Who sculpted Chopin's tombstone?
What is the name of the muse carved on Chopin's tombstone?
5,000 francs
How much did Chopin's funeral cost?
Jane Stirling
Who paid for Chopin's funeral?
Chopin's sister Ludwika took his heart back to Warsaw preserved in what?
Who designed Chopin's tombstone?
5,000 francs
How much did Chopin's funeral and monument cost?
Jane Stirling
Who paid for Chopin's funeral?
Who took Chopin's heart to Poland?
Who ended up with the 200 letters from Sand to Chopin?
Over 230
How many of Chopin's works still exist?
All of his pieces include what instrument?
Over 230
How many Chopin pieces are known to have survived?
chamber music.
Only a few of Chopin's pieces involve more than the piano, including piano concertos, songs and what?
Whose piano method did Chopin teach his students?
Whose piano method did Chopin use with his students?
Bach and Mozart
Who did Chopin say were the two most important composers in his own music influences?
Chopin looked to Beethoven, Mozart, Clementi and who for his own music education?
John Field
Who is credited with creating the nocturne?
ballades and scherzi
Chopin was the first person to create what as singular concert pieces?
What new genre di John Field invent?
ballades and scherzi
Chopin was first in writing what for concerts?
concert étude
What musical concept did Chopin exploit?
Liszt, Clementi and Moscheles
What three other musicians were developing the new genre?
How many polonaises were published while Chopin lived?
How many polonaises were published after Chopin died?
Chopin was credited for making what more internationally known?
faster tempos
What is different about Chopin's waltzes versus a ballroom waltz?
greater range of melody and expression.
What did Chopin add to the modern dance of his era?
concert hall
Chopin's Polish dance music was developed for what type of hall?
the mazurka
What was Chopin responsible for making popular with Euorpeans?
How many Chopin polonaises were published after his death?
What dance music of Chopin was written more for recitals than ballrooms?
the Revolutionary Étude
What is another title Op. 10, No. 12 has garnered?
Funeral March
What is the only piece Chopin gave an actual title to?
Sonata No. 2
The Funeral March was written as part of what piece?
How many instrumental works did Chopin give a descriptive name to?
Revolutionary Étude
What descriptive name was Op. 10, No. 12 given?
Minute Waltz
What descriptive name was Op. 64, No. 1 given?
What was the last number Chopin gave to an opus?
Julian Fontana
Who was Chopin's musical executor?
How many unfinished pieces did Julian Fontana make into eight more opus numbers?
Op. 74 is made up of how many Polish songs?
What is the last opus number that Chopin used?
Julian Fontana
Who grouped 23 unpublished pieces and published them as Opp. 66-73 in 1855?
When was Op. 74 published?
Krystyna Kobylańska
The Kobylańska Catalogue was named for who?
Pieces published after what year stopped receiving opus numbers?
alternative catalogue designations
What have pieces published after 1857 been given rather than opus numbers?
the Kobylańska Catalogue
What is the current musicologist reference for Chopin's pieces?
What is the shortened reference for the Kobylańska Catalogue?
Krystyna Kobylańska.
Who compiled the Kobylańska Catalogue?
Breitkopf & Härtel
Who released the first collection of Chopin's works?
Jan Ekier
Who edited the Polish "National Edition" of Chopin's works?
original publishers
Maurice Schlesinger and Camille Pleyel were what to Chopin?
popular 19th-century piano anthologies.
Where did Chopin's work start t oshow up?
What was the name under scholarly publications of Chopin's work form 1937 to 1966?
Jan Ekier
Who edited the Polish National Edition?
What is central to Chopin's process?
the four-bar phrase
Rosen suggests that a central part of Chopin's uniqueness is how he handles what?
What is central to Chopin's creativeness?
Nicholas Temperley
Who wrote that "improvisation is designed for an audience"?
his flexible handling of the four-bar phrase as a structural unit.
What did Rosen suggest was important about chopin's personality?
the Barcarolle Op. 60
What piece does J. Barrie Jones pinpoint as a great example of Chopin's palette?
the four ballades and four scherzos
What does J. Barrie Jones feel stands supreme of Chopin's concert pieces?
departure and return
What form does Temperley feel that Chopin's ballades and scherzos are based on?
folk features
Chopin's mazurkas contain more of what than his other compositions?
straightforward ternary or episodic form, sometimes with a coda.
What form are Chopin's mazurkas and waltzes in?
Which of Chopin's works shows more folk aspects?
drone bass
What type of bass do Chopin's mazurkas exhibit?
a canon at one beat's distance
What does Chopin's Op. 63 No. 3 have that is rare?
triple time
What time are Chopin's polonaises written in?
Chopin's ability to create an advanced polonasises surpassed even two of his teachers, Zywny and who?
Chopin's polonaise often have what kind of rhythm in their melodies?
Chopin's polonaises needed what kind of playing technique?
How many nocturnes did Chopin compose?
agitated expression
What is it about the middle of Chopin's nocturnes that increases their drama?
Chopin's nocturnes were more structured than who?
What year did Chopin meet Field?
Which type of Chopin's compositons were difficult for perfomers due to their middle sections?
What pieces of his did Chopin use to teach his technique?
straightforward ternary
What form are most of Chopin's études in?
Chopin often taught his piano technique using what form of music he wrote?
The Well-Tempered Clavier
What piece of Bach's did Chopin take inspiration for his preludes?
Kenneth Hamilton
Who suggested that Chopin's preludes were not intended to be played as a group?
The preludes
What was described as "the beginning of studies" by Schumann?
J.S. Bach's The Well-Tempered Clavier
What inspired Chopin for his preludes?
generic preludes to others of his pieces
Kenneth Hamilton suggests that the preludes may not have been meant as a group but rather as what?
Ferruccio Busoni
Who did a recording where Étude Op. 10 No. 5. follows relude Op. 28 No. 7?
How many movements are No. 2, Op. 35 and No. 3, Op 58 in?
Kornel Michałowski and Jim Samson
What two people claimed that Op 58 was "worthy of Brahms"?
How many movements are in No. 2, Op. 35 and No. 3, Op 58?
The last movement
Which movement was found lacking in musicality by Schumann?
Op. 58
According to music historians, which sonata is similar to German tradition and worthy of Brahms?
Claude Debussy
Chopin's chord progressions are similar in style to what other composer?
harmonic innovations
What likely arose due to Chopin's technique with keyboards?
Who wrote about Chopin's "novel harmonic effects"?
independent finger technique
What was Chopin's style based upon?
Léon Escudier
Who wrote about a Chopin 1841 recital?
his Projet de méthode
What writing of Chopin talks about everything about piano playing has to do with proper fingering?