They will happily range the capital of my father, furnished with fair looking terraces, with its highways laid out orderly, having lordly edifices and palatial residences, graced with excellent courtezans, abounding with cars, elephants and horses, resounding with the notes of trumpets, the abode of all auspiciousness, filled with portly and contented folks, rich in gardens and villas, and celebrating popular festivites.
रम्यचत्वरसंस्थानां संविभक्तमहापथाम्। हर्म्यप्रासादसम्पन्नां गणिकावरशोभिताम्॥ रथाश्वगजसम्बाधां तूर्यनादनिनादिताम्। सर्वकल्याणसम्पूर्णां हृष्टपुष्टजनाकुलाम्॥ आरामोद्यानसम्पन्नां समाजोत्सवशालिनीम्। सुखिता विचरिष्यन्ति राजधानी पितुर्मम॥
If Dasaratha live we shall returning from the forest, behold that high-souled one observing noble vows.
अपि जीवेद् दशरथो वनवासात् पुनर्वयम्। प्रत्यागम्य महात्मानमपि पश्याम सुव्रतम्॥
If we remain in peace, we shall returning from the forest with that one firm in promise, enter Ayodhyā?
अपि सत्यप्रतिज्ञेन सार्धं कुशलिना वयम्। निवृत्ते वनवासेऽस्मिन्नयोध्यां प्रविशेमहि ॥
As the high-souled son of the king oppressed with grief was thus lamenting sitting up, the day broke.
परिवेदयमानस्य दुःखार्तस्य महात्मनः। तिष्ठतो राजपुत्रस्य शर्वरी सात्यवर्तत॥
When that son of the foremost of men, intent on the welfare of the subjects had spoken thus truly, Guha, out of extreme affection for (Rāma), shed tears afflicted with grief and hurt like an elephant suffering from fever.
तथा हि सत्यं ब्रुवति प्रजाहिते नरेन्द्रसूनौ गुरुसौहृदाद् गुहः। मुमोच बाष्पं व्यसनाभिपीडितो ज्वरातुरो नाग इव व्यथातुरः॥
Hearing those words of his, the high-souled ten-necked one spoke to his brother a speech consonant to season and place,
तस्य तद् वचनं श्रुत्वा दशग्रीवो महात्मनः। देशकालहितं वाक्यं भ्रातुरुत्तरमब्रवीत्॥
Properly had you spoken, to slay a messenger is improper. But let him be punished with any chastisement save slaying.
सम्यगुक्तं हि भवता दूतवध्या विगर्हिता। अवश्यं तु वधायान्यः क्रियतामस्य निग्रहः॥
Certainly the tail is a darling ornament to a monkey. Therefore let his tail be set on fire anon; and this having been consumed, let him go away.
कपीनां किल लालमिष्टं भवति भूषणम्। तदस्य दीप्यतां शीघ्रं तेन दग्धेन गच्छतु॥
Then shall his best friends and kindred and acquaintances see him crest-fallen, with his person deformed.
ततः पश्यन्त्वमुं दीनमङ्गवैरूप्यकर्शितम्। सुमित्रज्ञातयः सर्वे बान्धवाः ससुहृज्जनाः॥
The lord of Rākşasas ordered, With his tail in flames, let this one be taken all round Lankā containing terraces.
तस्य तद् आज्ञापयद् राक्षसेन्द्रः परं सर्वं सचत्वरम्। लाङ्गेलेन प्रदीप्तेन रक्षोभिः परिणीयताम्॥
Hearing his words, the Raksasas, cruel through wrath, cover up his (Hanumān's) tail with worn pieces of cotton cloth.
वचनं श्रुत्वा राक्षसाः कोपकर्कशाः। वेष्टन्ते तस्य लाङ्गूलं जीर्णैः कार्पासिकैः पटैः॥
Thereat, even as fire in a forest increase on getting dry fuel, the mighty monkey grew in dimensions on his tail being wrapped up.
संवेष्ट्यमाने लाङ्गले व्यवर्धत महाकपिः। शुष्कमिन्धनमासाद्य वनेष्विव हुताशनम्॥
Having soaked (the cloth) in oil, they set fire to it. Thereat with his soul overpowered with rage and hatred, and his countenance like the risen sun, he lashed them with his flaming tail.
तैलेन परिषिच्याथ तेऽग्निं तत्रोपपादयन्। लाङ्गुलेन प्रदीप्तेन राक्षसांस्तानताडयत्॥ रोषामर्षपरीतात्मा बालसूर्यसमाननः।
And those-rangers of the night-those Rākşasas-old and young and females-again bringing that foremost of monkey, grew exceedingly glad.
स भूयः संगतैः क्रूरै राक्षसैर्हरिपुङ्गवः॥ सहस्त्रीबालवृद्धाश्च जग्मुः प्रीतिं निशाचराः।
That hero (being bound), entertained a purpose in harmony with the season. "Albeit bound, the Rākşasas cannot forsooth cope with me. Snapping these bonds, I shall, darting up, again slaughter these."
निबद्धः कृतवान् वीरस्तत्कालसदृशीं मतिम्॥ कामं खलु न मे शक्ता निबद्धस्यापि राक्षसाः। छित्त्वा पाशान् समुत्पत्य हन्यामहमिमान् पुनः॥
Although agreeably to the mandate of their master these wicked-minded ones have bound me, yet have they not been able to clear scores with me.
यदि भर्तृहितार्थाय चरन्तं भर्तृशासनात्। निबध्नन्ते दुरात्मानो न तु मे निष्कृतिः कृता॥
I can slay all these Rākşasas in battle; but I suffer this (maltreatment) for not marring the (pure delight) Rāma shall derive from my deed.
सर्वेषामेव पर्याप्तो राक्षसानामहं युधि। किं तु रामस्य प्रीत्यर्थं विषहिष्येऽहमीदृशम्॥
I shall once more range around Lankā. Let this be so. At night I could not satisfactorily examine the fortifications.* (Another meaning is:-lts places inaccessible on account of works.)
लङ्का चारयितव्या मे पुनरेव भवेदिति। रात्रौ नहि सुदृष्टा मे दुर्गकर्मविधानतः॥
For certain, by me is to be beheld Lankā when night has departed. Let them bind me anew. The Rākşasas pain me by setting fire to my tail; but my mind dose not tire.
अवश्यमेव द्रष्टव्या मया लङ्का निशाक्षये। कामं बनन्तु मे भूयः पुच्छस्योद्दीपनेन च॥ पीडां कुर्वन्ति रक्षांसि न मेऽस्ति मनसः श्रमः।
Then the Raksasas, rejoicing greatly, went off, taking that mighty monkey endowed with strength, an elephant (in prowess) among monkeys. And blowing conchs and trumpets, and bruiting it abroad by various actions, (Publishing Hanuman's penalty) those Raksasas of cruel deeds took (Hanumān) about the city (of Lankā).
ततस्ते संवृताकारं सत्त्ववन्तं महाकपिम्॥ परिगृह्य ययुर्हष्टा राक्षसाः कपिकुञ्जरम्। शङ्खभेरीनिनादैश्च घोषयन्तः स्वकर्मभिः॥
And led by those Rākşasas, that subduer of enemies, Hanumān, experienced delight, and going about the mighty metropolis of the Rākşasas, the redoubted monkey surveyed variegated cars, enclosed court-yards, wellordered terraces, streets thronged with edifices, crossings, by-ways, and the interiors dwellings.
राक्षसाः क्रूरकर्माणश्चारयन्ति स्म तां पुरीम्। अन्वीयमानो रक्षोभिर्ययौ सुखमरिन्दमः॥ हनूमांश्चारयामास राक्षसानां महापुरीम्। यथापश्यद् विमानानि विचित्राणि महाकपिः॥ संवृतान् भूमिभागांश्च सुविभक्तांश्च चत्वरान्। रथ्याश्च गृहसंबाधाः कपिः शृङ्गाटकानि च॥ तथा रथ्योपरथ्याश्च तथैव च गृहान्तरान्।
And on terraces and highways the Rākṣasas proclaim the monkey, saying, “This is a spy.'
चत्वरेषु चतुष्केषु राजमार्गे तथैव च॥ घोषयन्ति कपि सर्वे चार इत्येव राक्षसाः।
On Hanumān's tail being in flames, Rākṣasīs of frightful eyes related to that exalted lady (Sītā) tidings of this great mishap.
दीप्यमाने ततस्तस्य लाङ्कलाग्रे हनूमतः॥ राक्षस्यस्ता विरूपाक्ष्यः शंसुर्देव्यास्तदप्रियम्।
O Sītā, the copper-faced monkey with whom you hadst held talk, is being led around with his tail flaming,
यस्त्वया कृतसंवादः सीते ताम्रमुखः कपिः॥ लाफूलेन प्रदीप्तेन स एष परिणीयते।
Hearing these cruel words, like to loss of life, Vaidehi, burning in grief, approached the Fire.
श्रुत्वा तद् वचनं क्रूरमात्मापहरणोपमम्॥ वैदेही शोकसंतप्ता हुताशनमुपागमत्।
And wishing for the welfare of the mighty monkey, that large eyed lady with an intent mind began to pray to that bearer of sacrificial offerings,
मङ्गलाभिमुखी तस्य सा तदासीन्महाकपेः॥ उपतस्थे विशालाक्षी प्रयता हव्यवाहनम्।
If I have served my lord, if I bear a character, if I have ascetic merit, if I have been the wife of one alone, then prove you cool to Hanumān.
यद्यस्ति पतिशुश्रूषा यद्यस्ति चरितं तपः॥ यदि वा त्वेकपत्नीत्वं शीतो भव हनूमतः।
Thereat, as if communicating the welfare of the monkey to that one having eyes like those of a young deer, the Fire flamed up. And Hanumān's sire, albeit furnished with fire and a tail, blew ice-cold before that worshipful one, breathing health (to Hanumān).
ततस्तीक्ष्णार्चिरव्यग्रः प्रदक्षिणशिखोऽनलः। जज्वाल मृगशावाक्ष्याः शंसन्निव शुभं कपेः॥ हनूमज्जनकश्चैव पुच्छानलयुतोऽनिलः। ववौ स्वास्थ्यकरो देव्याः प्रालेयानिलशीतलः॥
On his tail flaming, the monkey reflected, "This fire is flaming. Why dose it not then burn me all over"?
दह्यमाने च लाफूले चिन्तयामास वानरः। प्रदीप्तोऽग्निरयं कस्मान मां दहति सर्वतः॥
I see it of exceeding brightness yet it pain me not. (On the contrary), at the end of my tail it seem like a mass of ice.
दृश्यते च महाज्वालः करोति च न मे रुजम्। शिशिरस्येव सम्पातो लाङ्गूलाग्रे प्रतिष्ठितः॥
Or this is clearly due to Rāma's power, even like the wonder (that I witnessed) while bounding over the main-the mountain under the lord of streams. (Mainaka)
अथवा तदिदं व्यक्तं यद् दृष्टं प्लवता मया। रामप्रभावादाश्चर्यं पर्वतः सरितां पतौ॥
If the Ocean and the intelligent Maināka could show such regard for Råma, what may not the Fire do (for him?)
यदि तावत् समुद्रस्य मैनाकस्य च धीमतः। रामार्थं सम्भ्रमस्तादृक्किमग्निर्न करिष्यति॥
Fire dose not burn me for Sītā's (absolute) goodness, for Rāghava's prowess, and for (his friendship with my sire.
सीतायाश्चानृशंस्येन तेजसा राघवस्य च। पितुश्च मम सख्येन न मां दहति पावकः॥
Then the elephantine monkey again reflected for a while, “Why should one like me suffer one's self to be bound by vile Rākşasas? Therefore it is meet that I should, displaying my prowess, avenge (this wrong)."
भूयः स चिन्तयामास मुहूर्ते कपिकुञ्जरः। कथमस्मद्विधस्येह बन्धनं राक्षसाधमैः॥ प्रतिक्रियास्य युक्ता स्यात् सति मह्यं पराक्रमे।
Thereat that vehement and mighty monkey snapped his bonds, and furiously springing into the sky, the terrible monkey uttered a shout. anon one
ततश्छित्त्वा च पाशान् वेगवान् वै महाकपिः॥ उत्पपाताथ वेगेन ननाद च महाकपिः।
Then the graceful son of the Wind-god arrived at the gate of the city resembling a hill, where Rākşasas there were none.
पुरद्वारं ततः श्रीमाशैलशृङ्गमिवोन्नतम्॥ विभक्तरक्षःसम्बाधमाससादानिलात्मजः।
After having attained the magnitude of a mountain, that self-controlled diminished himself and cast off his bonds. And having freed himself, the graceful one again became mountain-like.
स भूत्वा शैलसंकाशः क्षणेन पुनरात्मवान्॥ ह्रस्वतां परमां प्राप्तो बन्धनान्यवशातयत्। विमुक्तश्चाभवच्छ्रीमान् पुनः पर्वतसंनिभः॥
And eyeing around, he saw a bolt standing against the gate. And that mighty-armed one, the Wind-god's son, taking up that bolt of burnished iron, again slaughtered the guards.
वीक्षमाणश्च ददृशे परिघं तोरणाश्रितम्। स तं गृह्य महाबाहुः कालायसपरिष्कृतम्। रक्षिणस्तान् पुनः सर्वान् सूदयामास मारुतिः॥
Having slain the warders, that one of terrific prowess crowned with a luminous wreath forged from his flaming tail, and appearing like the sun garlanded with glory, once again cast his eyes over Lanka.
स तान् निहत्वा रणचण्डविक्रमः समीक्षमाणः पुनरेव लङ्काम्। प्रदीप्तलाकॅलकृतार्चिमाली प्रकाशितादित्य इवार्चिमाली॥
When the citizens had gone away, the king versed in the time and place of ceremonies, after deliberating with his counsellors fixed the time (of the installation.) And his conclusion was even this: "To-morrow the Pusya will be in; and to-morrow should my son, Rāma of eyes like lotus-leaves be installed as heir-apparent."
गतेष्वथ नृपो भूयः पौरेषु सह मन्त्रिभिः। मन्त्रयित्वा ततश्चके निश्चयज्ञः स निश्चयम्॥ श्व एव पुष्यो भविता श्वोऽभिषेच्यस्तु मे सुतः। रामो राजीवपत्राक्षो युवराज इति प्रभुः॥
Then entering the inner apartment king Dasaratha said to the charioteer Sumantra, "Do you again bring Rāma here.'
अथान्तर्गृहमाविश्य राजा दशरथस्तदा। सूतमामन्त्रयामास रामं पुनरिहानय॥
In response to those words, the charioteer again speedily went to Rāma's residence, for bringing him thither.
प्रतिगृह्य तु तद्वाक्यं सूतः पुनरुपाययौ। रामस्य भवनं शीघ्रं राममानयितुं पुनः॥
His fresh approach having been announced to Rāma by the warders, the latter, filled with apprehension, became anxious.
द्वाः स्थैरावेदितं तस्य रामायागमनं पुनः। श्रुत्वैव चापि रामस्तं प्राप्तं शङ्कान्वितोऽभवत्॥
And bringing Sumantra in, Ráma with eagerness said "Tell me fully the reason of this your fresh visit."
प्रवेश्य चैनं त्वरितो रामो वचनमब्रवीत्। यदागमनकृत्यं ते भूयस्तद्ब्रह्यशेषतः॥
Thereupon, the charioteer told him, "The sovereign wish to behold you. You have known the occasion; and now decide whether you will go thither or not.”
तवाच ततः सूतो राजा त्वां द्रष्टुमिच्छति। श्रुत्वा प्रमाणं तत्र त्वं गमनायेतराय वा॥
Hearing the charioteer's speech, Rāma also in haste repaired to the king's palace, with the view of again beholding the lord of Man. And on hearing of Rāma's arrival, king Daſaratha inade him enter his own chamber, with the view of communicating to him something exceedingly agreeable.
इति सूतवचः श्रुत्वा रामोऽपि त्वरयान्वितः। प्रययौ राजभवनं पुनर्द्रष्टुं नरेश्वरम्॥ तं श्रुत्वा समनुप्राप्तं रामं दशरथो नृपः। प्रवेशयामास गृहं विवक्षुः प्रियमुत्तमम्॥
And immediately on entering his father's residence, the graceful Rāghava seeing his father from a distance, bent low with clasped hands.
प्रविशन्नेव च श्रीमान् राघवो भवनं पितुः। ददर्श पितरं दूरात् प्रणिपत्य कृताञ्जलिः॥
Thereupon raising Räma as he was bending down, and embracing him, and pointing out a seat, the protector of the earth again spoke to him.
प्रणमन्तं तमुत्थाप्य सम्परिष्वज्य भूमिपः। प्रदिश्य चासनं चात्मै रामं च पुनरब्रवीत्॥
O Ráma, enjoying at my will the good things of life, I have grown old; and have attained great age. I have worshipped the deities by celebrating hundreds of sacrifices with numerous Dakşiņās and gifts of boiled rice.
राम वृद्धोऽस्मि दीर्घायुर्भुक्ता भोगा यथेप्सिताः। अन्नवद्भिः क्रतुशतैर्यथेष्टं भूरिदक्षिणैः॥
And incomparable on earth, you have been born to me for a son after my heart. I have given whatever had been wanted (by others); I have finished my studies.
जातमिष्टमपत्यं मे त्वमद्यानुपमं भुवि। दत्तमिष्टमधीतं च मया पुरुषसत्तम ॥
O foremost of men. I have, O hero, acted and enjoyed. I have been emancipated from my obligations to the celestials and saints, and the Pitris, and the Vipras, and myself.* *Sacrifice, study, son, gift, enjoyment are the five means of, clearing the debts one owes to the celestials, the saints, the pitrs, the vipras and self.
अनुभूतानि चेष्टानि मया वीर सुखान्यपि। देवर्षिपितृविप्राणामनृणोऽस्मि तथाऽऽत्मनः॥
And naught now remain to be done by me save the installation. Therefore it behoves you to do even what I say to you. To-day the subjects in a body have expressed their desire of having you for their sovereign. Therefore, O son, I shall install you as the heir-apparent. O Rāghava, tonight I have dreamt inauspicious dreams. Stars with tremendous sounds, shoot by day, accompanied with thunder-claps.
न किंचिन्मम कर्तव्यं तवान्यत्राभिषेचनात्। अतो यत्त्वामहं ब्रूयां तन्मे त्वं कर्तुमर्हसि॥ अद्य प्रकृतयः सर्वास्त्वामिच्छन्ति नराधिपम्। अतस्त्वां युवराजानमभिषेक्ष्यामि पुत्रक॥ अपि चाद्याशुभान् राम स्वप्नान् पश्यामि राघव। सनिर्घाता दिवोल्काश्च पतन्ति हि महास्वनाः॥
The astrologers say that the star of my life has been invaded by those terrible planets, the Sun, Mars, and Rāhu.
अवष्टब्धं च मे राम नक्षत्रं दारुणग्रहैः। आवेदयन्ति दैवज्ञाः सूर्याङ्गारकराहुभिः॥
It generally happens that when such signs manifest themselves, the king comes by a terrible calamity, and may meet with death itself.
प्रायेण च निमित्तानामीदृशानां समुद्भवे। राजा हि मृत्युमाप्नोति घोरां चापदमृच्छति ॥
Therefore, O Raghava, my thoughts change, be you installed (in the kingdom), for fickle is the mind of all creatures.
तद् यावदेव मे चेतो न विमुह्यति राघव। तावदेवाभिषिञ्चस्व चला हि प्राणिनां मतिः॥
To-day, before meeting Pusya, the moon has entered the Punarvasu asterism; and the astrologers say that to-morrow it will certainly be in conjunction with Pușya.
अद्य चन्द्रोऽभ्युपगमत् पुष्यात् पूर्वं पुनर्वसुम्। श्वः पुष्ययोगं नियतं वक्ष्यन्ते दैवचिन्तकाः॥
My heart urges me to install you during the Pusya conjunction, so Oh! afflicter of foes, I shall install you to-morrow as heir-apparent.
तत्र पुष्येऽभिषिञ्चस्व मनस्त्वरयतीव माम्। श्वस्त्वाहमभिषेक्ष्यामि यौवराज्ये परंतप ॥
Therefore do you along with my daughter-inlaw, commencing from sun-set, serving the prescribed restrictions, and lying down on a bed of Kusa grass, spend the night in fast.
तस्मात् त्वयाद्यप्रभृति निशेयं नियतात्मना। सह वध्वोपवस्तव्या दर्भप्रस्तरशायिना॥
And let your friends vigilantly protect you all around, for many are the impediments that happen in affairs like this.
सुहृदश्चाप्रमत्तास्त्वां रक्षन्त्वद्य समन्ततः। भवन्ति बहुविघ्नानि कार्याण्येवंविधानि हि॥
In my opinion, during the interval that Bharata is away from the city, should your installation be effected most opportunity.
विप्रोषितश्च भरतो यावदेव पुरादितः। तावदेवाभिषेकस्ते प्राप्तकालो मतो मम।।
Even though your brother Bharata ever stayed entirely by the course of the honest; he followed his elder brother; and is righteous-souled; tenderhearted; and of subdued senses. But in my opinion, the hearts of men are inconstant, and, O Rāghava, the hearts even of the virtuous change by the action of the natural impulses.
काम खलु सतां वृत्ते भ्राता ते भरतः स्थितः। ज्येष्ठानुवर्ती धर्मात्मा सानुक्रोशो जितेन्द्रियः॥ किं नु चित्तं मनुष्याणामनित्यमिति मे मतम्। सतां च धर्मनित्यानां कृतशोभि च राघव॥
Having been thus addressed in the matter of his coming installation in the next day, Rāma, with the King's permission embodied in "Go you," greeting his father, repaired to his quarters.
इत्युक्तः सोऽभ्यनुज्ञातः श्वोभाविन्यभिषेचने। व्रजेति रामः पितरमभिभाष्याभ्ययाद् गृहम्॥
And entering his residence in the interests of the installation ordered by the monarch, he immediately issued out, and went to the inner apartment of his mother.
प्रविश्य चात्मनो वेश्म राज्ञाऽऽदिष्टेऽभिषेचने। तत्क्षणादेव निष्क्रम्य मातुरन्तःपुरं ययौ ॥
There, Rāma found his mother in the temple, clad in silk, adoring the gods, and silently praying for his royal luck.
तत्र तां प्रवणामेव मातरं क्षौमवासिनीम्। वाग्यतां देवतागारे ददर्शायाचतीं श्रियम्॥
There, hearing of the welcome installation of Råma, had already come Sumitrā, and Lakşmaņa and Sītā summoned (by Kausalyā).
प्रागेव चागता तत्र सुमित्रा लक्ष्मणस्तथा। सीता चानायिता श्रुत्वा प्रियं रामाभिषेचनम्॥
Hearing of the installation of his son in the office of heir-apparent during the influence of the Puşya at that time, tended by Sumitrā and Sita and Laksmana, there stood Kausalya, meditating the (triune) person Janārdana, through suspension of breath.
तस्मिन् कालेऽपि कौसल्या तस्थावामीलितेक्षणा। सुमित्रयान्वास्यमाना सीतया लक्ष्मणेन च॥ श्रुत्वा पुष्ये च पुत्रस्य यौवराज्येऽभिषेचनम्। प्राणायामेन पुरुषं ध्यायमाना जनार्दनम्॥
Rāma, approaching and saluting her engaged in auspicious observance, addressed her in excellent words, cheering her up, O mother, by my father have I been appointed to the task of governing the people. And, agreeably to the desire of my father, to morrow will take place my installation; To night Sītā will fast along with me, the priests have said thus, and this also has been declared by my father.
तथा सनियमामेव सोऽमिगम्याभिवाद्य च। उवाच वचनं रामो हर्षयंस्तामिदं वरम्॥ अम्ब पित्रा नियुक्तोऽस्मि प्रजापालनकर्मणि। भविता श्वोऽभिषेको मे यथा मे शासनं पितुः॥ सीतयाप्युपवस्तव्या रजनीयं मया सह। एवमुक्तमुपाध्यायैः स हि मामुक्तवान् पिता॥
Do you therefore even today provide those necessary auspicious things that will be required Hur myself and Vaidehi on the occasion of the coming installation.
यानि यान्यत्र योग्यानि श्वो भाविन्यभिषेचने। तानि मे मङ्गलान्यद्य वैदेह्याश्चैव कारय॥
Hearing of that for which she had ever wished, Kausalya, her voice choking with the vapour begot of delight, addressed Rāma, saying.
एतच्छ्रुत्वा तु कौसल्या चिरकालाभिकासितम्। हर्षबाष्पाकुलं वाक्यमिदं राममभाषत ॥
Rāma, my child, be you long-lived, and may your enemies find destruction! Furnished with this good fortune, do you gladden Sumitra's as well as my own relatives.
वत्स राम चिरंजीव हतास्ते परिपन्थिनः। ज्ञातीन् मे त्वं श्रिया युक्तः सुमित्रायाश्च नन्दय॥
Oh! you was born under an auspicious star: you have, O son, by your virtues gratified your sire Dasaratha.
कल्याणे बत नक्षत्र मया जातोऽसि पुत्रक। येन त्वया दशरथो गुणैराराधितः पिता॥
Ah! not unfruitful has proved my disinterested observance of vow to the lotus-eyed person, for this royal fortune of the Ikşvāku race shall rest upon you.
अमोघं बत मे क्षान्तं पुरुषे पुष्करेक्षणे। येयमिक्ष्वाकुराजश्रीः पुत्र त्वां संश्रयिष्यति॥
Having been thus addressed by his mother, Rāma looking at his brother(Lakşmaņa), seated in humble guise with clasped hands, with smile spoke to him, saying.
इत्येवमुक्तो मात्रा तु रामो भ्रातरमब्रवीत्। प्राञ्जलिं प्रहमासीनमभिवीक्ष्य स्मयन्निव।॥
O Lakṣmaṇa, do you together with me rule this earth. You are my second self; and this good fortune has taken possession of you (as well).
लक्ष्मणेमां मया सार्धं प्रशाधि त्वं वसुंधराम्। द्वितीयं मेऽन्तरात्मानं त्वामियं श्रीरुपस्थिता ॥
Do you, O Sumitrā's son, enjoy every desirable thing and the privileges pertaining to royalty. My life and this kingdom I covet for your sake alone.
सौमित्रे भुक्ष्व भोगांस्त्वमिष्टान् राज्यफलानि च। जीवितं चापि राज्यं च त्वदर्थमभिकामये॥
Having said this to Lakşmaņa, and paid reverence to his mother, Rāma with their permission went with Sītā to his own quarters.
इत्युक्त्वा लक्ष्मणं रामो मातरावभिवाद्य च। अभ्यनुज्ञाप्य सीतां च ययौ स्वं च निवेशनम्॥
Thereupon Rāma, being stricken with curiosity, with folded palms and humbly accosted Agastya, residing in the southern quarter, with pregnant accents, saying.
अपृच्छत तदा रामो दक्षिणाशाश्रयं मुनिम्। प्राञ्जलिविनयोपेत इदमाह वचोऽर्थवत्॥
You say that Rávaņa and Vāli had unequalled strength but I think their can not equal that of Hanuman.
अतुलं बलमेतद्वै वालिनो रावणस्य च। न त्वेताभ्यां हनुमता समं त्विति मतिर्मम॥
Heroism, liberality, strength, patience, intellect, knowledge of lawn and means, prowess and energy all exist together in Hanuman. on
शौर्य दाक्ष्यं बलं धैर्य प्राज्ञता नयसाधनम्। विक्रमश्च प्रभावश्च हनूमति कृतालयाः॥
When the monkey host lost heart beholding the ocean, Hanumān, consoling crossed over the deep extending over a hundred leagues.
दृष्ट्वैव सागरं वीक्ष्य सीदन्तीं कपिवाहिनीम्। समाश्वास्य महाबाहुर्योजनानां शतं प्लुतः॥
Having discarded the presiding goddess of Lanka he went to the mansion of Rāvana and on beholding Sita there, he consoled her.
धर्षयित्वा पुरीं लङ्कां रावणान्तःपुरं तदा। दृष्टा संभाषिता चापि सीता ह्याश्वासिता तथा॥
What to speak of more, Hanuman, singlehanded, slew Ravana's commander-in-chief, the minister's son, his servants and his one son.
सेनाग्रगा मन्त्रिसुताः किंकरा रावणात्मजः। एते हनुमता तत्र एकेन वितिपातिताः।।६।
Being released from the Brahma weapon Hanuman remonstrated with Rāvaņa, and reduced Larkā into ashes like to fire burning down earth.
भूयो बन्धाद्विमुक्तेन भाषयित्वा दशाननम्। लङ्का भस्मीकृता येन पावकेनेव मेदिनी॥
What I have seen myself performed by Hanumān in the conflict is above the power of Kala, Vasava and even the lord of riches.
न कालस्य न शक्रस्य न विष्णोवित्तपस्य च। कर्माणि तानि श्रूयन्ते यानि युद्धे हनूमतः॥
It is by the strength of the arms of that Windgod's son I ave obtained Lanka, Sita, Lakşmaņa, Victory, kingdom and my friends.
एतस्य बाहुवीर्येण लङ्का सीता च लक्ष्मणः। प्राप्ता मया जयश्चैव राज्यं मित्राणि बान्धवाः॥
What more, had not Hanumăn, the friend of the king of monkeys-Sugrīva, been in my company who could have brought Sītā intelligence?
हनूमान्यदि मे न स्याद्वानराधिपतेः सखा। प्रवृत्तिमपि को वेत्तुं जानक्याः शक्तिमान्भवेत्।।१०
Why did not Hanumän, although wishing welfare to Sugrīva, reduce Vāli to ashes like so many creepers on the occasion of his quarrel with Sugriva?
किमर्थ वाली चैतेन सुग्रीवप्रियकाम्यया। तदा वैरे समुत्पन्ने न दग्धो वीरुधो यथा॥
Methinks, Hanuman was not cognisant of his own prowess then? And therefore he did stood to witness the miseries of Sugrīva— the king of monkeys who was dearer than his life.
नहि वेदितवान्मन्ये हनूमानात्मनो बलम्। यदृष्टवाञ्जीवितेष्टं क्लिश्यन्तं वानराधिपम्॥
O you worshipped of the immortals, do you truly describe to me in detail this action of Hanuman.
एतन्मे भगवन्सर्वं हनूमति महामुने। विस्तरेण यथातत्त्वं कथयामरपूजित॥
Hearing those well-meaning words of Rāghava, the ascetic Agastya said to him in the presence of Hanumān.
राघवस्य वचः श्रुत्वा हेतुयुक्तमृषिस्ततः। हनूमतः समक्षं तमिदं वचनमब्रवीत्॥
O foremost of Raghus, what, you have said regarding Hanumān, is all true. As regards, strength, velocity and intellect there is none who can equal Hanuman.
सत्यमेतद्रघुश्रेष्ठ यद्ब्रवीषि हनूमति। न बले विद्यते तुल्यो न गतौ न मतौ परः॥
O repressor of enemies, in the days of yore Hanumān was imprecated by the ascetics, whose curses never become fruitless, to the effect that he would never be conscious of his whole strength.
अमोघशापैः शापस्तु दत्तोऽस्य मुनिभिः पुरा। न वेत्ता हि बलं सर्वं बली सन्नरिमर्दन ॥
I am not capable of describing to you the wondrous childish feat which Hanuman did perform in his boyhood.
वाल्येऽप्येतेन यत्कर्म कृतं राम महाबल। तन्न वर्णयितुं शक्यमिति वाल्यतयास्य ते॥
But if you are, O Raghava, greatly anxious to hear it, I shall relate do you hear with a quiescent mind.
यदि वास्ति त्वभिप्रायः कं श्रोतुं तव राघव। समाधाय मतिं राम निशामय वदाम्यहम्॥
Hanuman's father Keśarī reigned in the mountain Sumeru which resembles gold by the influence of the sun.
सूर्यदत्तवरस्वर्णः सुमेरु म पर्वतः। यत्र राज्यं प्रशास्त्यस्य केसरी नाम वै पिता ॥
Kesari had a well-known wife by the name of Añjanā to whom he was greatly attached. The deity Wind begot on Añjană an excellent son.
तस्य भार्या बभूवेष्टा ह्यञ्जनेति परिश्रुता। जनयामास तस्यां वै वायुरात्मजमुत्तमम्॥
Repairing to a dense forest for collecting fruits, the excellent damsel gave birth to Hanumān resembling the tip of a ſala tree and went away.
शालिशूकनिभाभासं प्रासूतेमं तदाञ्जना। फलान्याहतुकामा वै निष्क्रान्ता गहने वरा ॥
Being distressed with hunger on account of the absence of the mother, Hanuman, just born, cried like Kartikeya, the commander-in-chief of the celestials, in the forest of Saras.
एष मातुर्वियोगाच्च क्षुधया च भृशार्दितः। रुरोद शिशुरत्यर्थ शिशुः शरवणे यथा।२२॥
At this time the sun resembling Japā flowers, having risen, Hanumān, to get a fruit, sprang up.
तदोद्यन्तं विवस्वन्तं जपापुष्पोत्करोपमम्। ददर्श फललोभाच्च ह्युत्पपात रविं प्रति॥
Being desirous of holding the newly risen sun, Hanumān, resembling it, began to leap in the middle of the welkin.
बालार्काभिमुखो बालो बालार्क इव मूर्तिमान्। ग्रहीतुकामो बालार्क प्लवतेऽम्बरमध्यगः॥