What nationality were the two friends who served as a pivotal influence in Frédéric's life while in Paris?
Julian Fontana tried to find his way where before moving to Paris?
Where did Julian Fontana fail to get established?
Albert Grzymała
Who did Chopin know that became rich in Paris?
Albert Grzymała
Which friend of Chopin became like an older brother to him?
Julian Fontana
Which friend took on the role of several jobs to help Chopin including copyist?
Warsaw Conservatory
Where were Chopin and Fontana students together?
Robert Schumann
Who gave Frédéric his first significant public approval in regards to his compositions?
26 February 1832
On what date did Frédéric give his first performance at the Salle Pleyel?
intimate keyboard technique
What is stated as a hindrance for Frédéric's ability to perform in large concert spaces?
his father
Who did Frédéric rely upon financially before earning a great income from his works?
Robert Schumann
From whom did Chopin receive his first big endorsement?
26 February 1832
When did Chopin debut at Salle Pleyel ?
What affluent family did Chopin gain a patronage from?
When did Chopin receive his first major endorsement from Robert Schumann?
keyboard technique
What did Chopin realize was not ideal for larger spaces after his first successful concert in Paris?
publishing his works and teaching piano to affluent students
Once Chopin stopped performing concerts, how did he earn his income?
his own Paris apartment for small groups of friends
What was Frédéric's favorite environment to perform in?
What instrument did Frédéric play in a performance on 23 March 1833?
Salle Pleyel
Chopin gave a yearly performance where?
Chopin worked with Liszt on what piece?
Maurice Schlesinger
In 1833 with whom with Chopin work to get his music published?
Adolphe Gutmann
What is the name of Chopin's pupil who performed with him?
Where did Chopin prefer to play for people?
Liszt and Hiller
On March 23, 1833, who headlined and performed with Chopin at a concert?
Maurice Schlesinger
Who did Chopin contract with for publishing his music?
Felix Mendelssohn
Who did Frédéric meet in the spring of 1834 at the Lower Rhenish Music Festival?
playing and discussing music
What two activities did Frédéric do while visiting for a day in Düsseldorf with Mendelssohn and Hiller?
Friedrich Wilhelm Schadow
Who was the director of the Academy of Art that Frédéric met while in Düsseldorf?
Where were Frédéric's parents located at when he saw them for the final time in 1835?
the Lower Rhenish Music Festival
Where did Chopin meet Felix Mendelssohn?
Who did Chopin attend the Lower Rhenish Music Festival with?
In 1835 where did Chopin and his parents visit?
July 1836
When did Chopin propose marriage to Maria Wodziński?
Countess Wodzińska
Who was Maria's mother?
Felix Mendelssohn
Who did Chopin meet at a music festival early in 1834?
Where did Chopin and Hiller go with the person Chopin met in the spring of 1834?
director of the Academy of Art
What was Friedrich Wilhelm Schadow position?
What was the first name of the girl Chopin proposed to?
Who was the recipient of Frédéric's letter he wrote on 12 December 1831?
Herz, Liszt, Hiller
What are the three names stated in Frédéric's letter that he had shown interest and curiosity in?
Who is stated as being in attendance of Frédéric's first performance at the Salle Pleyel on 26 February 1832?
26 February 1832
What was the date that LIszt first saw Chopin perform?
Which friend received the letter in which Chopin referenced Liszt?
the Salle Pleyel
Where was Chopin's first concert in Paris held?
38 Rue de la Chaussée-d'Antin
What address did Frédéric live at during his stay in Paris?
a few blocks
How far down the road did Liszt live from Frédéric during this time?
How many times did Frédéric and Liszt collaborate in performances during the years of 1833 to 1841?
Harriet Smithson
For whose benefit was the first of these concerts performed for on 2 April 1833?
Salle Pleyel and the Paris Conservatory
At which two establishments was the last of these performances conducted at on 25 and 26 April 1841?
2 April 1833
When was the first time Liszt and Chopin performed together?
the Beethoven Memorial in Bonn
What was the charity that Liszt and Chopin last performed for?
Salle Pleyel and the Paris Conservatory
Where did Liszt and Chopin last perform together?
the Hôtel de France on the Rue Lafitte
When Liszt lived close to Chopin, where did he call home?
How many times did Chopin and Liszy perform together in public?
Harriet Smithson
Who did the first concert of Chopin and Liszt benefit?
love-hate relationship
What term describes the qualities of the relationship between Frédéric and Liszt?
theatricality, showmanship and success
What three qualities of Liszt are stated to have captivated Frédéric?
an apology
What did Frédéric receive from Liszt when the latter performed a nocturne with certain embellishments added?
my friend Liszt
What did Frédéric introduce Liszt as in when referring to him in his letters up to 1848?
Op. 10 Études
What piece did Chopin dedicate to Liszt?
Marie d'Agoult
What was the name of Liszt's mistress?
Who did Chopin dedicate the Op. 10 Études to?
Who apologized to Chopin for adding embellishments to a musical piece he perforemed that was written by Chopin?
Marie d'Agoult
What was the name of Liszt's mistress?
Who did Chopin write to displaying his desire to take away a performers ability to play his music?
George Sand
What was the name of the man who biogrpahers think Chopin was concerned about Liszt's growing relationship with?
Marie d'Agoult
Who was the host of the gathering where Frédéric was introduced to George Sand?
My tragedy
What did Frédéric label the place in which he placed Maria and her mother's letters about the unlikely marriage?
Who did George Sand write to when admitting having a strong affection for Frédéric?
George Sand
What is the name of the author Chopin met at a gathering put on by Marie d'Agoult?
his poor health
What was a possible reason for Chopin's failed engagement to Maria Wodzińska?
My tragedy
What did Chopin write on the box of letters from Maria and her mother?
Marie d'Agoult
Who hosted the party whre Chopin met George Sand?
What year did Maria Wodzińska's mother tell Chopin that he likely would not marry her daughter?
My tragedy
What did Chopin write on the package that contained letters from Maria and her mother?
Who did Sand confide to in a letter about her feelings for Chopin in June, 1838?
What city did Frédéric visit in June 1837?
his association with Sand began in earnest
What event occurred on Frédéric's return to Paris?
How many years older was George Sand compared to Frédéric?
What adjective is used to describe Frédéric and Sand's time together during the winter of 1838?
Where did Frédéric and Sand venture to after Majorca became unlivable when it was discovered they were not married?
Camille Pleyel
With whom did Chopin go to London with in 1837?
piano maker
What was James Broadwood's occupation?
six years
How much older was George Sands than Chopin?
Félicien Mallefille
During Sands and Chopin's visit to Majorca who were they fleeing?
a former Carthusian monastery
After it became known that Sands and Chopin were unmarried where did they end up taking up shelter?
June 1838
When did Chopin and Sand become lovers?
Where did Chopin and Sand go between November 1838 and February 1839?
Sand's two children
Who joined Chopin and Sand on their trip to Majorca?
Félicien Mallefille.
One of the reasons Chopin and Sand went to Majorca was to escape the threats of who?
a former Carthusian monastery
Where did Chopin and Sand stay in Valldemossa?
How many doctors saw Frédéric by the 3rd of December?
What did Frédéric have trouble playing as a result of his growing illness?
best possible condition
What condition did Frédéric describe the piano that arrived to him through many dangerous obstacles?
How many doctors visited Chopin?
What month did Chopin's piano arrive?
his bad health
What did Chopin compalin about?
his Pleyel piano
What did Chopin have a hard time getting delivered to Majorca?
What month did Chopin's Pleyel piano arrive in Majorca?