stringlengths 22
| content
stringlengths 19
| size
int64 19
| lang
stringclasses 1
value | avg_line_length
float64 6.33
| max_line_length
int64 18
| alphanum_fraction
float64 0.34
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/Nucleus/ | # See :
import asyncio
import omni.client
# Check for the existence of the specified path.
async def existPath (path : str):
(result, entry) = await omni.client.stat_async(path)
if result == omni.client.Result.ERROR_NOT_FOUND:
print("Does not exist : " + path)
print("Exist : " + path)
# Awaiting results.
async def _ocl_existPath (path : str):
(result, entry) = await omni.client.stat_async(path)
if result == omni.client.Result.ERROR_NOT_FOUND:
return False
return True
def ocl_existPath (path : str):
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
return loop.run_until_complete(_ocl_existPath(path))
# ------------------------------------------.
path1 = "omniverse://localhost/Users/test"
path2 = "omniverse://localhost/Users/test/xxx.usd"
if ocl_existPath(path1):
print("Exist : " + path1)
print("Does not exist : " + path1)
| 1,068 | Python | 27.131578 | 94 | 0.659176 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/Nucleus/ | # See :
import asyncio
import omni.client
# Lists files in the specified path.
async def listFiles (_depth : int, _path : str):
(result, entries) = await omni.client.list_async(_path)
if result != omni.client.Result.OK:
for entry in entries:
# Skip for Channel file.
if (entry.flags & omni.client.ItemFlags.IS_CHANNEL) != 0:
name = entry.relative_path
if name == "" or name.find(".") == 0:
path = _path + "/" + name
isFolder = (entry.flags & omni.client.ItemFlags.CAN_HAVE_CHILDREN) != 0
msg = ""
for i in range(_depth):
msg += " "
if isFolder:
msg += "[" + name + "]"
msg += name
msg += " "
if (entry.flags & omni.client.ItemFlags.READABLE_FILE) != 0:
msg += " [R]"
if (entry.flags & omni.client.ItemFlags.WRITEABLE_FILE) != 0:
msg += " [W]"
if (entry.flags & omni.client.ItemFlags.CAN_LIVE_UPDATE) != 0:
msg += " [LiveUpdate]"
if not isFolder:
msg += f" {entry.size} bytes"
if isFolder:
await listFiles(_depth + 1, path)
# -----------------------------------------------.
path1 = "omniverse://localhost/Users/test"
asyncio.ensure_future(listFiles(0, path1))
| 1,491 | Python | 26.127272 | 94 | 0.521797 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/Nucleus/ | # See :
import io
import omni.client
from PIL import Image
result, vers, content = omni.client.read_file("omniverse://localhost/Users/test/xxx.png")
if result != omni.client.Result.ERROR_NOT_FOUND:
image_data = memoryview(content).tobytes()
image =
# Show Image.
# Save Image."C:\\temp\\xxx.png")
| 474 | Python | 25.388887 | 94 | 0.702532 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/Nucleus/ | # See :
import asyncio
import omni.client
# The following should be rewritten for your environment.
srcURL = "K:\\NVIDIA_omniverse\\images\\tile_image.png"
dstURL = "omniverse://localhost/test/tile_image.png"
# Copy a file or folder.
# When copying is complete, proceed.
result = omni.client.copy(srcURL, dstURL)
if result == omni.client.Result.OK:
print("success !")
print("failed ...")
| 493 | Python | 26.444443 | 94 | 0.730223 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/Physics/ | from pxr import Usd, UsdGeom, UsdPhysics, UsdShade, Sdf, Gf, Tf
import random
import omni.physx
# Get stage.
stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage()
# Y-Up.
UsdGeom.SetStageUpAxis(stage, UsdGeom.Tokens.y)
# Get default prim.
defaultPrim = stage.GetDefaultPrim()
defaultPrimPath = defaultPrim.GetPath().pathString
# Physics scene definition.
scene = UsdPhysics.Scene.Define(stage, defaultPrimPath + '/physicsScene')
scene.CreateGravityDirectionAttr().Set(Gf.Vec3f(0.0, -1.0, 0.0))
# --------------------------------------------.
# Create cube.
# --------------------------------------------.
def CreateCube (name : str, pos : Gf.Vec3f, scale : Gf.Vec3f):
path = defaultPrimPath + '/cubes'
prim = stage.GetPrimAtPath(path)
if prim.IsValid() == False:
UsdGeom.Xform.Define(stage, path)
cubePath = path + '/' + name
cubeGeom = UsdGeom.Cube.Define(stage, cubePath)
# Set cube size.
# Set color.
cubeGeom.CreateDisplayColorAttr([(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)])
# Set position.
UsdGeom.XformCommonAPI(cubeGeom).SetTranslate((pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]))
# Set scale.
UsdGeom.XformCommonAPI(cubeGeom).SetScale((scale[0], scale[1], scale[2]))
# Physics settings.
cubePrim = stage.GetPrimAtPath(cubePath)
# --------------------------------------------.
# Create red sphere.
# --------------------------------------------.
def CreateRedSphere (name : str, pos : Gf.Vec3f, radius : float):
path = defaultPrimPath + '/spheres'
prim = stage.GetPrimAtPath(path)
if prim.IsValid() == False:
UsdGeom.Xform.Define(stage, path)
spherePath = path + '/' + name
sphereGeom = UsdGeom.Sphere.Define(stage, spherePath)
# Set radius.
# Set color.
sphereGeom.CreateDisplayColorAttr([(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)])
# Set position.
UsdGeom.XformCommonAPI(sphereGeom).SetTranslate((pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]))
# ------------------------------------------------------.
# Create cubes.
areaV = 100.0
cubeScale = 1.0
for i in range(50):
posX = (random.random() - 0.5) * areaV
posY = (random.random() - 0.5) * (areaV * 0.1)
posZ = (random.random() - 0.5) * areaV + 100.0
pos = Gf.Vec3f(posX, posY, posZ)
scale = Gf.Vec3f(cubeScale, cubeScale, cubeScale)
name = 'cube_' + str(i)
CreateCube(name, pos, scale)
# Remove spheres.
path = defaultPrimPath + '/spheres'
prim = stage.GetPrimAtPath(path)
if prim.IsValid():
# Callback for Rayhit.
# rayhit works during animation playback.
sphereIndex = 0
def ray_hit (hit):
global sphereIndex
print("distance : " + str(hit.distance))
print("Hit position : " + str(hit.position))
print("Hit normal : " + str(hit.normal))
print("Collision prim path : " + str(hit.collision))
# Get collision prim.
prim = stage.GetPrimAtPath(hit.collision)
print(" name : " + str(prim.GetName()))
# Create sphere.
name = "sphere_" + str(sphereIndex)
CreateRedSphere(name, hit.position, 1.0)
sphereIndex += 1
for i in range(100):
# Ray position.
rayPos = Gf.Vec3f(0, 0, 0)
# Ray direction.
dx = (random.random() - 0.5) * 0.3
dy = (random.random() - 0.5) * 0.3
dz = 1.0
rayDir = Gf.Vec3f(dx, dy, dz).GetNormalized()
# Ray distance.
distance = 10000.0
# raycast.
omni.physx.get_physx_scene_query_interface().raycast_all(rayPos, rayDir, distance, ray_hit)
| 3,605 | Python | 27.619047 | 95 | 0.605548 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/Physics/RigidBody/ | from pxr import Usd, UsdGeom, UsdPhysics, UsdShade, Sdf, Gf, Tf
import math
import random
# Get stage.
g_stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage()
# Y-Up.
UsdGeom.SetStageUpAxis(g_stage, UsdGeom.Tokens.y)
# Physics scene definition.
scene = UsdPhysics.Scene.Define(g_stage, "/physicsScene")
scene.CreateGravityDirectionAttr().Set(Gf.Vec3f(0.0, -1.0, 0.0))
# Create Xform.
g_basePath = '/World/spheres'
xformPrim = UsdGeom.Xform.Define(g_stage, g_basePath)
# --------------------------------------------------------.
# Create ground.
# --------------------------------------------------------.
def createGround ():
# Create cube.
path = '/World/ground'
cubeGeom = UsdGeom.Cube.Define(g_stage, path)
# Set color.
cubeGeom.CreateDisplayColorAttr([(0.2, 0.2, 0.2)])
# Set position.
UsdGeom.XformCommonAPI(cubeGeom).SetTranslate((0.0, -5.0, 0.0))
# Set scale.
UsdGeom.XformCommonAPI(cubeGeom).SetScale((200.0, 10, 200.0))
# Create collider.
objPrim = g_stage.GetPrimAtPath(path)
# --------------------------------------------------------.
# Create sphere.
# @param[in] index serial number.
# @param[in] radius radius of sphere.
# @param[in] wPos world position (x, y, z).
# @param[in] colorV color (red, green, blue).
# --------------------------------------------------------.
def createSphere(index, radius, wPos, colorV):
# Create sphere.
name = 'sphere_' + str(index)
path = g_basePath + '/' + name
spherePrim = UsdGeom.Sphere.Define(g_stage, path)
# Set radius.
# Set color.
objPrim = g_stage.GetPrimAtPath(path)
# Set position.
# Create collider.
# Rigid body.
rigidBodyAPI = UsdPhysics.RigidBodyAPI.Apply(objPrim)
# --------------------------------------------------------.
# Create cube.
# @param[in] wPos world position (x, y, z).
# @param[in] wSize size (x, y, z).
# --------------------------------------------------------.
def createCube (index, wPos, wSize):
name = 'cube_' + str(index)
path = '/World/' + name
cubePrim = UsdGeom.Cube.Define(g_stage, path)
# Set cube size.
# Set color.
cubePrim.CreateDisplayColorAttr([(0.2, 0.2, 0.2)])
# Set position.
UsdGeom.XformCommonAPI(cubePrim).SetTranslate((wPos[0], wPos[1], wPos[2]))
# Set scale.
UsdGeom.XformCommonAPI(cubePrim).SetScale((wSize[0], wSize[1], wSize[2]))
# Create collider.
objPrim = g_stage.GetPrimAtPath(path)
# --------------------------------------------------------.
# Create wall.
# --------------------------------------------------------.
def createWall ():
createCube(0, [-200.0, 25.0, 0.0], [ 10.0, 50.0, 400.0])
createCube(1, [ 200.0, 25.0, 0.0], [ 10.0, 50.0, 400.0])
createCube(2, [ 0.0, 25.0, -200.0], [400.0, 50.0, 10.0])
createCube(3, [ 0.0, 25.0, 200.0], [400.0, 50.0, 10.0])
# -----------------------------------------------------------.
# -----------------------------------------------------------.
# Create ground.
# Create wall.
# Create spheres.
sR = 5.0
dd = 15.0
sCount = 16
dMin = dd * (float)(sCount) * 0.5
i = 0
fy = 30.0
for y in range(10):
fz = -dMin
for z in range(sCount):
fx = -dMin
for x in range(sCount):
colR = random.random()
colG = random.random()
colB = random.random()
dx = random.random() * 5.0
dz = random.random() * 5.0
createSphere(i, sR, (fx + dx, fy, fz + dz), (colR, colG, colB))
i = i + 1
fx += dd
fz += dd
fy += dd
| 4,092 | Python | 27.622377 | 82 | 0.536657 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/Physics/RigidBody/ | from pxr import Usd, UsdGeom, UsdPhysics, UsdShade, Sdf, Gf, Tf
import math
import random
# Get stage.
g_stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage()
# Y-Up.
UsdGeom.SetStageUpAxis(g_stage, UsdGeom.Tokens.y)
# Physics scene definition.
scene = UsdPhysics.Scene.Define(g_stage, "/physicsScene")
scene.CreateGravityDirectionAttr().Set(Gf.Vec3f(0.0, -1.0, 0.0))
# Create Xform.
g_basePath = '/World/spheres'
xformPrim = UsdGeom.Xform.Define(g_stage, g_basePath)
# --------------------------------------------------------.
# Create ground.
# --------------------------------------------------------.
def createGround ():
# Create cube.
path = '/World/ground'
cubeGeom = UsdGeom.Cube.Define(g_stage, path)
# Set color.
cubeGeom.CreateDisplayColorAttr([(0.2, 0.2, 0.2)])
# Set position.
UsdGeom.XformCommonAPI(cubeGeom).SetTranslate((0.0, -5.0, 0.0))
# Set scale.
UsdGeom.XformCommonAPI(cubeGeom).SetScale((200.0, 10, 200.0))
# Create collider.
objPrim = g_stage.GetPrimAtPath(path)
# --------------------------------------------------------.
# Create sphere.
# @param[in] index serial number.
# @param[in] radius radius of sphere.
# @param[in] wPos world position (x, y, z).
# @param[in] colorV color (red, green, blue).
# --------------------------------------------------------.
def createSphere(index, radius, wPos, colorV):
# Create sphere.
name = 'sphere_' + str(index)
path = g_basePath + '/' + name
spherePrim = UsdGeom.Sphere.Define(g_stage, path)
# Set radius.
# Set color.
objPrim = g_stage.GetPrimAtPath(path)
# Set position.
# Create collider.
# Rigid body.
rigidBodyAPI = UsdPhysics.RigidBodyAPI.Apply(objPrim)
# -----------------------------------------------------------.
# -----------------------------------------------------------.
# Create ground.
# Create spheres.
r = 100.0
sR = 10.0
rCount = 32
fV = 0.0
fVD = 2.0 * math.pi / (float)(rCount)
fy = 50.0
fyD = 1.0
for i in range(200):
fx = r * math.cos(fV)
fz = r * math.sin(fV)
colR = random.random()
colG = random.random()
colB = random.random()
createSphere(i, sR, (fx, fy, fz), (colR, colG, colB))
fV += fVD
fy += fyD
if (i & 15) == 15:
r *= 0.9
sR *= 0.9 | 2,721 | Python | 25.173077 | 82 | 0.574054 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/Physics/Joint/ | from pxr import Usd, UsdGeom, UsdPhysics, UsdShade, Sdf, Gf, Tf
# Get stage.
stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage()
# Y-Up.
UsdGeom.SetStageUpAxis(stage, UsdGeom.Tokens.y)
rootPath = '/World'
# Physics scene definition.
scene = UsdPhysics.Scene.Define(stage, rootPath + '/physicsScene')
scene.CreateGravityDirectionAttr().Set(Gf.Vec3f(0.0, -1.0, 0.0))
hPos = 15.0
# --------------------------------------------.
# cube0.
# --------------------------------------------.
cube0Path = rootPath + '/cube0'
cube0Geom = UsdGeom.Cube.Define(stage, cube0Path)
# Set cube size.
# Set color.
cube0Geom.CreateDisplayColorAttr([(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)])
# Set position.
UsdGeom.XformCommonAPI(cube0Geom).SetTranslate((0.0, hPos, 0.0))
# Set scale.
UsdGeom.XformCommonAPI(cube0Geom).SetScale((2.0, 0.5, 0.5))
# --------------------------------------------.
# cube1.
# --------------------------------------------.
cube1Path = rootPath + '/cube1'
cube1Geom = UsdGeom.Cube.Define(stage, cube1Path)
# Set cube size.
# Set color.
cube1Geom.CreateDisplayColorAttr([(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)])
# Set position.
UsdGeom.XformCommonAPI(cube1Geom).SetTranslate((21.0, hPos, 0.0))
# Set scale.
UsdGeom.XformCommonAPI(cube1Geom).SetScale((2.0, 0.5, 0.5))
# --------------------------------------------.
# cube2.
# --------------------------------------------.
cube2Path = rootPath + '/cube2'
cube2Geom = UsdGeom.Cube.Define(stage, cube2Path)
# Set cube size.
# Set color.
cube2Geom.CreateDisplayColorAttr([(0.0, 1.0, 1.0)])
# Set position.
UsdGeom.XformCommonAPI(cube2Geom).SetTranslate((42.0, hPos, 0.0))
# Set scale.
UsdGeom.XformCommonAPI(cube2Geom).SetScale((2.0, 0.5, 0.5))
# --------------------------------------------.
# Physics settings.
# --------------------------------------------.
# cube0 : static body
cube0Prim = stage.GetPrimAtPath(cube0Path)
# cube1 : dynamic body
cube1Prim = stage.GetPrimAtPath(cube1Path)
# cube2 : dynamic body
cube2Prim = stage.GetPrimAtPath(cube2Path)
# ----------------------------------------.
# Setup joint.
# ----------------------------------------.
jointPath = rootPath + '/revoluteJoint'
revoluteJoint = UsdPhysics.RevoluteJoint.Define(stage, jointPath)
# define revolute joint axis and its limits, defined in degrees
# define revolute joint bodies
# define revolute joint local poses for bodies
revoluteJoint.CreateLocalPos0Attr().Set(Gf.Vec3f(5.25, 0.0, 0.0))
revoluteJoint.CreateLocalPos1Attr().Set(Gf.Vec3f(-5.25, 0.0, 0.0))
# set break force/torque
# optionally add angular drive for example
angularDriveAPI = UsdPhysics.DriveAPI.Apply(stage.GetPrimAtPath(jointPath), "angular")
# ----------------------------------------.
# Setup joint2.
# ----------------------------------------.
jointPath2 = rootPath + '/revoluteJoint2'
revoluteJoint2 = UsdPhysics.RevoluteJoint.Define(stage, jointPath2)
# define revolute joint axis and its limits, defined in degrees
# define revolute joint bodies
# define revolute joint local poses for bodies
revoluteJoint2.CreateLocalPos0Attr().Set(Gf.Vec3f(5.25, 0.0, 0.0))
revoluteJoint2.CreateLocalPos1Attr().Set(Gf.Vec3f(-5.25, 0.0, 0.0))
# set break force/torque
# optionally add angular drive for example
#angularDriveAPI2 = UsdPhysics.DriveAPI.Apply(stage.GetPrimAtPath(jointPath2), "angular")
| 4,924 | Python | 30.570513 | 89 | 0.695776 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/Physics/Gear/ | from pxr import Usd, UsdGeom, UsdPhysics, UsdShade, Sdf, Gf, Tf, UsdSkel, PhysxSchema
import math
# Get stage.
g_stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage()
# gear path.
gear_basePath = '/World/gears'
# Y-Up.
UsdGeom.SetStageUpAxis(g_stage, UsdGeom.Tokens.y)
xformCache = UsdGeom.XformCache(0)
# -------------------------------------------------------.
# Calculate normal.
# -------------------------------------------------------.
def calcTriangleNormal (v1 : Gf.Vec3d, v2 : Gf.Vec3d, v3 : Gf.Vec3d):
e1 = v2 - v1
e2 = v3 - v2
e1 = Gf.Vec4f(e1[0], e1[1], e1[2],1.0)
e2 = Gf.Vec4f(e2[0], e2[1], e2[2],1.0)
e3 = Gf.HomogeneousCross(e1, e2)
n = Gf.Vec3d(e3[0], e3[1], e3[2])
return n.GetNormalized()
# -------------------------------------------------------.
# Attach thickness.
# @param[in] primPath Target Prim path.
# @param[in] thickness Thickness.
# -------------------------------------------------------.
def AttachThickness (primPath : str, thickness : float):
prim = g_stage.GetPrimAtPath(primPath)
if prim.IsValid() == False:
if prim.GetTypeName() != 'Mesh':
m = UsdGeom.Mesh(prim)
# Number of faces.
faceVCouList = m.GetFaceVertexCountsAttr().Get()
faceCou = len(faceVCouList)
if faceCou == 0:
normalsList = m.GetNormalsAttr().Get()
normalsCou = len(normalsList)
if normalsCou == 0:
normalV = normalsList[0]
versList = m.GetPointsAttr().Get()
versCou = len(versList)
if versCou < 3:
faceVIList = m.GetFaceVertexIndicesAttr().Get()
faceVICou = len(faceVIList)
# Stores the face number for each vertex.
vFList = [[]] * (versCou)
for i in range(versCou):
vFList[i] = []
index = 0
for i in range(len(faceVCouList)):
faceVCou = faceVCouList[i]
for j in range(faceVCou):
vI = faceVIList[index + j]
index += faceVCou
faceIndicesList = [[]] * faceCou
for i in range(faceCou):
faceIndicesList[i] = []
# Rearrange the vertex indices per face.
index = 0
for i in range(faceCou):
faceVCou = faceVCouList[i]
for j in range(faceVCou):
faceIndicesList[i].append(faceVIList[index + j])
index += faceVCou
# Create a list of independent edges.
edgesList = []
for i in range(faceCou):
faceVCou = faceVCouList[i]
for j in range(faceVCou):
vI1 = faceIndicesList[i][j]
vI2 = faceIndicesList[i][(j + 1) % faceVCou]
chkF = False
cI = -1
for k in range(len(edgesList)):
if (edgesList[k][0] == vI1 and edgesList[k][1] == vI2) or (edgesList[k][0] == vI2 and edgesList[k][1] == vI1):
chkF = True
cI = k
if chkF == False:
edgesList.append([vI1, vI2, 1])
cou = edgesList[cI][2]
edgesList[cI] = [vI1, vI2, cou + 1]
edgesOneList = []
for p in edgesList:
if p[2] == 1:
edgesOneList.append([p[0], p[1]])
# Create a symmetrical face.
faceVCouList2 = [0] * (faceCou * 2)
normalsList2 = [(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)] * (normalsCou * 2)
versList2 = [(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)] * (versCou * 2)
faceVIList2 = [0] * (faceVICou * 2)
for i in range(faceCou):
faceVCouList2[i] = faceVCouList[i]
faceVCouList2[i + faceCou] = faceVCouList[i]
for i in range(faceVICou):
faceVIList2[i] = faceVIList[i]
faceVIList2[i + faceVICou] = faceVIList[faceVICou - i - 1] + versCou
for i in range(normalsCou):
normalsList2[i] = normalsList[i]
normalsList2[i + normalsCou] = -normalsList[i]
for i in range(versCou):
versList2[i] = versList[i]
n = normalsList[i]
versList2[i + versCou] = versList[i] - (n * thickness)
# Create side faces.
vIndex = len(versList2)
for edgeI in edgesOneList:
e1 = edgeI[0]
e2 = edgeI[1]
i1 = e1
i2 = e2
i3 = e1 + versCou
i4 = e2 + versCou
v1 = versList2[i2]
v2 = versList2[i1]
v3 = versList2[i3]
v4 = versList2[i4]
n = calcTriangleNormal(v1, v2, v3)
for j in range(4):
for j in range(4):
faceVIList2.append(vIndex + j)
vIndex += 4
# -------------------------------------------------------.
# Create gear.
# @param[in] name Prim name.
# @param[in] gearR Radius of gear.
# @param[in] filletCount Number of gear divisions.
# @param[in] filletHeight Fillet height.
# @param[in] gearWidth Gear width.
# @param[in] position position.
# -------------------------------------------------------.
def CreateGear (name : str, gearR : float, filletCount : int, filletHeight : float, gearWidth : float, position : Gf.Vec3f):
angle = 360.0 / filletCount # Angle of one tooth.
# Calculate the length of one tooth on the circumference.
D = (gearR * math.sin((angle / 2.0) * math.pi / 180.0)) * 2
dHalf = D * 0.5
dQuarter = D * 0.25
centerV = Gf.Vec3d(0, 0, 0)
versList = []
faceIndexList = []
maxVCou = 1 + (5 * filletCount)
index = 1
aV = 0.0
for i in range(filletCount):
# Vertices of a single tooth.
vDirX = math.cos(aV * math.pi / 180.0)
vDirY = math.sin(aV * math.pi / 180.0)
v2X = -vDirY
v2Y = vDirX
vD = Gf.Vec3d(vDirX, vDirY, 0)
vCrossD = Gf.Vec3d(v2X, v2Y, 0)
vCenter = vD * gearR
v1 = vCenter - (vCrossD * dHalf)
v2 = v1 + (vCrossD * dQuarter)
v3 = v2 + (vD * filletHeight)
v4 = v3 + (vCrossD * dHalf)
v5 = v4 - (vD * filletHeight)
v6 = v5 + (vCrossD * dQuarter)
dd = D * 0.1
vCD = vCrossD * dd
v3 += vCD
v4 -= vCD
v2 -= vCD
v5 += vCD
faceIndexList.append(index + 1)
faceIndexList.append(index + 2)
faceIndexList.append(index + 3)
faceIndexList.append(index + 4)
if index + 5 >= maxVCou:
faceIndexList.append(index + 5)
index += 5
aV += angle
# Create mesh.
pathName = "/World/gears"
prim = g_stage.GetPrimAtPath(pathName)
if prim.IsValid() == False:
UsdGeom.Xform.Define(g_stage, pathName)
pathMeshName0 = pathName + '/' + name
pathMeshName = pathMeshName0
index = 0
while True:
pathMeshName = pathMeshName0
if index > 0:
pathMeshName += '_' + str(index)
prim = g_stage.GetPrimAtPath(pathMeshName)
if prim.IsValid() == False:
index += 1
meshGeom = UsdGeom.Mesh.Define(g_stage, pathMeshName)
# Set vertices.
stVersList = []
stNormalList = []
for i in range(len(versList)):
stVersList.append((versList[i][0], versList[i][1], versList[i][2]))
stNormalList.append((0, 0, 1))
# Set normals.
# Set face vertex count.
faceVCouList = []
for i in range(filletCount):
# Set face vertex indices.
# Set position.
UsdGeom.XformCommonAPI(meshGeom).SetTranslate((position[0], position[1], position[2]))
# Set rotation.
UsdGeom.XformCommonAPI(meshGeom).SetRotate((0.0, 0.0, 0.0), UsdGeom.XformCommonAPI.RotationOrderXYZ)
# Set scale.
UsdGeom.XformCommonAPI(meshGeom).SetScale((1.0, 1.0, 1.0))
# Attach thickness.
if gearWidth > 0.0:
AttachThickness(pathMeshName, gearWidth)
# ------------------------------------------
# Get prim center position.
# @param[in] primPath Prim path.
# @return position(Gf.Vec3f)
# ------------------------------------------
def GetPrimCenter (primPath : str):
prim = g_stage.GetPrimAtPath(primPath)
if prim.IsValid() == False:
globalPose = xformCache.GetLocalToWorldTransform(prim)
translate, rotation, scale = UsdSkel.DecomposeTransform(globalPose)
return translate
# ------------------------------------------
# Set RigidBody on gear.
# ------------------------------------------
def SetRigidBodyOnGear (primPath : str, index : int):
prim = g_stage.GetPrimAtPath(primPath)
if prim.IsValid() == False:
physicsAPI = UsdPhysics.RigidBodyAPI.Apply(prim)
# Create collider.
pos = GetPrimCenter(primPath)
# revolute joint
path = gear_basePath + '/revoluteJoint_' + str(index)
revoluteJoint = UsdPhysics.RevoluteJoint.Define(g_stage, path)
revoluteJoint.CreateLocalPos1Attr().Set(Gf.Vec3f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
# -----------------------------------------------
# Radius.
radius1 = 5.0
radius2 = 10.0
radius3 = 6.25
# Create Gears.
CreateGear("gear", radius1, 24, 1.0, 1.0, Gf.Vec3f(0, 0, 0))
CreateGear("gear_1", radius2, 48, 1.0, 1.0, Gf.Vec3f(16.3, 0.72, 0))
CreateGear("gear_2", radius3, 30, 1.0, 1.0, Gf.Vec3f(0.0, -12.6, 0))
# gear1 path.
gear1_path = gear_basePath + '/gear'
# gear2 path.
gear2_path = gear_basePath + '/gear_1'
# gear3 path.
gear3_path = gear_basePath + '/gear_2'
# Physics scene definition.
scene = UsdPhysics.Scene.Define(g_stage, "/physicsScene")
scene.CreateGravityDirectionAttr().Set(Gf.Vec3f(0.0, -1.0, 0.0))
gear1_prim = g_stage.GetPrimAtPath(gear1_path)
pos1 = GetPrimCenter(gear1_path)
# Set RigidBody on gear.
SetRigidBodyOnGear(gear1_path, 0)
SetRigidBodyOnGear(gear2_path, 1)
SetRigidBodyOnGear(gear3_path, 2)
# add angular drive.
revolute0_path = gear_basePath + "/revoluteJoint_0"
revolute1_path = gear_basePath + "/revoluteJoint_1"
revolute2_path = gear_basePath + "/revoluteJoint_2"
# gear joint (0-1)
gearJoint = PhysxSchema.PhysxPhysicsGearJoint.Define(g_stage, gear_basePath+"/gearJoint_0_1")
# gear joint (0-2)
gearJoint2 = PhysxSchema.PhysxPhysicsGearJoint.Define(g_stage, gear_basePath+"/gearJoint_0_2")
| 11,906 | Python | 29.068182 | 126 | 0.589367 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/PostProcessing/ | from pxr import Usd, UsdGeom, UsdShade, Sdf, Gf, Tf
import omni.kit
# Change Post Processing parameter.
omni.kit.commands.execute("ChangeSetting", path="rtx/post/lensFlares/enabled", value=True)
omni.kit.commands.execute("ChangeSetting", path="rtx/post/lensFlares/flareScale", value=0.2)
| 289 | Python | 40.428566 | 92 | 0.778547 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/UI/DragAndDrop/ | from pxr import Usd, UsdGeom, UsdPhysics, UsdShade, Sdf, Gf, Tf
import omni.ui
# Create new window.
my_window = omni.ui.Window("Drop test window", width=300, height=200)
# ------------------------------------------.
with my_window.frame:
sField = None
# Enable Drop.
def drop_accept(url):
return True
# Called at Drop event.
def drop (uiField, event):
# prim path.
vPath = event.mime_data
# Get stage.
stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage()
# Get prim.
if Sdf.Path(vPath):
prim = stage.GetPrimAtPath(vPath)
if prim.IsValid():
# Set string.
# Create window UI.
with omni.ui.VStack(height=0):
with omni.ui.Placer(offset_x=8, offset_y=8):
omni.ui.Label("Please drop Prim below.")
with omni.ui.Placer(offset_x=8, offset_y=0):
with omni.ui.Placer(offset_x=8, offset_y=0):
sField = omni.ui.StringField(width=240, height=14, style={"color": 0xffffffff})
sField.set_drop_fn(lambda a, w=sField: drop(w, a))
| 1,231 | Python | 27.651162 | 91 | 0.561332 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/UI/DrawImage/ | from pxr import Usd, UsdGeom, UsdPhysics, UsdShade, Sdf, Gf, Tf
import omni.ui
import asyncio
import math
import itertools
# PIL exists in "kit/extscore/omni.kit.pip_archive/pip_prebundle".
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
# Get main window viewport.
window = omni.ui.Window('Viewport')
# ref : omni.kit.window.images
# ------------------------------------------.
# Managing overlay image.
# ------------------------------------------.
class OverlayImageBuffer:
_width = 256
_height = 256
_byte_provider = None
_byte_data = None
def __init__(self):
self._width = 256
self._height = 256
self._byte_provider = None
self._byte_data = None
def startup (self, width : int, height : int):
self._byte_provider = omni.ui.ByteImageProvider()
self._width = width
self._height = height
# default format omni.ui.TextureFormat.RGBA8_UNORM.
self._byte_data = [0] * (4 * self._width * self._height)
self._byte_provider.set_bytes_data(self._byte_data, [self._width, self._height])
def update (self):
self._byte_provider.set_bytes_data(self._byte_data, [self._width, self._height])
# ------------------------------------------.
# Draw image with PIL.
# ------------------------------------------.
class DrawImageWithPIL:
_timeCount = 0
_image = None
_draw = None
_overlayImageBuffer = None
def __init__(self):
self._image = None
self._draw = None
self._overlayImageBuffer = None
def __del__(self):
self._image = None
self._draw = None
def getWidth (self):
return self._overlayImageBuffer._width
def getHeight (self):
return self._overlayImageBuffer._height
def getByteProvider (self):
return self._overlayImageBuffer._byte_provider
def startup (self, width : int, height : int):
# Create new image.
self._image ="RGBA", (width, height), (0, 0, 0, 0))
self._draw = ImageDraw.Draw(self._image)
self._overlayImageBuffer = OverlayImageBuffer()
self._overlayImageBuffer.startup(width, height)
def draw (self):
# Draw rectangle (fill).
self._draw.rectangle((0, 0, self._image.width, self._image.height), fill=(0, 0, 0, 0))
# Draw rectangle (fill).
self._draw.rectangle((100, 100, 200, 200), fill=(255, 0, 0))
# Draw rectangle.
self._draw.rectangle((100, 220, 200, 320), outline=(0, 0, 255), width=1)
# Draw line.
self._draw.line((0, 0, self._image.width, self._image.height), fill=(0, 255, 0), width=2)
# Draw circle.
self._draw.ellipse((100, 400, 150, 450), outline=(0, 0, 255), width=2)
# Draw circle (fill).
self._draw.ellipse((280, 300, 380, 400), fill=(0, 0, 255))
def update (self):
# Get image data(RGBA buffer).
imgD = self._image.getdata()
# Converting a 2d array to a 1d array.
self._overlayImageBuffer._byte_data = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(imgD))
# Update omni.ui.ByteImageProvider.
# ------------------------------------------.
# Update event.
# ------------------------------------------.
_drawImageWithPIL = None
_img1 = None
def on_update(e:
global _drawImageWithPIL
global _img1
if _drawImageWithPIL == None:
_drawImageWithPIL = DrawImageWithPIL()
_drawImageWithPIL.startup(512, 512)
with window.frame:
with omni.ui.VStack(height=0):
with omni.ui.Placer(offset_x=8, offset_y=8):
_img1 = omni.ui.ImageWithProvider(_drawImageWithPIL.getByteProvider(), width=_drawImageWithPIL.getWidth(), height=_drawImageWithPIL.getHeight())
# ------------------------------------------.
# Register for update events.
# To clear the event, specify "subs=None".
subs =, name="Test update")
| 4,172 | Python | 29.459854 | 160 | 0.577421 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/UI/DrawImage/ | from pxr import Usd, UsdGeom, UsdPhysics, UsdShade, Sdf, Gf, Tf
import omni.ui
import asyncio
import math
# Get main window viewport.
window = omni.ui.Window('Viewport')
# ref : omni.kit.window.images
# ------------------------------------------.
# Managing overlay image.
# ------------------------------------------.
class OverlayImageBuffer:
_width = 256
_height = 256
_byte_provider = None
_timeCount = 0
def __init__(self):
self._timeCount = 0
self._width = 512
self._height = 256
self._byte_provider = None
def startup (self):
self._byte_provider = omni.ui.ByteImageProvider()
def update (self):
# default format omni.ui.TextureFormat.RGBA8_UNORM.
byte_data = [0] * (4 * self._width * self._height)
for x in range(self._width):
hV = 100.0
v = math.cos((float)(x + self._timeCount) * 1.2 * math.pi / 180.0) * hV
iV = 128 + (int)(v)
iPos = (iV * self._width + x) * 4
byte_data[iPos + 0] = 255 # Red
byte_data[iPos + 1] = 255 # Green
byte_data[iPos + 2] = 0 # Blue
byte_data[iPos + 3] = 255 # Alpha
self._byte_provider.set_bytes_data(byte_data, [self._width, self._height])
self._timeCount += 1
# ------------------------------------------.
# Update event.
# ------------------------------------------.
_imgBuffer = None
_img1 = None
def on_update(e:
global _imgBuffer
global _img1
if _imgBuffer == None:
_imgBuffer = OverlayImageBuffer()
with window.frame:
with omni.ui.VStack(height=0):
with omni.ui.Placer(offset_x=8, offset_y=8):
_img1 = omni.ui.ImageWithProvider(_imgBuffer._byte_provider, width=_imgBuffer._width, height=_imgBuffer._height)
# ------------------------------------------.
# Register for update events.
# To clear the event, specify "subs=None".
subs =, name="Test update")
| 2,257 | Python | 28.324675 | 128 | 0.530793 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/UI/DebugDraw/ | from pxr import Usd, UsdGeom, UsdPhysics, UsdShade, Sdf, Gf, Tf
import omni.ui
import carb
import math
from omni.debugdraw import _debugDraw
_debugDraw = _debugDraw.acquire_debug_draw_interface()
# --------------------------------------------.
# Draw arrow.
# --------------------------------------------.
def drawArrow (p1, p2, color):
_debugDraw.draw_line(carb.Float3(p1[0], p1[1], p1[2]), color, carb.Float3(p2[0], p2[1], p2[2]), color)
P1 = Gf.Vec3f(p1[0], p1[1], p1[2])
P2 = Gf.Vec3f(p2[0], p2[1], p2[2])
vDir = P2 - P1
lenV = vDir.GetLength()
vDir /= lenV
v1_2 = Gf.Vec4f(vDir[0], vDir[1], vDir[2], 1.0)
v2_2 = Gf.Vec4f(0, 1, 0, 1.0)
v3_2 = Gf.HomogeneousCross(v1_2, v2_2)
vDirX = Gf.Vec3f(v3_2[0], v3_2[1], v3_2[2]).GetNormalized()
vD1 = (vDir + vDirX).GetNormalized() * (lenV * 0.1)
vD2 = (vDir - vDirX).GetNormalized() * (lenV * 0.1)
pp = P1 + vD1
_debugDraw.draw_line(carb.Float3(pp[0], pp[1], pp[2]), color, carb.Float3(P1[0], P1[1], P1[2]), color)
pp = P1 + vD2
_debugDraw.draw_line(carb.Float3(pp[0], pp[1], pp[2]), color, carb.Float3(P1[0], P1[1], P1[2]), color)
pp = P2 - vD1
_debugDraw.draw_line(carb.Float3(pp[0], pp[1], pp[2]), color, carb.Float3(P2[0], P2[1], P2[2]), color)
pp = P2 - vD2
_debugDraw.draw_line(carb.Float3(pp[0], pp[1], pp[2]), color, carb.Float3(P2[0], P2[1], P2[2]), color)
# ------------------------------------------.
# Update event.
# ------------------------------------------.
def on_update(e:
color = 0xffffc000 # AARRGGBB
r = 100.0
angleD = 10.0
angleV = 0.0
px1 = 0.0
pz1 = 0.0
py1 = 0.0
for i in range(200):
px2 = math.cos(angleV * math.pi / 180.0) * r
pz2 = math.sin(angleV * math.pi / 180.0) * r
py2 = py1 + 0.1
if i == 0:
px1 = px2
pz1 = pz2
_debugDraw.draw_line(carb.Float3(px1, py1, pz1), color, carb.Float3(px2, py2, pz2), color)
r -= 0.5
angleV += angleD
px1 = px2
py1 = py2
pz1 = pz2
#_debugDraw.draw_point(carb.Float3(0, 30, 0), 0xffff0000)
color2 = 0xffff0000
drawArrow((-100.0, 5.0, -100.0), (-100.0, 5.0, 100.0), color2)
# ------------------------------------------.
# Register for update events.
# To clear the event, specify "subs=None".
subs =, name="draw update")
| 2,521 | Python | 32.18421 | 113 | 0.526378 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/UI/Window/ | import omni.ui
# Create new window.
my_window = omni.ui.Window("New Window", width=300, height=200)
# ------------------------------------------.
# Clicked button event.
# ------------------------------------------.
def onButtonClick(floatField):
print("Button pushed.")
# get/set FloatField.
fCounter = floatField.model.get_value_as_float()
fCounter += 1.0
# ------------------------------------------.
with my_window.frame:
with omni.ui.VStack(height=0):
floatField = None
with omni.ui.Placer(offset_x=8, offset_y=8):
# Set label.
f = omni.ui.Label("Hello Omniverse!")
f.set_style({"color": 0xff00ffff, "font_size": 20})
with omni.ui.Placer(offset_x=8, offset_y=0):
f2 = omni.ui.Label("Line2!")
f2.set_style({"color": 0xff00ff00, "font_size": 20})
with omni.ui.Placer(offset_x=8, offset_y=0):
with omni.ui.HStack(width=300):
omni.ui.Label("Edit : ", width=50)
floatField = omni.ui.FloatField(width=200, height=0)
with omni.ui.Placer(offset_x=8, offset_y=0):
# Set button.
btn = omni.ui.Button("Push", width=200, height=0)
btn.set_clicked_fn(lambda f = floatField: onButtonClick(f))
| 1,334 | Python | 32.374999 | 71 | 0.530735 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/UI/Window/ | import omni.ui
# ref : omni.kit.window.file
| 45 | Python | 10.499997 | 28 | 0.711111 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/UI/Window/ | import omni.ui
# Create new window.
my_window = omni.ui.Window("Input test window", width=300, height=200)
# ------------------------------------------.
with my_window.frame:
sField = None
sLabel = None
# Reset StringField, Label.
def onReset (uiField, uiLabel):
if not uiField or not uiLabel:
uiLabel.text = ""
# Called when a value is changed in a StringField.
def onValueChanged (uiFieldModel, uiLabel):
if not uiFieldModel or not uiLabel:
v = uiFieldModel.get_value_as_string()
uiLabel.text = v
# Create window UI.
with omni.ui.VStack(height=0):
with omni.ui.Placer(offset_x=8, offset_y=8):
with omni.ui.HStack(width=0):
omni.ui.Label("Input ")
sField = omni.ui.StringField(width=120, height=14, style={"color": 0xffffffff})
sLabel = omni.ui.Label("text")
btn = omni.ui.Button(" Reset ")
# Specify the callback to be called when the Button is pressed.
btn.set_clicked_fn(lambda f = sField, l = sLabel: onReset(f, l))
# Specify a callback when a value is changed in a StringField.
sField.model.add_value_changed_fn(lambda f, l = sLabel: onValueChanged(f, l))
| 1,389 | Python | 28.574467 | 95 | 0.589633 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/UI/Window/ | import omni.ui
# Create new window.
my_window = omni.ui.Window("New Window", width=300, height=200)
# ------------------------------------------.
with my_window.frame:
with omni.ui.VStack(height=0):
with omni.ui.Placer(offset_x=8, offset_y=8):
f = omni.ui.Label("Hello Omniverse!")
f.set_style({"color": 0xff00ffff, "font_size": 20})
with omni.ui.Placer(offset_x=8, offset_y=0):
# image search path :
# "kit" or
# absolute path
omni.ui.Image("resources/desktop-icons/omniverse_64.png", width=64, height=64, fill_policy=omni.ui.FillPolicy.PRESERVE_ASPECT_FIT, alignment=omni.ui.Alignment.LEFT_CENTER)
| 701 | Python | 37.999998 | 183 | 0.580599 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/UI/Viewport/ | import omni.ui
import asyncio
import time
# Get main window viewport.
window = omni.ui.Window('Viewport')
countV = 0
timeV = time.time()
# ------------------------------------------.
# Update event.
# ------------------------------------------.
def on_update(e:
global countV
global timeV
# Process every second.
curTimeV = time.time()
if curTimeV - timeV > 1:
timeV = curTimeV
with window.frame:
with omni.ui.VStack(height=0):
with omni.ui.Placer(offset_x=20, offset_y=50):
# Set label.
f = omni.ui.Label("counter = " + str(countV))
f.visible = True
f.set_style({"color": 0xff00ffff, "font_size": 32})
countV += 1
# ------------------------------------------.
# Register for update events.
# To clear the event, specify "subs=None".
subs =, name="Test update")
| 1,068 | Python | 25.724999 | 113 | 0.522472 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/UI/Viewport/ | from pxr import Usd, UsdGeom, CameraUtil, UsdShade, Sdf, Gf, Tf
import omni.ext
import omni.ui
from omni.ui import color as cl
from omni.ui import scene as sc
import omni.kit
# Kit104 : Get active viewport window.
active_vp_window = omni.kit.viewport.utility.get_active_viewport_window()
viewport_api = active_vp_window.viewport_api
# World to NDC space (X : -1.0 to +1.0, Y : -1.0 to +1.0).
p = (0, 0, 0)
p_screen = viewport_api.world_to_ndc.Transform(p)
# NDC to Pixel space.
sPos, in_viewport = viewport_api.map_ndc_to_texture_pixel(p_screen)
if in_viewport:
| 582 | Python | 26.761903 | 73 | 0.719931 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/UI/Viewport/ | import omni.ui
import random
# Get main window viewport.
window = omni.ui.Window('Viewport')
rectSize = 5.0
with window.frame:
# Use ZStack for multiple displays.
with omni.ui.ZStack():
for i in range(50):
px = random.random() * 500.0
py = random.random() * 500.0
with omni.ui.VStack(height=0):
with omni.ui.Placer(offset_x=px, offset_y=py):
# Set rectangle.
rect = omni.ui.Rectangle(width=rectSize, height=rectSize)
# Color : 0xAABBGGRR.
| 639 | Python | 28.090908 | 77 | 0.55712 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/UI/Viewport/ | import omni.ui
import asyncio
# Get main window viewport.
window = omni.ui.Window('Viewport')
# ------------------------------------------.
async def my_task():
countV = 0
print('Start task.')
f = None
for i in range(10):
with window.frame:
with omni.ui.VStack():
with omni.ui.Placer(offset_x=20, offset_y=50):
# Set label.
f = omni.ui.Label("counter = " + str(countV), alignment=omni.ui.Alignment.LEFT_TOP)
f.visible = True
f.set_style({"color": 0xff00ffff, "font_size": 32})
countV += 1
await asyncio.sleep(1) # Sleep 1sec.
print('End task.')
if f != None:
f.visible = False
f = None
# ------------------------------------------.
# Start task.
| 881 | Python | 24.199999 | 103 | 0.481271 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/UI/Viewport/ | from pxr import Usd, UsdGeom, CameraUtil, UsdShade, Sdf, Gf, Tf
import omni.ext
import omni.ui
from omni.ui import color as cl
from omni.ui import scene as sc
import omni.kit
# Kit104 : Get active viewport window.
active_vp_window = omni.kit.viewport.utility.get_active_viewport_window()
viewport_api = active_vp_window.viewport_api
# Get Viewport window title.
print("Viewport window : " +
# Get camera path ("/OmniverseKit_Persp" etc).
cameraPath = viewport_api.camera_path.pathString
print("cameraPath : " + cameraPath)
# Resolution.
resolution = viewport_api.resolution
print("Resolution : " + str(resolution[0]) + " x " + str(resolution[1]))
# Stage (Usd.Stage).
# Projection matrix (Gf.Matrix4d).
# Transform matrix (Gf.Matrix4d).
# View matrix (Gf.Matrix4d).
| 911 | Python | 24.333333 | 73 | 0.745335 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/UI/Viewport/ | from pxr import Usd, UsdGeom, UsdPhysics, UsdSkel, UsdShade, Sdf, Gf, Tf
import omni.ui
# Get main window viewport.
viewportI = omni.kit.viewport_legacy.acquire_viewport_interface()
vWindow = viewportI.get_viewport_window(None)
# Get viewport rect.
viewportRect = vWindow.get_viewport_rect()
viewportSize = (viewportRect[2] - viewportRect[0], viewportRect[3] - viewportRect[1])
# Get Viewport window rect.
uiViewportWindow = omni.ui.Workspace.get_window("Viewport")
wid = uiViewportWindow.width
hei = uiViewportWindow.height
posX = uiViewportWindow.position_x
posY = uiViewportWindow.position_y
print("wid = " + str(wid))
print("hei = " + str(hei))
print("posX = " + str(posX))
print("posY = " + str(posY))
| 751 | Python | 29.079999 | 85 | 0.748336 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/UI/Viewport/ | import omni.ui
# Get main window viewport.
window = omni.ui.Window('Viewport')
with window.frame:
with omni.ui.VStack():
# Display position from top left.
with omni.ui.Placer(offset_x=20, offset_y=50):
# Set label.
f = omni.ui.Label("Hello Omniverse!", alignment=omni.ui.Alignment.LEFT_TOP)
f.visible = True
# Color : 0xAABBGGRR.
f.set_style({"color": 0xff00ffff, "font_size": 32})
| 466 | Python | 26.470587 | 87 | 0.592275 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/UI/Viewport/ | import omni.ui
import carb.tokens
import asyncio
import time
import itertools
from pathlib import Path
import os.path
# PIL exists in "kit/extscore/omni.kit.pip_archive/pip_prebundle".
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
# Get main window viewport.
window = omni.ui.Window('Viewport')
countV = 0
timeV = time.time()
# ------------------------------------------.
# Load image.
# ------------------------------------------.
class LoadImageRGBA:
_byte_provider = None
_width = 0
_height = 0
def __init__(self):
def Open (self, path : str):
# Load image (RGBA).
im ='RGBA')
# Get image size.
self._width = im.size[0]
self._height = im.size[1]
# Get image data(RGBA buffer).
imgD = im.getdata()
# Converting a 2d array to a 1d array.
byte_data = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(imgD))
self._byte_provider = omni.ui.ByteImageProvider()
self._byte_provider.set_bytes_data(byte_data, [self._width, self._height])
except Exception as e:
self._width = 0
self._height = 0
self._byte_provider = None
return False
return True
def GetWidth (self):
return self._width
def GetHeight (self):
return self._height
def GetByteProvider (self):
return self._byte_provider
# Image data.
imgData = None
# ------------------------------------------.
# Update event.
# ------------------------------------------.
def on_update(e:
global countV
global timeV
global imgData
# Process every second.
curTimeV = time.time()
if curTimeV - timeV > 1:
timeV = curTimeV
countV += 1
# Update UI.
with window.frame:
with omni.ui.ZStack():
with omni.ui.VStack(height=0):
with omni.ui.Placer(offset_x=20, offset_y=50):
# Set label.
f = omni.ui.Label("counter = " + str(countV))
f.visible = True
f.set_style({"color": 0xff00ffff, "font_size": 32})
with omni.ui.VStack(height=0):
with omni.ui.Placer(offset_x=220, offset_y=150):
# "omni.ui.Image" cannot be used with "get_update_event_stream().create_subscription_to_pop".
# Use "omni.ui.ImageWithProvider" instead.
byte_provider = imgData.GetByteProvider()
imgWidth = imgData.GetWidth()
imgHeight = imgData.GetHeight()
omni.ui.ImageWithProvider(byte_provider, width=imgWidth, height=imgHeight)
# ------------------------------------------.
# Kit file path.
kitAbsPath = os.path.abspath(carb.tokens.get_tokens_interface().resolve("${kit}"))
# Load image (RGBA).
imagePath = Path(kitAbsPath).joinpath("resources").joinpath("desktop-icons")
imagePath = f"{imagePath}/omniverse_64.png"
imgData = LoadImageRGBA()
if imgData.Open(imagePath):
# Register for update events.
# To clear the event, specify "subs=None".
subs =, name="Test update")
| 3,387 | Python | 27.470588 | 117 | 0.549159 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/UI/Viewport/ | import omni.ui
# Get main window viewport.
window = omni.ui.Window('Viewport')
with window.frame:
with omni.ui.VStack(height=0):
with omni.ui.Placer(offset_x=20, offset_y=50):
# Set label.
f = omni.ui.Label("Hello Omniverse!")
f.visible = True
f.set_style({"color": 0xff00ffff, "font_size": 32})
with omni.ui.Placer(offset_x=20, offset_y=0):
f2 = omni.ui.Label("Line2!")
f2.visible = True
f2.set_style({"color": 0xff00ff00, "font_size": 32})
with omni.ui.Placer(offset_x=20, offset_y=0):
f3 = omni.ui.Label("Line3!")
f3.visible = True
f3.set_style({"color": 0xff0000ff, "font_size": 32})
| 741 | Python | 29.916665 | 64 | 0.551957 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/pip_archive/numpy/ | import numpy
# Create 4x4 matrix (identity matrix).
m = numpy.matrix(numpy.identity(4))
# Set a value to a matrix.
m[3,0] = 2.0
m[2] = [50.0, 100.0, -20.0, 1.0]
| 181 | Python | 15.545453 | 38 | 0.635359 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/pip_archive/numpy/ | import numpy
v1 = numpy.array([0.0, 1.0, 2.0])
v2 = numpy.array([1.2, 1.5, 2.3])
v3 = v1 + v2
v3 = v1 * v2
v2[0] += 0.5
| 184 | Python | 9.882352 | 33 | 0.554348 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/pip_archive/numpy/ | import numpy
val = numpy.array([2.5, 1.0, 3.0])
lenV = numpy.linalg.norm(val)
print(str(val) + " : Length = " + str(lenV))
# Normalized.
lenV = numpy.linalg.norm(val)
val2 = val
if lenV != 0.0:
val2 = val / lenV
print("Normalized " + str(val) + " ==> " + str(val2))
| 272 | Python | 17.199999 | 53 | 0.595588 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/pip_archive/numpy/ | import numpy
# Create 4x4 matrix (identity matrix).
m1 = numpy.matrix(numpy.identity(4))
m2 = numpy.matrix(numpy.identity(4))
m1[3] = [22.3, 15.5, 3.0, 1.0]
m2[3] = [50.0, 100.0, -20.0, 1.0]
# Multiply matrix.
# (Same result for mA and mB)
mA = m1 * m2
mB =, m2)
| 300 | Python | 16.705881 | 38 | 0.633333 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/pip_archive/numpy/ | import numpy
v1 = numpy.array([0.0, 1.0, 2.0])
v2 = numpy.array([1.2, 1.5, 2.3])
# Calculating the Inner Product.
v =, v2)
print("Inner product : " + str(v))
# Calculating the Outer Product.
v = numpy.cross(v1, v2)
print("Outer product : " + str(v))
| 266 | Python | 19.53846 | 34 | 0.635338 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/pip_archive/numpy/ | import numpy
# Create Vector3.
v1 = numpy.array([0.0, 1.0, 2.0])
# Create 4x4 matrix.
m1 = numpy.matrix(numpy.identity(4))
m1[3] = [22.3, 15.5, 3.0, 1.0]
# Make sure that the vector to be multiplied has four elements.
vec4 = numpy.array(v1)
if v1.size == 3:
vec4 = numpy.array([v1[0], v1[1], v1[2], 1.0])
# Vector and matrix multiplication.
retM =, m1)
# Replace the result with Vector3.
retV = numpy.array([retM[0,0], retM[0,1], retM[0,2]])
| 488 | Python | 21.227272 | 63 | 0.657787 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/pip_archive/PIL/ | # PIL exists in "kit/extscore/omni.kit.pip_archive/pip_prebundle".
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
# Create new image.
im ="RGBA", (512, 512), (0, 0, 0, 0))
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
# Draw rectangle (fill).
draw.rectangle((100, 100, 200, 200), fill=(255, 0, 0))
# Draw rectangle.
draw.rectangle((100, 220, 200, 320), outline=(0, 0, 255), width=1)
# Draw line.
draw.line((0, 0, im.width, im.height), fill=(0, 255, 0), width=2)
# Draw circle.
draw.ellipse((100, 400, 150, 450), outline=(0, 0, 255), width=2)
# Draw circle (fill).
draw.ellipse((280, 300, 380, 400), fill=(0, 0, 255))
# Polygon.
vers = ((40, 20), (140, 120), (180, 60))
draw.polygon(vers, outline=(128, 0, 0))
# Polygon (fill).
vers = ((240, 20), (340, 120), (380, 60))
draw.polygon(vers, fill=(128, 128, 0))
# Font.
font = None
# The ttf font path should be replaced according to your environment.
basePath = "K:/fonts"
fontPath = basePath + "/SourceHanSansJP-Bold.otf"
font = ImageFont.truetype(fontPath, 48)
except Exception as e:
# Draw text.
if font != None:
draw.multiline_text((16, 40), 'Draw Text!', fill=(0, 128, 0))
# Save image.
# Rewrite it to any file path and uncomment the following."K:/NVIDIA_omniverse/images/out.png", quality=95)
| 1,299 | Python | 25.530612 | 73 | 0.645112 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/pip_archive/PIL/ | # PIL exists in "kit/extscore/omni.kit.pip_archive/pip_prebundle".
from PIL import Image
# Load image from file.
path = "K:/NVIDIA_omniverse/images/omniverse_64.png"
im = None
im =
# Get image size.
wid = im.size[0]
hei = im.size[1]
print("Image size : " + str(wid) + " x " + str(hei))
# Get format (PNG, JPEG, etc).
print("Format : " + str(im.format))
# Get mode (RGB, RGBA, etc.).
print("Mode : " + str(im.mode))
except Exception as e:
| 515 | Python | 20.499999 | 66 | 0.6 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/Material/ | from pxr import Usd, UsdGeom, UsdPhysics, UsdShade, Sdf, Gf, Tf
# Get stage.
stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage()
# Get selection.
selection = omni.usd.get_context().get_selection()
paths = selection.get_selected_prim_paths()
for path in paths:
prim = stage.GetPrimAtPath(path)
if prim.IsValid():
# Unbind Material.
| 403 | Python | 25.933332 | 63 | 0.704715 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/Material/OmniPBR/ | from pxr import Usd, UsdGeom, UsdPhysics, UsdShade, Sdf, Gf, Tf
# Get stage.
stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage()
# Create mesh.
meshPath = '/World/mesh'
meshGeom = UsdGeom.Mesh.Define(stage, meshPath)
meshGeom.CreatePointsAttr([(-10, 0, -10), (-10, 0, 10), (10, 0, 10), (10, 0, -10)])
meshGeom.CreateNormalsAttr([(0, 1, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 1, 0)])
meshGeom.CreateFaceVertexIndicesAttr([0, 1, 2, 3])
texCoords = meshGeom.CreatePrimvar("st",
texCoords.Set([(0, 1), (0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1)])
meshPrim = stage.GetPrimAtPath(meshPath)
# Create material scope.
materialScopePath = '/World/Materials'
scopePrim = stage.GetPrimAtPath(materialScopePath)
if scopePrim.IsValid() == False:
UsdGeom.Scope.Define(stage, materialScopePath)
# Create material (omniPBR).
materialPath = '/World/Materials/omniPBR_mat1'
material = UsdShade.Material.Define(stage, materialPath)
shaderPath = materialPath + '/Shader'
shader = UsdShade.Shader.Define(stage, shaderPath)
shader.SetSourceAsset('OmniPBR.mdl', 'mdl')
shader.GetPrim().CreateAttribute('info:mdl:sourceAsset:subIdentifier', Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Token, False, Sdf.VariabilityUniform).Set('OmniPBR')
# Set Diffuse color.
shader.CreateInput('diffuse_color_constant', Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Color3f).Set((1.0, 0.5, 0.4))
# Set Metallic.
shader.CreateInput('metallic_constant', Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Float).Set(0.0)
# Set Roughness.
shader.CreateInput('reflection_roughness_constant', Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Float).Set(0.2)
# Set Diffuse texture.
# Note : Texture files should be specified in the path where they exist.
#textureFilePath = '../textures/tile_image.png'
textureFilePath = ''
diffTexIn = shader.CreateInput('diffuse_texture', Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Asset)
# Set Diffuse value.
diffTintIn = shader.CreateInput('diffuse_tint', Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Color3f)
diffTintIn.Set((0.9, 0.9, 0.9))
# Connecting Material to Shader.
mdlOutput = material.CreateSurfaceOutput('mdl')
mdlOutput.ConnectToSource(shader, 'out')
# Bind material.
| 2,293 | Python | 35.999999 | 142 | 0.746184 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/Material/OmniPBR/ | from pxr import Usd, UsdGeom, UsdPhysics, UsdShade, Sdf, Gf, Tf
import omni.kit.commands
# Get stage.
stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage()
# Create new material.
omni.kit.commands.execute('CreateAndBindMdlMaterialFromLibrary', mdl_name='OmniPBR.mdl',
mtl_name='OmniPBR', mtl_created_list=['/World/Looks/OmniPBR'])
# Get selection.
selection = omni.usd.get_context().get_selection()
selectedPaths = selection.get_selected_prim_paths()
# Path of the added material.
selectPrimPath = ""
for path in selectedPaths:
selectPrimPath = path
print(selectPrimPath) | 580 | Python | 26.666665 | 88 | 0.75 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/Material/OmniPBR/ | from pxr import Usd, UsdGeom, UsdPhysics, UsdShade, Sdf, Gf, Tf
# Get stage.
stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage()
# Create sphere.
spherePath = '/World/sphere'
sphereGeom = UsdGeom.Sphere.Define(stage, spherePath)
spherePrim = stage.GetPrimAtPath(spherePath)
spherePrim.CreateAttribute('refinementEnableOverride', Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Bool).Set(True)
spherePrim.CreateAttribute('refinementLevel', Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Int).Set(2)
prim = sphereGeom.GetPrim()
# Create material scope.
materialScopePath = '/World/Materials'
scopePrim = stage.GetPrimAtPath(materialScopePath)
if scopePrim.IsValid() == False:
UsdGeom.Scope.Define(stage, materialScopePath)
# Create material (omniPBR).
materialPath = '/World/Materials/omniPBR_mat1'
material = UsdShade.Material.Define(stage, materialPath)
shaderPath = materialPath + '/Shader'
shader = UsdShade.Shader.Define(stage, shaderPath)
shader.SetSourceAsset('OmniPBR.mdl', 'mdl')
shader.GetPrim().CreateAttribute('info:mdl:sourceAsset:subIdentifier', Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Token, False, Sdf.VariabilityUniform).Set('OmniPBR')
# Set Diffuse color.
shader.CreateInput('diffuse_color_constant', Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Color3f).Set((1.0, 0.5, 0.4))
# Set Metallic.
shader.CreateInput('metallic_constant', Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Float).Set(0.0)
# Set Roughness.
shader.CreateInput('reflection_roughness_constant', Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Float).Set(0.2)
# Connecting Material to Shader.
mdlOutput = material.CreateSurfaceOutput('mdl')
mdlOutput.ConnectToSource(shader, 'out')
# Bind material.
bindAPI = UsdShade.MaterialBindingAPI(prim)
| 1,650 | Python | 32.693877 | 142 | 0.784242 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/Material/GetMaterial/ | from pxr import Usd, UsdGeom, UsdPhysics, UsdShade, Sdf, Gf, Tf
# Get stage.
stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage()
selection = omni.usd.get_context().get_selection()
paths = selection.get_selected_prim_paths()
for path in paths:
prim = stage.GetPrimAtPath(path)
# Get Material.
rel = UsdShade.MaterialBindingAPI(prim).GetDirectBindingRel()
pathList = rel.GetTargets()
print('[ ' + prim.GetName() + ' ]')
for mTargetPath in pathList:
print(' material : ' + mTargetPath.pathString)
material = UsdShade.Material(stage.GetPrimAtPath(mTargetPath))
| 620 | Python | 25.999999 | 70 | 0.680645 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/Material/GetMaterial/ | from pxr import Usd, UsdGeom, UsdPhysics, UsdShade, Sdf, Gf, Tf
# Get stage.
stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage()
selection = omni.usd.get_context().get_selection()
paths = selection.get_selected_prim_paths()
for path in paths:
prim = stage.GetPrimAtPath(path)
if prim.GetTypeName() != "Material":
# List textures referenced by Material.
pChildren = prim.GetChildren()
for cPrim in pChildren:
if cPrim.GetTypeName() == "Shader":
shaderPrim = UsdShade.Shader(cPrim)
mInputs = shaderPrim.GetInputs()
for inputV in mInputs:
baseName = inputV.GetBaseName()
typeName = inputV.GetTypeName()
if typeName == "asset":
v = inputV.Get() # Sdf.AssetPath
if v.path != "":
# v.path ... display path.
# v.resolvedPath ... absolute path.
print(f" {baseName}")
print(f" path [ {v.path} ]")
print(f" resolvedPath [ {v.resolvedPath} ]")
| 1,204 | Python | 33.42857 | 73 | 0.524086 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/Material/GetMaterial/ | from pxr import Usd, UsdGeom, UsdPhysics, UsdShade, Sdf, Gf, Tf
# Get stage.
stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage()
selection = omni.usd.get_context().get_selection()
paths = selection.get_selected_prim_paths()
# Get material type (UsdPreviewSurface/OmniPBR/CustomMDL etc.)
def GetMaterialType (path : str):
prim = stage.GetPrimAtPath(path)
if prim.GetTypeName() != "Material":
return ""
materialTypeName = ""
pChildren = prim.GetChildren()
for cPrim in pChildren:
if cPrim.GetTypeName() == "Shader":
shaderPrim = UsdShade.Shader(cPrim)
# In the case of UsdPreviewSurface, ImplementationSource is "id".
# In the case of MDL, the ImplementationSource is "sourceAsset".
sourceV = shaderPrim.GetImplementationSource()
if sourceV == "id":
attr = shaderPrim.GetIdAttr()
idValue = attr.Get() # "UsdPreviewSurface"
if idValue == "UsdPreviewSurface":
materialTypeName = idValue
# Get MDL information.
if sourceV == "sourceAsset":
# Sdf.AssetPath
# assetPath.path ... display path.
# assetPath.resolvedPath ... absolute path.
assetPath = shaderPrim.GetSourceAsset("mdl")
# MDL name.
subIdentifier = shaderPrim.GetSourceAssetSubIdentifier("mdl")
if subIdentifier != "":
materialTypeName = subIdentifier
materialTypeName = assetPath.resolvedPath
if materialTypeName != "":
return materialTypeName
# -----------------------------------.
for path in paths:
materialTypeName = GetMaterialType(path)
if materialTypeName != "":
print(f"{path} : {materialTypeName}")
| 1,902 | Python | 32.385964 | 77 | 0.569926 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/Material/GetMaterial/ | from pxr import Usd, UsdGeom, UsdPhysics, UsdShade, Sdf, Gf, Tf
# Get stage.
stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage()
selection = omni.usd.get_context().get_selection()
paths = selection.get_selected_prim_paths()
for path in paths:
prim = stage.GetPrimAtPath(path)
if prim.GetTypeName() != "Material":
print("[" + prim.GetPath().pathString + "]")
# Get Shader of Material and input parameters.
pChildren = prim.GetChildren()
for cPrim in pChildren:
if cPrim.GetTypeName() == "Shader":
shaderPrim = UsdShade.Shader(cPrim)
mInputs = shaderPrim.GetInputs()
for inputV in mInputs:
baseName = inputV.GetBaseName()
typeName = inputV.GetTypeName()
print(" [" + baseName + "] (" + str(typeName) + ")")
v = inputV.Get()
print(" " + str(type(v)) + " ==> " + str(v))
| 940 | Python | 28.406249 | 71 | 0.569149 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/Material/UsdPreviewSurface/ | from pxr import Usd, UsdGeom, UsdPhysics, UsdShade, Sdf, Gf, Tf
# Get stage.
stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage()
# Create mesh.
meshPath = '/World/mesh'
meshGeom = UsdGeom.Mesh.Define(stage, meshPath)
meshGeom.CreatePointsAttr([(-10, 0, -10), (-10, 0, 10), (10, 0, 10), (10, 0, -10)])
meshGeom.CreateNormalsAttr([(0, 1, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 1, 0)])
meshGeom.CreateFaceVertexIndicesAttr([0, 1, 2, 3])
texCoords = meshGeom.CreatePrimvar("st",
texCoords.Set([(0, 1), (0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1)])
meshPrim = stage.GetPrimAtPath(meshPath)
# Create material scope.
materialScopePath = '/World/Materials'
scopePrim = stage.GetPrimAtPath(materialScopePath)
if scopePrim.IsValid() == False:
UsdGeom.Scope.Define(stage, materialScopePath)
# Create material (UsdPreviewSurface).
materialPath = '/World/Materials/mat1'
material = UsdShade.Material.Define(stage, materialPath)
pbrShader = UsdShade.Shader.Define(stage, materialPath + '/PBRShader')
pbrShader.CreateInput("diffuseColor", Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Color3f).Set((1.0, 0.2, 0.0))
pbrShader.CreateInput("roughness", Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Float).Set(0.4)
pbrShader.CreateInput("metallic", Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Float).Set(0.0)
# Set diffuse texture.
stReader = UsdShade.Shader.Define(stage, materialPath + '/stReader')
diffuseTextureSampler = UsdShade.Shader.Define(stage, materialPath + '/diffuseTexture')
# Note : Texture files should be specified in the path where they exist.
#textureFilePath = '../textures/tile_image.png'
textureFilePath = ''
diffuseTextureSampler.CreateInput('file', Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Asset).Set(textureFilePath)
diffuseTextureSampler.CreateInput("st", Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Float2).ConnectToSource(stReader.ConnectableAPI(), 'result')
diffuseTextureSampler.CreateOutput('rgb', Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Float3)
pbrShader.CreateInput("diffuseColor", Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Color3f).ConnectToSource(diffuseTextureSampler.ConnectableAPI(), 'rgb')
stInput = material.CreateInput('frame:stPrimvarName', Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Token)
# Connect PBRShader to Material.
material.CreateSurfaceOutput().ConnectToSource(pbrShader.ConnectableAPI(), "surface")
# Bind material.
| 2,616 | Python | 42.616666 | 128 | 0.768731 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/Material/UsdPreviewSurface/ | from pxr import Usd, UsdGeom, UsdPhysics, UsdShade, Sdf, Gf, Tf
# Get stage.
stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage()
# Create sphere.
spherePath = '/World/sphere'
sphereGeom = UsdGeom.Sphere.Define(stage, spherePath)
spherePrim = stage.GetPrimAtPath(spherePath)
spherePrim.CreateAttribute('refinementEnableOverride', Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Bool).Set(True)
spherePrim.CreateAttribute('refinementLevel', Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Int).Set(2)
# Create material scope.
materialScopePath = '/World/Materials'
scopePrim = stage.GetPrimAtPath(materialScopePath)
if scopePrim.IsValid() == False:
UsdGeom.Scope.Define(stage, materialScopePath)
# Create material (UsdPreviewSurface).
materialPath = '/World/Materials/mat1'
material = UsdShade.Material.Define(stage, materialPath)
pbrShader = UsdShade.Shader.Define(stage, materialPath + '/PBRShader')
pbrShader.CreateInput("diffuseColor", Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Color3f).Set((1.0, 0.2, 0.0))
pbrShader.CreateInput("roughness", Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Float).Set(0.4)
pbrShader.CreateInput("metallic", Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Float).Set(0.0)
# Connect PBRShader to Material.
material.CreateSurfaceOutput().ConnectToSource(pbrShader.ConnectableAPI(), "surface")
# Bind material.
| 1,342 | Python | 38.499999 | 89 | 0.792101 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/Python/Class/ | # -----------------------------------------------.
# Simple class.
# -----------------------------------------------.
class ClassFoo:
_name = ""
# Constructor
def __init__(self, name : str): = name
# Destructor
def __del__(self):
def printName (self):
print("name = " +
def add (self, a : float, b : float):
return (a + b)
# -----------------------------------------------.
# Create new class.
foo = ClassFoo("test")
print(foo.add(12.5, 8.2))
# Destroying a class.
foo = None
| 630 | Python | 18.718749 | 50 | 0.41746 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/Python/string/ | v = 0.25364
# number to string.
# ==> "0.25364"
print("Value = " + str(v))
# Digit number specification.
# ==> "0000.25364"
print("Value : {:#010}".format(v))
print("Value : " + format(v, '#010'))
# Specify the number of decimal places.
# ==> "0.254"
print("Value : {:.3f}".format(v))
print("Value : " + format(v, '.3f'))
# Replaced by hexadecimal.
# ==> "0x7fff"
v2 = 32767
# Replaced by a binary number.
# ==> "0b101"
v2 = 5
| 463 | Python | 16.185185 | 39 | 0.587473 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/Python/string/ | from pxr import Usd, UsdGeom, UsdPhysics, UsdShade, Sdf, Gf, Tf
v = 25.3674
print("Value = " + str(v))
print(f"Value = {v}")
print(f"Type = {type(v)}")
# Specify the number of decimal places.
# ==> "25.367"
print(f"Value = {'{:.3f}'.format(v)}")
vec3 = Gf.Vec3f(1.2, 5.6, 90)
print(f"vec3 = {vec3}")
array = [1.2, "test", True]
print(f"array = {array}")
| 359 | Python | 18.999999 | 63 | 0.5961 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/Python/Web/ | import webbrowser
url = ""
| 83 | Python | 15.799997 | 42 | 0.759036 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/AssetConverter/ | # --------------------------------------------------.
# obj to usd conversion.
# See :
# --------------------------------------------------.
import carb
import omni
import asyncio
import omni.kit.asset_converter
# Progress of processing.
def progress_callback (current_step: int, total: int):
# Show progress
print(f"{current_step} of {total}")
# Convert asset file(obj/fbx/glTF, etc) to usd.
async def convert_asset_to_usd (input_asset: str, output_usd: str):
# Input options are defaults.
converter_context = omni.kit.asset_converter.AssetConverterContext()
converter_context.ignore_materials = False
converter_context.ignore_camera = False
converter_context.ignore_animations = False
converter_context.ignore_light = False
converter_context.export_preview_surface = False
converter_context.use_meter_as_world_unit = False
converter_context.create_world_as_default_root_prim = True
converter_context.embed_textures = True
converter_context.convert_fbx_to_y_up = False
converter_context.convert_fbx_to_z_up = False
converter_context.merge_all_meshes = False
converter_context.use_double_precision_to_usd_transform_op = False
converter_context.ignore_pivots = False
converter_context.keep_all_materials = True
converter_context.smooth_normals = True
instance = omni.kit.asset_converter.get_instance()
task = instance.create_converter_task(input_asset, output_usd, progress_callback, converter_context)
# Wait for completion.
success = await task.wait_until_finished()
if not success:
carb.log_error(task.get_status(), task.get_detailed_error())
print("converting done")
# Rewrite it to suit your environment.
input_obj = "K:/Modeling/obj/simple_obj2/simple_obj.obj"
output_usd = "K:/Modeling/obj/simple_obj2/simple_obj/simple_obj.usd"
# Convert to USD (obj to USD).
convert_asset_to_usd(input_obj, output_usd)
| 2,014 | Python | 38.509803 | 103 | 0.706554 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/Event/ |
import omni.ui
import time
import asyncio
class UpdateInterval:
_viewportWindow = None
_subs = None
_visible = True
_time = None
_vTime = None
def __init__(self):
# Update event.
def on_update (self, e:
if self._viewportWindow == None:
curTime = time.time()
diffTime = curTime - self._time
self._time = curTime
if self._vTime == None:
self._vTime = curTime
if curTime < self._vTime + 0.5 and self._visible:
self._vTime = curTime
# Update UI.
with self._viewportWindow.frame:
with omni.ui.VStack(height=0):
with omni.ui.Placer(offset_x=20, offset_y=30):
# Set label.
fpsV = 1.0 / diffTime
msgStr = "Update interval(sec) : {:.5f} sec, {:.2f} fps".format(diffTime, fpsV)
f = omni.ui.Label(msgStr)
f.visible = self._visible
f.set_style({"color": 0xff00ffff, "font_size": 32})
def startup (self):
# Get main window viewport.
self._viewportWindow = omni.ui.Window('Viewport')
self._time = time.time()
self._visible = True
# Register for update event.
self._subs =
def shutdown (self):
# Release the update event.
async def _exitUpdateEvent ():
self._visible = False
self._subs = None
self._vTime = None
# -----------------------------------------.
updateI = UpdateInterval()
# Finish the process below.
| 1,942 | Python | 26.757142 | 112 | 0.54068 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/System/ | from pxr import Usd, UsdGeom, UsdPhysics, UsdShade, Sdf, Gf, Tf
| 89 | Python | 21.499995 | 63 | 0.741573 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/System/ | import sys
| 31 | Python | 6.999998 | 18 | 0.774194 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/System/ | import sys
import os
# Append path.
def appendSysPath (newPath):
existF = False
for path in sys.path:
if path == newPath:
existF = True
if existF:
for path in sys.path:
| 273 | Python | 12.047618 | 28 | 0.600733 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/Geometry/ | from pxr import Usd, UsdGeom, UsdPhysics, UsdShade, Sdf, Gf, Tf
# Get stage.
stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage()
# Get selection.
selection = omni.usd.get_context().get_selection()
paths = selection.get_selected_prim_paths()
for path in paths:
# Get prim.
prim = stage.GetPrimAtPath(path)
if prim.GetTypeName() != "Mesh":
m = UsdGeom.Mesh(prim)
# USD 22.11 : The specification has been changed to use UsdGeom.PrimvarsAPI.
# Set primvar(float).
primvarV = UsdGeom.PrimvarsAPI(prim).CreatePrimvar("dat1", Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Float)
attr = primvarV.GetAttr()
if UsdGeom.primvarV(prim).HasPrimvar("dat1"): # Check primvar.
# Remove primvar.
# Set primvar (float2).
# If there is already a primvar with the same name but a different type,
# it must be removed using RemoveProperty.
primvarV = UsdGeom.PrimvarsAPI(prim).CreatePrimvar("dat1", Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Float2)
attr = primvarV.GetAttr()
attr.Set((1.0, 2.0))
# Set primvar (color).
primvarV = UsdGeom.PrimvarsAPI(prim).CreatePrimvar("dat2", Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Color3f)
attr = primvarV.GetAttr()
attr.Set((1.0, 0.5, 0.2))
# Set primvar (float3 array)
primvarV = UsdGeom.PrimvarsAPI(prim).CreatePrimvar("dat3", Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Float3Array)
attr = primvarV.GetAttr()
attr.Set([(0.1, 0.2, 0.5), (0.4, 0.05, 0.0), (0.1, 0.4, 0.05)])
| 1,493 | Python | 31.47826 | 94 | 0.667113 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/Geometry/ | from pxr import Usd, UsdGeom, UsdPhysics, UsdShade, Sdf, Gf, Tf
# Get stage.
stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage()
# Get selection.
selection = omni.usd.get_context().get_selection()
paths = selection.get_selected_prim_paths()
for path in paths:
# Get prim.
prim = stage.GetPrimAtPath(path)
if prim.GetTypeName() != "Mesh":
# USD 22.11 : The specification has been changed to use UsdGeom.PrimvarsAPI.
primvarsAPI = UsdGeom.PrimvarsAPI(prim)
primvars = primvarsAPI.GetPrimvars()
if len(primvars) > 0:
print("[" + prim.GetPath().pathString + "]")
for primvar in primvars:
primName = primvar.GetPrimvarName()
typeName = primvar.GetTypeName()
val = primvar.Get()
print(" " + primName + " (" + str(typeName) + ") : " + str(val))
| 853 | Python | 28.448275 | 80 | 0.617819 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/Geometry/CreateMesh/ | from pxr import Usd, UsdGeom, UsdPhysics, UsdShade, Sdf, Gf, Tf
# Get stage.
stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage()
# Get default prim.
defaultPrim = stage.GetDefaultPrim()
# Get root path.
rootPath = '/'
if defaultPrim.IsValid():
rootPath = defaultPrim.GetPath().pathString
# Create mesh.
meshGeom = UsdGeom.Mesh.Define(stage, rootPath + "/mesh")
# Set vertices.
meshGeom.CreatePointsAttr([(-10, 0, -10), (-10, 0, 10), (10, 0, 10), (10, 0, -10)])
# Set normals.
meshGeom.CreateNormalsAttr([(0, 1, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 1, 0)])
# Set face vertex count.
# Set face vertex indices.
meshGeom.CreateFaceVertexIndicesAttr([0, 1, 2, 3])
# Set uvs.
# USD 22.11 : The specification has been changed to use UsdGeom.PrimvarsAPI.
primvarV = UsdGeom.PrimvarsAPI(meshGeom).CreatePrimvar("st", Sdf.ValueTypeNames.TexCoord2fArray, UsdGeom.Tokens.vertex)
attr = primvarV.GetAttr()
attr.Set([(0, 1), (0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1)])
# Compute extent.
boundable = UsdGeom.Boundable(meshGeom.GetPrim())
extent = boundable.ComputeExtent(Usd.TimeCode(0))
# Set Extent.
# Subdivision is set to none.
# Set position.
UsdGeom.XformCommonAPI(meshGeom).SetTranslate((0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
# Set rotation.
UsdGeom.XformCommonAPI(meshGeom).SetRotate((0.0, 0.0, 0.0), UsdGeom.XformCommonAPI.RotationOrderXYZ)
# Set scale.
UsdGeom.XformCommonAPI(meshGeom).SetScale((1.0, 1.0, 1.0))
| 1,538 | Python | 27.499999 | 119 | 0.718466 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/Geometry/CreateMesh/ | from pxr import Usd, UsdGeom, UsdPhysics, UsdShade, Sdf, Gf, Tf
# Get stage.
stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage()
# Get default prim.
defaultPrim = stage.GetDefaultPrim()
# Get root path.
rootPath = '/'
if defaultPrim.IsValid():
rootPath = defaultPrim.GetPath().pathString
# --------------------------------------.
# Create new Material (OmniPBR).
# @param[in] materialPrimPath Prim path of Material
# @param[in] diffuseColor Diffuse color.
# --------------------------------------.
def createMaterialOmniPBR (materialPrimPath : str, diffuseColor : Gf.Vec3f):
material = UsdShade.Material.Define(stage, materialPrimPath)
shaderPath = materialPrimPath + '/Shader'
shader = UsdShade.Shader.Define(stage, shaderPath)
shader.SetSourceAsset('OmniPBR.mdl', 'mdl')
shader.GetPrim().CreateAttribute('info:mdl:sourceAsset:subIdentifier', Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Token, False, Sdf.VariabilityUniform).Set('OmniPBR')
# Set Diffuse color.
shader.CreateInput('diffuse_color_constant', Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Color3f).Set(diffuseColor)
# Connecting Material to Shader.
mdlOutput = material.CreateSurfaceOutput('mdl')
mdlOutput.ConnectToSource(shader.ConnectableAPI(), 'out')
return materialPrimPath
# --------------------------------------.
# Create mesh with subset.
# --------------------------------------.
def createMesh (meshPath : str):
# Create mesh.
meshGeom = UsdGeom.Mesh.Define(stage, meshPath)
# Set vertices.
meshGeom.CreatePointsAttr([(-10, 0, -10), (0, 0, -10), (10, 0, -10), (-10, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0), (10, 0, 0)])
# Set face vertex count.
meshGeom.CreateFaceVertexCountsAttr([4, 4])
# Set face vertex indices.
meshGeom.CreateFaceVertexIndicesAttr([0, 3, 4, 1, 1, 4, 5, 2])
# Set normals and UVs for each face vertex.
# Set normals.
normalList = []
for i in range(2):
normalList.extend([(0.0, 1.0, 0.0), (0.0, 1.0, 0.0), (0.0, 1.0, 0.0), (0.0, 1.0, 0.0)])
# Set uvs.
# USD 22.11 : The specification has been changed to use UsdGeom.PrimvarsAPI.
primvarV = UsdGeom.PrimvarsAPI(meshGeom).CreatePrimvar("st", Sdf.ValueTypeNames.TexCoord2fArray, UsdGeom.Tokens.faceVarying)
attr = primvarV.GetAttr()
uvsList = []
uvsList.extend([(0.0, 1.0), (0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 0.0), (1.0, 1.0)])
uvsList.extend([(1.0, 1.0), (1.0, 0.0), (2.0, 0.0), (2.0, 1.0)])
# Subdivision is set to none.
# Set position.
UsdGeom.XformCommonAPI(meshGeom).SetTranslate((0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
# Set rotation.
UsdGeom.XformCommonAPI(meshGeom).SetRotate((0.0, 0.0, 0.0), UsdGeom.XformCommonAPI.RotationOrderXYZ)
# Set scale.
UsdGeom.XformCommonAPI(meshGeom).SetScale((1.0, 1.0, 1.0))
# Create subset 1.
subsetPath = meshPath + "/submesh_1"
geomSubset1 = UsdGeom.Subset.Define(stage, subsetPath)
geomSubset1.CreateIndicesAttr([0]) # Set the index on the face.
# Bind material.
matPrim = stage.GetPrimAtPath(rootPath + "/Looks/mat1")
if matPrim.IsValid():
# Create subset 2.
subsetPath = meshPath + "/submesh_2"
geomSubset2 = UsdGeom.Subset.Define(stage, subsetPath)
geomSubset2.CreateIndicesAttr([1]) # Set the index on the face.
# Bind material.
matPrim = stage.GetPrimAtPath(rootPath + "/Looks/mat2")
if matPrim.IsValid():
# -----------------------------------------------------------.
# Create scope.
looksScopePath = rootPath + "/Looks"
scopePrim = stage.GetPrimAtPath(looksScopePath)
if scopePrim.IsValid() == False:
UsdGeom.Scope.Define(stage, looksScopePath)
# Create material.
createMaterialOmniPBR(rootPath + "/Looks/mat1", Gf.Vec3f(1.0, 0.0, 0.0))
createMaterialOmniPBR(rootPath + "/Looks/mat2", Gf.Vec3f(0.0, 1.0, 0.0))
# Create mesh.
createMesh(rootPath + "/mesh") | 4,316 | Python | 34.677686 | 146 | 0.654773 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/Geometry/CreateMesh/ | from pxr import Usd, UsdGeom, UsdPhysics, UsdShade, Sdf, Gf, Tf
# ---------------------------------------.
# Dump mesh data.
# ---------------------------------------.
def DumpMeshData (prim):
typeName = prim.GetTypeName()
if typeName == 'Mesh':
m = UsdGeom.Mesh(prim)
# Get prim name.
name = prim.GetName()
# Get prim path.
path = prim.GetPath().pathString
# Get show/hide.
showF = (m.ComputeVisibility() == 'inherited')
# Get the number of faces of Mesh.
facesCou = len(m.GetFaceVertexCountsAttr().Get())
# Get number of normals.
normalsCou = len(m.GetNormalsAttr().Get())
# Total number of vertices.
versCou = len(m.GetPointsAttr().Get())
# Get UV.
# USD 22.11 : The specification has been changed to use UsdGeom.PrimvarsAPI.
primvarsAPI = UsdGeom.PrimvarsAPI(prim)
primvars = primvarsAPI.GetPrimvars()
uvsCou = 0
uvlayersCou = 0
for primvar in primvars:
typeName = str(primvar.GetTypeName().arrayType)
if typeName == 'float2[]' or typeName == 'texCoord2f[]':
# 'st'
pName = primvar.GetPrimvarName()
uvlayersCou += 1
uvsCou = len(primvar.Get())
# Get Material.
rel = UsdShade.MaterialBindingAPI(prim).GetDirectBindingRel()
pathList = rel.GetTargets()
print(f"[ {name} ] {path}")
print(f"Show : {showF}")
print(f"Points : {versCou}")
print(f"Faces : {facesCou}")
print(f"uvs : {uvsCou}")
print(f"normals : {normalsCou}")
print(f"UV sets : {uvlayersCou}")
if len(pathList) > 0:
print("Material : ")
for mPath in pathList:
print(f" {mPath.pathString}")
# ---------------------------------------.
# Traverse the hierarchy.
# ---------------------------------------.
def TraverseHierarchy (prim):
# Recursively traverse the hierarchy.
pChildren = prim.GetChildren()
for cPrim in pChildren:
# ----------------------------------------------------.
# Get stage.
stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage()
# Get selection.
selection = omni.usd.get_context().get_selection()
paths = selection.get_selected_prim_paths()
for path in paths:
# Get prim.
prim = stage.GetPrimAtPath(path)
| 2,515 | Python | 27.590909 | 84 | 0.527237 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/Geometry/CreateMesh/ | from pxr import Usd, UsdGeom, UsdPhysics, UsdShade, Sdf, Gf, Tf
import math
import omni.ui
# Get stage.
stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage()
# -------------------------------------------------------.
# Calculate normal.
# -------------------------------------------------------.
def calcTriangleNormal (v1 : Gf.Vec3d, v2 : Gf.Vec3d, v3 : Gf.Vec3d):
e1 = v2 - v1
e2 = v3 - v2
e1 = Gf.Vec4f(e1[0], e1[1], e1[2],1.0)
e2 = Gf.Vec4f(e2[0], e2[1], e2[2],1.0)
e3 = Gf.HomogeneousCross(e1, e2)
n = Gf.Vec3d(e3[0], e3[1], e3[2])
return n.GetNormalized()
# -------------------------------------------------------.
# Attach thickness.
# @param[in] primPath Target Prim path.
# @param[in] thickness Thickness.
# -------------------------------------------------------.
def AttachThickness (primPath : str, thickness : float):
prim = stage.GetPrimAtPath(primPath)
if prim.IsValid() == False:
if prim.GetTypeName() != 'Mesh':
m = UsdGeom.Mesh(prim)
# Number of faces.
faceVCouList = m.GetFaceVertexCountsAttr().Get()
faceCou = len(faceVCouList)
if faceCou == 0:
normalsList = m.GetNormalsAttr().Get()
normalsCou = len(normalsList)
if normalsCou == 0:
normalV = normalsList[0]
versList = m.GetPointsAttr().Get()
versCou = len(versList)
if versCou < 3:
faceVIList = m.GetFaceVertexIndicesAttr().Get()
faceVICou = len(faceVIList)
# Stores the face number for each vertex.
vFList = [[]] * (versCou)
for i in range(versCou):
vFList[i] = []
index = 0
for i in range(len(faceVCouList)):
faceVCou = faceVCouList[i]
for j in range(faceVCou):
vI = faceVIList[index + j]
index += faceVCou
faceIndicesList = [[]] * faceCou
for i in range(faceCou):
faceIndicesList[i] = []
# Rearrange the vertex indices per face.
index = 0
for i in range(faceCou):
faceVCou = faceVCouList[i]
for j in range(faceVCou):
faceIndicesList[i].append(faceVIList[index + j])
index += faceVCou
# Create a list of independent edges.
edgesList = []
for i in range(faceCou):
faceVCou = faceVCouList[i]
for j in range(faceVCou):
vI1 = faceIndicesList[i][j]
vI2 = faceIndicesList[i][(j + 1) % faceVCou]
chkF = False
cI = -1
for k in range(len(edgesList)):
if (edgesList[k][0] == vI1 and edgesList[k][1] == vI2) or (edgesList[k][0] == vI2 and edgesList[k][1] == vI1):
chkF = True
cI = k
if chkF == False:
edgesList.append([vI1, vI2, 1])
cou = edgesList[cI][2]
edgesList[cI] = [vI1, vI2, cou + 1]
edgesOneList = []
for p in edgesList:
if p[2] == 1:
edgesOneList.append([p[0], p[1]])
# Create a symmetrical face.
faceVCouList2 = [0] * (faceCou * 2)
normalsList2 = [(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)] * (normalsCou * 2)
versList2 = [(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)] * (versCou * 2)
faceVIList2 = [0] * (faceVICou * 2)
for i in range(faceCou):
faceVCouList2[i] = faceVCouList[i]
faceVCouList2[i + faceCou] = faceVCouList[i]
for i in range(faceVICou):
faceVIList2[i] = faceVIList[i]
faceVIList2[i + faceVICou] = faceVIList[faceVICou - i - 1] + versCou
for i in range(normalsCou):
normalsList2[i] = normalsList[i]
normalsList2[i + normalsCou] = -normalsList[i]
for i in range(versCou):
versList2[i] = versList[i]
n = normalsList[i]
versList2[i + versCou] = versList[i] - (n * thickness)
# Create side faces.
vIndex = len(versList2)
for edgeI in edgesOneList:
e1 = edgeI[0]
e2 = edgeI[1]
i1 = e1
i2 = e2
i3 = e1 + versCou
i4 = e2 + versCou
v1 = versList2[i2]
v2 = versList2[i1]
v3 = versList2[i3]
v4 = versList2[i4]
n = calcTriangleNormal(v1, v2, v3)
for j in range(4):
for j in range(4):
faceVIList2.append(vIndex + j)
vIndex += 4
# -------------------------------------------------------.
# Create gear.
# @param[in] name Prim name.
# @param[in] gearR Radius of gear.
# @param[in] filletCount Number of gear divisions.
# @param[in] filletHeight Fillet height.
# @param[in] gearWidth Gear width.
# -------------------------------------------------------.
def CreateGear (name : str, gearR : float, filletCount : int, filletHeight : float, gearWidth : float):
angle = 360.0 / filletCount # Angle of one tooth.
# Calculate the length of one tooth on the circumference.
D = (gearR * math.sin((angle / 2.0) * math.pi / 180.0)) * 2
dHalf = D * 0.5
dQuarter = D * 0.25
centerV = Gf.Vec3d(0, 0, 0)
versList = []
faceIndexList = []
maxVCou = 1 + (5 * filletCount)
index = 1
aV = 0.0
for i in range(filletCount):
# Vertices of a single tooth.
vDirX = math.cos(aV * math.pi / 180.0)
vDirY = math.sin(aV * math.pi / 180.0)
v2X = -vDirY
v2Y = vDirX
vD = Gf.Vec3d(vDirX, vDirY, 0)
vCrossD = Gf.Vec3d(v2X, v2Y, 0)
vCenter = vD * gearR
v1 = vCenter - (vCrossD * dHalf)
v2 = v1 + (vCrossD * dQuarter)
v3 = v2 + (vD * filletHeight)
v4 = v3 + (vCrossD * dHalf)
v5 = v4 - (vD * filletHeight)
v6 = v5 + (vCrossD * dQuarter)
dd = D * 0.1
vCD = vCrossD * dd
v3 += vCD
v4 -= vCD
v2 -= vCD
v5 += vCD
faceIndexList.append(index + 1)
faceIndexList.append(index + 2)
faceIndexList.append(index + 3)
faceIndexList.append(index + 4)
if index + 5 >= maxVCou:
faceIndexList.append(index + 5)
index += 5
aV += angle
# Get default prim.
defaultPrim = stage.GetDefaultPrim()
# Get root path.
rootPath = '/'
if defaultPrim.IsValid():
rootPath = defaultPrim.GetPath().pathString
# Create mesh.
pathName = rootPath + '/gears'
prim = stage.GetPrimAtPath(pathName)
if prim.IsValid() == False:
UsdGeom.Xform.Define(stage, pathName)
pathMeshName0 = pathName + '/' + name
pathMeshName = pathMeshName0
index = 0
while True:
pathMeshName = pathMeshName0
if index > 0:
pathMeshName += '_' + str(index)
prim = stage.GetPrimAtPath(pathMeshName)
if prim.IsValid() == False:
index += 1
meshGeom = UsdGeom.Mesh.Define(stage, pathMeshName)
# Set vertices.
stVersList = []
stNormalList = []
for i in range(len(versList)):
stVersList.append((versList[i][0], versList[i][1], versList[i][2]))
stNormalList.append((0, 0, 1))
# Set normals.
# Set face vertex count.
faceVCouList = []
for i in range(filletCount):
# Set face vertex indices.
# Set position.
UsdGeom.XformCommonAPI(meshGeom).SetTranslate((0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
# Set rotation.
UsdGeom.XformCommonAPI(meshGeom).SetRotate((0.0, 0.0, 0.0), UsdGeom.XformCommonAPI.RotationOrderXYZ)
# Set scale.
UsdGeom.XformCommonAPI(meshGeom).SetScale((1.0, 1.0, 1.0))
# Attach thickness.
if gearWidth > 0.0:
AttachThickness(pathMeshName, gearWidth)
# --------------------------------------------------------.
# Main UI.
# --------------------------------------------------------.
# Clicked button event.
def onButtonClick (hNameStringField, hRadiusFloatField, hFilletCouIntField, hFilletHeightFloatField, hGearWidthFloatField):
name = hNameStringField.model.get_value_as_string()
if name == '':
name = 'gear'
radius = hRadiusFloatField.model.get_value_as_float()
if radius < 0.00001:
radius = 0.00001
filletCou = hFilletCouIntField.model.get_value_as_int()
if filletCou < 4:
filletCou = 4
filletHeight = hFilletHeightFloatField.model.get_value_as_float()
if filletHeight < 0.00001:
filletHeight = 0.00001
gearWidth = hGearWidthFloatField.model.get_value_as_float()
if gearWidth < 0.00001:
gearWidth = 0.00001
# Create Cear.
CreateGear(name, radius, filletCou, filletHeight, gearWidth)
# ------------------------------------------.
my_window = omni.ui.Window("Create Gear", width=350, height=250)
with my_window.frame:
with omni.ui.VStack(height=0):
labelWidth = 120
with omni.ui.Placer(offset_x=8, offset_y=8):
# Set label.
f = omni.ui.Label("Create Gear.")
with omni.ui.Placer(offset_x=8, offset_y=4):
with omni.ui.HStack(width=300):
omni.ui.Label("Name : ", width=labelWidth)
hNameStringField = omni.ui.StringField(width=200, height=0)
with omni.ui.Placer(offset_x=8, offset_y=4):
with omni.ui.HStack(width=300):
omni.ui.Label("Radius : ", width=labelWidth)
hRadiusFloatField = omni.ui.FloatField(width=200, height=0)
with omni.ui.Placer(offset_x=8, offset_y=4):
with omni.ui.HStack(width=300):
omni.ui.Label("Number of fillet : ", width=labelWidth)
hFilletCouIntField = omni.ui.IntField(width=200, height=0)
with omni.ui.Placer(offset_x=8, offset_y=4):
with omni.ui.HStack(width=300):
omni.ui.Label("Fillet height : ", width=labelWidth)
hFilletHeightFloatField = omni.ui.FloatField(width=200, height=0)
with omni.ui.Placer(offset_x=8, offset_y=4):
with omni.ui.HStack(width=300):
omni.ui.Label("Gear width : ", width=labelWidth)
hGearWidthFloatField = omni.ui.FloatField(width=200, height=0)
with omni.ui.Placer(offset_x=8, offset_y=4):
# Set button.
btn = omni.ui.Button("Create", width=200, height=0)
btn.set_clicked_fn(lambda name = hNameStringField, f = hRadiusFloatField, f2 = hFilletCouIntField, f3 = hFilletHeightFloatField, f4 = hGearWidthFloatField: onButtonClick(name, f, f2, f3, f4))
| 11,599 | Python | 30.607629 | 203 | 0.559359 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/Geometry/CreateMesh/ | from pxr import Usd, UsdGeom, UsdPhysics, UsdShade, Sdf, Gf, Tf
# Get stage.
stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage()
# Get default prim.
defaultPrim = stage.GetDefaultPrim()
# Get root path.
rootPath = '/'
if defaultPrim.IsValid():
rootPath = defaultPrim.GetPath().pathString
# ------------------------------------------------.
# Create mesh.
# @param[in] path Prim path.
# @param[in] interpolation "vertex" or "faceVarying".
# ------------------------------------------------.
def createTestMesh (path : str, interpolation : str = "vertex", pos : Gf.Vec3f = Gf.Vec3f(0, 0, 0)):
if interpolation != "vertex" and interpolation != "faceVarying":
# Create mesh.
meshGeom = UsdGeom.Mesh.Define(stage, path)
# Set vertices.
meshGeom.CreatePointsAttr([(-10, 0, -10), (0, 0, -10), (10, 0, -10), (-10, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0), (10, 0, 0)])
# Set face vertex count.
meshGeom.CreateFaceVertexCountsAttr([4, 4])
# Set face vertex indices.
meshGeom.CreateFaceVertexIndicesAttr([0, 3, 4, 1, 1, 4, 5, 2])
if interpolation == "vertex":
# Set normals and UVs for each vertex.
# Set normals.
meshGeom.CreateNormalsAttr([(0.0, 1.0, 0.0), (0.0, 1.0, 0.0), (0.0, 1.0, 0.0), (0.0, 1.0, 0.0), (0.0, 1.0, 0.0), (0.0, 1.0, 0.0)])
# Set uvs.
# USD 22.11 : The specification has been changed to use UsdGeom.PrimvarsAPI.
primvarV = UsdGeom.PrimvarsAPI(meshGeom).CreatePrimvar("st", Sdf.ValueTypeNames.TexCoord2fArray, UsdGeom.Tokens.vertex)
attr = primvarV.GetAttr()
attr.Set([(0.0, 1.0), (1.0, 1.0), (2.0, 1.0), (0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 0.0), (2.0, 0.0)])
# Set normals and UVs for each face vertex.
# Set normals.
normalList = []
for i in range(2):
normalList.extend([(0.0, 1.0, 0.0), (0.0, 1.0, 0.0), (0.0, 1.0, 0.0), (0.0, 1.0, 0.0)])
# Set uvs.
primvarV = UsdGeom.PrimvarsAPI(meshGeom).CreatePrimvar("st", Sdf.ValueTypeNames.TexCoord2fArray, UsdGeom.Tokens.faceVarying)
attr = primvarV.GetAttr()
uvsList = []
uvsList.extend([(0.0, 1.0), (0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 0.0), (1.0, 1.0)])
uvsList.extend([(1.0, 1.0), (1.0, 0.0), (2.0, 0.0), (2.0, 1.0)])
# Subdivision is set to none.
# Set position.
UsdGeom.XformCommonAPI(meshGeom).SetTranslate((pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]))
# Set rotation.
UsdGeom.XformCommonAPI(meshGeom).SetRotate((0.0, 0.0, 0.0), UsdGeom.XformCommonAPI.RotationOrderXYZ)
# Set scale.
UsdGeom.XformCommonAPI(meshGeom).SetScale((1.0, 1.0, 1.0))
# -----------------------------------------------.
createTestMesh(rootPath + "/mesh_vertex", "vertex", Gf.Vec3f(0, 0, 0))
createTestMesh(rootPath + "/mesh_faceVarying", "faceVarying", Gf.Vec3f(0, 0, 20))
| 3,039 | Python | 35.626506 | 138 | 0.579467 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/Geometry/CreateCube/ | from pxr import Usd, UsdGeom, UsdPhysics, UsdShade, Sdf, Gf, Tf
# Get stage.
stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage()
# Create cube.
pathName = '/World/cube'
cubeGeom = UsdGeom.Cube.Define(stage, pathName)
# Set cube size.
# Set color.
cubeGeom.CreateDisplayColorAttr([(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)])
# Set position.
UsdGeom.XformCommonAPI(cubeGeom).SetTranslate((0.0, 5.0, 0.0))
# Set scale.
UsdGeom.XformCommonAPI(cubeGeom).SetScale((2.0, 1.0, 2.0))
| 476 | Python | 21.714285 | 63 | 0.714286 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/Geometry/CreateSphere/ | from pxr import Usd, UsdGeom, UsdPhysics, UsdShade, UsdSkel, Sdf, Gf, Tf
xformCache = UsdGeom.XformCache(0)
# ---------------------------------------.
# Dump sphere data.
# ---------------------------------------.
def DumpSphereData (prim):
typeName = prim.GetTypeName()
if typeName == 'Sphere':
sphereGeom = UsdGeom.Sphere(prim)
# Get prim name.
name = prim.GetName()
# Get prim path.
path = prim.GetPath().pathString
# Get show/hide.
showF = (sphereGeom.ComputeVisibility() == 'inherited')
# Decompose transform.
globalPose = xformCache.GetLocalToWorldTransform(prim)
translate, rotation, scale = UsdSkel.DecomposeTransform(globalPose)
# Get radius.
r = sphereGeom.GetRadiusAttr().Get()
# Get Material.
rel = UsdShade.MaterialBindingAPI(prim).GetDirectBindingRel()
pathList = rel.GetTargets()
print(f"[ {name} ] {path}")
print(f"Show : {showF}")
print(f"Radius : {r * scale[0]} , {r * scale[1]} , {r * scale[2]}")
if len(pathList) > 0:
print("Material : ")
for mPath in pathList:
print(f" {mPath.pathString}")
# ---------------------------------------.
# Traverse the hierarchy.
# ---------------------------------------.
def TraverseHierarchy (prim):
# Recursively traverse the hierarchy.
pChildren = prim.GetChildren()
for cPrim in pChildren:
# ----------------------------------------------------.
# Get stage.
stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage()
# Get selection.
selection = omni.usd.get_context().get_selection()
paths = selection.get_selected_prim_paths()
for path in paths:
# Get prim.
prim = stage.GetPrimAtPath(path)
| 1,885 | Python | 26.735294 | 75 | 0.542175 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/Geometry/CreateSphere/ | from pxr import Usd, UsdGeom, UsdPhysics, UsdShade, Sdf, Gf, Tf
# Get stage.
stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage()
# Create sphere.
pathName = '/World/sphere'
sphereGeom = UsdGeom.Sphere.Define(stage, pathName)
# Set radius.
# Set color.
sphereGeom.CreateDisplayColorAttr([(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)])
# Set position.
UsdGeom.XformCommonAPI(sphereGeom).SetTranslate((0.0, 5.0, 0.0))
# Set refinement.
objPrim = stage.GetPrimAtPath(pathName)
objPrim.CreateAttribute('refinementEnableOverride', Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Bool).Set(True)
objPrim.CreateAttribute('refinementLevel', Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Int).Set(2)
| 635 | Python | 26.652173 | 86 | 0.76063 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/Extensions/ft_lab.sample.hello/ft_lab/sample/hello/ | import omni.ext
# Any class derived from `omni.ext.IExt` in top level module (defined in `python.modules` of `extension.toml`) will be
# instantiated when extension gets enabled and `on_startup(ext_id)` will be called. Later when extension gets disabled
# on_shutdown() is called.
class HelloExtension(omni.ext.IExt):
# ext_id is current extension id. It can be used with extension manager to query additional information, like where
# this extension is located on filesystem.
def on_startup(self, ext_id):
print("[ft_lab.sample.hello] HelloExtension startup")
def on_shutdown(self):
print("[ft_lab.sample.hello] HelloExtension shutdown")
| 674 | Python | 43.999997 | 119 | 0.734421 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/Extensions/ft_lab.sample.hello/ft_lab/sample/hello/ | from .hello import *
| 21 | Python | 9.999995 | 20 | 0.714286 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/Extensions/ft_lab.sample.loadStage/ft_lab/sample/loadStage/ | from pxr import Usd, UsdGeom, UsdShade, Sdf, Gf, Tf
import omni.ext
from pathlib import Path
class LoadStageExtension(omni.ext.IExt):
def on_startup(self, ext_id):
print("[ft_lab.sample.loadStage] LoadStageExtension startup")
# Get USD file.
usdPath = Path(__file__).parent.joinpath("usd")
usdFile = f"{usdPath}/test.usd"
# Load stage.
def on_shutdown(self):
print("[ft_lab.sample.loadStage] LoadStageExtension shutdown")
| 533 | Python | 28.666665 | 70 | 0.658537 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/Extensions/ft_lab.sample.loadStage/ft_lab/sample/loadStage/ | from .main import *
| 20 | Python | 9.499995 | 19 | 0.7 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/Extensions/ft_lab.sample.uiSceneDraw/ft_lab/sample/uiSceneDraw/ | import omni.ext
import omni.ui
from omni.ui import color as cl
from omni.ui import scene as sc
from pathlib import Path
import math
# -------------------------------------.
# Scene draw process.
# -------------------------------------.
class SceneDraw(sc.Manipulator):
_angle1 = 0.0
_angle2 = 0.0
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self._angle1 = 0.0
self._angle2 = 45.0
def on_build(self):
# Consider the order. This uses the z-value Depth.
# -1.0 < depth <= 0.0
depth = 0.0
moveT = sc.Matrix44.get_translation_matrix(0.0, 0.0, depth)
with sc.Transform(transform=moveT):
sc.Rectangle(2.0, 2.0, wireframe=False, color=cl("#003000"))
depth = -0.1
rotT = sc.Matrix44.get_rotation_matrix(0, 0, self._angle1, True)
moveT = sc.Matrix44.get_translation_matrix(0.25, 0.3, depth)
viewT = moveT * rotT
with sc.Transform(transform=viewT):
sc.Rectangle(1.5, 0.15, wireframe=False, color=cl("#3030ff"))
depth = -0.15
rotT = sc.Matrix44.get_rotation_matrix(0, 0, self._angle2, True)
moveT = sc.Matrix44.get_translation_matrix(-0.25, -0.1, depth)
viewT = moveT * rotT
with sc.Transform(transform=viewT):
sc.Rectangle(1.5, 0.15, wireframe=False, color=cl("#ff3030"))
self._angle1 = math.fmod(self._angle1 + 0.2, 360.0)
self._angle2 = math.fmod(self._angle2 + 0.1, 360.0)
# ----------------------------------------------------------.
class UISceneDrawExtension(omni.ext.IExt):
_window = None
_scene_view = None
# ------------------------------------------------.
# Init window.
# ------------------------------------------------.
def init_window (self):
imagesPath = Path(__file__).parent.joinpath("images")
# Create new window.
self._window = omni.ui.Window("UI Scene Draw Window", width=400, height=400)
# ------------------------------------------.
with self._window.frame:
# Create window UI.
with omni.ui.VStack(height=0):
omni.ui.Label("Use omni.ui.scene for custom drawing.")
self._scene_view = sc.SceneView(
with self._scene_view.scene:
# ------------------------------------------------.
# Term window.
# ------------------------------------------------.
def term_window (self):
if self._window != None:
self._window = None
# ------------------------------------------------.
# Startup.
# ------------------------------------------------.
def on_startup(self, ext_id):
# ------------------------------------------------.
# Shutdown.
# ------------------------------------------------.
def on_shutdown(self):
| 3,193 | Python | 31.927835 | 84 | 0.451926 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/Extensions/ | import omni.ext
import asyncio
import omni.kit.undo
import omni.kit.commands
import omni.usd
from import MenuItemDescription
class MenuExtension(omni.ext.IExt):
# Menu list.
_menu_list = None
_sub_menu_list = None
# Menu name.
_menu_name = "MenuTest"
# ------------------------------------------.
# Initialize menu.
# ------------------------------------------.
def init_menu (self):
async def _rebuild_menus():
def menu_select (mode):
if mode == 0:
print("Select MenuItem 1.")
if mode == 1:
print("Select MenuItem 2.")
if mode == 2:
print("Select MenuItem 3.")
if mode == 10:
print("Select Sub MenuItem 1.")
if mode == 11:
print("Select Sub MenuItem 2.")
self._sub_menu_list = [
MenuItemDescription(name="Sub MenuItem 1", onclick_fn=lambda: menu_select(10)),
MenuItemDescription(name="Sub MenuItem 2", onclick_fn=lambda: menu_select(11)),
self._menu_list = [
MenuItemDescription(name="MenuItem 1", onclick_fn=lambda: menu_select(0)),
MenuItemDescription(name="MenuItem 2", onclick_fn=lambda: menu_select(1)),
MenuItemDescription(name="MenuItem 3", onclick_fn=lambda: menu_select(2)),
MenuItemDescription(name="SubMenu", sub_menu=self._sub_menu_list),
# Rebuild with additional menu items., self._menu_name)
# ------------------------------------------.
# Term menu.
# It seems that the additional items in the top menu will not be removed.
# ------------------------------------------.
def term_menu (self):
async def _rebuild_menus():
# Remove and rebuild the added menu items., self._menu_name)
# ------------------------------------------.
def on_startup(self, ext_id):
print("[] MenuExtension startup")
# Initialize menu.
def on_shutdown(self):
print("[] MenuExtension shutdown")
# Term menu.
| 2,704 | Python | 32.395061 | 91 | 0.54068 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/Extensions/ft_lab.sample.callDLL/ft_lab/sample/callDLL/ | from .callDLL import *
| 23 | Python | 10.999995 | 22 | 0.73913 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/Extensions/ft_lab.sample.callDLL/ft_lab/sample/callDLL/ | import omni.ext
from ctypes import *
# Load library.
# Add the search path for [[native.library]] to "config/extension.toml".
dll = cdll.LoadLibrary(r"OmniverseSimpleDLL.dll")
# ----------------------------------------------------.
# Call external function.
# ----------------------------------------------------.
def callExtFunc():
if dll == None:
v = dll.ext_add(3, 8)
print("dll.ext_add(3, 8) : " + str(v))
v2 = dll.ext_sub(3, 8)
print("dll.ext_sub(3, 8) : " + str(v2))
# ----------------------------------------------------.
class CallDLLExtension(omni.ext.IExt):
def on_startup(self, ext_id):
print("[ft_lab.sample.callDLL] HelloExtension startup")
def on_shutdown(self):
print("[ft_lab.sample.callDLL] HelloExtension shutdown")
| 823 | Python | 25.580644 | 72 | 0.507898 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/Extensions/ft_lab.sample.widgets_progressBar/ft_lab/sample/widgets_progressBar/ | import omni.ext
import omni.ui
from pathlib import Path
import os.path
import carb.tokens
import time
# ----------------------------------------------------------.
class WidgetsExtension(omni.ext.IExt):
_window = None
_btn = None # omni.ui.Button.
_progressBar = None # omni.ui.ProgressBar.
_progressValue = 0.2 # PrograssBar value.
_progressStart = True # True if Progress is to proceed.
_subs = None # Update Events.
_timeV = 0
# ------------------------------------.
# Update event.
# ------------------------------------.
def on_update (self, e:
# Processing every 0.2 seconds.
curTimeV = time.time()
if curTimeV - self._timeV > 0.2:
self._timeV = curTimeV
# Update progressBar.
if self._progressStart:
self._progressValue += 0.05
if self._progressValue > 1.0:
self._progressValue -= 1.0
# ------------------------------------------------.
# Init window.
# ------------------------------------------------.
def init_window (self):
self._progressStart = True
self._timeV = time.time()
# Create new window.
self._window = omni.ui.Window("Widgets Window(ProgressBar)", width=300, height=100)
# Callback when button is clicked.
def onButtonClicked (self):
if self._progressStart:
self._progressStart = False
self._progressStart = True
# Change button text.
if self._progressStart:
self._btn.text = "Stop"
self._btn.text = "Start"
# ------------------------------------------.
with self._window.frame:
# Create window UI.
with omni.ui.VStack(height=0):
# ------------------------------------------.
# ProgressBar & Button.
# ------------------------------------------.
self._progressBar = omni.ui.ProgressBar(height=14, style={"color": 0xffdd0000})
self._btn = omni.ui.Button(" Button ")
self._btn.set_clicked_fn(lambda s = self : onButtonClicked(s))
if self._progressStart:
self._btn.text = "Stop"
self._btn.text = "Start"
# Register for update events.
# To clear the event, specify "subs=None".
self._subs =
# ------------------------------------------------.
# Term window.
# ------------------------------------------------.
def term_window (self):
if self._subs != None:
self._subs = None
if self._window != None:
self._window = None
# ------------------------------------------------.
# Startup.
# ------------------------------------------------.
def on_startup(self, ext_id):
# ------------------------------------------------.
# Shutdown.
# ------------------------------------------------.
def on_shutdown(self):
| 3,611 | Python | 32.757009 | 112 | 0.425921 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/Extensions/ft_lab.sample.widgets/ft_lab/sample/widgets/ | import omni.ext
import omni.ui
from pathlib import Path
import os.path
import carb.tokens
# ----------------------------------------------------------.
class WidgetsExtension(omni.ext.IExt):
_window = None
_sField = None
_label0 = None
_radioCollection = None
_label1 = None
_checkbox = None
_label2 = None
_combobox = None
_label3 = None
_slider = None
_label4 = None
# ------------------------------------------------.
# Init window.
# ------------------------------------------------.
def init_window (self):
imagesPath = Path(__file__).parent.joinpath("images")
# Create new window.
self._window = omni.ui.Window("Widgets Window", width=300, height=400)
# Radio Button Style.
style = {
"": {"background_color": 0x0, "image_url": f"{imagesPath}/radio_off.svg"},
":checked": {"image_url": f"{imagesPath}/radio_on.svg"},
def onButtonClicked (uiFieldModel, uiLabel):
if not uiFieldModel or not uiLabel:
v = uiFieldModel.model.get_value_as_string()
uiLabel.text = "Input : " + v
def onRadioValueChanged (uiFieldModel, uiLabel):
if not uiFieldModel or not uiLabel:
v = uiFieldModel.get_value_as_int()
uiLabel.text = "Select Radio : " + str(v)
def onCheckBoxValueChanged (uiFieldModel, uiLabel):
if not uiFieldModel or not uiLabel:
b = uiFieldModel.get_value_as_bool()
uiLabel.text = "CheckBox : " + str(b)
def onComboBoxValueChanged (uiFieldModel, uiLabel):
if not uiFieldModel or not uiLabel:
v = uiFieldModel.get_value_as_int()
uiLabel.text = "ComboBox : " + str(v)
def onSliderValueChanged (uiFieldModel, uiLabel):
if not uiFieldModel or not uiLabel:
v = uiFieldModel.get_value_as_float()
uiLabel.text = "Slider : " + str(v)
# ------------------------------------------.
with self._window.frame:
# Create window UI.
with omni.ui.VStack(height=0):
# ------------------------------------------.
# StringField & Button.
# ------------------------------------------.
self._sField = omni.ui.StringField(width=120, height=14, style={"color": 0xffffffff})
btn = omni.ui.Button(" Button ")
# Label.
with omni.ui.HStack(width=0):
self._label0 = omni.ui.Label("")
btn.set_clicked_fn(lambda s = self._sField, l = self._label0: onButtonClicked(s, l))
# Separator.
omni.ui.Line(style={"border_width":2, "color":0xff202020})
# ------------------------------------------.
# Radio Button.
# ------------------------------------------.
# Radio button.
self._radioCollection = omni.ui.RadioCollection()
radioLBtnList = []
with omni.ui.HStack(width=0):
for i in range(3):
with omni.ui.HStack(style=style):
radio = omni.ui.RadioButton(radio_collection=self._radioCollection, width=30, height=30)
omni.ui.Label(f"Radio {i} ", name="text")
# Label.
with omni.ui.HStack(width=0):
self._label1 = omni.ui.Label("")
# Update label.
onRadioValueChanged(self._radioCollection.model, self._label1)
for radio in radioLBtnList:
radio.set_clicked_fn(lambda f = self._radioCollection.model, l = self._label1: onRadioValueChanged(f, l))
# Separator.
omni.ui.Line(style={"border_width":2, "color":0xff202020})
# ------------------------------------------.
# CheckBox.
# ------------------------------------------.
# CheckBox
with omni.ui.HStack(width=0):
self._checkbox = omni.ui.CheckBox()
omni.ui.Label(" CheckBox")
# Label.
with omni.ui.HStack(width=0):
self._label2 = omni.ui.Label("")
# Update label.
onCheckBoxValueChanged(self._checkbox.model, self._label2)
self._checkbox.model.add_value_changed_fn(lambda f = self._checkbox.model, l = self._label2: onCheckBoxValueChanged(f, l))
# Separator.
omni.ui.Line(style={"border_width":2, "color":0xff202020})
# ------------------------------------------.
# ComboBox.
# ------------------------------------------.
# ComboBox
self._combobox = omni.ui.ComboBox(1, "Item1", "Item2", "Item3")
# Label.
with omni.ui.HStack(width=0):
self._label3 = omni.ui.Label("")
# Update label.
onComboBoxValueChanged(self._combobox.model.get_item_value_model(), self._label3)
cModel = self._combobox.model.get_item_value_model()
cModel.add_value_changed_fn(lambda f = cModel, l = self._label3: onComboBoxValueChanged(f, l))
# Separator.
omni.ui.Line(style={"border_width":2, "color":0xff202020})
# ------------------------------------------.
# Slider.
# ------------------------------------------.
# Slider.
self._slider = omni.ui.FloatSlider(min=0.0, max=10.0)
# Label.
with omni.ui.HStack(width=0):
self._label4 = omni.ui.Label("")
onSliderValueChanged(self._slider.model, self._label4)
self._slider.model.add_value_changed_fn(lambda f = self._slider.model, l = self._label4: onSliderValueChanged(f, l))
# Separator.
omni.ui.Line(style={"border_width":2, "color":0xff202020})
# ------------------------------------------.
# Image.
# ------------------------------------------.
# Kit file path.
kitAbsPath = os.path.abspath(carb.tokens.get_tokens_interface().resolve("${kit}"))
# Load image (RGBA).
imagePath = Path(kitAbsPath).joinpath("resources").joinpath("desktop-icons")
imagePath = f"{imagePath}/omniverse_64.png"
omni.ui.Image(imagePath, width=64, height=64)
# ------------------------------------------------.
# Term window.
# ------------------------------------------------.
def term_window (self):
if self._window != None:
self._window = None
# ------------------------------------------------.
# Startup.
# ------------------------------------------------.
def on_startup(self, ext_id):
# ------------------------------------------------.
# Shutdown.
# ------------------------------------------------.
def on_shutdown(self):
| 8,726 | Python | 36.294872 | 138 | 0.43273 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/Extensions/ft_lab.sample.uiSceneViewportOverlay/ft_lab/sample/uiSceneViewportOverlay/ | from pxr import Usd, UsdGeom, CameraUtil, UsdShade, Sdf, Gf, Tf
import omni.ext
import omni.ui
from omni.ui import color as cl
from omni.ui import scene as sc
import omni.kit
from pathlib import Path
import math
# Kit104 : changed from omni.kit.viewport_legacy to omni.kit.viewport.utility.get_active_viewport_window
import omni.kit.viewport.utility
# Reference :
# ----------------------------------------------------------.
class UISceneViewportOverlayExtension(omni.ext.IExt):
_scene_view = None
_stage = None
_viewport_api = None
_active_vp_window = None
# ------------------------------------------------.
# Init window.
# ------------------------------------------------.
def init_window (self, ext_id : str):
imagesPath = Path(__file__).parent.joinpath("images")
# Get current stage.
self._stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage()
# Kit104 : Get active viewport window.
self._active_vp_window = omni.kit.viewport.utility.get_active_viewport_window()
self._viewport_api = self._active_vp_window.viewport_api
with self._active_vp_window.get_frame(ext_id):
self._scene_view = sc.SceneView()
with self._scene_view.scene:
# Edges of cube
cubeSize = 100.0
sc.Line([-cubeSize, -cubeSize, -cubeSize], [cubeSize, -cubeSize, -cubeSize])
sc.Line([-cubeSize, cubeSize, -cubeSize], [cubeSize, cubeSize, -cubeSize])
sc.Line([-cubeSize, -cubeSize, cubeSize], [cubeSize, -cubeSize, cubeSize])
sc.Line([-cubeSize, cubeSize, cubeSize], [cubeSize, cubeSize, cubeSize])
sc.Line([-cubeSize, -cubeSize, -cubeSize], [-cubeSize, cubeSize, -cubeSize])
sc.Line([cubeSize, -cubeSize, -cubeSize], [cubeSize, cubeSize, -cubeSize])
sc.Line([-cubeSize, -cubeSize, cubeSize], [-cubeSize, cubeSize, cubeSize])
sc.Line([cubeSize, -cubeSize, cubeSize], [cubeSize, cubeSize, cubeSize])
sc.Line([-cubeSize, -cubeSize, -cubeSize], [-cubeSize, -cubeSize, cubeSize])
sc.Line([-cubeSize, cubeSize, -cubeSize], [-cubeSize, cubeSize, cubeSize])
sc.Line([cubeSize, -cubeSize, -cubeSize], [cubeSize, -cubeSize, cubeSize])
sc.Line([cubeSize, cubeSize, -cubeSize], [cubeSize, cubeSize, cubeSize])
# Use Transform to change position.
moveT = sc.Matrix44.get_translation_matrix(0, 0, 0)
with sc.Transform(transform=moveT):
sc.Label("Hello Omniverse !!", alignment = omni.ui.Alignment.CENTER, color=cl("#ffff00a0"), size=20)
# Register the SceneView with the Viewport to get projection and view updates
# ------------------------------------------------.
# Term window.
# ------------------------------------------------.
def term_window (self):
if self._scene_view:
# Empty the SceneView of any elements it may have
# Be a good citizen, and un-register the SceneView from Viewport updates
if self._active_vp_window:
self._active_vp_window = None
# ------------------------------------------------.
# Startup.
# ------------------------------------------------.
def on_startup(self, ext_id):
# ------------------------------------------------.
# Shutdown.
# ------------------------------------------------.
def on_shutdown(self):
| 3,851 | Python | 42.772727 | 120 | 0.538302 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/Extensions/ft_lab.sample.uiSceneShowPrimName/ft_lab/sample/uiSceneShowPrimName/ | from pxr import Usd, UsdGeom, CameraUtil, UsdShade, UsdSkel, Sdf, Gf, Tf
import omni.ext
import omni.ui
from omni.ui import color as cl
from omni.ui import scene as sc
import omni.kit
from pathlib import Path
import time
# Kit104 : changed from omni.kit.viewport_legacy to omni.kit.viewport.utility.get_active_viewport_window
import omni.kit.viewport.utility
# Reference :
# -------------------------------------.
# Scene draw process.
# -------------------------------------.
class SceneDraw (sc.Manipulator):
_viewport_api = None
def __init__(self, viewport_api, **kwargs):
super().__init__ (**kwargs)
# Set Viewport API.
self._viewport_api = viewport_api
# -------------------------------------------.
# Repaint.
# -------------------------------------------.
def on_build (self):
stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage()
# Get selection.
selection = omni.usd.get_context().get_selection()
paths = selection.get_selected_prim_paths()
time_code = Usd.TimeCode.Default()
xformCache = UsdGeom.XformCache(time_code)
for path in paths:
prim = stage.GetPrimAtPath(path)
if prim.IsValid():
# Get world Transform.
globalPose = xformCache.GetLocalToWorldTransform(prim)
# Decompose transform.
translate, rotation, scale = UsdSkel.DecomposeTransform(globalPose)
# World to NDC space (X : -1.0 to +1.0, Y : -1.0 to +1.0).
ndc_pos = self._viewport_api.world_to_ndc.Transform(translate)
# Translation matrix.
moveT = sc.Matrix44.get_translation_matrix(ndc_pos[0], ndc_pos[1], 0.0)
# Draw prim name.
with sc.Transform(transform=moveT):
sc.Label(prim.GetName(), alignment = omni.ui.Alignment.CENTER, color=cl("#ffff00a0"), size=20)
# ----------------------------------------------------------.
class UISceneShowPrimNameExtension(omni.ext.IExt):
_scene_view = None
_stage = None
_sceneDraw = None
_time = 0
_selectedPrimPaths = None
_active_vp_window = None
_viewport_api = None
_active_viewport_name = ""
_ext_id = ""
# ------------------------------------------------.
# Update event.
# Update when selection shape changes.
# Update when the active viewport is switched.
# ------------------------------------------------.
def on_update (self, e:
# Check every 0.2 seconds.
curTime = time.time()
diffTime = curTime - self._time
if diffTime > 0.2:
self._time = curTime
# Get selection.
selection = omni.usd.get_context().get_selection()
paths = selection.get_selected_prim_paths()
# Selection changed.
if self._selectedPrimPaths == None or self._selectedPrimPaths != paths:
self._selectedPrimPaths = paths
# Update drawing.
if self._sceneDraw != None:
# If the active viewport name has changed.
active_vp_window = omni.kit.viewport.utility.get_active_viewport_window()
if active_vp_window != None and != self._active_viewport_name:
# Rebuild overlay.
# ------------------------------------------------.
# Init window.
# ------------------------------------------------.
def init_window (self, ext_id : str):
self._ext_id = ext_id
# Get current stage.
self._stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage()
self._time = time.time()
# Kit104 : Get active viewport window.
self._active_vp_window = omni.kit.viewport.utility.get_active_viewport_window()
# Get viewport API.
self._viewport_api = self._active_vp_window.viewport_api
# Register a callback to be called when the camera in the viewport is changed.
self._subs_viewport_change = self._viewport_api.subscribe_to_view_change(self._viewport_changed)
with self._active_vp_window.get_frame(ext_id):
self._scene_view = sc.SceneView()
# Add the manipulator into the SceneView's scene
with self._scene_view.scene:
# Register the SceneView with the Viewport to get projection and view updates
# ------------------------------------------------.
# Term window.
# ------------------------------------------------.
def term_window (self):
if self._scene_view:
# Empty the SceneView of any elements it may have
# Be a good citizen, and un-register the SceneView from Viewport updates
if self._active_vp_window:
self._active_vp_window = None
# ------------------------------------------------.
# Startup.
# ------------------------------------------------.
def on_startup(self, ext_id):
# ------------------------------------------------.
# Shutdown.
# ------------------------------------------------.
def on_shutdown(self):
| 5,705 | Python | 35.113924 | 114 | 0.522524 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/Extensions/ft_lab.sample.uiScene/ft_lab/sample/uiScene/ | import omni.ext
import omni.ui
from omni.ui import color as cl
from omni.ui import scene as sc
from pathlib import Path
# ----------------------------------------------------------.
class UISceneExtension(omni.ext.IExt):
_window = None
_scene_view = None
# ------------------------------------------------.
# Init window.
# ------------------------------------------------.
def init_window (self):
imagesPath = Path(__file__).parent.joinpath("images")
# Create new window.
self._window = omni.ui.Window("UI Scene Window", width=300, height=400)
# ------------------------------------------.
with self._window.frame:
# Create window UI.
with omni.ui.VStack(height=0):
omni.ui.Label("Use omni.ui.scene for custom drawing.")
self._scene_view = sc.SceneView(
with self._scene_view.scene:
sc.Line([-1.0, -1.0, 0], [1.0, 1.0, 0],, thickness=2)
sc.Line([-1.0, 1.0, 0], [1.0, -1.0, 0],, thickness=1)
sc.Arc(0.5, color=cl("#5040ff"))
sc.Rectangle(0.3, 0.3, wireframe=False, color=cl("#c0ff00"))
# Use Transform to change position.
moveT = sc.Matrix44.get_translation_matrix(0.0, -0.8, 0)
with sc.Transform(transform=moveT):
sc.Label("Test", alignment = omni.ui.Alignment.CENTER,, size=20)
# ------------------------------------------------.
# Term window.
# ------------------------------------------------.
def term_window (self):
if self._window != None:
self._window = None
# ------------------------------------------------.
# Startup.
# ------------------------------------------------.
def on_startup(self, ext_id):
# ------------------------------------------------.
# Shutdown.
# ------------------------------------------------.
def on_shutdown(self):
| 2,341 | Python | 36.174603 | 103 | 0.408372 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/Rendering/Capture/ | from pxr import Usd, UsdGeom, UsdPhysics, UsdShade, Sdf, Gf, Tf
import asyncio
from PIL import Image
import ctypes
import carb
from omni.kit.viewport.utility import get_active_viewport, capture_viewport_to_buffer
# See also :
# -------------------------------------------.
# Capture LDR.
# -------------------------------------------.
async def capture():
# Get active viewport.
active_viewport = get_active_viewport()
await active_viewport.wait_for_rendered_frames()
# Called when capture is complete.
callbackExit = False
def capture_callback(buffer, buffer_size, width, height, format):
nonlocal callbackExit
print(f"Buffer size : {buffer_size}")
print(f"Resolution : {width} x {height} ")
print(f"TextureFormat : {format}") # TextureFormat.RGBA8_UNORM
# Get capture image.
if str(format) == "TextureFormat.RGBA8_UNORM":
# Get buffer from void *.
ctypes.pythonapi.PyCapsule_GetPointer.restype = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_byte * buffer_size)
ctypes.pythonapi.PyCapsule_GetPointer.argtypes = [ctypes.py_object, ctypes.c_char_p]
content = ctypes.pythonapi.PyCapsule_GetPointer(buffer, None)
except Exception as e:
carb.log_error(f"Failed to get capture buffer: {e}")
callbackExit = True
# Create image.
# content.contents is RGBA buffers.
image = Image.frombytes("RGBA", (width, height), content.contents)
# Show.
callbackExit = True
# Capturing.
cap_obj = capture_viewport_to_buffer(active_viewport, capture_callback)
# Wait for a callback to return from a callback.
while callbackExit == False:
await asyncio.sleep(0.05)
print(f"Capture complete.")
# -------------------------------------------.
asyncio.ensure_future( capture() )
| 2,141 | Python | 32.999999 | 114 | 0.602522 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/Rendering/Capture/ | from pxr import Usd, UsdGeom, UsdPhysics, UsdShade, Sdf, Gf, Tf
import asyncio
import carb
import carb.settings
from omni.kit.viewport.utility import get_active_viewport, capture_viewport_to_file
# See also : omni.kit.capture.
# -------------------------------------------.
# Capture LDR/HDR.
# -------------------------------------------.
async def capture(filePath : str, hdr : bool = False):
# Assign ldr/hdr in settings.
settings = carb.settings.get_settings()
prevAsyncRendering = settings.get("/app/asyncRendering")
prevAsyncRenderingLowLatency = settings.get("/app/asyncRenderingLowLatency")
prevHdr = settings.get("/app/captureFrame/hdr")
settings.set("/app/asyncRendering", False)
settings.set("/app/asyncRenderingLowLatency", False)
settings.set("/app/captureFrame/hdr", hdr)
# Get active viewport.
active_viewport = get_active_viewport()
await active_viewport.wait_for_rendered_frames()
# Capturing.
cap_obj = capture_viewport_to_file(active_viewport, filePath)
# awaiting completion.
result = await cap_obj.wait_for_result(completion_frames=30)
settings.set("/app/asyncRendering", prevAsyncRendering)
settings.set("/app/asyncRenderingLowLatency", prevAsyncRenderingLowLatency)
settings.set("/app/captureFrame/hdr", prevHdr)
print(f"Capture complete [{filePath}].")
# -------------------------------------------.
asyncio.ensure_future( capture("K:/temp/output.png") )
# HDR capture not working?
asyncio.ensure_future( capture("K:/temp/output.exr", True) )
| 1,619 | Python | 32.749999 | 83 | 0.665843 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/Rendering/Capture/ | """
Use "Synthetic Data Sensor".
This requires that Extension "omni.syntheticdata" be enabled.
Set "Depth" of "Synthetic Data Sensor" to On.
from pxr import Usd, UsdGeom, UsdPhysics, UsdShade, Sdf, Gf, Tf
import omni.ui
import omni.syntheticdata # Use omni.syntheticdata extension.
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
import itertools
# Colorize Helpers (ref : omni.syntheticdata)
def colorize_depth(depth_image):
height, width = depth_image.shape[:2]
colorized_image = np.zeros((height, width, 4))
depth_image[depth_image == 0.0] = 1e-5
depth_image = np.clip(depth_image, 0, 255)
depth_image -= np.min(depth_image)
depth_image /= np.max(depth_image) + 1e-8
colorized_image[:, :, 0] = depth_image
colorized_image[:, :, 1] = depth_image
colorized_image[:, :, 2] = depth_image
colorized_image[:, :, 3] = 1
colorized_image = (colorized_image * 255).astype(int)
return colorized_image
# Get main window viewport.
window = omni.ui.Window('Viewport')
viewportI = omni.kit.viewport_legacy.acquire_viewport_interface()
vWindow = viewportI.get_viewport_window(None)
iface = omni.syntheticdata._syntheticdata.acquire_syntheticdata_interface()
sensor_list = iface.get_sensor_list(vWindow)
for sensorD in sensor_list:
if iface.get_sensor_type(sensorD) == omni.syntheticdata._syntheticdata.SensorType.DepthLinear:
# Get viewport image.
data = iface.get_sensor_host_float_texture_array(sensorD)
# Get size.
hei, wid = data.shape[:2]
# Store data (buff[hei][wid]).
buff = np.frombuffer(data, np.float32).reshape(hei, wid, -1)
buff[buff == buff.max()] = 0
# Save the Viewport image as a file.
# The path should be rewritten to match your environment.
filePath = "K:/temp/output_depth.png"
# Convert float32 to RGBA.
rgbaBuff = colorize_depth(buff.squeeze())
rgbaBuff2 = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(rgbaBuff))
rgbaBuff3 = []
for item in rgbaBuff2:
rgbaBuff3.append((item[0], item[1], item[2], item[3]))
# Create new image (with PIL).
im ="RGBA", (wid, hei), (0, 0, 0, 0))
im.putdata(rgbaBuff3) # store rgba., quality=95)
| 2,301 | Python | 32.852941 | 98 | 0.659713 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/Rendering/Capture/ | from pxr import Usd, UsdGeom, UsdPhysics, UsdShade, Sdf, Gf, Tf
import asyncio
from PIL import Image
import ctypes
import carb
from omni.kit.viewport.utility import get_active_viewport, capture_viewport_to_buffer, create_viewport_window, get_viewport_from_window_name
from omni.kit.viewport.utility.camera_state import ViewportCameraState
# See also :
# -------------------------------------------.
# Search for viewport with specified name.
# -------------------------------------------.
def SearchViewportWindow(window_name : str):
from omni.kit.viewport.window import get_viewport_window_instances
for window in get_viewport_window_instances(None):
if window.title == window_name:
return window
except ImportError:
return None
# -------------------------------------------.
# Capture LDR.
# -------------------------------------------.
async def captureCamera(cameraPrimPath : str):
if cameraPrimPath == None or cameraPrimPath == "":
carb.log_error("Camera path is not specified.")
stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage()
prim = stage.GetPrimAtPath(cameraPrimPath)
if prim.IsValid() == False:
carb.log_error(f"[{cameraPrimPath}] could not be found.")
# Create a Viewport corresponding to the camera.
# If a Viewport already exists, reuse it.
viewportName = "Viewport Camera"
#viewport_api = get_viewport_from_window_name(viewportName)
viewport_api = None
viewportWindow = SearchViewportWindow(viewportName)
if viewportWindow != None:
viewport_api = viewportWindow.viewport_api
if viewport_api == None:
# Create new viewport.
viewportWindow = create_viewport_window(viewportName, width=800, height=600)
viewport_api = viewportWindow.viewport_api
# Hide Viewport
viewportWindow.visible = False
if viewport_api == None:
carb.log_error("Viewport could not be created.")
await viewport_api.wait_for_rendered_frames()
# Called when capture is complete.
cImage = None
callbackExit = False
def capture_callback(buffer, buffer_size, width, height, format):
nonlocal cImage
nonlocal callbackExit
print(f"Buffer size : {buffer_size}")
print(f"Resolution : {width} x {height} ")
print(f"TextureFormat : {format}") # TextureFormat.RGBA8_UNORM
if str(format) != "TextureFormat.RGBA8_UNORM":
callbackExit = True
# Get capture image.
ctypes.pythonapi.PyCapsule_GetPointer.restype = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_byte * buffer_size)
ctypes.pythonapi.PyCapsule_GetPointer.argtypes = [ctypes.py_object, ctypes.c_char_p]
content = ctypes.pythonapi.PyCapsule_GetPointer(buffer, None)
except Exception as e:
carb.log_error(f"Failed to get capture buffer: {e}")
callbackExit = True
# Create image.
# content.contents is RGBA buffers.
cImage = Image.frombytes("RGBA", (width, height), content.contents)
callbackExit = True
# Capturing.
cap_obj = capture_viewport_to_buffer(viewport_api, capture_callback)
# Wait for a callback to return from a callback.
while callbackExit == False:
await asyncio.sleep(0.05)
# Destroy Viewport window.
# Note that Viewport must be discarded completely or it will consume the GPU.
viewportWindow = None
print(f"Capture complete.")
# Show image.
if cImage != None:
# -------------------------------------------.
asyncio.ensure_future( captureCamera("/World/Camera") )
| 3,992 | Python | 32.554622 | 140 | 0.634269 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/Camera/ | from pxr import Usd, UsdGeom, CameraUtil, UsdShade, Sdf, Gf, Tf
import omni.kit
# Get viewport.
# Kit103 : changed from omni.kit.viewport to omni.kit.viewport_legacy
#viewport = omni.kit.viewport_legacy.get_viewport_interface()
#viewportWindow = viewport.get_viewport_window()
# Kit104 : changed from omni.kit.viewport_legacy to omni.kit.viewport.utility.get_active_viewport_window
import omni.kit.viewport.utility
# Get active viewport window.
active_vp_window = omni.kit.viewport.utility.get_active_viewport_window()
viewport_api = active_vp_window.viewport_api
# Get camera path ("/OmniverseKit_Persp" etc).
cameraPath = viewport_api.camera_path.pathString
print("Active camera path : " + cameraPath)
# Get stage.
stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage()
#time_code = omni.timeline.get_timeline_interface().get_current_time() * stage.GetTimeCodesPerSecond()
time_code = Usd.TimeCode.Default()
# Get active camera.
cameraPrim = stage.GetPrimAtPath(cameraPath)
if cameraPrim.IsValid():
camera = UsdGeom.Camera(cameraPrim) # UsdGeom.Camera
cameraV = camera.GetCamera(time_code) # Gf.Camera
print("Aspect : " + str(cameraV.aspectRatio))
print("fov(H) : " + str(cameraV.GetFieldOfView(Gf.Camera.FOVHorizontal)))
print("fov(V) : " + str(cameraV.GetFieldOfView(Gf.Camera.FOVVertical)))
print("FocalLength : " + str(cameraV.focalLength))
print("World to camera matrix : " + str(cameraV.transform))
viewMatrix = cameraV.frustum.ComputeViewMatrix()
print("View matrix : {viewMatrix}")
viewInv = viewMatrix.GetInverse()
# Camera position(World).
cameraPos = viewInv.Transform(Gf.Vec3f(0, 0, 0))
print(f"Camera position(World) : {cameraPos}")
# Camera vector(World).
cameraVector = viewInv.TransformDir(Gf.Vec3f(0, 0, -1))
print(f"Camera vector(World) : {cameraVector}")
projectionMatrix = cameraV.frustum.ComputeProjectionMatrix()
print(f"Projection matrix : {projectionMatrix}")
#cv = CameraUtil.ScreenWindowParameters(cameraV)
| 2,055 | Python | 35.714285 | 104 | 0.725061 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/Camera/ | from pxr import Usd, UsdGeom, CameraUtil, UsdShade, Sdf, Gf, Tf
import omni.kit
# IPD (cm).
ipdValue = 6.4
# Get viewport.
# Kit103 : changed from omni.kit.viewport to omni.kit.viewport_legacy
#viewport = omni.kit.viewport_legacy.get_viewport_interface()
#viewportWindow = viewport.get_viewport_window()
# Kit104 : changed from omni.kit.viewport_legacy to omni.kit.viewport.utility.get_active_viewport_window
import omni.kit.viewport.utility
# Get active viewport window.
active_vp_window = omni.kit.viewport.utility.get_active_viewport_window()
viewport_api = active_vp_window.viewport_api
# Get camera path ("/OmniverseKit_Persp" etc).
cameraPath = viewport_api.camera_path.pathString
# Get stage.
stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage()
#time_code = omni.timeline.get_timeline_interface().get_current_time() * stage.GetTimeCodesPerSecond()
time_code = Usd.TimeCode.Default()
# ---------------------------------.
# Create new camera.
# ---------------------------------.
def createNewCamera (orgCamera : Gf.Camera, pathName : str, position : Gf.Vec3f, direction : Gf.Vec3f):
cameraGeom = UsdGeom.Camera.Define(stage, pathName)
# Set position.
UsdGeom.XformCommonAPI(cameraGeom).SetTranslate((position[0], position[1], position[2]))
# Set rotation(Y-Up (0, 1, 0)).
m = Gf.Matrix4f().SetLookAt(Gf.Vec3f(0, 0, 0), direction, Gf.Vec3f(0, 1, 0))
rV = -m.ExtractRotation().Decompose(Gf.Vec3d(1, 0, 0), Gf.Vec3d(0, 1, 0), Gf.Vec3d(0, 0, 1))
UsdGeom.XformCommonAPI(cameraGeom).SetRotate((rV[0], rV[1], rV[2]), UsdGeom.XformCommonAPI.RotationOrderXYZ)
# Set scale.
UsdGeom.XformCommonAPI(cameraGeom).SetScale((1, 1, 1))
# ---------------------------------.
# Get active camera.
cameraPrim = stage.GetPrimAtPath(cameraPath)
if cameraPrim.IsValid():
camera = UsdGeom.Camera(cameraPrim) # UsdGeom.Camera
cameraV = camera.GetCamera(time_code) # Gf.Camera
# Get view matrix.
viewMatrix = cameraV.frustum.ComputeViewMatrix()
# Two camera positions in the view.
ipdH = ipdValue * 0.5
leftVPos = Gf.Vec3f(-ipdH, 0, 0)
rightVPos = Gf.Vec3f( ipdH, 0, 0)
# Camera vector(World).
viewInv = viewMatrix.GetInverse()
vVector = viewInv.TransformDir(Gf.Vec3f(0, 0, -1))
# Convert to camera position in world coordinates.
leftWPos = viewInv.Transform(leftVPos)
rightWPos = viewInv.Transform(rightVPos)
# Create camera.
pathStr = '/World'
leftPathStr = pathStr + '/camera_left'
createNewCamera(camera, leftPathStr, leftWPos, vVector)
rightPathStr = pathStr + '/camera_right'
createNewCamera(camera, rightPathStr, rightWPos, vVector)
| 2,877 | Python | 34.097561 | 112 | 0.68926 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/Camera/ | from pxr import Usd, UsdGeom, UsdPhysics, UsdShade, Sdf, Gf, Tf
# Get stage.
stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage()
# Create camera.
pathName = '/World/camera'
cameraGeom = UsdGeom.Camera.Define(stage, pathName)
# Set position.
UsdGeom.XformCommonAPI(cameraGeom).SetTranslate((0.0, 20.0, 40.0))
# Set rotation.
UsdGeom.XformCommonAPI(cameraGeom).SetRotate((-20, 15.0, 0.0), UsdGeom.XformCommonAPI.RotationOrderXYZ)
# Set scale.
UsdGeom.XformCommonAPI(cameraGeom).SetScale((1, 1, 1))
# Change active camera.
# Kit103 : changed from omni.kit.viewport to omni.kit.viewport_legacy
#viewport = omni.kit.viewport_legacy.get_viewport_interface()
# Kit104 : changed from omni.kit.viewport_legacy to omni.kit.viewport.utility.get_active_viewport_window
import omni.kit.viewport.utility
# Get active viewport window.
active_vp_window = omni.kit.viewport.utility.get_active_viewport_window()
viewport_api = active_vp_window.viewport_api
| 1,203 | Python | 29.871794 | 104 | 0.78138 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/Samples/CreateSimpleCurve/ | # ----------------------------------------------------------.
# SplineのCurveを作成するスクリプト.
# ----------------------------------------------------------.
from pxr import Usd, UsdGeom, UsdPhysics, UsdShade, UsdSkel, Sdf, Gf, Tf
from scipy import interpolate
import numpy as np
import math
import omni.ui
# Get stage.
stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage()
rootPath = '/World'
# --------------------------------------------------------.
# 3Dの頂点座標より、スプラインとして細分割した頂点を返す.
# @param[in] vList Gf.Vec3fの配列.4つ以上であること.
# @param[in] divCou 分割数。len(vList)よりも大きい値のこと.
# @return 再分割されたGf.Vec3fの配列.
# --------------------------------------------------------.
def curveInterpolation (vList, divCou : int):
# XYZを配列に分離.
xList = []
yList = []
zList = []
for p in vList:
retVList = []
tck,u = interpolate.splprep([xList, yList, zList], k=3, s=0)
u = np.linspace(0, 1, num=divCou, endpoint=True)
spline = interpolate.splev(u, tck)
for i in range(divCou):
retVList.append(Gf.Vec3f(spline[0][i], spline[1][i], spline[2][i]))
return retVList
# --------------------------------------------------------.
# 選択Primの子で球の座標を配列に格納.
# @return Gf.Vec3fの配列, 半径(cm), マテリアル.
# --------------------------------------------------------.
def getSelectedSpheresPoint ():
selection = omni.usd.get_context().get_selection()
paths = selection.get_selected_prim_paths()
if len(paths) == 0:
return None
xformCache = UsdGeom.XformCache(0)
prim = stage.GetPrimAtPath(paths[0])
# retRに半径(cm)が入る。vPosList[]に頂点座標が入る.
retR = -1.0
vPosList = []
pChildren = prim.GetChildren()
for cPrim in pChildren:
typeName = cPrim.GetTypeName()
if typeName == 'Sphere':
globalPose = xformCache.GetLocalToWorldTransform(cPrim)
# Decompose transform.
translate, rotation, scale = UsdSkel.DecomposeTransform(globalPose)
# 半径を取得.
if retR < 0.0:
sphereGeom = UsdGeom.Sphere(cPrim)
r = sphereGeom.GetRadiusAttr().Get()
retR = r * scale[0]
if len(vPosList) == 0:
return None
# primに割り当てられているマテリアルを取得.
material = None
rel = UsdShade.MaterialBindingAPI(prim).GetDirectBindingRel()
pathList = rel.GetTargets()
if len(pathList) > 0:
materialPath = pathList[0]
material = UsdShade.Material(stage.GetPrimAtPath(materialPath))
return vPosList, retR, material
# --------------------------------------------------------.
# 外積の計算.
# --------------------------------------------------------.
def calcCross (v1 : Gf.Vec3f, v2 : Gf.Vec3f):
v1_2 = Gf.Vec4f(v1[0], v1[1], v1[2], 1.0)
v2_2 = Gf.Vec4f(v2[0], v2[1], v2[2], 1.0)
v3 = Gf.HomogeneousCross(v1_2, v2_2)
return Gf.Vec3f(v3[0], v3[1], v3[2])
# --------------------------------------------------------.
# 進行方向からベクトルを計算.
# @param[in] vDir 進行方向のベクトル.
# @return 4x4行列.
# --------------------------------------------------------.
def calcDirToMatrix (vDir : Gf.Vec3f):
vDir0 = vDir.GetNormalized()
m = Gf.Matrix4f()
vX = Gf.Vec3f(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
vY = Gf.Vec3f(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
dirY = vY
angleV = Gf.Dot(vDir0, vY)
if math.fabs(angleV) > 0.999:
dirY = vX
dirX = calcCross(vDir0, dirY)
dirX = dirX.GetNormalized()
dirY = calcCross(dirX, vDir0)
dirY = dirY.GetNormalized()
m[0, 0] = dirX[0]
m[0, 1] = dirX[1]
m[0, 2] = dirX[2]
m[1, 0] = dirY[0]
m[1, 1] = dirY[1]
m[1, 2] = dirY[2]
m[2, 0] = vDir0[0]
m[2, 1] = vDir0[1]
m[2, 2] = vDir0[2]
return m
# --------------------------------------------------------.
# 頂点の配列と半径、分割数により、チューブ状のMeshを作成.
# @param[in] name 形状名.
# @param[in] vList Gf.Vec3fの配列.
# @param[in] radiusV 半径.
# @param[in] divUCou 円の分割数.
# @param[in] divVCou 進行方向での分割数.
# @param[in] material 割り当てるマテリアル.
# --------------------------------------------------------.
def createTubeMesh (name : str, vList, radiusV : float, divUCou : int, divVCou : int, material : UsdShade.Material):
pathStr = rootPath + '/cables'
prim = stage.GetPrimAtPath(pathStr)
if prim.IsValid() == False:
UsdGeom.Xform.Define(stage, pathStr)
prim = stage.GetPrimAtPath(pathStr)
# 子形状に同一名がある場合は連番を付ける.
newName = name
index = 0
pChildren = prim.GetChildren()
if pChildren != None:
while True:
chkF = False
for cPrim in pChildren:
name2 = cPrim.GetName()
if name2 == newName:
index += 1
newName = name + '_' + str(index)
chkF = True
if chkF == False:
name = newName
meshName = pathStr + '/' + name
meshGeom = UsdGeom.Mesh.Define(stage, meshName)
# Bind material.
if material != None:
# +Zを中心とした半径radiusVのポイントを計算.
circleV = []
dd = (math.pi * 2.0) / ((float)(divUCou))
dPos = 0.0
for i in range(divUCou):
circleV.append(Gf.Vec3f(math.cos(dPos), math.sin(dPos), 0.0))
dPos += dd
# ポリゴンメッシュのポイントと法線.
m = Gf.Matrix4f()
vDir0 = Gf.Vec3f(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
newVList = []
newVNList = []
vListCou = len(vList)
for i in range(vListCou):
if i + 1 >= vListCou:
p1 = vList[i]
p1 = vList[i]
p2 = vList[(i + 1) % vListCou]
vDir = (p2 - p1).GetNormalized()
if i == 0:
m = calcDirToMatrix(p2 - p1)
vDir0 = vDir
mInv = m.GetInverse()
pV0 = mInv.TransformDir(vDir0)
pV1 = mInv.TransformDir(vDir)
m0 = calcDirToMatrix(pV0)
m1 = calcDirToMatrix(pV1)
m = (m1.GetInverse() * m0).GetInverse() * m
for j in range(divUCou):
p = circleV[j]
p = m.Transform(Gf.Vec3f(p[0] * radiusV, p[1] * radiusV, p[2] * radiusV))
pp = p + p1
newVList.append([pp[0], pp[1], pp[2]])
pN = p.GetNormalized()
newVNList.append([pN[0], pN[1], pN[2]])
vDir0 = vDir
# 面の頂点数の配列を格納.
facesCou = (vListCou - 1) * divUCou
faceVCouList = [int] * (facesCou)
for i in range(facesCou):
faceVCouList[i] = 4
# ポリゴンメッシュの面を配置.
faceIndexList = []
iPos = 0
vCou = vListCou - 1
for i in range(vCou):
for j in range(divUCou):
i0 = iPos + j
i1 = iPos + ((j + 1) % divUCou)
if i + 1 >= vListCou:
i2 = ((j + 1) % divUCou)
i3 = j
i2 = iPos + divUCou + ((j + 1) % divUCou)
i3 = iPos + divUCou + j
iPos += divUCou
# ------------------------------------------.
# Clicked button event.
# ------------------------------------------.
def onButtonClick(hDivCouIntField):
hDivCou = hDivCouIntField.model.get_value_as_int()
if hDivCou < 4:
hDivCou = 4
# 選択Primの子で球の座標を配列に格納.
retV = getSelectedSpheresPoint()
if retV == None:
print("Select an XForm that contains spheres.")
vPosList, retR, material = retV
# 頂点座標の配置から、細分化した頂点を計算.
newVPosList = curveInterpolation(vPosList, hDivCou)
# チューブ形状を作成.
createTubeMesh('cable', newVPosList, retR, 12, hDivCou, material)
# --------------------------------------------------------.
# メイン部.
# --------------------------------------------------------.
# ------------------------------------------.
# Create new window.
my_window = omni.ui.Window("Create Curve", width=300, height=200)
with my_window.frame:
with omni.ui.VStack(height=0):
hDivCouIntField = None
with omni.ui.Placer(offset_x=8, offset_y=8):
# Set label.
f = omni.ui.Label("Select a Prim with multiple spheres as children.")
with omni.ui.Placer(offset_x=8, offset_y=4):
with omni.ui.HStack(width=300):
omni.ui.Label("Number of divisions : ", width=50)
hDivCouIntField = omni.ui.IntField(width=200, height=0)
with omni.ui.Placer(offset_x=8, offset_y=4):
# Set button.
btn = omni.ui.Button("Create", width=200, height=0)
btn.set_clicked_fn(lambda f = hDivCouIntField: onButtonClick(f))
| 8,972 | Python | 28.613861 | 116 | 0.509362 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/Samples/UnitsToCentimeters/ | from pxr import Usd, UsdGeom, UsdPhysics, UsdShade, Sdf, Gf, Tf
# Get stage.
stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage()
# Get metersPerUnit (default : 0.01).
metersPerUnit = UsdGeom.GetStageMetersPerUnit(stage)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------.
# Convert the scale of Mesh and Xform so that metersPerUnit is 0.01.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------.
def ConvPrimScale (_metersPerUnit, path):
prim = stage.GetPrimAtPath(path)
if prim.IsValid() == False:
return False
# Set xformOpOrder (Xform/Mesh).
transformOrder = prim.GetAttribute('xformOpOrder')
typeName = prim.GetTypeName()
if typeName == 'Xform' or typeName == 'Mesh':
tV = prim.GetAttribute('xformOp:scale')
if tV.IsValid() == False:
if prim.GetAttribute('xformOp:translate').IsValid() == False:
prim.CreateAttribute("xformOp:translate", Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Float3, False).Set(Gf.Vec3f(0, 0, 0))
if prim.GetAttribute('xformOp:scale').IsValid() == False:
prim.CreateAttribute("xformOp:scale", Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Float3, False).Set(Gf.Vec3f(1, 1, 1))
if prim.GetAttribute('xformOp:rotateXYZ').IsValid() == False:
prim.CreateAttribute("xformOp:rotateXYZ", Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Float3, False).Set(Gf.Vec3f(0, 0, 0))
transformOrder = prim.CreateAttribute("xformOpOrder", Sdf.ValueTypeNames.String, False)
transformOrder.Set(["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:rotateXYZ", "xformOp:scale"])
if transformOrder.IsValid() and transformOrder.Get() != None:
tV = prim.GetAttribute('xformOp:scale')
if tV.IsValid():
scaleV = tV.Get()
scale = _metersPerUnit / 0.01
tV.Set(scaleV * scale)
return True
return False
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------.
if abs(metersPerUnit - 0.01) < 1e-5:
print("The units of Stage are already centimeters.")
# Get default prim.
defaultPrim = stage.GetDefaultPrim()
if defaultPrim == None or defaultPrim.IsValid() == False:
print("DefaultPrim does not exist.")
path = defaultPrim.GetPath().pathString
if ConvPrimScale(metersPerUnit, path) == False:
print("Failed to change DefaultPrim.")
# Set metersPerUnit.
UsdGeom.SetStageMetersPerUnit(stage, 0.01)
print("DefaultPrim has been successfully changed.")
except Exception as e:
| 2,631 | Python | 40.777777 | 114 | 0.578867 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/Samples/FlipMeshNormals/ | from pxr import Usd, UsdGeom, UsdPhysics, UsdShade, UsdSkel, Sdf, Gf, Tf
# Get stage.
stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage()
# ------------------------------------------------------------.
# Flip mesh normals.
# ------------------------------------------------------------.
def FlipMeshNormals (prim):
if prim.GetTypeName() == 'Mesh':
m = UsdGeom.Mesh(prim)
# If it is displayed.
if m.ComputeVisibility() == 'inherited':
# Get prim path.
path = prim.GetPath().pathString
pChildren = prim.GetChildren()
for cPrim in pChildren:
# ------------------------------------------------------------.
# Get selection.
selection = omni.usd.get_context().get_selection()
paths = selection.get_selected_prim_paths()
for path in paths:
prim = stage.GetPrimAtPath(path)
if prim.IsValid():
| 952 | Python | 24.078947 | 72 | 0.506303 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/Settings/ | from pxr import Usd, UsdGeom, UsdPhysics, UsdShade, Sdf, Gf, Tf
import carb.settings
# Get rendering size.
# If Render Resolution is "Viewport", -1 will be set.
settings = carb.settings.get_settings()
width = settings.get('/app/renderer/resolution/width')
height = settings.get('/app/renderer/resolution/height')
print("Rendering size : " + str(width) + " x " + str(height))
# Set rendering size.
#settings.set('/app/renderer/resolution/width', 1280)
#settings.set('/app/renderer/resolution/height', 720)
| 509 | Python | 32.999998 | 63 | 0.72888 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/Settings/ | import os.path
import carb.tokens
kitPath = os.path.abspath(carb.tokens.get_tokens_interface().resolve("${kit}"))
| 130 | Python | 20.83333 | 79 | 0.753846 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/Settings/ | import omni.kit
# Get Omniverse Kit version.
kitVersion =
# 102.1.2+release.xxxx
print("Kit Version : " + str(kitVersion))
# 102.1.2
print(str(" ") + kitVersion.split("+")[0])
| 235 | Python | 18.666665 | 65 | 0.67234 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/Settings/ | import omni.kit
import carb.settings
import asyncio
# Get Render Mode.
settings = carb.settings.get_settings()
renderMode = settings.get('/rtx/rendermode')
# rtx, iray
activeRender = settings.get('/renderer/active')
if activeRender == 'iray':
print("Render Mode : Iray")
if renderMode == 'RaytracedLighting':
print("Render Mode : RTX Real-time")
if renderMode == 'PathTracing':
print("Render Mode : RTX Path-traced")
print("Render Mode : " + renderMode)
# Set Render mode.
# It is safe to wait for one frame in the coroutine to change the RenderMode.
async def SetRenderMode (modeName : str):
settings.set('/rtx/rendermode', modeName)
# Set "RTX Real-time"
# Set "RTX Path-traced"
| 933 | Python | 25.685714 | 77 | 0.687031 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/Scene/ | from pxr import Usd, UsdGeom, UsdShade, Sdf, Gf, Tf
# Open USD File.
ret = omni.usd.get_context().open_stage("xxx.usd")
print("open_stage : " + str(ret))
except Exception as e:
| 209 | Python | 19.999998 | 54 | 0.626794 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/Scene/ | from pxr import Usd, UsdGeom, UsdShade, Sdf, Gf, Tf
| 90 | Python | 21.749995 | 51 | 0.722222 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/Scene/ | from pxr import Usd, UsdGeom, UsdPhysics, UsdShade, Sdf, Gf, Tf
# Get stage.
stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage()
# Get UpAxis.
upAxis = UsdGeom.GetStageUpAxis(stage)
if upAxis == UsdGeom.Tokens.x:
print("UpAxis : X")
elif upAxis == UsdGeom.Tokens.y:
print("UpAxis : Y")
elif upAxis == UsdGeom.Tokens.z:
print("UpAxis : Z")
# Set UpAxis (Y-Up).
UsdGeom.SetStageUpAxis(stage, UsdGeom.Tokens.y)
except Exception as e:
| 461 | Python | 19.999999 | 63 | 0.67679 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/Scene/ | from pxr import Usd, UsdGeom, UsdPhysics, UsdShade, Sdf, Gf, Tf
# Open USD File.
usdPath = ""
ret = omni.usd.get_context().open_stage(usdPath)
if ret == True:
# Get stage.
stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage()
# Convert relative paths to absolute paths from Stage.
# It is necessary to specify the relative path where the texture name, Reference, etc. exists on the Stage.
absPath = stage.ResolveIdentifierToEditTarget("./cyawan_mat_albedo.png")
# ""
except Exception as e:
| 721 | Python | 33.380951 | 115 | 0.667129 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/Scene/ | from pxr import Usd, UsdGeom, UsdShade, Sdf, Gf, Tf
print("New Stage !")
| 109 | Python | 20.999996 | 51 | 0.697248 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/Scene/ | from pxr import Usd, UsdGeom, UsdPhysics, UsdShade, Sdf, Gf, Tf
# ---------------------------------------.
# Get the number of faces used by PointInstancer.
# ---------------------------------------.
def TraversePointInstancer (prim):
typeName = prim.GetTypeName()
allCou = 0
if typeName == 'Mesh':
m = UsdGeom.Mesh(prim)
# If it is displayed.
if m.ComputeVisibility() == 'inherited':
# Get the number of faces of Mesh.
allCou += len(m.GetFaceVertexCountsAttr().Get())
# Recursively traverse the hierarchy.
pChildren = prim.GetChildren()
for cPrim in pChildren:
allCou += TraversePointInstancer(cPrim)
return allCou
# ---------------------------------------.
# traverse the hierarchy.
# ---------------------------------------.
def TraverseHierarchy_number (depth, prim):
if prim.IsValid() == None:
return 0
typeName = prim.GetTypeName()
allCou = 0
if typeName == 'PointInstancer':
m = UsdGeom.PointInstancer(prim)
# If it is displayed.
if m.ComputeVisibility() == 'inherited':
# Get the number of faces used by PointInstancer.
facesCou = TraversePointInstancer(prim)
piCou = 0
positionsA = m.GetPositionsAttr().Get()
if positionsA != None:
piCou = len(positionsA)
allCou += facesCou * piCou
return allCou
if typeName == 'Mesh':
m = UsdGeom.Mesh(prim)
# If it is displayed.
if m.ComputeVisibility() == 'inherited':
# Get the number of faces of Mesh.
allCou += len(m.GetFaceVertexCountsAttr().Get())
# Recursively traverse the hierarchy.
pChildren = prim.GetChildren()
for cPrim in pChildren:
allCou += TraverseHierarchy_number(depth + 1, cPrim)
return allCou
# ---------------------------------------.
# Get stage.
stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage()
# Get default prim.
defaultPrim = stage.GetDefaultPrim()
# Get root path.
rootPath = '/'
if defaultPrim.IsValid():
rootPath = defaultPrim.GetPath().pathString
# traverse the hierarchy.
tPrim = stage.GetPrimAtPath(rootPath)
allFacesCou = TraverseHierarchy_number(0, tPrim)
print("Number of all faces : " + str(allFacesCou))
| 2,313 | Python | 26.879518 | 63 | 0.57112 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/Scene/ | from pxr import Usd, UsdGeom, UsdPhysics, UsdShade, Sdf, Gf, Tf
# Get stage.
stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage()
# Get default prim.
defaultPrim = stage.GetDefaultPrim()
# Get root path.
rootPath = ''
if defaultPrim.IsValid():
rootPath = defaultPrim.GetPath().pathString
# Create empty node(Xform).
UsdGeom.Xform.Define(stage, rootPath + '/node1')
# Create empty node(Xform).
UsdGeom.Xform.Define(stage, rootPath + '/node1/node1_2')
# Create sphere.
pathName = rootPath + '/node1/sphere'
sphereGeom = UsdGeom.Sphere.Define(stage, pathName)
# Set radius.
# Set position.
UsdGeom.XformCommonAPI(sphereGeom).SetTranslate((-3, 0, 0))
# Create cube.
pathName = rootPath + '/node1/cube'
cubeGeom = UsdGeom.Cube.Define(stage, pathName)
# Set position.
UsdGeom.XformCommonAPI(cubeGeom).SetTranslate((0, 0, 0))
| 856 | Python | 22.805555 | 63 | 0.731308 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/Scene/ | from pxr import Usd, UsdGeom, UsdPhysics, UsdShade, Sdf, Gf, Tf
# Get stage.
stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage()
# Get metersPerUnit (default : 0.01).
metersPerUnit = UsdGeom.GetStageMetersPerUnit(stage)
print("MetersPerUnit : " + str(metersPerUnit))
# Set metersPerUnit.
UsdGeom.SetStageMetersPerUnit(stage, 0.01)
except Exception as e:
| 370 | Python | 23.733332 | 63 | 0.732432 |
ft-lab/omniverse_sample_scripts/Scene/ | from pxr import Usd, UsdGeom, UsdPhysics, UsdShade, Sdf, Gf, Tf
# ---------------------------------------.
# traverse the hierarchy.
# ---------------------------------------.
def TraverseHierarchy (depth, prim):
if prim.IsValid() == None:
indentStr = ''
for i in range(depth):
indentStr += ' '
# Print Prim information.
name = prim.GetName()
typeName = prim.GetTypeName()
s = indentStr + '[ ' + name + ' ]'
s += ' type : ' + typeName
# If hidden.
if UsdGeom.Imageable(prim).ComputeVisibility() == 'invisible':
s += ' ** Hide **'
if typeName == 'Mesh':
# Get the number of faces of Mesh.
m = UsdGeom.Mesh(prim)
faceCount = len(m.GetFaceVertexCountsAttr().Get())
print(indentStr + ' Face count : ' + str(faceCount))
# Recursively traverse the hierarchy.
pChildren = prim.GetChildren()
for cPrim in pChildren:
TraverseHierarchy(depth + 1, cPrim)
# ---------------------------------------.
# Get stage.
stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage()
# Get default prim.
print("--- Default prim ---")
defaultPrim = stage.GetDefaultPrim()
if defaultPrim.IsValid():
print("DefaultPrim(Name) : " + defaultPrim.GetName())
print("DefaultPrim(Path) : " + defaultPrim.GetPath().pathString)
print("Default Prim does not exist.")
# Get root path.
rootPath = '/'
if defaultPrim.IsValid():
rootPath = defaultPrim.GetPath().pathString
print("Root path : " + rootPath)
# traverse the hierarchy.
tPrim = stage.GetPrimAtPath(rootPath)
print("--- Hierarchy ---")
TraverseHierarchy(0, tPrim)
| 1,683 | Python | 24.515151 | 68 | 0.57754 |