🇩🇪 Zeiterfassung Contents 1 Warum benötige ich eine Zeiterfasung: 2 Was ist ein Zeiterfassungssystem: 2.1 Vorteile und Nutzen eines Zeitefassungssystems 3 brixxbox Low-Code-Plattform: Zeiterfassungs-Template 3.1 Auszug der Funktionen Warum benötige ich eine Zeiterfasung: In vielen Unternehmen wurde für einige Mitarbeiter lange Zeit das Prinzip der Vertrauensarbeitszeit praktiziert. Hierbei handelt es sich um ein Organisationsmodell, bei dem die Erledigung der Aufgaben im Vordergrund steht. Nicht die Arbeitszeit, sondern das Arbeitsergebnis ist entscheidend. Dieses Modell wurde vor allem von kreativ arbeitenden Mitarbeitern praktiziert, da eine starre Arbeitszeitvorgabe auch aus wissenschaftlichen Gesichtspunkten die Kreativität und damit vor allem mögliche Innovationen behindert. Der europäische Gerichtshof hat jedoch im Jahr 2019 entschieden, dass die Erfassung von Arbeitszeiten künftig in allen Unternehmen von allen Mitarbeitern zu erfolgen hat. Durch das Urteil werden Arbeitsgeber dazu verpflichtet, ein Konzept zur Zeiterfassung anzubieten, durch welches die gesamte Arbeitszeit sowie Pausen und Fehltage durch Urlaub oder Krankheut der Mitarbeiter dokumentiert werden können. So soll sichergestellt sein, dass die Gesetze im Hinblick auf die Arbeits-, und Pausenzeiten sowie die gesetzlich vorgeschrieben Urlaubstage zum Schutz des Mitarbeiters eingehalten werden.
Bei der Erfassung und Dokumentation der Arbeitszeiten aller Mitarbeiter entstehen schnell viele Informationen, die gebündelt, kategorisiert und bewertet werden müssen, um die Einhaltung der vorgeschriebenen Gesetze zu gewährleisten. Ohne eine unterstützende Technologie dauert es nicht lange, bis die Zeiterfassung mit händischer Arbeit nicht mehr zu bewältigen ist. Was ist ein Zeiterfassungssystem: Ein Zeiterfassungssystem ist eine Software mit Funktionen zur Dokumentation und Auswertung aller zeitorientierten Parameter der jeweiligen Mitarbeiter, die der Gesetzgeber vorsieht. In der Zeiterfassungssoftware werden alle relevanten Daten der Mitarbeiter in Datenbanken gespeichert. Hierzu zählen insbesondere die folgenden Bereiche: Arbeitszeiten Pausenzeiten Urlaubstage Fehltage durch Krankheit Zeiterfassungssysteme basieren überwiegend auf Standardsoftware-Produkten. Abhängig von der Unternehmensgröße und den verschiedenen Arbeitszeitmodellen wie z.B. Schichtarbeit oder Akkordarbeit kommen verschiedene Lösungen mit unterschiedlichem Funktionsumfang in Frage. Wächst ein Unternehmen mit der Zeit, wachsen auch die Anforderungen und somit die notwendigen Funktionen des Zeiterfassungssystems. Es kann daher vorkommen, dass die bisherigen Funktionen der Zeiterfassungssoftware mit der Zeit nicht mehr ausreichen und ein Wechsel erwogen werden muss, um den steigenden Informationsgrad für das Unternehmen zu berücksichtigen. Vorteile und Nutzen eines Zeitefassungssystems
Vorteile und Nutzen eines Zeitefassungssystems Gute Zeiterfassungssysteme bieten eine enorme Flexibilität im Hinblick auf die Dokumentation der betrieblichen Arbeitszeit der Belegschaft. Es gibt eine Vielzahl von Erfassungsmöglichkeiten, die je nach eingesetzter Software möglich sind. So gibt es beispielsweise Systeme, die eine Eingabe mittels Mobiltelefon möglich machen. Dies ist vor allem für den Außendienst interessant. So können die Daten schnell und ohne viel Aufwand in das System eingegeben werden. Natürlich gibt auch andere Endgeräte, die abhängig vom System kompatibel sind. Hierzu zählen beispielsweise Terminals mit Chip-Karten oder vergleichbare Systeme, die es dem Arbeitgeber durch einfaches auflegen ermöglichen die jeweiligen Zeittypen zu buchen. Darüber hinaus kann ein gutes Zeiterfassungssystem auch eine Hilfestellung für bestimmte Entscheidungen des Managements oder der Personalabteilung sein und nicht zuletzt liefert ein Zeiterfassungssystem regelmäßig die Basis für die Engeltabrechnung. brixxbox Low-Code-Plattform: Zeiterfassungs-Template Mit der Cloud-Software "brixxbox" können Unternehmen Prozesse einfach und schnell digitalisieren. Durch das zugrunde liegende Baukastenprinzip können notwendige Anpassungen und Erweiterungen auf Wunsch des Managements oder anderer Mitarbeiter jederzeit in der Software vorgenommen werden, um zusätzliche Daten im System zu verarbeiten. Anpassungen im System beeinträchtigen in keiner Weise den Produktivbetrieb der Software im jeweiligen Unternehmen.
Die zur Verfügung gestellten Templates dienen als Konfigurationsbeispiel. Es sollen verschiedene Ansätze illustriert werden. Die Templates können nach dem Import beliebig ergänzt werden, oder als Vorlage für eigene Applikationen oder ganze Systeme verwendet werden. In der Praxis könnte diese Zeiterfassungs-Anwendung zum Beispiel von: Freelancern und Kleinunternehmen genutzt werden, um die eigenen Arbeitszeiten zu dokumentieren, sowie den Jahresurlaub zu planen. Auszug der Funktionen Mitarbeiter: Mitarbeiterverwaltung mit den zugehörigen Kontaktdaten Erfassung: Erfassung der täglichen Arbeitszeiten und Pausen der jeweiligen Mitarbeiter Planung: Dokumentation von Urlaubsanträgen und Statusverwaltung der jeweiligen Mitarbeiter Status: Dokumentation von Genehmigungen \ Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter
🇩🇪 Fahrtenbuch Contents 1 Wer benötigt ein digitales Fahrtenbuch:**** 1.1 Vorteile und Nutzen eines digitalen Fahrtenbuches**** 2 brixxbox Low-Code-Plattform: digitales Fahrtenbuch-Template**** 2.1 Auszug der Funktionen**** Wer benötigt ein digitales Fahrtenbuch: Ein Fahrtenbuch hat grundsätzlich den Zweck Fahrstrecken mit einem Fahrzeug sowie den jeweiligen Reisegrund zu dokumentieren. Verwenden Selbstständige oder Angestellte ein auf das Unternehmen angemeldete Auto, geht das Finanzamt grundsätzlich davon aus, dass die zuvor genannten Personengruppen das Fahrzeug nicht nur für Fahrten des Unternehmens, sondern auch für private Angelegenheiten nutzen. Der durch das Auto entstehende geldwerte Vorteil muss in den meisten Fällen versteuert werden. Dazu stehen zweierlei Optionen zur Verfügung: Entweder wird z.B. das Auto mit einer Pauschale gemäß der Ein-Prozent-Regelung veranschlagt — oder es wird die Häufigkeit und Dauer aller dienstlichen und privaten Fahrten mit dem Auto in einem ausführlichen Fahrtenbuch dokumentiert. Die letztere Methode ist zwar mit einigem Aufwand verbunden, kann jedoch attraktive Steuervergünstigungen bescheren. Dafür müssen jedoch die Anforderungen und die deklarierten Angaben der Finanzbehörde eingehalten halten: Für jedes Fahrzeug muss ein eigenes Fahrtenbuch geführt werden Angaben zum amtlichen KfZ-Kennzeichen des betreffenden Fahrzeugs Angabe des jeweiligen Fahrers Angaben zum genauen Kilometerstandes zu Beginn der Fahrt und zum genauen Kilometerstand zum Ende der Fahrt, sowie der gefahrenen Kilometer Dokumentation des Zeitraums der Fahrt
Dokumentation des Zeitraums der Fahrt Bei der manuellen Erfassung und Angabe der einzelnen Fahrten entsteht schnell ein großer Aufwand. Ohne eine unterstützende Technologie dauert es nicht lange, bis die Verwaltung mit händischer Arbeit nicht effizient ist. Vorteile und Nutzen eines digitalen Fahrtenbuches Die Nutzung eines elektronischen Fahrtenbuches bietet viele Vorteile und führt häufig zu geringeren Kosten, gerade bei vielen Fahrten für das Unternehmen und wenig privaten Fahrten. Generell lassen sich folgende Vorteile nennen: deutliche Zeitersparnis, Klare Übersicht und kaum Fehler Sicherheit gegenüber dem Finanzamt, In der Regel geringere Kosten und Steuervorteile gegenüber der Ein-Prozent-Regelung, elektronische Auswertung der Fahrdaten. Anwendungen zur Verwaltung digitaler Fahrtenbücher basieren überwiegend auf Standardsoftware-Produkten. Abhängig von der Unternehmensgröße, der Anzahl der Firmenfahrzeuge und dem Grad der Internationalisierung kommen verschiedene Lösungen mit unterschiedlichem Funktionsumfang in Frage. Wächst ein Unternehmen mit der Zeit, wachsen auch die Anforderungen und somit die notwendigen Funktionen des digitalen Fahrtenbuches. Es kann daher vorkommen, dass die bisherigen Funktionen mit der Zeit nicht mehr ausreichen und ein Wechsel erwogen werden muss, um den steigenden Informationsgrad für das Unternehmen zu berücksichtigen. brixxbox Low-Code-Plattform: digitales Fahrtenbuch-Template
brixxbox Low-Code-Plattform: digitales Fahrtenbuch-Template Mit der Cloud-Software "brixxbox" können Unternehmen Prozesse einfach und schnell digitalisieren. Durch das zugrunde liegende Baukastenprinzip können notwendige Anpassungen und Erweiterungen auf Wunsch des Managements oder anderer Mitarbeiter jederzeit in der Software vorgenommen werden, um zusätzliche Daten im System zu verarbeiten. Anpassungen im System beeinträchtigen in keiner Weise den Produktivbetrieb der Software im jeweiligen Unternehmen. Die zur Verfügung gestellten Templates dienen als Konfigurationsbeispiel. Es sollen verschiedene Ansätze illustriert werden. Die Templates können nach dem Import beliebig ergänzt werden, oder als Vorlage für eigene Applikationen oder ganze Systeme verwendet werden. In der Praxis könnte das digitale Fahrtenbuch zum Beispiel von: Freelancern genutzt werden, um das vorhandene Firmenfahrzeug digital zu verwalten, die jeweiligen Fahrten mit allen Angaben zu dokumentieren und bei Bedarf auszuwerten. Auszug der Funktionen Dokumentation des Fahrers, des amtlichen Kennzeichens Erfassung der Kilometer beim Start und bei Beendigung der Fahrt sowie Ermittlung der gefahrenen Kilometer Unterscheidung zwischen geschäftlichen und privaten Fahrten im Hinblick auf die Versteuerung Nutzung als Handy App möglich Nutzung als App für Tablets möglich \ Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter
🇩🇪 Ticketsystem Contents 1 Was ist ein Ticketsystem**** 1.1 Vorteile und Nutzen eines Ticketsystems:**** 2 brixxbox Low-Code-Plattform: Ticketsystem-Template:**** 2.1 Auszug der Funktionen**** Was ist ein Ticketsystem In der Praxis erreichen Unternehmen regelmäßig zahlreiche Anfragen. Kunden und Interessenten haben Fragen zu bestimmten Produkten und Diensteislungen, oder Klärungsbedarf bezogen auf die erworbenen Produkte. Ein Ticketsystem ist ein Softwaresystem, das zentralisiert alle Anfragen an ein Unternehmen verwaltet. Die Entgegennahme, die Koordination zur jeweils richtigen Abteilung oder Person und die Bearbeitung der Anfragen erfolgen zentral über das Ticketsystem und bündelt die Kanäle: Telefon E-Mail Facebook Instagram Chat und Messenger in einem System. Die erhaltenen Anfragen können in der Folge geprüft und einer Person zur weiteren Bearbeitung zugewiesen werden bis zur Lösung (closed Ticket). Mit dem Ticketsystem soll sichergestellt werden, dass keine Nachricht verloren geht und jederzeit ein Gesamtüberblick über die zu bearbeitenden Vorgänge möglich ist. Vorteile und Nutzen eines Ticketsystems: Gute Ticketsysteme bieten vielfältige Möglichkeiten und unterstützen viele Prozesse im Unternehmen. Die in diesem Zusammenhang zu nennenden Hauptvorteile sind: Kundenanfragen straffen: Eingehende Tickets werden mit einem entsprechenden System aus mehreren Kommunikationskanälen an einem zentralen Ort gespeichert. Mitarbeiter können den Tickets Prioritäten zuweisen, sie überwachen und bearbeiten.
Zugriff auf Kunden und Historie: Eine gute Beziehung zu Kunden und Partnern ist ein wichtiger Erfolgsfaktor für ein Unternehmen. Mit dem Ticketsystem erhalten Mitarbeiter Zugriff auch auf vergangene Kontakte mit den Kunden und Partnern, um stets alle Fakten im Blick zu haben Automatisierung von Aufgaben: Mit einem Ein Ticket-System können Routineaufgaben standardisiert werden, um Effizienz zu steigern und schnellere Antworten zu ermöglichen. Umfassende Auswertungsmöglichkeiten: Mit einem guten Ticketsystem können verschiedene Auswertungen schnell und einfach aufgerufen werden. Ticketsysteme basieren überwiegend auf Standardsoftware-Produkten. Abhängig von der Unternehmensgröße, der Anzahl und dem Komplexitätsgrad der Anfragen kommen verschiedene Lösungen mit unterschiedlichem Funktionsumfang in Frage. Wächst ein Unternehmen mit der Zeit, wachsen auch die Anforderungen und somit die notwendigen Funktionen des Ticketsystems. Es kann daher vorkommen, dass die bisherigen Funktionen des Ticketsystems mit der Zeit nicht mehr ausreichen und ein Wechsel erwogen werden muss, um den steigenden Informationsgrad für das Unternehmen zu berücksichtigen. brixxbox Low-Code-Plattform: Ticketsystem-Template: Mit der Cloud-Software "brixxbox" können Unternehmen Prozesse einfach und schnell digitalisieren. Durch das zugrunde liegende Baukastenprinzip können notwendige Anpassungen und Erweiterungen auf Wunsch des Managements oder anderer Mitarbeiter jederzeit in der Software vorgenommen werden, um zusätzliche Daten im System zu verarbeiten. Anpassungen im System beeinträchtigen in keiner Weise den Produktivbetrieb der Software im jeweiligen Unternehmen.
Die zur Verfügung gestellten Templates dienen als Konfigurationsbeispiel. Es sollen verschiedene Ansätze illustriert werden. Die Templates können nach dem Import beliebig ergänzt werden, oder als Vorlage für eigene Applikationen oder ganze Systeme verwendet werden. In der Praxis könnte das Ticketsystem zum Beispiel von: Beratungsuntermehmen Freelancern und Kleinunternehmen genutzt werden, um Anfragen aller Art zu verwalten und zu dokumentieren. Auszug der Funktionen Firmenbezeichnung und Anschrift der Kunden Ansprechpartnerverwaltung mit den zugehörigen Kontaktdaten Integriertes Telefonbuch mit Suchfunktion Archivierung und Digitalisierung von Dokumenten und Dateien (DMS) Erfassung von Tickets Dokumentation von Kundenanfragen Nachverfolgung der Tickets durch eindeutige Nummerierung \ Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter
Extended CRM-System Contents 1 What is CRM**** 2 What is a CRM-System**** 2.1 Advantages and benefits of a CRM-Systems**** 2.2 Advantages and benefits of an integrated project management system**** 3 brixxbox Low-Code-Plattform: Extended CRM-Template**** 3.1 Extract of the functions**** What is CRM Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a strategy for companies and their employees to systematically create relationships and interactions with contact persons of existing and potential customers. By generating sales, these customers play a decisive role in the long-term success of the company. If customers adjust their buying behavior and switch to products from other companies, this can have serious consequences for their own company. That's why companies invest a lot of time and effort in CRM activities to analyze customer preferences. Target groups, markets and the respective needs are analyzed within the CRM and coordinated with the own portfolio. If deviations are found, the employees of the sales and marketing department, in coordination with the management, have the task of optimizing the customer relationship within the framework of CRM or adjusting the concrete CRM strategies in order to better reach the customers again. Other departments also contribute to customer satisfaction and provide valuable information for CRM. This includes, for example, the entire service department. Within the scope of service, customer inquiries and discrepancies are recorded and processed. This is also part of CRM. CRM generates a wide range of detailed information that must be bundled, categorized and evaluated in order to be able to derive statements. Without a corresponding technology, it does not take long with increasing numbers of customers and prospects and the respective contacts, until CRM can no longer be managed with manual work. Targeted contact with the customer is made more difficult. Without a suitable technology, employees lose too much time for CRM if the CRM strategy is to be pursued with the same quality and intensity even with increasing numbers of customers and prospects. What is a CRM-System A CRM system is a software with functions for the management and automation of all information that is generated month by month when addressing customers or prospects and binding them. In the CRM software, all data of customers and prospects, including all transactions and related communication, are collected and stored in databases. The following information can be taken as an example: Documentation of a prospective customer telephone call for later evaluation Storage of a customer offer for later allocation
Documentation of a prospective customer telephone call for later evaluation Storage of a customer offer for later allocation Appointment reminder for an offer meeting with an interested party on site Birthday management of A and B customers to increase attention CRM systems are mainly based on standard software products. Depending on the size of the company and the required level of information, different solutions with different functionalities are possible. If a company grows over time, the requirements and thus the necessary functions of the CRM system also grow. It can therefore happen that the previous functions of the CRM software are no longer sufficient over time and a change must be considered in order to take the increasing degree of information for the company into account. Advantages and benefits of a CRM-Systems The advantages and benefits of CRM software for companies are obvious. In practice, a large number of contacts and their relationship to the own company must be managed in one system. Well-designed CRM systems create more transparency. They can be used wherever direct or indirect customer or prospect contact is required. With the right CRM software, the entire sales force can also be supported. This applies both to: the sales force with the objective of "increasing sales", as well as for the service-oriented field service with the objective "service and maintenance". All activities on site can be recorded directly in the CRM software. In addition, a good CRM system can also be an aid for certain activities, in which information is available at the right place in the right form. This not only saves time, but also regularly delivers better results in all areas. In summary, a CRM system helps to support sales, marketing, service and last but not least, management. With the help of a CRM system, activities can be optimized and automated (e.g. monthly reports). In addition, a good CRM provides a variety of decision bases. Advantages and benefits of an integrated project management system
Advantages and benefits of an integrated project management system Projects are regularly associated with investments and other expenses and are directed towards a specific goal (project objective). In practice, a project is often divided into sub-projects, each of which is aimed at a specific (partial) goal fulfillment and is related to the main goal. The project management is responsible for planning and controlling the (sub-) projects, as well as monitoring them with regard to time- and resource-oriented parameters. As with CRM, project management involves strategies that must be supported by suitable technologies and systems at a certain level of complexity at the latest in order to process the wealth of data in a meaningful way. A CRM system with integrated project management saves time and effort and increases data quality. The sales department acquires a new customer project as an example. Up to now, all customer- or prospect related activities were recorded in the CRM system. The following project is now regularly managed by other employees and departments. Thanks to the integration, project-specific information can now be found in the shortest possible time. The management of the information is clearly optimized by the symbiosis of both systems. brixxbox Low-Code-Plattform: Extended CRM-Template With the "brixxbox" cloud software, companies can digitize processes quickly and easily. Thanks to the underlying modular principle, necessary adjustments and extensions can be made in the software at any time at the request of management or other employees in order to process additional data in the system. Adjustments in the system do not affect the productive operation of the software in the respective company in any way. The provided templates serve as configuration examples. Different approaches shall be illustrated. The templates can be supplemented after the import as desired, or used as templates for own applications or entire systems. In practice, this CRM application could be used for example by: Consulting company Freelancers and small enterprises to create customers and prospects and manage their contacts and CRM-relevant data. In addition to master data management, advanced functions are also included to visualize the possible use and linking of master data and to derive a realistic practical reference to support management, sales and marketing. Extract of the functions Company data: Name and address of the companies contact details: Contact data and contact persons of the companies and employees Phone book: based on contact data Archiving: storage and digitalization of documents and files from customers and prospects
Phone book: based on contact data Archiving: storage and digitalization of documents and files from customers and prospects Special features: Documentation of specific customer requirements and special features (e.g. billing only per month) CRM data: Scheduling (e.g. per month, week), deadline monitoring and appointment documentation as well as assignment of relevant contacts CRM Workflows: Creation of reminders and follow-ups (e.g. in two months) for certain contacts CRM report: e.g. ABC/XYZ - evaluation or categorization of customers and prospective customers (periods/months) Templates: text templates can be created Project integration: project planning, project monitoring, resource management and responsibilities Management: Status monitoring of all activities and projects Mobile: Access to all data anywhere and with any device (cloud)
Server API Reference How to Use Server Side Functions {% embed url="" %} Preparing to use BrixxServerApi Install from npm. This will give your project access to the BrixxServerApi. npm i @brixxbox/brixx-server-api Reference the Class BrixxServerApi from your function source. javascript const BrixxServerApi = require('@brixxbox/brixx-server-api'); Create an instance from BrixxServerApi to access the avialable methods. javascript //Note: the constructor will always get the 2. parameter from //the functions call as parameter. This parameter expects the brixxboxMeta //as part of the body content (req.body.brixxboxMeta) const brixxServerApi = new BrixxServerApi(req); Now the different methods from brixxServerApi can be called. Example ```javascript const BrixxServerApi = require('@brixxbox/brixx-server-api'); module.exports = async function (context, req) { const brixxServerApi = new BrixxServerApi(req); currencyRate = await brixxServerApi.businessBrixx({ functionName:"CurrencyConverter", methodName: "Convert", fromCurrencySymbol: "EUR", toCurrencySymbol: "USD" }); } ``` Server Side Api Function List loadConfigRecordById saveConfigRecordById sqlWrite sqlRead sendEmail createReportPdfBlob cloudPrint businesssBrixx To invoke a server function from the a brixxApi client please check serverFunction
description: Executes a write sql statement and returns the number of rows affected sqlRead Parameters statementName - The name of the statement additionalParameters - all controls in the current config are set as paramters automatically. If you need to add additional parameters, you can use this json object to set them queryOptions - (optional) a json object with options for the request timeout - (optional) timeout for the SQL request. Default is 30 seconds connectionKey - (optional) a key to a custom settings entry with the connection string to an external MSSQL database Example Usages Read all data without parameters javascript let rowsChanged = await brixxServerApi.sqlRead("getAddresses", {}, {timeout: 90}); Read all data with parameters javascript let rowsChanged = await brixxServerApi.sqlRead("getAddresses", { adrType: 1}); See also client side api sqlRead
description: Executes a write sql statement and returns the number of rows affected sqlWrite Parameters statementName - The name of the statement additionalParameters - all controls in the current config are set as paramters automatically. If you need to add additional parameters, you can use this json object to set them queryOptions - (optional) a json object with options for the request timeout - (optional) timeout for the SQL Request. Default is 30 seconds connectionKey - (optional) a key to a custom settings entry with the connection string to an external MSSQL database Example Usages Update a record with parameters javascript let rowsChanged = await brixxServerApi.sqlWrite("updateAddres", { newName: "John", addressId: 45, }); See also client side api sqlWrite
description: >- This server side api function does support the same parameters as cloudPrint from the client side api. cloudPrint Api Version > 0.1.30 Example 1 Send a blob object to the cloud print api javascript let resultObj = await brixxServerApi.cloudPrint({ blob: myBlob, printerName: "HP LaserJet", }); console.log(resultObj.status); Example 2 We create a blob with create report and send it to the cloudPrint api javascript let pdfBlob = await brixxApi.createReportPdfBlob({ reportName: "demo1", configName: "address", archive: true, parameters:{ id: 45 }, }); let resultObj = await brixxApi.cloudPrint({ blob: pdfBlob, printerName: "HP LaserJet", }); console.log(resultObj.status); Example 3 Send a base64 file content to the cloudPrint api. javascript let resultObj = await brixxApi.cloudPrint({ documentBase64Content: myBase64PdfContent, printerName: "HP LaserJet", }); console.log(resultObj.status); See also client side api cloudPrint
description: Saves or creates a config record and returns the new record object. saveConfigRecordById Parameters mode - Config name id - Record Id Example Usages Create a new Record with 2 fields javascript let newRecord = await brixxServerApi.saveConfigRecordById({ adrName: "John", adrLastName: "Doe", }); See also client side api saveConfigRecordById
description: >- This server side api function does support the same parameters (Attachements and so on) as ComposeEmail from the client side api. Emails are sent automatically, as there is no UI. sendEmail Example 1 javascript await brixxServerApi.sendEmail({ to: ["[email protected]"], text: "Hello World", subject: "Demo Email", }); See also client side api composeEmail
description: >- This server side api function does support the same parameters as createReportPdfBlob from the client side api. createReportPdfBlob Example 1 javascript await brixxServerApi.createReportPdfBlob({ reportName: "myDemoReport", configName: "address", archive: true, parameters:{ id: 45 }, }); See also client side api createReport
description: >- This server side api function does support the same parameters as businessBrixx from the client side api. businessBrixx ```javascript let result = await brixxApi.businessBrixx({ functionName:"CurrencyConverter", methodName: "Convert", fromCurrencySymbol: "EUR", toCurrencySymbol: "USD" }); console.log(result); ``` See also client side api businessBrixx
description: Server Function to load a config record and return the record object. loadConfigRecordById Parameters mode - Config name id - Record Id Example Usages loads a record and stores it in a variable javascript let record = await brixxServerApi.loadConfigRecordById("address", req.body.parameters.addressId); See also client side api loadConfigRecordById
Client API Reference brixxApi Functions The brixxApi provides a set of functions for each brixxbox. These functions can be used inside brixxbox events, to interact with the brixxbox and modify the behaviour of the application. Common Functions inviteUser(string email) App Functions setToolbarButtonMode(string toolbarButtonId, string mode) addToolbarButton(toolbarButtonOptions) readOnlyMode(bool readOnly, options) excludeFromReadonly([]) startScanner(string controlId, scanOptions) isUserInRole(string role) globalSearch(string searchTerm) getDate(Date date) getUserClaim(string claimName) getSessionToken() getBrowserToken() logAdd() enableNotifications() setToolbarButtonMode(string toolbarButtonId, string mode) addToolbarButton(toolbarButtonOptions) readOnlyMode(bool readOnly, options) excludeFromReadonly([]) startScanner(string controlId, scanOptions) isUserInRole(string role) globalSearch(string searchTerm) getDate(Date date) getUserClaim(string claimName) getSessionToken() getBrowserToken() logAdd() enableNotifications() Field Manipulation setFieldValue(string controlId, value) // Value can be of any javascript value type i.e. string, integer, Date etc. getFieldValue(string controlId) setLabelText(string controlId, string labelText) initAllControls() initControl() setControlUnmodifiedValue(string controlId, string valueToCompare) // Value can be of any javascript value type i.e. string, integer, Date etc. getControlUnmodifiedValue(string controlId[[[[markAllControlsAsUnModified|markAllControlsAsUnModified()]]]] getHtmlElement(string controlId) setVisibility(string controlId, bool visible, string subControl) // visible(default True) and subControlare optional parameters. setEnable(string controlId, bool visible, string subControl) // visible(default True) and subControl are optional parameters. triggerEvent(string eventName, string controlId) refresh(string controlId) // If used without parameter, refreshes all controls. refreshBadges() showTabPage(string controlId)setGridGrouping(string controlId, groupConfiguration) // groupConfiguration can either null, undefined or columnId. setGridAutoRefresh(string controlId, Number autoRefreshSeconds ) // inputDate can be of Date type or a controlId of date/datetime control.
setGridAutoRefresh(string controlId, Number autoRefreshSeconds ) // inputDate can be of Date type or a controlId of date/datetime control. getCalcDateTime(inputDate, accuracy) // inputDate can be of Date type or a controlId of date/datetime control and accuracy can be seconds(default), minutes, or hours. enableValidator(string controlId, string validatorName, bool enable) // enable can be true(default)/false. reInitValidation() setFieldUnit(string controlId, string unitName) // If no value is given for unitName then unit will be removed. setDecimalDigits(string controlId, Number value) addClassToGridRowCell(eventParameter, columnId, className) showRowDetailButton(Row, bool show) showRowDetailPanel(Row, bool show) clearGridSelection(string controlId) selectGridRows(string controlId, string columnId, value) // Value can be of any javascript value type i.e. string, integer, Date etc. unselectGridRows(string controlId, string columnId, value) // Value can be of any javascript value type i.e. string, integer, Date etc. toggleGridSelection(string controlId) isRowSelected(string controlId, line) switchTagControl(string controlId, bool editMode) // editMode is optional parameter. setFocus(string controlId, bool select) setTextColor(string controlId, string colorName) // colorName can be "default", "primary", "secondary", "success", "danger", or "warning". setFontWeight(string controlId, string fontWeight) // fontWeight can be normal or bold. setFontStyle(string controlId, string fontStyle) // fontStyle can be italic or normal. setBackgroundColor(string controlId, string colorName) // colorName can be "default", "primary", "secondary", "success", "danger", or "warning". disableGridHyperLinks(string controlId, bool disable) getSignatureImageBlob(string controlId, string type) // Type can be of png(default) or svg. cancelCalendarChanges(string controlId) addCalendarEventSource(string controlId, eventSource) //eventSource is a JSON Object. setFieldValue(string controlId, value) // Value can be of any javascript value type i.e. string, integer, Date etc. getFieldValue(string controlId) setLabelText(string controlId, string labelText) initAllControls() initControl()
getFieldValue(string controlId) setLabelText(string controlId, string labelText) initAllControls() initControl() setControlUnmodifiedValue(string controlId, string valueToCompare) // Value can be of any javascript value type i.e. string, integer, Date etc. getControlUnmodifiedValue(string controlId[[[[markAllControlsAsUnModified|markAllControlsAsUnModified()]]]] getHtmlElement(string controlId) setVisibility(string controlId, bool visible, string subControl) // visible(default True) and subControlare optional parameters. setEnable(string controlId, bool visible, string subControl) // visible(default True) and subControl are optional parameters. triggerEvent(string eventName, string controlId) refresh(string controlId) // If used without parameter, refreshes all controls. refreshBadges() showTabPage(string controlId) setGridGrouping(string controlId, groupConfiguration) // groupConfiguration can either null, undefined or columnId. setGridAutoRefresh(string controlId, Number autoRefreshSeconds ) // inputDate can be of Date type or a controlId of date/datetime control. getCalcDateTime(inputDate, accuracy) // inputDate can be of Date type or a controlId of date/datetime control and accuracy can be seconds(default), minutes, or hours. enableValidator(string controlId, string validatorName, bool enable) // enable can be true(default)/false. reInitValidation() setFieldUnit(string controlId, string unitName) // If no value is given for unitName then unit will be removed. setDecimalDigits(string controlId, Number value) addClassToGridRowCell(eventParameter, columnId, className) showRowDetailButton(Row, bool show) showRowDetailPanel(Row, bool show) clearGridSelection(string controlId) selectGridRows(string controlId, string columnId, value) // Value can be of any javascript value type i.e. string, integer, Date etc. unselectGridRows(string controlId, string columnId, value) // Value can be of any javascript value type i.e. string, integer, Date etc. toggleGridSelection(string controlId) isRowSelected(string controlId, line) switchTagControl(string controlId, bool editMode) // editMode is optional parameter. setFocus(string controlId, bool select)
switchTagControl(string controlId, bool editMode) // editMode is optional parameter. setFocus(string controlId, bool select) setTextColor(string controlId, string colorName) // colorName can be "default", "primary", "secondary", "success", "danger", or "warning". setFontWeight(string controlId, string fontWeight) // fontWeight can be normal or bold. setFontStyle(string controlId, string fontStyle) // fontStyle can be italic or normal. setBackgroundColor(string controlId, string colorName) // colorName can be "default", "primary", "secondary", "success", "danger", or "warning". disableGridHyperLinks(string controlId, bool disable) getSignatureImageBlob(string controlId, string type) // Type can be of png(default) or svg. cancelCalendarChanges(string controlId) addCalendarEventSource(string controlId, eventSource) //eventSource is a JSON Object. Printing and Documents print(string controlId) // Id of report control which is to be printed. printBlob(printDoc) // printDoc is a document which is to be printed. showBlob(string controlId, blobData) createReport(reportControlId, createOptions) // CreateOptions is a JSON object. It contains options like print, archive, saveFile etc. for report creation. Data Storage loadRecord(string controlId) loadRecordById(Number recordId) loadConfigRecordById(string configName, Number recordId) deleteConfigRecordById(string configName, Number recordId) copyConfigRecordById(string configName, Number recordId, additionalValues) // additionalValues is a JSON object, it contains values need to be modified in target record. loadAndDisplayRecord(Number keyFieldId) loadAndDisplayRecordById(Number recordId) displayRecord(myRecord,string myKeyControlId) deleteRecord(options) // options is a JSON object which include properties id, noConfirmationMessage. validateInput() saveCurrentRecord(string configName, record) // record is a JSON like object. saveCurrentRecordWithoutEvents() saveConfigRecord(string configName, Number recordId) newRecord() newGridEntry(string gridControlId) executeStoredProcedure(string procedureName, procedureParameters, queryOptions) // procedureParameters and queryOptions are JSON objects. queryStoredProcedure(string procedureName, procedureParameters, queryOptions) // procedureParameters and queryOptions are JSON objects.
queryStoredProcedure(string procedureName, procedureParameters, queryOptions) // procedureParameters and queryOptions are JSON objects. refreshDataSource(string controlId) // Refreshes controlId. If used without parameters, it refreshes all controls with datasources. localValue(string keyName, string keyValue) sqlRead(string statementName, additionalParameters, queryOptions) // additionalParameters and queryOptions are JSON objects. sqlWrite(string statementName, additionalParameters, queryOptions) // additionalParameters and queryOptions are JSON objects. sqlReadValue(string statementName, additionalParameters, string columnName queryOptions) Build in Tools composeEmail(emailOptions) // emailOptions is a JSON object, it contains options like to, cc, bcc, text, and subject etc which can be used to send an email. getGeoLocation() showWikiPage(string pageName, bool global) // If global is true, global wiki page is shown. Otherwise workspace wiki page is shown. showDiscussion(bool show) // Default show value is is true. showAttachments(bool show) // Default show value is is true. showMessage(messageOptions) // messageOptions is a JSON object. showMessageBox(messageBoxOptions) // messageBoxOptions is a JSON object. messageBox(messageBoxOptions) // messageBoxOptions is a JSON object. refreshAttachments() getAttachmentById(Number id) getAttachmentByFileName(string fileName) getAttachmentsForCurrentRecord() getAttachmentId(string fileName) getConfigRecordAttachmentIdByFileName(string appName, Number recordId, string fileName) downloadAttachments(downloadOptions) //downloadOptions is a JSON object. It iscludes resquestedIds list and file name for downloaded file. uploadAttachment(blob data,Number documentTypeId, string fileName) // documentTypeId and fileName are optional parameters. deleteAttachment(Number attachmentId) replaceText(string text, additionalReplacement) // additionalReplacement is a JSON object with key value pairs. callWebHook(string url, string message) getCustomMessage(string messageName, params, string targetLanguage) // params is a JSON object. getCustomSetting(string settingName) serverFunction(string funcName, funcParams, options) // funcParams and options are JSON objects and optional parameters. Business Brixx DhlShiping CreateShipment → Creates a DHL Shipping Label.
Business Brixx DhlShiping CreateShipment → Creates a DHL Shipping Label. GetLabel → Shows the shipment Label again. DPDShipping DPD Shipping Starting brixxboxes startBrixxbox(startOptions) // startOptions is a JSON object with start parameters. addEventListener(string eventName, string controlId,function func) // ControlId is optional parameter. closeModal() isModal() createPublicAppUrl(options) //options is a JSON object. closePublicAppUrl(options) //options is a JSON object. logout() Date and Time The moment.js Library Variables userId recordId record isLoadingRecord isInitializing Controls NumBox TextBox Button CheckBox ComboBox Grid TabControl TabPage Accordion Badge FullCalendar Camera Chart DateTimeBox DateBox DocViewer AppConfig FileImport FormGroup FormGroupRow GridConfig GroupBox HorizontalLine HtmlTable HtmlTemplate Image Label LinkLabel MultilineTextBox Report Row Scanner SignaturePad Tag TemplateGrid TemplateGridElement TimeBox Unit WedgeScanner Widget WidgetContainer WysiwygText == Common Functions → App Functions → Field Manipulation → Functions which manipulate properties, values or behaviors of a control. Printing and Documents → Data Storage → Build in Tools → Business Brixx → Starting brixxboxes → Date and Time → Variables → brixxApi Events The brixxApi Events are used to react on certain events. This way you can customize the behaviour of the brixxbox to your own purpose. Some events will be raised befor the brixxbox executes their own logic for this event. In that case, you can return 'true' to avoid the brixxbox build in event. Otherwise the brixxbox will do its own logic after your event. onClick → When a control is clicked. onRowClick → When a grid row is clicked. onCellClick → When a grid cell is clicked. onChange → When a control content is changed.
onCellClick → When a grid cell is clicked. onChange → When a control content is changed. onRecordLoad → Before a Record is loaded. onRecordLoaded → After a Record is loaded. onRecordSave → Before a Record is saved. onRecordSaved → After a Record is saved. onRowSelectionChanged → After a the selected row of a grid has changed. onRowCreated → Modify a grid row. Apply a color for the row based on its values for example. onRecordNew → After initializing the Form. The new Record is not saved yet but can be modified with initial values. onRecordDelete → Before a record is deleted. onRecordDeleted → After a record was deleted. onChange → After a control value has changed. onKeyPress → When a key is pressed onKeyUp → When a key goes up onKeyDown → When a key goes down onModalClose → When a modal brixxbox app closes. onAppStart → When the app is started but befor it is initialized. onAppInitialized → When the app is initialized onAppStart has happend). onScan → When a code is scanned. onAttachmentsShow → Just before attachments panel opens. onFileImport → When a file is uploaded for import. onReturnFromModal → When a modal child app is closed, the parent will get this event onAttachmentsShow → When the sidebar for attachments opens onMailHistoryShow → When the sidebar for the mail history opens onSubDataRequest → When the subdatasource of a control is requested onChildAppClosed → When a childapp of your app closes. onTabShown → Fires when a tab page is changing to visible. onAttachmentDeleted → Triggers when the user deletes an attachment in the sidebar. onAttachmentsHide → This event occurs when the attachment sidebar gets closed.
onAttachmentsHide → This event occurs when the attachment sidebar gets closed. onDataTransform → The event can be used to transform a datasource line to a calender event. onEventClick → The event occurs the user clicks on one of the events. onEventChange → The event occurs the user moves or modifies an event. onTimeSelected → The event triggers when the users selects a time period in the calendar.
description: Readonly variable, that returns the email address of the current user. userId Example Usages javascript console.log(brixxApi.userId);
description: >- Represents the id of the current record, if a record is loaded, otherwise it will return null. recordId Example Usages javascript if(brixxApi.recordId){ console.log("the current record id is: " + brixxApi.recordId); }else{ console.log("sorry, no record loaded"); }
description: >- Represents the current record, if a record is loaded, otherwise it will return null. record Example Usages Assuming the current app has a control with the id adrName javascript if(brixxApi.record){ console.log("the current record id is: " +; console.log("hello: " +; }else{ console.log("sorry, no record loaded"); }
isLoadingRecord Is true if the brixxApi is currently loading and displaying a record. Can be useful in an onChange event to tell the diffenrece beween a loaded value and a value that has ben set by the user or any other event. Example Usages In an onChange Event javascript if(brixxApi.isLoadingRecord){ console.log("app is loading a record"); }else{ console.log("app is not loading a record"); }
Quickstart Open the brixxbox app here {% embed url="" %}
Brixxbox Low-Code Plattform Configuration Configuration is a folder, present of the left side-bar of Brixxbox web-app. It includes all essential options to create, update, manage and customize workspaces of a particular user. Below you can find the working summary of each options present under configuration folder. To read about each option in detail, click on "click here" at the end of each option. Last Edited Brixxbox allow users to create and update multiple applications. In order to increase usability, it provides last edit option. User will be able to see all the recently edited app's here and save time. For example, consider your workspace consists of 100 applications and you were working on one app, then you don't want to go through all the apps instead you can find this app directly from here. Apps Brixxbox is all about creating user defined applications. Apps option takes user to new Brixxbox page. This page lists all the apps present in the user space. Here Brxxbox allow users to search, sort, create, edit and delete user defined applications. In order to learn more about it click here. Template Gallery Not only Brixxbox allows you to create your workspace from scratch, it also provides a list of templates for new users to get started with. It contains templates for beginners like "App in 4 minutes" to complete CRM systems like "Digital Address Book". In order to learn more about Brixxbox templates click here. Menu In Brixxbox left side panel, there are folders present like "Configuration" itself. These are all default folders. In addition to them, Brixxbox also allows user to add a customized folder. This menu option is for creating this customized folder. In this option, on first level you are only allowed to create a folder and all sub folders and apps can be placed on next hierarchical level. For example, in the menu editor we see that on first level "Applications" folder is defined an in it two apps "Address - list", "Item - list", and a folder "System Applications" are present. We can also see a same hierarchical order on left side panel. In order to learn more about it click here. Database
In order to learn more about it click here. Database In this folder, Brixxbox provides you all the functionality which is needed to create, update and maintain your database. Following are the sub options provided by Brixxbox to manage database. Info All the metadata information about users database is provided under this option. For example, name of database, creation date and available space etc. A snippet of an example database's info is given below: Tables Tables option provides user with searching, creating, editing, and exporting different data tables present in the database. It provides a detailed list of all the tables present. An example of tables present is listed below: Sql Statements Brixxbox allows users to create sql statements regarding their app's usability and save them. This option provides functionality to create, edit, and delete sql statements. It also lists all the present sql statements. In order to know more about managing them click here. Sql Procedures This option allows you to maintain SQL stored procedures for your Brixxbox Database. stored procedure is a prepared SQL code that you can save, so the code can be reused over and over again. It allows users with functionality to create, edit, and delete stored procedures. In order to learn more about it click here. Sql Functions Brixxbox allows users to write, edit, delete Sql functions. User only have to provide the body of a function, the function will be generated from it. In order to learn more about it click here. In order to learn more about it click here. Sql Triggers Triggers are such functions which run or get triggered when a certain event occurs. In this app, Brixxbox allows you to maintain DML triggers for your database tables. In order to learn more about it click here. Data sources Brixxbox allow users to work with new data sources using this option. It allows you add, update, and delete new data sources. Keep in mind that these data sources are different from the database option which is explained above. Reports
Reports In Brixxbox, user is able to add new reports. Brixxbox allows you to add html elements in your reports. This gives user to add anything to report page with respect to their needs. Brixxbox also allow user to install "telerik" report designer. It helps users to build, edit, and view reports. An simple example of a report is a "customerofferreport". A snapshot of example is given below for reference. In order to learn more about reports click here. Custom messages In this app, Brixxbox allows you to add custom messages. These messages can be used to portray warning, success or error state. For example, In case of successful order placement, we can show a thank you method to our user. In order to learn more about it click here. Server Functions Brixxbox is composed of maninly two parts: a javascript engine which works works in the browser, and web services which are present on server side. These are mainly used to get and post calls to web api's requests. On the front end, you can use "serverFunction" api in custom code to call different functions along with their parameters. Here is an example usage of serverFunction api. javascript let functionResponse = brixxApi.serverFunction("myFunction", { name: "Hallo" }); console.log(functionResponse.functionResult); In order to learn more about server functions click here. Job Schedule Brixxbox allows userss to automate their tasks which they want to perform on regular interval basis by using app job schedular. This minimizes user effort. For example, User want to update manager about current status of work on regular basis. One way is to do perform this task manually each day or user can simply use Brixxbox job schedular to automate this task once and for all. In order to learn more about App job click here. Translations This app provides functionality of logging messages that need top be translated from one language to another. For example you want to thank user after successfully placing an order. In order to learn more about App job click here. Files Brixxbox allows users to upload files from outside and it also stores files generated by different app in the workspace. There are 19 deiiferent types of documents are allowed in Brixxbox uptil now. In order to learn more about files or attachments click here Document types
Document types Brixxbox allows users to add different tpyes of documents in their workspace. In Brixxbox, each document is assigned a specific type for example invoice, list, bild etc. Document types lets you categorize attachments of anytype. The main properties of any attachemnt in Brixxbox are type id and name of document type. Document type is editable afterwards but id is not. In order to learn more about document type click here. User Dashboards This panel is used to configure which apps will be started for each user and role, when the user opens the their Brixxbox workspace. This app provides easy access to important applications without or little navigation. They enable your to become more productive. In order to learn more about document type click here.
description: Downloads a list of attachment ids as a zip file. downloadAttachments Parameters downloadOptions - JSON object requestedIds - list of ids to download fileName - (optional) name of the downloaded file Example Usages javascript brixxApi.downloadAttachments({ requestedIds:[196, 197, 200] }); javascript brixxApi.downloadAttachments({ requestedIds:[196, 197, 200], fileName: "" });
description: Deletes an attachment and its link to a record. deleteAttachment Parameters attachmentId - the id of the attachment you want to delete Example Usages javascript brixxApi.deleteAttachment(42);
description: >- Disables (or enables) the hyperlinks in grid cells, automatically generated for combo box controls. This function also refreshes the grid. disableGridHyperLinks Parameters controlId - The id of the grid control disable - true, if you want to disable the hyperlinks, false if you want to enable them again. Example Usages javascript brixxApi.disableGridHyperLinks("myGrid", true); //disable links brixxApi.disableGridHyperLinks("myGrid", false); //enable links again
cloudQuery Requests Data from a CloudGateway Enpoint Parameters ``` { AppName: "MyCloudGateway", //The Name in the ApiKey List Endpoint: "LocalFirebird", // Configured Endpoint SqlStatementId: "fbGetAddress", //Optional statemnt id, depending on the Plugin Parameters: { //Optional Parameters "id": 1 }, } ``` Example Usages Query an address from a firebird database ```javascript brixxApi.cloudQuery({ AppName: "MyCloudGateway", Endpoint: "LocalFirebird", SqlStatementId: "fbGetAddress", Parameters: { "id": 1 }, }) ```
description: Changes an existing help text for a control at runtime. changeHelpText Parameters controlId => Id of the control helpText => the new text, you want to set or empty to remove an existing text Example Usages javascript brixxApi.changeHelpText("myControl", "Hello World");
description: >- (Beta) Cancels the drag or edit operation that triggered the OnEventChange event and moves all events back to their origin position. Must be used inside the OnEventChange event. cancelCalendarChanges Parameters controlId - The id of the calendar control Example Usages javascript brixxApi.cancelCalendarChanges("myCalendar");
displayRecord Displays a record in an brixxbox app. To get a record, you could use e.g. loadRecord Parameters the record. the current control. This control is excluded from the discard changes check, that occurs before the record is displayed Example Usages Simple (pay attention to the await keyword) javascript await brixxApi.displayRecord(myRecord, "myKeyControlId");
description: (Beta) Adds an event source object to the calendar addCalendarEventSource Parameters controlId - The id of the calendar control eventSource - the Event source object Example Usages javascript app.addCalendarEventSource("myCal", { events: [ { title: 'Sammple Event 1', start: '2020-12-08', }, { title: 'Sammple Event 2', start: '2020-12-10', }, ], id: 1, color: 'yellow', // an option! textColor: 'black' // an option! });
copyConfigRecordById Creates a deep copy from a config record. Typical example is to create a copy of an "order" record, with a copy of all the "orderLines" from that source "order". brixxbox will use the "Cascade Copy" flag of a grid control, to decide if which referenced records will be copied. Parameters configName recordId - the id of the source record additionalValues - json object of values in the target record that should be modified. e.g. an "orderDate" field. Can be null, in this case you get a 1:1 copy except the record id. Example Usages Exact copy: javascript let newOrder = brixxApi.copyConfigRecordById("customerOrder", 1376); Copy with new date for header data and manipulating two columns of line item data: javascript let newOrder = brixxApi.copyConfigRecordById("customerOrder", 1376, { cordOrderDate: new Date(), cordlnOrderQuantity: "1", cordlnDeliveredQuantity: null });
description: Add Toolbar Buttons with different functionalities. addToolbarButton As we have already discussed in documentation of SetToolbarButtonMode. These are several buttons that are provided by Brixxbox for each app like adding new record, saving new record etc. These buttons provides general functionality needed by most of the apps but in case your app needs extra functionality, Brixxbox also allows this. It is provided by brixxApi function addToolbarButton. It takes a JSON object as a parameter. This JSON contains all the properties that defines this custom button as well as the functionality provided by it. The properties include name, id, and function to execute on clicking this button etc. Adds a custom button to the app toolbar. Example javascript brixxApi.addToolbarButton({ title: "Print Invoice", icon: "print", id: "printInvoiceToolbarButton", onclick: async function () { brixxApi.triggerEvent("click", "printInvoiceBtn"); } }); Parameters toolbarButtonOptions - It is a JSON Object. In JSON object we passes parameters in the form of key value arguments.It include properties like name, id, function, etc. Example Usages As we have already seen a minimal custom print button in above example. Lets now add extra properties like group, css class, and shortcut for our print button. Now we also want this button to be added in our app toolbar on initialization. For this purpose goto current app properties and add onAppInitialized event. Now we need to add following code as a custom code to this event. javascript brixxApi.addToolbarButton({ title: "Print Invoice", icon: "print", text: "Rechnung drucken", group: "invoice", id: "printInvoiceToolbarButton", cssClass: "btn-success", onclick: async function () { brixxApi.triggerEvent("click", "printInvoiceBtn"); }, shortcut: "Ctrl-Alt-P" }); Now when our app is initialized, we can see our custom button on the app toolbar and it should look like this. We can also add different custom buttons to our app depending upon our own requirements.
description: Deletes a record of a given config deleteConfigRecordById Parameters configName - the name of the config id - the record id you want to delete Example Usages javascript brixxApi.deleteConfigRecordById("address", 123);
description: >- Creates an url, that leads to a standalone app for pulic use. There is still a valid user logged in. The public user has to be configured in the settings as a "valid external user" for security reason createPublicAppUrl Parameters options - Json object with the same properties as [createPublicAppUrl](/globalDoc/function_createPublicAppUrl) options, plus: publicUser - the user email address of the brixxbox user, that will be used for the public app . Example Usages javascript await brixxApi.createPublicAppUrl({appName: "survey", publicUser: "[email protected]", id:1});
description: >- Calls a webhook to trigger a system to do anything like posting a message to a teams channel. callWebHook Parameters url - The url of the teams or slack channel, see the video to learn how to get a WebHook url. {% embed url="" %} 2. the message you want to send. That depends on the service, you want to post to. here are some examples for Microsoft Teams(, but it can be as easy as seen in exampel 1 Example Usages Plain text message javascript brixxApi.callWebHook(myUrl, { text: "Hello World" }); full styled message with actions
full styled message with actions javascript brixxApi.callWebHook(myUrl, { "@type": "MessageCard", "@context": "", "themeColor": "006E7E", "summary": "A new message from brixxbox", "sections": [{ "activityTitle": "![TestImage]( new message from brixxbox", "activitySubtitle": "Volkers Sandbox", "activityImage": "", "facts": [{ "name": "Assigned to", "value": app.userId }], "markdown": true }], "potentialAction": [{ "@type": "ActionCard", "name": "Add a comment", "inputs": [{ "@type": "TextInput", "id": "comment", "isMultiline": false, "title": "Add a comment here for this task" }], "actions": [{ "@type": "HttpPOST", "name": "Add comment", "target": "http://..." }] }, { "@type": "ActionCard", "name": "Set due date", "inputs": [{ "@type": "DateInput", "id": "dueDate", "title": "Enter a due date for this task" }], "actions": [{ "@type": "HttpPOST", "name": "Save", "target": "http://..." }] }, { "@type": "ActionCard", "name": "Change status", "inputs": [{ "@type": "MultichoiceInput", "id": "list", "title": "Select a status", "isMultiSelect": "false", "choices": [{ "display": "In Progress", "value": "1" }, { "display": "Active", "value": "2" }, { "display": "Closed", "value": "3" }] }], "actions": [{ "@type": "HttpPOST", "name": "Save", "target": "http://..." }] }] });
description: >- Creates a report on the Server and retrieves it to the client. The only format, currently supported is pdf. createReport Parameters reportControlId - the id of the reportControl in your app. This can be invisible, if you don't need a preview. createOptions - JSON Object with options print - (bool, default = false) if set to true, this will trigger the print dialog after the report is create. archive - (bool, default = false) if set to true, the report is saved as an attachment to the current record, saveFile - if set. the report will be downloaded with a generic file name (brixxbox-print.pdf), except, if saveFileName is set.# saveFileName - if set. the report will be downloaded with that file name. reportId - (optional) if defined, this will overruled the reportId given for the control in the config editor. This is not the controlId, but the id (name) of the report definition cloudPrinter - (optional) the created report will be send to the cloud printer right after creation. Like a on a dataRequest, all controls of the current app will bo automatically send as report parameters, plus the recordId of the current record as "id", even if you dont have a control "id" in your app. Example Usages javascript brixxApi.createReport("invoiceReport", {print: true}); //will create the invoiceReport as a pdf and prints it on the client side javascript brixxApi.createReport("invoiceReport", { print: true, archive: true, documentTypeId: 1, saveFileName: "myPrint.pdf" }); //will create the invoiceReport as a pdf and prints it on the client side, it will also save the pdf as an attachment to the current record. javascript brixxApi.createReport("invoiceReport", { print: true, reportId: "invoiceReportSimple" }); //In this case, we choose a different reportId Create a report and send it to a cloud printer javascript brixxApi.createReport("invoiceReport", { cloudPrinter: "HP LaserJet", });
cloudPrint Sends a PDF to a printer, that is connected by the BrixxboxCloudGateway. You can sent a document to a cloudprinter by using createReport as well Parameters A json object Example Usages Print an existing attachment javascript brixxApi.cloudPrint({ printerName: "HP LaserJet", //Printer NAme attachmentId: "1", //Attachment id }); Print an existing attachment with multiple copies javascript brixxApi.cloudPrint({ printerName: "HP LaserJet", attachmentId: "1", copies: 5 // 1 copy is the default. Needs "cloudPrint Gateway" installer Version 1.0.1 or newer }); Print a new created report without archiving javascript let myReport = await brixxApi.createReport("myReport"); brixxApi.cloudPrint({ printerName: "HP LaserJet", //Printer NAme blob: myReport, //The report blob object });
description: >- If the current brixxbox app is startet in a modal window, that window will be closed. closeModal Example Usages javascript brixxApi.closeModal();
description: Adds an Event Listener to the brixxbox or one of its controls addEventListener Parameters Events Control Id (optional) If the event is control specific (e.g. click on a buttton), this has to be the control id of that button Function The code that should be executed in case of this event The first parameter is the brixxApi Example Usages javascript brixxApi.addEventListener("onRecordSaved", function (brixxApi, eventArgs) { alert("Record saved in " + brixxApi.appName); }); javascript brixxApi.addEventListener("onClick", "myButton", function (/*event parameters are optional*/) { alert("Button clicked"); });
description: Deletes a record from the database. deleteRecord Parameters options - json object id - the record id. Optional. By default, this is the current record id. (The current record id can be accessed here: brixxApi.actualRecordId) noConfirmMessage - Optional. By default, this is false. If set to true, you will not get a confirm MessageBox. the record will be deleted. Example Usages 1. Simple javascript brixxApi.deleteRecord(); //deletes the current displayed record brixxApi.deleteRecord({id: brixxApi.actualRecordId}); //deletes the current displayed record 2. Simple - No Confirmation javascript brixxApi.deleteRecord({noConfirmMessage: true}); //deletes the current displayed record without confirmation 3. Without displaying the record javascript let myRecord = await brixxApi.laodRecord("myKeyControl"); loads a record into myRecord brixxApi.deleteRecord({id:}); //deletes the loadedRecord
description: Unselects all rows of a data grid. clearGridSelection Parameters controlId - id of the grid control Example Usages javascript brixxApi.clearGridSelection(myGrid);
-- description: Shows the email compose Dialog, or sends an email without an interface popup. --- # composeEmail ### Parameters 1. emailOptions - (optional) Json object with email parameters. * to - array of email addresses * cc - array of email addresses * bcc - array of email addresses * text - message text * subject - subject * from - single string with an email address * replyTo - single email, that will be used as to reply to * autoSend - if set to true, the mail will be send automatically. You will not see a dialog at all. (Default is false) * hideToEmail - if set to true. The recipients email address is hidden in the email dialog * attachmentIds - an array of attachment ids that will be sent as an attachment, * attachmentBlobs - an array of blobs objects that will be sent as an attachment, {name: myFileName, blob: myBlob} * recordId - RecordId if you would like to attach the email to an record. If empty, this is the current record Id (available from 18.11.2021) * appName - AppName if you would like to attach the email to an record. If empty, this is the current App Name (available from 18.11.2021) ### Example Usages #### Example 1 Shows the dialog without any predefined values Shows the dialog text and to addresses ```javascript composeEmail({ text: `This is the messsage text and this is a link:`, to:["[email protected]", "[email protected]"], subject: "This is the mail subject", from: "[email protected]" }); ``` #### Example 2 Sends the email without a dialog ```javascript composeEmail({ text: "This is the messsage text", to:["[email protected]", "[email protected]"], subject: "This is the mail subject", from: "[email protected]", replyTo: "[email protected]", autoSend: true //Set this to avoid the dialog }); ```
#### Example 3 - attachment blobs ```javascript composeEmail({ text: "This is the messsage text", to:["[email protected]", "[email protected]"], subject: "This is the mail subject", from: "[email protected]", autoSend: true, attachmentBlobs: [ { name: "Test1.pdf", blob: app.createReport("report") }, { name: "Test2.pdf", blob: app.getAttachmentById(2) } ], }); ``` #### Example 4 - attachment ids ```javascript composeEmail({ text: "This is the messsage text", to:["[email protected]", "[email protected]"], subject: "This is the mail subject", from: "[email protected]", autoSend: true, attachmentIds: [1, 2, 3] }); ```
description: This function is used to color a single cell in a grid, or highlight it. addClassToGridRowCell Parameters eventParameter - this is the special parameter you get in OnRowCreated columnId - the name (id) of the column className - the classnaem to set Example Usages Example inside OnRowCreated javascript brixxApi.addClassToGridRowCell(eventArgs, "cordlnShippedQuantity", "success");
description: >- Returns the geo location and additional information like speed and altitude if available. Be aware, that this is an asynchronous function and you have to use await. getGeoLocation The Result looks like this: coords accuracy: 33 altitude: null altitudeAccuracy: null heading: null latitude: 51.073834399999996 longitude: 6.0768204 speed: null timestamp: 1557477072518 Example Usages javascript let myGeoLocation = await brixxApi.getGeoLocation(); console.log(myGeoLocation.coords.latitude); console.log(myGeoLocation.coords.longitude); To Visualize a geo location in google maps, see this documentation( for possible url parameters, You could use the following commands in an event: javascript let myLocation = await brixxApi.getGeoLocation();"" + myLocation.coords.latitude + "," + myLocation.coords.longitude,'_blank');
description: Refreshes the attachment grid in the sidebar if it is visible refreshAttachments Example Usages javascript brixxApi.refreshAttachments();
getSessionToken GUID stands for Global Unique Identifier. A GUID is a 128-bit integer (16 bytes) that you can use for authentication purposes. We use this token to identify a user for same browser session. This function can be used to get GUID for current user sessions. It can then be used to authenticate user between different apps. Another usecase is that it could be used to identify a shopping cart. An important aspect here to note is that when when you close all browser tabs and start the Brixxbox again, this token will be different. Example Usages An example user is that user can get access tokens using this getSessionToken functions from two apps and compare them to confirm user identity i.e after login this can be used as authenticate the user. javascript let myToken = brixxApi.getSessionToken();
description: Initializes a control to its empty state initControl Example Usages javascript brixxApi.initControl();
description: >- Returns a list of all the attachments of the current record. The list is ordereb by id desc. so the newest documents will be the first you will find while iterating over the array. getAttachmentsForCurrentRecord Example Usages Example 1 console.log(brixxApi.getAttachmentsForCurrentRecord()); Example 2 Filtering javascript let allAttachmentsForThisRecord = brixxApi.getAttachmentsForCurrentRecord(); let invoices = allAttachmentsForThisRecord.filter(singleAttachment => {return singleAttachment.documentTypeId == 2}); //We assume, that there is just one invoice let attachmentBlob = brixxApi.getAttachmentById(invoices[0].id); brixxApi.printBlob(attachmentBlob)
description: Determens if the current brixxbox app is started in a modal window. isModal Example Usages Simple javascript if(brixxApi.isModal()){ alert("the brixxbox app is modal!"); }
description: >- Prints a document that is a blob. You might get a blob by requesting an attachmen printBlob Parameters Print Document Example Usages javascript brixxApi.printBlob(brixxApi.getAttachmentByFileName("Invoice1.pdf"));
localValue Stores and retrieves local values, like settings or something, that you want to have persistent on this specific browser. The value will be saved only for the browser you are currently working on. The value will be save in the scope of the current workspace you are working in. Parameters key - Key name value - (optional) value you want to save. If this is empty, brixxbox will return the value, you saved before. This is not an asynchronous operation. No await needed! Example Usages ```javascript brixxApi.localValue("myKey", "Hello World"); //Save the value "Hello World" under the key "myKey" let x = brixxApi.localValue("myKey"); //Retrieve the Key "myKey". This will result in "Hello World" console.log(x) ```
description: Executes a stored procedure. executeStoredProcedure Parameters procedureName - The name of the stored procedure procedure parameters - If you need to add parameters, you can use this json object to set them queryOptions - (optional) a json object with options for the request timeout - (optional) timeout for the SQL Request. Default is 30 seconds connectionKey - (optional) a key to a custom settings entry with the connection string to an external MSSQL database Example Usages 1. Simple (pay attention to the await keyword) javascript await brixxApi.executeStoredProcedure("procedureName"); 2. With parameters (pay attention to the await keyword) javascript let parameterJson = { myCustomSqlParameter: 12345 }; await brixxApi.executeStoredProcedure("procedureName", parameterJson); 3. Short version (pay attention to the await keyword) javascript await brixxApi.executeStoredProcedure("procedureName", { myCustomSqlParameter: 12345 }); 4. With Timeout javascript await brixxApi.executeStoredProcedure("procedureName", { myCustomSqlParameter: 12345 },{ timeout: 45 });
description: Gets and attachment by its unique id. getAttachmentById Parameters id - id of the attachment Example Usages javascript brixxApi.getAttachmentById(1234); javascript let allAttachmentsForThisRecord = brixxApi.getAttachmentsForCurrentRecord(); let invoices = allAttachmentsForThisRecord.filter(singleAttachment => {return singleAttachment.documentTypeId == 2}); //We assume, that there is just one invoice let attachmentBlob = brixxApi.getAttachmentById(invoices[0].id); brixxApi.printBlob(attachmentBlob)
description: >- Sets the cursor focus to a specific control and optionally selects the existing text. setFocus Parameters controlId - the name of the control to set the focus to select - (optional) if set to true, the existing text in the control is selected. if empty or false, the cursor is placed behind the not selected text Example Usages javascript brixxApi.setFocus("adrName"); //set focus and palce cursor after existing text brixxApi.setFocus("adrName", true); //set focus and select the existing text
description: >- Converts a date to the total days since 1.1.1970 to make it easy comparable. You can use Date, or DateTime as input and even if two datetime values do have different times. getCalcDate Parameters inputDate - This can be a date or datetime in any format or a controlId to a date or dateTime control Example Usages javascript let calcDate1 = brixxApi.getCalcDate(brixxApi.getFieldValue("myDateTime1")); let calcDate2 = brixxApi.getCalcDate(brixxApi.getFieldValue("myDate2")); if(calcDate1 === calcDate2){ //Do something } Example Results javascript brixxApi.getCalcDate(new Date('1995-12-17 03:24:00')) //9481 (days since 1.1.1970) brixxApi.getCalcDate('1995-12-17 03:24:00') //9481 brixxApi.getCalcDate('1995-12-17 12:44:30') //9481 brixxApi.getCalcDate(myControlId) //?
description: Enables or disables a specific control. setEnable Parameters controlId - id of the brixxbox control as a string enable - (optional, default = true) bool value if the control should be enabled or not subControl (optional) Some controls have sub Controls, that can be enabled or disabled. Important: setEnable for subcontrols cannot be used in onAppStart, because some controls are not fully created at that time, use onAppInitialized instead. Here is a list of possible subControls: grids inline - enables or disables the inline editing of a grid (Cell Editing) buttons - enables or disables the buttons of a grid buttonNew - enables or disables the new buttons of a grid buttonDelete - enables or disables the delete buttons of a grid buttonCopy - enables or disables the copy buttons of a grid Example Usages 1. Simple javascript brixxApi.setEnable("myControlId"); //enables the control brixxApi.setEnable("myControlId", true); //enables the control brixxApi.setEnable("myControlId", false); //disables the control 2. Disable the Grid inline edit feature javascript brixxApi.setEnable("myGridControl", false, "inline"); 3. Disable all data manipulating grid Toolbar Buttons javascript brixxApi.setEnable("myGridControl", false, "buttons"); 4. Disable a single grid Toolbar Buttons javascript brixxApi.setEnable("myGridControl", false, "buttonNew"); brixxApi.setEnable("myGridControl", false, "buttonDelete"); brixxApi.setEnable("myGridControl", false, "buttonCopy");
loadRecord Loads a record, based on the current config, from brixxbox server and returns a promise. This is a async function. You have to await the result, if you want to use it. This function will not display the record, it will just load and return it. To display the record, use the function result with displayRecord. Parameters The first parameter is a control with the key value, that will be used to find the record (like an address number) Example Usages Simple (pay attention to the await keyword) javascript let myRecord = await brixxApi.loadRecord("myKeyControl");
description: Gets the html element for this brixxbox control. getHtmlElement Note: Usually it is not necessary to get the Html element itself. Make sure there is no better way to do the things you want to do by using the brixxApi functions! Example Usages javascript let myField = brixxApi.getHtmlElement("myFieldId"); myField.disabled = true; // just for demonstration. Please use brixxApi.setFieldEnable("myFieldId", false) instead
description: Saves the changes to the current record in the database. saveCurrentRecord Example Usages Simple (pay attention to the await keyword) javascript await brixxApi.saveCurrentRecord();
description: >- Resets all validators of an app to their default state. So you don't have to bother with enableValidator to reset them or what the default state is. reInitValidation Example Usages javascript brixxApi.reInitValidation();
description: Add or set a unit in front of a numeric or text field. setFieldUnit Parameters controlId - Id of the control The string value of the unit you want to set. If this parameter is not set, the unit will be removed. Example Usages Simple textbox javascript brixxApi.setFieldUnit("myControlId", "€"); Remove unit javascript brixxApi.setFieldUnit("myControlId");
description: >- Reloads the content of a single control (like combobox or grid) or of all such controls in an brixxbox application. refresh Parameters Optional. A control, if you want to refresh just this control, or undefined to refresh all controls within an application. Example Usages 1. Simple (pay attention to the **[await](/globalDoc/glossary_await)** keyword) javascript await brixxApi.refresh("myKeyControl"); await brixxApi.refresh();
description: >- It can set the whole brixxbox app or some controls depending upon the use case which is required, in a readonly mode. All Input fields, save- new- and delete toolbar buttons are disabled. readOnlyMode In Brixxbox, we have certain types of users like system users those who build the system, users those who will use the system, and admins, they will manage the systems etc. Each user should have different access to the system. It means all acess rights should only be given to admin users. Lets suppose we have an orders app and recorded orders. System users should only be allowed to fetch and check orders while on the other hand admins shouls also be allowed to edit orders and make changes to them. This is this brixxApi readOnlyMode function comes into play. Example This code sets the whole app to read only mode. All the input controls and even the toolbar button get disabled. Parameters readOnlyMode function can be used with or without options. Following are the optional parameters: readOnly - (bool, default = true) This indicates if the readOnly mode is enabled (true) or disabled (false). If it is set to true or without options, it disables the whole app. If set to false, the app starts to behave normally. Every control and each toolbar button is enabled. options - It is a JSON object which can be passed as an additional options. exclude - It is an array of controlIds that should be excluded from the disable functionality of readOnlyMode function. Example Usages We can use this "readOnlyMode" function with or without options. Lets see both of them in action. Without options To disable each and every control and toolbar buttons use this function without any options like javascript brixxApi.readOnlyMode(); // This will set app in readOnly Mode. brixxApi.readOnlyMode(true); // This will also set complete app in readOnly Mode. In order to enable all the controls, set the readOnlyMode function with false value of readOnly parameter. It will enable back all the controls and the app will start behaving normally. javascript brixxApi.readOnlyMode(false); // sets back to normal Mode. With options
javascript brixxApi.readOnlyMode(false); // sets back to normal Mode. With options Now if we dont want to use default functionality of disabling or enabling the whole app, we can usereadOnlyMode options to enable or disable some of the controls. Lets say we want to disable 2 controls from an app then we have to pass the name sof these controls in exclude option array like javascript brixxApi.readOnlyMode(true, { exclude: ["myFrstControl", "mySecondControl"] }); Example in Action Lets say we have address app and we want to disable all of it. It can be done in different ways. For a moment, lets stick to "appInitialized" event. Add this function as a custom code of "appInitialized" event and save the app. It will look like this As we can see each control as well as app toolbar is also disabled.
getUserClaim Brixxapi allows user to set a claim value. This claim Value gets added when user gets logged in. It is used to identify users claim. For example, to check whether a user is someone who he claims to be or not. By using this function, we can get userClaim and make useful comparisons in our apps. Parameters claimName - This is the only paramter this function takes. It is the claiName which should be in the form of string.. Brixxapi allows user to add claim name with or with out "claim_" prefix. Example Let suppose we have a claimName parameter "EFitDealer" then Brixxapi will consider both "EFitDealer" and "claim_EFitDealer" as same. Example Usages We can use "getUserClaim" function to get user's claim, a way to check user identity. As a parameter, we need to provide the claimName to this function. We can provide only the claimName or the claimName plus "claim_" as prefix. Lets see both of them in action. We have a claimName "EfitDealerNumber", now we want to get userClaim: Lets first do it without prefix "claim_". javascript let dealerNumber = brixxApi.getUserClaim("EfitDealerNumber"); console.log("The dealer Number is: " + dealerNumber); It is ame as the previous example but now we use prefix. javascript let dealerNumber = brixxApi.getUserClaim("claim_EfitDealerNumber"); console.log("The dealer Number is: " + dealerNumber); An important thing to notice here is that it is required by Brixxbox that for using SQL Parameters for claims must have to start with the "claim_" prefix. For example, Userclaims can also be used as SQL parameters: sql select @claim_EfitDealerNumber
description: >- Returns a custom message from the message manager. It replaces possibly passed parameters in the message. The target language can also be set. getCustomMessage Example Usages javascript let msg = brixxApi.getCustomMessage("messageName", {"param1": "text1", "param2": "text2"}, "en-Us"); brixxApi.setFieldValue("controlId", msg);
description: Returns an id of an attachment of a record in a config. getConfigRecordAttachmentIdByFileName Parameters appName - the name of the config with the attachment recordId - the id of the record with the attachment fileName - the name of the requested attachment Example Usages javascript brixxApi.getConfigRecordAttachmentIdByFileName("customerOrder", 1234, "invoice.pdf");
loadAndDisplayRecordById Loads a record, based on the value in the control, given as a parameter in the first argument and displays it. This function just combines loadRecordById and displayRecord displayRecord Example Usages Simple (pay attention to the await keyword) ```javascript let recordId = 123; brixxApi.loadAndDisplayRecordById(recordId); await brixxApi.loadAndDisplayRecordById(recordId); ```
description: Selects all rows with a specific value in a data grid column. selectGridRows Parameters controlId - control id of the grid columnId - id of the column to compare the value with value - if the row has this value in the column with "columnId", it will be selected Example Usages javascript brixxApi.selectGridRows("myGrid", "imeiNumber", 1234567);
description: >- Refreshes the content of a single control based on its DataSource (not the SubDataSource!). If outside parameters have changed, you can force the brixxbox to reload the content of that control. refreshDataSource Parameters 1. controlId - (optional) id of the control, that you want to reload. If this is empty, all controls with datasources are refreshed. Example Usages javascript brixxApi.refreshDataSource("myControlId"); //Refreshes just "myControlId" javascript brixxApi.refreshDataSource(); //Refreshes all Controls with a DataSource in the app
description: Enables or disables field validator. enableValidator Parameters controlId - The control id of the field validatorName - the name of the validator enable - enable (true=default) or disable (false) the validator Example Usages javascript brixxApi.enableValidator("firstName", "notEmpty", false); //disables the validation of notEmpty for the control firstName
description: Saves a record for a config saveConfigRecord configName - name of the app config record - a record structure Json object (as it comes from loadConfigRecordById) Example Usages Simple: javascript let record = await brixxApi.loadConfigRecordById("myConfig", 1); = "John Doe"; brixxApi.saveConfigRecord("myConfig", record); \ Create a new record: javascript brixxApi.saveConfigRecord("myConfig", { data: { myFirstName: "John", myLastName: "Doe" } }); Create a new record and use the result: javascript let newRecord = brixxApi.saveConfigRecord("myConfig", { data: { myFirstName: "John", myLastName: "Doe" } }); console.log("New Record Id:" +;
description: >- Returns the id of an attachment of the current record by looking for the given file name. getAttachmentId Parameters fileName - the name of the file Example Usages javascript brixxApi.getAttachmentId("Invoice1.pdf")
logAdd The brixxbox offers a client-side event log. Events like save/delete record, data validation messages, internal events etc. will be logged. In addition, the log can be accessed through brixxApi. The log view is located in the side bar. It will be shown in an extra tab page (only if data is available). Per default only entries for the current brixxApi Object (and its children) will be visible. Parameters Parameters can be passed as a json object. text: the actual log text. If this value is missing no entry will be generated. context: This should be set to a plausible group-criteria (e.g. œsave for record saved. œvalidate for data validation). This value can also be used to remove the complete group from the log (see example). status: Status can have the following values œinfo, œsuccess, œwarning, œdanger or œerror. The log entry will get its color set accordingly. œdanger and œerror are interchangeable. info: Additional info can be set. If empty its value will reflect the app title of the brixxApi object. recordId: If not passed as a parameter the value will be set to record-ID of the brixxApi object ( Example Usages javascript brixxApi.logAdd({context: "GroupCriteria", status: "info", text: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisici elit"}) To remove an existing context from the log for the current brixxApi object logReset is available: javascript brixxApi.logReset("GroupCriteria")
description: Prints a report print Parameters controlId - ControlId of the report control, that you want to print Example Usages javascript brixxApi.print(invoiceReport);
description: Checks if a row in a grid is selected or not. isRowSelected Parameters controlId - The id of the grid line - This can be either a whole line from a "myGrid.allRows" call or a single id from a record. Example Usages javascript let result = brixxApi.isRowSelected("myGrid", myLine) Used in a loop javascript let allRows = app.getFieldValue("myGrid.allRows"); for(let i = 0; i < allRows.length; i++){ if(brixxApi.isRowSelected("myGrid", allRows[i])){ console.log("This is selected: " +; } } Used with an id let result = brixxApi.isRowSelected("myGrid", 123); //Checks if the line with the id 123 is selected.
globalSearch This functions is used to trigger global search of the whole workspace. It only takes one parameter which is a search keyword. This function is directly used in the each Brixxbox workspace. User can find it in top right corner of each workspace page. It is a textbox accompanied by search button. User needs to enter a string in the global search field at the top of the screen and it will trigger the search function. It can be useful if you want to search for a scan result or anything within your workspace in seconds. Parameters searchTerm - It is of type string. Example Usages User can find this button on top right corner. It looks like this. User can enter any keyword and it with return thespecific results. User can also use this function in their apps. For this user need to provide a search keyword and can use it to retreive data from the global workspace. If user want to search "address" the code will look like this javascript brixxApi.globalSearch("address"); //triggers a search for "address" in global address space.