series expansions of the perturbations using spherical harmonic functions to represent the angular dependence of the oscillation modes.
We study D-branes and Ramond-Ramond fields on global orbifolds of Type IIstring theory with vanishing H-flux using methods of equivariant K-theory andK-homology. We illustrate how Bredon equivariant cohomology naturally realizesstringy orbifold cohomology. We emphasize its role as the correct cohomologicaltool which captures known features of the low-energy effective field theory,and which provides new consistency conditions for fractional D-branes andRamond-Ramond fields on orbifolds. We use an equivariant Chern character fromequivariant K-theory to Bredon cohomology to define new Ramond-Ramond couplingsof D-branes which generalize previous examples. We propose a definition forgroups of differential characters associated to equivariant K-theory. We derivea Dirac quantization rule for Ramond-Ramond fluxes, and study flatRamond-Ramond potentials on orbifolds.
We use an equivariant Chern character from equivariant K-theory to Bredon cohomology to define new Ramond-Ramond couplings of D-branes which generalize previous examples. We propose a definition for groups of differential characters associated to equivariant K-theory.
We compute expectation values of mixed traces containing both matrices in atwo matrix model, i.e. generating function for counting bicolored discretesurfaces with non uniform boundary conditions. As an application, we prove the$x-y$ symmetry of the algebraic curve invariants introduced in math-ph/0702045.
We compute expectation values of mixed traces containing both matrices in a two matrix model, i.e. generating function for counting bicolored discrete surfaces with non uniform boundary conditions.
Magnetic fields are an important component of the interstellar medium,especially in low-mass galaxies like irregulars where the magnetic pressure maybe significant. However, few irregular galaxies have observed magnetic fieldstructures. Using the VLA, the GBT, and the ATCA, we have observed severalirregular galaxies in the radio continuum to determine their magnetic fieldstructures. Here we report on our results for the galaxies NGC 4214 and NGC1569.
Using the VLA, the GBT, and the ATCA, we have observed several irregular galaxies in the radio continuum to determine their magnetic field structures.
We have detected 523 sources in a survey of the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC)Wing with Chandra. By cross-correlating the X-ray data with optical andnear-infrared catalogues we have found 300 matches. Using a technique thatcombines X-ray colours and X-ray to optical flux ratios we have been able toassign preliminary classifications to 265 of the objects. Our identificationsinclude four pulsars, one high-mass X-ray binary (HMXB) candidate, 34 stars and185 active galactic nuclei (AGNs). In addition, we have classified 32 sourcesas 'hard' AGNs which are likely absorbed by local gas and dust, and nine 'soft'AGNs whose nature is still unclear. Considering the abundance of HMXBsdiscovered so far in the Bar of the SMC the number that we have detected in theWing is low.
By cross-correlating the X-ray data with optical and near-infrared catalogues we have found 300 matches. Using a technique that combines X-ray colours and X-ray to optical flux ratios we have been able to assign preliminary classifications to 265 of the objects.
We introduce a new technique to bound the asymptotic performance of splaytrees. The basic idea is to transcribe, in an indirect fashion, the rotationsperformed by the splay tree as a Davenport-Schinzel sequence S, none of whosesubsequences are isomorphic to fixed forbidden subsequence. We direct thistechnique towards Tarjan's deque conjecture and prove that n deque operationsrequire O(n alpha^*(n)) time, where alpha^*(n) is the minimum number ofapplications of the inverse-Ackermann function mapping n to a constant. We areoptimistic that this approach could be directed towards other open conjectureson splay trees such as the traversal and split conjectures.
The basic idea is to transcribe, in an indirect fashion, the rotations performed by the splay tree as a Davenport-Schinzel sequence S, none of whose subsequences are isomorphic to fixed forbidden subsequence.
We develop in this paper an improvement of the method given by S. Bobkov andM. Ledoux. Using the Pr\'ekopa-Leindler inequality, we prove a modifiedlogarithmic Sobolev inequality adapted for all measures on $\dR^n$, with astrictly convex and super-linear potential. This inequality implies modifiedlogarithmic Sobolev inequality for all uniform strictly convex potential aswell as the Euclidean logarithmic Sobolev inequality.
Using the Pr\'ekopa-Leindler inequality, we prove a modified logarithmic Sobolev inequality adapted for all measures on $\dR^n$, with a strictly convex and super-linear potential.
The complexity of algorithms solving the motion planning problem is measuredby a homotopy invariant TC(X) of the configuration space X of the system.Previously known lower bounds for TC(X) use the structure of the cohomologyalgebra of X. In this paper we show how cohomology operations can be used tosharpen these lower bounds for TC(X). As an application of this technique wecalculate explicitly the topological complexity of various lens spaces. Theresults of the paper were inspired by the work of E. Fadell and S. Husseini onweights of cohomology classes appearing in the classical lower bounds for theLusternik - Schnirelmann category. In the appendix to this paper we give a veryshort proof of a generalized version of their result.
Previously known lower bounds for TC(X) use the structure of the cohomology algebra of X. In this paper we show how cohomology operations can be used to sharpen these lower bounds for TC(X). As an application of this technique we calculate explicitly the topological complexity of various lens spaces.
We consider the effects of a velocity-independent friction force oncantilever damping. It is shown that this dissipation mechanism causesnonlinear effects in the cantilever vibrations. The size of the nonlinearityincreases with decreasing cantilever velocity. Our analysis makes it possibleto understand experiments [Stipe et al, PRL 87, 096801 (2001)] where anamplitude dependence of the cantilever eigenfrequency and anomalous dissipationwas observed only at small amplitudes.
Our analysis makes it possible to understand experiments [Stipe et al, PRL 87, 096801 (2001)]
The focus of current research in galaxy evolution has increasingly turned tounderstanding the effect that mergers have on the evolution of systems on thered sequence. For those interactions purported to occur dissipationlessly (socalled "dry mergers"), it would appear that the role of gas is minimal.However, if these mergers are not completely dry, then even low levels of gasmay be detectable. The purpose of our study is to test whether early typegalaxies with HI in or around them, or "wet" ellipticals, would have beenselected as dry mergers by the criteria in van Dokkum (2005, AJ, 130, 2647). Tothat end, we examine a sample of 20 early types from the HI Rogues Gallery withneutral hydrogen in their immediate environs. Of these, the 15 brightest andreddest galaxies match the optical dry merger criteria, but in each case, thepresence of HI means that they are not truly dry.
To that end, we examine a sample of 20 early types from the HI Rogues Gallery with neutral hydrogen in their immediate environs. Of these, the 15 brightest and reddest galaxies match the optical dry merger criteria, but in each case, the presence of HI means that they are not truly dry.
We have utilized neutron powder diffraction to probe the crystal structure oflayered Na$_{x}$CoO$_{2}$ near the half doping composition of $x=$0.46 over thetemperature range of 2 to 600K. Our measurements show evidence of a dynamictransition in the motion of Na-ions at 300K which coincides with the onset of anear zero thermal expansion in the in-plane lattice constants. The effect ofthe Na-ordering on the CoO$_{2}$ layer is reflected in the octahedraldistortion of the two crystallographically inequivalent Co-sites and is evidenteven at high temperatures. We find evidence of a weak charge separation intostripes of Co$^{+3.5+\epsilon}$ and Co$^{+3.5-\epsilon}$, $\epsilon\sim0.06e$below \Tco=150K. We argue that changes in the Na(1)-O bond lengths observed atthe magnetic transition at \tm=88K reflect changes in the electronic state ofthe CoO$_{2}$ layer
We have utilized neutron powder diffraction to probe the crystal structure of layered Na$_{x}$CoO$_{2}$ near the half doping composition of $x=$0.46 over the temperature range of 2 to 600K.
The presence of dilute hot cavities in the intracluster medium (ICM) at thecores of clusters of galaxies changes the relation between gas temperature andits X-ray emission properties. Using the hydrostatic equations of a porousmedium we solve for the ICM density for a given temperature as a function ofthe filling factor of dilute bubbles. We find that at a given temperature, thecore X-ray luminosity increases with the filling factor. If the frequency ofAGNs in clusters were higher in the past, then the filling factor couldcorrespondingly be significant, with implications for the cluster scalingrelations at high redshifts. This is especially important for the coreproperties, including the temperature-luminosity ($L_X-T$) relation andestimates of the core gas mass. The results imply an epoch-dependentsensitivity of the $L_X-T$ relation in the core to the porosity of the ICM.Detection of such an effect would give new insights into AGN feedback.
Using the hydrostatic equations of a porous medium we solve for the ICM density for a given temperature as a function of the filling factor of dilute bubbles.
Recently, there have been dramatic advances in the miniaturization ofelectromechanical devices. Most of the micro- and nanoelectromechanical systems(MEMS-NEMS) operate in the resonant modes1. The micron-, and, the more, thesubmicron-sizes devices, are driven usually by electrostatic forces, aspiezoelectric and electromagnetic engines are powerless over this size range.Such engines could play the role of external actuators for the NEMS, being,however, macro devices in their own. Apart from actuation, an objective of NEMSis getting the output signal characterizing the oscillations1, so, actuatorssensing their own motion are rather topical (see 2 for example). Not long ago,several works appeared demonstrating high sensitivity of the sizes3,4 and form5of quasi one-dimensional conductors to the deformations of the charge-densitywave (CDW). Here we demonstrate electrically driven torsional resonators basedon whiskers of the quasi one-dimensional conductor with CDW, TaS3. The drivingforce for the torsional deformation is peculiar to the CDW systems and reflectsthe transmission of the CDW deformation to the crystalline lattice. Incomparison with the piezoelectrics, the effect of electric field on the crystaldeformation is 3-4 orders of magnitude larger. The resonator is found toprovide also a torsion-induced electrical feed-back (output signal) from theoscillations. We discuss the CDW systems as promising elements for NEMS-MEMS.
Here we demonstrate electrically driven torsional resonators based on whiskers of the quasi one-dimensional conductor with CDW, TaS3. The driving force for the torsional deformation is peculiar to the CDW systems and reflects the transmission of the CDW deformation to the crystalline lattice.
The gluon-gluon induced terms for Higgs production through weak-boson fusionare calculated. They form a finite and gauge-invariant subset of the NNLOcorrections in the strong coupling constant. This is also the lowest order withsizeable t-channel colour exchange contributions, leading to additionalhadronic activity between the outgoing jets.
The gluon-gluon induced terms for Higgs production through weak-boson fusionare calculated. They form a finite and gauge-invariant subset of the NNLO corrections in the strong coupling constant.
The results of the LSDA+U calculations for pyroxenes with diverse magneticproperties (Li,Na)TM(Si,Ge)$_2$O$_6$, where TM is the transition metal ion(Ti,V,Cr,Mn,Fe), are presented. We show that the anisotropic orbital orderingresults in the spin-gap formation in NaTiSi$_2$O$_6$. The detailed analysis ofdifferent contributions to the intrachain exchange interactions for pyroxenesis performed both analytically using perturbation theory and basing on theresults of the band structure calculations. The antiferromagnetic$t_{2g}-t_{2g}$ exchange is found to decrease gradually in going from Ti to Fe.It turns out to be nearly compensated by ferromagnetic interaction betweenhalf-filled $t_{2g}$ and empty $e_g$ orbitals in Cr-based pyroxenes. Thefine-tuning of the interaction parameters by the crystal structure results inthe ferromagnetism for NaCrGe$_2$O$_6$. Further increase of the total number ofelectrons and occupation of $e_g$ sub-shell makes the $t_{2g}-e_g$ contributionand total exchange interaction antiferromagnetic for Mn- and Fe-basedpyroxenes. Strong oxygen polarization was found in Fe-based pyroxenes. It isshown that this effect leads to a considerable reduction of antiferromagneticintrachain exchange. The obtained results may serve as a basis for the analysisof diverse magnetic properties of pyroxenes, including those with recentlydiscovered multiferroic behavior.
The detailed analysis of different contributions to the intrachain exchange interactions for pyroxenesis performed both analytically using perturbation theory and basing on the results of the band structure calculations.
We discuss the implications of approximate particle-hole symmetry in ahalf-filled Landau level in which a paired quantum Hall state forms. We notethat the Pfaffian state is not particle-hole symmetric. Therefore, in the limitof vanishing Landau level mixing, in which particle-hole transformation is anexact symmetry, the Pfaffian spontaneously breaks this symmetry. There is aparticle-hole conjugate state, which we call the anti-Pfaffian, which isdegenerate with the Pfaffian in this limit. We observe that strong Landau levelmixing should favor the Pfaffian, but it is an open problem which state isfavored for the moderate Landau level mixing which is present in experiments.We discuss the bulk and edge physics of the anti-Pfaffian. We analyze asimplified model in which transitions between analogs of the two states can bestudied in detail. Finally, we discuss experimental implications.
We analyze a simplified model in which transitions between analogs of the two states can be studied in detail.
Molecular Dynamics simulations of water confined in nanometer sized,hydrophobic channels show that water forms localized cavities for pore diameter~ 2.0 nm. The cavities present non-spherical shape and lay preferentiallyadjacent to the confining wall inducing a peculiar form to the liquid exposedsurface. The regime of localized cavitation appears to be correlated with theformation of a vapor layer, as predicted by the Lum-Chandler-Weeks theory,implying partial filling of the pore.
Molecular Dynamics simulations of water confined in nanometer sized,hydrophobic channels
We study the spreading of an infection within an SIS epidemiological model ona network. Susceptible agents are given the opportunity of breaking their linkswith infected agents. Broken links are either permanently removed orreconnected with the rest of the population. Thus, the network coevolves withthe population as the infection progresses. We show that a moderatereconnection frequency is enough to completely suppress the infection. Apartial, rather weak isolation of infected agents suffices to eliminate theendemic state.
Susceptible agents are given the opportunity of breaking their links with infected agents. Broken links are either permanently removed or reconnected with the rest of the population.
We want to improve knowledge of the structure of the inner few AU of thecircumstellar disk around the nearby T Tauri star TW Hya. Earlier studies havesuggested the existence of a large inner hole, possibly caused by interactionswith a growing protoplanet. We used interferometric observations in the N-bandobtained with the MIDI instrument on the Very Large Telescope Interferometer,together with 10 micron spectra recorded by the infrared satellite Spitzer. Thefact that we were able to determine N-band correlated fluxes and visibilitiesfor this comparatively faint source shows that MIR interferometry can beapplied to a large number of low-mass young stellar objects. The MIR spectra obtained with Spitzer reveal emission lines from HI (6-5), HI(7-6), and [Ne II] and show that over 90% of the dust we see in this wavelengthregime is amorphous. According to the correlated flux measured with MIDI, mostof the crystalline material is in the inner, unresolved part of the disk, about1 AU in radius. The visibilities exclude the existence of a very large (3-4 AUradius) inner hole in the circumstellar disk of TW Hya, which was required inearlier models. We propose instead a geometry of the inner disk where an innerhole still exists, but at a much reduced radius, with the transition from zeroto full disk height between 0.5 and 0.8 AU, and with an optically thindistribution of dust inside. Such a model can comply with SED and MIRvisibilities, as well as with visibility and extended emission observed in theNIR at 2 micron. If a massive planet was the reason for this inner hole, as hasbeen speculated, its orbit would have to be closer to the star than 0.3 AU.Alternatively, we may be witnessing the end of the accretion phase and an earlyphase of an inward-out dispersal of the circumstellar disk.
We used interferometric observations in the N-band obtained with the MIDI instrument on the Very Large Telescope Interferometer, together with 10 micron spectra recorded by the infrared satellite Spitzer. The fact that we were able to determine N-band correlated fluxes and visibilities for this comparatively faint source shows that MIR interferometry can be applied to a large number of low-mass young stellar objects.
We analyze supersymmetry breaking by anti-self-dual flux in the deformedconifold. This theory has been argued to be a dual realization of susy breakingby antibranes. As such, one might expect it to lead to a hierarchically smallbreaking scale, but only if the warp factor is taken into account. We verifythis by explicitly computing the warp-modified moduli space metric. This leadsto a new term, with a power-like divergence at the conifold point, which lowersthe breaking scale. We finally point out various puzzles regarding the gaugetheory interpretation of these results.
We verify this by explicitly computing the warp-modified moduli space metric. This leads to a new term, with a power-like divergence at the conifold point, which lowers the breaking scale.
Via a multidimensional complementarity relation we derive a novel operationalentanglement measure for any discrete quantum system, i.e. for anymultidimensional and multipartite system. This new measure admits a separationinto different classes of entanglement obtained by using a flip operator2,3,...,n times, defining a m-flip concurrence. For mixed states bounds on thism-flip concurrence can be obtained. Moreover, the information content of a npartite multidimensional system admits an intuitive interpretation. Explicitly,the three qubits system is analyzed and the physical difference in entanglementof the W-state, the GHZ state or the bi-separable state is revealed.
Via a multidimensional complementarity relation we derive a novel operational entanglement measure for any discrete quantum system, i.e. for any multidimensional and multipartite system. This new measure admits a separation into different classes of entanglement obtained by using a flip operator2,3,...,n times, defining a m-flip concurrence.
Since 2002, the number of detected blazars at gamma-ray energies above 100GeV has more than doubled. I study 17 blazars currently known to emit E>100 GeVgamma rays. Their intrinsic energy spectra are reconstructed by removingextragalactic background light attenuation effects. Luminosity and spectralslope in the E>100 GeV region are then compared and correlated among eachother, with X-ray, optical and radio data, and with the estimated black hole(BH) masses of the respective host galaxies. According to expectations from synchrotron self-Compton emission models, acorrelation on the 3.6-sigma significance level between gamma-ray and X-rayfluxes is found, while correlations between gamma-ray and optical/radio fluxesare less pronounced. Further, a general hardening of the E>100 GeV spectra withincreasing gamma-ray luminosity is observed. This goes in line with acorrelation of the gamma-ray luminosity and the synchrotron peak frequency,which is also seen. Tests for possible selection effects reveal a hardening ofthe spectra with increasing redshift. The gamma-ray emission might depend onthe mass of the central BH. The studied blazars show no correlation of the BHmasses with the spectral index and the luminosity in the E>100 GeV region. Also temporal properties of the X-ray and E>100 GeV gamma-ray flux areconsidered. No general trends are found, except that the blazars with the mostmassive BHs do not show particularly high duty cycles. In general, VHE flaretime-scales are not found to scale with the BH mass. As a specific application of the luminosity study, a constraint for the stillundetermined redshift of the blazar PG 1553+113 is discussed.
Their intrinsic energy spectra are reconstructed by removing extragalactic background light attenuation effects. Luminosity and spectral slope in the E>100 GeV region are then compared and correlated among each other, with X-ray, optical and radio data, and with the estimated black hole (BH) masses of the respective host galaxies.
We address the issue of strong cosmic censorship for T^2-symmetric spacetimeswith positive cosmological constant. In the case of collisionless matter, wecomplete the proof of the C^2 formulation of the conjecture for this class ofspacetimes. In the vacuum case, we prove that the conjecture holds for thespecial cases where the area element of the group orbits does not vanish on thepast boundary of the maximal Cauchy development.
In the case of collisionless matter, we complete the proof of the C^2 formulation of the conjecture for this class of spacetimes. In the vacuum case, we prove that the conjecture holds for the special cases where the area element of the group orbits does not vanish on the past boundary of the maximal Cauchy development.
Boolean network models of strongly connected modules are capable of capturingthe high regulatory complexity of many biological gene regulatory circuits. Westudy numerically the previously introduced basin entropy, a parameter for thedynamical uncertainty or information storage capacity of a network as well asthe average transient time in random relevant components as a function of theirconnectivity. We also demonstrate that basin entropy can be estimated fromtime-series data and is therefore also applicable to non-deterministic networksmodels.
We study numerically the previously introduced basin entropy, a parameter for the dynamical uncertainty or information storage capacity of a network as well as the average transient time in random relevant components as a function of their connectivity. We also demonstrate that basin entropy can be estimated from time-series data and is therefore also applicable to non-deterministic networks models.
In recent years, researchers have discovered various excited states ofelectrons having an excited domain with a structural order different from theoriginal one. We examine a dynamics of electron system and phonon system byusing the time-dependent Hartree-Fock approximation. We examine time evolutionwith spin degree of freedom. We found a thermally excitedparaelectric-to-ferroelectric crossover. The metastable state is spin pierlsstate. We also examine the Landau expansion of electron system atquarter-filled.
We examine a dynamics of electron system and phonon system by using the time-dependent Hartree-Fock approximation. We examine time evolution with spin degree of freedom.
Recent experiments on short MoGe nanowires show a sharpsuperconductor-insulator transition tuned by the normal state resistance of thewire, with a critical resistance of $R_c\approx R_Q= h/(4e^2)$. These resultsare at odds with a broad range of theoretical work on Josephson-like systemsthat predicts a smooth transition, tuned by the value of the resistance thatshunts the junction. We develop a self-consistent renormalization grouptreatment of interacting phase-slips and their dual counterparts, correlatedcooper pair tunneling, beyond the dilute approximation. This analysis leads toa very sharp transition with a critical resistance of $R_Q$. The addition ofthe quasi-particles' resistance at finite temperature leads to a quantitativeagreement with the experimental results. This self-consistent renormalizationgroup method should also be applicable to other physical systems that can bemapped onto similar sine-Gordon models, in the previously inaccessibleintermediate-coupling regime.
We develop a self-consistent renormalization group treatment of interacting phase-slips and their dual counterparts, correlated cooper pair tunneling, beyond the dilute approximation. This analysis leads to a very sharp transition with a critical resistance of $R_Q$. The addition of the quasi-particles' resistance at finite temperature leads to a quantitative agreement with the experimental results.
We present in this work a complete session in a Mathematica notebook. The aimof this notebook is to check identities in symmetric compositions. Thisnotebook is a complement of our work [1] and it has all the explicitcomputations. We refer the reader to that paper which can be seen in First of all we willpresent a few number of comands in order to simplify identities by extractingscalars, SOut. The rest of the strategy holds on the powerfull of usingpatterns and rules.
First of all we will present a few number of comands in order to simplify identities by extracting scalars, SOut. The rest of the strategy holds on the powerfull of using patterns and rules.
We study possible factorizations of supersymmetric (SUSY) transformations inthe one-dimensional quantum mechanics into chains of elementary Darbouxtransformations with nonsingular coefficients. A classification of irreducible(almost) isospectral transformations and of related SUSY algebras is presented.The detailed analysis of SUSY algebras and isospectral operators is performedfor the third-order case.
A classification of irreducible (almost) isospectral transformations and of related SUSY algebras is presented. The detailed analysis of SUSY algebras and isospectral operators is performed for the third-order case.
Using density functional theory calculations we investigate the electronicstructure of graphene doped by deposition of foreign atoms. We demonstratethat, as the charge transfer to the graphene layer increases, the bandstructure of the pristine graphene sheet is substantially affected. This isparticularly relevant when Ca atoms are deposed on graphene at CaC$_{6}$stoichiometry. Similarly to what happens in superconducting graphiteintercalated compounds, a Ca bands occurs at the Fermi level. Its hybridizationwith the C states generates a strong non-linearity in one of the $\pi^{*}$bands below the Fermi level, at energies comparable to the graphene E$_{2g}$phonon frequency. This strong non-linearity, and not manybody effects aspreviously proposed, explains the large and anisotropic values of the apparentelectron-phonon coupling measured in angular resolved photoemission.
Using density functional theory calculations we investigate the electronic structure of graphene doped by deposition of foreign atoms.
We show how the effective equation of motion for a distinguished quantumparticle in an ideal gas environment can be obtained by means of the monitoringapproach introduced in [EPL 77, 50007 (2007)]. The resulting Lindblad masterequation accounts for the quantum effects of the scattering dynamics in anon-perturbative fashion and it describes decoherence and dissipation in aunified framework. It incorporates various established equations as limitingcases and reduces to the classical linear Boltzmann equation once the state isdiagonal in momentum.
We show how the effective equation of motion for a distinguished quantumparticle in an ideal gas environment can be obtained by means of the monitoringapproach introduced in [EPL 77, 50007 (2007)].
We experimentally study equilibration across the sample edge at highfractional filling factors 4/3, 5/3 under experimental conditions, which allowus to obtain high imbalance conditions. We find a lack of the fullequilibration across the edge even in the flat-band situation, where nopotential barrier survives at the sample edge. We interpret this result as themanifestation of complicated edge excitation structure at high fractionalfilling factors 4/3, 5/3. Also, a mobility gap in the $\nu_c=1$ incompressiblestrip is determined in normal and tilted magnetic fields.
We experimentally study equilibration across the sample edge at high fractional filling factors 4/3, 5/3 under experimental conditions, which allow us to obtain high imbalance conditions.
We have studied the adsorption of NO on small Rh clusters, containing one tofive atoms, using density functional theory in both spin-polarized andnon-spin-polarized forms. We find that NO bonds more strongly to Rh clustersthan it does to Rh(100) or Rh(111); however, it also quenches the magnetism ofthe clusters. This (local) effect results in reducing the magnitude of theadsorption energy, and also washes out the clear size-dependent trend observedin the non-magnetic case. Our results illustrate the competition presentbetween the tendencies to bond and to magnetize, in small clusters.
We have studied the adsorption of NO on small Rh clusters, containing one to five atoms, using density functional theory in both spin-polarized and non-spin-polarized forms.
We suggest an approach to microrheology based on optical traps in order tomeasure fluid fluxes around singular points of fluid flows. We experimentallydemonstrate this technique, applying it to the characterization of controlledflows produced by a set of birefringent spheres spinning due to the transfer oflight angular momentum. Unlike the previous techniques, this method is able todistinguish between a singular point in a complex flow and the absence of flowat all; furthermore it permits us to characterize the stability of the singularpoint.
We suggest an approach to microrheology based on optical traps in order to measure fluid fluxes around singular points of fluid flows. We experimentally demonstrate this technique, applying it to the characterization of controlled flows produced by a set of birefringent spheres spinning due to the transfer of light angular momentum.
Small-worlds represent efficient communication networks that obey twodistinguishing characteristics: a high clustering coefficient together with asmall characteristic path length. This paper focuses on an interesting paradox,that removing links in a network can increase the overall clusteringcoefficient. Reckful Roaming, as introduced in this paper, is a 2-localizedalgorithm that takes advantage of this paradox in order to selectively removesuperfluous links, this way optimizing the clustering coefficient while stillretaining a sufficiently small characteristic path length.
Reckful Roaming, as introduced in this paper, is a 2-localized algorithm that takes advantage of this paradox in order to selectively remove superfluous links, this way optimizing the clustering coefficient while still retaining a sufficiently small characteristic path length.
We interpret the recent gravitational lensing observations of Jee et al.\cite{Jee} as first evidence for a {\it caustic} ring of dark matter in agalaxy cluster. A caustic ring unavoidably forms when a cold collisionless flowfalls with net overall rotation in and out of a gravitational potential well.Evidence for caustic rings of dark matter was previously found in the Milky Wayand other isolated spiral galaxies. We argue that galaxy clusters have at leastone and possibly two or three caustic rings. We calculate the column densityprofile of a caustic ring in a cluster and show that it is consistent with theobservations of Jee et al.
We calculate the column density profile of a caustic ring in a cluster and show that it is consistent with the observations of Jee et al.
We review our results for the simulation of the 2--d lattice Gross--Neveumodel in a fermion loop representation. Possible extensions of our techniquesto other models and higher dimensions are discussed, as well as the limitationsof loop--type representations.
We review our results for the simulation of the 2--d lattice Gross--Neveumodel in a fermion loop representation. Possible extensions of our techniquesto other models and higher dimensions are discussed,
We investigated the effects of bulk scalar field in the braneworldcosmological scenario. The Friedmann equations and acceleration condition inpresence of the bulk scalar field for a zero tension brane and cosmologicalconstant are studied. In DGP model the effective Einstein equation on the braneis obtained with bulk scalar field. The rescaled bulk scalar field on the branein the DGP model behaves as an effective four dimensional field, thus standardtype cosmology is recovered. In present study of the DGP model, the late-timeaccelerating phase of the universe can be explained .
The Friedmann equations and acceleration condition in presence of the bulk scalar field for a zero tension brane and cosmological constant are studied. In DGP model the effective Einstein equation on the brane is obtained with bulk scalar field.
A series of five unusual slow glitches of the radio pulsar B1822-09 (PSRJ1825-0935) were observed over the 1995-2005 interval. This phenomenon isunderstood in a solid quark star model, where the reasonable parameters forslow glitches are presented in the paper. It is proposed that, because ofincreasing shear stress as a pulsar spins down, a slow glitch may occur,beginning with a collapse of a superficial layer of the quark star. This layerof material turns equivalently to viscous fluid at first, the viscosity ofwhich helps deplete the energy released from both the accumulated elasticenergy and the gravitation potential. This performs then a process of slowglitch. Numerical calculations show that the observed slow glitches could bereproduced if the effective coefficient of viscosity is ~10^2 cm^{2}/s and theinitial velocity of the superficial layer is order of 10^{-10} cm/s in thecoordinate rotating frame of the star.
Numerical calculations show that the observed slow glitches could be reproduced if the effective coefficient of viscosity is ~10^2 cm^{2}/s and the initial velocity of the superficial layer is order of 10^{-10} cm/s in the coordinate rotating frame of the star.
The colour-magnitude diagrams of resolved single stellar populations, such asopen and globular clusters, have provided the best natural laboratories to teststellar evolution theory. Whilst a variety of techniques have been used toinfer the basic properties of these simple populations, systematicuncertainties arise from the purely geometrical degeneracy produced by thesimilar shape of isochrones of different ages and metallicities. Here wepresent an objective and robust statistical technique which lifts thisdegeneracy to a great extent through the use of a key observable: the number ofstars along the isochrone. Through extensive Monte Carlo simulations we showthat, for instance, we can infer the four main parameters (age, metallicity,distance and reddening) in an objective way, along with robust confidenceintervals and their full covariance matrix. We show that systematicuncertainties due to field contamination, unresolved binaries, initial orpresent-day stellar mass function are either negligible or well under control.This technique provides, for the first time, a proper way to infer withunprecedented accuracy the fundamental properties of simple stellarpopulations, in an easy-to-implement algorithm.
Here we present an objective and robust statistical technique which lifts this degeneracy to a great extent through the use of a key observable: the number of stars along the isochrone. Through extensive Monte Carlo simulations we show that, for instance, we can infer the four main parameters (age, metallicity, distance and reddening) in an objective way, along with robust confidence intervals and their full covariance matrix.
We propose a new method to detect observational appearance of Dark Matteraxions. The method utilizes observations of neutron stars (NSs) in radio. It isbased on the conversion of axions to photons in strong magnetic fields of NSs(Primakoff effect). Whether the conversion takes place, the radio spectrum ofthe object would have a very distinctive feature -- a narrow spike at afrequency corresponding to the rest mass of the axion. For example, if thecoupling constant of the photon-axion interaction is $M=10^{10}$ GeV, thedensity of Dark Matter axions is $\rho=10^{-24} {\rm g cm^{-3}}$, and the axionmass is $5 {\rm \mu eV}$, then a flux from a strongly magnetized ($10^{14}$ G)NS at the distance 300 pc from the Sun is expected to be about few tenths ofmJy at the frequency $\approx 1200$ MHz in the bandwidth $\approx 3$ MHz.Close-by X-ray dim isolated neutron stars are proposed as good candidates tolook for such radio emission.
The method utilizes observations of neutron stars (NSs) in radio. It is based on the conversion of axions to photons in strong magnetic fields of NSs (Primakoff effect). Whether the conversion takes place, the radio spectrum of the object would have a very distinctive feature -- a narrow spike at a frequency corresponding to the rest mass of the axion.
We study the generation of primeval magnetic fields during inflation era innonlinear theories of electrodynamics. Although the intensity of the producedfields strongly depends on characteristics of inflation and on the form ofelectromagnetic Lagrangian, our results do not exclude the possibility thatthese fields could be astrophysically interesting.
We study the generation of primeval magnetic fields during inflation era innonlinear theories of electrodynamics. Although the intensity of the producedfields strongly depends on characteristics of inflation and on the form ofelectromagnetic Lagrangian,
The extragalactic background (EGB) of diffuse gamma rays can be determined bysubtracting the Galactic contribution from the data. This requires a Galacticmodel (GM) and we include for the first time the contribution of dark matterannihilation (DMA), which was previously proposed as an explanation for theEGRET excess of diffuse Galactic gamma rays above 1 GeV. In this paper it is shown that the newly determined EGB shows acharacteristic high energy bump on top of a steeply falling soft contribution.The bump is shown to be compatible with a contribution from an extragalacticDMA signal from weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) with a massbetween 50 and 100 GeV in agreement with the EGRET excess of the Galacticdiffuse gamma rays and in disagreement with earlier analysis. The remainingsoft contribution of the EGB is shown to resemble the spectra of the observedpoint sources in our Galaxy.
This requires a Galactic model (GM) and we include for the first time the contribution of dark matter annihilation (DMA), which was previously proposed as an explanation for the EGRET excess of diffuse Galactic gamma rays above 1 GeV.
The Boltzmann equation for d-dimensional inelastic Maxwell models isconsidered to analyze transport properties in spatially inhomogeneous statesclose to the simple shear flow. A normal solution is obtained via aChapman--Enskog--like expansion around a local shear flow distribution f^{(0)}that retains all the hydrodynamic orders in the shear rate. The constitutiveequations for the heat and momentum fluxes are obtained to first order in thedeviations of the hydrodynamic field gradients from their values in thereference state and the corresponding generalized transport coefficients are{\em exactly} determined in terms of the coefficient of restitution \alpha andthe shear rate a. Since f^{(0)} applies for arbitrary values of the shear rateand is not restricted to weak dissipation, the transport coefficients turn outto be nonlinear functions of both parameters a and \alpha. A comparison withprevious results obtained for inelastic hard spheres from a kinetic model ofthe Boltzmann equation is also carried out.
A normal solution is obtained via a Chapman--Enskog--like expansion around a local shear flow distribution f^{(0)} that retains all the hydrodynamic orders in the shear rate.
In August 2002, the near-Earth asteroid 2002 NY40, made its closest approachto the Earth. This provided an opportunity to study a near-Earth asteroid witha variety of instruments. Several of the telescopes at the Maui SpaceSurveillance System were trained at the asteroid and collected adaptive opticsimages, photometry and spectroscopy. Analysis of the imagery reveals theasteroid is triangular shaped with significant self-shadowing. The photometryreveals a 20-hour period and the spectroscopy shows that the asteroid is aQ-type.
Several of the telescopes at the Maui Space Surveillance System were trained at the asteroid and collected adaptive optics images, photometry and spectroscopy.
Recently 't Hooft demonstrated that ``For any quantum system there exists atleast one deterministic model that reproduces all its dynamics afterprequantization''. An extension is presented here which covers quantum systemsthat are characterized by a complete set of mutually commuting Hermitianoperators (``beables''). We introduce the symmetry of beables: any complete setof beables is as good as any other one which is obtained through a real generallinear group transformation. The quantum numbers of a specific set are relatedto symmetry breaking initial and boundary conditions in a deterministic model.The Hamiltonian, in particular, can be taken as the emergent beable whichprovides the best resolution of the evolution of the model universe.
We introduce the symmetry of beables: any complete set of beables is as good as any other one which is obtained through a real general linear group transformation. The quantum numbers of a specific set are related to symmetry breaking initial and boundary conditions in a deterministic model.
The crucial role of ambient correlations in determining thermodynamicbehavior is established. A class of entangled states of two macroscopic systemsis constructed such that each component is in a state of thermal equilibrium ata given temperature, and when the two are allowed to interact heat can flowfrom the colder to the hotter system. A dilute gas model exhibiting thisbehavior is presented. This reversal of the thermodynamic arrow is aconsequence of the entanglement between the two systems, a condition that isopposite to molecular chaos and shown to be unlikely in a low-entropyenvironment. By contrast, the second law is established by proving Clausius'inequality in a low-entropy environment. These general results strongly supportthe expectation, first expressed by Boltzmann and subsequently elaborated byothers, that the second law is an emergent phenomenon that requires alow-entropy cosmological environment, one that can effectively function as anideal information sink.
A class of entangled states of two macroscopic systems is constructed such that each component is in a state of thermal equilibrium at a given temperature, and when the two are allowed to interact heat can flow from the colder to the hotter system. A dilute gas model exhibiting this behavior is presented.
We address the question of the Lorentz nature of the effective interquarkinteraction in QCD which leads to the formation of the QCD string betweencolour charges. In particular, we start from a manifestly vectorial fundamentalinteraction mediated by gluons and demonstrate that, as soon as chiral symmetryis broken spontaneously, the effective interquark interaction acquires aselfconsistently generated scalar part which is eventually responsible for theformation of the QCD string. We demonstrate this explicitly for a heavy-lightquarkonium, using the approach of the Schwinger-Dyson-type equation and thequantum-mechanical Hamiltonian method of the QCD string with quarks at theends.
We demonstrate this explicitly for a heavy-light quarkonium, using the approach of the Schwinger-Dyson-type equation and the quantum-mechanical Hamiltonian method of the QCD string with quarks at the ends.
Power-law distributions occur in many situations of scientific interest andhave significant consequences for our understanding of natural and man-madephenomena. Unfortunately, the detection and characterization of power laws iscomplicated by the large fluctuations that occur in the tail of thedistribution -- the part of the distribution representing large but rare events-- and by the difficulty of identifying the range over which power-law behaviorholds. Commonly used methods for analyzing power-law data, such asleast-squares fitting, can produce substantially inaccurate estimates ofparameters for power-law distributions, and even in cases where such methodsreturn accurate answers they are still unsatisfactory because they give noindication of whether the data obey a power law at all. Here we present aprincipled statistical framework for discerning and quantifying power-lawbehavior in empirical data. Our approach combines maximum-likelihood fittingmethods with goodness-of-fit tests based on the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statisticand likelihood ratios. We evaluate the effectiveness of the approach with testson synthetic data and give critical comparisons to previous approaches. We alsoapply the proposed methods to twenty-four real-world data sets from a range ofdifferent disciplines, each of which has been conjectured to follow a power-lawdistribution. In some cases we find these conjectures to be consistent with thedata while in others the power law is ruled out.
Our approach combines maximum-likelihood fitting methods with goodness-of-fit tests based on the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic and likelihood ratios. We evaluate the effectiveness of the approach with tests on synthetic data and give critical comparisons to previous approaches.
Higher-Order Fixpoint Logic (HFL) is a hybrid of the simply typed\lambda-calculus and the modal \lambda-calculus. This makes it a highlyexpressive temporal logic that is capable of expressing various interestingcorrectness properties of programs that are not expressible in the modal\lambda-calculus. This paper provides complexity results for its model checking problem. Inparticular we consider those fragments of HFL built by using only types ofbounded order k and arity m. We establish k-fold exponential time completenessfor model checking each such fragment. For the upper bound we use fixpointelimination to obtain reachability games that are singly-exponential in thesize of the formula and k-fold exponential in the size of the underlyingtransition system. These games can be solved in deterministic linear time. As asimple consequence, we obtain an exponential time upper bound on the expressioncomplexity of each such fragment. The lower bound is established by a reduction from the word problem foralternating (k-1)-fold exponential space bounded Turing Machines. Since thereare fixed machines of that type whose word problems are already hard withrespect to k-fold exponential time, we obtain, as a corollary, k-foldexponential time completeness for the data complexity of our fragments of HFL,provided m exceeds 3. This also yields a hierarchy result in expressive power.
We establish k-fold exponential time completeness for model checking each such fragment. For the upper bound we use fixpoint elimination to obtain reachability games that are singly-exponential in the size of the formula and k-fold exponential in the size of the underlying transition system. These games can be solved in deterministic linear time.
We present further arguments that the Hipparcos parallaxes for some of theclusters and associations represented in the Hipparcos catalog should be usedwith caution in the study of the Galactic structure. It has been already shownthat the discrepancy between the Hipparcos and ground based parallaxes forseveral clusters including the Pleiades, Coma Ber and NGC 6231 can be resolvedby recomputing the Hipparcos astrometric solutions with an improved algorithmdiminishing correlated errors in the attitude parameters. Here we present newparallaxes obtained with this algorithm for another group of stars withdiscrepant data - the galactic cluster Cr 121. The original Hipparcosparallaxes led de Zeeuw et al. to conclude that Cr 121 and the surroundingassociation of OB stars form a relatively compact and coherent moving group ata distance of 550 -- 600 pc. Our corrected parallaxes reveal a differentspatial distribution of young stellar populace in this area. Both the clusterCr 121 and the extended OB association are considerably more distant (750 --1000 pc), and the latter has a large depth probably extending beyond 1 kpc.Therefore, not only are the recalculated parallaxes in complete agreement withthe photometric uvbybeta parallaxes, but the structure of the field they revealis no longer in discrepancy with that found by the photometric method.
It has been already shown that the discrepancy between the Hipparcos and ground based parallaxes for several clusters including the Pleiades, Coma Ber and NGC 6231 can be resolved by recomputing the Hipparcos astrometric solutions with an improved algorithm diminishing correlated errors in the attitude parameters. Here we present new parallaxes obtained with this algorithm for another group of stars with discrepant data - the galactic cluster Cr 121.
Nonperturbative and lattice methods indicate that Gribov copies modify theinfrared behavior of gauge theories and cause a suppression of gluonpropagation. We investigate whether this can be implemented in a modifiedperturbation theory. The minimal modification proceeds via a nonlocalgeneralization of the Fadeev-Popov ghost that automatically decouples fromphysical states. The expected scale invariance of the physics associated withGribov copies leads to the emergence of a nontrivial infrared fixed point. Fora range of a scaling exponent the gauge bosons exhibit unparticlelike behaviorin the infrared. The confining regime of interest for QCD requires a largerscaling exponent, but then the severity of ghost dominance upsets naive powercounting for the infrared scaling behavior of amplitudes.
We investigate whether this can be implemented in a modified perturbation theory. The minimal modification proceeds via a nonlocal generalization of the Fadeev-Popov ghost that automatically decouples from physical states.
We report the discovery of two extremely low luminosity globular clusters inthe Milky Way Halo. These objects were detected in the Sloan Digital Sky SurveyData Release 5 and confirmed with deeper imaging at the Calar Alto Observatory.The clusters, Koposov 1 and Koposov 2, are located at $\sim 40-50$ kpc andappear to have old stellar populations and luminosities of only $M_V \sim -1$mag. Their observed sizes of $\sim 3$ pc are well within the expected tidallimit of $\sim$10 pc at that distance. Together with Palomar 1, AM 4 andWhiting 1, these new clusters are the lowest luminosity globulars orbiting theMilky Way, with Koposov 2 the most extreme. Koposov 1 appears to lie close todistant branch of the Sagittarius stream. The half-mass relaxation times ofKoposov 1 and 2 are only $\sim 70$ and $\sim 55$ Myr respectively (2 orders ofmagnitude shorter than the age of the stellar populations), so it would seemthat they have undergone drastic mass segregation. Since they do not appear tobe very concentrated, their evaporation timescales may be as low as $\sim 0.1t_{\rm Hubble}$. These discoveries show that the structural parameter space ofglobular clusters in the Milky Way halo is not yet fully explored. They alsoadd, through their short remaining survival times, significant direct evidencefor a once much larger population of globular clusters.
These objects were detected in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 5 and confirmed with deeper imaging at the Calar Alto Observatory.
The mechanism for entanglement of two flux qubits each interacting with asingle mode electromagnetic field is discussed. By performing a Bell statemeasurements (BSM) on photons we find the two qubits in an entangled statedepending on the system parameters. We discuss the results for two initialstates and take into consideration the influence of decoherence.
By performing a Bell state measurements (BSM) on photons
This is an expository article with complete proofs intended for a generalnon-specialist audience. The results are two-fold. First, we discuss ageometric invariant, that we call the width, of a manifold and show how it canbe realized as the sum of areas of minimal 2-spheres. For instance, when $M$ isa homotopy 3-sphere, the width is loosely speaking the area of the smallest2-sphere needed to ``pull over'' $M$. Second, we use this to conclude thatHamilton's Ricci flow becomes extinct in finite time on any homotopy 3-sphere.We have chosen to write this since the results and ideas given here are quiteuseful and seem to be of interest to a wide audience.
First, we discuss ageometric invariant, that we call the width, of a manifold and show how it canbe realized as the sum of areas of minimal 2- spheres. For instance, when $M$ isa homotopy 3-sphere, the width is loosely speaking the area of the smallest2-sphere needed to ``pull over'' $M$.
With the great success in simulating many intelligent behaviors usingcomputing devices, there has been an ongoing debate whether all consciousactivities are computational processes. In this paper, the answer to thisquestion is shown to be no. A certain phenomenon of consciousness isdemonstrated to be fully represented as a computational process using a quantumcomputer. Based on the computability criterion discussed with Turing machines,the model constructed is shown to necessarily involve a non-computable element.The concept that this is solely a quantum effect and does not work for aclassical case is also discussed.
A certain phenomenon of consciousness is demonstrated to be fully represented as a computational process using a quantum computer. Based on the computability criterion discussed with Turing machines, the model constructed is shown to necessarily involve a non-computable element.
We discuss quantum non-locality and contextuality using the notion oftransition sets. This approach provides a way to obtain a direct logicalcontradiction with locality/non-contextuality in the EPRB gedanken experimentas well as a clear graphical illustration of what violations of Bellinequalities quantify. In particular, we show graphically how these violationsare related to measures of non-local transition sets. We also introduce a newform of contextuality, {\em measurement ordering contextuality}, i.e. thereexists commuting operators $\hat{\mathcal{A}}$ and $\hat{\mathcal{B}}$ suchthat the outcome for $\hat{\mathcal{A}}$ depends on whether we measured$\hat{\mathcal{B}}$ before or after $\hat{\mathcal{A}}$. It is shown (excludingretro-causal and/or conspiratorial theories) that any hidden variable theorycapable of reproducing the quantum statistics has to have this property. Thisgeneralizes yet another feature of the hidden variable theory of deBroglie andBohm.
We discuss quantum non-locality and contextuality using the notion of transition sets. This approach provides a way to obtain a direct logical contradiction with locality/non-contextuality in the EPRB gedanken experiment as well as a clear graphical illustration of what violations of Bell inequalities quantify.
We study the screening length of a heavy quark-antiquark pair in stronglycoupled gauge theory plasmas flowing at velocity v following a proposal by Liu,Rajagopal, and Wiedemann. We analyze the screening length as the direction ofthe plasma winds vary. To leading order in v, this angle-dependence can bestudied analytically for many theories by extending our previous formalism. Weshow that the screening length is locally a minimum (maximum) when the pair isperpendicular (parallel) to the plasma winds, which has been observed for theN=4 plasma. Also, we compare AdS/CFT results with weak coupling ones, and wediscuss the subleading dependence on v for the Dp-brane.
We analyze the screening length as the direction of the plasma winds vary. To leading order in v, this angle-dependence can be studied analytically for many theories by extending our previous formalism.
We present a study of resonances in exclusive decays of $B$ mesons to$\bar{D}^{(*)} D^{(*)} K$. We report the observation of the decays $B \to\Dbar^{(*)} D^+_{s1}(2536)$ where the $D^+_{s1}(2536)$ is reconstructed in the$D^{*0}K^+$ and $D^{*+} K^0_S$ decay channels. We report also the observationof the decays $B \to \psi(3770) K$ where the $\psi(3770)$ decays to $\Dbar^0D^0$ and $D^- D^+$. In addition, we present the observation of an enhancementfor the $\Dbar^{*0} D^0$ invariant mass in the decays $B \to \Dbar^{*0} D^0 K$,at a mass of $(3875.1 {}^{+0.7}_{-0.5} \pm 0.5)$ MeV/$c^2$ with a width of$(3.0 {}^{+1.9}_{-1.4} \pm 0.9)$ MeV (the first errors are statistical and thesecond are systematic). Branching fractions and spin studies are shown for thethree resonances. The results are based on 347 fb$^{-1}$ of data collected withthe BaBar detector at the PEP-II $B$ factory.
We report the observation of the decays $B \to \Dbar^{(*)} D^+_{s1}(2536)$ where the $D^+_{s1}(2536)$ is reconstructed in the $D^{*0}K^+$ and $D^{*+} K^0_ S$ decay channels. We report also the observation of the decays $B \to \psi(3770) K$ where the $\psi(3770)$ decays to $\Dbar^0D^0$ and $D^- D^+$.
By using the localized character of canonical coherent states, we give astraightforward derivation of the Bargmann integral representation of Wignerfunction (W). A non-integral representation is presented in terms of aquadratic form V*FV, where F is a self-adjoint matrix whose entries aretabulated functions and V is a vector depending in a simple recursive way onthe derivatives of the Bargmann function. Such a representation may be of usein numerical computations. We discuss a relation involving the geometry ofWigner function and the spacial uncertainty of the coherent state basis we useto represent it.
By using the localized character of canonical coherent states, we give a straightforward derivation of the Bargmann integral representation of Wigner function (W). A non-integral representation is presented in terms of a quadratic form V*FV, where F is a self-adjoint matrix whose entries are tabulated functions and V is a vector depending in a simple recursive way on the derivatives of the Bargmann function.
The lifetime of a system of connected units under some natural assumptionscan be represented as a random variable Y defined as a weighted latticepolynomial of random lifetimes of its components. As such, the concept of arandom variable Y defined by a weighted lattice polynomial of (lattice-valued)random variables is considered in general and in some special cases. Thecentral object of interest is the cumulative distribution function of Y. Inparticular, numerous results are obtained for lattice polynomials and weightedlattice polynomials in case of independent arguments and in general. For thegeneral case, the technique consists in considering the joint probabilitygenerating function of "indicator" variables. A connection is studied between Yand order statistics of the set of arguments.
The central object of interest is the cumulative distribution function of Y. In particular, numerous results are obtained for lattice polynomials and weighted lattice polynomials in case of independent arguments and in general. For the general case, the technique consists in considering the joint probability generating function of "indicator" variables.
We demonstrate the consistency of cross validation for comparing multipledensity estimators using simple inequalities on the likelihood ratio. Innonparametric problems, the splitting of data does not require the dominationof test data over the training/estimation data, contrary to Shao (1993). Theresult is complementary to that of Yang (2005) and Yang (2006).
We demonstrate the consistency of cross validation for comparing multiple density estimators using simple inequalities on the likelihood ratio.
A general formulation was developed to represent material models forapplications in dynamic loading. Numerical methods were devised to calculateresponse to shock and ramp compression, and ramp decompression, generalizingprevious solutions for scalar equations of state. The numerical methods werefound to be flexible and robust, and matched analytic results to a highaccuracy. The basic ramp and shock solution methods were coupled to solve forcomposite deformation paths, such as shock-induced impacts, and shockinteractions with a planar interface between different materials. Thesecalculations capture much of the physics of typical material dynamicsexperiments, without requiring spatially-resolving simulations. Examplecalculations were made of loading histories in metals, illustrating the effectsof plastic work on the temperatures induced in quasi-isentropic andshock-release experiments, and the effect of a phase transition.
Numerical methods were devised to calculate response to shock and ramp compression, and ramp decompression, generalizing previous solutions for scalar equations of state. The numerical methods were found to be flexible and robust, and matched analytic results to a high accuracy.
We investigate the dissipation of magnetic flux in primordial star-formingclouds throughout their collapse including the run-away collapse phase as wellas the accretion phase. We solve the energy equation and the non-equilibriumchemical reactions in the collapsing gas, in order to obtain the radialdistribution of the ionized fraction during the collapse. As a result, we findthe ionized fraction is high enough for the magnetic field to couple with thegas throughout the evolution of the cloud. This result suggests that the jetformation from protostars as well as the activation of magneto-rotationalinstability in the accretion disk are enabled in the presence of thecosmological seed magnetic flux proposed by Langer et al.(2003).
We solve the energy equation and the non-equilibrium chemical reactions in the collapsing gas, in order to obtain the radial distribution of the ionized fraction during the collapse.
Grid condition and Sidon sets. The grid condition stated by the author in1957 as a necessary condition for a set of integers to be a Sidon set isneither improvable nor sufficient ; explanations and stronger statements areprovided.
The grid condition stated by the author in1957 as a necessary condition for a set of integers to be a Sidon set is neither improvable nor sufficient; explanations and stronger statements are provided.
Universe evolution, as described by Friedmann's equations, is determined bysource terms fixed by the choice of pressure $\times$ energy-density equationsof state $p(\rho)$. The usual approach in Cosmology considers equations ofstate accounting only for kinematic terms, ignoring the contribution from theinteractions between the particles constituting the source fluid. In this workthe importance of these neglected terms is emphasized. A systematic method,based on the Statistical Mechanics of real fluids, is proposed to include them.A toy-model is presented which shows how such interaction terms can engendersignificant cosmological effects.
A systematic method, based on the Statistical Mechanics of real fluids, is proposed to include them. A toy- model is presented which shows how such interaction terms can engender significant cosmological effects.
We consider the effect of the R^4 term in type IIA string theory on thesupergravity background dual to N_c D4 branes compactified on a circle withsupersymmetry breaking boundary conditions. We study the dynamics of D8 branesin this perturbed geometry in the probe approximation. This leads to ananalysis of higher derivative corrections in holographic QCD beyond thesupergravity approximation. We make a rough estimate of the corrections to themasses of some of the lightest (axial) vector mesons. The corrections aresuppressed by a factor of (g_{YM}^2 N_c)^{-3} compared to their supergravityvalues. We find that the masses of these mesons increase from theirsupergravity values.
We study the dynamics of D8 branes in this perturbed geometry in the probe approximation. This leads to an analysis of higher derivative corrections in holographic QCD beyond the supergravity approximation.
We studied the pressure-induced superconductor CeIrSi$_3$ with thenon-centrosymmetric tetragonal structure under high pressure. The electricalresistivity and ac heat capacity were measured in the same run for the samesample. The critical pressure was determined to be $P_{\rm c}$ = 2.25 GPa,where the antiferromagnetic state disappears. The heat capacity $C_{\rm ac}$shows both antiferromagnetic and superconducting transitions at pressures closeto $P_{\rm c}$. On the other hand, the superconducting region is extended tohigh pressures of up to about 3.5 GPa, with the maximum transition temperature$T_{\rm sc}$ = 1.6 K around $2.5-2.7$ GPa. At 2.58 GPa, a large heat capacityanomaly was observed at $T_{\rm sc}$ = 1.59 K. The jump of the heat capacity inthe form of ${\Delta}{C_{\rm ac}}/C_{\rm ac}(T_{\rm sc})$ is 5.7 $\pm$ 0.1.This is the largest observed value among previously reported superconductors,indicating the strong-coupling superconductivity. The electronic specific heatcoefficient at $T_{\rm sc}$ is, however, approximately unchanged as a functionof pressure, even at $P_{\rm c}$.
The electrical resistivity and ac heat capacity were measured in the same run for the same sample. The critical pressure was determined to be $P_{\rm c}$ = 2.25 GPa, where the antiferromagnetic state disappears.
The research described in this abstract was initiated by discussions betweenthe author and Giovanni Di Crescenzo in Barcelona in early 2004. It was duringAdvanced Course on Contemporary Cryptology that Di Crescenzo gave a course onzero knowledge protocols (ZKP), see [1]. After that course we started to playwith unorthodox ideas for breaking ZKP, especially one based on graph3-coloring. It was chosen for investigation because it is being considered as a"benchmark" ZKP, see [2], [3]. At this point we briefly recall such aprotocol's description.
It was during Advanced Course on Contemporary Cryptology that Di Crescenzo gave a course on zero knowledge protocols (ZKP), see [1]. After that course we started to play with unorthodox ideas for breaking ZKP, especially one based on graph 3-coloring.
We study the evolution of magnetic fields in freely decayingmagnetohydrodynamic turbulence. By quasi-linearizing the Navier-Stokesequation, we solve analytically the induction equation in quasi-normalapproximation. We find that, if the magnetic field is not helical, the magneticenergy and correlation length evolve in time respectively as E_B \proptot^{-2(1+p)/(3+p)} and \xi_B \propto t^{2/(3+p)}, where p is the index ofinitial power-law spectrum. In the helical case, the magnetic helicity is analmost conserved quantity and forces the magnetic energy and correlation lengthto scale as E_B \propto (log t)^{1/3} t^{-2/3} and \xi_B \propto (log t)^{-1/3}t^{2/3}.
By quasi-linearizing the Navier-Stokes equation, we solve analytically the induction equation in quasi-normal approximation.
The nucleation of carbon caps on small nickel clusters is studied using atight binding model coupled to grand canonical Monte Carlo simulations. Ittakes place in a well defined carbon chemical potential range, when a criticalconcentration of surface carbon atoms is reached. The solubility of carbon inthe outermost Ni layers, that depends on the initial, crystalline ordisordered, state of the catalyst and on the thermodynamic conditions, istherefore a key quantity to control the nucleation.
The nucleation of carbon caps on small nickel clusters is studied using atight binding model coupled to grand canonical Monte Carlo simulations.
We study the space of conformal immersions of a 2-torus into the 4-sphere.The moduli space of generalized Darboux transforms of such an immersed torushas the structure of a Riemann surface, the spectral curve. This Riemannsurface arises as the zero locus of the determinant of a holomorphic family ofDirac type operators parameterized over the complexified dual torus. The kernelline bundle of this family over the spectral curve describes the generalizedDarboux transforms of the conformally immersed torus. If the spectral curve hasfinite genus the kernel bundle can be extended to the compactification of thespectral curve and we obtain a linear 2-torus worth of algebraic curves inprojective 3-space. The original conformal immersion of the 2-torus isrecovered as the orbit under this family of the point at infinity on thespectral curve projected to the 4-sphere via the twistor fibration.
This Riemann surface arises as the zero locus of the determinant of a holomorphic family of Dirac type operators parameterized over the complexified dual torus. The kernel line bundle of this family over the spectral curve describes the generalized Darboux transforms of the conformally immersed torus.
In this article, we describe a new algorithm for the expansion ofhypergeometric functions about half-integer parameters. The implementation ofthis algorithm for certain classes of hypergeometric functions in the alreadyexisting Mathematica package HypExp is described. Examples of applications inFeynman diagrams with up to four loops are given.
The implementation of this algorithm for certain classes of hypergeometric functions in the already existing Mathematica package HypExp is described.
We show that coupled two level systems like qubits studied in quantuminformation can be used as a thermodynamic machine. At least three qubits orspins are necessary and arranged in a chain. The system is interfaced betweentwo split baths and the working spin in the middle is externally driven. Themachine performs Carnot-type cycles and is able to work as heat pump or enginedepending on the temperature difference of the baths $\Delta T$ and the energydifferences in the spin system $\Delta E$. It can be shown that the efficiencyis a function of $\Delta T$ and $\Delta E$.
At least three qubits or spins are necessary and arranged in a chain. The system is interfaced between two split baths and the working spin in the middle is externally driven.
Design, implementation, and machine learning issues associated withdeveloping a control system for a serpentine robotic manipulator are explored.The controller developed provides autonomous control of the serpentine roboticmanipulatorduring operation of the manipulator within an enclosed environmentsuch as an underground storage tank. The controller algorithms make use of bothlow-level joint angle control employing force/position feedback constraints,and high-level coordinated control of end-effector positioning. This approachhas resulted in both high-level full robotic control and low-level teleroboticcontrol modes, and provides a high level of dexterity for the operator.
The controller developed provides autonomous control of the serpentine robotic manipulator during operation of the manipulator within an enclosed environment such as an underground storage tank. The controller algorithms make use of both low-level joint angle control employing force/position feedback constraints, and high-level coordinated control of end-effector positioning.
A simple explanation of the fact that light magnetic monopoles have not beenobserved at accelerator experiments is given. It is based on a possibility ofviolation of C invariance in the electromagnetic interactions. Because of thedifficulty of monopole registration, two interconnected problems arise: toformulate a theory describing monopole production (it should include a newforce beyond the Standard Model of electroweak interaction), and to point theway to monopole observation. We consider a possibility, closely related to someexperiments, of a modification of life time of radioactive elements by magneticmonopoles. The first part of the article is devoted to purely electromagneticimpact of monopoles, caused by the vertex M --> M + gamma. The second part,more speculative one, is based on experimental evidences in favour of theexistence of some axial vector currents, responsible for a new force, which canstimulate, or suppress, decays of radioactive elements.
We consider a possibility, closely related to some experiments, of a modification of life time of radioactive elements by magnetic monopoles. The first part of the article is devoted to purely electromagnetic impact of monopoles, caused by the vertex M --> M + gamma.
Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs) are one of the leadingcandidates for Dark Matter. Currently, the most promising method to detectWIMPs is the direct detection of the recoil energy deposited in alow-background laboratory detector due to elastic WIMP-nucleus scattering. Sofar the usual procedure has been to predict the event rate of direct detectionof WIMPs based on some model(s) of the Galactic halo from cosmology and ofWIMPs from elementary particle physics. The aim of this work is to invert thisprocess. In this thesis I present methods which allow to reconstruct (themoments of) the WIMP velocity distribution function as well as to determine theWIMP mass from the recoil energy spectrum as well as from experimental datadirectly. The reconstruction of the velocity distribution function has beenfurther extended to take into account the annual modulation of the event rate.Moreover, the reconstruction of the amplitude of the annual modulation of thevelocity distribution and an alternative, better way for confirming the annualmodulation of the event rate have been discussed. On the other hand, thedetermination of the WIMP mass by combining two (or more) experiments withdifferent detector materials has been developed. All formulae and expressionsgiven here are not only independent of the model of Galactic halo but also ofthat of WIMPs. This means that we need neither the as yet unknown WIMP densitynear the Earth nor the WIMP-nucleus cross section. The only information whichwe need is the measured recoil energies and their measuring times.
I present methods which allow to reconstruct (the moments of) the WIMP velocity distribution function as well as to determine the WIMP mass from the recoil energy spectrum as well as from experimental data directly. The reconstruction of the velocity distribution function has been further extended to take into account the annual modulation of the event rate. Moreover, the reconstruction of the amplitude of the annual modulation of the velocity distribution and an alternative, better way for confirming the annual modulation of the event rate have been discussed. On the other hand, the determination of the WIMP mass by combining two (or more) experiments with different detector materials has been developed.
We prove combinatorial rigidity of infinitely renormalizable unicriticalpolynomials, P_c :z \mapsto z^d+c, with complex c, under the a priori boundsand a certain "combinatorial condition". This implies the local connectivity ofthe connectedness loci (the Mandelbrot set when d = 2) at the correspondingparameters.
We prove combinatorial rigidity of infinitely renormalizable unicritical polynomials, P_c :z \mapsto z^d+ c, with complex c, under the a priori bounds and a certain "combinatorial condition".
We study the thermodynamics of maximally supersymmetric U(N) Yang-Millstheory on $\mathds{R}\times S^2$ at large $N$. The model arises as a consistenttruncation of ${\cal N}=4$ super Yang-Mills on $\mathds{R}\times S^3$ and asthe continuum limit of the plane-wave matrix model expanded around the $N$spherical membrane vacuum. The theory has an infinite number of classical BPSvacua, labeled by a set of monopole numbers, described by dual supergravitysolutions. We first derive the Lagrangian and its supersymmetry transformationsas a deformation of the usual dimensional reduction of ${\cal N}=1$ gaugetheory in ten dimensions. Then we compute the partition function in the zero 'tHooft coupling limit in different monopole backgrounds and with chemicalpotentials for the $R$-charges. In the trivial vacuum we observe a first-orderHagedorn transition separating a phase in which the Polyakov loop has vanishingexpectation value from a regime in which this order parameter is non-zero, inanalogy with the four-dimensional case. The picture changes in the monopolevacua due to the structure of the fermionic effective action. Depending on theregularization procedure used in the path integral, we obtain two completelydifferent behaviors, triggered by the absence or the appearance of aChern-Simons term. In the first case we still observe a first-order phasetransition, with Hagedorn temperature depending on the monopole charges. In thelatter the large $N$ behavior is obtained by solving a unitary multi-matrixmodel with a peculiar logarithmic potential, the system does not present aphase transition and it always appears in a ``deconfined'' phase.
We first derive the Lagrangian and its supersymmetry transformations as a deformation of the usual dimensional reduction of ${\cal N}=1$ gauge theory in ten dimensions. Then we compute the partition function in the zero 'tHooft coupling limit in different monopole backgrounds and with chemical potentials for the $R$-charges.
We extend the AdS/CFT prescription of Alday and Maldacena to finitetemperature $T$, defining the amplitude for gluon scattering in ${\cal N}=4$Super Yang-Mills at strong coupling from string theory. It is defined by alightlike ''Wilson loop'' living at the horizon of the T-dual to the black holein AdS space. Unlike the zero temperature case, this is different from theWilson loop contour defined at the boundary of the AdS black hole metric, thusat finite $T$ there is no relation between gluon scattering amplitudes and theWilson loop. We calculate the amplitude at strong coupling for forwardscattering of a low energy gluon ($E<T$) off a high energy gluon ($E\gg T$) inboth cut-off and generalized dimensional regularization. The generalizeddimensional regularization is defined in string theory as an IR modifieddimensional reduction. For this calculation, the corresponding usual Wilsonloop is related to the jet quenching parameter of the finite temperature ${\calN}=4$ SYM plasma, while the gluon scattering amplitude is related to theviscosity coefficient.
We calculate the amplitude at strong coupling for forward scattering of a low energy gluon ($E<T$) off a high energy gluon ($E\gg T$) in both cut-off and generalized dimensional regularization. The generalized dimensional regularization is defined in string theory as an IR modified dimensional reduction.
In the cutting process, machine-tools vibrations are generally a real problemwhen the amplitude crosses the limits of dimensional or surface qualityworkpiece precision required. It is necessary to develop models taking intoaccount the three-dimensional vibratory approach to control the vibrationsphenomena. An experimental study has been realized to understand the behaviorof the cutting system and to identify its vibrations properties. Thedisplacement's localization of the tool in a spatial plan, showed by theexperimental results, allows us to simplify the three-dimensional dynamicalmodel. In this study, the experimental approach is completely presented and thefirst points of the three dimensional vibratory model are proposed according tothe experimental results.
An experimental study has been realized to understand the behavior of the cutting system and to identify its vibrations properties. The displacement's localization of the tool in a spatial plan, showed by the experimental results, allows us to simplify the three-dimensional dynamical model.
We report further evidence for $N(1900)P_{13}$ from an analysis of a largevariety of photo- and pion-induced reactions, in particular from the new CLASmeasurements of double polarization observables for photoproduction ofhyperons. The data are consistent with two classes of solutions both requiringcontributions from $N(1900)P_{13}$ but giving different $N(1900)P_{13}$ polepositions. $(M-i\Gamma/2) = (1915\pm50)-i(90\pm25)$ MeV covers both solutions.The small elasticity of 10% or less explains why it was difficult to observethe state in $\pi N$ elastic scattering. $N(1900)P_{13}$ is a 2-star resonance which is predicted by symmetricthree-quark models. In diquark-quark models, the existence of the state is notexpected.
We report further evidence for $N(1900)P_{13}$ from an analysis of a large variety of photo- and pion-induced reactions, in particular from the new CLAS measurements of double polarization observables for photoproduction of hyperons.
The chain complexes underlying Floer homology theories typically carry areal-valued filtration, allowing one to associate to each Floer homology classa spectral number defined as the infimum of the filtration levels of chainsrepresenting that class. These spectral numbers have been studied extensivelyin the case of Hamiltonian Floer homology by Oh, Schwarz, and others. We provethat the spectral number associated to any nonzero Floer homology class isalways finite, and that the infimum in the definition of the spectral number isalways attained. In the Hamiltonian case, this implies that what is known asthe ``nondegenerate spectrality'' axiom holds on all closed symplecticmanifolds. Our proofs are entirely algebraic and apply to any Floer-type theory(including Novikov homology) satisfying certain standard formal properties. Thekey ingredient is a theorem about the existence of best approximations ofarbitrary elements of finitely generated free modules over Novikov rings byelements of prescribed submodules with respect to a certain family ofnon-Archimedean metrics.
Our proofs are entirely algebraic and apply to any Floer-type theory (including Novikov homology) satisfying certain standard formal properties. The key ingredient is a theorem about the existence of best approximations of arbitrary elements of finitely generated free modules over Novikov rings by elements of prescribed submodules with respect to a certain family of non-Archimedean metrics.
In this paper we suggest the use of light for performing useful computations.Namely, we propose a special device which uses light rays for solving theHamiltonian path problem on a directed graph. The device has a graph-likerepresentation and the light is traversing it following the routes given by theconnections between nodes. In each node the rays are uniquely marked so thatthey can be easily identified. At the destination node we will search only forparticular rays that have passed only once through each node. We show that theproposed device can solve small and medium instances of the problem inreasonable time.
The device has a graph-likerepresentation and the light is traversing it following the routes given by the connections between nodes. In each node the rays are uniquely marked so that they can be easily identified.
The representation sets of central loops are investigated and the resultsobtained are used to construct a finite C-loop. It is shown that for certaintypes of isotopisms, the central identities are isotopic invariant.
The representation sets of central loops are investigated
In this paper we find estimates for the optimal constant in the criticalSobolev trace inequality $\lambda_1(\Omega)\|u\|_{L^1(\partial\Omega)} \le\|u\|_{W^{1,1}(\Omega)}$ that are independent of $\Omega$. This estimatesgeneralize those of \cite{BS} concerning the $p$-Laplacian to the case $p=1$. We apply our results to prove existence of an extremal for this embedding. Wethen study an optimal design problem related to $\lambda_1$, and eventuallycompute the shape derivative of the functional $\Omega\to\lambda_1(\Omega)$. Asa consequence, we obtain that a ball of $\R^n$ of radius $n$ is critical forvolume-preserving deformations.
We apply our results to prove existence of an extremal for this embedding. We then study an optimal design problem related to $\lambda_1$, and eventually compute the shape derivative of the functional $\Omega\to\lambda_1(\Omega)$.
The orbital magnetism is studied in graphene monolayer within the effectivemass approximation. In models of short-range and long-range disorder, themagnetization is calculated with self-consistent Born approximation. In thezero-field limit, the susceptibility becomes highly diamagnetic around zeroenergy, while it has a long tail proportional to the inverse of the Fermienergy. We demonstrated how the magnetic oscillation vanishes and converges tothe susceptibility, on going from a strong-field regime to zero-field. Thebehavior at zero energy is shown to be highly singular.
In models of short-range and long-range disorder, the magnetization is calculated with self-consistent Born approximation.
We study the production of heavy quarkonium in association with an additionalheavy pair. We argue that important contributions may come from phase spaceregions where three heavy fermions are separated by relative velocities muchlower than the speed of light, and to which standard effective field theoriesdo not apply. In this region, infrared sensitive color exchange is specific tothe presence of the unpaired (anti)quark. This effect vanishes as the motion ofthe additional particle becomes relativistic with respect to the pair, and iscompletely absent for massless quarks and gluons in the final state.
We argue that important contributions may come from phase space regions where three heavy fermions are separated by relative velocities much lower than the speed of light, and to which standard effective field theories do not apply.
Theoretical estimates of $\alpha$-decay half lives of several nuclei in thedecay from element 113 are presented. Calculations in a WKB framework usingDDM3Y interaction and experimental Q-values are in good agreement with theexperimental data. Half life calculations are found to be quite sensitive tothe Q-values and angular momenta transfers. Calculated decay lifetimedecreases, owing to more penetrability as well as thinner barrier, as Q-valueincreases. Deviations to this predominant behaviour observed in some recentexperimental data may be attributed to non zero spin-parities in some cases.
Calculations in a WKB framework using DDM3Y interaction and experimental Q-values are in good agreement with the experimental data. Half life calculations are found to be quite sensitive to the Q-values and angular momenta transfers.
We communicate the detection of soft (20--200 keV) gamma-rays from the pulsarand pulsar wind nebula of PSR J1846-0258 and aim to identify the component ofthe system which is responsible for the gamma-ray emission. To pinpoint thesource of gamma-ray emission we combine spectral information from the INTEGRALgamma-ray mission with archival data from the Chandra X-ray Observatory. Ouranalysis shows that the soft gamma-rays detected from PSR J1846-0258 includeemission from both the pulsar and the pulsar wind nebula, but the measuredspectral shape is dominated by the pulsar wind nebula. We further discuss PSRJ1846-0258 in the context of rotation-powered pulsars with high magnetic fieldstrengths and review the anomalously high fraction of spin-down luminosityconverted into X- and gamma-ray emission in light of a possible overestimate ofthe distance to this pulsar.
To pinpoint the source of gamma-ray emission we combine spectral information from the INTEGRAL gamma-ray mission with archival data from the Chandra X-ray Observatory.
Kolyvagin used Heegner points to associate a system of cohomology classes toan elliptic curve over $\Q$ and conjectured that the system contains anon-trivial class. His conjecture has profound implications on the structure ofSelmer groups. We provide new computational and theoretical evidence forKolyvagin's conjecture. More precisely, we explicitly compute Heegner pointsover ring class fields and use these points to verify the conjecture forspecific elliptic curves of rank two. We explain how Kolyvagin's conjectureimplies that if the analytic rank of an elliptic curve is at least two then the$\Z_p$-corank of the corresponding Selmer group is at least two as well. Wealso use explicitly computed Heegner points to produce non-trivial classes inthe Shafarevich-Tate group.
We provide new computational and theoretical evidence for Kolyvagin's conjecture. More precisely, we explicitly compute Heegner points over ring class fields and use these points to verify the conjecture for specific elliptic curves of rank two.
We study the capability of the MAGIC telescope to observe under moderatemoonlight. TeV gamma-ray signals from the Crab nebula were detected with theMAGIC telescope during periods when the Moon was above the horizon and duringtwilight. This was accomplished by increasing the trigger discriminatorthresholds. No change is necessary in the high voltage settings since thecamera PMTs were especially designed to avoid high currents. We characterizethe telescope performance by studying the effect of the moonlight on thegamma-ray detection efficiency and sensitivity, as well as on the energythreshold.
This was accomplished by increasing the trigger discriminator thresholds. No change is necessary in the high voltage settings since the camera PMTs were especially designed to avoid high currents.
We develop the canonical theory of gravitational collapse in 2+1 dimensionswith a negative cosmological constant and obtain exact solutions of theWheeler--DeWitt equation regularized on a lattice. We employ these solutions toderive the Hawking radiation from black holes formed in all models of dustcollapse. We obtain an (approximate) Planck spectrum near the horizoncharacterized by the Hawking temperature $T_{\mathrm H}=\hbar\sqrt{G\LambdaM}/2\pi$, where $M$ is the mass of a black hole that is presumed to form at thecenter of the collapsing matter cloud and $-\Lambda$ is the cosmologicalconstant. Our solutions to the Wheeler-DeWitt equation are exact, so we areable to reliably compute the greybody factors that result from going beyond thenear horizon region.
We develop the canonical theory of gravitational collapse in 2+1 dimensions with a negative cosmological constant and obtain exact solutions of the Wheeler--DeWitt equation regularized on a lattice. We employ these solutions to derive the Hawking radiation from black holes formed in all models of dust collapse.
We compute the virtual O(\alpha_s^3 n_f^2) corrections to the heavy quarkvector current correlator in terms of expansions in the external momentum andas an exact numerical solution. As a byproduct, the available high-energyexpansion at the three-loop level is extended.
We compute the virtual O(\alpha_s^3 n_f^2) corrections to the heavy quarkvector current correlator in terms of expansions in the external momentum and as an exact numerical solution.
More than 60,000 images of Mercury were taken at ~29 deg elevation during twosunrises, at 820 nm, and through a 1.35 m diameter off-axis aperture on theSOAR telescope. The sharpest resolve 0.2" (140 km) and cover 190-300 deglongitude -- a swath unseen by the Mariner 10 spacecraft -- at complementaryphase angles to previous ground-based optical imagery. Our view is comparableto that of the Moon through weak binoculars. Evident are the large craterMozart shadowed on the terminator, fresh rayed craters, and other albedofeatures keyed to topography and radar reflectivity, including the putativehuge ``Basin S'' on the limb. Classical bright feature Liguria resolves acrossthe northwest boundary of the Caloris basin into a bright splotch centered on asharp, 20 km diameter radar crater, and is the brightest feature within aprominent darker ``cap'' (Hermean feature Solitudo Phoenicis) that covers thenorthern hemisphere between longitudes 140-250 deg. The cap may result fromspace weathering that darkens via a magnetically enhanced flux of the solarwind, or that reddens low latitudes via high solar insolation.
More than 60,000 images of Mercury were taken at ~29 deg elevation during two sunrises, at 820 nm, and through a 1.35 m diameter off-axis aperture on the SOAR telescope.
Degree distributions of graph representations for compact urban patterns arescale-dependent. Therefore, the degree statistics alone does not give us theenough information to reach a qualified conclusion on the structure of urbanspatial networks. We investigate the statistics of far-away neighbors andpropose the new method for automatic structural classification of cities.
We investigate the statistics of far-away neighbors and propose the new method for automatic structural classification of cities.
Recently, several similar protocols[J. Opt. B 4 (2002) 380; Phys. Lett. A 316(2003) 159; Phys. Lett. A 355 (2006) 285; Phys. Lett. A 336 (2005) 317] forremotely preparing a class of multi-qubit states (i.e, $\alpha|0 ...0>+\beta|1... 1>$) are proposed, respectively. In this paper, by applying thecontrolled-not (CNOT) gate, a new simple protocol is proposed for remotelypreparing such class of states. Compared to the previous protocols, bothclassical communication cost and required quantum entanglement in our protocolare remarkably reduced. Moreover, the difficulty of identifying some quantumstates in our protocol is also degraded. Hence our protocol is more economicaland feasible.
In this paper, by applying the controlled-not (CNOT) gate, a new simple protocol is proposed for remotely preparing such class of states.