We consider the relationship between the tight-binding Hamiltonian of thetwo-dimensional honeycomb lattice of carbon atoms with nearest neighbor hoppingonly and the 2+1 dimensional Hamiltonian of quantum electrodynamics whichfollows in the continuum limit. We pay particular attention to the symmetriesof the free Dirac fermions including spatial inversion, time reversal, chargeconjugation and chirality. We illustrate the power of such a mapping byconsidering the effect of the possible symmetry breaking which corresponds tothe creation of a finite Dirac mass, on various optical properties. Inparticular, we consider the diagonal AC conductivity with emphasis on how thefinite Dirac mass might manifest itself in experiment. The optical sum rulesfor the diagonal and Hall conductivities are discussed.
We consider the relationship between the tight-binding Hamiltonian of the two-dimensional honeycomb lattice of carbon atoms with nearest neighbor hopping only and the 2+1 dimensional Hamiltonian of quantum electrodynamics which follows in the continuum limit. We pay particular attention to the symmetries of the free Dirac fermions including spatial inversion, time reversal, charge conjugation and chirality.
We calculate the temperature dependence of NMR relaxation rate and electricalresistivity for coupling to a local, strongly anharmonic phonon mode. We arguethat the two-phonon Raman process is dominating NMR relaxation. Due to thestrong anharmonicity of the phonon an unusual temperature dependence is foundhaving a low temperature peak and becoming constant towards highertemperatures. The electrical resistivity is found to vary like T^2 at lowtemperatures and following a sqrt{T} behavior at high temperatures. Bothresults are in qualitative agreement with recent observations onbeta-pyrochlore oxide superconductors.
We calculate the temperature dependence of NMR relaxation rate and electrical resistivity for coupling to a local, strongly anharmonic phonon mode. We argue that the two-phonon Raman process is dominating NMR relaxation.
We examine the recent suggestion that P- and CP-odd effects in QCD matter caninduce electric charge asymmetry with respect to reaction plane in relativisticheavy ion collisions. General arguments are given which confirm that theangular momentum of QCD matter in the presence of non-zero topological chargeshould induce an electric field aligned along the axis of the angular momentum.A simple formula relating the magnitude of charge asymmetry to the angularmomentum and topological charge is derived. The expected asymmetry is amenableto experimental observation at RHIC and LHC; we discuss the recent preliminarySTAR result in light of our findings.
A simple formula relating the magnitude of charge asymmetry to the angular momentum and topological charge is derived.
The inflationary flow equations are a frequently used method of surveying thespace of inflationary models. In these applications the infinite hierarchy ofdifferential equations is truncated in a way which has been shown to beequivalent to restricting the set of models considered to those characterizedby polynomial inflaton potentials. This paper explores a different method ofsolving the flow equations, which does not truncate the hierarchy and inconsequence covers a much wider class of models while retaining the practicalusability of the standard approach.
This paper explores a different method of solving the flow equations, which does not truncate the hierarchy and in consequence covers a much wider class of models while retaining the practical usability of the standard approach.
We demonstrate the implications of Efimov physics in the recently measuredrecombination rate of Cesium-133 atoms. By employing previously calculatedresults for the energy dependence of the recombination rate of Helium-4 atoms,we obtain three independent scaling functions that are capable of describingthe recombination rates over a large energy range for identical bosons withlarge scattering length. We benchmark these and previously obtained scalingfunctions by successfully comparing their predictions with full atom-dimerphase shift calculations with artificial Helium-4 potentials yielding largescattering lengths. Exploiting universality, we finally use these functions todetermine the 3-body recombination rate of Cesium-133 atoms with large positivescattering length, compare our results to experimental data obtained by theInnsbruck group and find excellent agreement.
By employing previously calculated results for the energy dependence of the recombination rate of Helium-4 atoms, we obtain three independent scaling functions that are capable of describing the recombination rates over a large energy range for identical bosons with large scattering length. We benchmark these and previously obtained scaling functions by successfully comparing their predictions with full atom-dimer phase shift calculations with artificial Helium-4 potentials yielding large scattering lengths.
We search for and characterize substructures in the projected distribution ofgalaxies observed in the wide field CCD images of the 77 nearby clusters of theWIde-field Nearby Galaxy-cluster Survey (WINGS). This sample is complete inX-ray flux in the redshift range 0.04<z<0.07. We search for substructures inWINGS clusters with DEDICA, an adaptive-kernel procedure. We test the procedureon Monte-Carlo simulations of the observed frames and determine the reliabilityfor the detected structures. DEDICA identifies at least one reliable structurein the field of 55 clusters. 40 of these clusters have a total of 69substructures at the same redshift of the cluster (redshift estimates ofsubstructures are from color-magnitude diagrams). The fraction of clusters withsubclusters (73%) is higher than in most studies. The presence of subclustersaffects the relative luminosities of the brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs).Down to L ~ 10^11.2 L_Sun, our observed differential distribution of subclusterluminosities is consistent with the theoretical prediction of the differentialmass function of substructures in cosmological simulations.
We search for substructures in WINGS clusters with DEDICA, an adaptive-kernel procedure. We test the procedure on Monte-Carlo simulations of the observed frames and determine the reliability for the detected structures.
We demonstrate control over heat flow in an N-terminal molecular junction.Using simple model Hamiltonians we show that the heat current through twoterminals can be tuned, switched, and amplified, by the temperature andcoupling parameters of external gating reservoirs. We discuss two models: Afully harmonic system, and a model incorporating anharmonic interactions. Forboth models the control reservoirs induce thermal fluctuations of thetransition elements between molecular vibrational states. We find that a fullyharmonic model does not show any controllability, while for an anharmonicsystem the conduction properties of the junction strongly depend on theparameters of the gates. Realizations of the model system within nanodevicesand macromolecules are discussed.
Using simple model Hamiltonians we show that the heat current through two terminals can be tuned, switched, and amplified, by the temperature and coupling parameters of external gating reservoirs. We discuss two models: A fully harmonic system, and a model incorporating anharmonic interactions.
We discuss an extension of time-dependent density-functional theory by aself-interaction correction (SIC). A strictly variational formulation is giventaking care of the necessary constraints. A manageable and transparentpropagation scheme using two sets of wavefunctions is proposed and applied tolaser excitation with subsequent ionization of a dimer molecule.
A strictly variational formulation is given taking care of the necessary constraints. A manageable and transparent propagation scheme using two sets of wavefunctions is proposed and applied to laser excitation with subsequent ionization of a dimer molecule.
The present study deals with the analysis and classification of interest ratecurves. Interest rate curves (IRC) are the basic financial curves in manydifferent fields of economics and finance. They are extremely important toolsin banking and financial risk management problems. Interest rates depend ontime and maturity which defines term structure of the interest rate curves. IRCare composed of interest rates at different maturities (usually fixed number)which move coherently in time. In the present study machine learningalgorithms, namely Self-Organising maps - SOM (Kohonen maps), are used to findclusters and to classify Swiss franc (CHF) interest rate curves.
In the present study machine learning algorithms, namely Self-Organising maps - SOM (Kohonen maps), are used to find clusters and to classify Swiss franc (CHF) interest rate curves.
The near-infrared spectrum of (50000) Quaoar obtained at the Keck Observatoryshows distinct absorption features of crystalline water ice, solid methane andethane, and possibly other higher order hydrocarbons. Quaoar is only the fifthKuiper belt object on which volatile ices have been detected. The small amountof methane on an otherwise water ice dominated surface suggests that Quaoar isa transition object between the dominant volatile-poor small Kuiper beltobjects (KBOs) and the few volatile-rich large KBOs such as Pluto and Eris.
The near-infrared spectrum of (50000) Quaoar obtained at the Keck Observatory
This paper proposes the k-generalized distribution as a model for describingthe distribution and dispersion of income within a population. Formulas for theshape, moments and standard tools for inequality measurement - such as theLorenz curve and the Gini coefficient - are given. A method for parameterestimation is also discussed. The model is shown to fit extremely well the dataon personal income distribution in Australia and the United States.
Formulas for the shape, moments and standard tools for inequality measurement - such as the Lorenz curve and the Gini coefficient - are given. A method for parameter estimation is also discussed.
We propose a framework for studying predictability of extreme events incomplex systems. Major conceptual elements -- direct cascading orfragmentation, spatial dynamics, and external driving -- are combined in aclassical age-dependent multi-type branching diffusion process withimmigration. A complete analytic description of the size- and space-dependentdistributions of particles is derived. We then formulate an extreme eventprediction problem and determine characteristic patterns of the system behavioras an extreme event approaches. In particlular, our results imply specificpremonitory deviations from self-similarity, which have been heuristicallyobserved in real-world and modeled complex systems. Our results suggest asimple universal mechanism of such premonitory patterns and natural frameworkfor their analytic study.
A complete analytic description of the size- and space-dependent distributions of particles is derived. We then formulate an extreme event prediction problem and determine characteristic patterns of the system behavior as an extreme event approaches.
A recent, major, puzzle in the core-level photoemission spectra of dopedmanganites is the observation of a 1-2 eV wide shoulder with intensity varyingwith temperature T as the square of the magnetization over a T scale of order200K, an order of magnitude less than electronic energies. This is addressedand resolved here, by extending a recently proposed two electron fluid l-bmodel for these systems to include core-hole effects. The shoulder arises froma rapid redistribution of e_g electron density, as a function of T, between thehighly localized (l) and band-like (b) states. Furthermore, our theory leads toa correspondence between spectral changes due to increasing doping anddecreasing T, as experimentally observed.
This is addressed and resolved here, by extending a recently proposed two electron fluid l-b model for these systems to include core-hole effects. The shoulder arises from a rapid redistribution of e_g electron density, as a function of T, between the highly localized (l) and band-like (b) states.
This paper presents a new method for a quick similarity-based search throughlong unlabeled audio streams to detect and locate audio clips provided byusers. The method involves feature-dimension reduction based on a piecewiselinear representation of a sequential feature trajectory extracted from a longaudio stream. Two techniques enable us to obtain a piecewise linearrepresentation: the dynamic segmentation of feature trajectories and thesegment-based Karhunen-L\'{o}eve (KL) transform. The proposed search methodguarantees the same search results as the search method without the proposedfeature-dimension reduction method in principle. Experiment results indicatesignificant improvements in search speed. For example the proposed methodreduced the total search time to approximately 1/12 that of previous methodsand detected queries in approximately 0.3 seconds from a 200-hour audiodatabase.
The method involves feature-dimension reduction based on a piecewise linear representation of a sequential feature trajectory extracted from a long audio stream. Two techniques enable us to obtain a piecewise linear representation: the dynamic segmentation of feature trajectories and the segment-based Karhunen-L\'{o}eve (KL) transform.
We study sequential programs that are instruction sequences with direct andindirect jump instructions. The intuition is that indirect jump instructionsare jump instructions where the position of the instruction to jump to is thecontent of some memory cell. We consider several kinds of indirect jumpinstructions. For each kind, we define the meaning of programs with indirectjump instructions of that kind by means of a translation into programs withoutindirect jump instructions. For each kind, the intended behaviour of a programwith indirect jump instructions of that kind under execution is the behaviourof the translated program under execution on interaction with some memorydevice.
For each kind, we define the meaning of programs with indirect jump instructions of that kind by means of a translation into programs without indirect jump instructions. For each kind, the intended behaviour of a program with indirect jump instructions of that kind under execution is the behaviour of the translated program under execution on interaction with some memory device.
The Solar Wind Around Pluto (SWAP) instrument on New Horizons will measurethe interaction between the solar wind and ions created by atmospheric lossfrom Pluto. These measurements provide a characterization of the total lossrate and allow us to examine the complex plasma interactions at Pluto for thefirst time. Constrained to fit within minimal resources, SWAP is optimized tomake plasma-ion measurements at all rotation angles as the New Horizonsspacecraft scans to image Pluto and Charon during the flyby. In order to meetthese unique requirements, we combined a cylindrically symmetric retardingpotential analyzer (RPA) with small deflectors, a top-hat analyzer, and aredundant/coincidence detection scheme. This configuration allows for highlysensitive measurements and a controllable energy passband at all scan angles ofthe spacecraft.
Constrained to fit within minimal resources, SWAP is optimized to make plasma-ion measurements at all rotation angles as the New Horizons spacecraft scans to image Pluto and Charon during the flyby. In order to meet these unique requirements, we combined a cylindrically symmetric retarding potential analyzer (RPA) with small deflectors, a top-hat analyzer, and a redundant/coincidence detection scheme.
The Nikolaevskiy equation has been proposed as a model for seismic waves,electroconvection and weak turbulence; we show that it can also be used tomodel transverse instabilities of fronts. This equation possesses a large-scale"Goldstone" mode that significantly influences the stability of spatiallyperiodic steady solutions; indeed, all such solutions are unstable at onset,and the equation exhibits so-called soft-mode turbulence. In many applications,a weak damping of this neutral mode will be present, and we study the influenceof this damping on solutions to the Nikolaevskiy equation. We examine thetransition to the usual Eckhaus instability as the damping of the large-scalemode is increased, through numerical calculation and weakly nonlinear analysis.The latter is accomplished using asymptotically consistent systems of coupledamplitude equations. We find that there is a critical value of the dampingbelow which (for a given value of the supercriticality parameter) all periodicsteady states are unstable. The last solutions to lose stability lie in a cuspclose to the left-hand side of the marginal stability curve.
We examine the transition to the usual Eckhaus instability as the damping of the large-scale mode is increased, through numerical calculation and weakly nonlinear analysis. The latter is accomplished using asymptotically consistent systems of coupled amplitude equations.
We consider the entanglement between quantum field degrees of freedom insideand outside the horizon as a plausible source of black-hole entropy. We examinepossible deviations of black hole entropy from area proportionality. We showthat while the area law holds when the field is in its ground state, acorrection term proportional to a fractional power of area results when thefield is in a superposition of ground and excited states. We compare ourresults with the other approaches in the literature.
We examine possible deviations of black hole entropy from area proportionality. We show that while the area law holds when the field is in its ground state, a correction term proportional to a fractional power of area results when the field is in a superposition of ground and excited states.
The vacuum Gowdy models provide much studied, non-trivial midi-superspaceexamples. Various technical issues within Loop Quantum Gravity can be studiedin these models as well as one can hope to understand singularities and theirresolution in the loop quantization. The first step in this program is toreformulate the model in real connection variables in a manner that is amenableto loop quantization. We begin with the unpolarized model and carry out aconsistent reduction to the polarized case. Carrying out complete gauge fixing,the known solutions are recovered.
The first step in this program is to reformulate the model in real connection variables in a manner that is amenable to loop quantization. We begin with the unpolarized model and carry out a consistent reduction to the polarized case.
We test the Yilmaz theory of gravitation by working out the correspondingFriedmann-type equations generated by assuming the Friedmann-Robertson-Walkercosmological metrics. In the case that space is flat the theory is consistentonly with either a completely empty universe or a negative energy vacuum thatdecays to produce a constant density of matter. In both cases the total energyremains zero at all times, and in the latter case the acceleration of theexpansion is always negative. To obtain a more flexible and potentially morerealistic cosmology, the equation of state relating the pressure and energydensity of the matter creation process must be different from the vacuum, asfor example is the case in the steady-state models of Gold, Bondi, Hoyle andothers. The theory does not support the cosmological principle for curved spaceK =/= 0 cosmological metrics.
We test the Yilmaz theory of gravitation by working out the corresponding Friedmann-type equations generated by assuming the Friedmann- Robertson-Walker cosmological metrics.
Extensions of the MSSM generically feature gauge singlet Higgs bosons. Thesesinglet Higgs bosons have tan(beta)-enhanced Yukawa couplings to down-typequarks and leptons at the one-loop level. We present an effective Lagrangianincorporating these Yukawa couplings and use it to study their effect onsinglet Higgs boson phenomenology within both the mnSSM and NMSSM. It is foundthat the loop-induced couplings represent an appreciable effect for the singletpseudoscalar in particular, and may dominate its decay modes in some regions ofparameter space.
We present an effective Lagrangian incorporating these Yukawa couplings and use it to study their effect on singlet Higgs boson phenomenology within both the mnSSM and NMSSM.
We describe explicitly the whole structures of the $(g,K)$-modules ofprincipal series representations of $Sp(3,R)$. We apply this result todetermine the holonomic system characterizing those Whittaker functions.
We describe explicitly the whole structures of the $(g,K)$-modules of principal series representations of $Sp(3,R)$.
Determinations of beryllium abundance in stars, together with lithium,provide a key tool to investigate the so far poorly understood extra-mixingprocesses at work in stellar interiors. We measured Be in three openclusters,complementing existing Be surveys, and aiming at gathering a morecomplete empirical scenario of the evolution of Be as a function of stellar ageand temperature. Specifically, we analyzed VLT/UVES spectra of members of NGC2516, the Hyades, and M 67 to determine their Be and Li abundances. In thefirst two clusters we focused on stars cooler than 5400 K, while the M 67sample includes stars warmer than 6150 K, as well as two subgiants and two bluestragglers. We also computed the evolution of Be for a 0.9 Mo star based onstandard evolutionary models. We find different emprical behaviours for starsin different temperature bins and ages. Stars warmer than 6150 K show Bedepletion and follow a Be vs. Li correlation while Be is undepleted in stars inthe ~6150-5600 K range. NGC 2516 members cooler than 5400 K have not depletedany Be, but older Hyades of similar temperature do show some depletion. Be isseverely depleted in the subgiants and blue stragglers. The results for warmstars are in agreement with previous studies, supporting the hypothesis thatmixing in this temperature regime is driven by rotation. The same holds for thetwo subgiants that have evolved from the "Li gap". This mechanism is insteadnot the dominant one for solar-type stars. We show that Be depletion of coolHyades cannot simply be explained by the effect of increasing depth of theconvective zone. Finally, the different Be content of the two blue stragglerssuggests that they have formed by two different processes (i.e., collisions vs.binary merging).
We measured Be in three open clusters, complementing existing Be surveys, and aiming at gathering a more complete empirical scenario of the evolution of Be as a function of stellar age and temperature. Specifically, we analyzed VLT/UVES spectra of members of NGC 2516, the Hyades, and M 67 to determine their Be and Li abundances.
We give a criterion allowing to verify whether or not two tilted algebrashave the same relation-extension (thus correspond to the same cluster-tiltedalgebra). This criterion is in terms of a combinatorial configuration in theAuslander-Reiten quiver of the cluster-tilted algebra, which we call localslice.
We give a criterion allowing to verify whether or not two tilted algebras have the same relation-extension (thus correspond to the same cluster-tilted algebra). This criterion is in terms of a combinatorial configuration in the Auslander-Reiten quiver of the cluster-tilted algebra, which we call local slice.
The little Grothendieck theorem for Banach spaces says that every boundedlinear operator between $C(K)$ and $\ell_2$ is 2-summing. However, it is shownin \cite{J05} that the operator space analogue fails. Not every cb-map $v : \K\to OH$ is completely 2-summing. In this paper, we show an operator spaceanalogue of Maurey's theorem : Every cb-map $v : \K \to OH$ is $(q,cb)$-summingfor any $q>2$ and hence admits a factorization $\|v(x)\| \leq c(q) \|v\|_{cb}\|axb\|_q$ with $a,b$ in the unit ball of the Schatten class $S_{2q}$.
Every cb-map $v : \K\to OH$ is $(q,cb)$-summing for any $q>2$ and hence admits a factorization $\|v(x)\| \leq c(q) \|v\|_{cb}\|axb\|_q$ with $a,b$ in the unit ball of the Schatten class $S_{2q}$.
Inclusive beauty quark production in photon-photon collisions at CERN LEP2 isconsidered in the framework of the kt-factorization approach. Both direct andresolved photon contributions are taken into account. The unintegrated gluondistributions in a photon are either obtained from the full CCFM evolutionequation or from the Kimber-Martin-Ryskin prescription. The predicted beautycross section reasonably agrees with the recent experimental data taken by theALEPH collaboration. We argue that theoretical and experimental studies of theazimuthal correlations in heavy quark production at high energies can serve asa crucial probe of the unintegrated gluon densities.
Both direct and resolved photon contributions are taken into account. The unintegrated gluon distributions in a photon are either obtained from the full CCFM evolution equation or from the Kimber-Martin-Ryskin prescription.
When will the Internet become aware of itself? In this note the problem isapproached by asking an alternative question: Can the Internet cope withstress? By extrapolating the psychological difference between coping anddefense mechanisms a distributed software experiment is outlined which couldreject the hypothesis that the Internet is not a conscious entity.
By extrapolating the psychological difference between coping and defense mechanisms a distributed software experiment is outlined
This work explores a simple approximation to describe isolated impurityscattering in a strongly correlated metal. The approximation combinesconventional one electron scattering theory and the Dynamic Mean Field Theoryto describe strong correlations in the host. It becomes exact in severallimits, including those of very weak and very strong impurity potentials.Original electronic structure appears at the impurity site when the impuritypotential strength is moderate and the host is close to the Mott transition.Our results may provide useful guidance for interpretation of scanningtunneling microscopy experiments in strongly correlated systems.
The approximation combines conventional one electron scattering theory and the Dynamic Mean Field Theory to describe strong correlations in the host. It becomes exact in several limits, including those of very weak and very strong impurity potentials.
We present results on bulk thermodynamic quantities as well as net baryonnumber, strangeness and electric charge fluctuations in QCD at non-zero densityand temperature obtained from lattice calculations with almost physical quarkmasses for two values of the lattice cut-off $aT=1/4$ and 1/6 . We show thatwith our improved p4fa3-action the cut-off effects are under control when usinglattices with a temporal extent of 6 or larger and that the contribution to theequation of state, which is due to a finite chemical potential is small for$\mu_q/T<1$. Moreover, at vanishing chemical potential, i.e. under conditionsalmost realized at RHIC and the LHC, quartic fluctuations of net baryon numberand strangeness are large in a narrow temperature interval characterizing thetransition region from the low to high temperature phase. At non-zero baryonnumber density, strangeness fluctuations are enhanced and correlated tofluctuations of the net baryon number. If strangeness is furthermore forced tovanish, as it may be the case in systems created in heavy ion collisions,strangeness fluctuations are significantly smaller than baryon numberfluctuations.
We present results on bulk thermodynamic quantities as well as net baryonnumber, strangeness and electric charge fluctuations in QCD at non-zero densityand temperature obtained from lattice calculations with almost physical quarkmasses for two values of the lattice cut-off $aT=1/4$ and 1/6.
Since 2002, the number of detected blazars at E_\gamma > 100 GeV has morethan doubled. I study all currently known BL Lac-type objects with publishedenergy spectra. Their intrinsic energy spectra are reconstructed by removingextragalactic background light attenuation effects. The emission properties arethen compared and correlated among each other, with X-ray data, and with theindividual black hole masses. In addition, I consider temporal properties ofthe very high energy gamma-ray flux. Key findings concern the flux--black holemass and variability scale--black hole mass connections and the correlation ofthe spectral slope and the luminosity. As a specific application, the studyallows to constrain the still undetermined redshift of the blazar PG 1553+113.
Their intrinsic energy spectra are reconstructed by removing extragalactic background light attenuation effects. The emission properties are then compared and correlated among each other, with X-ray data, and with the individual black hole masses.
This article presents an overview of experimental efforts in recent yearsrelated to multidimensional solitons in Bose-Einstein condensates. We discussthe techniques used to generate and observe multidimensional nonlinear waves inBose-Einstein condensates with repulsive interactions. We further summarizeobservations of planar soliton fronts undergoing the snake instability, theformation of vortex rings, and the emergence of hybrid structures.
We discuss the techniques used to generate and observe multidimensional nonlinear waves in Bose-Einstein condensates with repulsive interactions.
Cosmic ray studies, in particular UHECR, can be in general supported by adirectional, easy deployable, simple and robust detector. The design of thisdetector is based on the time of flight between two parallel tiles ofscintillator, to distinguish particle passing through in opposite directions;by fine time resolution and pretty adjustable acceptance it is possible toselect upward(left)/downward(right) cosmic rays. It has been developed for anarray of detectors to measure upward $\tau$ from Earth-Skimming neutrino eventswith energy above $10^8 GeV$. The properties and performances of the detectorare discussed. Test results from a high noise environment are presented.
The design of this detector is based on the time of flight between two parallel tiles of scintillator, to distinguish particle passing through in opposite directions; by fine time resolution and pretty adjustable acceptance it is possible to select upward (left)/downward (right) cosmic rays.
With this study we aim at the spectroscopic verification of a photometricallyselected sample of Low Surface Brightness (LSB) galaxy candidates in a fieldaround the Hubble Deep Field-South (HDF-S). The sample helps to extend theparameter space for LSB galaxies to lower central surface brightnesses and toprovide better estimates on the volume densities of these objects. To deriveredshifts for the LSB candidates, long-slit spectra were obtained covering aspectral range from 3400{\AA} to 7500{\AA}. The observations have been obtainedusing the ESO 3.6m telescope, equipped with the EFOSC2 spectrograph. From themeasured radial velocities, distances could be estimated. With this distanceinformation, it is possible to differentiate between true LSB galaxies andhigher redshift High Surface Brightness (HSB) galaxies which may contaminatethe sample. A correction for the surface brightnesses can then be applied,accounting for the cosmological dimming effect (``Tolman Dimming''). We showthat ~70% of the LSB candidates, selected based on their location in thecolor-color space, are real LSB galaxies. Their position in the color-colordiagrams, therefore, indicate that the LSB galaxies have a different stellarpopulation mix resulting from a different star formation history compared toHSBs. Our LSB galaxy sample consists only of large disk galaxies withscale-length between 2.5kpc and 7.3kpc. We confirm the flat central surfacebrightness distribution of previous surveys and extend this distribution downto central surface brightnesses of 27 B mag arcsec^-2.
To derive redshifts for the LSB candidates, long- slit spectra were obtained covering a spectral range from 3400{\AA} to 7500{\AA}. The observations have been obtained using the ESO 3.6m telescope, equipped with the EFOSC2 spectrograph. From the measured radial velocities, distances could be estimated.
We present the discovery of two very-high-energy gamma-ray sources in anongoing systematic search for emission above 100 GeV from pulsar wind nebulaein survey data from the H.E.S.S. telescope array. Imaging Atmospheric CherenkovTelescopes are ideal tools for searching for extended emission from pulsar windnebulae in the very-high-energy regime. H.E.S.S., with its large field of viewof 5 degrees and high sensitivity, gives new prospects for the search for theseobjects. An ongoing systematic search for very-high-energy emission fromenergetic pulsars over the region of the Galactic plane between -60 degrees < l< 30 degrees, -2 degrees < b < 2 degrees is performed. For the resultingcandidates, the standard H.E.S.S. analysis was applied and a search formulti-wavelength counterparts was performed. We present the discovery of twonew candidate gamma-ray pulsar wind nebulae, HESS J1718-385 and HESS J1809-193.H.E.S.S. has proven to be a suitable instrument for pulsar wind nebulasearches.
An ongoing systematic search for very-high-energy emission from energetic pulsars over the region of the Galactic plane between -60 degrees < l < 30 degrees, -2 degrees < b < 2 degrees is performed. For the resulting candidates, the standard H.E.S.S. analysis was applied and a search for multi-wavelength counterparts was performed.
We show that future Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Ray samples should be able todistinguish whether the sources of UHECRs are hosted by galaxy clusters orordinary galaxies, or whether the sources are uncorrelated with the large-scalestructure of the universe. Moreover, this is true independently of arrivaldirection uncertainty due to magnetic deflection or measurement error. Thereason for this is the simple property that the strength of large-scaleclustering for extragalactic sources depends on their mass, with more massiveobjects, such as galaxy clusters, clustering more strongly than lower massobjects, such as ordinary galaxies.
We show that future Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Ray samples should be able to distinguish whether the sources of UHECRs are hosted by galaxy clusters or ordinary galaxies, or whether the sources are uncorrelated with the large-scale structure of the universe.
Suspended chains consisting of single noble metal and oxygen atoms have beenformed. We provide evidence that oxygen can react with and be incorporated intometallic one-dimensional atomic chains. Oxygen incorporation reinforces thelinear bonds in the chain, which facilitates the creation of longer atomicchains. The mechanical and electrical properties of these diatomic chains havebeen investigated by determining local vibration modes of the chain and bymeasuring the dependence of the average chain-conductance on the length of thechain. Additionally, we have performed calculations that give insight in thephysical mechanism of the oxygen-induced strengthening of the linear bonds andthe conductance of the metal-oxygen chains.
The mechanical and electrical properties of these diatomic chains have been investigated by determining local vibration modes of the chain and by measuring the dependence of the average chain-conductance on the length of the chain. Additionally, we have performed calculations that give insight in the physical mechanism of the oxygen-induced strengthening of the linear bonds and the conductance of the metal-oxygen chains.
We consider ultracold bosonic atoms in an optical lattice with an externaltrapping potential. To study the excitation energies of the resultingBose-Hubbard model, we develop a method based on a time-dependentgeneralization of the Gutzwiller ansatz. We calculate the excitations of thehomogeneous system both in insulating and superfluid regime, concentratingparticularly on those near the superfluid-Mott insulator boundary. Low-lyingexcitation energies in presence of a static harmonic trap are obtained usingthis method and compared with the homogeneous case. Further, we explore thedynamics of the center of mass and the breathing mode in response totime-dependent perturbations of the trap.
To study the excitation energies of the resulting Bose-Hubbard model, we develop a method based on a time-dependent generalization of the Gutzwiller ansatz. We calculate the excitations of the homogeneous system both in insulating and superfluid regime, concentrating particularly on those near the superfluid-Mott insulator boundary.
We prove that a complete family of linearly non-degenerate rational curves ofdegree $e > 2$ in $\mathbb{P}^n$ has at most $n-1$ moduli. For $e = 2$ we provethat such a family has at most $n$ moduli. It is unknown whether or not this isthe best possible result. The general method involves exhibiting a map from thebase of a family $X$ to the Grassmaninian of $e$-planes in $\mathbb{P}^n$ andanalyzing the resulting map on cohomology.
The general method involves exhibiting a map from the base of a family $X$ to the Grassmaninian of $e$-planes in $\mathbb{P}^n$ and analyzing the resulting map on cohomology.
We summarize the method of mass modelling of galaxy clusters based onreproducing the dispersion and kurtosis of the projected velocity distributionof galaxies. The models are parametrized within the framework of the NFWdensity profile, characterized by the virial mass and concentration, togetherwith the constant anisotropy of galaxy orbits. The use of velocity dispersionalone does not allow to constrain all the three parameters from kinematic datadue to the mass-anisotropy degeneracy. The degeneracy is broken by introducingthe fourth velocity moment, the kurtosis. We tested the method based on fittingboth moments on mock data sets drawn from simulated dark matter haloes andshowed it to reproduce reliably the properties of the haloes. The method hasbeen applied to estimate the mass, concentration and anisotropy of more than 20clusters which allowed us to confirm, for the first time using kinematic data,the mass-concentration relation found in N-body simulations.
The models are parametrized within the framework of the NFW density profile, characterized by the virial mass and concentration, together with the constant anisotropy of galaxy orbits. The use of velocity dispersion alone does not allow to constrain all the three parameters from kinematic data due to the mass-anisotropy degeneracy. The degeneracy is broken by introducing the fourth velocity moment, the kurtosis.
Myosin V is a two-headed processive motor protein that walks in ahand-over-hand fashion along actin filaments. When it encounters a filamentbranch, formed by the Arp2/3 complex, it can either stay on the straight motherfilament, or switch to the daughter filament. We study both probabilities usingthe elastic lever arm model for myosin V. We calculate the shapes and bendingenergies of all relevant configurations in which the trail head is bound to theactin filament before Arp2/3 and the lead head is bound either to the mother orto the daughter filament. Based on the assumption that the probability for ahead to bind to a certain actin subunit is proportional to the Boltzmann factorobtained from the elastic energy, we calculate the mother/daughter filamentbranching ratio. Our model predicts a value of 27% for the daughter and 73% forthe mother filament. This result is in good agreement with recent experimentaldata.
We study both probabilities using the elastic lever arm model for myosin V. We calculate the shapes and bending energies of all relevant configurations in which the trail head is bound to the actin filament before Arp2/3 and the lead head is bound either to the mother or to the daughter filament. Based on the assumption that the probability for a head to bind to a certain actin subunit is proportional to the Boltzmann factor obtained from the elastic energy, we calculate the mother/daughter filament branching ratio.
The experimental realization of multidimensional quantum states may lead tounexplored and interesting physics, as well as advanced quantum communicationprotocols. The orbital angular momentum of photons is a well suitable discretedegree of freedom for implementing high-dimensional quantum systems. Thestandard method to generate and manipulate such photon modes is to use bulk andfixed optics. Here the authors demonstrate the utilization of a spatial lightmodulator to manipulate the orbital angular momentum of entangled photonsgenerated in spontaneous parametric downconversion. They show that their setupallows them to realize photonic entanglement of up to 21 dimensions, which inprinciple can be extended to even larger dimensions.
The standard method to generate and manipulate such photon modes is to use bulk and fixed optics. Here the authors demonstrate the utilization of a spatial light modulator to manipulate the orbital angular momentum of entangled photons generated in spontaneous parametric downconversion.
We present observations of the $J$=1--0, 2--1, and 3--2 rotationaltransitions of N$_2$H$^+$ and N$_2$D$^+$ towards a sample of prototypical darkclouds. The data have been interpreted using non--local radiative transfermodels.
We present observations of the $J$=1--0, 2--1, and 3--2 rotational transitions of N$_2$H$^+$ and N$_2$D$^+$ towards a sample of prototypical dark clouds. The data have been interpreted using non--local radiative transfer models.
A general reconstruction and calibration procedure for tracking and wireposition determination of the OPERA drift tubes is presented. The mathematicsof the pattern recognition and the track fit are explained.
The mathematicsof the pattern recognition and the track fit are explained.
At density 1.2 the Kob-Andersen binary Lennard-Jones liquid partlycrystallizes in the temperature interval [0.39, 0.44] after typically 10-100microseconds (Argon units). The crystallization is initiated by a phaseseparation where the large (A) particles cluster in a volume void of Bparticles. We investigate a modification of the Kob-Andersen system where theattraction between particles of the same type is removed, thus disfavoringphase separation. We have not been able to crystallize this new system.
We investigate a modification of the Kob-Andersen system where the attraction between particles of the same type is removed, thus disfavoring phase separation.
The so called "globalization" process (i.e. the inexorable integration ofmarkets, currencies, nation-states, technologies and the intensification ofconsciousness of the world as a whole) has a behavior exactly equivalent to asystem that is tending to a maximum entropy state. This globalization processobeys a collective welfare principle in where the maximum payoff is given bythe equilibrium of the system and its stability by the maximization of thewelfare of the collective besides the individual welfare. This let us predictthe apparition of big common markets and strong common currencies. They willreach the "equilibrium" by decreasing its number until they reach a statecharacterized by only one common currency and only one big common communityaround the world.
This globalization process obeys a collective welfare principle in where the maximum payoff is given by the equilibrium of the system and its stability by the maximization of the welfare of the collective besides the individual welfare.
This is the third in a series of papers that deal with angular momentumtransport by internal gravity waves. We concentrate on the waves excited bycore convection in a 3Msun, Pop I main sequence star. Here, we want to examinethe role of the Coriolis acceleration in the equations of motion that describethe behavior of waves and to evaluate its impact on angular momentum transport.We use the so-called traditional approximation of geophysics, which allowsvariable separation in radial and horizontal components. In the presence ofrotation, the horizontal structure is described by Hough functions instead ofspherical harmonics. The Coriolis acceleration has two main effects on waves.It transforms pure gravity waves into gravito-inertial waves that have a largeramplitude closer to the equator, and it introduces new waves whose restoringforce is mainly the conservation of vorticity. Taking the Coriolis accelerationinto account changes the subtle balance between prograde and retrograde wavesin non-rotating stars. It also introduces new types of waves that are eitherpurely prograde or retrograde. We show in this paper where the local depositionof angular momentum by such waves is important.
We use the so-called traditional approximation of geophysics, which allows variable separation in radial and horizontal components. In the presence of rotation, the horizontal structure is described by Hough functions instead of spherical harmonics.
We investigate the use of optical variability to identify and study ActiveGalactic Nuclei (AGN) in the GOODS-South field. A sample of 22 mid-infraredpower law sources and 102 X-ray sources with optical counterparts in the HSTACS images were selected. Each object is classified with a variabilitysignificance value related to the standard deviation of its magnitude in fiveepochs separated by 45-day intervals. The variability significance is comparedto the optical, mid-IR, and X-ray properties of the sources. We find that 26%of all AGN candidates (either X-ray- or mid-IR-selected) are optical variables.The fraction of optical variables increases to 51% when considering sourceswith soft X-ray band ratios. For the mid-IR AGN candidates which havemultiwavelength SEDs, we find optical variability for 64% of those classifiedwith SEDs like Broad Line AGNs. While mostly unobscured AGN appear to have themost significant optical variability, some of the more obscured AGNs are alsoobserved as variables. In particular, we find two mid-IR power law-selected AGNcandidates without X-ray emission that display optical variability, confirmingtheir AGN nature.
A sample of 22 mid-infraredpower law sources and 102 X-ray sources with optical counterparts in the HSTACS images were selected. Each object is classified with a variability significance value related to the standard deviation of its magnitude in five epochs separated by 45-day intervals.
Near-infrared surveys of high-mass star-forming regions start to shed lightonto their stellar content. A particular class of objects found in theseregions, the so-called massive Young Stellar Objects (YSOs) are surrounded bydense circumstellar material. Several near- and mid-infrared diagnostic toolsare used to infer the physical characteristics and geometry of thiscircumstellar matter. Near-infrared hydrogen emission lines provide evidencefor a disk-wind. The profiles of the first overtone of the CO band-heads,originating in the inner 10 AU from the central star, are well fitted assuminga keplerian rotating disk. The mid-infrared spectral energy distributionrequires the presence of a more extended envelope containing dust at atemperature of about 200 K. CRIRES observations of CO fundamental absorptionlines confirm the presence of a cold envelope. We discuss the evolutionarystatus of these objects.
Several near- and mid-infrared diagnostic tools are used to infer the physical characteristics and geometry of this circumstellar matter. Near-infrared hydrogen emission lines provide evidence for a disk-wind. The profiles of the first overtone of the CO band-heads, originating in the inner 10 AU from the central star, are well fitted assuming a keplerian rotating disk.
In a recent publication [Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 227402 (2006),cond-mat/0611411], it has been demonstrated numerically that a long-rangedisorder potential in semiconductor quantum wells can be reconstructed reliablyvia single-photon interferometry of spontaneously emitted light. In the present paper, a simplified analytical model of independent two-levelsystems is presented in order to study the reconstruction procedure in moredetail. With the help of this model, the measured photon correlations can becalculated analytically and the influence of parameters such as the disorderlength scale, the wavelength of the used light, or the spotsize can beinvestigated systematically. Furthermore, the relation between the proposedangle-resolved single-photon correlations and the disorder potential can beunderstood and the measured signal is expected to be closely related to thecharacteristic strength and length scale of the disorder.
With the help of this model, the measured photon correlations can be calculated analytically and the influence of parameters such as the disorder length scale, the wavelength of the used light, or the spot size can be investigated systematically.
Brane world models with a non-minimally coupled bulk scalar field have beenstudied recently. In this paper we consider metric fluctuations around anarbitrary gravity-scalar background solution, and we show that thecorresponding spectrum includes a localized zero mode which strongly depends onthe profile of the background scalar field. For a special class of solutions,with a warp factor of the RS form, we solve the linearized Einstein equations,for a point-like mass source on the brane, by using the brane bendingformalism. We see that general relativity on the brane is recovered only if weimpose restrictions on the parameter space of the models under consideration.
For a special class of solutions, with a warp factor of the RS form, we solve the linearized Einstein equations, for a point-like mass source on the brane, by using the brane bending formalism.
An atomistic model based on the spin-restricted extended Huckel theory (EHT)is presented for simulating electronic structure and I-V characteristics ofgraphene devices. The model is applied to zigzag and armchair graphenenano-ribbons (GNR) with and without hydrogen passivation, as well as forbilayer graphene. Further calculations are presented for electric fields in thenano-ribbon width direction and in the bilayer direction to show electronicstructure modification. Finally, the EHT Hamiltonian and NEGF (NonequilibriumGreen's function) formalism are used for a paramagnetic zigzag GNR to show2e2/h quantum conductance.
An atomistic model based on the spin-restricted extended Huckel theory (EHT) is presented for simulating electronic structure and I-V characteristics of graphene devices. The model is applied to zigzag and armchair graphene nano-ribbons (GNR) with and without hydrogen passivation, as well as for bilayer graphene. Further calculations are presented for electric fields in the nano-ribbon width direction and in the bilayer direction to show electronic structure modification. Finally, the EHT Hamiltonian and NEGF (Nonequilibrium Green's function) formalism are used for a paramagnetic zigzag GNR to show 2e2/h quantum conductance.
It has been claimed [1-6] that fractal analysis can be applied tounambiguously characterize works of art such as the drip paintings of JacksonPollock. This academic issue has become of more general interest following therecent discovery of a cache of disputed Pollock paintings. We definitivelydemonstrate here, by analyzing paintings by Pollock and others, that fractalcriteria provide no information about artistic authenticity. This work has alsoled to two new results in fractal analysis of more general scientificsignificance. First, the composite of two fractals is not generally scaleinvariant and exhibits complex multifractal scaling in the small distanceasymptotic limit. Second the statistics of box-counting and related staircasesprovide a new way to characterize geometry and distinguish fractals fromEuclidean objects.
We definitively demonstrate here, by analyzing paintings by Pollock and others, that fractal criteria provide no information about artistic authenticity. This work has also led to two new results in fractal analysis of more general scientific significance.
Processor and system architectures that feature multiple memory controllersare prone to show bottlenecks and erratic performance numbers on codes withregular access patterns. Although such effects are well known in the form ofcache thrashing and aliasing conflicts, they become more severe when memoryaccess is involved. Using the new Sun UltraSPARC T2 processor as a prototypicalmulti-core design, we analyze performance patterns in low-level and applicationbenchmarks and show ways to circumvent bottlenecks by careful data layout andpadding.
Using the new Sun UltraSPARC T2 processor as a prototypical multi-core design, we analyze performance patterns in low-level and application benchmarks and show ways to circumvent bottlenecks by careful data layout and padding.
We present a microscopic Hamiltonian framework to develop Maxwell demon likeengine. Our model consists of a equilibrium thermal bath and a non-equilibriumbath; latter generated by driving with an external stationary, Gaussian noise.The engine we develop, can be considered as a device to extract work bymodifying internal fluctuations. Our theoretical analysis focusses on findingthe essential ingredients necessary for generating fluctuation inducedtransport under non-equilibrium condition. An important outcome of our model isthat the net motion occurs when the non-linear bath is modulated by theexternal noise, creating the non-zero effective temperature even when thetemperature of both the baths are same.
Our model consists of a equilibrium thermal bath and a non-equilibrium bath; latter generated by driving with an external stationary, Gaussian noise. The engine we develop, can be considered as a device to extract work by modifying internal fluctuations.
A generalized zero-range process with a limited number of long-rangeinteractions is studied as an example of a transport process in which particlesat a T-junction make a choice of which branch to take based on traffic levelson each branch. The system is analysed with a self-consistent mean-fieldapproximation which allows phase diagrams to be constructed. Agreement betweenthe analysis and simulations is found to be very good.
The system is analysed with a self-consistent mean-field approximation which allows phase diagrams to be constructed. Agreement between the analysis and simulations is found to be very good.
In Noyelles et al. (2008, Astron. Astrophys., 478, 959-970), a resonanceinvolving the wobble of Titan is hinted. This paper studies this scenario andits consequences. The first step is to build an accurate analytical model thatwould help to find the likely resonances in the rotation of every synchronousbody. In this model, I take the orbital eccentricity of the body into account,as well as its variable inclination with respect to Saturn's equator. Then ananalytical study using the second fundamental model of the resonance isperformed to study the resonance of interest. Finally, I study the dissipativeconsequences of this resonance. I find that this resonance may have increasedthe wobble of Titan by several degrees. For instance, if Titan's polar momentumC is equal to 0.355MR_T^2 (M and R_T being respectively Titan's mass andradius), the wobble might be forced to 41 degrees. Thanks to an originalformula, I find that the dissipation associated with the forced wobble mightnot be negligible compared to the contribution of the eccentricity. I alsosuspect that, due to the forced wobble, Titan's period of rotation may besomewhat underestimated by observers. Finally, I use the analytical modelpresented in this paper to compute the periods of the free librations of thefour Galilean satellites as well as the Saturnian satellite Rhea. For Io andEuropa, the results are consistent with previous studies. For the othersatellites, the periods of the free librations are respectively 186.37 d, 23.38y and 30.08 y for Ganymede, 2.44 y, 209.32 y and 356.54 y for Callisto, and51.84 d, 2.60 y and 3.59 y for Rhea.
The first step is to build an accurate analytical model that would help to find the likely resonances in the rotation of every synchronous body. In this model, I take the orbital eccentricity of the body into account, as well as its variable inclination with respect to Saturn's equator. Then an analytical study using the second fundamental model of the resonance is performed to study the resonance of interest.
We discuss the scenario where the gravitino is the lightest supersymmetricparticle and the long-lived next-to-lightest sparticle (NSP) is the neutralinoor the stau, the charged partner of the tau lepton. In this case staus formbound states with several nuclei, affecting the cosmological abundances of Li6and Li7 by enhancing nuclear rates that would otherwise be strongly suppressed.We consider the effects of these enhanced rates on the final abundancesproduced in Big-Bang nucleosynthesis (BBN), including injections of bothelectromagnetic and hadronic energy during and after BBN. We show that if thestau lifetime is longer than 10^3-10^4 s, the abundances of Li6 and Li7 are farin excess of those allowed by observations. For shorter lifetimes of order 1000s, it appears that stau bound state effect could reduce the Li7 abundance fromstandard BBN values while at the same time enhancing the Li6 abundance,creating a region where both lithium abundances match their plateau values.
We consider the effects of these enhanced rates on the final abundances produced in Big-Bang nucleosynthesis (BBN), including injections of both electromagnetic and hadronic energy during and after BBN.
The capacity of 1-D constraints is given by the entropy of a correspondingstationary maxentropic Markov chain. Namely, the entropy is maximized over aset of probability distributions, which is defined by some linear requirements.In this paper, certain aspects of this characterization are extended to 2-Dconstraints. The result is a method for calculating an upper bound on thecapacity of 2-D constraints. The key steps are: The maxentropic stationary probability distribution onsquare configurations is considered. A set of linear equalities andinequalities is derived from this stationarity. The result is a concaveprogram, which can be easily solved numerically. Our method improves uponprevious upper bounds for the capacity of the 2-D ``no independent bits''constraint, as well as certain 2-D RLL constraints.
The maxentropic stationary probability distribution on square configurations is considered. A set of linear equalities and inequalities is derived from this stationarity. The result is a concave program, which can be easily solved numerically.
We consider two-mode squeezed states which are parametrized by the squeezingparameter and the phase. We present a scheme for teleporting such entangledstates of continuous variables from Alice to Bob. Our protocol isoperationalized through the creation of a four-mode entangled state shared byAlice and Bob using linear amplifiers and beam splitters. Teleportation of theentangled state proceeds with local operations and the classical communicationof four bits. We compute the fidelity of teleportation and find that itexhibits a trade-off with the magnitude of entanglement of the resultantteleported state.
Our protocol is operationalized through the creation of a four-mode entangled state shared by Alice and Bob using linear amplifiers and beam splitters. Teleportation of the entangled state proceeds with local operations and the classical communication of four bits.
The work proposes the application of fuzzy set theory (FST) to diagnose thecondition of high voltage bushings. The diagnosis uses dissolved gas analysis(DGA) data from bushings based on IEC60599 and IEEE C57-104 criteria for oilimpregnated paper (OIP) bushings. FST and neural networks are compared in termsof accuracy and computational efficiency. Both FST and NN simulations were ableto diagnose the bushings condition with 10% error. By using fuzzy theory, themaintenance department can classify bushings and know the extent of degradationin the component.
The diagnosis uses dissolved gas analysis (DGA) data from bushings based on IEC60599 and IEEE C57-104 criteria for oil impregnated paper (OIP) bushings. FST and neural networks are compared in terms of accuracy and computational efficiency.
More than two dozen short-period Jupiter-mass gas giant planets have beendiscovered around nearby solar-type stars in recent years, several of whichundergo transits, making them ideal for the detection and characterization oftheir atmospheres. Here we adopt a three-dimensional radiative hydrodynamicalnumerical scheme to simulate atmospheric circulation on close-in gas giantplanets. In contrast to the conventional GCM and shallow water algorithms, thismethod does not assume quasi hydrostatic equilibrium and it approximatesradiation transfer from optically thin to thick regions with flux-limiteddiffusion. In the first paper of this series, we considersynchronously-spinning gas giants. We show that a full three-dimensionaltreatment, coupled with rotationally modified flows and an accurate treatmentof radiation, yields a clear temperature transition at the terminator. Based ona series of numerical simulations with varying opacities, we show that thenight-side temperature is a strong indicator of the opacity of the planetaryatmosphere. Planetary atmospheres that maintain large, interstellar opacitieswill exhibit large day-night temperature differences, while planets withreduced atmospheric opacities due to extensive grain growth and sedimentationwill exhibit much more uniform temperatures throughout their photosphere's. Inaddition to numerical results, we present a four-zone analytic approximation toexplain this dependence.
Here we adopt a three-dimensional radiative hydrodynamical numerical scheme to simulate atmospheric circulation on close-in gas giant planets. In contrast to the conventional GCM and shallow water algorithms, this method does not assume quasi hydrostatic equilibrium and it approximates radiation transfer from optically thin to thick regions with flux-limited diffusion.
We prove a version of Yau's Schwarz Lemma for general almost-complexmanifolds equipped with Hermitian metrics. This requires an extension to thissetting of the Laplacian comparison theorem. As an application we show that theproduct of two almost-complex manifolds does not admit any complete Hermitianmetric with bisectional curvature bounded between two negative constants thatsatisfies some additional mild assumptions.
We prove a version of Yau's Schwarz Lemma for general almost-complex manifolds equipped with Hermitian metrics. This requires an extension to this setting of the Laplacian comparison theorem.
We define a new family of random spin models with one-dimensional structure,finite-range multi-spin interactions, and bounded average degree (number ofinteractions in which each spin participates). Unfrustrated ground states canbe described as solutions of a sparse, band diagonal linear system, thusallowing for efficient numerical analysis. In the limit of infinite interaction range, we recover the so-called XORSAT(diluted p-spin) model, that is known to undergo a random first order phasetransition as the average degree is increased. Here we investigate the mostimportant consequences of a large but finite interaction range: (i)Fluctuation-induced corrections to thermodynamic quantities; (ii) The need ofan inhomogeneous (position dependent) order parameter; (iii) The emergence of afinite mosaic length scale. In particular, we study the correlation lengthdivergence at the (mean-field) glass transition.
We define a new family of random spin models with one-dimensional structure, finite-range multi-spin interactions, and bounded average degree (number of interactions in which each spin participates). Unfrustrated ground states can be described as solutions of a sparse, band diagonal linear system, thus allowing for efficient numerical analysis.
At very low temperatures, the tunnelling theory for amorphous solids predictsa thermal conductivity $\kappa\propto T^p$, with $p = 2$. We have studied theeffect of the Nuclear Quadrupole moment on the thermal conductivity of glassesat very low temperatures. We developed a theory that couples the tunnellingmotion to the nuclear quadrupoles moment in order to evaluate the thermalconductivity. Our result suggests a cross over between two different regimes atthe temperature close to the nuclear quadrupoles energy. Below this temperaturewe have shown that the thermal conductivity is larger than the standardtunneling result and therefore we have $p < 2$. However, for temperatureshigher than the nuclear quadrupoles energy, the result of standard tunnellingmodel has been found.
We developed a theory that couples the tunnelling motion to the nuclear quadrupoles moment in order to evaluate the thermal conductivity.
J. Slonczewski invented spin-transfer effect in layered systems in 1996.Among his first predictions was the regime of ``windmill motion'' of aperfectly symmetric spin valve where the magnetizations of the layers rotate ina fixed plane keeping the angle between them constant. Since ``windmill'' waspredicted to happen in the case of zero magnetic anisotropy, while in mostexperimental setups the anisotropy is significant, the phenomenon was not asubject of much research. However, the behavior of the magnetically isotropicdevice is related to the interesting question of current induced ferromagnetismand is worth more attention. Here we study the windmill regime in the presenceof dissipation, exchange interaction, and layer asymmetry. It is shown that thewindmill rotation is almost always destroyed by those effects, except for asingle special value of electric current, determined by the parameters of thedevice.
Here we study the windmill regime in the presence of dissipation, exchange interaction, and layer asymmetry. It is shown that the windmill rotation is almost always destroyed by those effects, except for a single special value of electric current, determined by the parameters of the device.
We discuss phenomenological consequences of some class of supersymmetricseesaw models in which the right-handed (s)neutrino mass is given to be TeVscale. In this scenario, scalar trilinear interaction ofHiggs-slepton-(right-handed) sneutrino is enhanced. We show that the 1-loopcorrection by sneutrino exchange to the lightest Higgs boson mass destructivelyinterferes with top-stop contributions in the minimal SUSY Standard Model. Wefind that a decay of charged Higgs boson into sneutrino and charged slepton issizably enhanced and hence it gives rise to a distinctive signal at futurecollider experiments in some parameter space.
We show that the 1-loop correction by sneutrino exchange to the lightest Higgs boson mass destructively interferes with top-stop contributions in the minimal SUSY Standard Model.
We consider a general stochastic input-output dynamical system with outputevolving in time as the solution to a functional coefficients, It\^{o}'sstochastic differential equation, excited by an input process. This generalclass of stochastic systems encompasses not only the classical communicationchannel models, but also a wide variety of engineering systems appearingthrough a whole range of applications. For this general setting we findanalogous of known relationships linking input-output mutual information andminimum mean causal and non-causal square errors, previously established in thecontext of additive Gaussian noise communication channels. Relationships arenot only established in terms of time-averaged quantities, but also theirtime-instantaneous, dynamical counterparts are presented. The problem ofappropriately introducing in this general framework a signal-to-noise rationotion expressed through a signal-to-noise ratio parameter is also taken intoaccount, identifying conditions for a proper and meaningful interpretation.
For this general setting we find analogous of known relationships linking input-output mutual information and minimum mean causal and non-causal square errors, previously established in the context of additive Gaussian noise communication channels.
Useful information about scientific collaboration structures and patterns canbe inferred from computer databases of published papers. The geneticprogramming bibliography is the most complete reference of papers on GP\@. Inaddition to locating publications, it contains coauthor and coeditorrelationships from which a more complete picture of the field emerges. We treatthese relationships as undirected small world graphs whose study reveals thecommunity structure of the GP collaborative social network. Automatic analysisdiscovers new communities and highlights new facets of them. The investigationreveals many similarities between GP and coauthorship networks in otherscientific fields but also some subtle differences such as a smaller centralnetwork component and a high clustering.
We treat these relationships as undirected small world graphs whose study reveals the community structure of the GP collaborative social network. Automatic analysis discovers new communities and highlights new facets of them.
A study of assisted problem solving formalized via decompositions ofdeterministic finite automata is initiated. The landscape of new types ofdecompositions of finite automata this study uncovered is presented. Languageswith various degrees of decomposability between undecomposable and perfectlydecomposable are shown to exist.
A study of assisted problem solving formalized via decompositions of deterministic finite automata is initiated. The landscape of new types of decompositions of finite automata this study uncovered is presented.
Entanglement catalysis allows one to convert certain entangled states intoothers by the temporary involvement of another entangled state (so-calledcatalyst), where after the conversion the catalyst is returned to the samestate. For bipartite pure entangled states that can be transformed in this waywith unit probability, the respective Schmidt coefficients are said to satisfythe trumping relation, a mathematical relation which is an extension of themajorization relation. This article provides all necessary and sufficientconditions for the trumping relation in terms of the Schmidt coefficients. Thecoefficients should satisfy strict inequalities for the entropy of entanglementand for power means excluding the special power 1.
This article provides all necessary and sufficient conditions for the trumping relation in terms of the Schmidt coefficients. The coefficients should satisfy strict inequalities for the entropy of entanglement and for power means excluding the special power 1.
Directional detection of dark matter can provide unambiguous observation ofdark matter interactions even in the presence of background. This articlepresents an experimental method to measure the direction tag ("head-tail") ofthe dark matter wind by detecting the scintillation light created by theelastic nuclear recoils in the scattering of dark matter particles with thedetector material. The technique is demonstrated by tagging the direction ofthe nuclear recoils created in the scattering of low-energy neutrons with CF4in a low-pressure time-projection chamber that is developed by the DMTPCcollaboration. The measurement of the decreasing ionization rate along therecoil trajectory provides the direction tag of the incoming neutrons, andproves that the "head-tail" effect can be observed.
This article presents an experimental method to measure the direction tag ("head-tail") of the dark matter wind by detecting the scintillation light created by the elastic nuclear recoils in the scattering of dark matter particles with the detector material. The technique is demonstrated by tagging the direction of the nuclear recoils created in the scattering of low-energy neutrons with CF4 in a low-pressure time-projection chamber that is developed by the DMTPC collaboration. The measurement of the decreasing ionization rate along the recoil trajectory provides the direction tag of the incoming neutrons, and proves that the "head-tail" effect can be observed.
Extending our earlier work on PSL(2|2), we explain how to reduce the solutionof WZNW models on general type I supergroups to those defined on the bosonicsubgroup. The new analysis covers in particular the supergroups GL(M|N) alongwith several close relatives such as PSL(N|N), certain Poincare supergroups andthe series OSP(2|2N). This remarkable progress relies on the use of a specialFeigin-Fuchs type representation. In preparation for the field theory analysis,we shall exploit a minisuperspace analogue of a free fermion construction todeduce the spectrum of the Laplacian on type I supergroups. The latter is shownto be non-diagonalizable. After lifting these results to the full WZNW model,we address various issues of the field theory, including its modular invarianceand the computation of correlation functions. In agreement with previousfindings, supergroup WZNW models allow to study chiral and non-chiral aspectsof logarithmic conformal field theory within a geometric framework. We shallbriefly indicate how insights from WZNW models carry over to non-geometricexamples, such as e.g. the W(p) triplet models.
The new analysis covers in particular the supergroups GL(M|N) along with several close relatives such as PSL(N|N), certain Poincare supergroups and the series OSP(2|2N). This remarkable progress relies on the use of a special Feigin-Fuchs type representation. In preparation for the field theory analysis, we shall exploit a minisuperspace analogue of a free fermion construction to deduce the spectrum of the Laplacian on type I supergroups.
We demonstrate an efficient scheme for continuous trap loading based uponspatially selective optical pumping. We discuss the case of $^{1}$S$_{0}$calcium atoms in an optical dipole trap (ODT), however, similar strategiesshould be applicable to a wide range of atomic species. Our starting point is areservoir of moderately cold ($\approx 300 \mu$K) metastable$^{3}$P$_{2}$-atoms prepared by means of a magneto-optic trap (triplet-MOT). Afocused 532 nm laser beam produces a strongly elongated optical potential for$^{1}$S$_{0}$-atoms with up to 350 $\mu$K well depth. A weak focused laser beamat 430 nm, carefully superimposed upon the ODT beam, selectively pumps the$^{3}$P$_{2}$-atoms inside the capture volume to the singlet state, where theyare confined by the ODT. The triplet-MOT perpetually refills the capture volumewith $^{3}$P$_{2}$-atoms thus providing a continuous stream of cold atoms intothe ODT at a rate of $10^7 $s$^{-1}$. Limited by evaporation loss, in 200 ms wetypically load $5 \times 10^5$ atoms with an initial radial temperature of 85$\mu$K. After terminating the loading we observe evaporation during 50 msleaving us with $10^5$ atoms at radial temperatures close to 40 $\mu$K and apeak phase space density of $6.8 \times 10^{-5}$. We point out that acomparable scheme could be employed to load a dipole trap with$^{3}$P$_{0}$-atoms.
A focused 532 nm laser beam produces a strongly elongated optical potential for $^{1}$S$_{0}$-atoms with up to 350 $\mu$K well depth. A weak focused laser beam at 430 nm, carefully superimposed upon the ODT beam, selectively pumps the $^{3}$P$_{2}$-atoms inside the capture volume to the singlet state, where they are confined by the ODT.
The wave-front engineering for nonlinear optical interactions was discussed.Using Huygens-Fresnel principle we developed a general theory and technique fordomain engineering with conventional quasi-phase-matching structures being thespecial cases. By Fourier analysis we put forward the concept of localquasi-phase matching, which suggests that the quasi-phase matching is fulfilledonly locally not globally. Experiments on focal effect of second-harmonic waveagreed well with the theoretical prediction. The proposed scheme combines threeoptical functions: generation, focusing and beam splitting of second-harmonicwave, thus making the device more compact. Further the proposed scheme can beused to perform the integration of multi-functional optical properties innonlinear photonics, as well as expand the use of nonlinear optical devices.
Using Huygens-Fresnel principle we developed a general theory and technique for domain engineering with conventional quasi-phase-matching structures being the special cases. By Fourier analysis we put forward the concept of local quasi-phase matching, which suggests that the quasi-phase matching is fulfilled only locally not globally.
The periodic, inverse scattering transform (PIST) is a powerful analyticaltool in the theory of integrable, nonlinear evolution equations. Osbornepioneered the use of the PIST in the analysis of data form inherently nonlinearphysical processes. In particular, Osborne's so-called nonlinear Fourieranalysis has been successfully used in the study of waves whose dynamics are(to a good approximation) governed by the Korteweg--de Vries equation. In thispaper, the mathematical details and a new application of the PIST arediscussed. The numerical aspects of and difficulties in obtaining the nonlinearFourier (i.e., PIST) spectrum of a physical data set are also addressed. Inparticular, an improved bracketing of the "spectral eigenvalues" (i.e., the+/-1 crossings of the Floquet discriminant) and a new root-finding algorithmfor computing the latter are proposed. Finally, it is shown how the PIST can beused to gain insightful information about the phenomenon of soliton-inducedacoustic resonances, by computing the nonlinear Fourier spectrum of a data setfrom a simulation of internal solitary wave generation and propagation in theYellow Sea.
The numerical aspects of and difficulties in obtaining the nonlinear Fourier (i.e., PIST) spectrum of a physical data set are also addressed. In particular, an improved bracketing of the "spectral eigenvalues" (i.e., the +/-1 crossings of the Floquet discriminant) and a new root-finding algorithm for computing the latter are proposed.
We present theoretical models for the formation and evolution of populationsof low-mass X-ray binaries (LMXB) in the two elliptical galaxies NGC 3379 andNGC 4278. The models are calculated with the recently updated StarTrack code(Belczynski et al., 2006), assuming only a primordial galactic field LMXBpopulation. StarTrack is an advanced population synthesis code that has beentested and calibrated using detailed binary star calculations and incorporatesall the important physical processes of binary evolution. The simulations aretargeted to modeling and understanding the origin of the X-ray luminosityfunctions (XLF) of point sources in these galaxies. For the first time weexplore the population XLF down to luminosities of 3X10^36 erg/s, as probed bythe most recent observational results (Kim et al., 2006). We consider modelsfor the formation and evolution of LMXBs in galactic fields with different CEefficiencies, stellar wind prescriptions, magnetic braking laws and initialmass functions. We identify models that produce an XLF in excellent agreementwith the observations both in shape and absolute normalization. We also findthat the treatment of the outburst luminosity of transient systems remains acrucial factor for the determination of the XLF since the modeled populationsare dominated by transient X-ray systems.
The models are calculated with the recently updated StarTrack code (Belczynski et al., 2006), assuming only a primordial galactic field LMXB population. StarTrack is an advanced population synthesis code that has been tested and calibrated using detailed binary star calculations and incorporates all the important physical processes of binary evolution.
Infrared-Faint Radio Sources represent a new and unexpected class of objectwhich is bright at radio wavelengths but unusually faint at infraredwavelengths. If, like most mJy radio sources, they were either conventionalactive or star-forming galaxies in the local Universe, we would expect them tobe detectable at infrared wavelengths, and so their non-detection by theSpitzer Space Telescope is surprising. Here we report the detection of one ofthese sources using Very Long Baseline Interferometry, from which we concludethat the sources are driven by Active Galactic Nuclei. We suggest that thesesources are either normal radio-loud quasars at high redshift or abnormallyobscured radio galaxies.
Here we report the detection of one of these sources using Very Long Baseline Interferometry,
Continuing our previous work(JHEP 0706:030,2007), large--$N_C$ techniques andpartial wave dispersion relations are used to discuss $\pi\pi$ scatteringamplitudes. We get a set of predictions for $O(p^6)$ low-energy chiralperturbation theory couplings. They are provided in terms of the masses anddecay widths of scalar and vector mesons.
Continuing our previous work(JHEP 0706:030,2007), large--$N_C$ techniques and partial wave dispersion relations are used to discuss $\pi\pi$ scattering amplitudes.
We discuss a possible interpretation of the f0(980) meson as a hadronicmolecule - a bound state of K and bar K mesons. Using a phenomenologicalLagrangian approach we calculate the strong f0(980) to pi pi andelectromagnetic f0(980) to gamma gamma decays. The compositeness conditionprovides a self-consistent method to determine the coupling constant between f0and its constituents, K and bar K. Form factors governing the decays of thef0(980) are calculated by evaluating the kaon loop integrals. The predictedf0(980) to pi pi and f0(980) to gamma gamma decay widths are in good agreementwith available data and results of other theoretical approaches.
Using a phenomenological Lagrangian approach we calculate the strong f0(980) to pi pi and electromagnetic f0(980) to gamma gamma decays. The compositeness condition provides a self-consistent method to determine the coupling constant between f0 and its constituents, K and bar K. Form factors governing the decays of the f0(980) are calculated by evaluating the kaon loop integrals.
In s-wave superconductors the Cooper pair wave function is isotropic inmomentum space. This property may also be expected for Cooper pairs entering anormal metal from a superconductor due to the proximity effect. We show,however, that such a deduction is incorrect and the pairing function in anormal metal is surprisingly anisotropic because of quasiparticle interference.We calculate angle resolved quasiparticle density of states in NS bilayerswhich reflects such anisotropic shape of the pairing function. We also proposea magneto-tunneling spectroscopy experiment which could confirm ourpredictions.
We calculate angle resolved quasiparticle density of states in NS bilayers which reflects such anisotropic shape of the pairing function. We also propose a magneto-tunneling spectroscopy experiment which could confirm our predictions.
The thermal characteristics of silicon between 15 and 300 deg K areinvestigated by applying a computer program on the solution of the differentialheat diffusion equation. The computer model is linked to high-purity siliconthrough a set of experimental data. The numerical results are given in graphicform and show, in particular, very short diffusion transit times across longdistances. The computed figures require experimental confrontations; a testset-up is proposed.
The thermal characteristics of silicon between 15 and 300 deg K are investigated by applying a computer program on the solution of the differential heat diffusion equation. The computer model is linked to high-purity silicon through a set of experimental data.
A spin field effect transistor (FET) is proposed by utilizing a graphenenanoribbon as the channel. Similar to the conventional spin FETs, the deviceinvolves ferromagnetic metals as a source and drain; they, in turn, areconnected to the graphene channel. Due to the negligible spin-orbital couplingin the carbon based materials, the bias can accomplishes spin manipulation bymeans of electrical control of electron exchange interaction with aferromagnetic dielectric attached to the nanoribbon between source and drain.The numerical estimations show the feasibility of graphene-based spin FET if abias varies exchange interaction on the amount around 5 meV. It was shown thatthe device stability to the thermal dispersion can provide the armchairnanoribbons of specific width that keeps the Dirac point in electron dispersionlaw.
Due to the negligible spin-orbital coupling in the carbon based materials, the bias can accomplishes spin manipulation by means of electrical control of electron exchange interaction with a ferromagnetic dielectric attached to the nanoribbon between source and drain. The numerical estimations show the feasibility of graphene-based spin FET if a bias varies exchange interaction on the amount around 5 meV.
The anomalous Hall effect in a magnetic two-dimensional electron gas withRashba spin-orbit coupling is studied within the Kubo-Streda formalism in thepresence of pointlike potential impurities. We find that all contributions tothe anomalous Hall conductivity vanish to leading order in disorder strengthwhen both chiral subbands are occupied. In the situation that only the majoritysubband is occupied, all terms are finite in the weak scattering limit and thetotal anomalous Hall conductivity is dominated by skew scattering. We compareour results to previous treatments and resolve some of the discrepanciespresent in the literature.
We find that all contributions to the anomalous Hall conductivity vanish to leading order in disorder strength when both chiral subbands are occupied. In the situation that only the majority subband is occupied, all terms are finite in the weak scattering limit and the total anomalous Hall conductivity is dominated by skew scattering.
The radiation damage of the positron source target for the InternationalLinear Collider (ILC) has been studied. The displacement damage in targetmaterial due to multi-MeV photons has been calculated by combining FLUKAsimulations for secondary particle production, SPECTER data for neutrondisplacement cross-sections and the Lindhard model for estimations ofdisplacement damage by ions. The radiation damage of a stationary Ti6Al4Vtarget in units of displacements per atom (dpa) has been estimated for photonsfrom an undulator with strength 0.92 and period 1.15 cm. The calculated damageis 7 dpa. Approximately 12.5% of displacement damage result from neutrons.
The displacement damage in target material due to multi-MeV photons has been calculated by combining FLUKA simulations for secondary particle production, SPECTER data for neutron displacement cross-sections and the Lindhard model for estimations of displacement damage by ions. The radiation damage of a stationary Ti6Al4V target in units of displacements per atom (dpa) has been estimated for photons from an undulator with strength 0.92 and period 1.15 cm.
We have observed 13 methanol maser sources associated with massivestar-forming regions; W3(OH), Mon R2, S 255, W 33A, IRAS 18151-1208, G24.78+0.08, G 29.95-0.02, IRAS 18556+0136, W 48, OH 43.8-0.1, ON 1, Cep A andNGC 7538 at 6.7 GHz using the Japanese VLBI Network (JVN). Twelve of thethirteen sources were detected at our longest baseline of $\sim$50 M$\lambda$,and their images are presented. Seven of them are the first VLBI images at 6.7GHz. This high detection rate and the small fringe spacing of $\sim$4milli-arcsecond suggest that most of the methanol maser sources have compactstructure. Given this compactness as well as the known properties of long-lifeand small internal-motion, this methanol maser line is suitable for astrometrywith VLBI.
We have observed 13 methanol maser sources associated with massive star-forming regions; W3(OH), Mon R2, S 255, W 33A, IRAS 18151-1208, G24.78+0.08, G 29.95-0.02, IRAS 18556+0136, W 48, OH 43.8-0.1, ON 1, Cep A and NGC 7538 at 6.7 GHz using the Japanese VLBI Network (JVN). Twelve of the thirteen sources were detected at our longest baseline of $\sim$50 M$\lambda$, and their images are presented.
This paper is concerned with the analysis of a class of impacting systems ofrelevance in applications: cam-follower systems. We show that these systems,which can be modelled as discontinuously forced impact oscillators, can exhibitcomplex behaviour due to the detachment at high rotational speeds between thefollower and the cam. We propose that the observed phenomena can be explainedin terms of a novel type of discontinuity-induced bifurcation, termed ascorner-impact. We present a complete analysis of this bifurcation in the caseof non-autonomous impact oscillator and explain the transition to chaosobserved in a representative cam-follower example. The theoretical findings arevalidated numerically.
We propose that the observed phenomena can be explained in terms of a novel type of discontinuity-induced bifurcation, termed as corner-impact. We present a complete analysis of this bifurcation in the case of non-autonomous impact oscillator and explain the transition to chaos observed in a representative cam-follower example. The theoretical findings are validated numerically.
In the curve complex for a surface, a handlebody set is the set of loops thatbound properly embedded disks in a given handlebody bounded by the surface. Aboundary set is the set of non-separating loops in the curve complex that boundtwo-sided, properly embedded surfaces. For a Heegaard splitting, the distancebetween the boundary sets of the handlebodies is zero if and only if theambient manifold contains a non-separating, two sided incompressible surface.We show that the boundary set is 2-dense in the curve complex, i.e. everyvertex is within two edges of a point in the boundary set.
We show that the boundary set is 2-dense in the curve complex, i.e. every vertex is within two edges of a point in the boundary set.
We present an overview of recent progress in plasmonics. We focus our studyon the observation and excitation of surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) withoptical near-field microscopy. We discuss in particular recent applications ofphoton scanning tunnelling microscope (PSTM) for imaging of SPP propagating inmetal and dielectric wave guides. We show how near-field scanning opticalmicroscopy (NSOM) can be used to optically and actively address remotelynano-objects such as quantum dots. Additionally we compare results obtainedwith near-field microscopy to those obtained with other optical far-fieldmethods of analysis such as leakage radiation microscopy (LRM).
We focus our study on the observation and excitation of surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) with optical near-field microscopy. We discuss in particular recent applications of photon scanning tunnelling microscope (PSTM) for imaging of SPP propagating in metal and dielectric wave guides. We show how near-field scanning optical microscopy (NSOM) can be used to optically and actively address remotely nano-objects such as quantum dots.
We prove a new effective recursion formula for computing all intersectionindices (integrals of $\psi$ classes) on the moduli space of curves, inductingonly on the genus.
We prove a new effective recursion formula for computing all intersection indices (integrals of $\psi$ classes) on the moduli space of curves, inducting only on the genus.
We present continuum data from the Submillimetre Common-User Bolometer Array(SCUBA) on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT), and the Mid-InfraredPhotometer for Spitzer (MIPS) on the Spitzer Space Telescope, at submillimetreand infrared wavelengths respectively. We study the Taurus molecular cloud 1(TMC1), and in particular the region of the Taurus Molecular Ring (TMR). In thecontinuum data we see no real evidence for a ring, but rather we see one sideof it only, appearing as a filament. We name the filament `the bull's tail'.The filament is seen in emission at 850, 450 and 160um, and in absorption at70um. We compare the data with archive data from the Infra-Red AstronomicalSatellite (IRAS) at 12, 25, 60, 100um, in which the filament is also seen inabsorption. We find that the emission from the filament consists of twocomponents: a narrow, cold (~8K), central core; and a broader, slightly warmer(~12K), shoulder of emission. We use a radiative transfer code to model thefilament's appearance, either in emission or absorption, simultaneously at eachof the different wavelengths. Our best fit model uses a Plummer-like densityprofile and a homogeneous interstellar dust grain population. Unlike previouswork on a similar, but different filament in Taurus, we require no graincoagulation to explain our data.
We use a radiative transfer code to model the filament's appearance, either in emission or absorption, simultaneously at each of the different wavelengths. Our best fit model uses a Plummer-like density profile and a homogeneous interstellar dust grain population.
We consider the Green's functions associated to a scalar field propagating ona curved, ultra-static background, in the presence of modified dispersionrelations. The usual proper-time deWitt-Schwinger procedure to obtain a seriesrepresentation of the Green's functions is doomed to failure, because of higherorder spatial derivatives in the Klein-Gordon operator. We show how to overcomethis difficulty by considering a preferred frame, associated to a unittime-like vector. With respect to this frame, we can express the Green'sfunctions as an integral over all frequencies of a space-dependent function.The latter can be expanded in momentum space, as a series with geometriccoefficients similar to the deWitt-Schwinger's ones. By integrating over allfrequencies, we finally find the expansion of the Green's function up to fourderivatives of the metric tensor. The relation with the proper-time formalismis also discussed.
We show how to overcome this difficulty by considering a preferred frame, associated to a unit time-like vector. With respect to this frame, we can express the Green's functions as an integral over all frequencies of a space-dependent function. The latter can be expanded in momentum space, as a series with geometric coefficients similar to the deWitt-Schwinger's ones.
Spectroscopy and strong decays of the charmed baryons are reviewed. Possiblespin-parity quantum numbers of several newly observed charmed baryon resonancesare discussed. Strong decays of charmed baryons are analyzed in the frameworkof heavy hadron chiral perturbation theory in which heavy quark symmetry andchiral symmetry are synthesized.
Strong decays of charmed baryons are analyzed in the framework of heavy hadron chiral perturbation theory in which heavy quark symmetry and chiral symmetry are synthesized.
General relativity as one the pillar of modern cosmology has to be thoroughlytested if we want to achieve an accurate cosmology. We present the results fromsuch a test on cosmological scales using cosmic shear and galaxy clusteringmeasurements. We parametrize potential deviation from general relativity as amodification to the cosmological Poisson equation. We consider two modelsrelevant either for some linearized theory of massive gravity or for thephysics of extra-dimensions. We use the latest observations from theCFHTLS-Wide survey and the SDSS survey to set our constraints. We do not findany deviation from general relativity on scales between 0.04 and 10 Mpc. Wederive constraints on the graviton mass in a restricted class of model.
We parametrize potential deviation from general relativity as a modification to the cosmological Poisson equation. We consider two models relevant either for some linearized theory of massive gravity or for the physics of extra-dimensions. We use the latest observations from the CFHTLS-Wide survey and the SDSS survey to set our constraints.
The bipartite entanglement of a pure quantum state is known to becharacterized by its Schmidt decomposition. In particular the state ismaximally entangled when all the Schmidt coefficients are equal. We point out aconvenient method which always yields a single analytical condition for thestate to be maximally entangled, in terms of its expansion coefficients in anybasis. The method works even when the Schmidt coefficients cannot be calculatedanalytically, and does not require their calculation. As an example thistechnique is used to derive the Bell basis for a system of two qubits. In asecond example the technique shows a particular state to \textit{never} bemaximally entangled, a general conclusion that cannot be reached using theSchmidt decomposition.
We point out a convenient method which always yields a single analytical condition for the state to be maximally entangled, in terms of its expansion coefficients in any basis. The method works even when the Schmidt coefficients cannot be calculated analytically, and does not require their calculation.
The invariants of solvable triangular Lie algebras with one nilindependentdiagonal element are studied exhaustively. Bases of the invariant sets of allsuch algebras are constructed using an original algebraic algorithm based onCartan's method of moving frames and the special technique developed fortriangular and related algebras in [J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 40 (2007),7557-7572]. The conjecture of Tremblay and Winternitz [J. Phys. A: Math. Gen.34 (2001), 9085-9099] on the number and form of elements in the bases iscompleted and proved.
Bases of the invariant sets of all such algebras are constructed using an original algebraic algorithm based on Cartan's method of moving frames and the special technique developed for triangular and related algebras in [J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 40 (2007), 7557-7572].
We analyze the coarse geometry of the Weil-Petersson metric on Teichm\"ullerspace, focusing on applications to its synthetic geometry (in particular thebehavior of geodesics). We settle the question of the strong relativehyperbolicity of the Weil-Petersson metric via consideration of its coarsequasi-isometric model, the "pants graph." We show that in dimension~3 the pantsgraph is strongly relatively hyperbolic with respect to naturally definedproduct regions and show any quasi-flat lies a bounded distance from a singleproduct. For all higher dimensions there is no non-trivial collection ofsubsets with respect to which it strongly relatively hyperbolic; this extends atheorem of [BDM] in dimension 6 and higher into the intermediate range (it ishyperbolic if and only if the dimension is 1 or 2 [BF]). Stability and relativestability of quasi-geodesics in dimensions up through 3 provide for a strongunderstanding of the behavior of geodesics and a complete description of theCAT(0)-boundary of the Weil-Petersson metric via curve-hierarchies and theirassociated "boundary laminations."
We settle the question of the strong relative hyperbolicity of the Weil-Petersson metric via consideration of its coarse quasi-isometric model, the "pants graph." We show that in dimension~3 the pants graph is strongly relatively hyperbolic with respect to naturally defined product regions and show any quasi-flat lies a bounded distance from a single product. For all higher dimensions there is no non-trivial collection of subsets with respect to which it strongly relatively hyperbolic; this extends a theorem of [BDM] in dimension 6 and higher into the intermediate range (it is hyperbolic if and only if the dimension is 1 or 2 [BF]). Stability and relative stability of quasi-geodesics in dimensions up through 3 provide for a strong understanding of the behavior of geodesics and a complete description of the CAT(0)-boundary of the Weil-Petersson metric via curve-hierarchies and their associated "boundary laminations."
The effects due to soft-photon emission (and the related virtual corrections)in multi-body decays of B, D, and K mesons are analysed. We present analyticexpressions for the universal O(alpha) correction factors which can be appliedto all multi-body decay modes where a tight soft-photon energy cut in thedecaying-particle rest-frame is applied. All-order resummations valid in thelimit of small and large velocities of the final-state particles are alsodiscussed. The phenomenological implications of these correction factors in thedistortion of Dalitz-plot distributions of K -> 3 pi decays are brieflyanalysed.
We present analytic expressions for the universal O(alpha) correction factors which can be applied to all multi-body decay modes where a tight soft-photon energy cut in the decaying-particle rest-frame is applied. All-order resummations valid in the limit of small and large velocities of the final-state particles are also discussed.
This paper describes experiments on learning Dutch phonotactic rules usingInductive Logic Programming, a machine learning discipline based on inductivelogical operators. Two different ways of approaching the problem areexperimented with, and compared against each other as well as with related workon the task. The results show a direct correspondence between the quality andinformedness of the background knowledge and the constructed theory,demonstrating the ability of ILP to take good advantage of the prior domainknowledge available. Further research is outlined.
Two different ways of approaching the problem are experimented with, and compared against each other as well as with related work on the task. The results show a direct correspondence between the quality and informedness of the background knowledge and the constructed theory, demonstrating the ability of ILP to take good advantage of the prior domain knowledge available.
Convexity properties of Weil-Petersson geodesics on the Teichm\"{u}ller spaceof punctured Riemann surfaces are investigated. A normal form is presented forthe Weil-Petersson Levi-Civita connection for pinched hyperbolic metrics. Thenormal form is used to establish approximation of geodesics in boundary spaces.Considerations are combined to establish convexity along Weil-Peterssongeodesics of the functions the distance between horocycles for a hyperbolicmetric.
A normal form is presented for the Weil-Petersson Levi-Civita connection for pinched hyperbolic metrics. The normal form is used to establish approximation of geodesics in boundary spaces.
We show that charge noise $S_Q$ in Josephson qubits can be produced byfluctuating two level systems (TLS) with electric dipole moments in thesubstrate using a flat density of states. At high frequencies the frequency andtemperature dependence of the charge noise depends on the ratio $J/J_c$ of theelectromagnetic flux $J$ to the critical flux $J_c$. It is not widelyappreciated that TLS in small qubits can easily be strongly saturated with$J/J_c\gg 1$. Our results are consistent with experimental conclusions that$S_Q\sim 1/f$ at low frequencies and $S_Q\sim f$ at high frequencies.
We show that charge noise $S_Q$ in Josephson qubits can be produced by fluctuating two level systems (TLS) with electric dipole moments in the substrate using a flat density of states.