[ [ "Boiti", "M.", "" ], [ "Leon", "J.", "" ], [ "Pempinelli", "F.", "" ] ]
Nonlinear Spectral Characterization of Discrete Data
solv-int nlin.SI
The explicit analytical expression of the Nonlinear Fourier Transform (NFT) of a finite set of data is provided. Then a simple recursion relation for the NFT is constructed as a function of the spectral parameter. These tools provide a complete characterization of the nonlinear coherent structures (solitons, breathers, ...) present in numerical or experimental data representing the solution, at a given value of time, of a nonlinear evolution equation (e.g. of the nonlinear Schroedinger family).
Mon, 9 Sep 1996 08:39:57 GMT
Mon, 9 Sep 1996 08:39:57 GMT
[ [ "Rauch-Wojciechowski", "S.", "" ], [ "Tsiganov", "A. V.", "" ] ]
Quasi-point separation of variables for the Henon-Heiles system and a system with quartic potential
solv-int hep-th nlin.SI
We examine the problem of integrability of two-dimensional Hamiltonian systems by means of separation of variables. The systematic approach to construction of the special non-pure coordinate separation of variables for certain natural two-dimensional Hamiltonians is presented. The relations with SUSY quantum mechanics are discussed.
Fri, 13 Sep 1996 13:10:23 GMT
Fri, 13 Sep 1996 13:10:23 GMT
[ [ "Clarkson", "P. A.", "", "University of Kent,\n Canterbury, UK" ], [ "Mansfield", "E. L.", "", "University of Kent,\n Canterbury, UK" ], [ "Priestley", "T. J.", "", "University of Kent,\n Canterbury, UK" ] ]
Symmetries of a class of Nonlinear Third Order Partial Differential Equations
solv-int nlin.SI
In this paper we study symmetry reductions of a class of nonlinear third order partial differential equations $u_t -\epsilon u_{xxt} +2\kappa u_x= u u_{xxx} +\alpha u u_x +\beta u_x u_{xx}$ where $\epsilon$, $\kappa$, $\alpha$ and $\beta$ are arbitrary constants. Three special cases of equation (1) have appeared in the literature, up to some rescalings. In each case the equation has admitted unusual travelling wave solutions: the Fornberg-Whitham equation, for the parameters $\epsilon=1$, $\alpha=-1$, $\beta=3$ and $\kappa=\tfr12$, admits a wave of greatest height, as a peaked limiting form of the travelling wave solution; the Rosenau-Hyman equation, for the parameters $\epsilon=0$, $\alpha=1$, $\beta=3$ and $\kappa=0$, admits a ``compacton'' solitary wave solution; and the Fuchssteiner-Fokas-Camassa-Holm equation, for the parameters $\epsilon=1$, $\alpha=-3$ and $\beta=2$, has a ``peakon'' solitary wave solution. A catalogue of symmetry reductions for equation (1) is obtained using the classical Lie method and the nonclassical method due to Bluman and Cole.
Fri, 13 Sep 1996 15:26:14 GMT
Fri, 13 Sep 1996 15:26:14 GMT
[ [ "Bassom", "A. P.", "", "University of Exeter, UK" ], [ "Clarkson", "P. A.", "", "University of\n Kent, Canterbury, UK" ], [ "Law", "C. K.", "", "National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan" ], [ "McLeod", "J. B.", "", "University of Pittsburgh, USA" ] ]
Application of Uniform Asymptotics to the Second Painlev{\'e} Transcendent
solv-int nlin.SI
In this work we propose a new method for investigating connection problems for the class of nonlinear second-order differential equations known as the Painlev{\'e} equations. Such problems can be characterized by the question as to how the asymptotic behaviours of solutions are related as the independent variable is allowed to pass towards infinity along different directions in the complex plane. Connection problems have been previously tackled by a variety of methods. Frequently these are based on the ideas of isomonodromic deformation and the matching of WKB solutions. However, the implementation of these methods often tends to be heuristic in nature and so the task of rigorising the process is complicated. The method we propose here develops uniform approximations to solutions. This removes the need to match solutions, is rigorous, and can lead to the solution of connection problems with minimal computational effort. Our method is reliant on finding uniform approximations of differential equations of the generic form ${d^2\phi}/{d\eta^2} = - \xi^2F(\eta,\xi)\phi$ as the complex-valued parameter $\xi \to \infty.$ The details of the treatment rely heavily on the locations of the zeros of the function $F$ in this limit. If they are isolated then a uniform approximation to solutions can be derived in terms of Airy functions of suitable argument. On the other hand, if two of the zeros of $F$ coalesce as $|\xi| \to \infty$ then an approximation can be derived in terms of parabolic cylinder functions. In this paper we discuss both cases, but illustrate our technique in action by applying the parabolic cylinder case to the ``classical'' connection problem associated with the second Painlev{\'e} transcendent. Future papers will show how the technique can be applied with very little change to the other Painlev{\'e} equations, and to the wider problem of the asymptotic behaviour of the general solution to any of these equations.
Fri, 13 Sep 1996 15:32:54 GMT
Fri, 13 Sep 1996 15:32:54 GMT
[ [ "Ma", "Wen-Xiu", "" ], [ "Li", "Kam-Shun", "" ] ]
Virasoro Symmetry Algebra of Dirac Soliton Hierarchy
solv-int nlin.SI
A hierarchy of first-degree time-dependent symmetries is proposed for Dirac soliton hierarchy and their commutator relations with time-dependent symmetries are exhibited. Meantime, a hereditary structure of Dirac soliton hierarchy is elucidated and a Lax operator algebra associated with Virasoro symmetry algebra is given.
Mon, 16 Sep 1996 13:08:12 GMT
Mon, 16 Sep 1996 13:08:12 GMT
[ [ "Tsiganov", "A. V.", "", "St.Petersburg University" ] ]
The Kowalewski top: a new Lax representation
solv-int nlin.SI
The 2x2 monodromy matrices for the Kowalewski top on the Lie algebras e(3), so(4) and so(3,1) are presented. The corresponding quadratic R-matrix structure is the dynamical deformation of the standard R-matrix algebras. Some tops and Toda lattices related to the Kowalewski top are discussed.
Fri, 20 Sep 1996 11:09:26 GMT
Fri, 20 Sep 1996 11:09:26 GMT
[ [ "Delduc", "F.", "" ], [ "Gallot", "L.", "" ] ]
N=2 KP and KdV hierarchies in extended superspace
solv-int hep-th nlin.SI
We give the formulation in extended superspace of an $N=2$ supersymmetric KP hierarchy using chirality preserving pseudo-differential operators. We obtain two quadratic hamiltonian structures, which lead to different reductions of the KP hierarchy. In particular we find two different hierarchies with the $N=2$ classical super-${\cal W}_n$ algebra as a hamiltonian structure. The relation with the formulation in $N=1$ superspace is carried out.
Tue, 24 Sep 1996 15:22:38 GMT
Fri, 27 Sep 1996 14:59:07 GMT
[ [ "Bogdanov", "L. V.", "", "IINS, Landau Institute, Moscow" ], [ "Konopelchenko", "B. G.", "", "Universitá degli Studi di Lecce" ] ]
Analytic-bilinear approach to integrable hierarchies. I.Generalized KP hierarchy
solv-int nlin.SI
Analytic-bilinear approach for construction and study of integrable hierarchies, in particular, the KP hierarchy is discussed. It is based on the generalized Hirota identity. This approach allows to represent generalized hierarchies of integrable equations in a condensed form of finite functional equations. Resolution of these functional equations leads to the $\tau$-function and addition formulae to it. General discrete transformations of the $\tau$-function are presented in the determinant form. Closed one-form and other formulae also arise naturally within the approach proposed. Generalized KP hierarchy written in terms of different invariants of Combescure symmetry transformations coincides with the usual KP hierarchy and the mKP hierarchy.
Tue, 24 Sep 1996 15:19:41 GMT
Tue, 24 Sep 1996 15:19:41 GMT
[ [ "Baker", "T. H.", "", "Uni. of Melbourne" ], [ "Forrester", "P. J.", "", "Uni. of Melbourne" ] ]
The Calogero-Sutherland Model and Polynomials with Prescribed Symmetry
solv-int math.QA nlin.SI q-alg
The Schr\"odinger operators with exchange terms for certain Calogero-Sutherland quantum many body systems have eigenfunctions which factor into the symmetric ground state and a multivariable polynomial. The polynomial can be chosen to have a prescribed symmetry (i.e. be symmetric or antisymmetric) with respect to the interchange of some specified variables. For four particular Calogero-Sutherland systems we construct an eigenoperator for these polynomials which separates the eigenvalues and establishes orthogonality. In two of the cases this involves identifying new operators which commute with the corresponding Schr\"odinger operators. In each case we express a particular class of the polynomials with prescribed symmetry in a factored form involving the corresponding symmetric polynomials.
Thu, 26 Sep 1996 02:51:44 GMT
Thu, 26 Sep 1996 02:51:44 GMT
[ [ "Suris", "Yuri B.", "", "University of Bremen" ] ]
Nonlocal quadratic Poisson algebras, monodromy map, and Bogoyavlensky lattices
solv-int nlin.SI
A new Lax representation for the Bogoyavlensky lattice is found, its $r$--matrix interpretation is elaborated. The $r$--matrix structure turns out to be related to a highly nonlocal quadratic Poisson structure on a direct sum of associative algebras. The theory of such nonlocal structures is developed, the Poisson property of the monodromy map is worked out in the most general situation. Some problems concerning the duality of Lax representations are raised.
Mon, 30 Sep 1996 10:54:35 GMT
Mon, 30 Sep 1996 10:54:35 GMT
[ [ "Casati", "Paolo", "", "Dip. di Matematica, Univ. di Milano, Italy" ], [ "Falqui", "Gregorio", "", "SISSA/ISAS, Trieste, Italy" ], [ "Magri", "Franco", "", "Dip. di Matematica, Univ.\n di Milano, Italy" ], [ "Pedroni", "Marco", "", "Dip. di Matematica, Univ. di Genova,\n Italy" ] ]
Darboux Coverings and Rational Reductions of the KP Hierarchy
solv-int nlin.SI
We use the method of Darboux coverings to discuss the invariant submanifolds of the KP equations, presented as conservation laws in the space of monic Laurent series in the spectral parameter (the space of the Hamiltonian densities). We identify a special class of these submanifolds with the rational invariant submanifolds entering matrix models of $2D$--gravity, recently characterized by Dickey and Krichever. Four examples of the general procedure are provided.
Tue, 1 Oct 1996 15:48:03 GMT
Tue, 1 Oct 1996 15:48:03 GMT
[ [ "Tsiganov", "A. V.", "" ] ]
Automorphisms of sl(2) and dynamical r-matrices
solv-int hep-th math.QA nlin.SI q-alg
Two outer automorphisms of infinite-dimensional representations of $sl(2)$ algebra are considered. The similar constructions for the loop algebras and yangians are presented. The corresponding linear and quadratic $R$-brackets include the dynamical $r$-matrices.
Fri, 4 Oct 1996 13:39:03 GMT
Fri, 4 Oct 1996 13:39:03 GMT
[ [ "Gromov", "N. A.", "" ], [ "Kostyakov", "I. V.", "" ], [ "Kuratov", "V. V.", "" ] ]
Contractions of Integrable Equations
solv-int nlin.SI
The contraction is applied to obtaining of integrable systems associated with nonsemisimple algebras. The effect of contraction is splitting off some components from initial system without loss of integrability.
Tue, 8 Oct 1996 19:33:00 GMT
Tue, 8 Oct 1996 19:33:00 GMT
[ [ "Maruno", "K.", "" ], [ "Kajiwara", "K.", "" ], [ "Nakao", "S.", "" ], [ "Oikawa", "M.", "" ] ]
Bilinearization of Discrete Soliton Equations and Singularity Confinement
solv-int nlin.SI
Bilinear forms for some nonlinear partial difference equations(discrete soliton equations) are derived based on the results of singularity confinement. Using the bilinear forms, the N-soliton and algebraic solutions of the discrete potential mKdV equation are constructed.
Tue, 8 Oct 1996 14:39:21 GMT
Tue, 8 Oct 1996 14:39:21 GMT
[ [ "Boldin", "Andrey Yu.", "", "Baskir State University,\n Math. Department, Russia" ], [ "Sharipov", "Ruslan A.", "", "Baskir State University,\n Math. Department, Russia" ] ]
On the solution of normality equations for the dimension $n\geq 3$
solv-int nlin.SI
The normality equations for the Newtonian dynamical systems on an arbitrary Riemannian manifold of the dimension $n \geq 3$ are considered. Locally the solution of such equations reduces to three possible cases: in two of them the solution is written out explicitly, and in the third case the equations of normality are reduced to an ordinary differential equation of the second order. Some new examples of explicit solutions of normality equations are constructed.
Wed, 9 Oct 1996 08:22:33 GMT
Wed, 9 Oct 1996 08:22:33 GMT
[ [ "Conte", "R.", "", "CEA Saclay" ], [ "Musette", "M.", "", "VUB Brussels" ] ]
A new method to test discrete Painlev\'e equations
solv-int nlin.SI
Necessary discretization rules to preserve the Painlev\'e property are stated. A new method is added to the discrete Painlev\'e test, which perturbs the continuous limit and generates infinitely many no-log conditions.
Wed, 9 Oct 1996 10:03:00 GMT
Wed, 9 Oct 1996 10:03:00 GMT
[ [ "Ma", "Wen-Xiu", "" ], [ "Guo", "Fu-Kui", "" ] ]
Lax Representations and Zero Curvature Representations by Kronecker Product
solv-int nlin.SI
It is showed that Kronecker product can be applied to construct not only new Lax representations but also new zero curvature representations of integrable models. Meantime a different characteristic between continuous and discrete zero curvature equations is pointed out.
Fri, 18 Oct 1996 14:44:46 GMT
Fri, 18 Oct 1996 14:44:46 GMT
[ [ "de Gier", "Jan", "", "University of Amsterdam, The\n Netherlands" ], [ "Nienhuis", "Bernard", "", "University of Amsterdam, The\n Netherlands" ] ]
The exact solution of an octagonal rectangle triangle random tiling
solv-int cond-mat nlin.SI
We present a detailed calculation of the recently published exact solution of a random tiling model possessing an eight-fold symmetric phase. The solution is obtained using Bethe Ansatz and provides closed expressions for the entropy and phason elastic constants. Qualitatively, this model has the same features as the square-triangle random tiling model. We use the method of P. Kalugin, who solved the Bethe Ansatz equations for the square-triangle tiling, which were found by M. Widom.
Tue, 22 Oct 1996 08:43:52 GMT
Tue, 22 Oct 1996 08:43:52 GMT
[ [ "Kakei", "Saburo", "" ] ]
An orthogonal basis for the $B_N$-type Calogero model
solv-int cond-mat hep-th math.QA nlin.SI q-alg
We investigate algebraic structure for the $B_N$-type Calogero model by using the exchange-operator formalism. We show that the set of the Jack polynomials whose arguments are Dunkl-type operators provides an orthogonal basis.
Mon, 28 Oct 1996 12:58:00 GMT
Mon, 26 May 1997 08:39:43 GMT
[ [ "Tsuboi", "Zengo", "", "Univ. of Tokyo, Komaba" ] ]
Solutions of Discretized Affine Toda Field Equations for A_{n}^{(1)}, B_{n}^{(1)}, C_{n}^{(1)}, D_{n}^{(1)}, A_{n}^{(2)} and D_{n+1}^{(2)}
solv-int hep-th nlin.SI
It is known that a family of transfer matrix functional equations, the T-system, can be compactly written in terms of the Cartan matrix of a simple Lie algebra. We formally replace this Cartan matrix of a simple Lie algebra with that of an affine Lie algebra, and then we obtain a system of functional equations different from the T-system. It may be viewed as an X_{n}^{(a)} type affine Toda field equation on discrete space time. We present, for A_{n}^{(1)}, B_{n}^{(1)}, C_{n}^{(1)}, D_{n}^{(1)}, A_{n}^{(2)} and D_{n+1}^{(2)}, its solutions in terms of determinants or Pfaffians.
Fri, 25 Oct 1996 08:45:13 GMT
Tue, 9 Dec 1997 01:30:33 GMT
[ [ "Liu", "J. T.", "" ], [ "Wang", "D. F.", "" ] ]
Integrabilities of the long range t-J model of twisted boundary condition
solv-int cond-mat nlin.SI
The integrability of the one-dimensional long range supersymmetric t-J model has previously been established for both open systems and those closed by periodic boundary conditions through explicit construction of its integrals of motion. Recently the system has been extended to include the effect of magnetic flux, which gives rise to a closed chain with twisted boundary conditions. While the t-J model with twisted boundary conditions has been solved for the ground state and full energy spectrum, proof of its integrability has so far been lacking. In this letter we extend the proof of integrability of the long range supersymmetric t-J model and its SU(m|n) generalization to include the case of twisted boundary conditions.
Sat, 26 Oct 1996 09:24:20 GMT
Sat, 26 Oct 1996 09:24:20 GMT
[ [ "Joshi", "Nalini", "" ], [ "Petersen", "Johannes A.", "" ] ]
Complex Blow-Up in Burgers' Equation: an Iterative Approach
solv-int nlin.SI
We show that for a given holomorphic noncharacteristic surface S in two-dimensional complex space, and a given holomorphic function on S, there exists a unique meromorphic solution of Burgers' equation which blows up on S. This proves the convergence of the formal Laurent series expansion found by the Painlev\'e test. The method used is an adaptation of Nirenberg's iterative proof of the abstract Cauchy-Kowalevski theorem.
Thu, 31 Oct 1996 00:57:13 GMT
Thu, 31 Oct 1996 00:57:13 GMT
[ [ "Halburd", "Rod", "" ], [ "Joshi", "Nalini", "" ] ]
The Coalescence Limit of the Second Painlev\'E Equation
solv-int nlin.SI
In this paper, we study a well known asymptotic limit in which the second Painlev\'e equation (P_II) becomes the first Painlev\'e equation (P_I). The limit preserves the Painlev\'e property (i.e. that all movable singularities of all solutions are poles). Indeed it has been commonly accepted that the movable simple poles of opposite residue of the generic solution of P_{II} must coalesce in the limit to become movable double poles of the solutions of P_I, even though the limit naively carried out on the Laurent expansion of any solution of P_{II} makes no sense. Here we show rigorously that a coalescence of poles occurs. Moreover we show that locally all analytic solutions of P_I arise as limits of solutions of P_{II}.
Mon, 4 Nov 1996 04:42:55 GMT
Mon, 4 Nov 1996 04:42:55 GMT
[ [ "Konotop", "V. V.", "", "University of Madeira, Portugal" ], [ "Salerno", "M.", "", "University\n of Salerno, Italy" ] ]
Small-amplitude excitations in a deformable discrete nonlinear Schroedinger equation
solv-int nlin.SI
A detailed analysis of the small-amplitude solutions of a deformed discrete nonlinear Schr\"{o}dinger equation is performed. For generic deformations the system possesses "singular" points which split the infinite chain in a number of independent segments. We show that small-amplitude dark solitons in the vicinity of the singular points are described by the Toda-lattice equation while away from the singular points are described by the Korteweg-de Vries equation. Depending on the value of the deformation parameter and of the background level several kinds of solutions are possible. In particular we delimit the regions in the parameter space in which dark solitons are stable in contrast with regions in which bright pulses on nonzero background are possible. On the boundaries of these regions we find that shock waves and rapidly spreading solutions may exist.
Mon, 4 Nov 1996 11:10:17 GMT
Mon, 4 Nov 1996 11:10:17 GMT
[ [ "Razumov", "A. V.", "" ], [ "Saveliev", "M. V.", "" ] ]
Some explicit solutions of the Lam\'e and Bourlet type equations
solv-int dg-ga hep-th math.DG nlin.SI
Some special solutions to the multidimensional Lam\'e and Bourlet type equations are constructed in an explicit form.
Fri, 1 Nov 1996 17:17:03 GMT
Fri, 1 Nov 1996 17:17:03 GMT
[ [ "Wang", "D. F.", "" ] ]
Spinless Calogero-Sutherland model with twisted boundary condition
solv-int nlin.SI
In this work, the spinless Calogero-Sutherland model with twisted boundary condition is studied. The ground state wavefunctions, the ground state energies, the full energy spectrum are provided in details.
Wed, 6 Nov 1996 10:05:06 GMT
Wed, 6 Nov 1996 10:05:06 GMT
[ [ "de Gier", "Jan", "", "University of Amsterdam" ], [ "Nienhuis", "Bernard", "", "University of Amsterdam" ] ]
On the integrability of the square-triangle random tiling model
solv-int cond-mat.stat-mech nlin.SI
It is shown that the square-triangle random tiling model is equivalent to an asymmetric limit of the three colouring model on the honeycomb lattice. The latter model is known to be the O(n) model at T=0 and corresponds to the integrable model connected to the affine $A_2^{(1)}$ Lie algebra. Thus it is shown that the weights of the square-triangle random tiling satisfy the Yang-Baxter equation, albeit in a singular limit of a more general model. The three colouring model for general vertex weights is solved by algebraic Bethe Ansatz.
Thu, 7 Nov 1996 09:32:30 GMT
Thu, 7 Nov 1996 09:32:30 GMT
[ [ "Takemura", "Kouichi", "" ], [ "Uglov", "Denis", "" ] ]
The orthogonal eigenbasis and norms of eigenvectors in the Spin Calogero-Sutherland Model
solv-int hep-th math.QA nlin.SI q-alg
Using a technique based on the Yangian Gelfand-Zetlin algebra and the associated Yangian Gelfand-Zetlin bases we construct an orthogonal basis of eigenvectors in the Calogero-Sutherland Model with spin, and derive product-type formulas for norms of these eigenvectors.
Thu, 21 Nov 1996 09:30:19 GMT
Thu, 21 Nov 1996 09:30:19 GMT
[ [ "Zhou", "Y. -K.", "" ], [ "Schotte", "K. D.", "" ] ]
The L-Matrix for the Massive Thirring Model
solv-int nlin.SI
As the new results for the massive Thirring model the L-matrix and the algebraic relations for its action angle variables are given. So it is shown most directly that this model which describes self-interacting relativistic Fermions in one-dimensional space is a quantum integrable system.
Tue, 26 Nov 1996 07:32:42 GMT
Tue, 26 Nov 1996 07:32:42 GMT
[ [ "Maltsev", "A. Ya.", "" ] ]
The conservation of the Hamiltonian structures in Whitham's method of averaging
solv-int hep-th nlin.SI
The work is devoted to the proof of the conservation of local field-theoretical Hamiltonian structures in Whitham's method of averaging. The consideration is based on the procedure of averaging of local Poisson bracket, proposed by B.A.Dubrovin and S.P.Novikov. Using the Dirac procedure of restriction of the Poisson bracket on the submanifold in the functional space, it is shown in the generic case that the Poisson bracket, constructed by method of Dubrovin and Novikov, satisfies the Jacobi identity. Besides that, the invariance of this bracket with respect to the choice of the set of local conservation laws, used in this procedure, is proved.
Thu, 28 Nov 1996 18:20:46 GMT
Tue, 5 Oct 1999 07:45:17 GMT
[ [ "Grimm", "Uwe", "" ] ]
Representations of Two-Colour BWM Algebras and Solvable Lattice Models
solv-int nlin.SI
Many of the known solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation, which are related to solvable lattice models of vertex- and IRF-type, yield representations of the Birman-Wenzl-Murakami algebra. From these, representations of a two-colour generalization of the Birman-Wenzl-Murakami algebra can be constructed, which in turn are used to derive trigonometric solutions to the Yang-Baxter equation. In spirit, this construction resembles the fusion procedure, in the sense that starting from known solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation new solutions can be obtained.
Tue, 3 Dec 1996 11:15:18 GMT
Tue, 3 Dec 1996 11:15:18 GMT
[ [ "Bogoliubov", "N. M.", "" ], [ "Izergin", "A. G.", "" ], [ "Kitanine", "N. A.", "" ] ]
Correlators of the phase model
solv-int nlin.SI
We introduce the phase model on a lattice and solve it using the algebraic Bethe ansatz. Time-dependent temperature correlation functions of phase operators and the "darkness formation probability" are calculated in the thermodynamical limit. These results can be used to construct integrable equations for the correlation functions and to calculate there asymptotics.
Wed, 4 Dec 1996 17:12:42 GMT
Fri, 20 Dec 1996 14:59:37 GMT
[ [ "Thomova", "Z.", "" ], [ "Winternitz", "P.", "" ], [ "Zakrzewski", "W. J.", "" ] ]
Solutions of (2+1)-dimensional spin systems
solv-int hep-th math-ph math.MP nlin.SI
We use the methods of group theory to reduce the equations of motion of two spin systems in (2+1) dimensions to sets of coupled ordinary differential equations. We present solutions of some classes of these sets and discuss their physical significance.
Wed, 4 Dec 1996 16:40:47 GMT
Wed, 4 Dec 1996 16:40:47 GMT
[ [ "Razumov", "A. V.", "" ], [ "Saveliev", "M. V.", "" ] ]
Riemannian Manifolds with Diagonal Metric. The Lam\'e and Bourlet Systems
solv-int dg-ga hep-th math.DG nlin.SI
We discuss a Lie algebraic and differential geometry construction of solutions to some multidimensional nonlinear integrable systems describing diagonal metrics on Riemannian manifolds, in particular those of zero and constant curvature. Here some special solutions to the Lam\'e and Bourlet type equations, determining by n arbitrary functions of one variable are obtained in an explicit form. For the case when the sum of the diagonal elements of the metric is a constant, these solutions are expressed as a product of the Jacobi elliptic functions and are determined by 2n arbitrary constants.
Sun, 8 Dec 1996 13:03:23 GMT
Sun, 8 Dec 1996 13:03:23 GMT
[ [ "Kemmoku", "Ryuji", "" ] ]
Difference Operator Approach to the Moyal Quantization and Its Application to Integrable Systems
solv-int nlin.SI
Inspired by the fact that the Moyal quantization is related with nonlocal operation, I define a difference analogue of vector fields and rephrase quantum description on the phase space. Applying this prescription to the theory of the KP-hierarchy, I show that their integrability follows to the nature of their Wigner distribution. Furthermore the definition of the ``expectation value'' clarifies the relation between our approach and the Hamiltonian structure of the KP-hierarchy. A trial of the explicit construction of the Moyal bracket structure in the integrable system is also made.
Wed, 11 Dec 1996 11:55:02 GMT
Wed, 11 Dec 1996 11:55:02 GMT
[ [ "Doliwa", "A.", "" ] ]
Geometric Discretisation of the Toda System
solv-int hep-lat hep-th nlin.SI
The Laplace sequence of the discrete conjugate nets is constructed. The invariants of the nets satisfy, in full analogy to the continuous case, the system of difference equations equivalent to the discrete version of the generalized Toda equation.
Thu, 19 Dec 1996 15:54:49 GMT
Thu, 19 Dec 1996 15:54:49 GMT
[ [ "Doliwa", "A.", "" ], [ "Santini", "P. M.", "" ] ]
Multidimensional Quadrilateral Lattices are Integrable
solv-int hep-lat nlin.SI
The notion of multidimensional quadrilateral lattice is introduced. It is shown that such a lattice is characterized by a system of integrable discrete nonlinear equations. Different useful formulations of the system are given. The geometric construction of the lattice is also discussed and, in particular, it is clarified the number of initial--boundary data which define the lattice uniquely.
Thu, 19 Dec 1996 17:02:07 GMT
Thu, 19 Dec 1996 17:02:07 GMT
[ [ "Dittrich", "J.", "" ], [ "Inozemtsev", "V. I.", "" ] ]
On the two-magnon bound states for the quantum Heisenberg chain with variable range exchange
solv-int cond-mat.stat-mech nlin.SI
The spectrum of finite-difference two-magnon operator is investigated for quantum S=1/2 chain with variable range exchange of the form $h(j-k)\propto \sinh^{-2}a(j-k)$. It is found that usual bound state appears for some values of the total pseudomomentum of two magnons as for the Heisenberg chain with nearest-neighbor spin interaction. Besides this state, a new type of bound state with oscillating wave function appears at larger values of the total pseudomomentum.
Fri, 20 Dec 1996 09:31:03 GMT
Fri, 20 Dec 1996 09:31:03 GMT
[ [ "Brihaye", "Y.", "" ], [ "Giller", "S.", "" ], [ "Kosinski", "P.", "" ], [ "Nuyts", "J.", "" ] ]
Irreducible Representations of an Algebra underlying Hidden Symmetries of a class of Quasi Exactly Solvable Systems of Equations
solv-int nlin.SI
The set of linear, differential operators preserving the vector space of couples of polynomials of degrees n and n-2 in one real variable leads to an abstract associative graded algebra A(2). The irreducible, finite dimensional representations of this algebra are classified into five infinite discrete sets and one exceptional case. Their matrix elements are given explicitely. The results are related to the theory of quasi exactly solvable equations.
Fri, 20 Dec 1996 16:36:12 GMT
Fri, 20 Dec 1996 16:36:12 GMT
[ [ "Carroll", "R.", "", "Mathematics Dept., University of Illinois,\n Urbana, IL" ], [ "Chang", "J.", "", "Mathematics Dept., University of Illinois,\n Urbana, IL" ] ]
The Whitham equations revisited
solv-int nlin.SI
We survey some topics involving the Whitham equations, concentrating on the role of the Baker Akhiezer function in averaging. Some connections to symplectic geometry and Seiberg-Witten theory are indicated.
Tue, 24 Dec 1996 14:04:20 GMT
Tue, 24 Dec 1996 14:04:20 GMT
[ [ "Carroll", "R.", "", "Mathematics Dept., University of Illinois, Urbana, IL" ] ]
Some kernels on a Riemann surface
solv-int nlin.SI
We discuss certain kernels on a Riemann surface, constructed mainly via Baker Akhiezer functions, and indicate relations to dispersionless theory.
Tue, 24 Dec 1996 14:08:21 GMT
Tue, 24 Dec 1996 14:08:21 GMT
[ [ "Harnad", "J.", "" ] ]
Bispectral Operators of Rank 1 and Dual Isomonodromic Deformations
solv-int hep-th nlin.SI
A comparison is made between bispectral operator pairs and dual pairs of isomonodromic deformation equations. Through examples, it is shown how operators belonging to rank one bispectral algebras may be viewed equivalently as defining 1-parameter families of rational first order differential operators with matricial coefficients on the Riemann sphere, whose monodromy is trivial. By interchanging the r\^oles of the two variables entering in the bispectral pair, a second 1-parameter family of operators with trivial monodromy is obtained, which may be viewed as the dual isomonodromic deformation system.
Thu, 26 Dec 1996 23:15:18 GMT
Thu, 26 Dec 1996 23:15:18 GMT
[ [ "Kitaev", "A. V.", "" ], [ "Vartanian", "A. H.", "" ] ]
Leading Order Temporal Asymptotics of the Modified Non-Linear Schrodinger Equation: Solitonless Sector
solv-int nlin.PS nlin.SI patt-sol physics.plasm-ph
Using the matrix Riemann-Hilbert factorisation approach for non-linear evolution equations (NLEEs) integrable in the sense of the inverse scattering method, we obtain, in the solitonless sector, the leading-order asymptotics as $t$ tends to plus and minus infinity of the solution to the Cauchy initial-value problem for the modified non-linear Schrodinger equation: also obtained are analogous results for two gauge-equivalent NLEEs; in particular, the derivative non-linear Schrodinger equation.
Fri, 27 Dec 1996 13:18:41 GMT
Tue, 24 Jun 1997 15:45:46 GMT
[ [ "Hietarinta", "Jarmo", "" ] ]
Painleve equations in terms of entire functions
solv-int nlin.SI
In these lectures we discuss how the Painleve equations can be written in terms of entire functions, and then in the Hirota bilinear (or multilinear) form. Hirota's method, which has been so useful in soliton theory, is reviewed and connections from soliton equations to Painleve equations through similarity reductions are discussed from this point of view. In the main part we discuss how singularity structure of the solutions and formal integration of the Painleve equations can be used to find a representation in terms of entire functions. Sometimes the final result is a pair of Hirota bilinear equations, but for $P_{VI}$ we need also a quadrilinear expression. The use of discrete versions of Painleve equations is also discussed briefly. It turns out that with discrete equations one gets better information on the singularities, which can then be represented in terms of functions with a simple zero.
Mon, 30 Dec 1996 10:35:06 GMT
Mon, 30 Dec 1996 10:35:06 GMT
[ [ "Tracy", "C. A.", "" ], [ "Widom", "H.", "" ] ]
Asymptotics of a Class of Solutions to the Cylindrical Toda Equations
solv-int funct-an math.FA nlin.SI
The small t asymptotics of a class of solutions to the 2D cylindrical Toda equations is computed. The solutions, q_k(t), have the representation q_k(t) = log det(I-lambda K_k) - log det(I-lambda K_{k-1}) where K_k are integral operators. This class includes the n-periodic cylindrical Toda equations. For n=2 our results reduce to the previously computed asymptotics of the 2D radial sinh-Gordon equation and for n=3 (and with an additional symmetry contraint) they reduce to earlier results for the radial Bullough-Dodd equation.
Fri, 10 Jan 1997 04:58:57 GMT
Fri, 10 Jan 1997 04:58:57 GMT
[ [ "Kuznetsov", "V. B.", "" ], [ "Nijhoff", "F. W.", "" ], [ "Sklyanin", "E. K.", "" ] ]
Separation of variables for the Ruijsenaars system
solv-int hep-th math.QA nlin.SI q-alg
We construct a separation of variables for the classical n-particle Ruijsenaars system (the relativistic analog of the elliptic Calogero-Moser system). The separated coordinates appear as the poles of the properly normalised eigenvector (Baker-Akhiezer function) of the corresponding Lax matrix. Two different normalisations of the BA functions are analysed. The canonicity of the separated variables is verified with the use of r-matrix technique. The explicit expressions for the generating function of the separating canonical transform are given in the simplest cases n=2 and n=3. Taking nonrelativistic limit we also construct a separation of variables for the elliptic Calogero-Moser system.
Fri, 10 Jan 1997 13:59:29 GMT
Fri, 10 Jan 1997 13:59:29 GMT
[ [ "Liu", "Q. P.", "" ], [ "Manas", "M.", "" ] ]
Crum Transformations and Wronskian Type Solutions for Supersymmetric KdV equation
solv-int hep-th nlin.SI
Darboux transformation is reconsidered for the supersymmetric KdV system. By iterating the Darboux transformation, a supersymmetric extension of the Crum transformation is obtained for the Manin-Radul SKdV equation, in doing so one gets Wronskian superdeterminant representations for the solutions. Particular examples provide us explicit supersymmetric extensions, super solitons, of the standard soliton of the KdV equation. The KdV soliton appears as the body of the super soliton.
Fri, 10 Jan 1997 16:12:46 GMT
Fri, 10 Jan 1997 16:12:46 GMT
[ [ "Ferreira", "Luiz A.", "" ], [ "Guillen", "Joaquin Sanchez", "" ] ]
Aspects of Solitons in Affine Integrable Hierarchies
solv-int hep-th nlin.SI
We argue that one of the basic ingredients for the appearance of soliton solutions in integrable hierarchies, is the existence of ``vacuum solutions'' corresponding to Lax operators lying in some abelian subalgebra of the associated affine Kac-Moody algebra. Using the dressing transformation we construct the solutions in the orbit of those vacuum solutions, and conjecture that the solitons correspond to some special points in those orbits. The generalized tau-function for those hierarchies are defined for integrable highest weight representations. It applies for any level of the representation. We illustrate our methods with the recently proposed non abelian Toda models coupled to matter fields. A very special class of such theories possess a U(1) Noether charge that is proportional to a topological charge. That leads to a mechanism that confines the matter fields inside the solitons.
Fri, 10 Jan 1997 21:04:43 GMT
Fri, 17 Jan 1997 13:32:09 GMT
[ [ "Liu", "Q. P.", "" ], [ "Manas", "M.", "" ] ]
Darboux Transformation for the Manin-Radul Supersymmetric KdV equation
solv-int hep-th nlin.SI
In this paper we present a vectorial Darboux transformation, in terms of ordinary determinants, for the supersymmetric extension of the Korteweg-de Vries equation proposed by Manin and Radul. It is shown how this transformation reduces to the Korteweg-de Vries equation. Soliton type solutions are constructed by dressing the vacuum and we present some relevant plots.
Fri, 10 Jan 1997 17:11:06 GMT
Fri, 10 Jan 1997 17:11:06 GMT
[ [ "Orlov", "A. Yu.", "" ], [ "Winternitz", "P.", "" ] ]
$P_\infty$ algebra of KP, free fermions and 2-cocycle in the Lie algebra of pseudodifferential operators
solv-int nlin.SI
The symmetry algebra $P_\infty = W_\infty \oplus H \oplus I_\infty$ of integrable systems is defined. As an example the classical Sophus Lie point symmetries of all higher KP equations are obtained. It is shown that one (``positive'') half of the point symmetries belongs to the $W_\infty$ symmetries while the other (``negative'') part belongs to the $I_\infty$ ones. The corresponing action on the tau-function is obtained for the positive part of the symmetries. The negative part can not be obtained from the free fermion algebra. A new embedding of the Virasoro algebra into $gl(\infty )$n describes conformal transformations of the KP time variables. A free fermion algebra cocycle is described as a PDO Lie algebra cocycle.
Mon, 13 Jan 1997 21:39:06 GMT
Mon, 3 Feb 1997 23:44:28 GMT
[ [ "Kuznetsov", "Vadim B.", "" ] ]
Separation of variables for the Dn type periodic Toda lattice
solv-int hep-th nlin.SI
We prove separation of variables for the most general (Dn type) periodic Toda lattice with 2x2 Lax matrix. It is achieved by finding proper normalisation for the corresponding Baker-Akhiezer function. Separation of variables for all other periodic Toda lattices associated with infinite series of root systems follows by taking appropriate limits.
Tue, 14 Jan 1997 15:29:46 GMT
Tue, 14 Jan 1997 15:29:46 GMT
[ [ "Suris", "Yuri B.", "", "University of Bremen" ] ]
A note on the integrable discretization of the nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation
solv-int nlin.SI
We revisit integrable discretizations for the nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation due to Ablowitz and Ladik. We demonstrate how their main drawback, the non-locality, can be overcome. Namely, we factorize the non-local difference scheme into the product of local ones. This must improve the performance of the scheme in the numerical computations dramatically. Using the equivalence of the Ablowitz--Ladik and the relativistic Toda hierarchies, we find the interpolating Hamiltonians for the local schemes and show how to solve them in terms of matrix factorizations.
Tue, 14 Jan 1997 16:29:43 GMT
Tue, 21 Jan 1997 12:32:25 GMT
[ [ "Jurco", "Branislav", "" ], [ "Schupp", "Peter", "" ] ]
Twisted Quantum Lax Equations
solv-int hep-th math.QA nlin.SI q-alg
We give the construction of twisted quantum Lax equations associated with quantum groups. We solve these equations using factorization properties of the corresponding quantum groups. Our construction generalizes in many respects the Adler-Kostant-Symes construction for Lie groups and the construction of M. A. Semenov Tian-Shansky for the Lie-Poisson case.
Tue, 21 Jan 1997 09:29:39 GMT
Tue, 21 Jan 1997 09:29:39 GMT
[ [ "Achic", "H. S. Blas", "" ], [ "Ferreira", "L. A.", "" ], [ "Gomes", "J. F.", "" ], [ "Zimerman", "A. H.", "" ] ]
Some comments on the bi(tri)-Hamiltonian structure of Generalized AKNS and DNLS hierarchies
solv-int nlin.SI
We give the correct prescriptions for the terms involving the inverse of the derivative of the delta function, in the Hamiltonian structures of the AKNS and DNLS systems, in order for the Jacobi identities to hold. We also establish that the sl(2) AKNS and DNLS systems are tri-Hamiltonians and construct two compatible Hamiltonian structures for the sl(3) AKNS system. We also give a derivation of the recursion operator for the sl(n+1) DNLS system.
Mon, 20 Jan 1997 16:37:16 GMT
Mon, 20 Jan 1997 16:37:16 GMT
[ [ "Ferreira", "Luiz A.", "" ] ]
The structures underlying soliton solutions in integrable hierarchies
solv-int hep-th nlin.SI
We point out that a common feature of integrable hierarchies presenting soliton solutions is the existence of some special ``vacuum solutions'' such that the Lax operators evaluated on them, lie in some abelian subalgebra of the associated Kac-Moody algebra. The soliton solutions are constructed out of those ``vacuum solitons'' by the dressing transformation procedure.
Mon, 20 Jan 1997 17:12:47 GMT
Mon, 20 Jan 1997 17:12:47 GMT
[ [ "Kiselev", "O. M.", "", "Ufa Institute of Mathematics, Russian Acad. of Sci." ] ]
The Fourier method for the linearized Davey-Stewartson I equation
solv-int nlin.SI
The linearized Davey-Stewartson equation with varing coefficients is solved by Fourier method. The approach uses the inverse scattering transform for the Davey-Stewartson equation.
Mon, 20 Jan 1997 12:07:21 GMT
Mon, 20 Jan 1997 12:07:21 GMT
[ [ "Takemura", "Kouichi", "" ] ]
The Yangian Symmetry in the Spin Calogero Model and its Applications
solv-int cond-mat hep-th math.QA nlin.SI q-alg
By using the non-symmetric Hermite polynomials and a technique based on the Yangian Gelfand-Zetlin bases, we decompose the space of states of the Calogero model with spin into irreducible Yangian modules, construct an orthogonal basis of eigenvectors and derive product-type formulas for norms of these eigenvectors.
Wed, 22 Jan 1997 05:34:38 GMT
Tue, 15 Apr 1997 12:32:31 GMT
[ [ "Korepanov", "I. G.", "" ] ]
Some eigenstates for a model associated with solutions of tetrahedron equation
solv-int nlin.SI
Here we present some eigenstates for a 2+1-dimensional model associated with a solution of the tetrahedron equation. The eigenstates include those "particle-like" (namely one-particle and two-particle ones), constructed in analogy with the usual 1+1-dimensional Bethe ansatz, and some simple "string-like" ones.
Wed, 22 Jan 1997 16:17:03 GMT
Wed, 22 Jan 1997 16:17:03 GMT
[ [ "Aratyn", "H.", "" ], [ "Nissimov", "E.", "" ], [ "Pacheva", "S.", "" ] ]
Method of Squared Eigenfunction Potentials in Integrable Hierarchies of KP Type
solv-int hep-th nlin.SI
The method of squared eigenfunction potentials (SEP) is developed systematically to describe and gain new information about Kadomtsev-Petviashvili (KP) hierarchy and its reductions. Interrelation to the tau-function method is discussed in detail. The principal result, which forms the basis of our SEP method, is the proof that any eigenfunction of the general KP hierarchy can be represented as a spectral integral over the Baker-Akhiezer (BA) wave function with a spectral density expressed in terms of SEP. In fact, the spectral representations of the (adjoint) BA functions can, in turn, be considered as defining equations for the KP hierarchy. The SEP method is subsequently used to show how the reduction of the full KP hierarchy to the constrained KP hierarchies can be given entirely in terms of linear constraint equations on the pertinent tau-functions. The concept of SEP turns out to be crucial in providing a description of constrained KP hierarchies in the language of universal Sato Grassmannian and finding the non-isospectral Virasoro symmetry generators acting on the underlying tau-functions. The SEP method is used to write down generalized binary Darboux-Backlund transformations for constrained KP hierarchies whose orbits are shown to correspond to a new Toda model on a square lattice. As a result, we obtain a series of new determinant solutions for the tau-functions generalizing the known Wronskian (multi-soliton) solutions. Finally, applications to random matrix models in condensed matter physics are briefly discussed.
Fri, 24 Jan 1997 21:06:58 GMT
Thu, 27 Mar 1997 14:49:54 GMT
[ [ "Vaninsky", "K. L.", "" ] ]
Symplectic Structures and Volume Elements in the Function Space for the Cubic Schrodinger Equation
solv-int nlin.SI
We consider various trace formulas for the cubic Schrodinger equation in the space of infinitely smooth functions subject to periodic boundary conditions. The formulas relate conventional integrals of motion to the periods of some Abelian differentials (holomorphic one-forms) on the spectral curve. We show that the periods of Abelian differentials are global coordinates on the moduli space of spectral curves. The exterior derivatives of the holomorphic one-forms are the basic and higher symplectic structures on the phase space. We write explicitly these symplectic structures in $QP$ coordinates. We compute the ratio of two symplectic volume elements in the infinite genus limit.
Tue, 28 Jan 1997 01:55:20 GMT
Tue, 28 Jan 1997 01:55:20 GMT
[ [ "Leznov", "A. N.", "" ], [ "Sorin", "A.", "" ] ]
The Solution of the N=2 Supersymmetric f-Toda Chain with Fixed Ends
solv-int hep-th nlin.SI
The integrability of the recently introduced N=2 supersymmetric f-Toda chain, under appropriate boundary conditions, is proven. The recurrent formulae for its general solutions are derived. As an example, the solution for the simplest case of boundary conditions is presented in explicit form.
Wed, 29 Jan 1997 08:04:00 GMT
Wed, 29 Jan 1997 08:04:00 GMT
[ [ "Sorin", "A.", "" ] ]
The Discrete Symmetries of the N=2 Supersymmetric GNLS Hierarchies
solv-int hep-th nlin.SI
The discrete symmetry transformations of the N=2 supersymmetric (n,m)-GNLS hierarchy are constructed. Their bosonic limit is analyzed and new discrete symmetries of the modified GNLS hierarchy are derived. The explicit relations connecting the integrable hierarchy, produced by the junction of the Lax operators for the N=2 supersymmetric a=4 KdV and (n-1,m)-GNLS hierarchies, to the N=2 supersymmetric (n,m)-GNLS hierarchy are established.
Wed, 29 Jan 1997 08:30:34 GMT
Thu, 13 Feb 1997 07:27:01 GMT
[ [ "Ameduri", "Marco", "" ], [ "Efthimiou", "Costas J.", "" ] ]
Is the classical Bukhvostov-Lipatov model integrable? A Painlev\'e analysis
solv-int hep-th nlin.SI
In this work we apply the Weiss, Tabor and Carnevale integrability criterion (Painlev\'e analysis) to the classical version of the two dimensional Bukhvostov-Lipatov model. We are led to the conclusion that the model is not integrable classically, except at a trivial point where the theory can be described in terms of two uncoupled sine-Gordon models.
Wed, 29 Jan 1997 19:49:25 GMT
Wed, 1 Apr 1998 00:00:00 GMT
[ [ "Hisakado", "Masato", "" ] ]
Coupled Nonlinear Schr\"{o}dinger equation and Toda equation (the Root of Integrability)
solv-int hep-th nlin.SI
We consider the relation between the discrete coupled nonlinear Schr\"{o}dinger equation and Toda equation. Introducing complex times we can show the intergability of the discrete coupled nonlinear Schr\"{o}dinger equation. In the same way we can show the integrability in coupled case of dark and bright equations. Using this method we obtain several integrable equations.
Fri, 31 Jan 1997 01:00:02 GMT
Fri, 11 Apr 1997 06:23:59 GMT
[ [ "Kajiwara", "Kenji", "" ], [ "Yamamoto", "Kazushi", "" ], [ "Ohta", "Yasuhiro", "" ] ]
Rational Solutions for the Discrete Painlev\'e II Equation
solv-int nlin.SI
The rational solutions for the discrete Painlev\'e II equation are constructed based on the bilinear formalism. It is shown that they are expressed by the determinant whose entries are given by the Laguerre polynomials. Continuous limit to the Devisme polynomial representation of the rational solutions for the Painlev\'e II equation is also discussed.
Mon, 10 Feb 1997 04:26:30 GMT
Mon, 10 Feb 1997 04:26:30 GMT
[ [ "Liu", "Q. P.", "" ] ]
Fully Supersymmetric Hierarchies From A Energy Dependent Super Hill Operator
solv-int hep-th nlin.SI
A super Hill operator with energy dependent potentials is proposed and the associated integrable hierarchy is constructed explicitly. It is shown that in the general case, the resulted hierarchy is multi-Hamiltonian system. The Miura type transformations and modified hierarchies are also presented.
Thu, 13 Feb 1997 09:47:52 GMT
Thu, 13 Feb 1997 09:47:52 GMT
[ [ "Suris", "Yuri B.", "", "University of Bremen, Germany" ] ]
On an integrable discretization of the modified Korteweg-de Vries equation
solv-int nlin.SI
We find time discretizations for the two ''second flows'' of the Ablowitz-Ladik hierachy. These discretizations are described by local equations of motion, as opposed to the previously known ones, due to Taha and Ablowitz. Certain superpositions of our maps allow a one-field reduction and serve therefore as valid space-time discretizations of the modified Korteweg-de Vries equation. We expect the performance of these discretizations to be much better then that of the Taha-Ablowitz scheme. The way of finding interpolating Hamiltonians for our maps is also indicated, as well as the solution of an initial value problem in terms of matrix factorizations.
Mon, 17 Feb 1997 11:21:33 GMT
Mon, 17 Feb 1997 11:21:33 GMT
[ [ "Korepanov", "I. G.", "" ] ]
Some eigenstates for a model associated with solutions of tetrahedron equation. II. A bit of algebraization
solv-int nlin.SI
This paper adds two observations to the work solv-int/9701016 where some eigenstates for a model based on tetrahedron equation have been constructed. The first observation is that there exists a more "algebraic" construction of one-particle states, resembling the 1+1-dimensional algebraic Bethe ansatz. The second observation is that the strings introduced in solv-int/9701016 are symmetries of a transfer matrix, rather than just eigenstates.
Wed, 19 Feb 1997 13:13:03 GMT
Wed, 19 Feb 1997 13:13:03 GMT
[ [ "Vereschagin", "V. L.", "" ] ]
Asymptotics for Solution to the Cauchy Problem for Volterra Lattice with Step-Like Initial Values
solv-int nlin.SI
The connection between modulated Riemann surface of genus one and solution to Volterra lattice that tends to constants at infinity is studied. The main term of asymptotics for large time of solution to the mentioned Cauchy problem is written out.
Thu, 20 Feb 1997 05:35:05 GMT
Thu, 20 Feb 1997 05:35:05 GMT
[ [ "Morosi", "C.", "" ], [ "Tondo", "G.", "" ] ]
Quasi-BiHamiltonian Systems and Separability
solv-int nlin.SI
Two quasi--biHamiltonian systems with three and four degrees of freedom are presented. These systems are shown to be separable in terms of Nijenhuis coordinates. Moreover the most general Pfaffian quasi-biHamiltonian system with an arbitrary number of degrees of freedom is constructed (in terms of Nijenhuis coordinates) and its separability is proved.
Mon, 24 Feb 1997 17:34:46 GMT
Mon, 24 Feb 1997 17:34:46 GMT
[ [ "Widom", "Harold", "", "University of California, Santa Cruz" ] ]
An Integral Operator Solution to the Matrix Toda Equations
solv-int funct-an hep-th math.FA nlin.SI
In previous work the author found solutions to the Toda equations that were expressed in terms of determinants of integral operators. Here it is observed that a simple variant yields solutions to the matrix Toda equations. As an application another derivation is given of a differential equation of Sato, Miwa and Jimbo for a particular Fredholm determinant.
Wed, 26 Feb 1997 17:45:49 GMT
Tue, 6 May 1997 19:01:29 GMT
[ [ "Goktas", "Unal", "", "Colorado School of Mines" ], [ "Hereman", "Willy", "", "Colorado School of Mines" ] ]
Symbolic Computation of Conserved Densities for Systems of Nonlinear Evolution Equations
solv-int nlin.SI
A new algorithm for the symbolic computation of polynomial conserved densities for systems of nonlinear evolution equations is presented. The algorithm is implemented in Mathematica. The program condens.m automatically carries out the lengthy symbolic computations for the construction of conserved densities. The code is tested on several well-known partial differential equations from soliton theory. For systems with parameters, condens.m can be used to determine the conditions on these parameters so that a sequence of conserved densities might exist. The existence of a large number of conservation laws is a predictor for integrability of the system.
Thu, 27 Feb 1997 19:58:30 GMT
Thu, 27 Feb 1997 19:58:30 GMT
[ [ "Dickey", "L. A.", "" ] ]
Poisson brackets with divergence terms in field theories: two examples
solv-int nlin.SI
In field theories one often works with the functionals which are integrals of some densities. These densities are defined up to divergence terms (boundary terms). A Poisson bracket of two functionals is also a functional, i.e., an integral of a density. Suppose the divergence term in the density of the Poisson bracket be fixed so that it becomes a bilinear form of densities of two functionals. Then the left-hand side of the Jacobi identity written in terms of densities is not necessarily zero but a divergence of a trilinear form. The question is: what can be said about this trilinear form, what kind of a higher Jacobi identity (involving four fields) it enjoys? Two examples whose origin is the theory of integrable systems are given.
Sat, 1 Mar 1997 21:23:04 GMT
Sat, 1 Mar 1997 21:23:04 GMT
[ [ "Startsev", "S. Ya.", "" ] ]
An analog of the variational derivative and constructive necessary integrability condition for hyperbolic equation
solv-int nlin.SI
An algorithm is constructed which allows to express conserved flows of hyperbolic equations in terms of corresponding conserved densities and to eliminate these flows from conservation laws of hyperbolic equations. The application of this algorithm to canonical conservation laws gives constructive necessary integrability conditions of hyperbolic equations in terms of the generalized Laplace invariants of these equations.
Tue, 4 Mar 1997 14:29:17 GMT
Tue, 4 Mar 1997 14:29:17 GMT
[ [ "Dmitrieva", "V. V.", "" ], [ "Sharipov", "R. A.", "" ] ]
On the point transformations for the second order differential equations. I
solv-int nlin.SI
Point transformations for the ordinary differential equations of the form $y''=P(x,y)+3 Q(x,y) y'+3 R(x,y) (y')^2+S(x,y) (y')^3$ are considered. Some classical results are resumed. Solution for the equivalence problem for the equations of general position is described.
Thu, 6 Mar 1997 15:17:18 GMT
Thu, 6 Mar 1997 15:17:18 GMT
[ [ "Suris", "Yuri B.", "", "University of Bremen" ] ]
A collection of integrable systems of the Toda type in continuous and discrete time, with 2x2 Lax representations
solv-int nlin.SI
A fairly complete list of Toda-like integrable lattice systems, both in the continuous and discrete time, is given. For each system the Newtonian, Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formulations are presented, as well as the 2x2 Lax representation and r-matrix structure. The material is given in the "no comment" style, in particular, all proofs are omitted.
Thu, 6 Mar 1997 17:56:21 GMT
Fri, 7 Mar 1997 15:18:14 GMT
[ [ "Hone", "Andrew N. W.", "" ] ]
Non-autonomous H\'{e}non-Heiles Systems
solv-int nlin.SI
Scaling similarity solutions of three integrable PDEs, namely the Sawada-Kotera, fifth order KdV and Kaup-Kupershmidt equations, are considered. It is shown that the resulting ODEs may be written as non-autonomous Hamiltonian equations, which are time-dependent generalizations of the well-known integrable H\'{e}non-Heiles systems. The (time-dependent) Hamiltonians are given by logarithmic derivatives of the tau-functions (inherited from the original PDEs). The ODEs for the similarity solutions also have inherited B\"{a}cklund transformations, which may be used to generate sequences of rational solutions as well as other special solutions related to the first Painlev\'{e} transcendent.
Wed, 12 Mar 1997 12:55:04 GMT
Wed, 12 Mar 1997 12:55:04 GMT
[ [ "Manna", "M. A.", "" ], [ "Merle", "V.", "" ] ]
Modified Korteweg-de Vries Hierachies in Multiple-Times Variables and the Solutions of Modified Boussinesq Equations
solv-int nlin.SI
We study solitary-wave and kink-wave solutions of a modified Boussinesq equation through a multiple-time reductive perturbation method. We use appropriated modified Korteweg-de Vries hierarchies to eliminate secular producing terms in each order of the perturbative scheme. We show that the multiple-time variables needed to obtain a regular perturbative series are completely determined by the associated linear theory in the case of a solitary-wave solution, but requires the knowledge of each order of the perturbative series in the case of a kink-wave solution. These appropriate multiple-time variables allow us to show that the solitary-wave as well as the kink-wave solutions of the modified Botussinesq equation are actually respectively a solitary-wave and a kink-wave satisfying all the equations of suitable modified Korteweg-de Vries hierarchies.
Mon, 10 Mar 1997 08:12:21 GMT
Mon, 10 Mar 1997 08:12:21 GMT
[ [ "Leon", "J.", "" ], [ "Mikhailov", "A. V.", "" ] ]
Raman Solitons and Raman spikes
solv-int nlin.SI
Stimulated Raman scattering of a laser pump pulse seeded by a Stokes pulse generically leaves a two-level medium initially at rest in an excited state constituted of static solitons and radiation. The soliton birth manifests as sudden very large variations of the phase of the output pump pulse. This is proved by building the IST solution of SRS on the semi-line, which shows moreover that initial Stokes phase flips induce Raman spikes in the pump output also for short pulse experiments.
Mon, 10 Mar 1997 16:22:20 GMT
Mon, 10 Mar 1997 16:22:20 GMT
[ [ "Radhakrishnan", "R.", "" ], [ "Lakshmanan", "M.", "" ], [ "Hietarinta", "J.", "" ] ]
Inelastic Collision and Switching of Coupled Bright Solitons in Optical Fibers
solv-int nlin.SI
By constructing the general six-parameter bright two-soliton solution of the integrable coupled nonlinear Schrodinger equation (Manakov model) using the Hirota method, we find that the solitons exhibit certain novel inelastic collision properties, which have not been observed in any other (1+1) dimensional soliton system so far. In particular, we identify the exciting possibility of switching solitons between modes by changing the phase. However, the standard elastic collision property of solitons is regained with specific choices of parameters.
Wed, 12 Mar 1997 11:24:38 GMT
Mon, 30 Jun 1997 08:17:44 GMT
[ [ "Kraenkel", "R. A.", "", "IFT-UNESP, Sao\n Paulo, Brazil" ], [ "Pereira", "J. G.", "", "IFT-UNESP, Sao\n Paulo, Brazil" ], [ "Neto", "E. C. de Rey", "", "IFT-UNESP, Sao\n Paulo, Brazil" ] ]
Linearizability of the Perturbed Burgers Equation
solv-int nlin.SI
We show in this letter that the perturbed Burgers equation $u_t = 2uu_x + u_{xx} + \epsilon ( 3 \alpha_1 u^2 u_x + 3\alpha_2 uu_{xx} + 3\alpha_3 u_x^2 + \alpha_4 u_{xxx} )$ is equivalent, through a near-identity transformation and up to order \epsilon, to a linearizable equation if the condition $3\alpha_1 - 3\alpha_3 - 3/2 \alpha_2 + 3/2 \alpha_4 = 0$ is satisfied. In the case this condition is not fulfilled, a normal form for the equation under consideration is given. Then, to illustrate our results, we make a linearizability analysis of the equations governing the dynamics of a one-dimensional gas.
Wed, 19 Mar 1997 14:38:15 GMT
Wed, 19 Mar 1997 14:38:15 GMT
[ [ "Korepanov", "I. G.", "" ] ]
Some eigenstates for a model associated with solutions of tetrahedron equation. III. Tetrahedral Zamolodchikov algebras and perturbed strings
solv-int nlin.SI
This paper continues the series begun with works solv-int/9701016 and solv-int/9702004. Here we show how to construct eigenstates for a model based on tetrahedron equation using the tetrahedral Zamolodchikov algebras. This yields, in particular, new eigenstates for the model on infinite lattice -- `perturbed', or `broken', strings.
Thu, 20 Mar 1997 14:12:36 GMT
Thu, 20 Mar 1997 14:12:36 GMT
[ [ "Gomberoff", "Andres", "" ], [ "Hojman", "Sergio A.", "" ] ]
Non-standard Construction of Hamiltonian Structures
solv-int hep-th nlin.SI
Examples of the construction of Hamiltonian structures for dynamical systems in field theory (including one reputedly non-Hamiltonian problem) without using Lagrangians, are presented. The recently developed method used requires the knowledge of one constant of the motion of the system under consideration and one solution of the symmetry equation.
Thu, 20 Mar 1997 23:38:36 GMT
Thu, 20 Mar 1997 23:38:36 GMT
[ [ "Gumral", "H.", "" ] ]
Lagrangian Description, Symplectic Structure, and Invariants of 3D Fluid Flow
solv-int nlin.SI
Three dimensional unsteady flow of fluids in the Lagrangian description is considered as an autonomous dynamical system in four dimensions. The condition for the existence of a symplectic structure on the extended space is the frozen field equations of the Eulerian description of motion. Integral invariants of symplectic flow are related to conservation laws of the dynamical equation. A scheme generating infinite families of symmetries and invariants is presented. For the Euler equations these invariants are shown to have a geometric origin in the description of flow as geodesic motion; they are also interpreted in connection with the particle relabelling symmetry.
Mon, 24 Mar 1997 10:08:50 GMT
Mon, 24 Mar 1997 10:08:50 GMT
[ [ "Carroll", "Robert", "", "Mathematics Dept., University of Illinois, Urbana, IL" ] ]
solv-int nlin.SI
We show how the WDVV equations and the DZM system can be characterized via a background family of functions.
Tue, 25 Mar 1997 07:49:18 GMT
Tue, 25 Mar 1997 07:49:18 GMT
[ [ "Zabrodin", "A.", "" ] ]
A survey of Hirota's difference equations
solv-int hep-th nlin.SI
A review of selected topics in Hirota's bilinear difference equation (HBDE) is given. This famous 3-dimensional difference equation is known to provide a canonical integrable discretization for most important types of soliton equations. Similarly to the continuous theory, HBDE is a member of an infinite hierarchy. The central point of our exposition is a discrete version of the zero curvature condition explicitly written in the form of discrete Zakharov-Shabat equations for M-operators realized as difference or pseudo-difference operators. A unified approach to various types of M-operators and zero curvature representations is suggested. Different reductions of HBDE to 2-dimensional equations are considered. Among them discrete counterparts of the KdV, sine-Gordon, Toda chain, relativistic Toda chain and other typical examples are discussed in detail.
Sun, 30 Mar 1997 17:10:51 GMT
Sun, 30 Mar 1997 17:10:51 GMT
[ [ "Feher", "Laszlo", "" ], [ "Marshall", "Ian", "" ] ]
Extended matrix Gelfand-Dickey hierarchies: reduction to classical Lie algebras
solv-int hep-th nlin.SI
The Drinfeld-Sokolov reduction method has been used to associate with $gl_n$ extensions of the matrix r-KdV system. Reductions of these systems to the fixed point sets of involutive Poisson maps, implementing reduction of $gl_n$ to classical Lie algebras of type $B, C, D$, are here presented. Modifications corresponding, in the first place to factorisation of the Lax operator, and then to Wakimoto realisations of the current algebra components of the factorisation, are also described.
Mon, 31 Mar 1997 12:58:03 GMT
Mon, 31 Mar 1997 12:58:03 GMT
[ [ "Cicogna", "G.", "" ] ]
Convergent Normal Forms of Symmetric Dynamical Systems
solv-int nlin.SI
It is shown that the presence of Lie-point-symmetries of (non-Hamiltonian) dynamical systems can ensure the convergence of the coordinate transformations which take the dynamical sytem (or vector field) into Poincar\'e-Dulac normal form.
Wed, 2 Apr 1997 07:23:21 GMT
Wed, 2 Apr 1997 07:23:21 GMT
[ [ "Takasaki", "Kanehisa", "", "Kyoto University" ] ]
Spectral Curves and Whitham Equations in Isomonodromic Problems of Schlesinger Type
solv-int hep-th math.QA nlin.SI q-alg
It has been known since the beginning of this century that isomonodromic problems --- typically the Painlev\'e transcendents --- in a suitable asymptotic region look like a kind of ``modulation'' of isospectral problem. This connection between isomonodromic and isospectral problems is reconsidered here in the light of recent studies related to the Seiberg-Witten solutions of $N = 2$ supersymmetric gauge theories. A general machinary is illustrated in a typical isomonodromic problem, namely the Schlesinger equation, which is reformulated to include a small parameter $\epsilon$. In the small-$\epsilon$ limit, solutions of this isomonodromic problem are expected to behave as a slowly modulated finite-gap solution of an isospectral problem. The modulation is caused by slow deformations of the spectral curve of the finite-gap solution. A modulation equation of this slow dynamics is derived by a heuristic method. An inverse period map of Seiberg-Witten type turns out to give general solutions of this modulation equation. This construction of general solution also reveals the existence of deformations of Seiberg-Witten type on the same moduli space of spectral curves. A prepotential is also constructed in the same way as the prepotential of the Seiberg-Witten theory.
Tue, 8 Apr 1997 02:21:28 GMT
Fri, 7 Nov 1997 09:03:51 GMT
[ [ "Myrzakulov", "R.", "", "High Energy Physics Institute, National Academy of\n Sciences, Alma-Ata, Kazakstan" ], [ "Vijayalakshmi", "S.", "", "Centre for Nonlinear Dynamics, Department of Physics,\n Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirapalli, India" ], [ "Nugmanova", "G. N.", "", "Centre for Nonlinear Dynamics, Department of Physics,\n Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirapalli, India" ], [ "Lakshmanan", "M.", "", "Centre for Nonlinear Dynamics, Department of Physics,\n Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirapalli, India" ] ]
A (2+1) dimensional integrable spin model: Geometrical and gauge equivalent counterpart, solitons and localized coherent structures
solv-int nlin.SI
A non-isospectral (2+1) dimensional integrable spin equation is investigated. It is shown that its geometrical and gauge equivalent counterparts is the (2+1) dimensional nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation introduced by Zakharov and studied recently by Strachan. Using a Hirota bilinearised form, line and curved soliton solutions are obtained. Using certain freedom (arbitrariness) in the solutions of the bilinearised equation, exponentially localized dromion-like solutions for the potential is found. Also, breaking soliton solutions (for the spin variables) of the shock wave type and algebraically localized nature are constructed.
Sun, 6 Apr 1997 06:45:34 GMT
Sun, 6 Apr 1997 06:45:34 GMT
[ [ "Saito", "Satoru", "" ], [ "Saitoh", "Noriko", "" ], [ "Konuma", "Hisao", "" ], [ "Yoshida", "Katsuhiko", "" ] ]
Complex Analysis of a Piece of Toda Lattice
solv-int hep-th nlin.SI
We study a small piece of two dimensional Toda lattice as a complex dynamical system. In particular the Julia set, which appears when the piece is deformed, is shown analytically how it disappears as the system approaches to the integrable limit.
Sat, 5 Apr 1997 12:32:41 GMT
Sat, 5 Apr 1997 12:32:41 GMT
[ [ "Saito", "Satoru", "" ] ]
The Correspondence between Discrete Surface and Difference Geometry of the KP-hierarchy
solv-int hep-th nlin.SI
The correspondence between two geometrical descriptions of the KP-hierarchy, one by discrete surface and another by difference analogue of differential geometry, is given.
Sun, 6 Apr 1997 06:08:17 GMT
Sun, 6 Apr 1997 06:08:17 GMT
[ [ "Saito", "Satoru", "" ] ]
Dual Resonance Model Solves the Yang-Baxter Equation
solv-int hep-th nlin.SI
The duality of dual resonance models is shown to imply that the four point string correlation function solves the Yang-Baxter equation. A reduction of transfer matrices to $A_l$ symmetry is described by a restriction of the KP $\tau$ function to Toda molecules.
Sun, 6 Apr 1997 06:18:36 GMT
Sun, 6 Apr 1997 06:18:36 GMT
[ [ "Umeno", "Ken", "" ] ]
Singularity analysis towards nonintegrability of nonhomogeneous nonlinear lattices
solv-int nlin.SI
We show non-integrability of the nonlinear lattice of Fermi-Pasta-Ulam type via the singularity analysis(Picard-Vessiot theory) of normal variational equations of Lam\'e type.
Wed, 16 Apr 1997 10:08:39 GMT
Wed, 16 Apr 1997 10:08:39 GMT
[ [ "Falqui", "Gregorio", "" ], [ "Reina", "Cesare", "" ], [ "Zampa", "Alessandro", "" ] ]
Krichever Maps, Faa' di Bruno Polynomials, and Cohomology in KP Theory
solv-int nlin.SI
We study the geometrical meaning of the Faa' di Bruno polynomials in the context of KP theory. They provide a basis in a subspace W of the universal Grassmannian associated to the KP hierarchy. When W comes from geometrical data via the Krichever map, the Faa' di Bruno recursion relation turns out to be the cocycle condition for (the Welters hypercohomology group describing) the deformations of the dynamical line bundle on the spectral curve together with the meromorphic sections which give rise to the Krichever map. Starting from this, one sees that the whole KP hierarchy has a similar cohomological meaning.
Tue, 15 Apr 1997 08:49:37 GMT
Tue, 15 Apr 1997 08:49:37 GMT
[ [ "Gekhtman", "M.", "" ], [ "Shapiro", "M.", "" ] ]
Non-commutative and commutative integrability of generic Toda flows in simple Lie algebras
solv-int nlin.SI
In this paper we prove the complete integrability of Toda flows on generic coadjoint orbits in simple Lie algebras.
Thu, 17 Apr 1997 16:48:46 GMT
Thu, 17 Apr 1997 16:48:46 GMT
[ [ "Berest", "Y.", "" ], [ "Loutsenko", "I.", "" ] ]
Huygens' Principle in Minkowski Spaces and Soliton Solutions of the Korteweg-de Vries Equation
solv-int nlin.SI
A new class of linear second order hyperbolic partial differential operators satisfying Huygens' principle in Minkowski spaces is presented. The construction reveals a direct connection between Huygens' principle and the theory of solitary wave solutions of the Korteweg-de Vries equation.
Fri, 18 Apr 1997 22:00:52 GMT
Fri, 18 Apr 1997 22:00:52 GMT
[ [ "Korepanov", "I. G.", "" ] ]
Some eigenstates for a model associated with solutions of tetrahedron equation. IV. String-particle marriage
solv-int nlin.SI
This paper continues the series begun with works solv-int/9701016, solv-int/9702004 and solv-int/9703010. Here we construct more sophisticated strings, combining ideas from those papers and some considerations involving solutions of tetrahedron equation due to Sergeev, Mangazeev and Stroganov.
Sat, 19 Apr 1997 08:40:04 GMT
Sat, 19 Apr 1997 08:40:04 GMT
[ [ "Kaptsov", "O. V.", "", "Computing Center, Academy of Sciences,\n Krasnoyarsk, Russia" ], [ "Shan'ko", "Yu. V.", "", "Computing Center, Academy of Sciences,\n Krasnoyarsk, Russia" ] ]
Trilinear representation and the Moutard transformation for the Tzitzeica equation
solv-int nlin.SI
In the paper we present a trilinear form and a Darboux-type transformation to an equation considered by Tzitzeica in 1910. This equation equivalent to the Bullough-Dodd-Jiber-Shabat equation. Soliton solutions are constructed by dressing the trivial solution.
Mon, 21 Apr 1997 12:43:57 GMT
Mon, 21 Apr 1997 12:43:57 GMT
[ [ "Lipan", "O.", "" ], [ "Wiegmann", "P. B.", "" ], [ "Zabrodin", "A.", "" ] ]
Fusion rules for Quantum Transfer Matrices as a Dynamical System on Grassmann Manifolds
solv-int hep-th math.QA nlin.SI q-alg
We show that the set of transfer matrices of an arbitrary fusion type for an integrable quantum model obey these bilinear functional relations, which are identified with an integrable dynamical system on a Grassmann manifold (higher Hirota equation). The bilinear relations were previously known for a particular class of transfer matrices corresponding to rectangular Young diagrams. We extend this result for general Young diagrams. A general solution of the bilinear equations is presented.
Tue, 22 Apr 1997 23:50:29 GMT
Tue, 22 Apr 1997 23:50:29 GMT