[ [ "McLachlan", "Robert I.", "", "Program in Applied Mathematics,\n University of Colorado at Boulder" ], [ "Segur", "Harvey", "", "Program in Applied Mathematics,\n University of Colorado at Boulder" ] ]
A note on the motion of surfaces
solv-int nlin.SI
We study the motion of surfaces in an intrinsic formulation in which the surface is described by its metric and curvature tensors. The evolution equations for the six quantities contained in these tensors are reduced in number in two cases: (i) for arbitrary surfaces, we use principal coordinates to obtain two equations for the two principal curvatures, highlighting the similarity with the equations of motion of a plane curve; and (ii) for surfaces with spatially constant negative curvature, we use parameterization by Tchebyshev nets to reduce to a single evolution equation. We also obtain necessary and sufficient conditions for a surface to maintain spatially constant negative curvature as it moves. One choice for the surface's normal motion leads to the modified-Korteweg de Vries equation,the appearance of which is explained by connections to the AKNS hierarchy and the motion of space curves.
Wed, 23 Jun 1993 23:24:04 GMT
Wed, 23 Jun 1993 23:24:04 GMT
[ [ "Boiti", "M.", "", "Dipartimento di Fisica dell'Universita` e\n Sezione INFN, Lecce, Italy" ], [ "Pempinelli", "F.", "", "Dipartimento di Fisica dell'Universita` e\n Sezione INFN, Lecce, Italy" ], [ "Pogrebkov", "A.", "", "Steklov Mathematical Institute,\n Moscow, Russia" ] ]
Solutions of the Kpi Equation with Smooth Initial Data
solv-int nlin.SI
The solution $u(t,x,y)$ of the Kadomtsev--Petviashvili I (KPI) equation with given initial data $u(0,x,y)$ belonging to the Schwartz space is considered. No additional special constraints, usually considered in literature, as $\int\!dx\,u(0,x,y)=0$ are required to be satisfied by the initial data. The problem is completely solved in the framework of the spectral transform theory and it is shown that $u(t,x,y)$ satisfies a special evolution version of the KPI equation and that, in general, $\partial_t u(t,x,y)$ has different left and right limits at the initial time $t=0$. The conditions of the type $\int\!dx\,u(t,x,y)=0$, $\int\!dx\,xu_y(t,x,y)=0$ and so on (first, second, etc. `constraints') are dynamically generated by the evolution equation for $t\not=0$. On the other side $\int\!dx\!\!\int\!dy\,u(t,x,y)$ with prescribed order of integrations is not necessarily equal to zero and gives a nontrivial integral of motion.
Wed, 30 Jun 1993 06:07:06 GMT
Wed, 30 Jun 1993 06:07:06 GMT
[ [ "van Diejen", "J. F.", "" ] ]
Deformations of Calogero-Moser Systems
solv-int hep-th nlin.SI
Recent results are surveyed pertaining to the complete integrability of some novel n-particle models in dimension one. These models generalize the Calogero-Moser systems related to classical root systems. Quantization leads to difference operators instead of differential operators.
Mon, 18 Oct 1993 12:17:51 GMT
Mon, 18 Oct 1993 12:17:51 GMT
[ [ "Kajiwara", "Kenji", "", "Dept. Appl. Phys., Fac. Engin., Univ. of Tokyo, Japan" ], [ "Ohta", "Yasuhiro", "", "RIMS, Kyoto Univ., Japan" ], [ "Satsuma", "Junkichi", "", "Dept. Math. Sci.,\n Univ. of Tokyo, Japan" ], [ "Grammaticos", "Basil", "", "LPN, Univ. Paris VII, France" ], [ "Ramani", "Alfred", "", "CPT, Ecole Polytechnique, France" ] ]
Casorati Determinant Solutions for the Discrete Painlev\'e-II Equation
solv-int nlin.SI
We present a class of solutions to the discrete Painlev\'e-II equation for particular values of its parameters. It is shown that these solutions can be expressed in terms of Casorati determinants whose entries are discrete Airy functions. The analogy between the $\tau$ function for the discrete P$_{\rm \romanno2}$ and the that of the discrete Toda molecule equation is pointed out.
Wed, 20 Oct 1993 06:20:17 GMT
Wed, 20 Oct 1993 06:20:17 GMT
[ [ "Grammaticos", "B.", "", "LPN, Université Paris VII, Tour 24-14, 5 etage,\n Paris, France" ], [ "Nijhoff", "F. W.", "", "Department of Mathematics and Computer Science,\n Clarkson University, Potsdam NY, USA" ], [ "Papageorgiou", "V.", "", "LPN, Université\n Paris VII Tour 24-14, 5 etage, Paris, France and Department of Mathematics\n and Computer Science Clarkson University, Potsdam NY, USA" ], [ "Ramani", "A.", "", "CPT, Ecole Polytechnique CNRS, UPR 14, 91128 Palaiseau, France" ] ]
Linearization And Solutions Of The Discrete Painlev\'e-III Equation
solv-int nlin.SI
We present particular solutions of the discrete Painlev\'e III (d-P$\rm_{III}$) equation of rational and special function (Bessel) type. These solutions allow us to establish a close parallel between this discrete equation and its continuous counterpart. Moreover, we propose an alternate form for d-P$\rm_{III}$ and confirm its integrability by explicitly deriving its Lax pair.
Wed, 3 Nov 1993 09:56:21 GMT
Wed, 3 Nov 1993 09:56:21 GMT
[ [ "Hietarinta", "J.", "", "CPT, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau,\n France" ], [ "Ramani", "A.", "", "CPT, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau,\n France" ], [ "Grammaticos", "B.", "", "LPN, Universite Paris VII, Paris, France" ] ]
Continuous vacua in bilinear soliton equations
solv-int nlin.SI
We discuss the freedom in the background field (vacuum) on top of which the solitons are built. If the Hirota bilinear form of a soliton equation is given by $A(D_{\vec x})\bd GF=0,\, B(D_{\vec x})(\bd FF - \bd GG)=0$ where both $A$ and $B$ are even polynomials in their variables, then there can be a continuum of vacua, parametrized by a vacuum angle $\phi$. The ramifications of this freedom on the construction of one- and two-soliton solutions are discussed. We find, e.g., that once the angle $\phi$ is fixed and we choose $u=\arctan G/F$ as the physical quantity, then there are four different solitons (or kinks) connecting the vacuum angles $\pm\phi$, $\pm\phi\pm\Pi2$ (defined modulo $\pi$). The most interesting result is the existence of a ``ghost'' soliton; it goes over to the vacuum in isolation, but interacts with ``normal'' solitons by giving them a finite phase shift.
Wed, 24 Nov 1993 10:10:50 GMT
Wed, 24 Nov 1993 10:10:50 GMT
[ [ "Langer", "Joel", "", "Case Western Reserve University" ], [ "Perline", "Ron", "", "Drexel\n University" ] ]
Local Geometric Invariants of Integrable Evolution Equations
solv-int nlin.SI
The integrable hierarchy of commuting vector fields for the localized induction equation of 3D hydrodynamics, and its associated recursion operator, are used to generate families of integrable evolution equations which preserve local geometric invariants of the evolving curve or swept-out surface.
Thu, 6 Jan 1994 01:32:35 GMT
Thu, 6 Jan 1994 01:32:35 GMT
[ [ "Clarkson", "Peter A.", "", "Department of\n Mathematics, University of Exeter, Exeter, U.K." ], [ "Mansfield", "Elizabeth L.", "", "Department of\n Mathematics, University of Exeter, Exeter, U.K." ] ]
Algorithms for the Nonclassical Method of Symmetry Reductions
solv-int nlin.SI
In this article we present first an algorithm for calculating the determining equations associated with so-called ``nonclassical method'' of symmetry reductions (a la Bluman and Cole) for systems of partial differentail equations. This algorithm requires significantly less computation time than that standardly used, and avoids many of the difficulties commonly encountered. The proof of correctness of the algorithm is a simple application of the theory of Grobner bases. In the second part we demonstrate some algorithms which may be used to analyse, and often to solve, the resulting systems of overdetermined nonlinear PDEs. We take as our principal example a generalised Boussinesq equation, which arises in shallow water theory. Although the equation appears to be non-integrable, we obtain an exact ``two-soliton'' solution from a nonclassical reduction.
Wed, 12 Jan 1994 17:32:39 GMT
Thu, 13 Jan 1994 16:12:30 GMT
[ [ "Clarkson", "Peter A.", "", "Department of\n Mathematics, University of Exeter, Exeter,U.K." ], [ "Mansfield", "Elizabeth L.", "", "Department of\n Mathematics, University of Exeter, Exeter,U.K." ] ]
On a Shallow Water Wave Equation
solv-int nlin.PS nlin.SI patt-sol
In this paper we study a shallow water equation derivable using the Boussinesq approximation, which includes as two special cases, one equation discussed by Ablowitz et. al. [Stud. Appl. Math., 53 (1974) 249--315] and one by Hirota and Satsuma [J. Phys. Soc. Japan}, 40 (1976) 611--612]. A catalogue of classical and nonclassical symmetry reductions, and a Painleve analysis, are given. Of particular interest are families of solutions found containing a rich variety of qualitative behaviours. Indeed we exhibit and plot a wide variety of solutions all of which look like a two-soliton for t>0 but differ radically for t<0. These families arise as nonclassical symmetry reduction solutions and solutions found using the singular manifold method. This example shows that nonclassical symmetries and the singular manifold method do not, in general, yield the same solution set. We also obtain symmetry reductions of the shallow water equation solvable in terms of solutions of the first, third and fifth Painleve equations. We give evidence that the variety of solutions found which exhibit ``nonlinear superposition'' is not an artefact of the equation being linearisable since the equation is solvable by inverse scattering. These solutions have important implications with regard to the numerical analysis for the shallow water equation we study, which would not be able to distinguish the solutions in an initial value problem since an exponentially small change in the initial conditions can result in completely different qualitative behaviours.
Thu, 13 Jan 1994 16:13:33 GMT
Thu, 13 Jan 1994 16:13:33 GMT
[ [ "Leon", "Jerome", "" ] ]
Nonlinear integrable systems related to arbitrary space-time dependence of the spectral transform
solv-int nlin.PS nlin.SI patt-sol
We propose a general algebraic analytic scheme for the spectral transform of solutions of nonlinear evolution equations. This allows us to give the general integrable evolution corresponding to an arbitrary time and space dependence of the spectral transform (in general nonlinear and with non-analytic dispersion relations). The main theorem is that the compatibility conditions gives always a true nonlinear evolution because it can always be written as an identity between polynomials in the spectral variable $k$. This general result is then used to obtain first a method to generate a new class of solutions to the nonlinear Schroedinger equation, and second to construct the spectral transform theory for solving initial-boundary value problems for resonant wave-coupling processes (like self-induced transparency in two-level media, or stimulated Brillouin scattering of plasma waves or else stimulated Raman scattering in nonlinear optics etc...).
Fri, 14 Jan 1994 11:34:18 GMT
Fri, 14 Jan 1994 11:34:18 GMT
[ [ "Merola", "I.", "", "Phys.Dept.Universita'\"La Sapienza\", Roma, Italy" ], [ "Ragnisco", "O.", "", "I.N.F.N., Roma, Italy" ], [ "Zhang", "Tu Gui", "", "Academia Sinica, People's Rep.China" ] ]
A Novel Hierarchy of Integrable Lattices
solv-int nlin.SI
In the framework of the reduction technique for Poisson-Nijenhuis structures, we derive a new hierarchy of integrable lattice, whose continuum limit is the AKNS hierarchy. In contrast with other differential-difference versions of the AKNS system, our hierarchy is endowed with a canonical Poisson structure and, moreover, it admits a vector generalisation. We also solve the associated spectral problem and explicity contruct action-angle variables through the r-matrix approach.
Tue, 25 Jan 1994 13:10:31 GMT
Tue, 25 Jan 1994 13:10:31 GMT
[ [ "Grammaticos", "B.", "", "LPN, Université Paris VII, Tour 24-14, Paris,\n France" ], [ "Ramani", "A.", "", "CPT, Ecole Polytechnique, CNRS, UPR 14, 91128 Palaiseau,\n France" ], [ "Tamizhmani", "K. M.", "", "Departement of Mathematics, Pondicherry University,\n 605014 Pondicherry, India" ] ]
Non Proliferation of Preimages in Integrable Mappings
solv-int nlin.SI
We present an integrability criterion for rational mappings based on two requirements. First, that a given point should have a unique preimage under the mapping and, second, that the spontaneously appearing singularities be confined to a few iteration steps. We present several examples of known integrable mappings that meet these requirements and, also, use our algorithm in order to derive new examples of integrable mappings.
Thu, 10 Feb 1994 13:21:09 GMT
Thu, 10 Feb 1994 13:21:09 GMT
[ [ "Vanhaecke", "Pol", "", "Universite de Lille" ] ]
Integrable systems and symmetric products of curves
solv-int nlin.SI
We show how there is associated to each non-constant polynomial $F(x,y)$ a completely integrable system with polynomial invariants on $\Rd$ and on $\C{2d}$ for each $d\geq1$; in fact the invariants are not only in involution for one Poisson bracket, but for a large class of polynomial Poisson brackets, indexed by the family of polynomials in two variables. We show that the complex invariant manifolds are isomorphic to affine parts of $d$-fold symmetric products of a deformation of the algebraic curve $F(x,y)=0$, and derive the structure of the real invariant manifolds from it. We also exhibit Lax equations for the hyperelliptic case (i.e., when $F(x,y)$ is of the form $y^2+f(x)$) and we show that in this case the invariant manifolds are affine parts of distinguished (non-linear) subvarieties of the Jacobians of the curves. As an application the geometry of the H\'enon-Heiles hierarchy --- a family of superimposable integrable polynomial potentials on the plane --- is revealed and Lax equations for the hierarchy are given.
Fri, 18 Feb 1994 11:13:36 GMT
Tue, 22 Feb 1994 11:16:10 GMT
[ [ "Bueken", "Peter", "", "Katholieke Universiteit Leuven" ] ]
Multi-Hamiltonian formulation for a class of degenerate completely integrable systems
solv-int nlin.SI
Generalizing a construction of P. Vanhaecke, we introduce a large class of degenerate (i.e., associated to a degenerate Poisson bracket) completely integrable systems on (a dense subset of) the space $\R^{2d+n+1}$, called the generalized master systems. It turns out that certain generalized master systems (with different Poisson brackets and different Hamiltonians) determine the same Hamiltonian vector fields (and are therefore different descriptions of the same Hamiltonian system), and that the Poisson brackets of these systems are compatible. Consequently, our class of generalized master systems actually consists of a (smaller) class of completely integrable systems, and our construction yields a multi-Hamiltonian structure for these systems. As an application, we construct a multi-Hamiltonian structure for the so-called master systems introduced by D. Mumford.
Fri, 18 Feb 1994 12:28:56 GMT
Fri, 18 Feb 1994 12:28:56 GMT
[ [ "Depireux", "Didier A", "" ], [ "Schiff", "Jeremy", "" ], [ "de Montreal", "U", "" ], [ "Ilan", "Bar", "" ] ]
On UrKdV and UrKP
solv-int hep-th nlin.SI
We present two extensions of Wilson's explanation of the Miura map from MKdV to KdV. In the first we explain the map of Svinolupov et al from a certain UrKdV-like equation to KdV, and in the second we explain Konopelchenko's map from the modified KP equation to KP. In the course of the latter we introduce an ``UrKP'' system, with an infinite dimensional symmetry, providing us with a systematic method to construct Backlund transformations for the modified KP and KP equations.
Tue, 1 Mar 1994 21:15:44 GMT
Tue, 1 Mar 1994 21:15:44 GMT
[ [ "Langer", "Joel", "", "Case Western Reserve" ], [ "Perline", "Ron", "", "Drexel University" ] ]
The planar filament equation
solv-int nlin.SI
The planar filament equation and its relation to the modified Korteweg-deVries equation are studied in the context of Poisson geometry. The structure of the planar filament equation is shown to be similar to that of the 3-D localized induction equation, previously studied by the authors.
Fri, 25 Mar 1994 18:42:28 GMT
Fri, 25 Mar 1994 18:42:28 GMT
[ [ "Langer", "Joel", "", "Case Western Reserve University" ], [ "Perline", "Ron", "", "Drexel\n University" ] ]
Localized induction equation, Heisenberg chain, and nonlinear Schrodinger equation
solv-int nlin.SI
The three equations named in the title are examples of infinite-dimensional completely integrable Hamiltonian systems, and are related to each other via simple geometric constructions. In this paper, these interrelationships are further explained in terms of the recursion operator for the Localized Induction Equation, and the recursion operator is seen to play a variety of roles in key geometric variational formulas.
Mon, 4 Apr 1994 17:57:59 GMT
Mon, 4 Apr 1994 17:57:59 GMT
[ [ "Sharipov", "R. A.", "", "Department of Mathematics, Bashkir State University,\n Ufa, Russia" ] ]
Dynamical Systems Accepting the Normal Shift
solv-int alg-geom astro-ph gr-qc hep-th math.AG nlin.SI
Newtonian dynamical systems accepting the normal shift on an arbitrary Riemannian manifold are considered. Partial differential equations forming the weak and additional normality conditions for them are reported.
Wed, 7 Apr 1993 05:14:24 GMT
Wed, 7 Apr 1993 05:14:24 GMT
[ [ "Sharipov", "R. A.", "", "home address: Rabochaya str. 5, Ufa 450003, Russia" ] ]
Problem of Metrizability for the Dynamical Systems Accepting the Normal Shift
solv-int nlin.SI
The problem of metrizability for the dynamical systems accepting the normal shift is formulated and solved. The explicit formula for the force field of metrizable Newtonian dynamical system $\ddot\bold r=\bold F(\bold r,\dot\bold r)$ is found.
Sun, 18 Apr 1993 03:22:32 GMT
Sun, 18 Apr 1993 03:22:32 GMT
[ [ "Doktorov", "Evgeny V.", "", "Institute of Physics, 220072\n Minsk, Belarus" ], [ "Vlasov", "Rafael A.", "", "Institute of Physics, 220072\n Minsk, Belarus" ] ]
Spatial Solitons in Media with Delayed-Response Optical Nonlinearities
solv-int nlin.PS nlin.SI patt-sol
Near-soliton scanning light-beam propagation in media with both delayed-response Kerr-type and thermal nonlinearities is analyzed. The delayed-response part of the Kerr nonlinearity is shown to be competitive as compared to the thermal nonlinearity, and relevant contributions to a distortion of the soliton form and phase can be mutually compensated. This quasi-soliton beam propagation regime keeps properties of the incli- ned self-trapped channel.
Wed, 20 Apr 1994 18:15:34 GMT
Wed, 20 Apr 1994 18:15:34 GMT
[ [ "Doktorov", "Evgeny V.", "", "Institute of Physics, 220072 Minsk, Belarus" ] ]
Non-Linear Evolution Equations with Non-Analytic Dispersion Relations in 2+1 Dimensions. Bilocal Approach
solv-int nlin.PS nlin.SI patt-sol
A method is proposed of obtaining (2+1)-dimensional non- linear equations with non-analytic dispersion relations. Bilocal formalism is shown to make it possible to represent these equations in a form close to that for their counterparts in 1+1 dimensions.
Wed, 20 Apr 1994 18:14:18 GMT
Wed, 20 Apr 1994 18:14:18 GMT
[ [ "Grammaticos", "B.", "", "LPN, Universite Paris VII, Tour 24-14, 5eme etage,\n 75251 Paris, France" ], [ "Ramani", "A.", "", "CPT, Ecole Polytechnique,\n 91128 Palaiseau, France" ], [ "Hietarinta", "J.", "", "CPT, Ecole Polytechnique,\n 91128 Palaiseau, France" ] ]
Multilinear Operators: The Natural Extension Of Hirota's Bilinear Formalism
solv-int nlin.SI
We introduce multilinear operators, that generalize Hirota's bilinear $D$ operator, based on the principle of gauge invariance of the $\tau$ functions. We show that these operators can be constructed systematically using the bilinear $D$'s as building blocks. We concentrate in particular on the trilinear case and study the possible integrability of equations with one dependent variable. The 5th order equation of the Lax-hierarchy as well as Satsuma's lowest-order gauge invariant equation are shown to have simple trilinear expressions. The formalism can be extended to an arbitrary degree of multilinearity.
Tue, 26 Apr 1994 11:38:01 GMT
Tue, 26 Apr 1994 11:38:01 GMT
[ [ "Perline", "Ron", "", "Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Drexel\n University" ] ]
Localized induction equation and pseudospherical surfaces
solv-int hep-th nlin.SI
We describe a close connection between the localized induction equation hierarchy of integrable evolution equations on space curves, and surfaces of constant negative Gauss curvature.
Sat, 11 Jun 1994 16:47:27 GMT
Sat, 11 Jun 1994 16:47:27 GMT
[ [ "Christiansen", "Freddy", "", "INO, Largo E. Fermi 6, Firenze, Italy" ], [ "Rugh", "Hans Henrik", "", "IHES, 35 Route de Chartres, Bures-sur Yvette, France" ], [ "Rugh", "Svend Erik", "", "NBI, Blegdamsvej 17, Copenhagen, Denmark" ] ]
Non-integrability of the mixmaster universe
solv-int chao-dyn gr-qc nlin.CD nlin.SI
We comment on an analysis by Contopoulos et al. which demonstrates that the governing six-dimensional Einstein equations for the mixmaster space-time metric pass the ARS or reduced Painlev\'{e} test. We note that this is the case irrespective of the value, $I$, of the generating Hamiltonian which is a constant of motion. For $I < 0$ we find numerous closed orbits with two unstable eigenvalues strongly indicating that there cannot exist two additional first integrals apart from the Hamiltonian and thus that the system, at least for this case, is very likely not integrable. In addition, we present numerical evidence that the average Lyapunov exponent nevertheless vanishes. The model is thus a very interesting example of a Hamiltonian dynamical system, which is likely non-integrable yet passes the reduced Painlev\'{e} test.
Mon, 13 Jun 1994 15:46:10 GMT
Sun, 18 Dec 1994 15:35:27 GMT
[ [ "Yahalom", "Asher", "" ] ]
Helicity Conservation via the Noether Theorem
solv-int nlin.SI
The conservation of helicity in ideal barotropic fluids is discussed from a group theoretical point of view. A new symmetry group is introduced i.e. the alpha group of translations. It is proven via the Noether theorem that this group generates helicity conservation.
Fri, 1 Jul 1994 11:38:19 GMT
Fri, 1 Jul 1994 11:38:19 GMT
[ [ "Willox", "Ralph", "" ], [ "Hereman", "Willy", "" ], [ "Verheest", "Frank", "" ] ]
Complete integrability of a modified vector derivative nonlinear Schroedinger equation
solv-int nlin.SI
Oblique propagation of magnetohydrodynamic waves in warm plasmas is described by a modified vector derivative nonlinear Schroedinger equation, if charge separation in Poisson's equation and the displacement current in Ampere's law are properly taken into account. This modified equation cannot be reduced to the standard derivative nonlinear Schroedinger equation and hence its possible integrability and related properties need to be established afresh. Indeed, the new equation is shown to be integrable by the existence of a bi--Hamiltonian structure, which yields the recursion operator needed to generate an infinite sequence of conserved densities. Some of these have been found explicitly by symbolic computations based on the symmetry properties of the new equation. Since the new equation includes as a special case the derivative nonlinear Schroedinger equation, the recursion operator for the latter one is now readily available.
Thu, 14 Jul 1994 10:22:59 GMT
Thu, 14 Jul 1994 10:22:59 GMT
[ [ "Pavlov", "M. V.", "", "Landau Institute for Theor. Physics., Moscow, Russia" ], [ "Sharipov", "R. A.", "", "Dep. of Math., Bashkir State Univ., Ufa, Russia" ], [ "Svinolupov", "S. I.", "", "Inst. of Math., Ufa, Russia" ] ]
Invariant Integrability Criterion for the Equations of Hydrodynamical Type
solv-int nlin.SI
Invariant integrability criterion for the equations of hydrodynamical type is found. This criterion is written in the form of vanishing for some tensor which is derived from the velocities matrix of hydrodynamical equations.
Sun, 18 Jul 1993 02:37:03 GMT
Sun, 18 Jul 1993 02:37:03 GMT
[ [ "Adler", "V. E.", "" ] ]
Integrable deformations of a polygon
solv-int nlin.SI
The new integrable mapping with a simple geometric interpretation is presented. This mapping arise from the nonlinear superposition principle for the B\"acklund transformations of some vector evolution equation.
Tue, 19 Jul 1994 07:49:09 GMT
Tue, 19 Jul 1994 07:49:09 GMT
[ [ "Doliwa", "Adam", "", "Institute of Theoretical Physics, Warsaw University" ], [ "Santini", "Paolo Maria", "", "Dipartimento di Fisica, Universita di Roma \"La Sapienza\"\n and INFN Sezione di Roma" ] ]
Integrable dynamics of a discrete curve and the Ablowitz-Ladik hierarchy
solv-int nlin.SI
We show that the following elementary geometric properties of the motion of a discrete (i.e. piecewise linear) curve select the integrable dynamics of the Ablowitz-Ladik hierarchy of evolution equations: i) the set of points describing the discrete curve lie on the sphere S^3, ii) the distance between any two subsequant points does not vary in time, iii) the dynamics does not depend explicitly on the radius of the sphere. These results generalize to a discrete context our previous work on continuous curves.
Wed, 27 Jul 1994 19:34:43 GMT
Wed, 27 Jul 1994 19:34:43 GMT
[ [ "Wu", "Hua", "", "Department of Physics and Astronomy,\n McMaster University Hamilton, Ontario, Canada" ], [ "Sprung", "D. W. L.", "", "Department of Physics and Astronomy,\n McMaster University Hamilton, Ontario, Canada" ], [ "Martorell", "J.", "", "Dept.\n d'Estructura i Constituents de la Materia, Facultat Fisica, University of\n Barcelona, Spain" ] ]
Numerical investigation of iso-spectral cavities built from triangles
solv-int nlin.SI
We present computational approaches as alternatives to the recent microwave cavity experiment by S. Sridhar and A. Kudrolli (Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 72}, 2175 (1994)) on iso-spectral cavities built from triangles. A straightforward proof of iso-spectrality is given based on the mode matching method. Our results show that the experiment is accurate to 0.3% for the first 25 states. The level statistics resemble those of GOE when the integrable part of the spectrum is removed.
Wed, 17 Aug 1994 15:09:20 GMT
Wed, 17 Aug 1994 15:09:20 GMT
[ [ "Capel", "H. W.", "" ], [ "Nijhoff", "F. W.", "" ] ]
Integrable Quantum Mappings
solv-int nlin.SI
We discuss the canonical structure of a class of integrable quantum mappings, i.e. iterative canonical transformations that can be interpreted as a discrete dynamical system. As particular examples we consider quantum mappings associated with the lattice analogues of the KdV and MKdV equations. These mappings possess a non-ultralocal quantum Yang-Baxter structure leading to the existence of commuting families of exact quantum invariants. We derive the associated quantum Miura transformations between these mappings and the corresponding quantum bi-Hamiltonian structure.
Fri, 2 Sep 1994 12:33:10 GMT
Fri, 2 Sep 1994 12:33:10 GMT
[ [ "Bassom", "Andrew P.", "", "Department of Mathematics,\n University of Exeter, Exeter, U.K." ], [ "Clarkson", "Peter A.", "", "Department of Mathematics,\n University of Exeter, Exeter, U.K." ] ]
New exact solutions for the discrete fourth Painlev\'e equation
solv-int nlin.SI
In this paper we derive a number of exact solutions of the discrete equation $$x_{n+1}x_{n-1}+x_n(x_{n+1}+x_{n-1})= {-2z_nx_n^3+(\eta-3\delta^{-2}-z_n^2)x_n^2+\mu^2\over (x_n+z_n+\gamma)(x_n+z_n-\gamma)},\eqno(1)$$ where $z_n=n\delta$ and $\eta$, $\delta$, $\mu$ and $\gamma$ are constants. In an appropriate limit (1) reduces to the fourth \p\ (PIV) equation $${\d^2w\over\d z^2} = {1\over2w}\left({\d w\over\d z}\right)^2+\tfr32w^3 + 4zw^2 + 2(z^2-\alpha)w +{\beta\over w},\eqno(2)$$ where $\alpha$ and $\beta$ are constants and (1) is commonly referred to as the discretised fourth Painlev\'e equation. A suitable factorisation of (1) facilitates the identification of a number of solutions which take the form of ratios of two polynomials in the variable $z_n$. Limits of these solutions yield rational solutions of PIV (2). It is also known that there exist exact solutions of PIV (2) that are expressible in terms of the complementary error function and in this article we show that a discrete analogue of this function can be obtained by analysis of (1).
Fri, 16 Sep 1994 15:32:03 GMT
Fri, 16 Sep 1994 15:32:03 GMT
[ [ "Clarkson", "Peter A.", "", "Department of\n Mathematics, University of Exeter, Exeter, U.K." ], [ "Mansfield", "Elizabeth L.", "", "Department of\n Mathematics, University of Exeter, Exeter, U.K." ] ]
Symmetry Reductions and Exact Solutions of Shallow Water Wave Equations
solv-int nlin.SI
In this paper we study symmetry reductions and exact solutions of the shallow water wave (SWW) equation $$u_{xxxt} + \alpha u_x u_{xt} + \beta u_t u_{xx} - u_{xt} - u_{xx} = 0,\eqno(1)$$ where $\alpha$ and $\beta$ are arbitrary, nonzero, constants, which is derivable using the so-called Boussinesq approximation. Two special cases of this equation, or the equivalent nonlocal equation obtained by setting $u_x=U$, have been discussed in the literature. The case $\alpha=2\beta$ was discussed by Ablowitz, Kaup, Newell and Segur [{\it Stud.\ Appl.\ Math.}, {\bf53} (1974) 249], who showed that this case was solvable by inverse scattering through a second order linear problem. This case and the case $\alpha=\beta$ were studied by Hirota and Satsuma [{\it J.\ Phys.\ Soc.\ Japan}, {\bf40} (1976) 611] using Hirota's bi-linear technique. Further the case $\alpha=\beta$ is solvable by inverse scattering through a third order linear problem. In this paper a catalogue of symmetry reductions is obtained using the classical Lie method and the nonclassical method due to Bluman and Cole [{\it J.\ Math.\ Mech.\/}, {\bf 18} (1969) 1025]. The classical Lie method yields symmetry reductions of (1) expressible in terms of the first, third and fifth \p\ transcendents and Weierstrass elliptic functions. The nonclassical method yields a plethora of exact solutions of (1) with $\alpha=\beta$ which possess a rich variety of qualitative behaviours. These solutions all like a two-soliton solution for $t<0$ but differ radically for $t>0$ and may be viewed as a nonlinear superposition of two solitons, one travelling to the left with arbitrary speed and the other to the right with equal and opposite speed.
Fri, 23 Sep 1994 13:14:21 GMT
Fri, 23 Sep 1994 13:14:21 GMT
[ [ "Ferapontov", "E. V.", "" ], [ "Nutku", "Y.", "" ] ]
On the Monge-Ampere equivalent of the sine-Gordon equation
solv-int nlin.SI
Surfaces of constant negative curvature in Euclidean space can be described by either the sine-Gordon equation for the angle between asymptotic directions, or a Monge-Ampere equation for the graph of the surface. We present the explicit form of the correspondence between these two integrable non-linear partial differential equations using their well-known properties in differential geometry. We find that the cotangent of the angle between asymptotic directions is directly related to the mean curvature of the surface. This is a Backlund-type transformation between the sine-Gordon and Monge-Ampere equations.
Mon, 3 Oct 1994 08:55:56 GMT
Mon, 3 Oct 1994 08:55:56 GMT
[ [ "NIMMO", "J J C", "", "Department of Mathematics, University of Glasgow, Glasgow\n G12 8QW, Scotland" ] ]
Darboux Transformations from Reductions of the KP Hierarchy
solv-int nlin.SI
The use of effective Darboux transformations for general classes Lax pairs is discussed. The general construction of ``binary'' Darboux transformations preserving certain properties of the operator, such as self-adjointness, is given. The classes of Darboux transformations found include the multicomponent BKP and CKP reductions of the KP hierarchy.
Tue, 11 Oct 1994 16:10:47 GMT
Tue, 11 Oct 1994 16:10:47 GMT
[ [ "Shinbrot", "Troy", "", "Northwestern University" ], [ "Ottino", "J. M.", "", "Northwestern\n University" ] ]
Maps, PDE's and Solitary Waves
solv-int chao-dyn nlin.CD nlin.PS nlin.SI patt-sol
We describe a map-based model which reproduces many of the behaviors seen in partial differential equations (PDE's). Like PDE's, we show that this model can support an infinite number of stationary solutions, traveling solutions, breathing solutions, and elastically colliding solutions. Unlike PDE's, the model can be applied with minimal computational machinery, and few sources of numerical error. Moreover, this model clarifies possible mechanisms by which various coherent solutions are maintained in the face of dispersion.
Thu, 13 Oct 1994 21:58:42 GMT
Thu, 13 Oct 1994 21:58:42 GMT
[ [ "Grinevich", "Piotr G.", "" ], [ "Novikov", "Roman G.", "" ] ]
Transparent Potentials at Fixed Energy in Dimension Two. Fixed-Energy Dispersion Relations for the Fast Decaying Potentials
solv-int funct-an hep-th math.FA nlin.SI
For the two-dimensional Schr\"odinger equation $$ [- \Delta +v(x)]\psi=E\psi,\ x\in \R^2,\ E=E_{fixed}>0 \ \ \ \ \ (*)$$ at a fixed positive energy with a fast decaying at infinity potential $v(x)$ dispersion relations on the scattering data are given.Under "small norm" assumption using these dispersion relations we give (without a complete proof of sufficiency) a characterization of scattering data for the potentials from the Schwartz class $S=C_{\infty}^{(\infty)} (\hbox{\bf R}^2).$ For the potentials with zero scattering amplitude at a fixed energy $\scriptstyle E_{fixed}$ (transparent potentials) we give a complete proof of this characterization. As a consequence we construct a family (parameterized by a function of one variable) of two-dimensional spherically-symmetric real potentials from the Schwartz class $S$ transparent at a given energy. For the two-dimensional case (without assumption that the potential is small) we show that there are no nonzero real exponentially decreasing at infinity, potentials transparent at a fixed energy. For any dimension greater or equal 1 we prove that there are no nonzero real potentials with zero forward scattering amplitude at an energy interval. We show that KdV-type equations in dimension 2+1 related with the scattering problem $(*)$ (the Novikov-Veselov equations) do not preserve, in general, these dispersion relations starting from the second one. As a corollary these equations do not preserve, in general , the decay rate faster then $|x|^{-3}$ for initial data from the Schwartz class.
Wed, 26 Oct 1994 10:53:46 GMT
Fri, 28 Oct 1994 18:04:49 GMT
[ [ "Nerney", "Steven", "", "National Research Council Associate, NASA-Marshall\n Space Flight Center, Alabama 35812" ], [ "Schmahl", "Edward J.", "", "Astronomy Department,\n University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742" ], [ "Musielak", "Z. E.", "", "Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, and Center for Space\n Plasmas and Aeronomic Research, University of Alabama at Huntsville,\n Huntsville, Alabama 35899" ] ]
Analytic Solutions of the Vector Burgers' Equation
solv-int nlin.SI
The well-known analytical solution of Burgers' equation is extended to curvilinear coordinate systems in three-dimensions by a method which is much simpler and more suitable to practical applications than that previously used. The results obtained are applied to incompressible flow with cylindrical symmetry, and also to the decay of an initially linearly increasing wind.
Tue, 1 Nov 1994 16:05:51 GMT
Tue, 1 Nov 1994 16:05:51 GMT
[ [ "Gurel", "Burak", "" ], [ "Gurses", "Metin", "" ], [ "Habibullin", "Ismagil", "" ] ]
Boundary Value Problems For Integrable Equations Compatible With The Symmetry Algebra
solv-int nlin.SI
Boundary value problems for integrable nonlinear partial differential equations are considered from the symmetry point of view. Families of boundary conditions compatible with the Harry-Dym, KdV and MKdV equations and the Volterra chain are discussed. We also discuss the uniqueness of some of these boundary conditions.
Wed, 9 Nov 1994 10:40:03 GMT
Thu, 10 Nov 1994 07:36:56 GMT
[ [ "Flach", "S.", "" ] ]
On the Existence of Localized Excitations in Nonlinear Hamiltonian Lattices
solv-int nlin.SI
We consider time-periodic nonlinear localized excitations (NLEs) on one-dimensional translationally invariant Hamiltonian lattices with arbitrary finite interaction range and arbitrary finite number of degrees of freedom per unit cell. We analyse a mapping of the Fourier coefficients of the NLE solution. NLEs correspond to homoclinic points in the phase space of this map. Using dimensionality properties of separatrix manifolds of the mapping we show the persistence of NLE solutions under perturbations of the system, provided NLEs exist for the given system. For a class of nonintegrable Fermi-Pasta-Ulam chains we rigorously prove the existence of NLE solutions.
Mon, 14 Nov 1994 23:25:24 GMT
Mon, 14 Nov 1994 23:25:24 GMT
[ [ "Hietarinta", "J.", "", "Department of Physics, University of Turku, 20500\n Turku, Finland" ], [ "Grammaticos", "B.", "", "LPN, Universite Paris VII, Tour 24-14, 5eme\n etage, 75251 Paris, France" ], [ "Ramani", "A.", "", "CPT, Ecole Polytechnique, 91128\n Palaiseau, France" ] ]
Integrable Trilinear PDE's
solv-int nlin.SI
In a recent publication we proposed an extension of Hirota's bilinear formalism to arbitrary multilinearities. The trilinear (and higher) operators were constructed from the requirement of gauge invariance for the nonlinear equation. Here we concentrate on the trilinear case, and use singularity analysis in order to single out equations that are likely to be integrable. New PDE's are thus obtained, along with others already well-known for their integrability and for which we obtain here the trilinear expression. To appear in the proceedings of NEEDS'94 (11-18 September, Los Alamos)
Wed, 16 Nov 1994 15:06:05 GMT
Wed, 16 Nov 1994 15:06:05 GMT
[ [ "Gurses", "Metin", "" ], [ "Karasu", "Atalay", "" ] ]
Variable Coefficient Third Order KdV Type of Equations
solv-int nlin.SI
We show that the integrable subclassess of a class of third order non-autonomous equations are identical with the integrable subclassess of the autonomous ones.
Wed, 16 Nov 1994 14:28:19 GMT
Thu, 17 Nov 1994 08:52:42 GMT
[ [ "Nerney", "Steven", "", "National Research Council Associate, NASA-Marshall\n Space Flight Center, Alabama 35812" ], [ "Schmahl", "Edward J.", "", "Astronomy Department,\n University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742" ], [ "Musielak", "Z. E.", "", "Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, and Center for Space\n Plasmas and Aeronomic Research, University of Alabama at Huntsville,\n Huntsville, Alabama 35899" ] ]
Limits to Extensions of Burgers Equation
solv-int astro-ph chao-dyn comp-gas nlin.CD nlin.CG nlin.SI
The vector Burgers equation is extended to include pressure gradients and gravity. It is shown that within the framework of the Cole-Hopf transformation there are no physical solutions to this problem. This result is important because it clearly demonstrates that any extension of Burgers equation to more interesting physical situations is strongly limited.
Thu, 17 Nov 1994 22:33:09 GMT
Thu, 17 Nov 1994 22:33:09 GMT
[ [ "Ohta", "Y.", "", "Dept. Appl. Math., Hiroshima Univ." ], [ "Kajiwara", "K.", "", "Dept. Elecrical\n Eng., Doshisha Univ." ], [ "Satsuma", "J.", "", "Dept. Math. Sci., Univ. Tokyo" ] ]
Bilinear Structure and Exact Solutions of the Discrete Painlev\'e I Equation
solv-int hep-th nlin.SI
Bilinear structure for the discrete Painlev\'e I equation is investigated. The solution on semi-infinite lattice is given in terms of the Casorati determinant of discrete Airy function. Based on this fact, the discrete Painlev\'e I equation is naturally extended to a discrete coupled system. Corresponding matrix model is also mentioned.
Wed, 30 Nov 1994 06:09:34 GMT
Wed, 30 Nov 1994 06:09:34 GMT
[ [ "Sharipov", "R. A.", "", "Dep. of Math., Bashkir State University, Ufa, Russia" ], [ "Yamilov", "R. I.", "", "Inst. of Math. UrO RAN, Chernishevsky 112, Ufa, Russia" ] ]
B\"acklund transformation and the construction of the integrable boundary-value problem for the equation $u_{xx}-u_{tt}=e^u-e^{-2u}$
solv-int nlin.SI
B\"acklund transformation for the Bullough-Dodd-Jiber-Shabat equation $u_{xx}-u_{tt}=e^u-e^{-2u}$ is found. The construction of integrable boundary condition for this equation together with the algebro-geometric solutions satisfying it are suggested.
Mon, 5 Dec 1994 05:33:27 GMT
Mon, 5 Dec 1994 05:33:27 GMT
[ [ "Clarkson", "Peter A.", "", "Department of Mathematics,\n University of Exeter, Exeter, U.K." ], [ "Bassom", "Andrew P.", "", "Department of Mathematics,\n University of Exeter, Exeter, U.K." ] ]
Backlund Transformations and Hierarchies of Exact Solutions for the Fourth Painleve Equation and their Application to Discrete Equations
solv-int nlin.SI
In this paper we describe B\"acklund transformations and hierarchies of exact solutions for the fourth Painlev\'e equation (PIV) $${\d^2 w\over\d z^2}={1\over2w}\left(\d w\over\d z\right)^2 + {{3\over2}}w^3 + 4zw^2 + 2(z^2-\alpha)w+{\beta\over w},\eqno(1){\hbox to 16pt{\hfill}}$$ with $\alpha$, $\beta$ constants. Specifically, a nonlinear superposition principle for PIV, hierarchies of solutions expressible in terms of complementary error or parabolic cylinder functions as well as rational solutions will be derived. Included amongst these hierarchies are solutions of (1) for which $\alpha=\pm\tfr12n$ and $\beta=-\tfr12n^2$, with $n$ an integer. These particular forms arise in quantum gravity and also satisfy a discrete analogue of the first Painlev\'e equation. We also obtain a number of exact solutions of the discrete fourth Painlev\'e equation $$x_{n+1}x_{n-1}+x_n(x_{n+1}+x_{n-1})= {-2z_nx_n^3+(\eta-3\delta^{-2}-z_n^2)x_n^2+\mu^2\over (x_n+z_n+\gamma)(x_n+z_n-\gamma)},\eqno(2){\hbox to 16pt{\hfill}}$$}% {\narrower\noindent\baselineskip=12pt where $z_n=n\delta$ and $\eta$, $\delta$, $\mu$ and $\gamma$ are constants, which, in an appropriate limit, reduces to PIV (1). A suitable factorisation of (2) facilitates the identification of a number of solutions which take the form of ratios of two polynomials in the variable $z_n$ and the limits of these solutions yield rational solutions of (1).
Fri, 9 Dec 1994 11:48:03 GMT
Fri, 9 Dec 1994 11:48:03 GMT
[ [ "Clarkson", "P. A.", "", "Department of\n Mathematics, University of Exeter, Exeter, U.K." ], [ "Mansfield", "E. L.", "", "Department of\n Mathematics, University of Exeter, Exeter, U.K." ], [ "Milne", "A. E.", "", "Department of\n Mathematics, University of Exeter, Exeter, U.K." ] ]
Symmetries and Exact Solutions of a 2+1-dimensional Sine-Gordon System
solv-int nlin.SI
We investigate the classical and nonclassical reductions of the $2+1$-dimensional sine-Gordon system of Konopelchenko and Rogers, which is a strong generalisation of the sine-Gordon equation. A family of solutions obtained as a nonclassical reduction involves a decoupled sum of solutions of a generalised, real, pumped Maxwell-Bloch system. This implies the existence of families of solutions, all occurring as a decoupled sum, expressible in terms of the second, third and fifth Painlev\'e transcendents, and the sine-Gordon equation. Indeed, hierarchies of such solutions are found, and explicit transformations connecting members of each hierarchy are given. By applying a known B\"acklund transformation for the system to the new solutions found, we obtain further families of exact solutions, including some which are expressed as the argument and modulus of sums of products of Bessel functions with arbitrary coefficients. Finally, we prove the sine-Gordon system has the Painlev\'e property, which requires the usual test to be modified, and derive a non-isospectral Lax pair for the generalised, real, pumped Maxwell-Bloch system.
Fri, 9 Dec 1994 13:13:14 GMT
Fri, 9 Dec 1994 13:13:14 GMT
[ [ "Kajiwara", "Kenji", "", "Dept. Electrical Eng., Doshisha Univ." ], [ "Ohta", "Yasuhiro", "", "Dept. Appl. Math., Fac. Eng., Hiroshima Univ." ], [ "Satsuma", "Junkichi", "", "Dept. Math. Sci., Univ. of Tokyo" ] ]
Casorati Determinant Solutions for the Discrete Painlev\'e III Equation
solv-int hep-th nlin.SI
The discrete Painlev\'e III equation is investigated based on the bilinear formalism. It is shown that it admits the solutions expressed by the Casorati determinant whose entries are given by the discrete Bessel function. Moreover, based on the observation that these discrete Bessel functions are transformed to the $q$-Bessel functions by a simple variable transformation, we present a $q$-difference analogue of the Painlev\'e III equation.
Thu, 15 Dec 1994 07:47:05 GMT
Thu, 15 Dec 1994 07:47:05 GMT
[ [ "Grinevich", "P. G.", "", "Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kosygina 2,\n Moscow, Russia." ], [ "Schmidt", "M. U.", "", "Institut für Theoretische Physik, Freie\n Universität Berlin, Arnimallee 14 - Berlin, Germany" ] ]
Period preserving nonisospectral flows and the moduli space of periodic solutions of soliton equations
solv-int hep-th nlin.SI
Flows on the moduli space of the algebraic Riemann surfaces, preserving the periods of the corresponding solutions of the soliton equations are studied. We show that these flows are gradient with respect to some indefinite symmetric flat metric arising in the Hamiltonian theory of the Whitham equations. The functions generating these flows are conserved quantities for all the equations simultaneously. We show that for 1+1 systems these flows can be imbedded in a larger system of ordinary nonlinear differential equations with a rational right-hand side. Finally these flows are used to give a complete description of the moduli space of algebraic Riemann surfaces corresponding to periodic solutions of the nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation.
Thu, 15 Dec 1994 14:11:22 GMT
Thu, 25 May 1995 10:43:25 GMT
[ [ "Schmidt", "Martin U.", "" ] ]
Integrable systems and Riemann surfaces of infinite genus
solv-int hep-th nlin.SI
To the spectral curves of smooth periodic solutions of the $n$-wave equation the points with infinite energy are added. The resulting spaces are considered as generalized Riemann surfcae. In general the genus is equal to infinity, nethertheless these Riemann surfaces are similar to compact Riemann surfaces. After proving a Riemann Roch Theorem we can carry over most of the constructions of the finite gap potentials to all smooth periodic potentials. The symplectic form turns out to be closely related to Serre duality. Finally we prove that all non-linear PDE's, which belong to the focussing case of the non-linear Schr\"odinger equation, have global solutions for arbitrary smooth periodic inital potantials.
Wed, 21 Dec 1994 19:33:32 GMT
Wed, 21 Dec 1994 19:33:32 GMT
[ [ "Satsuma", "J.", "" ], [ "Kajiwara", "K.", "" ], [ "Grammaticos", "B.", "" ], [ "Hietarinta", "J.", "" ], [ "Ramani", "A.", "" ] ]
Bilinear Discrete Painleve-II and its Particular Solutions
solv-int nlin.SI
By analogy to the continuous Painlev\'e II equation, we present particular solutions of the discrete Painlev\'e II (d-P$\rm_{II}$) equation. These solutions are of rational and special function (Airy) type. Our analysis is based on the bilinear formalism that allows us to obtain the $\tau$ function for d-P$\rm_{II}$. Two different forms of bilinear d-P$\rm_{II}$ are obtained and we show that they can be related by a simple gauge transformation.
Fri, 23 Dec 1994 12:26:34 GMT
Fri, 23 Dec 1994 12:26:34 GMT
[ [ "Doliwa", "Adam", "", "Institute of Theoretical Physics, Warsaw University" ], [ "Santini", "Paolo Maria", "", "Dipartimento di Fisica, Universita di Catania and INFN\n Sezione di Roma" ] ]
The Integrable Dynamics of Discrete and Continuous Curves
solv-int nlin.SI
We show that the following geometric properties of the motion of discrete and continuous curves select integrable dynamics: i) the motion of the curve takes place in the N dimensional sphere of radius R, ii) the curve does not stretch during the motion, iii) the equations of the dynamics do not depend explicitly on the radius of the sphere. Well known examples of integrable evolution equations, like the nonlinear Schroedinger and the sine-Gordon equations, as well as their discrete analogues, are derived in this general framework.
Fri, 30 Dec 1994 20:45:31 GMT
Fri, 30 Dec 1994 20:45:31 GMT
[ [ "Grinevich", "P. G.", "" ], [ "Novikov", "S. P.", "" ] ]
String equation--2. Physical solution
solv-int hep-th nlin.SI
This paper is a continuation of the paper by S.P.Novikov in Funct.Anal.Appl., v.24(1990), No 4, pp 196-206. String equation is by definition the equation $[L,A]=1$ for the coefficients of two linear ordinary differential operators $L$ and $A$. For the ``double scaling limit'' of the matrix model we always have $L=-\partial_x^2+u(x)$, $A$ is some differential operator of the odd order $2k+1$. In the first nontrivial case $k=1$ we have the Painelev\'e-1 (P-1) equation. Only special real ``separatrix'' solutions of P-1 are important in the quantum field theory. By the conjecture of Novikov these ``physical'' solutions, which are analytically exceptional probably have much stronger symmetry then the other solutions but it is not proved until now. Two asymptotic methods were developed in the previous paper -- nonlinear semiclassics (or the Bogolubov-Whitham averaging method) and the linear semiclassics for the ``Isomonodromic'' method. The nonlinear semiclassics gives a good approximation for the general (``non-physical'') solutions of P-1 but fails in the ``physical'' case. In our paper the linear semiclasics for the ``physical'' solutions of the P-1 equations is studied. In particular connection between the semiclassics on Riemann surfaces and Hamiltonian foliations on these surfaces is established.
Wed, 11 Jan 1995 20:16:04 GMT
Thu, 20 Apr 2000 15:00:52 GMT
[ [ "Essler", "Fabian H. L.", "", "Univ. Bonn" ], [ "Korepin", "Vladimir E.", "", "ITP Stony\n Brook" ] ]
Dual Field Approach to Correlation Functions in the Heisenberg Xxz Spin Chain
solv-int nlin.SI
We study zero temperature correlation functions of the spin-$1\over 2$ Heisenberg XXZ model in the critical regime $-1< \Delta\leq 1$ in a magnetic field by means of the {\tenit Dual Field Approach}. We show for one particular example how to derive determinant representations for correlation functions and how to use these to embed the correlation functions in integrable systems of integro-difference equations (IDE). These IDE are associated with a Riemann-Hilbert problem.
Wed, 11 Jan 1995 23:10:09 GMT
Wed, 11 Jan 1995 23:10:09 GMT
[ [ "Mineev-Weinstein", "Mark B.", "" ] ]
Conservation Laws in Field Dynamics or Why Boundary Motion is Exactly Integrable?
solv-int nlin.SI
An infinite number of conserved quantities in the field dynamics $\phi_t = L U(\phi) + \rho$ for a linear Hermitian (or anti-Hermitian) operator $L$, an arbitrary function $U$ and a given source $\rho$ are presented. These integrals of motion are the multipole moments of the potential created by $\phi$ in the far-field. In the singular limit of a bistable scalar field $\phi = \phi_{\pm}$ (i.e. Ising limit) this theory describes a dissipative boundary motion (such as Stefan or Saffman-Taylor problem that is the continuous limit of the DLA-fractal growth) and can be exactly integrable. These conserved quantities are the polynomial conservation laws attributed to the integrability. The criterion for integrability is the uniqueness of the inverse potential problem's solution.
Wed, 11 Jan 1995 23:32:14 GMT
Wed, 11 Jan 1995 23:32:14 GMT
[ [ "Kakei", "Saburo", "" ], [ "Sasa", "Narimasa", "" ], [ "Satsuma", "Junkichi", "" ] ]
Bilinearization of a Generalized Derivative Nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation
solv-int nlin.SI
A generalized derivative nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation, \ii q_t + q_{xx} + 2\ii \gamma |q|^2 q_x + 2\ii (\gamma-1)q^2 q^*_x + (\gamma-1)(\gamma-2)|q|^4 q = 0 , is studied by means of Hirota's bilinear formalism. Soliton solutions are constructed as quotients of Wronski-type determinants. A relationship between the bilinear structure and gauge transformation is also discussed.
Tue, 17 Jan 1995 08:42:01 GMT
Tue, 17 Jan 1995 08:42:01 GMT
[ [ "Grinevich", "P. G.", "" ], [ "Novikov", "S. P.", "" ] ]
Nonselfintersecting magnetic orbits on the plane. Proof of Principle of the Overthrowing of the Cycles.
solv-int hep-th nlin.SI
Beginning from 1981 one of the present authors (S.Novikov) published a series of papers, (some of them in collaboration with I.Schmelzer and I.Taimanov) dedicated to the development of the analog of Morse theory for the closed 1-forms -- multivalued functions and functionals -- on the finite - and infinite-dimensional manifolds ({\bf Morse-Novikov Theory}). The notion of ``Multivalued action'' was understood and ``Topological quantization of the coupling constant'' for them was formulated by Novikov in 1981 as a Corollary from the requirement, that the Feinmann Amplitude should be one-valued on the space of fields-maps. Very beautiful analog of this theory appeared also in the late 80-ies in the Symplectic Geometry and Topology, when the so-called Floer Homology Theory was discovered. A very first topological idea of this theory, formulated in early 80-ies, was the so-called ``Principle of the Overthrowing of the Cycles''. It led to the results which were not proved rigorously until now. Our goal is to prove some of them. We study the motion of a classical charged particle on the Euclidean plane in a magnetic field orthogonal to this field. The trajectories of this motion can be characterized as extremals of the ``Maupertui--Fermat'' functional. We show that for any smooth everyvhere positive double periodic magnetic field for any fixed energy there exist at least two different periodic convex extremals, such that the value of the Maupertui-Fermat functional is positive for them. If all such extremals are nondegenerate in the sense of Morse in the space of nonparameterized curves then for any energy there exist at least 4 periodic convex extremals with the Morse indices (1,2,2,3).
Wed, 18 Jan 1995 11:07:58 GMT
Wed, 18 Jan 1995 11:07:58 GMT
[ [ "Bogdanov", "L. V.", "", "IINS, Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics,\n Russia" ], [ "Konopelchenko", "B. G.", "", "Dipartimento di Fisica dell'Università, Lecce,\n Italy" ] ]
Lattice and q-difference Darboux-Zakharov-Manakov systems via $\bar{\partial}$-dressing method
solv-int math.QA nlin.SI q-alg
A general scheme is proposed for introduction of lattice and q-difference variables to integrable hierarchies in frame of $\bar{\partial}$-dressing method . Using this scheme, lattice and q-difference Darboux-Zakharov-Manakov systems of equations are derived. Darboux, B\"acklund and Combescure transformations and exact solutions for these systems are studied.
Sat, 28 Jan 1995 03:53:19 GMT
Sat, 28 Jan 1995 03:53:19 GMT
[ [ "Alfinito", "E.", "" ], [ "Leo", "M.", "" ], [ "Leo", "R. A.", "" ], [ "Palese", "M.", "" ], [ "Soliani", "G.", "" ] ]
Integrable nonlinear field equations and loop algebra structures
solv-int cond-mat hep-th nlin.SI
We apply the (direct and inverse) prolongation method to a couple of nonlinear Schr{\"o}dinger equations. These are taken as a laboratory field model for analyzing the existence of a connection between the integrability property and loop algebras. Exploiting a realization of the Kac-Moody type of the incomplete prolongation algebra associated with the system under consideration, we develop a procedure with allows us to generate a new class of integrable nonlinear field equations containing the original ones as a special case.
Mon, 30 Jan 1995 15:12:44 GMT
Mon, 30 Jan 1995 15:12:44 GMT
[ [ "Jarzynski", "Christopher", "" ] ]
Geometric phase effects for wavepacket revivals
solv-int nlin.SI quant-ph
The study of wavepacket revivals is extended to the case of Hamiltonians which are made time-dependent through the adiabatic cycling of some parameters. It is shown that the quantal geometric phase (Berry's phase) causes the revived packet to be displaced along the classical trajectory, by an amount equal to the classical geometric phase (Hannay's angle), in one degree of freedom. A physical example illustrating this effect in three degrees of freedom is mentioned.
Thu, 2 Feb 1995 22:23:17 GMT
Thu, 2 Feb 1995 22:23:17 GMT
[ [ "Hietarinta", "J.", "" ], [ "Kuusela", "T.", "" ], [ "Malomed", "B.", "" ] ]
Shock waves in the dissipative Toda lattice
solv-int nlin.SI
We consider the propagation of a shock wave (SW) in the damped Toda lattice. The SW is a moving boundary between two semi-infinite lattice domains with different densities. A steadily moving SW may exist if the damping in the lattice is represented by an ``inner'' friction, which is a discrete analog of the second viscosity in hydrodynamics. The problem can be considered analytically in the continuum approximation, and the analysis produces an explicit relation between the SW's velocity and the densities of the two phases. Numerical simulations of the lattice equations of motion demonstrate that a stable SW establishes if the initial velocity is directed towards the less dense phase; in the opposite case, the wave gradually spreads out. The numerically found equilibrium velocity of the SW turns out to be in a very good agreement with the analytical formula even in a strongly discrete case. If the initial velocity is essentially different from the one determined by the densities (but has the correct sign), the velocity does not significantly alter, but instead the SW adjusts itself to the given velocity by sending another SW in the opposite direction.
Fri, 3 Feb 1995 10:00:30 GMT
Fri, 3 Feb 1995 10:00:30 GMT
[ [ "Ward", "R. S.", "" ] ]
Discrete Toda Field Equations
solv-int hep-th nlin.SI
There are two-dimensional Toda field equations corresponding to each (finite or affine) Lie algebra. The question addressed in this note is whether there exist integrable discrete versions of these. It is shown that for certain algebras (such as $A_n$, $A_n^{(1)}$ and $B_n$) there do, but some of these systems are defined on the half-plane rather than the full two-dimensional lattice.
Wed, 8 Feb 1995 14:37:15 GMT
Wed, 8 Feb 1995 14:37:15 GMT
[ [ "Fairlie", "D. B.", "" ], [ "Strachan", "I. A. B.", "" ] ]
The Hamiltonian structure of the dispersionless Toda hierarchy
solv-int nlin.SI
The Hamiltonian structure of the two-dimensional dispersionless Toda hierarchy is studied, this being a particular example of a system of hydrodynamic type. The polynomial conservation laws for the system turn out, after a change of variable, to be associated with the axially symmetric solutions of the 3-dimensional Laplace equation and this enables a generating function for the Hamiltonian densities to be derived in closed form.
Mon, 13 Feb 1995 16:41:01 GMT
Mon, 13 Feb 1995 16:41:01 GMT
[ [ "Cieśliński", "Jan", "", "Warsaw University Division in Białystok,\n Institute of Physics, Białystok, Poland" ], [ "Goldstein", "Piotr", "", "Soltan\n Institute for Nuclear Studies, Warsaw, Poland" ], [ "Sym", "Antoni", "", "Warsaw\n University, Institute of Theoretical Physics, Warsaw, Poland" ] ]
Isothermic surfaces in $\E^3$ as soliton surfaces
solv-int dg-ga math.DG nlin.SI
We show that the theory of isothermic surfaces in $\E^3$ -- one of the oldest branches of differential geometry -- can be reformulated within the modern theory of completely integrable (soliton) systems. This enables one to study the geometry of isothermic surfaces in $\E^3$ by means of powerful spectral methods available in the soliton theory. Also the associated non-linear system is interesting in itself since it displays some unconventional soliton features and, physically, could be applied in the theory of infinitesimal deformations of membranes.
Tue, 14 Feb 1995 18:53:01 GMT
Thu, 20 Jul 1995 16:40:19 GMT
[ [ "Shklyar", "B.", "", "Dept. of Math., Bar-Ilan Univ.,Ramat Gan, Israel" ] ]
On The Observability For Distributed Systems By Means Of Linear Operations
solv-int nlin.SI
An observability problem for linear autonomous distributed systems in the class of linear operations is considered. A criterion of observability with respect to terminal state has been proved. A connection with observability with respect to initial state is discussed.
Thu, 16 Feb 1995 18:02:55 GMT
Thu, 16 Feb 1995 18:02:55 GMT
[ [ "Kodama", "Y.", "" ], [ "McLaughlin", "K. T-R", "" ] ]
Explicit Integration of the Full Symmetric Toda Hierarchy and the Sorting Property
solv-int nlin.SI
We give an explicit formula for the solution to the initial value problem of the full symmetric Toda hierarchy. The formula is obtained by the orthogonalization procedure of Szeg\"{o}, and is also interpreted as a consequence of the QR factorization method of Symes \cite{symes}. The sorting property of the dynamics is also proved for the case of a generic symmetric matrix in the sense described in the text, and generalizations of tridiagonal formulae are given for the case of matrices with $2M+1$ nonzero diagonals.
Wed, 22 Feb 1995 17:49:48 GMT
Wed, 22 Feb 1995 17:49:48 GMT
[ [ "Liu", "Q. P.", "" ] ]
Supersymmetric Harry Dym Type Equations
solv-int nlin.SI
A supersymmetric version is proposed for the well known Harry Dym system. A general class super Lax operator which leads to consistent equations is considered.
Fri, 17 Mar 1995 16:25:25 GMT
Fri, 17 Mar 1995 16:25:25 GMT
[ [ "Claude", "C.", "", "Physique Mathematique et Theorique, CNRS-URA\n 768, Universite Montpellier II, 34095 MONTPELLIER FRANCE" ], [ "Leon", "J.", "", "Physique Mathematique et Theorique, CNRS-URA\n 768, Universite Montpellier II, 34095 MONTPELLIER FRANCE" ] ]
Theory of Pump Depletion and Spike Formation in Stimulated Raman Scattering
solv-int nlin.PS nlin.SI patt-sol
By using the inverse spectral transform, the SRS equations are solved and the explicit output data is given for arbitrary laser pump and Stokes seed profiles injected on a vacuum of optical phonons. For long duration laser pulses, this solution is modified such as to take into account the damping rate of the optical phonon wave. This model is used to interprete the experiments of Druhl, Wenzel and Carlsten (Phys. Rev. Lett., (1983) vol. 51, p. 1171), in particular the creation of a spike of (anomalous) pump radiation. The related nonlinear Fourier spectrum does not contain discrete eigenvalue, hence this Raman spike is not a soliton.
Fri, 17 Mar 1995 10:41:45 GMT
Fri, 17 Mar 1995 10:41:45 GMT
[ [ "Juriev", "Denis V.", "" ] ]
On the dynamics of noncanonically coupled oscillators and its hidden superstructure
solv-int nlin.SI
The classical and quantum dynamics of the noncanonically coupled oscillators is considered. It is shown that though the classical dynamics is well--defined for both harmonic and anharmonic oscillators, the quantum one is well--defined in the harmonic case, admits a hidden (super)Hamiltonian formulation, and thus, preserves the initial operator relations, whereas a na\"\i ve quantization of the anharmonic case meets with principal difficulties.
Sat, 25 Mar 1995 10:31:03 GMT
Thu, 4 Apr 1996 04:59:30 GMT
[ [ "Sklyanin", "E. K.", "" ] ]
Separation of Variables. New Trends.
solv-int nlin.SI
The review is based on the author's papers since 1985 in which a new approach to the separation of variables (\SoV) has being developed. It is argued that \SoV, understood generally enough, could be the most universal tool to solve integrable models of the classical and quantum mechanics. It is shown that the standard construction of the action-angle variables from the poles of the Baker-Akhiezer function can be interpreted as a variant of \SoV, and moreover, for many particular models it has a direct quantum counterpart. The list of the models discussed includes XXX and XYZ magnets, Gaudin model, Nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation, $SL(3)$-invariant magnetic chain. New results for the 3-particle quantum Calogero-Moser system are reported.
Tue, 4 Apr 1995 09:34:27 GMT
Tue, 4 Apr 1995 09:34:27 GMT
[ [ "APIKYAN", "S. A.", "", "Yerevan Physics Institute" ], [ "EFTHIMIOU", "C. J.", "", "Cornell\n University" ] ]
solv-int hep-th nlin.SI
We propose a new massive integrable model in quantum field theory. This model is obtained as a perturbed model of the minimal conformal field theories on the hyper-elliptic surfaces by a particular relavant operator $V_{(1,1)}^{(t)}$. The non-local conserved charges of the model and their $q$-deformed algebra are also constructed explicitly.
Wed, 5 Apr 1995 23:57:10 GMT
Wed, 5 Apr 1995 23:57:10 GMT
[ [ "Liu", "Q. P.", "" ] ]
Painlev\'{e} Analysis and Exact Solutions of a Modified Boussinesq Equation
solv-int nlin.SI
We consider a modified Boussinesq type equation. The Painlev\'{e} test of the WTC method is performed for this equation and it shows that the equation has weak Painlev\'{e} property. Some exact solutions are constructed.
Thu, 27 Apr 1995 15:44:46 GMT
Thu, 27 Apr 1995 15:44:46 GMT
[ [ "Juriev", "Denis V.", "" ] ]
Topics in nonhamiltonian (magnetic-type) interaction of classical hamiltonian dynamical systems. I
solv-int nlin.SI
A convenient algebraic structure to describe some forms of dynamics of two hamiltonian systems with nonpotential (magnetic--type) interaction is considered. An algebraic mechanism of generation of such dynamics is explored on simple "toy" examples and models. Nonpotential chains and their continuum limits are also considered. Examples of hybrid couplings with both potential and nonpotential (magnetic--type) interactions are discussed.
Fri, 5 May 1995 12:46:52 GMT
Sun, 6 Aug 1995 00:55:33 GMT
[ [ "~Maciejewski", "Andrzej J.", "", "Institute of Astronomy, N. Copernicus\n University, Chopina 12-18, 87-100 Toruń, Poland" ], [ "Strelcyn", "Jean-Marie", "", "Département de Mathématiques, Université de Rouen,76821 Mont Saint\n Aignan Cedex, France, URA CNRS 1378" ] ]
On the algebraic non-integrability of the Halphen system
solv-int nlin.SI
It is proved that the Halphen system of ordinary differential equations has no non-trivial rational first integrals.
Fri, 12 May 1995 16:17:23 GMT
Fri, 12 May 1995 16:17:23 GMT
[ [ "Adler", "V. E.", "", "Ufa Institute of Mathematics, Russian\n Academy of Sciences, Chernyshevsky str. 112, 450000 Ufa, Russia" ], [ "Habibullin", "I. T.", "", "Ufa Institute of Mathematics, Russian\n Academy of Sciences, Chernyshevsky str. 112, 450000 Ufa, Russia" ] ]
Integrable boundary conditions for the Toda lattice
solv-int nlin.SI
The problem of construction of the boundary conditions for the Toda lattice compatible with its higher symmetries is considered. It is demonstrated that this problem is reduced to finding of the differential constraints consistent with the ZS-AKNS hierarchy. A method of their construction is offered based on the B\"acklund transformations. It is shown that the generalized Toda lattices corresponding to the non-exceptional Lie algebras of finite growth can be obtained by imposing one of the four simplest integrable boundary conditions on the both ends of the lattice. This fact allows, in particular, to solve the problem of reduction of the series $A$ Toda lattices into the series $D$ ones. Deformations of the found boundary conditions are presented which leads to the Painlev\'e type equations. Key words: Toda lattice, boundary conditions, integrability, B\"acklund transformation, Lie algebras, Painlev\'e equations
Wed, 17 May 1995 03:00:01 GMT
Wed, 17 May 1995 03:00:01 GMT
[ [ "Kodama", "Yuji", "" ], [ "Ye", "Jian", "" ] ]
Toda Hierarchy with Indefinite Metric
solv-int hep-th nlin.SI
We consider a generalization of the full symmetric Toda hierarchy where the matrix $\tilde {L}$ of the Lax pair is given by $\tilde {L}=LS$, with a full symmetric matrix $L$ and a nondegenerate diagonal matrix $S$. The key feature of the hierarchy is that the inverse scattering data includes a class of noncompact groups of matrices, such as $O(p,q)$. We give an explicit formula for the solution to the initial value problem of this hierarchy. The formula is obtained by generalizing the orthogonalization procedure of Szeg\"{o}, or the QR factorization method of Symes. The behaviors of the solutions are also studied. Generically, there are two types of solutions, having either sorting property or blowing up to infinity in finite time. The $\tau$-function structure for the tridiagonal hierarchy is also studied.
Fri, 19 May 1995 15:17:21 GMT
Fri, 19 May 1995 15:17:21 GMT
[ [ "Latypov", "Azat M.", "", "Fluid Dynamics Research Institute and Department of\n Mathematics and Statistics, University of Windsor, CANADA" ] ]
Approximate Lie Group Analysis of a Model Advection Equation on an Unstructured Grid
solv-int comp-gas nlin.CG nlin.SI
A technique of ``approximate group analysis'' recently developed by Baikov, Gazizov and Ibragimov is applied to a differential approximation (otherwise referred to as an equivalent differential equation) corresponding to the finite difference approximation of a nonlinear advection equation on unstructured grid. We determine which groups from the infinite variety of groups admitted by a nonlinear advection equation ``survive'' the discretization. The situations arising for different choices of an arbitrary function (local speed of propagation) are also studied.
Tue, 30 May 1995 07:14:16 GMT
Tue, 30 May 1995 07:14:16 GMT
[ [ "Zhdanov", "R. Z.", "" ] ]
Conditional Lie-B\"acklund symmetry and reduction of evolution equations.
solv-int nlin.SI
We suggest a generalization of the notion of invariance of a given partial differential equation with respect to Lie-B\"acklund vector field. Such generalization proves to be effective and enables us to construct principally new Ans\"atze reducing evolution-type equations to several ordinary differential equations. In the framework of the said generalization we obtain principally new reductions of a number of nonlinear heat conductivity equations $u_t=u_{xx}+F(u,u_x)$ with poor Lie symmetry and obtain their exact solutions. It is shown that these solutions can not be constructed by means of the symmetry reduction procedure.
Wed, 31 May 1995 06:50:33 GMT
Wed, 31 May 1995 06:50:33 GMT
[ [ "Hikami", "Kazuhiro", "" ] ]
Separation of Variables in BC-type Gaudin Magnet
solv-int nlin.SI
The integrable system is introduced based on the Poisson $ rs $-matrix structure. This is a generalization of the Gaudin magnet, and in SL(2) case isomorphic to the generalized Neumann model. The separation of variables is discussed for both classical and quantum case.
Wed, 7 Jun 1995 11:29:16 GMT
Wed, 7 Jun 1995 11:29:16 GMT
[ [ "Finley", "J. D.", "", "University of New Mexico" ], [ "III", "", "", "University of New Mexico" ], [ "McIver", "John K.", "", "University of New Mexico" ] ]
Infinite-Dimensional Estabrook-Wahlquist Prolongations for the sine-Gordon Equation
solv-int nlin.SI
We are looking for the universal covering algebra for all symmetries of a given pde, using the sine-Gordon equation as a typical example for a non-evolution equation. For non-evolution equations, Estabrook-Wahlquist prolongation structures for non-local symmetries depend on the choice of a specific sub-ideal, of the contact module, to define the pde. For each inequivalent such choice we determine the most general solution of the prolongation equations, as sub-algebras of the (infinite-dimensional) algebra of all vector fields over the space of non-local variables associated with the pde, in the style of Vinogradov covering spaces. We show explicitly how previously-known prolongation structures, known to lie within the Kac-Moody algebra, $A_1^{(1)}$, are special cases of these general solutions, although we are unable to identify the most general solutions with previously-studied algebras. We show the existence of gauge transformations between prolongation structures, viewed as determining connections over the solution space, and use these to relate (otherwise) distinct algebras. Faithful realizations of the universal algebra allow integral representations of the prolongation structure, opening up interesting connections with algebras of Toeplitz operators over Banach spaces, an area that has only begun to be explored.
Fri, 9 Jun 1995 19:27:54 GMT
Fri, 9 Jun 1995 19:27:54 GMT
[ [ "Korepanov", "I. G.", "" ] ]
Algebraic integrable dynamical systems, 2+1-dimensional models in wholly discrete space-time, and inhomogeneous models in 2-dimensional statistical physics
solv-int nlin.SI
This paper is devoted to constructing and studying exactly solvable dynamical systems in discrete time obtained from some algebraic operations on matrices, to reductions of such systems leading to classical field theory models in 2+1-dimensional wholly discrete space-time, and to connection between those field theories and inhomogoneous models in 2-dimensional statistical physics.
Sat, 1 Jul 1995 12:36:58 GMT
Sat, 1 Jul 1995 12:36:58 GMT
[ [ "Doliwa", "Adam", "", "Institute of Theoretical Physics, Warsaw University" ] ]
Holomorphic Curves and Toda Systems
solv-int alg-geom dg-ga math.AG math.DG nlin.SI
Geometry of holomorphic curves from point of view of open Toda systems is discussed. Parametrization of curves related this way to non-exceptional simple Lie algebras is given. This gives rise to explicit formulas for minimal surfaces in real, complex and quaternionic projective spaces or complex quadrics. The paper generalizes the well known connection between minimal surfaces in $\EE^{3}$, their Weierstrass representation in terms of holomorphic functions and the general solution to the Liouville equation.
Mon, 3 Jul 1995 15:37:43 GMT
Tue, 4 Jul 1995 12:38:09 GMT
[ [ "Kodama", "Yuji", "" ], [ "Ye", "Jian", "" ] ]
Iso-spectral deformations of general matrix and their reductions on Lie algebras
solv-int hep-th nlin.SI
We study an iso-spectral deformation of general matrix which is a natural generalization of the Toda lattice equation. We prove the integrability of the deformation, and give an explicit formula for the solution to the initial value problem. The formula is obtained by generalizing the orthogonalization procedure of Szeg\"{o}. Based on the root spaces for simple Lie algebras, we consider several reductions of the hierarchy. These include not only the integrable systems studied by Bogoyavlensky and Kostant, but also their generalizations which were not known to be integrable before. The behaviors of the solutions are also studied. Generically, there are two types of solutions, having either sorting property or blowing up to infinity in finite time.
Mon, 3 Jul 1995 18:15:34 GMT
Mon, 3 Jul 1995 18:15:34 GMT
[ [ "Tracy", "Craig A.", "", "Univ. of California, Davis" ], [ "Widom", "Harold", "", "Univ. of\n California, Santa Cruz" ] ]
Fredholm determinants and the mKdV/sinh-Gordon hierarchies
solv-int hep-th math-ph math.MP nlin.SI
For a particular class of integral operators $K$ we show that the quantity \[\ph:=\log \det (I+K)-\log \det (I-K)\] satisfies both the integrated mKdV hierarchy and the sinh-Gordon hierarchy. This proves a conjecture of Zamolodchikov.
Fri, 7 Jul 1995 01:17:41 GMT
Fri, 7 Jul 1995 01:17:41 GMT
[ [ "Efthimiou", "Costas J.", "", "Cornell University" ], [ "Apikyan", "Samwel A.", "", "Yerevan Physics Insitute" ] ]
Integrable Models on Hyper-Elliptic Surfaces
solv-int hep-th nlin.SI
We present an elementary introduction to the construction of integrable models on hyper-elliptic surfaces for non specialists; also, we present some of the details of the paper `solv-int/9504002' for the more interested readers. (Based on a talk given at the MRST 95 meeting by C. E.)
Wed, 12 Jul 1995 23:04:33 GMT
Wed, 12 Jul 1995 23:04:33 GMT
[ [ "van Diejen", "J. F.", "" ] ]
Multivariable continuous Hahn and Wilson polynomials related to integrable difference systems
solv-int nlin.SI
Multivariable generalizations of the continuous Hahn and Wilson polynomials are introduced as eigenfunctions of rational Ruijsenaars type difference systems with an external field.
Wed, 19 Jul 1995 10:00:54 GMT
Wed, 19 Jul 1995 10:00:54 GMT
[ [ "Zhdanov", "Renat Z.", "" ], [ "Revenko", "Ihor V.", "" ], [ "Fushchych", "Wilhelm I.", "" ] ]
On the new approach to variable separation in the time-dependent Schr\"odinger equation with two space dimensions
solv-int hep-ph nlin.SI
We suggest an effective approach to separation of variables in the Schr\"odinger equation with two space variables. Using it we classify inequivalent potentials $V(x_1,x_2)$ such that the corresponding Schr\" odinger equations admit separation of variables. Besides that, we carry out separation of variables in the Schr\" odinger equation with the anisotropic harmonic oscillator potential $V=k_1x_1^2+k_2x_2^2$ and obtain a complete list of coordinate systems providing its separability. Most of these coordinate systems depend essentially on the form of the potential and do not provide separation of variables in the free Schr\" odinger equation ($V=0$).
Thu, 20 Jul 1995 07:46:02 GMT
Thu, 20 Jul 1995 07:46:02 GMT
[ [ "Tondo", "G.", "", "Dipartimento di Scienze Matematiche, Universita degli Studi\n di Trieste" ] ]
On the integrability of stationary and restricted flows of the KdV hierarchy.
solv-int nlin.SI
A bi--Hamiltonian formulation for stationary flows of the KdV hierarchy is derived in an extended phase space. A map between stationary flows and restricted flows is constructed: in a case it connects an integrable Henon--Heiles system and the Garnier system. Moreover a new integrability scheme for Hamiltonian systems is proposed, holding in the standard phase space.
Sat, 22 Jul 1995 14:26:49 GMT
Sat, 22 Jul 1995 14:26:49 GMT
[ [ "Rao", "N. N.", "", "Theoretical Physics Division, Physical Research Laboratory,\n Navrangpura, Ahmedabad-380009, India" ] ]
Henon-Heiles Hamiltonian for Coupled Upper-Hybrid and Magnetoacoutic Waves in Magnetized Plasmas
solv-int nlin.SI
We show that the coupled mode equations for the stationary propagation of upper--hybrid and magnetoacoustic waves in magnetized electron--ion plasmas with negative group dispersion can be exactly derived from the generalized \Henon--Heiles Hamiltonian. The parameter regimes for the integrable cases of the coupled mode equations have been explicitly obtained. For positive group dispersion of the upper--hybrid waves, the relevant governing equations lead to a novel Hamiltonian where the kinetic energy is not positive definite.
Mon, 24 Jul 1995 06:03:19 GMT
Mon, 24 Jul 1995 06:03:19 GMT
[ [ "Zujewski", "A.", "" ] ]
Hamiltonian Structures on Coadjoint Orbits of Semidirect Product of $G=Diff_+(S^{1})$ and $C^{\infty}(S^1, {\bf R})$
solv-int hep-th nlin.SI
We consider the semidirect product of diffeomorphisms of the circle $D={Diff}_+(S^1)$ and $C^{\infty}(S^{1}, {\bf R})$ functions, classify its coadjoint orbits and prove the integrability of hamiltonian (Generalized Dispersive Water Waves (DWW) and KdV-type) systems related to corresponding Lie algebra centrally extended by Kac-Moody, Virasoro and semidirect product cocycles with arbitrary coefficients.
Wed, 2 Aug 1995 12:20:24 GMT
Wed, 2 Aug 1995 12:20:24 GMT
[ [ "Shinbrot", "Troy", "", "Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ" ] ]
Integer spin particles necessarily produce half-integer angular momentum in a simple complex and periodic Hamiltonian
solv-int nlin.SI
Exact wave functions are is derived from an azimuthally periodic a self-consistent quantum Hamiltonian in 2+1 dimensions using both the Klein-Gordon and the Schroedinger equations. It isWe shown that, curiously, for both relativistic and non-relativistic equations, integer spin wave equations necessarily produce half-integer angular momentum in this potential. We find additionally that the higher energy, relativistic, solutions require an asymptotically free potential, while the lower energy, Schroedinger, solutions can exist in a potential that grows linearly with r. These are purely mathematical results, however we speculate on possible physical interpretations.
Thu, 10 Aug 1995 17:24:03 GMT
Mon, 13 May 2024 14:43:37 GMT
[ [ "Kuznetsov", "V. B.", "", "University of Amsterdam" ], [ "Sklyanin", "E. K.", "", "University\n of Tokyo" ] ]
Separation of variables in the $A_2$ type Jack polynomials
solv-int math.QA nlin.SI q-alg
An integral operator $M$ is constructed performing a separation of variables for the 3-particle quantum Calogero-Sutherland (CS) model. Under the action of $M$ the CS eigenfunctions (Jack polynomials for the root system $A_2$) are transformed to the factorized form $\phi(y_1)\phi(y_2)$, where $\phi(y)$ is a trigonometric polynomial of one variable expressed in terms of the ${}_3F_2$ hypergeometric series. The inversion of $M$ produces a new integral representation for the $A_2$ Jack polynomials.
Mon, 21 Aug 1995 10:14:18 GMT
Mon, 21 Aug 1995 10:14:18 GMT
[ [ "Musette", "Micheline", "", "Vrije Universiteit Brussel" ], [ "Conte", "Robert", "", "CEA\n Saclay" ] ]
Non-Fuchsian extension to the Painlev\'e test
solv-int nlin.SI
We consider meromorphic particular solutions of nonlinear ordinary differential equations and perform a perturbation {\it \`a la} Poincar\'e making their linearized equation non-Fuchsian at the movable pole and Fuchsian at infinity. When the nonlinear equation possesses movable logarithms, they are detected sooner than with the perturbative (Fuchsian) Painlev\'e test.
Mon, 28 Aug 1995 16:01:37 GMT
Mon, 28 Aug 1995 16:01:37 GMT
[ [ "Yajima", "Tetsu", "" ], [ "Nishinari", "Katsuhiro", "" ] ]
Numerical Studies of Localized Structures on an Uneven Bottom in Two Dimensions
solv-int nlin.SI
The Davey-Stewartson (DS) equations with a perturbation term are presented by taking a fluid system as an example on an uneven bottom. Stability of dromions, solutions of the DS equations with localized structures, against the perturbation is investigated numerically. Dromions decay exponentially under an effect of the perturbation, while they travel stably after the effect disappears. The decay ratio of dromions is found to have relation to velocities of dromions. The important role played by the mean flow, which acts as an external force to the system, is discussed. These results show that dromions are quite stable as a localized structure in two dimensions, and they are expected to observed in various physical systems such as fluid or plasma systems.
Wed, 30 Aug 1995 07:29:25 GMT
Wed, 30 Aug 1995 07:29:25 GMT
[ [ "Habibullin", "I. T.", "" ] ]
Symmetry approach in boundary value problems
solv-int nlin.SI
The problem of construction of the boundary conditions for nonlinear equations is considered compatible with their higher symmetries. Boundary conditions for the sine-Gordon, Jiber-Shabat and KdV equations are discussed. New examples are found for the Jiber-Shabat equation.
Thu, 31 Aug 1995 07:07:35 GMT
Wed, 6 Sep 1995 02:04:35 GMT
[ [ "Kuznetsov", "Vadim B.", "" ] ]
Hidden symmetry of the quantum Calogero-Moser system
solv-int hep-th math.QA nlin.SI q-alg
Hidden symmetry of the quantum Calogero-Moser system with the inverse-square potential is explicitly demonstrated in algebraic sense. We find the underlying algebra explaining the super-integrability phenomenon for this system. Applications to related multi-variable Bessel functions are also discussed.
Mon, 4 Sep 1995 12:23:57 GMT
Mon, 4 Sep 1995 12:23:57 GMT
[ [ "van Diejen", "J. F.", "" ] ]
The relativistic Calogero model in an external field
solv-int hep-th nlin.SI
Recent results are surveyed regarding the spectrum and eigenfunctions of the inverse square Calogero model with harmonic confinement and its relativistic analogue.
Thu, 7 Sep 1995 01:18:25 GMT
Wed, 13 Sep 1995 04:56:24 GMT
[ [ "Tracy", "Craig A.", "", "Univ. of California, Davis" ], [ "Widom", "Harold", "", "Univ. of\n California, Santa Cruz" ] ]
Proofs of Two Conjectures Related to the Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz
solv-int hep-th math-ph math.MP nlin.SI
We prove that the solution to a pair of nonlinear integral equations arising in the thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz can be expressed in terms of the resolvent kernel of the linear integral operator with kernel exp(-u(theta)-u(theta'))/cosh[(1/2)(theta-theta')]
Sat, 9 Sep 1995 00:44:13 GMT
Tue, 12 Sep 1995 20:44:27 GMT
[ [ "Grinevich", "P. G.", "", "Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics, Moscow,\n Russia" ] ]
Nonisospectral symmetries of the KdV equation and the corresponding symmetries of the Whitham equations
solv-int nlin.SI
In our paper we construct a new infinite family of symmetries of the Whitham equations (averaged Korteveg-de-Vries equation). In contrast with the ordinary hydrodynamic-type flows these symmetries are nonhomogeneous (i.e. they act nontrivially at the constant solutions), are nonlocal, explicitly depend upon space and time coordinates and form a noncommutative algebra, isomorphic to the algebra of the polynomial vector fields in the complex plane (Virasoro algebra with the zero central charge).
Wed, 13 Sep 1995 10:18:25 GMT
Wed, 13 Sep 1995 10:18:25 GMT
[ [ "Zeng", "Yunbo", "" ], [ "Hietarinta", "Jarmo", "" ] ]
Classical Poisson structures and r-matrices from constrained flows
solv-int math.QA nlin.SI q-alg
We construct the classical Poisson structure and $r$-matrix for some finite dimensional integrable Hamiltonian systems obtained by constraining the flows of soliton equations in a certain way. This approach allows one to produce new kinds of classical, dynamical Yang-Baxter structures. To illustrate the method we present the $r$-matrices associated with the constrained flows of the Kaup-Newell, KdV, AKNS, WKI and TG hierarchies, all generated by a 2-dimensional eigenvalue problem. Some of the obtained $r$-matrices depend only on the spectral parameters, but others depend also on the dynamical variables. For consistency they have to obey a classical Yang-Baxter-type equation, possibly with dynamical extra terms.
Thu, 14 Sep 1995 08:49:51 GMT
Thu, 14 Sep 1995 08:49:51 GMT